August 2013 - Aquinas College


August 2013 - Aquinas College
183 Pyes Pa Road, Tauranga
A Newsletter from Aquinas College - 5 August 2013
Phone: 07-543 2400 Fax: 07-543 2403
Hold Fast to Truth
Tene Veritatem
Kia mau ki te pono
Dear Parents / Guardians
Welcome to our new internationals!
Welcome back to Term 3! This is a shorter term of only nine weeks,
instead of the normal ten weeks. As I reminded the students at our
first assembly there are several important events during the term
including Parent report evenings (for Years 9 – 13) and Student Lead
conferences (for years 7 and 8), Chanel Shield, Tournament Week,
AIMS Tournament and our Senior School Exams in Weeks 7 and 8 of
the term. All of this, of course, sits alongside the coursework and
other assessments and assignments that students will continue with.
It is important that our students continue to manage themselves and
their commitments well as they go through the term. It will be a
busy time for everybody.
Aquinas College warmly welcomed seven new international
students this term. Anna, Antonia & Nik from Germany, John from
Brazil, Valentina from Chile, and Jane & Jenny from Korea. Thank
you to the host families and school community for making them
feel at home here in New Zealand.
Staff changes
We warmly welcome Mrs Noelene Taylor who takes over the French
classes from Mrs Camella Murie who is on maternity leave. We also
welcome Mrs Michelle Marston who takes up the Te Reo programme
while Mrs Bernadette Egan takes up an Advisory role with Waikato
University for the remainder of the year. We trust that Noelene and
Michelle enjoy their time at Aquinas College, and we also wish
Camella and Bernadette all the best during their time away.
Fiji Service trip during the holiday break
The members of the Fiji Service trip arrived back on the
Saturday evening before the term started after a very successful
trip. The students were an absolute credit to themselves and the
school, successfully completing the building of a house for a family
in the village of Vanuakula, concrete footpaths through the village,
foundations for a new classroom at the school, improving the
plumbing and water supply for the village, working with the children
and painting a mural for the school. They made strong connections
with the village children and families and have had an experience
that they will never forget.
My congratulations to all students involved for the way in which you
represented yourselves, your families and our school community
while away. My thanks also to the staff, parents and others in the
community who travelled and worked on the project. Such events
give student experiences that they will never forget.
Ray Scott
Please make contact with Kim Burn
on mobile 0272 458 838 or by email if you can
help with the planting of the new
garden outside the administration
block entrance.
Congratulations Mr Burrell
It was announced with great excitement today
that our Assistant Head of Mathematics, Mr
Paddy Burrell, is engaged to be married to Ms
Veronica Balestra.
Although no firm date has
been set for the wedding, it will take place in
the near future, possibly around April 2014.
Veronica is a Real Estate Agent for Ray White, Bayfair. I’m sure
the Aquinas College community wish to join the staff and Board
members in congratulating Paddy and Veronica. We are sure they
will enjoy many happy years together, full of much laughter and
love for each other.
Wednesday 14 August - Assumption Day
10am, Aquinas Action Centre
Sunday 25 August - Parish Mass
9am at St Thomas More, Mt Maunganui
Sunday 1 September - Parish Mass
10am at St Mary Immaculate, Tauranga
To educate students in the Catholic tradition of faith and love, recognising the uniqueness of the individual, and
challenging them to realise their potential in a multicultural environment that constantly strives for excellence.
National Standards, Student Portfolios,
Student-Led Conferences for Year 7 & Year 8
Monitoring Your Own Progress
Teachers and students in the Year 7 and Year 8 area of the ncea/understanding-ncea/how-ncea-works/endorsements/
school have continued working on completing student online/monitor-your-own-progress/
portfolios. These portfolios contain evidence of student learning,
progress and reporting on National Standards. These are due to NCEA – Study Skills Evening
come out to parents during week 9 of this term. Students will Following last year’s successful Study Skills Evening, we are
be conducting student-led conferences with their teachers and looking at running another evening this term. During this
parents during week 2 of this term (Tuesday 6th August or evening we will look at some successful approaches to studying
Thursday 8th August)
that may be used by students new to the formal examinations
process. This evening will run on Thursday 29th August. More
details will be available closer to this date.
