Primer grado
Primer grado
Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pittsburg Primer grado Guía de enseñanza de Artes de lenguaje para el currículo Tesoros Para clases de Doble Inmersión 2013-2014 Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 1 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Un. Estrategia de lectura Destreza de lectura Género de escritura 1 Hacer conexiones Secuencia Expositiva/Descriptiva 2 3 Visualizar Hacer predicciones Idea principal y detalles Clasificar y categorizar Expositiva/Descriptiva 4 Supervisar y aclarar Secuencia 5 Hacer conexiones Idea principal y detalles Expositiva/Descriptiva 6 Visualizar Idea principal y detalles Narrativa Estándares esenciales Grado 1 Análisis de palabras Narrativa Narrativa (Todos los estándares esenciales aparecen en las calificaciones) Lectura y Análisis literario comprensión Estrategias de escritura Normativas de escritura Esencial 1.4, 1.8, 1.9,1.10,1.11, 1.12,1.14,1.15 2.2,2.4,2.7 3.1,3.3 1.1,1.2 1.1,1.4/1.5,1.7,1.8 Sustancial 1.1, 1.3,1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.13, 1.16, 1.17 3.2 1.3 1.2,1.6 Exponer 1.2 Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 2.1,2.3,2.5,2.6 1.3 2 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 STS/CST Released Test Questions by Grade Level (K and 1 approximate) 35 30 25 20 Word Analysis Reading Comprehension and Literary Analysis 15 Writing Strategies and Writing Conventions 10 5 0 Kinder First Second Third Fourth Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth 3 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Comprensión: Cuento narrativo Primer grado Título__________________________ Autor (RL3.2)__________________Ilustrador(RL3.2)____________________ Mi predicción fue/no fue confirmada porque leí o ví_______________________________________________(RC2.5) La idea principal es_______________________________________________________________________(RC2.7) _____________________________me recuerda a______________________________________________.(RC2.6) ¿Quién? Personajes (RC2.2) Principio ¿Cuándo/Dónde? ¿Qué? (RC2.2) ¿Cómo? (RC2.2) Escenario (RC2.2) (RC2.1,RL3.1) Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Medio (RC2.1,RL3.1) Final (RC2.1,RL3.1) 4 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Comprensión No-ficción: Primer grado Título_____________________________________________________________________________________________(RW1.2) ¿Qué va pasar en la historia? ¿Cómo sabes?_________________________________________________________________(RC2.5) Las ideas grandes de_________________________________________________________(quién,qué,dónde,cuando,cómo(RC2.2) _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ La idea más importante es____________________________________________________________________________(RC2.7) ¿Hay un orden en el pasaje? La orden enseña______________________________________________________________(RC2.1) La palabra_______________ quiere decir_______________________________________________________________(RC2.4) El autor escribió esto para Mis conexiones:(RC2.6) ________________________(RL3.2) Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Las ilustraciones/fotografías me ayudan a entender que ____________________________(RL3.2 ) ©GarofaloMeylan2010//MW 5 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 El proceso de escritura Pre-escritura Demostrar cómo se usa el mapa de pensar 1. Lluvia de ideas: Borrador Demostrar cómo verbalizar y componer Incluir Texto mentor 2. Organización Narración-Diagrama horizontal 1. O Exposición-Diagrama de Árbol 2. Los estudiantes escriben un borrador usando el mapa de pensar creado el día anterior. Los estudiantes crean su propio mapa de pensar para planificar su escritura/redacción Aprox: 30-40 min 1-2 días Los estudiantes verbalizan usando: compañeros dar uno/recibir uno cubos/tiras de colores ** Recuerden: asignar normas de gramática para incluir con el fin de que los estudiantes las revisen / editen más tarde Marquen x en cada dos líneas para recordar a los estudiantes que se salten esas líneas. Aprox: 30-40 min 1-2 días Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Primer grado Revisar Editar Estrategias de escritura Normativas de escritura Demostrar cómo se revisa usando su propio borrador o el de uno de los estudiantes. Demostrar cómo se edita usando su propio borrador o el de uno de los estudiantes. Enseñar cómo revisar un tema de revisión. Demostrar cómo revisar esto en su propio borrador. Enseñar cómo editar un tema. Demostrar cómo editar esto en su propio borrador. Los estudiantes escriben lo que están revisando en la parte superior de su trabajo o adjuntan una lista de verificación. Ideas para la enseñanza de Revisión: Oraciones