Unbrako - Specialty Sales
Unbrako - Specialty Sales
Unbrako ® Petrochemical Fasteners Catalog www.unbrako.com Limited Warranty And Exclusive Remedy Deepak Fasteners through its Unbrako Division warrants that these products conform to industry standards specified herein and will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty is expressly given in lieu of any and all other express or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and in lieu of any other obligation on our part of DFL will at its option, repair or replace free of charge (excluding all shipping and handling costs) any products which have not been subject to misuse, abuse, or modification and which in its sole determination were not manufactured in compliance with the warranty given above. The remedy provided herein shall be the exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty or any claim arising in any way out of the manufacture, sale or use of these products. In no event shall Deepak Fasteners be liable for consequential, incidental or any other damages of any nature whatsoever except those specifically provided herein for any breach of warranty or any claim arising in any way of the manufacture, sale or use of these products. No other person is authorised by Deepak Fasteners to give any other warranty, written or oral, pertaining to the products. . Disclaimer All information contained in this catalogue has been prepared to assist users in their requirements for Studbolts. The information is based on International Fastener Standards. All such source material and information beyond the control of Deepak fastener Ltd (DFL) is subject to change. . Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that all information and technical data is accurate, DFL will not be liable to any customer that relies on any matter, fact or representation nor will it be liable for any subsequent damage or loss resulting from the use of any information contained in this catalogue. Customers are advised to make their own enquiries or seek independent advice regarding the fitness and suitability of the products listed. . The products listed in this catalogue might not be stocked at DFL at all times and customers are advised to enquire the availability of the same. E. & O.E. . Unbrako ® Contents Pages Certifications 1 About Unbrako 2 Quality And Reliability 3 Unbrako Studbolts Product Range 4-5 Studbolt Material Specification Nut Material Specification ASTM A-193/ASME SA-193 6 ASTM A-320 & ASTM A-307 7 ASTM A-194/ASME SA-194 8 Influence Of Chemicals In Steel 9 Properties Of Steel 10-11 Dimensions Of Nuts ASTM F436 Washer Metric 12 Imperial 13 Metric 14 Imperial 15 Assembly & Tightening 16-17 Specialized Coating 18 Tightening Torques 19-21 Proof Load Metric 22 Imperial 23 Studbolt Sizes For Flanges 24-29 Product Weight 30-33 Our Commitment To Quality 1 Largest Cold Forgers in the world Longest Heat Treatment Capacity State-of-the-art Heat Treatment Process Founded in 1911, Unbrako has been a leader in advancing the technology of bolted joints and meeting the needs of industry for stronger and better performing fasteners. Products such as the famous Unbrako® socket head cap screw and Durlok® fasteners are the solutions of choice for engineering applications across the world & is used by industries such as the automotive, power generation, petrochemical, heavy machinery, construction and military sectors. . Utilizing its international network in 35 countries, Unbrako provides a complete range of industrial fastening hardware including bolts, screws, SEM's, nuts, studbolts, self-locking fasteners, thread forming fasteners, among others. . Unbrako products are primarily used in performance critical applications and incorporate unique design and workmanship features that meet or exceed recognized international standards, resulting in higher tensile strength, improved fatigue resistance, improved ease of installation, reduced total cost of maintenance and extended life cycle. . With advanced manufacturing, engineering and logistics facilities, ISO/TS and CE certification, Unbrako is equipped to provide technical support and full-service package. Unbrako's focus is on building long term relationships with its customers. Full-service includes engineering and design support, procurement and purchasing services, localized warehousing and transport, a variety of packaging options and choice of delivery frequencies – to provide the right answer to any customer need. . BSI 0045 TUVRheinland 2 Unbrako ® Quality And Reliability Test Certificates Tests are carried out in our laboratory. Test results, certified by our Quality Assurance department are available at shipment of products, against invoice, as and when requested by our customers. X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer Spectrometer Metallurgical Microscope Tensile Testing In-house Destructive And Non-destructive Testing : Chemical product check analysis Hardness tests Grains size Heat treatment tests Uts test Decarburization tests Room temprature tension tests (or at 00 C) Proof load test Ultra soud testing Low temperature impact tests (upto -196 c) Macrotech tests M.P.I tests X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Microtech tests Stress rupture tests 0 Prestigious Petrochemical Clientele Petroleum Development Oman KNPC Engineers India Limited Projects And Development India Limited 3 Unbrako Studbolts For Gas, Petroleum & Chemical Industries ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/TS 16949:2002 Quality Assured DFL STUDBOLTS (ASTM Spec) COMPATIBLE NUTS (ASTM Spec) Screw Fastening Material (generic) Material A193 Grade B7 Cr - Mo 4140 / 4142 / 4145 A194 Grade 2H A193 Grade B7M Cr - Mo 4140 / 4142 / 4145 A194 Grade 2HM 18 Cr - 8 Ni 304 A194 Grade 8 A320 Grade B8M 18 Cr - 10 Ni - 2 Mo 316 A194 Grade 8M A193 Grade B16 Cr MoV EN 40CrMoV4 A194 Grade 4 or 7 A320 Grade L7 Cr - Mo 4140 / 4142 / 4145 A194 Grade 4 or 7 A320 Grade L7M Cr - Mo 4140 / 4142 / 4145 A194 Grade 4M or 7M A193 Grade B5 5 Cr 501 A194 Grade 3 A193 Grade B6 12 Cr 410 A194 Grade 6 A193 Grade B8T 18 Cr - 10 Ni - Ti 321 A194 Grade 8T A193 Grade B8 * Highlighted items can be made-to-order. DIAMETER RANGE : Imperial : 3/8" to 4" Metric : M10 to M100 LENGTH : Imperial : upto 10 feet Metric : upto 3 meters How To Measure Stud bolt length is determined by the measurement from the first full thread to the last full thread. The first and last full thread is determined as the intersection of the major diameter of the thread with the base of the point. (refer to the diagram). Diameter Length Material Studbolt for high pressure - temperature Chemical and mechanical requirements should be specified at the time of purchase and will be in accordance with ASME, ASTM, and ANSI codes and specifications as applicable at the time of ordering. 