Retail Price List
Retail Price List
Effective 1/01/2015 Working Hard for the Hard WorkingTM Retail Price List T/ 800-628-5463 T/ 419-332-5531 F/ 800-544-2806 F/ 419-332-4180 Product Index (alphabetical) Alleviator 465 ................................................................ 1 Boardwalk 170, 171 ..................................................... 1 Cambridge 275 ............................................................. 1 Chair Mats 990 ............................................................. 1 Chevron 230 ................................................................. 2 Comfort-King 440, 445 ................................................. 2 Comfort-King Anti-Microbial 450 .................................. 3 Comfort-King Anti-Static 910 ........................................ 3 Commercial Clean Machine 110 .................................. 3 Corrugated Rubber Runner 840................................... 4 Corrugated Switchboard Runner 950........................... 4 Cross-Over 255 ............................................................ 4 Crown-Tred 145............................................................ 4 Deck Plate Runner 850 ............................................ 4-5 Diamond-Deluxe Duet 125, 126 .................................. 5 Diamond-Deluxe with Grit-Safe 133............................. 6 Disinfectant Boot Bath 102 ........................................... 6 Dura-Dot 202 ................................................................ 6 Dura-Step II 752, 753 ................................................... 7 Dust-Star 350 ............................................................... 7 EcoPlus 270, 271 ......................................................... 8 Eco-Step 345 ................................................................ 8 Electrically Conductive Deck Plate 930........................ 8 Ergo X-Treme 775–779 .......................................... 9-10 Fore-Runner 155 ........................................................10 Grounding Cords ..........................................................11 Grounds-Keeper 300 ..................................................11 Gym-Dandy Caddy 872 ..............................................11 Gym-Dandy Runner 871 ............................................11 Stat-Control 920 ......................................................... 19 Stat-Zap 900 .............................................................. 19 Super-Soaker 250, 251 .............................................. 19 Super-Soaker Diamond 261, 262 .............................. 20 Super-Soaker Fan 252, 253, 254 .............................. 20 265 Oxford Elite ......................................................... 14 270–271 EcoPlus......................................................... 8 275 Cambridge ............................................................ 1 290 Velcro Backing Strips.......................................... 22 296 Tack-Tape ........................................................... 20 Tack-Tape 296 ........................................................... 20 Tire-Track 225 ....................................................... 20-21 Tuff-Spun Foot-Lover 410, 411, 430, 431............. 21-22 300 310 315 345 350 355 360 365 Velcro Backing Strips 290 .......................................... 22 Walk-A-Way 355 ........................................................ 22 Walk-N-Clean 995 ...................................................... 23 Wear-Bond Comfort-King 560, 562 ........................... 23 Wear-Bond Tuff-Spun 520, 522 ................................. 24 Wonder-Pro 310 ......................................................... 24 Workers-Delight Corrugated Rubber 544, 554 .......... 25 Workers-Delight Deck Plate 540, 550................... 25-26 Workers-Delight Slate 546, 556 ................................. 27 Workers-Delight Spark-Safe 545, 555 .................. 27-28 Workers-Delight Supreme 541................................... 28 Workers-Delight Traction-Plus 543, 553 ............... 28-29 Yoga-Flex 695 ............................................................ 29 Promotional Matting (alphabetical) Crown-Tred Printed Mat 040...................................... 37 Embossed Anti-Fatigue Mat 050................................ 33 Flocked Mat 010.................................................... 30-31 Graphic Inlay Mats 020, 021, 022 .............................. 32 Hi-Definition Jet-Print Mat 035 ..................................... 35 Jet-Print Mat 030 ........................................................ 34 Super-Soaker Inlay Mat 025 ...................................... 36 Vinyl-Link Mat 060...................................................... 37 Industrial Deck Plate 500, 505 .............................11–12 Marathon 228 .............................................................13 Mat-A-Dor 100 ............................................................13 Mat-Lock Backing .........................................................13 Military Deck Plate Switchboard Runner 960.............13 Military Smooth Switchboard Runner 965 ..................13 Needle-Pin 240 ...........................................................13 Needle-Rib 235...........................................................14 Nosing...........................................................................24 Oxford 360 ..................................................................14 Oxford Elite 265 ..........................................................14 Para-Mount 649 ..........................................................15 Pro-Tekt Runner 820 ..................................................15 Rely-On Olefin 315 .....................................................15 Rug-Hugger Backing ....................................................15 Safe-Flow Plus 648 ....................................................15 Safety-Step Perforated 680, 681................................16 Safety-Step Solid-Top 685 .........................................16 Safewalk 630, 635, 636 ..............................................17 Safewalk-Light 645, 646 ...............................................17 Sani-Tred 667 .............................................................17 Skyline 365 .................................................................17 Spaghetti Mat 130, 131 ..............................................18 Spark-Safe 580...........................................................18 Sta-Kleen Runner 800 ................................................19 Product Index (numerical) 010 Flocked Mat.................................................... 30-31 020, 021, 022 Graphic Inlay Mats .............................. 32 025 Super-Soaker Inlay ............................................. 36 030 Jet-Print ............................................................... 34 035 Hi-Definition Jet-Print .......................................... 35 040 Crown-Tred Printed Mat...................................... 37 050 Embossed Anti-Fatigue Mat................................ 33 060 Vinyl-Link Mat...................................................... 37 100 Mat-A-Dor............................................................ 13 102 Disinfectant Boot Bath .......................................... 6 110 Commercial Clean Machine .................................. 3 125, 126 Diamond-Deluxe Duet .................................. 5 130, 131 Spaghetti Mat .............................................. 18 133 Diamond-Deluxe with Grit-Safe ............................ 6 145 Crown-Tred ........................................................... 4 155 Fore-Runner ........................................................ 10 170, 171 Boardwalk ..................................................... 1 202 Dura-Dot................................................................ 6 225 Tire-Track ............................................................ 20 228 Marathon ............................................................. 13 230 Chevron ................................................................. 2 235 Needle-Rib .......................................................... 13 240 Needle-Pin .......................................................... 14 250, 251 Super-Soaker .............................................. 19 252, 253, 254 Super-Soaker Fan .............................. 20 255 Cross-Over ............................................................ 4 261–262 Super-Soaker Diamond .............................. 20 Grounds-Keeper ................................................. 11 Wonder-Pro ........................................................ 24 Rely-On Olefin .................................................... 15 Eco-Step ............................................................... 8 Dust-Star ............................................................... 7 Walk-A-Way ........................................................ 22 Oxford ................................................................. 14 Skyline ................................................................ 17 410, 411, 430, 431 Tuff-Spun Foot-Lover ............ 21-22 440, 445 Comfort-King................................................. 2 450 Comfort-King Anti-Microbial.................................. 3 465 Alleviator ............................................................... 1 500, 505 Industrial Deck Plate............................. 11–12 520, 522 Wear-Bond Tuff-Spun................................. 24 540, 550 Workers-Delight Deck Plate .................. 25-26 541 Workers-Delight Supreme .................................. 28 543, 553 Workers-Delight Traction-Plus .............. 28-29 544, 554 Workers-Delight Corrugated Rubber.......... 25 545, 555 Workers-Delight Spark-Safe.................. 27-28 546, 556 Workers-Delight Slate................................. 27 560, 562 Wear-Bond Comfort-King ........................... 23 580 Spark-Safe .......................................................... 18 630, 635, 636 Safewalk ............................................. 17 645, 646 Safewalk-Light ............................................ 17 648 Safe-Flow Plus.................................................... 15 649 Para-Mount ......................................................... 15 667 Sani-Tred ............................................................ 17 680–681 Safety-Step Perforated ............................... 16 685 Safety-Step Solid-Top ........................................ 16 695 Yoga-Flex............................................................ 29 752–753 Dura-Step II .................................................. 7 775–779 Ergo X-Treme .......................................... 9-10 800 820 840 850 871 872 Sta-Kleen Runner ............................................... 19 Pro-Tekt Runner ................................................. 15 Corrugated Rubber Runner .................................. 4 Deck Plate Runner............................................. 4-5 Gym-Dandy Runner............................................ 11 Gym-Dandy Caddy ............................................. 11 900 910 920 930 950 960 965 990 995 Stat-Zap .............................................................. 19 Comfort-King Anti-Static ....................................... 3 Stat-Control ......................................................... 19 Electrically Conductive Deck Plate ....................... 8 Corrugated Switchboard Runner .......................... 4 Military Deck Plate Switchboard Runner ............ 13 Military Smooth Switchboard Runner ................. 13 Chair Mats............................................................. 1 Walk-N-Clean ..................................................... 23 Grounding Cords.......................................................... 11 Mat-Lock Backing ........................................................ 13 Nosing .......................................................................... 24 Rug-Hugger Backing ................................................... 15 ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE Matting Product Line 465 / ALLEVIATOR™ (7/8" thick) Mats AZ 0023 AZ 0035 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 1 1 10.1 lbs / pc 23.8 lbs / pc $108.30 / pc $270.75 / pc $18.05 / sf Rolls AZR7824 AZR7836 AZR7848 2' x 30' 3' x 30' 4' x 30' 1 1 1 91.2 lbs / roll 136.8 lbs / roll 182.4 lbs / roll $1,083.00 / roll $1,624.50 / roll $2,166.00 / roll $18.05 / sf 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts AZR7824C AZR7836C AZR7848C 3.0 lbs / lin ft. 4.6 lbs / lin ft. 6.1 lbs / lin ft. $39.30 / lin ft. $58.95 / lin ft. $78.60 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) STEEL GRAY (GY) $19.65 / sf BOARDWALK™ WIPER/SCRAPER Custom sizes are not available in this product. Sold in full cases of 60 tiles, or 50 edging pieces, only. 170 / SOLID-TOP (7/16" thick) Tiles BW F11C 7.68"x7.68" 60 37.4 lbs / case $1,585.00 / case BLACK (BK) BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) 171 / DRAIN-THROUGH (5/8" thick) Tiles BW F16D 7.68"x7.68" 60 48.5 lbs / case $1,695.00 / case BLACK (BK) BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) 275 / CAMBRIDGE™ WIPER/SCRAPER (3/16" thick) Mats CC 0034 CC 0035 CC 0046 CC 0310 33.5"x47" (apx. 3'x4') 33.5"x59" (apx. 3'x5') 45"x73" (apx. 4'x6') 33.5"x118" (apx. 3'x5') 6.6 7.9 11.8 15.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $148.20 $185.25 $296.40 $370.50 / pc / pc / pc / pc 16.0 18.0 23.0 16.0 18.0 18.0 21.0 21.0 17.0 19.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $77.30 $95.85 $120.30 $180.60 $95.15 $96.75 $119.95 $137.60 $242.75 $120.40 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $12.35 / sf BLACK (BK) BROWN (BR) Custom sizes are not available in this product. 990 / CHAIR MATS Standard Configurations CM GPSTCL CM EXSTCL CM SPSTCL CM ASSTCL CM GPSTNS CM GPEXCL CM EXEXCL CM SPEXCL CM ASEXCL CM GPEXNS Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 General Extra Supreme Anti-Static Non-Studded General Extra Supreme Anti-Static Non-Studded To order custom-sized Chair Mats, for any style except for Anti-Static, send an accurate drawing with all dimensions for a quotation. Maximum size 60"×96". Chair Mats can be shipped via parcel carriers packaged one mat per carton. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. 