Super/Expand-0 Cortar/Separar el escrito del estudiante en partes para ser revisado por grupos Verbalizar Carteles vivientes Durante las semanas siguientes preparar con los estudiantes una lista de verificación para revisar la lección anterior y añadir una cosa nueva para revisar. Los estudiantes usan esta lista de verificación para revisar su borrador. Aprox: 30-40 min 1-2 días Los estudiantes escriben lo que están revisando en la parte superior de su trabajo o adjuntan una lista de verificación. Ideas para la enseñanza de edición: Marcar con un círculo la habilidad objetivo: ej. todas las mayúsculas/punto Cortar/Separar el escrito del estudiante en partes para ser editado por grupos mi..mi perro…mi perro es… Carteles vivientes Durante las semanas siguientes preparar con los estudiantes una lista de verificación para revisar la lección anterior y añadir una cosa nueva para editar. Publicar Los estudiantes se reúnen con el maestro/a para revisar su borrador que anteriormente fue revisado y editado por ellos mismos. El maestro/a guía al estudiante para hacer correcciones finales y después volver a escribir el ensayo de manera presentable. Éstos se pueden recolectar en un portafolios o ser exhibidos junto con arte relevante. Nota: Los estudiantes pueden también recolectar borradores y escoger uno para publicarlo. Aprox: 30-40 min 1-2 días Los estudiantes usan esta lista de verificación para editar su borrador. Approx: 30-40 min 1-2 día 6 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Temas para revisar en el 1er grado _____ Mantener un enfoque _____Palabras descriptivas _____Escribir de manera legible separando las letras, palabras y oraciones Temas para editar en el 1er grado _______ _______ _______ Escribir oraciones completas Usar la puntación correcta Uso de mayúsculas _______ Usar correctamente nombres singulares y plurales ______ Usar correctamente las contracciones (al/del) ___ Al principio de cada oración ___ Nombres de personas _________Ortografía Nombre___________________________________ Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 7 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Pre-escritura sobre_______________________________________________________ Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 8 Suggested Spanish Sound/ Spelling Pacing Unidades de Tesoros Semana Buen comienzo 8-27-12 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Sonido Decodificable de Foro abierto Vocales: a,e,i,o,u Predecodificables Todas las consonantes #1 Una mesa, #2 El huevo, #3 El bebé , #4 Mama y yo #5 Mi abuelo Buen comienzo 9-3-12 Vocales: a,e,i,o,u Predecodificables Todas las consonantes #6 En la escuela, #7 ¡Buena idea!, #8 La orquesta #9 Gracias, urraca, #10 El día de los abuelos Un 1 Semana 1 Un 1 Semana 2 9-10-12 9-17-12 Sílabas abiertas con: #11: El mimo Memo ma, me, mi, mo, mu / pa, pe, pi, po, pu /p/ Sílabas abiertas con: #13 Tati y Tatú ta, te, ti, to, tu,/ da, de, di, do, du #14: La tos de Tito #17: Todos en el lodo Un 1 Semana 3 9-24-12 /m/ #16 Los tomates de Pepe /t/ /m/ /s/ /t/ /d/ Sílabas abiertas con: # 15: La mula leal /l/ la, le li, lo, lu, #12: Sasi ama a Sami /s/ sa, se, si, so, su Sílabas inversas + Un 4 Semana 5 al, el, il, ol, ul, as, es, is, os, us Un 1 Semana 4 10-1-12 Sílabas abiertas con: #26: Beto y el bate ba, be, bi, bo, bu/ na, ne, ni, no, nu #18: Ana, Lina, Noel y Nena /n/ /b/ + Un 6 Semana 5 Un 1 Semana 5 10-8-12 Un 1 Semana 6 10-15-12 b, bs (cerrada) (objeto, obstinado) ns (cerrada) (construir) Sílabas abiertas con: #24: Toña y Toño /ñ/ va, ve, vi, vo, vu / ña, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu + Un 5 Semana 4 (sílabas cerradas) con l (pedal, sol), con n (laberinto, canto) Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 9 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Un 2 Semana 1 10-22-12 Sílabas abiertas con: #23: La foto de Fido /f/ fa, fe, fi, fo, fu, /cha, che, chi, cho, chu #31: Los chismes de Pacho /ch/ #35 : El gato Chiripa /ch/ Un 2 Semana 2 (cont. on next page) 10-29-12 Un 2 Semana 2 (cont..) 10-29-12 Sílabas abiertas con: ra, re, ri, ro, ru/ r antes de consonante #20: Martín el dormilón + Un 6 Semana 1 Sílabas cerradas con s #22: Terror /r/ #21: Rino /rr/ escrita r /rr/ (pista, miles, abejas) Sílabas cerradas con r (saltar, corto) Un 2 Semana 3 11-5-12 Sílabas abiertas con: g , go, gu, gue, gui #32: El golpe de Gabo /g/ #33: ¡Qué reguero! /g/ escrito Un 2 Semana 4 11-12-12 Sílabas abiertas con:ja, je, ji jo, ju ge, gi # 36: José y las cajas /j/ + Un 5 Semana 5 #37: Angélica se imagina /j/ escrito ge, gi Sílabas cerradas con m (mp, mb) #34 El pingüino Sílabas güe, güi (diéresis) *#41 Yuyo y Girón gue, gui /güe/, /güi/ /j/ j, g #89 El cuarto de Guillermo u muda y la ü Un 2 Semana 5 11-19-12 