4 Unbrako ® Points Points are flat and chamfered, or sheared at option of the manufacturer. When points are flat and chamfered, the diameter of the flat shall not exceed the minor diameter of the thread, and shall be not less than one or more than two complete threads as measured from the extreme end parallel to the axis. Threads Threads are Unified inch coarse thread series (UNC), Class 2A, for all stud bolt sizes 1 inch and smaller, and Unified inch 8 thread series (UN8), class 2A, for all stud bolts larger than 1 inch, in accordance with ANSI/ASME B1.1. Acceptability of screw threads is determined based on ANSI/ASME B1.3. How To Order Important information to be provided while ordering: Nominal Thread Diameter Nominal Length in millimeters for studbolts (Refer to “how to measure”) The Standard to which the product is required Finish / Coating Required Material Grade Test Certificate Requirements 5 Studbolt Material Specification ASTM A-193/ASME SA-193 Alloy steel & stainless steel bolting for high-temperature FERRITIC STEEL B5 B6 AISI 501 410 DIN 12CrM0 19-5 X10Cr13 W.-NR. 1.7362 1.4006 B7 AU ST E N I T I C ST E E L B7M B16 B8 304 316 321 347 42CrMo4 24CrM0 V55 X5CrNi 18-8 X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 X6CrNiTi 18-10 X6CrNiNb 18-10 1.7225 1.7711 1.4301 1.4401 1.4541 1.4550 0,08 max. 4140 B8M B8T B8C CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS C% 0,10 min 0,36-0,47 0,08 max. 0,08 max. 0,08 max. 1 max 0,08-0,15 1 max 0,37-0,49 Mn % 0,65-1,10 0,45-0,70 2 max 2 max 2 max 2 max Si % 1 max. 1 max. 0,15-0,35 0,15-0,35 1 max. 1 max. 1 max. 1 max. P max % 0,040 0,040 0,035 0,035 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,045 S max % 0,030 0,030 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030 0,030 Cr % 4-6 11,5-13,5 0,75-1,20 0,80-1,15 18-20 16-18 17-19 17-19 8-11 10-14 9-12 9-12 Ni % Mo % 0,15-0,25 0,40-0,65 2-3 0,50-0,65 V% 0,25-0,35 Al Max. % 0,015 5x(C+N) min. 0,70 max. Tl % 10xC min. 1,10 max. Cb+Ta MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Diameter up to 4” up to 4” 2 1/2” and under 2 1/2” and under 2 1/2” and under Class 1: all Diameters T.S. min. Mpa 690 760 860 690 860 515 515 515 515 Y.S min. 0.2% Mpa 550 585 720 550 725 205 205 205 205 30 Elongation min.% 16 15 16 18 18 30 30 30 Red. of Area min.% 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 321 235 321 223 223 223 223 B7 B7M B16 Hardness max. HB Diameter over 2 1/2” over 2 1/2” to 4 to 4 B8 CL2 - B8T CL2 - B8C CL2 over 2 1/2” to 4 3/4” and under over 3/4” to 1” over 1” to 1 1/4” over 1 1/4” to 1 1/2” T.S. min. Mpa 795 690 760 860 795 725 690 Y.S min. 0.2% Mpa 655 550 655 690 550 450 345 Elongation min.% 16 18 17 12 15 20 28 Red. of Area min.% 50 50 45 35 35 35 45 Hardness max. HB 321 235 321 321 321 B7 B7M B16 321 321 B8M CL2 Diameter over 4” to 7” over 4” to 7” over 4” to 7” 3/4” and under over 3/4” to 1” over 1” to 1 1/4” over 1 1/4” to 1 1/2” T.S. min. Mpa 690 690 690 760 690 655 620 Y.S min. 0.2% Mpa 515 515 586 655 550 450 345 Elongation min.% 18 18 16 15 20 25 30 Red. of Area min.% 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 Hardness max. HB 321 235 321 321 321 321 321 6 Unbrako ® Studbolt Material Specification ASTM A-320 & ASTM A-307 ASTM A-320 / ASME SA-320 ASTM A-307 / SA-307 Alloy steel bolting for low-temperature Carbon steel bolts and nuts FERRITIC STEEL L7 L7M AISI 4140 DIN 42CrMo4 W.-Nr. 1.7225 AUSTENITIC STEEL L43 B8 4340 40NiCr Mo6 1.6565 304 B8M B8T 316 321 X5CrNiMo X6CrNiTi X5CrNi18-8 17-12-2 18-10 1.4401 1.4541 1.4301 CARBON STEEL B8C GR. A GR.B GR.C 347 X6CrNiNb 18-10 1.4550 CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS C% 0,38-0,48 0,38-0,43 0,08 max. 0,08 max. 0,08 max. 0,08 max. 0,29 max. Mn % 0,75-1,00 0,60-0,85 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 0,90 max. Si % 0,15-0,35 0,15-0,35 1 max. 1 max. 1 max. 1 max. 0,50 max. P max % 0,035 0,035 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,045 S max % 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030 0,030 Cr % 0,80-1,10 0,70-0,90 18-20 16-18 17-19 17-19 1,65-2,00 8-11 10-14 9-12 9-12 0,15-0,25 0,20-0,30 Ni % Mo % 0,04 max. 0,15 0,05 2-3 5xC min Tl % 10 x C min. 1,10 max. Cb+Ta MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Diameter 2 1/2” 2 1/2” 4” and under and under and under Class 1: all Diameters All Diameters T.S. min. Mpa 860 690 860 515 515 515 515 Y.S min. 0.2% Mpa 725 550 725 205 205 205 205 Elongation min.% 16 18 16 30 30 30 30 Red. of Area min.% 50 50 50 Ind. (20) med. (27) 50 50 50 50 223 223 223 223 Impact. Test Min. (J) Temp. Hardness max. HB -1010C -730C 235 415 415-690 400-500 248 18 18 23 -1010C 121-241 121-212 B8 CL2 - B8T CL2 - B8C CL2 Diameter 3/4” and under over 3/4” to 1” over 1” over 1 1/4” to 1 1/4” to 1 1/2” T.S. min. Mpa 860 795 725 690 Y.S min. 0.2% Mpa 690 550 450 345 Elongation min.% 12 15 20 28 Red. of Area min.% 35 35 35 45 Hardness max. HB 321 321 321 321 Diameter 3/4” and under over 3/4” to 1” B8M CL2 over 1” over 1 1/4” to 1 1/4” to 1 1/2” T.S. min. Mpa 760 690 655 620 Y.S min. 0.2% Mpa 655 550 450 345 30 Elongation min.% 15 20 25 Red. of Area min.% 45 45 45 45 Hardness max. HB 321 321 321 321 7 Nut Material Specification ASTM A-194/ASME SA-194 Carbon And Alloy Steel Nuts Grade 2H 3 2HM 4 6 6F 7 8 7M 8T 8M 8C CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS C% _ > Mn % 0.40 > _ _ > 1 0.40 > _ 1 _ > 0.10 0.40-0.50 > _ 0.15 > _ 0.15 0.37-0.49 0.37-0.49 1 0.70-0.90 > _ 1.00 > _ 1.25 0.65-1.10 0.65-1.10 > _ > _ 0.08 > _ 2 > _ 0.08 > _ 2 > _ 0.08 > _ 2 > _ 0.08 > _ 2 P max. % 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.035 0.04 0.06 0.035 0.035 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 S max. % 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Si % > _ 0.40 > _ 0.40 > _ 1 0.15-0.35 > _ 1 > _ 1 0.15-0.35 0.15-0.35 Ni % 4-6 Cr % 11.5-13.5 12-14 0.40-0.65 0.20-0.30 Mo % 0.75-1.20 0.75-1.20 > _ 1 > _ 1 > _ 1 > _ 1 8-11 9-12 10-14 9-12 18-20 17-19 16-18 17-19 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25 2-3 5xC+N min. 0.7 max. Ti % _ > Se % 0.15 10xC. min. Cb + Ta % MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Brinell Hardness Limits To 1 1/2” inc. 248-327 159 248 248 228 228 248 159 126 126 126 126 Over 1 1/2” 212-327 235 327 327 271 271 327 235 300 300 300 300 4140 4140 304 321 316 347 EQUIVALENCE AISI 1040 1040 501 410 UNS K04002 K04002 550100 DIN C45 C45 12CrMo 19-5 X10Cr13 W-NR 1.1191 1.1191 1.7362 1.4006 K14510 S41000 416 Se S41623 G41400 S 30400 S 32100 G 41400 S 31600 S34700 42CrMo4 42CrMo4 1.7225 1.7225 X5CrNi 