Options Evening
The Aquinas College Options Evening is occurring on:
Date: Monday 12th August
Time: 7:00pm till 9:00pm
Venue: School Administration Block
All year 9 and year 10 students will receive a progress update of
their REACH scores at their year level assemblies during week 3
of this Term (Tuesday 13th August). Please do ask how your The night has been scheduled in order to allow parents and
child is going.
students the chance to discuss potential subjects with subject
specialists at Aquinas College. It is a valuable opportunity to
NCEA – Student Progress
gain their opinion on which subjects will best suit your child into
We are now entering the business end of the year for our NCEA the future. Mr Mike Smith, the Careers Advisor at Aquinas
students. All students should now have gained credits through College and Mrs Wendy Consedine will also be available to meet
the internally assessed component of their courses. Students with parents. In addition, there will be a number of advisors
have been given their National Student Numbers (NSN) that from tertiary institutions available to discuss career pathways.
should allow them to log in to the NZQA website. Using this If you have a child who will be in Year 10 or above in
number they should be able to log in to the NZQA website and 2014 then you should consider attending this evening.
check on their progress and find out how they are faring in
relation to course endorsements and overall certificate Senior Assessment Week
The school end of year practice examinations are set to occur
The following links may be useful in finding out about NCEA:
during weeks 7 and 8 of this term (starting Thursday 12th
Understanding NCEA
September). These are an important opportunity for students to gauge how well they are progressing towards the NCEA
examinations in Term Four.
Term Three is a busy and exciting time for the students and Tuesday the 13th August sees the
staff at Aquinas College.
Annual ICAS Mathematics
competition being held with
Starting in Week One, with competitors from Year 7 to 13 trying to gain
one of New Zealand’s best the highest possible marks in competition with mathechess players competing matics students across Australasia.
simultaneously against 10
students and staff and Following on from Maths Week, two teams of Year 9 and 10
moving into the wonderful students will travel to Trident High School in Whakatane to
‘World of Maths’ road show compete in the 2013 Mathsmind competition on 22nd August.
for Year 7 and 8 students For the senior classes, NCEA Level One students will be
in Week Two; it all bodes preparing for their MCAT – Algebra External Examination on
Wednesday the 18th of September, while the Year 12 and 13
well for the fun of Maths.
students finish off their remaining Internal Assessments and
With daily puzzles,
start preparing for the External Examinations.
competition, and
To assist the students in this, the Maths Faculty are offering
awareness of the
tutorials on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes. The students
are asked to be ready to start within the first 10 minutes of
Maths Week, we
lunchtime and to bring their work books and practice questions
for the teachers to help them with.
solve some of the
mysteries of mathematics.
11 Sept
Tauranga Primary Schools Music Festival rehearsal
The Night is Young Concert at Baycourt
Mass – Liturgy Group and band
Tauranga Primary Schools Music Festival final
rehearsal and evening concert at Baycourt
Senior NCEA Performance assessments
ICAS Science Competition Results – 2013
Approximately 300 of our students sat the ICAS Science
Competition this year. As in previous years, a number of
students have achieved outstanding results. Listed below are
our students who achieved either Distinction (top 10% in New
Zealand) or High Distinction (top 1% in New Zealand).
Congratulations to these, and all student who sat this
competition. Well done.
Tauranga Primary Schools’ Music festival at Tga Intermediate on
13 August is nearly here This years’ theme is Songs of Summer.
Year 7:
Fergus Lellman
Tiziana Hawkes
Finn Hoare
TUESDAY 27TH AUGUST 7.00–9.00pm
Year 8:
James Hwang
Jordan Oxenham
Jackson Fowler
Ben Moran-Whitaker
Year 9:
Alexander Hawkes
Year 10:
Patrick Preston
If you have any queries please call Mrs Wing at school on
5432400 extension 227 or email on
Year 13:
High Distinction: Daniel Hughes
Rhapsody in Rotorua
Science tutorials will be available from Week 3 of Term 3 until
the practice school examinations later in the term. Some
tutorials will have specific themes while others will require you
to bring your own questions to the tutorial. Check with your
subject teacher.
Tickets went on sale 8 July at Baycourt: Phone: 5777188
Prices are: Adult $12.00, Child $10.00 (up to 13 years old)
PLUS: $1.00 booking fee per ticket (Baycourt charges)
Tickets go on sale to the public from Monday 19th August.
Our school has a specific allocation, when parents phone to
book tickets they MUST buy from our school’s allocation.
On Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July 2013, the Aquinas College
Jazz Band, Concert Band, String Ensemble, Man Choir and Choir
performed at the Rhapsody in Rotorua music festival. This is an
annual festival where school music groups from the Bay of Plenty meet and work with music groups from other parts of the Bay
and visiting school music groups from Australia.
In our adjudicated performances we were awarded the following
Aquinas College Jazz Band
Concert Band
Aquinas Senior String Ensemble
Man Choir
SSA Choir (girls)
SATBB Mixed Choir
This was an outstanding collection of results – all groups
performed admirably. Our Jazz and Concert Bands are led by
our Itinerant music teachers, Mr Paul Sanders and Mr Rima
Barlow, both amazing musicians who have done an outstanding
job with the students. The String Ensemble led by Kate Candy
are fortunate to have such support and excellent tuition. Choirs
are led by Lynda Wing assisted by Alison Fitzpatrick.
Students stayed at Keswick camp on Thursday night and held an
in-house Talent Quest which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Our elite musicians also had opportunity to perform in the
honours groups alongside Australian and other New Zealand
students, Taila Burton, Lauren Watson, Jemma Bridge, Tom
Carter and Samantha Bridge. This provided exciting challenge
and experience for these musicians.
We look forward to next year.
Soft Materials
This time of year the fabric room is a flurry of activity as all year
sevens design and make their own bags and year eights design
and make a souvenir. A group of year ten girls are creating soft
toys and summer dresses. A multilevel senior class is frantically
finishing oriental design dresses, ball dresses and patchwork.
Because on August 17th the Bay of Plenty schools have their
annual fashion competition, our 10th anniversary show at
Baycourt. Although we have fewer entries than the bigger
schools we hold our own in the awards. Tickets are available
from Baycourt for $15 for cash, eftpos at the theatre.
Science Tutorials
CT: Rm 12
12/13 Physics
MW/SK: Rm14
11 Science
CT: Rm 12
TH: Rm16
Biology (wk B)
MC: Rm 13
12 Biology
TH: Rm 16
Biology (wk A)
TH: Rm 16
13 Biology
MC: Rm 13
11 Science
JA: 12/13
Rm 15
MW: Rm 14
12 Biology
French Trip to New Caledonia
Bonjour! During the term 1 holidays a group of 15 French
students from year 11-13 travelled to New Caledonia to help
improve their French, speak it in real life situations and
experience a little bit of the French culture.
New Caledonia was a fun and amazing experience for everyone.
We all became a lot closer as a group and our level of French
improved. During our trip we did nearly everything there was to
do in New Caledonia, one of the favourite experiences as a
group was staying with a host family for two nights. Everyone
was really nervous to begin with but our families welcomed us
and treated us like one of their children, doing this we gained a
whole other respect for their culture and the way they live. We
would like to thank the school for allowing us to do the trip and
to Madame Mabbett and Madame Murie for making the trip
possible. We also greatly appreciated Mr and Mrs Shaw and Ms
Schuler for giving up their holidays to help look after us in
Noumea. Thank you all for helping us fundraise because without
that, the trip would not have gone ahead.
This trip was unforgettable and we hope it can continue in the
coming years, as it was such a valuable experience.
Merci. Parce-ce que vous le valez bien. Au revoir !
Students were asked to put on paper their
thoughts and feelings after completing 8 days in
the village of Vanuakula. Holly Sheddan has
agreed to share her reflection with us…
“Initially I volunteered for the Fiji Service trip because I
wanted to experience another culture and way of life
completely different to what I’m familiar with. I’ve
donated to charities and done things like the 40 hour
famine, but I wanted to go beyond that, do something
myself that would directly benefit others. I expected to
grow close with the villagers and then that by immersing
myself in their way of life my perception on life and who
I am as a person, would change. However I never
expected to be touched by their culture in such a
powerful way. I did have my apprehensions to be
honest. I expected them to be somewhat resentful of
me. We have a lot more than them and we lead a far Before...
more luxurious lifestyle, but I was proven wrong as I
have never felt so welcome, such a sense of belonging
and family in my life. I must admit I’m not a fan of
children, I find them difficult to relate with and at times
can’t stand their attitude! The children I grew to know
in the village are different however. They appreciate
what they have and everything you do for them. The
children go out of their way to learn your name and
make you feel welcome - this for me was a huge
highlight but my biggest highlight was seeing what a
happy, wholesome life the beautiful people of Vanuakula
live. The people give all they can, greet you whenever
they pass and live in such a way that made me rethink a
lot of aspects of my life. Seeing the love and sense of
family they ground their lives upon has definitely
changed my perspective.
