Knockout Booklet - School Sport Unit
Knockout Booklet - School Sport Unit
SYDNEY NORTH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION 2016 KNOCKOUT DRAWS This booklet is for the Principal, Sports Coordinators and other interested staff. This booklet is also available for download at: The information contained within this Knockout Draw Booklet was correct at the time of printing and may be subject to change. 2016 SYDNEY NORTH SECONDARY SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION AND NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION KNOCKOUT DRAWS AND CENTRAL VENUE INFORMATION All Principals / Sports Coordinators PLEASE MAKE YOUR SCHOOL COACHES AW ARE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS BOOKLET Most Knockouts conducted by NSWCHS will again be organised on an Association basis. The following information is contained in this booklet: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NSWCHS Knockout Procedures Combined Knockout Rounds & Sydney North Trial Days Sydney North Conveners Results Proforma Sheet Sydney North Draws: NB: The NSWCHS Final Series Draws are found on the NSWCHS Page of the School Sport Unit Website: The following Sports will be conducted on a Sydney North SSA basis. Australian Football Baseball Basketball Opens Basketball 15’s Cricket Football Hockey Lawn Bowls Netball Opens Netball 15’s Rugby League Opens Rugby League 14’s & Under Softball Squash Table Tennis Tennis Touch Football Volleyball Water Polo Boys Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Girls Girls Boys Boys Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls The following Sports will be conducted on a State basis: Rugby Boys & Girls The rules for all Knockouts within the Sydney North SSA will be based on the rules for that Sport as outlined in the NSWCHS Handbook. Please note that ALL games MUST BE PLAYED BY THE PLAY-BY DATE as NSWCHS Final Series dates are already set. Extensions of time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Requests for extensions of time should only be made after the schools concerned have discussed the issue. The WINNING SCHOOL must FAX OR EMAIL DETAILS of the results within 2 DAYS following completing of the match to the Convener concerned. Please use the form attached in this booklet or available on the Sydney North Website in the Forms Section – There is no casual relief entitlement for any knockout match. All teams attending knockout matches must be accompanies by a teacher Gary Johnson President, Sydney North SSA Principal, Cherrybrook Technology HS Rebecca Wade Sports Coordination Officer Ph: 9707-6917 Fax: 9707-6936 Sydney North Secondary Schools Sports Association 2016 Knockout Booklet Sydney North Draws for the 2016 NSW Combined High Schools Sports Association Knockout competitions are in this booklet. The Draws for the NSWCHS Rugby Knockouts will be forwarded to schools by the NSWCHS Rugby Sub Committee. Please be advised that Secondary Colleges are permitted to enter teams in NSWCHS Knockouts. The following rules apply to their entry: “Where Multi Campus Colleges and Collegiates enter teams either as a college or as separate campuses, these teams are to remain the same for the duration of the competition. Once the competition has commenced (ie schools have played their first match) there is no interchange of players permitted between these teams. School Principals are responsible for ensuring that these teams remain the same for the duration of the competition and that there is no interchange of players under any circumstances.” The following contacts are the Sports Coordinators for Colleges entered in Sydney North Schools Sports Association Knockouts: Brisbane Water Secondary College George Ruzek (Woy Woy Campus) Email: Phone: 4341 1600 Northern Beaches Secondary College Ashley Mathieson (Freshwater Campus) Email: Phone: 9939 6942 Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Renee Goodsell (Berkeley Vale Campus) Email: Phone: 4388 1899 Rebecca Wade Sports Coordination Officer SYDNEY NORTH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION SCHOOL SPORT UNIT (322 HUME H’WAY CNR BERESFORD AVE) LOCKED BAG 1530, BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 ABN 39 806 162 582 TELEPHONE 9707-6917 or 9707-6926 FACSIMILE 9707-6936 2016 KNOCKOUT RESULTS / DATE FAX NO / TO FROM (Sydney North Convener) SCHOOL SCHOOL BOYS / GIRLS SPORT (Please circle) HOME TEAM Vs AWAY TEAM **PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU NOTE CORRECT HOME AND AWAY TEAMS ABOVE. WINNING TEAM LOSING TEAM SCORE SCORE SPORTS COORDINATOR SPORTS COORDINATOR EMAIL EMAIL DATE PLAYED / / RESULT SHEET TO BE FAXED OR EMAILED TO THE SYDNEY NORTH CONVENER OF THE SPORT WITHIN 2 DAYS OF THE COMPLETION OF THE MATCH Amended 2014 Section 5: GENERAL RULES GOVERNING KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS STATE CARNIVALS formerly Inter-Regional Championships AND STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Information regarding the entry of teams from Multi Campus Colleges and Collegiates in Statewide inter school sporting competitions (Knockout Competitions) conducted by the NSWCHSSA. Where Multi Campus Colleges and Collegiates enter teams either as a college or as separate campuses, these teams are to remain the same for the duration of the competition. Once the competition has commenced (ie schools have played their first match) there is no interchange of players permitted between these teams. School Principals are responsible for ensuring that these teams remain the same for the duration of the competition and that there is no interchange of players under any circumstances. Schools are also asked to note the following sections of the Combined High Schools Handbook regarding Knockout Procedures. 5.1 GENERAL POLICIES 5.1.1 RULES OF THE GAME Each sport shall adopt the game rules that are accepted by that sport's governing body in New South Wales, together with any modifications as adopted by the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association. 5.1.2 NUMBERS AND COLOURS For the purpose of identifying teams for State Carnivals and State Championships, the numbers and colours are allocated as follows: 5.1.3 COACHING No coaching, other than where such is part of the rules of the game -eg. Softball and Baseball, shall take place during the actual competition games. The team manager or coach will not be allowed on the court or field of play, unless specifically called upon by the umpire or referee. 5.1.4 TROPHIES/AWARDS, ETC (a)An existing trophy (as approved by the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association) for winning teams together with pennants or medallions (winners and runnersup) for individual team members or competitors shall be awarded to record their achievement. (b)Appreciation pennants or gifts may be awarded at each activity. The award of these items shall be arranged by the Convener of the sport concerned, in consultation with officials from the host region. 5.1.5 STATE GRANTS/SPONSORSHIPS All requests for assistance from sporting bodies or sponsors must be sent through the Executive Officer and all grants should be received through this Association. 5.1.6 ADVERTISING (a)No advertising is to be shown on Combined High Schools official playing uniform. (b)Advertising may appear at a Combined High Schools fixture venue with permission of the ground authority. (c) Conveners must consult with the Executive prior to entering into fund raising and sponsorship proposals. (d)The words "Department of School Education" must not appear on any written documents which relate to fund raising and sponsorship. 5.1.7 AGE DETERMINATION The age group students are eligible to compete in, is the age students turn in the year of competition, as indicated by the age group the competition is conducted in. 5.2 KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS Refer "Knockout Competitions" - Section 2.15. 5.2.1 APPROVED KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS Knockout Competitions on a school basis are held in the following approved sports as determined by the Council of the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association. (a)BOYS · Australian Football - 15 years teams only · Baseball · Basketball · Cricket · Hockey · Netball · Rugby League - Open teams and 14 years teams · Rugby Union - 15 years · Soccer · Softball · Squash · Tennis · Touch · Volleyball · Water Polo - Open teams and 15 years teams. (b) GIRLS · Baseball · Basketball · Cricket · Hockey · Netball · Rugby- Open and 15 years teams · Soccer · Softball · Squash · Tennis · Touch · Volleyball · Water Polo - Open teams and 15 years teams. (c) CO-ED OR SINGLE SEX · Lawn Bowls Table Tennis Swimming (d) CENTRAL SCHOOLS ONLY Netball (Girls) Cricket (20/20 format) (Boys/Girls) Touch (Boys/Girls) Lawn Bowls (Co-ed) Rugby League (7’s) (Under 14 Boys/Open Boys) In this context Central Schools are defined as small K-10 or K-12 schools (usually with less than 250 students in years 7-10 or 7-12) serving small rural communities with populations of some 4000 people or less. (e) COMBINATION OF COUNTRY CENTRAL SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS Country High Schools may combine with neighbouring central schools if the central school has insufficient numbers to participate in CHS Knockout Competitions. For this option to be taken up: The central school must have insufficient student/players to enter a team on their own. The application to combine must be forwarded to the CHS Office on the ‘Knockout Entry Form’ indicating the schools(s) and the sport(s). Regional Sports Associations will have the opportunity to comment on combined entries when the knockout nominations are forwarded from the Combined High Schools to the Regional Sports Association If permission is given it is available only for the competition in the year of application. (f) COLLEGE COMPETITIONS From 2001 Year 10 or below College competitions will be conducted for schools that form part of a College. (In this context College Schools will be defined as yr 7 - 10 schools that are part of a named College as determined by the Department of Education and Communities ) 5.2.2 ENTRIES Entries for the above competitions will close for all knockout competitions on the last day of term 3. 