18.8 X10CrNi X5CrNi Mo Ti 18.10 17-12-2 X6CrNi Nb 18.10 1.4301 1.4541 1.4550 1.4401 • Please enquire for the material available 8 Unbrako ® Influence Of Chemicals In Steel Steel alloys using difference chemical elements are produced in order to improve the physical properties of the material and to achieve special properties: Carbon (C) Although this is not considered to be an alloying element, it is the most important component in steel. It improves tensile strength, hardness and abrasion resistance. It reduces ductility, rigidity and machining. Manganese (Mn) This is an oxidiser and degasifier and reacts with sulphur to improve forgeability. It increases tensile strength, hardness and durability. Phosphorus (P) This increases tensile strength and hardness and improves machinability. It causes fragility in steel. Sulphur (S) Improves machining qualities in the presence of manganese. It reduces weldability, impact, roughness, and ductility. Silicon (Si) This is a deoxidiser and degasifier. It increases tensile strength, elasticity, hardness and forgeability. Chromium (Cr) Increase breaking strength, hardness, durability, roughness, and resistance to high temperatures. Nickel (Ni) This raises strength and hardness, while maintaining ductility and rigidity. It increases resistance to cracking and high temperatures. Molybdenum (Mo) This increases strength, hardness, durability, and rigidity, together with resistance to creaking and to high temperatures. Titanium (Ti) This is used as a stabilising element in stainless steels. It has a great affinity for carbon. 9 Properties Of Steel QUALITY B6 B7 PROPERTY Good resistance in corrosive environments (crude oil, petroleum, organic acids, organic solvents, ammonia), but not in highly corrosive environments. Good resistance to corrosion up to a temperature of 6500C, good weldability. Good strength and hardness, above all for uses in conditions of high temp. (-100C to +4270C) Applications: Petrochemicals, valves, pumps. B7M Similar to B7 but with lower mechanical properties. Applications: Petrochemical Industry. B16 Prescribed for good strength and hardness in conditions of high temp. (-100C to +5580C) Applications: Petrochemical Industry. B8 (A- 193) Used in temperatures of between -1960C and +5380C. Good resistance to intercrystalline corrosion, and excellent weldability. Applications: Petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and ironwork. B8 (A- 320) Good resistance to corrosion. Suitable for uses at low temperatures (-2540C to +5000C) Applications: Chemical, pharmaceutical, and foodstuffs Industries. B8M (A-193) Excellent resistance to intercrystalline corrosion and to corrosion caused by Cl ions. Temperature range (-1960C to + 5380C). B8M (A-320) Good resistance to corrosion. Indicated for temperatures between -1960C and +500C. Applications: Chemical and petrochemical industries. B8C (A-193) High resistance to intergranular corrosion and oxidation. Used for temperatures of (-1960C to +5380C). Applications: Petrochemical industry, changes of temperature and in the construction of structures for chemical plants. B8C (A-320) Good resistance to corrosion. Indicated for temperatures of (-2540C to +500C). Applications: Chemical and petrochemical industries. B8T (A-193) Indicated for the range of temperatures between (-1960C to +5380C). High resistance to intergranular corrosion Due to the presence of Titanium. Good weldability without the requirement for additional heat treatment. Applications: Petrochemical, chemical, foodstuffs industries, and energy generator plants. B8T (A-320) Used for temperatures of (-1010C /+5000C). Applications: petrochemical Industry. B5 For use in high temperature conditions. Applications: Petrochemical industry, valves and flanges. 10 Unbrako ® Properties Of Steel QUALITY GR.660 L7 L7M PROPERTY Excellent mechanical properties for use at high temperatures. Applications : Pressure equipment and flangers Good strength and hardness, excellent for use at low temp. (-1010C to +500C). Applications: Petrochemical Industry. Similar to L7 but with lower mechanical properties. Applications: Petrochemical Industry. Monel 400 High strength, good weldability, perfect resistance to corrosion under a wide range of temp and conditions (sea water, mineral and organic acidity). Applications: Valves, pumps, marine installations, petrochemical plants, changes of temperature, and for uses in contact with sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. Monel 500 Greater mechanical strength and resistance to abrasion than Monel 400. Applications: Valve, pumps, petrochemical plants, and fasteners. Inconel 600 Excellent resistance to both oxidising and reducing environments, as well as in corrosive environments at high temp. Applications: Equipment for the chemical, textile, foodstuffs industries and kilns. Inconel 625 Great mechanical strength from cryogenic temp up to very high temp (11000C). Excellent resistance to fatigue and oxidation. Applications: Chemical industry, marine equipment, pipes and valves. Incoloy 800H Resistance to corrosion and carbonisation at high temp (up to 11000C). Resistant to attack by sulphides, corrosion and pickling. Applications: Changes of temperature, heat equipment, generators. Incoloy 825 Hastelloy C276 Duplex 2205 Superduplex 32760 Excellent resistance to breaking due to corrosion, resistant to oxidising and reducing environments. Applications: Deoxidising tanks, chemical industry, pollution control systems. Good resistance to breaking due to corrosion in the presence of chlorine compounds, resistance to intercrystalline corrosion. Application: Employed in environment with sever chemical processes, in the paper industry, and in pollution control. Very high resistance to breaking due to corrosion. Application: Chemical and oil industries, pipes, flanges, valves for use at high temp. Perfect resistance to interstitial corrosion and corrosive environments. Application: Marine installations and petrochemical industries, 11 Dimensions Of Metric Nuts Metric Nuts In 2H Material Are Manufactured To DIN 934, H=D Dimensions. METRIC SERIES Size Diameter Across Flat (Min/Max) Nut Height ISO Thread (Pitch) Weight (kg) Per 100 Nuts M8 13 8 1,25 0,6 M 10 17 10 1,50 1,4 M 12 19 12 1,75 2 M 14 22 14 2,00 3,1 M 16 24 16 2,00 4 M 18 27 18 2,50 5,8 M 20 30 20 2,50 7,9 M 22 32 22 2,50 9,4 M24 36 24 3,00 13,7 M 27 41 27 3,00 20 M 30 46 30 3,50 28,4 M 33 50 33 3,50 36,1 M 36 55 36 4,00 48,3 M 39 60 39 4,00 62,3 M 42 65 42 4,50 79,5 M 45 70 45 4,50 98,8 M 48 75 48 5,00 122 M 52 80 52 5,00 147 M 56 85 56 5,50 177 M 60 90 60 5,50 208 M 64 95 64 6,00 245 M 68 100 68 6,00 284 M 72 105 72 6,00 327 M 76 110 76 6,00 374 M 80 115 