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Read more - EprojectConsult
In the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme
People in the labor market - PLM
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
The team of the Associazione Art. Cult. “A Rocca” and Eprojectconsult International
department, in cooperation with the Fairbund German organization (FAIRbund e.V.) took the
role of intermediary partner for group of people from Germany, Leipzig, in the frame of Lifelong
Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci. During the project named “EUproInternIII” we hosted
six selected participants. There were six different subjects of the placements for our participants:
project management, social and pedagogy sciences, sport and rehabilitation, design and art,
architecture and marketing research.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Duration, Dates, Participants
The duration of the project was eight (8) weeks.
The following participants who worked in the field of the project management, sport and
rehabilitation, design and art, architecture, and social and pedagogy sciences had mobility in
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto from the 4th of March to the 28th of April 2013.
Names of participants:
The following participant who worked in the field of marketing research stayed in Milazzo
from the 5th of April to the 31st of May 2013.
Name of participant:
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Preparation of the mobility project
In order to make a cooperation between both organizations more effective, to guarantee the
best quality of the project and to satisfy participant’s expectations and needs, we have elaborated
the program of the visit together. We have exchanged e-mails in order to discuss the aims of the
project, to elaborate the plan of activities, to explain all the doubts and to answer to all the
Arrival of the participants
The first five participants arrived in Messina on the 3rd of March 2013, the next day they had
an informative welcome meeting, designed to give the participants all information they require
during their stay in Sicily. They were acquainted with the EprojectConsult team, their future tasks
and obligations, also had the introduction to the Italian culture, language and all hospitalities of
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto.
The last participant arrived in Milazzo on the 5th of April 2013 and his welcome meeting
was on the 6th of April 2013.
For all the participants the “A Rocca” organization provided the transfer from the train
station of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto to their residence in the town of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto and
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Accommodation of the participants
Participants of the project were accommodated in the flat in Barcellona P.G. town and in the
city of Milazzo.
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto is located in the north coast of Sicily. It belongs to the Province
of Messina, one of the most important cities of Sicily. The city proper has a population of over
40,000 inhabitants. The strategic location is surrounded by many wonderful cities: Messina 45 km;
Palermo 180 km; Catania 180 km; Taormina 80 km; Agrigento 200 km; Eolian Islands 20 km.
Barcellona P.G. is a very nice town, located very close to the seaside area, very busy during the day
and very calm during the night time. Moreover, there are many interesting places to visit, like
natural parks, museums, ancient villages and Greek/Roman areas.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
The peninsula of land that extends from the Sicilian coastline towards the Aeolian Islands is
home to the city of Milazzo. It is one of the most important cities of Sicily and is the third-largest
city in the province of Messina. It distinguishes itself for its nightlife, its beaches and its touristic
port, due to its strategic location for maritime traffic to the Aeolian Islands, Messina, and Palermo.
The flats for participants were fully equipped (including kitchenware, washing machine, bed
covers etc.) and well located in the city center. The five participants were living close to the city
center of Barcellona Pozza di Gotto in Via Trieste 46, and the sixth person stayed in house situated
in the center of Milazzo in Via Brigiani 44.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Placement Details
For all participants the subject of the placement was in different fields. The interns had the
opportunity to learn whatever is needed for their own professional careers. The placements were
located in various relative enterprises in the town of Barcellona P.G. and the neighbor locations.
More specifically the placements for each participant:
“A Rocca”/
International department, working hours (6 hours per day) from Monday till Friday;
WOLFGANG FRIEBE: Architect office of Filippo Imbesi, working hours (4/5
hours per day, which were managed and based on the weekly activities) from Monday till Friday;
THEA HUMMEL: Enterprise “Fabbrica d’arte: 332” di Maurizio Calabro’,
working hours (6/7 hours per day) from Monday till Friday;
MARJAM KADYRBEKOW: Enterprise “Planet Fitness”, working hours (5/6
hours per day) from Monday till Friday;
KATJA WILKE: Language school “Speak-up”, working hours (4 hours per day)
from Monday till Friday;
REMI ECHERBAULT: Cultural Association “Jalari”, working hours (4/5 hours
per day) from Monday till Friday;
More specifically the placement and knowledge, skills and competences acquired:
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Artistical Association “A Rocca” – Eprojectconsult offered the internship in the field of
culture and international relationships, with the focus on the realization of the cultural activities in
the frame of European Union and national programs.
