history club - East Cleveland Public Library
history club - East Cleveland Public Library
EX LIBR S SHUTTLE 1942 p~~ SHAW HIGH SCHOOL EAST CLEVELAND, VOLUME OHIO 39 Calvin Coolidge Harry Campbell Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Jewette Johnson Business Manager * * * $eftioJU, ieache/1/.1, cla:4ded-, hmnew.Mk ... ~ yn bu.Mf miM.dJ. WE PAUSE • • • • Homer R. Gifford TOthe fond memory of Homer R. Gifford, mathematics instructor, are the pages of this book dedicated. In his memory let us chronicle the school year 1941 and 1942. Shaw was everything to Mr. Gifford -and he was everything to Shaw. During his twenty-four years of service he taught mathematics, handled the business problems of the ,\lutttle and Obst'r'l-·er, and assisted in the manage- ment of athletics. He once held the post that N. F. Leist now occupies as treasurer of activities. Almost every pupil knew Mr. Gifford; faces lighted with smiles at his approach. He loved the school, its students, and faculty; he shared in its contests, activities, victories and defeats ..... THE SHUTTLE ..... So to the school, and in memory and dedication to Mr. Gifford, we present the 1942 S/11{/1/t, a pictorial record of Shaw as Mr. Gifford knew it. Leaf through it, and feel the school-day joys and disappointments, and think of the work and play within the walls. Just as there are two sides to school work, there are two parts to this book. We go to school to learn-the first section of Shutllt> tells the story of the school day . . . . . classes, teachers, seniors, homerooms. But we also learn by doing and competmg in the practice of democracy-the second part of the .'lwlllt> tells of the lighter side of school life ..... games, dances, plays, clubs, and activities. THE STORY 1941-1942 E * • I- THE SCHOOL Contents Page Superintendent Board of Education Principal Faculty January Class June Class Homerooms 8 9 10 11 18 26 46 II Football Basketball Swimming Cross Country Tennis Baseball Golf Track Varsity "S" Club Girls' Sports Shuttle Staff Observer Staff Student Council National Honor Society Dramatics Debate Club Music Hi-Y Friendship Clubs Clubs Advertisements ITS ACTIVITIES 54 60 62 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 78 80 82 86 88 90 91 97 100 102 109 Dr. 0 . J. Korb Superintendent tradition, and history are so much a S ENTIMENT, part of Shaw High that it is an accomplishment when a man can slip by them and into the eyes and hearts of the student body as has Dr. 0. J. Korb. Starting three years ago as superintendent of the East Cleveland school system, he has rapidly become a familiar and beloved figure, not only to the schools but to the community as well. His leadership, his bearing, his friendly smile have aroused our respect and admiration. Dr. Korb came to East Cleveland after serving for two decades as superintendent of schools in South Euclid. His fine record and cheerful manner have impressed us thoroughly with the conviction and hope that he may spend an even greater and more fruitful period in our community. BOARD OF EDUCATION quideJ, :/)e,di-Hk,J, a/ Shaw. eJ/tc;k Mr. GEORGE N. NELSON, re-elected president in January, 1942, has served since 1934. His present term expires December 31, 1945. ~.---j;,·, .. . ,~" ·.·.: • J "'-l- '/ -~,.., .. .w.~- Mr. C. W. KIMMEL, past president, has served since 1932. His term expires December 31, 1943. Mr. BEN B. WICKHAM, veteran of the board and past president, will serve until December 31, 1943. Mr. PAUL H. McCLELLAND, newest member of the board, was elected in 1939 and will serve until Decem- Mrs. MARIEM S. MORGAN became a member of the board in 1934. Her term will expire Decem- ber 31, 1943. ber 31, 1945 . Principal Mr. M. r . D erich D URING the sojourn of Mr. M. C. Dietrich at Shaw ~::;:=::::=:::=::::= the beacon light of educational progress, the cornerstone in his school policy, has shone with paragon brightness. For thirteen years, come June, 1942, his hand has been on the wheel of the ship that is Shaw. Guiding and helping, Mr. Dietrich has met and solved the problems that face every high school principal. Always eager, always interested in his charges, he has come into contact with pupils, parents, and teachers in the faithful fulfillment of his duties. And now, with the world chaotic, we still look to Mr. Dietrich again for inspiration and guidance. OW LEDGE A N0 D STR 0 school is a good school unless it has a acting as advisers for extra-curricular ac+IV. good faculty, and Shaw can point with ties. English, languages, sciences, history, mathematics, journalism, rhetoric, dramatics, physical education, mus1c, art, technical training, domestic arts, commercial courses .... a curriculum broad in scope, yet intensively taught. pride to its capable teachmg staff. From principal on down, the school personnel 1s both versatile and efficient, many teachers performing double duty in teaching two subjects, or in Jean Ouay Assistant Principal Howard K. Hunter Guidance Director Mary Morrison Librarian Earl G. Abbott Leota Cain Louise Baker Marion M. B:igh t Harriet D. Carpenter Lois Crank C. J. Carter Harold W . Crook Earl G. Abbott. B.A.• M.A. S·>eiology Econorrtics Athletic Diructor AdvisE•r· Sociology Club Louise Baker, B.A.. M.A. Englisn Adviser Charles D. Campbell Clara Clendenen Lois Dean Anna M. J;>evney C. Oliver N. Craig Cornelia Dillon J. Carter. B.A. Physics, Seni >r S, :hnrn Adviser- Radio CIJb Clara Clendenen , B.S .. M.A. English Oliver N. Craig Jr. Rt d Cress Knitting Marion M. Bright Art Adviser ·Art Clul: Ralph A. Brown, B.A .. M.A. Mathematics Charles D. Campbell , B.A .. M.A. History Head Football Cvach Advis"r Varsity "S" Club Leota Cain Cafeteria Diff ct •r Harriet D. Carpenter. B.S .. M.A. r:lothi g P"rs< •al R· .gir en Advis r Sopt.u;..urv Friendship Club 12 Ralph A. Brown Woodworking Adviser- ·Cam ;ra Club Lois Crank, B.S. Public Speaking, Debate Adviser Debate Club. National Forensic League Harold W. Crook. B.S. Biology Lois Dean. B.S. Expression : f'ublic- Speaking. Stage trait Adviser- ·Dmmatic Club, Stage Crew Anna M. Devney, B.S.. M.A. History Adviser Stamp Cl..tb Cornelia Dillon, B.S. Matl .ma•ics, Physiology Eva DuHadway Elizabeth Hopkins Madge Lindsay Katharine Duvendeck Kathryn Hubinger r;p;. Homer R. Gifford Alice E. Juringus Robert P. Louis k val;;uHadway. B.S. Commercial Katharine Duvendeck, B.L.. B.A.. M.A. German Homer R. Gilford. B.S. (Deceased) Mathematics Jennie A. Gleeson, Ph.B .. M.A. Latin Sponsor Senior Class Jacob E. Hines, B.M.. M.M. Vocal Instruction Adviser A Cappella Choir Boys Glee> Girls' Glee Elizabeth Hopkins Art Kathryn Hubinger. B.S .. B.C.S. Comf""ercial Alice E. Juringus. B.S. Girls' Physico Education Girls Sports Jacob E. Hines • foleeson Ruth R. Kennan W. Hoyt Lowden N. F. Leist Hubert McNeill Ruth R. Kennan. B.A .. M.A. Latin N. F. Leist. B.A .. M.A. Law Business Advrser Shuttle Madge Lindsay, B.A .. M.A. EngLish Martin C. Loftus, B.A.. M.A. Mathematics, Physiography Assistant Footba.l Coach Robert P. Louis, B.A. Comme' ·ial Business Manager garizutions Music Or· W. Hoyt Lowden, B.A .. M.A. History Hubert McNeill, B.A .. M.A .. LL.B. English Tournalisr Adviser Observer Editorial Adviser- Shuttle 13 Nina McWebb Milton G. Niergarth Elizabeth Orl William H. Morris Ralph C. Morris Helen Noll C. C. Nixon Mildred Palmer Nina McWebb, Nurse Health Education Advis"r -Health Clul: Ralph C. Morris. B.A., M.A .. LL.B. Cl ~istry Advis•, -raf.ic Palrv William H. Morris. B.S.. M.A. H1st ry, Soci<'Jogy Harold L. Naragon, B.A .. M.A. Hist• ry William V. Nick. B.A.. M.A. Matherr.atics, Science Assistant Track CoaL. Milton G. Niergarth, B.A. Or-:hestra, Band C. C. Nixon , B.A. ~hE'rr is'ry, Se'1i 14 •T Scic,ce William V. Nick Harold L. Naragon E. C. Ollinger N. B. Nunemaker Carson W. Pepper Mabel Philpott Alma Polk Helen Noll. Ph.B., M.A. History Adviser History C' ub N. B. Nunemaker. B.A. Chemistry E. C. Offinger Boys' Physical Education Coach- ~e11nis Cross Countr:{, Track Elizabeth Ort. B.A.. M.A. Frem:h, GArman Mildred Palmer. B.A .. M.A. English Carson W. Pepper. B.S .• M.A. Machine Shop Mabel Philpott Home Ec< nomks Alma Polk. B.A.. M.A. English Marie Kurtz Charles C. Reynard Edgar E. Vance Rachael A . Wolf Helen B. Wright Edith I. Scribner Douglas W. Vivian Alice M. Zuck Marie Kurtz, B.A. Comn• rcia Charles C. Reynard. B.A., M.A. English AdvisEr Ci na C.ut Edith I. Scribner, Ph.B .. M.A. Boa B1 ogy John L. Snavely, B.S.. M.A. Mat~ •. atic Scan •mi• ·s Galt ~each Advisur Chess Clur John L. Snavely Elizabeth Wenger Anna M. Soutar Roy H. Wisecup Lucy Dickson Douglas W. Vivian Boys' Phy;,lcal Education Swi:nming each Elizabeth Wenger. B.A. Cnmm< rcial Roy H. Wisecup. B.S. Mechanica DraWing Bas . tl al. and Bu:;• !all Coach Rachael A. Wolf, B.A. English Advisr->r Vv hino \..- Anna M. Soutar. B.A .. M.A. Eco IC~""ICS G ography Helen B. Wright. B.A .. M.A. E11g ish George E. Todd, B.A. E11g s Edgar E. Vance, B.S. Comm rcial Timek.. o~p •r F ~tLoll Bask tball Alice M. Zuck. B.A .. B.S .. M.A. Spanish Adviser Spanish C'ul Lucy Dickson. B.S., M.A. Eng isn Not Pictured Naomi Caldwell, M.A. fnghs Janet Jones. B.S .. M.A. History Fr i Adviser Hunor S,..:ie:y Isabella Latta, B.A., M.A. S arlis1- 15 Each morning bright and early (early anyhow) we listen to ... . . . the morning broadcast and student embellishments. THROUGHOUT THE DAY Peter Roberts and Shirley Jones examine a bit of ceramic art. They run the neon movie Standing: D. Bart.ett, D. Disbro, B. Tuckerman, P. Swank, B House. Sitting: J. Wise, R St!ebeling J. Corio. 16 • • Sam:> story every yeur Hard at corning. war,; in 'lrt Men behind the scenes hbrary labor. class -contest the stage crew. A patnolic. ILotii ira gym class Wit.:h and Berries woE or cc.s•umes :or he Hi·Y Show. tl.r. Craig s woodvrorlur g pleting a proJect. ,..less com FREDERICK ROBERT DIXON, PRESIDENT Honor Society, Student CounciL A Cappella Choir, Sociology Club, History Club (Treas.), Cinema Club (Sec., V. Pres.), Monitor Comm1ttee, Science Club. THOMAS WILLIAM MATHER VICE PRESIDENT Sociowgy Ctuo, History Club, Latin Club, Monitor Committee, Cinema Club (Pres., V. Pres.), Science Club. MARGARET RHYNE SECRETARY-TREASURER Honor Society, Student CounciL Leaders' Club, G.A.A., Sophomore Fnendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Health Club. WE CALL THE ROLL NE hundre::l. and fifty-one of us marched over from Kirk and viewed our storehouse of knowledge w1th mixed emotions and plans ... Chuck Dnggs with a record of all A's from the beginning, coming through to be valed1c· torian ... Mary Ellen O'Brien, personality girl . . . Fred Dixon as prexy . . . Janet Morgan's scholastic ability ... Ralph Essell dancing his way to the title of best . . . Sally Brown, not O 18 missing a day smce she came over ... the ohso-funny lines of George Umstead and J<;>hnny Angel in the Hi-Y shows ... Evelyn Wallace and Franny Allerton with a new swimming routine for each meet ... Frank Stembruegge's rare sports-writing ability . . . Adele Thayer's basketball style . . . all around athlete Bill Knapp . . . Basketballer "Moose" Keefer . . . Graduation night .. . Thomas Alleman Betty Ankeney Richard Beeler Roger Berry Frances Allerton Robert Joseph Auer Thomas Beeman Bernice Bode THOMAS V. ALLEMAN Football (Mgr.), Vur. !r S c;, H' 'f 'un rr tt Science Club . . FRANCES ALLERTON ~eaders' Club G A.A., "S" Letter Gir Aq a· Dux, s, phom rc Fri~ d ship s, ·nior Friendship, StrearTlinnr s JOHN JACK A. ANDONIAN ROBERT ANGEL Bas• .I:. oil 'Mgr B ys G; "' ~'ul: A Cap P" a 'l 1 f 'Y r:>t at C ll Mo it• r mn itt. Boost ers CvMrrtltee . . . THOMAS A. ANGELONE Hockey Boys· Glee Clul:- His! ·y C1ul ChPss and "":hecke, C 1ul:' Cinema Club . . BETTY LOU ANKENEY G.A.A , Aqua Dux, SophoTOcre Fri. •nJslur s, lie:.. rri<>r :!ship, Dramatic Club, Q<"ldogy Club History Club Spanish Club, La tn Club, L, opl-aqi ~'11l De·tate C'ub Monitor Commi•tc" . . . ROBERT JOSEPH AUER I otball, Hi Y, \of •niter omn '' te<> . CASIMIR L. BAGINSKI . . . FLORENCE PAGE BARTON G ~- A Aqua ') s •0 :"1 ro Fri< '1• lship Sen, r Fr nt s• p H. :1pt.) Dramauc Club, Debate Clut . . . . JEANNE BECKMAN Obscrver Edit. Staff, G.A.A., A Cap o :' phomor~:> Fr.endsh.p (Cabtnetl, Sc tlor Friendshtp (Cabinet:, Dramatic Club. Sociology Club, Hts· tory CluJ:, S anisn ''lub, L.1t.r. ClJb, H al•l-J Club (V. Pres' \A I Jack Andonian t Casimir Baginski Francis Belgan Anabell Bogigian John Angel Florence Barton Audrey Bender Robert Braund Thomas Ari<!~>IOJlel Jeanne Beckman Nancy Bendrick Salome Britton Debate Club. Monitor Corr rritiE" RICHARD C. BEELER Ht·' THOMAS C. BEEMAN , al, Ht Y, Moni;,:,r Cc..rr mitt• FRANCIS J. BELGAN Faseball, V rsi'" S u ::1 at. <.~I •• Itte., . . . AUDREY BENDER G.A A. Sophomore Friendship, Ser!or ~~, lds .. t >ra lub, Soc q , Del: to Clt:.r Whir,J Club . . NANCY BENDRICK Leaders' Ciu:... G.A.A., 6A.. r-appel,-.r ..... r f >r Friandshtp, Senior Fnendship, Dramatic uc _ist r <l< , Heal•h Cia~ Morutcr Commiaee . ROGER BERRY Bos!(etb<"Ill (lv':qr Reserve Basketball (~ 1 l s• l ., g v, sty ' Club, MonHor Committe BERNICE BODE -G A.A. Sophomore Fner,dshtp m I" r 1s "P f.,ai• Club, Mor itor C.>mmittee . . . ANABELL BOGIGIAN -Leaders Cl•Jb, Sophc"'lore Frien < F , nd.- •!' ~ab.net) Drarr:>t,c ."ub, Heal h Club (H R 'opt.) ROBERT BRAUND ')bserv r E '•t St If, hi v Mid :li res.:. , lonitor Commit'e SALOME BRITTON Scpr ;>Me 1 Fnendshtp S<>n •.::r Frie r tish Cit:.b. S• ,, I R 1 19 Richard Broadman Paul Cavasina Bert Cowan Anne Dick Sally Brown Helen Chamis Ruth Gulp Jean Dillmuth Peggy Bussong Richard Conover Robert Cunningham Charles Driggs R:CHARD PAUL BROADMAN Band . . . . SALLY JANE BROWN Hcnor Society, Leaders' Club, G.A.A, Band, s, 1ph 1mor Friendship (Cabinet), Senior Friendship (Treas.), ::lramalic Club History C'ub Health Club De ale CluJ:. Monitor Committee . . . PEGGY JOAN BUSSONGHoror Society (Sec.), StudE'nl Council, G.A.A .. Sophomore Friendship (Pres., V. Pres.l. Senior Friendship (Cabinet). Dramatic CJU , History Club, H••a.th Club, Monitor Committee . . . . LOIS ROBERTA BYRUM Athletic Counci: (Sec.), Leaders' Club, G.A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Aqua Dux, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club ROBERT CAMPBELL Stage Cr w Asst. Stage Mgr .. Stagf' Mgr.) . . PAUL E. CAVASINA . . . HELEN CHAMIS G.A.A., Girls Glee Club S< .phomnre Friendship, Senior Friendship, Sociology Club, Health Club . . . . RICHARD CONOVER Football, ':'rack, History Club . . . . CAROLYN CONSLA Leaders' Club, Girls' Glee Club, Sophomor" Friendship, Senior Friendship, Fr nch Club, Health Club, Monitor Committe~ . JUNE M. CORNS . BERT COW AN - Senior Friendship, Health Club . 20 Roberta Carolyn Georgia Mildred Byrum Consla Dawes Driver Rebert Campbell June Corns Esther DiCicco Robert Dunbar Football, Varsity 'S' Club, Hi-Y, Monitor Committee . . . . RUTH E. GULP G.A.A.. Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . ROBERT HORN CUNNINGHAM - Stage Crew, Moni r CommittPe . . . . GEORGIA DAWES . . . . ESTHER FLORENCE DiCICCO Gtns Glee C'ub, Sophomore Friendship Senior Fri• •ndship. Dr ~malic Clut, Philomathean Club, Health Club . . . ANNE C. D~CK G.A.A., Sophcmcre Friendship S<•! icr Fri••nciship, HE'altt JEAN DILLMUTH Ponor Club, Monitor Committee . . . Society, G.A.A., Senior Friendship, Heal!' Club . . . . CHARLES M. DRIGGS Honor Society, Student Council :Pres.). )uPior t..1wanian Football, Cross Country Track, Boys Glee Club, A Cappella Choir (Pres.), Hi-Y, Latin Club, Lotophcgi Club (Pres.), Debate Club (Pr<•s.), D• tate Team. N ':!tiona! Forensic League (Treas.) . . MILDRED DRIVER Sophomore Friendship, Senior Frienaship, Dra malic .:lui •. Sociology Club, History Club (Treas.), Lotophagi Club (SP.c .. Treas.), Heal\h Club (Pres., Treas. Debate Club, ROBERT DUNBAR Pifle Team. Monitor Committee Ralph Essell Milan Forkapa David Gottschall Betty Lou Hamilton Dwight Evans Deyne Fox James Graham June Harraman RALPH ESSELL Basketball, ReservE Bask ·'bal r .ss Country, Trark, Varsity "S" Club ... R. DWIGHT EVANS ·Honor Soc1ety Observer Bus. Statf - r,nis. Hockr.v Gn. Rifle Club lh· Y, Monitor Committe"' . . . G. CURTIS FIX Swimming Track, Varsity ·s Club, Cheerleader Hi Y Moniter Cornmittl!'e- . . . . WALTER ELWOOD FOLLETT Doys' Gl, Clul S i"logy Clu Ihstory .... ub ...... inP.ma Club . . . HORACE FORBUSH Honor Society, Observer Edit. Stall !-li-Y, Momtcr CommittP•, Spanish C'ub MILAN R. FORKAPA Rifle Club, Latin Club . . DEYNE FOX St. >I hi ndship, Sociology Club Hardth C u ELSIE S. FRANCHI Honor Society, G.A.A. "S' Letter Girl, S• m r Fr'e ctst ip Dr· 1m a tic C' ~b Hea.th C! 1b (Sec.), !)obate Club . . . ETHEL FRANCIS Sophomore Friendship Senior Friendship, Dramati• Clul:., :Soci.,Joqy Club, History Club, Health Club . . . CAROL FRISBEE Hone· Society Observer Edit. Staff, SopL .m r fr n ts ir Senior Fnenctship, Hist ~ '"'lub, Lc:ophagi Club, Heal•n C.ub, C.nem ~ Curtis Fix Elsie Franchi Evelyn Graul John Hart Walter Follett Ethel Francis Margaret Greggor Shirley Heckelman Horace Forbu~h. Carol Fri&bee Jee Haas Kenneth Hennle Club, Monitor ~cmm1 t DAVID F. GOTTSCHALT Band . JAMES C. GRAHAM F ·tbaL Varsity S Club, Boys G1~ Cl Hi·'· EVELYN GRAUL Sno.. Cf". I Fn<>ndship, Sen :>r Fll"J ~ p MARGARE r GREGGOR <v.A A., Gir,s' Glee Club, Sophom .. ,~ Fri· ndsh.p S• •r" r Fri •ds ip SoclC~loqy Club. Latin Club, Health C't.b. JOE HAAS B~p Glee Cub (Pros.), A Cappel'a Choir (V. hes. Dramatic ul Movi• '"':rew St·'Y'' Cr.w, Mo,Htor Committee . . . BETTY LOU HAMILTON Athletic Council Leaders' ClUI G. A A 'S L, ~r Gir j., ua 2~ · F.i• ndstnp s, m • rie.ndship . . JUNE HARRAMAN . . JOHN RICHARD HART Footba .. R s.•rv• ~::1~,; •i al Bas• c;a •. ~L Clue La:in Club, Mom or Commit,ee- . . . . SHIRLEY HECKELMAN Lc:ophaqi Club HP.::l th C .1:' Fri ndsh1p S ...,r Fr en -:lsh1p KENNETH HENNIE. Jlonor Soctt; y, C, e~rr Clu '· Sophomore ,{onitC'r Committee . . . . 