Contractors Breakfast Tuesday June 14th 7:30-9:00am Knights Hall, 1 Elias 51. Port Hope Free to attend, pre-registration required WOMEN·S NETWORKING BREAKFAST-MAY 31,2016 On Tuesday May 31 approximately 40 professional women from Port Hope and Northumberland County participated in a panel discussion examining issues faced by women in the workplace. Based on enthusiastic feedback we'll be hosting a similar event this Fall-Stay tuned! acc Panel Discussion Friday June 17th 7:30 - 9:30am Knights Hall, 1 Elias 51. Port Hope Free to attend, pre-registration required Jade [olver, Colver and Associates; Amanada Yakiwchuk, Ki Lux Consulting; Mario Sheppard-Thompson, RMT, Whale Family Chiropractic; Dr. Kristy Prince, NO, Panelists Kathryn Campbell (Trent University retired), House of WeI/ness lacqueline Pennington (REMAX Rouge River Realty) and Lynda Kay (Northumberland United Way) Chamber Fun Golf Tournament Thursday September 8,2016 12pm Registration/ 1pm Shotgun Start Port Hope Golf & Country Club We are currently accepting team registra tions and hole sponsorships. Look for more information in this newsletter. For all events RSVP to the Chamber 905-885-5519 Many ladies participated in the discussion Sherri Bebee (Scotiobonk), Lorraine Foster (Eva/untion), Brittany Foster (Arrowe & Co) and Melissa Sompoth-Persoud (SMO) drobertson@porthopechamber.com Chamber President Doug Blundell and Rhonda Cook, Guests enjoyed the silent auction. Thank you to all our owner of multiple nominee Primitille Designs generous silent auction donors! Nancy, Melanie & Malynda 0/ Big Broth- ers Big Sisters Northumberland Shane Joseph and Sarah Jacob (SMM Law) Siabhan (Chamber), Chamber Director Fran (FH Bookkeeping Services) and Darlene (Chamber) Jeannie Maidens (Port Hope), DOlle Elliott (Elliott Councilor Terry Hickey, Eleanor Corter and Brion Alcock (Alcock Nurseries) and Keri Insurance Serv.) and Aimee Tedford (Unitrok) Barry Walker (Northumberland 89.7FM) Mustard Kellin & Jim (Northumberland 89.7) & Siobhon Congratulations to the 2015 Business Excellence Winners! Excellence is Start Up/New Business awarded to Amy & Dennis of Tails Up Pet Shop by Platinum sponsor Dale Clark of Cameco Corp. Excellence in Sustainable {Environmental awarded Excellence in Community Involvement awarded to to Liz Philips and Joan Byers of Cpk by Platinum Valerie Tanner of Davis' Your Independent Grocer Sponsor Tim Westgate of AMEC Foster Wheeler by Colin Deans, Chair of the Awards Committee Excellence in Small Business awarded to Roger Excellence in Business Growth awarded to Alban Excellence in Entrepreneurial Spirit awarded to Bernard of Dreamers Cafe by Platinum Sponsor Merepeza of Port Hope Health Centre by Matt St. George Kalonakis by Renee McLaughlin and Kim Jennifer Know of OPG Amand of Platinum Sponsor lakeridge Chrysler Thomas of Platinum Sponsor Paperworks EST A ~ f 4;;) Excellence as a Young Professional was awarded to Jacqueline Pennington, REMAX Rouge River Realty. Jacqueline is an active member of the Port Hope Young Professionals and the Vice- President of the Port Hope & District Chamber of Commerce. Chamber's Choice Award presented to Jack and Excellence in Local Economic Impact was award- Lea Somers of Woodland Gardens B&B by ed to the Port Hope Farmers' Market. Suzi Gabany Chamber CEO Bree on April 12, 2016 accepted their award on April 11, 2016 Member and Business News Susan (Dewhurst) Rafuse surraunded by guests at her retirement celebration. On Thursday May 9th Big Brothers Big Sisters May 11 the HBIA Northumberland were excited to re-Iaunch their and Chamber Susan Watkin (centre) and her team at hosted a party Watkin Small Business Services were for Susan happy to show off their beautiful new Thrift Shop on John St. Port Hope after renovations. Shop Manager Belinda Bahr (above left) and Dewhurst who is Big Brothers Big Sisters Northumberland Executive closed her store Director Melanie Stewart were proud to show off the new look at their aDen house. office location at 11S8 Division St. N. in downtown Suite 2 Cobourg. Congratulations on after40 years. your relocation! CONTRACTORS’ NETWORKING BREAKFASTS TUESDAY JUNE 14, 2016 1 Elias St, Port Hope 7:30 – 9:00am The Port Hope & District Chamber of Commerce and the Municipality of Port Hope Economic Development office are presenting networking opportunities for local businesses and contractors. MEET & NETWORK with AMEC Foster Wheeler and other Contractors and Subcontractors working on the Port Granby Project, other PHAI projects and other regional