october-december 2014 - Gladewater Former Students Association
october-december 2014 - Gladewater Former Students Association
G Gladewater Former Students’ Association F A TEXAS NOT-FOR-PROFIT DEDICATED TO GHS ALUMNI P.O. Box 1425, Gladewater, TX 75647 S A Phone/Fax: 903-845-2631 Email: ghsalums@suddenlinkmail.com www.gladewaterformerstudents.com O C T D E C 2 0 1 4 Top Photos L-R: Wes Ray, Class of 64 presents Spirit Stick to Danny Strickland, Class of 65; Jack Jones, Class of 64 emcee; Dean Victory ’64 accepts Outstanding Alumnus plaque from Wes Ray ‘64. Bottom Photos L-R: Gloria Cockerell ‘64 & Jack Jones ‘64 sing alongside Betty J. Thomas Stegall ‘62; Rex Copeland ‘65 & Danny Strickland ‘65, take a look at the ‘64 yearbook with Patti McJilton Batis ’64; Larry Sorrells’64 and Mike Formby ’64 still “clowning” fifty years later! Class of 1964 Celebrates 50th at the All-School Reunion N E W S L E T T E R The Gladewater Former Students’ Annual All -School Reunion 2014 is now in the history books, but the memories linger with all that attended. A special thank you to the Class of 1964 for the hard work and planning that went into making it a super reunion for all of us. Alumni began arriving early Saturday morning and the visiting and hugging was in full force when President John Paul Tallent called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. During a great barbeque lunch, there was a lot of table hopping and more visiting. After lunch, President Tallent brought the audience up -to-date on the business of the Association (building renovation projects, Veterans’ War Memorial, scholarship awards, etc.) and then he took the time to recognize the GFSA Board of Di rectors thanking each for their service before turning the th program over to Jack Jones, Class of 64, for a 50 Reunion Class Welcome. Jack introduced Dr. Syntha Traughber West ’56 who presented the first Outstanding Alumnus, Ronald Williams, Class of 1956 . Ronald’s acceptance speech brought back memories of his parents, Herman and Mary Williams, both of whom were former GISD teachers. Dr. Dean Victory, Class of 1964, the second Outstanding Alumnus was introduced by Wesley Ray and had all of us laughing out loud with his acceptance speech which thanked a lot of people, especially GHS teachers, for preparing him for college and his 35 years as a college professor at Texas Tech University. Afterwards, President Tallent announced that the Gladewater Museum had invited all the Alumni to a special open house at the museum. Most took them up on their offer and it was exciting to “relive” Gladewater as some of us remember it. After resting up from the day’s activities, we began arriving for the Saturday night festiv ities and after a great dinner, we were entertained by “Shake Rattle and Roll” and then music to dance the night away. But before the music began the Spirit Stick was passed to Danny Strickland , Class of 1965, with the challenge to make next year’s reunion an even greater event. We all left with more memories and “See you next year”, but everyone left with smiles and the thought that they were glad they came. Again, a special thanks to the class of 1964 for making this reunion so special for all of us! A Message from GFSA President, John Paul Tallent ‘62 How thankful we are to have had our beautiful Gladewater Former Students’ Association building for the past 20 years! In August, we celebrated 20 years since the completion and ribbon cutting of the GFSA building. During that time, we have had thousands of GHS alumni, family, and friends enjoy the benefits of something that many communities do not have. A massive remodeling has been done during the past two years. Most recently, we have added a beautiful wood floor to the kitchen, serving area, and bathrooms. One of my goals as president of GFSA has been to keep ongoing activities between the schools and our association. Early in this school year, GFSA members purchased and delivered school supplies to all the campuses in Gladewater. Trays of cookies were presented to the faculty at each campus. As the class of ’64 celebrated their 50th class reunion during our annual all-school reunion on September 27, we are reminded of how blessed we are to have had such a good school system to attend during our young years. As an