The participant SUSANN BERNDT gained experience in:
- Project management;
- The public relation activities of the international office;
- Working in the team and individual work;
- Marketing research.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Architect office of Filippo Imbesi offered the internship in the field of architecture.
The participant WOLFGANG FRIEBE gained experience in:
- Methodologies applied to the archeological excavation in the area;
- In- depth analysis of the architectural thinking behind the park museum Jalari;
- Studies on measure taken in archeological restore in Sicily;
- Exchange with the other professionals in the field.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Enterprise “Fabbrica d’arte: 332” di Maurizio Calabro’ realized the internship in design
and art.
The participant THEA HUMMEL gained experience in:
- Ceramic firing and decoration;
- Raku pottery and manipulation;
- Creation and design of the jewelry;
- Design of the new materials and technics.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Enterprise “Planet Fitness” is a gym, which offered the internship in the sport and
rehabilitation specialties.
The participant MARJAM KADYRBEKOW gained experience in:
- Assisting personal trainer in private lessons;
- Creation of the gym workout tab;
- Interaction with the customers of the gym;
- Physical therapy activities for the individual customers.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Language school “Speak-up” realized the internship with the focus on the foreign
language teaching for adults and children.
The participant KATJA WILKE gained experience in:
- Traditional teaching and learning techniques;
- Translation;
- Language consultancy;
- Developing the new teaching methods and interactive activities.
“Jalari” Cultural Association offered the training experience focusing on social and
entertaining activities with foreign people, mainly immigrants. Methodologies focused on
facilitating their daily life and their integration in the society.
The participant REMI ECHERBAULT also gained experience in:
- Assisting the secretary in order to welcome groups and to provide general
information at the front office of the park museum Jalari;
- Tourism and contact with tour operators;
- Translation of the website;
- Marketing research.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Cultural and Language Program
In order to facilitate the participants integration in the Italian culture, they were taking part
in a 48 hours intensive Italian Course, which consisted of 4 hours daily lessons from Monday
until Friday. There were two groups, one for those interns who are in the elementary level and the
second for those, which are in the intermediate level.
Learning of the Italian language increased the value of the whole traineeship program, as the
participants received certification for the learning outcomes and had a possibility to combine
professional training with studying foreign languages. Moreover, they had an oppurtunity to use the
Italian language practically in their placements for all the duration of their internships.
During the weekends and their leisure time, the participants had a very interesting
intercultural program: pizza’s nights, bonfire, etc.
Finally yet importantly, during the free time, our participants had the opportunity to explore
beauty of Sicily by visiting such places as Taormina, Jalari Park Museum, Messina, Milazzo and
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Jalari Park Museum
Park Museum of”Jalari” is a land of artistic sculptures and wonders that includes a
symbolic foundation which frees the reality to transfigure into a long dream. The Park Museum
“Jalari” is situated on the Peloritan mountains a few kilometers from Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
(ME) extended over 35 hectares (350,000 msq). “Jalari” originates from a dream and grows with
perseverance and constancy due to 30 years of work from 2 local families. It is difficult to
synthesize in a few words what were the values, the culture and the spirit that animated the authors
of the Park in these long, intensive and happy years of activity. Therefore, we let the good mood of
everyone to discover the mysteries that surround the park museum of "Jalari". During the visit
participants had the opportunity to experience a part of Sicilian culture within a folk music concert
of a local band called “Sarva la Pezza” and we concluded the day by testing Sicilian “pane e
Messina is known as the door of Sicily. With its port, shaped like a sickle, it has always been
a trading city. Situated close to the Peninsular, there has been busy thoroughfare between Messina
and the Mainland, over the centuries. Messina has several churches, monuments and fountains that
date back centuries that are worthy of exploration. The myriad of churches, monuments and
buildings adorned with fine art is staggering. The Duomo’s Square (Piazza del Duomo) is well
worth your attention, as it sites on the main square in Messina and offers an awesome visit to its
interior, a real visit to be remembered.