230 / CHEVRON™ WIPER/SCRAPER (5/16" thick) AVG. WEIGHT Mats CN 0023 CN 0034 CN 0035 CN 0310 CN 0046 CN 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls CNR0036 CNR0048 CNR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 440 / STANDARD (3/8" thick) Mats CK 0023 CK 0035 CK 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 Rolls CK83824 CK83836 CK83848 CK83872 2' 3' 4' 6' 60' 60' 60' 60' 1 1 1 1 90.0 135.0 180.0 270.0 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 1 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.5 445 / SUPREME (1/2" thick) Mats K4 0023 K4 0035 K4 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 Rolls CK41224 CK41236 CK41248 CK41272 2' 3' 4' 6' 60' 60' 60' 60' 1 1 1 1 110.4 165.6 220.8 331.2 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 1 1.8 2.8 3.7 5.5 Custom Cuts CNR0036C CNR0048C CNR0072C x x x x x x 5.1 9.2 11.2 21.4 17.3 28.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 122.4 lbs / roll 163.2 lbs / roll 244.8 lbs / roll 2.0 lbs / lin ft. 2.7 lbs / lin ft. 4.1 lbs / lin ft. PRICE $36.90 $73.80 $92.25 $184.50 $147.60 $246.00 SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $6.15 / sf BROWN (BR) BURGUNDY (BU) CHARCOAL (CH) FOREST GREEN (FG) STEEL BLUE (SB) $1,071.00 / roll $1,428.00 / roll $2,142.00 / roll $5.95 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $21.00 / lin ft. $28.00 / lin ft. $42.00 / lin ft. $7.00 / sf COMFORT-KING™ Custom Cuts CK83824C CK83836C CK83848C CK83872C Custom Cuts CK41224C CK41236C CK41248C CK41272C x x x x x x x x 5.5 lbs / pc 12.3 lbs / pc 28.0 lbs / pc lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. 6.5 lbs / pc 14.8 lbs / pc 34.1 lbs / pc lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. $44.10 / pc $110.25 / pc $264.60 / pc $816.00 $1,224.00 $1,632.00 $2,448.00 $15.90 $23.85 $31.80 $47.70 $7.35 / sf BLACK (BK) BLACK/YELLOW (YB) ROYAL BLUE (BL) STEEL GRAY (GY) / roll / roll / roll / roll $6.80 / sf Black/Yellow is not available in 6' Rolls or Custom Cuts. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. $7.95 / sf 6' Custom Cuts are not beveled on the cut ends. $9.70 / sf BLACK (BK) BLACK/YELLOW (YB) ROYAL BLUE (BL) STEEL GRAY (GY) $9.05 / sf Black/Yellow is not available in 6' Rolls or Custom Cuts. $10.50 / sf 6' Custom Cuts are not beveled on the cut ends. $58.20 / pc $145.50 / pc $349.20 / pc $1,086.00 $1,629.00 $2,172.00 $3,258.00 $21.00 $31.50 $42.00 $63.00 / roll / roll / roll / roll / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 450 / COMFORT-KING™ ANTI-MICROBIAL (3/8" thick) Mats CK AM23 CK AM35 CK AM32 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 Rolls CK8A824 CK8A836 CK8A848 CK8A872 2' 3' 4' 6' 60' 60' 60' 60' 1 1 1 1 90.0 135.0 180.0 270.0 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 1 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.5 Custom Cuts CK8A824C CK8A836C CK8A848C CK8A872C x x x x 5.5 lbs / pc 12.3 lbs / pc 28.0 lbs / pc lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. PRICE $48.30 / pc $120.75 / pc $289.80 / pc $906.00 $1,359.00 $1,812.00 $2,718.00 $16.80 $25.20 $33.60 $50.40 SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE $8.05 / sf STEEL GRAY (GY) / roll / roll / roll / roll $7.55 / sf 6' Custom Cuts are not beveled on the cut ends. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. $8.40 / sf 910 / COMFORT-KING™ ANTI-STATIC (3/8" thick) Mats ZC 0023 ZC 0035 ZC 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 Rolls ZC83824 ZC83836 ZC83848 ZC83872 2' 3' 4' 6' 60' 60' 60' 60' 1 1 1 1 90.0 135.0 180.0 270.0 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 1 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.5 Custom Cuts ZC83824C ZC83836C ZC83848C ZC83872C x x x x 6.5 lbs / pc 13.3 lbs / pc 29.0 lbs / pc lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. $68.45 / pc $139.55 / pc $302.45 / pc $816.00 $1,224.00 $1,632.00 $2,448.00 $15.90 $23.85 $31.80 $47.70 BLACK (BK) ROYAL BLUE (BL) STEEL GRAY (GY) / roll / roll / roll / roll $6.80 / sf / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. $7.95 / sf Stock mats include one grounding cord. For Custom Cuts and full Rolls, the grounding cords must be purchased separately — It is recommended that there be one grounding cord for every 10' of matting. Please specify preferred placement of Grounding Cords for full Rolls and Custom Cuts. 6' Custom Cuts are not beveled on the cut ends. 110 / COMMERCIAL CLEAN MACHINE® OUTDOOR SCRAPER (5/8" thick) Mats – Edged on all four sides CA AE34 CA AE35 CA AE36 CA AE38 CA AE46 CA AE68 3' 3' 3' 3' 4' 6' Rolls with no edging CA 0325 CA 0350 x x x x x x 4' 5' 6' 8' 6' 8' 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.7 14.0 16.3 20.9 20.4 36.8 3' x 25' 3' x 50' 1 1 45.0 lbs / roll 90.0 lbs / roll Custom Cuts with no edging CAR0036C 3' Custom CAR0072C 6' Custom 1 1 Custom Cut Edging by the Linear Foot CA CSNOSE lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $219.00 $273.75 $328.50 $438.00 $468.00 $936.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $18.25 / sf $761.25 / roll $1,455.00 / roll $10.15 / sf $9.70 / sf 1.8 lbs / lin ft. 3.6 lbs / lin ft. $34.95 / lin ft. $95.10 / lin ft. 0.9 lbs / lin ft. $11.60 / lin ft. $19.50 / sf $11.65 / sf $15.85 / sf ALL PURPOSE CHARCOAL (AC) BLACK (BK) FROSTY GRAY (FG) SANDY BROWN (SB) All cuts are from 3' or 6' material. 6' wide Commercial Clean Machine® is available in lengths up to 15 feet. Please specify all sides of Custom Cuts that are to have edging. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 840 / CORRUGATED RUBBER RUNNER (1/8" thick) Rolls CRR1824 CRR1836 Custom Cuts CRR1824C CRR1836C 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 1 1 2' Custom 3' Custom 1 1 127.5 lbs / roll 191.3 lbs / roll 1.7 lbs / lin ft. 2.6 lbs / lin ft. 950 / CORRUGATED SWITCHBOARD RUNNER (1/4" thick) Rolls CRRSB36 3' x 75' 1 366.8 lbs / roll Custom Cuts CRRSB36C 3' Custom 1 4.9 lbs / lin ft. PRICE $577.50 / roll $866.25 / roll $8.40 / lin ft. $12.60 / lin ft. $1,788.75 / roll $27.30 / lin ft. SQ. FT. PRICE $3.85 / sf COLOR CODE BLACK (BK) $4.20 / sf $7.95 / sf BLACK (BK) $9.10 / sf 255 / CROSS-OVER™ WIPER/SCRAPER (5/16" thick) Mats CS 0023 CS 0034 CS 0035 CS 0310 CS 0046 CS 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls CSR0036 CSR0048 CSR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts CSR0036C CSR0048C CSR0072C x x x x x x 5.3 9.6 11.8 22.6 18.3 29.8 129.6 lbs / roll 172.8 lbs / roll 259.2 lbs / roll 2.2 lbs / lin ft. 2.9 lbs / lin ft. 4.3 lbs / lin ft. 145 / CROWN-TRED™ INDOOR/OUTDOOR SCRAPER Mats TD 0035 35½"x59½" (apx. 3'x5') TD 0046 43¾"x66¾" (apx. 4'x6') TD 0310 34"x111" (apx. 3'x10') 850 / DECK PLATE RUNNER (5/32" thick) SOLID COLOR Rolls CXR0024 2' x 75' CXR0036 3' x 75' CXR0048 4' x 75' 1 1 1 Custom Cuts CXR0024C CXR0036C CXR0048C 1 1 1 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Rolls CXR0024 2' x 75' CXR0036 3' x 75' CXR0048 4' x 75' (Deck Plate Runner conitnues next page) 1 1 1 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $37.50 $75.00 $93.75 $187.50 $150.00 $250.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $6.25 / sf BLUE (BL) BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) GREEN (GN) $1,098.00 / roll $1,464.00 / roll $2,196.00 / roll $6.10 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $21.60 / lin ft. $28.80 / lin ft. $43.20 / lin ft. $7.20 / sf (1/4" thick) 21.0 lbs / pc 30.0 lbs / pc 28.0 lbs / pc $78.45 / pc $151.45 / pc $237.60 / pc 124.5 lbs / roll 186.8 lbs / roll 249.0 lbs / roll $772.50 / roll $1,158.75 / roll $1,545.00 / roll 1.7 lbs / lin ft. 2.5 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. 124.5 lbs / roll 186.8 lbs / roll 249.0 lbs / roll $11.40 / lin ft. $17.10 / lin ft. $22.80 / lin ft. $855.00 / roll $1,282.50 / roll $1,710.00 / roll BLACK (BK) Custom sizes are not available in this product. Mats are manufactured to a tolerance of up to 3%, compared to the exact size listed. $5.15 / sf BLACK (DB) GRAY (DG) $5.70 / sf $5.70 / sf BLACK/YELLOW (YB) ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 850 / DECK PLATE RUNNER (Continued from previous page) Custom Cuts CXR0024C CXR0036C CXR0048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 1.7 lbs / lin ft. 2.5 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. PRICE $12.70 / lin ft. $19.05 / lin ft. $25.40 / lin ft. SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE $6.35 / sf DIAMOND-DELUXE™ DUET INDOOR/OUTDOOR SCRAPER 125 / BACKED (1/2" thick) Mats without Edging DX MS35 DX MS46 3' x 5' 4' x 6' 1 1 13.0 lbs / pc 20.2 lbs / pc $185.25 / pc $296.40 / pc $12.35 / sf Mats with Crimping on short sides DX MB35 3' x 5' DX MB46 4' x 6' 1 1 13.0 lbs / pc 20.2 lbs / pc $189.75 / pc $303.60 / pc $12.65 / sf Mats with Nosing on all four sides DX MP35 3' x 5' DX MP46 4' x 6' 1 1 16.2 lbs / pc 24.2 lbs / pc $258.00 / pc $412.80 / pc $17.20 / sf Rolls with no Edging DX MB32 DX MB42 1 1 48.0 lbs / roll 64.0 lbs / roll $633.00 / roll $844.00 / roll $10.55 / sf 3' x 20' 4' x 20' Custom Cuts with no Edging DXRMB36C 3' Custom DXRMB48C 4' Custom 1 1 2.4 lbs / lin ft. 3.2 lbs / lin ft. $37.05 / lin ft. $49.40 / lin ft. 0.2 lbs / lin ft. $5.10 / lin ft. $1.80 / lin ft. 1 1 12.0 lbs / pc 18.5 lbs / pc $185.25 / pc $296.40 / pc $12.35 / sf Mats with Nosing on all four sides DX MA35 3' x 5' DX MA46 4' x 6' 1 1 15.2 lbs / pc 22.5 lbs / pc $258.00 / pc $412.80 / pc $17.20 / sf Rolls with no Edging DX MU32 DX MU42 1 1 43.8 lbs / roll 58.4 lbs / roll $633.00 / roll $844.00 / roll $10.55 / sf Custom Cut Edging by the Linear Foot DX CSNOSE DX CSCRMP Please specify all sides of Custom Cuts that are to have edging. $12.35 / sf 126 / UNBACKED (3/8" thick) Mats without Edging DX MU35 3' x 5' DX MU46 4' x 6' Custom Cuts with no Edging DXRMU36C 3' Custom DXRMU48C 4' Custom Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. Crimped edges. No edge longer than 4' can be crimped. Custom Cut Edging by the Linear Foot DX CSNOSE DX CSCRMP 3' x 20' 4' x 20' BLUE/BLACK (BB) BROWN/CARAMEL (BC) GRAY/BLACK (BG) BLUE/BLACK (BB) BROWN/CARAMEL (BC) GRAY/BLACK (BG) Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. Please specify all sides of Custom Cuts that are to have edging. 1 1 2.2 lbs / lin ft. 2.9 lbs / lin ft. $37.05 / lin ft. $49.40 / lin ft. 0.2 lbs / lin ft. $5.10 / lin ft. $1.80 / lin ft. $12.35 / sf Crimped edges. No edge longer than 4' can be crimped. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 133 / DIAMOND-DELUXE™ WITH GRIT-SAFE™ (1/2" thick) Mats DT HU35 3' x 5' 1 16.8 lbs / pc Rolls DT HU34 DT HU44 Custom Cuts DTRHU36C DTRHU48C 3' x 40' 4' x 40' 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 Custom Cut Edging by the Linear Foot DT CSNOSE 102 / DISINFECTANT BOOT BATH™ MAT Mats BD 3239 32" x 39" 1 126.0 lbs / roll 168.0 lbs / roll PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE $247.50 / pc $16.50 / sf BLACK W/GRIT-TOP (RB) $1,734.00 / roll $2,312.00 / roll $14.45 / sf Please specify all sides of Custom Cuts that are to have edging. 3.2 lbs / lin ft. 4.2 lbs / lin ft. $49.50 / lin ft. $66.00 / lin ft. 0.2 lbs / lin ft. $5.10 / lin ft. 37.0 lbs / pc $153.75 / pc COLOR CODE $16.50 / sf BLACK/YELLOW (YB) Custom sizes are not available for this product. 202 / DURA-DOT™ HDNP COMMERCIAL WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) Mats with nosing on all four sides DA NA35 3'3" x 5'3" DA NA31 3'3" x 10'3" DA NA46 4'3" x 6'3" 1 1 1 Rolls with no edging DAR0036-82 DAR0048-82 DAR0072-82 DAR001M-82 DAR002M-82 DAR003M-82 DAR004M-82 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3' 4' 6' 1m 2m 3m 4m x x x x x x x 82' 82' 82' 82' 82' 82' 82' 16.4 lbs / pc 30.3 lbs / pc 24.2 lbs / pc 184.5 246.1 369.1 201.8 403.6 605.5 807.3 lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll $180.00 / pc $326.75 / pc $266.20 / pc $1,352.70 $1,782.50 $2,625.15 $1,364.15 $2,694.00 $4,042.10 $5,278.60 / roll / roll / roll / roll / roll / roll / roll CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN MAT Custom Cuts of Length Only without Edging (Calculate as length in feet × the linear foot cost below) Exact Width 36" Exact Width 39.4" Exact Width 48" Exact Width 72" Exact Width 78.8" Exact Width 118.2" Exact Width 157.5" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.3 2.5 3.0 4.5 4.9 7.4 9.8 lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. $18.25 $20.25 $25.90 $38.85 $40.00 $59.90 $79.10 / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. Custom Cuts of both Length and Width without Edging (Calculate as length in feet × the linear foot cost of the next larger width roll below) Partial-foot lengths are rounded up to the next linear foot. Custom sizes are not available in partial-inch increments. DAR001MW DAR0048W DAR002MW DAR003MW DAR004MW Max Width 39.4" Max Width 48" Max Width 78.8" Max Width 118.2" Max Width 157.5" 1 1 1 1 1 2.5 3.0 4.9 7.4 9.8 lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. $21.30 $25.90 $42.45 $63.70 $84.85 / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN MAT Optional Edging for Custom Cuts by the Linear Foot Please note that nosing adds an additional 1½" to the size of the mat in that dimension. DA CSNOSE Full Roll price based on 82' rolls. Actual length may vary. Full Roll prices are based on the customer taking the factory-supplied length. Full Rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Customized Mat Pricing: Partial-foot lengths are rounded up to the next linear foot. Custom sizes are not available in partial-inch increments. DAR0036C DAR001MC DAR0048C DAR0072C DAR002MC DAR003MC DAR004MC ANTHRACITE (AC) BLUE/GRAY (BY) DARK BROWN (DB) NAVY BLUE (NB) 0.3 lbs / lin ft. $5.55 / lin ft. 1) Determine if your mat will be one of the Exact Widths on the previous page. Dura-Dot™ Mats can be produced in even inch increments only. 2) If not an Exact Width, round the width up to the next standard width in the Custom Cuts of both Length and Width without Edging section. 3) Multiply the mat length, with partial-foot lengths rounded up to the next whole foot, by the linear foot cost appropriate for the width, to get the material cost. 4) If edging is desired, determine the total linear feet of the sides to be edged. Multiply by the cost of the appropriate type of edging to get the edging cost. 5) Add the material and edging costs to get the total mat price. These products should be installed and not used for loose-lay applications unless all exposed sides where traffic can cross are finished. Uninstalled or unnosed, loose-lay applications will void the warranty. Installation can be made with two-way tape, releasable adhesive, or by professional installation. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE 752 / DURA-STEP II™ (5/8" thick) Mats KD SR33 KD BR33 PKG. AVG. WEIGHT SQ. FT. PRICE $114.90 / pc $5,460.00 / skid $109.20 / pc COLOR CODE 3' x 3' 3' x 3' 1 50 Accessories KD MR39 KD FR39 39" Male Bevel 39" Female Bevel 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc $24.55 / pc $24.55 / pc BLACK (BK) KD MR39 KD FR39 39" Male Bevel 39" Female Bevel 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc $31.50 / pc $31.50 / pc YELLOW (YE) Custom 1 2.2 lbs / sf Custom Mats KD RCST 21.0 lbs / pc 1000.0 lbs / skid PRICE Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot KD RCSN 0.9 lbs / lin ft. 0.9 lbs / lin ft. BLACK (BK) $19.95 / sf $15.90 / lin ft. $18.75 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) BLACK (BK) YELLOW (YE) 753 / DURA-STEP II™ W/GRIT-SAFE (5/8" thick) Mats KD SR33 KD BR33 3' x 3' 3' x 3' 1 50 Custom Mats KD RCST Custom 1 23.0 lbs / pc 1100.0 lbs / skid Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot KD RCSN $173.50 / pc $8,260.00 / skid 2.4 lbs / sf 0.9 lbs / lin ft. 0.9 lbs / lin ft. BLACK W/GRIT-TOP (GT) $165.20 / pc $23.05 / sf $15.90 / lin ft. $18.75 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) YELLOW (YE) Custom Mats can be ordered in sizes up to 12'×30'. Workstations can be ordered in fullfoot increments, not including optional Custom Edging, only. Addition of Edging to a Custom Mat to any side increases the size of the mat by approximately 3". Printed pricing refers only to rectangular mats. For any other workstation configuration, please inquire for a quotation. 350 / DUST-STAR™ MICROFIBER WIPER (1/2" thick) Mats DS 0023 DS 0034 DS 0035 DS 0310 DS 0046 DS 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls DSR0036 DSR0048 DSR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts DSR0036C DSR0048C DSR0072C x x x x x x 5.5 10.0 12.3 23.5 19.0 31.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 135.0 lbs / roll 180.0 lbs / roll 270.0 lbs / roll 2.3 lbs / lin ft. 3.0 lbs / lin ft. 4.5 lbs / lin ft. $43.20 $86.40 $108.00 $216.00 $172.80 $288.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $7.20 / sf CHARCOAL (CH) MARLIN BLUE (MB) RED (RD) WALNUT (WA) $1,269.00 / roll $1,692.00 / roll $2,538.00 / roll $7.05 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $25.05 / lin ft. $33.40 / lin ft. $50.10 / lin ft. $8.35 / sf ITEM & ITEM # SIZE ECOPLUS™ WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) 270 / 271 / RUBBER FABRIC EDGING EDGING Standard Mats EC R023 EC F023 EC R034 EC F034 EC R035 EC F035 EC R038 EC F038 EC R310 EC F310 EC R046 EC F046 EC R068 EC F68 PKG. 24"x35"(apx. 2'x3') 35"x46"(apx. 3'x4') 35"x59"(apx. 3'x5') 35"x93"(apx. 3'x8') 35"x118"(apx. 3'x10') 45"x70"(apx. 4'x6') 71"x93"(apx. 6'x8') AVG. WEIGHT 4.9 8.8 10.8 19.6 20.5 16.6 32.6 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc PRICE $48.60 $97.20 $121.50 $194.40 $243.00 $194.40 $388.80 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc Custom Sizes Special sizes are available in all even foot increments in 3', 4', and 6' widths, up to 20' in length. 0.7 lbs / sf SQ. FT. PRICE $8.10 / sf COLOR CODE CHARCOAL (CH) MIDNIGHT BLUE (MB) WALNUT (WA) Mats are manufactured to a tolerance of up to 3%, compared to the exact size listed. $9.30 / sf 345 / ECO-STEP™ WIPER (1/4" thick) Mats ET 0023 ET 0034 ET 0035 ET 0310 ET 0046 ET 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls ETR0036 ETR0048 ETR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts ETR0036C ETR0048C ETR0072C x x x x x x 4.6 8.2 10.0 19.0 15.4 25.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 108.0 lbs / roll 144.0 lbs / roll 216.0 lbs / roll 1.8 lbs / lin ft. 2.4 lbs / lin ft. 3.6 lbs / lin ft. $30.30 $60.60 $75.75 $151.50 $121.20 $202.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $5.05 / sf CHARCOAL (CH) GRANITE (GT) MIDNIGHT BLUE (MB) WALNUT (WA) $864.00 / roll $1,152.00 / roll $1,728.00 / roll $4.80 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $17.40 / lin ft. $23.20 / lin ft. $34.80 / lin ft. $5.80 / sf 930 / ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE DECK PLATE (9/16" thick) Mats CD 0023 CD 0035 CD 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 9.7 lbs / pc 21.2 lbs / pc 48.1 lbs / pc $132.60 / pc $331.50 / pc $795.60 / pc $22.10 / sf Rolls CDR0036-75 3' x 75' 1 288.0 lbs / roll $4,421.25 / roll $19.65 / sf Custom Cuts CDR0036C BLACK (EB) Stock mats include one grounding cord. For Custom Cuts and full Rolls, the grounding cords must be purchased separately — It is recommended that there be one grounding cord for every 10' of matting. Please specify preferred placement of Grounding Cords for full Rolls and Custom Cuts. 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. 3' Custom 1 3.8 lbs / lin ft. $61.35 / lin ft. $20.45 / sf Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. ITEM & ITEM # ERGO X-TREME™ (3/4" thick) SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE Total Confidence Warranty 775 / SOLID-TOP Tiles XT B818 Accessories XT CN18 XT RM39 Pre-Constructed Mats XT 0034 XT 0036 XT 0039 Custom Mats XT CSSF Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. 18" x 18" 8 41.0 lbs / case $442.40 / case 18" Connector 3"x39" Female Ramp 1 1 0.1 lbs / pc 2.0 lbs / pc $10.85 / pc $46.70 / pc 39" x 60" 39" x 78" 39" x 114" 1 1 1 35.9 lbs / pc 46.9 lbs / pc 67.9 lbs / pc $620.30 / pc $812.10 / pc $1,129.85 / pc Custom 1 2.2 lbs / sf Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot XT CSNS $24.50 / lin ft. $501.95 / case 18" x 18" 8 41.0 lbs / case Pre-Constructed Mats XT 0034 XT 0036 XT 0039 39" x 60" 39" x 78" 39" x 114" 1 1 1 35.9 lbs / pc 46.9 lbs / pc 67.9 lbs / pc Custom 1 2.2 lbs / sf Custom Mats XT CSSF Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot XT CSNS 0.3 lbs / lin ft. BLACK (SB) YELLOW (SY) BLACK (SB) $28.90 / sf 0.3 lbs / lin ft. 776 / DRAIN-THROUGH Tiles XT B818 BLACK (SB) YELLOW (SY) BLACK (DB) $679.25 / pc $895.15 / pc $1,315.65 / pc BLACK (DB) $31.55 / sf $24.50 / lin ft. Ergo X-Treme™ On-Site Workstation Construction YELLOW (SY) Pre-assembled workstations have borders on both of the shorter-dimension sides, and one of the longer-dimension sides. Corners can be removed, on-site, at the provided score mark, for workstations larger than 36". All Ramps have female connections, and are 39" in length, two tile lengths plus a corner. (Ergo X-Treme continues next page) BLACK (DB) Sold in full cases of eight tiles only. Built-in connectors secure Tiles to each other, and to Ramps, in two dimensions. To connect a Ramp to a female side of a workstation, use two 18" Connectors, above. BLACK (SB) Custom Mats can be ordered in sizes up to 9'x21'. Workstations can be produced in 1" increments, not including any optional yellow Custom Edging. Sizes are rounded up to the next full foot for billing purposes. Addition of Edging to a Custom Mat to any side increases the size of the mat by 3". ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 777 / GRIT-SAFE™ DRAIN-THROUGH (Continued from previous page) Tiles XT B818 Accessories XT RM39 Pre-Constructed Mats XT 0034 XT 0036 XT 0039 Custom Mats XT CSSF PRICE 18" x 18" 8 41.0 lbs / case $713.65 / case 3"x39" Female Ramp 1 2.0 lbs / pc $72.90 / pc 39" x 60" 39" x 78" 39" x 114" 1 1 1 35.9 lbs / pc 46.9 lbs / pc 67.9 lbs / pc $870.70 / pc $1,153.85 / pc $1,623.45 / pc Custom 1 2.2 lbs / sf Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot XT CSNS $30.65 / lin ft. 779 / GRIT-SAFE™ LARGE DRAIN-THROUGH Tiles XT B818 18" x 18" 8 41.0 lbs / case $713.65 / case Pre-Constructed Mats XT 0034 XT 0036 XT 0039 Custom Mats XT CSSF 1 1 1 35.9 lbs / pc 46.9 lbs / pc 67.9 lbs / pc Custom 1 2.2 lbs / sf Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot XT CSNS 0.3 lbs / lin ft. COLOR CODE BLACK (GB) YELLOW (YG) BLACK (GB) $41.20 / sf 0.3 lbs / lin ft. 39" x 60" 39" x 78" 39" x 114" SQ. FT. PRICE BLACK (GB) YELLOW (YG) BLACK (RG) $870.70 / pc $1,153.85 / pc $1,623.45 / pc BLACK (RG) $41.20 / sf $30.65 / lin ft. BLACK (RG) YELLOW (YG) Sold in full cases of eight tiles only. Pre-assembled workstations have borders on both of the shorterdimension sides, and one of the longer-dimension sides. Custom Mats can be ordered in sizes up to 9'x21'. Workstations can be produced in 1" increments, not including any optional yellow Custom Edging. Sizes are rounded up to the next full foot for billing purposes. Addition of Edging to a Custom Mat to any side increases the size of the mat by 3". 155 / FORE-RUNNER™ INDOOR/OUTDOOR SCRAPER (5/16" thick) Mats FN 0023 FN 0034 FN 0035 FN 0310 FN 0046 FN 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls FNR0036 FNR0048 FNR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts FNR0036C FNR0048C FNR0072C x x x x x x 5.4 9.8 12.0 22.9 18.5 30.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 131.4 lbs / roll 175.2 lbs / roll 262.8 lbs / roll 2.2 lbs / lin ft. 2.9 lbs / lin ft. 4.4 lbs / lin ft. $32.10 $64.20 $80.25 $160.50 $128.40 $214.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $5.35 / sf BLUE (BL) BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) GREEN (GN) $927.00 / roll $1,236.00 / roll $1,854.00 / roll $5.15 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $18.45 / lin ft. $24.60 / lin ft. $36.90 / lin ft. $6.15 / sf ITEM & ITEM # GROUNDING CORDS ZA GC10 SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE 10' Length 1 1.0 lb / pc $19.60 / pc SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE BLACK (BK) 300 / GROUNDS-KEEPER™ WIPER (1/2" thick) Total Confidence Warranty Mats GK 0023 GK 0034 GK 0035 GK 0310 GK 0046 GK 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls GKR0036 GKR0048 GKR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts GKR0036C GKR0048C GKR0072C x x x x x x 5.6 10.2 12.6 24.1 19.5 31.8 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 138.6 lbs / roll 184.8 lbs / roll 277.2 lbs / roll 2.3 lbs / lin ft. 3.1 lbs / lin ft. 4.6 lbs / lin ft. $42.60 $85.20 $106.50 $213.00 $170.40 $284.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $7.10 / sf $1,242.00 / roll $1,656.00 / roll $2,484.00 / roll $6.90 / sf $24.75 / lin ft. $33.00 / lin ft. $49.50 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) CASTELLAN RED (CR) CHARCOAL (CH) EVERGREEN (EG) MARLIN BLUE (MB) NAVY BLUE (NB) PEBBLE BROWN (PB) WALNUT (WA) Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $8.25 / sf 872 / GYM-DANDY™ CADDY GD 0001CY 1 14.0 lbs / pc $872.95 / pc 1 1 132.3 lbs / roll 176.4 lbs / roll $834.75 / roll $1,113.00 / roll 871 / GYM-DANDY™ RUNNER (1/8" thick) Rolls GD1N836 GD1N848 Custom Cuts GD1N836C GD1N848C 3' x 105' 4' x 105' $2.65 / sf BLACK (BK) Special Order Colors * 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1.3 lbs / lin ft. 1.7 lbs / lin ft. $9.00 / lin ft. $12.00 / lin ft. $3.00 / sf GRAY (GY) GREEN (GN) * Minimums apply for special order colors 500 / INDUSTRIAL DECK PLATE (9/16" thick) SOLID COLOR Mats CD 0023 CD 0035 CD 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 8.7 lbs / pc 20.2 lbs / pc 47.1 lbs / pc $75.30 / pc $188.25 / pc $451.80 / pc $12.55 / sf Rolls CDR0024-75 CDR0036-75 CDR0048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 192.0 lbs / roll 288.0 lbs / roll 384.0 lbs / roll $1,822.50 / roll $2,733.75 / roll $3,645.00 / roll $12.15 / sf Custom Cuts CDR0024C CDR0036C CDR0048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 (Industrial Deck Plate continues next page) 2.6 lbs / lin ft. 3.8 lbs / lin ft. 5.1 lbs / lin ft. $25.90 / lin ft. $38.85 / lin ft. $51.80 / lin ft. $12.95 / sf BLACK (DB) GRAY (DG) ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 500 / INDUSTRIAL DECK PLATE (9/16" thick) (Continued from previous page) PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Mats CD 0023 2' x 3' CD 0035 3' x 5' CD 0312 3' x 12' 1 1 1 8.7 lbs / pc 20.2 lbs / pc 47.1 lbs / pc $81.60 / pc $204.00 / pc $489.60 / pc $13.60 / sf BLACK/YELLOW (YB) Rolls CDR0024-75 CDR0036-75 CDR0048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 192.0 lbs / roll 288.0 lbs / roll 384.0 lbs / roll $2,002.50 / roll $3,003.75 / roll $4,005.00 / roll $13.35 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts CDR0024C CDR0036C CDR0048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 2.6 lbs / lin ft. 3.8 lbs / lin ft. 5.1 lbs / lin ft. $28.20 / lin ft. $42.30 / lin ft. $56.40 / lin ft. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $14.10 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. 505 / INDUSTRIAL DECK PLATE (7/8" thick) SOLID COLOR Mats CD 3423 CD 3435 CD 3432 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 11.0 lbs / pc 26.1 lbs / pc 61.1 lbs / pc $98.40 / pc $246.00 / pc $590.40 / pc $16.40 / sf BLACK (DB) GRAY (DG) Rolls CDR3424-75 CDR3436-75 CDR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 250.5 lbs / roll 375.8 lbs / roll 501.0 lbs / roll $2,392.50 / roll $3,588.75 / roll $4,785.00 / roll $15.95 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts CDR3424C CDR3436C CDR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Mats CD 3423 2' x 3' CD 3435 3' x 5' CD 3432 3' x 12' 1 1 1 11.0 lbs / pc 26.1 lbs / pc 61.1 lbs / pc $103.20 / pc $258.00 / pc $619.20 / pc $17.20 / sf BLACK/YELLOW (YB) Rolls CDR3424-75 CDR3436-75 CDR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 250.5 lbs / roll 375.8 lbs / roll 501.0 lbs / roll $2,535.00 / roll $3,802.50 / roll $5,070.00 / roll $16.90 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts CDR3424C CDR3436C CDR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 3.3 lbs / lin ft. 5.0 lbs / lin ft. 6.7 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. 5.0 lbs / lin ft. 6.7 lbs / lin ft. $33.80 / lin ft. $50.70 / lin ft. $67.60 / lin ft. $35.00 / lin ft. $52.50 / lin ft. $70.00 / lin ft. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $16.90 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $17.50 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. 228 / MARATHON™ WIPER/SCRAPER (1/2" thick) Mats MN 0023 MN 0034 MN 0035 MN 0310 MN 0046 MN 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls MNR0036 MNR0048 MNR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts MNR0036C MNR0048C MNR0072C x x x x x x AVG. WEIGHT 6.7 12.4 15.3 29.5 23.8 39.