5.2.3 RULES AND CONDITIONS (a)Competition shall be on a school basis. In the case of central schools or small country high schools two or more may combine for knockouts provided the total secondary enrolment of these schools does not exceeds four hundred pupils (400) and also provided the schools are in close geographic proximity to each other. (b)Central Schools entering competitions in 5.2.1 (d) may not combine schools. Two competitions will be conducted. A Year 10 or below (16 years and under) competition and an Open Age competition (students may not turn 20 years of age in the year of competition). (c) ELIGIBILITY OF STUDENTS (i) Players must be bona fide students of the State school, or combination of State schools, they represent. Students transferring to another school automatically lose their qualifications to compete for their former school in any competition conducted by this Association. (ii) Students entered in open competitions conducted by this Association must be below 20 years of age in the year of competition. Students who attain the age of 20 years in the year of competition are not eligible. (iii) Where age group competitions are conducted, the maximum age attainable by students eligible to compete, will be the age students turn in the year of competition as indicated by the age group the competition is conducted in. All teams must be accompanied by a teacher from that school, or group of schools where applicable, and if this does not occur, that team will automatically lose the match by forfeit. 5.2.4 THE DRAW (a)Unless specified in the particular knockout rules and where practical Region Conveners make up and conduct the draw in all sports for their Region up to the stage of Regional Finalist. The State convener should stipulate dates and conditions for all aspect of competition including the method considered by them to be most suitable for conducting the final round from sixteen teams through to State knockout winner. This should apply to all sports. All such draws and results are to be forwarded at the earliest possible time to the State Conveners of each respective sport. At the Region level Knockout competitions may be conducted in a competition format deemed appropriate by the Region. (b)Where possible with Combined High Schools knockouts the final eight teams remaining in the knockout assemble at a central venue to play the remaining games to finalise the knockout competition. (c) The State Convener shall circulate the draw, through the Executive Officer, as soon as practicable after the closing date for entries. (d) Where school teams withdraw from final series competitions the convener will have the authority to invite team(s) to fill the place of the team(s) that withdraw. Preference will be given to the region the withdrawing school(s) came from. If this region does not provide a team the convener will have the power to invite a team from another region. 5.2.5 DETERMINATION OF HOME AND AWAY GAMES All Combined High Schools knockout competitions determine home and away games by the following method (unless specified under the particular knockout competition rules): (a)The first mentioned school on the draw is the home school in round 1. (b)The home school in other rounds shall be the school which has the least number of home games. (c) Where the number of home and away games are equal: · The first mentioned school in the draw shall become the home school in odd numbered rounds. · The second mentioned school shall become the home school for even numbered rounds. (d) In the event of a forfeit in a state knockout the draw as it appears on a home and away basis will remain unaltered and the forfeit will not become a home match to the non forfeiting team. (e) In the case of the "home school" not satisfying home school duties with regard to the notification period, the "visiting team" shall automatically become the home school. The visiting school in assuming home school duties, must satisfy all home school requirements with the exception of the notification period which shall be:- give three school days notice, confirmed by fax, with a choice of three dates, or play on a date mutually agreed upon. The offered dates, unless mutually agreed upon shall not be the "new" visiting schools sports day or a weekend. In Knockout Rounds if both schools do not take up the option to be home school, the Region convener or the state convener, where applicable, will decide a time, date and venue for the match to be played prior to the next round completion date. 5.2.6 FIXTURES (a)All fixtures shall be played at the earlier possible date. (b) Each fixture must be played on, or before, the designated date set down in the draw. Failure to play the fixture by the due date may result in disqualification. (c) An extension of time can only be granted by the State Convener and only in exceptional circumstances. (d)The duties of the "home school" shall be: (i) Give the visiting school five school days notice, confirmed by fax, with a choice of three dates or play on a date mutually agreed upon, except where the away school becomes the home school, due to the original home school not being able to fulfil its home school responsibilities, the notification shall become: Give the visiting school three days notice confirmed by fax with a choice of three dates or play on a date mutually agreed upon. (ii) The offered dates, unless mutually agreed upon, shall not be the visiting school's sports day or on a week-end. (iii) Provide accommodation/billets as required by the visiting school. (iv) Make suitable social arrangements for hosting the visiting team, before, and after the match. (v) Make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of the match as set out in the knockout competition rules. (vi) Provide suitable first aid equipment. (vii) Make facilities available before, during and after the match. (viii) A home school unable to comply with the "duties" of the home school may request the visiting school to become the home school. (Original home and away status remains when determining future rounds). 5.2.7 EXPENSES Each school is responsible for its own travel, accommodation and managerial costs and arrangements. 5.2.8 DISPUTES (a)The "Disputes Committee" is elected annually at the commencement of each school year. The Disputes Committee acts as an "Appeals Committee" when: - sporting conveners have made decisions on disputes/ protests arising out of Combined High Schools knockout competition matches and schools wish to challenge this ruling. - or the result of the match is protested. The committee will comprise the NSWCHSSA convener of the sport involved, plus two named Vice-Presidents of the Combined High Schools Sports Association. The NSWCHSSA Executive Officer is empowered to act on the Disputes Committee in the absence of the named members. (b)DISPUTES IN KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS Where there is a dispute in knockout competitions (time, venue, etc) schools in the first instance must refer this matter to the respective Sports Convener, who will make a decision which schools are required to comply with. A school which does not comply could be forfeited from the competition. If a school or schools decide to appeal the decision of the convener, they will do so to the Disputes Committee. Once the Disputes Committee has convened and made its decision, this decision shall be final. (c) PROTESTS Notice of intention to protest after the completion of the match must be made to the opposing team on the day of the match. The Protest must be faxed, in writing, within two school days of the date of the match on the Dispute/Protest Form, to the convener of the sport concerned, the NSWCHSSA Executive Officer, the two NSWCHSSA Vice Presidents comprising the Disputes Committee and the Principal of the opposing school. Protests must be signed by the Principal of the protesting school. Where a school or schools decide to appeal the decision of a match, the Disputes Committee shall act as an "Appeals Committee" and will make the decision regarding the result. Once the Disputes Committee has convened and made its decision, this decision shall be final. (d) Where a knockout is conducted by the Region any disputes must be referred to the Region Judiciary. Once the Competition has entered the final rounds, either sixteen, ten or eight the NSW Combined High Schools disputes committee will arbitrate. If the knockout competition was organised by the NSW Combined High Schools Convener any disputes are to be referred to the NSW Combined High Schools disputes committee who shall adjudicate and that decision will be final. (e) Notice of intention to protest must be made, to the opposing team on the day of the match. (f) Protest must be faxed, in writing, within two school days of the date of the match on the DISPUTE/PROTEST FORM found on the Combined High Schools website ( to the State Convener for the sport concerned, the Senior Education Officer - Secondary Sport, and the other two members of the Disputes committee, with a copy to the Principal of the opposing school. (g)Protests must be signed by the Principal of the protesting school. 