Part-load performance and emissions of a spark ignition engine
Part-load performance and emissions of a spark ignition engine
Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy Conversion and Management journal homepage: Part-load performance and emissions of a spark ignition engine fueled with RON95 and RON97 gasoline: Technical viewpoint on Malaysia’s fuel price debate Taib Iskandar Mohamad a,⇑, How Heoy Geok b a Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering & Centre for Automotive Research, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 10 March 2014 Accepted 3 September 2014 Keywords: Automotive engine Gasoline RON Part load operation Emission Performance Heat release Fuel price Public perception a b s t r a c t Due to world crude oil price hike in the recent years, many countries have experienced increase in gasoline price. In Malaysia, where gasoline are sold in two grades; RON95 and RON97, and fuel price are regulated by the government, gasoline price have been gradually increased since 2009. Price rise for RON97 is more significant. By 2014, its per liter price is 38% more than that of RON95. This has resulted in escalated dissatisfaction among the mass. People argued they were denied from using a better fuel (RON97). In order to evaluate the claim, there is a need to investigate engine response to these two gasoline grades. The effect of gasoline RON95 and RON97 on performance and exhaust emissions in spark ignition engine was investigated on a representative engine: 1.6L, 4-cylinder Mitsubishi 4G92 engine with CR 11:1. The engine was run at constant speed between 1500 and 3500 rpm with 500 rpm increment at various partload conditions. The original engine ECU, a hydraulic dynamometer and control, a combustion analyzer and an exhaust gas analyzer were used to determine engine performance, cylinder pressure and emissions. Results showed that RON95 produced higher engine performance for all part-load conditions within the speed range. RON95 produced on average 4.4% higher brake torque, brake power, brake mean effective pressure as compared to RON97. The difference in engine performance was more significant at higher engine speed and loads. Cylinder pressure and ROHR were evaluated and correlated with engine output. With RON95, the engine produces 2.3% higher fuel conversion efficiency on average but RON97 was advantageous with 2.3% lower brake specific fuel consumption throughout all load condition. In terms of exhaust emissions, RON95 produced 7.7% lower NOx emission but higher CO2, CO and HC emissions by 7.9%, 36.9% and 20.3% respectively. Higher octane rating of gasoline may not necessarily beneficial on engine power, fuel economy and emissions of polluting gases. Even though there is some advantage using RON97 in terms of emission reduction of CO2, CO and HC, the 38% higher price and higher NOx emission is more expensive in the long run. Therefore using RON95 is economically better and environmentally friendlier. The findings provide some techno-economic evaluation on the fuel price debate that surround the Malaysia’s population in the recent years. The increased of fuel price may have limited their ability to use higher octane gasoline but it did not negatively affecting the users as they perceive. Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Abbreviations: ATDC, after top dead centre; BMEP, brake mean effective pressure; BSFC, brake specific fuel consumption; BTDC, before top dead centre; CFR, Cooperative Fuel Research; CO, carbon monoxide; CO2, carbon dioxidel; COV, coefficient of variation; CR, compression ratio; DOHC, double overhead camshaft; FCE, fuel conversion efficiency; HC, hydrocarbon; MON, motor octane number; NOx, oxides of nitrogen; OHV, overhead valve; PRF, primary reference fuels; RON, Research octane number; rpm, revolution per minute; SI, spark ignition; SIDI, spark ignition direct injection. ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (T.I. Mohamad). 0196-8904/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Producing optimal balance between power density, fuel economy and exhaust emission have always been one of the major challenges in automotive technology. This challenge must address the complex relation between fuel characteristics and engine architecture. Combustion behavior, energy conversion and emission formation of a certain formulated fuel can easily change with different engine design and operating parameters. The reverse is T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 also true where specific engine reacts differently with different fuels. Studies on automotive fuels are extensive but far from exhausted because fuel formulations and engine designs are evolving with technological advancement. Therefore investigating these complex relations will always relevant as new breeds of engine architecture and advance fuel formulation are continuously explored. Gasoline is the most widely used fuel for on-road vehicles worldwide