C A N N O R G A N I Z E R ’ S E S G U I D E PAL AIS DES FESTIVAL S ET DES CONGRÈS AND ITS PARTNERS CONTENTS OUR PARTNERS Access to the venue ..........................4 Sales team contacts ..........................7 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CANNES, WORLD VILLAGE Welcome to the “World village” par excellence. Cannes plays host to new events between January and December every year consolidating its ranking as France’s 2nd business tourism city. The success of its B to B trade shows, congress seminars and incentives demonstrate Cannes’ power of attraction for worldwide experts and decision-makers. Cannes’ unique attributes: international flight connections to 91 cities, France’s 2nd busiest airport, the fact that it has everything in one location, infrastructure and immense variety of activities, Mediterranean and cosmopolitan identity make it the ideal destination for the most serious professional meetings. David Lisnard Chairman, Cannes Palais des Festivals et des Congrès Deputy Mayor, tourism & economic development representative Spaces fitting PALAIS SPACES PALAIS SERVICES Spaces overview ..........................................8 Project manager contacts ........44 Auditoriums & Theatres Palais Services Louis Lumière Auditorium ....................12 Claude Debussy Theatre ......................14 Estérel room ..................................................16 Auditorium A ....................................................17 Auditorium K ....................................................18 Auditoriums B, C, D, E ..................................19 Auditoriums F, G, H ........................................20 Auditoriums I, J ................................................21 Press room ......................................................22 Verrière Californie ..........................................23 Organizers offices ......................................24 Stands ..............................................................46 Carpet ..............................................................47 Furniture ..........................................................48 Signage ............................................................49 Electricity, Telephone, Network, Wifi ..........50 Sound, Lighting & Machinery ............51 Simultaneous Translation ......................52 Projection ........................................................53 Exhibitions areas Exhibition Hall ............................................26 Riviera space ................................................27 Lérins Rotunda ............................................28 Les Ambassadeurs ..................................29 Mediterranean Hall ....................................30 Louis Lumière Auditorium Foyer ........31 Claude DebussyTheatre Foyer ..........32 Rue Intérieure ..............................................33 Press Foyer, B+3 ........................................34 Security - Video Surveillance Operational Security ................................54 SPSP..................................................................55 Logistic ............................................................56 Cleaning ..........................................................57 2 | visit General Services & High Technology Equipments Arpège Son Lumière ............................................68 Mixage ........................................................................68 GL Events Audiovisual ..........................................69 Smartjog ....................................................................69 Via Pass ......................................................................70 4CAST..........................................................................71 Action International ................................................71 Eurodocument ........................................................72 Prod Events ..............................................................72 Company assistance Easytax ........................................................................73 Tevea International..................................................73 Decoration Ambiance Décorative ............................................74 Sander Smids ..........................................................74 Transports & Assistance ISO PALAIS The triple certification of the Palais Green Palais for blue planet ................58 A european premiere ..............................59 Reception Rooms Les Ambassadeurs ..................................38 Lérins Rotunda ............................................39 Riviera Rotunda ..........................................40 Riviera Hall ......................................................41 GL Events Expo ......................................................64 S2F................................................................................64 Gala Organisation ..................................................65 Exhibit ..........................................................................65 Square ........................................................................66 GL Events Mobilier ................................................66 La Compagnie..........................................................67 Camerus ....................................................................67 Profil..............................................................................75 VD Promotion ..........................................................75 Chabé Riviera ..........................................................76 Elite Rent a Car ........................................................76 MC Limousines........................................................77 Segond Rent France ............................................77 Elite Rent a Bike ......................................................78 Autocars Musso ......................................................78 Azur Hélicoptère......................................................79 The QSE Policy of the Palais Events Communication Understand the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 ......60 Sustainable Development ....................61 CSP Production ......................................................80 Cap Créa ....................................................................81 Photo Diffusion ........................................................81 Photo Traverso ........................................................82 BP Com ......................................................................82 visit |3 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ACCESS : CANNES, PARADISE IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK AROUND THE PALAIS Cannes is less than 2 hours away from Europe’s main cities. IT, pharmaceutical, property, communications, fashion, culture and luxury sectors have all opted to stage their events in the city for over 40 years. It is a destination renowned for its reliability and strong power of attraction. The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès is well signposted from the highway to downtown. To get to Cannes : TO GET TO THE PALAIS BY FOOT Artists Entrance, Mediterranean Hall, Main Entrance on the Croisette, Organizers’ Offices, Riviera Space main entrance. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TO GET TO THE PALAIS BY CAR Bistingo Barrier, Parvis Barrier, Macé Barrier, Truck terminal (at level 02). There’s a direct access from the truck terminal to the main exhibition hall and main conference rooms through elevators and goods lifts: MC 6, MC 9, MC 10, MC 11, MC 35, MC 36, MC 37, MC 38. Manchester 2h15 Londres 1h55 Bruxelle 1h40 Paris 1h15 New York 8h30 M 1 Zu 1h Gen 0h BY AIR : Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport, 27 km from Cannes ; regular bus service every 30 minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or Cannes-Mandelieu Airport, 5 minutes from downtown. BY HELICOPTER : with Cannes Palm Beach heliport (pointe Croisette) you are at 10 min. from Nice and 20 min. from St Tropez. BY TRAIN : International trains and French TGV (highspeed) trains. BY CAR : Via the Estérel A8 expressway. 