PLIANT BFP 2012 web.cdr - Balkanic Fair-Play
PLIANT BFP 2012 web.cdr - Balkanic Fair-Play
The 13th International Pigeon Race BALKANIC FAIR-PLAY Belgica de Weerd Interpalomas Lofts 18th of August 2012 500 km The biggest race in Eastern Europe! Over € 40,000 prize money! PIPA AUCTION FOR FIRST 10 ACE & 10 FINAL PIGEONS! SUPER LICITATIE PE PIPA PENTRU PRIMII 10 PORUMBEI SOSITI IN FINALA SI PRIMII 10 PORUMBEI-AS!!! Conditii de participare: 1. Porumbeii inscrisi trebuie sa poarte inele din anul 2012. 2. Primirea porumbeilor: 15 martie - 15 mai. 3. Porumbeii trebuie sa fie sanatosi si vaccinati impotriva paramixovirozei cu cel putin 10 zile inainte de aducerea in columbodrom. 4. Porumbelul ACTIV se defineste ca fiind porumbelul caruia i-a fost achitata taxa de activare. 5. Numai porumbeii ACTIVI concureaza pentru premii. Taxe si modalitati de plata: 1. Taxa intretinere: 30 EUR / porumbel (se achita la aducerea porumbeilor). Un crescator, tandem, sindicat poate inscrie un numar nelimitat de porumbei. 2. Taxa de activare: 100 EUR / porumbel. Porumbeii se pot activa la orice data inainte de Semifinala (340 km). In cazul in care un porumbel se pierde dupa plata activarii si nu este imbarcat nici la Semifinala, nici la Finala, taxa de activare va fi returnata integral. 3. Porumbeii neactivati cu 3 zile inainte de Semifinala vor fi publicati pe site si pot fi activati de catre orice alta persoana. Eventualele premii castigate vor fi oferite persoanei care a activat porumbelul, insa porumbelul va concura sub numele crescatorului initial (cel care a inscris porumbelul). 4. Imbarcarea pentru Semifinala si Finala va fi efectuata, ca in fiecare an, de o comisie formata din mai multi participanti. Oricine doreste sa asiste este binevenit! 5. Platile prin transfer bancar se pot face in conturile: EUR: Beneficiary: Stefanescu Liviu Bank: BCR Targoviste, Dambovita, Romania IBAN: RO 02 RNCB 0128 0451 2979 0006 SWIFT: RNCB RO BU LEI: Beneficiar: Stefanescu Liviu Banca: BCR Targoviste, Dambovita IBAN: RO 13 RNCB 0128 0451 2979 0002 SWIFT: RNCB RO BU Program concursuri: Ruta Ucraina (primordiala) 18 iulie - Concurs 1 (120 km) 25 iulie - Concurs 2 (170 km) 01 august - Concurs 3 (220 km) 08 august - Concurs 4 - Semifinala (340 km) 18 august - Concurs 5 - Finala (500 km) Ruta Grecia (de rezerva) 18 iulie - Concurs 1 (120 km) 25 iulie - Concurs 2 (170 km) 01 august - Concurs 3 (220 km) 08 august - Concurs 4 - Semifinala (320 km) 18 august - Concurs 5 - Finala (460 km) As-porumbel se vor acorda premii si trofee primilor 3 porumbei. 4. Mai jos este prezentat un exemplu de calcul al premiilor in cazul in care 500 porumbei vor fi activati inainte de Semifinala (340 km). Premii Semifinala Loc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 Premiu € 1.000 € 900 € 800 € 700 € 600 € 500 € 400 € 300 € 250 € 200 € 100 € 75 € 50 Premii Finala Loc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 21 - 25 26- 30 31 - 40 Premiu € 8.000 € 5.000 € 4.000 € 3.000 € 2.000 € 1.000 € 900 € 800 € 700 € 600 € 500 € 350 € 250 € 150 € 100 Campionat As-porumbel Loc 1 2 3 Premiu € 1.250 € 750 € 500 Licitatia: 1. Primii 10% porumbei sositi la Finala vor fi intai prelicitati pe site-ul columbodromului si apoi licitati public. Restul porumbeilor vor fi vanduti numai via internet. 2. Persoana care a inscris porumbelul va primi 50% din suma, dupa scaderea comisionului de 20 % al saitului de licitatie. 3. Contravaloarea licitatiei porumbeilor care nu au fost activati nici de persoana care i-a inscris, nici de catre altcineva, va reveni in totalitate organizatorilor. 