WUN volume 11 - Utility DXers Forum
WUN volume 11 - Utility DXers Forum
WUN-v11 ======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 11: Issue 1, January 2005 //// ======================================================================== Edited by Bill Lawrie Electronic Editor. (blmid@freeuk.com) COPYRIGHT © 2005 WUN This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club in the world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter may be posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so long as the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s) remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written permission of the Electronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may result in action under international copyright legislation. To become a WUN member, visit the URL: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/wun and fill in your details in the "Subscribing to WUN" section form. If you have problems with any of this, or need further information, contact Jason Berri at: webmaster@wunclub.com If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS, please let us know! Check out the WUN web site at: http://www.wunclub.com ======================================================================== >From your Electronic Editor: * Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utility station information and the most widely quoted utility station publication in the world...the WUN Newsletter. Another New Year begins - although the last one came to a tragic and devastating end for thousands; our thoughts and prayers must go out to all affected by the Tsunami disaster. Please think of them and do anything you can to help. ================================= Let us however try to move forward. Here is this month's offering. We begin with a special message from Ary Boender, WUN President followed by a Review of the new WUN CD which has been prepared by Bob Margolis. Hello everyone, It is January 2005 which means that WUN is celebrating its 10th anniversary. To celebrate this fact we have issued a special newsletter earlier this month and our 3rd CD-ROM in December. Some of you already ordered the WUN Utility Guide #3 CD, but we are a bit disappointed when we look at the sales figures so far. As you know the WUN membership is free and the CD sales are our only source of income. We need the funds for the website and mail server. So, order your copy now. See our website for order info. - Equipment Survey Pagina 1 WUN-v11 Several years ago we made a survey of the equipment that you are using. The publication is still the most popular one on our website. A couple of months ago a number of you sent a list of your equipment to the WUN mailing list. I have compiled them and will update the publication in the next few months. If you didn't send your list to me or to the mailing list in the past or if you have new equipment since the publication of the last survey, please send me the details. An alias instead of your name is no problem, of course. The info will be used by WUN staff for club purposes only. Equipment details will be made available in a special publication on the WUN website, but names, e-mail addresses and locations are withheld for privacy reasons. Please send the following info to me at ary@luna.nl Name: e-mail address: Location: Receiver: Decoder: Antenna: DX interests: Thanks! Ary Boender WUN President ------------------------ ,-~~-.____ / | ' \ ( ) 0 \_/-, ,----' ==== // / \-'~; /~~~(O) / __/~| / | =( _____| (_________| -----------------------------WUN Utility Guide CD-ROM Volume Three by Bob Margolis ----------------------------- In celebration of 10 years on the Internet serving the shortwave radio utility station monitoring community, WUN just released a commemorative CD-ROM chock full of images and texts that will appeal to the wide variety of listening experiences of its more than 1,300 members in over 35 countries. They are among the more than 3,000 readers of this newsletter monthly, and we are sure the non-members would want to have a copy of this CD as well. Here's a tour of what's on the CD-ROM. You will find ordering information at the end of this review. On the Home Page there are five sections, Files, Audio, Images, Software, and About WUN. The Files section contains all newsletter columns written from 1995 to 2003. All loggings that appeared in the newsletters from January 1995 to September 2004 are here too. There are over 70,000 numbers stations loggings that originally appeared in the Numbers & Oddities columns, as well as nostalgic loggings sent in by members for this CD-ROM. Also on hand are all the newsletters from January 1995 through September 2004. There are also sample messages that members received over their RTTY decoders and sent to their printers. They include Pagina 2 WUN-v11 texts from diplomatic, press, military, meteorological, and maritime agencies, and also humanitarian aid organizations. Add to that all of WUN's Special Topics Reports, 10 of them, and a database in Microsoft Excel format of 12,385 Routing Indicators found in digital data intercepts. Lastly, there are many utility radio information files that include aviation maps, NDBs, EAMs, Q-Codes, Z-Codes, ICAO Codes, QSL list, a list of utility station addresses, ALE, ELF, VLF, military and government frequency lists, and a list of abbreviations that are used in the newsletters. This is not all, folks. There's a lot more to come. In the Audio section there are audio recordings of various types of utility stations, such as aeronautical, VOLMET, civil aeronautical, and some NDBs. Within this section is Digital Modes, which, if you are connected online at the time, will transport you to Leif Dehio's famous Monitoring Utility Stations Web site, where you will be able to hear the sounds of the many digital data modes that were formerly heard and still are heard over shortwave radio. Click on Digital Stations in the CD-ROM menu and you will be able to hear sample recordings of various digital systems such as ACARS, ARQ-E3, ASCII, Fishphone, FLEX, GOLAY, GWEN, Iran Radar, Japanese Navy PSK, POCSAG2, RTTY, SELSCAN, voice scramblers, WEFAX, and, using a well-worn cliche, lots, lots more. You will also be able to listen to recorded voice and CW transmissions of maritime stations, as well as recordings of military and government stations of various countries. Also in the Audio section under Miscellaneous are sample recordings of telecommunications companies, police departments, British Post Office, Royal Flying Doctors Service, Russian taxi drivers, and other intercepts that fit into no particular category. This is an historical treasure, for sure. In the Numbers & Oddities category are recordings of many of the so-called "numbers stations" and oddball sounds that would draw the attention of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully of the X-Files TV series. Next are recordings of objects in near-Earth space such as the former Russian space station, MIR, some satellites, and the Space Shuttle Endeavour, along with other orbital travelers. Last of all in the Audio section are recordings of time-signal stations, both current and from the past. For your viewing enjoyment, the Images section is next. Here are images from HF-radio FAX transmissions around the globe, and Hellschreiber, an historic mode once favored by the Chinese because it could reproduce their system of writing. There are no examples of Chinese characters here. Instead, the samples come from present day radio amateurs and are sent over the shortwave radio band sent aside for them. Next is a photo album of radio transmission towers, military communications equipment, radar sites, AWACS planes, and Teletype machines. I would suggest for the next volume of the WUN CD-ROM that part of this section be devoted to radio and decoding equipment, both past and present, used by us hobbyists. I, myself, still have radios and decoders that are more than 30 years old, most of which are no longer used and have been relegated to basement storage. With the prevalence of digital cameras today, it should be an easy task for hobbyists to snap pictures of their equipment and save them to their computers for later e-mailing to WUN if and when the call goes out for such pictures. You can also view 250 sample QSL cards and letters, and 19 images of SSTV transmissions that took place on the amateur radio bands. Two of those images are from MIR, the former Russian space station. The image from radio amateur DJ8RW should draw the attention of many of you who have a high level of testosterone. Hi! :-D If you need some software utilities to aid you in your radio-listening hobby, there are many types offered on this CD-ROM, including Audiocorder for Macintosh computers, KG84 decoder software, controllers for JRC NRD 535/NRD 545 receivers, a propagation manager, PC-ALE software, QRG-file generator, Sky Sweeper decoding software, and more. Also placed here are software to read the Adobe Acrobat-formatted files on this disk, and programs for searching and Pagina 3 WUN-v11 reviewing files on this CD. The last section is called About WUN. Here you will find many things to tell you about our club and its membership. You will be able to hear an anthem that was composed to honor WUN. There is also the club's charter, a WUN FAQ, club information, a recording of WUN as a non-directional beacon, and a press release pertaining to WUN's 10th anniversary that was sent to various media outlets. You will meet the WUN staff, both past and present, consisting of more than 50 people who helped make WUN a successful worldwide club. You will also meet the sponsors who graciously lent their support to the making of this CD and previous ones. Links are provided for you to visit their Web sites and hopefully become their customers. What "system requirements do I need to run this CD?" you may ask. Answer: The WUN Utility Guide CD should be readable on any standard computer CD-ROM drive. It is compatible with the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple MacIntosh, and Linux. It has been verified to work with the following minimum hardware/software requirements: CPU: 500 MHz, CD-ROM: 24x, Memory: 128 mb, Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 7.0, and Mozilla 1.0. The CD interface is written in standard HTML, so it should be viewable by any web browser which supports HTML v4 or higher. The browser configuration should support the following file types in order to view all the contents of the CD: html, gif/jpg images, wav/mp3 audio files, text, pdf files, and MS Excel .xls files. If the CD does not autoplay when inserted into the CD-ROM drive, the CD browser interface can be launched manually by opening the CD-ROM drive root folder and double-clicking on the "default.htm" file. That's the method I used when the CD did not autoplay for me. So now you want to order this CD, after determining you have to have it, no ifs, ands, or buts. Here's how to bring this little treasure to your mailbox: The WUN Utility Guide #3 CD-ROM may be ordered for only U.S.$24.99. This price includes postage to U.S. addresses and airmail postage elsewhere in the world. Payment must be in U.S. dollars and may be in checks from U.S. banks; international bank checks or money orders (make checks & money orders out to "WUN"); or by courtesy of a local company, MagMusic, Visa or Master Card. All credit card orders will show "MagMusic" as the seller. Checks from U.S. banks require a one-week wait for clearance. Please allow up to four weeks for delivery on all orders. Orders may be mailed to: WUN, P.O. Box 4450, Youngstown, Ohio 44515 USA. Credit cards by e-mail to: rbaker@zoominternet.net or by secure on-line form: https://www10.fatcow.com/mag-mu/form.html or by FAX to (USA Country Code 01) 330-270-9654. An order form is also available at our Web site, http://www.wunclub.com or you can use this order form as your guide: Order Form (please print neatly or type) Please send ____ copies of the WUN Utility Guide #3 CD-ROM at US$24.99 each. Name__________________________________ Mailing address (include postal/ZIP code): ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ E-Mail address:__________________________________ Payment: __ Money Order __ Check Credit Card: __ Visa __ MasterCard __ American Express Card Number_______________________ Expires__________ Cardholders Name____________________________________ Cardholders signature if mailed or faxed__________________________ Pagina 4 WUN-v11 Prepare yourself for many hours of viewing pleasure when you receive this CD in the mail. Bob Margolis for the entire WUN staff. ------------------------------ So, now on to the normal monthly issue; WHAT'S INSIDE: o Digital Review by Day Watson o Military/Government Channel Designator List by Larry van Horn o Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boender o Products & Books Reviews by Bob Margolis o Utility Round-up by Ary Boender o WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS ====================================================================== 0101100010110001011000001110011000101100110110001100110011010000100011 0011100010010101001100110101100101000011011000011101100000011101100100 01001101# DIGITAL #00011110010100001101010010100011010111000000111001 1000100101111010100100011010010010100110100011010001101000011010011100 0111000111001110000110000111100000100101011001001010111010100011100011 001000101010110100000111000111# REVIEW #00000101110011100001101000101 0101001011000011101100010110001100110100010110000111011000101100001110 0000110100101010110101011010000100101001101001010101010100010101010001 01001011111100001000101010011000110011000011101100010# COLUMN #110001 1100011010100101010010101001010100100001110110000101100101001101011000 - Editor: Day Watson - Nickname on chat channels E-mail: jdwatson@blueyonder.co.uk DayW Hi digi WUNners The menu Aero Met Military National Governmental Special HFDL group PCHFDL.dat updates Copenhagen/OXT still on air HSwMS Carlskrona World Voyage 2005 T600 update Azerbaijan follow-up Mainflingen/DCF77 alarm possibilities >>....Aero.....> ::: HFDL group Thanks to Mike Illien advising that, for those interesting in HFDL as a primary mode, a mailing list has been established at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hfdl/ for those specialising in this mode. ::: PCHFDL.dat updates For those with the commercial version of PC-HFDL the System Table Pagina 5 WUN-v11 (containing the list of frequencies) resides in the file PCHFDL.dat in the programs /config sub-folder. In order to update this one must be listening to a live channel when one of these System Tables is actually transmitted. This is on-demand by aircraft (random) and not easy for the monitor with limited listening time to capture. Thanks also to Mike Illien for advising that the program's Author, Charles Brain, has made the latest file available on his website at http://www.chbrain.dircon.co.uk/pchfdl.html Nice one, Charles. >>....Met.....> ::: Copenhagen/OXT still on air As of 24/Jan the broadcasts in FAX of ice charts from Copenhagen Met were still active, and the charts are still labelled indicating the service would cease 1st Jan 2005. AnyWUN with up to date information, or is the Danish calendar different to the rest of use? >>....Military.....> ::: HSwMS Carlskrona World Voyage 2005 On 21/Jan HSwMS Carlskrona/SKFQ set sail from Karlskrona on her annual circumnavigational tour of the World. This Swedish minelayer provides a training platform for young officers and national servicemen. Check out (thanks to Leif Dehio) http://www.4minkriflj.mil.se/ue/article.php?&id=8000 then click the "In English" tab (if you're not Swedish) for information on the ship, the map of it's itinerary, schedule and other details. From a communications point of view she has already been heard working Karlskrona/SAA on 6375/u and 12675/u. Both of these frequencies were used in the past by Karlskrona/SAA in CW mode and also on 8450 where comms may be expected. In fact the possible frequencies worth watching taken from a glean of past WUN logs (thanks again Leif), the above, and translation of Swedish RT (thanks Kinga) results in the following list: 6375 6516 6536 16372 16380 8450 8450.2 10154.5 12675 13501 13511 14663 RT is clear Swedish, and when necessary two data modes (both PSK serial tone) are available. Mil.Std 188-110A 1200/L ITA2 STANAG 4285 1200/S ITA2 Traffic to date is encrypted. Having two data modes available will permit her to have the means to communicate more easily (interoperability) with naval units of the countries visited. Keep an ear open for her when she's in your part of the World. ::: T600 update Salvo's post of 13th: Pagina 6 WUN-v11 "now at 1900 on 8161.5 I've an unknown system, like MFSK 7 tones of 50 Hz shift (truly 3 + 100 Hz shift + 3) and 100 Bd in Idle and no Baudot here. What is this one?" started a new train of thought. First the signal is a Russian Naval T600 running 100bd at 200Hz. This is a two tone signal. Not multi tone - this is probably due to how the decoder's FFT module was displaying the signal by virtue of how the module's parameters were set - and not always possible on every package. T600 is also logged as 36-50. In it's original conception the idle baud rate was 36 baud. The idle pattern is on of continuous reversals (a stream of alternating 1s and 0s). On traffic the signal changes to 50 baud but the system is encrypted. But what happened to the 36 baud idle? It must be over a year since your scribe actually logged a 36 baud idling system. However they have not gone completely - Leif advised that he had one recently on 11468 kHz. In now appears, returning to the station on 8161.5 that this is a third (faster) variant of the same T600 system. Leif further observes that the T600 (also on 8004.5) to be idling at 99.88 Bd with traffic at exactly 100Bd. Accurate measurements help in comparisons, and in fingerprinting systems and stations. Thanks guys for the input. >>....National Governmental.....> ::: Azerbaijan follow-up Sergey Kolesov from the Ukraine has kindly sent in a translation in respect of last month's item relating to transmissions on 15737 kHz. Quote: Q BAKU WAM 1 'TMR 65 NP KARIZOWA WR 1315 CCCC IZ BAKU UPR AZERB NR 65/S 30/12 10-00 C'TS WA' NOMER NE WY'EL IZ OAO RVDX ZA PODPISX ''ZAM ICW SAPETOW'' 6) 0343$-, ,-. 30/12 01-43 NE PRO'EL POWTORITE WNOWX BRIG KARIZOWA "From Baku UPR (stands for Management - Upravlenie) Azerb No. 65/S 30/12 10.00 Your number (stands for train number) did not leave from OAO, signed Deputy (Zam - Zamestitel') ICW Sapetow (family name) ... did not pass, repeate, foreman (Brig - Brigadir) Karizowa (family name)" FFFF 1316 01 260121/02BAK$ Q BAKU WAMQ GT NR 793 CCCC MPS SEBE I VBL NP TURKM KARIZOWA WR DON VN KB' 1317 SAH IZ BAKUP UP AZERB NR 793 30/12! 11J05 CVKKX MK DOROG RF SNG I STRAN BALTII CMK KIEW UKRZALIZNICA Pagina 7 WUN-v11 CMK ASTANA M0 (5= OROGIE S NTWYM GODOXJBJV NOWYM S4ASTXEM NOWYM ZDOROWXDM NOWYMI PRETENZIQMI DLQ NOWYH WSTRE4 NAILU4'IMI VOGUOLANIQMI M'NIKI AZERB 9PA-19/46 M KASENXEWA H FFFF WR 1320-PNWXPQWQXPWBAK$ From Baku Mangement Azerbaijan No. 793 30/12 01/05 To: Management of Railroads of Russian Federation (RF), CIS (SNG) and Baltic states; Ukrainian Railroads, Kiev; Kazakh Railroads, Astana. Dear (to all above), Happy New Year, New happiness, New health, New goals, New meetings, Best wishes Workers of Azerbaijanu Kasenxewa (family name) unquote: Thanks Sergey. Always nice to receive feedback from different places round the World. >>....Special.....> ::: Mainflingen/DCF77 alarm possibilities Following last month's article on the German LF transmissions on DCF49/DCF39 Klaus Betke sent in some interesting notes on the use of the transmission on 77.5 kHz from the German LF time-signal station at Maingflingen. "I wonder if this is worth a note in DR, as very little technical information is known so far. Anyway, PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt = National Metrology Institute) has published a short article about the use of DCF77 as a "siren replacement": http://www.ptb.de/en/publikationen/news/html/news042/index.html (in English). The system makes use of second 1 - 14 in the DCF77 signal, which are currently unused. The German MoI has not yet decided whether the proposed system will be introduced. I found some further info on the rather strange page http://www.bevoelkerungswarnung.de/ First, a 4-digit region adress (city or administrative district) has to be programmed into the receiver clock. There is also a short address system for nonstationary DCF77 clocks (i.e. wrist watches) with just three values: "north", "middle" and "south". Apparently the address is transmitted in two or three consecutive minutes. The modified clocks used in the tests had a siren symbol in the display and an acoustic alarm." Corresponding with Klaus and observing that the second link above was a German language page he was asked if his summary in English was all that could be gleaned from it? He goes on to say "I found most of the material uninteresting blabla. http://www.bevoelkerungswarnung.de/ had been established especially for the field test in late 2003. The participants in the test had to report Pagina 8 WUN-v11 their observations via this internet site (this non-public page of the site seems to have been removed). Still available is a file "systeminformation.pdf". It says that about 900 modified industrial DCF77 clocks have been used in the test, 75% being alarm clocks and wrist watches, the rest were wall clocks, computer clocks and others. All warnings are initiated by the Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK, Federal Office for Civil Defense and Disaster Relief) centre in Bonn. This is shown in a diagram in the paper. The paper also discusses a possible terorists attack on the transmitter. Difficult to translate - it says that reasonably sufficient measures have been established to avoid unauthorized access to the transmitter site and the transmitter building (yes, there is a fence around the Mainflingen facility). In this context it is also pointed out that a failure is not too critical, because the system is only a "wake-up alert", which means "turn your radio on and wait for instructions", just like the conventional siren net. I don't think that there is anything more useful radio-related stuff on that web page. A full report about the test seems to have not been published." Thanks as always to Klaus for regular input. >>....Signoff.....> That's it; end of another page. Enjoy your monitoring and don't get too depressed over poor propo condition. Till next month - Regards Day ------------------------------====================================================== WUN Government and Military Frequency/Designation List Compiled by Larry Van Horn, N5FPW Brasstown, NC USA, larry@grove-ent.com ====================================================== We start the New Year off with a bang and some good news from Maryland and my friend Ron Perron. He has passed info along on Venezuelan Army and Navy, the US Army COOP net, and a Skywatch net profile update. The bad news is this will be my last MLA column for WUN. Due to personal and family reasons, I am unable to continue doing this column. I have enjoyed the last couple of years and sincerely appreciate all who have contributed to this column. I am sure that there will be a replacement columnist soon and I hope you will give him/her your full support. 2005 Column Contributors (and I sincerely thank each and everyone of you who take the time to add to this list): Ron Perron and Larry Van Horn. ======================================================================== Last Revision: 25 January 2005 Legend: AB ACC ACP AFB AFETR ALE Air Base Air Combat Command (U.S. Air Force) Allied Communications Publication Air Force Base Air Force Eastern Test Range Automatic Link Establishment Pagina 9 WUN-v11 Air Mobility Command (U.S. Air Force) Air Mobility Command Center Anti-Submarine Warfare Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Operations Center Command and Control Centralized Net Control Station Emergency Action Message Global Command and Control )changed to GHFS, now known as HF-GCS) GHFS Global HF System (now known as HF-GCS) HF High Frequency HF-GCS High Frequency Global Communications System HICOM High Command JCS Joints Chief of Staff (U.S. Department of Defense) LANT Atlantic LSB Lower Sideband MARS Military Affiliate Radio System MF Moved From NAS Naval Air Station NS Naval Station PAC Pacific RTTY Radioteletype SAC Strategic Air Command (replaced by U.S. Air Force ACC/AMC) SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan SSB Single Sideband Supp Supplement TACAMO Take Charge and Move Out (US Navy aircraft) TSC Tactical Support Center (US Navy) U.S. United States USAF U.S. Air Force USB Upper Sideband USN U.S. Navy USSTRATCOM U.S. Strategic Command UTRACC U.S. Air Force Europe Tanker Recce Airlift Control Center VP U.S. Navy designation for a patrol squadron AMC AMCC ASW ASWOC C2 CNCS EAM GCCS ======================================================================== UNITED STATES MILITARY LISTINGS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Department of Defense Joints Chief of Staff Nets ================================================== High Frequency Global Communications System (HF-GCS) ==================================================== The U.S. Air Force High Frequency (HF) Global Communications System (HF-GCS) is a worldwide network that currently consist of 15 high-power HF stations which provide air/ground HF command and control radio communications between all Department of Defense (DoD) ground agencies, aircraft and ships. Allied military and other aircraft are also provided support in accordance with agreements and international protocols as appropriate. The HF-GCS is not dedicated to any service or command, but supports all authorized users on a traffic precedence basis. On Jun 1, 1992, the former Global HF System (GHFS) was created by consolidating other U.S. Air Force (USAF) and U.S. Navy (USN) HF networks, including the USAF Global Command and Control System (GCCS), the Navy’s Ship-to-Shore High Command (HICOM) network, and the dedicated Strategic Air Command (SAC) Giant Talk System. The goal of the merger was to develop one worldwide non-dedicated HF network capable of providing Command and Control (C2) HF communications support to all authorized DoD aircraft and ground stations. As of 1 October 2002, the former GHFS network is now known as the HF Global Communications System (HF-GCS). The old high power HF equipment being utilized within the HF-GCS has now been replaced with "Scope Command" equipment. Scope Command incorporates Pagina 10 WUN-v11 Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) technology for use over HF. Scope Command is not the name for this network as some have indicated in the past post to the WUN and other newsgroups. It is the name of the equipment upgrade being done to the network. In January 2003, all HF-GCS station transmit and receive equipment is remotely controlled from the Centralized Net Control Station (CNCS) at Andrews AFB, Maryland. This ALE technology automates many of the functions performed by the operator such as selecting the best propagating frequency from a list of authorized frequencies. Net Procedures General Calling - Aircrews use a call sign as outlined in ACP-121 US Supp 2 using the collective call sign "MAINSAIL" or the HF-GCS station call sign (example: Sigonella Global this is Dark 86 on 11175, OVER). HF-GCS operators require approximately 10 seconds (for automated equipment configuration) to respond to calls for service. The HF-GCS operator can request that the aircraft change to a discrete frequency for improved and/or extended service. Phone Patch Service - Phone patching allows direct voice communications between ground agencies and aircraft by electronically connecting telephone circuits to radio transmitters and receivers. The HF-GCS phone patch service is reserved for official unclassified business and a patch shouldn’t exceed five minutes. Patches of more than five minutes or of a sensitive nature are normally run on a discrete frequency. Aircrews requesting a phone patch pass along all information necessary for HF-GCS operators to complete the call, such as the identity or location of the called parties and telephone number, if known. Phone patches are monitored by HF-GCS operators and if radio reception isn’t of sufficient quality to complete the patch, they will attempt to copy the traffic and relay it to addressees for the unit making the patch. Message Relay Service - HF-GCS operators transcribe encoded or plain-text messages for aircraft or ground stations and forward them to the addresses by radio or landline. The text of the messages can be in the form of alphanumerics, code words, plain text, acronyms, and/or numerical sequences. Aircrews may use "READ BACK" procedures when the message data is critical, or when an incomplete transmission is suspected due to poor radio reception. All messages received by Global stations will be accepted and delivered by the fastest means available according to precedence and priority. Published Frequency Listing - HF-GCS stations operate on "core" or published frequencies to provide increased "Global" coverage. The published frequency listing does not reflect complete system frequency authorizations. These published frequencies are used for initial contact, EAM broadcasts, and short term C2 phone patch and message delivery. Other extended or special services will be moved to each station’s available pool of "discrete" frequencies. Any and all known discrete frequencies for these stations have been incorporated into our list below in the HF-GCS station listings. Frequency Guide - The frequency guide below is used by units contacting this net and is designed to optimize their air/ground communications. 8992.0 11175.0 Primary Frequencies 24 hours 13200.0 15016.0 Back up Frequencies Daytime 4724.0 6739.0 Back up Frequencies Nightime Commonly heard callsigns BRICKWALL Osan Air Mobility Control Center (AMCC) DENALI Elmendorf Air Mobility Control Center (AMCC) HILDA GLOBAL Tanker Airlift Control Center Scott AFB MAINSAIL Authorized users may contact and request service from Global HF System stations by using the general net air-ground call sign "MAINSAIL". Any Global station hearing the call "MAINSAIL" Pagina 11 S4JG SKYBIRD SKYKING SKYMASTER TRACKER WUN-v11 will respond and provide the requested service. A universal Navy call sign assigned to Patrol Squadrons (VP) for use in radio checks. Instead of using the briefed, tactical call sign, the Navigation/Communications operator on the P-3C Orion aircraft would use S4JG on voice and also teletype to get a communications check with a Tactical Support Center (TSC), HF-GCS station or Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Operations Center (ASWOC). In theory by using S4JG, the tactical call sign is less likely to be compromised. The collective call sign for all U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) command posts, launch control centers, Global HF stations, Air Traffic Control (ATC) towers on Air Combat Command (ACC)/Air Mobility Command (AMC) host tenant bases, Single Sideband (SSB) HF radio stations, and air defense sites in Canada. The collective call sign for all Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) committed aircraft and missile crews. Its meaning is "all SIOP committed aircraft and missile crews copy the following message." The collective callsign to all USSTRATCOM airborne command post. US Air Force Europe Tanker Recce Airlift Control Center (UTRACC) The current station list for the HC-GCS net is as follows: Andersen AB, Guam (Voice call Guam Global) Summer: 4724.0 (1300-2000Z) 6739.0 (1100-2000Z) 15016.0 (2000-1100Z) Winter: 4724.0 (1200-2030Z) 6739.0 (1000-2030Z) 15016.0 (2030-1000Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 13200.0 (2000-1300Z) 13200.0 (2030-1200Z) Andrews AFB, Maryland (Voice call Andrews Global) HC-GCS CNCS Summer: 4724.0 (0430-0930Z) 6712.0 (0230-0930Z) 13200.0 (0930-0230Z) 15016.0 (0930-0230Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0200-1230Z) 6712.0 (2400-1230Z) 13200.0 (1230-0200Z) 15016.0 (1230-2400Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Discrete Frequencies: 8058.0 11053.0 11159.0 11181.0 11214.0 11220.0 13960.0 14863.0 18015.0 Ascension Island (Voice call Ascension Global) Year round: 4724.0 (2400-0700Z) 6739.0 (1900-2400Z) 8992.0 (24 hrs) 11175.0 (24 hrs) 15016.0 (0700-1900Z) Discrete Frequencies: 9043.0 11159.0 11226.0 14497.0 Croughton AB, United Kingdom (Voice call Croughton Global) Summer: 4724.0 (2230-0400Z) 6712.0 (2230-0400Z) 13200.0 (0400-2230Z) 15016.0 (0400-2230Z) Winter: 4724.0 (1800-0800Z) 6712.0 (1800-0800Z) 13200.0 (0800-1800Z) 15016.0 (0800-1800Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Discrete Frequencies: 4894.0 5708.0 5117.0 6728.0 6731.0 6993.0 7567.0 7933.0 8032.0 9025.0 10648.0 11118.0 11129.0 11180.0 11181.0 11220.0 11226.0 11232.0 11271.0 13822.0 15042.0 15091.0 Diego Garcia NS, Indian Ocean (Voice call Diego Garcia Global) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Discrete Frequencies: 9012.0 11181.0 11226.0 11244.0 11269.0 13254.0 15095.0 20910.0 Elmendorf AFB, Alaska (Voice call Elmendorf Global) Summer: 4724.0 (1000-1300Z) 6739.0 (0800-1400Z) 13200.0 (1300-1000Z) 15016.0 (1400-0800Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0230-1900Z) 6739.0 (0030-2130Z) 13200.0 (1900-0230Z) Pagina 12 WUN-v11 15016.0 (2130-0030Z) Year Round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Hickam AFB, Hawaii (Voice call Hickam Global) Summer: 4724.0 (1000-1600Z) 6739.0 (0500-1000Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0800-1700Z) 6739.0 (0400-0800Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Discrete Frequencies: 11181.0 13242.0 15016.0 (1600-0500Z) 15016.0 (1700-0400Z) Keflavik NAS, Iceland Summer: 4724 (2200-0530Z) 6739.0 (2200-0730Z) 13200.0 (0530-2200Z) 15016.0 (0730-2200Z) Winter: 4724.0 (2000-0800Z) 6739.0 (2000-1000Z) 13200.0 (0800-2000Z) 15016.0 (1000-2000Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Lajes AB, Azores (Voice call Lajes Global) Summer: 4724.0 (2230-0400Z) 15016.0 (0400-2230Z) Winter: 4724.0 (1800-0800Z) 15016.0 (0800-1800Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 13200.0 Discrete Frequencies: 11220.0 13440.0 14896.0 23265.0 McClellan, California (Voice Summer: 4724.0 (0730-1300Z) 15016.0 (1300-0530Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0500-1530Z) 15016.0 (1530-0300Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 call McClellan Global) 6739.0 (0530-1300Z) 13200.0 (1300-0730Z) 6739.0 (0300-1530Z) 13200.0 (1530-0500Z) 11175.0 Offutt AFB, Nebraska (Voice call Offutt Global) Summer: 4724.0 (0600-1100Z) 6739.0 (0400-1100Z) 13200.0 (1100-0600Z) 15016.0 (1100-0400Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0300-1400Z) 6739.0 (0100-1400Z) 13200.0 (1400-0300Z) 15016.0 (1400-0100Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Discrete Frequency: 10589.0 11053.0 11159.0 11181.0 12087.0 Salinas, Puerto Rico (Voice call Puerto Rico Global) Summer: 4724.0 (0300-1000Z) 6739.0 (0100-1000Z) 13200.0 (1000-0300Z) 15016.0 (1000-0100Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0200-1100Z) 6739.0 (2400-1100Z) 13200.0 (1100-0200Z) 15016.0 (1100-2400Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 Discrete Frequencies: 7690.0 9006.0 10648.0 11056.0 11220.0 11484.0 15087.0 Sigonella NS, Sicily, Italy (Voice call Sigonella Global) Summer: 4724.0 (2230-0400Z) 15016.0 (0400-2230Z) Winter: 4724.0 (1800-0800Z) 15016.0 (0800-1800Z) Year round/24 hours: 6739.0 8992.0 11175.0 13200.0 Thule AB, Greenland (Voice call Thule Global) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 11175.0 13200.0 Discrete: 11181.0 13215.0 Yokota AB, Japan (Voice call Summer: 4724.0 (1200-1930Z) 15016.0 (2130-1000Z) Winter: 4724.0 (0930-2200Z) 15016.0 (2400-0730Z) Year round/24 hours: 8992.0 15016.0 Yokota Global) 6739.0 (1000-2130Z) 13200.0 (1930-1200Z) 6739.0 (0730-2400Z) 13200.0 (2200-0930Z) 11175.0 Notes: 1. Summer schedules run from April-September. Winter schedules run from October-March 2. The Air Force Eastern Test Range (AFETR) HF Network may be used as a backup to GLOBAL. The net can be contacted on 10780.0 kHz/USB (primary) and 20390.0/USB kHz (secondary) using the call sign of CAPE Pagina 13 WUN-v11 RADIO. Another backup to the HF-GCS is profiled below in the US Air Force MARS section. DoD Emergency Action Message (EAM) Broadcast Time Slots These broadcast are commonly heard on HF-GCS primary frequencies plus 11244.0 kHz. Please note that not all HF-GCS published frequencies are active for every EAM broadcast time slot listed below. Also some of the activity listed below is not on HF-GCS published frequencies, but on other selected discrete frequencies. For an in-depth discussion on what an EAM is, see the utility information file on the WUN website at URL: http://www.wunclub.com/files/eam.html There was an apparent major change to the restoral schedule noted below as of 1 Oct 2004 (beginning of the new U.S. Government fiscal year). H+00 H+03 H+06* H+07 H+10* H+12 H+20 H+21* H+25 H+31 H+33 H+35* H+37* H+39 H+40* H+50 H+53 H+59 HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697/11244/13155) USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697/13155) USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697/11244/13155) HF-GCS Andrews AFB, Maryland USN E-6 TACAMO PAC aircraft (6697/13155) HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska HF-GCS McClellan, California (11244) USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697/13155) HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697/13155) USN E-6 TACAMO PAC aircraft (6697/13155) HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska HF-GCS Andrews AFB, Maryland Current as of 24 June 2004 H+00 HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska H+05 HF-GCS Andersen AB, Guam HF-GCS Croughton AB, United Kingdom H+07 USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697.0/13155.0 kHz) H+08 USN E-6 TACAMO aircraft HF-GCS six character EAMs "FOR..." H+09 HF-GCS McClellan, California H+14 USN E-6 TACAMO PAC aircraft (6697.0/13155.0 kHz) H+20 HF-GCS Salinas, Puerto Rico H+21 New: HF-GCS Offutt AFB, Nebraska Old: HF-GCS Elmendorf AFB, Alaska H+25 USSTRATCOM Looking Glass mission aircraft H+29 HF-GCS Sigonella Naval Station, Sicily H+30 HF-GCS Andrews AFB, Maryland H+34 HF-GCS Hickam AFB, Hawaii H+35 HF-GCS Croughton AB, United Kingdom H+37 USN E-6 TACAMO LANT aircraft (6697.0/13155.0 kHz) H+38 USN E-6 TACAMO aircraft HF-GCS six character EAMs "FOR..." H+40 HF-GCS Elmendorf AFB, Alaska H+44 USN E-6 TACAMO PAC aircraft (6697.0/13155.0 kHz) H+46 Unknown station H+49 HF-GCS McClellan, California H+50 HF-GCS Lajes AB, Azores H+55 USSTRATCOM Looking Glass mission aircraft H+59 HF-GCS Sigonella Naval Station, Sicily Earlier examples of this broadcast schedule can be seen in the various 1980s editions of the Grove Shortwave Directories (usually on page 5 for those that still have them) - Those minute stamps were also used for the then common "standing by for traffic" calls heard from the various GIANT TALK ground stations operating under their pre-92 daily changing callsign aliases.] Pagina 14 WUN-v11 The FOXTROT (SKYKING) messages are also common, or at least they used to be. You should generally hear more than two over any 24 hour period. Of interest, the preface to the FOXTROT broadcasts that would name the echoing ground stations have not been heard (here) since maybe sometime in April 2003 (around the end of major combat in Iraq.) I've heard no instance of a request to DIEGO GARCIA or THULE or anyone else since around that time, just the occasional FOXTROT broadcast from ANDREWS or whoever. They dropped the DECENT, ENLIST, FAIRLY, EYESTRAIN, DEFROSTER echo requests sometime around Sept 2001 (maybe) to be replaced with plaintext station names (THULE, DIEGO GARCIA, CYPRUS FLIGHT WATCH) after 9/11, and now since around April 2003 maybe nothing. Busiest frequencies are 8992.0 ("Eight-Niner") and 11175.0 ("Triple-1"), which most stations guard around the clock. The others operate on a schedule which changes twice yearly, on the first of April and October. The upper sideband (USB) mode is used on all HF-GCS frequencies listed above. Note: The data signal you will on 9025.0 kHz is ALE which is a computerized system that simplifies HF operation (see section below). Older frequency circulated on the internet continue to list 8968.0 and 17976.0 kHz, but these were removed from HF-GCS service several years ago. HF-GCS Scope Command HF ALE Network =================================== HF-GCS ALE Network frequencies (USB/ALE): 3137.0 4721.0 5708.0 6721.0 9025.0 11226.0 13215.0 15043.0 18003.0 23337.0 The ALE system used by the JCS HF-GCS network is designated MIL-STD-188-141A. You can download a software program developed by Dr. Charles Brain to decode these digital transmissions at the following URL: http://www.chbrain.dircon.co.uk/. ALE allows automated ground agency contact by selecting the best station and best frequency without operator interaction. ALE radios make this possible by using a datafill that contains frequency, station and other pertinent information. For ALE radios to operate properly, the radio must have a loaded datafill, be turned on in the “automatic” mode and remain there the duration of the flight. If the radio is removed from the ALE mode, history tables will require time to rebuild and initial communications may be slightly degraded. Net participating stations, identifiers and specific frequency assignments used in the HF-GCS ALE net: ADW Andrews AFB, MD USA 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 AED Elmendorf AFB, AK USA 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 CRO RAF Croughton, UK 3137 4721 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 GUA Andersen AFB, Guam 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 HAW Ascension Island 3137 4721 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 HIK Hickam AFB, Hawaii 3137 4721 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 ICZ Sigonella, Sicily Italy 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 IKF NAS Keflavik, Iceland 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 JDG NSF Diego Garcia 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 JNR Salinas, Puerto Rico 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 JTY Yokota AB, Japan Pagina 15 MCC MPA OFF PLA WUN-v11 3137 4721 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 McClellan, CA USA 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 RAF Port Stanley, Falkland Island(South Atlantic) 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 Offutt AFB, NE USA 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 Lajes AB, Azores 3137 4721 5708 6721 9025 11226 13215 15043 18003 23337 Selected non HF-GCS stations observed in this net: CEF 439AW, Westover AFB, MA GVT Raytheon, Greenville, TX OKC Oklahpma City (Tinker AFB), OK RIC CAP Region 2 MER/CAP National Technology Center, Richmond, VA RSC Rockwell Scope Command Facility, Greenville, TX TAG Incirlik AB, Turkey (HF-GCS Facility Closed) WRL Warner-Robins AFB, GA Preset telephone number codes imbedded in Scope Command ALE command lines: PCHS PDOV PERT PMET PPLA PTAE PTAR PTAW PWRI Charleston Command Post Dover AMCC Rota Hilda Metro Lajes AB Hilda East Ramstein AB Hilda West McGuire AFB NIPR/SIPR HF ALE Network ======================== Courtesy of Ron Perron and Christopher Corley SIPR (Secret Internet Protocol Router) Network Frequencies (USB/ALE): 3113.0 5702.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 17976.0 27870.0 SIPR Gateway/Frequency Matrix: ADWSPR Andrews AFB, Maryland 3113.0 5702.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 17976.0 27870.0 CROSPR Croughton AB, United Kingdom 5702.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 17976.0 27870.0 HAWSPR Ascension Island 8965.0 11181.0 17976.0 ICZSPR Sigonella AB, Sicily, Italy 5702.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 17976.0 IKFSPR NS/NAS Keflavik, Iceland 11181.0 17976.0 JDGSPR Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean 11181.0 27870.0 JNRSPR Salinas, Puerto Rico 3113.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 17976.0 MCCSPR McClellan, California 5702.0 6715.0 11181.0 OFFSPR Offutt AFB, Nebraska 3113.0 5702.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 17976.0 PLASPR Lajes AB, Azores 5702.0 6715.0 NIPR (Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router) Network Frequencies (USB/ALE): 3068.0 4745.0 5684.0 8965.0 11199.0 13242.0 17973.0 20631.0 NIPR Gateway/Frequency Matrix: ADWNPR Andrews AFB, Maryland 3068.0 4745.0 8965.0 11199.0 13242.0 Pagina 16 17973.0 20631.0 WUN-v11 CRONPR Croughton AB, United Kingdom 17973.0 MCCNPR McClellan, California 5684.0 8965.0 13242.0 17973.0 OFFNPR Offutt AFB, Nebraska 5684.0 8965.0 11199.0 13242.0 17973.0 20631.0 MYSTIC STAR Network =================== This is a worldwide communications system, operated and maintained by elements of the United States Army, United States Navy, and United States Air Force under the control of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Operations Center. Its network provides worldwide communications by directly controlling radio equipment located at Global HF system stations. It consists of ultra high frequency satellite and HF networks supporting Presidential, special air mission, Joint Staff, VIP (very important persons) and command airborne missions. The Mystic Star HF network consists of: a single master net control station (MNCS) located at Andrews AFB Maryland, interstation and intersite circuits, and relay and auxiliary communications subsystems. (Source Air Force Instruction 33-106) Column Note: We have seen less and less monitor reports on this system over the last few years. It is widely believed that encryption is the reason for this decline in traffic. Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB/LSB/Encryption) F003 8036.0 (1) F005 9120.0 (3) F007 4850.0 F009 17972.0 F020 16117.0 (1) F033 15962.0 F039 10881.0 F046 13823.0 F054 8058.0 (9) F058 4742.0 (6) F061 23265.0 (2) F063 14870.0 F064 11214.0 (3) F066 15036.0 F077 Unknown F078 18532.0 F080 15677.0 F084 13205.5 F085 6993.0 F086 9461.0 F089 13204.0 (1) F090 6716.0 F094 9017.0 (2) F098 14585.0 F099 13247.0 (0) F101 12106.0 (6) F102 11118.0 (2) F103 11488.0 (6) F107 Unknown (8) F108 7316.0 F114 6986.0 (6) F117 6993.0 (8) F124 11217.0 (6) F126 12087.0 (2) F128 23242.0 F134 4942.5 F136 5429.5 (7) F146 9027.0 (1) F153 8063.0 (6) F171 18403.5 (9) F173 14420.5 F174 20650.0 F182 3078.0 (6) F184 10648.0 (8) F186 3046.0 F194 13825.0 (5) F195 20631.0 F197 4982.0 (6) F202 16014.0 (5) F204 12057.0 F211 11056.0 (7) F213 Unknown F220 11181.0 F226 5435.5 (6) F228 7735.0 (5) F229 Unknown (8) F236 15041.0 (9) F240 Unknown (8) F243 18590.0 F248 5398.0 (5) F249 4731.0 F250 15091.0 (2) F251 13217.0 (1) F262 10717.0 F264 7693.0 (6) F265 15733.0 (1) F266 7997.0 (6) F267 6730.0 (2) F268 7325.0 (2) F271 18320.0 F277 11153.0 (1) F287 11226.0 (2) F290 8026.0 (2) F291 13960.0 (1) F292 9414.5 F295 11460.0 (3) F300 15707.0 (0) F301 7500.5 (2) F302 Unknown F310 Unknown F311 11220.0 (3) F322 Unknown F326 14864.0 F327 18716.0 F337 18761.0 F341 16083.0 F350 5043.0 F351 Unknown (9) F354 11053.0 (2) F356 7827.0 F360 7919.5 (8) F363 15018.0 (7) F365 11059.0 (1) F369 20397.0 (8) F370 17177.0 F372 16123.0 (8) F380 3144.0 (5) F382 15094.0 (6) F395 9057.0 (1) F400 6728.0 (5) F404 7690.0 (2) F405 6972.0 F406 18393.0 (6) F417 4992.0 F419 11407.0 (5) F420 7933.0 (7) F432 6731.0 (8) F433 20972.0 F435 3821.0 F437 5684.0 (6) F441 17440.0 (1) F444 19267.0 F448 16-18 MHz F451 13248.0 (9) F452 5026.0 F453 19063.0 F461 13211.0 (1) F463 4610.0 (1) F464 16157.0 F465 8040.0 (0) F466 14864.5 (0) F467 9023.0 (3) F476 4-6 MHz F481 7605.0 F483 18626.0 F486 5152.0 (9) F487 24483.0 F489 5437.0 (7) F496 11059.5 (2) F497 5411.0 (7) F498 8032.0 (1) F499 4442.0 (0) F500 8989.0 (6) F505 9006.0 (2) F515 Unknown (2) F516 4645.0 (6) F517 9270.0 (6) F521 11484.0 (2) F522 11232.0 (2) F523 9215.0 (9) F529 8077.0 (7) F530 23325.0 F533 18675.0 (6) F538 Unknown F540 5404.5 F541 Unknown (2) F542 5431.0 (6) F543 8083.0 F545 10580.0 F546 18400.0 F551 18331.0 (6) F555 4894.0 (6) F561 11052.0 (6) F567 13565.0 (6) F569 18387.0 F574 11413.0 (6) F575 10427.0 F576 11153.5 (2) F577 10544.0 (7) F579 Unk 11 MHz F595 10877.0 F600 13878.0 (6) F611 14863.0 F614 4488.8 (8) Pagina 17 F616 F626 F639 F649 F667 F700 F706 F710 F723 F734 F749 F777 F790 F807 F823 F845 F867 (7) F874 F891 F909 F917 F924 F937 F952 F974 F987 WUN-v11 9320.0 (2) F622 5817.0 F623 18317.0 F624 13241.0 (1) 19343.0 F627 7910.0 (5) F631 18755.0 (5) F633 18290.0 (1) 7469.0 F642 18218.0 (2) F644 15821.0 (5) F646 13440.0 (2) 8053.0 (6) F655 11053.0 F662 15048.0 (6) F664 15 MHz 6817.0 (7) F673 3064.0 F677 6 MHz F690 3032.0 4490.0 F701 11058.0 (7) F702 9323.0 (6) F703 9991.5 (6) 8057.0 (5) F707 10589.0 (2) F708 23377.0 F709 9317.0 (7) 4458.0 F713 16246.0 (5) F717 10883.0 F722 12270.0 (9) 18323.0 (6) F728 11236.0 (5) F731 6683.0 (1) F732 15011.0 (7) 4757.0 (7) F736 11494.0 (8) F741 7873.0 F748 6756.0 (5) 15-16 MHz F752 8047.0 (2) F754 11627.0 F758 4452.0 (8) 3113.0 (6) F778 18023.0 (8) F784 9043.0 (6) F785 15687.0 (6) 16323.0 F793 Unknown (0) F800 Unknown (2) F803 5078.0? 12103.0? F809 5700.0 (5) F814 6989.0 (7) F821 Unknown 11229.0 (1) F825 19047.0? F832 18267.0 F843 Unk 6 MHz 6-7 MHz F846 13822.0 (5) F853 12 MHz (0) F864 16008.0 (2) 6830.0 (7) F868 9218.0 (6) F869 16090.0 F873 13248.0 13246.0? F875 6717.0 (1) F877 4721.0 (7) F885 13207.0 (5) 11053.5 F895 5710.0 (9) F904 10202.0 (0) F906 4524.0 7687.0 (8) F910 19671.0 (9) F912 7330.0 F915 12107.0 10205.0 (6) F918 13482.0 F919 11159.0 (2) F920 7927.0 (2) 16317.0 F932 Unknown (2) F933 Unknown F935 7922.5 Unknown F940 11445.0 (0) F943 19002.0 (6) F948 15038.0 (6) Unknown F956 Unknown F957 6761.0 (0) F965 11466.0 (2) 10586.0 (6) F975 Unk 11 MHz F980 15724.0 F982 9,13 MHz 10583.0 (6) F988 4763.0 F997 15667.0 Legend: (7) Confirmed (8) Confirmed (9) Confirmed (0) Confirmed (1) Confirmed (2) Confirmed (3) Confirmed 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Frequencies 4441.0, 6671.0, 8260.0, 18801.0 and 25363.0 has been heard carrying "Mystic Star" traffic, but no designator is known. Designator F171 and signals associated with this net have been monitored on 18397.4 vice the 18403.5 we have listed above. ======================================================================= *United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) ============================================= HF "Zulu" Airborne Command Post Net =================================== During a recent intercept after the first of the new U.S. government fiscal year (1 Oct 2004), Ron Perron intercepted communications on the HF-GCS system which indicated that there have been changes to the Zulu Net. It is unknown at this time whether frequencies and designators have changed or just designators. Reports are welcomed by those that monitor this system. Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) Z100 3068.0 (9) Z105 3116.0 (2) Z110 3134.0? (8) Z115 3143.0 (9) Z120 3295.0 (2) Z124 Unknown Z125 4495.0 (2) Z130 4472.0 (8) Z135 4745.0 (2) Z140 5026.0 (8) Z145 5705.0 (3) Z150 5800.0 (2) Z155 5875.0 (0) Z160 6715.0 (2) Z165 6757.0 (2) Z170 7831.0 (2) Z174 Unknown Z175 9016.0 (4) Z180 9057.0 (3) Z185 9809.0 (0) Z190 10204.0 (3) Z195 Unknown (3) Z200 11181.0 (3) Z205 11494.0 (2) Z210 11229.0 (3) Z211 12070.0 (2) Z215 13242.0 (2) Z220 13245.0 (2) Z225 13907.0 (1) Z230 15046.0 (7) Z235 15094.0 (3) Z240 15097.0 (0) Z245 Unknown Z250 15962.0 (1) Z255 17973.0 (0) Z260 18006.0 (0) Pagina 18 Z265 Z280 Z295 Z310 Z325 Z340 18024.0 (0) 18387.0 (2) 19755.0 (2) 23337.0 24978.0? Unknown Legend: (7) Confirmed (8) Confirmed (9) Confirmed (0) Confirmed (1) Confirmed (2) Confirmed (3) Confirmed (4) Confirmed Z270 Z285 Z300 Z315 Z330 Z345 WUN-v11 18027.0 (0) Z275 Unknown Z290 20167.0 (2) Z305 23872.0 (9) Z320 26532.0? Z335 Unknown Z350 18046.0? 19665.0 (9) 20407.0 (9) 24828.0? 26859.0 (2) Unknown 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Note: At 1805 UTC on 16 Dec 2003, monitored female op using tac call calling other tac calls IDed frequency as Z-280/Z-230. A new frequency 7992.0 kHz has been uncovered by WUN member Jeff Haverlah in Texas during monitoring of a STRATCOM exercise on June 25, 2003. The frequency was being used by airborne command post participating in a STRATCOM communications exercise. No designator has been assigned at this time. Other notes on USSTRATCOM related communications/frequencies from Jeff Haverlah. 11244.0 kHz 1. This frequency is a special HF-GCS discrete that is used by *every* named HF-GCS station for Emergency Action Messages (EAM) and FOXTROT broadcast. In fact, it has been described as the "broadcast" frequency. Stations here do not respond to MAINSAIL general calls on this frequency. 2. This frequency is guarded by the Nightwatch 01 (US Air Force E-4 National Airborne Operations Center or NAOC) station (which uses daily changing callsign aliases) and is paired with 8992.0 kHz. 3. This frequency is used by the apparent USSTRATCOM Looking Glass mission aircraft for daily EAM transmissions at any time, and used for repeat EAM transmissions at H+25/H+55 mostly during North American daylight hours (and at any part of the day during exercises). Paired with 8992.0 kHz. Also guarded by the Glass mission and other U.S. Navy E-6 TACAMO aircraft when active. Note: The primary mission of the Looking Glass aircraft is the ability to command, control, and communicate with its nuclear forces. Its highly-trained crew and staff ensure there is always an aircraft ready to direct bombers and missiles from the air should ground-based command centers become inoperable. Looking Glass guarantees that U.S. strategic forces will act only in the precise manner dictated by the president. On Oct. 1, 1998 the Navy's E-6B Mercury aircraft replaced the USAF EC-135 in the Looking Glass mission. 4. Used by possible tanker aircraft (maybe on their SIOP mission) passing 4-element groups to "SkyMaster" (NAOC and TACAMO aircraft) during exercises and paired with 8992.0 kHz. The 4-element groups have been called "TID traffic" by SKYMASTER aircraft. 5. Used by other U.S. government stations (i.e. Federal Emergency Management Agency-FEMA, etc) including the static call "Blue Grass" (Mt. Weather, Virginia) as a frequency to pass "Hotel" messages. These messages are passed to each other and to the NAOC aircraft (using an alias separate from that particular day's callsign). This activity is usually during the third week of each month, is not paired with 8992.0 kHz, and many of the station's use callsigns begin with the letter "A" (i.e. Axle Rod, Army Ruler, etc). 6. Units here always identify the frequency as 11244.0 kHz and not Pagina 19 WUN-v11 with a tactical designator. 6697.0 kHz 1. This frequency is used by the TACAMO aircraft for daily evening/night (North America) EAM transmissions during the following time slots: H+07/H+37 by a TACAMO LANT aircraft H+14/H+44 by a TACAMO PAC aircraft 2. EAMs have been heard at any time during initial broadcast, simulcast on 8992.0, 11244.0 and on the USSTRATCOM Zulu net frequencies above. 3. This frequencies is also used by possible TACAMO aircraft to communicate with trigraph identifier stations during exercises (usually to receive 3-element group traffic from these trigraph stations.) 4. Also is used 24-hours a day by the United Kingdom's station MKL and their trigraphs (many of these thought to be Nimrod aircraft). 13155.0 kHz 1. This frequency is used by the TACAMO aircraft for daily daytime (North America) EAM transmissions during the following time slots: H+07/H+37 by a TACAMO LANT aircraft H+14/H+44 by a TACAMO PAC aircraft 2. EAMs have been heard at any time during initial broadcast, simulcast on 8992.0, 11244.0 and on the USSTRATCOM Zulu net frequencies above. 3. The activity on this frequency apparently moved here from 11267.0 kHz a few years ago. 11267.0 now seems to be quiet probably indicating that it is no longer used for this purpose. Other U.S. Navy frequencies heard recently with EAM broadcasts by Jeff Haverlah and the column editor: 4515.0 4848.0 5680.0 6512.0 6666.0 6686.0 6720.0 6724.0 6778.0 6833.0 6903.0 7501.0 7589.0 8020.0 8971.0 9007.0 9010.0 9036.0 9283.0 10515.5 10805.0 10994.0 11187.0 11255.0 11271.0 13155.0 14698.0 15038.0 15049.0 16117.0 These and other old U.S. Navy HF HICOM (High Command) frequencies have been active in past with heavy EAM traffic. (See HF-GCS section above about the demise of the HICOM network) ======================================================================= *United States Air Force ======================== Special Operations Command (AFSOC) ================================== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3044.0 352SOG RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom Maintenance 3134.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida 4450.0 352SOG RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom Exercise Operations 5204.5 352SOG RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom (Blackhat) Primary 5349.0 352SOG RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom (Blackhat) 5687.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida (Plantation/Seminole Operations) 5732.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida (Emerald Ops/Seminole Operations) FOX 2? Kirtland AFB, New Mexico 6730.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida 9018.0 AFSOC Air-to-Air 9019.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida (Plantations Operations) FOX 4? ex-9017 9026.0 352SOG RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom (Blackhat) 9161.5 352SOG RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom (Blackhat) Primary 11611.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida (Seminole/Emerald Operations) 13206.0 Hurlburt Field, Florida (Plantations Operations) FIX 1? ex-13207 I have had no recent reports on 18027.0 (FOX 9) or 23271.0 kHz (FOX 8). Has anyone in the last year heard any AFSOC units using the FOX Pagina 20 WUN-v11 designators above? Also, the following frequencies were active with AFSOC activity until the overhaul of the OR frequencies several years ago. Does anyone know what frequencies have taken their place? 4721.0 6712.0 9017.0 9023.0 kHz. RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom ============================== 6761.0 Aerial refueling tankers interplane (worldwide) Ramstein AB, Germany ==================== AMC Command Post (Metaphor) Frequencies (USB): 6730.0 9022.0 Miscellaneous Listings ====================== JStars aircraft discrete Frequency (USB): 11181.0 Air Force Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) ================================================ You will also find a considerable amount of military aircraft voice traffic (official and unofficial) on the U.S. Air Force Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) phone patch network frequencies: The primary frequencies are 13927.0 and 20992.0 kHz. These are fun and interesting frequencies to monitor. Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 4557.0 RK 7633.5 ACJ 13927.0 ACB (Primary) 14606.0 ACF 18617.0 ??? 20992.5 ACZ MARS conducts a phone patch admin net on Sundays at 1600 UTC on 13977.0 kHz (ACC). Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Tech =========================== Profile from Ron Perron Confirmed Frequencies (USB/ALE): 5006.0 6800.0 (SHARES) 6806.0 8012.0 9047.0 11402.0 13415.0 14357.0 19814.0 7602.0 ALE Identifiers: Surfing on the CAP web site and reading some of their publications (Organization, Communications Procedures, CAP Alerting System) Ron has confirmed the following identifiers: RIC CAP National Technology Center, Richmond VA 022NHQCAP National Ops Center (NOC) CAP National Headquarters Maxwell AFB AL According to the CAP Alerting System Communications Actions publication under threat advisories Yellow (present condition), Orange and Red the NOC (Headcap 22) and the NTC (Headcap 33) are responsible for conducting the National Command Net with the NTC acting as alternate net control to the NOC. "Confidence checks" have to be conducted to ensure that the system is ready for any contingency. This probably explains the fairly heavy volume of soundings from 022, 047 and 062 NHQCAP identifiers. Reading these same publications and looking at the command structure of CAP headquarters, Ron has tentatively identified the following identifiers: CAP Used on SHARES frequencies 033NHQCAP Unidentified 043NHQCAP Unidentified Pagina 21 046NHQCAP 951NHQCAP 971NHQCAP 047NHQCAP 062NHQCAP 034MERCAP 004MERCAP 0033COCAP 0041MICAP 0042MICAP 0004WICAP 0004SCCAP 043SERCAP 044NCRCAP 100NERCAP 037RMRCAP 0272HICAP WUN-v11 Unidentified Unidentified Unidentified Director of Communications (DOK) CAP Headquarters, Maxwell AFB, AL [Tentative] Director of Operations (DOO)CAP Headquarters, Maxwell AFB, AL [Tentative] Middle East Region,North Carolina, possible Region Chief of Staff Middle East Region, Chief of Staff Colorado CAP Michigan CAP Michigan CAP Wisconsin CAP South Carolina CAP Southeast Region CAP National Capitol Region CAP, Washington DC Northeast Region CAP Rocky Mountain Region CAP Hawaii CAP In mid-summer 2004 the following ALE identifiers were noted on CAP freqs: ADWCAP MCCCAP JNRCAP HIKCAP Civil Civil Civil Civil Air Air Air Air Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol at at at at Andrews AFB McClellan AFB Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. Hickam AFB ======================================================================= *U.S. Army ========== U.S. Transportation Command =========================== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 4146.0 Channel 1 6224.0 Channel 2 6227.0 Channel 3 8294.0 Channel 4 8297.0 Channel 5 12353.0 Channel 6 12359.0 Channel 7 12365.0 Channel 8 Army Corps of Engineers ======================= Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB/ALE) 3345.0 Channel 1 5015.0 Channel 2 ALE 5327.5 Channel 3 5400.0 Channel 4 5437.5 Channel 5 ALE 6020.0 Channel 6 6785.0 Channel 7 ALE 9122.5 Channel 8 ALE (Primary) 11693.5 Channel 9 ALE 12070.0 Channel 10 ALE (Secondary) 12122.0 Channel 11 ALE 13925.5 Unknown ALE 16077.0 Channel 12 ALE 16326.0 Channel 13 ALE (Teritiary) 16358.0 Channel 14 20659.0 Channel 15 ALE ALE Addresses (Courtesy of Larry Van Horn): CGQ US Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters, Washington, DC CRL Cold Region Research & Engineering Lab, Hanover, NH Pagina 22 ECV G333 G334 G336 L22 L30 LRB LRD LRE LRH LRL LRN LRO LRP MVD MVN MVS MVT NAD NAO NAP NVP NWK NWO NWP POA RDTAR RDTEF RPK RRV SAC SAD SAM SAS SAW SBV SPA SPK SWF SWG SWT TSX WUM WUN-v11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Buffalo District, Buffalo, NY Great Lakes and Ohio River Division, Cincinnati, OH Detroit District, Detroit, MI Huntington District Office, Huntington, WV Louisville District, Louisville, KY Nashville District Office, Nashville, TN Unknown Pittsburgh District, Pittsburgh, PA Mississippi Valley Division Office, Vicksburg, MS New Orleans District Office, New Orleans, LA St. Louis District Office, St. Louis, MO Unknown North Atlantic Division Office, Brooklyn, NY Norfolk District Office, Norfolk, VA Philadelphia District, Philadelphia, PA St. Paul District Office, Saint Paul, MN Kansas City District, Kansas City, MO Omaha District, Omaha, NE Portland District, Portland, OR Anchorage, AK Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Charleston District Office, Charleston, SC Atlanta, GA Mobile District Office, Mobile, AL Savannah District Office, Savannah, GA Wilmington District, Wilmington, NC Unknown Albuquerque, NM Sacremento District, Sacramento, CA Southwestern Division, Fort Worth, TX Galveston District, Galveston, TX Tulsa District, Tulsa, OK Unknown Unknown 18th Airborne Corps HF ALE Net ============================== Courtesy of Ron Perron Frequencies (USB/ALE): 3238.5 4641.5 9295.0 10161.5 10680.0 12168.0 5883.5 6911.5 7361.5 ALE Identifiers: 18FABDEJAGCE 18th Field Artillery Bde 159X1 Probable 1/159th deployed/exercise HQs 229JAGCE Probably 229th FA Bn (105mm howitzers) 327FAJAGCE 3-27th FA (MLRS)-Multiple Rocket Launcher Bn, 18th Airborne Corps FFAJAGCE Unidentified sub-unit of 18th FA Regt P1Z159 1/159th Avn Bn, Ft Bragg S03OPS Unidentified S08OPS Unidentified S12 Unidentified S21 Unidentified S41 Unidentified T1Z159 1/159th Avn Bn, Ft Bragg T18 Probably 18th Airbone Coprs Headquarters Continuity of Operations (COOP) HF ALE Net Pagina 23 8171.5 WUN-v11 ========================================== Courtesy of Ron Perron Frequencies (USB/ALE): 3275.0 7448.5 7510.0 3285.0 5066.5 5088.5 6767.5 6985.0 ALE Identifers: CECOM Army Communications & Electronics Command, Ft. Monmouth NJ. USACE1010 Army Corps of Engineers, Washington DC USADA1010 Unidentified USAFC1220 Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), Ft McPherson GA USAIS1012 Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA USAMC2120 Army Materiel Command, Alexandria VA USAMD1010 Army Missile Defense Command, Arlington VA USANG2409 Army National Guard HQs, Arlington VA USAPC1010 Army Pacific Command,Fort Shafter, Oahu HI Ron believes the purpose of this net is to develop and maintain an HF ALE communications capability to support the major US Army commands. This net would probably provide backup communications capability in the event of failures of other means of communications, i.e. landlines, satellites, microwave/troposcatter. This net is usually "tested" on Wednesdays. Lately the US Army Intelligence and Security Command, Ft Belvoir, Virginia, has been acting as Net Control Station (NCS) for this net. U.S. Army National Guard ======================== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 4924.5 5847.0 6809.0 8047.0 9121.0 10816.5 14653.0 16338.5 20906.0 kHz Note: These frequencies appear to be allocated to State National Guard headquarters. ALE Addresses: A040LN Alabama A060RN Arkansas A090ZN Arizona A100KN Alaska C010TN Connecticut C080ON Colorado C090AN California D030CN Washington DC D030EN Delaware F040LN Florida G040AN Georgia G090UN Guam H090IN Hawaii I010DN Idaho I050NN Indiana I070AN Iowa K040YN Kentucky K070SN Kansas L060AN Louisiana M010AN Massachussetts M010EN Maine M030DN Maryland M040SN Mississippi M050IN Michigan M050NN Minnesota M070ON Missouri M080TN Montana N010HN New Hampshire N020JN New Jersey N020YN New York N040CN North Carolina N060MN New Mexico N070EN Nebraska Pagina 24 WUN-v11 N080DN O010RN O050HN O060KN P020RN P030AN R010IN S040CN S080DN T040NN T060XN U080TN V010TN V020IN V030AN W010AN W030VN W080YN North Dakota Oregon Ohio Oklahoma Puerto Rico Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington State West Virginia Wyoming ARC61NG HD1 HQ701N HQ703N MN55CSTNGB OKC63NG TXC06NG WV3 61st WMD CST Unit, Arkansas Unknown user Probably NG HQs (Arlington VA) Probably NG Readiness Center (Arlington VA) 55th WMD CST Unit, Minnesota 63rd WMD CST Unit, Oklahoma 6th WMD CST Unit, Texas West Virginia Ron has also seen an ALE address PMTRCS/PMTRCSHFON. He believes the letters stand for Program Manager for Tactical Radio Communications Systems and has seen this address communicating with several of the new identifiers. Perhaps they are evaluating or checking on the deployment of their radio systems to these units. U.S. Army Flight Following Service (AFFS) ========================================= Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras Freqs: "R"=reported, "C"= confirmed 2630.0R 4060.0R 6780.0R 8065.0C 8972.0C 16144.5C 19103.5C 19208.0C 12022.0C 14761.5C ALE Identifiers: Skywat Skywatch 228RER Deployed element of 1/228th unit (rear) 228FWD Deployed element of 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras (forward) WAROPS 1/228th Avn Regt("Winged Warriors") Operations-Soto Cano AB, Honduras Hondo1 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH956 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH957 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH958 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH959 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH962 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH963 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH980 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH981 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH984 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras RUH993 Probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras ======================================================================== *U.S. Coast Guard ================= Air-to-Ground Nets ================== Frequencies (USB): 3053.0 3056.0 3119.0 3122.0 Pagina 25 4730.0 4733.0 WUN-v11 5693.0 5696.0 5699.0 8980.0 8983.0 11196.0 11199.0 11202.0 13218.0 13221.0 15082.0 15085.0 15088.0 17988.0 17991.0 Station List: CAMSLANT Chesapeake, Virginia CAMSPAC Point Reyes, California Secure Net ========== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 4716.6 3A04 Group Key West (ANDVT/Clear) 5142.6 ANDVT Comms 5272.0 3E06 5320.0 Coast Guard District 7/8 (ANDVT/Clear) 5399.6 3C16 (ANDVT) 5422.5 3A03 5680.0 Group Charleston with CG Cutters 6234.5 3E11 (ANDVT/Clear) 6246.6 ANDVT/Clear 6815.6 ???? ex-3E11 6969.0 ANDVT 7421.0 3A09 7626.0 3E10 7773.5 3A08 7845.0 ???? 7884.0 3E13 7909.0 3E14 CAMSLANT 8091.0 ???? 8240.0 Usually a HFDX frequency, but some voice with cutters noted 8337.6 3E12 8980.0 ANDVT 10608.0 3A02 Group Miami (ANDVT/Clear) 10675.0 3E19 10759.0 3E20 10788.0 3E21 10993.6 3A17 Group Key West (ANDVT/Clear) 11157.5 3E24 11202.0 Deployed cutters with HH-65 helos in Caribbean 13413.0 3E25 13809.0 ???? 13950.0 ???? Note: Following designators have been mentioned recently: 3C11. The designators above appear to be changing. Anyone else notice any others changes? Reports are requested. Since January 2004 there has been no mention on the nets of 3A26 and 3A31. For a full listing of USCG aircraft and helicopters be sure to check out Mark J. Cleary's list at URL: http://www.wunclub.com/ TISCOM Net ========== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 4730.0 8859.0 13221.0 17988.0 Station List: NMC US Coast Guard CAMSPAC Point Reyes, CA NMG COMSTA New Orleans, LA NMO US Coast Guard Honolulu, HI NOJ COMSTA Kodiak, AK TISCOM US Coast Guard Telecommunications & Information Systems Command, Arlington, VA A1401 Net Frequencies ===================== This is a list of Ship/Shore Independent Sideband (ISB) frequencies. I call this set of frequencies the A1401 net. 2016.0 5419.5 2040.0 5942.5 2054.0 6961.0 4913.5 7439.0 5108.5 5217.0 7577.0 7617.0 Pagina 26 5223.0 7626.0 5266.0 7754.5 5272.0 7845.0 WUN-v11 7884.0 7909.0 9169.0 9291.0 9332.0 9373.0 10297.5 10338.5 10354.5 10378.0 10675.0 10759.0 10788.0 10929.5 10935.5 11024.0 11045.0 11157.5 13413.0 13484.0 13537.7 13950.0 14506.0 14518.75 14731.0 14752.0 14919.2 18189.0 18255.0 18283.0 18335.0 18497.0 18650.0 18716.0 20095.0 20137.0 20518.0 20639.0 23373.0 23515.0 Atlantic Only 2161.0 Pacific Only 2144.0 5932.5 7713.0 9299.5 11165.8 18757.0 Your column editor is extremely interested in receiving activity reports on any of the above listed frequencies. HF PACTOR II E-Mail Network =========================== Freq Net Control Station ---------------------5272.2 NOJ 6961.2 NMC1 6964.4 NMC 7442.3 Cutters 7685.5 NNN0MDC 8340.2 NMC 10355.2 NOJ 13827.5 NNN0MUC 14506.2 NMC 14752.2 Unknown 14922.4 Poss NOJ 18192.2 NMC1 20642.2 NMC Fleet ----PAC PAC PAC PAC LANT PAC PAC LANT PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Day/Night --------Night Night Night Night 24hrs Night 24hrs 24hrs Day Day Day Day Day Station List: Callsign Identity --------------NAQD USCGC Jarvis WHEC-725 NDWA USCGC Morgenthau WHEC-722 NEGF Unid USCGC NEPP USCGC Healy WAGB-20 NGDF USCGC Munro WHEC-724 NKJU USCGC Kukui WLB-203 NLPM USCGC Chase WHEC-718 NLVS USCGC Rush WHEC-723 NMAG USCGC Hamilton WHEC-715 NMC Communications Area Master Station Pacific (CAMSPAC) Point Reyes, California NMC1 Coast Guard Island, Alameda, California NMEL USCGC Mellon WHEC-717 NNHA USCGC Acushnet, WMEC-167 NOJ Communications Station (COMSTA), Kodiak, Alaska NRCB USCGC Eagle, WIX-327 NRPX USCGC Buttonwood WLB-306 NRTF USCGC Active, WMEC-618 NRUC USCGC Storis WMEC-38 NRUO USCGC Polar Sea WAGB-11 (no longer equipped) NSTF USCGC Steadfast WMEC-625 NYCQ USCGC Boutwell WHEC-719 NZNE USCGC Walnut WLB-205 ***New Ident*** NZVE USCGC Alert WMEC-630 NNN0CBS NNN0CCK NNN0CEQ NNN0CES NNN0CFA NNN0CLL NNN0CMD NNN0CME NNN0CMS NNN0CMV NNN0CNW USCGC Durable, WMEC-628 USCGC Bear WMEC-901 USCGC Harriet Lane WMEC-903 USCGC Gentian (WIX-290) USNS Persistent (T-AGOS 6) Unidentified USCGC USCGC Mohawk WMEC-913 USCGC Northland WMEC-904 USCGC Courageous WHEC-716 USCGC Tampa WMEC-902 Unid USCGC Pagina 27 NNN0CNY NNN0CNZ NNN0CSA NNN0CSP NNN0CTB NNN0CVQ NNN0CXK NNN0CXS NNN0CYU NNN0CZK NNN0MDA NNN0MDC NNN0MDF NNN0MUC NNN0NXZ NNN0NZK WUN-v11 USCGC Campbell WMEC-909 USCGC Tahoma WMEC-908 USCGC Seneca WMEC-906 USCGC Spencer WMEC-905 USCGC Venturous WMEC-625 USCGC Forward WMEC-911 USCGC Gallatin WHEC-721 USCGC Dallas WHEC-716 USCGC Vigilant WMEC-617 USCGC Vigorous WMEC-627 Atlantic Shore Station, Nazareth Pennsylvania (aka: NNN0GKF) Atlantic Shore Station, HQ Navy & Marine Corps MARS, Washington DC (aka: NNN0NAV) Atlantic Shore Station, Coast Guard HQ, Washington DC (aka: NNN0NCG) Atlantic Shore Station USCGC Confidence WMEC-619 USCGC Dauntless WMEC-624 9th District HF Net =================== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 3163.4 5423.9 7530.0 7621.6 (might have replaced 7629.1) 8126.4 9278.5 10373.6 11043.6 Station CGD9 NODK NODW NODY NRKP NRLX NRLY NRUR NRUS NRUU List: Coast USCGC USCGC USCGC USCGC USCGC USCGC USCGC USCGC USCGC Guard District 9, Cleveland, Ohio Bramble (WLB-392) Sundew (WLB-404) Acacia (WLB-406) Mackinaw (WAGB-83) Katmai Bay (WTGB-101) Bristol Bay (WTGB-102) Mobile Bay (WTGB-103) Biscayne Bay (WTGB-104) Neah Bay (WTGB-105) ======================================================================= *U.S. Navy ========== ELF Communications System ========================== NEWS FLASH!! These two broadcast frequencies were turned off on September 30, 2004 and these two sites will be dismantled per an article in the Bay City Times newspaper on September 13, 2004. Frequencies: 76 Hz (primary) and 44 Hz (Secondary) There are two transmit sites: Republic, Michigan and Clam Lake, Wisconsin. This is used as a bell ringer communication system to submarines. Strategic Communications Wing One (SCW-1) ========================================= Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 6691.0 CA (7) 11187.0 CB (0) 17982.0 CC (9) 11264.0 CH (9) Also check 11267.0, 13240.0 and 14615.0. References have been made on the air to designators CD, CE, CF, CG, CK and CL. Ships Electronics Systems Evaluation Facility (SESEF) ===================================================== Point Loma, CA (USB): 2792.0 Mayport, FL (USB): 5745.0 10711.0 Barbers Point, HI (USB): 16087.0 Pagina 28 WUN-v11 Norfolk (Fort Storey), VA (USB): 7535.0 8150.0 Ediz Hook, WA (USB): 3236.0 Yokosuka, Japan (USB): 5304.0 10711.0 Fleet Area and Control Facility (FACSFAC) ========================================= FACSFAC Virginia Capes, VA (USB) 2252.0 Strike Group Air Defense Networks ================================= Frequencies (USB): 3265.0 AFN HF Broadcast ================ Update to current schedules for the US Navy AFN broadcast on their website and NPR. They indicate that the NPR broadcast schedule isn't correct and made a correction to the schedule for the Guam broadcast. Below is the accurate schedule for AFN shortwave transmissions. Switchover from night to day, etc is based on local time at the transmitter site. Station Barrigada, Guam Diego Garcia Keflavik, Iceland Daytime Nightime 13362.0 5765.0 12579.0 4319.0 13855.0 13855.0 7590.0 7590.0 Key West, Florida 12133.5 12133.5 5446.5 5446.5 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 10320.0 6350.0 Roosevelt Roads, PR 7507.5 7507.5 Sigonella, Sicily 4993.0 10940.5 A new frequency in the Pacific Rim has been heard intermittently on 4815.0 kHz ======================================================================== NON-UNITED STATES MILITARY SERVICES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Argentina ========== 3175.5 Navy LOR-Puerto Belgrano Baudot 170/75 ======================================================================== *AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND ======================= Air Force - RAAF/RNZAF ====================== The following information comes from the Enroute Supplement Australia (ERSA) a publication jointly published by the Royal Austrialian Air Force and Airservices Australia, February 26, 1998 edition, Nav/Comm 1. 1. The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF/Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) Air Operations Communications System (AOCS) is a high frequency radio network providing communications services for the operational control of RAAF/RNZAF aircraft and HF equipped marine craft [army ground stations are also commonly heard]. In addition, visiting military aircraft may use the AOCS when contact with Australia/New Zealand military authorities is required. The AOCS is not part of, and does not provide, an air traffic control service, civil or military. 2. The AOCS network consist of six Air Operations Communications Centres (AOCCs) located at Sydney, Darwin, Townsville, Perth, Auckland [NZ] and Woodbourn [NZ]. The combined AOCS provides: A. A General Purpose Net (GPN) on which all AOCCs guard the same three frequencies. All AOCCs can transmit and receive on these three Pagina 29 B. C. D. E. WUN-v11 frequencies simultaneously. Discrete frequencies are available (if required) at each AOCC and allocated after initial contact on the GPN. Telephone patch facilities between aircraft and ground appointments. Continuous monitoring of military distress frequency 5696 kHz. Selective Calling (SELCAL): Available to suitably equipped aircraft. GPN Frequencies: Day (2100-0900 UTC) 8974.0 Night (0900-2100 UTC) 3032.0 Military Distress 5696.0 11235.0 5687.0 13206.0 8974.0 The RAAF and RNZAF share 8974 with the Spanish Air Force, and 5687 with the Portugese and German military services. Discrete frequencies RAAF Darwin: 6685.0 6709.0 8989.0 9025.0 RAAF Perth: 6757.0 18003.0 RAAF Sydney: 4715.0 8992.0 11250.0 6712.0 6727.0 6760.0 8968.0 8971.0 11187.0 11199.0 11205.0 11271.0 8977.0 9022.0 23203.0 9025.0 11187.0 11271.0 15085.0 5711.0 6730.0 6739.0 8971.0 8980.0 8989.0 9007.0 9019.0 9031.0 11202.0 11208.0 11226.0 13227.0 13245.0 13248.0 15067.0 17985.0 RAAF Townsville: 5714.0 15034.0 RNZAF Auckland: 6754.0 11247.0 AOCS Callsigns Location ASAOCS/NZAOCS Collective ASAOCS Collective NZAOCS Colective AOCC Auckland AOCC Darwin AOCC Perth AOCC Sydney AOCC Townsville 8971.0 8992.0 9007.0 11187.0 11247.0 6760.0 8965.0 9010.0 9025.0 11178.0 11217.0 13212.0 13233.0 13245.0 15044.0 15055.0 Voice Callsign Air Force ANZAC Air Force Australia Air Force New Zealand Air Force Auckland Air Force Darwin Air Force Perth Air Force Sydney Air Force Townsville Australian Navy =============== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 2768.0 A1 4375.0 A2 6510.0 A3 8122.0 A4 13116.0 A5 17344.0 A6 22708.0 A7/C5 (Tentative) Station List: Canberra Control, Darwin Control, Exmouth Control, Perth Control, and Townsville Control New Zealand Navy ================ Frequencies(USB): 3192.0 Station List: Auckland 8316.5 ======================================================================== *Bahamas ======== Bahamas Defense Forces Frequency (USB): 8156.0 Pagina 30 WUN-v11 Station List C6WWH C6R2066 C6R2067 ======================================================================== *BELGIUM ======== Air Force ========= Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3131.0 YA 4745.0 YD 6748.0 YF 8989.0 YG (Primary) 11268.0 YJ 15010.0 YM 18006.0 YO 18021.0 YP 20050.0 YQ 23332.0 YS Station: Melsbroek (ONY) ======================================================================= *Brazil ======= Air Force ========= Frequencies (USB/ALE): 7929.0 8834.0 13972.0 13978.0 16355.0 17982.0 ALE Identifiers: Antares Bandeirantes Bravo India Sierra Capataz Cerrado Hermes India Victor Jupiter Manaus Omega Orungan RDFEN RDSSGC SARBR SARCT SARMN SARPV SARRF SA5 Saturino Scorpius Tamoio Taurus Tribo TRiTAO 9010.0 13224.0 13586.0 Brazilian Navy survey ship H-40 Unidentified Unidentified Unidentified Unidentified Brazilia, Air Force Headquarters Rio de Janeiro, Grupo Especial de Inspeção em Vôo, Aeroporto Santos-Dumont Unidentified Manaus Air Base (heard in voice comms on 13224.0/17982.0) Unidentified Bahia (Salvador), Brazilian Air Force 1/7 Squadron Unidentified Unidentified Rescue Coordination Center Brasília Rescue Coordination Center Curitiba Rescue Coordination Center Manaus Rescue Coordination Center Porto Velho (Rondônia) Rescue Coordination Center Recife [Tentative] Unidentified SAR Unidentified Squadron Boa Vista, 1º/3º Grupo de Aviação "Escorpião" Brazilian Navy submarine S-31 Brazilian Navy coastal survey ship H-36 Unidentified Brazilian Navy patrol tug R-21 Army ==== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 10711.0 11530.0 12132.0 14600.0 14752.0 16333.0 16345.0 20535.0 ALE Identifiers: AM1 Amazonas Pagina 31 13942.0 14582.0 WUN-v11 BA1 BR1 CE1 ES1 MS1 OR1 PA1 PE1 PR1 RJ1 RS1 SP1 Bahia Brasilia, Army Headquarters Ceara Espirito Santo Manaus Orinoco [Tentative] Para Pernambuco Parana Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Sul Sao Paulo Navy ==== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 6785.0 8031.0 8310.0 10194.5 10914.5 11010.0 11455.0 11486.0 12370.0 12437.0 13101.0 13224.0 14780.0 15932.0 16355.0 (SAR) 16607.0 16837.5 17010.0 19709.0 20064.0 22168.0 Shore Station List: BA1SE Base Naval do Bahia, Aracaju (Estado Sergipe) BTLCMC1 Probable Brazilian Marine Forces unit DE1MO Unidentified (poss garble for RE1MO) ERMBEL Estação Rádio da Marinha em Belém (Fourth Naval District, Pará) ERMNAT Estação Rádio da Marinha em Natal (Third Naval District, Rio Grande do Norte) ERMRGD Estação Rádio da Marinha no Rio Grande (Fifth Naval District, Rio Grande do Sul) ERMRIO Estação Rádio da Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (First Naval District, Rio de Janeiro) ERMSAL Estação Rádio da Marinha em Salvador Salvador Det. (Second Naval District, Bahia) RE1MO Base Naval do Recife (Estado Pernambuco) T2ADAE Unidentified [Brazilian Navy] Ship List: CVFRON Corvetas FRONTIN V-33 (Class INHAÚMA) CVINHA Corvetas INHAÚMA V-30 (Class INHAÚMA) CVJACE Corvetas JACEGUAI V-31 (Class INHAÚMA) CVJULI Corvetas JÚLIO DE NORONHA V-32 (Class INHAÚMA) FBOSIS Frigate BOSÍSIO F-48 (Class Greenhalgh) FCONST Frigate CONSTITUIÇÃO F-42 (Class NITERÓI) FDEFEN Frigate DEFENSORA F-41 (Class NITERÓI) FDODSW Frigate DODSWORTH Fragatas F-47 (Class GREENHALGH) FGREEN Frigate GREENHALGH F-46 (Class Greenhalgh) FLIBER Frigate LIBERAL F-43 (Class NITERÓI) FRADEM Frigate RADEMAKER F-49 (Class Greenhalgh) FTEROI Frigate NITERÓI Fragatas F-40 (Class NITERÓI) FUNIAO Frigate UNIÃO Fragatas F-45 (Class NITERÓI) NAESPO SÃO PAULO Navio-Aeródromo São Paulo A-12 (Porta Aviões) NDDCEA CEARÁ G-30 Navios de Desembarque-Doca NDCCMM MATTOSO MAIA Navio de Desembarque de Carros de Combate G-28 (Class MATTOSO MAIA) NEBRSL BRASIL (Navio-Escola) U-27 NTGMTA GASTÃO MOTTA (Navios-Tanque) G-23 Info: http://www.mar.mil.br/navios.htm http://www.mar.mil.br/Marinha_do_Brasil/menu_navios.htm Ship Roster: Vessel-Name Vessel-Type (Class) ----------------------------------------------------------------------A-12 SÃO PAULO Navio-Aeródromo São Paulo (Porta Aviões) (COLOSSUS) D-27 PARÁ Contratorpedeiros (PARÁ) D-30 PERNAMBUCO Contratorpedeiros (PARÁ) Pagina 32 WUN-v11 Fragatas (NITERÓI) Fragatas (NITERÓI) Fragatas (NITERÓI) Fragatas (NITERÓI) Fragatas (NITERÓI) Fragatas (NITERÓI) Fragatas (GREENHALGH) Fragatas (GREENHALGH) Fragatas (GREENHALGH) Fragatas (GREENHALGH) Navio-Transporte Fluvial Navio-Tanque Fluvial Navios-Transporte de Tropas Navios-Tanque Navio de Desembarque de Carros de Combate (MATTOSO MAIA) G-30 CEARÁ Navios de Desembarque-Doca G-31 RIO DE JANEIRO Navios de Desembarque-Doca H-11 PARAIBANO Avisos Hidrográficos H-12 RIO BRANCO Avisos Hidrográficos H-13 MESTRE JOÃO DOS SANTOS Navios-Balizadores(Mestre João dos Santos) H-14 NOGUEIRA DAGAMA Avisos Hidrográficos H-15 ITACURUSSÁ Avisos Hidrográficos H-16 CAMACIM Avisos Hidrográficos H-17 CARAVELAS Avisos Hidrográficos H-18 COMANDANTE VARELLA Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-20 COMANDANTE MANHÃES Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-19 TENENTE CASTELO Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-21 SIRIUS Navios Hidrográficos H-24 CASTELHANOS Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-25 TENENTE BOANERGES Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-26 FAROLEIRO MÁRIO SEIXAS Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-27 FAROLEIRO AREAS Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-30 FAROLEIRO NASCIMENTO Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-31 ARGUS Navios Hidrográficos H-34 ALMIRANTE GRAÇA ARANHA Navios-Faroleiro H-35 AMORIM DO VALLE Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-36 TAURUS Navio Hidroceanográfico H-37 GARNIER SAMPAIO Navios-Balizadores (Mestre João dos Santos) H-40 ANTARES Navios Oceanográficos Classe Antares H-41 ALMIRANTE CÂMARA Navios Oceanográficos Classe Antares H-44 ARY RONGEL Navio de Apoio Oceanográfico K-11 FELINTO PERRY Navio de Socorro Submarino M-15 ARATU Navios-Varredores (ARATU) M-16 ANHATOMIRIM Navios-Varredores (ARATU) M-17 ATALAIA Navios-Varredores (ARATU) M-18 ARACATUBA Navios-Varredores (ARATU) M-19 ABROLHOS Navios-Varredores (ARATU) M-20 ALBARDÃO Navios-Varredores (ARATU) P-10 PIRATINI Navios-Patrulha (PIRATINI) P-11 PIRAJÁ Navios-Patrulha (PIRATINI) P-12 PAMPEIRO Navios-Patrulha (PIRATINI) P-13 PARATI Navios-Patrulha (PIRATINI) P-14 PENEDO Navios-Patrulha (PIRATINI) P-15 POTI Navios-Patrulha (PIRATINI) P-20 PEDRO TEIXEIRA Navios-Patrulha Fluviais (PEDRO TEIXEIRA) P-21 RAPOSO TAVARES Navios-Patrulha Fluviais (PEDRO TEIXEIRA) P-30 RORAIMA Navios-Patrulha Fluviais (RORAIMA) P-31 RONDÔNIA Navios-Patrulha Fluviais (RORAIMA) P-32 AMAPÁ Navios-Patrulha Fluviais (RORAIMA) P-40 GRAJAÚ Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-41 GUAÍBA Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-42 GRAÚNA Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-43 GOIANA Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-44 GUAJARÁ Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-45 GUAPORÉ Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-46 GURUPÁ Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) P-47 GURUPI Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) Pagina 33 F-40 F-41 F-42 F-43 F-44 F-45 F-46 F-47 F-48 F-49 G-15 G-17 G-21 G-23 G-28 NITERÓI DEFENSORA CONSTITUIÇÃO LIBERAL INDEPENDÊNCIA UNIÃO GREENHALGH DODSWORTH BOSÍSIO RADEMAKER PARAGUASSU POTENGI ARY PARREIRAS GASTÃO MOTTA MATTOSO MAIA P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-60 P-62 P-61 P-63 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-17 U-18 U-19 U-20 U-27 U-29 V-15 V-19 V-20 V-24 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 WUN-v11 GUANABARA Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) GUARUJÁ Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) GUARATUBA Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) GRAVATAÍ Navios-Patrulha (GRAJAÚ) BRACUÍ Navios-Patrulha (BRACUÍ) BOCAINA Navios-Patrulha (BRACUÍ) BENEVENTE Navios-Patrulha (BRACUÍ) BABITONGA Navios-Patrulha (BRACUÍ) TRITÃO Rebocadores de Alto-Mar (TRIUNFO) TRIDENTE Rebocadores de Alto-Mar (TRIUNFO) TRIUNFO Rebocadores de Alto-Mar (TRIUNFO) ALTE GUILHEM Rebocadores de Alto-Mar (GUILHEM) ALTE GUILLOBEL Rebocadores de Alto-Mar (GUILHEM) TRINDADE Rebocador de Alto-Mar (Trindade) TUPI Submarinos (TUPI) TAMOIO Submarinos (TUPI) TIMBIRA Submarinos (TUPI) TAPAJÓ Submarinos (TUPI) ASPIRANTE NASCIMENTO Avisos de Instrução (Aspirante Nascimento) GUARDA-MARINHA JANSEN Avisos de Instrução (Aspirante Nascimento) GUARDA-MARINHA BRITO Avisos de Instrução (Aspirante Nascimento) PARNAIBA Monitor OSWALDO CRUZ Navios de Assistência Hospitalar CARLOS CHAGAS Navios de Assistência Hospitalar NAVIO VELEIRO CISNE BRANCO Navio Veleiro BRASIL Navio-Escola PIRAIM Aviso de Transporte Fluvial IMPERIAL MARINHEIRO Corvetas (IMPERIAL MARINHEIRO) CABOCLO Corvetas (IMPERIAL MARINHEIRO) ANGOSTURA Corvetas (IMPERIAL MARINHEIRO) SOLIMÕES Corvetas (IMPERIAL MARINHEIRO) INHAÚMA Corvetas (INHAÚMA) JACEGUAI Corvetas (INHAÚMA) JÚLIO DE NORONHA Corvetas (INHAÚMA) FRONTIN Corvetas (INHAÚMA) Frequencies (USB/ALE): 9117.0 13224.0 13972.0 Station List: BR1 Brasilia (VII Naval District)[tentative] CE1 Ceara (Naval Port)or Fortaleza [tentative] MS1 Manaus (Commando Naval do Amazona Occidental)[tentative] PE1 Sao Pedro de Aldeia (Naval Air Base)[tentative] ======================================================================= *Canada ======= Canadian Forces (CanForce) =========================== Military Aeronautical Communications System (MACS) ===================================================== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3047.0 MACS Net: Edmonton, Halifax, Trenton 3092.0 MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton 4379.0 CanForce Discrete: Halifax 4560.0 Maritime Command Net: Halifax, St John's (A6A) 4703.0 MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton 4739.0 AAR Net: Halifax, St John's 5198.5 Maritime Command Net: Halifax (A2B) 5684.0 St John's, Vancouver 5699.0 CanForce Discrete (Pipeline/Gonzo aircraft) 5702.0 Vancouver 5714.0 MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton 5717.0 SAR Net: Halifax, St. John's. Trenton, Vancouver-Primary 5850.0 Halifax Maritime Air Group (D1B) 6694.0 Halifax, Vancouver (D6G) 6706.0 MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton 6712.0 CanForce Discrete (Pipeline/Gonzo aircraft) Pagina 34 6715.0 6745.0 6751.0 6754.0 8050.0 8989.0 8992.0 9007.0 9010.0 9023.0 9031.0 10194.0 11007.5 11190.0 11205.0 11214.0 11232.0 11265.0 11271.0 13206.0 13257.0 14364.0 15031.0 15034.0 17994.0 18000.0 18012.0 18027.0 23250.0 23271.0 WUN-v11 SAR Net: Halifax, Trenton, Vancouver (D3H) MACS Net: Edmonton, Trenton Halifax, Vancouver, SIDECAR (NORAD) MACS VOLMET: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton CanForce Discrete: Trenton (poss CanForce ALE activity here) MACS Net: Edmonton, Trenton (Initial contact freq when aircraft is west of 90 deg west)(D1H) CanForce Discrete: Trenton MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton (Initial contact freq when aircraft is east of 90 deg west) CanForce Discrete: Vancouver NORAD: Trenton (C5) CanForce Discrete (Pipeline/Gonzo aircraft) CanForce Discrete: Trenton (US/Canadian Ground/AWACS Discrete) CanForce Discrete: Trenton (US/Canadian Ground/AWACS Discrete) CanForce Discrete (Pipeline/Gonzo aircraft) CanForce Discrete: Halifax working VDD, Trenton NORAD: Trenton (NORAD/MACS discrete- C6) MACS Net: Alert, Edmonton, Halifax, St, John's, Trenton, Yellowknife(Initial contact freq when aircraft is east of 90 deg west) MACS Net: Edmonton, Trenton MACS Net: Edmonton, Trenton (Initial contact freq when aircraft is west of 90 deg west) CanForce Discrete: Trenton Foxtrot MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton CanForce Discrete: Trenton (US/Canadian Ground/AWACS Discrete) MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton MACS VOLMET: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton CanForce discrete: Halifax MACS Net: Edmonton, St. John's, Trenton NORAD: Halifax, Edmonton (C8) MACS Net: Trenton CanForce Discrete: Trenton (US/Canadian Ground/AWACS Discrete) Note: Frequency designators indicated above have not been reported in quite some time. More than likely CANFORCE has dropped the use of frequency designators. Other observations are welcomed. Digital Communications ====================== CFH RTTY: 4271.0 Stations List: CFH Halifax Military, NS (supports SAR coordination requirements for Halifax Rescue Coordination Center-RCC) CHR Trenton Military, ON CJU Vancouver Military, BC (supports SAR coordination requirements for the Victoria Rescue Coordination Center-RCC) CJX St. John's Military, NF CKN Vancouver Military, BC VXA Edmonton Military, AB Canadian Military Communications ================================ Canadian Military ALE Network Frequencies (USB/ALE): 6925.0 6980.0 11605.0 12185.0 7600.0 Station List: VDE Unidentified VDD Debert, NS VEX Penhold, AB Canadian Forces/NORAD Charlie Designators ========================================= Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) Pagina 35 8050.0 10000.0 11402.0 WUN-v11 Note: other than those listed above 4721.0 C1 6735.0 C2 6750.0 C3 8967.0 or 8968.0 C4 13206.0 or 13207.0 C7 Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS) ============================================== CFARS is the Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System which is equivalent to the United States Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) program. CFARS stations are located at various United Nations peace-keeping operations around the world and operate amateur radio equipment that provides phone patches for service personnel to their families. They are also to be found on Navy and Coast Guard ships. Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 6978.5 Alpha 14386.0 Bravo 14460.0 Charlie 14463.0 Delta 14446.5 Echo 20971.5 Foxtrot 20963.5 Golf 29715.0 Hotel 14454.0 Juliet 14449.5 Kilo 20977.5 Lima 13954.0 Mike 6982.5 Whiskey 6962.5 X-ray 4052.5 Yankee 4023.5 Zulu Thanks to the Northern Alberta Radio Club (http://narc.net) for the above information. ======================================================================= *Chile ====== Navy ==== Frequencies (LSB/ALE): 9818.0 ALE Addresses: FLC TAC 12103.0 ======================================================================= *Czech Republic =============== Military Net Frequencies(CW): 2362.0 ======================================================================= *Denmark ======== Air Force ========= Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB/ALE) 2250.0 OWC/OWD/OWE/OWF/OWI/OWK/OWP/OWU/OYG (U12/ALE) 2296.0 OWB (L96-Alternate Night) 2531.0 OWF/OWI/OWK/OWP (ALE) 3023.0 OWB (Alternate) 3053.0 OWB (L18-Primary Day) 3291.0 OWD/OWE 4577.0 OWB (F18-Alternate Day) 4703.0 OWB/OWD/OWE (V26-Alternate) 4756.5 OWD/OWE 4840.0 OWC/OWD/OWE/OWF/OWI/OWK/OWP/OWU (ALE) Pagina 36 5120.0 6630.0 6651.0 6730.0 6770.0 6834.0 9034.0 9933.0 11076.0 11217.0 11244.0 11468.0 12186.0 13435.0 13455.0 15043.0 15820.0 16280.0 16327.0 WUN-v11 OUY/OWC/OWD/OWE/OWF/OWI/OWK/OWP/OWU (ALE) OWD/OWE OWB (K19-Primary Day) OWD/OWE (P75) OWB (Alternate) OWB (Alternate) OWD/OWE (R27) OWE/OWF (ALE) OWI/OWJ (ALE) OWD/OWE OWD/OWE (A10) OWE/OWG (ALE) OWE/OWG/OWP (ALE) OWD/OWE/OWG/OWP (ALE) OWI (ALE) OWD/OWE (A11) OWC/OWE/OWF/OWG/OWI/OWK/OWP (ALE) OWD/OWG (ALE) OWF/OWG/OWU (ALE) Station List: OUY Unknown OWB RCC Karup, voice call: Karup Rescue OWC Unknown OWD FSN Vaerlose, voice call: Saloon OWE FTK Karup, Voice call Primrose OWF AF Skrydstrup OWG AF Vandel OWI AF Air Base Aalborg OWJ AF Tirstrup (tentative ID) OWK AF Headquarters Vedbaek OWP Unknown OWU Unknown OYG Mestersvyg, Greenland The SAR services at Karup also use the worldwide allocations of 2182 and 5680. Another frequency in this system may be 13540. Frequency designators from the Dansk Scanner Information website ( http://www.dkscan.dk). Station identifiers courtesy of Ary Boender. Navy ==== Frequencies (CW): 4637.0 Frequencies (CW/RTTY): 18281.0 (OVK) Station List: OUA Stevns, Denmark OVC Groennedal, Greenland OVG Unknown OVK Aahus (Navy) ======================================================================= *Ecuador ======== Navy ==== Noted during June 03 UNITAS-03 exercise Frequency (USB/ALE): 7900.0 Station List: COOPNA Naval Operations Command (Comando Operaciones Navale) CFF Commander Frigate Force (Comando Fuerza Frigata) CORMAN Corbeta Manabi (CM 12) CORGAL Corbeta Los Galapagos (CM 15) CORORO Corbeta El Oro (CM-14) CORESM Corbeta Esmeraldas (CM 11) LAMCUE Launcha Missileria Cuenca (LM 24) Pagina 37 WUN-v11 HALCON Type B 119 class PG "Halcon" ======================================================================= *France ======= Air Force ========= French Air Force Circus HF radio network Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB unles otherwise indicated) 6869.0 Veilleur-Taverny working AWACS aircraft (Secure voice) 6712.0 Marjolaine 2 8972.0 Racontar 1 8992.0 Vinaigrette 3 13236.0 Reconfort 3 (Raphael?) 14587.0 Unknown 18012.0 Citadelle 1 23254.0 Veritee 3 ?????.? Citadelle 3 143.800 MHz Canasta (AM Mode) Station List: Circus Blanc Circus Bleu Circus Bonne Circus Citron Circus Corail Circus Diamant Circus Dore Circus Ebene Circus Fraise Circus Lilas Circus Noir Circus Ocre Circus Orange Circus Tango Circus Tilleul Circus Vert Circus Villa Bangui, Central Africa Republic Le Reunion, Reunion Island Bordeaux, France Cayenne, French Guyana Corfu/Taveaux, Greece Dole/Taveaux, France Djibouti Evreux, France Fort de France, Martinique Libreville, Gabon Noumea, New Caledonia Orleans, France Dakar, Senegal Toulouse/Francazal N'djamena, Chad CFAP Headquarters, Villacoublay, France Villacoublay, France French Air Force Strategic Missions Frequency (USB): 6688.0 8976.0 Station List: Capitol COFAS Headquarters Taverny Digital Net =========== 3157.9 FDI8-Nice, France Baudot 400/50R 4042.0 FDG-Bordeaux, France Baudot ?/50 4212.5 FDI8-Nice, France CW 4449.9 FDI8-Nice, France CW 4596.0 FDC-Metz, France CW 5214.5 FDG-Bordeaux, France ?/50 baud 5367.0 FDI8-Nice, France Baudot 85/50 5446.5 FDC-Metz, France Baudot ?/50 7380.0 FDG-Bordeaux, France CW 7850.0 FDI8-Nice, France CW 7859.0 FDY-Orleans, France Baudot ?/50 baud 10671.0 FDG-Bordeaux, France CW 10912.0 FDI8-Nice, France CW 10996.0 FDI22-Narbone CW Navy ==== Warship Frequencies 2214.0 FUC on 2780.0 Pagina 38 2259.0 4165.6 6259.0 8310.6 8314.6 8330.6 8334.6 12369.0 12374.6 12398.6 12402.5 12410.6 16559.6 16595.6 16598.0 16607.6 FUE FUE FUE FUV FUF FUG FUX 6WW FUX FUV FUF FUG FUF FUV 6WW FUG on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on WUN-v11 2789.0 4295.0 6348.0 8568.0 8478.5 8453.0 (75 or 150 baud) 8475.5 12857.0 12691.0 13042.5 (may use 75 or 150 baud) 13031.2 12666.5 (150 baud) 16961.5 16904.9 16951.5 17180.0 (75 or 150 baud) Miscellaneous Frequencies 2436.0 French Navy-Mediterrean USB 3107.0 French Navy-Atlantic (callsign Armor) USB 3896.0 French Navy-Mediterrean USB 5708.0 French Navy-Atlantic (callsign Armor) USB 6760.0 Tactical calls (callsign Whiskey Alpha) tentative (USB) RTTY Net 2608.0 FUO RTTY 850/75 4232.0 FUF RTTY 850/75 6348.0 HWN ITA2/150/UOS encrypted FUE ITA150 8300.0 6WW RTTY 850/75 8453.9 FUG RTTY 850/75 8475.5 FUX RTTY 850/75 8479.0 FUF RTTY 850/75 10282.0 FUO RTTY 850/75 and 170/75 10310.6 TLFUO-Toulon clg 1TLFUF-Fort de France USB/MIL-STD 188-141A 10918.6 6WW RTTY 425/50 12666.5 FUG RTTY 860/75 12690.7 RFVIE-Le Port Baudot 850/75 12857.0 6WW Baudot 850/75 13032.0 FUF RTTY 850/75 13042.0 FUV RTTY 850/150 13444.2 RFQP-Djibouti ARQ-E3 400/100 13944.0 RFQP-Djibouti ARQ-E3 400/100 13986.7 RFFA-MOD Paris ARQ-E3 192bd 14585.7 RFPTC-N'Djamena Arq-E3 400/200 16905.0 FUV Baudot 850/75 16915.0 RFVIE-Le Port, Reunion Baudot 850/75 16951.6 6WW RTTY 850/75 16961.5 FUF Baudot 850/75 19216.7 RFLI-Fort de France, Martinique ARQ-E3 380/192 and ARQ-E3 96 bd 19951.5 6WW Baudot 850/75 20555.0 RFFX-MOD Paris ARQ-E3 184.6bd Station List: 6WW Dakar, Senegal FUC Location Unknown FUE Brest, France FUF Fort de France, Martinique FUG La Regine, France FUO Toulon, France FUV Djibouti, Djibouti FUX Le Port, Reunion Island ======================================================================= *Germany ======== Air Force Pagina 39 WUN-v11 ========= Update courtesy of Andreas Heymann. Air-to-Ground Network ===================== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3107.0 Alpha 3143.0 Bravo 3903.0 Charlie 4721.0 Delta 5687.0 Echo (Primary net frequency) 5717.0 Foxtrot 6700.0 Golf 6715.0 Hotel 6730.0 India 6751.0 Juliet 8965.0 Kilo 9025.0 Lima 11217.0 Mike 11265.0 November 13203.0 Oscar 13233.0 Papa 15073.0 Quebec 17973.0 Romeo 17991.0 Sierra 18012.0 Tango 23201.0 Uniform 23215.0 Victor (may be 23231, comments please) 23255.0 Whisky 23318.0 X-ray 23341.0 Yankee 23345.0 Zulu 29724.0 Alpha-Bravo Note: These frequencies are used by DHM91 Munster German Air Force Transport Command headquarters in northern Germany. The primary frequency in this network appears to be Echo on 5687. Stations have been heard discussing frequencies AA, AC, AF and AJ which carry encrypted RTTY transmissions. Digital System ============== DASA/EADS-MAHRS 2400 bd burst PSK/STANAG 4285: 6949.0 6958.5 7543.0 7630.0 7729.0 7810.0 7814.0 7823.0 7995.0 8070.0 8139.0 9051.0 10926.5 11136.5 12273.0 13502.0 14613.5 **Navy ====== Frequency/Designator Matrix 2265.9 RTTY-DHJ58 2625.0 USB-DHJ59 MRL 59/02 3056.0 USB/RTTY-DHJ78/DHJ59 MATELO ARCN 3116.0 USB-DHJ59 MATELO ARCN 3122.0 USB/RTTY-DHJ58/DHM42 (Glücksburg Rescue) 3590.0 RTTY-DHJ58 3653.0 RTTY-DHJ58 3718.6 RTTY-DHJ58 4047.9 RTTY-DHJ58 4154.3 USB/3 channel VFT-DHJ59 MRL 59/04 4356.6 USB/RTTY-DHJ58 4424.4 RTTY-DHJ58 6727.0 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 MATELO ARCN 6730.0 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 MATELO ARCN 405 6779.0 USB-DHJ59 MRL 59/06 8335.3 USB/3 channel VFT-DHJ59 MRL 59/08 10192.5 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 MRL 59/10 10206.2 USB/Stanag 4285 2400bd PSK-DHJ58 MRL 58/10 10711.0 USB/RTTY Pagina 40 10722.0 11090.0 11235.0 11256.0 12178.0 12415.3 14722.0 15929.0 16129.0 17544.0 17994.0 22238.5 23744.0 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 USB/RTTY USB-DHJ78 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 USB/3 channel VFT-DHJ59 RTTY PSK 600 baud USB/RTTY-DHJ59 USB/RTTY-DHJ58 USB-DHJ59 USB/RTTY-DHJ59 USB-DHJ59 USB-DHJ59 WUN-v11 MRL 59/11 F-63 MATELO ARCN MRL 59/12 MRL 59/13 MRL 59/15 MRL 58/16 MRL 59/17 MATELO ARCN MRL 59/23 MRL 59/25 Station List: Callsign Unit Place ======================================================================= DHJ23 NORTHAG Mönchengladbach DHJ36 NORTHAG Mönchengladbach DHJ37 CENTAG Heidelberg DHJ38 Fm/EloAufklRgt 220 Donauwörth DHJ39 Heeresamt Köln DHJ40 HFlgBrig 3 Mendig DHJ41 LTG 61 FÜGrp 1 Landsberg DHJ42 LTG 61 FÜGrp 2 Landsberg DHJ43 JaBoG 32 Lechfeld DHJ44 III. Korps Koblenz DHJ46 I. CATAC et FAFA Lahr DHJ47 2. ATAF Mönchengladbach DHJ48 4. ATAF Ramstein DHJ49 BMVg Bonn/Berlin DHJ50 I. Korps Münster DHJ51 AfWG St. Adelgund - Hochheid DHJ53 MStpKdo Warnemünde DHJ54 MarA Landtestanlage Bremen-Vegesack DHJ55 HQ 7th (US) Army Heidelberg DHJ56 FüUstBrig 900 Rheinbach DHJ57 Range Naval Radio Schönhagen DHJ58 MFmZ - MFmGrp 11 Glücksburg DHJ59 MFmZ - MFmGrp 21 Wilhelmshaven - Sengwarden DHJ60 KdoTrpVersM Abt. FüMi Eckernförde DHJ61 MFmS Flensburg DHJ62 Naval Port Radio Neustadt i.H. DHj63 Range Naval Radio Todendorf DHJ64 DTA MND(C) Mönchengladbach DHJ65 UKdo 8 Zweibrücken DHJ66 Submarine Naval Radio Eckernförde DHJ67 HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln DHJ68 HQ CINCUSAFE Wiesbaden DHJ69 JaBoG 31 Nörvenich DHJ70 MUKdo Wilhelmshaven DHJ72 4. ATAF Kindsbach DHJ73 II. GE/US Korps Ulm DHJ74 Kdo 2. LwDiv Birkenfeld DHJ75 WBK III/7. PzDiv Düsseldorf DHJ76 MFG 5 Airbase Kiel-Holtenau DHJ77 HfFlgRgt 35 Mendig DHJ78 MFG 3 Airbase Nordholz DHJ80 WBK IV/5. PzDiv Mainz DHJ81 PzLehrBrig 9 Munster DHJ82 Naval Port Radio Parow DHJ83 HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln DHJ84 Naval Radio Wangerooge DHJ85 PiBrig 20 Minden DHJ86 Deutscher Wetterdienst - MilZentr. Offenbach DHJ87 TerKdo Nord Mönchengladbach DHJ88 AfWG Limsdorf DHJ89 PzBrig 23 Augustdorf Pagina 41 DHJ90 DHJ91 DHJ92 DHJ93 DHJ94 DHJ95 DHJ96 DHJ97 DHJ98 DHJ99 DHM21 DHM22 DHM23 DHM24 DHM25 DHM27 DHM30 DHM31 DHM33 DHM35 DHM36 DHM37 DHM39 DHM41 DHM42 DHM43 DHM44 DHM45 DHM46 DHM47 DHM49 DHM50 DHM52 DHM53 DHM54 DHM55 DHM56 DHM57 DHM58 DHM60 DHM61 DHM62 DHM64 DHM65 DHM66 DHM67 DHM68 DHM70 DHM71 DHM72 DHM74 DHM75 DHM76 DHM79 DHM82 DHM85 DHM88 DHM89 DHM90 DHM91 DHM92 DHM95 DHM97 DHN21 DHN22 DHN23 DHN24 DHN31 WUN-v11 LwUstGrpKdo Nord Münster British Army Of The Rhine (BAOR)Mönchengladbach CCFFA Baden - Oos CENTAG Pirmasens 4. RCAF Fighter Wing Söllingen WBK VI/1. GebDiv München 3. RCAF Fighter Wing Zweibrücken Sammelruf --> ALLE Funkstellen des aktuellen Kreises JaBoG 33 Büchel KdoTrpVersM - Testsendungen Naval Radio Staberhuk MOS Bremerhaven HFlgRgt 26 Roth FüUstBrig 4 Berlin LTrspKdo - FüUstGrp Münster PzGrenBrig 41 Eggesin SOC Brokzetel Naval Radio List/Sylt MArsBetrb Kiel Jachmannbrücke Radio (MArsBetrb) Wilhelmshaven KdoMFüSys Wilhelmshaven SOC Uedem - Kalkar PzGrenBrig 38 Weißenfels MWaS Kappeln Ellenberg Naval Radio Glücksburg IV. Korps GeophysBLtSt Süd Fürstenfeldbruck MFmStab 70 Flensburg WBK V / 10. PzDiv Sigmaringen 2. ATAF Air Base Weeze - Laarbruch LogBrig 4 Unna LogBrig 2 Germersheim SanBrig 4 Fritzlar HFlgRgt 36 Fritzlar LwKdo Süd Meßstetten WBK II/1. PzDiv Hannover WBK VII/13. PzGrenDiv HFlgRgt 15 Rheine 1. CanAirDiv Lahr KLK/4. Div Regensburg PzGrenBrig 1/VBK 22 Hildesheim CINCENT Erbeskopf Naval Radio Darßer Ort MFuSSt Dollerup MFuSSt Friedrichsort MFuSSt Hürup Unknown Frankenberg MFuSSt Schortens PzBrig 18 Oldenburg GeophysBltSt Nord Niederselk LLBrig 31 Oldenburg MFuESt Lütjenholm MFuESt Wittmund-Harlesiel Sammelanruf I. D/NL Korps Forschungsanstalt der Bw für Wasserschall u. Geophys Kiel MFuSSt Marlow FmABw bzw. AFmISBw Rheinbach 2. ATAF Air Base Brüggen - Bracht Comms Group Lahr LTrspKdo - Leitfunkstelle Münster Sammelanruf II. Korps 1. Wing RCAF Lahr NL Army Dillingen 2. ATAF Rheindahlen 2. ATAF Rheindahlen WBK VIII/14. PzGrenDiv PiBrig 40/VBK 41 Lahnstein Jagdgeschwader 71 Wittmundhafen Pagina 42 DHN41 DHN43 DHN44 DHN45 DHN46 DHN49 DHN51 DHN53 DHN54 DHN55 DHN60 DHN61 DHN62 DHN63 DHN64 DHN65 DHN66 DHN67 DHN68 DHN69 DHN70 DHN71 DHN72 DHN79 DHN81 DHN82 DHN83 DHN84 DHN85 DHN90 DHN92 DHN95 DHN99 DHO21 DHO22 DHO23 DHO24 DHO27 DHO28 DHO31 DHO32 DHO35 DHO36 DHO37 DHO38 DHO39 DHO41 DHO42 DHO43 DHO45 DHO46 DHO47 DHO48 DHO49 DHO54 DHO59 DHO60 DHO61 DHO63 DHO64 DHO65 DHO66 DHO67 DHO69 DHO70 DHO71 DHO73 DHO74 WUN-v11 GebJgBrig 23 Bad Reichenhall PzGrenBrig 37 Frankenberg Jagdgeschwader 74 Neuburg PzGrenBrig 32 Schwanewede SanBrig 2 Ulm KrVtlSt bei MUKdo Wilhelmshaven HFlgRgt 30 Niederstetten Naval Port Radio Wilhelmshaven Fm/EloAufklRgt 320 Frankenberg UKdo 9 Philippsburg LwFüKdo Köln-Wahn DTA LANDCENT Heidelberg DTA ARRC Mönchengladbach PzGrenBrig 19/VBK 33 Ahlen PzBrig 12 Amberg FmBtl 950 "Radio Andernach" Andernach NATO AEW Force Command Geilenkirchen FmRgt 920 Kastellaun St/FmRgt 310 Koblenz HFlgRgt 16 Celle FmRgt 990 LANDCENT Essen HFlgRgt 25 Laupheim HFlgRgt 6 Hohenlockstedt Erprobungsstelle der Bundeswehr 61 Manching PzGrenBrig 30 Ellwangen Marineunterwasserortungsstelle Fehmarn Marienleuchte HFlgRgt 10 Fassberg PzBrig 14 Neustadt PzGrenBrig 5 Homberg - Efze PzGrenBrig 40/VBK 86 Schwerin LwKdo Nord Kalkar PzBrig 39/VBK 71 Erfurt Fm/EloAufklRgt 940 Daun LLBrig 26 Saarlouis Aufklärungsgeschwader 51 Jagel - Kropp (Schleswig) LTrspGeschw 51 Landsberg LTrspGeschw 63 FüGrp Hohn (Rendsburg) JaBoG 49 Fürstenfeldbruck JaBoG 35 Pferdsfeld JaBoG 34 Memmingen LTrspGeschw 62 Wunstorf MFG 2 Funkstelle Eggebeck (Tarp) Flugbereitschaft der Lw beim BMVg Bonn/Berlin LTrspGeschw 62 FüGrp 1 Wunstorf MFuSSt Saterland-Ramsloh LTrspGeschw 62 FüGrp 2 Wunstorf NL Air Staff HQ Hesepe Fm/EloAufklBrig 94 Daun Kdo 4. LwDiv Aurich PiBrig 10 Schleswig Naval Radio Olpenitz SanBrig 1 Leer LogBrig 1 Lingen/Ems PiBrig 30 Hilden Fernmeldebereich 70 Trier PzBrig 36/VBK 64 Veitshöchheim LTrspGeschw 63 Hohn (Rendsburg) Pionierschule FSH BauT Percha 4. NLDiv Bergen-Hohne PiBrig 50 Bogen LLBrig 25 Calw Naval Air Operations Center Glücksburg PiLehrBrig 60 Ingolstadt Naval Radio Eckernförde PzBrig 34 Diez Naval Radio Arkona Naval Radio Marienleuchte 1. NL Korps Seedorf (Zeven) Pagina 43 DHO75 DHO76 DHO77 DHO78 DHO79 DHO80 DHO81 DHO82 DHO83 DHO85 DHO91 DHO92 DHO95 DHO99 WUN-v11 Sammelrufzeichen Lufttransportkommando (Collective callsign for all the three Air Transport Wings) DTA LANDJUT Rendsburg JaBoG 36 Rheine - Hopsten Kdo 3. LwDiv/GAFSC "N" Gatow Naval Radio Helgoland Naval Port Radio Olpenitz Naval Radio Borkum PzBrig 42/VBK 84 Potsdam WBK I/6. PzGrenDiv Kiel UKdo 4 Diez Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe FüUstBrig 2 Ulm Naval Radio Sahlenburg I. BEL Corps Köln-Weiden ======================================================================= *Israel ======= Air Force ========= Frequencies (USB/ALE): 5418.0 6840.0 7630.0 7780.0 8100.0 8220.0 8858.0 9227.0 10190.0 10304.0 10614.0 11491.0 12143.0 Navy (4XZ) ========== Frequencies (CW): 2800.0 4241.0 4331.0 5159.0 8101.0 12984.0 ======================================================================= *Italy ====== Air Force ========= Frequencies (USB): IGN-Rome? 10280.0 tactical paired with 6788.0 (Kosovo Relief Ops) IEY55/IEY56 11272.0 Navy ==== Frequencies (USB): IBO Unknown 4530.0 ICM Sigonella 6693.0 6703.0 6752.0 6755.0 8982.0 ICS La Spezia 4438.5 6873.5 ICT Taranto 4474.0 IDR Rome 2270.2 2285.5 3131.0 3146.0 4721.0 5330.0 6205.5 6433.0 6688.0 6708.0 6733.0 6760.0 6880.0 8715.2 8977.0 8981.0 10498.2 10605.7 11250.0 12238.5 12382.0 12471.7 13216.0 13254.0 13455.2 IGJ Augusta 2274.5 3827.0 4168.5 4745.0 8302.5 IGN Unknown 6788.0 IGY Unknown 2272.5 6733.0 INY NATO Unknown 10315.0 CARB Broadcast IGJ/IDR (RTTY): 2463.1 4214.2 8150.8 8429.5 ======================================================================= *Lithuania ========== Military (USB/ALE): 2710.0 ======================================================================= *Mexico ======= Courtesy of Ron Perron and frequency/address updates by Hugh Stegman Army Pagina 44 WUN-v11 ==== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 4650.0 5252.0 5263.0 6955.0 8050.0 8084.0 9025.0 9060.0 10135.0 10444.0 7777.0 8047.0 Station List: Monitoring indicates that there at at least five categories/ groupings of ALE identifiers used on Mexican Army nets. Animals 5252.0 5263.0 7777.0 8050.0 10135.0 10444.0 ALE Addresses: Chacal Jaguar Leon (Lion) Lobito (small wolf?) Pantera (Panther) Puma Tigre Countries 9060.0 ALE Addresses: Espana Espartaco Israel Minerals/Jewels 4650.0 7777.0 8047.0 8084.0 9060.0 10135.0 10444.0 ALE Addresses: Acero (chrome steel) Aluminio (aluminum) Cobre (copper) Diamante (diamond) J5 Jade Zeta(?) Miscellaneous 8050.0 10135.0 ALE Addresses: 123 Ganzo (?--possible garble) Planets 6955.0 9025.0 10135.0 ALE Addresses: Marte (Mars) Tierra (Earth) (Uranus) Venus Regional Net 4650.0 7777.0 9060.0 ALE Addresses: RM5 RM7 RM9 RM10 RM13 Universo (Universe) RM16 Urano RM17 ======================================================================= *NATO ===== DHN66 NATO Geilenkirchen Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3089.0 Channel A01 3900.0 Channel A02 6691.0 Channel A03 (Secondary) 8980.0 Channel A04 10172.0 Channel A05 10315.0 Channel A06 (Primary) 10429.0 Channel A07 11229.0 Channel A08 ? Channel A09 ? Channel A10 18009.0 Channel A11 The following frequencies have also been heard with NATO AWACS traffic, but designators are not known: 4542.0 4758.0 6700.0 6760.0 6762.5 8971.0 8986.0 12165.0 23241.0 ======================================================================= *Netherlands ============ Air Force ========= Frequencies (USB): 3990.0 4450.0 5086.0 5406.5 8086.0 Station List: Bandbox Nieuw Milligan (CRC Radar Control) Army ==== Frequencies (USB): 2274.0 2954.0 3305.5 3813.5 4762.0 4766.0 5032.5 5052.5 5115.0 5133.5 5144.5 5323.5 5388.5 5768.5 Pagina 45 WUN-v11 Frequencies (RTTY): 2275.5 2955.5 3306.5 3815.0 4763.5 4777.5 5034.0 5054.0 5116.5 5135.0 5146.0 5325.0 5390.0 5770.0 SFOR deployment Frequencies (USB): 2552.5 4522.5 Coast Guard =========== Netherlands Coastguard (also in Den Helder) with Coast Guard ships and planes Frequency (USB): 6550.0 Station List: PBDO Coastguard 01 Coastguard 02 Coastguard 03 Coastguard 04 Coastguard 05 Den Helder Rescue Pedro 2/4/6 Pluto 1/3/5 Vessel "Zeearend" Dornier DO 228 Coastguard Plane Westland Lynx Navy helikopter Orion P-3C Navy Airplane Police Helicopter Police Plane RCC Westland Lynx Navy helikopter Orion P-3C Navy patrouille vliegtuig Navy ==== Warship frequencies (to stations PBB/PBC) Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 2121.4 Channel 02A 2259.4 Channel 02B 4155.0 Channel 04A 4161.0 Channel 04B 4171.5 Channel 04C 6237.5 Channel 06A 6242.0 Channel 06B 8321.0 Channel 08A 8324.0 Channel 08B 8337.5 Channel 08C 12375.5 Channel 12B 16576.0 Channel 17B PBV NAS Valkenburg Frequencies: 3128.0 5705.0 8971.0 11178.0 Navy Den Helder "De Kooy" Ship-to-Shore: 2204.0 Air-to-Ground (Helicopter): 2753.0 PBB CARBs brooadcast: 3764.4 PBB RTTY Marker: 2845.0 PBC RTTY Marker: 2474.0 Caribbean Operations Frequencies: 8199.6 PJC 11178.0 PJK CARB Broadcast PBB: 6483 PBC: 6358.5 8439 12840.7 Station List: PBB Navy Den Helder PBC Goeree Island PBV NAS Valkenburg PJC NRN Hato Curacao (Counter-Narco Ops) PJK Suffisant Curacao (ASW Operations) ======================================================================= *Papua New Guinea Pagina 46 WUN-v11 ================= Defense Force ============= General Purpose Net Frequencies (GPN) Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3175.0 LGF Secondary 5746.0 LGG Primary 7496.0 LGH Secondary Station List: P2A2 Port Moresby P2A3 Lae Defense Force Patrol Boats: Frequencies (USB): 5267.0 7587.0 7767.0 8146.0 9240.0 ====================================================================== *Portugal ========= Air Force ========= Frequencies (USB): 5687.0 6685.0 8992.0 9007.0 ====================================================================== *Russia ======= High Command ELF ================ ELF: The Russian equivalent to our now extinct 76/44 Hz ELF submarine communication system operates on 82 Hz. No station location or details are known. ======================================================================= *South Africa ============= Navy ZRH-SIlvermine (FAX 120/576): 4014.0 Navy ZSJ-Silvermine (MFSK32 54.5 baud): 4014.0 4032.7 ======================================================================= *Spain ====== Air Force ========= Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 5699.0 Channel 1A 6724.0 Channel 1 8974.0 Channel 3 9022.0 Channel 3A 11211.0 Channel 2 11235.0 Channel 2A 13215.0 Channel 5 13245.0 Channel 5A 15016.0 Channel 4 15022.0 Channel 4A 18003.0 Channel 6A 18018.0 Channel 6 Station: Madrid (Callsign Vigia) Station: Zaragoza (Callsign Jota) 3933.0 5702.0 6715.0 6730.0 9014.0? 11262.0 Pagina 47 13245.0 15073.0 WUN-v11 Special thanks to the Dutch Military Research Group website (http://www.dutchmil.com/) for the new information above. The Spanish Air Force operates a SAR service around the Spanish mainland and from Gando AB in the Canary Islands. They make extensive use of HF for communications during rescue missions and during exercises. Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 2182.0 H24 3137.0 HN 4738.5 H24 6737.0 HJ The Canarias Rescue Coordination Center (RCC), due to the much larger area they cover, also uses 11406 kHz. They can also by heard on the following frequencies, these are used by request from the network users (USB): 2763.0 3855.0 4790.0 6870.0 9001.0 9437.0 ======================================================================= *United Kingdom =============== Royal Air Force (RAF) ===================== RAF VOLMET Broadcast Control Point – RAF High Wycombe Transmitter: Inskip near Preston Frequencies (USB): 5450.0 11253.0 kHz Airfield weather broadcast are made twice an hour in the time slots indicated below: Time Slot 1: H+00/H+30 – Aldergrove, Manchester, Prestwick, London Stansted, Oslo, Cairo, Pristina (+), Glibraltar, Porto, Stavangar Time Slot 2: H+06/H+36 – Benson, Brize Norton, East Midlands, Bruggen, Geilenkirchen (+), Hannover, Lyneham, Northolt, Odham, Trondheim, Muscat (+), Salalah Time Slot 3: H+12/H+42 – Coltishall, Cranwell, Leeming, Leuchars, Lossiemouth, Marham, St. Mawgan, Waddington, Linloss, Shawbury, Coningsby, Thumrait (+) Time Slot 4: H+18/H+48 – Ascension, Bahrain, Brize Norton, Banjul (+), Dakar, Keflavik, Nairobi, Mombassa, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro Time Slot 5: H+24/H+54 – Adana (Incirlik), Akrotiri, Ancona, Aviano, Gioia del Colle, Rimini, Rome/Ciampino, Skopje, Split, Waddington, Bari (+) The ones suffixed with '+' are additional airfields which are added as required, and have a human voice announcing them, rather than the electronic voice. Some of these other optional airfields can be included in the broadcast in the possible slots indicated below: Time Slot 1: Edinburgh, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Luton, Newcastle, Stavanger, Teesside, Trondheim, Vaerlose Time Slot 2: Hamburg, Munster, Ramstein Time Slot 3: Coningsby, Shawbury, Yeovilton Time Slot 4: Cairo, Hurghada, Jeddah, Punta Arenas, Recife Time Slot 5: Catania, Faro, Lisbon, Palermo, Rome, Sarajevo From the RAF Enroute Supplement, the UK equivalent of the US Pagina 48 WUN-v11 Department of Defense Instrument Flight Rules Supplement (IFR) *Strike Command Integrated Communications System (STCICS) Callsign: Voice: Architect CW: MLD or MLP Transmitter: Chelveston, Northamptonshire, England Frequencies (USB): 4742.0 5714.0 6739.0 9031.0 11205.0 18018.0 Group A has the QNH broadcast at H+00 and Airfield color state broadcast at H+30. Frequencies: 4540.0 5450.0 8190.0 11253.0 13257.0 15031.0 Group B has RAF German airfield flying states at H+15 and H+45. Frequencies: 2591.0 11247.0 *RAF Flight Watch Centers Ascension Callsign: Haven Frequencies: 4742.0 (2000-0800 UTC) 9031.0 (0800-2000 UTC) 11247.0 All frequencies carry a weather broadcast at H+45 Cyprus Callsign: Cyprus Frequencies: 4742.0 9031.0 (1600-0500 UTC) 11247.0 4742.0 and 11247.0 carry weather broadcast at H+15 Gibraltar Callsign: Gibraltar Frequencies: 4742.0 9031.0 11247.0 Mount Pleasant, Falkland Islands Frequencies: 9031.0 11247.0 Callsign: Viper UKADGE HF Line Designator List ============================== How to find which frequencies are active. Listen to the Architect weather broadcast at H+00 and H+30 (see above). If the UKADGE circuits are active, there will be an announcement after the weather broadcast with the code-letters for the active frequencies. For example: "Additional information.. 2.. PK.. tack..401C.. tack.. AG" (which is repeated twice). The 1 2 3 4 - first number indicates which Air Defense radar station is active Buchan, Boulmer and Benbecula Buchan Boulmer (has not been heard for many years) Neatishead The first 2-letter-group is the code for the active HF frequency from the list below. It is sometimes referred to a the 'JAAWSK Frequency' (Joint Anti-air Warfare Shore Co-ordination). It carries most of the voice traffic, including target positions and Beaver details. This channel also carries frequency changes and position reports. The third group is the Charlie squared channel, where AWACS aircraft pass their radar data over a HF link. Known frequencies are: 2250.5 33??.0 4478.5 6673.5 8500.5 401A 401B (exact freq unknown) 401C 401D 401E The final group is known as chick co-ordination, where combat aircraft which are HF-capable can be passed target positions and other information. In the example above, Buchan is the ADR station, using 5095 khz for voice traffic, the AWACS are using 4478.5 khz, and the chicks are on 4745 khz. Pagina 49 WUN-v11 Frequency/Designator A 11205.0 AB AE 3939.0 AF AK 3038.0 AP AZ 23281.0 B BF 3083.0 BJ BS 18000.0 BT CM 18009.0 CO D 4706.0 DA DM 8998.0 DQ DW 9031.0 E EH 11259.0 EI EN 15076.0 EP F 13257.0 FA FS 4742.0 FT G 3915.0 GA H 15031.0 HE HM 6748.0 HO HZ 13248.0 I J 8980.0 KA KJ 4718.0 KP KW 2261.0 KX LB 3092.0 LC MB 2266.0 MC MS 3218.0 NJ PF 10634.0 PH PR 3864.0 PZ QV 3095.0 RA RH 5695.0 RM SE 14812.0 ST TQ 3345.0 TS UB 10919.0 UR W 5747.0 WG XA 5403.0 YC YZ 20030.0 ZF Matrix (USB) 5693.0 AC 9022.0 AG 11181.0 AQ 6739.0 BA 17988.0 BK 2350.0 BX 23245.0 CY 5436.0 DB 17995.0 DS 3924.0 EA 23270.0 EK 15040.0 EX 3101.0 FG 13218.0 FV 15061.0 GD 3942.0 HJ 13206.0 HW 13236.0 IN 3380.0 KD 2641.0 KR 2577.0 L 6701.0 LD 5270.0 MD 5705.0 PA 8971.0 PK 14724.0 QB 8190.0 RD 3110.0 RZ 2591.0 TG 5684.0 TW 17979.0 UT 3125.0 WM 11241.0 YM 3763.0 ZZ 8156.0 4745.0 2396.0 17970.0 3945.0 8989.0 3119.0 15091.0 4739.0 10512.0 11235.0 11184.0 11208.0 15064.0 2274.0 8983.0 11247.0 17982.0 3867.0 4484.0 5447.0 15046.0 18850.0 3302.0 5095.0 3512.0 6691.0 9459.0 6724.0 4709.0 4540.0 3026.0 13211.0 5714.0 AD AH AW BE BL CA CZ DH DT EF EM EZ FM FW GT HK HX IP KH KT LA LE ME PE PO QR RE SA TO UA VE X YP 9010.0 3930.0 4042.0 18018.0 11268.0 6736.0 29800.0 15013.0 18024.0 5720.0 15025.0 11253.0 5405.0 3131.0 26385.0 9034.0 23257.0 27000.0 12057.0 5420.0 3036.0 15072.0 14460.0 6760.0 6715.0 8972.0 5178.0 2762.0 3391.0 4724.0 11217.0 3224.0 23250.0 Air Northwest JAAWSK (Joint Anti-air Warfare Shore Coordination) ================================================================= The RAF (and other NATO forces) seem to be using a new set of codes to identify their HF frequencies. Frequencies/Unknown designator (USB): 2031.0 2307.0 3343.0 3404.0 3943.0 4502.0 4763.0 5350.0 5392.0 6835.0 6882.0 7919.0 10325.0 10585.0 10830.0 12198.0 14568.0 16344.0 Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 3301.0 Golf 01 3235.0 Golf 02 4572.0 Golf 08 9010.0 Hotel 05 HF? Kilo 01 2712.0 Kilo 04 4530.0 Kilo 05 4020.0 Kilo 06 4724.0 Kilo 07 4860.5 Kilo 08 4920.0 Kilo 09 5173.0 Kilo 10 5277.0 Kilo 11 5290.0 Kilo 12 5395.0 Kilo 13 7415.0 Kilo 14 7860.0 Kilo 15 3305.0 Kilo 17 UHF Kilo 18 UHF Kilo 19 Pagina 50 WUN-v11 UHF 4785.0 4779.0 HF? UHF UHF HF? 4477.0 5045.0 5385.0 5463.0 4012.0 UHF UHF Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo Kilo 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 (Beaver HF?) 30 31 33 34 36 55 56 Joint Maritime Course Frequencies ================================= Three times a year the Royal Air Force hosts a number of military ships, submarines and aircraft for a series of 2-week exercise around the coast of the UK. This is known as the JMC - Joint Maritime Course. The forces are split into two opposing forces, and they use an extensive network of HF frequencies for voice co-ordination and encoded data transmissions of radar pictures (known as Link 11). Each HF frequency is given a KJ designator, and these run from KJ01 up to at least KJ50. Some of these frequencies are in the UHF military aircraft band. The tie-up between designator and frequency changes with each JMC course conducted. During some JMC's some designators are on UHF frequencies in one course and on HF frequencies in the next course. Frequencies (USB): 3343.0 3357.0 3805.0 5091.5 5206.0 5267.0 5910.0 6224.0 6237.0 9394.0 11149.0 4477.0 5276.5 6697.0 4484.0 5280.0 6779.0 4502.0 5310.0 6882.0 4778.5 5385.0 6940.0 4860.5 5460.0 7795.0 5045.0 5733.0 7934.0 Royal Navy (RN) =============== Warship Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 2487.0 Channel 02 Ships working MTI 2662.4 Channel 02P Ships working GYA/MGJ 2760.4 Channel 02Q Ships working GYA/MGJ 3806.4 Channel 03P Ships working GYA/MGJ 4153.0 Channel 04 Ships working MGJ on 3390 kHz 4153.9 Channel 04P Ships working GYA/MGJ 4879.9 Channel 04Q Ships working GYA/MGJ 6246.9 Channel 06P Ships working GYA/MGJ [was 6242.9 kHz] 8144.9 Channel 08P Ships working GYA/MGJ 8179.9 Channel 08Q Ships working GYA/MGJ 8339.0 Channel 8A? Ships working GYU 12377.9 Channel 12P Ships working GYA/MGJ 12381.9 Channel 12Q Ships working GYA/MGJ 12389.0 Channel 12A Ships working GYU 16550.9 Channel 16P Ships working GYA/MGJ 16566.9 Channel 16Q Ships working GYA/MGJ 22193.9 Channel 22P Ships working GYA/MGJ 25142.9 Channel 25P Ships working GYA/MGJ Station List: GYA London GYU Gilbraltar MGJ Faslane MTI Plymouth Northwood FAX Service ===================== Frequencies (FAX): 2617.0 18261.0 6834.0 8652.0 10576.5 Pagina 51 12390.0 14356.0 WUN-v11 Irish Navy ========== Frequencies (SITOR-A): 2461.5 Frequencies (CODAN PSK <F7>): 5254.0 ======================================================================= *Ukraine ======== Military Frequencies(CW) 2598.0 ======================================================================= *Venezuela ========== This entire Venezuelian military section below is courtesy of Ron Perron with a few frequencies thrown in by the column editor. Air Defense Command =================== Venezualan Air Defense Command This net serves various air defense missile sites and surveillance radar units based at/near Venezualan Air Force bases and other strategic locations. Frequencies (USB/ALE): 5695.0 7810.0 9065.0 11130.0 13475.0 Station List: CDDA Air Defense Command Center (Centro de Defensa Aerea)- El Liberator Airbase GURI Air Defense site at Guri Dam MENE or Menemauroa Air Defense site MAR or Maracay Air Defense site PTOORDAZ or PTO Puerto Ordaz Air Defense site GUA or Guasdualito Air Defense site MARGARITA Isla Margarita Air Defense site MONTECANO Air Defense site PTOFIJO or Puerto Fijo Air Defense site Army ==== General Staff/Command & Control Frequencies (USB/ALE): 7849.0 8060.0 13449.0 9795.0 10600.0 11155.0 12191.0 1st Infantry Division Frequencies (USB/ALE): 8184.0 8260.0 11625.0 12191.0 13500.0 2nd Infantry Division Frequencies (USB/ALE): 5760.0 6870.0 9232.0 10156.0 11610.0 13449.0 7597.0 8060.0 8187.0 3rd Infantry Division Frequencies (USB/ALE): 7597.0 12191.0 13464.0 13506.0 8050.0 9232.0 9259.0 10150.0 4th Infantry Division: Frequencies (USB/ALE): 9795.0 12185.0 5th Infantry Division Frequencies (USB/ALE): 5406.0 10115.0 12191.0 14569.0 6786.0 9233.0 9906.0 9052.0 13455.0 7399.0 Station List: C5F Asuntos Civiles (Civil Affairs) C5 CCM Mobile Command Center-Centro Commando Movil CGE Army Headquarters (Cuartel General de Ejercito) CGEJM Venezuelan Army HQs - Mobile - Cuartel General Ejercito Movil CLC Local Communications Center (Centro Local de Comunicaciones) Pagina 52 WUN-v11 I was carrying the "L" as Logistico, but in retrospect "Local" seems to fit the context better. CLM Maintenance Logistics Center (Centro Logistico Mantenimiento) CRC Regional Communications Center (Centro Regional de Comunicaciones) CUFAN1 Unidentified sub-element of CUFAN CUFAN3 Unidentified sub-element of CUFAN CUFAN4 Unidentified sub-element of CUFAN Mira1 Military Command Element at Presidential Palace Mira2 Military Command Element at Presidential Palace Mira3 Military Command Element at Presidential Palace (Palacio de Miraflores) PCRC Regional Command Post (Communications) (Puesto de Commanda Regional Communicaciones) PCRM Regional Command Post - Mobile (Puesto de Commanda Regional Movil) PNME Riverine Forces River Post PORLAMAR Porlamar (Destacamento de Apoyo Aereo #7, Parlomar Airport) RESERVA1 1st Infantry Battalion - Reserves RESERVA2 2nd Infantry Battalion - Reserves RESERVA5 5th Armored Battalion - Reserves RESERVA7 7th Pursuit Battalion - Reserves RESERVA9 9th Infantry Battalion - Reserves RESERVA10 10th Infantry Battalion - Reserves SCLC Subordinate Local Communications Center (Subordinado Centro Local de Comunicaciones) - I know the "S" doesn't fit syntactically, but I think it makes sense nonetheless. SCLM Maintenance Logistics Service Center (Servicio Centro Logistico Mantenimiento) SIB Unidentified SIT Unidentified SKI Unidentified TALLERESM Unidentified Ron thinks the suffixes 1-3 for both MIRA (Army section above) and CUFAN (National Guard section below) are the same. They may equate to something like 1= command element; 2= intelligence element; 3= operations element. Or they could equate to branches of the Armed Services i.e. 1= Army, 2= Navy; 3= National Guard. Ron says these equations are based upon his own research and analysis using Spanish-language resources and glossaries. He is relatively certain that the equations for CGE and CRC are correct. According to various sources the Venezualan Army has divided up the country into six Military Regions/Zones. This corresponds nicely to the CRC# identifiers he has seen so far. The other equations are, as he stated are his own derivations, and are ripe for discussion. He hasn't seen enough of the three letter identifiers (SIB, SIT, SKI, etc) to have any equations for them. National Guard ============== Frequencies (USB/ALE): 7849.0 9052.0 10272.0 10600.0 Station List: CGGN Cuartel General de Guardia Nationale-Venezuelan National Guard Headquarters CORE7 National Guard Commander, Region 7-Comando Region 7 (there are seven National Guard regions. CUFAN Unified Command of National Armed Forces-Comando Unificado del la Fuerza Armada Nacional CUFAN1 Unidentified sub-element of CUFAN CUFAN3 Unidentified sub-element of CUFAN CUFAN4 Unidentified sub-element of CUFAN CUMANA Cumana Airfield or Cumana City C5F Asuntos Civiles (Civil Affairs) C5 DESTAFAC23 Destacamento 23 de las Fuerzas Armadas de CooperaciónDetachment 23, National Guard Pagina 53 PORLAMAR VARGAS WUN-v11 Destacamento de Apoyo Aereo #7, Air Support Detachment #7, Parlomar Airport Headquarters Commando de Vigilancia Costera, La Guaira, Estado Vargas NOTE: 1. Commando de Vigilancia Costera is the naval component of the Venezuelan National Guard. There are seven detachments of the Vigilancia Costera and four detachments of the Vigilancia Fluvial (River Forces) 2. Commando de Apoyo Aero is the air component of the Venezuelan National Guard Navy ==== Venezualan Navy Freqs: 4632.0U 6248.0L 6357.0L 6888.0L 6890.0U 6895.0U 7849.0U (shared w/Army & Nat'l Guard) 8270.0L 8280.0L 8285.0L 8291.0L 8297.0L 8340.0L 8358.0L 8525.0L 8582.0L 8810.0L 8825.0U/L 8500.0U 9017.0L 9070.0L 9075.0L 9190.0U 9350.0L 9355.0L 9380.0L 9390.0L 9400.0L 10272.0U (shared w/Army & Nat'l Guard) 10600.0U (shared w/Army & Nat'l Guard) 10650.0L 12220.0L 12479.0L 12480.0L 12528.5L 12537.0U 12546.0L 12600.0L 12660.0L 13139.0L 13500.0U 14759.0L 14790.0L 14911.0L 16458.0L 16680.0L 17080.0L 17380.0L 19098.0L 19200.0U 20400.0L 22245.0L ALE Identifiers: Naval Organizations: Armario Naval base (named after Agustin Armario de Puerta Cabella), Puerto Cabella BDIRCO Batallon de Ingenieros de Combata (Combat Engineer Battalion) BNA Naval Base "Amario" BNARCO Commando, Basa Navale "Amario" BNF Naval Base "Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcon", Punto Fijo BNFACO Naval Base "Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcon",Punto Fijo BNG Naval Base "Guira" CANCO Commander, Naval Aviation Commnand (Commando Aviacion Navale) CEDOP Fleet Command, Director of Operations--Comando de Escuadra, Direccion de Operaciones CFLCO Commander, HQS Riverine Force-- Commando, Cuartel Fluvial CGARM Navy Headquarters (Cuartel General de Armada) CGA Navy Headquarters, (Cuartel General Armada) CGACO Commander, Venezuelan Navy- Comando, Cuartel General Armada CNZACE Central Naval Zone, Squadron Commander COFFRI1 Commando Fluvial Fronterizo " General de Brigada Franz Rizquez Iribarren" CUMANA Naval Base, Cumana DCCOP Naval Operations Directorate--Direccion de Coordination Y Control Operacional DHD Unidentified (poss garble for DHN) DHN Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate--Direccion de Hidrgrafia y Navigacion DIVIMBO Division de Infanteria de Marina (Naval Marine Infantry) DIVIMCO1 Unidentified EPG Coast Guard Station (Estacion principale de Guardacostas) EPGLG Coast Guard Station, La Guaira (Estacion Principale de Guardacostas) Falcon Naval Base “Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcón” FRM Unidentified MASCARA Unidentified MACABRO Unidentified PR1 Radio Station 1 (Puesto Radio) PR2 Radio Station 2 (Puesto Radio) PR4 Radio Station 4 (Puesto Radio) Pagina 54 PR5 REDJEFE VARGAS WUN-v11 Radio Station 5 (Puesto Radio) Unidentified--literally means "main net" Commando de Vigilancia Costera, La Guaira, Estado Vargas. Naval Vessels: ALB Venezuelan Coast Guard Point Class cutter "Albatroz" ALBATROZ Venezuelan Coast Guard Point Class cutter "Albatroz" BE-11 Training Ship "Simon Bolivar", BE-11 BOLIVAR Training Ship "Simon Bolivar", BE-11 BOLIVAR Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81 BRION Frigate, "Almirante Brion", F-22 CAPANA Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61 CLEMENTE Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11 CONSTITUCION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Constitucion", PC-11 FEDERACION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Federacion", PC-12 F-21 Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21 F-22 Frigate "Almirante Brion" F-22 F-24 Frigate "General Soublette", F-24 F-26 Frigate "Almirante Garcia" F-26 GC11 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11 GC12 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12 Goijaira LSM "Goijaira", T-63 INDEPENDENCIA Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Independencia", PC-13 LIB Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft "Libertad", PC-14 LIBERTAD Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft "Libertad", PC-14 LLANOS Amphibious Support Ship, "Los Llanos", T-64 NEGRON Protector-class Patrol Boat, "Rio Negro", B-8424 PC12 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Federacion", PC-12 PC13 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Independencia" PC-13 PC16 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Victoria", PC-16 PUNTABRAVA Oceanographic Support Ship "Punta Brava", BO-11 RIONEGRO1 Venezuelan National Guard Protector-class patrol craft SOUBLETTE Frigate "General Soublette", F-24 SUCRE Frigate "Mariscal Sucre", F-21 T-61 LST "Capana" T-61 T-63 LSM "Goijaira" T63 T-64 LSM "Los LLanos" T64 T-72 LCU " La Orchila" T-72 T-81 Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81 VICTOR Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Victoria", PC-16 ALE "Order of Battle": 1. Naval Base at Puerto Cabella ("Amario") a. Frigate Squadron: F-21 Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21 F-22 Frigate "Almirante Brion" F-22 F-24 Frigate "General Soublette", F-24 F-26 Frigate "Almirante Garcia" F-26 BRION Frigate, "Almirante Brion", F-22 SOUBLETTE (Frigate "General Soublette", F-24 SUCRE Frigate "Mariscal Sucre", F-21 b. Amphibious Support & Auxiliaries Squadron: T-61 LST "Capana" T-61 T-63 LSM "Goijaira" T63 Pagina 55 WUN-v11 T-64 LSM "Los LLanos" T64 T-72 LCU " La Orchila" T-72 T-81 Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81 PUNTABRAVA Oceanographic Support Ship "Punta Brava", BO-11 LLANOS Amphibious Support Ship, "Los Llanos", T-64 CAPANA Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61 BE-11 Training Ship "Simon Bolivar", BE-11 BOLIVAR Training Ship "Simon Bolivar", BE-11 BOLIVAR Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81 2. Naval Base at Punto Fijo (“Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcón”) Patrol Squadron: CONSTITUCION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Constitucion", PC-11 FEDERACION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Federacion", PC-12 INDEPENDENCIA Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Independencia", PC-13 LIBERTAD Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft "Libertad", PC-14 PC11 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Constitucion", PC-11 PC12 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Federacion", PC-12 PC13 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Independencia" PC-13 PC16 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Victoria", PC-16 VICTORIA Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Victoria", PC-16 3. Coast Guard at La Guaira CLEMENTE Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11 GC11 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11 GC12 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12 MORAN Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12 7310.0 USB Mil-Std 188-141A ALE Venezuelan Riverine? ABC Riverine HQ, Base Naval Capitan de Fragata Tomas Machado (Ciudad Bolivar) 0 Floating Motorized Naval Post (no name) 1 Probable Pirana or Terepaima-Class Patrol Launch 2 Probable Pirana or Terepaima-Class Patrol Launch 4 Probable Pirana or Terepaima-Class Patrol Launch 8280.0 LSB Mil-Std 188-141A ALE Venezuelan Riverine Forces COFFMU1 Comando Fluvial Fronterizo Teniente de Navio Jacinto Munoz DIV Naval Infantry Command, Meseta de Mamo, Vargas State 10650.0 DCCOP GC12 T64 LSB Mil-Std 188-141A ALE Venezuelan Coast Guard Direccion Central de Operaciones y Planeamiento, Caracas ARBV. General Moran GC-12 Capana class LSM T-64 "Los Llanos" 20400.0 LSB Mil-Std 88-141A ALE Venezuelan Riverine ABC Riverine Headquarters, Base Naval Capitan de Fragata Tomas Machado (Ciudad Bolivar) DIVIMCO1 Headquarters, Marine Infantry Division, Special Operations Command, Meseta del Mamo, Estado Vargas PNEN1 Naval Post Orinoco-Apure Axis Frequencies (USB/LSB/ALE): 6890.0U 6895.0U 7849.0U 8260.0L 8825.0L 8500.0U 9017.0L 9190.0U 9350.0L 10272.0U 10600.0U 10650.0L 12546.0L 13500.0U 14790.0L 19200.0U 20400.0L Station List: Armario Puerto Cbella Naval Base (named after Agustin Armario de Puerta Cabella) Pagina 56 WUN-v11 Batallon de Ingenieros de Combata (Combat Engineer Battalion) Naval Base "Amario" Naval Base "Falcon" Naval Base "Guiterrez" Commando, Basa Navale Amario Frigate, "Almirante Brion", F-22 Unidentified Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61 Navy HQs, (Cuartel General Armada) Navy HQs (Cuartel General de Armada) Commando Fluvial Fronterizo " General de Brigada Franz Rizquez Iribarren" DCCOP Direccion de Coordination Y Control Operacional DHD Unidentified DHN Venezuelan Navy's Direccion de Hidrgrafia y Navigacion DIVIMCO1 Unidentified F21 Frigate Mariscal Sucre F22 Frigate Almirante Brion F26 Frigate Almirante Garcia FALCON Base Naval “Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcón” GC11 Frigate "Almirante Clemente" GC-11 Venezuelan Coast Guard GC12 Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12 Venezuelan Coast Guard LLANOS Amphibious Support Ship, "Los Llanos", T-64 MACABRO Unidentified MASCARA Unidentified PC13 Constitucion-class Missile craft, "Independencia" PC-13 PR1 River Patrol Craft "Lago1" PBR-1 PR2 River Patrol Craft "Lago2" PBR-2 PR4 River Patrol Craft "Lago 4" PBR-4, PUNTABRAVA Oceanographic Support Ship "Punta Brava", BO-11 REDJEFE Unidentified,literally means "main net" RIONEGRO1 Venezuelan National Guard Protector-class patrol craft SUCRE Frigate "Mariscal Sucre", F-21 T61 LST "Capana" T63 LSM "Goijaira" T64 LSM "Los LLanos" T81 Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" VARGAS Commando de Vigilancia Costera, La Guaira, Estado Vargas. BDIRCO BNA BNF BNG BNARCO BRION CANCO CAPANA CGA CGARM COFFRI1 Venezuelan Military Unit List: -----------------------------2MA6 Special Operations Unit 2MA8 Special Operations Unit 4MA0 Special Operations Unit 5MA0 Special Operations Unit BLAZER3411D 3411st Tactical Comms Coy (341st Tac Comms Bn) CCM23 Mobile Command Center, 23rd Inf Bde Centro Commando Movil CCM33 Mobile Command Center, 33rd Inf Bde-Centro Commando Movil CRM7 Commander, Military Region 7 CUFAN Unified Armed Forces Command 13th Inf Bde 22nd Inf Bde 23rd Special Operations & Security Bde 24th Inf Bde 25th Inf Bde 31st Inf Bde 32nd Inf Bde 41st Armored Bde 42nd Armored Bde 43rd Armored Bde 51st Jungle Inf Bde 52nd Jungle Inf Bde 102nd Motorized Inf Group 131st Motorized Inf Bn 222nd Motorized Inf Bn 224th Motorized Inf Bn Pagina 57 WUN-v11 311th 340th 341st 347th 348th 349th 431st 432nd 433rd 442nd 501st 511th 512th 513th 514th 521st Motorized Inf Bn Tactical Comms Bn Tactical Comms Bn Tactical Comms Bn Tactical Comms Bn Tactical Comms Bn Motorized Cavalry Group Motorized Cavalry Group Motorized Cavalry Group Armored Bn Hqs Bn Jungle Inf Bn Jungle Inf Bn Jungle Inf Bn Jungle Inf Bn Jungle Inf Bn ======================================================================= NON-UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NETS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Australia ++++++++++ Austalian Customs Service ========================= Frequencies (USB): 2148.0 5285.0 7960.0 10435.0 13591.0 *UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LISTINGS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ U.S. Goverment SHARES (Shared Resources)Program =============================================== SHARES Coordination Network (SCN) Frequency/Designator Matrix 4490.0 Channel 3/SCN ALE Net 4573.5 Alternate frequency for channel 1 voice check-in 5236.0 Channel 1/SCN Voice Net 5711.0 Channel 4/SCN ALE Net 6800.0 Channel 9/SCN BBS Net 9106.0 Channel 5/SCN ALE Net 10586.5 Channel XF 11217.0 Channel 6/SCN ALE Net 13242.0 Channel 10/SCN BBS Net (G-TOR) 14396.5 Channel 2/SCN Voice Net 14898.5 Alternate frequency for channel 2 voice check-in 15094.0 Channel 7/SCN ALE Net 17487.0 Channel 8/SCN ALE/STI Net SHARES coordination stations conduct a weekly SHARES net on the ten SCN channels every Wednesday from 1600-1800 UTC. Large scale annual SHARES exercises are conducted in April, August and December. SCN Operational Levels SCN Operational Levels are designed to improve the responsiveness of the SHARES Coordination Network during emergencies. SCN Operational Levels are defined as follows: Operational Level 3 - Conditions normal. No emergency exists. The ten-channel SCN may be used by SHARES station personnel for training and non-emergency operations. Operational Level 2 - Emergency potential exists. Non-emergency operations on the SCN suspended. SCN monitoring increased. Check-in Pagina 58 WUN-v11 windows established on the national and regional nets to receive Stations Availability Reports. Operational Level 1 - Emergency exists. SHARES message support required. National and regional nets maintain full-period operations to receive Station Availability Reports, to list SHARES message traffic, and to coordinate the processing of SHARES messages. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ============================================== The COTHEN (Customs Over the Horizon Enforcement Net) HF radio system has replaced the older JTF designated systems and those frequencies/ designators have been removed from this list. 5732.0 7527.0 8912.0 10242.0 11494.0 13907.0 15867.0 18594.0 20890.0 23214.0 25350.0 Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Confirmed HF COTHEN stations and callsigns: KAE 315 Miami, Florida KAE 326 Las Vegas, Nevada KAE 371 Boston, Massachusetts KAE 378 Reno, Nevada KAE 381 Homestead, Florida KAE 384 Wilmington, North Carolina KAE 388 Riverside, California KAE 398 Washington, District of Columbia KAE 462 Houston, Texas KAE 470 New Orleans, Louisiana KAE 484 Denver, Colorado KAQ 687 Beaufort, North Carolina KAQ 688 New Bern, North Carolina KEB 762 Albuquerque, New Mexico KEB 765 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina KOQ 434 Morehead City, North Carolina KOQ 682 Cedar Rapids, Iowa KPS 357 Salt Lake City, Utah KPS 387 Hampton, Georgia KPS 394 Cape Charles, Virginia KPS 395 Atlanta, Georgia KPS 396 Memphis, Tennessee KZP 602 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma KZP 604 Nashville, Tennessee KZP 606 Kansas City, Missouri There are two other known stations in the COTHEN HF net we do not have calls for. They are located in Lovelock and Fallon, Nevada. Can anyone help on these two stations? Selected voice calls monitored on COTHEN 15C USCG HH-60J 18C USCG HH-60J 38C USCG HH-60J F35 USCG HU-25 F39 USCG HU-25 F40 USCG HU-25 503 USCG HC-130 718 USCG HC-130 707 USCG HC-130 1716 USCG HC-130 Pagina 59 WUN-v11 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration ==================================== Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB) 5277.0 Alpha (Night DEA Primary) 5841.0 Bravo 7300.0 Charlie 9497.0 Delta 11076.0 Echo (Day DEA Operations) 7657.0 Foxtrot 14690.0 Golf 18666.0 Hotel (Reportedly returned to FBI in 1995) 23675.0 India 14350.0 Lima 14686.0 Papa (DEA day Primary) 23402.5 Romeo ? Sierra Alpha ? Sierra Bravo 11073.5 Sierra Echo 17171.0 Sierra Hotel 18171.0 Sierra India (Reportedly returned to FBI in 1995) 19131.0 Sierra Juliet ? Sierra Lima WUN member John Bohn offered some updates to the "Sierra" frequencies listed above, but is looking for the frequency assigned to the 'Sierra Lima' designator. John says that if you have access to an FCC database, try searching for the frequencies assigned to Rockwell International with the following callsigns: KA2XXA Richardson,TX KC2XKG Cedar Rapids, IA KC2XKJ Newport Beach,CA The unknown "SB" and "SL" frequencies may be one of the following: 26946.0, 20348.5, 17171.0, 16376.0 and 16341.0 kHz. Rick Baker says that 18971.0 kHz may also be another. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration ==================================== HF Recovery Communications (RCOM) The Recovery Communications (RCOM) Program, mandated by a variety of United States national level documents including Presidential Executive Orders and National Security Decision Directives, was established to encompass all FAA emergency command and control communications (C3) systems and projects under one program. Emergency C3 systems are defined as those means of communications that the FAA employs to direct management, operations, and reconstitution of the National Airspace System (NAS) in support of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Transportation (DOT), and Department of Defense (DOD) missions during national disasters or national security emergencies. The FAA maintains a variety of fixed-position, portable, and transportable C3 communications systems for use in support of emergency operations. One such commonly heard C3 system is the RCOM/NARACS High Frequency/Single Side Band (HF/SSB) Net. In 1995, the FAA approved the deployment of the RCOM HF/SSB upgrades and a five-year contract was awarded to Eastern Computer Incorporated (ECI) for the purpose of upgrading the FAA RCOM/National Radio Communications System (NARACS) HF network. ECI has installed the RCOM HF/SSB upgrade at all the FAA Region Offices and Emergency Operations Centers, and is the final phases of installing the NARACS/ALE upgrades at all Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCCs). FAA HF connectivity nets are conducted on Wednesday UTC. The East Coast Pagina 60 WUN-v11 net meets at 1545 UTC on 8125.0 kHz with KIT 88 as net control. The West Coast net was last reported on 13630.0 kHz at 1845 UTC. FAA Recovery Communications/National Radio Communications System (RCOM/NARACS) HF SSB Network (U=USB/L=LSB) Frequencies (including ALE): 5860.0U 6870.0U 6870.0L 7475.0U/L 7611.0U/L 8125.0U/L 9114.0U/L 11637.0U 13457.0U 13630.0U 15851.0U 16348.0U kHz Station List: ALE Add Location DEFAULT Unknown FAA Unknown FAAAAL FAAACE FAAACT FAAACY FAAAEA FAAAGL FAAANE FAAANC FAAANM FAAASO FAAASW FAAATL FAAAWP FAABTL FAADCA FAAECI Anchorage, AK Kansas City, MO Atlantic City, NJ Atlantic City, NJ Jamaica, NY Des Plaines, IL Burlington, MA Anchorage, AK Renton, WA College Park, GA Fort Worth, TX Atlanta, GA Fremont, CA Battle Creek, MI Washington, DC Unknown FAAEKN FAAKLO Unknown Boonsboro, MD FAALGT FAAMRB FAAOEX FAAOKC FAASAC FAASJU FAAZAB FAAZAN FAAZBW FAAZDC FAAZDV FAAZFW FAAZHU FAAZID FAAZJX FAAZKC FAAZLA FAAZLC FAAZMA FAAZME FAAZMP FAAZNY FAAZOA FAAZOB FAAZSE FAAZTL FAAZUA Longmont, CO Martinsburg, WV Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City, OK Sacramento, CA San Juan, PR Albuquerque, NM Anchorage, AK Nashua, NH Leesburg, VA Longmont, CO Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX Indianapolis, IN Hilliard, FL Olathe, KS Palmdale, CA Salt Lake Cty, UT Miami, FL Memphis, TN Farmington, MN Ronkonkoma, NY Fremont, CA Cleveland, OH Auburn, WA Hampton, GA Aurora, IL Miscellaneous Information Probably a FAA unit that has not set their ALE ID properly in their unit Probably not a properly loaded unit, has not been seen as a regular participant on the net KDM 53-Alaska Region Office/EOC KKU 40-Central Region Office/EOC KLM 80-William J. Hughes Tech Center WHZ 74-Flight Inspect Field Office KJK 82-Eastern Region Office/EOC WHX 51-Great Lakes Region Office/EOC WHX 45-New England Region Office/EOC WHZ 73-Flight Inspect Field Office WHX 20-NW Mtn Region Office/EOC KDM 49-Southern Region Office/EOC KDM 47-Southwest Region Office/EOC KLM 44-Flight Inspect Field Office KMR 96-Oakland ARTCC KLM 43-Flight Inspect Field Office KEM 80-FAA Headquarters Eastern Computer Incorporated Contractor for FAA ARTCC RCOM HF Network upgrade) And this is NOT a stn in Elkins, WV KLO 87-FAA Emergency Relocation Site <Tentative ID> KCP 63-Western US C3 NCS/SCS Mtn KIT 88-Eastern US C3 Net NCS KIA 21-FAA Aeronautical Center WHZ 77-Flight Inspect Field Office WHZ 78-Flight Inspect Field Office KDM 45-San Juan ARTCC KGH 23-Albuquerque ARTCC KBX 44-Anchorage ARTCC KLD 70-Boston ARTCC KJK 80-Washington ARTCC KCJ 70-Denver ARTCC KBQ 25-Fort Worth ARTCC KMU 31-Houston ARTCC KLB 48-Indianapolis ARTCC KJK 79-Jacksonville ARTCC KKA 82-Kansas City ARTCC KJK 77-Los Angeles ARTCCC KDC 20-Salt Lake City ARTCC KMA 47-Miami ARTCC KDM 52-Memphis ARTCC KCJ 20-Minneapolis ARTCC KCD 73-New York ARTCC KMR 96-Oakland ARTCC KLA 25-Cleveland ARTCC WHX 44-Seattle ARTCC KUV 64-Atlanta ARTCC KJB 96-Chicago ARTCC 1. FAA Southern Net meets on Wednesday at 0900 ET on 6870 kHz LSB 2. FAA Western Net meets on Wednesday at 1230 ET on 13457 kHz USB 3. FAA Eastern Net meets on Wednesday at 1045 ET on 8125 kHz USB NCS: KIT88. Regular checkins: KEM80, KLM80, KLO87, KJK82, WHX45, KLD70, KJK80, WHX51, KJB96, KLA25, KLB48, KCJ20, KIA21, KDM49, Pagina 61 WUN-v11 KJK79, KMA47, KDM52, KUV64 Special thanks to Jack Metcalfe for his assistance in this section. U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency ======================================== FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) HF Frequencies Frequency/Designator Matrix (USB/LSB) F-01 2320.0 F-02 2360.0 F-03 2377.0 F-04 2445.0 F-05 2658.0* F-06 3341.0* F-07 3379.0 F-08 3388.0** F-09 4603.0 F-10 4780.0** F-11 5211.0 F-12 5378.0** F-13 5402.0** F-14 5821.0 F-15 5961.0** F-16 6049.0 F-17 6106.0 F-18 6108.0 F-19 6151.0** F-20 6176.0 F-21 6809.0* F-22 7348.0* F-23 7428.0** F-24 9462.0* F-25 10194.0* F-26 10493.0* F-27 10588.0* F-28 11721.0 F-29 11801.0 F-30 11957.0 F-31 10899.0** F-32 11108.0** F-33 12129.0 F-34 12216.0* F-35 11545.0 F-36 13446.0* F-39 13780.0 F-38 13894.0** F-37 13935.0 F-48 13956.0 F-41 14450.0 F-40 14567.0 F-42 14776.0* F-43 14836.0 F-47 14871.0 F-44 14885.0*/** F-45 14899.0** F-46 14908.0** F-50 15708.0* F-49 15840.0 F-51 16201.0* F-52 16238.0 F-53 17519.0* F-54 18483.0 F-55 18744.0 F-57 19969.0* F-58 20027.0 F-59 20063.0 F-56 20361.0 F-60 21866.0* F-61 21919.0 F-62 22983.0* F-63 23028.0 F-64 23390.0 F-65 23451.0 F-66 23550.0 F-67 23814.0 F-68 24008.0 F-69 24282.0 F-70 24526.0* F-71 24819.0 * indicates an old FEMA ALE network frequency ** indicated a new FEMA ALE network frequency Note: It would appear that the designators above have changed and reports on this system would be appreciated. Jack Metcalfe reported on the last weekend in July 2003 a new series of frequencies for the FEMA ALE net that have replaced the frequencies above. Please note the following frequencies are being used: 10899.0 11108.0 12112.0 13894.0 14885.0 14899.0 14908.0 Other FEMA ALE Frequencies 2414.0 4490.0 5135.0 5711.0 6151.0 7805.0 7806.4 8012.0 8050.0 9106.0 10899.0 11108.0 11217.0 12112.0 11957.0 13984.0 15094.0 17487.0 20107.0 22953.0 The information below was published in official MARS documents that are openly available on several internet websites. According to these MARS documents these designators are to be used by the membership in order to provide some sort of security for the FEMA National Emergency Coordination Net (NECN). The various MARS branches are suppose to use the designators below instead of announcing frequencies on the air. Designator Frequency FEMA-1U 5211.0 USB FEMA-1L 5211.0 LSB FEMA-2U 10493.0 USB FEMA-2L 10493.0 LSB FEMA-3U 14567.0 USB FEMA-3L 14567.0 LSB FEMA-4U 13956.0 USB FEMA-4L 13956.0 LSB Mode Other FEMA HF Assignments 2220.0 2258.0 2280.0 2317.5 2652.0 3206.5 3224.0 3342.5 4018.5 4023.5 4031.5 4441.5 4598.5 4608.5 4883.5 4886.5 5303.5 5379.5 5935.0 6804.5 6996.5 7361.5 8051.5 8161.5 9122.5 10871.5 11995.5 12112.0 12250.5 13451.0 16315.5 17461.5 17481.5 17501.5 20414.0 20444.5 20447.5 24060.0 24105.0 24135.0 24160.0 24191.0 Also published on open internet websites the following callsign list. Pagina 62 WUN-v11 MARS has now assigned callsigns listed below to the FEMA Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) Detachment Stations. A. FEMA REGION 1: AAN1FMA, MAYNARD, MA AAN1FMB, MOBILE AAN1FMC, MOBILE AAN1FMD, MAYNARD, MA B. FEMA REGION 3 AAN3FMA, MT. WEATHER, VA C. FEMA REGION 4 AAN4FMA, THOMASVILLE, GA AAN4FMB, MOBILE AAN4FMC, MOBILE AAN4FMD, MAYNARD, GA AAN4FME, MAYNARD, GA D. FEMA REGION 6 AAN6FMA, DENTON, TX AAN6FMB, MOBILE AAN6FMC, MOBILE AAN6FMD, DENTON, TX AAN6FME, DENTON, TX AAN6FMF, DENTON, TX AAN6FMG, DENTON, TX E. FEMA REGION 8 AAN8FMA, DENVER, CO AAN8FMB, MOBILE AAN8FMC, MOBILE AAN8FMD, DENVER, CO F. FEMA REGION 10 AAN0FMA, BROTHELL, WA Scheduled Government HF Nets ============================ Here is a list of the known United States Government nets. ++Federal Aviation Administration++ Southern Region Net meets on Wednesday at 0900 ET on 6870.0 LSB Eastern Region Net meets on Wednesday at 1045 ET on 8125.0 USB Western Region Net meets on Wednesday at 1230 ET on 13457.0 USB ++Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Region 7 Coordination Net++ This net starts at 1000 ET every Wednesday using the following times and frequencies (last heard 20 Aug 2003): Time(H+min) H+00 H+10 H+20 H+30 H+40 H+50 H+60 Freq Desig Freq (kHz) F-14 4821.0 F-02 5255.0 F-03 7419.5 F-04 9197.0 F-05 10891.0 F-42 13434.0 Net Terminated ++Missouri State Emergency Communications Net++ Wednesday weekly net at 0930 CT (1530 winter/1430 summer UTC) on 5140.0 kHz USB. ++New Hampshire Emergency Operations Centers++ Here's what Ron Perron has compiled on the New Hampshire Emergency Operations Center net. It is stuff that Jack Metcalfe, Mike Chace and Ron have all posted. Jack did the original work on the frequencies and ALE addresses. The net just grew from there as we listened in. Frequencies (USB/ALE): 2414.0 5135.0 5136.6 5192.0 5193.4 7805.0 7806.4 Station List: Pagina 63 BE1RL CE1NT CO1NC HI1LL KE1EN LA1NC MI1LF NA1SH PE1TE RO1CH WPFJ625 New WUN-v11 Berlin EOC Centerville EOC Concord EOC Hillsborough EOC Keene EOC Lancaster EOC Milford EOC Nashua EOC Peterborough EOC Rochester EOC Hampshire State EOC, Concord NH ++Ohio Disaster Services Agency++ Tuesday weekly net at 1400 UTC on 4640.0 kHz USB. Anyone else have any scheduled HF government nets they are aware of? ++Shared Resources (SHARES)++ SHARES Coordination stations conduct a weekly net on all ten SCN frequencies (see US Goverment SHARES Program section below). The net is operational weekly on Wednesday from 1600-1800 UTC. ======================================================================= -30----------------------- # NUMBERS & ODDITIES # ////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - Editor: Ary Boender ****** e-mail: ary@luna.nl - Nickname on IRC channels #WUNclub and #monitor: Ary-B - Download the complete N&O newsletter from the N&O web site - http://home.luna.nl/~ary/ - Online database: Chris Smolinski <csmolinkski@erols.com> http://www.spynumbers.com/numbersDB/ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////// -::: N&O #91, January 2005 :::Hello Spooksters. In front of you is the first N&O of 2005. There is a hailstorm outside but it is comfortably warm in my shack. Conditions are lousy, so it's no use to turn my radio on. I have put the latest Ayreon album on and hope to finish the column tonight. I'm sure Bill will be happy when he receives my column in time for once :-) I thank Brian, Jim, Sergey, Igor, Walter, Maciej, Japan Ute Monitor, Tom, Fritz, Leif and Nighthawk for their contributions. Mike Chace-Ortiz <mike@chace-ortiz.org> has a couple of ring binders full of logs from 1994 and 1995, many stations including message transcripts of the ones he was monitoring in-depth. All handwritten. Mike asks "If I send them over would someone be able to transcribe and add to the electronic archives?" That would be an interesting addition to the collection, Mike. Do we have volunteers amongst the N&O readers? Please, contact Mike if you are willing to enter all the logs in either a text document or a database. Ok, let's get started. * VOICE STATIONS * ::: E03 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER Pagina 64 WUN-v11 Lincolnshire Poacher idents first half of the month. UTC 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Mon 71775 44134 07880 21885 50839 35628 71775 72812 44134 04134 00815 Tue 71775 44134 00815 07880 21885 50839 35628 44134 71775 72812 04134 Wed 71775 44134 04134 00815 07880 21885 50839 35628 44134 71775 72812 Thu 71775 44134 72812 04134 00815 07880 21885 44134 50839 35628 71775 Fri 71775 44134 71775 72812 04134 00815 07880 21885 44134 50839 35628 Sat 71775 44134 35628 71775 72812 04134 00815 07880 21885 44134 50839 Sun 71775 44134 21885 50839 35628 71775 72812 44134 04134 00815 07880 UTC 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Thu 78420 39554 78062 48057 60177 06408 35165 39554 45552 60715 78420 Fri 78420 39554 78420 78062 48057 60177 06408 35165 39554 45552 60715 Sat 78420 39554 60715 78420 78062 48057 60177 06408 35165 39554 45552 Sun 78420 39554 35165 45552 60715 78420 78062 39554 48057 60177 06408 UTC 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Second half of the month. UTC 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Mon 78420 39554 06408 35165 45552 60715 78420 78062 39554 48057 60177 Tue 78420 39554 60177 06408 35165 45552 60715 39554 78420 78062 48057 Wed 78420 39554 48057 60177 06408 35165 45552 60715 39554 78420 78062 Compiled by Al. <<<<<>>>>> ::: E04 (E03a) CHERRY RIPE Cherry Ripe idents 1st half of January UTC 2200 2300 0000 0100 1000 1100 1200 1300 Sun 68357 98581 Mon 98581 60511 60511 12831 98581 07066 98523 83181 Tue 60511 12831 12831 98581 07066 98523 83181 68357 Wed 12831 98581 98581 07066 98523 83181 68357 98581 Thu 98581 07066 07066 98523 83181 68357 98581 60511 Fri 98523 83181 68357 98581 60511 12831 UTC 2200 2300 0000 0100 1000 1100 1200 1300 Compiled by Tomonori. <<<<<>>>>> ::: E10 On 3 January we received an alert message from Tom. "I hear E10 calling CIO 66 on 6930.. as of 0449 UTC", he says. Alas, Tom I was sound asleep at that time, so no copy for me. At 0444 UTC, Tom copied another one: SYN 66. Nighthawk and I heard the following SYN strings on 25-1. 3640//4015//6930 kHz, 25-1, 1714 UTC: SYN 541B 4015//6930 kHz, 25-1, 1830 UTC: SYN 75 <<<<<>>>>> ::: V26 Our Russian correspondent, Igor checks in with a message from V26, the Pagina 65 WUN-v11 station with the Chinese/English messages. Heard on 10 January at 0635 UTC on 13027 kHz. The transmission was already in ... 802 880 122 802 783 680 332 801 102 802 923 775 220 802 923 805 190 182 774 323 784 993 723 993 ahr msg ga nr 8 118 49 0110 1410 259 833 822 819 624 923 823 903 832 880 182 802 708 910 832 150 923 765 132 766 110 802 923 764 862 819 624 923 823 923 183 830 142 842 783 871 832 811 712 862 362 766 203 802 923 155 185 388 819 624 923 823 943 183 820 382 802 783 896 832 150 102 802 923 996 220 802 923 924 855 993 842 923 823 903 153 811 832 660 182 700 832 861 182 802 923 774 862 802 923 155 185 388 993 723 993 msg agn nr 8 118 49 0110 1410 259 833 822 819 624 923 823 903 832 880 182 802 708 910 832 150 923 765 132 766 110 802 923 764 862 819 624 923 823 923 183 830 142 842 783 871 832 811 712 862 362 766 203 802 923 155 185 388 819 624 923 823 943 183 820 382 802 783 896 832 150 102 802 923 996 220 802 923 924 855 993 842 923 823 903 153 811 832 660 182 700 832 861 182 802 923 774 862 802 923 155 185 388 993 723 993 ahr znn sk znn sk <short phrase in Chinese> progress. 862 996 825 246 1 183 182 874 832 923 943 120 774 819 802 766 881 802 943 871 775 852 172 862 624 703 1 203 183 182 874 832 923 943 120 774 819 802 766 881 802 943 871 775 852 172 862 624 703 1 203 Thanks Igor. Another transmission was observed by JUM. The station was copied on 6448 kHz at 1157 UTC. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* MORSE STATIONS * ::: M08 / V02 The following note comes from Mark Slaten. He writes: "M8c came up on the wrong freq at the 2300z sked for January 12, 2005. Began on 7519m and changed at 2306z to correct freq of 8009m. This has happened a few other times lately: M8a V2c V2c V2c 1/6/05 1/7/05 1/7/05 1/8/05 M8c 1/12/05 2300z 2100z 2200z 2100z 2300z 8009m to 8135m 7887m to 6855m 6855m to 6797m 7975m (this is a 1000z freq, did not change to correct freq of 6855m today) 7519m to 8009m It seems likely that a new operator come on shift and is making these mistakes. Which also means that it is very likely that V2c and M8a/M8c are broadcast from the same location and by the same personnel. More than likely, V2a is included in this, but have not noticed the same problem yet. Has anyone else noticed this anomaly? I have only seen it in the above instances and never in the past." Pagina 66 WUN-v11 <<<<<>>>>> ::: M10 M10 was observed on the following frequencies and times in January: 0400 0410 0430 0450 0535 0700 1610 1630 1700 1800 1920 1940 2100 2200 UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: UTC: 3522 kHz 5027 kHz 3522//4007 kHz 3522//5076 kHz 3522//3810 kHz 5076 kHz 4485//6758 kHz 4030//6763 kHz 3522//5301, 4958//7745 kHz 3631//5471 kHz 3810//5861 kHz 5945 kHz 3522//4007 kHz 3522//5301, 4836 kHz <<<<<>>>>> ::: M18 The station can be found on 3803 kHz. It sends the time as UTC+3 hours but it is never accurate. During the past month M18's time was always ahead of the actual time. The difference was between 1 and 3 minutes. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M21 Russian Air Defense stations with id "0" were active on 2219.5, 3301, 3222.5 and 4951.5 kHz. Standard messages like =990123??0????? and plots. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M51 Not reported very often these days: M51 was heard on 5426 kHz at 1612 UTC on 4 January with the usual stuff: NR 83J 04 17:16:12 2004 = NHHQT QYFUV ... <<<<<>>>>> ::: M89 The Chinese military net was active as ever. Unfortunately not all reports included frequencies. V CP17 CP17 CP17 DE L9CC L9CC V V V V V V V V V V V LA5S MW3D BFR7 GM3Z IBEH YELM ABYZ J9RZ RXP7 GUGM YAV8 LA5S MW3D BFR7 GM3Z IBEH YELM ABYZ J9RZ RXP7 GUGM YAV8 LA5S MW3D BFR7 GM3Z IBEH YELM ABYZ J9RZ XRP7 GUGM YAV8 DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE NH8T 2SLC 4XML PNW9 L4FC FC1T 6PXJ 8NMQ CZT2 Z702 OTUV NH8T 2SCL 4XML PNW9 L4FC FC1T 6PXJ 8NMQ CZT2 Z702 OTUV 7053.6, 7060.4, 7061.8, 7064.0, 7064.7, 7065.3, 7067.1 8038 3330.0, 4440.0, 7074.0 5756.0, 8457.1 5636.7 4762, 4769, 6501, 6505.5, 7620 8650, 10860 8808 5304, 7741, 8121 Pagina 67 WUN-v11 3846.0, 4928.0, 8044.0 V XY5V XY5V XY5V DE 4PPW 4PPW <<<<<>>>>> ::: MX Only a few reports, probably because the poor conditions. Cluster beacons. S: F: K: M: 8494.9 kHz 8495.2 kHz 10872.3 10872.4 Channel markers. L: 3202.8, 4424.5 kHz P: 3699.5, V: 3658, 5068 kHz -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* VARIOUS MODES * The Buzzer, Pip, Squeaky Wheel, and Slot Machine were all heard on the usual frequencies in January. A very loud XM station has been reported on 11363 kHz. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M42 8140.5 kHz: Departmnt of State Comms, Moscow. 1656 UTC, 23 January. Mode: OFDM + MFSK, switching between 34-tone OFDMwaveform and 32-tone/40Bd MFSK 10475 kHz: Department of State Comms, Moscow. 1403 UTC, 3 January. Mode: MFSK-32/CROWD36, 10 Bd. Chat traffic in a mix of English and Russian to unlocated embassy. 18591 kHz: Department of State Comms, Moscow. 1225 UTC, 15 January. Mode: 75Bd/500Hz Baudot based ARQ-system, offline crypto. Messages on link 13005 ... not spaced as 5LGs, op chat in Russian after message traffic. <<<<<>>>>> ::: JAMMERS Iran: 3856, 3865, 3871, 3880, 3930, 3966, 3970, 3985, 4024, 4160, 4280, 4375, 4860, 6420 kHz. N. Korea: 3912 kHz. Unid location: 3860, 4162, 4230, 4255, 4265, 4270, 4312, 4367, 4565 kHz. -0-0-0-0-CONET-0-0-0-0- --------------------------- ||||| PRODUCTS and BOOKS Review |||||| Pagina 68 ,-~~-.____ / | ' \ ( ) 0 \_/-, ,----' ==== // / \-'~; /~~~(O) / __/~| / | =( _____| (_________| WUN-v11 -----------------------------Editor.....Bob Margolis 136 East Woodland Road Lake Forest, IL 60045-1729 mahler6@mc.net ----------------------------- Reviewed this month: WUN Utility Guide CD-ROM, Vol. 3 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations The 2005 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ........................................ WUN Utility Guide on CD-ROM, Vol. 3 =================================== In celebration of 10 years on the Internet serving the shortwave radio utility station monitoring community, WUN just released a commemorative CD-ROM chock full of images and texts that will appeal to the wide variety of listening experiences of its more than 1,300 members in over 35 countries. They are among the more than 3,000 readers of this newsletter monthly, and we are sure the non-members would want to have a copy of this CD as well. Here's a tour of what's on the CD-ROM. You will find ordering information at the end of this review. On the Home Page there are five sections, Files, Audio, Images, Software, and About WUN. The Files section contains all newsletter columns written from 1995 to 2003. All loggings that appeared in the newsletters from January 1995 to September 2004 are here too. There are over 70,000 numbers stations loggings that originally appeared in the Numbers & Oddities columns, as well as nostalgic loggings sent in by members for this CD-ROM. Also on hand are all the newsletters from January 1995 through September 2004. There are also sample messages that members received over their RTTY decoders and sent to their printers. They include texts from diplomatic, press, military, meteorological, and maritime agencies, and also humanitarian aid organizations. Add to that all of WUN's Special Topics Reports, 10 of them, and a database in Microsoft Excel format of 12,385 Routing Indicators found in digital data intercepts. Lastly, there are many utility radio information files that include aviation maps, NDBs, EAMs, Q-Codes, Z-Codes, ICAO Codes, QSL list, a list of utility station addresses, ALE, ELF, VLF, military and government frequency lists, and a list of abbreviations that are used in the newsletters. This is not all, folks. There's a lot more to come. In the Audio section there are audio recordings of various types of utility stations, such as aeronautical, VOLMET, civil aeronautical, and some NDBs. Within this section is Digital Modes, which, if you are connected online at the time, will transport you to Leif Dehio's famous Monitoring Utility Stations Web site, where you will be able to hear the sounds of the many digital data modes that were formerly heard and still are heard over shortwave radio. Click on Digital Stations in the CD-ROM menu and you will be able to hear sample recordings of various digital systems such as ACARS, ARQ-E3, ASCII, Fishphone, FLEX, GOLAY, GWEN, Iran Radar, Japanese Navy PSK, POCSAG2, RTTY, SELSCAN, voice scramblers, WEFAX, and, using a well-worn cliche, lots, lots more. You will also be able to listen to recorded voice and CW transmissions of maritime stations, as well as recordings of military and government stations of various countries. Also in the Audio section under Miscellaneous are sample recordings of telecommunications companies, police departments, Pagina 69 WUN-v11 British Post Office, Royal Flying Doctors Service, Russian taxi drivers, and other intercepts that fit into no particular category. This is an historical treasure, for sure. In the Numbers & Oddities category are recordings of many of the so-called "numbers stations" and oddball sounds that would draw the attention of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully of the X-Files TV series. Next are recordings of objects in near-Earth space such as the former Russian space station, MIR, some satellites, and the Space Shuttle Endeavour, along with other orbital travelers. Last of all in the Audio section are recordings of time-signal stations, both current and from the past. For your viewing enjoyment, the Images section is next. Here are images from HF-radio FAX transmissions around the globe, and Hellschreiber, an historic mode once favored by the Chinese because it could reproduce their system of writing. There are no examples of Chinese characters here. Instead, the samples come from present day radio amateurs and are sent over the shortwave radio band sent aside for them. Next is a photo album of radio transmission towers, military communications equipment, radar sites, AWACS planes, and Teletype machines. I would suggest for the next volume of the WUN CD-ROM that part of this section be devoted to radio and decoding equipment, both past and present, used by us hobbyists. I, myself, still have radios and decoders that are more than 30 years old, most of which are no longer used and have been relegated to basement storage. With the prevalence of digital cameras today, it should be an easy task for hobbyists to snap pictures of their equipment and save them to their computers for later e-mailing to WUN if and when the call goes out for such pictures. You can also view 250 sample QSL cards and letters, and 19 images of SSTV transmissions that took place on the amateur radio bands. Two of those images are from MIR, the former Russian space station. The image from radio amateur DJ8RW should draw the attention of many of you who have a high level of testosterone. Hi! :-D If you need some software utilities to aid you in your radio-listening hobby, there are many types offered on this CD-ROM, including Audiocorder for Macintosh computers, KG84 decoder software, controllers for JRC NRD 535/NRD 545 receivers, a propagation manager, PC-ALE software, QRG-file generator, Sky Sweeper decoding software, and more. Also placed here are software to read the Adobe Acrobat-formatted files on this disk, and programs for searching and reviewing files on this CD. The last section is called About WUN. Here you will find many things to tell you about our club and its membership. You will be able to hear an anthem that was composed to honor WUN. There is also the club's charter, a WUN FAQ, club information, a recording of WUN as a non-directional beacon, and a press release pertaining to WUN's 10th anniversary that was sent to various media outlets. You will meet the WUN staff, both past and present, consisting of more than 50 people who helped make WUN a successful worldwide club. You will also meet the sponsors who graciously lent their support to the making of this CD and previous ones. Links are provided for you to visit their Web sites and hopefully become their customers. What "system requirements do I need to run this CD?" you may ask. Answer: The WUN Utility Guide CD should be readable on any standard computer CD-ROM drive. It is compatible with the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple MacIntosh, and Linux. It has been verified to work with the following minimum hardware/software requirements: CPU: 500 MHz, CD-ROM: 24x, Memory: 128 mb, Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 7.0, and Mozilla 1.0. The CD interface is written in standard HTML, so it should be viewable by any web browser which supports HTML v4 or higher. The browser configuration should support the following file types in order to view all the contents of the CD: html, gif/jpg images, wav/mp3 audio files, text, pdf files, and MS Excel .xls files. If the CD does not autoplay when inserted into the CD-ROM drive, the CD browser interface can be launched manually by opening the CD-ROM drive root folder and double-clicking on the "default.htm" Pagina 70 WUN-v11 file. That's the method I used when the CD did not autoplay for me. So now you want to order this CD, after determining you have to have it, no ifs, ands, or buts. Here's how to bring this little treasure to your mailbox: The WUN Utility Guide #3 CD-ROM may be ordered for only U.S.$24.99. This price includes postage to U.S. addresses and airmail postage elsewhere in the world. Payment must be in U.S. dollars and may be in checks from U.S. banks; international bank checks or money orders (make checks & money orders out to "WUN"); or by courtesy of a local company, MagMusic, Visa or Master Card. All credit card orders will show "MagMusic" as the seller. Checks from U.S. banks require a one-week wait for clearance. Please allow up to four weeks for delivery on all orders. Orders may be mailed to: WUN, P.O. Box 4450, Youngstown, Ohio 44515 USA. Credit cards by e-mail to: rbaker@zoominternet.net or by secure on-line form: https://www10.fatcow.com/mag-mu/form.html or by FAX to (USA Country Code 01) 330-270-9654. An order form is also available at our Web site, http://www.wunclub.com or you can use this order form as your guide: Order Form (please print neatly or type) Please send ____ copies of the WUN Utility Guide #3 CD-ROM at US$24.99 each. Name__________________________________ Mailing address (include postal/ZIP code): ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ E-Mail address:__________________________________ Payment: __ Money Order __ Check Credit Card: __ Visa __ MasterCard __ American Express Card Number_______________________ Expires__________ Cardholders Name____________________________________ Cardholders signature if mailed or faxed__________________________ Prepare yourself for many hours of viewing pleasure when you receive this CD in the mail. ____________________ 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations, 23rd Edition, Klingenfuss Publications ISBN 3-924509-05-0 ======================================================== Yes, you read the title correctly. It is the 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations, and not designated as the 2005 Guide as I expected. Joerg Klingenfuss tells me that the Guide will now be published every two years. Therefore, the 24th edition will be the 2007/2008 Guide and will be released in January 2007. But, not to worry. Joerg plans to keep you up-to-date with the latest information he has on hand with a supplement containing "several hundred new frequencies" to the 2005/2006 Guide to be published next January. The cost will only be 10 Euros, and that includes airmail worldwide. He says that already more than 200 new entries for that supplement has come into his office. An order form for the 2006 supplement is on page 385 of this new edition. Every year I receive a review copy of the Klingenfuss Guide to Utility Radio Stations, I always compare it to the previous edition to see what updates have been made. I like to see if some of my unidentifieds can now be labeled as identifieds. Sometimes I'm lucky; sometimes I'm not. Anyway, I know the Guide is up-to-date when I see Pagina 71 WUN-v11 an "UNID teleprinter" running at 100 baud at 13994.8 kHz in the 2004 edition is changed in the 2005/2006 edition to "UNID station" at 0931 with encrypted traffic using ITA2 mode at 100 baud. I also found that Guangzhou Radio China used SITOR-A mode in 2003 on 8431.0 kHz, and that it was heard in SITOR-B mode, as well as SITOR-A, in 2004. Last October, 11 different stations in ALE mode were heard on the same day on 8553.0 kHz. While the stations could not be identified as to their origins, just by their callsigns, this information was new. In the 2004 Guide there was no listing at 8553.0 kHz. This shows the extent to which Klingenfuss Publications keeps on top in monitoring the airwaves. That is why the Klingenfuss utility guidebooks are worthy purchases year after year. The 2005/2006 Guide contains 552 pages, with 4,800 changes made to the 2004 edition. Listed are 1,600 stations in 250 countries using 9,700 frequencies on the shortwave radio band between 3 and 30 MHz, and also the adjacent 0 to 150 kHz and 1.6 to 3 kHz frequency bands. The contents of the book are as follows: General information on the usage of HF Radio Monitoring utility stations Frequency list of utility stations Alphabetical list of utility stations Identification of stations International call sign series Call sign list of utility stations Meteorological radiofax and radiotelex services NAVTEX transmissions on 424, 490 and 518 kHz Digital data transmissions Q code Z code Phonetic alphabet and figure code SINPO and SINPFEMO codes Designation of emissions Classes of stations and nature of the service Terms and definitions Aeronautical Mobile Service Maritime Mobile Service Abbreviations To order the Guide from Klingenfuss Publications, go to http://www.klingenfuss.org/ and click on the link to an Order Form. The cover price is 45 Euros or U.S. $54.00. Postage is included in the price. Eurocard, American Express, and Master Card credit cards are accepted, Visa is not. In the United States, the book may be ordered from Universal Radio,Inc., 6830 Americana Pkwy, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068 for $44.95, plus a $4.95 Flat Rate shipping and handling charge for continental USA delivery, either by UPS or Priority mail. Online orders are taken at http://universal-radio.com/catalog/books/2583.html, or order at its toll-free number, 1 800.431.3939. (Order stock #2583.) Ohio residents: Add 6.75 percent sales tax. Checks, money orders, and Visa, Master Card, Discover-Novus and JCB cards, are accepted. An order form in Adobe PDF format for use in sending an order through via snail mail is at http://universal-radio.com/catalog/formwebo.pdf. ________________________ 2005 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM, 11th Edition, Klingenfuss Publications ====================================== Now in its 11th edition, the 2005 Super Frequency list on CD-ROM, contains the 9,700 frequencies found in the 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations, plus another 9,300 entries for clandestine, domestic and international broadcasting services on shortwave radio, 20,000 formerly active frequencies, and 920 abbreviations. This CD-ROM runs under Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT, and XP operating systems for PC's. The database is in German and English and Pagina 72 WUN-v11 can be searched for specific frequencies, countries, stations, languages, call signs, and times, or in combination with one another. Installation is easy. Just follow directions found in the "Readme" and "Liesmich" text files on the CD-ROM. The database can be sorted by frequency, call sign, station, country, or transmission mode. There is also word search capability, and data can be copied to the clipboard for pasting in your own documents. Other text files are provided, including lists of abbreviations, country codes, and other useful aids. Radio Raft, the digital data shareware program by French radio amateur Francois Guillet, F6FLT, is also on the CD. It is inside the "Control\Radioraf" folder. Another folder contains "screenshots" of 321 decoded digital data transmissions in the gif graphics format. The screenshots are of actual captures made with a WAVECOM digital data decoder. The cost for all of this is 25 Euros or U.S. $30.00, which includes worldwide surface mail from Klingenfuss Publications, Hagenloher Str. 14, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany. In the United States, the CD-ROM may be ordered from Universal Radio, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, for $25.95, plus a $4.95 shipping and handling charge for continental USA delivery, at http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/cd/3096.html, or order it at its toll-free number, 1 800 431-3939. (Order stock #3096.) Ohio residents: Add 6.75 percent sales tax. An order form in Adobe PDF format for use in sending an order via snail mail is at http://universal-radio.com/catalog/formwebo.pdf. Grove Enterprises is selling the CD-ROM (but not the guidebook) for $25.95 + $3.00 shipping by First Class mail in the U.S. Order number is SFT26-05. Go to http://www.grove-ent.com/How_to_Order/how_to_order.html for ordering instructions, or place your order online at www.grove-ent.com/order.html. Package Deal ============ Klingenfuss Publications has a special offer to those who wish to buy both the 2005/2006 utility radio station guidebook and the 2005 CD-ROM. The combined package costs 60 Euros (U.S. $78.00); a savings of 10 Euros (U.S. 13.00) from buying the two items separately. Use the order form at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Klingenfuss/order.htm for the package deal. In Conclusion ============= Please mention these reviews when placing your order by telephone, e-mail, or snail mail. WUN will appreciate the acknowledgement. Here's to the next decade with WUN, Cheers, Bob ------------------------------ ########## UTILITY ROUND-UP ########## Editor: Ary Boender e-mail: ary@luna.nl Nickname on #WUNclub and #monitor: Ary-B Hello and welcome to the first regular newsletter of 2005. I'd like to start my column with this month's historic utility radio facts: Pagina 73 WUN-v11 06 Jan, 1838: At an exhibition of his telegraph in New York, Samuel Morse transmitted ten words per minute using his newly created Morse code alphabet that would become standard throughout the world. 31 Jan, 1958: The USA launches "Explorer 1", its first orbiting satellite. The satellite transmitted telemetry on 108.0 and 108.03 MHz. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0The Tsunami disaster shocked the world in December and many dxers were glued to their radio sets hoping to hear the many relief organizations in the area. Except for the radio amateur Tsunami Relief Net, no other stations have been reported to us here at WUN. I assume that most of the radio contacts were on VHF and via mobile phones. HF frequencies as used by the Tsunami Relief Net were 7050 (emergency net), 7060, 7063 (info net Asia), 7090, 7160 kHz LSB, 14125 (Canada Red Cross net), 14160, 14190, 14195, 14200, 14265, 21240 kHz USB. From the other side of the world Tony reports a number of South American stations and one from Antarctica: 9433.5 kHz: Argentine farm "La Sarita" near Necochea city. Chat about cows, wheat, corn and rain. 13139.0 kHz: c/s "BRION": Venezuelan Navy calling BNF Also CGACO and CGA. 13330.0 kHz: Unid Chilean Antarctic Base. 14490.0 kHz: c/s "207": Unid Chilean station calling "206" followed by family phone patches. 14915.0 kHz: c/s "M1": Uruguayan Military with family phone patches. QSX is 14910 kHz. Possibly peace keepers in Haiti. Pirate beacon "S" from the southern US desert (possibly Arizona) was heard on 8000.55 kHz. Costas asks if the DATATRAK stations are still active on LF. Well Costas, I can still hear the Dutch stations and also several others, probably from Belgium or the UK. Tony says that the Argentinian stations are still alive and reportedly the South African are also on the air. According to one of our Austrian correspondents, the Austrian net was never activated. He checked this for me about a year ago. Klaus Betke also sent a note in which he says "There were two allotments in Germany in the ITU BR IFIC list but the stations do not exist." Mark from down-under sent us this note: "Interesting, the New Zealand Herald is reporting that the Solomon Islands is relying on HF radio to communicate around the seven main islands in the group. So an opportunity to hear some Pacific activity that would not normally be active." If someone knows the frequencies, please let us know. Several WUNners have tried to catch the SAQ transmission on 17.2 kHz earlier this month. Lars Astrom reports "The special transmission of SAQ today marked the visit of some American guests to Grimeton and a birthday greeting was sent. Reports came in from the British Isles and continental Europe, as far south as Greece, and at several locations in North America." Although I have tried it many times, I still have not copied SAQ. Bummer! Ewald sent me the following news: "According to information confirmed by Army MARS HQ in Ft Huachuca, AZ, the MARS Gateway at Edingen/Heidelberg (regular call: AEM1USA, Armed Forced Day call: AEA) has been closed. Reasons were budgetary considerations and the lack of traffic (MARSGRAMS) going through." Thanks Ewald. Another one down the drain :-( Pagina 74 WUN-v11 Oh, before I forget... I just visited Jerry's website about Hyperbolic Radio Navigation Systems again. If you are interested in this stuff, be sure to visit his page. It is really good. http://webhome.idirect.com/~jproc/hyperbolic/index.html -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* AERO STATIONS * I begin this aero section with two interesting catches from Tony. He heard Chilean Air Force FACH 996 working with Urano (Santiago) on 13330 kHz and aircraft HC-CDY working with "A22" being Transportes Aereos Militares del Ecuador in Quito on 14970 kHz. Costas reports a number of Greek stations. I've been hunting for them for quite a while but alas.... still no luck. 2989 "ATHINA" Athens Aeradio,[LGGG] clg any station for radio check. Got reply and signal report from KAZANTZAKIS (Iraklio Airport [LGIR] 5637 "KASTELLORIZO": Kastellorizo Airfield [LGKJ] clg "all stations" with New Year greetings, got reply from MYKONOS [LGMK] "ATHINA": Athens Aeradio, wkg LEROS (Leros Airfield [LGLE]) Allen Fountain informs us that Australia's RAAF HF network along with the MWARA stations are currently undergoing a major upgrade to be completed by 2007. Australia's network of 27 VHF transmitting sites and 13 HF transmitting sites is called Flightwatch and is controlled from Brisbane. HF frequencies are 3452, 3461, 6541, 6565, 6580, 6610, 8822, 8831, 8843 & 8858 kHz. "WUNners are reminded that Sydney Volmet is no more. It now comes from transmitters near Brisbane and id's as "Australian Volmet", says Allen. Ian Julian from New Zealand sent me a NOTAM that gives more details: YBBB BRISBANE (FIR/FIC/ACC/COM/MET/NOF) G0096/04 - AMD AIP ENR SUP AUSTRALIA EFFECTIVE 25 NOV 2004 NAV/COMM 1 AND 2 NAVIGATION AND COMMUNICATIONS DELETE SECTION 1 IN TOTO AND INSERT THE FOLLOWING: 1. ADF HIGH FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 1.1 THE ADF HIGH FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS IS A HIGH FREQUENCY (3-30MHZ) RADIO NETWORK PROVIDING COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FOR THE OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF ADF AND RNZAF AIRCRAFT AND HF EQUIPPED MARINE CRAFT. IN ADDITION, VISITING MILITARY AIRCRAFT MAY USE EITHER SYSTEM WHEN CONTACT WITH AUSTRALIAN/NEW ZEALAND BASED MILITARY AUTHORITIES IS REQUIRED. NEITHER SYSTEM PROVIDES AN AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE, CIVIL OR MILITARY. 1.2 THE ADF HFCS IS CONTROLLED BY DEFENCE COMMUNICATIONS STATION AUSTRALIA (DCSA) LOCATED IN CANBERRA. 1.3 THE ADF HFCS CONSISTS OF FOUR NODES LOCATED AT: EXMOUTH, WA, (22.20S, 114.30E) DARWIN, NT, (12.22S, 130.59E) TOWNSVILLE, QLD, (19.28S, 146.25E) RIVERINA, NSW, (35.01S, 146.25E) 1.3.1 DCSA PROVIDES 5 VOICE CONTACT NETS (VCN), WHICH CONSIST OF: VCN CIRCUIT FREQUENCY HOURS OF OPERATION VCN 1 VCN 1 VCN 2 3700KHZ 22868KHZ 5878KHZ 0900Z-2100Z 2100Z-0900Z 0900Z-2100Z Pagina 75 VCN VCN VCN VCN 2 3 4 5 20632KHZ 9340KHZ 10212KHZ 12172KHZ WUN-v11 2100Z-0900Z CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS 1.3.2 DISCRETE FREQUENCIES ARE AVAILABLE (IF REQUIRED) AND ALLOCATED AFTER INITIAL CONTACT ON THE VCN. 1.3.3 TELEPHONE PATCH FACILITIES BETWEEN AIRCRAFT AND GROUND APPOINTMENTS. 1.3.4 CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF MILITARY DISTRESS FREQUENCY 5696KHZ. 1.4 HOURS OF OPERATION DCSA H24. 1.5 MODE OF OPERATION DCSA IS CAPABLE OF OPERATING INDEPENDENT SIDE BAND (ISB) OR AM MODES HOWEVER, THE NORMAL MODE OF OPERATION IS UPPER SIDE BAND (USB). 1.6 DCSA CALLSIGNS. DCSA USES THE FOLLOWING SELF EVIDENT CALLSIGNS: DCSA AUSTRALIA CONTROL -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* AFRICAN REPORT * 7002.0 Unid NGO in Sudan. 7005.0 Christian missions in Tanzania. Idents: Dodoma, Mbesa, Dar es Salaam, Mtwara, Tunduru, Masasi, Njoka, Songea, Semanga, Nachingwea. Languages heard: KiSwahili, German, English. 7022.5 Agricultural estates in northern Tanzania. Idents MD Arusha Naberera, KT, Poverty. Freq variable to 7022.7 kHz. 7023.0 Unid. Possibly a transport or bus firm. Also uses 7318 kHz. Operates late into the evenings. Usual schedules at 0700, 1200 and 1900 local time. Idents are place names: Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Morogoro, Nyanza, Songea, Kilosa? Mpwapwa? Iringa, Babati, Kartar Singh, Jita Singh, Lindi. Languages on the net: KiSwahili, Hindi, Gujerati or Punjabi? 7027.0 Medecins Sans Frontieres in Zaire. 7045.0 Tanzania Electricity Supply Co. 30+ stations in Tanzania. 7050.0 Unid NGO in Rwanda and possibly Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia. Idents: A, AA, BB, J, K, D, DG, Kigali, GA, W, WA, 42, 54, 4A, 72,691,134, PW, Bukavu. Languages heard on the net: French, English and Italian. 7055.0 Unid NGO in Zaire. Idents: MA, A, B, G, Banana, R, LW, F. Languages: French, KiSwahili and Italian. Selcals and phone patches. 7056.0 Tanzanian hunting camps, some near Selous Reserve. Operates late into the evenings, and often uses Afrikaans. Idents: Maasai, Kalulu, Lukula, Morogoro, Mahenge, Musoma, Mobile 1, Mobile 2, Mobile 3, Kuria, Kabojo, George, Jason, Mbuga?, Dar es Salaam. Languages: Afrikaans, English (SA accent), KiSwahili, TZA accent. 14000.0 Unid medical NGO in Sudan, Somalia, Uganda. Idents: BI, ML, FM, SL, OK, Zero, Quarante, 95, KE, CC, CE, CJ, CM, Goma, JM, JK, CN, KT, JA, DK, KM, MM, DJ, BC, NI3, YL, AL, K1, NI, Mai Mai, YL, SV, Kasungu, NBI, JT, AR (Arua), Mobile. Languages heard on this net: English, Amharic, other vernaculars, KiSwahili, Dholuo, the last predominating. Medical traffic in phonetics. Definite connection with Kenya but no traffic heard. Also on Pagina 76 WUN-v11 12000 kHz LSB and 14450 kHz LSB. 14021.0 Missionary net in DR Congo, Burundi and Uganda. Idents: Mike, Delta, Sierra. 21021.0 Missionary net in DR Congo, Burundi and Uganda. Very active net using idents like: Zulu, Mike, Sierra, Kilo. Heard daily between 1100 and 1430 UTC in French or vernacular. (Sources: IARUMS and DARC Bandwacht) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* SPACE COMMUNICATIONS * The Ukranian remote sensing satellite Sich-1M was launched from Russia's Plesetsk spaceport on 24 December Although the intended orbit was around 640 km circular, initial US orbital data put it in a 280 x 640 km x 82.6 deg orbit, suggesting that the second burn of the upper stage was a partial failure. The Tsiklon-3 launch vehicle is also Ukrainian built, although I believe it's Russian-owned by the time of launch.Mass of Sich-1M is 2223 kg. The launch also carried the MK-1TS Mikron small satellite, which is a 66 kg test payload with a miniature visible-band camera. (Source: Jonathan's Space Report) The third stage of the Tsiklon 3 failed however and the satellite did not reach its orbit. It is quite possible that Sich-1M will never transmit. This is really bad news because there is currently no other APT satellite than the NOAA satellites. Sich-1M should operate APT on 137.4 MHz. <<<<<>>>>> COSMOS 2414 (catalog# 28251) was launched from Plesetsk on 20 January. This is a military navigation satellite that will replace one of the many defunct ones. I have heard the satellite on 149.97 MHz on various dates and times. It shares this frequency with Cosmos 2389. -0-0-0-0- That's all folks! -0-0-0-0-----------------------------------WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== Jan 2005 ============= Edited by Eddie Bellerby (eddiebellerby@tiscali.co.uk) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:Jim Dunnett mail@sideband.fsnet.co.uk Bob Yellen byellen250@charter.net Steve J. Walker stevew@bucks.net Another year begins and from my point of view has started well with a total of 1785 separate logs; please keep it up ladies and gentlemen. ============================================================== 00018.1 RDL: Russian Military 1238 36-50/50/65 One T600 msg. From Krasnodar VLF site. (20Dec04) (RGA) 00018.1 RDL: Russian Military Bcast via Krasnodar VLF Site 1438 36-50/50/65 One T600 message. (04Jan05) (RGA) 00018.3 HWU: Navy "Le Blanc" (tx location Rosnay?), F 1145 FSK/200/100 unid mode (09Jan05) (KB) Pagina 77 WUN-v11 00022.1 Royal Navy. Anthorn? 1135 FSK/100?/50 unid mode [More likely Skelton; Anthorn closed some time ago. Team Logs]. (09Jan05) (KB) 00023.4 DHO38: Navy Ramsloh 1130 FSK/200/100 unid mode (09Jan05) (KB) 00025.0 RJH63: Krasnodar TS 1206 CW id. Tx on 1201, 1207-1209 N0N, 1209-1220 pulses, then QSY as usual (09Jan05) (KB) 00026.7 TBB: Navy Bafa, TUR 1125 FSK/100/50 unid mode (09Jan05) (KB) 00284.0 mizen head: -ireland id 660 06h DGPS 100 Jan01 01 ML 00287.5 thorshavn: - norway / # heard no id 06h DGPS Jan01 01 ML 00292.5 BABA: Light house Estaca de Barres NDB (BA X 2 id) Spain 2240 cw 21/12(PP1) 00296.5 gothenburg: -sweden near goteborg id 736 06h DGPS 100 Jan01 01 ML 00299.0 gatteville: - france near cherbourg id 460 06h DGPS 100 Jan01 01 ML 00302.0 hjortens Udde: - # sweden vanern id 733 06h DGPS Jan01 01 ML 00307.5 kapellskar: ?? -sweden / wrong id on soft = 426,1021,??? 06h DGPS 100or 200? Jan01 01 ML 00310.5 faerder: - norway south oslo # heard no id (signal too weak to identif with soft but good spectro) 07h DGPS Jan01 01 ML 00346.0 LHO: Le Havre-Octeville NDB France 2202 cw 21/12 (PP1) 00361.0 MAK: Mackel NDB Belgium 2210 said to be near Deinze cw 21/12 (PP1) 00499.0 RWM: Moscow, RUS, 1609, CW, time signals, 13-Dec-04 (CK) 00518 5BA: CyprusRadio (M) 0600 NAVTEX. (04Jan05) (WC) 00518 OST: OostendeRadio (M) 2203 NAVTEX MIBs. (17Jan05) (RGA) 00518 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0822 FEC Navtex (24/Dec/04) (RH2) 00518 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0830 FEC Navtex (11/Jan/05) (RH2) 00518.0 NMA: 1204 0442 NMA USA FEC Miami / AA68 CCGD BNM 1314-04 1.FL-US Navy is conducting recovery. 22dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 NMA: 1208 0434 NMA USA FEC Miami / AJ44 Alabama coast mobile point DGPS.22dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 nma: 1225 0445 NMA USA FEC (Miami) / AJ72 DGPS BNM 789 -04 FLORIDA COAST-KEY WEST DGPS BROADCAST SITE 25dec04(CSn) 00518.0 nmf: 0101 0506 NMF USA FEC Boston / FA88 Group broadcast HF-FM-SSB for safety CCGD1 BNM 0553-04.(CSn) 00518.0 nmf: 1225 0507 NMF USA FEC (Boston) / FJ71 DGPS BNM 803-04 Maine coast-penobscot, ME DGPS.25dec04(CSn) 00518.0 NMR: 12 080626 MNR USA FEC San Juan / RE36 NAVTEX MARINE FORECAST NWS TPC/NATIORAL HURRICANE.22dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 nmr: 1230 0218 NMR USA FEC San Juan / RE07 National huricane center.(CSn) 00518.0 SAQ: 1204 0527 SAQ SWE FEC Grimeton / IA01 Danish nav warn 239 Kategat Hessel.22dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 SUH: 1213 0227 SUH EGY FEC Alexandria / NA17 N/W 42/04 ALEX Med.Sea ALEX.22dec04(CSn) 00518.0 SUH: 1213 2218 SUH EGY FEC Alexandria / N/W NO: 226/04 Medit sea Alex. Port B.A. CH NO.3119.22dec04(CSn) 00518.0 SUH: 1215 2225 SUH EGY FEC Alexandria / NL24 N/W 210/2004 Med. Sea North East Alexandria. 22dec04(CSn) 00518.0 SUH: 1219 2220 SUH EGY FEC Alexandria / NL33 Offshore rig (D.R. Stewart) T.22dec04(CSn) 00518.0 SUK: 1212 2346 SUK EGY FEC Quseir / VL26 SUK N/M13 Suez Gulf 1st power station estnlischd.22dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 SUZ: 1220 0356 SUZ EGY FEC Serapeum / XA03 Serapeum navtex SVC.part3. For Egypt. coast.22dec04(CSn) 00518.0 suz: 1224 2356 SUZ EGY FEC (Serapeum) / XA02 Serapeum navtex svc. Part 2. 25dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 suz: 1229 2357 SUZ EGY FEC Serapeum / X_02 Serapeum navtex SVC_ part 2 for Egypt coast.(CSn) 00518.0 SVH: 1211 2034 SVH GRE FEC Iraklion / HB38 Irakleio radio gale warning 592/04.22dec04 (CSn) 00518.0 TAH: 1216 0036 TAH TUR FEC Instanbul / DE29 Pagina 78 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 01677.0 01677.0 01677.0 01755.0 01767.0 01876.0 01915.0 02065.0 02072.1 02072.1 02072.1 02072.1 02072.1 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 WUN-v11 Instanbul Turk radio Part-1 no gale warning. 22dec04(CSn) TAL: 1213 2106 TAL EGY FEC Antalya / FE25 Antalya Turk radio Part 1"No gale warning Part 2:Synopsis. 22dec04 (CSn) TAL: 1216 0106 TAL TUR FEC Antalya / FL01 Antalya Turk radio The navtex transmission.22dec04(CSn) TFA: 1216 0357 TFA ISL FEC Reykjavik / XA03 Greenland 04 1216 navigational warning Island. 22dec04(CSn) UDN: 1213 2308 UDN RUS FEC Novorossiysk / AA48 Coastal warning Novorossiysk 76. 22dec04(CSn) UDN: 1216 0311 UDN RUS FEC Novorossiysk / AA69 1. Missle firing execise 14 thru.22dec04(CSn) ujb: 1229 2305 UJB RUS FEC Astrakhan / WA61 Coastal warning Astrakhan 174. (CSn) vck: 1228 0436 VCK CAN FEC Riviére-au-Renard / CA23 NOTSHIP Quebec region - mooring of winter. (CSn) VOK: 1220 0805 VOK CAN FEC Labrador / XE17 Enviroment canada forecast all times.(CSn) vok: 1225 0407 VOK CAN FEC (Labrador) / XE37 Enviroment Canada forecast all times.25dec04 (CSn) VON: 1208 0620 VON CAN FEC St.John's / OB51 GALE WARNING ISSUED FOR THE NEWFOUNDLAND 22dec04 (CSn) VON: 1219 0628 VON CAN FEC St.John's / OA06 NOTSHIP N2105 NORTHERN GRAND BANKS.22dec04(CSn) VON: 1220 0238 VON CAN FEC St.John's / OA20 Enviroment Canada forecast al times.22dec04(CSn) VON: 1221 0232 VON CAN FEC St.John's / OE76 Enviroment Canada forecast all times.22dec04(CSn) EJM: malin head 0639 USB Dec22 04 ML EJM: malin head 0840 USB wx gale Jan08 05 ML EJM: malin head 1931 USB yl naws Dec13 04 ML EAO: palma 2003 USB span om Dec20 04 ML cabo de gata: / near almeria 2002 USB span Dec20 04 ML IQN: lampedusa 2107 USB ital naws Dec13 04 ML dial: german coast guard ship BMS Oceanic 1857 sitor-a sind wieder südlich der tg13 03Jan05 (wp3) unid: 2200 50b/rtty (by PcPakratt)(05-jan-2005)(MSM) : Seewetterdienst Hamburg 2203 ARQ SELCALS SOMT German CG vessel Mellum/DBPQ then SELCALS TQFR/CG vessel Neuwerk/DBJM followed by force 9 storm warning for German North Sea coast issued at 2230UTC. Then quiet. (12Jan05) (RGA) dbgx: German coast guard ship BG24 Bad Bramstedt 0722 sitor-a #17712 position report 27Dez04 (wp3) dbgx: german coast guard ship BG24 Bad Bramstedt 1700 sitora position report 15Jan05 (wp3) dbgy: German coast guard ship BG25 Bayreuth 2221 sitor-a #17715 xxxx x position report wir fahren bis holland und drehen dann 29Dez04 (wp3) dbjm: German coast guard ship Neuwerk 0432 sitor-a 60286 dbjmx 30.12.2004 (05:32) g m, q t h 54 : 08,1 n 08 : 05,9 e 270dg 02 kn~ g w bi bi 60286 dbjm x 30.12.2004 (05:33) 30Dez04 (wp3) 002442000: Den Helder Coast Guard 0308 USB/GMDSS All Station J3E telephone qrg info 02182.0kHz (28-dec-2004)(MSM) 002570300: Rogaland Radio NOR 0331 USB/GMDSS with Selective call to ships in a geographic area 59' Deg North 000 Deg East, Heigth 04 Deg, Width 12 Deg, and J3E Phone QRG info RX:01785.0/TX:02129.0 (28-dec-2004)(MSM) 002653000: Göteborg Radio 0331 USB/GMDSS with all ships msg J3E phone QRG 02182.0, followed by same info from: Den Helder CG (QRG 03673.0)(28-dec-2004)(MSM) 255801260: unid Ship reg. in Madeira 0136 USB/GMDSS wkng SPS Witowo Radio for J3E comms, safety purpose (28-dec-2004)(MSM) 311848000: unid bahamese ship 0142 USB/GMDSS wkng Pagina 79 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 WUN-v11 SPS Witowo for safety purpose (28-dec-2004)(MSM) 3FHC5: Panamanian-flagged Vessel Susan Hill 1933 GMDSS RQs Ever Utile/3FZA9 for simplex telephone call on 8230 kHz. (07Jan05) (RGA) : MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas 2305 GMDSS Self-addressed safety test (Testing GMDSS functions correctly?) (12Jan05) (RGA) : MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas CNR 2105 GMDSS CQs All Ships for pending voice safety broadcast on 2182 kHz. (30Dec04) (RGA) : Unid 2156 FEC Idling on GMDSS frequency. Still there at 2300. (17Dec04) (RGA) C6BW6: Bahamas-flagged Vessel New Zealand Reefer 2016 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. OXZ BQs test. (07Jan05) (RGA) C6NE7: Bahamese ship WESTMINSTER 0256 USB/GMDSS wkng Samsun Radio TUR for safety purpose (28-dec-2004)(MSM) CNGX: Moroccan Ship Al Mounir 2042 GMDSS RQs unknown vessel (242047000) for simplex telephone conversation on 2200 kHz. (30Dec04) (RGA) ELQK7: Liberian-flagged Vessel Friendly Lady 2301 GMDSS RQs Norwegian vessell Bourbon Charisma/LJQY for simplex telephone conversation on 2048 kHz. (12Jan05) (RGA) GJCT: British Vessel Viking Protector 2216 GMDSS RQs Trafalgar Guardian/MSHF2 for simplex telephone conversation on 3050 kHz. (07Jan05) (RGA) LAOR4: Norwegian Ship Fosna 2041 GMDSS RQs FloroRadio Norway/LGL for safety test. (30Dec04) (RGA) LXCZ: Luxembourg Ship Cymbeline 2040 GMDSS RQs RCC Den Helder/PBC for safety test. (30Dec04) (RGA) MCXD5: British Ship City of Oporto 2242 GMDSS RQs MRCC Falmouth Cornwall for safety test. (12Jan05) (RGA) MKHG4: British Ship Grampian Star 2054 GMDSS RQs sister ship Grampian Falcon/GCJK for simplex telephone conversation on 2850 kHz. (30Dec04) (RGA) MNUY2: British Ship Viking Crusader 2016 GMDSS RQs sister ship Viking Venturer/MLSY2 for simplex telephone conversation on 1649 kHz. (30Dec04) (RGA) OITR: Finnish Ship Tervi 1931 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety check. OXZ BQs. (30Dec04) (RGA) OIXX: Finnish Ship Link Star 2045 GMDSS RQs MSRC Holyhead Wales for safety test then tries MRSC Milford Haven Wales. (30Dec04) (RGA) OST: OostendeRadio BEL 2001 GMDSS All ships broadcast "SHIPS AND AIRCRAFT ACC TO RESOLUTION 18" (?) Giving frequency 2761 kHz. (07Jan05) (RGA) P3WM9: Cyprus reg.ship ICARUS III 0140 USB/GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (28-dec-2004)(MSM) PBK: Netherlands CG Radio Den Helder 2012 GMDSS All ships call for MIB/weather on 3673 kHz. (07Jan05) (RGA) SAB: GöteborgRadio SWE 1930 CQ All Ships preliminary call for MIB/Weather bcast on 2182 kHz followed by same from WitowoRadio/SPS Poland for bcast on 2720 kHz and from Las Palmas/Teneriffe for 2182 kHz. (07Jan05) (RGA) SAB: GöteborgRadio Sweden 1932 GMDSS CQs All Ships for voice safety broadcast on 2182 kHz followed by same from WitowoRadio/SPS Poland. (30Dec04) (RGA) SPS: Witowo Radio 0732 USB/GMDSS with All ships info J3E phone QRG 02720.0 (28-dec-2004)(MSM) SVO: OlympiaRadio Athens 2003 GMDSS Geographical area selcall for 2799/2134 kHz with coordinates between 29 and 39N/20 and 40E. (07Jan05) (RGA) UCPE: Russian Ship Pioner Litvy 1957 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. OXZ BQs. (30Dec04) (RGA) UEVA: Russian Vessel Volga Don-5021 1956 GMDSS RQs garbled MRSC (00237000) for safety check. Checksum error. Pagina 80 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02219.5 02220.0 02220.0 02226.0 02250 02250 02250.0 02278.0 02461.5 02462.0 02473.0 02474.0 02474.0 02505.0 02531.0 02572.4 02598.0 02607.0 02608.4 02617.0 02626.0 02644.0 02654 02663.0 02666.0 02679.0 02684.5 02737 02788.0 02789.6 WUN-v11 (30Dec04) (RGA) V7DW4: Marshall Is. Vessel George H.Galloway 2050 GMDSS RQs Panamanian MSC Melissa/H9VY for simplex telephone call on 4180 kHz. (30Dec04) (RGA) VSPR3: British Vessel Finpulp 2211 GMDSS RQs MRCC Stockholm/SDJ for safety test. Then tries MRC Turku/OFK who BQs the test. (07Jan05) (RGA) XUDX7: Cambodian ship DIMITRIS 0212 USB/GMDSS wkng Turku Radio for safety purpose (28-dec-2004)(MSM) ZDPF3: Gibraltar-flagged Vessel Baltic Sailor 2307 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (14Jan05) (RGA) ---: CIS AF ?LOC 1921 CW Time signal string "?992221??0?????" every min (04/Jan)(DW) M21: Russian Air Def 2150 CW chaotic msg lots of "?"- "9458T555 = 99TED A TÖ I94S M H1352 =N R9TT51??EW ????", good sigs, (05-jan-2005)(MSM) unid: prob CIS 2150 CW chaotic msg lots of "?""9458T555 = 99TE D A TÖ I94S M H1352 =N R9TT51??EW ????", good sigs, (05-jan-2005)(MSM) ukcg: humber 0747 USB naws Jan09 05 ML : Unid FishFone 2217 SAILOR-CRYPT/USB Scrambled. Mostly female voice. (12Jan05) (RGA) OWK: RDAF HQ Vedbaek 1702 ALE/USB Calls OWE/FTK Karup. (29Dec04) (RGA) OWP: DAF ?LOC 2033 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng OWE. 2344 clng OWI (04/Jan)(DW) unid: gaf ? 0639 arq-e/85.71/165 tfc scr 04Jan05 (wp3) 0A: Irish Naval arq 100/170 0111 "48 de 94 qru" 5lgs (17 Dec 04) (MJZ) IN: CARB Broadcast "IGJ/IDRRTTY/75/850 "IDR3/IGJ42/IGJ41/IDR2/IDR8/IGJ43/" 2215 (ML) PBC: NETHERLANDS NAVY RTTY MARKER, Goeree Island RTTY/75/850 "02A04B 06A 08A 12Y 17X 22X PBC" 2234 9jan05 (ML) pbc: DN Goerree 0708 rtty 75/850r 02a 04b 06a 08a 12y 17x 22x 04Jan05 (wp3) pbc: DN Goerree 0759 rtty 75/850r 02a 04b 06a 08a 12y 17x 22x pbc 29Dez04 (wp3) No Call: unid 2020 Sitor-ARQ 100Bd/170Hz clg TMCT: "BG 14 Duderstadt" (26/DEC/04) (KK) OWK: Danish Mil 2140 MIL STD 188-141 ALE on usb Clng OWE (08jan05) (S) NATO STANAG 4285 600L (BRASS???) 2313 9/jan/05(ML) Von: canadian cg VON? 0821 USB weak / wx naws Jan07 05 ML FUO: FN Toulon RTTY/75/850 2328 ry sg test tape 9jan05(ML) fuo: F Navy Toulon 0732 rtty 75/850 faaa de fuo fuo znr uuuuu testing ryryryryryryryryryryryry sgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsg 0123456789 0123456789 nnnn 04Jan05 (wp3) Unid: fax meteo 120 rpm Fleet weather and Oceanographic centre Northwood2337 9jan05(ML) Unid: Female voice with international letters, final with "END OF MESSAGE"twice 2341 9jan05(ML). fishermen: 0841 USB ff Jan08 05 ML : Ukranian Military 2222 CW Weak. 5LG bcast msg to unid: ....QTC 809 42 13 0010 809 258 = AAAAA ...hh hhääa ... (Ends) AR. (12Jan05) (RGA) IPC: crotone 0627 USB ital phone dial Dec14 04 ML unid: 2110 USB ?voice encrypt with bip Dec13 04 ML 4XZ: IN Haifa CW 2350 9jan05(ML) Unid: German Mil? 2219 ARQ-E (by RGA) (05-jan-2005)(MSM) REA4: AFHQ Moscow 2144 CW Idling on revs all afternoon on various freqs. Still no traffic. (17Dec04) (RGA) FUE: FN Brest test Channel ABC001 RTTY/75/850 ry sg test 2355 9jan05(ML) FUE: FR Navy, Brest 2222 RTTY 75bd/850hz w/test Pagina 81 02800.0 02810.0 02813.1 02814.0 02817.5 02818.5 02872.0 02941.0 02989.0 03068 03086 03102.0 03111.0 03137 03137 03160.0 03167.0 03192.0 03194.4 03202.8 03204.0 03204.0 03204.0 03211.0 03211.0 03211.0 03217 03217 03220.0 03222.5 03222.5 WUN-v11 tape,btw Skysweeper could not decod it,PCPacratt did (05-jan-2005)(MSM) 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 1822, CW, VVV-marker, 02-Jan-05 (CK) OFK:Turku Radio 2237 USB MM WX rep. BalticSea ,ENG+Fin s9+ (27-dec-2004) (MSM) unid: / unknown, 0334Z, 18 Dec, 2004, USB, Korean(?) or Japanese(?)speaking males in what sounds to me like casual conversation. SFS 18dec04 (T) No Call: unid 2034 Rtty 50Bd/200Hz Marker: "KKKKKXFDRDFDWRNZ" MQPF2: British Ship Jervis Bay 2244 GMDSS Calls unlikely MMMSI 006211111 for apparent safety test. (12Jan05) (RGA) ff: 0630 USB ff "test de mentor.test pour le réglage de vosrécepteurs..." Jan07 05 ML atc nat shanwick: 0629 USB work virgin2 Dec25 04 ML St. Petersburg VOLMET 2228 USB/vice flight wx in Russian for Mineralne Vody and other locations(05-jan-2005)(MSM) ATHINA: Athens Aeradio, GRC [LGGG], 1959, USB, clg any station for radio check. Got reply and signal rprt fm KAZANTZAKIS (Iraklio Airport [LGIR]), 02-Jan-05 (CK) CRONPR: US SIPRINet Stn RAF Croughton UK 2135 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) CRONPR: US NIPRINet Stn RAF Croughton UK 2117 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) Khabarovsk: ACC 0900 USB net roll call/radio checks w/Petropavlovsk (-Kamchatskiy), Yuzhnyy(-Sakhalinsk), Okha, Magadan, Okhotsk, Nikolaevsk(-na Amure), and Neglinka. (19-Dec-04) (JUM) nocall: Polish Sailors on way to Oslo QSO 2301 USB/Voice r3-4/s1 (27/28-dec-2004) (MSM) 290067: Prob USAF C-17 99-0067 2151 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) CRO: US GHFS Stn RAF Croughton UK 1712 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec04) (RGA) YUZHNYY: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Radio 1157 USB phone patches. (8-Dec-04) (JUM) unid: beacon ? 0635 CW Dec14 04 ML RMP: Kaliningrad Naval, RUS, 1812, CW, encrypted tfc, 01-Jan-05 (CK) JLW1: unid 2203 CW tx: "JLW1JLW1JDW1JLW O OSW?O MJE JLW1 K" LW1EL#JLW1A I T ? QSA ?Q X IPT Q S A ?QSA ? Q X S T" (05-jan-2005)(MSM) L: MX Beacon Tirana 1608 CW The only one today! (04Jan05) (WC) L: Tirana, ALB, 1803, CW, SLHFB, 26-Dec-04 (CK) L: Tirana, ALB, 1818, CW, Enigma MX with chirp, 02-Jan-05 (CK) L: unid beacon CW 2329 distorted CW, tx "L" letter (.-..), not too strong in SP (27/28-dec-2004) (MSM) 7PN1: UKR mil 2153 CW d5an de 7pn1 qsa2 k, 2156 rpt#, 2157 ds an de avt2 qsa1 k (04Jan05)(SMK) AVT2: UKR mil 2157 CW d5an de avt2 qsa1 k (04Jan05)(SMK) unid: two OM in arabic 1700 USB "oscar sirio oscar" + some numbers in AA (05jan05) (sal) 7O5S: Russian Military 2013 CW Comms check with BR5L FQSM PCSK and 9QW8. (16Jan05) (RGA) 7O5S: Russian Military 2201 CW 9DVZ QTC ZWZ AR. Msg to collective 9DVZ: QTC 278 30 16 0054 278 = ZWZ 790 = PPPPP VCYKR ZFBPö ... WFBPZ äYPWY 993 K. Receipts from FQSM PCSK 9QW8 6R5L on QSX 3393 kHz. Msg was QTAd to 6R5L. (15Jan05) (RGA) YUZHNYY: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Radio 1220 USB phone patches. (8-Dec-04) (JUM) M21: Russian Air Def 2232 CW chaotic msg lots of "?", same as on 02222.0 (05-jan-2005)(MSM) unid: prob CIS 2232 CW chaotic msg lots of "?", same Pagina 82 03243.2 03260 03260.0 03266 03275 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03275.0 03285.0 03290.0 03291 03299.0 03310.0 03310.0 03354 03354 03354 03354.0 03354.0 03360.0 03360.5 03390 WUN-v11 as on 02222.0 (05-jan-2005)(MSM) : Unid 1744 RTTY/50/240 7.5-bit Enciphered Baudot zzzzzzz leadins/leadouts. No plain preambles. Intermittent fault - space tone missing at times. Went offair 1810. Suspect Ukranian fishing fleet comms. (08Jan05) (RGA) S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 2147 ALE/USB Calls VIS000OEKCOPER. (21Dec04) (RGA) unid: gaf ? 0953 arq-e/85.71/160 idle 04Jan05 (wp3) TXXX: Spanish Guardia Civil Madrid 2128 ALE/USB Calls TZSO/GC Cordoba who responds. (30Dec04) (RGA) JP57: Algerian MOI 1937 ALE/USB Calls HN42. JP61 calls HN42. (22Dec04) (RGA) JP40: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0052 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP47. 0632 responds to JP61. 0634 responds to JP52 (12/Jan)(DW) JP47: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0052 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to JP40. 0055 clng JP50 (12/Jan)(DW) JP50: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0056 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP40 (12/Jan)(DW) JP52: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0438 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP56. Also 0445, 0518. 0544 Clng JP55. 0634 clng JP40 (12/Jan)(DW) JP54: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0448 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP52 (12/Jan)(DW) JP56: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0441 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP40 (12/Jan)(DW) JP57: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0629 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP60 (12/Jan)(DW) JP61: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0632 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP40 (12/Jan)(DW) YA50: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0635 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng YA51 (12/Jan)(DW) USAIS1012: (Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA-Net Control): 1522 USB/ALE TO USANG2409 (US Army National Guard HQs, Arlington VA). Also on 05066.5 & 06985.0. US Army Continuity of Operations (COOP) Net. 12/29 RP3 Wera81: (Vera81?): Pol Mil 2313 USB/Voice 5fg msg,managed to catch last few words+qrt info (27/28-dec-2004) (MSM) OWK: Danish Air Force HQ Vedbaek 2154 ALE/USB Wkg OWF/RDAF Skrydstrup with modem activity. Then works OWC/unid on 2531 kHz. (08Jan05) (RGA) ABOE: unid prob. CIS 2147 CW wkng LM5 or EM5 (low sigs) with 5fg letter msg. hand cw(27-dec-2004) (MSM) UTT: odessa 1836 USB ukr yl warnings Dec22 04 ML UTT: Odessa Radio 2235 USB/Voice MM WX rep. pc generated voice(06-jan-2005)(MSM) 3A4A: Russian Military 2208 CW YXVM de 3A4A QTC K. 237 33 9 0102 = ZCE 727 = PPPPP HöRIK NöJIJ ... YäSOD HöRIK NöJIJ POPWO 718 K. (08Jan05) (RGA) APL8: Russian Military 2143 CW Comms check with W... IK3Z and AEMP. (15Jan05) (RGA) ORZI: Russian Military 2257 CW Comms check with ?3Q9 KSZG SZ4S APDC JYVS ASCK. QSX not found. At 2317 caught preamble 303 ?? 21 0205 303 = 869 = on message to unknown. (20Dec04) (RGA) nocall(6-36?): unid prob. CIS 2212 CW 5fg msg with cyrillic used,ended with "...TXQFA PYPA 6 36 K" (05-jan-2005)(MSM)03823.0 WD3: unid 2245 USB/ALE wkng LU9 with AMD,not sure of call signs due to QSB (05-jan-2005)(MSM) nocall: (6-36?): unid prob. CIS 2212 CW 5fg msg with cyrillic used,ended with "...TXQFA PYPA 6 36 K" (05-jan-2005)(MSM) E10: or V2A ? 2105 AM slav? Dec29 04 ML UNID: Russian Air Defense 1224 CW null reports. (8-Dec-04) (JUM) MGJ: RN Fleet Bcast System 1928 RTTY/75/850 CARB. 04 Pagina 83 WUN-v11 only. (08Jan05) (RGA) 03390.0 mgj: RN Faslane 0739 rtty 75/850 02 04 mgj 02 04 28Dez04 (wp3) 03390.0 mgj: RN Faslane 0739 rtty 75/850 02 04 mgj 02 04 28Dez04(wp3) 03393 W7QA: CIS Military 2019 CW W7QA K. T9GO K. Nothing further. (08Jan05) (RGA) 03407.0 Aktyubinsk VOLMET: 2339 USB/Voice YL in WX? rep. r2/3 (27/28-dec-2004) (MSM) 03413.0 Shannon Volmet: 0735 usb WX for London Gatwick, Amsterdam Schiphol, Manchester, 28Dez04 (wp3) 03413.0 Shannon Volmet: 0735 usb WX for London Gatwick, Amsterdam Schiphol,Manchester, 28Dez04 (wp3) 03413.0 SHANNON VOLMET: Shannon Aeradio (EIP), IRL, 1935, USB, av. wx, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 03415.0 ART: E10 0014 AM 5fg msg, qrt at 0016 poor rx (27/28-dec-2004) (MSM) 03461.0 Khabarovsk ACC: 0902 USB net roll call/radio checks w/Ekimchan, Vladivostok, Chulman, Magadachi, and Blagoveschensk. (19-Dec-04) (JUM) 03462.5 : CIS Military 2250 81-81/81/250 Slow reversals. No opchat. No cipher. (14Jan05) (RGA) 03467.0 UNID: italian pirate net, 1938, LSB, informal chat, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 03480.0 UNID: greek pirate net, 1940, LSB, informal chat, followed byQSY to 3450 kHz, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 03485.0 new york vm: 0801 USB snow... cincinnati ... Dec19 04 ML 03490.0 UNID: greek pirate net, 1944, LSB, informal chat, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 03532 LY02: Unid 2105 ALE/USB calling LY01 (28Dec04) (KB) 03533 TWLV: Guardia Civil Vizcoya, E 0201 ALE/USB clg TXXX (29Dec04) (KB) 03533 TWLV: Spanish Guardia Civil Vizcoya 0733 ALE/USB (28Dec04) (KB) 03533 TYME: Guardia Civil Madrid, E 0410 ALE/USB (29Dec04) (KB) 03533 TZSA: Guardia Civil Almeria, E 2346 ALE/USB clg TXXX, GC HQ Madrid (28Dec04) (KB) 03545 K6KPH: San Francisco, California 0053z Jan 1, 2005 CW "DE" for "Straight Key Night" [SN] 03582 GRGR: Russian Military 2228 CW Ends 13 x 4FG msg to unknown 401 = 4532 9876 ... 8750 2213 K. Then MKZI de GRGR ZBT ZGV ZDN K.// OK K// QRV K. Repeats back a 13 x 4FG msg to MKZI and quiet until QCVD calls. QSX freq to unid NCS. (21Dec04) (RGA) 03593.3 dlvi: german coast guard ship ZB Priwall 1830 sitor-a #99434 rq:putp position report , schalten 2000 ab. 15Jan05 (wp3) 03593.3 dlvi: german coast guard ship ZB Priwall 1836 sitor-a #99434 rq:putp position report to 75205 dqz28, time in utc ! 03Jan05 (wp3) 03667.2 : Unid Arabic Stn 1933 ARQ-E/46.1/160 ACF=4. Idling. Related to VFT BR6028 stn on 8048.4. Tks (LDO) and (B). (08Jan05) (RGA) 03699.5 "p": rus navy Kaliningrad 2100 cw beacon then 2105 bee 50/191 tfc with reversals, at 2110z for some seconds p beacon again then off 04Jan05 (wp3) 03700.0 unkn: "Yosemite Sam" 1140z Dec 23, 2004 USB with voice marker [SN] 03737.0 UIW2: Kalliningrad R., RUS, 2048, CW, safety signals, 25-Dec-04 (CK) 03754.0 UNID: "The Pip", 2035, USB, 25-Dec-04 (CK) 03764.0 PBB: Den Helder Naval, HOL, 2038, RTTY (75/850), CARB, 25-Dec-04 (CK) 03764.0 PBB: Nth Navy Den Helder 1424 Rtty 75bd/850Hz Marker: "02B 04C 06B PBB" (22/DEC/04) (KK) 03764.5 pbb: NL Navy Den Helder 0717 rtty 75/850 02b 04c 06b 02b 04c 06b 0720 02b 04c 06b 02b 04c Pagina 84 03764.5 03775 03782.0 03801.0 03801.0 03803 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823.0 03823.0 03824 03826 03826.0 03826.0 03855.0 03870.0 03893 03893 03900 03900 03900 03900.0 03900.0 03900.0 03900.0 03900.0 03900.0 03900.0 03933 WUN-v11 06b pbb 02b 04c 06b 28Dez04 (wp3) pbb: NL Navy Den Helder 0717 rtty 75/850 02b 04c 06b 02b 04c 06b 0720 02b 04c 06b 02b 04c 06b pbb 02b 04c 06b 28Dez04(wp3) 2OMU: Ukrnian Military 0022 CW Msg to W94V: 133 115 0150 123 = 643 = AAAAA ORTYS ... PhPCA ADKVZ K. (15Jan05) (RGA) CTP: Oeiras Naval, POR, 2043, RTTY (75/850), NAWS "QSX 04 06 08 12 25-Dec-04 (CK) rus air defence: 0710 cw 134004962922413400486296654 with many ????? 28Dez04 (wp3) rus air defence: 0710 cw 134004962922413400486296654 with many????? 28Dez04 (wp3) WD3: Estonian Military. Prob NCS 1930 ALE/USB Wkg LU9. (08Jan05) (RGA) AA1: Israeli AF 1954 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Jan05) (RGA) AA3: Israeli Af 1859 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Jan05) (RGA) BB1: Israeli AF 2255 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Dec04) (RGA) BB1: Israeli Air Force Palachim 2059 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) BB2: Israeli AF 1943 ALE/USB Calls AAA. (22Dec04) (RGA) LU9: Estonian Military 2205 ALE/USB Calls EK7. Calls WD3 on 3803 kHz. (08Jan05) (RGA) PARNUYJP: Independent Inf Bn Estonian Army P„rnu 2010 ALE/USB Calls Indep Inf Bn Kuperjanov. Also on 4930 kHz. (22Dec04) (RGA) TS1: Israeli AF 1817 ALE/USB Calls AAA. (29Dec04) (RGA) WD3: Estonian Military 2123 ALE/USB Calls LU9 and EK7. WD3 appears to be NCS. (30Dec04) (RGA) AAA: Estonia 2132 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb (06jan05) (sal) WD3: Estonia 2158 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng EK7 (07jan05) (S) HFB: UK Military 2158 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Jan05) (RGA) : Ukranian Military 2054 CW In traffic = 121 = AAAAA MVYKU KGPhh ..... ADKDA K. (15Jan05) (RGA) KEKDW: prob. CIS MIL 2234 CW distorted 5fg msg no cyrillic used (05-jan-2005)(MSM) nocall: UKrainian MIL(id tnx to JC) 2234 CW distorted 5fg msg no cyrillic used (05-jan-2005)(MSM) DDH3: Hamburg Meteo 1918 FAX 120/576 (09jan05) (S) TSR: ISR AF 2243 USB/ALE snd (05-jan-2005)(MSM) 9D7A: Ukranian Military Bcast 2145 CW OJXF de 9D7A QTC 426 57 8 2336 426 = 504 = 38775 63271 ... 99659 08055 = (repeats) ends with QLN AR. (08Jan05) (RGA) KMAB: Ukranian Military 2125 CW ???? KMAB and IZCS give R 050 K to message sent on frequency by unknown. SX circuit. (21Dec04) (RGA) AA1: Isreali AF Ben Gurion 2002 ALE/USB Calls prob collective ACCES1. Then tries on 4700 kHz. (22Dec04) (RGA) PARNUYJP: Independent Inf Bn Estonian Army Pärnu 1703 ALE/USB Calls Indep Signals Bn. Calls KUP/Indep Inf Bn Kuperjanov on 3823 kHz. Seen also 4930 kHz. (29Dec04) (RGA) WD3: Estonian Military 2115 ALE/USB Calls LU9 and EK7. No long-winded IDs seen this evening. They may have changed their ID system. (30Dec04) (RGA) AA1: unid eur. 1959 USB ALE clg ACCES1 (31/DEC/04) (KK) EK7: Estonia 2129 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "to WD3" (06jan05) (sal) LU9: Estonia 2230 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng WD3 (07jan05) (S) LU9: unid prb Est 2012 USB ALE clg EK7 (30/DEC/04) (KK) LU9: unid prb. Est Mil 2116 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg EK7 again at 2123 and 2131 (31/DEC/04) (KK) WD3: unid prb Est 2011 USB ALE clg LU9 (30/DEC/04) (KK) WD3: unid prb Est 2013 USB ALE clg EK7 (30/DEC/04) (KK) RFFh: Unid Russian "RFF" Net 1944 CW RFFh RFFP RFFR RFFN and RFFM called NCS RFFN. All but RFFM sent and Pagina 85 03933 03933 03933 04026.0 04039.0 04039.0 04040.0 04050.0 04079 04080 04109.0 04125 04142.0 04143.0 04146.0 04161.5 04189.5 04199 04207.5 04207.5 04209.5 04214 04214.0 04218.5 WUN-v11 received one message. Probable QSX frequency 3132 kHz in QRM so nothing seen of RFFN. (h = ----). (03Jan05) (RGA) RFFO: Russian 'RFF' Net 2020 CW RFFO and RFFM exchange QSAs with RFFN. I may have missed earlier calls. No messages. Nothing of RFFN on 3132 kHz. (08Jan05) (RGA) RFFO: Unid CIS 'RFF' Net 2027 CW RFFN RFFR RFFO RFFP RFFM all calling and working RFFN. Short msgs passed include standard CIS preambles 5LG and 5FG and in the form = 760 319 = AR <callsign> K. NCS is RFFN (unheard) prob on another frequency. (18Dec04) (RGA) RFFP: Russian 'RFF' Net 2032 CW RFFN de RFFP QSA1 QTC K.// RFFP 386 5 21 2330 386 = 809 831 185 = 77378 20000 21002 = AR RFFP K// QRV K// RFFP R 105 K. RFFN de RFFO QSA3 QTC K// RFFO 990 ...21 2300 = 809 831 185 = 57077 ..... 70000 21006 = AR RFFO K// QRV K// RPT NR K// RFFO R 009 K. RFFN de RFFM QSA3 QSA? QTC K// RFFM 222 17 21 2320 222 = 185 = AAAAA BBBSS UUUFF HHHRR OOOhh ..... ZWDZE BAKAD = AR RFFM K// C K. RFFN de RFFR QSA2 QTC K// RFFR = 760319 = AR RFFR K// QRV K// RFFR R 2 K. RFFN DE RFFh QSA4 QTC K// RFFh 371 196 050 359 321 661 321 740 627 262 149 302 570 = AR RFFh K// C QRV K// RFFh R 2 K. (h=cha ----). Variety of message formats here. This net first logged by Tom Rösner many years ago. NCS RFFN not heard. suspect duplex net. (21Dec04) (RGA) fishermen: 0917 USB ff d/x Jan09 05 ML fishermen: 0629 USB ff Jan07 05 ML fishermen: 0817 USB french Dec19 04 ML fishermen: 0919 USB d/x Jan09 05 ML fishermen: 0802 USB french about hunting Dec19 04 ML RMP: Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad 1709 CW Wx forecast in Russian. (08Jan05) (RGA) MF3: Unid 0902 CW vvv 8nz 8nz 8nz de mf3 mf3 = 34 6663 94 qru 335 (twice) then vvv 8nz 8nz 8nz de mf3 mf3 = 34 6663 94 qru 355 sk. (14Jan05) (IB) A9A: UNID 0740 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BOD90 (11/Jan)(DW) STIMPSON: Alaska State Troopers P/V Stimpson 1915 USB Position: 57.16N 171.22W conducting search and rescue operations in Bering Sea. Fishing vessel, Big Valley. Status: missing. Last known position: 57.14.4N 172.22.8W Bering Sea crab fishery in progress. (15Jan05) (AB) unid: ship 2214 USB encrypted voice syst with bips Dec29 04 ML fishermen: 2007 USB ff d/x Dec20 04 ML fishermen: 0826 USB ff about gale Jan07 05 ML : Unid NATO/RN Bcast/Ship Chan 1713 NATO-75/75/850 Short intermittent messages in KG84 cipher. Carrier off between messages. (08Jan05) (RGA) : CIS Vessel KM Belokonx 1715 RTTY/50/170 Ends tgm in RR 'NIL TKS 73 ROVDESTWOM. Gives numerous corrections/collations in Morse. (08Jan05) (RGA) : CIS Military 1723 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. Off frequency 4199.07 kHz. (08Jan05) (RGA) 9HDZ7: Maltese-flagged Vessel Powstaniec Styczniowy 2030 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. OXZ BQs. (07Jan05) (RGA) UAYP: Russian Ship Leonid Ivanov 2259 GMDSS RQs unid Russian ship for simplex telephone call on 4316 kHz. (17Dec04) (RGA) Chilung: Taiwanese NAVTEX Station 1145 Sitor-B 100/170. (7-Dec-04) (JUM) IDR/IGJ: Rome/AugustaRadio 1726 RTTY/75/850 Inidcating all input channels idle. (08Jan05) (RGA) IDR2: Rome Naval, I, 2225, RTTY 75/850, CARB msg "IDR3 /IGJ42 IGJ41 /IDR2 /IDR8 /IGJ43 /", plus channel code explanation (legenda), 02-Jan-05 (CK) LZW: Varna Radio, BUL 1942 Sitor-Fec 100Bd/170Hz"CQ CQ CQ DE LZW LZW LZW VARNA RADIO 421/0897 SVC 29/12 0930 Pagina 86 04238.0 04241.0 04274 04280 04295.0 04300.0 04309.0 04317.9 04317.9 04331.0 04331.0 04334 04334.0 04364.5 04369.0 04369.0 04369.0 04408.0 04408.0 04415 04424.5 04424.5 04430.0 04430.0 04444 04461 04462.0 04505 04505 04505 04505.0 04505.0 04505.0 04505.0 04505.0 04505.0 04507 04507 WUN-v11 UTC OPERATIVEN BULETIN NA VARNA RADIO OPB 2912" (30/DEC/04) (KK) AG2: unid prb Est 2009 USB ALE clg XEF (30/DEC/04) (KK) 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 2034, CW, VVV-marker, 02-Jan-05 (CK) ZSC: Capetown/Globe Radio 1744 GW-PACTOR. (10/Jan/05) (RH2) PBC: Navy Noordwijk 1315 RTTY/75/850 CARB. Faulty tx, humming & warbling (29Dec04) (KB) FUE: Brest Naval, F, 2037, RTTY 75/850, test tape, 02-Jan-05 (CK) unkn: "Yosemite Sam" 1139z Dec 23, 2004 USB with voice marker [SN] IDR4: Rome Radio, I, 2042, CW, VVV-marker, 02-Jan-05 (CK) : Moscow Meteo 1423 FAX/120/576 tropopause analysis //10610.9 13885.9 kHz (29Dec04) (KB) NMG: USCG New Orleans 0655 FAX/120/576 wind/wave forecast. Noisy but largely legible chart (29Dec04) (KB) 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 2044, CW, VVV-marker, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1939 CW In tfc (07/Jan)(DW) FUX: FN Le Port 2016 RTTY/75/850 Test tape (09/Jan/05) (RH2) FUX: FN Le Port 0045 RTTY 75/850 FAA FAA de FUX FUX FUX (31/12/04)(AJP) 3AC: Monaco Radio 1545 P-II/100Bd user list (15/JAN/05) (KK) WLO: mobile 0623 USB ee yl synth Jan07 05 ML WLO: mobile 0803 USB id with commercial announc.Dec19 04 ML WLO: mobile r 0612 USB yl wx forecasts Dec25 04 ML GBE: italian Mil? 1800 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "To LHH" over russian people (05jan05) (sal) WET: unid (for me) 1650 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb, followed by short sound of MIL 188-110A serial for few minutes (05jan05) (sal) VC02: Algerian MOI 2006 ALE/USB Calls VC01 who responds. (22Dec04) (RGA) L: MX Beacon Tirana 0710 CW //3202.8. (17Dec04) (WC) L: MX Beacon Tirana 1555 CW (13Jan05) (WC) MOB2MSS: ??? 2026 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "to OKROKANMSS" (06jan05) (sal) OKR: ??? 2022 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "to MOB" (06jan05) (sal) : NATO Tactical Air Defence Data System 1947 LINK-11/2250/USB Still going strong. (05Jan05) (RGA) FTJ: Prob Enigma E10 1732 DSB? YL with FTJ callup. (08Jan05) (RGA) BORA: Alb MOI 2008 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) HN42: Algerian MOI 1949 ALE/USB Calls JP56. JP63 JP64 YA4 YA40 YA51 also seen active. (08Jan05) (RGA) JP52: Algerian MOI 2103 ALE/USB Calls JP40. (30Dec04) (RGA) JP54: Algerian MOI 1927 ALE/USB Calls JP40. JP52 and JP54 also seen. (03Jan05) (RGA) ---: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 1939 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP40@@. QRM fm RT on 4506. (11/Jan)(DW) JP40: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0049 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP50 (12/Jan)(DW) JP52: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0451 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP56. Also 0520, 0547 (12/Jan)(DW) JP56: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2051 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP52 (11/Jan)(DW) JP57: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0628 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP60 (12/Jan)(DW) YA50: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0630 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng ya51 (12/Jan)(DW) AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2201 ALE/USB Sounding. Also AA3/Ben Gurion sounding. (12Jan05) (RGA) DD1: Israeli AF 1936 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Jan05) (RGA) Pagina 87 WUN-v11 04507.0 BB1: Israeli AF 1636 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "AAA" (10jan05) (S) 04507.0 r69: 1537utc 4507 Israeli AF: TWS R69 SND MIL 188-141A ALE on usb 3jan (S) 04509.7 unid: ??? 2122 STANAG 4285/600Long (06jan05) (sal) 04530 DIAMANTI: Albanian Military/MOI 2013 ALE/USB Calls DRINI/Drini region. (08Jan05) (RGA) 04530 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1758 ALE/USB Calls V1S000OEKCOPER. (29Dec04) (RGA) 04530 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1924 ALE/USB Calls V1S000OEKCOPER. (03Jan05) (RGA) 04530.0 BORA: Alb MOI 2007 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) 04555.2 dlvh: german coast guard ship ZB Emden 0920 sitor-a #89836 rq:s=dkr position report: 1000 x 18b 350 deg 14 kn 15Jan05 (wp3) 04555.2 dlvp: german coast guard ship ZB Kniepsand 0848 sitor-a #60566 rq:tpcr position report 15Jan05 (wp3) 04555.2 No Call: Kuewatz Cuxhaven, D. 1045 Sitor-ARQ 100Bd/170Hz (10/JAN/05) (KK) 04561 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Madrid 1950 ALE/USB Calls TYMR2/Unid. (08Jan05) (RGA) 04561 TXX2: Unid 1926 ALE/USB Calling TYMB2. (22Dec04) (RGA) 04561 TXX2: Unid 2209 ALE/USB Calls TYMB2 and TYMC2. (30Dec04) (RGA) 04583.0 DDK2: Hamburg Meteo 2030 ITA2/50/450 (03jan05) (sal) 04595.0 T2Z52: 2nd Battalion, 52nd Avn Regiment, 17th Avn Bde, Camp Humphreys, Korea 1039 Mil-Std 188-141A/USB sounding. (8-Dec-04) (JUM) 04600 0000001220: Turkish Net 2123 ALE/USB Sounding. 0000001230 also seen. (18Dec04) (RGA) 04648.0 KPA2: Numberstation 1815 USB fem. Voice: "KiloPapa-Alfa-Two" (26/DEC/04) (KK) 04664.0 pirate: ? 0757 USB voice encrypt ? Dec30 04 ML 04666 : Prob Spanish Fishfone 1735 SAILOR-CRYPT-2001/USB Male voices. (08Jan05) (RGA) 04681 ZS-SNA: A346 0342 HFDL Wx Gnd/Air fm JNB (05/Jan/01) (RH2) 04681.0 AAA: Israeli AF 0038 USB ALE snd (13/JAN/05) (KK) 04683.0 AAA: Prob. Israeli Airforce 1531 USB ALE snd (26/DEC/04) (KK) 04706 : Unid Illicit 2216 CW Ends 5FGs with 0 0 0. (14Jan05) (RGA) 04717.0 R26078: Helo UH-60A? 2021 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PHOENIXTOC: Phoenix, Tactical Op Center at 2021 2022 2024 2026 2031 2042 (12/JAN/05) (KK) 04721 210197: USAF C-17 01-0197 1749 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec04) (RGA) 04721 491713: USAF KC-10 79-1713 2241 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Dec04) (RGA) 04724 AREA CODE: 28-char EAM 2247 USB 7GZNZD simulcast on at least 8992 with nothing heard on any other HFGCS freq or 6697/13155. (23 Dec 04) (JH) 04724 AREA CODE: EAM Bcasts 2304 USB 7GZNZD and 7GRNLK simulcast on at least 8992 with nothing heard on any other HFGCS freq or 6697/13155. (23 Dec 04) (JH) 04766.0 EH31: Algerian MOI 2337 USB ALE clg HN32 (09/JAN/05) (KK) 04766.0 EH33: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0024 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HN32 (12/Jan)(DW) 04766.0 HN32: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2341 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CP30 (11/Jan)(DW) 04771.0 BORA: Alb MOI 2007 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) 04798.0 MI22: unid 1704 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "HN22", then probable MIL 188-110A (10jan05) (S) 04798.0 YK22: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0605 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HN22 (12/Jan)(DW) 04800.0 unid: ??? 1705 test with Coquelet 8, then soon QRT (10jan05) (S) 04806.0 S62: unid 2332 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (31/DEC/04) (KK) 04826 VW7T: Ukrainian Mil CW 0522 Comm ck with AA1R SWC1 Pagina 88 04835.0 04835.0 04855.0 04855.0 04910.5 04919.0 04924.5 04930 04930 04930.0 04951.5 04952.0 04954.0 04965.2 05000.0 05035 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05064 05064.0 05064.0 05065.0 05065.0 05065.0 05065.0 05066.5 05068.0 WUN-v11 IOMU AMBG CT5A 8IHO ASOZ P89K ZKTS 6ZEE YXFL E9AZ VISU. (via Stuttgart DX-Tuners remote rcvr) (23Dec04) (JC5) HN12: Algerian MOI 2150 USB ALE clg ZM10 (07/JAN/05) (KK) UL1?: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2212 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JU16 (13/Jan)(DW) 2011: ?? -codan net? - 0615 USB/ALE to 2211 Dec25 04 ML 795: -1112 - 900 - 1314 - 2521 ? -codan net ? 0718 USB/ALE snd Dec2504 ML : Unid. USCG? 0400 MIL-STD 188-110/USB Serial, rate 1200 short interleave, encrypted. "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTr;\m1JO*NBdLe .... (05Jan05) (AD) BORA: Alb MOI 2006 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) PMTRACS: (probable Program Manager for Tactical Radio Systems): 1328 USB/ALE TO M050IN (Nat'l Guard, Michigan). Also noted on 05847.0 & 08047.0. 12/21 RP3 WD3: Estonian Military 1933 ALE/USB Calls EK7 and LU9. (03Jan05) (RGA) WD3: Estonian Military 2156 ALE/USB Calls LU9. LU9 calls EK7. (30Dec04) (RGA) WD3: prb. est Mil 0339 USB ALE clg EK7 (06/JAN/05) (KK) : M21 Russian Air Defence 2225 CW Incrementing plots: = 990123??0????? = 990124 990125 etc. (14Jan05) (RGA) RUS AF: time signal: 2141 CW =99tt41??t????? (04Jan05)(SMK) UWC: ?? 1655 ARQ " welcome to the national hf mailbox..." Dec18 04 ML unid: ??? 2106 STANAG 4285/600Long (06jan05) (sal) WWV: fort collins & YVTO caracas - simultan 0806 USB time sig Dec1904 ML YA40: Algerian MOI 2028 ALE/USB Calls YA50. (15Jan05) (RGA) HN42: Algerian MOI 2204 USB ALE clg JP60 (07/JAN/05) (KK) JP40: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0049 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP5? (12/Jan)(DW) JP47: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0054 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP50 (12/Jan)(DW) JP52: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0439 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP56. Also 0451. 0522 clng JP55. 0633 clng JP40 (12/Jan)(DW) JP52: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2007 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP55. 2023 clng JP56 (11/Jan)(DW) JP57: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0643 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP40. Also 0657 (12/Jan)(DW) YA50: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0657 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng YA40 (12/Jan)(DW) YA51: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0636 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng YA50 (12/Jan)(DW) 9MB: RMN Georgetown Pinang MLA 1900 CW Radio traffic related to disaster. (31Dec04) (CC2) 9MB13: MN Georgetown, MLA 1900 CW vvv-mkr. (28/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 9MB: Lumut Naval, MLA, 1945, CW, "VVV VVV VVV 9MB 13", 01-Jan-05 (CK) JP52: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2013 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP55 (11/Jan)(DW) JP57: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0628 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JP60 (12/Jan)(DW) JP60: ??? 1714 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "To JP57" (05jan05) (sal) JP64: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2035 MIL.STD 188-141A ale on usb. Clng HN42 (11/Jan)(DW) USAIS1012: (Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA-Net Control): 1528 USB/ALE TO USAMD1010 (US Army Missile Defense Command, Arlington VA). Also noted on 03285.0; 06767.5; 066985.0; & 07448.5. US Army Continuity of Operations (COOP) Net. 12/29 RP3 "V": 0545 CW marker (06Jan05)(SMK) Pagina 89 WUN-v11 05068.0 THLW: 0546 CW ZOSX de THLW k, V6LA de THLW qsv k, 0547 AR e e e e e(06JAN05)(SMK) 05075 BORA: Albanian Military/MOI 2027 ALE/USB Calls DRINI/MOI/Military Drini. (30Dec04) (RGA) 05075.0 BORA: Alb MOI 2005 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) 05075.0 DIAMANTI: Albania 2130 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "DRINI" (10jan05) (S) 05084.8 Q47Z: Unid. Prob CIS 1702 MORSE/--/200 FSK. de Q47Z QDC 515? K. QDC .82? K. QDC 554? K. OK AR AR. (08Jan05) (RGA) 05091.0 JSR: Numberstation 1529 USB fem. Voice: "JulietSierra-Romeo" (26/DEC/04) (KK) 05101.0 T10: Al Taji Iraq 1743 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb (05jan05) (sal) 05107 7GNO: CIS Military 1700 CW RPT 47 K. 7GNO R 009 K. (08Jan05) (RGA) 05110 7DK: Unid 1546 CW nw4 nw4 nw4 nw4 nw4 de 7dk 7dk 7dk vvvv qsv k (twice). (14Jan05) (IB) 05117.0 BORA: Alb MOI 2005 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) 05119.8 FDI22: FAF NARBONNE 1742 CW Marker "vvv de FDI22 ar" (02/Jan)(DW) 05128.0 391: ??? 2138 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "410" (10jan05) (S) 05150.8 VTK: IN TUTICORIN 2238 CW Marker "vvv VTK2/3/4" (02/Jan)(DW) 05154 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 0711 CW //8495. (17Dec04) (WC) 05159.0 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 1752, CW, VVV-marker, 28-Dec-04 (CK) 05159.0 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1716 CW Marker "vvv de 4XZ==" (02/Jan)(DW) 05159.0 4xz: IN Haifa 2010 cw vvv de 4xz 4xz - - 06Jan05 (wp3) 05159.0 4xz: navy Haifa 2037 cw 5-letter groups ijxoc kmpcs ybhog tcguk =eiqi wexlw uplnf na= nr 941 ud v eq3b 212w 40 qb3b gr 82 == ar ar vvv de 4xz 4xz = = 04Jan05 (wp3) 05195 DRA5: DARC Prop Beacon 1614 CW 457. (17Dec04) (WC) 05195 DRA5: DARC Propagation Beacon 1627 CW Calls and dashes then PSK-31. (04Jan05) (RGA) 05195.0 DRA5: propagation beacon, Kiel, D, 2100, CW/RTTY, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 05210 GYA: RN Northwood 1847 FAX 120/576 TAF text chart. Alternate frequency for corrupted 4610 kHz (26Dec04) (KB) 05210.0 AAA: Israeli AF 2128 USB ALE snd (03/JAN/05) (KK) 05282.8 No Call: unid 0120 P-II-Ham/100Bd/CF=800Hz clear text, weak/qsb "*** //CL LIST TRS" (13/JAN/05) (KK) 05284.0 116: unid, 1603, ALE clg "2222", 17-Dec-04 (CK) 05285.0 DRINI: Albanian MOI, ALB, 1634, ALE, clg BORA, 17-Dec-04 (CK) 05295.0 EH34: unid ? 2140 MIL STD 188-141 ALE on usb Clng HN32 (08jan05) (S) 05295.0 HN32: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2122 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng EH35. 2340 clng CP30 (12/Jan)(DW) 05295.0 HN32: prb. Algeria 1608 USB ALE clg GW33 (02/JAN/05) (KK) 05295.0 HN32: unid ? 2014 MIL STD 188-141 ALE on usb Clng CP30 (08jan05) (S) 05295.0 HN3: unid ? 2013 MIL STD 188-141 ALE on usb Clng CP30 (08jan05) (S) 05300 : Russian Military 1625 RUS-75/75/240 Cipher. (04Jan05) (RGA) 05304 OTUV: M89 Chinese Mil 1305 CW yav8 yav8 yav8 de otuv otuv v (R) // 7741 kHz. (05-Jan-05) (IB) 05305.5 unid: CIS ??? 2100 FSK/48.3/250 (03jan05) (sal) 05315 SAB: Globe Wireless Göteborg SWE 2234 GLOBEDATA Idling. (14Jan05) (RGA) 05325.0 RND79: Russ AF, Moscow, RUS, 0520, F1A (FSK morse), calling RFT6 "VVV RFT6 RFT6 RFT6 DE RND79 RND79 ZHC?" followed by F1B tfc, shift 500 Hz, 16-Dec-04 (CK) 05325.5 : Unid 1623 REVS/99.45/230 Revs only. (04Jan05) (RGA) 05327.0 H02: unid 2117 USB ALE snd (03/JAN/05) (KK) Pagina 90 WUN-v11 05327.0 T02: unid 2121 USB ALE snd (03/JAN/05) (KK) 05352 TWLV: Guardia Civil Vizcoya 0759 ALE/USB clg TXXX (02Jan05) (KB) 05360.0 HEBEL: unid german Marine 0950 USB/CW male Voice: "Senden Sie Funkmeldung "Alfa 1" an "Seeotter", than bad CW (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05360.0 HEBEL: unid german Marine 1145 USB/CW male Voice: "Senden Sie Funkmeldung "Alfa 1" an "KALIF" than bad CW (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362 ALG: Sonatrach Oil/Gas Algiers 2027 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Jan05) (RGA) 05362.0 ALG: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0212 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 ALG: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0610 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 HAM: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0205 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 HR: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0244 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 HR: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0443 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 INA: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0320 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 INA: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0518 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 OHT: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0206 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 OHT: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0356 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 OHT: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0547 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 RNS: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0438 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 RNS: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0540 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.0 RNS: Algier Gas & Oil Net 0650 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.8 No Call: Auto WX-Station Atlas Mountain, MRC 0130 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:CIMEL1>: MRC Met Office Beni Mellal, no cnt, agn at 0202 (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05362.8 No Call: Auto WX-Station Atlas Mountain, MRC 0132 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:CIMEL2>: MRC Met Office Casablanca, no cnt, agn at 0205 (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05370 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 2049 ALE/USB Calling V1S000OEKCOPER. (22Dec04) (RGA) 05370 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 2127 ALE/USB Calls V1S000OEKCOPER. (07Jan05) (RGA) 05370.0 FDG: French Airforce Bordeaux 0007 Rtty 50Bd/400Hz Marker: "TEST DE FDG VOYEZ LE BRICK....." (13/JAN/05) (KK) 05374 : Unid 1655 UNID/150/230 ACF=0 - encrypted. (15Jan05) (RGA) 05376 LVAS: Russian Military 2029 CW Comms check with GBJN C2OT Z39U QBL3 QCYZ all of whom respond on 4872 kHz. (16Jan05) (RGA) 05376 LVAS: Russian Military 2030 CW Comms check with GBCN C2OT Z39U QBL3 and QCYZ. (14Jan05) (RGA) 05379.0 BORA: Alb MOI 2002 USB ALE clg DRINI (30/DEC/04) (KK) 05379.0 SHQIPONJA: Albania 1505 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "DRINI ... MALI" (10jan05) (S) 05395.0 TS1: unid 2055 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (26/DEC/04) (KK) 05400 BORA: Albanian MOI/Military 2021 ALE/USB Calls DRINI/Drini region. (15Jan05) (RGA) 05400.0 LRD1: (Corps of Engineers, Lakes & Rivers District, Detroit MI): 0851 USB/ALE sounding. 12/17 RP3 05400.0 LRN1: (Corps of Engineers, Lakes & Rivers District, Nashville TN): 1213 USB/ALE sounding. 12/17 RP3 05418 BKOB: Russian Military 0025 CW Msg to collective EM4E: BOKO 169 24 4 0316 169 = ZAQ 025 = PPPPP KüYYä LSUME Pagina 91 05426 05440 05440 05447.0 05448.0 05450 05450.0 05450.0 05456 05465.8 05466 05475 05475 05475.0 05475.0 05476 05476 05476.0 05477 05477 05478 05478 05478.0 05488 05505.0 05535.0 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 KZJVV ... KüYYä LSUME PRPWP 888 K. Then asks for R 169? K from 4CFN MZ4S and S9GI. Nothing heard on expected QSX freq 4378 kHz. (04Jan05) (RGA) : Enigma M51 1612 CW 1612 NR 83J 04 17:16:12 2004 = NHHQT QYFUV ... (04Jan05) (RGA) : Unid 0805 RTTY/100/500 bursts of varying length (28Dec04) (KB) TN2: Unid 0800 ALE/USB calling ZL2 (28Dec04) (KB) 5558: Unid, N. African?, 1800, ALE sounding, 12-Dec-04 (CK) fdg: FAF Bordeaux 2314 cw vvv vvv vvv de fdg fdg fdg ar 07Jan05 (wp3) RAF VOLMET: MASO West Drayton UK 1659 USB YL robot with wx actuals. (15Jan05) (RGA) RAF VOLMET: unid tx, G, 1650, USB, cont. WX, 28-Dec-04 (CK) RAF VOLMET: unid tx, G, 2110, USB, meteo YL/EE, 02-Jan-05 (CK) AAA: Israeli AF 1900 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Jan05) (RGA) R: Ustinov, RUS, 1950, CW, SLHFB - Enigma MX, 01-Jan-05 (CK) U: MX Beacon Ustinov 1605 CW (17Dec04) (WC) T2Z238: 2-238 AVN US Army Tuzla BIH 2051 ALE/USB Sounding. (22Dec04) (RGA) T2Z238: 2-238 AVN US Army Tuzla BIH 2227 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) T2Z238: 2-238th AVN Tuzla, BIH 1629 USB ALE snd (02/JAN/05) (KK) T2Z238: 2-238th Tuzla, BIH 0026 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 0000210688: Prob Greek Military 2224 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Dec04) (RGA) TKM: Israeli AF 2256 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) 000021001: unid 1631 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "0000210388" (10jan05) (S) 5558: N.African Net 2234 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) 5558: Unid N.African Net 2328 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Jan05) (RGA) 1101: Prob N.African Net 2216 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) AA3: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2045 ALE/USB Sounding. Also AA1/Same location. (15Jan05) (RGA) DD1: ISRAELI AF ?LOC 0215 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (26/Dec)(DW) HBIB: Russian Military 2232 CW Requests R? 226 K from Q1NB N4T1 and KAC3. Not heard on usual QSX 4378 kHz. (16Jan05) (RGA) SHANNON VOLMET: Shannon Aeradio (EIP), IRL, 2105, USB, av. wx, 02-Jan-05 (CK) ldoc baw: 0821 USB work unid springbok flight -saf Dec19 04 ML A6-ERE: Emirates A340 Flt UAE407 2213 HFDL At 1042N 07403E. (18Jan05) (RGA) A6-ERG: Emirates A340 2132 HFDL Signs on. (17Dec04) (RGA) A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330 2143 HFDL Signs on. (17Dec04) (RGA) A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330 2210 HFDL Signs on. (18Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 1910 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 2207 HFDL Signs on. (18Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACD: Qatar Airways A330 2128 HFDL Signs on. (12Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar Airways A330 2312 HFDL Signs on. (07Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0898 2029 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) Pagina 92 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 A7-ACH: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0075 2300 HFDL Signs on. (07Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACH: Qatar Airways A339 Flt QR0033 1926 HFDL At 4435N 01018E. (20Dec04) (RGA) A7-ADJ: Qatar Airways A320-232 1827 HFDL Signs on. Ex F-WWBS. (30Dec04) (RGA) A7-ADJ: Qatar Airways A320-232 Flt QR0313 1915 HFDL Signs on. ICAO ID 740560. Ex F-WWBS. (03Jan05) (RGA) A7-AEA: Qatar Airways A330 2132 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) A7-AEA: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0001 1742 HFDL Signs on. ICAO ID 8C0560. (05Jan05) (RGA) A7-AEA: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0006 1900 HFDL At 3932N 03308E. (03Jan05) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 2002 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 2130 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 2143 HFDL Signs on. (17Dec04) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0034 2148 HFDL Signs on. (17Dec04) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0033 2154 HFDL At 4148N 01215E. (17Dec04) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0043 Posn 5314N 001E. (30Dec04) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0646 2134 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) B-2461: China Southern B747 1854 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (20Dec04) (RGA) B-6050: China Eastern A340 1956 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (08Jan05) (RGA) B-6050: China Eastern A340 2208 HFDL Signs on. (18Jan05) (RGA) B-6052: China Eastern A340-600 1948 HFDL Acks msg from Bahrain: 'ZSNJ 141900Z 33002MPS 2800 BR SKC M04/M06 Q1025 NOSIG=SA 14/19:00 ZBYN 141900Z VRB01MPS CAVOK M14/M20 Q1025=' etc... (14Jan05) (RGA) B-6053 China Eastern A340 1909 HFDL Signs on. (20Dec04) (RGA) B-6053: China Eastern A340 1930 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) B-6055: China Eastern A340 1932 HFDL Signs on. (20Dec04) (RGA) B-6055: China Eastern A340 2202 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (18Jan05) (RGA) B-6055: China Eastern A340 2304 HFDL Signs on. (07Jan05) (RGA) B-6055: China Eastern A340 Flt MU554 2121 HFDL At 4934N 10036E. (21Dec04) (RGA) B-6055: Chinese Eastern A340 2229 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (15Jan05) (RGA) CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT0731 2133 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) D-ALCB: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8393 2249 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Bahrain. (07Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCD: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8414 2206 HFDL At 3842N 03913E. (21Dec04) (RGA) D-ALCG: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 2217 HFDL Signs on. (18Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCJ: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 2130 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) D-ALCK: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8399 2136 HFDL At 5003N 00839E. (12Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCL: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 1748 HFDL Acks "[HFNPDU ACARS FM GND TO AIR F5] D-ALCL 3LD A AVBL FT 030940 1212 031212 07010KT 9999 SCT030 TEMPO 1216 FEW027CB BECMG 1821 03005KT FEW020 TEMPO 0006 VRB05KT BKN015 BKN090 BECMG Pagina 93 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 0811 07010KT SCT030 END OF WX". (03Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCL: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8412 1755 HFDL Posn 1831N 07242E. (30Dec04) (RGA) D-ALCQ: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8399 1749 HFDL Acks: "0112500301251ZTLX RECEIPT 0027 00 TLX TRANSFERRED TO TAS MAINT". ICAO ID 8E0E3C. Ex I-DUPB. Ex N341LT. (03Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCQ: Lufthansa MD11F Flt LH8391 1902 HFDL Reports 3949N 09833E to ARINC Muharraq. (20Dec04) (RGA) ET-ALO: Ethiopian Airlines B767-360 2250 HFDL Signs on. Possible ICAO ID E80020. (07Jan05) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' 1754 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (30Dec04) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' 1941 HFDL Signs On. (20Dec04) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' 2141 Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) G-VEIL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Queen of the Skies' 2257 HFDL Signs on. (07Jan05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 1907 HFDL At 5110N 00036W. (03Jan05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2000 HFDL Signs on. (08Jan05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2234 HFDL Signs on. (15Jan05) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' 1832 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' 2145 HFDL Signs on. (17Dec04) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' Flt VS0201 2119 HFDL At 5420N 098E. (21Dec04) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 1921 HFDL Signs On. (20Dec04) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 2000 HFDL Signs on. (08Jan05) (RGA) G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' 2156 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (21Dec04) (RGA) G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' Flt VS0250 1853 HFDL Posn 5929N 03055E. (30Dec04) (RGA) HL-7736: Asiana Airlines A330-323 Flt OZ736D 2201 HFDL At 4436N 06658E. Ex F-WWYR. (21Dec04) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG234 2001 HFDL Signs on. (08Jan05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG251 2135 HFDL At 3434N 00620W. (21Dec04) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG278 1701 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (03Jan05) (RGA) LX-RCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Schengen' Flt CLX710 2214 HFDL At 1041N 02038E. (18Jan05) (RGA) MSR711: EgyptAir Flt 1736 HFDL Posn 3101N 03120E to ARINC Muharraq. (30Dec04) (RGA) N250UP: UPS MD11 2141 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) N252UP: UPS MD11F Prob Flt UP7809 2013 HFDL At 3921N 03019E. (30Dec04) (RGA) N544TZ: American Transair B757 2127 HFDL Signs on. (12Jan05) (RGA) N552TZ: American Transair B757 Flt TZ7163 2048 HFDL At 5422N 01829E. (08Jan05) (RGA) N920FT: Polar Air Cargo B747 Flt PO8718 2129 HFDL Reports 5321N 00000E. (12Jan05) (RGA) OH-LBR: Finnair B757 Flt AY1964 2109 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) OZ736D: Prob Asiana Flt 2115 HFDL Reports 4627N 05811E to ARINC Muharraq. (21Dec04) (RGA) QR0002: Qatar Airways Flt 2238 HFDL At 4946N 01221E. (15Jan05) (RGA) SU-GCF: EgyptAir A300 Flt MSR711 1928 HFDL Posn 3346N 03516E. (30Dec04) (RGA) Pagina 94 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05555.0 05555.0 05555.0 05555.0 05565.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 WUN-v11 SU0123: Aeroflot Flt 1957 HFDL At 5232N 02050E. (08Jan05) (RGA) TZRCH4: Prob American Transair Flt 1725 HFDL At 3358N 04443E. (05Jan05) (RGA) VP-BDM: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0115 2135 HFDL At 5229N 01357E. (12Jan05) (RGA) VP-BDN: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0109 1835 HFDL Posn 5601N 03706E. (30Dec04) (RGA) VP-BDO: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0231 2033 HFDL At 5516N 01335E. (08Jan05) (RGA) VP-BWE: Aeroflot A320 1724 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (05Jan05) (RGA) VP-BWI: Aeroflot A320 1948 HFDL Sends message to ground '/CDGKKSU.ETA2255/HAPPY/ NEW/YEAR'. (30Dec04) (RGA) VP-BWM: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0341 2136 HFDL At 3154N 03102E. (12Jan05) (RGA) VP-BWN: Aeroflot A321 Flt SU0247 2133 HFDL Signs on. (17Dec04) (RGA) VP-BWO: Aeroflot A321 2107 HFDL Signs on. (22Dec04) (RGA) ZS-SNC: S.African Airways A340 2125 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (12Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 2237 HFDL Signs on. (15Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNF: S.African Airways A340 2126 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (17Dec04) (RGA) ZS-SXA: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0273 2104 HFDL Reports 3739N 00615E to ARINC Muharraq. (22Dec04) (RGA) 511: Georgian Border Guard 1632 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "555" (10jan05) (S) 521: unid 1403 USB ALE clg 555 (22/DEC/04) (KK) 591: Georgian Mil 2127 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "to 555" (06jan05) (sal) 591: unid 1404 USB ALE clg 541 (22/DEC/04) (KK) Unid:sat atc unid 0638 USB ee Dec13 04 ML 97-0400:USAF C37A 0103 Selcal PSMQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) atc nat-a: 0820 USB work BQCP bizz g4 vp-bsf Jan09 05 ML CS-TEH: Air Portugal A310-304 0213 Selcal BMAR to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ABNR: Condor (Thomas Cook) B757-230 0704 SelCal CPAS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ABNS: Condor(Thomas Cook) B757-2300840 SelCal CPRS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ABUA: Condor (Thomas Cook)Air B767-330/ER 0137 SelcalLMBR to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ABUC: Condor (Thomas Cook)B767-330/ER 0257 Selcal CMPR to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ABUE: Condor (Thomas Cook) B767-330/ER 0754 SelCal CMQR to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ABUF: Condor (Thomas Cook)B767-330/ER 0413 SelCal CMQS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-AERF: LTU International Airways A330-322 0241 SelCal GRLM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-AERK: LTU International Airways A330 0134 Selcal GRMP to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-AIG: Lufthansa A340 0254 SelCal LMFS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-BTEN: ACM Air Charter C750-CitationX 0222 Selcal QRLM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) EC-DIB: Iberia Air B747 0139 Selcal EKCJ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) EC-EON: Iberia Air A300 0031 Selcal EHGJ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) EC-GUQ: Iberia AIR A340-313X 0758 SelCal EMBP to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) EI-CEZ: Avianca B757-2Y0/ER 0238 SelCal CRHQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) Pagina 95 WUN-v11 05598.0 EI-CNS: Air Europe Italy B767-3Q8/ER 0206 Selcal QSEL to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 F-GEXB: Air France B747-428M 0512 SelCal HPJM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 F-GLZK: Air France A340-313X 0316 SelCal AQPS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 F-GNIF: Air France A340-313X 0722 SelCal EHKS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 G-BNWN: British Airways B767-336/ER 0548 SelCal EKHQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 G-CIV: British Airways B747-436 0112 Selcal BGPR MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 G-OMAK: Twinjet Ltd A319-132 CJ, 0136 Selcal JMAQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 G-SMAN: Monarch Airlines A330-243 0259 SelCal CMGQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 G-VIIP: British Airways B777-236/ER 0318 SelCal JQHS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 HZ-AIV: Saudi Arabian Airlines B747-468 0316 SelCal PSAQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 LN-BRS: Braathens B737-505 0314 SelCal ARMS to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N1427A: American Airlines F100 0031 Selcal GLMR to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N194DN: Delta Air Lines B767-332/ER 0202 Selcal AGBP to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N54337: Trans World Airlines B727-231 0450 SelCal GLBF to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N554AA: AMERICAN AIRLINES MD-82 0409 SelCal KQAD to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N57111: Continental Airlines B757-224 0345 SelCal ERKM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N601FE: Federal Express (FedEx) MD-11F 0734 SelCal GPEM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N601GT: Canadair CL-600-2B16 Challenger604 0035 sElcal DGCF to 05598.0 N652US: US Airways B767-201/ER 0711 SelCal BFKP to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N74A: AeroMet Inc. Grumman Gulfstream G-IIB 0718 SelCal BHDM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 N78005: Continental Airlines B777-224/ER 0406 SelCal EHGR to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 nat atc sta maria: 2148 USB work REACH215 /CANF ?? Dec13 04 ML 05598.0 PH-MCH: Martinair B767-31A/ER 0537 SelCal CQBJ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 PH-OZC: Air Holland B737 0334 SelCal LQJM to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 TC-SUT: SunExpress Air B737 0229 SelCal CRJQ to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 TP-02: Mexican AF Presidential Plane B737 0044 sElcal FQJL to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05598.0 V5-NMB: Air Namibia B737-25A/Adv0528 SelCal MRGP to MWARA NAT-A (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05602 T1Z106: 1 Bat 106 Avn Regiment Iraq 2135 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Jan05) (RGA) 05602.0 T18: US-Army, IRQ? 2132 USB ALE snd (07/JAN/05) (KK) 05602.0 T1Z106: 1-106th US Army, IRQ? 2107 USB ALE snd (04/JAN/05) (KK) 05602.0 T1Z106: US-Army, IRQ? 0121 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05602.0 T1Z106: US-Army, IRQ? 2133 USB ALE snd (07/JAN/05) (KK) 05602.0 T498AA: US-Army, IRQ? 0120 USB ALE snd (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05602.0 T507:US ARMY IRQ 0002 USB/ALE snd (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05636.7 PNW9: Chinese Naval Stn (M89) 1607 CW V GM3Z (x3) de PNW9 (x2). (04Jan05) (RGA) 05636.7 pnw9: unid 2009 cw gm3z gm3z gm3z de pnw9 pnw9 pnw9 v 03Jan05 (wp3) 05637.0 ATHINA: Athens Aeradio, GRC [LGGG], 0655, USB, wkg Pagina 96 05637.0 05637.0 05637.0 05637.0 05637.0 05637.0 05658.0 05680.0 05684 05684.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05701 05702 05702 05702 05702 05702 05702.0 05702.0 05708 05708 05708 05708.0 05708.0 05711.0 05715.0 05720 05720 05720 WUN-v11 LEROS (Leros Airfield, GRC [LGLE]), ann dep OAL-032 at 0653, 01-Jan-05 (CK) ATHINA: Athens Aeradio, GRC [LGGG], 0656, USB, clg ODYSSEAS ELYTIS (Mitillini Airport [LGMT]), no reply, 02-Jan-05 (CK) ATHINA: Athens Aeradio/SWA, GRC [LGGG], 0750, USB, wkg DIMOKRITOS (Alexandroupolis Airport, GRC [LGAL]), ann. departure Aegean-142 at 0748, 04-Jan-05 (CK) ATHINA: Athens Aero, GRC, 1714, USB, clg "All stations in net, switch to 2989 kHz", 23-Dec-04 (CK) BUCURESTI: Bucharest Aeradio, ROM, [LROP], 0753, USB, wkg unid aircaft, 04-Jan-05 (CK) KASTELLORIZO: Kastellorizo Airfield, GRC, [LGKJ], 0606, USB, clg "all stations" witn New Year greetings, got reply from MYKONOS [LGMK], 01-Jan-05 (CK) OLYMPIC-205: Airbus A300 SX-BEL, 1454, USB, wkg ATHINA (Athens Aeradio, GRC), req selcal check CM-BK, 02-Jan-05 (CK) mumbai: : Mumbai Radio 2248 usb lh757 clg Mumbai qso 06Jan05 (wp3) ww safety chan: / kinloss ? 1415 USB with W02? W131? Jan08 05 ML CRONPR: US NIPRNet Stn RAF Croughton UK 1846 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Jan05) (RGA) CRONPR: Croughton NIPRNet 2042 USB ALE snd (01/JAN/05) (KK) dhj24: GAF Hohn 1721 usb clg medEvac 444 07Jan05 (wp3) GAF304: unid GAF 0816 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster (15/JAN/05) (KK) med 444: MedEvac 444 1719 usb clg dho24 07Jan05 (wp3) XV6: Unid 1000 CW vvvv vvvv vvvv vvvv vvvv q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o q5o de xv6 xv6 xv6 xv6 (three times) then qrx next va va.(14Jan05) (IB) ARCHITECT: RAF STCICS Bampton Castle UK 1601 USB YL with area QNHs. (04Jan05) (RGA) IKFSPR: HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Keflavik ICE 2112 ALE/USB Sounding. Also sounding on 6715 kHz. (08Jan05) (RGA) IKFSPR: US SIPRNet Stn Keflavik ICE 1856 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Jan05) (RGA) JDGSPR: US GHFS Stn Diego Garcia BIOT 2022 ALE/USB Sounding. (30Dec04) (RGA) PLASPR: US SIPRINet Lajes Field AZR 2159 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) ARCHITECT: RAF Strike Command, G, 2100, USB, clg CELEBRITY for QNH settings, 28-Dec-04 (CK) ASCOT-6612: RAF C-17A ZZ174, 1946, USB, wkg ARCHITECT, req selcal test KP-DG and WX for UTAA (Ashgabat), UBBB (Baku/Bina), 28-Dec-04 (CK) 210091: Unid USAF Aircraft 2159 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Dec04) (RGA) MPA: HF-GCS Stn RAF Port Stanley FLK 2323 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Jan05) (RGA) PLA: US HFGCS Stn Lajes AZR 1814 ALE/USB Sounds here and on 5748.6 (US State Dept frequency). (03Jan05) (RGA) 450031: (KC-10 # 85-0031): 1010 USB/ALE TO OFF ) Offutt). 01/16 RP3 PLA: USAF Lajes AB, Azores 0602 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg KEH34: US Department of State (05/JAN/05) (KK) NCS: (SHARES National Coordinating Station, Arlington VA): 1745 USB/ALE TO KNY66 (SHARES station). 12/29 RP3 fishermen: 0738 USB span d/x Dec25 04ML A6-ERH: Emirates A340-541 1621 HFDL Signs on. Ex F-WWTY. (05Jan05) (RGA) VS0251: Virgin Atlantic Flt 1625 HFDL Reports 5353N 00826E to ARINC Reykjavik. (05Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SXB: S.African Airways A340 2257 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (21Dec04) (RGA) Pagina 97 WUN-v11 05720.0 AA1: ISR AF 2306 USB/ALE snd (06/07-jan-2005) (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05720.0 AA1: Israeli AF 0304 USB ALE snd (06/JAN/05) (KK) 05720.0 TSR: ISR AF 0237 USB/ALE snd (06-jan-2005) (08-jan-2005)(MSM) 05729 VP-BDK: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0110 2254 HFDL Signs on. (21Dec04) (RGA) 05732 715: CAMSPAC Point Reyes CA USA 0252 ALE/USB (Voice call 1715) callup then to voice: 1715 completed with training detail and RTB. (08Jan05) (BC) 05732.0 Unid: 12/20/2004 02:47 (now) 5.732Mhz COTHEN Customs very busy with soundings and voice traffic (TM) 05746 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: Enigma E03 2240 USB Old biddy with 5LGs. (14Jan05) (RGA) 05748.6 ICZ: US HFGCS Stn Sigonella ITA 1832 ALE/USB Sounds on US State Dept frequency. (03Jan05) (RGA) 05784.0 0000210001: unid 1536 USB ALE clg 0000210688 (26/DEC/04) (KK) 05784.0 0000210001: unid 1537 USB ALE clg 0000210788, after cnt weak Voices with Rogerbeep. unid east-european language, but not greek (26/DEC/04) (KK) 05788.0 UNID: Enigma M12, 1946, CW, missed header, 5f, end "000 000" at 1949, 28-Dec-04 (CK) 05832.5 DDA14: Weather Station Hamburg, D 1004 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA20: Weather Station Emden, D 1005 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA22: Weather Station Bremen, D 1005 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA31: Weather Station Muenster /Osnabrueck 1005 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA33: Weather Station Hannover, D 1006 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA42: Weather Station Kahler Asten, D 1006 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA50: Weather Station Aachen, D 1007 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA54: Weather Station Wasserkuppe, D 1007 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 0957 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz Test Tape: "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS..." (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1003 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA02: Weather Station List/Sylt, No Reply (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1003 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA14: Weather Station Hamburg, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1004 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA20: Weather Station Emden, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1005 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA22: Weather Station Bremen, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1005 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA31: Weather Station Muenster /Osnabrueck (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1006 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA33: Weather Station Hannover, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1006 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA42: Weather Station Kahler Asten, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1007 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA50: Weather Station Aachen, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) 05832.5 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1007 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA54: Weather Station Wasserkuppe, D Pagina 98 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05832.5 05850.0 05850.0 05850.0 05859.0 05859.0 WUN-v11 (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1007 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA60: Weather Station Trier/Petriesberg, No reply (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1008 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA72: Weather Station Mannheim, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1008 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA73: Weather Station Stuttgart, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1009 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA77: Weather Station Regensburg, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1010 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA80: Weather Station Freiburg/Lahr, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1010 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA83: Weather Station Ulm/Stoetten, No reply (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1011 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA86: Weather Station Muenchen, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1012 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA89: Weather Station Passau/Fuerstenzell No reply (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1012 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA92: Weather Station Konstanz, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1013 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DD96: Weather Station GarmischPartenkirchen, D (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1014 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg again DDA02, DDA60, DDA83, DDA89 (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1016 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz" ''''''''OK BITTE AUF FREQUENZ ZEHN UMSCHALTEN BITTE AUF FREQUENZ ZEHN UMSCHALTEN '''''' (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA72: Weather Station Mannheim, D 1008 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA73: Weather Station Stuttgart, D 1009 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA77: Weather Station Regensburg, D 1010 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape "TESTLAUF DDA77 DDA77 DDA77 TESTLAUF SY 000000 10776" (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA80: Weather Station Freiburg/Lahr, D 1010 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA86: Weather Station Muenchen, D 1011 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA92: Weather Station Konstanz, D 1012 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA96: Weather Station Garmisch-Partenkirchen, D 1013 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz sending Test Tape (11/JAN/05) (KK) OXT: COPENHAGEN MET 0943 FAX 120/576/N/800 Ice chart. Weak, grainy (31/Dec)(DW) OXT: Danish Meteorological Institute, DNK, 0028, F1B, "CQ DE OXT ____", 31-Dec-04 (CK) OXT: Danish Meteorological Institute, DNK, 0030, FAX, 120/576, West Greenland (Davis Strait) Ice Chart, dated 29 Dec 2004 1400 UTC with ann for termination of service. Poor reception due to QRM. 31-Dec-04 (CK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1017 Rtty 100Bd/170H DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64 DDA64" (11/JAN/05) (KK) DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1059 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz clg DDA03, DDA14, DDA20, DDA31, DDA33, DDA42, DDA50, DDA54, DDA60, DDA72, DDA73, DDA77, DDA80 (no reply), DDA83, DDA86 (no reply), DDA89 (no reply), DDA92, DDA96 (11/JAN/05) (KK) Pagina 99 WUN-v11 05859.0 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D 1117 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz "SO, DA DIE NACHMITTAGSSENDUNG HEUTE AUSFAELLT, IST DIE UEBUNG HIERMIT BEENDET. VIELEN DANK FUER EURE GEDULD UND ENTSCHULDIGT BITTE NOCHMALS DIE VERSPAETUNG HEUTE MORGE BIS ZUM NAECHSTEN MAL'''(11/JAN/05) (KK) 05864.7 : Unid French Military 1553 ARQ-E3/192/370 Betas. (04Jan05) (RGA) 05864.7 : Unid French Military 1728 ARQ-E3/192/400 Betas. (15Jan05) (RGA) 05864.7 unid: France Force 1740 ARQ-M4/192/400 (03jan05) (sal) 05865 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Madrid 2132 ALE/USB Calls TYMA2/Unid. (08Jan05) (RGA) 05875.0 EAATS: (Eastern Army Aviation Training Site, Muir AAF Ft Indiantown Gap PA): 1945 USB/ALE sounding. 12/20 RP3 05875.0 EAATS: (Eastern Army Aviation Training Site, Muir AAF, Ft Indiantown Gap PA): 1719 USB/ALE sounding. 01/14 RP3 05875.0 R23725: (US Army helo): 1621 USB/ALE TO R24587 (US Army helo). 01/14 RP3 05876 MENTOR: Unid French Military 1547 RTTY/50/170 Test de mentor cette émission est destinée au réglage de nos émetteurs 1234567890 lundi mercredi ... dimanche. (04Jan05) (RGA) 05895 ANTARCTO: 'ASSAD' Net Poss Moroccan Military 2320 ALE/USB Calls ASSADCTO. (20Dec04) (RGA) 05911.0 O45O: CIS mil CW 0538 1zlr de o45o k, 0539 ???? de o45o qsa? K t94q de o45o k rk, 0540 n5q1 n5q1 n5z # (03Jan05)(SMK) 06045.0 SDWC: CW 0510 clg UNID, 0518 clg 3loz (06Jan05)(SMK) 06220 LNXH: Russian Military 2013 CW Sends msg to collective JH1M: LNXH 912 37 3 2244 912 = ZHQ 236 = PPPPP ITAWX CHROP ... ITAWX CHROP PEPEE 985 K. Asks R 912? K from 5Y2I ?B4W WLYJ NN9Z CDQL E2AB BZ?T WNMW. None heard on usual QSX 5479 kHz. Then calls NN9Z with QTC. (03Jan05) (RGA) 06271.5 UHZH: Ship" DALNIE ZELENTSY" RUS 1315 Sitor-ARQ 100Bd/170Hz wkg RTL: unid prob. Murmansk (20/DEC/04) (KK) 06294 : Unid Vessel 1503 CW Tgm to unid: ETA Yalta 080105 ... BRGDS Master + GB 73 SK. (07Jan05) (RGA) 06312 CQUQ: Portuguese Ship Arteaga 2354 GMDSS RQs Fernando Passoa/CSCN for simplex telephone conversation on 3370 kHz. (17Dec04) (RGA) 06312 TCWB: Turkish Ship Burcu-B1 2210 GMDSS RQs Istanbul Turk Radio/TAH for a safety check. TAH responds with a BQ. (17Dec04) (RGA) 06328.5 : Murmansk Meteo 1331 FAX 120/576/R Sea state chart. //8444 kHz (01Jan05) (KB) 06330.0 LZW34: Varna Radio 2047 Sitor-B (03jan05) (sal) 06340.5 NMF: USCG Boston, USA, 2004, FAX 120/576, NOAA North Atlantic barometric pressure and fronts chart, 01-Jan-05 (CK) 06348 FUE: FN Brest 2004 RTTY/150/850 Test tape "all de fue" (09/Jan/05) (RH2) 06348.0 FUE: FN Brest 1853 ITA2/150/850 (10jan05) (S) 06422 PWZ: BN Rio 1025 PACTOR 200 Wx in slow SS. (07/Jan/01) (RH2) 06448 : Unid Chinese Numbers Stn 1210 LSB With female Announcer with three figure groups in Mandarin almost sung. 35533. Have not heard in 18 months and no parallel channels heard. (04Jan05) (RH) 06448.0 Unid: PRC Intelligence 1157 LSB YL/CC 3FGs. (7-Jan-04) (JUM) 06456.2 unid: ??? 2200 STANAG 4285/600Long 7N1 "UUUUU UUUUUUU" (06jan05) (sal) 06456.2 unid: ??? 1635 STANAG 4285 (8E2?) (06jan05) (sal) 06464 VIE: Globe Wireless Darwin NT AUS 1531 GLOBEDATA Idling. Good sigs. (07Jan05) (RGA) 06464 VIE: Globe Wireless Darwin NT AUS 1808 GLOBEDATA Pagina 100 06467 06474 06478.0 06483.0 06492.0 06498.1 06500.0 06501.0 06507.0 06507.1 06507.1 06507.1 06529 06529 06529 06529 06529 06529.0 06529.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 06532.0 WUN-v11 Idling. (15Jan05) (RGA) LFI: Globe Wireless Rogaland NOR 1548 GLOBEDATA Idling. (07Jan05) (RGA) JJF: Japanese NSDF HQ Tokyo 2000 CW Several msgs. At 2030utc JJF resumed its beacon at 30 minute intervals. (08Jan05) (cc2) SAB: Goetheborg 2100 GW id (with my MultiMode in Mac OS) (07jan05) (S) PBB: Nth Navy Den Helder 1400 Rtty 75bd/850Hz Marker: "02B 04C 06B PBB" (22/DEC/04) (KK) HEC: GW station, Berna Switzerland, 0xcc. Idler header and data in 26 tones GW data burst. 29.12.2004 23:27 (ML) : NATO Modem 1551 STANAG-4285/2400/USB 600 bps data long interleave. Enciphered. (07Jan05) (RGA) unkn: "Yosemite Sam" 1137z Dec23, 2004 USB with voice marker [SN] Camslant: ?: maybe Miami? USCG 2347 USB computer generated voice,hard to understand, wx rep. for Bahamas(at least i understood so) (27/28-dec-2004) (MSM) VTP: Indian Navy Vishakapatnam 2052 Baudot 50/850 calltape. (7-Dec-04) (JUM) VTP: IN VISHAKAPATNAM 1853 RTTY 50/N/1100 Marker "VTP 13/14 rbsl vnr SGs RYs. 1856 Tfc - wx fcst Bay of Bengal (31/Dec)(DW) VTP: Indian Navy Vishakhapatnam 1802 RTTY/50/1013. Weather forecast in EE. (15Jan05) (RGA) VTP: Navy Vishakhapatnam 1820 RTTY/50/1k Marker. (31Dec04) (KB) A6-ERF: Emirates A340 Flt EK0316 2248 Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (18Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCC: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 2252 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (21Dec04) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' Flt VS0009 2256 HFDL At 4350N 04235W. (18Jan05) (RGA) N330UP: IPS B767 2252 HFDL Acks msg "26.1. ...ADVS YOU HAVE INFO I.E938" and weather for KRDU. (18Jan05) (RGA) UAE88: Emirates Flt 2003 HFDL Reports 2508N 05516E. (18Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways 0449 Uplink message (22/DEC/04) (IDS) I-LIVB: Livingstone 0513 log on confirm to Arinc Las Palmas (22/DEC/04) (IDS) 007: Shannon 2307 HFDL Datalink (06jan05) (sal) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330-203 FLT QR0611 1908 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT23 6 46N LON63 8 57E (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ALCD: Lufthansa MD-11F FLT LH8415 1851 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT44 11 9N LON29 25 59E (08-jan-2005)(MSM) D-ALCL: Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F FLT LH8161 1913 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT52 45 14N LON1 41 43E (08-jan-2005)(MSM) N310UP: United Parcel Service (UPS) B767-34AF/ER FLT UP6754 1913 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT180 0 0N LON180 0 0E(bad data) (08-jan-2005)(MSM) N552TZ: AMERICAN TRANS AIR (WFBN) B757-33N FLT TZ4053 1913 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT52 43 55N LON19 11 29E (08-jan-2005)(MSM) nocall: FLT VS0604 1907 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT49 51 13N LON1 19 38W (08-jan-2005)(MSM) nocall: Lufthansa (Cargo?) FLT LH8449 1848 ArincHFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT34 23 48N LON10 21 6W (08-jan-2005)(MSM) OH-LBO: Finnair B757-2Q8 FLT AY2514 1914 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT55 52 9N LON36 15 17W (08-jan-2005)(MSM) OH-LBT: Finnair B757-2Q8 FLT AY251 1913 Arinc-HFDL Pagina 101 06532.0 06532.0 06628.0 06640.0 06678.6 06678.6 06678.6 06693.0 06694.0 06700.0 06700.0 06712.0 06715 06715 06720.0 06721 06721 06721.0 06721.0 06721.0 06721.0 06722 06722 06726.0 06726.0 06726.0 06730.0 06736.0 06736.7 06748.0 06748.0 06753 WUN-v11 Rep.Pos. to Shannon 6 LAT36 52 13N LON8 24 13W (08-jan-2005)(MSM) OH-LBU: Finnair B757-2Q8 FLT AY255 1853 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT55 25 40N LON13 48 0E (08-jan-2005)(MSM) VP-BDO: Aeroflot A319-111 FLT SU0231 1913 Arinc-HFDL Rep.Pos. to Shannon LAT56 31 15N LON27 27 11E (08-jan-2005)(MSM) MWARA NAT-E New York: + ATC NAT-E STA MARIA: 2356 USB/Voice+Selcal wnkg various flg,ex. Air France? SelCal EHGJ, (27/28-dec-2004)(MSM) Saudia 035: making ph patch 0748z 12dec04 (ALS) FRA6XL- 1: Mailbox Normandy, F 1455 Packet 300bd/300Hz TO: KAIL: unid user "16-Jav 16:00 <<< Mailbox FRA6XL-1 Normandy >>> 3006 active message(s).Message(s) for None" (14/JAN/05) (KK) FRA6XL- 1: Mailbox Normandy, F 1456 Packet 300bd/300Hz TO: FRA605- 8: unid (14/JAN/05) (KK) FRA6XL- 1: Mailbox Normandy, F 1456 Packet 300bd/300Hz TO: FRA9LB- 8: Mailbox Vernon (14/JAN/05) (KK) Novosibirsk VOLMET: 1040 USB aviation wx in Russian (12-Dec-04) (JUM) BT9P: RAF Cranwell 1330 USB wkg CWL85: unid Aircraft, Info abt Position, Speed, Course..(13/JAN/05) (KK) DHM91: GAF Muenster, D 1316 USB wkg GAF183 (13/JAN/05) (KK) T498AA: US army 498th Air Ambulance IRQ? 1501 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (30/DEC/04) (KK) 003: Reykjavick 2313 HFDL Datalink (06jan05) (sal) ICZSPR: US HF-GCS Stn Sigonella ITA 2206 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Jan05) (RGA) JDGSPR: US SIPRINet Stn Diego Garcia 2247 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF 0528 USB ALE snd (04/JAN/05) (KK) 210187: USAF C-17 01-0187 2328 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Jan05) (RGA) JDG: US GHFS Stn Diego Garcia 2245 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) HAW: USAF Hawaii 1902 MIL STD 188-141 ALE on usb sounding (08jan05) (S) jdg: 1538utc 6721 USAF Diego Garcia: TWS JDG SND MIL 188-141A ALE on usb 3jan (S) r05294: 1533utc 6721 USAF ???: TIS R05294 TO OFF CMD AMD "...