integrated protection of field crops
integrated protection of field crops
INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF FIELD CROPS Edited by I.PERI] and M.IVANOVI] Proceedings of the International Symposium organised by the Plant Protection Society of Serbia in collaboration with International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Pests–East Paleartic Section, held in Vrnja~ka Banja, Yugoslavia, on 25th September 1998 Plant Protection Society of Serbia Belgrade, 1999 Integrated Protection of Field Crops Edited by I.PERI] and M.IVANOVI] Proceedings of the International Symposium organised by the Plant Protection Society of Serbia in collaboration with International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Pests – East Paleartic Section 25th September 1998 Vrnja~ka Banja, Yugoslavia Plant Protection Society of Serbia Belgrade, 1999 PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF FIELD CROPS Vrnja~ka Banja, September 25, 1998 Published in Belgrade, 1999 Editors Dr Ilija Peri} Dr Mirko Ivanovi} Published by Plant Protection Society of Serbia Nemanjina 6; 11080 Belgrade 80, Yugoslavia E-mail: plantprs@eunet.yu; internet: Publisher's Representative: Dr Ilija Peri}, President of the Society Computer Layout Dragan Obradovi} Ivanka Kraus Printed by NEPEX- Belgrade CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 632:633 (063) (082) Integrated Protection of Field Crops: Proceedings of the International Symposium organised by the Plant Protection Society of Serbia in collaboration with International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Pests - East Palearctic Section, 25th September 1988, Vrnja~ka Banja, Yugoslavia / edited by I.[Ilija] Peri} and M.[Mirko] Ivanovi}. - Belgrade : Plant Protection Society of Serbia, 1999 (Belgrade : NEPEX). - VIII, 225 str.: ilustr.; 24 cm "International Symposium ... in the scope of the 4th Yugoslav Congress of Plant Protection (Vrnja~ka Banja, September 21-26,1998)..." ® Preface. - Str.IV-V: Preface / I.[Ilija] Peri} and M.[Mirko] Ivanovi}.. - Bibliografija uz svaki rad. - Abstracts. - Registar. 1. Plant Protection Society of Serbia (Belgrade) 2. International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Pests. East Palearctic Section a) Usevi - Za{tita - Zbornici ID+87048716 YU-ISBN 86-83017-03-6 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF FIELD CROPS Vrnja~ka Banja, September 25, 1998 Organizing Committee Dr Sreten Stamenkovi}/President Dr Franja Ba~a Dipl.Ing.Piljo Daki} Dr Ibrahim Elezovi} Dr Mirko Ivanovi} Dr Stevan Jasni} Dr Stevan Ma{irevi} Dr Dimitrije Matijevi} Dr Ljubodrag Mihajlovi} Dr Ne{ko Ne{kovi} Dr Nade`da A.Prilepskaja Dr @Ivica Radin Dr Eduard A.Sadomow Dr Radoslava Spasi} Dr Radojko Stankovi} Dr Jelka Tiodorovi} Dr Dragan Todorovi} Dipl.Ing.Goran Milo{evi} Scientific Committee Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Mirko Ivanovi} / President Jelica Bala` Vaskrsija Janji} Dragan Karad`I} Branka Krsti} Jelena Levi} Radmila Petanovi} Du{an Petri} Stefan S.Prushinsky Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Milojko Rankovi} Jurij F.Savotikov Radosav Sekuli} Anatolij A.Smetnik Svetomir Stamenkovi} Srbobran Stojanovi} Milorad [estovi} Slavoljub Vitorovi} Zora Vu~ini} Secretary of the Organizing and Scientific Committiee: Ivanka Kraus PREFACE Currently the world is faced with the need of increasing food production whereby the use of both scientific and technological advances is desirable in order to enhance crop production. Considering the restricted arable land area, raising crop yields per unit area is the necessary solution to issues that relate to food production increase. Considerable results have been achieved in the field of agricultural production in Yugoslavia whereby plant protection was based on the application of appropriate pesticides. In our country no less than in other countries research was primarily focused on integrated plant protection. In practice, however, integrated plant protection was only partially implemented. Thus the Plant Protection Society of Serbia in cooperation with the International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Pests - East Palearctic Section has organized the International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Field Crops in the scope of the 4th Yugoslav Congress of Plant Protection (Vrnja~ka Banja, September, 21-26, 1998) in order to contribute to the enhancement of integrated plant protection in Yugoslavia and elsewhere. Both the Congress and the Symposium have also been dedicated to the centennial of the first plant protection beneficial animals act in Serbia known as the Act on Pest and Plant Control and Beneficial Animals Protection which has been passed by King Aleksandar Obrenovi} of Serbia on 16 July 1898 following the decision of the National Assembley. The Congress and the Symposium were held under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Federal Ministry for Development, Science and Environment of Yugoslavia, Ministry for Science and Technology and the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources of the Republic of Serbia. The Organizing and Scientific Committee has decided to publish the Proceedings of the Papers presented at the Symposium. Of the 27 papers presented 25 have been submitted by researchers from Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic and Yugoslavia. The introductory paper which has been presented by Dr. Smetnik discusses the achievements and the functioning of the East Palearctic Section of IOBC (MOBB). Other papers deal with issues that relate to integrated plant protection starting with some general remarks on the results of the research activities and the functioning of the integrated crop protection programs in some countries and ending with the specific results with regard to crop protection problems. iv It is our hope that the Proceedings will contribute to scientific references in the field of crop protection and provide information to those whose field of interest is integrated protection. We are appreciative to the East Palearctic Section of IOBC for their cooperation with the Plant Protection Society of Serbia and thank the authors of the papers who have contributed to the success of the Symposium and the contents of this publication. I.Peri} and M.Ivanovi} EDITORS v CONTENTS PREFACE ....................................................................................................... iv INTRODUCTORY PAPER A.I.Smetnik EASTERN PALEARCTIC REGIONAL SECTION OF IOBC: SOME CURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS ........................1 OTHER SYMPOSIUM PAPERS Du{an ^amprag, Tatjana Kere{i, Radosav Sekuli} and Petar [trbac MONITORING OF PEST POPULATION DYNAMICS - A CORNERSTONE OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN FIELD CROPS ............................................................................................................7 V.A.Zakharenko SCIENTIFIC MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF FIELD CROPS IN RUSSIA ....................................................................................................13 M.P.Lessovoi and N.M.Tron INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS IN UKRAINE .......................................................................................................23 Vilor Samersov and Lyudmila Trepashko PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION SYSTEMS.............................................................................29 Stefan Pruszyñski CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED CROP PROTECTION PROGRAMS IN POLAND ...................................................37 J.Nawrot, J.Szafranek, A.Pradzynska, E.Malinski and Z.Winiecki INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) AGAINST STORED PRODUCT PESTS........................................................................................53 vi Károly Biber, Ilona Aponyi-Garamvölgyi, Gábor Princzinger, Tibor Halmágyi and Rozália Rátai-Vida WINTER WHEAT MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF FUNGICIDES IN HUNGARY....................................................67 Jano Tancik, Franja Ba~a, Ludovit Cagán and @ivica Radin EFFECT OF SWEET MAIZE SOWING DATES ON THE DEGREE OF THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) INFESTATION IN NORTH - WEST VOJVODINA ......................................75 Ioan Rosca, Felica Muresan, Elena Trotus, Angela Udrea, Constantin Popov, V.Brudea, Elena Bucurean and M.Voicu ROLE AND PLACE OF SYNTHETIC SEXUAL PHEROMONES IN THE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN ROMANIA..................................85 Du{ka Simova-To{i}, Radmila Petanovi}, Radoslava Spasi}, Olivera Petrovi}, Draga Graora, Du{anka Jerini} PHYTOPHAGOUS INSECTS AND MITES ON WEEDS IN WHEAT FIELDS AND MARGINS...............................................................................95 Bo`idar Manojlovi}, Anton Zabel, Sla|an Stankovi} and Miroslav Kosti} ATTACK AND FREQUENCY OF PHYTOPHAGOUS INSECTS FROM THE FAMILY Tephritidae (Diptera) IN THE FLOWER HEADS OF Carduus acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae).................................105 Pantelija Peri}, Nenad Dimi}, Slobodan Krnjaji}, Marina Vuk{a and Marina Cvetkovi} USE OF PARASITIOIDS IN CONTROLLING Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood IN GLASSHOUSE TOMATO PRODUCTION..........................119 Radoslava Spasi} and Dragica Smiljani} STEM-MINING FLIES (DIPTERA, AGROMYZIDAE) AS POTENTIAL WEED BIOCONTROL AGENTS ................................................................129 Constantin Popov, Alexandru Barbulescu, I.Vonica and Ioan Rosca NEW APPROACHES REGARDING INTEGRATED SUNN PEST (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) MANAGEMENT.........................................137 Alexandru Barbulescu and Ioan Rosca CONTROL OF Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. BY INHERITED STERILITY AS PART OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT .....................................147 vii Voinescu Ion and Alexandru Barbulescu EVOLUTION OF MAIZE LEAF WEEVIL (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.) IN VARIOUS CROPS DEPENDING ON THE PRECEDING CROP.......157 Franja Ba~a and Miladin Veskovi} EFFECTS OF FERTILIZER RATES ON BOTH GRAIN YIELD AND THE DEGREE OF PLANT LODGING CAUSED BY Diabroticia virgifera virgifera Le Conte IN 1997 AND 1998......................................................165 Ragheb Thalji SOME FACTORS DETERMINING THE EFFICIENCY OF COCCINELLID LARVAE AS BIOLOGICAL AGENTS...............................175 Radmila Petanovi}, Dragica Smiljani} and Biljana Magud ERIOPHYOID MITES AS POTENTIAL BIOCONTROL AGENTS OF MEADOW WEEDS......................................................................................181 K.Ju.Samojlov PRIMENENIE BIOPREPARATOV V TEHNOLOGIJAKH PROIZVODSTVA ZERNOVYKH KUL'TUR ................................................189 Vera Stoj{in, Adam Mari} and Branko Marinkovi} EFFECT OF DROUGHT, HIGH TEMPERATURES AND MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE OCCURRENCE OF CHARCOAL ROOT ROT OF SUGAR BEET (Macrophomina phaseolina Tassi Goidanich) ...........195 Milena Stanojevi}, Lidija Stefanovi} and Borivoje [in`ar MAIZE INFESTATION WITH Datura stramonium (L.) AND Xanthium spp. (L.) IN RELATION TO CROP MANAGEMENT ................................205 Zlata Kloko~ar-[mit, Jano{ Berenji, Du{anka In|i} and H.Pastor POTENTIALS OF Hadrotrichum sorghicola IN BIOCONTROL OF JOHNSON GRASS IN VIEW OF CULTIVATED SORGHUM SUSCEPTIBILITY ........................................................................................211 Du{anka In|i}, Radmila Alma{i, Zlata Kloko~ar-[mit, Slavica Jovanovi} and Maja Vajovi} EFFECT OF NONPESTICIDE PRODUCTS ON INSECTS IN STORAGE ...................................................................................................219 INDEX OF AUTHORS ................................................................................225 viii Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Introductory paper EASTERN PALEARCTIC REGIONAL SECTION OF IOBC: SOME CURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS A.I.Smetnik, President of the IOBC EPRS IOBC EPRS was established in 1977. The main goal of the Section as defined by its Statute is to promote researches and incorporate biological control measures in plant protection practice. The establishment of EPRS has created new possibilities of expanding the realm of IOBC activities in the Region by means of systematic exchange of beneficial organisms and the data on investigations with the objective of using them in the context of the IPM, the final goal being speeding up theoretic and practical development in the field of biological methods of plant protection as a whole. In order to achieve these goals 6 Standing Commissions have been active within the Section: Editorial-and-Publishing Commission, Entomophage and Weed Phytophage Commission, Commission for Microbiological Plant Protection Measures, Commission for Integrated Pest Management, Commission for Genetic and other new selective methods, Commission for Biological Protection of Forests. Within the framework of these commissions 16 ad hoc working groups have been established with the objective of solving issues pertaining to biocontrol measures in agricultural crops and forestry. Over 150 scientists and specialists from Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Chech Republic, Ukraine have been engaged. Recently specialists from Macedonia and Yugoslavia have joind the Section’s activities. All in all there are about 30 institutions. Of great importance in the matter of uniting the efforts of scientists and specialist of the IOBC EPRS member-countries in the field of biocontrol has been the works of Editorial-and-Publishing Commission. Annual issues of the "Information Bulletin” provided the Section with the possibility to inform its members of the main results of scientific and practical biological plant protection activities achieved in its membercountries. Besides the “Information Bulletin”, a number of books and subject collections of works on the topical problems of the biological method and in particular “Determinator of species in Genus Tricogramma in the World Fauna”, “Biological Method of Controlling Pests and 1 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Diseases in the Protected Ground", “Microbiological Protection of Plants”, “The Preparations for Plant Protection”, “Phytosanitary Diagnostics”, “'Ecological Problems of Plant Protection in Modern Agriculture”, “Integrated Method of Protection of Vineyards and Vegetable Crops”, and some others. Some years ago, the “Plant Protection and Quarantine Journal” which is published in Russia under the auspices of IOBC EPRS has instituted a special heading reflecting the latest news about the Section’s current activities and the undertaking under consideration. The Journal appears monthly providing thereby for a timely informing of a vast audience of scientists and specialists in the area of plant protection and quarantine. Under this heading, besides taking up questions of the 0rganization’s activities, the results of investigations of IOBC EPRS members, subject selections of articles treating the problems of the biocontrol method’s further progressing are being published, as well as its part in integrated systems of plant protection, particular entomophages and the methods of their use and rearing, microbiological preparations etc. The authors of these articles from the CIS and East European countries are mostly also the members of the Section. There is a great interest in the results of our scientists’ works witnessed by animated discussions at various international symposia. The IOBC EPRS emblem is born by published in St.Petersburg a Russian Academy of Sciences periodical “Zoosystematica Rossica”. This publication comes out completely in English and reflects the results of investigations in systematic and taxonomy of entomophages, insects and other representatives of the animal world. The main intention of the SC’s and “WG’s has been concentrated on further progress and development of the biological method to combat pests and diseases of agricultural crops in the EPRS member-countries. A considerable attention has been given to such matters as studying natural biological agents and evaluation of their potential to be used in IPM systems, organizing biomaterials and biologically active substances exchanges both between the EPRS member-countries and other IOBC Regional Sections, to publishing accomplished works. Let me briefly dwell on some achievements of the Section. The SC on weed entomophages and phytophages for the first time compiled the Determinator of 127 species of Genus Trichogramma, which are most widely used in biocontrol practice. It includes both widely used and newly described entomophagous species. This Determinator shall facilitate quality monitoring of Trichogramma reared at biofabrics and biolaboratories, which will be conductive to improving the effectiveness of the method. 2 A.I. Smetnik: Eastern Palearctic Regional Section of IOBC: Some Current Achievements and Future Prospects The commission members have generalized the experience obtained in introduction and acclimatization of promising beneficial organisms in the countries of East Europe, it has published annotated lists of entomophages of the most important pests of agricultural crops and forests (Potato moth - Phtorimaea operculella, phytophageus mites Tetranychus spp., gypsy moth - Lymantria dispar, pineshoot tortrix moth Rhyacionia buoliana). The IOBC RPRS member countries for introduction and acclimatization of entomophagous agents have conducted large-scale works. In the course of more than 20-year period, over 120 species of parasitic and predatory insects have been introduced from 25 countries. As a result of introductions a complete success has been achieved against 8 species of adventive pests cottony cushion scale - Icerya purchasi; white scale– Pseudaulacaspis pentagona; Comstock’s mealybug - Pseudococcus comstocki; citrus white fly - Dialeurodis citri; Japanese wax scale - Ceroplastes japonicus; wooly apple- aphid Eriosoma lanigerum; black scale - Saissetia olea; citrus mealybug Pseudococcus gahani (Izhevsky, 1990). The entomophages introduced belong to 20 families of 5 orders: 62% of their number represent only 3 families: Coccinellidae, Encyrtidae and Aphilinidae. As a whole, every fifth entomophage succeeded in getting acclimatized of those that had been released in the field. In prospect, the works for introducing entomophages in the IOBC EPRS member-countries should be expanded as over 80 adventive pest species have been established in their territory while programs for introduction have been carried out against 41 species. Introduction and acclimatization of natural enemies of phytophagous insects are widely used in the protected ground where phytophagous could be regarded as species of foreign origin (Beglyarov; Smetnik, 1991). Numerous works for colonization of phytoseiulus, Chrysopa species and others have demonstrated that modern technologies of cultivating vegetable crops exclude acclimatization of entomophages in the protected ground. Thus, as a general strategy, introduction and seasonal colonization are used. For polyphagous and wide oligophagous agents incapable to reproduce in glasshouses on their own, a tactics of inundation releases is used. The maximum effect is generally achieved, both in the open field and in the protected ground, by using narrowly specialized predators and parasites. As a whole, the scope of application of the biological method in the protected ground in the recent years is as high as about 30 per cent of the total glasshouse area. 3 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 In the open ground, the most widely used agent is oophage Trichogramma: Tr. embryophagum, Tr. evanescens, Tr. euproctidis, Tr. cacoeciae. Using the method of seasonal colonization, Trichogramma is used to control noxious noctuids: Mamestra brassicae, Heliothis armigera, Scotia segetam and other species on vegetable crops, cereals, sugar beet, cotton and other crops, as well as against the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and tortricid pea-leaf roller (Laspeyresia nigricana). It must be noted that IOBC EPRS activities have made a considerable contribution to developing and practical introduction of mechanized lines for Trichogramma rearing. In the former USSR there were more than 800 of these. One mechanized line provided for turning out 4 to 5 mln Trichogramma individuals for 24 hrs, which was enough for application on the 35 to 45 thousand ha, area, per season. In various agroclimatic zones of the IOBC EPRS member-countries a vast experience has been accumulated in using Trichogramma. A timely application of standard quality Trichogramma ensured 60 to 80 per cent of noxious noctuids and 40 to 50 per cent of European corn bores individuals being parasitized. (IOBC EPRS Inf.Bull. No.11, 1985). Some ways have been developed and introduced of improving viability of Trichogramma reared on Angoumois grain moth, and in particular, of raising its searching abilities. A stereotyped pattern of the annual cycle of Trichogramma rearing has been recommended based on the collection of parasitized eggs in nature with one or two autumn passages on Noctuids’ eggs, with further inducing the biomaterial’s diapause followed by two spring passages on the main host’s eggs and three to four passages on Angoumois grain moth eggs prior to the release in the field. An equipment has been created which found a wide use for aerial spreading of Trichogramma with the capacity up to 250 ha per hour (IOBC EPRS Inf. Bull. To .11, 1985). A great attention has been paid to the IOBC EPRS membercountries with regard to the problems of entomophages’ systematic and ecology, their studying and surveys in agrobiocenoses. Methodological instructions have been developed for the application of the performance criteria to populations of natural enemies, the necessary identification literature has been published, some methods of maintaining, the landscape combinations for preserving and activizing natural entomophage populations have been recommended. Taking into account these recommendations, chemical treatments are abolished annually on an area exceeding 10 mln ha owing to the preservation and higher activity of natural entomophages. 4 A.I. Smetnik: Eastern Palearctic Regional Section of IOBC: Some Current Achievements and Future Prospects A number of biopreparations has been created to combat noxious insects, which are now being produced at the microbiological industry enterprises, which are based on various strains of entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. They are used mainly against caterpillars of white butterflies (Pieridae), moths (Yponomeutidae), tortrices (Tortricidae), pyralidid moths (Pyralidae), measuring worms (Geometridae), noctuids (Noctuidae), lasiocampid moths (Lasiocampidae), tussock moths (Orgydae). With two or three repeated treatments at the rates recommended, a 70 to 90 per cent effectiveness is achieved in cabbage, in fruit orchards, berry-fields, vine-yards, beet, alfalfa, cotton and other agricultural crops. Preparation Bitoxibacillin including endo - and exotoxins has proved to be effective in controlling the Colorado potato beetle not yielding in effectiveness to chemical preparations. Industrial biopreparations are used on a 2 mln ha area approximately. For microbiological controlling mice-like rodents (Rodentia) a bacterial preparation Bactorodencide has been created on the basis of the Isachenko’s bacterium (Salmonella enteritidis). The preparation has been put on the market in two formulations: one employing grain and the other employing aminated bone meal. The species which have proved to be susceptible to Bactorodencide are house mouse (Mus musculatus), forest mouse (Apodemus silvaticus), striped field mouse (Microtus arvalis). Bactorodencide’s physiological efficiency is equal to 70 to 90 per cent. The greatest amounts of its application have been as great as 5 mln ha treated annually. In IOBC EPRS member-institutions, collections of promising producer-strains have been formed possessing a high biological activity against dangerous pests to wit: rodents, aphids, whiteflies thripses, spider mites and midges, noxious coleopterous and lepidopterous species, as well as causal agents of vegetable crop diseases (root rots, powdery mildews, antracnoses, bacterioses and viroses). Some new biopreparations have been created: Nemabact (on the basis of nematodes) to combat weevils, thripses, leaf miners, crikets, cabbage flies Bacicol to combat noxious coleopterous species: Colorado potato beetle, beetles damaging cruciferous plants and other dangerous pests; Alirin-S, Alirin-B (created on the basis of streptomycetes) to protect vegetable and cereal crops against root rots, alternarioses and other diseases; Gamair (on the basis of Bac. subtilis) have proved to be effective against tomato bacterioses (Pavlyushine, I998). Investigations have been conducted on the action and afteraction of microbiological means of plant protection on the entomophage populations (Chrysopa sp., Aphidius sp., Aphidimisa midge etc.) with the 5 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 aim of integrating biopreparations in the systems of biological protection of cabbage and vegetable crops in the protected ground. The problem should be studied from the standpoint of creating the system of regional small output works for production of biopreparations taking into consideration the fact that in a number of zones there are already biolaboratories engaged in their production. Every such enterprise (the volume and list of items produced at each one being dependent on its specialization and the needs of a region) could put out not only microbiological means of plant protection but also, using the same equipment, other biopreparations such as those intended for soil fertilization or for veterinary purposes. The development of infrastructure of such enterprises (with many of them already in operation in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Poland) provides for the biopreparations put out immediately for the season using energy saving systems. The agricultural industry of our countries has undergone considerable changes. Under these new conditions the progress in scientific researches and organization of introducing their results must take into account the changes which had occurred. As a positive phenomenon should be considered a general drop in pesticides’ use though this is not only the result of IPM introduction but rather the consequence of changes in the available range of pesticides and of a considerable rise in the prices for them. In Russia for example 20 to 25 thousand tons of pesticides (in a.i.) are delivered and used annually for agricultural needs this being 1-2fold lower than in other countries. This opens wider possibilities for using biological means and in the first place for introducing pest and disease resistant and tolerant varieties and hybrids. It should be emphasized that this direction belongs to the priorities in the research and practical programs for cereals, sunflower, corn, potato and other crops in the IOBC EPRS member-countries REFERENCES Beglyarov,G.A., Smetnik,A.I.: Situation and Prospects on Biological Control in Protected Crops. In: Technical Innovation Agriculture and Environment, Rome, Italy, 1991. IOBC EPRS, Inf. Bull., No.ll, 1985. Izhevsky,S.S.: Introdukcia i primenenie entomophagov, Moskva, 1990. Pavlyushine,V.A.: Protection biologique des vegetaux, element le plus essentiel de l’ toptimization phytosaniteire des agroecosystemes in: “Protection biologiquc des vegetau...” Tunis, 1998. 6 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 MONITORING OF PEST POPULATION DYNAMICS - A CORNERSTONE OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN FIELD CROPS Du{an ^amprag1, Tatjana Kere{i1, Radosav Sekuli}2 and Petar [trbac1 1 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT In the period 1961-1995 the population dynamics of several major pests of various field crops and specialized sugarbeet pests was monitored in the chernozem fields of northern Serbia (the region of Ba~ka). Insect samples were collected in wheat fields (a preceding crop for row crops) and in sugarbeet fields. Pest densities per m2 ranged from 0.6 to 8.2 for Elateridae, 0.3 to 2.9 for Melolonthidae, 0.0 to 15.5 for Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ., 0.1 to 18.6 for Mamestra spp. and 2 to 74 for Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd. Positive and negative correlations were found between the numbers of xerophilous and hygrophilos species and the occurrence of drought during growing season. The monitoring of pest population dynamics allows an efficient and cost-effective control of pests in field crops as well as the long- and short-term forecasting of the intensity of pest occurrence. It is therefore an important part of integrated pest management. Key words: Pest, population dynamics, field crops, Serbia INTRODUCTION Integrated pest management (IPM), a new strategy of pest control introduced in the mid-1980s combines various control methods. Monitoring of pest population dynamics is an important part of IPM because it allows the forecasting of pest occurrence. This paper presents long-term data gathered in northern Serbia on the population dynamics of several important general pests and those specialized on sugarbeets. 7 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 MATERIALS AND METHODS Population dynamics of several major pests of field crops was monitored in the period 1961-1995 in the region of Ba~ka (the Vojvodina Province, northern Serbia). The analyzed region has about 0.7 million hectares of arable land and the chernozem soil type predominates. The annual precipitation is 586 mm, the mean air temperature 11.2oC. The major field crops grown in the region are corn, wheat, sunflower, sugarbeet, etc. The monitoring of population dynamics included the following pest families, genera and species: Elateridae, Melolonthidae, Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ., Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd. and Mamestra spp. Scoutings were performed in September and October in the fields of large state farms. On average, 50 sugarbeet fields and 170 fields after wheat harvest were checked each year. The size of the fields was about 80 ha. The average number of soil samples taken was 0.4 per ha. Each sample included an area of 0.25 m2 to the depth of 50 cm. These samples were used for monitoring the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera species. The presence of S.ocellatella was determined on 100 sugarbeet plants (10 plants in 10 sites). The material sampled was determined in the entomological laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Elateridae. Agriotes ustulatus Schall. was the dominant clickbeetle species, followed by A. sputator L. etc. Multiplication of clickbeetles was encouraged by humid weather. In the period 1961-1995 wireworms density varied annually from 0.6 to 8.2 or 3.2/m2 on average. The average densities per decade were 1.8 in the 7th decade, 3.9 in the 8th decade, 4.6 in the 9th decade, but only 1.7/m2 in the first half of the 10th decade of the 20th century. This large decline was due to a frequent occurrence of dry years. Wireworms are dangerous pests of row crops (corn, sunflower, sugarbeet, etc.) and they are chemically controlled on a large acreage. The use of insecticides may be considerably reduced by monitoring the dynamics of pest population. Table 1 shows the 3-year data with low numbers and the 3-year data with high numbers of wireworms. In the years with low numbers of larvae it was possible to make considerable savings in the cost of protection of row crops by scouting fields after the harvest of wheat (a frequent preceding crop for row crops). The 8 D.^amprag et al.: Monitoring of Pest Population Dynamics - a Cornerstone of Integrated Pest Management in Field Crops economic thresholds for sugarbeet, sunflower and corn were 1, 2 and 3 larvae per m2, respectively. By monitoring the wireworms population it was possible to reduce the application of insecticides by 30 to 45% depending on the growing year (Jovani}, 1996). Under the conditions of intensive agricultural production, the use of economic thresholds allows savings crop protection costs by about 30% (Nasedkina and Gavrilova cit. ^amprag, 1994). Table1. Different possibilities of forecasting based on cost reduction in the chemical control of Elateridae larvae in row crops No.of larvae per m2 * Percentage o smaller possibilities of cost reduction 1979 1982 1983 mean 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.8 5.1 4.5 12.5 7.4 16.5 10.9 8.1 11.8 17.1 8.3 10.0 11.8 61.3 76.2 66.9 68.1 f wheat fields greater possibilities of cost reduction 1990 1992 1993 mean 6.5 13.2 13.0 10.9 51.0 49.1 57.4 52.4 22.9 17.0 13.0 17.6 8.5 13.2 5.6 9.1 11.1 7.5 11.0 9.9 0 0.1 - 1 1-2 2-3 >3 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total: Average density: 4.9 8.0 6.8 1.3 1.0 0.7 6.6 * Economic threshold: sugar beet 1, sunflower 2, maize 3/m2 100% 1.0 Melolonthidae. Grubs of the following pests have been registered in the fields after wheat harvest: Amphimallon solstitialis L., Rhizotrogus aequinoctialis Hrbst., Anisoplia spp. etc. In the period 1976-1995, the larval population ranged from 0.3 to 2.9/m2 (1.0 on average). The genus Anisoplia predominated in wheat fields especially the species A. austriaca Hrbst. Considerable savings can be made in the cost of protection of subsequent row crops by counting the number of larvae of these pests after wheat harvest. Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ. The beet root weevil is the most dangerous sugarbeet pest. Large amounts of insecticides were used in years when the pest occured on large scale. For the past 50 years large-scale occurrences of beet root weevils have been registered throughout 20 years. Since the beet root weevil produces one generation in a year and it overwinters as the imago it was possible to achieve successful 9 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 forecasting of the intensity of pest occurrence for the following season. In the period 1961-1995, beet root weevil populations ranged from 0.0 to 15.5 (Graph 1) or 3.7/m2 on average. These are very high figures if we take into account that the economical threshold for this pest ranges from 0.1 to 0.3/m2. Figure 1. Population dynamics of B.punctiventris and Mamestra spp. (1961-1995) In the 3 years with low pest populations (1970, 1973, 1979), 46% of the scouted fields were free of the pest and 41% of the fields had less than 1 imago per m2. In the 3 years with high pest populations (1963, 1964, 1984) there were only 3% of the field that were free of the pests and 4% of the fields with less than one imago per m2. In the remaining 93% of the fields the number of imagoes ranged from 1 to 20/m2. Pest monitoring enabled forecasting its intensity and planning suitable IPM measures. Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd. The beet moth produces 4-5 generations annually. This is a dangerous sugarbeet pest which multiplies during dry and warm weather. Large-scale occurrences were registered in 1949-1950, 1952, 1962-1963. and 1988. In the period 1976-1995, caterpillar populations ranged from 2 to 74/m2 (16.2 on average). The 10 D.