February 24th - Multi-Lakes Conservation Association
February 24th - Multi-Lakes Conservation Association
VOL. 57 February 2008 Number 2 GENERAL MEETING ~ February 20th Super Bowl Party Sunday February 3rd See ad on page 4 * * No measuring is done on meeting night! ~ Work Bee ~ February 24th ~ PRESIDENT’S COLUMN As my first column I would like to thank all the past officers and board members for all your hard work thru-out the year and to welcome in the new crew. Congratulations to all who won. Our club needs good minds to keep this club going. I want to thank all of you that voted for me. I want to especially thank Tony Kaptopotis for his work this past year - he has done a tremendous job. I know I have large shoes to fill and I wear large shoes. Workers appreciation dinner was a great night had by all. The company, band and dinner was one of the best events I’ve seen in a while at the club. You all work so hard for our club, thank you. Roger Sanford has stepped down as Bingo chairman. I would like to thank him for all his service thru-out the years. He came thru in a pinch, thank you. And to John LaFave for stepping up, it’s a big job thanks John. Andy Willetts and Steve Leo put on a Walleye dinner to raise money for the bar room project. If you did not get your ticket to this you missed a great meal, and the band played for free. Andy auctioned off a fishing trip on his boat. They raised around $1,500.00 for antler lights for the bar. The lights will be a nice addition to the rustic room. I can’t wait to start on the bar room project I would like to thank Andy Willets and Steve Leo for all the work they put into this project, it should be well worth the wait! The room has needed a face lift for a long time. The trophy wall for members will work out well. Maybe I will have a prop hanging up. Why did I buy a boat anyway? We have Big Buck Night in February. Have Jon Lash score your or your kids monster or even a spike before the meeting. Please don’t forget Wild Game Dinner - we couldn’t put this on without your donations. It’s a good meal and a good night. Tickets go on sale at the January meeting. MULTI-LAKER DEADLINE Deadline for articles in the March ’08 Multi-Laker Magazine is Wednesday, February 20th, 2008. NOTE: All copy must be electronically submitted and approved by the Editor. THE MULTI-LAKER (USPS) 350-060 Published Monthly by the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Office Fax – (248) 363-8092 Club Manager – Barry Anderson Office Manager – Terry Martin CLUBHOUSE – (248) 363-9109 Skeet, Trap & Sporting Clays Building – (248) 363-8811 Indoor Range House – (248) 360-3965 Member Michigan United Conservation Clubs Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners Periodicals Postage Paid at Walled Lake, MI 48390 www.multilakes.com Subscription Rates: Members - $12.00 of the members Annual Dues is paid as a year’s subscription to The Multi-Laker Non-members - $15.00 per year payable in advance. 2008 OFFICERS PRESIDENT……………………….…DAN PELTIER, (248) 666-9418 VICE-PRESIDENT…………..…RUSS DEVRIENDT, (248) 624-5232 TREASURER……………………...…DAVE FISHER, (248) 668-0371 RECORDING SECRETARY…….TRACEY GRIGGS, (248) 363-9220 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY……..JIM ASHCRAFT, (248) 563-5184 2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tony Katopodis – Past President….……….……………(248) 360-6457 Ron Pennell `08…………………………….……………(248) 624-2630 George Rhodes `08…………………...…………………(248) 476-6722 Dan St. Aubin `08 – Chairman………………………….(248) 698-1355 Jon Lash `09……………………….………….…………(248) 363-7474 Bill Lonsberry `09………………….……………………(248) 363-1328 Eric Manning`09 – Vice Chairman.…..…………………(248) 363-6651 Cal Kittinger`10…………………………………………(248) 354-4449 Matt Philippart`10………………………….……………(313) 433-4777 Vern Rederstorf `10…………………………..…………(248) 363-6910 The Super Bowl party is just around the corner. EMM jalapeños. Come on out lets fill the room, good friends, good food. Bring a dish to pass and buy your ticket to win the big screen television. This is also a good time to bring in your favorite recipe for Wild Bill’s recipe cookbook fund raiser. In closing, I'm proud of where we are as a club today. But, I also know we have a lot to accomplish in 2008. With your help, we'll have another great year. See you at the club, Dan POSTMASTER: send address changes and notices of undelivered copies on form 3579 to: MULTI-LAKES CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp, MI 48382 2 The Multi-Laker is monthly publication of Multi-Lakes Conservation Association – Dave Leonard & Cal Kittinger, Editors 11 25 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 9am-12pm OFS Shoot RG#1 6:30pm Mens Euchre 10am Indoor Archery League League RG#2 6:30pm Bingo 5:30-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 4-8pm Cowboy Action Pistol RG#1 24 12-3pm Outdoor Range 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Archery Open Shooting RG#2 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 8am Workbee ALL 26 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 9am-12pm OFS Shoot RG#1 6:30pm Mens Euchre 10am Indoor Archery League League RG#2 6:30pm Bingo 5:30-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 6-9pm Combat RG#1 21 22 5:30-8:30 Fish Fry 6:30pm Indoor Archery League RG#2 15 5:30-8:30 Fish Fry 6:30pm Indoor Archery League RG#2 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun Practice 8 27 6:30 & 9pm Indoor Archery League RG#2 9am-12pm & 6:30-8:30pm Open Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun Practice 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 6pm-12am Slingshot 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays 6:30pm Ladies Euchre League 28 5:30-8:30 Fish Fry 6:30pm Indoor Archery League RG#2 29 5:30pm-12am Wild Game Dinner- Clubhouse Closed To Non Ticket Holders @ 5:30pm 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 10am- 5:30pm Sporting Clays 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 23 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 10am- 5:30pm Sporting Clays 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 16 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 10am- 5:30pm Sporting Clays 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 Muzzleloader League ODR Muzzleloader Woods Walk 9 2 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 & ODR 2-7pm Skeet & Trap 10am- 5:30pm Sporting Clays 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 1 Saturday 5:30-8:30 Fish Fry 6:30pm Indoor Archery League RG#2 Friday 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 5:30-8:30 Fish Fry 6pm-12am Slingshot 6:30pm Indoor Archery 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap League RG#2 2-5pm Sporting Clays 6:30 & 9pm Indoor Archery 6:30pm Ladies Euchre League 10am-4pm Police Qualifying ODR League RG#2 8pm MEMBERSHIP MEETING MULTI-LAKER DEADLINE 20 18 12-3pm Outdoor Range 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Archery Open Shooting RG#2 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 10am-1pm Sporting Clays Winter League 12:30pm Archery NFAA Club Championship RG#2 19 14 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 6pm-12am Slingshot 6:30 & 9pm Indoor Archery 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays League RG#2 9am-12pm & 6:30-8:30pm 6:30pm Ladies Euchre League Open Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun Practice 13 7:30pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS MTG 9am-12pm OFS Shoot RG#1 10am Indoor Archery League RG#2 6:30pm Bingo 5:30-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 4-8pm Cowboy Action Pistol RG#1 12 7 Thursday 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 6pm-12am Slingshot 6-9pm Black Powder Pistol 2-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 2-5pm Sporting Clays RG#1 6:30 & 9pm Indoor Archery 6:30pm Ladies Euchre League League RG#2 8pm CHAIRPERSONS MTG 6 Wednesday 2/6 Chairperson’s Meeting 2/10 Country Breakfast 2/13 Board of Director’s Meeting 17 12-3pm Outdoor Range 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 6:30pm Mens Euchre 12-6pm Skeet & Trap League 12-3pm Archery Open Shooting RG#2 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 9am-12pm Country Breakfast 10 4pm Super Bowl Party 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 9am-12pm OFS Shoot RG#1 