Gashland/Nashua Planning Area FUTURE LAND USE PLAN
Gashland/Nashua Planning Area FUTURE LAND USE PLAN
BGSW 5-14-08 Þ O:\Projects\DeptAgency\CityDev\FutureLandUse\GashlandNashua\GashlandNashuaFLULegend8x10_5-14-08.pdf Location of Gashland/ Nashua Planning Area within Kansas City Future Land Use Low Density Residential (up to 8.7 units per acre) Medium Density Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Commercial Public/Semi Public Open Space Mixed Use - Low Density Residential/Commercial Proposed Parkway What is the Plan of Record? The Plan of Record is the land use plan most recently adopted by the City Council for a specific geographic area. It specifies the approved future land use for that area. The Relationship of Area Plans, Project Plans, and Neighborhood Plans Gashland/Nashua Planning Area Area Plan Boundaries City Limit - City of KCMO Highway Major Street Street or Roadway Creek The Gashland/Nashua Planning Area (colored below) includes two adopted Area Plans, shown below: 1. Nashua-New Mark Area Plan 1 2. Gashland Area Plan 2 In this Planning Area, there are no special project or neighborhood plans which recommend additional land use or design guidelines. Contact the Area Planner in the City Planning and Development Department for further information about design and development guidelines in this planning area. Phone 816-513-1407 Email 1 2 Gashland/Nashua Planning Area Area Plan Boundaries (numbered - see list above) City Limit - City of KCMO Gashland/Nashua Planning Area City of Kansas City, Missouri FUTURE LAND USE PLAN -- LEGEND Citywide Planning Division, City Planning and Development Department BGSW 4-14-2008 NE 132nd St. 132ndSt Ro cky ek Cre VirginiaAve nch RobinhoodLn u t 126thSt eA ve 124thSt Wa yn 119thTer am gh D 119 thS t MainSt r 117thSt Cookingham CharlotteSt KenwoodAve 110thTer 110thSt Pkwy. Campb ellS llDr Cam pbe HolmesSt ProspectAve EssexDr Indiana 87thSt 85thTer Miles 1 Gashland/Nashua Planning Area ± 74thTer 74thSt City of Gladstone C d 80thSt KensingtonAve 80thTer 79thTer 79thSt t thS 78 Ave SpruceAve 81stSt R an me ar 76thSt Cypress 79thPl GarfieldAve BrooklynAve TroostAve ReigerRd 83 rdT er 82ndSt Ave sas 75thSt 152 t Ka n 76thTer 76thSt dS Pk wy . ParkAve OliveSt 79thTer 83 r AntiochRd ek l Cre MichiganAve EuclidAve h oa rk S LydiaAve 78thTer Pl t Fo Wes HighlandA ve PilletteS Ave t OakTrfy 80thSt 80th 80thTer Che rrySt MainSt 81stTer 81stSt 82nd Ter AgnesAve Dr lta De Baughman 82ndSt Flora 83rdTer Ma dis on Av e d orR t s od Wo yS g Fla ko r 84thTer Maple Hic 77thS t CoventryAve West Fork Shoal Creek 86thSt 77thTer City of Kansas City, Missouri Oli ve Av e BrooklynAve rop Dr Lath CharlotteSt BooneSt GrandAve WayneAve McGeeSt CentralSt SummitSt Park Ave CherryDr OakTrfy Hills Dr 87thSt 85thSt as Thom yersDr Me PontiacAve 88 thS t 87thTer West Fork Shoal Creek WyandotteSt Line CreekPkwy 89thSt BarryRd Platte PurchaseDr Marston Ave d hR ac co ge Sta Gra nby Ave 92ndSt 90thSt 86thTer 73rdTer 0.5 HighlandPl McGeeSt GrandAve WalnutSt BaltimoreAve View CrestDr Ad Ad rian ria Ave nP l Old Ct th 75 AvaAve LenoxAve 0 94thTer t Barry 74thSt 0.5 0.25 IndianaAve er hT Line Creek Valley Area Plan 78thSt 95thCt 95thSt WabashAve t 87 AllentonDr 79thTer Metro NorthDr Ter 95thTer 152 88thTer 169 Ct 81st Ha Ct rd en Dr 79thSt u t 88thSt 82n d ley 92n d s 91 100thSt 96th 94thSt 93rdCt r tTe 90th St 89thTer Ave Britt ve oodA Robinh 82ndSt 96thTer MaplewoodsPkwy in nta ou 105thSt 104thSt Pine GroveDr 103rdTer LydiaAve r tD k rm sD r 9 97 7thP th l St us re e Shoal Creek Valley Area Plan kw y 100th 95th Ter Pl th 90th 90 Te r BarryRd Bri ttC t t thC 100 96thSt al C 91st S 85thTer r c Lo ho Ja rb o eS t t llyS Ho F 97thTe r HighlandTer ek l Cre t rryS C he llSt Be 93rdTer 93 rdS t stTe 101 Dr ark wM r Ne arrisonD H 101stSt ekP Sta h oa 101stPl 99thSt kS iaAve Ave Tracy Ave 102ndTer 100thTer re ek Virgin 103rdSt t dS Fa rk S dC 10 4th Ter t Fo Wes on 106thSt 103rdTer 2n 10 107 Sho thTe al C r re l thP 106 st Fore 105thSt WyandotteSt Platte PurchaseDr 106thTer LawnAve t HarrisonSt Creek US 169 FrontageRd Se c Rd 84thTer OliveS t WabashAve LocustSt Shoal We st Fo r 85thSt 111 thT er St 108thSt 97thSt 86thSt Woodland CentralSt Be ll ev iew Av e HollySt Platte Purchase Dr. e 112thTer 111thSt 98thTer 98thPl PowderhornDr r eD Dr 113thSt 109thTe r 100thSt 87thSt 114thTer 113thTer 107thSt y Springs yn Wa hua Nas t mitS Sum Mad ison Av 114thSt 112thSt 110 th 108th Tiffa n CookinghamDr 115thTer 115thSt SpruceAve in ok Kansas City International Airport General Development & Land Use Plan AgnesAve BellefontaineAve IllinoisAve Co 435 MersingtonAve " $ ! # t WalrondAve CollegeAve 123 rdS WoodlandAve First Creek I 435 Hwy OuterRd 169 O:\Projects\DeptAgency\CityDev\FutureLand Use\GashlandNashua\GashlandNashuaFLUMap8x10_5-14-08.mxd Bra 128th 128thSt 75thTer 73rdPl Last Amended November 30, 2006 by Resolution No. 061254 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN Citywide Planning Division, City Planning and Development Department