^amprag et al.: Monitoring of Pest Population Dynamics - a Cornerstone of Integrated Pest Management in Field Crops highest density of the pest was registered in 1950 - 320 caterpillars per m2 (Stankovi}, 1954). Mamestra spp. Mamestra cabbage moths are important periodical pests of sugarbeets. The species M. brassicae L. predominated (80%). In the period 1961-1995 moth populations ranged from 0.1 to 18.6, or 3.5/m2 on average (Graph 1). As reported by Mészáros (1993), largescale occurrences of cabbage moths in the neighboring Hungary took place simultaneously with large-scale occurrences of the pest in northern Serbia. It is explained by the similar climates in the two countries. Multiplication of the pest was encouraged by humid weather. For example in the period 1971-1980 (one dry year), the average number of cabbage moths was 6.5 per m2. However, in the period 1981-1990 (four dry years) the average number was only 1.1 per m2. Of the pests analyzed B.punctiventris, S.ocellatella and A.austriaca are xerophilous. Dry spells during growing season fostered their multiplication. A positive correlation was found between the number of beet root weevil and the number of dry years (Sekuli} et al., 1997). In the period 1961-1964 (five dry years or 75% of dry years) there were 6.3 beet weevil adults per m2. In the period 1965-1980 (six dry years) only one imago per m2 could be found. During dry years, the numbers of Anisoplia spp. and S.ocellatella larvae were higher by 60% and 285% respectively compared with humid years. On the other hand, humid weather favored the multiplication of A. ustulatus and M.brassicae. The average number of cabbage moth caterpillars was seven times higher in humid than in dry years. In Ukraine, irrigation practice increased the number of clickbeetles 5 to 10 times in relation to dry farming (Vasiljev, 1975). Graph 1 shows the population dynamics of two sugarbeet pests (B.punctiventris and Mamestra brassicae) during the period 1961-1995. These pests differed in their requirements for humidity. The beet root weevil is a xerophilous and the cabbage moth a hygrophilous species. Therefore, increased numbers of one pest imply reduced numbers of the other, and vice versa. Long- and short-term forecasting of the intensity of pest occurrence is an important segment of IPM. They are based on the systematic monitoring of the dynamics of pest populations. According to Manninger (1972) long-term forecasting was particularly successful for pests which needed two or more years to produce a new generation (e.g., species from the genera Agriotes, Anisoplia, Melolontha) and less successful for pests which produced one generation annually (B. punctiventris). For the species producing two or more generations annually (Mamestra spp., S.ocellatella) it was possible to provide only a tentative forecast of their multiplication trends. 11 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 CONCLUSIONS In the period 1961-1995 the population dynamics of several general pests and specialized sugarbeet pests was monitored on the territory of northern Serbia (the region of Ba~ka). Pest densities per m2 ranged from 0.6 to 8.2 for Elateridae (3.2 on average), 0.3 to 2.9 for Melolonthidae (1.0 on average), 0.0 to 15.5 for Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ. (3.7 on average), 0.1 to 18.6 for Mamestra spp. (3.5 on average) and 2 to 74 for Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd. (16.4 on average). Correlations were found between the numbers of pests and the amount of rainfall during the growing season. A systematic monitoring of pest population dynamics enables an efficient and cost-effective control of the studied pests as well as the preparation of long- and short-term forecasts of the intensity of their occurrence. Also, the monitoring of pest population dynamics helps to locate and destroy infestation foci. Destruction of such foci effectively prevents large-scale multiplication of pests. REFERENCES ^amprag,D.: Integralna za{tita kukuruza od {teto~ina. Feljton, Novi Sad, 1994. Jovani},M.: Suzbijanje sko~ibuba (Elateridae) na bazi prognoze. Biljni lekar, Novi Sad, 3, 222-225, 1996. Manninger,G.A.: Prongózis alapján megtakaritható vagy elvégezhetö preventiv védekezés a növényvédelemben. Doktorska disertacija, Budapest, 1972. Mészáros,Z.:in: Jermy,T., Balázs,K.(edit.) "A növényvedelmi állattan kézikönyve, 4/b. Akadémiai Kiadó, 637-642, Budapest, 1993. Sekuli},R., ^amprag,D., Kere{i,T.: Effect of drought on reproduction of beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ.). Proceedings: Drought and plant production, I, 297-302, Beograd, 1997. Stankovi},A.: Repin moljac (Phthorimaea ocellatella Boyd.). Institut za za{titu bilja, Beograd, posebna izdanja, 1, 1954. Vasiljev,V.P. et al. : Vrediteli seljskohozjajstvenih kultur i lesnih nasa`denij. Kiev, tom III, 1975. 12 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 SCIENTIFIC MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF FIELD CROPS IN RUSSIA V.A.Zakharenko Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Dept. of Plant Protection, Moscow, Russia The system structure of scientific maintenance of plant protection in Russia, tasks of fundamental and priority applied researches focusing on the issues that relate to integrated plant protection, results of researches were found to contribute to the formation of assortment of chemical and biological means of plant protection. The economic efficiency of application of plant protection products, future prospects of development are discussed considering the need to enhance the stability of agriculture. Key words: Scientific maintenance, crop protection The Department of Plant Protection of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences is involved in the scientific maintenance of plant protection in Russia. It is organized on the basis of the Department of Plant Protection of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1992). The Department employing 491 scientists (229 candidates of sciences and 35 doctors of sciences) includes the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection (VIZR, ST.PETERSBURG Pushkin-8), All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology (VNIIPh, B.Viazemi, Moscow region), All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (VMIBPP, Krasnodar), the Regional Far East Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection (Primorye Territory). Four valid members (academician) of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 3 members - correspondents, 9 foreign members of academy from Ukraine, Byelorussia, Uzbekistan, Australia, Israel, Kenia, Japan and Poland work in the Department. The main activities of the Department focus on researches coordinating over 50 departments and laboratories Scientific Institutes and the University of various organizations addressing the issues of optimization of phytosanitary conditions and monitoring of agricultural crops, immunity and complexity of plant stability exposed to harmful 13 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 organisms, enhancing the development of biological and chemical plant protection, mechanization, economy and organization. The data on pest, disease and weed infestation researches, the plant protection system are being introduced into state, collective and private agriculture enterprises of the country by a network of the Department of Agriculture Chemization and Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of Russia, from 77 state regional stations of plant protection, 1738 regional stations of plant protection. The state service of plant protection of Russia organizes measures of protection on the whole territory of the country, on 208.4 million hectares of agricultural land, including 126 millions ha of arable land, 90.9 millions ha of crop-growing area, whereby the share of grains, sunflower, sugar beet, soybean, fibre-flax, potato, vegetables, fodder crops and fruits (small fruits and grapes included) accounts for 50.8; 4.1; 0.82; 0.48; 0.11; 3.3; 0.74; 30 and 1 million ha respectively (1998 data). The state service organizes measures of protection of the agricultural land area of 27 thousand state and agricultural cooperatives, 279 thousand farms and 42 million private agricultural enterprises (Proizvodstvenno - ekonomi~eskie pokazateli …, 1998). The researches are carried out based on 5-year plans. The program of fundamental and priority applied researches that relates to the issues of plant protection 1996-2000 "Phytosanitary optimization of agricultural crops based on integrated plant protection" focuses on the following: - monitoring beneficial and pest (harmful) organisms and systems of forecasting dangerous phytosanitary situations in some major cropgrowing regions of the country; - developing principles for regulating biotic mechanisms for stabilization and improvement of phytosanitary conditions of the agrosystem (development of biological plant protection measures, creation of immune grades, landscapes with specific and genetic variety); - theoretical substantiation of new efficient assortment of chemical plant protection measures and engineering for their application; - developing principles for designing agroecosystems optimized on phytosanitary and ecotoxicological characteristics. The decision on the issues raised is affected by the practical task of development of regional systems of plant protection optimized on economic and ecological criteria. Integrated plant protection is based on the results of fundamental and priority applied researches. We understand the term integrated plant protection as the system of plant protection that includes non-chemical (agrotechnical and biological) methods with the purpose of decreasing the amount pesticides used without reducing the efficiency of suppression of 14 V. Zakharenko: Scientific Maintenance And Protection Of Field Crops In Russia separate harmful organisms and complexes of harmful organisms. The data on the phytosanitary state of the agricultural land, economic thresholds of harmful organisms and criteria of validity for the application of most efficient and environmentally safe current methods of plant protection are necessary for the final decision making. Based on the results of researches the complexes of harmful organisms for each crop-growing region of Russia are determined. The most dangerous animal pests of field cultures are phytophagous insects: Locusts (Acrididae), cutworm (Agrotis spp.), Pyraustra stictinalis, click beetles (Elateridae), Citellus spp., Microtinae spp. The complexes of harmful organisms on small grains include the following animal pests: Eurygaster integriceps, Zabrus tenebrioides, Lema melanopus, Aphidoidae spp., Apamea anceps; phytopathogenic organisms- Ustilago tritici, Tilletia tritici, Erysiphe graminis, Puccinia spp., Fusarium spp., Septoria spp. The animal pests complex Bothinoderes punctiventris, Tanimecus palliatus, Chaetocnema spp., Cassidae, Aphis fabae and phytopathogenic organisms Pithium spp., Fusarium spp., Erysiphe communis, Cercospora beticola and virus diseases are distributed on sugar beet. The complexes of harmful organisms on fibre flax include animal pests - flax flea, Thrips linorius, Cochylis epiliana, Tipula paludosa, phytopathogenic organismsColletotrichum lini, Ascochita linicola, Melampsora lini, Polyspora lini, Bacillus macerans; sunflowers, anninal pests - Psalidium spp., Tanymecus spp., Brachycaudus helichrisi, Homeosoma nebulellum, Lygus pratensis, Aphis fabae; phytopathogenic organisms Botrytis cinnerea, Sclerotinia libertiana, S.bataticola, Puccinia hellianthi, Phomopsis helianthi, Orobanche spp. Potato is damaged by the following animal pests Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Epilachna vigintiomaculatus, phytopathogenic organisms Phytophthora infestans, Macrosporium solani, Corynobacterium sepedonicum, Erwinia caratovora and virus diseases. Weed plants contribute to substantial crop yield loss on all agricultural land. On arable land there are frequently more than 120 species of weed plants the most dangerous (10 weed plants) being: - on winter grain crops - Convolvulus arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Sonchus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Barbarea vulgaris, Amaranthus spp., Matricaria inodora, Setaria spp., Avena fatua, Echinochloa grus-galli; - on summer grain crops - Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis, Avena fatua, Echinochloa grus-galli, Setaria spp., Chenopodium album, Amaranthus spp., Barbarea vulgaris, Matricaria inodora; - on corn - Convolvulus arvensis, Sonchus arvensis, Amaranthus spp., Chenopodium album, Barbarea vulgaris, Setaria spp., Echinochloa grus-galli, Avena fatua, Sorghum haleopense, Agropyron repens; 15 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 - on sugar beet - Chenopodium album, Amaranthus spp., Barbarea vulgaris, Cirsium arvensis, Sonchus arvensis, Convolvulus vulgaris, Echinochloa grus-galli, Setaria spp.), Avena fatua, Agropiron repens; Table 1. Estimated annual potential crop yield losses due to pests, diseases and weeds (1991-1995) Crops Grain crops Fibar flax Sugar beet Sunflower Potatoes Vegetables Fruit and berries Forage crops Crop areas with Yield losses on area different degrees of with different degrees of weediness, weediness, infestation infestation or infection or infection Low Averege High Low Averege High Weeds 40 35 25 9 19 25 40 32 25 13 24 35 45 30 20 15 28 38 33 30 25 10 19 28 40 38 20 9 17 24 60 20 20 15 28 38 Yield losses, The weighted average percentage 16.5 21.6 22.8 16 14.9 22.2 35 40 25 10 19 28 18.1 25 40 8 15 21 5.6 10 9 20 12 10 10 7,5 11 7 7 8 11 15 22 14 21 16 29 22.5 33 21 35 24 47 7.5 4.5 10 10 6.2 8.8 Grain crops Fibar flax Sugar beet Sunflower Potatoes Vegetables Fruit and berries Forage crops 50 5 20 25 8 20 30 Pest 10 5 30 20 20 10 10 15 10 16 37 55 12.5 20 9 14 25 6.2 Grain crops Fibar flax Sugar beet Sunflower Potatoes Vegetables Fruit and berries Forage crops 50 40 50 40 10 15 15 10 Diseases 30 20 30 20 30 20 20 30 30 60 30 30 6.2 6.2 6 6 8 12 12.5 12.5 12 12 20 22 18.8 18.8 18 18 30 34 10.5 10 10.3 11.2 25 18.8 16 15 15 15 17 37 57 15.6 15 30 10 6 12 19 6.3 V. Zakharenko: Scientific Maintenance And Protection Of Field Crops In Russia - on sunflowers - Convolvulus vulgaris, Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Amaranthus spp., Chenopodium album, Barbarea vulgaris, Setaria spp., Avena fatua, Echinochloa grus-galli, Agropiron repens; - on potatoes - Chenopodium album, Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Agropyron repens, Raphanus raphanistrum, Stellaria media, Galeopsis spp., Amaranthus spp., Echinochloa grus-galli, Galium aparine. Potential crop losses evaluated based on the data from the cropgrowing areas with different levels of distribution of harmful organisms (high, average, low) and the data on the harmfulness of animal pests, pathogenic organisms and weeds on some major crops are given in Table 1(Zaharenko,1975,1997). The share of small grains, fiber-flax, sugar beet, sunflower and soybean, potato, vegetables, fruits and small fruits and forage crops accounts for 34.6%; 36.2%; 42.7%; 37.3%; 46.2%; 49%; 46.3% and 28.3% respectively of the annual potential yield losses due to pests, diseases and weeds. The quantitative data on the significance and effects of pest on crop yield are given as crop losses and were calculated with respect to the data of the assessed average percentage yield losses, yield and area of crop for the period 1991-1995 (Table 2). Average annual (1991-1995) losses amounted to 107 million tons in recalculation per grain. The Department focuses on developing the concept of purposeful search and formation of assortment of pesticides efficient when applied at low rates (grammes per hectare), environmentally safe (toxicity and degradation rate in the environment) and safe biological measures considering the ecological standpoint of integrated plant protection. Table 2. Quantitative crop losses due to pests, diseases and weeds (1991-1995) Crops Area, Yield, Yied losses Thousand ha tons/ha Rate,% Thousand tons Grain crops 59092 1.49 34.6 30464 Fibar flax 246 0.29 36.2 25.8 Sugar beet 1272 17.04 42.7 9255 Sunflower 3724 0.99 37.3 1375 Potatoes 3377 10.89 46.2 16990 Vegetables 698 14.63 49 5004 Fruit and berries 1015 2.79 46.3 1311 Forage crops 40888 2.0 28.3 23141 17 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The VIZR has created the bank of microorganisms including more than 500 cultures of bacteria and actinomycetes, 120 fungi, 22entomopathogenic nematodes and microsporidium, 15 viruses of insects. The bank is used for biological researches and development of microbiological measures. In Russia 60 biological preparations are in use, including 26 for plant protection against animal pests, 19 preparations are based on Bacillus thuringiensis 6 variations (Bt.var.dendrolimus, Bt.var.galleria, Bt.var.insektus, Bt.var.kurstaki,Bt.var.tenebrionis, Bt.var.thuringiensis), 2 Beauweria bassiana, 3 Verticillium lacanii, 1- nenatode Steinernema carpocapsa, and microbiological preparations on the basis of Bacillus subtilis, Penicillium vermiculatum, Pseudomonas syrengae, P.fluorescens, Streptomices griceoviridis, S.lavendula, S.falleus, Trichoderma lignorum and virus preparations. The Department has accepted the concept and regional system of manufacture of microbiological means of plant protection. The system includes 75 biolaboratories, 13 biofactories, 41 shops of regional stations of plant protection, 159 laboratories in glasshouse facilities, 56 small enterprises and cooperatives making biological means. The laboratories receive from the developers strains of useful organisms by direct contacts and make preparations. In Russia in 1996 laboratories have produced 350 tons of bactorodenced (Salmonella eneriditis var. Isathenko), 150 tons trichodermin (Trichoderma spp.), 280 tons of rhizoplant (Pseudomonas spp.), 19 tons of lepidoced (Bac.thuringiensis var.kurstaki), 15 tons of boverin (Beuaveria bassiana), 11 tons of agat (Pseudomonas fluorescens), 10 tons of bitoxibacillin (Bac.thuringiensis var.thuringiensis). Currently the biological preparations may be efficient (not concede pesticides) in protecting small grains against root rot (agat 25, rhizoplant, phitolavin); technical cultures against beet webworm (Lexostege sticticalis), cut worm (baxin, bitoxibacillin, bicol, lepidoced, dendrobacillin); potatoes against Colorado beetle (bitoxibacillin, bicol, dicimid, colorado), against Phitophthora infestans - rhizoplan, agat; vegetable cultures against vessel bacteriosis-rhizoplan, phitolavin, against wire stem trichodermin, against insect Lepidoptera - lepidoced, dendrobacillin, bitoxibacillin, bicol, homelin, Trichogramma spp.; fruit crops against Podosphaera leucotricha and Venturia spp. - bactofit, against Ervinia amylovora - pentafag, against insect Lepidoptera of the - astur, lepidoced, baxin, bicol and bitoxibacillin. In the protected ground biopreparations do not concede pesticides in controlling root rot bactofit, trichodermin, agat - 25, rhizoplan; powdery mildew - bactofit; angular leaf spot-pentafag; bacteriosys - phitolavin, white fly – verticillin, boverin, Encarsia; spider mites - Phitoseulus, bicicol, bitocsibacillin; 18 V. Zakharenko: Scientific Maintenance And Protection Of Field Crops In Russia tobbaco thrips - Ambliseius, boverin; aphids – Chrisopa, Aphidoletes aphidimyza, Cycloneda limbifera, Aphidius matricariae. The economic and ecological comparative estimation of the use of biological and chemical methods enables the determination of advantages on the biological methods of vegetable, fruit and berry cultures protection during the production of crops for combines involved in children and dietary feed production, at cultivation of cultures near large industrial centres, in water preservation zones and in sanitary zones, in areas radioactive of pollution. The biological method of plant protection is used on 1.5 - 2 millions of hectares (1 - 2 % of the arable land). The basic method of active plant protection is the chemical one. The Institutes of Department have improved the assortment of chemical and biological means of plant protection on the basis of the concept of purposeful search effective and minimally dangerous herbicide influencing specific systems, presenting no risk to man and mammals (in particular synthesis of amino acid, photosynthetic processes), pheromones and substances - inductors of protective reactions of a plant in relation to harmful organisms - immunocitofit, analogues chitosan etc. active, in miligramme norms on hectare, herbicides of classes sulfonylurea, imidasolinon, and also mixture herbicides (kovboy, kross, kronos) and complex preparations including fungicides, insecticides and herbicides (type koprangs) active in gramme norms on hectare. Currently the basic list of used pesticides includes preparations of foreign chemical concerns. In 1998 for the application in agriculture the use of 391 preparation (227 active substances) has been authorized, switching 97 insecticides, half of which - 49 preparations belong to the pyrethroides group and 17 are organophosphorus preparations; 70 fungicides of which 18 preparations belong to the azoles group, 8 benzimidazoles, 5 dithiocarbamates and 5 copper containing; 139 herbicides of which 19 belong to the sulfonylurea group, on 13 phenoxy acetic acid, 12 ariloxyphenoxypropionic acid, 12 thiocarbamatic acid, 12 organophosphorus preparations. Except for general statistics the data testify that it is of major importance to take into account the possibility of resistence development of appropriate harmful organisms to specified pesticides. The perspective means for the application of pesticides and biological substances is the ultra low volume pesticide application proved in connection with the ecological and economic requirements of the integrated plant protection. The importance is obvious if we take into account backlog of technical base from the new requirements of application pesticides. It cannot be considered reasonable on economic, and furthermore by ecological criteria engineering developed for entering 19 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 of tens of kg/ha pesticides (TCA -50-100 kg/ha, DCU -25-60 kg/ ha, DNOC -5-10 kg/ha etc.) for the application of preparations in gramme norms on hectare. The Institutes of the Department are developing and have begun to be let out at the conversion enterprises of a defensive industry ultra low volume mechanisms for seed dressing and facilitated of sprayers for low and – ultra low volume spraying. With the purpose of reducing liquid and pesticide rates, model samples of sprayers for pesticide spraying with separation and electrical charge of drops for exact (with the minimal losses) treatment of processable objects are developed It is necessary to note that under the conditions of the Russian economy it fails to the full to realize scientific development. Plant protection potentials have not been realized. Considering the reform of the national economy taking place in Russia currently the manufacture of pesticides has declined from 215.6 thousand (1986-1990) to 17 thousand tons (1991-1997); the pesticide treated agricultural land area decreased from 76.9 to 30 million hectares. The efficacy of the actual crop protection practice has been assessed for the period 1991-1995 as the percentage loss prevented by chemical control measures. The amounts of losses prevented by the use of pesticides were determined based on the data of the crop area treated with pesticides and additional yield ammounts per hectare of pesticide treated area, Table 3. Table 3. The losses prevented by chemical measures in Russia, 19911995 Crops 11203 285 1330 751 229 250 3726 78 441 143 1878 324 3275 10 145 130 1213 229 913 30 365 61 87 571 Additional yield Thou- To sandt potential losses, % 3127 10,3 2,21 34,9 1447 32,6 428 9 4206 13,9 3074 17,9 15 1272 1105 151 1378 21 1511 2035 126 50 332 3 Herbicedes Grain crops Fibar flax Sugar beet Sunflower Potatoes Vegetables Fruit and berries Forage crops Treated area,thousand ha Insecti- Fungici- Biological cides des control Losses prevented by pesticide use and biological crop protection measures amount to 14.2 million tons of grain units. Considering the enormous potentials of plant protection in preventing yield losses, 20 V. Zakharenko: Scientific Maintenance And Protection Of Field Crops In Russia possible future trends over the period 1999 - 2005 should involve enhanced pesticide use and other control measures. REFERENCES Zakharenko,V.A.: Ekonomika i perspektivy primenenija pesticidov v svjazi s intensifikacijej zemledelija. VIII Mezhdunarodnyj Kongress po zashchite rastenij. Doklady, t II, Moskva, c.1-6, 1975. Zakharenko,V.A.: Tendencii izmenenija poter' urozhaja sel'skohozjajstvennykh kul'tur ot vrednykh organizmov v zemledelii v uslovijakh reformirovanija ekonomiki Rossii. Agrohimija, N0 3, c.1-9, 1997. Proizvodstvenno ekonomicheskije pokazateli razvitija agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii v 1996 g., ch. 1, str.157, 1996. 21 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 22 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS IN UKRAINE M.P. Lessovoi and N.M. Tron Institute of Plant Protection of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ukraine Plant protection, i.e. prevention of yield loss due to pests is of major importance for increasing agricultural production. In the history of plant protection since the beginning of the XX century four major phases have been recorded: namely, development and utilization of separate means, mainly mechanical methods of pest control (1900-1930); substantiation of the theory of pest species control by means of agricultural practices, mechanical, chemical and biotic measures known as the "system of measures" (1931-1945); development and wide utilization and application of chemical substances for crop protection (1946-1964). Pesticides of the new generation, i.e. preparations of organic synthesis came into wide use and the chemical methods of plant protection gained in importance. However, intensive production growth and pesticide application affected hygienic and ecological evaluation and usage. In a number of cases insufficient knowledge on the application of chemical substances provoked adverse impacts on the environment and pesticide residues in agricultural products. Pesticide application is an issue of major importance to both scientific researchers and the government. In Ukraine, since 1965 along with the improvement of pesticide evaluation and application control at the state level considerable attention has been focused on the development of pest control methods as an alternative to chemical control methods. Since that time the use of various methods and measures with the objective of substantially decreasing the number of pesticide treatments gained in importance with regard to plant protection development. Abroad the term integrated pest control (or pest management) was used. Since the 1960s integrated pest control has been considered the system of pest management which in the context of the interaction between the environment and population dynamics of pest species uses all the adequate means and methods keeping pest populations below the economic threshold. 23 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 In accordance with the theoretical approaches of the Soviet scientists, at the current phase of development, scientific and organizational concepts of pest control are referred to as the "integrated system of measures" (as opposed to the additive system of the 1930s). In our country this system is a part of the overall technological advances regarding crop cultivation with the objective of ensuring reliable crop protection at minimal pesticide application by developing resistance to adverse biotic factors, i.e. pests, in the ecosystem. Pests are represented by various groups of herbivorous animals and plant pathogen agents. The integrated system of measures includes the following: information supply, solution projection, management by means of control measures. Initial information data on the species composition of pest fauna and crop pathogens are used taking into account the given agroclimatic zone of Ukraine. In addition, the data of the State Service for Monitoring and Forecasting the situation regarding pests and of identical services in a given agricultural region are used. Both services characterize the situation under the given conditions. The system of measures of the integrated plant protection for a given year is projected based on the typical zone scheme as well as forecasting pest arthropods and pathogens population dynamics (Figure 1). Fields are inspected and the final solution regarding the correction of the system by either adding or excluding some planned measures is adopted. Plant protection specialists make the final decisions regarding pesticide application, optimal dates for pesticide treatments, most efficient composition of the preparations used and application equipment used. The efficacy of the protective measures applied including chemical measures is assessed by comparing the actual pest density with the economic threshold. The use of fungicides in controlling crop diseases provoked by parasites is mainly based on the principle of prophylaxy. Some major control measures are the following: seed treatment, pesticide application during the vegetation season prior to crop infection according to the phenological calendar. This principle has been shown to ensure the protection of plants in their most susceptible stages of development. The decision whether to apply fungicides is made based on the potential danger posed by the disease taking into account the crop variety resistance and the weather conditions prevailing. The issue regarding control measures is discussed below taking into account some of the major crops grown. Winter wheat. Pest resistance of the wheat varieties is one of the major components of integrated plant protection system in Ukraine. Namely, V.N. Remeslo Mironovka Institute of Wheat in cooperation with the Institute of Plant Protection of UAAN have created a number of 24 M.P. Lessovoi and N.M. Tron: Integrated Protection of Agricultural Crops in Ukraine winter wheat varieties (Mironovskaya 27, Mironovskaya 28, Mironovskaya 29, Mironovskaya 33, Mironovskaya 34, Mironovskaya 61, Mirich, Lira) with complex pest resistance. In so doing various types of resistance unsusceptibility (antibiosis), tolerance (compensative ability) and evasion were used. Unsusceptibility proved efficient against most plant pathogens although in the case of the leaf rust, evasion and tolerance are quite effective and long-lasting. Compensative ability excludes damages provoked by cereal flies (Hessen fly, Mayetiola destructor Say); frit fly, Oscinela frit L.; opomyza fly, Opomyza florum F.) during autumn and spring periods. Evasion and tolerance are reliable protective measures against the green bug, Sitobion evanae F. and the lema beetle, Lema melanopus L., the thrips, Haplothrips tritici Kurd. Figure 1. The system of pest forecasting with regard to agricultural crops All the resistant types (factors) given above are components of the triat complex of the so called intensive varieties of the winter wheat. These traits were created by breeders in order to maintain high 25 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 productivity, favourable grain quality and total variety resistance. This trend in breeding promises protection against the complex of pest arthropods and pathogens attacking several hundred wheat species in Ukraine. A complex system of measures considering both soil and climatic conditions of various geographic regions has been developed and incorporated in the agricultural practice in Ukraine in order to contribute to efficient cereal pest (insects, mites, pathogens, nematodes, rodents, weeds) control. Based on this system, the existing methods of plant protection (breeding, seed improvement, agricultural practices, pests' natural enemies, pesticides, physical, mechanical and quarantine control measures) have been harmonized. This system is used in combination with pest distribution and population density forecasting. Agricultural practices include crop rotation, optimal sowing dates and correct fertilizer application. It should be noted that there are numerous entomophagous organisms in cereal crop fields which are able to substantially decrease pest density, especially mass outbreaks. Measures focused on maintaining populations of local species of entomophagous organisms in the entomocomplexes structure have been developed. These measures were found to contribute to the improvement of the phytosanitary situation in crops. The release of the common trichograma, Trichogramma evanescens Wests., is used in the system of protection measures of cereal crops against the turnip moth Scotia segetum Schiff. The application of bacterodenticides is used against rodents. The chemical method in the integrated system of measures is of major importance. Major attention is focused on seed treatment before sowing. Chemical weed control using herbicides during the tillering stage is widely used. Pesticide treatments are employed against the cereal bug, Tyigonotylus ruficornis Geffr. and other cereal aphids, wheat thrips, cereal beetles (of the genus Anisoplia), the lema beetle and other pest species. A joint chemical protection method of cereals against the sunbug, Eurygaster integriceps Put., the cereal aphid and wheat thrips using a mixture of preparations has been developed at the Institute of Plant Protection of the UAAN. This method is widely being used in the agricultural practice. Sunflower. Breeding of resistant sunflower varieties is of major importance in the system of integrated sunflower protection because it is an effective means with favourable prospects. However, the issue raises broad concern. Namely, since the beginning of the 1960s a solution has been found for varieties-populations with group immunity to downy 26 M.P. Lessovoi and N.M. Tron: Integrated Protection of Agricultural Crops in Ukraine mildew, Plasmospora halstedii (Farlow) Berl. et de Tonif., the sunflower rust, Puccinia helianthi Schwein., Phoma black stem, Phoma oleracea Sacc., the verticillium wilt, Verticillium dahliae Kleb, the broom-rape, Orobanche cumana Wallr. This successful creation has been achieved thanks to the interspecial hybridization of the local varieties with the North American species of the genus Helianthus. In 1997 the sunflower hybrid resistant to phomopsis, Phomopsis helianthi, white and grey rots, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum D.b., Botrytis cinerea Pors. was transferred to the State Commission of Ukraine with the objective of variety testing. The evaluation of this hybrid has been planned for 1998 and 1999. This fact bears evidence on the favourable prospects of the hybrid. A system of integrated protection of sunflower against pests and pathogens has been proposed focusing on organizational measures, agricultural practices and the use of entomophagous organisms because sunflower varieties and hybrids with complex resistance to pests are not among those adopted in the agricultural practice of Ukraine. Chemical measures are considered of major importance and obligatory means seed treatment against sclerotiniose infection, Sclerotium bataticola Taub., grey and dry rots, mould fungi, as well as wireworms (larvae of the beetles of the genus Elateridae) pseudo wireworms and beetles of the genera Tenebrionidae and Alleculidae. Mixtures of pesticides, magnesium and zinc salts, are used in the agricultural practice of the developed agricultural regions. This has been noted to contribute to favourable seedling emergence under field conditions, decreasing sclerotiniose incidence and increasing sunflower head diameter and 1000-seed weight. Insecticide treatments preceding seedling emergence are employed provided high population density of Opatrum sabulosum L. and Pedinus femoralis I. is anticipated. If the population density of the above mentioned species is high as well as that of the grey beet weevil, Tanymecus palliatus F., the black beet weevil, Psalidium maxillosum F., the same control measures may be employed following seedling emergence and the appearance of the first pair of true leaves. The southern grey weevil, Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll., may be controlled using poisoned food lures. Treating soil with ammonia water may kill both larvae and beetles of numerous pests. The release of entomophagous pests may be quite efficient against butterflies (Lepidoptera) and aphids (Aphididea). Sugar beet. The protection of sugar beet against pests, especially the common beet weevil Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ., is an issue of major concern. At the Institute of Plant Protection of the UAAN the method of plant toxication by means of seed treatment presowing has been developed in order to protect sugar beet fields. The 27 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 results obtained indicated an 80-90% mortality of the common beet weevil, the beet flee Chaetocnema concinna Marsch., numerous species of the Chrysomelidae family, especially Cassida nobilis L., as well as of the aphids, Aphis fabae Scop., Pemphigus fuscicornis Koch. Thus seed treatment presowing contributes subsequently to 2-3 applications less. Caenocrepis bothynoderes Grom. affected weevil eggs ranged from 8494% in seed treated plots whereas chemical beet plant control lead to the total mortality of this species. Seed treatment is employed in order to control wireworms, pseudo wireworms and other soil-dwelling insect pests. Toxication proved effective for the protection of leguminous crops (peas, beans, etc.) as well, being safe for the predacious carabid beetles. Thus chemical control of plants along with the other above mentioned measures of protection proved advantageous in the contemporary system of integrated protection of a wide range of agricultural crops under the conditions of Ukraine. Thanks to scientific advances in Ukraine methods have been developed and incorporated in the agricultural practice of the plant protection system providing maximal safety to both man and the environment. 