80 6,00 425 M 85 120 85 6,00 483 M 90 130 90 6,00 606 M 95 135 95 6,00 680 M 100 145 100 6,00 835 12 Unbrako ® Dimensions Of Imperial Nuts For Imperial Studbolts Heavy Hexagon Nuts Are Used, Complying To AS 2528 & ANSI B18 2.2 For Heavy Hex Nuts. UNC/UN8 INCH SERIES Nut Height Across Flat Threads Per Inch (Pitch) Weight (kg) Per 100 Nuts 3/8” 16 1.4 19 7/16” 14 1.9 0.500 22.2 1/ 2” 13 3.0 9/16” 0.562 23.8 9/16” 12 3.7 5/8” 0.625 27 5/8” 11 5.4 3/4” 0.750 31.7 3/4” 10 8.8 7/8” 0.875 36.5 7/8” 9 13.5 1” 1.000 41.2 1” 8 19.3 1 1/8” 1.125 46 1 1/8” 8 26.9 1 1/4” 1.250 50.8 1 1/4” 8 35.7 1 3/8” 1.375 55.5 1 3/8” 8 46.3 1 1/2” 1.500 60.3 1 1/2” 8 59.5 1 5/8” 1.625 65 1 5/8” 8 73.6 1 3/4” 1.750 69.8 1 3/4” 8 92.7 1 7/8” 1.875 74.6 1 7/8” 8 109.5 2” 2.000 79.3 2” 8 135.8 2 1/4” 2.250 88.9 2 1/4” 8 190.3 2 1/2” 2.500 98.4 2 1/2” 8 256.0 2 3/4” 2.750 108 2 3/4” 8 335.0 3” 3.000 118 3” 8 432.0 3 1/4” 3.250 127 3 1/4” 8 543 3 1/2” 3.500 136.5 3 1/2” 8 694 3 3/4” 3.750 146 3 3/4” 8 824 4” 4.000 155.6 4” 8 991 Size Diameter In mm Min/Max 3/8” 0.375 17.4 7/16” 0.437 1/2” 13 ASTM F436-M Washer Washer Size, mm Inside Diameter, mm Outside Diameter, mm Thickness, mm max min max min max min 12 14.4 14.0 27.0 25.7 4.6 3.1 14 16.4 16.0 30.0 28.7 4.6 3.1 16 18.4 18.0 34.0 32.4 4.6 3.1 20 22.5 22.0 42.0 40.4 4.6 3.1 22 24.5 24.0 44.0 42.4 4.6 3.4 24 26.5 26.0 50.0 48.4 4.6 3.4 27 30.5 30.0 56.0 54.1 4.6 3.4 30 33.6 33.0 60.0 58.1 4.6 3.4 36 39.6 39.0 72.0 70.1 4.6 3.4 42 45.6 45.0 84.0 81.8 7.2 4.6 48 52.7 52.0 95.0 92.8 7.2 4.6 56 62.7 62.0 107.0 104.8 8.7 6.1 64 70.7 70.0 118.0 115.8 8.7 6.1 72 78.7 78.0 130.0 127.5 8.7 6.1 80 86.9 86.0 142.0 139.5 8.7 6.1 90 96.9 96.0 159.0 156.5 8.7 6.1 100 107.9 107.0 176.0 173.5 8.7 6.1 Chemical Requirements ASTM F-436M Element Phosphorus, max Sulfur, max Silicon Chromium Nickel Copper Composition.% Type 1 Type 3 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.050 ..... 0.15-0.35 ..... 0.45-0.65 ..... 0.25-0.45 ..... 0.25-0.45 Mechanical Properties ASTM-F-436M Hardness 38-45 HRC Hardness for hot dip Galvanised finish 26-45 HRC 14 Unbrako ® ASTM F436 Washer, Inch Diameter(ID), 1/4 0.625 5/16 Size Thickness(T), Inch Inside Outside Diameter(OD) Inch Min Max 0.281 0.051 0.080 0.688 0.344 0.051 0.080 3/8 0.813 0.406 0.051 0.080 7/16 0.922 0.469 0.051 0.080 1/2 1.063 0.531 0.097 0.177 9/16 1.188 0.625 0.110 0.177 5/8 1.313 0.688 0.122 0.177 3/4 1.468 0.813 0.122 0.177 7/8 1.750 0.938 0.136 0.177 1 2.000 1.063 0.136 0.177 1 1/8 2.250 1.188 0.136 0.177 1 1/4 2.500 1.375 0.136 0.177 1.500 0.136 0.177 1.625 0.136 0.177 1.875 0.178B 0.28B B 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 3/4 2.750 3.000 3.375 Inch 2 3.750 2.125 0.178 0.28B 2 1/4 4.000 2.375 0.24C 0.34C 2 1/2 4.500 2.625 0.24C 0.34C 2 3/4 5.000 2.875 0.24C 0.34C 3 5.500 3.125 0.24C 0.34C 3 1/4 6.000 3.375 0.24C 0.34C 3 1/2 6.500 3.625 0.24C 0.34C 3 3/4 7.000 3.875 0.24C 0.34C 4 7.500 4.125 0.24C 0.34C B Chemical Requirements ASTM F-436 Element Phosphorus, max Sulfur, max Silicon Chromium Nickel Copper 3/16 Inch Nominal C 1/4 Inch Nominal Composition.% Type 1 Type 3 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.050 ..... 0.15-0.35 ..... 0.45-0.65 ..... 0.25-0.45 ..... 0.25-0.45 Mechanical Properties ASTM-F-436 Hardness 38-45 HRC Hardness for hot dip Galvanised finish 26-45 HRC 15 Preparation For Assembly 1. The gasket seating surfaces should be inspected for cracks, scratches, tool marks or pitting. If necessary rework the flanges. 2. Clean and inspect each studbolt and nut. Nuts should run freely on the studbolt. 3. Make sure that compatible materials of studbolts and nuts are used. Recommended Fasteners For Different Working Conditions SERVICE CONDITION STUDBOLTS NUTS HIGH PRESSURE HIGH TEMPERATURE ASTM A193 Gr. B5 ASTM A193 Gr. B6 ASTM A193 Gr. B7 ASTM A193 Gr. B7.M ASTM A193 Gr. B16 ASTM A 453 Gr. 660 ASTM A 453 Gr. 651 ASTM A194 Gr. 3 ASTM A194 Gr. 6 ASTM A194 Gr. 2H ASTM A194 Gr. 2HM ASTM A194 Gr. 4or7 ASTM A194 Gr. 8C ASTM A193 Gr. 8C HIGH TEMPERATURE HIGH CORROSIVE ASTM A193 Gr. B8 ASTM A193 Gr. B8L ASTM A193 Gr. B8M ASTM A193 Gr. B8ML ASTM A194 Gr. 8 ASTM A194 Gr. 8L ASTM A194 Gr. 8M ASTM A194 Gr. 8ML HIGH PRESSURE ASTM A320 Gr. L7 ASTM A194 Gr. 4 or 7 LOW TEMPERATURE ASTM A320 Gr. L43 ASTM A194 Gr. 7 LOW TEMPERATURE ASTM A320 Gr. B8 ASTM A320 Gr. B8C ASTM A320 Gr. B8M ASTM A320 Gr. B8T ASTM A194 Gr. 8 ASTM A194 Gr. 8C ASTM A194 Gr. 8M ASTM A194 Gr. 8T 4. Lubricate all studbolts and nuts with suitable parting lubricants or anti-seize compounds, including all thread contact areas and nut faces in the process. Different lubricants produce changes to the coefficient of friction between the bolt and nut threads. Approximate values are shown in the following table. However, note that surface finish of flanges may also affect these values. . 16 Unbrako ® Preparation For Assembly Lubricant Coefficient of Friction No lubricant. clean stainless steel studbolts & nuts 0.30 No lubricant. clean steel studbolts & nuts 0.25 Zinc plated, dry 0.29 Machine oil 0.20 Molybdenum disulphide based grease 0.15 Copper based anti-seize 0.15 Solid PTFE film 0.04 to 0.10 For a given torque, clamping load applied by the studbolts and nuts increases as the coefficient of friction decreases. And a lower coefficient of friction means a better chance of producing reliable joints. 5. Inspect the gasket for any damage or imperfections and ensure the gasket is suitable for the flange operating conditions of temperature, pressure and material being sealed. Assembly And Tightening During Assembly, gaskets are usually placed between the flanges being bolted. First, roughly align the gasket in the joint by inserting a few bolts at the top of the flange. Then, lightly tighten all the other bolts. During the Tightening process the correct sequence (as illustrated below) should be used. Tightening should be continued in a clockwise manner until the desired torque is achieved. If using a torque wrench make sure it is properly calibrated. . 