Order Form - Tiger Baby
Order Form - Tiger Baby
Order Form service@tiges-baby.com Customer #__________________________________ We ship via Order # _____________________________________ Billing Address: Shipping Shipping Address: School: ____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ School: ____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Street:_____________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _________________ Street: _____________________________________ City:_______________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _________________ Tel: (________) _____________________________ Tel: (________) _____________________________ Item# Product Description Check One Major Credit Card VISA MC Am Exp Qty Check#__________________ Make check payable to Adena montessori _____________________________________ (Ohio Residents Only) Subtotal from Page# 3 Grand Subtotal billingaddress for Credit if different from shipping Print name as it appearson CreditCard ____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ Credit Card Account Number: Total 6.75% Sales Tax Subtotal from Page# 2 Paypal (our PaypalAccount is adenaglobal@yahoo.com) Authorized Charge card Signature Price After Discount Grand Subtotal This Page Subtotal Discover the same as billing Address Shipping charge(Continental United States): This rate is calculated based on Subtotal Price (After Discount). $0 - $20: $12; $20.01 - $60.00: $16; $60.01 - $500.00: $10+subtotal*10% ; over $500 is FREE Shipping Signature:____________________________ Date: _______________________________ Expiration Date: Month By formyou youagree agreetotothe the Terms and conditions of our company. Bysigning signing this this form Terms and conditions of our company. Year CID Code: (3/4 Digit) from The back of Credit Card: Am Exp. CID code is at front lower right hand corner of the card. All orders paid by Credit Card must include CID code# Improper code will delay the order. Tel: (______)__________________________ All prices are subject to change without notice. Foreign order payments must be made in US funds Fax: (______)__________________________ E-mail: _______________________________ OH Tax Exempt# _______________________