Thanksgiving Break Week 11-26-12 Sílabas abiertas con: xa, xe, xi, xo, xu / #39: El payaso Yoyo /ll/ y lla, lle, lli, llo, llu/ wa, we, wi, wo, wu ll #40: Guillo, el chillón /ll/ *#41 Yuyo y Giró /ll/ y, ll # 45: Xavi y su experimento/s/ escrito x #49: Willy y Wanda /w/ Un 2 Semana 6 Winter Maximizing 12-3-12 12-10-12 + Un 6 Semana 4 #45 Xavi y su experimento # 47: El ratón exagerado Sílabas cerradas con c (acción) /ks/ x x /ks/ (examen) #48: Acción y Reacción/ks/cc x (texto) #50: Una sorpresa para Wilson /ks//w/ + Un 6 Semana 3 Sílabas cerradas con p, d (opción, administración, Madrid, ciudad) Sílabas cerradas con z Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 10 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 (veloz, capaz, hoz, ajedrez) Winter Maximizing Un 3 Semana 1 Un 3 Semana 2 12-17-12 REPASO Winter Break Winter Break - 2 Weeks 1-7-13 Sílabas abiertas con: pla, ple, pli, plo, plu/ pra, pre, pri, #77 Empleos en el mundo pro, pru #56 Mi primo pinta /pr/ Sílabas abiertas con: *#39: El payaso Yoyo /ll/ y 1-14-13 /pl/ ya, ye, yi, yo, yu y con sonido vocálico /i/ :hoy Un 3 Semana 3 1-21-13 Sílabas abiertas con: # 38: La hormiga Hernán /h/ ra, re, ri, ro, ru (sonido suave: parado) ha, he, hi, ho, hu Un 3 Semana 4 Unit 3 Semana 5 1-28-13 2-4-13 Sílabas abiertas con: #28: La carrera /k/ /k/ escrito c (ca, co, cu) ca, co, cu,/ que, qui,/ #29: El estanque /k/ qu ka, ke, ki, ko, ku # 42: Keka va al Kínder /k/ Sílabas abiertas con: #43: Los mellizos Vélez /s/ z za, ze, zi, zo, zu #44: Los cocineros ce, ci, #46: El festejo del koala /s/ ce, ci /k/ + /s/ escrito z, c, x #88: La cena de Lorenzo Un 3 Semana 6 2-11-13 Un 4 Semana 1 2-18-13 /s/ s, z REPASO Sílabas inversas con: an, en, in, on, un, ar, er, ir, or, ur Un 4 Semana 2 2-25-13 Sílabas abiertas con: #78 Tablón el temible /bl/ bl, br #60 Bruno y Brani /br/ #69 Drago no es ladrón /dr/ + Un 5 Semana 3 Sílabas abiertas con: dr, tr, tl Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards # 55 Dimitri y su trompeta /tr/ 11 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Un 4 Semana 3 Un 4 Semana 4 3-4-13 3-11-13 Sílabas abiertas con:cl, cr #79: Clase de boliche /cl/ +Un 6 Semana 2 #66 Mamá es la mejor /cr/ Sílabas abiertas con gr, gl #70: Alfredo y sus vidrios /cr/ /gr/ /fr/ /dr/ (cont…on next pg.) Sílabas abiertas con: fl, fr #81: El gato de Florinda #80 Gloria arreg /gl/ #67 La grúa /gr/ /fl/ #68 El asno Sinfreno Un 4 Semana 5 3-18-13 + Un 5 Semana 1 #51 Zoraida y Aidé /ai/ ai Vocales fuertes: a, e, o #52 Adonay y sus regalos /ai/ ay Vocales débiles: i, u Diptongos ia, io, iu, + ai, + ou Un 4 Semana 6 3-25-13 ALL sounds have been introduced by 3/25. /fr/ #71 Mariano toca el piano /ia/ # 59: La lección /io/ #74: El pan gourmet /ou/? + Un 5 Semana 2 #73 Cuestión de huecos /ue/ /eu/ Diptongos: ue, ui, ie + ei, ey, uo, uy, ua, au #63 El halcón y el ratón /ui/ /iu/ Hiatos: éa, ía, aó # 64 Muy bien, Felipe /ui/ uy #53 El festival de Aleida /ei/ ei # 54 La ley del pastor /ei/ ey autómas /ua/ /au/ 4-1-13 #58 El tren de Uriel /ie/ #72 Los Arrows and (+) = See additional pages in TE or Foro abierto resources binder. #75 La pelusita /uo/ All sounds are introduced by th March 25 . Spring Break Week REPASO GENERAL NOTE: Unit 5 Writing Window is extended to allow for CST testing. It is an eight week window for writing. Due to DataDirector on May 30. #19 ¿Sé o no sé? #25 El súper niño #30: Seré bombero Un 5 Semana 1 4-8-13 Un 5 Semana 2 4-15-13 Un 5 Semana 3 4-22-13 Un 5 Semana 4 4-29-13 Un 5 Semana 5 5-6-13 Un 6 Semana 1 5-13-13 Un 6 Semana 2 5-20-13 Un 6 Semana 3 5-27-13 #85 ¡Qué sueñazo! (-azo/aza) Un 6 Semana 4 6-3-13 #86 David el valiente (-ote/ota, ón/ona) Un 6 Semana 5 6-10-13 #91 Pronto llegará el bebé (palabras agudas con acento) #57 Priscila y sus peinados /ai/, /ei/, /tr/, /pr/ #65 Luis el pintor /oi/, /ui/ /iu/ /uy/ #99: Geraldo y su familia Repaso de diptongos: # 76: La muela del buey #82: La juglar Clotilde pl, bl, cl, gl, fl #83 Motitas y su amo (-ito, -ita) #84 Cinco centavillos (-illo/-illa, -ín/ina) #92 Un ratón poco común (palabras agudas terminadas en n) #95 El gran día (palabras graves con acento escrito) #96 La tarde mágica (palabras esdrújulas) #97 El regalo (palabras agudas y graves. esdrújulas) Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 12 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Smart Start/ Un buen comienzo Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections Reading Skill: Sequence August 26-September 6 (9/2 Holiday) 9 Days Estándares de Kínder Word Analysis Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Writing Strategies Written Conventions Review Kdg. Word Knowledge Standards Review Kdg. Comprehension Standards Review Kdg. Writing Strategy Standards Review Kdg. Written Conventions