6:30pm Mens Euchre 10am Indoor Archery League League RG#2 6:30pm Bingo 5:30-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 5 4 Tuesday 12-3pm Outdoor Range 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Archery Open Shooting RG#2 12-5:30pm Sporting Clays 10am-1pm Sporting Clays Winter League Monday 3 Sunday February 2008 IMPORTANT DATES FOR FEBRUARY 2008 2/20 General Membership Meeting 2/24 Work Bee 3 Chairmen’s Meeting Minutes – January 2nd 2008 Lacking a V.P. at this time, President Dan Peltier stepped forward and called the meeting to order at 8:00PM. Dan led the chairmen in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Dan then read the minutes from the December chairmen’s meeting. Chairmen present: Richard LaFave Sr., Dave Fisher, Mark Geiger, Pete Cesaro, George Smith, Roger Lee, Dave Mercieca, Don Priebe, Ed Rapin, Dan St. Aubin, Eric Manning, Bill Lonsberry, Chet Dymon, Frank Zoch, Cal Kittinger, Dave Leonard, Tony Jankowski, & Club manager Barry Anderson. Interested members: Sam Mullins, Vern Rederstorf, Bill Burnett & Russ DeVriendt & Dave Elam. Dave Fisher offered a quick review of our finances stating we were in better shape than last year; however, not yet completely out of the woods. Several committees have raised fees to keep in line with current operating cost and suggested that other committees should review their fees verses actual cost of staying open. Barry Anderson asked that everyone remain on the lookout for wasted energy around the club and correct as needed by turning off lights and lowering the heat when possible. Rich LaFave Sr. thanked all that have supported and helped in making Can-Do what it is today. enough to hold the gun steady. We want everyone to have a positive experience when possible. Cal Kittinger inquired about the calendar dates needing approval; since none were brought forward, Cal with the approval of Sporting Clays made a Motion to approve June 14, 2008 for hosting the SCTP Sporting Clays portion of the SCTP State Shoot. Motion carried NRA Grant request must be submitted and post marked prior to April 1, 2008, be guided accordingly. Cal suggested that we consider Dave Leonard as the senior or primary editor of the Multi-Laker. Dave has done an excellent job taking the paper into the electronic age and doing a great job on the lay-out etc. Dave Leonard if you get him the information early he does not mind helping out on making up ads for your event. Dave Elam called the chairs attention to the newspaper Michigan Outdoor News and passed out several copies. They will advertise our events at no charge plus send free copies for distribution during the event(s). Rich LaFave Sr. / Cal Kittinger: Motion to adjourn at 9:05PM. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted by: Cal Kittinger ~ (Acting) Recording Secretary George Smith reminded everyone that when the bar is using volunteer help that all of the tips go to help out on various junior programs around the club, the barmen/women do not get the money. Please continue to tip appropriately. Don Priebe stated he is using a new source for the printing of the monthly raffle tickets, if anyone needs tickets printed to see him. Ed Rapin the Wild Game Dinner is falling in place, we may have to buy a small amount of the exotic meat such as buffalo. Eric Manning indicated the need for additional Range Officers and pointed out that training classes are scheduled; check your Multi-Laker for time and dates. Bill Lonsberry stated the early review of the P&L at the ODR seems to be an improvement over last year, thanks to all that supported the ODR. Bill pointed out that only a few groups have permission to shoot metallic targets. Please keep on the look-out for violators and report any violations as needed. All shooting must take place at designated areas. Bill also suggested that we approve the calendar of events toward the end of the meeting; that way allowing us more time for reviewing the dates requested. Chet Dymon the years first Hunter’s Ed class is just around the corner. Chet advised that the first class in normally attended by about 40 students. Frank Zoch Junior Rifle is about to restart after the holiday break. If you have a junior interested, please come out and give it a try keeping in mind that they must be strong 4 Lic. # R94922 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – January 9th 2008 Recording Secretary Tracey Griggs called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Tracey led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Officers present: Dan Peltier, Dave Fisher, Tracey Griggs and Jim Ashcraft. Directors present: Matt Philippart, Eric Manning, Bill Lonsberry, George Rhodes, Dan St. Aubin, Ron Pennell, Cal Kittinger, Vern Rederstorf, Jon Lash. Past Presidents: Tony Katopodis, Interested members present: Terry Smart, Tony Racchi, Kevin Hauser, Tony Serrano and Jeff Whitacre. Tracey then opened nominations for the Vice President. Dan Peltier/Tony Katopodis nominated Russ DeVriendt. There were no other nominations. Tracey asked for a show of hands. Russ wins by acclamation. Tracey then opened nominations for Chairman of the Board. George Rhodes/Bill Lonsberry nominated Matt Philippart. Tony Katopodis/Eric Manning nominated Dan St Aubin. Tracey passed around ballots which were collected and totaled as follows: Votes for Dan St. Aubin: 11 Votes for Matt Philippart: 3 Write in: 1 Dan St. Aubin wins by majority as Chairman of the Board. Tracey then handed the meeting over to the Chairman of the Board. Dan then opened nominations for Vice-Chair. Bill Lonsberry/Tony Katopodis nominated Eric Manning. There were no other nominations. Eric wins by acclamation and was declared Vice–Chair. MINUTES: Recording Secretary Tracey Griggs read the minutes from the December 2007 Board meeting. The following corrections were requested: Correct the spelling of Al Belaen’s name Correct the spelling of Barry Anderson’s name Correct the labeling of the Euchre Tournament to “Euchre League”. Jim Ashcraft/Matt Philippart moved to accept the minutes as corrected. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PEOPLE TO SEE THE BOARD: Tony Racchi pursued an opportunity to rent a range to offer a personal protection class to an outside group on January 21, 2008. Club will collect rental fees and ammunition sales. Dave Fisher/George Rhodes moved to accept the proposal as presented. Discussion followed. ACCEPTED 14/ OPPOSED 1 – Jim Ashcraft. Kevin Hauser, Expressed an interest in holding a Sportsman & Military Show for collectors in a range. Eric Manning/George Rhodes moved to pursue. WITHOUT OBJECTION. Tony Serrano, Pheasant Shoot: advised the board that a Pheasant Shoot will be held on March 8th. Jeff Whitacre, Expressed an interest in pursuing an “Introduction to Basic Rifle” Committee. Tony Katopodis/Matt Philippart moved to pursue. Discussion followed. WITHOUT OBJECTION. Terry Smart, Good Old Days: Expressed interest in involvement and suggestions for Good Old Days. Moving event date to Saturday; musical entertainment Saturday night for adults; circus in big lot; promoting event; interested in chairing event. Jon Lash/Dan Peltier moved to pursue. Discussion followed. WITHOUT OBJECTION. PRESIDENT’s REPORT: Dan Peltier welcomed all the Officers and Board members. Dan Peltier/Ron Pennell moved to make the following chairman changes: Charitable Gaming Tickets- Remove Dan Peltier, add Mike Seely Bingo-Remove Roger Sanford Passed WITHOUT OBJECTION Dan Peltier/ Cal Kittinger moved to remove Gary Chase from Good Old Days and add Terry Smart and Ed Sienkiewicz. Passed WITHOUT OBJECTION Dan presented dates to be added to the calendar of events. Matt Philippart/George Rhodes moved to approve the dates as presented. WITHOUT OBJECTION. VICE PRESIDENT’s REPORT: Russ DeVriendt, having just newly been appointed by the Board, stated he is looking forward to serving the club in an official capacity. RECORDING SECRETARY’s REPORT: Tracey read a Thank-You card from the Vreeland family, expressing appreciation for our support. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’s REPORT: Jim Ashcraft reviewed the recap report and discussed follow up information from the Membership Committee meeting held last quarter of 2007. In addition, Jim discussed the growth of the website and the use of the E-Laker program. MUCC dues have been submitted for the first quarter of 2008. TREASURER’s REPORT: Dave mentioned the New Year’s Eve dinner was enjoyed by 140 people while another 75 participated in the event without dinner. Total result was a great time had by all and $560 for the club. Dave Fisher/Tony Katopodis moved to change all safe locks and issue combinations to appropriate officers, chairmen and committee persons. WITHOUT OBJECTION. Dave also mentioned all buildings are budgeted to be rekeyed with master keys being issued to all officers and club management. Any buildings requiring chairman to carry keys will be recorded. Tony Katopodis/Eric Manning moved to receive and file the January 2008 Treasurer’s report. WITHOUT OBJECTION Additionally, Dave presented the 2008 annual budget. Matt Philippart/Ron Pennell moved to accept the 2008 budget as presented with the capital improvements as outlined. WITHOUT OBJECTION. MANAGER’s REPORT: Barry handed out his report to the Board. Discussion followed. STANDING COMMITTEE’s REPORT: NONE. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Cal Kittinger updated the Board on the current status of the AED’s. They should be in our possession in the very near future. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Matt Philippart/George Rhodes moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 PM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Respectfully Submitted, Tracey Griggs Recording Secretary T_Griggs@multilakes.com 5 General Membership Meeting Minutes - January 16th 2008 President Dan Peltier called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. Dan led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Dan acknowledged the Past Presidents in attendance, Jim Kirn, Skip Worden, Dave Fisher, Pete Cesaro, Tony Katopodis, Don Christensen and Dan St. Aubin. John LaFave/Larry Cohorst moved to accept the minutes of the December General Membership Meeting, as printed in the MultiLaker. WITHOUT OBJECTION. Richard Murphy/Jeff Telford moved to accept the Treasurers Report, as printed in the Multi-Laker. WITHOUT OBJECTION CHAPLAIN’S REPORT: Skip noted the following: Maureen Vreeland, wife of William Vreeland, passed away on December 24th, and William Vreeland nd passed away on January 2 , 2008. Donna Skrine passed away on 1/13/08. Bob Walker and Ed Sienkiewicz are both receiving medical treatment for their respective illnesses. Skip asked all to rise for a moment of silence for all the departed and sick, and for all our service men and women. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Dan noted the following: The Worker’s Appreciation Dinner was a great event, and congratulations to Tony Serrano, the winner of the Walter Horseman Award, Mike Beattie for New Member of the Year, and Andy Willetts as Member of the Year. The dinner and entertainment were fantastic, and everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks to everyone for their help in the last year. Good Old Days is going through some modifications this year to help draw more activities and interest in the event. We have appointed new chairpersons to the committee, and are considering hosting the event on Saturday rather than the typical Sunday. We are pursuing adding various events, including evening musical entertainment for the adults to enjoy on Saturday night and a circus area during the day for all to enjoy. There will be more information to follow on these developments. Dan also noted the anticipation for the upcoming bar renovation, and that the board approved two Honorary Members, Steven Dulan and Dr. David Felbeck. Congratulations and welcome to each of them. RECORDING SECRETARY Tracey noted the following: We received a card from the Vreeland family expressing thanks for helping them in their time of need and providing Maureen Vreeland’s wake at the club. Rich LaFave/Bill Lonsberry Jr. moved to post the Thank-You card from the Vreelands on the bulletin board. WITHOUT OBJECTION. TREASURER’S REPORT Dave noted the following: The New Year’s Eve Celebration went off famously. The dinner and entertainment were great as we all welcomed in 2008 together. This year we offered a less formal option, and reduced the price of tickets with the intent of breaking even. The great news is that we actually made a profit of $560 plus bar earnings. Thanks to everyone who helped; special mentions going out to Nancy Willetts, Rich LaFave and Kenny Behrens for putting the event and dinner together, as well as Ken and Cher Cole for the musical entertainment they donated to the event. Also thanks to Ron Mertes, Rich Taskey and Karen Paulson for their help. Special thanks also go to Club Manager Barry Anderson, who was quick to throw on an apron and do dish detail – thank you to everyone who made this event a great success. Dave then noted the following regarding financials: In 2006, the club took a loss of $64,000, and it was predicted that 2007 would end with a loss of $30,600. Dave expressed the good news that the actual loss was only $4,460, and this improvement over prediction was due primarily to the accepted price increases and success in keeping costs down. Thanks to everyone who helped us almost break even this year. The 2008 Budget was 6 reviewed and discussed by the officers and board, and with the exception of the anticipated capital expenditures, a positive fiscal year is anticipated. Charley Stevens/Sam Mullins moved to accept the Treasurers Report, as printed in the Multi-Laker. WITHOUT OBJECTION MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Jim noted the following: Jim wished everyone a Happy New Year, and then reviewed the Membership Recap Report. The membership numbers are as follows: 21 Honorary, 6 LIFE, 21 Past Presidents, 236 Regular, 10 Semi-Active, 254 Seniors, 356 Working and 57 Probationary. Club hours worked - 470 members turned their cards in with hours on them in 2007. Total hours worked for the club was 39,173 or 83.35 hours average per member. This number is low as not everyone records all their work participation. Good job to all those that helped out over the past year. Jim also reminded the membership to turn in address changes when relocating. This will ensure The Multi-Laker and MOOD Magazine will be sent to the correct address. Look for future discussion on MUCC’s IAM Program. The website is doing well. Sign up for the E-Laker and get your monthly magazine online and IN COLOR for free. EARLY DRAW Barrie Murphy, Club # 414, lost out on $170. Next month the prize grows to $180, plus $25 for wearing your name tag. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Russ noted the following: Please get dates for scheduled events into Barry to confirm availability. Thanks again to those who worked at the Worker’s Appreciation Dinner, and a special mention to Andy Willetts, who jumped in to help serve. Work Bee is Sunday, we are looking for a new Fish Fry crew, and 2008 Gun-A-Week tickets are on sale. Russ introduced the following speakers: Pete Cesaro –Sporting Clays: Pete thanked the prior and new officers. Pete noted that the merger between Skeet & Trap and Sporting Clays has been successful, and has over 40 people supporting the program. Thanks to all. Leagues are still open to join –only $20 to sign up plus range fee per line. Committee nd mtg/Pot Luck Dinner held every Sunday, starting March 2 . Thanks to Brent Brophy and Sean Cesaro for cleaning logs and stumps, and thanks to Sean again for plowing the drive after the big snow. Doc Johnson – By-Laws: Presented two proposed by-laws changes – See details elsewhere in The Multi-Laker. Doc also noted the cell phone recycling fundraiser, club earns $1 per phone– information on club website. Bill Burnett – Multi-Laker Cookbook: Needs recipes or will have to cancel the cookbook project due to lack of involvement. Tony Serrano- Pheasant Shoot: Pheasant Shoot March 8th, no frills. Check at the bar for availability – sells out quick. Lynn Lash – Bar Staff: Next Saturday Euchre night is Feb 2nd – bring a dish to pass. One seat left on Sault Ste. Marie trip. Jon Lash – Big Buck/Swap Day: Swap Day will be 1st or 4th week of April. Big Buck – bring horns in for measuring - scorings will be 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 and 2/7 – not on meeting night. rd Ed Rapin/ Wild Game Dinner: Feb 23 , $25 per person – have deer, looking for salmon. Thanks to Tony Serrano for pheasant. th Gary Regentin- Vegas Night: March 15 , need help and keep the date. Continued on next page. Charley Stevens- Family Events: Fishing Derby for kids Feb th th 17 ; please bring a can for Can Do. Easter Egg Hunt Mar. 16 – need egg donations a week before. Chris Peltier – Bar: Feb 10th volunteer bar meeting; need help for Super Bowl Party. Bill Lonsberry - ODR: .Thanks for ODR support and to those who open it. Need R.O.’s – classes in March. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS Dan noted there were 160 in attendance: 118 Members, 14 New Members and 28 Guests. Jim Ashcraft/Bill Lonsberry moved to adjourn the Business portion of the meeting at 8:55PM. WITHOUT OBJECTION. The members were treated to a presentation by Melissa Fenstermaker, Certified Professional Trainer from Union Lake Pet Services. MEETING NIGHT RAFFLE 3rd prize, Knife Set John LaFave 2nd prize, Heater Gary Marsh st Mark Torigian 1 prize, Ice Shanty Congratulations!! Respectfully Submitted, Tracey Griggs Recording Secretary T_Griggs@multilakes.com Cell Phone Recycling Downloading and print out the pre-paid mailing label and information form. Place the no longer needed and deactivated cell phone(s) in a small box along with the information form and mail using the prepaid label. (DO NOT send wall chargers, car adaptors, leather cases or any other accessories). Download the prepaid pdf label from Multi-Lakes web site at: http://www.multilakes.com/Fundraisers.htm For each phone recyled Multi-Lakes will receive $1.00 that will go to support the junior programs at MLCA. Combat Pistol We meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month and every Saturday from 6pm - 9pm. (Depending on if there is an activity in Range House 1) This type of shooting is good practice for anyone with a CPL; it trains you to load rapidly and shoot with your opposite hand. You shoot a 60- round course of fire at 2 targets. You start each timed fire with the unloaded gun in the holstered position. First Target: From 21 feet – you shoot 12 rounds in 20 seconds – with reload. Then from 50 feet – you shoot 18 rounds in 90 seconds. • 6 rounds kneeling • 6 rounds gun in left hand - left side of barricade • 6 rounds gun in right hand – right side of barricade Second Target: 6 rounds in 12 seconds point shoulder 24 rounds in 2 minutes 45 seconds • 6 rounds in sitting position • 6 rounds in prone position • 6 rounds left hand barricade • 6 rounds right hand barricade We would like for you to come out and try this course of fire. Many police departments run matches in which you can win guns. These departments recognize Multi-Lakes as a learning facility in which they will allow you to shoot in these matches. If interested come out and visit us, we will be glad to explain the details to you. Bill Brennecke, Combat Pistol Chairman 7 Outdoor Range Schedule Open Shooting Hours: Saturdays 3:00pm - 6:00pm, April thru November Saturdays 12:00pm - 3:00pm, Dec, Jan, Feb, & Mar Sundays 12:00 noon - 3:00pm All Other Dates: Check Calendar for Committee & Times A Running Deer that MOVES! Running Deer is coming back to Multi-Lakes. A running deer target that really MOVES! Look for information around the Club, in the Multi-Laker and at www.multilakes.com Snow Suit Shoot Results January 19th Jim Nesbit – Official RO Marcel Bollinger Duane Osman Larry Peters Carl Bubolz Craig Long 200 199 198 197 196 19X 19X 11X 10X 7X 1ST 2ND Pat Flood Mike Wilkinson Jeff Whitacre Rick B. Bob Zavits 195 195 194 194 193 9X 5X 8X 3X 3X 1ST 2ND Muzzleloader’s Woodswalk Remaining Dates: February 9th, March 1st, and April 5th Call Jeff Whitacre to sign up. Phone (248) 719-0223 Saturday Morning – 10:00am take off time Arrive a few minutes early to register. Thank you, Running Deer Committee 14 shot Woodswalk. Clangers, knockdowns, and shoot thru’s. Top Shooter of the Woodswalk wins prize. N Neew wE Exxppaannddeedd H Hoouurrss!!!!!! SKEET & TRAP Tuesday 5:30 - 9:30pm Thursday 2:00 - 9:30pm Saturday 2:00 - 7:00pm Sunday Noon - 6:00pm After lunch we have a 5 shot novelty shoot on the old range. Best shooter gets their money back. As always we have coffee & donuts before the shoot, with soup & chili afterward. All for only $7.00. A lot of fun for $7.00 folks!! Come out and try it. All you need is a traditional style muzzleloader and shoot patch & round ball. Or just come hang out to see what it’s all about. Don’t miss the fun!! Questions, contact Dave Mercieca 248-318-6053 ATTENTION MUZZLELOADER SHOOTERS 8 The 2008 Muzzleloader League Begins on April 9th and runs through August 6th this year. We shoot on Wednesdays from 4:30pm until dusk. The banquet will be held August 16th. For More Information Contact Muzzleloader League Co-Chairmen Tom Hoffmeyer 248-762-2414 or Art Hoffmeyer 248-882-1841 February Outdoor Range 'RO Schedule' 2nd 3rd Sat Sun PM Open Shooting PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm Noon-3pm 9th Sat PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 10th Sun PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 16th Sat PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 17th Sun PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 19th 21st Tue Thu Tactical Training Tactical Training 10am-4pm 10am-4pm 23rd Sat Sun PM Open Shooting WORK BEE PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 24th 8am-Noon Noon-3pm Brad Wolkan Richard Taskey Ron Mertes Darryl Hahn Pat Flood Richard Taskey Ron Mertes Mike Burwell Mike Wesley Vince Estaban Dave Fetterolf Bob Tallieu Marty Zaremba RO NEEDED RO NEEDED (734) 425-0193 (248) 360-4919 (248) 684-0470 (810) 227-6935 (248) 666-6078 (248) 360-4919 (248) 684-0470 (248) 363-1205 (248) 363-8682 (248) 851-3002 (248) 360-2524 (734) 464-4272 (248) 476-3983 Brad Wolkan ALL WELCOME Eric Peterson John Swink (734) 425-0193 (248) 360-1034 (248) 549-3869 March Outdoor Range 'RO Schedule' 1st 2nd Sat Sun PM Open Shooting PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm Noon-3pm 8th 9th Sat Sun 13th 15th 16th 18th 19th 22nd Thu Sat Sun Tue Wed Sat Brad Wolkan (734) 425-0193 Marty Zaremba (248) 476-3983 Ron Mertes (248) 684-0470 RO NEEDED PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm Charlie Hatmaker (248) 682-3406 Returning Range Office Training Class 4pm-6pm Tactical Training 10am-4pm RO NEEDED PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm Mark Helminiak (248) 366-4080 RO NEEDED PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm Tactical Training 10am-4pm RO NEEDED Tactical Training 10am-4pm RO NEEDED RO NEEDED PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 23rd 26th 29th Sun Wed Sat Range Closed EASTER Range Closed Returning Range Office Training Class 7pm-9pm RO NEEDED PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm 30th Sun PM Open Shooting Noon-3pm Mark Helminiak (248) 366-4080 Training Range Office Training Class 4pm-6pm If you cannot be there, make sure someone else can! “It’s YOUR responsibility!” ATTENTION Due to Scheduling Conflicts, Class Dates have been rescheduled. RANGE OFFICERS and TRAINING RANGE OFFICERS TRO’s, remember the TRO Fast Track System to get your card sooner than this March. Call Andy Lynch for details if you are unsure of how to obtain your Orange RO Card. If you did not get the proper number of hours on your card for the class-time or last years RO/TRO hours, please contact Andy Lynch to make arrangements to do so. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank You Range Officer Class Schedule March 9th, 2008 Meeting Rm. 4:00pm – 6:00pm (Returning Range Officers ONLY Please) March 26th, 2008 Meeting Rm. 7:00pm – 9:00pm (Returning Range Officers & Fast Track RO’s ONLY Please) March 30th, 2008 Meeting Rm. 4:00pm – 6:00pm (Returning RO’s, Fast Track RO’s, Returning TRO’s and New TRO’s) 2008 MLCA Outdoor Range – Range Officer On Call List G. Biron D. Campau P. Cesaro P. Cesaro Jr. J. Cleveland R. Davis (313) 532-8542 (734) 261-9786 (248) 685-1922 (248) 363-1102 (248) 473-0085 (248) 363-8903 M. Florkowski W. Hoyt T. Keller D. Mercieca E. Miller G. Rhodes S. Ross (248) 318-6643 (248) 363-2294 (313) 319-2424 (248) 318-6053 (248) 360-2051 (248) 476-6722 (248) 563-6745 D. St. Aubin G. Stemen G. Stirling K. Troyer D. Vanstone J. Whitacre B.Yirovec (248) 698-1355 (248) 661-4654 (734) 421-0655 (248) 684-2389 (248) 360-8803 (248) 719-0223 (248) 682-3478 9 Multi-Lakes ~ Presents ~ Vegas Night Saturday, March 15th 7:00pm – 12:00 midnight Admission $5 per person (Includes $2 in chips) ROULETTE BLACK JACK BIG WHEEL “LET IT RIDE” Proceeds go to youth education, wildlife, and habitat conservation. Maximum Winnings $500.00 License # M39172 ~ By-Laws Proposal ~ ARTICLE 3, MEMBERSHIP Section 4 (Current verbiage) All members in good standing, except “Honorary”, shall have the privilege of sponsoring for membership in this Association, two (2) applicants per calendar year. If a sponsoring member should drop their membership for any reason, the applicant’s application will become invalid and it will be necessary for the applicant to obtain a new sponsoring member. (Proposed Change) All members in good standing, except “Honorary”, shall have the privilege of sponsoring for membership in this Association, six (6) applicants per calendar year. If a sponsoring member should drop their membership for any reason, the applicant’s application will become invalid and it will be necessary for the applicant to obtain a new sponsoring member. 10 ~ By-Laws Proposal ~ ARTICLE 3, MEMBERSHIP Section 1 (Current Verbiage) Membership in this Association shall be limited to the following eight categories known as: “Regular”; “Working”; “Senior”; “Disabled”; “Honorary”; “Semi-Active”; “Probationary”; and “Life” members. (Proposed Change) Membership in this Association shall be limited to the following nine categories known as: “Regular”; “Working”; “Senior”; “Disabled”; “Honorary”; “Semi-Active”; “Probationary”; “Life”; and Associate members. (Proposed Addition) 1-I Associate members will be limited to twenty-five (25) individuals and must meet the requirements as set forth in section 1-H (as newly proposed below) and are not “Regular”; “Working”; “Senior”; “Disabled”; “Honorary”; “SemiActive”; “Probationary”; or “Life” members. Section 7 (Current Verbiage) All new members shall be on a probationary period pursuant with club policy. It shall be the duty of each new member during the probationary period to participate in twelve (12) club functions, at least six (6) of which must be active participation on workbees or serve upon a committee of the association to the satisfaction of the committee chairperson. If such obligations are not met, the member shall be expelled subject to a review of the Membership Committee and the Board. (Proposed Change) All new members, with exception to Associate members, shall be on a probationary period pursuant with club policy. It shall be the duty of each new member during the probationary period to participate in twelve (12) club functions, at least six (6) of which must be active participation on workbees or serve upon a committee of the association to the satisfaction of the committee chairperson. If such obligations are not met, the member shall be expelled subject to a review of the Membership Committee and the Board. ARTICLE 7, DUES AND ASSESSMENTS Section1 Dues in the Association shall be as follows; (Current Verbiage) 1-A All dues will be an amount assessed and approved by the membership for each class. (i.e., regular, working, probationary, senior, disabled and semi-active members). (Proposed Change) 1-A All dues will be an amount assessed and approved by the membership for each class. (i.e., regular, working, probationary, senior, disabled, semi-active and Associate members). (Current Verbiage) 1-H Any regular, working, disabled or semi-active member who is delinquent on July 1st shall be assessed a fine of $25.00 (Twenty-Five). In extenuating circumstances, the Membership Secretary shall have the right to waive the above fine. (Proposed Change) 1-H Any regular, working, disabled, semi-active or associate member who is delinquent on July 1st shall be assessed a fine of $25.00 (Twenty-Five). In extenuating circumstances, the Membership Secretary shall have the right to waive the above fine. (Proposed Addition) (Add section, renumber current sections 1-H & 1-I accordingly) 1-H Associate Membership dues shall be three (3) times the amount of Regular membership. Associate members will have no voting rights and are not able to neither run for nor hold office of the Association. Additionally, current section 1-H & 1-I become 1-I & 1-J respectively. 11 ~ Letters to the Editor ~ Thank You Crafters Thanks to everyone who helped with the Craft Show. The weather man scared off some of the crafters, but the others that set up left happy. Thanks to all and remember next year lets make it bigger and better. ~ Louise Shell A Big Thank You… …to Nancy Willetts for all the help prepping the fish fry dinners and the new dishes you are bringing to bingo nights, and especially for all the work you did to help make the new years eve dinner a huge success! ~ Chairmen’s Committee To MLCA, Thank you so much for organizing and preparing the delicious dinner after the memorial service. It was such a blessing to have you help at this time. The flowers were also beautiful. Thanks again. ~ The Vreeland Family An Outstanding Job on Sporting Clays, Thanks to Brett Brophy & Shawn Cesaro (both nonmembers), for their countless hours of work on improving the sporting clays course. ~ Pete Cesaro Let’s Get to the Point An 86-year-old man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up... The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86year-old said, "Things are great and I've never felt better. I now have a 20 year-old bride who is pregnant with my child. So what do you think about that Doc?" The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story. "I have an older friend, much like you, who is an avid hunter and never misses a season. One day he was setting off to go hunting. In a bit of a hurry, he accidentally picked up his walking cane instead of his gun." "As he neared a lake, he came across a very large beaver sitting at the water's edge. He realized he'd left his gun at home and so he couldn't shoot the animal. Out of habit he raised his cane, aimed it at the beaver as if it were his favorite hunting rifle and went 'bang, bang'." "Miraculously, two shots rang out and the beaver fell over dead. Now, what do you think of that?" asked the doctor. The 86-year-old said, "Logic would strongly suggest that somebody else pumped a couple of rounds into that beaver." The doctor replied, "My point exactly." ~ Wild Bill Letters to the Editor, and Hunt Photos should be e-mailed to D_Leonard@multilakes.com Prints and hand written letters can be dropped in my box at the club. 12 Skeet & Trap - Sporting Clays News We have merged Skeet & Trap and Sporting Clays. We will be operating out of the Skeet & Trap building. This merger is working out fantastic thanks to all. Sporting Clays Winter & Summer Leagues will still operate out of the Clays building Note: It's still not too late to join S&T, winter league so grab you gun, $20.00, and join either a Skeet or Trap league. Come on out and have some fun. Sporting Clays winter league is well under way. Thank you Mike Liberty. Starting March 2, the first Sunday in March and the first Sunday of every month thereafter, we will have a committee meeting at four o'clock. Hamburgers & hot dog provided, you bring the passing dish. VOLUNTEER BARTENDER MEETING SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10TH BREAKFAST @ 10:00AM MEETING @ 11:00AM BAR CHAIRMEN G. SMITH C. PELTIER PUPPY FAIR *Dogs must be leashed or in a pen Bring Your Puppies to Sell! 2nd Sunday of each month (March – October) 8:30am – 2:30 pm During and after the Country Breakfast For more info call: Dave Elam (248) 624-0944 NRA Women’s Events for 2008 Mark your calendars! Women On Target® Clinics: April 26, July 12, October 11 Registration form on page 22 June 14 & 15 2-day - CPL class Cook Your Own T-Bone Steak Before Every General Membership Meeting Choice of 16 oz. Steak $10.00 or 20 oz. Steak $12.00 with Baked Potato, Vegetable, Tossed Salad, Garlic Bread, and Coffee Also Available 12 oz. Cook Your Own Chicken Breast for $8.00 or Pre-Cooked ½ lb. Burgers, Fries & More Tickets available at the bar. No Phone orders. Open Pistol at Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Welcome to Multi-Lakes Open Pistol Range. The Open Pistol Committee invites you to try our facility and enjoy shooting your handguns. We have put together this information sheet to inform you about our range, hours of operation, and accessories available for purchase. HOURS OF OPERATION: All Sundays………………………...