Saved to Serve in Many Ways - Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School
Saved to Serve in Many Ways - Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School
October 2015 Saved to Serve in Many Ways Pastor Phil Malchow This year at KML we will continue our theme Saved to Serve, exploring different ways we can serve. Each quarter we will highlight a special method of service. The first quarter we are Saved to Encourage. The transition into a new school can be challenging. What a great opportunity for the “veteran” KML students to encourage the new students. Just a few words can make a Amelia Bock, left (freshman), & Lyndsey big difference for new students. The Soderbeck, right (junior), with Alycia Marshall same holds true for teachers as well. (junior) in background during this year’s New teachers can quickly feel at home Freshman Orientation with an encouraging word from their fellow teachers. Encouraging words reflect Christ’s love. The second quarter’s emphasis is Saved to Give. During this time we celebrate the greatest gift ever given—the gift of God’s Son, our Savior. God’s giving motivates our giving to others. This giving culminates with the 12 Days of Christmas at KML. We give because God has given so much to us. Jesus Christ has already won the victory for us, saving us from sin, death, and the power of the devil, and he also equips us to serve in his kingdom. What a privilege that we can serve in God’s kingdom! We are Saved to Serve, Encourage, and Give, looking forward to the victory celebration when Christ returns in glory. Battling breast cancer, Kayla Kreckel (KML Class of 2008) was one of the recipients of money raised during last year’s 12 Days of Christmas Ministry Celebrations On Sunday, September 20, KML celebrated the start of its 42nd year of educating, encouraging, and equipping young people for life and for eternity. At the celebration service held in our Performing Arts Center, Miss Rebecca Amann and Mr. David Kren were installed as new faculty members and welcomed into the KML family. Significant milestones were celebrated when KML acknowledged a combined 90 years in the public ministry for Mr. Timothy Kuehl (25 years), Mr. Wesley Schmandt (25 years), and Mr. Darwin Schramm (40 years). Pastor Randall Hughes (KML) served as liturgist, and Pastor John Raasch (Salem, Milwaukee) preached the sermon. New KML Faculty Members: Mr. David Kren & Miss Rebecca Amann What a blessing that God has filled our ministry needs and provided us with such faithful workers! Celebrating Ministry Milestones: Left to right: Mr. Wesley Schmandt (25 years), Mr. Darwin Schramm (40 years), & Mr. Timothy Kuehl (25 years) Wedding Congratulations Congratulations to KML faculty member Miss Rebecca Amann who was joined in marriage to Mr. Eric Meyer on Saturday, October 3, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. We wish the new Mr. and Mrs. Meyer God’s richest blessings on their marriage! More Than Just Lights on a Field Coach Mark Heckendorf Faith, Family, Football. Those are the words that Coach “Heck” (Heckendorf) uses quite often when addressing the Charger football family. Those worlds help define what Charger football is all about. Now comes the excitement of having Faith, Family, and Football on Friday nights! Faith. The bright lights that now adorn the KML gridiron, Catalyst Coliseum, mean much more than just a bunch of bulbs that illuminate the night sky. They beacon an opportunity for our student athletes as well as our student body and fan base to exhibit their God-given abilities and attitudes. These lights usher in an opportunity to let our faith shine during athletic competitions as well as through our display of Christian sportsmanship in the stands and on the field. It’s an opportunity for us to witness to our competition as well as our community that our faith shines brightly as the number one priority in our lives. Family. People gather together around lights, whether in a lit family room at night or around a campfire. The new lights on our football field are an inviting opportunity for us to gather together as a KML family to cheer, encourage, and build one another up. There will be joyous moments, and there may be heart-breaking moments as we enjoy the spirit of competition. In the end, we have the opportunity to be there for one another as KML family members. Football. So what do these lights mean for KML football? We now have the opportunity to create an exciting culture of Friday night football as we join communities all across the state in cheering on the boys of fall as we embark upon the inaugural season of the East Central Conference. Lights not only open up the chance for fans to come out and cheer on the Charger football team, but they open up opportunities for Charger fans to cheer on our other athletic teams who compete on Saturdays. Our