and therefore the main power source for this energy user. Demand for gasoline is continually expanding with the increasing number of on-road vehicles supported by the development of fuel efficient direct gasoline injection and hybrid engines [1]. Gasoline engine formulation is mainly indexed with respect to octane numbers; RON or MON. Octane ratings are considered among the most important parameters in determining fuel quality and influencing engine performance and emissions of the vehicle [2]. RON and MON are determined by Cooperative Fuel Research engine according to the ASTM procedures D-2699 and D-2700 respectively. An alternative method to determined RON and MON was realized by associating distillation curves (ASTM D86) with multivariate calibration (PLS – Partial Least Squares) [3]. Both the RON and MON scales are based on two paraffinic hydrocarbons which define the two ends of the scale; iso-octane is assigned the value of 100 and n-heptane the value of zero in both the scales. Primary reference fuels (PRF) are the blends of these two components which define the intermediate points in the RON or MON scale [4]. Thus theoretically, RON95 and RON97 are blend of 95% and 97% iso-octane with 5% and 3% of n-heptane by volume respectively. In both RON and MON scales they are PRF 95 and PRF 97. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of RON number to engine performance and emissions. Even though many results have been published, the studies are far from exhausted since fuel-engine relation is complex and sensitive to fuel formulations and engine architecture. Each new engine model requires different range of octane number for optimal performance due to tolerances in production and variations in design and the expected driving conditions. At the market end, users are attracted to use higher RON gasoline due to the belief that the higher-octane rating produces better engine performance. An experimental investigation on a low compression ratio (CR) engine (8.0:1) with fuel carburetion with gasoline RON91 and RON95 showed that the RON91 produces 4.2–4.8% more power and 5.6% less brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) while emitting 5.7% and 3.4% lower CO and HC respectively. The outcomes were attributed to the concentration of tetra alkyl in the fuel. The study concluded that using higher-octane rating gasoline than the engine requirement did not increase engine performance but increased exhaust emissions, which led to increased maintenance expenses [5]. Positive effects of higher RON were realized in engines with higher CR and with turbocharged intake. A study on a high CR (13.0:1) spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) showed that a high RON fuel with high aromatics content produced significant torque improvement under high load. Engine torque and efficiency increased by 13% and 21% respectively compared to the original engine CR of 9.8:1 [6]. The impact of RON and MON on a turbocharged multi-point injection spark ignition (MPISI) engine was studied and favourable power, consumption and emissions results were found with higher RON [7]. The effect of turbocharging resembles increasing CR. It benefit from better knock resistance of higher RON. Using RON higher than engine requirement with the original spark timing setting not only reduces brake thermal efficiency but also increased brake specific fuel consumption, CO and HC emission but can be reduced with a more advanced spark timing [8]. Further improvement of turbocharged engine with high octane gasoline was realized with direct fuel injection and adaptive 929 intake valve lift [9]. Inclusion of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in the DISI engine with RON97 gasoline was studied which resulted in increased thermal efficiency [10]. A study on engine response to lower RON than engine requirement (RON91 vs. RON95) showed that emission behavior is slightly affected [11]. Only a very slight increase in total unburned hydrocarbon and decrease in CO emissions with increasing RON was realized. However, NOx had revealed no direct correlation with RON. Gasoline octane improvement were achieved with various fuel blends. In a work done to improve RON using olefins, ETBE and MTBE, power increase with higher RON gasoline was achieved by increasing CR, modifying spark timing, varying intake system and valve timing [12]. Increasing RON with the addition of MTBE alone showed that the optimal engine performance and emission reduction occurred at 10% MTBE content [13]. Improving octane number by blending gasoline with 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) and ethanol was studied and results showed that DMF blend produces higher cylinder peak pressure and higher NOx, while both blends reduces HC and CO emissions [14]. Gasoline RON was increased with small fraction of oxygenated additives; ethyl acetate and methyl acetate [15]. Wide distillation fuel is an option to improve compression ignition