5.2.9 RESULTS The winning school must phone/email/fax results to either the State Convener or his/her designate or to the Regional Convener, as indicated on the draw, immediately following the match. A written confirmation is to be forwarded within three school days. Failure to notify results may lead to the disqualification of the winning school Available at: KOUT SPORTS FNAME SNAME SCHOOL PHONE FAX EMAIL Aust. Football Damien Badior Lisarow HS 4328 4599 4329 1416 Baseball Basketball Boys Basketball Girls Cricket Boys Cricket Girls Football Boys Glenn James Linsey Ryan John Scott Kayes Boyer Kettle Bolger Newman Belgre Epping Boys HS Pennant Hills HS Wadalba CS Asquith Boys HS Henry Kendall HS Marsden HS 9869 2701 9473 5000 4392 5000 9477 3508 4325 2110 9874 6544 9868 1198 9473 5099 4392 5046 9482 2546 4323 2685 9858 1716 Football Girls Hockey Boys Hockey Girls Lawn Bowls Netball Rugby League Lynda Greg Jocelyn Glenn Brooke Patrick Davis Roach Atmore Masters Playford Crouch Ryde SC Gorokan HS Wadalba CS 9809 4894 4393 7000 4392 5000 0413 414 418 4384 4677 4341 9066 9308 2642 4393 1157 4392 5046 4385 2469 4343 1704 Rugby Union Softball Boys Softball Girls Squash Swimming Table Tennis David Lindy Rhonda Lynda Simon Berni Rodgie White Williams Davis Warren Loche Normanhurst Boys HS Terrigal HS NBSC Mackellar Girls Campus Ryde SC BWSC Umina Campus 9489 1077 4384 4677 9949 2083 9809 4894 4341 9066 0425 359 735 9489 5722 4385 2469 9949 3028 9308 2642 4343 1704 Tennis Boys Tennis Girls Touch Football Boys Touch Football Girls Volleyball Boys Volleyball Girls Kevin David Matt Brooke TBA TBA Webb Hextell Sawyer Playford Life Member Northlakes HS Wadalba CS Terrigal HS 4390 0582 4390 0555 4390 5000 4384 4677 4390 4501 4399 1792 4392 5046 4385 2469 Water Polo Boys Water Polo Girls Grant Jacqueline Bradshaw Morrison Terrigal HS BWSC Umina Campus * until further notice please refer all Volleyball enquiries to Sydney North School Sports Association Office Kincumber HS Narara Valley HS 4369 1555 4329 3780 4363 1265 4328 3609 SYDNEY NORTH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION SCHOOL SPORT UNIT (322 HUME H’WAY CNR BERESFORD AVE) LOCKED BAG 1530, BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 ABN 39 806 162 582 TELEPHONE 9707-6917 or 9707-6926 SYDNEY NORTH SECONDARY GOLF STROKEPLAY CHAMPIONSHIP ENTRY FORM FACSIMILE 9707-6936 2016 To be returned by Monday 15 February 2016 to Brad Glachan, Wadalba CS Fax: 4356 2899 Email: School Sports Organiser BOYS NAME YEAR CLUB H’CAP HOME PHONE YEAR CLUB H’CAP HOME PHONE GIRLS NAME 2016 KNOCKOUT AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL BOYS – U/15s SWAN SHIELD CENTRAL COAST DRAW Round 1 on 18/05/2016 Round 2 on 18/05/2016 Round 3 on 18/05/2016 Round 4 on 18/05/2016 Round 5 on 16/06/2016 (Bateau Bay Oval) (Bateau Bay Oval) (Bateau Bay Oval) (Bateau Bay Oval) (Ern Holmes Oval) NARARA VALLEY BYE NARARA VALLEY KINCUMBER KINCUMBER BYE TLSC BYE TLSC Rounds 1 to 4 will be played on Wednesday 18 May 2016 at Bateau Bay Oval GOSFORD GOROKAN Central Coast Draw Winner v Metropolitan Draw Winner NORTHLAKES BYE The final between Central Coast and Sydney Metro will be played on Thursday 16 June 2016 at Ern Holmes Oval, Pennant Hills NORTHLAKES ERINA LISAROW BWSC UMINA BYE BWSC UMINA TERRIGAL TERRIGAL BYE PLEASE NOTE: 1. Players must be 15 years and under for the entirety of 2016. Players turning 16 years or older in 2016 are not permitted to enter this Knockout. 2. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 3. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 4. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 5. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 6. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 1 - 4: Wednesday 18 May 2016 at 9am Venue: Bateau Bay Oval Cost - $88 team fee per school. Schools will be invoiced. A referee must be provided by each team. Canteen facilities will be available on the day. FINALS PLAYOFF: TRIALS: Thursday 16 June 2016 - Venue: Ern Holmes Oval, Pennant Hills Monday 7 March 2016 - Venue: Rofe Park, Galston Rd, Hornsby Heights CONVENER: Damien Badior (Lisarow HS) Mob: 0425 351 352 Email: Fax: 02 4329 1416 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL BOYS – U/15s SWAN SHIELD METROPOLITAN DRAW Round 1 on 19/05/2016 Round 2 on 19/05/2016 Round 3 on 19/05/2016 Round 4 on 19/05/2016 Round 5 on 16/06/2016 (Ern Holmes Oval) (Ern Holmes Oval) (Ern Holmes Oval) (Ern Holmes Oval) (Ern Holmes Oval) EPPING B BYE EPPING B THE FOREST CHATSWOOD HOMEBUSH B PENNANT HILLS Rounds 1 to 4 will be played on Thursday 19 May 2015 at Ern Holmes Oval, Pennant Hills CHERRYBROOK NARRABEEN Central Coast Draw Winner v Metropolitan Draw Winner DAVIDSON BYE DAVIDSON ASQUITH B ASQUITH B The final between Central Coast and Sydney Metro will be played on Thursday 16 June 2016 at Ern Holmes Oval, Pennant Hills BYE KILLARA BYE KILLARA NBSC BALGOWLAH NBSC BALGOWLAH BYE PLEASE NOTE: 1. Players must be 15 years and under for the entirety of 2016. 2. Players turning 16 years or older in 2016 are not permitted to enter this Knockout. 3. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 4. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 5. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 6. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 7. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 1 - 4: Thursday 19 May 2016 at 9am – Venue: Ern Holmes Oval, Pennant Hills Cost - $88 team fee per school. Schools will be invoiced. A referee must be provided by each team. Canteen facilities will be available on the day. FINALS PLAYOFF: TRIALS: Thursday 16 June 2016 - Venue: Ern Holmes Oval, Pennant Hills Monday 7 March 2016 - Venue: Rofe Park, Galston Rd, Hornsby Heights CONVENER: Damien Badior (Lisarow HS) Mob: 0425 351 352 Email: Fax: 02 4329 1416 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASEBALL BOYS – PROUD SHIELD Round 1 19/2/2016 Round 2 18/3/2016 BWSC WOY WOY BYE BWSC WOY WOY GOROKAN BYE Round 3 6/5/2016 Round 4 3/6/2016 GOROKAN LISAROW TERRIGAL WADALBA BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE KILLARA BYE NORMANHURST B BYE WADALBA NARARA VALLEY TUGG LAKES SC KILLARA NORMANHURST B DAVIDSON THE FOREST NTH SYDNEY B BYE PENNANT HILLS BYE CHERRYBROOK BYE NARRABEEN BYE NBSC BYE NTH SYDNEY B PENNANT HILLS CHERRYBROOK NARRABEEN NBSC RYDE SC HOMEBUSH B EPPING BYE EPPING PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Tuesday 9 February 2016 - Venue: ELS Hall Park, Kent Road, North Ryde CONVENER: Glenn Kayes (Epping Boys HS) Ph: 9868 1198 Email: Mob: 0404 075 293 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASEBALL GIRLS – PROUD SHIELD Round 1 18/03/2016 Round 2 6/05/2016 Round 3 03/06/2016 GOROKAN BWSC WOY WOY NARARA VALLEY TUGG LAKES SC THE FOREST THE FOREST BYE NBSC MANLY NBSC MANLY BYE PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Home team is the top in odd rounds and the bottom in even rounds 6. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief CONVENER: Glenn Kayes (Epping Boys HS) Ph: 9868 1198 Email: Mob: 0404 075 293 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL BOYS – SHELL CUP – DRAW ONE Round 1 4/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 Round 3 1/04/2016 Round 4 28/4/16 Round 5 28/4/16 At Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal At Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal CONCORD KURINGAI GOSFORD BYE RYDE BYE ERINA BYE ST IVES BYE BWSC – WOY WOY BYE GOSFORD RYDE ERINA ST IVES BWSC – WOY WOY PENNANT HILLS CHATSWOOD Special Note: Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am GIRRAKOOL NORTHLAKES TERRIGAL BYE LISAROW BYE NTH SYDNEY B BYE CARLINGFORD BYE EPPING BYE NBSC MANLY BYE TERRIGAL LISAROW NTH SYDNEY B CARLINGFORD EPPING NBSC MANLY HUNTERS HILL KARIONG MTS TURRAMURRA BYE TURRAMURRA PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 4 & 5: TRIALS: CONVENER: 28/4/16 All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost) Friday 26 February 2016 Venue: Niagara Park Stadium, 16 Washington Ave, Niagara Park NSW 2250 James Boyer (Pennant Hills HS) Email: Ph: 9473 5000 Fax: 9473 5099 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL BOYS – SHELL CUP – DRAW TWO Round 1 4/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 Round 3 1/04/2016 Round 4 28/4/16 Round 5 28/4/16 At Scholastic Stadium, Terrigal At Scholastic Stadium, Terrigal WADALBA HENRY KENDALL RANDWICK B BYE RANDWICK B NBSC FRESHWATER BYE KILLARNEY HTS BYE BALGOWLAH B BYE CHERRYBROOK BYE NBSC FRESHWATER KILLARNEY HTS BALGOWLAH B CHERRYBROOK KILLARA GOROKAN KINCUMBER BYE NARRABEEN BYE DAVIDSON BYE NBSC CROMER BYE MOSMAN BYE Special Note: Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am KINCUMBER NARRABEEN DAVIDSON NBSC CROMER MOSMAN TUGGERAH LAKES MARSDEN HOMEBUSH B BYE HOMEBUSH B THE FOREST PITTWATER NARARA VALLEY BYE NARARA VALLEY PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 4 & 5: TRIALS: CONVENER: 28/4/16 All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost ) Friday 26 February 2016 Venue: Niagara Park Stadium, 16 Washington Ave, Niagara Park NSW 2250 James Boyer (Pennant Hills HS) Email: Ph: 9473 5000 Fax: 9473 5099 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL BOYS – UNDER 15s – DRAW ONE Round 1 17/06/2016 Round 2 01/07/2016 Round 3 29/07/2016 Round 4 25/8/2016 Round 5 25/8/2016 At Scholastic Stadium Terrigal At Scholastic Stadium Terrigal WADALBA CHATSWOOD NTH SYDNEY B