4 | visit visit |5 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SALES TEAM CONTACTS >> Informations, spaces & availabilities ALIKI HEINRICH Sales director +33 (0) 4 92 99 84 18 CAROLINE LUCAS France, Benelux, Swiss, sales manager +33(0)4 92 99 31 71 MARIE-ANNE EON Associations Sales Manager +33 (0)4 92 99 84 24 UGO D’AGOSTINO Italy, Scandinavia, sales manager +33 (0)4 92 99 31 61 ISABELLE MULLER International market project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 84 30 CHARLOTTE TROMPETTE Germany sales manager +33 (0)4 92 99 31 20 PATRICK MARTINETTI National market project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 84 20 KATE MOSS & JUDY TILL UK sales office +44 (0)845 305 30 30 MARJORIE PAULMIER International market project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 84 19 VÉRONIQUE AMATO US, Canada, sales manager +1 212 838 78 55 visit |7 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LEVEL 6 ROOMS OVERVIEW C ONF ERENC E SPACE S EXHIBITION AREAS Surface Area (m2) Floor-to-ceiling Height Auditorium Louis Lumière 2 281 seats Salle Estérel LEVEL 5 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 2,68/3,00/3,75 500 kg/m2 4 253 2,68/3,00/3,75 500 kg/m2 Riviera Rotunda 2 624 3,25/3,80 500 kg/m2 Exhibition Hall 1, 2 & 3 13 756 2,10 / 2,75 500 kg/m2 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Entrance lobby 3 175 6 345 3 656 580 2,10 / 2,75 2,10 / 2,75 2,10 / 2,75 2,40 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 Lerins Rotunda 2150+450 3,55 500 kg/m2 Mediterranean Hall 960 1,74 / 2,52 400 kg/m2 Riviera Hall + Lounge Space 447 in conference / 286 in projection Auditorium A 280 seats Auditorium K 147 seats Auditoria Surface (m2) Screen Audi B Audi C Audi D Audi E Audi F Audi G Audi H Audi I Audi J 40,75 44,45 44,45 40,75 36,50 36,50 49,45 78,50 78,50 2,35 x 1,75 H. 2,35 x 1,75 H. 2,35 x 1,75 H. 2,35 x 1,75 H. 3,10 x 1,60 H. 3,10 x 1,60 H. 3,10 x 1,60 H. 4,50 x 2,25 H. 4,50 x 2,25 H. Press Rooms Surface Area (m2) Screen Meeting Classroom Theatre 20 20 20 20 20 20 26 32 32 24 24 24 24 22 22 32 48 48 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 80 80 Meeting Classroom Theatre Press Room 213 5,75 x 2,65 H. 60 132 260 Redaction Room 1 199 - 56 108 190 Redaction Room 2 120 - 40 58 90 Redaction Room 3 81 - 32 36 77 Surface Area (m2)Floor-to-ceiling Height Meeting Classroom Theatre Verrière Californie 100 2,77 44 Surface Area (m2) LEVEL 1 6 877 Riviera Space Theatre Claude Debussy 1 065 seats Lérins Rotunda Usable surface+Office Les Ambassadeurs 60 Conference Classroom 2 600 2 150+450 2076 Surface Area (m2) 720 100 Auditorium Louis Lumière Foyer 1029 Orchestra+Verrière Foyer Balcony Foyer 625 404 2,20 / 5,05 2,75 400 kg/m2 400 kg/m2 Theatre Claude Debussy Foyer 1403 Orchestra Foyer 845 Balcony Foyer 558 3,95 / 5,05 2,70 400 kg/m2 400 kg/m2 Press Rooms Redaction 1 Redaction 2 Redaction 3 Press Foyer B+3 213 199 120 81 1 245 347 4,45 3,20 3,20 2,40 2,20 / 2,95 2,53 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 400 kg/m2 Les Ambassadeurs 1 127 - 500 kg/m2 Rue Intérieure Espace Ortega Toscan du Plantier 180 170 1,90 / 5,75 3,47 Conference Classroom 1127 1000 RECEPTION ROOM S 580 Surface (m2) Load Capacity ORGANIZERS’ OFFICES 2 Surface Area (m ) Number of offices Verrière Level 0 229 7 Verrière Mezzanine 275 9 Level 4 184 6 Level 5 44 2 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 01 8 | visit Load Capacity Floor-to-ceiling Height Catering Capacity Cocktail Capacity 500 1 500 2 500 400 Les Ambassadeurs 1/3 room 2/3 room Whole room Stage Foyer Terrace 373 754 1 127 81 595 358 500 kg/m2 500 kg/m2 - 4,15 / 5,65 3 2,15 / 2,30 - 276 648 948 - Lerins Rotunda 2 150+450 - 355 1 722 Lerins Terrace 4388 - - - Riviera Hall 4253 - 3,75 1848 Riviera Rotunda 2 624 - 3,25 / 3,80 1 740 visit |9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUDITORIUMS & THEATRES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Level 1 & 3 AUDITORIUM LOUIS LUMIÈRE 2 281 seats I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL PLAN CAPACITY 758 stall seats 60 fold down seats 1,428 circle seats Armchairs with rests 35 boxes Hire of fixed equipment (sound & lighting) is included in space hire. As outside personnel are not authorised, unless an exception is made, to handle the technical equipment in the auditorium, personnel are recruited by the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès. Organisers will be quoted for this service. Open space above stage ORCHESTRA PIT Surface area (m2) Dimensions Quantity Stage 383 15.50 deep - Orchestra pit 56 2.80 high - Adjustable stage size - 24.70 w. x 11.20 h. max. - Towers - - 37 Lighting rig - - 5 Fixed screen - 19.00 w. x 8.00 h. 1 Mobile screen - 6 w. x 4.50 h. 1 Back stage 190 - - Service lift - 2.28 w. x 7.35 deep x 3.16 h. 1 640 - - Total STAGE PLAN STAGE Depth from front of stage to back row: 15.50 m Total opening: 24.70m at front / 22 m at back Standard opening: 18 m Fixed cinema screen: 19 x 8 m Floor to gantry height: 18m Floor load capacity 400 kg per m2. Simultaneous interpreting in 6 languages/infra red system. The main auditorium is serviced backstage by a service lift with the following dimensions: (lift compartment) 2.28 wide, 7.35 deep, 3.16 high. Max load: 3,000 kg, height: 3.10m, width: 2.35m. All special work: pyrotechnics, working at height, hooking and lifting, lasers, smoke (during use of automatic systems) must comply with applicable regulations and projects must be submitted to the safety manager for approval and control. STALLS FOYER STAGE DRESSING ROOM BACKSTAGE SCENERY EXIT GARDEN SIDE COURT SIDE BACKDROP RIG 22.60m long STAGE Max. Load tolerance 400 Kg per m2 SAFETY CURTAIN STAGE FRONT 12 | visit Open space above stalls ORCHESTRA PIT visit | 13 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Level 1 & 3 CLAUDE DEBUSSY THEATRE 1 065 seats I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CAPACITY FLOOR PLAN 616 stall seats 61 stall fold down seats 388 circle seats Armchairs with rests (excluding fold down seats) Open space above stage STAGE Open space above stalls Surface area (m2) Dimensions Quantity Stage 265 13.70 Prof. - Orchestra pit 47 - - Adjustable stage size - 19.15 L. x 7.50 H. max. - Towers - 18 Long. 44 Lighting rig - - 4 Fixed screen - 6 L. x 4.50 H. 1 Back stage 90 - - Service lift - 2.28 L. x 7.35 Prof. x 3.16 H. 1 STALLS ORCHESTRA PIT CIRCLE STALLS FOYER STAGE STAGE PLAN BACKSTAGE COURT SIDE GARDEN SIDE BACKDROP RIG 19m long STAGE STAGE Depth from front of stage to back row: 13.70 m Total opening: 19.15 m at front Performance opening: 14 m Fixed cinema screen: 15 x 6.55 m Floor to gantry height: 17.40m Backdrop pole: 18 m Floor load capacity 400 kg per m2. Simultaneous interpreting in 6 languages/infra red system. 14 | visit The Auditorium Debussy is serviced backstage by a service lift with the following dimensions: (lift compartment) 2.28 wide, 7.35 deep, 3.16 high. Max load: 3,000 kg. All special work: pyrotechnics, working at height, hooking and lifting, lasers, smoke (during use of automatic systems) must comply with applicable regulations and projects must be submitted to the safety manager for approval and control. Hire of fixed equipment (sound & lighting) is included in space hire. Outside personnel are not authorized to handle the technical equipment in the auditorium unless a specific exemption has been given. As a result personnel are recruited by the Palais des Festivals et des Congres. Organisers will be quoted for this service. Max. Load tolerance 400 Kg per m2 SAFETY CURTAIN STAGE FRONT ORCHESTRA PIT visit | 15 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AUDITORIUM A ESTEREL ROOM Level 3 Level 5 447 seats conference 286 seats screening Stage: Fixed screen: dimensions: 4.20x13.65 m surface area: 57.30 m2 floor-to-ceiling height: 4.10 280 seats dimensions: 9.85x4.20 Armchairs fitted with arm rests FLOOR PLAN BAY CLOAK ROOM Room : 242 m Stage : 39 m2 TECHNICAL SERVICE CORRIDOR DRESSING ROOM SCREEN EMERGENCY EXIT DRESSING ROOM DRESSING ROOM STAGE EXIT EMERGENCY EXIT STAGE 2 STAGE PROJECTION BOOTHS SOUND UNIT INTERPRETING BOOTHS STAGE STAGE Depth from front of stage to back row: 4 m Maximum opening: 19.15 m at front Performance opening: 14 m Simultaneous interpreting in 4 languages/infra red system in 3 enclosed booths. Depth from front of stage to back row: 3.8 m Stage size: 10.15L x 4.9H Opening: 14 m Fixed cinema screen: 9m x 3.60m Towers: 4 Simultaneous interpreting in 4 languages/infra red system Hire of fixed equipment (sound & lighting) is included in space hire. Outside personnel are not authorized to handle the technical equipment in the auditorium unless a specific exemption has been given. As a result personnel are recruited by the Palais des Festivals et des Congres. Organisers will be quoted for this service. 16 | visit STAGE BACKDROP SCREEN UNIT 2 LIGHTING UNIT Auditorium A is serviced backstage by a service lift with the following dimensions: (lift compartment) 2.28 wide, 7.35 deep, 3.16 high Max load: 3,000 kg All special work: pyrotechnics, working at height, hooking and lifting, lasers, smoke (during use of automatic systems) must comply with applicable regulations and projects must be submitted to the safety manager for approval and control. visit | 17 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII B, C, D & E AUDITORIUMS AUDITORIUM K Level 3 Level 4 147 seats Armchairs fitted with arm rests SURFACE AREA Auditorium: 105 m2 Stage: 29 m2 STAGE Stage depth: 3.86 m Opening: 7.36 m Fixed screen: 5.50 m X 2.50 m Stage area: dimensions: 7.36Lx3.60H Meeting Theatre Classroom EMERGENCY EXIT BAY SCREEN TECHNICAL SERVICE CORRIDOR SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN STAGE AUDITORIUM E Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m PROJECTION BOOTH AUDITORIUM K SIMUL TANEOUS INTERPRETING BOOTH SIMUL TANEOUS INTERPRETING BOOTH SIMUL TANEOUS INTERPRETING BOOTH AUDITORIUM D Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m SIMUL TANEOUS INTERPRETING BOOTH AUDITORIUM C Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m AUDITORIUM B Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m PROJECTION BOOTHS TECHNICAL SERVICE CORRIDOR TECHNICAL SERVICE CORRIDOR Auditorium K is serviced backstage by 4 lifts with the following dimensions: (lift compartment) 1.30 wide, 1.35 deep, 2.10 high. All special work: pyrotechnics, working at height, hooking and lifting, lasers, smoke (during use of automatic systems) must comply with applicable regulations and projects must be submitted to the safety manager for approval and control. Simultaneous interpreting in 4 languages/infrared system. Hire of fixed equipment (sound & lighting) is included in space hire. Outside personnel are not authorized to handle the technical equipment in the auditorium unless a specific exemption has been given. As a result personnel are recruited by the Palais des Festivals et des Congres. Organisers will be quoted for this service. 