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 171.0 lbs / roll 228.0 lbs / roll 342.0 lbs / roll PRICE $56.10 $112.20 $140.25 $280.50 $224.40 $374.00 SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $9.35 / sf ANTHRACITE (AC) BEIGE (BE) BLUE/GRAY (BY) DARK BROWN (DB) $1,656.00 / roll $2,208.00 / roll $3,312.00 / roll $9.20 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. 2.9 lbs / lin ft. 3.8 lbs / lin ft. 5.7 lbs / lin ft. $32.25 / lin ft. $43.00 / lin ft. $64.50 / lin ft. $10.75 / sf 100 / MAT-A-DOR™ INDOOR/OUTDOOR SCRAPER (5/8" thick) Mats MA SR42 MA SK29 MA FG62 24" x 32" 32" x 39" 36" x 72" 14.0 lbs / pc 19.0 lbs / pc 36.0 lbs / pc $80.95 / pc $147.40 / pc $262.15 / pc BLACK (BK) Custom sizes are not available in this product. MAT-LOCK™ BACKING SYSTEM ML MATLOC 3', 4', or 6' $4.45 / sf (Must be factory applied) 960 / MILITARY DECK PLATE SWITCHBOARD RUNNER (3/16" thick) Rolls MXR0036 3' x 75' 1 225.0 lbs / roll $3,296.25 / roll $14.65 / sf GRAY (DG) Custom sizes are not available in this product. 965 / MILITARY SMOOTH SWITCHBOARD RUNNER Rolls MXR0036 3' x 75' 1 (1/8" thick) 216.0 lbs / roll $1,372.50 / roll $6.10 / sf BLACK (BK) Custom sizes are not available in this product. 240 / NEEDLE-PIN® WIPER/SCRAPER (7/16" thick) Mats NP 0023 NP 0034 NP 0035 NP 0310 NP 0046 NP 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls NPR0036 NPR0048 NPR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts NPR0036C NPR0048C NPR0072C x x x x x x 5.3 9.5 11.7 22.3 18.0 29.4 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 127.8 lbs / roll 170.4 lbs / roll 255.6 lbs / roll 2.1 lbs / lin ft. 2.8 lbs / lin ft. 4.3 lbs / lin ft. $37.20 $74.40 $93.00 $186.00 $148.80 $248.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $6.20 / sf BURGUNDY (BU) CHARCOAL (CH) PEBBLE BROWN (PB) WALNUT (WA) $1,089.00 / roll $1,452.00 / roll $2,178.00 / roll $6.05 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $21.30 / lin ft. $28.40 / lin ft. $42.60 / lin ft. $7.10 / sf ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 235 / NEEDLE-RIB™ WIPER/SCRAPER (5/16" thick) Mats NR 0023 NR 0034 NR 0035 NR 0310 NR 0046 NR 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls NRR0036 NRR0048 NRR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts NRR0036C NRR0048C NRR0072C x x x x x x 4.5 8.1 9.9 18.7 15.2 24.6 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 106.2 lbs / roll 141.6 lbs / roll 212.4 lbs / roll 1.8 lbs / lin ft. 2.4 lbs / lin ft. 3.5 lbs / lin ft. PRICE $29.70 $59.40 $74.25 $148.50 $118.80 $198.00 SQ. FT. PRICE / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $4.95 / sf $882.00 / roll $1,176.00 / roll $1,764.00 / roll $4.90 / sf $17.25 / lin ft. $23.00 / lin ft. $34.50 / lin ft. COLOR CODE BLUE (BL) BROWN (BR) CHARCOAL (CH) GRAY (GY) $5.75 / sf 360 / OXFORD™ WIPER (3/8" thick) Mats OX H023 OX H034 OX H035 OX H310 OX H046 OX H410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls OXRH036 OXRH048 OXRH072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts OXRH036C OXRH048C OXRH072C x x x x x x 6.0 11.0 13.5 25.9 20.9 34.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 149.4 lbs / roll 199.2 lbs / roll 298.8 lbs / roll 2.5 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. 5.0 lbs / lin ft. $55.20 $110.40 $138.00 $276.00 $220.80 $368.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $9.20 / sf BLACK/BLUE (BL) BLACK/BROWN (BR) BLACK/BURGUNDY (BU) BLACK/GRAY (GY) $1,629.00 / roll $2,172.00 / roll $3,258.00 / roll $9.05 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $31.80 / lin ft. $42.40 / lin ft. $63.60 / lin ft. $10.60 / sf 265 / OXFORD™ ELITE WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) Mats OE 0023 OE 0034 OE 0035 OE 0310 OE 0046 OE 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls OER0036 OER0048 OER0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts OER0036C OER0048C OER0072C x x x x x x 6.0 11.0 13.5 25.9 20.9 34.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 149.4 lbs / roll 199.2 lbs / roll 298.8 lbs / roll 2.5 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. 5.0 lbs / lin ft. $60.30 $120.60 $150.75 $301.50 $241.20 $402.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $10.05 / sf $1,782.00 / roll $2,376.00 / roll $3,564.00 / roll $9.90 / sf $34.65 / lin ft. $46.20 / lin ft. $69.30 / lin ft. $11.55 / sf BLACK/BLUE (BL) BLACK/BROWN (BR) BLACK/BURGUNDY (BU) BLACK/GRAY (GY) Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE 649 / PARA-MOUNT™ (3/4" thick) Mats PM 0023 PM 0035 PM 0046 PM 0310 PKG. 24” x 36” (apx. 2'x3') 36” x 57” (apx. 3'x5') 42”x72” (apx. 4'x6') 36” x 120” (apx. 3'x10) AVG. WEIGHT 6.6 7.9 11.8 15.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc PRICE $116.10 $290.25 $464.40 $580.50 SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE / pc / pc / pc / pc $19.35 / sf BLACK (BK) $576.00 / roll $768.00 / roll $1,152.00 / roll $3.20 / sf BLACK (BK) 820 / PRO-TEKT RUNNER (1/8" thick) Rolls PBR1836 PBR1848 PBR1872 Custom Cuts PBR1836C PBR1848C PBR1872C 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 88.2 lbs / roll 117.6 lbs / roll 176.4 lbs / roll 1.5 lbs / lin ft. 2.0 lbs / lin ft. 2.9 lbs / lin ft. $10.80 / lin ft. $14.40 / lin ft. $21.60 / lin ft. $3.60 / sf 315 / RELY-ON™ OLEFIN WIPER (3/8" thick) Mats GS 0023 GS 0034 GS 0035 GS 0310 GS 0046 GS 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls GSR0036 GSR0048 GSR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts GSR0036C GSR0048C GSR0072C x x x x x x 4.3 7.6 9.3 17.5 14.2 23.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 99.0 lbs / roll 132.0 lbs / roll 198.0 lbs / roll 1.7 lbs / lin ft. 2.2 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. $24.90 $49.80 $62.25 $124.50 $99.60 $166.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $4.15 / sf $738.00 / roll $984.00 / roll $1,476.00 / roll $4.10 / sf $13.95 / lin ft. $18.60 / lin ft. $27.90 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) CASTELLAN RED (CR) CHARCOAL (CH) EVERGREEN (EG) MARLIN BLUE (MB) NAVY BLUE (NB) PEBBLE BROWN (PB) WALNUT (WA) $4.65 / sf RUG-HUGGER™ BACKING SYSTEM ML UTBACK 3', 4', or 6' $4.95 / sf (Must be factory applied) 648 / SAFE-FLOW PLUS™ (3/8" thick) Mats KS 0023 KS 0035 KS 0039 Accessories KS CNSD KS CNEN 23"x35" (apx. 2'x3') 34"x54½" (apx. 3'x5') 34"x113" (apx. 3'x9') 7.1 lbs / pc 15.0 lbs / pc 28.5 lbs / pc $66.30 / pc $142.85 / pc $297.40 / pc BLACK (BK) Custom sizes are not available in this product. It is recommended to have at least two connectors along each edge being joined. Side-to-Side Connectors End-to-End Connectors 1.0 lb / pc 1.0 lb / pc $12.30 / pc $12.30 / pc Mats are manufactured to a tolerance of up to 3%, compared to the exact size listed. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. SAFETY-STEP™ PERFORATED (5/8" thick) AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE $78.30 / pc $3,797.50 / skid $75.95 / pc COLOR CODE 680 / GENERAL PURPOSE BLACK Mats KM RG33 3' x 3' KM BG33 3' x 3' 1 50 Accessories KD MR39 KD FR39 39" Male Bevel 39" Female Bevel 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc $24.55 / pc $24.55 / pc BLACK (BK) KD MR39 KD FR39 39" Male Bevel 39" Female Bevel 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc $31.50 / pc $31.50 / pc YELLOW (YE) Custom 1 2.3 lbs / sf Custom Mats KM CUST Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot KM CSNS 22.0 lbs / pc 1050.0 lbs / skid 0.9 lbs / lin ft. 0.9 lbs / lin ft. 681 / GREASE-RESISTANT TERRA COTTA Mats KM RG33 3' x 3' 1 KM BG33 3' x 3' 50 $12.05 / sf $16.20 / lin ft. $19.10 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) BLACK (BK) YELLOW (YE) Custom Mats can be ordered in sizes up to 12'×30'. Workstations can be ordered in full-foot increments, not including optional Custom Edging, only. Addition of Edging to a Custom Mat to any side increases the size of the mat by approximately 3". Printed pricing refers only to rectangular mats. For any other workstation configuration, please inquire for a quotation. 22.0 lbs / pc 1050.0 lbs / skid Accessories KM LC39 KM RC39 39" Female Ramp 39" Male Ramp 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc Custom Mats KM CUST Custom 1 3.0 lbs / sf Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot KM CSNS BLACK (BK) 0.9 lbs / lin ft. $107.30 / pc $5,070.00 / skid TERRA COTTA (TC) $101.40 / pc $32.95 / pc $32.95 / pc $16.65 / sf $18.10 / lin ft. 685 / SAFETY-STEP™ SOLID-TOP (5/8" thick) Mats KM RS33 KM BS33 3' x 3' 3' x 3' 1 50 20.0 lbs / pc 950.0 lbs / skid Accessories KD MR39 KD FR39 39" Male Bevel 39" Female Bevel 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc $24.55 / pc $24.55 / pc BLACK (BK) KD MR39 KD FR39 39" Male Bevel 39" Female Bevel 1 1 3.0 lbs / pc 3.0 lbs / pc $31.50 / pc $31.50 / pc YELLOW (YE) Custom 1 2.1 lbs / sf Custom Mats KM CUST Custom Mat Edging by the Linear Foot KM CSNS 0.9 lbs / lin ft. 0.9 lbs / lin ft. $78.30 / pc $3,797.50 / skid BLACK (BK) $75.95 / pc $12.05 / sf $16.20 / lin ft. $19.10 / lin ft. BLACK (BS) BLACK (BK) YELLOW (YE) Custom Mats can be ordered in sizes up to 12'×30'. Workstations can be ordered in full-foot increments, not including optional Custom Edging, only. Addition of Edging to a Custom Mat to any side increases the size of the mat by approximately 3". Printed pricing refers only to rectangular mats. For any other workstation configuration, please inquire for a quotation. ITEM & ITEM # SAFEWALK™ (7/8" thick) SIZE 635 / GENERAL PURPOSE BLACK Mats WS TF35 3' x 5' WS BF35 3' x 5' PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE 1 50 36.0 lbs / pc 1750.0 lbs / skid $139.10 / pc $6,562.50 / skid $131.25 / pc Custom sizes are not available for this product. 636 / GREASE-RESISTANT TERRA COTTA Mats WS TF35 3' x 5' 1 WS BF35 3' x 5' 50 36.0 lbs / pc 1750.0 lbs / skid $201.90 / pc $9,795.00 / skid $195.90 / pc Custom sizes are not available for this product. 630 / WORKSTATIONS WITH YELLOW BORDERS Mats with Borders on 4-Sides WS 4E26 28" x 40" 1 17.5 WS 4E40 40" x 40" 1 25.0 WS 4E64 40" x 64" 1 40.0 WS 4E24 40" x 124" 1 77.5 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $137.20 $197.10 $268.10 $504.55 / pc / pc / pc / pc Mats with Borders on 3-Sides WS 3E26 WS 3E40 WS 3E64 WS 3E24 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $126.20 $181.40 $244.45 $473.05 / pc / pc / pc / pc 26" 38" 38" 38" x x x x 40" 40" 64" 124" 1 1 1 1 16.8 24.3 38.8 75.0 645 / GENERAL PURPOSE BLACK (1/2" thick) Mats WS CT35 3' x 5' 1 WS CT31 apx. 3' x 10' 1 WS CT15 apx. 3' x 15' 1 WS CT32 apx. 3' x 20' 1 WS BT35 3' x 5' 50 22.0 43.0 64.0 85.0 1050.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / skid $95.65 $235.55 $379.55 $506.25 $4,497.50 / pc / pc / pc / pc / skid 646 / GREASE-RESISTANT TERRA COTTA (1/2" thick) Mats WS CT35 3' x 5' 1 26.0 WS CT31 apx. 3' x 10' 1 51.0 WS CT15 apx. 3' x 15' 1 76.0 WS CT32 apx. 3' x 20' 1 101.0 WS BT35 3' x 5' 50 1250.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / skid $157.45 $351.60 $527.30 $702.90 $7,592.50 / pc / pc / pc / pc / skid BLACK (BK) TERRA COTTA (TC) BLACK/YELLOW (YE) Custom sizes are not available for this product. SAFEWALK-LIGHT™ BLACK (BK) Custom sizes are not available for this product. $89.95 / pc TERRA COTTA (TC) Custom sizes are not available for this product. $151.85 / pc 667 / SANI-TRED™ (3/8" thick) Rolls HVR0024 HVR0036 HVR0048 2' x 40' 3' x 40' 4' x 40' 1 1 1 102.0 lbs / roll 153.0 lbs / roll 204.0 lbs / roll $1,084.00 / roll $1,626.00 / roll $2,168.00 / roll $13.55 / sf CHARCOAL GRAY (CH) MULBERRY RED (MR) OCEAN BLUE (OB) Custom sizes are not available for this product. 365 / SKYLINE™ WIPER (1/4" thick) Mats SY 0023 SY 0034 SY 0035 SY 0046 SY 0310 22”x33” (apx. 2'x3') 33”x45” (apx. 3'x4') 33”x57” (apx. 3'x5') 45”x68” (apx. 4'x6') 33”x118” (apx 3'x10') 3.3 6.6 7.9 11.8 15.2 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $65.40 $130.80 $163.50 $261.60 $327.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $10.90 / sf BLACK (BK) BROWN (BR) DARK GRAY (DG) NAVY BLUE (NB) Custom sizes are not available for this product. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. SPAGHETTI MAT™ INDOOR/OUTDOOR SCRAPER 130 / BACKED (3/8" thick) Mats without Edging DE MS35 DE MS46 AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE Custom sizes are not available for this product. 3' x 5' 4' x 6' 1 1 11.5 lbs / pc 17.8 lbs / pc $132.75 / pc $212.40 / pc $8.85 / sf BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) Mats with Crimping on short sides DE MB35 3' x 5' DE MB46 4' x 6' 1 1 11.5 lbs / pc 17.8 lbs / pc $135.75 / pc $217.20 / pc $9.05 / sf Please specify all sides of Custom Cuts that are to have edging. Crimped edges. No edge longer than 4' can be crimped. Mats with Nosing on all four sides DE MP35 3' x 5' DE MP46 4' x 6' 1 1 14.7 lbs / pc 21.8 lbs / pc $213.00 / pc $340.80 / pc $14.20 / sf Rolls with no Edging DE MB32 DE MB42 1 1 42.0 lbs / roll 56.0 lbs / roll $459.00 / roll $612.00 / roll $7.65 / sf 3' x 20' 4' x 20' Custom Cuts with no Edging DERMB36C 3' Custom DERMB48C 4' Custom Custom Cut Edging by the Linear Foot DE CSNOSE DE CSCRMP 1 1 2.1 lbs / lin ft. 2.8 lbs / lin ft. $26.55 / lin ft. $35.40 / lin ft. 0.2 lbs / lin ft. $5.10 / lin ft. $1.80 / lin ft. $8.85 / sf 131 / UNBACKED (3/8" thick) Mats without Edging DE MU35 3' x 5' DE MU46 4' x 6' 1 1 9.7 lbs / pc 14.9 lbs / pc $132.75 / pc $212.40 / pc $8.85 / sf Mats with Nosing on all four sides DE MA35 3' x 5' DE MA46 4' x 6' 1 1 12.9 lbs / pc 18.9 lbs / pc $213.00 / pc $340.80 / pc $14.20 / sf Rolls with no Edging DE MU32 DE MU42 1 1 34.8 lbs / roll 46.4 lbs / roll $459.00 / roll $612.00 / roll $7.65 / sf 3' x 20' 4' x 20' Custom Cuts with no Edging DERMU36C 3' Custom DERMU48C 4' Custom Custom Cut Edging by the Linear Foot DE CSNOSE DE CSCRMP Please specify all sides of Custom Cuts that are to have edging. 