BYE KINCUMBER BYE NBSC CROMER BYE PITTWATER BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE MARSDEN BYE MOSMAN BYE NORTHLAKES BYE LISAROW BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE TURRAMURRA BYE GOROKAN BYE GOSFORD BYE NTH SYDNEY B KINCUMBER NBSC CROMER PITTWATER TUGG LAKES SC MARSDEN Special Note: Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am MOSMAN NORTHLAKES LISAROW NARARA VALLEY TURRAMURRA GOROKAN GOSFORD EPPING B NBSC BALGOWLAH ST IVES BYE ST IVES PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax/email results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 4 & 5 Thursday 25 August 2016 All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost) CONVENER: James Boyer (Pennant Hills HS) Email: Ph: 9473 5000 Fax: 9473 5099 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL BOYS – 15 YEARS – DRAW TWO Round 1 17/06/2016 Round 2 1/07/2016 Round 3 29/7/2016 Round 4 25/8/2016 Round 5 25/8/2016 At Scholastic Stadium Terrigal At Scholastic Stadium Terrigal KARIONG MTS THE FOREST TERRIGAL BYE RANDWICK B BYE CONCORD BYE RYDE SC BYE CARLINGFORD BYE KILLARNEY HTS BYE KILLARA BYE KU-RING-GAI BYE ERINA BYE HUNTERS HILL BYE PENNANT HILLS BYE NARRABEEN BYE HOMEBUSH B BYE TERRIGAL RANDWICK B CONCORD RYDE SC CARLINGFORD KILLARNEY HTS Special Note: Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am KILLARA KU-RING-GAI ERINA HUNTERS HILL PENNANT HILLS NARRABEEN HOMEBUSH B CAMMERAYGAL BWSC UMINA CHERRYBROOK BYE CHERRYBROOK PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 4 & 5: Thursday 25 August 2016 All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team ((schools will be invoiced for cost)) CONVENER: James Boyer (Pennant Hills HS) Email: Ph: 9473 5000 Fax: 9473 5099 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL GIRLS – SHELL CUP – OPENS – DRAW ONE Round 1 4/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 Round 3 28/04/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal Round 4 28/04/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal CHELTENHAM G ASQUITH G CHATSWOOD NTH SYDNEY G BURWOOD G CARLINGFORD RIVERSIDE G HUNTERS HILL KILLARA Special Note: Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am CHERRYBROOK PENNANT HILLS TURRAMURRA WADALBA GOSFORD KARIONG MTS HENRY KENDALL PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 3 & 4: TRIALS: CONVENER: Thursday 28 April 2016 All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost) Friday 26 February 2016 Please email the names of students attending prior to trial date. Venue: Niagara Park Stadium, 16 Washington Ave, Niagara Park NSW 2250 Linsey Kettle (Wadalba CS) Fax: 02 4392 5046 Email: Mob: 0403 545 490 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2015 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL GIRLS – SHELL CUP – OPENS – DRAW TWO Round 1 4/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 Round 3 28/04/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal Round 4 28/04/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal RYDE SC NBSC CROMER WILLOUGHBY G NBSC FRESHWATER LISAROW KINCUMBER NORTHLAKES Special Note: Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am TERRIGAL NARRABEEN NBSC MACKELLAR G MOSMAN KILLARNEY HTS GOROKAN NARARA VALLEY TUGG LAKES SC BWSC WOY WOY PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 3 & 4: TRIALS: CONVENER: Thursday 28 April 2016 All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost) Friday 26 February 2016 Please email the names of students attending prior to trial date. Venue: Niagara Park Stadium, 16 Washington Ave, Niagara Park NSW 2250 Linsey Kettle (Wadalba CS) Fax: 02 4392 5046 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL GIRLS – UNDER 15s – DRAW ONE Round 1 17/06/2016 Round 2 1/07/2016 NBSC MACKELLAR G BYE NBSC MACKELLAR G Round 3 25/8/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal Round 4 25/8/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal MARSDEN RYDE SC NTH SYDNEY G BYE RIVERSIDE G BYE KILLARA BYE ASQUITH G BYE WADALBA CS BYE NORTHLAKES BYE NARRABEEN BYE NBSC CROMER BYE TURRAMURRA BYE MOSMAN BYE PENNANT HILLS BYE KU-RING-GAI BYE HUNTERS HILL BYE MACARTHUR G BYE NTH SYDNEY G RIVERSIDE G KILLARA ASQUITH G WADALBA CS NORTHLAKES NARRABEEN Special Note: Rounds 3 & 4 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am NBSC CROMER TURRAMURRA MOSMAN PENNANT HILLS KU-RING-GAI HUNTERS HILL MACARTHUR G PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 3 & 4: Thursday 25 August 2016 9am Venue: Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost) CONVENER: Linsey Kettle (Wadalba CS) Fax: 02 4392 5046 Mob: 0403 545 490 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BASKETBALL GIRLS – UNDER 15s – DRAW TWO Round 1 17/06/2016 Round 2 1/07/2016 KARIONG MTS BYE KARIONG MTS TERRIGAL BYE CHERRYBROOK BYE BURWOOD G BYE LISAROW BYE KINCUMBER BYE GOSFORD BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE KILLARNEY HTS BYE CAMMERAYGAL BYE ST IVES BYE Round 3 on 25/8/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal Round 4 on 25/8/2016 at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal TERRIGAL CHERRYBROOK BURWOOD G LISAROW KINCUMBER GOSFORD NARARA VALLEY KILLARNEY HTS Special Note: Rounds 3 & 4 will be played at Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal. Commencing 9am CAMMERAYGAL ST IVES CARLINGORD CHATSWOOD ERINA BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE BWSC UMINA BYE GOROKAN BYE ERINA TUGG LAKES SC BWSC UMINA GOROKAN PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 3 & 4: Thursday 25 August 2016 9am Venue: Scholastic Sports Stadium, Terrigal All schools will play a minimum of 2 games All schools are required to supply a bench official Cost: $70 per team (schools will be invoiced for cost) CONVENER: Linsey Kettle (Wadalba CS) Fax: 02 4392 5046 Mob: 0403 545 490 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT CRICKET BOYS – ALAN DAVIDSON SHIELD Round 1 19.2.2016 Round 2 11.3.2016 Round 3 21.10.2016 Round 4 11.11.2016 Round 5 25.11.2016 Final on 7.12.2016 at Berowra Oval WADALBA NORTHLAKES (H) TUGG LAKES SC ERINA (H) LISAROW TERRIGAL (H) NARARA VALLEY GOROKAN (H) ASQUITH B (H) CARLINGFORD TURRAMURRA (H) ST IVES NORMANHURST B (H) HENRY KENDALL GOSFORD (H) PLEASE NOTE ROUND 1 & 2 MUST BE PLAYED IN TERM 1 2016. KINCUMER BWSC WOY WOY (H) RYDE SC PENNANT HILLS (H) STUDENTS COMPLETING THEIR HSC IN 2016 ARE INELIGIBLE FOR THIS KNOCKOUT PITTWATER KILLARA (H) (H) DENOTES HOME GAME RANDWICK B (H) CONCORD EPPING B (H) ASHFIELD B MARSDEN (H) NORTH SYDNEY B NBSC BALGOWLAH B (H) NBSC CROMER THE FOREST (H) HOMEBUSH B (H) KILLARNEY HTS NBSC MANLY (H) NARRABEEN CHERRYBROOK (H) PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). . 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIAL DATES AND VENUE: CONVENER: Central Coast Zones (nets) Metropolitan Zones (nets) Final selection - Game Wednesday 26 October 2016 Alan Davidson Park Renwick Street, WYOMING 12.30pm-3.30pm Thursday 27 October 2016 James Park Lowe Street, HORNSBY 12.00pm-3.30pm Thursday 17 November 2016 Berowra Oval Berowra Waters Road, Berowra 9.00am-4.30pm Ryan Bolger (Asquith Boys HS) Ph: 9477 3508 Email: Fax: 02 9482 2546 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT CRICKET GIRLS – MARIE CORNISH TROPHY Round 1 18/03/2016 Round 2 8/04/2016 Round 3 28/10/2016 Round 4 18/11/2016 NBSC MACKELLAR G BYE NBSC MACKELLAR G ASQUITH G CHERRYBROOK LISAROW BWSC TUGG LAKES SC PLEASE NOTE HENRY KENDALL ROUND 1 & 2 MUST BE PLAYED IN TERM 1 2016. NARARA VALLEY STUDENTS COMPLETING THEIR HSC IN 2016 ARE INELIGIBLE FOR THIS KNOCKOUT GOSFORD GOROKAN TERRIGAL DAVIDSON PENNANT HILLS WADALBA WADALBA BYE PLEASE NOTE THAT ROUNDS 1 & 2 MUST BE PLAYED IN TERM 1 2016. STUDENTS COMPLETING THE HSC IN 2016 ARE INELIGIBLE FOR THIS KNOCKOUT. PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Tuesday 15 November 2016 Venue: James Park, Hornsby CONVENER: Venue: John Newman (Henry Kendall HS) Email: Ph: 4325 2110 Fax: 02 4323 2685 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT BOYS FOOTBALL - DRAW ONE Round 1 18/03/2016 Round 2 1/04/2016 Round 3 6/05/2016 Round 4 20/05/2016 Round 5 3/06/2016 WADALBA LISAROW TUGG LAKES SC BYE TUGG LAKES SC GOSFORD HENRY KENDALL KINCUMBER KARIONG MTS TERRIGAL WYONG NORTHLAKES GOROKAN NARARA VALLEY BWSC WOY WOY ERINA BYE ERINA GALSTON KU-RING-GAI ASQUITH B BYE RANDWICK B BYE PITTWATER BYE NBSC MANLY BYE KILLARNEY HTS BYE ASQUITH B RANDWICK B PITTWATER NBSC MANLY KILLARNEY HTS CHATSWOOD RYDE SC EPPING B BYE EPPING B PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to – Top Draw 1 – Dave Storey (Terrigal HS) Fax: 43852469 Email: Bottom Draw 1 and Draw 2 – Scott Belgre (Marsden HS) Fax: 9858 1716 Email: 2. Players must be 15 years and under in 2017 as the final series will be held in early 2017. 3. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 4. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 5. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 6. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief 7. As not all Local Councils have posts installed in March, ROUNDS 1 & 2 may need to be played on school grounds. This will NOT be permitted as an excuse to not complete these rounds on time. TRIALS: Tuesday 22 March 2016 Venue: TBC – Please check the website CONVENER: Scott Belgre (Marsden HS) Ph: 9874 6544 Email: Fax: 9858 1716 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT FOOTBALL BOYS - DRAW TWO Round 1 18/03/2016 Round 2 1/04/2016 Round 3 6/05/2016 Round 4 20/05/2016 Round 5 3/06/2016 ST IVES MOSMAN DAVIDSON BYE NBSC BALGOWLAH BYE MARSDEN BYE NTH SYDNEY B BYE DAVIDSON NBSC BALGOWLAH MARSDEN NTH SYDNEY B NORMANHURST B CONCORD TURRAMURRA BYE TURRAMURRA KILLARA THE FOREST ASHFIELD B HUNTERS HILL HOMEBUSH B BYE NARRABEEN BYE NBSC FRESHWATER HOMEBUSH B NARRABEEN NBSC FRESHWATER BYE CHERRYBROOK BYE CARLINGFORD BYE CHERRYBROOK CARLINGFORD BARRENJOEY NBSC CROMER PENNANT HILLS BYE PENNANT HILLS PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to – Top Draw 1 – Dave Storey (Terrigal HS) Fax: 43852469 Email: Bottom Draw 1 and Draw 2 – Scott Belgre (Marsden HS) Fax: 9858 1716 Email: 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief 6. As not all Local Councils have posts installed in March, ROUNDS 1 & 2 may need to be played on school grounds. This will NOT be permitted as an excuse to not complete these rounds on time. TRIALS: Tuesday 22 March 2016 Venue: TBC – Please check the website CONVENER: Scott Belgre (Marsden HS) Ph: 9874 6544 Email: Fax: 9858 1716 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT FOOTBALL GIRLS – DRAW ONE Round 1 4/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 BURWOOD G BYE BURWOOD G Round 3 1/4/2016 Round 4 6/05/2016 Round 5 20/05/2016 ASQUITH G BARRENJOEY GALSTON BYE CHATSWOOD BYE GALSTON CHATSWOOD THE FOREST MOSMAN NBSC CROMER BYE NBSC CROMER KILLARA KILLARNEY HTS NARRABEEN BYE GOSFORD BYE NARRABEEN GOSFORD CHERRYBROOK NBSC FRESHWATER KINCUMBER BYE KINCUMBER TURRAMURRA FORT ST LISAROW BYE NORTHLAKES BYE LISAROW NORTHLAKES NARARA VALLEY WADALBA TUGG LAKES SC BYE TUGG LAKES SC PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief 6. As not all Local Councils have posts installed in March, ROUNDS 1 & 2 may need to be played on school grounds. This will NOT be permitted as an excuse to not complete these rounds on time. TRIALS: Monday 14 March 2016 Venue: Narrabeen Sports High School, 10 Namona St North Narrabeen CONVENER: Lynda Davis (Ryde SC) Ph: 02 9809 4894 Email: Fax: 9808 2642 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT FOOTBALL GIRLS – DRAW TWO Round 1 4/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 NBSC MACKELLAR G BYE NBSC MACKELLAR G Round 3 1/04/2016 Round 4 6/05/2016 Round 5 20/05/2016 MACARTHUR G NTH SYDNEY G CARLINGFORD DAVIDSON ST IVES RYDE SC HUNTERS HILL PENNANT HILLS NBSC MANLY BYE NBSC MANLY PITTWATER MARSDEN CHELTENHAM G BYE TERRIGAL BYE WYONG BYE ERINA BYE HENRY KENDALL BYE CHELTENHAM G TERRIGAL WYONG ERINA HENRY KENDALL GOROKAN KURING-GAI RIVERSIDE G BYE BWSC WOY WOY BYE KARIONG MTNS BYE RIVERSIDE G BWSC WOY WOY KARIONG MTNS PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief 6. As not all Local Councils have posts installed in March, ROUNDS 1 & 2 may need to be played on school grounds. This will NOT be permitted as an excuse to not complete these rounds on time. TRIALS: Monday 14 March 2016 Venue: Narrabeen Sports High School, 10 Namona St North Narrabeen CONVENER: Lynda Davis (Ryde SC) Ph: 02 9809 4894 Email: Fax 9808 2642 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT HOCKEY BOYS Round 1 4/03/16 Round 2 31/03/16 GOSFORD BYE GOSFORD BYE LISAROW BYE LISAROW GOROKAN GOROKAN Round 3 27/05/16 Round 4 on 15/06/16 Wyong Regional Hockey Centre Round 5 on 15/06/16 Wyong Regional Hockey Centre GOSFORD WINNER OF SYDNEY NORTH A TO PLAY THE WINNER OF SYDNEY NORTH B BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE NARARA VALLEY TLSC BYE TLSC BWSC WOY WOY BYE BWSC WOY WOY WADALBA BYE WADALBA PENNANT HILLS NORTH SYDNEY B CONCORD BYE CONCORD TURRAMURRA ST IVES LOSER OF SYDNEY NORTH A TO PLAY LOSER OF SYDNEY NORTH B RANDWICK B CAMMERAYGAL KU RING GAI BYE KU RING GAI NORMANHURST B FORT ST EPPING BOYS HOMEBUSH BOYS NBSC BYE NBSC PLEASE NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief EVERY ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO PLAY GAMES ON SYNTHETIC SURFACES: LOCATIONS – Concord, Homebush, Ku-ring-gai HS, Pennant Hills, Turramurra, Wyong ROUNDS 4 & 5: • • • • • Final Four series teams play at Wyong Regional Hockey Complex. All schools will play two games on this day. All teams are required to provide 1 umpire for the day. Cost is $70 per school to cover cost part payment of the venue hire. Payment to be given to the convener on the day. Cheques to be made to Sydney North School Sports Association. As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. TRIALS: Date: Wednesday 16 March 2016, arrive at 9.00 am Venue: Wyong Regional Hockey Complex, Pollock Ave & Pacific Hwy, North Wyong CONVENER: Greg Roach (Gorokan HS) Ph: 02 4393 7000 Email: Fax: 02 4393 1157 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT HOCKEY GIRLS Round 1 8/04/2016 Round 2 6/05/2016 Round 3 on 16/06/2016 Round 4 on 16/06/2016 Wyong Regional Hockey Complex Wyong Regional Hockey Complex TURRAMURRA BYE TURRAMURRA NBSC * NBSC * BYE WINNER OF SYDNEY NORTH A TO PLAY THE WINNER OF SYDNEY NORTH B NTH SYDNEY G BYE NTH SYDNEY G RIVERSIDE G* RIVERSIDE G* BYE *Denotes home team WADALBA * BRIS WATERS GOROKAN * * LISAROW LOSER OF SYDNEY NORTH A TO PLAY THE LOSER OF SYDNEY NORTH B TLSC * GOSFORD NARARA * * HENRY KENDALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief EVERY ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO PLAY GAMES ON SYNTHETIC SURFACES: LOCATIONS – Concord, Homebush, Ku-ring-gai HS, Pennant Hills, Turramurra, Wyong ROUNDS 4 & 5: • • • • TRIALS: Date: Wednesday 23 March 2016, arrive at 9.00 am Venue: Wyong Regional Hockey Complex, Pollock Ave & Pacific Hwy, North Wyong CONVENER: Jocelyn Atmore (Wadalba CS) Fax: 02 4392 5046 Email: • Final Four series teams play at Wyong Regional Hockey Complex. All schools will play two games on this day. All teams are required to provide 1 umpire for the day. Cost is $70 per school to cover cost part payment of the venue hire. Payment to be given to the convener on the day. Cheques to be made to Sydney North School Sports Association. As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT - LAWN BOWLS Round 1 22/02/2016 Round 2 9/03/2016 HOMEBUSH B BYE HOMEBUSH B NBSC CROMER BYE ( * denotes home game ) Round 3 25/03/2016 Round 4 8/04/2016 Round 5 29/04/2016 NBSC CROMER * BURWOOD G * HUNTERS HILL ASQUITH G * BYE ASQUITH G * NORTH SYDNEY B* EPPING RYDE SC * BYE HENRY KENDALL BYE GALSTON * BYE RYDE SC * HENRY KENDALL GALSTON * * denotes home game TUGG LAKES SC* BWSC - UMINA WYONG * BYE TERRIGAL BYE LISAROW * BYE WYONG * TERRIGAL LISAROW * GOROKAN * WADALBA ERINA * BYE ERINA * GOSFORD * NARARA VALLEY NORTHLAKES * BYE NORTHLAKES * PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Tuesday 31 May, 2016 Venue: Wyong Bowling Club, Panonia Rd, Wyong CONVENER: Glenn Masters Ph: 0413 414 418 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT NETBALL – OPENS – DRAW ONE Round 1 04/03/16 CHATSWOOD BYE NBSC COLLEGE BYE Round 2 on 21/03/16 Round 3 on 21/03/16 Adcock Park, West Gosford Adcock Park, West Gosford Round 4 21/05/16 Round 5 17/06/16 CHATSWOOD NBSC COLLEGE CHELTENHAM GIRLS MARSDEN KARIONG MTNS BYE GALSTON BYE KARIONG MTNS GALSTON GOSFORD ERINA NBSC MACKELLAR BYE NBSC MACKELLAR PENNANT HILLS KILLARA CHERRYBROOK BYE RYDE BYE CHERRYBROOK RYDE NBSC CROMER KILLARNEY HEIGHTS NORTHLAKES BYE KINCUMBER BYE GOROKAN BYE NORTHLAKES KINCUMBER GOROKAN NBSC MANLY ST IVES RIVERSIDE GIRLS BYE RIVERSIDE GIRLS PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief • Will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford. • All schools will play two games on this day. • All teams are required to provide 1 umpire for the day. • Cost is nil. • As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. In the event of this day being cancelled due to wet weather, the Sydney North trials will be held on the same day at the Gosford City Sports Stadium, Duffy Road, Terrigal 10-12.30pm. Schools need to continue Knockout rounds as per usual arrangements. ROUNDS 2 & 3: • TRIALS: Monday 21 March 2016 Venue: Adcock Park, West Gosford. CONVENER: Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Email: Mob: 0412 956 001 Fax: 02 4385 2469 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT NETBALL – OPENS – DRAW TWO Round 1 04/03/16 TERRIGAL BYE LISAROW BYE Round 2 on 21/03/16 Round 3 on 21/03/16 Adcock Park, West Gosford Adcock Park, West Gosford Round 4 21/05/16 Round 5 17/06/16 TERRIGAL LISAROW BURWOOD HUNTERS HILL NARARA VALLEY BYE HENRY KENDALL BYE NARARA VALLEY HENRY KENDALL CARLINGFORD TURRAMURRA ASQUITH GIRLS BYE ASQUITH GIRLS THE FOREST PITTWATER CONCORD BYE WADALBA BYE CONCORD WADALBA NORTH SYDNEY MOSMAN BWSC BYE DAVIDSON BYE BWSC DAVIDSON NARRABEEN BARRENJOEY NBSC FRESHWATER BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE NBSC FRESHWATER TUGG LAKES SC PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief • Will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford. • All schools will play two games on this day. • All teams are required to provide 1 umpire for the day. • Cost is nil. • As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. In the event of this day being cancelled due to wet weather, the Sydney North trials will be held on the same day at the Gosford City Sports Stadium, Duffy Road, Terrigal 10-12.30pm. Schools need to continue Knockout rounds as per usual arrangements. ROUNDS 2 & 3: • TRIALS: Monday 21 March 2016 Venue: Adcock Park, West Gosford. CONVENER: Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Email: Mob: 0412 956 001 Fax: 02 4385 2469 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT NETBALL GIRLS – 15 YEARS & UNDER – DRAW ONE Round 1 21/10/2016 Round 2 on 4/11/2016 Round 3 on 4/11/2016 Round 4 16/12/2016 Round 5 Term 1 2017 Adcock Park, West Gosford Adcock Park, West Gosford WADALBA KARIONG MTNS NBSC MACKELLAR BYE NBSC MACKELLAR THE FOREST BYE THE FOREST KILLARNEY HTS NARRABEEN NORTHLAKES BYE NORTHLAKES CONCORD BYE CONCORD DAVIDSON BYE DAVIDSON BWSC UMINA ERINA CHERRYBROOK BYE CHERRYBROOK CHATSWOOD BYE Please note: Rounds 2 & 3 will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford on Friday 4 November 2016 CHATSWOOD HENRY KENDALL GOROKAN RYDE SC BYE RYDE SC MARSDEN BYE MARSDEN NBSC CROMER BYE NBSC CROMER CARLINGFORD PENNANT HILLS NORTH SYDNEY BYE NORTH SYDNEY G PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Players must be 15 years and under in 2017. The final series will be held in May 2017. Players must be born in 2002, 2003 or 2004. 