fine arts students can display their God-given talents through pep band and also singing the national anthem on Friday nights. It’s not just about football; it’s so much more. The lights will help us create a strong and exciting culture of who we are at KML. “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26, NIV) The purchase and installation of stadium lights at KML would not have been possible had it not been for God working through people who love our high school. So many people played a role; THANK YOU! Every gift was appreciated, but more importantly, it was especially moving to witness and hear the love so many people have for Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School. We look forward to having many come on out to Catalyst Coliseum and being a part of Faith, Family, and Football on Friday nights! Go Chargers! Football images by PaustJohn photography. Used by permission. Exploring España Mrs. Barb Olsen Cathedrals. Castles. Roman aqueducts. Moorish palaces. Banana boats. For the first time in several years, 21 KML students experienced all that and more in Spain from June 21-July 2, 2015. The trip took students on a fast-paced tour to Madrid, Segovia, Salamanca, Toledo, Seville, and Granada. All participants stayed with two In the Tower of the Alcázar of Segovia different host families for four nights each which allowed them to not only practice their Spanish but also to experience Spaniards’ lifestyles firsthand. Many expanded their palates to include authentic Spanish cuisine. The group also enjoyed staying in beautiful hotels in Seville and Madrid. Everyone saw history come alive in Christian cathedrals, a Jewish synagogue, art museums, and the palace and gardens of the Moors. The art in paintings and altar cloths explained that history for viewers. Participants climbed castle and cathedral towers. Students learned that Fray Luis de León of the University of Salamanca was jailed for translating part of the Bible into Spanish for lay people and, upon release, picked up with his lecture where he’d left off five years earlier. They participated in daily devotions in Enjoying churros con chocolate with our Spanish in airports, parks, guide, Luismi on city streets, and in the tower of the Segovia Alcázar. Several hopped on segways and zoomed through and above Granada. Touring the cave at Nerja provided a cool-off from the normal high temps of over 100 degrees. Everyone also cooled off in the same waters of the Mediterranean that St. Paul sailed on his mission journeys. However, instead of sailing on a boat, the travelers played by parasailing, riding banana boats, and skipping stones. Students KML students Emily Schulz & Ryan Olsen giving a devotion in a Salamanca park returned home with a desire to further Spanish study abroad and to travel more extensively. The trip was organized and chaperoned by KML Spanish instructor Mrs. Barb Olsen. Mrs. Micah Nelson (KML Spanish instructor), Mr. Adam Nelson, and Mr. Tim Olsen also served as chaperones. At the Valley of the Fallen Segwaying around Granada The Foundation is Helping! Mr. Paul Snamiska In the last issue of the Caring, I wrote that the KML Foundation is growing. That is certainly exciting, but even better news is that the KML Foundation is helping out KML families. Here are some examples from the past six years that show the impact of the Foundation: Over $175,000 has been given for student assistance. Nearly $17,000 has been given to KML graduates as scholarships to MLC. More than $5,000 has been given to various KML service groups. Money was used to help purchase one of our buses and the white van. Money was used to purchase the KML lettering and logo on the PAC. The KML Foundation truly is helping. All of this is possible because people have given generously to the Foundation, especially through their estate plans. Gifts of any size are genuinely appreciated. Contact me (262-6774051 x1116; to learn more about ways in which you can also help others by creating your own charitable estate plan. I look forward to hearing from you. Wow! What Blessings! Wow! What an amazing ministry we have at KML! Our Mission: Prepare young people to discover their gifts and fulfill their purpose in future service to our Lord. Our Students: We are blessed with a student body who consistently meets and exceeds our expectations. Our Faculty: We are blessed to have a dedicated Christian faculty and staff who work every day to successfully educate, encourage, and equip our students. Your Support: Your gifts make this education possible for so many students who are able to sit at the feet of Jesus every day. KML is a winning team because Christ will always remain at the center of our ministry. It is also a winning team because of you, our family of generous supporters. Please consider supporting KML with your personal prayers and