november 2014 - Acoustic Live


november 2014 - Acoustic Live
Volume 16 Issue 6
I had asked this deeply talented singer/
songwriter and multi-instrumentalist to
tell her own story as a guest author, but
she preferred that I write it. However,
when I had the opportunity to listen to a
download of the new album, I realized
that in one sense, she’d already written
it. Providing a view from the inside out,
“Lost Angel” tells what it’s like to deny
a hidden part of yourself, needing and
finally allowing that core essence to reveal
itself: Have you been broken / all shards
and pieces / hands rough and bleeding /
all folds and creases
Your pain is one thing / your heart’s
another / Where is your sister? / where is
your mother?
But your shame will leave you if you let
her in / cast your guilt down / there is
no sin / You swear you’ve seen her face
before / Your lost angel’s at your door …
The roots/rock of As I Am feels right at
home in the current decade. “Don’t Hurt No
One No More” is a thumping ballad of selfdiscovery which extols Believe me, all I told
you was true / I just couldn’t give myself to
you / I don’t hurt no one no more / Don’t hurt
no one no more / Oh, sugar darlin’, I can’t
keep fallin’ / my love only causes pain over
riveting guitar and organ riffs. “Power of the
Lord” is a powerful and compelling song
with some hellacious lead guitar and backing
choral passages. Mya and supporting voices
sing: Who’s gonna teach you ‘bout the dime
store prophet / Oh, the power of the Lord /
The preacherman who only wants to start a
riot / Oh, the power of the Lord. What might
have been just an admonition to hypocrites
using religion to condemn those who don’t
by Richard Cuccaro
fit their version of “normal” (which it is)
deck and their parents’ car as a make-believe recording also becomes a rousing statement of faith.
studio for new song creations. She started playing guitar The entire album contains a potency and
level of talent that is sure to find acceptance
at age 10, bass at 12 and slide guitar at 14 with other
on airwaves and has a chance to provoke a
instruments such as ukulele mixed in. Mya played in
garage-style bands in basements throughout high school change in overall societal mindset.
(she wrote her first “real” song at 17) and other rock
bands in college. In her last year of school, she began
Mya’s transition was informed through
attending Jack Hardy’s Songwriter’s Exchange.
her art. Songs written throughout the
Photo: Kara Tucker
When Mya Byrne came out as a
transgender woman earlier this year, it
was probably shocking to some, although
not to others. Beyond that, she’s been
embraced by our community and has
put together an album of new music, As
I Am, which, in many ways, mirrors her
transition. She is working on being not
only a performer, but an advocate.
Her first band, The Ramblers, was a roots/rock band,
described on her website as “a festival Americana act,
opening up for such bands as Levon Helm starting
in the late aughts.” After Jack Hardy died in March
She knew you before you were a man /
2011, she participated in his memorial service in
She’ll love you no matter where you stand Greenwich Village. It was here that this author made
her acquaintance. In 2012, a vocal cord hemorrhage
… You swear you’ve heard her voice
brought on a hiatus from The Ramblers, which
before / Your lost angel’s at your door /
You know you’ve known her long before / coincided with the affirmation of her female identity.
Mya’s voice was saved thanks to a new surgical
Your lost angel’s at your door.
procedure, and she rebounded as a solo artist while
It’s heart-rending and very Dylanesque
accompanying other folk friends, and becoming a
… and Bob Dylan couldn’t have done it
member of Scott Wolfson and Other Heroes.
any better. The rest of As I Am, a roots/
rock barnburner, is going to open a lot of Recordings
Mya’s first solo album, Lucky, was completed just
eyes — and ears.
before the operation and recovery from the throat
hemorrhage. In December 2012, I wrote a review: The
Mya was born in Boston and always
sparseness of production and the songwriting/playing
wanted to play music. At around 6 or
style on Lucky seem drawn from another era … would
7, she would make up songs. She was
have been right at home in the ’60s. While the overall
a latchkey kid, and creating songs was
effect of “throwback” permeates this album, it in no
a way to pass the time after school.
way diminishes its impact. “I Know” is reminiscent of
Her parents’ record collection provided
Bob Dylan’s “Ballad of Hollis Brown.”
inspiration. She and her sister used a tape
years had contained the truth and it was
just a matter of time before they spoke to
her. One in particular, performed by The
Ramblers, “These Blues Weren’t Meant
to Survive,” can be heard online at Ron
Olesko’s Folk Music Notebook (singout.
org/2014/06/16/mya-byrne/). Ron played
the song during Mya’s very edifying June
15, 2014, visit to his WFDU-FM (89.1)
show, Traditions. Recording that song
left Mya filled with an overwhelming
inexplicable emotion, but eventually
shook loose the truth about living her life
and not giving in to society’s conventions.
Mya Byrne had already been embraced
by the folk community, but since she’s
transitioned, it’s obvious that her music
has blossomed. Let’s all join her as this
journey bears fruit.
Upcoming area appearance:
Dec 12 8 pm Outpost in the Burbs,
67 Church St., Montclair, N.J.
Opening for Joseph Arthur
9 101112131415
18 S arah McGowan (7pm)(A DCM Event), Lauren Winans, Ada Paster-
BB King Blues Club & Grill
237 W 42nd St. (betw 7th/8th Ave.)
8 & 10pm Every Tuesday In Lucille’s:
B.B. King Blues Club All*Stars w/ The Harlem Blues Project
and a revolving cast of NYC blues players $15
NOV 2, 3 8pm Todd Rundgren $42.50 Adv / $47 Door
6 8pm Average White Band $25 Adv / $30 Door
7 7:30pm Delbert McClinton $42.50 Adv / $50 Door
12, 13 8pm Buddy Guy $67 Adv / $75 Door
14 8pm Carl Palmer’s ELP Legacy $32 Adv / $35 Door
15 8pm Black 47 The Final Show $30 Adv / $35 Door
20 7 & 10pm Guitar Passions w/ Sharon Isbin, Stanley Jordan &
Romero Lubambo $25
24, 25 7:30pm Ace Frehley $39.50 Adv / $45 Door
Beacon Theatre
74th Street & Broadway
Call: (212) 307-7171 / (914) 454-3388 (201) 507-8900
Prices are StubHub @ time of publication
NOV 5 8pm Chrissie Hynde $39.50 - $75
12, 13, 14 8pm Ray LaMontagne $92.20
17 8pm Lucinda Williams $39.50 - $75
22 8pm Diana Krall $90 - $145
NOV 28 - DEC 3 8pm Bob Dylan $59.50 - $159.50
Best Buy Theater
1515 Broadway @Times Square
NOV 28, 29 8pm Dark Star Orchestra $28.50 - $32
Bitter End
147 Bleecker 212-673-7030
$5 Cover/2 drink min. per set
NOV 1 S chool of Rock NYC (4:30) --plus -- Razor Boy Music presents
Jamie Shields(7pm), Frank Barile, The Barley Brothers -- plus
-- Now-Is-Now --plus-- Razor Boy Music presents Tempest
City(11pm),Black Satellite, The Fallen
2 F elix Cabrerra (a DCM Event)(6pm) --plus-- Singer/Songwriter
Sessions --plus--- Luba Dvorak’s Acoustic Ramble
3 R oses For Panjo (6:15)($10), Julie Gargano (a DCM Event)(7:15)
--plus-- w/ ($10): Kelly Paige, Peter Trevino, Jim Bennet, Elle
Morgan, Jason Spooner --plus-- The Oz Noy Trio ($15), The Richie
Cannata Monday Night Jam ($10)
4 Jess McAvoy, Ada Pasternak
5 Private Event
6 T om Mackell (7pm), Chris & Tom Jones Bones Presents Hottie Rock
w/ Quenn V, Molly Adel Brown
7 M
usic Makers NY Performance Night (6:30)($10) --plus-- Razor
Boy Music presents Laura Lee Bishop (11pm), Angi3, Morse Code,
Soul Junkies
8 Y outh Arts Forum (2:30-6:30) --plus-- Razor Boy Music presents
Romy (7pm) The Westset --plus-- Dynamo, Sky Factor --plus-Razor Boy Music presents Bombrasstico, I Am Third --plus-- The
Billy Hector Band
9 S inger/Songwriter Sessions --plus-- The Bitter End Allstar Jam
featuring Mark Greenberg
10 T ony Conniff w/ special guests (7:30)($10), Rebecca Krueger, The
Oz Noy Trio ($15), The Richie Cannata Monday Night Jam ($10)
11 Kacey Velazquez (A DCM Event)(7pm), Katy Yeager, Ada Pasternak
12 Maddy Bowes (7pm), Mark Whitaker ($7), Pound Cake ($10)
13 A nnalise Azadian (7:30), Chrissy Roberts, The Black Roses, Hive
Mind Art Fest w/ The Roofers Union, Whitewash, Zolita, Modern
Diet, The Stoic Poets
hmalo (7pm) --plus -- Razor Boy Music presents Billy Conahan
(7pm), Matt Strief, Syvia, The Humble Grapes, Brother Valliant,
The Bitter End Acoustic Open Mic (1-5:30) --plus-- Then Omaha
(6pm) --plus-- Razor Boy Music presents Billy Conahan (7pm),
Matt Strief, Syvia, The Humble Grapes, Brother Valliant, Canopy
S id Bernstein Presents Larry Russell’s Beatlestock (4:30) ($20 Adv /
$25 Door) --plus-- Singer/Songwriter Sessions
A li Isabella & Susan Ruth (7:30)($10), Butch Phelps (A DCM Event),
Mike Burke, The Richie Cannata Monday Night Jam ($10)
Hosted By WFUV’s
John Platt
161718 192021 22
nak, The Rift ($10)
19 J esica Levi (7:15), Nalani & Sarina ($10), Shu Nakamura & The
Ninja Orchestra, (CD Release)($10), Melissa Otero
20 A dam Travis (7pm)($10), Lennox Underground ($10), Jackie Cruz,
(from Orange Is The New Black) ($10), Patryk Larney
21 R azor Boy Music presents Holland Patent Public Library (7pm),
Kevin Daniel, The Afternoon Edition, Sons Of Origin, Tom Cintula &
The Buffalo 24, Rocky Lanes Band, Alexei Martov
22 T he Bitter End Acoustic Open Mic (1-6) --plus-- Giffords Lane
($10) --plus-- Razor Boy Music presents The Sectionals (8pm), The
Psychedelicatessen, Eleventh Ward, Danielle Sheri, The Afro Nick,
Maquina Mono
23 S inger/Songwriter Sessions --plus-- The Bitter End Allstar Jam
featuring Mark Greenberg
24 T he Moth (7pm)($8), The Oz Noy Trio ($15), The Richie Cannata
Monday Night Jam ($10)
25 M
eg Berry (7:30), Cliff Goldmacher, Neil Davis & Angel Taylor ($10),
J-Train ($7)
26 Tony Travalini, Luka Brazzi
28 R azor Boy Music presents Clde Lawrence (8pm) --plus-- Palumbo
--plus-- Razor Boy Music presents The Graft, Lewd Buddha, Cats
Down Under The Stars (w/ Special Guest Kenny Brooks of RatDog)
29 T he Bitter End Acoustic Open Mic (1-6) --plus-- Razor Boy Music
presents The Matt Project (7pm), Allies, Bad Man Yells --plus-- Samantha Howard (9:45) --plus--Razor Boy Music presents Alexander
Morgan, Quarter Horse, Diamond Jug Band
See venue web site for updates
Blarney Star Productions
with Glucksman Ireland House present a monthly Irish
traditional music concert series at Washington Square United
Methodist Church 135 West 4th Street (6th Ave - MacDougal St)
Info: Ireland House (212) 998-3950 or:
All shows 8pm Concert Adm $15
NOV 21 Eliot Grasso
DEC 12 Siobhán & Willie Kelly
The Blue Note
131 3rd St 212-475-8592
NOV 6-9 8 & 10:30 The Manhattan Transfer Bar $40, Table $65
10-12, 14-16, 18, 18 8 & 10:30 Seu Jorge Bar $55, Table $85
13 8 & 10:30 Gato Barbieri Bar $30, Table $45
20-25 8 & 10:30 David Sanborn Bar $40, Table $55
DEC 2-7 8 & 10:30 Pat Metheny Unity Group Kin World Tour Finale
Bar $40, Table $7
The Bowery Ballroom
6 Delancy St (at The Bowery) 212-533-2111
Tix @ Mercury Lounge, 866-468-7619,
Caffe Vivaldi
32 Jones St.
Open Mic Night Mondays: 6:30-11pm Sign up: 6pm
NOV 1 7:15pm Hannah Gill, 8:30pm Micah Sheveloff, 9:30pm Goli
2 4 pm Schubertiade @ Caffe Vivaldi – “Swan Song” - Emir
Gamsizoglu, pianist Stan Lacy, baritone, 6pm Noel Brennan, 7:30pm
Smoke; a One-Woman Cabaret, starring Lori Rivera, 9pm John
4 7pm Brazilian night w/ Irene Walsh
5 7 :15pm Tomoko Omura & Glenn Zaleski Duo, 8:15pm Joe
Alterman, 9:30pm Craig Brann’s Achavah
6 8pm Daniel Meron, 9pm Marques/Stinson/O’Farrill Trio
7 7 :15pm -Kenn Morr Band, 8:15pm Charles Ellsworth, 9:30pm 5j
8 6pm Kelly Bosworth, 7pm Vicky Emerson, 8:30pm Emy Tseng
9 4 pm Schubertiade @ Caffe Vivaldi – “Swan Song” - Emir
Gamsizoglu, pianist Stan Lacy, baritone, 6pm Noel Brennan, 7pm
Eden Bareket Trio, 9pm John Lander
11 9:30pm Harrison T Roach
12 8:30pm Equilibrium, 9:30pm Bass & Face
13 7 :30pm Pete Muller Trio, 8pm Hilary Gardner & Joe Alterman Trio @
Renee Weiler Concert Hall, 46 Barrow Street $15, $20
14 8 :15pm Ben Grayson, 9:30pm Jeannine Hebb + Jaime Garamella,
Pat Foran
232425 26 27 2829
15 7 pm John Malino Band, 8:15pm Adam Sullivan, 9:30pm Emily
16 6 pm Noel Brennan, 7pm Adam Kane, 8pm Rachel Gavaletz, 9pm
John Lander
18 7pm Brazilian night w/ Irene Walsh
19 7 :15pm Roger Davidson Trio, 8:15pm Joe Alterman, 9:30pm Nicole
20 8 pm Michael Sackler-Berner, 9pm Marques/Stinson/O’Farrill Trio
21 9 :30pm Andy Mac, 7pm Special Event: Karavika & Neel Murgai
Ensemble @ Renee Weiler Concert Hall, 46 Barrow Street $15,
22 6 pm Sophia Louise Holtz, 7pm Gillian Bell and Hunter, 9:30pm
Cynthia Sol, 10:30pm Isa Iolanda
23 6pm Noel Brennan, 7pm Kevin McWha Steele, 9pm John Lander
25 8pm Theresa Gorella
29 6pm Jordon Genovese
30 6pm Noel Brennan, 7pm Brett Randell, 9pm John Lander
DEC 2 7pm Brazilian night w/ Irene Walsh
3 7:15pm Roger Davidson, 8:15pm Joe Alterman
4 7pm Joe Mason Berg, 8pm The Wiggins Sisters
Carnegie Hall
57th St & 7th Ave. 212-477-0622
Ticket info: CarnegieCharge - 212-247-7800.
Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage
NOV 5 2 pm Open Working Rehearsal: Angélique Kidjo and
Friends; Mama Africa: Tribute to Miriam Makeba Friend ($100),
Supporter ($500) and Patrons, 8pm Angélique Kidjo and
Friends; Mama Africa: A Tribute to Miriam Makeba $17.50-$80
15, 17 8pm Ryan Adams; Solo Acoustic Performance $49.50-$69.50
29 8 pm Arlo Guthrie & The Guthrie Family Annual Thanksgiving
Concert $12.50-$70
Zankel Hall
NOV 8 7:30pm An Evening with Lori Lieberman $35-$48
Christopher Street Coffee House
St. John’s Lutheran Church 81 Christopher Street
Open Mic 2nd Thursday ea. month, w/ featured performer
Sign up @ 6:30 Music @ 7pm
NOV 13 Featured performer: John Maclean
City Winery
143 Varick Street (between Spring and Vandam Streets)
Sundays 11am - 2pm Klezmer Brunch
(212) 608-0555
NOV 2 8pm Steve Forbert w/ Kami Lyle $20, $22, $25
4 8pm Bruce Cockburn $30, $35, $45, $50
6 8pm Ben Sollee $18, $20, $22
11 8 pm David Grisman & Del McCoury w/ Billy Strings & Don Julin
$50, $60, $65
12 8pm Hot Rize Featuring Red Knuckles & The Trailblazers $40,
$45, $48
15 8pm David Bromberg w/ Honey Child $55, $60, $65
16 N oon - 3:30pm Guitar Mash 3rd Annual Benefit Concert +
Jam + Auction w/ David Bromberg, Chris Eldridge, Valerie June,
Robert Randolph, Duke Robillard, Scott Sharrard, Nano Stern, Quinn
Sullivan $50-$275
8pm Chris Smither & The Motivators w/ Milton $22, $25, $28
19 8pm James Cotton & James Blood Ulmer $35, $40, $45
21 8pm Wesley Stace’s Cabinet of Wonders $25, $28, $35
23 8pm Greg Brown w/ Pieta Brown $28, $30, $32, $35
24, 25 8 pm Dave Davies of the Kinks w/ Anthony da Costa $45,
$55, $60
26 8pm An Evening with Ryan Bingham (Solo Acoustic) $25, $28, $30
29 M
ike Doughty’s World-Renowned, Award-Winning Question Jar
Show (Featuring Andrew “Scrap” Livingston) $22, $25, $28, $32
DEC 1 8 pm WFUV Presents: Langhorne Slim (Solo Acoustic) [Live
Broadcast!] $15, $18, $20
2 8pm Langhorne Slim (Solo Acoustic) $15, $18, $20
7 8 pm A Holiday Evening with Sloan Wainwright and Friends feat.
The Sloan Wainwright Band & Special Guests $22, $32, $35, $38
8 7 pm Betty- Annual Holiday Show w/ Special Guest Gloria Steinem
& surprise artists $30, $35, $40
14 1 1am-1pm Fourth Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long w/ Dan Zanes &
553 West 51 Street553 West 51 Street
At Rockwood Music Hall 7pm Tuesday, November 11th
Stage 3
NOV 12
Diana Jones
Ryan Morgan
Rupert Wates
The Boxcar Lilies
Matt Nakoa
Houston&& Stanton)
Stanton) Manhattan
$15 member / $18 nonmember
$15 member
$18 nonmember
9 101112131415
Friends (early show) $20
20, 21, 22 8pm Los Lobos $50, $55, $65
27 8 pm Fab Faux - Please Please Me in its entirety (premiere) $60,
$70, $80 (Dec 30
28 8 pm Fab Faux - Beatles for Sale in its entirety (premiere) $60,
$70, $80
29 8 pm Fab Faux - The Beatles: Live on US TV $60, $70, $80
30 8pm Fab Faux - Rubber Soul in its entirety (premiere) $60, $70,
$80 (SOLD OUT)
JAN 1 8 pm 5th Annual New Year’s Day Show w/ Joseph Arthur &
opener TBA $20, $22, $25, $28
4 8pm Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams $20, $25, $28, $30
5, 19, 26 8pm Steve Earle’s Annual Winter Residency w/ Special
Guests (Solo Acoustic) $45, $55, $65
The Concert Hall
at the New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 West 64th Street at Central Park West