@OFFOFFOFF..." MIL 188-141A ALE on usb 3jan (S) usaf signolle: 1447utc 6721 USAF Sigonella: TWS ICZ SND MIL 188-141A ALE on usb 3jan (S) LHH: Prob Italian Military 1753 ALE/USB Wkg 3TJ. (15Jan05) (RGA) LHH: Prob Italian Military 1811 ALE/USB Wkg W47. (15Jan05) (RGA) D10: prb. pol Mil 0415 USB ALE clg D15 (04/JAN/05) (KK) D10: prb. pol Mil, IRQ? 1515 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg L30 (30/DEC/04) (KK) U20: prb. pol Mil 0414 USB ALE clg D15 (04/JAN/05) (KK) DHJ59: GNy Wilhelmshaven 1143 USB wkg 1GD (10/JAN/05) (KK) BT9P: RAF Cranwell 1152 USB wkg CWL85: unid Aircraft,Info abt Position, Speed, Course... (10/JAN/05) (KK) No Call: prob egy diplo 1518 Sitor-ARQ 100Bd/170Hz clg TVVC, (26/DEC/04) (KK) 10260: unid 0326 USB ALE snd again at 0827 (01/JAN/05) (KK) CHARLY46: prb Italian AF? 2306 USB ALE clg 40, 4 Min.Talk in italian than both cnf in ALE. 40 clg CHARLY46 again at 00:39 and 00:50 (31/DEC/04) (KK) RFFN: Unid 'RFF' Net NCS 1433 CW .... de RFFN QSA? K .... Active but unreadable. Day frequency. Thanks to Tom Pagina 102 06754.0 06758.7 06765.0 06775.0 06775.0 06792 06810.0 06821.6 06821.6 06828 06828.0 06834.0 06834.0 06834.0 06834.0 06835 06835 06835.0 06835.0 06835.0 06844 06844.5 06845 06845 06845.0 06870.0 06880 06880.0 06884.5 06884.5 06900.0 06902.6 06911.5 06912.0 06922.0 06930.0 06935.0 WUN-v11 Rösner for freqs: Day 6753/???? Night 3132/3933 kHz. (29Dec04) (RGA) Trenton Military: 2235 USB w/volmet. 12/22 RP3 MKL: RN Northwood 1830 RTTY/75/850 Usual short bursts. (11/Jam/05) (RH2) unid: ??? 1750 Stanag 4285/600Long (03jan05) (sal) ANTARCTO: Antar/Assad Network Tunis? 2041 USB ALE clg ASSADCTO (08/JAN/05) (KK) JP52: Algerian MOI 1634 USB ALE clg JP54 (31/DEC/04) (KK) 0000210501: Greek Police 2159 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Jan05) (RGA) RUKBATGELVIL: Inf. Batalion "Iron Wolf" Rukla 1136 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PANBATGELVIL: Motorised Infantry Batalion Panevëþys (10/JAN/05) (KK) : UNID North African network, ALG? 1908 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, selcall mode, nonstop calling, yet no reply (03Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 1908 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, selcall mode, nonstop calling, yet no reply (03Jan05) (LDO) : UNID Russian? station, ??? 1710 ITA-5 based ARQsystem 100.17Bd/500Hz, sending 5FGs to UNID station, QSX 8146 kHz (04Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID Russian? station, ??? 1710 ITA-5 based ARQ-system 100.17Bd/500Hz, sending 5FGs to UNID station, QSX 8146 kHz (04Jan05) (LDO) GYA: Northwood Meteo 2244 FAX 120/576 (03jan05) (sal) GYA: Northwood Meteo 2248 FAX 120/576 (09jan05) (S) GYA: RN NORTHWOOD 1816 FAX 120/576/N/800 Gulf service. M/path and grainy charts (01/Jan)(DW) GYA: RN Northwood, G, 2020, FAX (120/576), meteo chart for M.East, Egypt & S.Asia, 25-Dec-04 (CK) TTY: Prob Romanian Military 1939 ALE/USB Calls RWG. WQW also seen. (30Dec04) (RGA) WQW: Prob Romanian Military 1804 ALE/USB 1804 Calls RWG. (03Jan05) (RGA) WQW: prb. romanian 2103 USB ALE clg RWG (15/DEC/04) (KK) WQW: prb. romanian 2107 USB ALE clg TTY (15/DEC/04) (KK) Y6F: prb. romanian 2106 USB ALE clg JGW (15/DEC/04) (KK) : Russian Military 1734 RUS-75/75/240 Cipher. (15Jan05) (RGA) No Call: unid 1335 P-III idler (22/DEC/04) (KK) HFB: UK Military 2114 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Dec04) (RGA) HFB: UK Military 2235 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) HFB: Uk Mil/Diplo Hereford 2328 USB ALE snd (31/DEC/04) (KK) 3232: unid 1323 USB ALE snd (22/DEC/04) (KK) 555: Unid 1726 ALE/USB Calls 591. (03Jan05) (RGA) 555: unid prb. geo mil 1931 USB ALE clg 541 (30/DEC/04) (KK) 9110: unid 1718 USB ALE snd (30/DEC/04) (KK) 9340: unid 1711 USB ALE snd (30/DEC/04) (KK) UNID: Enigma E3 (LP), 2010, USB, 5F grps, id "00461", 25-Dec-04 (CK) JDG: (USAF GSC, Diego Garcia): 2021 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08058.6. 12/27 RP3 R23566: (probable UH-60 helo, possibly 86th Med Coy VTNG): 2022 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09295.0. 12/20 RP3 PNR400: & PANTHR: 2127-2132 USB ALE (30/DEC/04) (JLM) 9PY: unid 1325 USB ALE clg 6UL (22/DEC/04) (KK) SYN2: Numberstation 1947 USB fem. Voice: "SierraYankee-November-Two" (26/DEC/04) (KK) AM2: prb. Estonian Mil 1212 USB ALE clg EK7 (13/JAN/05) (KK) Pagina 103 WUN-v11 06935.0 LU9: prb. Estonian Mil 1205 USB ALE clg EK7 (13/JAN/05) (KK) 06935.0 LU9: prb. Estonian Mil 1209 USB ALE clg AM2 (13/JAN/05) (KK) 06935.0 LU9: prb. Estonian Mil 1209 USB ALE clg WD3 (13/JAN/05) (KK) 06935.0 WD3: prb. est Mil 2210 USB ALE clg EK7 (07/JAN/05) (KK) 06944.5 ELMPT1: unid 1150 USB ALE clg ELMPT2 (13/JAN/05) (KK) 06954.0 Unid: French ARQ-E/184.5/400 Idle 2258 9jan05(ML) 06955 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Madrid 1739 ALE/USB Calls TYMV2/Valencia? (03Jan05) (RGA) 06955 TXX2: Unid 1950 ALE/USB Calls TYMA2. Not Spanish Guarda Civil is it? (30Dec04) (RGA) 06955 TYMA2: Unid 1926 ALE/USB clg TYMV2. Monitored until 0800/03Jan but no further calls seen (02Jan05) (KB) 06955.0 RFFXCCS: FF Favieres 2326 ARQ-E/184.6/440 Idle (06jan05) (sal) 06966 0000001230: Prob Turkish Net 2040 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Dec04) (RGA) 06981.0 204DVA: US Dept. of Veterans' Affairs 2101 USB ALE snd (15/DEC/04) (KK) 06985.0 USACE1010: (Army Corps of Engineers): 2138 USB/ALE sounding. 12/23 RP3 06986.0 ART2: Numberstation 1432 USB female Voice: "AlfaRomeo-Tango-Two" (13/JAN/05) (KK) 07000.0 0200: prb. Guarfi-Net, I 1554 USB ALE clg 0811 (02/JAN/05) (KK) 07039 D: MX Beacon Odessa 0712 CW //8495 10872 13528. (17Dec04) (WC) 07039.2 F: Russ Ny Vladivostok, RUS, 1955, CW, cluster beacon, 25-Dec-04 (CK) 07039.4 M: Russ Ny Magadan, RUS, 1955, CW, cluster beacon, 25-Dec-04 (CK) 07355 : UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1039 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) 07355.0 no-call: UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1039 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) 07385.0 AG2: unid 2234 USB ALE clg XEF (04/JAN/05) (KK) 07500.0 ABUDHABABD: ??? 1710 MIL 188-141 ALE on usb "To 555" (05jan05) (sal) 07508 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0800 FAX/120/576 Weddell West Ice Anal. (01/Jan/05) (RH2) 07508 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0800 FAX/120/576 Weddell West Ice Analysis (12/Jan/05) (RH2) 07508 ZSJ: SAN/Afmet Silvermine 1714 RTTY/75/170 Marine Wx incl. Met France //13538 (30/12/04) (RH2) 07580.0 M08A: Cuba 0806z Dec 12, 2004 CW 5f traffic, another station also on, hard to copy here [SN] 07599 : CIS Military 1605 MS-5/4800/USB Switching on and off. Offair 1607. (07Jan05) (RGA) 07617.0 JAGUAR: (Mexican Army): 1301 USB/ALE TO CAM (CAMALEON, Mexican Army). 01/09 RP3 07650.0 R23454: (probable UH-60, 2/238th Avn INNG): 1718 USB/ALE TO T2Z238 (2/238th Avn, INNG, Shelbyville IN). Also noted on 08171.5; 10151.5 & 11439.5. 12/23 RP3 07650.0 T1Z137: (1/137th Avn, OHNG Rickenbacher Airport OH): 1845 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 05851.5. 12/20 RP3 07650.0 T2Z238: (2/238th Avn, INNG, Shelbyville IN): 2050 USB/ALE sounding. 01/16 RP3 07659.7 RRSRCE: Radio Remote Station Recife, B 2115 Packet 300Bd/300Hz msg to RRSNTL: Natal, "RRSRCE>RRSNTL>RR4,F" (04/JAN/05) (KK) Pagina 104 WUN-v11 07659.7 RRSRCE: Radio Remote Station Recife, B 2133 Packet 300Bd/300Hz msg to RRSJPA: João Pessoa, PB "RRSRCE>RRSJPA> I12,C,F0 (300 baud)" (04/JAN/05) (KK) 07668 AMMAN: French Embassy Amman JOR 1739 ALE/USB Calls CER42/MFA Paris. (03Jan05) (RGA) 07668 AMMAN: French embassy Amman, JOR 1535 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, tfc to Paris (29Dec04) (LDO) 07668 CER42: MFA Paris, F 1535 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, tfc to Amman (29Dec04) (LDO) 07668.0 AMMAN: French embassy Amman, JOR 1535 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, tfc to Paris (29Dec04) (LDO) 07668.0 CER42: MFA Paris, F 1535 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, tfc to Amman (29Dec04) (LDO) 07670.5 VENUS: (Mexican military): 0440 USB/ALE TO CANCER2 (Mexican military). 12/18 RP3 07671.5 FDG: French Airforce Bordeaux 2140 Rtty 50Bd/400Hz Marker:" TEST DE FDG VOYEZ LE BRICK... (07/JAN/05) (KK) 07676.6 : Unid 1600 UNID/150/95 ACF=0. Offair 1605. (07Jan05) (RGA) 07725.0 chv: 1716 ale THIS WAS: CHV THIS WAS: CHV 30Dez04 (wp3) 07725.0 RDY: 1620 ale RDYE' FROM: RDY FROM: RDY FROM: RDYE' FROM=RDYE' 30Dez04 (wp3) 07725.0 RDY: 1620 ale RDYE' FROM: RDY FROM: RDY FROM: RDYE' FROM: RDYE' 30Dez04 (wp3) 07725.0 T"eXq: 1620 ale THIS WAS: T" THIS WAS: T" THIS WAS: T"eXq30Dez04 (wp3) 07725.0 T"eXq: 1620 ale THIS WAS: T" THIS WAS: T" THIS WAS: T"eXq 30Dez04 (wp3) 07725.00 chv: 1716 ale THIS WAS: CHV THIS WAS: CHV 30Dez04 (wp3) 07741.5 ---: Unid 0043 188-110A serial modem (13/12/04) (AJP) 07743 TN2: Unid 0823 ALE/USB calling JE2 (29Dec04) (KB) 07746.4 : UNID station, 0908 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz online crypto tfc. (03Jan05) (LDO) 07746.4 no-call: UNID station, 0908 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz online crypto tfc. (03Jan05) (LDO) 07760.0 ULX2: Numberstation 1500 USB fem. Voice: "UniformLima-Xray-Two" (22/DEC/04) (KK) 07771.7 L2C: PNA Buenos Aires 0315 FEC Wx/Nx/SS. (05/Jan/01) (RH2) 07777.0 JADE: (HQs, Mexican Army): 0021 USB/ALE TO JAGUAR (Mexican military). 12/20 RP3 07777.0 RM10: (HQs, Mexican Army Military Region 10, Merida): 0401 USB/ALE TO JADE (probably HQs, Mexican Army). 12/17 RP3 07777.0 RM1: (HQs, Mexican Army Military Region 1, Federal District, Mexico City): 0226 USB/ALE TO JADE (probably HQs, Mexican Army). 12/17 RP3 07777.0 RM3: (HQs, Mexican Army Military Region 3, Mazatlan): 0212 USB/ALE TO JADE (probably HQs, Mexican Army). 12/17 RP3 07777.0 RM4: (HQs, Military Region 4, Monterrey, Mexican Army): 0032 USB/ALE TO JADE (HQs, Mexican Army). Also noted on 09060.0. 12/30 RP3 07783.0 polish forces net: - bosnia 1438 USB d/x Jan08 05 ML 07818 OHT: Sonatrach Net Ohanet ALG 1710 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Jan05) (RGA) 07846.2 : Unid 1300 PICCOLO-12 (7846.2=approx. center). (01Jan05) (KB) 07849.0 CLC25M: (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 25th Inf Bde, Venezuelan=Army): 0042 USB/ALE TO CRC2M (Regional Command Center-Mobile, 2nd Military=Region). Also noted on 08060.0 & 08181.0. 12/28 RP3=20 07864.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station 1352 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:FA18HAA> (13/JAN/05) (KK) Pagina 105 WUN-v11 07880.0 DDK3: Hamburg Meteo 1814 FAX 120/576 (03jan05) (sal) 07890.0 CS001: Italian Mil? 1109 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "RS004" (10jan05) (S) 07890.0 fishermen: 1357 USB ff d/x trawling art... Jan10 05 ML 07895.7 unid: FF =3F=3F 1139 arq-e3/100/400 8 rpt 29Dez04 (wp3) 07905.0 LHH: US Army 1111 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb Clng "W47" (10jan05) (S) 07938 RS009A: Unid Mil net 1640 ALE/USB clg CS001A. (31Dec04) (KB) 07957.0 DD1: Israeli AF 0532 USB ALE snd (04/JAN/05) (KK) 07959 FDG: FAF Bordeaux 1353 CW Vs marker. (15Jan05) (RGA) 07965.0 CS002: unid MIL NET? prob. The Balkans 1010 USB/ALE calling RS0011 (31-dec-2004)(MSM) 07985.9 HUB: MAF Hub, loc? 0023 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:PJJ>: unid Missionary Station, amazon. Reg. (13/JAN/05) (KK) 07985.9 HUB: MAF Hub, loc? 0024 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:PJX>: unid Missionary Station, amazon. Reg. (13/JAN/05) (KK) 07985.9 HUB: MAF Hub, loc? 0025 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:SML>: unid Missionary Station, amazon. Reg. (13/JAN/05) (KK) 07985.9 HUB: MAF Hub, loc? 0026 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:SSS>: unid Missionary Station, amazon. Reg. (13/JAN/05) (KK) 07985.9 HUB: Missionary Hub, VEN 0545 P-I/200Bd <Calling:SML> unid missionary Station (05/JAN/05) (KK) 08009.0 Unid: (probable Cuban Illicit): 2218 CW send 5-letter cipher message using cut numbers. 01/13 RP3 08020 AA1: Israeli AF 1810 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Jan05) (RGA) 08020.0 ---: Fishermen 0055 USB SS Galician fishermen on South Atlantic.chat abt Spanish soccer (13/12/04) (AJP) 08020.0 MARMOL: (unidentified, possibly Mexican military): 0031 USB/ALE TO AZ4 (possibly Mexican military). 01/10 RP3 08020.0.AA1: (probably Israeli Air Force): 2250 USB/ALE sounding. 01/09 RP3 08030 : NATO Air Defence Tactical Data Modem 1642 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. (07Jan05) (RGA) 08030.0 CARRERA: (unidentified, Mexican military): 0019 USB/ALE TO ALFA (unidentified, Mexican military). 01/09 RP3 08030.0 DELTA: (unidentified, Mexican Army): 0235 USB/ALE TO ALFA (unidentified, Mexican Army). 01/09 RP3 08030.0 DUATA: (probable garble for DELTA, Mexican military): 0007 USB/ALE TO ALFA (Mexican military). 01/13 RP3 08033 URNA 52: UNID Czech MIL, CZE 1308 USB, reading out 5 letter groups in Czech alphabet, possibly KFOR related 8033 has occasional RS-ARQ tfc. from Czech KFOR units (03Jan05) (LDO) 08033.0 URNA 52: UNID Czech MIL, CZE 1308 USB, reading out 5 letter groups in Czech alphabet, possibly KFOR related 8033 has occasional RS-ARQ tfc. from Czech KFOR units (03Jan05) (LDO) 08040.0 GYA: Fleet Weather and Oceanographic Centre, Northwood, G, 1600, FAX 120/576, pressure and fronts charts, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 08040.0 P1Z131: (1/131st Avn, ALNG, Birmingham AL): 0416 USB/ALE sounding. 01/08 RP3 08040.0 R23550: (probable UH-60 helo, ALNG): 0108 USB/ALE TO T1Z131(1-131ST AVN (ALNG) BIRMINGHAM APRT, AL). 01/13 RP3 08040.0 rn northwood: 14:00 RN Northwood FAX 120/576 SST and 10% ice edge analyse.3jan (RP) 08040.0 T1Z131: (1/131Avn, ALNG Birmingham AL): 0215 USB/ALE Pagina 106 08043.0 08044 08044.0 08045.0 08045.0 08045.0 08045.0 08045.0 08045.0 08045.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08047.0 08050.0 08056.0 08058.6 08058.6 08060.0 08060.0 08060.0 WUN-v11 sounding. 12/23 RP3 RR1: Brazilian Military (?) packet 300/150 2220 "to: AM1 from: RR1" (16 Dec 04) (MJZ) : MFA Sofia, BUL 1458 USB/ASCII-75Bd 11-bit/ calling "KRZ" (07Jan05) (LDO) no-call: MFA Sofia, BUL 1458 USB/ASCII-75Bd 11- bit/ calling "KRZ" (07Jan05) (LDO) 100001: unid 2140 USB ALE snd (26/DEC/04) (KK) ASTRO: (Mexican military): 0105 USB/ALE TO ROBLE (Mexican military). 01/12 RP3 ASTRO: (Mexican military): 0301 USB/ALE TO ENCINO (Mexican military). 01/12 RP3 PIN: (Mexican military): 0256 USB/ALE TO ROBLE (Mexican military). 01/12 RP3 PINO82: (Mexican military): 0301 USB/ALE TO PINO (Mexican military). 01/12 RP3 PINO83: (Mexican military): 0059 USB/ALE TO PINO (Mexican military). 01/13 RP3 PINO83: (Mexican military): 2358 USB/ALE TO PINO (Mexican military). 01/12 RP3 A040LN: (Nat'l Guard, Alabama): 0206 USB/ALE TO HQ703N (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA). 12/17 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0223 USB/ALE TO A100KN (Nat'l Guard, Alaska). 12/17 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0228 USB/ALE TO C010TN (Nat'l Guard, Connecticut). 12/17 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0237 USB/ALE TO C080ON (Nat'l Guard, Colorado). 12/17 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0243 USB/ALE TO C090AN (Nat'l Guard, California). 12/17 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0255 USB/ALE TO D030EN (Nat'l Guard, Delaware). 12/17 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0514 USB/ALE TO A100KN (Nat'l Guard, Alaska). 01/14 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0602 USB/ALE TO C090AN (Nat'l Guard, California). 01/14 RP3 MEC11NG: (unidetnified Nat'l Guard unit): 1341 USB/ALE TO HQ701N (Nat'l Guard HQs, Arlington VA). 12/21 RP3 buz: 1455utc 8050 ???: TIS BUZ TO TULB10 MIL 188-141A ALE on usb followed by STANAG 4285/600Long crypto 3jan (S) CLS: (US Army JSOC, Ft Campbell KY): 2234 USB/ALE sounding. 01/05 RP3 KRC82OS: (US Department of State/Intel): 1638 USB/ALE TO KMN94 (US Department of State:Fort Lauderdale, FL). 12/17 RP3 PLA: (USAF GSC, Lajes AB): 0639 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah, Iraq). Also noted on 16283.6. 01/05 RP3 CGGN: Com. General de la Guardia Nacional, VEN 0321 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg DESTAFAC23: Destacamento 23 de las Fuerzas Armadas de Cooperación (06/JAN/05) (KK) CLC24M: (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 24th Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army): 0151 USB/ALE TO CRC2M (Regional Command Center-Mobile, 2nd Military Region). Also noted on 07849.0; 08181.0; & 09052.0. 12/29 RP3 CRC2M: (Regional Command Center-Mobile, 2nd Military Region, Venezuelan Army): 2349 USB/ALE TO CLC25M (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 25th Inf Bde). 01/09 RP3 Pagina 107 WUN-v11 08060.0 CS003: unid MIL NET? prob.The Balkans 1023 USB/ALE calling RS0017 (28-dec-2004)(MSM) 08060.0 RS0014: (possibly Greece/Macedonia/Romania): 0849 USB/ALE TO CS003 (Greece/Macedonia/Romania). 12/30 RP3 08060.0 SCLC222M: (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 222nd Motorized Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army): 0111 USB/ALE TO CLC22M (LOcal Communications Center-Mobile, 22nd Motorized Inf Bde). 01/12 RP3 08065.0 HONDO1: (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 0042 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 01/13 RP3 08065.0 RUH980: RUH984 (probable UH-60A helos, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 0052 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 01/13 RP3 08065.0 SKYWAT (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 0608 USB/ALE sounding. 01/15 RP3 08065.0 SKYWAT: (Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 0106 USB/ALE TO RUH 963 RUH957 & RUH993 (probable UH-60A helos, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 01/12 RP3 08078.0 unid: ??? 2020 FSK/125/1000 (10jan05) (S) 08084.0 ACERO1: (Mexican Air Base #1, Santa Lucia): 0252 USB/ALE TO ACERO (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force). 12/22 RP3 08084.0 ACERO4: (possibly Mexican Air Force Base #4, Cozumel): 2326 USB/ALE TO ACERO (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force). 12/18 RP3 08084.0 ACERO: (possibly HQS Mexican Air Force): 0306 USB/ALE TO ACERO1(possibly Mexican Air Force Base #1, Santa Lucia). 12/18 RP3 08084.0 ACERO: (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force): 0217 USB/ALE TO ACERO4 (Mexican Air Base #4, Cozumel). 12/22 RP3 08084.0 ACERO: (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force): 0302 USB/ALE TO ACERO4 (possibly Mexican Air Force Base #4, Cozumel). 12/20 RP3 08084.0 ACERO: (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force): 0317 USB/ALE sounding. 01/09 RP3 08084.0 COBALTO: (Mexican military): 1105 USB/ALE TO CALLADOYPM (Military Post (Puesto Militare), Calladoy). 12/22 RP3 08084.0 VIRIL: (Mexican military): 0257 USB/ALE TO COBALTO (Mexican military). 12/20 RP3 08087 : UNID MIL-net, ??? 0631 USB/26-TONE PSK Modem, 2 stations interacting with automated datalink burst traffic (05Jan05) (LDO) 08087.0 no-call: UNID MIL-net, ??? 0631 USB/26-TONE PSK Modem, 2 stations interacting with automated datalink burst traffic (05Jan05) (LDO) 08103.0 4XZ: Haifa IN 2226 CW (09jan05) (S) 08103.0 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 0842, CW, marker "VVV DE 4XZ 4XZ ==", 01-Jan-05 (CK) 08105 B: UNID Romanian MIL, ROU 0854 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, sending e-mail tfc. to K (05Jan05) (LDO) 08105 K: UNID Romanian MIL, ROU 0854 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, rcvng e-mail tfc. from B (05Jan05) (LDO) 08105.0 B: UNID Romanian MIL, ROU 0854 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, sending e-mail tfc. to K (05Jan05) (LDO) 08105.0 K: UNID Romanian MIL, ROU 0854 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, rcvng e-mail tfc. from B (05Jan05) (LDO) 08105.0 RFFX: MOD Paris 1848 ARQ-E/184.6/440 Idle (07jan05) (S) Pagina 108 WUN-v11 08105.4 ---: ATHENS MET 0920 FAX 120/576/N/800 Weak charts (*6) 0925 thru 1038z (30/Dec)(DW) 08105.4 SWA: Athens Meteo 1023 FAX/120/576 unid chart; faint contours and wind symbols in noise. Ends 1036. Tnx D. (30Dec04) (KB) 08105.4 SWA: Hellenic National Meteorological Service/SWA28, GRC, 0910, FAX 120/576, wx charts for 4-5 Jan 2005, 04-Jan-05 (CK) 08121.0 OTUV: Chinese mil marker 0012 CW YAV8 (3) de OTUV (2) (01/01/05)(AJP) 08125 FIAMMA 07: UNID airborne Carabinieri unit, I 1446 USB, calling "FIAMMA COMMANDO", IEA40 responding instead (29Dec04) (LDO) 08125 IEA40: UNID Carabinieri station, I 1447 USB, working "FIAMMA 07" (29Dec04) (LDO) 08125.0 FIAMMA 07: UNID airborne Carabinieri unit, I 1446 USB, calling "FIAMMA COMMANDO", IEA40 responding instead (29Dec04) (LDO) 08125.0 IEA40: UNID Carabinieri station, I 1447 USB, working "FIAMMA 07" (29Dec04) (LDO) 08133 CESARE: MOD Roma?, I? 1457 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS-mode, traffic to "BENEDETTO", QSX not found (05Jan05) (LDO) 08133.0 CESARE: MOD Roma?, I? 1457 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS- mode, traffic to "BENEDETTO", QSX not found (05Jan05) (LDO) 08135 AAA: Israeli AF 2045 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) 08135 AAA: Israeli AF 2104 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) 08135.0 AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 2358 USB/ALE sounding. 01/08 RP3 08135.0 Unid: (probable Cuban Illicit): 2303 CW sending 5-letter cipher message using cut numbers. Message ends WWWIN WWWIN WWWIN WWWIN K K K . 01/13 RP3 08136.7 MFA Cairo: 2044 ARQ. Too much QRM/QRN to determine recipient(s). 01/10 RP3 08146 : UNID Russian? station, ??? 1705 ITA-5 based ARQsystem 100.17Bd/500Hz, sending 5FGs to UNID station, bad link -> mny bursts rptd various times, QSX 6828 kHz (04Jan05) (LDO) 08146.0 no-call: UNID Russian? station, ??? 1705 ITA-5 based ARQ-system 100.17Bd/500Hz, sending 5FGs to UNID station, bad link -> mny bursts rptd various times, QSX 6828 kHz (04Jan05) (LDO) 08155.0 ---: Unid 2236 sweep from 8155.0 to 8165.0 at 0.2 sec (12/12/04)(AJP) 08161.5 TA7158: (Coy "A", 7/158th Avn, Ft Hood TX): 0025 USB/ALE sounding. 12/23 RP3 08162 : Unid 0820 RTTY/100/170 "MN SHYY S MYYS MN SHYY SSMYYS MN SHYY S MYY M SSMI" etc. (13Jan05) (WC) 08171.5 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 2019 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 06911.5 & 09295.0. 12/29 RP3 08171.5 EAATS: (Eastern Army Aviation Training Site, Muir AAF, Ft Indiantown Gap PA): 1519 USB/ALE sounding. 01/11 RP3 08171.5 T2Z238: (2-238TH AVN (INNG),SHELBYVILLE APRT, IN): 1530 USB/ALE sounding. Also noted sounding on 07650.0. 01/14 RP3 08175.9 unid: mil ? 1333 81-81 ? Dec18 04 ML 08176.5 : Unid 1315 PICCOLO-12 (8176.5=approx. center). (01Jan05) (KB) 08176.5 unid: UK Mil 1900 Piccolo MK VI 12tones (07jan05) (S) 08176.5 unid: UK Piccolo MK VI 12 tones (Jan 02, sal) 08180.7 Unid: 0015 ARQ. Caught near end of transmission. Traffic appears=similar to that sent by Egyptian diplomatic net. 12/28 RP3 08181.0 CLC24M: (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 24th Inf Bde, Venezuelan=Army): 0046 USB/ALE TO CRC2M (Regional Command Center-Mobile, 2nd Military=Region). Also noted on Pagina 109 08187.0 08191.7 08225.0 08265 08283.5 08289 08289 08289 08289.0 08289.0 08289.0 08294 08294.0 08294.0 08297 08297.0 08297.7 08307.1 08394.0 08397.0 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 WUN-v11 07849.0 & 08060.0. 12/28 RP3 CLC25: (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 25th Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army): 0146 USB/ALE TO SCLC251 (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 251st Inf Bn). 12/29 RP3 9MR: Malay Navrad Kuala Lumpur & Labuan 1800 RTTY/50/850 5LG & UK football scores to ship callsigns! (30/12/04) (RH2) fishermen: 724 USB span Dec19 04 ML : Unid Italian Fishermen 0702 USB Sardinian accents. RS: 48. (04Jan05) (WC) unid: ??? 1450 suond like GW: what is, please? (06jan05) (sal) GDCSHAQLAWAH: Gov. Dispatch Center Shaqlawah/Irbil Prov., IRQ 1439 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A clng Irbil Dispatch Center (02Jan05) (LDO) GDCSURAN: Gov. Dispatch Center Suran/Salah al Din Prov., IRQ 1444 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A clng Ibrahim al Khalil (02Jan05) (LDO) IBRAHIMALKHALIL: Ibrahim al Khalil crossing/Dahuk Prov., IRQ 1514 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A calling Dahuk Dispatch Center (02Jan05) (LDO) GDCSHAQLAWAH: Gov. Dispatch Center Shaqlawah/Irbil Prov., IRQ 1439 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A clng Irbil Dispatch Center (02Jan05) (LDO) GDCSURAN: Gov. Dispatch Center Suran/Salah al Din Prov., IRQ 1444 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A clng Ibrahim al Khalil (02Jan05) (LDO) IBRAHIMALKHALIL: Ibrahim al Khalil crossing/ Dahuk Prov., IRQ 1514 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A calling Dahuk Dispatch Center (02Jan05) (LDO) MM+BL+MR: Moroccan MIL net, MRC 1524 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A App. B 39-tone modem tfc., French op chat, TXing 5 LGs via PSK modem, occ. use of 200Bd/200Hz FSK ALE-system (03Jan05) (LDO) bratislava: r?? 0829 USB cz ? wx for "split, bratislava,fitno...channel survey 7" Jan07 05 ML MM: +BL+MR: Moroccan MIL net, MRC 1524 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A App. B 39-tone modem tfc., French op chat, TXing 5 LGs via PSK modem, occ. use of 200Bd/200Hz FSK ALE-system (03Jan05) (LDO) ZLM: Taupo Maritime Radio, NZL 1534 USB reading out navigational warnings (07Jan05) (LDO) ZLM: Taupo Maritime Radio, NZL 1534 USB reading out navigational warnings (07Jan05) (LDO) VTP: IN Vishakhapatnam 1726 RTTY/50/850 Wx/EE for Port Blair, Andaman Isles, then 4LG to ships (30/12/04) (RH2) CGD9: (USCG District 9, Cleveland OH): 2101 USB/ALE TO NRKP (USCGC Mackinaw (WAGB-83-Cheboygan, MI). 01/11 RP3 Unid: 2205 ARQ continously sending ZMZUTVMZMZUTVMZMZUTVMZMZUTVMZMZUTVMZMZ then stops. 01/06 RP3 UCBN: pioner estonij 0822 ARQ d/x work uce Dec25 04ML : MRCC Charleville/Wiluna AUS 2159 GMDSS Acks apparent distress msg from vessel Germania/ELYY4 allegedly abandoning ship at 1842S 11511E. Checksum error. (22Dec04) (APB) : Unid Vessel (345030042) 0625 GMDSS Relays apparent distress msg allegedly from vessel No 1 Pohah/3FDE5 apparently in undesignated distress at 0714N 10040E. (28Dec04) (APB) C6FJ8: Bahamian Vessel Poul Spirit 1238 GMDSS Apparently disabled and adrift at 2912N 08917W. (03Jan04) (APB) C6MU6: Bahamese ship CELTIC AMBASSADOR 2111 GMDSS clng Nicosia Radio for safety purpose(08-jan-2005)(MSM) C6QJ4: Bahamese ship FERRO 2110 GMDSS clng Istanbul Radio for safety purpose (08-jan-2005)(MSM) Pagina 110 WUN-v11 08414.5 NMA: MRCC Miami/Norfolk USA 1235 GMDSS Relays apparent distress msg from Russian vessel Pamyat Kirova/UFXA apparently in undesignated distress at 2908N 07006W. (01Jan05) (APB) 08414.5 NMA: MRCC Miami/Norfolk USA 2140 GMDSS Acks apparent distress message from vessel Iran Saveh/EQWR allegedly in unspecified distress at 4933N 00010W. (13Jan05) (APB) 08414.5 NMA: MRSC Miami/Norfolk USA 1215 GMDSS Relays distress message from Russian Vessel Pobeda/UICJ allegedly in undesignated distress at 2908N 07006W. (01-01-05) (AD) 08414.5 NMA: USCG Miami FL 1340 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from Liberian vessel Ispat Gaurav/ELSV5 apparently grounded at 4342N 00727W. (20Dec04) (APB) 08414.5 NMC: CAMSPAC Pt Reyes CA USA 0900 GMDSS Relays apparent distress msg allegedly from vessel Bremen/C6JC3 apparently in undesignated distress at 6045S 04442W. (30Dec04) (APB) 08414.5 NMC: CAMSPAC USCG Point Reyes CA 0224 Relays distress message from unid Thai ship apparently in undesignated distress at 2145N 11917E. (21Dec04) (APB) 08414.5 NMF: MRCC Boston/Norfolk 0559 GMDSS Acks distress message from Liberian Vessel (propably A8AP8 - name unknown) in unspecified distress at 3704N 04225W. (04Jan04) (APB) 08414.5 NMO: MRCC Honolulu HWI 1604 GMDSS Acks spoof distress message from vessel using illegal msi 477000000. (0828N 07111E given as coordinates). Decode has in any case a checksum error. (08Jan05) (APB) 08415 BOOC: PRC Ship Li Shan Hai 1905 GMDSS Requests duplex telephone call with sister vessel Zhen Xing Hai/BOHC on 12245/13092 kHz. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08415 UBSS: Russian Ship Somara Siti 1818 GMDSS Sends unlikely TR to unknown MRSC (002733756). Posn given as 4141N 04141E. (07Jan05) (RGA) 08415 UCBQ: Russian Ship Volzhskii-7 1901 GMDSS Sends TR to unknown MMSI 002733756. Posn 3651N 02133E. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08415 UIKA: Russian Ship Volgoneft 1807 GMDSS Sends TR to unknown MRSC (002733756). Posn 4335N 05111E. (07Jan05) (RGA) 08416.5 NMC: (CamsPac Point Reyes): 0010 FEC/SITOR w/broadcast of wx & notices to mariners. 12/27 RP3 08418.0 IAR: Roma Radio 2111 Globe Wireless + CW (07jan05) (S) 08419.4 PPR: Rio R 0311 CW marker (02/01/05) (AJP) 08422.0 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour Guam 2118 GW + CW (07jan05) (S) 08422.0 NRV: USCG GUAM 0802 CW Chan free marker "NRV" (30/Dec)(DW) 08422.5 UDB: Kholmsk, Russia 1139z Aug 13, 2004 CW "DE UDB2" and ARQ/100 idle [SN] 08423.0 UFL: VLADIVOSTOK RADIO 0801 CW Chan free marker "de UFL" (30/Dec)(DW) 08424.0 SVO: OLYMPIA RADIO 0959 CW Chan free marker. "de SVO" (30/Dec)(DW) 08436.5 FUF: ff fort de france 0838 ITA/75 id Dec25 04ML 08439.3 PBC38: Noordwijk Naval, HOL, 1856, RTTY, 75/850, CARB bcast, " 02A 04B 06A 08A 12Y 17X 22X PBC", 31-Dec-04 (CK) 08444 : Murmansk Meteo 1331 FAX/120/576/R sea state chart. //6328.5. Low resolution and severe slant (tx fast). (01Jan05) (KB) 08453.4 FUG: La Regine Naval, F, 1851, RTTY, 75/850, test tape fm RFFMEA to FAA, then QRV test tape fm FUG, end at 1854, 31-Dec-04 (CK) 08475 FUX: FN Le Port 1736 RTTY/75/850 Testing (23/Dec/04) (RH2) 08480 HZY: Ras Tanurah Radio SDA 1650 CW Long traffic list names and callsigns. Ends with CQ de HZY QTC QRU? (07Jan05) (RGA) Pagina 111 08495 08495 08495 08497.5 08500 08549.0 08568.0 08568.0 08581.7 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08600.0 08603.0 08646 08646.4 08670.0 08677.0 08677.2 08682.2 08711 08711 08711.0 08722.0 08722.0 08725.0 08728.0 08728.0 08743.0 WUN-v11 K: Petropavlovsk Kamchatskij 0745 CW (01Jan01) (WC) S: MX Beacon Arkhangelsk 0713 CW //10872 20049. (17Dec04) (WC) V: MX Beacon Vladivostok 0008 CW. (22Dec04) (WC) D: Odessa, Ukraine 0224z Oct 27, 2004 CW "D" marker [SN] VTG: IN Mumbai 1659 RTTY/50/850 RBSL Idler. (07Jan05) (RGA) UCE: Arkhangelsk 2130 Sitor-A (07jan05) (S) FUV (French Navy Djibouti): 2254 RTTY 75/850 w/test tape. 01/01 RP3 FUV: French Navy Djibouti 1823 Rtty 75Bd/850Hz clg FAAA Marker: "Voyez vous le brick...." (26/DEC/04) (KK) PWZ: BN Rio 1007 RTTY/75/850 Navwngs //12711. (07/Jan/01) (RH2) 1103: UNID 0129 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 1104: UNID 0106 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 1105: UNID 0132 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 1108: UNID 0123 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 1116: UNID 0130 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 123456: UNID 0633 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 2011: UNID 0125 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (19/Dec)(DW) 2406: UNID 0139 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 2407: UNID 0106 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 2412: UNID 0316 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (26/Dec)(DW) 241: UNID 0612 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 2512: UNID 0112 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (19/Dec)(DW) 7896: UNID 0221 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) 9001: UNID 0118 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Dec)(DW) prob ZRX: SAN Durban 1557 SAN MFSK Modem. (18-Dec-04) (JUM) FUJ: FN Noumea 1620 RTTY/75/850 ==> 80%. (01Jan05) (WC) FUJ: Noumea Naval, NCL, 1842, RTTY, 75/850/R, test ZBZ tape, 31-Dec-04 (CK) IAR: Rome R., I, 0804, CW, VVV-marker, 02-Jan-05 (CK) CBV: Playa Ancha/Armada De Chile 2335 FAX 120 SAT MAP(06/07-jan-2005)(MSM) CBV: ValparaisoRadio CHL 2319 FAX/120/576. (17Dec04) (WC) NMC: USCG Pt Reyes 1611 FAX/120/576 Clean chart E. Pac (10/Jan/05) (RH2) HFB: UK Military 1646 ALE/USB Sounds. (03Jan05) (RGA) HFB: UK Military 1947 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) HFB: UK/Mil Diplo Hereford 1957 USB ALE snd (26/DEC/04) (KK) 7TF: boufarik 0806 USB fren wx forecasts Dec25 04ML DXH: butuan phl?? 0832 USB tagalog?Jan07 05 ML unkn: 1127z Aug 1, 2004 USB Russian traffic, no ID's heard [SN] EHY: madrid 0942 USB span d/x Jan09 05 ML monaco: 0824 USB ff work unid ship which has difficulty to transmit a file...Dec19 04 ML DZA: mandaluyong phl?? or bangkok met ?? 1938 USB tagalog? thai?dataJan07 05 ML Pagina 112 08749.0 08773.0 08773.0 08790.0 08805.0 08825 08825 08825 08825 08825 08825 08825 08828.0 08828.0 08828.0 08828.0 08834 08834 08834 08834 08834 08834 08834.0 08855.0 08858 08861.0 08861.0 08862.0 08867.0 08879.0 08879.0 08879.0 08879.0 08879.0 08879.0 WUN-v11 TAH: istanbul 0834 USB tur d/x Jan08 05 ML UJE: moscow 0743 USB russ dial Dec25 04ML UJE: moscow 0841 USB russ d/x Jan01 01 05 ML 555: unid, presum N.Africa, 1711, ALE, sounding, 01-Jan-05 (CK) unkn: 1528z Jan 7, 2005 USB Chinese simplex traffic, several stations [SN] 64B: unID 0035 ALE/USB Clg BNA (Naval Base "Amario"). (05Jan05) (BC) CGA: HQ Venezualan Navy 0021 ALE/USB Clg T81/Replenishment Oiler Ciudad Bolivar T-81. (05Jan05) (BC) CGA: Venezualan Navy HQ 0041 ALE/USB Clg T81 (replenishment oiler CIUDAD BOLIVAR), SINAD report, then into MIL-STD 188-110 serial 75-long interleave. (05Jan05) (BC) PR1: unID 0022 ALE/USB Clg BNG/Naval Base "Guiterrez" Venezualan Navy. (05Jan05) (BC) PR1: unID 0036 ALE/USB Clg CGA, sends power-control command (presumably to have CGA 'crank it up a notch'). CMD string 70 24 12 followed by DC1212 mixed in with POWER CONTROL. Nice to be able to remote tune someone you want to comm with. (05Jan05) (BC) PR1: Venezualan Navy River Patrol Craft "Lago1" (PBR-1) 0036 ALE/USB Clg BNG (Naval Base "Guiterrez"), SINAD request, no 188-110 noted. (05Jan05) (BC) SANTA MARIA: OAC NAT-A/E 1704 USB Wkg Britannia 6523 posn report. (07Jan05) (RGA) auckland vm: 0751 USB om "auckland.." Dec19 04 ML auckland vm: 0921 USB Dec19 04 ML auckland vm: 1453 USB auckland... Jan01 01 05 ML tokyo vm: 0740 USB yl Dec19 04 ML 3B-NBH: Air Mauritius 884 A319 1231 HFDL Posn to JNB (10/Jan/05) (RH2) 3B-NBH: Air Mauritius A319 0801 HFDL Gnd/Air (25/Dec/04) (RH2) ARINC-08: Johannesburg SAF 2250 HFDL Weak squitters. No apparent traffic. (21Dec04) (RGA) ZS-SFD: SA Flight 617 A319 1243 HFDL Air/Gnd Posn Rpt (23/Dec/04) (RH2) ZS-SJS: SA Flight 342 B738 1217 HFDL JNB Gnd/Air (09/Jan/05) (RH2) ZS-SNB: SA Flight 337 A346 1230 HFDL Air/gnd Pax Meet/Assist (23/Dec/04) (RH2) SARBR: (Brazilian Air Force, Search & Rescue, Brasilia): 0123 USB/ALE sounding. 12/20 RP3 atc sam-2: / belem 0626 USB ee work many varig flights / pos Jan07 05ML DD1: Israeli AF 1738 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Jan05) (RGA) atc canaries: 0817 USB yl work PQBL - pp-vqi varig Dec30 04 ML Dakar: (MWARA AFI-1/SAT-1): 2310 USB w/ATF 506 w/position report and selcal check (AL-DQ). 12/20 RP3 O/M (Caribbean EE): 2233 USB w/Y/L (Caribbean EE) in familiar conversation. 12/21 RP3 atc sp brisbane: ? 0759 USB yl work FMLP( PK-VBA is this reg ok ?bizz 727 ) Dec30 04 ML 3B-NAK: Air Mauritius B767-23B/ER 0445 USB/SelCal EGFP (31-dec-2004)(MSM) A97-012: Australia AF C-130H Hercules 0808 USB/SelCal LPHM (31-dec-2004)(MSM) atc india mumbai: 1454 USB work PQGH / a6-eac uae Jan01 01 05 ML LN-ROB: Scandinavian Airlines MD-90-30 0900 USB/SelCal MPFS(31-dec-2004)(MSM) N1471G: American AirLines F100 0836 USB/SelCal HMPS (31-dec-2004)(MSM) N648AA: American Airlines B757-223 0901 USB/SelCal LPMQ (31-dec-2004)(MSM) Pagina 113 WUN-v11 08879.0 VH-TJQ: Qantas B737-476 0757 USB/SelCal EPHM (31-dec-2004)(MSM) 08879.0 VT-EPJ: Indian Airlines A320-231 0455 USB/SelCal JPFM(31-dec-2004)(MSM) 08891.0 ANZ???: 1608 probably flight 001 selcal CP-GL ZK-NUI B744w/Iceland Radio usb 12/01 (PP1) 08891.0 CLX774: 1602 selcal CG-DH w/Iceland radio LX-NCV B744 usb 12/01 (PP1) 08891.0 DLH446: W/Bodo 8891 khz 1517z new next pos as 71N 000W 22dec04 (P) 08891.0 N919CT: 1613 Gulfstream4 w/Iceland usb, Actic Radio (Baffin) inthe background 12/01 (PP1) 08894.0 atc afi tamanrasset: /using WOD ?? 0806 USB f/ee/arab work FMZ unid flight & DSR cargo Dec30 04 ML 08906 SANTA MARIA: OAC MWARA/NAT-A 1708 USB Wkg Britannia 425B posn report. (07Jan05) (RGA) 08916.0 nat -a atc 1323 USB work alitalia 604 Dec18 04 ML 08921.0 ldoc baw: ? 1419 USB unid flihgt 921 near kerkiria req wx to ost 1655Jan08 05 ML 08930.0 ldoc stockholm: 1329 USB work KSR ?? request wx for eddv Dec18 04 ML 08930.0 SDJ: Stockholm Air 2302 usb voice + Arinc Annex-10? (so say my Code3-Gold) (06jan05) (sal) 08939.0 ROSTOV METEO: Rostov Aeradio, RUS, 1655, USB, aero meteo YL/RR, 01-Jan-05 (CK) 08942 OH-LBT: Finnair B757 Flt AY2544 1403 HFDL Posn 3641n 00928W. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08942 SU0106: Aeroflot Flt 1401 HFDL Posn 5011N 01248E to ARINC Shannon. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08942 VP-BWK: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0113 1433 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08942 VP-BWL: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0107 1402 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08942 VS0901: Virgin Atlantic Flt 1403 HFDL Posn 5647N 00628E. (30Dec04) (RGA) 08942.0 atc sea -2: 1458 USB work unid flights Jan01 01 05 ML 08942.0 atc sea-2: unid 1401 USB / interf of hfdl shannon Jan10 05 ML 08948 A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 1838 HFDL Signs on. QSYs to 5544/Muharraq at 1848. (14Jan05) (RGA) 08948 CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt At751 2146 HFDL Posn 4246N 00131W to ARINC Las Palmas. (16Jan05) (RGA) 08948 F-GYAS: Air France A319 Flt AFR827 2322 HFDL Reports 1235N 00827E to ARINC Las Palmas. (07Jan05) (RGA) 08948 N270AV: USA-3000 A320-214 'Cancun' 2326 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (07Jan05) (RGA) 08948 N391FE: Federal Express MD10-10(F) 2250 HFDL Signs on. (15Jan05) (RGA) 08948 N528AT: American Transair B757 2247 HFDL Acks weather msg from ARINC Las Palmas. (15Jan05) (RGA) 08948 VP-BDK: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0341 1807 HFDL Reports 5559N 03726E to ARINC Las Palmas. (14Jan05) (RGA) 08957.0 SHANNON: Shannon Aeradio/EIP, IRE, 1836, USB, Volmet bcast, 31-Dec-04 (CK) 08961 : Unid Italian Fishermen 1550 USB Sardinian accents. RS: 47. (14Jan05) (WC) 08977 B-6055: China Eastern A340 1809 Acks msg 'FT 29/13:37. KLAX 291316Z 291312 20012KT P6SM SCT020 BKN050 TEMPO 1316 5SM -SHRA OVC020 FM1900 21015KT P6SM BKN035 FM0200 26010KT P6SM BKN035 OVC100= SA 29/18:00'. (29Dec04) (RGA) 08977 CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT0730 1807 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (29Dec04) (RGA) 08977 N301UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6741 1701 HFDL Reports 5318N 04407W to ARINC Reykjavik. (29Dec04) (RGA) 08977 N331UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6741 1726 HFDL At 5308N 02906W ICAO ID 6AD9C5. (03Jan05) (RGA) 08977 SA0242: S.African Airways Flt 1702 HFDL Reports Pagina 114 08977 08983.0 08992 08992 08992.0 08992.0 08992.0 08992.0 09007.0 09008.0 09009.0 09013.3 09013.3 09014.0 09025 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09037.0 09050.0 09050.0 09050.0 09050.0 09052 09055 09055.0 09060.0 09060.0 09060.0 WUN-v11 4240N 01018E to ARINC Reykjavik. (03Jan05) (RGA) SU-GCE: EgyptAir A330 Flt MSR800 1703 HFDL Posn 4208N 01020E. (03Jan05) (RGA) Camslant Chesapeake: 2255 USB w/CG 1706 (HHC-130, CGAS Clearwater) asking if they have comms w/Julliet 40 (HH-60 # 6040, CGAS Clearwater). Camslant advised that J40 has contacted homplate via UHF. 01/11 RP3 : Unid 1606 ANDVT good/strong level. No clear voice activity before or since. (29 Dec 04) (JH) AVAILABLE: 28-char EAM 1833 USB 7G5SCN with nothing heard on 6697, 13155 or 11244 or any other checked HF freq. Apparent h+03/h+33 activity (post 01 Oct 04 changes). Up again at 1903z. (23 Dec 04) (JH) FDE: faf circus vert 1642 USB f work 76E? above uzb waiting to landing -snow on termez - Dec18 04 ML FDE: faf circus vert 1649 USB f work flight taking of from cotonou announc arriv at lflx Dec18 04 ML unid: cis ff ?? 0747 USB s3 russ Dec30 04 ML usaf AFS offutt: ab 0627 USB id Jan07 05 ML Trenton Military: 2243 USB w/Canforce 1 (CC-150, Prime Minister aboard??) in pp/unidentified party. 12/20 RP3 O/M (IT): 1252 USB w/O/M IT). 01/12 RP3 O/M (Arabic): 2142 USB w/O/M (Arabic). 12/20 RP3 T1Z137: 1-137 Avn Bn US Army Camp Bondsteel SCG (Kosovo) 1754 ALE/USB Sounding. (30Dec04) (RGA) T1Z137: 1-137th AVN Camp Bondsteel, SCG 0845 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (05Jan05) (LDO) Jota QRG: Spanish AF 1503 USB/Voice 2 om qso with autentification "diplomatico" (31-dec-2004)(MSM) PLA: US GHFS Stn Lajes AZR 1814 ALE/USB To? [AMD]"RY(s) GOOD COPY" while ICZ/Sigonella sounds. (30Dec04) (RGA) 350261: (C-141 # 65-0261): 1801 USB/ALE TO ADW (Andrews AFB). 01/14 RP3 503: (USCG HC-130 # 1503, CGAS Elizabeth City): 2057 USB/ALE TO JNR (Puerto Rico)--[AMD]CCCCD8,5643700NNNN & [AMD]CCCCD8,9351520NNNN. 01/15 RP3 F35: (USCG HU-25 # 2135, CGAS Corpus Christi): 1925 USB/ALE TO JNR (Puerto Rico)--[AMD]CCCCD9,9918008747561NNNN. 01/14 RP3 ICZ: (USAF GSC, Sigonella): 0621 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). 01/09 RP3 Mexico Lince: 12/19/2004 00:39:21 Mexico LINCE (lynx) working LEOPARDO on 9.025Mhz (TM) OFF: (Offutt AFB): 1434 USB/ALE TO NW4 (Nightwatch 4, E-4B ABNCP). 12/20 RP3 O/M (JJ): 2238 USB w/O/M (JJ). 12/22 RP3 METRO: (unidentified, Mexican military): 0329 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (unidentified, Mexican military). 01/08 RP3 SV9: (unidentified, Mexican military): 2244 USB/ALE TO DIA (Diamante, unidentified, Mexican military). 01/08 RP3 SVS8: (unidentified, Mexican military): 0138 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (Mexican military). 01/08 RP3 TANGO: (unidentified, Mexican military): 0354 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (unidentified, Mexican military). 01/08 RP3 RABAT: French Diplo Hub Rabat 1802 ALE/USB Calls CER11/MFA Paris. (30Dec04) (RGA) BU2C2: MoI Bucharest 0941 ALE/USB calling DEVC2 (Deva), BACC2 and TIMC2 (04Jan05) (KB) O/M (SS): 2144 USB w/Y/L (SS). 12/20 RP3 CAMALEON3: (Mexican military): 0136 USB/ALE TO JAGUAR (Mexican military). Also noted on 09045.0. 01/12 RP3 CPOE: (unidentified, Mexican military): 0045 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican Army). 01/08 RP3 RM10: (HQs, Mexican Army Military Region 10, Pagina 115 09060.0 09060.0 09060.0 09060.0 09060.0 09064.0 09065.0 09065.0 09067.7 09067.7 09067.7 09067.7 09067.7 09070 09081.5 09081.5 09081.5 09081.5 09098.6 09106.0 09116 09145.0 09165 09166.4 09166.4 09185 09185 09185.0 09190 WUN-v11 Merida): 0040 USB/ALE TO RM14 (HQs, Mexican Army Military Region 14, unlocated). 12/17 RP3 RM10: (HQs, Military Region 10, Merida): 0000 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON (unidentified, Mexican Army). 01/09 RP3 RM10: (Mexican Army, 10th Military Region, Merida): 0107 USB/ALE TO JADE (HQs, Mexican Army). 12/20 RP3 RM17: (HQs, Military Region 17, Mexican Army): 0052 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican Army). Also noted on 09045.0. 01/08 RP3 RM1: (Mexican Army, HQs Military Region 1, Federal District): 0411 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican military). 01/12 RP3 RM3: (HQs, Military Region 3, Mazatlan, Mexican Army): 1059 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (unidentified, Mexican Army). 01/09 RP3 WGY 9498: (id as Idaho SHARES station): 1555 USB w/unheard stations in local net check-ins. 12/22 RP3 R0310: (probable helo, Idaho NG): 0000 USB/ALE TO KBOING (1/183rd Avn or 1/112th Avn ,Idaho NG, Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field, Boise ID). 01/12 RP3 R0339: (probable helo, IDNG): 0312 USB/ALE TO KBOI (1/183rd Avn or 1/112th Avn ,Idaho NG, Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field, Boise ID). 01/11 RP3 Egyptian Embassy, Havana: 2250 ARQ w/admin msgs. 12/22 RP3 Egyptian Embassy, Havana: 2335 ARQ. 01/13 RP3 Egyptian Embassy, Havana: 2340 ARQ w/admin messages. 12/20 RP3 Unid: (Egyptian diplomatic): 2327 ARQ. Possibly Havana. 01/06 RP3 Unid: (Egyptian Diplomatic): 2348 ARQ. Caught at end of transmission, no identification possible. 01/01 RP3 055: Unid 1644 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Jan05) (RGA) EFDNG: (possibly 1/149th Avn,TXNG, Ellington Field, Houston TX): 2312 USB/ALE sounding. 12/20 RP3 KBNWNG: (probably 1/109th Avn, IANG, Boone Airport IA): 0008 USB/ALE sounding. Also noted on 06985.0. 12/23 RP3 KFMHNG: (MANG, Otis ANGB, Mass): 1951 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08171.5. 12/20 RP3 KFMHNG: (probably 3/126th Avn MANG, Otis ANGB MA): 1758 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08171.5. 12/23 RP3 unid: ??? Stanag 4285/1200L (Jan 03, sal) AAV2ASMARS: (Army MARS station): 1737 USB/ALE TO AAR1DDMARS (Army MARS CT-SHARES Northeast Region Coordinating Station). 12/29 RP3 : Unid 1705 USB VmM. Portuguese language. (13Jan05) (WC) 9000414: (possibly Greek/Turkish): 2149 USB/ALE sounding. 01/12 RP3 HLL2: Seoul Meteo 1514 FAX wx in text table (04Jan05) (KB) : UNID station, 1306 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz online crypto tfc. (05Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID station, 1306 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz online crypto tfc. (05Jan05) (LDO) : MFA Bern, SUI 0923 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, encrypted tfc. to unlocated embassy, ALE traffic with linking protection (03Jan05) (LDO) Unid 0930 ALE USB protected. Very busy frequency with strong signals in central Europe (03Jan05) (KB) no-call: MFA Bern, SUI 0923 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, encrypted tfc. to unlocated embassy, ALE traffic withlinking protection (03Jan05) (LDO) MDN: Ministère de la D‚fense Nationale Algiers, ALG Pagina 116 09190.0 09190.0 09190.0 09202.0 09230 09230 09230 09230 09232.0 09245.4 09259 09259.0 09295.0 09295.0 09295.0 09295.0 09295.0 09295.0 09295.0 09305 09305.0 09308 09311.5 09315 09315 09360.0 09360.0 WUN-v11 1326 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A traffic to JU10 (31Dec04) (LDO) CGA: (Venezuelan Navy HQs): 0412 USB/ALE TO BNF (Naval Base "Mariscal=Juan Cris=F3stomo Falcon", Punto Fijo). 12/28 RP3 MDN: Ministère de la défense nationale Algiers,ALG 1326 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A traffic to JU10 (31Dec04) (LDO) PR1: (Radio Station 1 (Puesto Radio): 0119 USB/ALE TO DHN (Venezuelan=Navy Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate). 12/28 RP3=20 E10: 1342 AM yl Dec18 04 ML 0000210001: Greek Net 1912 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) 0000210001: Prob Greek Military 1759 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) T498AA: 498 Med Co US Army Deployed 1706 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) T498AA: 498 Med Co US Army in Iraq 1811 ALE/USB Sounding along with T82AA/82 Abn Div Deployed. (21Dec04) (RGA) CLC24: (Local Communications Center, 24th Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army): 0021 USB/ALE TO SCLC241 (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 241st Inf Bn). 12/29 RP3 V: MX Beacon Tashkent UZB 1126 CW. 23122. (04Jan05) (RH) P6Z/RFGW: MOD Paris, F 1451 USB/STANAG 4285 FECbursts using THALES modem with 2400bps/long interleaving, tfc to F-MIL Praha/F9S, circuit ID:"PGE" [=Prague] (05Jan05) (LDO) P6Z/RFGW: MOD Paris, F 1451 USB/STANAG 4285 FECbursts using THALES modem with 2400bps/ long interleaving, tfc to F-MIL Praha/F9S, circuit ID:"PGE" [=Prague] (05Jan05) (LDO) 86OPS (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1509 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08171.5;106870.5 & 12168.0. 01/15 RP3 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Burlington VT): 1936 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 06911.5 & 08171.5. 12/20 RP3 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1529 USB/ALE sounding. Also noted sounding on 08171.5 & 10670.5. 01/14 RP3 86OPS: (possibly 86th Medical Co, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1747 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 6911.5. 12/23 RP3 ALBNY: (NYNG, Albany NY): 1900 USB/ALE TO SYRNY (NYNG, Syracuse NY). 01/16 RP3 RVHNY: (NYNG, Riverhead NY): 1644 USB/ALE sounding. 01/14 RP3 SYRNY: (NYNG, Syracuse NY): 1620 USB/ALE sounding. 01/15 RP3 : French NOSTRADAMUS OTHR Dreux, F 1345 OTHR 20Hz pulse repetition freq., very strong signal, splattering all across the 9 MHz band (04Jan05) (LDO) no-call: French NOSTRADAMUS OTHR Dreux, F 1345 OTHR 20Hz pulse repetition freq., very strong signal, splattering all across the 9 MHz band (04Jan05) (LDO) D73: Unid 1933 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) No Call: unid 1445 P-III Data (22/DEC/04) (KK) ALG: Sonatrach Net Algiers 1945 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) INA: Sonatrach Net In Amenas ALG ALE/USB Sounding. (18Dec04) (RGA) OXT: COPENHAGEN MET 1008 FAX 120/576/N/800 Continuing to transmit ice charts after reported intended 1/Jan/05 cessation (07/Jan)(DW) OXT: COPENHAGEN MET 1010 FAX 120/576/N/800 Ice chart, Cape Farewell. Slightly noisy (31/Dec)(DW) Pagina 117 WUN-v11 09360.0 OXT: Danish Meteorological Institute, DNK, 0003, F1B, "CQ DE OXT ____", 31-Dec-04 (CK) 09360.0 OXT: Danish Meteorological Institute, DNK, 0005, FAX, 120/576, West Greenland (Davis Strait) Ice Chart, dated 29 Dec 2004 1400 UTC with ann for termination of service. 31-Dec-04 (CK) 09384 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1247 LSB/Pactor-III, short Pactor-exchange in Pactor-III then to secure voice (04Jan05) (LDO) 09384 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1248 LSB/secure voice traffic to OL1A using TCC DSP-9000 compatible VX scrambler (04Jan05) (LDO) 09384.0 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1247 LSB/ Pactor-III, short Pactor-exchange in Pactor-III then to secure voice (04Jan05) (LDO) 09384.0 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1248 LSB/ secure voice traffic to OL1A using TCC DSP-9000 compatible VX scrambler (04Jan05) (LDO) 09386 BENEDETTO: UNID Italian MIL, ??? 1000 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to CESARE [=Roma], QSX 8133 USB (07Jan05) (LDO) 09386 ELEFANTE: MoD Roma, I 0916 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRS-mode, rcvng tfc fm unid station, QSX 11440 USB (30Dec04) (LDO) 09386.0 BENEDETTO: UNID Italian MIL, ??? 1000 USB/FSK1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to CESARE [=Roma], QSX 8133 USB (07Jan05) (LDO) 09386.0 ELEFANTE: MoD Roma, I 0916 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRS- mode, rcvng tfc fm unid station, QSX 11440 USB (30Dec04) (LDO) 09433.5 ---: Argentine farmers 1423 USB SS Farm "La Sarita" NearNecochea city. Chat abt cows, wheat, corn and rains level. (18/12/04) (AJP) 09935 0000001230: Turkish Net 1824 ALE/USB Sounding. 0000001220 also seen. (18Dec04) (RGA) 09935 0000001230: Turkish Net 1943 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) 09935 0000001250: Turkish Net 1714 ALE/USB 0000001250 0000001220 both sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) 09972.0 PNR400: & PANTHR: 1638 USB ALE (31/DEC/04) (JLM) 09996.0 RWM: moscow ts 0923 CW Dec25 04ML 10000 : Unid 1504 ALE/USB Strong burst exceeding WWV signal level. (29 Dec 04) (JH) 10000 : Unid 1704 ALE/USB Brief ALE burst and possible response (or a sudden fade on the same signal) over a fair level WWV (with fading.) 10000.0 OC1: (FBI, Oklahoma City OK): 1603 USB/ALE TO DL1 (FBI, Dallas TX). 12/30 RP3 10018.0 atc mid-2 kabul: 1418 USB work unid flights Dec23 04 ML 10027.0 ldoc CSA: czech airlines 1538 USB cz om work OK WAB ??? Dec18 04 ML 10046.0 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 0957, CW, VVV-marker, 02-Jan-05 (CK) 10046.0 4XZ: isr n haifa 1546 CW encrypted transm Dec18 04 ML 10051 NEWYORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 1610 USB OM with US airfields TAFs. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10056 : Unid Korean Stn 1203 USB 2 stations in Korean both males. 45444. QRT by 1207. (05Jan05) (RH) 10066 A7-ACF: Qatar Airways A330-203 Flt QR0515 1510 HFDL Signs on. Ex F-WWYQ. ICAO ID 0C0560. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10066 LH8443: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 1601 HFDL Posn 4751N 01532E to ARINC Hat YAI. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10066 N26232: Continental B737 1717 HFDL Signs on. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10066 N468UP: UPS B757-24APF Flt UP6835 1525 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Hat Yai. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10066 N528AT: American Transair B757-23N Flt TZRCH4 1603 HFDL At 2908N 04811E. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10066 N602FE: Federal Express MD11 1513 HFDL Signs on. (07Jan05) (RGA) 10066 VP-BWJ: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0215 1505 HFDL At 5559N Pagina 118 10066 10066.0 10100.8 10100.8 10107.5 10107.5 10130 10130 10130.0 10130.0 10132 10132.0 10135.0 10135.0 10141.8 10144.0 10144.0 10160.0 10162 10162.0 10176.0 10180.9 10180.9 10201.0 WUN-v11 03623E. (07Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNB: S.African Airways A340 2238 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Hat Yai. (21Dec04) (RGA) via hat: thai air / thailand 1440 HFDL lh8410 -pac or pol?168 living java -qr437-mu2350 -po168 -lh8449 near chenai -asj437 Jan10 05 ML DDK9: DWD Pinneberg, D, 1650, RTTY 50/450, meteo rprts, 01-Jan-05 (CK) DDK9: hamburg met 1351 ITA2/50 synop Dec24 04 ML : UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1332 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1332 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) 207/PR: SNG-NY amph. vsl. "Endurance", 1422 INS USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working 9VT, 207 off the coast of Sumatra ATM to assist Tsunami relief efforts in Indonesia (07Jan05) (LDO) 9VT/RP: SNG-NY HQ?, SNG 1422 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working 207 (07Jan05) (LDO) 207/PR: SNG-NY amph. vsl. "Endurance", 1422 INS USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working 9VT, 207 off the coast of Sumatra ATM to assist Tsunami relief efforts in Indonesia (07Jan05) (LDO) 9VT/RP: SNG-NY HQ?, SNG 1422 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working 207 (07Jan05) (LDO) : UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 0918 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 0918 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) LINCE: (Mexican military): 1310 USB/ALE TO TIGRE (Mexican military). 12/17 RP3 PUMA2: (Mexican military): 1247 USB/ALE TO PUMA (Mexican military). Also noted on 10444.0. 12/29 RP3 IK3NWX: propagation beacon, (JN55VB), I, 0746, CW, "IK3NWX/BEACON",02-Jan-05 (CK) DK0WCY: Kiel, D, 1645, CW, DARC beacon w/ ionospheric & geomagnetic report, 01-Jan-05 (CK) DK0WCY: Kiel, D, 1735, BPSK (PSK-31), solar & geomagnetic bulletin, 25-Dec-04 (CK) 3011: 0903 ale [TWS 3011][E] later 401, 102, 3011, 3012, 3014, 301, and some encrypted callsigns 03Jan05 (wp3) : UNID North African MIL net, ALG? 0748 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @+2200Hz for link management (03Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North African MIL net, ALG? 0748 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @+2200Hz for link management (03Jan05) (LDO) unid: rus navy ? 0659 f1/cw zsa ? k then 0751 reversals 40.5/500 0803Z: tfc bee 49.95/500 03Jan05 (wp3) : UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1404 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1404 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (05Jan05) (LDO) rcv: RUS N Sevastopol 1210 cw rkz rkz rkz de rcv rcv Pagina 119 10201.0 10206.2 10206.2 10226 10226.0 10237.0 10238 10238 10264.1 10281.3 10281.3 10281.3 10320.0 10360.0 10381.7 10397 10401.2 10401.2 10426.4 10440.5 10444.0 10444.0 10444.0 10444.0 10444.0 10444.0 10444.0 10475 10475.0 10516.0 10536.0 10536.0 WUN-v11 qtc 149 26 261455 149 =3D grognoz pogody ot 180=09 26Dez04= 09(wp3) unid: 1404 CW 15 eastern lang .unclear text Dec24 04 ML drby: german navy ship S 65 SPERBER 1221 usb/stanag4285 clg dhj58 tfc 2400s ?? 04Jan05 (wp3) drho: german navy ship Donau A 516 1321 usb calling dhj58 nothing heard, out 04Jan05 (wp3) : Turkish Navy network, TUR 0826 600Bd/475Hz FSK, KG-84 encrypted tfc., occasional voice coordination in Turkish (07Aug04) (LDO) no-call: Turkish Navy network, TUR 0826 600Bd/ 475Hz FSK, KG-84 encrypted tfc., occasional voice coordination in Turkish (07Aug04) (LDO) unid: cis? 1410 MFSK ? Dec24 04 ML 1X8: Unid 1305 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec04) (KB) 93K: Unid 0925 ALE/USB sounding several times, among lot of apparently protected ALE (Swiss Diplo?) (26Dec04) (KB) unid: ??? 2150 STANAG 4285/600Long (06jan05) (sal) ---: UNID 1515 PACTOR-I//200/-/200 Short session of calls to BEL. No Subsequent qso. Again at 1545z (10/Jan)(DW) ---: UNID 1518 PACTOR-I 200/-/200 Short session of calls tp BEL. No subsequent qso (07/Jan)(DW) 1HB8GVA: ICRC GENEVA 1512 PACTOR-I//200-200 Calling BEL (Belgrade?), establishes qso in Pactor-I. Adapts to Pactor-III. Offair 1515z. Further qso with brief traffic 1538z (11/Jan)(DW) ---: AFRTS 0318 USB EE Sports. (15/12/04) (AJP) 006666: Iranian Mil 1804 MIL STD 188-141 ALE on usb Clng 000001 (08jan05) (S) unid: Egypt? 1515 Sitor-A "kuk 87 85 ky..." (07jan05) (S) BKOK: Russian Military 1615 CW Gives repeats from 5LG broadcast msg. Asks MZ4S and SG9I R 142? K. Then AS5 to SG9I. (07Jan05) (RGA) HGX21: MFA Budapest, HNG 0852 DUP-ARQ 125Bd/ 170Hz, selcalling UNID party and climbing freq in 400Hz steps, no reply from called party (29Dec04) (LDO) HGX21: MFA Budapest, HNG 0852 DUP-ARQ 125Bd/170Hz, selcalling UNID party and climbing freq in 400Hz steps, no reply from called party (29Dec04) (LDO) FDI22: FAF Narbonne 1632 RTTY/50/300 Bricks tests. (07Jan05) (RGA) unid: CIS 2134 Crowd 36 (10jan05) (S) LEOPARDO: (Mexican military): 0154 USB/ALE TO TIGRE (Mexican military). 12/20 RP3 LIN: (Lince, Mexican military): 1303 USB/ALE TO TIG (Tigre, Mexican military). 12/18 RP3 LINCE: (Mexican military): 0120 USB/ALE TO HALCON82 (Mexican military). 12/30 RP3 LINCE: (Mexican military): 1326 USB/ALE TO LEOPARDO (Mexican military). 12/20 RP3 PUMA13: (Mexican military): 1234 USB/ALE TO PUMA (Mexican military). 12/21 RP3 unid: CIS 81-81 81/260 (Jan 02, sal) unid: rus navy ? 0816 81-81/81/250 03Jan05 (wp3) : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1403 MFSK-32/CROWD36, 10 Bd chat tfc. in a mix of English and Russian to unlocated embassy, QSX channel not found (03Jan05) (LDO) no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1403 MFSK-32/CROWD36, 10 Bd chat tfc. in a mix of English and Russian to unlocated embassy, QSX channel not found (03Jan05) (LDO) ---: Unid 2144 Stanag 4285 ? On both sidebands. Strong signal(18/12/04) (AJP) CFH: Halifax CAN 1836 FAX/120/576 (07jan05) (S) CFH: halifax canf metoc 1609 FAX temperatures chart Pagina 120 WUN-v11 Dec18 04 ML 10559.0 unid: NATO? Stanag 4285/600Long (Jan 02, sal) 10586.6 : UNID North African network, ALG? 1833 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, selcall mode, no reply after several calls (01Jan05) (LDO) 10586.6 no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 1833 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, selcall mode, no reply after several calls (01Jan05) (LDO) 10611.0 unid: Moscow Meteo 1500 FAX 120/576 (08jan05) (S) 10626.0 RFFXL: ff naqoura lbn 1612 ARQ-E184 idling Dec18 04 ML 10626.0 RFFXL: FF Naqura LEB ARQ-E/184.6/450 (Jan 03, sal) 10662.0 ---: Unid 1142 FSK 50/250 ACF=0 (17/12/04) (AJP) 10670.5 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1540 USB/ALE sounding. 01/11 RP3 10706 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1055 LSB/Pactor-III, short Pactor-exchange in Pactor-III then to secure voice (04Jan05) (LDO) 10706 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1100 LSB/secure voice traffic to OL1A using TCC DSP-9000 compatible VX scrambler (04Jan05) (LDO) 10706.0 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1055 LSB/ Pactor-III, short Pactor-exchange in Pactor-III then to secure voice (04Jan05) (LDO) 10706.0 OL1B: UNID Czech Diplo or MIL station, 1100 LSB/ secure voice traffic to OL1A using TCC DSP-9000 compatible VX scrambler (04Jan05) (LDO) 10708.0 3ZB202: prob.Pol Ny HQ 1254 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg LCR154 (20/DEC/04) (KK) 10712.0 ---: Russian Navy 1114 T600/36-50 Idle (17/12/04) (AJP) 10713.0 nocall: unid POL 1550 USB/Voice PP, also 1 call made to Konin (tel.number given), next sked planned for 2005 (31-dec-2004)(MSM) 10733 IKF: USAF Keflavik, ISL 1219 ALE/USB sounding. Also PLA Lajes/AZR and CRO Croughton/G. (01Jan05) (KB) 10733.6 ICZ: US HF-GCS Stn Sigonella ITA 1443 ALE/USB Sounds 10733.6 16283.6 and 20810.6. JGG sounds on 16283.6 and IKF on 11168.6. Many other HF-GCS soundings throughout the afternoon on US State Dept freqs. (04Jan05) (RGA) 10733.6 IKF: (USAF GSC, Keflavik Iceland): 1318 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). Also noted on 08058.6 & 16282.6. 01/06 RP3 10733.6 PLA: US GHFS Stn Lajes Field AZR 1807 ALE/USB Sounding. GHFS on US State Dept frequency. (20Dec04) (RGA) 10757.5 ---: Unid 0324 188-110A serial modem short int.(17/12/04) (AJP) 10825 : French NOSTRADAMUS OTHR Dreux, F 1302 OTHR 18 Hz pulse repetition freq., very strong signal, BW > 20 kHz (05Jan05) (LDO) 10825.0 no-call: French NOSTRADAMUS OTHR Dreux, F 1302 OTHR 18 Hz pulse repetition freq., very strong signal, BW > 20 kHz (05Jan05) (LDO) 10830 T2Z238: 2-238 AVN US Army Tuzla BIH 1557 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec04) (RGA) 10832 LCR154: Polish Mil 1413 ALE/USB clg ETD165. Also voice call with c/s spelling in EE (04Jan05) (KB) 10920.2 No Call: prb.MFA Paris, F 1321 ARQ-M2-342 Req.(12/JAN/05) (KK) 10961.5 ---: Unid 0159 188-110A serial modem ? Strong signals (15/12/04)(AJP) 11001.7 CNTD: Centre National des transmissions des douanes 0842 P-I/Ham 100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:IILA> (15/JAN/05) (KK) 11001.7 CNTD: Centre National des transmissions des douanes 1400 P-I/Ham Fec 100/200Bd/CF=800Hz Custom and Finance Infos Aéroport Houari Boumédiène, Batna and Avant Port Annaba (12/JAN/05) (KK) 11023 Unid. Ukrainian Mil? 1020 RTTY/50/200 encrypted w/plain text headers ("KRIPTOGRAMA ...") and recipients(?) e.g. TAJFUN-372, ABRIKOS-652, PRAKTIKANT-144 (09Jan05) (KB) Pagina 121 11123 11159.5 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11174 11174.0 11174.0 11174.4 11174.4 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175.0 11175.0 11175.0 11175.0 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 WUN-v11 : USN Keflavik ICE 1328 NATO-75/75/850 KG84 enciphered blocks. // 15021. (20Dec04) (RGA) TA7158: (7/158th Avn, Ft Hood TX): 2231 USB/ALE sounding. 01/05 RP3 JDG: (USAF GSC, Diego Garcia): 1315 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, KWL92: (US Embassy, Tokyo): 1505 USB/ALE TO KWL91 (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate). 01/06 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy, Tokyo): 1510 USB/ALE TO KWL93 (US Embassy, Taipei). Also noted on 18248.6. 01/06 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy, Tokyo): 1522 USB/ALE TO KWL96 (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate). 01/06 RP3 PLA: (USAF GSC, Lajes AB): 0606 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). Also noted on 08058.6 & 18248.6. 01/06 RP3 SCIMMIA/NINO: UNID Italian MIL, ??? 0859 USB/QPSK-1200 Bd, tfc. to ELEFANTE/CESARE, short vx coordination, QSX not found, general callsign change on this network from animal names to personal names (07Jan05) (LDO) ---: Unid 0317 FSK 75/200 ACF=0 (17/12/04) (AJP) SCIMMIA/NINO: UNID Italian MIL, ??? 0859 USB/QPSK-1200 Bd, tfc. to ELEFANTE/CESARE, short vx coordination, QSX not found, general callsign change on this network from animal names to personal names (07Jan05) (LDO) : UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1125 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (07Jan05) (LDO) no-call: UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1125 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec+scanlist of 10 channels, sent accidentally or on purpose? (07Jan05) (LDO) EVAC 3556: Wkg OFFUTT 2131 USB For quick phonepatch and gone. (05 Jan 05) (JH) McCLELLAN: Clg PENCIL 71 2215 USB Having issues hearing PENCIL who has wx req for Miramar. (06Jan05) (BC) PNR400: OPBAT Service Centre Nassau Bahamas 2215 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Jan05) (BC) RAYMOND 07: Clg All (stations or aircraft) 2249 USB Stating that their [missed it] condition was moderate, repeating it and gone. I would have caught the "condition" if I hadn't inadvertently momentarily cut the power to the receiver in mid broadcast. (03 Jan 05) (JH) Offutt: 1525 USB w/State Room. They change to 13200.0. 01/15 RP3 Offutt: 1655 USB w/SPAR 65 (VC-37A, #01-0065,15th ABW/65th AS, Hickam AFB HI-very weak) in pp w/unidentified Base Ops regarding arrival clearances. 01/15 RP3 Terra 44: (B-757/C-32A 486 FLTS, Eglin AFB): 1605 USB w/Puerto Rico in pp/Scott Metro w/request for landing wx at McGuire. 01/11 RP3 Unid: (callsign not clear): 1601 USB w/ EAM (BQUYE4). 01/15 RP3 A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330-203 1539 HFDL Signs on. Ex F-WWYN. (05Jan05) (RGA) A7-AEA: Qatar Airways A330 1535 HFDL Signs on. (05Jan05) (RGA) CN-RNX: Royal Air Maroc A321 1604 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (03Jan05) (RGA) CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT0930 1621 HFDL Posn 2847N 01113W. (03Jan05) (RGA) CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT770 1339 HFDL Posn 3321N 00737W. (30Dec04) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 Flt VS0900 1522 HFDL Signs on. (05Jan05) (RGA) N14115: Continental B757 1542 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (30Dec04) (RGA) N330UP: UPS B767 1544 HFDL Signs on. (30Dec04) (RGA) Pagina 122 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 11184 11194 11226 11226.0 11226.0 11232 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 WUN-v11 N331UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6741 1559 HFDL Posn 5008N 04927W. (03Jan05) (RGA) N559TZ: American Transair B757 1532 HFDL Signs on. (05Jan05) (RGA) N78060: Continental B767 Flt CO0047 1430 HFDL Signs on. (05Jan05) (RGA) OH-LBT: Finnair B757 Flt AY2559 1422 HFDL Posn 2953N 01254W to ARINC Reykjavik. (05Jan05) (RGA) OH-LBX: Finnair B757 Flt AY2616 1402 HFDL Acks msg from ARINC Reykjavik "SA 05/13:50 EFHK 051350Z 32012KT 3500 -SN BR BKN007 BKN013 00/M00 Q0987 0429//77 5429//61 TEMPO 1000 SN VV004 SA 05/13:50 EFTU 051353Z 31008KT 250V010". (05Jan05) (RGA) VP-BAZ: Aeroflot B767 1610 HFDL Signs on. (03Jan05) (RGA) VP-BWF: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0203 1440 HFDL At 6004N 02503E. (05Jan05) (RGA) LVG358: Livingsone A321 1648 Reports 4531N 01058E. (03Jan05) (RGA) CRO: US GHFS Stn RAF Croughton UK 1609 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec04) (RGA) 460027: (KC-10 # 85-0026): 2305 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 05708.0; 06721.0; 09025.0 & 13215.0. 01/RP3 580080: (KC-135 # 58-0080): 1935 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13215.0. 01/14 RP3 TRENTON MILITARY: Wkg SHADO 91 0033 USB SHADO 91 unheard here. For phone patch to a DSN 882 number regarding JAWS 52. (05 Jan 05) (JH) Canforce 2668: 2215 USB calling Trenton Military w/no response. Calls in blind that they are closing selcal watch. 01/11 RP3 Trenton Military: 1639 USB w/Canforce 3597 (unheardCC-144 # 144615, 412th Sqdn, Ottawa) relaying ETA for Santa Maria, Azores to 412th Sqdn and selcal check (AG-LP). 12/27 RP3 wx. 12/27 RP3 Trenton Military: 1820 USB w/unidentified aircraft (callsign missed) passing wx for Miami International. Based on traffic below this may have been Canforce 2650. 12/20 RP3 Trenton Military: 1834 USB w/Canforce 4128 who requests wx for Shannon; Lajes, St Johns; Gander and Ottawa. 12/23 RP3 Trenton Military: 1933 USB w/Canforce 2650 12/20 RP3 Trenton Military: 1945 USB w/Razor 61 (E-8 JSTARS, Robins AFB GA-not heard) in pp w/Peachtree Ops passing formatted report info and requesting wx for Robins. 01/11 RP3 Trenton Military: 1955 USB w/Razor 33 (E-8 JSTARS Robins AFB GA-very weak) in pp w/Peachtree Ops regarding having to RTB due to undisclosed maintenance problems. At 2018 Razor 33 passing formatted report info to Peachtree Ops. 01/11 RP3 Trenton Military: 2015 USB w/Canforce 2661 closing out listening watch. 01/06 RP3 Trenton Military: 2042 USB w/Sentry 63 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB). Trenton switches them to 13257.0. Unreadable on this freq at my QTH. 12/20 RP3 Trenton Military: 2057 USB w/Sentry 60 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) in pp/Raymond 24 (Tinker AFB) w/formatted report information. 12/20 RP3 Trenton Military: 2120 USB w/Canforce aircraft (number missed) who=20passes ETA for Nassau International then closes out radio watch. 12/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2200 USB w/Sentry 41 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) in pp w/Phoenix Ops. Tries to send formatted report info but Raymond 24 (Tinker AFB) asks that they relay info through Trenton Military. 01/11 RP3 Trenton Military: 2233 USB w/Sentry 31 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) in pp w/Raymond 24 (Tinker AFB) relaying Pagina 123 11232.0 11232.0 11234.0 11247.0 11247.0 11250 11250 11250 11250 11250 11250 11250.0 11250.0 11250.0 11250.0 11250.0 11250.0 11253.0 11291.0 11309.0 11309.0 11318.0 11318.0 11318.0 11318.0 11327.9 11327.9 11327.9 11327.9 11364.0 11387.0 11396.0 11396.0 11440 WUN-v11 formatted report info through Trenton Military. 01/11 RP3 Trenton Military: 2239 USB w/Sentry 30 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) w/pp to Raymond 24 (Tinker AFB) w/formatted report. 12/20 RP3 United Nations 03: w/Trenton Mil 11232 khz 1535z phone patch hartd to set up 22dec04 (P) O/M (CC): 2144 USB w/unheard station. 12/28 RP3 architect: 1316 USB wx " akrotiri..." Dec24 04 ML architect: raf ISF644Q ?? any clue ? 1406 USB work numerous radiochek with JKES / c-17a g3 zz171 /target egcc DEC30 04 ML FAW1: UNJLC OPS Al Faw, SDN 2035 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling NYALA (02Jan05) (LDO) GADAREF: UNJLC OPS Gedaref, SDN 2019 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Jan05) (LDO) JUBA: UNJLC OPS Juba, SDN 2024 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling GIRBA (02Jan05) (LDO) NYALA3: UNJLC OPS Nyala, SDN 2021 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Jan05) (LDO) PORTSUDAN: UNJLC OPS Port Sudan, SDN 2017 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, sounding (02Jan05) (LDO) RIBKONA: UNJLC OPS Ribkona, SDN 1951 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling ATBARA (02Jan05) (LDO) FAW1: UNJLC OPS Al Faw, SDN 2035 USB/MILSTD188-141A, calling NYALA (02Jan05) (LDO) GADAREF: UNJLC OPS Gedaref, SDN 2019 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Jan05) (LDO) JUBA: UNJLC OPS Juba, SDN 2024 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling GIRBA (02Jan05) (LDO) NYALA3: UNJLC OPS Nyala, SDN 2021 USB/MILSTD188-141A, sounding (02Jan05) (LDO) PORTSUDAN: UNJLC OPS Port Sudan, SDN 2017 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, sounding (02Jan05) (LDO) RIBKONA: UNJLC OPS Ribkona, SDN 1951 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling ATBARA (02Jan05) (LDO) RAF VOLMET: unid tx, G, 1640, USB, wx for RAF bases, 01-Jan-05 (CK) Dakar Aero: 1350 Selcal KR-AJ w/Euralair flight F-GRND B737 USB 01/02 (PP1) AEA063: W/Sta Maria 11309 khz FK-AS EC-HSV B763 22dec04 (P) atc nat sta maria: 1409 USB work PSJQ / g-mdbd myt a330 cs-tej tap a310 =d-amuj ltu 767 Jan01 01 05 ML Iekaterinenburg Volmet: 1335 weather for Cheliabinsk USB 01/02(PP1) Novosibirsk Volmet: 1340 poor signal & modulation USB 01/02 (PP1) Samara Volmet: 1345 weather for Kazan USB 01/02 (PP1) Syktyvkar Volmet: 1330 Russian Language Weather including Vorkouta and Pechora USB 01/02 (PP1) : Danish emb Moscow, RUS 1341 TWINPLEX-SITOR 100Bd/-400/-200/+200/+400, short op chat to Copenhagen (07Jan05) (LDO) : MFA Copenhagen, DNK 1341 TWINPLEX-SITOR 100Bd/-400/-200/+200/+400, short op chat to Moscow (07Jan05) (LDO) no-call: Danish emb Moscow, RUS 1341 TWINPLEX- SITOR 100Bd/-400/-200/+200/+400, short op chat to Copenhagen (07Jan05) (LDO) no-call: MFA Copenhagen, DNK 1341 TWINPLEX- SITOR 100Bd/-400/-200/+200/+400, short op chat to Moscow (07Jan05) (LDO) unid: trans or mode 1627 AM n testing ??? Dec18 04 ML sydney vm: 0832 USB kiti? Dec30 04 ML AAL2114: Mexico-city to Miami w/New York pos rpt usb 18/12 (PP1) SIA235: 1620 w/Brisbane , route unknown usb 12/01 (PP1) : unlocated Italian MIL, I 0916 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISSmode, traffic to MOD Roma/ELEFANTE, QSX 9386 kHz USB Pagina 124 11440.0 11444.7 11466 11475 11480 11480 11480 11480.0 11480.0 11480.0 11490 11500 11507 11507.0 11576.0 11625.0 12067.0 12068.5 12134 12134 12170 12191.0 12191.0 12215.0 12225 12225 12225 12225 12333.1 12362.0 WUN-v11 (30Dec04) (LDO) no-call: unlocated Italian MIL, I 0916 USB/FSK1200Bd/ISS-mode, traffic to MOD Roma/ELEFANTE, QSX 9386 kHz USB (30Dec04) (LDO) MFA Cairo: 1114 sitor-a tfc to unid emb. 04Jan05 (wp3) OHT: Sonatrach Net Ohanet ALG 1621 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Jan05) (RGA) MAE: MFA Algiers 1621 ALE/USB Calls TNS/Embassy Tunis. (08Jan05) (RGA) LESKOVIU: Albanian MIL, ALB 1441 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, lengthy voice traffic to "SHEBENIKU" (31Dec04) (LDO) SHEBENIKU: Albanian MIL, ALB 1436 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, lengthy voice traffic to "LESKOVIU" (31Dec04) (LDO) TARABOSHI: Albanian MIL, ALB 1436 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, short voice traffic to "LESKOVIU" (31Dec04) (LDO) LESKOVIU: Albanian MIL, ALB 1441 USB/MILSTD188-141A, lengthy voice traffic to "SHEBENIKU" (31Dec04) (LDO) SHEBENIKU: Albanian MIL, ALB 1436 USB/MILSTD188-141A, lengthy voice traffic to "LESKOVIU" (31Dec04) (LDO) TARABOSHI: Albanian MIL, ALB 1436 USB/MILSTD188-141A, short voice traffic to "LESKOVIU" (31Dec04) (LDO) 000021000: Greek Police Net 1611 ALE/USB 0000211588. (08Jan05) (RGA) BJ30: Unid 1651 ALE/USB Calls XA20. (20Dec04) (RGA) KYJEV: Czech emb. Kiev, UKR 1339 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, IRS-mode, Datron HFCOM2 ARQprotocol, QSX 9288kHz USB (07Jan05) (LDO) KYJEV: Czech emb. Kiev, UKR 1339 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, IRS-mode, Datron HFCOM2 ARQprotocol, QSX 9288kHz USB (07Jan05) (LDO) BASE01DAY: & ALPHA21DAY: 2134 USB ALE (17/DEC/04) (JLM) SCLC131: (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 131st Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army): 1329 USB/ALE TO PCRC1(Regional Communications Command Post, 1st Miliutary Region). 01/10 RP3 COMBAT CONTROL, COMBAT 02, COMBAT 07 & WOLFMAN: 2313 USB voice(15/JAN/05) (JLM) CLS: (US Army SOC,Fort Campbell, KY): 1801 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08056.0; 09145.0 & 10691.5. 12/20 RP3 006666: Turkish Net 1707 ALE/USB Calls 000002. (07Jan05) (RGA) 006666: Unid Turkish Net 1510 ALE/USB Calls 000002. (08Jan05) (RGA) AMMAN: French Embassy Amman JOR 1642 ALE/USB Calls CER42/MFA Paris. (03Jan05) (RGA) SCLC501: (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 501st HQs Bn, Venezuelan Army): 1327 USB/ALE TO SCLC511(Subordinate Local Communications Center, 511th Jungle Inf Bn). 01/10 RP3 SCLC501: (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 501st HQs Bn, Venezuelan Army): 1357 USB/ALE TO SCLC513 (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 513th Jungle Inf Bn). 01/10 RP3 #'s: 0222z Oct 26, 2004 USB SS/YL 5f traffic [SN] BAB: UN JLC Babanusa SDN 1521 ALE/USB Sng BAB. (04/Jan/05) (RH2) GUT: UN Sudan net 1538 ALE/USB Clg BAB (04/Jan/05) (RH2) KRR: UN Sudan net 1519 ALE/USB Clg NYALA1. (04/Jan/05) (RH2) NYA: Nyala Sudan 1521 ALE/USB Clg NQF. (04/Jan/05) (RH2) belgian fishemen: 1522 USB french d/x Dec25 04ML VMW: wiluna met aus 1405 USB ee wx forecast Jan10 05 ML Pagina 125 WUN-v11 12466 LOR: AN Puerto Belgrano ARQ Marker (26/Dec/04) (RH2) 12521.0 vtp 15: IN Mumbai 1329 rtty 50/850 wx, then ryr 15Jan05 (wp3) 12537.0 21B: (Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 0219 USB/ALE TO CGA (Venezuelan Navy HQs). 12/29 RP3 12537.0 PR1: (Radio Station 1 (Puesto Radio): 0120 USB/ALE TO DHN (Venezuelan Navy Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate). 12/29 RP3 12577 C6ME8: Bahamas-flagged Vessel Senang Spirit 1455 GMDSS RQs Lyngby for safety test. Lyngby BQs. (15Jan05) (RGA) 12577 EHCH: Spanish Ship Costa Grande 1511 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. Lyngby BQs. (15Jan05) (RGA) 12577 FNJM: Kerguelen Is Ship Berge Stadt 1548 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio for safety test. (15Jan05) (RGA) 12577 LAUO5: Norwegian Ship Difco Chaser 1543 GMDSS RQs OlympiaRadio/SVO Greece for safety test. SVO BQs. (15Jan05) (RGA) 12577 NMF: USCG Boston (?) 1722 GMDSS Makes apparent call to illegal MMSI 000000000 using MMSI 003669991. Safety test. (30Dec04) (RGA) 12577 UIOL: Russian Ship Obelyai 1438 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (15Jan05) (RGA) 12579 NMC: USCG Pt Reyes 1548 FEC Pac Wx (23/Dec/04) (RH2) 12579 NRV: USCG Guam 1521 FEC Cyclone Wng for Vanautu. (06/Jan/01) (RH2) 12590.5 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1001 CW Chan free marker "RRR34" (30/Dec)(DW) 12590.5 RRR34:Moskva-1 Radio RUS 1133 Sitor-A with a PP & telegrams price list for specified countries and continents,also a "LIST OF INFO FILES" was given. (31-dec-2004)(MSM) 12590.5 RRR34:Moskva-1 Radio RUS 1145 Sitor-B with active QRG list (31-dec-2004)(MSM) 12590.5 RRR34:Moskva-1 Radio RUS 1146 Sitor-A with MM WX Rep for The Caspian Sea and new year wishes for various people(ship captains etc.) (31-dec-2004)(MSM) 12591.5 UFL: VLADIVOSTOK RADIO 0804 CW Chan free marker "de UFL" (30/Dec)(DW) 12591.7 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1527 CW Chan free marker "NMN". Station off freq - s/b 12592.5. Still off 1733z, 1944z (30/Dec)(DW) 12592.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1002 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (29/Dec)(DW) 12603.5 SVO: OlympiaRadio Athens 1302 FEC News in Greek. (20Dec04) (RGA) 12613 XSQ: GuangzhouRadio PRC 1300 ARQ W/Morse ID. Weak. (20Dec04) (RGA) 12622.3 unid: UK Mil 1130 Piccolo MK VI 12tones (07jan05) (S) 12634.5 TAH: Istanbul 1215 Sitor-B "traffic list" (07jan05) (S) 12665.0 RFFMEA: FN Navire Terre France Sud Saissac RTTY/75/850 ry sg testtape 1730 9jan05(ML) 12674.2 LOR: AN Pto. Belgrano 2030 Sitor-B Warnings to marines in SS/EE//8319.7 (19/12/04) (AJP) 12683.0 PWZ-33: BN Rio de Janeiro 2022 RTTY 200/850 Wx forecast (19/12/04)(AJP) 12691 FUX: FN Le Port 1537 RTTY/75/850 Test tape. //8475.5 (05/Jan/01) (RH2) 12711 PWZ33: BN Rio 0553 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID/Foxes etc //6450. (28/Dec/04) (RH2) 12729.0 UFL: VLADIVOSTOK RADIO 0823 fec 100/E/170 Blind tfc bdcast in 3sc (31/Dec)(DW) 12732 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1350 GLOBEDATA Idlers. (15Jan05) (RGA) 12735.0 URL: Sevastopol Radio 1928 fast cw, new year wishes Pagina 126 12750 12808.4 12808.5 12840.0 12840.0 12840.0 12840.0 12841 12855.0 12903.0 13027 13030.0 13089 13139.0 13162.5 13197.0 13200.0 13200.0 13215 13215.0 13215.0 13215.0 13224.0 13257.0 13258.0 13270 13287.0 13294.0 13303 13303 WUN-v11 from"Andrej" (24-dec-2004) (MSM) NMF: USCG Boston 2024 FAX/120/576 Nice wind chart (09/Jan/05) (RH2) vtg7: IN Mumbai 0616 cw vvv vvv vvv vtg 4/6/7/8/9 vtg 4/6/7/8/9 vtg 4/6/7/8/9 03Jan05 (wp3) VTG: Indian Ny 2327 CW ID //8634.0 (02/01/05) (AJP) 123: (possibly Mexican Ministry of Defense): 0412 USB/ALE TO SALTILLO (HQs, 6th Military Zone, Mexican Army). 12/22 RP3 GNP: (GNPNEGRAS (Mexican Military Barracks (Guarniciones Militares), Piedras Negras): 2103 USB/ALE TO SALTILLO (HQs, 6th Military Zone). 12/18 RP3 GNPNEGRAS (Mexican Military Barracks (Guarniciones Militares), Piedras Negras): 0400 USB/ALE TO SALTILLO (HQs, 6th Military Zone, Mexican Army). 12/22 RP3 GNPNEGRAS: (Mexican Military Barracks (Guarniciones Militares), Piedras Negras): 0038 USB/ALE TO SALTILLO (probaby 6th Military Zone, Saltillo). 12/17 RP3 PBC: DN Goeree I 1045 RTTY/75/850 Carbs (07/Jan/01) (RH2) 6WW: FN Dakar-Senegal RTTY/75/850 test tape RY SG 2116 to FAAA 9jan05(ML) VTH: Indian Navy MUMBAI 14305 RTTY 50 Tfc to BNR?1st time copy (31-dec-2004)(MSM) : V26 Military Stn 0635 USB??? (Missed callup). 3FGs. (10Jan05) (IB) RFLIE: FN LA CAPRICIEUSE?? or MARTINIQUE?? RTTY/75/850 test tape RY SG to FAAA 9jan05(ML) : Unid Japanese Stn 0505 Unid HF OM broadcast in Japanese on frequency of USCG HF Broadcasting. Who is it? (29-Dec-04) (IB) BRION: Venezuelan Navy 0220 ALE/LSB Clg BNF Also CGACO and CGA,(14/12/04) (AJP) ---: Unid "NAVIDATA" 0048 Pactor II Channel free marker and CW ID(04/01/05) (AJP) Odessa Radio: (Y/L Russian): 1410 USB w/unheard station connecting parties for radio-telephone link. 12/20 RP3. Offutt: 1527 USB w/State Room requesting pp to Tinker AFB, DSN 884-XXXX relaying AKAC 369 message. 01/15 RP3 PANTHR: (OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas): 1746 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 11175.0. 01/15 RP3 ICZ: US GHFS Stn Sigonella ITA 1627 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Dec04) (RGA) 571443: (KC-135 # 57-1443): 1220 USB/ALE sounding. 01/16 RP3 580082: (KC-135 # 58-0082): 2248 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09025.0 & 11226.0. 01/15 RP3 RCS: 1840 US Air Force:Rockwell SCOPE Command Facility, DallasUSB/ALE 12/01 (PP1) RS3: (possibly HQs SAR Area 3 (Salvador), Brazilian Air Force): 2232=20USB/ALE sunding. 12/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2014 USB w/Atlas 10 (unidentified) who requests relay of any traffic from Rescue Coordination Center (RCC). Trenton advises that there is no traffic from RCC. 12/23 RP3 O/M (Arabic-aircraft): 2248 USB w/unheard station. Caught at sign=20off. Probable LDOC. 12/28 RP3 GANDER RADIO: VOLMET Service NF CAN 1329 USB OM with Canadian airfields fcasts. Followed at 1330 by NEW YORK RADIO VOLMET service. (18Dec04) (RGA) O/M (CC): 2119 USB w/O/M (CC). 12/22 RP3 ---: MWARA AFI-4 2224 USB EE Kinshasa ACC. Lot of air traffic(19/12/04) (AJP) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0001 1421 HFDL 4438N 02730E. (18Dec04) (RGA) AY2367: Finnair B757 1337 HFDL Reports 3640N 01232W Pagina 127 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13306.0 13306.0 13306.0 13306.0 13330.0 13339.0 13356.0 13376.0 13390 13444 13472 13472.0 13490 13503.6 13503.6 13503.6 13510.0 13527.9 13528.3 13528.3 WUN-v11 to ARINC Las Palmas. (18Dec04) (RGA) CLX793: CargoLux B747 1546 Posn 4322N 03204E. (03Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCF: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 1526 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (30Dec04) (RGA) D-ALCK: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 1808 HFDL Signs on. (29Dec04) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' 1434 HFDL Signs on. (18Dec04) (RGA) N586FE: Federal Express MD11F Flt FX0008 1408 HFDL signs on. (18Dec04) (RGA) N587HA: Hawaiian Airlines B767 'Pakalakala' 1725 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (14Jan05) (RGA) OH-LBX: Finnair B757 Flt AY2560 1727 HFDL Acks msg from ARINC Las Palmas 'Arrive gate 25 at 2317. Rgds Maarit/NCC Handling.'. (29Dec04) (RGA) SU-GCF: EgyptAir A300 1727 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (29Dec04) (RGA) UP6727: UPS Flt 1536 HFDL Posn 4926N 05247W to ARINC Las Palmas. (03Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SFF: S.African Airways A319-131 Ex D-AVYE 1803 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (29Dec04) (RGA) AAL063: on 13306 khz New York AJ-FQ N347AN B767 22dec04 (P) Britannia 266A: on 13306 khz New York HL-GR G-OBYJ B767 22dec04 (P) NWA011: on 13306 khz New York 41N040W 1534 FL360 22dec04 (P) UAL937: on 13306 khz New York AG-HS N652UA B767 22dec04 (P) Urano: Chilean Air Force 2255 USB SS "FACH 996 in comms w/ Urano(Santiago)" Also unid Chilean Antartic Base (03/01/05) (AJP) ---: Aeromexico 2251 USB SS Wx info to unid a/c in SS and selcallvery weak (03/01/05) (AJP) Air Jamaica Dispatch: 2130 USB w/Air Jamaica 62 w/arrival details for Philadelphia. 12/20 RP3 Unid: (poss Cuban illicit): 1810 CW sending 5-figure groups using cut numbers. Very noisy transmitter. 12/20 RP3 : Russian Military 1249 81-81/40.5/81/500 Slow revs. Cipher at 1251. Working with 13490 kHz. (20Dec04) (RGA) RFQP: FF Jibouti 1534 ARQ-E3/100/400 CdeV on DJI cct (23/Dec/04) (RH2) DOR: MFA Sofia, BUL 1417 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A 39tone modem with modified protocol and modified preamble, QSX not found, 393.75 Hz doppler, later switching to 240.17Bd 8FSK, OP chat in 75Bd/500Hz ITA-5 FSK (04Jan05) (LDO) DOR: MFA Sofia, BUL 1417 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A 39tone modem with modified protocol and modified preamble, QSX not found, 393.75 Hz doppler, later switching to 240.17Bd 8FSK, OP chat in 75Bd/500Hz ITA-5 FSK (04Jan05) (LDO) : Russian Military 1247 81-81/40.5/500 Cipher. Working with 13390 kHz. (20Dec04) (RGA) JDG: (USAF GSC station, Diego Garcia): 1251 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (State Dept). Also noted on 08058.6. 12/22 RP3 KWK93: (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate): 1531 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate)/ 01/12 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy): 1517 USB/ALE TO KWL96 (US Embassy). Also noted on 11168.6. 12/30 RP3 CFH: CF HALIFAX 1250 RTTY 75/N/850 Met tfc (01/Jan)(DW) "S": rus navy Archangelsk 1342 cw channel marker 30Dez04 (wp3) A: QTH? 0120z Aug 24, 2004 CW Definitely "A", but possibly a bad "M" marker {?} [SN] M: Magadan, Russia 0130z Jan 8, 2005 CW "M" marker [SN] Pagina 128 WUN-v11 13550.5 ZKLF: Auckland Meteo 1035 FAX transmission in progress. Noisy but crisp sfc analysis w/wind data. Off air 1043 (09Jan05) (KB) 13572.5 RFFX: MOD Paris ARQ-E/184.6/400 (Jan 03, sal) 13855 OXT: Copenhagen Meteo 1310 FAX end-of-service msg(?) followed by chart for unid area. Blurred (28Dec04) (KB) 13882.5 DDK6: DWD Pinneberg, D, 1540, FAX 120/576, N. Atlantic pressure chart, 01-Jan-05 (CK) 13882.5 DDK6: Pinneberg, D, 1535, FAX (120/576), DWD meteo chart, 24-Dec-04 (CK) 13886 : Moscow Met 1455 FAX/120/576 Clean Wx chart. (29/12/04) (RH2) 13887.1 unid: 1207 arq-e3/192/383 05Jan05 (wp3) 13907 CNT: Unid US CBP 1615 ALE/USB Wkg D48. Callup then into PARKHILL comms. CNT dropped into clear to tell D48 that he needed to "...check your Mickey Mouse" then back into PARKHILL. (06Jan05) (BC) 13945 TUD: UNID Tunisian MOI/MIL, TUN 0936 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A calling "STAT2" (30Dec04) (LDO) 13945.0 TUD: UNID Tunisian MOI/MIL, TUN 0936 USB/MILSTD188-141A calling "STAT2" (30Dec04) (LDO) 13956.5 tunesian mil/diplo: 1033 sitor-b tfc ff bjr qsa et qrk 5555555 ici mkl passer le bjr a les amis qru qru arararararar 05Jan05 (wp3) 13956.5 TVQ: Tunesian Diplo(?) 1430 FEC two blocks of 5LGs after ryry and "x1z de tvq" (04Jan05) (KB) 13956.5 X1Z: Tunesian Diplo(?) 1442 FEC op msg in FF after "tvq de x1z". Instable tx, whining sound. 3rd station in net, but too weak to decode (04Jan05) (KB) 13978.0 SFAMN: (Brazilian Air Force Rescue, Manaus): 2110 USB/ALE sounding. 12/22 RP3 14050.0 K6KPH: San Francisco, California 0120z Jan 1, 2005 CW "DE" for "Straight Key Night" [SN] 14110 : Unid 0924 MFSK-32 Parameters like MFSK-32. Shift about 31 Hz. Speed 31.25 Bauds. May be it's new ham mode like MFSK-16? (29-Dec-04) (IB) 14455.0 KHA 908: (SHARES, NASA Moffett Field CA-Net Control): 1758 USB w/AFA2LQ (Air Force MARS, Chipley FL) on SHARES Traffic & Training Net. Secondary freq is given as 6982.5. 12/29 RP3 14467.0 DDK9: on 14.467 (announced) 450Hz 50bd CQ and RY "DDH47 DDH9 DDH8 147.3 11039 14467 KHz"24dec04 (TM) 14486.6 ---: Unid 0112 Stanag 4285 ? Strong signal (14/12/04) (AJP) 14487.0 No Call: Numberstation 1400 USB fem. Voice: Melodie, "Zero-Zero-Four-Six-One" (26/DEC/04) (KK) 14490.0 207: Unid Chile 1226 USB SS 207 calling 206 then family pp.(19/12/04) (AJP) 14514 208: SNG-NY amphibious vsl. "Resolution", 1322 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng TF1, vessel currently deployed to the Persian Gulf area to assist in the reconstruction of IRQ (04Jan05) (LDO) 14514.0 208: SNG-NY amphibious vsl. "Resolution", 1322 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng TF1, vessel currently deployed to the Persian Gulf area to assist in the reconstruction of IRQ (04Jan05) (LDO) 14571.0 unid: ??? FSK 50.3/130 ???(Jan 03, sal) 14585.7 RFTPA: FF N'Djamena 1532 ARQ-E3/200/400 Betas. (27/Dec/04) (RH2) 14629.7 MFA Cairo: 1308 sitor-a tfc to unid emb, then selcalling xbvm - no qso 04Jan05 (wp3) 14653.0 O1R: (Nat'l Guard, Oregon): 2234 USB/ALE TO W080YN (Nat'l Guard, Wyoming). Also noted on 16338.5. 12/23 RP3 14653.2 ---: Unid AN stn 0103 RTTY 75/170 5LG (14/12/04) (AJP) 14655.0 ---: Unid 0109 FSK-CW ? Like a low speed RTTY (14/12/04) (AJP) 14718.2 rfhi: FF Noumea 1030 arq-e3/100/300 idle 04Jan05 (wp3) Pagina 129 14742 14742.0 14779 14779.9 14780 14845.0 14909.7 14909.7 14915.0 14910.0 14970.0 15043 15043 15059.0 15094.0 15094.0 15682 15737 15737.5 15794 15851.0 15921 16018.7 16078.5 16084 16155 16155.0 16241.7 16260 WUN-v11 208: SNG-NY amphibious vsl. "Resolution", 1003 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng TF1, vessel currently deployed to the Persian Gulf area to assist in the reconstruction of IRQ (02Jan05) (LDO) 208: SNG-NY amphibious vsl. "Resolution", 1003 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng TF1, vessel currently deployed to the Persian Gulf area to assist inthe reconstruction of IRQ (02Jan05) (LDO) : Unid OMFSK/195.5/600 (20Dec04) (RGA) unid: (RAF Akrotiri) 1223 unid/195,3 4 tones spaced 200 Hz 05Jan05 (wp3) Unid: Brit Mil Cyprus 1500 MFSK/195.3/600 // 19844 (07/Jan/01) (RH2) unid: ukr mil =3F 1013 rtty 50/500 scrambled tfc (wtsca) 1017: pon pon znn kriptograma zl1tagat-1=7F=5F=3D barhan-1=7F=7F=3D zorqnij-1=7F=7F=3D tajfuna =7F 29 1135=3D aaaaa bbbbb dddddd hhhhh kakaa d=7Fsmi txb}q bibgb r215=7F tajfun-372=tttttziiiiizvvvvvzpppppz 29Dez04 (wp3) MFA Kairo: 0917 sitor-a tfc from unid emb. ends with yks yks 05Jan05 (wp3) su..: MFA Kairo 0821 sitor-a long tfc in atu-80 aa to Tunis (hlg---p) 08Jan05 (wp3) M1: Uruguayan Mil. 2215 USB SS Family pp (QSX ! ) w/ M4.Possible peacekeepers in Haiti (03/01/05) (AJP) A22: TAME Ecuador 1820 USB SS "Transportes Aereos Militares del Ecuador". A/C HC-CDY in comms w/ A22 (Quito) (02/01/05) (AJP) ADW: HF-GCS Stn Andrews AFB MD 1521 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Jan05) (RGA) CRO: US HFGCS Stn RAF Croughton UK 1549 ALE/USB Sounding. IKF/Keflavik also. (03Jan05) (RGA) Unid: Packet trans. 300/150 0155 (18 Dec 04) (MJZ) 133: (unidentified): 1531 USB/ALE TO QT2 (FBI Training Academy, Quantico VA). Also noted on 17487.0. 12/22 RP3 KNY81: (SHARES station, Everett, WA): 1739 USB/ALE TO NNN0ELA (Navy/Marine MARS Salem SC, Southest Region Digital Coordinating Station). 12/29 RP3 Lincolnshire Poacher: E03 1240 USB 5FG (25/Dec/04) (RH2) Azerb. Railways Baku, AZE (?) 1100 RTTY/50/500 end of slowly hand-keyed tfc (28Dec04) (KB) ---: AZERBAIZHANI STN 0910 RTTY 50/R/500 Tfc in 3SC, manual keying of keyboard. Poor copy (30/Dec)(DW) Unid: Brit Mil Cyprus 1730 MFSK/195.3/400 (10/Jan/05) (RH2) FAAZJX: (Jacksonville ARTCC): 2018 USB/ALE sounding. 01/06 RP3 RABAT: French Diplo Hub Rabat 1645 ALE/USB Calls CER11/MFA Paris. (29Dec04) (RGA) su..: MFA Kairo 1230 sitor-a tfc aa adressed to nearly all embassies and consulates they must have 08Jan05 (wp3) CLS: (US Army SOC,Fort Campbell, KY): 1923 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09145.0 & 17458.5. 12/29 RP3 : Lincoln Poacher 1576 USB OM/5FG. (06/Jan/01) (RH2) ALBATROSS: UNID Italian MIL, 0906 USB/FSK 1200Bd/ISS-mode, tfc. to ELEFANTE [Roma], QSX not found (31Dec04) (LDO) ALBATROSS: UNID Italian MIL, 0906 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ ISS-mode, tfc. to ELEFANTE [Roma], QSX not found (31Dec04) (LDO) kdakrfr: MFA Cairo 0858 ARQ Long Msg/AA to unk. (27/Dec/04) (RH2) P6Z/RFGW: MOD Paris, F 1233 USB/STANAG 4285 FECbursts using THALES modem with 1200 bps & long interleaving, tfc to F-MIL Moscow/U3H, cct ID: "MCU" [=Moscou] (05Jan05) (LDO) Pagina 130 16260 16260.0 16260.0 16283.6 16283.6 16283.6 16283.6 16324.7 16331.9 16346.7 16351.7 16803.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 WUN-v11 RFGW: MFA Paris 0830 FEC-A/192/400 6 pages/1340 5lg to unk. This freq & mode not seen often these days. (27/Dec/04) (RH2) P6Z/RFGW: MOD Paris, F 1233 USB/STANAG 4285 FECbursts using THALES modem with 1200 bps & long interleaving, tfc to F-MIL Moscow/U3H, cct ID: "MCU" [= Moscou] (05Jan05) (LDO) rfgw: MFA Paris 1251 stanag4285/1200L PAGE 3 RFGW #904 IBQSF CBXDC FVVKL ZBYR. GZXRR SYMFH XNVHJ BWMBL QSRYQ 05Jan05 (wp3) CRO: US HFGCS Stn RAF Croughton UK 1433 ALE/USB Sounding on State Dept Frequency. (03Jan05) (RGA) KWK90: (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate): 1621 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate). Also noted on 18248.6 & 20810.6. 01/12 RP3 KWK93: (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate): 1616 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate). 01/06 RP3 KWK93: (US Embassy): 1727 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (US Embassy). 12/30 RP3 RFLIG: FF CAYENNE 1513 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. Poor sync. 1516z cct [IGU] to Paris (26/Dec)(DW) "S": rus navy Archangelsk 1020 cw channel marker 28Dez04 (wp3) kdfespsr: MFA Cairo 1520 ARQ/FEC Msg/AA Selcal XBVY/London then into FEC then back to ARQ. (05/Jan/01) (RH2) ---: FF UNID 1522 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. 1546z "esstor de rflig 3602131z" "mca svc" (26/Dec)(DW) : Unid CIS Merchant Ships Tfc 1530 RTTY/50/170 Lotsa garbled RR. Haven't seen this stuff for years. (26/Dec/04) (RH2) 9HJW7: Maltese-flagged Vessel Glykofloussa 1457 GMDSS RQs CapeRadio/ZSC for safety test. (18Dec04) (RGA) 9VDN3: Singapore Ship Harriette N 1454 GMDSS RQs USCG Miama/NMA for safety test followed by Panamanian Freewinds/H9CK. (21Dec04) (RGA) 9VVD: Singapore Ship Hyundai Grace 1342 GMDSS RQs safety check with CAMSPAC Pt Reys CA USA. (18Dec04) (RGA) ELTI3: Liberian-flagged Vessel Troitsk 1421 GMDSS RQs USCG New Orleans LA USA/NMG for a safety check. (18Dec04) (RGA) HOBG: Panamanian-flagged Vessel Dimitris-C 1353 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety check. OXZ BQs. (18Dec04) (RGA) JMYF: Japanese Ship Nichiyumaru 1505 GMDSS RQs MRCC Charleville/Wiluna AUS for a safety test. (18Dec04) (RGA) LAHD2: Norwegian Ship Jo Gran 1452 GMDSS RQs MRCC Charleville/Wiluna for safety test. (21Dec04) (RGA) MTBF3: British Ship C.S. Sir Eric Sharp 1457 GMDSS RQs USCG Boston/NMF for safety test. (21Dec04) (RGA) NMA: USCG Miami FL USA 1358 GMDSS BQs safety test with Cypriot ship SAFMarine Bioko/P3LY8. (18Dec04) (RGA) NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1340 GMDSS BQs safety check with Greek ship Astro Altair/SWXR. (18Dec04) (RGA) P3PY9: Cypriot Ship Federal Elbe 1446 GMDSS RQs Rio Radio Brazil/PPR for safety check. (18Dec04) (RGA) SVMV: Greek Ship Maria Tsakos 1437 GMDSS RQs USCG New Orleans/NMG for safety test. (21Dec04) (RGA) SWXR: Greek Ship Astro Altair 1343 GMDSS RQs safety check with USCG Boston VA USA/NMF for safety check. NMF responds with BQ. (18Dec04) (RGA) SXOO: Greek Ship Poetic 1259 GMDSS RQs Romantic/SVGB for simplex telephone call on 16600 kHz. (21Dec04) (RGA) V7FD8: Marshall Islands Vessel Angelica 1504 GMDSS Pagina 131 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16804.5 16806.5 16811.5 16811.5 16811.5 16811.5 16811.5 16813.0 16813.0 16813.0 16689.5 16813.0 16819.5 16819.5 16829.5 16833.5 16840.5 16840.5 16879.0 16880.0 16886.0 16898.5 16922.0 16951 16951.5 16951.5 16952.0 16961.5 WUN-v11 RQs CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA for a safety check. (18Dec04) (RGA) V7FD8: Marshall Islands-registered vessel Angelica 1335 GMDSS RQs USCG New Orléans/NMG for safety test. (18Dec04) (RGA) VQDX7: British Ship Sichem Padua 1324 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio DNK/OXZ for safety check followed by Iranian ship Iran Astara/EQWV Cypriot SAF Marine Bioko/P3LY8 and Panamanian Katerina G/3FRE5. OXZ BQs latter. (21Dec04) (RGA) VRYQ2: PRC Ship Stolt Alliance 1517 GMDSS Requests simplex telephone call on 8291 kHz from USCG Miami/NMA (?) Followed by safety test RQ from Chinese An Ji Jiang/BOKB. (21Dec04) (RGA) WADX: US Vessel Rhode Island 1538 GMDSS RQs safety test from RCC Larnaca CYP/5BA. (21Dec04) (RGA) NRV: USCG Guam 1542 FEC Wx //12579 (24/Dec/04) (RH2) A9H: Hamala R 1536 CW/ARQ Marker (26/Dec/04) (RH2) a9m: Hamala Radio 1156 sitor-a/Marker mcmcmcmc de a9m tlx 28Dez04 (wp3) a9m: Hamala Radio 1156 sitor-a/Marker mcmcmcmc de a9m tlx 28Dez04(wp3) a9m: Bahrain Radio 1121 Sitor-a/Marker Marker de a9m tlx 08Jan05 (wp3) a9m: Hamala Radio 1308 sitor-a/marker mcmcmcmc de a9m tlx 09Jan05 (wp3) uat: Moscow Radio 1155 sitor-b cq cq de uat uat qss/qsx 8431.5/8391.5 12599.5/12497.0 16813.0/16689.5cq cq de uat uat tfc list- 28Dez04 (wp3) uat: Moscow Radio 1155 sitor-b cq cq de uat uat qss/qsx 08431.5/8391.5 12599.5/12497.0 16813.0/16689.5cq cq de uat uat tfc list - 28Dez04 (wp3) uat: Moscow Radio 1256 sitor-a marker kyky qsx 09Jan05 (wp3) uat: Moskau Radio 1119 Sitor-a/Marker Marker de uat 08Jan05 (wp3) nmn: USCG Portsmouth, VA 1227 sitor-a marker nmn 28Dez04 (wp3) nmn: USCG Portsmouth, VA 1300 sitor-a/marker marker nmn 09Jan05 (wp3) uce: Archangelsk Radio 1247 sitor-a/marker kykyky qsx 16706.5 09Jan05 (wp3) uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1258 sitor-a/marker de uiw kld 09Jan05 (wp3) rrr34: Moscow Radio 1200 sitor-b a b v g d e j z i k l m n o p r 28Dez04 (wp3) rrr34: Moscow Radio 1200 sitor-b a b v g d e j z i k l m n o p r s t u f h c ch sh sc x y e iu ia cq cq cq de 3756 c 01/07/04 radioteleks qsw 8430,0 /qsx 8390,0 28Dez04 (wp3) lzw: Varna Radio 1310 cw de lzw lzw 09Jan05 (wp3) xsq: Guanghzou Radio 1117 Sitor-a/Marker Marker xsq 08Jan05 (wp3) tah: Istambul Radio 1245 sitor-a/marker tah 09Jan05 (wp3) xsg: Shanghai Radio 1115 Sitor-a/Marker Marker xsg 08Jan05 (wp3) vth: IN Mumbai 1218 rtty 50/810 vth 5/7/9 rbsl bnr bnr ryryryryry vth 5/7/9 rbsl bnr bnr sgsgsgsgsg 1222z: 4FG 1230z: tfc list 09Jan05 (wp3) 6WW: FN Dakar 1742 RTTY/75/850 Test tape (23/Dec/04) (RH2) 6ww: FN Dakar 1109 rtty 75/850 vfiaa faaa de 6ww 6ww 6ww ryryry sgsgsg 0 72 3 4 5 6 7 9 08Jan05 (wp3) 6WW: French Navy Dakar SEN 1226 RTTY/75/850 RYSG idlers. //12857. (20Dec04) (RGA) 6WW: (French Navy Dakar): 1630 RTTY 75/850 w/test tape. 12/28 RP3=20 RFLIE: FN Fort de France MRT 1437 ASCII/75/850 Test idlers as previously reported to the list by (LDO). (07Jan05) (RGA) Pagina 132 WUN-v11 16961.5 RFLIE: FN Fort de France MRT 1437 ASCII/75/850 Tests. 3G insists it is TORG! (05/Jan/01) (RH2) 16962.0 FUF: (French Navy Fort-de-France): 1632 RTTY 75/850 w/test tape. 12/28=RP3 16965.7 : Unid 1537 RTTY/50/814 Unable decode Good sigs. Can someWUN suggest what these 50bd sigs might be? (24/Dec/04) (RH2) 16986 CTP: NATO Lisbon 1751 RTTY/75/850 NAWS de CTP etc (23/Dec/04) (RH2) 16986 CTP: Portuguese Navy Palhais/Oeiras 1228 RTTY/75/850 QSX idlers. //12823.5. (20Dec04) (RGA) 16986.0 ctp: NATO Lissabon 1351 rtty 75/850 naws naws de ctp ctp qsx 04 08 12 16 mhz ar 28Dez04 (wp3) 16986.0 ctp: NATO Lissabon 1209 rtty 75/850 naws naws de ctp ctp ctp qsx 04 08 12 16 mhz ar 09Jan05 (wp3) 16997.5 WLO: Shipcom LLC 0005 Sitor-B Traffic list and simplex/pairedfreq anounce (15/12/04) (AJP) 17045.0 ---: Unid 0050 Sitor-B Seems to be a Wx info in cyrillic. PossiblePetropavlosk Radio. Off at 0053 (14/12/04) (AJP) 17066.5 a9m: Hamala Radio (Kli) 1316 gw-pactor marker 09Jan05 (wp3) 17069.7 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1544 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/paper perfect. //12745.5 (05/Jan/01) (RH2) 17147 CBV: Valparaiso R 1137 FAX/120/576 VG IR/SAT imagery. For once, no QRM from URL/CW. (31/Dec/04) (RH2) 17147.0 unid: ??? CIS? 1654 FSK 33.3/200 (10jan05) (S) 17175.2 UFL: VLADIVOSTOK RADIO 0829 fec 100/E/170 Blind tfc bdcast in 3sc. (31/Dec)(DW) 17176.0 RFFMEA: FN LA REGINE 1923 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker (29/Dec)(DW) 17416.7 MFA Cairo: 1322 sitor-a sc: oovp (Islamabad) no qso 09Jan05 (wp3) 17441.5 5YE: Nairobi Met 0823 RTTY/100/850 RY/ID (12/Jan/05) (RH2) 17441.5 5YE: Nairobi Meteo 1526 RTTY/100/850 Wx gps. (06/Jan/01) (RH2) 17458.5 A060RN: (Nat'l Guard, Arkansas): 1849 USB/ALE TO HQ703N (probalby Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA). 12/20 RP3 17487.0 AAR6HXMAR: (Army MARS, Tyler TX): 1631 USB/ALE TO KGD34NCC SHARES Master Coordinating Station, Arlington VA). NOTE: KGD34 also noted in voice on 14396.5. 12/29 RP3 17913 : Unid 0550 USB Weak two way QSO in unid' European language plus several selcals, it seemed like a ground station sending test selcals to an aircraft. Unfortunately signals too weak for decoder to identify selcals. Risto lists VARIG (Brazil) LDOC here. Has any monitor hrd VARIG LDOC lately? (21Dec04) (AF) 17967 AY2510: Finnair B757 1346 HFDL Posn 3115N 01559W to ARINC Muharraq. (30Dec04) (RGA) 17967 ZS-SFH: SA-620 A319 1514 HFDL Posn Rpt to Muharraq. (28/Dec/04) (RH2) 17967 ZS-SJM: SA-051 B738 1505 HFDL Signs on Muharraq. (28/Dec/04) (RH2) 17967 ZS-SXC: SA-204 A343 1524 HFDL Posn Rpt to Muharraq. (28/Dec/04) (RH2) 17988.0 NOJ: (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK): 1949 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13221.0. 01/11 RP3 18003 OFF: US GHFS Stn Offutt AFB NE 1559 ALE/USB OFF and ADW/Andrews sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) 18003.0 400119: (KC-10 # 84-0019): 1907 USB/ALE TO MCC ICZ (McClellan and Sigonella AFBs). 01/14 RP3 18018.0 Architect: (RAF Flight Watch): 1500 USB w/airfield wx report. 12/23 RP3 18025.0 PHOENIXTOC: Phoenix, Tactical Operations Center 1156 (similar to ID´s from TF Phoenix Kabul?) USB ALE snd (12/JAN/05) (KK) 18042 pacmzg: M‚decin Sans FrontiŠres 0940 PACTOR-200 Call Pagina 133 18051.5 18183.4 18183.4 18183.4 18183.4 18237.5 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18334.7 18506.7 18594.0 18757 19133.5 19814.0 20028.0 20048.2 20048.3 20048.4 20073.5 20184.0 20507.2 20535.7 20663.0 20692.0 20692.0 20754.5 20759 20810.6 20810.6 WUN-v11 repeated many times but no other data. (30/12/04) (RH2) ---: Unid AN ship 1743 USB SS Family pp. QSX ? (14/12/04) (AJP) ---: ALGERIAN EMB KINSHASA 1352 COQ/8 26.7/-/190 Wkng Algiers (26/Dec)(DW) ---: MFA ALGIERS 1350 COQ/8 26.7/-/190 Sending press bulletins in FF to KIN(shasa) (26/Dec)(DW) 7RQ20: MFA Algiers 0854 COQ-8/26.67 Msg/FF to Ambalg Niamey. (27/Dec/04) (RH2) MFA Algiers: 0851 coquelet-8/13.33 tfc to brazza and nbi 28Dez04 (wp3) BAF33: Beijing Met 0945 RTTY/75/400 Garbled Wx/EE. First time heard. (30/12/04) (RH2) KWK99: (US Embassy): 1733 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (US Embassy). 12/30 RP3 KWL92: (unidentified US Embassy/Consulate): 1501 USB/ALE TO KWL90 (US Embassy, Manila, Philippines). 01/06 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy): 1510 USB/ALE TO KWL94 (US Embassy). 12/30 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy, Tokyo): 1512 USB/ALE TO KWL94 (US Embassy/, Jakarta). 01/06 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy, Tokyo): 1516 USB/ALE TO KWL95 (US Embassy, Beijing). 01/06 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy, Tokyo): 1526 USB/ALE TO KMN94 (US Department of State:Fort Lauderdale, FL). 01/06 RP3 unid: MFA Cairo Sitor-A (Jan 03, sal) unid: Pactor 1 1820 encrypted txt unid lng (usb) cw id (not "701" as sometimes) vy weak possibly"S?0" on daily around this time w/ 15907.0 active (30 Dec 04) (MJZ) T6P: DHS COTHEN Net 0045 ALE/USB clg PAC, I01, X61, A97 (15/12/04)(AJP) P6Z: MFA Paris 0934 FEC-A/192/400 5LG to unk. (29/12/04) (RH2) : Unid 1217 MIL-STD 188-110 Data rate/interleave undetermined. (20Dec04) (RGA) 022NHQCAP: (Civil Air Patrol HQs, Nat'l Ops Center, Maxwell AFB AL): 1457 USB/ALE sounding. 01/11 RP3 3ZB202: Prb. Pol Ny HQ 1003 USB ALE clg LCR154 (10/JAN/05) (KK) K: Petropavlovsk Kamchatka, Russia 2255z Aug 23, 2004 CW "K" marker [SN] K: SLHFM 0115 CW K Marker Petropavlosk (17/12/04) (AJP) M: SLHFM 0114 CW M Marker Magadan (17/12/04) (AJP) IR01: prb. Iran 1257 USB ALE clg IR02 (12/JAN/05) (KK) unid: Pactor 1 150/200 (?) 1551 "kkk cq cq cq de de de mm mm" (26 Dec 04) (MJZ) 1701: IRGC 1231 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling LP:961>: 1961, No time stamp, no CW-ID, cnf 20505 usb (13/JAN/05) (KK) No Call: unid MSF Station 0934 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:PACMZGB>: Zagreb (12/JAN/05) (KK) ---: North Korean MFA 0105 DPRK-600 system (17/12/04) (AJP) SPF219: Polish Forces, IRQ? 0857 USB ALE clg LCR154, later Voice Calls in eng, than short tlk in pol (12/JAN/05) (KK) SPF219: Polish Forces, IRQ? 0915 USB ALE clg LCR155, two times than Phone call pol men/women (12/JAN/05) (KK) RC1YAO: ICRC Yaounde, CME 1251 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz cnt to MB1NAI: Mailbox Nairobi, KEN (12/JAN/05) (KK) 055: Saudi MOI or ...? 1328 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) IKF: US GHFS Stn Keflavik ICE 1316 ALE/USB Sounding on US State Dept frequency. (21Dec04) (RGA) PLA: US GHFS Stn Lajes AZR 1418 ALE/USB Sounding on US State Dept freq. (30Dec04) (RGA) Pagina 134 WUN-v11 20815.0 IFRCBGH: prb. IFRC Baghdad, IRQ 0900 P-I/100Bd/ CF= 800Hz <Calling:IFRCGVA>: Geneva (12/JAN/05) (KK) 20890.0 D47: DHS COTHEN Net 2243 ALE/USB clg 503, D47, J13, T6P, J22, PAC,I75, A97, 704, J19 (15/12/04) (AJP) 20907.2 1702: IRGC 1112 P-I/Ham 100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling LP:612>: 1612, No CW-Id, no time stamp (12/JAN/05) (KK) 20907.2 1702: IRGC 1118 P-I/Ham 100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling LP:731>:1731, No CW-Id, no time stamp (12/JAN/05) (KK) 20907.2 1702: IRGC 1140 P-I/Ham 100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling LP:666>: 1666, No CW-Id, no time stamp (12/JAN/05) (KK) 22446 FUV: FF Jibouti 1533 RTTY/75/850 Testing - Le Brick etc. (24/Dec/04) (RH2) 22446 FUV: FN Jibouti 0912 RTTY/75/850 Test tape - Le Brick etc. (10/Jan/05) (RH2) 22527.0 NMC: USCG Point Reyes 2328 FAX 120 Schedule part 2 (14/12/04)(AJP) 23050.0 No Call: unid Ship 1335 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:HPPM1>: Seamail Chiriqi,PNR, P-II too weak for dec.(12/JAN/05) (KK) 23337 PLA: USAF Lajes Field 0900 ALE/USB Sng (24/Dec/04) (RH2) 23337.0 160020: (C-5 # 86-0020): 2243 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 05708.0; 09025.0; 11226.0 & 13215.0. 01/15 RP3 27870 PLASPR: US SIPRNet Stn Lajes Field AZR 1254 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec04) (RGA) 28216.8 WB0FTL: Alden, Minnesota 1615z Aug 24, 2004 CW "WB0FTL/B EN33FP" marker [SN] 28218.8 KA0PSE: Duluth, Minnesota 1617z Aug 24, 2004 CW "V DE" marker [SN] 28242.0 W2IK/6:San Antonio, Texas 1624z AUG 24, 2004 CW "V DE" marker [SN] 28252.8 N9AVY/B: Cary, Illinois 1627z Aug 24, 2004 CW "N9AVY/B" marker [SN] -----------------------------------------------------======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 11: Issue 2, February 2005 //// ======================================================================== Edited by Bill Lawrie Electronic Editor. (blmid@freeuk.com) COPYRIGHT © 2005 WUN This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club in the world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter may be posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so long as the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s) remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written permission of the Electronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may result in action under international copyright legislation. To become a WUN member, visit the URL: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/wun and fill in your details in the "Subscribing to WUN" section form. If you have problems with any of this, or need further information, contact Jason Berri at: webmaster@wunclub.com If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS, please let us know! Pagina 135 WUN-v11 Check out the WUN web site at: http://www.wunclub.com ======================================================================== >From your Electronic Editor: * Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utility station information and the most widely quoted utility station publication in the world...the WUN Newsletter. ================================= From the pens of the respective Editors this month Digital Review Nautical News Numbers + Oddities QSL Column Utility Roundup WUN Logs Column ======================================================================== 0101100010110001011000001110011000101100110110001100110011010000100011 0011100010010101001100110101100101000011011000011101100000011101100100 01001101# DIGITAL #00011110010100001101010010100011010111000000111001 1000100101111010100100011010010010100110100011010001101000011010011100 0111000111001110000110000111100000100101011001001010111010100011100011 001000101010110100000111000111# REVIEW #00000101110011100001101000101 0101001011000011101100010110001100110100010110000111011000101100001110 0000110100101010110101011010000100101001101001010101010100010101010001 01001011111100001000101010011000110011000011101100010# COLUMN #110001 1100011010100101010010101001010100100001110110000101100101001101011000 - Editor: Day Watson - Nickname on chat channels E-mail: jdwatson@blueyonder.co.uk DayW Hi digi WUNners The menu Aero Diplo Met HFDL frequency questions Polish ARQ resurrected Frequency change or problem at Honolulu/KVM70 FWOC Northwood FAX - additional frequency >>....Aero.....> ::: HFDL frequency questions Two questions from WUNners Fred Lesnick and Glenn Blum on virtually the same subject might be worth expanding. From Fred "I am curious as to what frequencies are the most commonly used for flights across Canada and down through the USA to the Caribbean. What frequencies would this flight use for HFDL?" From Glenn "I wonder if the HFDL system onboard the aircraft multi casts their transmissions on all HFDL frequencies?" The answer to Glenn's question is no. There is no multicasting, if one understands the term as meaning parallel broadcasting on multiple frequencies. Pagina 136 WUN-v11 The aircraft uses one frequency determined by the conditions it experiences with a given station. Should conditions deteriorate it will do a frequency search for another frequency (and which is quite likely to be via another ground station) with much improved link quality, request a log on and continue from there when this is granted by the system. The whole ARINC network will keep tabs on where the aircraft is and ground station (node) it is operating through at any particular time. The whole system is automatic and self adaptive. The answer to Fred's question is another question. How long is a piece of string? What is meant by this is that the flight crew don't select the frequency for a given sector of the flight. As stated in the previous paragraph the system is automatic and self-adaptive. The airborne HFDL equipment does this by monitoring as many as it can in 64 seconds of the stations currently on air to assess the signal quality from/to each. If the current frequency goes off (quality deteriorates) it starts a new search for a good frequency and initiates a log-on procedure. It could, and often does, end up on a frequency with a station which is not immediately obvious - eg instead of one in CONUS it might be using one in Bolivia or Canaries for a spell. This self adaptivity may occur many times during a flight as distances increase /reduce between the aircraft position and the current node, or the aircraft is flying into/out of darkness. The ground system automatically re-routes msgs to/from the aircraft once it is logged on and continues to pass messages to/from the aircraft and its operators. For those wanting further information on HFDL remember the archived WUN Newsletters/this Column provides a free library. On this subject checkout the following: ARINC Canaries ARINC Canaries located ARINC Canaries on air ARINC HFDL Frequencies ARINC HFDL frequencies ARINC Shannon ARINC and the Canaries (2) ARINC and the Canary Islands ARINC ground station operational at Bahrain ARINC updates Aircraft with HF-DL Basics in HFDL access protocol Basics in HFDL access protocol - Part 2 Basics in HFDL access protocol - Part 3 Food for thought Guam HFDL frequencies HFDL (ARINC Spec.635) improvements HFDL added to SkySweeper HFDL frequency tables HFDL group HFDL on 21931 HFDL performance monitoring Interpreting PC-HFDL displays - HFNPDU Interpreting PC-HFDL displays - HFNPDU ACARS Interpreting PC-HFDL displays - MPDU/LPDU/BDU Interpreting PC-HFDL displays - SPDU Interpreting PC-HFDL displays - System Table Krasnoyarsk HFDL aerial upgrade PC-HFDL PCHFDL.dat updates The Global Link Updating PC-HFDL with ARINC Canaries frequencies Websites for ACARS (update) Websites for ACARS/PC-HFDL/Log Analyser Pagina 137 Nov04 Dec04 Oct04 Mar02 Jun01 Sep01 Sep04 Jun04 Jan02 Feb02 Apr04 Mar01 Apr01 May01 Aug02 Jun04 Jun04 May02 Jun04 Jan05 Mar00 Dec02 May02 May02 Jun02 Apr02 May02 Jan02 Feb02 Jan05 Jan02 Oct04 Jun02 May02 V10n11 V10n12 V10n10 V8n03 V7n05 V7n09 V10n09 V10n08 V8n01 V8n02 V10n04 V7n03 V7n04 V7n05 V8n08 V10n08 V10n08 V8n05 V10n08 V11n01 V6n03 V8n12 V8n05 V8n05 V8n06 V8n04 V8n05 V8n01 V8n02 V11n01 V8n01 V10n10 V8n06 V8n05 WUN-v11 Final thought - a route from Canada down thru US to Caribbean is mainly over land and one would hazard a guess that much of the data comms is via ACARS on VHF rather than HFDL on HF. Thanks guys for raising the questions. >>....Diplo.....> ::: Polish ARQ resurrected This is the question posed by the appearance of a marker on 18 Mhz. At one time (last logs seen in the WUN Logs Column in Mar02) the Polish MFA in Warsaw operated on frequencies of 6769 7484 8148 11471 13467 15652 and 18064, with a second channel per band for the embassy. The CW marker was "vvv de SNN299 ga" when free, keying the mark tone with this ID every couple of minutes. The station used a variant of the Sitor/B system known as ARQ-POL or POL-ARQ which ran at 100bd 250Hz. That marker has returned recently on 18064. Don't try and read the Morse - it is so badly distorted that one really needs to know was is expected to read the pattern similarity - the "ga" is possibly the only recognisable Morse letters. No marker has been heard on the other frequencies. No switching to ARQ-POL has so far been noted. Something to watch. >>....Met.....> ::: Frequency change or problem at Honolulu/KVM70 For years Honolulu Met/KVM70 have operated a FAX transmission on 11090 kHz - currently available between 0533 and 2350z. However it has been spotted by Australian WUNners Allen Fountain and Eddy Waters operating on 11502 kHz. Thanks guys Image signal in the receiver input has been discounted since these monitors are in different parts of Australia and expected to be subject to different local influences. It is also confirmed that nothing is heard on 11090 whilst being heard on 11502. Attempts to determine what is going on has revealed that the US Navy maintains the transmitters for NOAA. The USN say no change in the assigned frequency but would investigate. Whilst we wait can WUNners on the Pacific rim listen to both frequencies and advise Allen (fountain2@bigpond.com) or your scribe. The frequency usage last reported in DR of Jul03 is Freq 0000z 0533z 1150z 1733z 2350z 2359z | | | | | | 9982.5 -------11090 -----------------------16135 -------------------------------23331.5 ---------------Check out http://www.prh.noaa.gov/pr/hnl/pages/marine_fax_schedule.php for latest known schedule. ::: FWOC Northwood FAX - additional frequency On going to press Al Dudley has alerted us to an additional frequency for the N Atlantic FAX service of the Fleet Weather and Oceanographic Centre (FWOC) coming from Northwood, W London. Whether this is a permanent addition, or merely there for the length of time the current Joint Pagina 138 WUN-v11 Maritime Course (JMC) exercises off N and W Scotland are running, remains to be seen. Thanks Al. >>....Signoff.....> See you in a month. Regards and pleasant hours monitoring Day ========================================================================= Nautical News Monitoring Maritime Frequencies Edited by Robert Maskill G4PYR Peterborough England. Email to g4pyr@dsl.pipex.com Welcome to the February Nautical News, last months column was missing as I was in North Yorkshire, and by the time you read this I will be back from another few days there. This month, together with last we have set a new record, and that record is nil input from you the readers. Still here is a column based solely on my input. Bern Radio ---------Bern Radio returned to the air at the start of the year as a solely data station and certainly frequency wise it is a mere shadow of it’s former self. Channel Status HEB01 on air HEB02 on air HEB03 on air HEB04 on air HEB05 on air HEB06 on air HEB07 on air Dial Frequency 4.2490 6.3670 8.4450 8.4830 12.6855 13.0240 16.9120 RX Dial Frequency 4.1530 6.2400 8.3315 8.3340 12.3985 12.4050 16.5630 TX Power 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W Further details can be found at www.global-link-network.net/bernradio/ Stockholm Radio --------------Stockholm Radio is another European Station that has a depleted frequency list especially on MF SSB channels. Their current MF details are below. Ch Location Ship(kHz) MF1 Gotland 2099 MF2 ----MF3 Gislövshammar 2060 MF4 Härnösand 2216 MF5 Bjuröklubb 2123 MF6 Grimeton 2135 Coast(kHz) 1674 --1797 2733 1779 1710 Pagina 139 WUN-v11 HF Channels can be found at http://www.stockholmradio.com GMDSS ----------For those interested in reading about GMDSS, it’s requirements and how it works I can recommend an Australian web site http://www.gmdss.com.au/ If need to know anything about the system then you are likely to find it there. Well that’s it for this month, hopefully next month there will be some input, but to be honest I am not holding my breath!! 73 Robert G4PYR ========================================================================= NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #092, February 2005 ________________________________________________________________________ Editor: Ary Boender (ary@luna.nl) NUMBERS & ODDITIES website: http://home.luna.nl/~ary ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski (csmolinkski@erols.com) http://www.spynumbers.com/numbersDB/ ________________________________________________________________________ Hi Spooksters. Welcome to the 92nd edition of Numbers & Oddities. Ron, Charlie, to answer your question; yes, the N&O column differs from the newsletter edition. The latter also includes intelligence news and a logs section. It further includes items that came in after the deadline of the WUN newsletter. You can download the extended N&O from my website. I have been down with a flu for a while and have not been very active radio wise. Hence the short column. Thanks to Simon, Al, Tomonori, Jared, Tom H, Mark, Mike, James, Walter, DARC Bandwacht, Jim, Kurt, Igor, Robin, Sam, Leif, Chris, Maciej, Peter, Attu, Klaus, Laurent, Leif for their input. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* VOICE STATIONS * ::: E03 Al found an anomaly on 15 Feb. He copied E03 transmitting continuously between 1200 and 1550 UTC, sending five transmissions of 45 minutes each. Resumed normal schedule at 1600. Lincolnshire Poacher idents, first half of February UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC ------------------------------------------------------------------1200 38762 38762 38762 38762 38762 38762 38762 1200 1300 87784 87784 87784 87784 87784 87784 87784 1300 1400 97387 90596 85973 05288 38762 05974 56557 1400 1500 56557 97387 90596 85973 05288 38762 60876 1500 1600 60876 56557 97387 90596 85973 05288 05974 1600 1700 05974 60876 56557 97387 90596 85973 38762 1700 1800 38762 05974 60876 56557 97387 90596 05288 1800 1900 05288 87784 05974 87784 56557 97387 87784 1900 Pagina 140 2000 2100 2200 87784 85973 90596 38762 05288 85973 87784 38762 05288 60876 05974 38762 WUN-v11 87784 60876 05974 56557 87784 60876 85973 90596 97387 2000 2100 2200 Second half of February. UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC ------------------------------------------------------------------1200 31290 31290 31290 31290 31290 31290 31290 1200 1300 43696 43696 43696 43696 43696 43696 43696 1300 1400 96575 36909 12436 75199 31290 02947 24933 1400 1500 24933 96575 36909 12436 75199 31290 60870 1500 1600 60870 24933 96575 36909 12436 75199 02947 1600 1700 02947 60870 24933 96575 36909 12436 31290 1700 1800 31290 02947 60870 24933 96575 36909 75199 1800 1900 75199 43696 02947 43696 24933 96575 43696 1900 2000 43696 31290 43696 60870 43696 24933 12436 2000 2100 12436 75199 31290 02947 60870 43696 36909 2100 2200 36909 12436 75199 31290 02947 60870 96575 2200 *********** ::: E04 (E03a) Cherry Ripe idents, first half of February UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC ----------------------------------------------------------2200 25547 40146 61672 09436 40146 2200 2300 40146 61672 09436 40146 47202 2300 0000 61672 09436 40146 47202 54818 0000 0100 09436 40146 47202 54818 08613 0100 1000 40146 47202 54818 08613 25547 1000 1100 47202 54818 08613 25547 40146 1100 1200 54818 08613 25547 40146 61672 1200 1300 08613 25547 40146 61672 09436 1300 *********** ::: E10 13-2 14-2 15-2 23-2 28-2 0300 0540 0645 0545 2000 6930 6930 6930 6930 5820 SYN SYN SYN SYN YHF 2Z55 2Z58 2Z59 56 1 *********** ::: G06 Laurent observed G06 on Saturday 19-02 at 2200 UTC on 4451 kHz 843 843 843 905 905 23 23 40003 40003 86311 86311 49448 72351 72351 80340 80340 81857 15976 15976 45714 45714 78543 70519 70519 69925 69925 48884 905 905 23 23 0 0 0 0 0 49448 81857 78543 48884 30198 45992 00971 67864 30198 45992 00971 67864 94968 31071 68676 19551 94968 85824 85824 31071 09373 09373 68676 96006 96006 19551 Laurent asks: "This station has a strange pronunciation for 3 numbers." "I speak a little bit German", he continues, "and I know that isn't the good pronunciation. Zwei(2) is pronounced as "zwo". Funf(5) is pronounced as "feunnuf" and Neun(9) is "neugen". It would be interesting to know in what country this pronunciation is being used." Good question. Anyone??? Pagina 141 WUN-v11 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* MORSE STATIONS * ::: MX Here is a roundup of February's beacon/markers logs. - Channel markers: L P R V - 3204.2, 4424.5 kHz 2330.8, kHz 4325.8, 5465.8 kHz 9245 kHz - Cluster beacons: C D P S C F K M - 10872, 16332, 20048 kHz 7038.7, 8494.7, 10871.7, 13528.7, 16331.7 kHz 5153.8, 7038.8, 8494.8, 10871.8, 13527.8 kHz 7038.9, 10871.9, 13527.9, 16331.9, 20047.9 kHz 7039.0 kHz 7039.2, 8495.2 kHz 7039.3, 8495.3 kHz 7039.4, 8495.4, 16332.4 kHz *********** ::: M16 Where is 8BY? The last log dates back to 14 August. Nothing heard after that date, also no other modes. Another one down the drain. Too bad! 8BY used the following frequencies: 7668, 10248, 12075, 14931, 18415 and 20946 kHz. *********** ::: M18 Copied on 3803 kHz with its usual time strings (UTC+3 hrs) *********** ::: M21 PVO was heard on 2 frequencies this month: 2219.5 kHz, id "0": =990057??0????? and 5369 kHz, id "8": =991116??8????? *********** ::: M89 V CP17 CP17 CP17 DE L9CC L9CC V MW3D MW3D MW3D DE 2SLC 2SCL V XY5V XY5V XY5V DE 4PPW 4PPW 7035, 7050, 7055, 7060, 7065 kHz 7074 kHz 4928 kHz *) *) 4PPW sent the following message: BT COMM BT 051/8520/8090/27/71/2822/007/A/27/02 AR -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0Pagina 142 WUN-v11 * VARIOUS MODES * S30 - The pip on 3756 kHz XSW - Squeaky Wheel on 3828.9 kHz *********** ::: S28 Interesting info from Jan Michalski reached me via Rimantas Pleikys. It is a picture of the Communications Hub of the General Staff, Military Unit No 44684 which houses the UVB-76 transmitter. The multi-wire dipole "VGDSh" for 4625 kHz is hanging between two 25m masts near the transmitter building in the middle part of the facility. Transmitting power in A3E mode is 10 kW. Most of the rhombics are beamed to the SW-NW sector for 1-hop coverage of W. Europe and 3-hop service to N. America. The intelligence messages are transmitted using the "Purga" communications transmitters (A3E 50 kW; SSB 80 kW). The site is located N/E of Povarovo and S/W of Lozhki, 40 km N/W of Moscow. The buzzer (audio marker signal) and the voice messages of UVB-76 ("formalized signals") are fed by phone line from the Military Commissariat of the Moscow Oblast at Kosmodamyanskaya street near the Kremlin. *********** ::: M42 8046.5 Unid Russian embassy. 0931 UTC, 5-2. Mode: OFDM+MFSK, switching between 25-tone OFDM and 32-tone/40Bd MFSK, QSX 9136.5 kHz USB 9136.5 Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 0931 UTC, 5-2. Mode: OFDM+MFSK, switching between 25-tone OFDM & 32-tone/40Bd MFSK, QSX 8046.5 USB 11076.0 Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 0922 UTC, 7-2. Mode: MFSK-32/ CROWD36. Msg on link 00132. 16121.0 Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 1231 UTC. Mode: MFSK-32/CROWD36. Msg on link 10053. *********** ::: Jammers Cuba "Cuban Gurgle" : 7067, 21258 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* UNID STATIONS * Three unids from Igor this time. ::: X3Z 15973 kHz. 0149 UTC, 11-2. Mode: CW vvv cq x3z qsa? t46 vvv cq x3z qsa? t46 vvv cq x3z qsa? t46 k *********** ::: 6704 kHz, CHINESE MIL. Pagina 143 WUN-v11 6704 kHz. 1144 UTC, 11-2. Mode: CW "This CW station is a sister of V26/V27" says Igor. ... tua 773 356 4t3 4dt 4d6 tu6 773 tu7 46d 3d4 4dt 4d6 tun 4t3 nn3 446 467 3d4 373 4t3 nn3 436 46d iii 2p = = = = 773 353 4t3 nn3 447 773 tu3 773 353 4t3 tut 773 tua 773 356 3dt 4d6 tuu 773 tu6 nn3 446 477 3d4 4dt 4t3 nn3 446 467 3d4 3un tau 773 353 4t3 4d6 ta7 773 tad 773 -d4 4dt 4d6 tu4 773 nn3 446 467 3d5 4dt --- 4t3 nn3 446 4dt <further very qrm> nn3 773 n34 4dt 3d4 446 356 t33 4d6 4dt 3d3 4t3 773 tuu 4d5 nn3 356 773 3ud 436 37u 357 tau 46d nn3 4t3 773 4d6 4dt nn3 353 tu5 4d5 4d6 3d5 446 3t3 tu7 tuu 4d5 436 4t3 773 tu6 tun 4dt 3d3 nn4 773 773 734 46d nn3 357 773 n34 4d6 4dt 435 356 357 n47 3d5 446 366 --t33 tan 4d6 466 4t3 373 3u7 4dt 467 4t3 --773 Igor continues: "the text is very interesting. A number of groups are very frequently used: ... 021 026 027 029 934 033 022 012 019 023 020 021 022 026 027 022 327 329 012 017 018 024 025 026 029 934 033 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 356 403 993 446 356 403 356 372 403 357 373 403 353 403 993 993 993 993 353 403 993 446 356 403 303 994 435 466 380 356 403 357 373 403 436 446 436 447 383 480 486 468 467 468 468 384 384 384 385 480 480 480 480 486 486 485 328 486 383 480 486 486 993 446 477 384 480 486 993 446 467 384 480 485 734 947 773 353 403 773 773 353 403 773 773 357 366 403 773 403 773" 993 436 468 385 480 486 993 446 467 -84 480 486 993 446 467 385 480 485 993 446 480 486 Comments of our analysts is most welcome. *********** ::: WSW 3675 kHz. 1258 UTC, 25-2. Mode: CW. 3 and 4FG cut numbers. li7 li7 li7 de de wsw wsw wsw vvv vvv vvv (R) msg msg nr o1 ck 873 ck ck 873 al = = 5d4 555 43t t75t d6u 5t4 aa3t ut3 a43t d36 u335 5t4 d6u 43t uttt d6u dtu 43t tdut 557 dtu aa3t d36 a5tt ut3 anut d36 u33t 5t4 65t 43t tdtt 65t 5t4 a5u5 ut3 adut d36 43t taat 5t4 65t tdu5 65t 5t4 a6ut 7u5 ad3t 544 5t4 ut55 5t4 777 43t tna5 65t 5t4 43t tntt ... The 4FGs could indicate the time. Pagina 144 WUN-v11 As always... Info/thoughts are welcome! *********** ::: YOSEMITY SAM Sam was on the air again but was busted on 17-2 by the FCC. The pirate station transmitted on 3700, 4300, 6500 and 10500 kHz. The transmitter was west of Albuquerque, New Mexico, just off the I-40. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* MILITARY STATIONS * Russian/Ukranian/CIS morse stations. Freq. QSX --------18.1 583 2044.5 2598 2654 3192 3207 3211 3217 3393 3229 3237.5 3263 3265 *) 3348 3211 3354 3364 3393 3775 3826 3863 3893 3933 3132 4079 4433 5107 5376 4872 5394 5418 4378 5488 5911 6220 6753 6936 6753 6810 7018 7044 9062 4378 5479 Remarks / callsigns -------------------------------------------------------RDL: Russian mil Bcast via Krasnodar VLF Site 1 RMP: Navy Kaliningrad clg REO CIS mil Ukranian mil: 3TDX Ukranian mil RMP: Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad Russian mil: I7OR, 7EQ9, KTB6, 2SEH, 2V7Z, WFOP, WBOM, X6XG, E3BW, GJZH, THPU, G31H, WNZ1, ZAQX, AOYS, PWEJ, N4WC, YNOM, 4NZ7, N4WC, BVVK, 9NTQ, 5XYD, 6STO, H1IC Ukranian mil: 7PN1, D5AN, AVT2, YZBA, NZ3Y Russian mil: 7O5S, FQSM, PCSK, 9QW8, BR5L FQSM Russian mil: IQ7I, XD9N, MZPS, MKPT, KFP8 CIS mil: 3ZYZ, SSOO, D1S4 Russian mil: S7LM, W1ZE Unid. Q7JN transmitting from 25-35 and 55-05 minutes each Ukranian mil: PCZC, OLW5, BIJJ, ATI2, VZSD, TNA1, YWJF, GR4C, DF8L, PSI9, YI1K, B3P3, CQKF, B9FD, 5Z1A, ALIR, IXAR, 8MWL, AWAW, HXAD, // 3863 kHz Russian mil: APL8, IK3Z, AEMP, 3A4A, YXVM Cis mil: QHAO, WT8J, XQY5, PABA, F4E1, CIS mil: W7QA, T9GO Ukranian mil: 2OMU, W94V, KWZ1, JBYM, Z8OR, 6DIW, YAWZ, CMBY, 6MB5, YZ6M, NAQJ, Ukranian mil: ETX1, 2WQA, WBNG, VVXE, KOYG, YAM8, 4MH5, IIZ3, VVXE, OF3R, HOKQ, TVX7, NFWF, E2TO, 2GJ7, 1ELE, OPTL, SGHP, 3CZC, 5OD1 Ukranian mil: DXWQ, FJD4, 5WYQ, P8YR, 2FHX, AUGQ, FVE5 Ukranian mil: 9D7A, OJXF, 3Z3A, PPDP, QN5S, 4PNT, DJFF, Russian 'RFF' Net. RFFO, RFFM, RFFN, RFFh, RFFP, RFFR, RFFO (h = ----) RMP: Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad Russian mil: DRQ3, KZFE, 6H2R Russian mil: NCYP, Russian mil: LVAS, GBJN, C2OT, Z39U, QBL3, QCYZ, LTFI, DXKY, XDED, SRST, Q9AT, PWLZ CIS mil: BFWE Russian mil: BKOB, EM4E, BOKO, NCYP, ZSEL, GSDJ, 9WIT, EM4Z, XO4U, NDME Russian mil: HBIB, Q1NB, N4T1, KAC3 CIS mil: O45O, 1ZLR, T94Q, n5Q1 Russian mil: LNXH, JH1M, 5Y2I, WLYJ, NN9Z, CDQL, E2AB, WNMW, 5PPT, G8JG, YZS3, WRBI, QKLZ, A7TG, GJVD Russian 'RFF' Net NCS. RFFP, RFFU?, RFFO, RFFM CIS navy: RFH82 clg RCV RFFN unid mil station calling RFFM Unid CIS station? DE JCD3 QRE K. DE JCD3 RPT K. DE JCD3 / msg with 5FG REA4: Russian Air Force, Moscow REA4: Russian Air Force, Moscow CIS mil: PULI, FBMJ Pagina 145 10735 11418 12152 WUN-v11 REA4: Air Force Moscow RMP: Kaliningrad navy. Msg to RKW95 Russian mil: DKWC, AMX1, MEGG *) 3265 kHz, c/s Q7JN sends on 21-2 at 1537 UTC "2 1 2" (hand keyed) with a 15 to 20 second delay between each number then sent Q7JN seven times. It then resumed its normal "beacon" schedule. Checking 03/14/04 05/01/04 05/31/04 09/27/04 10/07/04 12/02/04 12/22/04 02/01/05 my log for similar entries: 3699 kHz VTI8 26-36 and 56-06 3698 kHz SFO3 07-17 and 37-47 3698 kHz IGAE 10-20 and 40-50 3700 kHz UXUO 25-35 and 55-05 3700 kHz NELC 10-20 and 40-50 3420 kHz U34D 25-35 and 55-05 3517 kHz NELC 10-20 and 40-50 3205 kHz L6YC 10-20 and 40-50 min min min min min min min min Previous frequencies used by this "beacon" are checked for any activity on a daily basis. So far nothing. (info: Attu Bosch) -0-0-0-0-CONET-0-0-0-0========================================================================= THE WUN QSL CENTER Deadlines: 15th of each month John (J.D.) Stephens P.O. Box 11522 Huntsville, AL 35814-1522, U.S.A. E-Mail: jds1 "at" bellsouth .net ===================================================================== Shortest column ever this month. PLEASE report your QSLs to us for publication. Sincere thanks to Thomas and Ivan (this month's contributors). Without you, there would be no column this month. That said, here we go ... ===================================================================== BEACONS: AIRCRAFT: "O" - Rovaniemi, Finland. 399 f/d QSL ltr w/ very nice rubber stamp picturing Santa Claus that says "Rovaniemi - The Official Airport of Santa Claus", plus a postcard of Santa's reindeer. V/s: Markku Rautio. Address: Ilmailulaitos Luftfartsverket, Civil Aviation Administration, Rovaniemen Airport, PL 8182, 96101 Roveniemi, Finland. (TR) China Airlines - 17919 PFC and ltr in 45 ds. V/s:Albert Yang General Manager. Address: 131, Nanking East Road, Sec. 3, Taipei 104, Taiwan. (ID) Federal Express. 17934 ltr in 29 ds. V/s: Todd E. Taylor – Senior Attorney. Address: 3620 Hacks Cross Road, Building B, 3rd Floor, Memphis, TN 38125, U.S.A. (ID) ======================================================================= A big WUN welcome to first time contributor Ivan Dias. Ivan - a DX Clube do Brasil member - says that he is beginning to pursue QSLs for HFDL & ACARS comms from the likes of Royal Dutch Airlines, American Airlines, Continental Airlines and others. Please report your results to us here, Ivan. Pagina 146 WUN-v11 Abbreviations used: f/d = Full data p/d = partial data n/d = no data cd = QSL card ltr = ltr V/s: = Verification Signer ds = ds wks = weeks ms = mint stamps f/up = follow up SASE = Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope PFC/ppc = Prepared Form Card This month's contributors: Ivan Dias - Sorocaba, Brazil (ID) Thomas M. Roesner - Germany (TR) 73 de JDS. ========================================================================= ########## UTILITY ROUND-UP ########## Editor: Ary Boender e-mail: ary@luna.nl Nickname on #WUNclub and #monitor: Ary-B ::: AFRICAN REPORT 7005 Christian missions in Tanzania. Idents: Dodoma, Mbesa, Dar es Salaam, Mtwara, Tunduru, Masasi, Njoka, Songea, Semanga, Nachingwea. Languages on the net: KiSwahili, German, English. 7018 Possible transport/bus company in Tanzania. See 7023 kHz. 7023 Possible transport/bus company in Tanzania. Idents are place names like Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Morogoro, Nyanza, Songea, Kilosa? Mpwapwa? Iringa, Babati, Lindi, Kartar Singh, Jita Singh. Operates late into the evenings, usual skeds 0700, 1200 and 1900 local time. 7045 Tanzania Electricity Supply Co. Usually quite an active network. 7050 Unid NGO in Rwanda, Uganda and possibly also in Ethiopia and Mozambique. Idents: A, AA, BB, J, K, D, DG, Kigali, GA, W, WA, 42, 54, 4A, 72,691,134, 128, PW, Bukavu. Languages heard: French, English, Italian. 7055 Unid NGO in Zaire with phone patches. Idents: MA, A, B, G, Banana, R, LW, F, EL. Languages heard: French, KiSwahili, Italian. 7061 Unid Somali net. Stations calling Nairobi: Lugh, Kismayu, Burao, Bardera, Wari, Bulla, Hawa, Baidoa. 7070 Unid net in Somalia and Eritrea. Idents: Asmara, Afmadu, Dobleh, Baidoa, Merere, Garoe, Burhane, Mogadishu, Kismayu, Beletwein. (Source: IARUMS) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0::: KWL38 Chris from Alaska reports a National Weather Service station from Kodiak Alaska, c/s KWL38 on 4125 kHz. Chris says: "The station collects observed maritime weather conditions daily from various vessels in the pacific northwest. However, encrypted traffic is being passed between both KWL38 and certain vessels. Today at 17:35 UTC two groups of mixed letter/number messages were exchanged between KWL38 and vessel Gail Wind. Its also noted that when KWL38 is passing this type of encrypted radio traffic, they switch radio operators. After which the weather watch radio operator returns." Pagina 147 WUN-v11 Thanks for the note, Chris. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0::: BEACONS Our friends at DARC's Bandwacht report a number of drift net beacons: 28016 28126 28191 28201 28212 28221 28256 28301 U MA HI AA V V RU MK 28057 28166 28200 28201 28212 28236 28271 Y U N AA HI MA J 28091 28181 28200 28201 28216 28237 28281 MA V N AA AML MD MA 28102 28181 28200 28210 28218 28256 28291 AF AA AA AA RU NM MA -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0::: AERO STATIONS Australian aviation news. I received two notes about the Australian aero info that I included in this column. The first one comes from Allen Fountain (Utility Editor of Australian DX News). "As noted in Ary's Utility Round Up section (WUN NEWS Vol 11. Issue 1) with information sourced from Ian Julian this system is now operational with voice transmissions as well as the more usual digital modes. This system serves all three arms of the ADF so the frequency information which has appeared in Larry's section in WUN NEWS regarding the RAAF and the RAN, as far as General Purpose Networks etc are concerned, is no longer current. Of interest are the higher frequency allocations, the RAN used to be often heard on the 17 MHz band but the RAAF was rarely heard using frequencies higher than the 15 MHz OR band. Also note that none of the voice frequencies, so far made known, fall within recognized aero bands. The Bureau of Meteorology FAX stations using 18 & 20 MHz band frequencies provide good signals over their coverage areas during the daytime so it is not surprising to find HFCS stations using higher frequencies. Call signs for these stations are VHK for the Riverina node located near Wagga Wagga NSW, VHM for the northern node located at Humpty Doo near Darwin. N.T., VHU for the western node near Exmouth W.A., AXH for the northeastern node near Townsville QLD. This was the call sign for RAAF Townsville, the new facility is located in the same area. Transmit power is listed as 10 Kilowatts. Frequencies monitored with voice traffic (USB) so far at this QTH 9340, 10212, 12172 & 20632 kHz." Thanks for the info Allen. "Hi Ary" writes Bert Paull, "In an attempt to clarify some information stated in your column of the January WUN issue, attributed to Allen Fountain and Ian Julian, to the best of my knowledge the following transmissions apply with Australian Aviation: FLIGHTWATCH: This is the name given to an on-request Flight Information Service (FIS) provided for all pilots. It operates on HF and VHF freqs, and carries weather alerts, requests for information, etc. The HF freqs are as listed in WUN January 2005, all are Air/Gnd/Air frequencies. The HF frequencies, using USB, are divided into RDARA areas, and are mainly used when aircraft are out of range of VHF stations. VHF Flightwatch stations, using AM, are scatted across Australia, mainly along the coastal areas. All HF and VHF frequencies are controlled, mainly via satellite links, from Brisbane. See my report in the WUN March 2003 issue. Pagina 148 WUN-v11 VOLMET: Although the transmitters have been relocated from West of Sydney, to Ningi just North of Brisbane, the frequencies remain as previously listed, namely 6676khz, and 11387khz, transmitting on the hour and half-hour. For many years, even when VOLMET was transmitting from the Sydney site, the information was still being generated from either Melbourne or Brisbane, and relayed to the transmitter via satellite. If the need arose, VOLMET transmissions could always be sent via satellite to other sites within Australia, for almost simultaneous HF re-transmission. ADF-HFCS (VCN): The frequencies in your January list seem to replace those carried in Larry Van Horn's "Australia/New Zealand, RAAF/RNZAF, GPN Frequencies" list, which have not been heard recently. The noticeable difference is that the VCN net is now more combined Military Forces, rather than mainly Air Force. At least some transmitter sites have apparently changed location, e.g. Sydney and Perth are missing, and Exmouth is new. Regarding the site listed as Riverina, the name Riverina actually describes a district of fairly large area. The co-ordinates given for this site, place its location approx. 