21 Edward Henry Clarence Keefer Bill Knapp Albina Leone Margaret Hinske Ken Keegler Beverly Kopp Jack Lewis Robert Hunscher Lillian Kellogg Ruth Kormos Louise Liberator EDWARD F. HENRY-Band, Stage Crew, Sociology Club, Debate Club, Whirlo Club (V. Pres.) . . . . MARGARET HINSKE Honor Society, G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, History Club . . . . ROBERT HUNSCHER Band, Rifle Club, Monitor Committee . . . . MARJORIE JAFFEE Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Philomathean Club, Health Club . . . . MARY ANN KAPPEN -G.A.A., Sophomore Frier.dship, Senior Friendship (Cabinet). Soc-i- ology Club, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . . CLARENCE D. KEEFER Basketball, Reserve Basketball. Varsity "S" Club, A Cappella Choir Monitor Committee, Spanish Club (Treas.) .... KEN K. KEEGLER -Debate Club . LrLLIAN KELLOGG Shuttle Bus. Staff Sophomore Friendship, Lotophagi Club, Monitor Committee . . . . JEAN KELLY G.A.A., Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Health Club, Whirlo Club, Monitor Committee . . . . . . ELSIE KERRIGAN Honor Society, Observer Edit. Staff, Sophomore Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Senior Friendship, Sociology Club, History Club, Latin Club, P.ealth Ch.:b, Debate Club, 22 Marjorie Jaffee Jean Kelly Ralph Kretzer Edgar Loeber Mary Ann Koppen Elsie Kerrigan Robert Larbig Betty Martin Cinema Club, Spanish Club (V. Pres.) . . . . BILL KNAPPFootball. Basketball, Reserve Basketball. Tennis, Varsity ''S" Club (Pres.), Band, Hi-Y (V. Pres.). Monitor Committee, Spanish Club (V. Pres.) . . . . BEVERLY JANE KOPPG.A.A., Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . RUTH KORMOS Leaders' Club. G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Dramatic Club, Sociology C:l11h. HP.alth Club, Monitor Committee . . . . RALPH V. KRETZER-Band, Orchestra, Rifle Club, Boys' Glee Club (Librarian), Movie Crew, Stage Crew, Camera Club, Chess and Checker Club . . . . ROBERT F. LARBIG -Observer Edit. Staff, Rifle Club. Hi-Y, Monitor Committee . . . . ALBINA N. LEONE -G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Philomathean Club, Health Club . . . . JACK R. LEWIS Band, Orchestra . . . . LOUISE M. LIBERATORJr. Red Cross . . . . EDGAR B. LOEBER Movie Crew . . . . BETTY JEAN MARTIN Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Health Club. Vivian Massa Bill McNeilly Caroline Muntz Betty Norder Byron Masters Kitty Lou Merkle Aileen Murphy Mary Ellen O' Brien VIVIAN EL.'UNE MASSA S ~r>ior Friendship, Philomat~ ean Clut. H, Jith CJul ' ' TJi r Coirmittee . . . . BYRON PHILLIP MASTERS l.wnitor Committee LILLIAN D. MAY -Gir.s' Glee Cub, A Cappella Choir, Sophorr rf> Fri r dship Se.Jior Friendship, Monitor Committee . . . . LUCILLE MAY -Girls' Glee Club. A Cappella Choir, Sophonore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Monitor Committee .. ROBERT McKENZIE Rifle Club, Cinema Club . . . . BILL McNEILLY Football, Hockey Golf, Monitor Committee . . . KITTY LOU MERKLE G.A A., Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Fri• r ::lship Senior Frie tdship, Art Club (Sec.-Treas.), Lati "lui" WU lo Club, Spanish Clul . . . . RAE HANNAH MOLDER Dramatic Club CHARLOTTE MONCK Hone Socie;ty, Student Council, G.A A. Aqua-Dux A Col' pella Cl]oir, Sophomore Friendship. Santor Fnendship (Pres .. V. Pres.). Mid-Year Play Soci, •gy C'ub, He;alth Clt.b, Debate Club, Cinema Club . . . JANET MORGAN Honor Society (Treas.), Observer Edit. Staff G.A .A., Aqua Dux Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club Lillian May Rae Molder Richcud Musgrave Ted Partlow Lucille May Charlotte Monck Hazel Noble Don Paul Robed McKe Janet Morgan Sue Noll Sam Perrolti (Sec.. Hist •ry C'ul::, HE>alth Ciub Spanish Club (Pres.) CAROLINE MUNTZ So_"" ...... re Friendship. Whir.o C.ub AILEEN ELIZABETH MURPHY -G.A.A. Aquu-- ._.._ Se,wr Friendship. Whir Clun . . . RICHARD B. 1 nis. MUSGRAVE Monit• r Committee, Spamsh '"' HAZEL M. NOBLE Honor Society, Leaders' Club. Sophc· mer~ Frie dsh1p S mior Frienus! ip 4tstory Club, Lalln Club Spanish Club (Pres.) . . SUE NOLL S )phomore Friend&hip, Senior FriE>nds ip, History rlul: Heath C!ut Momtor Committee . . BETTY LOUISE NORDER Sophomore Friendship, Seni >r fri "iship. H a th ' rul: VII r , , Chb, Monitor Committee . . . MARY ELLEN O'BRIEN Honer Society (V. Pres.), Stt.dent ::: ur~ (V o.~ Council (Pres.). G.A.A , "S'' Letter Gir. Aqua Dux Sophomore Friendship (Sec.> Senior Friends• p :' C' History Club, Monttor Committee . . . TED PARTLOW :nr B· -ys' G1 ~lur:1ra~ · 1c Rifle Club (Pres.), Rlf. C'ut Car:o· ra Club . . . DON PAUL -Bnnd . . . . SAM F. PERROTTI Golf, Varsity 'S Clu , Boys' Glee C'ub. 23 Dart Peterson Frederick Reiss Lois Scharlau Myrle Siller Ruth Peterson Hazel Rekittke Virginia Schrock Thelma Skid:nore Virginia Preston Fred Riegler William Seitz Marilyn Smith DART G. PETERSON Hone r Society, Observer Edi;, Staff, Boys' Glee Club (V. Pres.), A Cappella Choir, H1-Y, Cam· era Club, Monitor Committee .... RUTH DORIS PETERSON Senior Friendship, Whirlo Club . . . VIRGINIA HUNTER PRESTON Leaders' Club, G .A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Fiiendship, Philomathean Club, Health Club (Treas.) , Monitor Committee, Spanish Club .... CLIFFORD G. PRIOR Boys' Glee Club (Sec.), A Cappella Choir . . . . MARVIN H. REICHARD Monitor Committee . . . . FREDERICK REISS Boys' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Latin Club, Monitor Committee .... HAZEL DORIS REKITTKE Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . FRED W. RIEGLER. JR. Football, Varsity "S" Club, Hi Y . . . . NELSON L. ROBY Boys Glee Club, A Cappella Chmr, Whirlo Clul: Cinema Club . . . . IREENE RUSSELL History Club . . . . LOIS SCHARLAU Aqua-Dux, Sophomore Friendship, Ser,ior Friendship, Monitor Committee . . . . . VIRGINIA 24 Clifford Prior Nelson Roby Lewis Shatten Nancy Smith Marvin Reichard Ireene Russell Charles Siddaway Gene Snook SCHROCK Honer Society, G.A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship (Treas.), Dramatic Club, Health Club (V. Pres.), Cinema Club, Spanish Club . . . . WILLIAM SEITZ Rifle Club, Hi-Y, Latin Club, Cinema Club, Monitor CommiTtee . . . . LEWIS A. SHATTEN -,Spanish Club . . . . CHARLES W . SIDDAWAY Rifle Club, Hi·Y, S;amp Club . . . . MYRLE SILLER G.A.A., "S'' Letter Girl. Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Senl~r Friendship, Sociology Club, Health Club (H. R. Capt.), Spanish Club .. .. THELMA JANE SKIDMORE A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship . . . . MARILYN SMITH Leaders' Club G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Latin Cluh. HE>alth Club, Monitor Committee, Spanish Club . . . . NANCY SMITHLeaders' Club, G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friend· ship, History Club, Health Club . . . . GENE SNOOKBend, Orchestra. Marjorie Soli Frank Tartaglia Ellanore Thompson Evelyn Wallace Gloria Spetrino Calvin Tayerle George Umstead Bettie W eilcn:i MARJORIE SOLT Leaders' Club, Volleyball, Sophomore Friendship Ca.::>inet), Senior Frt0ndship (H. R. Capt.), Dramatic Club, Health Club (V. Pres.), Monitor Committee . . . .GLORIA SPETRINO -Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . FRANK STEINBRUEGGE Honor Society, Student Council, Shuttle Edit. Staff, Observer Edit. Staff (Sports Editor), Junior Kiwanian Band, Hi-Y Lotophagi Club, Boosters Committee . . . . ED SYLVESTER -Cross Country, Varsity "S" Club, Art Club Spanish Club . . . VIDA ELIZABETH TALCOTT -G.A.A., Band, Orchestra, Girls' Glee Club A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Sociology Club, Health Club, Debate Club, Whirlo Club, Cinema Club _ . . . FRANK TARTAGLIA Football, Movie Crew, Monitor CommWee, Golf . . . _ CALVIN R. TAYERLE Honor Society, Observer Edit. Staff, Gul' Rifle Club Hi-Y, Camera Club . . . . . CLARENCE F. TAYLOR . . . . RUDOLPH RICHARD TEWS Rifle ~earn, G··rman Club . . . . ADELE THAYER-Athletic Counc1!, Leaders· Club, G.A.A., "S" Letter Ghl, SoJ->h· Frank Steinbruegge Clarence Taylor Angela Vara Merlin Weintz Ed Sylvester Richard Tews Elaine Verburg Jane Whitwell Vida Talcott Adele Thayer Walter W~:~ch 11rn a n Priscilla Yauch omore Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Senior Friendship \H. ?. Capt.), Health Club (H. R. Capt. Monitor Ccmmiaee, Spanish Club .... ELLANORE MAE THOMPSON )r. Red Cross. Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Philomathean Club, Health Club, Cinema Club . . . . . GEORGE J, UMSTEAD Foctball, Varsity "S" Club, Hi-Y (Chaplain), Lotophagi Clui.J, Debate Club. Debate Tearn. Momtor Committee . . . . ANGELA MARIE VARA -Girls Glee Club, A Cappella Choir S0phomore Friendship Senior Friendship, Health Club . _ . . ELAINE VERBURG Sophomore Friendship, Semcr Friendship, Health CluJMonitor Committee . _ . . WALTER WACHSMAN . . _ . EVELYN WALLACE -Honur Society, Athletic CouncL, G.A.A., 'S' Letter Girl, Aqua-Dux, Sophomore Friendship Latin Club . . . . BETTIE ANNE WEILAND . . . . MERLIN WEINTZ . . . . JANE WHITWELL -G.A.A. Sophom.,re Friendship, Senior Frienas~ip (H. R. Capt.), Socio,cgy ClU.:1 Jealth Club. Moritor Comm1ltee . . . . ANNE PRISCILLA YAUCH -G.A.A., Sophom,;re Friendship, Senior Friendship Hist-, y Club, Streamliner Club. 25 CALVIN COOLIDGE, PRESIDENT Honor Society, Student Council. Shuttle Editorial Staff (Asst. Editor, Editor-in-Chief), Ob ·erver Editoria: S•af£, Junior Ktwaniar., Hi-Y (Pres., Sec.), Mid Year Play <Busmess Mgr.l, Spanish Club (Pres., V. Pres.), Debate Club, Debate Team, National Forer:.sic Leaque. GEORGEANNA CROFT. VICE PRESIDENT Huuor Socwty, Student Counc1l (Sec.J, Athletic Counc!l (Sec.l, G.A.A., Sophomore Fnendship (Cabinet), Senior Fnendship, Dramatic Club, Spamsh Cluo (Sec.>, Debate Club, Monitor Committee. JAMES M. REID SECRETARY-TREASURER Student Cuttn( r -:>!ball, Track, Var1 reas.l, Hi-Y, Sociolsity "S" Club (S ogy Club, History dub, Monitor Commlttee. Shaw in September, 1939, as the E NTERED largest class ever to graduate from Kirk . . . suffered all the sophomore hopes, fears, and dreams . . . liked Shaw for its spirit . . . thrived on a splendid junior year . . . all the while admiring the mighty seniors . . . suddenly came the realization that we were the seniors . . . and liking it . . . sorrowed by Pajak's leg operation ... thankful that we had fleet-footed Regan, plunging Clark, and rocksohd Krause to carry on . . . the Culver spectacle .. . hoping against hope in the last minutes of that fateful Heights game . . . shocked 26 by the December 7 disaster and what it would mean to our careers . . . all the outstanding members of our class . . . scholars Smith and Dillow . . . Coolidge, the diminutive dynamo . . . all-scholastic Reid . . . the journalistic genius of Guthrie . . . Queens Christian and ·Croft . . . the feminine athletic ability of Reynolds and Coburn . . . the dramatic stars, Cameron and Reimholz . . . Havens, the City Hi-Y president ... the aquatic record-smashing of Clark . . . our cancelled spring vacation . . . then . .. Kid Day . .. Prom Night ... and finally graduation! Bob Acheson Elberon Andrews Janice Ayers Harold Barletta John Allen Paul Andrews Dean Maze Phyllis Barndt BOB ACHESON SwiiT'ming . . JOHN M. ALLEN History Clulc Latin C.ub Camera Clul Stamp rluo HAROLD R. ALLISON Track, Tennis, Varsity "S" Club, History Club !)~bat~ C\u, Debat• m.. Nahonal Foren sic League . . . . EUGENE ANDERSON Be •YS Gtee Club. A Cappella Choir . . . . ROXY ALEX ANDONIAN G.A.A. SophomorE' Friendship, Senior Friendship . . . . ELBERON ANDREWS -Cro :ss Country Track, Rtfle Club, Movie Crew . . . . PAUL E. ANDREWS Art Club . . . RAY AUGUSTINE Baseba I, H >ekey Varstty S' Club Hi-Y Sociology Club. Monitor Committee . . BEN AUSTIN Footba,J. Varsity "S' CL.1!:- Hi Y. Mid Year P,ay Debat• Club, Monitor Committee . . . FLORENCE AVERILL G.A.A., Sophomore friendship, S nior Frienctshtp Dra matic Club, History Club (V. Pres.), Health Club (H. R. Harold Allison Ray Augustine Vernon Baldwin Barbara Barr Eugene Anderson Ben Austin Margaret Barclay Jean Barr Roxy Andonian Florence Averill Joseph Barey Margie Barry Capt.), Moni:or Committ<?e , . . JANICE AYERS -G.A.A. Sophomore Friendship, Senior rtie:nc sht, ~Ai, Year Play Dramati,. Club, History Club Spa tsh Cl \ Pr .s. S Hea tn .._,Jub, M >il , Cc.'llmi•t DEAN MELVIN MAZE . . . . VERNON BALDWIN . MARGARET BARCLAY Sopher.. •re Friendship Se. i• r friet.cts. 11= Hea th Club, Mer iter Committe.._ . . JOSEPH P. BAREY Cross Country . . . HAROLD BARLETTA B"ys G Clu':J . . PHYLLIS JEAN BARNDT ·uir,s Glee Cu:. Sophomnr¢ Friendst p s, nior frien .ship Health Ch:b BARBARA BARR u.A.J... , "S" Letter Girl. Aqua '). S ph rr re Fri dship, Spa'lish Club . . . JEAN 1.~ tt"r Gir Aqua-Dux, Sopt. BARR G. A. A S frie ciship . . MARGIE BARRY Leaders Club, G.A.A. 27 Beverly Baughman Ken Birnbaum Ray Blosser Helen Brigman Inez Beranek Theresa Bitonti Angus Bond Barbara Brooker Donald Berger Alice Black Roberta Bond Beatrice Brown BEVERLY BAUGHMAN Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Sociology Club, Health Club, Cinema Club .. . . INEZ BERANEK Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club . . . . DONALD BERGER ·Swimming, Varsity "S" Club, Hi-Y .... LEOPOLD BERGMANN Rifle Club, Spanish Club (V. Pres.), Chess and Checker Club . . . . JACK R. BIRKHOLD Boys' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Spanish Club (Treas.) . . . . KEN BIRNBAUM- Hi-Y, Greenhouse operator . . . . THERESA BITONTI . . . . ALICE BLACK Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club . . . . LOIS BLAUMAN Leaders' Club, G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Senior Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Dramatic Club, Cinema Club, Streamliners' Club . . . . MARJORIE BLIDE -Leaders' Club, G.A.A., A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Art Club (Sec., Treas.) . . . . RAY D. BLOSSER Honor Society, Cross Country. ':'rack, Rifle Club, Rifle Team, Chess and Checker Club (V. Pres.), Monitor Committee . . ANGUS FORDHAM BOND Rifle Club, A Cappella Choir, Chess and Checker Club (Treas.), 28 Leopold Bergmann Lois Blauman Rosemary Brady Marjorie Brown Jack Birkhold Marjorie Blide Betty Braun Betty Brownlee Astronr.my Club (Sec.-Treas.) . . . ROBERTA BONDG.A.A ., Girls' Glee Club, A Cappell::r Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Mid Year Play, Dramatic Club, Debate Club, Whirlo Club . . . . ROSEMARY BRADY -G.A.A., Sophomcre Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . BETTY BRAUN-G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship . . . . HELEN RAE BRIGMAN G.A.A., Aqua-Dux, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Mid-Year Play, Dramatic Club (Sec.), Sociolcgy Club, Health Club, Cinema Club, Monitor Committee . . . . BARBARA BROOKER Leaders' Club, G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Art Club . . . . BEATRICE E. BROWN Monitor Committee . . . . MARJORIE BROWN Leaders' Club, G.A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Band (Drum Majorette), Orches~ra, Sophomore Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Senior Friendship, Whirlo Club, Streamliners' Club, Monitor Committee . . . . BETTY BROWNLEEObserver Edit. Staff (Copy Editcr, Feature Editor), Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Lolophagi Club, Health Club, Cinema Club, Monitor Commrttee. Elaine Burris Elsie Carey Joan Christian Lawrence Clark Mary Butler Art Carle Patricia Christy Pat Clark ELAINE BURRIS ~nls Glee Club, A Cuppella Chi!, Semor friends If La: .n ...... uo Whir_ c:..~b, Monitor Cor-· :nittee . . . . MARY E. BUTLER Sophomore Friendship, SPnior Fri~ dshi1 H€al.th Club Monit• r ,....nmmiltee . . . . CAMILLE L. CABOT MARY CALVIN Observer Edu. S '"' ~ A ' Gle, 1.. ~L S >fE Frie , 1»'1. , Semor . r_ • •s, 1p Monitor Committe . . . . GLEN B. CAMERON Sw1mmmq Hockey Bard (Pres. Ass . Cc .•uctor Ore! s•ra, Mia Y• ::~ P\ay ":,a., otic Ch.ob ~reas.) Monitor Co!!:rr 1t.ce . ELSIE MARIE CAREY G.A A Senior n• n (H R. ~c:pt.), S~ic L ul· :::;, . ~reas.) ART CARLE Band . . DICK CERREZIN Shuttle Ed1t. S•aff 8Ls"f{E. Edit. St F Hi V Cam r MAURICE CHANDLER Club, Mcnitcr Committee . ;-_,01' a I \"orsi y ;:, Club . . . . ROGER CHAPMAN JOAN CHRISTIAN Student Cc un ·i ~ 'ti .:: nc i Leadrs r-o•u (S <. :; A.A .. Aqua Dux, Sophomore Fn ndsJ-.ip (Treas.) Senior Friendship Mid· Year Play, Dramatic Club, Sociology Club, Spanish Clul:, (V. Pres., Sec.), Health Club Camille Cabot Dick Cerrezin Domenic Cirincione Richard Clark (Sec-), Monil-r C-.mrrut:ee Mary Calvin Maurice Chandler Ruth Cisar Walter Clough Glen Cameron Roger Chapman Adelbert Clark Virginiu Coburn . PA I R'CIA CHR!SIY G.A A., G1r!s' G. e ClJb, Sophornor . '" ,. ~ FriPndsr.Ip J:'r:J~ ~tv· vlu Monitor Commit\E:'e DOMENIC CIR!NCIONE Jl~c.nitor CC'mMilte" RUTH JEANNE CISAR 13us. Staff (Asst. Mgr.) ' ""• ('' ·~ L " ' rl G.A A , Gals' G ce C.JI- ,... Jph-!:'1 • Fne-'1dship (H. Fl. Capt.), Ser ior FriN :.ish1p (H R. Capt 1 Healtr '- u ..,,. !.) Whir to C.:: .' r - ,· ADELBERT CLARK . LAWRENCE CLARK RICHARD L. (Pat) CLARK S rr " q ~ .JL, l i 'r Mo r it •r Comr.•ilte• RICHARD EARL Sw. CLARK Football, Basketb lll Reserve B1s,·at m.~q Varsi'' S r:::lJb, Hi V Me>mtor Ccmmi' ~ WALTER CLOUGH MOPI!Or Commit! . VIRGINIA MAE COBURN !! nor :3oc! ty Ath.ctic Cou.. .. G A. r.. S .... t Gi Girls' Gl C'lub (prps,,, A Cappo!:~ Choir, SoJ:'lomore Friendsh.p, Senior FnendsJ-.ip (Pre Inter-Club Council Repres€'r.tative), Spanis!-1 Club (Pr.-s .. 29 Rebecca Cohen Hazel Crawford Betty Darner Carol Virginia C ;,lville Marion Cross Arleen Davidson D~ - M~ GJ Janis Connell Ruth Cullen Betty Davidson M:C' ~. w·w REBECCA COHEN G.A.A., Senior Friendship, Sociology Club, Streamliners' Club . . . . VIRGINIA COL VILLE G.A.A., Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Se.1ior fli.,m.b!Jip, Spanish Club (Sec.), Cinema Club . . . . JANIS CONNELL G.A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Sociology Club, Cinema Club . . . JAMES P. CORIO Rifle Club, Movie Crew, Moniter Committe", Radio Club .... BETTY R. COUP - G.A.A . A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior friendship, Monitor Committee . . . . HAZEL EDRA CRAWFORD -Girls' Glee Club, A . Coppe!la Choir Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Monitor Committee . . . . MARION CROSS Sop •. orr ore Frie'ldship, Senior Friendship, Cinemn Clut . . . RUTH CULLEN Band, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Monitor Committee . . . . RICHARD W . CURRELL ·Rille Club, Hi-Y, Stamp Club . . . . PHYLENE FAYE DALE ·Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir Senior Friendship, History Club, Health Club, Cinema Club . . . . BETTY DARNER -Leaders' Club, 30 James Corio Richard Currell Jean Davies Betty Coup Phylene Dale Mary Ellen Davies e::.:tiaha•l Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . ARLEEN DAVIDSON ·G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club .. .. BETTY DAVIDSON Swimming, G.A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Senior Friendship . . . . JEAN DAVIE Leaders' Club, G .A.A., Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Sociology Club, Spanish Club, Philomatheon Club, Health Club . . . . MARY ELLEN DAVIES -Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Spanish Club (Pres., Treos.) Lotophagi Club, Health Club . . . . CAROL C. DAVIS Shuttle Edit. Stoff, Observer Edit. Staff, Band, Orchestra, Latin Club. Whirlo Club, Streamliners' Club . . . MARY DAVIS Honor Society, G .A.A .. Sophcmore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club Sci ·nc' Cluo . . . WALTER DAVIS . . . . ALLENE DAWSON Senior Friendship, Sociology Club, History Club, Health Club, Cinema Club, Monitor Committee . . . . DON DEINHART Track. Norma De!ovine Dorothy Dilbw Elaine Drescher Glen Engstrom Raymond Denslow Donald Disbro Ruth Duncan Rae Alice Erber NORMA DeJOVINE G.A.A., Rifle Club ( r -:Js. S r • J~t t;:. t• !tor Committ.:e . . . RAYMOND DENSLOW ootba 1, Basketball. Reserve Basi P r1 IS, Hockey, Varsity "S" Club, Socio,oqy Club ~ S._:...;I lu (' r1 a.s Science Club Monitor Commit'ee CHARLES DICK Swimming (Mqr.), Varsity "S'' ClutBo sterd' G n iltee, 'heerleadP.r, Hi Y (Treas.), Monitor Commiltae . . . PEGGY DICKINSON G A.A., A Cappel'a Choir Sophor • FriE r dship S· ni. •r Fn nds lf:. ::>raMa:ic Club Cinema Club . . . ED MERE DILLEY S 'phcmore Frien ship U f . C f t. 'W uno ul ~r• "· Mom~~· Conrri"re DOROTHY DILLOW ionor Society, Girls G:~ "'u ::;, r f· '1dship r irl :.~b (Pres., V Pres Sec., . . DONALD DISBRO _ !ovi :rew, Morn or Com mtlt , H Y . ALICE MAE DOLAN G A.A., Gnls' Gl e dship S ui •r Fnen..lshi!