Cornelia St. Cafe
29 Cornelia St. (bet. w 4th St. & bleecker, just off of 6th Ave.)
All acts listed: $10 cover plus $10 minimum
NOV 3 8 :30pm Amram & Co. w/ David Amram, piano, french
horn, flutes, composition & surprises; Kevin Twigg, drums,
glockenspiel; Rene Hart, bass; Elliot Peper, bongos
20 8 :30pm Crow w/ Adrianne Lenker & Buck Meek, 10pm Ian
Mclellan Davis & Katie Vogel
Country Dance New York
Weekly dances are held from September to mid-June
American Contra Dances -- Saturdays 8-11pm
7:30 Beginner’s Workshop -at Chinatown Y’s Houston Street
Center, 273 Bowery, unless otherwise stated
English Country Dances -- Tuesdays & occasional Fridays
7-10:15pm -at Philip Coltoff Center, 219 Sullivan Street
The Cutting Room
44 E. 32nd Street 212-691-1900
NOV 14 7 :30pm Tony Trischka, Morgan O’Kane Doors $17 Adv /
$20 Door
15 7:30pm Mary Fahl $20 Adv / $25 Door
29 7pm Marty Balin (Jefferson Airplane) $30 Adv / $35 Door
DEC 2 7 :30pm Django Guitar Night w/ Al Caiola, Olli Soikkeli, Frank
Vignola, Vinny Raniolo & Surprise Guests $20 Adv / $25 Door
5, 7 8 pm Harry Shearer and Judith Owen present: Christmas
Without Tears aka: Does This Tree Make Me Look Fat? $30, $75
161718 192021 22
NOV 30, DEC 1 8 pm Hot Tuna Acoustic Duo feat. Jorma Kaukonen
and Jack Casady $65-$125
Hill Country NY
30 West 26th St #1
(212) 255-4544
Tuesdays @ 8:30pm Rock ‘n Twang Live Band Karaoke FREE
NOV 1 10pm Bennett Jackson
5 9pm The Damn Quails No Cover
6 9pm The Brain Cloud
8 11pm Roger Creager $15
12 9pm David Jacobs-Strain No Cover
13 9pm J.D. McGann No Cover
14 10pm Danny B Harvey / The Bloodshots No Cover
15 10pm Randy Thompson Band
19 9pm J.P. Harris and the Tough Choices No Cover
20 9:30pm Tommy Malone $15-$20
21 10pm The Peterson Brothers No Cover
22 10pm Chris Berardo & the DesBerardos No Cover
28 10pm Laura Rain & The Caesars No Cover
29 10pm The Gold Magnolias No Cover
The Iridium
1650 Broadway (212) 582-2121
NOV 3, 4 7 & 9pm Mike Farris $27.50 / $35
7 8 & 10pm Ottmar Liebert $45 / $65
10 8pm Marty Balin $30-40
15 8 & 10pm Stanley Jordan Solo Acoustic $35-45
20 8pm Sophie B. Hawkins $30-40
21 8 & 10pm Maria Muldaur $30-40
22, 23, 24 8pm The Stanley Clarke Band: School Days & Classic
Clarke $45-55
25 8pm Glenn Tilbrook $40-55
27 8pm David Knopfler $25-35
28, 29 8pm Anna Nalick $25-55
Irish Arts Center
553 West 51 Street 212.757.3318
NOV 12 8 pm SongLives: Diana Jones and Ryan Morgan
$15 member / $18 non-member
Irving Plaza
17 Irving Place (cor. 15th St.)
Joe’s Pub
61 2nd Ave. (bet. 3 & 4 St.) 212-388-0662
Tuesdays: 8:30 Traditional Irish Open Session
At the Public Theater 425 Lafayette St. 212-239-6200
NOV 14, 15 7:30 & 9:30pm Suzanne Vega $40
29 7 :30pm A Tribute to Loretta Lynn with Lenny Kaye and Tammy Faye,
featuring The Lonesome Prairie Dogs $15
Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola,
Kathryn_Space House Concerts
Dempsey’s Pub
Lincoln Center, Broadway at 60th Street
The Ear Inn
326 Spring St 212-226-9060 Music Mon, Weds. No Cover
The 55 Bar
55 Christopher St (212) 929-9883
NOV 7 7pm KJ Denhert
10 10pm KJ Denhert
Greenwich Village Bistro
13 Carmine St. 212-206-9777
Live music Wednesday thru Saturday 9-11
Highline Ballroom
431 W. 16th Street (between 9-10 Ave.)
Seated Shows - Gen Adm / First come, first seated
$10 per person minimum at tables at seated shows
Lower East Side/East Village
Doors at 7pm music at 8pm refreshments served
rsvp essential to:
NOV 15 Will Kimbrough w/ Brigitte De Mayer
Spring 2015 Dates TBA Louise Mosrie — Cliff Eberhardt
APR 25 Eric Taylor $20
Let’s Zydeco
Connolly’s on 45th, 121 West 45th (6th-Bwy) 3rd floor
Doors Open 6pm for dinner, drinks or socializing
Fri, Sat shows 8:30 to Midnight Dance lesson 7pm
Sunday shows 7:30-10:30pm Dance lesson 6:15pm
Pay at Door- No Advance ticket
NOV 8 ZydeGroove
22 Li’l Mo & the Monicats $20
DEC 14 Rosie Ledet & the Zydeco Playboys
JAN 11 Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys
Madison Square Garden
7th Ave. & 33rd St
232425 26 27 2829
Mercury Lounge
217 E. Houston St. 212-260-4700
The National Underground
159 E. Houston St. between Allen and Eldridge
Open seven days a week until 3:30am
New York Pinewoods
Folk Music Club Office: 444 W. 54 St, #7
Folk-Fone: 718-651-1115 Shows at various times/locations
Shows at various times/locations
Folk Open Sing; First Wednesday of each month; 7-10pm; Ethical
Culture Society 53 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn (near 2nd St.).
Info: Frank, 212-636-6341, or Laura, 718-788-7563.
Old-Time Music Jam every other Tuesday, 7:30-9:30pm in Brooklyn
Irish Traditional Music Session, 8-11pm Mondays. At the Landmark
Tavern, 626 11th Avenue (on 46th St); co-sponsored with and
led by Don Meade; for info 212-247-2562 or
Monthly S
hanty Sing on Staten Island, usually on the third Sunday. at
the Noble Maritime Collection (to give the official title) on the
3rd Sunday of every month from 2-5pm at the Noble Gallery,
Building D, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, 1000 Richmond Terrace
Sunnyside Singers Club; 8-11pm: Wednesdays; A pub-style singaround. @ Aubergine Cafe, 49-22 Skillman Ave., Woodside,
NOV 4 7 :30-9:30pm Guitar Master Class with Andy Cohen
8pm Battlefield Band @ Drom, 85 Avenue A, Manhattan. $20
Adv / $22 Door Info 646-628-4604
15 8 pm Tom Rush in Concert Co-sponsored with and @ First
Acoustics, First Unitarian Church - Pierrepont St. at Monroe Pl.,
Brooklyn Heights, NY $40 Adv / $45 Door
19 Sunnyside Singers Club: featured guest Mary Courtney
92Y Tribeca Mainstage
200 Hudson Street
Live at Cafe 92YTribeca
92nd St Y
1395 Lexington Ave. 212.415.5500
Parkside Lounge
317 E Houston St (bet Aves B & C) 212-673-6270
The People’s Voice
The Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist
40 E. 35th Street (betw Madison & Park Aves) 212-787-3903
Shows at 8:00 unless* Admission: $15, $10 memb.
NOV 1 Pearls of Wisdom with Thelma Thomas
8 Jack Landron
15 Rustic Riders / Jenny Murphy
22 P eoples’s Voice Cafe 35th Anniversary Celebration, with Sally
Campbell, Mike Glick, Judy Gorman, Barry Kornhauser, Ray Korona
Band, Susan Lippman, Bruce Markow, Peter Pasco, Anne Price,
Professor Louie, Rachel Stone and Steve Suffet (MC)