projects. LEARN about upcoming events and opportunities in Port Hope and Clarington DON’T FORGET your business cards! Tuesday June 14, 2016 7:30 – 9:00am Knights of Columbus Hall, 1 Elias St. Port Hope Participation is FREE but pre-registration is required. Contact/RSVP: Darlene Roberston drobertson@porthopechamber.com 905-885-5519 (porthopechamber.com) We are hosting an information session on Tuesday June 28th 5:00—6:00pm Knights of Columbus Hall (1 Elias St. Port Hope ) Or call Bree at the Chamber 905-885-5519 with questions We’re hosting a group Chinese Visa Application Session on Thursday August 4th at 5:00pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall You can submit your application with the group—or submit your application separately. Port Hope & District Chamber’s Thursday September 8, 2016 15th ANNUAL PORT HOPE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT VICTORIA ST. S., PORT HOPE Sponsorship Options: Full Package—Hole sponsorship & Team Your business’ name displayed on the green at a specified hole (22” x 16”) The opportunity to enhance your hole with promotional materials and / or games Your business’ name and logo recognized in the event brochure Registration for a team of four (4)in the tournament Only $650 + HST Hole sponsorship Your business’ name displayed on the green at a specified hole (22” x 16”) The opportunity to enhance your hole with promotional materials and / or games Your business’ name recognized in the event brochure Only $250 + HST Lunch Sponsorship Your business’ name and logo displayed on the lunch coupons Signage with business name and logo at registration Your business’ name and logo recognized in the event brochure Only $250 + HST Water Sponsorship Your business’ name and logo displayed on water bottles distributed in golfer registration bags Signage with business name and logo at registration Your business’ name and logo recognized in the event brochure Only $300 + HST Other promotional options Provide 100 samples to be included in golfer registration bags (Chamber members only) Provide a item as a Door Prize or for the Prize Table No fee to provide Contact the Chamber office 905-885-5519p 905-885-1142f drobertson@porthopechamber.com Cheques payable to: Port Hope Chamber, 58 Queen St. Port Hope L1A 3Z9 New Chamber Members Please support them with your business ALL DONE Home Services Shelley Frew Port Hope, ON 905-269-6965 shelleyfrew@hotmaiJ.com Shelley Ffew of ALL DONE Home Darlene with Jamie and Kristin of John and Edmund Burt of BT5 Network Services & Chamber CEO Bree the Gorden Hill Farmers Market get their member certificate from Bree SHOPPERS~ "M~Y~OY~ TOTALWELLBEING Fitness Mary Krozonouski 15 Henderson Street- Port Hope Health Port Hope, ON 289-251-0641 mkrozonouski@hotmail.com Tower of Port Hope Retirement Residence Diana Armstrong/Amy Cotter 164 Peter Street Port Hope, ON L1A 1C6 905-885-7261 gm@towerofporthope.ca Sheila Drew 0/ REMAX Lakeshore Realty Amy, Diana and Marg a/the Towero! The whole team from Shopper's Drug Mart with C/lambt', Director Heathe' Norris Port Hope Retirement Residence -Shoppers Simply Pharmacy Will Ryan of Will Ryon Design occepts Sheila of Lakeview Doggie Doycore his member plaque from CEO Bree & Boarding poses with CEO Bree Jackie Chapman Davis and Connie Reid Of The Children's Foundation serving Has- tings, Northumberland and Prince Edward Counties Federal Budget Breakfast On March 24, 2016 the Port Hope & District Chamber and Northumberland Central Chamber hosted a Fed- BTS Network Inc. Edmund Burt 5 Mill Street Port Hope, ON L1A 256 1-877-289-7433 admin@thebtsnetwork.com Garden Hill Farmers' Market Jamie& Kristin Ferguson 7994 Mill Street Garden Hill / Campbell croft 289-251-6403 fergusonJarms@yahoo.ca The Children's Foundation - Serving Hastings, Northumberland and Prince Edward Counties Jackie Chapman Davis 1005 Burnham Street Cobourg, ON 905-372-1821 Ext 1258 lackie.davis@highlandshorescas.com eral Budget Breakfast. MP Kim Rudd presented an overview of the budget and Michal Machan spoke about issues that were relevant to business. Shoppers Drug Mart Shoppers Simply Pharmacy Joseph Koo 249 Ontario Street Port Hope, ON 905-885-8740 nsdm 30 80@shoppersdrugmart.ca Lakeview Doggie Daycare & Boarding Sheila Mac Donald 1792 Balch Road Port Hope, ON 905-885-5445 Kim Rudd, MP of Northumberland and Peterborough South, Michael Machan of 800 spoke to Chamber members about the federal budget Dunwoody Zepos Restaurant Peter Kaplanis 53 Walton Street Port Hope, ON 905-885-4747