Teacher Guide
Teacher Guide
Instructors’ Guide How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy Paleomagnetic Stratigraphy Exercise TM Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.deepearthacademy.org In this exercise, you will interpret the polarity chrons (geomagnetic reversal stratigraphy) for ODP Site 1237 in the southeast Pacific, located on the continental margin of Peru (16°0.421’S, 76°22.685’W; Figures 11 and 12). First, notice the latitude of this site. In the Northern Hemisphere, normal polarity is represented by positive inclination. Since this site is in the Southern Hemisphere, normal polarity will be represented by negative inclination (positive upwards, out of the Earth). Second, well-preserved magnetic data are either normal polarity or reversed polarity, and there have been many reversals during the past 30 million years represented by the sequence cored at Site 1237. You will need some independent means of age control in order to interpret the black and white stripes of normal and reversed polarity, respectively. Biostratigraphy based on the established sequence of first and last occurrences of microfossil species provides that firstorder age control. 1. Using the Site 1237 biostratigraphic data provided (Table 1), interpret the polarity chrons for ODP Site 1237 (Holes 1237B, 1237C, and 1237D). The cored sequence is shown in four separate figures: Figure 13 (upper 100 meters composite depth, mcd); Figure 14 (100-200 mcd); Figure 15 (200300 mcd); and Figure 16 (300-360 mcd). Construct your paleomagnetic stratigraphy to the right of the data presented in Figures 13-16. Color in segments representing normal polarity, and leave segments of reverse polarity blank (white). Polarity interpretations are shown in Figures 16-19. The shipboard paleomagnetists had less confidence in the interpretation of the polarity chrons below ~200 meters composite depth (mcd) (C5An; ~12.4 Ma). Compare the clarity of the magnetic reversals in the upper 200 mcd of Site 1237 with the 200-360 mcd interval. 2. Plot an age versus depth profile based on your paleomagnetic interpretations (you can plot it on the same graph as your biostratigraphic datums from the biostrat exercise). Use the graph paper provided. How well do the calcareous nannofossil datums compare with the polarity chron boundaries? Have students plot the age-depth points for the upper 200 mcd of section only. The paleomagnetic age control points are shown in Table 2. 62 Figure F29. Inclination after demagnetization at peak alternating fields of 25 mT for the upper 100 mcd of (A) Hole 1237B, (B) Hole 1237C, and (C) Hole 1237D with the accompanying polarity interpretations. -30 30 90 -90 C Hole 1237C Inclination (°) -30 30 90 -90 Hole 1237D Inclination (°) -30 30 Polarity zone interpretation 90 C1n 1n 20 1r 1r.1n 2n 2r.1n 2r Depth (mcd) Matuyama 1r 40 C1r C2n C2r C2An Jaramillo -90 0 B 2Ar 3n.2n 3n.3n 3n.3n 3r 100 Gilbert 80 C3r C3An C3Ar/C3Bn/ C3Br C4n C4Ar/C4An/ C4Ar C5n C5r C5An C5Ar C5AAn/C5AAr/ C5ABn/C5ABr/ C5ACn C4ACn/C5ACr/ C5ADn Figure 16. Polarity interpretation of the upper 100 m of Site 1237 (Figure 12). From ODP Leg 202 Initial Reports volume, Site 1237 chapter, http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/202_IR/chap_08/chap_08.htm TM Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.oceanleadership.org 3n.1n Nunivak Sifurfall Cochiti 3n Thvera 2n Mammoth Kaena 2An.1n 60 C2Ar C3n Reunion Oldavai Hole 1237B Inclination (°) Brunhes A Gauss How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy: Instructors’ Guide SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY CHAPTER 8, SITE 1237 2 How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy: Instructors’ Guide SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY CHAPTER 8, SITE 1237 63 Figure F30. Inclination after demagnetization at peak alternating fields of 25 mT for the 100- to 200-mcd interval of (A) Hole 1237B, (B) Hole 1237C, and (C) the stacked and smoothed record with the accompanying polarity interpretations. A Hole 1237B B Inclination (°) -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 100 -90 C Hole 1237C Inclination (°) -30 30 90 MCD stack Inclination (°) -90 -30 30 Polarity zone interpretation 90 C1n C1r C2n C2r 3r C2An 3An.1n ? 120 C2Ar C3n 3An.2n? 3Ar C3r 3Bn/3Br/4n Depth (mcd) 140 160 4r 4An C3An C3Ar/C3Bn/ C3Br C4n C4Ar/C4An/ C4Ar 4Ar 180 5r 3n.3n 5An.1n 5An.2n 200 C5n C5r C5An C5Ar C5AAn/C5AAr/ C5ABn/C5ABr/ C5ACn C4ACn/C5ACr/ C5ADn Figure 17. Polarity interpretation of the 100-200 m interval of Site 1237 (Figure 13). From ODP Leg 202 Initial Reports volume, Site 1237 chapter, http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/202_IR/ chap_08/chap_08.htm TM Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.oceanleadership.org 5n 3 TM Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.oceanleadership.org 4 Depth (mcd) 300 280 260 240 220 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 200 Hole 1237B Inclination (°) Hole 1237C Inclination (°) -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 B Hole 1237D Inclination (°) -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 C Stack Inclination (°) -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 D 6n 5En 5Dr 5Dn 5Cr 5Br 5Ar 6Cn 6Br 6Bn Not interpreted C4ACn/C5ACr/ C5ADn C5AAn/C5AAr/ C5ABn/C5ABr/ C5ACn C5Ar C5An C5r C5n C4Ar/C4An/ C4Ar C4n C3Ar/C3Bn/ C3Br C3An C3r C3n C2Ar C2An C2r C1r C2n C1n Polarity zone interpretation AAn to 5ADn 5Cn A Figure F31. Inclination after demagnetization at peak alternating fields of 25 mT for the 200- to 300-mcd interval of (A) Hole 1237B, 1237C, (C) Hole 1237D, and (D) the stacked and smoothed record with the accompanying polarity interpretations. How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy: Instructors’ Guide Figure 18. Polarity interpretation of the 200 to 300 m interval of Site 1237 (Figure 14). From ODP Leg 202 Initial Reports volume, Site 1237 chapter, http://www-odp.tamu.edu/ publications/202_IR/chap_08/chap_08.htm 65 Figure F32. Inclination after demagnetization at peak alternating fields of 25 mT for the 300- to 360-mcd interval of (A) Hole 1237B, (B) Hole 1237C, and (C) the stacked and smoothed record with the accompanying polarity interpretations. A Hole 1237B Inclination (°) -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 300 B -90 Hole 1237C Inclination (°) -30 30 C 90 MCD Stack Inclination (°) -90 -30 30 Polarity zone interpretation 90 C1n 6Cn.3n 6Cr C1r C2n C2r C2An 310 7N Depth (mcd) How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy: Instructors’ Guide SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY CHAPTER 8, SITE 1237 8N 320 C2Ar C3n C3r 9N C3An 330 C3Ar/C3Bn/ C3Br C4n 350 C4Ar/C4An/ C4Ar C5n C5r C5An C5Ar C5AAn/C5AAr/ C5ABn/C5ABr/ C5ACn 360 C4ACn/C5ACr/ C5ADn Figure 19. Polarity interpretation of the 300 to 360 m interval of Site 1237 (Figure 15). From ODP Leg 202 Initial Reports volume, Site 1237 chapter, http://www-odp.tamu.edu/ publications/202_IR/chap_08/chap_08.htm TM Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.oceanleadership.org Not interpreted 340 5 A Site 