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PowerPoint 簡報
info@milesinternational.com.hk Phone: 3586 3071/3586 3070 Fax: 3586 3091 Website: www.milesinternational.com.hk / www.rockababy.com.hk Address: B102, The Pulse, 28 Beach Road, Repulse Bay Easter Camp 2015 Table of Content Pricing information P.4 “Picnic in the Tub” Musical Carnival P.5 3 to 6 years old workshops – Unaccompanied Avengers: The Super Hero Dance To Save The World! Big Hero: Drum Fest Mission With Easter Bunny! Drama & Dance P.6 Drum Jam & Drama P.6 Mickey's House & Shake Party! Dance & Drama I Like To Move It Move It: The Easter Move It Shake It Carnival! Drama & Dance P.6 P.7 Easter Egg Hunt, Music & Movement P.7 Drama & Drum Jam P.8 Dance, Movement & Creative Thinking P.8 Drama & Art P.9 Dance & Movement P.9 Drama, Drum Jam & Movement P.10 Drama, Art & Dance P.10 Big Hero: The Robotic Dance Mission! Dance & Drama P.11 Minions' Rollie Pollie Adventure! Drama & Dance P.11 Mickey's Club House: The Easter Egg Hunt! Monster Academy: The Drum Kit Challenge! Monster Preschool: The Mini Scarer Sports Day! Roar Gruffalo Roar! Shake Like The 80s Disco Fever! The Amazing Spidy: "Rock" & "Roll" Mission! Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! Back to table of content 2 Easter Camp 2015 Table of Content (con’t) 3-day Workshops – Unaccompanied Music Academy: Instrument Exploration & Foundation (3-6 years old) Science Academy: Maths and Science Magic (4-5 years old) P.12 P.12 1.5 to 3 years old workshops – Accompanied Elmo & Friends Easter Fun Party! Story In Motion P.13 Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! Story In Motion P.13 Mixed age family music workshop – Accompanied Musical Shake MusiCommunity! P.13 Musical Game Fun MusiCommunity! P.13 Musical Jam MusiCommunity! P.13 We Sing, We Dance, We Have Fun MusiCommunity! P.13 Classes schedule 3 to 6 years old Mix & Match / 3-day workshops Unaccompanied (Week 1) 3 to 6 years old Mix & Match / 3-day workshops Unaccompanied (Week 2) 1.5 to 3 years old / Mixed age workshops - Accompanied P.14 P.15 P.16 3 Pricing Information Early Bird Discount! Sign up on or before 17th March to enjoy 10% off!* 3 to 6 years old Mixed and Match workshops Duration per workshops: 1 hour 15 mins No. of workshops Price/ workshop Total Price No. of workshops 1 $360 $350 6 $640 7 $960 8 2 $320 3 4 $290 5 $1160 9 $1450 10+ Price/ workshop Total Price $1500 $250 $1750 $1760 $220 $1980 $2200+ 3 to 6 years old half day (AM / PM) camps* Duration per half day (AM / PM) camps: 2hr 45mins No. of half day camps (AM / PM) Total Price No. of half day camps (AM / PM) Total Price 1 $640 5 $2,200 2 $1,160 6 $2,640 3 $1,500 4 $1,760 7 $3,080 Music / Science Academy 3-day workshops Academy students can enjoy Mix & Match Workshops DISCOUNT! Duration Price Workshops Instrument Exploration & 45 minsx 3 $960 Foundation (3-6 years) day Maths & Science Magic 1 hour x 3 day $960 *3-day workshops are not included 1.5 to 3 years old and/or Mixed age workshops Duration per workshop: 1 hour No. of workshops Price/workshop 1 2 3 or above $330 $300 $270 (4-5 years) ADMIN FEE Existing students: FREE! Non-Existing students: $100 (Admin fee will be waived for those: Sign up for 3 or more unaccompanied workshops OR Sign up for2 or more accompanied workshops FREE gift! All sign ups will receive $100 Miles International cash coupon! * Early Bird Discount is not applicable to admin fees Sign up: 3586 3070/ info@milesinternational.com.hk *Maximum 2 cash coupons per student Back to table of content 44 “Picnic In the Tub” Musical Carnival Spring is here and let’s go "Picnic in the Tub"! To bid winter farewell and welcome spring, Miles International Academy is hosting a "Picnic in the Tub" Musical Carnival at the rooftop of the Pulse. Relaxing in warm tubs and having nice snacks with a perfect seaview, parents and their little ones will enjoy a series of activities Miles International has put up for you, including students music performance, live music jam, dancing, and magic & clown show! All ready for you at the top of the