Customer journeys: The paths from thinking of food to eating a
Customer journeys: The paths from thinking of food to eating a
12th International MAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing Customer journeys – The paths from thinking of food to eating a delightful meal Dr. Mirjam Hauser Middelfart, May 20, 2015 Diese Präsentation ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Art des Vervielfältigens ist verboten. Wiedergaben sind nur mit schriftlicher Bewilligung des Autors erlaubt. This presentation is protected by copyright. Any form of copying is prohibited. Reproduction is permitted only subject to the written consent of the author. «Tomorrow's markets do not belong to the fear-mongers but to the generators of hope - the dreamer is the true realist.» Gottlieb Duttweiler, 1888-1962 What is the GDI doing? Events: Conferences, lectures, talks Publications − GDI studies − GDI IMPULS − GDI Books − GDI Newsletter Research − Own studies − Commissioned studies Event location − Talks/lectures − Rooms & infrastructure − Workshops − Gastronomy − Services The future of food – How new technology changes the way we buy goods Why customer journeys? Research goal, methods and procedure Values and attitudes are important drivers for food purchase behavior, but little is known about the interplay of people’s values, lifestyle, and situational context of the purchase behavior The goal of this research project was to explore barriers and facilitators for satisfying food choices − A: 16 semi-structured in-depth interviews with Swiss families − B: Workshop with experts on the findings and implications The study identified a variety of crucial contextual factors facilitating and impeding sustainable and healthy food choices, − available resources (time, money, knowledge a. food & cooking) − logistics (availability of purchase points, coalescence of online and offline services, etc.) Interview sample: 16 families living in the city of Zurich Work Family model 1 parent 100%, other part-time (6) Both part-time (4) Both 100% (1) Single parent part-time (4) Single parent full-time 100% (1) Parents/Couple (11) Single parent (5) 8 Pre-school-kids (1-6 years) 9 School kids (7-12 years) 8 Teenager (13-18+ years) Almost every child at least 1-2x week Occurence per week: − never (2) − 1x (1) − 2-3x (5) − 4-5x (6) − (+ 1 student & 1 grandchild) Quelle: GDI Famigros-Interviews 2015 (N=16) Children (1-3 per family) Eating out-of-home (nursery, school, workplace) Weekdays: Quick breakfast at home, individual varying lunch, joint dinner at home Kid/s Shopping Restaurant Take Away Supermarket: a) 1 bulk purchase b) 2-3x week offers, fresh regional, organic – intolerances Little/no convenience Parent A Parent B Values Restaurant (rarely) Out-of-home Cafeteria Break-room (BYO) Snack healthy At work/school Breakfast on-the-go Snack at work/school Daycare School/Nursery Snack onthe-go Quick and healthy On the go Lunch Breakfast at home Snack Freshly cooked Taking time for cooking Eating as a way to get together Joint dinner main meal Sleeping At home 6:00 9:00 12:00 16:00 19:00 23:00 Soiurce: GDI Famigros-Interviews 2015 (N=16) Canteen/Cafeteri a Offers: Bulk purchases at retailers are guided by offers – touch points are: (retailer) magazines, apps, online, PoS (salespeople) Planning of the menu: mostly by one parent who plans, organizes and cooks – in agreement with the partner Online-Recipee-Sites or Apps support the planning process About half use a shopping list – the others decide at the PoS and still other combine both. Online-Shopping is only moderately liked, mostly due to the lack of experience/pleasure (unemotional), negative experiences, no added value, delivery costs and inflexible delivery times Self-Scanning/Checkout is a positive experience: convenient, transparent, faster – but concerns about cashier job cuts Quelle: GDI Famigros-Interviews 2015 (N=16) Identifying critical touch points – online and real go hand in hand On weekends families follow similar eating paths: later brunch and elaborate joint dinner Helping Understanding Supermarket DE DIY Garden/ relatives Out-of-home Pleasure, Variety Lack of time Restaurant (besondere Anlässe) Picnic/BBQ (BYO) Excursions Restaurant Fastfood/ Self-service Exceptions: Fastfood Self-service Being guest at a friend‘s/relativ es‘ home Invitations Brunch with family At home Regular breakfast 8:00 Coffee& Cake with friends Regular lunch 10:00 12:00 14:00 Values 16:00 Elaborate Taking time Try new recipes Big dinner with family/friends/gue sts Sleeping 18:00 20:00 22:00 Source: GDI Famigros-Interviews 2015 (N=16) Shopping Inspiration Taking time (Farmers) Specialities Market & Quality Specialty shops More crucial touch points – Experiences of life shape eating habits Personal and family turning points Out-of-home: Choice of location and concept depends on various motives and situation... – Age of children – Online restaurant ratings – Own experience at the restaurant Self-determination: Cooking at home and inviting relatives/friends (or vice-versa) Quelle: GDI Famigros-Interviews 2015 (N=16) – Recommendation of friends Workshop with experts on future touch points Touch Points before, during and after the purchase: both real and virtual Type of touch point Before Choice of purchase location Supermarket Specialty store Farmers market Online Delivery Take-Away Fast Food ... During After Theses on future customer journeys for retail, gastronomy and industry, www.schnä, Good food will become ubiquitous – Green Smoothies as a symbol for the new mindset;, Smart Mama – Digital assistents will close the gap between consumer needs & food industry;; Food Theater – How inspiration at the PoS attracts customers «We want to be pioneers and are proud when other companies follow suit.» Thomas Camenzind, Google Switzerland Forget desk food! A new generation of reservation and ordering systems will determine shopper’s loyality Future implications for research and food industry Crucial touch points for the future: New technology such as apps, social media, online shopping New players such as food-start-ups: in reality (shops/concepts) and online (services/platforms) POS remains the stage to inspire consumers needs – Markets are conversations! Future research: Interaction of online and virtual touch points need to be studied in depth What are chances and what are the risks of the smart assistants? Thank you!