1 1 1.7 lbs / lin ft. 2.3 lbs / lin ft. $26.55 / lin ft. $35.40 / lin ft. 0.2 lbs / lin ft. $5.10 / lin ft. $1.80 / lin ft. Crimped edges. No edge longer than 4' can be crimped. $8.85 / sf 580 / SPARK-SAFE™ (1/2" thick) Mats CD L023 2' x 3' CD L035 3' x 5' CD L312 3' x 12' 1 1 1 8.2 lbs / pc 19.0 lbs / pc 44.2 lbs / pc $83.70 / pc $209.25 / pc $502.20 / pc $13.95 / sf BLACK (TX) Rolls CDRL024-75 CDRL036-75 CDRL048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 180.0 lbs / roll 270.0 lbs / roll 360.0 lbs / roll $1,912.50 / roll $2,868.75 / roll $3,825.00 / roll $12.75 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. Custom Cuts CDRL024C CDRL036C CDRL048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 2.4 lbs / lin ft. 3.6 lbs / lin ft. 4.8 lbs / lin ft. $29.60 / lin ft. $44.40 / lin ft. $59.20 / lin ft. $14.80 / sf ITEM & ITEM # SIZE 800 / STA-KLEEN RUNNER (1/8" thick) Rolls SKR0024 SKR0036 SKR0048 Custom Cuts SKR0024C SKR0036C SKR0048C 2' x 105' 3' x 105' 4' x 105' 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom PKG. AVG. WEIGHT 1 1 1 151.2 lbs / roll 226.8 lbs / roll 302.4 lbs / roll 1 1 1 1.4 lbs / lin ft. 2.2 lbs / lin ft. 2.9 lbs / lin ft. PRICE $756.00 / roll $1,134.00 / roll $1,512.00 / roll $7.80 / lin ft. $11.70 / lin ft. $15.60 / lin ft. SQ. FT. PRICE $3.60 / sf COLOR CODE BLACK (BK) $3.90 / sf 920 / STAT-CONTROL™ (1/2" thick) Mats SN 0023 SN 0035 SN 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 9.7 lbs / pc 21.2 lbs / pc 48.1 lbs / pc $108.60 / pc $271.50 / pc $651.60 / pc $18.10 / sf Rolls SNR0036-75 3' x 75' 1 288.0 lbs / roll $3,982.50 / roll $17.70 / sf Custom Cuts SNR0036C 3' Custom 1 BLACK (BK) Stock mats include one grounding cord. For Custom Cuts and full Rolls, the grounding cords must be purchased separately. It is recommended that there be one grounding cord for every 10' of matting. Please specify preferred placement of Grounding Cords for full Rolls and Custom Cuts. 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. 3.8 lbs / lin ft. $55.65 / lin ft. $18.55 / sf Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. 900 / STAT-ZAP® ESD CARPET-TOP MAT (5/16" thick) Mats SP 0023 SP 0034 SP 0035 SP 0036 SP 0310 SP 0046 SP 0048 SP 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 6' 10' 6' 8' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls SPR0036 SPR0048 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 Custom Cuts SPR0036C SPR0048C x x x x x x x x 6.6 11.2 13.6 15.9 25.1 20.5 26.6 32.8 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 138.6 lbs / roll 184.8 lbs / roll 2.3 lbs / lin ft. 3.1 lbs / lin ft. $62.40 $124.80 $156.00 $187.20 $312.00 $249.60 $332.80 $416.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $10.40 / sf $1,620.00 / roll $2,160.00 / roll $9.00 / sf $31.05 / lin ft. $41.40 / lin ft. $10.35 / sf PEWTER (PE) Stock mats include one grounding cord. For Custom Cuts and full Rolls, the grounding cords must be purchased separately. It is recommended that there be one grounding cord for every 10' of matting. Please specify preferred placement of Grounding Cords for full Rolls and Custom Cuts. SUPER-SOAKER™ WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) Custom sizes are not available for this product. 250 / 251 / RUBBER FABRIC EDGING EDGING Standard Mats SS R023 SS F023 SS R034 SS F034 SS R035 SS F035 SS R310 SS F310 SS R046 SS F046 SS R048 SS F048 SS R410 SS F410 SS R610 SS F610 Mats are manufactured to a tolerance of up to 3%, compared to the exact size listed. 24"x35" (apx. 2'x3') 34"x46" (apx. 3'x4') 34"x58" (apx. 3'x5') 34"x119" (apx. 3'x10') 45"x68" (apx. 4'x6') 45"x97" (apx. 4'x8') 45"x119" (apx. 4'x10') 72"x119" (apx. 6'x10') 4.9 8.8 10.8 20.5 16.6 21.8 27.0 40.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $48.30 $96.60 $120.75 $241.50 $193.20 $257.60 $322.00 $483.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $8.05 / sf BLUE (BL) BURGUNDY (BU) CHARCOAL (CH) DARK BROWN (DB) FOREST GREEN (FG) Custom sizes are not available for this product. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT SUPER-SOAKER™ DIAMOND / WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) 261 / RUBBER EDGING Mats S1 R023 S1 R034 S1 R035 S1 R310 S1 R046 S1 R048 S1 R410 S1 R068 PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE 262 / FABRIC EDGING S1 F023 S1 F034 S1 F035 S1 F310 S1 F046 S1 F048 S1 F410 S1 F068 COLOR CODE Custom sizes are not available for this product. Mats are manufactured to a tolerance of up to 3%, compared to the exact size listed. 22"x34" (apx. 2'x3') 34"x45" (apx. 3'x4') 34"x58" (apx. 3'x5') 34"x115" (apx. 3'x10') 45"x70" (apx. 4'x6') 45"x90" (apx. 4'x8') 45"x117" (apx. 4'x10') 73x90" (apx. 6'x8') 5.1 9.3 11.4 21.7 17.6 23.1 28.6 34.1 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $54.14 $108.10 $135.20 $270.25 $216.20 $316.00 $360.50 $498.05 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc BLUE (BL) BURGUNDY (BU) CHARCOAL (CH) DARK BROWN (DB) NAVY BLUE (NB) SLATE (ST) SUPER-SOAKER™ FAN / STANDARD COLORS WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) FABRIC EDGING 252 / HALF-OVAL Mats S2 F030 S2 F040 S2 F060 4.6 lbs / pc 6.9 lbs / pc 15.1 lbs / pc $45.55 / pc $75.85 / pc $187.70 / pc 34"x65" (apx. 3'x5.4') 35"x77" (apx. 3'x6.5') 35"x134" (apx. 3'x11.2') 45"x94" (apx. 4'x7.8') 45"x163" (apx. 4'x13.6') 72"x130" (apx. 6'x10.9') 11.9 14.1 23.5 21.9 37.4 44.8 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $153.60 $210.20 $302.75 $293.85 $595.60 $709.35 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc 254 / DOUBLE FAN END Mats S4 F035 35"x96" (apx. 3'x8.1') S4 F310 35"x154" (apx. 3'x12.9') S4 F046 45"x117" (apx. 4'x9.8') S4 F410 45"x165" (apx. 4'x13.7') S4 F412 45"x187" (apx. 4'x15.6') 17.3 26.9 27.3 37.7 42.8 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc $262.85 $346.05 $367.80 $493.75 $678.80 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc 253 / SINGLE FAN END Mats S3 F034 S3 F035 S3 F310 S3 F046 S3 F412 S3 F068 296 / TACK-TAPE™ Rolls DLR4250TP 34"x21" (apx. 3'x1.8') 45"x26" (apx. 4'x2.2') 73"x41" (apx. 6'x3.3') 4" x 250' 1 0.8 lbs / roll BLUE (BL) BURGUNDY (BU) CHARCOAL (CH) DARK BROWN (DB) WALNUT (WA) RED (RD) Custom sizes are not available for this product. Mats are manufactured to a tolerance of up to 3%, compared to the exact size listed. $100.95 / roll 225 / TIRE-TRACK™ WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) Mats TE 0023 TE 0034 TE 0035 TE 0310 TE 0046 TE 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' x x x x x x 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls TER0036 3' x 60' TER0048 4' x 60' TER0072 6' x 60' (Tire-Track continues next page) 1 1 1 6.3 11.7 14.4 27.7 22.4 36.6 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 160.2 lbs / roll 213.6 lbs / roll 320.4 lbs / roll $47.70 $95.40 $119.25 $238.50 $190.80 $318.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $7.95 / sf $1,422.00 / roll $1,896.00 / roll $2,844.00 / roll $7.90 / sf CHARCOAL (AC) BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) TAUPE (TP) ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE 225 / TIRE-TRACK™ WIPER/SCRAPER (3/8" thick) (Continued from previous page) Custom Cuts TER0036C TER0048C TER0072C 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 2.7 lbs / lin ft. 3.6 lbs / lin ft. 5.3 lbs / lin ft. $28.35 / lin ft. $37.80 / lin ft. $56.70 / lin ft. SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE $9.45 / sf TUFF-SPUN® FOOT-LOVER™ SOLID COLOR (5/8" thick) 430 / RIB EMBOSS Mats T6 W023 T6 W035 T6 W312 431 / PEBBLE EMBOSS T6 P023 T6 P035 T6 P312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 7.1 lbs / pc 16.3 lbs / pc 37.7 lbs / pc TS6P024-60 TS6P036-60 TS6P048-60 TS6P072-60 2' 3' 4' 6' 60' 60' 60' 60' 1 1 1 1 122.4 183.6 244.8 367.2 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 1 2.0 3.1 4.1 6.1 2' 27" 3' 3' x x x x 3' 3' 5' 12' 1 1 1 1 4.1 4.5 8.8 19.7 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 2' 3' 4' 6' x x x x 60' 60' 60' 60' 1 1 1 1 62.4 93.6 124.8 187.2 lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.6 2.1 3.1 $39.90 / pc $99.75 / pc $239.40 / pc $6.65 / sf BLACK (BK) GRAY (GY) / roll / roll / roll / roll $5.95 / sf 6' Custom Cuts are not beveled on the cut ends. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. $6.95 / sf $28.50 $32.06 $71.25 $171.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc $4.75 / sf $492.00 $738.00 $984.00 $1,476.00 / roll / roll / roll / roll $4.10 / sf / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. / lin ft. $4.90 / sf Rolls TS6W024-60 TS6W036-60 TS6W048-60 TS6W072-60 Custom Cuts TS6W024C TS6P024C TS6W036C TS6P036C TS6W048C TS6P048C TS6W072C TS6P072C x x x x lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / roll lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. $714.00 $1,071.00 $1,428.00 $2,142.00 $13.90 $20.85 $27.80 $41.70 (3/8" thick) 410 / RIB EMBOSS Mats FL 2436 FJ S736cc FL 3660 FL 3612 Rolls TS33824 TS33836 TS33848 TS33872 411 / PEBBLE EMBOSS FP 2436 FP S736cc FP 3660 FP 3612 TP83824 TP83836 TP83848 TP83872 Custom Cuts TS33824C TP83824C TS33836C TP83836C TS33848C TP83848C TS33872C TP83872C (Tuff-Spun Foot-Lovers continues next page) lb / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. lbs / lin ft. $9.80 $14.70 $19.60 $29.40 BLACK (BK) GRAY (GY) ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE TUFF-SPUN® FOOT-LOVER™ (Continued from previous page) BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS (3/8" thick) Mats SE 3823 SE 2736cc SE 3835 SE 3832 Rolls SER3824 SER3836 SER3848 Custom Cuts SER3824C SER3836C SER3848C 2' 27" 3' 3' x x x x 3' 3' 5' 12' 1 1 1 1 4.1 4.5 8.8 19.7 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 2' x 60' 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 1 1 1 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 1.0 lb / lin ft. 1.6 lbs / lin ft. 2.1 lbs / lin ft. 4" x 75' 1 1.9 lbs / roll 4" Custom 1 0.1 lbs / lin ft. ¾" x 100' 1 8.4 lbs / roll ¾" Custom 1 0.2 lbs / lin ft. 62.4 lbs / roll 93.6 lbs / roll 124.8 lbs / roll / pc / pc / pc / pc $4.75 / sf 410 / RIB EMBOSS BLACK/YELLOW (YB) $492.00 / roll $738.00 / roll $984.00 / roll $4.10 / sf 411 / PEBBLE EMBOSS BLACK/YELLOW (BP) $28.50 $32.06 $71.25 $171.00 $9.80 / lin ft. $14.70 / lin ft. $19.60 / lin ft. $4.90 / sf 6' Custom Cuts are not beveled on the cut ends. 290 / VELCRO® BACKING STRIPS Rolls ML VELCRO Custom Cuts ML VELCROC $500.75 / roll $7.75 / lin ft. NOSING Rolls N 0100 Custom Cuts N 0100C $205.10 / roll BLACK (BK) $2.30 / lin ft. 355 / WALK-A-WAY™ WIPER (5/16" thick) Mats WA 0023 WA 0034 WA 0035 WA 0310 WA 0046 WA 0410 2' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4' 3' 4' 5' 10' 6' 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls WAR0036 WAR0048 WAR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts WAR0036C WAR0048C WAR0072C x x x x x x 5.3 9.5 11.7 22.3 18.0 29.4 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 127.8 lbs / roll 170.4 lbs / roll 255.6 lbs / roll 2.1 lbs / lin ft. 2.8 lbs / lin ft. 4.3 lbs / lin ft. $32.10 $64.20 $80.25 $160.50 $128.40 $214.00 / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $5.35 / sf BLUE (BL) BROWN (BR) GRAY (GY) GREEN (GN) $927.00 / roll $1,236.00 / roll $1,854.00 / roll $5.15 / sf Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $18.45 / lin ft. $24.60 / lin ft. $36.90 / lin ft. $6.15 / sf ITEM & ITEM # 995 / WALK-N-CLEAN™ SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE Single Trays WC 3125 31½" x 25½" 1 8.0 lbs / pc $167.15 / pc GRAY (SG) WHITE (SW) Double Trays WC 3151 31½" x 51" 1 14.0 lbs / pc $331.65 / pc GRAY (DG) WHITE (DW) 30" x 24" 4 10.0 lbs / case $430.00 / case GRAY (AD) WHITE (DW) Replacement Pads WC RPLP SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE Custom sizes are not available for this product. 560 / 561 WEAR-BOND™ COMFORT-KING™ (9/16" thick) SOLID COLOR Mats WB Z023 WB Z035 WB Z312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 5.9 lbs / pc 13.3 lbs / pc 30.5 lbs / pc $47.10 / pc $117.75 / pc $282.60 / pc $7.85 / sf 560 / DIAMOND EMBOSS BLACK (KD) 562 / PEBBLE EMBOSS BLACK (KP) STEEL GRAY (GP) Rolls WBRZ024-75 WBRZ036-75 WBRZ048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 Custom Cuts WBRZ024C WBRZ036C WBRZ048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Mats WB Z023 2' x 3' WB Z035 3' x 5' WB Z312 3' x 12' 1 1 1 5.9 lbs / pc 13.3 lbs / pc 30.5 lbs / pc $50.40 / pc $126.00 / pc $302.40 / pc $8.40 / sf 560 / DIAMOND EMBOSS BLACK/YELLOW (YD) Rolls WBRZ024-75 WBRZ036-75 WBRZ048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 123.0 lbs / roll 184.5 lbs / roll 246.0 lbs / roll $1,192.50 / roll $1,788.75 / roll $2,385.00 / roll $7.95 / sf 562 / PEBBLE EMBOSS BLACK/YELLOW (YP) Custom Cuts WBRZ024C WBRZ036C WBRZ048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 123.0 lbs / roll 184.5 lbs / roll 246.0 lbs / roll 1.6 lbs / lin ft. 2.5 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. 1.6 lbs / lin ft. 2.5 lbs / lin ft. 3.3 lbs / lin ft. $1,102.50 / roll $1,653.75 / roll $2,205.00 / roll $16.90 / lin ft. $25.35 / lin ft. $33.80 / lin ft. $18.30 / lin ft. $27.45 / lin ft. $36.60 / lin ft. $7.35 / sf $8.45 / sf $9.15 / sf ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE WEAR-BOND™ TUFF-SPUN® (9/16" thick) SOLID COLOR Mats WB 0023 WB 0035 WB 0312 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 6.5 lbs / pc 14.8 lbs / pc 34.1 lbs / pc $37.50 / pc $93.75 / pc $225.00 / pc $6.25 / sf 520 / DIAMOND EMBOSS BLACK (KD) 522 / PEBBLE EMBOSS BLACK (KP) STEEL GRAY (GP) Rolls WBR0024-75 WBR0036-75 WBR0048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 Custom Cuts WBR0024C WBR0036C WBR0048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Mats WB 0023 2' x 3' WB 0035 3' x 5' WB 0312 3' x 12' 1 1 1 6.5 lbs / pc 14.8 lbs / pc 34.1 lbs / pc $40.50 / pc $101.25 / pc $243.00 / pc $6.75 / sf 520 / DIAMOND EMBOSS BLACK/YELLOW (YD) Rolls WBR0024-75 WBR0036-75 WBR0048-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 138.0 lbs / roll 207.0 lbs / roll 276.0 lbs / roll $945.00 / roll $1,417.50 / roll $1,890.00 / roll $6.30 / sf 522 / PEBBLE EMBOSS BLACK/YELLOW (YP) Custom Cuts WBR0024C WBR0036C WBR0048C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 310 / WONDER-PRO™ WIPER (7/16" thick) Mats WP 0023 2' x 3' WP 0034 3' x 4' WP 0035 3' x 5' WP 0310 3' x 10' WP 0046 4' x 6' WP 0410 4' x 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rolls WPR0036 WPR0048 WPR0072 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 6' x 60' 1 1 1 3' Custom 4' Custom 6' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts WPR0036C WPR0048C WPR0072C 138.0 lbs / roll 207.0 lbs / roll 276.0 lbs / roll 1.8 lbs / lin ft. 2.8 lbs / lin ft. 3.7 lbs / lin ft. 1.8 lbs / lin ft. 2.8 lbs / lin ft. 3.7 lbs / lin ft. 4.6 8.2 10.0 19.0 15.4 25.0 lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc lbs / pc 108.0 lbs / roll 144.0 lbs / roll 216.0 lbs / roll 1.8 lbs / lin ft. 2.4 lbs / lin ft. 3.6 lbs / lin ft. $877.50 / roll $1,316.25 / roll $1,755.00 / roll $13.70 / lin ft. $20.55 / lin ft. $27.40 / lin ft. $14.50 / lin ft. $21.75 / lin ft. $29.00 / lin ft. $29.70 $59.40 $74.25 $148.50 $118.80 $198.00 $5.85 / sf $6.85 / sf $7.25 / sf / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc / pc $4.95 / sf $846.00 / roll $1,128.00 / roll $1,692.00 / roll $4.70 / sf $17.10 / lin ft. $22.80 / lin ft. $34.20 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) CASTELLAN RED (CR) CHARCOAL (CH) EVERGREEN (EG) MARLIN BLUE (MB) NAVY BLUE (NB) PEBBLE BROWN (PB) WALNUT (WA) Custom sizes are available in sizes up to 11'9"x60'. Please contact Customer Service for details and pricing. $5.70 / sf ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT WORKERS-DELIGHT™ CORRUGATED RUBBER PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE 544 / STANDARD (5/8" thick) Mats WK 1223 WK 1235 WK 1232 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 9.5 lbs / pc 23.7 lbs / pc 56.9 lbs / pc $84.00 / pc $210.00 / pc $504.00 / pc $14.00 / sf BLACK (BK) Rolls WKR1224-75 WKR1236-75 WKR1248-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 237.0 lbs / roll 355.5 lbs / roll 474.0 lbs / roll $1,950.00 / roll $2,925.00 / roll $3,900.00 / roll $13.00 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts WKR1224C WKR1236C WKR1248C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 554 / ULTRA (7/8" thick) Mats WK 3423 WK 3435 WK 3432 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 12.0 lbs / pc 30.0 lbs / pc 72.0 lbs / pc $120.00 / pc $300.00 / pc $720.00 / pc $20.00 / sf Rolls WKR3424-75 WKR3436-75 WKR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 300.0 lbs / roll 450.0 lbs / roll 600.0 lbs / roll $2,850.00 / roll $4,275.00 / roll $5,700.00 / roll $19.00 / sf Custom Cuts WKR3424C WKR3436C WKR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 3.2 lbs / lin ft. 4.7 lbs / lin ft. 6.3 lbs / lin ft. 4.0 lbs / lin ft. 6.0 lbs / lin ft. 8.0 lbs / lin ft. $29.50 / lin ft. $44.25 / lin ft. $59.00 / lin ft. $41.50 / lin ft. $62.25 / lin ft. $83.00 / lin ft. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $14.75 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. $20.75 / sf WORKERS-DELIGHT™ DECK PLATE 540 / STANDARD (5/8" thick) SOLID COLOR Mats WD 1223 WD 1235 WD 1232 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 9.0 lbs / pc 21.0 lbs / pc 48.9 lbs / pc $90.00 / pc $225.00 / pc $540.00 / pc $15.00 / sf Rolls WDR1224-75 WDR1236-75 WDR1248-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 199.5 lbs / roll 299.3 lbs / roll 399.0 lbs / roll $2,205.00 / roll $3,307.50 / roll $4,410.00 / roll $14.70 / sf Custom Cuts WDR1224C WDR1236C WDR1248C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 2.7 lbs / lin ft. 4.0 lbs / lin ft. 5.3 lbs / lin ft. $30.70 / lin ft. $46.05 / lin ft. $61.40 / lin ft. $15.35 / sf BLACK (BK) GRAY (GY) 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. (Workers-Delight Deck Plate continues next page) ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT WORKERS-DELIGHT™ DECK PLATE (Continued from previous page) PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE 540 / STANDARD (5/8" thick) BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Mats WD 1223 2' x 3' WD 1235 3' x 5' WD 1232 3' x 12' 1 1 1 9.0 lbs / pc 21.0 lbs / pc 48.9 lbs / pc $95.10 / pc $237.75 / pc $570.60 / pc $15.85 / sf BLACK/YELLOW (YB) Rolls WDR1224-75 WDR1236-75 WDR1248-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 199.5 lbs / roll 299.3 lbs / roll 399.0 lbs / roll $2,302.50 / roll $3,453.75 / roll $4,605.00 / roll $15.35 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts WDR1224C WDR1236C WDR1248C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 550 / ULTRA (7/8" thick) SOLID COLOR Mats WD 3423 WD 3435 WD 3432 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 10.0 lbs / pc 23.5 lbs / pc 55.0 lbs / pc $110.70 / pc $276.75 / pc $664.20 / pc $18.45 / sf Rolls WDR3424-75 WDR3436-75 WDR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 225.0 lbs / roll 337.5 lbs / roll 450.0 lbs / roll $2,722.50 / roll $4,083.75 / roll $5,445.00 / roll $18.15 / sf Custom Cuts WDR3424C WDR3436C WDR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 BLACK W/YELLOW BORDERS Mats WD 3423 2' x 3' WD 3435 3' x 5' WD 3432 3' x 12' 1 1 1 10.0 lbs / pc 23.5 lbs / pc 55.0 lbs / pc $116.40 / pc $291.00 / pc $698.40 / pc $19.40 / sf BLACK/YELLOW (YB) Rolls WDR3424-75 WDR3436-75 WDR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 225.0 lbs / roll 337.5 lbs / roll 450.0 lbs / roll $2,835.00 / roll $4,252.50 / roll $5,670.00 / roll $18.90 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts WDR3424C WDR3436C WDR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 2.7 lbs / lin ft. 4.0 lbs / lin ft. 5.3 lbs / lin ft. 3.0 lbs / lin ft. 4.5 lbs / lin ft. 6.0 lbs / lin ft. 3.0 lbs / lin ft. 4.5 lbs / lin ft. 6.0 lbs / lin ft. $32.20 / lin ft. $48.30 / lin ft. $64.40 / lin ft. $37.80 / lin ft. $56.70 / lin ft. $75.60 / lin ft. $39.40 / lin ft. $59.10 / lin ft. $78.80 / lin ft. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $16.10 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. BLACK (BK) GRAY (GY) $18.90 / sf Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $19.70 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE WORKERS-DELIGHT™ SLATE™ PKG. AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE 546 / STANDARD (5/8" thick) Mats WX 1223 WX 1235 WX 1232 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 8.1 lbs / pc 20.3 lbs / pc 48.6 lbs / pc $108.00 / pc $270.00 / pc $648.00 / pc $18.00 / sf Rolls WXR1224-60 WXR1236-60 WXR1248-60 2' x 60' 3' x 60 4' x 60' 1 1 1 202.5 lbs / roll 303.8 lbs / roll 405.0 lbs / roll $2,040.00 / roll $3,060.00 / roll $4,080.00 / roll $17.00 / sf Custom Cuts WXR1224C WXR1236C WXR1248C COLOR CODE BROWN (BR) DARK GRAY (DG) LIGHT GRAY (LG) 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 2.7 lbs / lin ft. 4.1 lbs / lin ft. 5.4 lbs / lin ft. $37.50 / lin ft. $56.25 / lin ft. $75.00 / lin ft. $18.75 / sf Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. 556 / ULTRA (7/8" thick) Mats WX 3423 WX 3435 WX 3432 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 10.7 lbs / pc 26.9 lbs / pc 64.4 lbs / pc $138.00 / pc $345.00 / pc $828.00 / pc $23.00 / sf Rolls WXR3424-60 WXR3436-60 WXR3448-60 2' x 60' 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 1 1 1 268.5 lbs / roll 402.8 lbs / roll 537.0 lbs / roll $2,640.00 / roll $3,960.00 / roll $5,280.00 / roll $22.00 / sf Custom Cuts WXR3424C WXR3436C WXR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. 3.6 lbs / lin ft. 5.4 lbs / lin ft. 7.2 lbs / lin ft. $47.50 / lin ft. $71.25 / lin ft. $95.00 / lin ft. $23.75 / sf WORKERS-DELIGHT™ SPARK-SAFE™ 545 / STANDARD (5/8" thick) Mats WW 1223 WW 1235 WW 1232 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 8.3 lbs / pc 20.7 lbs / pc 49.7 lbs / pc $96.00 / pc $240.00 / pc $576.00 / pc $16.00 / sf Rolls WWR1224-75 WWR1236-75 WWR1248-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 207.0 lbs / roll 310.5 lbs / roll 414.0 lbs / roll $2,250.00 / roll $3,375.00 / roll $4,500.00 / roll $15.00 / sf Custom Cuts WWR1224C WWR1236C WWR1248C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 (Workers-Delight Spark-Safe continues next page) 2.8 lbs / lin ft. 4.1 lbs / lin ft. 5.5 lbs / lin ft. $36.00 / lin ft. $54.00 / lin ft. $72.00 / lin ft. $18.00 / sf BLACK (BK) ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. AVG. WEIGHT WORKERS-DELIGHT™ SPARK-SAFE™ (Continued from previous page) PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE 555 / ULTRA (7/8" thick) Mats WW 3423 WW 3435 WW 3432 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 10.7 lbs / pc 26.9 lbs / pc 64.4 lbs / pc $138.00 / pc $345.00 / pc $828.00 / pc $23.00 / sf Rolls WWR3424-75 WWR3436-75 WWR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 268.5 lbs / roll 402.8 lbs / roll 537.0 lbs / roll $3,300.00 / roll $4,950.00 / roll $6,600.00 / roll $22.00 / sf Custom Cuts WWR3424C WWR3436C WWR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 3.6 lbs / lin ft. 5.4 lbs / lin ft. 7.2 lbs / lin ft. $50.00 / lin ft. $75.00 / lin ft. $100.00 / lin ft. $25.00 / sf COLOR CODE BLACK (BK) 541 / WORKERS-DELIGHT™ SUPREME (5/8" thick) Mats WV 1223 WV 1235 WV 1232 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 10.0 lbs / pc 23.5 lbs / pc 55.0 lbs / pc $101.70 / pc $254.25 / pc $610.20 / pc $16.95 / sf Rolls WVR1224 WVR1236 WVR1248 2' x 60' 3' x 60' 4' x 60' 1 1 1 180.0 lbs / roll 270.0 lbs / roll 360.0 lbs / roll $1,980.00 / roll $2,970.00 / roll $3,960.00 / roll $16.50 / sf 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 Custom Cuts WVR1224C WVR1236C WVR1248C 3.0 lbs / lin ft. 4.5 lbs / lin ft. 6.0 lbs / lin ft. $34.80 / lin ft. $52.20 / lin ft. $69.60 / lin ft. BLACK (BK) FRENCH GRAY (FY) $17.40 / sf WORKERS-DELIGHT™ TRACTION PLUS™ 543 / STANDARD (5/8" thick) Mats WH 1223 WH 1235 WH 1232 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 10.5 lbs / pc 26.1 lbs / pc 62.6 lbs / pc $94.50 / pc $236.25 / pc $567.00 / pc $15.75 / sf BLACK (BK) Rolls WHR1224-75 WHR1236-75 WHR1248-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 261.0 lbs / roll 391.5 lbs / roll 522.0 lbs / roll $2,126.25 / roll $3,189.38 / roll $4,252.50 / roll $14.18 / sf 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. Custom Cuts WHR1224C WHR1236C WHR1248C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 (Workers-Delight Traction Plus continues next page) 2.9 lbs / lin ft. 4.4 lbs / lin ft. 5.8 lbs / lin ft. $32.24 / lin ft. $48.36 / lin ft. $64.48 / lin ft. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. $16.12 / sf Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. ITEM & ITEM # SIZE PKG. WORKERS-DELIGHT™ TRACTION PLUS™ AVG. WEIGHT PRICE SQ. FT. PRICE COLOR CODE 75' rolls are manufactured to a tolerance of ±1'. 553 / ULTRA (7/8" thick) Mats WH 3423 WH 3435 WH 3432 2' x 3' 3' x 5' 3' x 12' 1 1 1 13.0 lbs / pc 32.4 lbs / pc 77.8 lbs / pc $116.28 / pc $290.70 / pc $697.68 / pc $19.38 / sf Rolls WHR3424-75 WHR3436-75 WHR3448-75 2' x 75' 3' x 75' 4' x 75' 1 1 1 324.0 lbs / roll 486.0 lbs / roll 648.0 lbs / roll $2,859.00 / roll $4,288.50 / roll $5,718.00 / roll $19.06 / sf Custom Cuts WHR3424C WHR3436C WHR3448C 2' Custom 3' Custom 4' Custom 1 1 1 2' x 3' 35" x 47" 35" x 47" 1 1 1 2.3 lbs / lin ft. 6.5 lbs / lin ft. 8.6 lbs / lin ft. $39.70 / lin ft. $59.55 / lin ft. $79.40 / lin ft. Full rolls are not beveled on ends unless specified. Rolls with beveled ends are priced as Custom Cuts. Custom sizes can be made for larger area applications. Please inquire for details. $19.85 / sf 695 / YOGA-FLEX® (1/2" thick) Mats YF 0023 / Single YF SC34 / Center YF SE34 / End 10.0 lbs / pc 23.0 lbs / pc 21.0 lbs / pc $64.10 / pc $118.45 / pc $118.45 / pc BLACK (BK) Custom sizes are not available for this product. 010 / FLOCKED MAT DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION One Mat Minimum Order • Standard Graphics – Design / Set‐Up – $75.00 for the first color; $50.00 for each additional color. Design and Set‐Up services are not discountable. • Intricate Artwork – May be modified or incur additional cost. # of Flock • Personalization Program – Now available. For pricing, please call for a quote. Size Colors Number 1 F1 GS23 $150.00 $110.00 $67.00 $59.00 Burgundy (BU) 2 F2 GS23 174.00 127.00 78.00 71.00 66.00 Castellan Red (CR) 3 F3 GS23 196.00 144.00 94.00 83.00 76.00 Charcoal (CH) 1 2–4 5–9 10–24 25+ 4 F4 GS23 219.00 159.00 107.00 97.00 87.00 1 F1 GS34 $167.00 $126.00 $81.00 $74.00 $70.00 Mid-Gray (MG) 2 F2 GS34 188.00 142.00 96.00 87.00 79.00 Navy Blue (NB) 3 F3 GS34 212.00 158.00 108.00 100.00 94.00 Pebble Brown (PB) 4 F4 GS34 235.00 176.00 122.00 112.00 105.00 1 F1 GS35 $174.00 $134.00 $88.00 $82.00 $76.00 2 F2 GS35 196.00 150.00 103.00 96.00 88.00 3 F3 GS35 219.00 167.00 116.00 108.00 101.00 4 F4 GS35 243.00 180.00 131.00 120.00 112.00 1 F1 GS36 $181.00 $141.00 $98.00 $92.00 $85.00 2 F2 GS36 205.00 157.00 111.00 103.00 98.00 3 F3 GS36 227.00 175.00 123.00 115.00 108.00 4 F4 GS36 251.00 190.00 139.00 130.00 120.00 1 F1 GS46 $198.00 $157.00 $114.00 $108.00 $102.00 2 F2 GS46 220.00 175.00 128.00 120.00 114.00 3 F3 GS46 144.00 190.00 141.00 135.00 126.00 4 F4 GS46 266.00 208.00 154.00 146.00 138.00 $51.00 Evergreen (EG) Marlin Blue (MB) 3'×4' Walnut (WA) 3'×5' 3'×6' 4'×6' SOLID OLEFIN Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity # of Flock Blue (SU) Item Size Colors Number 2'×3' 1 F1 GS23 $161.00 $120.00 $75.00 $69.00 2 F2 GS23 184.00 137.00 88.00 79.00 74.00 3 F3 GS23 207.00 153.00 102.00 95.00 86.00 4 F4 GS23 229.00 171.00 115.00 106.00 98.00 1 F1 GS34 $186.00 $147.00 $100.00 $95.00 $100.00 2 F2 GS34 210.00 163.00 114.00 107.00 100.00 3 F3 GS34 233.00 180.00 128.00 119.00 112.00 4 F4 GS34 256.00 196.00 141.00 132.00 123.00 1 F1 GS35 $203.00 $161.00 $115.00 $109.00 $103.00 2 F2 GS35 227.00 179.00 128.00 122.00 115.00 3 F3 GS35 250.00 196.00 144.00 135.00 127.00 4 F4 GS35 274.00 213.00 156.00 148.00 139.00 1 F1 GS36 $216.00 $176.00 $127.00 $123.00 $116.00 2 F2 GS36 239.00 192.00 142.00 135.00 128.00 3 F3 GS36 263.00 210.00 156.00 148.00 140.00 4 F4 GS36 287.00 226.00 171.00 161.00 152.00 1 F1 GS46 $242.00 $202.00 $155.00 $150.00 $146.00 2 F2 GS46 266.00 219.00 170.00 162.00 156.00 3 F3 GS46 290.00 236.00 182.00 176.00 170.00 4 F4 GS46 313.00 254.00 197.00 189.00 180.00 Red (SR) 3'×4' • Tolerance on Mat Size — Up to 5%. • Color Matches – May not be exact from previous orders. Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Item 2'×3' Black (BK) • Maximum Design Area – 34ʺ×50ʺ. • Larger Orders – Please call for special quotes on orders of 100 mats or more. 5P RELY-ON™ OLEFIN • Maximum Flock Colors — Use up to a maximum of four colors on mats up to 4ʹ×6ʹ. Mats larger than 4ʹ×6ʹ, and up to a maximum of 6ʹ×20ʹ, can have only one color of flock. • Lead Time – Allow 2–3 weeks delivery on new flocked mats after signed approval of your art. If a prototype mat is requested, allow 3–5 days after receipt of signed approval. FLOCKED MAT 3'×5' • Flock Colors – See next page 3'×6' 4'×6' 1 2–4 5–9 10–24 25+ $63.00 010 / FLOCKED MAT (continued) 5P ECO-STEP™ # of Size Charcoal (CH) 2'×3' Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Flock Item Colors Number 1 2–4 5–9 10–24 25+ 1 F1 ET23 $151.00 $111.00 $70.00 $62.00 Granite (GT) 2 F2 ET23 175.00 128.00 81.00 73.00 68.00 Midnight Blue (MB) 3 F3 ET23 198.00 145.00 96.00 85.00 79.00 Walnut (WA) 4 F4 ET23 220.00 161.00 110.00 99.00 90.00 1 F1 ET34 $168.00 $128.00 $85.00 $78.00 $73.00 2 F2 ET34 190.00 145.00 99.00 92.00 85.00 3 F3 ET34 214.00 161.00 113.00 103.00 97.00 4 F4 ET34 237.00 178.00 126.00 116.00 108.00 1 F1 ET35 $177.00 $137.00 $95.00 $87.00 $82.00 2 F2 ET35 200.00 153.00 108.00 100.00 95.00 3 F3 ET35 223.00 171.00 121.00 113.00 106.00 4 F4 ET35 246.00 186.00 136.00 124.00 116.00 1 F1 ET36 $184.00 $145.00 $103.00 $98.00 $92.00 2 F2 ET36 208.00 161.00 116.00 110.00 103.00 3 F3 ET36 230.00 178.00 131.00 121.00 114.00 4 F4 ET36 254.00 193.00 144.00 136.00 126.00 1 F1 ET46 $202.00 $162.00 $121.00 $116.00 $111.00 2 F2 ET46 225.00 178.00 136.00 130.00 122.00 3 F3 ET46 249.00 193.00 149.00 141.00 135.00 4 F4 ET46 270.00 211.00 163.00 154.00 146.00 3'×4' 3'×5' 3'×6' 4'×6' FLOCKED MAT DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION (continued) $54.00 • Standard Flock Colors – Twenty stock colors are available. Beige 466C Black Chocolate Brown 4625 Charcoal 424U Gold 132C Hunter Green 3435C Light Gray 421U Navy 282C Ocean Blue 2945 Orange 166C Process Blue U Process Magenta C Process Yellow C Purple 267C Red 199C Royal Blue 287C Teal 320U White Wine 209C Yellow 129C • Custom Flock Colors –Custom colors are available upon request, please call for quote. IMAGE PRODUCTS ONLINE / REQUEST A QUOTE: Obtaining a quote online is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Go to and click on Image Products/Request a Quote. 