Pulse! Date: 18 April 2015 (Sat) Time: 3:30-5:30pm Venue: Rooftop, the pulse, 28 Beach Road, Repulse Bay Registration & Fees Info: info@milesinternational.com.hk Back to table of content 5 3 to 6 years old workshops (Unaccompanied) Avengers: The Super Hero Dance To Save The World! Drama & Dance 31-Mar 1-Apr 8-Apr 0945-1100 1600-1715 1430-1545 The villains are trying to take over the world & our little ones are here to help out the super heroes to fight crime with creating the ultimate dance to save the world! Class elements: •DRAMA: Participate in various missions to fight different villains •DANCE: Creating the ultimate super hero dance as weapons to fight crime! Big Hero: Drum Fest Mission With Easter Bunny! 1-Apr 8-Apr 0945-1100 1600-1715 Drum Jam & Drama Your little ones will participate drum jam mission & tackle various challenges to save Easter Bunny from villains! Class elements: •DRAMA: Participate in various mystery mission with Big Hero! •DRUM JAM: Use the drum kit & jam some funky beats to help Big Hero to fight villains & save Easter Bunny! Mickey's House & Shake Party! Drama & Dance 1-Apr 8-Apr 1430-1545 1115-1230 Mickey has invited his buddies for his dance party & YOU’RE invited! Class elements: •DRAMA: Creating plots with Mickey & unlocking doors to meet Mickey’s buddies! •DANCE & SHAKE: Come do some funky dance moves with Mickey & his friends! Back to table of content 6 3 to 6 years old workshops (Unaccompanied) I Like To Move It Move It: The Easter Move It Shake It Carnival! Drama & Dance 2-Apr 9-Apr 1115-1230 1430-1545 Your little ones will participate in annual Easter Move it Shake it Carnival in Madagascar, but watch out, there’s always someone who wants to ruin the fun for everyone! It’s our mission to save the carnival from any disastrous event! Class elements: •DRAMA: Let’s save the carnival in Madagascar and also participate in a series of fun carnival events!! •DANCE: I like to move it groove it in the Easter Move it Shake it Carnival! Mickey's Club House: The Easter Egg Hunt! 31-Mar 2-Apr 10-Apr Easter Egg Hunt, Music & Movement 1115-1230 1600-1715 1600-1715 With the power of music & dance by your little ones, let’s conquer the Easter Egg hunt in style! Class elements: •DRAMA: Hop into the fantasy world & go on an exciting Easter Egg hunt! Let your imagination take you through various drama’s games & creative activities! •EASTER EGG HUNT: Where have all the Easter eggs gone?! •MUSIC & MOVEMENT: Use the power of music & movement to “dig” out the Easter Eggs! Back to table of content 7 3 to 6 years old workshops (Unaccompanied) Minions' Rollie Pollie Adventure! Drama & Dance 1-Apr 9-Apr 1115-1230 1600-1715 Minions will lead all our little ones to go on an awesome adventure in Minions Land! Be cautious, there will be lots of “shake shake” banana moves! Class elements: •DRAMA: Leading minions to accomplish a series of fun challenges in Minions Land! •DANCE: Shake it shake it with minions in order to accomplish different challenges we face in Minions Land! Monster Academy: The Drum Kit Challenge! Drama & Drum Jam 10-Apr 1430-1545 The mid-term monster academy challenge is here! Are your little scarers prepared to take their cute scariness to the next level by using Drum Kit as a tool?! Class elements: •DRAMA: Participate in the mid-term scarer program exam with your drum kit as a tool, let your imagination take you through various creative games & activities! •DRUM JAM: Use the drum kit & jam some funky beats to accomplish the scarer program mid term challenge! Back to table of content 8 3 to 6 years old workshops (Unaccompanied) Monster Preschool: The Mini Scarer Sports Day! Dance, Movement & Creative Thinking 31-Mar 2-Apr 1430-1545 0945-1100 It’s our little scarers first ever sports day! Encounter different challenges to be the champion of scarer sports day! Class elements: •DANCE: Let’s create some funky monster dance moves at our dance competition! •MOVEMENT: Encounter different physical challenges to be the champion of our sports day! •CREATIVE THINKING: Obstacle challenges! Think