18 | visit Surface area (m2) Screens Meeting Classroom Theatre Audi B 40,75 2,35 x 1,75 H. 20 24 40 Audi C 44,45 2,35 x 1,75 H. 20 24 40 Audi D 44,45 2,35 x 1,75 H. 20 24 40 Audi E 40,75 2,35 x 1,75 H. 20 24 40 visit | 19 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I & J AUDITORIUMS F, G & H AUDITORIUMS Level 4 Level 3 ECRAN ECRAN Theatre Classroom Meeting PROJECTION BOOTHS Classroom Meeting ECRAN ECRAN Theatre PROJECTION BOOTHS PROJECTION BOOTHS SCREEN SCREEN AUDITORIUM J Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m AUDITORIUM H Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m AUDITORIUM G Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m AUDITORIUM I Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m AUDITORIUM F Floor-to-ceiling height 3.00 m SCREEN SCREEN PROJECTION BOOTHS SCREEN TECHNICAL SERVICE CORRIDOR Surface area (m2) 20 | visit Screens Meeting Classroom Surface area (m2) Theatre Screens Meeting Classroom Theatre Audi F 36,50 3,10 x 1,60 H. 20 22 40 Audi I 78,50 4,50 x 2,25 H. 32 48 80 Audi G 36,50 3,10 x 1,60 H. 20 22 40 Audi J 78,50 4,50 x 2,25 H. 32 48 80 Audi H 49,45 3,10 x 1,60 H. 26 32 50 visit | 21 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII VERRIÈRE CALIFORNIE PRESS ROOM Level 5 Level 3 Theatre Classroom Meeting Terrace Theatre Classroom Meeting Terrace Terrace Press Room Terrace Redaction 1 Room Stage Screen Red ac Roo tion 3 m Terrace Terrace Redaction 2 Room Press Foyer Surface area (m2) 22 | visit Screens Meeting Classroom Theatre Press Room 213 5,75 x 2,65 H. 60 132 260 Redaction 1 199 - 56 108 190 Redaction 2 120 - 40 58 90 Redaction 3 81 - 32 36 77 Surface area (m2) V. Californie 100 Screens 2,77 Meeting 44 Classroom 60 Theatre 100 visit | 23 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ORGANIZERS OFFICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBITION AREAS, ACCREDITATIONS & FOYERS Some of the organizers offices dominate the Esplanade Georges Pompidou, at the foot of the famous steps of the Palais des Festivals. Bright and glazed, these offices are easy to locate at your arrival. On the 4th floor, other offices offer a panoramic view of the Bay of Cannes and La Croisette. Level 0 & 1 Level 4 & 5 Level 0 Verrière Level 0 7 offices Verrière Mezzanine 9 offices Level 4 6 offices Level 5 2 offices Level 4 184 m2 Level 5 44 m2 24 | visit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RIVIERA SPACE EXHIBITION HALL Level 0 Level 01 13 756 m2 Accessible from the Croisette via the main entrance, the Exhibition Hall covers the entire floor area of level 01. of exhibition area The Exhibition Hall is a vast space with a modular layout which can be divided into three separate, independent areas or used as one complete area to create an exhibition space across the whole of level 01, i.e. the entire surface area of the main building of the Palais des Festivals. 6 877 m2 of exhibition area 2 The Riviera space is an exceptionally light 6 877 m space on the edge of the beach which enjoys a panoramic view. The Riviera space is divided into 2 zones on level 0 (Riviera rotunda and Riviera Hall) which can be used separately or together. Riviera Hall : a 4 253 m2 exhibition space comprising a 634 m2 tradeshow space. A direct link connects the 2 buildings between level 0 of the Riviera Hall and level 01 of the Exhibition Hall. 2 PORTE FEU COUPE COUPE FEU PORTE FEU COUPE PORTE PORTE COUPE FEU FEU COUPE PORTE PORTE COUPE FEU CABINES TELEPHONIQUES CABINES TELEPHONIQUES Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Entrance lobby Zone 1+2+3 ES 21 3 PORTE COUPE FEU 1 ES 22 Surface area (m2) Floor-to-ceiling height 3175 6345 3656 580 13756 2,10 / 2,75 2,10 / 2,75 2,10 / 2,75 2,40 2,10 / 2,75 Surface area (m2) Floor-to-ceiling height Riviera Rotunda 2624 3,25 / 3,80 Riviera Hall 3619 3,75 Lounge Space 634 2,68 / 3,00 323,30 3,40 Riviera Terraces A direct link connects the 2 buildings between level 0 of the Hall Riviera and level 01 in the Exhibition Hall. Sound system : Public announcement system that can be split per area. 26 | visit visit | 27 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LES AMBASSADEURS LÉRINS ROTUNDA Level 4 Level 1 A brand new modular space on the first floor with a panoramic view of the Bay of Cannes comprising backstage, kitchen and cloakroom facilities. 2600 m2 of exhibition area Surface area (m2) Floor-to-ceiling Height Lérins rotunda 2600 3,55 Usable surface 2150 3,55 Kitchen 450 2,05 Catering capacity 1722 Conference capacity 2076 Sound system : Public announcement system that can be split per area. 28 | visit Classroom capacity 720 1 127 m2 A panoramic space with a stunning view of the Old Port & Bay of Cannes The Salon des Ambassadeurs is a pillar-free space with a 5.50 m floor-to-ceiling height. It has everything you need to stage an exhibition. Surafce area (m2) Conference capacity Classroom capacity Meeting capacity 1/3 room 373 260 198 60 2/3 room 754 600 446 88 Whole room 1127 1000 580 - Stage Dimensions 6,86 m x 16,62 m Exploitation opening 11,50 m Hire of fixed equipment (sound & lighting) is included in space hire. Outside personnel are not authorized to handle the technical equipment in the auditorium unless a specific exemption has been given. As a result personnel are recruited by the Palais des Festivals et des Congres. Organisers will be quoted for this service. visit | 29 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AUDITORIUM LOUIS LUMIERE FOYER MEDITERRANEAN HALL Level 1 & 3 Level 0 960 m2 of exhibition area The Méditerranean Hall is accessed directly off the Palais des Festivals esplanade. It can be used as a self-contained space, independent from the other areas. This foyer acts as a reception area for the Auditorium Louis Lumière. It can be used as extra exhibition space for large events. It has an entrance off the Palais des Festivals steps. 1029 m2 of exhibition area Mediterranean Hall ce rra Te Mediterranean Hall Surface area (m2) Load capacity Floor-to-ceiling Height 960 400 kg/m2 1,74/2,52 Balcony Foyer Orchestra + Verrière Foyer Balcony Foyer 30 | visit Auditorium Louis Lumiere Foyer Surface area (m2) Cocktail capacity Floor-to-ceiling Height Load capacity 625 404 200 150 2,20 / 5,05 2,75 400 kg/m2 400 kg/m2 visit | 31 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RUE INTÉRIEURE, ESPACES ORTÉGA & TOSCAN DU PLANTIER THEATRE CLAUDE DEBUSSY FOYER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Level 1, 2 & 3 Level 1 & 3 1403 m2 The Theatre Claude Debussy Foyer is a modular reception and exhibition space which can be accessed directly off the Croisette. of exhibition area 350 m2 of exhibition area The Rue Intérieure thoroughfare which runs from the main entrance off the Croisette all the way up to the third floor is a key exhibition area which services the majority of the Palais’ spaces. The Espace Ortéga and the Espace Toscan Du Plantier provide extra exhibition space on either side of the Rue Intérieure. Theatre Claude Debussy Foyer Orchestra Foyer Balcony Foyer 32 | visit Surface area (m2) Load capacity Cocktails Floor-to-ceiling Height 845 400 kg/m2 1768 3,95 / 5,05 400 kg/m2 1122 2,70 558 Surface area (m2) Load capacity Cocktails Floor-to-ceiling Height 215 - - - Espace Ortega 180 400 kg/m2 - 1,90 / 5,75 Toscan Du Plantier 170 400 kg/m2 - 3,47 Total exploitable 350 Rue Intérieure not exploitable in exhibition visit | 33 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PRESS FOYER & B+3 Level 3 Level 3 The Press Foyer and B+3 form a central area where all of the main building thoroughfares converge. 1 592 m2 of exhibition area RED ACT IO N3 PRESS ROOM REDACTION 1 REDACTION 2 PRESS FOYER PR ESS Press Foyer B+3 Press Foyer Redaction 1 Redaction 2 Redaction 3 34 | visit Surface area (m2) Load Capacity Floor-to-ceiling Height 1245 347 213 199 120 81 500 kg/m2 - 2,20 / 2,95 2,53 4,45 3,20 3,20 2,40 FO YER ER OY F S ES PR visit | 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEPTION ROOMS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LÉRINS ROTUNDA LES AMBASSADEURS Level 1 Level 4 A prestigious space with a panoramic view of the Bay de Cannes, Old Port and Suquet district for unique, memorable receptions. 