3. Age sheet must be completed and taken to the game. 4. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 5. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 6. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 7. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 2 & 3: • • • • • CONVENER: Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Email: Will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford. All schools will play two games on this day. All teams are required to provide 1 umpire for the day. Cost is nil. As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. Mob: 0412 956 001 Fax: 02 4385 2469 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT NETBALL GIRLS – 15 YEARS & UNDER – DRAW TWO Round 1 21/10/2016 Round 2 on 4/11/2016 Round 3 on 4/11/2016 Round 4 16/12/2016 Round 5 Term 1 2017 Adcock Park, West Gosford Adcock Park, West Gosford ASQUITH G GALSTON BURWOOD BYE TURRAMURRA BYE TERRIGAL BYE KILLARA BYE BARRENJOEY BYE NBSC MANLY BYE BURWOOD TURRAMURRA TERRIGAL KILLARA BARRENJOEY NBSC MANLY KURING-GAI CHELTENHAM G RIVERSIDE G BYE MOSMAN BYE Please note: Rounds 2 & 3 will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford on Friday 4 November 2016 RIVERSIDE G MOSMAN TUGG LAKES SC NARARA VALLEY CAMMERAYGAL BYE HUNTERS HILL BYE ST IVES BYE CAMMERAYGAL HUNTERS HILL ST IVES LISAROW KINCUMBER GOSFORD BYE GOSFORD PLEASENOTE: NOTE: PLEASE 1. Winning teamtotofax faxresults resultstotothe theConvener Convener(details (detailsbelow). below). 1. Winning team 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly 2. Players must be 15 years and under in 2017. The final series willmarked be heldvenue. in May 2017. 3. Players Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. must be born in 2002, 2003 or 2004 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 3. Age sheet must be completed and taken to the game. Casual reliefresponsible is NOT available. Schools must provideand their own relief 4.5. Home School for qualified referee/umpire properly marked venue. 5. Match rules in the NSWCHS Handbook. ROUNDS 2& 3: can be found • Will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford. 6. Protests must be in writing to SCOwill within hours. • All schools play24 two games on this day. 7. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their1own relief are required to provide umpire for the day. • All teams Cost is nil. • ROUNDS 2 & 3: • Will be played at Adcock Park, West Gosford. • As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. • All schools will play two games on this day. • In the event of this day• being cancelled to wet weather, the1 Sydney trials will be held on the same day at the Gosford City All teams aredue required to provide umpire North for the day. Sports Stadium, Duffy Road, Terrigal 10-12.30pm. Schools need to continue Knockout rounds as per usual arrangements. • Cost is nil. • Monday As these21 games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher. March 2016 TRIALS: • CONVENER: CONVENER: Venue: Adcock Park, West Gosford. Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Mob: 0412 956 001 Fax: 02 4385 2469 Email: Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Mob: 0412 956 001 Fax: 02 4385 2469 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION NETBALL 15 YEARS & UNDER TEAM LIST 2016/2017 DEBRA HANSON SHIELD NAME OF SCHOOL NUMBER PLAYERS NAME DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 All of the above listed players are bona fide pupils of this school and are not born prior to 2002. Sports Organiser Approval: ______________________________ DATE: _______________ Principal Approval: ______________________________ DATE: _______________ NB: This form should be completed by each school prior to each match. It should be taken to each game. 2016 RUGBY LEAGUE 14 YEARS KNOCKOUT - BUCKLEY SHIELD GALA DAY – 24/3/16 TUGG LAKES SC TERRIGAL HENRY KENDALL GOROKAN NORTHLAKES The listed teams have entered the 2016 NSWCHS Buckley Shield. A draw will be determined closer to the event date. BWSC UMINA GOSFORD KARIONG MTS WYONG LISAROW WADALBA NARARA VALLEY ERINA KINCUMBER BWSC WOY WOY 2016 RUGBY LEAGUE 14 YEARS KNOCKOUT - BUCKLEY SHIELD GALA DAY – 24/03/16 at Nolans’s Reserve NBSC BALGOWLAH B ASQUITH B CHATSWOOD MARSDEN NBSC CROMER DAVIDSON KILLARA THE FOREST RYDE SC HUNTERS HILL BARRENJOEY NBSC MANLY NARRABEEN KILLARNEY HTS PITTWATER EPPING B RANDWICK B ASHFIELD B ST IVES GALSTON NBSC FRESHWATER PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Date: Tuesday 15 March 2016 Venue: Morrie Breen Oval, Kanwal CONVENER: Patrick Crouch (BWSC Umina Campus) Phone: 4341 9066 Fax: 4343 1704 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 RUGBY LEAGUE OPENS KNOCKOUT - UNIVERSITY SHIELD (North Hawkesbury River Section) GALA DAY – 24/03/2016 The listed teams have entered the 2016 NSWCHS University Shield. A draw will be determined closer to the event date. TUGG LAKES SC GOSFORD NORTHLAKES WADALBA GOROKAN HENRY KENDALL ERINA BWSC WOY WOY TERRIGAL WYONG NARARA VALLEY LISAROW 2016 RUGBY LEAGUE OPENS KNOCKOUT - UNIVERSITY SHIELD (South Hawkesbury River Section) GALA DAY – 24/03/2016 BALGOWLAH B ASQUITH B ASHFIELD B HUNTERS HILL ST IVES NARRABEEN EPPING B NBSC CROMER PITTWATER RYDE SC MOSMAN THE FOREST BARRENJOEY NBSC MANLY DAVIDSON RANDWICK KILLARNEY HTS PLEASE NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TRIALS: Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief Tuesday 15 March 2016 Venue: Morrie Breen Oval, Kanwal CONVENER: Patrick Crouch (BWSC Umina Campus) Ph: 02 4341 9066 Fax: 02 4343 1704 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT SOFTBALL BOYS – TEACHERS CREDIT UNION CUP Round 1 19/02/2016 Round 2 15/03/2016 Round 3 30/04/2016 Round 4 30/05/2016 BWSC WOY WOY CHERRYBROOK KILLARA KINCUMBER WADALBA Tug lakes sc CARLINGFORD NARARA VALLEY GOROKAN TERRIGAL KARIONG MTS EPPING B LISAROW ST IVES NARRABEEN WYONG PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Thursday 25 February 2016 Venue: Central Coast Softball Association Diamonds - Passage Road, Bateau Bay CONVENER: Linda White (Terrigal HS) Ph; 02 4384 4677 Email: Mob: 0400 261 017 Fax: 024385 2469 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT SOFTBALL GIRLS Round 1 19/02/2016 Round 2 4/03/2016 MARSDEN BYE MARSDEN NBSC BYE Round 3 18/03/2016 Round 4 1/04/2016 Round 5 29/05/2016 NBSC THE FOREST BYE THE FOREST NORTH SYDNEY G BYE KARIONG MTS BYE NORTH SYDNEY G KARIONG MTS NARRABEEN BYE NARRABEEN NARARA VALLEY BWSC WOY WOY PITTWATER BYE PITTWATER WYONG BYE WYONG NBSC MACKELLAR G BURWOOD WADALBA TUGG LAKES SC CHERRYBROOK BYE ST IVES BYE RIVERSIDE G BYE CHERRYBROOK ST IVES RIVERSIDE G GOROKAN LISAROW ASQUITH G BYE ASQUITH G PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Monday 28 November 2016 at 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. Venue: Abott Road Softball Fields, Harbord Road, Freshwater CONVENER: Rhonda Williams (NBSC Mackellar Girls Campus) Ph: 9949 2083 Email: Fax: 02 9949 3028 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT SQUASH BOYS Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 26/02/2016 Round 3 11/03/2016 DAVIDSON EPPING BOYS RYDE SC RYDE SC BYE GOROKAN TUGG LAKES SC LISAROW GOSFORD PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Tuesday 2 May 2016 Venue: TBA CONVENER: Please refer all enquiries and results to Rebecca Wade, SCO Email: Ph 9707 6917 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT SQUASH GIRLS Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 26/02/2016 Round 3 11/03/2016 Round 4 1/04/2016 LISAROW GOROKAN TUGG LAKES SC TUGG LAKES SC BYE RYDE SC RYDE SC BYE GOSFORD GOSFORD BYE PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief TRIALS: Thursday 2 May 2016 Venue: TBA CONVENER: Please refer all enquiries and results to Rebecca Wade, SCO Email: Ph 9707 6917 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2015 KNOCKOUT TABLE TENNIS – BUTTERFLY SHIELD Round 1 on 04/04/2016 NIAGARA PARK STADIUM Round 2 on 04/04/2016 NIAGARA PARK STADIUM Round 3 on 04/04/2016 NIAGARA PARK STADIUM Round 4 on 04/04/2016 NIAGARA PARK STADIUM Round 5 on 04/04/2016 NIAGARA PARK STADIUM 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm CARLINGFORD BYE CARLINGFORD MARSDEN KINCUMBER TUGG LAKES SC BYE TUGG LAKES SC NTH SYDNEY B LISAROW GOSFORD BYE MOSMAN BYE GOSFORD MOSMAN CHERRYBROOK WYONG WADALBA NORMANHURST B KILLARNEY HTS BYE CHELTENHAM G BYE ERINA BYE HOMEBUSH B BYE NBSC CROMER BYE TERRIGAL BYE KILLARNEY HTS CHELTENHAM G ERINA HOMEBUSH B NBSC CROMER TERRIGAL GOROKAN EPPING B RYDE SC BYE RYDE SC PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 1 - 5: Monday 4 April 2016 Venue: Niagara Park Stadium, Washington Ave, Niagara Park (Ph: 4328 2288) Cost: $10 per student, payable on the day. CONVENER’S DETAILS: Bernie Locke Mob: 0425 359 735 Fax: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936 2016 KNOCKOUT TENNIS BOYS – STAN JONES TROPHY Round 1 04/03/2016 Round 2 18/03/2016 NTH SYDNEY B BYE Round 3 29/04/2016 Round 4 29/04/2016 Round 5 29/04/2016 (8.30am at Vaughan Park Tennis Complex, Gosford) (8.30am at Vaughan