gifts. Your prayers are needed for our students who face tremendous challenges in our sinful world. Also pray for our teachers as they work to strengthen the faith of each KML teen. Your gifts can be directed to help reduce the debt on our beautiful PAC, to provide aid to students so they can attend KML, or provide support for our daily activities. More than 200 recurring gifts have been designated to KML as part of our Builders program. Rejoice for the abundant blessings that God has given! You can multiply your gift by an additional $500, given by another generous donor, when you join the Builders at May God continue to bless the ministry of KML, and may God bless you and your family. When we reach 300 Builders in 2015, KML will receive an additional $10,000 gift. Won’t you join us? Lifelong Learning With a Servant Heart A love of learning and a servant heart are only two of the qualities which KML strives to instill in our young people. How blessed we are that our faculty not only teaches the value of these traits but also exemplifies them! Our teachers evidence this in the professional growth and service activities in which many of them took part this past summer. Mr. Nate Amundson took two more courses toward his Masters Degree (Advanced Studies in Instrumental Music and Advanced Studies in General Music), ran two summer band camps at KML, and assisted with the beginner band camp for the West Bend School District. Mr. David Bartelt assisted a church and school outside of the KML Federation with a restructuring of their funding model, leadership development, mission, and vision. Mr. James Haferman was blessed with a grant to study the Civil War for one week at the University of Virginia, spending four days in a classroom listening to a presentation about topics related to the Civil War, two hours of those four days developing lesson plans for essential questions about the Civil War, and one day on a trip to Appomattox Court House. Mr. Mark Heckendorf ran the KML Charger off-season strength and speed training program and a 5-8th grade youth football camp, visited one of the Cross Trainer mission trip churches (Saving Grace, Mobile, AL), and attended the WELS Southeastern Wisconsin District Conference. Mrs. Linda Hering taught morning and afternoon sessions of a Cooking with Kids camp. Pastor Randall Hughes attended a guidance counselors’ workshop for area Lutheran high schools, completed woodworking projects used for KML chapel services, and took part in a one-day seminar about counseling through social media. Mr. David Kren led a group of six students from Wisconsin Lutheran High School on a mission trip to Christ the King Lutheran Church in Palm Coast, FL, where they helped with VBS attended by over 250 children ages 4-12. Mrs. Erin Laabs sang with Canticum Novum: Mrs. Sarah Mayer A WELS Chamber Choir. worked with the WELS Grade School Band Camp at Wisconsin Lutheran High School, teaching students how to use an iPad app to create and record music from everyday sounds. Mr. Matthew Moeller organized and ran the KML Educators’ Conference, attended the WELS Southeastern Wisconsin District Conference and the WELS Leadership Conference, helped with a soccer VBS, ran a KML summer soccer camp, took an instructional mentoring course, and organized the Ataxia Fundraiser 3 vs. 3 Soccer Tournament. Mrs. Micah Nelson chaperoned the KML trip to Spain and ran a Spanish camp. Mrs. Barbara Olsen organized and led a trip for 21 KML Spanish students to Spain for 12 days in June and July and taught Spanish camps at the Casa Guadalupe Education Center in July and August. Mr. Jonathan Pasbrig presented at and helped administrate, organize, and run the WELS Choral Dialogue at Heartwood Conference Center, Trego, WI. He also met with the WELS Hymnal Committee throughout the summer. Mrs. Kayli Pesch took two more classes toward her Synod Certification (Biblical History and Literature 3 and Lutheran Confessional Writings) and has only one more class to go before earning her certification! Miss Kate Schaffer continued her work toward her Master of Fine Arts in Studio degree at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Mr. Wesley Schmandt worked with the Lutheran Vanguard of Wisconsin marching band, played in the Waukesha Concert in the Park, and performed with a group of musicians on the Fourth of July at Sherman Park in Milwaukee. Mr. Joshua Schoeneck taught an introductory computer science camp for elementary school students and attended the WELS Southeastern Wisconsin District Conference and the WELSTech Conference 2015 on technology in ministry. Mr. Darwin Schramm attended the WELS Synod Convention in Saginaw, MI. Mrs. Julie Stolz ran a softball camp for grades 4-9, assisted in a volleyball camp for grades 5-7, and attended a conference targeted to assist students according to the different ways