Newsletter Edition 101 - 13.05.16


Newsletter Edition 101 - 13.05.16
Edition 101
13th May 16
Message From The Acting Headmaster
Night line, environmental art, bouldering, mini raft
building – these were just some of the activities that
the Year 2 children got up to this week whilst on camp
at Kingswood. A fantastic introduction to camp and I
know that they are already looking forward to next
year. A big thank you to Mrs Irwin for organising the
trip and also for allowing me to tag along!
We had our first house event of the term this week,
the house maths speed challenge. All our
mathematicians did exceptionally well, with the results
to be announced soon.
A big thank you to the MSA for organising last week’s
quiz. Not only was it a fun night but it also raised
money for the school at the same time. The next
event organised by the MSA will be the Summer Fair,
so make sure you put the date in your diaries –
Saturday 2nd July.
We will be hosting a variety of events next week. The
first of which will be the General Knowledge Quiz
Semi-Finals on Wednesday, followed by the second
IAPS Deputy Head’s conference and training on Friday.
It is also the Foxes open afternoon on Friday – Jack
and the Beanstalk. I’m very much looking forward to
seeing what our Foxes class have been learning this
Have a great weekend.
Mark Langley
Year 4 Residential
It was the day that we had been counting up for almost a
Year. The lucky Year 4s were going to Stape for a
residential! Finally, we clambered onto the hot, stuffy bus,
and set off. There was a marvellous sight of the country
Eventually we pulled into the smooth drive of the old
boarding school. All of us scuttled out of the searing bus,
unloaded Mr Swann’s van and walked into the main room,
where Mr Swann told us what our first activity was.
Our first activity was following the maps to walk through
the enchanted woodlands settlement. It was a mysterious
forest but that mysterious feeling soon stopped when we
found out we were building our den. I was in a group with
Sophie and Serena. We were very lucky because we found
a half made den so we did not have such a big job. Soon
our den was finished; we had a well deserved ginger
bread man, and headed back.
When we got back to relaxing Stape, all the starving Year
4s decided it was tea time. So we got a Trangia stove out
and Mr Swann showed all of us how to make pasta. The
people who were most hungry surprisingly finished first.
Then we settled down to Clock Tower Ghost which felt
like it lasted 1 minute. Unfortunately it was bed time, but I
really needed it.
Emily Dodson
On Wednesday morning the Year 4 boys were chattering
so loudly that Mrs. Summers came in to ask us to be quiet.
After breakfast, we walked down Taylor Hill and rushed to
the station and we were early by two minutes. We were
off to Goathland, where, on a green patch we had lunch.
Then we were off to the Mallyan Spout. Just before we
saw the Mallyan Spout we went bouldering. We took
pictures of the Mallyan Spout. We were exhausted on the
way back. When we were back at the station the train was
held up in Whitby so it took a longer time to get back to
Levisham station.
When we got back we had free time. Then we cooked
dinner on a Trangia stove.
Finally we were so exhausted that we went to sleep as
quick in a flash.
Hasan Akhtar
Year 4 Residential cont...
On a sunny day, Year 4 were not happy that it was the
last day, so after we had breakfast we packed our bags
and our sleeping bags, which everyone found hard,
but eventually we got them in, with some help
After that we played outside, until Mr. Swann ruined
our fun but the next event was fun as well.
Orienteering was the next event, so we got in teams.
The first team got ready to go, which was my group.
So we ran to the first checkpoint to get away from the
second group. On the checkpoint was the letter H.
Then we went to the second checkpoint. On the way
Lola accidently put her foot in a bog, so we got held
back but we were still in front. We got to checkpoint
two and the letter was E. Then we trudged to
checkpoint three. We went through bogs and puddles.
Checkpoint three’s letter was L. Then we turned right
and went through a sheep field. Leo Gill was very
scared when a lamb came up to him. At the end of the
field there was a massive bog that we had to get
through. It was hard but we managed to get to the
other side. On the way to checkpoint four I found a
cow bone. Checkpoint four’s letter was P. So we strode
on to checkpoint five, through anther sheep field. The
last letter was M and E so the message was HELP ME.
When we got back we had lunch and brought our
bags outside and into the van. Then we played for half
an hour then off we went.
It was a good trip. Thank you Mr. Swann and Mrs.
Summers. I hope the next Year 4s like it!
Harry Bates
Class & Sports Team Photos
You should have received an envelope this week with your class photo proof in it.
You can order these online at or via the post
following the instructions in the envelope. If there are any problems please speak
to Mrs Jones.
The sports team photos are only available online . Visit the website above and click
on ‘Order Online’. Please use the Photo ID: PRMOORLANDS1 and the Photo Key:
PWMOORLANDS1 to log in and view and order photos.
Large versions of these photos will be on display in the hall for the next week.
Year 2 Residential
On Monday 9th May Year 2 arrived at school
full of beans and very, very excited to go on
their first ever residential. The sun was
shining and we were completely prepared
for the next few days.
After a short journey we arrived at Kingswood
and were greeted by our friendly team. We
headed straight out into the sunshine to play
some welcome games and to meet the teddies
that quickly became known as Rex and Annie.