I’ve learnt that when After...
presented with a worthy cause I can indeed go out of
my comfort zone, my routine, in order to help. I’ve
learnt that I don’t need materialistic items to be happy
and that a beautiful personality is more attractive than
anything else. I don’t think others could comprehend
how Vanuakula has touched me, but I will share with
those I know just how happy and fulfilled a village with
next to nothing can be, and how I’ve discovered
fulfilment comes in finding yourself and who you are
inside, rather than what you have. All I can ask God for
at this time is for him to guide me to be like the villagers
in Vanuakula, he has given them a lot less than me but
they give everything they have into worshiping him and
thanking him for their life. I hope to live my life with a
new found appreciation, perspective and humble way so
I too, can be as fulfilled as the wonderful people I met.
I’m definitely leaving with more than I gave and it will
forever remain in my heart how that small village
touched me so deeply.”
House built
L-R: Rachel Brebner, Brandon Kengmana, Kimberly D’Mello and Zoe Kirtley.
Aquinas students featured prolifically at this year’s
Tauranga Speech and Drama competitions held recently at
Baycourt. Congratulations on the following:
Zoe Kirtley: 1st in Shakespeare section - open age; 1st for
characterisation; 1st for Poetry; 2nd for Prepared
Reading; Winner TCS Scholarship 13 & under 15yrs;
Scholarship for highest points in a poem Under 15 years.
Kimberley D’Mello: 1st for Prepared Reading; Winner of
NZ Verse Poetry, 13 and under 15 years. Most promising
competitor outside Scholarship.
Rachel Brebner: 1st in Prepared Speech, 11-13 years.
Brandon Kengmana - 1st in Bible Reading over 15 years.
Lochlain O’Conner: 1st in a Play under 13 years.
Market Day for Enterprise Studies classes is Thursday 29th August - be sure to bring your pocket-money to pick
up a few bargains!
Adam van Leeuwen (Y12) has been selected for the 4-person team to represent New Zealand at the International St John
Youth Festival Competitions in Sydney in January 2014. Adam has been a St John Youth member since 2003 and has
represented Central Region in the last two National Youth Festival competitions. He completed the Grand Prior’s award in 2011
and currently holds the rank of Cadet Sergeant.
Be sure to join us for a gorgeous dinner – and help us to fundraise for Netball
Tournament Week.
Mr Webb and his team will cook a 5 course dinner, you will receive a complementary
glass of bubbles and will be served by our Premier Netball Team!
Thursday 22nd August starting at 6.30 for 7pm.
Tickets are available at $50 each from Ange McManaway, Paula Skelton or any of the
girls in the Netball team.
BYO and enjoy your evening!
LIVE MUSIC & DANCING – Saturday 28th September
Once again we will be having a great evening with ‘The Shy & Retiring Company’ here at
Aquinas College!
Join together with your friends and come along for a night of fun and dancing.
Tickets will be available soon so keep the date free.
Many thanks for your on-going support of our girls.
Love Rugby? Want to stay involved? Want
a fun way of keeping fit? Why not give
rugby refereeing a go!
BOPRU is desperately short of referees and is always
looking for new recruits. There is a strong possibility
that your child may not have a trained referee to
officiate their matches. Parents make great referees,
as you have a good understanding of young people.
Refereeing is a fantastic way to stay involved in rugby,
keeps you fit and can be an extremely rewarding
experience. There are also a number of potential
pathways for the more aspiring ref, such as exchanges
to other provinces, ITM and Super Rugby officiating,
and of course being a professional ref.
Of course with the Bay of Plenty being a 7’s rugby
haven, there are numerous opportunities for
refereeing 7’s tournament as well. The BOP Referees
Society is a social, supportive bunch, who enjoy a
good time together.
For more information contact Kyle McLean on or 020 400 101 30.
GYMNASTICS: Late last term Hunter Mortleman competed
in the School Regionals where he gained a silver medal in the
Mens Artistic (Pommel, P Bar, Floor and vault).
Congratulations also to the following students who competed
at the Secondary School event Women Artistic: Lucy Houghton Gold; Millie Burton Silver;
Lucy, Millie and Madi 2nd as a Team
Aerobics: Millie Van Kol 3 Gold - 1st Individual, 1st Pair and
1st in her Aero Group Dance
Millie Van Kol has also qualified for Nationals in Hastings later
this year. Millie Burton competed at the Midlands Champs in
Hamilton in the Women Artistics for Year 9 and above. She
won 6 medals, 4 gold, 1 bronze and won her age division for
Step 7 and thus was the Midlands Champ.