=' Debr.Jt ''iv.b Scpl>om ..s a cliC r Jb, Morut-,r Com C'ut Wh mtt' e .... VIRGINIA M. DONOFRIO :: lphomore Fne!'-l ship, 1-f a ~. JUNE DOUGLAS ,,rJs' Gke C:ut A ~apo 1.:'1 ClJmr, ~ 'l 'WID r Fri, " Se!'.<.· Fnen Charles Dick Alice Dolan Pearl Eisenberg Amelita Ferrante Peggy Dickinson Virginia Donofrio Menelaos Emmanuel Bill Fields Edmere Dilley June Douglas Betty Lou Emiq Evelyn Finnerty sl I- ::>r ~ma i• ':lur story ~tub, Moniter Comm1 tee ELAINE DRESCHER Gtrls' Glee Club, A Cappella Chen S<>! ,r.. > •nds i Semcr Fnen 'sh1p, Soc1 "'Y RUTH F. His' .ry C_J . Health Club. Cmema Club . . DUNCAN -f •niur F.t .. :lshir 'h.r u >, t.. ''• t r ~ • mtl'· . . . PEARL LOUISE EISENBERG Girls Glee Club. f'ri n ls,.,ip Mid-Year Play, Sophomore Fnendsr_ r s.,., Dr-:Jmattc C'~· Htso >n Club, !:v' tik rr MENELAOS EMMANUEL . BETTY LOU EMIG G A A So1 I •m• r r ~='•io ndst "" Se!'" r Fri. ::isl.t!GLEN ENGSTROM Band, Orches-ra . . . . RAE ALICE ERBOR L a• rs C'... G.A A., ..:...qua Jt.X So~ fr_ s u· Ser.10r Friendshp, Drmr..-:Jtic C:ub, A r ea't'1 Clu', Mon!tot Comml tee . AMELITA FERRANTE ..:'o;,pt•omom f•iondship, Scmor Ft ~~ <1st • <lh Heclt~ Club, Mo::ntN Com!mtle BILL FIELDS Honer Sod .y H1 Y, Mtd·VE u Play, Dr..1ma :Ome>ra Cl.1 \r r " ' Monitor Comrr.itt e EVELYN IRENE FINNERTY .__,.A.A , Sop'Iomor Frie.r-:lsr r 1 lr FriendsPip 1 C.ul: 't:. 11. La"l 1 ), Whi·'~ ~'ub r'reas ). 31 George Fisher Robert Fowler Don Gairing Ruth Gettig Lillian Fisher Rosemary Fowler Dick Gardner David Gibbons Joan Flynn Robert Francis Martha Gardner Eileen Gilmore GEORGE FISHER S< iPn• , Club, Monitc r Committe LILLIAN JANE FISHER -G.A.A. . . JOAN FLYNN Clul: "?..A.A S •ni >r Fri••ndship, Streamliner PHYLLIS FORD -Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, So , r ~"riE ndship <:;ocic::Jqy Chili, French Club, Lotophagi Clul:' HP 1lth Club, Cam< r l Cub rSec.-Treas.). Streamliners' C:lub . . EILEEN R. FOSTER G A.A . S"phomore Friendship, S< ni r Fn ·ndship, Dram 'tic \...,u..... So< 'iolt >gy ~Jub, Cinema Club, Moniter Committe£> ROBERT M. FOWLER Foctball. Monitor Comrr.i'tE r . ROSEMARY FOWLER ROBERT FRANCIS [ •Vb G e <> G A. A . Spanish Clu!:> . . C:lu Spanish C.ut.. Ch ·"~ or. h~ ·r: r '--'• ub . ANGELINE FRATIANNE Soph<.M )fe Fri.~ dsh ip, "•f>nior :"rie rtus, .. p, H< alth L.1UI • • • JACQUELYN FRIEDLANDER Girl's Glee Club, A Cappella C":hoir Soph more F iend~hip, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Monitor Committee 32 Phyllis Ford Angeline Fratianne Nick Gentile Calvin Gockel Eileen Foster Jacquelyn Friedlander Paul Gerstenberger Lundy Goesling DON GAIRING B Jnd. Hi Y D• uatf' '--- ~l "' hate Teor, ~ a't F r >sic Loague DICK GARDNER Varsity ·s' Club, Cl1f rle a• •r, Hi- 'I, ::; i< .. •a niter CoMmittee . . . MARTHA GARDNER A Cappella Choir Sophomore r ie1 dsl 1p. Senior Friew ,hip, Latin Club, Monitor Commt!tee . NICK GENTILE Pif Club Manit '" rr ltP· PAUL JOHN GERSTENBERGER RUTH MARIE GEfTIG Girts Gt• e C u '· l Cap !=' .,a C' '">ir S ,,ior -riendship . . . . DAVID JOSEPH GIBBONS Bas.l a!., H lwy Varsity S" ~ UL, 1-L-Y EILEEN M. GILMORE Honor Society Leaders' Club, 'S wetter Gir Sophomore Fri.,nd;;hip Senter G A.A. Friendship (Cabine!) Sl')chl •9Y Club. Hf'alth CluJ:. Sec.), CALVIN ARTHUR GOCKEL ':tifle Mor,i\or ' . ittf' y tamp . LUNDY L. GOESLING TE'n >is 11 Club Club •' ' r r tiE'" Julius Gokorsch Thelma Graham Richard Guthrie Gordon Harrell Carolyn Goller Robert Grubb Lois Hackney Irwin Hart JULIUS (Jay) GOKORSCH -:-rae:-, MvniLr C• m ,iltee . . . . CAROLYN GOLLER G.A.A. Aqua Dux, Sophomore riendship Ser. " Fn.,ndshiJ. Drau ~lir C...Jul Soci q Club, Monitor Committee> .. PATRICIA ANN GOMPF G.A.A.. "S"' Letter Gir . Sm n -rie: tdship, Art ~ ub S .dol >QY Club, Health Club . . . DOROTHY JEANNE GOODWYN Cnls' G:::>e Club, Sophc c ·e: 1 r ndsbi SPr Fnn ship, Monitor Comr.n!lc . . . . MARION GOTTRON -G.A A .. Aqua Dux Sophomore "'riendsr 'p Sem .r Fri s! tip M~...1. r Co'11miltee . . . . THELMA GRAHAM . . ROBERT GRUBB '-h Y . . . . BETTY GUILER L-aders' Clu G.A.A. Scpn r. ne fn,..'1d· io S n . F11 _ dsh1p, ::>romatic Club, Soc!o cgy C.u~ Health \'u, (E Q 1.. ':ine -,u Club, M:mitor Com mittef) .... DORIS DAWN GUNDEL Leaders' Club. G.A.A, "S" Letter Gir i< _ is, iJ. fo, .... ~-. Spanish C1 · Health Club . GLORIA GURMAN Shutt.c Edtt. Stol!, Observer Edi;. S•a f ~ ;:.. .A. S ph ~ ..;r friendship, Seri"'r Friendship, Drama:ic Club Soc-io! '<l' u ~ .. ~ "Y Health Club, M0mtcr Gemmill RICHARD GUTHRIE Patricia Gompf Betty Guiler Alice Hanlon Mona Hart Dorothy Goodwyn Doris Gundel Donald Hansen Edward Hassell Marion Gottron Gloria Gurman Earl Harlan George Haven3 Shut•lc Edit St .lf C~s< - Ed.n), Ht Y Mm.itor Committee- . . . LOIS HACKNEY 'i.A.' Aqu :'ux S <i •r Friendship, S•, a .inE s· '--:lu ALICE HANLON l-!c'1cr Soci<>ty, G.A A. SnphomN" F ,. I~ .tp 1'1 CD 1-! o ·:u:. Momtur ' r, itte e . DONALD JAMES HANSEN Fovtball, Basel::-'1 I, ,;i-n q itv S C .... b "· " o . . EARL GORDON MARK HARRELL Hi Y HARLAN IRWIN MIL TON HART Gr:> n. •tr s' u E · ' Glee Cluk , · r..., 1. ' st rv S1 "' SL 1b, Ch ~s and Checker Club MONA JEANNE HART Hon=.r SO<:.,<IY, G A.A .. Gtrls' GleE J. ( r as l A - 1 •t' Chcir, Sophornore Friendship, Se·nrr Fnendsh1p Wid-Year PliY Dr:xmaHc C ·r -1 Jlth Club, M n tc.r n· mittee . . . EDWARD HASSELL Swinrring, Varst i "'' V 1ts ~ ~ tlor Cc mmill GEORGE N. HAVENS ncr Soc-ie'y, Student Counc1l t::s S '<.t - F Stal Boosters' Committee. City-Wide Hi-Y Council rPres.), Ht Y (Pws.l. DcJ:.c: ''I b, N ltc"la' Forc.1sic- L ague-, Monllor Crmrntt~ , Jur.ic r Kiwanian. ti, I ' ~I< IS 33 Phyllis Hay Patricia Hill Jeanne Holding Eleanore Howell June Heckman Richard Hoff Jack Horton Daniel Hoyt • ~~1 ~nendsh1~ f.' ~ Sophom . 1 Semor Fm·ndsh1p, French Club, Health Club JUNE CAROLYN HECKMAN S<lphomore Fri<"ndship, S<:nior Friendship, s, ~iufoqy Club . . . . MARION JEANNETTE HENDERSON Honer Society. Guls G'"'" Clul s, •P'- !lvre Friendship Ser '' .r Fri<"n<Js,,tp Drarr- hr Club, History Club, Latir Club ELLEN E. HERRICK Honer Society, Girls' Glee Club Sop!-> 1r Fri ndsh1p Se1 !!Or Fri:mdsi,io. Dra!Y'al!c Clut Latin Club, !fea.th Club, Debate Club .... DOR~S HERRON Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Spanish Club, Latin Club, Monitor Committee . . . PATRICIA HILL Obser·;er Edit. Staff. G A.A., Sr,phomcr Friendship, Senior Friendship, Str• arr in ·rs Club . . . . RICHARD HOFF Band . . . . JOYCE HOFF ACKER G.A.A., A Cappella Choir (Librar. em. s, ·ph mere Fri. •ndship. Senior Friendship Whu Club Monitor Committee . . . . HOWARD THOMAS HOFFMAN Rifle Club, Rille "' am B0ys Glee Club, A ('appc!;u '"'heir . . . . WALLACE HOLL Rifle Club, Rifla PHYLLIS MARJORIE HAY 34 Howard Hoffman Lois Houston Calvin Imboden Doris Herron Wallace Holl Wayne Houston Edwin Irish ~earn . . . . JEANNE HOLDING Senior Fnendship . . . . M. JACK HORTON . . . . DORIS HOTT . . . . LOIS ELIZABETH HOUSTON -Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Whirlo Club, Cin •m :r Club, Monitor CoMmittee . . . . WAYNE HOUSTON Honor Society (V. Pres.), Shuttle E it. Staff, 0' svrv"r I'ai , Staff, Football (Mgr ), Tracl:, Varsity 'S" Club, Hi-Y Jbuat• Team, Nati. ·••al For . si:: League (Pres.) . . . ELEANORE MARTHA HOWELL Sericr Friendship, Dramati Clul., Sociolngy Clul:, Mom tor Committee . . . . DANIEL KING HOYTTennis, Rifle Club Rifle Team, 3oys' Gle. Club, A CappeL:~ Choir Hi-Y, Spanish Club (Sec.) . . . . HARRY HUTTON FootbalL Swimming, Track, Varsity "S" Club, C:h· ~rlead• r, Hi-Y, Dramatic Clul: History Club (Tr'las.l, Monitor Ccmmittee . . . JOHN CAL YIN IMBODEN -Swimmin'!, Fille. Club (Pres.) Rifle Team, Spanish Club . . . . EDWIN IRISH Flotball Sociology Club Whirlo Club, M• .nitor (,, 1r. mitt Constance Irwin George Jewett Violet Kahne Paul Keyes Dave Izant Donna Lee Johnson Mary Kast Betty King Jean Jacobsen James Johnson Marion Kays Jeanne Kirby Melvin Jacobson Jewette Johnson Catherine Kerns Carolyn Klecka ~ ~~1 Y;:'A~u~ ~.--A.~~~-- CONSTANCE IRW.N G.A.A., "S" Let+;r S ph0 1r ':""nt '1-:lsl 1p S• nicr Frier.dship, Monitor Com mitte1 DAVE IZANf Swimming, Hi Y, Sparvsh Club JEAN JACOBSEN G A.A., Band (Sec.). Orches'ra Soph 1n F'ri• '1dshi1 H. R. ('opt.. S ru 'r fri<>nrlshi· Dramatlf' Club, History Cluo . . MELVIN JACOBSON .Jt Hisr~ry "' Football, Boys' Glee Club, Dramoll Spanish Club, ;)ebate C .t G ss :x 1ecker C!..1.J M.onitm ... •"' CARL JENSEN Ht-Y . . . . GEORGE W. JEWETT Bund Orrhestra. /" I •ss ~nd c .. eCK r Club, Stamp Club . . . . DONNA LEE JOHNSON Whir Club, Monitor Ccmmtlte• . . . . JAMES W. JOHN30N Cross 1u1 y rad. Vorstty "S Clu R C' ~ JEWETTE JOHNSON Sh.Jttle Bus. Stall (Bus. Mg:-. , C s .rvr>r E 11 S . Senior Friendship, Mid Year Play Dramatic C:ub, Sociology C.:lub, Spanish Club, Lc:op~•• gi Clul w~ If Clul: (Sec.) MoPltor Committee . . . . SHIRLEY A. JONES Sophomore f'nendshtp Se nor Friend sl !p ~ ra >i ~ ul: .1\rt Club, (Pres , V. Pr£ s) Sociology .. Carl Jensen Shirley Jones Anna Mae Kester James Kneale ~...,. VI ET C. AHNE G.A A. Sophomore FriePdsh1p, Senior Fnendsh1r S ck ,.., Cluo, Hea.:h Cluo Mor i•cr Committee . . . . MARY KAST Leaders· Club, G.A A. S Letter Gnl Soph r, ,r., Fri• -:lship, Senic r Friencts ir ~ra•n 1" ~ 1 u H1s cry C!uo (Sec.), Health Cl o MARION KA YS W .1 .t • ' r CATHERINE KERNS ANNA MAE E. KESTER '-3-A i\ S p :=-'ri,o IS ..&.!t- .-L R C'='pt. 1-1 al•h ...... un Cmema Cl.Jb, Monitor C.<:'"· mitt·ee . . . PAUL KEYES Ri 1le Club, Rifle Team, Whul Ctut.. . . . BETTY B. KING Band (Sec-), Orchestra . . . . JEANNE MARIE KIRBY G.A A , A Cappella Choir, Sopho .Jr La" FriP . ish tiC' S"ni ., a "'riendsh.p, Soctolcgy Club (Sec. !1/.n'litor Comm1 :ee . . . . ~lub, G A A., "S" Letter Glf:, Sop. o- CAROLYN A. KLECKA m .r "'riP 1~ 1 S Club, Science Club !S1 i S , gy Slub Sta" JAMES B. KNEALE B~ys' G e Club, A Capp .Ia Choir " " t '1 3.5 Rita Kockers Robert Krause Doris Lantz Alice Level Margaret Kohler Helen Labbie Robert Lantz Werner Lewin Robert Kondrat Jeanne Labbie Lorraine Larson Norma Lichty RITA ANNE KOCKERS \.i A.A .. Girls' Gl e Club A Cappel! Chcir Suphurr •r Friendship, Serior Friel'<'~''i" Dramatw Cut.. H~a ·h Club, Monitor Committee . . . MARGARET KOHLER -G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, s, nior Friend shp h •altb '1 ub, Mori or Committee . . . ROBERT KONDRAT .... JOHN KOPP ~rack Ba 1d. Ch,.ss and Checker C'ub M .niter C m~ittee . . . . ARTHUR KOZLOW A;t Club . . . . ROBERT KRAUSE Hon< >r S JE•' ~ Stua< nt Council (Pres. Tre.as.) Junior Kiwaniar., Foc!ball (Copt.), Basketball. Roserve Basketbal:, Track, Varsity S r u (V Pr s. !-li-Y (Trees.), Momtor Committee HELEN LABBIE Sophcmor Friendshi~ or r "IE ,,hlp Hf'ail I C.ub, M.;nitor Co!T'mittee . . . JEANNE LABBIE Leaders' Club, Sophomore Friendship, Sb .ior frie dship Health 1!: (H R. Capt.), Monitor Committee . . . ROGER LABUS Rilif' '' Jl: Rille . .:orr Latin Club, M0 11!• r r.omrr.itle GORDON LANESE Swimming, R1fle Club, A CoppA!Ia Chc•r, H1-Y, Sociot >gY CluD, Monitor Committee DORIS LANTZ r;.A A. Aqua-Dux, A I Jl'P' Ia C~,, i. Se nirr :-n d< vi tit~r Comr ilte._ . ROBERT H. 3f Arthur Kozlow Gordon Lanese Mary Jo Lerch Patricia Linden John Kopp Roger Labus Dorothy Lennon Ellen Lind LANTZ '·h Y Vv ir Club Monitor Comnuttee . • . . LORRAINE LARSON G.A.A .. Orchestra, Girls' Glee Club, S ph rn re Frie ds ip Senior FriePdship, Healih Club, Y. nir r Jut., rine 1a Club, Monitor Com nit tee . . . . DOROTHY LENNON Observer Ed1t. Staff, Sophomore Fr " c!st,lp Senhr Fm udship, Dramatic Club Loti Club, D· >ale Club (Sec), Monitor Committee MARY JO LERCH G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship., Senior ! irudsPip, H.st ry Clul- L tC'pl rgi Clul: Cinema Club (V. Pres., Pres.) . ALICE LEVOF -G.A.A. Senior Friendship. Sociolngy Clu~ . History Club (V. Pres. ! C. WERNER LEWIN l-io.1or Society, ;sl C>•J Pres.), French •s. , 1 or (Pr ·s) Debate tub Pres.), Stamp Club (V. Pres.) .... N~RMA JEANNE LI~HTY C A A ,Suphom !-riendship, t S• ni r FriL 1dsU Wb ), ~'ub . . ELLEN LIND G.A.A , Girls Glee Club, Sop!- om ere Fnen lship. s, ni• F i. I dshi! '• "AI hir "lub (Sec ), Streamliners' Club . . . . PATRICIA ;.A.A , SePJOr Fnendsr ip, Strean i"l, s Club, LlNDEN r. ~ r mit:ee. Ruth Lindenbaum Elaine Malbin Leona Mattern Don McGiffin Bruce Long Salvatore Marco John McArthur Earl McHugh RUTH LINDENBAUM Leaders' Club, G.A.A. Gir s' Gee Club, s, phomure Friendshtp Se i• r Friendship. Health Club, Stleamliners' Club . . . BRUCE LONG ·rack Hi Y (V. Pr.•s. Sec.' History Club, M •nit >f Committee . . . TINA LUCI Honor Society, Student Council, Shuttle Edit Stall, L~or:lo.rs Club, G.A.A., Sophcmcre Friendshtp (Cabinet), Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Soci• ,] >qy CtuL l"reas. History Club, HeCJlth Club (Sec.) BiLL MacDONALD '!onor Society (Pres.), Student Council, Spamsh Club (Pres V. Pres.), Cinema Clut (S ~ l . . . . MAR!ALYS LYNCH S ~ciology Club . . . . ELAINE MALBIN .Observer Edit. Staff. G.A.A., Sophomure Friendship Senior Friendship. :So >gy C'uL L tophagi Club Health Clut SALVATORE MARCO '- C' Pr >lla Cho11 Spanish C'.ub HARRY F. MARTIN. JR. Band, Orchestra, Sociolc.gy Club ROBERT MATSON Rand, (V Pres.), Orches'r::t (Pres.), P ., G Sr ·:m sh Club (Trees.) . Tina Luci Harry Marlin Robert McCarthy William McKay Bill MacDonald Robert Matson Leis McClelland Warren McShane Marialys Lyn eh Harold Mattern Ben MeDonncld Jeanne Mec;~de HAROLD MATTERN Cress Country . LEONA MAT1ERN Grrls Gle Club, Sophomore Fr.endship S , i Fnendship, Dramatic Club, History C'ub (Sec.). Cinema "'lub !Sec.) fOHN F. McARTHUR Swimming Mgr ), Rife Club Tr as ), Hi Y . . . ROBERT McCARTHY LOIS McCLELLAND Stuaent C u. r:i (Sec. G.A.A., Band 1\. Capp• .. :I Choir, Sophomcre Friendship (Pres l. Senior Fnendsh1p. Spanish Club (Pr H ~ _t~, C l. ::; bate Club, 1v i' r Cc ,mitt.>e BEN McDONNOLD d, -stra Sp s Rille Club . . . DON McGIFFIN B tr Club <Treas., Sec.) Lotophagi Club . . . EARL A. McHUGH Cress (', untry, Tra• ·k Rifl Club, Hi Y ~1.mtcr '-- '11 " WILLIAM McKAY Monitor ~ - ..,.,_.., WARREN McSHANE ~,-:x I( T nis . . JEANNE ME DE Shu•tl I Sta.f, Leaders' Clul:' :; A A S•)phorror Friendship (H. R. Capt.) Ser.ior Friem:tsn.p, :::>ebate -::ub Mom!or Commttte . 37 John Meagher Dorothy Minman Richard Morgan Bernice Nightingale Natalie Miggantz Virginia Mitchell • Robert Mulligan Doris Nighti~alll rJ l;dwa:d Mill!'>r Ja~ Morte· Ptrlricia ~phy M~ R h Nixon 7 Ethel Miller Mary Anne Moran David Nesbitt Virginia Norton Lois Miller Nellie Morgan Hans Nielsen Margaret O'Brien yv, JOHN MEAGHER Boys Glee Club, • Whirlo Club . . . . NATALIE M!GGANTZ G.A.A., Sophomore friendship, His- tory Clut, Spanish Club, Debate Club, Cinema Club . . . . EDWARD D. MILLER Track, Sociology Club (Pres.) ETHEL MILLER Sophomore friendship, Senior Friendship, Whirlo Club . . . . LOIS A. MILLER G.A.A .. Girls' Glee C 1ut Sophomore Friendship, Se11ior Friendship . . . . Sophom""~" Friendship, Sen· icr Fri• ndsh.p, Whirlo Club . . . . VIRGINIA MITCHELL G.A A Sophomore Friendship (Cabinet) Senior Friendship (H. R. Capt., Cabinet), Sociology Club, History Club, Health Club (H. R. Capt.), Monitor Committee . . . JACK MON. TEJTH Swimming, Art Club .. . . MARY ANNE MORAN G.A A Aqua-Dux. Sophomore Friendship. Senior Friend sri Dramatic Club Cinema Club, Monitor Committee .... DOROTHY M!NMAN ·G.A.A., NELLIE M. MORGAN Leaders' Club, Girls Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Whirlo CJub (Pres.), Monitor Committee . . . . R!CHARD 33 MORGAN Hi-Y . . . . ROBERT J, MULLIGAN Basketball, Reserve Basketball, Baseball, A Cappella Choir, Hi-Y . . . . PATRICIA MURPHY-G.A.A., Senior Friendship, Spanish Club, Streamliners Club, Monitor Ccmmittee . . . . DAVID ALBERT NESBITT Football, Swimming, Cross Country, Track, Varsity "S" Club (Treas.), Mid· Year Play, Monitor Committee . . . . HANS NIELSEN Boys' Glee Club, Art Club, Whirlo Club . . . . BERNICE M. NIGHTINGALESophomore Friendship, Se ior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Whirlo Club . . . . DOR1S NIGHTINGALE Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Sociology Club . . . . MARY RUTH NIXON -Girls Glee Club, A Cappeha Choir, Suphomore Friendship Senior Friendship . . . . VIRGINIA NORTON -G.A.A., Senivr Friendship Dram 1'ic C,ur GARET O'BRIEN Whirk :":lub. Debate Club. Whirlo Club . . . . MARSophomore Friendship. Senior Friendship, Betty O'Connor Shirley Patton Dick Persing Alice Plumb Aline Pace Ruth Paul Florence Pflueger Robert Pojak BETTY O'CONNOR Leaders' Club, G.A.A., Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Senior Friendship (H. R. C< rpl.), Sociology Club, Health Club (H. R. Capt.) . . . ALINE PACE -Leaders' Club, G.A.A., Girls Glee Club, A Cappella Chcir, Sophomore Friendship Senior Friendship, Sociology Club. Spanish Club . . . . IVAN PAJERSKY . . . LAVERNE PARSONS -G.A.A, Senior Friendship, Whirlo Club . . . DOROTHY ANN PATTIE 'land, Orchestra, Whir.o Club . . . SHIRLEY JANE PAT· TON-G.A.A , Sophomore FriPndship (H. R. Capt.) Senior Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Dramatic Club, Sociology ClJ.b, Spanish Club 1Pres.), Latin Club, Health Club . . . . MARGARET RUTH PAUL Sophomore Friendship, Senic.r Friendship . RUTH PEACOCK Leaders Club, G.A.A .. Girls· Glee Club A Copf: a Ch •ir Sophomore Friendship SP tior Friendship. Cine>no Club. Monitor Committee . . . LOUISE PEARCE -G.A.A., Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship, Se· ior Friendship, Spanish Club, Cinema Club Ivan Pajersky Ruth Peacock Dolores Phillips Janel Polk Laverne Parsons Louise Pearce Lauvon Pickens Whitney Powell Dorothy Pattie Norman Pearn George Pierman Rebert Prendergaal . . . . NORMAN PEARN Foc.tha. Cross Cou r .. "'rock, Varsity 'S' C,ub, Whirlo Club ... DICK PERSING Spanish Club .... FLORENCE PFLUEGER Drumati .u V'.tir. CtJ.b .. . DOLORES PHILLIPS W>~irlo Club . . . LAUVON PICKENS H nor Soriety (Ser.,, Athletic Counci Le:Jaers· C ub, G.A.A .. "S Letter Girl, Girls' Glee Club, Sc.phcmorE> F'riPndship, Senior Friendship Monit. •r Corr1:1ittee GEORGE PIERMAN . . . ALICE PLUMB G.A A G.rls' Glr r. Clur A Copp• llo Ci r, S p.tomnr Friends~.ip, Senior Friendship Fwnch CluL 'vl"uir\v Club, Momtor c~m mittee . . . . ROBERT J. POJAK Honor Soctety (Pres.), Student Coun i Football, B< sk. tbau Reserve Boskett'al:, Baseball, Varsity 'S" Club (Pres.) Hi-Y, Mid c~r Pl. v, ::>ramo tic Club Monitor Comr.: i'lee . . . . JANET POLK Sophcmcre Fnendsh:p, SP i :- Frir._,cJs.. rp J., >, Mc.""Jitor Commit!<'<:. . . WHITNEY J. POWELL BW1d, Whirlo Club . . . . ROBERT E. PRENDERGAST <i-Y. 39 Alice Prosise Jack Reichenbach Eleanor Reynolds Betty Roderick Janet Pulford Peggy Reimholz Albert Rhoa Dorothy Roderick Reba Quiggin Lois Reiner Hazel Riblet Ruth Romaine ' ALICE PROSISE Whirlo Club JANET PULFORD Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Spanish Club :Pres.), Latin Club, Monitor Committee .... REBA QUIGGIN -Orchestra, Sophomore Friendship . . . . JANET RADDER A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Monitor Com mittee . . . . CHARLES STEPHEN REGAN Honer Soci~ty, Shuttle Bus. Staff, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Golf Varsity 'S" Club, Hi-Y (Treas.), Monltor Committee . . . . JACK REICHENBACH Basketball, Reserve Basketball, Hi·Y, Sociology Club. Spanish Club, Monitor Committee . . . . PEGGY REIMHOLZ Athletic Council Leaders' Club, G.A.A. 