Inside……… - Northern California DX Club
Inside……… - Northern California DX Club
Inside……… President’s Message, Editor’s Reflections.p.2 Welcome New Members December Party…..p.3 Our Speaker for January 12, 2006 is Chuck Patterson, K6RK, an NCDXC member since 1969 and an operator since 1930!!! He will speak on “160 Meter Antennas and Operating Techniques.” Chuck is a great DXer who has worked every DXCC entity and who knows, how many deleted entities? He has held officer positions in our club, presently a director, and has high energy that may pass up those 40+ years younger! He is now challenged by Dxing on 160 meters. Will he reveal his country total on 160 on January 12th? That remains to be heard. He will be sharing his operating secrets as well as how to use effective antennas on a typical Bay Area lot. Since the 160 meters is a different experience from typical 20-10 meters as most of us use, we will come home from the meeting with new ideas as how to snag other DX operators on the “top band”, 160!!! His presentation will be followed by our monthly raffle. See p. 5 for the prize list. Come and join the fun. We look forward to seeing you. Bring a friend. New members are always welcome. See p. 5 for the next great raffle!! Holiday Luncheon and Thanks to Helpers..p.4 Christmas Party Raffle Winners/Thursday Net Info………………….p.5 January 12, 2006 Meeting/Prizes……..p.6 Thanks, HRO……..p.7 Our next meeting will be January 12, 2006 at Harry’s Hofbrau at 7:30 Hope to see you there! Deadline For February DXer is January 28, 2006 See you in January! January, 2006 Northern California DX Club Club Officers: President: Vice Pres: Secretary: Treasurer: Director: Director: Director: Dewey Churchill, KG6AM John Eisenberg, K6YP Mike Gavin, W6WZ Steve Jones, N6SJ Ron Panton, W6VG Doug Westover, W6JD Chuck Patterson, K6RK Exofficio Director/ DXer Editor Carolyn Gavin, WB6ABC 132 Alta Vista Rd. Woodside, CA 94062 Web Page: Chuck Vaughn, AA6G DX Ladder: 9-Band Award: Contests: California Award: Records Manager: Publications Mgr: John Kelly, KG6XF John Brand, K6WC Dick Courtway, N7RC Robert Bickel, K6FX Ron Panton, W6VG Ron Panton, W6VG Club Repeater, Frequency/offset: Trustee: Control Operator: Club simplex: Thurs. Net OTR: Net Manager: DX News: Swap Shop: W6TI/R 147.360 Mhz +, pl 110.9 Bob Vallio, W6RGG Robert Smithwick, W6CS 147.54 MHz (suggested) 8 pm local time. Randy Wright, W6CUA Net Control Operator Mitch Cipriano, AE6AI W6TI DX Bulletins: W6TI Station Trustee Bob Vallio, W6RGG, transmits DX information at 0200 UT every Monday (Sunday evening local time) on both 7.016 and 14.002 MHz. Club address: Box 608 Menlo Park, CA 94026-0608 The DXer is published monthly by the Northern California DX Club and sent to all club members on the web. Unless otherwise noted, NCDXC permits re-use of any article in this publication—provided The DXer and the article’s author are credited. Page 2 President’s Comments Fellow Hams, Happy New Year 2006, sure to be another good one for our club. Looking back on 2005 seems appropriate. Although sadly, some of our old friends became silent keys, the club had a great year. We gained new members, had a fantastic convention, enjoyed a fun filled picnic, attended excellent meetings and finished with our party in December that was one of the best if not the best in my memory. All this was do to a handful of members whom I will not embarrass by naming here—but we all know who they are. With regard to the Christmas/Holiday Party, the most enjoyable part was having eyeball QSOs with a lot of hams I seldom see. Of course the raffle and presentation were also high points. It’s my understanding that we will go back to the same spot this year. Thank you to those hard workers who make this the world’s best DX Club. 73, Dewey, KG6AM Editor’s Reflections………………… Dear Friends, Can you believe that it is 2006? Well, the best part is that the days are getting longer. I love the outdoors, especially gardening, so I am happy for the 10-12 extra minutes of light per day! The holidays flew by. Hope they went well for all of you. We have both, Mike and I, finally gotten rid of 4-5 weeks of back pain. Wow! What a relief! I now have a nasty cold-type situation, but for the most part have enough energy to get most jobs done. Since I am usually “high energy”, I get impatient when I tire more easily. DX has not been on our agenda as much in the last few weeks but I am sure that things will get going again one way or the other. Mike, W6WZ worked KP5-Desecheo Isle on 20 meters. It is controversial as to whether it will hold up even though those who were there seemingly got permission. They had to leave rather quickly. The police arrived just before sunset and told the operators that they had to leave but they kept working other hams all night and left the next morning. I would like to take this time to say Happy New Year to all of our members and other Dxers. Let’s hope that 2006 will be a year of peace, hope joy and love!! Sincerely yours, Carolyn Gavin, WB6ABC January, 2006 Welcome New Members We had one new member this month, Jim Rice, W6AK. He is a serious DXer who is enthusiastic about new entities and shares his finds generously with fellow hams. He has been very active in the PAARA club. His