House of Future Energies


House of Future Energies
No. 1 | 2011 | March
House of
Future Energies
Fully booked
Once again, GRC blood drive
CCA with new portal
Blood donations for
New service package
for insurance coverage
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Wind energy projects in Italy and Poland
Equiventus acquires shares of the WKN AG
450 Megawatt Project Pipeline Page 2
New market
WKN goes
South Africa
Page 8
Company update
Wind pioneer Volker Friedrichsen joins the
Board of Supervisors of the BGZ Group –
Martinus Scherweit becomes the new CEO
Cover story
Wind energy projects in Italy and Poland
Equiventus acquires shares of the
WKN AG 450 Megawatt Project Pipeline
After more than ten years as a member of the Board of
Directors of the BGZ AG Volker Friedrichsen resigned
his position as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) according
to plan as of 31st December 2010. The sixty-four-yearold wind pioneer has joined the Board of Supervisors of
the BGZ Group founded by Friedrichsen himself and remains its majority shareholder. With the establishment
of WKN Windkraft Nord already in 1990 Friedrichsen
had laid the foundation for the Husum company group.
Before 2000 when the skilled banker began devoting
himself completely to the further development of the
company he had founded, Friedrichsen had been the
Managing Director of the German subsidiary of the turbine manufacturer Vestas for ten years.
As of 1st January 2011 Martinus Scherweit succeeds
Volker Friedrichsen as CEO. Scherweit, born in 1964
and CEO of the BGZ subsidiary WKN Windkraft Nord
AG, was already managing the entire operative business of the BGZ Group during the past months as the
group’s Chief Operative Officer (COO). In 1991 the mechanical engineer began his career in the wind branch at
Windtest Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog. In 1994 Scherweit was
appointed Managing Director of energy-consult, today
also a subsidiary company of the BGZ Group, and where
he became managing partner in 1997. Since 2004 Martinus Scherweit has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of WKN AG.
Further, as of 1st January 2011 Wichard von Harrach
has been appointed COO to the BGZ Board of Directors.
Since 1st October 2009 Wichard von Harrach has already
been supporting the Management of WKN Windkraft
Nord AG alongside Martinus Scherweit and Michael Ostwald. Wichard von Harrach, born in 1969, is a graduate
economist and was previously employed as Vice President Project Development at Siemens Project Ventures
(SPV) in Erlangen. Von Harrach contributed decisively to
setting up the WKN/Siemens joint ventures “Innovative
Wind Concepts” as well as to the Siemens Project Ventures in the BGZ Group.
Michael Ostwald, as Chief Financial Officer, continues
to be accountable for the finances of the company group
and to serve not only as a member of the BGZ Board but
also of the WKN Board.
The investment company Equiventus Capital S.a.r.l. has acquired a minority share of the
wind energy projects from the project developer WKN Windkraft Nord with a total volume
amounting to approximately 450 Megawatt. This business transaction pertains to locations in Italy and Poland. At the end of 2010 Equiventus already took over the 50- megawatt
“Bardy” project in Poland from the Husum project developer. Equi-ventus Capital S.a.r.l. is a
branch of Equiventus Holding S.A. with its headquarters in Luxemburg.
Five of the eight projects in Italy will be built with an installed output of about 300 megawatts. The smallest of
the projects planned comprises 18 megawatts and the
largest 120 megawatts. A total of 140 wind turbines type
V90 manufactured by the global market leader Vestas are
to be built, each with an installed output of two or three
megawatts and a hub height of 105 meters. The projects
will obtain their construction permits between 2011 and
2012 and erection is planned to take place from the end
of 2011 to 2013.
The three Polish projects will have a total capacity of approx. 150 megawatts, the largest one with an installed
output of 93 megawatts. Vestas turbines type V112, each
with an installed output of about three megawatts and
a hub height of 119 meters, are mainly utilized in these
projects. The locations will obtain their construction permits between 2012 and 2014 and will be erected between
2013 and 2015.
Once again WKN assumes the entire coordination of
the construction of the large projects, as they did at the
“Bardy” wind farm. The investor Equiventus has assigned
the experts of WKN to function as the so-called owners’
Volker Friedrichsen
Martinus Scherweit
“WKN stands for high quality projects. We are proud to have
convinced one of our investors of this,” says Martinus Scherweit,
CEO of WKN Windkraft Nord. “We are looking forward to strategic cooperation with Equiventus in the years to come.”