50km South-West of the Town of Narrandera in Southern New South Wales. In-the-clear voice has been heard on all VCN H24 channels, in USB mode, as well as what they call "Cipher". Cipher is apparently digital in form. It commences with a 300mS burst of 4 tones on 678hz centers, followed by a 1100mS burst of 16 tone bands on 100hz centers, followed by data with a bandwidth of 2200hz. It sounds similar to a HFDL signal, but the Audio Analyzer pattern indicates it is not that mode. In-the-clear voice on my receiver (NRD-535), although quite readable, has a slightly distorted sound, as if the modulation has been somehow companded. i.e. Selectively compressed in transmission, but to be similarly expanded with reception (hence Com-pan-ded). INTERNATIONAL HF: MWARA frequencies, INO-1, SEA-3, and SP-6, apply in their respective areas. There are several transmitter/receiver sites in Australia covering these frequencies, but all are controlled from Brisbane, mainly via satellite. Many long-haul flights have disappeared from HF, mainly on Trans Pacific, but also on Trans-Australia towards Singapore routes. These are now using "Datalink" (CPDLC) for automatic transmission of position reports, etc, via satellite. Brisbane (YBBB) is Australia's participating station for such transmissions. Only one airline, Lufthansa on their South Pacific flights, has been heard using HFDL in this area, but there could be others. Most International flights use ACARS, but local Australian flights are more dependent upon aircraft type, rather than airline, for their small amount of ACARS use. Airlines previously using their own HF transmitters, e.g. QANTAS, and some smaller Australian airlines, seem to have dispensed with these networks, relying now on commercial LDOC channels, or 'phone companies. Use of in-house HF Airline frequencies in this area appears confined to PNG, where some are still active. GENERAL INFORMATION: Most Australian Air/Gnd/Air communications are carried on VHF, with only Military aircraft using UHF. Only two locations currently control all traffic in Australian Airspace, and they do this via satellite, utilizing a system known as "The Aviation Satellite Communications System" (TASCS). Australian Airspace is divided roughly into two sections by a line connecting Port Hedland in West Australia, to a radius North around Alice Springs for 180 degrees, then following roughly along Queensland's Southern borders to a point North of Bourke (in New South Wales), and Pagina 149 WUN-v11 from here almost straight to Sydney. Flights North of this line are controlled from Brisbane, while Melbourne controls those to the South. "Airservices Australia" is the controlling body for Australia, and their website is http://www.airservicesaustralia.com.au. Some information concerning the above maybe verified there, but comprehensive information sheets are also available. They cover mainly aerodrome information, but also include frequencies in use on LF (NDBs), BCB (All stations in Aus), HF (Aviation and Radio Australia), and VHF/UHF (Aviation only), plus Aerodrome ID codes, and Waypoint co-ordinates. These sheets are bundled together and called: "En route Supplement - Australia" (ERSA). Re-issued every 3-4 months, this publication maybe purchased direct from Airservices Australia." Thanks for the explanation and info, Bert. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0The following item comes from the folks at Monteria LLC. One of them writes: "Here is a list of intercept I got today on 11354.0 kHz USB. It makes for some interesting reading, but nothing too exciting going on. It is interesting to see the comms flow and the way they pass their flight status reports. Also, notice the use toward the end of the 5-letter international flight route reference point BIKUN by 75905; this is the first time I recall seeing this. Also, notice 75905's fuel remainders drop dramatically towards the end... he was likely loitering in "Zone 5" for awhile, thus the long fuel remainder, then as he started heading home, his fuel remainder drops quickly." 0101 KARKAS de 75905 "At time 0046, arrived in zone 5, altitude 7500 meters" 0103 KARKAS de MONOLOG "I also copied the radiogram from 75905" 0109 MONOLOG de 47037 "At time 0109 I passed over (unid location), altitude 5000 meters, fuel remainder 3800" 0113 25614 de IZLYUCHATEL Calls only 0114 MONOLOG de 25614 "At time 0113, passed over Cape (unid), altitude 7200 meters, fuel remainder 3600" 0153 IZLYUCHATEL' de 47037 "At time 0150, passed over (unid location), altitude 5000 meters, fuel remainder 3500" 0210 MONOLOG de 75905 "I am continuing to work in zone 5, altitude 9500, fuel remainder 9 hours, 20 minutes." 0223 MONOLOG de 47037 "At time 0222, I landed at Knevichi Airfield, fuel remainder 3200" 0231 26614 de MONOLOG "Understood, at time 0230 you have received permission to land at Nikdut". 0322 Unid (sounds like MONOLOG) Tuning counts 1-10 and 1-5 0329 MONOLOG de 75905 de MONOLOG "At time 0333 passed (unid location), altitude 8000 meters, fuel remainder 7 hours. Estimated time of arrival at point Pagina 150 WUN-v11 BIKUN (5152.5N 14403.2E) is 0426" 0429 MONOLOG de 75905 "At time 0426 passed BIKUN (5152.5N 14403.2E), altitude 8600, fuel remainder now 5 flight hours" 0430 IZLYUCHATEL' de MONOLOG "Radiogramma from 75905: At time 0426, passed point BIKUN, altitude 8600, fuel remainder 5 flight hours." 0515 MONOLOG de 75905 "At time 0515 passed point (unid location), altitude 8600 meters, fuel remainder 4 hours, 10 minutes." 0616 MONOLOG de 75905 "At time 0615 passed Roshchino, altitude 8600 meters, fuel remainder is 3 hours, 10 minutes of flight." 0618 MONOLOG de 75905 "ETA for landing at Knevichi is 0705." 0703 MONOLOG de 75905 "At time 0703, we landed at Knevichi Airfield" 0705 IZLYUCHATEL' de MONOLOG "I am repeating the radiogram from 75905: At time 0703 he landed at Knevichi." 25614 47037 75905 IZLYUCHATEL' KARKAS: MONOLOG: Russian Naval Aircraft Russian Naval Aircraft Russian Naval Aircraft Unid Russian Naval Air Ground Station Unid Russian Naval Air Ground Station Russian Naval Air Vladivostok -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- ::: SPACE COMMUNICATIONS This month's satellite logs. MHz Satellite Remarks -------------------------------------------------136.5000 Nimbus 4 Doppler beacon 136.6500 Transit 5B5 Data 136.7700 Tiros-N CW carrier 137.3500 NOAA 16 Doppler beacon 137.4100 S69-4 Doppler beacon 137.5000 NOAA 12 APT 137.6200 NOAA 17 APT 149.9100 Cosmos 2398 RTTY 149.9400 Cosmos 2378 RTTY 149.9700 Cosmos 2407 RTTY 149.9700 Cosmos 2414 RTTY 149.9850 Oscar 23 Data 149.9850 Oscar 25 Data 149.9850 Oscar 31 Data 149.9850 Oscar 32 Data 150.0120 Radcal Doppler 150.0300 Cosmos 2361 RTTY 264.9000 Gonets D1-2 Data bursts 400.4500 Akebono Doppler beacon 436.8370 CUTE-1 CW Telemetry 437.0250 PACSAT AO-16 CW Carrier The S69-4 is an USAF test satellite launched in 1969 that still transmits a carrier. Other oldies that are still working in one way or the other are Nimbus 4, Tiros-N, Transit 5B5 and the Gonets D1-2. Pagina 151 WUN-v11 ORBCOMM satellites: All commissioned Orbcomm satellites have been reported this month on 137.2000, 137.2250, 137.2500, 137.4400, 137.4600, 137.6625, 137.6875, 137.710, 137.7175, 137.7375 and 137.8000 MHz. Note that the frequency assignments can change per pass. The Orbcomm doppler beacons transmit on 400.1 MHz. ISS RS0ISS packet system remains problematic. ISS Ham Project Engineer Kenneth Ransom. N5VHO. at Johnson Space Center reports that the packet BBS portion (RS0ISS-11) aboard the International Space Station remains non-operational. Efforts to restore the BBS capability have been unsuccessful. "At this point it is unknown if this is a temporary or permanent state." Ransom said. adding that Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) hopes the feature can be restored in the future. Meanwhile. the ARISS digipeater is working but exhibits difficulties in relaying data. "The digipeater appears to be listening for long periods of time and then transmitting all of the buffered information at once." Ransom explained. "This duration of this issue seems to vary depending on your location." Source: American Radio Relay League newsletter. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0========================================================================= WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== Feb 2005 ============= Edited by Eddie Bellerby (eddiebellerby@tiscali.co.uk) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:Jim Dunnett mail@sideband.fsnet.co.uk Bob Yellen byellen250@charter.net Steve J. Walker stevew@bucks.net Total logs ========== Jan - 1785 individual logs Feb - 1607 " ============================================================== 00018.1 RDL: Russian Military StratCom Bcast 1238 36-50/50/65 One T600 message. Weak. Probably via Krasnodar site. (08Feb05) (RGA) 00018.1 RDL: Russian Military via Krasnodar VLF Site 1228 36-50/50/65 One T600 message. (18Feb05) (RGA) 00022.5 unid: 0911 continuous sound/ spectro like cw ?? any idea ?? 20feb05 (ML) 00051.9 : RN Bcast via Crimond VLF Site Scotland 1015 UNID/42.6/50 Synchronous. Enciphered. 350/170° from SW England. Freq logged by Michel. //81 kHz. (13Feb05) (RGA) 00051.9 GYA: RN London Prob via Crimond 1208 UNID/50/80 Reportedly sending RTTY tests addressed to NAWS earlier today. Tks Bill. //81.0 (18Feb05) (RGA) 00052.0 unid: 1525 ita2/50b?? Feb12 05 ML 00082.8 MKL: JMHQ Northwood via Crimond LF Site 1724 NATO-75/75/70 Block messages in KG84. (21Jan05) (RGA) 00297.5 #682: point lynas wls 0615 DGPS 100 only heard Feb13 05 ML 00299.0 #460: gatteville fra 0620 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00299.5 #688: north foreland eng 0620 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML Pagina 152 WUN-v11 00301.0 #426: ijmuiden phare hol 0622 DGPS 200 id Feb13 05 ML 00306.0 #681: lizard lt eng 0629 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00307.0 #530: ristna lt est 1554 DGPS 100 only heard Feb12 05ML 00307.5 #680: st catherine pt lt eng 0631 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00310.0 #466: cap ferret fra 0632 DGPS 100 only heard Feb13 05 ML 00311.5 #480: cabo corveiro lt por 0633 DGPS 100 only heard Feb13 05 ML 00312.0 #640: oostende bel 0636 DGPS 200 only heard ?? Feb13 05 ML 00312.5 #425: hoek van holland 0638 DGPS 200 id Feb13 05 ML 00440 44 DI2AG: Experimental Station, D 0300 CW QRSS10 (Dot = 10seconds) and normal speed ID, OPing with 2 watts from QTH locator JN59NO, OPing by amateur radio OP "DJ2LF". (10/Jan/2005) (DL8AAM) 00518 5BA: CyprusRadio CYP 0200 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 9AS: SplitRadio HRV 0240 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 9AS: SplitRadio HRV 2240 NAVTEX. (18Jan05) (WC) 00518 EAV: Cabo de la Nao 2350 NAVTEX. (31Jan05) (WC) 00518 EAV: Cabo de la Nao Spain (X) 2350 NAVTEX MIBs for Spanish waters. (10Feb05) (RGA) 00518 FRL: CROSS La Garde 0341 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 GNI: NitonRadio UK 0041 NAVTEX. (01Feb05) (WC) 00518 IAR: RomaRadio ITA 2250 NAVTEX. (18Jan05) (WC) 00518 IDC: CagliariRadio 2311 NAVTEX. (31Jan05) (WC) 00518 IQA: AugustaRadio ITA 2331 NAVTEX. (18Jan05) (WC) 00518 IQX: TriesteRadio ITA 2320 NAVTEX. (18Jan05) (WC) 00518 OST: OostendeRadio BEL 0311 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 SAA: KarlskronaRadio SWE 0130 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 SUH: AlexandriaRadio EGY 0211 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 SVH: IrakleioRadio GRC 0110 NAVTEX. (01Feb05) (WC) 00518 TAH: IstanbulRadio 0431 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 TAH: IstanbulRadio TUR 0031 NAVTEX. (19Jan05) (WC) 00518 TAL: AntalyaRadio TUR 0050 NAVTEX. (01Feb05) (WC) 00518 TAN: IzmirRadio TUR 0120 NAVTEX. (01Feb05) (WC) 00518.0 4XO: Haifa Radio NAVTEX 1921 (19Jan05) (MAL) 00518.0 NMA: 0502 0447 NMA USA FEC - AA12 CCGD7 BNM 0316-05 1. FL-ALAFIA NIVER RFL (LLNR 232405 EXTNG. 2feb05 (CSn) 00518.0 NMA: 0502 0429 NMA USA FEC - AJ82 ALABAMA COAST-MOBILE POINT DGPS (CSn) 00518.0 NMA: 0502 0435 NMA USA FEC - AA36 CG SECTOR_SAN JUAN PR B_M 033-05 2feb05(CSn) 00518.0 SVH: 0402 2120 SVH GRE FEC - ( Iraklion )H__ IRAKLEIO RADIO NAVWARN 0031/05 (CSn) 00518.0 SVK: 0126 0557 SVK GRE FEC - Corfu -KA32 KERKYRA RADIO NAVWARN 0012/05 (CSn) 00518.0 SVL: 0126 2200 SVL GRE FEC - Lemnos- LA20 LIMNOS RADIO NAVWARN 0020/05_(CSn) 00518.0 SVL: 0402 2202 SVL GRE FEC - (Lemnos) LA18 LIMNOS RADIO NAVWARN 001 2feb05(CSn) 00518.0 TAF: 0502 0051 TAF GRE FEC - EB40 SAMSON TURK RADIO GALE WARNING 2feb05(CSn) 00518.0 TAH: 0402 1820 TAH TUR FEC - MA40 ISTANBUL BOGAZI: 41 07 42 KUZEY, 29 05 48 DOGU 4feb05(CSn) 00518.0 TAN: 0502 0131 TAN TUR FEC - IB76 IZMIR TURK RADIO GALE WARNING (CSn) 00518.0 TAl: 0502 0151 TAL TUR FEC - FA34 ANTALYA TURKTRADIO NAVTEX N/W NR: 56/05 02feb05(CSn) 00518.0 TFA: 0128 0721 TFA ICE FEC -Reykjavik- RE87 WARNING: A STORM/STRONG GALE WARNING (MORE THAN 20 M/S) (CSn) 00518.0 UJB: 0125 2357 UJB RUS FEC -Astrakhan- WA65 COASTALWARNING ASTRAKHAN 178 (CSn) 00518.0 UJB: 0127 0440 UJB RUS FEC - Astrakhan- WB97 MAKHACHKALA A WEATHER 27.01.05 (CSn) 00526.3 unid: 1956 dgps sounding mode?? any idea Feb08 05 (ML) Pagina 153 00583 01641.0 01677.0 01680.0 01704.0 01734.0 01743.0 01852.0 01876.0 01881.5 01925.0 02044.5 02055.5 02182.0 02182.0 02182.0 02182.0 02182.0 02182.0 02185.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 WUN-v11 RMP: Navy Kaliningrad 1706 CW Wx(?) after "reo de rmp". 1702 to 1706 weak CW in BC QRM; might be RMP as well (31Jan05) (KB) OXJ: Thorshavn Radio, Faroe Islands 0635 short announcement "we listen on 20663 USB 16/02 (PP1) EAS: cabo pena 0716 USB span naws Feb05 05 ML LGL: Floroe Radio Norway 0645 bulletin USB 16/02 (PP1) OXZ: Lyngby R 2041z also on 1734 / 1758 khz 18/02 (PP1) OXZ: lyngby r 1817 USB ee naws Feb13 05 ML unid: 0112 English (Irish accent) wx bulletin by YL , might be Bodoe,not too sure USB 06/02 (PP1) IPP: Palermo R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) IQN: Lampedusa R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) unid: - navaid?? 0529 unid mode 100bds? similar on 1894 same waterfall profile Feb06 05 ML IPL: Livorno R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) : CIS Military 2120 CW Msg to unid: 683 80 4 2230 683 = FFFFF BJIEL CPGäP ... EEKKK NNNEE ERRRO OOUAU PRPUO RPT AL K. DTG is ambiguous (apparently UTC+1). (04Feb05) (RGA) : CIS Military 2100 CW Ends 330-group 5LG msg ... REyKC AZWWA. Nothing further. (18Feb05) (RGA) Unid: ww security ch /cabo pena 0706 USB span/ee Jan22 05 ML cross corsen: 0707 USB ff because of strike minimum wx bulletin Jan2105ML Labrador CG: 0620z announce QSY 2598 khz 19/02 (PP1) St John's CG Canada: 0600z (APPROX) announce QSY 2598 khz 19/02 (PP1) palma r: 0732 USB ee Jan16 05 ML ww safety: / palermo 0529 USB ital d/x Feb09 05 ML OJKT: Finnish Ship Jurmo 2001 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. OXZ BQs. (06Feb05) (RGA) : CROSS Corsen FRA 2135 GMDSS BQs safety test to Liberian-flagged vessel Kapitan Stankov/ELPH2. (20Jan05) (RGA) : MRCC Falmouth Cornwall 1903 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice MIB/Wx on 2182 kHz. MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas does likewise at 1904. (16Feb05) (RGA) : MRCC Finisterre SPA 2218 GMDSS Sends itself a safety test. No frequency given. OXZ does likewise at 2229. (23Jan05) (RGA) : MRCC Tenerife 1904 GMDSS All ships call for voice MIB on 2182 kHz. (02Feb05) (RGA) : MRCC Valencia/Almeria SPA 1959 GMDSS RQs unknown shore facility (MMSI 002371012) for apparent duplex telephone call on 2799/2134 kHz. Later gets it right with MMSI 002371000/OlympiaRadio/SVO. (26Jan05) (RGA) : MRCC Valencia/Almeria SPA 2133 GMDSS BQs MRCC Piraeus/SVO for duplex telephone call on 2799/2134 kHz. Wierd! Then CQs all ships for voice Wx/MIB bcast on 2182 kHz. (20Jan05) (RGA) : MRCC Valencia/Almeria Spain 1950 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice MIB/Wx on 2182 Khz. (16Feb05) (RGA) : MRSC Coruña SPA 2100 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice MIB/Wx bcast on 2182 kHz. (20Jan05) (RGA) C6PX5: Bahamas-flagged Vessel Havila Sea 2114 GMDSS RQs British ship Viking Crusader/MNUY2 for simplex telephone conversation on 2409 kHz. (11Feb05) (RGA) C6TX: Bahamas-flagged Vessel Baltic Sea 1930 GMDSS RQs Albemarle Island/C6LU3 for simplex telephone call on 8240 kHz. SPS: WitowoRadio Poland 1934 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice MMSI bcast on 2720 kHz. (06Feb05) (RGA) EASG: Spanish Ship OPDR Cartagena 2114 GMDSS RQs MRSC Finisterre/Coruña for safety test. MRSC BQs. (11Feb05) (RGA) EI6007: Irish Fishing Vessel Golden Feather 1942 GMDSS RQs IFV Atlantic Fisher for possible swearing competition on 6297 kHz. Regulars. (16Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 154 WUN-v11 02187.5 EI6227: Irish Fishing Vessel Aine Christina 2009 GMDSS RQs unknown Irish vessel (MMSI 250108400) for apparent duplex telephone conversation on 8124.7/8412.3. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 EI6277: Irish Fishing Vessel Atlantic Fisher 1956 GMDSS RQs IFV Golden Feather/EI6008 for apparent duplex conversation on 3020/2030 kHz. Regulars. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 EIGB: Irish Ship Celtic Explorer 2022 GMDSS RQs MRSC Valentia/EJK for safety test. Valentia BQs. (16Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 ELLC9: Liberian-flagged Vessel Nordic Apollo 1937 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio DNK/OXZ for safety test. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 ELWF5: Liberian-flagged Vessel Arcturus 1908 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety test. OXZ BQs. (16Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 ELYC8: Liberian-flagged Vessel Navigator Venus 1956 GMDSS RQs British ship British Endurance for safety test. Unusual. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 GCJK: British Ship Grampian Falcon 2013 GMDSS RQs MRCC Aberdeen Scotland for safety test. Aberdeen BQs. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 GCJK: British Ship Grampian Falcon 2234 GMDSS RQs sister ship Grampian Dee/MMRW7 for simplex telephone call on 2306 kHz. (23Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 GDNP: SHIP GRAMPIAN PIONEER 2021 DSC 100/E/170 232838000. Clng Grampian Frontier/MWQB7/234487000 rq RT on 3400kHz (06/Feb)(DW) 02187.5 H8DY: Silver Sapphire Inc 2006 GMDSS RQs MRCC Stavanger via BergenRadio/LGN for safety test. Stavanger BQs. (02Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 H8PA: Panamanian-flagged Vessel MSC Stella I 1959 GMDSS RQs Panamanian-flagged vessel Socrates I/3FYY5 for simplex telephone call on 4120 kHz. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 J8B3041: St Vincent Vessel Miktat-N 2010 GMDSS RQs MRCC Falmouth Cornwall for safety test. MRCC BQs. (20Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 LAXN5: Norwegian Ship Hual Transit 2044 GMDSS RQs MRCC Valencia/Almeria Spain for safety test. MRCC BQs. (16Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 LFI: RogalandRadio NOR 2056 GMDSS CQs geographical call for area 55-59N 0-7E for MIB/Wx bcast giving freqs 1785 kHz Rx 2129 kHz-Tx. (20Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 LFI: RogalandRadio NOR 2117 GMDSS CQ geographical area 55-59N/000-007E for voice safety message. Frequ 1785 and 2129 kHz given. (23Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 LHDO: Norwegian Ship Lafjord 2121 GMDSS RQs RogalandRadio/LFI for safety test. LFI BQs. RQs again at 2136 without obvious result. (23Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 MKCH7: British Ship Grampian Monarch 2050 GMDSS RQs RogalandRadio NOR for safety test. (20Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 MLHC2: British Ship Aberdonian 2117 GMDSS RQs Dea Ranger/MWJZ5 for telephone conversation on 2024.6 kHz. (11Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 MPML7: British Ship Viking Piper 2150 GMDSS Calls LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (23Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 MWQB7: British Ship Grampian Frontier 2013 GMDSS RQs sister ship Grampian Pioneer/ GDNP for simplex telephone conversation on 3979 kHz. Regulars. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 OITR: Finnish Ship Tervi 1938 GMDSS RQs RogalandRadio NOR/LFI for safety test. LFI BQs. (26Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 OUHU2: Danish Ship Torm Mary 2036 GMDSS RQs sister ship Torm Gertrud/OUNL2 for ships' business telephone call on 8202.4 kHz. (16Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 OXZ: LyngbyRadio DNK 2132 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice safety bcast on 1734 and 2078 kHz. WitowoRadio Poland/SPS does likewise for 2720 kHz. (23Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 PBK: JRCC Den Helder 2053 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice MIB/Wx bcast on 3673 kHz. (20Jan05) (RGA) 02187.5 PBK: Netherlands CG Radio 2131 GMDSS CQ call for voice MIB/Wx on 2182 kHz. (11Feb05) (RGA) 02187.5 SAB: GöteborgRadio SWE 1932 GMDSS CQs all ships for Pagina 155 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02219.5 02219.5 02226.0 02239.0 02250 02278 02330.8 02512.0 02512.0 02531 WUN-v11 MIB voice bcast on 2182 kHz. (20Jan05) (RGA) SVO: OlympiaRadio Greece 2029 GMDSS CQs selective geographical CQ for area 29 to 39N/ 20 to 40E for safety bcast on 2799/2134 kHz followed by same for 33 to 43N/22 to 42E (02Feb05) (RGA) SXHS: Greek Vessel Anna L.K. 2125 GMDSS RQs JRCC Piraeus via SVO/OlympiaRadio for safety test. (23Jan05) (RGA) SYVO: Greek Vessel Metaxiata 2020 GMDSS RQs JRCC Den Helder/PBK for safety test. (20Jan05) (RGA) TAH: IstanbulRadio Turkey 2018 GMDSS Sends selfaddressed msg without telecommand. (02Feb05) (RGA) TFA: Finnish Coastal/Oceanic MRCC 2007 GMDSS issues geographical selcal for area bounded by 65 to 68N/12 to 20E giving USB freq 1761 kHz. Possibly preliminary call for gale warning? As does JRCC Piraeus for area 29 to 39N/20 to 40E. (06Feb05) (RGA) TFA: MRCC Coastal/Oceanic Iceland 2004 GMDSS All ships CQ for voice bcast on 2182 kHz. (02Feb05) (RGA) TFA: MRCC Coastal/Oceanic Reykjavik 2006 GMDSS CQs all ships for voice safety bcast on 2182 kHz. (16Feb05) (RGA) UAVH: Russian Ship Victor Mironov 1910 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (06Feb05) (RGA) UCJI: Russian Ship Kandalaksha 2133 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. Lyngby BQs. (23Jan05) (RGA) UCUJ: Russian Ship Verkhovina 2009 GMDSS RQs Russian ship Dovsk/UAVJ for simplex telephone call on 2045 kHz. (26Jan05) (RGA) UFN: NovorossiyskRadio RUS 2141 GMDSS Calls itself for safety test. MRCC Bilbao/EAS does likewise but gives frequency 2182 kHz. (!) (23Jan05) (RGA) V7DW4: Marshall Is Ship George H. Galloway 1942 GMDSS RQs Panamanian ship Beatrice I/ H3VZ for simplex telephone call on 4180 kHz. (06Feb05) (RGA) VQBR7: British Ship Anvil Point 2226 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test.OXZ BQs. (23Jan05) (RGA) VQCV3: British Ship Gas Pioneer 1920 GMDSS RQs MRSC Milford Haven Wales for safety test. (06Feb05) (RGA) VQPX7: British Vessel Whitchampion 2020 GMDSS RQs MRCC Falmouth Cornwall for safety test. (26Jan05) (RGA) VRYT8: PRC Ship Great Concorde 2019 GMDSS RQs MRCC Clyde Scotland for safety test. (02Feb05) (RGA) VSPW9: British Ship Anna C 1948 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. OXZ BQs. (02Feb05) (RGA) ZDFW5: Gibraltar-flagged Vessel Willy 2009 GMDSS RQs JRCC Den Helder/PBK for safety test. (16Feb05) (RGA) ZIZP9: British Ship Contship Aurora 1900 GMDSS RQ MRCC Falmouth Cornwall for safety test. (16Feb05) (RGA) ---: CIS AIR DEFENSE 2023 CW Time signal string every min "=992324??0?????" (06/Feb)(DW) : M21 Russian PVO Air Defence 2157 CW Incrementing plots 990056??0????? 990057??0????? ... 990059??0????? etc. (14Feb05) (RGA) ukcg: falmouth 0723 USB yl complete wx forecast Jan22 05 ML Unid: 0415 Stanag 4285 ACF = 32 (23/01/05) (AJP) OWK: RDAF HQ Vedbaek 2326 ALE/USB Calls OWF/RDAF Skrydstrup. (28Jan05) (RGA) : Prob Luftwaffe System 2120 ARQ-E/85.7/160 Idling. (18Feb05) (RGA) P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 2139 CW Fast ID repeat. MX tentative. (18Feb05) (RGA) 50: DANISH ARMY ?LOC 0710 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb Responds to 68 (10/Feb)(DW) 68: DANISH ARMY ?LOC 0704 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng DK11. 0711 clng 50 (10/Feb)(DW) OWK: RDAF HQ Vedbaek 2117 ALE/USB Modem activity with Pagina 156 02531 02579.0 02598 02600.0 02608.4 02624 02624.0 02625.0 02628.0 02628 02632.0 02642.0 02642 02663.0 02677.0 02684 02687.0 02695.0 02695.0 02718.5 02720.0 02720.0 02737 02740.0 02743 02789.0 02799 02800 02808.5 02848 03063 03068 03068 03113 03121.5 03150.0 03155 03167.0 03176 WUN-v11 unknown RDAF unit OWC. (23Jan05) (RGA) OWK: RDAF HQ Vedbaek 2317 ALE/USB Calls OWE/RDAF FTK Karup. (28Jan05) (RGA) IPB: Bari R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 3TDX: Ukranian Military 1950 CW QLW QSA? QRK? QXS FOR GR GR AR. (08Feb05) (RGA) fishermen: 0735 USB ff d/x Jan21 05 ML FUO: fn toulon 0703 ITA/75 znr testing Feb06 05 ML IQX: TriesteRadio ITA 2150 USB OM with weather in Italian. Prob //2642/ICB. (14Feb05) (RGA) IQX: Trieste R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 9hd: valetta 2105 USB ee naws Feb17 05 ML IQA: Augusta R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) IQA: AugustaRadio ITA 1950 USB OM robot with wx in EE IQH: Trieste R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) ICB: Genoa R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) and Italian. (18Feb05) (RGA) ICB: GenovaRadio ITA 2148 USB OM with weather forecast in Italian. Prob //2624/IQX. (14Feb05) (RGA) IPC: Crotone R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) cross corsen fcg: 0653 USB ff naws cazaux firing exercices Jan22 05 : Unid German Navy 2300 USB 'DHJ67 this is DHO901'. Using teleprinter to send numerical msg. (17/02/05) (LC) JWT: Royal Norwegian Navy USB / (07/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) OP1: UNID 0435 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng OPQ . 0436 wkng OPQ [AMD] supjy [AU RYSIO PaTIKR] (16/Feb)(DW) OPQ: UNID 0435 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to OP1(16/Feb)(DW) ff: ? 0700 USB french "test de mentor pour le réglage de vos récepteurs..." Jan21 05ML SPS: witowo 0737 USB ee baltic sea wx *ID polish Jan22 05 ML SPS: witowo 0738 USB ee polish baltic wx Jan16 05 ML REA4?: Russian AF HQ? 2140 CW On/off 'reversals' No traffic. (14Feb05) (RGA) fishermen: 0744 USB ff d/x Jan16 05 ML : Enigma E10 Mossad 2140 USB YL in 5LG traffic OSRNG YRMYR .... (14Feb05) (RGA) IDF: Messina R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) SVH: IraklionRadio GRC 2148 USB YL with Agean weather in EE. Identifies as OlympiaRadio. (18Feb05) (RGA) 4XZ: Israeli Navy Haifa 2137 CW Vs marker. //2680. (14Feb05) (RGA) CL1: (FBI, Cleveland OH): 0435 USB/ALE TO CO1(FBI, Columbia SC). 01/25 RP3 : CIS Military 2124 CW In 5LG traffic ... ööJJJ WLLSS ... UGSKC äYäHH C. Stops. Nothing further heard. (14Feb05) (RGA) NAV12: Unid 1400 RTTY/50/1000 F89NNA DE NAV12//015 FUL..TEST TEST TEST RYRYRYRXRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY..00000 11111 22222 33333 444444 55555 **666 ***** **88* 99999 ... DE NAV12//015 599 61 96400 GR 154 44907 63097 90111 ... 46229 00599 KKSSSKK..TEST TEST TEST RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY (06Jan05) (IB) KWS57: (US Embassy??) 0930 ALE/USB wkg KWS93 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) KWX57: (US Embassy??) 0948 ALE/USB wkg WNG767 (US Dept of State) (09Feb05) (SA) KWT51: (US Embassy??) 1023 ALE/USB wkg KWX92 (US Embassy) (09Feb5) (SA) fishermen: 0748 USB fff d/x Jan16 05 ML Israel Intel: Mossad. Enigma E10 2306 AM-USB (02/02/05) (AJP) 1103: Unid African Net 2243 ALE/USB Sounding. Also 2215 sounds. (18Feb05) (RGA) UNID: 1752 CW / "P" Beacon (08/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) : CIS Military 2100 CW In 5LG tfc ... NRHLK BBKVD K. Pagina 157 03176.5 03192 03192.0 03202.8 03204 03204 03204.0 03205.0 03206.5 03207 03207 03207 03207 03229 03229 03237.5 03237.5 03245 03255.3 03260.0 03264.4 03265 03275 03297 03297.0 03326.5 03326.5 03348 03348 WUN-v11 Response: R 269 K heard but very weak and callsign missed. Simplex cct. (22Jan05) (RGA) unid: GAF =3F 0753 arq-e/85.7/170 betas (13 Feb 05) (wp3) RMP: Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad 1712 CW Sends weather fcast to collective REO. (15Feb05) (RGA) RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad 1800 CW / REO de RMP Clear text msg. Navigational Warnings ? (08/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) L: MX Beacon Tirana 1827 CW (25Jan05) (WC) L: MX Beacon Tirana 1615 CW (Instead of 3202.8) --> chirpy. (15Feb05) (WC) L: MX Beacon Tirana 1745 CW Chirpy. Freq approx. (29Jan05) (WC) L: Unid 2200 CW Continuous Ls then unreadable handkeyed Morse. Freq 3204.08 (24Jan05) (RGA) L6YC: unid 1720 CW / beacon? transmits hourly from 15-25 & 45-55 minutes (02/Feb/2005) (swl-nomad@lycos.com) L6YC: Unid 2320 CW low signal (02/02/05) (AJP) 4NZ7: Ukranian Military 2237 CW Msg for N4WC: 4NZ7 166 36 5 0104 166 =092 = EHIAR MMMMM AüäAA ... AüäAA EYVöO PTPEE 544 RPT AL K. (04Feb05) (RGA) I7OR: Russian Military 2021 CW Ends broadcast msg: ... UyLZH äTPWE 598 K. Then asks 7EQ9 KTB6 2SEH 2V7Z WFOP WBOM X6XG E3BW for receipt. Cancels message to X6XG and E3BW. (15Feb05) (RGA) I7OR: Russian Military 2208 CW Sends msg to collective GJZH: I7OR 056 16 18 0056 056 = ZWH 933 = PPPPP QVöFO QKüIZ ... QKüIZ AIPäW 793 K. Then calls 2SEH BWOM WFOP 2V7Z 3BWD X6GS E3BW. Cancels to last three. Then QTC for BWOM. (17Feb05) (RGA) THPU: Ukraninan Military 2228 CW Ends 32-group bcast msg Nr 778 ... FLQBI PTPWO 544 K. Requests QSLs from G31H WNZ1 ZAQX AOYS PWEJ N4WC YNOM. QTAs msg to NIAO. (04Feb05) (RGA) 1Q7I: Russian Military 1902 CW Msg for GSNK: 911 39 19 2157 911 = 990 = AAAAA BPRyV GOMYR ... IGOTD AIKWV K. (19Feb05) (RGA) 672: Unid Illicit 2057 CW Repeating 672 672 58750 58750. Then 0 0 0 and offair. (19Jan05) (RGA) 3ZYZ: CIS Military 2006 CW SSOO and D1S4 de 3ZYZ ZDK ZPY K. IPS7 DE 3ZYZ ZJX ZRM K. 3ZYZ de SSOO ZVQ ZGT ZWW K. All respond. SX net. (08Feb05) (RGA) K8TZ: CIS Military 2200 CW Comms check. 2VDM TBHH 3HZ9 MTJI TIVC 5FQG and 7TYK heard responding. Simplex net. (24Jan05) (RGA) UCE: ArkhangelskRadio 2107 ARQ w/Morse ID. (14Feb05) (RGA) Unid: 2305 CW very low signal. Unreadable (03/02/05) (AJP) S4S000OGBMRM1: unid 2016 USB/ALE wkng V1S000OEKCOPER, US MIL? (15-feb-2005) (MSM) sab: : G=F6teborg Radio 2031 gw-pactor marker (12 Feb 05) (wp3) Q7JN: Unid 1735 CW Beacon? Currently transmitting h+25-35 and h+55-05. (14Feb05) (AB) HN42: Algerian Military/MOI 2119 Calls YA51 and YA52 (who responds) then YA50 and YA46. (23Jan05) (RGA) QN7W: M89 Chinese Military 1816 GKVZ GKVZ GKVZ de Q7NW Q7NW Q7NW (Repeating). SINPO 34433. (01Feb05) (AB) Q7NW: 1816 CW / GKVZ GKVZ GKVZ DE Q7NW Q7NW V; repeating (01/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) NPXS: CIS Military 1800 CW Calls up SKJD LMWM and M5WR for QSAs. Simplex net. LMWM not audible. (19Feb05) (RGA) NPXS: CIS Military 2049 CW M5WR de NPXS QSA? K. NPXS de M5WR QSA1 K. QSA4 R K. SKJD de NPXS QSA? K. QSA1 QAA1 R K. Simplex net. (14Feb05) (RGA) B9FD: Ukranian Military 2250 CW 5Z1A ALIR IXAR 8MWL AWAW HXAD .K1L de B9FD QTC QSV K. Many RKs. No message nothing further. // 3863. (04Feb05) (RGA) PCZC: Ukranian Military 1940 CW Comms check with OLW5 BIJJ ATI2 VZSD TNA1 YWJF GR4C DF8L PSI9 YI1K B3P3 CQKF. All Pagina 158 03350 03351.0 03358 03360 03360.0 03364 03364 03383 03390.0 03392.5 03455.0 03456.6 03490 03523 03549.1 03600 03740 03755.0 03775 03775 03775 03801.5 03803 03823 03823 03823 03823 03823 03824 03824 03824 03824 WUN-v11 respond on QSX freq 3211 kHz. (11Feb05) (RGA) : NATO Tactical Air Defence Modem 2122 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. (19Jan05) (RGA) TADIL-A link 11: 2250 bps 2125 (19Jan05) (MAL) GUHMARV: Unid Air Defence 1121 CW vvv id id guhmarv guhmarv guhmarv k (3 times); traffic like: = tn 5a554 ut = 4t 5u4a3 ua = a4 5ua67 ua. (guhmarv means GUHOR = QRV) (20-01-05) (IB) KPA2: Enigma E10 2116 USB? YL repeating KPA2 callup. (19Jan05) (RGA) KPA2: Enigma E10 Mossad 2130 (19Jan05) (MAL) F4E1: Russian Military 1955 CW Msg to unid: F4E1 933 88 2 2239 933 = 911 = üRüGö DäMWS ... UäHRW PWPIT 911 K. (02Feb05) (RGA) QHAO: Russian Military 1923 CW Calls WT8J long and loud without result then sends message blind: 340 68 15 2219 340 = 607 = JHGVY äTöyR ... YSJMD ADKED 607 K. Then calls XQY5 for comms check. (15Feb05) (RGA) : CIS Military 2154 81-81/81/200 Slow revs. No cipher. (17Feb05) (RGA) MGJ: rn faslane 0806 ITA2/75 carbs Feb06 05 ML unid: net 0510 USB ee K6YR ?? requesting SITRAK ALLIGATOR ?? thennumbers Feb09 05 ML New York OAC: 0328 USB EE Some selcall. Low (04/02/05) (AJP) fishermen: 0718 USB ff d/x Feb05 05 ML : Unid FishFone 2236 CRY-2001/USB Analogue voice scrambler. Male voices. (14Feb05) (RGA) : Unid Illicit 2217 CW Ends 5FG msg ... 08893 08893 = = 52 52 27 27 0 0 0. (01Feb05) (RGA) L9CC: M89 Chinese Navy 2230 CW V CP17 de L9CC (repeating). (14Feb05) (RGA) IAQF: Italian Navy vessel 1650 USB sx wkg unid for coordination for PSK on the same channel, r/c. (12/Dec/04) (ALF) JU2: Unid 1300 CW 3-4fg. kfv kfv kfv de de ju2 ju2 vvv vvv vvv (rptd) msg msg ck 944 ck 944 msg msg ck 944 ck 944 = = d77 t37 uttt 34t dd3 3ta 66d t75t 34t dd3 ... ar ar ar. (13-01-05) (IB) unid: marker?? 0518 CW? Feb09 05 ML 6DIW: Ukranian Military 2151 CW Comms check with YAWZ CMBY 6MB5 and YZ6M. Not seen on a suspected dual frequency 4042 kHz. (31Jan05) (RGA) KWZ1: Ukranian Military 1926 CW Ends msg to unid: ... ZUOUZ AAKIK RPT AL QLN AR. Then comms check with JBYM and Z8OR. Has spur on 3776.79 kHz. (11Feb05) (RGA) NAQJ: Ukranian Military 2313 CW 5LG bcast tfc to collective BTMT: QTC 725 62 5 0100 725 = 893 = AAAAA BKHWF KNPMY ... VSKYN KDKEK RPT AL QLN AR. Has spur on 3776.84 kHz. (04Feb05) (RGA) DEKA25: 19:10 DEKA 25 DRK Stuttgart with traffic for DEKA 2510 USB+SITOR B 11feb05 (RP) WD3: Estonian Army 1902 ALE/USB Calls EK7. (26Jan05) (RGA) AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2150 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan05) (RGA) AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2328 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2128 ALE/USB Sounding. (22Jan05) (RGA) LH7: Estonian Army 2133 ALE/USB Calls UT3 and EY5 (17Feb05) (RGA) WD3: Estonian Army 1910 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan05) (RGA) : CIS Military 1755 MS-5/4800/USB Setup tones. In and out of cipher. Morse keyed on 3rd tone: QRJ? QRJ3. QJB3. (19Feb05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2117 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Feb05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2225 ALE/USB Sounding. AA1 also. (18Feb05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF Prob NCS 0018 ALE/USB Sounding. Pagina 159 03826 03826 03826 03826 03826 03826 03863 03863 03863 03893 03893 03893.5 03895.0 03900 03905 03933 03933 03933 03933 04015.0 04022.0 04026.0 04027 04030 04032.5 04042 04042 04050.0 WUN-v11 (23Jan05) (RGA) E2TO: Ukranian Military 1931 CW Comms check with 2GJ7 1ELE OPTL SGHP. (01Feb05) (RGA) ESUP: Ukranian Military 1739 CW Sends stratcode msg: "XXX ESUP 13224 ZIZNANNä 378" twice. (26Jan05) (RGA) ETX1: Ukranian Military 1910 CW Cancels NR 287 to 2WQA. (15Feb05) (RGA) OF3R: Ukranian Military 2218 CW Msg for IIZ3: OF3R 928 56 1 0015 928 = 532 = AAAAA üXRPU ... KAPER KAKDG K. Followed by Nr 956 to 4MH5. Nothing heard on suspected dual frequency 3776 kHz. (31Jan05) (RGA) VVXE: Ukranian Military 2214 CW KOYG YAM8 4MH5 IIZ3 de VVXE K. Then four R Ks so all must have responded. Raspy note. (31Jan05) (RGA) WBNG: Ukranian Military 2030 CW In traffic: ... WAJBL AYBFK ... TEäER KZKIK K. (08Feb05) (RGA) : Ukranian Military 2224 CW Ends 54-group msg to unid: ... 70949 65334 05051 K. Dual frequency 3348 kHz active. (04Feb05) (RGA) DXWQ: Ukranian Military 2124 CW Comms check with FJD4 5WYQ P8YR 2FHX AUGQ FVE5. All respond on 3211 kHz but DXWQ cannot hear FVE5. (08Feb05) (RGA) G43A: Ukranian Military 2049 CW CGCU de G43A QSA? K. R K. (22Jan05) (RGA) 3Z3A: Ukranian Military 2224 CW Sends msg to collective PPDP: PPDP de 3Z3A QTC 741 52 18 0002 741 = 029 = 44327 29529 ... 67566 18050. Repeats. Ends QLN AR. (17Feb05) (RGA) QN5S: Ukranian Military 2056 CW Bcasts msg to collective 4PNT: QTC 394 65 8 2242 394 = 056 = 41223 72668 ... 24552 08063 (rpts) QLN AR. (08Feb05) (RGA) unid: 0910 unid mode /100bds/shift175 ??? Jan16 05 ML 000021000: unid prob. Greek MIL 1605 USB/ALE clng 0000210788 (02-feb-2005) (MSM) WD3: Estonian Military 2135 ALE/USB Calls EK7. (26Jan05) (RGA) : NATO Air Defence Data System 2235 LINK-11/2250/ISB TADIL-A. (24Jan05) (RGA) RFFO: Russian 'RFF' Net 1944 CW RFFO RFFM RFFh and RFFR work RFFN. RFFR sends two group message = 760 319 =; RFFh 13-group msg; RFFM nil. (02Feb05) (RGA) RFFO: Russian 'RFF' Net 2019 CW RFFO RFFM and RFFh in tonight's sked. Each send and received one message to/from RFFN. (08Feb05) (RGA) RFFO: Russian 'RFF' Net 2036 CW Only RFFO and RFFM in tonight's sked. (15Feb05) (RGA) RFFh: Russian 'RFF' Net 2019 CW RFFh passes msg to NCS RFFN: RFFh = 371 196 050 359 321 661 321 740 627 262 620 302 570 = + RFFh K. Then RFFP RFFR RFFO and RFFM each pass RFFN a msg in turn. Nothing heard on suspect NCS freq 3132 kHz. (01Feb05) (RGA) unid: 2130 USB / Female voice repeating: "Sierra Yankee November Two" (07/Feb/2005) (sej) fishermen: 1751 USB dutch Jan23 05 ML unid: 2051 COQUELET8?? Jan20 05 ML RJF35: Russian Navy vessel 1720 CW wkg RJV38 "qsa no". Both stations logged on this channel in 2000 wkg each other for r/c. (12/Dec/04) (ALF) : CIS Military 2238 81-81/81/250 Slow revs. No cipher. (24Jan05) (RGA) SA Ny Durban: 2240 S.A. MFSK (02/02/05) (AJP) 378: Unid Illicit 2200 CW 378 callup repeated then = 280 19 = 51528 07665 ... 06781 09187 = 378 378 etc. ending 0 0 0. (07Feb05) (RGA) SWM4: Ukranian Military 2245 CW Ends 70x5LG message ... MYTGZ BDKVK K. Then msg to BGPS QTC 198 53 25 0030 198 = 963 = AAAAA TWPTX UMJIF ... äGKCü BDKDA K (24Jan05) (RGA) fishermen: 0827 USB ff d/x french *& spanish ship Pagina 160 04055 04080.0 04117.0 04125 04125.0 04134.5 04191.0 04207.5 04207.5 04207.5 04209.5 04209.5 04209.5 04209.5 04210.5 04210.5 04210.5 04211.7 04212 04212.0 04212.0 04212.0 04212.5 04214.0 04215.0 04216.0 04216.0 04216.5 04218.5 04219.0 04232 04232.0 04238 04238 04238 04241.0 04244 WUN-v11 dial Jan22 05 ML RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 0325 CW qtc to RIC87. (16/Dec/04) (ALF) fishermen: 1815 USB ff d/x Feb12 05 ML fishermen: 0916 USB ff d/x Jan16 05 ML KGTX: Horizon Anchorage 2107 USB Contacted COMSTA Kodiak. Discussed sea ice conditions in the Cook Inlet. (13Feb05) (AB) KCI98: King Salmon,Ak 18:30utc 10Feb05 SSB (SN) fishermen: 2017 USB ff d/x Feb09 05 ML Unid: 0032 CW handkeyed (15/02/05) (AJP) EAUU: Spanish Ship Rio Orxas 2103 GMDSS RQs Spanish Ship Playa de Arneles/EAXT for simplex telephone conversation on 5253 kHz. (02Feb05) (RGA) IBSS: Italian Ship Jolly Amaranto 2105 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. OXZ BQs. (02Feb05) (RGA) OIXV: Finnish Ship Bravo 2119 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (02Feb05) (RGA) 0402 1615 ??? TWN FEC - ZAZA LE79 1A_BUVFAUAC (possible a Taiwanees navtex station)(CSn) TAH: Turk Radio 1814 FEC Navtex (28/Jan/05) (RH2) XSY: 0402 1934 XSY TWN FEC - (Hualien) PE79 AUCQBP_A_Y_TAVWESRATEBSUATEYRPSP (CSn) TAH: Istanbul Turk Radio NAVTEX 2158 id in CW: "TAH", 2200-2200 navarea (11Feb05) (SMK) A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1933 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (09/Feb)(DW) A9M: ManamaRadio BHR 2311 ARQ w/Morse ID. (24Jan05) (RGA) IAR: ROME RADIO 1932 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (09/Feb)(DW) L2C: PNA Buenos Aires 0320 FEC Wx/SS then Wx/EE //8418.3 (21/Jan/05) (RH2) UGC: Sankt Peterburg Radio RUS 2051 ARQ With Morse ID. (02Feb05) (RGA) UGC: ST PETERSBURG RADIO 1934 CW Chan free marker "de UGC" (09/Feb)(DW) UGC: St. Petersburg Radio SITOR / ARQ Idle with CW ID. (09/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) XSQ: GUANGZHOU RADIO 1934 CW Chan free marker "XSQ" (09/Feb)(DW) UBJ: Baku Radio 1647 CW / Transmitting Navigational Warnigs. (10/Feb/2005) (Nighhawk) IDR2: IN ROME 1941 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB "IDR3 /IGJ42 /IGJ41 /IDR2 /IDR8 /IGJ43" (09/Feb)(DW) XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1942 CW Chan free marker "XSG" (09/Feb)(DW) SVO2: OLYMPIA RADIO 1944 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (09/Feb)(DW) TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1944 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (09/Feb)(DW) IAR: ROME RADIO 1947 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (09/Feb)(DW) LZW24: VARNA RADIO 1948 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (09/Feb)(DW) TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1950 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (09/Feb)(DW) FUF: French Navy Fort de France, MRT 2138 RTTY ITA2 75/850/N RY-mkr to FAA. (14/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) FUF: FN Fort de France 0427 RTTY 75/850 FAA de FUF FUF (23/01/05)(AJP) AG2: Unid 2139 ALE/USB Calls XEF. (20Jan05) (RGA) AG2: Unid 2337 ALE/USB Calls XEF. (06Feb05) (RGA) VTP4: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio India 2055 CW 4FGs to warships. (02Feb05) (RGA) 4XZ: Israel Navy Haifa 2320 CW / Sending traffic then vvv 4XZ call slip. (10/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) DAO4A: Global Link Network Stn Kiel GER 2118 PACTOR-3 Idles with Morse ID. (02Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 161 WUN-v11 04249.0 HEB01: Bern Radio 1730 CW / (17/Feb/2005) (F.Tambussa) 04250.5 HEB01: BERN RADIO 1649 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB01" every 3 mins (31/Jan)(DW) 04250.5 HEB01: Global Link Network Stn Berne SWI 2115 PACTOR-3 Idles with Morse ID. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04250.5 unid: 0817 unid mode 100bds/shift :200 disc altern with cw fsk g-tor?Feb06 05 ML 04267.9 VTG4: Indian Naval Radio Mumbai 2316 CW VTG4/6/7 marker. (24Jan05) (RGA) 04268 VTG4: Indian Navy Mumbai, IND 2137 CW vvv-mkr. (14/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 04270 PCD2: E10 Mossad 0031 USB YL with callup. (23Jan05) (RGA) 04283 XSV: Tianjin Radio, CHN 2135 CW CQ-mkr. (14/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 04295 FUE: French Navy Brest, F 2225 RTTY ITA2 75/850/N RYmkr to ALL. (14/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 04298 VTM11: unid Indian Navy station, IND CW vvv-mkr. (14/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 04308.5 HZY: Ras Tanurah Radio, ARS 1801 CW CQ-mkr fr tfc-lst. (12/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 04330 4XZ: Israeli Navy Haifa 2320 CW 5LGs then calls. (24Jan05) (RGA) 04331.0 4XZ: Israel Navy Haifa 2308 CW / 721 pw v ad8w 559190 ei8w gr 81 = ewewe asgdg zubmn xkswd (10/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) 04357.0 CWF: Punta Carreta. Uruguay 0054 USB SS QSX 4065.0 (MAR CH 401) PPw/ship Polarstar (05/02/05) (AJP) 04360.0 unid: 2130 USB / Female voice repeating: "Victor Lima Bravo Two" (07/Feb/2005) (sej) 04363 3AC4: Monaco Radio, MCO 1829 USB mm / vmm F / vmf E & Russian, into french bulletin at 1830z. (28/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 04369.0 WLO: mobile 0708 USB wx Jan21 05ML 04369.0 fishermen: 0831 USB ff d/x back to harbour... Feb06 05 ML 04372 J6E: Unid 0430 USB J6E & 6ID in Link-11 co-ordination net, 0430-0450z, several other players mentioned, sound files available. (02Feb05) (BC2) 04373.6 : Unid 2105 UNID/300/190 Approx 4-sec bursts with approx 1-sec pause reported by Tom/Galtt1@aol.com yesterday evening. Possibly also last month on WUN. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04410.2 : Unid FF 2133 ARQ-E3/200/230 Betas. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04415 MDN: Ministry of National Defence Algiers 2142 ALE/USB Calls UL01/Unid. (28Jan05) (RGA) 04417.0 Unid: 0015 USB SS Uruguayan fisheries ? Also on 6644.0 USB(12/02/05) (AJP) 04424.5 L: MX Beacon Tirana 0631 CW (27Jan05) (WC) 04424.5 L: MX Beacon Tirana 0809 CW (29Jan05) (WC) 04426 L: MX Beacon Tirana 0702 CW (Instead of 4424.5). (15Feb05) (WC) 04426 L: MX Beacon Tirana 0705 CW (instead of 4,424.5. (14Feb05) (WC) 04430 : Russian Military 2110 FSK-CW -/170 msgs like "QQT 934 FM 91987 FOR 238376 ... 929 FM 1t1155 FOR 533332 k ar", tracking details?. (14/Dec/04) (ALF) 04433 DRQ3: Russian Military 2108 CW Msg for KZFE: 697 29 9 0005 697 = ZZD 946 = MCSUX hGOHP ... EDMGE KIKBE K. (08Feb05) (RGA) 04433.0 WT8L: UNID 1928 CW "Q8QY de WT8L qsv k" (30/Jan)(DW) 04438 NOVEMBER: tent. Austrian Military USB OM GG/Austrian accent?, sx wkg XRAY with "Frage Verstaendigung" (="How copy"). (14/Dec/04) (ALF) 04444 : NATO Air Defence Data System 2326 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. Still active. (24Jan05) (RGA) 04444 : NATO US Navy Napoli ITA LINK-11/2250/USB Longrunning TADIL-A frequency. (22Jan05) (RGA) 04444 : USN Napoli ITA 2206 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. Still active. (17Feb05) (RGA) 04464.0 ---: UNID 1944 CW Vri weak, slow morse (30/Jan)(DW) 04471 : Enigma M51 2139 CW NR 31F 02 22:37:49 2005 = XMIBJ UBWSW ... (02Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 162 WUN-v11 04504.0 WQW: UNID 0405 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RWG (29/Jan)(DW) 04504.0 Y6F: UNID 0429 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RWG. Also 0435, 0445. 0446 clng JGW (29/Jan)(DW) 04505.0 YA40: ALGERIAN DGSN ?LOC 0022 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng YA50 (29/Jan)(DW) 04505.0 YA50: ALGERIAN DGSN ?LOC 0022 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to YA40 (29/Jan)(DW) 04507 AAA: Israeli AF Prob NCS 0009 ALE/USB Sounding. Also 5478 kHz. (07Feb05) (RGA) 04507.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF BEN GURION 0129 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding, also 0229, 0329 (29/Jan)(DW) 04507.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF BEN GURION 2329 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (28/Jan)(DW) 04507.0 AAA: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 0104 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Aslo 0209 (29/Jan)(DW) 04507.0 BB1: ISRAELI AF PALMACHIM 2351 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (28/Jan)(DW) 04507.0 DD1: ISRAELI AF 2100 USB/ALE snd (17-feb-2005)(MSM) 04530.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: UNID 2050 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng V1S000OEKCOPER (29/Jan)(DW) 04530.0 V1S000OEKCOPER:UNID 0203 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng S4S000OGBMRM1 (30/Jan)(DW) 04530.0 V1S000OEKCOPER:UNID 2359 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng S4S000OGBMRM1 (29/Jan)(DW) 04550 S4S000: (S4S000OGBMRM) Unid 2258 ALE/USB Calls V1S000OEKCOPER. (20Jan05) (RGA) 04550.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: UNID 0532 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng V1S000OEKCOPER (31/Jan)(DW) 04550.0 Unid: 2209 FSK 50/850 ACF=0 (13/01/05) (AJP) 04555.2 gcg: cuxhaven 2017 ARQ mbhm Feb17 05 ML 04559.3 : Moroccan Army Ouarzazate 2151 FEC/100/850 Msgs in French to Commandant Royal Guard re presonnel/armament/munitions/vehicles/provisioning. Freq 4559.26 kHz. Unusual wide shift for FEC. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04560.0 TAH: 2009 FEC wx " jason...bomba...sidra..." Feb15 05 ML 04561 TYMB2: Spanish Guarda Civil 2213 ALE/USB Calls TXX2. Then calkls TYMC2 and TYMV2. (20Jan05) (RGA) 04561.0 TYMB2: GUARDIA CIVIL ?LOC 0722 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXX2 (31/Jan)(DW) 04570.0 Unid: 0412 MIL STD 188-110A serial modem ACF = 20 (23/01/05)(AJP) 04586 SELA: Russian Military 1850 CW Bcast msg: SELA QTC 843 30 9 2140 843 = 110 = OüGhh FPOTU ... CHZIV POPWU 272 AR. LDBO alternative. (09Feb05) (RGA) 04589.0 fishermen: 0833 USB ff d/x wind Feb06 05 ML 04600 0000001220: Prob Turkish Net 2014 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan05) (RGA) 04600.0 0000001220: TURKISH INTEL ?LOC 0621 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (03/Feb)(DW) 04600.0 0000001220: TURKISH INTEL ?LOC 2246 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (02/Feb)(DW) 04629.0 1107: UNID 0708 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (04/Feb)(DW) 04630.0 TN1: UNID 0711 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng SL1 (04/Feb)(DW) 04640.0 T2Z238: US NG 38TH AVN BRGD 0108 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0239 (04/Feb)(DW) 04640.0 T2Z238: US NG 38TH AVN BRGD 2307 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (03/Feb)(DW) 04654.6 fishermen: 2015 USB span d/x Feb15 05 ML 04675.0 atc nat: 2031 USB work LH8384 Feb17 05 ML 04680 : FishFone 2206 CRY-2001/USB Analogue scrambler. Simplex. Prob Spanish. Male voices. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04681.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 0014 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0114, 0214 (06/Feb)(DW) 04681.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 2314 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (05/Feb)(DW) Pagina 163 WUN-v11 04681.0 DD1: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 0610 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0209, 0310 (06/Feb)(DW) 04681.0 DD1: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 2306 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2309z (05/Feb)(DW) 04683.0 AAA: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 2335 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (05/Feb)(DW) 04700.0 fishermen: 1629 USB dan?? Feb05 05 ML 04707.0 PHOENIXTOC: UNID 0331 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (07/Feb)(DW) 04720.0 fishermen: 2017 USB french d/x seaweed Jan29 05 ML 04721 200179: C-17 00-0179 2120 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS. (07Feb05) (SA) 04721 240065: Unid USAF Aircraft 2146 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan05) (RGA) 04721 260: USAF C-17 96-0006 2058 ALE/USB Calls CRO/US HFGCS Stn Croughton UK. (20Jan05) (RGA) 04721 290166: USAF C-17 99-0166 2352 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Feb05) (RGA) 04721 ICZ: US HF-GCS Stn Sigonella ITA 2337 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan05) (RGA) 04721 IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1858 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS in AMD [AMD]"MNBMNBMNBMNBMNB" (16Feb05) (SA) 04721 KVX53: (US Embassy Europe ??) 1326 ALE/USB wkg kwq36 US Embassy ??) (09Feb05) (SA 04721.0 170045: USAF ACRFT C5 87-0045 0145 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng MPA (07/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 180221: USAF ACRFT C5 68-0221 0131 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (07/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 290166: USAF ACRFT C-17 99-0165 2352 MIL-STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (06/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 CRO: US HFGCS CROUGHTON 0104 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng IKF/Keflavick. 0609 sounding (07/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 HAW: US HFGCS ASCENSION 0556 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (07/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 IKF: US HFGCS KEFLAVICK 0102 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding Also0103 0218 0324. 0104 responding to CRO/Croughton. 0504 clng PLA/Lajes (07/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 IKF: US HFGCS KEFLAVICK 2348 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (06/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 JNR: US HFGCS SALINAS 0335 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (07/Feb)(DW) 04721.0 PLA: US HFGCS LAJES 4721 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0111 0324 0358 (07/Feb)(DW) 04751.0 TWLV: GUARDIA CIVIL VIZCAYA 0200 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXXX/Valdemoro (09/Feb)(DW) 04766.0 GW32: UNID 0557 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HN32. Aslo 0601z (09/Feb)(DW) 04777.5 IMB51: Rome Meteo 1940 FAX/120/576 Blurred two-panel chart ending 1947, followed by similar formatted chart (04Feb05) (KB) 04803 : NATO Tactical Air Defence Data System 2218 LINK-11/2250+2250/ISB TADIL-A. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04840.0 ALPHA 1 BRAVO: US Army or NG net control: 1359 LSB voice. (09/FEB/05) (JLM) 04900.0 fishermen: 2048 USB d/x span qso? Jan25 05 ML 04909.5 : CIS Military 2223 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. (02Feb05) (RGA) 04917.0 unid: 2042 PICCOLO/6 ?? encr Feb17 05 ML 04925 0000210301: Greek Police Net 2339 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Feb05) (RGA) 04930 WD3: Estonian Military 2159 ALE/USB Calls LU9 and is called by EK7. (20Jan05) (RGA) 04950.0 ICSSIL: (Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, probably Irvine CA): 1239 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07410.0; 09050.0; 13850.0; & 20960.0. 02/14 RP3 05000.0 YVTO: TS Caracas VEN 05:09 H3E Spanish identification and time announcements 30jan05 (PPA)( 05043 : CIS Military 1727 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. Pagina 164 05052.0 05052.0 05052.0 05064 05065 05066.5 05066.5 05071 05079 05088.5 05090 05091 05097 05097 05102.2 05107 05110.0 05121 05140.0 05140.0 05150 05153 05155 05155.0 05195 05195 05195.0 05203.5 WUN-v11 (21Jan05) (RGA) VG1: UNID 1902 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to VG2. 1902 wkng VGV [AMD]1103VGV^172004VG1^00552AX6OK., and further exchanges (17/Feb)(DW) VG2: UNID 1700 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VG1 [AMD] 1103VG1^171802VG2^029!(ZUXG. 1711 clng VGV also at 1713, 1723. (17/Feb)(DW) VGV: UNID 1902 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Wlng VG1 [AMD]UPPFAT, and further exchanges (17/Feb)(DW) 9MB13: RMN Penang MLA? 2002 CW Faulty keying ... vvv vvv 9mb13 vvvvv b vv 9 vv m v m1 v v m vvv 9b13 vv m vvv b v b v v m1 vvvv 913 vvvvv m3 v b v 9 v b v 91 v vv m v vv m vv 1 ... (30Jan05) (IB) 9MB13: Malaysian Navy 1828 CW Sent service note: "jull jull ii zif zif bt svc aaa zkl zic mmb1/228 mmb1/232 rpt zkl zic mmb1/228 mmb1/232 aaa bt ar (R). Then 'vvv vvv vvv 9mb13' string. Very long pauses between words. (12Feb05) (IB) USAFC1250: & USAIS1012, US Army: 1433 USB ALE. 09/FEB/05) (JLM) USAIS1012: (US Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM), Ft Belvoir VA): 1535 USB/ALE TO USAMD1010 (US Army Space & Missile Defense Command (SMDC), Arlington VA). 02/02 RP3 : NATO Air Defence Data Modem 2055 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. (26Jan05) (RGA) : UK/NATO Naval Stn 1730 NATO-150?/150/850 Irregular blocked msgs in KG84. Unusual speed. (21Jan05) (RGA) USAIS1012: (US Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA): 1651 USB/ALE TO USAT3A (possibly US Army Training Command, Ft Monroe VA), USA (possibly US Army HQs, Pentagon Wash DC), USANG2 (US Army National Guard HQs, Arlington VA). 01/19 RP3 : CIS Military 2101 81-81/81/450 Slow revs. No cipher. (26Jan05) (RGA) : E10 Mossad 2104 USB YL in traffic ... 966 EIQPV ROXXP ... (26Jan05) (RGA) CFH: CanForce Halifax NS CAN 2056 RTTY/75/850 ZKRs to NAWS. (04Feb05) (RGA) CFH: CanForce Halifax NS CAN 2107 RTTY/75/850 ZKRs to NAWS. (26Jan05) (RGA) Unid: 0357 Stanag 4285 ACF=32 (18/01/05) (AJP) NCYP: Russian Military 2011 CW Msg to unid: NCYP 354 29 2 2302 354 = 087 = KXNSP MMMMM LCPSH ... 178 RPT AL K. (02Feb05) (RGA) fishermen: 1756 USB ff d/x "saint cast..." Jan10 05 ML 282: Chinese Military 1149 ALE/USB Calls 561. (15Feb05) (IB) KNFG267: Oklahoma City, OK EOC net control for the OK Operation SECURE HF Radio Net: (JLM) fishermen: 1331 USB ff d/x Feb05 05 ML VTK: Indian Navy Tuticorin, IND 1950 CW vvv-mkr "vvv vvv vvv VTK2/3/4 VTK2/3/4 VTK2/3/4". (16/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) : Poss Ukranian Military 2229 RTTY/50/480 7.5-bit telecipher with zzzzz leadins. Opchat in Ukranian. Abrikos 459 Zaverilli mentioned. Offair 2233. (02Feb05) (RGA) P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 1604 CW (10Feb05) (WC) CBM: Chilean Ny 0323 USB SS Magallanes R. Sending 5LG to unid stn(28/01/05) (AJP) DRA5: DARC Prop Beacon 1718 CW 457 988. (15Feb05) (WC) DRA5: DARC Propagation Beacon 0812 CW RST 346. Distance 988km (?) (29Jan05) (WC) DRA5: R/AM BEACON, GERMANY 1603 CW Marker "vvv de DRA5". Periodically iono summary/forecast. Periodically info sent in RTTY//45.5/R/170 and in PSK31 (both BPSK and QPSK) (14/Feb)(DW) MIKE 9 KILO: North Carolina NG net control: 1400 USB voice. Other stations called:B4U, B5O, B6Y, C9T, D1M, E9F, I4S, L3A, M1R, N4J, Q7I, V8Z, T7G, U3J, X2R & X8L Pagina 165 WUN-v11 (09/FEB/05) (JLM) 05220.5 TF1: Singapore Navy NCS 2200 ALE/USB Wkg Endurance Class LPD RSS Resolution L-208. (17Feb05) (RGA) 05224 RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 0444 CW qtc with NAWIPs to RBE86 and RIP90, wx for italian and Israelian region. (6/Dec/04) (ALF) 05224.0 RCV: Navy Sevastopol UKR 04:48 A1A Russian QTC to RBE 86 30jan05 (PPA) 05247 : Unid Illicit 2110 CW Ends sked with ... 59933 0 0 0. (04Feb05) (RGA) 05250.0 101: presumed CHN diplo 18:10 ALE/USB calling 107 or 104 10feb05 (PPA) 05273.0 ---: UNID 2049 CW Tfc in 5 fig grps. Ends "TTT" twice. 26 wpm (18/Feb)(DW) 05278 Q7NW: M89 Chinese Military 0140 CW v gkv gkv gkv de q~w q~w (R). Symbol ~ sent as --...-. but probably defective V GKVZ GKVZ GKVZ DE Q7NW Q7NW. //6668 (25Jan05) (IB) 05290 GB3ORK: RSGB Prop Beacon Lerwick SCO 1717 CW 335. 1839. (11Feb05) (WC) 05320 NOWK: USCGC Dependable (WMEC-626) 0410 USB Wkg NYVC/USCGC Mako (WPB-87303) re distressed F/V Provider. At 0501 F/V Provider wkg Dependable re vessels status. (18Jan05) (RB) 05362 INA: Sonatrach Net In Amenas ALG ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan05) (RGA) 05369 : Unid M21 0816 CW = 99 1116??8????? = 99 1117??8????? = 99 1118??8????? = 99 1119??8????? = 99 112t??8????? = 99 1121??8????? ... (17Feb05) (IB) 05376 DXKY: Russian Military 2006 CW Msg to LTFI: DXKY 278 29 12 2340 278 = 879 = PPPPP HMQTJ IBYEJ ... RPT AL QLN AR. (13Feb05) (RGA) 05376 XDED: Russian Military 0012 CW Bcasts msg to collective SRST: QTC 399 17 7 0244 399 = 448 = LWUTA AILöh ... (ends) AR. (07Feb05) (RGA) 05394 7F6A: CIS Military 2119 CW (Call missed). 4FG msg to unid '... 726 = 5531 2470 7499 2098 8630 2830 0199 9644 6828 2379 7569 5889 7671 8709 RPT AL QLN K. Then 1SDN de 7F6A QSV K. BK QTC K. 351 = 7072 4704 ... (26Jan05) (RGA) 05394 BFWE: CIS Military 2128 CW Msg for 7QSO: 195 = 1956 2749 ... 5375 0749 K. 05400.0 LRN1: (Army Corps of Engineers, Lakes & Rivers District, Nashville TN): 0135 USB/ALE sounding. 01/21 RP3 05418 NCYP: Russian Military 0025 CW Comms check with at least ZSEL and GSDJ. (07Feb05) (RGA) 05435 : Enigma E10 Mossad 1737 USB YL in traffic. End of msg. W W Msg GR28 66 FYOUM KVMPN ... (21Jan05) (RGA) 05435 : Enigma E10 Mossad 2242 USB YL in tfc RPT MSG GR82 TEXT BHTSX BJSTD ... (02Feb05) (RGA) 05435.0 ART2: Enigma E10 Mossad 2235 (19Jan05) (MAL) 05456 AAA: Israeli AF 2212 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) 05465.9 R: Russian navy beacon Izhevsk RUS 18:35 A1A slow keying 11feb05 (PPA) 05466 R: MX Beacon Ustinov 1605 CW (10Feb05) (WC) 05475 T2Z238: 2-238 AVN US Army Tuzla BIH 2226 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) 05478 AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2216 ALE/USB Sounding. Also AAA/NCS. (11Feb05) (RGA) 05509.0 FREDGAS: (Washington Gas & Light Company:Frederick, MD): 2028 LSB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09200.0LSB. 01/21 RP3 05509.0 SHENGAS: (Washington Gas & Light Company:Springfield, VA): 2022 LSB/ALE sounding. 01/21 RP3 05544 A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330 1658 HFDL Signs on. (22Jan05) (RGA) 05544 A7-ACE: Qatar Airways A330 2326 HFDL Signs on. (22Jan05) (RGA) 05544 A7-ACF: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0075 0005 HFDL At 2717N 04851E. (29Jan05) (RGA) Pagina 166 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 A7-ACH: Qatar Airways A330 2030 HFDL Signs on. (23Jan05) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2028 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (23Jan05) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2115 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (13Feb05) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2321 HFDL Signs on. Prob Flt QR0034. (31Jan05) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2325 HFDL Signs on. (22Jan05) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 0006 HFDL Signs on. (29Jan05) (RGA) B-2473: China Southern B747 1724 HFDL Signs on. (22Jan05) (RGA) B-6050: China Eastern A340 2053 HFDL Signs on. (23Jan05) (RGA) B-6051: China Eastern A340 0009 HFDL Signs on. Airbus rules ! (29Jan05) (RGA) B-6051: China Eastern A340 1703 HFDL Signs on. (22Jan05) (RGA) B-6053: China Eastern A340 2053 HFDL Signs on. (23Jan05) (RGA) B-6055: China Eastern A340 2034 HFDL Logs on. (09Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCC: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8391 2323 HFDL Signs on. (31Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCH: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8399 1958 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (09Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCS: Lufthansa MD11C Conversion 2325 HFDL Signs on. Ex I-DUPD N630LT. ICAO ID CE0E3C. (22Jan05) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' Flt VS0250 1651 HFDL At 5224N 00302E. (22Jan05) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' Flt VS0900 1648 HFDL Posn 6334N 03611E to ARINC Muharraq. (22Jan05) (RGA) G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' Flt VS0200 2353 HFDL At 5337N 01824E. (28Jan05) (RGA) JEDDAH: Jeddah LDOC 2122 USB Wkg SAUDIA 1836 in EE and Arabic. (13Feb05) (RGA) LH8420: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 2004 HFDL Posn 3930N 03745E. (09Feb05) (RGA) N270UP: UPS MD11 2005 HFDL Logs on. (09Feb05) (RGA) N556TZ: American Transair B757 2319 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (31Jan05) (RGA) VP-BDN: Aeroflot A319 0009 HFDL Acks message relayed by Muharraq: "WXR REPORT SA 28/23:00 USSS 282300Z 35001MPS P6000 -SN FEW010 OVC067 M23/M26 Q1051 NOSIG RMK QFE768 58810360=SA 28/23:00 USPP 282300Z 09002MPS 3000 FU M23/M25 Q1052 NOSIG RMK QFE778/103". (29Jan05) (RGA) VP-BDN: Aeroflot A319 2320 HFDL Sign on. (22Jan05) (RGA) VP-BDO: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0114 2000 HFDL At 5602N 03740E. (11Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWI: Aeroflot A320 2351 HFDL Signs on. (28Jan05) (RGA) VP-BWI: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0299 2126 HFDL At 4019N 00322W. (13Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWK: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0263 1959 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. At 2008z QSYs to 8948 kHz (Las Palmas). (11Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWL: Aeroflot A319 2328 HFDL Signs on. Flt no given as SU0000. (31Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNA: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0261 0003 HFDL At 2445N 01541E acks message from Johannesburg via Bahrain: "MSG FROM JNBCMSA SEQ28746 - HELLO SA261 COPIED ALL OK NXT CALL 0100Z - GROETE STEPHAN". (29Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNB: S.African Airways A340 Acks msg from Johannesburg ops via Muharraq. MSG FROM JNBCMSA SEQ17607 COPIED OPS NML NEXT CALL 2130 . (23Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNC: S.African Airways A340 2132 HFDL Acks msg from Pagina 167 05544 05547 05591 05595 05598 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 WUN-v11 Johannesburg via Muharraq MSG FROM JNBCMSA SEQ00506 - SA286 CPD ALL . (13Feb05) (RGA) ZS-SNF: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0261 0001 HFDL Ack msg from Johannesburg via ARINC Bahrain: "M08ASA0261OFAJS HI ZUR 261. OPS NML. ETA 0650 NEXT CALL 0100". (29Jan05) (RGA) D-ALCA: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8390 2232 HFDL Reports 4952N 01032E to Shannon. (31Jan05) (RGA) 236: Chinese Military 1236 ALE/USB Calls 348. (15Feb05) (IB) Moroccan AF Tan Tan, MRC RTTY 75Bd texts to LAYOUNNE, "FM: CHEF DET FRA ... TANTAN ... TO: ..... LAYOUNNE ... TEXTE NR 4675/ZT/.... SIG; LT/VOL.M.ESSATE ... NNNN". (14/Dez/04) (ALF) 120: Unid 2056 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan05) (RGA) 9K-AKA:Kuwait Airways A320-212 0239 Selcal DREP to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) 9K-ALC:Kuwait Airways A310-308 0204 Selcal DRFJ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) 9K-AMD:Kuwait Airways A300B4-605R 0202 Selcal DRFP to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) C-GDVV:Air Canada A340-313X 0122 Selcal JMFR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) D-ABUH:Condor B767-330/ER 0118 Selcal CMRS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) D-ACLV:Lufthansa Canadair CL-600-2B19 Regional Jet CRJ-100LR 2318 Selcal DSER to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) D-AIGO:Lufthansa A340-313X 0340 Selcal DRPH to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) EI-CDF:Aer Lingus B737-548 2230 BDGR Selcal to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) F-GEXA:Air France B747-428 0102 Selcal HPJL to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) F-GLNA:Corsair B747-206B0136 Selcal CKEJ to Mwara NatA (16-feb-2005)(MSM) F-OHMF:Mexicana A320-231 0206 Selcal BRCG to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-BNWR:British Airways B767-336/ER 0643 Selcal EKMQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-BOPB:B767 British Airways 2202 Selcal CJBF to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) G-BYGF:British Airways B747-436 'Chelsea Rose' 2340 Selcal DGHP to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-GDEZ:Aviation Beauport Corporate Jets BAe-125-1000B 2321 Selcal KSFQ to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-VHOT:Virgin Atlantic Airways B747-4Q8 0212 Selcal EJQS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-VIIF:British Airways B777-236/ER 0457 Selcal GKDR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-VIIU:British Airways B777-236/ER 0104 Selcal GJFR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) JA8263:Japan Air System (JAS)Airbus A300B4-203 0109 Selcal JPEQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) JY-AGT: Royal Jordanian Airline A310-308 0302 Selcal DRFS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N127EM:unid Dassault Falcon 900 2228 Selcal FKRS to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N18TM:Gulfstrem G4 Global Express 2054 Selcal EMHP to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N204R:BEATRICE BABY LAKES INC Ba1000,0352 Selcal DPQS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N301K:Ford Motor Company Gulfstream Aerospace G-V 0440 Selcal KQER to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N324AA:B767 American AirLines 2159 SelCall FHCJ to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N555AN:DC9 American AirLines 0440 SelCall KQAE to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N658AA:B757 American AirLines 0440 SelCall MPKQ to Pagina 168 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05602 05636.2 05680.0 05687.0 05687.0 05696 05696 05696 05702 05702 05702 05702 05702 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708.0 05711.0 05717 WUN-v11 Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N699AN:B757 American AirLines 0520 SelCall LQRS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N742DH: DHL B727 2150 Selcal BMCL to MWARA NAT-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N750NA:North American Airlines B757-28A 2322 Selcal GRHP to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) OE-LFO:Austrian Airlines Fokker 70 (F-28-0070) 2320 Selcal JSFQ to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) OE-LNH:Lauda Air B737-4Z9 0102 Selcal GJDQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) PH-KCD:KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines MD-11 0024 Selcal AFHR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) PH-MCL:Martinair B767-31A/ER 0321 Selcal BJPR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) PH-TSZ:Transavia Airlines B737-3K2 2239 Selcal GQBH to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) VH-EWB:Flight West Fokker F-28-4000 Fellowship 2220 Selcal CGBF to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) T498AA: 498 Med Co US Army Deployed 2240 ALE/USB also T1Z106/1 Bat 106 Avn Regt Deployed Sounding. (22Jan05) (RGA) PNW9: PR China Navy, CHN CW clg-mkr to GM3Z. (14/Dec/04) (ALF) kinloss rescue: 1634 USB exercice completed / " rig north hospital..." Jan22 05 ML GAF118: unid GAF 1046 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Arr. at Hannover AP (07/FEB/05) (KK) GAF960: unid GAF 1024 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Selcall-Check "GHBP" (07/FEB/05) (KK) CAMSLANT: USCG Chesapeake Va 1054A USB Wkg NRPM, USCGC Legare (WMEC-912), adv 5696 is air/ground for CAMSLANT, req they shift their radio guard to another freq. (19Dec04) (RB) CAMSPAC: USCG Point Reyes 0335 USB Wkg 1713 (not heard) with wx for Midway, ETA Midway is 0435z to pass to District 14. Advised they will receive tasking in morning. SAR involving the distressed M/V Explorer with over 900 persons on board. (27Jan05) (RB) NOJ: USCG CommSta Kodiak, AK 0115 USB Wkg CG 6512, followed by the 6007. At 0129 wkg the 1711. At 0130 clg the 6513. At 0144 wkg the 6021 airborne for radio guard. (27Dec04) (RB) HAWAPR: US HF-GCS SIRPNet Stn Ascension 2021 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan05) (RGA) ICZSPR: US HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Sigonella ITA 1928 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) IKFSPR: Keflavik SIPR NET 1020 ALE/USB wkg CROSPR Croughton SIPR NET ALE+DATA (14Feb05) (SA) JDGSPR: US HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Diego Garcia BIOT 2110 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan05) (RGA) PLASPR: US HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Lajes AZR 2138 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Jan05) (RGA) 260006: USAF C-17 96-0006 2045 ALE/USB Calls HAW/Ascension. (20Jan05) (RGA) 260006: USAF C-17 96-0006 2045 ALE/USB Calls JDG/HFGCS Stn Diego Garcia. (20Jan05) (RGA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 0905 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (13Feb05 ) (SA) KWX57: (US Embassy??) 0952 ALE/USB wkg KWS90 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 2213 ALE/USB Calls IKF/USNS Keflavik. (23Jan05) (RGA) B69: (unidentified): 1802 USB/ALE TO E30137 (E-3B AWACS # 8-0137, Tinker AFB). These stations also noted on 09025.0. 02/11 RP3 HHS: (Dept of Heath & Human Services, Wash DC): 1809 USB/ALE sounding. 02/09 RP3 RESCUE 323: Unid 1307 USB Wkg Halifax Military for selcal check. (29Dec04) (RB) Pagina 169 05720 05720 05720 05720 05720 05720 05720 05720.0 05720.0 05732 05748.6 05777 05778.5 05783 05790 05801.5 05805.0 05813 05813 05841 05852 05854 05855.0 05875 05875.0 05875.0 05875.0 05892 05892 05916 06172.0 06220 06220 06220 WUN-v11 A7-AEA: Qatar Airways A330 2203 HFDL Signs on. (13Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCK: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8415 2027 HFDL At 5024N 01054E. (09Feb05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2046 HFDL Posn 5146N 02643W to ARINC Reykjavik. (11Feb05) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' Flt VS0009. 2153 HFDL Sends msg to London via ARINC Reykjavik. "EGLL HI AGAIN REVISED ETA 0050Z BRGDS". (13Feb05) (RGA) JA-401J: JAL B747 2011 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (09Feb05) (RGA) N310UP: UPS B767 2043 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (11Feb05) (RGA) VP-BDM: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0115 2015 At 5436N 02516E. (09Feb05) (RGA) RAF Boulmer: 13:43 RAF Boulmer with Trackings for T1I, USB JMC exercise. 16feb05 (RP) Reykjavic Arinc with squitters id.20:26 7feb05 (RP) LNT: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 2225 ALE/USB Calls J41/USCG HH-60J No 6041 of CGAS Clearwater. (09Feb05) (RGA) CRO: US HF-GCS Stn RAF Croughton UK 1555 ALE/USB Sounds twice on USSD frequency. (20Jan05) (RGA) : Unid 2307 ALE/USB Link-protected ALE followed by voice (Chinese?) then fast modem. Freq from Maciej Muszalski on list. (18Feb05) (RGA) G24502: (prob CH-47 helo, "F" Coy 1/131st Avn, AL NG Birmingham AL): 0250 USB/ALE TO T1Z131 (1/131st Avn, AL NG, Birmingham AL). This helo also noted as R24502 on 07360.0 & 08040.0. 02/12 RP3 757: Unid Illicit 2247 CW Repeating 757 callup then = 270 20 = 60984 01227 64962 ... (02Feb05) (RGA) 244: Chinese Military 1200 ALE/USB Calls 394. (15Feb05) (IB) Arg Ny: 0032 USB SS Antartic Base Orcadas w/unid stn in informalchat. Simplex (23/01/05) (AJP) Unid 0235 LSB SS Radiogams. Possible Argentine Police(17/01/05) (AJP) AA1: Israeli AF 2212 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF 1912 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) PANTHER 0037: Unid TIME??? USB Wkg 17-Charlie, securing radio guard. (21Jan05) (RB) HFB: UK Military 2123 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan05) (RGA) : Unid 1510 UNID/100/170 indecipherable text. (01Feb05) (WC) Unid: 0319 188-110A serial modem ACF = 20 (23/01/05) (AJP) P5Z101: US Army 101st Airborne 0030 ALE/USB Sounding. (10Feb05) (BC2) EAATS: (Eastern Army Aviation Training Site, Muir AAF, Ft Indiantown Gap PA): 1250 USB/ALE sounding. 02/04 RP3 EAATS: (Eastern Army Aviation Training Site, Muir AAF, Ft Indiantown Gap PA): 2100 USB/ALE sounding. 01/19 RP3 R23695: (prob UH-60 helo): 2035 USB/ALE TO EAATS (Eastern Army Aviation Training Site, Muir AAF, Ft. Indiantown Gap PA). Also noted on 08171.5. 02/10 RP3 DESTAFAC: Venezuelan National Guard Naval Component 2203 ALE/USB Calls CGGN/ Commanding General Venezualan National Guard. (09Feb05) (RGA) TYMR2: Unid Spanish Guarda Civil 2111 ALE/USB Calls TXX2/Unid. Repeats call on 5865 kHz. (06Feb05) (RGA) RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 1840 CW qtc to RIC87. (15/Dec/04) (ALF) usaf mc clellan: 0706 USB eam Feb05 05 ML 5PPT: Russian Military 2108 CW End of comms check with G8JG and YZS3. Not heard on QSX 5479 kHz. (19Jan05) (RGA) 5PPT: Russian Military 2212 CW Msg to collective WRBI: QTC 659 29 20 0056 659 = 15. = PPPPP NAähV GHJWF ... (end missed) 250 RPT AL QLN K. (19Jan05) (RGA) KOAU: Russian Military 2226 CW Message for QEF3: 127 Pagina 170 06220 06319.5 06326.0 06326.0 06330.0 06348.0 06368.5 06368.5 06368.5 06369 06377.0 06378.0 06379.0 06379.0 06386.5 06389 06389.0 06389.0 06396.0 06418.0 06427 06449 06496.4 06498.0 06507 06507.0 06529 06529 06529 06529 06529 06529 06532 06532 06532.0 WUN-v11 27 10 0056 127 = ZOS 989 = PPPPP DJZQN öVMöA ... (09Feb05) (RGA) QKLZ: Russian Military 2020 CW Requests R 972? K from A7TG and GJVD who respond on QSX 5479 kHz. (13Feb05) (RGA) UCE: ARKHANGELSK RADIO 1925 - Chan free marker (09/Feb)(DW) XSG: Shanghai CW-SITOR marker 2248 ID (30Jan05) (SMK) xsg: Shanghai Radio 2357 sitor-b next n/w: n/w xsg ni9 ck(80/66 4 1326 3337 (05031) 7022 3068 0656 (ais) 1489 1015 462 4827 (5 Feb 05) (wp3) LZW34: VARNA RADIO 1928 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (09/Feb)(DW) FUE: FN BREST 2028 RTTY 150/N/850 Marker "zczc abc001 all de FUE testing RYs SGs FIGs int ZBZ nnnn k" (05/Feb)(DW) HEB02: BERN RADIO 1646 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB02" every 3 mins (31/Jan)(DW) HEB02: BERN RADIO 2012 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "CQ de HEB02" every 3 mins (05/Feb)(DW) HEB02: Berne Radio, SUI P-II/100Bd 0950 "+++AT&Fe0*ap0*to4*fa1000*pa1000*xm2*myHEB02:S38=195*xi HEB02:*mccq.de.HEB02+++ATQ0V1H0" (18/02/05) (LC) 326: Chinese Military 0743 ALE/USB Calls 109. (16Feb05) (IB) 4XZ: CW Israel Navy VVVV de 4XZ 2239 (20Jan05) (MAL) 8PO: GW idle anda traffic Brigetown, Barbados 2249 (20Jan05)(MAL) 4XZ: IN HAIFA 2015 CW Tfc. Marker "vvv de 4XZ ==" then further tfc. (05/Feb)(DW) 4xz: IN Haifa 2240 cw vvv de 4xz 4xz - - (6 Feb 05) (wp3) USO: Izmail Radio UKR 1610 RTTY/50/170 Msgs. (01Feb05) (WC) AQP4: Pakistan Navy Karachi 2157 CW Vs marker. Weak behind CTP. (26Jan05) (RGA) CTP: PB LISBON 2032 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CTP qsx 04 06 08 12 mhz ar" (05/Feb)(DW) ctp: NATO Lissabon 2228 rtty 75/850 naws naws de ctp ctp qsx 04 06 08 12 mhz ar (5 Feb 05) (wp3) unid: 2302 gw-pactor marker, the same as on 22498,5/12721/12732 but what station =3F (6 Feb 05) (wp3) vtp6: IN Vishakhapatnam 2101 cw vvv vvv vvv vtp 4/6/7 vtp 4/6/7 (5 Feb 05) (wp3) VCS: Globe Wireless Halifax NS CAN 2159 GLOBEDATA Idling. (26Jan05) (RGA) PWZ33: BN Rio 0400 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID & Foxes etc. (17/Feb/05) (RH2) CFH: CF 0410 FAX 120 WX fax. //4271.0 //10536.0 "Canadian ForcesMETOC Centre" (18/01/05) (AJP) unid: 2130 USB / Female voice repeating: "Papa Charlie Delta Two" (07/Feb/2005) (sej) SVO: OlympiaRadio GRC 0042 USB YL voice QSX. (23Jan05) (RGA) svo: Olympia Radio 2225 usb this is Olympia Radio call us on channels 806 1232 1614 2217 (5 Feb 05) (wp3) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 2257 HFDL Signs on. (22Jan05) (RGA) N314UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6742 2256 HFDL Acks TAFOR for EGLL from ARINC Las Palmas. (31Jan05) (RGA) N314UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6742 2311 HFDL At 5305N 02722W. (31Jan05) (RGA) SU-GCE: EgyptAir A330 Flt MSR715 2258 HFDL At 2523N 03405E. (31Jan05) (RGA) VS0009: Virgin Atlantic A340 2301 HFDL Posn 4502N 04909W to ARINC Las Palmas. (19Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SNA: S.African Airways A340 2256 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (22Jan05) (RGA) LX-PCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Diekirch' Flt CV0715 2303 HFDL Reports 0850N 032E to ARINC Shannon. (22Jan05) (RGA) VP-BDN: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0116 2306 HFDL At 5214N 01323E. (22Jan05) (RGA) LH8392: Lufthansa cargo B747-200F Cargo 21:55 7feb05 (RP) Pagina 171 WUN-v11 06532.0 Shannon Air: with msgs in HFDL 21:15 26jan05 (R) 06532.0 Shannon Arinc: with squitters id.2038 7feb05 (RP) 06604 NEW YORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 2202 USB US airfields SIGMETs. (26Jan05) (RGA) 06604.0 New York: I can hear New York with S7 signal in Athens, Greece at 0410 UTC on 6604. 7feb05 (CK) 06640 NEW YORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 0047 USB US Airfield actuals. Poor. Fading. (23Jan05) (RGA) 06650.0 JEAN57: French Pirates 1525 LSB/SSTV/Martin-2 wkg VICTOR62, changing animal pics (20/FEB/05) (KK) 06654 : Unid 1440 FAX Very weak signals. (01Feb05) (WC) 06676.0 AXQ429: Australian Brisbane 1930 usb no/no WX vioce by announcer REC (03.02.2005) (De Berti Paolo - CH) 06676.0 HSD: Bangkok Volmet 1940 usb no/no WX voice by lady annoncer REC (03.02.2005) (De Berti Paolo - CH) 06676.0 no: Bombay Volmet 1955 usb no/no WX vioce by announcer REC (03.02.2005) (De Berti Paolo - CH) 06676.0 no: Singapore PAC Volmet 1920 usb no/no WX vioce by announcer REC (03/Feb/2005) (De Berti Paolo) 06678.6 FRA9LB-8: French Pirates/MB-Vernon 1540 Packet 300Bd/300Hz Msg to FRA6XL-1: MB-Normandy (20/FEB/05) (KK) 06678.6 FRA9LB-8: French Pirates/MB-Vernon 1541 Packet 300Bd/300Hz Msg to FD4JB-1: unid User (20/FEB/05) (KK) 06704 : Unid Chinese Military 1144 CW 3FG cut... tua 773 356 4t3 nn3 446 3d3 4dt 4d6 tu6 773 tu7 773 356 4t3 nn3 436 ... Poor quality. This cw station is sister of V26/V27 stations.(11Feb05) (IB) 06705.0 vtp13: IN Vishakhapatnam : 2044 rtty 50/1080 vtp 13/14 rbsl vnr=ryryryryry vtp 13/14 rbs vnr sgsgsgsgsg (5 Feb 05) (wp3) 06705.2 IDRx: Italian Navy Roma, I 1854 USB/STANAG 4285 2400Bd PSK, channel availability tfc. using 600 bps/long interleaving (29Jan05) (LDO) 06712.0 Reykjavic arinc: with squiters 15:50 5feb05 (RP) 06712.0 usaf OFF: 0659 USB eam Jan20 05 ML 06712.0 68: Danish Forces 1608 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 50,cnf. by fem. Voice, than exc. MIL-188-110/2400Bd/s. End of TX at 1617 cnf. by "68" (20/FEB/05) (KK) 06715 KWS57: (US Embassy ??) 0925 ALE/USB wkg KWS92 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) 06715 PLASPR: Lajes SIPR NET 0843 ALE/USB Wkg IKFSPR Keflavik SIPR NET (15Feb05) (SA) 06715 PLASPR: US HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Lajes AZR 2042 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan05) (RGA) 06715 PLASPR: US HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Lajes AZR 2156 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan05) (RGA) 06721 JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Diego Garcia 2310 ALE/USB Calls JTY/Yokota AFB Japan. (23Jan05) (RGA) 06721 JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Puerto Rico 2024 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan05) (RGA) 06721 JNR: US HF-GCS Stn Puerto Rico 2229 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Feb05) (RGA) 06721 PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 2309 ALE/USB Calls CRO/HF-GCS Croughton. (23Jan05) (RGA) 06722 WET: Poss Italian Military 2017 ALE/USB Calls W47. LHH calls W47. WET calls GBE and 3TJ. (20Jan05) (RGA) 06739.0 THUNDER 45: via Andrews pp to RAYMOND 33 0500z 9feb05 (JK) 06747 222: Chinese Military 1156 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb05) (IB) 06753 RFFN: Russian 'RFF' Net NCS 1500 CW Weak. Works RFFP RFFU? RFFO RFFM. QSX not found. (13Feb05) (RGA) 06753.0 RFFN: unid military station 05:54 A1A Calling RFFM for QSA 11feb05 (PPA) 06763 PHOENIXTOC: US Army Camp Phoenix Kabul AFG 2046 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan05) (RGA) 06771.5 : UNID MIL net, ??? 0715 USB, secure vx tfc. using HC-265 scrambler (07Feb05) (LDO) 06771.5 no-call: UNID MIL net, ??? 0715 USB, secure vx tfc. using HC-265 scrambler (07Feb05) (LDO) Pagina 172 WUN-v11 06780.0 GRASSY: (Washington Gas & Light Company,Grassey Lick, Kirby, WV): 1504 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 06790 : NATO Tactical Air Defence Modem 2208 LINK-11/2250/USB (26Jan05) (RGA) 06790 : Unid French Forces 2213 ARQ-E/184.7/300 Betas only. (26Jan05) (RGA) 06822.4 1046: sitor-b tfc online encrypted ends 1053z without id (6 Feb 05) (wp3) 06835 WQW: Prob Romanian Military 2305 ALE/USB Calls RWG. (06Feb05) (RGA) 06842 : E10 Mossad 2210 USB YL with msg ..W GR3. 6G3 686 .XSFL RUXNN ... (26Jan05) (RGA) 06845 HFB: UK Military 2049 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) 06845 HFB: UK Military 2347 ALE/USB Sounding. (22Jan05) (RGA) 06848 0000001111: Turkish Net 2039 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) 06855.0 unid: 2134 AM / Female in Spanish with five-figure groups. Final at 2138Z. (28Jan.2005) (Midwest USA) 06873 RMP: Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad 1200 CW Sends stratcode msg: XXX RJD85 18698 DRAöENA 5937 2849 K. RJD85 is the listeners' collective. (09Feb05) (RGA) 06873 RMP: Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad 1432 CW Sends Baltic weather to all ships: REO de RMP = QTC 598 44 9 1723 598 = SML = Baltijskoe More shtormowoe pred ... (09Feb05) (RGA) 06873.5 IGDF: Italian Navy vessel 1503 SSB clg IDR fr r/c. (14/Dec/04) (ALF) 06910 214: Chinese Military 1724 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb05) (IB) 06911.5 KYAASF: (Army Aviation Support Facility, KYNG, Frankfort KY): 1240 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 05778.5. 02/04 RP3 06911.5 KYAASF: (Aviation Support Facility, Frankfort KY): 1335 USB/ALE sounding. 02/07 RP3 06911.5 P5Z101: (5/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY): 0117 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 06911.5 T5Z101: (5/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY): 2303 USB/ALE sounding. 02/04 RP3 06930 SYN2: E10 Mossad 0050 USB YL with callup SYN2 then offair without traffic. (23Jan05) (RGA) 06936.0 RFH82: unid CIS navy CIS 05:28 A1A Calling RCV for QTC number 955 11feb05 (PPA) 06960.3 F14HBA: unid FRONET user S 09:07 Pactor 1/200/200 calling F11HBN 20feb05 (PPA) 06973.00 kol: am / (09/Feb/2005) (kol) 06981 HR: Soatrach Hasi R'Mel ALG 2038 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Feb05) (RGA) 06985.0 FCSFEM: (Communications Supervisor, FEMA HQs, VA): 1619 USB/ALE TO USAIS1012 (US Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA). 01/26 RP3 06985.0 FCSFEM: (Communications Supervisor, FEMA HQs, VA): 1703 USB/ALE TO USAIS1012 (US Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA)-[AMD]THIS IS FCSFEM TESTING 19JAN05. 01/19 RP3 06985.0 HOTEL 2 UNIFORM: and MIKE 2 LIMA, US Army: 1603 USB voice/ALE. ALE calls USANG2409and USAIS1012 (09/FEB/05) (JLM) 06985.0 KFMHNG: (probably 1/126th Avn, MANG Otis ANGB MA): 1432 USB/ALE sounding. 02/07 RP3 06985.0 KFMHNG: (probably 3/126th Avn MANG, Otis ANGB MA): 1906 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 06985.0 & 08171.5. 02/04 RP3 06985.0 USACE1010: (US Army Corps of Engineers): 1752 USB/ALE sounding. 01/19 RP3 06985.0 USACE1010: (US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington DC): 1634 USB/ALE=20sounding. 01/23 RP3 06985.0 USAIS1012: (US Army Intelligence & Security Command, Ft Belvoir VA):=201545 USB/ALE TO USADA1010 (unidentified US Army Command). 10/23 RP3 06990.9 I2EDU: Protezione Civile Milano, I 0951 PSK31 calling several stations throughout Italy, no reply on this channel Pagina 173 06990.9 06991.3 06991.3 06991.3 06991.3 06991.3 06991.9 06991.9 06992.5 07012 07018 07018.0 07029 07042.1 07310.0 07360.0 07360.0 07430.0 07448.5 07475.0 07477.0 07577.2 07578.7 07598.0 07617.0 07617.0 07617.0 07632 07632 07641.0 07646.0 WUN-v11 (29Jan05) (LDO) I2EDU: Protezione Civile Milano, I 0951 PSK31 working I2BSL, CRMO and IV3AVQ (29Jan05) (LDO) I6FYR: Protezione Civile Pesaro, I 1013 PSK31 tfc. to Milano (29Jan05) (LDO) IK2SGO: Protezione Civile Brescia, I 1001 PSK31 tfc. to Udine (29Jan05) (LDO) IN3LFL: Protezione Civile Bolzano, I 1011 PSK31 tfc. to Brescia (29Jan05) (LDO) IV3AVQ: Protezione Civile Udine, I 1001 PSK31 tfc. to Brescia (29Jan05) (LDO) IZ1EAO: Protezione Civile Savona, I 1051 PSK31 tfc. to Milano (29Jan05) (LDO) CRMO: Centro Radio Mobile di Agrate, I 1046 PSK31 tfc. to Milano (29Jan05) (LDO) I2BSL: Protezione Civile Lodi, I 1027 PSK31 tfc. to Milano (29Jan05) (LDO) mfj04: Sea Cadet Corps 1109 usb tfc in ee weak, this is mike foxtrott india zero four then clg mfl33 mfj04 mot09 1120z in cw: mfj04 de mfp34 krk qsa k (6 Feb 05) (wp3) : Russian Military 1136 RUS-75/75/190 Cipher. (08Feb05) (RGA) REA4: AF HQ Moscow 2248 REVS/50/1000 Idling. Has anyone seen any traffic from REA4 recently? // 4179. (21Jan05) (RGA) REA4: AFHQ Moscow RUS 17:43 F1B/50/1000 idling with 24 milisecond mark and 16 miliseconds space signal 11feb05 (PPA) : Unid 1720 UNID FAX-like sound tx, possible 122.5 Bd. Possibly radio amateurs. (31Jan05) (IB) Unid: PEEP. 2.7 sec spaced 0.27 sec length. It is heard thewhole day. Possible Brazilian HAM stuff . No ID, No CW (28/01/05) (AJP) 000: (unidentified): 2209 USB/ALE TO 420 (unidentified). 02/15 RP3 G23280: (prob CH-47 helo, "F" Coy, 1/131st Avn, AL NG Birmingham AL): 0110 USB/ALE TO G24502 (prob CH-47 helo, "F" Coy 1/131st Avn, AL NG Birmingham AL). Also noted on 08040.0. 02/12 RP3 P1Z131: (1/131st Avn, ALNG, Birmingham AL): 0213 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08040.0. 02/07 RP3 unid: 0720 unid continuous mode ?? Jan21 05 ML USADA1010: (unidentified US Army Command): 1740 USB/ALE TO USAFC1220 (US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), Ft McPherson GA). Also noted on 06767.5 & 07510.0. 01/19 RP3 RADIO: (Washington Gas & Light Company): 2053 LSB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 06780.0LSB & 09200.0LSB. 01/21 RP3 OK6: & FC6, Oklahoma FEMA stations: 1434 USB ALE. Also active just before on 7480.0USB ALE (09/FEB/05) Brazilian Army: 1147 Sitor-B 200 Hz shift Msg abt hospitals(21/01/05) (AJP) : MFA Cairo 1548 ARQ Announcing following freq 7579 9753. Unreadable text. (03Feb05) (WC) italian army net: 0744 LSB ital morning testing numerous stations answering with sio Jan18 05 ML CAMALEON3: (Possibly 3rd Independent Inf Bde, Mexican Army): 0116 USB/ALE TO RM4 (HQs, Mexican Army 4th military Region, Monterrey). 01/27 RP3 RM4: (HQs, 4th Military Region, Monterrey, Mexican Army): 2301 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican Army). 01/20 RP3 RM4: (HQs, Mexican Army 4th Military Region, Monterrey): 0157 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly Mexican Army 3rd Independent Inf Bde). 02/03 RP3 180226: C-5 68-0226 1935 ALE/USB Sounds. (16Feb05) (SA) KVX53: (US Embassy Europe ??) 1258 ALE/USB wkg KVX55 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) POID: unid 1144 USB ALE clg YVBZ (18/JAN/05) (KK) DDH7: Hamburg Meteo 1650 BAUDOT 50/425 (05/Feb/2005) (F.Tambussa) Pagina 174 WUN-v11 07646.0 DDH7: hamburg met 0748 ITA/50 synop wx bulletin from DBKV poseidon german official survey - PBII santa maria dutch cargo - PJRH cold stream neth ant cont ship Jan21 05ML 07660.0 10B: UNID, 1000, USB/ALE, TO DIAKO55, 09-FEB-05 (PIRI) 07660.0 DIAKON55: UNID, 0813, USB/ALE, TO INDIA77, 09-FEB-05 (PIRI) 07660.0 DIAKON55: UNID, 0908, USB/ALE, TO BERKEL57, 09-FEB-05 (PIRI) 07671.5 fdg: : FAF Bordeaux 1441 rtty 50/400 (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 07735.0 BRAVO 3: unid oilrig at the Libyan coast 05:51 J3E/U calling andworking BRAVO 9 in Arabic and English 30jan05 (PPA) 07753.0 WNU: Slidell radio USA 03:18 GW-Pactor 100/200 working ships on 7718khz 30jan05 (PPA) 07756.7 no call: Egyptian embassy Rome I 18:03 Sitor-A/100/170 5 characterHexadecimal groups to "71" 11feb05 (PPA) 07771.7 PNA: 2050 Sitor-B Long list with geographical position for F/Vin Argentine Sea. (07/02/05) (AJP)07810.0 ---: Argentine Air Force 2205 USB SS Meteo service collecting meteo data for several location in Argentine North East Air Area 06/02/05) (AJP) 07777.0 JAGUAR: (Mexican Army): 2323 USB/ALE TO RM6 (HQs, Mexican Army 6th=20Military Region, La Boticaria). 01/23 RP3 07777.0 JAGUAR: (Mexican Army): 2325 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly Mexican=20Army 3rd Independent Inf Bde). 01/23 RP3 07777.0 RM5: (HQs, Mexican Army 5th military Region, Guadalajara): 0009 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly Mexican Army 3rd Independent Inf bde). 01/24 RP3 07777.0 RM6: (HQs, Mexican Army 6th military Region, La Boticaria): 0228 USB/ALE TO JAGUAR (Mexican Army). 01/24 RP3 07777.0 RM6: (HQs, Mexican Army 6th military Region, La Boticaria): 0429 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly Mexican Army 3rd Independent Inf bde). 01/24 RP3 07783.0 polish forces: in bosnia 1432 USB pol d/x phone dial Jan29 05 ML 07811.0 AFN Key West: FL USA 03:12 J3E Feeder of AFRTS Program 30jan05 (PPA) 07811.0 AFRTS/AFN: US military HF feeder 0214 USB / with playby-play of Super Bowl 39. //5446.5 & 10320.0 kHz. (07Feb.2005) (Midwest USA) 07811.0 AFRTS: feeder 0117 USB EE News (07/02/05) (AJP) 07823.0 Chilean Ny: 2215 USB SS Unid stn sending 5LG (12/02/05) (AJP) 07832.5 : NATO Air Defence Data System 1748 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. (21Jan05) (RGA) 07833 : UNID station, ??? 1628 ALIS 228.65Bd/170Hz, unsuccessful in linking with other party (08Feb05) (LDO) 07833.0 no-call: UNID station, ??? 1628 ALIS 228.65Bd/170Hz, unsuccessful in linking with other party (08Feb05) (LDO) 07846.2 : Unid Military GBR 1510 PICCOLO-12 Encrypted trafic (18/02/05) (LC) 07846.2 UK FCO: 0244 Piccolo 12 tones (28/01/05) (AJP) 07870 AMBA: Samara (Kurumoch) Aero, RUS USB YL wkg SHPORA (Rostov na Donu), AVRORA (Volgograd). (14/Dec/04) (ALF) 07880.0 DDK3: hamburg met DDK3 0846 FAX european wind chart Jan21 05 ML 07895.7 FN Brest: 0437 ARQ-E3 100/400 Betas (12/02/05) (AJP) 07897 : Unid 1452 UNID/75/450 Indecipherable text. (01Feb05) (WC) 07909 : Prob USCG 1419 MIL-STD 188-110 1200 Serial-short interleave. (16Feb05) (AD) 07922.0 LAPL: unid CIS military 06:07 A1A duplex QSA check to IQHQ 30jan05 (PPA) 07932.5 Fishermen: 1315 USB SS Argentine or Uruguayan (07/02/05) (AJP) 07960.0 FDG: FAF Bordeaux 1122 CW Marker: "VVV VVV DE FDG FDG FDG AR" (07/FEB/05) (KK) 07969.0 XIKR: unid RUS military 06:14 A1A 5L QTC after 942 272 2094 942 PPPPP 30jan05 (PPA) Pagina 175 WUN-v11 08000.0 BURRO: (Mexican military): 0216 USB/ALE TO 123 (probably Mexican Ministry of Defense). 01/17 RP3 08030.0 ALFA: (Mexcian military): 0141 USB/ALE TO DELTA (Mexican military).=2001/23 RP3 08030.0 DELTA: (Mexican military): 0349 USB/ALE TO ALFA (Mexican military). Also noted on 09020.0. 01/17 RP3 08035.0 DELTA14: (Mexican military): 0210 TO HURACAN2 (Mexican military). 01/17 RP3 08040.0 CGOOPS: (unidentified US Army Avn unit): 0001 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 08040.0 P1Z131: (1/131st Avn ALNG, Birmingham AL): 0018 USB/ALE sounding. 01/19 RP3 08040.0 P1Z131: (1/131st Avn ALNG, Birmingham, AL): 0237 USB/ALE TO R23277 (prob UH-60, 1/131st Avn). 01/22 RP3 08040.0 P1Z131: (1/131st Avn, ALNG, Birmingham AL): 1019 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07360.0. 02/04 RP3 08040.0 T1Z131: (1/131st Avn, ALNG, Birmingham AL): 2357 USB/ALE sounding. 01/21 RP3 08045.0 ENCINO: (Mexican military): 0207 USB/ALE TO ROBLE (Mexican military). 01/19 RP3 08045.0 PIN: (Mexican military): 0106 USB/ALE TO PINO (Mexican military). 01/18 RP3 08046.5 : UNID German MIL net, D 1129 USB/MAHRS/2400Bd burst PSK system, occasional tfc. bursts in EPM-mode (08Feb05) (LDO) 08046.5 : UNID Russian emb., ??? 0931 OFDM+MFSK, switching between 25-tone OFDM and 32-tone/40Bd MFSK, QSX 9136.5 kHz USB (05Feb05) (LDO) 08046.5 no-call: UNID German MIL net, D 1129 USB/MAHRS 2400Bd burst PSK system, occasional tfc. bursts in EPM-mode (08Feb05) (LDO) 08046.5 no-call: UNID Russian emb., ??? 0931 OFDM+MFSK, switching between 25-tone OFDM and 32-tone/40Bd MFSK, QSX 9136.5 kHz USB (05Feb05) (LDO) 08047.0 A060RN: (Nat'l Guard, Arkansas): 1258 USB/ALE TO H090IN (Nat'l Guard, Hawaii). 01/21 RP3 08047.0 HQ703N: (probable Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0020=20USB/ALE TO N070EN (Nat'l Guard, Nebraska). 01/23 RP3 08047.0 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0351 USB/ALE TO G090UN (Nat'l Guard, Guam). 01/26 RP3 08047.0 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0435 USB/ALE TO H090IN (Nat'l Guard, hawaii). 02/02 RP3 08047.0 M010AN: (Nat'l Guard, Mass): 1310 USB/ALE TO HQ703N (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA). 01/21 RP3 08047.0 W050IN: (Nat'l Guard, Wisconsin): 0125 USB/ALE TO HQ703N (probable=20Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA). 01/23 RP3 08056.0 812189: (prob UH-60): 0001 USB/ALE TO GRB (Ghost Rider Base, prob Ft Rucker AL). 02/11 RP3 08056.0 812287: (prob helo): 2304 USB/ALE TO GRB (US JSOC "Ghost Rider Base",Ft Bragg, NC). 01/24 RP3 08056.0 814388: (unidentified aircraft): 1858 USB/ALE TO 854194 (unidentified aircraft). Also noted on 09145.0 & 17458.5. 01/31 RP3 08056.0 CLH: (US JSOC:Fort Bragg, NC): 1330 USB/ALE TO CLS (US Army SOC:Fort Campbell, KY). Also noted on 09145.0. 02/01 RP3 08056.0 CLH: (US JSOC:Fort Bragg, NC): 2004 USB/ALE TO CLS (US Army SOC:Fort Campbell, KY). Also noted on 09145.0. 01/27 RP3 08056.0 CLH: (probably Hunter AAF,Savannah GA): 2028 USB/ALE TO 832416 (poss 92-26416 MH-60L, Coy "D", 3-160 SOAR HUNTER AAF GA). 02/03 RP3 08056.0 CLS: (probable 160th SOAR, Sabre AAF, Ft Campbell KY): 1534 USB/ALE TO CLH (probable 3/160th SOAR, Hunter AAF, Pagina 176 WUN-v11 Savannah GA). 02/02 RP3 08056.0 NSB: (US JSOC,Ft Bragg, NC): 2151 USB/ALE TO 852184 & 852419 (probable helos). 01/24 RP3 08056.0 QBJ: (unidentified station): 2028 USB/ALE TO 832416 (poss 92-26416 MH-60L, Coy "D", 3-160 SOAR HUNTER AAF GA). 02/03 RP3 08056.7 : Egyptian Diplo 1752 ARQ Long period of IRS opchat 'yks yks' and off air. (21Jan05) (RGA) 08058.6 CRO: US HF-GCS Stn Croughton UK 2248 ALE/USB Sounding on USSD frequency. (23Jan05) (RGA) 08058.6 KWQ36: US Embassy ??) 1410 ALE/USB wkg KEN (US Embassy ??) [AMD]"KWQ36 CALLING" (09Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 KWX90: US Embassy?? 1443 ALE/USB wkg KWT50 US Embassy ?? (16Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1304 ALE/USB Wkg KEH34 (??) (07Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 WNG740: (US Dept of State): 1844 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 08060.0 CLC23M: (Local Communications Center, 23rd Special Ops Bde, Venezuelan Army): 0324 USB/ALE TO CRC2M Regional Command Post-Mobile, 2nd Military Region). 01/18 RP3 08060.0 CLC25M: (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 25th Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army): 0012 USB/ALE TO CRC2M (Regional Command Post-Mobile, 2nd Military Region). 01/19 RP3 08060.0 CLC25M: (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 25th Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army): 0046 USB/ALE TO CRC2M (Regional Command Post-Mobile, 2nd Military Region). Also noted on 07849.0 & 08181.0. 01/18 RP3 08060.0 CORE7: (Commander, Venezuelan National Guard Region 7): 0322 USB/ALE TO CGGN (HQs, Venezuelan National Guard). 01/18 RP3 08060.0 CORE7: (Commander, Venezuelan National Guard Region 7): 0342 USB/ALE TO MIRA3 (Command Element at Presidential Palace (Palacio de Miraflores). 01/17 RP3 08060.0 CORE7: (Commander, Venezuelan National Guard Region 7): 0706 USB/ALE TO CUFAN3 (unidentified sub-element of Unified Command of National Armed Forces, Venezuelan Army). 01/20 RP3 08060.0 CORE7: (Commander, Venezuelan National Guard Region 7): 0722 USB/ALE TO CGGN (HQs, Venezuelan Nat'l Guard). 01/17 RP3 08060.0 CRC2M: (Regional Command Post-Mobile, 2nd Military Region): 0248 USB/ALE TO CLC24M (Local Communications CenterMobile, 24th Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army). 01/19 RP3 08060.0 CRC2M: (Regional Communications Center-Mobile, 2nd Military Regiopn, Venezuelan Army): 0324 USB/ALE TO CLC25M (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 25th Inf Bde,Venezuelan Army). 01/22 RP3 08060.0 CUFAN3: (unidentified sub-element of Unified Command of National Armed Forces): 0307 USB/ALE TO CORE7 (Commander, Venezuelan National Guard Region 7). 01/17 RP3 08060.0 SCLC222M: (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 222nd Motorized Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army): 0152 USB/ALE TO CLC22M (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 22nd Inf Bde). 01/17 RP3 08060.0 SCLC222M: (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 222nd Motorized Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army): 0335 USB/ALE TO CLC22M (Local Communications Center-Mobile, 22nd Inf Bde,Venezuelan Army). 01/22 RP3 08065.0 HONDO1: (unidentified): 2248 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB Honduras). Also noted on 08972.0. 01/24 RP3 08065.0 R23740: (prob UH-60 helo): 1439 USB/ALE TO KBNWNG (probably 1/109th Avn, IANG, Boone Airport, IA). 02/10 RP3 08065.0 RUH959: (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 2150 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 01/27 RP3 Pagina 177 WUN-v11 08065.0 RUH960: (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 2127 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 01/26 RP3 08065.0 SKYWAT: (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 0340 USB/ALE sounding. 01/19 RP3 08065.0 SKYWAT: (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 0556 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 08070 MDN: Ministère de la défense nationale Algiers, ALG 1550 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B tfc. to JU10 (08Feb05) (LDO) 08070.0 MDN: Minist=E8re de la d=E9fense nationale Algiers, ALG 1550 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B tfc. to JU10 (08Feb05) (LDO) 08084.0 ACERO: (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force): 0000 USB/ALE TO ACERO1 (possibly Mexican Air Force Base #1, Santa Lucia). 01/22 RP3 08084.0 ACERO: (possibly HQs, Mexican Air Force): 2354 USB/ALE TO ACERO4 (possibly Mexican Air Force Base #4, Cozumel). 01/22 RP3 08089.7 MFA Cairo: 2205 sitor-a rq:rcvb qsx 9118.70 seems to be Cairo, but this answerback: 19298 thrane dk+=3F ends with hjkj kdhjkj yks yks yks (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 08098.2 Unid: 2215 Stanag 4285 ACF = 32 (13/01/05) (AJP) 08103.0 4XZ: IN HAIFA 2045 CW Tfc in Hebrew(?). 2101 marker "vvv de 4XZ==" then rpt msg (08/Feb)(DW) 08105.5 SWA27: Athens Air 0913 FAX Very weak signals unreadable. (07Feb05) (WC) 08105.5 SWA: Athens Meteo 0912 FAX 120/576 surface prog S Europe. Fuzzy chart in QRM; similar one at 1025 (05Feb05) (KB) 08108.4 LOR: Arg Ny Pto. Belgrano 1753 RTTY 75/170 Storm warning (26/01/05)(AJP) 08135.0 ---: UNID 2318 CW Encrypted tfc in five ltr grps. Ends "ar ar ar" then ITWWG" number of times and into nxt msg in 5ltr grps (08/Feb)(DW) 08135.0 AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 0205 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07848.0. 02/14 RP3 08136.0 no call: Cuban intel (V2) 08:50 J3E SS YL Attencion + 5F msg 20feb05 (PPA) 08140.5 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1656 OFDM + MFSK, switching between 34-tone OFDM-waveform and 32-tone/40Bd MFSK (23Jan05) (LDO) 08140.5 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1656 OFDM + MFSK, switching between 34-tone OFDM- waveform and 32tone/40Bd MFSK (23Jan05) (LDO) 08146.5 IMB55: ROME MET 2254 FAX 120/576/N/800 End of chart "Check sigmets for in volcanic ash". 2nd chart labelled "Carta del tempo 08 02 2005 21UTC 3D-VAR" thru 2312z (08/Feb)(DW) 08146.6 IMB55: Roma Meteo ITA-AF 0747 FAX Very good signals. (07Feb05) (WC) 08146.6 IMB55: Rome Meteo 0745 FAX 120/576 FL240 (05Feb05) (KB) 08146.6 IMB55: roma 1405 FAX poor qual europ wind chart Feb05 05 ML 08151.5 9MR: Malay Navrad 2139 RTTY/50/850 Admin Orders in EE. (10/Feb/05) (RH2) 08161.5 TA7158: (7/158th Avn, Ft Hood TX): 2253 USB/ALE sounding. 02/04 RP3 08161.5 TA7158: (Coy "A", 7/158th Avn, Ft Hood TX): 0314 USB/ALE sounding. 02/07 RP3 08171.5 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 2112 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 06911.5. 01/19 RP3 08171.5 86OPS: (86th Medical Co, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1832 USB/ALE sounding. 02/04 RP3 08171.5 EFDNG: (possibly 1/149th Avn, TXNG, Ellington Field, Houston TX): 0141 USB/ALE sounding. 02/04 RP3 08171.5 R23566: (probable UH-60, 86th Med Coy, VTNG Colchester/Burlington VT): 2023 USB/ALE TO 86OPS (86th Med Coy, VTNG Colchester/Burlington VT). Also noted on 06911.5; 09295.0. 02/02 RP3 08191.7 9MR: Malay Navrad 1626 RTTY/50/850 5LG fm"LAVT to MATM", then admin msgs (28/Jan/05) (RH2) Pagina 178 WUN-v11 08192.0 9mr: Royal Malaysian Navy 2149 rtty 50/850 3. sukan a. kuala lumpur - raja pecut dari ceramica panaria - navigare, graeme brown menu=tup tirai (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 08192.3 9MR: Malay Navrad 1606 RTTY/50/850 Admin Msgs in Malay + 5LG. (10/Feb/05) (RH2) 08280.0 1EW1: (unidentified): 2337 LSB/ALE TO 1LY3 (unidentified). 02/15 RP3 08280.0 7RC4: (unidentified): 1217 LSB/ALE TO T5L1 (unidentified). Also noted on 09075.0 LSB. 02/15 RP3 08289 GDCZAKHO: Gov. Dispatch Center Zakho/Dahuk Prov IRQ 1658 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (14Jan05) (LDO) 08289.0 GDCZAKHO: Gov. Dispatch Center Zakho/Dahuk Prov., IRQ 1658 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A sounding(14Jan05) (LDO) 08293 VTP13/14 IN Vishakhapatnam 1547 RTTY/50/850 RY/ID & Foxes etc. (17/Feb/05) (RH2) 08294.0 unid: ship 1451 USB russ Feb13 05 ML 08297.7 VTP13/14 IN Vishakhapatnam 2127 RTTY/50/850 Wx/EE "to All Concerned". (10/Feb/05) (RH2) 08336.0 Unid: US Navy 0436 Stanag 4481 ACF = 0 Possible Pearl Harbor(23/01/05) (AJP) 08337 : Prob USCG 2215 MIL-STD 188-110 Serial 1200 data rate with short interleave. Probably USCG. (10Feb05) (AD) 08379 : Unid Vessel 1641 ARQ Selcals XVSY/CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA. (11Feb05) (AD) 08397.0 unid: ship 0858 ARQ work UGE arkhangelsk Jan21 05 ML 08414.0 00412: cw / (16/Feb/2005) (anonymous) 08418.0 IAR: ROME RADIO 1842 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (09/Feb)(DW) 08424.0 SVO4: OLYMPIA RADIO 1846 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (09/Feb)(DW) 08424.4 SVO: Olympia Radio 2138, SITOR-B, meteo in english (17-feb-2005)(MSM) 08427.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1848 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (09/Feb)(DW) 08430.0 TAH: Istanbul Radio 8:21 NAVTEX / wheater or sea forecast message (22/Jan/2005) (F.Tambussa) 08431.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1853 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (09/Feb)(DW) 08431.5 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1854 CW Chan free marker "deUAT" (09/Feb)(DW) 08434.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1857 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (09/Feb)(DW) 08435.0 XSQ: GUANGZHOU RADIO 1859 CW Chan free marker "XSQ" (09/Feb)(DW) 08446.5 HEB03: BERN RADIO 1643 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB03" every 3 mins (31/Jan)(DW) 08452.7 RFFMEA: Naviter France Sud 2116 RTTY/75/850 Test tape to Batiments. (10/Feb/05) (RH2) 08470.5 UNID: UNID 2002 MFSK 195.2/600 encrypted? (09/Feb/2005) (F.Tambussa) 08471 : Unid Station 1910 UNID/75/600 (18/02/05) (LC) 08475.2 FUX: FN Le Port 1622 RTTY/75/850 Test tape //12690.7 (28/Jan/05) (RH2) 08478.5 rflie: FN Fort de France 2138 rtty 75/850 oo faaa de rflie znr uuuuu ui testing ryryryryryryryry sgsgsgsgsgsgsgsg nnnn (7 Feb 05)= (wp3) 08479.8 RFLIE: (FR Navy, Fort-de-France): 0035 RTTY 75/850 w/test tape. 02/01 RP3 08480 HZY: Ras Tanurah Radio, ARS 1635 CW E wx bull, "cq de HZY", later tfc list. (14/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) 08484.5 HEB04: BERN RADIO 1608 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB04" every 3 mins (31/Jan)(DW) 08484.5 HEB04: Berne Radio SUI 1010 P-II/100Bd "+++AT&Fe0*ap0*to4*fa1000*pa1000*xm2*myHEB04:S38=195*xi HEB04:*mccq.de.HEB04+++ATQ0V1H0" (18/02/05) (LC) 08495 C: MX Beacon Moscow 0751 CW // 10872 13528 16332. (28Jan05) (WC) 08495 C: MX Beacon Moscow 0813 CW // 7039 13528 16332 20049. Pagina 179 08495 08499.7 08500.0 08514 08551.0 08568.0 08568.3 08570.0 08602 08634.0 08646 08646 08646 08646.0 08646.0 08646.0 08646.0 08670.0 08682.2 08710.0 08711 08716.5 08825 08828.0 08834 08834 08834 08834 08834 08834 08837.0 08886 08906.0 WUN-v11 (29Jan05) (WC) F: MX Beacon Vladivostok 1435 CW (29Jan05) (WC) VTH1/5/7 IN Mumbai 1818 RTTY/50/850 Navarea 7 - Wx/EE (28/Jan/05) (RH2) vth5: IN Mumbai 2127 rtty 50/850 vth 1/5/7 rbsl bnr bnr ryryryryry vth 1/5/7 rbsl bnr bnr sgsgsgsgs 2130: navarea from navarea viii co-ordinator to navarea viii (7 Feb 05) (wp3) XSQ: Guangzhou Radio 2934 CW Sent two msgs to vessel BPFM. (05Feb05) (AB) CTP: NAWS Lisboa 1740 RTTY 75/850 idle marker "NAWS del ctp" (22/Jan/2005) (F.Tambussa) fuv: FN Djibouti 2121 rtty 75/850r faaa de fuv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8=9 0 testing ryryryryryryryryryryryry sgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgs 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 voyez vous le brick geant que j examine pres du grand wharf int zbz kkkkkkk (7 Feb 05) (wp3) FUV: (FR Navy Djibouti): 0040 RTTY 75.850 w/" voyez le brick" test tape. 02/01 RP3 PWZ-33: BN Rio de Janeiro 2231 Pactor-FEC Ship traffic (14/06/03)(AJP) CWA: Cerrito Radio, URG 2135 CW CQ-marker. (12/Dec/04) (DL8AAM) vtg6: IN Mumbai 2037 cw vvv vvv vvv vtg 4/6/7 vtg 4/6/7 vtg 4/6/7 2040z: ii zfg nrbn 642/07 .... tfc 3lg (7 Feb 05) (wp3) : Unid REVS/86.2/250 Wiped VTP6. (01Feb05) (RGA) FUJ: Fr Navy Noumea NCL 1522 RTTY/75/850 Testing. (01Feb05) (WC) VTP6: Naval Radio Vishakhapatnam India 2152 CW 4FG msgs to warships. (01Feb05) (RGA) VTP: Indian Navy ? 1459 CW / VVV de VTP 4/6/7 (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) VTP: Indian Navy ? 1459 CW / VVV de VTP 4/6/7 (05/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) VTP: Indian Navy; Vishakhapatnam 1900 CW / Msg's; Also using: 6418 khz (17/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) vtp6: IN Vishakhapatnam 2023 cw vvv vvv vvv vtp4/5/6 vtp4/5/6 vtp4/5/6 2025z: nw ar ii ii nrvm nrvm 67/88 zfg ... tfc (7 Feb 05) (wp3) IAR: Roma Radio 1435 CW / VVV de IAR IAR IAR k4 8 12 16 22 Mhz (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) NMC: USCG Pt Reyes 1610 FAX/120/576 Pacific E Wx chart (28/Jan/05) (RH2) UGE: arkhangelsk 0911 USB russ naws Jan21 05 ML HFB: UK Military 2009 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Jan05) (RGA) unid: 0855 COQ8? Jan21 05 ML USAIR 11: US Air Flt 1203 USB Wkg Santa Maria who sends him to 8906 kHz. Then AME102 with posn rpt 40N 16W at 1203. Est 3945N 20W at 1209. (01Feb05) (RGA) auckland vm: 1753 USB Jan23 05 ML ARINC-08: Johannesburg SAF 2239 HFDL Poor squitters. No apparent tfc. (31Jan05) (RGA) AZ9061: Alitalia Flt 2145 Posn 2338N 05828E. At 2208 reports 2415N 05539E to ARINC Reykjavik on 5720 kHz. (13Feb05) (RGA) VS0603: Virgin Atlantic Flt 2141 HFDL Reports 2733N 00116E to ARINC Johannesburg. (13Feb05) (RGA) ZS-SFD SA Flight 579 A319 1723 HFDL Posn rpt to JNB (30/Jan/05) (RH2) ZS-SFE SA Flight 479 A319 1651 HFDL Gnd/Air ACARS link test fm JNB (30/Jan/05) (RH2) ZS-SFF: SA Flight 575 A319 1648 HFDL Gnd/Air Unable read msgs. (30/Jan/05) (RH2) ldoc el al: 1359 USB heb d/x Feb05 05 ML : Unid Air Def 0348 CW 4fcut. nr a75d du56 at45..nr udna 36a5 at45..nr t75d 5u33 at45 ... (26Jan05) (IB) atc nat shanwick: 0958 USB work BREK n724cc > dublin Pagina 180 08912 08942.0 08942.0 08942.0 08948 08948 08965.0 08968 08972.0 08972.0 08977 08977.0 08977.0 08984.0 09002.0 09020.0 09022.0 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 WUN-v11 /LQEM bizzn255cc >punta cana/ REACH14 / ASQR ja8274 b767 / KSGR / REACH195 Jan30 05 ML N464UP: UPS B757-24APF 2245 HFDL Signs on to Riverhead NY USA. Prob ICAO ID E255A5. (31Jan05) (RGA) AY2634: With Position rep 54.50,58 N 27.57,50 E 14:36 (RP) ID 07: Shannon Air 15:41 HFDL 3feb05 (RP) LH8433: 17:58 Lufthansa Cargo D-ALCP MD 11 HFDL 15feb05 (RP) HL-7736: Asiana A330 2008 HFDL Signs on. (11Feb05) (RGA) N68159: Continental B767 2010 HFDL Acks msg via ARINC Las Palmas "N68159 RAY QUFCFDUCO .1DISP TO 0055/11 <BEL> HOW WAS THE RIDE COMING OVER. " (11Feb05) (RGA) gaf: ?? 2019 USB ee end of comm Feb09 05 ML HAWSPR: Ascension SIPR NET 1214 ALE/USB wkg MCC McLellan HF-GCS (15Feb05) (SA) RUH: (UH-60 helo, 1/228th Avn, Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 2221T USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 01/24 RP3 WAR: (1/228th Avn Regt("Winged Warriors") OperationsSoto Cano AB, Honduras): 2226 USB/ALE TO RUH960 ((probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 01/26 RP3 OH-LBS: Finnair B757 Flt AY2505 2039 HFDL Reports 3720N 00848W to ARINC Reykjavik. (11Feb05) (RGA) Reykjavic arinc: with squiters 15:18 (rp) UP6727: 18:50 UP6727 UPS B767-300 Position 52.20,30N 11.59,9W HFDL 16feb05 (RP) fishermen: pirate ? 0954 USB ee d/x Jan30 05 ML ---: UNID 1458 CW Hi spd op sigs. "qsa1" "nil"" and "A5E"? (05/Feb)(DW) DOMINGEZ: (Mexican military): 0514 USB/ALE TO ALFA (Mexican military). 02/03 RP3 US Navy: 2216 Link-11 (14/02/05) (AJP) 180221: C-5 68-0221 1418 ALE/USB Sounds. (07Feb05) (SA) 260003: C-17 96-0003 (Rch-900) 0831 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (15Feb05) (SA) 40192: KC-10 84-0192 0755 ALEUSB wkg CRO Croughton HFGCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCPTAENNNN "Hilda East" (Broken unreadable) (09Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1802 ALE/USB Wkg 523546 KC-135 62-3546. (07Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1516 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (15Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1711 ALE.USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (11Feb05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1849 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HFGCS (15Feb05) (SA) UKE306: R.A.F. E3 ZH106 1335 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (11Feb05) (SA) 190005: (C-5 # 69-0005, 337th AS, Westover AFB MA): 1906 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 500316: (KC-135E # 60-0316, 108th ARW McGuire AFB NJ): 1816 USB/ALE TO MCC (USAF GSC, McClellan AFB). 02/11 RP3 708: (USCG HC-130 # 1708, CGAS Clearwater): 1156 USB/ALE sounding. 01/20 RP3 ADW: (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB): 1538 USB/ALE TO 491710 (KC-10 # 70-1710, 305th AMW, McGuire AFB NJ). 02/12 RP3 Dragnet Alpha: (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB): 2342 USB w/Raymond 24 (Tinker AFB) (in progress) w/formatted report information. 02/10 RP3 E30576: (E-3B AWACS # 78-0576, Tinker AFB): 1610 USB/ALE TO E30137 (E-3B AWACS # 8-0137, Tinker AFB). 02/11 RP3 LB291: (unidentified, possible aircraft, P-3C ??): 1706 USB/ALE TO CGOOPS (unidentified, possibly Cargo Ops ??). 02/11 RP3 icz: 15:06 ICZ USAF/NAS Sigonella with Sounding ALE 16feb05 (RP) Pagina 181 09044 09045.0 09045.0 09045.0 09045.0 09045.0 09045.0 09050 09050 09050 09050 09050.0 09050.0 09050.0 09050.0 09060.0 09060.0 09060.0 09060.0 09062.0 09065.0 09073 09073.0 09075.0 09075.0 09075.0 09079.7 WUN-v11 : Russian Navy/Military 1339 36-50/50/150 T600 messages. Idles on mark. Navy freq. (09Feb05) (RGA) CAMALEON3: (Mexican Army): 0004 USB/ALE TO RM8 (HQs, 8th Military Region, Ixcotel). 01/19 RP3 CPOE: (Mexican Army 1st Army Corps-Cuerpo Primer de Ejercito): 0101 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly 3rd Independent Inf Bde). 01/25 RP3 CPOE: (Mexican military): 0033 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican Army). 01/21 RP3 RM3: (HQs, Mexican Army 3rd Military Region, Mazatlan): 0311 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly Mexican Army 3rd Independent Inf Bvde). 02/11 RP3 RM6: (HQs, Mexican Army 6th Military Region, La Boticaria): 0445 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly 3rd Independent Inf Bde). 02/01 RP3 RM8: (HQs, Mexican Army 8th military Region, Ixcotel): 0157 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican military). 01/18 RP3 438880DAT: Rockwell Collins Data Node 0038 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted sounding at 0138z. (15Feb05) (BC2) 438: Unid Mexican Mil Unit 0115 ALE/USB Clg DIAMANTE (both DIAMANTE & DIA calls noted) Mexican MIL unit. (15Feb05) (BC2) CRSSIL: Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, Prob Cedar Rapids, IA 0106 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted sounding 0207z. (15Feb05) (BC2) ICSSIL: Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, Prob Irvine CA 0056 ALE/USB Sounding. ALso noted sounding 0156z. (15Feb05) (BC2) CRSSIL: (Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, probably Cedar Rapids, IA): 0943 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13850.0; 15760.0 & 18610.0. 02/14 RP3 SV9: (Mexican military): 0005 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (Mexican military). 01/19 RP3 SV9: (Mexican military): 0013 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (Mexican military). 01/17 RP3 TANGO: (Mexican military): 0034 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (Mexican military). 01/20 RP3 CPOE: (Mexican Army 1st Army Corps-Cuerpo Primer de Ejercito): 0005 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly Mexican Army 3rfd Independent Inf Bde). 01/22 RP3 RM1: (Mexican Army, HQs, 1st Military Region, Federal District): 0433 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (Mexican Army). 01/17 RP3 RM6: (HQs, Mexican Army 6th Military Region, La Boticaria): 2318 USB/ALE TO CAM (possibly Mexican Army 3rd Independent Inf Bde)--[AMD]CAM==E2=80=A2=E2=80=A2=E2=80= A2ON3ALEON3 01/23 RP3 =20 US Navy Diego Garcia: 2220 Link-11 (14/02/05) (AJP) PULI: unid CIS military 08:45 A1A accented 5L QTC to FBMJ duplextraffic unknown QSX 20feb05 (PPA) R23584: (prob UH-60 IDNG): 0209 USB/ALE TO KBOING (1/183rd Avn or 1/112th Avn ,Idaho NG, Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field). 01/19 RP3 : UNID MIL net, ??? 1002 USB/2400Bd BPSK, unid modem type on auto data circuit, 2 stations active (07Feb05) (LDO) no-call: UNID MIL net, ??? 1002 USB/2400Bd BPSK, unid modem type on auto data circuit, 2 stations active (07Feb05) (LDO) PC13: (Venezuelan Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Independencia"): 1232 LSB/ALE TO DCCOP (Venezuelan Navy Operations Directorate). 02/09 RP3 PNFA3: (Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial) 3): 0443 LSB/ALE TO BRIFFRI3 (Riverine Brigade (Brigada Fluvial) "Franz Risquez Iribarren"). 02/08 RP3 PNME2: (Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post): 0542 LSB/ALE TO BRI (Venezuelan Riverine Brigade (Brigada Fluvial) "Franz Risquez Iribarren")--[AMD]B@8FFRI2@FFRI2@. 02/09 RP3 RFQP: FF Djibouti 0219 ARQ-E3 Msg to RFVI Le Port. Pagina 182 09081.5 09081.5 09090.0 09095.2 09106.7 09110.0 09120.0 09129.7 09130 09136.5 09136.5 09136.6 09136.6 09145.0 09145.0 09145.0 09145.0 09145.0 09145.0 09145.0 09150 09150.0 09150.5 09178 09178.0 09183.5 09190.0 WUN-v11 (02/02/05) (AJP) KFMHNG: (prob 1/126th Avn, MA NG, Otis ANGB, MA): 1420 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 P5Z101:(5/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY): 0208 USB/ALE sounding. Also noted on 05785.0; 06911.5; & 08171.5. 02/07 RP3 LCR154: unid Polish military 09:00 ALE/USB Sounding TWS LCR154 12feb05 (PPA) FN Dakar: 2230 Stanag4285 (14/02/05) (AJP) ---: MFA CAIRO 1728 arq 100/E/170 in irs. 1731 loss qso, selcals XBVM/Bonn, reconnect. Opchat in ATU80. 1735 s/off (07/Feb)(DW) NMF: USCG BOSTON 1559 FAX 120/576/N/800 End of chart. 1723 sfc anal, weak/grainy (05/Feb)(DW) VENUS 7: & NIGHTHAWK 7: 1458 USB voice radio checks and ANDVT testing. Had problemswith the ANDVT tests (09/FEB/05) (JLM) ---: EGYPTIAN EMB VIENNA 1722 arq 100/E/170 Tfc in Arabic(ATU80). 1726 s/off (07/Feb)(DW) EZI2: Mossad 1702 AM vmF-Engl. - repeating EZI2. Iff at 1705. (15Feb05) (WC) : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0931 OFDM+MFSK, switching between 25-tone OFDM & 32-tone/40Bd MFSK, QSX 8046.5 USB (05Feb05) (LDO) no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0931 OFDM+MFSK, switching between 25-tone OFDM & 32- tone/40Bd MFSK, QSX 8046.5 USB (05Feb05) (LDO) : UNID North African network, ALG? 1020 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, Freq.-hop mode (05Feb05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 1020 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, Freq.-hop mode (05Feb05) (LDO) 814388: (unidentified aircraft): 1844 USB/ALE TO 814375 (unidentified aircraft). 01/31 RP3 814388: (unidentified aircraft): 1850 USB/ALE TO GRB (US JSOC "Ghost Rider Base":Fort Bragg, NC). Also noted on 08056.0. 01/31 RP3 832410: (poss MH-60L # 26410, 3/160TH AVN HUNTER AAF GA): 1556 USB/ALE TO CLH (probably Hunter AAF,Savannah GA). Also noted on 08056.0. 02/04 RP3 832410: (poss MH-60L # 26410, 3/160TH AVN HUNTER AAF GA): 1556 USB/ALE TO CLS (possibly Ft Stewart, GA). 02/04 RP3 CLH: (probably Hunter AAF,Savannah GA): 1553 USB/ALE TO 832186 (poss MH-60L # 89-26186, 3-160 SOAR HUNTER AAF GA). 02/04 RP3 CLS: (probably Sabre AAF,Fort Campbell, KY): 1625 USB/ALE TO 825 (probable helo, 160th SOAR, Ft Campbell KY). 02/03 RP3 RIW: CISN MOSCOW 1630 CW Clng "vvv RKW95 de RIW qsa? qtc k" (05/Feb)(DW) : MFA Cairo, EGY 1630 USB/16 tone Codan modem 16x75Bd QPSK/Codan 80Bd Chirp, traffic to Madrid, QSX on 9315kHz USB (07Feb05) (LDO) no-call: MFA Cairo, EGY 1630 USB/16 tone Codan modem 16x75Bd QPSK/Codan 80Bd Chirp, traffic to Madrid, QSX on 9315kHz USB (07Feb05) (LDO) Rusian Mil: 2242 MS5 12 tones + 3300Hz pilot tone(14/02/05) (AJP) : Algerian MIL net, ALG 0817 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @+2200Hz for link management (15Jan05) (LDO) no-call: Algerian MIL net, ALG 0817 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @+2200Hz for link management (15Jan05) (LDO) AT1: (FBI, Atlanta GA): 2115 USB/ALE TO ME1 (FBI, Memphis TN). Also on 11073.5 & 14493.5. 01/25 RP3 BNG: (Venezuelan Naval Base "Guaira"): 0220 USB/ALE TO CGA (HQs, Venezuelan Navy). 02/08 RP3 Pagina 183 WUN-v11 09190.0 CAPANA: (Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61): 0212 USB/ALE TO BNARCO (Commando, Basa Navale "Amario"). Also noted on 10650.0 LSB; 13500.0 USB; 17080.0 LSB & 19200.0 USB. 02/08 RP3 09190.0 PR1: (Radio Station 1): 0214 USB/ALE TO CGA (HQs, Venezuelan Navy). 02/08 RP3 09190.0 T63: (LSM "Goijaira" T-63): 0217 USB/ALE TO DHN (Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate). 02/08 RP3 09190.0 T63: (LSM "Goijaira" T-63): 0219 USB/ALE TO 61B (LST "Capana" T-61). 02/08 RP3 09200.0 GRASSY: (Washington Gas & Light Company:Grassey Lick, Kirby, WV): 2032 LSB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 05509.0LSB; 06780.0LSB; 07475.0LSB. 01/21 RP3 09232 GIUSEPPE: UNID Italian MIL , ??? 1433 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to CESARE [=Roma], QSX not found (07Feb05) (LDO) 09232.0 GIUSEPPE: UNID Italian MIL , ??? 1433 USB/FSK1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to CESARE [=3DRoma], QSX not found (07Feb05) (LDO) 09247 GDCZAKHO: Gov. Dispatch Center Zakho/Dahuk Prov IRQ 1658 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (13Jan05) (LDO) 09247.0 GDCZAKHO: Gov. Dispatch Center Zakho/Dahuk Prov.,IRQ 1658 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (13Jan05) (LDO) 09251 LINCONSHIRE POACHER: E03 1900 USB Musical callup and OW with 43696. Some ISM QRM noted - nothing deliberate. (15Feb05) (RGA) 09262 : UKRF Kiev UKR 1632 RTTY/50/450 KRYPTOGRAMMA NR... ZZZZZZZ... and then unreadable text. (03Feb05) (WC) 09272 : UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1023 USB, retransmitting audio from a Système 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec + scanlist of 10 channels (07Feb05) (LDO) 09272.0 no-call: UNID French MIL/MOI station, F 1023 USB, retransmitting audio from a Syst=E8me 3000 TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5 channels per sec + scanlist of 10 channels (07Feb05) (LDO) 09292.0 CIP46: Canadian Military: 1710 USB voice radio check (19/FEB/05) (JLM) 09293.5 VAF788: & CIP36, Canadian Military: 1712 USB ALE (19/FEB/05) (JLM) 09295.0 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VT NG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1421 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 09295.0 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VTNG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 2137 USB/ALE sounding. 01/23 RP3 09295.0 ALBNY: (NY NG, Albany): 1900 USB/ALE TO SYRNY (NY NG, Syracuse). 02/10 RP3 09295.0 RVHNY: (NY NG, Riverhead NY): 1506 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 09310.0 unid: ? 0704 USB turkish "markes?? ..." repeated Jan21 05ML 09315 : Egyptian embassy Madrid, E 1630 USB/16 tone Codan modem 16x75Bd QPSK/Codan 80Bd Chirp, traffic to Cairo, QSX on 9150kHz USB (07Feb05) (LDO) 09315.0 no-call: Egyptian embassy Madrid, E 1630 USB/ 16 tone Codan modem 16x75Bd QPSK/Codan 80Bd Chirp, traffic to Cairo, QSX on 9150kHz USB (07Feb05) (LDO) 09316.7 ---: MFA CAIRO 1655 arq 100/E/170 Clng sequence in fec indic qsx 9226.7. 1656 revert selcals KKXI )Asmara) in arq. Shrt qso, offair (lost contct). QSO but poor copy, ATU80. 1707 clng in fec qsx 14566.7 (05/Feb)(DW) 09332 GIUSEPPE: UNID Italian MIL , ??? 0850 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRS-mode, rcvng tfc from CESARE [=Roma], QSX 10873 kHz USB (08Feb05) (LDO) 09332.0 GIUSEPPE: UNID Italian MIL , ??? 0850 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRS-mode, rcvng tfc from CESARE [=3DRoma], QSX 10873 kHz USB (08Feb05) (LDO) 09340 STEINLAGER 33: Prob RNZAF P-3 Orion 2102 USB Clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL req selcal check BGAH (04Feb05) (SD) 09362.0 FUG: FN LA REGINE 1700 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker, weak poor Pagina 184 09980.0 09996.0 10001.7 10024.0 10025 10050 10052.5 10066.0 10066.0 10075 10075 10075 10075 10075.0 10075.0 10100.7 10100.8 10106 10120 10120.0 10128 10128.0 10130 10130.0 10146.0 10166.4 10182 10191 10191.0 10192.6 10192.6 10194 10206.0 WUN-v11 copy "FAA de RFFMEA" "fm naviter~batiments" "SGs RYs" (25/Jan)(DW) AFRTS/AFN: US military HF feeder 0018 USB / Parallel with 5446.5, 7590.0, 10320.0 and 12133.5 kHz USB. (28Jan.2005) (Midwest USA) RWM: TS MOSCOW 1646 CW Time signals (25/Jan)(DW) unid: station 10:06 Sitor-A/100/170 continuous call string WUDZVTWUDZVT 30jan05 (PPA) unid: rus 1638 81-81/81/994 (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 231: Chinese Military 0629 ALE/USB Calls 343. (17Feb05) (IB) 242: Chinese Military 0120 ALE/USB Calls 376. (17Feb05) (IB) unid: ?? 1454 ARQ selcal TVXQ?? Feb13 05 ML ---: FLIGHT SU0106 1526 HFDL on usb. ACARS msg via HAT YAI (11/Feb)(DW) ---: FLIGHT SU0266 1525 HFDL on usb. ACARS msg via Hat Yai (11/Feb)(DW) A7-ADJ: Qatar Airways A320 Flt QR0303 1635 HFDL Posn 1542N 06849E to ARINC Muharraq. (20Jan05) (RGA) I-LIVA: Livingstone A321 Flt LVA272 1620 HFDL Posn 2841N 03330E. (20Jan05) (RGA) QR0647: Qatar Airways A330 1619 HFDL Posn 2344N 05957E. (20Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SFD: S.African A319 1646 HFDL Acks msg from Johannesburg via Bahrain: "MSG FROM JNBWMSA SEQ07478 - SORRY FOR THE SPELLING ON "ACTUAL"". (20Jan05) (RGA) ---: FLIGHT SU0106 1616 HFDL on usb. Logon rq to Bahrain (11/Feb)(DW) 015: ARINC BAHRAIN 1610 HFDL on usb. Squitter (11/Feb)(DW) DDK9: Pinnenberg Met 2123 RTTY/50/400 Wx/EE //16449.2 & 8581.5 (10/Feb/05) (RH2) DDK9: HAMBURG MET 0948 RTTY 50/N/450 Marker "ry's cq de DDK2 DDH7 DDK9 freq 4583 7646 10100.8" (01/Feb)(DW) 100: Chinese Military 0558 ALE/LSB Sounding. (17Feb05) (IB) : German MIL net, D 1200 USB/EADS-MAHRS/2400Bd PSK burst mode, ARCOTEL ALE bursts (08Feb05) (LDO) no-call: German MIL net, D 1200 USB/EADS-MAHRS 2400Bd PSK burst mode, ARCOTEL ALE bursts (08Feb05) (LDO) 50Y: UNID Spanish MIL, E 0717 USB vx coordin. for RTTY tfc. (15Jan05) (LDO) 50Y: UNID Spanish MIL, E 0717 USB vx coordin. for RTTY tfc. (15Jan05) (LDO) 50Y: UNID Spanish MIL, E 0716 BAUDOT 50Bd/900Hz test tape in Spanish to 45E (15Jan05) (LDO) 50Y: UNID Spanish MIL, E 0716 BAUDOT 50Bd/900Hztest tape in Spanish to 45E (15Jan05) (LDO) F5FJ: Ham 1115 USB/ALE clng F6ACU then switched to voice (20-feb-2005) vct: Tors Cove Radio 1630 gw-pactor marker (7 Feb 05) (wp3) : Unid 1626 AM vvM Engl. - sets of five numbers. (10Feb05) (WC) : Algerian MIL net, ALG 0729 USB, secure VX tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @+2200Hz for link management (01Feb05) (LDO) no-call: Algerian MIL net, ALG 0729 USB, secure VX tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @+2200Hz for link management (01Feb05) (LDO) : UNID North African network, ALG? 0727 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, non-FH tfc (01Feb05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 0727 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, non-FH tfc (01Feb05) (LDO) 441FEMAUX: US FEMA CMaine State EOC Agusta 2115 ALE/USB Also FC8/WGY908:US FEMA Denver CO. (11Feb05) (AD) drbw: FGS Geier S63 0958 usb/stanag4285 clg dhj58 (7 Feb 05) (wp3) Pagina 185 WUN-v11 10219.5 ?: ? 1550 alis 2 240.0/8 to unid no sync (21/Jan/2005) (anonim I) 10230 285: Chinese Military 0047 ALE/USB Calls 365. (17Feb05) (IB) 10349 257: Chinese Military 0052 ALE/USB Calls 524. (17Feb05) (IB) 10360.0 Unid: 2304 Sweep from 10360 to 10370 (13/01/05) (AJP) 10360.0 sab: G=F6teborg Radio 1048 marker (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 10371.2 NATO: 2212 Stanag 4285 ACF = 32 (25/01/05) (AJP) 10421 269: Chinese Military 0111 ALE/USB Calls 559. (17Feb05) (IB) 10426 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: Enigma E03 1614 USB Old woman with 5FGs. (02Feb05) (RGA) 10426.4 ---: UNID 1644 RTTY 50/N/400 Test message in FF "ceci est un message de calorie destin au rglage de votre rcepteur lundi 9thru) dimanche 301 (thru) 309 janvier (thru) dcembre" (01/Feb)(DW) 10428.0 Unid: 0342 FSK 75/850 ACF = 0 (24/01/05) (AJP) 10435 : French NOSTRADAMUS OTHR Dreux, F 1236 OTHR 50 Hz pulse repetition freq., very strong signal, BW > 20 kHz (08Feb05) (LDO) 10435.0 no-call: French NOSTRADAMUS OTHR Dreux, F 1236 OTHR 50 Hz pulse repetition freq., very strong signal, BW > 20 kHz (08Feb05) (LDO) 10443 252: Chinese Military 0729 ALE/USB Calls 385. (16Feb05) (IB) 10454.3 : Alg. Customs Algiers ALG 1450 PACTOR/100Bd/200Bd, msgs in French to Illizi, stations transmitting on 10456 kHz LSB (07Feb05) (LDO) 10454.3 no-call: Alg. Customs Algiers ALG 1450 PACTOR 100Bd/200Bd, msgs in French to Illizi, stations transmitting on 10456 kHz LSB (07Feb05) (LDO) 10467.7 ---: FF UNID 1713 ARQ/E3 200/E/400 8rc. Betas. Poor sync thru 1739 (01/Feb)(DW) 10507 : UNID NATO net, 1552 USB/STANAG 4197 digi/crypto voice tfc. (08Feb05) (LDO) 10507.0 no-call: UNID NATO net, 1552 USB/STANAG 4197 digi/crypto voice tfc. (08Feb05) (LDO) 10536.0 CFH: CF HALIFAX 1603 FAX 120/576/N/760 850mb analysis (04/Feb)(DW) 10536.1 CFH: CF HALIFAX 1558 RTTY 75/N/850 Met tfc (04/Feb)(DW) 10572 : UNID North African MIL net, ALG? 0810 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 75Bd/200Hz + 300Bd/200Hz FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @ +2200Hz for link management (08Feb05) (LDO) 10572.0 no-call: UNID North African MIL net, ALG? 0810 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 75Bd/200Hz + 300Bd/200Hz FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @ +2200Hz for link management (08Feb05) (LDO) 10572.2 Unid: 0056 USB SS Phonepatches w/DTMF Possible Colombians(21/01/05) (AJP) 10610.9 ---: MOSCOW MET 1505 FAX 120/576/N/800 Upper air chart (02/Feb)(DW) 10611.0 Moscow Meteo: 1437 fax with many interruptions of the transmission but otherwise fine (30 Jan 05) (wp3) 10611.0 Moscow Meteo: 1523 fax 120/576 (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 10611.0 moscow met: 1508 FAX poor qual pressure chart Feb13 05 ML 10611.0 moscow met: 1523 FAX ID pressure chart Jan21 05 ML 10626.0 RFFXL: FF NAQOURA 1522 ARQ/E 186.6/E/170 8rc. Betas, poor sync. Off air 1614z (02/Feb)(DW) 10626.0 RFFXL: FF NAQOURA 1609 ARQ/E 184.6/E/400 8RC. Betas. 1617 cct [XZL]. Tfc fm Comelefrance Liban to Tripost Paris/RFFAB info Armees Postge Paris/RFFBBC. Offair shortly thereafter (04/Feb)(DW) 10681.5 Unid: 0109 Chinese 4+4 CF=1725 USB (07/02/05) (AJP) 10685 216: Chinese Military 0649 ALE/USB Calls 520. (17Feb05) (IB) 10691.5 814388: (poss MH-60K,1-160TH SOAR FT CAMPBELL KY): Pagina 186 10691.5 10733.6 10733.6 10735.0 10752.0 10755.0 10773.6 10793 10816.5 10816.5 10816.5 10816.5 10816.5 10820 10821.7 10827.6 10845.6 10860 10860 10870 10870.0 10872 10872 10873 10873.0 10913.5 10929.5 10945.0 10956.7 11010.0 11023 WUN-v11 1941 USB/ALE TO HTR (probably 1/160th SOAR HOOTER OPS,Fort Campbell, KY). Also noted on 08056.0 & 09145.0. 02/04 RP3 814388: (unidentified aircraft): 1831 USB/ALE TO HTR (HOOTER OPS, US SOC Forces:Fort Campbell, KY). Also noted on 09145.0 & 12068.5. 01/31 RP3 KWA: US Embassy ?? 1042 ALE/USB wkg KWV45 US Embassy ?? (16Feb05) (SA) KWP97: US Embassy ?? 1032 ALE/USB wkg KWP96 US Embassy ?? (16Feb05) (SA) REA4: AFHQ Moscow RUS 07:29 F1B/50/1000 idling 20feb05 (PPA) Fishermen: 0005 LSB SS Sending 4FG Mexico? (28/01/05) (AJP) RN Faslane: 0049 Stanag 4481 ACF=0/64 (21/01/05) (AJP) KWX57: (US Embassy??) 0912 ALE/USB wkg KWS78 (US Embassy Athens Greece) (09Feb05) (SA) 282: Chinese Military 0036 ALE/USB Calls 352. (17Feb05) (IB) A3Z: (unidentified, probable Nat'l Guard entity): 1649 USB/ALE=20sounding. 01/23 RP3 HQ7: Poss HQ703N USNG Readiness Center Arlington VA 1611 ALE/USB Clg M07. (15Feb05) (BC2) M0700N: USNG WMD-CS team, unknown state possible Missouri? 1614 ALE/USB Clg PMTRACS/Program Manager for Tactical Radio Communications Systems. (15Feb05) (BC2) M0700N: USNG WMD-CS team, unknown state possible Missouri? 1619 ALE/USB Clg K070SN/USNG WMD-CS team, Kansas. (15Feb05) (BC2) V020IN: (Nat;l Guard, US Virgin Islands): 0924 USB/ALE TO HQ703N (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA). 01/21 RP3 321: Chinese Military 0726 ALE/USB Calls 193. (16Feb05) (IB) MFA Kairo: 1508 sitor-a huxd tys (7 Feb 05) (wp3) Unid: 0113 Chinesse 4+4 QPSK CF=1725 (28/01/05) (AJP) Unid: 0118 Chinesse 4+4 QPSK CF=1725 (28/01/05) (AJP) 191: Chinese Military 0603 ALE/USB Calls 157. (15Feb05) (IB) 202: Chinese Military 0610 ALE/USB Calls 408. (17Feb05) (IB) CESARE: MOD Roma, I 1006 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRS-mode, receiving traffic from "CARMELIO", QSX not found (05Jan05) (LDO) CESARE: MOD Roma, I 1006 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRS- mode, receiving traffic from "CARMELIO", QSX not found (05Jan05) (LDO) S: MX Beacon Arkhangelsk 0735 (26Jan 05) (WC) S: MX Beacon Arkhangelsk 0754 CW // 13528 16332 20049. (28Jan05) (WC) CESARE: MOD Roma, I 0850 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to "GIUSEPPE", QSX 9332 kHz USB (08Feb05) (LDO) CESARE: MOD Roma, I 0850 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS- mode, sending tfc to "GIUSEPPE", QSX 9332 kHz USB (08Feb05) (LDO) KMI66, FBI Los Angeles, CA & KGE22 ALPHA, FBI Quantico, VA: 1533 USB voice radiochecks here and on 14493.5 USB voice. USB ALE calls LA1 & QT2, respectively (09/FEB/05) (JLM) : Prob USCG 2100 MIL STD 188-110 1200 Serial-short interleave. (11Feb05) (AD) CFH: CF HALIFAX 1150 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CFH f1 2822 3394 4167 6254 8303 12380 16576 22182 ar" (04/Feb)(DW) ---: FF UNID 1645 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8RC. Betas. Poor sync and no apparent tfc thru 1834z (04/Feb)(DW) ZLO: RNZN Irirangi NZL 07:47 USB/BR6028 7 channels encrypted 2FSK/75Baud/170 hz + pilot at 600 hertz 20feb05 (PPA) : Prob Ukranian Military 1502 RTTY/50/500 Enciphered Baudot with headers like Eglincrypt nr 876 72-492 24 1703 2 ed and Pagina 187 11023.0 11039.0 11056.7 11076 11076.0 11086.5 11088.0 11098.2 11130.0 11135.0 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11181.0 11181.0 11181.0 11205.0 11205.0 11205.0 11205.0 11205.0 11226 11226 11226 11226 WUN-v11 mention of Kriptograma Buran and Tajfun. As logged by (KB) on 9 January. Regular sked. (02Feb05) (RGA) no call: Ukrainian military 07:52 ITA2/50/200 erect polarity 1.5stopbit encrypted traffic after zzzzz 20feb05 (PPA) DDH9: HAMBURG MET 1539 RTTY 50/N/450 Fcst in GG then marker. Poor copy (04/Feb)(DW) : MFA Cairo 1512 ARQ SELCALs QQTP/Moscow in FEC then ARQ. Gives up 1524. (02Feb05) (RGA) : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0922 MFSK-32/CROWD36, offline crypto to UNID embassy after 11177 00132.... (07Feb05) (LDO) no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0922 MFSK-32/CROWD36, offline crypto to UNID embassy after 11177 00132.... (07Feb05) (LDO) GYA: RN NORTHWOOD 1201 FAX 120/576/N/800 Grainy, N Atlantic chart (04/Feb)(DW) unid: 1506 fax strong signal (30 Jan 05) (wp3) : Unid FF 1704 ARQ-E3/200/320 Betas. Faded. (01Feb05) (RGA) JAP: (unidentified): 2346 USB/ALE TO CHH (unidentified). 02/14 RP3 Unid: 1839 MIL STD 188-110A serial modem ACF = 20 (23/01/05)(AJP) IKF: (USAF GSC, Keflavik): 1303 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). Also noted on 18248.6. 02/14 RP3 IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 130 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (11Feb05) (SA) KMN94: (US Dept of State, Ft Lauderdale FL): 1927 USB/ALE TO KWN99 (US Dept of State). Also noted on 13503.6 & 16283.6. 01/19 RP3 KRZ65: UNID 14:0 USB/ALE / US DEPT. OF STATE NET (29/Jan/2005) (RW5) 11168.6 KWQ36: US.Embassy (??) 1214 ALE/USB wkg KWP90 US Embassy (??) in AMD "WQ36 CALLING" (11Feb05) (SA) KWX56: (US Embassy??) 0908 ALE/USB wkg KWR86 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) KWX57: (US Embassy??) 0921 ALE/USB wkg KWS91 (US Embassy Europe??) ALE+VOICE for radio check " we have you loud and clear 90% ,How us -74%" (09Feb05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1352 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq. (16Feb05) (SA) HAW: US HFGCS ASCENSION 1841 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) IKDSPR: 16:06 IKFSPR USAF/NAS Keflavik with sounding ALE 16feb05 (RP) IKFSPR: UK HFGCS KEFLAVICK 1836 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) Shark 66: 2043 USB w/Smasher (not heard- SouthCom Flight Watch, 01/26 RP3 Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1247 USB w/Shark 66 (prob C-130) in radio checks. 02/14 RP3 Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1338 USB w/Shark 87 (prob C-130-very weak) asking Smasher to advise them of any trfc from their home base. 02/08 RP3 Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1401 USB w/Shark 89 (prob C-130-very weak) w/position report. Smasher passes wx for Managua, Nicaragua at 1530Z and advises Shark 69 that they will contact Managua. 02/07 RP3 Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1425 USB w/Army R24181 (probable helo-not heard) w/position report. 02/07 RP3 160020: C-5 86-0020 1444 ALE/USB Sounds (07Feb05) (SA) 40190: KC-10 84-0190 (Cacti-71) 1318 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (Cacti-71 out of Mildenhall (EGUN)) with Trend-21 flight bound for Red Flag at Nellis (13Feb05) (SA) 5571425: KC-135 57-1425 0911 ALE/USB Sounds (14Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 0910 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HFGCS (13Feb05) (SA) Pagina 188 11226 11226 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11256.0 11291.0 11315 11315 11315 WUN-v11 JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1511 ALE/USB Wkg GUA Guam HFGCS (13Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1725 ALE/SB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS. (16Feb05) (SA) 170036: (C-5 # 87-0036, 60th AMW, Travis AFB CA): 2154 USB/ALE sounding. 02/11 RP3 190019: (C-5 # 69-0019, 337th AS, Westover AFB MA): 1606 USB/ALE TO GBLNPR (Global Non Secure Internet Protocol Router node). Contact also attempted on 18003.0. 02/12 RP3 ADW: US HFGCS ANDREWS 1750 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) CRO: US HFGCS CROUGHTON 1800 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. (11/Feb)(DW) HAW: US HFGCS ASCENSION 1713 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1811 (11/Feb)(DW) ICZ: US HFGCS SIGONELLA 1749 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) IKF: 15:43 IKF USAF/NAS Keflavik with sounding ALE 16feb05 (RP) IKF: US HFGCS KEFLAVICK 1740 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on . Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) JTY: US HFGCS YOKOTA 1815 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) PLA: US HFGCS LAJES 1744 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Feb)(DW) Atlas 41: (unidentified-weak): 1849 USB w/Trenton Military (not heard) reporting they will be landing, possibly at Cold Lake and will be on the ground for a couple of hours. At 2208 Trenton advises Atlas 41 that there is no trfc for them from RCC Trenton. Atlas 41 informs Trenton that they are 30 mins from landing at CFB Winnepeg. 02/07 RP3 Trenton Military: (very weak): 1905 USB w/Canforce 2699 w/wx for Ottawa, Goose Bay and one other unidentified location (CYX?). At 2130 Canforce 2699 reports they are 30 mins out from Trenton and are closing radio watch. 