Yushin HOP5 Picker Literature - Precision Plastics Equipment
Yushin HOP5 Picker Literature - Precision Plastics Equipment
HeaTtful Technology OHOP Five OTWINHOP-G OminiHOP-G OV-HOP ON-HOP-G YUSHIN PRECISIONEQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. HOP Five 45O-IOOO sprue p,"*"o - @h-speed -A t= -I - nor,r*tmotOing machinesfrom 30-350tons 3r ,f* TWINHOP.G45Ol55O 3 axis pneumaticsprueand productpickersfor horizontalmolding machinesfrom 30-100tons miniHOP-G3OO 3axispneumaticSpruepickersforhorizonta|mo|dingmachinesunder30tons@ v-HoP 350-750 tor.verticalmolding @.t machinesfrom 20-150tons"r, i.9 N-HOP-G450-900 2 axis pneumaticand 1 axis servospruepickersfor horizontalmolding machinesfrom 30-350 tons @ J\ 3 sk- - a @Erypeffi NextgenerationG-typecontrolleroffering ral, higher performanceand features . Equippedwith eye{riendlylargeLCD. . lcon selectionis possibleon the menu panel. . The user-friendlyraisedsiliconekeys are featured on the pendent. ' Up to 30 mold set ups storageis possible. ' Data backupis possiblewith SD card. @Sreffi . ' ' ' ' Multilingual displayfunction(optional) Easy ope'rationby LCD Light-weighthandheldcontroller Up to 15 mold set ups storageis possible. Productioncountmemory GIl-type controllerpanel @ high-speed 3 axispneumatic spruepickersfor horizontal moldingmachines from30-350tons HOP Five 45O^-IOOO The "HOP Five" is the product of many yearsof research,developmentand experiencewith swing-rype take-out robots. I t o f f e r s a s p a c es a v i n g d e s i g n w i t h i n t e g r a t i o n o f r o b o t b o d y a n d c o n t r o l m e c h a n i s m i n c l u d i n g transformer and control circuit board. Furthermore, it also offers efficient operation as its design enables operatorsto do all of the main adjusting operationsat the operator side of molding machines. It is equipped with new type handheld controller, "GII-rype controller" offering excellentoperabiliry with vastly improved functions over the "G-ayp. controller". As for appearance,it adopts a housing cover painted Yushin corporare blue, color-codedpiping and userfriendly shapecomposedof curved surfacesand lines. ;.'-,.'-'? t;)ltL '.,.,.1t r tJ'JJ, -,-'lrta ,l - , :) L=I:JJ= '_t E:! " .-YT - G C HOP Five 550X Powersource AC200V 0.25A(SOl0oHz) Control method Micro-computer Air Pressure 0.4-0.5MPa Max. Air Pressure 0.8MPa rivelHoe rivelHoe rivelHoe rivelHoR rive r\rlnrtet HopFivelHoe 450 | 550 | 650 | 750 | e00 11000 Stroke Verticat(mm) +so go Kick(mm) tso I Swing Chuck position(mm) Waitingpositionadjustable 114 Min.50'- Max.90' position adjustable 48 | Waiting Air consumption( 0 (normal)/cycle) 11 Max. payload(*) 2kg Robot weight(kg) 29 * Max.payloadincludesthe weightof chuckand/orEOAT. X-, XC-, and XN-Typesare also available. @ 3 axispneumatic sprueandproductpickersfor horizontal moldingmachines from30-100tons TWINHOP-G 450/5,50 In addition to being a spruepicker, the T\MNHOP-G has both a main arm and a sub arm and supporrs 3 plate molds. The T\MNHOP-G is provided standardwith an adjustable4 cup end-of-arm tool, wrist flipping, vacuum circuit, and is capableof taking out products using suction. \ U' D = CL !l i'i'/ t-ttft/ Power source AC200V 0.25A(50/60H2) Control method CL o It Sequence stored program o o Air Pressure 6' qt 0.4-0.5MPa :i o = Max.Air Pressure 0.8MPa rat. Moder '%H3r- | '%H3t Stroke Vertical(mm)4sO Kick(mm) Swing I 90 sso Min.50'- Max.90' Chuck position(mm) Waitingpositionadjustable 60 Air consumption( 0 (normal)/cycle) 16-F18 Max. payload(*) Zkg Robot weieht(kB) - Max.payloadincludes the weightof chuckand/orEOAT. \ \ miniHOP-G3OO 3 axis pneumaticspruepickersfor horizontalmoldingmachinesunder30 tons \- l rl .