DEC 6 Charlie King
13 New York City Labor Chorus
20 Generations: Mike & Aleksi Glick; Dan / Faith Senie
Paddy Reilly’s
519 2nd Ave. (@ 29th St.) 212-686-1210
Sunday: 5-9pm Bluegrass Jam Session
1 & 3 Mondays: 7:30pm Bluegrass & Beyond Jam
2nd & 4th Mondays: 7pm Bluegrass Slow Jam
Tuesday: 7pm Irish Traditional Nite
Wednesday: 6pm Open Mic Nite
Thursdays: 11pm-1am Irish Culture Nite
w/ Niall O’Leary and Friends
Friday: 11pm - 1am The Prodigals
Saturday: 6-9pm Songwriters Open Mic and Showcase
11pm Irish Nite
Postcrypt Coffeehouse
2980 Broadway Basement of St. Paul’s chapel,
Columbia University (212) 854-1953
Shows: 8:30 / 9:30 / 10:30 in order listed Free/Donation
For current week’s listings see website
The Red Lion
151 Bleecker St. (Thompson St.)
(212) 260-9797
Mon 7-10pm Dan’s Jam (hosted by Dan Donnelly)
9 101112131415
Rockwood Music Hall
196 Allen St. (bet Houston & Stanton)
Stage 1
NOV 1 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-718 Trio, 4-Condesa, 5-Tom Glynn |
6-Justin Klump, 7-Jessy Tomsko, 8-The Lawsuits, 9-Miranda Di
Perno, 10-King Radio, 11-zerobridge, 12-Brightside, 1-Lions
2 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Aliah Sheffield, 4-Joshua Thomas, 5-Sam
Way | 6-Dheepa Chari, 7-Cameron Mitchell, 8-Lynette Williams &
Akie Bermiss Residency, 9-You, 10-Bonsai, 11-Bud Rice, 12-David
3 7 -Max Sharam, 8-Lana Is, 9-David Luther, 10-Jim Campilongo Trio
w/ Chris Morrissey, Dan Rieser, 11-Mistri / Misrach, 12-Teddy Kumpel
Loopestra w/ James Genus (bass) and Nomar Negroni (drums)
4 7 -Communion Club Night w/ Owel, Count This Penny, Samantha
Harlow, Joseph, Highasakite, Anthony D’Amato, Caleb Hawley, Kid
Runner, Rose Quartz, Heaven’s Jail (Solo), Vlad Holiday (of Born
Cages), Bay Uno, Michael Daves Plus DJ Sets by: The Big P.A. (of
Bang the Drum), Mike Spinella (Pandora) ($14-$16)
5 6 -Balto (Dan Sheron solo), 7-Troy, 8-Burnell Pines, 9-herMajesty,
10-Badacaster, 12-Fractal Caravan
6 6 -Steve Everett, 7-Jason Pomerantz, 8-Lili Haydn, 9-Wes
Hutchinson, 10-Mathia, 11-Caravela
7 6 -Ladders, 7-Valerie Broussard, 8-Peter Bibby, 9-Sophia Bastian,
10-The Amigos, 11-P Maddy’s B-Day
8 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Maitri, 4-Steve Young, 5-DNK | 6-Mary
Lorson, 7-Skout EP Release, 8-Stu Basham & the Aviatrs, 9-Bailen,
10-Nat Osborn, 11-The Wholes, 12-The Landing, 1-Younger Still
9 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Little Shaman, 4-Mary Edwards, 5-Kondor
| 6-David O’Neal, 7-The Blue Eyed Bettys, 8-Lynette Williams &
Akie Bermiss Residency, 9-Scott Stein, 10-Up the Chain, 11-Craig
Kierce Band
10 6 -Defne Sahin, 7-Dusty Wright, 8-Rob Hecht, 9-Ryan Culwell,
10-Jim Campilongo & Honey Fingers w/ Jonny Lam (Steel Guitar,
Luca Benedetti (Guitar), Roy Williams (Guitar), David Speranza
(Bass), Russ Meissner (Drums), 11-The Barbarians, 12-Kevin
11 6 -Longy, 7-Ally Lesser feat. The Wholes, 8-Evan Altshuler,
9-Jacknife Sympathy, 10-Michael Daves, 11-Jason Loughlin &
The String Gliders, 12-ThatsMyCole
12 6 -Hayley Sabella, 7-Brigitte DeMeyer, 8-Will Kimbrough, 9-Robert
Sarazin Blake, 10-Stabwounds, 11-Sam & Margot, 12-Grey McMurray
13 6 -Sister Speak, 7-Raye, 8-Noe Venable, 9-Joe Whyte, 10-Luke
Wesley, 11-Rachel Ann Weiss, 12-Barton Stanley David
14 6 -Levi Weaver, 7-Lindsay Dunphy, 8-JP Cooper, 9-Chris Riffle,
10-Mieka Pauley, 11-Long Faces, 12-The Dive Bombers
15 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Amory, 4-Earth to Aaron, 5-Jason Heath &
the Greedy Souls | 6-Trio Xalam, 7-David Craig, 8-Liana Stampur,
9-Blair Crimmins & the Hookers, 12-Tipsy Oxcart, 1-Qvalia
16 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Cassia, 5-Matt Wheeler | 6-Paul Sachs,
7-Nerissa Campbell, 8-Lynette Williams & Akie Bermiss Residency,
9-Aaron V. Barrera, 10-The Swingaroos, 11-The Woodshed, 12-A
is for Atom
17 6 -Brad Standley, 7-Sean Kiely, 8-Elizabeth Shepherd, 9-Tyler
Blanton Electric Group w/ Henry Cole, Matt Clohesy, 10-Zephaniah
& the 18 Wheelers w/ Jim Campilongo, Roy Williams, Scott Colberg,
Nick “Crime ANderson, Zephaniah O’Hora, 11-Paolo Tomaselli CD
Release, 12-Teddy Kumpel Loopestra w/ Tony Mason (drums) and
Clark Gayton (sousaphone)
18 6 -Cloud Machine, 7-Katie Buchanan, 8-Justin Trawick, 9-Joy
Askew, 10-Michael Daves, 11-The Leeway, 12-Choro Dragão
19 6 -Carter Hulsey, 7-Brett Newski, 8-Ponies Will Bite You!, 9-Elaphant
(Acoustic), 10-The Stanleys, 11-Ben Clark & the Long Shadows,
12-Rob Jennings
20 6 -Jake Sherman, 7-MaryLeigh Roohan, 8-Ariel Lask, 9-Eric
Schwartz, 10-Jesse Thomas, 11-Rachel Ann Weiss, 12-Brent Kirby
21 6 -Stuart Oliver & Kate Becker, 7-Dylan Charles & Stephanie Layton,
8-Demar, 9-Ayo Awosika, 10-Emergency Tiara, 12-Younger Me,
1-Magic Room Theater
22 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Jessica Lewis, 4-David Baron, 5-Liz & the
Lost Boys | 6-American Opera, 7-Woodbine Falls, 8-Clam, 9-Aly
Tadros, 10-Howard, 11-Goodbye Picasso, 12-Future Thievesv1Adam & Kizzie
23 A fternoon Spotlight: 3-Glaser Drive, 4-Marc Smith, 5-Newcomers
Club | 6-Ervin Stellar, 7-Kate Kay Es “Once You Did” Single Launch,
8-Lynette Williams & Akie Bermiss Residency, 9-Carmen Noelia,
10-The Attic Ends
24 6 -Manami Morita, 7-Stella, 8-Tam, 10-Jim Campilongo Trio w/
Chris Morrissey, Josh Dion, 11-DW6, 12-Greg Joseph
25 6 -Ashley Noel Jones, 7-Paco Naveira, 8-BMI Acoustic Lounge, 9-Cult
Classic, 10-Michael Daves, 11-Grey McMurray, 12-The Matt Project
26 7 -David Hammond, 8-Michael Brunnock, 12-The Rungs
28 6-Brett Steinberg, 7-Queen V, 8-Danny Burns Band, 10-Swamp
Cabbage, 1-Sakya
29 Afternoon Spotlight: 3-Abby Hollander Band | 6-Bride & Groom, 7-The
New Students, 8-Miko de Leon, 9-Cameron Galpin, 11-The Wholes
Stage 2
NOV 1 7 -Amy Fairchild & Simon Kirke (of Bad Company) ($15),
9-Brandi & the Alexanders EP Release ($10), 11-Dan & the
Wildfire,12-The Big Takeover
2 5 -Buck Meek, 6-Ark Life, 7-Twain, 8-Carleigh Jade, 9-Snehasish &
Sound of Mandolin, 10-Dynamo
3 7 -Jodie & The Normals, 8:15pm-Kate Miller-Heidke w/ Kim
Boekbinder ($12), 10-The New Tarot
4 7 -Communion Club Night ($14-$16)
161718 192021 22
7 :30-BB Booking Showcase feat. Matt Singer, Tall Tall Trees, The
Bright Silence, Chris Cubeta & the Liars Club, Steve Waitt, 10-Becca
Stevens Band ($12), 11:15-Nate Wood
6 7 -Clara Lofaro ($10), 8-Jesse Harris w/ Star Rover, 9-Melissa
McMillan, 10-Kandace Springs, 11-Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet ($12)
7 7 -Alice Phoebe Lou, 9:15-Matthew Mayfield w/ Emily Hearn ($12),
11-Rexford, 12-Villains in Love
8 1 -Teachings On Music w/ Mark Guiliana - Analysis, Emulation,
and Application of Modern Electronic Music feat. John Davis
($40), 7-JurisKuns, 9:15-Crystal Monee Hall, 10:15-Fife & Drom,
11:15-theSHIFT, 12:15-Bubonik Funk
9 7 -Elizabeth & The Catapult, 8-& Co, 9-Jimmy Gnecco w/ Nick Perri
10 8-Motopony, 9:30-Ezra Vine, 10:30-Skyes, 11:30-Life Leone
11 7 -Kate Davis, 8-Amy Vachal Record Release, 9-Cariad Harmon
Record Release, 10:15-Andy Suzuki & the Method, 11:30-Celine
12 7-Private Event, 10:15-Nathan Angelo ($10)
13 7 :30-Downtown Comes Uptown feat. Glen David Andrews,
Aoife O’Donovan, Elle King, The Spring Standards - Hosted by Rita
Houston from WFUV David Rubenstein Atrium at Lincoln Center (No
Cover - RSVP), 6:30-Declan O’Rourke w/ Robert Steven Williams
($20), 9-K-Pop Vocalist Kim Tae Woo Live in NYC ($40-$50),
11-Aaron Pfeiffer
14 7 -Downtown Comes Uptown feat. The Spring Standards & Aoife
O’Donovan ($15), 9:30-Downtown Comes Uptown feat. Glen David
Andrews & Elle King ($15), 12-The Gold Magnolias
15 7 -The Girls (Alison Brie, Cyrina Fiallo, & Julianna Guill) ($12), 8:45The Girls (Alison Brie, Cyrina Fiallo, & Julianna Guill) w/ Jones Street
Station (Sold Out), 12:30-Carte Blanche
16 TBA
17 7 -Mary Lee Kortes ($10-$12), 8-The Harmonica Lewinskies, 9-Oli
Rockberger, 11-Animus Rexx
18 7 -You Won’t, 8:15-Kate Nauta ($10), 9:15-Karla Moheno,
10:15-Marco with Love
19 7 -Pegi Young & the Survivors, 8:15-The Hipstones, 9:15-The
Broken Crowns ($10), 10:30-Sophie Auster
20 7 -Steelism, 8-Elijah Tucker, 9:30-City of the Sun ($10),
21 7 -David Bronson New Album Preview Show, 8:15-James
Maddock (Full Band) ($25-$32), 12-Tuelo & Her Cousins
22 7 -The Bodega Tallboys/Tiajuana Caravan, 9:15-Graham Colton