16 1 12 1 3 4 3 4 2 7 6 2 11 17 5 13 20 9 10 9 8 5 8 24 1 12 21 4 3 22 11 19 14 7 6 18 10 2 23 15 The sketch above shows the sequence for 4, 12 and 24 bolt flanges 17 18 Unbrako ® Tightening Torques In the following pages tightening torque figures are calculated for the studbolt range. We have assumed coefficient of friction of 0.20, and torque figures have been generated for clamping loads of 30%, 44% and 60% of yield loads. Adjustments where necessary should be made. Tightening torque is calculated as T=KDP, whereby T = Tightening Torque, K = Coefficient of Friction, D = Diameter of Stud Bolt and P = Induced Load. . Common industry practice for industrial bolting is to specify tightening torques to develop clamping loads of 60% to 65% of yield load. However, for studbolts, field experience suggests that clamping loads of more than 44% of yield load may cause deformation of flanges and difficulty in sealing joints. This fact should be accounted for in estimating tightening torque values. Some authorities adopt the flange deformation stress as the controlling factor. This allows the selection of single bolt stress value for a range of pipe classes even if different bolt types are in use. . ASTM A-193 Grade B-7 Stud Bolts Metric Dimensions Dia mm Yield Strength ksi [MPA] min Tensile Strength ksi [MPa] min _< M64 125 [860] 105 [720] Tightening Torques Thread Pitch Yield Load KN Yield Load Ibf M10 1.50 41.8 M12 1.75 M14 Dia mm For 30% of Yield Load For 44% of Yield Load For 60% of Yield Load ft. Ibs Nm ft.lbs Nm ft.lbs Nm 9397 18 25 27 37 37 50 60.7 13646 32 44 47 64 64 87 2.00 82.8 18614 51 69 75 102 102 139 M16 2.00 113.0 25403 80 108 117 159 150 217 M18 2.50 138.2 31069 110 149 161 219 220 299 M20 2.50 176.4 39656 156 212 229 310 312 423 M22 2.50 218.2 49053 211 288 311 422 424 576 M24 3.00 254.2 57146 270 366 396 537 540 732 M27 3.00 330.5 74300 395 536 579 785 790 1071 M30 3.50 403.9 90800 536 727 786 1066 1071 1454 M33 3.50 499.7 112337 729 989 1069 1451 1458 1979 M36 4.00 588.2 132233 936 1271 1373 1863 1872 2541 M39 4.00 702.7 157973 1212 1644 1777 2412 2423 3289 NOTE:- Torque values calculated are for initial guidance only and should be checked as per actual usage. 19 Tightening Torques ASTM A193 GRADE B7,B-16 & ASTM A-320 L-7 Studbolts Imerial Dimensions Tensile Strength ksi [MPa] min Dia inch Yield Strength ksi [MPA] min _< 2 ½ 125 [860] 105 [720] > 2 ½ to 4 115 [795] 95 [655] Tightening Torques Dia inch Thread Yield Load Ibf Yield Load N For 30% of Yield Load For 44% of Yield Load For 60% of Yield Load ft.lbs Nm ft.lbs Nm ft.lbs Nm 3/8 16 UNC 8140 36210 15 21 22 30 31 41 7/16 14 UNC 11130 49510 24 33 36 48 49 66 1/2 13 UNC 14910 66325 37 51 55 74 75 101 9/16 12 UNC 19110 85005 54 73 79 107 107 146 5/8 11 UNC 23730 105550 74 101 109 147 148 201 3/4 10 UNC 35070 156000 132 178 193 262 263 357 7/8 9 UNC 48510 215780 212 288 311 422 424 575 1 UN8 63630 283040 318 431 467 633 636 862 11/8 UN8 82950 368980 467 633 684 928 933 1265 1 1/4 UN8 105000 467065 656 890 963 1305 1313 1780 1 3/8 UN8 129465 575890 890 1207 1305 1770 1780 2414 1½ UN8 156660 696860 1175 1593 1723 2336 2350 3186 1 5/8 UN8 186900 831370 1519 2060 2227 3020 3037 4118 1 3/4 UN8 218400 971490 1911 2591 2803 3801 3822 5182 1 7/8 UN8 253050 1125620 2372 3216 3479 4717 4745 6433 2 UN8 290850 1293765 2909 3944 4266 5784 5817 7887 2 1/4 UN8 373800 1662745 4205 5638 6099 8269 8411 11276 2½ UN8 466200 2073760 5828 7902 8547 11588 11655 15802 2 3/4 UN8 515850 2294615 7093 9617 10403 14105 14186 19234 3 UN8 618450 2751005 9277 12578 13607 18447 18554 25155 3 1/4 UN8 730550 3249650 11871 16096 17411 23607 23743 32191 3 1/2 UN8 851200 3786325 14896 20196 21847 29621 29792 40393 NOTE:- Torque values calculated are for initial guidance only and should be checked as per actual usage. 20 Unbrako ® Tightening Torques ASTM A-193 Grade B-7M Stud Bolts Imperial Dimensions Dia _< 2 1/2 Tensile Strength ksi [MPa]min 100 [690] Yield Strength ksi [MPA] min [550] 80 Tightening Torques Dia Thread Yield Load lbf Yield Load N For 30% of Yield Load For 44% of Yield Load For 60% of Yield Load ft. Ibs Nm ft.lbs Nm ft.lbs Nm 1/2 UNC 11360 50532 28 38 42 56 57 77 9/16 UNC 14560 64766 41 55 60 81 82 111 5/8 UNC 18080 80424 57 77 83 112 113 153 3/4 UNC 26720 118857 100 136 147 199 200 272 7/8 UNC 36960 164406 162 219 237 322 323 438 1 UNC 48480 215650 242 329 356 482 485 657 1 1/8 UN8 63200 281127 356 482 521 707 711 964 1 1/4 UN8 80000 355858 500 678 733 994 1000 1356 1 3/8 UN8 98640 438773 678 919 995 1349 1356 1839 1½ UN8 119360 530940 895 1214 1313 1780 1790 2427 1 5/8 UN8 142400 633427 1157 1569 1697 2301 2314 3137 1 3/4 UN8 166400 740184 1456 1974 2135 2895 2912 3948 1 7/8 UN8 192800 857617 1808 2451 2651 3594 3615 4901 2 UN8 221600 985726 2216 3005 3250 4407 4432 6009 NOTE:- Torque values calculated are for initial guidance only and should be checked as per actual usage. 21 Proof Load (Metric) Proof Load Using Threaded Mandrel Nominal Size Inch (mm) Proof Looad, KNA Thread Pitch Stress Area mm2 HexB Grade 1 HexC Grades 2, 2HM, 6, 6F, 7M HexD Grades 2H, 3, 4, 7, 16 HexE All Types of Grade 8, & Grades 9C and 9CA M6 1.0 20.1 16.6 18.7 20.8 10.4 M8 1.25 36.6 30.2 34.0 37.9 18.8 M10 1.50 58.0 47.9 53.9 60.0 29.9 M12 1.75 84.3 69.5 78.4 87.3 43.4 M14 2.0 115.0 94.9 107.0 119.0 59.2 M16 2.0 157.0 129.5 146.0 162.5 80.9 M20 2.5 245.0 202.1 227.8 253.6 126.2 M22 2.5 303.0 249.9 281.8 313.6 156.0 M24 3.0 353.0 291.2 328.3 365.4 181.8 M27 3.0 459.0 378.7 426.9 475.1 236.4 M30 3.5 561.0 462.8 521.7 580.6 288.9 M36 4.0 817.0 674.0 759.8 845.6 420.8 NOTE: Proof loads are not design loads. A See limit for proof load test in The proof load for jam nut shall be 46% of the tabulated load. B Based on proof stress of 825 Mpa. C Based on proof stress of 935 Mpa. D Based on proof stress of 1205 Mpa. E Based on proof stress of 515 Mpa. 22 Unbrako ® Proof Load (Imperial) Proof Load Using Threaded Mandrel Nominal Size Inch [mm] Treads per inch [25.4 mm] Proof Looad, KNA Stress Area, inch2 [mm2] Heavy HexB Grade 1 inch2 [mm2] C D E Heavy Hex Heavy Hex Heavy Hex Gr. 2, 2HM, 6, 6F, 7M inch2 [mm2] Gr. 2H, 3, 4, 7, 16 inch2 [mm2] All Types of grade 8 inch2 [mm2] 1/4 [6.4] 20 0.0316 [20.4] 4 130 [18.4] 4 770 [21.2] 5 570 [24.8] 2 540 [11.3] 5/16 [7.9] 18 0.0524 [33.8] 6 810 [30.3] 7 860 [35.0] 9 170 [40.8] 4 190 [18.6] 3/8 [9.5] 16 0.0774 [49.9] 10 080 [44.8] 11 620 [51.7] 13 560 [60.3] 6 200 [27.6] 7/16 [11.1] 14 0.1063 [68.6] 13 820 [61.5] 15 940 [70.9] 18 600 [82.7] 8 500 [37.8] 1/2 [12.7] 13 0.1419 [91.5] 18 450 [82.1] 21 280 [94.6] 24 830 [110] 11 350 [50.5] 9/16 [14.2] 12 0.182 [117] 23 660 [105] 27 300 [121] 31 850 [142] 14 560 [64.8] 5/8 [15.9] 11 0.226 [146] 29 380 [131] 33 900 [151] 39 550 [176] 18 080 [80.4] 3/4 [19] 10 0.334 [215] 43 420 [193] 50 100 [223] 58 450 [260] 26 720 [119] 7/8 [22.2] 9 0.462 [298] 60 060 [267] 69 300 [308] 80 850 [360] 36 960 [164] 1 [25.4] 8 0.606 [391] 78 780 [350] 90 900 [404] 106 000 [472] 48 480 [216] 1/8 [28.6] 8 0.79 [510] 102 700 [457] 118 500 [527] 138 200 [615] 63 200 [281] 1/4 [31.8] 8 1.000 [645] 130 000 [578] 150 000 [667] 175 000 [778] 80 000 [356] 3/8 [34.9] 8 1.233 [795] 160 200 [713] 185 000 [823] 215 800 [960] 98 640 [439] 1/2 [38.1] 8 1.492 [962] 194 000 [863] 223 800 [996] 261 100 [1161] 119 360 [531] 1 1 1 1 NOTE: Proof loads are not design loads. A See limit for proof load test in The proof load for jam nut shall be 46% of