organization, we will continue to strive to work side by side with our schools to help make Gladewater ISD the best it can be. How proud we are to have joined with all five Gladewater ISD campuses in presenting the Veterans program on the evening of Veterans Day! Many young voices sang songs which celebrated our freedom, along with members of our association taking part in the program. GFSA members served refreshments to those in attendance at the Ken Bennett Auditorium at Gladewater High School on November 11. All who attended were presented with a 6 “American Flag. How we appreciate the unselfish volunteers who have served on the board of directors, held an office, helped with events, or stepped up to do one of the many jobs that are necessary to keep our association going! New directors were elected by acclamation at the October 13 board meeting. Congratulations to Lois Lindsey Reed ’66, Steve Scurlock ’68, Cheryl Moore Copeland ’69, and Dale Lange ’69. These directors will begin serving three-year terms on January 1, 2015. We are looking forward to serving with each of them. Thanks to all of you who have attended and supported our events this past year. JPT ‘62 A PERMANENT PARKING SPACE FOR DOROTHY! It is with much appreciation that we want to thank Dorothy Anderson for her continued generosity to the Gladewater Former Students’ Association. Not only do we owe her thanks for our wonderful building, but she continues to help us keep the building upgraded and beautiful! We recently purchased a permanent parking space sign for Dorothy. THANK YOU, DOROTHY DAKE ANDERSON, CLASS OF 1943, FOR YOUR CONTINUED LOVE AND SUPPORT OF THE GFSA! Sam Rankin ’56 visits with Bobbie Milliron Modisette ’46 & husband Charles Congratulations! Outstanding Alumni Dean Victory ‘63 and Ronald Williams ’56 pose after receiving their awards at the All-School Reunion Luncheon. 1953 classmates & longtime friends Jerry Lancaster & Jimmy Williams ’64 Classmates Gloria Cockerell, Tom Sawyer & Pat Swearingen McCleskey Retired GHS teachers Jimmy Rowe and Larry Osborne visiting before the reunion luncheon. Former GHS teacher & administrator Sam Slaydon and wife Billie attended the reunion with former teacher Roy Brown & wife Mary Helen. Elizabeth Osteen Ferguson ’70 and Cathy Johnson McHenry ‘68 Lucinda Moore ’72 with Rex Copeland ’65 and Cheryl Moore Copeland ‘69 Margaret Liddell Pevehouse’66 & Linda Jean Carrington ‘61 Merle Bell Cariker & Class of ’56 friends Lots of Class of ’56 friends attended in support of classmate & one of the 2014 Outstanding Alumni Ronald Williams. GFSA Board Members & longtime friends Cathy Phillips Shipp ’65 & Steve Scurlock ‘68 Class of ’57 friends Kay Moody Townsend, Madelyn Holloway Kennedy & Bruce Welborn More photos online www.holcombehouseofphotos.com Gary Henry ’64 & wife Sandy celebrating his 50th class reunion. The Class of ’64 did a great job of contacting former Gladewater ISD administrators & teachers. Those accepting the invitation and attending were: Roy & Mary Helen Brown Billy Dean Georgia Ruth Johnston Larry Osborne Jimmy & Jean Rowe Sam & Billie Slaydon Sherrill Walker Pictured L-R: Roy Brown, Billy Dean, Mary H. Brown Sending regrets, James T. Ogg, former Superintendent HALLOWEEN SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR GISD CAMPUSES At the end of the first six-weeks of school, the GFSA voted to donate needed school supplies to each of the five campuses. Betty Jean Thomas Stegall ‘62, Lois Lindsey Reed ‘66, and John Paul Tallent ‘62 delivered these for Gladewater students and also delivered a tray of cookies for each school's faculty. FUN 2014: Costumes, Halloween decorations, a feast of foods, and competitive games were the main attractions at the GFSA building on Monday night, October 27. Guests arrived to a festive display of ghosts, goblins, spiders, and other creepy creatures, thanks to Barbara Mackey, Betty Jean Stegall Roy T. and Linda Van Houten. After a buffet dinner, guests took pictures and had a difficult time choosing the costume winners. By a round of votes, Lois Reed, Barbara Mackey, Roy T. Van Houten, and James Smith were awarded prizes. The competition was tense as various games were played, with prizes going to the competitors and winners. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KODIAK BEAR DONATIONS! The GFSA would like to recognize and thank the following for their 2014 KODIAK BEAR donations: Renee Byers, the principal of Broadway, was excited to receive both supplies and cookies and is pictured above with the GFSA delivery team, Betty Jean, Lois and John Paul. The GFSA encourages all graduates of Gladewater to join our group. Helping the schools and students are a main project. And, each year scholarships are awarded by the GFSA to deserving seniors. The GFSA Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Maxine Stein, Class of ’53, for spotting this group at work and immediately making a donation toward the supplies. If you would to donate toward this or other projects benefiting our Gladewater schools, just mail your donation to the GFSA, P.O. Box 1425, Gladewater, TX 75647 and include a note letting us know to which project to credit your donation. The GENERAL FUND received a KODIAK donation from Don and Mary Shepperd Ford ’61 IN MEMORY OF JOHN SHEPPERD ’62. The VETERANS’ MEMORIAL received KODIAK donations from HOMER BECK ’57 and ALLA BURAGO ‘63. The SCHOLARSHIP FUND received a KODIAK donation from the CLASS OF 1968 and three KODIAK donations from the WILLIAMS family: IN MEMORY OF DONALD WILLIAMS ‘56, IN HONOR OF RONALD WILLIAMS ‘56 and MARTHA WILLIAMS SQUIBB ’54. Honoring Our Veterans 2014 The Gladewater High School Auditorium was filled to near capacity of 925 seats on Tuesday, Nov. 11, as the GFSA joined with the Gladewater ISD to pay respect and honor the veterans of our area. The Gladewater Former Students’ Association president, John Paul Tallent collaborated with GHS Asst. Principal Darren Richardson to plan and carry out the event. Many students participated in the program singing patriotic songs, high-kicking, and playing patriotic music as part of a band ensemble. Students from Gay Avenue Primary, Broadway Elementary, Weldon Intermediate, Gladewater Middle School, and Gladewater High School sang in combined choirs, some singing solos, some playing an instrument, while others helped pass out programs and small American flags. GFSA members were on the program, highlighted by the reciting of the poem, “I Am A Veteran”. Enthusiastic cheers were heard after each group’s performance. Veterans were recognized and honored throughout the evening, standing as band members played the songs from each branch of service, and again later in the program as the GHS Choir sang “Tribute to the Armed Forces”. Refreshments were served in the foyer of the auditorium by directors of the Gladewater Former Students’ Association. Adjacent to the refreshment table was a display of art work by the GHS art department. What an uplifting event to honor and recognize our veterans! ANNOUNCING THE GFSA SPORTING CLAY SHOOT Plans are going well for an Annual Sporting Clay Shoot to be held at the Prairie Creek Ranch, Gladewater on May 30th, 2015. The committee began work on this project months ago and is very excited about the support already generated from our community of friends and former students. For more information, call our building 903-845-2631 and leave your contact information and we will get back with you and answer your questions. Also, keep a watch on our website for updates and information. At this time, the GFSA would like to recognize and thank the following donors for raffle items: Cathy & Glenn Shipp, Shipp’s Marine, BOAT RAFFLE 2014 Weldbilt boat & Mid-American trailer Blane & John Linder, GUN RAFFLE Beretta A-300 Outlander 12-guage shotgun Beverly & John Paul Tallent, TV RAFFLE Sony BRAVIA 48” LED, 1080p, 60 Hz Smart HDTV Class of 1964 Apple IPad Air Raffle tickets are available from any board member and quite possibly will be available for purchase online soon! A special “thank you” also goes out to Christian Allen, Class of ’98 for designing our “Sporting Clay Shootout Banner”. Sending Our sincerest Sympathy TO THE FAMILIES OF: Dr. Robert Brutsche, Class of 1941 Virginia Lee Sanford Kidd, Class of 1941 Clarice Skelton Chambliss, Class of 1944 Madelyn Nixon Wagner, Class of 1944 Robert Stokes, Class of 1944 Bennie Lee Best McDowell, Class of 1949 Joy Chambers Hallette, Class of 1952 Shirley Hammer Armstrong, Class of 1953 Craig Keoun, Class of 1957 Ronald Formby, Class of 1962 Deara Dawne Stages Williams, Class of 1965 Tommy