they learn. Mr. Bill Strasser helped a small businessman in the KML Federation who lost his employee due to hospitalization. Mr. Jerry Zeamer attended a guidance counselors’ workshop at Wisconsin Lutheran College and helped with a youth football camp. Alumni News 1988 Brenda Pamperin is a firefighter for Fairfax Fire and Rescue in Fairfax, VA. In September 2015, she and ten cyclists embarked on a 3,000 mile bicycle ride from San Diego, CA, to St. Augustine, FL, to support Ride to Awareness, a non-profit charity to benefit mental illness. She blogged about the experience and encourages people to learn more about what tools are available for those who are affected by depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, or PTSD. You can go to the website for Ride to Awareness ( to learn more. Brenda’s Ride to Awareness Blog: brenda-pamperin Moved? New Email? Married? Child? New Job? Please send your current information to KML so that we can update our alumni database. Don’t miss out on reunions or other information from your alma mater. Let us know what is happening in your life, and with your permission, we will publish it in the Caring. Updates and information for the Caring can be sent to KML using the Alumni Online Submission Form found at about_kml/alumni. 1985 The KML Class of 1985 recently held its 30th class reunion. On September 19 they met at Jug’s Hitching Post. After a tour of KML on September 20, they had dinner at MJ Stevens. Over the two days, 29 out of the 60 members of the class attended. Three of their former teachers, Mr. Dar Schramm, Mr. (and Mrs.) Jim Haferman, and Mr. Kenneth Taylor also joined them. KML Class of 1985 at MJ Stevens Back row, left to right: Bill Bublitz, Marvin Wittig, Peter Filber, Bob Klug, Peter Banaszak, Ed Roland, Todd Hanson, Dave Miller, Jeremy Thiesfeldt, Marty Ohrmund. Front row, left to right: Joe Jobs, Rachel (Seyfert) Wolf, Scott Walters, Tom Fischer, Candy (Borns) Sharpe, Lisa (Zimmermann) Weituschat, Lora (Brantzeg) Roland, Tracy (Rundel) Bagin, Matt Bublitz Kneeling: Karrie (Huber) Christian Gifts to KML All gifts are appreciated and are important to the ministry at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School. Gifts to people and programs (operating) support the current day-to-day expenses of running our high school. Gifts to capital/debt reduction are used to reduce our debt and advance the KML ministry. Gifts to student tuition assistance are used to give tuition assistance to families struggling to send their children to KML. Regardless which area or areas you choose to support, all gifts further the ministry of KML to “educate, encourage, and equip God’s people for life and for eternity.” We wish to publicly acknowledge and thank our supporters. (The following list includes September 2014 through August 2015. Gifts given at the annual charity auction, golf outings, or through texting via Mobile Cause may not be included.) Accord Manufacturing Inc. Account Services Processing Center Acuity Insurance Mr and Mrs Gerald J. Adams Mr and Mrs Jerry Adrian Mr. Michael Ady and Mrs. Mary Thome Mr and Mrs C. Peter Aisbet Mr and Mrs Kent Allison Ms Patricia Alsch Mr and Mrs Ron Altergott AmazonSmile Foundation Mr and Mrs Jay P. Anderson Dr and Mrs Robert C. Anderson Anonymous Donors Ms Teri Antonioni Mr and Mrs Michael Anzia Artisan Partners Mr and Mrs Keith W. Asen ASM International - Milwaukee Chapter Associated Bank Mr and Mrs Robert R. Ast Mr and Mrs Steve M. Azzarello Mr and Mrs Philip Babler Mr and Mrs Todd E. Backus Mr and Mrs Adam W. Baker Rev and Mrs Richard D. Balge Mr and Mrs Ryan L. Barbieri Mr and Mrs David W. Bartelt Mrs Diane Bartelt Mr and Mrs Thomas Bartelt Mr and Mrs Wayne L. Bartelt Mr and Mrs Bart R. Bartholomew Mr and Mrs Donald J. Bartman Mr and Mrs Joe J. Bartz Bay View Packing Co. Mr Eugene Becker Mrs Karen D. Becker Mr and Mrs Michael R. Becker Mr and Mrs Curtis J. Beeler Mr and Mrs Darold M. Behm Mr and Mrs David G. Behm Behm Brothers Drywall Mrs Melita E. Bellin Mr and Mrs Robert H. Bellin Mr and Mrs Donald F. Belstner Miss Katie Bentz Mrs Lois M. Berger Mr and Mrs Jeff Bernarde Mr and Mrs Robert G. Bernhoft Mr and Mrs James Berres Bethany Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran School Mr and Mrs John A. Bieberitz Mr and Mrs Roy A. Biermann Bintz Heating & Sheet Metal Inc. Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation, Inc. Mr and Mrs Glenn J. Blank Blue Dandelion Photography Mr and Mrs Barry Boaz Mr and Mrs Mark A. Boche Pastor and Mrs Steven D. Bode Mr and Mrs Mark Boeckman Dr and Mrs Paul R. Boehlke Did you know that our capital debt does NOT impact tuition? This is possible through your generous support to the capital/debt reduction fund. Mr and Mrs Ronald E. Boehlke Mr and Mrs Michael A. Boeldt Mr and Mrs Joshua M. Boeldt Mr and Mrs Steven J. Boettcher Mr and Mrs Daniel J. Bolha Mr and Mrs Chad Borns Mr and Mrs Richard H. Bott Mr and Mrs Lynn Bouley Mr David W. Bramel Mr and Mrs James A. Brandt Mrs Marlyn J. Brandt Mr and Mrs Thomas H. Brault Miss Danielle M. Brazee Mr and Mrs Mark N. Brazell Mr and Mrs Mark S. Breimon Mr and Mrs Ronald W. Brinkmann Ms Kari Brockdorf Mr and Mrs William H. Brockdorf Jr Mrs Lois A. Brunner Mrs Jody Brzezinski Mrs Betty A. Bublitz Mr and Mrs Elroy F. Bublitz Mr and Mrs John M. Bublitz Mr and Mrs Michael T. Bublitz Mr and Mrs Robert Bublitz Mr and Mrs Michael A. Buck Mr and Mrs LeRoy K. Buelow Mr and Mrs Daniel Burback Mr and Mrs Matt Burow Mr Ellsworth A. Butt Mr and Mrs Ronald O. Butt Mr and Mrs Dave Byhardt Calvary Lutheran Church The Camera Case Mr Brent Canny Ms Janalee T. Carrick Ms Nicki Carstens Catalyst Construction / Catcon, LLC Mrs Eileen M. Cawley Mr and Mrs Mark Cayner Mr and Mrs Mike R. Christensen Mr and Mrs Roger Christy Mr Arthur C. Ciriacks Mr Gerald K. Ciriacks Mr and Mrs James A. Ciriacks Mr and Mrs Ronald H. Ciriacks Mr and Mrs Steve Clasen Mr and Mrs Leonard L. Collyard Mr and Mrs Brian Cooper Mrs Jan Cooper Mr and Mrs Brian J. Cramer Crown of Life Lutheran Church Mrs Irene R. Cudworth Culver's of Jackson Mr and Mrs John P. Curran Mr and Mrs Michael D. Czaplewski David's Star Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Michael L. Davidson Elisabeth & Robby Dawson Foundation Inc. Mr and Mrs Dan Degner Mr and Mrs David K. Deibert Delta Defense, LLC Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Deluxe Corporation Foundation Ms Audrey F. Deming Mrs Dorothy I. Demmon Mr and Mrs Jerome F. DeRuyter Mr and Mrs Corey R. Doehrmann Mr and Mrs John F. Dohmen Mr Willard H. Dohrwardt Mr and Mrs Robert L. Dorr DoTopia - Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Mr and Mrs Brad Draeger Mr and Mrs Gene A. Dunnington Mr and Mrs William H. Duwe As a Builder, you help advance our mission to preach the truth of God’s Word. When you become a Builder by setting up a new or increased autowithdrawal account for at least 12 months, we have a donor that will give $500 to KML!! Our goal is 300 Builders by the end of 2015 to receive a $10,000 bonus. Sign up at Mr Jonathan Eastman Mr and Mrs Michael D. Ebel Mr and Mrs Jonathan M. Ebeling Pastor and Mrs Kurt P. Ebert Mr Curt Eddy Mr and Mrs Alan D. Egelseer Mr and Mrs David A. Egelseer Mr and Mrs Don B. Egelseer Mr and Mrs Earl W. Ehlke Mr and Mrs Harold N. Ehlke Miss Lorna J. Ehlke Mr and Mrs Richard E. Ehlke Mr and Mrs Ronald Eigenfeld Mr Richard T. Elder Mrs Susan Ell Mr and Mrs Matthew W. Enevold Ms Janice Engelbrecht Mr and Mrs Clifford H. Ernst Mrs Judy Etta Express Scripts Foundation Faith Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Edward A. Falck Mr and Mrs Phillip R. Falck Mr and Mrs Al Falk Mr and Mrs Robert A. Falk Mr and Mrs Matt Falkner Mr David Farrington Dr and Dr Edward A. Fazendin Mr and Mrs Richard Feldschneider II Mr and Mrs James E. Fenske Mr and Mrs Arthur Filber Mrs Marjorie A. Filter Mr and Mrs Randy Filter First Bank Ms Barbara Fischer Mr Matthew Fischer Mr and Mrs Ralph W. Fischer Mr Reinhold A. Fischer Mr and Mrs Dennis Fletcher FM Global Foundation Dr and Mrs Jeffrey Follansbee Mr and Mrs Jerome Foote Mr Wallace W. Francis III Mr Chad M. Frank Mr and Mrs Mark J. Frank Mr and Mrs Robert C. Frea Mr and Mrs Marc B. Frey Mr and Mrs Robert Fuller Mr and Mrs Carl R. Garbers Mr and Mrs James A. Gardner Mr and Mrs Franklin P. Gauger Mr and Mrs Roy D. Gehrke Mr and Mrs Russell R. Geiger Prof and Mrs Stephen H. Geiger Mr and Mrs John Geldon Jr Mrs Fran Gepner German Language & School Society Mr and Mrs Tom Getka Mr Randall S. Gierach Mr and Mrs Michael P. Glynn Good Shepherd Ladies League Good Shepherd Lutheran School Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Miss Kirsten L. Granberg Mr Robert D. Grant and Mrs Sandra Zeck Mr and Mrs Cody L. Grivno Mr Delwyn A. Groth Mr and Mrs Jerry Groth Ms Joanne Gruber Mr and Mrs Kurt Gruber Mr and Mrs Matthew Gruber Mr and Mrs Robert J. Grueneberg Mr and Mrs Milton Guetzke Mr and Mrs Dennis M. Guhl Mrs Betty A. Gumm Mr and Mrs Eugene W. Gundrum Mr and Mrs Paul E. Gurgel Prof and Mrs Richard L. Gurgel Mr and Mrs Randall J. Gust Mr and Mrs Richard C. Gust Mr and Mrs Roland Gutknecht Ms Madeleine C. Haass Mr and Mrs Arthur L. Hackbarth Mr and Mrs Philip J. Hackbarth Ms Diane Hafemeister Mr and Mrs Richard G. Hafemeister Mr and Mrs Gary E. Hahlbeck Mr and Mrs Theodore P. Hahm Mr and Mrs Theodore E. Haischer III Mr and Mrs Richard H. Halfman Ms Jean M. Hall Mr and Mrs Jody J. Hansen Heritage Society The Heritage Society is our way of recognizing those who include KMLHS or the KML Foundation in their estate plans and leave a legacy to further the ministry. Whether it be wills, bequests, trusts, charitable gift annuities, life insurance, etc., KML can help you so that your wishes are in place. Mr