28 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION SYSTEMS Vilor Samersov and Lyudmila Trepashko Byelorussian Institute of Plant Protection, Minsk p/o Priluki, Belarus ABSTRACT The base of advanced technologies is the economy of nonrenewed energy and material resources focusing on non-waste ecologically safe productions. The authors objective was to develop the methodological approaches for evaluating these parameters in designed systems of agricultural crop protection. It was established that the lower the efficiency of antropogeneous energy the stronger its negative consequences. The medium forming role of plants in agrocenosis and the leading regulating role of agrotechnical techniques in shaping the phytosanitary situation in agricultural crops are stressed. The systems of phytosanitary management of agrocenosises are constructed based on forecasting the phenology of agricultural crop development, harmfulness of agrophages, record-keeping of ecological and economic thresholds of expediency of application of plant protection products. The economic and power efficiency of the system and the level of its ecological safeness are evaluated. Key words: Integrated system, ecological and economic threshold, efficiency, ecological safeness INTRODUCTION As it turned out the unilateral directions of agricultural production technologies in achieving maximum production spend substantial resources and are ecologically unsafe. The issue is not only of economic, social-public, but also of ethic importance as the superiority of technical intelligence above humanitarian always entails splash of ecological aggression accompanied with the psychology of permission to 29 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 act with impunity, inexhaustibility of resources. Therefore, the higher the production technology potentials, special sophisticated mechanisms of constraining ecological aggression are required in order to preserve the biosphere. Comprehending the ecological fundamentals of the conflict between man and nature is the first step in developing a rational system of land tenure (Odum, 1975). Plant protection as one of the most complex and specific technologies of modern agriculture is expected to ensure simultaneously: phytosanitary health of agricultural production, economy of power resources and ecological safety of recommended agrophages control measures. Over the past decade in all the countries pursuing technologies combining the advantages of intensive factors of agricultural crop cultivation with the technologies minimizing environmental pollution has not been unintentional. The formulated concepts of sustainable and precise and of Russian variant - adaptive agriculture offer technologies adequate to the above-mentioned purpose (Shpaar, 1998 ). DISCUSSION At the Byelorussian Scientific-Research Institute of Plant Protection the concept of a management system of phytosanitary situation in agrocenosises and also at higher hierarchical levels (agroecosystem, agrolandscape) is based on agroecosystem regulated crops whereby the mechanism regulating mutual relationships of component constituents is determined by both natural elements and organizational-economic activity of the individual. An efficient utilization of the regulating role of natural resources of a landscape, agricultural practice and natural stock of biological regulators (entomophagons, predatory fungi, microorganisms) contributes to the reduced application of antropogeneous energy reducing thereby its dissipation and consequently minimizes environmental pollution. The leading role in shaping mutual relationships in agroecosystems may be attributed to plants acting as a medium forming factor. Accordingly, the long repeated technological methods panoramically influenced the microclimate of crops, rhythmics of physiological processes of plants and influenced the formation of the entomo and phyto complexes structure, population dynamics, ecological and physiological impacts on the microclimate and the quality of forage, immunity to stress, pesticide resistance etc. Therefore, the deviation of technological techniques from long-term norm resulted in the 30 V. Samersov and L. Trepashko: Principles of Development of Integrated Plant Protection Systems reorganization of specific fauna and flora to a modification of harmfulness of agrophages. Its visual example is a modification of phytosanitary condition of crops of agricultural cultures in Belarus. Following the recent sociopolitical reorientation of the society and in relation to the collapse of the production economy, the defect of engineering, unstable fuel delivery in agriculture have violated the terms and quality of soil tillage (stubble breaking, disking, fall ploughing). Consequently the average amount of weed plants during the 10-12 year- period (since 1986 till the present day) was raised from 219 to 260 plants per m2, there was reorganization of their botanical structure, weeds predominate in crops on pastures, the perennial rhizome and sobole, the growth of root rots of grain crops (from 25% to 39.6%) was observed, the number of Elateridae larvae was raised from 13.5 - 20 individuals per 1m2 to 22 - 55 individuals per 1m2. The registered epiphytoty mass of Claviceps purpurea on winter rye, barley, triticale and other cereals was recorded. These examples testify not only of the high-power regulating role of agricultural techniques but also of the necessities to develop plant protection measures as a part of a uniform general system of crop cultivation, namely generally speaking to take into account the uniform operation of agrocenosises (rotation) and agrolandscape. The integrated systems of plant protection developed by the authors (V.F.Samersov,1998) are based on the collection and management of flows of an information ensured forecasting (dynamics) of the phytosanitary situation development in agroecosystems, damage anticipated from harmful organisms and planning organizational and eradicative measures accordingly. The most complex is the forecasting of agrophages harmfulness based on which the decisions on the number and rate of application of plant protection products for the control of the infection, decrease of the number of phytophagous populations need to be made - which, as a matter of fact, is provided by an intellect a system of dispatching management of data collection on prophylactic phytosanitary role of adaptive varietal agronomical practices of agricultural crops. The information on the dynamics of phenological processes of plants and the complex of agrophagous, the structure of biocenotic relationships, ecological and toxicological properties of recommended plant protection products is integrated in a uniform data bank controlled by means of personal computers. The technique of an economic and ecological evaluation of designed systems allows, reasonably a large share of objectivity to accept solutions based on the sequentially considered economic thresholds of harmfulness and complex ecological and economical thresholds of expediency of application of plant protection 31 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 products, to forecast the effect of recommended measures, to control the economic and power efficiency of systems and their ecological consequences (Samersov V.F. and Trepashko, 1995, 1998). Damages provoked by adverse effects of pesticides introduced into record-keeping, permit precise assessment of the efficiency of the IPM used. Particularly, by comparing three types of plant protection systems: intensive, integrated and ecologically justified, the data on an essential modification of the specific costs for the production of 1 center of an additional grain amount may be obtained. In an ecologically reasonable system of grain crops protection by introducing the parameter of costs on identification of negative consequences, the specific costs may be reduced and the factor of economic efficiency of the system may be raised (Table 1). Accordingly, using this technology prominent ecological safenessis may be anticipated (Figure 1). Table 1. Economic efficiency of systems of grain crops protection against pests, diseases and weeds Parameters The specific costs for 1cwt of an additional production from plant protection Unit of measurement s $/c Factor of an economic efficiency of PPP Influence of PPP on norm of profitability of grain production % The system of grain crops protection against noxious organisms (MP) intensive Integrated, ecologically justified, 4.91 6.97* 3.54 4.87* 2.33 2.63* 1.75 0.85* 3.8 2.25* 4.78 4.25* 10.8 -7.5* 25 16* 24.1 22.3* * considering costs of indemnification of negative consequences of PPP on ecology. 32 V. Samersov and L. Trepashko: Principles of Development of Integrated Plant Protection Systems 100 1.41 1.37 80 59 60 % 1.6 87 1.12 48 1.2 0.8 40 0.4 20 0 0 Intensive Integrated Ecologically justified Level of ecological cleanness from noxious organisms, % Factor of negative action of means of protection against pests, diseases and weeds on the environment Figure 1. Parameters of ecological security of grain crops protection systems against noxious organisms based on the data of their economic efficiency In our researches the natural decrease of efficiency (e) of anthropogeneous energy lost on the production from 0.75 to 0.32 by the decrease of productivity of grain crops from 55 - 60 c/ha to 20 - 22 c/ha (Table 2) was established, i.e. the efficiency of any technology in plant growing including plant protection is sharply reduced under partial realization of potential productivity of a variety. The share of efficiency from the application of plant protection products by considering the compensatory expenses to their negative consequences was also ambiguously changed. Moreover, calculations have shown that by achieving target yield of grain crops at the cost of an additional investment of chemical energy (mineral fertilizers, pesticides etc.) the specific costs of antropogeneous energy necessary for the indemnification of negative consequences from the application of pesticides will sharply be raised (Figure 2). 33 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 2. Influence of different systems of plant protection against pests, diseases and weeds on the magnitude of efficiency (e) of antropogeneous energy, used in the technology of grain crops growing The system of grain crops protection against noxious organisms (PPP) calendar Integrated ecologically justified Parameters By productivity of grain crops 55 - 60 c/ra Efficiency (e) of antropogeneous 0.75 0.75 0.736 energy used for grain crops 0.689* 0.721* 0.730* growing Including share of efficiency 0.137 from application of PPP 0.076* 0.137 0.108* 0.123 0.117* Percent (%) 18.3 15.0* 16.7 16.0* 18.3 11.0* By grain crops yield 20 - 22 c/ha Efficiency (e) of antropogeneous 0.321 energy used for grain crops 0.312* growing 0.321 0.317* 0.311 0.310* Including share of from PPP application 0.021 0.016* 0.011 0.010* 6.5 5.0* 3.5 3.2* Percent (%) 34 efficiency 0.021 0.012* 6.5 3.2* V. Samersov and L. Trepashko: Principles of Development of Integrated Plant Protection Systems 100 80 80 40 70 60 60 55 30 45 35 40 25 22 20 28.6 19.8 8.5 4.55.1 % cwt/ha 50 90 20 10 13.3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Yield of grain crops, cwt/ha Yield increase from chemical antropogeneous energy, cwt/ha Amount of grain necessay for restoration of negative consequences, cwt/ha Specific costs of chemical energy from total expenses for the production (fertilizers + pesticides + retardants, %) Specific costs of the energy necessary for restoration of negative consequences, % Figure 2. Efficiency of chemical antropogeneous energy spent on grain crops production by different yield CONCLUSIONS The comparison of the three types of plant protection systems in the production have revealed a basic possibility of ensuring the decrease of antropogeneous energy input and ecological tension without any biological and economic efficiency loss in the process of realization of the ecologically justifiable system of plant protection compared with intensive and integrated systems. It was proved that by violating agricultural practices the parameters and advantages of the ecological, 35 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 reasonable techniques not excluding economic efficiency were substantially reduced. The transition from the integrated system of plant protection to phytosanitary health management of agroecosystems requires further research with respect to the details on the biology of pathogens, weed plants, noxious insects and also on agents of the natural complex regulating the development of agrophagous; immunological evaluation of the selection material of agricultural crops, decoding and record-keeping of biocenotic relationships. REFERENCES Odum,Y.: Fundamentals of ecology. Edit.Board “Mir”, Moscow, 740 P., 1975. Samersov, V.F.: Integrated system of grain crops protection against pests. Mn.: Uradzhaj, 207 P, 1998. Samersov,V., Trepashko, L.: A computational model of the economic and ecological expediency of plant protection means use. Arch.Phytopathol. Pflanz., 30, 77-83, 1995. Samersov,V., Trepashko,L.: Power consumption of systems of plant protection as a criterion of their ecological safety, Arch.Phytopathol.Pflanz., 31, 335-340, 1998. Shpaar,D., Postnikov,A, Kratssh,V, Makovsky,N.: Grain crops cultivation. Moscow, “Agrarian science” J.EB “Rodnik”, 334 P, 1998. 36 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED CROP PROTECTION PROGRAMS IN POLAND Stefan Pruszyñski Plant Protection Institute, Poznañ, Poland ABSTRACT Implementation of integrated plant protection programs into agricultural practice depends on many factors not always confined to carrying out research studies and their positive results. In Poland, factors stimulating practical application of integrated programs are: - modern legislation assuring priority of integrated programs, - obligation of technical control of spreyers, - properly conducted registration of plant protection means, - control system of quality and residues od plant protection chemicals which is in force throughout the country, - the availability of national registration system of agrophage occurance, their intensity and forecast, - a low use of plant protection chemicals, - a large grup of research workers engaged in studies of biological and nonchemical methods of plant protection and on integrated programs. Negative factors include: - a very large number of farms (about 2 mln) and especially of small individual farms, - a very large differentiation of environmental conditions (soil, climate, humidity), - a very different level of proffesional training of farmers, - the lack of educational programs takeing into account integration principles and functioning of agricultural environment, - the lack of consulting services and their unsatisfactory training, - a bad economic state of agriculture, - the lack of motivation in farmers, - the lack of coordination of scientific studies. 37 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The above conditions do not confine the actions of scientific institutions in spreading integrated plant protection programs and even now we can speak about such programs with regard to winter rapeseed, potato and cereal crops and partially with regard to other plants. INTRODUCTION The term „integration” has readily been accepted by the plant protection vocabulary in Poland. In 1964 Lipa (1964) has for the first time presented the conception of integrated pest control in the Polish bibliography and a year later the same author (Lipa, 1965) has published the results on the introductory research of integrated control of sugar beet pests. An exhaustive description of integrated control of noxious insects has been given by Wegorek (1970) and Lipa (1984). At the same time several research programs were undertaken in order to determine the role of natural factors in the reduction of pest density but also in enhancing the role of biological and other nonchemical methods in crop protection. Researches and activities undertaken at that time did not result in the rapid elaboration and implementation of integrated pest control in practice. However, they played an important role in research tasks, creation of proper consciousness of farmers and decisionmaking authorities, development of new training programs as well as undertaking many-sided activities in order to prepare the background for the real development and use of integrated pest management. In the present paper factors stimulating researches and practical application of integrated programs in Poland but also negative ones were discussed. STIMULATING FACTORS New Plant Protection Law The new Plant Protection Law introduced several important changes in the regulation of plant protection in Poland, through, among others, appointment of the State Plant Protection Inspectorate and also through legal direction of plant protection development. The Article 29 of this Law is as follows: „Plant protection products can be used only for the purposes defined in the label and according to the recommendations defined in it, in order to avoid the risk to human health and animals and environmental pollution, taking into account biological, agricultural and agrotechnical plant protection methods, 38 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland reducing the use of chemical plant protection to necessary minimum” this text contributes to the development of integrated pest management. Authorization of plant protection products in Poland Since 1965 based on the Decree of the Minister for Agriculture permissions have been granted for placing on the market and use of chemical plant protection products in Poland. The procedure of granting such permissions is systematically improved according to international requirements (Czaplicki et al.,1995). New, very important activities connected with plant protection products authorization, are the following ones: - introduction of new classification of plant protection products according to their toxicity accepted by the European Union, - more restrictive requirements concerning authorization dossiers, according to the Directives of the European Union, - renewal of authorization of all plant protection products 10 years following the first authorization, - authorization of active ingredients purchased in order to formulate plant protection products by the Polish industry, - elaboration of the list of banned and prohibited active ingredients, - elaboration of the list of active ingredients permitted in water protection zones. Researches on plant protection products residues In Poland at the beginning of the 1970’s and thanks to the substantial support from the UNDP/FAO the system for the determination of plant protection residues in plant and animal material has been organized at the Plant Protection Institute. This system based on the Plant Protection Institute and its Experimental Stations has enabled the determination of residue levels, mainly in intensively protected crops or in crops treated pre-harvest. The data offer reliable information on the residue levels and potential contamination (Table 1). 39 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 1. Residues of plant protection products in 1991-1995 (Dabrowski et al., 1996) The total number of taken samples The number of performed residue analyzes 12 974 74 293 Characteristics of samples: 31% outdoor vegetables 33% fruits 26% indoor vegetables 10% fooders and components, field crops and soil Results: Lack of residues Residues lower than admitted Residues higher than admitted 67.0% of analyzed samples 32.3% of analyzed samples 0.7% of analyzed samples Both the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Economy prepare and issue in the form of a decree the list of maximum residue levels of plant protection products in plant and animal material. Researches on plant protection products quality In the Plant Protection Institute - Sosnicowice Branch a laboratoty has been organized in order to analyze and confirm the conformability with the standards of all plant protection products permitted to be placed on the market and used. The system of control allows to observe the market of plant protection products as well as to analyze such products existing on the market. Implementation of good plant protection practice Good plant protection practice consists of the rules on the proper and safe use of plant protection products taking into account integrated pest management, for example the need to employ treatment. In Poland many-sided activities on the dissemination of good plant protection practice among the farmers have been undertaken in order to reduce the 40 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland risk resulting from the use of plant protection products as well as to change the approach of users to plant protection treatments (Germaziak and Podgórska, 1996). Creation of the national system for registration of important pests and diseases with short - and long-term forecasts of their occurrence In Poland the occurrence of principal pests and diseases has been monitored for over 40 years. The Plant protection service sends the information to the Plant Protection Institute, where they are converted and in the form of communications sent to those interested. At the end of each year a summary is elaborated containing also the forecast on species expected to appear in the year to follow (Figure 1, and Figure 2) (Walczak et al., 1997). Figure 1. The occurance of Turnip ceutorrhynchus (Ceutorhynchus napi Gyll.) on winter rape plantations in Poland in 1996 (Walczak et al., 1997) 41 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Figure 2. The occurance of Cabbage seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis Payk.) and Cabage gall midge (Dasyneura brassicae Winn.) on winter rape in Poland in the years 1980-1996 (Walczak et al., 1997) Such activities contribute to adequate plant protection treatments as well as information on potential risks. These activities include also the publication of economic thresholds (Piekarczyk and Wozny,1986). This publication helps in decision-making on the need to employ treatments and is to a great extent based on foreign publications and presently it requires improvement with special reference to climatic and natural factors effecting pest development (Samersov, 1994). SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUNDS OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT The above mentioned activities pose the basis for the implementation and use of integrated pest management in plant protection, nevertheless we should remember, that real background of integration and main condition of integrated pest management is a good 42 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland knowledge of agrocoenoses taking into account factors such as: susceptability of cultivars, effect of fertilizers, effect of climatic conditions and as intensive as possible the application of biological and other nonchemical methods of pest control. The need of research programmes is extremely high, but unfortunately the progress here is not so visible. In Poland over the past years researches have been undertaken on specific composition of beneficial entomofauna, microbiological method, selectivity of plant protection products, growing of resistant cultivars, release of natural enemies etc., nevertheless the number of practical results is insufficient. We should remember that we deal with extremely complicated systems requiring many years of observations which can react to introduced changes in an unpredictable way (Pruszynski, 1995). Application of biological method and integrated pest management in the protection of horticultural crops Straying from the main subject, i.e. from agricultural crops, I would like to present shortly the application of the biological method in Poland as well as practical achievements in biological method and integrated pest management in glasshouse crops and apple tree orchards. Table 2. presents the current production and main uses of biological method in Poland. It should be stressed that we dispose of ready technologies of production of viral products for the control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) and Stilpnotia salicis as well as bioproduct based on Beauveria bassiana, mainly for the control of Colorado potato beetle and bioproduct based on Trichoderma harzianum for the control of plant diseases. When speaking of biological method, attention should be paid to mutual USA, Poland and Czech Republic researches on the biological control of Colorado potato beetle using bioproducts (Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis), the predator Perillus bioculatus and the parasite Edovum puttleri. Glasshouse and orchard production is well developed in Poland (Table 3). That is why scientific institutes are engaged in the research on the application of biological method and integrated pest management in indoor crops and fruit orchards. There are considerable achievements in this field. The biological control of glasshouse crops has been employed since 1970 (Pruszynski, 1992) and currently the method is estimated to be applied on 480 hectares of vegetable crops mainly (Bednarek and Goszczynski, 1997). 43 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Unfortunately, during the period of economical changes the centres rearing the parasites and predators closed their activity and presently these species as well as pollinators are imported from abroad. Table 2. Production of biological control agents in Poland ____________________________________________________ Domestic production: Bacilan - Bacillus thuringiensis Thuridan - Bacillus thuringiensis Albarep - Garlic Bioczos - Garlic Owinema - Steinernema feltiae Polagrycina - Lipid SL - Agrobacterium radiobakter PgJBL - Phlebiopsis (= Phlebia) gigantea Pheromons Imported: 7 microbial insecticides with B.thuringiensis Pheromons Examples of application: 480 ha of glashouses protected using beneficial organisms, 150.000 ha of forest protected using microbial insecticides ________________________________________________________ Table 3. Commercial production of majore fruit species in Poland Fruits Apples Strowberries Curants Sour cherries Raspberries Thousand tones 1.600 250 165 100 43 Participation in world production in % 3.4 11.2 28.2 12.1 Ranking in global production 8 3-4 1 3 Interesting achievements have been obtained by Polish scientists in the biological control and integrated pest management in orchards. 44 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland The organization of apple producers has been created as the result of the activities of the Institute of Pomology and Ornamentals in Skierniewice, and its members produce apples according to integrated technology of production. The number of producers introducing such systems of production systematically increases (Tables 4&5, Niemczyk, 1996), and presently integrated technology of strawberry production is prepared to be implemented. In both cases plant protection is based on integrated pest management. Table 4. The development of IFP in Poland Specification No of regions/localities No of fruit growers No of extension workers Area of apple orchard in hectares 1991 3 70 18 1992 7 117 31 178 470 1993 24 430 55 about 2000 1994 32 570 65 about 3000 1995 39 776 72 4239 Table 5. Apple production in IFP orchards confirmed by certificates Year 1993 1994 1995 No of fruit growers having certificates 117 289 about 500 Amount of apples confirmed by certificates in tons about 7.000 about 40.000 about 60.000 Total apple production about 0.4% about 3% about 5% Application of integrated pest management in agricultural crops In Polish bibliography we are frequently encountered by publications with titles having the word "integration" but the authors present the result of research connected mainly with the reduction of plant protection products use (Pokacka; 1992, Praczyk and Adamczewski, 1993). In this report the researches and activities in the elaboration and implementation of integrated pest management to agricultural crops in Poland will be presented on the example of winter oilseed rape. This crop is grown in Poland on the area of 400-500 thousands hectares and requires intensive protection against pests, diseases and 45 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 weeds (Figure 3). That is why integrated pest management of this crop is highly justifiable. Figure 3. The occurance of the main pests and diseases on winter rape plants in Poland Researches on the programs of oilseed winter rape protection play an important role in the scientific activity of the Plant Protection Institute (Pruszynski et al., 1996). Attention should be paid to considerable enhancement of research over the past twenty years: it has been enhanced with issues that relate to: biological control, resistance, biochemistry, ecology, environmental problems, use of plant protection products in tank-mix, and first of all - integrated pest management. Elaborated and present integrated pest management in oilseed winter rape (Palosz et al., 1994) This program is concerned with the use of some elements of agrotechnology, natural elements of ecosystems as well as the proper use of agrochemicals (Tables 6,7&8). The recommendations presented concern the current state of knowledge and changes provoked by new information on the agrocoenosis of rape as well as the appearance of new plant protection products on the market. Similarily to other cases, further intensive researches are necessary. 46 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland Table 6. Elements of integration in oilseed winter rape protection against diseases, pests and weeds (according to Palosz et al., 1994) Proper use of agrochemicals in oilseed winter rape w renouncement of routine use of plant protection products w not only signalization of need, but in justified cases w renouncement of insecticide use during the flights of beneficial entomofauna w in the places, where it is possible, performing of treatments only on the borders of fields togather with the sowing of trapping plants (do not use pyrethroids in such the treatments) w complying by the prevention for honey-bees w use of recommended agrochemicals in tank-mix w avoidance of mechanical plant damage ______________________________________________________________ Table 7. Elements of integration in oilseed winter rape protection against diseases, pests and weeds (according to Palosz et al., 1994) ______________________________________________________________ Utilization of natural elements of ecosystem - knowledge of the most important species of beneficial organisms, elaboration of the methods of their appearance and numerousness adaptation of chemical treatments (choice of product, timing, border treatment) to the time of appearance and flights of beneficial insects in order to their protection favourizing of the conditions for the development of beneficial entomofauna 47 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 8. Elements of integration in oilseed winter rape protection against diseases, pests and weeds (according to Palosz et al., 1994) Proper agrotechnique - complying by at least 4 years break in rape growing on the same field complying by special isolation between this year and last year rape field increase of the area of perennial leguminous plants complete before-sowing system of soil cultivation complying by optimal date of sowing and quantity of seeds soeing of winter turnip on the borders as traping plant optimal level of nitrogen fertilization dividing spring application rate into two parts harvest in two stages, renouncing of desiccation SOME NEGATIVE FACTORS The structure of Polish agriculture In Poland collectivization has been widespread and about 80% of arable land has been left to private farmers. Currently (Table 9) there are more than 2 million farms and their number changes very slowly. Thus a great number of farmers of varying professional knowledge, working under different climatic and soil conditions and farming on various area has impeded the introduction of uniform or even similar methods of implementation and dissemination. Training programs During the past years there has been a systematic increase in the number of hours of lectures and practical exercises that relate to integrated pest management both at universities and secondary agricultural schools and professional trainings. This is highly favourable, however, the general level of knowledge on integrated pest management, of farmers mostly, is unsatisfactory and there is still much to be done in this field. Without a good knowledge of an agricultural adviser and farmer and without good understanding of integrated pest management and ecological approach to – advances in plant protection programs will be impossible. 