Michael Ostwald
Wichard von Harrach
News ticker
Successful Repowering
That was the title of the one day workshop BGZ Fondsverwaltung organised on the 28th
February. Approximately sixty people expressed their interest in repowering and accepted the
invitation. With that the event at the House of Future Energies was fully booked up to the last
seat. The following questions were discussed with the panel of experts:
• When is the best time for repowering?
• Is the managing director of a wind farm operating company automatically responsible for the
plant? And if so, what does that mean?
• What about connection rights concerning the
energy provider?
• What are the possible reasons for the failure of
repowering projects?
• What are the prerequisites for optimum
Experienced experts such as Dr. Stephan Tölpe,
a lawyer from Hamburg, who spoke about “The
challenges of successful repowering from the
standpoint of legal planning regulations“, provided answers to those questions. The participants were informed about new requirements for
contracts and permits and learnt about crucial
details concerning grid connection issues and
area securing.
Hermann Albers, President of the German Federal Wind Energy Association
The participants eagerly awaited information about the
current status of state planning. When can we expect
the adoption of regional plans in Schleswig-Holstein, in
which the state government will expand suitable areas
from 0.8% at this time to 1.5% and thus allow the planning of many new wind farms? If the present schedule is
observed, the regional plans will be completed by 2011,
according to a statement by the land use planning commission. However, Björn Awiszus, Manager of WKN Project Development recommends - based on his experience
- not to rely for sure on this deadline and rather expects a
postponement to the beginning of 2012.
Close attention was paid to Jens Sieger, Managing Director of energy-consult, and his explanations concerning
yield increase through optimal and proactive technical
operation management. A small surplus percentage can
be decisive in times of low winds as has been experienced
during the last three years. The new concept for preventive maintenance introduced by Sieger is encouraging
and raises hopes.
Olaf Küter from the Husum Nord-Ostsee Sparkasse,
well-known by many of the participants for his expertise
in matters of wind farm financing, gave an overview of
current financing conditions and introduced the special
requirements placed on repowering projects. This was
followed by a lively Q&A session.
In the afternoon the participants were challenged to
take the initiative. After being introduced to the secrets
of investment and profit and revenue planning by Olaf
Nicolaisen, Managing Director of BGZ Fondsverwaltung,
they calculated their own repowering projects. “When
you finally sit down to calculate and play with the different variables, you develop a much better feeling for the
impact of the financing conditions or for example of the
choice of turbine type,” a participant comments.
The event was rounded off by several talks given by
guest speakers. Hermann Albers, President of the Bundesverband Windenergie e.V. (Federal Wind Energy Association), informed the participants about the policy
document of the association concerning the pending Renewable Energy Law (EEG) amendment and the state of
the political discussion in Berlin. Oliver Hummel, member of the Board of NaturStrom AG in Düsseldorf, explained the possibilities of the direct marketing of wind
power and demonstrated how wind farm operators can
profit from it.
Indeed, referring to repowering as the ultimate in wind
farm project engineering is certainly justified in the
unanimous opinion of the participants. “We hope this
has given other operators the courage and incentive to
tackle repowering,” says Olaf Nicolaisen in closing. He
has already had some of the “old” WKN wind farms repowered by order of the company partners and knows
the ropes of such projects. “I can only warn you not to
be too starry-eyed when considering and approaching a
repowering project. As is so often the case, the devil is in
the details.”
Donated half a litre: Doris Hartung-Schach, Vestas
Once again, the House of Future Energies hosts GRC blood drive
Blood donations for emergencies
At the beginning of December the House of Future Energies hosted a blood drive in joint
action with the German Red Cross (GRC).
Approximately 60 staff members of
the House of Future Energies and
their “wind colleagues” from VESTAS, the neighbouring manufacturer of wind power turbines located
on Otto-Hahn-Straße, generously
donated half a litre each of their precious life fluid.
“We are pleased that so many volunteers from the Husum wind scene
joined in,” says Claudia Hammerich from the German Red Cross,
who managed the blood drive at
the House of Future Energies. “And
– what is especially notable – there
were ten new donors among them.
The blood drive hosted by the House
of Future Energies provided the
clinics in Schleswig-Holstein and
Hamburg with urgently needed
blood supplies before the Christmas
holidays.” According to the statistics
fewer people donate blood before
the run-up to Christmas and, in addition, several public blood drives
were cancelled during the holidays.