…………..……4:30 pm to 8:00 pm nd th 2 and 4 Wednesdays of each month……………9:00 am to noon, and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Note: Range closed for holidays and special events. All range closings will be posted in advance. FEES: Members……………………………………..……………$3.00 per hour* Non-Members…………………………………………….$6.00 per hour* Juniors (18 & under)………………………………..…..$2.00 per hour* *When range is at full capacity. ACCESSORIES: We have targets, eye & ear protection, Shoot & Sees, and ammunition available for purchase. Ammunition is available in the following calibers: 22 long rifle, 380ACP, 38 Special, 9MM, 40 S&W, 44 Mag, 45 ACP. For further information call the Open Pistol Chair: George Rhodes at (248) 476-6722 OPEN PISTOL R.O. SCHEDULE February 03 10 13 AM 13 PM 17 24 27 AM 27 PM Jon Oesch / Dave Oesch Ron Chandler / George Rhodes John Poggione / Dan Campau Dale LaPointe Gene Biron / George Rhodes Gary Whitfield / George Rhodes John Poggione / Ray Taulbee Dale LaPointe March 02 09 12 AM 12 PM 16 23 26 AM 26 PM 30 Rich Taskey / Ron Mertes Ed Morgan / Rich Taskey John Poggione / Dan Campau Jon Oesch / Dave Oesch Gene Biron / George Rhodes Easter Sunday *** CLOSED *** John Poggione / Ray Taulbee Dale LaPointe Aaron Kendal / Tony Nowicki 13 ~ Workers Appreciation Dinner ~ Member of the Year Andy Willetts New Member of the Year Mike Beattie Life Membership – Tony Potter and Al Wilkenson (not pictured) Our new dish washer seems to be learning his job duties despite his illusions of grandeur. Groove Therapy put on an excellent show! A very special award for a very special lady – Cory Katopodis 14 Horstman Award Tony Serrano And From Meeting Night… Dave Felbeck and Steve Dunlan (not pictured) from the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners were presented with honorary memberships. www.mcrgo.org ~ New Years Eve Party ~ Big Time Fun. Shoestring Budget. Unexpected Profit. What Could Be Better? Check out full color versions of these pictures, and the entire Multi-Laker, on line at www.multilakes.com 15 SWAP DAY! RANGE FEES SHOTGUN MEMBER NONMEMBER JUNIOR SKEET & TRAP $ 4.00 $ 5.50 FIVE-STAND TBD TBD SPORTING CLAYS $11.00 $ 17.00 *OUTDOOR RANGE $ 3.00 $ 10.00 *OPEN PISTOL $ 3.00 $ 6.00 Ear & eye protection, ammo & targets available Sunday, April 13th 9:00 am to 1:00 pm $ 3.00 TBD $ 8.00 $ 3.00 $ 2.00 (Along with Country Breakfast and Puppy Fair) All Sporting Goods $1.00 at the door *Per hour if busy. First Table Free to Members $5.00 for each additional table $10.00 tables for non-members For More Info Call: Jon Lash (248)363-7474 New AED’s are in! (Automated External Defibrillators) Look for more info in next month’s Mutli-Laker Archery---December 2007 Archery Chairman David Wedge 2008 NFAR Indoor Archery League Starts January 1st and runs 16 weeks through April, on Range #2 Shooting Times: 10:00am Tuesdays 6:30pm and 9:30pm Wednesdays 6:30pm Fridays Practice every Sunday during League, Noon to 3:00pm INDOOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS NFAA Club Championship February 17th 12:30pm MAA Club Championship March 16th 12:30pm CAROL’S CORNER 3D Archery Shoots: Indoors Tuesdays 7:00pm February thru August 16 Winter league is up & running, nice & smooth. It’s nice to see the old familiar faces and quite a few new ones (newblood) which is great. Even a couple of new babies from some of our younger archers. We are getting ready for the tournaments that are coming up. We are having a Tri-Co Shoot at our club and Ron Opfer is going to have a few of the Jr. Archers shooting in the tournament. It’s great to have the kids join us. Good luck kids! Talk to ya next month - Carol Death Notice God Bless and may they rest in peace. Our sincere sympathy to the Vreedland family on the passing of William A Vreeland on January 2nd 2008, only a little more than a week after his wife of 52 years, Mary, on December 23rd 2007. Bill’s Father, Clint, and his uncle, Harry, were both founding members of MLCA. Uncle Harry was MLCA’s first President. Death Notice God Bless and may she rest in peace. Our sincere sympathy to the SKrine family with the recent passing of Donna Skrine, on January 13th 2008. An honorary member of MLCA, Donna was preceded in death by her husband Jim, was a very active member here for about 25 years. Donna also continued to work with one of our fish crews after the passing of her husband. BAKED ZITI - 1 pound dried Ziti pasta - 3 ½ cups Quick Tomato Sauce (recipe follows) - Kosher salt - ½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper - ¾ cup freshly grated Parmesan, divided - Pinch of red pepper flakes - 1 pound fresh mozzarella, half cut into 1/2-inch cubes and half thinly sliced Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, salt generously, and boil the pasta until al dente, tender but still slightly firm. Drain. Toss the cooked pasta with the marinara sauce, cubed mozzarella, half the Parmesan cheese, black pepper, and pepper flakes. Transfer the pasta to an oiled 9 by 13-inch baking dish. Cover the top of the pasta with the sliced mozzarella, and sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan. Bake until lightly browned and hot - about 30 minutes. Serve immediately. Quick Tomato Sauce: - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil - 3 cloves garlic, chopped - Sprig fresh thyme - Sprig fresh basil - 2 teaspoons kosher salt - ¼ medium onion, diced (about 3 tablespoons) - 1 pound sweet and or spicy Italian sausages, casing removed and crumbled - 3 ½ cups whole, peeled, canned tomatoes in puree, (one 28ounce can), roughly chopped - Freshly ground black pepper Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook the sausage until beginning to brown, about 3 minutes. Add the onion and garlic, stirring, until lightly browned, about 3 minutes more. Add the tomatoes and the herb sprigs and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove and discard the herb sprigs. Stir in the salt and season with pepper, to taste. Use now or store covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or freeze for up to 2 months. Yield: about 5 cups Prep Time: 8 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Wild Bill RECIPE SEARCH If you or someone you know has a recipe that is outstanding, submit the recipe to me at the club. I'll go through them and see what we can come up with. If we can get enough we could print a small book and sell it as a fundraiser. I have many such books I've acquired from allover the country. I have a lot of recipes, some are truly mine, some I've adapted from the original, and some are received over the years from friends and family. If published, your name, club number and so on will be published with the recipe. So lets give it a try, what have we got to lose? C-YA! Wild Bill 17 Fueling your passion for the great outdoors. 1050 Benstein Rd. #3 Walled Lake, MI 48390 Rick and Rob Wing Owners Archery Pro Shop Fishing Tackle Phone: 248-624-0010 Fax: 248-624-0010 Email: archersanglers@yahoo.com Web: archersandanglers.net Live Bait Taxidermy by: Dream Season Taxidermy You can buy CAP-N-BALL REVOLVER HATS, PATCHES & MORE… ANYTIME! First Wednesday of each month from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. We have a full display table of items for sale at our monthly meeting, and some special events at the club. There is also a display case by the bar entrance. You can ask the barmaid on duty, or anytime you see us around the clubhouse. We want you to be able to show everyone that you are a proud member of the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association. Thank you all for your continuing support. Doug Erstad & Dennis Drake Bring out that old 1860 Colt, 1858 Remington or others to shoot on the indoor range #1 with us. Just a few guidelines to remember: • No Cloth or Fiber Wads • All powder charges must be pre-measured For more information call: George Rhodes (248) 476-6722 MEMEBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM Please use this form to notify us at least 4 weeks before moving to your new address. 1. Present Address – attach address label or print your name and address exactly as shown on the label CLUB BAR OPEN DAILY Club No.