Olymp Heat Centre Multifuel in one square meter
Olymp Heat Centre Multifuel in one square meter
Olymp Heat Centre Multifuel in one square meter DHW AND POOL ➟ HEATING Solar & Photovoltaic Solar ➟ ➟ Gas Gas ➟ Heat Pump & District heating Erdwärme ➟ Wood Holz ➟ ➟ UNDERFLOOR Pellets ➟ AND RADIATION Up to 10% Pellets Oil Öl mo annua re effici l ency Heating systems www.olymp.at The requirements for energy-efficient heating Energy efficient heating. Boiler efficiency alone is only part of the all over efficiency of a heating system. The different requirements and the new tasks of alternative energy integration set the need for an all over view of the whole system. A good match of the various components in the heating system set the base for efficient energy use. Olymp provides the alternative to common systems to ensure a perfect use of the energy now and in the future. Solar gain Solar over the year Ertrag 100 90 r be em DEC ez N 1 - Environmentally friendly energy-mix NOV D em be r er OCT ov O kt ob SEP Se pt em be r st AUG gu li JUL Au JUN Ju ni MAY Ju ai Ap APR M ril z MAR är r ua FEB br Fe Jä nn JAN M er 90 80 70 5060 50 40 30 20 1010 0 Flexabillity provides independence. A personal energy mix is more than an alternative, it provides security for the future. 2 - Heat distribution when it is needed The energy generated has to be used at set times. This sounds logically simple, but is a complex matter due to the different energy sources and levels. The Olymp system provides this logic with the all over view of all sides of your heating system. Energy needEnergie during the year Bedarf 9090 be r em em NOV D ez be r er OCT ob kt O em be r t gu s SEP N ov 3 - Thermal buffer tank AUG pt JUL Se JUN Ju li MAY Au Ju ni ai Ap APR M ril z MAR är FEB M br ua r JAN Fe Jä nn er 80 70 60 5050 40 30 20 1010 0 DEC Energy has to be stored because the inputs and the outputs of the fuel is at different times and on different levels. Energy is stored in the Olymp thermal store buffer with the advanced internal pipe work. The different alternative energy sources like solar and wood are stored and the operation mode for heat pumps, pellet boilers and other boiler types are better due to the decreased number of starts. 2 Heating systems Choo se your o energ wn y-mix 3 Olymp 2-zone-heat-store the update for your heating system The instant DHW module provides a high flow rate with constant temperatures. The temperature is limited to 50°C even if the storage tank is heated up to 90°C with alternative energy sources like solar. The HeizSchrank HS is with integrated gas or oil boiler and the SWS is with external heat sources. Olymp SWS 800 Olymp Heat Pump Heizschrank with integrated system The Olymp WHS 500 with RegelStar 3000. The new HeizSchrank generation with an integrated heat pump is in combination with the instant DHW system and ensures high performance even at higher temperature levels. The Olymp Heat Pump HeizSchrank can be combined with other heat sources and can also be used for passive cooling. The advantages of the WHS 500 > Higher temperatures up to 60°C are achieved without the use of an immersion heater > Quiet operation > Efficient with better annual performance > Plentiful hot water The DHW is produced 100% without legionella > High quality components > Compact design > Easy service > Solar possible > Passive cooling possible > Additional option for peak demand with electric immersion heater Heating systems 4 Olymp Multi-fuel-Heizschrank the compact thermal store with energy management controller The Olymp HS & SHS – a compact solution. The combination of the integrated heating circuits and instant domestic hot water with the thermal store and integration options with alternative energy sources as well as standard boilers provides a very flexible solution now and for the future. The integrated controller manages the outside temperature regulated heating circuits (weather compensation) as well as the combination of different heat sources such as gas, solar, biomass. Olymp SHS 730 Condensing Unit Heating with low emission The ceramic condensing unit provides low flue gas temperatures and therefore efficient operation. The ceramic condensing unit can be used with all gas and oil qualities and gives high performance throughout all operating heat sources as gas, solar or biomass. Condensing unit OIL and GAS Combustion losses comparison 250-300 °C Old Boiler 5 200 °C Boiler (until ~1980) 180 °C Old Boiler Heating systems LRV 92 Swiss regulation Lowtemperature 15 % 10 % OIL GAS 13 % OIL GAS OIL GAS 14% 18 % 19 % 20 % OIL GAS OIL GAS 15 % 17-24 % 22-29 % % 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 120 -160 °C Special Low-Nox technique GAS + OIL 1- 3 % 30-70 °C BrennwertStar (for oil and gas) One control for everything Olymp RegelStar 3000 „Complex systems need a simple solution“. Olymp has introduced a new controls generation with the RegelStar 3000. The RZ 3000 is an integrated concept for all heating and cooling needs. The main task of this modern concept is the integration of all different heat sources in combination with a comfortable heat distribution. RegelStar 3000 Classic remote control Comfort remote control A simple room control to alter the room temperature and change the operating mode. SOLAR control buffer heating circuit management Complete setting and information levels are easily done with this remote control. The special AEB (alternative energy button) function allows the efficient use of alternative energy like solar and wood. A wireless version is available. MOBILe DHW regulation COMMUNICATION access GEOTHERMAL ALTERNATIV energy button biomass Schematic example with an Olymp Heizschrank Art.Nr. WM0313172 Literal and phrase mistakes excepted, all information without engagement! P Solarstation primary+secondary T T P M WWHK MHK The O part lymp ner will pr ovid e th righ e t sc h for y emata ou! Pool M EXP HolzStar Lambda SunStar HP Solar-Heizschrank SHS Heating systems Solar solar Holz wood Pellets pellets Wärmepumpe heat pump Gas gas Öl oil Heizkörper radiators one 4all Solar Pellets Wärmepumpe Gas Holz Öl HeizZentrale OLYMP Werk GmbH I Olympstr. 10 I 6430 Ötztal-Bahnhof I Österreich I T +43 (0)5266 8910 I office@olymp.at I www.olymp.at
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