Standards Concepts of Print RW1.1 Identify front cover, back cover, and title page RW1.2 Follow words from left to right and top to bottom RW1.3 Understand printed materials provide info. RW1.4 Written sentences are made of individual words RW1.5 Distinguish letters from words RW1.6 Recognize and name all uppercase and lower case letters of the alphabet Phonemic Awareness RW1.7 Orally differentiate individual sounds in a word RW1.8 Orally track and represent changes in simple words as one sound is added, substituted, omitted, or shifted. RW1.9 Blend V-C sounds orally to make words or syllables. RW1.10 Rhyme in response to an oral prompt RW1.11 Distinguish beginning and ending sounds. RW1.12 Track auditorily each word in a sentence or each syllable in a word. RW1.13 Count the number of the sounds in a syllable and syllables in a word. Phonics RW1.14 Match consonant and short vowel sounds to the letter. RW1.15 Read one syllable and high frequency words. RW1.16 Understand that as letters of words change so do sounds. Vocabulary RW1.17 ID and sort common words in basic categories. RW1.18 Orally describes common objects and events. RC2.1 Locate title, table of contents, author and illustrator WS 1.1 Use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about REAL things (Students orally create simple sentences and begin writing these using a sentence frame and picture) WC1.1 Recognize and use complete sentences when speaking. RC2.2 Use pictures and context to make predictions about story content. RC2.3 Connect to life experiences the information and events of a story. WC1.2 Spell independently using pre-phonetic knowledge WS1.2 Write CVC words RC2.4 Retell familiar stories WS1.3Write by moving from left to right and top to bottom RC2.5 Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text. WS1.4 Print correctly and use proper spacing of letters. RL3.1 Distinguish fantasy from realistic text RL 3.2 Identify types of everyday print materials RL3.3 Identify characters, settings, and important events Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 13 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 1 Semana 1 Mimi y Pipo Fantasía Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Fantasy September 9-13 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Reading Skill: Sequence Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. 14 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 1 Semana 2 De paseo Cuento en rima Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. September 16-20 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. Reading Skill: Sequence PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 15 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 1 Semana 3 Time for Kids: Cómo has crecido No-ficción Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. September 23-27 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. Reading Skill: Sequence PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of a simple passages Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RC2.7 Retell the central idea of a simple passages WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 16 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 1 Semana 4 La pata Bonita Ficción realista Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. September 30- October 4 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. Reading Skill: Sequence PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of a simple passages Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of a simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 17 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 1 Semana 5 Fútbol No- ficción Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details.. October 7-11 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. Reading Skill: Sequence PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what WS1.1 Select a focus when, where, how questions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 18 Unidad 1 Semana 6 Repaso y valoración Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Review and Assess Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. October 14-18 (10/14: Staff Development) 4 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. Reading Skill: Sequence PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 19 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 2 Semana 1 Familias diferentes No-ficción October 21-25 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words. 