Riley O. Hansen Mr and Mrs Terry L. Hansen Mr and Mrs Steven Harring Ms Linda Hartfield Mr and Mrs Thomas Harting Mr and Mrs Gerald C. Hatzung Mr Jeffrey J. Hatzung Mr and Mrs Gary A. Heckendorf Mr and Mrs Mark T. Heckendorf Mr and Mrs Melvin R. Heckendorf Mr and Mrs Robert H. Heider Mr and Mrs James Heiligenstein Mr and Mrs Arnold Heise Mr and Mrs Rodney A. Hendrix Mr and Mrs James R. Henne Mr and Mrs Kent Henning Mr and Mrs Kurt A. Henning Mrs Patricia J. Henning Mr and Mrs Thomas P. Hering Herker Industries, Inc. Mr and Mrs Henry R. Herrian Mr and Mrs Daniel Herriges Mrs Caroline A. Herther Mr and Mrs Reuben H. Herther Mr and Mrs Josh Hesprich Mr and Mrs Dale Heuer Mr and Mrs Robert P. Heuer Mr and Mrs Douglas R. Hext Mr and Mrs Gary Hilgendorf Miss Patricia A. Hill Mr Scott A. Hill Miss Katlyn T. Hinch Mrs Mary Hoeft Mr and Mrs Brian W. Hoerchner Mr Robert E. Hoffman Mr and Mrs David W. Hollmann Mr and Mrs Timothy E. Holmes Mrs Verna V. Honaker Mr and Mrs Curt T. Horbas Mr and Mrs Cory Hostettler Mr and Mrs Kenneth D. Hughes Rev and Mrs Randall R. Hughes Mr and Mrs Donald L. Husi Mr and Mrs Karl Ihlenfeldt Mr and Mrs Paul K. Ihlenfeldt Integrated Risk Solutions, Inc. Jack Safro Toyota Mr and Mrs Randy Jacklin Jackson Legion Baseball Mrs Marilyn Jaeger Miss Allison L. Jahn Miss Julie A. Jahn Mr Micah S. Jahns Mr and Mrs Thad C. Jahns Mr and Mrs Todd M. Jahns Mr Cody Janiga-Stoll Pastor and Mrs Martin P. Janke Mr and Mrs D. J. Janssen Sr Ms Sally Jaster Mr and Mrs Dennis Jeske Mr Joseph H. Jobs E Jogwer Dr and Mrs Daniel W. Johnson Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson Mrs Ruth Just Mr Herbert M. Justman Mrs Inez L. Kalfahs Mr and Mrs John Kallmyer Rev and Mrs Del F. Kannenberg Mr and Mrs Roger Kaschner Mr Walter C. Kaufman Mr and Mrs Brendan Keese Ms Marlene D. Kehoe Mr and Mrs Jamie Keiper Jr Mrs Christine Keller Mr and Mrs Timothy Kemnitz Mr Nathan G. Kempf Mr and Mrs Paul L. Key Mr and Mrs Jay D. Kieckhafer Mrs Janet Kieselhorst Mr and Mrs Paul L. Kieselhorst Mr and Mrs James F. Kitzinger Ms Diann Klein Mr and Mrs Thomas M. Klein Mr and Mrs Brett C. Klemann Mr and Mrs Richard Kleszczynski Mr and Mrs John Klika Mr and Mrs Donald O. Klug Mr and Mrs Harold A. Klug Mr and Mrs Robert D. Klug KML Foundation Inc KML Lutheran Principals Conference KMLHS Auction Mrs Donna Knaebe Mrs Gloria J. Kneser Mr and Mrs Rick K. Kneser Mrs Louise J. Knoke Pastor and Mrs Darren A. Knoll Mr and Mrs Thomas H. Knorr Mr and Mrs Klint Knueppel Mr and Mrs Paul Knueppel Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Knuth Mr and Mrs Marcus Knuth Mr and Mrs Martin L. Knuth Mr and Mrs Clifford A. Koeller Ms Linda L. Koeller Mr and Mrs Carl L. Koepke Mr and Mrs David J. Koeppel Mr Michael J. Koeppel Mr and Dr Dennis H. Kohlmeier II Pastor and Mrs Jonathan J. Kolander Mr and Mrs Tim B. Kosteretz Mr and Mrs Terry L. Koth Mrs Cynthia Kramp Ms Lucretia T. Kramp Mr and Mrs Christopher M. Kraus Mr Austin M. Krause Mr Nathan J. Krause Mr and Mrs Steven M. Krause Mr and Mrs Eric Krenek Mr and Mrs Myron E. Krewald Mr and Mrs Franklin O. Kringel Mr and Mrs Norman R. Krueger Mr and Mrs Raymond E. Krueger Mr Gerald Krug Mrs Joan K. Krug Mr and Mrs Paul H. Kuber Mr and Mrs Robert R. Kudek Mr and Mrs James M. Kuehl Mr Jason Kugler Mr Steven Kugler Mr and Mrs James Kunz Mr and Mrs Gerald E. Lamm Jr Mr James F. Larkee Ms Beverly Laubenstein Mr and Mrs Robert L. Laubenstein Dr and Mrs Bruce W. Leberecht Mr and Mrs Dennis D. Leckwee Mr and Mrs Brian P. Lee Ms Lisa Leffel Mr and Mrs Shannon Leitzke Mr and Mrs Lansing Leitzke Mr and Mrs David C. Lemke Mr and Mrs Roger Lemler Mr and Mrs Scott R. Lengling Mr and Mrs Herbie Leong Mr and Mrs Larry A. Lepien Mr and Mrs Kevin Liesener Mr and Mrs Charles F. Lisko Mr and Mrs Andrew J. Lober Mr and Mrs Paul A. Lober Mr and Mrs Robert J. Loduha Mr and Mrs William Loeffler Mr and Mrs Stephen D. Loehr Mr and Mrs Ed Lorenz Loving Shepherd Ev. Lutheran Church Mr Melvin Lubbert Mr and Mrs Thomas G. Luecke Mr and Mrs Jamie C. Luehring Your deferred gift to KML can be designated in a variety of ways to enhance our ministry: * Operating needs * Capital needs * Tuition assistance needs Pastor and Mrs Kurt Lueneburg Mr and Mrs Michael N. Maas Mr and Mrs Fredrick O. Mahnke Rev and Mrs Philip D. Malchow Rev and Mrs Dan W. Malchow Mr and Mrs Richard W. Maliszko Mr and Mrs Donald Mallow Mr and Mrs Mitchell K. Maloney Mr William C. Mantz Mr and Mrs Gene A. Marks Mr and Mrs Gerald W. Martens Mr and Mrs Richard T. Martens Mr and Mrs David L. Martin Ms Dawn Martin Mr and Mrs Robert P. Martin Mrs Gertrude C. Martin Mr and Mrs Craig K. Martin Your deferred gift to the KML Foundation will be invested and preserved to ensure long-term ministry support. Each year, a significant portion of the investment will be added to the tuition assistance program. Other special programs could also be