engine by blending diesel with gasoline at different octane number. The blend resulted in low soot emission, improved thermal efficiency and little sensitivity to gasoline octane number [16]. The effects of high RON on low temperature combustion (LTC) Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine was studied numerically using zero-dimensional single-zone combustion model. Availability balance model was used and results showed that rising iso-octane volume fraction in primary reference fuel (PRF) has negative effects of increased irreversibility and decreased heat transfer availability [17]. Optical techniques were used to study combustion behavior of gasoline. For example Merola et al. investigated knock behavior of a SI engine fuel with various gasoline octane rating with flame and radical species detection [18]. Detailed chemical chemistry of gasoline with respect to octane rating was studied. Laminar burning velocities of various blend of iso-octane and n-heptane have been measured using the heat flux method [19]. Turbulent burning velocity was investigated with Schlieren imaging technique by measuring the expanding flame kernel [20]. According to the mentioned works, using the right gasoline requirement by the engine is more beneficial than using a higher or lower-octane gasoline for different type of engines and vehicles. 1.1. Vehicle and gasoline perspective in Malaysia By the end 2013, there were nearly 23 million on-road vehicles in Malaysia. According to the statistic produced by Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), vehicle ownership has doubled since 1997 from 2.8 to 1.3 person per vehicle in 2012. Fig. 1 shows the growth of passenger car in Malaysia between 1980 and March 2014. During this period, nearly 5.5 million of new passenger cars were registered. The total new car increased significantly between 1980 and 2005 with high annual growth. After that period the annual counts fluctuated slightly. This is reflected in the annual growth was reduction from peak 111% in 1995 to 3–4% in the current time, making the total period average growth of 19%. The trend of new car purchase is closely related to the economy of the country, like most developing countries. Apart from that fuel price also affects the buying trend. Vast majority of passenger cars are fueled with gasoline while the remaining minority, mainly taxis, are powered with diesel and natural gas. Since 2009 the gasoline was sold in Malaysia only in two grades; RON95 and RON97. Gasoline price is controlled by the government. In the recent years, the government increased the gasoline price as a result of global oil price hike. Fig. 2 shows the trend of gasoline 930 T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 Fig. 3. Gap between RON95 and RON97 price. Fig. 1. Passenger car growth trend 1980–2014. Source: Malaysia Automotive Association. From historical data, the 4GXX engine represents the biggest fraction of engines used in passenger cars of the studied vehicle owner group to this date. The ownership of the cars using these engines falls mainly to the lower and medium income people, whose main concerns are running and maintenance cost. The 4G92 model is the middle of the range and selected for the experimental investigation. The outcomes of this experimental investigation can be used to verify people view about RON number related to fuel economy, performance and emission. 2. Experimental set up and procedures Fig. 2. Fuel price trend in Malaysia from 2009. price since mid-2009 when the significant price increase started to take place. RON97 price are being increased from MYR1.80/liter to MYR2.90/liter, while price for RON95 only increased from MYR1.75/liter to MYR2.10/liter. Fig. 3 shows the price difference between the two gasoline grades where at time this difference went up to 60%. There have been major complain responding to this. People argued that they were denied from using higher grade (thus more power and better fuel economy) gasoline. This has ignited an interest to look into this matter from technical point of view. In order to select the representative engine model for the study, a careful selection must be done taking into account the most widely used engine models and the income group of people owning the corresponding car models. The Mitsubishi 4G-series, which can be found in majority of the national car, Proton was selected for investigation. Proton car represents more than 30% of passenger car fleet in the country. This national car company of Malaysia was established in 1985 in cooperation with Mitsubishi Motor of Japan. Between 1985 and the early 2000s, Protons cars were mainly badge engineered of Mitsubishi models. Mitsubishi series engine 4Gxx series have been used until 2004. The 4Gxx engines were then replaced gradually by the Campro engine which was first introduced in 2004 on the Gen-2 model, the first all-Malaysia built car. The 4G engines comes in 6 variants; 4G13 (1.3L), 4G15 (1.5L), 