($15), 10:30-Niall Connolly, 11:30-theSHIFT
23 7-Shira, 8-Home Body, 11-The Brazilian Johnsons
24 7 -Carrie Manolakos ($12-$15), 8-Dinner and a Suit w/ Chris Koza
($10), 10-Joe Benjamin & a Mighty Handful
25 TBA
26 9 -Nat Osborn Band, Nicky Egan ($10)
28 12-Myles Arthur Band
29 10-Mamarazzi, 11:30-The Ryan Scott Four, 12:30-Joshua Powell &
the Great Train Robbery
Stage 3
NOV 1 7-Addie Brownlee ($10), 8:30-Brenoshea ($10)
2 9-Elli Espi ($8)
3 8 -Lisa O’Neill ($15), 9:30-First Monday Bluegrass Jam hosted by
Michael Daves (No Cover)
4 7 -Communion Club Night ($14-$16)
5 6 :30-Freedy Johnston ($10), 8-Melissa Giges ($10), 9:30-Parsley
y Miranda w/ Special Guests Olivier Conan & Allyssa Lamb ($10)
6 8 -Serena Jost ($10), 9:30-Jim and Sam w/ Jonah Delso ($10),
11:30-Tyler Lyle ($10)
7 7 -Peppino D’Agostino ($25), 8:30-Carol Lipnik (w/ Matt
Kanelos on Piano) ($10), 10-Chris Barron (of Spin Doctors) ($15),
11:30-Venus & the Moon ($10)
8 7 -Derek Fawcett Record Release ($10), 8:30-Dan Navarro ($15),
10-Stone Cold Fox w/ The Perennials ($10)
9 8-Brad Cole ($10), 9:30-Matthew Szlachetka ($10)
10 7 :30-Skye Steele, Karlie Bruce, & Chris Parrello ($10), 10-Angela
McCluskey & Paul Cantelon Residency ($15)
11 7 -On Your Radar feat. Rupert Wates, The Boxcar Lillies, Matt Nakoa
- Hosted by John Platt from WFUV ($12), 10-Greta Panettieri ($10)
12 7 -Artists Without Walls Presents: Sasha Papernik, Tara O’Grady,
Deni Bonet, Warren Malone, Niamh Hyland, Jack O’Connell ($20),
9:30-Parsley y Miranda w/ Special Guests Nicole Atkins, Angela
McCluskey & Paul Cantelon ($15)
13 7 :30-Jesse Terry, Suzie Brown & Scot Sax ($10-$12), 9:45-Lior
& Totara Jack ($10)
14 7 -Kate Vargas ($10), 8:30-Sarah Blacker ($10), 10-Nicholas David ($15)
15 8 -Caroline Glaser w/ Mel Washington ($15-$20), 10-Nat Osborn ($10)
16 9:30-Margaret Glaspy ($10)
17 7 -Robby Hecht ($10), 10-Angela McCluskey & Paul Cantelon
Residency ($15)
18 7 -Jess Klein w/ Jessie Torrisi ($10-$12), 9:30-Caitlin Canty ($12)
19 8 -Natalia Zukerman ($12-$15), 9:30-Parsley y Miranda ($15)
20 8 -Toby Lightman ($20), 9:30-Bryan McCoy: An evening of Rootsy
Originals, Storytelling and Half Truths ($10)
21 7 -Erin and Her Cello ($10), 8:30-Willy Porter ($25), 10:15-Adron
22 8 :30-Cricket Tell the Weather ($10), 10-Micah ($8)
23 8-Heather Maloney ($12-$15)
24 7 :30-The Stray Birds w/ Jordie Lane ($15), 10-Angela McCluskey
& Paul Cantelon Residency ($15)
25 7 -Big City Folk Tuesday Night Song Club - Hosted by Niall Connolly ($10)
232425 26 27 2829
26 9 :30-Sofia Ribeiro ($12)
28 TBA
29 6-Eleanor Dubinsky ($10), 8:30-Hanna Leess ($10)
See venue web site for updates
Rocky Sullivan’s
129 Lexington Avenue 212-725-3871
Mondays from 9 ‘til midnight-Informal seisiun of
Irish traditional music with Marie Reilly
The Rubin Museum of Art
150 W 17th Street
212.620.5000 ext 344
Music Without Borders presents the “Naked Soul” Series
All shows at 7pm
NOV 7 Melissa Ferrick $25 Adv / $30 Door / $22.50 Memb
DEC 12 Dana Fuchs $30 Adv / $35 Door / $27 Memb
45 Bleecker Street, Downstairs (212) 533-5470
NOV 1 8pm Johnny A $20 Adv / $25 Door
6 8pm Preston Reed $18 Adv / $23 Door
7 10:30pm Charlie Mars $20 Adv / $23 Door
8 7:30 & 10pm Break of Reality $22 Adv / $25 Door
10 8pm Grant-Lee Phillips and Howe Gelb $25 Adv / $30 Door
19 8 pm A Circle of Songs- Hosted by Richard Barone with Duncan
Sheik, Allison Moorer, & Holly Near $25 Adv / $30 Door
21 8pm Jay Ungar & Molly Mason $20 Adv / $25 Door
22 8pm Jon Pousette-Dart $25 Adv / $30 Door
25 8pm Nels Cline & Julian Lage $20 Adv / $25 Door
26 8pm Leyla McCalla $13 Adv / $18 Door
DEC 4 7pm Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo $20 Adv / $25 Door
11 7:30pm Griffin House $22 Adv / $25 Door
12, 13 7:30pm Stephen Kellogg $25 Adv / $30 Door
14 7:30pm Ellis Paul Album Release Concert $22 Adv / $25 Door
Sugar Bar
254 W. 72nd St. 212.579.0222
Symphony Space
2537 Broadway (95th St) 212.864.1414
DEC 5 8pm The 34th Annual John Lennon Tribute: A benefit for The
John Lennon Real Love Project w/ Debbie Harry (Blondie), Kate Pierson
(The B-52s), David Johansen (The NY Dolls, Buster Poindexter) Joan
Osborne, Amy Helm, Marshall Crenshaw, Ben E. King, Rich Pagano (Fab
Faux), The Kennedys and Chrissi Poland - Lennon photographer Bob
Gruen will also be honored $65 / $85 / $105
Terminal 5
610 W 56th St
(212) 665-3832
Terra Blues
149 Bleecker St 212-777-7776
7pm Acoustic / 10pm Electric
The Town Hall
123 W.43rd St. 212-398-6447
NOV 5 8pm Melissa Etheridge, This Is Me Tour $51.55-$101.55
15 8pm Ani DiFranco w/ Special Guest Dar Williams $50
18 8pm Milton Nascimento $47-$97
20 8pm G. Dalaras Rembetiko Unplugged: The Greek Blues $57-$107
NOV 22, 29, DEC 6 5:45pm A Prairie Home Companion with
Garrison Keillor $58, $64
DEC 13 8 pm The Return of The Aimee Mann Christmas Show with
Aimee Mann, Ted Leo and many Special Guests $35-$45
17, 18 8pm Rufus and Martha Wainwright’s Noel Nights $47-$77
UMO Music Events
UMO Weekly Sunday Afternoon Free Winter Music Event
Shades of Green Pub
125 East 15 Street (Betw Irving Place & 3rd Ave)
2pm to 6pm FREE - 1 Drink Minimum / 212-674-1394
Performers welcome: Folk / Rock / R&B 2010 back to 1960’s
More info “Underground Music Online”
(Note - Spring, Summer & Fall Music
is in Washington Square Park)
Webster Hall
125 E. 11th St.
An Beal Bocht Cafe
445 W 238th St, Riverdale 718-884-7127
Shows at 9:30
Sun: 4-7pm Trad Irish Session Tues: Open Mic Night
Starving Artist Cafe & Gallery
City Island
249 City Island Avenue
9 101112131415
376 9th St at 6th Ave Park Slope 347-422-0248
All events $10 suggested donation, unless otherwise noted
Sundays @ 9pm Stephane Wrembel
Mondays @ 7pm Brain Cloud’
Tuesdays @ 9pm Slavic Soul Party $10/set
Wednesdays @ 10pm The Mandingo Ambassadors
NOV 1 4 pm Songs for Unusual Creatures, 6pm The Universal Thump &
Friends w/ special guest Pete Galub, 8pm Xalam, 10pm Banda
Sinaloense De Los Muertos
2 5pm Ljova w/ special guest TBA, 7pm Bob Jones/Jon Sholle Duo
3 9:30pm Tropical Vortex Mondays
4 7pm Litvakus
5 8pm 75 Dollar Bill
6 8pm Rachelle Garniez, 10pm Andy Statman $10
7 8pm Percy Jones and MJ-12, 10pm Ola Fresca
8 4 pm The Erik Satie Quartet, 6pm The Universal Thump & Friends,
8pm Les Chauds Lapins, 10pm Chia’s Dance Party
9 5 pm Ljova w/ Inna Barmash; Yiddish Lullabies and Love Songs,
7pm Barbès Classical; Alexi Kenney w/ Yannick Rafalimanana.
10 9:30pm Tropical Vortex Mondays - Tito Puente Tribute
11 7pm Ben Holmes & Patrick Farrell
12 8pm Zeke Healy & Karen Waltuch
13 8pm Sanda Weigl, 10pm The Pre-War Ponies
14 8pm Regional de NY, 10pm Ethan Lipton & His Orchestra
15 5 pm Ljova w/ Sanda Weigl, 6pm The Universal Thump & Friends
w/ special guest Rachel Taylor Brown, 8pm Tongues In Trees, 10pm
Las Rubias Del Norte
16 7pm Jason Loughlin & The String Gliders
17 9:30pm Tropical Vortex Mondays - Micro Tropical
18 7pm Michael Hearst’s Songs for Fearful Flyers; album release
19 7pm Superette
20, 21 8 & 10pm Slavic Soul Party Plays Duke Ellington’s Far East Suite
Four special Performances. $12 per set
22 6 pm The Universal Thump & Friends w/ special guest Oren
Bloedow, 8pm Mamie Minch, 10pm Forro Dance Party
23 5 pm Ljova w/ special guest TBA, 7pm Zephaniah and the 18
Wheelers w/ Jim Campilongo, Gerald Menke, Roy Williams ,Scott
Colberg, Nick Anderson and Zephaniah O’Hara
24 9:30pm Tropical Vortex Mondays - Tito Puente Tribute
25 7pm Max Johnson Trio + 2
26 8pm Que Vlo-Ve?
27 O PEN. Watch movies. Maybe catch some music. Enjoy the
therapeutical benefits of drinking on this sometimes thankless day.
28 8pm The Joel Forrester Quintet, 10pm Bill Carney’s Jug Addicts
29 6 pm The Universal Thump & Friends w/ special guest TBA, 8pm
Bombay Rickey, 10pm James Fearnley
30 5pm Ljova w/ special guest Tango Blues, 7pm Michael Sheridan Trio
(Note: See above for recurring residency performers)
The Bell House
149 7th Street
Brooklyn Bowl
61 Wythe Avenue (718) 963-3369
Brooklyn Music Shop presents
Prospect Range 1226 Prospect Ave. @ Vanderbilt
Reservations via email:
Shows @ 8pm
NOV 1 Russell Kaback & Michael Reitman
DEC 6 Matt Nakoa – opener TBA
First Acoustics Coffeehouse
First Unitarian Congregational Society
Brooklyn Heights 50 Monroe Place at Pierrepont St.