CYCLING: Natasha Collins had a great result in the Okoroire
Mid Winter 40km Fun Ride during the holidays which she
placed 4th female (12th overall) in a time of 1hr 08 min.
Tom Carter was invited to
attend the NZ U17 Cycling 4
day Development Camp in
Palmerston North over the
holidays. A great opportunity
for Tom to be seen by the
National Body which could see
him being a part of the next
wave of cyclist for the Junior
World Champs over the next
few years.
Natasha Collins & Tom Carter
SQUASH: Luke Cooper competed at the Junior North Island
Squash Champs in Auckland over the school break. After
completing 3 matches he went on to the semi-final which he
won. In the final he met Max Trimble (in the same NZ
Squad) who he has played against before this tournament.
After an hour long match Luke unfortunately lost the match
coming away 2nd U17 Boys. He now goes on to the Senior
Championships which were held at Baywave recently Larissa
Wilson and Sophie Ning (pictured right) represented Tauranga
Synchro Club in which they were integral members of the
7-strong Free Combination Team that placed 1st, narrowly
beating long-time rivals North Harbour for the first time.
In the Interschool Championships, Lara and Sophie very
proudly flew the Aquinas College flag and took 3rd place in
the Secondary School
Duet category. They
have also both been
involved with coaching
the young Dolphin
team who placed 2nd
in their event. The
girls will now be
working hard with
perfect routines for
the next competition which will be the Nationals in October in
CROSS COUNTRY: Anneke Grogan is 1 of 12 girls in the TENNIS: At the Western Bay of Plenty Tennis Tournament
New Zealand Secondary School Cross Country team travelling Taylah Stack won the singles girls under 16s while Hamish
to the Australian champs in Tasmania at the end of August. Low won doubles boys under 14's Consolation.
Anneke had a good run at the North Island Cross Country
Champs recently gaining 3rd place in the U’18 Girls Division.
Our Year 7/8 runners also had success at the BOP Cross
Country Champs held in Opotiki with Lizzy Skelton placed 3rd
in Year 7 Girls while our Year 8 Boys Jack McManaway
finished 1st and Sam O’Connor 2nd.
Below is a list of Sports Events coming up this term :
HOCKEY: These hockey players have been named in their
in Gisborne – 60 x
respective Tauranga Hockey Association age group teams: 1. Campion College Sports Exchange
12th August.
U15 Premier Boys: Isaac Amaru (GK), Blair O'Connor and
Basketball: Junior A Boys/Girls, Netball: Junior A,
Liam Burn while Zeb Barry is a Reserve; U15 Premier Girls:
Football: 14/15th Grade Boys/Girls, Hockey: Mixed Boys/
Nikki Anderson. All players are members of our 1st XI Boys/
Girls, Volleyball: Girls
Girls teams who are preparing for their respective secondary
school tournaments coming up later this term.
2. John Paul College Sports Exchange hosted by AC –
120 x Year 7/8 students on Mon 26th August.
RUGBY: Four Aquinas students were selected for the
Basketball: Boys/Girls, Netball, Hockey: Boys/Girls,
Tauranga West rugby team which competed in the Tai MitchRugby, Football: Boys, Water Polo: Mixed
ell tournament held in Tauranga during the first week of the
school holidays. The West team were the eventual winners of
the North Island
the tournament beating Rotorua Maroon in a close fought 3. Winter Tournament Week throughout
90 x Year 9-13 students from Mon 2nd Sept–Fri 6th
final. Well done to Louis Grindrod, Jack Broadley-Ryan, Jack
McManaway and Louis Schuler for representing the college
Basketball: Senior Boys A/Girls A, Netball: Premier 1,
well. Louis Grindrod has been selected to trial for the BOP
1st XI Boys/Girls, Football: 1st XI Boys/Girls
Roller Mills team following on from his good performances at
the Tai Mitchell tournament.
4. AIMS Tournament Week throughout Tauranga/Mt
Maunganui – 120 x Year 7/8 students from Sun 15th– Fri
Congratulations to Jason Robertson, a former Aquinas
20th Sept.
College student (Y13, 2012) who has recently been selected
Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, MultiSport
for the Waikato Under 20 Rugby Team.