the tabulated load. B Based on proof stress of 130,000 psi C Based on proof stress of 150,000 psi D Based on proof stress of 175,000 psi E Based on proof stress of 80,000 psi 23 Studbolt Sizes For Flanges (Pn20) (Class 150) DN 750, 900 TO BS 3293 DIN 15 TO 600 CONFORM TO ANSI B16.5 STUDBOLTS REQUIRED Flange Nominal Size Quantity Size Length (For Flange RF Type) inches mm inches 4 1/2” 65 2 1/2” 3/4” 4 1/2” 65 2 1/2” 25 1” 4 1/2” 70 2 3/4” 32 1 1/4” 4 1/2” 70 2 3/4” 40 1 1/2” 4 1/2” 75 3” 50 2” 4 5/8” 85 3 1/4” 65 2 1/2” 4 5/8” 90 3 1/2” 80 3” 4 5/8” 95 3 3/4” 90 3 1/2” 8 5/8” 95 3 3/4” 100 4” 8 5/8” 95 3 3/4” 125 5” 8 3/4” 100 4” 150 6” 8 3/4” 100 4” 200 8” 8 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 250 10” 12 7/8” 120 4 3/4” 300 12” 12 7/8” 120 4 3/4” 350 14” 12 1” 135 5 1/4” 400 16” 16 1” 140 5 1/2” 450 18” 16 1 1/8” 150 6” 500 20” 20 1 1/8” 160 6 1/4” 600 24” 20 1 1/4” 180 7” 750 30” 28 1 1/4” 190 7 1/2” 900 36” 32 1 1/2” 215 8 1/2” DN NPS 15 1/2” 20 NOTE 1. Imperial lengths are an approximate conversion. 2. Face height of 2mm is included in stud length for RF type flange. 3. Stud bolt length does not include points (refer to how to measure). 4. Stud bolt lengths are rounded to nearest 5mm. 24 Unbrako ® Studbolt Sizes For Flanges (Pn50) (Class 300) DN 750, 900 TO BS 3293 DIN15 TO 600 CONFORM TO ANSI B16.5 STUDBOLTS REQUIRED Flange Nominal Size Quantity Size Length (For Flange RF Type) inches mm inches 4 1/2” 65 2 1/2” 3/4” 4 5/8” 75 3” 25 1” 4 5/8” 80 3 1/4” 32 1 1/4” 4 5/8” 80 3 1/4” 40 1 1/2” 4 3/4” 90 3 1/2” 50 2” 4 5/8” 90 3 1/2” 65 2 1/2” 4 3/4” 100 4” 80 3” 4 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 90 3 1/2” 8 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 100 4” 8 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 125 5” 8 3/4” 120 4 3/4” 150 6” 8 3/4” 125 5 200 8” 8 7/8” 140 5 1/2” 250 10” 12 1” 160 6 1/4” 300 12” 12 1 1/8” 170 6 6/4” 350 14” 12 1 1/8” 180 7” 400 16” 16 1 1/4” 190 7 1/2” 450 18” 16 1 1/4” 195 7 3/4” 500 20” 20 1 1/4” 210 8 1/4” 600 24” 20 1 1/2” 230 9 750 30” 28 1 3/4” 290 11 1/2” 900 36” 32 2” 325 12 3/4” DN NPS 15 1/2” 20 NOTE:1. Imperial lengths are an approximate conversion. 2. Face height of 2mm is included in stud length for RF type flange. 3. Stud bolt length does not include points (refer to how to measure). 4. Stud bolt lengths are rounded to nearest 5mm. 25 Studbolt Sizes For Flanges (Pn100) (Class 600) DN 750, 900 TO BS 3293 DIN15 TO 600 CONFORM TO ANSI B16.5 STUDBOLTS REQUIRED Flange Nominal Size Quantity Size Length (For Flange RF Type) inches mm inches 4 1/2” 80 3 1/4” 3/4” 4 5/8” 90 3 1/2” 25 1” 4 5/8” 90 3 1/2” 32 1 1/4” 4 5/8” 100 4” 40 1 1/2” 4 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 50 2” 8 5/8” 110 4 1/4” 65 2 1/2” 8 3/4” 120 4 3/4” 80 3” 8 3/4” 125 5 90 3 1/2” 8 7/8” 140 5 1/2” 100 4” 8 7/8” 145 5 3/4” 125 5” 8 1” 165 6 1/2” 150 6” 12 1” 170 6 3/4” 200 8” 12 1 1/8” 195 7 3/4” 250 10” 16 1 1/4” 215 8 ½” 300 12” 20 1 1/4” 220 8 3/4” 350 14” 20 1 3/8” 235 9 1/4” 400 16” 20 1 1/2” 355 10” 450 18” 20 1 5/8” 275 10 3/4” 500 20” 24 1 5/8” 290 11 1/2” 600 24” 24 1 7/8” 330 13” 750 30” 28 2” 355 14” 900 36” 28 2 1/2” 400 15 3/4” DN NPS 15 1/2” 20 NOTE 1. Imperial lengths are an approximate conversion. 2. Face height of 2mm is included in stud length for RF type flange. 3. Stud bolt length does not include points (refer to how to measure). 4. Stud bolt lengths are rounded to nearest 5mm. 26 Unbrako ® Studbolt Sizes For Flanges (Pn150) (Class 900) DN 750, 900 TO BS 3293 DIN15 TO 600 CONFORM TO ANSI B16.5 STUDBOLTS REQUIRED Flange Nominal Size Quantity Size Length (For Flange RF Type) inches mm inches 4 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 3/4” 4 3/4” 115 4 1/2” 25 1” 4 7/8” 125 5” 32 1 1/4” 4 7/8” 125 5” 40 1 1/2” 4 1” 140 5 1/2” 50 2” 8 7/8” 145 5 3/4” 65 2 1/2” 8 1” 160 6 1/4” 80 3” 8 7/8” 145 5 3/4” 100 4” 8 1 1/8” 170 6 3/4” 125 5” 8 1 1/4” 190 7 1/2” 150 6” 12 1 1/8” 195 7 3/4” 200 8” 12 1 3/8” 220 8 3/4” 250 10” 16 1 3/8” 235 9 1/4” 300 12” 20 1 3/8” 255 10” 350 14” 20 1 1/2” 275 10 3/4” 400 16” 20 1 5/8” 290 11 1/2” 450 18” 20 1 7/8” 325 12 3/4” 500 20” 20 2” 345 13 1/2” 600 24” 20 2 1/2” 440 17 1/4” DN NPS 15 1/2” 20 NOTE:1. Imperial lengths are an approximate conversion. 2. Face height of 2mm is included in stud length for RF type flange. 3. Stud bolt length does not include points (refer to how to measure). 4. Stud bolt lengths are rounded to nearest 5mm. 27 Studbolt Sizes For Flanges (PN250) (Class 1500) DIN 15 TO 600 CONFORM TO ANSI B16.5 STUDBOLTS REQUIRED Flange Nominal Size Quantity Size Length (For Flange RF Type) inches mm inches 4 3/4” 110 4 1/4” 3/4” 4 3/4” 115 4 1/2” 25 1” 4 7/8” 125 5” 32 1 1/4” 4 7/8” 125 5” 40 1 1/2” 4 1” 140 5 1/2” 50 2” 8 7/8” 145 5 3/4” 65 2 1/2” 8 1” 160 6 1/4” 80 3” 8 7/8” 180 7” 100 4” 8 1 1/8” 195 7 3/4” 125 5” 8 1 1/4” 250 9 3/4” 150 6” 12 1 1/8” 260 10 1/4” 200 8” 12 1 3/8” 290 11 1/2” 250 10” 12 1 3/8” 335 13 1/4” 300 12” 16 1 3/8” 375 14 3/4” 350 14” 16 1 ½” 405 16” 400 16” 16 1 5/8” 445 17 1/2” 450 18” 16 1 7/8” 495 19 ½” 500 20” 16 2” 545 21 1/2” 600 24” 16 2 1/2” 615 24 1/4” DN NPS 15 1/2” 20 NOTE 1. Imperial lengths are an approximate conversion. 2. Face height of 2mm is included in stud length for RF type flange. 3. Stud bolt length does not include points (refer to how to measure). 4. Stud bolt lengths are rounded to nearest 5mm. 28 Unbrako ® Studbolt Sizes For Flanges (PN420) (Class 2500) DIN 15 TO 300 COMPLIES TO ANSI B16.5 STUDBOLTS REQUIRED Flange Nominal Size Quantity Size Length (For Flange RF Type) inches mm inches 4 3/4” 125 5” 3/4” 4 3/4” 125 5” 25 1” 4 7/8” 140 5 1/2” 32 1 1/4” 4 1” 150 6 40 1 1/2” 4 1 1/8” 170 6 3/4” 50 2” 8 1” 180 7 65 2 1/2" 8 1 1/8” 195 7 3/4 80 3” 8 1 1/4” 220 8 3/4 100 4” 8 1 1/2” 255 10” 125 5” 8 1 3/4” 300 11 3/4” 150 6” 8 2” 350 13 3/4” 200 8” 12 2” 380 15” 250 10” 12 2 1/2” 485 19” 300 12” 12 2 3/4” 545 21 1/2” DN NPS 15 1/2" 20 NOTE:1. Imperial lengths are an approximate conversion. 2. Face height of 2mm is included in stud length for RF type flange. 3. Stud bolt length does not include points (refer to how to measure). 