48 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland Others - current state of Polish agricultural science (Table 10), unfavourable economic situation of agriculture, lack of motivation, substantial differences in soil, climatic and humidity conditions, lack of favourable training and consultanting services. Table 9. Changes in Polish agriculture (according to BOSS - Agriculture 17/18/97) Number of farms Area of land belonging to private owners Percent of arable land belonging to private owners Average area of private farm Area of arable land in the farm of area above 10 ha Area of crops 1988 1996 2 167.6 tys. 2 041.4 tys. 13 537.6tys.ha 14 259.8 tys.ha ró`nica - 126.2 tys. (5.8%) + 722.2 tys.ha (14.4%) 76.3% 82.1% + 5.8% 7.05 ha 7.91 ha + 0.86 ha 46% 13 964.5tys.ha 54% 12 296.7 tys.ha + 8% - 1 667.8 ha Table 10. Staff and expenses for science (according to Krzymuski and Nowicki, 1995) Countries Denmark, Germany, Finland, Netherland, France, Sweden Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Luxemburg, Belgium Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain Europian Union (in average) Poland, changes 1986-1993 Number of people working in the science per 10 thousands of people Expenses for one head in USA dollars in the % of national product brutto 35 - 60 390 - 585 1.47 - 2.12 18 - 37 143 - 209 0.70 - 1.07 1 - 11 31 42 Ù 25 30 - 73 351 38 Ù 18 0.31 - 0.54 1.28 1.60 Ù 0.62 49 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 CONCLUSIONS Several factors should be given full consideration when disscusing the current state and future integrated pest management of agricultural crops in Poland. Primarily the need to employ very intensive many-sided researches. They should concern population problems in both agrocoenoses and the surrounding ecosystems (Wegorek 1993). The knowledge on the role of separate parasites and predators in the reduction of pest density is still limited. A quite new problem is the differentiation occurring within the same species (the forms of differentiated noxiousness, of differentiated susceptibility to plant protection products) as well as the changes of economic importance of some pests. The resistance of cultivars is applied to a low degree. It should be remembered that integrated pest management ought to be adapted to local conditions. When talking of the positive sides of implementation of integrated pest control it should be underlined that the reduced use of plant protection products in order to protect human health and the environment has been the major objective in the majority of countries and such a situation has effected the activities of those manufacturing plant protection products. Instead of highly toxic and dangerous products, new ones are being introduced, environmentally safe in different formulations and other packages (for exemple watersoluble or returnable). Considerable progress has been achieved in the plant protection technique and from January 1st, 1999 periodical technical inspection of all the sprayers will come into force. The trends to elaborate and implement integrated technologies of production can be assumed as positive. In such technologies the application of integrated pest management is foreseen (Pruszynski 1997). Though, the situation observed in world agriculture and world plant protection should favourably influence the development of integrated pest management. Coming back to the present situation in Poland it should be stressed, that the change of economic conditions in the agriculture considerably influenced the reduction of chemical plant protection products use. Presently their use is considerably lower from the one expected in future integrated pest management. As opposed to other countries in which the activities are undertaken in order to reduce the use of chemical plant protection products - in Poland proper crop protection means increasing chemical plant protection product use. 50 S. Pruszyñski: Conditions for the Development of Integrated Crop Protection Programs in Poland Polish agriculture is facing the opportunity of introducing integrated pest management as well as improving crop protection programs. Will this opportunity be perceived by official authorities and farmers? This remains to be seen in the years to come. REFERENCES Bednarek,A., Goszczynski,W.: Stan aktualny i perspektywy integrowanych i biologicznych metod ochrony roslin uprawnych pod oslonami. Progress in Plant protection/Postepy w Ochronie Roslin 37 (1), 1997. Czaplicki,E., Podgórska,B., Rogalinska,M.: 30 lat rejestracji pestycydów w Polsce. Materialy XXXV sesji Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin. Poznan. Cz. I, 52-59, 1995. Dabrowski,J., Gasior,J., Janda,T., Krause,A., Morzycka,B., Murawska,M., Sadlo,S., Barylska,E., Gierschendorf,Z., Giza,J., Langowska, B., Martinek,B., Michel,M., Rupar,J.: Obraz skazen pozostalosciami pestycydów upraw rolnych i gleb w Polsce w latach 1991-1995. Progress in Plant Protection/Postepy w Ochronie Roslin 36 (1), 57-76, 1996. Germaziak,N., Podgórska,B.: Dobra praktyka ochrony roslin w dokumentach Unii Europejskiej. Ochrona Roslin 5, 5-8, 1996. Krzymuski,J., Nowicki,J.: Produkcja roslinna w Polsce na tle Unii Europejskiej. W "Agricultural Sciences in the Context of European Integration" Olsztyn 26-27.09.1995. 1/IV, 7-24, 1995. Lipa,J.J.: Integracja biologicznego i chemicznego zwalczania w ochronie roslin. Post. Nauk Roln. 45, 7-14, 1964. Lipa,J.J.: Wstepne badania do integracji zwalczania szkodników buraków. Biul.Inst.Ochr.Roslin 31, 395-407, 1965. Lipa,J.J.: Integrowanie metod zwalczania i sterowania populacjami agrofagów w nowoczesnych programach ochrony roslin. Materialy XXIV Sesji Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin. Poznan. Cz. I, 31-48, 1984. Niemczyk,E.: Integrowana produkcja owoców w Polsce. W "Integrowana Produkcja w Polsce i wybranych krajach europejskich”. Materialy Konf. Warszawa 12-13 grudnia 1995, 112-122, 1996. Palosz,T., Mrówczynski,M., Musnicki,Cz.: Podstawy integrowanej ochrony rzepaku ozimego przed agrofagami. Materialy XXXIV Sesji Nauk. Inst.Ochr.Roslin. Poznan. Cz. I, 111-116, 1994. Piekarczyk,K., Wozny,J.: Progi ekonomicznej szkodliwosci chorób i szkodników roslin uprawnych. Inst. Ochr, Roslin. Poznan. 37 str., 1986. 51 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Pokacka,Z.: Integrowane programy ochrony w badaniach Instytutu Ochrony Roslin na przykladzie zbóz. Materialy XXXII Sesji Nauk. Inst. Ochr.Roslin. Poznan. Cz. I, 21-27, 1992. Praczyk,T., Adamczewski,K.: Integrowany system zwalczania chwastów w uprawach rolniczych. Materialy XXXIV sesji Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin. Poznan. Cz. I, 82-89, 1994. Pruszynski,S.: Research on and use of biological methods of pest control in glasshouse crops in Poland. Bull. OEPP/EPPO 22, 405-410, 1992. Pruszynski,S.: Use and prospects for biological control methods in field crops protection. Proc.Conf."Actual and potential use biological pest control of plants” Skierniewice 22-23 November 1993, 12-15, 1995. Pruszynski,S.:Znaczenie ochrony roslin w rozwoju rolniczych technologii produkcji. Progress in Plant Protection/Postepy w Ochronie Roslin 37 (1), 19-26, 1997. Pruszynski,S., Palosz,T., Mrówczynski,M.: Badania Instytutu Ochrony Roslin nad ochrona rzepaku przeciwko szkodnikom, chorobom i chwastom. Rosliny Oleiste, Oilseed Crops XMII (1), 11-19, 1996. Samersow,V.F.: Zasady opracowania systemów ochrony roslin w integrowanej produkcji roslinnej. Materialy XXXIV Sesji Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin. Poznan. Cz. I, 79-81, 1994. Walczak,F., Grendowicz,L., Manys,P., Piekarczyk,J., Piekarczyk,K., Skorupska,A., Wójtowicz,A.: Szkodliwos} wybranych agrofagów roslin uprawnych w polsce w 1996 roku oraz wstepne prognozy na rok 1997. Progress in Plant Protection/Postepy w Ochronie Roslin 37 (1), 250-270, 1997. Wegorek,W.: Integrowane zwalczanie szkodliwych owadów. Post. Nauk Roln. 6, 47-61, 1970. Wegorek,W.: Influence of pesticides on agroecology. Rocz. Nauk. Roln. Seria E 23 (1/2), 117-123, 1993. 52 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) AGAINST STORED PRODUCT PESTS J.Nawrot1, J.Szafranek2, A.Pradzynska1, E.Malinski2, Z.Winiecki1 1 Institute for Plant Protection, Poznan, Poland 2 University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland SUMMARY Chemical control of storage pests is a dangerous procedure on account of the necessity to use fumigants highly toxic to people and animals. Two compounds - methyl bromide and hydrogen phosphide are commonly applied in practice. Methyl bromide will already be withdrawn from use becouse of its harmful effect on ozone sphere in the atmosphere. Only hydrogen phosphide will be used for a certain time and there is a great danger that storage pests will become resistant to it. In this situation, studies on integrated methods of stored grain protection are urgently required. The report will present results of studies on searching for new antifidants and a possibility of using them. A new trend of studies is chemistry of surface lipids of pests and grain. These copmounds fulfil protective function, and for that reason finding of a possibility of their damage would be a great achievements in limitation of using chemical method. An effective way of reducing pest population is application of temperature within 35-450C. This factor causes pest sterilization and improves technological properties of grain. INTRODUCTION Grain is the principal food material worldwide. About 80% of all food for human consumption comes from small grains, rice, maize, sorghum, rye, barley and legumes (beans, soy beans, pea nuts). Annual world production of grains amounts to about 2 billion tons and about 900 million tons need storage. Losses of grain during storage were estimated to range from 9% (USA) to 30% (developing countries in the tropics). Fumigation with phosphine and methyl bromide or contact insecticides 53 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 treatment of grain are the most frequent methods used for stored product pest control. Both are harmful to humans and produce residues in products intended for human consumption. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) involves the knowledge of storage ecosystem, ecology of insects, their sampling and identification, response to chemical and non-chemical agents. Our work involves natural antifeedants, attractants and some physical methods to be used in integrated pest management. ANTIFEEDANTS In 1980 the search for antifeedants among natural plant compounds has been initiated. Plants produce a large number of defence substances that make them difficult or impossible for pests to feed on. About 400 000 metabolites have been estimated of which no more than 20 000 have been defined until now. Antifeedants or feeding deterrents are usually defined as factors that inhibit feeding or cause the cessation of feeding and they are being received by taste receptors. They do not kill insects as insecticides. Unfortunately, grain and seeds, the final products of farmers’ work are deprived of a defence mechanism and protective substances must be artificially provided. The ideal protective agent would be a compound that repelled or killed pests and stopped their feeding and development. Simultaneously, the compound would not change the taste or smell of stored products, nor threaten the environment or consumer. Currently fumigants and grain protectants used for stored product pest control do not entirely fulfil these criteria. We elaborated own test methods where 1 mm thick wheat flour water discs containing only flour and water was used. The discs were saturated with ethanol (non-treated discs C, for control) or with ethanol solutions of the examined compound at the rate of 10 mg/ml (treated discs T). Feeding of insects was recorded under three conditions: (a) on pure food, composed of two non-treated discs CC (control); (b) on food with a possibility of choosing between one treated disc (T) and one nontreated disc (C)(choice test); (c) on food with two treated discs (TT) (nochoice test). After evaporation of the solvent, the discs were weighed and given to insects for 5 days as a sole food source. The discs were then re-weighed and according to the amount of the consumed food in the control (CC), choice test (CT) and no-choice test (TT), three feeding deterrent activity coefficients were calculated: 1. Absolute coefficient of deterrency A = (CC-TT/CC+TT) 100 2. Relative coefficient of deterrency R = (C-T/C+T) 100 3. Total coefficient of deterrency T = A + R 54 J. Nawrot at al.: Integrated Pest Managment (IPM) Against Stored Product Pests Table 1. The best antifeedants and their plant sources The values of the total coefficient served as the index of antifeeding activity expressed on a scale from 0 (inactive compounds) to 200 (maximum activity). 55 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The best antifeedants were bisabolangelone, bakkenolide A helenalin (Table 1). The test insects did not eat any food treated with these three compounds throughout the 14 days of the bioassays and died of starvation. The compounds mentioned above showed better activity than azadirachtin. In the farther experiments three sequiterpenes (helenalin, bisabolangelone and bakkenolide A) at the dose of 10 µg/insect were topically applied to larvae, pupae and adults of the confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum) the khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) and adults of the granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius). Bisabolangelone and helenalin were toxic to larvae and caused deformation of pupae in all of the species. No adults from deformed pupae which died within a few days were developed. When deposited on the beetle cuticle these two compounds inhibited oviposition and decreased longevity of Tribolium confusum and S. granarius adults. The treated T.granarium beetles entirely lost their ability to oviposit. Perhaps the presence of these compounds on the bodies prevented copulation by disturbing the action of pheromones. These compounds were used for spraying wheat grain at the rates of 50 and 250 mg/kg and S. granarius and T. confusum adults and T. granarium larvae were placed on the treated grain for 30 days. Only bisabolangelone significantly reduced the survival of insects, their feeding intensity and progeny number. The presence of each antifeedent on grain caused difficulties to population growth. Some compounds of plant origin for impregnation of paper, wrapping parchment paper and polyethylene sheeting were also applied as protection from Rhizopertha dominica and Sitophilus granarius beetles invasion. Rotenone and helenalin were the best agents against insect perforation of wrapping materials (Bloszyk et al., 1990). There are some general rules derived from our knowledge of antifeedants: 1. It is easier to identify good activity of a compound against monophagous insects than polyphagous ones. Since most of the storage pests are polyphagous we have detected antifeedant activity in only 7% of the compounds tested. 2. Some chemicals are antifeedants to only a limited number of species. 3. Besides the best antifeedant activity, bisabolangelone shows also clear insecticidal properties and causes physiological disturbance in development and oviposition. 4. The variety of chemical structures responsible for antifeedant activity is very extensive. There is no direct relationship between chemical structures and antifeedant activity. 56 J. Nawrot at al.: Integrated Pest Managment (IPM) Against Stored Product Pests At the present stage of research it is difficult to predict what may be possible in the practical application of antifeedants. One can hope that they may have use in the protection of seeds for sowing and in packing materials. It seems unlikely that they will become the only tools used in insect control or insecticide replacement. It is possible that in the future several techniques will be used together to control pests in stores and that antifeedants may provide one component of this integrated pest management. A useful additional benefit of research on antifeedants is that it increases knowledge of physiological processes within insect organs and thereby opens the way to synthesis of new active compounds. It is probable that regular contact of insects with antifeedants would result in habituation. This phenomenon has already been described in literature and may be of as great significance in the future as is resistance of insects to insecticides. Nature contains an almost endless number of compounds compared to the approx. 1000 tested so far. Evidently we have only touched the surface of what is possible. We have to analyze as many compounds as possible for all their potential activities (as antifeedants and attractants and for toxicity) against different insect species of economic importance. We should remember that even the most apparently ideal substance must still be examined using physiological and environmental experiments in order to determine their effect on other organisms. INSECT CUTICULAR LIPIDS The second area of our interest has been identification of insect cuticular lipids. These compounds play an important role in insect life. The main function of cuticular in insect and plant lipids is the reduction of water transpiration and protection of living organisms from desiccation. The original habitats of stored product insects were rodent burrows and bird nests. During evolutionary development insects adapted themselves to extremely dry products and a desiccating environment by appropriate composition of cuticular lipid layer. Just lipids deposited on the surface are responsible for the observed water proofing. Furthermore, the lipid layer protects insects from microorganisms infections and absorption of insecticides. Some of the cuticular components are also involved in chemical communication between species (parasites and predators) and within species serving as aggregation pheromones, sex attractants, short-range mating stimulants and kairomones. 57 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The composition of cuticular hydrocarbons from 16 species and their larval stages is shown in Table 2. Most of them (8 species) represent Tenebrionidae, three Curculionidae, two Dermestidae and Bruchidae, one Anobiidae, Bostrychidae and Cucujidae. Only one species belongs to the order Lepidoptera, family Pyralidae. The composition of cuticular lipids of the insect tested varies among species being a chemical tool for taxonomy. Table 2. Composition of cuticular hydrocarbons of stored product insects The following classes of chemical compounds were found: alkanes, isoalkanes, alkenes, esters, glycerides, aldehydes, ketones, fatty acids and sterols. Only n-alkanes occurred in all the species examined, 58 J. Nawrot at al.: Integrated Pest Managment (IPM) Against Stored Product Pests though in variable proportion. They were tested as continuous homologous series from nC16 to nC35 and compounds of nC23, nC25, nC27 and nC29 usually predominated and were most abundant. Most nalkanes (98 and 83% respectively) amounts were found in Attagenus megatoma and Lasioderma serricorne larvae. On the other hand, Lasioderma serricorne, Callosobruchus maculatus and Acanthoscelides obtectus adults had the least amounts of these fractions. n-Alkenes and alkadienes were found in a few species only. The presence of monomethylalkanes (terminally and internally branched) dimethyl – and trimethylalkanes causes higher melting point of the lipid mixture, however Attagenus megatoma larvae do not possess them at all. Hydrocarbon composition is related to taxonomic group and for example closely related species, such as congeneric, tend to have qualitatively similar hydrocarbon mixtures but with sometimes different proportion. Species distantly related have hydrocarbon composition which differ qualitatively and quantitatively. Of the stored product pests presented in Table 2 Tribolium confusum and T.castaneum as well as Sitophilus oryzae and S.zeamais have very similar compositions. Three methods of lipid layer destruction are known: - inert dusts causing mechanical damages; - temperature above 45°C causing melting; - vegetable oils dissolving waxes and depriving them of insects. WHEAT GRAIN LIPIDS The chemical composition of the epicuticules of plant leaves, fruits and flowers is a key factor for insects choosing the host plant for feeding and oviposition. There is a great evidence that insects accept or reject plants for feeding or oviposit due to variations in plant surface composition. So this semiochemical interaction is a major factor for settling the particular plant and its variety by the insects. As yet, a little is known about semiochemicals and physical stimulants behaviour on stored product insects because a protective layer of grain is mostly composed of lipids, hopefully the knowledge on those compounds can help understand some ecological interaction. From the practical point of view it is of great interest to find the allelochemical activity of grain lipid components. Qualitative and quantitative differences of grain surface control of insect behaviour and minimize losses during storage. Table 3 shows the differences in lipid composition in extract from grain surface and from 8 fractions of grain obtained by milling and 59 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 separating in laboratory mill. Hexane extract of grain surface lipids was deposited on wheat water discs (previously extracted with hexane) using three doses: 1.5; 3.0 and 6.0 µg of solid residues. All tests were done according to the scheme described in part II "Antifeedants". Attractants have the sign "-", antifeedants "+". The results are presented in Table 4. There are no significant differences in attractant coefficient for the insect tested. So we can state that the mixture of compounds is phagostimulant. The adults of Sitophilus granarius and Rhizopertha dominica as well Trogoderma granarium larvae are typical pests of healthy grain and two others are polyphagous feeding the rest of plant origin. Similar results have been obtained for extracts from different grain part (Table 5). Table 3. Composition of lipids from whole wheat grain and different fraction of grain A literature survey shows that the compounds found in cuticular layers of green plants affect the behaviour of insects. Often a complex mixture of compounds is responsible for bioregulation and the compounds show neutral synergistic activities. We should also remember that insects can gain information on food by peripheral sensilla and by internal sense 60 J. Nawrot at al.: Integrated Pest Managment (IPM) Against Stored Product Pests organs. They also have a self-selection mechanism for choosing optimal diets. Table 4. Intesity of feeding of some stred product insects on food with grain surface lipids Table 5. The influence of lipids from grinding products of wheat grain on feeding of some stored products pests Lipids pay an important role in insect cuticle and membrane formation and are the key dietary constituent since they serve as metabolic reserves. Triacylglycerols play the special role because they have a high caloric value per unit weight and give two times more metabolic water than carbohydrates. This is a crucial problem for insects feed dry materials. Stored product insect can recognize food by chemicals deposited on the surface and inside grain. The detection of different group of compounds should only be possible on short distance because of their poor volatility. 61 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 HIGH TEMPERATURE The control of insect-pests of cereal grain and food product in stores encounters many problems. Practically, the only recommended method to delouse food products is a gas treatment. Nevertheless, as a result of many inconveniences and restrictions it is neither a safe method to man nor the environment. In search for effective, safe and cheap methods of control of insects in stored grains, attention was drawn to temperatures employed in the process of grain drying. Temperatures from 45 to 600C at a proper exposure time, sterilize or kill insects in a number of goods. There was found an efficient influence of a specific range of temperatures, close to thermopreferendum in combating insect-pests without any adverse effects on products or grain, their consumer values or sprouting ability of seeds. Table 6. Influence of high temperatures on conecutive stages of development of the granary weevil in wheat grain The height of employed temperatures is much effected by product humidity. At a high temperature damage occures rapidly. This work shows the results of laboratory experiments on the effectiveness of the temperatures 45-600C on all the stages of granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius) development. The results of the experiments are shown in Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9. Table 6 shows that granary weevil in grain can stand the temperature of 450C for a long time. Finally, 420-minute exposure causes 100% mortality of the hidden stages of development 62 J. Nawrot at al.: Integrated Pest Managment (IPM) Against Stored Product Pests and about 30% of adults stayed alive. They were at the end all dead after 810-minute heating. The temperature of 500C was much more efficient considering that after 180 minutes of heating all the stages of development were dead and beetles died already after 120 minutes. 100% efficiency was achieved at 550C after 120 minutes and at 600C after 90 minutes of a thermal exposure. Beetles fecundity after the treatment at different times and temperatures was different depending on these factors. It was found that adults survived a thermal treatment put on wheat grain for 10 days in control tests they had just lower fecundity indicator. An increase in beetles mortality 10 days after thermal treatment in grain along with the time of treatment with the temperatures given was noticed in the hatch of beetles progeny of the next generation. After 50, 180, 300 and 420-minute treatment at temperature 450C over beetles in grain along with the time the percentage of imagines in F1 generation hatch was decreasing and reached 69.9; 56.5; 12.6 and 2.5% (Table 7). Table 8 shows a 60-minute treatment at temperatures 50, 55 or 600C on all development stages of the granary weevil (S. granarius) reducing F1 generation beetle hatch significantly. Table 7. Grain weevils' beetles fecundity (S.granarius L.) under a higher temperature treatment in wheat grain Temperatures 45 and 600C had no significant effect on wheat grain sprouting ability (Table 9). 63 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 8. Average number of the progeny after a thermical teratment at given stages of development of the grain weevil (S. granarius L.) Table 9. Sprouting power of wheat grain after a thermical teratment 64 J. Nawrot at al.: Integrated Pest Managment (IPM) Against Stored Product Pests REFERENCES Nawrot, J., Harmatha, J.: Natural products as antifeedatns against stored products pests, Postharvest News and Inform.,5(2):17N-21N, 1994. Nawrot, J., Szafranek, J., Malinski, E.: Function and composition of cuticular hydrocarbons of stored-products insects. Proc. 6th Inter. Work. Conf. on Stored-product Protection, Vol. I: 533-560, 1995. Pradzynska, A.: The role of higher temperatures to control granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.). Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin 36 (1-2): 119-127, 1996. 65 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 66 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 WINTER WHEAT MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF FUNGICIDES IN HUNGARY Károly Biber1, Ilona Aponyi-Garamvölgyi2, Gábor Princzinger1, Tibor Halmágyi3 and Rozália Rátai-Vida4 1 Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Department for Plant Protection and Agroenvironment, Budapest, Hungary 2 Budapest Plant Health and Soil Conservation Station, Budapest, Hungary 3 Plant Health and Soil Conservation Station of county Békés, Békéscsaba, Hungary 4 Plant Health and Soil Conservation Station of county Jász-NagykunSzolnok, Szolnok, Hungary ABSTRACT In addition to their recognition in due time, the choice of the adequate control method is of major importance in the system of integrated pest management. To facilitate decision-making, the technological value of fungicides has been worked out. Technological value is a new index system which reflects the comprehensive relation of a new fungicide used - under any epidemic condition - against any pathogen. It expresses the maximum reachable effect with the use of the registered fungicide for the well scheduled prevention or against the heavy infection pressure. From the measurable properties of fungicides, efficiency was calculated based on the extent of the effect against four diseases, namely powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici), head blight (Fusarium spp.), rust diseases (Puccinia recondita, P.striiformis) and Helmithosporium leaf spot (Pyreophora triticirepentis). When specifying the technological value of any fungicide, in addition to the efficiency, its mode of action persistence, effect on other diseases (e.g. septoriose), physiological action to wheat environmental hazard, possible development of resistance and any favourable or unfavourable properties were considered which could influence their use. Key words: wheat, diseases, fungicides, pest management 67 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, acting as the Hungarian plant protection authority has worked out an evaluation system for some pesticides (differentiating by crops and pests) supplying users with useful information on the choice of products. In this paper, this system is described by giving the example of fungicides applied to control leaf and ear diseases of wheat. Cereals and especially winter wheat predominate in the Hungarian agricultural production. Of the 4,7 millions hectares of arable land, winter wheat is grown on more than 1 million hectares. Efficient plant protection, in our case the control of diseases is considered the most important condition for producing high quality yield. Currently more than 40 fungicides are known to be registered for crop treatment against wheat diseases. It is difficult even for the well-trained specialists to select the most appropriate product. In order to make the decision easier, the Hungarian plant protection authority has decided to work out an evaluation system which is - relatively objective, - independent from commercial interests and - easy to understand. METHODS The system is based on the so-called "technological value" which can be defined as a calculated index allowing comparison of pesticides to be used for the control of a certain pest or a group of pests, provided that - all these pests are present in the area with high infection pressure, - no external disturbing factors reduce the effect of the pesticides. In order to define the technological value the following information sources have been used: - documentation presented by manufacturers to the authorities for registration, - results and data of registration trials carried out in Hungary , - experiencies from the agricultural practices and results of the so called comparative studies. The most important element is perhaps the biological efficacy in controlling some pathogens which pose potential risks in Hungary (Table 1). 68 B. Károly et al.: Winter Wheat Management Based on the Technological Value of Fungicides in Hungary Table 1. Parameters of the technological values I Efficacy Powdery mildew Per pathogens (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici) Value outstanding 10 points Rust (Puccinia spp.) excellent 9 points Fusarium blight (Fusarium spp.) good 7 points Helminthosporium disease (Helminthosporium triticirepentis) medium 5 points poor 2 points As it can be seen the 4 pathogens which occur most frequently in wheat in Hungary are: E.graminis, Puccinia spp. Fusarium spp. and Helminthosporium tritici-repentis. The biological efficacy of the various fungicides in controlling these pathogens are classified into 5 categories and have been numerically described. Further elements of the technological value are shown in Table 2. For a better understanding, pictograms on the mode of action, pre-harvest interval, poisoning category, bee and fish toxicity and other information have been used to describe some properties and parameters. Using these parameters the following calculation method will contribute finding numerically the technological value of a specific pesticide: Technological value: A x B + C + D A = average of the numerical value of effectiveness/pathogen B = numerical value of the duration of fungicidal action C = value of treatment date D = value for all the other favourable properties 69 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 2. Parameters of the technological values II Duration of the action Suggested date of the treatment Favourable effect on the other pathogens or hosts Environmental hazard Risk of resistance All the other favourable properties Long: 4-6 weeks Medium: 3-4 weeks Short: 3 weeks > Tillering, leaf-sheaths er. heading and beginning of flowering both date if any if not if any if not if any if not many good properties some good properties less advantageous good properties 2,5 1,75 1,25 0,5 1 points points points point point 1,5 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 points point point point point point point points point 0 point DISCUSSION It was purposeful that the price of the commodity was not built into the calculation of this value but in a separate column giving the average price of each product in the previous year. The technological value is only an indicative index and does not mean the unchangeable order of the pesticides under study. It only helps you choose the proper product but when taking the final decision all the local conditions have to be considered (e.g. variety, place of production, climate, infection pressure, etc.). Graphical presentation of the technological value The fungicides are presented by groups of active ingredients and within the a.i. the alphabetical order of the Hungarian trade names has been followed. The parameters that are characteristic for the formulations have been put in one column under the name of the pesticide. In order to make comparison easier each parameter is presented in column diagrams because it is mostly their ratio related to each other and not the numerical value of the parameters that is important. 70 B. Károly et al.: Winter Wheat Management Based on the Technological Value of Fungicides in Hungary The first column diagram shows the biological efficacy in controlling the 4 pathogens. From the difference of the column heights showing the fungicidal action and extent of efficiency the specialist can immediately select the range of fungicides to be used in a particular situation. Later (going downward in the figure) after studying other properties, the range of fungicides can be further narrowed till the final decision. In other words, when you choose the very product you want to use. The second line shows the application rate registered in Hungary. Below it the diagram presents the technological value calculated using the method. It is clear that the technological value of fungicides containing sulphur is very low because they can efficiently control only the powdery mildew from the 4 major pathogens and they have short duration of action. The dithiocarbamate fungicides have a much wider mode of action, therefore they have a slightly higher technological value. The systemic benzimidazoles (if used alone) have not so advantegeous an evaluation as do the dithiocarbamates (their technological value is lower) because they cannot control rusts and Helminthosporium. Their duration of action is shorter than that of the morpholines or triazoles. The highest technological value is given to the triazole derivatives, namely the factory blends of triazole-morpholine. These formulations have a broad spectrum and a long 4-6 week duration, they can be, furthermore, well used both in cold and warm weather and pose a low risk to the environment. Below this diagram, a pictogram shows the duration of action of each pesticide. In the following line the cost of a single treatment for one hectare is shown. It is not the absolute value of the costs that is important but their ratio related to each other. In the following lines, signs or pictograms show some other parameters which have an influence on the technological value. CONCLUSION The method and its graphical presentation have considerably been simplified and contain some technical inaccuracy or can even violate some commercial interests. Nevertheless, based on a 2-year experience, it can be confirmed that the main objective has been achieved: namely, a useful material to help decisionmaking of the plant protection specialists has been prepared. 71 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 72 B. Károly et al.: Winter Wheat Management Based on the Technological Value of Fungicides in Hungary 73 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Key to the signs used: Fish Toxicity of the Applied Pesticides Harmless Moderate danger Medium danger Expressed danger Duration of Action of the Applied Pesticides Sort Medium Long Bee Toxicity of the Applied Pesticides Harmless Moderate danger Expressed danger Mode of Action the Applied Pesticides Contact Systemic The graphical presentation and other materials have continuously been sent to the specialists. Up to now, this evaluation for the products that can be used to control some other important pests have been worked out. Finally, it should be underlined that it is an ongoing task to annually update this evaluation system taking new experimental results as well as new registrations into consideration. 