Basketball, Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Water Polo.
The Environment Committee has introduced green paper recycling bins around the school. You can find
them in the Year 7 and 8 rooms, the computer rooms and the art rooms. Please note that these bins
are for paper only.
We also welcome you to bring your paper from home to school for us to recycle (see notice below)
as the school gets paid for all the paper we recycle.
Greetings Aquinas parents students and family,
the big PTA fundraiser for the year is happening
real soon and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT !! The 5
to 6 thousand that we hope to raise goes where?
It goes straight back to the students, your
children of Aquinas College. Basically the PTA
gives the money raised back via the many funding
applications to lots of different student teams and
groups plus various staff requests as well.
So help us’ feel the love’ then give it back out
again! Please support us and buy your tickets for a
fun night out on August 31st.
High Street * Evolution * Blak * Smith Sports
* Farmers * Square D * Blush Cosmetics *
will all be there as well as trained Sensational
Models, Amazing Dancers, Awesome Music and of
course Incredible Outfits.
Hey - grab your tickets and see you there for a
fabulous fun night !
Tickets available from:
email or from the school
office. Thanks
Chairperson: Mark Brebner Ph: 544
Kay Swenson
Premila D’Mello
Next Meeting: Tuesday 20 August
at 7pm, Aquinas Staffroom
All PTA members to attend for final fashion show
August 6
19 -30
Sept 1
Parent/Teacher Evening A-K
Parent/Teacher Evening L-Z
Maths Roadshow Visit, Aquinas College
Science Roadshow Visit, Y7, Bethlehem College
Rotary Careers Expo
Campion Sports Exchange
Options Evening
Mathematics Week
Year 12 Ski Camp
Assumption Day
Vaccination Year 7s
Chanel Shield, Sacred Heart Girls, Hamilton
Global Connexions
International Languages Week
Food Bank Appeal
Netball Fundraiser Dinner
St Thomas More Parish Mass, 9am
John Paul College Sports Exchange Y7/8
Year 11 Retreat
Enterprise Studies Market Day
Study Skills evening
BOT meeting, 5.30pm, Library
PTA Fashion Show
St Mary’s Parish Mass
Winter Tournament Week
Young Vinnies Gala
AIMS Tournament
Year 13 Retreat
Special Character Review
BOT meeting, 5.30pm Library
End of Term 3.
RCIA Journey: - Starting Soon!
Do any of these describe you?
. Are you interested in learning more about Christianity
and the Catholic Church?
. Are you a baptized Catholic who has not yet received
First Communion or Confirmation?
. Are you married to a catholic and attend Mass, but just
do not know what the next step is in becoming Catholic?
. Would you like to better support your children at a
Catholic School?
Then we would love to hear from you!
Our inquiry stage of RCIA (Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults) is approaching soon for this
upcoming year.
Please express your interest by contacting
Father Darren 575 4807 or Heidi Nield (RCIA
Coordinator) 575 4807 Ext 6, or by email at
Are you searching
for answers about
Do you know others who
are searching for meaning?
...then bring yourself and
others to next Alpha course
Starts on Tuesday 3th August
@ 6.00pm with ‘Dinner & DVD’
St Thomas More Parish
17 Gloucester Rd, Mount Maunganui
10–week course
For further information or to register
contact Heidi 5754807 ext 6 or
Welcome Rose Catherine Harris
Congratulations to Monique Harris (former RE teacher) and her
husband Sam on the birth of their second daughter, Rose.
Pictured above is Rose with her big sister Anna (18 months).
You can also register through at
www. or go to to explore more about ALPHA
Our featured careers from ‘Just the Job’ this month are
Pharmacist and
Primary School Principal
The job descriptions, qualifications required and range of
income expectations can be viewed on the Careers Noticeboard
and a short video can be viewed each week on our Facebook
The ‘Just the Job’ resource folder is available from the
Library and the Careers Department for student use.
The University of Auckland is holding its annual Open Day,
Courses and Careers Day, on Saturday 31st August from
9:30am-3:15pm. This is a great opportunity for prospective
students to explore study options, career opportunities and
campus life. As transportation is provided to assist students
and their parents to attend, we encourage you to book your
seat on the free bus by visiting this website and find out more about this
day on campus.