1 127 m2 Situated on level 1 of the Espace Riviera, the Lérins Rotunda (modular space) enjoys an unimpeded 360° panoramic view of the Bay de Cannes. A brand new venue for ultra prestigious Gala evenings! 1 722 persons Brand new ! The largest panoramic gala room on the French Riviera TA 2 LOCAL TRAITEMENT D'AIR ESC N°5 TERRASSE TERRACE ACCES VERS B+3 TERRASSE DU PALAIS TERRACE EMPLACEMENT SONO 35 MC 00KG 30 ISSUE DE SECOURS EMERGENCY EXIT TERRASSE 216.00m² POURSUITE POURSUITE TERRASSE TERRACE TERRASSE ISSUE DE SECOURS ISSUE DE SECOURS TERRASSE EMERGENCY EXIT TERRACE EMERGENCY EXIT CLOISON MOBILE 34 MC00KG 10 rg ng ht x 2.20 x 1.18la : 1.94lo Cabine COTE MER SEA SIDE COTE PORT HARBOUR SIDE ASC n°2 ISSUE DE SECOURS ISSUE DE SECOURS EMERGENCY EXIT EMERGENCY EXIT TERRASSE Local Technique TERRASSE TERRACE TERRACE Local Technique Armoire Scenique 400A Lumiere Service Coffrets Son Coffrets Elec Salle RIA OFFICE Plan de travai ht 0.91 l inox Plan inox de travail ht 0.91 Trappe d'Acces EMPRISE MEZZANINE Plan SANITAIRES HOMMES ique Techni Local Local Local ique que Techn Techn EMERGENCY EXIT EMERGENCY EXIT l inox travai0.91 de ht ISSUE DE SECOURS ISSUE DE SECOURS SANITAIRES FEMMES MC 36 VESTIAIRES Lumiere Service Coffrets Elec Salle ASC Local Technique accueil vestiaires TERRASSE N°3 RIA ESC N°17 TERRACE TERRASSE TERRACE ROTONDE LERINS surface utile 2148.00m² SCENE STAGE VIDE SUR RDC FOYER FOYER LOBBY LOBBY RIA AS8 AS1 AS2 RIA AS7 MC3 OFFICE KITCHEN MC4 SANIT. FEMMES SANIT. HAND. ES28 MC6 ES27 SANIT. HOMMES SANIT. FEMMES SANIT. HAND. SANIT. HOMMES RUE INTERIEURE MAIN STREET 38 | visit Surface area (m2) Max load 1/3 room 373 - - 276 500 2/3 room 754 - - 648 1500 Whole Room 1127 500 kg/m2 4,15 / 5,65 948 2500 Stage 81 - - - - Foyer 595 500 kg/m2 2,15 / 2,30 - - Terrace 358 - - - 400 Ceiling height Catering capacity Surface area (m2) Ceiling height Capacity Lérins rotunda 2150 3,55 1722 Lérins terrace 4388 Cocktail capacity Lérins terrace visit | 39 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RIVIERA HALL RIVIERA ROTUNDA Level 0 Level 0 2 624 m2 Space and modernity for your large-scale receptions Situated at the ground floor of the Riviera Space, the Riviera Rotunda is a circular space benefiting from a direct access to the beach. These terraces have a sea and harbour view. 4253 m2 On the border of the beach, the Riviera Space benefits from a panoramic view and an exceptional luminosity. It is a reception space that can add to the Riviera Hall. Ceiling height Surface area (m2) Riviera Rotunda 3,25/3,80 2624 Riviera terrace 3,40 324 Surface area (m2) Ceiling height Capacity Riviera Hall 3619 3,75 1608 Espace Salon 634 2,68 / 300 240 Catering capacity 1740 Terrasses Riviera 40 | visit visit | 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAL AIS SERVICES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CONTACTS STAGE DEPARTMENT Our crew can harness its multifacet expertise to help you achieve a perfect event. We have over 20 permanent CONTACTS CONGRESS PROJECT MANAGERS • Analysis of technical riders BENOIT STABLE General project manager +33 (0) 4 92 99 31 97 • Cost estimates • Planning of equipment and crew technicians who have a deep knowledge not only of their • Rental or renting of additional equipment craft but also of the venue and its idiosyncracies; they • Renting of additional crew will execute, or help outside crews, execute the pro- • Enforcement of safey regulations • Realization of the event cesses that will make your event memorable and techni- • Update of the costs cally seamless. • Final cost assessment for invoicing JEAN FRANÇOIS GLANDUS General technical project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 84 83 KARINE RONDEAU Project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 31 96 PHILIPPE OCTO Stage Department Director +33 (0) 4 92 99 84 67 ELIANE AMRAM FRUGIER Events project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 31 24 SOPHIE MAI VAN HANH Stage Department Director Assistant +33 (0)4 92 99 84 67 JÉROME PACHOUD Project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 31 98 GUILLAUME LEON Project manager +33 (0)4 92 99 31 90 Services 44 | Online Online services |45 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CARPETS STANDS The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès provides in-house services in its own facilities to meet organisers’ onsite needs in terms of stands, carpets, furniture, signage and posters, electricity, telephone networks, hostesses, flowers, plants, office equipment. Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès carries a wide range of products and colours in stock and can propose and fit available carpets immediately. The carpet service’s speed of delivery is an appreciable asset. Having services close to hand during events gives us undeniable advantages such as proximity, responsiveness and competitiveness. Carpets are protected by plastic film during installation which is then removed on the first day of the event. Wooden or metal structures, indeed all aspects of organisers’ requests are studied and delivered in a flexible modular format ranging from 2.10 to 2.50 metres high. It is also possible to print images, messages or logos on your carpet. All of our carpets are recycled. The design office is available to take down your specifications. Through its flexibility and in-depth knowledge of the venue it will be able to adapt your requirements to your allocated space for enhanced organisation. The Palais carpet catalogue features a comprehensive range of colours and materials. Services 46 | Online Online Services |47 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIGNAGE FURNITURE The Palais offers a wide range of furniture in its suppliers catalogues with quality and prices to suit all. The furniture selection can also be consulted online with an order and payment management facility. Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 Our in-house sign-writing service can produce your signs on site. Our team has a thorough knowledge of the venue and extensive experience gained through covering most events. Wooden or metal structures, all specific features of organisers’ requests are studied and benefit from our express service. Our sign-writing service can also prove to be invaluable during your events. The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès calls on outside partners to offer a wider range of services such as signage on all supports, posters, stand signs, billboard displays, advertising displays, carpet marking, facade hoardings. Browse through the comprehensive selection in the Palais furniture hire catalogue. Services 48 | Online Online Services |49 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ELECTRICITY, TELEPHONE, NETWORKS & WIFI Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 Palais installations cover all spaces and can be configured in a modular manner to meet all requirements. Internal high and low voltage power supply services can deliver installations in the configurations of your choice and are on hand to provide modifications and repairs. Wherever you are in the Palais, WiFi will facilitate wireless, high speed Internet access. Coverage extends over 30 000 m2 and includes exhibition areas, auditoriums and reception rooms. 20 minutes, 1 hours, 24 hours or 3 days sessions available. SOUND, LIGHT & MACHINERY Stage department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 84 67 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies for capturing and diffusing sound, and for lighting, notably with the digital system of light gradation. Machinery includes the technical means that permit the modification of the stage, that is to say, the ensemble of gear enabling the installation and movement of elements required for shows (examples : Suspension of screens, banners, placement of decors, raising of stages…) Each room is furnished with its own material, except upon specific request. According to your needs, the Palais des Festivals will provide you with any additional personnel required for exceptional situations. Service proposed by the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in partnership with an operator. Services 50 | Online Online Services |51 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING Stage department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 84 67 6 rooms equipped - Louis Lumière Auditorium - Claude Debussy Theatre - A & K auditoriums - Press room - Esterel room SYSTEM OF SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION For your conferences which require simultaneous translations in several languages, the Convention Center provides the most modern of infrastructure and technologies. The price of the booths is included in the rental of the room. The rental of headsets is done separately, by day and by number of sets. According to your needs, the Palais des Festivals will provide you with any additional personnel required for exceptional situations. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SCREENING Stage department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 84 67 Rooms equipped - Louis Lumière Auditorium - Claude Debussy Theatre (The first 2 spaces host the nominated and winning films from the International Film Festival). - A, C, G, H, I, J, K auditoriums - Press room - Esterel room CINEMA VIDEO The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès is one of the established key venues for the international film festival and is equipped with the leading edge film projection technologies (sound & image). The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès can supply all types of video projection equipment to satisfy organisers’ specific requirements. All spaces in the Palais are designed to accommodate video equipment. Film screening personnel: 1 head projectionist and 2 projectionists. The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès can provide you with the necessary support personnel to your specifications for all scenarios. Video operators available with video equipment hire. Services 52 | Online visit | 53 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OPERATIONAL SECURITY Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 As the leading public venue in the Alpes-Maritimes department, security of people and property is one of Cannes Palais des Festivals et des Congrès’ prime concerns and obligations. The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès has invested in the human and technological resources necessary to ensure that events run smoothly. As the surveillance and security business is closely regulated by the authorities as an occupation requiring professional skills and a recognized license, security personnel are recruited and salaried by the SPSP, Société de Protection et de Sécurité du Palais. Its permanent team of 30 people monitors points throughout the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès. For events, the security service can draw on up to 500 security personnel depending on event requirements. All personnel are individually certified and qualified to work in this regulated profession. • 7 days a week, 24 hours a day • Security during events • Access control via walk through metal detection gate • Luggage and parcel content analysis via X-ray tunnel • Vigipirate (specific security plan) and reinforced vigipirate plans • Video surveillance Services 54 | Online SECURITY AND PROTECTION COMPANY OF THE PALAIS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 Online Services |55 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SPACE CLEANING LOGISTICS Logistics is more than just a basic requirement for the general public and our organisers It enables us to set up and dismantle events without disrupting the city. Congress department Tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 97 The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès offers a range of different space and stand cleaning services depending on the type of event. Logistics can provide stand clearance, reusable and recycling services during set up and dismantling periods. Dismantling procedure: Stands earmarked for destruction must be placed on pallets. Please order from the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès. Through stringent scheduling we can gain extra space hire days. Measures include barrier systems, marking off unloading areas around the Palais, traffic flow management and lorry and truck parking. During events : Cleaning and tidying of all spaces used (conference rooms, auditoriums…) ready for 8am opening every morning. Stand cleaning nightly delivered clean for 8am the next day : floor vacuuming, waste paper basket emptying, dusting of offices and chairs. Full time cleaning service keeps toilets clean during the congress and keeps the aisles and surrounding areas clean. Other services : • Carpet shampooing • Flooring dirt removal & mirror finish polishing • Partition, glass divider cleaning • Glass column hire • Food waste bin hire (OM6 model) • 15 or 23 m3 skip hire to dispose of large objects for clients that do not wish to use our clearance services. Specific quotes for all other needs available on request. Services 56 | Online Online Services |57 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THE ISO TRIPLE CERTIFICATION OF THE PALAIS THE ISO TRIPLE CERTIFICATION OF THE PALAIS ISO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ISO A European First ! Green Palais for blue planet « Think global, act local », reconcile economy and ecology… In a context of aggravated world competition and ecological emergency, the social, human and environmental progress is more than ever essential. Essential, for the needs of the current generations but especially indispensable not to compromise those of the future generations. The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès of Cannes decided to take up the challenge, above all ethics. Our Integrated Management system, Quality Safety Environment, joins perfectly our eco-responsible approach and translates the will to meet the expectations of event organizers that are also sensitive to these values. 58 | visit The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès of Cannes obtained a triple certification ISO 9 001 (Quality), ISO 14 001 (Environment), and OHSAS 18 001 (Safety-Health) on December 21st, 2009. It attests the quality of its management system and of the efficiency of the measures taken to strengthen the attractiveness of the destination, to satisfy its customers and offer them excellence. This triple certification is the result of a progress approach which attempts to permanently adapt its organization to the current and future stakes to meet the expectations of its customers, service providers and international partners. It takes into account the economic, social, sanitary and environmental requirements of the trade shows and events, while acting locally and specifically for our planet. According to our QSE (Quality, Safety, Environment) policy and its objectives, we established the QSE organizer's charter. Distributed to the customers of the exhibition spaces of the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès, this charter raises the principles of the approach to be adopted. visit | 59 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ISO THE ISO TRIPLE CERTIFICATION OF THE PALAIS THE ISO TRIPLE CERTIFICATION OF THE PALAIS ISO Understand the standards The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès guarantees the application of three standards by the implementation of a policy to increase the satisfaction of the customers while respecting the environment and the working conditions. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The commitment of the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès Sustainable Development The ISO 9001 standard requires - A long-lasting improvement of the performances and services, - A permanent offer of products corresponding to the expectations of the customers and the current statutory requirements. The ISO 14001 standard takes into account - The commitment of all in a retrenchment policy of natural resources, energy and paper, - The management of waste by developing their recycling, - The contribution to the protection and improvement of the living environment of the employees and the citizens of Cannes, - The permanent improvement of its environmental performance. Recyclable carpet Energy saving Use of eco-materials. About 300 000 m2 are used every year by the Palais to cover the circulation paths of exposure areas. Today this worn carpet is transformed and re-used in the manufacturing of other goods in polypropylene. Since 2007, organization of a recycling chain : dedicated containers - sorting office - routing towards recycling plant. All in all, about 200 tons of carpets recycled in 2008 and 2009. - All mobilized : staff, customers and stakeholders for an optimized use of energy, - Energy savings through the evolution of lamps, - 30 % estimated savings for 2012. Sorting - Reduction of the waste Glass, paper and plastics. Reduction of CO2 The Palais des Festivals et des Congrès intends to develop its close proximity to its resources. Today 40 % of its volume of purchase of provisions is realized with local providers so reducing the duration of the routings and thus the CO2 emissions. Target for the future is 65%. The OHSAS 18001 standard attests of - The continuation and permanent improvement in the prevention of professional risks, - The guarantee of a secure and healthy working environment for the entire staff and stakeholders. 