20 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 2 Semana 2 Un nido para dos Cuento folclórico October 28- November 1 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 21 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 2 Semana 3 Time for Kids: En el mapa Non- ficción November 4-8 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 22 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 2 Semana 4 Bety y la banda Ficción realista November 11-15 End of Grading Period (Holiday 11/11) 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details.. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 23 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 2 Semana 5 Arriba y abajo por los callejones Cuento en rima November 18-22 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details.. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa años niño/a cuál quién ahora donde Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.51.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 24 Unidad 2 Semana 6 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Repaso y valoración Review and Assess December 2-6 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details.. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards años niño/a cuál quién ahora donde Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1./1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 25 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Semana de repaso de Estándares escenciales Essential Standard Review Week December 9-13, Deember 16-20 10 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details.. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards años niño/a cuál quién ahora donde Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 26 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 3 Semana 1 La vaquita de Martín Cuento en rima January 6-10 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa años niño/a cuál quién ahora donde bueno/a por qué/ porque nombre muchos ellos/as llama Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 27 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 3 Semana 2 Rosa Robot Fantasía January 13-17 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa años niño/a cuál quién ahora donde bueno/a por qué/ porque nombre muchos ellos/as llama gente pues tengo nuevo/a cosas Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 28 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 3 Semana 3 Time for Kids: ¡Máscaras, Máscaras, Máscaras! No-ficción January 20-24 (1/20 Holiday) 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años mí niño/a tu/tú cuál eso/esa quién da ahora dos donde va bueno/a ir por qué/ fue porque ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 29 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 3 Semana 4 ¿Por qué lloras Lucas? January 27-31 (Staff Development: 1/31) 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative soy años mí niño/a tu/tú cuál eso/esa quién da ahora dos donde va bueno/a ir por qué/ fue porque ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta aquí tan casa RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Obra de teatro Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 30 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 3 Semana 5 Bailar y bailar February 3-7 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative soy años vamos mí niño/a tu/tú cuál eso/esa quién da ahora dos donde va bueno/a ir por qué/ fue porque ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Ficción realista Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 31 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 3 Semana 6 Repaso y valoración Review and assess February 10-14 (Holiday 2/14) 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a tu/tú cuál eso/esa quién da ahora dos donde va bueno/a ir por qué/ fue porque ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 32 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 4 Semana1 Uno y siete 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis February 17-21 Holiday 2/17 RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años mí niño/a tu/tú cuál eso/esa quién da ahora dos donde va bueno/a ir por qué/ fue porque ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards vamos favor casi cuando pronto vayan Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Ficción realista Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. Writing Strategies Written Conventions WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 33 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 4 Semana 2 Tito y Ron (El vientito y el ventarrón) February 24-28 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Fantasía Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. Writing Strategies Written Conventions WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. Note: Let go of the bike seat. Student should be producing each stage of the writing process