-. l.-.r\ a'.\^-. j ;___ ; th. miniHOP-G300 was developedto support miniature molding machinesmade by various injection molding machine manufacturers.Although it is small, the use of Yushin linear rails provideshigh-speed stabiliryand virtually maintenancefree qualities. U' o Power source AC200V 0.25A(50/60H2) CL o Control method Sequence storedprogram J CL !t The chuck waitingpositioncan be a d j u s t e dw i t h i na 6 5 - m mr a n g ei n the verticaldirectionand between 30 to 205 mm fromthe mold mountingsurfaceof the stationary platenin the horizontaldirection. ! o g. = o 0 !3. o = Air Pressure 0.4-0.5MPa Max.Air Pressure 0.8MPa Model G.JJO m i n i H O P - G3 0 0 Stroke Vertical(mm)300(Extendedtype350) Kick(mm)15-30(Extendedtype35-50) Swing 50'60'80' (3 positionchangable) Chuck position(mm) Waitingpositionadjustable 65 Air consumption( 0 (normal)/cycle) 4 Max. payload(*) 1kg Robot weight(ke) @ 18 . Max.payloadincludesthe weightof chuck and/orEOAT. 2 axispneumatic from20-150tons spruepickersforverticalmoldingmachines V-HOP 35OA'75O The Vertical HOP is a sprue picker robot made specificallyfor vertical molding machines. In addition to upper mold extraction, the robot can be set to accommodateto bottom mold extraction simply by controller and mechanicalsettings. Powersource Ac2oov 0.25A(solooHz) a 0 f CL !t CL o t o o Controlmethod Sequencestoredprogram Air Pressure 0.4-O,5MPa 6' !, =. o = Max.Air Pressure 0.8MPa '".", R u n n e rr e l e a s el o c a t i o nc a n b e s e t b y a d j u s t i n gt h e s w i n g a n g l e between60 and 90 degrees. (R Specification) SPJ|SPJ|';PJ|'6!'J|';PJ Stroke Kick(mm) Swing V-HOP 55ORX 90 Min.60'- Max.90' Chuck position(mm) Waiting positionadjustable60 Air consumption ( 0 (normal) /cycle) be"' Noreversal 8 possible 12 Beversal 16 Max. payload(*) 1.5k9 Robot weieht(kC) "t Max.payloadincludesthe weightof chuckand/orEOAT. X-andR-Typesare also available. I t 2 axis pneumaticand 1 axis servospruepickersfor horizontalmoldingmachinesfrom 30-350tons N-HOP-G As0^rr'g00 { In a swing type robot, the item that requires the most frequent adjustment in connection with mold changesis the kick stroke. The kick axis of the N-HOP-G is driven with a numerically controlled servomotor, which allows the adjustment to be executed safely and accuratelywithout climbing on top of the molding machine. The servomotor also provides a fast and stablerunner take-out motion that can only be achievedwith servomotor drive. o qt J CL qt CL o tt o 9. = N-HOP-G 55OX f - - r f L ' ui : i t \ :r OLtr(.'l AC200V 3.0A(50/60H2) f,'r;iri; tji qlr:t'.ilOr-: Sequencestoredprogram 'Aii'Prg55;.1;'" o !t 0.4-0.5MPa o 3 ft",lax,Art- F'-al :;r-rr6; 0.8MPa t\,trrrrnr N-HOP- G 450 N-HOP- N-HOP- N-HOP- N-HOPG 550 G 650 G 750 G 900 S t r o l <c \u/:t'-::, ^-n- 450 l ( l C l <' ' , ' " tl.ii/llir 550 650 750 900 350 620 Min.50"- Max.90" l - T l l r l i r r . 'I t a l : l l ' - J f - i r l | - i l Waiting positionadjustable60 Al lol ':-|I''rnill]'l 11 I t ' 1 , , t xr t a t i r l o l i , E@8.=, , rtof lt lirI I CyCle ) 13 15 17 19 ' 2kg | - , ))tJ t B o b o t w e i g h t ( i ( gl g2 28 29 30 33 . Max. payloadincludedthe weight of chuck and/or EOAT. X-, XC- and XN-Typesare also available. @ HOP Five 450 HOP Five 550 827 (869) (8s4) [896] sso661.s 120.5 810.6 r333rrl35,Bilji??I, HOP Five 650 HOP Five 750 HOP Five 900 620 es1.s HOPFive1000 lor? (106r) 1192(1%4) 1f/lr1|fJu) 1so.s 1140.6(l;3) A2 994(1094) 276 HOP Five450 ( 1 0 2 1 )h 1 2 1 1 HOP Five 550 HOP Five 650 HOP Five 750 HOP Five 900 HOPFive1000 <24e> 1094(1194) 20 50 40 100 <1121>11221) 276 11e4(12s4) 1459(1ssg) 1609(1709) 25 60 60 128 46.4 161 