All seats $25 Adv / $30 Door except**
*All concerts 8pm except*
NOV 15 An Evening With Tom Rush $40 Adv / $45 Door
JAN 10 House Concert (artist TBA)
FEB 14 House Concert (artist TBA)
MAR 28 The No Fuss and Feathers Roadshow
APR 18 The Lords of Liechtenstein and Greg Klyma
MAY 16 Brad Cole and Claudia Nygaard
JUN 6 Jean Rohe and The End of the World Show
315 Columbia St 718.395.3214
Tues: 9pm Open Mic Wed: 9pm Roots & Ruckus w/ Feral Foster
NOV 1 1 2-Song Writing Workshop with Roddy Barnes, 3-Open Old
Time Jam with Harry Bollick, 9- M.Shanghai String Band $10
2 1 0:30-Little Laffs - Big Fun for Little Ones! Kids Variety Show $10,
3 & 8-Up For Anything-Carlo Vogel & The Red Hook Glass Bottom
Dramatical Players $25
3 8 -Up For Anything-Carlo Vogel & The Red Hook Glass Bottom
Dramatical Players $25
7 5 :30 @ American Folk Art Museum: Pete Rushefsky, @ Jalopy;
9-Rebecca Pronsky / 10- Matt Munisteri $10
161718 192021 22
9 -The Feinberg Brothers $15, 10-Jen Larson EP Release Joined
by Michael Daves, Tony Trischka, Barry Mitterhoff, Ron Feinberg,
Ben Fraker, and Larry Cook $15
8- The Dolly Wagglers Present Gross Bliss
9 -Ghost Train Orchestra / 10:30 -Carte Blanche Jazz Band $10
9 - Al Duvall / 10-Sheesham & Lotus & Son / 11-Brotherhood of the
Jug Band Blues $10
1 2- Vocal Harmony Basics with Don Friedman and Friends $20, 2Vocal Harmony Duos and Trios with Don Friedman and Friends $25,
3:30- Happy Traum - Blues and Country Fingerpicking 101
Workshop: Conquering the Challenge of the Steady Thumb $35,
8-Jim Kweskin & Happy Traum $25
9-NYC Barn Dance $13 Adv / $15 Door
1 1-Astrograss for Kids kids $5, adults $10, families $25;
kids under 2: FREE
The Living Room
134 Metropolitan Ave
NOV 3 8pm MaryLeigh Roohan
4 8pm Evan Shinners, 9pm NickCasey
7 8pm Will McCranie, 9pm Aiden James
9 8pm Baby Copperhead, 9pm Brent Arnold
10 8pm MaryLeigh Roohan
11 8pm Ryan Culwell, 9pm NickCasey
12 9pm Rony’s Insomnia
14 11pm New Ponies
18, 25 9pm NickCasey
DEC 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 9pm Jim Campilongo Electric Trio
4 9pm Jared Saltiel
5 8pm Lindsey Cohen, 9pm Moore & Sons, 10pm Little Silver
11 11pm My Cousin, The Emperor
13 9pm Miwa Gemini
14 8pm Jason Myles Goss
19 9pm Standard Standard
20 8pm Elijah Ocean
Music Hall of Williamsburg
66 North Sixth Street
NOV 1 9 pm Preservation Hall Jazz Band / Allen Toussaint
$25 (Sold Out)
14 8pm Ani DiFranco w/ special guest Jenny Scheinman $48
18 9pm Rachael Yamagata $25
DEC 1 8:30pm James Blake $35
4, 5, 6, 7 8:30pm tUnE-yArDs $35
20 8:30pm Nick Lowe’s Quality Holiday Revue $35
622 Degraw Street (bet 3 - 4th Ave)
Pete’s Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street Williamsburg (718) 302 - 3770
232425 26 27 2829
Historic Richmond Town
Tavern Concerts 441 Clarke Avenue (718) 351-1611
Reservations: (718) 351-1611, Ext. 281
2 shows ea. Sat. Jan-Apr 6 & 8pm, $15, $12/SIHS Memb.
Long Island
Babylon Village Arts Council
2nd Thursday Concert Series
American Legion Hall 22 Grove Pl. Babylon Village
Free Admission Info: 631-669-1810
BACCA Performing Arts Center
Babylon Citizens Council on the Arts 4th Friday Concert Series
149 N Wellwood Ave, Lindenhurst 631-587-3696
Open Mic @ 7:30 Shows @ 8pm Adm: $15
Every 3rd Sunday 1-5pm Song Swap
4th Friday Concert Series - Artists TBA
Boulton Center for the Performing Arts
37 W. Main Street Bay Shore (631)969-1101
All shows 8pm Reserved Seating - Adm: Member / Non-Memb
NOV 1 8pm The The Band Band $30, $35
14 8pm Acoustic Alchemy $40, $45
15 8pm Carl Palmer $55, $60
20 8pm Peter Rowan $40, $45
DEC 10 8pm Adrian Belew $40, $45
11 8pm James Cotton $40, $45
12 8pm Eileen Ivers “An Nollaig” An Irish Christmas $40, $45
Court House Concerts
Pre-show gathering 2pm, Showtime 3pm
Suggested Donation: $20
Reservations required e-mail:
NOV 16 The YaYas w/ special guest Kirsten Maxwell
Eclectic Café
Unitarian Universalist Society of South Suffolk
28 Brentwood Rd Bay Shore 631 661-1278
2nd Sat/month 7:30 1-hr open mic, then feature act(s)
$10 Adv / $13 Door
NOV 8 Suzie Vinnick **$15 Adv / $20 Door
Finch Mountain House Concerts
Babylon 631) 661-1278 or
7pm Pot Luck supper before each show
$20 suggested donation Reservations required
NOV 22 8pm Jory Nash
Folk-Groovin’ Café
34 Van Dyke St. (@ Dwight St.), Red Hook
The Vault, 90-21 Springfield Blvd. , Dix Hills
Hosted by Jim Frazzittaé
Performers contact
Performances: 8pm Adm $10 Refreshments included
Two Moon Art House & Café
Folk Music Society of Huntington
Rocky Sullivan’s
315 4th Avenue
2nd Fridays 8pm Co-hosts Carolann Solebello & Bev Grant
$10 Donation - One drink minimum
NOV 14 8 pm Bev & Carolann Present… Sharon Goldman and
Amy Soucy
Union Hall
702 Union St. (718) 638-4400
Polish National Home 261 Driggs Avenue
The Irish Cottage
108-07 72nd Avenue, Forest Hills (between Austin Street and
Queens Boulevard, two blocks south of the 71st/Continental
stop of the E, F, R, and V trains) 718-520-8530
Woodside Library
54-22 Skillman Avenue
(718) 429-4700
Staten Island
Every Thing Goes Book Cafe
& Neighborhood Stage 208 Bay Street 718-447-8256
Congregational Church of Huntington, L.I.
30 Washington Drive, Centerport, (631) 425-2925
First Saturday Series Concerts begin at 8:30 Open Mic 7:30
Admission $25 / members $20 - advance tix on website
NOV 1 The Kennedys
DEC 6 Tom Chapin
JAN 3 Members Showcase Concert
FEB 7 Christine Lavin & Don White
MAY 2 Brother Sun
Hard Luck Café at the Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave, Huntington
Third Thursday Concerts begin at 8:30pm w/ Open Mic at 7:30pm
Admission $15 / $10 FMSH & CAC members - No advance tickets
NOV 20 Manitoba Hal + Libby Koch
DEC 18 Bob Westcott’s Holiday Revue
JAN 15 Pesky J. Nixon + The New Students
APR 16 Claudia Russell & Bruce Kaplan
Folk Jams at the South Huntington Public Library
One Sunday each month, Sep-June, 1-4pm FREE
Nov 9, Dec 14
Garden Stage
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Central Nassau
223 Stewart Avenue Garden City
Concerts scheduled one Friday of the month Sep thru May
NOV 7 C ricket Tell the Weather / Lords of Liechtenstein
$20 Adv / $22 Door
DEC 5 Brother Sun, $20 Adv / $22 Door
9 101112131415
Brooks Williams $20 Adv / $22 Door
Red Moon Road $20 Adv / $22 Door
Joe Crookston $20 Adv / $22 Door
Martin Swinger / Matt Nakoa $20 Adv / $22 Door
Grounds and Sounds Cafe
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
380 Nicholls Road, Stony Brook
Open Mic at 7:30pm Feature Act at 8pm Adm: $12.50
NOV 14 Pete Mancini
DEC 12 Kristen Graves
FEB 13 Marci Geller
Landmark on Main Street
232 Main Street Port Washington 516-767-6444
Shows: 8pm Adm: Prem Seats / Memb -- Standard / Memb
In The House
DEC 14 Darlene Love
FEB 6 Black Violin
JUN 13 The Slade Concert Series Presents Kelli O’Hara
Fabulous Folk Series
JAN 17 Josh Ritter
FEB 7 O n Your Radar with WFUV’s John Platt featuring Spuyten
Duyvil, Toby Walker and Carsie Blanton
MAR 28 Mary Gauthier & David Wilcox
MAY 31 Suzanne Vega
Roots Rock Series
NOV 22 The Blind Boys of Alabama
FEB 2 Nicole Atkins
World Beat Series
JAN 23 The Pedrito Martinez Group Featuring Ariacne Trujillo
MAR 7 David Broza
APR 18 Fatoumata Diawara
Last Licks Cafe
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
109 Brown’s Rd., Huntington 631-427-9547
Open mic: 7:30pm, sign up @ 7pm, headliner: 8:30pm
Adm: $15 / $10 seniors/students
NOV 22 The Queazles
DEC 27 OOMPA Holiday Showcase
JAN 24 The Cafe Racers Radio Hour with Rick Cashman
FEB 28 Bliss Blood
MAR 28 Jacqueline Schwab
APR 25 Wild Ginger and Annie Mark and Chris James
MAY 23 OOMPA Spring Showcase
Deepwell Mansion 497 Route 25a
Saint James (Long Island)
Live shows and audio and video podcasts
First Wednesday ea. month: 8-10pm - $5
NOV 5 Micah / Buffalo Stack
Our Times Coffeehouse
Long Island Ethical Humanist Society 38 Old Country Road,
Garden City 516-541-1006
Shows: 8pm (generally on the 3rd Friday of each month)
Donations: Adults $15, Seniors & Students (w/Schl I.D) $12
Children (under 12) $6 (very young children are free)
NOV 21 Sultans of String
JAN 16 Bill Staines $15
The Song Box House Concerts
Held in recording studio at private residence
Every 4th Sat. in Seaford (south shore Nassau County)
Reservations 516-579-5365 or
(confirmation and directions via return email)
NOV 22 8 pm 15th Annual Benefit Celebration for Long Island
Cares; performers TBA $15
Soulful Sundown Coffeehouse Series
The Unitarian Universalist Church at Shelter Rock
48 Shelter Rock Road. Manhasset
7:30 Uplifting message, then music - Chris Marshak & band
8:30 Feature act FREE
NOV 14 Bill Sims Jr.