independently.; WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 34 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 4 Semana 3 César Chavez Cesar Chavez(e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Writing Application: Write brief narratives No-ficción Non Fiction March 3- 7 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre luego han muchos ambos sol ellos/as lugar bien llama feliz voy gente nos tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 35 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 4 Semana 4 La gran montaña Fantasía March 10-14 5 Days an experience. The Kite fromWriting FrogApplication: and ToadWrite brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describingFantasy Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre luego han muchos ambos sol ellos/as lugar bien llama feliz voy gente nos tres pues tomar vio tengo dentro fin nuevo/a juntos/as era cosas tenía día otro/a largo usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 36 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 4 Semana 5 El gallo de bodas Writing Application: Animal Teams Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Non Fiction March 17-21 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre luego han muchos ambos sol ellos/as lugar bien llama feliz voy gente nos tres pues tomar vio tengo dentro fin nuevo/a juntos/as era cosas tenía día otro/a largo usa antes decir poco puedo cuánto agua esto/a ayuda hace saber abajo ahí/allí usted arriba solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Cuento folclórico Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 37 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 4 Semana 6 Repaso y valoración Review and Assess Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. March 24-28 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre luego han muchos ambos sol ellos/as lugar bien llama feliz voy gente nos tres pues tomar vio tengo dentro fin nuevo/a juntos/as era cosas tenía día otro/a largo usa antes decir poco puedo cuánto agua esto/a ayuda hace saber abajo ahí/allí usted arriba solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 38 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 5 Semana 1 Reciclemos Relato informativo March 31-April 4 (3/31 Holiday) 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre luego han muchos ambos sol ellos/as lugar bien llama feliz voy gente nos tres pues tomar vio tengo dentro fin nuevo/a juntos/as era cosas tenía día otro/a largo usa antes decir poco puedo cuánto agua esto/a ayuda hace saber abajo ahí/allí usted arriba solo llamó nosotros/as afuera tanto alguno dijo parte primero cada después entonces así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 39 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 5 Semana 2 Éste es Ben Franklin Biografía Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. April 7-11 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a favor tu/tú cuál casi eso/esa quién cuando da ahora pronto dos donde vayan va bueno/a miro ir por qué/ pequeño fue porque gustan ver nombre luego han muchos ambos sol ellos/as lugar bien llama feliz voy gente nos tres pues tomar vio tengo dentro fin nuevo/a juntos/as era cosas tenía día otro/a largo usa antes decir poco puedo cuánto agua esto/a ayuda hace saber abajo ahí/allí usted arriba solo llamó nosotros/as afuera tanto alguno dijo parte primero cada después entonces así hacer palabra leer hasta todos atrás jugar hola gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies Written Conventions RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 40 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 5 Semana 3 Time for Kids: Tiempo tormentoso No-ficción April 14-17 (Spring Break: 4/18-4/25) 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Unidad 5 Semana 4 Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Yo, Astronauta Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Fantasía 41 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. April 28-May 2 4 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 42 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 5 Semana 5 Perro y Gato Ficción realista May 5-9 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 43 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 5 Semana 6 Repaso y valoración Review and Assess May 12-16 5 Days Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Unidad 6 Semana 1 RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Olivia Fantasía 44 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. May 19-23 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 45 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 6 Semana 2 El loro parlanchín Fantasía May 26-30 (Holiday 5/26) 4 