74 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 EFFECT OF SWEET MAIZE SOWING DATES ON THE DEGREE OF THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) INFESTATION IN NORTH - WEST VOJVODINA Jano Tancik1, Franja Ba~a2, Ludovit Cagán1, @ivica Radin3 1 Department of Plant Protection, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia 2 Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade-Zemun, Yugoslavia 3 Zorka Holding, Subotica, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT During 1989-1991 damages caused by the European corn borer (ECB), O.nubilalis Hbn. have been observed in sweet maize plants in north-west Vojvodina, Yugoslavia. Capturing light traps showed that the European corn borer is a bivoltine population in this area and the number of moths of the second generation was three-fold higher compared with the first generation. A high number of damaged cobs was observed in maize sown first half of April. Cob damage was low in maize sown second half of April and the first or the second decade of May. Substantial cob damage was observed in maize sown end May or later. The investigation showed that maize sown very early or late usually needs to be treated against the European corn borer in regions with two generations of the pest. Key words: European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn., sweet maize, sowing date, cob damage, control INTRODUCTION The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. is the major sweet maize pest in Vojvodina. Cob damage has an adverse impact on the quality of the final product (Radin et al., 1989). 75 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Insecticide treatments need to be employed in order to control O. nubilalis (Hudon et al., 1989; Radin et al., 1989; Ba~a et al., 1990; Tancik et al., 1993; Hutchinson, 1993; Gingera et al., 1993; Cagán, 1993; Tancik, Cagán, 1998). Biological methods include the application of egg parasitoid Trichogramma spp. (Bigler, 1986; Hassan, 1981; Tancik et al., 1994) and the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bartles, Hutchison, 1995; Tancik, Cagán, 1998). Sweet maize was sown at different dates and these dates effected the degree of O.nubilalis infestation. Early sown maize was less damaged in areas with the pest bivoltine population while the attack of the second generation of O.nubilalis was more severe in late sown maize (Showers et al., 1989). In the region with the univoltine population of O.nubilalis, early sowing resulted in greater damage of plants compared with late sowing (Vukasovi}, 1953, Lazarevi}, Trifunovi}, 1962, Cagán, 1993). The objective of the study was to analyze the effect of sowing dates on the degree of sweet maize damage provoked by O.nubilalis in north-west Vojvodina (Serbia, Yugoslavia) and determine the need for pest control. MATERIALS AND METHODS During 1989-1991 damages caused by the European corn borer, O.nubilalis Hbn. have been observed in sweet maize plants. Investigations were conducted in sweet maize fields in north-west Vojvodina (Serbia, Yugoslavia) at locations Ruski Krstur, Kula, Sivac, Ba~ki Gra~ac, Stara Moravica, Srpski Mileti}, Futog and Vrbas. The following maize hybrids were used in the experiments: Seneca Horisont, Sandance and Jubilee. The growing season (from emergence to harvest) of the first two hybrids was 62 and 69 days respectively. The vegetation period of the hybrid Jubilee was 82 days. The Frozen Food Factory at Ruski Krstur requires cobs at a particular developmental stage. Due to this maize was sown at different dates from April 1 to July 15. The sowing dates of our experiment are shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4 . Early sown maize was usually grown under degradable foil whereas late sown maize was irrigated (Tables 2,3 and 4). The cobs collected were analyzed at the laboratory of the Frozen Food Factory at Ruski Krstur. Twenty cobs out of each 5-ton wagon were collected at random, i.e. nearly 40 cobs per hectare. The data were used to calculate the percentage of damage in a particular field. Light traps placed at Ruski Krstur from May 1 to September 30 were used to monitor the flight of O.nubilalis moths. 76 J. Tancik et al.: Effect of Sweet Maize Sowing Dates on the Degree of the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia Nubilalis Hbn.) Infestation in North - West Vojvodina RESULTS The light trap data, number of cobs damaged by the ECB larvae on the locations analyzed, years and generations are shown in Tables 1, 2,3 and 4. Table 1. Number of moths of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) caught into the light trap at Ruski Krstur during 1989-1991 Month May June July August September Decade 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1989 0 0 0 40 172 328 167 25 103 397 691 246 34 19 11 1990 3 28 209 172 136 188 4 10 105 257 1168 179 63 50 67 1991 0 0 4 19 133 113 140 12 29 394 468 587 413 227 28 The number of moths caught into the light trap during 1989 - 1991 is shown in Table 1. In 1989 the flight of the O.nubilalis moths started first decade of June. The peak flight of the first generation was observed third decade of June whereas the peak of the second generation was detected second decade of August. In 1990 first moths in the light traps were found first decade of May. The first flight peak was recorded third decade of May and the second one third decade of June. These moths belonged to the first generation of the pest. The highest number of the second generation moths was caught second decade of August in 1990. In 1991 the flight of moths detected by the light trap started second decade of May. The highest number of the first generation individuals was 77 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 observed second decade of June and first decade of July. The peak flight of the second generation moths was observed third decade of August. Table 2. Average number of cobs damaged by the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) at Ruski Krstur in 1989 Sowing date Hybrid April 6-10 April 13 April 27 May 5 May 23-25 May 31 June 15 June 29 Seneca Horisont Jubilee Sandance Sandance Jubilee Jubilee Sandance Sandance Cropping method Harvest Date % damaged cobs under foil non-irrigated non-irrigated non-irrigated irrigated irrigated irrigated irrigated July 20-21 July 15-22 August 10-13 August 15-16 August 16-22 August 15-16 August 18-25 September 5-10 31.1 8.2 3.1 10.9 24.2 56.8 55.7 56.1 The number of damaged cobs in 1989 is shown in Table 2. A very high number of damaged cobs was observed in maize sown beginning April and grown under thermo-degradable foil (Table 2). Cob damage was low in maize sown under non-irrigated field conditions on April 13, 27 and May 5. Substantial cob damage was observed in maize sown May 23-25 whereas very high cob damage was registered in late sown maize (May 31, June 15, 29). The average number of maize cobs damaged by the European corn borer (O.nubilalis Hbn.) on different locations of north-west Vojvodina in 1990 is shown in Table 3. Sweet corn was grown in 16 fields and chemical control was used in 9 fields. Chemical control decreased the number of damaged cobs but their number was above 10 percent in late sown maize (June 4-6, June 12-18, June 18). A very small number of damaged cobs was observed in fields sown between May 5 and May 1420. The average number of cobs damaged by O. nubilalis was above 20 percent in fields sown May 23-25 and June 7. The number of damaged cobs influenced by different sowing dates in 1991 is shown in Table 4. Very early sown hybrids (from April 8 to April 20) were substantially damaged compared with hybrids sown beginning May. Cob damage in hybrids sown end May - July 20 was extremely high and exceeded 40 % irrespective of the dates analyzed. 78 J. Tancik et al.: Effect of Sweet Maize Sowing Dates on the Degree of the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia Nubilalis Hbn.) Infestation in North - West Vojvodina Table 3. Sowing date Average number of cobs damaged by the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) in north-west Vojvodina in 1990 Hybrid April Seneca 5 - 25 Horisont April Seneca 13-18 Horisont April Jubilee 16-24 April 26 - Seneca May 3 Horisont April 26 - Sandance May 3 April 27 - Jubilee May 5 May 5 Jubilee Location Ruski Krstur Ruski Krstur Kula Sivac Sivac Kula Sivac Cropping method Chemical control under foil June 11 June 19 June 23 nonirrigated nonirrigated under foil nonirrigated nonirrigated nonirrigated nonirrigated under foil May 10 Jubilee Sivac May 10-13 May 14-20 May 23-25 May 26-30 June 7 Jubilee Jubilee Stara Moravica Sivac Jubilee Vrbas Jubilee irrigated Jubilee Ruski Krstur Futog June18 Sandance Sivac irrigated June 4-6 Jubilee Vrbas irrigated June Jubilee 12-18 July 1-7 Sandance Kula irrigated Srpski Mileti} irrigated nonirrigated irrigated irrigated Harvest date July 6 – 23 July 23-27 July 1 August 4-7 June 12 August June 19 1-4 August 4-7 July 1 August 8-11 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 20-28. September 1-6 Aug.10 September Aug.16 7-16 September 17 August 16 September 15-18 August 20 September 21-27 August 22 September 28-30 Aug 18 October Aug 24 8-10 % damaged cobs control 7.1 no control - 10.5 - 5.0 - 5.0 - - 5.0 2.5 - - 2.8 - 0.0 - 0.9 - 4.2 - 20.4 9.5 - - 23.5 11.7 - 20.5 - 15.4 - 7.6 - 79 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 4. Average number of cobs damaged by the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) in north-west Vojvodina in 1991 % damaged cobs Sowing date Hybrid April 8 Seneca Horisont April 8 Seneca Horisont April Seneca 16-20 Horisont April 20 Sandance May 2 Jubilee May 3 Sandance Location Cropping method Chemical control Harvest date under foil - under foil - irrigated - under foil - irrigated - irrigated - nonirrigated irrigated - irrigated - irrigated - irrigated - irrigated - Sivac irrigated - Ruski Krstur Kula irrigated August 16 July 23-24 July 24-27 August 1-15 August 1-2 August 20-29 August 15-18 August 18-20 September 1-9 September 2-12 September 12-16 October 4-9 September 24-25 October 9-15 October 8-13 October 15 Ruski Krstur Ba~ka Topola Ruski Krstur Stara Moravica Kula Ruski Krstur May 5 Sandance Stara Moravica May 22 Jubilee Ba~ki Gra~ac May Jubilee Ruski 24-30 Krstur June Jubilee Ruski 5-10 Krstur July 2 Jubilee Srpski Mileti} July 5 Sandance Sivac July 7 Jubilee July 12 Sandance July 20 Sandance irrigated control no control - 44.5 - 25.3 - 21.6 - 29.5 - 8.9 - 18.2 - 21.4 - 28.9 - 41.6 - 40.3 - 79.3 - 54 - 53.8 4.1 100 57 DISCUSSION The European corn borer is a bivoltine population in Yugoslavia and the second generation predominated over the past twenty years (Ba~a et al., 1996). The results obtained at Ruski Krstur confirmed these data 80 J. Tancik et al.: Effect of Sweet Maize Sowing Dates on the Degree of the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia Nubilalis Hbn.) Infestation in North - West Vojvodina and the number of moths of the second generation was three-fold higher compared with those of the first generation. A similar situation as shown in these experiments was observed at Zemun Polje (Belgrade) where the European corn borer is bivoltine (Ba~a et al.,1995). The first generation of the pest caused the highest grain damage in maize sown on the first sowing date - April 15. The second generation of the pest provoked adverse effects, especially to late sown plants (May 22 and June 5). Similar results have been reported in Northern America. Late sown maize was more attractive for oviposition and damage of the second generation of the pest in the regions with two generations of the European corn borer in the US Corn Belt (Showers et al., 1989). The damage potential caused by the second generation was greater in central Iowa (Hill et al., 1973, Jarvis et al., 1986). According to Ferro and Fletcher-Howell (1985), the most attractive plants for the European corn borer were those sown in western Massachusetts on May 1. When maize was sown on May 15, 21 and 28 the infestation of maize plants was lower. The greatest damage was observed in maize plants sown from June 5 to June 29. The study on hatching in Connecticut (Beard, 1943) showed that there was a small number of egg masses on the plants at seedling and early-whorl stages, a medium number on plants at mid-whorl stage, whereas plants at the late-whorl or silk stages were preferred for hatching. The peak flight of moths coincided with a very high level of damage. In Vojvodina (Yugoslavia) such coincidence was registered in maize sown on either very early (damage by the first generation of the pest) or late dates (damage by the second generation of the pest). Based on the results obtained in the study the conclusion which tends to emerge is the need to control the European corn borer in regions with two generations irrespective of either very early or late sowing dates. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Mária [tajnfeld, head of the Laboratory at the Frozen Food Factory ABC at Ruski Krstur for co-operation during this study. REFERENCES Ba~a,F., Had`istevi},D., Radin,@., Tancik,J.: Evaluation of four years Andalin DC-25 (flucycloxuron) to control the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) in maize. Za{t.bilja, 41, No. 194, 379-386, 1990. 81 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Ba~a,F., Had`istevi},D.: Flight of Moths of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) in Zemun Polje in the Period 1966-1985. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 24, No.1-2, 37-41, 1989. Ba~a, F., Videnovi},Z., Kaitovi},@., Dumanovi},Z.: Impact of planting date of maize on the level of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) infestation, degree of plant damage and grain yield. IWGO - News Letter, 15, 7-8, 1995. Ba~a,F., Radin,@., Tancik,J.: Mogu}nosti suzbijanja kukuruznog plamenca (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) u kukuruzu {e}ercu. Biljni lekar, 4, 310313, 1996. Bartels,D.W., Hutchison,W.D.: On-farm efficacy of aerially applied Bacillus thuringiensis for European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Corn earworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) control in sweet corn. J.econ. Entomol., 88, 380-386, 1995. Beard,R.L.: The significance of growth stages of sweet corn as related to infestation by the ECB. Conn. Agric. Exp. Stn., New Haven Bull. No. 471, 173-199, 1943. Bigler,F.: Mass production of Trichogramma maidis Pint. et Voeg. and its field application against Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. in Switzerland. Z. angew. Ent., 101, 23-29, 1986. 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Zadru`na knjiga, Beograd, 65 pp, 1953. 83 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 84 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 ROLE AND PLACE OF SYNTHETIC SEXUAL PHEROMONES IN THE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN ROMANIA Ioan Rosca, Felica Muresan, Elena Trotus, Angela Udrea, Constantin Popov, V.Brudea, Elena Bucurean and M.Voicu Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops - Fundulea, Romania ABSTRACT This paper discusses the results obtained in Romania during the period 1982-1996 under field conditions at Fundulea and other research stations all over the country using pheromone formulations with the objective of identifying the specific characteristics and efficiency of synthetic sexual pheromones (products of the Chemistry Institute "Raluca Ripan", Cluj, Romani) in controlling the following species: Agrotis segetum Den & Schiff., Agrotis exclamationis L., Cnephasia pasiuana Hbn. and Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (wheat and corn pests), Autographa gamma L., Mamestra oleracea L., Amathes c-nigrum L., Discestra trifolii Hbn. (forages pest), Plutella maculipennis Hbn. (rape pest) and Etiella zinckenella Tr. (soybean pest). Synthetic sexual pheromones for the species studied were specific and efficient and can be used for the determination of pest spreading, flight curve and pest biology in general. New spreading areas for Cnephasia pasiuana Hb. have been established. This paper discusses the possibility of pheromones to contribute to essential information on pest management, reduce future pesticide use, reduce environmental pollution and food contamination, minimize the impact on useful organisms, reduce chemical treatments and thus reduce the risk of developing pesticide resistant pest populations and especially define the correct timing of chemical control, meaning thereby time and money save. Investigations were undertaken to develop the foundation for future control of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. using a pest management system based on pheromones. There is a relatively good enough formulation of Z and E synthetic sexual pheromones, this formulation being not efficient and specific enough. In Romania the Z pherotype predominates all over the country. Phermone traps can be 85 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 used to draw up flight curves of O.nubilalis males. The control of the ECB by mass trapping of males or male disorientation has failed in small cornfields surrounded by forests. The pheromone trap contributes to the future integrated pest control system by determining the release of Trichogramma spp., or males with inherited sterility. Key words: Pheromones, Agrotis segetum Den & Schiff., Agrotis exclamationis L., Cnephasia pasiuana Hbn., Ostrinia nubilalis Hb., Autographa gamma L., Mamestra oleracea L., Amathes c-nigrum L., Discestra trifolii Hbn., Plutella maculipennis Hbn., Etiella zinckenella Tr., IPM INTRODUCTION The synthesis of sexual pheromones has greatly contributed to their use in agricultural practice. During the past years in Romania a range of pheromone formulations has been produced by the Institute of Chemistry "Raluca Ripan", Cluj-Napoca, using original technology (Ghizdavu et al., 1983; Hodosan and Oprean, 1979). Based on this study a series of 25 pheromones has been registered in Romania. Previously, until 1982, sexual pheromones have been synthesized and tested to capture Lepidoptera pests in orchards and grapevine plantations and subsequently several variants of pheromone formulations (lures) were formulated and tested with the aim of establishing the best variants to attract and survey lepidopterous pests in various field crops (Table 1). The results of the activities required in order to register and test under field conditions were presented in different papers (Rosca et al., 1984; 1985; 1988; 1990 A; 1990B; 1991). Unfortunately over the past years pheromone prices have rosen from 33 lei (Romanian currency) in 1991 to 54000 lei in 1998 making field research and pheromone trap use in forecasting and controlling pests very expensive. In the future a Romanian pheromone for Diabrotica virgifera virgifera La Conte control which has been appeared in the southwestern regions of Romania since 1996 will be registered. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiments were conducted at Fundulea, Turda, Secuieni, Valul Traian, Suceava, Oradea and Podul Iloaiei during 1990-1996. 86 I. Rosca et al.: Role and Place of Synthetic Sexual Pheromones in the Integrated Pest Management in Romania Table 1. Lepidopterous species for which were tested pheromones for field crops SPECIES No.of tested variants No.of localities No.of localities (for registration) (in which tests were done) REGISTERED PHEROMONES Agrotis segetum Agrotis exclamationis Cnephasia pasiuana Autographa gamma Amathes c-nigrum Mamestra oleracea Discestra (Mamestra) trifolii Plutella maculipennis 5 1 2 1 1 3 8 4 5 5 2 3 3 4 6 5 6 7 10 6 6 6 6 6 PHEROMONES IN REGISTRATION PROCESS Mamestra suasa Etiella zinkenella Ostrinia nubilalis 11 1 14 7 5 9 PHEROMONES WITHOUT RESULTS Heliothis armigera Heliothis virescens Grapholita nigricana Grapholita delineana Agrotis ipsilon Mamestra brassicae Loxostege sticticalis 2 1 2 5 7 4 3 3 3 2 2 7 6 4 Pheromone traps of the type F-1 (Ghizdavu and Rosca, 1986) in 2-4 replications at 50 m distance between traps were used in order to test the efficiency and specificity of different pheromonal lures. A polyizobuthilen based glue produced by R.C.I. "Raluca Ripan", ClujNapoca was used. Generally, pheromonal lures were changed once a month and adhesive parts twice or once a month (depending on the number of captures). The number of captured target males and other 87 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 macrolepidopterous or microlepidopterous species were registered while changing the adhesive parts. Pheromone efficiency (the number of target male species captured/trapped) and the specificity (percentage of target species and other different lepidopterous, macrolepidopterous and microlepidopterous species) were registered. New localities were registered for the species Cnephasia pasiuana Hbn. in which pest presence provoked no damage. For Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. the release and recapture of marked moths from pheromone traps situated 25, 100 and 200 m in 1993; 100, 200 and 300 m in 1994; 300, 600, 900, 1200 and 1500 m in 1995 and 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 m in 1996 away from the releasing site in the north, south, east and west direction were used in order to show the movement and behaviour of moths. ECB males were mass captured using 16F-1 sticky traps/ha (25/25 m) in order to use pheromones as part of the integrated pest management. Another possibility of using pheromones in the ECB control was mating disruption (male disorientation) by 100 cis (Z) lure per hectare which were changed weekly during the first moth flight (15 June - 30 July). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The pheromones for the species Agrotis segetum Den. & Schiff., Agrotis exclamationis L., Cnephasia pasiuana Hbn., Ostrinia nubilalis Hb., Autographa gamma L., Mamestra oleracea L., Amathes c-nigrum L., Discestra trifolii Hbn., Plutella maculipennis Hbn., Etiella zinckenella Tr. proved to be efficient and specific in achieving the highest number of captures (Figure 1). Based on biological trials with pests pursuing capture variation in different localities, years and life cycles it was shown that there were sigificant differences between captures in various years and localities. Considerable variations occurred depending on the life cycle which could be properly established with pheromone traps. Pheromone traps can be used to draw up flight curves for all the species studied. In this paper only the flight curve of O.nubilalis CIS males is given (Figure 2). It is also possible to determine different pherotypes existing in one or another region. The results (Table 2) reveal a relatively high number of O.nubilalis males captured during the trial period. This number varied according to year and the pheromone variant used. It should be stressed that it was undoubtly that in Romania both pherotypes of this species CIS (Z) and TRANS (E) exist. The greatest number of males 88 I. Rosca et al.: Role and Place of Synthetic Sexual Pheromones in the Integrated Pest Management in Romania 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Ostrinia nubilalis Mamestra suasa Etiella zinckenella Plutella maculipennis Discestra (Mamestra) trifolii Mamestra oleracea Amathes cnigrum Autographa gamma Cnephasia pasiuana Agrotis exclamationis 0% Agrotis segetum Percentage from total captures captured/trap [E5 (Z 11-14OAc + E 11-14OAc at a ratio of 97/3)] 35.25 was registered in 1994. Species Target species Macrolepidopterous microlepidopterous Figure 1. Pheromone specificity (avarage for all localities during 1990-96) 12 8 6 4 1997 1996 1995 1994 YEAR 1993 2 6-12 IX 30 VIII-5 IX 23-29 VIII 9-15 VIII 2-8 VIII 1990 16-22 VIII DATA 26 VII-1 VIII 12- 18 VII 1991 19-25 VII 5-11 VII 21-27 VI 28 VI-4 VII 7 -13 VI 14-20 VI 1992 31 V-6 VI 24-30 V 0 17 -23 V No. of captured males/trap 10 89 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Figure 2. Flight dynamic of species Ostrina nubilalis Hb. CIS Pherotype (FUNDULEA 1990-1997) Table 2. Number of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. males captured/ trap/year – FUNDULEA Pherotype E Z YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1,75 8,25 0,75 23,25 2,75 29,5 1,5 35,25 0,5 17,2 0 10,5 0 13.25 1,25 14,75 Pheromone use enables the determination of the limits, shape and level of pest population and accordingly Fig. 3 presents the first and second population of O.nubilalis in Romania. The results point that the second generation generally occurs in Romania by end-August or early September and is practically insignificant being low in number and the fact that the maize crop has reached its maturity. Special attention was paid to ECB dynamics and estimation of the natural population by means of pheromone traps and markers. It is obvious that the information on the flight of ECB is highly important and that the knowledge on the dispersion and flight range of any insect in all its aspects is insufficient. Thus our researches were focused on establishing the distance a moth can fly. Very little was known on the flight distance of the ECB. Jermy and Nagy considered that in nature adults could migrate to long distances. Experiments conducted in 1995 and 1997 have shown that released tagged ECB moths have been recaptured in pheromone traps at a distance no more than 3000 m from the point of release (300 m/day) and probably it is to this distance moths are capable of flying. Table 3. Evaluation of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. population by releasing of “Calco red dye” males marked technique RELEASING DATA 12 VI-1993 21 VI-1994 5 VIII-1995 21 VII-1996 Number of released marked males Number of released and recaptured males Total of captured males Surveyed area (ha) Density of natural pest males * (ha) 714 876 15132 16125 42 34 35 41 63 49 45 42 10,5 9,0 225 2500 34 43,8 13,22 1,36 * The population density is calculated using the formula of Jenkins. 90 I. Rosca et al.: Role and Place of Synthetic Sexual Pheromones in the Integrated Pest Management in Romania Estimation of the ECB population is difficult. Tagging large numbers of individual moths and employing a marking/recapture method for estimating the density is a method that saves a lot of trouble (Table 3). 40 35.25 Total number of captured males /trap 35 29.5 28 30 23.25 25 21 19.25 20 17.25 14.75 10.5 15 13.25 8.75 10 10 11.5 8.25 8.25 8.5 5.5 7.25 8.5 4.75 4 2.75 5 2.25 1.75 0 TOTAL 1990 First generation 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Second generation 1996 1997 Figure 3. Number of captured Ostrina nubilalis Hb. males, depending on pest generation It is also very important to know if the control of the ECB by mass trapping of males and male disorientation can be a tool in integrated pest control. Unfortunately these methods are unsuitable for the control of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Table 4). Table 4. Effect of using pheromone in small isolated fields ŠFUNDULEA‹ Attacked stems (%) No.larvae/attacked plant Level of population (%) Variant Mass trapping of males (A sticky trap at 25/25 m) 1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995 28.3 28.0 12.6 1.12 3.1 0.75 +7.8 -8.5 +45.8 Check Male disorientation (AZ pheromone lure at 10/10 m) 21.0 31.5 10.8 1.14 3.01 0.6 - - - 22.5 46.5 18.3 0.8 2.9 1.3 -43.7 -5.6 +12.7 91 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Check 26.0 42.0 21.1 1.23 3.4 1.0 - - - New points of pest infestation area were established in Romania (Figure 4) using pheromones for Cnephasia pasiuana Hb., and recently pheromones are used for monitoring of D.virgifera virgifera spreading in Romania. Figure 4. Extension of Cnephasia pasiuana Hb. area, registered with pheromones (1986-91) CONCLUSIONS In Romania a large variety of pheromones was created and registered, part of them are used in field crops but the price limits their use. The pheromones for the species Agrotis segetum Den. & Schiff., Agrotis exclamationis L., Cnephasia pasiuana Hbn., Ostrinia nubilalis Hb., Autographa gamma L., Mamestra oleracea L., Amathes c-nigrum L., 92 I. Rosca et al.: Role and Place of Synthetic Sexual Pheromones in the Integrated Pest Management in Romania Discestra trifolii Hbn., Plutella maculipennis Hbn., Etiella zinckenella Tr. proved to be efficient and specific in achieving the highest number of captures. The pheromones can be used to determine the pest distribution area, pest flight dynamics, the structure and size of different generations and of course the time evolution of the pest in both time and space. The control of the ECB by mass trapping of males or even male disorientation have failed in small corn fields surrounded by forests. The use of the release and recapture marked moth technique enables the estimation of the population of the ECB in one particular area over a certain period. REFERENCES Gghizdavu,I., Tomescu,N., Oprean,I.:Feromonii insectelor “pesticide din a III-a generatie”, Ed.Dacia, 260 p., 1983. Ghizdavu,I., Rosca,I.: Un nou tip de capcana adeziva cu momeala feromonala pentru culturile de cimp.Prob.Prot.Plant, 14, 4, 273275, 1986. Hodosan,F., Oprean,I.: Realizari si perspective in productia nationala de feromoni sintetici, A VI-a Conf.Nat.Prot.Plant., 305-317,1979. Rosca,I., Hodosan,F., Oprean,I., Ghizdavu,I.: Cercetari privind raspunsul speciei Agrotis segetum Schiff. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) la feromonul sexual de sinteza. St.cerc.biol.Seria biol.anim., 36,1,70-72,1984. Rosca,I., Hodosan,F., Ciupe,H., Ginsca,L., Oprean, I., Ghizdavu,I.,: Cercetari privind raspunsul speciei Autographa gamma L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) la feromonul sexual de sinteza ATRAGAM. An. I.C.C.P.T.Fundulea, VII, 341-345, 1985. Rosca,I., Botar, A.A., Brudea,V., Bucurean,E., Muresan,F., Popovici,N., Sandru,I., Voicu,M.: Cercetari privind raspunsul speciei Agrotis exclamationis L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) la feromonul sexual de sinteza. An.I.C.C.P.T.-Fundulea, LVI, 385-390, 1988. Rosca,I., Brudea,V., Bucurean,E., Mateias,M.C., Muresan,F., Sandru,I., Undrea,A., Voicu,M.,: Stadiul cercetarilor privind feromonii sexuali de sinteza pentru lepidopterele daunatoare culturilor de trifoliene din Romania. .St. cerc. biol.Seria biol.anim., 42, 2, 95-102, 1990 A. Rosca,I., Brudea,V., Bucurean,E., Muresan,F., Sandru,I., Udrea,A., Voicu,M.,:Researches on the behaviour of Ostrinia nubilalis by the use of pheromone traps as related to sterile insect release technique. Rev. Roum.Biol., 35, 2, 105-115, 1990 B. Rosca,I., Brudea,V., Bucurean,E., Muresan,F., Sandru,I., Udrea,A., Voicu,M.,: Achievements and perspectives in the use of sex pheromones in cereal and technical crops in Romania. Proc. Conf. Insect Chem. 93 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Ecol., Tabor 1990, Acad Prague and SPB Acad. Publ. The Hague, 1991, 373-388, 1990. 94 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 PHYTOPHAGOUS INSECTS AND MITES ON WEEDS IN WHEAT FIELDS AND MARGINS Du{ka Simova-To{i}, Radmila Petanovi}, Radoslava Spasi}, Olivera Petrovi}, Draga Graora and Du{anka Jerini} Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT The results of a 2-year investigation on phytophagous insects and mites on weeds in wheat fields and wheat field margins in Serbia are given in this paper. Of the 61 species collected or reared from 14 weeds, 13 arthropod species of the total number are discussed as potential biocontrol agents. Key words: Insects, mites, weeds, biocontrol agents INTRODUCTION Weeds are a constant component of our environment and man has utilized combinations of various control techniques in an attempt to suppress weed populations. The purpose in any weed management system is to maintain an environment detrimental to the weed populations using preventive, managerial, physical, biological and/or chemical methods. Integration of biological control with other weed control methods, and integration into modern crop production system are essential (Watson & Wymore,1990). The primary step in the implementation of weed biocontrol is a good knowledge of autochthonous arthropod fauna of weeds. For this study wheat fields have been chosen because they are regularly infested by many weeds, such as Gallium aparine L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., etc., of which most have spread widely in the past years (Konstantinovi} et al., 1996). The objective was a comparative analysis of phytophagous arthropod fauna of weeds in wheat fields and field margins. The purpose of the study was to compare the qualitative composition and the distribution of arthropod species on the same weed species inside and 95 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 outside the field crop where chemical control was excluded, as well as at numerous other sites irrespective of the field crop. MATERIALS AND METHODS The studies were conducted in 1997 and 1998 on weeds in wheat fields and field margins in Surcin and at many other sites throughout Serbia. The samples of the whole plants or fragments of weeds were taken at wheat experimental field every week during the wheat growing season and in the same intervals during the vegetation period of weeds on other places. Insects were collected in all stages with standard entomological methods and by cutting infested plants and their rearing in the laboratory. The presence and distribution of mites on plant organs and population density were established by inspecting the plants with a stereoscope. For the correct identification of taxa, microscope preparations were made in Heinze and Keifer media and observed under a phase-contrast microscope at a magnification of 1250 x. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total number of 54 insect species and 8 mite species were collected or reared from 14 weed species. Arthropod species determined on economically significant weeds inside the wheat field and outside, their valence and damaged plant organ, are given in Table 1. More insects and mites were found on weed species outside the wheat field than inside. The greatest number of species was found on Cirsium arvense (9), Artemisia vulgaris (8), Sinapis arvensis (8), Chenopodium album (7), and Gallium aparine (6). 96 D. Simova-To{i} et al.: Phytophagous Insects and Mites on Weeds in Wheat Fields and Margins Table 1. The arthropod species determined on economically significant weeds in wheat field at Sur~in and at other sites Weed species Arthropod species (insects, mites) Sur~in inside the wheat 1. Artemisia vulgaris L. 2. Atriplex tatarica L. on the margins other Plant sites organ Valence Homoptera Macrosiphoniella artemisiae B.d. F. Cryptosiphum artemisiae Buckt. Coloradoa artemisie Guerc. Pleotrichophorus glandulosus Kalt. Diptera Rhopalomyia artemisiae Bouche. Rhopalomyia baccarum Wachth. Eriophyoidea Aceria artemisie (Can.) Aceria marginemvolvens Corti. Diptera + Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp. Stephaniella brevipalpis Kffr. Stephaniella sp. n. Eriophyoidea Aceria heimi (Nal.) + OP M + L M + L M + L M + TP M + VB M + L M + L M + S O + OP M + S M + F M 97 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 3.Chenopodium album L. 4. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. 5. Convolvulus arvensis L. 6. Erigeron canadensis L. Homoptera Aphis fabae Scop. Aphis sambuci L. Hayhurstia atriplicis L. Macrosiphum euphorbiae Th. Myzus persicae Pass. Pemphigus fuscicornis Koch. Coleoptera Cassida viridis L. Homoptera Aphis fabae Scop. Brachycaudus cardui L. Uroleucon cirsii L. Coleoptera Apion pisi F. Cassida viridis L. Phylobius sp. Diptera Dasineura compositarum Kffr. Clinodiplosis oleracei Rubs. Eriophyoidea Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Diptera + TP R L L P P O P OP R P O L P TP OP P P TP M OP L L O P + F M + TP M TP M S M L M TP OP P P TP M + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Melanagromyza albocilia Hend. Eriophyoidea Aceria malherbae Nuzz. Homoptera Aphis fabae Scop. Brachycaudus chelicrysi Boz. Uroleucon erigeronensis Ths. 98 + + + + + + + D. Simova-To{i} et al.: Phytophagous Insects and Mites on Weeds in Wheat Fields and Margins 7. Gallium aparine L. 8. Geranium dissectum L. 9. Lathyrus tuberosus L. 10. Papaver rhoeas L. 11. Polygonum amphibium L. Homoptera Aphis fabae Scop. Disaphis pyri B. d. F. Diptera Gymnophytomyza heteroneura Hen. Geocrypta galli Rubs. Dasineura aparines Kffr. Eriophyoidea Cecidophyes galii (Karp.) Eriophyoidea + + TP L P P SD M S TB M M L M L M P O + F L M M + L O + + + + + Aceria dissecti Pet. Coleoptera + Apion gracillicollae Gyll. Diptera Contarinia lathyri Kffr. Dasineura lathyricola Rubs. Jaapiella volvens Rubs. Homoptera + Aphis fabae Scop. Coleoptera Ceutorrhynchus albovittatus Germ. Diptera Dasineura papaveris Wtz. Hymenoptera Aulax papaveris Per. Orthoptera + + TP P + + P P + SD M + SD M Tettigonia viridissima L. Homoptera Aphalara polygoni Först. + OP P + L O + + 99 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 12. Sinapis arvensis L. 13. Stachys palustris L. 14. Xanthium strumarium L. Coleoptera Amalus haemorrhous L. Chaetocnema concina Marsh. Diptera Wachthiella persicariae L. Lepidoptera Arctidae Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Heteroptera Eurydema ornata L. Eurydema oleracea L. Homoptera Brevicoryne brassicae L. Coleoptera Meligethes aeneus F. Tropinota hirta Poda. Ceutorrhynchus pleurostigma Marsch. Hymenoptera Cephus pygmaeus L. Diptera Dasineura brassicae Wtz. Diptera + + S O + + L O + + L M + L + + + + L L P P + L O + + + + + F F R P P O + + S O P O S O F M L P + Ophiomyia labiatarum Her. Wachthiella stachydis Bremi. Diptera Chromatomyia horticola Gour. L + + + + Legend: L - leaf, TP - terminal plant part, S - stem, F - flower, SD seed, OP - oversurface plant part, R - root, VB - vegetative bud, TB terminal bud, P - pod, M - monophagous, O - oligophagous. Among the collected and reared arthropod species the most important for biocontrol programs are insects and mites which are very specific for the host plant (monophagous or olygophagous), and which 100 D. Simova-To{i} et al.: Phytophagous Insects and Mites on Weeds in Wheat Fields and Margins can damage the whole plant or prevent seed production. Such species are listed in Table 2. Table 2. The arthropod species that should be considered as potential biocontrol agents Weed species Arthropod agents Artemisia vulgaris L. Aceria artemisiae (Can.) Aceria marginemvolvens (Corti.) Rhopalomyia artemisiae Bouche. Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp. Stephaniella sp. n. Aceria heimi (Nal.) Dasineura compositarum Kffr. Clinodiplosis oleracei Rubs. Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Melanagromyza albocilia Hend. Aceria malherbae Nuzz. Gymnophytomyza heteroneura Hend. Dasineura aparines Kffr. Cecidophyes galii (Karp.) Atriplex tatarica L. Cirsium arvensis (L.) Scop. Convolvulus arvensis L. Galium aparine L. Plant organ L L TP S S F F TP TP S L SD Valence M M M O M M M O M M M M TB L M M Legend: L - leaf, TP - terminal plant part, S - stem, F - flower, SD seed, OP - oversurface plant part, R - root, VB - vegetative bud, TB terminal bud, P - pod, M - monophagous, O - oligophagous. Of the eight arthropod species collected on Artemisia vulgaris L., only three are interesting for their potential use in the biocontrol. Rhopalomyia artemisiae Bouche (Diptera, Cecidomyidae) is the monophagous species whose larvae damage the terminal buds and under a heavy population density may prevent seed production. Two eriophyioid species Aceria artemisiae (Can.) and A. marginemvolvens (Corti.) registered in Yugoslavia (Boczek and Petanovi}, 1996) are common species on Artemisia vulgaris in Europe as well. Both species damage leaves of the plant, but A.artemisiae which cause leaf galls seem to be good candidates for the biological control of A.vulgaris. One agromizid fly, Amauromyza chenopodivora sp. (Diptera, Agromyzidae) known only as the internal stem-borer on Chenopodium album in Europe (Spencer, 1976) has for the first time been reared from the stem of Atriplex tatarica L. From the oviposition site in the leaf larva feeds toward the midrib and through the petiole borrows into the stem. 101 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Pupation takes place on the ground. On the same weed plant from the stem galls a new gall-midge species, Stephaniella sp. n., was reared. There is a complex of Stephaniella species on Atriplex spp., the identification of which is very difficult and further research focusing on the biology and host specialization is needed. These two flies and one mite species Aceria heimi (Nal.), should be considered as potential biocontrol agents for Atriplex tatarica. Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., as one of the most persistent weeds which spreads equally rapidly both by seed and creeping root, is on a list of weeds for classical biological control in North America (Julien, 1992). The Europian Weed Research Society also regards this as one of the six priority species for biological control (Maceljski, 1984). During our investigations the most interesting species found on C.arvense were Dasineura compositarum Kffr. (Diptera, Cecidomydae) and Aceria anthocoptes Nal. (Acari, Eriophyidae). Dasineura compositarum is monophagous species whoese larvae cause thick flower buds and prevent seed production. Aceria anthocoptes causes the hardening of green inflorescence and sometimes also the formation of additional capitula on C.arvense. The species is partly free-living on the abaxial side of the leaves and partly the agent of the characteristic numerous dwarfed capitula of the host plant. The leaves with more numerous eriophyids turn reddishbrown. Convolvulus arvensis L., is one of the most troublesome perennial weeds with the ability to reproduce by both seeds which may persist in the soil up to 30 years and laterally spreading roots and rhizomes. Because of its economic importance and a very difficult and expensive control, a cooperative effort by the USDA and the University of California has begun in 1970 in order to find the biological control agents in Southern Europe to use on field bindweed in the USA. Until now eriophyioid mite Aceria malherbae Nuzz., has been introduced in North America and adopted (Boldt and Sobhian, 1993). This species has been registered in a few localities in Serbia (Boczek and Petanovi}, 1996). Colonization on C.arvense results in considerable contortion to leaves and buds. Leaf feeding starts on the upper surface alongside the midrib, usually towards the distal end of the leaf. This feeding causes leaf furrowing along the midrib then along lateral veins as mites increase in number and move laterally. A heavily infested leaf has numerous tight furrows and folds across the upper surface, it eventually becomes wrinkled and twisted along its whole length. The mite colonies reside in tight leaf folds. Mite attacks cause an abnormal growth of very small tubercles from leaf 102 D. Simova-To{i} et al.: Phytophagous Insects and Mites on Weeds in Wheat Fields and Margins epidermis. The mite causes buds to swell and become irregular in appearance. For Convolvulus arvensis L. Melanagromyza albocilia Hd. (Diptera, Agromyzidae) is the specific species known in many European countries, in Israel and Egypt (Spencer, 1990). The larva feeds as internal stemborer and pupates inside the stem. This species could be a useful factor in a weed biocontrol program, as it was suggested in other countries, too (Spencer, 1973,1976). For the fauna of Serbia and Yugoslavia M.albocilia is a new species. Of the six arthropod species found on Gallium aparine L., two are interesting for the biological control. Gymnophytomyza heteroneura Hend. (Diptera, Agromyzidae) is a monophagous species whose larva feeds on individual seeds of G.aparine. Attacking and destroying the seeds, under a heavy population density, this species could be a useful agent in a biocontrol program. It is a new species for the fauna of Serbia and Yugoslavia. Dasineura aparines (Kief.) damage terminal buds and stop growing and blossoming of G.aparine. Eriophyioid mite Cecidophyes galii (Karp.) which causes erineum and leaf curling of G.aparine has widely been spread in our country and it can be the potential biocontrol agent. As the biology of the mite is practically unknown it deserve further investigation and host specificity too, as it is being studied in France and other countries. CONCLUSION During 1997 and 1998, 62 arthropod species (54 insect species and 8 mite species) were collected or reared on 14 weed species in wheat fields, field margins and other sites throughout Serbia. As potential biocontrol agents the following host specific insect and mite species are suggested: Aceria artemisiae (Can.), Aceria marginemvolvens (Corti) and Rhopalomyia artemisiae Bouche on Artemisia vulgaris L.; Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp., Stephaniella sp. n., and Aceria heimi (Nal.), on Atriplex tatarica L.; Dasineura compositarum Kffr., Clinodiplosis oleracei Rubs., and Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.), on Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.; Melanagromyza albocilia Hend., and Aceria malherbae Nuzz., on Convolvulus arvensis L.; Gymnophytomyza heteroneura Hend., Dasineura aparines (Kief.) and Cecidophyes galii (Karp.), on Gallium aparine L. 103 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 REFERENCES Boczek,J., Petanovi},R.: Eriophyid mites as agents for the biological control of weeds. Proc. IX Internat.Symp. on Biol.Control of Weeds: 127-131. In: Moran, V.C., J.H. Hofmann (eds.) 19 - 26. Jan. 1996, Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Cape Town, 1996. Boldt,P.E., Sobhian,R.: Release and Establishment of Aceria malherbae (Acari: Eriophyoidea) for Control of Field Bindweed in Texas. Environ. Entomol. 22 (1): 234-237, 1993. Julien,M.H.: Biological Control of Weeds. World Catalogue of Agents and their Target Weeds. CAB International, Oxon, U.K. & ACIAR, pp. 186, 1992. Konstantinovi},B., Dra`i},D., Veljkovi},B.: Problem zakorovljenosti va`nijih ratarskih useva. XVIII Seminar iz za{tite bilja, Novi Sad, Rezimei referata, str.19-20, 1996. Maceljski,M.: Dosada{nji rezultati i perspektive biolo{kog suzbijanja korova. Drugi Kongres o korovima. Osijek, Zbornik radova, 255263, 1984. Spencer,K.A.: Agromyzidae (Diptera) of economic importance. Series Ent. 9. Dr.W.Junk, The Hague, pp. 1-405, 1973. Spencer,K.A.: The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna ent.scand. Vol. 5, Part 1:1-304; Part 2:305-606, 1976. Spencer,K.A.: Host specialization in the World Agromyzidae (Diptera). Series Entomol., v. 45., pp. 444, 1990. Watson,A.K. & Wymore,L.A.: Biological control, a component of integrated weed management. In: Proc. VII Int. Symp. Biol. Contr. Weeds, 6-11. March 1988, Rome, Italy. Delfosse, E.S. (ed.). Ist. Sper. Patol. Veg. (MAF), CSIRO Publications, 101-106, 1990. 104 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 ATTACK AND FREQUENCY OF PHYTOPHAGOUS INSECTS FROM THE FAMILY Tephritidae (Diptera) IN THE FLOWER HEADS OF Carduus acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) Bo`idar Manojlovi}1, Anton Zabel1, Sla|an Stankovi}1 and Miroslav Kosti}2 1 Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade,Yugoslavia 2 Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pan~i}", Belgrade, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT The least number of Carduus acanthoides L. plants with small flower heads was registered in the locality of Stobi in Macedonia. At the same time, the greatest number of the attacked flower heads with the greatest number of the insects in them was registered in the same locality. C.acanthoides population density varied from 0.63/m2 on the average, with flower heads of 1.4 ± 0.4cm, and 36.3% of flower heads with the number of 3.7 insects (from 4 orders and several families) in 1988, up to 0.81/m2 and flower head diameter of 1.8 ± 0.3cm were attacked of which 50.3% were damaged by 3.8 insects on the average in the locality of Stobi in 1990. The greatest number of this weed plant but also the smallest number of damaged flower heads with low population density of the insects were registered in the locality near Valjevo in Serbia. In 1988, 1.36 plants/m2 were registered with flower head diameter of 2.3 ± 0.4cm of which 19.3% of flower heads were attacked by 2.5 insects on the average. The flower heads of the ruderal plant C.acanthoides were attacked by numerous insects among which by the species from the family Tephritidae (Diptera): Urophora solstitialis (L.), Urophora stylata (Fab.), Terellia serratulae (L.), and Tephritis heiseri (Fr.). The number of all the species from the family Tephritidae was the highest in the locality of Stoby (especially U.solstitialis). The smallest number of insect species from the family Tephritidae were found in the locality of Valjevo in relation to the other two localities (T.serratulae was the most frequent). U.stylata was the most frequent species in the region of Sur~in in Serbia. T.heiseri was not registered in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in the region of Stobi while it was rare in the habitat near 105 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Sur~in. T.heiseri occurred constantly but in a low number in the flower heads of C.acanthoides, in the region of Valjevo. Key words: Carduus acanthoides, Tephritidae, Urophora solstitialis, Urophora stylata, Terelia serratulae, Tephritis heiseri, flower heads, larva, imago INTRODUCTION Flower heads of many weed plants are miniature ecosystems and they contain numerous insect species which exploit specific environmental conditions. The qualitative and quantitative structure of insect community was determined by the dimension and structure of flower heads such as small leaves of involucrum, stamens, pistil, seed, ect. The flower heads were attacked by some insect species in the exact phases of maturity. According to the results Zwolfer et al. (1971) the attack and frequency of insect species from the families Tephritidae in the flower heads of many plants from the family Carduinae was determined among other factors also by insect ovipositor length as well as flower heads size. Whiteflies cannot oviposit in too small or too big flower heads and due to this they were not attacked. Carduus acanthoides L. grows on mesophilous soil. It is often found in ruderal phytocenoses and on degradated pastures. Typical habitats of C.acanthoides are subject to antropogenous influence (burning, mowing, stepping, etc.), and due to this C.acanthoides population density was high on the grounds radically changed by humans and where competitors were eliminated. C.acanthoides breeds mostly by wind spread seed. Its flowering period is long lasting starting late May and early June and terminating with the first frost (October or early November). Numerous authors investigated the phytophagous insects attacking the plants from the genus Carduus L. and they proved that a large number of insect species fed on these plants (Baloch et al., 1971; Harris, 1984; Zwolfer, 1965a; Zwocfer, 1967; Zwolfer, 1973; Talo{i et al., 1989). Based on literature data Batra et al. (1981) registered 340 insect species on different plants of this genus of which 71 were oligophagous species. On C.acanthoides 64 species were registered. The mentioned authors are of the opinion that insects are an important regulator of C.acanthoides population density and that they are an important factor maintaining the weed plant at low level for a long time in Europe. Apart from North America (Harris and Zwolfer, 1971), Argentine (Enrique et al. 1983) and New Zealand (Jessed, 1980) they spread over a large surface with high population density after having been introduced. In South Ontario and Quebec (Canada), C.acanthoides formed dense cover on 106 B. Manojlovi} et al.: Attack and Frequency of Phytophagous Insects from the Family Tephritidae (Diptera) in the Flower Heads of Carduus Acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) some surfaces with the number of about 90.000 plants per ha (Mulligan and Frankton, 1954). The species of phytophagous insects from the family Tephrididae growing in the flower heads of the ruderal plant C.acanthoides were presented in this paper. MATERIALS AND METHODS The investigation was carried out from 1988-1991 on three locations (Stobi in Central Macedonia, Sur~in and Valjevo in Serbia) where C.acanthoides grows spontaneously. Habitats differ substantially regarding the ecological conditions (edaphic factors, insolation, stability of ecosystems) and they influence different characteristics of the plant population (dimensions of plants and flower heads, density of structure, phenology). The number of this weed plant on the investigated habitats was not high. C.acanthoides formed dense structure only in some places and other vegetation was distributed sporadically. Every year, in late fall (autumn) C.acanthoides plants were counted in the mentioned localities, and flower head diameter was measured several times during the vegetation period. The flower heads of C.acanthoides were collected several times starting mid-spring, during the summer and fall. The first collecting was late May near the town of Stobi in Macedonia and the first collecting in investigated locations in Serbia was mid-June, immediately after fading. Next collectings of flower heads were carried out at ten-day intervalls. The last collecting was late October. Only faded flower heads were collected. All potential predators on external surface of the flower heads, including ants, spiders, ect., were immediately removed. 100 flower heads per collecting were put into carton with dense net from which the eclosion of insects was observed. The insects which flew out were determined and counted. After the eclosion all flower heads were put into wire cages in insectarium to overwinter. In the spring, after flying out of the insects, the flower heads were dissected in order to prove the number of the attacked flower heads and eventually, died insects in them. The data were computed statistically (average value and mean deviation) and presented in tables. RESULTS The results of the study on the ruderal plant Carduus acanthoides L. population density in the investigated localities (Table 1) showed that the smallest numbers of the plants were in the locality of Stobi and in 107 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 1988 it was 0.63/m2 on the average with the flower head of 1.4 ± 0.4cm; in 1989, 0.74 plants/m2 with flower head diameter of 1.6 ± 0.6cm; in 1990, 0.81/m2 and 1.8 ± 0.3cm and in 1991 0.64 plants/m2 with flower head diameter of 1.6 ± 0.8cm. In 1988 there were 0.97/m2 of plants with lower head diameter of 2.1 ± 0.5cm in the vicinity of Sur~in. In the following years, the values were as follows: in 1989 0.88/m2 and 1.9 ± 0.6cm; in 1990 0.79/m2 and 1.6 ± 0.8cm, and in 1991 0.63/m2 and 1.3 ± 0.9cm. In 1988, 1.36 plants/m2 were registered near Valjevo with flower heads of 2.3 ± 0.4cm, in 1989 1.20/m2 with 2.0 ± 0.5 cm; in 1990 1.06/m2 and 1.8 ± 0.7cm and in 1991 0.83/m2 and 1.5 ± 0.7cm. It is obvious that the weed populations near Sur~in and Valjevo have successively been changing each year in an attempt to establish the stability of the ecosystem after the effect of destabilizing factors (most often antropogenous). In the weed population mentioned constant plant structure decrease was registered and plants became more stunted with smaller flower head. Biocenosis with C.acanthoides population is on its way of gradual stabilization resulting in the withdrawal of this weed species and the formation of more complex phytocenosis. In the habitat near the town of Stobi, C.acanthoides population was stable with small variations. In 1988, 36.3% of C.acanthoides flower heads were attacked in this habitat by 3.7 insects (from four orders and several families) on the average. In 1989, 42.7% of the damaged flower heads were registered and there were 3.7 insects in them on the average. These values were 50.3% and 3.8 in 1990. In the last year of the investigation there were 40.3% of the attacked flower heads with 3.3 insects on the average in this locality. In 1988, 27.0% of the attacked flower heads with 2.7 insects near Sur~in were registered. In the following years these values were as follows: 22.7% and 2.5 in 1989; 18.7% and 2.4 in 1990, and 15.3% with 2.4 insects in 1991. In 1988 19.3% of the attacked plants with 2.5 insects on the average per flower head were registered on the experimental plot near Valjevo. In 1989 16.3% with 2.4; in 1990 13.3% and 2.3 and in 1991 12.3% of damaged flower heads with the average number of 2.2 insects in one flower head (Table 1) were found. The cited results which refer to the investigated habitats near Sur~in and Valjevo point that phytophagous insects are an important factor of successive decrease of the dominant role of this weed species. Lower population density of these insects in the second, third and fourth year is in positive correlation with the population density of plant sustainer. 108 B. Manojlovi} et al.: Attack and Frequency of Phytophagous Insects from the Family Tephritidae (Diptera) in the Flower Heads of Carduus Acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) Table 1. Population density and attack of phytophagous insects in the flower heads of Carduus acanthoides L in the period 1988-1991 Locality Stobi Sur~in Valjevo Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1988 1989 1990 1991 1988 1989 1990 1991 Number of plants per m2 0.63 0.74 0.81 0.64 0.97 0.88 0.79 0.63 1.36 1.20 1.06 0.83 Flower heads diametar (cm) ± SD 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.6 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.3 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.5 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 Number of attacked flower heads No. 109 128 151 121 81 68 56 46 58 49 40 37 P.c. 36.3 42.7 50.3 40.3 27.0 22.7 18.7 15.3 19.3 16.3 13.3 12.3 Total no.of insects Average insects per flower head 402 468 568 410 218 171 133 111 146 116 94 82 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.3 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 Numerous insect species were registered in the flower heads of C.acanthoides: Larinus sturnus (Schall.), Larinus jaceae (F.), Rhinocyllus concus (Froel.), the species from the genus Lixus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), then Urophora solstitialis (L.), Urophora stylata (Fab.), Terellis serratulae (L.), Tephritis heiseri (Fr.) (Diptera: Tephritidae), Homoeosoma nebulellum (Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Eublemma purpurina (D.S.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Isocolus jaceae (Sch.) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) etc. The data presented in Table 2 show that the species from the family Tephritidae in the locality of Stobi were more numerous in relation to the species belonging to the above mentioned families and in the total number of all insects they accounted for 55.2% in 1988; 58.1% in 1989; 54.2% in 1990, and 54.1% in 1991. They were lower in number in the habitat near Sur~in and in 1988 they accounted for 44.5%; in 1989 43.3%; in 1990 43.6% and in 1991 41.4%. The smallest numbers of insect species from the family Tephritidae were registered in the locality near Valjevo in relation to the other two localities and in 1988 the share of the insect species from this family of Diptera in the total number of all 109 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 the insects registered accounted for 36.3%, in 1989 37.9%; in 1990 33.0% and in 1991 32.9%. Table 2. Number of all insect species from the family Tephritidae in the flower heads of Carduus acanthoides L. Total Total P.C. Locality Year no. of no. of Total no. acording per imagous dead of insects all insects insects species Stobi 1988 182 40 222 55.2 1989 226 46 272 58.1 1990 246 62 308 54.2 1991 186 36 222 54.1 Sur~in 1988 83 14 97 44.5 1989 66 8 74 43.3 1990 52 6 58 43.6 1991 44 2 46 41.4 Valjevo 1988 49 4 53 36.3 1989 42 4 44 37.9 1990 29 2 31 33.0 1991 25 2 27 32.9 The data in Table 3 show that on the experimental plot near Stobi, U.solstitialis was the most numerous species from the family Tephritidae in the flower heads of C.acanthoides accounting for 61.6% in 1988; 54.9% in 1989; 47.2% in 1990, and 59.1% in 1991. U.stylata was lower in number and in 1988 it accounted for 38.5%; in 1989 43.4%; in 1990 50.4% and in 1991 40.9%. Of all the registered species from this family of Diptera the share of T.serratulae accounted for the lowest number and in 1988 and 1990 it was not registered; in 1989 it accounted for 1.7% only and in 1991 2.4%. According to the results presented (Table 3), U.solstitialis occurred rarely in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in the region of Sur~in and it was registered only in 1988 (9.6%) and 1990 (7.7% in relation to the total number of insects from the family Tephritidae). U.stylata was the most numerous species from the family Tephritidae in this region and in 1988 it accounted for 45.8%; in 1989 54.5%; in 1990 30.8% and in 1991 68.2%. T.serratulae in relation to U.stylata was lower in number in this locality. In 1988 it accounted for 41.0%, in 1989 39.4%; in 1990 61.5% and in 1991 27.3%. On the experimental plot near Valjevo the share of U.solstitialis in the flower heads of C.acanthoides accounted for 20.4% in 1988 and 110 B. Manojlovi} et al.: Attack and Frequency of Phytophagous Insects from the Family Tephritidae (Diptera) in the Flower Heads of Carduus Acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) 14.3% in 1989. It was not registered in 1990 and 1991. The share of U.stylata accounted for 32.6%; in 1989 33.3%; in 1990 34.5% and in 1991 32.0%. T.serratulae was the most numerous species from the family Tephritidae in this region and in 1988 it accounted for 44.9%, in 1989 38.1%, in 1990 55.2% and in 1991 56.0% in the total number of the insects from the mentioned family (Table 3). Table 3. Insect species from the family Tephritidae in the flower heads of Carduus acanthoides L. Locality Year Urophora Urophora Terellia Tephritis solstitialis stylata serratulae heiseri No. Pc. No. Pc. No. Pc. No. Pc. Stobi 1988 112 61.6 70 38.5 1989 124 54.9 98 43.4 4 1.7 1990 116 47.2 124 50.4 6 2.4 1991 110 59.1 76 40.9 Sur~in 1988 8 9.6 38 45.8 34 41.0 3 3.6 1989 36 54.5 26 39.4 4 6.7 1990 4 7.7 16 30.8 32 61.5 1991 30 68.2 12 27.3 2 4.5 Valjevo 1988 10 20.4 16 32.6 22 44.9 1 2.1 1989 6 14.3 14 33.3 16 38.1 6 14.3 1990 10 34.5 16 55.2 3 10.3 1991 8 32.0 14 56.0 3 12.0 T.heiseri was not registered in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in the region of Stobi while it was very rare in the region of Sur~in (in 1988 it accounted for 3.6%; in 1989 6.7% and in 1991 4.5% in relation to the other species from this family of Diptera and it was not registered in 1990. T.heiseri occurred constatnly in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in the region of Valjevo and in relation to the total number of the insects from the family Tephritidae its share accounted for: 2.1% in 1988; 14.3% in 1989; 10.3% in 1990 and 12.0% in 1991 (Table 3). DISCUSSION Phytophagous Artropodes and phytopathogenous microorganisms are the most significant regulators of population density of weed species (Maw,1976; Goeden,1983). Insects, the most numerous class of animals are of special importance and most of them are herbivorous consuming 111 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 about 15% of living material on the average (Harper, 1977). This is one of the reasons why the plants from the genus Carduus (C.acanthoisdes and C.nutans L.) are not important harmful plants in Yugoslavia because among other factors regulating its population density a significant place belongs to insects. Five-year investigations carried out form 1985-1989 proved that 94 insect species from 7 orders and 34 families were registered on the mentioned ruderal plants. Dermaptera 1 species, Homoptera 5, Heteroptera 8, Coleoptera 46, Hymenoptera 11, Lepidoptera 14 and Diptera 9 species (Talo{i et al.,1989; Manojlovi} and Cvetkovi},1993). Some other insect species considerably reduce their population. One of them is Cheilosya corydon (Harris)(Diptera: Syrphidae) developing in shoots, stem, and root neck of these weed plants (Manojlovi},1990; Manojlovi} et al.,1995; Manojlovi},1997). According to the results obtained, although leaf-eaters species are the most numerous, (43,6% of the total of registered insects) they are less important than those which grow in the flower heads (destroying internal organs of flower heads, preventing seed formation or growing in the seed) (Talo{i and Sekuli},1986). The species from the family Tephritidae are very important agents in reducing numerous weed species in Yugoslavia. Manojlovi} (1991) registered four species from this family of Diptera in the flower heads of Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae) (Urophora sirunaseva Hg., Urophora quadrifasciata Mg., Chaetorallia hexachaeta Hg. and Acanthiophilus helisnthi Rossi) and that the number of the damaged flower heads in 1988 was 39% with 0.73 insects in one flower head on the average. Mostly, the species from the family Tephritidae which grow in flower heads of numerous weed plants are oligophagous species (monophagous insects are in lower number). According to the literature data, U.solistitialis larvae grow in the flower heads of Carduus nutans. C.acanthoides, C.pycnocephalus, C.cripus, C.defloratus, C.edelbergii, C.personatus, Carthamus sp., Caring sp., Centaurea sp. (Zwolfer,1965a), Cirsium vulgare and C.helenioides (White and Korneyev, 1988). U.solstitialis larvae transformed stamens into a complex of galls. Zwolfer (1973) registered a peak of two galls in the flower heads of C.nutans in Switzerland. U.stylata larvae are endophytous in the flower heads of C.acanthoides, C.nutans, C.edelbergii, Cnicus sp., Cirsium sp., Sencio sp. (Mellini,1952) and Galactites sp. (Neuenschwarder,1983). It grows in Europe most often in the flower heads of Cirsium sp. (Goeden,1974) and in Pakistan in the flower heads of Carduus edelbergii, Cnicus sp., Cirsium sp. (Seguy,1934). Successful oviposition of U.stylata was obtained on Centaurea sp. C.nutans in Switzerland under laboratory conditions and periodicalon C.acantoides, Arctium sp., Onopordum sp. 112 B. Manojlovi} et al.: Attack and Frequency of Phytophagous Insects from the Family Tephritidae (Diptera) in the Flower Heads of Carduus Acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) and on artificially inoculated Centaurea sp. (Baloch et al.,1971) than on Carduus edelbergii and Cnicus sp. (Goeden,1974). It was proved that U.stylata larvae in the flower heads of Cirdium vulgare (Savi) Ten., formed galls with more small chambers (Harris and Wilkinson,1984). The first instar larvae of U.stylata grew in egg. The larvae emerged from the egg in the second development stage (Redfern, 1968). It was successfully introduced into North America (Harris and Wilkinson,1984; Peschken,1079; Piper,1985) and into the Repubic of South Africa (Julien,1987) for the biological control of Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. According to the investigations Baloch and Khan (1972) T.serratulae larvae were registered in the flower heads of Carduus nutans, C.defloratus, C.crassifolius, C.acanthoides, C.tenuiflorus, C.edelbergii, cirsium sp., Onopordum sp., Galactites sp;, Centaurea sp., Cnicus sp. Both field and laboratory studies proved that successful oviposition and growth of T. serratulae larvae were only on the plants of Carduus edelbergii and Cnicus sp. The oviposition also occurred on Cynara sp., Conza sp., Centaurea sp., Cousinisa sp., Acrolinum sp., gerbera, Gailardia sp., and on Calendula sp., however the larvae did not feed on these plants (Baloch et al.,1971). Penju et al. (1986) registered the species Tephritis dilacerata, T. crepidis, T.heiseri and T.hemdeliava growing in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in Romania between 1977-1984. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results obtained the following can be concluded: - During 1988 - 1991 the weed populations of C.acanthoides declined constantly in the localities near Sur~in and Valjevo and the plants became more stunted with smaller flower heads. C.acanthoides population retained stable with insignificant variations only in the habitat near the town of Stobi. - The smallest numbers of Carduus acanthoides plants with small flower heads were in the locality of Stobi in Macedonia. At the same time the greatest numbers of the attacked flower heads and the greatest numbers of insects in them were registered in this location. - Population density of this ruderal plant in the locality of Stobi varied from 0.63/m2 on the average with the flower head of 1.4 ± 0.4cm and 36.3% of flower heads with the number of 3.7 insects on the average in 1988 up to 0.81/m2 and the flower head diameter of 1.8 ± 113 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 0.3cm were attacked of which 50.3% were damaged with 3.8 insects on the average in 1990. - The greatest numbers of this weed plant but also the smallest numbers of damaged flower heads with low population density of insects were in the locality near the town of Valjevo. In 1988 1.36 plants/m2 were registered with the flower diameter of 2.3 ± 0.4cm of which 19.3% of flower heads were attacked with 2.5 insects on the average. - Flower heads of the ruderal plant C.acanthoides were attacked by numerous insects among which also by the species from the family Tephritidae (Diptera): Urophora solstitialis (L.), Urophora stylata (Fab.), Terellia serratulae (L.) and Tephritis heiseri (Fr.). - The species from the family Tephritidae were more numerous in the locality of Stobi in relation to the species belonging to other families and in different years accounting for 55.2% in 1988; 58.1% in 1989; 54.2% in 1990; and 54.1% in 1991 in relation to the total number of other insects. - The species from the family Tephritidae were lower in number in the locality of Sur~in and they accounted for 44.5% in 1988; 43.3% in 1989; 43.6% in 1990 and 41.4% in 1991 in relation to the total number of other insects. - The smallest number of the insects from the family Tephritidae were in the locality near Valjevo in relation to the other two localities, and in 1988 the species of insects from this family of Diptera occurred with 36.3% in 1989; 37.9% in 1989; 33.0% in 1990; and 32.9% in 1991 in the total number of all registered insects. - The numbers of all the species from the family Tephritidae were the highest in the locality of Stobi (especially numerous was the species U.solstitialis, with 61.6% in 1988; 54.9% in 1989; 47.2% in 1990, and 59.1% in 1991). - The numbers of all insect species from the family Tephritidae in the locality of Valjevo in relation to the other two localities was the lowest (T.serratulae was the most frequent species) and in 1988 it accounted for 41.0%; in 1989 39.4%; in 1990 61.5% and in 1990 27.30%). - U.stylata was the most numerous species from the family Tephritidae in the region of Sur~in and in 1988 it accounted for 45.8%; in 1989 54.5%, in 1990 30.8% and in 1991 68.2% in relation to the total number of this family of Diptera. - T.heiseri was not registered in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in the locality of Stobi, whereas in the region of Su~in it occurred rarely (accounting for 3.6% in 1988; 6.7% in 1989 and 4.5% in 1991 in relation to the other species from this family Diptera. It was not registered in 1990). 114 B. Manojlovi} et al.: Attack and Frequency of Phytophagous Insects from the Family Tephritidae (Diptera) in the Flower Heads of Carduus Acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) - T.heiseri constantly occurred in the flower heads of C.acanthoides in the region of Valjevo but in relation to the total number of the insects from the family Tephritidae it was in low number accounting for 2.1% in 1988, 14.3% in 1989, 10.3% in 1990 and 12.0% in 1991. REFERENCES Baloch,G.M., Khan,A.G., Mushtaque,M.: Biological control of Carduus spp. I. Insects associated with these in West Pakistan. Commonw. Inst. Biol.Control, Tech. Bull.14, 51-58, 1971. Baloch,G.M., and Khan,A.G.: Biological control of Carduus spp. II. Phenology, Biology and Host specificity of Terellia serratulae L. (Dipt.: Trypetidae). Commonwealth Inst.Biol.Control Tech. Bull.16, 11-22, 1972. Battra,S.W., Coulson,J.R., Dunn,P.H., Boldt,P.E.: Insects and fungi assiciated with Carduus thistles (Compositae). Technic. Bull. USDA. 1616. 100 pp, 1981. Enrique,A.E., Cordo,H.A., Crouzel,S. de.,Gimenez, Tranzi,N.R.: Importacion de Rhinocyllus conicus Froelich y Trichosirocalus horridus Panzer para el control biologico de los "Cardos" en la Argentina. Malezas. Revista de la Asociacion Argentina parael Control de Malezas (ASAM),11, 232-241, 1983. Goeden,R.D.: Comparative survey of the phytophagous insect faunas of Italian thistle, Carduus pycnocephalus, in southern California and southern Europe relative to biological weed control. Environmental Entomol. 3, 464-474, 1974. Goeden,R.D.: Critique and revision of Harris's scroling system for selection of insect agents in biological control of weeds. Protection Ecology, 5, 287-301, 1983. Harper,J.: Population Biology of Plants. Academic Press, New York, 892, 1977. Harris,P., Zwolfer,H.: Carduusa canthoides L., welted thistle, and C. nutans L., nodding thistle. In Biological Control Programmes Against Insects and Weeds in Canada, 1959-1968. Commonwealth Inst.Biol. Control Tech.Commun. 