After a few games we were allowed to go into
our dormitories and get settled in. The children
unpacked and made themselves at home.
Before we could get too settled in, it was time for our
first activity, Nightline. During Nightline the children
were blindfolded and they had to work as a team to
follow a rope which would guide them around an
obstacle course. It was quite tricky and the children
ended up going in lots of different directions, but by the
end, they had cracked it!
After a very yummy lunch it was time for a busy
afternoon of Environmental Art, Bouldering and Raft
Building. Bouldering was a highlight of everyone’s
trip, with the children being very intrepide. Everyone
impressed the group leaders, especially when caving
without using torches!
And if that didn’t wear them
out enough, it was then time
to learn some new games
before dinner, whizzball, Taylor
Swift, splat and Igily bigily bop!
After a yummy dinner it was time for the campfire
where we ate marshmallows and sang some
interesting songs. The Tarzan song was a hit!
The final activity of the day was the moment they
had all been waiting for, the midnight feasts (at 8:30).
The children carried their duvets, teddies and sweets
up to the media room for hot chocolate and a
movie. After an exhausting day the children, and
teachers, were ready for bed and we were all asleep
by 10:15.
Year 2 Residential cont...
The girls and boys slept soundly until 7am when Mr
Langley and I had to wake them up! We needed to pack
our bags, strip the beds and get to breakfast before our
final activity.
We walked to the reservoir to test our rafts. Luckily both
rafts floated but Rex won the race. As the rain continued
to hold off we walked around the reservoir singing at the
top of our voices. As the first drops of rain started to fall,
we arrived back at the centre ready for lunch, before
heading back to school.
Year 2 had an absolutely brilliant adventure. Their behaviour, enthusiasm and
willingness to try new things was fantastic. They should be very proud of
themselves and I know Mr Langley and I were very pleased. A big thank you Mr
Langley for coming with us.
Mrs Irwin
Some quotes from the children….
Romero – I loved every single bit of it.
Laaibah – I want to go again!
Tiggy – I really loved the food, especially the breakfast!
Hattie – I really enjoyed Nightline, I’d like to do it again.
Isabella – At first I was scared to go into the cave, but
when I went in it wasn’t that frightening. I was glad I did it.
Beulah – I wish I could stay at Kingswood forever!!!!
U10/11 Rounders vs Terrington Hall & Cundall Manor
On a rather sunny Wednesday afternoon
Moorlands travelled to Terrington to play
a triangular tournament. The first game
was against Cundall. With some good
fielding we managed to keep them down
to 13 rounders. When we batted, Jackson,
Thomas and Gabe got us lots of rounders.
The score for the first game was 11 ½ to
Moorlands and 13 to Cundall.
In the second game we played Terrington.
Our bowling and fielding were a lot better
in this game, with Kate catching 2 people out. On the 26th ball we got them all
out! We batted really well in this game. The final score was Moorlands 15 and
Terrington 7.
Well done to everyone who played. Thank you to Mrs Grayson and Mrs Thomson
for taking us and to the parents for their support.
Emily Langley
News from Years 5 & 6
This week Years 5 and 6 have been putting their
map reading skills to use in Geography. We are
studying coasts and are using Llandudno in
Wales as our case study. Using the key on the
Ordnance Survey maps they worked out the
meaning of the different symbols.
They then
how to
use grid
to explicitly
explain where they were referring to
something on the map.
Following this lesson, Year 5 and 6 have
drawn their own plans for land use in
Llandudno, including a key with symbols; we
certainly have some budding designers!
Miss Hill
Bradford City Academy Open Trials
Bradford City Academy are always looking to ‘identify
talent and develop the future generation’. If you live in
Yorkshire and believe you have the ambition to become
a professional footballer, the Academy are holding open
trials which previously have proved to be a great
success with numerous players signed into our
programme. Last year, two trialists joined our academy
and over 150 have since attended our development
The trials are for boys between the ages of 5 to 15 and
will be held at Woodhouse Grove School.
Tuesday 31st May
Reception class, Year 1s and Year 2s – 9.30am Register – 10.00am – 11.30pm finish
Year 3s and Year 4s – 1.30pm Register – 2.00pm – 3.30pm finish
Wednesday 1st June Year 5s and Year 6s – 9.30am Register 10.00am start –
12.00pm finish Year 7s and Year 8s – 1.30pm Register 2.00pm start – 4.00pm finish
Thursday 2nd June Year 9s – 9.30am Register 10.00am start – 12.00pm finish Year
10s– 1.30pm Register 2.00pm start – 4.00pm finish
The trials will cost a fee of £10 per player. As there are limited places available, we
would advise you to pay for the trial in advance as we cannot guarantee that there
will be places for you to turn up and pay on the day. Further information on the
BCFC website
‘Le Tour de Yorkshire’ comes to Moorlands!