Park Tennis Complex, Gosford) (8.30am at Vaughan Park Tennis Complex, Gosford) NTH SYDNEY B GIRRAKOOL SSP TLSC KARIONG MTNS KINCUMBER GOSFORD TERRIGAL WADALBA GOROKAN NARARA VALLEY LISAROW BWSC UMINA BWSC WOY WOY NARRABEEN PITTWATER SPECIAL NOTE: Rounds 3 to 5 will be played at 8.30am at Vaughan Park Tennis Complex, Gosford NBSC CROMER NBSC FRESHWATER MOSMAN BALGOWLAH B KILLARA THE FOREST KILLARNEY HS ST IVES CARLINGFORD EPPING b CHERRYBROOK HOMEBUSH B HUNTERS HILL RYDE SC CHATSWOOD CHATSWOOD BYE PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. ROUNDS 3– 5: • • Final 8 schools will play remaining matches at Vaughan Park Tennis Complex, Gosford on Friday 29 April 2016 at 8.30 am sharp Cost per school is $40 (balls supplied). Cheques/cash to be given to the convener on the day. Cheques to be made to Gosford Tennis Centre TRIALS: Juniors (15 years & under in 2015): Thursday 11 February 2016 Seniors (16 years & older in 2015): Friday 12 February 2016 Venue: Vaughan Park Tennis Centre, Racecourse Road, Gosford CONVENER: Kevin Webb Mob: 0448 244 969 Email: Fax: 02 4390 4501 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT TENNIS GIRLS – FLORIS CONWAY CUP Round 1 19/02/2016 Round 2 11/03/2016 NBSC MACKELLAR G BYE NBSC MACKELLAR G Round 3 1/04/2016 Round 4 6/05/2016 Round 5 20/05/2016 CHATSWOOD KILLARA WILLOUGHBY G KILLARNEY HTS KARIONG MTS BWSC UMINA GOSFORD BYE GOSFORD GOROKAN KINCUMBER ST IVES NBSC CROMER NTH SYDNEY G BYE NTH SYDNEY G MOSMAN BYE MOSMAN NARRABEEN NBSC FRESHWATER BWSC WOY WOY TERRIGAL LISAROW TUGG LAKES SC CARLINGFORD CHERRYBROOK WADALBA NARARA VALLEY ASQUITH G BURWOOD G RIVERSIDE G BYE RIVERSIDE G PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. TRIALS: Dates: Juniors: Thursday 11 February 2016 Seniors: Friday 12 February 2016 Venue: Vaughan Park Tennis Complex, Racecourse Road, Gosford CONVENER: David Hextell (Northlakes HS) Ph: 02 4390 0555 Email: Fax: 4399 1792 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT – BOYS TOUCH FOOTBALL DRAW ONE Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 26/02/2016 KILLARNEY HTS BYE Round 5 on 28/04/2015 Bill Sohier Park Bill Sohier Park BARRENJOEY NBSC FRESHWATER BYE PITTWATER BYE Round 4 on 28/04/2015 KILLARNEY HTS BARRENJOEY BYE THE FOREST BYE Round 3 18/03/2016 NBSC FRESHWATER THE FOREST PITTWATER NBSC CROMER MARSDEN KILLARA TURRAMURRA Please note that Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at BILL SOHIER PARK, OURIMBAH on Thursday 28 April 2016 PENNANT HILLS CARLINGFORD NORTHLAKES BYE GOROKAN BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE NORTHLAKES GOROKAN The back-up date for these rounds will be Thursday 5 May 2016 TUGG LAKES SC NARARA VALLEY GIRRAKOOL SSP WADALBA BYE LISAROW BYE HENRY KENDALL BYE GOSFORD BYE WADALBA LISAROW HENRY KENDALL GOSFORD PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to forward results to Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. ROUNDS 4 & 5 Thursday 28 April 2016 Venue: Bill Sohier Park, Shirley St, Ourimbah Cost: NIL A referee/umpire must be provided by each team. Dates: 15 & Under – Thursday 3 March 2016 Opens – Friday 13 May 2016 TRIALS: Venue: Bill Sohier Park, Shirley Street, Ourimbah CONVENER: Matthew Sawyer (Wadalba CS) Fax: 4392 5046 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT – BOYS TOUCH FOOTBALL DRAW TWO Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 26/02/2016 NBSC BALGOWLAH B BYE Round 3 18/03/2016 Round 4 on 28/04/2016 Round 5 on 28/04/2016 Bill Sohier Park Bill Sohier Park NBSC BALGOWLAH B RYDE SC CONCORD EPPING B BYE EPPING B HUNTERS HILL NORTH SYDNEY B NARRABEEN BYE MOSMAN BYE NBSC MANLY BYE RANDWICK B BYE BWSC WOY WOY BYE KINCUMBER BYE NARRABEEN MOSMAN NBSC MANLY RANDWICK B Please note that Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at BILL SOHIER PARK, OURIMBAH on Thursday 28 April 2016 BWSC WOY WOY The back-up date for these rounds will be Thursday 5 May 2016 KINCUMBER TERRIGAL KARIONG MTS ERINA BYE ERINA ASQUITH B BYE . ASQUITH B NORMANHURST ST IVES CHERRYBROOK BYE GALSTON BYE CHERRYBROOK GALSTON PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief ROUNDS 4 & 5: Thursday 28 April 2016 Venue: Bill Sohier Park, Shirley St, Ourimbah Cost: NIL A referee/umpire must be provided by each team. TRIALS: Dates: 15 & Under – Thursday 3 March 2016 Opens – Friday 13 May 2016 Venue: Bill Sohier Park, Shirley Street, Ourimbah CONVENER: Matthew Sawyer (Wadalba CS) Fax: 4392 5046 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT – GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL DRAW ONE Round 1 12/02/2016 NARRABEEN BYE CARLINGFORD BYE WILLOUGHBY G BYE Round 2 26/02/2016 Round 3 18/03/2016 Round 4 on 28/04/2016 Round 5 on 28/04/2016 Bill Sohier Park Bill Sohier Park NARRABEEN CARLINGFORD WILLOUGHBY G ERINA LISAROW GOSFORD BYE GOSFORD NBSC MANLY HUNTERS HILL KILLARNEY HTS BYE KILLARNEY HTS Please note that Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at BILL SOHIER PARK, OURIMBAH on Thursday 28 April 2016 PITTWATER The back-up date for these round will be Thursday 5 May 2016 TERRIGAL GOROKAN PITTWATER BYE TURRAMURRA BYE TURRAMURRA KARIONG MTNS NORTHLAKES MARSDEN BYE CHERRYBROOK BYE MARSDEN CHERRYBROOK ASQUITH G RYDE SC BARRENJOEY NBSC COLLEGE CHATSWOOD BYE CHATSWOOD PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to forward results to Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. ROUNDS 4 & 5 Thursday 28 April 2016 (The back-up date for this round will be Thursday 5 May 2016) TRIALS: Dates: 15 & Under – Thursday 3 March 2016 Opens – Friday 13 May 2016 Venue: Bill Sohier Park, Shirley Street, Ourimbah CONVENER’S DETAILS: Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Email address: Fax: 4385 2469 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT – GIRLS TOUCH FOOTBALL DRAW TWO Round 1 12/02/2016 NBSC FRESHWATER BYE MOSMAN BYE BURWOOD G BYE Round 2 26/02/2016 Round 3 18/03/2016 Round 4 on 28/04/2016 Round 5 on 28/04/2016 Bill Sohier Park Bill Sohier Park NBSC FRESHWATER MOSMAN BURWOOD G NBSC MACKELLAR G NORTH SYDNEY G ST IVES BYE ST IVES PENNANT HILLS KILLARA NBSC CROMER BYE NBSC CROMER MACARTHUR G CHELTENHAM G THE FOREST BYE GALSTON BYE THE FOREST Please note that Rounds 4 & 5 will be played at BILL SOHIER PARK, OURIMBAH on Thursday 28 April 2016 The back-up date for these round will be Thursday 5 May 2016 GALSTON WADALBA CS HENRY KENDALL KINCUMBER BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE KINCUMBER NARARA VALLEY TUGG LAKES SC CONCORD BWSC WOY WOY RIVERSIDE G BYE PLEASE NOTE: RIVERSIDE G 1. Winning team to forward results to Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. ROUNDS 4 & 5 Thursday 28 April 2016 (The back-up date for this round will be Thursday 5 May 2016) TRIALS: Dates: 15 & Under – Thursday 3 March 2016 Opens – Friday 13 May 2016 Venue: Bill Sohier Park, Shirley Street, Ourimbah CONVENER’S DETAILS: Brooke Playford (Terrigal HS) Ph: 02 4384 4677 Email address: Fax: 4385 2469 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2016 KNOCKOUT – DRAW ONE Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 19/02/2016 GOROKAN BYE GOROKAN GOSFORD BYE HENRY KENDALL BYE BWSC WOY WOY BYE PENNANT HILLS BYE Round 3 4/03/2016 Round 4 18/03/2016 Round 5 1/04/2016 Round 6 13/05/2016 GOSFORD HENRY KENDALL BWSC WOY WOY PENNANT HILLS CHATSWOOD MOSMAN RANDWICK BYE RANDWICK NBSC FRESHWATER NBSC FRESHWATER BYE NBSC BALGOWLAH BYE NARRABEEN BYE PITTWATER BYE TURRAMURRA BYE NORMANHURST B BYE CARLINGFORD BYE Winner Draw 1 v Winner Draw 2 NBSC BALGOWLAH NARRABEEN PITTWATER TURRAMURRA NORMANHURST B CARLINGFORD NBSC CROMER NBSC MANLY CHERRYBROOK BYE CHERRYBROOK PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the CHS Handbook from your Sports Organiser. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. TRIALS: Friday 19 February 2016 Venue: Thornleigh Indoor Sports Centre – The Brickpit CONVENER: Dave Morris, NBSC Balgowlah Ph: 02 9949 4200 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2016 KNOCKOUT – DRAW TWO Round 1 12/02/16 Round 2 19/02/16 TERRIGAL BYE TERRIGAL KINCUMBER BYE NARRA VALLEY BYE GIRRAKOOL SSP BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE WYONG BYE KARIONG MTS BYE WADALBA BYE HOMEBUSH B BYE KILLARA BYE NTH SYD BOYS BYE KILLARNEY HTS BYE EPPING BOYS BYE CONCORD BYE Round 3 4/03/16 Round 4 18/03/16 Round 5 1/04/16 Round 6 13/05/16 KINCUMBER NARRA VALLEY GIRRAKOOL SSP TUGG LAKES SC WYONG KARIONG MTS WADALBA Winner Draw 1 v Winner Draw 2 HOMEBUSH B KILLARA NTH SYD BOYS KILLARNEY HTS EPPING BOYS CONCORD ST IVES MARSDEN RYDE SC BYE RYDE SC PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the CHS Handbook from your Sports Organiser. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. TRIALS: Friday 19 February 2016 Venue: Thornleigh Indoor Sports Centre – The Brickpit CONVENER: Dave Morris, NBSC Balgowlah Ph: 02 9949 4200 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 2016 KNOCKOUT – DRAW ONE Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 19/02/2016 BWSC WOY WOY BYE BWSC WOY WOY GOSFORD BYE Round 3 4/03/2016 Round 4 18/03/2016 Round 5 1/04/2016 Round 6 13/05/2016 GOSFORD NARARA VALLEY BYE NARARA VALLEY KARIONG MTS BYE KARIONG MTS NBSC FRESHWATER BYE NBSC FRESHWATER MOSMAN NBSC MANLY TUGG LAKES SC BYE WADALBA BYE ERINA BYE TERRIGAL BYE CARLINGFORD BYE ASQUITH G BYE CONCORD BYE RIVERSIDE G BYE CHERRYBROOK BYE CHELTENHAM G BYE TUGG LAKES SC WADALBA Winner Draw 1 v Winner Draw 2 ERINA TERRIGAL CARLINGFORD ASQUITH G CONCORD RIVERSIDE G CHERRYBROOK CHELTENHAM G PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the CHS Handbook from your Sports Organiser. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. TRIALS: Friday 4 March 2016 Venue: Thornleigh Indoor Sports Centre – The Brickpit CONVENER: Graeme Lowe, Riverside Girls HS Ph: 02 9816 4264 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 2016 KNOCKOUT – DRAW TWO Round 1 12/02/2016 Round 2 19/02/2016 KILLARNEY HTS BYE KILLARNEY HTS NBSC CROMER BYE WILLOUGHBY G BYE BURWOOD G BYE Round 3 4/03/2016 Round 4 18/03/2016 Round 5 1/04/2016 Round 6 13/05/2016 NBSC CROMER WILLOUGHBY G BURWOOD G CHATSWOOD TURRAMURRA NBSC MACKELLAR G NBSC MACKELLAR G BYE PITTWATER BYE PENNANT HILLS BYE PITTWATER PENNANT HILLS Winner Draw 1 v Winner Draw 2 HENRY KENDALL BYE HENRY KENDALL KINCUMBER BYE KINCUMBER WYONG BYE GOROKAN BYE NTH SYDNEY G BYE KILLARA BYE ST IVES BYE RYDE SC BYE WYONG GOROKAN NTH SYDNEY G KILLARA ST IVES RYDE SC PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Home School responsible for qualified referee/umpire and properly marked venue. 3. Match rules can be found in the CHS Handbook from your Sports Organiser. 4. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 5. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. TRIALS: Friday 4 March 2016 Venue: Thornleigh Indoor Sports Centre – The Brickpit CONVENER: Graeme Lowe, Riverside Girls HS Ph: 02 9816 4264 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT WATER POLO BOYS – OPENS CENTRAL COAST DRAW Round 1 on 7/3/2016 Wyong Pool Round 2 on 7/3/2016 Wyong Pool NARARA VALLEY BYE NARARA VALLEY Round 3 on 7/3/2016 Wyong Pool Round 4 on 7/3/2016 Wyong Pool Round 5 on 11/3/2016 Metro vs Central Coast 9am at Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Round 3 on 7/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Round 4 on 7/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Round 5 on 11/03/2016 Metro vs Central Coast 9am at Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre WADALBA WYONG HENRY KENDALL BYE GOROKAN BYE TERRIGAL BYE KINCUMBER BYE HENRY KENDALL GOROKAN TERRIGAL KINCUMBER TUGG LAKES SC BWSC WOY WOY LISAROW BYE LISAROW METROPOLITAN DRAW Round 1 on 7/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Round 2 on 7/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre NTH SYDNEY B BYE NTH SYDNEY B EPPING B BYE EPPING B NBSC FRESHWATER CHERRYBROOK HOMEBUSH B BYE HOMEBUSH B NBSC BALGOWLAH BYE NBSC BALGOWLAH NORMANHURST B NORMANHURST B BYE GALSTON BYE RANDWICK B BYE GALSTON RANDWICK B PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook 3. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 4. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. 5. Referees will be organised for rounds 1 – 4 and the finals. Schools will be invoiced to share the total costs, including pool hire and referees. Schools should provide someone for bench duty. TRIALS: ROUNDS 1-4: Thursday 28 April 2016 Venue: Peninsula Leisure Centre, 243 Blackwall Rd Woy Woy Monday 7 March 2016 Central Coast Draw: Wyong Pool Cost: $70 per team plus pool entry Metropolitan Draw: Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Cost: $80 per team plus pool entry Referees will be organised for Rounds 1-4 and the Finals. Schools will be invoiced to share the total costs, including pool hire where applicable. Schools should provide someone for bench duty. ROUND 5: Winners of the Metropolitan and Central Coast draws will need to play off to determine the Sydney North Champion school at 9am, Friday 11 March 2016 at Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre. Cost $80 per team Grant Bradshaw (Kincumber HS) Fax: 4363 1265 Email: CONVENER: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT WATER POLO BOYS – 15’s & UNDER CENTRAL COAST DRAW Round 1 17/10/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool GOROKAN BYE Round 2 on 17/10/2016 Round 3 on 17/10/2016 Round 4 on 17/10/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool Gosford Olympic Pool Gosford Olympic Pool Round 5 11/11/2011 Gosford Olympic Pool TERRIGAL BYE TERRIGAL LISAROW BYE HENRY KENDALL BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE BWSC UMINA BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE KINCUMBER BYE GOROKAN LISAROW HENRY KENDALL NARARA VALLEY BWSC UMINA TUGG LAKES SC KINCUMBER METROPOLITAN DRAW Round 1 on 17/10/2016 Round 2 on 17/10/2016 Round 3 on 17/10/2016 Round 4 on 17/10/2016 Round 5 4/11/2016 Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre NBSC BALGOWLAH Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Metro vs Central Coast BYE NBSC BALGOWLAH RANDWICK B BYE RANDWICK B EPPING B BYE NORMANHURST B BYE NTH SYDNEY B BYE EPPING B NORMANHURST B NTH SYDNEY B CAMMERAYGAL CHERRYBROOK GALSTON BYE HOMEBUSH B BYE GALSTON HOMEBUSH B PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to forward results to the Convener (details below). 2. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 3. Protests must be made in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 4. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. 5. Referees will be organised for Rounds 1 – 4. Schools will be invoiced to share costs, including pool hire and referees. Schools should provide someone for bench duty. ROUNDS 1 – 4: Date: Monday 17 October 2016 Central Coast Draw: Gosford Olympic Pool Cost: $70 per team plus pool entry Metropolitan Draw: Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Cost: $80 per team plus pool entry ROUND 5: The winners of the Metropolitan and Central Coast draws will need to play off to determine the Sydney North Champion school before Friday 4 November 2016. CONVENER: Grant Bradshaw (Kincumber HS) Fax: 02 4363 1265 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT WATER POLO GIRLS – OPENS CENTRAL COAST DRAW Round 1 8/03/2016 Wyong Pool Round 2 on 8/03/2016 Wyong Pool HENRY KENDALL BYE HENRY KENDALL GOROKAN BYE KINCUMBER BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE Round 3 on 8/03/2016 Wyong Pool Round 4 on 8/03/2016 Wyong Pool Round 5 on 11/03/2016 Metro vs Central Coast 10am at Ryde Aquatic Centre Round 3 on 10/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Centre Round 4 on 10/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Centre Round 5 on 11/03/2016 Metro vs Central Coast 10am at Ryde Aquatic Centre GOROKAN KINCUMBER NARARA VALLEY TUGG LAKES SC LISAROW BWSC WOY WOY WADALBA GOSFORD TERRIGAL BYE TERRIGAL METROPOLITAN DRAW Round 1 10/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Centre ASQUITH G CHERRYBROOK Round 2 on 10/03/2016 Ryde Aquatic Centre NTH SYDNEY G BYE NTH SYDNEY G PITTWATER BYE PITTWATER NBSC MACKELLAR NBSC MACKELLAR BYE BURWOOD G BYE RIVERSIDE G BYE BURWOOD G RIVERSIDE G GALSTON BYE GALSTON NBSC FRESHWATER NBSC FRESHWATER BYE PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 3. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 4. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. 5. Referees will be organised for rounds 1 – 4 and the finals. Schools will be invoiced to share the total costs, including pool hire and referees. Schools should provide someone for bench duty. TRIALS: Thursday 28 April 2016 Venue: Peninsula Leisure Centre, 243 Blackwall Rd Woy Woy ROUNDS 1 – 4: 8/03/2016 10/03/2016 Central Coast Draw: Wyong Pool Cost: $70 per team plus pool entry Metropolitan Draw: Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre Cost: $80 per team plus pool entry ROUND 5: The winners of the Metropolitan and Central Coast draws will need to play off to determine the Sydney North Champion school at 10am, Friday 11 March 2016 at Ryde Aquatic Centre Cost: $80 per team CONVENER’S DETAILS: Jacqueline Barlow (Narara Valley HS) Fax: 4328 3609 Email: ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936) 2016 KNOCKOUT WATER POLO GIRLS – 15’s & UNDER CENTRAL COAST DRAW Round 1 on 18/10/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool TERRIGAL BYE Round 2 on 18/10/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool LISAROW BYE LISAROW HENRY KENDALL BYE KINCUMBER BYE BWSC UMINA BYE GOROKAN BYE NARARA VALLEY BYE TUGG LAKES SC BYE Round 3 on 18/10/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool Round 4 on 18/10/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool Round 5 4/11/2016 Gosford Olympic Pool Round 3 on 18/10/2016 Peninsula Leisure Centre, Woy Woy Round 4 on 18/10/2016 Peninsula Leisure Centre, Woy Woy Round 5 4/11/2016 Metro vs Central Coast TERRIGAL HENRY KENDALL KINCUMBER BWSC UMINA GOROKAN NARARA VALLEY TUGG LAKES SC METROPOLITAN DRAW Round 1 RIVERSIDE G BYE CHERRYBROOK T BYE CAMMERAYGAL BYE ASQUITH G BYE KILLARA BYE GALSTON BYE NBSC MACKELLAR BYE GALSTON BYE Round 2 on 18/10/2016 Peninsula Leisure Centre, Woy Woy RIVERSIDE G CHERRYBROOK T CAMMERAYGAL ASQUITH G KILLARA GALSTON NBSC MACKELLAR GALSTON PLEASE NOTE: 1. Winning team to fax results to the Convener (details below). 2. Match rules can be found in the NSWCHS Handbook. 3. Protests must be in writing to SCO within 24 hours. 4. Casual relief is NOT available. Schools must provide their own relief. ROUNDS 1 - 3: • Tuesday 18 October 2016 • Venue: Central Coast Draw: Gosford Olympic • Metropolitan Draw: Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre • Successful teams will be required to keep playing until the end of round 4. The winners of the Metropolitan and Central Coast draws will need to play off to determine the Sydney North Champion school before Friday 4 November 2016. • As these games are knockouts, they require all teams to be accompanied by a teacher CONVENER: Jacqueline Morrison (nee Barlow) (Narara Valley HS) Email: Fax: 4328 3609 ATTENTION CONVENERS: At the conclusion of the knockout competition, please forward to Sydney North School Sport the above draw indicating all results (email: or fax: 9707 6936)