2. Select the process you need: Flocked Mat, Graphic Inlay, Embossed Anti-Fatigue Mat, Jet-Print™, Hi-Definition Jet-Print™ VinylBacked Mat, Super-Soaker™ Inlay, Crown-Tred™ Printed Mat, or Vinyl-Link™. 3. Follow the instructions by process. We suggest you also submit your artwork at that time for an actual quote. A quote will be back to you within 48 hours. Below is a list of different types of artwork. Each is classified as acceptable, unacceptable, or marginal. If we are unable to use marginal artwork, we will advise the person who placed the order to supply us with different materials. Please try to provide the best possible artwork on the initial request, as this will expedite the process. · Acceptable: Vector-based digital files in PC format: .cdr**, .eps**, .ai, or .pdf; digital files in .jpg format of 600 dpi or higher; black and white ad slicks; and letterheads. · Marginal: Color prints*, detail files in .tif format, yellow page ads, business cards, and newspaper ads. · Unacceptable: Faxes, emblems or copies of emblems, banners, flags, and digital files in .gif, .dxf, or .bmp formats. ** .cdr or .eps files are preferred. * Color prints, if available, can be submitted to show color placement for design. Variances: Mat sizes are not always an exact measurement and typically have a 3-5% variance due to the material and manufacturing process. Colors may not be an exact match of previous orders. 020 / GRAPHIC INLAY DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION One Mat Minimum Order • Standard Graphics – No Set‐Up charge for camera‐ready artwork. • Proofs – We provide one complimentary proof sketch. Any modifications may incur a $25.00 charge per sketch change. MARATHON™ GRAPHIC INLAY MARATHON™ Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Item Size • Backing – Vinyl backing with standard vinyl borders. Heavy duty applied nosing is available, contact Customer Service. 2–10 11–25 26+ 3'×5' GI M035 $527.00 $476.00 $441.00 3'×10' GI M310 769.00 695.00 642.00 631.00 Blue/Gray (BY) 4'×6' GI M046 598.00 547.00 512.00 507.00 Dark Brown (DB) 021 / $435.00 4'×8' GI M048 711.00 652.00 611.00 605.00 4'×10' GI M410 853.00 779.00 726.00 716.00 6'×10' GI M610 1,022.00 947.00 894.00 884.00 OXFORD ELITE™ GRAPHIC INLAY OXFORD ELITE™ 4P Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Item Size Number Black/Blue (BL) 3'×5' GI E035 $520.00 $468.00 $434.00 Black/Brown (BR) 3'×10' GI E310 755.00 680.00 628.00 617.00 Black/Burgundy (BU) 4'×6' GI E046 587.00 536.00 501.00 495.00 Black/Gray (GY) 1 2–10 11–25 26+ $428.00 4'×8' GI E048 696.00 636.00 595.00 589.00 4'×10' GI E410 834.00 760.00 707.00 696.00 6'×10' GI E610 993.00 918.00 865.00 855.00 CROSS-OVER™ GRAPHIC INLAY • PMS Color Match – Available at $250.00 per color. Maximum of two CROSS-OVER™ PMS color‐matched colors per design, which must be part of the logo, and not the background. • Color Matches – May not be exact from previous orders. 1 Beige (BE) 022 / • Lead Time – Allow 10 working days delivery on new Graphic Inlays after signed approval of artwork. Number Anthracite (AC) • Standard Colors – Over 150 extended logo colors are available. • Extended Sizes – Graphic Inlay mats are available in sizes up to 11ʹ9ʺ×60ʹ. Mats greater in width than 6ʹ will be seamed; placement of the seam will be determined by the factory. Contact Crown Customer Service for pricing. 4P 4P Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Item Size Number Blue (BL) 3'×5' GI C035 $494.00 $443.00 $408.00 Brown (BR) 3'×10' GI C310 703.00 629.00 576.00 565.00 Gray (GY) 4'×6' GI C046 546.00 494.00 459.00 454.00 Green (GN) 1 2–10 11–25 26+ $402.00 4'×8' GI C048 641.00 581.00 541.00 534.00 4'×10' GI C410 765.00 691.00 638.00 628.00 6'×10' GI C610 890.00 815.00 763.00 752.00 GENERAL ORDERING NOTES: DESIGN/SET-UP CHARGE: Includes our standard art and design services. If the artwork is complex, as determined by our art department or the design requires a font/typeface not in our system, a surcharge will be assessed. When possible, modifications will be suggested to keep the cost at the standard rate. COPY CHANGES: After approval of the customer’s proof, any copy, design or art change (no matter how “insignificant”) will incur a full, initial design/set-up charge. Revisions to completed sketches during the proof process may incur a $25.00 revision fee. LOGO DESIGN/SET-UP: Logo design/set-up charges and sketch charges are non-discountable. Unless noted on the order, all mats will be calculated at the nominal width, e.g., 8ft × 10ft will be approximately 7ft 9in × 10ft. Picture‐frame borders are available with standard Vinyl Nosing and HD Nosing at an additional cost. WRITTEN CONFIRMATION REQUIRED: No orders will go into production without a written confirmation. REORDERS: Within 12 months of the last order, there is no set-up charge. Reorder after one year and the full design/set-up fee will be charged. There is no design or set-up charge for reorder of Graphic Inlay, JetPrint, Hi-Definition Jet-Print, Super-Soaker Inlay, Crown-Tred Printed, or Vinyl-Link mat orders. RECESSED WELL AREAS: All recessed well areas must be fitted and installed on location. Exact size will not be guaranteed by factory when ordering for a recessed area. All tolerances still apply to special cut items. ACCEPTABLE FILE FORMATS: .cdr, .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .jpg at 600 dpi minimum. UNACCEPTABLE FORMATS: MacIntosh files, .bmp, .sit, .gif, .dxf, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, or Lotus. TOLERANCE: ±3–5% on mat size. 050 / 3/8" PEBBLE TUFF-SPUN® EMBOSSED ANTI-FATIGUE MAT # of Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Logo Black (BK) Size Colors 2'×3' 0 A0 FP23 $31.00 $27.00 1 A1 FP23 39.00 33.00 2 A2 FP23 43.00 39.00 3 A3 FP23 47.00 43.00 Gray (GY) 3'×4' 3'×5' 3'×10' 3/8" COMFORT-KING™ 50–199 200+ 0 A0 FP34 $41.00 $37.00 1 A1 FP34 49.00 45.00 2 A2 FP34 57.00 50.00 3 A3 FP34 64.00 59.00 0 A0 FP35 $46.00 $42.00 1 A1 FP35 54.00 48.00 2 A2 FP35 60.00 54.00 3 A3 FP35 65.00 60.00 0 A0 FP31 $91.00 $85.00 1 A1 FP31 106.00 101.00 2 A2 FP31 115.00 111.00 3 A3 FP31 125.00 119.00 # of Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Logo Black (BK) Size Colors 2'×3' 0 50–199 A0 CK23 $37.00 200+ $31.00 Royal Blue (BL) 1 A1 CK23 44.00 40.00 Steel Gray (GY) 2 A2 CK23 49.00 45.00 3 A3 CK23 56.00 49.00 0 A0 CK34 $54.00 $48.00 1 A1 CK34 63.00 57.00 2 A2 CK34 67.00 63.00 3 A3 CK34 71.00 67.00 0 A0 CK35 $62.00 $56.00 1 A1 CK35 70.00 66.00 2 A2 CK35 75.00 71.00 3 A3 CK35 80.00 75.00 0 A0 CK31 $117.00 $113.00 1 A1 CK31 137.00 132.00 2 A2 CK31 147.00 143.00 3 A3 CK31 158.00 152.00 3'×4' 3'×5' 3'×10' 2P EMBOSSED ANTI‐FATIGUE DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION • Minimum Order – 50 pieces of one mat size, flat packed without cartons. Cartons are available for an additional charge. • Standard Graphics – Design / Set‐Up – • Small art: max. 95 sq. in., $175–$310 • Medium art: 96–288 sq. in., $315–$650 • Large art: 289–384 sq. in., $655–$1,000 • X‐Large art: 385–576 sq. in, $1,005–$1,500 Design and Set‐Up services are not discountable. Artwork submitted to factory determines final cost of mat and set‐up charge. • Repeat Order Design / Set‐Up – $30.00. Design and Set‐Up services are not discountable. • Large Orders – Quoted upon request. • Custom PMS Color for Base Mat – Quoted upon request. • Anti‐Microbial Mats – Available for an additional $5.00 per mat, with a minimum order of 300 mats. • Tolerance on Mat Size — Up to 5%. • Style ʺ4ʺ — Digital film print technology available, contact Customer Service for details. • Lead Time – Allow 4–5 weeks delivery after signed approval of artwork. 030 / JET-PRINT™ MAT JET-PRINT™ JET‐PRINT MAT DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION 4P Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Trade Item Size Size Number 1 2–10 11–25 26+ Black 401 2'×3' 24"×35" JR 0023 $170.00 $131.00 $106.00 $99.00 Blush 408 3'×4' 35"×47" JR 0034 198.00 152.00 124.00 115.00 Burgundy 430 3'×5' 35"×59" JR 0035 243.00 187.00 150.00 139.00 Dark Gold 427 3'×10' 35"×119" JR 0310 $467.00 $359.00 $290.00 $273.00 Dark Gray 419 4'×6' 45"×69" JR 0046 363.00 279.00 227.00 210.00 Emerald Green 421 4'×8' 45"×95" JR 0048 540.00 416.00 337.00 316.00 $397.00 Aquamarine 415 One Mat Minimum Order • Standard Graphics – No Set‐Up charge for camera‐ready artwork. • Proofs – We provide one complimentary proof sketch. Any modifications may incur a $25.00 charge per sketch change. • Image Size – Images will be made as large as possible, unless otherwise specified. Text or graphics measuring less than 2ʺ is not recommended. • PMS Color Match – Available at $250.00 per color. Maximum of two PMS color‐matched colors per design, which must be part of the logo, and not the background.. • Standard Colors – Over 300 extended colors are available. • Tolerance – Up to 3% on mat size, not trade size. • Color Matches – May not be exact from previous orders. • Lead Time – Allow 3–5 working days delivery after signed approval of artwork. • Backing – Cleated 52mil rubber backing is standard. Chocolate 431 Forest Green 422 Gold 423 5'×8' 58"×95" JR 0058 $676.00 $521.00 $422.00 Hot Pink 404 5'×10' 58"×119" JR 0510 846.00 652.00 529.00 496.00 Light Blue 410 6'×10' 68"×119" JR 0610 957.00 739.00 598.00 561.00 Moss Green 405 6'×12' 68"×143" JR 0612 1,146.00 884.00 717.00 673.00 JR CSTx $23.00 $19.00 $18.00 $16.00 Navy 417 Orange 429 Custom, per sq.ft. Pearl White 411 Maximum Width 6' * Purple 407 Red 406 * Custom sizes longer than 23' and up to 40' maximum, will have a 25% mark-up. Rose 409 Royal Blue 403 Sandalwood 413 Silver 418 Suede 426 Turquoise 414 White Silver 402 Yellow 425 JET-PRINT™ Non-Logo Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Trade Item Size Size Number 1 2–10 11–25 26+ 2'×3' 24"×35" JR 0023NL $157.00 $121.00 $98.00 $92.00 3'×4' 35"×47" JR 0034NL 183.00 141.00 115.00 106.00 3'×5' 35"×59" JR 0035NL 225.00 173.00 139.00 129.00 3'×10' 35"×119" JR 0310NL $432.00 $332.00 $268.00 $253.00 4'×6' 45"×69" JR 0046NL 336.00 258.00 210.00 194.00 4'×8' 45"×95" JR 0048NL 500.00 385.00 312.00 292.00 5'×8' 58"×95" JR 0058NL $625.00 $482.00 $390.00 $367.00 5'×10' 58"×119" JR 0510NL 783.00 603.00 489.00 459.00 6'×10' 68"×119" JR 0610NL 885.00 684.00 553.00 519.00 6'×12' 68"×143" JR 0612NL 1,060.00 818.00 663.00 623.00 $16.00 $13.00 $12.00 $11.00 Custom, per sq.ft. Maximum Width 6' * JR CSTxNL * Custom sizes longer than 23' and up to 40' maximum, will have a 25% mark-up. 035 / HI-DEF JET-PRINT™ on Premium Vinyl HI-DEFINITION JET-PRINT™ Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Trade Item 1 2–10 11–25 26+ 4P HI‐DEFINITION JET‐PRINT MAT DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION Size Size Number 2'×3' 24"×35" JV H023 $169.00 $130.00 $105.00 $98.00 3'×4' 35"×47" JV H034 197.00 151.00 123.00 114.00 3'×5' 35"×59" JV H035 242.00 186.00 149.00 138.00 • Standard Graphics – No Set‐Up charge for camera‐ready artwork. 3'×10' 35"×119" JV H310 $466.00 $358.00 $289.00 $272.00 4'×6' 45"×69" JV H046 362.00 278.00 226.00 209.00 4'×8' 45"×95" JV H048 539.00 415.00 336.00 315.00 • Proofs – We provide one complimentary proof sketch. Any modifications may incur a $25.00 charge per sketch change. 5'×8' 58"×95" JV H058 $675.00 $520.00 $421.00 $396.00 5'×10' 58"×119" JV H510 845.00 651.00 528.00 495.00 6'×10' 68"×119" JV H610 956.00 738.00 597.00 560.00 6'×12' 68"×143" JV H612 1,145.00 883.00 716.00 672.00 JV HCSx $22.00 $18.00 $17.00 $15.00 Custom, per sq.ft. Maximum Width 6' * * Custom sizes longer than 23' and up to 40' maximum, will have a 25% mark-up. One Mat Minimum Order • Image Size – Images will be made as large as possible, unless otherwise specified. Text or graphics measuring less than 2ʺ is not recommended. • PMS Color Match – Available at $250.00 per color. Maximum of two PMS color‐matched colors per design, which must be part of the logo, and not the background.. • Standard Colors – Up to 150 extended colors are available. • Tolerance – Up to 3% on mat size, not trade size. • Color Matches – May not be exact from previous orders. • Lead Time – Allow 10 working days delivery after signed approval of artwork. GENERAL ORDERING NOTES: DESIGN/SET-UP CHARGE: Includes our standard art and design services. If the artwork is complex, as determined by our art department or the design requires a font/typeface not in our system, a surcharge will be assessed. When possible, modifications will be suggested to keep the cost at the standard rate. COPY CHANGES: After approval of the customer’s proof, any copy, design or art change (no matter how “insignificant”) will incur a full, initial design/set-up charge. Revisions to completed sketches during the proof process may incur a $25.00 revision fee. LOGO DESIGN/SET-UP: Logo design/set-up charges and sketch charges are non-discountable. WRITTEN CONFIRMATION REQUIRED: No orders will go into production without a written confirmation. REORDERS: Within 12 months of the last order, there is no set-up charge. Reorder after one year and the full design/set-up fee will be charged. There is no design or set-up charge for reorder of Graphic Inlay, JetPrint, Hi-Definition Jet-Print, Super-Soaker Inlay, Crown-Tred Printed, or Vinyl-Link mat orders. RECESSED WELL AREAS: All recessed well areas must be fitted and installed on location. Exact size will not be guaranteed by factory when ordering for a recessed area. All tolerances still apply to special cut items. ACCEPTABLE FILE FORMATS: .cdr, .