60 | visit visit | 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARTNERS STRUCTURES & STANDS STRUCTURES & STANDS GL EVENTS EXPO S2F GALA ORGANISATION EXHIBIT From design to event equipment General installation, stands, events Creative ambiance designer Large size digital printing SI GNAGE & BI G SI ZE S Tel. : +33 (0)4 72 31 55 78 Fax : +33 (0)4 72 31 54 68 Tel. : +33 (0)4 78 44 64 52 Fax : +33 (0)4 78 81 03 93 Edmond FARAVELLI Project manager Claude Cappelli, Sales manager Patrick FROMAIN, Directeur Commercial Hall Expo - Brignais II 69, Chemin de Chiradie 69530 BRIGNAIS 12 boulevard de la Source 06400 CANNES 14, avenue du Trident 06300 NICE Advisory partner GL events delivers a turnkey events from design to staging. A comprehensive range of services for your tradeshows, congresses, sporting or cultural events, corporate events, soirées, galas...including outside space design, space design, general installation, stand design, decoration, audiovisual, signage, furniture, reception.... GL events provides expertise and faultless reliability for all stages of the production chain, for all types of events, from the simplest to the most complex, locally or worldwide. Their prestigious client list includes: Cannes Film Festival, Maison & Objets, Première Vision, Lingerie-Interfilière, Midem, Olympic Games, Football World Cup, Airbus, Guerlain, Microsoft... 64 | visit A M B I A NC E S ZA des Platières 38670 CHASSE-SUR-RHÔNE S2F, a H2F group subsidiary, enjoys over 10 years’ experience as a general installer and organiser of technical and decorative spaces in France and Europe with a portfolio of over 150 trade shows a year. S2F’s USP is its “Delta Fx” system, developed by the H2F group, which guarantees high quality exposition profiles and structures, which lends a wonderful final look to the trade show. S2F also has its own wall covering unit which enables us to provide traditional tradeshow solutions (wooden partitions and brushed cotton) for special areas such as VIP clubs, trade show reception, press relations centres... Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 94 17 71 Véronique CHEMLA-ABRAMOVITZ Manager Gala Organisation has been your organisational partner on the Riviera since 1994 for your gala evenings, themed soirées. Decor design, lounge decoration, floral workshop, artistic production, scenic lighting, bands and live DJs... let their tip top skills management deliver your projects in imaginative and creative style. Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 12 12 20 Fax : +33 (0)4 97 12 12 29 Yann PERRAUD Tel. : +33 (0)6 08 76 24 24 Specialized in large size digital printing and event signage systems for 20 years, they print on Digital press any sizes of sets, on a multitude of supports, flexible and stiff : cover, painting, textile, flag meshes, adhesive, panels, dibond, forex pvc, plexi, wood ; visuals for exhibition structures : unwinding, wall of image, kakémono, bannerstand... and let them realize, with their own teams, all the shapings and all your onsite installations. Quality and Environment are priority and essential values shared by all within the Group, they thus set up a management system based on the Quality Standard ISO 9001 version 2008, created the Exhigreen label grouping together their commitments in the environmental domain and, since September 2009, they work on the implementation of an environmental management system (standard ISO 14001). visit | 65 F U R N I T URE F U R N I TU R E SQUARE GL EVENTS MOBILIER LA COMPAGNIE CAMERUS Furniture hire From creative ambiance design to basic furniture hire Furniture rental Furniture rental Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 27 07 67 Fax : +33 (0)4 92 27 07 95 Anne-Sophie MICHAUD Sales manager Agence Côte d’Azur SQUARE Allée des Santonniers 06700 SAINT LAURENT DU VAR Looking to stage a successful event ? The events world is renowned for its fleeting, paradoxical nature. You will need furniture which is cost effective, classic or designer, in perfect condition, suited to your requirements, for a few days or maybe just a few hours. For this reason they stake their reputation on delivering products from their 1,500 product range in a timely manner for your event. They gauge their success by customer satisfaction. This is exactly what they have delivered over the past 20 years for over 650 events a year… Square’s vital statistics : 1,500 products in stock, 14 loading bays, 10 000 m2 storage area. 1 team of 27 people, 80 km of protective film per annum, over 2 million products delivered to date and last but not least : 20 years’ faithful service to its clients. 66 | visit F U R NI T U R E FURNI TURE Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 19 47 41 Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 45 77 01 Tel. : +33 (0)1 57 14 25 25 Fax : +33 (0)4 92 19 47 48 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 45 55 68 Fax : +33 (0)1 57 14 25 20 Adeline SIRACUSA Sales manager Maya GROSS Sales manager Elodie JUMEL 11, Rue de la Praderie 06150 Cannes La Bocca 242, av. Jean Mermoz 06210 MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE GL events designs, organises, hosts and equips all kinds of events (congress, trade shows, corporate, cultural or political events) in the form of tailored solutions. Its furniture comprising over 300,000 products is unique in France. It guarantees that your event will be a success and create convivial, professional ambience for events of all types and sizes. From order preparation to delivery, they mobilise turnkey human and technical resources to provide a quality logistic organisation. Designer or more traditional furniture, they have something for everyone. La Compagnie specialises in furniture rental for trade shows, congresses and events. Its pluses are the proximity of its permanent stock (situated just 7 km from the Palais des Festivals), quality of its products, professionalism and service spirit of its teams. www. 110 bis, Av. du Général Leclerc 93500 PANTIN Quality, innovation, service is the basis of their know-how. Their ambitions are yours, all their staff works to make it come true. Discover Camerus and its huge range of products they are able to meet all your requests (aestetis, pratical, economical…) La Compagnie is a member of Groupe Boemer Rental Services, European leader in events furniture rental. Their prestigious client list includes: Cannes Film Festival, Maison & Objets, Première Vision, Lingerie-Interfilière, Midem, Olympic Games, Football World Cup... visit | 67 S O U N D & LIGHT ING S OU N D & LI G H TI N G ARPÈGE SOUND & LIGHTING MIXAGE GL EVENTS AUDIOVISUAL SMARTJOG Sound & lighting Video, sound, lighting, simultaneous interpreting & electrical power supply services for events Electronic content delivery & broadcast Sound & lighting specialist for over 25 years Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 12 45 45 Christian LORENZI Chairman & lighting sales director Philip BARGUIRDJIAN Technical director & sound sales director ZAC de Saint Esteve Route de la Baronne 06 640 SAINT JEANNET Arpège has gained a high reputation for technical quality and service, both in France and overseas, as certified by its client credentials. A major sector player, it has an innovative approach to equipment, its use and technical progress. To deliver its services Arpège uses a high performance team that receive ongoing training in new products and concepts. It comprises sound engineers and designers, lighting technicians, a design office and an augmented after-sales service. Their team is at their clients’ disposal to help them to conceptualise, formalise and stage their projects. 68 | visit S O U ND & L I GHT I NG Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 99 24 61 I NTE RNE T & NE T WORKS Tel. : +33 (0)1 58 68 62 10 Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 19 47 47 Jean-Charles HUGUES Managing director 11 rue Haddad Simon 06 640 CANNES MIXAGE, 20 years in the show services business, is situated in the heart of Cannes behind the railway station. An events specialist, their rental fleet and technicians will ensure that your events are a success (press conferences, concerts, DJ evenings, fashion shows, conventions, etc.). Sound systems (E.V.), lighting, rigs, MIXAGE is a DJ night specialist. Client credentials include : PARADISO (Palm Beach), V.I.P. (FIF), LOVE (MIDEM Noga Hilton), Beach Partie’s: Martinez, Noga Hilton, Majestic, Carlton, Long Beach, Le Festival, Sporting, Les Abysses, L’Evasion, Rado, Miramar… Fax : +33 (0)4 92 19 47 48 Bertrand CHABOT Sales manager 11, rue de la Praderie 06150 CANNES LA BOCCA GL Events Audiovisual, an expert in audiovisual presentations for over 30 years, proposes video, sound and lighting solutions dedicated to all events. Their nationwide and international network, mobility of their teams and availability of their equipment enables them to provide services for events of all types and sizes: trade shows, congresses, conventions, corporate events, cultural and sporting events, live shows (concerts, festivals...). Rachel HOLLIDAY 27 Blvd Hippolyte Marquès 94200 IVRY-SUR-SEINE SmartJog, a multimedia subsidiary of Groupe TDF, is world leader in the electronic transmission of films, fictions, trailers and commercials between distributors, laboratories and broadcasters. Used by 800 clients in 65 