4G92 (1.6L), 4G93 (1.8L), 4G63 (2.0L) and 4G68 (2.0L turbo diesel). The engine used in the experiments was a 1.6-liter, 4-cylinder Mitsubishi 4G92 DOHC engine with compression ratio 11:1. Engine specifications are listed in Table 1. The experimental schematic diagram shown in Fig. 4. A hydro-kinetic dynamometer was used to absorb the power produced by the engine and has the capability of applying brake load to engine shaft. Engine torque, rotational speed and air intake were measured by the dynamometer control unit. A throttle actuator and original engine ECU provide control to engine operation. Gasoline consumption was measured using a volume-scaled pipette and time recording. A Kistler 6125B pressure sensor measures the engine in-cylinder pressure which was then processed by a Dewetron DEWE5000 combustion analyzer. The time and crank angle resolved cylinder pressure data with 1000 Hz sampling rate were processed by DEWE5000 software. In order to assure minimum spark advance for best torque (MBT) operation during the whole course of engine test, power, torque and IMEP were monitored from the combustion analyzer. A 4-gas Kane-May exhaust gas analyzer was used to measure the exhaust emissions of CO2, CO, HC and NOx. The probe of gas analyzer was Table 1 Specifications of the Mitsubishi 4G92 engine. Descriptions Parameter Type Fuel system Combustion chamber Number of cylinder Number of valve Compression ratio Firing order Displacement volume (cm3) Bore (mm) Stroke (mm) Maximum rated power (kW/rpm) Maximum rated torque (N m/rpm) In-line OHV, DOHC Sequential port injection Pent-roof type 4 16 11.0:1 1–3–4–2 1597 81 77.5 108/7000 149/4500 931 T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 1. Engine 2. Dynamometer 3. Throttle valve 4. Pressure sensor 5. Combustion analyzer 6. Main controller 7. Oxygen sensor 8. Exhaust gas analyzer Fig. 4. Experimental set up. 3. Results and discussion Engine performance in response to RON95 and RON97 gasoline were investigated for under various engine speeds and loads (LL, ML, HL). Parameters determined were brake torque, brake power, brake mean effective pressure (BMEP), fuel conversion efficiency (FCE), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and exhaust emissions. All results were derived either directly from measured experimental data or calculated based on Heywood [21]. Each point of the measured data were taken from 10 sets of experiments from which 1000 thermodynamic cycles were averaged, showing reliable outcomes with low error (±2%) and COV (<1). Engine performance are represented by brake torque (Fig. 5), brake power (Fig. 6) and BMEP (Fig. 7) as they are directly correlated. RON95 produced 0.4–9% more brake torque, brake power Table 2 Fuel properties. Descriptions RON95 RON97 Research octane number Initial boiling point (°C) Final boiling point (°C) Density @ 15 °C (kg/L) Reid vapour pressure (kPa) 95 35.7 197.2 0.764 66 97 35.7 200.5 0.7639 65.5 100 Brake torque, Nm 90 R95 LL R97 LL 80 R95 ML 70 R97 ML 60 R95 HL 50 R97 HL 40 30 20 10 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min Fig. 5. Brake torque vs. engine speed at various engine loads. 40 Brake power, kW placed 1 m downstream the exhaust manifold from exhaust valves. An oxygen sensor was placed in the exhaust manifold to monitor the equivalence ratio of cylinder charge. The engine was run at constant speed ranging from 1500 to 3500 rpm with 500 rpm increment at three different engine load conditions: 1.25 N m, 2.5 N m and 5.0 N m engine loads, denoted by low load (LL), medium load (ML) and high load (HL) respectively. The engine load is supplied by the frictional braking force from the dynamometer. During the test, all data are taken after the engine oil has reach a stable temperature range between 80 and 90 °C. At each speed and load condition, minimum spark advance was set for best torque from the ECU where spark timing can be controlled and monitored from the combustion analyzer. For each data point, a set of 10 experiment data was average, in which 1000 thermodynamic cycles were averaged and the error was found within ±2%. The fuels used in the experiment were PETRONAS (the Malaysia’s National Petroleum Company) commercial RON95 and RON97 gasoline. Detailed gasoline additives (aromatics, etc.) were not obtained from the producer as it is considered confidential. Some thermal and physical properties of gasoline used are shown in Table 2. These properties were derived from lab measurement. R95 LL 35 R97 LL 30 R95 ML 25 20 R97 ML R95 HL R97 HL 15 10 5 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min Fig. 6. Brake power vs. engine speed at various engine loads. and BMEP than that of RON97 throughout the speed range. At low load and low speed, the brake torque and brake power shows little difference but when engine speed is greater than 2500 rpm and load increases, the differences in performance increases. In all load conditions beyond 2500 rpm engine output were better with