creatively in order to be the best mini scarer! Roar Gruffalo Roar! Drama & Art 30-Mar 31-Mar 9-Apr 1115-1230 1600-1715 0945-1100 Your little ones will go on an adventure with Gruffalo and Big Bad Mouse into the fantasy world! Class elements: •DRAMA: Hop into the fantasy world & go on an adventure with the Big Bad Mouse & Gruffalo! Let your imagination take you through various drama games & creative activities! •ART: Creating your Easter version of Gruffalo! Back to table of content 9 3 to 6 years old workshops (Unaccompanied) Shake Like The 80s Disco Fever! Dance & Movement 30-Mar 10-Apr 0945-1100 0945-1100 Get started with your dancing gear! Your little ones are invited to our funky 80s retro dance party, let’s do all those funky 80s beat. Oh… Y… M….C…A! Class elements: •DANCE: Let’s create some funky 80s disco shake and moves! •MOVEMENT: Encounter different physical challenges to be the disco party kings and queens! The Amazing Spidy: "Rock" & "Roll" Mission! Drama, Drum Jam & Movement 30-Mar 10-Apr 1430-1545 1115-1230 Spidy’s latest mission is to fight crime with the power of magical drum! Along the mission, our little spidies will get to swing & shake their little bodies as weapons to fight crime! Class elements: •DRAMA: Be creative & fight villains according to our little spidies mission plot! •DRUM JAM: Create a series of rhythm with your magical drums with special power to fight crime! •MOVEMENT: Spidies will get to shake & swing in town to go after villains! Back to table of content 10 3 to 6 years old workshops (Unaccompanied) Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! Drama, Art & Dance 30-Mar 8-Apr 1600-1715 0945-1100 Your little ones will get to create their very own version & create different sceneries of Going On A Bear Hunt together with the touch of Easter festive hype! Class elements: •DRAMA: Hop into the fantasy world & go on an adventure with your favorite characters! Let your imagination take you through various drama games & creative activities! •ART: Use of students’ imagination & creating different sceneries in art form along the story! •DANCE: Join the Easter dance carnival with Mr. Bear in Miles’ Disco! Big Hero: The Robotic Dance Mission! Drama & Dance 2-Apr 9-Apr 1430-1545 1115-1230 Big Hero has entered into the World Robotic Expo! Let’s create some awesome robotic dance moves to impress the audience! Class elements: •DRAMA: Participate in various hardware & software upgrading challenges in order to upgrade the walking marshmallow’s ability to fight crime! •DANCE: Let’s create some funky dance moves with Big Hero after the ultimate upgrading work we have performed for him! Back to table of content 11 Unaccompanied 3-day workshops Academy students can enjoy Mix & Match Workshops DISCOUNT! Music Academy Instrument Exploration & Foundation (3 to 6 years old) MUSIC WORKSHOP to discover your MUSIC TALENT! • Led by professional musician • 3-day workshop to explore different musical instruments, learn fundamental of music, ear training are also included • Help students discover their interest in music • Our teachers will communicate with parents of our observation & recommended musical path at the end of course 31 Mar - 2 Apr (Tue to Thu) 3:30-4:15pm $960/ 3 consecutive workshops 8 - 10 Apr (Wed to Fri) 3:30-4:15pm $960/ 3 consecutive workshops Science Academy Maths and Science Magic (4 to 5 years old) Learn MATHS & SCIENCE in a FUN WAY! Maths Magic: Learn about shapes, numbers, measurement, geometry and many more Maths concepts, all through a fun way! We sing songs, do puzzles, play games, do maths work-sheets etc - all structured around the daily theme. Science Magic: Learn about rain, magnets, lights, see some volcano action in a hands-on, interactive manner! Conduct fun experiments, talk about the theory behind and your child will explore a new world of scientific enquiry. 31 Mar - 2 Apr (Tue to Thu) 3:00-4:00pm $960/ 3 consecutive workshops Back to table of content 12 1.5 to 3 years old workshops (Accompanied) Elmo & Friends Easter Fun Party! Story In Motion 9-Apr 1000-1100 Interactive storytelling time that consists of reading, movement and creative activities. Easter is coming, let’s party with Elmo and his friends and do some funny dance. Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! Story In Motion 30-Mar 1000-1100 Interactive storytelling time that consists of reading, movement and creative activities. Let’s join the family and go on the bear hunt together! Mixed-age siblings workshops (Accompanied) Musical Jam Musical Shake 31-Mar 1000-1100 1-Apr 1000-1100 We sing, we dance, we have fun Musical Game Fun 2 & 8-Apr 1000-1100 10-Apr 1000-1100 Musicommunity A music class for family and friends! This class provides a precious bonding moment in a musical environment. In a mixed age environment, the carefully planned activities aim to cultivate team works, social and communication skills. It also educates parents how to do fun musical activities at home with their children! Back to table of content 13 Class schedule for 3-6 years old (Week 1) Mix & Match Workshops 9:4511:00am 11:15am12:30pm 2:303:45pm 4:005:15pm 9:4511:00am 11:15am12:30pm 30-Mar (Mon) 31-Mar (Tue) Shake Like The 80s Disco Fever! Avengers: The Super Hero Dance To Save The World! Dance & Movement Drama & Dance Roar Gruffalo Roar! Mickey's Club House: The Easter Egg Hunt! Drama & Art Easter Egg Hunt, Music & Movement The Amazing Spidy: "Rock" & "Roll" Mission! Monster Preschool: The Mini Scarer Sports Day! Drama, Drum Jam & Movement Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! 4:005:15pm Roar Gruffalo Roar! Drama, Art & Dance Drama & Art 1-Apr (Wed) 2-Apr (Thu) Big Hero: Drum Fest Mission With Easter Bunny! Monster Preschool: The Mini Scarer Sports Day! Drum Jam & Drama Dance, Movement & Creative Thinking Minions' Rollie Pollie Adventure! I Like To Move It Move It: The Easter Move It Shake It Carnival! Drama & Dance 2:303:45pm Dance, Movement & Creative Thinking Drama & Dance Mickey's House & Shake Party! Big Hero: The Robotic Dance Mission! Drama & Dance Drama & Dance Avengers: The Super Hero Dance To Save The World! Mickey's Club House: The Easter Egg Hunt! Drama & Dance Easter Egg Hunt, Music & Movement 3-day workshops 31-Mar (Tue) 1-Apr (Wed) 2-Apr (Thu) 3:004:00pm Science Academy Maths and Science Magic (4 to 5 years old) 3:304:15pm Music Academy Instrument Exploration & Foundation (3 to 6 years old) Back to table of content 14 Class schedule for 3-6 years old (Week 2 ) Mix & Match Workshops 9:4511:00am 11:15am -12:30pm 2:303:45pm 4:005:15pm 8-Apr (Wed) 9-Apr (Thu) 10-Apr (Fri) Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! Roar Gruffalo Roar! Shake Like The 80s Disco Fever! Drama, Art & Dance Drama & Art Dance & Movement Mickey's House & Shake Party! Big Hero: The Robotic Dance Mission! The Amazing Spidy: "Rock" & "Roll" Mission! Drama & Dance Drama & Dance Drama, Drum Jam & Movement Avengers: I Like To Move It Move It: Monster Academy: The Super Hero Dance The Easter Move It Shake The Drum Kit Challenge! To Save The World! It Carnival! Drama & Drum Jam Drama & Dance Drama & Dance Big Hero: Drum Fest Mission With Easter Bunny! Minions' Rollie Pollie Adventure! Mickey's Club House: The Easter Egg Hunt! Drum Jam & Drama Drama & Dance Easter Egg Hunt, Music & Movement 3-day workshops 8-Apr (Wed) 3:304:15pm 9-Apr (Thu) 10-Apr (Fri) Music Academy Instrument Exploration & Foundation (3 to 6 years old) Sign up: 3586 3070 / info@milesinternational.com.hk Back to table of content 15 Class schedule for 1.5-3 years old / Mixed Age 30-Mar (Mon) Going On A Bear Hunt In Spring! 10:00 31-Mar (Tue) Musical Jam 1-Apr (Wed) Musical Shake 2-Apr (Thu) We sing, we dance, we have fun Story In Motion MusiCommunity MusiCommunity MusiCommunity 1.5-3 years old Mixed Age Mixed Age Mixed Age Day 11:00 am Day 10:00 11:00 am 8-Apr (Wed) We sing, we dance, we have fun 9-Apr (Thu) Elmo & Friends Easter Fun Party! 10-Apr (Fri) Musical Game Fun MusiCommunity Story In Motion MusiCommunity Mixed Age 1.5-3 years old Mixed Age Sign up: 3586 3070 / info@milesinternational.com.hk Back to table of content 16