countries, SmartJog’s platform can be used for the electronic storage, consultation and delivery of content in a totally secure environment. Prestigious clients include: Monte-Carlo Circus festival, Midem, Festival de la Pantiero, 2007 Rugby World Cup, Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, Exposition Internationale de Saragosse, Banque LCL convention. visit | 69 I N T E R NET & NET WO RKS V I DE O VI D E O VIA PASS 4CAST ACTION INTERNATIONAL Internet & Networks services Audiovisual services Video equipment Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 06 30 06 Fax : +33 (0)4 97 06 30 26 Jean-Pierre KAISSERLIAN President Eric LEGROS Sales director 105 Boulevard de la République 06400 CANNES Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 25 81 96 Stéphane PILLOUD Direct : +33 (0)4 97 25 81 92 Studios de la Victorine 16, Av. Edouard Grinda 06200 NICE Viapass is a telecommunications operator. Their teams have specialised in providing Internet and network services for events for over 10 years. Viapass offers high quality service and permanent, tailored technical support. Viapass services are delivered using advanced, managed technologies and on skilled, motivated teams of engineers and technicians. From events services to Broadcast production, 4cast provides tailored technical solutions delivered by professionals with a perfect understanding of new technologies. They will provide you with the creative, logistics and technical support that you need for your projects to take shape. Perfect knowledge of natural beauty spots and exposition venues means guarantees a rapid response. Viapass services include: High speed internet access available in the Palais des Festivals and on numerous surrounding sites: beaches, apartments, yachts, restaurants, hotels, cruise ships, etc. Network services and engineering, technical support, IPTV and “Digital Signage”, Networks and WIFI Internet access, Management of radio frequencies (Wimax, GSM, etc.), Audio and video conference solutions. Technical resources: Broadcast reporting units, Multi-camera mobile production units, media servers, medium and high powered video projectors, multi-window broadcast systems, digital post production studios, presentation, encoding and composite graphics stations. 70 | visit Tel. : +377 977 778 79 Vincent ALLOING Sales director Eric MAESTRI Technical director / 7, Rue du Gabian 98000 Monaco For the past 15 years Action has been the video equipment rental and services leader for companies in the south of France and Europe. Its team is trained in the latest technologies for shows and sporting, festive or corporate events. Their passion for service means that every event is a success regardless of its size and audience! ACTION’s equipment rental fleet includes 5000 products from small LCD projectors to turnkey event management solutions. Action works throughout the Mediterranean area and in England, Holland, Germany, the United States since the beginning of 2008 and in Dubai and Shanghai, thanks to their affiliation with Groupe AVESCO plc. A regular provider to clients at the largest congress centres in the PACA region, Action has successfully diversified its scope of intervention and currently contributes to the success of a range of high profile events (Orange, International Advertising Festival - Cannes, 3GSM - Barcelona...). I T & O FFICE EQUI PMENT ASSI STANCE AUX E NTRE P RI SE S EURODOCUMENT PROD EVENTS EASYTAX TEVEA INTERNATIONAL IT, video, office automation provider Event office automation Specialised in Tax Representative services, subsidiary of the Mathez group Refund of international VAT Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 00 80 00 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 00 80 01 Jean-Michel BOUTAUD Directeur commercial 108 Chemin Sainte Hélène Sophia Antipolis - 06560 VALBONNE Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 33 12 40 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 33 18 93 Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 72 50 40 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 72 53 41 Pierre GRIMALDI, Commercial Barbara DE BEER Cyrille KONTER Tiziana GAGLIONE BP 3098 Av. Emmanuel Pontremoli 06299 Nice CEDEX 3 64 rue du Ranelagh 75016 PARIS 230, Route des Dolines 06560 Sophia Antipolis Rental of computer hardware and office automation, installation of Cybercafé, multimedia information terminals, printing of badges, reproduction… Specialist of event office automation, Prod Events offers its know how for more than 10 years, through its three agencies : Paris, Cannes and Monaco. Eurodocument is a specialist offering IT and office services in the specialist event management field. For every type of event, a complete and personalized solution. For all your professional needs, a rapid and efficient answer. They propose you a wide range of latest technology products : Mac, Pc, network systems, printers and photocopiers, the whole assisted by a competent team, answering all your expectations. EASYTAX is a tax representative company specialised in VAT and accredited by the tax administration. They offer VAT registration services and international VAT recovery services. They review your business requirements in order to determine your VAT obligations in respect of local rules in each country. Tel. : +33 (0)1 42 24 96 96 TEVEA International, a subsidiary of Caisses d’Epargne Européennes, is a company that specialises in the reimbursement of foreign VAT and assisting companies in international markets. Whether you are looking to reduce your costs of exhibiting overseas, developing your exports or administrative or tax assistance, TEVEA International can provide you with the services of its team of multilingual consultants and provide a tailored solution to meet your specific requirements. They offer a wide and constantly changing range of products and services. Their bilingual technicians work 7 days a week to ensure installation, training and maintenance. 72 | visit visitez | 73 R E C E P TI ON P E RSONNE L , ASSI STANTS & HOSTE SSE S D E C ORAT ION DE C OR ATI ON AMBIANCE DÉCORATIVE SANDER SMIDS FLEURISTE PROFIL VD PROMOTION SUD-TEAM SPIRIT Plant rental, flower arrangements, ornamental accessories Welcome hostesses agency Welcome hostesses agency Plant rental, stand decoration, flower arrangements, themed decors, events, trade shows, illuminated pots Mobile : +33 (0)6 10 42 34 03 Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 98 98 44 Fax : +33 (0)4 92 98 64 51 Geoffroy Gruffaz 905 chemin du valbosquet 06600 ANTIBES 16 rue Jean de Riouffe 06400 CANNES Ambiance Décorative is a floral decoration and plant rental company new to the Riviera. They have over 25 years’ experience in the Lyons area in greenhouse growing and stocks of indoor and outdoor plants over a surface area of 2,500 square metres. They provide a range of floral ambiances (Japanese, traditional, jungle...) to suit your needs. This, combined with their rapid response enables them to find fast solutions that meet the pace of the events sector. Sander Smids is the florist of Cannes par excellence. Settled in Cannes for more than 25 years and a short distance from the Palais des Festivals, they decorate your stands with plants and flowers and offer a wide selection of plants and vases accessories. Listening to their customers, they create personalized flower arrangings according to your wishes. By their nearness and ability to react, Sander Smids can offer a speedy service to make your event a success. Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 92 82 44 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 92 82 86 Sabrina AUPETIT Manager 1 esplanade Kennedy 06300 NICE For almost 20 years, Profil proposes to its local and international customers its know how in hospitality. They extend a welcoming philosophy based on an irreproachable service and on essential values like Elegancy, Smile, Implication and Availability. They offer you hosts and hostess that are appropriate for your image. Professional, experiences, bilingual and trilingual. Their wide range of uniforms will allow you to choose one adapted to your event. Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 46 61 83 Zoé DOLLE 5 chemin de l’Industrie 06110 LE CANNET Team Spirit is the culmination of two complementary events organisation skills: • service to organisers and exhibitors • service to visitors Their turnkey service is driven by a strong team spirit. They provide a comprehensive human resources and technical management outsourcing solution for organisations and greet your clients, prospects and visitors in style. The Profil team will bring you its expertise, will carefully select the hostesses as per your special requirements and will supervise the staff on the day, in order to provide you the excellent service. 