'S ' Letter Girl, Aqua-Dux, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Mtd-Year Play, Dramatic Club (Pres.). History Club, Health Club. Debate Club, Monitor Com· mittee . . . . LOIS REINER Honor Society, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship. History Club, Health Club .... MARY RENSHAW -G.A.A ., Sophomore Friendship, Set ior Friendship, Dramatic Club. Sociology Club . . . . BARBARA REYNOLDS- -Honor Society, Student Council. Jr. Red Cross Officer (Sec., Pres.), Athletic Council (Pres.), G .A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Sophomore Friendship (Cabinet), Senior Friend- 40 Janet Radder Mary Renshaw Peter Roberts Judith Roller Charles Regan Barbara Reynolds Helen Robertson William Rose ship (Cabinet), Sociology Club, Health Club (V. Pres., Pres.) .... ELEANOR REYNOLDS Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Drctmatic Cluh ALBERT J. RHOA-Honor Society, Hi Y, Debate Club, Debate Team, Monitor Committee . . . . HAZEL !NELL RIBLET -G.A.A., A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship . . . . PETER ROBERTS-Shuttle Edit. Staff (Staff Artist), Art Club (V. Pt<>s., Pt.,:;.), MollitUl Committee. . . . . HELEN ROBERTSON -G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, History Club, Health Club . . . . BETTY RODERICKSophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship (Cabinet), Dramatic Club, Cinema Club . . . . DOROTHY RODERICKSophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship (H. R. Capt. Cabinet), Dramatic Club, Cinema Club, Monitor Committee . . . . RUTH ROMAINE Honor Society (Treas.), Athletic Council, G.A.A., "S" Letter Girl, Aqua-Dux, Sophomore Friendship (Sec.), Senior Friendship (Treas.), Dramatic Club, History Club, Spanish Club (V. Pres., Sec.), Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . JUDITH DOROTHY ROLLER-Spanish Club, Monitor Committee . . . . WILLIAM ROSE -Band, Orchestra. Dick Ross Kenneth Rothaermel Martha Samartini Glenn Schenk Robert Ross Irene Rusnak Betty Seeler Norman Schmidt Doris Rosslund Alan Russ Betty Lou Schafer Gertrude Schmits Florence Roth Phyllis Ryan Ethel Schaefer John Schwaller Elizabeth Rothaermel Shirley Saltz Lester Schloupt Marjory Schwa er ''(£) ~ '"' .'-f ~ - .,'__jl DICK ROSS Football, Varsity "S" Club, Monitor Committee . . . . ROBERT ROSS Football. Varsity "S' Club, Monitor Committee . . . . DORIS ROSSLUND Girls' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Sophomore Friendship, Dramatic Club . . . . FLORENCE JUDITH ROTH -Observer Edit. Staff, G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, French Club, Debate Club . . . . CLARA ELIZABETH ROTHAERMEL G.A.A., Girls' GlPe Club, A Cappella Choir Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Health Club, Monitor Committee . . . . KENNETH A. ROTHAERMEL Monitor Committee .. . . IRENE RUSNAK Senior Fn" ,d. ship, Whirlo Club. Cinema Club . . . . ALAN RUSS Basketball, Reserve Basketball. Baseball. Spanish Club. Monitor Committee _ . . . PHYLLIS RYAN Band (Drum Majorette), Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendsh1p, Dramatic Club. Sociology Club, History Club, Health Club, Cinema Club . . . . SHIRLEY JEAN SALTZ Leaders' Club, G.A.A., Aqua Dux, Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Friendship 'H. R. Capt.), Senior Friendship, Streamliners' Club . . . . uf..,....... ...... MARTHA MARY SAMARTINI G.A.A .. S~ore Fri.mdship, Senior friendshtp, Soc10lcgy Club, Lata. Club, HealtL Club . . . . BETTY SEELER Sociohgy Club . . . .BETTY LOU SCHAFER s, ior Friendship, Streamliners' Clut"l ETHEL JANE SCHAEFER -Girls' G.ee Club, Scphomor~e Friendshtp, Ser,ior Friendship, Dmmatic Club, Health Club Whirlo Club, Cinema Club Streamliners' Club, Monitor Committee . . . LESTER SCHLOUPT -Cross Coun•ry Track, Varsity "S" Club . . . . GLENN SCHENK Band (Treas.) . . . . NORMAN LEE SCliMIDI Rifi<> C' •b Ri'"' Team, Boys' G<>. Cluu A Capp<> .a Choir . . GER TRUDE MARY SCHMITS -Sophomore Friendship, Srmbr Friendship, Dramatic Club, Debate Club . . . . JOHN N. SCHWALLER Shuttle Edit. Staff Observer Edit. StaL (Sp·•rts Edit.' . . . . MARJORY SCHWORER -G.A.A., Band (Drum Majorette), Girls Glee Club (Lif rarian. A Cappella Choir (Librarian), Sophomore Friendship. Senior Friendshtp. Dramatic Club Sociology Club, Htstory Club, Health Club. 41 Dan Shops Edward Smeader Grace Smith Frank Stech Doris Shontz Betty Lu Smith Jane Smith Margaret Steinbach Chesler Simpson Carolyn Smith Jeannette Smith Roy Stiebeling DAN SHAPS Student Council Foe ball Baseball. Sw•mn.inq, \ r,. t S C uO (V. Pres.), Monitor Commi lee . . . DORIS SHONTZ Senior friendship, Dramatic Club Sodolcqy C,ul ;!,a 1th Club, Debate Club, Debate Tea n, Nati ,al f >rensir League M:.nitor Commill CHESTER SIMPSON fLseba.l, Rifle Club . . . MARY ALICE SKEGGS r;,r" Glee Club Senior fnendship, His,Ny Clue M •nit r '":ommll ee . . . PHYLL!S MARJORY SMART G.A.A , Sophomore friE: Js i -! R. va~ t S ni• >r fri ndship (H. R. ':apt.), Mid-Year Play, Dramatic Club, Sr<'i• oqy Club, ' ut<>ry vlub, Health Club, Cinema Club . . . . EDWARD J. SMEADER. )R. Yockey, B •ys' G1• r-1 '• A ·apr>.lla ~ vi ,.. , ~y ::tub . . . BETTY LU SMITH G.A.A , Band, Orchestra (V Pres. • r >as. Senior fn ndshir " ·i· l• qy '":Jub, S1- ~r ish Club, Health Club . . . . CAROLYN JAYNE SMITH v.A.A., Girls' Glee Club, J_ '1rp .Ia 1 ir .:; >~ivr f_ie Jship, Dr'lmatic Club, Health C'ub .. . . DOROTHY SMITH Honor Society, Leaders' Club, Girls' ' lJl V. Pr Pres.), A. C.1ppella Choir 'Sec.), Sopho- 42 Mary Alice Skeggs Phyllis Smart Edwin Smith Curtis Spencer Robert Story Dorothy Smith Mildred Smith Edward Stinson more: Friendsh1p, Se'lior Fric.tdship (Sec.), Dramatic Club, 1ist C'u. "' .), Health Club, Morutor ComMittee EDWIN SMITH ~onor SO('Jety, BocstATs it e Ht-Y, ;:,.,ua.. Club, Mor,itor Commtttee . . . . GRACE SMITH G A.A., Girls' G•eo Club, ~ ~ h or Fr n• 1: r i! s, '1i• •r Frimdship Cin ma Club . JANE SMITH L a· • rs c· 1! u AA 'S L tte r Gtr' . . JEANNETTE ELIZABETH SMITH . MILDRED JEANNE SMITH .;rir " •. "' ~ • _•. ' 1 "' ua C.. >ir Wr" ., .) ... CURTIS SPENCER Tree~.:, Boys' Glee Club, Histo_y Club Co:xmera CluJ 'Pres.>, Debate Club. Stamp Club . . . FRANK STECH, JR. a" I, r, s "'u ' Mor ',eaders MARGARET STEINBACH x. S •pr .mr.m Friendshi Club, Boys' Gloo Cl1h A :Ch1e.!,, Cmem-:1 Club . . . ,... uL , A.A Aaua ROY STIEBELING- Fifle l :.t~·P a l v.. EDWARD STINSON ew !jar " Orchestra, Chess and Ch cb- C ROBERT STORY ii .. ""Ennis Varsity 'S' C:ub Bard, Orchf' t Robert Stout Margaret Taylor Mary Louise Thompson Eleanor Urban Alta Streator Ruth Terwilliger Oliver Thompson James Van Epp ROBERT C. STOUT Cross Country, Track Varsi'y 'S Club, Hi·Y, Mid·Year Play, Dramatic Club . ALTA ROSE STREATOR -G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship (H. R. Capt), Senior Friendship (Cabinet), Sociology Club, Latin Club, Health Club . . . . PAUL SWANK Movie C'row. Camera Club, Chess and Checker c.ul- Stamp Cub :Pr ~f I . . CLIFFORD FRANKLIN TADDEO . . . . GREG R. TAYLOR Football, Hockey Varsity S Clut, Hi-Y W.ict Year Play . . . . MARGAREf TAYLOR -G.A.A., Senior Friendship (H. R. Capt.), Drqmatic Club, Sociology Club, History Club, Spanish ":lub (V. Pres.) Health Club, Monitor Committee . . _ . RUTH TERWILLIGER Henor Socie-ty, Athletic Council Leaders Club G.A.A , S Letter Girl Sophomore Friendship, Senivr Friendship 1/v hirlo Club. Monitor Committee . , , CLAUDE THACKER Band . . . . HOWARD THOMAS RiflE C.ul: Boys Glee CluL, Sociol::gy Club .. . _ KINGSLEY PRENTISS THOMPSON Band, Bvys· Glee Club, Hi-Y Dramatic C'ul Sncio.vqy ~iu Loti 1 Cl.Jb, Paul Swank Claude Thacker William Thompson Joan Van Kirk Clifford Taddeo Howard Thomas Lois Throckmorton Jean Walker Greg Taylor Kingsley Thompsor Edward Timbers Robert Walling Debat~ Club, Na•ic.'lal Fcre .si:: L. --:c; e ~_..hess c 1d rhec>- • Club, S,amp Club . . . MARY LOUISE THOMPSON G.A.A , Aqua·Dux Sophernure Frien :Js>.ip Senior Frierdship, Sociology Club, Latin Club . . . . OLIVER THOMPSON Swirrrning, Rif:<' C 1 . . . . WILLIAM THOMPSON Footoal', Hi-Y . . . LOlS THROCKMORTON Orc•.es•r. (Pres. S<.nior Friendship . . . . EDWARD CHARLES TIMBERS Cress Country (Mgr.), ':'ra, "- 'Mqr.) Varsi-,· S' Clut, Hi-Y, Monitor Coramittee . . . ELEANOR JANE URBAN -Girls' G,ee Club, A Capp<> rr Chnlr Sophomore Frie> dship Senior Friendship TAMES E. VAN EPP !!<.."or Soci• tv Hi-Y Chcoo und C' eck ·r Club _ _ JOAN VAN KIRK S·"lmmiPg G AA. Spanish Club _ .. _ JEAN L. WALKER Girls Gl€1<' Club, A Cap• lla Cheir Whirlo Club (S& .). Moniter Committe" . ROBERT E. WALLING Swirnmt.lg, :'enris, Varsh' S" ~"'!ub iLys G. •e Club. A Cappella Che.r, Sociol:::gy C'h.:b, Soonish Club, 'vl nitor Cc rni•tee. 43 John Watt Marjorie Wilder Fern Winter Bill Wheaton Tom Welsh Richard Webster Charles Wilson Walter Williams Art Wildern Edith Young Russ Wolff Jo-Ann Wirt Ruth Zowasky Henrietta Zorn JOHN E. WATT Honor Society, BasKetball, Reserve Basketball, Baseba,l, Varsity "S" Club, Boosters Committee, Hi-Y (Sec.) . . . RICHARD D. WEBSTER Swim,ning, Rifle Club, Boys Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, Hi-Y, SociJ!ogy Club, Lotophagi Club, Camera Club, Whirlo Club . . . . TOM WELSH Boys' Glee Club, Art Club, Debate Team . . . BILL WHEATON . . .. PAUL WHITEMAN B.::nd, Orchestra, Boys' Glee Club, Sociology Club, Camera Club, Debate Club, Debate Team, Science Club .... MARJORIE WILDER G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Sociology Clut . . . ART WILDERN Observer Edit. Staff (feature Editor), Swimming, Varsity "S" Club, Hi-Y . . . . WALTER E. WILLIAMS Boys Glee Club, A Cappella Choir Hi-Y . . . . CHARLES WILSON . . . . RICHARD W. WILSON Boys Glee Club, A Cappella Choir . . . . FERN IRENE 44 Paul Whiteman Richard Wilson LaVerne Young WINTER Senior Friendship . . . . JO-ANN WIRT Shuttle Edit. Staff, Observer Edit. Staff, G.A.A., Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Monitor Committee . . . . RUSS B. WOLFF -Observer Edit. Staff, Cross Country, Track, Varsity "S" Club, Hi-Y, Debate Team, Whirlo Club, Monitor Committee . . . EDITH YOUNG- Senior Friendship . Dramatic Club . . . . LAVERNE MARIE YOUNG -G.A.A . Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Sociology Club Health Club, Stamp Club, Monitor Committee . . . . HENRIETTA M. ZORN Honor Society, Girls' Glee Club (Sec.) A Cappella Choir (Treas.), Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Cinema Club . . . . RUTH ZOW ASKY -G.A.A., Band (Drum Majorette), Sophomore Friendship, Senior Friendship, Dramatic Club, Health Club, Cinema Club. Bill Mather, Margie Rhyne, and Fred ::lixon, oEicers c! Shaw's first wr•r-time class. A happy evening -graduation oi H·e ~anuary c:.Jss at Kirk Auditotium. It s the traditional Kid Day for grad ..to ing seniors· everyone goes berserK. Cal Coolidge, Georgie Cr'Jfl a d ;i Reid. Juno class officers discuss pl~Jr.s I tne prom. 45 UNDERCLASSMEN Horr:eroom l 07 A BACK ROW· 'left I nJhl) J Crost ;. Baldwin, ::>. B IX· r, B. Cope, R. A<:toms, J B y , B. Collmer. THIRD ROW: B. Alleman, •. Bre:n an, P. C'orlet•, J Chappell, !. Brown .; Cullen. S!':COND ROW· R Cook, J, Bryan, B. Bradford F Colosi D Boyce B Brandt, B Bond. FRONT ROW: J, B 1m r Roqiqia'l V. Fl·nndt :... Chnsllan, P. Bla e, F. •!lev ciA . ?p:fJlr Homeroom 1078 BA."'K ROW: (Lolt t r 1htl J. Gnlu B. Gay in, L. Dor . • m K Hul'ler, D. G y J Farrar, :'. Jervis P. Fisher, E. Jusko. THIRD fi.')W· E. Hersh, M. Har 1man L. Immke, M. HoftiT':xr. ::>. Co.mc:..s, L. Hauxhl'rsl, H :::>eVitha B. Jackson, D. Hamngton. SEcOND ROW: D Evans, D. Ketteler, f. G"ugh, N. Hammerle, J. Hannon, N. Ke1ster, D. Ke•ron, W Greenstein, G. Johnson. FRON:' ROW. E. James, S. D vera.1x, R Kah'l, D D p nhar 1, S. Horowitz, A. Dean, ' Heyde , A Gay. Homeroom 20'7 BA"'K ROVv: (Left to nght) H. PeK.:~rek, L. Schroeder, P MJyer, R. Pct:i, L. Ric- ·rds, M. OetJan, B. Moffitt, D. M1ller, D. Parsor.s, P. Phipps N. Musacchio. THIRD ROW: D. Lo•icks, P. Merk. A. Mylonas, H. Nolan, R. McNamee, !. Prudar a, !.... Nic-hols, J Markel A. Peterson, D. Peter· s n. SECO. D ROW B. McFadye:1, V. Overfield, E. Qualman R Prestien, D. Moor ::>. Minodeo, ;. Reed, C. Nesbitt, T ~urdoc.c FRON:' ROW K Panos1an, E. McCann G. M h • J. Pe:nza G. Proffett, I. M Jckey, H Porz, A Miller. Homeroom 305 BA.CK R:>W: (Left t r.ghil H. Weiss, B. Stute, G Singer, ! Owens, D Wirt, A. Spoecl F. Smith, N. Townsend THIRD ROW B. Siviic, R Sc-1-jroeder, R. We~oard, L Thompsor, L. St .z, P. Young, M W'l hrm<m R. Swisher, S. Smith, B. Zimmerman SECOND ROW: H. Zar.z R. Wapperer, T. Wei~. :::>. Young, N. Trivisono, B. Suydam, A Sudbury, R. Yorker, R Vera. FRONT ROW J Weisn, E. Trivtson, J. Smith, M . ll'lpson, M. Triv1son, V. Wavio, H. Worther, M. Sc-honeman. Homeroom ll BACK ROW. O..dt tc right) B. Engb •g B. C 'rver B. Boy! R. Barton B. Chnsty W AI n, H Appl go' , ~ Cooper, B. Bor\cAr, J Ba fourd. FOURTH ROW: B. B: ~tso, :l. Fcrtloge, ~- Brown, L Broughton M. Allen, 0. Boyd E. Br.1ss , t..~ Berger, M. Churcr, G Bonace. THIRD ROW: L. Amo'c'l A ;one, B ;.Alegrove, R Barry, B Bottc'1•Js, :. AI.ison, E. Bc'ledict, S Benson, B. Arts B. Brunr er SEC OND ROW M Ca:npbel., H. Bell L. Bol!va •. Burd tt, M. Ba''l~art, C. Ada ns, R. Bundy, K Co 'sor•. 1 Aver!, '. Ctcone. FRON'!' BOW: R. Brc wn, B Bo in, ). Carome, L. Cala(:'ane, P. A us in, fl. C' ur!son H. Carabntta T Booth T. Alhod, K. Ba~;t~·~ Homerooms 16 and 26 BACK ROW: (L ft to right) C. McClUrg, ). Mastro tgelo B Martin, M. Stashower, E. Mecrtenstmer, ;. Shred! C Spreitzer, C. Sis•~ y, F Mitchel:. B. Martm. FOURTH ROW R. Mather, ). McKen,ey E. McDonough, B. SMi'h M McNeilly, R. '-1liler, W Fog!, B. Mi es, E. Mo.:z.an. THIRD ROW: ). Story, ]. M st. ). Summers, B. Sutton, J McGregor D. Merkley, I. Shaw, B. Simmons, R. Stallings, G. Shear. SECOND ROW. M. Mea.ey ). Studoll P Miller, D. Y· elte, ]. McAlli!;ter, N. Miller, D. Stddaway, A Me 7d:1~~1J~~:. f) ~~~!=;!1!~~~~~~:!!!:::~~~~~=-.=:;;;r=== Hfmeroom 18 .'{ (i/ BACK ROW: (Left to right) H. :liPadova, D. Decker, ;. Corbett, :l. Dahl, J. Conway, B. Doyle. FOURTH Ericson, R. Robertson, B. Esterly, B. Elder:" J.....__.,•aVJ:es. Edwards, M. English, M. Cole L. Cock J Figler. THIRD rlOW: R Erdley, I. Fala, E. Cole, ). finn R. Halimark, W. Elder, E. Connelly, B. Clymer, D. Cope. SECOND ROW. :l. CushmaD, W. Smith, F. Drake, C. Drago, C. Currier, W. AlJel:, S. Downs, R. !gaL, P. Daly, E. Connell FRONT ROW• M Fl"ock, C. Da" '""• J. Di'?f;Daw•. G. Deal i?? ;E~oo ~~1::mh L~:·o/ q BACK ROW. (Left to righl) H. Hannie, M. Griffin, G. Get:z., N Hott, G Grims'v1w, P. Forquer, F. Houston, D. Greggcr S. Hiltabiddle, ;. Harmon. K. Geitz. FOURTH ROW: D. Frl$bee, J. Fox, G. Groenstei 1, ::>. McQueen, A. Iafelice, D L"'nPor, R. Huettich, M. Frericks, G. Goernd~ . THIRD ROW· R. Hirschauer, V. Francis, ). Hamson, ; . Gloeckler, ). Mc:eod, E. Hisey, J, Hoye, ). Houstc'1, G. Ford, W. Hart SECOND ROW: R. forney, F. Hach. N. Gynn, W. Funk Gettig, B. Goldsmith, R. Green, B. Fulton, W. Grove . ."RONT ROW: A. Gold~ erg, S. Hammond, D. Hoover, A Fuldauer M. He isl r, V. Haverstein ). Helmtck J Gill ). ~lap nan. r Homeroom 20 BAC!:. ~-!gQ.,~, 1 ~B. Saba, C. ReesE>, l . P. •che, A..._ Ruff k_ RadelL, • "'- , I:. Moses, P. Rus~D ~'.l tt. CM~'''&'tt'\1>; -.~w 1 M. Peck,). son, B. Reimholz, P. Plank, K. ~··~dsenthal. B. . ittke, B. Pattie SE~OW: !:!. Noplett, A Schmidt B~ ~~mn•·on, as . O•ri~lan, J. Ricciardl, S. Re_<;Ja~ •. '\·~ R. R .• . ROW: L Niedlander K. Mu cy, . Riggs. . S haffer !:!. Hanson L. Ols"' D. Ruoff, !:!. -&g::51pson, E. Morgan ~ .{~~~...-:th k ~ ~--'- '11~~ ~:::6 ~ 4 a...tl~.JtJto~ ~~·~J~J -~-~~~ u;J;~.J· .I -y~~ ~.{ ~- ~~-7 ~ Homeroom21 BACK ROW: (L ft to right) B. Lax, H. Tryon~ it. 'Marshal:, G. LaMore B. Lamppert, B. Jackson, P. :zanl, R. Lindsey, A. Johnson ). Inman. THIRD ROW: J. Lloyd, t:. Robinson, N. Jones, V. Kennedy, D. Keagle, P. Lewis, D Larsen, 7. lzont, L. Lehnanr W. Long, M. Reed. SECOND ROW: D. Rathmell. A. Murphy, C. Krische, ). Litle , Lc lZ, P. Lowe ~ , L. asxrs , L. Levy, D. Markell, var r:tugh. FRON': W: B Kinsey, '. Jarman, H. K f. KP• r A. P. M:"~7 K~:r;; ·~1 IZi~aslrltS < ~ Whitlom R. Tausch, H. ROW: K Wis>ner, G. TrovE. Wood, R. Bevacqua, ;. Wurts, E. Williams, ). Thompson. THIRD Bevacqua, D. Warrr. m, S. Taber, , ~1. Verburg. F. Weitz J. Toomey, ,Tryon. SECOND ROW: H. Whit 1R. Wuest, R. Mee~de, B. W:•. , C. Weinke, B. ;~~ '1 s . 1 J"k ~,';~,:~~~!_,Y toefl"'"' Homerooms 217 and 307 BACK ROW: (Left to right) R. G rubb, B. Frestor. H. Schell. M. Biscotti, B. Sampson, A. Hogan, R. RE>rsmg A. Boraklan, M. Fenrick, E. Fox, N. Goldstein. THIRD ROW C Faerber, B. Griffin, S. Rauch, M. Salter, M. Rice G Schnell, B. Faulds, L. Field, ). Goncher, G. Elliott, F. Frayor. SECOND ROW: C. Russell. D. Schumaker. D. Wiley. D. Royer. C. Ricci, D. ~els", M. Bastoky, B. Gage, N. p; Izza, A. Goodrid•. A. Gross, K. Emerson FRON7 ROW: J, Phillips, :::. Shrlling, E. Garber, M. Rhodes, G. Rogazrone A. RobNts, M. Hmi!T.an, B. Eva'1s, H. Ennes, I GNeg I ). Hardy, V. Savage. ·. • • • Homerooms 300 and 318 BACK ROW: (Left to right) H. Van Scheer, R. Smalley, D. Zook, G. Brown, B. Bleier, L. Stdn. FOURTH ROW: F. Abazia, F. Belville, B. Burgess, D. Clough, E. ttoth, L. White, B. Ward, D. Bartlett. THIRD ROW: D. Wolcott, T Brernan, ). Stokes, B. Williams. M. Smith, ). Vokoun, M. Bigalke, . Berman, ). Berry. SECOND ROW: A Weber, M Brunst, ). Harmvn, A. Kline, L. Brown, D. Barndt. H. Young, M. Barrett, I. Anderson. FRONT ROW: M. Bacon, ). Varancse, I Hughes, J. Barnes, R. Tiffany, L. Calvin M. Walsh, l. Wood, D. Cali, V. Bitonti, F. Smith, S. Weiss. Homeroom 303 BACK ROW. (Ldt k ngrt) R Johnson, B. Jackson, A. Marttn F. McCoy, F jenkins, F LaMore, A. Murray, R Lumley, B. Montgomny. SECOND ROW: A. Levine, B. Behrend, F. Rixie, I. Liber'ltor. P. Johnston, ). Lawrence, B. Ketteler, M. M•,es, D. Morris, W. House, S. Kopp, R Otto, D. Pfeh, J Lefkowitz, C. Larsen, D. Nitti, W. Moorhead, B. Kleff, A. Kolisch. FRONT ROW: ). Robbins, C. Kibler, B. Peters, M. Heil, H.~~olet.tP, £cl Krueger, P. Hoefler, L. 1~!1:~ Homeim8 BACK ROW: (Left to rightl H Behmer, B. Beasley !. Anderson, B. Byrne J. Brainard, H. Burton. FOURTH ROW: D. Arbuckle, M. Barno, A. Baginski, R. Abdalion, H. Campbell, G. Bond, D. Cab'e. THJR) ROW: T. Bouck, P. Bam, G. Cardoza, N. Ball, L. Balog B. Bell, M. Baker, B. Flemina. SECOND ROW: E. Barey, F. Bayer J. Burdett, G. Apthorp, L. Brugmann, E. B!ewitt, R. Beard. FRONT ROW: M. Brrmal, A Brow, R Byrum, S. Brown, R. Aiken, C. Adams. Homeroom 33 .