4. Stud bolt lengths are rounded to nearest 5mm. 29 Product Weight Totally Threaded With 2 Heavy Hexagonal Nuts WEIGHT (kg) FOR 1 PIECE Dia Length 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 50 60 65 70 75 80 90 95 100 110 115 120 125 130 140 145 150 160 165 170 180 185 190 195 200 210 215 220 230 235 240 250 255 260 265 275 0.054 0.056 0.061 0.063 0.065 0.069 0.071 0.074 0.076 0.080 0.082 0.084 0.086 0.091 0.093 0.095 0.097 0.102 0.104 0.106 0.110 0.112 0.114 0.117 0.121 0.123 0.125 0.127 0.132 0.134 0.136 0.140 0.142 0.145 0.147 0.151 0.073 0.076 0.082 0.085 0.087 0.093 0.096 0.099 0.102 0.108 0.111 0.114 0.117 0.123 0.126 0.128 0.131 0.137 0.140 0.143 0.149 0.152 0.155 0.158 0.164 0.167 0.169 0.172 0.178 0.181 0.184 0.19 0.193 0.196 0.199 0.205 0.108 0.113 0.121 0.125 0.129 0.137 0.141 0.145 0.149 0.157 0.161 0.165 0.169 0.177 0.181 0.185 0.189 0.197 0.201 0.205 0.213 0.217 0.221 0.225 0.233 0.237 0.241 0.245 0.253 0.257 0.261 0.269 0.274 0.278 0.282 0.290 0.135 0.140 0.150 0.155 0.160 0.170 0.174 0.179 0.184 0.194 0.199 0.204 0.209 0.219 0.224 0.229 0.234 0.244 0.249 0.254 0.264 0.269 0.224 0.279 0.289 0.294 0.299 0.304 0.314 0.319 0.324 0.334 0.339 0.344 0.349 0.359 0.172 0.178 0.191 0.197 0.203 0.216 0.122 0.229 0.235 0.248 0.254 0.261 0.267 0.28 0.286 0.292 0.299 0.311 0.318 0.324 0.337 0.343 0.349 0.356 0.369 0.375 0.381 0.388 0.400 0.407 0.413 0.426 0.432 0.438 0.445 0.457 0.279 0.289 0.307 0.317 0.326 0.345 0.354 0.363 0.373 0.391 0.401 0.410 0.420 0.438 0.448 0.457 0.466 0.485 0.494 0.504 0.522 0.532 0.541 0.550 0.569 0.578 0.588 0.597 0.616 0.625 0.635 0.653 0.663 0.672 0.681 0.700 0.400 0.413 0.438 0.451 0.464 0.489 0.502 0.515 0.528 0.553 0.566 0.579 0.592 0.617 0.630 0.643 0.656 0.681 0.694 0.707 0.733 0.745 0.758 0.771 0.797 0.809 0.822 0.835 0.861 0.873 0.886 0.912 0.925 0.937 0.950 0.976 0.554 0.571 0.604 0.621 0.638 0.671 0.688 0.705 0.722 0.755 0.772 0.789 0.806 0.839 0.856 0.870 0.890 0.923 0.940 0.957 0.991 1.007 1.024 1.041 1.075 1.091 1.108 1.125 1.159 1.175 1.192 1.226 1.243 1.259 1.276 1.310 2” 2.1/4” 2.1/2” 2.3/4” 3” 3.1/4” 3.1/2” 3.3/4” 4” 4.1/4” 4.1/2” 4.3/4” 5” 5.1/4” 5.1/2” 5.3/4” 6” 6.1/4” 6.1/2” 6.3/4” 7” 7.1/4” 7.1/2” 7.3/4” 8” 8.1/4” 8.1/2” 8.3/4” 9” 9.1/4” 9.1/2” 9.3/4” 10” 10.1/4” 10.1/2” 10.3/4” 1.1/8” 1.1/4” 1.3/8” 1.1/2” 1.5/8” 1.3/4” 0.747 0.768 0.812 0.833 0.855 0.898 0.920 0.940 0.963 1.006 1.028 1.050 1.071 1.115 1.136 1.158 1.180 1.223 1.245 1.266 1.309 1.331 1.353 1.374 1.418 1.439 1.461 1.483 1.526 1.548 1.569 1.613 1.634 1.656 1.678 1.221 0.960 0.988 1.042 1.069 1.096 1.151 1.178 1.205 1.232 1.286 1.313 1.341 1.368 1.422 1.449 1.476 1.503 1.558 1.585 1.612 1.666 1.694 1.721 1.748 1.802 1.829 1.856 1.884 1.938 1.965 1.992 2.045 2.074 2.101 2.128 2.182 1.229 1.263 1.329 1.362 1.396 1.462 1.495 1.529 1.562 1.628 1.662 1.695 1.728 1.795 1.828 1.861 1.894 1.961 1.994 2.027 2.094 2.127 2.160 2.194 2.260 2.293 2.327 2.360 2.426 2.460 2.493 2.559 2.593 2.626 2.659 2.726 1.543 1.583 1.663 1.703 1.743 1.823 1.863 1.903 1.943 2.023 2.063 2.103 2.143 2.231 2.263 2.304 2.344 2.424 2.464 2.504 2.584 2.624 2.664 2.704 2.784 2.824 2.864 2.904 2.984 3.024 3.064 3.145 3.185 3.225 3.265 3.345 1.950 1.997 2.092 2.139 2.187 2.282 2.329 2.376 2.424 2.519 2.566 2.613 2.661 2.756 2.803 2.850 2.898 2.993 3.040 3.087 3.182 3.230 3.277 3.324 3.419 3.467 3.514 3.561 3.656 3.704 3.751 3.846 3.893 3.941 3.988 4.083 2.333 2.389 2.500 2.555 2.611 2.722 2.777 2.833 2.888 2.999 3.055 3.110 3.166 3.277 3.330 3.388 3.443 3.554 3.610 3.665 3.776 3.832 3.887 3.943 4.054 4.109 4.165 4.220 4.331 4.387 4.442 4.553 4.609 4.664 4.720 4.831 30 Unbrako ® Product Weight Totally Threaded With 2 Heavy Hexagonal Nuts WEIGHT (kg) FOR 1 PIECE Dia Length 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 280 285 290 300 305 310 320 325 330 335 345 350 355 360 370 375 380 385 395 400 405 415 420 425 430 440 445 450 455 465 470 475 485 490 495 500 0.153 0.155 0.158 0.162 0.164 0.166 0.168 0.173 0.175 0.177 0.181 0.183 0.186 0.188 0.192 0.194 0.196 0.199 0.203 0.205 0.207 0.209 0.214 0.216 0.218 0.222 0.224 0.227 0.229 0.233 0.235 0.237 0.242 0.244 0.246 0.248 0.208 0.210 0.213 0.219 0.222 0.225 0.228 0.234 0.237 0.240 0.246 0.249 0.251 0.254 0.260 0.263 0.266 0.269 0.275 0.278 0.281 0.284 0.290 0.292 0.295 0.301 0.304 0.307 0.310 0.316 0.319 0.322 0.328 0.331 0.333 0.336 0.294 0.298 0.302 0.310 0.314 0.318 0.322 0.330 0.334 0.338 0.346 0.350 0.354 0.358 0.366 0.370 0.374 0.378 0.386 0.390 0.394 0.398 0.406 0.410 0.414 0.422 0.426 0.430 0.435 0.443 0.447 0.451 0.459 0.463 0.467 0.471 0.364 0.369 0.374 0.384 0.389 0.394 0.399 0.409 0.414 0.419 0.429 0.434 0.439 0.444 0.454 0.459 0.464 0.469 0.479 0.483 0.488 0.493 0.503 0.508 0.513 0.523 0.528 0.533 0.538 0.548 0.553 0.558 0.568 0.573 0.578 0.583 0.464 0.470 0.476 0.489 0.496 0.502 0.508 0.521 0.527 0.534 0.546 0.553 0.559 0.565 0.578 0.584 0.591 0.597 0.610 0.616 0.623 0.629 0.642 0.648 0.654 0.667 0.673 0.680 0.686 0.699 0.705 0.711 0.724 0.730 0.737 0.743 0.709 0.719 0.728 0.747 0.756 0.765 0.775 0.794 0.803 0.812 0.831 0.840 0.850 0.859 0.878 0.887 0.896 0.906 0.924 0.934 0.943 0.952 0.971 0.981 0.990 1.009 1.018 1.027 1.037 1.055 1.065 1.074 1.093 1.102 1.111 1.127 0.989 1.001 1.014 1.040 1.053 1.065 1.078 1.104 1.117 1.129 1.155 1.168 1.181 1.193 1.219 1.232 1.245 1.257 1.283 1.296 1.309 1.327 1.347 1.360 1.373 1.398 1.411 1.424 1.437 1.462 1.475 1.488 1.513 1.526 1.539 1.552 1.327 1.343 1.360 1.394 1.411 1.427 1.461 1.478 1.495 1.511 1.545 1.562 1.579 1.595 1.629 1.646 1.663 1.679 1.713 1.730 1.747 1.763 1.797 1.814 1.831 1.864 1.881 1.898 1.915 1.948 1.965 1982 2.015 2.032 2.049 1.066 11” 11.1/4” 11.1/2” 11.3/4” 12” 12.1/4” 12.1/2” 12.3/4” 13” 13.1/4” 13.1/2” 13.3/4” 14” 14.1/4” 14.1/2” 14.3/4” 15” 15.1/4” 15.1/2” 15.3/4” 16” 16.1/4” 16.1/2” 16.3/4” 17” 17.1/4” 17.1/2” 17.3/4” 18” 18.1/4” 18.1/2” 18.3/4” 19” 19.1/4” 19.1/2” 19 3/4” 1.1/8” 1.1/4” 1.3/8” 1.1/2” 1.5/8” 1.3/4” 1.742 1.764 1.786 1.829 1.851 1.872 1.894 1.937 1.959 1.981 2.024 2.046 2.067 2.089 2.132 2.154 2.175 2.197 2.240 2.262 2.284 2.305 2.349 2.370 2.392 2.435 2.457 2.479 2.500 2.544 2.565 2.587 2.630 2.652 2.673 2.695 2.209 2.237 2.264 2.318 2.345 2.372 1.399 2.454 2.481 2.508 2.562 2.589 2.617 2.644 2.698 2.725 2.752 2.780 2.834 2.861 2.888 2.915 2.970 2.997 3.024 3.078 3.105 3.132 3.160 3.214 3.241 3.268 3.323 3.350 3.377 3.404 2.759 2.792 2.825 2.892 2.925 2.958 2.992 3.058 3.091 3.125 3.191 3.224 3.258 3.291 3.357 3.391 3.424 3.457 3.524 3.557 3.590 3.623 3.690 3.723 3.756 3.823 3.856 3.889 3.923 3.989 4.022 4.056 4.122 4.155 4.189 4.222 3.385 3.425 3.465 3.545 3.585 3.625 3.705 3.745 3.785 3.825 3.906 3.946 3.986 4.026 4.106 4.146 4.186 4.226 4.306 4.346 4.386 4.426 4.506 4.546 4.586 4.666 4.707 4.747 4.787 4.867 4.907 4.947 5.027 5.067 5.107 5.147 4.130 4.178 4.225 4.320 4.367 4.415 4.462 4.557 4.604 4.652 4.746 4.794 4.841 4.889 4.983 5.031 5.078 5.126 5.220 5.268 5.315 5.363 5.457 5.505 5.552 5.647 5.694 5.742 5.789 5.884 5.931 5.979 6.074 6.121 6.168 6.216 4.886 4.942 4.997 5.108 5.164 5.219 5.275 5.386 5.441 5.497 5.608 5.663 5.719 5.774 5.886 5.940 5.996 6.052 6.163 6.218 6.274 6.329 6.440 6.496 6.551 6.662 6.718 6.773 6.829 6.940 6.995 7.051 7.162 7.217 7.273 7.328 31 Product Weight Totally Threaded With 2 Heavy Hexagonal Nuts