4. Persoanele care nu trimit pedigree-le porumbeilor pana la data Finalei, isi pierd dreptul asupra celor 50% din valoarea licitatiei. 5. Porumbeii ramasi nevanduti dupa efectuarea licitatiilor, devin proprietatea organizatorilor. Generalitati: Campionatul As-porumbel: 1. Toti porumbeii participa la campionatul As-porumbel, insa numai porumbeii activati pot castiga premiile puse in joc. 2. Castiga porumbelul cu cel mai mic timp de zbor (timp in aer) obtinut in urma efectuarii tuturor etapelor de concurs, a Semifinalei si Finalei. 3. In caz de egalitate, castiga porumbelul cu cea mai buna clasare la Finala. Distribuirea taxelor de activare si premiile: 1. Totalul taxelor de activare se va fi imparti dupa cum urmeaza: 5% pentru premii la Campionatul As-porumbel, 20% pentru premii la Semifinala, 60% pentru premii la Finala si 15% pentru organizatori. 2. Totalul premiilor depinde de numarul de porumbei activati. 3. Se vor premia 10% din porumbeii angajati la Semifinala si Finala, primii 10 porumbei sositi vor primi trofee iar restul premiantilor, diplome. La Campionatul Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a schimba sau modifica data / locul de efectuare a oricarui concurs, in functie de conditiile meteo. Durata fiecarui concurs este stabilita de organizatori. Detalii de contact: Stefanescu Liviu & Bibi Crangului, 100 Targoviste, cartier Priseaca, DB E-mail: Tel: +40 723 345543 +40 760 256822 SUPER AUCTION ON PIPA FOR FIRST 10 PIGEONS IN FINAL RACE AND FIRST 10 ACE-PIGEONS!!! Conditions of entry: 1. Entered pigeons must wear 2012 life rings. 2. Receiving of the pigeons: 15th of March 15th of May. 3. Pigeons must be healthy and vaccinated against PMV at least 10 days before entering in the loft. 4. ACTIVE pigeon is defined as the pigeon whose activation fee was paid. 5. Only ACTIVE pigeons are eligible to win prizes money. Entry fees and payment methods: 1. Feeding fee: 30 EUR / pigeon (to be paid when the pigeons are entered). A breeder, combination or syndicate of breeders may enter an unlimited number of pigeons. 2. Activation fee: 100 EUR / pigeon. Pigeons could be activated any date before Semifinal race (340 km). If a pigeon whose activation fee was already paid got lost and will not participate neither to Semifinal nor Final race, the activation fee will be fully returned. 3. Pigeons which were not activated 3 days before Semifinal race will be published on the website and could be activated by any person. The eventual prize money will be offered to the person who activated the pigeon but the pigeon will race under the name of the original breeder (person who entered the pigeon). 4. Payments in EUR could be done by bank transfer in the following account: Beneficiary: Stefanescu Liviu Bank: BCR Targoviste, Dambovita, Romania IBAN: RO 02 RNCB 0128 0451 2979 0006 SWIFT: RNCB RO BU How to send the pigeons: We will organize collection from Europe as follows: 12-13 of March - ENGLAND (by Stefan Radev from Kalimanci Race - Bulgaria) 14-15 of March - BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY (by Stefan Radev from Kalimanci Race - Bulgaria) 12-13 of April - ENGLAND (by Stefan Radev from Kalimanci Race - Bulgaria) 14-15 of April - BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY (by Stefan Radev from Kalimanci Race Bulgaria) 28-29 of April - BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA, HUNGARY. If there are requests, we will organize an extra collection around 1st of April from Western Europe. The transport fee is 10 EUR / pigeon. Pigeons from Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine could also be sent directly in Romania. For more details, please contact the coordinator from your country, listed below. BELGIUM: Patrick Philippens +32 3 6403559 GREAT BRITAIN & WALES Derek Nicholls +44 7810 323827 BULGARIA: Costea Metodiev +359 889 518066 GREECE: G & D Aslanidis +30 693 2829460 NETHERLANDS: Henk Deweerd +31 620 615790 Jan van Wanrooij +31 653 646832 Belgica Deweerd +31 76 5600222 FRANCE: Guillaume Benoit +33 672 779178 ITALY: Eros Carboni +39 335 331541 NORTHERN IRELAND: John Boyd +44 7799 543334 GERMANY: Karl-Heinz Lang +49 640 3902713 Werner A. Waldow +49 172 2626841 MOLDOVA & UKRAINE Dumitru Gorbatovschi +37 379 508403 Spain: Florin Zegheru +34 671 378497 Racing schedule: Flying route in Ukraine (primordial) 18.07 Race 1 (120 km) 25.07 Race 2 (170 km) 01.08 Race 3 (220 km) 08.08 Race 4 - Semifinal (340 km) 18.08 Race 5 - Final (500 km) Flying route in Greece (reserve) 18.07 Race 1 (120 km) 25.07 Race 2 (170 km) 01.08 Race 3 (220 km) 08.08 Race 4 - Semifinal (320 km) 18.08 Race 5 - Final (460 km) Ace-pigeon Championship: 1. All entered pigeons participate for the title of Acepigeon but only activated pigeons are eligible to win prize money. 2. The Ace-pigeon will be the pigeon with the lowest flying time (time in the air) over the races, Semifinal and Final. 3. In case of a tie, the ace will be the pigeon with the best prize in the Final Race. Distribution of the total amount of activations fees and prize money: 1. The total amount of activations fees will be distributed as follows: 5% for Ace-pigeon, 20% for Semifinal, 60% for Final and 15% for organizers. 2. The prize money depends on the number of activated pigeons. 3. First 10% arrived pigeons will be awarded with prize money in the Semifinal and Final race. First 10 arrived pigeons will receive trophies and the rest of awarded pigeons will receive diplomas. First 3 classified Acepigeons will receive money and trophies. 4. Below is an example of prize money calculation in case there are 500 pigeons activated before Semifinal race. Prize money Semifinal Place Prize money 1 € 1.000 2 € 900 3 € 800 4 € 700 5 € 600 6 € 500 7 € 400 8, 9 € 300 10 € 250 11 - 20 € 200 21 - 30 € 100 31 - 40 € 75 41 - 50 € 50 Prize money Final Place Prize money 1 € 8.000 2 € 5.000 3 € 4.000 4 € 3.000 5 € 2.000 6 € 1.000 7 € 900 8 € 800 9 € 700 10 € 600 11 - 15 € 500 16 - 20 € 350 21 - 25 € 250 26- 30 € 150 31 - 40 € 100 Ace-pigeon Championship Place 1 2 3 Prize money € 1.250 € 750 € 500 Auction: 1. First 10% arrived pigeons in the Final race will be first pre-auctioned on the website and after there will be public auctioned. The rest of the pigeons will be auctioned only via internet. 2. The person who entered the pigeon will receive 50% of the auctioned sum after the deduction of 20% commission for the auction site. 3. The entire auction sum of the pigeons which were not activated neither by original entrant or another person will belong to the organizers. 4. The breeders who do not send the pedigrees until the date of the Final race will loose the right of receiving 50% of the auction. 5. Unsold pigeons after the organization of the auction will become property of the organizers. General conditions: Organizers reserve the right to change / modify the liberation site of the races, depending of the weather conditions. The duration of each race is at the discretion of the organizers. Contact details: Stefanescu Liviu & Bibi Crangului, 100 Targoviste, cartier Priseaca, DB E-mail: Tel: +40 723 345543 • +40 760 256822
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