4. pp. 76-79, 1971. Harris,P.: Carduus nutans L., nodding thistle and C.acanthoides L., plumeless thistle (Compositae). In. Kelleher, J.S.; Hulme, M.A. (Eds): Biological Control Programmes Against Insects and Weeds in Canada 1969-1980. London Commonw.Agric.Bureaux, pp. 159-169, 1984. Harris,P., & Wilkinson,A.T.: Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., bull. thistle (Compositae). In: Kellecher, J.S. & Hulme, M.A. (Eds).: Biological Control Programmes against insects and weeds in Canada 1969-1980. London Commonw. Agric. Bureaux, pp. 147-154, 1984. 115 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Jessep,C.T.: Progress Report on Biological Control of Nodding Thistle (Carduus nutans) in New Zeland. Proc.V. Int. Symp. Biol. Contr. Weeds: 635-637, 1980. Julien,M.: Biological Control of Weeds. A World Cataloque of Agents and their target weeds. CSIRO Div. Ent. Indooroopilly, Austral.: pp. 144, 1987. Manojlovi},B.: Prilog poznavanju Cheilosia corydon (Harris) (Diptera: Syrphidae) na korovskoj biljci Carduus acanthoides L. (Asteraceae Dum.). Za{tita bilja, 41, 349-357, 1990. Manojlovi},B.: Phytophagous insect species of the family Tephritidae (Diptera) registered in the Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae) flower heads.- Za{titta bilja 42, 127-136, 1991. Manojlovi},B.: Intenzitet napada i razvi}e larvi Cheilosia corydon (Harris) na ruderalnoj biljci Carduus nutans L. Acta Herbologica, 6, 31-39, 1997. Manojlovi},B., Cvetkovi},M.: Dosada{nja prou~avanja fitofagnih insekata za biolo{ko suzbijanje Carduus acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Asteroideae). Za{tita bilja, 44, 251-261, 1993. Manojlovi},B., Siv~ev,I., Zabel,A., Kosti},M.: Trajanje embrionalnog razvi}a Cheilosia corydon (Harris) (Diptera: Syrphidae) u laboratorijskim uslovima. Za{tita bilja, 46, 63-68, 1995. Maw,N.G.: An annotated List of Insects associated with Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) in Canada. Cand. Ent.109, 235-254, 1976. Mellini,E.: Insetti del Carduus nutans L. III. Euribia solstitialis L. Bologna Ent. Bol. 19, 97-119, 1952. Mulligan,G.A.; Frankton,C.: The plumeless thistles (Carduus sp.) in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist, 68, 31-36, 1954. Neuenschwander,P.: Observations on the biology of two species of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and their competition with a moth larva. Israel Jornal of Entomology, 18, 95-97, 1983. Peschken,D.P.: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Canada thistle (Compositae). In Biological Control Programmes Against Insects and Weeds in Canada. 1959-1968. Commonw. Inst. Biol. Control Tech. Commun.4, pp. 79-83, 1971. Peschken,D.P.: Biological control of weeds in Canada with the aid of insects and nematodes. Zeitschriftfur Angewandte Entomologie, 88, 116, 1979. Piper,G.L.: Biological control of weeds in Washington. Starus Report. Proceedings of the Inter. Symp. on Biological Control of Weeds, 817-826, 1985. Redfern,M.: The natural history od spear thistle-heads. - Field Studies, 2, 669-717, 1968. 116 B. Manojlovi} et al.: Attack and Frequency of Phytophagous Insects from the Family Tephritidae (Diptera) in the Flower Heads of Carduus Acanthoides L. (Asteraceae, Tubuliglorae) Seguy,E.: Dipteres (Brachyceres) faune de France.V.28, 744 pp, 1934. Talo{i,B., Sekuli},R.: Prilog prou~avanju entomofaune na korovskim biljkama iz roda Carduus (Asteraceae) u nekim lokalitetima u Vojvodini. XVI skup entomologa Jugoslavije, Vr{ac, st.13, 1986. Talo{i,B., Sekuli},R., Kere{i,T., Manojlovi},B., Igrc,J., Maceljski,M., @lof,V.: Investigations of entomofauna on Carduus genus (Asteraceae) plants in Yugoslavia. Plant Protection 40, 393-408, 1989. White,M.I. and Korneyev,A.V.: A revision of the western Palearctic species of Urophora Robineau-Disvoidy (Diptera: Tephritidae). Systematic Entomology, 14, 327-374, 1988. Zwolfer,H.: Preliminary list of phytophagous insects attacking wild Cynareae (Compositae) species in Europe. Commonw. Inst. Biol. Control, Tech. Bull.6, 81-154, 1965a. Zwolfer,H.: Observations on the distribution and ecology of Altica carduorum Guer. (Col.: Chrysomelidae). Commonw.Inst.Biol.Control,Tech. Bull.5: 129-141, 1965b. Zwolfer,H.: Competition and coexistence in phytophagous insects attacking the heads of Carduus nutans L. Proceedings of the Second Internacional Symposium an Biological Control of Weeds.- C.A.B., 74-81, 1973. Zwolfer,H., Frick,K.E., Andres,L.A.: Astudy of the host plant relationship of European members of the genus Larinus (Col.: Curculionidae). Tech. Bull. CIBC 1971,14, 97-141, 1971. 117 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 118 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 USE OF PARASITIOIDS IN CONTROLLING Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood IN GLASSHOUSE TOMATO PRODUCTION Pantelija Peri}1, Nenad Dimi}1, Slobodan Krnjaji}2, Marina Vuk{a2 and Marina Cvetkovi}3 1 Institute for plant protection and environment, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 2 Agricultural research institute “Serbia”, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 3 Federal institute of plant and animal genetic resources, Belgrade, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT Bioecological characteristics and ability of parasitoids of three autochthonous species of Encarsia: Encarsia formosa Gahan, Encarsia tricolor Foerster and Encarsia partenopea Masi were studied. The lowest temperature threshold of development was obtained in E.tricolor (8.60C) compared with E.partenopea and E.formosa (9.7 and 10.50C). The shortest development was proved in E.formosa at 270C. E.partenopea developed most slowly at all the temperatures investigated. Parasitoid fecundity of increased with the increase of temperature. The biggest numbers of deposited eggs were registered in E.formosa 199 eggs at 270C. The data on the way of application of Encarsia spp. and the control of T.vaporariorum in the commercial glasshouse using two methods of introduction were obtained. In the classical method E.formosa (90.0%) and E.tricolor (80.3%) were most efficient. Maximal parasitism of 96.3% using the second method, was registered in E.formosa. E.tircolor and E.partenopea were less efficient (80.4 and 71.1%). More abundant secretion of honey dew and occurrence of sooty mould were registered in single tomato plants only when E.partenopea was used. Key words: biological control, whitefly, Encarsia spp., introduction 119 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 INTRODUCTION T.vaporariorum is an important pest in glasshouse tomato production. The control of whitefly by insecticides caused the occurrence of resistance and high poisoning of fruits. Due to this biological control imposed itself as one of the important alternatives. So far biological control of T.vaporariorum by E.formosa has been confirmed as a very successful method in numerous crops in many countries (Lenteren et al., 1980). The first information on parasitoids in Yugosalvia and on their characteristics and use in the biological control of whitefly was presented by Peri} (1990 and 1991). E.formosa was then used experimentally in glasshouse production more or less successfully. The other species of parasitoids have not been investigated for that purpose so far. The most important species of the collected parasitoids belong to the genus Encarsia: Encarsia formosa Gahan, Encarsia tricolor Foerster and Encarsia partenopea Masi. In this paper bioecological characteristics of the collected autochthonous species and their parasitoid characteristics were compared. The investigated effects on different temperatures on development and fecundity of parasitoids and hosts were studied. The data on the way of use of Encarsia spp. and the control of T.vaporariorum in the commercial glasshouse at Vreoci. The use of parasitoids was estimated according to the classical method and the method of introduction after the occurrence of the pest. MATERIALS AND METHODS The parasitoids were collected in the following localities: 1. E.formosa - collected in Lazarevac from the weed flora near the glasshouse (host: T.vaporariorum Westwood). 2. E.tricolor - collected in Vr{ac from cabbage (host: Aleyrodes proletella Linne). 3. E.partenopea - collected in Belgrade from the weed flora near the glasshouse (host: Aleyrode lonicerae Walker). The effect of temperature on the development period, fecundity and longevity of Encarsia spp. was investigated at three constant 120 P. Peri} et al.: Use of Parasitioids in Controlling Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westwood in Glasshouse Tomato Production temperatures (18, 22 and 270C) and one variable (of 180C by day and 70C at night-in further text D18/N7). T.vaporariorum females oviposited during 16 hours. The development of eggs was monitored up to fourth instar larvae. Then Encarsia spp. females were introduced to oviposit during the day. Total oviposition, development of larvae, ratio of males and females when flying out, as well as their longevity were registered. In the period from January 1st - June 15th, 1993 the investigation on the use of Encarsia spp. on tomato in practice was carried out in the commercial glasshouse "ZZ Lajkovac" at Vreoci. During the winter the temperature in glasshouses ranged from 15-230C, and during the summer from 23-300C with the extremes of above 350C. Relative humidity ranged from 50-70%. Tomato plants, cv. Carmelo were transplanted to their permanent place in early January 1993 with an average density of 30.000 plants per 1 ha. The experimental plot was 126 m2 large with 378 plants. The vegetation period of tomato was from January 1st - June 15th. T.vaporariorum and Encarsia spp. were released in the adult phase on every third plant in the row. Two methods were used described by the investigators of the Glasshouse Crops Research Institute in Littlehampton (England) and the Glasshouse Crops Research and Experiment Station in Naaldwijk (The Netherlands) (Scopes and Biggerstaff, 1971; Parr and Scopes, 1973; Parr et al., 1976; Gould et al., 1975; Woets, 1973, 1976; Koppert, 1978) in order to prove the degree of Encarsia spp. parasitism. These are: classical method ("pest-in-first method") and method of introduction after the occurrece of whitefly ("dribble method"). In classical establishing of T.vaporariorum and Encarsia spp., population on January 15, two females and two males of T.vaporariorum, and on January 29, four females of Encarsia spp. per plant were introduced. Second introduction of Encarsia spp. (two female per plant) was carried out 21 days later, due to extremely long oviposition which was almost twice longer in hosts. Parasitism was controlled twice a month. For setting up the experiment according to the method of Encarsia spp. introduction after the occurrence of T.vaporariorum, tips of 50 plants were checked for the occurrence of whitefly adults. For that purpose yellow boards were also used. T.vaporariorum adults were proved on February 23 in the experimental plots and the first introduction of two Encarsia spp. females was on March 9. The following three introductions of two females of parasitoids were distributed on each host 121 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 in 14-day intervals. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiments inder laboratory conditions The temperature threshold for complete whitefly development was 9.1 C. The lowest temperature threshold of parasitoid development was estimated at 8.60C in E.tircolor in relation to 9.7 and 10.50C in E.partenopea and E.formosa. The data of other authors on the development thresholds of these parasitoids are scarce. The development thresholds of different stages of T.vaporariorum ranged from 8.5 to 11.50C, and in E.formosa at 130C (Madueke, 1979). The data on the development thresholds of E.tircolor and E.partenopea were not registered by other authors. The longest development of T.vaporariorum (48.1 days) realized at lower temperature (D18/N70C) was 13.9% longer than at 180C. Among the parasitoides E.formosa had the shortest development at 270C, and E.tricolor at D18/N7, 18 and 220C. E.partenopea had the slowest development at all the temperature investigated (Fig. 1). 0 days 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 18/7 E. formosa 18 E. tricolor 22 E. partenopea 27 T0C T. vaporariorum Fig. 1. The developmental parameters at different temeratures T.vaporariorum had the highest fecundity of 147 eggs at 180C, 122 P. Peri} et al.: Use of Parasitioids in Controlling Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westwood in Glasshouse Tomato Production which drastically decreased to 88.5 eggs with the increase of temperature. However, the fecundity of parasitoids increased with the increase of temperature. The highest fecundity of 199 eggs at 270C (Fig. 2) was registered in E.formosa. No eggs/female 250 200 150 100 50 0 18/7 E. formosa 18 E. tricolor 22 E. partenopea T 0C 27 T. vaporariorum Fig. 2. Mean potential fecundity at different temperatures Longevity and fecundity in T.vaporariorum and E.formosa were studied by several authors. The data are different and they ranged from 2.9 to 442 eggs for oviposition period of 2.5 to 36.8 days in E.formosa. E.tricolor oviposted the maximum of 85.4 to 123 eggs (Artigues, 1992; Williams, 1995). Glasshouse experiments a) Classical method The first introduction of hosts into the glasshouse (2 females and 2 males per plant) was realized on January 15th. One month after the first introduction of E.formosa adults, the parasitism of T.vaporariorum nymphs was registered for the first time. The ratio of parasitized and unparasitized nymphs was 0.71, and 41.5% of parasitism. At the end of the second month the percentage of parasitism increased to 73.4%, and 123 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 it reached its maximum of 90.0% by mid-May. E.tricolor reached its peak of parasitism of 80.3% by mid-April, and E.partenopea late March (71.8%) (Fig.3). Many experiments with E.formosa for the control of T.vaporariorum were registered in literature. They differed mostly in the number of introduction of parasitoids which ranged from individual introducing two weeks after host introducing (Parr, 1968; Gould et al., 1975; Parr et al., 1976) from two to three introductions at the interval of about two weeks (Woets, 1973; Parr et al., 1976; Stenseth, 1976; Ekbom, 1977). Gould et al. (1975) cited that they obtained more then the expected results in the experiments of biological control of T.vaporariorum with the classical method. An 80-100% parasitism was obtained on introducing the host and parasitoid at a rate of 1:2 and 1:6. Three introductions of E.formosa in the total ratio of host/parasitoid of 1:2.5, released 2 and 5 weeks after the first introduction of the parasitoid were most efficient in decreasing T.vaporariorum during the five month period (Madueke, 1979). E. partenopea E. tricolor E. formosa 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Effic. % Fig. 3. Efficacy of Encarsia spp. on tomato (classic method) b) Introduction after the occurrence of T.vaporariorum The occurrence of T.vaporariorum aduls was registered (from 0.38 to 0.84 per plant) in the second half of February. The first introduction of Encarsia spp. was realised 14 days later. Another three introductions of 124 P. Peri} et al.: Use of Parasitioids in Controlling Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westwood in Glasshouse Tomato Production parasitoids were realised at 14 dys intervals. In early April the parasitism of T.vaporariorum nymphs was proved for the first time. The initial efficiency was prominent in E.tricolor (60.9%), lower in E.formosa (51.8%) and E.partenopea (38.1%). Maximum parasitisam of 96.3% was registered in E.formosa by mid-May. Lower efficiency (80.4 and 71.1%) (Fig. 4) was obtained by E.tricolor and E.partenopea. More abundant secretion of honey dew and the occurrence of sooty moulds were registered on single tomato plants only in the variant of E.partenopea application. E. partenopea E. tricolor E. formosa 0 20 40 60 80 100 Effic. (%) Fig. 4. Efficacy of Encarsia spp. on tomato (method of introduction after the occurrence of whitefly) The data on the successful biological control of T.vaporariorum based on the principles of this introduction are found in the researches conducted by several authors. Nicoli and Benuzzi (1989) obtained the best results with six releasing of 4.8 parasitized black nymphs per 1m2 at the beginning of host infection. Gould et al. (1975) concluded that favourable results were usually obtained using the method of E.formosa introduction after the occurrence of the whitefly and that it is more suitable for vegetable breeders than the previous one. Stenseth and Aase (1983) proved that for the initial population density of 10-30 T.vaporariorum adults on 100 cucumber plants three introductions of five parasitoids each were indispensable. REFERENCES 125 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Artigues,M.; Avilla,J.; Sarasua,M.J. & Albajes,R.: Egg laying and host stage preference at constant temperatures in Encarsia tricolor (Hym.: Aphelinidae). Entomophaga 37 (1), 45-54, 1992. Ekbom,B.S.: Development of a biological control program for greenhouse whiteflies (T.vaporariorum W.) using its parasite E.formosa G. in Sweden. Z. ang. Ent. 84, 145-154, 1977. Gould,H.J.; Parr,W.J.; Woodville,H.C. & Simmonds,S.P.: Biological Control of glasshouse whitefly (T.vaporariorum) on cucumbers. Entomophaga 20, 285-292, 1975. Kopert,J.P.: Ten years of biological control in glasshouses in the Netherlands. Med.Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 43/2, 373-385, 1978. Lenteren,J.C.; Remakers,P.M.J. & Woets,J.: World situation of biological control in greenhouses with special attention to factors limiting application. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent 45/3: 537-544, 1980. Madueke, E.N.N.: Biological control of Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Cambrige, 1979. Nicoli,G. & Benuzzi,M.: Lotta biologica contro T. vaporariorum (Westw.) e T.urticae (Koch.) su melanzana in coltura protetta nel nord Italia: nuove acquisizioni. Informatore fitopatologico, 7-8, 35-41, 1989. Parr,W.J.: Biological control of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum West.) by the parasite Encarsia formosa Gahan on tomatoes. Rep. Glasshouse Crops Res. Inst. 1967, 137-141, 1968. Parr,W.J. & Scopes,N.E.A.: Recent advances in the integrated control of glasshouse pests. ADAC Quaterly Review, 3, 101-108, 1973. Parr,W.J.; Gould,H.J.; Jessop,N.H. & Ludlam,F.A.B.: Progress towards a biological control programme for glasshouse whitefly (T. vaporariorum) on tomatoes. Ann. appl. Biol. 83, 349-363, 1976. Peri},P.: Natural enemies of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood in the Serbia and application of Encarsia formosa Gahan in the control of pest in glasshouse. M.A. - Thesis, Univ. of Belgrade, 1990. Peri},P.: Encarsia formosa Gahan in control of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood. Plant Protection 197: 239-246, 1991. Scopes,N.E.A. & Biggerstaff,S.M.: The Production, Handling and Distribution of the Whitefly T.vaporariorum and its Parasite E.formosa for use in Biological Control Programmes in Glasshouses. Plant Pathology 20, 111-116, 1971. Stenseth,C.: Some aspects of the practical application of the parasite Encarsia formosa for control of Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Bull.OILB/SROP 76, 104-114, 1976. 126 P. Peri} et al.: Use of Parasitioids in Controlling Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westwood in Glasshouse Tomato Production Stenseth,C. & Aase I.: Use of the parasite Encarsia formosa (Hym.: Aphelinidae) as a part of pest management on cucumbers. Entomophaga 28, 17-26, 1983. Williams,T.: The biology of Encarsia tricolor: An autoparasitoid of whitefly. Biological control 5, 209-217, 1995. Woets,J.: Integrated control in vegetables underglass in the Netherlands.Bull. OILB/SROP 73/4, 26-31, 1973. Woets,J.: Progress report on the integrated pest control in glasshouses in Holland. Bull. OILB/SROP 76/4, 34-38, 1976. 127 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 128 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 STEM-MINING FLIES (DIPTERA, AGROMYZIDAE) AS POTENTIAL WEED BIOCONTROL AGENTS Radoslava Spasi} and Dragica Smiljani} Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT External stem-mining and stem-boring Agromyzidae (Diptera) on weeds in Serbia are presented in this paper. Twelve stem-borer and four stem-miner species were reared from 24 weed species. Their trophic valence and damaged plant organs were analyzed for the purpose of suggesting their use in biocontrol programs. Key words: Agromyzidae, stem-miner, stem-borer, weed, biocontrol INTRODUCTION Agromyzidae are exclusively plant feeders usually known as leafminers. However, the larvae may form external stem-mines, bore internally in stems of herbaceous plants or in the cambium of trees, feed on roots or flower-heads or form twig-galls. These flies can be found on a broad range of cultivated and spontaneous plants. Many serious weeds throughout the world are attacked by either stem-boring, seed-eating or leaf-mining species. Very few of them have been used or even considered as potential control agents of weeds in the world. Ophiomyia lantanae (Frog.) for example, which has been introduced to many parts of the world for controlling Lantana sp., has very limited efficiency. But in controlling Orobanche spp., in the exUSSR, Phytomyza orobanchia Kalt., has been conspicuously successful. The following species have been investigated as potential agents in weed biocontrol programs: Melanagromyza cuscutae Her., on Cuscuta spp.; Ophiomyia strigalis Sp., on Striga sp.; Melanagromyza convolvuli Sp., and M.albocilia Hd., on Convolvulus arvensis L., and Phytomyza syngenesiae Hardy on Senecio jacobea L., (Spencer, 1973). 129 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The possibilities of using agromyzid flies for the biological control deserve further research. In that sense, the most interesting are the hostspecific species whose larvae feed in stems or flower-heads and seeds. In Serbia there have been no thoroughgoing studies and data on the species with such a mode of feeding to date. Only Phytomyza orobanchia on Orobanche spp., (Leki}, 1970; Mihajlovi}, 1986), and Napomyza lateralis Fall., on Matricaria inodora L.(Spasi}, 1994.), have been studied. Thus, over the past three years the aim of our study has been to focus on weed stem-mining, stem-boring and seed-eating species in order to find out if they could be a useful factor in a weed biocontrol program. In this paper only stem-mining and stem-boring agromyzid species are presented. MATERIAL AND METHODS Various kinds of weed plants were collected during the period 1996-1998 in the vicinity of Belgrade and throughout Serbia. Whole plant samples or weed fragments were taken from a wheat field, meadows and other sites. The larval channels in the stem were detected by cutting across or splitting lengthwise, but the external stemmines were recognized by the color and larval or pupal presence. From the collected weed plants agromyzid flies were reared in the laboratory. For the correct identification all stages (larva, pupa, imago) and stem-mines (external mines and internal channels) were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Of the 24 weed species 16 species from six genera of the family Agromyzidae were reared. All species and their host-plants are listed in Table1. The most numerous were the internal stem-miners (stem-borers) (12) and only four Ophiomyia species were found as external stemminers. External stem-miner species usually lay eggs beneath the epidermis of the stem where larvae make mines and pupate at their end, as it was in Ophiomyia thalictricaulis Her., on Thalictrum lucidum L.(Fig.1.). 130 R. Spasi} and D. Smiljani}: Stem-Mining Flies (Diptera, Agromyzidae) As Potential Weed Biocontrol Agents Table 1. Agromyzid species reared from weed in Serbia Weeds Agromyzid species stem - borer APIACEAE Angelica sylvestris L. Pastinaca sativa L. ASTERACEAE Achillea millefolium L. Artemisia vulgaris L. Centaurea jacea L. Cirsium arvense Scop. Crepis setosa Hall. Matricaria inodora L. Mycelis muralis L. Picris hieraciodes L. BUTOMACEAE Butomus umbellatus L. CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex tatarica L Chenopodium album L. CONVOLVULACEAE Convolvulus arvensis L. CUSCUTAEAE Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. LAMIACEAE Galeopsis speciosa Mill. Stachys alpina L. RUBIACEAE Galium mollugo L. Galium aparine L. RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus acer L. Ranunculus repens L. Thalictrum lucidum L. SCROPHULARIACEAE Rhinanthus major Ehrh. URTICAEAE Urtica dioica L. stem - miner Melanagromyza angeliciphaga Sp. Melanagromyza angeliciphaga Sp. Melanagromyza oligophaga Sp. Melanagromyza oligophaga Sp. Melanagromyza dettmeri Her. Melanagromyza aeneoventris Fall. Napomyza lateralis Fall. Napomyza lateralis Fall. Ophiomyia heringi Stary Napomyza lateralis Fall. Metopomyza ornata Meig. Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp. Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp. Melanagromyza albocilia Hd. Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. Ophiomyia labiatarum Her. Ophiomyia labiatarum Her. Ophiomyia galii Her. Ophiomyia galii Her. Napomyza evanescens Hd. Napomyza evanescens Hd. Ophiomyia thalictricaulis Her. Phytomyza rostrata Her. Melanagromyza aenea Meig. Internal stem-miners (stem-borers) oviposition takes place directly in the stem parenchyma or in the leaf from which the larva moves through the midrib and the petiole into the stem, as it was in Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp., on Chenopodium album L., and Atriplex tatarica L.. By boring channels into the pith larvae may destroy the stem as well as the whole plant, especially if they provide a high population density. Depending on the species, pupation can take place in the stem at the end of the larval channel or on the ground. 131 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Fig. 1. Ophiomyia thalictricaulis Her. – External stem mines on Thalictrum lucidum L. Considering the trophic valence the relationship between stemborer species was 50% : 50% (six monophagous and six olygophagous). A species Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp., considered to be monophagous on Chenopodium spp. was for the first time reared from Atriplex tatarica L. in Europe (Spencer, 1990). From the oviposition site in the leaf larva feeds toward the midrib and through the petiole borrows into the stem (Fig.2). Pupation takes place on the ground. Fig. 2. Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp. – Channels inside the stem of Atriplex tatarica 132 R. Spasi} and D. Smiljani}: Stem-Mining Flies (Diptera, Agromyzidae) As Potential Weed Biocontrol Agents The Holarctic species Napomyza lateralis Fall., whose larvae attack stems and flower-heads of numerous species of Asteraceae, was for the first time reared from Picris hieracioides L., as a stem-borer. The same fly was found in the flower-heads of Matricaria inodora L. during the past few years in Serbia (Spasi}, 1994). Considering the economic importance of weed species and trophic valence of reared Agromyzid flies we have chosen six internal stem-miner species (stem-borer) (Table 2) as potential biocontrol agents. Table 2. Agromyzidae recorded in Serbia that could be potential biocontrol agents Species Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp. Melanagromyza aenea Mg. Melanagromyza aeneoventris Fall. Melanagromyza albocilia Hd. Valence Host-plant in Serbia Host-plant in other countries O (M) Chenopodium album L. Chenopodium sp. (Europe) Atriplex tatarica L. M Urtica dioica L. Urtica dioica L. (Europe) O Cirsium arvense Scop. Cirsium sp., Carduus sp. (Europe) M Convolvulus arvensis L. Convolvulus arvensis L. (Europe, Israel, Egypt) Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. M Cuscuta pentagona Cuscuta europaea (Europe) Engelm. Cuscuta reflexa (India, Pakistan) Napomyza evanescens Hd. M Ranunculus acer L. Ranunculus spp. (Europe, Ranunculus repens L. Canada, California) M - monophagous O - oligophagous Melanagromyza albocilia Hd. a host-specific species on Convolvulus arvensis L. known in many European countries, Egypt and Israel (Spencer,1973) and from now in Serbia, could be a useful factor in a weed biocontrol program, as was suggested in other countries. The larvae feed inside the stem where they pupate (Fig.3). Fig. 3. Melanagromyza albocilia Hd. – Puparium inside the Convolvulus arvensis stem 133 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 A single species known on Cuscuta spp., is Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. known in Europe, India and Pakistan (Spencer,1973,1990). Its larvae feed in the stem or seeds and may be a good agent for the control of this serious weed. During our investigation the larvae were found only in the stem of Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. where they pupate (Fig.4). Fig. 4. Cuscuta pentagona En. Attacked by Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. The other species, especially the ones reared from the economically important weeds (Atriplex tatarica L., Urtica dioica L., Ranunculus spp., etc.) and weeds suggested for the biocontrol in Europe (Chenopodium album L., Cirsium arvense Scop., etc.) need further thoroughgoing investigation, namely life-history and their natural enemies. All the reared agromyzid species listed in Table 1 except Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. and Napomyza lateralis Fall. are new for the fauna of Serbia. CONCLUSION Sixteen species of Agromyzidae (Diptera) were registered on 24 weed plant species in Serbia. The most numerous (12) were internal stem-miners (stem-borers) but only four Ophiomyia species were external stem-miners. Two species, Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp., and Napomyza lateralis Fall. were for the first time found and reared from the host134 R. Spasi} and D. Smiljani}: Stem-Mining Flies (Diptera, Agromyzidae) As Potential Weed Biocontrol Agents plants unknown in the literature so far. A.chenopodivora was reared from Atriplex tatarica L. and N.lateralis from Picris hieracioides L.. It is assumed that six species could be taken into consideration but further research is needed in order to use them in weed biocontrol programs. These include: Amauromyza chenopodivora Sp., on Chenopodium album L., and Atriplex tatarica L.; Melanagromyza aenea Mg., on Urtica dioica L.; Melanagromyza aeneoventris Fall., on Cirsium arvense Scop.; Melanagromyza albocilia Hd., on Convolvulus arvensis L.; Melanagromyza cuscutae Her., on Cuscuta pentagona Engelm., and Napomyza evanescens Hd., on Ranunculus spp. All the species except Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. and Napomyza lateralis Fall. are new for the fauna of Serbia. REFERENCES Leki},M.: Uloga diptere Phytomyza orobanchia Kalt. (Agromyzidae) u redukciji populacija parazitskih cvetnica iz roda Orobanche na podru~ju Vojvodine. Savremena poljoprivreda, broj 7-8, 1970, Novi Sad, 1970. Mihajlovi}, Lj.: Results of investigation on Orobanche spp., entomofauna in Yugoslavia and the possibility of using insects for biological control. In: Proceedings of a Workshop on Biology and Control of Orobanche (S.J.ter Borg, ed.). LH/VPO, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 118-126, 1986. Simova-To{i},D., Petanovi},R., Spasi},R., Petrovi},O., Smiljani},D.: Entomofauna i akarofauna nekih vrsta korovskih biljaka u Srbiji. Simpozijum entomologa Srbije ‘ 97., Go~. Zbornik rezimea, 1997. Spasi}, R.: Prilog poznavanju vrste Napomyza lateralis Fall. (Diptera, Agromyzidae). Za{tita bilja, vol.45 (1), 207: 61-66., Beograd, 1994. Spencer,K.A.: Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Economic importance. Dr.W.Junk, The Hague: 418 pp, 1973. Spencer,K. A.: The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Ent. Scand., 5 a & b: 606 pp, 1976. Spencer,K.A.: Host Specialization in the World Agromyzidae (Diptera). Series Entomol., vol.45,pp 444. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1990. 135 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 136 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 NEW APPROACHES REGARDING INTEGRATED SUNN PEST (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) MANAGEMENT Constantin Popov, Alexandru Barbulescu, I.Vonica, Ioan Rosca Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops - Fundulea, Romania ABSTRACT Eurygaster integriceps Put. is the major wheat pest in Romania. The following elements have been analyzed: the ratio between the species and their distribution areas in Romania, size and space distribution of sunn pest populations, study of annual peculiarities of their life cycle, relationships between pest and oophagous parasites and establishment of the economic damage thresholds - EDT and the means for their control. Thus, the share of various elements has been established, and namely: prevalence of Eurygaster integriceps has been proved, this covering a damaging area of some 1,000,000 ha of wheat crops in 24 districts; contribution of oophagous parasites (Telenomus chloropus and Trissolcus grandis), and the economic damage thresholds, as calculated differentially in accordance with crop vegetation state and harvest destination. Forecast and warning are of permanent concern in the whole country and they are based on a methodology developed by RICIC and applied across the country by the District Inspectorates for Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Quarantine. Key words: sunn pest management, damaging areas, EDT, forecast and warning, chemical control INTRODUCTION Sunn pests, Eurygaster spp. cause severe damage to wheat and barley across large areas in Europe, Asia and North Africa (Popov, 1975). Sunn pest has gradually gained in importance as the major wheat pest with the expansion of its range of host plants. In Romania, other Eurygaster species such as E.austriaca Schr. and E.maura, L. were described by Montandon (1907) around the turn of the century. From 1938 to 1939 the three main Romanian Eurygaster pest species, E. 137 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 integriceps, E. austriaca and E.maura, were well described (Radulescu & Gruita, 1942). At present, sunn pest, particularly E.integriceps, is the most serious pest of wheat in Romania because of its increased distribution, high fecundity and the severity of damage it inflicts on smallgrains. While harvest protection is one of the most important crop protection measure available to wheat producers, annual sprays with chemical insecticides are currently conducted on about ha in Romania (Popov at al.,1996). Damage is caused by overwintering adults and the nymphs and young adults of the subsequent generation. If left unchecked, sunn pest seriously reduces yield and can reduce grain quality as reflected by lowered germination rates and poor bread-making quality of infested grain (Barbulescu, 1967; Paulian and Popov, 1980). A complex integrated pest management programme incorporating many different techniques has gradually been developed in Romania to reduce sunn pest populations to an economically acceptable level by optimising all possible control activities. Among the most important methodologies are forecasting and warning. This paper presents in an unitary conception the results of research and activities performed at the level of the whole damaging area of sunn pests in Romania. MATERIAL AND METHODS Investigations were conducted over a couple of years. The following aspects have primarily been examined: dynamics of ratio between Eurygaster species; size of their populations and fluctuations in time and space; study of annual peculiarities of their life-cycle; interspecific relationships between pest and oophagous parasites; setting up economic thresholds and control means. The data on the distribution, specific composition and population levels in diapausing sites, as well as those on parasitation extension have been obtained by the forecasting and warning network using methods developed at RICIC-Fundulea (Barbulescu, 1967; Paulian and Popov,1980; Popov,1975; 1980;1991; Popov et al., 1996; Rosca and Popov,1996). In this respect, some 575 oak forests covering more 230,000 ha, spreading on all the districts enclosing the entire damaging area of this pest and some 1,000,000 ha wheat crops, were annually inspected in order to establish the infestation level and parasitation degree. 