02/07 RP3 Trenton Military: 2101 USB w/Razor 61 (E-8 JSTARS, Robins GA) pp (in progress) passing formatted report information. 02.08 RP3 Trenton Military: 2121 USB w/Canforce 49 (CC-150 # 15001, 437th Sqdn Trenton ON) with wx for Keflavik & Prestwick, Scotland and selcal check (AS-CQ). 02/07 RP3 Trenton Military: 2150 USB w/Canforce 2705 (id as CC-130H, 435TH SQDN, CFB Winnepeg) who reports departure from CFB Trenton at 2100Z and ETA CFB Winnepeg at 0400Z and w/selcal check (GJ-BD). 02/07 RP3 Trenton Military: 2205 USB w/Arrow 06 (sounds likeunheard) w/radio checks. 02/07 RP3 Trenton Military: 2225 USB w/Canforce aircraft (unheard) w/wx for Goose Bay, Newfoundland; Keflavik; Prestwick, Scotland; Split, Croatia; & Zagreb, Croatia. 02/07 RP3 Trenton Military: 2251 USB w/Atlas 42 (unidentified). Trenton advises Atlas 42 that there is no trfc for them from the Trenton Rescue Coordination Center. 02/14 RP3 Trenton Military: 2306 USB w/Canforce 2679 w/request for wx at Ottawa, Trenton, Toronto and Quebec City. 02/14 RP3 ldoc ethiop: airlines 1602 USB ee pos level PLPH?? Feb05 05 ML MWARA SAT-2: 2302 USB EE Dakar ACC and some a/c w/selcall (18/01/05) (AJP) B-HQC: Cathay Pacific A340 2034 HFDL Signs on. (11Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCN: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 2037 HFDL Signs on. (11Feb05) (RGA) N14102: Continental B757 2026 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Riverhead NY USA. (11Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 189 11315 11315 11345.0 11384.0 11384.0 11418 11427.5 11427.5 11432 11432.0 11436 11436.0 11438.5 11439.5 11443.5 11444.7 11445.0 11453 11453 11453.0 11453.0 11453.0 11467.9 11475.0 11483 11483.0 11492 11511 WUN-v11 N14102: Contintental B757 2036 HFDL Signs on. (11Feb05) (RGA) N720AV: USA2000 A320-214 2026 HFDL Signs on. Ex FWWDY. (11Feb05) (RGA) ldoc stockholm: 1347 USB work amv91 (very detailed load info )QRGP-a310 su-bow Feb05 05 ML ---: FLIGHT 950 1036 HFDL on usb psn 40.29N 0.56E (31/Jan)(DW) ---: FLIGHT SU0141 1035 HFDL on usb 1009 psn 50.59N 14.13E (31/Jan)(DW) RMP: Kaliningrad Naval Radio 1544 CW Msg to RKW95: RMP 440 02 1808 440 = SML = 4..8 8249 3768 ... 8790 6504 = + RMP K. (02Feb05) (RGA) RBT: ALGERIAN EMB RABAT 1131 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng MAE, also at 1142z (31/Jan)(DW) TRP: ALGERIAN EMBASSY TRIPOLI 1138 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng MAE. Also at 1141 1146 (31/Jan)(DW) : UNID North Korean embassy, 1353 USB/FSK 600Bd ARQ burst system, QSX not found (07Feb05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North Korean embassy, 1353 USB/ FSK 600Bd ARQ burst system, QSX not found (07Feb05) (LDO) : UNID station, 1110 SITOR-B 100Bd/850Hz various 5FG messages in blocks of 50 grps, tfc ends "000", station located in Europe, weak signal coming in via backscatter (08Feb05) (LDO) no-call: UNID station, 1110 SITOR-B 100Bd/850Hz various 5FG messages in blocks of 50 grps, tfc ends "000", station located in Europe, weak signal coming in via backscatter (08Feb05) (LDO) unid: North Korean diplo 12:39 DPRK-ARQ/600/600 ACF= 316 no decode 30jan05 (PPA) R22988: (prob UH-60 helo): 2012 USB/ALE TO T2Z238 (2/238th Avn, IN NG, Shelbyville IN). Also noted on 08171.5. 02/10 RP3 unid: North Korean diplo 12:26 DPRK-ARQ/600/600 ACF= 316 no decode 30jan05 (PPA) ---: MFA CAIRO 1507 arq 100/E/170 Selcalls TVXC/Abidjan?, no qso 1521z selcalls TVXZ 1527 qso estab in irs. 1538 opchat and s/off (31/Jan)(DW) ---: FAF? ?LOC 1737 RTTY 50/N/400 Marker, vri weak, vri poor copy but occ ry's and occ sections of FF test strings. Offair 1758zFF (31/Jan)(DW) IMB33: Rome Meteo 0811 RTTY 50/850 TAFs for Italian airports. At 0822 and 0827 synops. Off air in between msgs (05Feb05) (KB) IMB33: Rome Meteo 1549 RTTY/50/850 SYNOPs SIIY22 LIIB 021500 RRA. (02Feb05) (RGA) IMB 3: Rome meteo I 12:12 ITA2/50/850 rev 1,5 stopbit AAXX synops CZE AUT FNL ROU 30jan05 (PPA) IMB3: 15:46 IMB 3 Rome Meteo with aaxx msgs RTTY50/850 11feb05 (RP) IMB3: ROME RADIO 1510 RTTY 50/N/850 Met tfc, SYNOP plus unrecog 5 fig code grouping (GRID?) (31/Jan)(DW) : Unid Station 1800 UNID/75/600 (18/02/05) (LC) MAE: MFA ALGIERS 1114 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TNS/Tunis (31/Jan)(DW) P6Z: MOD Paris, F 1452 USB/STANAG 4285 using THALES modem with 2400 bps & long interleaving, lengthy tfc to French MIL attché Sofia/L4N, cct ID: "SOF", occasional interference from another operator using the same freq at 1200L with tfc to Belgrade (08Feb05) (LDO) P6Z: MOD Paris, F 1452 USB/STANAG 4285 using THALES modem (08Feb05) (LDO) 0000006138: Unid Turkish Net 1844 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Feb05) (RGA) KYJEV/OLZ87: Czech emb. Kiev, UKR 0642 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, IRS-mode, Datron HFCOM2 ARQprotocol (07Feb05) (LDO) Pagina 190 WUN-v11 11511.0 KYJEV/OLZ87: Czech emb. Kiev, UKR 0642 USB/MIL-STD 188-10A serial tone modem, IRS-mode, Datron HFCOM2 ARQprotocol (07Feb05) (LDO) 11550.0 438880DAT: (Rockwell Collins data node): 1313 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13850.0 & 15760.0. 02/14 RP3 11550.0 CRSSIL: (unlocated Rockwell Collins Signals Integration Lab): 0144 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 11550.0 ICSSIL: (unlocated Rockwell Collins Signals Integration Lab): 0253 USB/ALE TO 438880DAT (unidentified data node). 02/12 RP3 11625.0 SCLC131: (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 131st Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army): 1345 USB/ALE TO PCRC1(Regional Communications Command Post, 1st military Region). 01/18 RP3 12067.0 Station 9050: calling any station this net: 2111 USB voice (09/FEB/05) (JLM) 12068.5 CLS: (US Army SOC:Fort Campbell, KY): 2203 USB/ALE TO 852184 (unidentified aircraft). 01/31 RP3 12087.0 T040NN: (Nat'l Guard, TN): 1625 USB/ALE TO I1T (unidentified). 01/26 RP3 12087.0 YV0: (unidentified): 1624 USB/ALE TO I1T (unidentified). 01/26 RP3 12152 DKWC: Russian Military 1120 CW R 499 QRV K. R 612 K. Receiving multiple msgs. Later - AMX1 de DKWC K. R K. At 1143 bcasts msg to collective MEGG: QTC 461 35 31 1440 461 = 319 741 = YSUDö MSIBR ... äQUüW EäPEW RPT AL QLN K. Freq from Day Watson's 30th Jan log. (31Jan05) (RGA) 12152.0 ---: UNID 0818 CW Tfc handkeued, five ltr grps, inc accentuated letters (30/Jan)(DW) 12152.0 ---: UNID 1343 CW Periodic "qsv k" (30/Jan)(DW) 12168.5 IR05: Unloc. Dutch MIL unit, HOL? 0710 USB/MIL- STD 188-141A, calling IR02 (09Jan05) (LDO) 12168.5 IR05: Unloc. Dutch MIL unit, HOL? 0710 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling IR02 (09Jan05) (LDO) 12180 BOK: Bulgarian embassy Nicosia, CYP 1117 USB/8FSK-240Bd ARQ-system, traffic to Sofia, QSX 13472 kHz USB (07Feb05) (LDO) 12180.0 BOK: Bulgarian embassy Nicosia, CYP 1117 USB/8FSK-240Bd ARQ-system, traffic to Sofia, QSX 13472 kHz USB (07Feb05) (LDO) 12193 : UNID NATO naval net, 0927 USB/STANAG-4285, KG-84 crypto at 600 bps/short interl./5N1, several stations on frequency (07Feb05) (LDO) 12193.0 no-call: UNID NATO naval net, 0927 USB/STANAG 4285, KG-84 crypto at 600 bps/short interl./5N1, several stations on frequency (07Feb05) (LDO) 12200 GIUSEPPE: UNID Italian MIL , ??? 1441 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to CESARE [=Roma], QSX 10873 kHz USB (08Feb05) (LDO) 12200.0 GIUSEPPE: UNID Italian MIL , ??? 1441 USB/FSK-1200Bd/ISS-mode, sending tfc to CESARE [=3DRoma], QSX 10873 kHz USB (08Feb05) (LDO) 12242 67BGR: UNID Spanish Navy vessel, 0802 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, fixed datarate and interleaver at 1200bps/L, rcvng Press reports from "67YTR" on 13089 USB (07Feb05) (LDO) 12242.0 67BGR: UNID Spanish Navy vessel, 0802 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, fixed datarate andinterleaver at 1200bps/L, rcvng Press reports from "67YTR" on 13089 USB (07Feb05) (LDO) 12365.0 VMC: Charleville meteo AUS 14:34 J3E/USB English male voice with WXSouthwest Australia 20feb05 (PPA) 12430 : Unid Ship 1451 GLOBEDATA In traffic on HEC/ZLA ship freq. (02Feb05) (RGA) 12456.0 unid: NATO military 14:30 STANAG 4285 / 600 long / 3K encryptedtraffic 20feb05 (PPA) 12537.0 CGA: (HQs, Venezuelan Navy): 1304 USB/ALE TO PR1(Venezuelan Navy Radio Station 1). 01/18 RP3 Pagina 191 WUN-v11 12537.0 PR1: (Venezuelan Navy Radio Station 1): 1249 USB/ALE TO BNA (Venezualan Navy Base "Amario"). 01/18 RP3 12537.0 T81: (Venezuelan Navy Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81): 1142 USB/ALE TO BO11 ( Venezuelan Navy Oceanographic Support Ship "Punta Brava", BO-11). Also noted on 13500.00. 01/24 RP3 12557.0 ---: SHIP UNID 0858 arq 100/E/170 Wkng Istanbul/TAH rcvng tfc (01/Feb)(DW) 12557.0 ---: SHIP UNID 0903 arq 100/E/170 Wkng Istanbul/TAH. Ansback VIVI X. Op sigs only (01/Feb)(DW) 12557.0 ---: SHIP UNID 0906 arq 100/E/170 Selcalls MKCV. No qso (01/Feb)(DW) 12557.0 ---: SHIP UNID 1428 arq 100/E/170 Selcals MKCV (Istanbul/TAH). Weak, no qso. (24/Jan)(DW) 12560.0 ueis: PIONER KARELII 1330 sitor-a tfc to Archangelsk Radio uce =12714/kyvf (30 Jan 05) (wp3) 12574.0 UBAU: SHIP ALEKSANDR MIRONENKO 1720 rtty 50/R/170 Tfc in 3sc via Murmansk (30/Jan)(DW) 12577 9VMG: Singaporean Ship Singa Age 1752 GMDSS RQs MRCC Honolulu/Almeda/NMO for safety test. (02Feb05) (RGA) 12579 JDG: Prob Diego Garcia Relay 1530 FEC Nitrenet/Siprenet Metoc Signal here is too strong to be Guam, Pt Reyes, Boston or Yokosuka. (10/Feb/05) (RH2) 12581.5 XSV: TIANJIN RADIO 1503 CW Chan free marker "XSV" just audible (13/Feb)(DW) 12585.0 NRV: USCG GUAM 1457 CW Chan free marker "NRV" (13/Feb)(DW) 12586.0 UDK2: MURMANSK RADIO 1459 CW Chan free marker "de UDK2"(13/Feb)(DW) 12587.0 LZW5: VARNA RADIO 1505 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW"(13/Feb)(DW) 12587.0 LZW5: varna 1533 FEC bulgar news bulletin Jan21 05 ML 12587.0 LZW: VARNA RADIO 1440 CW Chan free marker. "de LZW LZW". 1445 tfc list in fec (repeated). 1448 Blind tfc session - nil all categories. 1450 revert to marker (24/Jan)(DW) 12590.5 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1432 fec 100/E/170 Stn info, tfc list then reverts to chan free marker (24/Jan)(DW) 12590.5 rrr34: Moskau Radio 1100 sitor-b CQ CQ CQ DE 3756 C 01/07/04 =RADIOTELEKS QSW 8430,0 /QSX 8390,0 0700-1100 (30 Jan 05) (wp3) 12592.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1508 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (13/Feb)(DW) 12592.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1716 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (30/Jan)(DW) 12594.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1438 CW Chan free marker. "de A9M tlx" (24/Jan)(DW) 12594.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1509 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx"(13/Feb)(DW) 12594.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1718 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (30/Jan)(DW) 12594.5 A9M: Hamala R Bahrein 2238 'CW de A9M' and channel free marker(17/01/05) (AJP) 12595.0 NRV: USCG Apra harbour GUM 14:02 Sitor-A/100/170 CW ident + arq burst 20feb05 (PPA) 12599.5 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1511 CW Chan free marker "de UAT " (13/Feb)(DW) 12602.5 IAR: ROME RADIO 1503 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (24/Jan)(DW) 12602.5 IAR: ROME RADIO 1513 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (13/Feb)(DW) 12603.5 SVO5: OLYMPIA RADIO 1504 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (24/Jan)(DW) 12603.5 SVO5: OLYMPIA RADIO 1513 CW Chan free marker "SVO" (13/Feb)(DW) 12606.0 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1506 CW Chan free marker "de UIW KLD" (24/Jan)(DW) 12634.5 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1533 CW Chan free marker "TAH" rasping note, splatter on adj channels, and slightly off freq and unstable (13/Feb)(DW) Pagina 192 WUN-v11 12654.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 0840 fec 100/E/170 Wx in TT. Late (scheduled 0800) or new time? (30/Jan)(DW) 12654.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1514 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (24/Jan)(DW) 12654.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1539 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (13/Feb)(DW) 12674.2 LOR: AN Pto. Belgrano 0105 Sitor-B WX info en SS SouthAtlantic. // 8319,7 //3345.2 They sometimes send FAX 120 LPM on thisfreq.(20/01/05) (AJP) 12681.0 Unid: 1410 188-110A serial modem ACF=20 (15/01/05) (AJP) 12687 HEB05: Global Link Network (GLN) Berne SWI 1312 PACTOR-3 with Morse ID. (02Feb05) (RGA) 12687.0 HEB05: BERN RADIO 1642 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB05" every 3 min (31/Jan)(DW) 12710.5 PWZ33: BN Rio 2131 RTTY/75/850 Navwngs/EE. (10/Feb/05) (RH2) 12711.0 PWZ-33: BN Rio de Janeiro 1454 Pactor-FEC Notice to marines(16/01/05) (AJP) 12715.2 : NATO System 1757 STANAG-4285/2400/USB 600-bit long interleave. Enciphered data. Very loud signal. (18Feb05) (RGA) 12741.0 unid: Russian navy 08:55 BEE36-50/50/200 encrypted traffic inparallel with 11468.0 20feb05 (PPA) 12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1556 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/paper. (14/Feb/05) (RH2) 12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1617 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/Paper (28/Jan/05) (RH2) 12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokyo 1600 FAX Insufficient signal. (27Jan05) (WC) 12745.5 JJC: kyodo 1547 FAX jap news Jan21 05 ML 12808.5 UHZ: kherson 1551 CW Jan21 05 ML 12857.0 6WW: FN Dakar 1821 RTTY 75/850 FAA de 6WW 6WW (23/01/05) (AJP) 12877.5 UIW: Kaliningrad Radio 1600 RTTY/50/170 Announcing following freqs 12877.5 - 16927 - 19724.5 - 22603.5 then unreadable text. (03Feb05) (WC) 12921.1 mgj: : RN Faslane 1632 rtty 75/320 02h 03c 03j 04b 06a 06f 08a 12b 16a 22a mgj (12 Feb 05) (wp3) 13025.5 HEB06: BERN RADIO 1640 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB06" every 3 mins (31/Jan)(DW) 13089 67YTR: Spanish Navy Madrid?, E 0820 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, using fixed datarate and interleaver at 1200bps/L, traffic to "GR" (23Jan05) (LDO) 13089 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA 1740 USB YL with N.Atlantic forecast. (18Feb05) (RGA) 13089.0 67YTR: Spanish Navy Madrid?, E 0820 USB/MILSTD188-110A serial tone, using fixed datarate and interleaver at 1200bps/L, traffic to "GR" (23Jan05) (LDO) 13089.0 NMN: USCG Camslant 2342 USB EE WX info. //8764,0//6501,0 (09/01/05) (AJP) 13200 KVX53: (US Embassy Europe ??) 1325 ale/usb wkg KWW (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) 13200.0 PNR400: (Panther 400, OPBAT, Georgetown Bahamas): 1728 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 13215.0 170041: (C-5 # 87-0041, 9th AS, Dover AFB): 1549 USB/ALE sounding. 02/13 RP3 13215.0 5571425: (KC-135E # 57-1425, 151st ARS, TN ANG Knoxville TN): 1750 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09025.0. 02/12 RP3 13215.0 OFF: (USAF GSC, Offutt AFB): 1639 USB/ALE TO E31607 (E-3B AWACS # 76-1607, Tinker AFB). E31607 also noted in ALE w/Andrews on 18003.0. 02/11 RP3 13242 KWX57: (US Embassy??) 0945 ALE/USB wkg KWX59 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) 13303 7T-VJV: Air Algerie A330-200 'Tinhinan' 1545 HFDL Signs on. ICAO ID A061E5. (16Feb05) (RGA) 13303 7T-VJV: Air Algerie A330-200 'Tinhinan' Posn 4045N Pagina 193 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303.0 13303.0 13330.0 13340.0 13406.3 13449.0 13455.0 13490 13500 13500.0 13500.0 13500.0 13500.0 13500.0 13500.0 13503.6 13503.6 13503.6 WUN-v11 00302E to ARINC Las Palmas. (18Feb05) (RGA) AY2507: Finnair B757 1336 HFDL Reports 4136N 00637W to ARINC Las Palmas. (16Feb05) (RGA) CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 1619 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (20Jan05) (RGA) CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT0770 1621 HFDL Posn 3637N 00545W to ARINC Las Palmas. Sister A321 CN-RNY logs on at 1823. (18Feb05) (RGA) CO0055: Continental Flt 1652 HFDL Posn 4621N 03726W to ARINC Las Palmas. (06Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCR: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 1548 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb05) (RGA) F-WWTT: Unid Airbus Industrie Aircraft Flt AP1234 1439 HFDL Posn 4331N 00122E to ARINC Las Palmas. Temporary ICAO ID 5B6C1C being used. (16Feb05) (RGA) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Madame Butterfly' Flt VS0045 1523 HFDL At 4357N 06211W. (16Feb05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 1626 HFDL Signs on. (20Jan05) (RGA) MC0065: USAMC Flt REACH 65?? 1624 HFDL Posn 4809N 04607W to ARINC Las Palmas. ICAO ID 424075. (20Jan05) (RGA) N17128: Continental B757 1655 HFDL Logs on. (06Feb05) (RGA) N76156: Continental B767 Flt CO0025 1557 HFDL Posn 4949N 02631W to ARINC Las Palmas. (20Jan05) (RGA) N78060: Continental B767 Flt CO0047 1601 HFDL Posn 5159N 00453W. (20Jan05) (RGA) SU-GCF: EgyptAir A300 1605 HFDL Signs on. (20Jan05) (RGA) ARINC 17: Is. Canarias 1732 HFDL Las Palmas. Squiters (28/01/05)(AJP) Telde Grand Canaria Arinc: (CNR) 16:47with traffic HFDL 300 10feb05 (RP) Unid: 0054 CRY-2001 (02/02/05) (AJP) Unid: 2301 CRY-2001 (05/02/05) (AJP) : Unid 1252 FEC Either encrypted or in an unknown alphabet. Offair 1253. (02Feb05) (RGA) CCM73: (Command/Communications Center-Mobile, 73rd Inf Bde, Venezuelan CLC43: (Local Communications Center, 43rd Motorized Cavalry Bde, Venezuelan Army): 1256 USB/ALE TO CLC41 (Local Communications Center, 41st Armored Bde, Venezuelan Army). 01/24 RP3 : Russian Military 1258 81-81/40.5/400 Cipher. (02Feb05) (RGA) BNA: Base Naval Amario Venezualan Navy/River Forces 2022 ALE/USB Calls CGA/ HQ Venezualan Navy. (17Feb05) (RGA) 21B: (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21):1340 USB/ALE TO CGA (HQs, Venezuelan Navy). Also noted on 19200.0. 01/18 RP3 BNG: (Venezuelan Navay Base " La Guaira): 1211 USB/ALE TO BNA (Venezuelan Navy Base " Amario"). 01/24 RP3 BNG: (Venezuelan Navy Base " La Guaira"): 1433 USB/ALE TO CGA (HQs, Venezuelan Navy). 01/18 RP3 CGA: (HQs, Venezuelan Navy): 1358 USB/ALE TO G11(Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11). 01/18 RP3 CGA: (HQs, Venezuelan Navy): 1418 USB/ALE TO 61B (Venezuelan Navy LST "Capana" T-61). 01/18 RP3 T81: (Venezuelan Navy Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81): 1349 USB/ALE TO CGA (HQs, Venezuelan Navy). Also noted on 09190.0 & 12537.0. 01/18 RP3 CRO: (USAF GSC, Croughton): 1329 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). 02/11 RP3 JDG: (USAF GSC, Diego Garcia): 1300 USB/ALE sounding. 02/14 RP3 KMN94: (US Dept of State, Ft Lauderdale FL): 1911 USB/ALE TO KWN99OS (US Dept of State). Also noted on 18248.6. Pagina 194 13503.6 13510.0 13511 13511.0 13520.0 13526.5 13528 13538.8 13564.8 13597.4 13846.7 13873.7 13874.7 13878.7 13882.5 13885.9 13886.7 13900.0 13985.0 13985.0 14220 14222.5 14242 14458.5 14483.5 14487 14506.7 14524.0 14543 14543.0 WUN-v11 01/19 RP3 PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 1606 ALE/USB Sounds twice on USSD frequency. (20Jan05) (RGA) CFH: 1625 Canadian Forces Halifax, Nova Scotia Fax chart 500MB 36hPROG V00.00Z FEB10 poor quality , great lakes area recognizable bottom leftcorner 08/02 (PP1) SAA: Karlskrona Radio, S 1354 USB/STANAG 4285 at 1200bps short, STANAG 5066 protected traffic to HMS Carlskrona, vessel's current position is the Red Sea (08Feb05) (LDO) SAA: Karlskrona Radio, S 1354 USB/STANAG 4285 at 1200bps short, STANAG 5066 protected traffic to HMS Carlskrona, vessel's current position isthe Red Sea (08Feb05) (LDO) unid: Russian station 10:38 USB Russian family phonecalls 12feb05 (PPA) C: CISN BEACON MOSCOW 1359 CW Single letter [C] HF beacon (30/Jan)(DW) M: MX Beacon Magadan 0100 CW "M" beacon is being shut off repeatedly and returned back to the air. These interruptions started at 22:00utc and are continuing at this time (0100utc). The transmission pauses seem to be occuring at a random rate and duration. (06Feb05) (AB) ZSJ: SAN/Afmet Silvermine 1551 FAX/120/576 S'face Anal AAXX. (14/Feb/05) (RH2) : Unid station 1605 UNID/75/600 (18/02/05) (LC) IMB56: Rome Meteo 0940 FAX 120/576 120h prog. Var. quantities for 850 hPa and 500/700 hPa on two chartlets (05Feb05) (KB) RFVI: FF LE PORT 1436 ARQ/E3 100/E/400 8rc. Betas. 1455 cct [RUN] C de v svc RFVI de RFVI (30/Jan)(DW) ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO ?LOC 1541 arq 100/100/E/1 Preceded by 16-tone Codan modem (13872/usb) changing to arq (offset 1700Hz). Opchat in ATU80, fading. S/off 1552 (30/Jan)(DW) MFA Kairo: 0950 sitor-a tfc atu80 aa to unid emb. (31 Jan 05) (wp3) : MFA Cairo 1700 ARQ Much IRS much idle ISS then SELCALs KKXI/Prob Asmara. (18Feb05) (RGA) DDK6: HAMBURG MET 1527 FAX 120/576/N/800 West Balatic ice conditions (30/Jan)(DW) ---: MOSCOW MET 1416 FAX 120/576/N/800 Pix weak/grainy. 1419 improves showing synoptic chart. 1422 New chart, deteriorating (30/Jan)(DW) ---: FF PARIS? 1407 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas thru 1433 (30/Jan)(DW) BMF: Taipei Meteo 1506 Fax 120 Chinese char (13/02/05) (AJP) UNID: 1155 RTTY 50/450 (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) unid: rus 0948 81-81/40,5/500 (31 Jan 05) (wp3) 339: Unid 0403 ALE/USB Calls 597. (13Feb05) (IB) D01: Unid 0507 ALE/USB Calls A01. (13Feb05) (IB) : Unid 1214 UNID-MODE (FSK + VFT) Prob DIGTRX. VFT modem like 8-tone psk(bpsk/qpsk??) then short FSK burst 33 Bd 100 Hz shift. (02-01-05) (IB) DN1: (FBI, Denver CO): 2042 USB/ALE TO LV1 (FBI, Las Vegas NV). Also noted on 18666.0. 01/25 RP3 CGOOPS: (prob US Army, Cargo Ops??): 1937 USB/ALE TO CGO22 (prob helo, Cargo 22??). Also noted on 07360.0 & 09295.0. 02/10 RP3 Lincs. Poacher: E03 1825 USB YL/5LG. (20/Jan/05) (RH2) ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO? ?LOC 1504 arq 100/E/170 in irs mode,then iss/ATU80 "yks yks" and signoff 1505z. Weak (28/Jan)(DW) unid: rus 0939 crowd36 (12 Feb 05) (wp3) U3H: French MIL attaché Moscow, F 1425 USB/STANAG 4285 FEC-bursts using THALES modem with 1200 bps/long interleaving, tfc to MOD Paris, circuit ID: "UCM" (08Feb05) (LDO) U3H: French MIL attach=E9 Moscow, F 1425 USB/STANAG 4285 FEC-bursts using THALES modem with 1200 bps/long Pagina 195 14569.0 14569.0 14569.0 14585.7 14622.0 14653.0 14670.0 14670.0 14670.0 14670.7 14671 14731 14757.0 14761.5 14761.5 14761.5 14761.5 14761.5 14761.5 14774.0 14779.9 14830.0 14867 14943.7 14980.0 14996.0 15025 15025 15025 WUN-v11 interleaving, tfc to MOD Paris, circuit ID: "UCM" (08Feb05) (LDO) CLC51: (Local Communications Center, 51st Jungle Inf Bde, Venezuelan Army): 1303 USB/ALE TO SCLC512 ( Subordinate Local Communications Center, 512th Jungle Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army). 01/18 RP3 SCLC512: Venezualan Mil 2128 ALE/USB call SCLC514 CLC51(30/01/05) (AJP) SCLC513: (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 513th Jungle Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army): 1227 USB/ALE TO SCLC514 (Subordinate Local Communications Center, 514th Jungle Inf Bn, Venezuelan Army). 01/18 RP3 RFPTA: FF NDJAMENA? 1511 ARQ/E3 200/E/400 8rc. Betas thru 1620z (28/Jan)(DW) unid: Egyptian diplo 13:10 USB/CODAN 16*75 baud QPSK channels nodecode 20feb05 (PPA) O060KN: (Nat'l Guard, Oklahoma): 1659 USB/ALE TO PMTRACS (possibly Program Manager for Tactical Radio Communications Systems). Also noted on 16338.5. 01/19 RP3 CHU: TS OTTAWA 1414 CW Time sig pips, voice announcement, data on usb. Weak (05/Feb)(DW) CHU: TS OTTAWA 1622 CW on usb - time sigs, voice announcement, dat. Weak, distorted, qrm (28/Jan)(DW) YT364: unid 1149 USB/ALE clng YT349 (19-feb-2005)(MSM) ---: FF UNID 1626 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. Poor sync thru 1737z (28/Jan)(DW) CHU: TS Ottowa ON CAN 1651 CW (18Feb05) (RGA) 055: Unid 1521 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Jan05) (RGA) P16CAV: (unidentified): 2116 USB/ALE sounding. 02/04 RP3 NOTE: Only ref I can find is a 1-6th Cavalry in Korea. I'm fairly sure I'm not picking up Korean Peninsula comms here at my location. HONDO1: (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1901 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (Skywatch-US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 02/07 RP3 HONDO2: (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1517 USB/ALE sounding. 02/08 RP3 RCH136: (Reach 136??): 2012 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 01/20 RP3 RUH960: (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1605 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 02/03 RP3 WAROPS: (1/228th Avn Regt ("Winged Warriors") Operations-Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 2056 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 08065.0; 08972.0 & 16144.5. 01/24 RP3 WAROPS: (1/228th Avn Regt("Winged Warriors") Operations-Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 1414 USB/ALE sounding. 02/02 RP3 unid: rus 0739 crowd36 (12 Feb 05) (wp3) : Unid 1236 OMFSK/195.5/600 (02Feb05) (RGA) unid: rus 0737 81-81/40.5/495 (12 Feb 05) (wp3) 597: Chinese Military 0651 ALE/USB Calls 339. (17Feb05) (IB) ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO ?LOC 1425 arq 100/E/170 Weak. Tfc in ATU80 (05/Feb)(DW) APRB (Tactical): Unknown 1140 CW / D9FX de APRB QSV QSA 1. Working duplex. (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) RWM: TS MOSCOW 1446 CW Time sigs (05/Feb)(DW) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0007 1214 HFDL Logs on.(16Feb05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar A330 Flt QR0015 1542 HFDL Posn 4647N 02125E to ARINC Reykjavik. (31Jan05) (RGA) A7-ACH: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0076 1214 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 196 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025.0 15025.0 15043 15043 15043 15043.0 15043.0 15043.0 15070.0 15082.0 15917.0 WUN-v11 A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0042 1213 HFDL Posn 4307N 02231E to ARINC Reykjavik. (16Feb05) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 1214 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb05) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0001 1500 HFDL Posn 4714N 02028E to ARINC Reykjavik. (06Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCS: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8413 1214 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb05) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 1222 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb05) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 1631 HFDL Signs on. (31Jan05) (RGA) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Madame Butterfly' Flt VS0900 1614 HFDL At 60N 03618E. (06Feb05) (RGA) HL-7736: Asiana A330 1248 HFDL Acks some Far East weathers: "WEATHER INFO CITY ONLY/UTC 16FEB 1245Z WSSS/SINCHANGI INTL/SINGAPORE SINGAPORE MET 16/1200Z 04008KT 9999 FEW018CB BKN300 28/25 Q1008 NOSIG TAF 16/1221Z 03008KT 9999 FEW020 WMKK/KUL-KUALA LUMPUR ... BRUNEI DARRUSSALAM etc." ICAO ID 6CFD8E. (16Feb05) (RGA) N270AV: USA200 A320 Flt U50390 1238 HFDL At 2934N 08131W. (16Feb05) (RGA) N271AV: Brendan Airways/USA200 A320-214 1601 HFDL Signs on. (31Jan05) (RGA) N310UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6727 1608 HFDL At 5351N 04101W. ICAO ID 8512C5. (06Feb05) (RGA) N551TZ: American Transair B757-33N Flt TZ0750 Logs on. ICAO ID C720E5. (06Feb05) (RGA) N556TZ: American Transair B757 Flt TZ4814 1602 HFDL At 43 4521N 02847E. (31Jan05) (RGA) N584NW: Northwest B757 1530 HFDL Logs on. ICAO ID A061E5. (06Feb05) (RGA) N69154: B767 Flt CO0055 1624 HFDL Signs on. (31Jan05) (RGA) N920FT: Polar Air Cargo B747 Flt PO9630 1524 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (06Feb05) (RGA) OH-LBT: Finnair B757 Flt AY1906 1622 HFDL At 4214N 02910E. (31Jan05) (RGA) ZS-SFG: S.African Airways A319-131 1601 HFDL Signs on. ICAO ID 840D00. Ex D-AVYT. (31Jan05) (RGA) Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1301 USB/ALE w/Evergreen 422 (contract aircraft) who reports departure from Sante Fe de Bogota, Colombia enroute to undisclosed destination. 02/08 RP3 Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1450 USB w/Evergreen 423 (very weak & blocked) w/position report. 02/07 RP3 ADW: US HF-GCS Stn Andrews AFB MD 1747 ALE/USB Wkg 559503/Unid. (17Feb05) (RGA) IKF: US HF-GCS Stn Keflavik ICE 1521 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Feb05) (RGA) KWT51: (US Embassy??) 1028 ALE/USB wkg KWB48 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) ADW: (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB): 2000 USB/ALE TO E30352 (E-3B AWACS # 77-0352, Tinker AFB). ALE handshake followed by pp w/66th ??? (too weak) in work related conversation concerning next week's schedule. NOTE: No phone number noted in ALE AMD. 02/11 RP3 E30352: (E-3B AWACS # 77-0352, Tinker AFB): 1849 USB/ALE TO OFF (USAF GSC, Offutt AFB)--[AMD]CCCCD8,3393855NNNN. ALE handshake followed by busy signal at telephone number requested. 02/11 RP3 HIK: Hickam AFB 2133 USB/ALE / to MCC: WHAT DO YOU WANT?! r: I WANT YOU MS LADY OF MY EYE (07/Feb/2005) (Dave VE7HUN, BC, Can) Beacon "BM": 1815 CW sending continuously. 02/14 RP3 PTH: (possibly USCG Port Huron MI): 2043 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13221.0. 02/08 RP3 8wb1: Indembassy Belgrad =3F 0910 rtty 50/180 r r r r Pagina 197 15917.6 15920.0 15920.0 15920.0 15935 15959.0 15973 15980.0 15988 15988 16009.7 16077.0 16077.0 16084 16084 16084.5 16109.7 16121 16121.0 16122.3 16131.7 16141.7 16144.5 16218.5 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 WUN-v11 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r hr qru hr qru hr qru int qrk int qrk int qrk int qrk (31 Jan 05) (wp3) 8wd4: MFA Delhi 0901 rtty 50/250 hav a nice day//// 8wb1 de 8wd4 88()1 de 8wd4 8wb1 de 88$4 ryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryry=ryryryryryryryryry (31 Jan 05) (wp3) CFH: CF HALIFAX 1557 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CFH zkr f1 2822 3394 4167 6254 8303 12380 16576 22182 ar" (06/Feb)(DW) CFH: CFH HALIFAX 1558 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CFH zkr f1 2822 3394 4167 6454 8303 12380 16576 22182 ar" (29/Jan)(DW) cfh: CF Halifax 1251 rtty 75/850 naws de cfh zkr f1 2822 3394 4167 8303 12380 16576 22182 ar (7 Feb 05) (wp3) : Russian Military 1643 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. (18Feb05) (RGA) US Navy: 2140 Stanag 4481 Cutler, Maine (30/01/05) (AJP) X3Z: Unid 0149 CW vvv cq x3z qsa? t46 (repeated). (11Feb05) (IB) EZI: Mossad Israel E10 1300 USB / YL/EE 5L Traffic. (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) DDK7: DWD Hamburg via Pinneberg 1638 RTTY/50/450 SYNOPs. (18Feb05) (RGA) DDK7: Pinnenberg Met 1551 RTTY/50/375 Wx forecasts. (17/Feb/05) (RH2) MFA Kairo: 0929 sitor-a end tfc aa , then rq: kkve no answer (=31 Jan 05) (wp3) MVP1: (US Army Corps of Engineers, possibly Pine Bluff AR): 1537 USB/ALE sounding. 02/15 RP3 NWS1: (US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle WA): 1937 USB/ALE sounding. 02/15 RP3 LINCONSHIRE POACHER: E03 1635 USB Old woman in 5FG traffic. (18Feb05) (RGA) Lincolnshire Poacher: E03 1344 USB in progress, //14487 weaker not heard 15682. (24 Dec 2004) (RB) 3FJN4: Panamanian-flagged Vessel Pacific King 1624 GMDSS RQs MRSC Capetown/ZSC for safety test. (19Feb05) (RGA) MFA Kairo: 0920 sitor-a tfc aa yks yks (31 Jan 05) (wp3) : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1231 MFSK-32/CROWD36, offline crypto to UNID embassy after 11177 10053 .... (07Feb05) (LDO) no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1231 MFSK-32/CROWD36, offline crypto to UNID embassy after 11177 10053 .... (07Feb05) (LDO) : Unid 1633 UNID/50/850 ACF=0 enciphered. (18Feb05) (RGA) : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1622 ARQ Much IRS yks yks and offair. (18Feb05) (RGA) : MFA Cairo? 1722 ARQ Tfc/AA Could be KWFK/Accra logged this freq many times. (10/Feb/05) (RH2) WAROPS: (1/228th Avn Regt("Winged Warriors") Operations-Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 1723 USB/ALE sounding. 02/07 RP3 unid: 1224 unid mode/362.4/465 or 240/465 or 361,8/465 c3g not sure about the speed (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 2001: UNID 1613 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2202, followed by short w/b rasping bursts (29/Jan)(DW) 2201: UNID 1620 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2203 (29/Jan)(DW) 2205: UNID 1746 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (29/Jan)(DW) 2405: UNID 1748 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (29/Jan)(DW) 2406: UNID 1738 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1304. 1744 clng 2514. 1746 clng 1301. 1754 clng 2512. 1801 clng 1103. 1807 clng 1306 (29/Jan)(DW) 240: UNID 1745 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Also 1748 (29/Jan)(DW) Pagina 198 WUN-v11 16283.6 KMN94: (US Dept of State, Ft Lauderdale FL): 1932 USB/ALE TO KWN98 (US Dept of State). 01/19 RP3 16283.6 PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 1610 ALE/USB Sounds twice on USSD frequencies 16283.6 and 20810.6 kHz. (20Jan05) (RGA) 16286 : Turkish MIL network, TUR 1126 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, automated data link tfc using 2400bps/1200bps/600bps with Zero interleaving (07Feb05) (LDO) 16286.0 no-call: Turkish MIL network, TUR 1126 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, automated data link tfc using 2400bps/1200bps/600bps with Zero interleaving (07Feb05) (LDO) 16324.7 rftjd: FF Libreville =3F 1213 arq-e3/192 synch with erect/8rpt, tfc hlllhlllhlll =3F=3F (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 16326.0 WUJ1: (US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha NE): 1505 USB/ALE TO NWOBB (US Army Corps of Engineers:Omaha District, NE). 02/09 RP3 16331.9 S: CISN BEACON ARKHANGELSK 1352 CW Single letter [S] HF beacon (29/Jan)(DW) 16332 C: MX Beacon Moscow CW 1002 // 8495 10872 7039. (27Jan05) (WC) 16332.0 C: CISN BEACON MOSCOW 1354 CW Single letter [C] HF beacon (29/Jan)(DW) 16345.0 RS1: (Brazilian Army, Rio Grande do Sul): 2241 USB/ALE TO BR1(HQs, Brazilian Army, Brasilia). 01/17 RP3 16351.7 ---: FF PARIS? 1150 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. No app tfc thru 1327z (06/Feb)(DW) 16351.7 ---: FF PARIS? 1728 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas thru 1854 (29/Jan)(DW) 16386.7 MFA Islamabad: 0900 sitor-a how r u salam o alaikum, thsi is raees, just i was aobut to call u +=3F fgn islambad p32 ~your prays are equeste+ requested (7 Feb 05) (wp3) 16386.7 MFA: Islamabad 0900 sitor-a tfc for parep rome then rq:oxff no qso (6 Feb 05) (wp3) 16606 : Brit Mil Cyprus 1617 MFSK/195.3/600 (14/Feb/05) (RH2) 16616.5 NMC: USCG Point Reyes 1544 CW ID and channel free marker(07/02/05) (AJP) 16789.0 PNA: Philipines 2120 Sitor-B News in EE. (09/01/05) (AJP) 16804 UDYN: Maxim Starostin 1108 RTTY/50/170 Sends one tgm to Murmansk/UDK2. (02Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 9HUB7: Maltese-flagged Vessel Elbrus 1653 GMDSS RQs USCG Boston/NMF for safety test. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 9VDB5: Singapore Ship Wan Hai 266 1501 GMDSS RQs unknown Taiwanese MRCC for safety test. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 9VKQ5: Singaporean Ship Pacific Warden 1549 GMDSS RQs MRCC Capetown/ZSC for safety check. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 BOYO: PRC Ship Guang He Kou 1631 GMDSS RQs MRCC Capetown/ZSC for safety check. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 DHER: German Ship Hoechst Express 1508 GMDSS Calls MRCC Charleville/Wiluna AUS for safety test. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 DSEP9: S.Korean Vessel Hanjin Istanbul 1551 GMDSS RQs MRSC Italy/IAR for safety check. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 NMA: MRCC Miami FL USA 1455 GMDSS Calls NMG/MRCC New Orléans for safety test. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 NMF: MRCC Boston MA USA 1629 GMDSS Self-addressed safety test (?) (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 NMG: MRCC New Orléans LA USA 1622 GMDSS BQs safety test to Norwegian ship Tarago/ LAPN5. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1622 GMDSS BQs safety check to Panamanian-flagged vessel Sirius Highway/3ELV3. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1622 GMDSS Selfaddressed safety check (?) (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 P3WG2: Cypriot Ship Winner 1548 GMDSS RQs SAR Centre Cairo/SUH for safety check. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 SZQD: Greek Ship Lavadara 1645 GMDSS RQs IqaluitRadio/VFF for safety check. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16804.5 VQGB2: British Explorer 1606 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (19Feb05) (RGA) 16806.5 : Unid USCG 1650 FEC Forecast bulletins. Unclassified Pagina 199 16809.0 16811.5 16813.0 16813.0 16819.5 16819.5 16820.0 16821.0 16830.5 16840.5 16878.5 16879.0 16885.0 16886.0 16913.5 16951.5 16951.5 16971.0 16986 17020 17024.0 17060.6 17066.5 17069.6 17069.6 17069.7 17097.6 17103.1 17121.0 17147.0 17147.4 17176.0 17180.0 17220.0 17234.5 17260.0 17344.0 WUN-v11 (18/02/05) (LC) WLO: MOBILE RADIO 1435 CW Chan free marker "WLO" (11/Feb)(DW) A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1437 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (11/Feb)(DW) UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1439 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (11/Feb)(DW) UAT: Moskva Radio 1115 SITOR-A 100/170 ARQ Idling. (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1440 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (11/Feb)(DW) NMN: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA 1617 ARQ w/Morse ID. (18Feb05) (RGA) IAR: ROME RADIO 1442 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (11/Feb)(DW) UDK2: Murmansk Radio 1048 SITOR-A 1000/170 ARQ Traffic. (05/FEB/2005) (Nighthawk) SVO6: OLYMPIA RADIO 1444 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (11/Feb)(DW) 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1516 CW Marker "vvv de 4XZ==" (11/Feb)(DW) XSQ: Guangzhou Radio 1040 SITOR 100/170 ARQ Idling (05/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) LZW: VARNA RADIO 1453 fec 100/E/170 Tfc. List. 1454 revert to chan free marker "de LZW LZW". 1453 revert fec qru blind tfc. 1456 revert marker (11/Feb)(DW) TAH: Istanbul Radio 1020 SITOR 100/170 ARQ Idling (05/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1459 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (11/Feb)(DW) HEB07: BERN RADIO 1651 CW Chan free marker. CW ID "cq de HEB07" every 3 mins (31/Jan)(DW) 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1613 RTTY/75/850 RY SG and bricks tests. (18Feb05) (RGA) 6ww: : FN Dakar 1549 rtty 50/850 faaa faaa de 6ww6926ww testing (13 Feb=05) (wp3) JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1420 FAX 60 Newspaper (14/02/05) (AJP) CTP: Portugese Naval Radio Oeiras/Palhais 1228 RTTY/75/850 QSX idler. //12823.5 (02Feb05) (RGA) UDK2: MurmanskRadio 1107 CW Sends Maxim Starostin/UFXV to 16804 kHz. Then sends one tgm to UFXV/Navigator in RTTY/50/170. Then works UDYP/Unid UBKS/Socrate and others in printer and Morse. (02Feb05) (RGA) sab83: : G=F6teborg Radio (kli) 1538 gw-pactor (13 Feb 05) (wp3) NATO: 1415 Stanag4285 (14/02/05) (AJP) a9m: Hamala Radio 1053 gw-pactor marker (5 Feb 05) (wp3) JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1147 FAX 60 Newspaper (02/10/02) (AJP) JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1405 FAX 60 Newspaper (14/02/05) (AJP) JJC: Kyodo Tokio Sports 1602 FAX/60/576 Sports Nx/JJ V. Clear. (28/Jan/05) (RH2) Unid: 1554 Stanag 4285 Possible French Navy, Papeete (07/02/05)(AJP) XSG: Shangai R 1358 CW CQ de XSG (14/02/05) (AJP) unid: 1604 stanag4285/usb 1200 (13 Feb 05) (wp3) url: Sevastopol Radio 1055 cw cq cq de url url ans 16669.5/22371 pse k (5 Feb 05) (wp3) CBV: ValparaisoRadio FAX Maps - good signals. (01Feb05) (WC) rffmea: : FN La Regine 1528 rtty 75/850n nnnnfaa de rffmea 13feb 05) (wp3)= rffmea : FN La Regine 1518 rtty 75/850r nnnnfaa de rffmea (13 Feb 05) (wp3) vie: Darwin Radio 1058 gw-pactor (5 Feb 05) (wp3) VCT: Globe Wireless Tor's Cove NF CAN 1607 GLOBEDATA Idling/traffic. Also idling on 17402.4 kHz(18Feb05) (RGA) WLO: Mobile R 1820 USB EE ShipCommLLC. Wx info (05/02/05) (AJP) oxz: : Lyngby Radio 1506 usb tfc list ee & dan Pagina 200 17385.5 17402.4 17404.0 17412 17430 17458.5 17458.5 17458.5 17458.5 17458.5 17460.0 17466.0 17477 17477 17519 17916,0 17973 17976 17976 17988.0 18003 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18064.0 18181.5 18181.5 18183.4 WUN-v11 (13 Feb 05) (wp3) unid: brit. =3F 1459 piccolo6 tfc scr no ing channel (13 Feb 05) (wp3) vct: Tors Cove Radio: 1303 gw-pactor marker (7 Feb 05) (wp3) CBV: Playa Ancha R 2032 USB SS Unid ship. Familiar pp to Santiagoand Lima, (mar ch 1655) (14/02/05) (AJP) 022NHQCAP: US CAP National Ops Centre Maxwell AFB AL 1502 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb05) (RGA) 9VF209: Kyodo Singapore 1614 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/paper (28/Jan/05) (RH2) A090ZN: (Nat'l Guard, Arizona): 1655 USB/ALE TO A092ZNEMERGEN (Arizona Nat'l Guard Emergency Unit). Also noted on 14653.0. 02/02 RP3 C090AN: (Nat'l Guard, California): 1658 USB/ALE TO AZC91NG (Arizona Nat'l Guard 91st Civil Support Team, Phoenix AZ). Also noted on 16338.5. 01/27 RP3 HQ703N: (probably Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 1324 USB/ALE TO C090AN (Nat'l Guard, California). 01/31 RP3 ISXNGB: (unidentified Nat'l Guard Bureau): 1521 USB/ALE TO HQ1NGB=20(Nat'l Guard HQs, Arlington VA). 01/23 RP3 T060XN: (Nat'l Guard, Texas): 1431 USB/ALE TO PMTRACS (Program Manager for Tactical Radio Communications Systems). 01/31 RP3 1455: unid 50/236 beginning with reversals immediately after xmsn carrier off (13 Feb 05) (wp3) OFM: Chilean Ny 1850 ALE/LSB and Skyfax modem sending files(13/02/05) (AJP) RABAT: French Diplo Hub Rabat 1459 ALE/USB Calls CER11/MFA Paris. Also on 15921 kHz at 1741. (17Feb05) (RGA) RABAT: French Diplo Hub Rabat 1625 ALE/USB Call CER11/MFA Paris. (20Jan05) (RGA) FC8FEM: WGY908:US FEMA Region 8 Denver CO 1448 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb05) (RGA) SDJ: Stockholm Radio Aero 0955 USB / Stockholm Radio Airline Operations Control Center (05/Feb/2005) (Nighthawk) ADWNPR: US HF-GCS NIPRINet Stn Andrews AFB MD 1744 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Jan05) (RGA) JDGSPR: US HF-GCS SIRPINet Stn Digeo Garcia 1533 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Feb05) (RGA) PLASPR: US HF-GCS SIPRINet Lajes Field AZR 1502 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb05) (RGA) NOJ: (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK): 2151 USB/ALE sounding. 02/07 RP3 JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Diego Garcia 1541 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Jan05) (RGA) 190019: (C-5 # 69-0019, 337th AS, Westover AFB MA): 1614USB/ALE TO HAW (USAF GSC, Ascension Island). Aircraft attempts direct pp but gets recorded msg of inability to complete the call as dialed. Tries two more times, gets same recorded msg, then gives up. 02/12 RP3 537997: (KC-135R # 63-7997, 99th ARS Robins AFB GA): 2055 USB/ALE sounding. 02/11 RP3 571451: (KC-135 # 57-1451E, 108th ARW, McGuire AFB NJ): 1927 USB/ALE sounding. 02/11 RP3 PHOENIXTOC: UNID 1136 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding or clng? (07/Feb)(DW) Phoenix tc: 13:00 PHOENIXTOC USAF Tactical Op Center Phoenix sounding ALE 11feb05 (RP) -: MFA WARSAW? 1403 CW (F1A) ID every two minutes, weak and ID corrupt. MFA Warsaw used to operate on this freq with CW marker "vvv de SNN299 ga" (07/Feb)(DW) 7rp20: MFA Algier: 1350 coquelet-8/26.67 tfc to nai (Nairobi) and Addis Abbeba (7 Feb 05) (wp3) nai: Alg emb Nairobi: 1350 coquelet-8/13.34 tfc to MFA Algier (7 Feb 05) (wp3) ---: ALGERIAN EMB NAIROBI 1035 COQ/8 13.3/E/200 Tfc in Pagina 201 18183.4 18183.4 18183.4 18183.5 18183.6 18220.0 18237.9 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18261.0 18326.7 18334.7 18341.7 18378 18513.9 18513.9 18560.0 18571.5 18591 18591 18591 18591.0 18610.0 18879.0 18879.5 WUN-v11 FF (08/Feb)(DW) 7RQ20: MAE Algiers 1640 COQ8/26.67 Long relay Msg/FF fm Luanda re Angola politics (28/Jan/05) (RH2) 7RQ20: MAE Algiers 1742 COQ8/26.67 Relay Msg/FF fm Ambalg Luanda re civil conflicts & diamond smuggling. (20/Jan/05) (RH2) MFA Argelia 1449 Coquelet-8 13.3 and 26.6 bd. Low signals ---: ALGERIAN EMB BRAZZAVILLE 1042 COQ 26.7/E/200 Tfc in FF (08/Feb)(DW) ---: MFA ALGIERS 1041 COQ/8 26.7/E/200 QSLs tfc fm Nairobi and signs off (08/Feb)(DW) JMH5: TOKYO MET 0840 FAX 120/576/N/800 Sfc anal. Weak grainy, fading (08/Feb)(DW) ZSJ: SAN CAPETOWN 1547 FAX 120/576/N/800 Surface analysis. Slightly grainy thru 1555 (08/Feb)(DW) IR05: Unid 1145 ALE/USB wkg IR01 Unid. (16Feb05) (SA) IRO: Unid 1014 ALE/USB Wkg IRO1 (unid) (13Feb05) (SA) KEH34: US Consulate Basrah IRQ 13:24 ALE/USB answering call from PLAUSAF Lajes AZR 20feb05 (PPA) KVX45: US Embassy?? 1047 ALE/USB wkg KWA54 US Embassy. (16Feb05) (SA) PLA: (USAF GSC, Lajes AB): 1304 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). 02/11 RP3 WNG746: (US Dept of State): 1758 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (US Embassy/Consulate). 02/11 RP3 GYA: RN NORTHWOOD 1600 FAX 120/576/N/800 Surface analysis. Barely visible in noise floor (08/Feb)(DW) ---: UNID 0902 arq 100/E/170 irs mode. Long fades. Offair 0904 (08/Feb)(DW) :MFA Cairo 1337 FEC mmfmfmfmm...22281 22281 (18222 kHz?) jg cfuw. Then SELCALs KKVA/Lagos Embassy in ARQ for some time. (18Feb05) (RGA) : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1352 ARQ IRS opchat yks yks and offair. (18Feb05) (RGA) : MFA Cairo 1330 ARQ SELCALs XBVK/Berne Embassy for some time then gives up. (18Feb05) (RGA) ---: DANISH EMB ALGIERS 1143 TWINPLEX 100/E/-400/-200/+200/+400 brief qso starting "Algier 14.2.05" and brief exchange of St Valentine's day greetings op-op (14/Feb)(DW) OZU25: MFA COPENHAGEN 1136 TWINPLEX 100/E/-400/-200/+200/+400. Selcals TPEK/unid. 1145 selcals TPRP/unid (14/Feb)(DW) BMF: Taipei Meteo 1500 Fax 120 Chinese char //13900(13/02/05) (AJP) MFA: Tunisia1723 Sitor-B 5LG "Etoile" Ending "A VOUSAMI" (18/01/05) (AJP) 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1050 GLOBEDATA Idling. (02Feb05) (RGA) 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1327 GLOBEDATA Idling. Also on 16939 kHz. (18Feb05) (RGA) : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1225 75Bd/500Hz Baudot based ARQ-system, offline crypto after 11177 13005 ... not spaced as 5LGs, op chat in Russian after msg tfc (15Jan05) (LDO) no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1225 75Bd/500Hz Baudot based ARQ-system, offline crypto after 11177 13005 ... not spaced as 5LGs, op chat in Russian after msg tfc (15Jan05) (LDO) ICSSIL: (Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, probably Irvine CA): 1906 USB/ALE TO DL0002DAT (Rockwell Collins data node). Also noted on 07410.0. 02/14 RP3 MTS: RAF MOUNT PLEASANT 1021 PICCOLO Mk6 dual 6-tone chan VFT on usb. (28/Jan)(DW) MTS: RAF MOUNT PLEASANT 1021 PICCOLO Mk6 6-tone engineer channel in VFT, on standby. 1234 "GXQ de MTS zub 1234z lololo k", 1234 "ur 5ers as well m8 k""1235"will check Pagina 202 18879.9 19063.7 19103.5 19103.5 19103.5 19103.5 19200.0 19200.0 19255.0 19359.7 19615.0 19615.5 19615.9 19707.0 19741.4 19843.9 20049 20345.0 20400.0 20400.0 20810.6 20810.6 20810.6 20890 21250 22447 22541.0 22542.0 22910.0 23337 WUN-v11 with syscon to see if they want ext k" (28/Jan)(DW) MTS: RAF MOUNT PLEASANT 1021 PICCOLO Mk6 6-tone encrypted chan in vft (28/Jan)(DW) : Unid FF 1320 ARQ-E3/200/300 Betas. Faded. (18Feb05) (RGA) RCH136: (probable CH-47 helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1811 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 02/03 RP3 SKYWAT: (Skywatch-US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 1753 USB/ALE TO RUH976 (UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 02/08 RP3 SKYWAT: (Skywatch-US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 2031 USB/ALE TO RUH981 (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 02/07 RP3 SKYWAT: (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 1855 USB/ALE TO RUH959 (probable UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 02/03 RP3 64B: (Venezuelan Navy LSM "Los LLanos" T64): 1357 USB/ALE TO CGA (HQs, Venezuelan Navy). Also noted on 09100.0; 12537.0; & 13500.0. 01/18 RP3 CGA: (HQs, Venezuelan Navy): 1415 USB/ALE TO G12 (Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12). Also noted on 13500.0. 01/18 RP3 Mil. Feeder Argentina: 1756 LSB SS Feeder "Radio Continental"(07/02/05) (AJP) ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO ?LOC 1026 arq 100/E/170 Op chart in Arabic(ATU80). S/off 1028z (09/Feb)(DW) ---: UNID UK MIL 1035 PICCOLO Mk6 2-chan 6-tone VFT on usb. (09/Feb)(DW) ---: UNID UK MIL 1036 PICCOLO 6-tone eng chan in vft. On standby, no app tfc/opchat thru 1830z when faded (09/Feb)(DW) ---: UNID UK MIL 1037 PICCOLO 6-tone tfc chan in vft. On line encryption (09/Feb)(DW) PWZ-33: BN Rio de Janeiro 1800 Pactor-FEC Test tape then Wxforecast (22/01/05) (AJP) 8PO: Globe Wireless Bridgetown BRB 1257 GLOBEDATA. Idling. Also on 19744.4 kHz. (18Feb05) (RGA) : Unid 1254 OMFSK/195.5/600 (18Feb05) (RGA) S: MX Beacon Arkhangelsk 1235 CW // 10872 at 1600. (10Feb05) (WC) M5: Uruguayan Navy 1725 USB SS W/ M1. PP familiar QSX freq ?(07/02/05) (AJP) 2XM7: (unidentified): 1507 LSB/ALE TO T5L1 (unidentified). 02/15 RP3 CAPANA: Venezuelan Navy 2038 ALE/USB clg BNARCO, F21, DCC(08/02/05) (AJP) KMN94: (US Department of State:Fort Lauderdale, FL): 1853 USB/ALE TO KMN93 (US Department of State:Springfield, VA). 02/11 RP3 KWS93: US Embassy ?? 0943 ALE/USB wkg KWS92 (16Feb05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0912 ALE/USB wkg KWS91 US Embassy ?? ALE+VOICE for Radio Check (16Feb05) (SA) C02: Unid US CBP 1347 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Feb05) (RGA) PCH100: Scheveningen Radio NLD 1110A USB 100 Year Anniversary Special Event Station. Wkg Wayne (missed callsign) who saw posting on the web cluster. Thanks to WUN post. (19Dec04) (RB) FUM: FN Papeete Tahiti 1112 RTTY/75/850 RY + testing. 65/70%. (08Feb05) (WC) Unid: 1740 FSK 75/170 ACF=0 (17/01/05) (AJP) JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1526 FAX 60 Newspaper (13/02/05) (AJP) Unid: 1510 FSK 50/850 ACF = 0 (13/02/05) (AJP) IKF: US HF-GCS Stn Keflavik ICE 1259 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 203 WUN-v11 KVX53: (US Embassy Europe??) 1307 ALE/USB wkg kvx56 (US Embassy??) (09Feb05) (SA) 23337 KWX57: US Embassy?? 0919 ALE/USB wkg KWS93 US Embassy ?? (16 Feb05) (SA) 23337 PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 1301 ALE/USB Sounding. Also seen on 20816 and 5708 kHz. (09Feb05) (RGA) 25120.0 Unid: 1810 Sweep form 25260 to 25120 (16/01/05) (AJP) 25531.2 Unid: 1455 Stanag4285 (13/02/05) (AJP) 28230.0 IQ8CZ/B: I have heard the beacon IQ 8 CZ/B the day 22.01.2005 at 10.54 UTC on 28230.1 kc with rst 569 in southeastern Germany. 22jan05 (R) 23337 ========================================================================= ======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 11: Issue 3, March 2005 //// ======================================================================== Edited by Bill Lawrie Electronic Editor. (blmid@freeuk.com) COPYRIGHT © 2005 WUN This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club in the world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter may be posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so long as the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s) remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written permission of the Electronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may result in action under international copyright legislation. To become a WUN member, visit the URL: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/wun and fill in your details in the "Subscribing to WUN" section form. If you have problems with any of this, or need further information, contact Jason Berri at: webmaster@wunclub.com If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS, please let us know! Check out the WUN web site at: http://www.wunclub.com ======================================================================== >From your Electronic Editor: * Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utility station information and the most widely quoted utility station publication in the world...the WUN Newsletter. WHAT'S INSIDE: o o o o o Digital Review by Day Watson Nautical News by Robert Maskill Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boender Utility Round-up by Ary Boender WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS ====================================================================== 0101100010110001011000001110011000101100110110001100110011010000100011 0011100010010101001100110101100101000011011000011101100000011101100100 Pagina 204 WUN-v11 01001101# DIGITAL #00011110010100001101010010100011010111000000111001 1000100101111010100100011010010010100110100011010001101000011010011100 0111000111001110000110000111100000100101011001001010111010100011100011 001000101010110100000111000111# REVIEW #00000101110011100001101000101 0101001011000011101100010110001100110100010110000111011000101100001110 0000110100101010110101011010000100101001101001010101010100010101010001 01001011111100001000101010011000110011000011101100010# COLUMN #110001 1100011010100101010010101001010100100001110110000101100101001101011000 - Editor: Day Watson - Nickname on chat channels E-mail: jdwatson@blueyonder.co.uk DayW Hi digi WUNners The menu Commercial Military Special UNID Brazilian sitor Output from Bombay (Mumbai) Naval Radio German Red Cross Stranger on 10535 >>....Commercial.....> ::: Brazilian sitor Thanks to Tony Paredes in Argentina for the heads-up on a new Brazilian station. The station uses 4211 kHz and listens on 4773 kHz [ITU chan 402] and sends "BR" in CW and "VY" in Sitor-A as channel free marker. Tony reports the station seen working ships from Petrobras. When working a ship, the text is in Portuguese. Copied a ship calling "VYXS VYXS VYXS" on 4173.0 Seems to be a Sitor-A selcall. Then coastal station on 4211.0 replies. Also other ships calling only "VY VY VY" on 4173.0 Sitor-A reported. VYXS gives Station Number 0719 - in the range 0700-0719 allocated to Brazil. But not listed in the ITU Coast Search database - only Rio de Janeiro/PPR comes up. Although in an ITU maritime NBDP channel it probably is not open for public correspondence. There is a possibility that Petrobras have a need of communicating with their ships (maybe even oil/gas rigs as well) and that this station may be on the air to maintain that Sitor link method prior to Rio/PPR possibly withdrawing what is left of their maritime NBDP telex service on 8419.5/8379.5 and 12594/12491.5 Couple of websites: http://www2.petrobras.com.br/ingles/index.asp and http://www.transpetro.com.br/ingles/negocios/transporte/transporte.shtml then click Fleet link. Any of WUN's Brazilian members have further information? >>....Military.....> ::: Output from Bombay (Mumbai) Naval Radio Michel Lacroix (Paris) asked about the following capture on 12903 kHz Pagina 205 (RTTY WUN-v11 50bd/850Hz) from Bombay Naval Radio and asked if restricted. Quote: VWGZ T R A F F I C L PVVVVVVVVVVVMVMMMMVVVVVMM BNR 757/18 VLO GJU -O-181725 GR 10 BNR 758/18 VTN OPPBP NDX 8/,-181525 GR 38 =594 759/18 MRW GGU KZJ -= -181655 GR 187 BNR 760/18 VLO GJU -P-181805 GR 10 BNR 761/18 FBU WXG -O-181950 GR 30 BNR 762/18 DMS SKV UP -P-181616 GR W C BT Unquote This is the Mumbai (BNR = Bombay Naval Radio) naval broadcast to all Indian Navy ships (VWGZ is the collective callsign for All Indian Naval Ships). The above appears to be a traffic list of messages to be transmitted shortly, or a summary of traffic recently sent. Let's look at a couple of lines: BNR 760/18 VLO GJU -P-181805 GR 10 BNR 761/18 FBU WXG -O-181950 GR 30 BNR indicates the broadcast 760/18 and 761/18 indicates the daily serial number of the message on that broadcast. VLO GJU FBU WXG are the daily encrypted callsign for specific ships. -P- and -O- are the precedence indicators of the message. -R-P-O-Z- Routine Priority Immediate (Originially Operational Immediate) Flash The Date Time Group is that of origination - strange no time zone indicator. Some times are ahead of Michel and your scribe at the time the emailed query sent/received so therefore not UTC or Z(ulu). Local time more likely - should be indicated by the letters EF (Z+5.5hrs). GRnn Number of encryption groups in the message - Indian Navy has typically a four fig group encryption system. The security rating will only appear once the message is decrypted eg restricted, confidential, secret, etc. Readable messages will be seen to have UNCLAS(sified). Thanks Michel Pagina 206 WUN-v11 ::: German Red Cross Many thanks to Kristian Kalb for the following contribution. DRK = Deutsches Rotes Kreuz = German Red Cross ------------------------------------------------------------------------It seems that the DRK has a regular monthly meeting on shortwave. 6998.5 kHz (3801.5 kHz?) at the 3rd Saturday of the month. They're using both sidebands LSB/USB. But the last time only LSB. Modes: Amtor-A [Sitor/A] 100Bd/170Hz, Pactor-Ham 100/200Bd, Packet [AX25] and CW. At the last Meeting 19 March 05 the following Stations were online: DEKA25, DEKA2520, DEK26, DEKA2620, DEK30, DEK88 in LSB, Pactor-Ham and Amtor-A. [Kristian's WUN logs for these sessions show timings between 1056-1142z and 1310-1358z - Ed] They were talking about the Column "Notfunk" (Emergency) in the Packet Mailbox http://db0sif.darc.de/cgi-bin/dplist?NOTFUNK%201and the Emergency-Infoside on the DARC-Server http://www.darc.de/referate/ausland/Notfunk/not-reg.html They had a litle brainstorming about how to give better Informations. One Station said that he had a contact to MARS-member Daniel Wolf and that they changed some Information. In future they want to transmit a regular QTC [bulletin]. Here's first part of the last QTC transmited in Amtor-A: --------------------------------------------------------------------------TATSACHE-1.0 NOTFUNK IM AMATEURFUNKDIENST ES LIEGEN REICHLICH ERFAHRUNGSWERTE VOR, WONACH IN NOTFAELLEN WIE Z.B. NATURKAT ASTROPHEN DIE FUNKVERBINDUNG UEBER AMATEURFUNKSTELLEN OFT DIE EINZIGE ODER DIE EINZIG ZUVERLAESSIG FUNKTIONIERENDE VERBINDUNG ZUR AUSSENWELT DARSTELLT. 2.0 AUCH FUER DIE DRK-KURZWELLENSTATIONEN IST DIES EIN THEMA. AUCH IN VERGANGENEN EINSAETZEN WURDE BEI BEDARF SCHON AUF AMATEURFREQUENZEN AUSGEWICHEN ODER ES WURDEN AMATEURFUNKSTELLEN UM MITHILFE Z.B. ZUR UEBERMITTLUNG VON NACHRICHTEN GEBETEN. AUCH WENN IM NOTFALL ZUNAECHST ODER AUF DAUER GAR KEINE ROTKREUZ-FUNKSTATION IN EINEM EINSATZGEBIET VORHANDEN WAR, WURDE DER ENTSPRECHENDE NOTFUNKVERKEHR AUF AMATEURFUNKFREQUENZEN MIT AMATEURFUNKSTELLEN ABGEWICKELT (Z.B. BEI DER SCHNEELAWINEN-KATASTROPHE IN GALTUER/TIROL). Every Station belongs to a "Landesverband" Overview the " DRK-Landesverbaende": http://www.drk-rootdatenbank.de/adressen/ Stations: --------------------------------------------------------------DEK23 DRK Berlin fixed S/C DEBR DEKA2310 DRK Berlin mob./port. S/C DMBR DEK24 DRK Muenster fixed S/C DEWL DEKA2410 DRK Muenster mob./port. S/C DMWL DEKA2411 DRK Muenster mob./port. S/C DMWL DEK25 DRK Stuttgart fixed S/C DEBW DEKA2510 DRK Stuttgart mob./port. S/C DMBW DEKA2520 DRK Stuttgart mob./port. S/C DMBW DEK26 DRK Duesseldorf fixed S/C DENR DEKA2610 DRK Duesseldorf mob./port. S/C DMNR DEK27 DRK Hannover fixed S/C DENI Pagina 207 DEKA2710 DEK28 DEK29 DEK30 DEKA3010 DEK31 DEKA3110 DEK32 DEK33 DEK34 DEK35 DEK36 DEK37 DEK88 DEK99 DRK Hannover DRK Frankfurt DRK Sprendlingen DRK Quickborn DRK Quickborn DRK Kempten DRK Kempten DRK Moers DRK Hamburg DRK Bremen DRK Saarbrücken DRK Freiburg DRK Oldenburg DRK Bonn Collective Call for S/C = Selcall ??= unid WUN-v11 mob./port fixed fixed fixed mob./port fixed mob./port fixed fixed fixed S/C DMNI S/C DEHE S/C DERP S/C DESH S/C DMSH S/C DEBY S/C DMBY S/C DE?? S/C DEHH S/C DEHB S/C DESL? fixed S/C DEBN? fixed S/C DE?? fixed S/C DEHZ all German Red Cross Stations ?=unconfirmed Heard that Kempten has no Equipment for shortwave. More information on this theme can be found in Wun v03 -1997 with info from ANDL and Markus Buttinger http://wunclub.com/archive/newsletter/v03/wunv3n06.zip >>....Unid.....> ::: Stranger on 10535 Paulo Fernandes from Lisbon noted short periods of data in the USB of 10534U when monitoring Halifax METOC. Although F1b, it isn't RTTY. Periodically a Russian T600 (aka BEE) naval transmission appears with a shift of 250Hz (offset +1000Hz from 10534). It is noted to have the 36bd idling reversals, and 50bd encrypted traffic characteristics. >>....Signoff.....> Whatever you're doing monitoring-wise, enjoy it. Regards Day ----------------------------------Nautical News Monitoring Maritime Frequencies Edited by Robert Maskill G4PYR Peterborough England. www.coastalradio.org.uk NEW MF CW COASTAL STATION. -------------------------The FCC has granted a license for a new, common carrier, class 1A CW coast station to the Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS), the group that brought ex-RCA coast station KPH back to life. The MRHS applied for the license to assure that US commercial Morse operations will continue into the future. We believe this must be the first time in many years that the FCC has granted a new license for this service. The hours of operation for the station have not yet been determined. the basic details are: Call: KSM Pagina 208 But WUN-v11 Frequencies: 426, 500, 6474 and 12993kc Power: 5kW all frequencies As of the time of writing the station does not have a name just a callsign! Whilst the MRHS are to be commended on getting the licence I do wonder who they will talk to! Time will tell. Yerevan Radio/EKA on air -----------------------Shipcom, owners of Mobile Radio/WLO and Seattle/KLB, have opened a new station at Yerevan, in Armenia. Testing took place over the weekend of 12/Mar and is now on-air. Two channels are available. 1. ITU NBDP channel 1251 12604.5/12502 The channel supports communication in both Pactor and Sitor, but is using 200Hz shift instead of 170Hz, being optimised for the former mode. The station number is 2160 --> selcall QXCV Answerback appears to be eka qxcv qxcv ga+? Pactor call EKA1 Channel free marker is "EKA" in cw with data burst, every 70 seconds. Traffic list/information bulletin may be heard in Sitor/B from the top of the hour. MMSI is 002160105 (Original testing was carried out on Chan 229 12593.5 but this was in conflict with one of the few remaining occupied channels (Kholmsk/UDB2) and was changed). 2. ITU RT Chan 1206 13092/12245 (/USB) Expansion is expected into other bands but no timescale is known at present. USCG HF MSI broadcasts ---------------------These are transmitted on selected frequencies in the ITU HF MSI category - 6314 8416.5 12579 16806.5 22376 kHz using Sitor/B - via the four HF facilities at Boston/NMF Boston is remotely controlled by CAMSLANT. Point Reyes/NMC Honolulu/NMO Guam/NRV These three are remotely controlled by CAMSPAC. Time(Z) 0000 0030 0130 0140 0230 0500 0730 0900 1218 1330 Station NMC NIK NMO NMF NRV NRV NMO NRV NIK NMO 6 * * 8 * * * * * * * 12 * * * * * * * * * 16 * 22 Ice (Boston/NIK Feb-Sept) * * * * * * * * Ice (Boston/NIK Feb-Sept) Pagina 209 1500 1630 1800 1900 2030 2315 NRV NMF NMC NRV NMO NRV * * * * * * * * * * * * * WUN-v11 * * * * Questions about identification were raised on the list early in the month. It will be noted that the B1B2B3B4 group as used by NAVTEX is also apparent after the zczc start signal on these messages. The letter used for the B1 identification for NAVTEX on 518 kHz equates to the final letter of the ITU callsign for these four stations. But no listing has so far come to light indicating the B1 letter when used on HF. Thanks to some monitoring by Allen Fountain in Melbourne/Day Watson in UK, and an exchange of emails with Jack Painter in Virginia Beach we have now confirmed that each station uses the same letter for HF as for MF in this respect. To summarise: Boston/NMF Point Reyes/NMC Honolulu/NMO Guam/NRV [F] [C] [O] [V] GREENLAND CHANGES ----------------Aasiaat & Ammassalik Radios have had many changes to their frequencies of operation details can be found in the wk12 ALRS update Qaqortoq Radio has closed on all frequencies The MF List on my web site has the new 2MHz changes above incorporated into it. UNITED KINGDOM MARINE WEATHER SERVICES -------------------------------------The 2005 issue of Marine weather services is now available from the United Kingdom Met Office, you can download a copy in .PDF format or you can request a printed copy. http://www.metoffice.com/leisuremarine/mwsbooklet.html It gives the times and details of all weather broadcasts from United Kingdom Coastguard stations both on VHF & MF plus Navtex transmission details Single copies of the publication are free. I would suggest that overseas readers download and print out the .PDF file should they find it of interest. Well thats all for this month. All contributions are welcome and may be sent by email to g4pyr@dsl.pipex.com 73 de Robert G4PYR ---------------------------NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #093, March 2005 Pagina 210 WUN-v11 ________________________________________________________________________ Editor: Ary Boender (ary@luna.nl) NUMBERS & ODDITIES website: http://home.luna.nl/~ary ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski (csmolinkski@erols.com) http://www.spynumbers.com/numbersDB/ ________________________________________________________________________ I think I have an interesting column for you this month thanks to the following contributors: Trond, Jim, Maciej, Bill, Tom, Peter, Hans-Peter, Lupus, Attu, Ron, Mike, Piet, Manolis, Guy, Mike, Joerg, Igor, Tom H, John, Chris, Kurt and... well, you know who you are. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* VOICE STATIONS * ::: E03 Lincolnshire Poacher's idents compiled by Al. 1st half of March UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC ------------------------------------------------------------------1200 32279 32279 32279 32279 32279 32279 32279 1200 1300 37701 37701 37701 37701 37701 37701 37701 1300 1400 92003 84539 71965 17791 32279 12524 15607 1400 1500 15607 92003 84539 71965 17791 32279 60665 1500 1600 60665 15607 92003 84539 71965 17791 12524 1600 1700 12524 60665 15607 92003 84539 71965 32279 1700 1800 32279 12524 60665 15607 92003 84539 17791 1800 1900 17791 37701 12524 37701 15607 92003 37701 1900 2000 37701 32279 37701 60665 37701 15607 71965 2000 2100 71965 17791 32279 12524 60665 37701 84539 2100 2200 84539 71965 17791 32279 12524 60665 92003 2200 2nd half of March UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC ------------------------------------------------------------------1200 30802 30802 30802 30802 30802 30802 30802 1200 1300 89094 89094 89094 89094 89094 89094 89094 1300 1400 67341 10090 24840 31634 30802 42118 58758 1400 1500 58758 67341 10090 24840 31634 30802 77152 1500 1600 77152 58758 67341 10090 24840 31634 42118 1600 1700 42118 77152 58758 67341 10090 24840 30802 1700 1800 30802 42118 77152 58758 67341 10090 31634 1800 1900 31634 89094 42118 89094 58758 67341 89094 1900 2000 89094 30802 89094 77152 89094 58758 24840 2000 2100 24840 31634 30802 42118 77152 89094 10090 2100 2200 10090 24840 31634 30802 42118 77152 67341 2200 <<<<<>>>>> ::: E04 Cherry Ripe's idents compiled by Tomonori 1st half of March UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC ----------------------------------------------------------2200 77437 11948 09576 98999 11948 2200 2300 11948 09576 98999 11948 53047 2300 Pagina 211 0000 0100 1000 1100 1200 1300 09576 98999 11948 53047 41820 39815 98999 11948 53047 41820 39815 77437 11948 53047 41820 39815 77437 11948 WUN-v11 53047 41820 39815 77437 11948 09576 41820 39815 77437 11948 09576 98999 0000 0100 1000 1100 1200 1300 Cherry Ripe skedules: 1000 1100 1200 1300 2200 2300 0000 0100 UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, 20474 18864 18864 18864 18864 18864 18864 19884 // // // // // // // // 23461 23461 23461 23461 24644 21866 21866 21866 kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz <<<<<>>>>> ::: E10 Not much to report this time. 14-3, 1800 UTC, 4880 kHz: ULX 1 19-3, 2250 UTC, 6930 kHz: VLB 2 + SYN 2. Mixed signal 23-3, 2100 UTC, 4560 kHz: YHF 1 <<<<<>>>>> ::: E15 Egyptian based E15 was reported by a number of dxers and on the Spooks and Enigma 2000 lists. Long time no see! 10-3, 0708 1237 1307 15-3, 1100 16-3 1107 17-3 1230 18-3 1301 UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, UTC, 6715 kHz: in progress 11170 kHz: in progress, "Queen Robert Union" (QRU) 11170 kHz: BEC "Baker Edward Charlie" QRU 18000 kHz: BEC QRU 18000 kHz: BEC QRU 11170 kHz: OSS QRU 11000 kHz: BEC QRU I received a schedule from Manolis of the period 10-22 March. He says that there were possibly more transmissions but because the stations sometimes starts too early or very late, you can easily miss a transmission. Thanks Manolis! UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Call ------------------------------------------------------------0700 6715 NF 6715 6715 NF NF 6715 NAS 0800 NF NF NF NF NF NF NF 0900 NF NF NF NF NF NF NF 1000 NF NF NF NF 6715 6715 VSD 1100 NF 18000 NF NF 18000 NF BEC 1130 NF NF NF NF 6715 PAR 1200 5834 5834 5834 NF 5834 WSP 1230 11170 11170 11170 NF 11170 OSS 1300 NF NF 11170 NF 11000 BEC 1400 NF NF NF NF NF Notes: - The 1200 UTC frequency (17503 kHz) is a third harmonic of 5834 kHz. - NF stands for "Not found". <<<<<>>>>> Pagina 212 WUN-v11 ::: E23 Mike found a couple of E23 transmissions. 02-03 at 0954 UTC on 6507 kHz. 1155 UTC on 8188 kHz. "Intro of 00000, 11111, 22222, 33333, and so on then message at 1157 UTC", Mike says. 03-03 at 0958 UTC on 6507 kHz. <<<<<>>>>> ::: E25 Joerg reports via Enigma 2000 that he has copied E25 a number of times during March. 06-3, 1245 UTC, 9450 kHz, 785-51 null msg, no music 12-3, 1238 UTC, 9450 kHz, in progress 1333 UTC, 9450 kHz, 906 msg repeat ... EoM EoT, no music intro, good signal, no QRM 13-3, 1230 UTC, 9450 kHz, 555 msg ... EoM 557 10 EoT 13-3, 1330 UTC, 9450 kHz, 906 msg ... EoM EoT 481 EoM 905 13 , msg was repeat from Mar 12th 1330 Joerg says "The 1330 Sunday transmission was a repeat from Saturday (compared all groups). This one could be received in good quality. Maybe the 1230 transmission is also a repeat. In the last log 481 EoM 905 13 was said only once before the carrier was switched off. No music. If you compare with logs in the last E2K NL you see that 557 and 905 were already used." Other E25 logs come from Tom who heard the station on 24-3 at 1330 UTC calling "960" for 3 minutes followed by "Message" and then into numbers 2481 5210 0755 4888 4875 5186 7397 2283 0373 2420 1787 8323 6716 3056 Repeat repeat repeat 2481 5210 0755 4888 4875 5186 7397 2283 0373 2420 1787 8323 6716 3056 End of msg end of transmission 2924 1676 5210 7662 2924 1676 5210 7662 Tom also logged a transmission on 22-3 at 1200 UTC on 9450 kHz. Tom says that the Arabic music stopped and a live announcer started reading "222" for about 5 minutes followed by "Message, Message" and into 4FGs: 3521 3190 8110 2075 3592 7299 5039 6144 8110 Repeat repeat repeat 3521 3190 8110 2075 3592 7299 5039 6144 8110 The message was repeated on 23-3 at 1344 UTC and logged by Chris who also copied an earlier transmission at 1330 UTC. 1330 UTC: Calling "906" several times followed by 3x "Message" and then 4FGs: 3481 5210 0755 4888 4875 5186 7397 2924 1676 2283 0373 2420 1787 8323 6716 3056 5210 7662 Repeat repeat repeat etc Notes: No Music intro; fair to strong signal strength, about S7-S9; 18 grp msg; carrier never went down, it was on during the 6-minute intermission between transmissions. 1344 UTC: Music Intro followed by "222" and 3x "Message", then 4FGs: 3521 3190 3110 2075 3529 7299 5039 6144 8110 Repeat repeat repeat etc Pagina 213 WUN-v11 "E25 made its appearance on 25-3 at 1246z" reports Manolis. "Calling 785 58 59, no message, ended 1248z." On 27 March, Tom reports the station at 1326 UTC. Tom says "The usual live announcer came on and read the ID's for about 5 minutes before a quick sign off. 909 23 24 905 25" <<<<<>>>>> ::: V13 Kurt heard New Star on 8300 kHz at 1322 UTC on 2 March. Nice catch, Kurt. The station has not been reported for a while. Good to know that it is still alive and kicking. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* MORSE STATIONS * ::: MX - Channel markers L: 3204.2 kHz R: 5465.8 kHz V: 3658 kHz I received a couple of questions about the location of the "R" marker. According to my source, the station is located on the Balezino-3 Technical Repair Base in Izhevsk. This base belongs to the Strategic Missile Troops and not to the navy. - Cluster beacons D: P: S: C: F: K: M: 4557.7, 7038.7, 8494.7, 10871.7, 13527.7, 16331.7 kHz *) 3593.8, 4557.8, 5153.8, 7038.8, 8494.8, 10871.8 kHz 4557.9, 5153.9, 7038.9, 10871.9, 13527.9, 16331.9, 20047.9 kHz 5154, 7039, 10872, 13528, 16332, 20048 kHz 7039.2 kHz 7039.3 kHz 7039.4 kHz *) also heard on spurious freqs 7000 and 7044 kHz. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M08 Mark Slaten posted a "Cuban Tutorial" which is definitely of interest of the not so experienced listener. Thanks Mark, the floor is yours. Thought I would give a short tutorial for the newer members on how logging of calls on V2a or M8a family of numbers stations can help in traffic analysis of the stations. Here are my Cuban logs for today March 19, 2005 UTC:1000-, Freq:3025, M8a, ID 35112 77821 61113 UTC:1100-, Freq:4478, M8a, ID 35112 77821 61113 (rpt of 1000z on 3025m) UTC:1000-, Freq:9323, M8a, ID 23371 64843 23143 UTC:1100-, Freq:10344, M8a, ID 23371 64843 23143 (rpt of 1000z on 9323m) UTC:1100-, Freq:8136, M8a, ID 28482 37121 47091 UTC:1200-, Freq:9152, M8a, ID 28482 37121 47091 (rpt of 1100z on 8136m) UTC:1200-, Freq:6933, M8a, ID 10191 42525 41625 UTC:1300-, Freq:7890, M8a, ID 10191 42525 41625 (rpt of 1200z on 6933m) Pagina 214 WUN-v11 Please note how logging the calls clearly shows the relationship between the first and second broadcast. Also, if you study the calls on a regular basis, you will clearly see that the last digit in each 5-digit call will advance by one. EX: 35112 77821 61113 which was copied today, may be 35113 77822 xxxx1 tomorrow. The last number currently is being assumed as the number of days the message was broadcast. Normally this 5-digit number changes after the 3rd day, but as you can see by the 1200z and 1300z broadcast, 40625 is an exception to the rule. This message may have been broadcast 5 days in a row. Recently, I have seen the 2200z and 2300z M8a broadcast go as high as 9 days! But 3 will be what is encounter the majority of the time. As far as the message formats with both V2a and M8a, they consist of 150 5-digit groups. Three messages are normally sent with one being intended for each of the three addressees in the callup. And a further curiosity is that the first and second group are repeated again as the 149th and 150th groups. This is probably some sort of indicator for the encoding/ decoding of the messages. Hope this is of interest to the group. If you would like me to include more numbers info, let me know. There is a lot more on the air than just the Cuban numbers. The numbers are fun to monitor. It is exciting when you can find a new one, or find one that has been elusive. Finding out a new characteristic about them is also satisfying. It's a lot like putting together a jig-saw puzzle. Discovering a new piece that fits in hopes that someday the whole puzzle will be completed. Have fun with the hobby! 73's Mark Check also Enigma 2000's Morse Stations Profile which can be downloaded from the N&O website at http://home.luna.nl/~ary/morse.zip <<<<<>>>>> ::: M13 Thought I would give another tutorial on one of the morse stations. The enigma designator is M13. I believe he is thought to be from Eastern Europe. If anyone has any more information on this, please let me know. He is not always an easy one to hear. I find it best to copy him from 2100z - 2300z, anything earlier is pure luck to copy. This network seems to start the UTC day between about 0200z and 0800z and then repeats the message later. Do a database search to catch some of the past intercepts for M13 on the Spooks Database and the Database on Ary Boender's "Numbers and Oddities" site. M13 changes frequencies each month, but will repeat the sked a year later. Usually broadcasts the 1st and 3rd or the 2nd and 4th weeks each month. Each month has one message and the message number advances by one the next month. Messages are usually short, like 20-22 groups. Although, a variant M13d has been known to send over 500 groups for a 5 hour marathon! CW is sent about 5 WPM, so is good practice for those trying to learn morse. The only cut number is 0 which is sent as a T. All the other nine numbers are long. The following is copy I made from today's intercept: 261 (R5) BT 290 22 BT 02426 08956 08115 36803 61245 59332 58481 52039 29792 63640 16408 14003 04155 19453 BT 29412 05521 31068 08465 //2105z //10926m 03186 04416 44503 35731 //2108z Pagina 215 WUN-v11 261x12 BT 290 22 BT 02426 08956 08115 36803 61245 59332 58481 52039 29792 63640 16408 14003 04155 19453 BT 0 0 0 29412 05521 31068 08465 03186 04416 44503 35731 //2112z (End of sked) Note: A little Enigma shorthand for those who wonder about the x12 and the R5. The x12 means that the call 261 was repeated 12 times, this could have also been represented by R1, which is 1 minute. The R5 means that 261 was repeated for 5 minutes. After the initial callup for 5 minutes the station sends BT or "=" which is morse shorthand for a break, 290 is the message number and 22 is the group count of the upcoming message. Next months message from 261 will the message number 291. The message is sent and the BT is sent again. 261 is called again for only 1 minute and then the message is repeated a second time. (If you don't get it the first time, you get another chance!) When the message is concluded, three zeroes (0 0 0) are sent and the station goes down. This is the end of the sked. Hope you find this of interest. By the way, if you take the time to learn morse (at least the numbers and a few letters) you will find there are many more morse numbers stations than voice stations. 73's Mark <<<<<>>>>> ::: M18 Still sending time strings on 3803 kHz. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M21 M21 used 2219.5, 3801 and 5201 kHz in March. Id "0". M21 variant PBSN was heard by John on 13000.5 kHz with plots and strategic flash messages. "PBSN PBSN WZD" and into long strings of figures. Look Like 16FG.".... 3042169068820515 3042702090093620 30431689192..." 0534 down with "PBSN PBSN PBSN AR" "X X X X X X PBSN PBSN PBSN 62353 AWKANXE 4838 4932 BETALAKTIN 4052 9923 UBYTOoNYJ 6914 7390" repeated once. "X X X X X X PBSN PBSN 07648 ISHIMBIN 1688 8383" repeated once. "X X X X X X PBSN PBSN 33526 TATARSKIJ 6550 3710 FRUKTOWOZ 1002 0284" repeated once. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M87 A couple of reports from our Russian friend, Igor: 7429 kHz, 7-3, 1400 UTC. Mode: CW. 5FGs, cut numbers. Pagina 216 WUN-v11 682 682 91 91 (R) = = 058 058 20 20 a3t3u duau3 n76t5 4657t a5n7a 3466t = = 333 333 = = 058 058 20 20 a3t3u duau3 n76t5 4657t a5n7a 3466t = = 000 000 ttt = = u34d4 5t557 unt43 ud4dn 56una 5d33a 3d7nu 437na t6355 7d757 4n7da au5u6 d4utn 75564 = = u34d4 5t557 unt43 ud4dn 56una 5d33a 3d7nu 437na t6355 7d757 4n7da au5u6 d4utn 75564 16420 kHz, 1-3, 0330 UTC. Mode: CW. 5FGs, cut numbers. M87 variant. 000 sent very rarely. .... 154 154 154 154 154 000 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 000 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 9840 kHz, 1-3, 0130 UTC. Mode: CW. 5FGs, cut numbers. M87 variant. 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 <<<<<>>>>> ::: M89 V CP17 CP17 CP17 DE L9CC L9CC 3527, 3550, 3552, 7068.9, 7070.4, 7062.9, 7063.3, 7072 kHz -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* VARIOUS MODES * S28, buzzing on 4625 kHz S30, pipping on 3756 kHz XSW, squeaking on 3828.9 and 5474 kHz Mike reported an interesting catch on 3828.9 kHz on 21-3 at 1841 UTC. He caught a Russian lady reading a short message consisting of 3FGs: "For 544: 384 388 290, For 544: 384 388 290". You can hear the recording via Mike's website at http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/thesecretsiteofmike/mikes.htm Click on the Kremlin for the sample. Voice traffic was 1840 UTC on 16-3, 1520 UTC on 17-3, 1841 UTC on 21-3, 1912 UTC on 22-3, copied by Mike and Manolis at 3828.9 kHz 5474 kHz 3828.9 kHz 3828.9 kHz Pagina 217 WUN-v11 2025 UTC on 23-3, 3828.9 kHz 1830 UTC on 24-3, 3828.9 kHz 2019 UTC on 26-3, 3828.9 kHz XM, whaling on 4717 kHz XSL, slot machine on 6250, 6417, 6445, 8313, 8588, 8703.5 kHz JAMMERS - China - Iran : 1557, 7310, 9680, 11765 kHz : 3875, 3930, 3960, 4381, 4391, 4609, 6401, 6420, 11620, 11625 kHz - Morocco: 1550, 7460 kHz - Unid : 1116 kHz, jamming the Voice of Kurdistan in Iraq. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- * UNID STATIONS * I received two Unids from Igor. ::: O3T 5034 kHz, 10-3, 0012 UTC. Mode: CW vvv vvv vvv vvv t82 f8p f8p f8p f8p t82 f8p f8p de f8p f8p de f8p f8p de f8p f8p de va va tt o3t o3t o3t o3t o3t o3t o3t o3t qru qru qru qru id id id id 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 <<<<<>>>>> ::: UNID 6434 kHz 6434 kHz, 10-3, 0039 UTC. Mode: CW 46 52 51 53 52 51 52 54 = 46 52 51 53 52 51 52 54 = 46 52 51 53 42 51 52 54 = 46 52 51 53 42 51 52 54 = 46 52 51 53 42 51 52 54 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 46 52 51 = 4835 5t394634 = 14182 = t2 = t2 = t2 = t2 = t2 = t2 = t2 = 13431 = 14442 = 12 = 14442 = 12678 = 12252 = 14441 = 13434 = 13426 = 14442 = 14442 = 14444 = 12681 = 12253 = 11151 = 34423 95935 42494 54651 5249 = 1 = 13 = 11 = 12 = 11 = 123 = 12 = 1 = t1 = 3 = 32 = 59 = 29 = 18 = 3 = 33 = 3 = 31 = 32 = 39 = 21 = 31 = 315839435352 = 2t1 = 21t6 = 24 = ... <<<<<>>>>> ::: UNID 3322 kHz Possibly Chinese Air Defence heard on 3322 kHz in CW. 616 616 040 040 615 615 615 040 01 615 615 40719 40719 (repeated) 615 40523 40523 (repeated) 040 02 615 615 615 3333 15 ... (Logged by Jim) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* MILITARY STATIONS * NOBLE MARLIN 2005, the world’s largest Anti-Submarine Warfare exercise, took place in the Ionian Sea from 3rd to 16th March. The NATO exercise Pagina 218 WUN-v11 included submarines, surface ships and maritime patrol aircraft from ten NATO nations. Frequencies used: 2350.5, 2840, 3324.5, 4478.6, 4741.5, 6721.5, 5270 kHz of which 4741.5 kHz was the most active one. The stations were using the usual tactical callsigns like L, FE, GC, BF, MG, VE, BP, BC, AD, N, CF, E, FT, KF, DF, I, DC, FS, LT, FN, HD, SB, AD, D and FN. <<<<<>>>>> An UK Air Defense exercise was one of a number of military exercises in March. Comms could be observed on 4718 kHz which was often used by RAF Boulmer who was working with AWACS and other stations on this frequency. <<<<<>>>>> ::: RUSSIAN / CIS / UKRANIAN MILITARY STATIONS Frequency QSX Remarks / callsigns ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------0018.1 RDL: strategic flash msg "xxx xxx rdl rdl 47223 27931 uhwat 8251 9115 k" 2013.5 RCB: Russian Naval Aviation West Sector wkg RIC89, RAY96, "RAY96 de RCB QSA?" 2721 REA4: Russian Air Force Moscow // 5157 and 4379 kHz 3207 Russian Mil: L6YC transmitting from 15-25 and 45-55 Previous loggings: 3/14/04 3699 kHz VTI8 26-36 and 56-06 minutes 5/01/04 3698 kHz SFO3 07-17 and 37-47 minutes 5/31/04 3698 kHz IGAE 10-20 and 40-50 minutes 9/27/04 3700 kHz UXUO 25-35 and 55-05 minutes 10/7/04 3700 kHz NELC 10-20 and 40-50 minutes 12/2/04 3420 kHz U34D 25-35 and 55-05 minutes 12/22/04 3517 kHz NELC 10-20 and 40-50 minutes 2/01/05 3205 kHz L6YC 10-20 and 40-50 minutes 14/02/05 3265 kHz Q7JN 25-35 and 55-05 minutes 3347 CIS Mil: ZIG6 3348 Russian Mil: GTVS, VMH2, TKTR, LVW8, J2JC, ZI7T, PAOF, QD8M, E1T1 3365.5 RCB: Russian Naval Aviation West Sector 3538 WM9I, T5NV 3829 Ukranian Mil: LZHZ, A4HS, MHI5, 6J6D, VMPF, CZTY, K4ZY, ZBLV 3832 Ukranian Mil: TSMW. Gives R 254 K at end of NCS' message on 4051 kHz 3893 Russian Mil: WETN, TWYL, B1N9 3899 Russian Mil: KUAM, DQNY, 3IKX. "3IKX 220 26 27 0045 220 = ZVW 010 = UEGAZ FSEDQ ööHIO ... öIPTy WUPWW 010 K." 3933 Russian Mil: RFFP, RFFN, RFFM 4021 Russian Mil: BME8, ETET, FS48, GPYC, 6NQZ, NZX1, 4YXN 4051 4379 3832 Ukranian Mil: IRIN, LA7F, FN4N, CE9T, QIG5, 7EE5, M9BP REA4: Russian Air Force Moscow Pagina 219 WUN-v11 4447 3899 Russian Mil: VYLU, GRV6, MJHF, WJLQ, WRGX 4456 3954 Russian Mil: XPXV 4456 Russian Mil: TPMP, I3LA, QGZY, QI1P 5400.5 Russian navy: "RKN RKN RKN qtc 714 125 11 0635 714 = prognoz pogody s 0900 1_/03 do 0900 11/03=05g sewernyj kaspij ..." 5157 REA4: Russian Air Force Moscow 5407 5851 Russian Mil: 8YP9, BDQQ, PSVH 7041 Russian Mil 8146 Russian Mil 8816 52247: Russian Naval Aircraft RPT AL K to (inaudible) RJF94/Central Section Stn, Moscow. RCB/Western Sector also repeats back. RJC38: Russian Naval Air Northern Sector Station, Murmansk calls aircraft 52234. RCB: Russian Naval Air Western Sector wkg aircraft 52247 who sends atatus msg QTO 1323 QRD XLLP XLOS QRE 1425 QAH 4200 QBD 5200 RPT AL K. RJF94 11408 REA4: Russian Air Force Moscow // 12736 kHz 12606 CIS Mil?: "JO1C JO1C JO1C DE ML7K ML7K ZBU ZSL ZWS QCT9 K" or "PEO1C JO1C DE ML7K ML7K QBE QYT9 K" 12736 REA4: Russian Air Force Moscow // 11408 kHz 13004 Rus Mil: 4MTT, SSLI, HXVA 13852 Rus Mil: ZQLO, 5HCD, LCNM, H9A5, L4Z2, TWPK, HBD9, 4CCW <<<<<>>>>> ::: US MILITARY STATIONS Compiled by Ron. Notes: - Only logs with substantive information are included. Units that were only noted sounding in ALE or in voice radio checks are logged in section 4. - All freq are kHz and times UTC. 1) U.S. COAST GUARD: 7527 LNT (Camslant): 2122 in USB/ALE & voice w/J17 (HH-60J #6017 CGAS Clearwater) w/position report (2744N/8309W). 1535 USB/ALE & voice w/J15 (HH-60J #6015 CGAS Clearwater -very weak) w/"ops normal" & position report. 10242 LNT (Camslant): 1555 in USB/ALE & voice w/F04 (HU-25 #2104 CGAS Miami--not heard) in position report (2746N/9726W). 11494 TSC (CBP Orlando, FL Customs National Law Enforcement Comms Center -- Technical Service Center): 1917 USB/ALE TO NMH (USCG Alexandria VA (probably TISCOM-Telecommunications and Information Systems Command, Alexandria, VA ). NMH also noted sounding on 5732 & 7527 kHz Pagina 220 WUN-v11 13907 PAC (USCG CAMSPAC Point Reyes, CA): 1813 in USB/ALE & voice w/J05 (HH-60J #6005 CGAS Astoria--not heard) w/position report. 18594 Camslant Chesapeake: 1530 USB w/CG 1500 (HC-130H #1500, CGAS Elizabeth City-not heard) w/"ops normal" report. At 1538 on 08912.0 CG1500 (very weak) in USB/ALE & voice w/"ops normal" & position (3646N/7619W) report. 20890 LNT (Camslant): 1532 USB/ALE & voice w/J42 (MH-60J #6042 CGAS Elizabeth City--not heard) w/"ops normal" report. Also seen as 042 in USB/ALE w/LNT. F04F35F41J01J14J15J42500502720790- HU-25 HU-25 HU-25 HH-60J MH-60J HH-60J MH-60J HC-130H HC-130H HC-130H HC-130H #2104, #2135, #2141, #6001, #6014, #6015, #6042, #1500, #1502, #1720, #1790, CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS CGAS Miami Corpus Christi Cape Cod Elizabeth City Elizabeth City Clearwater Elizabeth City Elizabeth City Elizabeth City Clearwater Kodiak (also noted on TISCOM net) 2) CUSTOMS & BORDER PATROL (CBP): 13907 T59 (CBP BEECH A200 #N1559, San Diego AMB): 1802 in weak USB/ALE & encrypted voice w/CNT (CBP Central Regional Communications Node). A44- UH-60 tail # 79-23344 Riverside or San Diego Air Branch D31- P-3B "Slick" #N431SK/BuNo 153431, Jacksonville AMB, FL D48 - P-3 AEW&C #N148CS/BuNo 154575, Corpus Christi AMB, TX D45- P-3 AEW&C #N145CS/BuNo 155299, Jacksonville AMB, FL D46- P-3 AEW&C #N146CS/BuNo 154605, Jacksonville AMB, FL D70- P-3A "Slick" #N16370/BuNo 152170, Corpus Christi AMB, TX I00- CESSNA 550 #N1200N, logged on UHF in Arizona I08- CESSNA 550 #N5408G, logged on UHF in Arizona I55- CESSNA 550 #N1255K, Miami AMB I97- CESSNA 550 #N797CW, logged on UHF in Arizona MV5- unidentified T6P- unidentified CBP Aircraft T91 - PIPER PA-42-720R #N9091J, Jacksonville, FL AMB 3) OPERATIONS BAHAMAS TURKS & CAICOS (OPBAT): OPB- OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas X93- US Army UH-60L tail # 94-26593 2-3rd AVN 4) OTHER UNITS NOTED: DL1- unidentified TSC- CBP Orlando, FL Customs National Law Enforcement Communications Center -- Technical Service Center CS2- COTHEN Remote Memphis, TN EST- CBP Eastern Regional Communications Node WST- CBP Western Regional Communications Node CRB- CBP Caribbean Regional Communications Node LNT- USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA PAC- PAC USCG CAMSPAC Point Reyes, CA 503- USCG HC-130H #1503, CGAS Elizabeth City 720- USCG HC-130H #1720, CGAS Clearwater A70- CBP UH-60 tail # 82-23670, poss. Caribbean AMB CS2- COTHEN Remote Memphis, TN Pagina 221 CS5D41D43D47D90F35F40F41I00I01I31I52J09J14J23J25J28J31T9AT59X52- WUN-v11 COTHEN Remote Wilmington, NC CBP P-3B "Slick" #N741SK/BuNo 152741, Jacksonville AMB, FL CBP P-3 AEW&C #N143CS/BuNo 153447, Corpus Christi AMB, TX CBP P-3 AEW&C #N147CS/BuNo 152722, Jacksonville AMB, FL CBP P-3A "Slick" #N15390/Buno 151390, Corpus Christi AMB, TX USCG HU-25 #2135 CGAS Corpus Christi USCG HU-25 #2140 CGAS Cape Cod USCG HU-25 #2141 CGAS Cape Cod CBP CESSNA 550 #N1200N, logged on UHF in Arizona CBP CESSNA 550 #N37201San Diego AMB CBP CESSNA 550 #N2531K, San Diego AMB, CA CBP CESSNA 550 #N752CC, SW US USCG MH-60J #6009 CGAS Elizabeth City USCG MH-60J #6014 CGAS Elizabeth City USCG HH-60J #6023 ATC Mobile USCG HH-60J #6025 CGAS Clearwater USCG HH-60J #6028 CGAS Cape Cod USCG HH-60J #6031 CGAS Elizabeth City CBP PIPER PA-42-720R #N9279A, Jacksonville, FL AMB CBP BEECH A200 #N1559, San Diego AMB US Army UH-60L tail # 94-26552 2-3rd AVN -0-0-0-0-CONET-0-0-0-0- --------------------------------- UTILITY ROUND-UP editor: Ary Boender e-mail: ary@luna.nl ________________________________________________________________________ I forgot to include "this month's historic utility radio facts" in February. So.... here are the February and March facts now: 05-02-1916 07-02-1915 19-02-1975 02-03-1897 05-03-1998 10-03-1876 18-03-1909 Alexanderson successfully tests multiple tuned antenna First train-to-station radio message, Binghamton, NY Harris introduces the first solid-state radio transmitter Marconi granted first wireless patent Digital Radio Mondiale forms in China Bell successfully transmits by telephone Danish HAM Einar Dessau becomes the first radio amateur to broadcast on HF 27-03-1899 Marconi transmits across English Channel -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0MW and HF drift net beacons were reported by a number of people. Freq. ----1834 1858 28057 28102 28166 28181 28200 28210 28212 28218 28236 28256 28271 28301 callsign -------DH0 OY2 Y AF U AA N AA HI RU MA NM J MK Freq. ----1838 28016 28091 28126 28181 28191 28200 28212 28216 28221 28237 28256 28281 callsign -------QL1 U MA MA V HI AA V AML V MD RU MA Pagina 222 WUN-v11 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0::: LORAN The website of NELS (Northwest European Loran-C System) reports: "NOTICE CONCERNING LORAN-C IN NORTHWEST EUROPE The Northwest European Loran-C System (NELS) will be discontinued on 1 January 2006. However the Loran-C signal will remain available in part of the present coverage area. The most up-to-date information can be found on http://www.nels.org Further notification with more details will be issued before 1 October 2005." Previous newsletters mention that France will continue to operate Loran-C until at least 2015. In 2004 the news reached me that France plans to establish two new national Loran-C stations in Strasbourg and somewhere in the south of France. I have no information about the current status of these plans. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0::: AMERICAS Logs provided by Tony. 6684.5 kHz. Argentine Civil Defense in the Rio Negro Province, Argentina. Weather and highways status reports, fire control. Mode: USB. 7696.7 kHz. Argentine Army net. Callsigns heard include LTL, LTL2, LTL3, LTL4, LTL5, LTL6, LTL7, LTL8. Mode: CW. 8120 kHz. Unid station. Callsign "Canete" clg "H4" Bolivian accent. 8122.4 kHz. Bolivian Police with radiograms in Spanish. Mode: USB. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0::: AFRICA All logs via DARC/IARUMS. 7023 kHz. Unid network in Tanzania. Daily transmissions in KiSwahili, Hindi, Gujerati or Punjabi? Idents are place names like Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Morogoro, Nyanza, Songea, Kilosa? Mpwapwa? Iringa, Babati, Lindi, Kartar Singh, Jita Singh. Also on 7318 kHz. 7023 kHz. Unid Somali network with many phone patches. Idents: Galkayo, Boccaro, Bur Hache. 7045 kHz. Tanzania Electricity Supply Co network with 30+ stations. 7050 kHz. NGO in Rwanda, Uganda and possibly also in Ethiopia, Somalia and Mozambique. Idents: A, AA, BB, J, K, D, DG, Kigali, GA, W, WA, 42, 54, 4A, 72, 691, 134, 128, PW, Bukavu. Languages heard on the net: French, English and Italian, NGO. 7055 kHz. NGO network in Zaire. Phone patches in French, KiSwahili and Italian. Idents: MA, A, B, G, Banana, R, LW, F, EL. 7057 kHz. Net in Kenya and Somalia with phone patches. Idents: Kismayu, Pagina 223 WUN-v11 Nairobi, Garissa? 7061 kHz. Somali net clg Nairobi. Idents: Lugh, Kismayu, Burao, Bardera, Wari, Bulla Hawa, Baidoa. 7070 kHz. Network in Somalia and Eritrea. Idents: Asmara, Afmadu, Dobleh, Baidoa, Merere, Garoe, Burhane, Mogadishu, Kismayu, Beletwein. 14000 kHz. Unid medical NGO net in Zaire, Sudan, Somalia and Uganda. Idents: BI, ML, FM, SL, OK, Zero, Quarante, 95, KE, CC, CE, CJ, CM, Goma, JM, JK, CN, KT, JA, DK, KM, MM, DJ, BC, NI3, Mobile 3, K1, NI, Mai Mai, YL, SV, Kasungu, NBI, JT, AR (Arua), YL, AL. Languages heard on the net: English, Amharic, KiSwahili, other vernaculars, Dholuo, the last predominating. Definite connection with Kenya but no traffic heard. Also on 12000 kHz LSB and 14450 kHz LSB. 14240 kHz. Unid medical NGO in Sudan ordering supplies in English. Possibly in Dafur. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* BOOK REVIEW * "HF Monitoring Handbook 2005" Published by Monteria LLC www.hfutilitiesguide.com Reviewed by Ary Boender I recently received a heavy package in the mail which contained Monteria's HF Monitoring Handbook 2005. This is the first edition of the book which is based on the Monteria HF Signals Database CD-ROM. The book is 858 pages long, has the size of a telephone book, and weighs almost 2 kilos. One of the first chapters covers the various Digital Systems. This is one of my favorite chapters. Very useful for the serious digital dxer. It really helps you to identify a system. Well over 100 digital systems that can be heard on shortwave are listed. A short description and screen prints of the Fast Fourier Transforms of these systems fill the 44 pages. Many of these systems are not yet covered by Monteria's competitors. The main part of the book is of course the comprehensive frequency and callsign database. The frequency range covers the spectrum from 9 kHz 30 MHz. The HF Monitoring Handbook has some 32,000 frequency entries and also includes over 33,000 callsigns, selcalls, ICAO and WMO Station Designators, Routing Indicators, ALE station identifiers, etc. Even several numbers stations show up in the list. I cannot vouch that all the info in the list is correct but I know that the master frequency and callsign lists are continuously updated by 40 monitors around the globe. As far as I know there is no false data in the list for copyright reasons and the authors have done their best to include only very recent info. I could not find any grossly outdated stuff. The frequency table is presented in eight columns: frequency, modulation, signal (system), speed, shift, network (user organisations), schedule, and comments. One thing that I really miss here is the callsign. In this section only the user organisation is being mentioned but not the station itself. Take 5465.5 kHz for example. The frequency list says "Russian navy". No station is mentioned. In fact this frequency is being used by the Russian military in Izhevsk which uses channel marker "R". You can find "R" in the callsign list but you cannot make the connection and that is a pity. Monteria's comments on this as follows: "We gave a lot of thought as to Pagina 224 WUN-v11 how to do this in a manner that would appease many clients. In the modern age, there is rarely a net control. Even maritime stations are often remotely-keyed, and sometimes even switched between transmitter sites so which call do we put?" Good point. I think that Monteria's commercial clients would agree that knowing the user is more important than knowing the callsign, but I also think that most dxers are more interested in the callsign(s) of the station/network. Another interesting section is chapter 8: Network Diagrams. The author writes "The Network Diagram provides the signal analyst with a convenient way of building of interrelations between stations forming that network." and he is right. The network diagrams certainly help you understand how the networks are formed. Even complex ones like the US Army nets or the very complex networks of the Egyptian Border Guards and the United Nations Joint Logistics Center in Sudan. Several handy appendices complete the HF Handbook. The first one lists the Autocorrelation Frequencies (ACF) of common signals. Also useful is the list of common signals - parameters and usage. This 21 pages long appendix summarizes the baud rate, shift (fsk)/tone spacing (mfsk), modulation, system name and users of common signals, both current and recent historical. The book ends with a list of acronyms and abbreviations. Pros and cons. Pros: - One of the best frequency and callsign books around. Very comprehensive and up-to-date. - It includes stations that transmit in many newly-emerging communication standards like MIL-STD 188-141A and B, MIL-STD 188-110A and B, STANAG 4285, SKYFAX and others. - I especially like the signalling systems overviews section and the network diagrams. Both are very useful. Cons: - I personally miss the callsigns in the frequency list. I always find it very handy to have callsign and frequency in one list. - One thing is a bit annoying. The text is printed too far to the left side of the page. Because of this it is sometimes hard to read the frequency column on the odd pages. When I mentioned this problem to Monteria, the publisher told me that I had received one of the first prints of the books but that the layout and margin size have improved in the newer version. So it seems that this problem has been solved. - The book does cover aero stations but I would like to see more details. The frequency list now just mentions "ICAO" or "ARINC HFDL" instead of the stations that actually are using the frequencies. In conclusion I can say that the HF Monitoring Handbook 2005 is a very useable, worthwhile publication for both commercial and hobby users. ---------------------------- WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== Mar 2005 ============= Edited by Eddie Bellerby (edward.bellerby@ntlworld.com) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:Jim Dunnett mail@sideband.fsnet.co.uk Bob Yellen byellen250@charter.net Steve J. Walker stevew@bucks.net Pagina 225 WUN-v11 Total logs ========== Jan - 1785 individual logs Feb - 1607 " Mar - 2088 " ============================================================== 00016.8 Unid 0900 FSK idling; same pattern every @700 ms. (03Mar05) (KB) 00022.5 unid: 0911 continuous sound/ spectro like cw ?? any idea ?? 20feb05 (ML) 00025 RJH77: Arkhangelsk TS 0906 CW repeating "rjh77" until 0907, then into pulses (03Mar05) (KB) 00052.0 unid: 1525 ita2/50b?? Feb12 05 ML 00139.0 DCF39: near magdeburg 1448 ASCII 200 Feb26 05 ML 00145 : Unid 1230 UNID/75/85 Unid mode. DF from NW Germany indicates Spain, but uncertain (06Mar05) (KB) 00147.3 DDH47: Hamburg Meteo 1100 RTTY 50/85 idling on mark for about 1 hr. Scheduled reports sent afterwards (01Mar05) (KB) 00297.5 #682: point lynas wls 0615 DGPS 100 only heard Feb13 05 ML 00299.0 #460: gatteville fra 0620 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00299.5 #688: north foreland eng 0620 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00301.0 #426: ijmuiden phare hol 0622 DGPS 200 id Feb13 05 ML 00306.0 #681: lizard lt eng 0629 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00307.0 #530: ristna lt est 1554 DGPS 100 only heard Feb12 05 ML 00307.5 #680: st catherine pt lt eng 0631 DGPS 100 id Feb13 05 ML 00310.0 #466: cap ferret fra 0632 DGPS 100 only heard Feb13 05 ML 00311.5 #480: cabo corveiro lt por 0633 DGPS 100 only heard Feb13 05 ML 00312.0 #640: oostende bel 0636 DGPS 200 only heard ?? Feb13 05 ML 00312.5 #425: hoek van holland 0638 DGPS 200 id Feb13 05 ML 00490 FRC: CROSS Corsen France (E) 2046 FEC Wx and MIBs in FF. (23Feb05) (RGA) 00490 GNI: NitonRadio UK (I) 1720 FEC UK inshore waters forecast in EE. (23Feb05) (RGA) 00490.0 E: CORSEN 2040 fec 100/E/170 French wx/navs broadcast. (12/Mar)(DW) 00518 (J): Unknown 2358 NAVTEX Poor copy. (12Mar05) (RGA) 00518 CTV: MonsantoRadio POR (R) 2252 NAVTEX MIBs. Carelessly leaves transmitter on idles after sked. (12Mar05) (RGA) 00518 EAV?: Cabo de la Nao? (XB) 2320 Gale warning Corsega & Liguria. (10Mar05) (RGA) 00518 GNI: NitonRadio UK (K) 2140 NAVTEX UK & French MIBs. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 GPK: PortpatrickRadio Scotland (O) 2218 NAVTEX Gale warning and weather f'cast at 2220. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 IQA: AugustaRadio Italy (V) 2330 NAVTEX MIBs. (12Mar05) (RGA) 00518 LGD: ØrlandetRadio NOR (N) 2210 NAVTEX Norwegian MIBs & gale warning. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 LGP: BodoRadio Norway (B) 0012 NAVTEX MIBs. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 LGQ: RogalandRadio NOR (L) 2150 NAVTEX MIBs. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 OST: OostendeRadio BEL (M) 2200 NAVTEX Calais-Dover Strait MIBs. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 PBK: Netherlands CG Den Helder (P) 2215 NAVTEX. Two MIBs. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 SAA: KarlskronaRadio SWE (J) 2133 NAVTEX Weather forecast. (13Mar05) (RGA) 00518 TFA: ReykjavikRadio Iceland (X) 2354 NAVTEX MIBs. (12Mar05) (RGA) 00518.0 4xo: 0301 0008 4XO ISL nav - PE3_ ROUTINE HAIFARADIO WEATHER SHIPPING BULLE(CSn) 00518.0 5BA: CYP NAV -0200 MA01 CYPRUSRADIO NAV WRNG NR 1 ANTIAIRCRAFT _B4 3/8/05 (CSn) 00518.0 5ba: 0403 0039 5BA CYP NAV MD01 CYELZH INFORMING Pagina 226 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 WUN-v11 CYPRUS RADIO AS APPROPRIATE 4mar05 (CSn) EAR: 0307 0420 EAR ESP NAV - DB38 GALE WARNING NR/067-ATL ALTAIR 7MAR05 (CSn) HZH: 0307 0118 HZH ARS NAV - HA05 SAUDI ARABIA - RED SEA YANBU INDUSTRIAL7 MAR05 (CSn) HZH: ARS NAV 2116- HA79 NAV WNG C-1467 SAUDI ARABIA RED SEA - FIRING EXERCISE.3/8/05 (CSn) NMA: 0308 0424 NMA USA NAV - AA09 FLORIDA COAST-CAPE CANAVERAL DGPS 3/8/05 (CSn) NMA: USA NAV 0428- AA10 CCGD7 BNM 685-05 1. RIGHT WHALE SIGHTING 030805 (CSn) NMC: 14:44 utc, a very nice in HF-SITOR transmission from NMC/NRV (Pt.Reyes/Guam ).25feb05 (CSN) NMF: 0225 0527 NMF USA FEC - FA93 GROUP BROADCAST VHF-FM, SSB CCGD1 _Q BNM 090-05 25feb05(CSn) NMF: 0222 0527 NMF USA FEC - FA93 GROUP BROADCAST VHFFM, SSB CCGD1 BNM 090-0 22feb05(CSn) NMF: 0225 0513 NMF USA FEC - FB15 1. 25 FEB 05 INTERNATIONAL ICE PATROL BULLETIN.25feb05(CSn) NMF: 0226 0513 NMF USA FEC FB15 1. 25 FEB 05 INTERNATIONAL ICE PATROL BULLETIN. 26feb05(CSn) NMF: 0226 NMF: 0527 NMF USA FEC FA93 FOR_SAFETY AND EACH SCHEDULED BROADCAST CCGD_Q BNM 090-05 26feb05(CSn) NMF: 0227 0513 NMF USA FEC - FB15 THE INTERNATIONAL ICE PATROL IS ACTIVELY MONITORING ICE 27feb05 (CSn) SUH: EGY NAV -2220 NA45 N/W NO. 42/_004 MEDIT. SEA ALEX. (KHALIG ABU QIR) 3/8/05 (CSn) SUZ: 0306 1949 SUZ EGY NAV - XA01 SERAPEUM NAVTEX SVC. PART 1 RIG MOVE FOR GULF OF SUEZ 7mar05 (CSn) SUZ: EGY NAV -2356 XL19 CHART 2373: SEISMIC SURVEY AND M/V GARDALITA IN POSNS 3/8/05 (CSn) Unid: 04:25 utc on 518kHz mode navtex 4mar05 (CSN) Unid: Navtex 00:58utc mode navtex 3/8/05 (CSN) Unid: Navtex 02:44utc mode navtex 03/08/05 (CSN) Unid: Navtex 04:24 utc mode navtex 3/8/05 (CSN) Unid: mode navtex. date 03-02-05 time 0005 utc 03feb05 (CSN) VCO: 0222 0659 VCO CAN FEC - QE92 ENVIRONMENT CANADA MARINE FORECASTS 22feb05(CSn) VCO: 0226 0652 VCO CAN FEC QE25 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECAST_L NORTHEAST GULF GULF-PORT 26feb05(CSn) VCO: 0227 0717 VCO CAN FEC - QE33 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECASTS ALL TIMES 27feb05 (CSn) VON: 0222 0241 VON CAN FEC - OL33 SOUTHWESTERN GRAND BANKS SOUTHERN HALF 22feb05(CSN) VON: 0225 0634 VON CAN FEC - OA57 NOTSHIP N0209 NEWFOUNDLAND GRAND BANKS 25feb05(CSn) VON: 0226 VON: 0639 VON CAN FEC OA41 NOTSHIP N0104 GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE ICE CONTROL 26feb05(CSn) VON: 0227 0641 VON CAN FEC - OA56 NOTSHIP N0929 ALL AREAS MARINERS ARE REMINDED THAT CANADA 27feb05 (CSn) VON: 0307 0629 VON CAN NAV - OA56 NOTSHIP N0_29 ALL AREAS MARINE ARE REMINDED THAT CANADA 7MAR05 (CSn) VON: CAN NAV - OA60 0623SAFETY NOTSHIP N0243 SOUTHWESTERN GRAND 3/5/08 (CSn) lgd: 0228 0224 LGD NOR FEC - NZ20 NO MESSAGE ON HAND AT OERLANDETRADIO 27feb05 (CSn) nmf: 0228 0121 NMF USA FEC - FJ77 DGPS BNM 117-05 ST PAUL, MN DGPS BROADCAST 27feb05 (CSn) nmf: 0228 0510 NMF USA FEC - FA97 GROUP BROADCAST_VHFFM CCGD1 BNM 01__-05 27feb05 (CSn) nmf: 0301 0107 NMF USA nav - FJ77 DGPS BNM 117-05 ST PAUL, MN DGPS BROADCAST(CSn) nmf: 0301 0517 NMF USA nav - FA63 GROUP/ACTIVITY BROADCAST/CCGD1 BNM-0092-05(CSn) nmf: 0301 2232 NMF USA NAV R_____ USCG SECTOR SAN JUAN BCST VHF-FM CG SECTOR SAN JUAN 056-05 (CSn) nmf: 0403 0454 NMF USA NAV FA63G ROUP/ACTIVITY BROADCAST VHF-FM, SSB CCGD1 4mar05 (CSn) Pagina 227 WUN-v11 00518.0 nmg: 0228 0355 NMG USA FEC - GA81 CCGDEIGHT BNM 0093-05 TX - GULF OF MEXICO 27feb05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmg: 0301 0341 NMG USA nav - GA81 CCGDEIGHT BNM 0093-05 TX - GULF OF MEXICO(CSn) 00518.0 oma: 0303 2159 A4M OMA NAV MA0 MUSCAT RADIO/A4M NAVAREA IX OMAN NAVWARN 4mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 suh: 0227 2230 SUH EGY FEC - NE57 ALEX.RADIO F/C MED. SEA AREAS : A,B,C AND D 27feb05 (CSn) 00518.0 suh: 0403 0218 SUH EGY NAV NA28 MED.SEA GEZIRET DISUQI B.A CH. 2681 4mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 suk: 0228 2347 SUK EGY nav - XA02 SERAPEUM NAVTEX SVC. PART 2 (CSn) 00518.0 suk: 0303 2333 SUK EGY NAV VL5 RED SEA B.A 159 RE N/M 37/1993 RACON_(B 4mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 suz: 0228 0001 SUZ EGY FEC - XA02 SERAPEUM NAVTEX SVC. PART 2 FOR EGYPT COAST 27feb05 (CSn) 00518.0 tah: 0301 0020 TAH TUR nav - DA13 ISTANBUL TURK RADIO NAVTEX N/W NR:106/05 (CSn) 00518.0 udn: 0301 0309 UDN RUS nav - AA83 NOVOROSSIYSK / WITH RED FLAS_RARWMQTN(CSn) 00518.0 vco: 0227 2303 VCO CAN FEC - ICE BULLETIN FOR THE ST LAWRENCE RIVER 27feb05 (CSn) 00518.0 vco: 0301 0640 VCO CAN nav - QE45 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECASTS ALL TIMES(CSn) 00518.0 vco: 0301 2243 VCO CAN NAV QE51 ENVIRONMENT CANADA MARINE FORECASTS KNOTS VALID 01MAR/19Z-03MAR/04Z (CSn) 00518.0 vco: 0403 0657 VCO CAN NAV QE69 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECASTS ALL TIMES 04MAR/06Z-(CSn) 00518.0 von: 0228 0640 VON CAN FEC - OA34 NOTSHIP N0024 STRAIT OF BELLE ISLE 27feb05 (CSn) 00518.0 von: 0301 0052 VON CAN nav - OA34 NOTSHIP N0024 STRAIT OF BELLE ISLE(CSn) 00518.0 von: 0301 0625 VON USA nav - OA34 NOTSHIP N0024 STRAIT OF BELLE ISLE(CSn) 00518.0 von: 0302 0626 VON CAN NAV OA41 NOTSHIP N0104 GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE ICE CONTROL ZONES (CSn) 00518.0 von: 0403 0628 VON CAN NAV OA34 NOTSHIP N0024 STRAIT OF BELLE ISLE 4mar05 (CSn) 01641.0 OXJ: Thorshavn Radio, Faroe Islands 0635 short announcement "we listen on 20663 USB 16/02 (PP1) 01680.0 LGL: Floroe Radio Norway 0645 bulletin USB 16/02 (PP1) 01704.0 OXZ: Lyngby R 2041z also on 1734 / 1758 khz 18/02 (PP1) 01704.0 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1736 USB E nav. warn. (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 01734.0 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1736 USB E nav. warn. (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 01734.0 OXZ: lyngby r 1817 USB ee naws Feb13 05 ML 01758.0 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1737 USB E nav. warn. (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 01799.2 : Unid DeltaFix/Veripos Nav Fixer 2337 4-PSK 2 secs on/2 off. (02Mar05) (RGA) 01852.0 IPP: Palermo R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 01871.0 unid: fishermen 1955 USB dutch Mar07 05 ML 01876.0 IQN: Lampedusa R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 01877 : NATO/RN System 2341 NATO-75/75/850 Intermittent KG84 enciphered messages with carrier off between. Some weak some strong. Ship input? (02Mar05) (RGA) 01888 IPD: WKG IAR Rome Radio Civitavecc 1821 USB (05Mar05) (MC) 01925.0 IPL: Livorno R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 02005 : CIS Military 2130 81-81/81/200 Cipher. (07Mar05) (RGA) 02072.0 unid: coast station 2000 ARQ wx bulletin ?? Mar07 05 ML 02076.0 Unid: fishermen 0616 USB ee vulgar dial Mar10 05 ML 02182.0 Labrador CG: 0620z announce QSY 2598 khz 19/02 (PP1) 02182.0 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1734 USB E QSX 1704, 1734, 1758, 2586 (04 Mar05) (HPT) 02182.0 St John's CG Canada: 0600z (APPROX) announce QSY 2598 khz 19/02 (PP1) 02182.0 ww safety: / palermo 0529 USB ital d/x Feb09 05 ML 02182.5 ELWF2: Liberian-flagged Vessel Altair 2132 GMDSS RQs MMSI 00224000 for safety test. MMSI 002241024/MRCC Pagina 228 02182.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 WUN-v11 Valencia/Almeria responds with BQ. (12Mar05) (RGA) SVO: JRCC Piraeus Greece 2133 GMDSS SELCALs geographical call to area 29N to 30N/20E to 40E giving telephony frequencies 2799 and 2134 kHz. (12Mar05) (RGA) : MRCC Aberdeen Scotland 2233 GMDSS CQs all ships for weather/MIB voice bcast on 2226 kHz. (04Mar05) (RGA) EI6277: Irish Fishing Vessel Atlantic Fisher 2236 GMDSS RQs IFV Holly B/EI5732 for telephone conversation on 3816.4 kHz. (04Mar05) (RGA) : MRCC Bilbao Spain 2200 GMDSS Self-addressed routine SELCAL giving 2182 kHz telephony frequency. Prob a form of preliminary call for voice safety bcast. (12Mar05) (RGA) : MRCC Valencia/Almeria Spain 2129 GMDSS Advises voice safety bcast to follow on 2182 kHz. (12Mar05) (RGA) C6MQ8: Bahamas-flagged Vessel Crescence 2312 GMDSS RQs OostendeRadio/OST for a safety test. (15Mar05) (RGA) DPSQ: German Ship Hanjin Cairo 2036 GMDSS CQs all ships with EOS call giving frequency 2187.5 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) ECA6: MRCC Madrid 2121 GMDSS BQs safety test to Cypriot ship Akili/P3AS9 who then RQs MRCC Delgada/CTH for another safety test. (23Feb05) (RGA) EI4835: Irish Fishing Vessel Tannetje 2226 GMDSS RQs IFV Golden Feather/EI6008 for a telephone conversation on the unlikely frequency 12411.1 kHz. (04Mar05) (RGA) EI4835: Irish Fishing Vessel Tannetji 2055 GMDSS RQs IFV Golden Feather/EI6008 for telephone conversation on unlikely frequency 12411.1 kHz. Golden Feather replies suggesting 12244.4 kHz. (23Feb05) (RGA) EI5954: Irish Fishing Vessel Deborah M 2251 GMDSS RQs unlisted IFV (250000167) for telephone conversation on 2033 kHz. (15Mar05) (RGA) GCCP: British Ship Activity 2108 GMDSS RQs EJK/MRSC Valentia Ireland for safety test. (06Mar05) (RGA) GCML: Scottish Fisheries Protection Vessel Vigilant 2033 GMDSS RQs MRSC Shetland for safety test. MRSC BQs. (06Mar05) (RGA) GJCR: P&O Ferry Pride of Dover 2008 GMDSS RQs OST/MRCC Oostende for safety test. OST BQs. (06Mar05) (RGA) GWAT: British Ship Grampian Cheftain 2028 GMDSS RQs MRSC Aberdeen for safety test. Then tries Lyngby/OXZ then MRSC Shetland followed by MRSC Aberdeen again who BQs. (06Mar05) (RGA) LAYD4: Norwegian Ship Trans Vik 2219 GMDSS RQs MRCC Riejka Croatia/9AR for a safety test. (04Mar05) (RGA) LGT: MRCC Stavanger Norway 1952 GMDSS Calls ships in area 57N to 60N/7E to 12E for voice MIB/weather giving freqs 1665 and 2090 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) LYJD: Lithuanian Ship Asta 2210 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety test. (04Mar05) (RGA) MCGF5: British Ship Alter Ego 2208 GMDSS RQs ECA6/MRCC Madrid for a safety test. (04Mar05) (RGA) MFCZ7: British Ship Siri Knutsen 2015 GMDSS RQs JRCC Den Helder/PBK for safety test. PBK BQs. (27Feb05) (RGA) MPJZ9: British Ship Grampain Fame 2108 GMDSS RQs sister ship Grampian Falcon/GCJK for telephone call on 2048 kHz. Turn up on 2048 at 2129. Aberdeen accents. (23Feb05) (RGA) MPPH5: British Ship Grampian Hunter 2040 GMDSS RQs MRCC Aberdeen for safety check. MRCC BQs. Then tries GKZ/MRSC Humber who BQs. Then Lyngby/OXZ then MRCC Aberdeen ... (06Mar05) (RGA) OST: MRCC Oostende BEL 1949 GMDSS BQs safety test from P&O ferry Pride of Canterbury/MPQZ6. (27Feb05) (RGA) OST: OostendRadio Belgium 2114 GMDSS Reminds ships and aircraft to adhere to resolution 18. (12Mar05) (RGA) OXZ: LyngbyRadio DNK 2107 CQs all ships for MIB/Wx bcast on 2182 kHz. (23Feb05) (RGA) OXZ: LyngbyRadio DNK 2203 GMDSS EOS message giving USB Pagina 229 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02226.0 02240.0 02470.0 02512.0 02579.0 02586.0 02598 02598.0 02607.0 02624 02624.0 02625.0 02628.0 02632.0 02642.0 02663.0 02721 02750 02750.0 02750.0 02750.0 WUN-v11 working frequencies 1758 and 2102 kHz. (04Mar05) (RGA) OXZ: LyngbyRadio Denmark 1932 GMDSS EOS call with working frequencies 1734 and 2078 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) OXZ: LyngbyRadio Denmark 2111 GMDSS Advises working freqs for telephony 2078/ 1734 kHz. (12Mar05) (RGA) P3MN8: Cypriot Ship Frio London 1955 GMDSS RQs RogalandRadio NOR/LFI for safety test. LFI BQs. (27Feb05) (RGA) PBK: JRCC Den Helder NLD 2115 GMDSS CQ all ships for voice Wx/MIBs bcast on 3673 kHz. (23Feb05) (RGA) PHFU: Dutch Ship Riynstroom 1927 GMDSS RQs sister ship Amstelstroom/PIAS for simplex telephone conversation on 2391 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) SAB: GöteborgRadio Sweden 1933 GMDSS CQ all ships for voice MIB/weather bcast on 2391 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) SUDF: Egyptian Vessel "EDCO" 2214 GMDSS RQs MRCC Valencia/Almeria Spain for a safety test. MRCC BQs. (12Mar05) (RGA) TFA: Coastal/Oceanic MRCC Reykjavik 2003 CQs all ships for wx/MIB voice bcast on 1761 kHz. (27Feb05) (RGA) UCQV: Russian Ship Elektron 1926 GMDSS RQs fellow Russian Andrei Pashkov/UCUP for simplex telephone conversation on 3215 kHz. (27Feb05) (RGA) UDKS: Russian Ship Kapitan Edemskiy 1931 GMDSS RQs OXJ/MRCC Thorshaven for safety test. Thorshaven BQs. (06Mar05) (RGA) UYAE: Ukranian Ship Dnepr-1 1918 GMDSS RQs 5BA/RCC Larnaca for safety test. (06Mar05) (RGA) VRZJ8: PRC Ship Ocean Dragon 1853 GMDSS RQs ECA6/MRCC Madrid for safety test. Then tries MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas. (06Mar05) (RGA) WAAH: US Vessel Sealand Motivator 2100 GMDSS Routine self-addressed RQ (??) (12Mar05) (RGA) ZDFQ3: Gibraltar-flagged Vessel Mirva 2309 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety test. Oostende BQs. (15Mar05) (RGA) ukcg: /aberdeen ID 2030 USB yl naws Mar06 05 ML unid: ship- fishermen? 2039 USN danish ? d/x Mar06 05 ML PBC: Neth. Navy Goeree Island CARB "02A 04B 08A 12A 17X PBC" 11Mar05 (MAL) 68: DANISH ARMY ?LOC 2231 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng DK11 (28/Feb)(DW) IPB: Bari R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1737 USB E nav. warn. (04 Mar 05)(HPT) VON : WKG St. John's Coastal Radio 2113 USB Ice forecast for Newfoundland. (05Mar05) (MC) VCT: Tors Cove Radio 0626 Tors Cove NL CAN with gale warning USB 08/03/05 (PP1) FUO: FN Toulon rtty ITA2 75/850 11Mar05 (MAL) IQX: WKG IAR Rome Radio Trieste 1703 USB (06Mar05) (MC) IQX: Trieste R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 9hd: valetta 2105 USB ee naws Feb17 05 ML IQA: Augusta R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) IQH: Trieste R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) ICB: Genoa R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) IPC: Crotone R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) REA4: AF HQ Moscow 2141 CW On/off keyed reversals. Idling. // 5157 and 4379. No sked at h+40. (07Mar05) (RGA) BY11: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:57:49 26feb05 (MAL). EW5: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 1836 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 0T8, also 2131, 2151, 2316. 2127 clng QA4, also 2139, 2149 (28/Feb)(DW) EY5: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0210 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UT3. Also 0230. 0213 clng LH7. Also 0222, 0232 (28/Feb)(DW) EY5: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 2216 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UT3. Also at 2225z (27/Feb)(DW) Pagina 230 WUN-v11 02750.0 LH7: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0154 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UT3, also at 0317. 0156 clng EY5, also at 0319 (20/Feb)(DW) 02750.0 LH7: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0358 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng EY5, also 0408 (28/Feb)(DW) 02750.0 OT8: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 2130 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng EW5, also 2141z 2340. 2332 Clng QA4.(28/Feb)(DW) 02750.0 QA4: ESTONIAN ARMY? ?LOC 2231 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng EW5. 2332 Responding to OT8 (28/Feb)(DW) 02751 : Unid 2342 UNID/75/850 ACF=10. Thanks Bill. No idea what it is. (15Mar05) (RGA) 02782.50 WESP: UNID 1940 CW / QTC Msg from WESP > MXK5 Russian Navy ? (18/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) 02787.0 FUE: FN Brest rtty ITA2 75/850 11Mar05 (MAL) 02789 FUE: FN Brest 2331 RTTY/75/850 Test idlers. (02Mar05) (RGA) 02789.0 IDF: Messina R 2045z SYNCHRO AVURNAV SLOW SPEED 18/02 (PP1) 02813.9 MTI: RN Secure Bcast System 2328 RTTY/75/180 CARBs 02 02a mti. (02Mar05) (RGA) 02817.5 3FJF8: Panamanian-flagged Ship MSC Kerry RQs Panamanian Beatrice I/H3VZ for simplex telephone call on 12353 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) 02850.0 3411: UNID 0802 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (26/Feb)(DW) 02932.0 RFFN: Russian Navy Kaliningrad ? 1953 CW / RFFM de RFFN working duplex. (18/MAR/2005) (Nighthawk) 02941 Rostov: WKG North Central Asia VOLMET 2128 USB (05Mar05) (MC) 03000.0 unid: fishermen 0439 USB port ..."madeira"... Mar10 05 ML 03069.0 unid: 0442 ALE snd Mar10 05 ML 03113 CROSPR: Croughton SIPR NET 2120 ALE/USB wkg E30001DAT E-3B 79-0001 (03Mar05) (SA) 03137 291191: C-17 89-1191 2200 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (02Mar05) (SA) 03137 523551: KC-135 62-3551 1847 ALE/USB Sounds (24Feb05) (SA) 03137 CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1757 ALE/USB wkg 470123 KC-10 87-0123 (10Mar05) (SA) 03137 ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 0524 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) 03155 1001: Callng 1309 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:27:46 26feb05 (MAL). 03155 1001: Callng 1309 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:28:04 26feb05 (MAL). 03155 1001: Callng 1309 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:36:41 26feb05 (MAL). 03155 1001: Callng 1309 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:36:59 26feb05 (MAL). 03155 2001: Callng 2004 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 27Feb05 09:22:13 26feb05 (MAL). 03155 BY11: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:02:35 26feb05 (MAL). 03172.6 IMB: Rome Meteo 2318 RTTY/50/850 TAF LIMJ 022300z. (02Mar05) (RGA) 03176.5 unid: GAF =3F 0753 arq-e/85.7/170 betas (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 03205 L: MX Beacon Tirana 0517 CW Chirpy. Instead of 3202.8. (21Feb05) (WC) 03206 : Enigma E10 Mossad 2206 USB YL in 5LG traffic ... KCMSS JKTLP ... (07Mar05) (RGA) 03207 BVVK: Russian Military 2102 CW Comms check with 9NTQ 5XYD 6STO and H1IC. (22Feb05) (RGA) 03207 L6YC: Unid 1745 CW Transmitting from 15-25 and 45-55 each hour, recording available. Please note that Q7JN 3265 khz is off the air. (03Mar05) (AB) 03207.0 L6YC: 1745 CW / transmitting from: 15 to 25 and 45 to 55 min. each hour (03/Mar/2005) (Attu Bosch) 03211 YZBA: Russian Military 1926 CW Finishes reading back 59x5FG message ... 95906 19059 K. NZ3Y gives C K on QSX freq 3863 kHz. (19Feb05) (RGA) 03229 IQ7I: Russian Military 2015 CW IQ7I XD9N MZPS MKPT Pagina 231 03243.5 03247.0 03260.0 03263 03264.4 03264.4 03265 03265.0 03275.0 03310 03333 03337.5 03345 03345 03348 03348 03348 03348 03348 03365 03365 03380.0 03390 03390 03392.5 03415.0 03485 03527.0 03527.0 03532 WUN-v11 NI.3 give receipt for Nr 590. At 2023 KFP8 reads back msg: 964 32 19 2304 964 = 111 = SRöIM ... äRBRF äOPWO 506 K. (19Feb05) (RGA) : Ukranian Government/Railways/Fisheries 2306 RTTY/50/230 Enciphered with zzzzz.. leadins. Off the air without any readable headers. (02Mar05) (RGA) ZKLF: Wellington, New Zealand 1545 Fax / Wx charts (21/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) S4S000OGBMRM1: unid 2016 USB/ALE wkng V1S000OEKCOPER, US MIL? (15-feb-2005) (MSM) S7LM: Russian Military 2104 CW Comms check with W1ZE. (26Feb05) (RGA) SAB: Globe Wireless Göteborg SWE 2255 GLOBEDATA Idlers. (02Mar05) (RGA) sab: : G=F6teborg Radio 2031 gw-pactor marker (12 Feb 05) (wp3) Q7JN: Unid 1502 CW Transmits for two 10 min periods each hour. 25-35 and 55-05. Today at 1537utc sent 2 1 2 (handkey) with a 15 to 20 second delay between each number then sent Q7JN seven times. It then resumed its normal "beacon" schedule. (21Feb05) (AB) Q7JN: 1502 CW / Transmits each hour from 25 to 35 and 55 to 5 min. (21/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) JP52: Algerian MOI 0414 USB ALE clg JP54 (03/MAR/05) (KK) UTT: OdessaRadio UKR 2252 USB OM robot ends MIBs in EE. (02Mar05) (RGA) : Unid FishFone 2211 SAILOR-CRYPT Analogue voice scrambler. Male voices. (07Mar05) (RGA) FDI8: faf nice 2057 CW de ... Mar06 05 ML AFA1LZ: Unid US MARS Stn 0115 ALE/USB TO AAR20FMARS. (01Mar05) (CC) CGOPS: Unid 0129 ALE/USB Sounds. (01Mar05) (CC) : Ukranian Military 2113 Unid ends 51 x 5FG msg ... 31385 23051 K. //3863. (22Feb05) (RGA) GTVS: Russian Military 2208 CW Msg to unid: GTVS 577 23 3 0045 577 = 409 = XIääG MMMMM SBPXA ... GIAäE PEPWP K. (02Mar05) (RGA) LVW8: Russian Military 2220 CW Comms check with J2JC ZI7T and PAOF. (02Mar05) (RGA) LWV8: Russian Military 2212 CW Bcast msg to collective VCTF QTC 218 3 32 0050 218 = ZDS 857 = PPPPP HYUIU JOUAW ... JOUAW PWPWO 209. Repeats. Ends AR. Then calls J2JC with apparent success. (01Mar05) (RGA) VMH2: Russian Military 2212 CW Msg to TKTR: VMH2 665 33 3 0102 665 = ZAM 409 = SyLää HSKDI GTOKI ... PEPWO 475 K. (02Mar05) (RGA) PABA: Ukranian Military 1922 CW Bcasts msg to collective PABA QTC 125 14 20 2115 125 = ZWB 122 = AAAAA üJXRI WPVOC ... KQFAO BKKAA RPT AL QLN AR. (20Feb05) (RGA) PABA: Ukranian Military 2034 CW Bcasts msg to collective PABA: PABA QTC 996 24 19 2230 996 = ZPG 258 = DDDDD YFNXD äDZHD ... CZöSS AIKBA = (repeats) (ends) RPT AL QLN AR. (19Feb05) (RGA) 4XML: M89 1521 CW / (21/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) MGJ: RN Secure Bcast System 2246 RTTY/75/850 CARBs 02 04 mgj. (02Mar05) (RGA) MGJ: RN Secure Bcast System Stn 2214 RTTY/75/850 CARBs (02 04). (07Mar05) (RGA) unid: net 0510 USB ee K6YR ?? requesting SITRAK ALLIGATOR ?? thennumbers Feb09 05 ML No Call: Numberstation 2250 USB female Voice: "End of Msg, End of Tx" (09/MAR/05) (KK) New York: WKG North Atlantic VOLMET 2104 USB (05Mar05) (MC) Unid rtty 75/850 4Mar05 1812 (MAL) Unid: rtty 75/850 4Mar05 1812 (MAL) : NATO Air Defence Data Modem 2241 LINK-11/2250/ISB Two data streams not known if they are identical. (02Mar05) (RGA) Pagina 232 03538 03551 03640.0 03673 03675 03755.0 03763.0 03775 03781.0 03781.0 03815 03824 03826 03826 03826 03826 03826 03840.0 03883.0 03884 03893 03893 03893 03895.0 03900 03900.0 03900.0 03963.0 04009.0 04009.0 WUN-v11 WM9I: CIS Military 1939 CW T5NV de WM9I QSA? K. QSA3 K. R K. (12Mar05) (RGA) V2W: Unid Airdef 1215 CW vvv v2w (R) = 3463udua5 id ad33nuaa5 id ad33duaa5 = tt 456u6nuuaa5 = tt 466u553uaa5 ... (09Mar05) (IB) SYN2: Numberstation 2240 USB female Voice: "SierraYankee-November-Two" (09/MAR/05) (KK) PBK: Netherlands CG Radio 2144 USB OM with inshore waters wx forecast in EE. followed by same in Dutch. (23Feb05) (RGA) WSW: Unid 1528 CW li7 li7 li7 de de wsw wsw wsw vvv vvv vvv (R) msg msg nr o1 ck 873 ck ck 873 al = = 5d4 555 43t t75t ...(25Feb05) (IB) unid: marker?? 0518 CW? Feb09 05 ML PBB: Neth. Navy Den Helder CARB "02A 04C 06B 08Y PBB" rtty ITA2 75/850 11Mar05 (MAL) D81N: Ukranian Military 1850 CW Bcasts message to collective SN2A 886 52 20 2030 886 = 663 = AAAAA GOöYä BMXWA ... KNNHR BKKDK RPT AL QXS AR. (20Feb05) (RGA) CTP: Portugal Navy Lisboa NATO rtty 75/8504Mar05 1817 (MAL) CTP: Portuguese Navy Oeitras/Palhais rtty ITA275/850 11Mar05 (MAL) : CIS Military 2143 MS-5/4800/USB Cipher. (09Mar05) (RGA) 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:39:34 26feb05 (MAL). 3CZC: Ukranian Military 2050 CW Sends circular to collective ..K8. QTC 387 53 27 2230 387 = 443 = AAAAA MVYKU KGPQy ... TüMPY BVKDA QLN K. (27Feb05) (RGA) 5OD1: Ukranian Military 2112 CW Bcasts circular to collective 1ZLG QTC 822 71 27 2300 822 = 860 = AAAAA üHLPF XVäRM ... UCGUM BVKEI RPT AL QXS AR. Has suprs at 3825.4 3825.7 3826.3. (27Feb05) (RGA) 9K8R: Ukranian Military 2041 CW Msg to unid. B2S7 348 56 20 2200 348 = 603 = 11111 03664 59760 ... Stops corrects and starts again with correct call 9K8R. ... 53066 20054 K. (20Feb05) (RGA) HOKQ: Ukranian Military 2035 CW Calls up TVX7 and NFWF for comms check. (26Feb05) (RGA) JJNH: Ukranian Military 2105 CW Msg for K75N: JJNH 234 53 20 2230 234 = 122 = AAAAA AZGLF XNWUE ... GOFyN BKKDA K. Stn has spurs on 3825.4 3825.7 3826.3. (20Feb05) (RGA) YHF2: Numberstation 2302 USB fem. Voice:"Yankee-HotelFoxtrot-Two" (04/MAR/05) (KK) Unid: ham or italian ff / unid qso with delta ? kilo & echo? 1945 USB ee/ital then unid digital burst Mar05 05 ML SRXL: Russian Military 2209 CW FWXJ de SRXL QRJ? QYT6 K (repeating). RPT K. Then QTC K. Msg: SRXL 955 29 16 0105 955 = 266 = PPPPP MTVFR PHFwO ... PHFwO äYPWY 993 RPT AL K. NO1Z also on frequency later. (15Mar05) (RGA) 1GKS: Ukranian Military 1930 CW Bcasts message to collective GZZU: QTC 340 62 20 2049 340 = 240 = 44327 77019 ... 20060 AR. (20Feb05) (RGA) 1GKS: Ukranian Military 2037 CW Msg for HIV4: 1GKS 447 59 20 2159 447 = 240 = DDDDD BUAPB KNUVN ... KFPIü BKKDV K. HIV4 responds. Simplex net. (20Feb05) (RGA) DJFF: Ukranian Military 2223 CW Bcast msg to collective DJFF: QTC 295 54 22 2319 295 = 702 = KRUGä PPPPP GHAäI ... LAüOM WWPTW. Rpts. Ends AR. (22Feb05) (RGA) 000021000: unid prob. Greek MIL 1605 USB/ALE clng 0000210788 (02-feb-2005) (MSM) LH7: Estonian Military 2146 ALE/USB Wkg EY5. (27Feb05) (RGA) OT8: Esti Mil 2116 USB ALE clg QA4 (09/MAR/05) (KK) OT8: Esti Mil 2120 USB ALE clg EW5 (09/MAR/05) (KK) A06: prb. Nth Mil 1440 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg A09,Mil-188-110 2400Bd/s (03/MAR/05) (KK) Unid rtty 75/850 4Mar05 1823 (MAL) Unid: rtty 75/850 4Mar05 1823 (MAL) Pagina 233 WUN-v11 04010.0 unid: station 20:04 F1B/75/850 ACF=10 10mar05 (PPA) 04021 BME8: Russian Military 2006 CW Comms check with ETET FS48 GPYC and 6NQZ. (12Mar05) (RGA) 04021 NZX1: Russian Military 2156 CW Exchanges QSAs with ???? and 4YXN (01Mar05) (RGA) 04031.0 unid: italian navy: ?? 0623 USB ita " dr "Mar06 05 ML 04051 : Ukranian Military 2225 CW Ends long 5FG msg ... 92285 97512 16085 K. 04860 Q2M: Prob Chinese Military 2120 CW Keeps normal sked. // 6840 jumping to 6840.1. ... QSA? K. + carrier and off the air. (15Mar05) (RGA) 04051 DDDI: Unid CW 2034 DDDI K5555 INT C K. Lots of Vs. Mostly unreadable. (12Mar05) (RGA) 04051 IRIN: Ukranian Military 2135 CW Ends long 5LG Msg ... WQJAö SVSyy KBKZV K. (02Mar05) (RGA) 04080.0 fishermen: 1815 USB ff d/x Feb12 05 ML 04088.1 ---: UNID 2254 COQ/13 13.3/E/360 4088.06. Weak, poor copy or encrypted?. Op chat "int qsl kkkkk" "qsl ar hatitoui le 11 an 2300z int qru kkkk" "p/r" (11/Mar)(DW) 04125.0 KQX70: Sand Point, Alaska 1824 SSB / contacted vessel, Blue Pin (26/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) 04125.0 WFQE: Exxon Tanker Colombia Bay 0133 SSB / contacted Comsta Kodiak; Communications check (20/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) 04134.5 fishermen: 2017 USB ff d/x Feb09 05 ML 04152.4 Alfa-Alfa: DRAA: F-219 "Sachsen" Cl.124/1.ZGS Wilhelmshaven 1615 USB wkg DHJ59: GNy Wilhelmshaven, -0,4kHz (02/MAR/05) (KK) 04170.0 Unid: Fishermen 1100 USB Japanesse Possible in South Atlantic (08/03/05) (AJP) 04191.0 Unid: 0032 CW handkeyed (15/02/05) (AJP) 04206.3 Jupiter: WKG Baza Petromar 1728 ARQ Romanian platform to HQRS: report on daily production. Freq 4206.29 kHz. (06Mar05) (MC) 04207.5 : Unlisted Irish Vessel (MMSI 250496000) 2237 GMDSS RQs SVO/MRCC Piraeus for a safety test. (12Mar05) (RGA) 04207.5 OXZ: LYNGBY RADIO 2317 DSC 100/E/170 GMDSS alert chan. MMSI 002191000. All ships call, safety quoting J3E/4125 kHz. 2318z call to self J3E/8291. 2319z call to self J3E/12290. 2319 call to self J3E/16420 (09/Mar)(DW) 04207.5 PFOH: SHIP LEVANTGRACHT 2328 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI245829000. Safety/test call to Lyngby. (09/Mar)(DW) 04209.0 IAR: Rome Radio CW Broadcast 11Mar05 (MAL) 04209.0 IAR: Rome Radio naval CW 4Mar05 1828 (MAL) 04209.5 M: ISTANBUL 2200 fec 100/E/170 Nav wngs in Turkish on HF NAVTEX (10/Mar)(DW) 04209.5 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 2331 CW Chan free marker "TAH" Incorrect usage - This is an exclusive frequency for GMDSS HF NAVTEX (09/Mar)(DW) 04209.5 TAH: Istambul R 0218 Sitor-B WX report in turkish (06/03/05) (AJP) 04209.5 TAH: Istanbul Turk Radio NAVTEX 2158 id in CW: "TAH", 2200-2200 navarea (11Feb05) (SMK) 04209.5 TAH: istanbul 0557 FEC turk sea wx forecast bulletin MAR05 05 (ML) 04209.5 Taiwan navtex: 0001 navtex zc~~pe20~qi (pe20) 272230 utc feb 2005 wwci rctp 272200z valid time 280000z t~ 01000. north taiwan ne taiwan winds 25 (27 Feb 05) (wp3) 04209.5 tah: 0303 1813 TAH TUR NAV MA66 DENIZCILERE 99 SAYILI BILDIRI 4mar05 (CSn) 04209.5 tah: Istambul Radio 0000 navtex 4360 ist.rd zczc ma51 istanbul turk radio 18/02/2005 1741 lmt navtexdenizcilere 100/05 sayili (27Feb 05) (wp3) 04210.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 2001 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (09/Mar)(DW) 04210.5 A9M: Hamala R 0320 CW marker + Sitor-A (04/03/05) (AJP) 04210.5 IAR: ROME RADIO 2000 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (09/Mar)(DW) 04210.5 IAR: Roma R 0154 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 04211.0 Unid: Brazilian coastal stn 0300 Sitor-A Working Petrobras vessels (04/03/05) (AJP) Pagina 234 04212 04212 04212.0 04212.0 04214.0 04214.0 04214.5 04215.0 04215.0 04216.5 04218.5 04219.0 04226.1 04232 04240.0 04249.0 04249.0 04250.5 04262 04270 04270.5 04271.0 04274 04294.0 04294.0 04295 04301,0 04301.0 04331 04360.0 04364.5 04369.0 04376.4 04376.4 04408.0 04417.0 04420 04426 04426.0 04433 04440 04444 04447 WUN-v11 UGC: St. PetersburgRadio 2257 ARQ w/Morse ID. (10Mar05) (RGA) XSQ: GuangzhouRadio PRC 2259 ARQ w/Morse ID. (10Mar05) (RGA) IDR: Italian Navy Roma CARB Broadcast, rtty75/850 "IDR3 /IGJ42/IGJ41 /IDR2 /IDR8 /IGJ43"4Mar05 1832 (MAL) UGC: ST PETERSBURG RADIO 2004 CW Chan free marker "de UGC". Constant carrier (qrm) on midpoint (09/Mar)(DW) IDR2: IN ROME 2007 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB (09/Mar)(DW) ZSC: GW Cape Town 2308 Dataplex Marker (15/02/05) (AJP) CBV: Playa Ancha R 1057 CW marker (08/03/05) (AJP) IAR: Rome Radio naval CW 4Mar05 (MAL) XSG: SHANGAHI RADIO 2047 CW Chan free marker "XSG" then qso ship in arq - s/n too weak to decode (10/Mar)(DW) IAR: ROME RADIO 2014 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (09/Mar)(DW) LZW: VARNA RADIO 2022 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW". 2045 fec for tfc list. Revert to marker (09/Mar)(DW) TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 2016 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (09/Mar)(DW) CBV: Playa Ancha R 1056 USB SS Time signal announce (08/03/05) (AJP) RFLIE: FN Fort de France MRT 2227 RTTY/75/850 RYSG idlers. (23Feb05) (RGA) 4XZ: Israel Navy Haifa CW 11Mar05 (MAL) HEB01: Bern Radio Global Link Network (GLN) CW 11Mar05 (MAL) HEB01: Bern Radio, SUI CW marker 4Mar05 (MAL) HEB01: GLN Berne SWI 2230 PACTOR-3 Idler bursts + Morse ID. (23Feb05) (RGA) LFI: Globe Wireless Rogaland NOR 2233 GLOBEDATE Idlers. (23Feb05) (RGA) PCD2: E10 Mossad 2233 USB YL with PCD2 callup. In FAX QRM :o) (23Feb05) (RGA) CFH: CFH HaliFAX/0436 RTTY/75/850 Wx forecasts (21/Feb/05) (RH2) CFH: halifax 0607 FAX poor qual chart MAR05 05(ML) ZSC: GW Capetown 1710 GW-PACTOR/200/200 (08/Mar/05) (RH2) FUE: FN Brest rtty ITA2 75/850 11Mar05 (MAL) FUE: FN Brest, rtty 75/850 4Mar05 (MAL) FUE FN brest 1400 RTTY/75/150 ryry (18Mar05) (PF) Unid: ARQ-E3 100/250 rc=8 ACF=29 4Mar05 (MAL) Unid: ARQ-E3 100/250 rc=8 ACF=29 4Mar05 (MAL) : Unid 2359 LINK-11/2250/USB Data (01Mar05) (CC) VLB2 Numberstation 2245 USB fem. Voice: "Victor-LimaBravo-Two" (02/MAR/05) (KK) 3AC: Monaco Radio 0147 P-II/100Bd Traffic/User List:" 3AC 3AC @79 YM6528 @81 FGA8289....." (01/MAR/05) (KK) WLO: mobile r 0613 USB yl wx forecast MAR05 05 (ML) 8PO: Globe Wireless Bridgetown BRB 2237 GLOBEDATA Traffic then idlers. (23Feb05) (RGA) 8PO: Globe Wireless Bridgetown BRB 2308 GLOBEDATA In traffic. (10Mar05) (RGA) OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1507 USB E/Dan tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) Unid: 0015 USB SS Uruguayan fisheries ? Also on 6644.0 USB(12/02/05) (AJP) : CIS Military 2241 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. (23Feb05) (RGA) L: MX Beacon Tirana 0616 CW Instead of 4424.5. (23Feb05) (WC) NMN: USCG 0341 USB WX,Male Voice (03/MAR/05) (KK) 6H2R: Russian Military 2148 CW 6H2R r 253 QAP K. R K. (22Feb05) (RGA) : Unid Fishfone 2128 SAILORCRYPT-2001/USB Male and female voices. (20Feb05) (RGA) : USN Napoli Italy 2130 LIMK-11/2250/USB Still active. (20Feb05) (RGA) VYLU: Russian Military 1851 CW GRV6 de VYLU QLS QYT6 K. (06Mar05) (RGA) Pagina 235 WUN-v11 04454.6 : UNID MIL GBR? 0740 PICCOLO-12 encryped trafic (23/02/05) (LC( 04456 TPMP: Russian Military 2228 CW Ends 5LG msg then comms check with I3LA QGZY and QI1P. (01Mar05) (RGA) 04461 FTJ: Enigma E10 Mossad 2132 USB YL with FTJ callup. (20Feb05) (RGA) 04504.5 UNID: Russian station 20:28 USB Russian female voice readingmessage every 2 to 5 minutes ,presumed weather reports 7mar05 (PPA) 04505.0 JP50: unid Algerian military 20:21 ALE/USB calling JP40 7mar05 (PPA) 04507 : UNID 2125 ARQ-E 86bd/183 encryped trafic (24/02/05) (LC) 04507 AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2219 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Mar05) (RGA) 04507.0 DD1: ISRAELI AF 2100 USB/ALE snd (17-feb-2005)(MSM) 04507.0 UNID: 2125 ARQ-E 86/183 unid station with encrypte trafic (24/Feb/2005) (LC) 04521 : CIS Military 2136 MS-5/4800/USB Cipher. (20Feb05) (RGA) 04530.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 2003 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] 04530.0 RAD7: Alb-Mil 1904 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg RAD4 [sw] 04540.0 FWD: unid 2300 USB ALE clg MAI (04/MAR/05) (KK) 04545 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:29:10 26feb05 (MAL). 04545 BI21: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:55:34 26feb05 (MAL). 04550 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 2356 ALE/USB Wkg V1S000OEKCOPER. (06Mar05) (RGA) 04555.2 gcg: cuxhaven 2017 ARQ mbhm Feb17 05 ML 04557.7 D: MX Beacon Odessa 2249 CW With P-Kaliningrad. (23Feb05) (RGA) 04557.7 D: MX Beacon Odessa UKR 2311 CW (10Mar05) (RGA) 04557.8 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 2250 CW With D-Odessa. (23Feb05) (RGA) 04560.0 22H: unid 1459 USB ALE clg MAI (03/MAR/05) (KK) 04560.0 FWD: unid 1413 USB ALE clg MAI (03/MAR/05) (KK) 04560.0 FWD: unid 2240 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg MAI 39-tone modem (02/MAR/05) (KK) 04560.0 FWD: unid 2258 USB ALE clg MAI (04/MAR/05) (KK) 04560.0 TAH: 2009 FEC wx " jason...bomba...sidra..." Feb15 05 ML 04560.0 TAH: Istanbul radio TUR 20:09 Sitor-B/100/170 Turkish WX bulletin 7mar05 (PPA) 04566.4 VCT: Globe Wireless Tor's Cove NF CAN 2252 GLOBEDATA Idling. (23Feb05) (RGA) 04583.0 DDK2: HAMBURG MET 1429 RTTY 50/N/450 Marker "cq de DDK2 DDH7 DDK9 freq 4583 7646 10100.8 kHz". 1446 wx/sea bulletin for North and Baltic seas (19/Feb)(DW) 04601.5 0A: IN HAULBOWLINE 1506 arq 100/E/170 "45 de 0A qsy f7 cdn k" (19/Feb)(DW) 04601.5 45: IN WARSHIP 1507 arq 100/E/170 "de 45 rgr Joe will call u there in abt 10 k" (19/Feb)(DW) 04625 UVB76: Russian Buzzer 2138 DSB Audio 1 mode. (20Feb05) (RGA) 04645.0 : Tallinn, Estonia 0240z Jan 30, 2005 USB Tentative log, too faint to positively ID, barely audible voice [SN] 04645.0 No Call: Tallin AP, EST 2235 USB "This Tallin Airport Information...." (04/MAR/05) (KK) 04654.6 fishermen: 2015 USB span d/x Feb15 05 ML 04675.0 atc nat: 2031 USB work LH8384 Feb17 05 ML 04681 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2231 ALE/USB Sounding here and on 4526 kHz. (26Feb05) (RGA) 04718 BOULMER: UK Air Defence Comms System 1208 USB Much ANDVT activity. Boulmer working aircraft 9UI/prob AWACS. Passing plots like ML737 Posn MKNE2820 Hdg 210. (02Mar05) (RGA) 04721 100445: C-5 70-0445 0115 ALE/USB Sounds 21Feb05) (SA) 04721 190007: C-5 69-0007 0816 ALE/USB wkg HIK Hickam HF-GCS (03Mar05) (SA) 04721 190019: C-5 69-0019 2128 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (18Mar05) (SA) Pagina 236 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721 04721.0 04721.0 04741.4 04741.4 04741.5 04741.5 04742 04745 04745 04745 04745 04745 04745.0 04771.0 04771.0 04777.5 04777.5 04777.5 04777.5 04818.0 04823 WUN-v11 210189: C-17 01-0189 Rch-198 2035 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS ALE and VOICE "unsuccessful" (06Mar05) (SA) 221106: C-17 02-1106 1958 ALE/USB Sounds (07Mar05) (SA) 223292: C-17 92-3292 1905 ALE/SB wkg ICZ Sigonella HFGCS (06Mar05) (SA) 290170: C-17 99-0170 1841 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (25Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0812 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) ADW: US HF-GCS Andrews AFB MD 2310 ALE/USB Sounding. (24Feb05) (RGA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1308 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HFGCS (03Mar05) (SA) CRO: US HF-GCS Stn Croughton UK 2054 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Mar05) (RGA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 2108 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (23Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 2335 ALE/USB wkg AED Elmendorf HF-GCS (10Mar-5) (SA) MPA: US HF-GCS Stn RAF Mount Pleasant MVS 2244 ALE/USB Sounding. (13Mar05) (RGA) PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 2318 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Mar05) (RGA) UKE301:RAF E-3D ZH101 1106 ALE/USB Sounds (25Feb03) (SA) UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 1418 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (11Mar05) (SA) ADW: Andrews AB 2230 USB ALE snd (04/MAR/05) (KK) JDG: Diego Garcia 2230 USB ALE snd (04/MAR/05) (KK) FOXTROT SIERRA: 0330 USB Wkg ECHO in poss. Italian accented English w/app. NATO naval net..Thanks to WUN post. (06Mar05) (RB) FOXTROT SIERRA: Wkg ECHO 0330 USB FS sounds like maybe Italian accented English? Still a bit faint here but getting stronger as we get into late evening here. (05Mar05) (RB) unid: italian navy: ?? 