funded through income from the Foundation. Ms Sarah Martinez Mr and Mrs John K. Marx Mr and Mrs Ethan T. Matter Mr and Mrs Myron W. Matthies Mr and Mrs Todd Matthies Mr and Mrs Joe C. McGinty Mr and Mrs Francis Mehringer Miss Andrea Meinert Mr and Mrs Curtis M. Meinert Miss Rebecca R. Mertes Ms Linda M. Metzger Ms Susan Mikulecky Mr and Mrs Brett K. Miller Dr and Mrs Dennis L. Miller Miss Jessica A. Miller Mr and Mrs Lee W. Miller Mr and Mrs Leonard D. Miller Mr and Mrs Robert Miller Mr and Mrs Jeffrey A. Minzlaff Mr and Mrs Peter Miskov Mr and Mrs Timothy J. Mittelstadt Mr and Mrs Matthew J. Moeller Rev and Mrs John V. Moldenhauer Mr and Mrs Jonathan S. Molkentin Dr and Dr James A. Moore Mr Joseph J. Morgan Morning Star Lutheran School Morning Star Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Robert Morse Ms Joan Mortl Mr and Mrs Michael Mortl Mr and Mrs Arlen L. Mueller Mr and Mrs Craig Mueller Mr and Mrs Jerry Murphy Mr and Mrs Kyle Musack Mrs Gina M. Nagel Mr and Mrs Jonathan D. Nass Mr and Mrs Thomas Nass Mr and Mrs Timothy Nass Mr and Dr Carl E. Natzke Mr and Mrs Ken E. Neitzel Mr and Mrs Adam Nelson Mrs Lorraine D. Neuberger Mr and Mrs Stephen J. Neuberger Mr and Mrs Mark W. Neumann Mr and Mrs Randall K. Niemann Mr and Mrs Don H. Nimmer Mr and Mrs Brian Ninmann Mr and Mrs Jeff Noennig Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mr and Mrs Don Nowak Mr and Mrs Richard T. Oestreich Mr and Mrs Timothy J. Oestreich Mr and Mrs Todd Oestreich Mrs Arlene J. Ohland Mr Thomas A. Okruhlica Mr and Mrs Timothy M. Olsen Mr Jonathan F. Oppitz Mr and Mrs Curtis R. Orchard Mr and Mrs Mark R. Orlowski Rev and Mrs Robert Oswald Mr and Mrs Donald C. Ott Our Savior Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Bradley D. Page Mr and Mrs John D Pahmeier Miss Brenda J. Pamperin Mr and Mrs James H. Pamperin Mr and Mrs Mark E. Pamperin Mr and Mrs Timothy P. Pankow Prof and Mrs Armin J. Panning Mr and Mrs Jim H. Pasbrig Rev and Mrs Robert W. Pasbrig Mr and Mrs Duane Paul Peace Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church - DW Owls Ms Marlene M. Peters Ms Nicol T. Peters-Freeman Mr and Mrs Jeffery R. Peterson Mr and Mrs Kenneth C. Petschel Mr and Mrs Myron G. Philipps Mr and Mrs Frederick Piippo Pilgrim Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs James Pirc Miss Monica Pless Mr and Mrs Todd J. Poppe Mr and Mrs Jerry L. Prochnow Mr and Mrs Kenneth J. Pruess Mr and Mrs John Quill Mr and Mrs Joel E. Raasch Mr and Mrs Dale A. Rabas Miss Morgan L. Rabas Mr and Mrs Derek Rabbers Mr and Mrs Donald W. Radke Mrs Dolly M. Ramthun Mr and Mrs Oscar T. Rathke Redeemer Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Wayne L. Reineck Mr and Mrs Marion J. Reisetter Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Ressel Mr and Mrs Budd H. Reth Mr and Mrs Randall W. Riemer Mr and Mrs Owen B. Robinson Mr and Mrs Wayne Robinson Rockwell International Corporation Trust Mrs Audrey Rodriguez Mr and Mrs Richard J. Roembke Mrs Marilyn Roeseler Mr and Mrs Ross Roeseler Mr and Mrs Robert E. Rohde Mr and Mrs Richard Rose Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rosenthal Mr and Mrs Gerald W. Rosenthal Mr and Mrs Gordon Rosenthal Mr and Mrs Willard C. Rosenthal Mr and Mrs Robert Rossow Mrs Gwendolyn M. Rundel Mr and Mrs Mark Rundel Mrs Dorothy A. Rusch Mr and Mrs Gerald E. Rusch Mr and Mrs Glenn L. Rusch Mr and Mrs Keith M Rusch Mr and Mrs Marvin J. Rusch Ms Marlene Ruzicka Mr and Mrs Edward F. Rzepka Mr William R. Sackett Salem Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Richard N. Sandoval Mr and Mrs Jon Sanford Rev and Mrs William Schaefer Mr Lester Schaub Pastor and Mrs Martin J. Scheele Mr and Mrs Jeff Schenk Pastor and Mrs Don H. Scheuerlein Ms Marion Scheunemann Mr and Mrs John H. Schibbelhut Mrs Margaret Schille Mr Gary W. Schilling Mr and Mrs Jeffrey D. Schleif Ms Bonnie Schlenvogt Mr and Mrs Edward F. Schmidt Mr and Mrs Steve Schmidt Mr and Mrs Monte T. Schmiege Mr and Mrs Nathan D. Schmiege Mr and Mrs Larry R. Schneider Mr Jay D. Schneiss Mr and Mrs Jonathan R. Schoeneck Mr and Mrs Carl J. Schramm Mr and Mrs Darwin C. Schramm Mr and Mrs Harold J. Schrap Mr and Mrs Paul M. Schreck Mr and Mrs Frederich J. Schuetze Pastor and Mrs Clark Schultz Mr Scott W. Schultz Through your pledge to the capital or operating funds, KML is provided long-term financial stability for the ministry. This allows KML leaders to plan more effectively for the future and also reduce our current debt at an accelerated rate. Visionary: $25,000/year for 3 years Leader: $10,000/year for 3 years Planner: $1,000/year for 3 years Mr and Mrs Stephen L. Schultz Mrs Elaine Schulz Mr Allen H. Schulz Mr and Mrs Michael E. Schwab Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Mr and Mrs Alan W. Schwartz Mrs Gloria Schwengel Mr and Mrs Robert K. SearVogel Mr and Mrs Warren D. Seifert Mr and