__________ Name_____________________________________________ Old Address__________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State______ Zip____________ 2. Fill In New Address: Club No.__________ Name_____________________________________________ New Address__________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State______ Zip____________ 3. MAIL THIS FORM TO: Multi-Laker 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp., MI 48382 18 N O O N FREE KEY $2 OFF Buy One Get One FREE! 20 lb. Propane Tank Fill One coupon per visit per day Hardware Melvin’s Melvin’s One coupon per visit per day Melvin’s Hardware Hardware 690 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 248-624-4583 Show Your MLCA Card for 10% Off Regular Retail Prices! Howdy Folks, Now that the dust has settled for the year, we can tally up the results from the 2007 Blood Drives at Multi-Lakes. The November 11, 2007 Hunter Blood Drive collected 38 units of lifesaving blood, giving up to 114 hospital patients a chance to enjoy good health. The totals for the year for both MultiLakes and The Detroit Sportsman Congress combined were 188 people who donated one whole unit each of blood. Eighteen people doubled their red cell donation by each giving two units of blood, for a total of 36 units. Added together, 224 units were given so that 672 people in area hospitals had a chance to regain their lives once again. God Bless You All! Blood Drive Committee P.S. Don’t forget the March Madness Blood Drive on March 9th, 2008; 9 am to 3 pm. Walk-ins always welcome. Fish Fry Schedule February 01 Potter 08 Mullins 15 DeVriendt 22 Lawrence 29 Lively 248-624-3846 248-360-4251 248-624-5232 248-363-0098 248-366-7820 March 07 Kirby 14 Potter 21 Mullins 28 DeVriendt 313-406-5421 248-624-3846 248-360-4251 248-624-5232 19 B-I-N-G-O !!! EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Progressive Jackpot Great Food Free Coffee Pull Tabs First Quickie Game 6:30 PM Meeting Night Raffle February 20th Top Prizes are scheduled to be: 1st - Gun 2nd – Gun Case 3rd - Flashlight Wild Game Dinner February 23rd License # A00911 FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT $8.00 Adults st 1 - Gun 2nd - Smoker 3rd - Knife Set License # C24047 20 • FRIED FISH $5.50 Children 5-12 • BAKED FISH 50¢ discount for Seniors over 62 Thank you for your support. We welcome any and all suggestions. 5:30 to 8:30 pm Please call: Don Priebe (248) 363-0753 Help Support Your Club! • BROASTED CHICKEN Also Includes: Salad, Coleslaw, Veggie, Baked Potato & Fries Woody’s Restaurant 235 N. Pontiac Trail Walled Lake, MI 48390 248-624-4379 “OLD” “OLD” UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Hours of Operation Monday – Saturday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm BUILDING RENTALS Catering Available LARRY GRAY (248) 360-4896 BARRY ANDERSON (248) 363-9109 MULTI-LAKER ADVERTISING BARRY ANDERSON (248) 363-9109 Multi-Laker’s present a valid membership card and coffee or pop is on us! Valid through April 30, 2008 Ken & Kay Behrens Sporting Clays Thursday - 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday - 10:00 to 6:00 Sunday - Noon to 6:00 (248) 363-8811 Now starting from the Skeet & Trap building TO ALL MULTI-LAKES VOLUNTEER WORKERS HELP US CUT COSTS. PLEASE ASK FOR TAP BEER OR FOUNTAIN POP FOR YOUR SERVICE. - GET YOUR NEW **2 0 0 8** THANKS, B.O.D. GUN-A-WEEK TICKETS! 1 TICKET = 52 CHANCES EVEN IF YOU WIN, YOUR TICKET GOES BACK IN THE BARREL ON SALE FOR $25 EACH AT THE BAR & OFFICE. SEE BARRY, SKIP, OR YOUR FAVORITE BARTENDER. THANK YOU! License # X66106 21 REGISTRATION for: Women on Target® *ROUND ROBIN SHOOTING CLINIC – April 26, 2008 REGISTRATION: 9:00 A.M. followed by ORIENTATION & MANDATORY SAFETY CLASS SHOOTING BEGINS 10:00 AM (Rain or shine). $40.00 fee covers Breakfast snacks, Lunch, Ammo, Hearing and Eye protection and all targets. Pre-registration required by 4/12/08 - Registration fee - Non-refundable after 4/12/08 Make checks ($40.00) payable to: Multi-Lake C. A. Mail to: Cal Kittinger - 24264 Tamarack Circle Southfield, Mi. 48075-6179 (248-354-4449) cclkittinger@yahoo.com Use Women On Target as subject line. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ (Please print) Add. __________________________________________ City _____________________ MI. Zip _________ Phone _________________________________E-mail ___________________________________________ Experience level: No experience { } Beginner plus { } If you need a loaner shotgun circle one: 12 ga. / 20 ga. All rifles, pistols and archery equipment will be supplied. *Round Robin means you will try each of the following: Skeet, Trap, Pistol, Rifle (modern and civil war era) and Archery. 22 10% off for MLCA Members Your Local “Lakes Area” Independent Insurance Agent Monday - Thursday Lunch Specials Lankford Agency See Lynn at the Clubhouse Bar and Grill “Because It’s Dangerous Out There!” HELP WANTED: BARTENDERS ~ George Smith…………..(248) 698-2605 OR ~ Chris Peltier….…….…..(248) 666-9418 BINGO ~ John LaFave….…………….....…(248) 996-0030 As An Independent Agent We Represent You First! AUTO • HOME • RENTERS • HEALTH • LIFE • BUSINESS BOATS • ATV’S • MOTORCYCLES • SNOWMOBILES WAVE RUNNERS • MOBILE HOMES • MOTOR HOMES COUNTRY BREAKFAST ~ Chris Poleski..(248) 756-5350 FISH FRY ~ Ken Behrens…...……....…..…(248) 669-2294 MORNING CREW ~ Barry Anderson…..…(248) 363-9109 SKEET & TRAP ~ OPEN…………………… Please Help! 248-360-6525 1135 Round Lake Road, White Lake, MI 48386 Located Next To Mr. Ron’s IGA Market ¡ • • • • In-Home Computer Service Computer Installation & Tech Support High Speed Internet & Email Setup Antivirus Setup & Virus Removal Computer Classes – Home Or Business Wolverton Consulting Julie Wolverton Phone: 248-830-4247 WORKBEE ~ Dave Chappel………………(248) 363-1398 MLCA’s COMPETITIVE RIFLE GROUP HOSTS THE February 2008 Snow Suit Shoot at the OUTDOOR RANGE Date: February 23rd Start time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Cost: $10.00 member/non-member Course of Fire: TBD Targets: TBD Equipment: Any legally permitted firearm, any sight, slings, bi-pods or front rests, gloves, coats, wind flags, etc. Awards: Lewis Class Re-shoots: Shooter may elect to shoot a second line at a cost of $7.00. Shooter can only use one score and must elect to re-shoot prior to posting of Lewis Class Scores. Coordinators: Jim Nesbit Duane Osman Jeff Whitacre 248-360-8773 248-666-9186 248-363-1370 Another Competitive Rifle Group Event at the OUTDOOR RANGE March shoot will depend upon February’s attendance. 23 Pheasant Shoot European Style Hunt Sunday March 9th Added No Frills! Saturday March 8, 2008 Sold Out! A Multi Lakes Function G & L & Sons Gamebird Farm in Munith, MI 6 Miles S of Stockbridge, MI $80.00 per shooter, checks payable to “Multi-Lakes” Small game license required as well as blaze orange hat & vest. Sign up sheet at bar – Deadline is February 29, 2008 You must pay your money when you sign up – No exceptions! Meet at the Circle Track Café in Munith at 8:00 AM, shoot starts at 10 AM. Don’t miss this one! Multi-Lakes Daily Raffle The Daily Raffle Committee needs your help. This is how the raffle works- it is based on the Michigan Lottery Daily 3 Evening number. For $10.00, you draw a number good for the entire month. We pay $300.00 to the winning number on Mondays and $100.00 on all of the other days. We also pay $25.00 if your number is one over, or one under the daily winner. Basically, you have three chances a day, seven days a week for the entire month. If the winning ticket has not been sold, we use the Michigan Daily 3 Mid-Day number to determine the winner. Up until recently, we have been able to sell all 1000 tickets each month. However, over the last few months, we have a number of unsold tickets. When you advertise three prizes a day, you must pay three prizes a day, so our expenses are not changed. The lost income comes entirely from the profits. For example, 50 unsold tickets per month = $500.00 per month, or $6000.00 per year in lost income. What we need are more ticket sellers. If you sell 10 tickets, we will give you two hours time on your card. Also, if you sell the daily winning number, you receive a check for 10%. Stop by and see me meeting night, I’m out helping with the popcorn or call me if you have any questions. If you don’t think you could sell any tickets, why