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .jpg at 600 dpi minimum. UNACCEPTABLE FORMATS: MacIntosh files, .bmp, .sit, .gif, .dxf, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, or Lotus. TOLERANCE: ±3–5% on mat size. • Backing – Smooth 70mil vinyl backing is standard. 025 / SUPER‐SOAKER INLAY DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION SUPER-SOAKER™ INLAY SUPER-SOAKER™ Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Trade Size One Mat Minimum Order • Standard Graphics – No Set‐Up charge for camera‐ready artwork. • Intricate Artwork – May need modification to conform to manufacturing requirements. • Lead Time – Allow 3–5 working days delivery on new inlays after signed approval of artwork. • Tolerance – Up to 3% on mat size, not trade size. • Color Matches – May not be exact from previous orders. • Background Colors – Colors marked with an asterisk (*) are not available as background colors on 6ʹ wide mats. Item Size Number 1 2–10 11–99 100–249 * Aqua Marine 163 2'×3' 24"×34" NK x023 $231.00 $194.00 $169.00 $162.00 Bluestone 158 3'×4' 34"×46" NK x034 345.00 290.00 252.00 243.00 * Bordeaux 160 3'×5' 34"×58" NK x035 383.00 324.00 281.00 270.00 Charcoal 154 3'×6' 34"×67" NK x036 466.00 397.00 365.00 334.00 3'×10' 34"×119" NK x310 $672.00 $567.00 $491.00 $473.00 Dark Brown 152 Evergreen 159 * Gold 164 3'×12' 34"×143" NK x312 805.00 680.00 589.00 568.00 * Light Green 153 3'×15' 34"×178" NK x315 1,007.00 850.00 737.00 710.00 Medium Blue 156 3'×20' 34"×238" NK x320 1,343.00 1,133.00 983.00 946.00 4'×6' 45"×67" NK x046 $576.00 $486.00 $421.00 $406.00 4'×8' 45"×97" NK x048 717.00 605.00 524.00 505.00 * Orange 167 4'×10' 45"×119" NK x410 896.00 756.00 656.00 630.00 * Purple 168 4'×12' 45"×135" NK x412 1,074.00 907.00 787.00 756.00 • Backing and Edging – Cleated Rubber Back Medium Brown 151 with Rubber Borders are standard. Fabric Medium Gray 157 borders or Smooth Rubber back available Navy 161 upon request. • Custom Sizes – Not available for this product. 4P Red/Black 155 * Solid Red 165 4'×14' 45"×165" NK x414 $1,255.00 $1,058.00 $918.00 $883.00 * White 162 4'×16' 45"×187" NK x416 1,433.00 1,209.00 1,050.00 1,008.00 * Yellow 166 4'×20' 45"×238" NK x420 1,791.00 1,511.00 1,310.00 1,261.00 6'×5' 72"×58" NK x065 634.00 545.00 478.00 460.00 6'×6' 72"×67" NK x066 $761.00 $652.00 $573.00 $552.00 6'×8' 72"×97" NK x068 922.00 777.00 675.00 648.00 6'×10' 72"×119" NK x610 1,152.00 972.00 844.00 810.00 6'×12' 72"×142" NK x612 1,439.00 1,214.00 1,054.00 1,012.00 6'×14' 72"×165" NK x614 $1,852.00 $1,587.00 $1,396.00 $1,342.00 6'×16' 72"×195" NK x616 1,919.00 1,619.00 1,404.00 1,351.00 6'×18' 72"×217" NK x618 2,159.00 1,822.00 1,580.00 1,520.00 6'×20' 72"×239" NK x620 2,302.00 1,943.00 1,685.00 1,621.00 GENERAL ORDERING NOTES: DESIGN/SET-UP CHARGE: Includes our standard art and design services. If the artwork is comp determined by our art department or the design requires a font/typeface not in our system, a surcha be assessed. When possible, modifications will be suggested to keep the cost at the standard rate. COPY CHANGES: After approval of the customer’s proof, any copy, design or art change (no matt “insignificant”) will incur a full, initial design/set-up charge. Revisions to completed sketches during proof process may incur a $25.00 revision fee. LOGO DESIGN/SET-UP: Logo design/set-up charges and sketch charges are non-discountable. WRITTEN CONFIRMATION REQUIRED: No orders will go into production without a written confirm REORDERS: Within 12 months of the last order, there is no set-up charge. Reorder after one year full design/set-up fee will be charged. There is no design or set-up charge for reorder of Graphic In Print, Hi-Definition Jet-Print, Super-Soaker Inlay, Crown-Tred Printed, or Vinyl-Link mat orders. RECESSED WELL AREAS: All recessed well areas must be fitted and installed on location. Exac will not be guaranteed by factory when ordering for a recessed area. All tolerances still apply to spe items. ACCEPTABLE FILE FORMATS: .cdr, .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .jpg at 600 dpi minimum. UNACCEPTABLE FORMATS: MacIntosh files, .bmp, .sit, .gif, .dxf, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPo Lotus. TOLERANCE: ±3–5% on mat size. 040 / CROWN-TRED™ PRINTED MAT CROWN-TRED™ Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Trade Black (BK) Item 1 2–10 11–25 26+ 4P CROWN‐TRED PRINTED MAT DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION Size Size Number 2½'×3' 29"×34" IR 0023 $218.00 $120.00 $108.00 $106.00 3'×5' 34"×54" IR 0035 234.00 175.00 154.00 151.00 3'×10' 34"×111" IR 0310 500.00 391.00 336.00 328.00 4'×6' 45"×67" IR 0046 299.00 239.00 226.00 224.00 4'×8' 45"×95" IR 0048 528.00 449.00 426.00 422.00 6'×6' 68"×68" IR 0066 595.00 505.00 455.00 • Image Size – Call customer service for maximum logo area, and best fit, based on mat size and artwork. Available imprint area 451.00 varies depending on logo submitted. 6'×8' 71"×96" IR 0068 691.00 673.00 606.00 600.00 One Mat Minimum Order • Standard Graphics – No Set‐Up charge for camera‐ready artwork. • Proofs – We provide one complimentary proof sketch. Any modifications may incur a $25.00 charge per sketch change. • Logo Colors – Up to 150 extended colors are available. • PMS Color Match – Available at $250.00 per color, maximum two PMS color‐match colors per mat. • Custom Sizes – Not available. • Tolerance – Up to 3% on mat size, not trade size. 060 / • Lead Time – Allow 3–5 working days delivery after signed approval of artwork. VINYL-LINK™ MAT VINYL-LINK™ 5P VINYL‐LINK DESIGN AND SET‐UP INFORMATION Suggested Resale Price Each — By Quantity Item 1–17 18–30 31–100 101–200 201+ No. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. One Mat Minimum Order Black Green Blue Light Blue Brick Red Red Brown Tan Burgundy White Gray Yellow VL CUSTMS $51.00 $50.00 $48.00 $46.00 $43.00 • Standard Graphics – No Set‐Up charge for camera‐ready artwork. • Standard Sizes – 2ʹ×3ʹ, 3ʹ×4ʹ, 3ʹ×5ʹ, 4ʹ×6ʹ, and 4ʹ×10ʹ. • Edging — Beveled edges are standard. Square edges are available upon request. • Non‐Standard Widths or Lengths Between 8ʹ and 12ʹ Long — 10% surcharge on net cost. • Non‐Standard Lengths in excess of 12ʹ Long — Please contact Customer Service for a quote. • Lead Time – Allow 4–5 weeks delivery after signed approval of artwork. Terms and Conditions Products and their related details are subject to change. Please contact our Customer Service Department to obtain current information. Payment Terms: 1% / 10 net 30 for approved accounts. Accounts 15 days past due may be placed on credit hold. Pricing: Prices are subject to change without notice. Every effort will be made to announce price changes in advance. In the event a customer is not aware of a price change, notification will be made before the order is filled. Minimum Charge: A $10.00 service charge will be added to orders equaling less than $100.00 net. Order Confirmation: Crown takes great care to enter customer orders with the highest accuracy. However, due to the nature of faxed orders, a letter or number can be altered during the faxing process to clearly resemble another. Crown’s ordering components of feet, inches, color, logo, etc., if altered, can cause an incorrect size or color to be ordered. To ensure proper items are ordered, Crown faxes/emails order confirmations back to the customer to check for accuracy. If there is an error, the Crown Customer Service Department should be contacted immediately at 800-628-5463 for correction. If an item has been received incorrectly and was confirmed by Crown, return freight charges and a 30% restocking fee will apply for stock items only. Custom, specialty, and discontinued items are not returnable. Telephone Orders: Crown will accept telephone orders. However, the customer is responsible for the accuracy of the order. To ensure proper items are ordered, Crown will fax/email an order confirmation to check for accuracy. If there is an error, the Crown Customer Service Department should be contacted immediately at 800628-5463 for correction. If an item has been received incorrectly and was confirmed by Crown, return freight charges and a 30% restocking fee will apply for stock items only. Custom, specialty, and discontinued items are not returnable. Cancellations: Order cancellations are only accepted in writing prior to shipment via fax at 800-544-2806 or 419-332-4180. Due to the made-to-order specifications of custom products, cancellation must occur within 24 hours of order placement. Cancellations on custom products after 24 hours will not be accepted. Stock items that are cancelled after shipment are subject to a 30% restocking fee and freight paid by the customer. Completed or in-process special orders are not cancelable. Acceptable Delivery: Special orders and custom-made products are subject to overruns. When placing an order for special/custommade products, the customer is responsible to take all overruns. © 2015 Crown Matting Technologies Special Orders: Special order or made-to-specification products, including custom-sized mats, are not returnable. Completed or in-process orders are not cancelable. Freight: All prices are F.O.B. Fremont, Ohio. FedEx Ground or UPS is used when possible. Common Carrier (truck) shipments are sent COLLECT. Customer-specified carriers must be clearly marked on the purchase order or stated when placing a verbal order. Unless specified, Crown will designate our carrier. Note: Shipping weights shown in our price list are approximate. These do not include pallet or carton weights. Freight Damage: It is critical to inspect and count all goods before accepting shipment. Do not refuse or return damaged goods to Crown as the carrier will not honor a freight claim when damaged goods have been moved from the location of original receipt. If carton is dented or torn, open and inspect the goods for damage. In most cases, the product is unharmed. If goods are damaged, note extent of the damage including if carton, shrink wrap or banding is not intact on the delivery bill before signing. Do not move the goods. Contact the carrier immediately to file a freight claim and schedule inspection. Keep original packaging. Whenever possible, it is recommended to take pictures of damaged goods. If goods have concealed damage (where goods are damaged but the packaging is intact), contact the carrier immediately. Keep original packaging and do not move. Whenever possible, it is recommended to take pictures of damaged goods. Shortages: It is critical to inspect and count all goods before signing the delivery receipt. If goods are missing: LTL Shipment – Note on the delivery receipt before signing the number of pieces missing and if carton/shrink wrap/banding is not intact. Contact the carrier immediately to file a freight claim. Small Package – Occasionally packages get separated during transit. If remaining packages are not received within two days, call Crown Customer Service at 800628-5463 to trace the shipment. Note on the delivery receipt before signing the number of pieces missing and if carton/shrink wrap is not intact. If all packages were received and goods are missing, contact Crown Customer Service at 800-628-5463 to report shortage. Special Services: Freight Rates are based on the accuracy of the information provided when orders are placed. Additional fees may apply for other charges including appointments prior to delivery, lift gate services where carrier does not have access to loading dock or customer does not have tow motor, residential delivery, inside delivery, address corrections or various other accessorial services. Please review the order confirmation for accuracy. Failure to provide accurate delivery information could result in these fees being charged back to the customer. 2100 Commerce Drive, Fremont, Ohio 43420 T. 800-628-5463 419-332-5531 F. 800-544-2806 419-332-4180 Returned Goods: No material will be accepted without prior authorization from the Crown Customer Service Department. Custom, specialty, or discontinued items are not returnable. Call Customer Service for further information about our Return Policy. Restocking Charges: A 30% restocking fee will be incurred for non-defective, standard returned products. Colors: Illustrations show approximate colors only. If critical, final color selection should be made from actual samples. Limitation of Liability: Customer acknowledges the price of Crown/Ludlow products is predicated on the enforceability of the following limitation of liability, that the price would be substantially higher if Ludlow could not limit its liability as herein provided and that customer accepts this limitation of liability in exchange for a lower price: Ludlow shall have no liability to customer for lost profits or any special, consequential, exemplary or incidental damages of any kind whether arising in contract, tort, product liability or any damages whatsoever in excess of actual price paid to Ludlow for the nonconforming or defective product. This limitation or liability may not be altered except by a duly authorized officer of Ludlow. Warranty Policy: Crown Matting Technologies warrants new products against defects in material and workmanship for one year. The obligation of this warranty is limited to the original user and to the replacement, repair or pro-rated refund of said product. Call customer service for further information about our Warranty Policy. Custom Cut Mats: Many Crown mats can be cut to special lengths and widths. Crown will produce these mats to a tolerance of +/- one inch of the customer-specified length or width. Full rolls of carpet do not have nosing on short ends unless specified by customer. If nosing is needed on short ends, custom cut pricing will apply. Custom Cut Mats Cost: Custom Length Only – Please refer to individual product price pages under Custom Cut column. All custom-length mats will have either nosing applied or factory borders unless otherwise specified. Typical upcharge will vary from 15% to 20% depending on product. Custom Width or Custom Width and Length – Cost of rolls cut to custom widths (whether or not mat is also cut to special length) is calculated as follows: Standard width × length × standard roll square foot cost = Standard Mat Cost Standard Mat Cost x 1.25 = Final Cost A division of Ludlow Composites Corporation
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