RON95. Similar trend was found in BMEP with the exception to low load conditions where superiority of RON95 was only visible at 3500 rpm. On average, RON95 produces 4.4% higher brake torque, brake power and BMEP compared to RON97. The results are in agreement with the findings of Sayin et al. [5]. The higher performance found in RON95 operations is attributed to the original 932 T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 700 R97 LL 600 R95 ML 500 400 800 R95 LL R95 LL R97 LL 700 R97 ML BSFC, g/kWh BMEP, kPa 800 R95 HL R97 HL 300 R95 ML 600 R97 ML 500 R97 HL R95 HL 400 200 300 100 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min 200 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min Fig. 7. Brake mean effective pressure vs. engine speed at various engine loads. Fig. 9. Brake specific fuel consumption vs. engine speed at various engine loads. engine construction optimized for lower fuel octane rating, with relatively low compression ratio, in which the advantage of higher RON cannot be realized to its maximum. Fig. 8 presents the fuel conversion efficiency of the engine in response to the fuels and different speed and loads. The general trend showed that FCE increased as engine speed and load increased. The FCE of RON95 is 0.7–7.7% higher than that of RON97 fuel throughout the speed range. The results show that on average RON95 achieves 2.3% better FCE compared to RON97. Reflecting the average output power superiority of 4.4% with RON95 but 2.3% average benefit in FCE, in the absence of fuel heating value data, one may suggest that RON95 calorific value is more than that of RON97. BSFC behavior between the two fuels did show predictable trend. Generally, fuel consumption decreased with increasing load and speed. RON97 showed better fuel consumption with lower BSFC at higher engine loads condition as shown in Fig. 9. On average, RON97 resulted in 2.3% lower BSFC than RON95. The opposing behavior of these two fuels with respect to FCE and BSFC can be explained by the variation of its properties. RON97 have 97% of its content as iso-octane, but remaining percentage includes many anti-knocking substances, not limiting to n-heptane. With 97% isooctane, calorific value is generally higher thus the engine requires less fuel mass per unit power produced, resulting in lower BSFC. On the other hand, because RON95 possesses lower calorific value but produces higher power on average, the resulting FCE is higher. This analysis is however opposing to the discussion of calorific value in the previous paragraph. Both explanation has the merit but could only be confirmed with the presence of fuel calorific value data and detailed knowledge of additives. In order to better understand the better performance of RON95, cylinder pressure and rate of heat release at selected test conditions are shown in Figs. 10–14. Table 3 summarizes the important parameters from Figs. 10–12. As shown in Fig. 10, at 2500 rpm and medium load, the peak pressure of RON95 is higher than RON97 (29.8 bar vs. 28.6 bar) and happens at later crank angle (12.5° ATDC vs. 11.8° ATDC) which is favorable in producing more power. At high load, even though the peak pressure of RON97 is higher and occurs at later CA (37 bar @ 14.7° ATDC vs. 34.2 bar @ 12.5° ATDC), higher pressure can be seen before TDC thus more work is wasted during compression stroke (CA < 360°). This resulted in less torque and power compared to RON95. Similar trends can be seen at 3000 rpm and 3500 rpm, shown in Figs. 11 and 12 respectively. At higher speeds, peak cylinder pressure increased as a result of decreased combustion durations and intensified burning rate. At the highest tested speed, the peak pressure of RON95 become closer to RON97 peak. Lower overall pressure during compression stroke, mainly due to longer ignition delay, is advantageous to RON95. At high load, the peak cylinder pressure of RON97 are more than those of RON95 but the behavior is reversed at medium load. It is also noted that the peak pressure of RON97 happened earlier at medium load but later than RON95 at high load except at 3500 rpm. The heat release rate pattern at 3500 rpm and 2500 rpm were chosen for comparison and further explain the phenomena. Plot of ROHR between 40° BTDC and 40° ATDC are shown in Figs. 13 35 R95 LL R97 LL 30 R95 ML FCE, % R97 ML 25 R95 HL R97 HL 20 15 10 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min Fig. 8. Fuel conversion efficiency vs. engine speed at various engine loads. Fig. 10. Cylinder pressure at 2500 rpm. T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 933 Table 3 Cylinder peak pressure. Engine 1speed Fuel-load Peak cylinder pressure, bar Peak cylinder pressure location, °CA ATDC 2500 rpm R95 R97 R95 R97 ML ML HL HL 29.8 28.6 34.3 37 12.5 11.8 12.5 14.7 3000 rpm R95 R97 R95 R97 ML ML HL HL 37 34.8 42.5 49.4 14.8 13.2 14.4 15.4 3500 rpm R95 R97 R95 R97 ML ML HL HL 45.4 42.9 52.1 52.8 10.7 9.3 13.3 11.3 Fig. 13. Rate of heat release at 3500 