{~ BACK ROW: (Left to right) G. arlson, W. Cheetham, ), Ruli, A. Chicane, A Curtis. FOURTH ROW: H. Denni&, H. Collier, G. Klass, A. Colchin, G. Imhoff, A. Cullttan, B. Rice. THIRD ROW: G. Cullen, A. Jackson, J Coughlin T. Carr, R. Derry, R. Ccrmac>e, B. Danford, G. Davis. SECOND ROW· M. Peters, E. L Jcock, D. Davis, V. Counce.!, C. Randall, I. Difranco, S. Card. FRONT ROW V. Capp G. Cart..so, K. Coolidge, G. (' ymer, ). Cavasin!, E. Diamond, I. ;)iVnnr a, L. Burroughs. UNDERCLASSMEN Homeroom 35 BACK ROW: (Left to right) G. Evans, D. Englehorn, G. Henninq, L. Emmons, 1. Goncher, 1. Finelli, L. Fisher. THIRD ROW: J. Ferro, J. Evans, S. Henderson, j. Culbertson, D. Foster, M. Campbell, G. Eichenberg, C. Gallese. SECOND ROW: D. Erdley, H. Davis, E. Forbush, J. Graham, D. Guo rino, A. Hagan, D. Gladh, A. Dombroski P. Bullington. FRONT ROW: V. Drury, J. Graham, M EdeP. G. Good'llan, L. F'ry, E. Jacobs, E. Gibsor. B. F'ullet. Homeroom 36 BACK ROW: (Left t,., right) M. Hewitt, D. Johnson. C McGovern, B. Keifer, E. Holliday, V. Hold!. THIRD ROW j. Hogan, G. Jones, S. Hunter, M. Gavan, E. Jones, M Horosko, J. Hottel:, P. Hart. SECOND ROW: J. Hartman, E. Harper, R. Henderson, H. Hart, D. Taub, ). Herter, G. Hoi Jar. FRONT ROW: L. Kahn, M. Hawkins, E. Hisey, R. Jacobson, P. Crandell, L. johnson, B. Joyce, P. Hageman. Homeroom 39 BACK ROW: (Left to right) J. McDarment, D. Croak., R. Maier, B. Krieski, ). Neck.ar, D. Loomis, W. Kempthorne, B. King, A. Lumadue. THIRD ROW: H. Wheelock, J. Collins, S. Newey, D. Neal. P. Mazurek, A. Lipstreu, Y. Nighman, ). Lang, 0. DiPadova, H. Isaac. SECOND ROW: L. Kelsey, D. Meyer, ). Siener, J, Krebs, W. Moyer, B. Morison P. Martaus, B. Kinney, A. Newman, V. Lenker, M. Moore, A Luth. FRONT ROW: F. Martineau, L. Mills, J. Marks, A. Hozalski, J. Leahy, A. Krauskopf, R. McMorrow, F. Markow· ski, D. Mechtensimer, E. Blasko, L. Lehman, S. Lewis. Homerooms 200 and 306 BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Richardson, B. Olson, G Ritter, B. Vongunten, 7. Wood, B. Roege, A. Nottage, S. Wilford, D. Pratt, S. Rosenstein. FOURTH ROW: ). Wahlstrom, R. Burgman, I. Zimet, C. Yea, B. Peterson, S. Vogt, ). Russell, C. Williams, S. Paiersky, L. Via. THIRD ROW: J. Peters. M. Peterson, M. Rutland, J, Ris, M. Parris, M. L. Rumsey, D. Nutting, D. Voorhies, M. Rogers. SECOND ROW: M. Veranti, ]. Williams, C. Russo. E. Saba, H. Zahig, A. Polili, ]. Zimmerman, J. Pyle. FRONT ROW: M. J. Van Etter, J. Perrotti, D. Young, B. Agee, E. Richards, B. Ru nyan E. Osborne, G. Shontz, G. Wood. • • • Homerooms 20 1 and 208 BACK ROW (Left to nght) B Spero. W. Teeter. R. Cooper, G. Rhodes, B. Shively, B. Ross, .D. Stophgnson, M Spillc:a. A Schoener, L. Thomas, B. Terwilliger. THIRD ROW: D. Scimonetti, V. Stueve, P. Smith, G. Siegel, M. H•1et ::h, A. Sorcoh. R. Warshawsky, !. Balcnr, r !';urnrl, J. Sc-hwab B. Tindall. SECOND ROW: M. Toon, M Ottinger, M. :'homos. M. Ruolo C. Stafford R. Tull, G. Umnitz, ). Siener, R Stefaroy, M. Swisher B. Smith FRONT ROW· E. Tac-as, E. Wh1te, ). Spratt, D Swa k, L. Smith, A Scher>l:er, M. Serna, j S1mmons, A. Siena N. Wrentmore. Homerooms 202 and 302 BACK ROW: (Left to ;igLt, ). Ayvrs, B. Hannon. M Carrothers, B. Hine, ). Grove, ). Hitchcock, ). Rehner, D. Spitzer, B. Peters. FOURTH ROW: B. Weiner, P. Payne, L. Jackson, A. )ones, E. Griffith. E. Miller, W. Hall. M. Hornung, M. Huff, G. Moore. THIRD ROW: B. Bouffard, R. Law, D. Wheeler, C. Parker, M. Newman, D. Neuhause, H. Wolfgram, ). Perrotti, B. Hayden, D. Whetrow. SECOND ROW: ). Miller, R. Porter, M. Moody, L. Hall. R. Nicholson, A. Orr. E. Halls, E. Greggor, C. Kelsey, P. Hannon. E. Otello. FRONT ROW: P. Nussel, R. Morris, P. Hewitt, L. Granger, L. Granger, :... Powell. E. Giles, W. Durkee, N. Huntley, R Karl. Homerooms 206 and 309 BACK ROW: <Lelt to right) 0. Maloney, B. Ralph, P. Zirke, R. Keeler, C. Kell·t. D. Williams. B. Traister, C. Ramm, L. Meshenberg, R. Williams. FOURTH ROW: J Slygh, P. Parti11gton, D. Winters, H. Williams, B. Williams, M. Reed, M. Randell, M. Thomas, H. Marquette, C. Macha, H. Reich ard. B. Kilp'ltrick. THIRD ROW: F. Sibert. ). Pietrondit, D. Wideman, ). Tretar, M. LaGatta, P. Vara, M. Lucy, B. Bacon, F. Smith, F. Zeigler. SECOND ROW: H. Walters, ). Tillotson, L. Tait, 0. Ridgiey, D. Wilkie, ). Meyer, L. Roth. E. Winsor, L. Shreve. FRONT ROW: A. Samuel, R. Trivisonno, M. Maulorico A. Tanno, D. Syrko, W. Sutter, N. Miller, E. Sua P. Fiore, ). McKenzie. Homeroom 304 BACK ROW. (Leit to right) T. Bedner, E. Brown, R. Clark, D. Cole, R. Eicher, D. Curtis, B. Eichenberg, B. Binder, A. Gaudio. THIRD ROW: H. Galloway, B. Bechtel, M. Goldstein, S. Collier, H. Cope, D. Cooley, D. Cavano, R. Bill. SECOND ROW: R. Beaumont, N. Anghin, P. Cramer, M. Arnold, ). Fink, C. Rode, C. Babcock, T. Blumenthal, B. Daniels. FRONT ROW: Y. Bow, D. James, B. Arnold, M. Cleareland, L. Friedlander, J Berndsen, S. Auer, A. Cusumano. !Vo. kol&i. lett CfO to. CjO-ffled., 11Wf!itM<jd·, piCUfd-, da~UXU .. . Shaw bench is lined with eager players during the Culver gur.1e. Band and drum majorettes strut halves. Knapp's block cut down two men, but they got Regan from behind. Darroch cracks the line, but is cornered by Collinwood secondary. CARDINAL between ELEVEN PURRED by the inspiring leadership of a brilliant new S coach, Charles Campbell, and backed by a student spirit to "Keep 'Ern Rolling", Shaw's Cardinal Clippers battered and hammered their way to four conquests, three scoreless deadlocks, one loss and, for the second consecutive season, tied Lakewood's Purple and Gold for the Lake Erie League diadem. Coach Campbell, fresh from a most impressive five-year stay at Van Wert, Ohio, brought a new style of rugged, bruis· "Hey, manager! How about some cotton and merthiolate?" "Girnrne a shoe lace, will ya.?" All during the season managers Torn Alleman, left, and Wayne Houston heard those and many other cries and imprecations from squad members. 54 R-::nn or shine, the stude.1t body is there to cheer. f )r once, Gaudio, 28, is taken out, but John Austin nails Collinwood's Adamle on the line of scriMmage. Ch~.ock DicK and Harry Huttc;~ somerso.;ll a cheer. OI'e of the many gcallme stanos in :1-Je C'u:ver g 'lie. AGAIN CO-CHAMPS ing football, along with an indomitable, driving, forceful spirit which pervaded schoo~. locker room, and gridiron alike. Nine lettermen formed the nucleus around which Campbel! fashioned a fighting eleven which knocked over East, Shaker, Elyria, and Lorain; battled Culver, Lakewood, and Heiohts to scoreless ties; and dropped a bitterly contested decision to Collinwood's mighty east side Senate Champs. Line coach Marty Loftus, left, ond head coach Campbell, new to Shaw, piloted the Cardinal Clippers to a repetition of the 1940 Lake Erie League cochampionship wllh Lakewood. Coach Campbell came to Shaw from Van Wert, Ohio, where he had produced a string of winning teams. 55 COVERS CULVER COMBAT DICK CERREZIN, Shuttle photographer, covered the classic Culver fray from atop the stadium pressbox with his Speed Graphic. The clean, hard-fought contest of October 11, 1941, ended in a scoreless tie. The enhre Culver cadet corps came by train from Indiana to see the game. (8) jake Shaw J<:icks to Culver. !2) Passing in review, the Cadets demonstrated thei• marchtr.g precis! or. (!) Entire colorful cadet corps dtsembarks and forms r.... r l:S to march to stadium 56 (4) Between halves, Shaw band snappy formations. executes new, (5) Halfback Regan pierces Culver line for smal! gain; fullback Dierker was spearhead of the Flying Squadron attack. (6) Cadet Captain Bill Stanton loses insignias to souvenir-hunting Shaw girls. CHEER LEADERS (Left r•q C. D1cl lor, D l..:iardr r. C. Fix H. Hut BOOSTERS' COMMITTEE I< ria G Havens. J. A ge:, E. Smitn, F Stembruegge, J. Watt. C. (Lpf' Dick. CHEER LEADERS/ BOOSTERS kepi ~ ai /eoett ,utck B UBBLING with enthusiasm and pep, the boys pictured above accounted for the spirited rallies and cheerleading last fall. Through rain and mud the four cheerleaders stuck to their guns at every football game, whippmg the spectators into an organized cheering section. A ND remember the rallies before the gome, especially the Culver rally? The Boosters' Committee planned and executed them, workmg out programs, securing speakers, thinking up skits, all intended for the enjoyment of the students. 57 BILL THOMPSON JACK DARROCH FRED RIEGLER BOB FOWLER JIM REID JIM GRAHAM HOWIE WOLFGRAM BILL KNAPP CHUCK REGAN & DICK CLARK TOM BEEMAN DON HANSEN FRANK TARTAGLIA BLACK AND RED FOOTBALL SCORES Sh aw Sh aw Shaw Shaw Shaw Sh aw Shaw Shaw 19 0 . . . . . . . 26 .. . ... . 0 ....... 0 ....• . . 42 14 ........ 0 East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C:Jilinwocd . . . . . . . . 7 Shoker . . . . . . ........ . 12 Culver . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Lakewood ..... . .... . . 0 Elyria ................ 7 Lorain ... . ...... . ...... 6 Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 0 BOB KRAUSE Captain JACK SHAW BERT COWAN MOE CHANDLER BILL HANNON DANSHAPS DICK ROSS GEORGE UMSTEAD • • DAVE NESBITT BOB ROSS NORMAN PEARN GREG TAYLOR BEN AUSTIN RAY DENSLOW ANGELO GAUDIO 0 FOOTBALL SQUAD BACK ROw 'B. E,. - • \igr. D. Regan 0. Thompson, ;. Wah,strcT•, B. W. • R. Tausch, B.- Roche, B. Maier, B. M ru u, A. Curtis, G. Apthorp, E. Barey, W. Fogo, .;. Rcq 1 '• D. Cable Mgr. THIRD ROW: W. i':Ouston Mar., i. Beeman B. Fowler B. Eic:henberger, D Co,l.ns B. Carlson, B. l1r ds€ y C McClurg, B. :..ampp r D. Stephenson, r.. Chi-one, B. Samps n, C. Faerber, B. Pettet, B. Danford, i. A: (man, Mgr SECOND ROW: Coach Campbell. Director Abbot D. Shops, F. Rieqkr, J. Hart, ?ear C rv r, G. Taylor, B. Martin, A Ncttaqe, f .• r ;JQ 1a, D. • esb1tt B. Ktlpatnck, J, Graham, G. :.Jmstead K. Carrier, R. Bill, W Hart, Coach ::..oftt..s. FRONT ROW: M. Chandler B. AustiP. B. Knepp, ~- ,..lcrrk, C. Regan, B. Har.'lon A. Gauaio I. l:'haw, B. Krause, J Reid, D. Hans n, J. Darroch :::>. Ross, B Ross H. We !gram, B. Cowan, J. Her+ r. PASSES, DRIBBLES, BASKETS EN victories, seven defeats; 653 points as T against their opponents' 552; 40 points and above in eight battles; between 30 and 23 in only four-there stands the record of Shaw's basketball team for the '41-'42 season. In the Lake Erie League race Shaw finished in a third place tie with Lorain because of two losses to both Lakewood and Heights, and one defeat at the hands of the toughened Lorain quintet. Before the half-year the team had taken seven games and lost only three. Then, weakened by the loss of four first stringers, they won three and dropped four frays. Only two outside battles went wrong, one to Western Reserve Academy, and the other to Berea, eliminating Shaw from the tournaments at Euclid Shore. But if the season was only fairly successful on the record book, it was promising in the building up of a great store of reserve power that can be unleashed during the next two or three years with much better results. DICK CLARK tips it away from a Lath player Shaw won eas1ly. Four pairs of :1ands seek the elus1ve ball. I DENSLOW is shoved aside and KNAPP sils own hard in scramble for ball. BOYS' BASKETBALL TEAM BACK ROW: (L~>f" t right: B. Cow•,, B Boyle, B. Marshall. R. Weist, E. Molzan. B. Mooney, C. Regan. R. DPnslow- B. Clark, B. Byrne. E. Scba. SECOND ROW: Knapp, J. Shaw, C. Keefer, R. Essell, H. Wol W. Hart. L. Fisher, R. Bill, B. Lax, C. Russo, CHUCK REGAN JACK SHAW HOWIE WOLFGRAM BOB KRAUSE RAY DENSLOW BILL KNAPP AL RUSS RALPH ESSELL BOB MULLIGAN MOOSE KEEFER JOHN WATT BASKETBALL Shaw ........... .41 Latin ............... 21 Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Collinwood ..... . .... 21 Shaw .............. 30 Lakewood ........... 47 Shaw ............. 42 Benedictine . . . ...... 24 Shaw ............. 53 Lorain ............... 32 Shaw ............. 42 Garfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Shaw ................ 37 Shaker ............... 27 Shaw ................ 53 Elyria ................ 31 Shaw .....•........ 30 Heights . . . . . . • . . . . 33 Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw DICK CLARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ..... . ......... 25 ................ 61 ...........•.... so . . . . •. . . . . . . . . 40 ............... 33 . . . . . .•. . . . 29 Lakewood . . . . . 34 W. R. Academy . 26 Shaker .........•... 35 University . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Lorain .............. 49 Elyria ...... . ~-... 22 Heights .............. 31 TOURNAMENT Shaw .. 26 Berea 39 61 DAN SHAPS RALPH BARTON BOB ACHESON JOHN ACHESON DON BERGER PAT CLARK. DOC VIVIAN JACK BALFOURD ED HASSELL ARTWILDERN SWIMMING Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw 62 28 3rd 37 28 54 39 30 49 4th 32 45 2nd 3rd place place place place East Tech 38 Greater Cleveland Meet Cleveland Heights 29 Lakewood 38 Shaker Heights 12 University School 27 Western Reserve Academy 36 Akron East 17 Relay Meet Cleveland Heights 34 Shaker Heights 21 Lake Erie League Meet District Meet DIVES, SPLASHES, VICTORIES HURNING to vtctory in s1x of nine dual meets this season, the Cardmal tankers showed amazing strength from e::xger sophomore and junior enthusiasts. C In the limelight was the red-he::xded Pat Clark, of free-style fame, who chalked up records in the 100-yard two weeks in o row. Brothers Acheson, John and Bob, came through in the 40 and 225 free-style events more than once. Jack Balfourd, the sensat10nal sopho- more master of the breast-stroke, butterflied his way to victory in almost every meet. Art Wildern, breast-stroker, and Don Berger. backstroker, brought in many highly-needed extra points as they concluded their high school swimming careers. Ralph Barton, sophomore backstroker, promises much for future years. Dan Shops and Ed HasselL seniors, leave Shaw with large shoes to fill with diving ability, as Coach "Doc" Vivian looks brightly towmd a swimming team of 1942-43. THrd fro'Il .eft is PAT CLARK. Shaw's ace free-styler. DOC VIVIAN coaches neophytes in prac· lice sessio!'. Bo•tom sn"p- Center man is PIE HA5SEL~ champ diver, about lc try h1s hund in a relay SWIMMING TEAM BACK ROW: (Lef: t< riqht) Coach Vivian '. Falck, L. Lehman, T. !zan!, B. Vivian, J. Monteith, D. Loomis, B. Elder, B. Lumley, B. Grove. F. Frayer, Mqr. SECOND ROW: H. Hutton, 0. Thompson, C. Imboden. P. Forquer, K. Carrier, D. Shops, E. Hassell. FHON:' ROW: D. Nesbitt, W. Smith ). Achesc-1, B. Acheson, P. Clark, J. Balfourd, A. Wildern, D. !zan!. CROSS COUNTRY BACK ROW· (Left to right) E. 1ir.-.r:. rs, Mqr. M. Ba . Evans, R. Wolff, L. Sch:,:,upt, 0. Maloney, M. Spilka, J. Williams, Coach Offinqer. THIHO ROW: R. Esse!:, J. Mastrangelo, E. Sylvester, H. Hart, R. Blosser, I Zimet, E. Andrews, R. Stout. SECOND ROW: R. LaPierre, D. Nesbitt, D. KcppLs. FRONT ROW: J. Har;!I'ar:>, A. Clark. F EET pounding steadily against the pavement from Shaw High to Huron Road Hospital and back again-that was the crosscountry team in daily practice for a season which, unhappily, proved unsuccessful. Their first regular meet, with Heights, was lost, 20-35 (the team with the lowest score winning), and a practice meet with Collinwood and East showed the Railroaders in the lead with 24 points, the Blue Bombers next with 40, and the Cardinals last with 56. The season ended with an inter-team contest on the new course through Rockefeller Park. Letters were awarded to Ralph Essell, Toe Hartman, Dick Kappus, Bob LaPierre, Dave Nesbitt, Tack Williams. and Russ Wolff. Of these, only Essell and Nesbitt will be lost by graduation. 64 TENNIS TEAM BACK ROW: CLeft to right) Coac-h r" a • J. 1-J:oyt B Walling R. Denslow W. McSr ore FRONT ROW: N. Overall, B. Story, W. ~m1•n from the lack of experienced S UFFERING men, the Shaw racket Wielders limped H E'S an institution at Shaw ...... affectionately known as "Offy" to students and teachers alike ...... coaches Cross Country, Tennis and Track ...... one of the oldest coaches in Ohio· -thirty-five years of serv1ce. through a tough schedule to come out fifth in the Lake Erie League. Ray Denslow, one of the few veterans, was the number one player, and in accordance with league rules was pitted against top players from other schools. Under these circumstances, Denslow finished the season with two matches out of five to his favor. Knapp and Walling were the other singles men with the SmithStory, McShane-Beck combinations handling the doubles. The Black and Red took Elyna 5-0 m the fmal game of the season, but lost the four preceding games to Lorain 5-0; Heights 2-0; Shaker 3-2; and Lakewood 5-0. 65 BASEBALL TEAM BACK ROW: (Left to right) R. Berry, B Y dlick, C. Sua, D Hansen, 7. Ev ms, J. Shaw, L. V1sci, Coach Wisecup. SECOND ROW. C. Simpson, A. Russ, R. Denslow, F. Belgan B. Poiak, D. Beck B. Whale. FRONT ROW. D. Gibbons. C. Russo, R Sch'llunk B. Mulligan, J Watt. - SPELL BASEBALL Al Hansen swings and misses· ·so does the catcher. 66 ITH a crafty pitching crew as 1ts forte, the 1941 baseball team battled its way to the city-wide championship and placed as runner-up to the state champion, Cincinnati Withrow. Coach Wisecup and his proteges finished the season victorious :n 17 encounters while losmg only two games: one to East H1gh, which they avenged twice later, and one to the state champion. The pitching staff consisted of Belgan, Evans & Co.; Evans chalked up eight wins with only one loss. and Belgan was close behind with seven wins and one loss credited to h1m. At W the plate Shaw was equally potent as Dave Gibbons slashed out a .407 average to rartk cs the leading batter. He was admirably backed up by such hefty slugqers as Hansen. Yedlick, and Sua. Chuck Sua also c:::rptured top fieldin:;r honors for the second c ..msecuiive ye:::rr w1th a .985 average. In the state tournament in M:::ry, at Columbus. the team lost the pay-off g me to Withro·.v H1gh of Cincinnati. This contest was a defensive nightmare, featuring saven errors by Shaw and five by Withrow, as the latter eked out a 7-6 decision to become state champiOn. BASEBALL SCORES Lakewood Shaw . . . . . . . 5 ........... 4 Shaw . . .. . 7 Heights 3 Shaw . . . . . . . 5 John Hay .............. 0 Shaw ...•... 12 Collinwood ............ 8 East Shaw .. . . .. . 2 . .. . . . .......... 5 14 East ... .. ........... 1 Shaw Shaw 7 W.R.A. .... . . .. .. .. . .. 1 Shaw Benedictine 8 . • . · - · · · · 0. 1 Shaw Euclid Shore .... . .. . . . 3 5 Shaw Warren ............... 4 5 · shaw 4 Columbus North ....... 3 · shaw Alliance ...... .. . .. . . . 1 3 • shaw Cincinnati Withrow 6 7 Shaw Heights 7 0 Shaw 7 Collinwood .. .. 0 Shaw 9 East .. . .. 0 Shaw Euclid Shore ........... 0 6 Shaw ....... 10 University School ...... 6 Shaw .. West Tech ... .......... 3 5 ·state Tournament. •••••••• ' •••• 0 •• •••• 0 • • • •• 0 .... .. •• 0 TOM EVANS, who along with BELGAN, was the backbone of the mound corp3, demonstrates his pitching form. First baseman CHUCK SUA compiled the best fielding average for two ca'1secutive years. 