Days Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rcontrolled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 46 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unidad 6 Semana 3 Time for Kids: Un trabajo genial June 2-6 5 Days Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Artículo de No-ficción Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 47 June 9-10 6/10 Last day with students/ 6/11 Last day of work 1 ½ Days Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 48 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Standards Taught During Each Unit -Grade 1 Unit 1 September 9-October 18 Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. Reading Skill: Sequence PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words 49 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unit 2 October 21-December 6 Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy mí tu/tú eso/esa da dos va ir fue ver han sol bien voy tres vio fin era día usa poco agua hace ahí/allí solo afuera dijo cada así leer atrás gusta aquí tan casa años niño/a cuál quién ahora donde Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1./1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 50 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unit 3 January 6-February 13 Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos mí niño/a tu/tú cuál eso/esa quién da ahora dos donde va bueno/a ir por qué/ fue porque ver nombre han muchos sol ellos/as bien llama voy gente tres pues vio tengo fin nuevo/a era cosas día otro/a usa antes poco puedo agua esto/a hace saber ahí/allí usted solo llamó afuera tanto dijo parte cada después así hacer leer hasta atrás jugar gusta también aquí grande tan mismo casa hablar Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 51 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unit 4: February 17-March 28 Writing Application: Write brief expository descriptions of real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis PUSD Sight Word List soy años vamos RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words mí niño/a favor RW1.2 ID Title and Author tu/tú cuál casi RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences eso/esa quién cuando RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final da ahora pronto dos donde vayan sounds in single syllable words va bueno/a miro RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel ir por qué/ pequeño sounds in orally stated single syllable words. fue porque gustan RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming ver nombre luego words including consonant blends. han muchos ambos ellos/as lugar RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change sol bien llama feliz words. voy gente nos RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable tres pues tomar words. vio tengo dentro nuevo/a juntos/as RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their fin era cosas tenía components. día otro/a largo RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and usa antes decir letter patterns including consonant blends, poco puedo cuánto long/short vowel patterns and blends with agua esto/a ayuda hace saber abajo closed syllables ahí/allí usted arriba RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. solo llamó RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, rafuera tanto controlled letter sound associations to read dijo parte cada después words. así hacer RW1.13 Read compound words and leer hasta contractions. atrás jugar Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root gusta también words. aquí grande tan mismo RW1.15 Read common word families casa hablar RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorizeItalic/Underlined=Essential words. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Standards Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. Writing Strategies WS1.1 Select a focus WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, Note: Remember to let go of the bike seat. Students should be writing all parts of the writing process independently. WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year 52 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unit 5 March 31-May 16 Writing Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words. Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Comprehension Expository RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages Writing Strategies Written Conventions WS1.1 Select a focus WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery. Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 53 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 Unit 6 May 19 -June 10 Wring Application: Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience. Reading Strategy: Making Connections, Visualize, Make Predictions, Monitor and Clarify Word Analysis RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words RW1.2 ID Title and Author RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single syllable words RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words. RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words. RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words. RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components. RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends with closed syllables RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words. RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter sound associations to read words. RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions. Rw1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words. RW1.15 Read common word families RW1.16 Read with fluency RW1.17 Classify and categorize words Note: All sight words should have been introduced. Continue working toward mastery.. Reading Comp./Lit Analysis Narrative Reading Skill: Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Classify and Categorize Reading Comprehension Expository Writing Strategies RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence RC2.1 ID text that uses sequence WS1.1 Select a focus RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions RC2.2 Respond to who, what when, where, how questions WS1.2 Use descriptive words when writing. RC2.4 Use context to solve word and sentence meaning. RC2.3 Follow one step written directions. RC2.5 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by ID key words. RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RC2.6 Relate prior knowledge. RC2.7 Retell the central idea of simple passages RL3.1 ID and describe plot, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. WS1.3 Print Legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Written Conventions WC11.1 Write and speak in complete sentences. WC1.2 ID and use singular and plural nouns. WC1.3 ID and use contractions and singular possessive pronouns. WC1.5/1.6 Use a period, exclamation point, or ? WC1.7 Capitalize first word, RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year WC1.8 Spelling-Spell 3-4 letter short vowel words and grade level appropriate sight words RL3.2 Describe roles of authors and illustrators. RL3.3 Recollect ,talk, and write about books read during the year Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 54 Pacing Guide DI Grade 1 2013-2014 2013-2014 TESTING, ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING CALENDAR ELEMENTARY Content Date/s EL 22 Math/ELA 21-6 EL Varies ELA/Math 9 ELA 27 ELA 28 EL 19 ALL 1-5 ELA 15-18 EL 30 ELA 30 ELA/Math 4-15 EL 15 EL 11 ALL 15 ELA 18-22 Math/ELA 22 9-13 ELA 2-6 ELA/Math 4 ELA 6 ELA 20 ELA 20 JULY CELDT Testing Begins AUGUST Curriculum Associates #1 Primary Language initials begin SEPTEMBER CA Results Due: Illuminate Fluency #1 Due: Illuminate HFW/Sight Words-Baseline# CELDT initials testing ends Content K-5 EL 7-31 All 21-24 ELA 21-24 ELA 24 1-5 K-5 1-5 2-5 1 K-5 OCTOBER Progress Reports Writing Prompt #1 CELDT annuals testing ends Prompt #1 Due in Illimunate K-5 1- 5 K-5 1-5 NOVEMBER Curriclum Associates #2 1-5 EL Progress Profile Primary Language Testing ends END OF TRIMESTER 1 Writing Prompt #2 CA Results into Illuminate DECEMBER CONFERENCE WEEK Writing Prompt #2 Kinder Assessments Due Prompt #2 Due inIlluminate Prompt #2 Due inIlluminate HFW/Sight Words# Date/s JANUARY Grade ELA 12 ELA 10-25 Math/ELA 10-13 ELA 7 EL 28 ELA 28 ELA 4 ELA 5 ELA 7 All 7 ELA 24-28 PE TBD All 28-2 ELA 11 All tbd ADEPT Testing Progress Reports Writing Prompt #3 Fluency #2 Due in Illuminate FEBRUARY Prompt #3 Due: Illuminate Curriculum Associates #3 Writing Prompt #3 EL Progress Profiles HFW/Sight Words# Prompt #3 Due: Illuminate MARCH 4th Grade Writing Test CA Results Due: Illuminate Kinder Assessments Due END OF TRIMESTER 2 Writing Prompt #4 APRIL Physical Fitness Test Progress Reports Prompt #4 Due: Illuminate CST/STS/CAPA/CMA begins Grade 1-5 K-5 4 1-5 4 1-5 1-3,5 K-5 1 1-3, 5 4 1-5 K 1-3, 5 5 K-5 1-3, 5 2-5 MAY K-5 K-5 ELA 12-16 Writing Prompt #5 ELA 12-23 Writing Prompt #5 EL 16-6 ELA/Math 27-6 ELA 2 ELA 6 ADEPT Testing Curriculum Associates #4 4 1-3, 5 K-5 1-5 4 1-5 1-3, 5 K 4 1-5 1 ELA 6 ELA/Math 9 EL 6 EL 6 ELA/Math 9 ELA 10 ALL 10 JUNE HFW/Sight Words# Fluency #3 Prompt #5 Due: Illuminate CA Results Due: Illuminate ADEPT Due: Illuminate EL Progress Profiles Due Kinder Assessments Due Writing Portfolios Due LAST DAY OF SCHOOL K-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 K-5 K-5 K K-5 *CA=Curriculum Associates #Monitored at Site Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standards 55