rpm at high and medium loads. Fig. 11. Cylinder pressure at 3000 rpm. Fig. 14. Rate of heat release at 2500 rpm at high and medium loads. Fig. 12. Cylinder pressure at 3500 rpm. and 14. Table 4 summarizes the peak ROHR values and locations with respect to each discussed engine operation and fuels. ROHR is a reflection of cylinder pressure behavior. The ROHR increased with increasing engine speed and load. The peak ROHR location with respect to TDC showed mixed behavior. Except for RON97 at high load where peak ROHR is advanced, in all other cases peak load location is delayed with increasing engine speed and load. At 3500 rpm and high load, even though RON97 produces higher peak value of 30.8 J/°CA, less power is produced as bigger fraction of heat is release happened during compression stroke. However at 2500 rpm, peak ROHR for RON97 at high load shifted towards the later part of power stroke (>10° ATDC) while the fraction during compression stroke is reduced. This particular RON97 high load heat release at 2500 rpm behavior did not produce better engine outputs as compared to RON95 because of unstable heat release pattern during and after the peak value, which may indicate the occurrence of knock. The exhaust emissions of CO2, CO, HC, and NOx from RON95 and RON97 operations at all test conditions are shown in Figs. 15–18. The observations indicate that emissions of CO2 and CO of RON97 gasoline are less than RON95 throughout the speed and load range as shown in Figs. 15 and 16. The CO2 emissions do not vary much with speed and load for RON95 with only 12% variation between maximum and minimum. RON95 operation released more CO2 at medium load between 2000 and 3000 rpm. CO2 emission from RON97 showed bigger variation especially between 2000 and 3000 rpm with highest emission produced at high load and lowest by medium load, where significant decrease was recorded at 2000 and 2500 rpm. The emission patterns of CO are more uniform for both fuels and directly proportioned to engine speed and load especially at speed greater than 2000 rpm as shown in Fig. 16. In all cases RON97 produced lower CO than RON95. This is particularly significant at medium and low loads. On average, CO2 and CO emissions of RON97 are lower than that of RON95 by 7.9% and 36.9% respectively. This signalled incomplete combustion tends to be more with RON95. Unburned hydrocarbons (HC) emission is shown in Fig. 17. The presence of HC in the exhaust gas is a result of unburned or 934 T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 300 Table 4 Peak ROHR. R95 LL R95 ML R95 HL 280 Engine speed Fuel-load Peak ROHR, J/°CA Peak ROHR location, °CA ATDC 2500 rpm R95 R97 R95 R97 ML ML HL HL 108 10.2 12.8 15.3 5.7 3.2 7.4 9.3 R95 R97 R95 R97 ML ML HL HL 16.8 15 20.3 30.8 2.9 3.9 4.5 3.5 240 HC (ppm) 3500 rpm 260 R97 LL R97 ML R97 HL 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 1500 16 15 R95 LL R95 ML R95 HL 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min R97 LL R97 ML R97 HL Fig. 17. HC emission vs. engine speed at various engine loads. CO2 (%) 14 4500 13 4000 3500 12 2500 3000 3500 Fig. 15. CO2 emission vs. engine speed at various engine loads. 0.8 0.7 R95 LL R95 ML R95 HL NOx (ppm) 2000 Engine speed, rev/min 0.9 R97 LL R97 ML R97 HL 3000 11 10 1500 R95 LL R95 ML R95 HL 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1500 R97 LL R97 ML R97 HL 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min Fig. 18. NOx emission vs. engine speed at various engine loads. CO (%) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed, rev/min Fig. 16. CO emission vs. engine speed at various engine loads. partially burned fuels, incomplete combustion, and presence of lubricating engine oil in the fuel or combustion chamber [10]. Result shows that HC emission decreased with increasing speed. However the engine load has mixed response to HC emission. High load tend to produce more HC at low speed but as speed increases, the values reduced significantly for both RON95 and RON97. However RON97 records a much bigger reduction at higher speed. The least change in HC emissions happens at medium load. On average, RON97 produces 20% lower HC emission throughout the speed range as compared to RON95. Even though results shows that increasing octane number reduces HC emission, the effects of octane number on HC emission cannot be simply explained since it has many other contributing factors, i.e. further oxidation during exhaust process, temperature distribution within cylinder, etc. The formation rate of NOx is directly dependant to cylinder temperature and the amount of NOx generated also sensitive to the location within the cylinder; i.e. highest concentration usually found around the spark plug vicinity, at which temperature and pressure are highest [11]. The emission of NOx from RON95 and RON97 gasoline is presented in Fig. 18. The result showed that RON97 produces higher NOx emission compared to RON95 fuel by an average of 7.7%. The higher