According to the GRC the need for
blood donations is steadily increasing – anyone might find themselves
in need of a blood donation. “In case
of severe injuries or life-threatening
diseases even the most sophisticated
healthcare system cannot operate
without blood,” Claudia Hammerich continues. Ever since 1952 benevolent donations organized by the
German Red Cross have ensured the
treatment of patients who depend
on transfusions of blood and blood
Thus blood drives
represent one of our
major citizens’ initiatives. Every year millions
of Germans donate blood
voluntarily and benevolently
– and in many cases more than
once. The donors are the vital link in
the chain of blood supply. Voluntary
helpers in the GRC’s district and local associations are doing an important job by planning, organizing and
managing local blood drives.
If you are interested in information
about the next GRC blood drive in
your neighbourhood, please call the
toll free hotline 0800 11 949 11.
Great confidence in energy-consult
Operation Management
The Operation Management of energy-consult in Husum
is pleased to welcome several new clients. In this case they
are operators of old plants constructed between 2003 and
2005; the majority of them are operators of private wind
turbines of types V52 and V80. For years energy-consult
has proved to be extremely competent for these types of
wind turbines. In the past the new clients had consigned
energy-consult to retrofit their turbines to entitle them to
the systems service bonus and were thereby convinced by
the performance of their operation management.
To gain an initial overview of individually relevant insurance coverage, the user has the possibility to carry out
a needs analysis. Only a few entries need to be made to
generate a personalized evaluation indicating the recommended insurance coverage if required at all. “This is a
benchmarking opportunity everybody should take advantage of,” Stephan Koth believes.
If and when desired, the user can generate an enquiry.
“All it takes is a mouse click and the enquiry is on our
desk. After it has been analyzed in an extensive market
survey form, the enquirer receives a comprehensive and
personally tailored offer from us,” explains Solveig Lekkat, private client expert at CCA.
Regarding personal coverage, the user has the opportunity to obtain an overview of their present situation, for
instance, with regard to pension entitlement or occupational disability. In particular within the range of property insurances (e.g. liability, household, homeowners or
Currently the Husum company already attends to a total
of 350 wind turbines with an output of 600 megawatts.
Furthermore, the operators of Enercon turbines of types
E70 und E82 also now rely on energy-consult after the
successful implementation of repowering measures. “We
increasingly observe that existing clients are recommending us to new customers,” the Managing Director of energy-consult Jens-Ahrend Sieger is pleased to announce.
“We can hardly imagine better advertisement.” The positive trend can also be traced to energy farms abroad. The
New service package for
insurance coverage
automobile insurance) various insurance policies usually
already exist that require regular checking. The CCA insurance comparison service offers the user the nonbinding and neutral opportunity to draw comparisons in
terms of content and cost-effectiveness. Can I obtain a
comparable coverage possibly for a lower premium? Can
I agree better terms for the same premium level? Generally, those are the questions that preoccupy the consumer
The user has the possibility to juxtapose different offers
from different insurance companies in a clearly structured way. However, the insurance premium alone is not
always the decisive factor. It is important to understand
the level and extent of the insurance coverage. A common situation with household insurance is that damages
– which have been caused, for instance, through gross
negligence – are sometimes only insured up to a predetermined sum or, often, not at all, depending on the insurance company and on the scope of coverage. Numerous
distinguishing features are stored on the new CCA portal
along with additional information and can be called up
with a simple mouse click. When the user has decided on
an option, a request can be made for a written offer from
the Husum-based insurance agency with a single mouse
click. The offer contains all of the conditions and information required pursuant to the Versicherungsvertraggesetz (VVG - Insurance Contract Act).
Konzeption & Gestaltung:
“Because we know that more and more people use the
Internet to learn about the various options on insurance
coverage, we have put together an additional service
package for our clients,” reports Stephan Koth, MD of the
insurance agency Capital-Concept Assekuranz GmbH,
in short CCA. Since the beginning of 2011 CCA clients
– and those who would like to join the client base – have
had the possibility to check, compare and optimize
their insurance coverage online. Interested consumers
can find a user-friendly and clearly structured portal on that naturally also
provides comprehensive information about the individual lines of the insurance business. “Thus, every client or
prospect can deal with the loathed topic of insurances at
a self-selected point in time,” Koth continues. In order to
provide current comparisons on a daily basis, the portal
is constantly updated and expanded.
experienced operational management team has been attending to a 50-megawatt wind farm with turbines of the
type Nordex N90 on the isle of Sicily. “Meanwhile we are
focusing on 122 megawatts of installed output in South
Italy alone,” says Jens-Ahrend Sieger.