XYL, Lisa, KG6KQS is also an amateur and his son Kyle, KG6MSK is ticketmaster at PAARA. A Great Time was had by all who attended the Holiday Luncheon at Michaels’ at Shoreline on December 17. About 70 people attended and many old friends were very happy to spend time with their fellow hams, in some cases whom they had not seen for a number of years. Thanks you to our speaker, Robert Schmieder, KK6EK who presented a great talk with slides sharing his experiences on the K7C Kure Atoll 2005 Dxpedition. It was fun for all and unique to all in the area of how the confirmation of contact was immediately available on one’s personal computer with little “greenies” at the moment of contact. His XYL and 2 young children added joy to the warm luncheon environment. We were happy to have Gerry Griffin, K6MD who shared his great joy with all of us as to his permanent/final return home. Welcome home, Gerry!!! All agreed that the new venue for the luncheon was a great improvement over some of the past years. Since it is a popular place, we have already reserved it for next December 16th so please put it on your 2006 calendar-same time. Row 1. 1st pic. Mike Gavin. W6WZ, Jack Troster, W6ISQ 2nd pic. Steve Jones, N6SJ, Dewey Churchill, KG6AM. 3rd pic. John Eisenberg, K6YP, Jim Abraham, W6EB. Row 2. 1st pic. Chuck Vaughn, AA6G, Keith Butts, KN6K, 2nd pic. Jerry Griffin, K6MD, Gary Shapiro, NI6T 3rd pic. Gary Cervo, K6DXX, with XYL, Rose Marie. Page 3 January, 2006 FUN!! Winter Holiday Luncheon at Michaels’ at Shoreline, Mt. View, on December 17, 2005…… Row 1-1st pic, Doug’s XYL, Myrna, Doug Westover, W6JD, Gary, NI6T, 2nd pic. Dick Crouch, N6RC, Rusty Epps, W6OAT, Bob Schmieder, KK6EK Row 2-1st pic. The deserved enjoying the K7C Kure Atoll Dxpedition, 2nd pic. Schmieder’s harmonic choosing a raffle winner with Carolyn, WB6ABC, 3rd pic. Kristen McIntyre, K6WX wins the grand prize, 706!! What a moment! Thanks, Fellow Club Members………………………… We’d like to thank Rob Riley, KG6HVW, for his help with registration at the holiday luncheon. He also helped with carrying supplies back to our car. He is a great co-operative new addition to our club. Thanks Jim Rice, K6AK, for your help carrying. Thank you Risto Kotalampi, K6RK for taking the photos at the event. All help was greatly appreciated. Red Vernier, W6ALK, our club member DJ, was fully prepared to play holiday and 1946 music, but he and I concluded that members were having so much fun talking about their DX accomplishments that music at a moderate volume could not be heard. Another time!! Get ready to lend a hand next year in all events, meetings, etc., of the NCDXC as some of us would like to get more of an opportunity to visit members at club events. Page 4 W6RK fo January, 2005 We had lots of happy winners at the December party… 1. Door Prize winners were: Lil, W6LIL, Dave, KI6WF, Jack, W6ISQ, Walt, W6MZQ. 2. 8th Prize: Apollo, WA6HRK-Yasme Book 3. 7th Prize: Dave, KE6PFF-Laser Tool Kit 4. 6th Prize: Mystery Person-Hamstick 5. 5th Prize: Doug, W6JD-21 LED Light 6. 4th Prize: Dave, KI6WF-Power Checker 7. 3rd Prize: Joe, N6IWJ-Shorty All-Bander Dipole 8. 2nd Prize: Charlie, WA6MME-Heil Proset-QuietPhone/ Headset 9.1st Prize: Kristen, K6WX-IC 706MKIIG Thursday Night Net:147.360-NCDXC Club Station Here is the opportunity to share any DX info. or what latest gear you’ve acquired or are having success with! Randy, W6CUA has been helping to keep it going for the last 5 yrs. or more. He just compiled the new list of volunteers to be Net Control for 2006. Those members are John, K6YP, Dewey, KG6AM, Randy, W6CUA, Mike, W6WZ, Risto, W6RK, and Jim, W6EB. It would be nice to have 2 more members of this team so each person only has to do the job every 2 months or 6 times per year. Please contact Randy to offer your services. We would also like to find a member to do the DX news and a member to do the Swap Shop. If you want a club that is great to be a part of, volunteer your help!!!! Page 5 January, 2006 NCDXC-Meeting When: Thursday, January 12th, 2006-7:30 Socializing/Dinner from 6:00-7:30 Where: Harry’s Hofbrau-Redwood City What: Chuck Patterson, K6RK, NCDXC member will be speaking on “160 Meter Antennas and Operating Techniques”. What Else? Monthly Raffle-Fun for all members/friends. 1st Prize-HEIL SOUND PROSET 5-Studio Headphone-Proset with HC-5 Element-Brings great articulation to your signal! 2ndPrize- Powerizer Ultra-Fast Battery Charger-NiMH/Ni-CdDouble AA, Triple AAA. Comes with 4AA NiMH 2000 batteries. Great for shack or car use. 3rd Prize- MFJ 24/12 Hour LCD Clock-Large clear numerals, aluminum frame-Great for DX logging! 4th Prize-CQ Amateur Radio Calendar-Not only is it very attractive, but it also contains detailed info about ham radio happenings! 5th Prize-Radio Shack Dual-Display Thermometer-Indoor/outdoor plus daily high or low temperatures-Outdoor freezing can sound an alert! 4 Door Prizes-All meeting attendees will receive a free raffle ticket at the door for the following 4 prizes: 1. ARRL Repeator Directory, 2004-5 2. Mini Digital Multimeter 3. 8LED Metal Flashlight with 3AAA batteries 4. K47 Compass Page 6 January, 2006 Thank you for your generosity Howard and George of HRO. P. 7 January, 2006
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