74 | visit visit | 75 V EH ICLE HIRE V E H I C LE H I R E CHABÉ RIVIERA ELITE RENT A CAR MC LIMOUSINES SEGOND RENT FRANCE Chauffeur-driven cars Tourism & prestige vehicle rental Limousine company Luxury car rental Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 43 90 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 43 90 97 Jean-Yves BOUCHEREAU Director 11, 13 rue Latour Maubourg 06400 CANNES Chabé Limousines is currently the unrivalled leader in the luxury travel sector in France. With over 150 top of the range vehicles, stringently vetted chauffeurs and high performance reservation and co-ordination teams, Chabé can meet all of its clients’ requirements at any time. They provide non-stop service to their clients and look forward to providing you with impeccable service with the highest attention to detail. 76 | visit VE HI C L E HI R E VE HI CL E HI RE Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 94 61 00 Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 18 80 80 Tel. : 00 377 97 98 13 10 Sylvain STAGNARO, Manager Cédric MOREAUX Managing director 16, rue du 14 Juillet 06400 CANNES Elite is an international vehicle rental company with a chauffeur service available. It boast a large range of automatic and stick shift models from tourist cars (Clio, Polo, Espace) to prestige models such as the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano or Porsche or BMW cabriolet. Their agency is available 7 days a week and our team is committed to attending to your every need. It offers top-of-the-range tailored reception and delivery services to airports, ports, hotels and villas. 9 Bd Charles III 98 000 MONACO Le Palais Royal 8-10 Rue Pasteur 06400 CANNES MC Limousine is a company based in Cannes. It is the leader in the south east of France for congress, exhibition, business meeting and incentive markets. Official providers to leading players in the business and tourist travel for many years (Reed Midem, ILTM, Informa). They provide a comprehensive range of travel solutions 7 days a week with a wide range of vehicles for your delegates, guests or VIPs and assist you in organising your project by providing a solution for your travel requirements. For example, during the Cannes International Film Festival MC Limousine operated a fleet of 160 vehicles providing travel and shuttle services. Exclusive Segond Rent services • Rental vehicle delivery to main European destinations (tailored quote on request). • Organisation of helicopter transfers with your vehicle waiting on arrival • Private jet rental via our partner • Dream villa rental courtesy of Segond Immobilier • Yacht rental via our partner Your wish is our command ! visit | 77 V EH ICLE HIRE V E H I C LE H I R E A I R L I NE ELITE RENT A BIKE AUTOCARS MUSSO AZUR HÉLICOPTÈRE Mountain bike, scooter & motorbike rental Buses rental with drivers Helicopter company Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 94 30 34 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 94 34 48 Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 42 22 36 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 40 75 76 Thierry MARINO, Manager Véronique FORMET Dominique COUTURIER 32 av. du Maréchal Juin 06400 CANNES Elite Rent A Bike offers you the possibility of renting motorcycles, scooters or bikes for work or pleasure… thanks to a network of agencies covering the entire country. Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 90 40 70 Michel de ROHOZINSKI, Président Elisabeth GOUTAL, Sazles director 310 Bd de la Mourachonne 06580 PEGOMAS Aéroport de Cannes Mandelieu 06150 CANNES LA BOCCA Specialized in tourist transportation since 1966 on the French Riviera, belonging to the Véolia Transport Group, the MUSSO Busses provide you with a fleet of coaches from 7- 59 seaters, equipped with all the necessary comforts. Just think how fast you can get around with a two wheeler. Their fields of expertise are : congresses, seminars, package tours, day excursions, transportation in France and abroad. billboard advertising BIGGER IS BETTER Azur Hélicoptère is a helicopter company that flies between Cannes, Nice, Saint-Tropez and Monaco. It has a fleet of 12 helicopters at your disposal for the destination of your choice. Azur Hélicoptère is an official partner of the city of Cannes and all of its events. Its team is available 7 days a week to provide a tailored travel solution for your congresses, seminars, conventions, incentives… Azur Hélicoptère will transform your event into a unique, memorable day: • Gastronomic stops to discover the best tables in the region, • Touchdown for personalised wine tasting on wine growing estates, • Partner for your sporting activities, • Initiation flights to experience the thrill of piloting a helicopter, • Aerial filming, photographs that immortalise those unforgettable moments. List of advertising points available on request on tel : +33 (0)4 92 99 31 44 / 54 78 | visit PRO M OT IONA L MERC HANDISING PHOTO GR A PHE R S CSP PRODUCTION Publisher/designer of promotional merchandising & corporate gifts Tel. : +33 (0)1 42 66 14 14 Julien Gazel 27 Bd Malesherbes 75008 PARIS « Its vocation : enhance your communication ». Created in 1995, CSP production becomes more and more known thanks to the creation of communication objects, ranging from classic to tailor-made offers. A real human adventure, CSP production counts 13 employees, all inspired and curious about the latest market trends. « The ability to react, is the heart of its organization ». Their purchasing power guarantees the best deadlines : 3 dedicated buyers for France, Europe and Asia allow CSP Production to deliver within 10 days. Do not hesitate to contact them, they have the solution which answers your needs. « Organization of souvenir selling points ». Since 2001, CSP production develops the Cannes Film Festival label. They create, develop and market all the products of the Festival. 80 | visit P HOTOGRAP HE RS CAP CRÉA PHOTO DIFFUSION Photographic documenting. Video reporting, editing and production. Photographer Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 68 34 50 Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 47 90 48 Mobile : +33 (0)6 15 88 59 08 Mobile : +33 (0)6 09 34 92 95 Michel PERRÉARD, Photographer Blaise TASSOU, Photographer 11 rue de la Marne 06400 Cannes 3 et 5 boulevard Cointet Les Mimosés 8 06400 CANNES Photography service : Digital pictures of events, stands, evening events. Editing, retouching, effects, creation of virtual panoramas. Manufacturing work and pack shots. Documentation of sporting events such as Megavalanche, IronMan or Marathon. Thanks to digital technology photography is no longer a fixed work but is now a tool for representing living experience as it is perceived. Video service : Video reporting using professional cameras (JVC, GYHD, shoulder mounted and CANON, XHA 1, light handheld camera). Editing on Final Cut pro. Production of corporate or events films. Experience in top level sports. The Cap Crea experience in the field means that it is highly adaptable to the most stringent constraints. Video allows to dramatise emotions. Professional photographer (Documentary - Congress coverage - Inaugurations Meetings and Conventions - Cocktail events & evenings - Management group portraits - Illustrations (stand photos, ambiance decoration - building site progress) - panoramic photos Incentives (events coverage). Digital pictures: (CANON EOS 5D equipment) electronic studio lighting (BRONCOLOR). View your report on line at secure access (password). Mobile digital laboratory (250 15x23 photos per hour on the event site). visit | 81 PH OTO GRA P HERS C OM M U N I CATI ON P R E S S PHOTO TRAVERSO BP COM Photo archives & documentaries Communication & public relations Tel. : +33 (0)4 93 38 72 07 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 68 22 00 Mobile : +33 (0)6 11 57 09 94 Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 98 12 01 Gilles TRAVERSO Photographer 37 Rue Hoche 06400 Cannes 13, rue de Bône 06 400 Cannes Mobile : +33 (0)4 92 98 12 02 Established in Cannes in 1919, the Traverso family passed on photography from father to son and constitued a rich picture library of Cannes and its region as well as 100 000 photographies of the Cannes Film Festival since 1 946. For over 15 years, BP Com has been the privileged contact of the media: “turnkey” organisation of comprehensive press services for trade shows, congresses, national or international events, ad hoc short, medium or long term assignments. Having as a rule that every request is unique, Gilles Traverso will study at best your needs for your total satisfaction. Press conferences, press releases, press kits, photographies and image bank management, DVDs, CDs, press reviews, interviews... Their services benefit from their major journalist database. 82 | visit E M I N A R S & C O N G R E S Outward sign of congress success Cannes is France’s second most important congress city. The key to its success is its professionalism, quality and cost effectiveness plus all those people that have chosen it to organise their event. ENQUIRIES S E S © Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes - Juillet 2010 - Toutes copies ou reproductions interdites - IMPRIMÉ SUR PAPIER RECYCLÉ S