DEC 12 Toby Lightman
JAN 9 Cliff Eberhardt
FEB 13 Cassandra House
MAR 13 Pat Wictor
APR 10 Kerri Powers
MAY 8 Robert Bruey
JUN 12 Jean Rohe
161718 192021 22
The Stephen Talkhouse
161 Main Street, Amagansett, NY
NOV 29 8pm Robinson Treacher $10
The University Cafe
Sunday Street Acoustic Concert series at The University Cafe
Student Union Building Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY
631-632-1093 -”Special Events”
All shows 2pm on Sundays except*
NOV 23 Garland Jeffreys $22
DEC 7 Ellis Paul Adv: $25
14 Winterpills; Robert Bruey will open $15
Beczak Environmental Education Center
35 Alexander Street Yonkers
3rd Sat ea. month @ 8pm Adm: $10
NOV 15 How ‘Bout Them Apples – a Musical Farm-to-Table Dinner
to celebrate the NYS apple harvest with plates by Peter Kelly (X2O),
Eric Gabrynowicz (Restaurant North), and Dave DiBari (The Cookery),
music by The Sea, The Sea and Spuyten Duyvil, a NYS Hard Cider
Tasting and more
The Capitol Theatre
149 Westchester Ave., Port Chester (877) 987-6487
NOV 19 8pm Pat Metheny Unity Group $35, $55, $75
149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah
Roots Music in the Music Room
Info: 914.232.5035 Tickets: 914.232.1252
NOV 15 8pm John Fullbright $15-$55
Common Ground Community Concerts
info: 914-478-2710 or
Common Ground Coffeehouse @ The First Unitarian Society
25 Old Jackson Ave, Hastings on Hudson Shows @ 7:30pm
NOV 22 M
att Turk & Friends - The Acoustic Music of Jerry Garcia
and Old and in the Way $20 Adv / $22 Door
DEC 6 T he Andy Statman Trio *** at Irvington Town Hall Theater
$15, $25, $35
JAN 24 Joe Crookston with special guests, The Levins
FEB 28 The Murphy Beds and FADA $18
MAR 28 The Kennedys $18
APR 25 Eliza Gilkyson $20
MAY 16 Jon Brooks, with Fred Gillen, Jr. $18
Emelin Theater
Library Lane, Mamaroneck 914-698-0098
All shows @ 8pm
Hammond House
111 Grasslands Rd. Valhalla 914-347-8209
Irvington Town Hall Theater
85 Main Street Irvington
Music at the Mansion
Crawford Mansion, Crawford Park, Rye Brook
NOV 8 Julie Corbalis, Fred Gillen Jr., and Matt Turk
JAN 31 Cosy Sheridan
MAY 15 Woody Mann
The Peekskill Coffee House
101 South Division St. Peekskill 914-739-1287
River Spirit Music
River Spirit Music House Concert Series
Hastings-on-Hudson (address provided with reservation)
Reservations -
Sundays. Doors/potluck dinner - 4pm; Music - 5pm
Donation: $20 in advance, $22 at door (subject to availability)
NOV 9 Cliff Eberhardt
JAN 11 Suzzy Roche & Lucy Wainwright Roche
FEB 8 The Grahams
MAR 8 Radoslav Lorkovic
APR 19 Jess Klein
Tarrytown Music Hall
13 Main St Tarrytown (914) 631-3390
presented by Music Without Borders**
NOV 1 8pm The Mavericks** $38-$78
2 8pm Justin Hayward - The Voice of The Moody Blues $38-$90
232425 26 27 2829
7 8pm David Bromberg Big Band** $39-$65
13 8pm The Outlaws $50-$65
21 8 pm Guitar Passions w/ Sharon Isbin, Stanley Jordan and
Romero Lubambo $38-$55
22 8 pm The Weight** - Celebrating the Music of Levon Helm & The
Band $30-$40
23 7pm Ingrid Michaelson** $32-$58
Tarrytown Tunes
Christ Episcopal Church, West Elizabeth St. / Rte 9, Tarrytown,
Tarrytown Tunes @ Facebook
Doors - 45 min. before showtime $20 sugg. donation @ door
“mingle and munch” after show - pot luck dish requested
more info:
Towne Crier Cafe
379 Main Street Beacon, NY
(845) 855 1300
Show Adm: Adv / Door (Adv: + $3/ticket handling)
Open Mic Night: Mon & Wed 7pm
NOV 1 8:30pm Steve Forbert Band $35
2 7:30pm Tommy Castro & The Painkillers $25
7 8:30pm Joanna Mosca; also Peter Calo $25
8 8:30pm Suzanne Vega; with special guest Joe Crookston $50
9 7:30pm Melissa Ferrick; with special guest Linda Draper $20
10 7:30pm Hot Rize $30
13 7:30pm Yarn; with special guest Jack Grace $15
15 8:30pm Carbon Leaf; also Chris Trapper $25
16 7:30pm Acoustic Alchemy $40
20 7:30pm Shawn Phillips $25
21 8 :30pm Nell Robinson & “The Rose Of No-Man’s Land,” featuring
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott and NPR’s David Brancaccio $25
22 8:30pm Greg Brown; with special guest Pieta Brown $40
23 7:30pm Christine Lavin & Don White $25
28 8:30pm Cherish The Ladies $35
29 8:30pm Livingston Taylor; with special guest Don Lowe $40
30 7 :30pm Mitch Woods & His Rocket 88s; also special guest Petey
Hop & The Jackrabbits $20
Walkabout Clearwater Coffeehouse
New Location! Memorial United Methodist Church
250 Bryant Ave, White Plains (914) 242-0374
Shows start at 7:30pm except*
NOV 8 Garnet Rogers
DEC 13 Josh White Jr.
JAN 10 Tom Chapin
FEB 14 Boxcar Lilies
MAR 14 Joe Jencks / Natalia Zukerman (double bill)
APR 11 Joe Crookston / Mustard’s Retreat (double bill)
MAY 9 Kim and Reggie Harris
Rockland County
Borderline Folk Music Club
At the home of Steve Shapiro 7 Trailside Court, New City
or New City Ambulance Corps, 200 Congers Road, New City
Attendees are asked to bring a cold pot luck dessert dish
Reservations strongly suggested or (845)-354-4586
NOV 16 2pm Sloan Wainwright w/ Davey O opening $20 / $15 memb.
Turning Point
468 Piermont Ave, Piermont 845-359-1089
Open Mic Night Weds & Thurs, 7pm, signup 5-7pm $4
NOV 1 9pm Duke Robillard (Band) $25
6 8pm Peppino D’Agostino $20
7 9pm John Primer Band $20
8 8pm Shemekia Copeland Band $47.50
9 4pm John Guth Presents Sarah Bonsignore $15
14 9pm The Grand Slambovians $30
15 9 pm CKS Band; Randy Ciarlante (drums/vocals), Bruce Katz (B-3
Organ) and Scott Sharrard (guitar/vocals) $25
16 4 & 7pm The Feeling Much Better Tour w/ Dan Hicks and His
Hot Licks $35
21 9pm Milton $20
22 8:30pm Prof. Louie and the Crowmatix $20
26 8pm Stefan Presents Corderoy Band $10
29 9pm Riley Etheridge Band $20
30 4 pm Big Jim Wheeler & Band In Black ( a tribute to Johnny Cash) $15
Upstate New York
Caffe Lena
47 Phila Street,, Saratoga Springs (518) 583-0022
List of Shows:
Colony Café
22 Rock City Road Woodstock
845 679-5342 Weekdays 6-11 Sat & Sun12-11 closed Wed
161718 192021 22
232425 26 27 2829
Coffee With Conscience
Notes From Home
52 Mill Hill Road Woodstock, NY
Mondays: Open Mic: Poetry;
Tuesdays: Singles, Duos
Weds. Open Mic: Music (Sign up 7pm, music 8-11pm)
Thursdays: Bluegrass Clubhouse with Bill Keith & guests
Fridays & Saturdays: Bands; Sundays: Singles, Duos
Concert Series of Westfield
Westfield First United Methodist Church
1 East Broad Street (corner of North Ave) Westfield
Shows at 8pm Price online/@door
(house concert series)
Montclair 201-214-1138 Doors open 1 hour before Concert
potluck dinner
Reservations: RSVP for location
Rosendale Cafe
434 Main St., Rosendale
(914) 658-9048
NOV 8 8pm Slam Allen $15
11 8 pm Singer-Songwriter Tuesdays w/ Gene Focarelli, Shamsi Ruhe,
9 101112131415
Luci Aprilwine Windsong Rain, Wayne Montecalvo (plus maybe
Warren), and Philip Monteleoni FREE
8pm Bluegrass Gospel Project w/ Taylor Amerding $18
8pm Jim Kweskin and Happy Traum $23
8 pm Singer-Songwriter Tuesdays w/ Gus Bellflower, Frank Viele, Ami
Madeleine, Terry & Indigo, John Wylde, and Bryan Gordon FREE
Singer-Songwriter Heaven
House Concerts in Beekman, N.Y.
Potluck @ 2pm; Show @ 3pm All are welcome!
Limited seating; reservations requested
Tel: John Hamilton, 917-734-8851
or email
NOV 23 RJ Cowdery
MAR 15 Pat Wictor
APR 19 Tim Grimm
MAY 17 Greg Trooper
Warwick Valley Winery
114 Little York Road, Warwick, NY, 845-258-4858
Special Events:
One-Day Music Festivals TBA
Doors open at 7pm for wine tasting and Bistro style dinner
Uncorked & Unplugged Afternoon Series 2 - 5pm No Cover
NOV 1 Mark Von Em
2 Josh Casano
8 Uncle Shoehorn
9 Tim O Donohue
15 E’lissa Jones Band
16 Evan & Leslie
22 Petey Hop
23 John Sheehan
29 TBA
30 TBA
New Jersey
The Acoustic Cafe
In Our Lady of Mercy School, 25 Fremont Ave.
Park Ridge Info: 201-573-0718
Showtime: 8pm Doors open at 7:30
Adm $18 - $25
NOV 22 W
HY Hunger Benefit Concert - Artists and Ticket w/ Jen
Chapin, Joe D’Urso, KJ Denhert, Anthony D”Amato & more
Prices TBA
JAN 24 Ellis Paul, Special guest Hayley Reardon
FEB 21 James Maddock, Special guest Michaela McClain
MAR 28 Sloan Wainwright, The Levins (CD Release)
APR 25 Vance Gilbert & guest TBA
MAY 30 Kim & Reggie Harris, Arlon Bennett & the Healing Project
The Barrington Coffeehouse Musicafe
131 Clements Bridge Rd., Barrington
Reservations: 856.573.7800
7:30 - 11pm & beyond Wide Open Mic Every Thursday FREE
“Friday Main Stage” & “Saturday Night Special”
8-10 pm. ($10 cover unless noted*)
NOV 1 Mark Peters w/ special guest Marco Dolente
7 Sarah Alexandra, Jakki Roberts, Mark & Shane
8 Valkyrians
14 Debbie Scott, Rick Nollet
15 Donovan Moran - Rastavan, James Mathias, Roth and the Reason
21 Suzanne and Geno, The Diligents
22 Robert Santana
29 Lori Starr and The Guilty Pleasures
Cabin Concerts at Tim & Lori Blixt’s
60 Hawthorne Road Wayne (973) 616-0853
Your hosts: Tim and Lori Blixt
Acoustic Vacations in the Mountains Inclusive retreats at the
West Mountain Inn, Arlington Vt. An all new show each night!!