The University of Auckland has a number of Entry Level
Scholarships for 2014 entry:
· 100 University of Auckland Scholarships awarded for academic excellence, all-round ability and leadership potential
of students wishing to enter a full-time undergraduate degree programme. The scholarships are for 3 years and pay
tuition fees and $2,500 per year for students in the Auckland region. For students outside of Auckland the award
covers tuition fees, $5,000 and 2 fares home.
Applicants are assessed on the basis of their Year 12 results. As a general guideline, applicants should have
achieved NCEA Level 2 with at least an excellence endorsement. In addition applicants will have displayed leadership
potential, all round ability and achievement in cultural and
sporting activities and commitment to the wider community.
In the past the University has awarded up to five
scholarships to students at any one school.
135 University of Auckland Jubilee Awards for academic
merit, the potential to succeed at university and financial
need. The award is $2,000 each year for three years.
Students would be expected to achieve a rank score of at
least 20 in NCEA.
To apply for a scholarship, an applicant will first need to
apply for admission to the University. After submitting their
application, applicants will be able to apply for one or more
entry-level scholarships.
Further Scholarship information is available on each Tertiary
Provider’s website or via the’ Breakout Database’ online.
Our Gateway Nursing students have just successfully
completed a two day St Johns Level 2 First Aid Course. There
are now 35 students out on Gateway Placements.
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic here in Tauranga has a range of
taster courses for students to explore future options, from
Electrical & Electronics to Introduction to Retail. To find out
what’s available firstly visit and
then register your interest with one of us on the Careers Team.
Another opportunity available through our local Polytechnic is
‘Student for a Day’. This programme allows students to
experience a particular course first hand. Students should first
of all pick up the form from Careers and complete online.
For those students interested in Travel or Tourism sectors Sir
George Seymour College has Open Days in August at their
local campuses. Register your interest with the Careers team.
On the local front it is ‘Western Bay @ Work Month’ and the
Tauranga Rotary Careers Expo at the ASB Arena for Year
11 Students on Friday 9th August. All Year 11 Students will
be attending this compulsory trip for the morning to experience
what career and training opportunities are available here in the
Western Bay. Students in other year levels and their parents
may like to attend this Expo the following day, Saturday 10th
August. Visit
and find out about other events taking place locally showcasing
career development opportunities.
Massey Manawatu
Open Day
Wednesday 7th August
Sir George Seymour (National College of Airline,
Travel & Tourism)
Open Day
Wednesday 7th August
Lincoln University
Course Planning Session Year 13 Wednesday 7th August pm
Rotary Careers Expo–Tauranga/WBOP
Year 11 Students
Friday 9th August - ASB Arena, Baypark
Saturday 10th August - ASB Arena, Baypark
Rotary Careers Expo– Tauranga / WBOP
Sir George Seymour (National College of Airline,
Travel & Tourism)
Open Day
Wednesday 21st August
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
Public Campus Tour
Friday 23rd August 12:30pm (bookings
phone 0800 BOP POLY)
University of Canterbury
Course Planning Session Year 13 Monday 26th August pm
Otago University
Information Evening for
Prospective Students & Parents
Monday 26th August (Brooklyn 1,
Claudelands Conference Centre, Hamilton)
Victoria University
Open Day
Friday 30th August
Massey Wellington
Open Day
Friday 30th August
Auckland University
Courses and Careers Day – Open Saturday 31st August
Auckland University
Course Planning Session Year 13 Wednesday 11th Sept pm
Telford – A Division of Lincoln University
Telford Taster Weekend
Sunday 29th September – Thursday 3rd
International College of Hotel Management
Careers Week
Mon 30th Sept – Friday 4th October
Pacific International Hotel Management School
Career Week
Tues 8th – Friday 11th October
Former Aquinas College students graduate from Victoria University of Wellington
It is with great pleasure we announce the following former pupils graduated from Victoria University between June
2012 and May 2013. We are proud to acknowledge and celebrate their wonderful success.
Abel, Emma
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
Abel, Kate
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
Hannam, Louise
Bachelor of Arts
Inder, Lucy
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
Inder, Lucy
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration with Honours
Lee, Jaime
Bachelor of Arts
McKeown, Steffi
Bachelor of Arts
McKeown, Steffi
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
O'Flaherty, Sarah
Bachelor of Arts
O'Flaherty, Sarah
Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary)
Randrup, Peter
Bachelor of Science
Richardson, Tegan
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
Scott, Olivia
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
Sheely, Kade
Bachelor of Laws
Small, Peter
Bachelor of Arts