NOx emission from RON97 is more apparent at higher engine speed. The emissions are increased with increasing engine speed because cylinder temperature increases with speed as a result of intensified combustion. Higher cylinder temperature in RON97 operation is predicted due to high in-cylinder pressure shown in Figs. 10–12 particularly at high load. This is the reason for higher NOx emission as compared to RON95. The BSFC and emissions (except for NOx) from RON97 operations are lower than that of RON95. It is in contrast to the outcomes in some of previous works by Sayin et al. [4,5] as their study indicated that lower RON fuel (RON91) produced lower BSFC and cleaner emissions compared to RON95. However in that work the engine use has a lower compression ratio (8.0:1), which is advantageous to lower octane fuel. Variation of emission data with respect to octane rating cannot be easily concluded due to the absence of a more comprehensive fuel properties data. However, a simple explanation for lower CO2, CO and hydrocarbon emission from RON97 operations are due to higher combustion efficiency, as inferred from lower HC emission RON97, but this is penalized with higher NOx due to T.I. Mohamad, H.G. How / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 928–935 the expected higher combustion temperature from better combustion. Looking from the technical and economic point of views simultaneously, it is clear that the use of RON95 in this widely used and representative engine model in Malaysia is more favorable, economically sound and environmentally cleaner compared to RON97. Even though RON97 produced lower CO2, CO and HC emissions by the average of 7.9%, 36.9% and 20% respectively, it cannot compensate the fact that unit price is 38% higher. In addition, RON95 produced higher power and more fuel efficient. From the point of view of end-users these are the clear advantages. Lower NOx emission is also environmentally favorable in reducing the potential of acid raid. Furthermore, the after-treatment of this gas requires expensive catalytic converter in which excessive clogging to it results in higher maintenance cost. 4. Conclusion The effects of engine performance, fuel economy and exhaust emissions of RON95 and RON97 gasoline grades were investigated experimentally on a representative engine model with respect to Malaysia’s situation. Analysis of experimental results were performed and cross-related to fuel price. The major findings derived from thus study and experimental investigation are as follows: 1. Fuel price increase due to global crude oil price hike has resulted in increase of gasoline unit price including in Malaysia. With 16% increase in RON95 price and 42% increase in RON97 price since 2009, negative effects on new vehicle sales growth can be seen in recent years. 2. Under the same engine specification and operations, RON95 resulted in an average of 4.4% higher brake torque, brake power and BMEP compared to that of RON97 and the differences were significantly revealed at higher engine speed and loads. 3. The BSFC with RON97 is 2.3% lower than RON95 but RON95 is 2.3% more fuel efficient especially at higher engine speeds and loads. 4. Emissions of CO2, CO and HC were significantly lower with of RON97 with the average of 7.9%, 36.9% and 20.3% respectively. However, RON97 fuel produced 7.7% higher NOx emission compared to RON95 which is more environmentally harmful. 5. The cylinder pressure patterns and ROHR behavior of these two gasoline grade explained the difference in engine performance and energy efficiency. Original ECU which controls engine operation and engine architecture proved to be favouring RON95 burning characteristics. 6. RON97 is 38% more expensive than RON95 in Malaysia’s market. With the average of 4.4% better performance, 2.3% more fuel efficient and 7.7% less NOx emitted, RON95 is a better choice economically and environmentally. The advantage of RON97 in terms of lower CO2, CO and HC emission better BSFC may be attractive but less of concern to many users. However, reducing NOx from vehicle tailgate using current technology such as catalytic converter is more costly to manufacturer and vehicle owners in the long run. This work provides some valuable techno-economic viewpoint of the surrounding issue of ‘increased fuel price causing less quality 935 fuel affordable by most Malaysian vehicles’ owners’. For an engine model that is used by a very large group of vehicle in Malaysia, it is shown that the use of RON95 gasoline not only economically sound but is technically more favourable over RON97 in terms of engine power and fuel economy and overall emission. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia through the Center for Automotive Research, the Engine Laboratory at Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and partially funded by Research University Fund UKM-GUP-BTT-0725-157. References [1] Sakaguchi T. 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