info: /
Concerts at the Crossing
Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing-Pennington Road Titusville
Shows at 7:30pm
NOV 15 Girls, Guns and Glory / Sarah Borges $20; Kids* $5
Cozy Cabin Concerts
Green Brook, New Jersey 732.752.5294
Doors /pot luck supper at 6pm, music at 7pm
All shows are suggested donation $20/person
NOV 1 Clarence Bucaro with Cariad Harmon
15 Sarah Blacker with Brian Worley
DEC 28 Rupert Wates
Darress Theatre
615 Main Street, Boonton, NJ
Open Mic every third wed ea/month Sign-up: 7:30pm
More info:
Ethical Brew
The Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County
687 Larch Avenue Teaneck, NJ
NOV 8 8 pm New & Noteworthy Songwriter Showcase featuring
Frank Lombardi & The Levins $20 Adv / $25 Door
Heights House Concert Series
Jersey City Address given w/ reservation 201-310-1322
All shows Sundays 2:30pm
Hurdy Gurdy Folk Music Coffeehouse
Fair Lawn Community Center, 10-10 20th Street, Fair Lawn
Shows at 8:00 201 384-1325
Prices: member/non-member
NOV 1 Spuyten Duyvil
DEC 6 J osh White 100th Anniversary Celebration with Josh White
Jr. and friends
JAN 10 H arpeth Rising & Burning Bridget Cleary
FEB 7 Debra Cowan & John Roberts
MAR 7 Aztec Two-Step
APR 11 Christine Lavin & Don White
MAY 9 Modern Man
JUN 6 The Johnson Girls
Mexicali Live
1409 Queen Anne Road Teaneck
NOV 15 8pm James Maddock with his band $25
21 9pm Jon Herington Band $15
DEC 6 8pm Marshall Crenshaw & his Band $35
12 9pm Popa Chubby $20
18 8pm Tony Trischka Territory $15
20 8pm Guy Davis & the High Flying Rockets + The Ebony Hillbillies $30
The Minstrel
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Hts. Rd,
Shows at 8pm 973-335-9489 $9 Cover
NOV 7 Sally Rogers and Claudia Schmidt (split bill)
14 Jim Kweskin and Happy Traum (split bill)
21 S pecial concert – Jonathan Edwards and Lucy Kaplansky
($30 Adv / $35 Door)
28 Mike Agranoff / The Rolstons and Nerenberg open.
Music at the Mission
West Milford Presbyterian Church
1452 Union Valley Road West Milford 973-728-4201
Doors open at 7:30pm - Music starts at 8pm
Adm: Non-memb Adv / Door
NOV 15 8pm Tony Trischka $22 Adv / $25 Door
New Legacy Concert Series
Ringwood Public Library
30 Cannici Drive, Ringwood 973-962-6256
1 Center Street Newark (973) 642-8989
Outpost in the “Burbs” Coffeehouse
Unitarian Church of Montclair, 67 Church Street, Montclair
(Larger shows* held at First Congregational Church of
Montclair 40 South Fullerton Ave)
Also: Van Vleck House & Gardens, 21 Van Vleck Street, Montclair
973-744-6560 Shows at 8:00
NOV 7 The Kennedys; Tribute To Nanci Griffith $22
14 B rothers & Sisters co-bill - Brother Sun and The Chapin Sisters
(Tom Chapin’s daughters) $22
DEC 5 An Evening of Song and Conversation with Peter Yarrow $25
12 Joseph Arthur opener: Mya Byrne $22
Princeton Folk Music Society
Concerts at Christ Congregation Church
50 Walnut Lane in Princeton 3rd Friday of the month - 8:15 (609) 799-0944
NOV 21 Joel Mabus
DEC 12 Bill Staines
JAN 16 Sloan Wainwright
FEB 20 emma’s revolution
MAR 20 Mary Gauthier
APR 17 Craig Bickhardt
MAY 15 Mary Courtney
Sanctuary Concerts
Presbyterian Church, 240 Southern Boulevard, Chatham
Concerts 8pm Admission includes coffee and baked desserts
NOV 11 7pm Arlo Guthrie Solo Acoustic Evening SOLD OUT
DEC 12 7 pm Dar Williams “The Honesty Room” 20th Anniversary
Performance $30
APR 25, 2015 Archie Fisher, Jez Lowe and James Keelaghan $20
South Orange Performing Arts Center
1 Sopac Way, South Orange, NY
NOV 4 7:30pm Arlo Guthrie “The Solo Reunion Tour $45-$78
6 7:30pm Jefferson Starship – 40th Anniversary Tour $39-$65
8 8pm David Bromberg Big Band $43-$70
21 8 pm The Weight “Celebrating the Music of Levon Helm and The
Band” $27-$38
23 7pm Blind Boys of Alabama $45-$65
The Society Cafe Concert Series
Anderson Hall Unitarian Universalist Society of Ridgewood
113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood Doors 7pm Show 8pm
Splatter Concerts
Ukrainian American Cultural Center
60 North Jefferson Rd., Whippany
Shows @ 7pm 973-585-7175
Adm $ as listed Ages 13-17: $5 12 & under free
To order tickets, e-mail name & no. of tickets desired to:
Wellmont Theater
5 Seymour St, Montclair (973) 783-9500
NOV 10 8 pm Best of Jethro Tull With Ian Anderson plus New Album
Homo Erraticus $25-$170
Acoustic Celebration
Temple Shearith Israel 46 Peaceable St Ridgefield
or St. Stephen’s Church, North Hall 351 Main St
(203) 431-6501
NOV 16 4pm John Flynn $20 Adv / $25 Door
23 4pm Carolann Solebello $15 Adv / $20 Door
DEC 14 4pm Greg Trooper $18 Adv / $23 Door
JAN 24 4pm Ken Morr Band $15 Adv / $20 Door
APR 12 4pm Spuyten Dyvil $20 Adv / $25 Door
Branford Folk Coffeehouse
First Congregational Church of Branford
1009 Main Street, Branford
Shows: 8pm nonmemb $15, memb $12, children 12 - under, $5
NOV 8 The Honey Dewdrops
DEC 13 Pete Rushevsky Klezmer Ensemble
JAN 10 Karen Ashbrook and Phil Oorts
TF 2345678
FEB 14 Lissa Schneckenburger and Bethany Waickman
MAR 14 Beppe Gambetta and Rushad Eggleston
APR 18 Gordon Bok
MAY 9 John Roberts and ...
CT Folk
First Presbyterian Church 704 Whitney Ave, New Haven
“First Friday” Concert Series
Gen Adm: $15 Adv / $20 Door Students: $10 Adv / $15 Door
NOV 7 Suzie Vinnick
DEC 5 Goodnight Moonshine
JAN 9 Lara Herscovitch and Kristen Graves
FEB 6 CT Artists Showcase featuring Ron Anthony and Dan Tressler
MAR 6 The Asberry Boys
APR 10 Festival Auditions — The Finalists
MAY 1 Tribute to Neil Young feat. Jesse Terry and Rebecca Loebe
Fairfield Theater Company
FTC @ The Klein Klein Memorial Auditorium
910 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport
NOV 1 8pm The Fab Faux $50-$55
DEC 6 8pm A Folk Christmas w/ Greater Bridgeport Symphony; Eric
Jacobsen, Conductor + Soloists: Sara Watkins, Aoife O’Donnell,
Fairfield County Childrens Choir, John Noyes, Director $29, $39,
$49 & $59
FTC on StageOne
70 Sanford St., Fairfield Shows: 7:45pm
NOV 1 Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds $25 Adv / $28 Door
4, 5 Average White Band $65
9 The Smithereens $50
12 Dan Hicks and The Hot Licks $35
16 Marc Cohn $65
19 Ari Hest & Liz Longley $28
20, 21 Ryan Montbleau $25
Norwalk Concert Hall
125 East Ave, Norwalk
NOV 15 8pm Don Mclean $45, $55, $65
21 8pm Ani DiFranco + Jenny Scheinman $65
Good Folk Coffeehouse
Rowayton Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
Rowayton Avenue & Pennoyer Street, Rowayton (203) 8664450
Doors open at 7:30pm - Music starts at 8pm
Adult Donation: $25 - Children 7 to 12 half price - Under 7 free
Molten Java Coffee
NOV 22
9 101112131415
213 Greenwood Ave., Bethel
8pm My Dad’s Truck
NOV 23
2pm Bill Wisnowski
DEC 7 2 pm My Dad’s Truck’s Annual Children of Christmas
show with Bonnie Wisnowski and Santa
The Ridgefield Playhouse
80 East Ridge Ridgefield 203-438-5795
The Sounding Board
The Universalist Church of West Hartford,
433 Fern Street, West Hartford 860-635-7685
Doors 7pm Music 8pm Adv tix:
reservations or more info:
Adm: gen. / mem. Children 12 and under $8
NOV 1 Modern Man
15 John McCutcheon
22 Amy Gallatin & Stillwaters
29 Vance Gilbert
JAN 10 Mike Agranoff
17 Woody Pines
24 Cricket Tell The Weather
31 Occidental Gypsy
FEB 7 The Kennedys
14 Roosevelt Dime
21 Atwater-Donnelly
28 The Nields
MAR 7 Burning Bridget Cleary
14 Mike and Ruthy
28 Red Molly (at The Unitarian Society)
APR 11 James Keelaghan, Jez Lowe and Archie Fisher
18 Hungrytown
161718 192021 22
25 Aztec Two-Step
MAY 9 The Morgans
16 Portable Folk Festival
The Vanilla Bean Cafe
Corner of Rts 44, 169 & 97 Pomfret (860)928-1562
NOV 1 8pm The Fixins
7 7:30pm Open Mic – Featured Artist – Gianna Botticelli
8 8pm Cindy Kallet & Grey Larsen
14 7pm Hootenanny/Songwriter Sessions – Lisa Martin Hosts
15 8pm Rebecca Loebe & Jenn Grinels
Voices Café
The Unitarian Church 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport
203-227-7205 x14
All Shows 8pm; Reserved seating for groups of 4+
Adm: Adv / Door
NOV 22 Don White and Christine Lavin $20 Adv / $25 Door
232425 26 27 2829
Please call ahead or check venue
websites before attending shows.
Not responsible for typographical
errors or late performance changes
Richard Cuccaro, Publisher
Viki Peterman, Treasurer
Lyn Hottes, Contributing Editor
NOV 7 The Kennedys; Tribute To Nanci Griffith $22
14 B rothers & Sisters co-bill - Brother Sun and The
Chapin Sisters (Tom Chapin’s daughters) $22
DEC 5 A n Evening of Song and Conversation with
Peter Yarrow $25
12 Joseph Arthur opener: Mya Byrne $22
Unitarian Church of Montclair, 67 Church Street, Montclair
(Larger shows* held at First Congregational Church of Montclair 40 South Fullerton Ave)

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