1237 Core recovery Hole Hole Hole 1237B 1237C 1237D 1H 2H 3H 50 5H 5H 6H 9H 14H 15H 16H 17H 18H 19H 20H 21H 22H 23H 250 24H 25H 26H 27H 28H 300 29H 30H TM 32H 33H 34H middle Oligocene early 1H IA 2H 3H 4H IB 11H 12H 5H 6H 7H 8H IIA 13H 14H 15H 16H 17H 18H 19H 20H 21H 22H 23H 24H 25H 26H 27H IIB 9H 10H Lithologic unit boundaries Litho subunit boundaries Calcareous nannofossils FO Calcareous nannofossils LO Planktonic foraminifers FO Planktonic foraminifers LO Diatoms FO Diatoms LO Magnetostratigraphy 11H 28H 29H 30H 31H 32H 33H B 3 Mass accumulation rate (g/cm2/k.y.) Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.oceanleadership.org 31H 350 8H 10H 13H Miocene late 7H 10H 11H Plio. 6H 9H 12H 200 3H 4H 8H 150 2H 4H 7H 100 1H Pleist. Total MAR CaCO3 MAR Noncarbonate MAR Corrected LSR 2 20 10 1 0 Sedimentation rate (m/m.y.) 0 Depth (mcd) How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy: Instructors’ Guide horizontal lines = lithologic unit boundaries, dashed horizontal lines = lithologic subunit boundaries. B. Corrected linear sedimentation rates (LSR), total mass accumulation rates (MAR), and carbonate mass accumulation rates are calculated from the smooth age model, average dry density, and calcium carbonate concentrations at 1-m.y. intervals. FO = first occurrence, LO = last occurrence. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Age (Ma) Figure 20. Sedimentation rate history of Site 1237 based on the microfossil data presented in Table 1 and reversal stratigraphy presented in Figures 16 to 19. From ODP Leg 202 Initial Reports volume, Site 1237 chapter, http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/202_IR/chap_08/chap_08.htm 6 How Old Is It? Part 2 – Magnetostratigraphy: Instructors’ Guide SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY CHAPTER 8, SITE 1237 Table T16. Paleomagnetic age control points based on polarity chron boundary and polarity chron interpretation, Site 1237. Polarity chron boundary interpretation Polarity chron interpretation C1n (b) Matuyama/Brunhes C1r.1n (t) Jaramillo C1r.1n (b) Jaramillo C2n (t) Olduvai C2n (b) Olduvai C2r.1n (t) Reunion C2r.1n (b) Reunion C2An.1n (t) Gauss/Matuyama C2An.1n (b) C2An.2n (t) C2An.2n (b) C2An.3n (t) C2An.3n (b) Gauss/Gilbert C3n.1n (t) C3n.1n (b) C3n.2n (t) C3n.2n (b) C3n.3n (t) C3n.3n (b) C3n.4n (t) C3n.4n (b) C3r C3An.1n C3An.2n C3Ar C3Bn/C3Br/4n C4r C4An TM Teaching for Science • Learning for Life | www.oceanleadership.org C4An (b) C4Ar.1n (t) C4Ar.1n (b) C4Ar.2n (t) C4Ar.2n (b) C5n.1n (t) C5n.1n (b) C5n.2n (t) C5n.2n (b) C5r.1n (t) C5r.1n (b) C5r.2n (t) C5r.2n (b) C5An.1n (t) C5An.1n (b) C5An.2n (t) C5An.2n (b) Age (Ma) 0.78 0.99 1.07 1.77 1.95 2.14 2.15 2.581 3.04 3.11 3.22 3.33 3.58 4.18 4.29 4.48 4.62 4.8 4.89 4.98 5.23 5.64 6.1 6.4 6.8 7.5 8.4 8.9 9.025 9.23 9.308 9.58 9.642 9.74 9.88 9.92 10.949 11.052 11.099 11.476 11.531 11.935 12.078 12.184 12.401 Depth (mcd) Error (±m) 20.3 24.2 25.6 36.4 38.5 41.1 41.9 47.9 56.5 57.5 58.1 60.9 65.7 75.5 77.4 81.3 83.3 86.8 89.2 91.6 97.3 107 122 131 139 145 161 166 168.2 169.6 170.5 172.1 172.5 173.1 174.0 174.4 181.2 182.5 182.7 186.1 187.2 190.5 193.5 195.4 197.9 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 9.2 5.8 3.8 3.5 13.0 3.0 2.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 Note: (b) = bottom, (t) = top. Table 2. Paleomagnetic age control points based on polarity chron boundary and polarity chron interpretation for Site 1237. From ODP Leg 202 Initial Reports volume, Site 1237 chapter, http://www-odp. tamu.edu/publications/202_IR/chap_08/chap_08.htm 7