1709(1809) ( ) X specification, O Highspeedspecification. [ ] X highspeedspecification. TWINHOP-G450 TWINHOp-6S5O Min.85 44 -285 TWfNHOP'G4S01Tr TWTNHOP-G 550 125 -413 2s z2o gso 20 miniHOP-G300 15-30st miniHOP-G300 571 175 95-160 30 60 60 g74 211 g24 546 g25 217 12oo 1300 40 288 623 368-433 0-300st 50' 60' 80' 130 il -'F*., :sL, 817 <1117> (srz)(rzrz) V.HOP (r/oSriwl$T{is) 350 (4so) Is5o] (oso) (7so) V.HOP.X (do$rivdwlVrid) V-HOP-R 90 (wSr4rdflbf{rH) _ so V-HOP-RX 90 (w$nlrslwttlst) gO 522 [1017] e2e <122e> (tozs) (rszg) 6s4 (#3) [112s] [4es] 817 <1',t17> (ses) (e17) <1212> 522 (6es) h0171 szs <1?2s> (102e)(1s2e) [1129] V-HOP (wbStudwbW 3{10 lso 180 634 100 100 V-HOP-X (wbsrirdwv{rH) V.HOP.R (wsrincdowrH) tu Bz 16g 1zs V-HOP-RX (wSvivelwWbt) ( ) is ,150model,[ ] is 550 model.O is 650 model.O is 750 model. *The B dimbnsibnshowsthe adjustablerangeof the swivelangle. N-HOP-G450 1084 N-HOP-G550 N-HOP-G650 N-HOP-G750 N-HOP-G900 1184 1284 1484 1634 N-HOP.G 450 N.HOP-G 550 N-HOP-G 650 60 N-HOP.G 750 N-HOP-G9OO N-HOP-G,150 N-HOP.Gs50 250 N-HOP-G650 _ N-HOP-G750 N-HOP-G9OO 9',t7 167 350 267 _ 1017 1117 12',t7 't367 289 586 477 856 100 20 191 374 217 620 _ 50 & 440o12825606099 20 350 178 98 HOP series Option List Explanation Option Target Models X Specification When molded productsare releasedonto a conveyoror a chute, the chuck unit rotates90 degreesto releasethe productswithoutdamagingthem. XV-HOP chuck rotates180 degrees. HOP F|veA/-HOP/N-HOP-G XC Soecification With vacuumsuction,the modelcan take out moldedproductsthat cannotbe grippedwith chuckor that are moldedwith multi-cavitymold. When the productsare released,an end-of-armtool rotates90 degrees. (The vacuumsuctioncircuitis included.) HOP Five/N-HOP-G XN Specilication Spruesof a side-gateor direct-gatemold can be cut by nipperchuck. ln releasingthe products,90 degreewrist flip is also applicable. HOP Five/N-HOP-G(450,550,650 only) R Specification The runnerreleasepositionis set at will by adjustinghorizontalflip anglefrom 60 to 90 degree. V.HOP Conveyor interlock By attachingthe optionalmetal connector,it interlockswith a flat belt conveyorand becomescapable of stockingmoldedproductsby shot. All Models XStandardfunctionfor TWINHOP-G Reiect circuil When a moldingmachinegives rejectsignal,the defectiveproductis releasedat a differentposition HOP Five/TWINHOP-G/m|n|HOP-G/N-HOP-G from that for good products Special color The main body,frame covers,controlbox and operationbox can be paintedwith the color specifiedby customers. All Models(Not applicablefor plasticcoveO Ejector intertock The ejectorgoes forwardafter the robot movesto the take-outposition. This is usefulwhen the timing of eiectormotionand robottake-outmotionare to be svnchronized. All Models XStandardfunctionfor TWINHOP-G Air blowcircuit When a runneris grippedand the arm ascends,fragmentsof the moldedproductsthat are adheringto the mold are blownaway by usingair. HOP Five/TWINHOP-GA/-HOP/N-HOP-G Nipperhalf-grip circuit A pressure-reducing valve is addedto the productchuckcircuitin orderto securethe productswhen extractinothem from the mold. HOP Five/N-HOP-G Vacuumblow off valve When it is difficultto releaseproductsthat stick to the vacuum suctionpads, the robot can releasethe productsby replacingthe vacuumwith pressurizedair. HOP Five/TWINHOP-G/N-HOP-G Swing limit waiting When the robot arm cannotstay at the normalwaitingpositionwhile moldsclosed,it can stay at swing limitoosition. HOP Five/TWINHOP-G/N-HOP-G Safety door closed signal This signal is inputto the robot when the safety door of a moldingmachineis closed. Robotdoes not startwithoutthis signalunderauto operation. All Models A u t o i