Morse, Class of 1968 Jill Dees Cureton, Class of 1977 ’43 Dorothy Dake Anderson ‘30 George Wilkins (Dec’d) ’38 C.W. Williams, Jr. ’38 Gladys Browning Best ’39 Dr. John Heit (Dec’d) ’39 Helen Adams Thomas ’40 June Strawn Gelvin (Dec’d) ’41 Dr. John Artie & Arra Browning (Dec’d) ’41 Gladys Williams Dreeson ’33 Gwendolyn Hamilton Hogue (Dec’d) ’38 Lee Fisher (Dec’d) ’39 Jane Neal Sellers (Dec’d) ’40 Truman Wilson (Dec’d) ’41 Johnnie Pace Brown ’41 Dr. Robert Brutsche ‘Dec’d) ’41 Emma Dean Hinton Fetzer ’41 Jean Clark Hughes (Dec’d) ’41 Dr. Helen Chapman Williamson(Dec’d) ’41 Charles Gilpin (Dec’d) ’41 Dr. Harold McDowell (Dec’d) ’41 Patricia Nichols Summer ’42 Ann Ruth Stone Gentry ’44 Lafon Dorrough (Dec’d) ’44 Georgia Waters Dorrough ’44 Jo Nell Adams Lucky (Dec’d) ’44 Robert H. Schmidt ’44 Roy A. Tallent (Dec’d) ’45 Lawanna Lee Ballard ’46 Billy C. Dale (Dec’d) ’46 Gladys Ronita Dillard ‘46 Bobbie Milliorn Modisette ’46 Dr. Jack “Spot” Collins (Dec’d) ’46 B.M. “Mack” Rankin (Dec’d) ’46 Virginia Henley Mankins (Dec’d) ‘41 Margie Brewer Morrison ’42 Jack Phillips ’42 Ralph Weiser ’43 Juanita Bagley Dusse` ’50 Janet Burnett Hill (Dec’d) ’56 Leland Stracener ’62 John Paul Tallent ’63 Alla Burago ’48 William “Billy Bob” Green ’48 Nelda Jean Barr Young ’49 Jack Foshee (Dec’d) ’49 Bill Looney ’49 T. E. “Ed” Maxwell ’49 Richard D. Tallent ’51 Colleen Tallent Coffman (Dec’d) ’52 Frances Ann Brown Shanks ’52 Beverly Hutson Lancaster ’53 Alice Ruth Wallace Cater ’53 Jerry Don Lancaster ’53 Sherman Kennedy (Dec’d) ’54 Barbara Smith Mackey ’54 Dr. Calvin N. McKaig ’54 Martha Williams Squibb ’54 Jimmy A. Tallent (Dec’d) ’56 Travis Stanley ’56 Donald Williams (Dec’d) ’56 Ronald Williams ’57 Homer Beck ’59 Mary Barr Price ‘59 Grace Ann Rose Shore (Dec’d) ‘62 Betty Jean Thomas Stegall ’62 Kay Pothoff Wallace ’62 John Shepperd (Dec’d) PAST PRESIDENTS, LIFE MEMBERS: ‘38 Nauty Byrd Pelphrey Mayer 1989-1990 ’38 Hulon Broyles 1991-1992, 1996 ’40 Truman Wilson 1995 ’61 Sherry Waggoner Beall 1993-94, 2011-12 ’63 Melvin A. Tallent (Dec’d) ’67 Jerry D. Tallent (Dec’d) ’68 Mark Abernathy ’71 Sue Clifton Moore ’76 James Hugman ’76 Sharon Scurlock Berryman ‘77 Jayson Wynn (Dec’d) ’85 Cindy Tallent Rowe ’85 Jon Rowe ’89 Johnny Tallent ’90 Andrea Slover Tallent 2011 Alyssa Rowe 2013 Leslie Rowe 2015 Rebecca Rowe Class of 1943 Class of 1945 Class of 1961 Class of 1962 Class of 1968 Beverly Brunson Tallent ‘57 Dr. Syntha Traughber West 2004-2006 ’59 Leon Watson 2002-2003, 2008-2009 ’68 Barry Cook, 2007 ’60 Roy T. Van Houten, 2010 ’62 John Paul Tallent 1997-2001, 2013-14 NOTE: Membership dues are important and help cover the cost of our newsletter. Check your PAID THRU date on your address label. If your dues are past due, please consider renewing them using the form below or pay by credit card online www.gladewaterformerstudents.com. Price per brick, $65.00 Happy Holidays from the 2014 GFSA Board OFFICERS: John Paul Tallent ’62, President Mike Formby ’64, Vice President Shirley Elliott Willet ‘68, Recording Secretary Barbara Brooking Henderson ’62, Correspond Sec. Cathy Phillips Shipp ’65, Treasurer Steve Scurlock ’68, Parliamentarian UPCOMING EVENTS Gladewater Former Students are invited to attend any of our events. The following events have been scheduled (with more to come): Tues., Dec. 9, 2014: 6:30 PM Mon., Jan. 12, 2015: 6:30 PM CHRISTMAS PARTY Bring a covered dish BOARD MEETING Election & Installation of 2015 Officers Mon., Feb. 9, 2015: VALENTINE PARTY 6:30 PM Bring a covered dish March, 2015: CELEBRATING THE (exact date & time to GHS BANDS OF THE be posted in next 60’S DIRECTORS: Dale Lange ’69, Building Manager Mark Armstrong ‘84 Larry Clemens ‘68 Barry Cook ‘68 Lois Lindsey Reed ‘66 Paula Jones Smith ‘62 newsletter) Sat., May 30, 2015: GFSA SPORTING CLAY 8:00 AM SHOOT (Join us for a fun ASSOCIATES: Page Gay, Eddie Lange, Barbara Smith Mackey, Janetta Jones Owens, Ernestine Wilson Sawyer, Betty Jean Thomas Stegall, Leon and Pat Martin Watson, Mary Jane Wood Williams, Roy T and Linda Van Houten fundraising day. See information inside this newsletter) Sat., Sept. 26, 2015: All-School Reunion Gladewater Former Students' Association P. O. Box 1425 Gladewater, TX 75647 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED OCT- DEC 2014 NEWSLETTER hosted by Class of ‘65