1144 USB ita Mar06 05 ML unid: nato exercice: ?? 2044 USB ee d/x work BE,FE,... Mar10 05 ML BF: NATO Net 0638 USB - vmM&F - Engl.lang. - various contact : - BF calling for check. - CAGAM 7 - M calling FS GF calling ??? - etc ... (10Mar05) (WC) 523575: KC-135 62-3575 1143 ALE/USB wkg ADWNPR Andrews NIPR NET (04Mar05) (SA) CRONPR: Croughton NIPR NET 1022 ALE/USB wkg ICZNPR Sigonella NIPR NET (04Mar05) (SA) CRONPR: Croughton NIPR NET 1529 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (07Mar05) (SA) CRONPR: Crougton NIPR NET 0925 ALE/USB wkg ICZNPR Sigonella NIPR NET (07Mar05) (SA) ICZNPR: Sigonella NIPR NET 1840 ALE/USB wkg DL0003DAT E-3B 79-0003 (11Mar05) (SA) ICZNPR: Sigonella AB, I NiprNet 2210 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg CRONPR: Croughton NiprNet, Mil-188-110, PC-ALE 1.06 shows various Rates in RX-Window 300/600/1200Bd/s.,later Voice Conf on 4744,4kHz from 2MT [ICZ] no answ (04/MAR/05) (KK) DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 2003 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] KRI: Alb-Mil 1923 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRI (abbr c/s) [sw] IMB51: Roma Meteo, I 0105 W-Fax/120Rpm/IOC:576 Chart for FL 340 (01/MAR/05) (KK) IMB51: Roma Meteo, I 0105 W-Fax/120Rpm/IOC:576 Chart for FL 340 (01/MAR/05) (KK) IMB51: Roma Meteo, I 0110 W-Fax/120Rpm/IOC:576 PWBE 25 / Chart for FL 340 (01/MAR/05) (KK) IMB51: Roma Meteo, I 0125 W-Fax/120Rpm/IOC:576 PWBE 30 / Chart for FL 300 (01/MAR/05) (KK) unid: Russian navy 17:55 BEE 36-50 / 50 / 250 Continious mark signalor messages 6mar05 (PPA) AAA: Israeli AF, Tel Aviv 2037 ALE/USB snd tws Pagina 237 04823 04823 04847.8 04860 04860 04860 04860 04860.0 04880 04880.0 04917.0 04917.5 04917.6 04928 04928.0 04937.5 04950.0 04951.5 04978.0 04980 04996.0 05020.5 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05035.0 05038.5 05058 05065.0 05065.0 05075.0 05084.0 05084.0 05084.0 05091.0 05107 05117.0 05117.0 WUN-v11 (09/Mar/05) (ZE) EW5: Estonian Mil 2017 ALE/USB to QA4, OT8 (09/Mar/05) (ZE) QA4: Estonian Mil 2027 ALE/USB to OT8 (09/Mar/05) (ZE) unid: 0815 rtty? 50/170 c3g says baudot with one stop bit.fje./97%mymaghxosdgaszhxogvgamdzhxogdhxomqqvmaghxomddmrzs ghxodamsvdzh fje./97@uu (7 Mär 05) (wp3) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 2118 CW Normal sked. //6840 (rough note and unstable; jumped to 6840.1 towards end of sked) 4860 is rather weak. Nothing on 10640. Off at 2123 with QSA? K. (07Mar05) (RGA) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 2219 CW Usual h+20 sked. // 6840. Both freqs weak. Nothing 10640 kHz. (25Feb05) (RGA) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 2319 CW Usual sked. 4860 kHz slightly unstable 6840 in QRM but copiable. Nothing on 10640. (08Mar05) (RGA) NYZ: Unid 2322 CW VVV Q2M de NYZ. As reported by Tom and Ralf. Nothing on 6840 or 10640. (23Feb05) (RGA) MGT: RN/Nato 0920 Rtty 75Bd/850Hz "RYRYRY VMGTCNJBH ON PL TXTB GT I JD OCON F TA5480" + encr. (11/MAR/05) (KK) JCP: Unid 0021 ALE/USB Wkg RFP. (07Mar05) (RGA) JBP: unid 0116 USB ALE snd (28/FEB/05) (KK) unid: 2042 PICCOLO/6 ?? encr Feb17 05 ML unid: British military 17:50 piccolo12 encrypted traffic ,S9+20 signalprobably located in the UK 6mar05 (PPA) UNID MIL GBR? 0750 PICCOLO-12 encryped trafic (23/02/05) (LC) 4PPW: M89 Chinese Naval 1845 CW BT COMM BT 051/8520/8090/27/71/2822/007/A/27/02 AR then resumed XY5V XY5V XY5V DE 4PPW 4PPW V. (16Feb05) (AB) 4PPW: M89 Chinese Naval 1845 CW / BT COMM BT 051/8520/8090/27/71/2822/007/A/27/02 AR (27/Feb/2005) (Attu Bosch) No Call: unid 2107 MIL-STD-188-110/2400Bd/Voice (12/MAR/05) (KK) ICSSIL: (Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, probably Irvine CA): 1239 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07410.0; 09050.0; 13850.0; & 20960.0. 02/14 RP3 ---: CIS AIR DEFENSE ?LOC 2112 CW Every min a string eg "=990013??0?????" (0013 = Moscow time, and increments) (19/Feb)(DW) DELTA: unid prb. austrian Mil or Diplo 1516 USB wkg VICTOR, sometimes cld "VICTOR-BRAVO" talking about Charts, chg. Freq. Not found (03/MAR/05) (KK) : Unid Time Stn 2143 CW Weak. Seconds pips long on minute. Weak. (20Feb05) (RGA) RWM: TS MOSCOW 2118 CW Time signals (19/Feb)(DW) : Unid 2016 UNID/150/230 ACF=0. Cipher. (26Feb05) (RGA) AAF: Unid 1851 (17/03/05) ale/usb sndg. [sw] AAF: unid 1619 17/03/05 ale sndg [sw] JP40: Alg-Mil 19221(7/03/05) ale/usb clg JP47 [sw] JP47: Alg-Mil 1922 (17/03/05) ale/usb clg JP40 [sw] 673DVA: (KDQ 673, Dep't of Veterans Affairs, Richmond VA): 0020 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 06981.0. 03/07 RP3 FDG: FAF Bordeaux 2224 RTTY/50/160 Bricks tests. (26Feb05) (RGA) JP52: Algerian Nat Guard? ALE/USB TO JP40 18:14:08 11Mar05 (MAL) JP57: Algerian MOI 1704 USB ALE clg JP40 (26/FEB/05) (KK) BORA: Alb-Mil 1923 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] 10R: Unid 0931 17/03/05 ale clg MA1 [sw] 22H: unid 1456 USB ALE clg MAI (03/MAR/05) (KK) MA1: Unid 0925 17/03/05 ale clg 10R [sw] JSR: Numberstation 1632 USB fem. Voice: "JuliettSierra-Romeo", Msg. Group 63 (02/MAR/05) (KK) : CIS Military 2053 RUS-75/75/260 Cipher. (22Feb05) (RGA) BORA: Alb-Mil 1923 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1949 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] Pagina 238 WUN-v11 05117.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil 2007 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DIAMANTI [sw] 05121.5 : Unid 2222 UNID/100/150 ACF=0 cipher. (26Feb05) (RGA) 05135 ATCSOU: EOC Tallil AB, IRQ 2214 ALE/USB snd tws (05(Mar/05) (ZE) 05135 CL1AR: EOC Claredon, NH 2336 ALE/USB snd tws (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 05135 HI1LL: EOC Hillsbourgh 0327 ALE/USB snd tws (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 05135 LA1NC: EOC Lancaster 0055 ALE/USB snd tws (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 05135 MA1NC: EOC Manchester, NH 2324 ALE/USB snd tws (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 05135 PE1TE: EOC Peterborough, NH 0023 ALE/USB snd tws (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 05135 T1Z159: US Army 159 Avn Bat, Ft.Bragg 0450 ALE/USB snd tws (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 05135.0 ATCSOU: ATC South? 2309 USB ALE snd (03/MAR/05) (KK) 05135.0 CL1AR: Cleveland EOC 0531 USB ALE snd (04/MAR/05) (KK) 05135.0 HI1LL: Hillsborough EOC 2321 USB ALE snd (04/MAR/05) (KK) 05135.0 LA1NC: Lancaster EOC 0545 USB ALE snd (04/MAR/05) (KK) 05135.0 MI1LF: Milford EOC 2343 USB ALE snd (03/MAR/05) (KK) 05135.0 PE1TE: Peterborough EOC 0618 USB ALE snd (04/MAR/05) (KK) 05153.8 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad? 1741 CW Sending PPPPPöPPPPPöPPPPP ... (22Feb05) (RGA) 05154 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 0622 CW //8495 10872. (23Feb05) (WC) 05154.0 UNID: 2228 CW / "C" beacon/channel marker (02/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) 05171 : Unid 0007 LINK-11/2250/USB Data (01Mar05) (CC) 05195 DRA5: DARC Prop Beacon 0544 CW RST467 km 988. (21Feb05) (WC) 05220.0 No Call: unid 0155 USB MIL.STD 188-110ser. 1200Bd/s Exch. every Moring? (01/MAR/05) (KK) 05220.5 208: Singapore Ny? 1627 USB ALE clg TF1 (26/FEB/05) (KK) 05250.0 101: presumed CHN diplo 18:10 ALE/USB calling 107 or 104 10feb05 (PPA) 05252.6 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D. 1000 Rtty(08/MAR/05) (KK) 05252.6 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D. 1006 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz wkg DDA03, DDA31 (08/MAR/05) (KK) 05252.6 DDA64: Weather Station Offenbach, D. 1017 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz (08/MAR/05) (KK) 05252.6 DDA73: Weather Station Stuttgart, D. 1019 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz (08/MAR/05) (KK) 05252.6 DDA86: Weather Station Muenchen, D. 1020 Rtty 100Bd/170Hz (08/MAR/05) (KK) 05269.0 No Call: unid 0157 USB MIL.STD 188-110ser. 1200Bd/s Exch. every Moring? (01/MAR/05) (KK) 05269.0 No Call: unid 0157 USB MIL.STD 188-110ser.1200Bd/s Exch. every Moring? (01/MAR/05) (KK) 05282.5 DHO91: Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe DHO78: Kdo 3. LwDiv/GAFSC "N" Gatow DHJ67: HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln 1226 USB Drill with TR6A, LD1N, DKM7, Exch. of Routine Msg´s (01/MAR/05) (KK) 05282.5 DHO91: Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe DHO78: Kdo 3. LwDiv/GAFSC "N" Gatow DHJ67: HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln 1226 USB Drill with TR6A, LD1N, DKM7, Exch. of Routine Msg´s (01/MAR/05) (KK) 05285.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil 2012 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DIAMANTI [sw] 05286.0 TWVB1: Guardia Civil Burgos, E 2052 USB ALE clg TWLA2: Guardia Civil Leon, E (11/MAR/05) (KK) 05288.4 : UK/NATO Secure Bcast 2218 NATO-75/75/850 With short msgs in KG84. (26Feb05) (RGA) 05300.0 CIP40: & CIP48, Canadian Military: 1657 USB ALE/voice. Voice transmissions were very weak(22/FEB/05) (JLM) 05310 : Unid 2232 LINK-11/2250/USB Data (01Mar05) (CC) 05315 SAB: Globe Wireless Stockholm 2149 GLOBEDATA Idling. (20Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 239 WUN-v11 05355.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1951 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] 05355.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil 2012 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DIAMANTI [sw] 05362.8 No Call: Auto WX-Station Atlas Mountain, MRC 0150 PI/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:CIMEL2>: Met.Office Casablanca, MRC (28/FEB/05) (KK) 05370 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 2233 ALE/USB Wkg VIS000OEKCOPER as always. (27Feb05) (RGA) 05376 Q9AT: Russian Military 2226 CW Repeating PWLZ de Q9AT QTA R 196 K. (24Feb05) (RGA) 05379.0 111: Spa-Pol (unid) 1907 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg TWLA Vitoria [sw] 05379.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil 2011 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DIAMANTI [sw] 05379.0 TWLA: Vitoria Spa-Pol 1907 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg 111: [sw] 05400.0 BORA: Alb-Mil 1920 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg DRINI [sw] 05402 : CIS Military 1937 MS-5/4800/USB Morse on tone 3 QRJ? (how copy?) and QJB3 (go into cipher). Cipher at 1941. QSX not found. (06Mar05) (RGA) 05405 690: Unid Illicit 1931 USB OM repeating 690 then 385 385 107 107 and into 5FG traffic 81871 ... (06Mar05) (RGA) 05406.0 CLC51: Centro Logístico Comunicaciones 51st Jungle Infantry Brigade 0010 USB ALE clg SCLC512: Servicio Centro Logístico de Comunicaciones, 512th Jungle Infantry Battalion, followed by Ser.-tone modem (28/FEB/05) (KK) 05406.0 CLC51: Centro Logístico Comunicaciones 51st Jungle Infantry Brigade 0011 USB ALE clg SCLC513: Servicio Centro Logístico de Comunicaciones, 513th Jungle Infantry Battalion (28/FEB/05) (KK) 05407 8YP9: Russian Military 1800 CW BDQQ de 8YP9 ZCS ZTA ZSO QYT6 K. C AS K. QRJ NO QRJ? QTY6 K. OK AS. QLS QYT6 K. Nothing heard on usual QSX 5851 kHz. (06Mar05) (RGA) 05407 KF9H: CIS Military 2144 CW ..LZ de KF9H K. R K. Nothing more. (15Mar05) (RGA) 05410 OHT30P: Sonatrach Net Ohanet ALG 2224 ALE/LSB Sounding. (09Mar05) (RGA) 05418 9WIT: Russian Military 2213 CW Bcasts msg to collective EM4Z: 9WIT QTC 196 27 25 0104 196 = ZYQ 472 = PPPPP TYUöM FJYXP ... FJYXP WTPWE 300 K. Then asks XO4U NDME I1D3 and ???? for receipts. Nothing heard usual QSX 4378 kHz. (24Feb05) (RGA) 05422.0 Hugin-Zero-Six: unid Ger. Navy Ops 1639 USB clg ODIN Radiocheck, RATT at 1649. After Probs chg. to CH:F55, not found (22/FEB/05) (KK) 05430.0 USDSRAYF: unid 0225 Rtty 100Bd/250Hz Test Stripe: "ZCZC QJH USDSRAYF RYRYRY....NNNN" (28/FEB/05) (KK) 05432.5 No Call: unid 2055 MIL-STD-188-110/2400Bd/ Voice (12/MAR/05) (KK) 05435 ART2: Enigma E10 Mossad 2033 USB YL with ART2 callup. (06Mar05) (RGA) 05435.0 ART2: Numberstation 2100 USB female Voice:"Alfa-RomeoTango-Two" (12/MAR/05) (KK) 05436.2 : Unid 2050 UNID/110/1370 Burst mode every minute at m+22 for 6-7 secs. Freq 5436.21. Noted also 6354.13 (m+15) 8460.17 (m+7) 12726.0 (m+51) 12726.2 (m+59) and 16096.56 (m+44). Wideshift FSK. (07Mar05) (RGA) 05446.5 AFRTS: AFRTS Key West Florida 2002 USB News and Sport Infos (28/FEB/05) (KK) 05450 RAF VOLMET: MASO W.Drayton UK 2137 USB YL-robot with weather. (26Feb05) (RGA) 05456 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2224 ALE/USB Sounds. (27Feb05) (RGA) 05465.8 R: MX Beacon Ishevsk 2159 CW With a spur on 5467.35 kHz. (26Feb05) (RGA) 05465.8 R: MX Beacon Izhevsk 2300 CW Spur on 5467.4 kHz. (27Feb05) (RGA) 05465.9 R: Russian navy beacon Izhevsk RUS 18:35 A1A slow Pagina 240 05466 05474.6 05476 05476 05476.0 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478 05478.0 05480.0 05500.0 05507.0 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 keying 11feb05 (PPA) R: MX Beacon Ustinov 0041 CW (23Feb05) (WC) : Unid 2142 UNID/250/120 Speed uncertain. Sounds like a Siemens CHX200 system. (26Feb05) (RGA) 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:05:53 26feb05 (MAL). 0000210488: Greek Police Net 2243 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Mar05) (RGA) 0000210001: Greece Mil? ALE/USB TO 0000210888 18:12:01 11Mar05 (MAL) 0034: UNID Net 2127 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) 1050: UNID Net 1855 ALE/USB snd tws (08/Mar/05) (ZE) 40307: UNID Net 1857 ALE/USB to 4040 (08/Mar/05) (ZE) 5112: UNID Net 1905 ALE/USB snd tws (08/Mar/05) (ZE) 7011: UNID Net 2131 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) 9005: UNID Net 2119 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) 9360: UNID Net 2115 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) AA1: Israeli AF 2136 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) AAA: Israeli AF 2240 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Mar05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF, Tel Aviv 2129 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) BB1: Israeli AF 1737 ALE/USB to K27 (08/Mar/05) (ZE) BB2: Israeli AF 1801 ALE/USB to AA1 (08/Mar/05) (ZE) K27: Israeli AF 1731 ALE/USB to BB1 (08/Mar/05) (ZE) AA1: Israel AF Ben Gurion ALE/USB SND 19:04:31 11Mar05 (MAL) unid: 1710 French net, many callsigns, sounded nervous and African USB06/03 (PP1) 1202: unid 0111 USB ALE snd (28/FEB/05) (KK) 8001: unid 0132 USB ALE snd (28/FEB/05) (KK) A6-ERF: Emirates A340 Flt UAE88 2118 HFDL Posn 2730N 04651E to ARINC Muharraq. (13Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 2122 HFDL Signs on. (13Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 2217 HFDL Signs on. Prob Flt QR0044 at 4817N 02029E. (03Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACD: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0898 2108 HFDL Reports 2516N 05134E. (13Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar A330 2043 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Muharraq. (22Feb05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar Airways A330 2212 HFDL Logs on. (20Feb05) (RGA) A7-ADJ: Qatar Airways A330 2157 HFDL Logs on. Prob Flt QR0898. (06Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 2048 HFDL Signs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 2247 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0889 2150 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2125 HFDL Logs on. (12Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 2007 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (24Feb05) (RGA) B-18061: Cathay Pacific B737 2254 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) B-2461: China Southern B747 2217 HFDL Logs on. (20Feb05) (RGA) B-2461: China Southern B747 Flt CZ0454 2202 HFDL Posn 6019N 03930E to ARINC Muharraq. (06Mar05) (RGA) B-6051: China Eastern A340 2155 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) B-6051: China Southern A340 2044 Signs on. (22Feb05) (RGA) B-6052: China Eastern A340 2156 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) B-6052: China Eastern A340 2218 HFDL Signs on. (03Mar05) (RGA) B-6053: China Eastern A340 2303 HFDL Logs on. (08Mar05) (RGA) Pagina 241 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 CLX716: CargoLux B747 2246 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq from 3338N 03727E. (08Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCB: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 2010 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCB: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8297 2230 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCD: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8393 2126 HFDL Acks weather report. (12Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCJ: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8398 2041 HFDL At 3029N 07016E. (22Feb05) (RGA) D-ALCM: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8415 2212 HFDL At 3616N 05011E. (09Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCQ: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8498 2215 HFDL Posn 0635N 09630E. (20Feb05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2028 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2155 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2253 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' 2032 HFDL Logs on. (22Feb05) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' 2214 HFDL Logs on. (03Mar05) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 2023 HFDL Acks wx for UUNT/Novosibirsk and UUYT/Ust' Kulom. (24Feb05) (RGA) G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' 2042 HFDL At 6142N 05527E. (24Feb05) (RGA) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Madame Butterfly' 2257 HFDL Acks msg from ground: MSG FROM CREW CTRL FAO GARY S ... (crew duties 22-31 March) PSE ACK. REGARDS, JOHN . (08Mar05) (RGA) G-VSSH: Virgin Atlantic A340-642 'Sweet Dreamer' 2153 HFDL Acks weather for UNKL. (12Mar05) (RGA) HL-7462: Korean B747 2037 HFDL Logs on and acks Seoul weather. (22Feb05) (RGA) HL-7736: Asiana A330 2038 HFDL Logs on. (22Feb05) (RGA) HL-7736: Asiana A330 Flt OZ0752 2146 HFDL Acks message from ground "QDSELFAOZ~1 SPOT INFO ICN IN/9 OZ0752/7736". (12Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG265 2123 HFDL Posn report to ARINC Muharraq 2835N 02947E. (12Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG288 2150 HFDL Reports 2934N 03209E to ARINC Muharraq. (06Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG293 2216 HFDL Logs on. (20Feb05) (RGA) OH-LBR: Finnair B757 Flt AY1956 2219 At 5325N 04311E. (03Mar05) (RGA) SU0341: Aeroflot Flt 2029 HFDL Posn 4823N 03506E to ARINC Muharraq. (22Feb05) (RGA) UAE317: EgyptAir Flt 2012 HFDL Reports 4314N 09206E. (24Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWD: Aeroflot A320 2213 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (03Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWN: Aeroflot A321 2302 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWO: Aeroflot A321 2211 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (20Feb05) (RGA) ZS-SNB: S.African Airways A340 2241 HFDL Logs on. (08Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SND: S.African Airways A349 Flt SA0260 2133 HFDL At 0214S 02507E. (12Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SND: S.African Airways A349 Flt SA0263 2210 HFDL Acks msg from FAJS via ARINC Muharraq "M12ASA0263OFAJS HI ZUR SA 263 ETA CPT 0540 NEXT CALL 2300" Was at 2152N 00501E at 2200. (09Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0286 2011 HFDL Acks msg from Johannesburg Ops via Muharraq: "MSG FROM JNBCMSA Pagina 242 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 WUN-v11 SEQ02561 - SA286 CPD ALL. THANKS. REP NXT 2100. SAJNB". (24Feb05) (RGA) 9K-AKA:Kuwait Airways A320-212 0239 Selcal DREP to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) 9K-ALC:Kuwait Airways A310-308 0204 Selcal DRFJ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) 9K-AMD:Kuwait Airways A300B4-605R 0202 Selcal DRFP to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) C-GDVV:Air Canada A340-313X 0122 Selcal JMFR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) D-ABUH:Condor B767-330/ER 0118 Selcal CMRS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) D-ACLV:Lufthansa Canadair CL-600-2B19 Regional Jet CRJ-100LR 2318 Selcal DSER to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) D-AIGO:Lufthansa A340-313X 0340 Selcal DRPH to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) EI-CDF:Aer Lingus B737-548 2230 BDGR Selcal to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) F-GEXA:Air France B747-428 0102 Selcal HPJL to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) F-GLNA:Corsair B747-206B0136 Selcal CKEJ to Mwara NatA (16-feb-2005)(MSM) F-OHMF:Mexicana A320-231 0206 Selcal BRCG to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-BNWR:British Airways B767-336/ER 0643 Selcal EKMQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-BOPB:B767 British Airways 2202 Selcal CJBF to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) G-BYGF:British Airways B747-436 'Chelsea Rose' 2340 Selcal DGHP to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-GDEZ:Aviation Beauport Corporate Jets BAe-125-1000B 2321 Selcal KSFQ to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-VHOT:Virgin Atlantic Airways B747-4Q8 0212 Selcal EJQS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-VIIF:British Airways B777-236/ER 0457 Selcal GKDR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) G-VIIU:British Airways B777-236/ER 0104 Selcal GJFR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) JA8263:Japan Air System (JAS)Airbus A300B4-203 0109 Selcal JPEQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) JY-AGT: Royal Jordanian Airline A310-308 0302 Selcal DRFS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N127EM:unid Dassault Falcon 900 2228 Selcal FKRS to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N18TM:Gulfstrem G4 Global Express 2054 Selcal EMHP to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N204R:BEATRICE BABY LAKES INC Ba1000,0352 Selcal DPQS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N301K:Ford Motor Company Gulfstream Aerospace G-V 0440 Selcal KQER to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N324AA:B767 American AirLines 2159 SelCall FHCJ to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N555AN:DC9 American AirLines 0440 SelCall KQAE to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N658AA:B757 American AirLines 0440 SelCall MPKQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N699AN:B757 American AirLines 0520 SelCall LQRS to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) N742DH: DHL B727 2150 Selcal BMCL to MWARA NAT-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) N750NA:North American Airlines B757-28A 2322 Selcal GRHP to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) OE-LFO:Austrian Airlines Fokker 70 (F-28-0070) 2320 Selcal JSFQ to Mwara Nat-A (15/16-feb-2005)(MSM) OE-LNH:Lauda Air B737-4Z9 0102 Selcal GJDQ to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) PH-KCD:KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines MD-11 0024 Selcal Pagina 243 05598.0 05598.0 05598.0 05601 05602 05649 05684 05684 05684 05684.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05687.0 05691 05696 05696 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 WUN-v11 AFHR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) PH-MCL:Martinair B767-31A/ER 0321 Selcal BJPR to Mwara Nat-A (16-feb-2005)(MSM) PH-TSZ:Transavia Airlines B737-3K2 2239 Selcal GQBH to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) VH-EWB:Flight West Fokker F-28-4000 Fellowship 2220 Selcal CGBF to Mwara Nat-A (15-feb-2005)(MSM) AIC 1506 : WKG RDARA INDIA Mumbai 1829 USB Various stations with SELCAL and Indian Accent. A lot of QRM & QRN. (05Mar05) (MC) T1Z189: 1 Bn 189 Avn US Army Deployed 2042 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Feb05) (RGA) AF 6492: WKG MWARA NAT-C Gander 2349 USB Position Report followed by LH 8169 Selcal CMJL Secondary Freq. 2872. EL Al 861 (4X-AXK ELY 74F). Selcal BEAG. (05Mar05) (MC) 180212: C-5 68-0212 0906 ALE/USB wkg CRONPR Croughton NIPR NET (18Feb05) (SA) CRONPR: Croughton NIPR NET 1411 ALE/USB wkg DL0003DAT E-3B 79-0003 (14Mar05) (SA) ICZNPR: Sigonella NIPR NET 2210 ALE/USB wkg OFFNPR Offutt NIPR NET (02Mar05) (SA) CROSPR: Croughton Siprnet 1433 USB ALE snd (03/MAR/05) (KK) GAF120: unid GAF 1255 USB wkg DHM91, GAF Muenster, D. (21/FEB/05) (KK) GAF213: unid GAF 1214 USB wkg DHM91, GAF Muenster, D. (21/FEB/05) (KK) GAF254: unid GAF 1515 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Arr. at Wunstorf AP "ETNW" 1515 (22/FEB/05) (KK) GAF558: unid GAF 1515 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. (22/FEB/05) (KK) GAF588: unid GAF 1412 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. (22/FEB/05) (KK) GAF602: unid GAF 1437 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Dep. at Hohn AP "ETNH" 1434 (22/FEB/05) (KK) GAF604: unid GAF 1438 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D.(22/FEB/05) (KK) GAF674: unid GAF 1516 USB wkg DHM91, GAF Muenster, arr. at Tegel AP 03/MAR/05) (KK) GAF981: unid GAF 1210 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Starting Time 1151 (21/FEB/05) (KK) GAF981: unid GAF 1420 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Flight to Bordeaux (21/FEB/05) (KK) GAF982: unid GAF 1434 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Dep. at Hohn "ETNH" 1432 (22/FEB/05) (KK) GAF983: unid GAF 1150 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster,D.Flight to Landsberg AP "ETSA", DT at 1140 (21/FEB/05) (KK) Null-Sieben: unid GAF 1217 USB wkg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. Communinication-Test (21/FEB/05) (KK) Irkutsk: WKG North Central Asia VOLMET 1901 USB (05Mar05) (MC) CAMSPAC: USCG Point Reyes CA 0259 USB Wkg AIR FORCE RESCUE 216 for flight ops. (09Mar05) (RB) CG 2141: HU-25C+ CGAS Cape Cod 0144 USB Wkg CAMSLANT Chesapeake, airborne from AirSta Cape Cod on a SAR, didn't hear him pass the SAR location. (05Mar05) (RB) 190011: C-5 69-0011 Rch-9011 2240 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS ALE & VOICE for WX at Keflavik and 0030 WX at EKYT Aalborg Denmark (15Mar05) (SA) 190018: C-5 69-0018 1448 ALE/USB Self Test (3Mar05) (SA) 260006: C-17 96-0006 1237 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HFGCS (27Feb05) (SA) 571496: KC-135 57-1496 0951 ALE/USB Self Test (17Mar05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0710 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0958 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (5Mar05) (SA) Pagina 244 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708.0 05717 05720.0 05720.0 05720.0 05720.0 05720.0 05727.4 05735.0 05748.6 05772.0 05777 05777 05777 05778.5 05789 05792 05792.0 05792.0 05792.0 05792.0 05792.0 05792.0 05792.0 WUN-v11 ADW: US HF-GCS Stn Andrews AFB MD 2123 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Mar05) (RGA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1902 ALE/USB wkgw ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (26Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1538 AE/USB wkg 260003 C-17 96-0003 (06Mar05) (SA) JNR: US HF-GCS Stn Puerto Rico 2322 ALE/USB Sounding. (13Mar05) (RGA) MPA: US HF-GFS Stn Mount Pleasant MVS 0001 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Feb05) (RGA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0305 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) R23477: UH-60A 80-23477 1653 ALE/USB wkg T2Z238 UNID (23Feb05) (SA) 591466: (KC-135R # 59-1466, 136th ARS, NY ANG, Niagra Falls NY): 2339 USB/ALE TO OFF (USAF GSC, Offutt AFB). 02/24 RP3 09025.0 F29: (HU-25 # 2129, CGAS Miami): 2347 USB/ALE TO JNR (USAF GSC, Salinas PR)-[AMD]CCCCD9,9918663020587NNNN. 02/24 RP3 06070.0 UNID: 1402 81bd system 22/Feb/2005 (SMK) TUSKER 313: CC-130H, 14th Wing, CFB Greenwood 0244 USB Clg Halifax Military, no joy. (05Mar05) (RB) ---: FLIGHT CO0054 0840 HFDL on usb. Psn 52.38N 13.31W. Psn 52.20N 12.28W. 0855 5145N 10.30W (20/Feb)(DW) 03: ARINC REYKJAVIK 0836 HFDL on usb. Squitters (operating also on 6712, 8977 at this time). (20/Feb)(DW) N312UP: FLIGHT UP6703 0837 HFDL on usb. Msg. 0841 psn 54.46N 33.10W. 0900 logon resume ICAO F00AC5 55.01N 29.14W (20/Feb)(DW) N59053: FLIGHT CO0046 0852 HFDL on usb. Log on rq fm ICAO5105E5. Psn 56.59N 10.23W. 0859 56.4N 8.53W (20/Feb)(DW) RAF Boulmer: 13:43 RAF Boulmer with Trackings for T1I, USB JMC exercise. 16feb05 (RP) : NATO Tactical AD Data System 2213 LINK-11/2250/USB. TADIL. (26Feb05) (RGA) AAA: Unid 0355 ALE/USB Clg 2N2 then Skyfax modem. Any info abt 2N2? (24/02/05) (AJP) ICZ: US HF-GCS Stn Sigonella ITA 2127 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Mar05) (RGA) CQ0: prb. Swedish Mil 1607 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg VG, very weak [AMD]7OVCQ00 (02/MAR/05) (KK) 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:40:45 26feb05 (MAL). 5UV: sounding AL2 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:56:40 26feb05 (MAL). BY11: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:01:35 26feb05 (MAL). G24502: (prob CH-47 helo, "F" Coy 1/131st Avn, AL NG Birmingham AL): 0250 USB/ALE TO T1Z131 (1/131st Avn, AL NG, Birmingham AL). This helo also noted as R24502 on 07360.0 & 08040.0. 02/12 RP3 08065.0 SKYWAT: (US Army Flight Watch, Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 0556 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 EY5: Estonian Army 2056 ALE/USB Calls LH7. (26Feb05) (RGA) 1002: Unid 0010 ALE/USB Sounding. 1101 sounds also. (26Feb05) (RGA) 1002: UNID 1935 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1104: UNID 1900 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1106: UNID 1716 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1107: UNID 1905 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1109: UNID 1934 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1111: UNID 1916 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1112: North Af. net? ALE/USB SND with Codan 17:41:41 11Mar05 (MAL) Pagina 245 WUN-v11 05792.0 1113: UNID 1920 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1301: UNID 1900 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1306: UNID 1916 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1309: UNID 1902 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2517 (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1309: UNID 1918 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 130: UNID 1920 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1311: UNID 1909 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1315: UNID 1916 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1316: UNID 1945 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 1325: UNID 1928 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2202: UNID 1930 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2205: UNID 1929 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 220: UNID 1929 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2211: UNID 1922 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 221: UNID 1918 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2402: Ita-Pol 1910 (17/03/05) ale/usb sndg. [sw] 05792.0 2403: UNID 1915 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2405: UNID 1948 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2409: UNID 1922 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2411: UNID 1917 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2412: UNID 1908 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2416: UNID 1938 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2417: UNID 1900 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2517: UNID 1925 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 2518: Ita-Pol 1909 (17/03/05) ale/usb sndg. [sw] 05792.0 2518: UNID 1908 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 266: UNID 1919 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 792: UNID 1951 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 CER11: MFA PARIS 1722 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RABAT (21/Feb)(DW) 05792.0 RABAT: FRENCH EMB RABAT 0902 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CER11/Paris, also 1840. 1707 clng CONAKRY (21/Feb)(DW) 05824.5 : Enigma M51 2332 CW NR 47F 22 00:31:35 2005 = PELZQ OWAIP... (21Feb05) (RGA) 05850.0 CARGO OPS: & CARGO 6, U.S. NG or Army: 1845 USB voice & ALE. ALE calls CGOOPS & CGO06 (03/MAR/05) (JLM) 05862.6 UNID: MARS station: 1715 PACTOR (22/FEB/05) (JLM) 05875.0 EAATS: (Eastern Army Aviation Training Center, Muir AAF, Ft Indiantown Gap PA): 1705 USB/ALE sounding. Also noted on 04036.5. 03/03 RP3 05965.0 CWL89: Gbr-Af 1339 17/03/05 J3e usb wkg MKH5 RAF Pagina 246 WUN-v11 Finningley posn rpt and rq to change flight level. [sw] 06126 Mike 4 Xray: Unid 2142 USB Has been passing digital information to Papa 7 Xray for the last 15 mins Comms are weak here but readable. (13Mar05) (CC) 06200 CS003B: Macedonian Mil ? 1031 ALE/USB to RS005B (05/Mar/05) (ZE) 06208.0 JPQ: unid station 06:56 ALE/USB Calling FRA and M1K 3/5/05 (PPA) 06224 AA1: Israeli Air Force Ben Gurion 0005 Sounding. (14Mar05) (RGA) 06224.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF BEN GURION 1659 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1759, 1859. 1730 clng BB1 (12/Mar)(DW) 06224.0 AA2: ISRAELI AF BEN GURION 1735 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1835 (12/Mar)(DW) 06224.0 AAA: ISRAELI AF TEL AVIV 1901 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (12/Mar)(DW) 06224.0 TSM: ISRAELI AF ?LOC 1758 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1859z (12/Mar)(DW) 06224.0 U2O: Italian netcontrol station Mediterranean sea 06:40 USB working T1D , M171 , 7GT , 9BI and Q1D in Nato excercise 3mar05 (PPA) 06289.5 : Unid Vessel 2337 GLOBEDATA In traffic. Presumably wkg HLF. (21Feb05) (RGA) 06312 : Unlisted Bahamas-flagged Vessel (MMSI 309642000) 2305 GMDSS RQs Bearing Sea/C6YY for simplex telephone call on 8400 kHz. ('Bearing' not my spelling). (12Mar05) (RGA) 06316 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 2338 ARQ w/Morse ID. (21Feb05) (RGA) 06328.5 no call: Murmansk meteo RUS 20:17 F1C/120/576 500 hertz shift invert 10mar05 (PPA) 06348.0 FUE: F Ny Brest 0716 ITA-2 150/850 RY, testing (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 06358.5 PBC: Ny Goeree 0713 ITA-2 75/850 CARB (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 06368.0 HEB02: Bern Radio, SUI CW marker 4Mar05 1801(MAL) 06368.5 KFS: Globe Wireless S.Francisco CA USA 2108 GLOBEDATA Idlers. (28Feb05) (RGA) 06368.5 KFS: Globe Wireless S.Francisco CA USA 2341 GLOBEDATA In traffic. (21Feb05) (RGA) 06370.0 VLB2: Numberstation 2145 USB fem. Voice:"Victor-LimaBravo-Two" (12/MAR/05) (KK) 06372.0 DMAZIN: UNJLC Damazin, SDN 2122 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (12/MAR/05) (KK) 06372.0 JUBA: UNJLC Juba, SDN 1909 ALE/USB snd tws (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 JUBA: UNJLC Juba, SDN 2143 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (12/MAR/05) (KK) 06372.0 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1920 ALE/USB to DMAZIN (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 2022 ALE/USB to WAU1 (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 NYALA3: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1922 ALE/USB to FAW1 (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 NYALA3: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 2144 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (12/MAR/05) (KK) 06372.0 OBIED: UNJLC El Obied, SDN 2142 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (12/MAR/05) (KK) 06379.5 8PO: Globe Wireless Bridgetown BRB 2106 GLOBEDATA Idlers. (28Feb05) (RGA) 06379.5 8PO: Globe Wireless Bridgetown BRB 2343 GLOBEDATA Idling. (21Feb05) (RGA) 06399.0 ZSC: GW Cape Town 0236 Dataplex marker (08/03/05) (AJP) 06449.7 PWZ33: BN Rio 0432 RTTY/75/850 Regional Wx/PP (21/Feb/05) (RH2) 06455.5 463: Unid Illicit 2103 CW Repeating 463 (x3) 000. QRU? (28Feb05) (RGA) 06464 VIE: Globe Wireless Darwin NT AUS 2101 GLOBEDATA In traffic. (28Feb05) (RGA) 06501.0 NMN: USCG 0400 USB WX,Male Voice (03/MAR/05) (KK) 06586 N17FX: WKG MWARA CAR-B New York 2151 USB Passed to Pagina 247 06604 06604 06617 06650.0 06676 06676 06676 06676 06676 06678.3 06678.6 06678.6 06679 06679 06684.5 06690.0 06697 06697 06697 06712 06712 06712.0 06712.0 06712.0 06712.0 06712.0 06712.0 06712.0 06715 06715 06715 06720.0 06721 WUN-v11 134.3 VHF and selcal. (05Mar05) (MC) NEWYORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 2216 USB OM with US airfields fcasts. (25Feb05) (RGA) NEWYORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 2346 USB OM with US aviation wx. (21Feb05) (RGA) Rostov: WKG North Central Asia VOLMET 1900 USB (05Mar05) (MC) JEAN57: French Pirates 1525 LSB/SSTV/Martin-2 wkg VICTOR62, changing animal pics (20/FEB/05) (KK) Bangkok: WKG South East Asia VOLMET 1844 USB Volmet for Chennai and Bangkok. (05Mar05) (MC) Kolkata: WKG South East Asia VOLMET 1805 USB (06Mar05) (MC) Singapore: WKG South East Asia VOLMET 1425 USB First DX with Diamond D303 (new antenna) (05Mar05) (MC) Singapore: WKG South East Asia VOLMET 1853 USB (05Mar05) (MC) Sydney: WKG South East Asia VOLMET 1834 USB (05Mar05) (MC) FRA9LB: French Pirates 1740 Packet 300Bd/300Hz "TO: FRA1PA- 1 FROM: FRA9LB- 8 (I: s0r0p) [FBB-7.00- AB1FHMRX$] {PROTUS-4.0}OK ???BBS> (22/FEB/05) (KK) FRA9LB-8: French Pirates/MB-Vernon 1540 Packet 300Bd/300Hz Msg to FRA6XL-1: MB-Normandy (20/FEB/05) (KK) FRA9LB-8: French Pirates/MB-Vernon 1541 Packet 300Bd/300Hz Msg to FD4JB-1: unid User (20/FEB/05) (KK) Auckland: WKG Pacific Region VOLMET 1852 USB (05Mar05) (MC) Hong Kong: WKG Pacific Region VOLMET 1849 USB (05Mar05) (MC) Civil Defense: 1222 USB SS Rio Negro Province, Argentina. Wx andhighways status ,fire control (18/02/05)(AJP) MAGIC71: unid Nato Awacs 1531 USB /RATT wkg DHN66: Geilenkirchen, D. (03/MAR/05) (KK) DANDY DAN: Unid 0209 USB With 53 Character EAM. (01Mar05) (CC) J9F: Unid NATO Tactical Aircraft 1514 USB Wkg MKL/RAF Kinloss Scotland. Requests and receives wx actuals for EGQK/Kinloss and EGPK/Prestwick. J9F probably a Nimrod MR aircraft. Followed at 1526 by discrete messages in NATO-75/75 mode with KG84 crypto. (25Feb05) (RGA) Y4V: Unid Aircraft 0021 USB Wkg MKL with lines of information. (01Mar05) (CC) ARINC-03: Reykjavik ICE 2050 HFDL Strong squitters no traffic. (12Mar05) (RGA) KWT90: US Embassy?? 0838 ALE/USB wkg KWT 93 with [AMD] "FRANKFURT" (17Feb05) (SA) ---: AIRCRAFT ICAO 17070141 1926 HFDL on usb. Logon request (08/Mar)(DW) ---: AIRCRAFT ICAO 53137271 1926 HFDL on usb. Log on resume (08/Mar)(DW) ---: FLIGHT SU0123 1927 HFDL on usb. Posn at 1917z 54.12N 27.03E (08/Mar)(DW) 03: ARINC REYKJAVIK 1927 HFDL on usb. Squitter. 1928 uplink to DALCE (08/Mar)(DW) 50: Danish Mil 1001 USB ALE clg 28 (11/MAR/05) (KK) 68: Danish Forces 1608 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 50,cnf. by fem. Voice, than exc. MIL-188-110/2400Bd/s. End of TX at 1617 cnf. by "68" (20/FEB/05) (KK) N920FT: FLIGHT UNID 1928 HFDL on usb. Downlink Label 80 Aircrew addressed downlink (08/Mar)(DW) AEDSPR: Elmendorf SIPR NET 1807 ALE/USB wkg E30138DAT E-3C 80-0138 (24Feb05) (SA) IKFSPR: Keflavik SIPR NET 1021 ALE/USB kg E31607DAT E-3B 76-1607 (04Mar05) (SA) JNRSPR: Peurto Rico SIPR NET 0947 ALE/USB wkg E30137DAT E-3C 80-0137 (02Mar05) (SA) GLD: unid military 19:56 ALE/USB calling RED or WHI or BLU 7mar05 (PPA) 020180??: C-17 00-0180 2013 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCD83126736000NNNN Pagina 248 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721.0 06721.0 06721.0 06721.0 06721.0 06721.0 06721.5 06721.5 WUN-v11 Charleston for personal." over Turkey on return flight from Mongolia to Frankfurt" (05Mar05) (SA) 170030: C-5 87-0030 Rch-271 1803 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS ALE and VOICE "unsuccessful" (06Mar05) (SA) 170041: C-5 87-0041 1921 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (18Mar05) (SA) 190007: C-5 69-0007 2104 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andfrews HFGCS (04Mar05) (SA) 223293: 92-3293 C-17 0231 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) 290165: C-17 99-0165 2156 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCD83128479011NNNN "Charleston" for personal PP. (27Feb05) (SA) 470123: KC-10 87-0123 (Cacti-91) 1207 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS. ("arr Milenhall today" courtesy of Touchdown). (24Feb05) (SA) 701588: EC-130H 73-1588 ??? 2029 ALE/USB Self Test (28Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0911 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (25Feb05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1757 ALE/USB wkg 559503 KC-135 59-1503 (17Feb05) (SA) DQGM:(poss Selcal for) C-5 68-0224 1233 ALE/USB Self Test (07Mar05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 0909 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (26Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1917 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS Also on various other USAF freqs throughout the day. (25Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 2110 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (08Mar05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 0910 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (25Feb05) M(SA) JNR:Peurto Rico HF-GCS 2138 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HFGCS (16Mar05) (SA) KRAP: poss Selcal KC-135 59-1501 1602 ALE/USB Sounds. (Arr Mildenhall as Rch-628 this evening) (14Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0945 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HFGCS (07Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 2002 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (10Mar05) (SA) R26596:UH-60L 95-26596 1733 ALE/USB wkg T2Z3 UNID (24Feb05) (SA) UKE301: RAF E-3D ZH101 1205 ALE/USB wkg UKE306 RAF E-3D ZH106. (also on 3137,4721,5708,6721,9025,11226 and 15043).(28Feb05) (SA) UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 (Magic-52) 1140 ALE/USB wkg UKE307 RAF E-3D ZH107 (Magic-83) ALE+VOICE+DATA (25Feb05) (SA) 1309: CRO USAF Croughton with sounding ALE/USB 12mar05 (RP) 200183: USAF C-17 Globemaster tali no. 00-0183 snd (09-mar-2005)(MSM) 500322: (KC-135 # 60-0322): 2316 USB/ALE TO ADW )USAF GSC, Andrews). ALE handshake followed by Mash 84 (KC-135R, 434th ARW, AFRC Grissom AFB, IN) calling Andrews w/no response. Also noted in ALE on 09025.0; 13215.0 & 15043.0. . 02/24 RP3 11226.0 Razor 06: (sounds like): 2339 USB/ALE and voice in direct dial w/unidentiifed station who passes wx for 0130Z. 02/24 RP3 ICZ: HFGCS SIGONELLA 1958 MIL.STD 188-141A on usb. Sounding. (08/Mar)(DW) JNR: HFGCS SALINAS 1958 MIL.STD 188-141A on usb. Sounding. (08/Mar)(DW) JTY: USAF Yokota J 19:04 ALE/USB sounding TWS JTY 7mar05 (PPA) 0QH: unid Italian military 18:57 USB EE O/M italian accent calling Y3Ufor radiocheck 7mar05 (PPA) Papa-Romeo: unid Italian 1503 USB wkg Golf-Alfa Pagina 249 06733 06733 06733.0 06739.0 06753.0 06755.5 06755.5 06761 06761 06761 06761 06761 06761 06761 06761 06768.5 06769.5 06770.0 06770.2 06770.2 06770.2 06774.2 06775.0 06776.4 06776.4 06784.0 06790 06790.0 06790.0 06790.0 06790.0 06792 06793.0 06796.0 WUN-v11 (21/FEB/05) (KK) DAGA 88: Wkg IDR/Rome Naval Radio 1654 USB Radio check. (15Mar05) (AB2) IDR: Rome Naval Radio 1724 USB Wkg P2E (French?) Radio check. (15Mar05) (AB2) IDR: INy Rome 1525 USB/RATT wkg 2KR: unid,french fem. Voice, and T88: unid ital. (04/MAR/05) (KK) VU7 (Tactical): RAF ? 1308 SSB / Requesting radio check twice - No reply. (17/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) RFFN: unid military station 05:54 A1A Calling RFFM for QSA 11feb05 (PPA) BI21: UNID Net 1759 ALE/USB to HN22 (06/Mar/05) (ZE) MI22: UNID Net 1829 ALE/USB to HN22 (06/Mar/05) (ZE) 221106: C-17 02-1106 1114 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HFGCS (14Mar05) (SA) HONDO3: Unid 2300 ALE/USB TO: SKYWAT. Then went into STANAG-4285. (01Mar05) (CC) Reach 244Y: Clg "Any Radio" 0133 USB For a radio check. Ethyl 73 responds: have you L&C. (01Mar05) (CC) Reach 244Y: Clg Mainsail 0055 USB With no joy. Called several times. (01Mar05) (CC) Reach 567: Clg Ethyl 52 2259 USB On 6761 upper. (01Mar05) (CC) Reach 622: Clg Ethyl 10 0121 USB (01Mar05) (CC) Sheryl 34: 2252 USB Clg any MAST on 6761 upper. (01Mar05) (CC) Sheryl 34: Unid 2250 USB Clg any INDY on 6761 upper. (01Mar05) (CC) No Call: French Gendarmerie Nationale 0900 USB/8-FSK ALE (11/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: unid CE User 2240 P-I/100Bd Clg: WGM: CE Radio Florida (10/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: unid R&S St. 2145 Alis-I/228,7Bd clg (04/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: unid 0124 P-I/100 <Calling:WGM>: (05/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: unid 2313 P-I/100 cnt to WGM: CE Radio Florida, P-II: "....new product, WinZip(R) please visit: http://www.winzip.com hope you like our new product." (04/MAR/05) (KK) WAC8089: Ship "ZEALOUS" 0126 P-I/100 <Calling:WGM (05/MAR/05) (KK) AFA1QW: USAF MARS: 1655 PACTOR. Space weather broadcast (22/FEB/05) (JLM) ASSADCTO: ? Tunisian Mil 1725 USB ALE clg ANTARCTO (22/FEB/05) (KK) ---: UNID 2033 COQ/8 26/E/200 End of transmission. (08/Mar)(DW) No Call: prb. Algerian/Tunisian Customs/Mil ? 1725 Coquelet-8/75ms, right after Cnt. of ASSAD & ANTAR. At end of TX, Voice Cnf 6775 Usb, bad Modulation. Than ALE Cnf of ASSAD & ANTAR (22/FEB/05) (KK) CIP30: & CIP32, Canadian Military: 1754 USB ALE (22/FEB/05) (JLM) : NATO Air Defence Modem 2051 LINK-11/2250/USB (28Feb05) (RGA) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1850 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1856 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1857 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhoudre Nouss 1834 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) 0000210401: Greek Police Net 2258 ALE/USB Sounding. (13Mar05) (RGA) unid: Intel station (ENIGMA M10) 07:55 A1A repeated 5F groups at 17WPM ending = = 384 384 25 25 ttt 3/5/05 (PPA) ---: UNID 1943 MIL.STD 188-144A on usb. Clng TXX. Long Pagina 250 06796.0 06800.0 06810.0 06810.0 06817.5 06825.0 06830.0 06835.4 06840 06840 06840 06840 06840 06840 06842.0 06845 06845 06845 06845 06845 06845 06845 06845 06845 06855 06865.0 06865.0 06865.0 06865.0 06865.0 06865.0 06870.0 06880 06880 06880 06880.0 WUN-v11 burst. Also 1951 (08/Mar)(DW) TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL ?LOC 2008 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TWVZ2 (08/Mar)(DW) 1210: unid 0328 USB ALE clg 6362 (03/MAR/05) (KK) 437802: unid 0213 USB ALE snd (01/MAR/05) (KK) MPB1GELVIL: 1st motorisized Inf.Brd."Iron Wolf", LTU 0832 USB ALE clg PANBATGELVIL: Motorised Infantry Batalion Panevëþys, LTU (01/MAR/05) (KK) : CIS System 1427 50-50/50/840 Cipher. (19Mar05) (RGA) FAV22: French Armee Vernon 1000 CW "CQ DE FAV22 VA " (11/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: Numberstation 2200 USB Male Voice: "FiveSix-Nine" Repeating, "Zero, Zero, Zero..." End of Tx at 2204 (02/MAR/05) (KK) : Unid 2048 FEC Definite FEC but decode is gibberish. (28Feb05) (RGA) : Enigma E10 2038 USB YL in 5LG traffic. New msg GR25 6 6 XILHV LCPLO... (02Mar05) (RGA) NYZ: Poss Chinese Military 1719 CW VVV Q2M de NYZ VVV ... Ends with QSA IMI at 1724. Nothing heard 4860 or 10640 kHz. (24Feb05) (RGA) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 1620 CW Nothing on 10640 or 4860 kHz. (27Feb05) (RGA) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 1719 CW Off 1722. Slightly unstable transmitter. Nothing on other two frequencies. (06Mar05) (RGA) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 1919 CW Dashes at 1916 and 1918. CW commences 1919:15 Tx is rough and jumped to 6840.1. Nothing on 10640 kHz. 4860 kHz is in bcast QRM. QSA IMI K at 1924 and back to 6840.0 with carrier. (28Feb05) (RGA) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 2019 CW Dashes then usual calls. //4860. Both freqs good. 4860 has slight chirp. Ends QSA? K and mark. Nil on 10640. (26Feb05) (RGA) No Call: Numberstation 2205 USB fem. Voice (02/MAR/05) (KK) 650003: UNID Net 1858 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) 650019: UNID Net 1857 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) 650029: UNID Net 1851 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) 880009: UNID Net 1747 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) CS002: Macedonian Mil ? 0925 ALE/USB to RS008, RS009 (05/Mar/05) (ZE) CS002A: Macedonian Mil ? 1017 ALE/USB to RS0016A (05/Mar/05) (ZE) DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1746 ALE/USB snd tws (07/Mar/05) (ZE) DKL: UK Mil Dhekelia CYP? 2150 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Feb05) (RGA) RS0011: Macedonian Mil ? 0815 ALE/USB to CS002 (05/mar/05) (ZE) : Spanish Counting Station 2121 USB Behind American AM broadcasting station. (17Mar05) (CC) 100: UNID Net 2103 ALE/USB snd (14/03/05) (ZE) 100: unid 0331 USB ALE snd (13/MAR/05) (KK) 500: unid 0034 USB ALE snd (13/MAR/05) (KK) AAF: Unid 1940 (19/03/05) ale/usb sndg. [sw] RADOHIMA: unid Radohima Alb. Alps 0543 USB ALE clg KASTRATI: unid Kastrati Alb. Alps (13/MAR/05) (KK) RADOHIMA: unid Radohima, Alb. Alps 1643 USB ALE clg KASTRATI: Kastrati Alb. Alps (11/MAR/05) (KK) DESTAFAC23: Destacamento 23 de las Fuerzas Armadas de Cooperación, VEN 2207 USB ALE clg CGGN (02/MAR/05) (KK) 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 16:22:16 26feb05 (MAL). 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:06:29 26feb05 (MAL). 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:42:01 26feb05 (MAL). IGDG: PANTELLERIA (AKL) (A5351) (I-N) 2145 USB clg EKWU Radiocheck, No answer (02/MAR/05) (KK) Pagina 251 WUN-v11 06880.0 RS0014: Italian Military Network 1710 USB/ALE wkng CS003 (08-mar-2005)(MSM) 06888.0 BNG: Base Naval Guitarez, VEN 0236 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg CGA: Commando Generale Amario (28/FEB/05) (KK) 06895.0 BNG: Base Naval "Guaira, VEN 0513 USB ALE clg F22: Frigate (ARV) "Almirante Brion" (03/MAR/05) (KK) 06895.0 BNG: Base Naval "Guaira, VEN 0515 USB ALE clg F23: Frigate (ARV) "General Urdaneta (03/MAR/05) (KK) 06895.0 BNG: Base Naval "Guaira, VEN 0518 USB ALE clg 21B: Frigate (ARV) "Mariscal Sucre" (03/MAR/05) (KK) 06895.0 BNG: Base Naval Guitarez, VEN 0054 USB ALE clg CGA: Commando Generale Amario (01/MAR/05) (KK) 06895.0 BNG: Base Naval Guitarez, VEN 0054 USB ALE clg CGA: Commando Generale Amario (01/MAR/05) (KK) 06900.0 Lincolnshire Poacher: 2004 (19/03/05) J3e/usb Msg Id 58758 [sw] 06911.5 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VT NG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1625 USB/ALE sounding. 03/03 RP3 06911.5 R01651: (prob UH-60): 1559 USB/ALE TO T4Z101 (4/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY). Also noted on 08171.5. 03/03 RP3 06926.5 No Call: French Gendarmerie Nationale 1315 USB/8-FSK ALE (10/MAR/05) (KK) 06928.0 SNN299: MFA Warsaw 1348 CW/FSK / VVV de SNN 299 pse ga .... (17/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) 06930.0 SYN2: Mossad 0146z Jan 14, 2005 USB “Sierra Yankee November 2” YL [SN] 06935.0 JP40: Alg-Mil 1909 (17/03/05) ale/usb clg JP47 [sw] 06935.0 TWVB1: Guardia Civil Burgos, E 2038 USB ALE clg TWLA2: Guardia Civil Leon, E (11/MAR/05) (KK) 06936.0 RFH82: unid CIS navy CIS 05:28 A1A Calling RCV for QTC number 955 11feb05 (PPA) 06959 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E03 2037 USB Old woman in tfc 5FGs. //9251. (28Feb05) (RGA) 06959 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E03 2212 USB Old hag in traffic with 5FGs. (25Feb05) (RGA) 06960.3 F14HBA: unid FRONET user S 09:07 Pactor 1/200/200 calling F11HBN 20feb05 (PPA) 06975 ORCA 12: Wkg ICI 1652 USB Radio check. (15Mar05) (AB2) 06981.0 unid: presumed Ukrainian military 08:09 ITA2 / 50 / 500e 5F groups ending with duplex operator chat CFM SK 3/5/05 (PPA) 06984 SNN299: MFA Warszawa 0654 CW vvv de snn299 pse ga ... (set of points) - rst 589, transmission repeated every 3 minutes. (10Mar05) (WC) 06985.0 USACE1010: (HQs, US Army Corps of Engineers, Wash DC): 1648 USB/ALE sounding. 03/03 RP3 06985.0 USACE1010: US Army Corps of Engineers 2152 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (02/MAR/05) (KK) 06986 : Unid. Poss Russian Military 1702 UNID/50/250 Cipher. (25Feb05) (RGA) 06993.85 MFJ03: Sea Cadet Corps 1013 Sitor Fec/100bd (13/MAR/05) (KK) 06993.85 PHAS: Sea Cadet Corps 1014 Sitor Fec/100Bd (13/MAR/05) (KK) 06997.7 No Call: unid Helping Org. Prb. ICRC 1445 PI/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:TBIMB1> MB Tbilisi, GEO. P-III tfc (25/FEB/05) (KK) 06998.4 DEK25: German Red Cross Stuttgart 1400 PACTOR QRV? Sends Übung (exercise) message re 30-container train derailed in town. Signed KW-Stuttgart. Then opchat and QSY to 7000.7 for LSB voice chat. Freq 6998.46 kHz. (19Mar05) (RGA) 06998.6 DEK25: German Red Cross Stuttgart 1344 ARQ SELCALLS DMNR then sends long message in German to DEK99 (collective?) signed KW-Gruppe Stuttgart. QSLd by DEK26 in simplex. SK. Frequency 6998.63 kHz. (19Mar05) (RGA) 07018 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 1510 REVS/50/1000 Idling. (28Feb05) (RGA) 07018.0 REA4: AFHQ Moscow RUS 17:43 F1B/50/1000 idling with 24 Pagina 252 07038.7 07038.7 07039 07039 07039 07041 07310.0 07324.0 07360.0 07390 07429 07500.0 07502 07502 07502.0 07502.0 07508 07508 07520.0 07527 07527.0 07535.0 07600.5 07630.0 07632 07632 07644.2 07646.0 07661.6 07671.5 07696.7 07703 07710.0 07739.0 07739.0 07739.0 WUN-v11 milisecond mark and 16 miliseconds space signal 11feb05 (PPA) D: MX Beacon Odessa 1515 CW //8494.7 (28Feb05) (RGA) UNID: 0406 CW / "D" Beacon (19/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) C: MX Beacon Moscow 0650 CW //10872 13528 16332 20049. (14Mar05) (WC) D: MX Beacon Odessa 0650 CW //10872 13528 16332. (14Mar05) (WC) P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad CW (17Mar05) (WC) ..MR: Russian Military 2241 CW ZJZ ZLB ZZG QYT4 K. (15Mar05) (RGA) 705: (unidentified): 1254 USB/ALE TO 705A (unidentified). Also noted on 05800.0. 02/26 RP3 AFA1BQ: & AFA1CQ, USAF MARS net: 1652 USB voice. Possible MT63 just prior to voice contacts (22/FEB/05) (JLM) G23280: (prob CH-47 helo, "F" Coy, 1/131st Avn, AL NG Birmingham AL): 0110 USB/ALE TO G24502 (prob CH-47 helo, "F" Coy 1/131st Avn, AL NG Birmingham AL). Also noted on 08040.0. 02/12 RP3 06911.5 P5Z101: (5/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY): 0117 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2201 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Feb05) (RGA) 682: M87 1400 CW 682 682 91 91 (R) = = 058 058 20 20 = = a3t3u duau3 n76t5 ... (07Mar05) (IB) TRUENO: (unidentified): 0527 USB/ALE sounding. 03/10 RP3 BY11: Callng HN22 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:55:52 26feb05 (MAL). BY11: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:03:18 26feb05 (MAL). BI21: Algerian Nat Guard? ALE/USB TO HN22 17:51:45 11Mar05 (MAL) BI21: Algerian Nat Guard? ALE/USB TO HN22 18:11:04 11Mar05 (MAL) ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0940 RTTY/75/170 Wx //13538 & 4014. (08/Mar/05) (RH2) ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 1120 FAX/120/576 Sea level pressures 5-day forecast (08/Mar/05) (RH2) #’s: Unidentified QTH 0911z Jan 28, 2005 USB SS/YL 5f, pauses at times [SN] D47: US CBP P-3 AEW&C Reg N147CS/BuNo 152722 Jacksonville AMB FL 2316 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Feb05) (RGA) TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1051 17/03/05 ale clg TYMV2 [sw] MAYPORT SESEF: & NORFOLK SESEF in comms with each other testing ANDVT: 1510 USB voice.(03/MAR/05) (JLM) TANGO 11: CHARLIE calling SIERRA? for radio check. Probably US Army: 1306 USB voice. (23/FEB/05)(JLM) ---: UNID 1845 RTTY 200/N/500 Repeated string (assuming figs) "00000++++++++++162)5761" until 1847. Idles on mark then 1848z offair (11/Mar)(DW) 020180??: C-17 00-0180 1940 ALE/USB wkg GTL Thule HFGCS ?? (05Mar05) (SA) 523561: KC135 62-3561 1526 ALE/USB Sounds (11Mar05) (SA) RFVI: FF LE PORT 1901 ARQ/E3 100/E/400 8rc. Tfc in 5 ltr groups. Ccct [RUN]. 2nd 5ltr grp msg. (11/Mar)(DW) DDH7: HAMBURG MET 1836 RTTY 50/N/450 Met tfc SYNOP(AAXX) (11/Mar)(DW) SAMAWAH: New Iraqi National Guard As Samawah 1514 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (26/FEB/05) (KK) fdg: : FAF Bordeaux 1441 rtty 50/400 (13 Feb 05) (wp3) LTL4: Argentine Army 1240 CW clg LTL, LTL2, LTL3, LTL4, LTL5, LTL6,LTL7, LTL8, (18/02/05) (AJP) G8D: Unid, Male Op 1900 USB 27-group EAM. (22Feb05) (CC) 169: unid 2233 USB ALE clg 171 (02/MAR/05) (KK) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1916 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) HAMRAGPL: Algerian Oil&Gas Haoud el Hamra 1927 ALE/LSB snd(17/03/05) (ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1931 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) Pagina 253 WUN-v11 07739.0 MEDER30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Medera 1715 ALE/LSB snd (18/03/05) (ZE) 07739.0 OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1914 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) 07739.0 RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1930 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) 07746.3 : UNID 2015 COQ-8 encryped trafic (24/02/05) (LC) 07756.7 no call: Egyptian embassy Rome I 18:03 Sitor-A/100/170 5 characterHexadecimal groups to "71" 11feb05 (PPA) 07771.5 L2C: PNA Buenos Aires 0450 FEC Wx/SS (21/Feb/05) (RH2) 07777.0 D30: (possibly Mexican Army 30th Inf Bn, Guadalupe): 1109 USB/ALE TO=DIAMANTE (unidentified, Mexican Army). 02/22 RP3=20 07787.2 NAV3: Unid 0100 RTTY/50/170 Other calls: PD, S912, 13S912, 42S912, 52S912, 47S912, 15NAV3. Believe they were not American or they were American & playing a role as being against American assets in an exercise. (20Feb05) (AD) 07805 HI1LL: US FEMA Region 1 Hillsborough NH 2210 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Feb05) (RGA) 07809.0 YLA: 1203 USB ALE clg 2Y9 (01/MAR/05) (KK) 07811.0 QTH?: Unidentified QTH 0208z JAN 30, 2005 USB AFRS program with PSA information at 0230z [SN] 07816.7 : Unid Egyptian Diplo 2022 ARQ Long period of IRS then opchat and gone. (28Feb05) (RGA) 07823.0 Chilean Ny: 2215 USB SS Unid stn sending 5LG (12/02/05) (AJP) 07840.0 F1F: unid 0817 USB/ALE F1F clng F4R (07-mar-2005)(MSM) 07840.0 MO6: 1158 USB ALE clg QK3 (01/MAR/05) (KK) 07846.2 : UNID MIL GBR? 0750 PICCOLO-12 encryped trafic (23/02/05) (LC) 07895.7 FN Brest: 0437 ARQ-E3 100/400 Betas (12/02/05) (AJP) 07903.5 DN1: - FBI, Denver, Colorado, USA: 1343 USB/ALE TO LV1 - FBI, LasVegas, Nevada, USA, with AMD and command [AMD ...] [[CMD 61 7F 7F]][AMD D.1][E]. 2005-03-08 (MM) 07903.5 DN: - FBI, Denver, Colorado, USA: 1143 USB/ALE TO LV1 - FBI, LasVegas, Nevada, USA, with command [CMD 61 7F 7F]. 2005-03-08 (MM) 07903.5 LR1: (FBI, Little Rock AR): 0320 USB/ALE TO GM1(FBI, Guam??). 03/07 RP3 07903.5 LR1: (FBI, Little Rock, AR): 0443 USB/ALE TO MM1 (FBI, Miami FL). 03/07 RP3 07903.5 LR1: (FBI, Little Rock, AR): 0444 USB/ALE TO HN1(FBI, Houston TX). 03/07 RP3 07905.0 W47: (unidentified): 0117 USB/ALE TO TRT (unidentified). 02/26 RP3 07941.4 No Call: unid 0254 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:WPTG385>: Sailmail Corpus Christi, TX, no cnt (28/FEB/05) (KK) 07945.0 No Call: unid 0531 Rtty 50Bd/500Hz (03/MAR/05) (KK) 07957 AAA: Israeli AF 2040 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Mar05) (RGA) 07968 : Russian Military 1537 MS-5/4800/USB QRJ IMI. QRJ3 K. Morse on tone 3. QSX is 7874 kHz. QRJ3 SK and offair 1600. (28Feb05) (RGA) 07969.0 HR: Algerian Oil&Gas Hassi R´mel 1952 ALE/USB snd (18/03/05) (ZE) 07992 DKL: UK Military Dkhelia CYP? 2108 ALE/USB Sounds. (25Feb05) (RGA) 08000.0 0200: Unid 1904 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg 0811 [sw] 08000.0 0200: Unid 1930 (19/03/05) ale/usb clg 1100 [sw] 08004.5 : Unid 1926 REVS/100/180 (28Feb05) (RGA) 08017.5 ZSC: Globe Wireless Cape Town 1127 GW-PACTOR/100/200 //16816. (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 08040.0 CGOOPS: (unidentified US Army Avn unit): 0001 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 08040.0 CGOOPS: (unidentified, Cargo Ops ???): 1848 USB/ALE TO CGO25 (unidentified). 03/03 RP3 08040.0 T1Z131: (1/131st Avn, AL NG, Birmingham AL): 2139 USB/ALE sounding. 03/03 RP3 Pagina 254 WUN-v11 08058.0 CENTR2: Rom-Mfa Bucharest 0942 17/03/05 ale clg ZPO [sw] 08058.0 ZPO: Rom-Mfa 0942 17/03/05 ale clg CENTR2 Bucharest [sw] 08058.6 CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1310 ALE/USB wg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (04Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KVX45 US Embassy ?? 1437 ALE/USB wkg KWA54 US Embassy ?? (10Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1304 ALE/USB wkg KWX56 US Embassy ?? (23Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1307 ALE/USB wkg KVX56 US Embassy ?? (16Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWS92: US Embassy ?? 0939 ALE/USB wkg KWS93 US Embassy in ALE+Voice for radio check, L&C (23Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 KWS93:US Embassy?? 0913 ALE/USB wkg KWX57 US Embassy (23Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 KWT49: US Embassy ?? 1015 ALE/USB wkg KWX90 US Embassy ?? (18Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWT49: US Embassy ?? 1410 ALE/USB wkg KWW25 US Embassy ?? (17Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWT49: US Embassy ?? 1502 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (17Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWT49: Usa-Mfa unid 1354 17/03/05 ale clg KMN95 [sw] 08058.6 KWT49: Usa-Mfa unid 1356 17/03/05 J3e Usb wkg KWX92 for rdo chk. New antenna installed at KWT49 site. [sw] 08058.6 KWT49: Usa-Mfa unid 1356 17/03/05 ale clg KWX92 [sw] 08058.6 KWT49: Usa-Mfa unid 1359 17/03/05 ale clg KWT51 [sw] 08058.6 KWT49: Usa-Mfa unid 1402 17/03/05 ale clg KEH38 [sw] 08058.6 KWT90: US Consulate Frankfurt 0934 ALE/USB wkg KWT93 US Embassy ?? (17Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWT93: US Embassy ??0825 ALE/USB wkg KWT97 US Embassy (03Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWT93: US Embassy?? 0805 ALE/USB wkg KWT97 US Embassy?? (17Feb05) (SA) 08058.6 KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0914 ALE/USB wkg KWS78 US Embassy ?? in ALE+VOICE for Radi Check (02Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWX90: US Embassy ?? 1417 ALE/USB wkg KWT50 US Embassy ?? ALE+VOICE for Radio Check (02Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWX90:US Embassy ??1411 ALE/USB wkg KWT51 US Embassy ?? ALE & VOICE for Radio Check and Authentication: (silence) then "Code books are still in safe!!". reply "Try again next week. Might be a good idea to get them out before you go on air next time" (16Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWX92: US Embassy ?? 1310 ALE/USB wkg KWB48 US Embassy ?? ALE+VOICE for Radio Check and Chat (02Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 KWX92: Usa-Mfa unid 1356 17/03/05 ale clg KWT49 [sw] 08058.6 KXV45: US Embassy ?? 1317 ALE/USB wkg KWA43 US Embassy ?? ALE+VOICE for Radio Check, joined on Freq by KVX50 req Radio Check on Channel 3. (02Mar05) (SA) 08058.6 WNG740: (US Dept of State): 1844 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 08058.6 WNG831: UNID 1619 ALE/USB wkh KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (10Mar05) (SA) 08060 CS003B: Macedonian Mil ? 1036 ALE/USB to RS006B (11/Mar/05) (ZE) 08060 RS0013: Macedonian Mil ? 1137 ALE/USB to CS003 (11/Mar/05) (ZE) 08060.0 CS003: Macedonia Mil 1023 17/03/05 ale clg RS0014 [sw] 08060.0 CS0: Macedonia Mil 1030 17/03/05 ale clg RS0016 [sw] 08060.0 RS0013: Macedonia Mil 0934 17/03/05 ale clg CS0 [sw] 08085.6 KWX90: US Embassy ?? 1414 ALE/USB wkg kwt51 US Embassy ?? (23Feb05) (SA) 08085.6 WNG831: UNID 1721 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (02Mar05) (SA) 08097 : Spanish Number Station USB 1830 (22Feb05) (CC) 08098.3 No Call: prb. CNDT, Algerian Customs 2100 P-I/ Ham/200Bd (11/MAR/05) (KK) 08101.5 T1Z: unid US Army station 18:39 ALE/USB incomplete Pagina 255 08120.0 08122.4 08125 08135 08135.0 08136.0 08146.0 08171.5 08176.0 08176.0 08180.0 08180.0 08191.7 08280 08280.0 08280.0 08294.0 08294.0 08297.0 08333.5 08333.5 08382.0 08397.0 08414.0 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 WUN-v11 callsign (QRM 4XZ) calling R23 10mar05 (PPA) Canete: Unid 2257 USB SS OM clg "H4" Bolivian acent (05/03/05) (AJP) Unid: Bolivian Police 2300 USB SS radiograms (05/03/05) (AJP) : Italian Fishing Net 1700 USB From Sicily. (15Mar05) (AB2) AAA: Israeli AF 2019 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Feb05) (RGA) AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 0205 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07848.0. 02/14 RP3 no call: Cuban intel (V2) 08:50 J3E SS YL Attencion + 5F msg 20feb05 (PPA) Unid: Russian mil 2330 CW 5FG Cut 0 Strong sig. (not FSK) (05/03/05) (AJP) R01651: (prob UH-60A): 1604 USB/ALE TO T4Z101 (4/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY). Also noted on 09081.5. 03/03 RP3 VMC: charleville met 0856 USB ee wx forecast Feb26 05 ML unid: pirate qso?? 0900 USB russ Feb27 05 ML STA: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 0808 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT21 (10/Mar)(DW) STAT152: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 0825 MIL.STD 1881-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT21 (07/Mar)(DW) 9MR: Malay Navrad 1706 RTTY/50/850 "Fm KD Malaya to KPA5102' - Admin Msgs (08/Mar/05) (RH2) PNF: Unid Venezualan Navy 0435 ALE/USB Clg BRIFFRI5/Brigada Fluvial Franz Risquez Irbarren and BRIUFR?A/unID). Long long long long callup to short call BRI before SINAD report request passed, no further tfc. Very weak sig. (01Mar05) (BC2) 7RC4: (unidentified): 1217 LSB/ALE TO T5L (unidentified) Also noted on 09075.0 LSB. 02/15 RP3 PNRN5: (Venezuelan Riverine Naval Post): 0358 LSB/ALE TO BRIFFRI5 (Riverine Brigade (Brigada Fluvial) "Franz Risquez Iribarren"). 02/26 RP3 unid: ship 1451 USB russ Feb13 05 ML unid: ship 0902 USB polish phone dial Feb27 05 ML PNRN5: (Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#5, Rio Negro): 0133 LSB/ALE TO BRIFFRI5 (Venezuelan Riverine Brigade (Brigada Fluvial) "Franz Risquez Iribarren"). 03/02 RP3 0EV: unid prob GER MIL 1209 USB/Voice egnlish with germanaccent,comms 1side copied, "Zero Echo Victor..." (09-mar-2005)(MSM) drdk: german navy submarine "U17" S 196 0842 usb qso dhj59 (26feb 05) (wp3) PWZ-33: BN Rio de Janeiro 0110 RTTY 200/200 News in Portuguese(23/02/05) (AJP) unid: ship 0909 ARQ ucor?? Mar06 05 ML ---: SHIP UNID 1421 rtty 50/R/170 Tfc in 3sc. Offair on completion, no csgn (01/Mar)(DW) 477915000: M/V Elisabeth Schulte 14:05 (VRXD3 Container) test with 2191000 Lyngby Radio. 12mar05 (RPA) 9HXD6: Zim Keelung 0653 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message alleging KWK Genesis/9VWQ suffers fire and explosion at posn 3934N 01358E. (10Mar05) (APB) : Unid MRCC (003660003 USA) 1933 GMDSS Acks apparent distress message allegedly from Greek vessel Superfast VII/SWFC, in undesignated distress at 5949N 02256E. (13Mar05) (APB) : Unid MRCC (Panama) 0647 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from Welfare Diana/J8B2065 allegedly disabled and adrift at posn 2012S 03555E. (05Mar05) (APB) : Unid Vessel (MMSI 319827000) 0352 GMDSS Relays alleged distress message apparently from TCNE/Cemil Taman, allegedly in unspecified distress at 3811N 01245E. (24Feb05) (APB) : Unid Vessel 1010 GMDSS Relays unlikely distress message alleging unspecified distress by an unknown Irish vessel at 5346N 00533W. (02Mar05) (APB) Pagina 256 WUN-v11 08414.5 J8WI6: St Vincent Ship Fjordstone 0025 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from Dutch ship Lootsgracht/PFPT allegedly in unspecified distress at 3801N 01628E. (08Mar05) (APB) 08414.5 NMC: CAMSPAC Pt Reyes CA USA 1546 GMDSS Relays alleged undesignated distress msg from Singapore vessel Spring Wave/9VXB allegedly in distress at 3455N 15712E. (27Feb05) (APB) 08414.5 NMO: MRCC Honolulu/Almeda 0735 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message allegedly from Panamanian-flagged vessel Fantom/3EMW6 at position 2906N 06228W. Received with cheksum error. (10Mar05) (APB) 08414.5 NMO: MRCC Honolulu/MRCC Alameda 0955 GMDSS Relays supposed distress message from unid Liberian-flagged vessel allegedly in unspecified distress at 1622N 11303E. (02Mar05) (APB) 08414.5 PFPT: SHIP LOOTSGRACHT 0024 DSC 100/E/170 Distress call. MMSI 245828000. Undesignated. Posn 38.01N 16.28E (Ionian Sea) (08/Mar)(DW) 08414.5 ZLM: RCC Lower Hutt NZL 1200 GMDSS Relays alleged distress msg from illegal/unlisted vessel (MMSI 366928330) allegedly in distress at 1039S 16602W. (28Feb05) (APB) 08416.0 IAR: Rome Radio naval CW every 10 sc. 6Mar05(MAL) 08417.5 XSV: TIANJIN RADIO 1404 CW Chan free marker "XSV" (18/Mar)(DW) 08421.0 LZW: Varna Radio Bulgary CW y fec 6Mar05 (MAL) 08421.5 LZW: Varna Radio 1045 SITOR-B tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08423.0 SVO: Olympia Radio Greece CW marker 6Mar05(MAL) 08424 SVO: OlympiaRadio Athens 1342 FEC News in Greek. (24Feb05) (RGA) 08424.0 SVO4: OLYMPIA RADIO 1408 CW Chan free marker "de SVO". qrm from 170Hz 50bd F1b reversals on same frequency (18/Mar)(DW) 08424.4 SVO: Olympia Radio 2138, SITOR-B, meteo in english (17-feb-2005)(MSM) 08425.5 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1413 arq 100/E/170 Wkng ships. Too weak to decode (18/Mar)(DW) 08428.0 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1429 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (18/Mar)(DW) 08429.0 IDR: Italian Navy Roma CARB Broadcast IGJ/IDR rtty 75/850 6Mar05 (MAL) 08429.0 IDR: Italian Navy Roma CARB Broadcast IGJ/IDRrtty 75/850 6Mar05 (MAL) 08429.5 IDR4: IN ROME 1421 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB, and Legenda (18/Mar)(DW) 08430.0 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1417 fec 100/E/170 Stn info "cw de 3756"/tfc list. qrm from space tone of IDR4 (18/Mar)(DW) 08430.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1427 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (18/Mar)(DW) 08430.0 TAH: Istambul Radio Turkey CW marker 6Mar05(MAL) 08431.5 UAT: Moscow Radio 1200 SITOR-B tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08433.0 TAH: Istambul Radio Turkey CW marker 6Mar05(MAL) 08434.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1431 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (18/Mar)(DW) 08435 XSQ: GuangzhouRadio PRC 1932 ARQ w/Morse ID. (28Feb05) (RGA) 08435.0 RLK7: arkhangelsk id 0905 FEC/uos very long txt with pers lists Feb2705 ML 08435.0 XSQ: GUANGZHOU RADIO 1434 arq 100/E/170 Wkng ship. Too weak to decode. Reverts to chan free marker "XSQ" (18/Mar)(DW) 08438.0 PBC: Neth. Navy Goeree Island PCB CARBBroadcast. rtty 75/850 6Mar05 (MAL) 08445.0 HEB03: Bern Radio, SUI CW marker 6Mar05 (MAL) 08446 ZSC: CapeRadio SAF 1933 GLOBEDATA Idling. (28Feb05) (RGA) 08452.0 RFFMEA: Naviter France Sud, FN La Regine rtty75/850 6Mar05 (MAL) Pagina 257 WUN-v11 08453.0 RFFMEA: F Ny 0744 ITA-2 75/850 Ry (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08475.3 FUX: FN Le Port 1656 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID/QRV etc (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 08475.5 FUX: FN Le Port REU 0125 RTTY/75/850 Testing. (28Feb05) (WC) 08483.0 HEB04: Bern Radio, SUI CW marker 6Mar05 (MAL) 08484 HLG: SeoulRadio KOR 1936 CW CQ marker. (28Feb05) (RGA) 08494.7 D: MX Beacon Odessa 1939 CW (28Feb05) //7038.7 (RGA) 08495 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 0651 CW //7039 10872. (14Mar05) (WC) 08549.0 UCE: Arkhangelsk Radio 0748 SITOR-A tfc (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08550 CTP PN Lisbon 1403 RTTY/75/850 To NAWS. (18Mar05) (PF) 08550,0 CTP: Portugal Navy Lisboa NATO rtty 75/8506Mar05 (MAL) 08550.0 CTP: Portugal Navy Lisboa NATO rtty 75/8506Mar05 (MAL) 08551.5 CTP: NATO Portugal 0752 ITA-2 75/850 NAWS (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08563.0 Unid: rtty 50/850 6Mar05 (MAL) 08570.5 UWS3: Kiev Radio 1220 cw tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08582.0 PNFA1: (Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#1, Rio Orinoco-Apure): 0844 LSB/ALE TO BRIFFRI1(Venezuelan Riverine Brigade (Brigada Fluvial) "Franz Risquez Iribarren"). 03/02 RP3 08589.0 SAB: GW Goeteborg Sweden 0xde idler and traffic 6Mar05 (MAL) 08600.0 SAB: GW Goeteborg Sweden 0xde idler and traffic 6Mar05 (MAL) 08604 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 1131 MFSK-32/54.3bd. //4032.7 & 6410 (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 08634 VTG 6: Mumbai India R. 2135 CW Callsign. (27-Feb-05) (DANI) 08636 HLW: Seoul Radio Korea 2130 CW Callsign. (27-Feb-05) (DANI) 08669.0 IAR: Rome Radio naval "vvv vvv vvv de iar ear iar k 4 8 12 16 22 mhz = we lsn 22 and reply on 17206.1 khz" 6Mar05 (MAL) 08669.0 IAR: Rome Radio naval "vvv vvv vvv de iar ear iar k 4 8 12 16 22 mhz = we lsn 22 and reply on 17206.1 khz" 6Mar05 (MAL) 08670.0 IAR: Rome Radio 0756 cw, vvv, working frequencies (04 Mar05)(HPT) 08685.0 Unid: rtty 50/850 6Mar05 (MAL) 08711 CYP: UK Military Cyprus 2028 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Feb05) (RGA) 08728.0 3AC: monaco 0839 USB ff work marie-sophie, petrel, marrakech...Feb26 05 ML 08734.0 SVO: Olympia Radio 1003 USB E/Gr callband (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08740.0 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1507 USB E/Dan tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 08761.0 CBV: Playa Ancha R 0255 USB SS Time signal announce. Off at 0300z (08/03/05) (AJP) 08776 DANDY DAN: Unid 0240 USB With 53 Character EAM. //6697 (01Mar05) (CC) 08788.0 WLO: Mobile, Alabama 1200z Jan 9, 2005 USB YL with station information broadcast [SN] 08788.0 WLO: mobile r ID 0922 USB yl wx forecast Mar06 05 ML 08816 52247: Russian Naval Aircraft 1228 CW QTC QQM (arrived at control zone) XLOS (at) 1227 RPT AL K to (inaudible) RJF94/Central Section Stn Moscow. RCB/Western Sector Stn also repeats back. (04Mar05) (RGA) 08816 RCB: Russian Naval Air Western Sector Stn 1339 CW Wkg aircraft 52247 who sends status msg QTO 1323 QRD XLLP XLOS QRE 1425 QAH 4200 QBD 5200 RPT AL K. RJF94 also copies repeats and QSLs the msg. (04Mar05) (RGA) 08816 RJC38: Russian Naval Air Northern Sector Station Murmansk 1256 CW Calls aircraft 52234 for QSAs. Aircraft inaudible. No apparent traffic. (04Mar05) (RGA) 08819 Aktyubinsk : WKG North Central Asia VOLMET 1838 USB (05Mar05) (MC) 08828 Auckland: WKG Pacific Region VOLMET 1653 USB (06Mar05) (MC) 08834 AY1956: Finnair B757 1928 HFDL Reports 5325N 04311E to ARINC Johannesburg. (03Mar05) (RGA) 08834 D-ALCG: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8270 1828 HFDL Posn 1050N 02007W. (02Mar05) (RGA) 08834 N552TZ: American Transair B757 Flt TZRCH8 1903 HFDL At Pagina 258 08834 08834 08834 08834 08858 08858.0 08858.0 08858.0 08858.0 08864 08906.0 08912 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 WUN-v11 4010N 03320E. (02Mar05) (RGA) SAA337: SAA Flights 337,575,362 & 620 1132 HFDL Posns to JNB with acks over next 20 mins (08/Mar/05) (RH2) SU0123: Aeroflot Flt 1851 HFDL Posn 5458N 02940E to ARINC Johannesburg. (02Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SFI: S.African Airways A319-100 1915 HFDL Logs on. Ex D-AVWR. ICAO C40D00. (02Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SNC: S.African Airways A340 1855 HFDL Logs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF 1827 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Feb05) (RGA) AA1: unid Israeli airforce 18:54 ALE/USB sounding 10mar05 (PPA) AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 0048 USB/ALE sounding. 02/26 RP3 AAA: ISR airforce Tel-Aviv ISR 18:58 ALE/USB sounding 10mar05 (PPA) TSM: presumed Israeli airforce 18:46 ALE/USB sounding 10mar05 (PPA) N608PM: Gulf-IV 2110 USB Posn report to GANDER RADIO 52N 30W at 2111 FL400. Est 52N 40W 2158. 50N 50W next. SELCAL ALMR. (12Mar05) (RGA) AEA051: 1700 Air Europa 051 request selcal FM-LQ to Santa Maria EC-IQAB763 USB 06/03 (PP1) FAASJU: FAA San Juan, PR 2000 ALE/USB (17Mar05) (CC) A6-ERG: Emirates A340 2307 HFDL Signs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330 2221 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0034 2157 HFDL Logs on. (25Feb05) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR1889 2233 HFDL At 2305N 08246E. (08Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACD: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0002 2251 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0332 2257 At 2528N 05507E. (06Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACH: Qatar Airways A330 2300 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) A7-CJB: Qatar Airways A319 Flt QR0702 2219 Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (09Mar05) (RGA) AFR827: Air France Flt 2217 HFDL Posn 0345N 00950E. (06Mar05) (RGA) CO0055: Continental Flt 2133 HFDL Posn 4657N 07020W to ARINC Las Palmas. (25Feb05) (RGA) F-GYAS: Aéro Services/Air France A319 2020 HFDL Logs on. (22Feb05) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' 2005 HFDL Logs on. (22Feb05) (RGA) G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' Flt VS0251 2205 HFDL Posn 5151N 00314W. (25Feb05) (RGA) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Madame Butterfly' 2215 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (06Mar05) (RGA) HP-1527: COPA B737 2308 HFDL Logs on. (09Mar05) (RGA) HP-1528: COPA B737 2226 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (06Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG251 2228 HFDL Posn 3123N 01137W. QSYs to 5544/Bahrain at 2244 from posn 2948N 013W. (08Mar05) (RGA) N19130: Continental B757 2229 HFDL Signs on. (08Mar05) (RGA) N270AV: USA3000 A320 'Cancun' 2237 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) N34131: Continental B757 Flt CO1951 2222 HFDL Posn 3643N 07227W. (06Mar05) (RGA) N543PA: Polar Air B747 2245 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) N613FE: Federal Express MD11 2149 HFDL Logs on and acks METAR for EINN/Shannon. (25Feb05) (RGA) N68159: Continental B767 2244 HFDL Logs on. (06Mar05) (RGA) OH-LBU: Finnair B757 Flt AY2369 2249 HFDL Posn 3959N 01108W. (06Mar05) (RGA) TZ764Y: American Transair Flt 2000 HFDL At 4004N Pagina 259 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948 08948.0 08948.0 08957 08965 08965 08965 08965 08965 08965 08965 08965.0 08965.0 08968 08977.0 08980 08983 08983 08983 08983 08983 08983 08987.0 08987.0 08992 09022.0 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 WUN-v11 03248E. (22Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWK: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0515 2005 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (22Feb05) (RGA) ZS-SNA: S.African Airways A340 Flt Flt SA0260 2234 HFDL At 0308N 02441E. (08Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SNF: S.African Airways A340 2227 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (08Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SNF: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0210 2138 HFDL Logs on. (25Feb05) (RGA) ZS-SXB: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0203 2135 HFDL Posn 0929S 00653E. (25Feb05) (RGA) --: Canarias 2120 hfdl 300bp/-- ACK codes (09/Mar/2005) (De Berti Paolo) ARINC 17: Canary Is. 2230 HFDL Squitters (AJP) Shannon VOLMET IRL 2219 USB (EIP) (01Mar05) (CC) 220104: C-17 02-1104 1403 ALE/USB wkg CRONPR Croughton NIPR NET (10Mar05) (SA) 221111: C-17 02-1111 0936 ALE/USB Sounds (10Mar05) (SA) 591501: KC-135 59-1501 1614 ALE/USB wkg HIKNPR Hickam NIPR NET (23Feb05) (SA) ICZNPR: Sigonella NIPR NET 1426 ALE/USB wkg CRONPR Croughton NIPR NET (08Mar05) (SA) ICZNPR: Sigonella NIPR NET 1620 ALE/USB wkg DL0003DAT E-3B 79-0003 (10Mar05) (SA) ICZNPR: Sigonella NIPR NET 1705 ALE/USB wkg CRONPR Croughton NIPR NET (03Mar05) (SA) PNR400: US DEA Bahamas 0807 ALE/USB Sounds (24Feb05) (SA) gaf: ?? 2019 USB ee end of comm Feb09 05 ML unid: gaf? 0842 USB end of trans Feb26 05 ML ADWSPR: Andrews SIR NET 2206 ALE/USB wkg E30352DAT E-3B 77-0352 (10Mar05) (SA) UP6727: 18:50 UP6727 UPS B767-300 Position 52.20,30N 11.59,9W HFDL 16feb05 (RP) NMH: USCG Alexandria, VA 2040 ALE/USB (17Mar05) (CC) Camslant Chesapeake: Clg H8T 1856 USB For flight report flight ops normal (AC unheard NOTHING on 5696) (01Mar05) (CC) Coast Guard 1502: Clg Camslant Chesapeake 1828 USB Flight ops normal position 3658N 7638W. (01Mar05) (CC) Coast Guard 2140: Clg Camslant Chesapeake 1829 USB Flight ops normal 2905N 8123W. (01Mar05) (CC) USCG 2117: HU-25A 2042 USB Wkg Camslant for a radio check. (17Mar05) (CC) USCG 2117: HU-25A 2127 USB Wkg Camslant for radio guard. (17Mar05) (CC) Z5C: US DEA? 1817 USB Cancels guard. Flight ops normal. (20Feb05) (JG) Unid: rtty 75/850 EAM: 09142 Unid: rtty 50/850 6Mar05 (MAL) Unid: rtty 75/850 EAM: 6MAR05 (mal) 86000021: C-5 86-0021 1644 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) US Navy: 2216 Link-11 (14/02/05) (AJP) 100445: C-5 70-0445 1018 ALE/USB Self Test (02Mar05) (SA) 100445: C-5 70-0445 1623 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS with ALE init PP,s to [AMD]CCCCPTAENNNN "Hilda East" and [AMD]CCCCPTAWNNNN "Hilda West" both unsuccessful. (02Mar05) (SA) 120: UNID 1736 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (06Mar05) (SA) 160015 C-5 86-0015 1607 ALE/USB wkg AED Elmendorf HF-GCS (11Mar05) (SA) 160020: C-5 86-0020 1310 ALE/USB Sounds (17Mar05) (SA) 160020: C-5 86-0020 2146 ALE/USB Self Test (27Feb05) (SA) 170034: C-5 87-0034 2327 ALE/USB Self Test (10Mar05) (SA) 190005 C-5 69-0005 1014 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (19Feb05) (SA) 190026: C-5 69-0026 1452 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (18Mar05) (SA) Pagina 260 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 WUN-v11 200176: C-17 00-0176 1216 ALE/USB Self Test (20Feb05) (SA) 200176: C-17 00-0176 2051 ALE/USB wkg 491??? KC-10 ???(13Mar05) (SA) 200179: C-17 00-0179 1534 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (04Mar05) (SA) 200179: C-17 00-0179 1349 ALE/USB Sounds (27Feb05) (SA) 200182:C-17 00-0182 2047 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) 210187: C-17 01-0187 1411 ALE/USB Sounds (12Mar05) (SA) 210193: C-17 01-0193 1914 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (25Feb05) (SA) 210194: C-17 01-0194 1718 ALE/USB wkg AED Elmendorf HF-GCS (15Mar05) (SA) 221106: C-17 02-1106 1117 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (14Mar05) (SA) 250107: C-17 95-0107 1736 ALE/USB wkh ADW Andrews HF-GCS (08Mar05) (SA) 270043: C-17 97-0043 (Rch 9743)0845 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCPGBLNNNN ??? " No tones or ring tones after the AMD only the Op trying to raise Croughton in voice. So possibly GBL may be another ALE address for Croughton???? (02Mar05) (SA) 280054: C-17 98-0054 2050 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS with ALE int PP to [AMD]CCCCD86732100NNNN Charleston phone ops,broken unreadable (22Feb05) (SA) 290168: C-17 99-0168 1737 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCPCRONNNN Croughton "unreadable" (26Feb05) (SA) 40192: KC-10 82/84-0192 Rch-332Y 1115 ALE/USB wkg CR0 Croughton HF-GCS ALE & VOICE for 1700 WX at UAF? poss "Kyrgyzstan" (16Mar05) (SA) 40192: KC-10 84-0192 (Rch-983) 1341 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (19Feb05) (SA) 401951 KC-10 79-1951 1246 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (18Mar05) (SA) 500351: KC-135 60-0351 0828 ALE/USB wkg TAG Incirlik HF-GCS?? (03Mar05) (SA) 523580: KC-135 62-3580 1450 ALE/USB Sounds (05Mar05) (SA 538871: KC-135 63-8871 1950 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton (11Mar05) (SA) 571453: KC0-135 57-1453 1714 ALE/USB Self Test (19Feb05) (SA) 580047: KC0135 58-0047 1710 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (23Feb05) (SA) 705: UNID 0908 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (19Feb05) (SA) 770126: MC-130H 87-0126 1220 ALE/USB Self Test (20Feb05) (SA) AA1: UNID 0829 ALE/USB Sounds (25Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 2126 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (23Feb05) (SA) AED: Elmendorf HF-GCS 0911 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (25Feb05) (SA) AED: Elmendorf HF-GCS 1950 ALE/USB wkg 40190 KC-10 84-0190 (23Feb05) (SA) B69:UNID 2023 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) CEC: UNID 0908 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (02Mar05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1511 ALE/USB WKG PLA Lajes HF-GCS ALE&VOICE for Radio Check (15Mar05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1130 ALE/USB wkg 491713 KC-10 79-1713 (24Feb05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1303 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (17Feb05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1506 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (13Mar05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 2121 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (26Feb05) (SA) Pagina 261 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09025.0 09047 09050.0 09058 09060 09060.0 09062.0 09075.0 09077.0 WUN-v11 CROSPR:Croughton SIPR NET 1328 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (08Mar05)M(SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1116 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (27Feb05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1325 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (13Mar05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 0918 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1314 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (25Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1700 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (04Mar05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1705 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (22Feb05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1905 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (01Mar05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1907 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (26Feb05) (SA) JNR: Lajes HF-GCS 2108 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (17Mar05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 0907 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (02Mar05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1111 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (01Mar05) (SA) UKE303: RAF E-3 ZH103 1304 ALE/USB wkg UKE306 RAF E-3 ZH106 (22Feb05) (SA) UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 NATO-10 1341 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS ALE & VOICE "Are you ready to recieve one text message (AMD) for training" no more heard (15Mar05) (SA) 190005: (C-5 # 69-0005, 337th AS, Westover AFB MA): 1906 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 ADW: (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB): 1538 USB/ALE TO 491710 (KC-10 # 70-1710, 305th AMW, McGuire AFB NJ). 02/12 RP3 13215.0 170041: (C-5 # 87-0041, 9th AS, Dover AFB): 1549 USB/ALE sounding. 02/13 RP3 ADW: (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB): 1908 USB/ALE TO B69 (unidentified). 02/28 RP3 ADW: (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB): 2201 USB/ALE TO E30352 (E-3B AWACS # 77-77-0352, Tinker AFB). May be Sentry 61 noted above. 02/24 RP3 11175.0 Elmendorf: (very weak): 2256 USB w/Reach 1009 in pp w/unheard station. Reach 1009 requests assistance since most of their navaids are out of commission. Reach 1009 passes position as 2250N/3311W. 02/24 RP3 F41: (HU-25 # 2141, CGAS Cape Cod): 1934 USB/ALE TO ADW (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB). 02/28 RP3 GS2: (unidentified): 2039 USB/ALE TO ADW (USAF GSC, Andrews AFB). GS2 also noted in ALE w/Offutt AFB on this freq. 02/28 RP3 icz: 15:06 ICZ USAF/NAS Sigonella with Sounding ALE 16feb05 (RP) : Unid Prob FAPSI 1956 RTTY/75/500 5LGs. Morse opchat: NIL K. OK 5M. V OM. SEE = 11166 000 12729. R. Nothing heard 11166 and 12729 kHz. (28Feb05) (RGA) CRSSIL: (Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, probably Cedar Rapids, IA): 0943 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13850.0; 15760.0 & 18610.0. 02/14 RP3 JDG: USN Diego Garcia 1628 LINK-11 Not sure of this one- AJP can you confirm pls? (24/Feb/05) (RH2) : NATO Tactical Air Defence Data System 2003 LINK-11/2250/USB. (28Feb05) (RGA) US Navy Diego Garcia: 2220 Link-11 (14/02/05) (AJP) PULI: unid CIS military 08:45 A1A accented 5L QTC to FBMJ duplextraffic unknown QSX 20feb05 (PPA) PNME2: (Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#2, Rio Meta): 1137 LSB/ALE TO BRIFFRI2 (Venezuelan Riverine Brigade (Brigada Fluvial) "Franz Risquez Iribarren"). 03/02 RP3 UNID: STATION IDLING @ 21:00 & STILL GOING ARQ-E3 Pagina 262 09081.5 09081.5 09081.5 09090.0 09095.2 09110 09110.0 09111.7 09111.7 09118.7 09142.0 09150.5 09155 09165.0 09189.7 09190 09190 09190 09198.0 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 WUN-v11 100/400 25feb05 (R) KFMHNG: (prob 1/126th Avn, MA NG, Otis ANGB, MA): 1420 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 R00367: (prob UH-60A/L): 1607 USB/ALE TO T7Z101(&/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY). Also noted on 06911.5. 03/03 RP3 R24324: (prob UH-60A/L): 1603 USB/ALE TO T7Z101(7/101st Avn, Ft Campbell KY. R24324 also noted in ALE w/R00367 & R01650. 03/03 RP3 LCR154: unid Polish military 09:00 ALE/USB Sounding TWS LCR154 12feb05 (PPA) FN Dakar: 2230 Stanag4285 (14/02/05) (AJP) : USCG Boston 2158 FAX/120/576 (27-Feb-05) (DANI) NMF: uscg boston 0927 FAX better lsb?? pressure chart Feb27 05 ML : FF Cayenne 2148 ARQ-E3/192bd Traffic encryp. (27-Feb-05) (DANI) rflig: FF Cayenne 2316 arq-e3/192/383/8 vzczcugi003 oo paris de=rflig 059 0609 1 znr uuuuu zft igu 002 nnnn (27 Feb 05) (wp3) : Unid Egyptian Diplo 2005 ARQ Long period of IRS then ATU80 opchat yks yks and goes off the air. (28Feb05) (RGA) Unid: rtty 50/850 6Mar05 (MAL) Rusian Mil: 2242 MS5 12 tones + 3300Hz pilot tone(14/02/05) (AJP) : M08?/V02 0536 AM -vmF-Sp-5 numbers. (21Feb05) (WC) HLL: Seoul Meteo 1230 FAX 120 End of chart and off (16/02/05) (AJP) EGY Emb Ankara: 1430 SITOR-A msgs (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:09:19 26feb05 (MAL). 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:09:49 26feb05 (MAL). BY11: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:58:33 26feb05 (MAL). 4P0: (Chilean Navy): 0057 LSB/ALE TO CA2 (Chilean Navy). 02/26 RP3 1001: Callng 1109 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 16:18:06 26feb05 (MAL). 1001: Callng 1109 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 16:18:24 26feb05 (MAL). 1001: Callng 1304 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:04:49 26feb05 (MAL). 2001: Callng 2405 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 16:22:26 26feb05 (MAL). 07R: sounding AL2 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 27Feb05 08:09:56 26feb05 (MAL). 12A: sounding AL2 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 27Feb05 08:58:34 26feb05 (MAL). 1001: UNID 1632 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1308. 1637 clng 1309. 1642 clng 1311. 1647 clng 1312. 1651 clng 1313 (20/Feb)(DW) 1001: UNID 1816 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1313. 1828 clng 131 (20/Feb)(DW) 1001: Unid ALE/USB TO 1109 17:18:20 11Mar05 (MAL) 1102: UNID 1603 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1105: UNID 1925 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1107: UNID 1906 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1113: UNID 1920 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1308: UNID 1923 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1309: UNID 1859 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2517. 1919 sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 131: UNID 1917 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding Pagina 263 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09230 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 09230.0 WUN-v11 (20/Feb)(DW) 2001: UNID 0952 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2408. 1001 clng 2403 (20/Feb)(DW) 2002: UNID 1930 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 208: Singapure Navy vessel "Ressolution" ALE/USB 18:40:43 11Mar05 (MAL) 208: Singapure Navy vessel "Ressolution"ALE/USB TO TF1 18:40:39 11Mar05 (MAL) 2202: UNID 1936 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2205: UNID 1929 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2213: UNID 0953 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2213: UNID 1919 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 221: UNID 1112 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2404: UNID 1917 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2408: UNID 1932 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2409: UNID 1923 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Soundinbg (20/Feb)(DW) 240: UNID 1917 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2411: UNID 1920 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2412: UNID 1900 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2416: UNID 1940 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2417: UNID 1901 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2513: UNID 1933 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2515: UNID 1921 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2518: UNID 1909 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 251: UNID 1927 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2521: UNID 1920 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) LESKOVIKU: ALBANIAN ARMY LESKOVIKU 1920 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng SHEBENIKU (20/Feb)(DW) LESKOVIKU: ALGERIAN ARMY LESKOVIKU 1904 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng SHEBENIKU (21/Feb)(DW) T36MED: 36 Medical Company (Air Ambulance) US Army Deployed 1945 ALE/USB Sounds. (19Feb05) (RGA) R23698: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1632 17/03/05 ale clg R23453 [sw] R24655: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1606 17/03/05 ale clg T54AA [sw] T1159AA: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1607 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] T1Z159: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1624 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] T1Z189: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1613 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] T36MED: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1611 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] T50AA: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1612 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] T54AA: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1606 17/03/05 ale clg R24655 [sw] T571AA: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1627 17/03/05 ale Pagina 264 WUN-v11 sndg. [sw] 09230.0: R23453: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1632 17/03/05 ale clg R23698 [sw] 09230.0: T4Z123: Usa-Mil (poss deployed Iraq) 1632 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] 09232 AA1: Israeli AF Ben Gurion 1944 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Mar05) (RGA) 09251 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E03 2012 Old hag in tfc with 5FG. (28Feb05) (RGA) 09251 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E3 counting station 2105 USB 42118. (17Mar05) (CC) also noted on 6959 09262.0 unid: (ukr. mil =3F) 1541 rtty 50/488 =3Dkriptograma zwirajna=3D scr tfc ends with +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (27 Feb 05) (wp3) 09292.0 CIP46: Canadian Military: 1710 USB voice radio check (19/FEB/05) (JLM) 09293.5 VAF788: & CIP36, Canadian Military: 1712 USB ALE (19/FEB/05) (JLM) 09295 2004: Callng 2001 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 27Feb05 09:23:05 26feb05 (MAL). 09295 BI21: Callng HN22 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:55:12 26feb05 (MAL). 09295.0 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VT NG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 1421 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 09295.0 BI21: Algerian Nat Guard? ALE/USB TO HN22 17:51:04 11Mar05 (MAL) 09295.0 BI21: Algerian Nat Guard? ALE/USB TO HN22 18:10:23 11Mar05 (MAL) 09295.0 CVX: Unid. ALE/USB SND 18:17:08 11Mar05 (MAL) 09295.0 RVHNY: (NY NG, Riverhead NY): 1506 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 09315.0 HR: Alg-Oil/Gas, Hassi R'Mel, Alg 1136 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] 09380.0 GAVION: (Venezuelan Coast Guard patrol craft "Gavion" PC-401): 2256 LSB/ALE TO 8AV4 Unidentified station). 03/01 RP3 09840 249: M87 Variant 0130 CW 249 249 249 000 000 000 (repeated) (01Mar05) (IB) 09996.0 RWM: TS MOSCOW 1432 CW Steady carrier phase (09/Mar)(DW) 10045.0 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1852 CW Marker "vvv de 4XZ==" (25/Feb)(DW) 10046.0 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1442 CW Marker "vvv de 4XZ==" (09/Mar)(DW) 10046.0 4XZ: in haifa 1139 CW encr txt Feb26 05 ML 10051 NEWYORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 2017 USB OM with US airfield actuals. //6604 (28Feb05) (RGA) 10051 NEW YORK RADIO: VOLMET 0533 USB vmM-E-wx+id-RS:47. (21Feb05) (WC) 10052.5 unid: ?? 1454 ARQ selcal TVXQ?? Feb13 05 ML 10066 A6-ERE: Emirates A340 1706 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Hat Yai. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 A6-ERH: Emirates A340 1633 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Hat Yai. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 A7-ACH: Qatar Airways A330 1629 HFDL Logs on. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 1656 HFDL Logs on. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 B-6010: China Eastern A320-214 Flt MU5379 1644 HFDL At 2250N 11510E. ICAO ID FA059E. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 B-6050: China Eastern A340 Flt CES553 1659 HFDL Passes fuel performance data to ground. Bound Paris/Charles de Gaulle from Shanghai/Pu Dong. Then sends amended flight plan and more fuel data. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT0426 1836 HFDL Logs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) 10066 D-ALCH: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8398 1647 HFDL 4912N 02735E. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 I-LIVA: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG285 1656 HFDL 5002N 00834E. (27Feb05) 10830 T2Z238: 2-238 AVN US Army Tuzla BIH 1908 ALE/USB Sounding. (27Feb05) (RGA) 10066 LX-PCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Diekirch' 1631 HFDL Pagina 265 10066 10066 10066 10066 10066 10066 10066 10066.0 10081 10081 10081 10100.8 10130 10146.0 10149.2 10166.4 10183 10183 10183 10211.0 10211.0 10211.0 10211.0 10211.0 10244.0 10275 10281.3 10285.0 10285.0 10285.0 10297.5 10360 WUN-v11 Logs on. (27Feb05) (RGA) N14228: Continental B737 Flt CO0934 1626 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Hat Yai. (27Feb05) (RGA) N583HA: Hawaiian B767-33A(ER) " 'a " 1708 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Hat Yai. (02Mar05) (RGA) OH-LBO: Finnair B757 Flt AY2502 1749 HFDL At 5912N 01618E. (02Mar05) (RGA) OH-LBV: Finnair B757 1628 HFDL Logs on. (27Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWH: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0299 1648 HFDL Signs on. (27Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWH: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0299 1659 HFDL At 5553N 03530E. (27Feb05) (RGA) VP-BWO: Aeroflot A321 Flt SU0299 1642 HFDL Posn 5601N 03704E. (02Mar05) (RGA) ---: FLIGHT LH8409 1539 HFDL on usb. Log on rq to Hat Yai. ICAO E60E3C (09/Mar)(DW) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 VS0200 1502 HFDL Posn 1025S 12641E. Via S.Francisco. (19Feb05) (GB) SAA400: S.African Flt 0544 HFDL Posn 2629S 02856E. (19Feb05) (GB) ZS-SFI: S.African A319 SAA527 0442 HFDL Posn 2912S 03003E. (19Feb05) (GB) DDK9: HAMBURG MET 1652 RTTY 50/N/450 Met tfc SHIP (BBXX) (09/Mar)(DW) : Unid 2223 UNID/50/850 Encryp. ?? (27-Feb-05) (DANI) F5FJ: Ham 1115 USB/ALE clng F6ACU then switched to voice (20-feb-2005) APU25N: R/AM HF EMAIL NETWORK? 1555 AX25 300/-/200 R/am msgs. Includes METAR>2>APFMET, TCPIP,OZ5DIB-1 and mentions Denamrk Koebenhavn/Roskildi, Skrydstrup, Thisted Lufthavn, Vamdrup, Aalborg, Koebenhavn/Kastrup (09/Mar)(DW) VCT: Globe Wireless Tor's Cove NF CAN 2019 GLOBEDATA In traffic. (28Feb05) (RGA) 7OB(?): EAM bcasts 0016 USB (Prob S3D with post-0000z new day call) bcasting GVX6NT, FVRZXO (or FV42XO) and LAPPWH. (24 Feb 05) (JH) S3D: Unid, Female Op 1947 USB 27- and 12-group EAMs. (22Feb05) (CC) S3D: Unid. Female Op 2304 USB 27-, 12- and 31character EAMS: GVX6NT, FVR2XO, LAPPWH. (23 Feb 05) (JH) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1947 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05)(ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 2126 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) MEDER30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Medera 2037 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 2136 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1946 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05)(ZE) HR: ...INA sonatrach alg / hassir'mel... in amen 1445 ALE snd Feb2605 ML RNOUSLR1: Algerian Sonatrach Net Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline 2129 ALE/LSB Sounding here and on 10211 kHz LSB. (23Feb05) (RGA) No Call: unid prb. Helping Org. 1512 P-I/100Bd <Calling:BEL>: Prb. Belgrad, No Cnt. (22/FEB/05) (KK) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1823 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1815 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1827 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05)(ZE) : USCG Assumed 1504 Mil-Std 188-110 Serial 1200 S IL. (17Mar05) (AD) 006666: Turkish Net 2058 ALE/USB Calls 000002. (23Feb05) (RGA) Pagina 266 10360 10375.0 10390.0 10390.0 10390.0 10392 10392 10392 10428.0 10433.0 10500 10600 10610.9 10611.0 10648.0 10658 10691.5 10711.0 10715.0 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10733.6 10735.0 10808 10837.0 10840.0 10840.0 10871.8 WUN-v11 006666: Turkish Net 2122 ALE/USB Calls 000002. (04Mar05) (RGA) BUZ: MOI Roumanian POL Buzau 0904 ALE/USB to BU4 (18/03/05) (ZE) 1001: Ita-Pol 1532 17/03/05 ale clg 1107 [sw] 1305: Ita-Pol 1547 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] 2407: Ita-Pol 1553 17/03/05 ale clg 2001 [sw] AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1807 ALE/USB snd tws (09/Mar/05) (ZE) CYP: RSC UK Episkopi, CYP 1723 ALE/USB snd tws (09/Mar/05) (ZE) DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1723 ALE/USB snd tws (09/Mar/05) (ZE) Unid: US Navy 1114 Stanag4481 Stockton Strong signal (08/03/05) (AJP) Unid: Chinese 4+4 LSB 1109 (08/03/05) (AJP) : Unid 0735 CW Vibroplex. Sent odd commands: 7d64 6n67 d4dt taa4 ii 7d64 6n67 d4dt taa4 ii 7d64 6n67 d4dt taa4 ii ... (25Feb05) (IB) CRC2M: Regional Command Centre 2nd Military Region Venezuelan Army 2111 USB Calls CLC25M/Unid. (May be corrupt poor signal). (24Feb05) (RGA) : Moscow Meteo 1456 FAX/120/576 Poor contrast chart. Parameters uncertain. (19Mar05) (RGA) moscow met: 1508 FAX poor qual pressure chart Feb13 05 ML YHF: Mossad Tel-aviv ISR 18:30 USB YHF2 no message in parallel with9202 7mar05 (PPA) 2017: Turkish Red Crescent Net 2032 ALE/USB Sounding (24Feb05) (RGA) 812189: (helo, 160th SOAR Ft RUCKER AL): 2040 USB/ALE TO GRB (probably "C" Coy, 5/101st Avn,"Ghost Rider Base",Fort Campbell KY). 03/03 RP3 Link 11: 1647 USB (22/FEB/05) (JLM) #’s: Unidentified QTH 1233z Jan 9, 2005 USB SS/YL 5f . traffic not on until 1233z, carrier noted at 1220. fading in and out here [SN] KVX53:US Embassy ?? 1310 ALE/USB wkg KVX50 US Embassy ?? (16Mar05) (SA) KWT93 US Embassy ?? 1009 ALE/USB wkg KWT90 US Embassy/Consulate Frankfurt ??(10Mar05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1345 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (20Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 131 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (22Feb03) (SA) JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Diego Garcia 1840 ALE/USB Sounding. (27Feb05) (RGA) JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Diego Garcia BIOT 2018 ALE/USB Sounds on USSD freq. (24Feb05) (RGA) KWB48 US Embassy ?? 1125 ALE/USBB wkg KVX45 US Embassy ?? (03Mar05) (SA) KWP97: US Embassy ?? 1046 ALE/USB wkg KWI56A US Embassy ?? (23Feb05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0904 ALE/USB wkg KWT55 US Embassy ?? (23Feb05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ??0933 ALE/USB wkg KWT92 US Embassy ?? (17Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0914 ALE/USB wkg KWS78 US Embassy ?? (23Feb05) (SA) REA4: AFHQ Moscow RUS 07:29 F1B/50/1000 idling 20feb05 (PPA) : Russian Military 1452 MS-5/4800/BPSK/USB Cipher. (19Mar05) (RGA) Unid: 1303 Chinese 4+4 LSB CF = 1750 (18/02/05) (AJP) LESKOVIKU: Albanian military Leskoviku ALB 18:25 J3E Albanian O/Mworking Shebeniku 6mar05 (PPA) SHEBENIKU: Albanian military Shebeniku ALB18:22 ALE/USB callingLESKOVIKU for voice contact 6mar05 (PPA) P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 1450 CW With C on 10872. (19Mar05) (RGA) Pagina 267 10872 10872 10872 10923.0 10960.0 11126 11130.0 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11175 11175 11175 WUN-v11 C: MX Beacon Moscow 0654 CW //13528 16332 8495 7039. (01Mar05) (WC) C: MX Beacon Moscow 1451 CW With P on 10871.8 kHz. (19Mar05) (RGA) S: MX Beacon Arkhangelsk 1215 CW(21Feb05) (WC) ---: UNID 0700 NUM13 8/E/400 (Enigma desig XP) on usb. To/from? ID915. Tfc in 5 fig grps (08/Mar)(DW) FDG: French Airforce Bordeaux 1032 Rtty 50Bd/170Hz "Test de FDG....." (08/MAR/05) (KK) 8600012: C-5 86-0012 1128 ALE/USB Sounds (14Mar05) (SA) JAP: (unidentified): 2346 USB/ALE TO CHH (unidentified). 02/14 RP3 KVX53:US Embassy ?? 1322 ALE/USB wkg KWX99 US Embassy ?? (16Mar05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0948 ALE/USB wkg KWT91 US Embassy ?? (10Mar05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1309 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (28Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF0-GCS 1303 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (19Feb05) (SA) JDG: Doego Garcia HF-GCS 1758 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (25Feb05) (SA) JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Diego Garcia 1958 ALE/USB Sounding. (02Mar05) (RGA) KRN54:US Embassy ?? 1756 ALE/USB Sounds (15Mar05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1314 ALE/USB wkg KWW25 US Embassy ?? ALE & VOICE for Radio CHECK (16Mar05) (SA) KWA43: US Embassy ?? 1410 ALE/USB wkg KVX45 US Embassy ?? (18Mar05) (SA) KWA43:US Embassy ?? 1110 ALE/USB wkg KVX45 US Embassy ?? (24Feb05) (SA) KWA54: US Embassy ?? 1355 ALE/USB wkg KWA45 US Embassy ??(24Feb05) (SA) KWA: US Embassy ?? 1338 ALE/USB wkg KVX45 US Embassy ?? (11Mar05) (SA) KWP97: US Embassy ?? 1043 ALE/USB wkg KWP08 US Embassy ?? (23Feb05) (SA) KWS99: US Embassy ?? 1359 ALE/USB wkg KWV91 US Embassy ?? (04Mar05) (SA) KWT3: US Embassy ?? 0810 ALE/USB wkg KWT91 US Embassy (24Feb05) (SA) KWT510S:US Embassy ?? 1508 ALE/USB wkg KWB48 US Embassy (24Feb05) (SA) KWT51: US Embassy ?? 1004 ALE/USB wkg KWB48 US Embassy ?? (24Feb05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ??0941 ALE/USB wkg KWT55 US Embassy ??(17Mar05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy?? 0818 ALE/USB wkg KWT97 US Embassy?? (17Feb05) (SA) KWT93: US Embasy ?? 0910 ALE/USB wkg KWT55 US Embassy ?? (03Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0910 ALE/USB wkg KWR86 US Embassy ?? (02Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0921 ALE/SB wkg KWS91 US Embassy in ALE +Voice for radio check, no reply (23Feb05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 1345 ALE/USB wkg KWT49 US Embassy ?? (17Mar05) (SA) KWY58: US Embassy ?? 1642 ALE/USB Sounds (15Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1309 ALE/SB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (14Mar05) (SA) IKF: (USAF GSC, Keflavik): 1303 USB/ALE TO KEH34 (US Consulate, Basrah Iraq). Also noted on 18248.6. 02/14 RP3 221107: C-17 02-1107 1804 ALE/USB Self Test (17Mar05) (SA) 7XG: Clg OFFUTT 0440 USB No response and quiet. (19 Mar 05) (JH) BLUE STONE: 28-char EAM 1703 USB 23AQMF simulcast on at least 8992. Nothing heard on 15016. (19 Mar 05) (JH) Pagina 268 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11179.0 11181 11181 11181 11181 11181 11181 11181 11181 11181 11181.0 11184.0 11199.0 11205.0 11217.0 WUN-v11 DECOY5: Unid 2000 USB Gets wx from Puerto Rico and provides itinerary. (20Feb05) (JG) DOOM 92: Clg MAINSAIL 2305 USB Called a number of times with no response. (01 Mar 05) (JH) JACK...: EAM Bcast 0318 USB Sounded like JACK PART or JACK FROST. Bcasting NBWOUM and simulcasting on at least 8992 and 15016. (18 Mar 05) (JH) JULIET TANGO INDIA: Clg WEST COAST 2126 USB Called numerous times raising MCCLELLAN for apparent signal check and briefly raised OFFUTT. (17 Mar 05) (JH) JULIET TANGO INDIA: Wkg OFFUTT 1518 USB JTI unheard but apparently passing numerous 5-element letter groups. (18 Mar 05) (JH) MCCLELLAN: 28-char EAM 0317 USB NBWOUM. (18 Mar 04) (JH) MCLELLAN: 28-char EAM 0414 USB NBSQEP. (18 Mar 05) (JH) OFFHAND: Clg MAINSAIL & ANDREWS 2114 USB "With request" a number of times with no known response. (08 Mar 05) (JH) OFFUTT: 1546 USB Calling/responding to ANDERSEN TRAINING (very weak/unreadable to unheard here) and quiet. (25 Feb 05) (JH) OFFUTT: 6-char EAM 1903 USB EP7Z6L "FOR ALVOY 35" (or sounds like). (06 Mar 05) (JH) PELICAN 712: Clg MAINSAIL 1543 USB Raised OFFUTT for a PP to FIDDLE for an "on station" notification and gone. (24 Feb 05) (JH) PNR400: DEA Bahamas 2056 ALE/USB Sounds (10Mar05) (SA) PNR400: UNID 1124 ALE/USB Sounds (18Feb05) (SA) REACH? 540: USAF Aircraft 1945 USB Radio check with Puerto Rico. (20Feb05) (JG) SAM 8570: Clg MAINSAIL 1531 USB Raised OFFUTT for a PP but stepped on by OFFUTT's h+31 EAM rebroadcast of DSQXCQ and gone. (24 Feb 05) (JH) TOP CAT: Clg MAINSAIL 0420 USB Raised OFFUTT to pass an ops normal 0420, 'negative relay' and gone. (18 Mar 05) (JH) LOR: Arg Ny Pto. Belgrano 2217 RTTY 75/170 5LG then USB SS "Banda" Clg "Birrete" (05/03/05) (AJP) 190005: C-5 69-0005 1505 ALE/USB wkg JDGNPR Diego Garcia NIPR NET (20Feb05) (SA) CROSPR: Croughton SIPR NET 0931 ALE/USB wkg IKFSPR Keflavik SIPR NET (14Mar05) (SA) HAWSPR: Ascensio SIPR NET 2140 ALE/USB wkg DL0002DAT E-3B 79-0002 (07Mar05) (SA) ICZSPR: Sigonella SIPR NET 1121 ALE/USB wkg CROSPR Croughton SIPR NET (23Feb05) (SA) IKFSPR: Keflavik SIPR NET 1703 ALE/USB Wkg E30008DAT E-3C 83-0008. Also sounding on 4721,5708,9025,11226 and 1315. (24Feb05) (SA) JDGSPR: Diego Garcia SIPR NET 1619 ALE/USB kg IKFSPR Keflavik SIPR NET (01Mar05) (SA) JNRSPR: Peurto Rrico NIPR NET 2107 ALE/USB wkg E31407DAT E-3B 71-1407 (28Feb05) (SA) PLASPR: Lajes SIPR NET 1512 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (18Feb05) (SA) T4A: UNID 1527 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (18Feb05) (SA) IKDSPR: 16:06 IKFSPR USAF/NAS Keflavik with sounding ALE 16feb05 (RP) 003: Arinc Reykjavik ICE 12:44 HFDL uplink to N68155 and N73152 (PPA) 12mar05 ADWNPR: (Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router node, Andrews AFB): 2021 USB/ALE TO DL0001DAT (E-3B AWACS # 79-0001, Tinker AFB). 03/02 RP3 (Brazilian Navy Corvette "Jaceguai" V31). 03/02 RP3 Smasher: (SouthCom Flight Watch, Key West FL): 1247 USB w/Shark 66 (prob C-130) in radio checks. 02/14 RP3 STARGATE: calling GOLIATH: 1840. Moved here from UHF Pagina 269 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 WUN-v11 364.2 and then attempted additionalHF contact on 5711.0. Couple of tune-ups there, but no comms (22/FEB/05) (JLM) 100445: C-5 70-0445 1620 ALE/USB wkg WC3 UNID (02Mar05) (SA) 170033: C-5 87-0033 1424 ALE/USB Sounds (01Mar05) (SA) 170039: C-5 87-0039 1408 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (14Mar05) (SA) 170041: C-5 87-0041 1323 ALE/USB Sounds (05Mar05) (SA) 1AB: UNID 2207 ALE/USB wkg 200 UNID (05Mar05) (SA) 200183: C-17 00-0183 1623 ALE/USB Sounds (18Mar05) (SA) 200: ?? UNID 1447 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (200 possibly an incomplete C-17 ALE address) (20Feb05) (SA) 220104: C-17 02-1104 1643 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (17Feb05) (SA) 244128: USAF C-17A 305th AMW 2123 ALE/USB Sounds. (01Mar05) (CC) 440186: KC-10 84-0186 1432 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (14Mar05) (SA) 440187: KC-10 84-0187 2003 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) 450027: KC-10 85-0027 0805 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (03Mar05) (SA) 470121: KC-10 87-0121 1628 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes (03Mar05) (SA) 470123: KC-10 87-0123 1919 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HFGCS (11Mar05) (SA) 510310: KC-135 61-0310 1325 ALE/USB Sounds (17Feb05) (SA) 5571452: KC-135 57-1452 1009 ALE/USB Sounds (28Feb05) (SA) 591450: USAF KC-135R 196th ARS 2119 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Mar05) (CC) 69009: C-5 69-0009 1621 ALE/USB Sounds (04Mar05) (SA) AA1: UNID 0824 ALE/USB Sounds (24Feb05) (SA) AA1: UNID 1820 ALE/USB Sounds (23Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1107 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico (13Mar05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1711 ALE/USB wkg C158 UNID (27Feb05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 2113 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (15Mar05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 2122 ALE/SB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS in AMD (02Mar05) (SA) ADW:Andrews HF-GCS 1109 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) CRO: Croughton JF-GCS 1708 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (27Feb05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 0726 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 0911 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (26Feb05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1559 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (18Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1102 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (22Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1308 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (15Mar05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1315 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (12Mar05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1705 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (20Feb05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1713 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (11Mar05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 2035 ALE/USB wkg 250106 C-17 95-0106 (13Mar05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1711 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1102 ALE/USB wkg MCC McLellan HF-GCS (28Feb05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1103 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews Pagina 270 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11226.0 11232 11232 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11232.0 11250 11250 11250.0 11251.7 11315 WUN-v11 HF-GCS (26Feb05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1958 ALE/USB wkg MCC McLellan HF-GCS (23Feb05) (SA) JQM: UNID 1710 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS. (JQM possibly wrongly deciphered JTY). (27Feb05) (SA) JTY: Yokota HF-GCS 1905 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (21Feb05) (SA) PLA:Lajes HF-GCS 1949 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) T1022: UNID 1747 ALE/USB Sounds (23Feb05) (SA) 190019: (C-5 # 69-0019, 337th AS, Westover AFB MA): 1606 USB/ALE TO GBLNPR (Global Non Secure Internet Protocol Router node). Contact also attempted on 18003.0. 02/12 RP3 210187 : unid USAF 1451 USB/ALE snd (12-mar-2005)(MSM) 57-1450: USAF KC-135E Stratotanker 1525 USB/ALE snd (12-mar-2005)(MSM) IKF: 15:43 IKF USAF/NAS Keflavik with sounding ALE 16feb05 (RP) DARKSTAR Papa: E-3C 0008 963rd AACS 1730 USB With Trenton Military for p/p to Cornerstone wants to know if Super Internet Email is broken. (17Mar05) (CC) Trenton Military: 2037 USB Provides wx to unk station. (20Feb05) (JG) Trenton Military: (very weak): 1550 USB w/Razor 33 (E-8 JSTARS, 02/24 RP3 Trenton Military: (very weak): 1558 USB w/CG 1503 (HC-130, 02/24 RP3 Trenton Military: (very weak): 1806 USB w/Atlas 42 02/24 RP3 Trenton Military: (weak): 1404 USB w/Bandsaw Kilo 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 1504 USB w/Sentry 31 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 1733 USB w/Canforce 551B 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 1757 USB w/CG 1503 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) for radio check. 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 1813 USB w/unidentified aircraft (not heard) in pp to DSN 884-XXXX. 02/24 RP3 Trenton Military: 1819 USB w/Canforce 2717 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 1836 USB w/Canforce 55 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 1857 USB w/Atlas 41 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2007 USB w/Rescue Helicopter 503 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2015 USB w/Canforce 4404 in personal pp to local Trenton number. 02/24 RP3 Trenton Military: 2046 USB w/Sentry 60 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) in pp w/DSN 884-XXXX (Raymond 24) passing formatted report. 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2047 USB w/Sentry 61 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) in pp w/DSN 884-XXXX (Tinker AFB Metro) w/request for wx at 2230Z arrival. 02/24 RP3 Trenton Military: 2108 USB w/Canforce 3279 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2124 USB w/Canforce 1019 02/28 RP3 Trenton Military: 2251 USB w/Atlas 42 (unidentified). Trenton advises Atlas 42 that there is no trfc for them from the Trenton Rescue Coordination Center. 02/14 RP3 Trenton Military: 2306 USB w/Canforce 2679 w/request for wx at Ottawa, Trenton, Toronto and Quebec City. 02/14 RP3 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1908 ALE/USB to FASHER (11/Mar/05) (ZE) NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1932 ALE/USB to JUBA (11/Mar/05) (ZE) JUBA: UNJLC Juba SDN 19:15 ALE/USB sounding 10mar05 (PPA) CNTD: Centre National des transmissions des douanes 1435 P-I/Ham/200Bd Info Msg "MONSIEUR LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL DES DOUANE..." (21/FEB/05) (KK) FX0912: Federal Express Flt 2239 HFDL At 3516N 09333W. Pagina 271 WUN-v11 (03Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N12114: Continental B757 Flt CO0081 2112 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N14102: Continental B757 Flt CO1902 1906 HFDL Signs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N17133: Continental B757-224 1817 Flt CO1555 HFDL Logs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N250UP: UPS MD11F 2247 HFDL Logs on to Riverhead. (03Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N311UP: UPS B767 2102 HFDL Acks METAR for EDDK/Köln/Bonn. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N322UP: UPS B767 2252 HFDL Logs on. (03Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N331TZ: American Transair B737-8K2 2054 HFDL Logs on. (12Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N34131: Continental B757 2110 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N360FE: Federal Express DC-10 'Phillip' 2252 HFDL Logs on. (03Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N41140: Continental B757-224 2054 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Riverhead NY USA. (12Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N459UP: Northwest B757-24APF Flt UP6185 2110 HFDL Logs on. ICAO ID DAA9A5. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N554TZ: American Transair B757 2103 HFDL Logs on. (12Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N588NW: Northwest B737-700 Flt NW0429 2059 HFDL Posn 2829N 08139W. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N588NW: Northwest B757-300 2104 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N665US: NorthWest B747 2014 HFDL Signs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N665US: Northwest B747 2100 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N67158: Continental B767 2239 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Riverhead NY USA. (03Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N671US: Northwest B757 2109 HFDL Logs on. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11315 N69154: Continental B767-224ER 2019 HFDL Logs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) 11315 N76055: Continental B767 Flt CO0047 1957 HFDL Posn 5133N 05159W to ARINC Riverhead NY USA. (02Mar05) (RGA) 11315 NW0584: NorthWest Flt 2245 HFDL Reports at 2825N 08119W. (03Mar05) (RGA) 11315 NW25: NorthWest Flight 2058 HFDL At 5454N 08712W. (12Mar05) (RGA) 11315 VP-BDM: Aeroflot A319 2058 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Riverhead NY USA. (24Feb05) (RGA) 11318.0 Samara Volmet: 1546 weather in Rusian (Orenburg,...) USB 06/03 (PP1) 11318.0 Syktyvkar Volmet: 1600 Russian weather Vorkouta, Petchiora, Ukhta USB06/03 (PP1) 11318.0 Tyumen Volmet: 1551 very weak even with loop turned to Siberia USB06/03 (PP1) 11384.0 1629: 07 Shannon Arinc with squitters frame id HFDL 12mar05 (RP) 11408 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 1440 REVS/50/1000 Sends 5FG Morse traffic at 1443z ... 11013 21057 = REA4 K. //10673. First traffic seen here for some months. (19Mar05) (RGA) 11418.6 OEY51: AUSTRIAN MIL ?LOC 1114 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng OEY71. Also 1126 1132 1142 1153 (28/Feb)(DW) 11422 BY11: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:57:02 26feb05 (MAL). 11424 : Russian Military 1439 RUS-75/75/250 Cipher. (19Mar05) (RGA) 11427.5 MAE: MFA ALGIERS 1151 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TRP/Tripoli. MDM1250 Racal Skyfax modem triggered (28/Feb)(DW) 11436 EAUR: douanes algiers 0950 pactor 1 200/200 msgs in french lang, IN CW CALLSIGN LIKE HAMS (27/Feb/2005) (I anonimous sorry ) 11437.7 No Call: Algerian Customs 1530 P-I/100Bd/200Bd/CF= 800Hz long time request, tx ends with "ALIIU" (26/FEB/05) (KK) Pagina 272 WUN-v11 11437.7 unid: Algerian customs station 14:00 pactor/200/200 French message 6mar05 (PPA) 11444.7 ---: MFA CAIRO 1518 arq 100/E/170 Tfc in Arabic (ATU80). 1519 irs, then op chat/irs (28/Feb)(DW) 11445.0 FDG: FAF Bordeaux F 17:41 ITA2/50/400r ACF=8 ryryry test de fdg voyezle brick 6mar05 (PPA) 11453.0 IMB33: Roma Meteo, I 1555 Rtty 50Bd/850Hz "ZCZC 372 SIMJ20 MJSK 261500 AAXX 26151" (26/FEB/05) (KK) 11453.0 IMB3: ROME MET 1124 RTTY 50/N/850 Met tfc - TAFs and SYNOP. Off air when idle (1127z) (28/Feb)(DW) 11453.0 roma met: 0947 ITA2/50 synop manual :wrong set (thank's day & jim) brazil 83006? "palic "kielce "4070_ khoy? Feb27 05 ML 11466 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:38:21 26feb05 (MAL). 11466 1001: Callng unid MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 18:38:41 26feb05 (MAL). 11472.0 TRP: ALGERIAN EMB TRIPOLI 1041 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng MAE [UUF 124 67 65]. Also 1049 (28/Feb)(DW) 11475 F8P: sounding AL2 MIL-std-188-141 ALE 2G 26Feb05 17:38:41 26feb05 (MAL). 11475 MAE: MFA Algiers, ALG 1547 ALE/USB to TNS (12/Mar/05) (ZE) 11475 TNS: ALG Embasy Tunis 1547 ALE/USB to MAE (12/Mar/05) (ZE) 11475.0 "055": unid presumed asian station 15:35 ALE/USB Sounding 6mar05 (PPA) 11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, 1200 17/03/05 ale clg TNS Tunis [sw] 11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, 1329 17/03/05 ale clg TNS Tunis [sw] 11475.0 MAE: MFA ALGIERS 1044 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to Tripoli (28/Feb)(DW) 11475.0 MAE: MFA Algiers ALG 15:44 ALE/USB working TRP,TNS or RBT with signalquality report 6mar05 (PPA) 11475.0 RBT: Algerian embassy Rabat MRC 15:44 ALE/USB calling MAE Algiers 6mar05 (PPA) 11475.0 TNS: ALGERIAN EMB TUNIS 1029 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng MAE. Also 1035, 1041[UUF]124 67 65, 1042 (28/Feb)(DW) 11475.0 TNS: Alg-Mfa Tunis, 1328 17/03/05 ale clg MAE Algiers [sw] 11475.0 TNS: Algerian embassy Tunis TUN 15:29 ALE/USB calling MAE Algiers 6mar05 (PPA) 11475.0 TRP: Algerian embassy Tripoli LBY 15:28 ALE/USB calling MAE Algiers 6mar05 (PPA) 11490.0 0000210001: GREEK MOI ?LOC 1503 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 0000210401. Clng 0000210501 (28/Feb)(DW) 11494 1720: Clg Camslant Chesapeake 1926 USB With flight ops normal and maintain radio guard until top of the hour. (01Mar05) (CC) 11494 D70: CBP P-3A "Slick" 2029 ALE/USB (17Mar05) (CC) 11494 F04: USCG HU-25 2030 ALE/USB (17Mar05) (CC) 11494 I76: CBP Cessna 550 2031 ALE/USB (17Mar05) (CC) 11494 TST: BICE Ground station, USA 2139 snd tws (12/Mar/05) (ZE) 11524 : Russian Military/Navy 1430 36-50/50/250 At least 1 long message. Idles on 50 Baud reversals. (19Mar05) (RGA) 11550.0 438880DAT: (Rockwell Collins data node): 1313 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13850.0 & 15760.0. 02/14 RP3 11550.0 CRSSIL: (unlocated Rockwell Collins Signals Integration Lab): 0144 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 11550.0 ICSSIL: (unlocated Rockwell Collins Signals Integration Lab): 0253 USB/ALE TO 438880DAT (unidentified data node). 02/12 RP3 06780.0 GRASSY: (Washington Gas & Light Company,Grassey Lick, Kirby, WV): 1504 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 11642 CYP: RSC UK Episkopi, CYP 1340 ALE/USB (09/Mar/05) (ZE) 11642 DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1514 ALE/USB (09/Mar/05) (ZE) 12123.0 ---: UNID 0720 NUM13 8/E/400 (Enigma desig XP) on usb. To/from? ID915. Tfc in 5 fig grps (08/Mar)(DW) 12165.0 #’s: Unidentified QTH 0240z Jan 10, 2005 USB SS/YL Pagina 273 12365.0 12456.0 12458 12503.5 12562.5 12577 12577 12577 12577 12577 12577.0 12577.0 12579.0 12579.0 12579.0 12579.0 12579.0 12579.1 12581.5 12583.5 12585.0 12587.0 12587.0 12587.0 12589.0 12590.4 12590.5 12592.5 12592.5 12592.5 12593.5 12593.5 12593.5 WUN-v11 5f very weak, faded In enough to ID [SN] VMC: Charleville meteo AUS 14:34 J3E/USB English male voice with WXSouthwest Australia 20feb05 (PPA) unid: NATO military 14:30 STANAG 4285 / 600 long / 3K encryptedtraffic 20feb05 (PPA) V3AT2: Unid Vessel 1805 CW Ends tgm Nr 17 to (apparently) 4LI/Batumi? (04Mar05) (RGA) ---: SHIP UNID 1725 arq 100/E/170 Long opchat/discussion in 3sc, wkng Kaliningrad (16/Mar)(DW) : Ukranian Ship BKRT-L Borodin 1800 RTTY/50/170 Tgms to Simferopol and Sevastopol. (04Mar05) (RGA) 9HAQ7: Maltese-Flagged Vessel Althea 1308 GMDSS RQs OdessaRadio Ukraine/UTT for safety test. (02Mar05) (RGA) 9HPF7: Maltese-Flagged Vessel Kornati 1439 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety test. (02Mar05) (RGA) 9VHB9: Singapore Ship Ceram Sea 1307 GMDSS RQs JRCC Piraeus/SVO for safety test. MRCC BQs. (02Mar05) (RGA) TCHV: Turkish Ship Veysel Vardal 1428 GMDSS RQs MCC Ankara/TAH for safety test. (02Mar05) (RGA) V7DI3: Marshalls-Islands Flagged Vessel Chembulk Savannah 1302 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (02Mar05) (RGA) ---: USCG MIAMI 2000 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 003669997. Responding to test call from Yong Tai/VRWU4 (12/Mar)(DW) VRWU4: SHIP YONG TAI 1958 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 477841000. Safety/Test call to USCG Miami (12/Mar)(DW) NMC: 02-27-05 at 14:00utc on 12.579.0 MHz. 27feb05 (CSN) NMF: 0221 1712 NMF USA FEC - FE30 OFFSHORE WATERS FORECAST NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WASHINGTON 22feb05(CSn) NMO: USCG Honolulu 2055 Sitor-B Navs (05/03/05) (AJP) NRV: USCG GUAM 1500 fec 100/E/170 Info re NRV/NMC ship-shore channels. Wx fcsts. Poor copy B1 ID=[V] (11/Mar)(DW) Unid: 15:00 utc. a other HF-Sitor message .25feb05 (CSN) UNID: station with maritime messages: 1708 170/N/FEC. Message indicated salvage operations were in progress in one area (22/FEB/05) (JLM) XSV: Tianjin R 2056 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) CBV: Playa Ancha R 2055 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) NRV: USCG GUAM? 1643 fec 100/E/170 Idling on fec (12/Mar)(DW) LZW: VARNA RADIO 1008 fec 100/E/170 Shipress Bulletin in Bulgarian, followed by sports bulletin (13/Mar)(DW) LZW: VARNA RADIO 1645 fec 100/E/170 Tfc list. Repeated. Reverts to chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (12/Mar)(DW) LZW: Varna Radio 0935 SITOR-B nx (04 Mar 05)(HPT) NMO: USCG Honolulu 2054 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) NMC: USCG Point Reyes 2016 Fax 120 NOAA North Pacific Winds chart (05/03/05) (AJP) RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1649 CW Chan free marker "RRR34" (12/Mar)(DW) NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1758 ARQ w/Morse ID. (04Mar05) (RGA) NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1652 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (12/Mar)(DW) NMN: USCG Camslant 2049 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) EKA: YEREVAN RADIO 1024 fec 100/E/200 Tfc list. Wx bulletins. SVC info re Yerevan Radio/EKA (part of Shipcom group with WLO/KLB). Stn nr 2160/Selcal QXCV. Chan free marker every 70 secs "EKA". Also RT svc on chan 1206. 1430z Further testing - nearly solid copy of tfc list, wx, stn info (13/Mar)(DW) EKA: YerevanRadio GEO 1220 FEC Service bulletin. Poor copy. As reported by Day Watson earlier. (14Mar05) (RGA) UDB2: KHOLMSK RADIO 1051 CW Chan free marker "de UDB2" - just audible (13/Mar)(DW) Pagina 274 WUN-v11 12594.0 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 165 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (12/Mar)(DW) 12595.0 NRV: USCG Apra harbour GUM 14:02 Sitor-A/100/170 CW ident + arq burst 20feb05 (PPA) 12599.5 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1657 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (12/Mar)(DW) 12599.5 UAT: Moscow Radio 1200 SITOR-B tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 12602.5 IAR: ROME RADIO 1658 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (12/Mar)(DW) 12602.5 IAR: Roma R 2047 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 12603.5 SVO5: OLYMPIA RADIO 1701 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (12/Mar)(DW) 12603.5 SVO: Olympia R 2046 CW "de SVO" (05/03/05) (AJP) 12604.5 EKA: Shipcom WRN Yerevan GEO 1520 FEC Very long traffic list and service bulletin. Pactor call - EKA1. SITOR Call 2160 (SELCAL QXCV). (19Mar05) (RGA) 12604.5 EKA: YEREVAN RADIO fec 100/E/200 Further testing alternate frequency to 12593.5 (14/Mar)(DW) 12606 UIW: KaliningradRadio 1512 ARQ Tgsms to Armenak Bebayev/UIMQ and advises that there are no tgms for Tyulen/UGYL. Reverts to Morse ID. (19Mar05) (RGA) 12606.0 ML7K: ??? 11:15 UTC CW "JO1C JO1C JO1C DE ML7K ML7K ZBU ZSL ZWS QCT9 K" or "PEO1C JO1C DE ML7K ML7K QBE QYT9 K" 050206 (MAR) 12606.0 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1715 arq 100/E/170 Long opchat/discussion in 3sc. Poor copy (16/Mar)(DW) 12613.0 XSQ: GUANGZHOU RADIO 1711 CW Chan free marker "XSQ" (12/Mar)(DW) 12613.0 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio 2044 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 12629.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1723 CW Chan free marker "TAH". Unlisted - new freq or misdialed TX - Marker for 12634.5 missing (12/Mar)(DW) 12634.4 TAH: Istambul R 2027 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 12637.5 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1733 CW Chan free marker "XSG" (12/Mar)(DW) 12644.0 ZSC: GW Cape Town 2040 Dataplex marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 12649.5 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1743 CW Chan free marker "XSG" (12/Mar)(DW) 12666.5 RFFMEA: F Ny 1515 ITA-2 75/850 ry (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 12667.2 LOR: ARN 0053 RTTY 75/170 5lg (07/Mar/2005) (MM5) 12669.0 LOR: Arg Ny Pto. Belgrano 2040 RTTY 75/170 5LG (05/03/05) (AJP) 12695.5 UWS3: Kiev Radio 1225 cw tfc-list, msgs (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 12735.0 URL: Sevastopol Radio 0858 cw, cq, working frequencies (04Mar 05)(HPT) 12736 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 1349 REVS/50/1000 Idling for several hours. Noted by (HPT) earlier. Off at 1520. (04Mar05) (RGA) 12736.0 REA4: AF Moscow 0809 Baudot 50/1000 idling (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 12736.0 REA4: AFHQ Moscow RUS 13:35 F1B/50/1000 idling in parallel with 11408Khz 6mar05 (PPA) 12741.0 unid: Russian navy 08:55 BEE36-50/50/200 encrypted traffic inparallel with 11468.0 20feb05 (PPA) 12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1628 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/paper (24/Feb/05) (RH2) 12745.5 JJC: Tokyo-Nazaki Radio 1531 FAX/60/576 Fair Japanese text. (19Mar05) (RGA) 12811.3 HZY: Ras Tanura Radio 0959 cw, cq, tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 12823.5 CTP: Nato Portugal 0645 ITA-2 75/850 NAWS (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 12892.5 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1750 GLOBEDATA Idling. (04Mar05) (RGA) 12916.6 HLF: 0751 CW / (28/Feb/2005) (NPS(south Sweden)) 12921.1 mgj: : RN Faslane 1632 rtty 75/320 02h 03c 03j 04b 06a 06f 08a 12b 16a 22a mgj (12 Feb 05) (wp3) 12923.0 HLW2: 0753 CW / w/ channel marker (28/Feb/2005) (NPS(south Sweden)) 12984.0 4XZ: 0630 CW / ID at 0630Z 5L TFC before and after. (27/Feb/2005) (NPS(south Sweden)) Pagina 275 WUN-v11 13000.5 PBSN: Rus Mil 0517 CW 4 Strategic Flash Messages between 0517 and 0607. Missed first SFM, after which station sent "PBSN PBSN WZD" and into long strings of figures. Look Like 16FG.".... 3042169068820515 3042702090093620 30431689192..." 0534 down with "PBSN PBSN PBSN AR" Second SFM 0539: "X X X X X X PBSN PBSN PBSN 62353 oAWKANXE 4838 4932 BETALAKTIN 4052 9923 UBYTOoNYJ 6914 7390" repeated once Third SFM 0547: "X X X X X X PBSN PBSN 07648 ISHIMBIN 1688 8383" repeated once. Forth SFM 0603 "X X X X X X PBSN PBSN 33526 TATARSKIJ 6550 3710 FRUKTOWOZ 1002 0284" repeated once. (via Japan DX-Tuner remote receiver, Misawa, Japan) (17Mar05) (JC5) 13089 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1740 USB YL with high seas forecast. (04Mar05) (RGA) 13092.0 EKA: YEREVAN RADIO 1516 USB RT svc testing - fair, clear (13/Mar)(DW) 13116.0 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1408 USB E/Dan tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 13146.0 ZSC: Cape Town R 1836 USB EE Wx navs (16/02/05) (AJP) 13155 REINDEER: Unid 1709 USB With EAM on 6679 8776 and 13155. (05Mar05) (CC) 13170.0 SVO: Olympia Radio 1445 USB E/Gr call-band (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 13200.0 PNR400: (Panther 400, OPBAT, Georgetown Bahamas): 1728 USB/ALE sounding. 02/12 RP3 13215 190007: C-5 69-0007 1503 ALE/USB Sounds (05Mar05) (SA) 13215 200176: C-17 00-0176 1543 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCD93126731110NNNN Charleston nothing heard (26Feb05) (SA) 13215 210189: C-17 01-0189 1840 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (18Mar05) (SA) 13215 221107: C-17 02-1107 0927ALE/USB Sounds (13Mar05) (SA) 13215 260006: C-17 96-0006 1743 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (10Mar05) (SA) 13215 41948: KC-10 79-1948 Rch-240 1354 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS ALE & VOICE "with no success" (16Mar05) (SA) 13215 440190: KC-10 84-0190 1408 ALE/USB Sounds (11Mar05) (SA) 13215 470123: KC-10 87-0123 (Cacti-91) 1325 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS ALE+VOICE for PP to McGuire C.P. giving arr info "Weak,barely readable" (25Feb05) (SA) 13215 580094: KC-135 58-0094 1255 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (24Feb05) (SA) 13215 AA1: UNID 1035 ALE/USB Sounds (26Feb05) (SA) 13215 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1509 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (25Feb05) (SA) 13215 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1509 ALE/USB wkg MCC McLellan (23Feb05) (SA) 13215 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1709 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (06Mar050 (SA) 13215 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 1926 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HC-GCS with AMD ([AMD]DKLSFHKLSDJKFLJDASL;FJASL;F). (01Mar05) (SA) 13215 AED: Elmendorf HF-GCS 0944 ALE/USB wkg JTYSPR Yokota HF-GCS (14Mar05) (SA) 13215 HAW: Ascension HF-GCS 1916 ALE/USB wkg ICS Sigonella HF-GCS (10-Mar05) (SA) 13215 ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1110 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (15Mar05) (SA) 13215 IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 1126 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (05Mar05) (SA) 13215 JDG:Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1517 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (06Mar05) (SA) 13215 JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1119 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (07Mar05) (SA) 13215 JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1316 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (05Mar05) (SA) 13215 JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 2121 ALE/USB wkg MCC McClellan HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) 13215 JNR:Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1510 ALE/USB wkg OFF Ofutt HF_GCS (16Mar05) (SA) Pagina 276 13215 13215.0 13215.0 13221 13242 13270 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13303.0 13321 13321.0 13375 13390 13490.0 13499.0 13503.6 13503.6 13503.6 13503.6 13507.7 13510 13520.0 13523.0 WUN-v11 SCTRAIN: UNID 1434 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (04Mar05) (SA) 5571425: (KC-135E # 57-1425, 151st ARS, TN ANG Knoxville TN): 1750 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09025.0. 