WEIGHT (kg) FOR 1 PIECE Dia Length 1.7/8” 2” 2.1/4” 2.1/2” 2.3/4” 3” 3.1/4” 3.1/2” 3.3/4” 4” 50 60 65 70 75 80 90 95 100 110 115 120 125 130 140 145 150 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 210 215 220 230 235 240 250 255 260 265 275 2.830 2.894 3.022 3.086 3.150 3.278 3.342 3.406 3.470 3.598 3.662 3.716 3.790 3.918 3.982 4.046 4.110 4.238 4.302 4.366 4.430 4.494 4.558 4.622 4.685 4.814 4.878 4.942 5.006 5.134 5.198 5.262 5.390 5.454 5.518 5.582 5.710 3.394 3.467 3.613 3.686 3.759 3.905 3.978 4.051 4.124 4.270 4.343 4.416 4.489 4.635 4.708 4.781 4.854 5.073 5.146 5.219 5.292 5.365 5.438 5.511 5.584 5.730 5.803 5.803 5.876 6.022 6.095 6.168 6.314 6.387 6.460 6.533 6.679 4.667 4.761 4.948 5.041 5.135 5.322 5.415 5.509 5.602 5.789 5.883 5.976 6.070 6.257 6.350 6.444 6.537 6.724 6.818 6.911 7.005 7.098 7.192 7.285 7.379 7.566 7.639 7.753 7.846 8.033 8.127 8.220 8.407 8.501 8.594 8.688 8.875 6.282 6.398 6.631 6.748 6.864 7.097 7.214 7.330 7.447 7.680 7.796 7.913 8.029 8.262 8.379 8.495 8.612 8.845 8.961 9.078 9.194 9.311 9.427 9.544 9.660 9.893 10.010 10.126 10.246 10.476 10.592 10.709 10.942 11.058 11.175 11.291 11.524 7.953 8.094 8.377 8.519 8.660 8.943 9.085 9.226 9.368 9.651 9.792 9.934 10.075 10.358 10.500 10.641 10.783 11.066 11.207 11.349 11.490 11.632 11.773 11.915 12.056 12.339 12.481 12.622 12.764 13.047 13.188 13.330 13.613 13.754 13.896 14.037 14.320 9.769 9.938 10.277 10.447 10.616 10.955 11.125 11.294 11.464 11.803 11.972 12.142 12.311 12.650 12.820 12.989 13.159 13.498 13.667 13.837 14.006 14.176 14.345 14.515 14.684 15.023 15.193 15.362 15.532 15.871 16.040 16.210 16.549 16.718 16.888 17.057 17.396 11.970 12.173 12.578 12.780 12.983 13.388 13.590 13.793 13.995 14.400 14.603 14.805 15.008 15.413 15.615 15.818 16.020 16.425 16.628 16.830 17.033 17.235 17.438 17.640 17.843 18.048 18.450 18.653 18.855 19.260 19.463 19.665 20.070 20.273 20.475 20.678 21.083 15.499 15.735 16.207 16.443 16.679 17.151 17.387 17.623 17.859 18.331 18.567 18.803 19.039 19.511 19.747 19.983 20.219 20.691 20.927 21.163 21.399 21.635 21.871 22.107 22.343 22.815 23.051 23.287 23.523 23.995 24.231 24.467 24.939 25.175 25.411 25.647 26.119 18.579 18.844 19.374 19.639 19.904 20.434 20.699 20.964 21.229 71.759 22.024 22.289 22.554 23.084 23.349 23.614 23.879 24.409 24.674 24.939 25.204 25.469 25.734 25.999 26.264 26.794 27.059 27.324 27.589 28.119 28.384 28.649 29.179 29.444 29.709 29.974 30.504 22.948 23.253 23.862 24.166 24.470 25.079 25.384 25.688 25.992 26.601 26.906 27.210 27.514 28.123 28.428 28.732 29.036 29.645 29.950 30.254 30.558 30.863 31.167 31.472 31.776 32.385 32.689 32.994 33.298 33.907 34.211 34.516 35.124 35.429 35.733 36.038 36.646 2” 2.1/4” 2.1/2” 2.3/4” 3” 3.1/4” 3.1/2” 3.3/4” 4” 4.1/4” 4.1/2” 4.3/4” 5” 5.1/4” 5.1/2” 5.3/4” 6” 6.1/4” 6.1/2” 6.3/4” 6.7/8” 7” 7.1/4” 7.1/2” 7.3/4” 8” 8.1/4” 8.1/2” 8.3/4” 9” 9.1/4” 9.1/2” 9.3/4” 10” 10.1/4” 10.1/2” 10.3/4” 32 Unbrako ® Product Weight Totally Threaded With 2 Heavy Hexagonal Nuts WEIGHT (kg) FOR 1 PIECE Dia Length 1.7/8” 2” 2.1/4” 2.1/2” 2.3/4” 3” 3.1/4” 3.1/2” 3.3/4” 4” 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 5.774 5.838 5.902 5.966 6.030 6.094 6.158 6.222 6.286 6.350 6.414 6.478 6.542 6.606 6.670 6.734 6.798 6.862 6.926 6.990 7.054 7.118 7.182 7.246 7.310 7.374 7.438 7.502 7.566 7.630 7.694 7.758 7.822 7.886 7.950 8.014 8.078 8.142 8.206 8.270 8.334 8.398 8.462 8.526 8.590 6.752 6.825 6.898 6.971 7.044 7.117 7.190 7.263 7.336 7.409 7.482 7.555 7.628 7.701 7.774 7.847 7.920 7.993 8.066 8.139 8.212 8.285 8.358 8.431 8.504 8.577 8.650 8.723 8.796 8.869 8.942 9.015 9.088 9.161 9.234 9.307 9.380 9.453 9.526 9.599 9.672 9.745 9.818 9.891 9.964 8.968 9.062 9.155 9.249 9.342 9.436 9.529 9.623 9.716 9.810 9.903 9.997 10.090 10.184 10.277 10.371 10.464 10.558 10.651 10.745 10.838 10.932 10.025 11.119 11.212 11.306 11.399 11.493 11.586 11.680 11.773 11.867 11.960 12.054 12.147 12.241 12.334 12.428 12.521 12.615 12.708 12.802 12.895 12.989 13.082 11.641 11.757 11.874 11.990 12.107 12.223 12.340 12.456 12.573 12.689 12.806 12.922 13.039 13.155 13.272 13.388 13.505 13.621 13.738 13.854 13.971 14.087 14.204 14.320 14.437 14.553 14.670 14.786 14.903 15.019 15.136 15.252 15.369 15.485 15.602 15.718 15.835 15.951 16.068 16.184 16.301 16.417 16.534 16.650 16.767 14.462 14.603 14.745 14.886 15.028 15.169 15.311 15.452 15.594 15.735 15.877 16.018 16.160 16.301 16.443 16.584 16.726 16.867 17.009 17.150 17.292 17.433 17.575 17.716 17.858 17.999 18.141 18.282 18.424 18.565 18.707 18.848 18.990 19.131 19.273 19.414 19.556 19.697 19.839 19.980 20.122 20.263 20.405 20.546 20.688 17.566 17.735 17.905 18.074 18.244 18.413 18.583 18.752 18.922 19.091 19.261 19.430 19.600 19.769 19.939 20.108 20.278 20.447 20.617 20.786 20.956 21.125 21.295 21.464 21.634 21.803 21.973 22.142 22.312 22.481 22.651 22.820 22.990 23.159 23.329 23.498 23.668 23.837 24.007 24.176 24.346 24.515 24.685 24.854 25.024 21.285 21.488 21.690 21.893 22.095 22.298 22.500 22.703 22.905 23.108 23.310 23.513 23.715 23.918 24.120 24.323 24.525 24.728 24.930 25.133 25.535 25.538 25.740 25.943 26.145 26.348 26.550 26.753 26.955 27.158 27.360 27.563 27.765 27.968 28.170 28.373 28.575 28.778 28.980 29.183 29.385 29.588 29.790 29.993 30.195 26.355 26.591 26.827 27.063 27.299 27.535 27.771 28.007 28.243 28.479 28.715 28.951 29.187 29.423 29.659 29.895 30.131 30.367 30.603 30.838 31.075 31.311 31.547 31.783 32.019 32.255 32.491 32.727 32.963 33.199 33.435 33.671 33.907 34.143 34.379 34.615 34.851 35.087 35.323 35.559 35.795 36.031 36.267 36.503 36.739 30.769 31.034 31.299 31.564 31.829 32.094 32.359 32.624 32.889 33.154 33.419 33.684 33.949 34.214 34.479 34.744 35.009 35.274 35.539 35.804 36.069 36.334 36.599 36.864 37.129 37.394 37.659 37.924 38.189 38.454 38.719 38.984 39.249 39.514 39.779 40.044 40.309 40.574 40.839 41.104 41.369 41.634 41.899 42.164 42.429 36.951 37.255 37.560 37.864 38.168 38.473 38.777 39.082 39.386 39.690 39.995 40.299 40.604 40.908 41.212 41.517 41.821 42.126 41.430 42.734 43.039 43.343 43.648 43.952 44.256 44.561 44.865 45.170 45.474 45.778 46.083 46.387 46.692 46.996 47.300 47.605 47.909 48.214 48.518 48.822 49.127 49.431 49.736 50.040 50.344 11'' 11.1/4" 11.1/2" 11.5/8" 11.3/4" 12" 12.1/4" 12.1/2" 12.5/8" 12.3/4" 13" 13.1/4" 13.3/8" 13.1/2" 13.3/4" 14" 14.1/4" 14.3/8" 14.1/2" 14.3/4" 15" 15.1/4" 15.3/8" 15.1/2" 15.3/4" 16" 16.1/4" 16.3/8" 16.1/2" 16.3/4" 17" 17.1/8" 17.1/4" 17.1/2" 17.3/4" 18" 18.1/8" 18.1/4" 18.1/2" 18.3/4" 18.7/8" 19" 19.1/4" 19.1/2" 19.3/4" 33 Unbrako ® Engineered for Engineers ORLD IDE Access BSI BSI ISO 9001:2000 ISO/TS 16949:2002 0045 website: www.unbrako.com / e-mail: unbrakosales@unbrako.com
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