67 GOLF TEAM (Left to right) C. Re>~an. rotti, A. Larned. . Liske. Coach Snavely, S. Per- Coach Snavely mstructs school champ A'1dy Larned in putting form. FOREI ND four it is, the number of members on Shaw's golf team. Coached by J. L. Snavely, the Black and Red golfers last year entered mterscholastic competition only once. Although they placed last in the Lake Erie League race on the Elyria lmks, they showed marked improvement over their pre-season form. Elyria took the tournament with a 339 score and a 42-stroke margin over the Cardinal four. In the post-season intramural tournament, Andy Larned, blasting out a 179 for 36 holes, defeated a field of ten golfers. Sam Perrotti with a 186 placed second. A INNING every dual meet in the season and then placing high m both the Lake Erie League and the Northeastern Ohio meets was the impressive record compiled by Coach E. C. Offinger' s crack 1941 cinder burners. Shining out on the star-studded squad were Fred Jones and George Kall, both excellent milers who kept well ahead of all opposition throughout the season. During pre-season practice Jones was unable to reach his top form and it appeared the team would be weak in the mile. However, Kall turned in some W 68 mighty impressive times and fnally gained the distinction of being one of the best milers in the city. According to the coach, this squad, liberally blessed with stars, was the finest in many years. With the material commg up and the veterans left. next year's team has a fine chance to make an equally impressive record. During the season, Shaw beat Heights, Shaker, Latin, Collinwood, and placed second in the Lake Erie League meet. TRACK TEAM BACK R.OW: (Left to rightl B. St. >O< ·~ N1ck, L. Davis, D. Levis. W. Houston, R. Blosser, D. Nesbitt, B. Krause, . Darroch, B. Hannon J. Gokorsch B. Binder, B. Long, E. Miller, Coach Offinger. SECOND ROW: H. Allisor,, R Essell, J. Roberts, H. Lang, B. Sprague, F. Rote, B. Lowry, I. Reid, E. Timbers, Mgr. FRONT ROW: I. Hartman G. Kall, J. Johnsor, B. Bugbee C. Donato F. Dowdell, E. Koval. Darroch and Hous•or pnp-;e lor the lew hurdles they placed firs• ..md sec· ond, respectively. BILL SPRAGUE goes up and over at 6' 2". DOWDELL, although finishing first, was disqualified, but REID came through for a victory. 69 WEARERS ol the "$" VARSITY " S" BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Rcss. C. Dick, D. Gordner, B. Honn:m R. Augustine B. Krouse. R. Denslow, M. Chandler, R. Ross, B. LaPierre, N. Peorn, A. Wildern, ). Williams. SECOND ROW: E. Timbers. D. Gibbons, H. Allison, R. Wol'f, ). Reid, B. Po1ok, D. Hansen, K. Carrier, D. Shops, D. Berger. FRONT ROW: F. Stech W. Houston, L. Schloupt, B. Stout, D. Nesbitt, G. Taylor, B. Austin, P. Clark, ). Hortman, D. Kappus, A. Gaudio. the past year the Varsity "S" Club has widened the scope of its D URING activities to a greater extent than ever before. Highest on its list of achievements stands the capable handling of order in the cafeteria, a duty first ass1gned to them during the second semester. Newest brain-child was the sparkling creation of the position of winter sports' queen, destined to become an annual event at Shaw. Jody Christian received this year's laurels after winning the admiring approval of the student body. According to the custom originated by last year's club, the members presented a cup to the outstanding athlete of the year. First B:LL BOB SOB JIM MR. Semester Second Semester KNAPP..... . .............. President. .................... BOB POlAK KRAUSE ................ V1ce Presiden! ................ . DAN SHAPS POjAK ................... Secretory ....................... JIM REID REID ....................... Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . ...... DAVE NESBITT CAMPBELL. . . . . .......... Adviser ................. . MR. CAMPBELL Left, the trophy awarded each year to the outstanding athlete- -center, Lake Erie League football trophy, Show and Lakewood co-champs- right, the first Winter Sports Queen, ]ODY CHRISTIAN. t< 70 I ,, Q~· GIRLs· SPORTS JODY. BARB. RUTH. LAU\"ON. and MARY ELLEN plan air.s sports activities. • • • Learnin~ how to save lives. A crucial mome>nt in a game II' :he guls' gym. The TARPON medal, wor.~ only by the Tarpon president. 71 RUTH TERWILLIGER JOLINE McKENZIE RUTH ROMAINE ROBERTA BYRUM BETTY HAMILTON EVELYN WALLACE BARBARA REYNOLDS ANGIE CUSUMANO • • • . G. A. A . IRMLY taking its place in the realm of Shaw High sportsdom, the Girls F Athletic Association this year has endeavored to make every girl sportsminded and realize the benefits derived from systematic competition. Because of its ever increasing number of members, the organization is divided mto smaller groups according to sports. And one or two members of the Athletic Council. pictured above, head each small group. In charge of volleyball were Jody Chnstian and her assistant Barbara Bell. Baseball was headed by Lavonne Pickens; and Angie Cusamano led winter sports. Peggy Reimholz and Evelyn Wallace worked together on swimming; while Joline McKenzie took charge of life saving. Georgie Croft and Betty Lou Hamilton he:xded modem dancing, with Adele Thayer, assisted by Barb Reynolds, ruling over basketball. Ruth Terwilliger walked at the head 72 / PEGGY REIMHOLZ BARBARA BELL ADELE THAYER GINNY COBURN LAUVON PICKENS MARY ELLEN O'BRIEN GEORGIE CROFt JODY CHRISTIAN of the hiking club, with the help of Ginny Coburn; and Ruth Romaine and Mary Ellen O'Brien piloted the horseback riders. This ambitious fifteen has tried dunng the year to make the association a vital part in every girl's school life. In the words of Miss Alice Juringus, "They have been one of the best councils in years." A TRLETIC COUNCIL Firs• Semester Seccnd Semester MARY E. O'BRIEN. . . . . . . . . .... President. . . . . . . ..• BARBARA REYNOLDS ROBERTA BYRUM . . . . . . . . Secretary Treasurer ..•.....•.. GEORGIE CROFT . . . . . . Adviser. . . . . . . . . . ...... MISS JURING US MISS JURING US. . 73 TARPON OFFICERS h:oel. (Left to rig t r A to rt E. Wallace F. Barton. A. 1.-usamnno, ;. Nelson. LIFE SAVING BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Barr, Dornbirer, ). Van Kirk, M. Reed, Colchin, L. Jackson, J. McKenzie, Winsor. SECOND ROW: M. Huff, Brigman. FRONT ROW: L. Pearce Irwin, M. Steinbach, P. Reimholz. R. A. E. H. C. TARPON ERMAIDS of the Tarpon Club who, to attain membership, must be able to swim ten lengths of the pool while doing various strokes, have completed another successful season. They enjoyed a spbsh party with Heights; in January Tarpon had charge of the girls' inter-class swimming meet. The seniors won the meet, while the juniors edged in to take second place. A sophomore Tarpon had charge of all sophomores in the girls' interclass swimming meet; a junior, of all juniors; and a senior, of all seniors. On the day of initiation, the new girls receive fifty points each toward their "S" letter. Then there is the Tarpon medal. worn only by the president. M 74 I JFE-SA VERS don't always come in packages. Nearly thirty-six girls have been learning each Thursday night after school. since February, how to provide proof of this. Miss Alice Juringus is in charge of teaching the girls such things as artificial respiration, first aid, and how to save a drowning person. The girls practice on each other to pass tests. Since only a limited number are allowed to take the course, each girl is required to try out by swimming five laps of the pool, using the front crawl and the side stroke. From the best of these, the class is selected. BASKETBALL v ARIETY is the spice of life- -variety is just what puts the sp1ce mto girls' sports, and volleyball is one of these varied activities. Throughout most of the year, Tuesday and Thursday nights saw groups of girls, under the instruction and supervision of Jody Chrishan and Barb Bell, competing in this sport. At the end of the year, team captains make recommendations, and from these, two all-star teams are chosen and arbitrarily given the names }·air and llan•ard. Quite a nvalry springs up between the two teams and the Yale-Harvard game is a traditional battle. "S TEPS." This one word 1s familiar to one group of girls who meet after school the girls' basketball teams. On an average of twice every week the girls get together and play. Although they usually do it "just for the fun in it", there is something to be gained. The girls earn points for each game, which add up, and may finally enable them to receive the award of the small "S" letter. The greatest honor they could possibly receive 1s the big "S" letter. No wonder there is always such a crowd. Girls have everythmg to gain and nothing to lose. GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL BACK ROV.. (L., t t riqht. R. ':'erwilliqer, R. Romaine, F. Allerton, R Cisar, B. Barr, V. Heldt. B. Davidson. J. Hardy, S. Lewis, R. Byrum. FRON~ ROW: E. Sua, D. Gundel. V. Coburn, B. Reynolds, E. Gilmore, D. Lantz. GIRLS' BASKETBALL BACK ROW: (Left to riqht) E. White, V. Mitchell, V. Heldt, S. Kopp, J. fox, E. Jacobs. FRONT ROW: R. Cisar, R. Nicholson, L. Pickens, C. Davidson, M. Rutland. 75 AQUA-DUX Miss Alice Juringus asked any of those I Fred-clad mermaids in the swimming classes to take charge for her, they would be very capable of doing so. These extra-good strokesters make up the Aqua-Dux, or the girls' swimming leaders. Since Miss Juringus is the only girls' athletic instructor, her task would be impossible were it not for the help she receives from the more capable girls. At their meetings during sixth period each Friday, Miss Juringus teaches the Aqua-Dux all kinds of swimming strokes, kicks, and diving technique::;. They thereby become instruc- • • • tors themselves and teach other girls beginnmg swimming. During the day when the girls' swimming classes are in the pool, you will find each class divided into four or five squads, with one member of Aqua-Dux m charge of each squad. The inexperienced girls, the beginners, benefit from individual instruction made possible by small groups, and the Aqua-Dux themselves gained much experience from doing the teaching. This year the goal of the Aqua-Dux was to teach each member of the swimmmg classes to swim forty laps of the pool by the end of the semester. AQUA-DUX 2 BACK ROW: (LEift t iqht G. Elliott, R. Erber, R. Dcrnbiter, P. Reimholz, J. Christiar I. Barr, M. Steinbach. SECOND ROW: B. Barr, ). Evans, J. Berndsen, M. Hartman, L. Calvin, F. Martineau, D. Lantz, L. Hackney, M. L. Thompson, C. Goller. FRONT ROW: M. J. Hawkins, C. Stafford, A. Goldberg, T. Lewis, J. Hoefler. AQUA-DUX l BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Barr, M. Hewitt, J. Evans. M. Reed. M. Huff, J. Hottel!, J. Christian, C. Goller, F. Allerton, R. Dornbirer, T. Barr. FRONT ROW; E. Winsor, E. Gibson, P. Reimho!z, E. Sua, E. Hisey, A. Jones, E. Wallace, A. Orr, ). Vokoun. 76 MODERN DANCING BACK I )W 'L t nq' M I ut •nd, M. Taylor, ~,.; ,rwm. ::.l:.~..;uNu ROW. Christian, P. Reimholz, D. Lantz, F. Allerton. FRONT ROW: ;. Sml:h, J. Lewis, R. Fomaine, G. Croft, F Aveni:, V. Schrock, S. Hammond. T. " S" LETTER GIRLS BACK ROW: (Left to right) R. Byrum, V. Schrock, M. O'Brien, F. Allerton, E. Wallace, R. Romaine, P. Reimholz. SECOND ROW: C. Irwin, R. Nicholson R. Cisar, B. Barr, A. Thayer C. Klecica, ). Connell. FRONT ROW: L Pickens, R. Terwilliger, D. Gundel, V. Coburn, B. Reynolds, E. Gilmore, J. Hoefler. 11 T OM-TOMS beating, the sound of a vmce, and girls complaining of aches and pams -all lend a definite hand to the popular Modern Dance. In 1940 Miss Alice Juringus started Modern Dancing and since then it has continued to be one of the favorite extra-curricular activities. This year more emphasis has been put on the individual instead of group work. Betty Hamilton and Georgie Croft, two members of the Girls' Athletic Association, said this was shown clearly in the Christmas Pageant dance, which was presented by a selected group. 11 5 LETTER GIRLS "I M going to put mine on a white sweater where it w11l show up better" or "Why don't you wear it on the back of your middie today?" were only two of the comments heard on that certain day when hard-working, athletic-minded girls received their long-awaited "S" letters. If a girl has earned 350 pomts, she is eligible for a small letter; 700 points entitle her to a large letter. These points are earned by pOIticipating in many of the sports that a girl is offered by the Athletic Council. Each sport in which she is active earns more points for her. 77 SHUTTLE STAFF ~d. ilte 'le.M 'llounJ to pulduh thu kok The editor and his assistant plan layouts for the book . . . . . while the business staff han· dies sales and circulation. Cisar, Ross. Johnson, and Walsh, the staff. SHUTTLE STAFF Editor-in Chief.... . .. CAL COOLIDGE Assistant Editor ...................... HARRY CAMPBELL Photographic Editor ................... GEORGE HAVENS I DICK CERREZIN Photographers ...................... (ROY HENDERSON Artist ....................... . .......... PETER ROBERTS Business Manager .....•............. JEWE'ITE JOHNSON Assistant Manager ........................... BOB ROSS Adviser ............... . ..............•.... MR. McNEILL 78 HAVENS and CERREZIN examine prints and discuss possibilities lor future shots. Artist ROBERTS Is his trade '10 mean hand al KAY COOLIDGf- smiles crs s e types and ty .. es and :ypes. • • " L ET'S see now; this is May. If we start now, by September we should have ... hm . . . by November this ought to be done and by February all copy should be ... Yep! If we start now, we should get all the work done in eleven months-lf we work fast!" Last year at this time, Editor Cal Coolidge might have been heard mumbling these words to himself, and they are roughly the schedule that the fifteen members of the Shuttle editonal staff followed in puttmg out this book. Work SCHWALLER, HOUSTON and LUCI peruse old Shuttles for new ideas. started in the spring of one year and ended in the spring of the next. The work of the editorial staff, however, does not make up the whole picture, for without the business staff there would be no photographs, no writeups, in fact-no Shuttle. This branch of the staff works the calendar 'round also, procuring ads, managing sales, and finally distributing the Shuttle when it is published m May. SPILKA and DAVIS read copy as BOYLE pauses al the cupboard. LEWIS and HOTTELL look for assignments. 79 OBSERVER STAFF First Semester Second Semester DICK GUTHRIE. ............ Executive Editor ............ DICK GUTHRIE . . . . . . .. News Editor. . . • . . . . • . ..... JOYCE MARKS JOYCE MARKS. . BETTY BROWNLEE. . . . ...•... Feature Editor. . . . . . . . . • . BETTY BROWNLEE FRANK STEINBRUEGGE ........ Sports Editor. ......... JOHN SCHWALLER JUNE HOTTELL .......... . ...... Copy Editor ................. JUNE HOTTELL DOROTHY DAVIS ....•...... Advertising fditor . . . . . .. DOROTHY DAVIS BOB ROSS. . • . . . . . . . . . . . •.. Circulation Editor. . . . . . . ....•... BOB ROSS MR. McNEILL. . . . . . . ............ Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MR. McNEILL lLe!t to right) P. HilL G. Wood, M. Ottinger, ). Hottell, M. Calvin, D. Len· nor, M . Perris, M. Moore, M. Baker. (Left to right) D. Davis, J. Marks, B. Arms rong D. Guthrie B. Ross, B. Brownlee, J. Schwaller. 80 (Lelt to right) A. Schenker, S. Hunter, ;·. Coolidge, M. Sptlka S. Lewis, W Housto'l. (Left to right) R. Wolff, 7. Carr, V. Drury F. Roth, E. Malbi!l, A. Jones. S PLASHING words and pictures onto paper. and from them molding a record of the year's events at Shaw High School this has been the work of the staff of the Shaw Obscr<•cr. The grim figure of war that had shoved aside so many things, early worked itself into the pages of the paper and remained conspicuously there throughout the year. The finished product, appearing bi-weekly, was in general a very complete and interesting one. But behind e~ch issue there lay the incessant clicking of typewriters, the decisive cutting lines of so many copyreaders' pencils, and the monotonous, droning voices of weary proofreaders so common to any newspaper. Supplementing these efforts were the vigorous actions of the circulating department, and the winnmg smiles of a host of hopeful advertising solicitors, all aiming at giving the best in news to Shaw. 81 STUDENT COUNCIL I BACK ROW (Left to right) B Traister, M. Rhyne. M. Bigalke, C. Monck, W Moorhead. THIRD ROW: B. MacDonald, G. Havens, F. Dixon, B. Carver, B. Krause, L. Fisher, D. Williams, R. Bill, C. Coolidge. SECOND ROW: V. Cuuncell, W. Sutter, M. O'Brien, C. Driggs. ]. Necker, F. Steinbruegge, M. Bonsteel. FRONT ROW: S. Auer, S. Lewis, T. Luci, G. Croft, P. Cramer, L. McC'elland, P. Bussong. STUDENT COUNCIL "MR.Council PRESIDENT, I move that the Student finance new equipment for the noon movies." After due deliberation the vote was taken and the president declared, "It is so ordered." And such is the manner in which our high school has been operated by students. Miss Anna Soutar, adviser, has tried to instill democratic and practical ideals into the council. In a large sense it is this that has been accomplished. This year the point system, effected by George Havens, was put into practice. Mem· DANCE COMMITTEE I Left to right: G. Croft, S. Lewis, C. Coolidge. LOST AND FOUND COMMITTEE I Left to right: M. Bonsteel, D. Williams, M. Rhyne. CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE I Left to right: W. Moorhead, V. Councell, B. MacDonald. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE I Left to nght: F. Dixon, P. Cramer, F. Steinbruegge. SHOW COMMITTEE I Left to nght: C. Monck, S. Auer, L. Fisher. POINT COMMITTEE I Left to right: M. Bigalke, L. McClelland, G. Havens. FINANCE COMMITTEE I Left to right: P. Bussong, B. Krause, W. Sutter. MONITOR COMMITTEE I Left to right: B. Carver, T. Luc1, R. B!ll. M. O'Brien. • • bers also made their annual visit to various Cleveland high schools to le~rn how other councils operate. A system of tickets for noon movie admittance was adopted for federal tax purposes, the operation of the detention room was ass'.lmed by the counciL and the constitution was rewritten. Although many other proJects were also c:::>mpleted, from these examples one may determine the relative value of Shaw's alert Student Council. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I Left to right: M O'Brier, V Pres.; J. Neckar, Sec.· W. Sutter, Treas.; C. Driggs, Pres. POINT COMMITTEE II Left to right: J. Neckar, B. Krause, F. Martineau. MONITOR COMMITTEE II Left to right: B. Boyle, J. Reid, B. Carver, S. Lewis, W. Sutter. FINANCE COMMITTEE II Left to right: B. Ketteler, L. Fisher. CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE II Lefi to right: C. Rode, L. McClelland, G. Croft. COUNCIL SPONSORS first SeiUe:;ter CHARLES DRIGGS . . ........ . ..... President MARY ELLEN O'BRIEN .. . . . . .. Vice President JACK NECKAR . .. ... . . .. . . ... . .. .. Secretary WINIFRED SUTTER . ... . . . .. . ...... Treasurer MISS SOUTAR . . . .. ... . ...... . .. . ... Adviser EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE II Left to right: V. Councell, Sec.; L. · Fisher, Treas.; W. Sutter, V. Pres.; B. Krause, Pres. STUDENT COUNCIL II BA K RC W L. it t r,gl t ~ Ham mond, U Shaps, J Ber'llan, , I. Will iams. 8. Boyle, B. Carver, C. Parker, C. Cool idgo, E. Hi sey. SECOND ROW . B. PoJak, J, Reid, L. Fisher, W. Sutter, B. Krause, V. Counce ll, J, Neckar, B. Ket teler W. Moorhead. FRONT ROW · G Croft, T. Luci. B. Reynolds, J. Chris t ie~ M. Bigalke, F. Martineau C. Rode, P Cra'ller, L. McClelland, S. Lewis. Second Semester BOB KRAUSE ..................... Pres1dent WINIFRED SUTTER ....... . ... Vice President VIRGINIA COUNCELL ... . ......... Secretary LARRY FISHER ................. . .. Treasurer MISS SOUTAR .................. . ... Adviser DANCE COMMITTEE II Left to right: B. Reynolds, 1. Christian. B. Pa jak, D. Williams. SHOW COMMITTEE II Left to right: M. Bigalke, T. Luci. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE II Left to right: J. Berman, P. Cramer, C. Coolidge. LOST AND FOUND COMMITTEE II Left to right: S. Hammond, E. Hisey, V. Councell, C. Parker, W. Moorhead. HONOR SOCIETY I BACK ROW: (Left to right) R. Terwil iger T Lu<'i, R. Romaine. L. Pickens. M. Hinske A. Hanlon. C. Frisbee, C. Monck. SECOND ROW: B. Po)ak, G. Havens, E. Smith, C. Toyerle, F. Steinbruegge, J. Watt, W. Houston, C. Driggs, F. Dixon. C. Coolidge. FRONT ROW· S. Brown E. Kerrigan, H. Noble, j. Morgan, B. MacDonald, M. E. O'Brien, P. Bussong, M. Davis, M. Rhyne. First Semester Second Semester BILL MacDONALD .............. President .................... BOB POlAK MARY ELLEN O'BRIEN ........ Vice President ...........•. WAYNE HOUSTON PEGGY BUSSONG .............. Secretory .............. LAUVON PICKENS ;ANET MORGAN..... . . • . . . . • . Treasurer ................ RUTH ROMAINE M!SS jONES ...............•..... Adviser ..................... MISS JONES OMING semi-annually, in January and May, the Honor Society appointments bring anxiety and suspense to each member of the student body, while honoring a select few who have striven to distinguish themselves in character, scholarship, leadership, and serv- C ice. Shrouded m secrecy, these appointments are unknown to anyone except the faculty adviser, Miss Janet Jones, until the secretary of the society tears open the sealed envelope and 86 reads the names from the stage of the auditorium. Election to this national organization is one of the highest achievements a student can attain while attending high school. To be considered, a student must be either an llA. a l2B, or a l2A and be in the upper fourth of his class. If he meets these requirements, his name is submitted to his teachers, who judge him on the other four previouslystated qualities. e#onM s~ ekcU TOP-RANKING SCHOLARS Class of January, 1942 Sarah Brown Peggy Bussong Jean Dilmuth Fred Dixon Charles Driggs Dwight Evans Horace Forbush Elsie Franchi Carol Frisbee Shirley Heckelman Margaret Hinske Else Kerrigan Bill Mather Charlotte Monck Janet Morgan Hazel Noble Mary Ellen O'Brien Dart Peterson Nancy Phillips Margaret Rhyne Virginia Schrock Frank Steinbruegge Calvin Tayerle Evelyn Wall ace Class of June, 1942 Ray Blosser V Jrginia Coburn Calvin Coolidge Georgie Croft Mary Davis Dorothy Dillow Bill Fields Eileen Gilmore Alice Hanlon Mona Hart George Havens Marion Henderson Ellen Herrick Wayne Houston Bob Krause Werner Lewin Tina Luci Bill MacDonald Lauvon Pickm.s Bob Pojak Charles Regan Lois Reiner Barbara Reynolds Albert Rhoa Ruth Romaine Dorothy Smith Ruth Terwilliger James Van Epp John Watt Henrietta Zorn Class of January, 1943 Shirley Auer Evelyn Giles Carol Macha Jean Meyer Charles Parker Carol Rode Louise Roth Winifred Sutter HONOR SOCIETY II BACK ROW: (Left to right) C. Par er B. Fields. B. Krause, R. Blosser, ;. Van Epp, A. Rhoa, W. Lewin. SECOND ROW· L;. Macha, M. Hart, M. Hend rscn, E. Gilmore, B. Reynolds, G. Croft, L. Reiner FRONT ROW: :. Meyer, L. Roth C Rode, S. Auer, W. Sutt r, H. Zorn, V. Coburn. 87 Scene from the Mid-Year Ploy, "Ever Since :ve' Foo1b ll team wolfs BETTY EVANS as PEGGY REIMHOLZ and SHIRLEY PATTO j look on in envy; JOH3 INMAN and GLEN CAMERON hc:ve been muscled out of the picture. :J ON STAGE i,]~ . i JJ't ~ 1 88 :b~ take tlw ~olltytd DRAMATIC CLUB BACK ROW: CLeft to right) H. ' f 'v lUr.~e!,, ;. Hcef.er I. Johns -n, F. Freyer. FRON:' FOW: B. Fields. R. tsraund, P. Retmnotz, 1. Morgan THESPIANS. • • • of comedy and tragedy are the M ASTERS finished products of Shaw's largest afterschool activity. Under the direction of Miss Lois Dean, students undertake the task of providing entertainment for almost seven thousand first-nighters each semester. Following in the footsteps of their adviser, Peggy Reimholz and Helen Brigman, 1942 president and secretary, respectively, have become adept at the art of make-up; and '41 President Robert Braund undertook the job of assistant director for first semester performances. Three or four one-act playettes began the Cardinal Players' season in September, which blossomed into participation in the annual Christmas program and the entertainment for the Senior Friendship Hi-Y banquet, and sprang into full bloom with two smash hits for January Class Night, "The Yellow Sheet" and "A Vane Effort." First Semester Second Semester BOB BRAUND .......•........ ?resident •..•........ PEGGY REIMHOLZ PEGGY REIMHOLZ .......... Vice President. ................. BILL FIELDS HELEN BRIGMAN JANET MORGAN. . . . . . . . . . .... Secretary. BILL FIELDS.. . .. .. .. . .. .. ... Treasurer.. . .. . .. . .. . .. GLEN CAMERON MISS DEAN. Adviser .. MISS DEA. o o •• o • o • • • o o o •• o •• o • o o •• • o o o • • • 0 • • • • • • • o • • • • o •••• ... MISS DEAN At the left is Miss Lois Dean, Shaw dramatic coach, pictured directing the production of the Mid-Year Play, "Ever Since Eve." 89 DEBATE CLUB BACK ROW· (Left to right) J. Ange, C. SpencE~r, K Thompson. THIRD ROW: L. Lehmann A. Rhoa, L. Meshenberg E. Brown, G. Rhodes. SECOND ROW: C. Machn, D. Shontz, C. Driggs, A. Dolan, K. Lees, D. Johnson, A. Newman, E. Kerrigan, F Forbush. FRONT ROW W. Moorhead W. Lewin, L. J. Johr.son, D. Lennon. ARGUMENT, ORATORY, DECLAMATION face, cold hands and perspiration on his brow, he takes his seat W ITH-theredfinishing act as a member of the Debate Club completes his speech. This organization was formed in 1910 and is one of the oldest and most popular clubs at Shaw. I Entertainment at meetings has included various speakers and debates with visiting schools, giving members other than those on the regular team a chance to work out speeches. Membership in the National Forensic League is the greatest honor a debater can obtam. He must get twenty points in inter-scholastic speech work and pass before the vote of the members. First Semester Second Semester WERNER LEWIN ................ President. . LESTER MESHENBERG LAURA JOHNSON ............. Vice President .......... WAYNE MOORHEAD DOROTHY LENNON ............. Secretary .........•.... GEORGE RHODES W A YNI: MOORHI:AD. . . . . • . . . . . Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . DICK JOHNSON MISS CRANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•.. Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MISS CRANK NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE STANDING: (Left to right) C. Coolidge A. Newman, D. Gairing, G. Havens, W. Houston, E. Brown. SITIING: K. Thompson, D. Davis, D. Shontz, E. Forbush, W. Moorhead. MUSIC • • • Time out for refreshments The band plays songs cf freedom ot the patrivtic rally. 91 ORCHESTRA .a. BACK ROW: (Left to right) N. Pia M Br •wr D. Whi!lam, j. Hardy, S. Downs, E. Stinson, W. Rcse, G. Engstrom, R Story. SECOND ROW: P. Mazurek V. Aver.i, B. King, D. Zook, J. Cicone, V. Talcott, D. Kern, P. Whiteman, R. Tull, R. Matson, D. Markell, L. Larson. FRONT ROW: L. Throckmorton 0. DiPcdova, B. L. Smith, J. Graham, J. McDarment, E. Holliday, I. Hart. THE ORCHESTRA . LOIS THROCKMORTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... President BETTY LU SMITH........ . . . ............................... Vice President ;EAN HARDY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. Secretary-Treasurer MR. NIERGARTH ............................................. Adviser the "Mystery of 972?" That was R EMEMBER for the band concert. There is another number in Shaw so familiar to its musicians, "The Musical Thirty-five," to wit, the orchestra. Everyone has heard the orchestra-on Armistice Day, at Christmas. at Commencement. and Class Night-and everyone has echoed Director Milton Niergarth's opinion on the steady 92 improvement over the past two or three years. Mr. Niergarth says, "The interest in orchestras is growing steadily; the quality of string players has improved; musical organizations are doing better things. Next year's aggregation is bound to be even better." This group wound up a season of hard work after the annual concert in May. BAND MEMBERS M Allen, W. Allcm, H. Allis • H. Ap1 gat' P. ArbucklE. J, Berman D Beeler, 7. Blumenthal, M. Bonsteel E. Brown G. Cameron, B. Christy, [. Cicone, D. Cole, C. Davis, D. Dews, F. Drake, R. Ellis, K. Emerson, G. Engstrom, D. Erdly, E. Erickson M. Foote, V. Francis, D. Gairing, [. Graham, R. Henderson. R. Hirschauer, D. Hoff. G. Hollar F. Houston, M. Huff, R. Hunscher. C. Ingram, J. Inman, W. Isaac, P. lzant, W. Jackson, J. Jacobsen, G. Jewett, D. Ker 1, B. Kinq, W. Kinney, B. Kinsey, I. Kopp, R. Kretzer, W. Lang, J, Leahy, J, Lev..is, J. McDarment, C. Macha, D. McGiffin. L. McClelland, H. Martin, B. Matson, J, Meyer Y. Nighman, B. Pattie, D. Pattie, D. Paul, W. Powell, D. Pratt, J. Riccardi, G. Ritter, W. Roeqe, W. Rose, D. Royer, D. Ruoff, M. Rush, G. Schenk, W. Shively, B. Smith, E. Snook, R. Sprenkle, R. Stallings, M. Stashower, E. Stinson, R. Story, V. Talcott, C. Thacker, L. Thomas, K. Thompson, R. Trivisorno, R. Tull, ). Van Epp, R. Wolcott, H. Walter, D. White, P. Whiteman, R. WhiLom D. Wiley ). Wood, T. Wood, E. Ycrk, D. Zook . • • • GLEN CAMERON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... President BOB MATSON.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Vice President BETIY KING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary GLENN SCHENK. . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . ... Treasurer MR NIERGARTH . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Adviser " FORWARD March!" cries General Milton Niergarth, and to the accompaniment of tramping feet and blaring horns his 96 campaign-hardened gladiators flash with perfect precision across the autumnal turf. At every football game last fall. the band was there, attire:::! in !heir new uniforms, to lend moral support to the team and shorten the weary "hours" between halves with their e:'- callent music and marching. "It was the best marching band I have ever had!" e:.-cl:::nme:::l. Mr. Niergarth when asked about the current year's group. Since the United States' declaration of war, ]:'atriotic music has been in gre::xt demand; and o!'la of the principle functions of the band at the present time is to appear in patnotic assemblies and rallies throughout the city. 93 GIRLS ' GLEE CLUB BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Da111els. L. Ruth. [. Kirchner, M. Hornung, P. Mazurek, V. Talcott, R. Bond, E. Brussee, E. Drescher, S. Weiss, ). Morgan C. Randall. THIRD ROW: M. Ottinger, D. Cope, E. Griffith, [. Beranek, M. Frericks, D. Bartak, ). Lawrence, B. Ketteler, J. Miller. L. Cook, ). Peters, M. Mcher. SECOND ROW: M. Hejl, E. Rothoermel, C. Krische, B. Clymer, A. Pace, M. Hart, R. Bea•1mcnt, ). Figler, A. Voro, A. Dolan, L. Mottern. FRONT ROW: M. Schworer, D. Smith, H. Zorn, V. C~burn, E. Greggor, ). Beckman, P. Dale, M. Davies. • • "B UY Defense Stamps and lick the other side." Remember that on the morning broadcast? It was made by those two comic characters of the local airwaves who advertised the Boys' Glee Club. Activities for the glee clubs this year included an of er-school dance, a Christmas 94 Cantata of Dickens' Chrisll/las Carol, and a potluck supper. Meetings were held on Mondays for the Girls' Glee; while the Boys' Glee met on Wednesdays. For tenors, baritones, basses, sopranos, and altos alike, these clubs have offered ample opportunity for all prospective operatic stars to show their abilities. With the cooperation of, and under the direction of. Jacob E. Hines, these clubs have accomplished their purpose of giving students who could not be in the A Cappella Choir the chance to sing. BOYS' GLEE CLUB BACK RO'N: (Leit to right) S. Perrotti, H. :'homos, N. Rvby, W. Williams, H. Hoilman, L Meshenberg, E. Brown, D. Webster, B. Francis, J Haas. SECOND ROW: E. Hart, D. Johnsor> T. Partlow, J. Angel, D. Peterson, M. Jacobson, K. Thompson, H. Barletta, N. Schrnirl FRO!-:" ROW: B. Matsen, S. Hiltabiddle, P. Whiteman, C Driggs, A. Martin, C. Spencer, D. Wolcott, ). Birkhold. • THE GLEE CLUBS GIRLS' GLEE CLUB First Semester Second Semester GINNY COBUFN ................ President. .............. DOROTHY SMITH DOROTHY SMITH ............. Vice President ............ RUTH BEAUMONT HENRTETT A ZORN ..•............ Secretary •.....•. ..... MARJORIE BARRETT EDITH GREGOR. . . • . • . . . . . . . . . Treasurer. . . . . .......... BETTY KETTELER MR. HINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •..•. Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MR. HINES BOYS' GLEE CLUB Second Semes:et First Semester JOE HAAS. . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . • . Presiden . . . . .•..... WALTER WILLIAMS DART PETERSON. . . . . • . . ... Vice President .........•... JACK BIRKHOLD LESTER MESHENBERG ....... Secretary Treasurer .•............. ALAN GROSS MR. HINES ............••........ Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... MR. HINES 95 \! .. ~~ ~~~ ~~~ CK~lf~ ~Jae CHOIR BACK ROW: (Left to right) J Lawrence, D. Nutting N. Thompson, R. Todd, N. Schm.dt, K. Carlson, D. Hoyt, B. Walling, R. Stiebe!ing, C. Prior, W. Williams, ). Brainard, H. Campbell, D. Johnson, A. Newman, B. Gage, A. Gross, R. Nixon, R. Morris. THIRD ROW: D. Smith, C. Kibler, C. Russo, S. Hiltabiddle. N. Roby, E. AnderRon , [) Wilson. A. Bond, B. Mulligan, ). Angel. D. Peterson, D. Webster, ]. Haas, A. Martin, C. Driggs, K. Enkler, ). Birkhold, ]. Douglas, ). Friedlander. SECOND ROW: N. Benderick, M. Hart A. Pace, C. R~de, E. Halls, E. Greggor, J. Wal~er, M. Barrett, M. Smith, C. Smith, R. Bond, V. Talcott, E. Drescher, L. Shreve, P. Smith, H. Rekittke, R. Kockers, ). Kirby, ). Davis, B. Smith, C. Kelsey. FRONT ROW: L. Smith. M. Davies. H. Crawford, M. Gardiner, E. Rothamel, M. Thomas, R. Gettig, I. Johnston, B. Ketteler. ). Vokoun, J. Beckman. H. Zorn, ). Smith, R. Beaumont, J. Nelson, V. Coburn, A. Siena, M. Schworer, ]. Hoffacker. A CAPPELLA CHOIR First Semester Second Semester CHARLES RUSSO ................ President. ............... JOHN BRAINARD JOE HAAS ...... . ............. Vice President ................ ALAN MARTIN JEANNE BECKMAN. . ... . ...... Secretary ............... DOROTHY SMITH ALAN MARTIN .................. Treasurer ............... HENRIETTA ZORN MR. HINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Adviser. ..................... MR. HINES "Q H, no, we don't work harder for any special event dunng the year. We just put all we can into each performance," said Jake Hines, better known to choristers as "Father Hines." And no wonder. When the A Cappella Choir sings the Armistice Day songs of peace, it means them. At Christmas time the choir did its best in trying to spread holiday cheer in hospitals. In the spring the whole communit·1 96 can hear the choir in the Lake Erie League Choral Festival and at the Spring Concert along with the band and orchestra. The graduating classes always walk away from commencement exercises with the songs of the choir ringing in their ears. Outstanding on this year's calendar........guest performance on Bob Hope's program . . . a Kiwanis Christmas program .. . appearance before Cleveland Rotary Club. HI-Y OFFICERS HI-Y LEADERS STANDING· (Left to ighl) C Russo, B. Long ! Watt, C. Dick. SITTING C. Regan, G. Havens, C. Coolidge. S""AND!NG: (L t riqdt, Mr E rr. Mr. Dyke, Mr. Angel. Mr. G'udm"'r, Mr. R.Jsse:l. SIITING· Mr. Naragor, M:. Culi'kr Mr. Wright. Seccnd Semester First Semester CAL COOLIDGE. . . . . . . . . ... President. . . . . . . . . .... GEORGE HAVENS BILL KNAPP.. . ........... Vice President. ................ BRUCE LONG . . . . . Secretary... . . . . . ....... JOHN WAIT BRUCE LONG........ CHARLES REGAN. . . . . . . . . . . ":'reasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... CHUCK DICK GEORGE UMSTEAD ........... Chaplam... . .CHARLES RUSSO MR. CUMLER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser. . . . . . . . MB. CUMLF.R H 1- Y • • • highlighted by the welcoming of I Na anewyearadviser, Mr. W. V. Cumler, the Hi-Y did much to attain its platform of "Clean Speech, Clean Sports, Clean Scholarship, Clean Living." In addition to the regular curriculum of events, the Hi-Y members actively participated in Civilian Defense. Blackout ordinances were distributed by the Hi-Y, and a majority of the members volunteered for messenger service in the air-raid defense set-up. The Merriam Trophy, awarded semi-annually to the best all-around chapter, was captured by Copaine in the first semester. Copaine included among its honors victories in the Stunt nile, football, and attendance contests. A combined Hi-Y show was an innovation this year, in which all the chapters pooled their talents to present a musical comedy. This was in contrast to the traditional show wherein an act was presented by each of the nine clubs. AMIGOS BACK ROW: (Left .igl.t N. , mpson, C . .)j "· .i> Fields, F. Be!v.Jie, T. P tton, G. Wie,;e. SECOND ROW K. Emerson, B. Swan, D. Cable, H. Whittaker, H. Law B. Elder. FRONT ROW: B. Hannon, B. Treist .. r, B. Au<:>r D. Evans. L. BruqmaP'1, !. Burdet:. 97 ARGUS BACK ROW. :Loft lo right) '-'· Dr nsky B. Christy, A. Wildern, J. Stokes. SECOND ROW: B. Griffin, R. Erdly, R. Barton, C. Reese, D. Loomis. FRONT ROW: Mr. Dyke, D. Kappus, C, Larso>r, H Allison, F Frayer j Evans. COPAINE EACK ROW: {Leit tc right) "-'· Apthorp, M. Spilka. :::>. Stephenson 0. Maloney, B. Olsen. SECOND ROW: Mr Gardiner, D. McNall, B. Mooney, K. Carrier, D. Greggor D. Gerstenberger. FRONT ROW: B. Mulligan, H. Hutton, ). Reid, B. Knapp, L. Fisher, B. Austin. DELPHI BACK ROW. (Left to right) D. Ercily, S. Downs, K. Thompson, L. Via H. Applegate. SECOND ROW: D. Miller, D. Berger, C. Spreitzer, ). Angei. D. Johnson, D. McGiffin. FRONT ROW: D. Weber, N. Wines, D. Peterson, R. Wolff, B. Long, B. Cowan. ECAOWASIN BACK ROW: (Left to right) G. Taylor, G. Umstead, J. Watt, B. Marshall, T. Beeman, T. Alleman. SECOND ROW: Mr. Wright, B. Danford, C. Russo, H. Campbell, P. Russo, ). Berman, F. Riegler. FRONT ROW: C. Coolidge, G. Havens, J Neckar, B. Krause, B. Poiak F. Steinbruegge. HALCYON BACK ROW (Left L right) B. Gr_ve, L. Lehmann, J. Coughlin. SECOND ROW: D. Webster, W. Funk, B. Barker, F. Hach. FRONT ROW: D Hoy A. Nowman, B. Seitz, [. McDarme'1t, Mr. Russell. KRYPTON BACK ROW CLeft tL right) F. Zahig, D. :::lisbro, E. Tir'1· bers, N. Jones. SECOND ROW: E. Sm1th, B. Thompson, H. Cope, W. Kempthorne. FRONT ROW: E. McHugh, B. Prendergast, D. Cerrezin, J. Van Epp, A Rhea. MAZDA BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Ward, B. Lampper . B. Boyle, E. Saba. SECOND ROW: R. Sprenkle, M Griffin. D. Cole, B. Beasley, B. Carver. fRON:' ROW: J. Mastrangelo, D. Gardner, B. Stout, B. Sampson. J. Harmon, D. Green. TALA BACK ROW: (Left I<.. right) R. Mather, J. Wahls~rom, P. Bechtel. SECOND ROW: J. Herter, B. Bond, W. Williams, W. Houston. B. Story. FRONT ROW: S. Wilford, R. Bios ser, D. Gairing, D. Morgan, D. !zan!, B. Beard. 99 \\ ' --- - '..,. \ ' "' I I, I ' , :.. _. .,~ ;:; - , _.. SENIOR FRIENDSHIP CABINET BACK ROW; (Left to right) S. Brown, A. Streator, B. Reynolds, ). Beckman, P. Bussong, ). Morgan, V. Councell, W. Sutter. FRONT ROW: D. Smith, C. Monck, V. Coburn V. Schrock. HOMEROOM CAPTAINS BACK ROW; (Left to right) F. Martineau, M. Moher. C. Stafford, E. Winsor, B. Fuller, ). Berndsen, L. Blauman, P. Dickinson. D. Young, ). Perrotti. SECOND ROW: T. Luci, A. David· sen, E. Gilmore, V. Mitchell. M. Taylor, B. Bell, G. Umnitz, L. jackson. M. Renshaw. FRONT ROW. ). McKenzie, f. Barton, V. Counce II, R Kormos. ). Hoefler. FRIENDSHIP -that's the design the Senior M ODERN Friendship Cabinet members had in mind when they, advised by Mrs. Martin Loftus, organized this yeor' s Friendship Club. The Cabinet meets on alternate Wednesdays, while the seven committees get together at other times during the week. Senior Friendship girls are known as "Susie Shaws." Each "Sus1e" has her choice of being on one of these committees: Membership, Music, Program, Publicity, Ring, Group, Service, or Social. Every committee is headed by a chairman who is a Cabinet member. The twelve "Susies" on the Cabinet are the seven committee chairmen: the president, vice-president. secretary, treasurer, program chairman, and Inter-Club Council representative. 