02/12 RP3 OFF: (USAF GSC, Offutt AFB): 1907 USB/ALE TO 571472 02/28 RP3 NOJ: US CBP Kodiak AK on TISC 1912 Calls J29/HH-60J CGAS Kodiak No 6029. (24Feb05) (RGA) OFFNPR: Offutt NIPR NET 1441 ALE/USB wkg DL0003DAT E-3B 79-0003 ?? (25Feb05) (SA) Gander: WKG North Atlantic VOLMET 1654 USB (06Mar05) (MC) N19136: Continental B757 Flt CO0033 1912 HFDL Posn 5332N 05212W. QSYs to 8948 kHz at 2010. (22Feb05) (RGA) N332UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6811 1748 HFDL Logs on. (22Feb05) (RGA) OH-LBS: Finnair B757 Flt AY1908 1746 GMDSS Acks msg via ARINC Las Palmas from 'JUKKA' re arrival and handling. (22Feb05) (RGA) ZS-SJK: S.African Airways B737 1748 HFDL Acks msg from Johannesburg Ops via Las Palmas "MSG FROM JNBCMSA SEQ02258 COPIED ALL BAY B3." (22Feb05) (RGA) ---: FLIGHT 733 1357 HFDL on usb. Posn 33.15N 7.19W (01/Mar)(DW) 17: ARINC EL GORO 1357 HFLDL on usb. Squitters (01/Mar)(DW) 17: ARINC EL GORO 1540 HFDL on usb. Squitters (12/Mar)(DW) 425: Royal Air Maroc CN-RNY HP-KR A321-211 18:49 ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) 934: Unid Flight ID 934 18:06 47 29 47 N 8 26 41 E ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) AY2370: Finnair OHLBT B752/B757-2Q8 18:21 47 19 26 N 1 39 18 W ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) AY2610: Finnair OHLBV B757 16:34 48 3 38 N 02 30 E ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) AY2628: Finnair OHLBR B757-2Q8 17:01 49 9 11 N 1 56 31 W ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) LH0000: Lufthansa Germany D-ALCC MD111 Cargo "KarlUlrich Garnadt" 18:38 58 42 31 N 12 58 41 W ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) LVG285: Livinston Italy I-LIVA A321-231 18:14 40 27 47 N 13 24 59 E ID17 El Goro (Las Palmas)13Mar05 (MAL) ZS-SFF: Flight SA144 A319 1208 HFDL Posn Rpt to JNB & Ack back (24/Feb/05) (RH2) ARINC 8: South Africa 2000 HFDL Squiters (15/02/05) (AJP) LINCONSHIRE POACHER: Enigma E03 1744 USB OW with 5FGs. (04Mar05) (RGA) 193: Unid. Poss Chinese Military 1742 ALE/USB Calls 191. (24Feb05) (RGA) Russian Mil: 1355 81-81 at 40.5 bd (16/02/05) (AJP) 2203: unid 0947 USB/ALE wnkg 8001 (09-mar-2005)(MSM) KWK42: US Embassy ?? 1406 ALE/USB wkg KBF90 US Embassy ??(27Feb05) (SA) KWL92: (US Embassy/Consulate Asia??): 1455 USB/ALE TO KWL90 (US Embassy/Consulate, Manila). Also noted on 16238.6. 03/10 RP3 KWL92: (US Embassy/Consulate Asia??): 1509 USB/ALE TO KWL95 (US Embassy/Consulate Asia??). 03/10 RP3 KWX57:US Embassy ?? 0910 ALE/USB wkg KWR86 US Embassy?? (23Feb05) (SA) no call: NATO Military 13:57 STANAG 4285 / 600 long interleave / 3K encrypted traffic 5mar05 CFH: CanForce Halifax NS CAN 1747 RTTY/75/850 Sea forecasts. (04Mar05) (RGA) unid: Russian station 10:38 USB Russian family phonecalls 12feb05 (PPA) ---: UNID 0740 NUM13 8/E/400 (Enigma desig XP) on usb. Pagina 277 13525.0 13527.7 13528 13528 13528.0 13597.4 13846.7 13846.7 13882.5 13886.5 13886.7 13886.7 13898.0 13900.0 13927 13945.0 13945.0 13945.0 13945.0 13945.0 13945.0 13946.7 14353.3 14452.0 14452.0 14455 14455.0 14455.0 14458.5 14467.3 14487 14493.5 14493.5 WUN-v11 To/from? ID915. Tfc in 5 fig grps (08/Mar)(DW) Unid: 2127 Mil-Std 188-110A Possible Chilean Mil. (USB) (05/03/05) (AJP) D: CISN ODESA 1618 CW Single letter [D] HF beacon (12/Mar)(DW) C: MX Beacon Moscow 1111 CW With D-Odessa on 13527.7 kHz. (14Mar05) (RGA) P: MX Beacon Kaliningard 1214 CW //8495. (21Feb05) (WC) C: CISN MOSCOW 1619 CW Single letter [C] HF beacon (12/Mar)(DW) IMB56: Rome Meteo 0814 FAX 120/576 FL 100 chart (03Mar05) (KB) RFVI: FF LE PORT 1705 ARQ/E3 100/E/400 8rc. Betas. Weak sync/qrm, poor copy. 1740 cct [RUN]. C de V svc RFVI de RFVI/. 1748 C de V svc RFQP de RFQP/ 1758 and 1819 tfc in offline encrypt. (25/Feb)(DW) RFVI: FF Le Port Réunion 1608 ARQ-E3/100/400 Relays 5LG traffic from RFFKMLO/Ship working Brest? on circuit RUN to RFQPM/Djibouti. (04Mar05) (RGA) DDK6: HAMBURG MET 1132 FAX 120/576/N/800 Test chart (26/Feb)(DW) Unid: Moscow Met 1632 FAX/120/576 S'face anal. Clean. (24/Feb/05) (RH2) ---: FF PARIS? 1010 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas, weak sync. No apparent tfc thru 1017z (28/Feb)(DW) ---: FF PARIS? 1131 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. No apparent tfc through 1310z (26/Feb)(DW) unid: Bulgarian diplo 14:02 USB / BUL- 8 tone MFSK / 240,18 / 8*240 short message no decode BMF: Taipei Meteo 1506 Fax 120 Chinese char (13/02/05) (AJP) REACH 9005: USAF Aircraft 1948 USB In pp with Dover metro for wx. (20Feb05) (JG) FDG: F AF Bordeaux 1145 cw, vvv (04 Mar 05) (HPT) STAT154: TUNISIAN MIL/MOI? ?LOC 1432 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2 (02/Mar)(DW) STAT154: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 0839 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2. Also at 0901, 0908, 0923, 1123 (10/Mar)(DW) STAT154: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1234 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2 (09/Mar)(DW) TUD: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1019 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT1 (09/Mar)(DW) TUD: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1046 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2. 1124 clng TU2 (10/Mar)(DW) STAT154: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 0945 PACT-II 100/-/200 Tfc to STAT1. Format unknown (IPM.note) or encrypted. (11/Mar)(DW) unid: Russian navy station 08:55 BEE 36-50 / 50 / 250 idling ormessages in // 10535 3/5/05 (PPA) 7777: UNID 1534 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1548z (23/Feb)(DW) 9999: UNID 1445 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 1545z (23/Feb)(DW) : Unid 2045 STANAG-4285/USB Prob 600L IL but not sure due fast fades. (10Mar05) (AD) 888888: UNID 1448 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (23/Feb)(DW) 9999: UNID 1450 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 1550 (23/Feb)(DW) LR1: (FBI, Little Rock, AR): 1555 USB/ALE TO PX1 (FBI, Phoenix AZ). Also noted on 14493.5. 03/07 RP3 DDH8: HAMBURG MET 1451 RTTY 50/N/450 Met tfc. Poor copy (27/Feb)(DW) LINCONSHIRE POACHER: Enigma E03 1603 USB OW with 71965 callup. (04Mar05) (RGA) LR1: (FBI, Little Rock, AR): 1559 USB/ALE TO SC1(FBI, Sacramento CA). 03/07 RP3 LRC33: (FBI, unidentified): 2101 USB/ALE TO QT2 (FBI, Quantico VA). 03/07 RP3 Pagina 278 WUN-v11 14523.7 -: UNID 1524 arq 100/E/170 End of weak transmission before decode established. Possible Egyptian diplo - PactorIII or Codan 16tone bursts on 14522/U prior Sitor (27/Feb)(DW) 14524.0 unid: rus 0939 crowd36 (12 Feb 05) (wp3) 14622.0 unid: Egyptian diplo 13:10 USB/CODAN 16*75 baud QPSK channels nodecode 20feb05 (PPA) 14629.7 ---: MFA CAIRO 0906 arq 100/E/170 Tfc in Arabic (ATU80) then into irs mode. Sign off. 0954 immediate selcals XBVM/Bonn. (28/Feb)(DW) 14670.0 CHU: TS OTTAWA 1547 USB Time sigs, weak voice announcements (27/Feb)(DW) 14670.0 YT364: unid 1149 USB/ALE clng YT349 (19-feb-2005)(MSM) 14670.7 ---: FF UNID 1553 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. QRM fm CHU. Poor sync. No apparent tfc thru 1653z (27/Feb)(DW) 14680.0 KNY25: (Romanian Embassy, Wash DC): 0326 USB/ALE TO CENTR1 (Romanian MFA, Bucharest). 03/09 RP3 14680.0 KNY25: (Romanian Embassy, Wash DC): 1225 USB/ALE TO CENTR5 (Romanian MFA, Bucharest). 03/09 RP3 14680.0 KNY25: (Romanian Embassy:Washington DC): 2102 USB/ALE TO CENTR5 (Romanian MFA). 03/08 RP3 14700.0 STAT154: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1157 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2. Also 1232 (08/Mar)(DW) 14700.0 STAT154: Tunisian MOI/MIL 1301 ALE/USB to TU3 (19/03/05) (ZE) 14700.0 TU3: Tunisian MOI/MIL 1301 ALE/USB to STAT154 (19/03/05) (ZE) 14700.0 TUD: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1047 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2. (10/Mar)(DW) 14700.0 TUD: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1500 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Xlng TU1. Also 1547 (08/Mar)(DW) 14761.5 RUH980: (UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1913 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 03/09 RP3 14774.0 unid: rus 0739 crowd36 (12 Feb 05) (wp3) 14802.0 Unid: Time signals, or sounded like, at one per second: 1641 USB. Another unid data? transmission going at the same time (22/FEB/05) (JLM) 14813.0 DBFA: UNID 1622 CW "qsv k" "DP9D de DBFA k" "qsa2 qsa? k" " ok k" "DP9D de DBFA qap k" "ok k". Slow speed ( 16/Mar)(DW) 14830.0 CIS-System: 40.5/500 0649 (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 14830.0 unid: rus 0737 81-81/40.5/495 (12 Feb 05) (wp3) 14996.0 RWM: TS MOSCOW 1652 CW Time sigs (16/Mar)(DW) 15016 MILKY WAY: 28-char EAM 2000 USB 23V5PD simulcast on at least 11175 and 8992. (18 Mar 05) (JH) 15016 TELL TALE: 28-char EAM 2037 USB (May be TALE TELL) LAMK2G. Simulcast on at least 11175 and 8992. (06 Mar 05) (JH) 15025 B-6051: Chinese Eastern A340 Flt MU0554 1611 HFDL Logs on. (02Mar05) (RGA) 15025 JA-402J: JAL B747-400 1544 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (02Mar05) (RGA) 15025.0 ---: FLIGHT 6753 1613 HFDL on usb. Posn 45.01N 61.53W (25/Feb)(DW) 15025.0 ---: FLIGHT LH8419 1614 HFDL on usb. Posn at 1609z 47,32N 20.01E (25/Feb)(DW) 15025.0 03: ARINC REYKJAVICK 1612 HFDL on usb. Squitters. 1613 METAR for CYYR/Goose ,Nfld to UP6727 (25/Feb)(DW) 15025.0 N311U: FLIGHT 6727 1611 HFDL on usb. Posn 43.18N 54.03W. 1612 Posn 43.20N 53.55W. 1614 ACARS msg (25/Feb)(DW) 15034 Trenton: WKG Canadian Air Force 1840 USB Volmet followed by "This is Trenton Military". Logged as being active at a different time from what indicated in the AeroList. Reports for Keflavick, Gander, Halifax. Followed by terminal forecasts. (05Mar05) (MC) 15043 170043: C-5 87-0043 1004 ALE/USB wkg MPA Mount Pleasant (Falklands) HF-GHCS (04Mar05) (SA) 15043 AA1: Unid. Poss POTUS ID 1522 ALE/USB Sounding. Sounds Pagina 279 15043 15043 15043 15043 15043 15043.0 15070.0 15635.0 15877 15877 15953.5 15980.0 15988 16077.0 16077.0 16125.0 16144.5 16144.5 16155 16155.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 WUN-v11 again at 1622. Thanks (SA). (24Feb05) (RGA) ADW: US HF-GCS Stn Andrews AFB MD 1628 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb05) (RGA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 0908 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (01Mar05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1310 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (06Mar05) (SA) JTY: Yokota HF-GCS 0934 ALE/USB wkg AED Elmendorf HF-GCS (18Mar05) (SA) MPA:USAF Mount Pleasant Falklands 0959 ALE/USB Sounds (17Mar05) (SA) E30352: (E-3B AWACS # 77-0352, Tinker AFB): 2017 USB/ALE TO OFF (USAF GSC, Offutt AFB). Also noted on 09025.0;11226.0 & 15043.0. 02/28 RP3 15043.0 711: (HC-130H7 CGAS Kodiak): 2021 USB/ALE sounding. 02/28 RP3 Beacon "BM": 1815 CW sending continuously. 02/14 RP3 TUD: TUNISIAN MIL/MOI ?LOC 1513 MIL.STD 181-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT2 (02/Mar)(DW) CYP: RSC UK Episkopi, CYP 1027 ALE/USB snd tws (10/Mar/05) (ZE) DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1105 ALE/USB snd tws (10/Mar/05) (ZE) LR1: (FBI, Little Rock, AR): 1542 USB/ALE TO JK1(FBI, Jacksonville FL). Also noted on 14532.0. 03/07 RP3 EZI2: Numberstation 1330 USB female Voice: "Echo-Zulu-IndiaTwo" (10/MAR/05) (KK) DDK7: Pinnenberg Met 0735 RTTY/50/430 Wind/Wave forecasts (21/Feb/05) (RH2) MVP1: (US Army Corps of Engineers, possibly Pine Bluff AR): 1537 USB/ALE sounding. 02/15 RP3 NWS1: (US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle WA): 1937 USB/ALE sounding. 02/15 RP3 ---: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 0825 PACT-II/100/E/200 on usb offset +1.7kHz tfc to/fm STAT151/STAT13 in unid mode noting "IPM.note/mail.hse" in plainlanguage thru 0832z. Brief cw sigs (+900/+1000Hz) either side. (17/Mar)(DW) RUH006: (UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1910 USB/ALE TO RUH962 (UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras). 03/09 RP3 RUH980: (UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1953 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). 03/03 RP3 GYA: RN Northwood 0757 FAX 120/576 surface prog. Blurred and noisy. Approx. 10 ms delayed vs 4610 kHz (03Mar05) (KB) GYA: RN NORTHWOOD 1355 FAX 120/576/N/800 N Atlantic charts. Poor copy. Offset second image. Additional frequency to N Atlantic service (26/Feb)(DW) 1001: Ita-Pol 1510 17/03/05 ale clg 1102, 1103@1516, 1106@1526, 1107@1532 [sw] 1001: Italian POL 0908 ALE/USB to 1105 (19/03/05) (ZE) 1001: UNID 0934 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1302. 0944 clng 1305. 0956 clng 1307. 1001 clng 1308. 1003 clng 1309. 1009 clng 1312. 1019 clng 1313 (20/Feb)(DW) 1001: UNID 1504 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1104. 1512 clng 1105. 1528 clng 1106. 1536 clng 1109. 1554 clng 1305. 1559 clng 1306. 1602 clng 1106. 1608 clng 1109. 1644 clng 1312. 1647 sounding. 1649 clng 1313 (20/Feb)(DW) 1102: Italian POL 0914 ALEIUSB snd tws (19/03/05) (ZE) 1103: UNID 1422 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1108: UNID 1418 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1109: UNID 0936 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1115: UNID 1428 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1116: UNID 1220 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding Pagina 280 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 WUN-v11 (20/Feb)(DW) 1119: UNID 1437 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1302: UNID 1418 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1307: (possible Italian net): 1719 USB/ALE sounding. 02/22 RP3 1307: UNID 1516 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1312: UNID 1430 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1314: UNID 0940 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1316: UNID 0945 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1319: UNID 1417 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1321: UNID 1134 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1011 (20/Feb)(DW) 1323: UNID 1420 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 1324: UNID 1411 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2001: Ita-Pol 1511 17/03/05 ale clg 2202, 2405@1515, 2402@1525 [sw] 2001: Italian POL 0911 ALE/USB to 2401 (19/03/05) (ZE) 2001: UNID 0930 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2403. 0940 clng 2405. 0943 clng 2406. 0947 clng 2408. 0956 clng 2409. 1006 clng 2514. 1018 clng 2515. 1422 sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2001: UNID 1502 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2204. 1508 clng 2205. 1517 clng 2403. 1523 clng 2404. 1531 clng 2408. 1535 clng 2409. 1540 clng 2513. 1542 clng 2514. 1544 clng 2515. 1552 clng 2517. (20/Feb)(DW) 2201: UNID 1421 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2202: UNID 0937 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2203: UNID 1421 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2211: Ita-Pol 1518 17/03/05 ale clg 2011. [sw] 2212: Ita-Pol 1535 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] 2213: UNID 0958 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2215: Ita-Pol 1527 17/03/05 ale clg 2011. [sw] 2215: UNID 1430 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2401: UNID 1418 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2402: UNID 1410 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2405: UNID 0949 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2406: UNID 1440 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2406: UNID 1553 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2001 (20/Feb)(DW) 2407: UNID 1402 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2414: UNID 1418 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2415: Ita-Pol 1515 17/03/05 ale sndg. [sw] 2416: UNID 0939 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2419: UNID 1424 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 2513: UNID 0933 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. 1252 clng 1313. 1302 clng 2514 (20/Feb)(DW) Pagina 281 WUN-v11 16240.0 2517: UNID 1552 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to 2001 (20/Feb)(DW) 16240.0 2522: UNID 1423 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (20/Feb)(DW) 16240.0 2524: UNID 1427 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 16240.0 7923: UNID 0958 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 16240.0 9001: UNID 1145 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (20/Feb)(DW) 16278.6 alg emb Moscow: 0836 coquelet-8 tfc ff to mfa Algiers (27 Feb05) (wp3) 16283.6 KWL92: (US Embassy/Consulate Asia??): 1501 USB/ALE TO KWL93 (US Embassy/Consulate Asia??). 03/10 RP3 16283.6 KWL94: (US Embassy/Consulate Asia??): 1505 USB/ALE sounding. 03/10 RP3 16285.0 STAT151: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 1223 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT13 (10/Mar)(DW) 16285.0 TUD: TUNISIAN MIL/MOI ?LOC 0832 MIL.STD 181-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT15. 0834 clng STAT14 (06/Mar)(DW) 16305.7 RFPTC: FF N'Djamena CHD 1547 ARQ-E3/200/360 Betas. (04Mar05) (RGA) 16321.0 F0L: Rom-Mfa (embassy)1440 17/03/05 ale clg CENTR5 Bucharest [sw] 16332 D: MX Beacon Odessa 1213 CW //8495 10872 13528. (21Feb05) (WC) 16332 M: MX Beacon Magadan 0706 CW (22Feb05) (WC) 16335.0 MAE: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Alger 0940 USB ALE clg GAO: Alger. Consulat Gao (11/MAR/05) (KK) 16346.7 : MFA Cairo 1537 ARQ Period of IRS brief opchat with unid and off the air. Comes back on SELCALling XBVY/London but is in any case QRU. (04Mar05) (RGA) 16351.7 FF Paris: 1350 ARQ-E3 192 bd msgs to Cayenne IGU-cct (04 Mar 05) (HPT) 16408 ERMSAL: Brazillian Naval Radio Salvador 1832 ALE/USB Calls FLIBER/Unid. (02Mar05) (RGA) 16420 154: M87 Variant 0330 CW 000 sent very rarely. ... 154 154 154 154 154 000 154 154 154 ... (01Mar05) (IB) 16705.0 EEW: unid Sitor-A 0915 USB,with what looked like encryptedtraffic.(09-mar-2005)(MSM) 16804.5 1551: 636000000 Unid ship (Liberia) test with 00601001 Cape Town MRCC (South Africa) GMDSS 12mar05 (RP) 16804.5 OUNL2: Danish Ship Torm Gertrud 1230 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (02Mar05) (RGA) 16804.5 UGMQ: Russian Ship Brothers-7 1246 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (02Mar05) (RGA) 16806.0 Unid:17:16utc MODE: HF-SITOR 28feb05 (KK) 16808 : CIS Navrad 1703 36-50/50/230 (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 16808 : Russian Military 1550 36-50/50/180 At least two messages. (04Mar05) (RGA) 16811.0 CBV: Playa Ancha R 2247 CW marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 16812.5 NRV: USCG Apra Hbr, Guam 1144 ARQ w/CW Marker. (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 16813 UAT: Moscow R 1609 ARQ CW ID Markere (24/Feb/05) (RH2) 16813.0 UAT: Moscow Radio 1201 SITOR-B tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 16819.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1552 ARQ w/Morse ID. (04Mar05) (RGA) 16830.5 SVO: Olympia R 1605 CW ID Marker (24/Feb/05) (RH2) 16879.0 LZW: Varna Radio 1046 SITOR-B tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 16890.5 XSQ: Guangshou R 1135 ARQ w/CW Marker. (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 16893.0 ZSC: GW Cape Town 1239 Dataplex Marker (26/02/05) (AJP) 16901.0 ZSC: GW Cape Town 1241 Dataplex Marker (26/02/05) (AJP) 16904.5 : Unid 1600 PICCOLO-12 In tfc for the last 30 mins 1600-1630z too weak to get a decode on, but this is the first I have heard this mode in Colorado. Anyone else catch this & can get an ID? (28Feb05) (BC2) 16910.0 HLJ: Seoul R 2242 CW "cq cq de HLJ qsx 16 mhz" (05/03/05) (AJP) Pagina 282 WUN-v11 16910.0 HLJ: Seoul Radio 0953 cw, cq (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 16951.5 6ww: : FN Dakar 1549 rtty 50/850 faaa faaa de 6ww6926ww testing (13 Feb=05) (wp3) 16960.0 HZY: Ras Tanura Radio 1000 cw, tfc-list (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 16971.0 JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1420 FAX 60 Newspaper (14/02/05) (AJP) 16976.0 LSD836: GW Buenos Aires 2237 Dataplex marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 16976.0 PWZ-33: BN Rio de Janeiro 1509 Pactor-FEC "N 0075 COSTA NORTE -ILHA DOS GUARAS- CARTA 313 - FAROL PONTA DA TIJOCA" (16/02/05) (AJP) 16985.9 CTP: NATO Portugal 1420 ITA-2 75/850 NAWS (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 17024.0 sab83: : G=F6teborg Radio (kli) 1538 gw-pactor (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 17060.6 NATO: 1415 Stanag4285 (14/02/05) (AJP) 17066.5 A9M: Globe Wireless Manama BHR 1555 GLOBEDATA Idling. (04Mar05) (RGA) 17069.6 JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1405 FAX 60 Newspaper (14/02/05) (AJP) 17103.1 XSG: Shangai R 1358 CW CQ de XSG (14/02/05) (AJP) 17121.0 unid: 1604 stanag4285/usb 1200 (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 17147 URL: Sevastopol R 1140 ARQ w/CW Marker. (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 17147 URL: Sevastopol R 1716 RTTY/50/170 TG's fm Konstructor Koshan (08/Mar/05) (RH2) 17147.0 URL: Sevastopol R 1440 CW "De URL" (26/02/05) (AJP) 17147.0 URL: Sevastopol Radio 0900 cw, tfc-list (05 Mar)(HPT) 17151.2 NMC: USCG Point Reyes 1515 FAX 120 Surface analysis (16/02/05) (AJP) 17176.0 rffmea: : FN La Regine 1528 rtty 75/850n nnnnfaa de rffmea 13feb 05) (wp3)= 17180.0 rffmea : FN La Regine 1518 rtty 75/850r nnnnfaa de rffmea (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 17192.8 Unid: NATO 2227 Stanag4285 (05/03/05) (AJP) 17234.5 VCS: GW Halifax 2221 Dataplex marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 17249.4 LSD836: Argentina R 2220 Dataplex marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 17344.0 oxz: : Lyngby Radio 1506 usb tfc list ee & dan (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 17350.0 EHY: Madrid Radio 1402 USB Sp phone-patches, no tfc-list as supposed (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 17359.0 SVO: Olympia Raio 1040 USB E/Gr callband (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 17372.4 KPH: GW San Francisco 2213 Dataplex marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 17375.4 WNU: GW Slidell 2218 Dataplex marker (05/03/05) (AJP) 17385.5 unid: brit. =3F 1459 piccolo6 tfc scr no ing channel (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 17404.0 CBV: Playa Ancha R 2032 USB SS Unid ship. Familiar pp to Santiagoand Lima, (mar ch 1655) (14/02/05) (AJP) 17430.0 9VF209: Kyodo News Singapur 1430 FAX 60 Low signals. News in Jap.off at 1430 (17/02/05) (AJP) 17458.5 A060RN: (Nat'l Guard, Arkansas): 1804 USB/ALE TO HIC93NG (Nat'l Guard (93rd CST Hawaii). 03/07 RP3 17458.5 A090ZN: (Nat'l Guard, Arizona): 1641 USB/ALE TO H090IN (Nat'l Guard, Hawaii). 03/03 RP3 17458.5 A090ZN: (Nat'l Guard, Arizona): 1704 USB/ALE TO G090UN (Nat'l Guard, Guam). 03/03 RP3 17458.5 HQ703N: (Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 1639 USB/ALE TO A090ZN (Nat'l Guard, Arizona). 03/03 RP3 17458.5 HQ7: (Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA): 1635 USB/ALE TO M010EN (Nat'l Guard, Maine). 03/07 RP3 17460 Unid: CIS Navrad 1555 36-50/50/200 (24/Feb/05) (RH2) 17460.0 1455: unid 50/236 beginning with reversals immediately after xmsn carrier off (13 Feb 05) (wp3) 17460.0 Russian Navy: 1304 CW-FSK 250Hz shift (16/02/05) (AJP) 17466.0 OFM: Chilean Ny 1850 ALE/LSB and Skyfax modem sending files(13/02/05) (AJP) 17967 ICZSPR: Sigonella SIPR NET 0817 ALE/USB wkg HAWSPR Ascension SIPR NET (28Feb05) (SA) 17967.0 ARINC Bahrein: 1119 HFDL wkg. a/c A7-AFM (04 Mar 05)(HPT) 17973 ICZNPR: US HF-GCS NIPRNet Stn Sigonella ITA 1511 ALE/USB Calls CRONPR/Croughton UK. (04Mar05) (RGA) 17976 HAWSPR: Ascension SIPR NET 0808 ALE/USB wkg JNRSPR Pagina 283 17976 17976 17982.0 17988.0 17988.0 17988.0 17988.0 17994.0 18001 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18158.4 18183.4 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18248.6 18277 18277 18277 18396.0 18560.0 18610.0 WUN-v11 Peurto Rico SIPR NET (03Mar05) (SA) IKFSPR: US HF-GCS SIPRINet Stn Keflavik ICE 1542 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb05) (RGA) JNRSPR: US HF-GCS SIPRNet Stn Puerto Rico 1650 ALE/USB Sounds. (02Mar05) (RGA) INDIAVICTOR: (Brazilian Air Force Grupo Especial de Inspe=E7=E3o em VF4o,Aeroporto Santos-Dumont, Rio de Janeiro): 2154 USB/ALE sounding. 02/22 RP3 790: (HC-130H7 CGAS Elizabeth City , possibly deployed to CGAS Kodiak=AK): 2102 USB/ALE sounding. 02/22 RP3 790: (HC-130H7 CGAS Kodiak): 2054 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13221.0 & 15082.0. 03/02 RP3 NOJ: (USCG ComSta Kidiak, AK): 1932 USB/ALE TO J12 (HH-60J CGAS=Kodiak). Also noted on 15082.0. 02/22 RP3=20 PTH: (possibly USCG Port Huron MI): 2138 USB/ALE sounding. 02/22 RP3 Trenton Military: (very weak): 1844 USB w/Canforce 4407 02/24 RP3 : Unid 1442 USB -vvM-Sp-speaking abt 5 kilowattsB5/B10. Off at 1447. (21Feb05) (WC) 100445: C-5 70-0445 0929 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (22Feb05) (SA) 170045: C-5 87-0045 1127 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (20Feb05) (SA) 440189: KC-10 84-0189 1014 ALE/USB Sounds (24Feb05) (SA) HAW: Ascension HF-GCS 0939 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella (05Mar05) (SA) ICZ:Sigonella HF-GCS 1102 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) 190019: (C-5 # 69-0019, 337th AS, Westover AFB MA): 1614 USB/ALE TO HAW (USAF GSC, Ascension Island). Aircraft attempts direct pp but gets recorded msg of inability to complete the call as dialed. Tries two more times, gets same recorded msg, then gives up. 02/12 RP3 491951: KC-10a 79-1951 60th AMW Travis AFB, Ca. 1138 17/03/05 ale clg MCC [sw] 580017: KC-135E 58-0017 171st ARW Greater Pittsburg Pa [ANG] 1201 17/03/05 ale clg JNR, ADW and CRO. Rq rdo chk on HOTEL. [sw] WC1: HFGCS ?LOC 1451 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Mar)(DW) 8PO: GW Bridgetown, Barbados 1250 Dataplex Marker (26/02/05) (AJP) MFA Argelia 1449 Coquelet-8 13.3 and 26.6 bd. Low signals IR01: UNID 1109 ALE/USB wkg IR02 (28Feb05) (SA) IR01: UNID 1415 ALE/USB wkg AP1D UNID (27Feb05) (SA) IR05: UNID 1148 ALE/USB Wkg IR01 UNID (23Feb905) (SA) KEH34: US Consulate Basrah IRQ 13:24 ALE/USB answering call from PLAUSAF Lajes AZR 20feb05 (PPA) KWA80: US Embassy?? 0820 ALE/USB wkg KVX45 US Embassy?? (17Feb05) (SA) KWK96: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1735 USB/ALE TO KWK97 (US Embassy/Consulate). Also noted on 20810.6. 03/10 RP3 KWK96: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1747 USB/ALE TO KWK98 (US Embassy/Consulate). 03/10 RP3 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1625 ALE/USB snd tws (08/Mar/05) (ZE) CYP: RSC UK Episkopi, CYP 1248 ALE/USB snd tws (08/Mar/05) (ZE) DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1315 ALE/USB snd tws (08/Mar/05) (ZE) RABAT: Fra-Mfa (Rabat, Mrc) 1100 17/03/05 ale clg CER11 Paris [sw] BMF: Taipei Meteo 1500 Fax 120 Chinese char //13900(13/02/05) (AJP) ICSSIL: (Rockwell Collins Signal Integration Laboratory, probably Irvine CA): 1906 USB/ALE TO DL0002DAT Pagina 284 18756.7 18757 18775.0 18784 18974 19043.0 19602.0 19602.0 19602.0 19907.1 19907.1 19942 20056.7 20400.0 20400.0 20503.0 20503.0 20613 20810.6 20810.6 20810.6 20810.6 20890 20890 21867.0 21867.0 21955.0 21982.0 21982.0 22403 22413 22446.7 WUN-v11 (Rockwell Collins data node). Also noted on 07410.0. 02/14 RP3 RFGW: MFA Paris 1640 FEC-A/192/400 Idling (08/Mar/05) (RH2) RFGW: MFA Paris 1650 FEC-A/192/400 Idling for 20mins but sending 5LG and later a mix FF & CF/CIE stuff at 1045 until 1200UTC. (24/Feb/05) (RH2) BYR: UNID Roumanian Embasy 1102 ALE/USB to CENTR6 (17/03/05) (ZE) : Unid Brit Mil Cyprus? 1622 MFSK/195.3/300 //13569. (24/Feb/05) (RH2) DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1327 ALE/USB snd tws (11/Mar/05) (ZE) 586: Unid 09057 USB/ALE Snd, (09-mar-2005) (MSM) AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 1655 USB/ALE sounding. 03/09 RP3 AAA: ISR AF GND STATION 1309 USB/ALE+Voice YL qso with M75, rec.made.(09-mar-2005)(MSM) AAA: Israeli Air Force): 1625 USB/ALE TO M75 (Israeli Air Force). ALE handshake followed by Hebrew voice. 03/09 RP3 Thnks to tip from the list. ---: UNID 1053 PACT-I 200/-/200 (19907.14) Clng 604 (02/Mar)(DW) ---: UNID 1053 PACT-I 200/-/200 (19907.18) clng 701. No qso's or further calling thru 1315z (02/Mar)(DW) BURHANA-144: Poss Ukrainian Goverment/Railways/Fisheries 1456 RTTY/50/500 Enciphered Kriptogramma RTTY messages with mostly UTC+2 DTGs. (23Feb05) (RGA) ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO? ?LOC 1015 arq 100/E/170 irs mode for long periods. 1043 brief Arabic (ATU80) returning irs till s/off(?) 1108. 1109 irs. 1128 opchat till 1131 s/off (21/Feb)(DW) 2XM7: (unidentified): 1507 LSB/ALE TO T5L1 (unidentified). 02/15 RP3 CAPANA: Venezuelan Navy 2038 ALE/USB clg BNARCO, F21, DCC(08/02/05) (AJP) KNY25: (Romanian Embassy, Wash DC): 1203 USB/ALE TO CENTR4 (Romanian MFA, Bucharest). Also noted on 14680.0. 03/09 RP3 KNY25: (Romanian Embassy:Washington DC): 2054 USB/ALE TO CENTR4 Romanian MFA). Also noted on 14680.0. 03/08 RP3 LPB: Unid 1303 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Mar05) (RGA) KVX50: Unid US DOS Stn 1302 ALE/USB Calls KVX53/Unid . (02Mar05) (RGA) KWK95: (US Embassy/Consulate): 2113 USB/ALE TO KWK96 (US=Embassy/Consulate). 02/22 RP3=20 KWK: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1742 USB/ALE TO WNG746 (US Dept of State). 03/10 RP3 KWN94OS: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1924 USB/ALE TO KMN94 (US=Embassy/Consulate). 02/22 RP3=20 CAMSLANT: USCG Chesapeake Va 1845 USB Calling J14 (USCG MH-60J) for position and flight Ops report. (22Feb05) (CC) CAMSLANT: USCG Chesapeake, Va 1851 USB Calling J15 (USCG MH-60J) for a flight Ops and position report. (Aircraft unheard). (22Feb05) (CC) AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1331 ALE/USB snd tws (16/03/05) (ZE) DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 0844 ALE/USB snd tws (16/03/05) (ZE) 17: ARINC EL GORO 1405 HFDL on usb. Squitters. 1407 logon cfm to ICAO 21416472/A7CJB. 1412 logon cfm ICAO/17070141. 1413 logon cfm ICAO/17070163. 1414 logon cfm ICAO/52157332/N67052. 1415 msg to N67052 (02/Mar)(DW) ---: FLIGHT SU0220 1021 HFDL Posn 56.40N 30.50E (02/Mar)(DW) ---: FLIGHT VS0010 1017 HFDL Posn 51.38N 3.51W. 1022 posn 51.34N 2.52W (02/Mar)(DW) UIW: K'grad R 1600 ARQ CW ID Marker //16833.5 (24/Feb/05) (RH2) Unid: CIS Navrad 1159 36-50/50/240 (24/Feb/05) (RH2) FUV: FN Jibouti 1150 RTTY/75/850 Test tape - Le Brick Pagina 285 WUN-v11 etc. (24/Feb/05) (RH2) 22542.0 JJC: Kyodo News Tokio 1526 FAX 60 Newspaper (13/02/05) (AJP) 22580.0 1500: unid 0858 USB/ALE wkng 0124 (08-mar-2005)(MSM) 22580.0 2208: unid 0858 USB/ALE snd (08-mar-2005)(MSM) 22744 SVO:Olympia Radio Athens 1550 USB YL "This is Olympia Radio - call us on 806-12320-16400-22744" repeated in EE & Greek. (24/Feb/05) (RH2) 22910.0 Unid: 1510 FSK 50/850 ACF = 0 (13/02/05) (AJP) 23337 HAW: Ascension HF-GCS 1059 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (16Mar05) (SA) 23337 ICZ: US HF-GCS Stn Sigonella ITA 1131 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb05) (RGA) 23822.0 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1607 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) 25186.0 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1320 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) 25186.0 DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1247 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) 25244.1 nocall: unid 0917 USB/ALE no synchro,after ALE came a pulse signal,(12-mar-2005)(MSM) 25531.2 Unid: 1455 Stanag4285 (13/02/05) (AJP) 27135 Unknown: Uknown / Key words Flemish 1630 FM/PSK 125/170 Regular Scheds on this Freq. Would like to ID this TX. . EU.(08/Mar/2005) (vzczcnnnn@aol.com) 28188.75 XE1SRF: South of Mexico City, DF, Mexico 1524z Jan 22,2005 CW [SN] 28206 RU: Fishing Buoy 1420 CW RST478. 3 min. (21Feb05) (WC) ----------------------======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 11: Issue 4, April 2005 //// ======================================================================== Edited by Bill Lawrie Electronic Editor. (blmid@freeuk.com) COPYRIGHT © 2005 WUN This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club in the world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter may be posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so long as the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s) remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written permission of the Electronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may result in action under international copyright legislation. To become a WUN member, visit the URL: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/wun and fill in your details in the "Subscribing to WUN" section form. If you have problems with any of this, or need further information, contact Jason Berri at: webmaster@wunclub.com If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS, please let us know! Check out the WUN web site at: http://www.wunclub.com ======================================================================== >From your Electronic Editor: * Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utility station information and the most widely quoted utility station publication in the world...the WUN Newsletter. WHAT'S INSIDE: Pagina 286 WUN-v11 o o o o o o o Digital Review by Day Watson Nautical News by Robert Maskill Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boender Products & Books Reviews by Bob Margolis QSL Center by John Stephens Utility Round-up by Ary Boender WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS ====================================================================== 0101100010110001011000001110011000101100110110001100110011010000100011 0011100010010101001100110101100101000011011000011101100000011101100100 01001101# DIGITAL #00011110010100001101010010100011010111000000111001 1000100101111010100100011010010010100110100011010001101000011010011100 0111000111001110000110000111100000100101011001001010111010100011100011 001000101010110100000111000111# REVIEW #00000101110011100001101000101 0101001011000011101100010110001100110100010110000111011000101100001110 0000110100101010110101011010000100101001101001010101010100010101010001 01001011111100001000101010011000110011000011101100010# COLUMN #110001 1100011010100101010010101001010100100001110110000101100101001101011000 - Editor: Day Watson - Nickname on chat channels E-mail: jdwatson@blueyonder.co.uk DayW Hi digi WUNners The menu Met Military Spurious FAX from Hamburg Decoding STANAG 4285 >>....Met.....> ::: Spurious FAX from Hamburg Variable and weak blurred charts were logged during the early morning thru 1125z. The frequency was drifting from 7708.78 thru 7709.65 (at 1225z). This was subsequent to an email from John Doe near London. 7710 is used by CCG Iqualuit and Canadian Ice Service Recon aircraft - but captures were not in agreement with known skeds for those stations. Jim Dunnett however pointed out that 7710 is the second harmonic of 3855/DDH3/Hamburg. Although blurred, reference to notes at time and comparison of timings of charts received, the DDH3 schedule seemed to tie in; especially at 1111z where an apparent textual forecast tied in with DDH3's schedule listing. Subsequently John reported as being "Definitely spurious. I have heard it on (about) 7880 plus and minus 170, 7880 plus and minus 340, and once on 7880 minus 510 kHz - obviously that transmitter is very sick and should see a doctor before it's too late. (Probably one of these new-fangled things with an untuned final amplifying stage)." Thanks for the follow-up guys. >>....Military.....> ::: Decoding STANAG 4285 Pagina 287 WUN-v11 The question was raised the other day reference "decoding" STANAG 4285 and knowing when one has the correct parameters set. We can commiserate with Richard who wrote asking. STANAG 4285 is a NATO military transmission mode and as such it will be associated with on-line encryption devices. Since decoders do just that (decode) the end result is apparent "garbage" but in fact is a pseudorandom bit or character stream. The stream is the raw data applied to the decryption device. Decoding and decryption are two different functions. Decoding packages never have made any claim to decrypt and the monitor has encountered this raw bitstream end product for years on other modes. After all the purpose of encryption is to inhibit the monitor be it hobby monitor or enemy analyst from obtaining the content of messages. Known packages offering 4285 decode modules come from commercial companies supplying the professional market, as well as the hobby one: Hoka(Code300-32), Monteria(Centurion), Skysweep(Skysweeper STD+/PRO) and Wavecom(W51PC/W51LAN). Users all have to deal with the same problem in as much that the transmission system does not contain any coding in the preamble as does Mil.Std 188-110B to automatically set the throughput data rate and interleave. Refer for further information on each transmission system to WUN Newsletter DR Column archives: STANAG 4285 waveform [Feb02] Mil.Std 188-110B overview [Jun02] In the case of operational circuits the users concerned know the frequencies, throughput data rate and interleaving, and the terminal characteristics to be used and set these. For the analyst/monitor life is not so easy and a degree of patience and experimentation must be used. The first job is to ascertain correct tuning. The receiver is in /USB, should have 3.2-3.5 Khz bandwidth and the system is centered at 1800Hz. The suppressed carrier is often not on a whole or half kHz point. With the signal approximately filling the passband the receiver tuning is altered plus/minus in 0.1 kHz steps looking for SYNC or DCD True according to decoder presentations. There is only one 100Hz point at which this will occur indicating the correct frequency. It is then likely a stream of "decoded data" will appear. The next objective is to determine the data rate and interleave being employed. This is done by testing a number of options looking at each for minimum errors/corrections, or maximum quality depending on the decoder. Whilst there is a substantial number possible the monitor should start testing using 600/L, 300/L, 1200/L, 1200/S and 75/S. These are probably the most common in use, thereafter one has to laboriously test the others. Once the data bitrate and interleave have been established then the decoder is recovering the correct bitstream. This leaves the final phase of testing on how this is structured as interpreted by a terminal as characters if text ie is it in ITA2(Baudot), or ASCII format. A large number of options are possible but the three common ones are ITA2 5bit/no parity/1stop ASCII 7bit/no parity/1stop 5Bit Sync Plain text is likely to show up on the first two; occasionally 5Bit Sync may reveal the characteristic "vmgtcn" of KG84. Otherwise one is left with the on-line encrypted "garbage" strings, and unfortunately still not knowing if the terminal settings are correct. Thanks Richard. >>....Signoff.....> Little as it is this month that's it. 73/regards Day Any submissions for next? Pagina 288 WUN-v11 ------------------------------ WPL Nautical News Monitoring Maritime Frequencies Edited by Robert Maskill G4PYR Peterborough England. www.coastalradio.org.uk April 2005 Ocean Weather Ships - a nostalgic look. --------------------------------------During the month Tom Rosner made the comment that Polarfront/LDWR is the last operational Ocean Weather Ship (OWS) in the World. Reports from this vessel are often seen on the ship (BBXX) broadcasts from the Hamburg Met. There followed some discussion on various callsigns, and further information was supplied by Brendan Wahl re the last Pacific Ocean Weather Ship. Given the above, and that your scribe served as a Radio/Radar Technician for a year (63/64) on one of the UK OW ships, some words of (nostalgic) comment seems in order. In a way the term Ocean Weather Ship is a bit of a misnomer. In 1949 a conference of the International Meteorological Organisation (now the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)) passed a resolution calling for the establishment of stationary met ships at geographical locations in certain ocean areas. The purpose to give a better met service to aircraft. Prior to this met info had almost totally been supplied by the observations (OBS) made four times daily by ships participating in the voluntary observing program during their voyages. These observations were basically surface conditions. It should be noted that aircraft routes are not necessarily coincident with those of maritime trade routes. Later in 1946 at a London meeting member states of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) agreed that these vessels should be established in the North Atlantic by the following summer. All countries operating scheduled flights across the Atlantic agreed financial assistance to the program. Various revisions were implemented the final being in 1954 (where the signatories were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA. This agreement remainded in force till mid-56 whereafter it was extended year-on-year until the mid-70s/early-80s when the program was wound up. These ships provided points of observation to infill the gaps left by the existing "network" of voluntary reporting ships. The existance of OWS did not take away from the work carried out by the merchant ship; then or since. But we return to the opening statement about the term Ocean Weather Ship being a bit of a misnomer. Whilst weather was part of the work the other important function was to provide a navigational staging post along trans-Atlantic aircraft routes and, if necessary, fill in areas off maritime routes should the need for SAR arise. So much for the history. Now to the allocation of stations: Canada and USA jointly 1 UK, France, Netherlands (in rotation) 4 Norway, Sweden 1 USA 3 Of these the USA employed their largest USCG cutters, the French and Dutch had custom-built ships, as had (reportedly) Canada. The UK employed converted Castle-class frigates. Pagina 289 So where were these stations. OWS --A B C D E H I J K L M N P R S WUN-v11 Each was given an identifying letter. Location -------62.00N 56.30N 52.48N 44.00N 35.00N 38.00N 59.00N 52.30N 45.00N 57.00N 66.00N 30.00N 50.00N 47.00N 32.10N 33.00W 51.00W 35.30W 41.00W 48.00W 71.00W 19.00W 20.00W 16.00W 20.00W 02.00E 140.00W 145.00W 17.00W 64.30W Now the question of callsigns. The ship used the ITU allocation to ICAO of 4Y followed by the station ID letter. Hence station Juliet's callsign would be 4YJ in CW and Ocean Station Juliet in RT. This callsign was used for such services relating to Ocean Station business. For communications relating to the ship itself then the ship's own callsign was used. C7x callsigns (allocated to WMO) will be discussed later. Characteristic of all these ships was the provision of radar antenna capable of tracking aircraft and met balloon ascents, and of the provision in the stern of the ship of a large hanger for the inflation and launch of such balloons. Now to the daily, and other working, on a typical OWS. The UK had four ships latterly named Weather Adviser, Weather Monitor, Weather Reporter and Weather Surveyor. These notes are in respect of memories from a year on the Weather Monitor/MEBB (ex Frigate Pevensey Castle). In rotation with the Dutch and French OWS the Ocean Stations Alpha, India, Juliet and Kilo were manned. The UK ships were operated by the (then) Air Ministry from the Ocean Weather Service base at Greenock on the R Clyde. Time at sea was 22 days on station plus transit time to/from station depending on the station concerned. On watch at any time would be two Radio Operators (one for RT HF/VHF/UHF and another for CW) and a Radio/Radar Technician (who also acted as radar operator). Watch was keep on 500Khz and 2182 kHz [maritime distress, urgency, safety guard and call/reply], on VHF [121.5 Mhz (VHF Guard), 126.7 Mhz (OS working)], UHF [243 Mhz (UHF Guard)] and HF [North Atlantic Route Telephone (NARTEL)] - which frequency would depend on which was applicable to the OS to maintain a continuous link with ATC at Reykjavik, Prestwick or Shannon, and on prevaling propagation conditions. RAF air/sea rescue frequencies of 3095/5695.5 could be made available in case of emergency. Aircraft would call on VHF when in range and pass their current position and route information. On completion they might request a bearing and distance from the OS. The initial bearing would come from an automatic VHF DF on 126.7 kHz. With this information the radar would be steered to this approximate bearing, the aircraft located and bearing/range obtained. This would be passed to the aircraft with the ship's current position - determined by Loran. Sometimes a track and ground speed check would be requested. This required three bearings/ranges to be taken at three minute intervals, to be plotted by the Navigating Officer of the Watch and a speed/direction obtained. All very well provided the pilot did not change direction during the check! Pagina 290 WUN-v11 The CW operator kept watch on 500 kHz, dealt with communications via Portishead Radio/GKL and sent the Met traffic. Met traffic was sent on the RAF GFT series frequencies. This was done at specific times and to CQ. But before transmission each station would confirm that GFT could read it on it's current frequency. Then with the hourly surface report (OBS) delivered to the respect Radio Offices these would be sent as follows: Juliett H+02 Kilo H+04 India H+06 Alfa H+08. Likewise there were specific times for the reports generated from Radio Sonde ascents and Radar Wind tracking. HF transmitters were Marconi NT201 with synthesised frequency selection. Receivers were Marconi Atlanta - these had mechanical scale expansion and were fitted with scales pertinent to either maritime or aero HF bands. VHF/UHF communications kit and search radar were Service fits. Two International Marine Radio IMR51 were used for 500/MF WT, and for MF beacon service. The Ocean Station was a grid consisting of 10 nautical mile grid lines. The Lat (First) and Long (Second) squares were designated with a letter A-V (but the O was located between J and K in Latitude, and the S between J and K in Logitude. The ship would lie idle in calm conditions, or in rough weather would steam slowly back and forth across the OS Grid. The MF beacon would identify with Y + Station letter + two grid letters. When the ship was exactly on station eg Juliett then the ID would be YJOS but to the SW of the station could be sending YJQD. Each station had a discrete MF beacon frequency between 347 and 388 Khz and was sent for 5 minutes every 15 starting H+05. It could be made continuous on request. On to the Met Office. Here was organised the collection and encoding of a surface OBS every hour. But observation did not stop there. Every six hours a met balloon was filled and launched with a radar reflector. This was tracked, obtaining every minute its bearing, range and elevation until the balloon burst (and disappeared from the radar screens). From this wind speed and direction is calculated at various upper air levels. Every twelve hours a radio sonde was carried aloft obtaining in addition temperature, pressure and humidity. Much more calculation, encoding and broadcasting of WMO formatted messages at specified times. So we've covered the main things. But more was carried out: Bathythermagraph soundings daily to 150 fathoms - recording temperature at undersea levels. Once a patrol a deep babythermograph - ie down to the ocean floor. Towing a plankton recorder on passage to station. Aurora observations when in northern latitudes. Now to the Pacific and some notes from Brendan Wahl's post and his recollection from NRDC/USCGC Campbell WHEC-32: "The last Pacific Ocean weather ship was 4YP/"Ocean Station Papa," which went off-station around late 1978. If I recall correctly, it held position at around 50N 135W, and could be heard on 500 kHz around the clock. At that time it was run by Weather Canada, with backup provided by the USCG as needed. My cutter was called upon to take up the position and provide surface/aviation weather as needed, including a 24/7 500 kHz watch, 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz aero guard, and 2182 kHz guard. I never went out on station, but my fellow (senior) radiomen had, and described it as a month of "agonizing" station keeping, especially during the winter. Everyone got seasick, even the old hands. I heard it on 500 kHz often, but never any other frequency. The callsign was assigned to the ship keeping station, and was valid only for the duration of the assignment and the frequencies authorized for the station watch. Otherwise, all other communications was with the ships' "normal" callsign. The Canadian ships were purpose built for the job, and Pagina 291 WUN-v11 included large weather radar domes, good sized antennas, and good accomodations, especially since they were out there for around 2 months at a time Brendan has since written to say: "My cutter was built in 1936, as one of the "Secretary" class of Coast Guard cutters. They were the largest cutters built until the 378's were built in the mid-60's. She was 327' long, around 1980 short tons displacement, and could do 18 knots on a good day. Around 8,000 miles range or when the food ran out. {If you didn't already know, cutters are usually referred to now by their length in feet, occasionally they may have a class name, but that's not common} Here's a website I found that shows my very cutter as a model, as operated in the 1950's: http://smmlonline.com/articles/uscgcampbell/uscgcampbell.html She was rigged differently then, with only one gun mount, and an aft tripod mast for an airsearch radar, as well as a weather balloon launching shelter. Not a bad sea keeper at all, especially when compared to more modern ships. "Broad in the beam" as they say, and a lower center of gravity. In my two years of sea duty, we went north to the Bering Sea, up and down the West Coast, and even down to Mexico off of Cabo San Lucas at the southern tip of Baja California. Nowadays the cutters are going down as far as Ecuador and Colombia - I'm rather glad I'm not doing those trips! I remember seeing the Canadian weather ships tied up in Vancouver. The ships were around 400' long, and I'd say about 3,000 tons displacement. Handsome ships, about 5 decks above the waterline. I think they got either cut up for scrap or sold overseas when they were taken off station. Ocean Station Papa was located at 145W 50N - I found that on another webpage! Apparently still used for oceanographic research, as the weatherships took lots of data for years and years, and that serves as a good data baseline." Finally back to the C7 series of callsigns allocated to the WMO. It is noted from a back number of the ALRS that OS Romeo used C7Rxx for the beacon. This station was not active in the period above but appears to have come after. It would probably not have been operating under the auspices of ICAO but purely as a weather reporting ship hence the change to C7R. Likewise PolarFront/LDWR is operated (as far as I can tell refer http://www.fou.uib.no/fd/1997/f/406001/ ) as a joint project by the Norwegian Meteorological Institue (DNMI) and the University of Bergen's Geophysical Institute undertaking a hydrographic progam. Again with no apparent ICAO connection remaining 4YM is unlikely to be used but when operating on station the PolarFront may use C7M but without further information this seen as doubtful. Transfer of met bulletins is probably via satellite into the WMO's global telecommunications network. Aircraft these days have longer ranges, are more reliable, have GPS and better navigational equipment so the need for the Ocean Weather Ship has diminished and and the function ceased. Many thanks to Tom and Brendan for raising the subject. Dave at ALRS for some archive information. Thanks also to Portugal - Structure and upcoming closure of Estaçâo Rádionaval de Algés ------------------------------------------------------------------------From Ewald Glantschnig, Geneva, SUI Recently received a QSL-reply to a signal report on NAVTEX station Monsantorádio (490/ 518 khz) with some interesting information about current structure of and future developments at the Algés Navy Radio station (Estaçâo Rádionaval de Algés). Pagina 292 WUN-v11 Estaçâo Rádionaval de Algés is composed of 2 services. These are Radnavalalges transmitting nav warnings etc in USB on 2182/ 2657 and Monsantorádio running a NAVTEX service on 518 (English at 0250, 0650, 1050, 1450, 1850 & 2250 UTC) and 490(Portuguese at 0100, 0500, 0900, 1300, 1700, 2100 UTC). Transmitters are in the Serra de Monsanto within the boundaries of Lisbon and not far from its center, receiving location is Algés, just west of Lisbon. While Radnavalalges? tx power is 2000W, TX power of Monsantorádio is 1000W during the day and 350W at night. Estaçâo Rádionaval de Algés (i.e. both Radnavalalgés and Monsantorádio) is due to be decommissioned soon and will be replaced by a new station south of Lisbon. All contributions are welcome and may be sent by email to g4pyr@dsl.pipex.com 73 de Robert G4PYR ----------------------------- NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #094, April 2005 ________________________________________________________________________ Editor: Ary Boender (ary@luna.nl) NUMBERS & ODDITIES website: http://home.luna.nl/~ary ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski (csmolinkski@erols.com) http://www.spynumbers.com/numbersDB/ ________________________________________________________________________ Hi, it was once again a very busy month and the radio was turned off most of the time. During the few hours that I could listen, I heard several E10 strings. The numbers scene was quiet this month but there are a few things worth mentioning. M18 has changed its frequency, E10 sent some strings, M62 changed its format and XSW has a new designator. BBC Radio broadcasted a program about numbers stations. I guess it was long overdue because I was contacted ca. 2 years ago by someone from the BBC asking questions about the stations for an upcoming show. I don't know why it took them so long. Maybe it was politically too sensitive 2 years ago? I'd like to thank the following monitors for their input: Jochen, Arne, Attu, Jim, Fritz, Japan Ute Monitor, Tony, Mike, Tom H, Per, Trond, Tom, Sven, Maciej and those of you who prefer to remain unnamed. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* VOICE STATIONS * ::: E03 Lincolnshire Poacher. Idents 1st half of the month. UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC ------------------------------------------------------------------Pagina 293 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 82943 30267 37892 03409 27778 65218 82943 18206 30267 95278 56022 82943 30267 56022 37892 03409 27778 65218 30267 82943 18206 95278 82943 30267 95278 56022 37892 03409 27778 65218 30267 82943 18206 82943 30267 18206 95278 56022 37892 03409 30267 27778 65218 82943 WUN-v11 82943 30267 82943 18206 95278 56022 37892 03409 30267 27778 65218 82943 30267 65218 82943 18206 95278 56022 37892 03409 30267 27778 82943 30267 03409 27778 65218 82943 18206 30267 95278 56022 37892 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Idents 2nd half of the month. UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC ------------------------------------------------------------------1200 29549 29549 29549 29549 29549 29549 29549 1200 1300 01986 01986 01986 01986 01986 01986 01986 1300 1400 67565 15096 46676 29193 29549 11029 46335 1400 1500 46335 67565 15096 46676 29193 29549 57444 1500 1600 57444 46335 67565 15096 46676 29193 11029 1600 1700 11029 57444 46335 67565 15096 46676 29549 1700 1800 29549 11029 57444 46335 67565 15096 29193 1800 1900 29193 01986 11029 01986 46335 67565 01986 1900 2000 01986 29549 01986 57444 01986 46335 46676 2000 2100 46676 29193 29549 11029 57444 01986 15096 2100 2200 15096 46676 29193 29549 11029 57444 67565 2200 <<<<<>>>>> ::: E04 (E03a) Cherry Ripe. Idents 1st half of the month. UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC ----------------------------------------------------------2200 61640 36449 07820 92277 36449 2200 2300 36449 07820 92277 36449 85318 2300 0000 07820 92277 36449 85318 45489 0000 0100 92277 36449 85318 45489 72277 0100 1000 36449 85318 45489 72277 61640 1000 1100 85318 45489 72277 61640 36449 1100 1200 45489 72277 61640 36449 07820 1200 1300 72277 61640 36449 07820 92277 1300 <<<<<>>>>> ::: E10 E10 was less active than in March but we got our share of strings in April. The following strings were logged by Per and myself. Thanks for the input, Per! 05-4, 1721 UTC, 3360, 4648 kHz: KPA 555Z789 05-4, 1800 UTC, 7540 kHz: HNC 8 05-4, 1921 UTC, 6210 kHz: FDUM 13-4 var. times, 4165, 6912 kHz: CIO 25 13-4 var. times, 3640, 4015, 6930 kHz: SYN 72 13-4 var. times, 3230, 6370 kHz: VLB 20A Per sent us a note in which he says that he observed the E10 net for a while and he reports the following active frequencies. JSR: FTJ: ULX: YHF: 2270, 2626, 2741, 2844, 5091, 4461, 2743, 3840, 7540 kHz 4463, 7322, 7358 kHz 4880, 6270 kHz 4558, 4560, 5820, 7918, 9202, 10645, 10648 kHz Pagina 294 WUN-v11 PCD: 3148.7, 3150, 4270, 6498, 8805 kHz VLB: 3230, 4360, 4648, 6370 kHz KPA: 3360, 6370, 7605 kHz CIO: 3270, 4165, 6915 kHz ART: 3415, 3417, 5435, 6986 kHz MIW: 3557, 4780, 7445 kHz SYN: 3640, 4015, 6930 kHz EZI: 6839, 6840, 6842, 9130, 11565, 13531, 13533, 15980, 17410 kHz FDUM: 6210 kHz HNC8: 7540 kHz <<<<<>>>>> ::: E15 The only E15 log this month comes from Mike. He heard our Egyptian friends on 12-4 at 1100 UTC on 18000 kHz with callsign BEC. <<<<<>>>>> ::: E25 Tom from PA reports E25 on 5 April at 1336 UTC. Tom writes "Arabic Music played for about 10 minutes, was played twice. About an S7 with light fading, much co-channel interference from nearby broadcasters. Song replayed at 1343. Music kept going in and out at 1346 for a bit and then continued. Started 1347 with usual announcer going "222" for like another 6 minutes followed by MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE 3375 9190 7660 4487 7391 1753 3946 7537 7660 REPEAT REPEAT 3375 9190 7660 4487 7391 1753 3946 7537 7660 END OF MESSAGE END OF TRANSMISSION 2 Minutes of dead carrier.. Signed off 1354" Thanks for the log and the recording, Tom. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* MORSE STATIONS * ::: MX - Channel markers. L - 3202.8 and drifting from its usual frequency to 3204 kHz R - 5465.8 kHz V - 6809 kHz - Cluster beacons D P C F M - 5153.7, 7038.7, 7000, 7077.4 kHz. The latter two are spurious freqs 5153.8 kHz 5154 kHz 7039.2 kHz 7039.4 kHz <<<<<>>>>> ::: M18 M18 is on 4073 since April 1st. <<<<<>>>>> Pagina 295 WUN-v11 ::: M21 Russian Air Defence (PVO) was heard on 3801, 4391 and 5210 kHz with its typical plotter messages =990031??0?????? =990032?0????? Both were using id "0". <<<<<>>>>> ::: M51 Not often reported these days but still on the air: M51. Heard by Jim on 6980 kHz at 1930 UTC on April 6. <<<<<>>>>> ::: M62 M62 changed its format for the first time since years: B3ET + (repeated). <<<<<>>>>> ::: M89 This very active Chinese military network was one of the most often reported numbers stations in April. Here is a round-up: V V V V V JAH3 GKVZ T3AP SFJ4 CP17 JAH3 GKZV T3AP SFJ4 CP17 JAH3 GKVZ T3AP SFJ4 CP17 de de de de de CI4W Q7NW QF3K HJVB L9CC CI4W Q7NW QF3K HJVB L9CC - 5237 kHz 6668 kHz 10831 kHz 6787 kHz 3547.1, 3549.3, 3551, 7048.9, 7061,5, 7062.6, 7063.5, 7065.5, 7069, 7078.5 kHz -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* VARIOUS MODES * X06: The Mazielka popped up on 9300 kHz. Richard copied the two-tone variant on 19 April at 0804 UTC. Jochen heard X06 on 9 April at 1800 UTC on 11411 kHz. XSL: Slot Machine 4153.0, 4231.5, and 4291.0 kHz XSW: Squeaky Wheel on 3828 // 6990.4 kHz. Please note that the Squeaky Wheel has a new designator. XSW is now S32. RADAR: A new over-the-horizon radar "ABM-2" (Steel Yard) is being tested by the Russian military. The system can be heard on 14190 kHz (+/- 20 kHz), often in the morning. The puls rate of the system is 10 or 5 pulses per second. It is located in the Moscow area. (Info via DARC) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* UNID STATION * Mode : Freqs : Times : Format: Note : CW 2902, 5507, 5660 kHz 1000-2100 UTC = 5LG = 5LG = 5LG =............= = sk First heard Jan. 2004, blind transmissions, never any callsigns heard. For weeks busy, then quiet again. Training network? (Observed by Fritz) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0Pagina 296 WUN-v11 * MILITARY STATIONS * As you can see Trond is back on LF. I hope that when he is settled he will be writing his LF Section again. Most of the 18 kHz logs are from him. ::: RUSSIAN/CIS/UKRAINIAN MILITARY STATIONS Mode: CW 18.1 CIS MIL HQ, Moscow, Russia, Arkhangelsk tx site. Strategic flash msg to unit RIR2" xxx xxx rir2 rir2 69327 domowityj 6793 6643 xxx xxx rir2 rir2 69327 domowityj 6793 6643 k" Note: the adressed unit RIR2 is never before seen in a VLF flash message. Strategic flash msg to unit RKS; "xxx xxx rks rks 14515 komlistyj 9732 5844 k" msg repated twice. Strategic flash message to unit RDL; "xxx xxx rdl rdl 80354 25576 krauba 2302 9660, msg rptd then "k" CIS MIL HQ, Moscow Russia, (poss) Nizhniy Novgorod tx site. Msg to RDL: "rdl rdl 59741 57636 59741 57636 59741 57636 k" 583.0 RMP: Navy Kaliningrad 3348.0 Russian Mil: PVDK, KHB8, LPJX, NWG1, AU4O, 1UEQ. QSX 3819 kHz 3505.0 Unid Russian Mil?: WF3A *) 3759.0 Unid Russian Mil?: RAI63 clg RIQ88 3819.0 Russian Mil: 1UEQ, PVKD. QSX 3348 kHz 3884.0 Russian Mil: VTKY, NTOF, VTKY, X6EC 3893.0 Russian Mil: WXYD, YJF9, TKOC 4021.0 Russian Mil: BE8I, 3FD8, CGJ6 4051.0 Ukranian Mil: ST9M, 7NVW, MSCB, YGAN 4051.0 Unid CIS network. **) 5233.0 Unid Russian naval? station: RKN RKN RKN xxxxx prognoz pogody... RKN RKN RKN qtc 418 17 3 1t45 418 = prip astrahanx ... RKN RKN RKN qth 981 23 3 1949 981 = wsem sudam .... all QTC were repeated (logged by Tom) 5238.0 Russian Mil: TITR, E1PY 6989.0 Unid CIS network. **) 7018.4 REA4 Airforce Moscow 7044.0 REA4 Airforce Moscow 7063.0 RJS45, RJS48, RJE60 5L groups 7815.0 Russian Navy? Strategic Msg: XXX LR43 00000 TEHNIöESKAä PROWERKA = 592 = 592. Then RMW36 de RMW32 RPT. RMW36 de RMW32 ZSA3 ZAA K. ZSA4 R K. 7861.0 Unid CIS network. **) 8347.5 Russian Warship. RIR96 wkg RCV/HQ Black Sea Fleet Sevastopol. RCV de RIR96 QSA NO RPT K. RCV de RIR96 QDW 4877/4877 OK? 10102.0 Russian navy?: RMW32(?). Msg: XXX LR43 00000 TEHNIöESKAä PROWERKA 540 540 (repeated) K. Same message as sent on 7815 kHz at 1604 on 24 April by RMW32. 13975.0 Unid CIS network. **) *) Attu adds another callsign to his list: WF3A and writes "New frequency/callsign for this station. Currently transmitting for two ten minute periods each hour, 10 to 20 and 40 to 50 min. Last logged this station using 3207 kHz callsign: L6YC on 2 April 05." He forwarded a list of his earlier observations. It includes the calls and frequencies of this station/network. 14 1 31 27 7 2 22 2 Mar May May Sep Oct Dec Dec Jan 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 3699khz 3698khz 3698khz 3700khz 3700khz 3420khz 3517khz 3205khz VTI8 SFO3 IGAE UXUO NELC U34D NELC L6YC 26-36 07-17 10-20 25-35 10-20 25-35 10-20 10-20 and and and and and and and and 56-06 minutes 37-47 minutes 40-50 minutes 55-05 minutes 40-50 minutes 55-05 minutes 40-50 minutes 40-50 minutes Pagina 297 WUN-v11 14 Feb 05 3265khz Q7JN 25-35 and 55-05 minutes 3 Mar 05 3207khz L6YC 15-25 and 45-55 minutes 10 Apr 05 3505khz WF3A 10-20 and 40-50 minutes **) Unid CIS Network. Mode: CW. Frequencies: 4051, 6989, 7861, 13975 kHz. Best heard on 7861 kHz. Times: 0700-1800 UTC Callsigns: NCS is RAL2, stations are RDU2, RKA2, RLO2, RHW2 Note: Busy for a few days then disappears for months. The network does nothing else than radio checks on different frequencies, SIMPLEX traffic. First copied Jan. 2000. <<<<<>>>>> ::: OTHER MILITARY STATIONS 2623.0 kHz USB 2806.4 kHz USB 3225.0 kHz USB 4860.0 kHz CW 5225.0 kHz USB 6840.0 kHz CW DHJ59: Navy Wilhelmshaven wkg DRAR Polish mil net. Probably Air Defence. Callsign Nitryl 93 wkg Trybar 63 and others. Poor modulation. QSY 2806 to 2806.4 kHz BRAVO wkg ECHO. Exercise tfc in German, QSY 5225 kHz Chinese Mil: see 6840 kHz ECHO instructing BRAVO and others in German to switch to TTY modes. Later seen RTTY 75/850 synch. QSO style. Possibly German navy. Chinese Mil: NYZ. VVV VVV Q2M de NYZ (R5). Long dash, then EOT. Q2M de NYZ QSA ? k // 4860 kHz Note: This station is on the air every now and then, DUPLEX frequency of Q2M never found. Never any messages heard. First copied July 2001. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- * CRYPTOLOGY * An interesting note was forwarded by Zack. Thanks for that, OM. SPECIAL EVENT (Enigma Machine To Be Reactivated After 60 Yrs) In September 1939, the radio receivers of all radio amateurs were ordered to be confiscated, but many amateurs volunteered to become "Voluntary Interceptors" (V.I.'s) in their own homes. These V.I.'s intercepted encrypted Enigma messages transmitted in Morse Code which were passed to the code breakers at Bletchley Park. Accuracy was crucial in order to assist decoding of the message, but many of the intercepted signals were weak or fading and atmospheric conditions were often poor with QRM from loud local stations. Searching through the bands was very painstaking, but it was a task that was carried out with great skill and dedication, providing a most valuable service to the Allies. As a tribute to the work of the V.I.'s sixty years ago, the Scarborough Special Events Group (SSEG) will be on the air as GB2HQ from GCHQ Scarborough over the weekend of May 7-8th. A souvenir QSL card showing an Enigma cipher machine and an HRO receiver will be issued to commemorate the occasion. GCHQ have provided a working Enigma machine for use by the SSEG and Ofcom and have given permission for transmission of an enciphered Enigma message to be sent in Morse Code on the amateur radio bands for this event only. The group will be active on SSB, PSK and CW. The CW station will operate around 7015 or 3515 KHz and the Enigma message will be transmitted in Morse Code at 1100z on Saturday, May 7th, at a speed of 15 wpm. The message will consist of a few five letter groups which will be repeated at 1300 and 1900z. GCHQ invites all licenced amateurs and listeners to submit a copy of this Enigma message and will award a certificate for a 100% accurate intercept. A copy of this message should be sent via club call G0OOO (Scarborough Special Events Group, 9 Green Island, Irton, Pagina 298 WUN-v11 Scarborough YO12 4RN) and can be enclosed with a QSL card. the certificate is GBP 3.00, EUR 5.00, USD 5.00 or 6 IRCs. should be made out to "SSEG"). All profits will be donated Scarborough Charities Fund. Full details will be published site at: http://www.sseg.co.uk The cost of (UK cheques to GCHQ on their Web Depending on your location, conditions may not be favorable for reception on the day. However, in this respect, listeners will be experiencing the same problems faced by the V.I.'s some sixty years ago. FISTS members are invited to take part in a practical demonstration of history brought to life through amateur radio. For more information about the Enigma machine, please visit the following eeb pages: http://www.codesandciphers.org.uk/enigma/ http://www.enigmahistory.org/enigma.html -0-0-0-0-CONET-0-0-0-0- --------------------------------------- ||||| PRODUCTS and BOOKS Review ,-~~-.____ / | ' \ ( ) 0 \_/-, ,----' ==== // / \-'~; /~~~(O) / __/~| / | =( _____| (_________| |||||| -----------------------------Editor.....Bob Margolis 136 East Woodland Road Lake Forest, IL 60045-1729 mahler6@mc.net ----------------------------- | Spezial-Frequenzliste 2005/06 by Michael Marten and Wolf Siebel | | Siebel Verlag, ISBN 3-88180-641-5 | Spezial-Frequenzliste, now in its 13th edition, is an HF Radio frequency guidebook worthy of being in your reference library. It covers the radio spectrum from 9 kHz to 30,000 kHz and contains over 20,000 listings. Although the book is in German, its heart contains the frequency listings in standard format of frequency, call sign, station identification, and transmission mode, including ALE, ACARS, HFDL and NDB, and is the section you will be using the most often. Its compact size, 5.875 inches by 8.250 inches, and 480 pages, is perfect for carrying in a backback along with a portable shortwave radio, for those of you who like to do some monitoring away from home once in a while. Coverage includes maritime and aviation communications, weather and time stations, diplomatic and military channels, nondirectional beacons, as well as stations that handle disasters. There are four sections. The first covers reviews of radio receivers, antennas, digital data decoders and decoding software, followed by descriptions of digital data modes you're likely to encounter. Section Two covers information of use to listeners of aeronautical and maritime communications, including nondirectional beacons, MWARA, RDARA, Volmet, LDOC, SELCAL, and maritime radio. This section ends with a lengthy list of nondirectional beacons heard in Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Mideast, and North Africa. Pagina 299 WUN-v11 Section Three is the "meat and potatoes" of this book, with utility stations listed in order of frequency from 9 kHz to 30 MHz. Covering 348 pages, the list provides the ITU callsigns, the names and locations of the users, transmission mode used, and a column for additional comments. While this book is written from a Central European point of view it does include stations that may possibly be heard, such as the American and Canadian militaries, including American National Guard, Army and Marine units in Iraq. Section Four consists of a chart showing the Morse Code characters, a phoentic alphabet in English, an abbreviations list, ITU country designators, ITU callsigns, and then nonstandard callsigns you'll likely encounter. Spezial-Frequenzliste 2005/06 ends with 36 pages of postal addresses for QSLing many of those stations you will be hearing. The Table of Contents (Inhalt) lists Wichtiger Hinweis Vorwort Ihr Kontakt zu uns Funkdienstempfang Frequenzzuweisungsplan Die Empfangsausrüstung zum Funkdienstempfang Der Empfänger Glossar Die Wahl der Antenne Der Dekoder Internet und Radio-Monitoring Funkfernschreiben Grundlagent Fernschreibverfahren Fernschreibanalyse Funkfernschreibsysteme nach Baudrate Funkdienststationen NDB-Funkbaken Flugfunk MWARA RDARA Volmet LDOC SELCAL Seefunk Nautische Nachrichten Öffentlicher Nachrichtenverkehr Automatic Link Establishment(ALE) PC-ALE ALE-Funknetze und Frequenzen Empfangbeispiele High Frequency Data Link(HF-ACARS) PC-HFDL Funkbaken Spezial-Frequenzliste 9 kHz - 30 MHz Morsealphabet und Buchstabiertafel Abkürzungen ITU-Landeskenner Rufzeichenliste Stationsindex und Adressen In Germany, the book cost 18.90 Euro, or about U.S. $24.68, when this review was written in April. Postage is extra to locations outside Germany. The book is sold by Verlag für Technik und Handwerk GmbH, Robert-BoschStr. 4, 76532 Baden-Baden, Germany. Tel.: 07221/508722. Fax: 07221/508733. For further information, e-mail to info@vth.de or service@vth.de; or to purchase the guidebook visit the VTH Website, http://www.vth.de/shop/shopfiles/product.asp?PS=1&OrderNumber= Pagina 300 WUN-v11 4130030&showcat=1&ps=1&tmpl=table&cid=10109&sparte=1 . Since the URL is so long you will have to cut and paste it into your Web browser. Sorry. :-) Other publications from Siebel Verlag can be purchased at http://www.vth.de/shop/shopfiles/shoppage.asp?showcat=1&ps= 1&tmpl=table&cid=10109&sparte=1 . When placing your order, please mention this review. Thank you. 73, Bob ------------------------ THE WUN QSL CENTER Deadlines: 15th of each month John (J.D.) Stephens P.O. Box 11522 Huntsville, AL 35814-1522, U.S.A. E-Mail: jds1 "at" bellsouth .net ===================================================================== This month we welcome new contributor Ivan Dias, who is also a member of DX Clube do Brasil (http://www.ondascurtas.com). Ivan notes that he has recently started trying to QSL HFDL and ACARS comms, and has also been receiving some answers from Royal Dutch Airlines, American Airlines, Continental Airlines and even China Airlines. Thanks so much for our submissions, Ivan, and keep 'em coming! Thomas Roesner also checks in from Germany with info on another Beacon QSL. You'll see their results below. As always, when using the e-mail address in the column header, simply replace "at" with the @ symbol, remove all spaces, and you're ready to e-mail your QSL submissions to the column. Just my feeble attempt to reduce the amount of SPAM I receive. Enjoy this month's column! ===================================================================== CANADA: DENMARK: GREECE: Gander Radio. 10051 ltr in 69 ds. V/s: Ken Stack. P.O. Box 328, Gander, NF, A1V 1W7, Canada. (IDS) Address: Danish Meteo, Copenhagen. 9360 ltr, schedule and stickers in 28 ds. V/s: Jette Miller – Secretary/Ice Charting and Remote Sensing Division. Address: Lyngbyvej 100, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark (IDS) SVO - Olympia Radio. 17359 ltr in 39 ds. V/s: G. Panagiotakis – Sub-Manager of Olympia Radio. Address: 85 Patision Str., 104 34 Athens, Greece. (IDS) ======== AIRCRAFT ======== China Airlines: Federal Express: Attorney. 17919 PFC and ltr in 45 ds. V/s: Albert Yang - General Manager. Address: 131, Nanking East Road, Sec. 3, Taipei, Taiwan 104. (IDS) 17934 ltr 29 ds. V/s: Todd E. Taylor – Senior Address: 3620 Hacks Cross Road, Building B, 3rd Floor, Memphis, TN 38125, United States. (IDS) Pagina 301 WUN-v11 United Parcel Service: 21997 PFC and stickers in 68 ds. V/s: Illegible. Address: 1400 North Hurstbourne Parkway, Louisville, KY 40223, United States (IDS) ======== BEACONS ======== FINLAND: "O" - Rovaniemi, Finland. 399 f/d QSL ltr w/ very nice rubber stamp picturing Santa Claus that says "Rovaniemi - The Official Airport of Santa Claus", plus a postcard of Santa's reindeer. V/s: Markku Rautio. Address: Ilmailulaitos Luftfartsverket, Civil Aviation Administration, Rovaniemen Airport, PL 8182, 96101 Roveniemi, Finland. (TR) ======================================================================= Abbreviations used: f/d = Full data p/d = partial data n/d = no data cd = QSL card ltr = ltr V/s: = Verification Signer ds = ds wks = weeks ms = mint stamps f/up = follow up SASE = Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope PFC/ppc = Prepared Form Card This month's contributors: Ivan Dias - Brazil (IDS) Thomas M. Roesner - Germany (TR) See you next time... 73 de JDS. --------------------------------- UTILITY ROUND-UP editor: Ary Boender e-mail: ary@luna.nl ________________________________________________________________________ This month's historic utility radio facts: 6 April, 1875 Bell granted patent for multiple telegraph 25 April, 1874 Guglielmo Marconi born 27 April, 1791 Samuel Morse born -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0I compiled a number of interesting catches for you. Thanks to those of you who sent them to me. * AFRICAN REPORT * 7022.5 kHz: Agricultural estates, Arusha area, Tanzania. Idents: MD Arusha, Naberera 7045.0 kHz: Tanzania Electricity Supply Co. Various stations. 7050.0 kHz: Unid NGO located in Rwanda, Uganda and possibly also in Somalia, Mozambique and Ethiopia. Languages heard on the Pagina 302 WUN-v11 net: French, English, Italian. Idents: A, AA, BB, J, K, D, DG, Kigali, GA, W, WA, 42, 54, 4A, 72, 691, 134, 128, PW, Bukavu. 7074.0 kHz: Unid NGO with traffic in French and English. 10130.0 kHz: Unid. Operators: Alex, Paul, John, "Mon Général", also female operators. Traffic in French. No calls. 14000.0 kHz: Unid medical NGO in Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and Zaire. Idents: BI, ML, FM, SL, OK, Zero, Quarante, 95, KE, CC, CE, CJ, CM, Goma, JM, JK, CN, KT, JA, DK, KM, MM, DJ, BC, NI3, YL, AL, K1, NI, Mai Mai, YL, SV, Kasungu, NBI, JT, AR (Arua), Mobile 3. Languages heard on this net: English, Amharic, other vernaculars, KiSwahili, Dholuo, the last predominating. SelCal. Medical traffic. Also on 12000 kHz LSB and 14450 kHz LSB. 21021.0 kHz: Unid missioner's traffic from DR Congo. Calls "Sierra" and "Kilo". Daily active. 21350.0 kHz: Ukrainian peace keeping forces. Traffic between Ukraine and Sierra Leone. Source: IARUMS -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* OTHER STATIONS * 25.0 kHz: RJH63: Krasnodar TS 1006 CW id -1007. Tx on at 1002, pulses 1009-1020 UTC 25.0 kHz: RJH77: TS Arkhangelsk, Russia 0804 N0N (late start), A1A morse ID 31.2 wpm at 0806 "rjh77" 25.0 kHz: RJH66: TS Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 0900 N0N, A1A morse ID 26.2 wpm at 0906 "rjh66" 66.7 kHz: RBU: Moscow TS 0830 AM/CW 300 Hz beeps. Unusually good daylight signal 6998.0 kHz: Mode: CW. The well known Italian reli-pirate was active again. This time with a set of new callsigns: SXR3 and SSA49. Samples: VVV SXR3 SXR3 SXR3 = QRU QRU = = (repeating) VVV marker + de SSA49 SSA49 --- de SSA49 - nr.013 --- 06/04/2005 -situazione roma + - urgente --- quando allo stato dei fatti certe previsio .....(more italian text) .... tutti. == de SSA49 SSA49 = + Back to the VVV marker. 7780.0 kHz: Argentine police in the Salta province. Spanish telegrams. 7918.0 kHz: Uruguayan Army. Callsign "Caballeria 9". Mode: LSB 11440.0 kHz: Possible Argentine military feeder. AM 590 kHz, Radio Continental was heard on this frequency in LSB. 14000.0 kHz: Smuggle ships in Arabian Sea. 14040.0 kHz: Smuggle ships in Arabian Sea. Sources: IARUMS, Tony Paredes, Klaus Betke, Tom, Trond and Jim. Pagina 303 WUN-v11 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* ARMED FORCES DAY (AFD) WEEK ANNIVERSARY * MILITARY/AMATEUR CROSSBAND COMMUNICATIONS TEST (14-15 MAY 2005) 1. THE ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, MARINE CORPS, AND COAST GUARD ARE COSPONSORING THE ANNUAL MILITARY/AMATEUR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS TESTS IN CELEBRATION OF THE 55TH ANNIVERSARY OF ARMED FORCES DAY (AFD). ALTHOUGH THE ACTUAL ARMED FORCES DAY IS CELEBRATED ON SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2005, THE ARMED FORCES DAY MILITARY/AMATEUR CROSSBAND COMMUNICATIONS TEST WILL BE CONDUCTED ONE WEEK EARLIER ON MAY 14, 2005 (LOCAL). THE REASON IS SO THE AFD MILITARY/AMATEUR CROSSBAND COMMUNICATIONS TEST WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH THE DAYTON HAMVENTION (20-22 MAY 2005), WHICH IS ON THE SAME WEEKEND AS THE ACTUAL ARMED FORCES DAY. 2. THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION FEATURES TRADITIONAL MILITARY TO AMATEUR CROSS BAND COMMUNICATIONS SSB VOICE TEST AND THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MESSAGE-RECEIVING TEST. THESE TESTS GIVE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS AND SHORT WAVE LISTENERS AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE THEIR INDIVIDUAL TECHNICAL SKILLS AND RECEIVE RECOGNITION FROM THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE AND/OR THE APPROPRIATE MILITARY RADIO STATION FOR THEIR PROVEN EXPERTISE. 3. QSL CARDS WILL BE PROVIDED TO THOSE MAKING CONTACT WITH THE MILITARY STATIONS. SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE CERTIFICATES WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO RECEIVES AND COPIES THE DIGITAL ARMED FORCES DAY MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. 4. PART I. MILITARY-TO-AMATEUR CROSS BAND SSB TEST CONTACTS. MILITARY-TO-AMATEUR CROSS BAND OPERATIONS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE DATES/TIMES IN ZULU (UTC), AND FREQUENCIES LISTED BELOW FOR EACH STATION. VOICE CONTACTS WILL INCLUDE OPERATIONS ON SINGLE SIDEBAND VOICE (SSB). SOME STATIONS MAY NOT OPERATE THE ENTIRE PERIOD, DEPENDING ON PROPAGATION AND MANNING. PARTICIPATING MILITARY STATIONS WILL TRANSMIT ON SELECTED MILITARY MARS FREQUENCIES AND LISTEN FOR AMATEUR RADIO STATIONS IN THE AMATEUR BANDS INDICATED BELOW. THE MILITARY STATION OPERATOR WILL ANNOUNCE THE SPECIFIC AMATEUR BAND FREQUENCY BEING MONITORED. DURATION OF EACH VOICE CONTACT SHOULD BE LIMITED TO 1-2 MINUTES. THE FOLLOWING STATIONS WILL BE TRANSMITTING ON MARS FREQUENCIES LISTED BELOW WHICH ARE PROVIDED AS 'WINDOW/DIAL FREQUENCY' IN KHZ. For more info and a list of frequencies and modes check http://navymars.org/national/cmb/index.htm -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0* SPACE COMMUNICATIONS * NOAA N (NOAA 18) has been damaged which causes a delay of about two months. It is now expected that the satellite will be launched in May or June. It will transmit APT on either 137.9125 MHz or 137.10 MHz. Both frequencies are new for NOAA satellites. Douglas Deans prepares a weekly status report of the various weather satellites for the "weather satellites group". I only used the APT part of the report. Satellite --------NOAA 12 NOAA 14 NOAA 15 NOAA 17 Sich 1M Frequency (MHz) Status --------------- -----137.500 on 137.620 off 137.500 off 137.620 on 137.400 off Image Quality ------------good see note 1 good see note 2 1) There is a NOAA 12/15 VHF (137.500) conflict which commenced about 14th April 2005. NOAA 15 VTX-1 was switched off at 2000 UTC on 15th Pagina 304 WUN-v11 April. The conflict will continue until 16th May (switch on at 0700 UTC). 2) Sich 1M was launched on 24th December 2004 at 1120 UTC. However there was an anomaly with the rocket's final stage resulting in the satellite having a highly elliptical and unstable orbit (ca. 280-640 km altitude). The first APT signal was heard about 0810 UTC Saturday 29th January. Clearly there are problems with the image, but nevertheless it is good to see some unexpected activity. As before it is likely it will only transmit in range of Russian/Ukrainian receiving stations. Update: No reported APT signals for many weeks. Satellite expected to burn up in the atmosphere in the coming months. -0-0-0-0- that's all folks -0-0-0-0- ----------------------------- WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== April 2005 ============= Edited by Eddie Bellerby (edward.bellerby@ntlworld.com) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:Jim Dunnett mail@sideband.fsnet.co.uk Bob Yellen byellen250@charter.net Steve J. Walker stevew@bucks.net Total logs ========== Jan - 1785 individual logs Feb - 1607 " Mar - 2088 " Apr - 1642 " ====================================================================== 00018.1 RDL: CIS MIL HQ Moscow Russia 1251 F1B FSK Morse strategic flash msg "xxx xxx rdl rdl 47223 27931 uhwat 8251 9115 k" (13 Mar 2005 ) (TJ) 00018.1 RDL: Russian Military Strat Bcast 1248 36-50/50/70 Three T600 msgs. Krasnodar VLF site. // 12832 & 10535. (16Apr05) (RGA) 00019.6 : Navy Skelton, G? 0915 UNID/200 Same RDF from N Germany as signal on 22.1 kHz, but weaker (12Apr05) (KB) 00025 RJH63: Krasnodar TS 1006 CW id -1007. Tx on at 1002, pulses 1009-1020 (11Apr05) (KB) 00044.2 SRC?: Swed. Navy Ruda? 0800 RTTY/50/80 5LGs. At times IBZ used in header instead of SRC, followed by encrypted msgs and press review in Swed. at 0815. (12Apr05) (KB) 00052 : Navy Crimond, G 0630 UNID/50/85 Signal slowly rising from hardly audible to normal at @0730. (12Apr05) (KB) 00066.7 RBU: Moscow TS 0830 AM/CW 300 Hz beeps. Unusually good daylight signal (12Apr05) (KB) 00082.8 MKL: RAF 2 Group MATELO Bcast 1220 NATO-75/75/85 Blocked msgs in KG84 cipher. Via Crimond LF site. //8988. (16Apr05) (RGA) 00104.2 Unid: continuous sig 1375 bauds ?? any idea ?? 13apr05 (ML) 00147.3 DDH47: DWD Via Pinneberg GER 1207 RTTY/50/85 Calls & RYs. (16Apr05) (RGA) 00147.3 DDH47: Deutcher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg TX site, Germany 1239 F1B Baudot 50/85 with metar observations from Pagina 305 00518 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 00518.0 WUN-v11 Ocean Weather Ship (30/March/2005) (TJ) ZSJ: SAN/AFMET 1230 FEC Navwngs for 40mins (13/Mar/05) (RH2) 5BA: 0401 0159 5BA CYP NAV - ME62 CYPRUSRADIO WEATHER FORECAST 5APR05 (csn) 5ba: 0330 0400 5BA CYP NAV - ME58 CYPRUSRADIO WEATHER FORECAST 31mar05 (CSN) 5ba: 0331 0400 5BA CYP NAV - ME58 CYPRUSRADIO WEATHER FORECAST 30mar05 (CSN) A9M: 0328 0221 A9M BAH NAV - BA07 BAHRAINRADIO/A_OM_M 27mar05 (CSN) BHR: 0401 0019 A9M BHR NAV - BA21 BAHRAINRADIO/A9M. NAVAREA IX(ARABIAN GULF AND 5APR05 (csn) EAL: 0402 0120 EAL SPA NAV - IA20 CANARY ISLAND 1.GREEN LIGHTBEACON (NUMB(CSn) NMA: 0318 0430 NMA USA NAV - AJ76 DGPS BNM 182-05 ALABAMA COAST-MOB_LE POINT DGPS 18mar05 (CSN) NMA: 0320 0441 NMA USA NAV - AA4_F DGPS BNM _83-05 MLORIDU_21mar05 (CSn) NMA: 0321 0439 NMA USA NAV - AA42 1. THE FOLLOWING COAST GUARD DISTRICT 721.mar05 (CSn) NMA: 0322 0526 NMA USA NAV - AA73 1. CCGD7 BROADCAST NO. 721-05. 2.GEORGIA 22mar05 (CSn) NMA: 0328 0622 NMA USA NAV - AA28 REF/A/MSGID:INST/COMNAVSPECWARCOM/YMD:19990601//AMPN/REF A IN NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE OPERATIONS MANUAL 3000.3A.// 27mar05 (CSN) NMA: 0328 0632 NMA USA NAV - AA12 CCGD7 BNM 0772-05 1. GA-ST SIMONS SOUND-TURTLE 27mar05 (CSN) NMA: 0401 0428 NMA USA NAV - AA18 GCGD7 BNM 0794-05S 1. COAST_GUARD 5apr05 (CSN) NMA: 0402 0425 NMA USA NAV - AA91 1. THE FOLLOWING COAST GUARD DISTRICT 7(CSn)518 0401 2211 LGD NOR NAV - NZ27 NO MESSAGE ON HAND AT OERLANDETRADIO(CSn) NMB: 0403 0515 NMB USA NAV - EA20 1. THE FOLLOWING COAST GUARD DISTRICT 7(CSn) NMF: 0313 0455 NMF USA NAV - FJ_ _CGD1 BNM 169-05 PRN XX IS SCHEDULED TO BE UNU_ 17mar05 (CSN) NMF: 0318 0101 NMF USA NAV - FL63 ACTIVI_Y/GROUP BROADCAST CCGD1-BNM_0131-0_ 18mar05 (CSN) NMF: 0318 0456 NMF USA NAV - FA20 GROUP BROASDCAST VHF-FM, SSB_ 18mar05 (CSN) NMF: 0319 0458 NMF USA NAV - FL65 GROUP BROADCAST VHFFM, SSB FOR SAFETY 21mar05 (CSn) NMF: 0322 0628 NMF USA NAV - FB21 INTERNATIONAL ICE PATROL (IIP) BULLETIN 22mar05 (CSn) NMF: 0328 0709 NMF USA NAV - FA_3 __ REF/7-/NSGID:INST/COMNAVSPECWARCOM/YMD:1999=601//AMPN/REF A IN NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE _OPERATIONS MANUAL 3000.3A.//S 27mar05 (CSN) NMF: 0401 0457 NMF USA NAV - FL67 GROUP BROADCAST VHFFM, SSB 5apr05 (CSN) SUH: 0331 2214 SUH EGY NAV - NA27 MED.SEA NORTH EAS_ ALEXANDRIA B.A. CHART 2574 5apr05 (CSN) TFA: 0401 2350 TFA ICL NAV - XB06 GREENLAND 050401 2350 UTC WARNING NO 363(CSn) UDN: 0322 0004 UDN RUS NAV - AA87 COASTAL WARNING NOVOROSSIYS_ 12 22mar05 (CSn) VAR-3:0402 0326 VAR-3 CAN NAV - UA47 NOTSHIP M0419= IT IS PROPOSED TO GRAND(CSn) VCK: 0403 0422 VCK CAN NAV - CH25 NOTSHIP Q0218 LORAN C STATION CARIBOU(CSn) VCO: 0316 0244 VCO CAN NAV - QA75 NOTSHIP M0178 EFFECTIVE 17mar05 (CSN) VCO: 0322 0341 VCO CAN NAV - QA75 NOTSHIP M0178 FURTHER NOTICE, ICE CONTROL 22mar05 (csN) VCO: 0401 0239 VCO CAN NAV - QA84 NOTSHIP M0369 N.S.SABLE ISLAND BANK 5apr05 (CSN) Pagina 306 WUN-v11 00518.0 VOK: 0317 0551 VOK CAN NAV - XB26 GALE WARNING ISSUED FOR THE NEWFOUNDLAND MARINE 17mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 VOK: 0318 0400 VOK CAN NAV - XE44 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECASTS ALL TIMES 18Mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 VOK: 0321 0401 VOK CAN NAV - XJ7_2 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECASTS ALL TIMES21mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 VON: 0318 0621 VON CAN NAV - OB79 GALE WARNING _S_UE__FOR THE NEWFOUNDLAND 18mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 VON: 0331 2228 VON CAN NAV - OH33 NOTSHIP N050257 NEWFOUNDLAND_NORTHWES_ 5APR05 (csn) 00518.0 hzh: 0329 2315 HZH ARS NAV - HE29 JEDDAH RADIO/HZ HARIABLE 3 LOCALLY__. MODERATE 31mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 hzh: 0330 2315 HZH ARS NAV - HE29 JEDDAH RADIO/HZ HARIABLE 3 LOCALLY__. MODERATE 30mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 hzn: 0328 2311 HZH ARS NAV - HE27 FROM: JEDDAH RADIO/HZH MARINE WEATHER 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nma: 0327 0520 NMA USA NAV - AJ83 DGPS BNM 193-05 LABAMA COAST-MOBILE POINT DGPS 27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nma: 0327 0538 NMA USA NAV - AA72 CG SECTOR SAN JUAN PR BNM 081-05 27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nma: 0329 0622 NMA USA NAV - AJ05 GPS BNM 191-05 PRN 26 IS SCHEDULED TO 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nma: 0330 0622 NMA USA NAV - AA94 DGPS BNM 184-05 FLORIDA COAST-CAPE CANAVERAL 31mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nma: 0331 0424 NMA USA NAV - AA94 DGPS BNM 184-05 FLORIDA COAST-CAPE CANAVERAL 31mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nma: 0331 0622 NMA USA NAV - AA94 DGPS BNM 184-05 FLORIDA COAST-CAPE CANAVERAL 30mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nmb: 0329 0713 NMB USA NAV - EA937 1. THE FOLLOWING COAST GUARD DISTRICT 7 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nmf: 0326 0540 NMF USA - AA_ CCGD7 BNM 0772-0 1. GAST AIMONS 26mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmf: 0326 0600 NMF USA - FB25 1. 25 MAR 05 INTERNATIONAL ICE PATROL BULLETIN 26mar05 (csN) 00518.0 nmf: 0327 0600 NMF USA NAV - FA25 CG SECTOR SAN JUAN BNM_047-05U 27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmf: 0331 0457 NMF USA NAV - FA19 GROUP BROADCAST VHFFM,SSB FOR SAFETY 31mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmg: 0329 0539 NMG USA NAV - GJ_6 DGPS BNM 193-05 ALABAMA COAST-MOBILE 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nmg: 0331 0328 NMG USA NAV - GJ49 GPS BNM 197-05 PRN 13 IS SCHEDULED 31mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmg: 0331 0504 NMG USA NAV - GA67 GMDSS. MRSC FORTH VHF DSC SERVICE FROM31mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmn: 0326 0639 NMN USA - NE88 NEW JERSEY TO MURRELLS INLET SOUTH CAROLINA 26mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmn: 0327 0630 NMN USA NAV - NE91 MID ATLANTIC STATES NAVTEX MARINE FORECAST 27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmn: 0329 0739 NMN USA NAV - NE11 OFFN02 MID ATLANTIC STATES NAVTEX MARINE 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 nmn: 0331 0146 NMN USA NAV - NA23 BROADCAST UNTIL CANX.CCGD5 BNM 0141 - 05 31mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 nmr: 0327 0300 MNR USA NAV - RA42 USCG SECTOR SAN JUAN BCST VHSAFM 27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 suh: 0325 2317 SUH EGY - NA28 MEDIT. SEA ALEX. PORT B.A. CH. NO. 3119 26mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 suh: 0329 0015 SUH EGY NAV - NL34 MED.SEA_ALEX.PORT B.A CH.NO. 3119-302 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 suz: 0327 0052 SUZ EGY NAV - XL22 FROM 21TH MAR 05, IN VICINIGY 27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 suz: 0329 0149 SUZ EGY NAV - XA02 SERAPEUM NAVTEX SVC. PART 2 FOR_EGYPT 29mar05 *(CSN) 00518.0 taf: 0326 0139 TAF TUR - EE73 SAMSUN TURK RADIO PART-1: NO GALE WARNING 26mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 udn: 0330 0102 UDN RUS NAV - AA87 COASTAL WARNING NOVOROSSIYSK BLACK SEA 31mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 udn: 0331 0102 UDN RUS NAV - AA87 COASTAL WARNING NOVOROSSIYSK BLACK SEA 30mar05 (CSN) Pagina 307 WUN-v11 00518.0 ujb: 0326 0041 UJB RUS - WA12 COASTAL WARNING ASTRAKHAN 39 26mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 var-3: 0329 0525 VAR-3 CAN NAV - UA44 NOTSHIP M0178 FURTHER NOTICE,29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 vco: 0329 0442 VCO CAN NAV - QA75 NO_SHIP M0(7_)+:+: 1-79 29mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 vco: 0330 0443 VCO CAN NAV - QA84 NOTSHIP M0369 N.S.SABLE ISLAND BANK 31mar(CSN) 00518.0 vco: 0331 0443 VCO CAN NAV - QA84 NOTSHIP M0369 N.S.SABLE ISLAND BANK 30mar05 (CSN) 00518.0 vok: 0327 0341 VOK CAN NAV - XA75 NOTSHIP THE VIGATION WIDE BERTH REQUESTED.27mar05 (CSn) 00518.0 vok: 0331 0357 VOK CAN NAV - XE89 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FORECASTS ALL TIMES 31mar05 (CSn) 00583 RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad, RUS 1744 CW RR wx. (14/Feb/05) (DL8AAM) 00583.0 RMP: Navy Kaliningrad 1737 CW QTCs until 1752 (17Apr05) (KB) 01635.0 OXZ: lyngby 1909 USB dan d/x Apr01 05 ML 01650.0 cross jobourg: 1918 USB naws "antifer...port de rouen..." Mar31 05 ML 01656.0 chipiona: 1936 USB span om ID naws Mar31 05 ML 01698.0 1764: la coruna 1910 USB naws ee/span Apr01 05 ML 01806.5 radiolocation system: ?? unid 0613 unid dig disc 2s transm Mar20 05 ML 01869.0 ukcg: yarmouth 0846 USB ee naws Mar20 05 0ML 02013.5 RCB: Russian Naval Aviation West Sector 1840 CW wkng RIC89, RAY96, ex."RAY96 de RCB QSA?" (15-mar-2005)(MSM) 02134.0 unid: POL 1845 USB Polish FisherMan in chat,net malfunction rep.,sked for tomorrow morn(15-mar-2005)(MSM) 02187.5 9HOP7: Maltese-flagged Vessel Kuzbass 1931 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 : MRCC Finisterre/Coruña 2107 GMDSS Sends selfaddressed safety test. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 : MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas 2129 GMDSS Acknowledges undesignated distress call apparently originating from unlisted vessel using MMSI 271000804, allegedly at 2805N 01523W. (05Apr03) (PF) 02187.5 : Unid (MMSI 273139400) Russian Ship 2334 GMDSS RQs MRSC Kaliningrad/UIW for safety test. (20Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 : Unid Irish Vessel (MMSI 250108400) 2028 GMDSS Calls Irish Fishing Vessel Cu na Mara (Sea Dog)/EI5777 for duplex chat on 1615.7/1857.4 kHz. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 A8AU5: Liberian-flagged Vessel Peneda 2049 GMDSS RQs MRSC Palermo/IPP for routine safety test. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 C6KA7: Bahamas-flagged Vessel Toisa Petrel 1925 GMDSS RQs sister ship Toisa Puffin/C6KA8 for simplex telephone conversation on 2750 kHz. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 E5751: Irish Fishing Vessel Karen Rose 1950 GMDSS RQs IFV Rachel Marie/EI6904 for a chat on 3450 kHz. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 EI4835: Irish Fishing Vessel Tannetje 2002 GMDSS RQs IFV Golden Feather/EI6008 for simplex chat on 12344.1 kHz. EI6008 BQs. Regulars. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 EI5777: Irish Fishing Vessel Cu na Mara (Sea Dog) 1943 GMDSS RQs IFV Aine Christina/EI6227 for duplex telephone conversation on 3215/2145 kHz. Regulars. EI6227 BQs. (04Apr05) (RGA) 02187.5 ELWH6: Liberian-flagged Vessel Norgas Traveller 2136 GMDSS RQs MRCC Turku/OFK for safety test. (19Apr05) (RGA) 02187.5 GCLK: British Ship Grampian Sprite 2009 GMDSS RQs BergenRadio/LGN for safety test. LGN BQs.(04Apr05) (RGA) 02187.5 GXVR: British Ship Putford Guardian 2015 RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for routine test. Lyngby BQs. (29Mar05) (RGA) 02187.5 LFI: RogalandRadio Norway 1943 GMDSS Geographic SELCAL for area between 59N to 62N/0E to 8E and various other areas for voice safety bcasts on 1728 and 2072 kHz. Pagina 308 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02187.5 02226.0 02371 02500.0 02598.0 02618.5 02623 02645.0 02656.0 02657.0 02682.0 02684.5 02720.0 WUN-v11 (04Apr05) (RGA) LLME: Norwegian Ship Korni 1933 GMDSS RQs RogalandRadio/LFI for routine test. (29Mar05) (RGA) LXAI: Luxembourg Vessel Aurelia 2255 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. Lyngby BQs. (23Mar05) (RGA) LYAG: Lithuanian Vessel Kaunas 1951 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for routine test. (29Mar05) (RGA) MLLR9: British Ship Vikimg Challenger 2216 GMDSS RQs sister ship Viking Piper/ MPML7 for simplex telephone conversation on 3040 kHz. (23Mar05) (RGA) MPJZ9: British Ship Grampian Fame 1930 GMDSS RQs MRSC Shetland for safety test. Shetland BQs. (29Mar05) (RGA) MTKM5: British Ship Dea Pilot 1929 GMDSS RQs Bahamasflagged vessel Toisa Petrel/ C6KA7 for simplex telephone conversation on 1755 kHz. (04Apr05) (RGA) OXZ: LyngbyRadio DNK 2131 GMDSS CQ all ships for voice MIBs on 2182 kHz. (19Apr05) (RGA) OXZ: LyngbyRadio DNK 2320 GMDSS CQ all ships for safety bcast on 2182 kHz. (20Mar05) (RGA) P3VW9: Cypriot Ship Sparto 1953 GMDSS RQs Swedish ship Stena Saga/SLVH for safety test. (?) (04Apr05) (RGA) PJAI: Netherlands Ship Bleo Holm 2000 GMDSS RQs RogalandRadio/LFI for routine test. (29Mar05) (RGA) SAB: GöteborgRadio Sweden 1933 GMDSS CQs all ships standby for voice MSI bcast on 2182 kHz. (04Apr05) (RGA) 02187.5 LAXQ4: Norwegian Ship Harmon 1934 GMDSS Self-addressed safety test (?) (04Apr05) (RGA) VRYH5: PRC Ship Aliacmon River 1935 GMDSS RQs Dublin MRCC for safety test. (04Apr05) (RGA) SAB: MRCC Göteborg SWE 1932 GMDSS All ships for pending MIB bcast on 2182 kHz. (29Mar05) (RGA) SPS: WitowoRadio POL 2128 GMDSS CQ all ships for voice MIB bcast on 2720 kHz. (19Apr05) (RGA) TFA: MRCC Coastal/Oceanic Reykjavik 2004 GMDSS Geographic SELCAL area 62 to 65N 12 to 20W for voice MIB bcast on 2182 kHz. (04Apr05) (RGA) 02187.5 UBWJ: Russian Ship Sestroreck 2008 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (04Apr05) (RGA) UDWB: Russian Vessel Zevezda Rybaka 2106 GMDSS RQs sister vessel Zevezda Udachi/UDRL for simplex telephone conversation on 2343.5 kHz. (29Mar05) (RGA) Unid: 1215 258689000 MV Sira Borg (Chemical Tanker), Routine msg with 271000809 unid turk. GMDSS 22mar05 (RPA) Unid: 15:34 246486000 M/V Arklow Sky (Cargo) test with 002442000 Ymuiden MRCC 21mar05 (RPA) YJSJ5: Vanautu-flagged Vessel Art Carlson 2147 GMDSS RQs MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas for safety test. (19Apr05) (RGA) ZDEK2: British Ship Bremer Saturn 2244 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. Lyngby BQs. (23Mar05) (RGA) ukcg: 1923 USB wx Apr01 05 ML Unid Belorus Mil 1820 DSB relaying FM broadcast as channel marker. Also on 4541 kHz (17Apr05) (KB) fishermen: ? 0625 232 dutch d/x Mar20 05 ML 20050319: 2137 2598.0 weak CCG station with gale warning ,Placentia R 19mar05 (PP) GYA: FWOC Northwood UK 0058 FAX/120/576 Radiofax schedule. Poor picture. //4610 is better. (21Mar05) (RGA) DHJ59: Navy Wilhelmshaven 0635 USB wkg DRAR (19Apr05) (KB) unid: 0531 USB cze?? om d/x Mar25 05 ML IPA: ancona 0528 USB ita om naws Mar19 05 ML portug navy: / lisbon? 2105 USB port- ee naws & wx Mar14 05 ML 2834: unid ?? 0530 unid reg discon dig sounding Mar19 05 ML unid: 0634 ARQ-E 85.7 idling Mar20 05 ML SPS: WITOWO Radio 1941 USB yl MM WX REP in POlish Pagina 309 02748.0 02810.0 02816.5 02872.0 02943.0 02980.0 02999.8 03008.0 03111.0 03128.0 03128.0 03134.0 03137 03137 03137 03155.0 03155.0 03155.0 03155.0 03159 03180 03218 03225 03322 03322 03347 03348 03389.7 03456.7 03486.0 03504 03504.0 03593.3 03700.0 WUN-v11 (16-mar-22005)(MSM) YQI: Constanta Radio 1934 USB Eng MM wx/navs, s9+ (16-mar-22005)(MSM) OFA helsinki: 0638 USB noisy ee/fin wx & naws (fd4=0 /1530= 2/10)Mar20 05 ML unid: ?? 0540 ARQ-E/85.7 /175 idling Mar19 05 ML atc nat shannon: 0535 USB work shamrock approach shannon Mar25 05 ML unid: 2114 USB encrypted voice with beep Mar14 05 ML fishermen: 0538 USB span d/x Mar25 05 ML Unid: capucine?? ff 0540 USB french southern accent . "voici une émissionde capucine pour le réglage de vos recepteurs" Mar25 05 ML german truckers: pirate ? 0643 USB german d/x Mar20 05 ML fishermen: 2119 USB ff d/x Mar14 05 ML nocall: POL Fisherman?? 2005 USB/voice 2 OM, next sked in 30min (16-mar-22005)(MSM) nocall: POL Merchant Sailors 2005 USB/voice 2 OM,novice sailors,one is 3rd Officer awaiting his Officer Diploma (16-mar-22005)(MSM) AAG: unid ISR? 1902 USB/ALE wkng AAD (15-mar-2005)(MSM) 190007: C-5 69-0007 1224 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (01Apr05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (19Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0612 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (08Apr05) (SA) 1117: Unid SND ALE/USB 20:12 7Abr05 (MAL) 1118: Unid SND ALE/USB 20:58 7Abr05 (MAL) 241 : Unid SND ALE/USB 20:02 7Abr05 (MAL) DA5 : Unid SND ALE/USB 19:10 7Abr05 (MAL) 9MR5: Navy Johor Baharu, MLA 1815 RTTY/50/850 5LGs. Warbling sound, as on parallel freq 8192 kHz (16Apr05) (KB) IAP Juliusruh, D (tentative) 1930 CW Ionospheric sounder; rapid sweep (snaring sound) approx +- 12 kHz (16Apr05) (KB) BOULMER :RAF Boulmer, G 2218 J3E-USB sx wkg 8SH with tracking details. (8/Feb/2005) (ALF) BRAVO: Unid 0610 USB wkg ECHO. Exercise tfc in German, QSY 5225 kHz (19Apr05) (KB) 615: Unid. Possible Air Defence 2139 CW 616 615 615 40719 40719 repeated. Pause then 616 615 615 40523 40523 (repeated) then 040 040 040 02. 040 01. 615 615 615 615 615 3333 15 ... Freq reported as AD. Poss Chinese? (23Mar05) (RGA) : Russian AF/Air Defence, RUS 2225 CW mkr "= 99T125??T?????" sometimes tracking details in between. (8/Feb/2005) (ALF) ZIG6: CIS Military 2216 CW Ends msg to unid ... 324 RPT AL K. Then ZIG6 C K. (26Mar05) (RGA) 2NK8: Russian Military 2222 CW Comms check with QSAs with at least QD8M and E1T1. (26Mar05) (RGA) MGJ: RN Faslane 1148 RTTY/76/850 Carbs 02A 04 only (13/Mar/05) (RH2) fishermen: 0549 USB french d/x fish outcome Mar25 05 ML fishermen: 0648 USB ee d/x Mar20 05 ML WF3A: Unid 1540 CW New frequency/callsign for this station. Currently transmitting for two ten minute periods each hour, 10 to 20 and 40 to 50 min. Last logged this station using 3207khz callsign: L6YC on 2 April 05. (10Apr05) (AB) WF3A: 1547 CW / beacon? transmits each hour, 10-20 & 40-50 minutes (10/Apr/2005) (Attu Bosch) DLVL: ZB Hohwacht, D 1317 Sitor-ARQ/100Bd/170 wkg unid,changing Phonenumbers (14/MAR/05) (KK) unid: "Yosemite Sam" 0410 DSB / "Varmint, I'm gonna Pagina 310 WUN-v11 blow ya to smithereens" every 40 seconds (11Feb.2005) (Midwest USA) 03747 RAL2: Russian Navy, unid Shore Station, RUS 1703 CW clg RBY46. Maybe Baltic Fleet. (29/Jan/2005) (ALF) 03797 RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 0317 CW RR wx QTC to RIC87. (3/Mar/2005) (ALF) 03801 ..DU: Unid PVO Stn 2132 CW (Russian Air Defence - non plotter) ..DU FOR ZDU 11684 62386 67001 21684 70110 0915 ABV 11684 62386 67001 21684 70110 0915 WCN6V. (23Mar05) (RGA) 03801 : Russian AF/Air Defence, RUS 0318 CW time-mkr "= 99t618??t?????". (12/Feb/05) (DL8AAM) 03801 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2209 CW =990107??0????? = 990108 990109 etc. (26Mar05) (RGA) 03802.5 35 Oscar 3: REMER (Red Radio de Emergencia - Emergency Radio Network of the spanisg Civil Protection) regional coordinator, Las Palmas, CNR 2300 USB wkg in large net with 08T8 (Barcelona Prov.) etc.; check WUN bulletin Jan 2000 for more details. (17/Feb/2005) (ALF) 03803 : unid CIS Military 1804 CW time (UTC+4h), abt 2 minutes too early "2206 2206 2206 ...". (14/Feb/05) (DL8AAM) 03803.0 QA4: unid 2228 USB/ALE wkng OT8 (14-mar-2005)(MSM) 03808 RGX96: Russian Naval Vessel 1803 CW wkg sx RBE89 for QSA. (6/Feb/2005) (ALF) 03808.5 RJD69: Russian Navy (Vessel?) 1745 CW RR wx-bull. (14/Feb/05) (DL8AAM) 03815 SHPORA: Rostov-na-Donu Air, RUS 0245 J3E-USB YL/RR sx wkg YAROK (Kiev), MEDLODIOYA-2 (Kazan), AGURCHIK (Moscow), MBA (Samara) with coord. fr flight to/fm St.Petersburg. (24/Feb/2005) (ALF) 03820 fishermen: 2139 USB ff d/x Mar14 05 ML 03823 AA1: Israeli AF 2048 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Apr05) (RGA) 03829 K4ZY: Ukranian Military 2044 CW Message to ZBLV: K4ZY QTC 972 89 23 2228 = 972 = ZUU 603 = AAAAA ZZZZW ..... ZKEEE IIZGW ... (ends) IBVWZ BWKZE K. ZBLV asks for repeat of grs 77 & 78 on frequency. Given. then ZBLV gives R 972 K. (Simplex net). (23Mar05) (RGA) 03829 LZHZ: Ukranian Military 2207 CW Bcasts 82-group msg to collective A4HS - de LZHZ QTC 593 82 21 2245 593 = 860 = AAAAA LyBFI XUHXZ ... DYOMC BAKZK AR. (21Mar05) (RGA) 03829 MHI5:Ukraine Mil 2233 5FG to collective 6J6D ending "... 61114 80921 20050 QLN AR" (Noted by MSM 15Mar05) (via Hungary DX-Tuner) (JC5) (19Mar05) 03829 VMPF:Ukraine Mil 2356 5LG to collective CZTY. (via Hungary DX-Tuner) (JC5) (19Mar05) 03829.0 unid: CIS MIL? 1919 CW hand cw 5fg msg, s9+60++db,cpy it even without my ant., almost like it would come from the RUS Emb. some 800m away.(15-mar-2005)(MSM) 03831 FD_: French AF, F 0315 J3E-USB OM/FF voice mirrow. (12/Feb/05) (DL8AAM) 03831.5 Zero: Unid (tent. NATO) Military 0426 J3E-USB sx OMs/accented EE, no british or US english, wkg X_B, refer to F15. (4/Mar/2005) (ALF) 03832 TSMW: Ukranian Military 2224 CW Gives R 254 K at end of NCS' message on 4051 kHz ending üEJKV BVKDK K. (26Mar05) (RGA) 03845 9A0T: Italian Army, I 1857 J3E-USB OM/II sx wkg LF9 (?), short radio check. (16/Feb/2005) (ALF) 03850.5 RCB: Russian Navy Air Transport Western Sector HQ station, RUS 1655 CW "RMU51 de RCB qly 2 qsx 1949 qwh 2530aa5 ar". (21/Mar/2005) (ALF) 03855.0 DDH3: Deutcher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg tx site, Germany 2100 (31/March/2005)(TJ) 03855.0 DDH3: Deutcher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg tx site, Germany 2142 2137UTC (31/March/2005)(TJ) 03890 UWS3: Kiev Radio, UKR 1850 CW msg to unid vessel. (9/Feb/2005) (ALF) 03893 TWYL: Russian Military 2230 CW Bcasts msg to Pagina 311 03893 03899 03899 03933 04043 04051 04051 04051 04061 04125 04165.0 04209.5 04209.5 04218.5 04244 04271.0 04271.0 04274.0 04294.5 04295 04295 04295.0 04300.0 04337.0 04423.0 04438.5 04444 04447 04453.0 04456 WUN-v11 collective B1N9 de TWYL QTC 669 52 26 2339 669 = 613 = 37921 42041 47867 ... 26066 26050 = Repeats message ending QLN AR. (26Mar05) (RGA) WETN: Russian Military 2232 CW Bcasts msg to collective WETN QTC 350 52 22 0018 350 = 081 = 84527 66232 ... 68350 22050 QLN AR. (21Mar05) (RGA) 3IKX: Russian Military 2154 CW Msg to unid: 3IKX 220 26 27 0045 220 = ZVW 010 = UEGAZ FSEDQ ööHIO ... öIPTy WUPWW 010 K. (26Mar05) (RGA) KUAM: Russian Military 2226 CW KUAM R 333K. DQNY OK QTA 333 K. 3IKX QRV K. (21Mar05) (RGA) RFFP: Russian 'RFF' Net 2120 CW RFFN de RFFP R 103 K. Then RFFM calls and receives one message from RFFN and quiet. (21Mar05) (RGA) FDC: FAF Metz 2305 RTTY/50/380 Tests. (21Mar05) (RGA) 7EE5: Ukranian Military 2116 CW Message to collective M9BP: QTC 591 57 23 2300 519 = 603 = AAAAA EBUSM EESDC ... OXöVR BWKKD RPT AL QLN AR. (23Mar05) (RGA) CE9T:Ukraine Mil 2218 CW 5LG msg to QIG5, who answers on 3832. (via Stuttgart DX-Tuner) (JC5) (19Mar05) LA7F: Ukranian Military 2253 CW Msg for FN4N: 905 53 20 0030 905 = 788 = 11111 53748 18809 ... .6100 2005. K. FN4N responds on QSX freq 3832 with FN4N R 905 K. (19Mar05) (RGA) 0JQU: Unid 1713 CW Hand keyed "vv 8MOS 8MOS 8MOS de 0JQU 0JQU kk" and "ucl ucl ... pse u qsy to /06 /06 /06 kk". (25Mar05) (ALF) : Unid 1700 USB Weak signal strength, vessel transmitting contemporary music selections on 4125khz. Curious if others are listening in. Open mic? (22Mar05) (AB) nato: forces? 0555 NATO-75 ?? Mar19 05 ML P: CHILUNG 1830 fec 100/E/170 Taiwanese nav warnings in EE (28/Mar)(DW) XSW: Kaohsiung TWN 1830 FEC/100/170 Taiwan NAVTEX msg identification PA## (18Apr05) (PPA) LZW: VARNA RADIO 1836 fec 100/E/170 Wx fcst in EE, tfc list (nil) then bulletins(?) in BB. (28/Mar)(DW) DAO4A: Kiel Radio, D 2134 xTOR Idles and CW-id "de DAO4A". (5/Feb/2005) (ALF) CFH: canf halifax 0655 ITA2/75 wx bulletin poor qual txt Mar20 05 ML CFH: canf met halifax ID 0558 ITA2/75 wx bulletin cyfc:fredericton/ cyqm:moncton...Mar19 05 ML ZSC: GW Capetown 2217 Dataplex Marker (08/04/05) (AJP) Uind: Japanese fisheries 1049 8 tones FSK (08/04/05) (AJP) FUE: FN Brest 1850 RTTY/75/850 Tests. (06Apr05) (KD) FUE: French Navy Brest 1605 RTTY/75/850 Working indefinite call FA. KKKKKilo QSM. QSL R 071552Z Avr 05 Time 1611z. de FUE A+ A+ A+ AR AR AR and reverts to test slip. (07Apr05) (RGA) FUE: fn brest 2145 ITA2/75 ryry Mar14 05 ML unid: "Yosemite Sam" 0410 DSB / "Varmint, I'm gonna blow ya to smithereens" every 40 seconds (11Feb.2005) (Midwest USA) Unid: 1100 FSK 50/350 ACF = 8 - Possible Japanese Mil(08/04/05) (AJP) unid: coast station ?? 0607 USB german long d/x Mar19 05 ML IDR: Italian Navy HQ Roma, I 1900 J3E-USB wkg sx "MV" with coordination of data mode (PSK?). (5/Feb/2005) (ALF) : USN Napoli ITA 2307 LINK-11/2250/USB Tadil. Regular user. (25Mar05) (RGA) MJHF: Russian Military 0018 CW WJLQ de MJHF R 937? K. WRGX de MJHF QTA 937 K. Both respond on QSX freq 3899 kHz. (20Mar05) (RGA) unid: 2149 PICC6 ?? Mar14 05 ML : Russian Military 0012 CW Msg to XPXV 732 29 20 0302 732 = 122= PPPPP ZyAWF CJVYX ... CJVYX WPPWY 250 K. XPXV responds on QSX freq 3954 kHz. (20Mar05) (RGA) Pagina 312 WUN-v11 04490.0 NCS015: (National Communications System station): 1102 USB/ALE sounding. 03/22 RP3 04496 378: Unid Illicit 2202 CW Repeating 378 callup. (21Mar05) (RGA) 04498.5 Unid: Japanese ASDF 1104 MIL STD 118-110A 16 tones(08/04/05) (AJP) 04503 : CIS Military 2248 81-81/81/215 Slow revs. Opchat. Cipher at 2253. (23Mar05) (RGA) 04507 unid : German airforce D 0715 ARQ-E/85.7/170 idling or encrypted traffic (16Apr05) (PPA) 04541 : Belorus Mil 0505 DSB relaying FM broadcast. These transmissions are supposed to be "frequency is occupied" markers. Often heard on 2338 and 2371 (17Apr05) (KB) 04555,2 : German coastguard Cuxhaven D 0730 ARQ/100/170 German messages (16Apr05) (PPA) 04601.8 UNID: 1315 USB male op spelling LIMA ECHO ALPHA LIMA FOXTROTT INDIA KILO etc. etc. with an occasional 'arrival' 26/Mar/2005 (TR) 04610.0 GYA: rn 2152 FAX good qual wind chart Mar14 05 ML 04613.0 UNID: 1515 USB busy net with at least five stns heard and apparently unheard ones in what sounded like Tagalog to me, Phillipino fishermen possibly??? 27/Mar/2005 (TR) 04616 BMF: Taipei Meteo 1932 FAX sat picture (12Apr05) (KB) 04620.0 fishermen: net 0700 USB span d/x / night outcome of many ships Mar2005 ML 04630 1ZZ: Unid ALE/USB SND 10:11 9Apr05 (MAL) 04630 ANTARCTO: Tunisian mil? ALE/USB callg toASSADCTO 20:23 10Apr05 (MAL) 04630 CPF: Unid ALE/USB SND 10:19 9Apr05 (MAL) 04700.0 FREDGAS: (WPPY393, Washington Gas & Light Company,Frederick, MD): 1142 LSB/ALE sounding. 03/16 RP3 04700.0 SHENGAS: (WPPY393,Washington Gas & Light Company,Springfield, VA): 1133 LSB/ALE sounding. 03/16 RP3 04721 160022: C-5 86-0022 2008 ALE/USB Sounds (19Mar05) (SA) 04721 250106: C-17 95-0106 0757 ALE/USB Sounds (07Apr05) (SA) 04721 430079: KC-10 83-0079 0622 ALE/USB wkg AED Elmendorf HF-GCS (07Apr05) (SA) 04721 571443: KC-135 57-1443 0936 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 04721 580071: KC-135 58-0071 1107 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 04721 610306: KC-135 61-0306 Rch-1306 1016 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HFGCS ALE + voice for Radio Check (25Mar05) (SA) 04721 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0704 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (30Mar05) (SA) 04721 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0730 ALE/SB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (28Mar05) (SA) 04721 ADW: Andrews HF0GCS 0915 ALE/SB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (22Mar05) (SA) 04721 AF5: C-20C 85-0049 0047 ALE/USB Sounds (06Apr05) (SA) 04721 UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 1214 ALE/USB Sounds (21Mar05) (SA) 04724 ARMAMENT: EAM Bcast 0010 USB simulcast 8992, 11175 and 15016. He ended his xmsn with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement. H+10/h+40. Suspected TACAMO LANT. (13 Apr 05) (JH) 04724 POWERLINE 89: Clg MAINSAIL 0510 USB No response and quiet. (13 Apr 05) (JH) 04745 CRONPR: Croughton NIPR NET 0300 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella NIPR NET (07Apr05) (SA) 04745 ICZSPR: Sigonella SIPR NET 0211 ALE/USB wkg PLASPR Lajes SIPR NET (06Apr05) (SA) 04750.0 3411: UNID 2130 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Mar)(DW) 04750.0 3411: UNID 2330 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (21/Mar)(DW) 04777.5 IMB51: Rome Meteo 0750 FAX FL240 chart (17Apr05) (KB) 04780.0 CGOOPS: possibly AL NG: 2040 USB ALE. (16/MAR/05) (JLM) 04916.8 unid: 0707 PICCO/40 or COQU13?? encryp Mar20 05 ML Pagina 313 WUN-v11 04924.0 fishermen: 0744 USB french d/x 02apr05 ML 04991 : Unid 0815 RTTY/50/425 5LGs. Off at 0818 (17Apr05) (KB) 05007 : Russian Military 2024 RUS-75/75/240 Cipher. W/with 5116? (06Apr05) (RGA) 05010.5 fishermen: 1940 USB dan? d/x Mar31 05 ML 05011.0 fishermen: 1858 USB french d/x Apr01 05 ML 05012.0 fishermen: 2021 USB ff d/x 09apr05 ML 05035 AAF: Prob USAF/DISA Associated 2256 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Mar05) (RGA) 05035 AAF: UNID Prob DISA 1050 ALE/USB Sounds (27Mar05) (SA) 05035 AAH: UNID prob DISA 1549 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 05035.0 AAA: UNID 1657 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1727 1740 1742 (09/Apr)(DW) 05035.0 AAB: UNID 1654 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1725 1740 1755 (09/Apr)(DW) 05035.0 AAF: UNID 1720 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (09/Apr)(DW) 05035.0 AAG: UNID 1654 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1709 1725 1740 1755 (09/Apr)(DW) 05035.0 ADA: UNID 1649 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1650 1705 1709 1735 (09/Apr)(DW) 05035.0 ADB: UNID 1650 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1706 1721 1736 1751 (09/Apr)(DW) 05035.6 capucine: ff 0558 USB french "emission de...destinee au reglage ..lundi...302...janvier.." 13apr05 ML 05065 9MB13: Malaysian Navy Georgetown, Penang, MLA 1902 CW vvv-marker. Not on 5064 kHz, QSYed to new freq? (8/Feb/2005) (DL8AAM) 05066.5 UNIFORM 4 WHISKEY: & YANKEE 0 UNIFORM, FEMA & US Army, respectively: 1630-1632 USB voice/ALE.ALE calls FCSFEM (U4W) & USAIS1012 (Y0U) (16/MAR/05) (JLM) 05092 : CIS Military 1857 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Tones and cipher. (16Apr05) (RGA) 05153.7 D: Cluster Beacon Odessa 2028 CW With C. (06Apr05) (RGA) 05153.8 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 1900 CW (16Apr05) (RGA) 05154 C: Cluster Beacon Moscow 2029 CW With D. (06Apr05) (RGA) 05154 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 0350 CW //7039 8495. (21Mar05) (WC) 05157 REA4: Air Force HQ Moscow 1905 REVS/50/1000 Idling. (16Apr05) (RGA) 05176.0 Unid: 0205 FSK 75/850 ACF = 0 (07/04/05) (AJP) 05195 DRA5: DARC Prop Beacon 1908 CW PSK31 then Vs and calls. (16Apr05) (RGA) 05210 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2032 CW Plotter 990031??0?????? 990032?0????? etc. (06Apr05) (RGA) 05210.5 : German MIL net, D 0630 USB/MAHRS 2400Bd burst PSK system, occasional tfc. bursts in EPM-mode (04Apr05) (LDO) 05225 ECHO: Unid 0615 USB instructing BRAVO and others in German to switch to TTY modes. Later seen RTTY 75/850 synch. mode in QSO style. Navy vessel cut call signs? (19Apr05) (KB) 05236 CI4W: Chinese Navy, CHN 2015 CW clg-mkr "v JAH3 JAH3 JAH3 de CI4W CI4W". (8/Feb/2005) (ALF) 05237 CI4W: Enigma M89 1310 CW JAH3 JAH3 JAH3 de CI4W CI4W V. (17Apr05) (AB) 05237.0 CI4W: M89 1310 CW / JAH3 JAH3 JAH3 de CI4W CI4W V; (17/Apr/2005) (Attu Bosch) 05238 TITR: Russian Military 2040 CW Msg to E1PY: TITR QTC 071 27 7 0030 071 = 448 = PPPPP LGPZZ DJTIV ... DJTIV PUPWE 825 RPT AL K. (06Apr05) (RGA) 05245 CI4W: Chinese Navy, CHN 1838 CW clg-mkr "v JAH3 JAH3 JAH3 de CI4W CI4W". (16/Feb/2005) (ALF) 05267.5 H4HT: Chinese Navy, CHN 1834 CW clg-mkr "v U6UM U6UM U6UM de H4HT H4HT". Freq drifted 5+ kHz up in 5mins, s/off after "cq nil sk" at 1838. (3/Mar/2005) (ALF) 05286 TXX2: Police Madrid E 1742 USB/ALE to TWVP2 (15Apr05) (ZE) 05400 : Unid Northern African Net 0456 J3E-USB sx OMs EE (technical?) status reports, coordination/OP-Chat in Arab. Official net, reported to be on this channel nearly daily Pagina 314 05400.5 05407 05407 05412.0 05413.3 05413.3 05413.3 05413.3 05413.3 05413.3 05413.3 05413.3 05419.8 05435.0 05450 05465.8 05465.8 05466 05478.0 05478.0 05518.0 05541.0 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 WUN-v11 since vy long time. Tent. drilling company net from Libya? (11/Mar/2005) (ALF) : Unid Russian Naval station, RUS 0438 CW open RR weather QTC after "RKN RKN RKN qtc 714 125 11 0635 714 = prognoz pogody s 0900 1_/03 do 0900 11/03/05g sewernyj kaspij ...", send twice, end "ar", s/off. RKN is a general call for RussNy vessels in Caspian Sea ? (11/Mar/2005) (ALF) KF9H: CIS Military 2220 CW S6LZ de KF9H R 427? K. (19Mar05) (RGA) PSVH: Russian Military 2219 CW Msg to unid: PSVH 004 26 24 0056 004 = 168 = PPPPP MöCOy FJZBy ... FJZBy WRPWE 906 RPT AL K. Then PSVH C K. (23Mar05) (RGA) Zero: Unid British 1749 USB/ RATT/75Bd wkg JuliettTwo-Zero + Juliett-Three-Zero (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0000 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F66HAA>: Norrbotten Norra (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0000 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F99HAA>: ? (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0000 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F18HAA>: Kalmar (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0000 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F31HAA>: Halland (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0000 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F34HTA>: Nordvästra Götaland (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1744 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F17HPR>: Jönköping (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1759 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F33HHE>: Älvsborg (12/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1800 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F21HAA>: Gävleborg (12/APR/05) (KK) ---: UNID 2015 CW (F1A-200HZ) Slow morse "qrv" "k" "ok" Series of figs. Also occ qrm (25/Mar)(DW) Unid: Israel Intel.Mossad 0145 USB EE AM-USB Letters.(07/04/05) (AJP) RAF VOLMET: MASO RAF W.Drayton UK 1917 USB YL robot with EU airfields fcasts. (16Apr05) (RGA) R: MX Beacon Ishevsk 0003 CW Has spike on approx 5467.38. (22Mar05) (RGA) R: MX Beacon Izhevsk 1921 CW With spurii at 5467.35 and 5464.23 kHz. (16Apr05) (RGA) R: MX Beacon Ustinov 0351 CW (Slow) (21Mar05) (WC) AA1 : Israeli AF Ben Gurion SND ALE/USB 19:27 7Abr05 (MAL) AAA : Israeli AF Tel Aviv SND ALE/USB 20:29 7Abr05 (MAL) fishermen: 0721 USB ee d/x Mar20 05 0ML stockholm ldoc: 1946 USB work FSQR ? reach? Mar31 05 ML A6-ERE: Emirates A340 2321 HFDL Acks msg "MELCAYA ADS.A6-ERE14218". (21Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0034 2337 HFDL Logs on. (25Mar05) (RGA) A7-ACD: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0344 2308 HFDL At 2828N 07626E. (26Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 2316 HFDL Using invalid AID 000000. Told. (26Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2318 HFDL Logs on. (21Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 0033 HFDL Logs on. (21Mar05) (RGA) A7-AFO: Qatar Airways A330 2316 HFDL Logs on. (21Mar05) (RGA) B-6050: China Eastern A340 Flt MU0554 2241 HFDL Logs on. (19Mar05) (RGA) CZ0453: China Southern Flt 2343 HFDL At 5201N 09404E. (25Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCJ: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 0026 HFDL Logs on. (21Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCN: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 Flt LH8643 2331 HFDL Reports 4615N 00908E via ARINC Muharraq. (25Mar05) (RGA) G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Kitty' Flt VS0200 Pagina 315 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 05544 06752E. 05544 05547 05547 05589 05589.0 05602.0 05673.0 05673.0 05684 05684 05684 05684 05684.0 05684.0 05702.0 05702.0 05702.0 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 WUN-v11 2313 HFDL At 5332N 01546E. (19Mar05) (RGA) G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' Flt VS0250 2310 HFDL Reports 5601N 09156E via ARINC Muharraq. (21Mar05) (RGA) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Madame Butterfly' Flt VS0201 2224 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (19Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVA: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG234 2306 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Bahrain. (26Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG246 0028 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (21Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG268 2302 HFDL At 2759N 03424E. (19Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWD: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU4299 2311 HFDL At 4150N 00302E. (26Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWG: Aeroflot A319 Prob Flt SU0299 2318 HFDL Acks msg "AGM AN VP-BWG/FI SU0232/MA 011A - DOBRY WECHER EGO BRU/AP POLUCHILOSX ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHEREZ ACARS ? - BRGDS MISHA". (26Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWO: Aeroflot A321 Flt SU0721 2325 HFDL At 5533N (21Mar05) (RGA) ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 2345 HFDL Logs on. (25Mar05) (RGA) ARINC-07: Shannon IRL 2319 HFDL Poor squitters. No apparent traffic. Very few HFDL stns audible tonight. (25Mar05) (RGA) I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG575 2323 HFDL Attempting to sign on to ARINC Shannon. (25Mar05) (RGA) ELAL Tel Aviv: LDOC ISR 2151 J3E-USB sx OM/Heb. wkg unid a/c with aero-tfc. (23/Feb/2005) (ALF) ldoc el al: 2051 USB heb d/x Mar19 05 ML fishermen: 0759 USB french d/x 02apr05 ML Beijing VOLMET: 1500 USB VOLMET EA, aviation wx for east and south-east asian region in English, announcing 'meteorological information for aircraft in flight', nothing on //3458 and 8849 27/Mar/2005 (TR) Guangzhou VOLMET: 1540 USB VOLMET EA, aviation wx for east and north-eastern asian airports like Chengdu etc. in English 27/Mar/2005 (TR) 523580: KC135 62-3580 0104 ALE/USB wkg ADWNPR Andrews NIPR NET (06Apr05) (SA) DL0003DAT: E-3B 79-0003 0017 ALE/USB Sounds (07Apr05) (SA) DL0003DAT: E-3B 79-0003 0120 ALE/USB Sounds (06Apr05) (SA) DL0003DAT: E-3B 79-0003 0541 ALE/USB Sounds (08Apr05) (SA) CRONPR: 1326 CRONPR USAF Croughton Sounding ALE 26mar05 (RP) OFFNPR: (Offutt AFB, Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router node): 0146 USB/ALE sounding. 03/24 RP3 CROSPR: HFGCS CROUGHTON 1846 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. (26/Mar)(DW) ICSZPR: HFGCS SIGONELLA 1848 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1933 (26/Mar)(DW) PLASPR: HFGCS LAJES 1856 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1942z (26/Mar)(DW) 20055: C-17 98-0055 2003 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (07Apr05) (SA) 210196: C-17 01-0196 0826 ALE/USB Self Test (04Apr05) (SA) 221107: C-17 02-1107 0850 ALE/USB Sounds (22Mar05) (SA) 221107: C-17 02-1107 2005 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HFGCS with many unsuccessful ALE init PP's to [AMD] CCCCPTARNNNN/[AMD]CCCC93144802121NNNN Ramstein. (24Mar05) (SA) 221107: C-17 02-1107 2254 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (25Mar05) (SA) 260006: C-17 96-0006 2055 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS with many unsuccessful ALE init PP's to [AMD] CCCCD83126731110NNNN Charleston (24Mar05) (SA) 271191: C-17 89-1191 2235 ALE/USB wkg AED Elmendorf HF-GCS (04Apr05) (SA) Pagina 316 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708 05708.0 05711.0 05720 05748 05758.0 05788.0 05792.0 05792.0 05800 05800.0 05800.0 05800.0 05800.0 05800.0 05800.0 05847.0 05847.0 05847.0 05850.0 05865.0 05865.0 05865.0 WUN-v11 290166: C-17 99-0166 1123 ALE/USB Sounds (05Apr05) (SA) 570071: KC-135 57-0071 1102 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 571443: KC-135 57-1443 2034 ALE/USB Sounds (26Mar05) (SA) ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 0705 ALE/USB wkg 131285 C-5 83-1285 (30Mar05) (SA) AF5: C-20C 85-0049 1549 ALE/USB Sounds (08Apr05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 2210 ALE/SB wkg JTY Yyokota HF-GCS (07Apr05) (SA) MPA: USAF Mount Pleasant Falklands 2135 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) PLA: US HF-GCS Stn Lajes AZR 2303 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Mar05) (RGA) UKE301: RAF E-3D ZH101 1236 ALE/USB wkg UKE306 RAF E-3D ZH106 MAGIC-92 with AMD [AMD]THIS IS A SAMPLE AMD MESSAGE (23Mar05) (SA) UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 0958 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (29MAR05) (SA) UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 MAGIC-92 1250 ALE/USB wkg UKE307 RAF E-3D ZH107 with AMD [AMD]HELLO ****** ***** AND GESTAPO HOWS TRICKS. reply [AMD]NO STINK NO LINK (23Mar05) (SA) 563626: (KC-135E # 56-3626, 171st ARW PA ANG Pittsburgh): 1711 USB/ALE sounding. 03/24 RP3 HHS: (Dep't if Health & Human Services, Wash DC): 2317 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 ZS-SXB: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0261 2321 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik from 2835N 01403E. (19Mar05) (RGA) FDG: FAF Bordeaux, F 0154 CW vvv-mkr. (3/Mar/2005) (DL8AAM) unid: ff net ?? 1925 USB d/x stand by all stations occupied.next call h30 04apr05 ML 28: Danish Mil 1020 USB ALE clg 25(19/MAR/05) (KK) 1103: (unidentified): 0454 USB/ALE sounding. 03/12 RP3 2212: (unidentified): 0520 USB/ALE sounding. 03/17 RP3 0200: Italian Carabinieri Net 2309 ALE/USB Calls 0811 with [AMD] "DIAL4". (19Mar05) (RGA) 763: (Canadian Army Communication Regiment (Ottawa): 0222 USB/ALE TO 763A (subordinate unit of 763rd Communications Regt). 03/20 RP3 CHM721: (Canadian Army 721 Comm Troop, Glace Bay): 0031 USB/ALE TO CHM723 (Canadian Army 723 Comm Sqdn, Halifax). 03/19 RP3 CHM721: (Canadian Army 721 Comm Troop, Glace Bay): 0050 USB/ALE TO CHM728 (Canadian Army 728 Comm Sqdn, St. John's). 03/19 RP3 CHM721: (Canadian Army 721 Comm Troop, Glace Bay): 0107 USB/ALE TO CHM721CT (Canadian Army 721 Comm Troop, Charlottetown). 03/19 RP3 CHM: (unidentified Canadian Army): 0150 USB/ALE TO CHM723 CJC (Canadian Army 723 Comm Sqdn, Halifax). 03/19 RP3 CLO: (unidentified Canadian Army): 0241 USB/ALE TO CHM (unidentified Canadian Army). 03/19 RP3 A3Z: UNID 2347 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (03/Apr)(DW) TWVP2: GUARDIA CIVIL PALENCIA 1702 STD.MIL 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXX2 (04/Apr)(DW) TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL VALDEMORO 1704 STD.MIL 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TYMB2 (04/Apr)(DW) OXT: Copenhaven Meteo, DNK 1000 W-Fax 120rpm/IOC:567 Cape Farewell Chart, Danish Metero-logical Instituts Valid:03 April 2005, 2025 UTC Next Chart: 07 April 2005 (06/APR/05) (KK) TWVP2: GUARDIA CIVIL PALENCIA 1554 STD.MIL 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXX2 (04/Apr)(DW) TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL VALDEMORO 1549 STD.MIL 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TYMZ2. 1601z clng TYMV2 (04/Apr)(DW) TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL VALDEMORO 1832 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TYMC2 (03/Apr)(DW) Pagina 317 WUN-v11 05868.0 TWVA2: GUARDIA CIVIL AVILA 2154 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on USB. Clng TXX2 (03/Apr)(DW) 05868.0 TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL VALDEMORO 2003 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TYMC2. 2156 clng TWVP2. 2207 clng TYMB2. 2212 clng TYMR2 (03/Apr)(DW) 05875.9 FDI8: FAF NICE 1827 CW Marker "vvv de FDI8 ar" (03/Apr)(DW) 05887.6 IMB32: Rome Meteo 0750 RTTY/50/850 NOAA satellite orbit parameters (TBUS msgs) (16Apr05) (KB) 05887.7 IMB2: ROME MET 1929 RTTY 50/R/850 Met tfc. Goes offair between msg ie no idle mark (24/Mar)(DW) 05887.7 IMB32: Rome Meteo 0804 RTTY/50/850 Czech synops (17Apr05) (KB) 05892.0 TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL VALDEMORO 1821 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TWVZ2 (03/Apr)(DW) 06065 9MB13: RMN Georgetown MLA 1729 CW Vs marker. Loud. (03Apr05) (RGA) 06235 Unid: SS Navrad? 1630 STANAG-4285. (02/Apr/05) (RH2) 06243.0 AAC: UNID 1335 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (08/Apr)(DW) 06243.0 AAD: UNID 1605 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (09/Apr)(DW) 06271.5 unid: ship 0800 FEC s/c KYMM ? 02apr05 ML 06312.0 Unid: 16:53 237932000 M/V Island Gem (Cargo) test with 002191000 Lyngby MRCC 21mar05 (RPA) 06316.0 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 2313 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (19/Mar)(DW) 06319.5 UCE: ARKHANGELSK RADIO 1933 - Chan free marker. Tuning bursts, embedded "ky". No cw id (19/Mar)(DW) 06319.5 UCE: arkhangelsk 0737 ARQ Mar20 05 0ML 06322.5 UDK2: MURMANSK RADIO 1940 CW Chan free marker "de UDK2" (19/Mar)(DW) 06322.5 UDK2: MurmanskRadio 2020 ARQ w/Morse ID. (06Apr05) (RGA) 06328.5 : Murmansk Meteo 1858 FAX 120/576/R wind/waves/ice Iceland to Barents Sea / /8444. Slanted, tx fast (16Apr05) (KB) 06330 LZW34: Varna Radio 1851 FEC tfc list (16Apr05) (KB) 06330.0 LZW: VARNA RADIO 2317 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW " (19/Mar)(DW) 06347.7 FUE: FN Brest 1156 RTTY/150/850 RY/ID "All de FUE" (13/Mar/05) (RH2) 06348 FUE: French Navy Brest 2107 RTTY/150/850 Short tests to ALL de FUE. (06Apr05) (RGA) 06365.5 : CIS System. Railways? 2015 50-50/50/850 Cipher. (06Apr05) (RGA) 06372 JUBA: UNJLC Juba, SDN 1909 ALE/USB snd tws (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1920 ALE/USB to DMAZIN (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 2022 ALE/USB to WAU1 (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372 NYALA3: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1922 ALE/USB to FAW1 (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 JUBA: UNJLC Juba, SDN 1909 ALE/USB snd tws (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1920 ALE/USB to DMAZIN (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 2022 ALE/USB to WAU1 (14/03/05) (ZE) 06372.0 NYALA3: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1922 ALE/USB to FAW1 (14/03/05) (ZE) 06385 FUO: French Air Force Toulon 2012 RTTY/75/850 Short test markers. (06Apr05) (RGA) 06399.0 fishermen: 0749 USB ff d/x Mar20 05 0ML 06428.5 : NATO Tactical Air Defence System 2011 LINK-11/2250/USB (06Apr05) (RGA) 06434.0 DAO: Kiel Radio 1014 USB/P-III/CF=1500Hz (19/MAR/05) (KK) 06491 LOR: AN Puerto Belgrano 0620 RTTY/75/170 Radiovisos costeros. (02/Apr/05) (RH2) 06494.5 CFH: - RTTY weather reports for U.S. East Coast and Caribbean @ 01:40, hitting me at S-10.21mar05 (JS) Pagina 318 WUN-v11 06500.0 unid: "Yosemite Sam" 0410 DSB / "Varmint, I'm gonna blow ya to smithereens" every 40 seconds (11Feb.2005) (Midwest USA) 06507 VTP: Indian Navy Vishhakapatanam 2006 RTTY/50/850 RBSL marker. (06Apr05) (RGA) 06507.5 VTP: Indian Navy Vishakapatnam 2000 Rtty50Bd/ 1100Hz Marker: "VTP 13/14 RBSL VNR SGs RYs" (06/APR/05) (KK) 06529 ARINC-17: Las Palmas CNR 2354 HFDL Idle. No traffic. (25Mar05) (RGA) 06529 VP-BDK: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0582 2246 HFDL Posn 5128N 00025W to ARINC Las Palmas. (26Mar05) (RGA) 06535 VP-BWJ: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0719 2330 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Hat Yai THA. (19Mar05) (RGA) 06565 TKM: Prob Israeli AF 2229 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Mar05) (RGA) 06607.0 MKL: RAF 1022 USB/RATT wkk 6VW (06/APR/05) (KK) 06635.0 ---: FN UNID 1324 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker, very weak recognisable "RYs" "batiments" "naviter". Offair 1333z? (28/Mar)(DW) 06650.0 ---: UNID 1340 SSTV Pirates on /LSB. No "callsigns". Also at 1353z" (28/Mar)(DW) 06679.0 Hongkong VOLMET: 1545 USB VOLMET PAC, aviation wx for south-east asian and pacific region in English, weaker on //8828, nothing on //2863 27/Mar/2005 (TR) 06691.0 L0Y: 1015 unid (L0Y) w/frequet patches to Boulmer about a coming Alligator (?) position codes ( MKMF2927) usb 16/03 (PP1) 06712 D-ALCG: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH0000 2143 HFDL Logs on. (23Mar05) (RGA) 06712 FX0027: Federal Express Flt 2111 HFDL Posn 4901N 00222E via ARINC Reykjavik. (09Apr05) (RGA) 06712 G-VSHH: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sweet Dreamer' Flt VS0011 2200 HFDL At 4210N 07104W. (23Mar05) (RGA) 06712 LH8392: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 2315 HFDL Reports 4834N 03159E to ARINC Reykjavik. (25Mar05) (RGA) 06712 N309UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6753 2119 HFDL Posn 5153N 00014E to ARINC Reykjavik. (23Mar05) (RGA) 06712 N324UP: UPS B767 Flt UP6711 2126 HFDL Posn 5052N 00709E. (23Mar05) (RGA) 06712 VP-BAV: Aeroflot B767 1915 HFDL Acks KLAX weather from ARINC Reykjavik. (04Apr05) (RGA) 06712 VS0009: Virgin Atlantic A340 2147 At 4645N 04138W. (23Mar05) (RGA) 06712 ZS-SNA: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0263 2139 HFDL Posn 2614N 00618E. (23Mar05) (RGA) 06712.0 ---: FLIGHT CO0046 1003 HFDL on usb. Posn 52.32N 9.16W. Posn 52.25N 8.15W (28/Mar)(DW) 06712.0 ---: FLIGHT VS0045 1001 HFDL on usb. Posn 52.53N 13.10W. 1006 psn 52.58N 14.19W (28/Mar)(DW) 06712.0 03: ARINC REYKJAVIK 1006 HFDL on usb. Squitters (28/Mar)(DW) 06712.0 FDE: faf villacoublay 1635 USB ff work cotam 2804 sched land orleans Mar20 05 ML 06712.0 su242: 1428 SU242 VP-BWO Aeroflot A321-211 HFDL posn 52.19,9N 3.34,4E Northsea aprox beacon Sulut 25mar05 (RP) 06715 CROSPR@ Croughton SIPR NET 1024 ALE/USB wkg ICZSPR Sigonella SIPR NET (29Mar05) (SA) 06715 ICZSPR: Sigonella SIPR NET 0300 ALE/USB wkg JDGSPR Diego Garcia SIPR NET (06Apr05) (SA) 06715 ICZSPR: Sigonella SIPR NET 1608 ALE/USB wkg IKFSIPREM Keflavik SIPR NET ?? in AMD [AMD]IKFSIPREMSIRREM. Also on 5703 and 8968. (29Mar05) (SA) 06715 ICZSPR: US SIPRNet Stn Sigonella ITA 2143 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Apr05) (RGA) 06715 PLASPR: Lajes SIPR NET 0503 ALE/USB wkg ICZSPR Sigonella SIPR NET (07Apr05) (SA) 06715.0 crospr: 1540 CROSPR USAF Croughton with Sounding ALE 22mar05 (RPA) Pagina 319 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06721 06747 06761 06770.0 06786.7 06790 06790 06790 06790 06790 06790.0 06790.0 06790.0 06790.0 06798.0 06800.0 WUN-v11 200177: C-17 00-0177 1345 ALE/USB Sounds (22Mar05) (SA) 220104: USAF C-17 01-0104 2243 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Mar05) (RGA) 221107: C-17 02-1107 1922 ALE/USB Self Test (19Mar05) (SA) 221111: C-17 02-1111 1754 ALE/USB wkg R26685 UH-60L 96-26685 (27Mar05) (SA) 290165: C-17 99-0165 1950 ALE/USB wkg MPA USAF Mount Pleasant Falklands (27Mar05) (SA) 290165: C-17 99-0165 1953 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCD83124871110NNNN Randolph AFB.Auto answering service (27Mar05) (SA) 523559: KC-135 62-3559 2117 ALE/USB Sounds (29Mar05) (SA) 570120: KC-135 57-0120 BLUE-44 2153 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCPTAENNNN Hilda East req them to pass to LEMO Moron "est arr at 0105Z 0pPax,0Cargo req 180k fuel" then req patch to TACC WX. (04Apr05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1011 ALE/USB wkg 430779 KC-10 83-0079 (29Mar05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1729 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (24Mar05) (SA) DWX90: US Embassy ?? 1247 ALE/USB wkg KWT93 US Embassy ?? (05Apr05) (SA) GUA: Guam 1718 ALE/USB TIS SND (13/Mar/05) (RH2) HIK: Hickham AFB 1622 ALE/USB TIS SND (13/Mar/05) (RH2) HIK: Hickham AFB 1714 ALE/USB to JTY (13/Mar/05) (RH2) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 0803 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (08Apr05) (SA) JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 2009 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota (08Apr05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0020 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS ()7Apr05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0802 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (05Apr05) (SA) R26685: UH-60L 96-26685 1740 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS ALE + voice "Croughton unable to read" (27Mar05) (SA) 192: Unid. Prob Illicit 1832 CW .92 892 198 198 25 25 = = 56756 56756 77895 77895 ... 84569 84569 50294 50294 = = 198 198 25 25 0 0 0. (09Apr05) (RGA) 580021: KC-135 58-0021 1928 ALE/USB wkg QC2 UNID (08Apr05) (SA) BISB4: Rom. Police? Bistrita-Nasaud 1115 USB ALE clg TIMB4: Rom. Police? Timisoara (14/MAR/05) (KK) : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1945 ARQ 5LGs. Poor copy ... ENDS YYYYY ... MINISTER Brief opchat in ATU80 and off the air. (06Apr05) (RGA) : NATO Tactical Air Defence System 1939 LINK-11/2250/USB. TADIL. (06Apr05) (RGA) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1850 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1856 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1857 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhoudre Nouss 1834 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1850 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1856 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1857 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhoudre Nouss 1834 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) FDG: French Airforce Bordeaux 1624 Rtty 50Bd/400Hz Marker: "Voeyz le brick..." (06/APR/05) (KK) FAAZLA: (Los Angeles ARTCC): 0240 USB/ALE sounding. Pagina 320 06801.5 06809 06825.0 06825.0 06825.0 06825.0 06825.0 06825.0 06835.7 06836 06839.9 06840 06845 06846.5 06855 06857 06865 06865.0 06865.0 06886.5 06888 06897.8 06900 06900 06900.0 06905.0 06910 06911.5 06911.5 06911.5 06911.5 06926 06926 06926 06948 WUN-v11 03/28 RP3 CHM7232: Canadian Forces communications station: 2055 USB ALE (19/MAR/05) (JLM) V: Unid MX Beacon 2249 CW (29Mar05) (RGA) FAV22: French Armee Vernon 0941 CW/38bpm LECON 01-1/2 VITESSE 420 (14/MAR/05) (KK) FAV22: French Armee Vernon 0950 CW/38bpm LECON 01-1/3 VITESSE 420 (14/MAR/05) (KK) FAV22: French Armee Vernon 0959 CW/38bpm LECON 01-1/4 VITESSE 420 (14/MAR/05) (KK) FAV22: French Armee Vernon 1309 CW/38bpm end of tx "CQ DE FAV22 VA" (14/MAR/05) (KK) FAV22: M51 1300 CW / 2/4 vitesse 720 clair = un cavalier QRT at 1307 (23/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) Unid: jackhammer-like sounds being heard, 2 seconds long - 25 seconds apart @ 03:40 - S-6 from here.24mar05 (JS) FDI22: FAF NARBONNE 1300 CW 6835.75 - Marker "vvv de FDI22 ar" (28/Mar)(DW) SR: French Military, F 1440 CW wkg sx with unid with morse training, open french "non protege" texts. Call maybe HR as poor CW. (2/Feb/2005) (ALF) NYZ: Prob Chinese Military 2217 CW Tuning up. CQs at 2218 2213 off air. // 4860. (20Mar05) (RGA) NYZ: Chinese Military 2120 CW vvv clg-mkr to Q2M. (23/Feb/2005) (ALF) DKL: UK Military Prob Dhekelia CYP 2222 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Mar05) (RGA) No Call: French Gendarmerie Nationale 1010 USB/8-FSK ALE (19/MAR/05) (KK) : CIS Military 1935 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. (06Apr05) (RGA) RGT77: Russian Military HQ Moscow, RUS 1245 CW msg "... RGT77 RGT77 68972 12204 SLASTENA 3706 4282 k". (11/Feb/05) (ALF) 100: UNID Net 2103 ALE/USB snd (14/03/05) (ZE) 100: UNID Net 2103 ALE/USB snd (14/03/05) (ZE) AAF: (unidentified): 0443 USB/ALE sounding. 03/22 RP3 : Unid French, tent. Military, F 1810 J3E-USB sx OM/FF wkg unid for coord. of unid Data mode on same channel; "QSL message 004" etc. Calls maybe "Zero / Zero", "0 / 5" ? (16/Mar/2005) (ALF) BNA: Base Naval Amario Venezualan Navy/River Forces 2209 ALE/USB Calls CGA/ HQ Venezualan Navy. (25Mar05) (RGA) No Call: Auto WX-Station Atlas Mountain, MRC 1950 P-II/Ham/100Bd snd WX-Data to unid Met.Office (06/APR/05) (KK) 8SE: Unid ALE/USB SND 20:13 10Apr05 (MAL) HE: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:38 10Apr05 (MAL) 0000006138: Turkey ALE/USB SND+Codan? 19:109Apr05 (MAL) AAR5PGMARS: & AAR5TTMARS, US Army MARS stations: 1915 USB ALE (19/MAR/05) (JLM) CGOOPS: USANG 0256 ALE/USB Sounding. (03apr05) (BC2) 86OPS: (86th Med Coy, VT NG, Colchester/Burlington VT): 2024 USB/ALE TO R23566 (helo, 86th Med Coy). 