On Monday this week, Year 6 took part in a
Bilkeability course. This course teaches the
techniques required for riding safely on roads,
beginning with a set of checks on bikes to road
positioning and awareness of traffic. The day
ended with a beautiful ride in the sunshine,
which was a culmination of all the new skills
The boys have all been awarded with their Level
2 certificate and badge, and received superb
feedback from the ‘Cycle Leeds’ instructor.
Below are some of the comments which were
recorded on the certificates.
“Gabriel knew when to signal and communicate
with other road users. He is a very good, strong
rider, who made fantastic progress.”
“Tommy made fantastic progress, learning to
negotiate T junctions and making turns. His use
of signals became very good.”
“Harri is a very good rider, who continued to
grow in confidence. Superb riding, Harri!”
“Felix made excellent progress learning the new
skills. He became really good at looking around
and road positioning.”
“Lucas showed great insight during his training,
offering some excellent answers to questions.
His riding became very controlled, and he was
able to use both brakes correctly.”
Well done, boys! You conducted yourselves in a
mature and sensible way throughout the day. I
am incredibly proud of you.
Mrs Lough
Foxes Open Afternoon
On Friday 20th May at 2.30pm, Foxes
have their Open Afternoon where they
will be performing their rendition of
‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.
We would like to invite the families and
friends of children in Foxes to come
and see what we have been learning.
Miss Cooper
Lost Property
Please can everyone keep an eye out for
Cecily Cothliff’s Black School Coat. It is
named in the pocket.
Please can everyone also keep an eye on
the names on the kit and uniform they
have coming home each week. We seem
to have a lot of items going missing at
the moment. Thank you.
Message from the MSA
Moorlands Quiz Night
Thank you to everyone who attended our Quiz Night
last week. Once again the night was a great success
and much fun was had by all. We raised a very
respectable £420 and this will go towards new
equipment for school and the children.
A big thank you to Mr Langley for being our Quiz
Master and to Rachel Richmond for setting a great
range of challenging questions.
Next MSA Meeting
This will be held on Monday 23rd May in the French
Room after drop off. Our main agenda item will be the
planning of the Summer Fair – which this year will be
held on Saturday 2nd July. Existing members please
come along if you can and we would welcome
anyone new to school who would like to get involved.
Raffle Prizes
As mentioned above our annual Summer Fair is nearly
upon us. Every year the raffle is by far our biggest fundraiser but in order to make
it so we of course need to have some raffle prizes. If you are able to offer a raffle
prize of any sort we would be very, very grateful. Maybe you own a business
where you might be able to donate a prize or service? Or maybe you work for a
company who could help? Please get in touch if you can help.
Many thanks, Eve Alcock and the MSA
Mini Mermaid Running Club
MMRC UK is an after school running and self development program for
girls. Our mission is to teach every girl to lead a healthy life by listening
to her inner voice, valuing her uniqueness, learning to love movement
and discovering the finish line is just the beginning! Throughout a six-week, twice
weekly, curriculum lead program, female volunteer coaches lead a group of girls
through fitness, nutrition and self-development, exposing girls to sport and
growing their self confidence and self esteem at a time they need it the most.
Throughout the 6 weeks the girls also train to take part in a 5km movement.
We are looking for new coaches to support us for the September/October term. No
experience necessary! All coaches are given full training, coaches handbook,
T-shirt and cap, supplies for their team, child care costs (after school care) and
travel costs.
If you would like some more information, please take a look at Alternatively, please contact Hannah at: or 0781 5155530.
Dates For Your Diary
Monday 16th
Years 3 & 4 Trip to Murton Park
Tuesday 17th
9am - 12pm Open Morning
Wednesday 18th U8 Mini Rounders vs Richmond House (H)
U9 & U10 Rounders vs Cundall (A)
U11 Cricket vs Belmont Grosvenor (A)
General Knowledge Quiz Semi-Finals (Gym)
Friday 20th
Swimming Gala vs The Mount (H) (TBC)
2.30pm Foxes Open Afternoon - Jack & the Beanstalk
Monday 23rd
Bug Lady - Reception
Years 5 & 6 Exams
Tuesday 24th
9am - 12pm Open Morning
Years 5 & 6 Exams
Wednesday 25th Years 5 & 6 Exams (am only)
d:side - Whole School
U11 A & B Rounder vs Gateways (TBC)
Thursday 26th
d:side - Whole School
KS1 Rainforest Trip
Friday 27th
House Talent
4pm Break Up For Half Term
Half Term - 4pm Friday 27th May - 8.30am Monday 6th June
The full school calendar is available on the website
Lunch Menu For Week Commencing 16th May
Option 1
Option 2
Side Dish
Tomato/ Vegetable
Toffee Tart &
Quorn Ball
Sauce & Pasta
Roast Potatoes,
Chicken &
Carrots, Broccoli &
Fruit Shortcake
Potato Croquettes,
Cauliflower Cheese
& Sautéed Greens
Roast Ham
Rice, Sweetcorn &
Arctic Roll
Battered &
Baked Cod
Chips, Peas &
Tomato Ketchup
Available every day - fresh salad bar, fresh brown bread, fruit, jacket potatoes and
a selection of fresh sandwiches