Milazzo is a substantial town on the coast of north-east Sicily, west of Messina, and best
known (and most visited) for its beach and historic village. The town itself is interesting - the
centuries have left their mark very clearly on the layout of Milazzo, with the walled city at the top
of Milazzo, the "Old Town" of medieval origin at the foot of the hill, and the more modern city at
the bottom and along the harbor area. The Old Town includes the fortified citadel and medieval
quarters of Milazzo, and contains numerous religious buildings. The lower town is the most recent
part of Milazzo, and was built in the 18th century. The center of lower Milazzo revolves around the
Piazza Caio Duilio, which is flanked to the west by the Palazzo Marchese Proto and to the east of
the “Chiesa del Carmine”, with a lintel carved with garlands and a niche with a statue of Our Lady
of Consolation".
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
As soon as we arrived in Taormina, we felt the magical, mythical atmosphere spread all
around which has enchanted visitors from all over the world for years and years. Settled on a hill of
the Monte Tauro, Taormina dominates two grand, sweeping bays below and on the southern side,
the top of Mount Etna, the European highest active volcano, often capped with snow, offering to the
visitors a breathtaking, dramatic and memorable view over... Taormina is a medieval village
perched alongside the steep terrain jutting out of the ocean. While it has kept its Medieval character,
it is now a shopper's paradise. Near the top of Taormina Village is a wonderfully preserved Roman
Theater. This pretty much sums up Taormina's charm. There is something for everyone. Great
shopping, wonderful restaurants, Roman Ruins, Medieval pedestrian streets and even stairs to a
great beach.
The village of Tindari, on Sicily’s northeast coast, has two sites — and sights — that make a
visit to this otherwise average Sicilian village worth the trip. One, the Santuario di Tindari, is a
place of pilgrimage; the other, Tyndaris, is the ruins of a Greek-Roman settlement.
Fascinating is the Archaeological Park, with the ruins of the ancient Roman settlement of
Greek Tindarys and the beautiful Greek theater overlooking the sea.
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Evaluation of the project
The evaluation of the project is excellent. Employees of the “A Rocca” Association and
persons involved in this project hope it was an enriched and useful experience for all the
participants. The monitoring team did its best in order to satisfy the expectations of each participant
and to ensure the communication with the sending organization at each stage of the project. In order
to reach this, there were two days of evaluation - one after the first week and the other at the final
In each training place, the participants had regular meetings with the mentor at work and the
weekly meeting with the tutor from Artistical Association A Rocca, so that timely identify any
difficulties which the intern or enterprise may face in the every day cooperation.
Participants had chance to see the way of working in Sicily. Certainly, they had an
opportunity to get to know a lot of useful information about the functioning of Sicilian enterprises
related to EU project management, tourism, teaching, architecture, arts and sports. They also could
compare all the similarities and differences of these enterprises of Sicilian and Germany.
Participants gained professionally experience in their sector, so that they will be able in the future to
deal with the social sciences, sport and rehabilitation, design and art, architecture, cultural and
public relations, marketing research as professionals with inestimable experience acquired.
All participants gained worthy experience in working in team, cooperation with colleagues
and individual work according to the individual skills of the each candidate.
At the end of the project, participants received “A Rocca placement certificate” and
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –
Our monitoring team did its best in order to satisfy the expectations of each participants. We
were always ready to offer help, advices and solve any doubts; since our office had guaranteed a 24hour availability, in any case they needed some assistance.
Consequently, the participants seemed to be satisfied with this project. According to their
opinion, it was an interesting and useful experience. We hope they found inspiration and got new
ideas about how to deal with their future career in their country. We are satisfied because due to the
participation in the programme, the participants could enrich their professional experience.
Moreover, participants had opportunity to explore new horizons by fully integrating in
Sicilian culture and meeting many new friends from Italy and from the other parts of world. In
addition, all the group of participants had become good friends, is still meeting each other and
exchanging their experiences after the project.
Our team is extremely satisfied with the participant’s involvement in the project and
personal interest of each person entailed.
We hope we can continue our successful cooperation with Fairbund German organization
(FAIRbund e.V.)
4th of June 2013, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Associazione Artistica Culturale “A Rocca” – Via TCP Arcodaci N°48 – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto – 98051 – Messina
– Sicily – Italy - Tel: +39 090 2130696 - Mobile: +39 3490693698 –
+39 3495807960 – fax: +39 0909702110 – – –