Mrs Edward L. Seigworth Mr and Mrs Robert S. Semler Mr and Mrs Steven C. Semmann Mr and Mrs Glenn Shambeau Mr and Mrs Jay Shambeau Mr and Mrs John A. Shaske Mr and Mrs David Shaw Mr and Mrs Richard Sheats Shepherd of the Hills Luth. Church Mr Timothy M. Siegel Mr and Mrs Patrick M. Sierra Mr and Mrs James M. Sievert Mr Jason N. Sievert Mr and Mrs Paul Sina Mrs Leslie Smith Mr and Mrs Wesley R. Smith Mr and Mrs Paul W. Snamiska Ms Judith Snieg Mr and Mrs David A. Sommers Mr and Mrs Gary N. Soyk Mr and Mrs Randall Soyk Mr and Mrs Donald N. Spangenberg Mr Jim Speckbrock Mr and Mrs Edward Spreeman Spring Valley St. John Lutheran Church, Lannon St. John Lutheran Church, Mequon St. John's Lutheran Church, Newburg St. Lucas Ladies Guild St. Lucas Lutheran Church St. Matthew Lutheran Church St. Paul Lutheran Church, Slinger St. Paul Lutheran Church, West Bend St. Peter Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Ronald W. Stange Mrs Dorothy Steinbach Mrs Kathy Stern Mr and Mrs Roger C. Stewart Mr and Mrs David Stoltz The Stone Foundation Mr and Mrs Warren Strassburg Mr and Mrs Jay A. Stuedemann Mr and Mrs Michael H. Sturm Mr Len Switzer Mr Kenneth M. Tacke Mr Dustin Taylor Teamdigital Promotions Inc Mr and Mrs Paul R. Techtmann Mr and Mrs Richard J. Techtmann Jr Mr and Mrs Richard Tharman Mr and Mrs Bill Theis Mr and Mrs Chad Thistle Mr and Mrs Bruk P. Thompson Mr and Mrs Ben Thorn Thrivent Thrivent - NE Waukesha County Thrivent - South Washington County Mr and Mrs Allen Tietz Mr and Mrs Edward Tomassetti Mr and Mrs Blake Tonn Townsend Foundation Mr and Mrs Robert A. Traska Trinity Lutheran Church, Hartford Trinity Lutheran Church, South Mequon Trinity Lutheran Church, West Bend Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild, West Bend Mrs Lucille R. Troeller Mr Robert Turnquist Mr and Mrs Roman Uhlig Mr and Mrs Scott Van Ornum Mr and Mrs Gerald S. Vanselow Mrs Betty Vogel Mr and Mrs Randall J. Vogel Ms Pamela R. Vogt Mr and Mrs Waldermar H. Voigt Mrs Lois M. Waedekin Mr and Mrs John R. Wagie Mr and Mrs Robert P. Waldorf Mr and Mrs Carl E. Waldschmidt Mr and Mrs Richard S. Waldschmidt Mrs Ludella L. Walsh Mr and Mrs John M. Walther Mr and Mrs Dale K. Walz Watson's Vending The Wayne Heidel - Jennifer Semmann Foundation Ltd Mr and Mrs Richard Weber Mr Mark A. Wege Mrs Judith N. Weigand Mrs Bernice Weinrich Pastor and Mrs Stanley R. Weinrich Mr and Mrs Scott R. Weir Mr and Mrs Craig R. Weiss WELS Foundation, Inc. Welsmen Charities, Ltd. Mr and Mrs Jeff Wenzel Rev and Mrs Daniel D. Westendorf Mrs Ruth E. Westendorf Western Michigan University Mr Bill Wetterau Pastor and Mrs Paul R. White Mr and Mrs Douglas A. Wilcox Pastor and Mrs Martin G. Wildauer Mr Merlin F. Wilde Mr and Mrs Edward Wilger Ms Rosemary Wilhelme Mr and Mrs James J. Wilk Mr and Mrs Mark A. Wilke Mr and Mrs Gerald Wilkens Mr and Mrs Paul Willems Ms Evelyn H. Williams Mr and Mrs John A. Willis Mr and Dr Michael J. Willis Mr and Mrs Paul W. Winkelmann Mr and Mrs Barry G. Wintringer Mr and Mrs Jon Wirkkula Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod Wisconsin Test Prep Mr and Mrs John Witte Mr and Mrs Mark Wittig Mrs Ruth H. Woldt Mr and Mrs Craig S. Wolf Mr and Mrs Edward C. Wolf Mr and Mrs Edward H. Wolf Mr and Mrs Craig S. Wolf Mr and Mrs Carl E. Wolff Mr and Mrs Stephan J. Wolff Mrs Betty Ann A. Wolfgram Mrs Helen E. Wolfgram Mr and Mrs Charles R. Wolter Mr Travis C. Wolter Mr and Mrs Thomas H. Woltring Ms Karen A. Wren Mr and Mrs Jack Wunderlich Mr and Mrs Thomas L. Yahr Mr and Mrs Burton E. Yanke Mr Steven Yanke Ms Monica Zabel Mr and Mrs Lee R. Zacharyasz Mr and Mrs Ronald O. Zahn Mr and Mrs Randy F. Zaporski Mr and Mrs Paul T. Zarling Mr and Mrs Gerald G. Zeamer Mrs Jill L. Ziesemer Mr and Mrs Steven K. Zimmermann Mr and Mrs John D. Zink Zion Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Donald Zitlow Mr and Mrs Brian J. Zuberbier Mr and Mrs Lester E. Zubke Mr and Mrs Roger W. Zubke Thank you for your support and prayers. You are a vital part of the ministry being carried out at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School. Upcoming Events October 25 KML Open House 1-3 pm 30-31 Public Performances of Bye Bye Birdie 7 pm November 1 Public Performance of Bye Bye Birdie 2 pm 5 Veterans Day Celebration 9:20 am 13 WELS Nat’l Choral Festival Pops Concert at KML 7 pm 14 The Cat’s Pajamas A Cappella Group at KML 8 pm, TICKETS REQUIRED (Contact KML for tickets.) 15 WELS Nat’l Choral Festival Sacred Concert at KML 2 pm December 5 Winter Band Concert 7 pm 12 Christmas Choral Concert 7 pm 17 Koiné Christmas Concert at KML 7 pm January 27 Chamber Concert 6:30 pm February 19-20 Winter Drama Performances 7 pm 21 Winter Drama Performance 2 pm To receive the Caring electronically, subscribe at Receive text updates from KML by sending your cell phone number to and indicating your desire to subscribe.