Local heroes
for international
“We consider our web presence an additional service
for our clients. Of course we continue to offer extensive
and qualified counseling about insurance coverage on
the phone or in person,” Stephan Koth, the MD of CCA,
wishes to clarify.
Solveig Lekkat can be reached by phone at
+49 4841-8944-941 or on
Klaus Rave, Chairman of the Supervisory Board – knows everyone
under the sun and keeps a very close eye on us.
WKN Windkraft Nord AG · House of Future Energies · Husum/Germany · ·
South Africa
Cape Town
A new market for Husum wind experts
WKN goes South Africa
South Africa – wildlife, wine and the World Cup cross our minds. WKN Windkraft Nord’s
Data & Facts: South Africa
specialists associate the country on the Cape of Good Hope from now on with respectable
Country name:
market opportunities for the development of wind and photovoltaic projects. Since 2009
National languages: eleven in all, including English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa
South Africa has been striving to modernise its power supply system. In addition, the country
1,219,912 km²
Pretoria (executive), Cape Town (legislative)
rand (1 euro currently equals about 9.61 rands)
has officially announced its intention to considerably reduce its CO2 emissions. Last but
not least, the network infrastructure already existent in many regions of South Africa is
exceptionally suitable for the integration of wind energy.
Republic of South Africa
Until now South African power supply has been based
almost entirely on the utilisation of domestic coal deposits. Due to ballooning energy consumption, there have
been an ever increasing number of power failures. The
Western Cape Region has been especially affected. At the
same time this province in particular with its infinitely
long coastline has very good wind energy potential that
has been passed up for the most part until now.
In 2009 South Africa initiated the first so-called Integrated Resource Plan (IRP1), i.e. a kind of holistic resource
plan that stipulates the political rules and standards for
the utilisation and remuneration of diverse renewable energy sources until 2013. Further IRPs are being mapped
out and are to contain a plan for the next twenty years.
“South Africa’s political will along with the country’s expanding globalisation is the occasion for us to tackle the
interesting South African market,” Oliver Patent, Head
of International Project Development at WKN, explains.
The Husum project developer can fall back on a longstanding system. “Together with local partners we have
founded a joint venture in situ. Cooperation with local
heroes has already proved extremely successful on many
other markets,” Oliver Patent continues.
In South Africa our partner is called Windcurrent SA,
and consequently the recently founded joint venture is
WKN Windcurrent SA. The development of wind and solar projects is on the plan at different stages. Presently the
company, which has settled in the Cape Region, is taking
part in a call for tenders within the scope of a REFIT programme launched by the government.
“A very promising market,” says Oliver Patent optimistically as he looks forward to future activities in South
Climate: South Africa has a great number of climate zones: from the extreme desert in the Kalahari
on the border to Namibia to the subtropical climate in the southeast and on the border to
Mozambique. The general climate influenced by the country’s location on the southern Tropic
of Capricorn is mainly sunny and dry. The average annual precipitation decreases from the
southeast to the northwest, while temperatures increase at the same time.
Politics &
economy: South Africa is traditionally a multicultural country although great differences exist with
regard to the population groups, even after the official end of the Apartheid. South Africa
dominates the economy of southern Africa. Its land is rich in resources and has profited from
the hunger of the emerging markets - China and India - for raw materials. Its competitiveness in
energy intensive branches is impaired, however, by its poor energy supply system among others. In 2007 the entire country was repeatedly struck by electrical power failure. At the same
time due to the growth of the economy, energy consumption is expected to increase. Currently
90 percent of the energy is produced in coal power plants. Since 2009 the country has now also
been focusing on wind energy.
New schedule for the 2012 Renewable Energy Law amendment
On time: EISMAN retrofitting
News in brief
The German Bundestag (Federal Parliament) had created a passage in Article 6 of the
2009 EEG (Renewable Energy Law) according to which grid operators may reduce the
power output of renewable energy plants temporarily in certain situations. At the same
time it was stipulated that reduced output implicates financial remuneration. Hence, it
was necessary to retrofit all wind farms with a feed-in management system (EISMAN)
– formerly also called ERZMAN (energy supply management) – to reduce feed-in
through remote control. The deadline for the start-up of these systems was 01/01/2011.
Non-observance of this deadline implies that operators may expect to lose their entitlement to claim remuneration.