100 CLUBS • all heard the story of the missing Y OU'VE link, haven't you? Well, in Senior Friendship, no link is left missing while there are still homeroom captains. They are representatives of their homerooms, and it is their job to convey to members all information concerning the club. Each time the club makes plans for a party, a potluck supper, or a Christmas or a Thanksgiving basket, a meeting for captains is held; and in this way they are able to see to it that all members contribute in some way to these plans. In this way they serve as a link between the executive board and the members. SOPHOMORE FRIENDSHIP CABINET BACK ROW: (Left to right) J. Hardy, J. Gonch r, B. K· tiel r J. Lawrence, I. Lloyd, D. Lenz, S. Hammond. FRONT ROW: M Bigalke. I Johnston, E. Hisey, J. Fox. Lois Calvin and Dave Neuhaus play "Truth or Consequences ' at a Friendship program . • • • 0 NE of the most active organizations open to all tenth grade girls is the Sophomore Friendship Club. Every two weeks meetings are held under the direction of M1ss Carpenter, club adviser. Members elect officers which form the executive board, this board elects the Sophomore Friendship Club Cabinet. The cabinet meets every tvro weeks to discuss and plan activities that will interest and entertain every member. An active schedule including hikes, swimming parties, sports, and potluck suppers are some of the friendly and interesting activities planned by the cabinet. This group was first organized to give the younger girls a chance to conduct a club without having to compete with the older girls. SENIOR FRIENDSHIP First Semester Second Semester ....•... President .............. VIRGINIA COBUH CHARLOTTE MONCK GINNY COBURN. . . .......... Vice President ......... VIRGINIA COUNCELL DOROTHY SMITH. . . . . . . . . . . ... Secretary •............. WINIFRED SUTTER VIRGINIA SCHROCK ............ Treasurer. . . . ...... BARBARA REYNOLDS MRS. LOFTUS ....•..•............ Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... MRS. LOFTUS SOPHOMORE FRIENDSHIP First Semester Second Semester ISABELLE JOHNSTON. • . . • . . • . . • President ...•.•............ ESTHER HISEY ESTHER HISEY •........•...... Vice President. . . . .... ISABELLE THOMPSON JUAN IT A FOX .................. Secretary.. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ;EAN SMITH MARY BIGALKE. • . . . . • . ...... Treasurer. . . . . . . . . .... SALLY HAMMOND MISS CARPENTER. . . . . . . . . . . .. Adviser ...............• MISS CARPE TER 101 HEALTH CLUB BACK ROW. (Leii to tght) L. Throckmorto!', A. Streator, A. Bogigian, A. Black B. Avis, E. Cole, L. Davies, J Summers. J. Harmon E. Greggor, L. Kahn, M. Hejl, A. Dawson THIRD ROW: J. Dorman, E. Ede, E. Griffith, M. Barrett. A. Hagan, :::>. Meyers, J. Kirchner, E. For bush, B. Weiner, M. Jaffee. SEC OND ROW: S. Heckelman, E. Otello. E. Franchi, J. Beckma'l, M. Driver, V. Prestion, M. Smith, P. Dale, M. Van Etter. FRONT ROW: C. Frisbee, D. Fox, A. Orr, M. Bigalke, M. Reed, P. Cramer, P. Kepic. HEALTH CLUB is essential to happiness. For five H EALTH years members of the Health Club have successfully proved this. Miss Nina McWebb, school nurse and club adviser, not only keeps the organization wellinformed on the latest health news, but she also arranges for interesting speakers to talk on this subject. The first semester the club contributed six dollars towards buying yam for the Red Cross. The girls themselves have been busy knitting nine-inch squares for afghans and doing other knitting work to help in the current war relief and soldiers' aid efforts. STAGE CREW BACK ROW: (Let to right) C. Parker, Haas, B. Cunningham, R. Williams, E. Surad. FRONT ROW: M. Newman, B. Gressman, B. Campbell, H. White, R. Musk. T PON the skill and efhciency of the stage crew depends the success of dramatic programs. These seven boys, under the direction of Miss Lois Dean, do volunteer work for which they receive very little credit or publicity. Before taking on responsibilities of regular crew members, a boy must first enter a class which instructs him in his duties. In addition to shifting and making the scenery for the plays, the stage crew takes care of the four prop rooms. With an increasing number of plays being produced, the Stage Crew and its work are taking on a new and more important function. U I ( STREAMLINERS' CLUB BA . ROW ,L , •c. 1q t ~ Tmni z. B. Newberry, M. M cNeilly. FRONT ROW: H. Williams, F. A ! <>non, E. White. STREAMLINERS' CLUB B OASTING an enrollment of eighty members, and with thirty members participating in practices, the Rifle Club continued this year as one of the mas! fascinating organizations in this school. Ranking among the top twenty jumor riflemen in the nation, Ted Partlow, past president of the club, was the recipient of the Distinguished Riflemen's Medal. Wallace Hall and Dave Nason were also consistent marksmen. The club accomplished two long-desired aims: first, progress in remodeling the rifle range at Kirk, to include rest rooms, a concrete floor and a drinking fountain; and second, reorganization of the club, providing for a business meeting followed by a practice session. design makes a big difference M ODERN . ... proof of this is the Streamliners' Club. This club was organized in 1940 by a grouof girls interested in improving their contours. Its purpose is to aid in vreight correctiOn and to streamline certain parts of the figure according to the problem of each g1rl. The Streamliners do not stop here but also concentrate on posture . Slow reduction in the average school girl diet is emphas:zed by Miss Cornelia Dillon, club adviser. Meeting every two weeks members discuss business, take their measurements, e xercise, and work on their posture. Although it is hard work, the members have fun! RIFLE CLUB B.;.CK ROW 'Lett , ~ ngr tl K. Geit.:, D Nasvn, D. Hoyt. SECOND ROW: C' Inboden B Montgomery, N. Schmidt C. Reese. FRON':' ROW: 7. Wood Mr Boggs. W. Hoi!. ART CLUB BALK 'flOW: (Left to right) B. Broo~:N, P Ar,draws, A Koz .ow, E. Sy!v ster. J. Monteith P. Roberts, D. Sclmon€1\ti, G. :mhoff, L. ~avi s. FRONT ROW M. Blide, P GoMpf, S. Jones. H LaViolet , ::::>. Syrko, G. C rdoz" A Boqtgian, ::::>. Gundel. ART CLUB to work for; that's what the Art S OMETHING Club wants. So every year its members plunge into a project. Thrs year they purchased a kiln to use in "firing ceramics," which to you laymen means "glazing pottery." The kiln is also used to enamel pottery. To defray the cost of the kiln. the club members made pottery and sold' it --and the project paid for itself. During the year the Art Clu:O made several visits to the Cleveland Art Museum to see special exhibits. Speakers from the Cleveland Art School were invited to club meetings to give pointers on glazing and printing. CHESS AND CHECKER CLUB BACK ROW: (Left to right) B. Barker, F. Hatch, M. Carrothers, E. Holladay, D. Cole, G. Rhodes, J. S!ygh, T. Carr. FRONT ROW: A. Bond, L. Norton. R. Tiffany, T. Wood. 104 "'It's your "E H? 11/ll'i'C. old hoot." Oh, sorry, chum. I must have wandered off. Did you make any jumps on me? Let's see . ... hmmm, only one rook left." Humorous? Perhaps. But it is also a great test of durability and brain power. Chin ruboing, head scratching, and brain wracking are all part of the weekly scene at a meeting of the Chess and Checker Club. This, rather than discouraging the members, even led to interscholastic competition on the chess boards--a match with the wise men from Glenville High School. which the Shaw team lost, 5-4. WHIRLO CLUB BA..:l: ROW. (L , '"' nght) ::>. Wol colt, R, Pet r~on, R. Nicholson, E. Burris, E. Sc-hafer, D. Minman, A. Plumb, E. Miller, M. O"Brie>n, W. Powell FRONT ROW: A ~c.'':ln !. ;chnson, E. Finnerty, N. Morgan, rJ. Dillow E. Lind, '), PIJillios. WHIRLO CLUB can easily go to the movies, but after Y OU the show is over do you forget about the '' G OING to Wh1rlo meetmg tomght?" You have heard this throughout the picture you have just seen? D::> you just go halls of Shaw. New members, who enjoy a occasionally because there is nothing else to private session every Friday after school, are do? Or, like the Cinema Club, do you g::> to initiated semi-annually. The club promotes learn and appreciate the technicalities of mofriendship and influences the improvement of lion pictures? roller-skating between students of other schools The club not only studies acting and the and Shaw. plot of the picture but also learns to appreciate The club has shown its patriotism to the good direction, dialog, and lighting effects. J .niid. ·s es and appreciation to Miss Rachael In programs at club meetings the me~ mbers • eL olf, the ad.viser, by presenting her have spelldowns, using the names of ~ta ;t Def se B¢'nd. and, at the end of the year, select the b • ing 1 kate pins are the awards for actor, actress, pi~ture, and d2rect r. ·, ( erf tten Sjudents earmng a c:ertoin \ .>(>Y C3cvst. w\~'ncz::. t6 (Y)o.r \<1.\ .~ ~P"-~ :lQ2. ~ou.. ~ m~~~~r. ~\ C.U.t'f..\4U" ,~/;JY ...., ~ /'V num r o el~~e~~eir pins with rubies J':_y . . ~ \y CINEMA CLUB BA '":K FlO' ': 'Le'• • fight) B. McKc 1Zie. ). Whalley D. Rode-rick, B. Roderic.::, B. Baughman, E. Fcs•er M. Horning, ). Siener, L. •ohnson, E. Drescher. P. Srrtth P Hageman. D. Worman. THIRD ROW: B. Mather, M. Allan, C. Currier, ]. Firu::, M. RandelL S. Auer A. Dowson, E. Kerrigan, I. DiFranco, G, Randal , F. ')ixon. SECOND ROW: ). Gtl: A. ~ones, A. Orr, M. Reed, G. Moore, G. Bonace, B. Esterly M. berger, G. Gro;";nstein, T. Quinlan. FRONT ROW: A. Tonne, M. Peters, M. HawKins, V. Capp, ). Berndsen, P. ::>ale, L. Mottern P. Schall. 105 STAMP CLUB (L , • i,. t P Nusse1, B W1;1i Jms P SwanK B. Ward, J. Ward A. Srhulte, H. Williams STAMP CLUB D been or what has seen? ID you ever wonder where a sta:np has it There is a group of people in Shaw who has tho much curiosity; they got together to form a Stamp Club. Sometimes when getting together on alternate Mondays, they lay aside stamps and play games. Often a well-known cry, which can be heard at their meetings, is, "Say, I've a honey of a stamp! Wanta trade?" Under the able leadership of Miss Anna Devney, the adviser, the Stamp Club has established with its members a gre:::xter knowledge and appreciatiOn of .stamps and their history. JUNIOR RED CROSS REPREBENTATIVES BACK ROW: (Left to right) D. Stephenson, B. Ross, F. Mitchell, R. Buck· master, L. Bergmann, J. Rehner, G. Rhodes, L. Schroeder, H. Van Scheer B. Wn1ling FOURTH ROW: D. Goiring, I. Zimet. G. Albrecht, M. Cole, B. Ketteler, M. Rice, J. Meyer, ). Evans. D. Pratt, F. Hach, L. Meshenberg. THIRD ROW: G. Goerndt, P. Bain, R. Regan, J. Berman, E. Garber, M. Salter, 1-i. Williams, V. Lenker, E. Carey, J. Walker. SECOND ROW: D. Royer, I. Knight, L. A. Fry, ;. Pyle, A. Jones, F. Smith, M. Wcehrman, R. Nicholson, M. Weaver E. Benedict, K. Roege. FRON7 ROW: S. ''.ard, A. Peerson, R. Eicher, J. Spratt, B. Long, B. Reynolds, E. Gilmore>, D. Hansen, C. R?de M ORE than ever before, the Junior Red Cross of Shaw High School has done its part in the support of the Red Cross of America. Each year two homeroom representatives are chosen to take cme of the Junior Red Cross activities in that homeroom. Symbolic of the work that the Junior Red Cross does is the "Mile of Dimes" campaign sponsored by President Roosevelt to help the poor unfortunates who have been stricken with infantile paralysis. Besides this, the Junior Red Cross yearly donates Chnstmas boxes to the Marine Hospital and stages an annual drive for membership in the Red Cross. CAMERA CLUB BACK ROW: (Left ·- right) R. Whitmarsh, B. Meade, B. Barker, B. Bletso, J. Wurts, B. Weber, P. Swank, W Smith, W. Powell, B. Grove, E. Connell. FRONT ROW: C. Spencer. J. Holmes, P. Ford, N. Gyun. CAMERA CLUB ustcd cl castiliano o cl slldoamcriH .lBLl ca Whether you speak South Amer- models, proper lighting, and B EAUTIFUL ready cameras this photographers' para- ican or Castilian, it's still Spanish. Each Spanish class has its own club meetings during the class period. To give everyone a chance to participate, election of officers is held twice per semester. Purpose of the clubs is to study conditions of other Pan-American countries and to learn Spanish while having a good time. Highlights of the '41-'42 year: corresponding with a111iyos in South America-sponsoring dances-a fiesta for the lOB classes--Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets-selling candy bars and other food after school. dise was supplied by a commercial photography studio on one of the many trips and activities in which the Camera Club participated. In their meetings, detailed discussions on each step of photographic processes are held so that each member will become proficient in camera art from the time he snaps his shutter until the picture hangs on the wall. The aim of the group is to promote efficieney. By the round-table method of reporting, every conceivable problem encountered is cleared up by members themselves or by their competent adviser, Oliver Craig. 110! SPAN ISH CLUB OFFICERS BACK ROW (L t to right) D. f-1 yt, G. Bond, G. Taylor, B. Hannon, A. Kolisch, C. Smith, C. Macha, A. Orr, G. Moore, A. Jones. S. Patton. FOURTH ROW: E. Hassell, J. Wood G. Rhodes, E. Brown, W. Kempthorne, R. Nicholson, A. Colchin. P. Bain, M. L. Ramccy, 1 Pierce, P. Cramer, L. Blauman. THIRD ROW: C. Coolidge, B. MacDonald, B. Shively, A. Newman, S. Rose .~tein, J. Christian, D. Chevin, E. Gibson M. Taylor, G. Croft, E. Forbush, A. Siena, L. Meshenberg. SECOND ROW: J. Birkhold, G. Hollar, J. Meyer, B. Daniel!;, M. Rutland, J. Ayers, R. Ron'<.une L. McClelland, M. E. Davies, V. Coburn, D. Smith FRONT ROW: B. Matson, D. McGiUon, M Spilko, L. Fisher, E. Saba, C. Russo. L. Bergmann, R. Eicher, J. 'C"-. 1-- T HISTORY CLUB BA( RO vV • 1... 't to r,:.Jhl) 11. Wil1ams, H. Not:. , A. Tar no, B. Wemer, E. Forbush, N. Bal •. L. Lehman. A. Luth, G. Ford, M Hartman, j. Pyle, C. Yea, 0. DiPadova, D. Booth, H. Allison THIRD ROW: B. Matrer N W nes. A. Schoener, E. Wi'ls.:>r, P Cramer, L. johnson, R. Jacot>son P. Mazurek, S. Auer, E. Greggor, P Hart, D Chevin W. Follett, W. House. SECOND ROW: P. Kepic, L. Kahn P. Dale, W. Lewin, F. Martineau, L. Mattern, F. Dixon L. Roth, B. Dan.ie's, M Ramsay, M. Lam bert, B )acksoP FRONT ROW: M. Reed. K. Ccolidge, M. Rutland, J Hoefler, L. Olser, S Lewis, L. Calvin, j Evans. E. Gibson L. Allison. HISTORY CLUB To keep well-informed on the fast-changing events of the world is a duty which has not, and should not be overlooked by any truehearted American. This attitude has been take y many of the members of the History Club.· Meeting on alternate Tuesdays each month, the members of the club discuss and argue current events and obtain a better understanding of the main news issues of the day. Through their original announcements over the morning broadcast, Irwin Hart and Mel Jacobson have brought the History Club before the entire sfudent body in an unusual and interesting manner. SOCIOLOGY CLUB BACK ROW~ (L. It to right1 P. Gompf. D. Young, A. Streator, M. Koppen, M. Wilder, M. Thompson, R. Cohen, M. Schworer. C. Kelsey, P. Dale. L. Young, C. Klecka, M. Ren· shaw, P. Smart, M. Lynch, D. Nightingale, D. Shontz. THIRD ROW~ A. Dawson, V. Kohne, J. Connell, S. Auer, P. Ford, E. Foster, B. Baughman, A. Pace, D. Fox, A. Davidson, V. Mitchell, M. Samartini, W. Holmes, B. Smith, B. Guiler, B. O'Connor. SECOND ROW: ]. Whit· well, B. Walling, P. Ryan, T. Luci, J. Kirby, E. Miller, J. Jones. P. Mazurek, D. Hansen. M. Taylor, S. Patton. FRONT ROW: B. Mather, W. Follett, F. Dixon, J. Reid, E. Irish, D. Gardner, E. Drescher, E. Howell, B. Rey· nolds. C OMES the millennium, it's a cinch that E. G. Abbott will be one of the leaders, if his work as adviser of the Sociology Club is any example. Rejuvenating the ordinary runof-the-mill clubs, he has added to the program this year, in the form of group trips to see actual examples of what social ignorance cultivates. II you take any of the social studies subjects, you may join the Sociology Club. Such cross sections of delinquent public life have been visited this year as Bellefaire Orphanage, The Home of the Good She!Jherd, and Warrensville Sanitarium. THE SAME OLD STORY \Ve want our Gifts to come from 1.\:el -on' , the same as all the other Shaw Graduates have for the past twenty-two years. ELGIN HAMILTON VERI-THIN AIRWAY .. A hand~ome, :.treamlined GRI.iE'". \' ellm\ or fashionable new pink gold fillt-d case, Guildite back, dependable 15 jewel movement $29.75 GRUEN NANCY . . . martnc~s and fa1thful accuracy in this Yellow gold filled,l5jewels $33.75 IU\elyGKtJ:.'o. IS J e\\ el Elgin or Gruen a lo" a $27.50 GEORGE N. NELSON Jeweler GLenville 4694 13 5 Hayden venue 109 TOP \VE TR IN FL WER Enchantingly E~pressi,·e Lovely Arrangements of Your Personal Thought IN Our Pupils fo1· the Be t Office Po itions ALL Business Branches Individual In truction . The Finest in Cut Flower, . Smart Imported Pottery • . Styled to the '\Iinute . Corsages ORCHIDS GARDE lAS ROSES EAST CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF BUSINE S H065 Euclid Avenue GLenville EVANS FLO\VERS, Inc. H136 Euclid Avenue Liberty 9 3- ~-85 93 • l\Ir. and .\lr . Thos . P. Scully DA\ A:\'D NJGJJl SFs ro~ Au . YEAR "\V HEN" ~loving (local or long di tance) call us fo1· quotation. lVIake no difference how large or mall. \Ve are equipped to take care of same with modern equipment, including storage, crating, packing and shipping facilities. E. P. EHRIG PRINTERY 17 4 Amherst Street The WINDERMERE STORAGE COMPANY 144H Euclid Ave. 1451 Hayden Ave . .\IUlberry 6360 I EAST CLEVELAND 110 EAST CLEVEL NO, OHIO GLenville 9094 Compliments THE KENNEDY CO. of the Plumber ' Supplie KOIILER RUBBER IR49-1861 Prospect venue COMPA Y Cleveland, Ohio e e e FRANK J. LAUER tationery Engraving Office Supplie Fancy and Staple Groceries HOFFMA CARLSON PRINTER Fruits and Vegetable 14204 Euclid Avenue ~IUiberry T- GLenville 0264 14066 Euclid venue East Cleveland 226-1- JOHNSON SERVICE COMPANY CTO~IA TIC CONTROL FOR HEATING, VENTIL TL .G AND AIR CONDITIONING BRANCHE IN. LL PRINCIPAL CITIE CleYeland Office: 2142 East 19th Street 111 DELMAR RESTA RANT CISAR CIIEVROLET 14306-0R Euclid Avenue en icc On All '\lake Cars Quality OPEN D \ Y and NlCliT '1 . ed Cars VA. HSO 16220 Kinsman lherq 8374 M-\PLE HFIGIITS RoLLER RI"K PARK FLORAL COMPANY Corner of Thomas and :\lcCracken Road~ 13906 Euclid Ave .. Ea . t Cleveland, 0. Skating Nightly- -11 ~Iatinees on Sundays and Holidays- 2-5 Opposite Wind·A-:\1eer Theatre Call Opt.-.'\1ont. 5-15 :\Irs. Jack Ro,\Jands \V. H . ROTHAERMEL Quality '\feats 12709 uperiox· venue THE TOWER PRESS INC.- PRINTERS THE NORTHERN ENGRAVING COMPANY CHESSHIRE PHOTOGRAPHERS A. H. PELZ COMPANY- COVERS 112 ,•