not buy one. Where else can you get three chances a day, seven days a week, for entire month for $10.00? You can buy a ticket at the bar, or see me meeting night. Jim Kirn - Daily Raffle Chairman DEAN SELLERS The Real Deal www.deansellersford.com 24 2600 W. Maple Road • Troy, MI 48084 (248) 643-7500 Attention all shotgun shooters NOTICE: All shotgun shooting now originates from the Skeet & Trap Building. New hours will be: Sporting Clays (October - May) Thursday 2:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 6:00pm Sunday Noon to 6:00pm Sporting Clays (April - September) Thursday 2:00pm to 7:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 7:00pm Sunday Noon to 6:00pm Skeet & Trap (lighted to accommodate later shooting) Tuesday 5:30pm to 9:30pm Thursday 2:00pm to 9:30pm Earlier Start Time Saturday 2:00pm to 7:00pm New Day Sunday Noon to 6:00pm Come out and join us at one of the aforementioned venues. We do have one of the top and most challenging Sporting Clays and Five Stand courses around. Our Skeet & Trap is second to none. Bring your son, your daughter, your wife, or your neighbors, and have some fun. We do have helpful and knowledgeable people to explain, assist, and help get you started shooting. Shoot for fun, or even consider joining a league. Also, desk help is always needed. If you happen to be pleasant, helpful, polite, and good looking (ha-ha), you are especially what we need. Please consider volunteering one day a month (4 to 5 hours). It is easy and most appreciated. Stop by and check us out. It is your club. For more information call: Skeet & Trap Building or: Pete Cesaro December 28, 2007 (248)363-8811 (248)685-1922 Final 2007 Gun-A-Week Winner Win Super Shadow .223 WSSM 1348 Dave Borkowski Grayling, MI Recent Gun-A-Week Winners (2008) January 4, 2008 January 11, 2008 January 18, 2008 Rem. 1187 Blk Syn 12 Ga 28" VR Marlin 336A 30-30 Win. Rem. Model 710 30-06 Spgfld W/ Scope 0911 David Baiocco 0415 Celina Taylor Livonia, MI Walled Lake, MI 0474 Jim Paruch Warren, MI DAVIS – STEVENS FOODS, INC. Food Service Distributors Servicing RESTAURANTS HOTELS • CLUBS 12620 Newburgh Rd. Livonia, Michigan 48150 A. Davis (Dave) Priehs Cell 734-564-1099 Phone 734-462-3250 Fax 734-462-3999 25 Multi-Lakers & the NRA When you renew or join the National Rifle Association put our ID number 'C10513B' on your application, and MLCA will receive $10.00 This Space Intentionally Left Blank Applications & renewals at the bar. MCRGO Largest Statebased Firearms Advocate in America www.mcrgo.org Doug & Patty Ogg 640 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, MI 48390 248-624-4507 5320 Highland Rd, Waterford, MI 48327 248-673-4445 1-800-451-4507 www.watkinsflowers.com Serving the community for 60 years! 26 D.N.R. OPERATIONS SERVICE CENTER 26000 W. Eight Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034 Phone (248) 359-9040 REPORT ALL POACHING (RAP) 1-800-292-7800 2008 Committee Chair Directory Activities Steve Leo Andy Willetts Adopt-a-Highway Tony Katopodis Dave Mercieca Archery Dave Wedge Paul R. Lindsay (3-D) Tim Loynes (Outdoor) Ron Opfer (Junior) Bar Chris Peltier George Smith Baseball Ed Sienkiewicz Bingo Buck Bourdeau Roger Goodrich John LaFave Blood Drive Kirk Cooke Tony Jankowski Building Maintenance Brian Moore By Laws Rich Johnson Car Cruise Skip Worden Chairperson’s Committee Russ Devriendt Computer Scott Measel Conservation Education Rich Johnson Bob Wilson Country Breakfast Chris Poleski Steve Wagner Cowboy Action Shooting Ed Adelman Dan Campau Daily Raffle Jim Kirn Deer Contest Charles McDonald Jon Lash Election Ken Behrens Entertainment VACANCY Equipment Maintenance Evan Lacy Greg Potter Euchre Bill Burnett Family Events Larry Cohurst Charley Stevens Fence Jim Ashcraft Finance Committee Mark Geiger Five Stand VACANCY Friday Fish Fry Ken Behrens Golf League Tom Cockels Mark Kiefer 248-685-7364 248-887-2086 248-360-6457 248-318-6053 248 624-3127 248-255-8616 248-669-1186 248-624-0161 248-666-9418 248-698-2605 248-624-4782 248-363-0270 248-446-3411 248-996-0030 248-231-1478 248-624-1036 248-666-1118 313-278-7841 248-685-0703 248-624-5232 248-305-9338 313-278-7841 248-477-9443 248-756-5350 248-752-8629 248-474-3011 734-261-9786 248-363-9351 248-627-4244 248-363-7474 248-669-2294 248-363-4586 734-464-7802 248-363-6728 248-698-1575 248-542-4773 248-563-5184 248-681-6732 248-669-2294 248-521-0780 248-669-2349 Good Old Days Terry Smart Ed Sienkiewicz Grounds Al Wilkinson Jim Wells Hall Rentals Larry Grey Hats and Patches Doug Erstad Dennis Drake Haunted Forest Ken Cole Jerry Agne Horseshoes Rob Joyner Horticulture Pete Rinehart Bob Bauman House Richard LaFave, Sr. Hunters Ed. & Basic Rifle Wayne Hoyt Chet Dymon Insurance Dave Mercier JOAD Ron Opfer Junior Conservation Club Larry Smith Lou Gehringer Junior Rifle Frank Zoch Junior Shotgun Mike Borst Tony Jankowski Jon Sabo Frank Spelker Kitchen VACANCY Kitchen Meeting Night Dale Lee Bob Lederman Las Vegas Night Gary Regentin Meeting Night Raffle Don Priebe Memorial Richard LaFave, Sr. M.U.C.C. Delegates Gene Thibodeau Mike Borst Rich Johnson Dave Manning M.U.C.C. Shoot VACANCY Multi-Laker Editor Cal Kittinger Dave Leonard Multi-Lakes Chaplain Skip Worden Multi-Lakes Historian Mick McCanham Muzzleloader League Art Hoffmyer Tom Hoffmyer Muzzleloader Rendezvous Clint Double Dave Mercieca New Member Ian Grapp Tom "Jake" Jakubiec 586-980-6013 248-624-4782 248-363-2690 248-410-4442 248-360-4896 248-363-4326 248-363-4124 248-853-2768 248-698-9502 248-363-0211 586-755-1437 248-887-8488 248-669-9540 248-363-2294 248-363-7030 248-360-0128 248-624-0161 248-887-3727 248-363-2220 248-360-6666 248-960-9307 248-624-1036 248-766-5715 248-255-7293 734-421-4639 248-661-1333 248-360-2364 248-363-0753 248-669-9540 248-698-9097 248-960-9307 313-278-7841 248-624-1218 248-354-4449 248-762-3926 248-685-0703 248-366-6819 248-624-6395 248-334-6175 248-363-2139 248-318-6053 248-624-5933 248-624-0014 Nomination Fred Coyle 248-760-3317 NRA Dinner Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 NRA Training Couselor Tony Racchi 248-207-5961 Operation Can-Do Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Outdoor Range Eric Manning 248-363-6651 William Lonsberry 248-613-9303 Jeff Whitacre 248-719-0223 Painting Tom Jakubiec 248-624-0014 Parliamentarian Dave Fisher 248-668-0371 Personal Protection/CPL Classes Tony Racchi 248-207-5961 Pheasant Hunt Tony Serrano 248-889-9645 Photography Jack Cousins 248-446-1249 VACANCY Pistol-Bullseye Chuck Lee 248-363-6659 Bob Carlson 810-227-2953 Pistol Combat Bill Brennecke 248-624-6854 Pistol Open George Rhodes 248-476-6722 Political Action Committee Chad Muncy 248-320-8637 Pole Barn Jim Babel 248-363-9891 Popcorn Rudy Kirn 248-363-3027 Purchasing Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Bill Lonsberry 248-613-9303 Range House Coordinator George Rhodes 248-476-6722 Range Officer Training Andy Lynch 248-685-8310 Range Stewardship Committee Tony Katopodis 248-360-6457 School Liaison Shooting Sports Tony Jankowski 248-624-1036 Scouting/Boy Greg Lawrence 248-363-0098 Sergeant at Arms Larry Gray 248-360-4896 Ron Pennell 248-624-2630 Mike Wilczynski 248-363-6197 Skeet & Trap VACANCY Slingshot Dave Mercier 248-360-0128 Mark Geiger 248-681-6732 Sporting Clays Pete Cesaro 248-685-1922 Pete Cesaro, Jr. 248-363-1102 Strategic Planning Sam Mullins 248-776-2238 Tree Chairman Marty Zaremba 248-476-3983 Wild Game Dinner Ed Rapin 734-762-4288 Women's Events Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 Work Bee Dave Chappel 248-363-1398 WWW.MULTILAKES.COM Members Interested In Committees Call President Dan Peltier @ 248-666-9418 27 Walled Lake, MI Anyone scheduling upcoming events please submit your dates to the Club Manager to be presented to the Chairperson’s Committee and Board of Directors for approval of all upcoming 2008 dates. Postage Paid Periodicals Schedule those dates now! ALL COMMITTEES: We need to know who is doing what! I GIVE MY PLEDGE AS AN AMERICAN TO SAVE AND FAITHFULLY DEFEND FROM WASTE THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF MY COUNTRY – IT’S AIR, SOIL AND MINERALS, IT’S FORESTS, WATERS AND WILDLIFE 28 (USPS-350-060) 2 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp., MI 48382 Conservation Pledge The Multi-Laker Please drive responsibly on and off club grounds!! Thank you – Club Manager