n j e c t i o n s i g n a l T a k e - o u t r o b o t d o e s n o t s t a r t i t s o p e r a t i o n w i t h o u t a u t o i n j e c t i o n soifganmaol l d i n g m a c h i n eW . ith this function,the take-outrobot startsits operationonly when real moldingis done. A l lM o d e l s X S t a n d a r d f u n c t i o n f o r V - H O P Multilingualdisplay All Models X HOP Five : Up to 3 languagesout of Japanese,English, Koreanand Chinese miniHOP-G: One combination out of Japanese'English' ' o r e a na n d C h i n e s e ,J a p a n e s e E ' n g l i s hK Japanese'English'Thai TWINHOP-G, N-HOP-G:Japanese,Englishand Chinese V-HOP:Jaoaneseand Enolish Displayedlanguageon the controller can be changedby selectingfrom multilingual choices. L e a dT h r o u gThe a c h i n g O p e r a t o r sc a n e a s i l ya d d a n d c h a n g eo u t p u ta n d i n p u t s i g n a l s ,a n d t i m e r w i t h t h i s s o f t w a r eb y lhemselves. H O PF i v e Three(3)positionsafety switchon controller Valveoperationis possibleonly whilethe operatoris holdingthis switchin the centerposition. HOP Five(3 positions) (2 positions) TWINHOP-G/miniHOP-GA/-HOP/N-HOP-G Highspeedspecification High speed operationis possible HOP Five(Not applicablefor 650-1000 modelxc,xntype) Specification for low c e i l i n gp l a n t s lt reducesthe overallheightby changingthe directionof a joint of the verticalguide axis. HOP Five Mount for horizontal extractionI This is a mount on which a take-outrobot is fixed when there is no Soacefor the take-outrobot on the mOldinomachine'sbed. V-HOP Mount for horizontal extraction ll This is a mountto be set on the moldingmachine'sbed on which a take-outrobot is fixed when the take-outrobotcannotbe installedon it directlv. V-HOP Mount for horizontal extractionlll Whenthe spaceof the moldingmachine'sbed is not enoughfor "Mountfor horizontalextractionll", a supporting columnis to be added. V-HOP ;1 ^/.\ / l\ / ! G-.,:\ \ I I eafatrr l. :-'-:f I I nlOmatlOn | on the robotare Heanful in thisliterature, alloperators mustreadandunderstand theinstruction manualandotherrelated I OBeforeusinganyproductintroduced for properandsafeequipment operation. I documents clarity,theserobotsmaybeshownwithoutthesafetyguardsthatareidentifiedinthesafetyrules. lOToirnprou"visual robolsas definedin thelaborsafetyrules. areindustrial I oN"u"r operatetherobotswithoutall safetyguardsin place.Theseproducts anyrobots. | Alwaystakegreatcarewhenoperating without notice to Technologl' rr'AEF Yushln PreclsionEquipmentGo.,Ltd. @ Yushin commitsitself to contributionsto the creationof more ecosensitivetechnologiesby employingeco{riendlyprinciples.This calaloguses recycledpaper. Head office & Factory @ Head office & Factory 11-260Kogahonmachi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto,612-8492Japan TEL 81(75)933-9555FAX 81(75)934-4033 Subsidiaries YushinAmerica,Inc.(U.S.A.) YushinKoreaCo., Ltd.(SouthKorea) (Shenzhen) YushinPrecision Equipment Industry&Trading Co.,Ltd.(China) (Shanghai) YushinPrecision Equipment Co.,Ltd.(China) YushinPrecisionEquipment(Taiwan)Co., Ltd. (Singapore) YushinPrecision Equipment Pte.Ltd. YushinPrecision Equipment Sdn.Bhd.(Malaysia) (Thailand) YushinPrecision Equipment Co.,Ltd. (lndia)PrivateLtd. YushinPrecisionEquipment YushinAutomation Ltd.(UnitedKingdom) (Slovakia) YushinPrecision Equipment s.r.o. Associated Company Polymac-Yushin B. V. (TheNetherlands) Agents En-Plas,Inc.(Canada) Representative Off ices TianjinRepresentative Office(China), PhilippinesRepresentative Office IndonesiaRepresentative Office VietnamRepresentative Office URL http:llwww.yushin.com
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