According to recent plans the completion and passage of the
field report which serves as the fundamental basis for the
Renewable Energy Law (EEG) amendment has now been
All of the wind farms that energy-consult is in charge of were successfully retrofitted
- on time. “During this process we also focused on the costs of implementation with
our clients’ interests in mind,“ energy-consult Managing Director Jens-Ahrend Sieger
For all SDL compatible wind farms attended to by energy-consult conditions were created early on at the end of 2010 in order to make them eligible for the systems service
bonus. This bonus amounts to 0.7 eurocent per kilowatt hour and is be paid for the next
five years, whereby investment costs not only pay for themselves but even yield surplus
The measures have been monitored and approved by experts and filed on time with
the grid operators responsible. “The first confirmations from the grid operators have
been turned in; in some cases the desired bonus has already been granted to our happy
clients,” Jens-Ahrend Sieger, Director of Operation Management energy-consult in Husum comments.
thereafter the amendment will undergo a very complex legis-
lative procedure that will most likely not be completed before
December 2011.
Irrespective of the 2012 Renewable Energy Law amendment scheduled, advanced measures to dampen costs ensuing from the promotion of renewable
energies were confirmed by the Federal Cabinet on 2nd February. With that a
reduction of remuneration has been planned for photovoltaics depending on
the market development in the months of March, April and May 2011. The
reduction might be as much as 15 percent already as of 1st July 2011 (with
open space plants as of 1st October).
Wöhrden I
Wöhrden II & Wöhrden V
Fiefbergen & Norderwöhrden III
Hedwigenkoog & Schwalkenstrom
Rugenort & Rosenschloß
Klein Rodensleben
New at House of Future Energies:
November 2010
Veronika Chorna, Office Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKN Ukraine..
December 2010
Vladimir Gussev, Project Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKN Ukraine..
January 2011
Guillermo Navarro, International Project Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKN Windkraft Nord .
Sabrina Lorenzen, Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGZ AG..
Marta Bielnska, Project Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sevivon Polen - Gdansk..
Maciej Kulak, Project Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sevivon Polen - Gdansk..
Bozena Wolska, Project Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sevivon Polen - Gdansk..
Anet Zarska, Project Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sevivon Polen - Gdansk..
Wojciech Holowienko, Project Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sevivon Polen - Gdansk..
The latest information concerning the progress of the legal proceedings can
be found on the website In light of the so-called Systemdienstleistungsverordnung (SDL WindV - Systems Service Act) the operators of wind turbines had the opportunity to carry out retrofitting
to satisfy grid systems services on a voluntary basis. This applied to existing turbines
commissioned after 31/12/2001 and before 31/12/2008. This measure aims to improve
the integration of wind farms into the grid.
announced for the second quarter of 2011. Immediately
By mid-August the initial draft will be available and finalised in the Bundeskabinett (Federal Cabinet). In September deliberations are expected to take place
in the committees for Economy and Environment. The first reading in the
Bundestag (German Parliament) might take place at the end of September,
followed by the hearing and the resolution of the environment committee.
The second and, if need be, the third reading might go through the Bundestag
in mid-September. Renewed deliberations in the committees of the Bundesrat
(Upper House of German Parliament) are not unlikely so that final clarity
probably will not be reached before December.
Catchword SDL bonus
Annual Meetings
February 2011
Daniel Szilagyi, Commercial Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGZ Fondsverwaltung GmbH
Magdalena Wilczynski, Project Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKN Windkraft Nord AG..
Pascal Marolla, Project Development Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKN Windkraft Nord AG
April 2011
Christopher Schramm, Project Development Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKN Windkraft Nord .
BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft
Zukunftsenergien AG
House of Future Energies
Otto-Hahn-Straße 12-16
25813 Husum
Catrin Petersen, BGZ AG
Graphic design:
Büro für visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG,
Druckhaus Leupelt GmbH & Co. KG,
House of Future Energies – Competence Centre and Think Tank
BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG
Holding and initiator of House of Future Energies
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-100,,
BGZ Fondsverwaltung GmbH
Administration of energy farms
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-825,
Capital-Concept Assekuranz GmbH
Independant Insurance Broker
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-938,
energy-consult Projektgesellschaft mbH
Technical Operations Management
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-410,
Innovative Wind Concepts GmbH
Development of wind energy projects
in Middle- and Eastern Europe
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-100,
NordStrom Bioenergie GmbH
Development of bio energy projects
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-380,
NordStrom New Energy GmbH
Group‘s own stock of renewable energy farms
Tel. +49 4841 - 89 44-100,
WKN Windkraft Nord AG
Development, financing and
turn-key erection of wind and solar projects
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-100,
WKN Windkraft Nord Beteiligungs-GmbH
Full partner of windfarm KG‘s
Tel.: +49 4841 - 89 44-221,