03/29 RP3 R26432: USANG Helo 0240 ALE/USB Clg T4Z159 (unid prob 4/159 Avn). (03Apr05) (BC2) T1Z131: Unid. Prob 1/131 Avn Birmingham AL 0301 ALE/USB Sounding. (03apr05) (BC2) T7Z101: Unid. Prob 7/101 Avn (GSAB) F.Campbell KY 0254 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Apr05) (BC2) 5000: UNID Corpo Carabinieri station, I 0954 LSB/MILSTD 188-141A/CLOVER-2000, tfc. to 5001 (04Apr05) (LDO) 5001: UNID Corpo Carabinieri station, I 0954 LSB/MILSTD 188-141A/CLOVER-2000, tfc. to 5000 (04Apr05) (LDO) 5008: UNID Corpo Carabinieri station, I 1008 LSB/MILSTD 188-141A/CLOVER-2000, tfc. to 5000 (04Apr05) (LDO) 00/03/04/05/73: F-MIL net, F 1423 USB/SKYMASTER 8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000 2400Bd PSK ARQ-system, occasional data tfc Pagina 321 06950 06950.5 06980 06981.0 06990.0 06991 06992.5 06992.5 06992.5 06997 06997.0 06998 06998 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06998.5 06999 WUN-v11 exchange using, net using TRC-3600 radios (04Apr05) (LDO) : unid MIL network (probably F-MIL), F? 1208 USB/STANAG 4285 2400bps/short interlv., short bursts, crypto tfc starts and ends with endlesss repetitions of "0101010101", not KG-84 crypto (04Apr05) (LDO) : German MIL net, D 1528 USB/MAHRS 2400Bd, ARCOTEL bursts (04Apr05) (LDO) : Enigma M51 1930 CW Ends 5LG msg ... HSBMO AKGVO BT NR 67A 06 21:29:02 2005 BT VGPOL YTQCC DVFMS ... (06Apr05) (RGA) 673DVA: (KDQ 673, Dep't of Veterans Affairs, Richmond VA): 0557 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07362.5. 03/28 RP3 FDI8: FAF Nice 1415 Rtty 50Bd/400Hz Test Marker: "Voyez le brick... (19/MAR/05) (KK) TGD: Unid 2220 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Mar05) (RGA) MFJ02: Royal Navy/Sea Cadet Corps Epsomdowns, England, G 1055 J3E-USB wkg sx MFL33. (6/Feb/2005) (ALF) MFM01: Sea Cadet Corps Station 1900 USB wkg MFT905 (06/APR/05) (KK) MRO11: Sea Cadet Corps Station 1901 USB wkg MFM01, MFT905 (06/APR/05) (KK) SSA49: Italian Religious Pirate 2215 CW VVV VVV de SSA49 every 15 seconds or so. (19Mar05) (RGA) IAF5: unid IAF-Station 1630 USB clg BARPA, or sounds like for Radiocheck (06/APR/05) (KK) SXR3: Unid 1920 CW VVV SXR3 SXR3 SXR3 = QRU QRU = = (repeating). Could this be another pseudonym for SSA49 reported by Tom? (06Apr05) (RGA) SXR3: Unid, tent. Greek Navy 1730 CW "vvv vvv vvv de SXR3 SXR3 SXR3 qtc 1 qtc 1 ... vvv vvv vvv ...", "SVAA de SXR3 ... qsy FB01 (?)". (21/Mar/2005) (ALF) DEK25: Ger. Red Cross Duesseldorf 1358 PactorHam/100Bd/200Bd <Calling:DEK30> (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK30: Ger.Red Cross Quickborn 1310 LSB clg DEK25: Ger. Red Cross Duesseldorf, tlk abt. "Notfall-Rubrik" in Packet (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK30: Ger.Red Cross Quickborn 1344 AmtorA/100Bd/170Hz clg DMNR: DEKA26/10, GRC Duessel-dorf (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK30: Ger.Red Cross Quickborn 1345 AmtorA/100Bd/170Hz QSP QTC from DEK25 to DEK26/10: "Notfunk im Amaterufunkdienst" (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger. Red Cross Bonn 1114 Amtor-A/100Bd/170Hz clg DMBW: DEKA25/20:GRC Stuttgart sending QTC (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger. Red Cross Bonn 1120 Amtor-A/100Bd/170Hz clg DMBW: DEKA25/20: GRC Stuttgart, D. (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger.Red Cross Bonn 1056 LSB clg DEK26: Ger. Red Cross Duesseldorf, D., no anser (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger.Red Cross Bonn 1057 LSB clg DEKA25/20: Stuttgart (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger.Red Cross Bonn 1104 Amtor-A/100Bd/170Hz clg DMBW: DEKA25/20: GRC Stuttgart "DEK88 FER DEKA2520 PSE K K K K" (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger.Red Cross Bonn 1142 LSB clg DEK26: Ger. Red Cross Duesseldorf, no anser(19/MAR/05) (KK) DEK88: Ger.Red Cross Bonn 1354 LSB clg DEK30: Ger Red Cross Quickborn, cnf transmission, tlkg about software program (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEKA25/20: Ger.Red Cross 1125 Amtor-A/100Bd/440Hz/CF= 900Hz msg to DEK88, unreadble, bad singnal (19/MAR/05) (KK) DEKA26/20: Ger.Red Cross Duesseldorf mob.1335 LSB wkg DEK25: GRC Stuttgart (19/MAR/05) (KK) AEA1AM: US Army, Assistant Affiliate MARS Coordinator Europe (NCS), D 1732 J3E-LSB sx OM/EE wkg unid, refer to "AEM3NAD in Afghanistan", QSY fr r/c on channel "15M". AEA1AM = ex AEM1AM; 1734z clg AET1RA/C "for the net", no joy, s/off. (16/Mar/2005) (ALF) Pagina 322 WUN-v11 AEM1SLC: USAEUR MARS, D 1735 J3E-LSB OM/EE sx wkg AEA1AM, into unid digital mode. (21/MAR/2005) (ALF) 06999 AEM3AS: unid US Army MARS, Asia 1720 J3E-LSB OM/EE sx wkg AEA1AM, req ra/check on channel "KEC" (in LSB) and "KIF", talk abt digimodes & soundcards. (21/Mar/2005) (ALF) 06999.0 AE1AM: Assistant Affiliate MARS Coordinator,Europe LSB 1130 clg AE1AT: Assistant Director for Training, Europe, n answ.(19/MAR/05) (KK) 06999.0 AEM6AA: (very strong, possibly local) mfsk-16 called AET1RA/C, 25mar05 (CK) 07000 0200: UNID Corpo Carabinieri Ops center, I 0923 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng. "0811" [=800-series Patrol craft/MV CC 811] and later "1100" [=UNID] (28Mar05) (LDO) 07000 D: MX Beacon Odessa 2226 CW (20Mar05) (RGA) 07000.0 0200: UNID Corpo Carabinieri Ops center, I 0923 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng. "0811" [=800-series Patrol craft/MV CC 811] and later "1100" [=UNID] (28Mar05) (LDO) 07039 D: MX Beacon Odessa 0352 CW //8495 10872 13528. (21Mar05) (WC) 07041 : Russian Military 2235 CW Ends 5LG msg ... IGYOJ WPPWE K. Repeats heading 427 20 0104 427 = ZHC 122. (19Mar05) (RGA) 07335.0 S06: calling ID then message, very muffled TX at 08:31 13apr05 (M) 07348.0 TDLFEM: (FEMA Technical Development Laboratory ??): 2011 USB/ALE sounding. 03/30 RP3 07496.0 QX9G: Russian military 1323 CW / Working duplex. Msg at 1330z: 411 54 23 1628 411 = 982 949 (23/Mar/2005) (Nighthawk) 07508 ZSC: Capetown R/SAWS 0935 RTTY/75/170 Wx for Metarea V11. //13538 (23/Mar/05) (RH2) 07508 ZSC: Capetown R/SAWS 0956 RTTY/75/170 Wx incl Meteo France //13538. (31/Mar/05) (RH2) 07508 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine/Afmet 1530 FAX/120/576 S'face Anal //13538. (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 07532.6 No Call:unid HNG Stn. 2224 Dup-ARQ-2/250Bd sync (31/MAR/05) (KK) 07632 57010: KC-135 57-0120 1450 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS 31Mar05) (SA) 07632 570120: KC-135 57-0120 1536 ALE/USVB Sounds (29Mar05) (SA) 07646 DDH7: Hamburg Met 2205 Baudot 75/850 Synop Pakistan (06/Apr/2005) (Bob Brevitt) 07650.0 LAB: (Rockwell-Collins, France): 0121 USB/ALE sounding. 03/24 RP3 07668.0 CER42: MfA Paris, F 1520 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg AMMAN: F. Embassy Amman, JOR (19/MAR/05) (KK) 07671.5 FDG: French Airforce Bordeaux 1940 Rtty 50Bd/400Hz Marker: "Voeyz le brick..." (06/APR/05) (KK) 07710.0 ---: CANADIAN UNID 0900 FAX 120/576/N/800 Var weak blurred charts thru 1125z. Freq drifting fm 7708.78 thru 7709.65 (at 1225z). [7710 used by CCG Iqualuit and Canadian Ice Svc Recon acrft - but above not in agreement with known skeds]. (04/Apr)(DW) 07720 DWN: UNID Prob DISA 1333 ALE/USB Sounds (27Mar05) SA) 07720.0 ORO: (Mexican military): 0216 USB/ALE TO OMEGA (Mexican military). 03/29 RP3 07722.0 FDI8: FAF Nice 0821 Rtty 50Bd/850Hz Test Marker: "Voyez le brick... (29/MAR/05) (KK) 07739 GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1916 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) 07739 HAMRAGPL: Algerian Oil&Gas Haoud el Hamra 1927 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) 07739 INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1931 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) 07739 MEDER30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Medera 1715 ALE/LSB snd (18/03/05) (ZE) 07739 OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1914 ALE/LSB snd Pagina 323 06999 07739 07739.0 07739.0 07739.0 07739.0 07739.0 07739.0 07739.0 07746.4 07750.0 07750.0 07750.0 07750.0 07750.0 07767.2 07767.2 07768.5 07777.0 07777.0 07777.0 07780.0 07785.0 07797.2 07797.2 07800.0 07816.0 07839.0 07864.3 07864.3 07895.7 07903.5 07905.4 07918.0 WUN-v11 (17/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1930 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1916 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) HAMRAGPL: Algerian Oil&Gas Haoud el Hamra 1927 ALE/LSB snd(17/03/05) (ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1931 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) MEDER30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Medera 1715 ALE/LSB snd (18/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1914 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: (Algerian Oil & Gas Operations,Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline): 0014 USB/ALE sounding. 03/24 RP3 RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1930 ALE/LSB snd (17/03/05)(ZE) No Call: Algerian Customs 2216 Coquelet-8/37,5ms/CF= 800Hz (31/MAR/05) (KK) JUBA: UNJLC Juba, SDN 1918 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN (28/MAR/05) (KK) JUBA: UNJLC Juba, SDN 2016 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN (28/MAR/05) (KK) NYALA2: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 2009 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg WAU1: UNJLC Wau, SDN (28/MAR/05) (KK) NYALA3: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1947 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PORTSUDAN: UNJLC Port Sudan, SDN (28/MAR/05) (KK) NYALA3: UNJLC Nyala, SDN 1953 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg BABANUSA: UNJLC Babanusa, SDN (28/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: Egy. Embassy Paris? 1914 P-III/16t/ CF=1500Hz after Tfc, Sitor-ARQ/100Bd on 7766.7/CF=800HZ (06/APR/05) (KK) No Call: Egy. Embassy Paris? 1914 P-III/16t/CF=1500Hz after Tfc, Sitor-ARQ/100Bd on 7766.7/CF=800HZ (06/APR/05) (KK) No Call: unid French 0930 8-FSK ALE/Stanag-4285/2400Bps/S/int. (06/APR/05) (KK) CAMALEON3: (possibly 3rd Independent Inf Bde, Mexican Army): 2355 USB/ALE TO RM3 (Mexican Army, Military Region 3, Mazatlna). 03/29 RP3 RM1: (HQs Mexican Army Military Region 1, Mexico City): 0014 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 03/30 RP3 RM4: (Mexican Army, Military Region 4, Monterrey): 0400 USB/ALE TO CAMALEON3 (possibly 3rd Independent Inf Bde, Mexican Army). 03/29 RP3 Unid: Argentine police 0133 USB SS Radiograms. Salta province.(09/04/05) (AJP) var: unid 2228-0602 USB ALE UM42, HA40, HA43, HA45, HA46, HA48, HA51, HA53, HA57, HA60, LZ40, LZ45, LZ51 (31/MAR/05) (KK) No Call: Egy. Embassy Paris? 2019 P-III/16t/CF=1500Hz after Tfc, Sitor-ARQ/100Bd on (06/APR/05) (KK) No Call: Egy. Embassy Paris? 2019 P-III/16t/CF=1500Hz after Tfc, Sitor-ARQ/100Bd on(06/APR/05) (KK) 79: Dnk. Mil? 1200 USB ALE clg 01 (06/APR/05) (KK) Unid: Russian Navy 2155 T600/36-50 Off at 2159 (09/04/05)(AJP) TKM: (Israeli Air Force): 0319 USB/ALE sounding. 03/18 RP3 F32HPZ: Fronet Station, S. 1457 P-I/Ham/100Bd <Calling:F32HPB> P-II/100Bd: "^START;F32HPZ;7863;HPB;;7863;FRO" (06/APR/05) (KK) No Call: Fronet Station, S. 1440 P-II/Ham/100Bd snd ASCII-file (06/APR/05) (KK) RFVI: ff le port reunion 0631 ARQ-E3 encrypted Mar19 05 ML WF1: (FBI, Wash DC Field Office): 2344 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 ATCSOU: 332nd EOSS Tallil Air Base IRQ 2105 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, sounding (24Mar05) (LDO) Unid: Uruguayan Army 1446 LSB SS "Caballeria 9" Pagina 324 07957.0 07969 07969 07969 07969.0 07969.0 07970.0 08000.0 08012 08020.0 08022 08040.0 08058 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 08058.6 WUN-v11 (10/04/05) (AJP) AA1: (Israeli Air Force): 0421 USB/ALE sounding. 03/17 RP3 HR: Algerian Oil&Gas Hassi R´mel 1952 ALE/USB snd (18/03/05) (ZE) LAK: Unid ALE/USB SND 10:40 10Apr05 (MAL) YHF: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:07 10Apr05 (MAL) HR: Algerian Oil&Gas Hassi R´mel 1952 ALE/USB snd (18/03/05) (ZE) HR: Algerian Oil&Gas Hassi R´mel ALE/USB SND20:20 9Apr05 (MAL) 3YV: Unid ALE/USB SND 22:01 9Apr05 (MAL) 0200: unid? 0604 ALE/USB to 0811 unid? -to 1100? Mar27 05 ML : unid NATO network, 1149 USB/STANAG 4285 300bps/short interlv., short bursts, KG-84 crypto with 5 bit synchronous ITA-2 alphabet, "ryryryry vmgtcnjbh" intro (04Apr05) (LDO) MOVIL: (unidentified mobile unit, Venezuelan Army): 0257 USB/ALE TO 10CINE (unidentified unit, Venezuelan Army). 03/26 RP3 CENTR4: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0809 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD, calling CAM (25Mar05) (LDO) AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 0309 USB/ALE sounding. 03/25 RP3 CENTR2: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0829 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc. to ZPO (25Mar05) (LDO) KVX53: US Ebassy ?? 1315 ALE/USB wkg KVX51 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1200 ALE/USB wkg KVX56 US Embassy (06Apr5) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1210 ALE/USB wkg KWX99 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1211 ALE/USB wkg KVX54 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1211 ALE/USB wkg KWW25 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1222 ALE/USB wkg KWX99 US Embassy ??(30Mar05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1223 ALE/USB wkg KWW25 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1308 ALE/USB wkg KVX50 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) KVX53: US Embassy ?? 1311 ALE/USB wkg KWQ36 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) KWB48: US Embassy ?? 0954 ALE/USB wkg KVX45 US Embassy (31Mar05) (SA) KWF22: US Embassy ?? 0204 ALE/USB Sounds (6Apr05) (SA) KWS93: US Embassy poss Athens Greece 0801 ALE/USBwkg KWX57 US Embassy ?? (06ASpr05) (SA) KWT49: US Embassy ?? 1407 ALE/USB wkg KWX90 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) KWT51: US Embassy ?? 1408 ALE/USB wkg KWX90 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0735 ALE/USB wkg KWT91 US Embassy ?? (07Apr05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0819 ALE/USB wkg KWT55 US Embassy ?? (07Ar05) (SA) KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0925 ALE/USB wkg KWT93 US Embassy ?? (24Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0853 ALE/USB wkg KWS78 US Embassy poss Athens Greece (30Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0916 ALE/SB wkg KWS90 US Embassy ??(06Apr05) (SA KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0927 ALE/USB wkg KWS94 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KWX95: US Embassy ?? 1428 ALE/USB wkg KWX96 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KWY58: US Embassy ?? 1946 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) WNG: (US State Dep't): 1231 USB/ALE TO WNG753 WLU WNG752 (US State Dep't). 03/24 RP3 Pagina 325 WUN-v11 08084.5 unid: pirate? 0638USB thai? d/x Mar27 05 ML 08125.0 FAASJU: (San Juan PR ARTCC): 0227 USB/ALE sounding. 03/25 RP3 08127.2 No Call: unid Hub, Amazonas Reg. 2144 P-I/100Bd <Calling:PAR> (06/APR/05) (KK) 08127.2 No Call: unid Hub, Amazonas Reg. 2145 P-I/100Bd <Calling:PLA> (06/APR/05) (KK) 08127.2 No Call: unid Hub, Amazonas Reg. 2146 P-I/100Bd <Calling:GRG> (06/APR/05) (KK) 08127.2 No Call: unid Hub, Amazonas Reg. 2147 P-I/100Bd <Calling:JANK> (06/APR/05) (KK) 08127.2 No Call: unid Hub, Amazonas Reg. 2148 P-I/100Bd <Calling:MAV> (06/APR/05) (KK) 08127.2 No Call: unid Hub, Amazonas Reg. 2150 P-I/100Bd <Calling:COS> (06/APR/05) (KK) 08130 CS004: UNID MIL-net Balkans, 0850 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/secure voice tfc. via MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone waveform to RS002D (25Mar05) (LDO) 08130 RS002D: UNID MIL-net Balkans, 0850 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/secure voice tfc. via MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone waveform to CS004 (25Mar05) (LDO) 08135.0 AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 0315 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07839.0. 03/17 RP3 08135.0 AAA: (Israeli Air Force): 0333 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 08140 BMF: Taipei Meteo 1713 FAX unid 2-panel-chart. Caption not readable (13Apr05) (KB) 08143.0 Unid: Korean YL voice. Poss S. Korean fisheries, Sokcho Fishery Cooperative 2214 USB (08/04/05) (AJP) 08146.1 IMB55: ROME MET 1500 FAX 120/576/N/800 Sig wx chart for Europe (19/Mar)(DW) 08146.5 roma met: 0636 FAX oblique pix??:is my frq wrong? Mar19 05 ML 08161.5 : Russian Military 1852 36-50/100/180 Unusual speed. 100 bps idles between messages at 100 bps. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08162 : Hungarian MIL net, HNG 0934 USB/HARRIS AVS, scrambled voice tfc. (04Apr05) (LDO) 08170 AAA: Israeli AF? 1345 ALE/USB sounding. Also AAB, AAF, AAG and ADA (13Apr05) (KB) 08170 AAA: UNID prob DISA 0910 ALE/USB Sounds (03Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAA: UNID prob DISA 1131 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAA: UNID prob DISA 1440 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAA: UNID prob DISA 1539 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 08170 AAB: Croughton poss DISA 1156 ALE/USB Sounds (30Mar05) (SA) 08170 AAB: Croughton prob DISA 0744 ALE/USB wkg ADB UNID prob DISA (06Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAB: Croughton prob DISA 1005 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 08170 AAB: Croughton prob DISA 1112 ALE/USB Sounds (03Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAB: Croughton prob DISA 1319 ALE/SB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAB: Croughton prob DISA 1612 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAB: USAF Croughton, G 1602 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) 08170 AAF: UND prob DISA 1120 ALE/USB Sounds (03Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAF: UNID prob DISA 1214 ALE/USB wkg AAH UNID prob DISA (05Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAF: UNID prob DISA 1231 ALE/USB wkg AAG UNID prob DISA (05Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAF: UNID prob DISA 1232 ALE/USB wkg ACA UNID prob DISA (05Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAF: UNID prob DISA 1233 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAF: UNID prob DISA 1307 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAF: UNID prob DISA 1416 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 08170 AAG: UNID prob DISA 0807 ALE/USB Sounds (03Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAG: UNID prob DISA 1222 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAG: UNID prob DISA 1308 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 08170 AAG: UNID prob DISA 1416 ALE/USB wkg ADB UNID prob DISA (31Mar05) (SA) 08170 AAI: UNID prob DISA 1151 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 08170 ADA: UNID prob DISA 1548 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) Pagina 326 08170 08170 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08170.0 08177 08180 08180.0 08180.0 08180.0 08180.0 08191.7 08192 08192 08262 08262 08262 08298 08298 08298.1 08319.7 08335.0 08347.5 08365 08377 08395 08397.0 08402 08403 WUN-v11 ADA: poss DISA 1052 ALE/USB Self Test (01Apr05) (SA) SILVIO: UNID Italian MIL, 1056 USB/FSK-1200Bd/IRSmode, rcvng tfc from CESARE [=Roma], QSX not found (25Mar05) (LDO) AAA: UNID 2030 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2046 2101 2131 2146 2201 2216 (09/Apr)(DW) AAB: (unidentified): 0658 USB/ALE sounding. 03/22 RP3 AAB: UNID 2011 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2026 2041 2056 2112 2157 (09/Apr)(DW) AAF: UNID 2022 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2037 2052 2107 2122 2138 (09/Apr)(DW) AAG: UNID 2011 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2026 2041 2056 2111 2142 (09/Apr)(DW) AAI: (unidentified): 0243 USB/ALE sounding. 03/22 RP3 ADA: (unidentified): 0402 USB/ALE sounding. 03/22 RP3 ADA: UNID 2030 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2052 2122 2137 2152 2201 (09/Apr)(DW) ADB: UNID 2022 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2038 2053 2108 2123 2127 (09/Apr)(DW) : Unid 2025 UNID/187/450 Goes to mark and off the air at 2027. (09Apr05) (RGA) K83: Unid ALE/USB SND 16:57 10Apr05 (MAL) 601: UNID 0010 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (20/Mar)(DW) 605001: UNID 0037 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (20/Mar)(DW) LESKOVIKU: ALBANIAN ARMY LESKOVIKU 0550 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BABINA (20/Mar)(DW) STAT152: TUNISIAN NET ?LOC 0748 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng STAT21. Also at 0750 (20/Mar)(DW) 9MR: Malay Navrad 1610 RTTY/50/850 5LG (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 9MR: RMN Johore Bahru MLA 1910 RTTY/50/850 5LGs. Good copy. (03Apr05) (RGA) 9MR: RMN Johore Bahru MLA RTTY/50/850 5LGs to warships. Slightly unstable txn. (09Apr05) (RGA) IOMMAZ: IOM office Mazar-e-Sharif, AFG 1639 USB/MILSTD 188-141A sounding (03Apr05) (LDO) MCBHTD: US-Army Movmnt Ctrl Bn Hwy Tfc Div KWT/IRQ 1638 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working MCT1 (03Apr05) (LDO) MCT1: US-Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 1638 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, wkng MCBHTD (03Apr05) (LDO) VTP13/14: IN Vishakhapatnam 1622 RTTY/50/850 Tfc/List then RY/ID (27/Feb/05) (RH2) VTP: Indian Navy Vishakhapatanam 1903 RTTY/50/850 4LG messages to collective VWGZ. Then RBSL marker. (03Apr05) (RGA) VTP: IN VISHAKAPATNAM 1605 RTTY 50/R/900 Marker "VTP 13/14 rbsl vnr ry's" - poor copy. Tfc to ships in 4fig encrypt (21/Mar)(DW) LOR: AN Puerto Belgrano 2150 FEC No tfc for 10 mins. (24/Mar/05) (RH2) DHJ59: gn 0847 USB d/x & unid long dig trans Mar20 05 0ML RIR96: Russian Warship 1843 CW Wkg RCV/HQ Black Sea Fleet Sevastopol. RCV de RIR96 QSA NO RPT K. RCV de RIR96 QDW 4877/4877 OK? MS-5 tones on approx 4874.08 which go into cipher at 1849. (03Apr05) (RGA) AAA: Israeli AF 2009 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Apr05) (RGA) : Unid 1836 CW ... 3809 WTH9? VT49 38 1941 57?? 4158 2L67> 256 72005 U?? 3005 0ä11?? ... ?K. GR81 L 1905 K. GR81 029?5029 K. 88 - 55937? 597 K ... Poorly sent hand Morse. Short zeros. (03Apr05) (RGA) UBHT: Russian Ship Revolutija 1832 ARQ Telegram via unid coast stn. (03Apr05) (RGA) unid: ship 0648 ARQ Mar19 05 ML : CIS Military 1830 MS-5/4800/USB Pre-cipher tones. (03Apr05) (RGA) L7X+V8U+S4: Omani Navy network, 1837 USB/VFT 5x75Bd BARRIE type circuit, 5/10 bit per char., encrypted tfc, Pagina 327 08403.0 08403.0 08403.0 08403.0 08403.0 08403.0 08413 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08414.5 08416.5 08417.5 08419.5 08420.5 08421 08421.0 WUN-v11 interleaved in time and freq., VX coordination in a mix of English + Arabic (25Mar05) (LDO) L7X+V8U+S4: Omani Navy network, 1837 USB/VFT (25Mar05) (LDO) No Call: BNy 2251 G-Tor/100Bd wkg unid, weak, unreadable (06/APR/05) (KK) PWF-33: BNy Fortaleza 0000 P-I/Ham-Fec/200Bd clg CQ and clg PWQO: H-21 "SIRIUS" Navio Hidrografico "TEST THE QUICK...." (06/APR/05) (KK) PWQO: H-21 "SIRIUS" Navio Hidrografico 0000 P-I/HamFec/200Bd clg PWF-33: BNy Fortleza "PWF-33 PWF-33 DE PWQO PWQO (06/APR/05) (KK) QO: H-21 "SIRIUS" Navio Hidrografico 0000 P-I/HamFec/200Bd clg WN: BNy Natal "[A[A[A [A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[B[B WN WN WN WN DE DE QO QO QO CLG NAO ESTOU RC SEUS SINAIS NEGA RCB SEUS SINAIS SOL RPT " (06/APR/05) (KK) WF: PWF-33? BNy Fortaleza 2254 Sitor-Fec/100Bd Msg to BA: unid "TRANQUILOS OK _OK" (06/APR/05) (KK) 340: unid Georgian border guard GEO 1724 USB/Mil-STD 188-141 ALE sounding (18Apr05) (PPA) : Charleville/Wiluna MRCC AUS 0919 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from Singapore vessel Aniara/S6FD allegedly in undesignated distress at 3738N 02346E. Cheksum error. (31Mar05) (APB) : Vessel Using Illegal MMSI (636909639) 1215 GMDSS Appears to relay no doubt false distress message allegedly from Maestros Breeze/VRWY2 giving 1035N 01707W as position of ship being abandoned. (24Mar05) (APB) HPFK: Panamanian Ship Tuna Queen 0141 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from unlisted ship (MMSI 710074300) allegedly in undesignated distress at 0150S 04236W. (13Apr04) (APB) Istanbul MRCC: 17:12 271000000 Istanbul MRCC test with 2371000 Piraeus MRCC 21mar05 (RPA) NMF: MRCC Boston/Norfolk VA USA 2059 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from unid ship using MMSI 412371670 allegedly in collision at 2742N 12111E. (07Apr05) (APB) NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1244 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message from St Raphael/ELZA8 allegedly in undesignated distress at 2357S 04617W. Loc. appears to be port of Santos, Brazil. Spurious "test" packet? (04Apr05) (APB) P3GW8: Cypriot Ship Mol Caribe 0736 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message allegedly from Panamanian Vessel Carnival Valor/H3VR apparently in undesignated distress at 1804N 06337W. (14Apr05) (APB) P3ME9: Cypriot Vessel Turnberry Glory 0717 GMDSS Relays apparent distress message alegedly from South Explorer/H9YO in undesignated distress at 3542N 12059E. (31Mar05) (APB) S6FD: SHIP ANIARA 0915 DSC 100/E/170 Distress call. MMSI 563430000. Undesignated distress Posn 37.38N 23.46E. Telecommand F1b/J2b tty. Also sent at 0927, 0931z (31/Mar)(DW) Unid: 1629 240245000 unid vessel GMDSS test with 002371000 Piraeus MRCC 25mar05 (RP) VMC: Charleville/Wiluna AUS 1813 GMDSS/100/170 answering call from ONDA Lowlands beilun (18Apr05) (PPA) VRVN6: OOCL Netherlands 1722 GMDSS/100/170 Calling VRWC8 OOCL California for voice contact on 8900 (17Apr05) (PPA) NMF: - NAVTEX safety reports for north Atlantic Ocean @ 02:10, hitting me at S-10. 21mar05 (JS) XSV: TianjinRadio PRC 2036 ARQ w/Morse ID. (09Apr05) (RGA) PPR: RIO DE JANEIRO RADIO 2321 CW Chan free marker "PPR" (19/Mar)(DW) CBV: VALPARAISO RADIO 2323 CW Chan free marker "CBV" (19/Mar)(DW) VRX: Hong Kong R 1551 ARQ w/CW ID marker (01/Apr/05) (RH2) WLO: MOBILE RADIO 2324 CW Chan free marker "WLO" (19/Mar)(DW) Pagina 328 WUN-v11 08421.5 LZW4: VARNA RADIO 2325 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (19/Mar)(DW) 08421.5 VRX: HongkongRadio PRC 1828 ARQ w/Morse ID. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08422.5 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour 1555 ARQ w/CW ID Marker (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 08423.6 ATCNOR: 332nd EOSS Balad Air Base IRQ 0308 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng T1Z159 (24Mar05) (LDO) 08424.0 SVO: 0618 FEC greek news?? 14apr05 ML 08425.5 XSG: ShanghaiRadio PRC 2037 ARQ w/Morse ID. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08427.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 2013 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (19/Mar)(DW) 08429.5 IDR: roma 0652 ITA/75 channel status Mar27 05 ML 08435 XSQ: KwangchowRadio PRC 2040 ARQ w/Morse ID. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08437 QF3K: M89-type Marker 2046 CW V T3AP (x3) de QF3K (x2). (09Apr05) (RGA) 08444 : Murmansk Meteo 1231 FAX 120/576/R no start/stop sigs, tx fast. Surface prog N Atlantic to Barents Sea (17Apr05) (KB) 08445 HEB03: Global Link Net Berne SWI 1317 PACTOR-3 Small data bursts (not able to decode). CW: cq de heb03 (every 3 min). (27Mar05) (DA) 08453.0 RFFMEA: fn saissac 0658 ITA2/75 de ...naviter... Mar27 05 ML 08463.2 RETJ: SN Madrid E 08:28 STANAG 4285/600 long/3K3 encrypted traffic// 6456.2 (20 Mar)(PPA) 08476 VTP6: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 1710 CW English weather bulletin followed by 4F msgs to VWGZ later on followed by their test string vvv de vtp4/5/6 in parallel with 6418 kHz. (28Mar05) (PPA) 08476.0 VTP6: : IN Vishakhapatnam IND 17:10 A1A English weather bulletin followed by 4F msgs to VWGZ later on followed by their test string vvv de vtp4/5/6 in parallel with 6418 khz (28 MAR)(PPA) 08478.5 RFLIE: ff fort de france 0634 ITA2/75 de... 14apr05 ML 08484 HLG: SeoulRadio KOR 2051 CW CQ marker. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08491.5 VTH: IN Bombay 2155 RTTY/50/850 RY's + 4LG's (24/Mar/05) (RH2) 08494.0 P: Navy Kaliningrad RUS 08:39 A1A Cluster beacon // 5153.8 (20Mar)(PPA) 08495 C: MX Beacon Moscow 0712 CW //7039 10872 13528 16332 20049. (21Mar05) (WC) 08497 HLF: Globe Wireless Seoul 1824 GLOBEDATA Idler. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08500 VTG: Indian Navy Mumbai 1906 RTTY/50/850 RBSL marker. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08500.0 CGA: (Venezuelan Navy HQs): 0218 USB/ALE TO BNA ((Venezuelan Naval Base "Amario"). 03/28 RP3 08500.0 T81: (Venezuelan Navy Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81): 0223 USB/ALE TO CGA (Venezuelan Navy HQs). Also noted on 13500.0. 03/28 RP3 08500.0 VTH: 1/5/7 1552 RTTY VTH 1/5/7 RBSL BNR BNR RYRYRYRYRY VTH1/5/7 RBSL BNR BNR SGSGSGSGSG; 50Bd/850Hz 26/Mar/2005 (TR) 08500.0 VTH: 5/7/9 1350 RTTY VTH 5/7/9 RBSL BNR BNR RYRYRYRYRY VTH 5/7/9 RBSL BNR BNR SGSGSGSGSG; 50Bd/850Hz 26/Mar/2005 (TR) 08500.0 VTH: Indian Navy Mumbai 2227 Rtty 50Bd/870Hz "VTH 1/5/7 RBSL BNR BNR SGSGSGSGSG..." (06/APR/05) (KK) 08517 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1821 GLOBEDATA Idler. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08549 UCE: ArkhangelskRadio 2054 ARQ Wkg ship Pioner Litvy/UCPE then reverts to KYKY data string ID. No Morse ID. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08549 UCE: ArkhangelskRadio RUS 1820 ARQ ID is KYKY data string. No Morse. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08551.5 CTP: Portuguese Navy Palhais/Oeiras 1817 RTTY/75/850 NAWS marker. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08579.4 No Call: prb. Algerian/Tunisian Customs/Mil ? 0739 (29/MAR/05) (KK) Pagina 329 WUN-v11 08582.0 PWZ33: BNy Rio de Janero 2219 Rtty 75Bd/850Hz"CARACTERISTICA DIWRNA CAYCO E SUPERESTRUTURA DE COR BRANCA "(06/APR/05) (KK) 08586 USO5: IzmailRadio UKR 1903 CW QTC and QSX lists. (16Apr05) (RGA) 09308 4LU: Unid 1452 ALE/USB Sounding. Also B3I. (16Apr05) (RGA) 08586.0 USO: izmail 0639 ITA2/50 ukran?? 14apr05 ML 08597 HEC: Globe Wireless Berne SWI 1331 GLOBEDATA Idling. (16Apr05) (RGA) 08600 XSV: TianjinRadio PRC 2057 CW CQ de XSV PSE UP 363 CL E E. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08600.0 100: (unidentified): 2304 USB/ALE TO 1304 (unidentified). 03/12 RP3 08624 : Russian Military 1330 RUS-75/75/240 Cipher. (16Apr05) (RGA) 08636 HLW: SeoulRadio KOR 2100 CW CQ marker. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08636.0 HLW: 1312 CW cq cq cq de hlw hlw hlw qsx 8mhz k, all 'ear and brain'-decoded 31/Mar/2005 (TR) 08646 VTP6: Indian Navy Vishakhapatnam 1700 CW Bcast msg to collective VWGZ - PP 031448 - FM FOSIN EAST - TO ALL CONCERNED ... (03Apr05) (RGA) 08682.2 NMF: USCG Pt Reyes 1540 FAX/120/576 S'face Anal (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 08710.0 UGE: arkhangelsk 805 USB russ naws ? 02apr05 ML 08722.0 7TF: 37 boufarik 0806 USB french sea wx " alboran..." 02apr05 ML 08728.0 3AC 8 monaco 0744 USB ff work unid ship req wx for alboran 09apr05ML 08768.5 UNID: 1318 USB net with at least three stns active 31/Mar/2005 (TR) 08776 BLOW FUSE: EAM Bcasts 1225 USB At least SES2OO and the 28-char 6ISOVH, simulcasting same on at least 6697 (off freq at around 6697.2+). (13 Apr 05) (JH) 08791.0 UUI: odessa 0904 USB ukran work unid ship Mar27 05 ML 08816 RCB: Russian Naval Air Western Sector HQ, RUS 1248 CW wkg 47056 with read-back of status report. (15/Feb/2005) (ALF) 08816 RJF94: Russian Naval Air Transport HQ Moscow, RUS 1245 CW wkg aircraft "31802" with status report "qql XRMT 1240 q__ 4500 qbd 3600" and aircraft "47056" with status report "qth 60062607 qtr 1243 qal XLLV 1320 qas 5700 qbd 2800"; T=0. (15/Feb/2005) (ALF) 08834 SA0260: S.African Airways Flt 2359 HFDL Reports 1429N 02028E to ARINC Johannesburg. (25Mar05) (RGA) 08834 ZS-SFE: SA Flt679 A319 1650 HFDL Posn to JNB & Ack (16/Mar/05) (RH2) 08834 ZS-SJT: SA Flt617 B738 1525 HFDL Posn to JNB & Ack (16/Mar/05) (RH2) 08843.0 UNID: 1325 USB two very weak stns in what sounded Portuguese to me. However, I somehow doubt it was a Brazilian RDARA net 31/Mar/2005 (TR) 08855 CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt AT0731 2130 HFDL At 3515N 00538W. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08855 D-ABBP: Air Berlin Flt AB4651 2117 HFDL At 4152N 00530W. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08855 D-ALCP: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8398 2119 HFDL At 2953N 07049E. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08855 G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' 2126 HFDL Logs on. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08855 G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 2143 HFDL Logs on. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08855 I-LIVA: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG268 2134 HFDL At 2759N 03424E. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08858.0 AA1: (Israeli Air Force): 0150 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 08858.0 AA2: (Israeli Air Force): 0319 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07957.0. 03/17 RP3 08858.0 AA2: (Israeli Air Force): 2337 USB/ALE sounding. 03/12 RP3 08858.0 RAM: (Israeli Air Force, possibly Ramat David Pagina 330 WUN-v11 Airbase): 2320 USB/ALE sounding. 03/30 RP3 08885 A7-ACB: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0821 2116 HFDL Logs on. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08885 D-ALCA: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8412 2115 Posn 1258N 07837E via ARINC Muharraq. (09Apr05) (RGA) 08888 NOVOSOBIRSK VOLMET: VOLMET Service 1713 USB YL in Russian. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08900 VRWC8: OOCL California 1723 USB Chinese operator chat with OOCL Netherlands (17Apr05) (PPA) 08939 SANKT PETERBURG VOLMET: VOLMET Service 1712 USB YL in Russian. (03Apr05) (RGA) 08942.0 ---: FLIGHT 761 1417 HFDL on usb Psn 44.57N 4.34E 1423 psn 44.23N 0.23W. 1433 psn 43.18N 1.115W (19/Mar)(DW) 08942.0 ---: FLIGHT AY2504 1421 HFDL on usb Posn 44.14N 3.48W (19/Mar)(DW) 08942.0 ---: FLIGHT SU290 1433 HFDL on usb Posn 43.39N 7.27E (19/Mar)(DW) 08948 B-6050: China Eastern A340 Flt MU0553 0018 HFDL At 6012N 03833E. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 B-HQA: Cathay Pacific A340 Flt CPA888 0020 HFDL At 4303N 07729W. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 D-ALCM: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8392 2347 HFDL At 4704N 04126E. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 F-GYAS: Air France A319 0025 HFDL Logs on. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 MU553: China Eastern Flt 2331 HFDL Reports 6142N 05513E via ARINC Las Palmas. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N14102: Continental B757 2343 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (19Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N17104: Continental B757 2355 HFDL Logs on. (19Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N19117: Continental B757 2359 HFDL Logs on. (19Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N19316: Polar Air B757 2354 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N41135: Continental B757 Flt CO1905 0001 HFDL At 3601N 07646W. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N57852: Continental B757 0003 HFDL Passes crew disposition message to ground. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N68057: Federal Express MD10-10F Flt FX0555 2347 HFDL At 4229N 07606W. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N68155: Continental B767 Flt CO0078 2346 HFDL Reports 3949N 07112W via ARINC Las Palmas. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 N68155: Continental B767 Flt CO0078 2351 HFDL Logs on. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 OH-LBV: Finnair B757 Flt AY1965 2352 HFDL Logs on. (19Mar05) (RGA) 08948 OH-LBV: Finnair B757 Flt AY1982 2336 HFDL At 2510N 06423W. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 SU-GCE: EgyptAir A330 Flt MS0840 0022 HFDL At 2103N 03142E. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08948 ZS-SNC: S.African Airways A340 2349 HFDL Acks METARS for EDDF/Frankfurt-Main and EDDL/Düsseldorf. (19Mar05) (RGA) 08948 ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0287 Acks weather for FABL/Bloemfontaine. (21Mar05) (RGA) 08948 ZS-SXB: S.African Airways A340 0025 HFDL Logs on. (20Mar05) (RGA) 08965 140062: C-5 84-0062 2204 ALE/USB wkg ADWNPR Andrews NIPR NET (08Apr05) (SA) 08965 170043: C-5 87-0043 1317 ALE/USB wkg AEDNPR Elmendorf NIPR.NET (25Mar05) (SA) 08965 200533: C-17 90-0533 1855 ALE/USB Sounds (28Mar05) (SA) 08965 221107: C-17 02-1107 1359 ALE/USB wkg ADWNPR Andrews NIPR NET also in the next few minutes wkg AEDNPR:Elmendorf, GUANPR: GUAM and HAWNPR:Ascension all NIPR NET (21Mar05) (SA) 08965 510294: KC-135 61-0294 0845 ALE/USB wkg MCCNPR McClellan NIPR NET (03Apr05) (SA) 08965 523559: KC-135 62-3559 2138 ALE/USB Sounds (28Mar05) (SA) 08965 PNR400: DEA Bahamas 0657 ALE/USB Sounds (30Mar05) (SA) Pagina 331 08965 08965 08968 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977 08977.0 08977.0 08977.0 08977.0 08984 08984.0 08990.0 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 WUN-v11 PNR400: DEA Bahamas 2204 ALE/USB Sounds (27Mar05) (SA) SCTRAINNPR: UNID 0059 ALE/USB Sounds (07Apr05) (SA) ICZSPR: Sigonella SIPR NET 0257 ALE/USB wkg ADWSPR Andrews SIPR NET (06Apr05) (SA) 7T-VJY: Air Algerie A330 Flt DAH406 1854 HFDL Posn 3343N 03522E. (19Apr05) (RGA) A6-ERG: Emirates A340 1922 HFDL Logs on. (29Mar05) (RGA) CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt RAM731 1948 HFDL At 4239N 00407E. (29Mar05) (RGA) D-ALCB: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8391 2045 HFDL Logs on. (19Apr05) (RGA) G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' Flt VS0009 1945 HFDL At 5238N 02453W. (29Mar05) (RGA) N251UP: UPS MD11 Flt UP6703 1932 HFDL At 56N 01550W. (29Mar05) (RGA) N557TZ: American Transair B757 Flt TZ7450 1936 HFDL Signs on. (29Mar05) (RGA) N602FE: Federal Express MD11F 'Malcolm Baldridge' Flt FX0006 1850 HFDL Reports 4901N 00230E to ARINC Reykjavik. (19Apr05) (RGA) VP-BDK: Aeroflot A320 2204 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (09Apr05) (RGA) VP-BWH: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0519 1919 HFDL At 3959N 05120E. (29Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWJ: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0231 1853 HFDL At 5619N 01924E. (19Apr05) (RGA) ZS-SNB: S.African Airways A340 1917 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (29Mar05) (RGA) ---: FLIGHT CO0032 1444 HFDL on usb Posn 53.29N 3.02W (19/Mar)(DW) ---: FLIGHT VS0900 1442 HFDL on usb Posn 53.58N 7.48E 1441 posn 54.13N 8.48E (19/Mar)(DW) N67157: FLIGHT CO0055 1440 HFDL on usb Tfc downlink (19/Mar)(DW) N6715: FLIGHT CO0029 1441 HFDL on usb Tfc downlink (19/Mar)(DW) HN32: UNID Algerian MIL-station, ALG 1659 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone/ALCATEL 801H MFSK, tfc. to GW32 (25Mar05) (LDO) CP30: ALGERIAN MIL? 2119 USB/ALE wkng HN32 (15-mar-2005)(MSM) unid: 1650 USB encrypted Mar20 05 ML (?)LIP: Clg SKYKING 1830 USB No response. (12Apr05) (JG) (HFGCS): 28-char EAM 1414 USB Ignored this time). (12 Apr 05) (JH) (HFGCS): 6-char EAM 1240 USB Y44PIV "FOR WHISKEY FORCE." (07 Apr 05) (JH) 150006: C-5 85-0006 1500 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (27Mar05) (SA) 500351: KC135 60-0351 0548 ALE/USB Sounds (07Apr05) (SA) : Unid 1848 USB Unknown station request info on KPIE (weak/unreadable). (12Apr05) (JG) ANDREWS: Wkg ANDREWS TRAINING 1330 USB Signal checks. (30 Mar 05) (JH) ANDREWS: aka ANDREWS TRAINING 1400 USB Attempting signals checks with MCCLELLAN and others, with YOKOTA (unheard) involved at some point. (07 Apr 05) (JH) CHALICE FOXTROT: Clg BIT WIND(?) 1442 USB Initially raising MCCLELLAN (weak/readable). MCCLELLAN provided a signal check and then ignored, with BIT WIND (or sounds like; weak/mostly unheard; suspected NAOC) eventually responding. Both stations went through an authentication procedure and CHALICE FOXTROT requested a frequency for a connectivity check. Apparently the use of 8992.0 was enough and the comms were terminated. (01 Apr 05) (JH) COMPOSER(?): 1550 USB Weak/barely readable, stating he was "standing by for traffic." (12 Apr 05) (JH) DUST BOX: 0320 USB Fair good levels here but covered Pagina 332 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992 WUN-v11 by MCCLELLAN. "STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC" and out. H+20/h+50 activity. Suspected TACAMO PAC. (13 Apr 05) (JH) GUN BARREL: 28-char EAM 1833 USB 23DLXO and simulcasting same on at least 11175 and 15016. (26 Mar 05) (JH) HICKHAM RADIO: Wkg Unid 0505 USB Radio Check. (13 Apr 05) (JH) JUNK YARD: EAM Bcast 1449 USB 6ICN4R and simulcasting same on at least 11175 with nothing heard on other simulcast freqs. At conclusing of string JUNK YARD made the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement and gone. H+20/h+50 activity. (12 Apr 05) (JH) LOBO 02: Clg MAINSAIL 1343 USB Raised ANDREWS TRAINING for a signal check and gone. At 1402z LOBO 01 (good levels) called OFFUTT and raised MCCLELLAN for a radio check but was interrupted with a 6-character EAM (Y4LFHS) "FOR ENCOMPASS." Also during the EAM and unknown station (good levels) was calling MAINSAIL off freq on 8991.0+/-. LOBO 01's radio check was completed after the EAM xmsn. (14 Apr 05) (JH) MCCLELLAN: 140-char EAM 0944 USB SE4LAU containing distinctive formatting and ending in a somewhat common 14-character block. (07 Apr 05) (JH) MCCLELLAN: Wkg ANDREWS TRAINING 1334 USB MCCLELLAN did not respond to ANDREWS TRAINING's replies. (30 Mar 05) (JH) MEREDITH: 75-char EAM 1215 USB SES2OO. Slightly trailing OFFUTT's HFGCS bcst of same and simulcasting same on at least 4724 with nothing heard on 11175 or 15016. At 1219z OFFUTT bcst the 48-character EAM SEUL7Y. At 1222z MEREDITH bcst SEUL7Y. (13 Apr 05) (JH) MEREDITH: EAM Bcasts 1234 USB SEUL7Y and SES2OO simulcast on at least 4724 and 11175, with nothing heard on 15016. (13 Apr 05) (JH) NIGHTHAWK 55: Wkg OFFUTT 1427 USB For a brief phonepoatch and gone. (24 Mar 05) (JH) OFFUTT: 6-char EAM 1248 Missed the Y7... preamble "FOR WHISKY AND YANKEE FORCE." (31 Mar 05) (JH) OFFUTT: Clg SAM 094 1230 USB With an all frequency request with no known response. (06 Apr 05) (JH) OFFUTT: Wkg ANDREWS TRAINING 1412 USB (ANDREWS TRAINING often unreadable). (31 Mar 05) (JH) OFFUTT: Wkg DRY CELL (unheard) 1424 USB DRY CELL apparently requested a data check as OFFUTT asked him if DRY CELL wanted ALE data or secure data. At 1429z OFFUTT requested that DRY CELL call OFFUTT via land line. At 1433z OFFUTT again worked DRY CELL and requested that he move to freq 311 (11220), and then requested that he meet OFFUTT on 11175. (07 Apr 05) (JH) RAZOR 94: Wkg ANDREWS 1418 USB Attempted phonepatch. Unheard here (maybe unsuccessful). (25 Mar 05) (JH) S4JG: Clg MAINSAIL 1845 USB For radio check. LC. (12Apr05) (JG) SAM 8766: Clg MAINSAIL 1448 USB Raised OFFUTT for a phone patch and weather. (12 Apr 05) (JH) SAM 8766: Wkg OFFUT 1453 USB At the conclusion of JUNK YARD's traffic SAM 8766 called and raised OFFUTT for continuation of patch. OFFUTT's audio suffered from heavy feedback/echo. (12 Apr 05) (JH) STAIRWAY: Wkg OFFUTT 1323 USB (Unheard here). For a phone patch to a DSN 8?? number (maybe 881 ?) to request that the ground party have COURTLAND and POSTBED (maybe; spelled but too weak here and to ground party) to come up on "8776 upper." Patch finally ended at 1332z and gone. (11 Apr 05) (JH) STOCK YARD(?): EAM Bcast 1519 USB (Call no longers ounds like JUNK YARD) 6ICN4L simulcast on at least 11175. Standing by for traffic. H+20/h+50 activity. (12 Apr 05) (JH) THREESOME: 28-char EAM 1416 USB 6ICN4R with no simulcast freqs found. He concluded his xmsn with the STANDING Pagina 333 08992 08992 08992 08992 08992.0 08992.0 08992.0 08992.0 08992.2 08992.2 09014 09020 09020 09020 09020 09020 09020 09020 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 WUN-v11 BY FOR TRAFFIC statement (x2) and out. (12 Apr 05) (JH) THREESOME: EAM Bcast 1541 USB 6ICN4L with no simulcast freqs found. Standing by for traffic. H+10/h+40 activity. (12 Apr 05) (JH) TREESTUMP: (No listing) 2011 USB Says he is standing by for traffic. Rpts message several times and "out." At 2013 and 2039 TREESTUMP again standing by. No Response. (12Apr05) (JG) WILY FOX: Wkg OFFUTT 0550 USB For a phone patch (unk party) to pass an AKAC message of 4 groups (KC4 BIS ZYO UAJ). WILY FOX requested that the message be acknowledged "via MILSTAR" (or sounds like) and requested a read-back of string. After the string was read back WILY FOX terminated the phone patch and gone. (25 Mar 05) (JH) YULE TREE: Wkg MCCLELLAN 1345 USB For a phone patch to a commercial area code 301 number. When MCCLELLAN did not immediately come back with the patch YULE TREE worked ANDREWS (weak/barely readable) for same but MCCLELLAN popped up with patch. Ground party found YULE TREE too weak to understand so MCCLELLAN handed YULE TREE off to PUERTO RICO (weak/often unreadable) for ultimate completion of the patch (too weak to follow.) (31 Mar 05) (JH) AFA: usaf andrews ab 0656 USB work cobra 70 / usn ea-6b; any idea?Mar19 05 ML AFI: usaf mcclellan 1633 USB eam Mar20 05 ML AFS: usaf offutt 1630 USB eam Mar20 05 ML Threesome: was active at 1416z with THREESOME 12apr05 (JK) : Unid 28-char EAM 1833 USB SJA6BP. Unknown stn (FISH HAWK?) - off frequency. Simulcast on at least 11175 with nothing heard on 4724 or 15016. (16 Apr 05) (JH) FISH HAWK: Clg MCCLELLAN & MAINSAIL 1934 USB Raised MCCLELLAN who had him at distorted levels. FISH HAWK never responded to MCCLELLAN's multiple calls including a request to move to 13200. (16 Apr 05) (JH) : Unid Spanish AF ground station, E 1205 J3E-USB wkg JGL1xx (JGL1JH?) with wx for Mostar, gave channel 5 and alternative 4 & 3 for tomorrow. (15/Feb/2005) (ALF) MCBHTD: US Army Movement Control Bn Hwy Tfc KET/IRQ 1638 USB/ALE SND (16Apr05) (ZE) MCBHTD: US-Army Movmnt Ctrl Bn Hwy Tfc Div KWT/IRQ 1437 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working MCT1 (03Apr05) (LDO) MCT1: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 1637 USB/ALE to MCBHTD (16Apr05) (ZE) MCT1: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 2137 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng MCBHTD (03Apr05) (LDO) MCT2: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 1633 USB/ALE to MCBHTD (16Apr05) (ZE) MCT2: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 2231 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng MCBHTD (03Apr05) (LDO) MCT2: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 2232 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng MCBHTD (03Apr05) (LDO) 160018: C-5 86-0018 1416 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (30Mar05) (SA) 160022: C-5 86-0022 1014 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 170040: C-5 87-0040 1935 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (20Mar05) (SA) 190007: C-5 69-0007 1718 ALE/USB Self Test (30Mar05) (SA) 200176: C-17 00-0176 0910 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS with ALE init PP to [AMD]CCCCD83143308742NNNN RheinMain AMCC Three hour out call A2, 13 Pallets ,1XT2, 2 Rolling stock all throughload (31Mar05) (SA) 200176: C-17 00-0176 1550 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (01Apr05) (SA) 200533: C-17 90-0533 1350 ALE/USB Wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (20Mar05) (SA) 220102: C-17 02-1102 1404 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (23Mar05) (SA) 220104: C-17 02-1104 1904 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota Pagina 334 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09025 09031.0 09036 09040.5 09043.0 09043.0 09044 09044.0 09050 09050.0 09057 09060 09060.0 WUN-v11 HF-GCS (19Mar05) (SA) 221107: C-17 02-1107 1416 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (21Mar05) (SA) 290169: C-17 99-01691757 ALE/USB wkg HIK Hickam HF-GCS (08Apr05) (SA) 40190: KC-10 84-0190 1830 ALE/USB Sounds (21Mar05) (SA) 450030: KC-10 85-0030 1217 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HFGCS (06Apr05) (SA) 470120: KC-10 87-0120 1700 ALE/USB Sounds (31Mar05) (SA) 490433: KC-10 79-0433 1249 ALE/USB wkg HIK Hickam HF-GCS (24Mar05) (SA) 544830: KC-135 64-14830 0722 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS ALE and voice "Arcrft 4830 calling any station" (28Mar05) (SA) 59001493: KC-135 59-1493 1422 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (04Apr05) (SA) 90015: C-5 69-0015 0125 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (07Apr05) (SA) E30558: E-3B 75-0558 2150 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (04Apr05) (SA) FRPS: poss Selcal C-5 85-0010 0130 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (07Apr05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1411 ALE/USB wkg IKF Keflavik HF-GCS (03Apr05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1700 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton (30Mar05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 2109 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (25Mar05) (SA) IKF: Keflavi HF-GCS 0810 ALE/USB wkg JDG Diego Garcia HF-GCS (08Apr05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico 0958 ALE/USB wkg MCC McClellan HF-GCS (04Mar05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 0600 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (07Apr05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 0800 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HFGCS (06Apr05) (SA) MPA: USAF Mount Pleasant Falklands 2213 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) MPA: USAF Mount Pleasant HF-GCS 2107 ALE/USB Sounds (23Mar05) (SA) also on 6721 and 11226 R26687: UH-60L 96-26687 0940 ALE/USN wkg 26799 UH-60L 98-26799 (26Mar05) (SA) R26690: UH-60L 96-26690 1939V ALE/USB wkg 1N501 UNID (27Mar05) (SA) UKE304: RAF E-3D ZH104 1339 ALE/USB wkg UKE307 RAF E-3D ZH107 (29Mar05) (SA) UKE306: RAF E-3D ZH106 0856 ALE/USB Self Test (24Mar05) (SA) raf: 1843 USB work ASCOTT508 (hercules c-1) request wx Mar31 05 ML MCT1: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 1536 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng MCBHTD (03Apr05) (LDO) 5YE: Nairobi Meteo 2159 RTTY/100/850 RY's (24/Mar/05) (RH2) 055: (poss Asian net): 1147 USB/ALE sounding. 03/18 RP3 AJO: (unidentified): 1652 USB/ALE TO RLD (unidentified). Also noted on 07469.0. 03/18 RP3 UDAIRI: US Army Udairi Trng Area KWT 0115 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (26Mar05) (LDO) UDAIRI: US Army Udairi Trng Area KWT 0115 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (26Mar05) (LDO) LAB: Rockwell-Collins Systems Integration Lab Prob in Europe 2005 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Mar05) (RGA) CID: (Rockwell-Collins Communications Central, Cedar Rapids, IA): 2119 USB/ALE sounding. 22111: C-17 02-1111 1255 ALE/USB Sounds (28Mar05) (SA) : NATO Tactical Air Defence Data Modem 1651 LINK-11/2250/USB (03Apr05) (RGA) CAMALEON3: (possibly Mexican Army 3rd Independent Inf Pagina 335 09065.0 09070 09080.0 09085 09085 09085 09085.0 09085.0 09086.6 09086.6 09093 09093 09093 09093 09093 09093 09093 09093 09093.0 09094 09094.0 09110.0 09123 09131.7 09145.0 09166.3 09188 09188.0 09193 09198.0 09200 09200 WUN-v11 Bde): 0426 USB/ALE TO RM17 (Mexican Army 17th Military Region). Also noted on 07777.0. 03/11 RP3 unid: ?? 0743 unid mode ?220bds 14apr05 ML 055: Unid 1946 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Mar05) (RGA) D38: (possibly Mexican Army 38th Inf Bn, Hermosillo): 0229 USB/ALE TO DIAMANTE (Mexican Army). 03/11 RP3 0200: Italian Carabinieri Net 1944 ALE/LSB Calls 0811/Unid Fast Patrol Boat with [AMD] "DIAL4". (29Mar05) (RGA) 0811: Corpo Carabinieri 800-series fast patrol boat, I 1126 LSB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling 0200 (23Mar05) (LDO) : UNID North African network, ALG? 0721 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd/200Hz FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @ +2200Hz for link management (26Mar05) (LDO) 6Z7: ? carabinieri 1446 USB/ALE to 110 Mar27 05 ML no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 0721 USB (26Mar05) (LDO) : UNID North African network, ALG? 0712 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, non-FH mode (26Mar05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 0712 SIEMENS CHP-200 system 250Bd/170Hz, non-FH mode (26Mar05) (LDO) AAA: USAF Croughton or Sigonella, G/I 1100 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Apr05) (LDO) AAB: USAF Croughton, G 1711 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (26Mar05) (LDO) AAF: UNID prob DISA 0945 ALE/USB wkg ACA UNID prob DISA (08Apr05) (SA) AAF: UNID prob DISA 1036 ALE/USB wkg ACA UNID prob DISA (07Apr05) (SA) AAF: USAF Croughton, G 1047 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Apr05) (LDO) AAG: USAF Croughton or Sigonella, G/I 1047 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Apr05) (LDO) ADA: USAF Lajes?, AZR? 1107 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Apr05) (LDO) ADB: USAF Keflavik?, ISL? 1107 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (02Apr05) (LDO) AAB: USAF Croughton, G 1711 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (26Mar05) (LDO) : UNID MIL net, ??? 1709 USB/2400Bd BPSK, unid modem type on automated data link circuit, appx 600 & 730 msecs per burst (26Mar05) (LDO) no-call: UNID MIL net, ??? 1709 USB/2400Bd BPSK, unid modem type on automated data link circuit, appx 600 & 730 msecs per burst (26Mar05) (LDO) NMF: USCG BOSTON 1750 FAX 120/576/N/800 500 hPa analysis (30/Mar)(DW) CENTR4: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0810 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc. to CAM (25Mar05) (LDO) ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO ?LOC 1758 arq 100/E/170 Arabic (ATU80) but end of transmission and s/off (30/Mar)(DW) RIW: CISN MOSCOW 1400 CW Periodic calling "RIT81 de RIW k" thru 1439z when gives "sk" (30/Mar)(DW) ---: UNID 1915 fec 100/E/170 9166.35. On line encryption. Periods of short strings of alphas. Offair 1923z. Part of vft? (30/Mar)(DW) TRIPOLIS: UNID Station Tripolis, LBY? 0756 USB/CCIR 493-4 compatible selcall 100Bd/180Hz, clng HAMMADA [=2001] (26Mar05) (LDO) TRIPOLIS: UNID Station Tripolis, LBY? 0756 USB/CCIR 493-4 compatible selcall 100Bd/180Hz, clng HAMMADA [=2001] (26Mar05) (LDO) REA4: AF HQ Moscow 1655 REVS/50/1000 Idling. (03Apr05) (RGA) BRE: (Chilean Navy): 0027 LSB/ALE TO TAC (Chilean Navy). 03/12 RP3 1001: Unid ALE/USB callg to 1308 12:21 9Apr05(MAL) 1102: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:22 10Apr05 (MAL) Pagina 336 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09200.0 09202 09230 09230 09230 09230 09251 09252 09259.0 09259.0 09260 WUN-v11 1103: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:30 9Apr05 (MAL) 1105: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:27 9Apr05 (MAL) 1108: Unid ALE/USB SND 14:08 10Apr05 (MAL) 1115: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:29 10Apr05 (MAL) 1116: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:52 10Apr05 (MAL) 1116: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:50 9Apr05 (MAL) 1309: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:33 9Apr05 (MAL) 1312: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:54 10Apr05 (MAL) 1315: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:49 10Apr05 (MAL) 1317: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:49 9Apr05 (MAL) 1318: Unid ALE/USB SND 14:11 10Apr05 (MAL) 1322: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:15 9Apr05 (MAL) 1324: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:13 9Apr05 (MAL) 1325: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:54 10Apr05 (MAL) 2002: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:25 10Apr05 (MAL) 2011: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:25 10Apr05 (MAL) 2201: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:17 10Apr05 (MAL) 2201: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:15 9Apr05 (MAL) 2202: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:29 9Apr05 (MAL) 2203: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:17 9Apr05 (MAL) 2205: Unid ALE/USB SND 19:33 10Apr05 (MAL) 2211: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:15 9Apr05 (MAL) 2211: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:18 10Apr05 (MAL) 2213: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:18 9Apr05 (MAL) 2213: Unid ALE/USB callg to 2011 267 18:59 10Apr05 (MAL) 2215: Unid ALE/USB SND 14:32 10Apr05 (MAL) 2401: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:29 10Apr05 (MAL) 2401: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:27 9Apr05 (MAL) 2407: Unid ALE/USB SND 13:11 10Apr05 (MAL) 2407: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:09 9Apr05 (MAL) 2409: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:21 10Apr05 (MAL) 2417: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:12 10Apr05 (MAL) 241: Unid ALE/USB SND 12:27 9Apr05 (MAL) 1001: (unidentified): 2338 USB/ALE TO 1309(unidentified) 03/16 RP3 1111: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:51 9Apr05 (MAL) 1305: (unidentified): 0545 USB/ALE sounding. 03/17 RP3 2204: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:13 9Apr05 (MAL) BG? : Unid SND ALE/USB 19:08 7Abr05 (MAL) : NATO Tactical Air Defence Data Modem 1708 LINK-11/2250/ISB Seems to have the same data in each sideband. (03Apr05) (RGA) 0000210203: Greek Police Net 1742 ALE/USB Sounding. (16Apr05) (RGA) T1159AA: 1159 MedCo (AA) US Army Tikrit IRQ 1820 ALE/USB Sounding. (16Apr05) (RGA) T1159AA: 1159 MedCo (AA) US Army Tikrit IRQ 1930 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Apr05) (RGA) T54AA: 54 MedCO (AA) US Army Al Taji Iraq 1954 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Apr05) (RGA) LINCONSHIRE POACHER: E03 1814 USB OW in 5FG traffic. Being jammed. :o) (04Apr05) (RGA) : Israeli MIL/Intelligence ISR 1640 USB/VFT circuit with a single 75Bd/50Hz FSK signal, 28/112 bit ACF, carrier/pilot on 9253 kHz (04Apr05) (LDO) SCLM342: (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 342nd Tactical Comms Bn, Venezuelan Army): 2247 USB/ALE TO SCLM343 (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 343rd Tactical Comms Bn, Venezuelan Army). Also noted on 13506.0. 03/26 RP3 SCLM348: (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 348th Tactical Comms Bn, Venezuelan Army): 1252 USB/ALE TO SCLM347 (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 347th Tactical Comms Bn, Venezuelan Army). 03/27 RP3 : Unid 1130 RTTY/50 As follows - "prowerka swqzi" (x3) "ryryryryry=ry4ag=ry4ag=w 4a#ah @ga vil by citrus?da,no falx&iwyj %kzemplqr+1234567890==/=='=(a):-" (many times) The letter in brackets at the end was different on each Pagina 337 09295.0 09320 09323.0 09340 09340 09347 09347.0 09400.0 09462.0 09480.0 09906.0 09917.0 09935.0 09972.0 09972.0 10010 10010.0 10010.0 10010.0 10010.0 10066 10066 10066 10066.0 10066.0 10066.0 10087 10087 10087 10087 10090 10090.0 10090.0 10115.0 WUN-v11 repetition. (05 Apr 05) (BB) BZO : Unid SND ALE/USB 18:49 7Abr05 (MAL) ALBB13: Romanian Police Alba, ROU 0754 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng IASB13 [=Iasi] (25Mar05) (LDO) unid: ?? 0910 CW encr long 5 letters series Mar27 05 ML MIKE UNIFORM 1: 0545 USB Clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL for radio check. (28Mar05) (SDD) SHEPHERD 12: RAAF AP-3C Orion 0645 USB Clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL with no joy (30Mar05) (SDD) : UNID North Korean embassy, 1205 USB/FSK 600Bd ARQ burst system, QSX 11442 kHz USB (26Mar05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North Korean embassy, 1205 USB/FSK 600Bd ARQ burst system, QSX 11442 kHz USB (26Mar05) (LDO) PNME3: (Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post #3,Rio Meta): 0559 LSB/ALE TO PNFA3 (Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post #3, Rio Orinoco-Apure). 03/28 RP3 AF5: (C-20C #85-0049, 99th AS Andrews AFB): 1701 USB/ALE TO ADW (Andrews AFB). 03/30 RP3 S06: calling ID 728? then 08:40 13apr05 (M) SCLC501: VENEZUELAN MIL CUIDAD BOLIVAR 0139 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng PCR (23/Mar)(DW) 3117: UNID 0309 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 3111 (23/Mar)(DW) 0000001220: TURKISH INTEL ?LOC 0134 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 0205 0235 0335 0436 0808 (26/Mar)(DW) PANTHR: US DHS C/NARCOTICS NASSAU 0240 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (27/Mar)(DW) PNR400: US DHS PANTHER NET GEORGETOWN 0047 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0218 0248 0348 0419 0449 0550 (27/Mar)(DW) AAB: USAF Croughton, G 0856 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) AAF: POLISH MIL ?LOC 0031 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 0216 0248 0334 0349 0404 0550 0651 (01/Apr)(DW) AAF: POLISH MIL ?LOC 2129 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (31/Mar)(DW) AAG: POLISH MIL ?LOC 0135 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 0205 0251 0306 0336 0437 0638 0653 (01/Apr)(DW) AAG: POLISH MIL ?LOC 2133 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (31/Mar)(DW) A7-ACC: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR1889 2032 HFDL Posn report 2216N 09143E. (29Mar05) (RGA) N468UP: UPS B757 Flt UP5822 2005 HFDL Reports 1904N 11731E via ARINC Hat Yai. (29Mar05) (RGA) VP-BWH: Aeroflot A320 2013 HFDL Logs on. (29Mar05) (RGA) Finair AY1956: 1708 HFDL/USB [HFNPDU PERFORMANCE] 17:08:12 UTC 31/Mar/2005 (TR) Hat Yai: HFDL-GS 06 Hat Yai 1600 HFDL/USB [HFNPDU ACARS GND STN] 27/Mar/2005 (TR) Qatar Airways QR0611: 1647 HFDL/USB [HFNPDU PERFORMANCE] 16:47:58 UTC 31/Mar/2005 (TR) ARINC14: HFDL Stn Krasnoyarsk 1700 HFDL Poor squitters. No apparent traffic. (06Apr05) (RGA) D-ALCA: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8442 1844 HFDL Posn 1447N 09526E. (06Apr05) (RGA) 10087 A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 Flt QR0581 1712 HFDL Posn 1538N 04414E. (06Apr05) (RGA) N13227: Continental B737 Flt CO0954 1721 HFDL Posn report 0946N 13846E via ARINC Krasnoyarsk. (06Apr05) (RGA) ZS-SND: S.African Airways A349 Flt SA0286 1834 Posn 0816S 04903E. (06Apr05) (RGA) TASHKENT VOLMET: VOLMET Service 1644 USB YL with fcasts in EE. Weak. (03Apr05) (RGA) tashkent vm: 1242 USB ee yl 14apr05 ML tashkent vm: 1341 USB ee yl MAR25 05 ML SCLC512: VENEZUELAN MIL CUIDAD BOLIVAR 2223 MIL.STD Pagina 338 10152.0 10156.0 10162.0 10162.0 10162.0 10162.0 10162.0 10164 10164.0 10166.4 10175.0 10184 10190.0 10194.0 10194.0 10194.0 10195.0 10195.0 10195.0 10195.0 10200.0 10201.0 10201.0 10201.0 10211 10211 10211 10211 10211 10211.0 10211.0 WUN-v11 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CLC51. Also at 2242 2302 2307 2326 2333 (06/Apr)(DW) 1007: UNID 0038 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on lsb. Sounding (09/Apr)(DW) CLM25: VENEZUELAN MIL ?LOC 0243 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng PCRC2. Also at 0250 0302 0323 0330 (09/Apr)(DW) 022NHQCAP: US CAP MAXWELL AFB 0510 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (09/Apr)(DW) 046NHQCAP: US CAP NATIONAL HQ 0216 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0410 (09/Apr)(DW) AED: HFGCS ELMENDORF 0605 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (09/Apr)(DW) JNR: HFGCS SALINAS 0401 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (09/Apr)(DW) OFF: HFGCS OFFUTT 0149 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (09/Apr)(DW) : UNID North African network, ALG? 0752 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd/200Hz FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @ +2200Hz for link management (28Mar05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North African network, ALG? 0752 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd/200Hz FSK with tactical msg tfc and 300Bd FSK @ +2200Hz for link management (28Mar05) (LDO) VCT: Globe Wireless Tor's Cove NF CAN 1642 GLOBEDATA Idling. (03Apr05) (RGA) ELQL: UNID 1410 CW "HARA de ELQL" "qsy 88489" nr of times (26/Mar)(DW) MCT1: US Army Movement Control Team KWT/IRQ 0229 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (04Apr05) (LDO) 9VV: UNID 0119 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (10/Apr)(DW) FC5FEM: (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 5, Battle Creek MI): 1546 USB/ALE TO 441FEMAUX (FEMA Auxiliary Station). 03/17 RP3 FC8FEM: US FEMA DENVER 0147 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (10/Apr)(DW) FC8FEM: US FEMA DENVER 2347 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (09/Apr)(DW) 705: CANFORCE HAMILTON 0316 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 721 and/or 724. 0319 clng 745 (10/Apr)(DW) CHM71: CANFORCE ?LOC 0119 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CIP68A (10/Apr)(DW) CIP68A: CANFORCE ?LOC 0020 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XJS244. 0040 clng VEK533. 0337 clng VEJ306, also at 0417 (10/Apr)(DW) CIP68A: CANFORCE ?LOC 2318 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 123. 2332 clng VEK533. 2359 clng XJS244 (09/Apr)(DW) fishermen: 0952 USB port Mar27 05 ML BVG: CHILEAN NAVY ?LOC 2357 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on lsb. Clng CA2 (10/Apr)(DW) CA2: CHILEAN NAVY TALCAHUANO 0025 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on lsb. Clng BVG (11/Apr)(DW) TAC: CHILEAN NAVY PATACHE 0008 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on lsb. Clng BVG (11/Apr)(DW) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1947 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 2126 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) MEDER30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Medera 2037 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 2136 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1946 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) GASSI30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Gassi Touil 1947 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05)(ZE) INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 2126 ALE/LSB snd Pagina 339 WUN-v11 (15/03/05) (ZE) 10211.0 MEDER30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Medera 2037 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10211.0 OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 2136 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10211.0 RNOUSLR1: ALGERIAN OIL RHOUDE NOUSS 0123 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on lsb. Sounding Also at 0414 (11/Apr)(DW) 10211.0 RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1946 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05)(ZE) 10211.0 XX1: Unid ALE/USB SND 19:21 9Apr05 (MAL) 10212 MIKE UNIFORM 1: 0546 USB Clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL for radio check (28Mar05) (SDD) 10212.5 unid: ship 1345 ARQ FEC encr txt ?? MAR25 05 ML 10242.0 LNT: US DHS COTHEN CHESAPEAKE 2350 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 504 (11/Apr)(DW) 10242.0 X93: UNID 2305 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (11/Apr)(DW) 10244.0 HR: ALGERIAN OIL HASSI R'MAL 0016 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (12/Apr)(DW) 10275 VAL: Unid ALE/USB SND 17:25 9Apr05 (MAL) 10275.0 RNOUSLR1: ALGERIAN OIL RHOUDE NOUSS 0309 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on lsb. Sounding. Also at 0409, 0510 (14/Apr)(DW) 10285 INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1823 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10285 OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1815 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10285 RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1827 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10285.0 INAS30P: Algerian Oil&Gas In Amenas 1823 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10285.0 OHT30P: Algerian Oil&Gas Ohanet 1815 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05) (ZE) 10285.0 RNOUSLR1: Algerian Oil&Gas Rhourde Nouss 1827 ALE/LSB snd (15/03/05)(ZE) 10295 2004: Corpo Carabinieri Commando Roma? I? 1702 LSB/MIL-STD 188-141A, wkng 2120 (24Mar05) (LDO) 10295 2009: UNID Corpo Carabinieri station, ??? 1128 LSB/MIL-STD 188-141A, wkng 2116 (24Mar05) (LDO) 10295 2116: UNID Corpo Carabinieri station, ??? 1128 LSB/MIL-STD 188-141A, wkng 2009 (24Mar05) (LDO) 10295 2120: UNID Corpo Carabinieri station, ??? 1702 LSB/MIL-STD 188-141A, wkng 2004 (24Mar05) (LDO) 10295.0 200: carabinieri (thanks leif) 1436 USB/ALE to 811 Mar27 05 ML 10315 : CIS Military 1151 81-81/40.5/500 Cipher. Prob w/w 10310. (16Apr05) (RGA) 10350.0 ORO: UNID 0029 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng OMEGA. Also at 0046 (18/Apr)(DW) 10360.0 0000006666: TURKISH NAT INTEL ?LOC 0431 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0517 (18/Apr)(DW) 10360.0 AAC: UNID 0216 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0447, 0720 (18/Apr)(DW) 10360.0 AAC: UNID 2314 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (17/Apr)(DW) 10366.4 DB5909: "#Clarissa" D. 2119 P-II//100Bd Mail to WPUC469: S.m. Daytona, FL (06/APR/05) (KK) 10375 BUZ: MOI Roumanian POL Buzau 0904 ALE/USB to BU4 (18/03/05) (ZE) 10375 FOC: MOI Foscani ROU 1244 USB/ALE to BAC MOI Bacau (11Apr05) (ZE) 10375 GIU: MOI Giurgiu ROU 1151 USB/ALE to BU3 MOI Bucuresti (11Apr05) (ZE) 10375 TAR: MOI Targovista ROU 0841 USB/ALE to SLO MOI Slobozia (11Apr05) (ZE) 10375.0 BUZ: MOI Roumanian POL Buzau 0904 ALE/USB to BU4 (18/03/05) (ZE) 10390 2001: UNID Moroccan dispatch center, MRC 1614 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, wkng 2409 (25Mar05) (LDO) Pagina 340 10390 10390 10390.0 10390.0 10390.0 10405 10426 10465 10465.0 10480 10480 10480 10480.0 10480.0 10498.0 10500.0 10536.0 10555 10588.0 10611.0 10611.0 10611.0 10637.7 10637.7 10637.7 10637.7 10637.7 10637.7 10637.7 10637.7 WUN-v11 2409: UNID Moroccan dispatch center, MRC 1614 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, wkng 2001 (25Mar05) (LDO) 2512: UNID Moroccan dispatch center, MRC 1618 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, wkng 2001 (25Mar05) (LDO) 1108: UNID 2229 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (18/Apr)(DW) 1318: UNID 2233 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (18/Apr)(DW) 2521: (unidentified): 0018 USB/ALE sounding. 03/18 RP3 : CIS Military 1154 81-81/81/240 Cipher with Morse opchat 'QRJ2 ZAR ZAL ZSD' (QSY to ...) 'QRJ?' (How copy?). 'QJG K' (Go into cipher). W/w 11004? (16Apr05) (RGA) LINCONSHIRE POACHER: E03 1639 USB OW in 5FG traffic. (03Apr05) (RGA) "101"+"185": French MIL/MOI net, F? 1025 USB/SKYMASTER 8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000 2400Bd PSK ARQ-system, short data traffic exchange using TRC-3600 radios (28Mar05) (LDO) 101: +"185": French MIL/MOI net, F? 1025 USB/SKYMASTER 8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000 2400Bd PSK ARQ-system, short data traffic exchange using TRC-3600 radios (28Mar05) (LDO) AND21: Romanian emb. Madrid, E 0703 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MILSTD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc. to CENTR6 (28Mar05) (LDO) CENTR3: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0801 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc. to YPM37 (04Apr05) (LDO) CENTR6: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0703 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, encrypted tfc. to AND21 (28Mar05) (LDO) AND21: Romanian emb. Madrid, E 0703 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc. to CENTR6 (28Mar05) (LDO) CENTR6: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0703 USB/MILSTD188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, encrypted tfc. to AND21 (28Mar05) (LDO) Unid: ff?? 1416 ARQ-E 184.6 idling MAR25 05 ML unid: "Yosemite Sam" 2154 DSB / "Varmint, I'm gonna blow ya to smithereens" every 40 seconds (11Feb.2005) (Midwest USA) CFH: canf halifax 1408 FAX Mar18 05 ML VMW: Wiluna meteo AUS 0721 FAX/120/576 very noise fax picture weak signal (17Apr05) (PPA) FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1813 USB/ALE TO FEMERSFLT (FEMA Emergency Radio System, KFLT-FM Tucson AZ (National Primary EAS Station). Also noted on 17519.0. 03/16 RP3 moscow met: 0955 FAX precise northern russia temperatures chart Mar2705 ML moscow met: 1413 FAX good qual presure chart Mar18 05 ML moscow met: 1447 FAX ID good qual chart MAR25 05 ML R00176: CH-47D Chinook [89-00176] IRQ 1724 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling ATCNOR [=332nd EOSS Kirkuk Air Base] (25Mar05) (LDO) T1159AA: 1159th MedCo (AA) Tikrit IRQ 1600 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) T1Z126: 1-126th AVN LSA Anaconda/Balad IRQ 1642 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) T1Z189: 1-189th AVN Camp Anaconda/Balad IRQ 1721 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) T4Z123: 4-123rd AVN LSA Anaconda/Balad IRQ 1715 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling R00176 [=89-00176/CH-47 Chinook] (25Mar05) (LDO) T50AA: 50th MedCo (AA) Al Taji AB IRQ 1609 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) T54AA: 54th MedCo (AA) Kirkuk IRQ 1557 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) T54AA: 54th MedCo (AA) Kirkuk IRQ 1609 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, sounding (25Mar05) (LDO) Pagina 341 WUN-v11 10669.0 205: Unid 1155 ALE/USB Clg 389 (11/04/05) (AJP) 10683 PANTHR: OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas 2054 ALE/USB (25Mar05) (CC) 10683 PNR400: OPBAT Base, Georgetown, Bahamas 2053 ALE/USB (25Mar05) (CC) 10692.5 RUH955: & NARCO: 1833 USB ALE (06/APR/05) (JLM) 10712.0 unid: 1017 BEE/36 /50 /250 ?? Mar27 05 ML 10712.0 unid: 1455 BEE36/50 /250 ?? MAR25 05 ML 10733.6 KWA43: US Embassy ??1411 ALE/USB wkg KXV45 US Embassy (23Mar05) (SA) 10733.6 KWN90: US Embassy ?? 2114 ALE/USB wkg KMN94 US DoS Fort Lauderdale Fl (06Apr05) (SA) 10733.6 KWP97: US Embassy ?? 1029 ALE/USB wkg KWP95 US Embassy (06Apr05) (SA) 10733.6 KWP97: US Embassy ??1045 ALE/USB wkg KWP99 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) 10733.6 KWS90: US Embassy ?? 0818 ALE/USB wkg KWX57 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) 10733.6 KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0755 ALE/USB wkg KWT90 US Consulate Frankfurt (07Apr05) (SA) 10733.6 KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0813 ALE/USB wkg KWT92 US Embassy ?? (07Apr05) (SA) 10733.6 KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0839 ALE/USB wkg KW91 US Embassy ?? (24Mar05) (SA) 10733.6 KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0939 ALE/USB wkg KWT55 US Embassy ?? (24Mar05) (SA) 10733.6 KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0839 ALE/USB wkg KWS93 US Embassy poss Athens Greece ?? (30Mar05) (SA) 10733.6 KWX57: US Embassy ??0849 ALE/USB wkg KWS96 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) 10765 OVC: Danish Navy Groennedal, GRL 1740 USB/STANAG 4285 2400Bd PSK, KG-84 crypto to UNID station using 75bps & long interleaving (25Mar05) (LDO) 10780 RAZOR ??: Wkg RADAR MAINTENANCE 1944 USB Apparent phone patch. (28 Mar 05) (JH) 10825.0 CER11: MfA Paris, F. 1038 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg RABAT: F. Embassy Rabat, MRC (06/APR/05) (KK) 10831.0 QF3K: Unid 1132 CW "T3AP (x3) de QF3K (x2) V" Possible PRC Marker(04/04/05) (AJP) 10838 5044: UNID LINCOMPEX circuit, ALG? 1140 USB, French+Arabic voice traffic to 5001 after call-up using 75Bd/200Hz FSK selcaller, LINCOMPEX control chan. at +2900Hz (25Mar05) (LDO) 10871.7 D: MX Cluster Beacon Odessa 1632 CW (03Apr05) (RGA) 10871.8 P: MX Cluster Beacon Kaliningrad 1632 (03Apr05) (RGA) 10871.9 S: MX cluster Beacon Arkhangelsk 1632 (03Apr05) (RGA) 10872 C: MX Cluster Beacon Moscow 1632 (03Apr05) (RGA) 10891.9 : UNID Pakistani embassy, 1552 TWINPLEX-SITOR 100Bd/-200/-85/+85/+600, 5LGs to Islamabad (04Apr05) (LDO) 10999.0 No Call: unid 1747 Rtty 50Bd/500Hz"CFM NIL K QQBN K K" "QSL 1 K TDY QTC NO WILL TKS TKS 73 GGB SK SK" (08/APR/05) (KK) 11002 JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 2115 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (20Mar05) (SA) 11004 : CIS Military 1203 81-81/81/250 Cipher. One of many. Exercise? (16Apr05) (RGA) 11009.0 BORBO__?: [incomplete Call] Bny 2149 SitorFec/100Bd/200Hz! wkg M __M: [incomplete Call] unid, weak QSB, Info abt Equipment in spanish (05/APR/05) (KK) 11009.0 GRNDES: BNy unid 2208 G-Tor/100Bd wkg NPAGOI: P-43 GOIANA Navios-Patrulha (Classe GRAJAÚ) (05/APR/05) (KK) 11010.0 ZLO: RNZN Irirangi NZL 17:08 BR6028/USB encrypted 75 baud channels no decode strong signal (20 Mar)(PPA) 11012.2 unid: 1500 81-81?? fr=432 shift=150 ?? MAR25 05 ML 11018 1TCTSN: Centre Technique des Systèmes Navals/Toulon, F 0948 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, calling "1TD615" [=Frigate Jean Bart] (06Jan04) (LDO) 11033 024: UNID Net 1901 USB/ALE SND (09Apr05) (ZE) Pagina 342 11033 11033 11033 11033 11033 11033 11035 11039 11057 11087 11090 11104.0 11123.0 11123.0 11132.5 11132.5 11138.6 11160.0 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 11168.6 WUN-v11 028: UNID Net 0619 USB/ALE SND (12Apr05) (ZE) 050: UNID Net 1859 USB/ALE SND (09Apr05) (ZE) ALGE1A: Algerian National Police Algiers, ALG 0716 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, traffic to ALGE2A, Operator name: Djelloul (04Apr05) (LDO) ALGE1B: Algerian National Police Algiers, ALG 0723 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, traffic to ALGE2B, Operator name: Djelloul (04Apr05) (LDO) ALGE2A: Algerian National Police Algiers, ALG 0716 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, traffic to ALGE1A, Operator name: Nadji (04Apr05) (LDO) ALGE2B: Algerian National Police Algiers, ALG 0723 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, traffic to ALGE1B, Operator name: Nadji (04Apr05) (LDO) H6L: French def. attaché Algiers, ALG 1445 USB/STANAG 4285 FEC-bursts using THALES modem with 2400 bps/long interleaving, tfc to MoD Paris/P6Z (04Apr05) (LDO) DDH9: DWD Via Pinneberg GER 1205 RTTY/50/450 Calls & RYs. //147.3 (16Apr05) (RGA) : UNID Slavic MIL/DIPLO, 1240 100.17Bd/500Hz, ASCII based ARQ-system, 11Bit per char. Sending file "247.TLG" with 5FGs to unlocated station, QSX not found (25Mar05) (LDO) : Turkish Navy net 1406 USB/STANAG 4285 600bps/long interlv., long bursts, KG-84 crypto (25Mar05) (LDO) : UNID NATO net, 0948 USB/SLEW 2400Bd several stations using single tone Link-11 waveform, occasional switching between CLEW and SLEW (04Apr05) (LDO) Unid: Russian Navy 2153 T600/36-50 (09/04/05) (AJP) Unid: Unid 2244 FSK 75/850 Possible US Navy Keflavik,(06/04/05) (AJP) unid: mil 1522 NATO-75 /850 enc MAR25 05 ML CHM7232: & CHM723L, Canadian Forces: 2101 USB ALE/voice. Clear voice radio checks (19/MAR/05) (JLM) CHM7232: (subordinate unit of Canadian Army Communication Squadron (Halifax): 0046 USB/ALE TO CHM723L (Communication Squadron (Halifax). Also noted on 06801.5. 03/20 RP3 KWT93: US Embassy ?? 0917 ALE/USB wkg KWT90 US Embassy ?? (24Mar-5) (SA) unid: ital army?? 1524 USB weak MAR25 05 ML CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 1310 ALE/USB Wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (21Mar05) (SA) KWA43: US Embassy ?? 1511 ALE/USB wkg KVX45 US Embassy ?? (01Apr05) (SA) KWP97: US Embassy ?? 1040 ALE/USB wkg KWP95 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0815 ALE/USB wkg KWS58 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0830 ALE/USB wkg KWS91 US Embassy ??(30Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0835 ALE/USB wkg KWS92 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0842 ALE/USB wkg KWS95 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0852 ALE/USB wkg KWR86 US Embassy ?? (30Mar05) (SA0 KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0904 ALE/USB wkg KWR86 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0920 ALE/USB wkg KWS91 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) KWX57: US Embassy ?? 0935 ALE/USB wkg KWS96 US Embassy (06Apr05) (SA) KWX57:US Embassy ?? 0936 ALE/USB wkg KWS94 US Embassy ?? (23Mar05) (SA) KXV45: US Embassy ?? 1108 ALE/USB wkg KWA54 US Embassy ?? (06Apr05) (SA) PLA: 1638 PLA USAF Lajes (AZR) with sounding ALE 22mar05 (RPA) Pagina 343 WUN-v11 11174.4 "100"+"185": French MIL/MOI network, F 1234 USB/ (26Mar05) (LDO) 11174.4 "100"+"185": French MIL/MOI network, F 1234 USB/SKYMASTER 8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000 2400Bd PSK ARQ-system, short data traffic exchange using TRC-3600 radios (26Mar05) (LDO) 11175 160020: C-5 86-0020 1052 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (28Mar05) (SA) 11175 1JS: Clg ANY STATION THIS NET 2011 USB Called a number of times with no known ground response. He did raise REACH 412 (weak/readable) who used him for a quick radio check and gone. Earlier at 1955z SHARK 29 (fair/weak) was active with an unknown HFGCS station (too weak to read) for a phone patch to a metro for weather for NORFOLK (or sounds like.) (28 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 : Unid EAM Bcast 0020 USB (Unable to understand the id ....POT). 6IPXP3 with no simulcast freqs found. He ended his xmsn with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement. H+20/h+50. Suspected TACAMO PAC. (13 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 ANDREWS: Clg SAM 12 2052 USB Called numerous times with an all frequency request. (23 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 ANDREWS: Wkg ANDREWS TRAINING 1540 USB Requesting that ANDREWS TRAINING move to 13247 and to stand by landline. (31 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 ANDREWS: Wkg KING 46 1636 USB Signal check. ANDREWS then called and raised OFFUTT (fair) and requested that OFFUTT provide a signal check for KING 46 (done) and gone. (01 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 ARM HOLD: Wkg PUERTO RICO 1827 USB For a phone patch to a commercial toll free 866 number (DAYLIGHT; GEP control) to request station BOOT CAP/CAMP (GEP alias) and gone (patch completed around 1835z.) (26 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 ARMAMENT: 1641 USB "STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC" (x2) and out. (13 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 ARMAMENT: Clg MAINSAIL 1630 USB Under OFFUTT (good/strong) working another station for a signal check, with no known response. The freq became active with OFFUTT's rebroadcast of multiple EAMs at 1631z. (13 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 DOCKYARD: EAM Bcast 2352 USB 6IPXP3 simulcast on at least 8992. He ended his xmsn with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement. H+20/h+50 activity. THREESOME is suspected TACAMO LANT (h+10/h+40); DOCKYARD and COMPOSER suspected TACAMO PAC (h+20/h+50); PIPESTEM is suspected 'glass mission (h+00/h+30). (12 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 FISH HAWK: Wkg MCCLELLAN 1933 USB For phone patch to a DSN 271 number. MCCLELLAN moved him to 8992. (16 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 FISH HAWK: Wkg OFFUTT 1937 USB For the phone patch to the DSN 271 number for some GEP coordination and gone. (16 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 GAMBLE 02: Wkg (maybe) MCCLELLAN 2253 USB For a phone patch to (missed it) to pass on TOT info for both GAMBLE 01 and 02 and "impact" times for 01 and 02 ("212755 for GAMBLE 02"). During the initial comms someone else popped up and said "the OCA was worthless." There was a request from the ground for info on ground or air-to-air threats and response, and the patch was terminated and gone. (29 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 JUSTICE 310: Clg MAINSAIL 0005 USB Called a couple of times with no known response. (01 Apr 05) (JH) 11175 M5E: Wkg PUERTO RICO 1401 USB For a phone patch to (missed it and unable to understand the ground station's trigraph) for an "EXERCISE ESTEEM HIGHLY ALPHA" message. M53 received his TOR of 1403 and gone.(29 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 OFFUTT: All Freq Request 2053 USB For what sounded like SASH 12. (23 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 OFFUTT: Clg SAM 049 1713 USB Called a number of times with no known response and quiet. (30 Mar 05) (JH) 11175 PIPESTEM: 1930 USB "Standing by for traffic" and out. Pagina 344 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175 11175.0 11175.0 11175.0 11175.0 11181 11181.0 11182.0 11213 11213.0 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 WUN-v11 (12 Apr 05) (JH) PNR400: DEA Bahama's 0933 ALE/USB Sounds (22Mar05) (SA) PNR400: DEA Bahama's 2121 ALE/USB Sounds (08Apr05) (SA) PNR400: DEA Bahamas 2140 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) PULL MOTOR: 148-char EAM 1630 USB GVDLL3 header. He has also been active with EAM 23LPRJ and GVDLL3 at 1648 and now up at 1700z resending both. OFFUTT came up and sent their tfc on top of him during the 1630z run. (21Mar05) (BC2) RAYMOND 07: Bird Condition Bcast 1428 USB Low. (29 Mar 05) (JH) TEST KIT: Wkg OFFUTT 1853 USB For a phone patch to BIG SEED (GEP coordinator) requesting 7D on RF17 using stations JASPER and SIGNAL MOUNTAIN (GEP locations in the clear) "in the next 5 minutes". After the "ok" he terminated the patch and gone. (30 Mar 05) (JH) THREESOME: 28-char EAM 2340 USB 6IPXP3 simulcast on at least 8992. He ended his transmission with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement. H+10/H+40 activity. (12 Apr 05) (JH) TUFF 16: Wkg OFFUTT 2355 USB For a phone patch to [sounded like "jigs" or ?] regarding "good releases" and gone. (06 Apr 05) (JH) TURBO 71: Wkg ANDREWS 1523 USB Requesting current message traffic. He was given 2342YO and gone. (29 Mar 05) (JH) WILY FOX: Clg MAINSAIL 0548 USB Called a couple of times with no known response. (25 Mar 05) (JH) AFI McClellan: usaf 0723 USB eam yl Apr02 05 ML AFS: usaf offutt 1710 USB eam Mar20 05 ML JULIET TANGO INDIA: 04:16 calling McCLELLAN.and gets OFFUTT.19mar04 (JS) PANTHR: (OPBAT Service Center, Nassau Bahamas): 1612 USB/ALE sounding. 03/24 RP3 IKFSPR: Keflavik SIPR NET 1512 ALE/USB wkg CROSPR Croughton SIPR NET (06Apr05) (SA) AZR: 1657 PLASPR USAF Lajes (AZR) with sounding ALE 22mar05 (RPA) AMMAN: French Embassy Amman, JOR 1338 USB ALE clg BEYROUTH : French Embassy Beyrouth, LBN (14/MAR/05) (KK) MKL: RN Northwood 1745 RTTY/75/850 Crypto short bursts //8987.7 (13/Mar/05) (RH2) Unid: Unid 2142 FSK 75/850 KG84 encrypted (09/04/05) (AJP) 160012: C-5 86-0022 2106 ALE/USB Sounds (27Mar05) (SA) 170042 C-5 87-0042 1821 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (23Mar05) (SA) 170042: C-5 87-0042 0822 ALE/USB wkg GUA Guam HF-GCS (05Apr05) (SA 180225: C-5 68-0225 1711 ALE/USB wkg OFF Offutt HF-GCS (08Apr05) (SA) 190008: C-5 69-0008 2232 ALE/USB wkg WRL Warner Robins (08Apr05) (SA) 190012: C-5 69-0012 2201 ALE/USB wkg WRL Warner-Robins ???(22Mar05) (SA) 220103: C-17 02-1103 1043 ALE/USB Sounds (20Mar05) (SA) 221107: C-17 02-1107 1249 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (20Mar05) (SA) 221110: C-17 02-1110 1820 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 290165: C-17 99-0165 1955 ALE/USB Sounds (29Mar05) (SA) 30078: KC-10 83-007 1614 ALE/USB Sounds (08Apr05) (SA) 537982: KC-135 63-7982 1914 ALE/USB Sounds (06Apr05) (SA) 5571425: KC-135 57-1425 1522 ALE/USB Sounds (25Mar05) (SA) AED: Elmendorf HF-GCS 0934 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (25Mar05) (SA) AED: Elmendorf HF-GCS 1108 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (25Mar05) (SA) CRO: Croughton HF-GCS 0802 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (03Apr05) (SA) GUA: Guam HF-GCS 1509 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS Pagina 345 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226 11226.0 11227.2 11232.0 11232.0 11249.0 11252 11253.0 11279.0 11339.1 11384.0 11384.0 11408 11413.7 11427.5 11427.5 11434.3 11437 11437.7 11437.7 11440.0 11460 WUN-v11 (23Mar05) (SA) HAW: Ascension HF-GCS 1924 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (21Mar05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella 1121 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (01Apr05) (SA) ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1810 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (04Apr05) (SA) IKF: Keflavik HF-GCS 2009 ALE/USB wkg ADW Andrews HF-GCS in AMD [AMD] THIS IS A TEST OF AMD FROM THE IKF CONSOLE (28Mar05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 0607 ALE/USB wkg MCC McClellan HF-GCS (08Apr05) (SA) JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 0913 ALE/USB wkg MCC McLellan HF-GCS (22Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1124 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (19Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1307 ALE/USB wkg KEH34 US Consulate Basrah Iraq (22Mar05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1559 ALE/USB wkg EF3 UNID (01Apr05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 1943 ALE/USB wkg JNR Peurto Rico HF-GCS (01Apr05) (SA) R26685: UH-60L 96-26685 1802 ALE/USB wkg TFG41AD UNID (27Mar05) (SA) UKE3O6: RAF E-3D ZH106 MAGIC-92 0952 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS ALE and Voice req a practise text message [AMD]I HAVE YOU L/C (23Mar05) (SA) WRL: Warner-Robins ?? 2057 ALE/USB Sounds (27Mar05) (SA) 538878: (KC-135R # 63-8878, 97th AMW, Altus AFB OK): 1636 USB/ALE sounding.Also sounding on 13215.0. 03/24 RP3 unid: IRGC station IRN 16:58 Pactor/200/200 encrypted traffic voicecoordination in Farsi on 11225.0 USB (20 Mar)(PPA) CFH: halifax canf 1708 USB work yankee ?? Mar20 05 ML Trenton Military: (weak): 1905 USB w/Sentry 52 (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB-weak) in pp w/Tinker Metro (weak) w/wx for Tinker AFB. 03/24 RP3 fishermen: ?0740 LSB span d/x 02apr05 ML 4E7: Douane Algerie? ALE/USB SND 12:23 9Apr05(MAL) Unid: Unid 2247 CRY-2001 Vocoder (05/04/05) (AJP) atc nat gander: 1526 USB work india92 MAR25 05 ML Unid: Number Station 1123 CW 4FG ending "GB TKS" (11/04/05)(AJP) atc cwp: ? 1549 USB ee work MREJ: n522mc(atlas air )& ei-bxd 03apr05ML ldoc balkan airlines: 1535 USB ee work unid filght 03apr05 ML REA4: AF HQ Moscow 1258 REVS/50/1000 Idling. // 8646. (16Apr05) (RGA) no call: unid Egyptian diplo 17:10 ARQ/100/170 short ATU-80 operator chat over into 16 tone CODAN mode (20 Mar)(PPA) MAE: MFA Algiers, ALG 0818 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/RACAL RACE/MSM-1250, FLASH traffic to Tripolis (04Apr05) (LDO) TRP: Algerian embassy Tripolis, LBY 0818 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/RACAL RACE/MSM-1250, rcvng tfc from Algiers (04Apr05) (LDO) CNDT: Algerian customs Algiers ALG 15:04 Pactor/200/200 Frenchmessages on GMA and LBA circuit later calling IILA without succes (20Mar)(PPA) 75U: Unid ALE/USB SND 14:24 9Apr05 (MAL) : Customs In Guezzam ALG 1515 PACTOR-1/200/200 French msgs to Algiers on ATA cct (17Apr05) (PPA) CNDT: customs HQ Algiers ALG 14:28 PACTOR-1/200/200 French msgs to Constantine on LAB cct (17Apr05) (PPA) Unid: Possible mil fedder Argentina (AM 590 Khz, Radio Continental) 0207 LSB SS (10/04/05) (AJP) : Israeli MIL/Intelligence ISR 1644 USB/VFT circuit with a single 75Bd/50Hz FSK signal, 28/112 bit ACF, Pagina 346 11466.0 11466.0 11466.0 11492 11517.0 11521.9 11524 11524.0 11545.0 11550.0 12172 12183.0 12200.3 12216.0 12222.0 12232 12232.0 12250.0 12268.5 12270.0 12270.0 12557.0 12577.0 12577.0 12577.2 12579.0 12581.5 12606 12662.5 12696.5 12710.5 12710.5 12710.5 12710.5 12710.5 12745.5 WUN-v11 carrier/pilot on 11461 kHz (04Apr05) (LDO) ?YR: Unid ALE/USB SND 20:49 9Apr05 (MAL) HR: Algerian Oil&Gas Hassi R´mel ALE/USB SND18:17 9Apr05 (MAL) UXX: Unid ALE/USB SND 21:46 9Apr05 (MAL) 6138: Turkish Intel TUR 1548 USB/Mil-STD 188-141 ALE sounding (17Apr05) (PPA) 525: ?? 1901 USB/ALE to 151?? any idea? 09apr05 ML RFVITT: FN Dzaoudzi MYT 1607 ARQ-E3/192/400 idling. (17Apr05) (PPA) : Russian Military 1620 36-50/50/180 At least two messages. (03Apr05) (RGA) cis navy: <thank's jim > 1441 BEE 50/250 encrypt Mar 18 05 ML e3: 1531 USB yl numbers MAR25 05 ML LAB: (Rockwell-Collins, France): 2006 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07650.0; 09050.0; 12090.0; 13850.0; 14550.0; & 17450.0. 03/29 RP3 MIKE UNIFORM 1: 0548 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL for radio check (28Mar05) (SDD) unid: 1524 CROWD36 /40 encrypt Mar18 05 ML : unid NATO naval station, 1538 USB/STANAG 4285 600bps/short interlveaving, short bursts, KG-84 crypto with 5 bit asynch ITA-2 alphabet (5N1), "ryryryryryvmgtcnjbh" intro (04Apr05) (LDO) 2: & 50, UNID: 2128 USB ALE (16/MAR/05) (JLM) pirate: 1551 USB span d/x Mar18 05 ML : UNID North Korean embassy, 1115 USB/FSK 600Bd ARQ burst system, QSX 11437 kHz USB (28Mar05) (LDO) no-call: UNID North Korean embassy, 1115 USB/FSK 600Bd ARQ burst system, QSX 11437 kHz USB (28Mar05) (LDO) Y0V: french navy?? 1930 USB ee work other c/s F0V,xx 09avr05 ML PC12BDESIG: & PS12BDESIG: 1550 USB ALE (06/APR/05) (JLM) AJO: (unidentified): 1616 USB/ALE TO HDH (unidentified). 03/17 RP3 FPR: (unidentified): 1551 USB/ALE TO RLD (unidentified). Also noted on 18314.0. 03/18 RP3 unid: ship 1558 ARQ work MKCV : tah istanbul < thank's day >Mar18 05 ML Hong Kong MRCC:17:44 567000000 Unid Thailand test with 004773500 Hong Kong MRCC 21mar05 (RPA) Unid: 1620 457612000 Unid mongolian test with 002191000 Lyngby mrcc. GMDSS 26mar05 (RP) 33: unid Sudanese Diplo 1630 PACTOR-1/200/200 encrypted ASCII msgs (19Apr05) (PPA) nmf: 0331 1658 NMF USA hf-sitor - FA76 MSGID/GENADMIN/NGA NAVSAFETY BETHESDA 30mar05 (CSn) XSV: Tianjin R 0705 FEC Navwngs for Bohai Sea in EE (25/Mar/05) (RH2) UIW: KaliningradRadio 1502 ARQ w/Morse ID 'UIW KLD'. (09Apr05) (RGA) XSG: guangzou 1328 FEC naws Mar27 05 ML UWS: KievRadio UKR 1537 CW Wkg ship UYTO/unlisted. (19Mar05) (RGA) T1Z126: 1st Bn 126th Avn Regt deployed 1725 USB/MilSTD 188-141 ALE sounding (19Apr05) (PPA) T1Z189: 1st BN 189th Avn Regt Deployed 1733 USB/MilSTD 188-141 ALE sounding (19Apr05) (PPA) T36MED: 36th Med Bn Deployed 1721 USB/Mil-STD 188-141 ALE sounding (19Apr05) (PPA) T54AA: Unid US Army Deployed 1730 USB/Mil-STD 188-141 ALE sounding (19Apr05) (PPA) T571AA: 571st Med Bn Deployed 1736 USB/Mil-STD 188-141 ALE sounding (19Apr05) (PPA) JJC: KYODO Tokyo J 17:37 F1C/60/288 very clear copy of Japanese news strong signal (20 Mar)(PPA)according to Schedule (Thanks Mr Watson)USB (PP1) Pagina 347 WUN-v11 12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1548 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/paper (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 12831.0 9MG: Georgetown radio MLA 14:39 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free marker with hexadecimal CC ident (19 Mar)(PPA) 12844 ADA: UNID prob DISA 0821 ALE/USB Sounds (03Apr05) (SA) 12844 ADB: Prob USAF/DISA 1841 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Apr05) (RGA) 12844 ADB: UNID prob DISA 0818 ALE/USB Sounds (04Apr05) (SA) 12844 ADB: UNID prob DISA 0935 ALE/USB Sounds (03Apr05) (SA) 12844 ADB: UNID prob DISA 1319 ALE/USB Sounds (01Apr05) (SA) 12844.0 ADB: unid station 13:15 ALE/USB calling ADA who answered (19Mar)(PPA) 12857 6WW: French Navy Dakar SEN 1314 RTTY/75/850 Test idlers. (16Apr05) (RGA) 12892.5 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1312 GLOBEDATA Idlers. (16Apr05) (RGA) 13515 ADB: Poss USAF/DISA Keflavik? 1207 ALE/USB Sounding. (16Apr05) (RGA) 12903 VTH1/5: IN Mumbai 1816 RTTY/50/850 5FG (17/Mar/05) (RH2) 12903.0 RBSL: indian navy /mumbai 1622 ITA2 /50 Mar18 05 ML 12903.0 RBSL: indian navy mumbai 1635 ITA2 /50 traffic list & special bulletin Mar18 05 ML 12916.5 HLF: soul 1944 CW cq de 09apr05 ML 12935.0 HLG: soul r 1646 CW de Mar18 05 ML 12969.0 XSV: tianjin 1648 CW de Mar18 05 ML 12984 4XZ: Isreali Navy Haifa 1915 CW Sending several messages; good signal strength. (07Apr05) (AB) 12984.0 4XZ: Israel 1915 CW / sending messages; (07/Apr/2005) (Attu Bosch) 13004 4MTT:Rus Mil 0300 CW "SSLI DE 4MTT K" "AS" "NW FOR QRJ 3 4MTT BT 413 413 272 BT 8079 1776 0609 6324 BT 441 K" "C RK" then comm ck with HXVA. (via Misawa Japan DX-Tuner) (JC5) (20Mar05) 13057.6 EBA: SN Madrid E 1253 STANAG 4285/600 long/3K encrypted traffic (16Apr05) (PPA) 13215 ADW: Andrews HF-GCS 2034 ALE/USB wkg 563611 KC-135 56-3611 (24Mar05) (SA) 13215 AED: Emendorf HF-GCS 1906 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (21Mar05) (SA) 13215 HAW: Ascension HF-GCS 0701 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (30Mar05) (SA) 13215 ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 0911 ALE/USB wkg CRO Croughton HF-GCS (25Mar05) (SA) 13215 ICZ: Sigonella HF-GCS 1059 ALE/USB wkg PLA Lajes HF-GCS (21Mar05) (SA) 13215 JDG: Diego Garcia HF-GCS 1600 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yyokota HF-GCS (06Apr05) (SA) 13215 JNR: Peurto Rico HF-GCS 1007 ALE/USB wlg ADW Andrews HF-GCS (28Mar05) (SA) 13221.0 NOJ: (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK): 1836 USB/ALE TO ATU (CG LORAN Station, Attu, AK). 03/28 RP3 13221.0 NOJ: (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK): 1927 USB/ALE TO 708 (HC-130H7 # 1708, CGAS Clearwater-poss deployed to CGAS Kodiak). 03/28 RP3 13247 ANDREWS: Wkg ANDREWS TRAINING 1543 USB At 1552z ANDREWS said that he was "going to turn it over to my BRAVO (or maybe BRAVO ___ BRAVO) [too weak to follow]...secure voice." Then into ANDVT-like digital scratch always ending in apparent key off DTMF tones. This is "new" at least to me. (31 Mar 05) (JH) 13270 3U8892: Sichuan Airlines Flt (PRC) 1549 HFDL Posn 3029N 10355E to ARINC Hat Yai. (16Apr05) (RGA) 13270 : Hat Yai 0805 HFDL Wx/EE (28/Feb/05) (RH2) 13270 A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 1730 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) 13270 A7-CJB: Qatar Airways A319 Flt QR0701 1802 HFDL Posn 1011N 05502E. (16Apr05) (RGA) 13270 B-6050: China Eastern A340 1602 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) Pagina 348 13270 13270 13270 13270 13270 13270 13270 13270 13270 13270 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13303 13321 13321 13321 13362.0 13444 13446.0 13446.0 13457.0 13484 13484.0 13490.0 13499 13499.0 13500.0 13500.0 WUN-v11 B-6052: China Eastern A340 1726 HFDL Acks VTBD/Bangkok-Don Muang weather uplinked by ARINC Hat Yai. (16Apr05) (RGA) G-VSSH: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sweet Dreamer' Prob Flt VS0201 1805 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) LX-RCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Shengen' 1715 HFDL Acks Hongkong ATIS details via ARINC Hat Yai. (16Apr05) (RGA) N25201 Continental B737 Flt CO0954 1602 HFDL Posn report 0908N 13729E via ARINC Hat Yai. (16Apr05) (RGA) N254UP: UPS MD11F Flt UP6782 1534 HFDL Logs on. (06Apr05) (RGA) N453PA: Polar Air Cargo B747 Flt PO0283 1533 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) N455UP: UPS B757 Flt UP6838 1536 HFDL Logs on. (06Apr05) (RGA) NEWYORK RADIO: VOLMET Service 1735 USB OM with US airfields wx fcasts. (16Apr05) (RGA) SU0576: Aeroflot Flt 1840 HFDL Reports 4903N 00245E to ARINC Hat Yai. (19Apr05) (RGA) UP6782: UPS Flt 1522 HFDL Posn report 2217N 11350E via ARINC Hat Yai. (06Apr05) (RGA) A7-ACE: Qatar Airways A330 1511 GMDSS Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (06Apr05) (RGA) DAH103: Air Algerie Flt 1453 HFDL Posn report via ARINC Las Palmas 3642N 00252E. (06Apr05) (RGA) N19136: Continental B757 2050 HFDL Logs on. (19Apr05) (RGA) N33103: Continental B757 2049 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (19Apr05) (RGA) N57852: Continental B757 2055 HFDL Logs on. (19Apr05) (RGA) N595FE: Federal Express MD11F Flt FX0008 1458 GMDSS Posn 5116N 00901W. (06Apr05) (RGA) VS0017: Virgin Atlantic A340 Flt 2058 At 5220N 00550W. (19Apr05) (RGA) VS0652: Virgin Atlantic Flt 1453 HFDL Posn 4128N 00046E. (06Apr05) (RGA) ZS-SFD: SA Flt188 A319 0815 HFDL Posn to JNB & Ack (18/Mar/05) (RH2) ZS-SJM: SA Flt182 B738 0755 HFDL Posn to JNB & Ack (18/Mar/05) (RH2) ZS-SJN: SA Flt160 B738 0751 HFDL Posn to JNB & Ack (18/Mar/05) (RH2) AFRTS/AFN: US military HF feeder 1558 USB / with music and then the news at 1600 UTC. (17Feb.2005) (Midwest USA) RFQP: FF Jibouti 1610 ARQ-E3/100/370 Betas only (17/Mar/05) (RH2) FM8: (FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1633 USB/ALE TO FEMERSKOB (FEMA Emergency Radio System, KKOB, Albuquerque NM). 03/17 RP3 FM8FEM: (FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1644 USB/ALE TO FEMERSTRH (FEMA Emergency Radio System, KTRH Houston TX 740 kHz (National Primary EAS Station). 03/17 RP3 FAASJU: (San Juan PR ARTCC): 1348 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 : Israeli MIL/Intelligence ISR 1404 USB/VFT circuit with a single 75Bd/50Hz FSK signal, 28/112 bit ACF, carrier/pilot on 13485 kHz (28Mar05) (LDO) no-call: Israeli MIL/Intelligence ISR 1404 USB/VFT circuit(28Mar05) (LDO) BR1: (HQs Brazilian Army, Brasilia): 2336 USB/ALE TO SP1(Brazilian Army, Sao Paulo). 03/24 RP3 1111: Italian Carabinieri 1903 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Apr05) (RGA) 1304: (unidentified): 2044 USB/ALE TO 1001 (unidentified). 03/21 RP3 BNG: (Venezuelan Naval Base "Guaira"): 0035 USB/ALE TO BNA (Venezuelan Naval Base "Amario"). 03/28 RP3 PR1: (Venezuelan Navy Radio Station 1): 0009 USB/ALE Pagina 349 WUN-v11 TO DHN (Venezuelan Navy Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate). 03/28 RP3 13503.6 WNG831M01: UNID US State Dept 1104 USB/ALE to WNG832 (12Apr05) (ZE) 13503.6 WNG: UNID US State Dept 1129 USB/ALE to KEH34TOC (12Apr05) (ZE) 13506.0 SCLM343: (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 343rd Tactical Comms Bn, Venezuelan Army): 2228 USB/ALE TO SCLM345 (Subordinate Local Communications CenterMobile, 345th Tactical Comms Bn, Venezuelan Army). Also noted on 09259.0. 03/26 RP3 13570 HLL2: Seoul Meteo 0954 FAX Unid chart transm. in progress, grid lines discernable, ending 0958 (17Apr05) (KB) 13597.4 IMB56: Rome Meteo 1205 FAX surface analysis 09z; synoptic data not readable though signal appears ok (12Apr05) (KB) 13846 Unid: Moscow Met 1545 FAX/120/576 S'face Anal (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 13852 ZQLO:Rus Mil 0230 CW 5LG to collective call 5HCD. Then requests receipt from LCNM H9A5 L4Z2 TWPK HBD9 and 4CCW. (via Misawa Japan DX-Tuner) (JC5) (20Mar05) 13927 raf20: unknown 2000 usb (23/Mar/2005) (Randall.B,Clark KB8) 13927 RAF20?: unknown 2000 USB / Mentions of Air force coms (23 mar 05 ) (Randall.B,Clark ) 13945.0 unid: Ionosonde 15:41 F0N sweeping between 13920 and 13970 with 2sweeps per second (20 Mar)(PPA) 13947 HEN: Unid ALE/USB SND 14:28 9Apr05 (MAL) 13947 HP: Unid ALE/USB SND 09:38 10Apr05 (MAL) 13974.7 No Call: unid ICRC Station 1040 P-II/100Bd/ CF=800Hz, file tx (19/MAR/05) (KK) 14396.5 WNJN897: Southern New England Telephone Company, Meriden, CT: 1618 USB voice check-in to the weekly (16/MAR/05) (JLM) 14493.5 SE1: (FBI, Seattle WA): 1703 USB/ALE TO AN1 (FBI, Anchorage AK). 03/21 RP3 14550.0 LAB: (Rockwell-Collins, France): 1746 USB/ALE sounding. 03/22 RP3 14641.9 0000002222: Prob Turkish Net 1729 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Apr05) (RGA) 15043 HAW: US HF-GCS Stn Ascension 1702 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Apr05) (RGA) 14641.9 006666: UNID station , TUR? 0859 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/CODAN 80Bd BPSK CHIRP, traffic to 000001 and later 000002, after ALE call-up into Codan CHIRP mode (26Mar05) (LDO) 14641.9 006666: UNID station , TUR? 0859 USB/MILSTD188-141A/CODAN 80Bd BPSK CHIRP, (26Mar05) (LDO) 14700 STAT154: Tunisian MOI/MIL 1301 ALE/USB to TU3 (19/03/05) (ZE) 14700 TU3: Tunisian MOI/MIL 1301 ALE/USB to STAT154 (19/03/05) (ZE) 14700.0 STAT154: Tunisian MOI/MIL 1301 ALE/USB to TU3 (19/03/05) (ZE) 14700.0 TU3: Tunisian MOI/MIL 1301 ALE/USB to STAT154 (19/03/05) (ZE) 14728.0 ZSC: GW Capetown 1623 Dataplex Marker (09/04/05) (AJP) 14761.5 RUH956: (UH-60A helo, 1/228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB Honduras): 1804 USB/ALE TO SKYWAT (US Army Flight Following Service (AFFS), Soto Cano AB, Honduras). Also noted on 19103.5. 03/28 RP3 14776.0 FM8FEM: (FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1730 USB/ALE TO FCSFEM (Communications Supervisor, FEMA HQs, Wash DC). 03/22 RP3 14814 DKL: DCN Dhekelia CYP 1113 USB/ALE SND (14Apr05) (ZE) 14830 : Unid Russian Railway Authority RUS 1030 81-81/40.5/500 encrypted traffic (16Apr05) (PPA) 14900.0 E2A: (unidentified): 2227 USB/ALE TO G7X Pagina 350 14900.0 14900.0 14930 14930.0 15000 15016 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15025 15043 15043 15043 15043 15043.0 15082.0 15094.0 15708.0 15708.0 15708.0 15708.0 15737.5 WUN-v11 (unidentified). 03/27 RP3 E2A: (unidentified): 2248 USB/ALE TO G7X (unidentified). 03/29 RP3 G7X: (unidentified): 0039 USB/ALE TO E2A (unidentified). 03/30 RP3 CER42: MFA Paris, F 1127 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/clng Amman - note the use of former "8BY"-freqs 7668 and 14931 by MFA Paris! (28Mar05) (LDO) CER42: MFA Paris, F 1127 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A (28Mar05) (LDO) CCS: Unid 1656 ALE (Sideband unknown). Sounding. (04Apr05) (RGA) MEREDITH: 45-char EAM 1843 USB Y42FIC simulcast on at least 11175 and 8992 with nothing heard on 1724. She ended the xmsn with the standing by for traffic statement and out. (13 Apr 05) (JH) A7-ADJ: Qatar Airways A330 Prob Flt QR0867 1507 HFDL Posn 5404N 03822E. (16Apr05) (RGA) AB7988: Prob Air Berlin B737 D-ABBP 1414 HFDL Reports 3636N 00424W to ARINC Reykjavik. (16Apr05) (RGA) D-ALCC: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8189 1354 HFDL Acks flight plan modification message: "OC1/CLX OCEANIC CLEARANCE 16232 1351:12 16-APR-05. DLH8189 CLEARED TO EDDF VIA LOACH ROUTE 55/50 54/40 53/30 53/20 MALOT BURAK. EXPECT F290. MACH 0840. END OF MESSAGE F608." (16Apr05) (RGA) D-ALCS: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 1418 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) F-GYAS: Air France A319 1501 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (16Apr05) (RGA) G-VEIL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Queen of the Skies' 1542 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' 1434 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) G-VNAP: Virgin Atlantic A340-642 Flt VS0251 'Sleeping Beauty' 1344 HFDL Acks weather for UUYY/Syktyvkar and ULLI/Sankt Peterburg. ICAO 095002. Ex F-WWCE. (16Apr05) (RGA) G-VSHY: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Madame Butterfly' 1403 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) SU-GCE: EgyptAir A330 1439 HFDL Logs on. (16Apr05) (RGA) AED: Elmendorf HF-GCS 0904 ALE/USB wkg JTY Yokota HF-GCS (03Apr05) (SA) ICZ: US HF-GCS Stn Sigonella ITA 1818 ALE/USB Calls PLA/Lajes who responds. (09Apr05) (RGA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0822 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (04Apr05) (SA) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0925 ALE/USB wkg ICZ Sigonella HF-GCS (22Mar05) (SA) 537987: (KC-135R # 63-7987, 319th ARW, Grand Forks AFB ND): 1807 USB/ALE TO GLOB (Global, USAF GSC call). 03/24 RP3 790: (HHC-130 # 1790, CGAS Kodiak AK): 1856 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 13221.0 & 17988.0. 03/28 RP3 FAAZLA: (Los Angeles ARTCC): 2318 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 09106.0 & 17487.0. 03/21 RP3 FM6FEM1: (FEMA Region 6, MERS Team 1, Denton TX): 1431 USB/ALE TO FC1FEM (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 1, Maynard MA). 03/25 RP3 FM8FEM: (FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1512 USB/ALE TO FEMERSALL (FEMA Emergency Radio System, KALL, Herriman UT). NOTE: Not collective call as reported yesterday. 03/17 RP3 FM8FEM: (FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1535 USB/ALE TO FEMERSCMO (FEMA Emergency Radio System,KCMO-FM Kansas City MO 94.9 kHz (LP-2 EAS Station). 03/17 RP3 FM8FEM: (FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1547 USB/ALE TO FEMERSFYR (FEMA Emergency Radio System,KFYR-AM Bismark ND (National Primary EAS Station). 03/17 RP3 Railways Baku, AZE 0605 RTTY 50/500 at times "260121 baku", 0558-0603 mark/space alternating & "vvv" in CW Pagina 351 15851.0 15880.5 15920.0 15921 15988 15988.0 15988.2 16080.8 16137.7 16160.0 16160.0 16240 16240 16240 16240 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16240.0 16277.0 16277.0 16277.0 16277.0 16277.0 16277.0 16277.0 16278.7 16278.7 16278.7 16283.6 16285 16285.0 16305.7 16324.7 WUN-v11 (20Apr05) (KB) FAAZLC: (Salt Lake City ARTCC): 1720 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 STYGMAT: Polish Military 1818 ALE/USB Calls CUKIERNIA. (09Apr05) (RGA) CFH: CF HALIFAX 1528 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker every 30 secs "NAWS de CFH zkr f1 2822 3394 6254 8303 12380 16576 22181 ar" (20/Mar)(DW) RABAT: French Diplo Hub Rabat 1645 ALE/USB Calls CONAKRY. (04Apr05) (RGA) : Pinneberg meteo D 1803 RTTY/50/450 ryryry test mentioning DDK2/4583 DDH7/7646 DDK9/10100,8 kHz, new frequency??? (19Apr05) (PPA) DDK7: HAMBURG MET 1533 RTTY 50/N/450 Met tfc. Fcsts for North Sea and Mediterranean in Eng. In parallel with 10100.8 (20/Mar)(DW) DDK: Pinnenberg Met 1824 RTTY/50/440 AAXX Wx gps (17/Mar/05) (RH2) : Unid Station 1853 4FSK/600/850 unidentified modem, tone placement at 1800/2020/2420/2640 Hz, ACF=0 (18Apr05) (PPA) : MFA Cairo EGY 0952 ARQ/100/170 Calling S/C TVXX San'A for QSX on 14426.7 (16Apr05) (PPA) CID: (Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, IA): 2123 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 LAB: (Rockwell Collins,France): 2037 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding at 20460.0. 03/21 RP3 1001: Italian POL 0908 ALE/USB to 1105 (19/03/05) (ZE) 1102: Italian POL 0914 ALEIUSB snd tws (19/03/05) (ZE) 2001: Italian POL 0911 ALE/USB to 2401 (19/03/05) (ZE) 2011: UNID Moroccan dispatch center, MRC 1105 USB/MILSTD 188-141A, clng 2524 (28Mar05) (LDO) 1001: Italian POL 0908 ALE/USB to 1105 (19/03/05) (ZE) 1102: Italian POL 0914 ALEIUSB snd tws (19/03/05) (ZE) 2001: Italian POL 0911 ALE/USB to 2401 (19/03/05) (ZE) 2011: UNID Moroccan dispatch center, MRC 1105 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng 2524 (28Mar05) (LDO) AAA: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1627 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1651 1706 1721 1736 (02/Apr)(DW) AAB: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1658 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1713, 1728, (02/Apr)(DW) AAF: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1627 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (02/Apr)(DW) AAF: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1627 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (02/Apr)(DW) AAG: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1658 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1638, 1653, 1724, 1739 (02/Apr)(DW) ADA: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1423 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 11453 1610 1640 1655 (02/Apr)(DW) ADB: POLISH MIL ?LOC 1543 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1600, 1614, 169, 1649, 1704, 1719, 1734 (02/Apr)(DW) ---: ALGERIAN EMB CONAKRY 1700 COQ/8 26.7/E/200 Wkng Algiers "je en recoif rien qrm repond moi sur p 5 mci" (02/Apr)(DW) ---: ALGERIAN EMB KHARTOUM 1451 COQ/8 13/3/E/200 Calling during qso (02/Apr)(DW) ---: ALGERIAN EMB KUWAIT 1445 COQ/8 13.3/E/200 "de Koweit bsr my friend qtc1 pm je rle". Very weak. Tfc in Arabic (ATU80) txt (02/Apr)(DW) KRC81: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1251 USB/ALE TO KRC84 (US Embassy/Consulate). 03/24 RP3 PI6: Unid ALE/USB SND 11:08 9Apr05 (MAL) XYM: Unid ALE/USB SND 18:23 9Apr05 (MAL) ---: FF NDJAMENA? 1002 ARQ/E3 200/E/400 8rc. Betas. No tfc thru 1340 (03/Apr)(DW) ---: FF CAYENNE 1342 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. No tfc thru 1533 (03/Apr)(DW) Pagina 352 WUN-v11 16331.9 S: CISN BEACON ARKHANGELSK 1346 CW HF single letter [S] hf beacon (03/Apr)(DW) 16335 RO7: Romanian forces? ALE/USB SND 19:5810Apr05 (MAL) 16351.7 RFFA: MOD Paris 1640 ARQ-E3/192/400 Betas for 20 mins.(02/Apr/05) (RH2) 16804.5 HSPA2: 1651 567027000 HSPA2 M/V Suchada Naree (Bulk Carrier) Safety msg to 002442000 Ymuiden mrcc. GMDSS 26mar05 (RP) 16806.5 JDG:? Diego Garcia Relay? 1710 FEC MsgID/Genadmin/NGO Safety, Bethesda, MD. Hydrolant Distress. (22/Mar/05) (RH2) 16808 : CIS Navrad 0950 36-50/50/222. (31/Mar/05) (RH2) 16808 : Unid CIS Navrad 1716 36-50/50/240 (22/Mar/05) (RH2) 16811.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1035 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (26/Mar)(DW) 16813.0 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 0957 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (26/Mar)(DW) 16818.5 EKA: YEREVAN RADIO 1600 fec 100/E/170 Just audible, little copy. Tfc list (inc WDC3404), station info (16/Apr)(DW) 16819.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1634 CW Chan free marker. "NMN" (26/Mar)(DW) 16820.0 IAR: ROME RADIO 0959 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (26/Mar)(DW) 16821.0 VRX: HONG KONG RADIO 1000 CW Chan free marker "VRX" (26/Mar)(DW) 16822.0 UDK2: MURMANSK RADIO 1039 CW Chan free marker "de UDK2" (26/Mar)(DW) 16829.5 UCE: ARKHANGELSK RADIO 1042 CW Chan free marker. In fec/3sc broadcast to unid ship (26/Mar)(DW) 16830.5 SVO6: OLYMPIA RADIO 1002 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (26/Mar)(DW) 16833.5 UIW: Kaliningrad R 1606 FEC Calls for UHFD/UBJZ/UHFP/UAUJ (01/Apr/05) (RH2) 16840.5 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1009 CW Chan free marker "RRR34" (26/Mar)(DW) 16879.0 LZW: VARNA RADIO 1023 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (26/Mar)(DW) 16880.0 XSQ: GUANGZHOU RADIO 1024 CW Chan free marker "XSQ" (26/Mar)(DW) 16886.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1026 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (26/Mar)(DW) 16898.5 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1030 CW Chan free marker "XSG" just audible (26/Mar)(DW) 16951 6WW: FF Dakar 1614 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID Le Brick (17/Mar/05) (RH2) 16982.0 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 0944 CW Chan free marker "XSG" (27/Mar)(DW) 16986 CTP: NATO Lisbon 1715 RTTY/75/850 NAWS de CTP etc. (02/Apr/05) (RH2) 17069.7 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1210 FAX/60/576 Nx/paper in EE (23/Mar/05) (RH2) 17220.0 VIE: Darwin radio AUS 16:12 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free marker with hexadecimal C9 identification (20 Mar)(PPA) 17412.0 JNR: US Civil Air Patrol 1549 ALE/USB OFF, MCC,037RMRCAP, 022NHQ, AED, 037, 022, all sounding (10/04/05) (AJP) 17441.5 5YE: Nairobi Meteo 1722 RTTY/100/850 Wx in EE & FF. (22/Mar/05) (RH2) 17458.5 HQ703N: US National Guard 2117 ALE/USB also G090UN, H090IN,C090AN (09/04/05) (AJP) 17458.5 N080DN: (Nat'l Guard, North Dakota): 1607 USB/ALE TO PMTRACS (Program Manager for Tactical Radio Communications Systems). 03/16 RP3 17458.5 W080YN: (Nat'l Guard, Wyoming): 1531 USB/ALE TO HQ703N (Nat'l Guard Readiness Center, Arlington VA)--[AMD] HOWDY FROM WYOMING. 03/16 RP3 17477.0 CER11: (French MFA, Paris): 1719 USB/ALE TO RABAT (French Embassy, Morocco). Also noted on 14671.0 & 18396.0. Pagina 353 17487.0 17487.0 17519.0 17519.0 17519.0 17649.0 17988.0 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18003.0 18042 18183.4 18314.0 18336 18396.0 18463 18571.5 18775 18775.0 18864 WUN-v11 03/22 RP3 NCS009: (National Communications System station): 1830 USB/ALE TO NCS015 (National Communications System station). 03/21 RP3 NCS009: (National Communications System station): 1842 USB/ALE TO 444 (unidentified). Also noted on 15094.0. 03/21 RP3 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1656 USB/ALE TO FEMERSTWO (FEMA Emergency Radio System,KWTO Casper WY 1030 kHz (National Primary EAS Station). 03/16 RP3 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1757 USB/ALE TO FEMERSCCO (FEMA Emergency Radio System, WCCO MinneapolisSt. Paul MN 830 kHz (National Primary EAS Station). 03/16 RP3 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1824 USB/ALE TO FEMERSKOA (FEMA Emergency Radio System,KOA Denver CO 850 kHz (National Primary EAS Station). Also noted on 21866.0. 03/16 RP3 CER42: (French MFA, Paris): 1525 USB/ALE TO AMMAN (French Embassy, Jordan). 03/18 RP3 NOJ: (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK): 2058 USB/ALE TO J24 (HH-60J CGAS Clearwater-poss deployed to CGAS Kodiak). 03/28 RP3 GUA: USAF Guam AB GUM 1303 USB/ALE SND (07Apr05) (ZE) HAW: USAF Wideawake ASC 1334 USB/ALE (07Apr05) (ZE) JDG: US HF-GCS Stn Diego Garcia 1600 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Apr05) (RGA) JDG: USAF Diego Garcia BIO 1319 USB/ALE SND (07Apr05) (ZE) JNR: USAF Salinas AB PTR 1259 USB/ALE SND (07Apr05) (ZE) PLA: Lajes HF-GCS 0932 ALE/USB wkg HAW Ascension HF-GCS (31Mar05) (SA) PLA: USAF Lajes AB AZR 1310 USB/ALE SND (07Apr05) (ZE) R26313: UNID 1328 USB/ALE SND (07Apr05) (ZE) 537987: (KC-135R # 63-7987, 319th ARW, Grand Forks AFB ND): 1630 USB/ALE sounding. 03/24 RP3 537987: (KC-135R # 63-7987, 319th ARW, Grand Forks AFB ND): 1823 USB/ALE TO GUA (USAF GSC, Guam). 03/24 RP3 F35: (USCG HU-25 # 2135, CGAS Corpus Christi): 1557 USB/ALE TO MCC USAF GSC, McClellan AFB CA). 03/24 RP3 NW1: (Nightwatch 1, USAF Airborne Cmd Post): 1506 USB/ALE TO NW4 (Nightwatch 4, USAF Airborne Cmd Post). Also noted on 15043.0. 03/24 RP3 NW1: (Nightwatch 1, USAF Airborne Cmd Post): 1605 USB/ALE TO HAW (USAF GSC, Ascension Island). 03/24 RP3 PLA: 1738 PLA USAF Lajes (AZR) with sounding ALE 22mar05 (RPA) : Unid Medecin Sans Frontieres? 1805 PACTOR? Weak sigs; hrd MSF here in past (17/Mar/05) (RH2) 7rq20: MAE Algiers 0945 COQ-8/26.67 Conference Organisation details. (31/Mar/05) (RH2) RLD: (unidentified): 1835 USB/ALE TO CRX (unidentified). 03/18 RP3 172: Unid 1618 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Apr05) (RGA) CER: 11(French MFA, Paris): 1547 USB/ALE TO RABAT (French Embassy, Morocco). Also noted on 10825.0; 14671.0; 15921.0 & 17477.0. 03/18 RP3 8WA46: Indian Emb Hanoi 0245 RTTY/50/150 DE 8WA46 8WA46 YRYRYRYRYPYRYRYRYYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY. YR QRK 2/2/2/2/2/2. HR QRU QRU QRU QRU QRU QRU. ???QRK ??QRK ???QRK.???QRU ???QRU ???QRU. HEALTH IS ESSENTIALYTO SUCCESS. BR IAM READY QRV PSE GA WITH YR MSG. (12Apr05) (IB) S8V:? Tunis Diplo 1000 FEC RY's & "de S8V QRU" etc (23/Mar/05) (RH2) BYR: UNID Roumanian Embasy 1102 ALE/USB to CENTR6 (17/03/05) (ZE) BYR: UNID Roumanian Embasy 1102 ALE/USB to CENTR6 (17/03/05) (ZE) : Unid 2200 USB E3a w/call-up 11948. (10Mar05) (SDD) Pagina 354 WUN-v11 19814.0 037RMRCAP: (Civil Air Patrol, Rocky Mountain Region): 1341 USB/ALE sounding. 03/16 RP3 19814.0 037RMRCAP: (Civil Air Patrol, Rocky Mountain Region): 2045 USB/ALE sounding. 03/21 RP3 19969.0 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1651 USB/ALE TO FEMERSTRH (FEMA Emergency Radio System, KTRH Houston TX 740 kHz (National Primary EAS Station). Also noted on 12216.0. 03/16 RP3 19969.0 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1717 USB/ALE TO FEMERSALL (FEMA Emergency Radio System, prob collective call). 03/16 RP3 19969.0 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1751 USB/ALE TO FEMERSBAP (FEMA Emergency Radio System, WBAP, Mansfield TX). 03/16 RP3 19969.0 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1817 USB/ALE TO FEMERSFYR (FEMA Emergency Radio System, KFYR-AM Bismark ND (National Primary EAS Station). 03/16 RP3 20080.7 unid: station 16:41 F1B/300/850 no decode ACF=0 (20 Mar)(PPA) 20580 VICTOR: Unid 1606 ALE/USB Calls RO2. (09Apr05) (RGA) 20602 DKL: DCN Dhekelia CYP 1014 USB/ALE SND (08Apr05) (ZE) 20810.6 KRC81: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1256 USB/ALE TO KRC83 (US Embassy/Consulate). 03/24 RP3 20810.6 KRC81: (US Embassy/Consulate): 1301 USB/ALE TO KRC82 (US Embassy/Consulate). 03/24 RP3 21002.3 No Call: unid IRGC Stn. 0920 P-I/Ham/100Bd/200Hz <Calling LP:500>:1500, Voice cnf after (06/APR/05) (KK) 21866.0 FM8FEM: (HQs FEMA Region 8, Denver CO): 1805 USB/ALE TO FEMERSCMO (FEMA Emergency Radio System,KCMO-FM Kansas City MO 94.9 mHz (LP-2 EAS Station). 03/16 RP3 21867 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1331 ALE/USB snd tws (16/03/05) (ZE) 21867 DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 0844 ALE/USB snd tws (16/03/05) (ZE) 21867.0 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1331 ALE/USB snd tws (16/03/05) (ZE) 21867.0 DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 0844 ALE/USB snd tws (16/03/05) (ZE) 2187.5 V7GD3: SHIP MISTRAL 0417 DSC 100/E/170 Distress call (three bursts) MMSI 538002074. Undesignated distress. Posn 43.19N 5.20E (W Med) Telecommand H3E tp (02/Apr)(DW) 22389.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1657 CW Chan free marker. "NMN" (26/Mar)(DW) 23822 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1607 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) 25186 AMM: RSC UK Amman, JOR 1320 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) 25186 DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1247 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) 25186.0 DKL: RSC UK Dhekelia, CYP 1247 ALE/USB snd tws (15/03/05) (ZE) -----------------------------======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 11: Issue 5, May 2005 //// ======================================================================== Edited by Bill Lawrie Electronic Editor. (blmid@freeuk.com) COPYRIGHT © 2005 WUN This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club in the world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter may be posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so long as the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s) remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written permission of the Electronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may result in action under international copyright legislation. To become a WUN member, visit the URL: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/wun and fill in your details in the "Subscribing to WUN" section form. Pagina 355 WUN-v11 If you have problems with any of this, or need further information, contact Jason Berri at: webmaster@wunclub.com If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS, please let us know! Check out the WUN web site at: http://www.wunclub.com ======================================================================== >From your Electronic Editor: * Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utility station information and the most widely quoted utility station publication in the world...the WUN Newsletter. WHAT'S INSIDE: o Digital Review by Day Watson o Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boender o Utility Round-up by Ary Boender o WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS ====================================================================== 0101100010110001011000001110011000101100110110001100110011010000100011 0011100010010101001100110101100101000011011000011101100000011101100100 01001101# DIGITAL #00011110010100001101010010100011010111000000111001 1000100101111010100100011010010010100110100011010001101000011010011100 0111000111001110000110000111100000100101011001001010111010100011100011 001000101010110100000111000111# REVIEW #00000101110011100001101000101 0101001011000011101100010110001100110100010110000111011000101100001110 0000110100101010110101011010000100101001101001010101010100010101010001 01001011111100001000101010011000110011000011101100010# COLUMN #110001 1100011010100101010010101001010100100001110110000101100101001101011000 - Editor: Day Watson - Nickname on chat channels E-mail: jdwatson@blueyonder.co.uk DayW Hi digi WUNners The menu Met Boston/NMF FAX update CAMSPAC (Pt.Reyes)/NMC FAX update Changes in NATO naval operations Low cost magnetometer network Unid on 6817.5/8687 Military Special UNID >>....Met.....> ::: Boston/NMF FAX update Frequencies: 4235 0230-1028 6340.5 H24 9110 H24 12750 1400-2228 Time(z) 0230 0233 VT 0000 120 rpm Product Test chart Sfc Anal (Prelim) Pagina 356 IOC 576 0243 0254 0305 0315 0325 0338 0351 0402 0415 0428 0438 0745 0755 0805 0815 0825 0835 0845 0855 0905 0915 0925 0938 0951 1002 1015 1400 1405 1420 1433 1443 1453 1503 1515 1525 1538 1600 1720 1723 1736 1749 1759 1810 1900 1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2105 2115 2125 2138 2151 2202 2215 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0600 0000 0000 0000 1200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 0000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1800 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 WUN-v11 Schedule Pt.1 Schedule Pt.2 Comments request Sea State Anal NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 GOES IR satellite NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 500 hPa Anal Ice charts from Intl. Ice Patrol Test chart Sfc Anal (Prelim) 24hr Sfc Fcst 24hr Wind/Wave Fcst 24hr 500hPa Fcst 36hr 500hPa Fcst 48hr 500hPa Fcst 48hr Sfc Fcst 48hr Wind/Wave Fcst 48hr Wave Period Fcst NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 GOES IR Satellite NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 Test Chart Schedule Pt.1 Schedule Pt.2 Comments request Product notice bulletin Sfc Anal (Prelim) GOES IR satellite Sea State Anal NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 Ice charts from Intl. Ice Patrol Test chart NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 500 hPa Anal Sea State Anal Ice charts from Intl. Ice Patrol Test chart 24hr Sfc Fcst 24hr Wind/Wave Fcst 24hr 500hPa Fcst 36hr 500hPa Fcst 48hr 500hPa Fcst 48hr Sfc Fcst 48hr Wind/Wave Fcst 48hr Wave Period Fcst Sfc Anal (Prelim) 96hr 500hPa Fcst 96hr Sfc Fcst 96hr Wind/Wave Fcst 96hr Wave Period Fcst 95hr Sfc Fcst NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 GOES IR Satellite NE Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.1 NW Atlantic Sfc Anal Pt.2 Thanks to UK Weekly Notices to Mariners (ALRS section) ::: CAMSPAC (Pt.Reyes)/NMC FAX update Pagina 357 WUN-v11 This is effective from 15/Jun/05. Frequencies: 4346 HN 8682 H24 12786 H24 17151.2 H24 22527 HJ Time(z) 0140 0143 0154 0205 0215 0225 0235 0245 0255 0305 0318 0331 0344 0357 0408 0655 0657 0707 0717 0727 0737 0748 0758 0808 0818 0828 0838 0848 0858 0908 0919 0932 0945 0959 1009 1120 1124 1135 1146 1157 1208 1218 1228 1400 1403 1414 1425 1435 1445 1455 1505 1518 1531 1544 1557 1608 1840 VT 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 1200 1200 1200 1200 0600 0600 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0600 0600 0600 0600 0600 0900 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1500 1200 120 rpm IOC 576 Product Test chart NE Pacific GOES IR Satellite Pacific GOES IR Satellite Tropical Sea State Anal Tropical 24hr Wind/Wave Anal Tropical 48hr Wind/Wave Fcst Tropical 72hr Wind/Wave Fcst 500hPa Anal Sea State Anal Sfc Anal Pt.1 - NE Pacific Sfc Anal Pt.2 - NW Pacific Sfc Anal Pt.1 Sfc Anal Pt.2 Tropical Cyclone Danger Area Tropical Sfc Anal Test Chart 96hr 500hPa Fcst 96hr Sfc Fcst 96hr Wind/Wave Fcst 96hr Wave Period Fcst Tropical GOES IR Satellite Sea State Anal 24hr 500hPa Fcst 24hr Sfc Fcst 24hr Wind/Wave Fcst 48hr 500hPa Fcst 48hr Sfc Fcst 48hr Wind/Wave Fcst 48hr Wave Period/Swell Direction Fcst Pacific GOES IR Satellite Sfc Anal Pt.1 - NE Pacific Sfc Anal Pt.2 - NW Pacific Tropical Sfc Anal Tropical 24hr Wind/Wave Fcst Tropical Cyclone Danger Area Test chart Schedule Pt.1 Schedule Pt.2 Request for comments Product Notice Bulletin Tropical 48hr Wind/Wave Fcst Tropical 72hr Wind/Wave Fcst Tropical 48hr Wave Period/Swell Direction Fcst Test chart NE Pacific GOES IR Satellite Pacific GOES IR Satellite Tropical Sea State Anal Tropical 24hr Wind/Wave Anal 500hPa Anal Sea State Anal Sfc Anal Pt.1 - NE Pacific Sfc Anal Pt.2 - NW Pacific Sfc Anal Pt.1 Sfc Anal Pt.2 Tropical Cyclone Danger Area Tropical Sfc Anal Test Chart Pagina 358 1842 1852 1902 1913 1923 1933 1943 1953 2003 2013 2023 2033 2043 2053 2103 2113 2124 2137 2150 2204 2214 2320 2324 2335 2346 2356 1800 1800 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 2100 0000 0000 WUN-v11 Sea State Anal Sea State Anal Tropical GOES IR Satellite Sea State Anal 24hr 500hPa Fcst 24hr Sfc Fcst 24hr Wind/Wave Fcst 48hr 500hPa Fcst 48hr Sfc Fcst 48hr Wind/Wave Fcst 48hr Wave Period/Swell Direction Fcst 96hr 500hPa Fcst 96hr Sfc Fcst 96hr Wind/Wave Fcst 96hr Wave Period/Swell Direction Fcst Pacific GOES IR Satellite Sfc Anal Pt.1 - NE Pacific Sfc Anal Pt.2 - NW Pacific Tropical Sfc Anal Tropical 24hr Wind/Wave Fcst Tropical Cyclone Danger Area Test chart Schedule Pt.1 Schedule Pt.2 Tropical 48hr Wave Period/Swell Direction Fcst Tropical 72hr Wave Period/Swell Direction Fcst Again thanks to UK Weekly Notices to Mariners (ALRS section) >>....Military.....> ::: Changes in NATO naval operations For many years the 75bd/850Hz broadcast transmission were common. These have over the last few years been become replaced by the many STANAG 4285 systems taking over much of the spectrum. These are continuous full-flow systems. For Ship-Shore the normal means has been to use 75/850 message length transmissions using KG84 encryption. These tend to appear in the maritime wideband subsections. Refer DR Col May03 - Warship channels. It has been noted an appearance of message length STANAG 4285 appearing suggesting ships are now being fitted with this mode. As with the 75.85 systems the ships are always encrypted. However you might like to keep your receiver on the following frequencies (/usb). Full data re terminal mode is not always available due to poor conditions when logged. 4152.2 4152.5 600/S 75/S ITA2 5N1 vmgtcnj German RT coordination DHJ59 6243.5 6262.5 600/S 600/L ITA2 5N1 vmgtcnj Sync 5bit vmgtcnj OR gquqiha(?). Italian RT coordination IDR. 8301.2 8302.5 8340.2 8478.5 600/L 600/L 600/L 600/L Italian RT Coordination Sync 5bit? Now the second indication Thanks to JD for the following logs quote 4236.7 MGJ: RN Faslane. RTTY 850/75 CARB in parallel with the CARB channel of the multiplex. 6248.7 MGJ: RN Faslane. RTTY 850/150 CARB as follows 02B 02K 03J 04B 04H 06F 08A 12B 12E 16A MGJ 2CDIX 1ZZIX 2CCIX HF4IX HF5IX HF6IX Pagina 359 WUN-v11 The first line is giving the same information as all the 75 bd freqs. What the second line means, I have no idea. unquote. Logged by JD on 24th; evening of the 25th - 6248.7 is sending only the "2CDIX 1ZZIX 2CCIX HF4IX HF5IX HF6IX" line with no ID. Is this the RN trialling new receive channels/CARB system for ships using 4285? Something else to keep under observation. Nice catch J. >>....Special.....> ::: Low cost magnetometer network This is technically neither radio or digital mode. It is however an adjunct to radio propagation; a thing which concerns us all. It is to do with the Earth's geomagnetics and how the Sun's sunspots, coronal holes and solar flares effect both the Earth's geomagnetism and how it can be correlated with the variations we experience with propagation. There are many scientific institutes and organisations already monitoring the Earth's field using X, Y and Z component sensors. This is with VERY expensive kit. But what for those amateurs (in the generic sense) in a number of field interested in changes in the magnetic field, or radio amateurs interested in the correlation with HF propagation? Currently being set up by programmer Craig Young, based in New Zealand's North Island, is a low cost network taking data from participating observatories in various parts of the world for distribution to interested parties. In fact this Geomagnetic Observatory Network provides free distribution of this data over the internet. There may at first seem to be a conflict between low-cost and free. The is because the recipient may download one of two free programs to provide the User Workstation facility and select/view the observatories on the network, via the Internet and the servers in Auckland, New Zealand. Current data may be viewed in 1, 4, 12 and 24 hour time scales viewing both flux and temperature or either. Data prior to the current 24 hour period may be viewed by loading from an archive facility. This is the free section. This software has a chat facility which allows interested parties to talk to each other and discuss things relative to the topic. Observatories online may be selected. They are identified from six letters - first three indicate the country (GBR USA NZL) and the remaining three the location (eg GBR CLV - Great Britain, Clevedon). Should the user be sufficiently interested and wish to join the network as a contributing observatory the sensor may be obtained from Craig (Crystal Lake Observatory) via the website at http://www.advancedtrack.net/webs/clo/ for (currently) $US295 plus shipping charges. Be prepared for import taxes depending on your countries regulations. Unit one arrived in UK and was charged duty; but the second unit arrived without. Random checking? The original unit consisted of two boxes. One is a micro controller, powered by a well regulated +12v PSU (not supplied). This supplies the data via a simple RS232/V24 connection (without handshaking) to the Observatory program via a serial port on the PC. The Observatory program will not connect to the network unless it sees the sensor equipment. The other box contains the (Y component) sensor and a temperature sensor. In the past 4-6 weeks your scribe has been field testing and assisting with feedback which has resulted in some changes and developing experiences in the siting of the sensor. The sensor is VERY sensitive to flux and temperature changes, to magnetic objects in the close and Pagina 360 WUN-v11 near environment, and to nearby movements causing vibration (resulting in physical movement of the sensor within the geomagnetic field). Siting the sensor within a house is not recommended in the long term. It can be located in a closet in a large box of soil to dampen vibration of people walking around. Not tried here. However it was noted in early trials that if located in the shack moving things about eg metal framed sled chair, keyboard out/in on under-bench runners, moving the toolbox out from under the bench, moving the laptop from one desk to another. All caused a shift in value. But the ideal location is in the garden clear of the house. This had always been intended but achieving this has been a path of discovery. The other ideal is to bury the sensor box 1 metre under the surface. This means that once consolidated with soil on top the temperature stabilises and becomes constant over a long period. This is particularly important so that the daily and annual temperature swings on the surface are not reflected at sensor level with consequent effect on the flux count. To date your scribe's sensor is at the final location but just 15 cm down (depth used for trialing various locations) but planned to go deep coincident with closing this month's column. To get to this final (garden top right) location various things had to be considered and problems overcome. 1. Operating at 22 metres. The original design had the sensor box suitable for burying but not the controller (to be located close to the PC). A long cable was inserted between the two and the plug/socket connection between. This gave erratic drop out of temperature readings. It was decided to move the controller outside close to the sensor and have the long cable carry the +12V and the RS232/V24 output signal. With a long cable comes increased resistance. The cable was a 9 way with screen. The 9 wires were tied in groups of three such that four conductors provided lower resistance circuits for Signal, signal ground, +12v and (screen) for power ground. 2. Noise on signal. This was progressively reduced by hardwiring joints ie removing connectors, reducing cable length (and removing integral joint) between controller and sensor to 90cm, replacing power plug into controller (this had become rusty due to inadequate covering by your scribe when controller first went out). As a result the unit construction has been modified between Model SO2 to S03 where there is now a single box containing both sensors and controller; and there is only one cable accessing the box (there in no longer a separate plug/socket for power). The box is well sealed with silicone sealant. With the replacement (S03) box now installed at this site the remaining noise problems have ceased. The trace moves some 60-80 counts overall during the course of 24 hours. Each count is approximately 1 nT (nanoTesler) but as there is difficulty in achieving an absolute calibration, and since the amateur observer is interested in the time of occurance and the magnitude of the change the system displays the output as a count value. During coronal events causing the solar wind to disturb the geomagnetic pattern changes of 25-75 counts are typical. For Solar M-flares 100-200 and X-flares 500-600 can be expected. To return to the site assessment changes can be seen which are due to the local environment. The location here (urban residential) consists of a good size garden to the rear. Road is to the front, but there is a lane to the left for access/parking for local office and for residents. Beyond the garden is a gap then the back of shops on the adjacent road. In the early days apart from the problems outlined above large steps were occuring. Was it the deep freeze refrigerator in the Butcher's, was it the large kitchen extraction fan at the Chinese Restaurant, was it traffic, was it the washing machine at the back of the house, or the neighbour's. It was none of these. But by this time various sites round Pagina 361 WUN-v11 had been trialled for days at a time - we even followed the movements of the weekly waste disposal truck's visit (large lorry with steel hopper) to the property across the lane. Eventually it has been decided to return to the original location (top right). So what was the problem? TFT monitors in the shack use external PSUs. One of these had been faulty for some time - erratic output, running hotter than should, and causing all sorts of RF hash on receivers when the monitor fully active. Eventually this was isolated - by actually switching off the PSUs in turn - TFT's on/off switch only switches off the PSU output - not the PSU itself. The sensitivity of the sensor is such that the large magnetic field apparently coming from this defective switched mode PSU was recorded in spite of the distance. One wonders what effect it was having on your scribe in it's near proximity before finally being discarded. Don't answer that one - I already know I'm going mental! Frustrating for a while but results achieved and much experience gained all round. Now with the means of observing the changes of flux the radio enthusiast can correlate this with changes occuring in propagation by simultaneous observation of known radio stations or beacons. Many other possible applications are outlined on the website. Also it should be noted that each observatory sees things differently, as will be apparent from the basic diurnal traces. For example comparing the traces between New Zealand and UK (in opposite hemispheres and separated by 178 degrees of Longitude) one sees both a trace inversion and a time offset. As new observatories join the reason for this should become apparent. To close two interesting websites for perusal are: http://www.spaceweather.com/ http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/pb2/pb23/Obs/e/index.html >>....Unid.....> ::: Unid on 6817.5/8687 8687 was reported this month and as reputedly CW. In fact it was F1b consisting of two tones switching alternately between one or the other. Shift 850Hz. Not a regular switching but randomly suggesting an open circuit on the input to the transmitter (or prior line equipment (tks KB). Later we were advised (thanks JD) that a similar tra
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