138 C. Popov et al.: New Approaches Regarding Integrated Sunn Pest (Eurygaster Integriceps Put.) Management RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Relationship between species, damaging areas. Currently, the genus Eurygaster can be registered throughout the country, practically on all the surfaces cropped with cereals and primarily wheat. However, the damaging area is confined to the south and east of the country in the extra-Carpathian zones. As it is shown in Table 1, at present, in these areas E.integriceps prevails over E.maura and E.austriaca to an overwhelming extent accounting for more than 95%. Table 1: Change in Eurygaster Lap. species ratios, during 1907-1997 District P E R I O D : Z O N E ( no.) 1907 1939 1970 AREAL 41 0/Y/Y Y/Y/Y 50/26/24 FAVOURABLE ZONE I 17 0/Y/Y Y/Y/Y 80/11/9 FAVOURABLE ZONE II 7 0/Y/Y 0/Y/Y 25/40/37 UNFAVOURABLE ZONE 17 0/Y/Y 0/Y/Y 0/65/35 Note: E.integriceps / E.maura / E.austriaca; 0 - absent; Y or number - present or percent . 1997 75/13/12 98/1/1 95/4/3 1/64/35 Table 2: Distributions of areas cropped with wheat and oak forests (ha), in the damaging areas Z O N E Oak forests 230,200 AREAL FAVOURAB. ZONE I 189,600 FAVOURAB. ZONE II 40,600 Total wheat Affected wheat 1,363,000-1,945,000 737,000-1,184,000 1,134-1,577,000 685,000-1,084,000 229,000-368,000 52,000-100,000 In 24 districts, wheat is cropped on 1,363,000 - 1,945,000 ha and the damaging surface is about 737,000 - 1,1184,000 ha (Table 2). These surfaces can be considered a stable and maximum area for zones in Dobrogea, Muntenia, Oltenia and Moldova where E.integriceps finds a 139 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 favourable spot to develop numerous populations, obviously varying from year to year. As a rule (Table 3), the overwintering adults can be found in spring crops at densities of a few individual/sq.m., and more rarely are densities between 15 and 20 individuals/sq.m. The new generation (nymphs and young adults) recorded higher densities, usually 15 - 20 specimens/sq.m or during the years having particulary favourable climatic conditions, 70 - 94 specimens/sq.m as recorded in 1996. Table 3: Sunn pest population densities in wheat, in the damaging area Z O N E Favourable year : 1996 Overwintering nymphs adults FAVOURABLE ZONE I FAVOURABLE ZONE II Normal year : 1997 overwintering nymphs adults 2 - 22 18 - 94 1 - 13 4 - 32 1-9 8 - 45 1-9 3 - 20 Table 2 shows the damaging areas in Romania over 575 forests favourable to sunn pest diapausing, totalling 230,200 ha. Based on the records in autumn ( October 15-30 ) and spring samplings (April 1-15), the total number from every forest, district and total area can be estimated, this estimation being the basis for drafting forecast apparition of sunn pests every year (Table 4). Table 4: Sunn pest diapausing populations in oak forest (density/sq.m. and total mill.ex.) in damaging area and level chemical control in field (ha) ZONE AREAL FAB. ZONE I FAB. ZONE II 140 Favourable year : 1995-1996 Density in forest Chemical control No/ sq.m 1–50 total ex. 25.051 adults nymphs 98.416 765.850 Normal Density forest no/ sq.m 1-10 5 50 24.157 94.731 693.161 1–10 894 3.685 72.689 year : 1997-1998 in Chemical control total ex. 5.769 adults nimphs 15.546 461.315 1-10 5.167 6.089 424.576 1-3 602 9.457 36.739 C. Popov et al.: New Approaches Regarding Integrated Sunn Pest (Eurygaster Integriceps Put.) Management Life-cycle - annual peculiarities. The pursuit of life-cycle evolution in direct relationship with annual ecological peculiarities is of major interest due to the ability of insects to develop more or less numerous populations depending on the climatic conditions and phenology of host-plant and the ability to either pass or not the whole life-cycle under optimal conditions. The physiological preparation factor expressed by the fat-body, is particularity important for population fluctuation being in addition to the climate one of the main factors affecting pest numerical levels. Pests - parasites relationship. Parasitation level is important and of concern for the control technology. Based on our data it can be noted that generally, the average parasitation fluctuates between 30 and 50 %, with certain higher values in a few districts. At present, natural parasite fauna is important in our concept and its protection is achieved mainly by farming treatments within optimal timing. Economic damage threshold (EDT) and control measures. Overwintering adults control is applied only in wheat plots where bugs density exceeds the EDT, established as follows: - 7 specimens/sq.m. - in plots with normal plant density and vegetation, when spring is humid and cool; - 5 sp./sq.m. - in plots with normal plant density and vegetation, in spring with high temperatures; - 3 sp./sq.m. - in plots with reduced plant densities, with poor overwintering, humid and warm spring; - 1-2 sp./sq.m. - under unfavourable condition complex to crops; late emergence in autumn - winter; prolonged winter with persistent snow layer; late spring with excessively dry weather. Establishing plots to be treated for larval control: chemical application is performed only in wheat plots where pest density overpass the EDT, thus : - 5 nymphs/sq.m. - for plots intended for bread-making; 3 nymphs/sq.m. - for plots designed as seed producers. Chemical control. Chemical control is the unique practical method of intervention in order to diminish harvest damage in Romania (Table 4). The registered insecticides assortment includes both organophosphorus and synthetic pyretriod compounds. Until now the main share in sunn pest control has been detained by organophosphourus compounds based on trichlorfon and dimethoate (100% in 1970-1975; 96% in 1985; 89% in 1993 and only 2% in 1997). After 1985 other insecticides, mainly pyrethroids have been registered. 141 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Sunn pest management Main undertakings regarding organisation and development of nation-wide campaign of sunn pests: No. Action performed Execution term Co-ordination 1. Drafting the Programme for controlling sunn pests in the damaging area in Romania, for the current year January MAA-CLPQ ; RICIC 2. Development of Methods to pursuit the life-cycle of sunn pests in representative areas within the districts included in the damaging area in Romania. January RICIC 3. Estimation of pesticide amount and means of application needed, depending on the size of forecasted action to be performed. February MAA-CLPQ; RICIC 4. Centralised training (of chief inspectors of DIPPPQ) and zonal (of medium-level personnel at the level of every district) of those which will participate in the control action of sunn pests in the damaging area. March MAA-CLPQ; DIPPPQ; RICIC 5. Providing necessary insecticides according to estimated areas and fun ds assigned by subsidies. March-April MAA-CLPQ; DIPPPQ 6. Recording biological reserve of sunn pests at the end of overwintering by spring samplings in diapausing sites in forests. April,5-th - 20-th. DIPPPQ 7. Designing the surfaces having to be treated against the overwintering adults, according to percentage of mortality during diapause of sunn pest populations. April, 20-th. - 25-th. MAA - CLPQ; RICIC 8. Checking and providing ground and aerial applying treatments against the sunn pest. April MAA- DIPPPQ; Agricultural producers 9. Checking , identification and homologation of airfield for aerplanes and helicopters participating in the control activities , having in view the most efficient use of these. April MAA - DIPPPQ; Specialised units. 10.Recording migration of overwintering adults from forests to crops, in representative areas of every district, according to the method established, in view of releasing warnings. April - May DIPPPQ 142 C. Popov et al.: New Approaches Regarding Integrated Sunn Pest (Eurygaster Integriceps Put.) Management 11.Recording densities of overwintering adults in wheat crops; designation of wheat plots where applications against the overwintering adults depending on vegetation state of plants and pest density is imposed. May,1st-5-th. DIPPPQ; Agricultural producers 12.Release of bulletins for warning of applying treatments against the overwintering adults; Dependent on migratory evolution. CLPQ; DIPPPQ 13.Performance of treatments against the overwintering adults. Warned period. DIPPPQ; Agricultural producers 14.Assessment of application efficacy and operative report. After two days. MAA - CLPQ; DIPPPQ 15.Observation of life-cycle of the pest in representative zones of every district, in view warning treatments against nymphs according to the recommended method. May - June MAA-CLPQ; DIPPPQ; RICIC 16.Estimation of parasitisation level of sunn pest eggs by oophagous parasitoids, collecting and preservation of biological material in view of identification of species range. June DIPPPQ; RICIC 17.Estimation of surfaces to be treated against the nymphs, depending on adults fecundity, parasitisation and climate factor evolution. June DIPPPQ 18.Release of bulletins of warning for applying treatments against nymphs. Dependent on pest evolution MAA-CLPQ; DIPPPQ 19.Finishing-off the nymph control programme by establishing wheat plots in which, according to crop destination (food or seed) and pest density (EDT). June DIPPPQ 20.Performing treatments against nymphs. Warned period DIPPPQ; Agricultural producers 21.Assessment of treatment efficacy and operative report. After two days. MAA-CLPQ; DIPPPQ; RICIC 22.Recording adult populations level of new sunn pests in crops before harvest: this action represents a prime step of forecast for the next year. Prior to harvest DIPPPQ 23.Harvesting wheat in the damaging area as rapidly as possible, before the end of complete feeding of adults, as a technological measure diminishing sunn pest populations. July Agricultural producers 24.Evaluation of grain percentage pricked in wheat harvest in the damaging area. 143 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 July - August MAA-CLPQ; DIPPPQ 25.Performing autumn samplings to establish the biological reserve of sunn pests in diapausing sites. October DIPPPQ 26.Presentation of the Rapport regarding the way of achievement of sunn pests control programme by districts. December DIPPPQ 27.Evaluation of sunn pest population affecting wheat crops in the next year, based on overwintering adults density/m2 and on forest are as controlled. December MAA-CLPQ; RICIC 28.Establishing the Programme for controlling sunn pests in Romania, based on wheat cropped surfaces in the damaging areas and on diapausing sunn pest population levels. January MAA-CLPQ; RICIC Note: MAA - Ministry of Agriculture and Alimentation; RICIC - Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops; CLPQ - Central Laboratory for Phytosanitary Quarantine; DIPPPQ - District Inspectorate of Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Quarantine CONCLUSIONS Eurygaster integriceps was determined, by the attack of overwintering adults, nymphs and new adults, on a large area covering some 1,000,000 ha wheat crops, in 24 Romanian districts; Commonly infestation levels exceeded the EDT, considered of 7 overwintering adults per sq.m., and 3 - 5 nymphs/sq.m., thus requiring chemical control; Forecast and warning are of permanent concern in the whole country and they are based on a methodology developed by RICIC and applied across the country by the District Inspectorates for Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Quarantine; Chemical control is the unique practical method of intervention in order to diminish harvest damage. In Romania this is supported by the Government, conforming with the Main Undertakings Regarding Organisation and Development of Nation-wide Campaign of Sunn Pest Control in Romania. 144 C. Popov et al.: New Approaches Regarding Integrated Sunn Pest (Eurygaster Integriceps Put.) Management REFERENCES Barbulescu,A.: Unele aspecte privind biologia si evolutia plosnitelor cerealelor, An. ICPP, 169-176, 1967. Montandon,A.L.: Contributions a la faune entomologique da la Roumanie, Hemipteres- Heteropteres., Bull.Soc.St., Bucuresti., 1-2, 55-82, 1907. Paulian,F., Popov,C.,: Sunn pest or cereal bug., Wheat Tech. Monograph, Basel, 69-74, 1980. Popov,C.: Consideratii asupra distributiei spatiale la specia E.integriceps, Pr.Prot.Pl., 3, 1, 1975. Popov,C.: Activitatea parazitilor oofagi in perioada de ponta a plosnitelor, An.ICCPT, 46, 347-353,1980. Popov,C.: Cercetari privind stabilirea rolului unor elemente in combaterea integrata a plosnitelor cerealelor., Comb.Integr.BoliDaunatori, 1, 105-113, 1991. Popov,C., Barbulescu,A., Vonica,I.: Population dynamics and management of sunn pest in Romania., FAO Plant.Prod.And Prot. Paper, 138, 47-59. 1996. Radulescu,E., Gruita,V.: Contributii la studiul plosnitelor vatamatoare graului in Romania., Bul.Fac.Agric. Cluj, 9, 438-465, 1942. Rosca,I., Popov,C., Barbulescu,A., Vonica,I., Fabritius,K.: The role of natural parasitoides in limiting the level of sunn pest populations., FAO Plant Prod. And Prot. Paper , 138, 35-45, 1996. 145 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 146 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 CONTROL OF Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. BY INHERITED STERILITY AS PART OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Alexandru Barbulescu and Ioan Rosca Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops – Fundulea, Fundulea, Romania ABSTRACT The investigations presented were undertaken in order to develop the foundation for the future control of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) using a pest management system based on sterility expressed to the greatest extent during the F-1 generation of progeny of moths irradiated with gamma rays. A comparison of the results obtained through F-1 inherited sterility with the pest control using biological agents (Bacillus thuringiensis or Trichogramma spp.) showed that inherited F-1 sterility could be a component of an integrated control system. On a small area encircled by forest it was possible to reduce the pest population by 90% during the 4 years. Key words: Ostrinia nubilalis, inherited sterility, integrated management INTRODUCTION In Romania the European corn borer is considered the principal maize pest after tassel emergence being spread throughout all the cropping zones in the country. Damages caused by the pest can reach sometimes up to 40% (Paulian et al., 1961). Multiannual data indicated averages of 44% plants attacked, 1.1 larvae/plant 23,180 larvae/hectare and 550 kg/ha (7.5%) loss (Paulian et al., 1976). In recent years, particular attention has been paid since 1988 to investigations on male sterilisation by radiation (Bãrbulescu and Rosca, 1993; Rosca and Bãrbulescu, 1989, 1990, 1993). The potential of inherited sterility in pest control was demonstrated by Knipling (1970) using a mathematical model. Numerous studies have been done on Lepidopterous pest, inherited sterility of this 147 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 group being reviewed extensively by LaChance in 1985. Rosca and Bãrbulescu (1989) demonstrated the effects of substerilising doses of radiation and inherited sterility on ECB reproduction. Reduced fecundity and egg hatch, together with increased incidence of larval and adult mortality were observed. A 150 Gy dose of irradiation induced deleterious effects that were inherited through F-1 generation. The results and analysis of this study indicated that the use of substerilising doses of radiation and inherited sterility had a much greater potential as selective management strategy for O.nubilalis than the conventional 100% sterilising dosage. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sterility degree of the irradiated male progenies was determined under both laboratory and field conditions. F-1 males (TM), representing the progenies of males treated with 150 Gy and normal males (NM) were crossed under laboratory conditions with normal females (NF) in 1990, according to the following scheme: TM :0,1,1,2,4,5,7. NM:1,0,1,1,1,1,1. NF:1,1,1,1,1, 1,1. The percentage of viable eggs for each entry was determined after moths were reared in jars, as described by Bãrbulescu (1978) for individual rearing techniques. Ten replications for each crossing combination were used. Two types of progenies, NM/NF (control) and TM/NF were obtained under field conditions in 3x2x3 m cages using two replications with 25 or 100 moth pairs/cage/25 plants during 1990-1996. Egg hatch percentage was recorded. The surviving ability of larvae resulted from crossing F-1 sterility inherited males with normal females compared with the control (NM/NF) was estimated under field conditions in 1993-1996. Plants of the maize inbred line Wf 9, known as susceptible to ECB were inoculated with ten eggs masses/plant in the whorl stage. The percentage of egg hatch, level of damage/plant and number of larvae/stem were recorded as estimators of surviving ability. In another experiment, the pest control efficiency by releasing males with inherited sterility was compared with some other different components of an integrated control system such as microbial pesticides entomophagous insects and synthetic pheromones in a small growing area surrounded by forests( 1-2 ha). In 1993-1994 ECB males were mass captured using 16 sticky traps/ha (25/25 m). The lure cis (Z) was changed weekly and the total number of males captured was 231 and 325 in 1993 and 1994 respectively. Mating disruption (male disorientation) 148 A. Barbulescu and I. Rosca: Control of Ostrinia Nubilalis Hb. by Inherited Sterility as Part of Integrated Pest Management was made by 100 cis (Z) lure/ha which were changed weekly during the first moth flight (15 June-30 July). Microbial pesticides based on Bacillus thuringiensis were applied 4 times at doses of 0.5 kg/ha. Trichogramma spp. was released at the rate of 200,000 ex/ha. Trials using released F-1 sterile males for pest control were conducted in the same small area surrounded by forest during 19931996 and in different areas in 1997 in order to find other possibilities for the implementation of the IPM system. The objective of a series of other experiments was to assess the impact of F-1 sterility on the ability of ECB larvae to overwinter. In the autumn of 1993-1997, 100 larvae of ECB were collected using four replications from the field in which males with inherited sterility (TM) and control (NM) were released. They were maintained under laboratory conditions during the overwintering period and the surviving larvae were recorded in March of the next year. The testicles of fifth instar larva stage with an adequate number of meiotic cells were removed and smeared in acetic-lactic-orceine for cytological examination. Only those cells in which at least 31 pairs of metaphase chromosomes could be counted were considered. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Evaluation of prolificacy and competitiveness of males with F-1 sterility. Our results showed that the percentage of observed egg hatch produced by the females (NF) crossed with irradiated males (TM) was significant compared with that registered for normal females crossed with normal males (NF/NM) considered as control in both 1990 laboratory experiment and 1990-1996 cage field experiments (Table 1 and 2). Thus, the percentage of eggs hatched in the control was 95.4 in the 1990 laboratory test and between 99.5-42.5 in field cages, while the percentage recorded for crosses NF/TM varied accordingly to the cross ratios from 31.5 to 62.2 under laboratory conditions and between 20.349.1 in field cages. Laboratory mating competitiveness of F-1 males with inherited sterility was relatively high, from 0.94% at a cross ratio of 1:1:1 to 0.73% at a cross ratio of 7:1:1. Cross ratio of 4:1:1, considered as optimum concerning the weight of irradiated males produced a good competitiveness of 0.90, very close to full competitiveness (1.00). F-1 sterility as part of integrated of ECB control system. Trials were conducted using pheromone for pest control (Table 3) in order to find a possibility for an IPM system introduced in small areas surrounded by forest. ECB males were mass captured using 16 sticky 149 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 1. Mating competitiveness of F-1 males with inherited sterility under laboratory conditions(1990) CROSS RATIO EGG HATCH (%) COMPETITIVENESS INDEX* TM NM NF Observed Expected 0 1 1 2 4 5 7 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 95.4 32.6 60.2 49.2 40.3 33.1 31.5 64.0 53.0 45.16 43.28 42.87 0.94 0.93 0.89 0.76 0.73 * = The competitiveness value and expected egg hatch rate were computed as described by Fried,1971. A competitiveness value (CV) of 1.0 indicates full competitiveness and 0.75-1.0 good competitiveness. Table 2. Mating competitiveness of F-1 males with inherited sterility in field cages YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 150 CROSS RATIO TM 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 NM 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 OBSERVED EGG HATCH (%) NF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42.5 20.3 99.5 28.7 88.9 49.1 90.5 40.8 90.5 45.2 60.2 35.5 85.5 47.7 A. Barbulescu and I. Rosca: Control of Ostrinia Nubilalis Hb. by Inherited Sterility as Part of Integrated Pest Management traps/ha (25/25m). The lure CIS (Z) was changed weekly and the total number of males captured was 231 in 1993, 325 in 1994 and 147 in 1995. In 1993, 1995 an increasing pest population was registered and a slight decrease was noted in 1994. Mating disruption (male disorientation) was made by 100 CIS (Z) lure/ha which were changed weekly during the first moth flight (15 June - 30 July). The control of the ECB by mass trapping of males or even by male disorientation has failed in small corn field surrounded by forest. The control of the pest was uncertain in some years. Pest population was registered to rise in some years. Although there was a decrease of the pest population under field conditions in 1993 and 1994 and a slight increase in 1995 the price and uncertain results have unabled our further investigations. Judging from the results presented in Table 3 it seems that using inherited sterility of the ECB could be a component of an integrated control system only in connection with releasing Trichogramma spp. and microbial pesticides because using pheromones in mass trapping or in male disorientation had no effect under experimental conditions. Table 3. Effect of different possible components of an integrated system of the ECB Attacked stems No.larvae/ Population Component (%) attacked plant reduction % Mass capture of males Control Male disorientation Control DiPel (ES) DiPel (WP) Control Trichogramma spp. Control Releasing of males with F-1 inherited Control 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 28.0 21.0 22.5 26.0 5.0 6.0 26.0 6.0 26.5 28.0 31.5 46.5 42.0 19.5 16.5 30.5 26.0 36.5 1.12 1.14 0.8 1.23 0.83 0.6 1.54 0.72 1.38 3.1 3.01 2.9 3.4 1.3 1.0 2.9 2.0 2.3 +31.0 -43.7 -89.6 -91.0 -88.2 - -8.5 +0.3 -65.5 -81.3 -38.1 - 14.0 22.0 13.2 21.5 0.85 1.38 0.8 1.51 -60.8 - -67.3 - The use of pheromones in mass trapping or male disorientation had no effect under our experimental conditions, resulting in a higher percentage of attacked stalks, and a larger number of larvae/attacked plant in 1993 compared with the control. A 31% pest population increase 151 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 was observed in 1993 only while a slight reducing of pest population (8.5%) was recorded in 1994. The 43.7% pest population reduction in 1993 provoked by the disorientation of male moths was not confirmed by the data obtained in 1994 when an 0.3% increase was registered. Under the climatic conditions of Fundulea a number of four Trichogramma releasing 200,000 parasites/ha each were required to reduce the ECB population by 88.2% in 1993 and by 38.1% in 1994. This quantity is larger than that generally recommended for other areas of Romania or other countries (two releasings of 100,000 or even 50,000 parasites/ha each). Best results were obtained using both variants of microbial insecticides based on the suspension of Bacillus thurengiensis. Table 4. Effect of released ECB males with F-1 inherited sterility on an isolated small corn field Variant Males with F-1 inherited Year 1993* (3480 males) 1994* (3039 males) 1995* (4105 males) 1996* (4803 males) 1997** (3575 males) Control 1993* (3610 males) 1994* (2580 males) 1995* (3778 males) 1996* (4025 males) 1997** (2976 males) * same corn field ** different corn field 152 Attacke No.larvae/ d stalks attacked (%) plant 14.0 0.85 Population reduction (%) 60.8 13.2 0.8 67.5 60.67 1.46 49.4 2.25 0.8 95.3 2.5 0.5 60.4 22.0 1.38 - 21.5 1.51 - 80.67 2.17 - 18.25 2.1 - 3.25 0.75 - A. Barbulescu and I. Rosca: Control of Ostrinia Nubilalis Hb. by Inherited Sterility as Part of Integrated Pest Management Emulsifiable insecticide (ES) determined the percentage decrease of attacked stalks from 26.0 to 5.0 in 1993 and from 30.5 to 19.5 in 1994, the decrease of the number of larvae/attacked plant from 1.54 to 0.83 in 1993 and from 2.9 to 1.3 in 1994 and a pest population decline by 89.6% in 1993 and 65.5% in 1994. Wettable powder (WP) variant of the insecticide decreased the percentage of attacked stalks from 26.0 to 6.0 in 1993 and from 30.5 to 16.5 in 1994, the number of larvae/attacked plant from 1.54 to 0.6 in 1993 and from 2.9 to 1.0 in 1994 and the pest population by 91.0% in 1993 and 81.3% in 1994. Annual release of 3480, 3039, 4105, 3575 of F1 males with inherited sterility and 3610, 2580, 3778, 4025 of normal males in the control in the 1993-1997 period (Table 4) resulted in pest population decrease as follows: - the stalks attacked (two-year results) amounted to 22.0% in the control and to 14.0% in the variant with F1 males in 1993, and to 21.5% and 13.2% in 1994, respectively. - the number of larvae per attacked plants (five-year results) decreased to 95.3% in 1996. Carpenter et al. (1985) studied the field survival of F-1 larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda developed from partially sterile parents and pointed out that field survival and competitiveness of larvae originating from irradiated parents were important features when studying inherited sterility because most radiation-induced deleterious effects were manifested in the F-1 generation. In our researches on the ECB survival rates and damaging capacity in the field (susceptible maize inbred Wf 9) were higher for larvae from normal parents than those produced by males with F-1 inherited sterility (Table 5). Thus, in the variant with F-1 sterility the number of larvae/plant decreased by 24.49% in 1993 (from 19.5% in the control to 14.46%) and by 40.11% in 1994 (from 18.7% in the control to 11.2%). Although the damaging capacity of larvae given as the length of gallery/plant, decreased by 16.1% in 1993 (from 79.5 cm in the control to 55.7 cm) and by 11.63% in 1994 (from 62.75 cm in the control to 55.45 cm), the length of gallery/survival larva increased from 4.2 cm in the control to 4.62 cm in 1993 and from 2.02 cm in the control to 4.95 cm in 1994 (perhaps due to the lower competition between larvae in the variant with F-1 sterility). Other aspects of the competitiveness such as mating and diapause ability are also important in the ECB. The results presented in Table 6 show that the percentage of survival larvae decreased in the field in which inherited-sterile male moths were released. The occurrence of a significant percentage of larvae with spermatocites with abnormal chromosomes was noted, as compared to normal control larvae. 153 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Table 5. Surviving rate and damaging capacity of larvae from crossing males with F-1 sterility with normal females Type of Year progeny F-1 M x NF 1993 1994 1995 1996 NM x NF 1993 1994 1995 1996 No. larvae/plant 14.46 11.2 7.2 4.7 19.5 18.7 12.7 7.2 Damage/plant (cm) 55.7 55.45 24.48 22.09 79.5 62.75 91.44 36.72 Damage/larva (cm) 4.61 4.95 3.4 4.7 4.2 2.02 7.2 5.1 Table 6. Survival of overwintering larvae and chromosomal aberrations of larvae from the field where males with F-1 inherited sterility were released Survival larvae Spermatocites with Year Field treatment (%) abnormal chromosomes (%) 1993 3480 F-1* males 60.5 12.0 1994 3039 F-1 males 56.2 16.7 1995 4105 F-1 males 53.2 24.7 1996 4803 F-1 males 27.5 31.2 1997 3575 F-1 males 62.2 7.7 1993 3610 N** males 69.2 0.0 1994 2580 N males 79.7 0.0 1995 3778 N males 78.5 0.0 1996 4025 N males 45.5 0.0 1997 2976 N males 69.7 0.0 * Progeny from irradiated 150 Gy males crossed with normal females ** Normal 154 A. Barbulescu and I. Rosca: Control of Ostrinia Nubilalis Hb. by Inherited Sterility as Part of Integrated Pest Management CONCLUSIONS Laboratory tests indicated that males with F-1 inherited sterility were competitive compared with the control males. The F-1 progeny of males irradiated with 150 Gy released into field cages displayed a significant pest population decline. F-1 sterility had a real potential to reduce the population of the ECB, was compatible with other control strategy and could be a component of an integrated control system along with microbial pesticides, entomophagous insects (Trichogramma ssp.) and genetic resistance. Inherited sterility could be the major component of an integrated control system and the results are in accordance with the data obtained in the previous researches. During the 4-year trial in a small area encircled by forest it was possible to reduce the pest population by 90%. REFERENCES Barbulescu,A.: Insect rearing on artificial diets, Probl.Prot.Plant., 6, 4: 375-399, 1978. Barbulescu,A., Rosca,I.: Possibilities of using radiation induced F1 sterility for control of European corn borer in Romania, in: Proc. final research co-ordination meeting on radiation induced F-1 sterility in Lepidoptera for area-wide control, Arizona 9-13 September 1991, I.A.E.A., 101-115, 1993. Carpenter,J.E., Young,J.R., Sparks,A.N.: Fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: J. Nnoctuidae): field survival of F-1 larvae from partially sterile parents. Fla.Entomol., 68: 290-295, 1985. Knipling,E.F.: Suppression of pest Lepidoptera by releasing partially sterile males: A theoretical appraisal, Bioscience, 20: 465, 1970. LaChance,L.E.: Genetic methods for the control of Lepidopteran species: status and potential, Rep.ARS-28, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 29, 1985. Paulian,F., Barbulescu,A., Mustea,D., Belu,V., Peiu,M.: A contribution to the knowledge of the biology and control of maize borer (Pyraussta nubilalis Hb.), R.P.R., An. I.C.C.A., Ser.B, 29: 397 420, 1961. Paulian,F., Mustea,D., Brudea,V., Banita,E., Enica,D., Peteanu,ST., Petcu,L., Sapunaru,T., Sandru,I.: The evolution of European corn borer ( Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) and damaging potential recorded between 19711975, Romania, Probl.Prot.Plant., 6 1: 23-48, 1976. Rosca,I., Barbulescu,A.: Gamma radiation sterilization of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. an important pest of maize crops in Romania, 155 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Rev.Roum.Biol., Serie Biol.Anim., 34, 2: 107-111, 1989. Rosca,I., Barbulescu,A.: Sterility inheritance in the irradiated European corn corer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hb., Rev.Roum.Biol., Serie Biol.Anim., 35, 1: 27-30, 1990. Rosca,I., Barbulescu,A.: Evaluation of the potential control of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) in the field by radiation induced F-1 sterility, In: Proc. of an International Symposium on Management of Insect Pest: Nuclear and Related Molecular and Genetic Techniques, Vienna, 19-23 October 1992, I.A.E.A.,: 379-394, 1993. 156 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 EVOLUTION OF MAIZE LEAF WEEVIL (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.) IN VARIOUS CROPS DEPENDING ON THE PRECEDING CROP Ion Voinescu and Alexandru Barbulescu Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops – Fundulea, Fundulea, Romania ABSTRACT Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll. presents the major pest in many maize cropping areas. Continuous cropping of maize contributes to insect reproduction. Its control is difficult and expensive. Thoroughgoing research focused on the population evolution of this pest in various crops depending on the preceding crop is needed. It was found that moistly maize favoured insect reproduction providing optimum larval development and the preferred food to overwintering adults. Adults showed some preference for soybean, wheat and barley, and other cropped plants in the experiment, except for peas. Various weeds provided to some extent only the evolution of this pest. Peas repelled the insect causing adult migration to adjecent plots in search of food. After the emergence of overwintering adults on the soil surface a definite movement of these is recorded in search of food. As a result there is a danger of heavy infestations followed by significant damages on small plots cropped with maize in the first year, adjecent continuous maize cropping plots or aside crops cultivated with other plants having had maize as the preceding crop. Key words: Tanymecus dilaticollis, crop rotation, pest movement INTRODUCTION Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll. is a polyphagous pest. Its adults feed on 75 plant species (Camprag, 1969), while Paulian (1972) recorded it on 34 plant species from both spontaneous and cropped flora. Although 157 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 considered polyphagous the insect showed preference for maize providing optimum larval development, being also most preferred by adults (Paulian, 1973). It has been recognized that T. dilaticollis is a very dangerous pest by its attack induced even before seedling emergence, able to cause frequently heavy harvest losses, thus compromising not only maize crops but sunflower and sugarbeet crops as well. Paulian (1972) estimated 34% maize grain loss in the case of infestation with 25-30 individuals per square meter. The pest is mainly distributed in South, South-East and East zones of the country whereas in the North and Central parts it had no economic importance. Particular economic importance of this pest stimulated numerous researchers to focus on its biology and ecology under specific conditions prevailing in this country, such as those by Paulian (1972, 1973), Muresan et al. (1973), thus contributing to the understanding and developing of a suitable system of prevention and control (Bãrbulescu et al., 1989, 1993). The current trend existing mainly among the small farmers to involve in continuous maize cropping, thus enhancing pest reproduction has made the control of this insect difficult and expensive. Further research on the evolution of maize weevil populations in various crops depending on the preceding crops is needed. MATERIALS AND METHODS Trials have been conducted at the Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Plants-Fundulea, the Experimental Field of Laboratory for Plant Protection during 1994-1997. Two crop rotations were studied, the former with 6 ha plots including wheat, barley, peas and soybeans and the latter with 2 ha plots sown with maize, wheat, barley, oats + chickpea mixture, peas, beans and lucerne (Figure 1). During the active period of adults on the soil surface, occurring usually from the second half of March to the second half of June, adult density has been frequently evaluated. On every plot 3-4 controls have been performed each with 10 representative samplings per plot, using a 1 x 1 m frame, the number of individuals caught on the soil surface being recorded. Being a thermophilous insect samples have been effected in daily hours when temperature of the upper soil layer exceeded 20oC, while adults emerged on the soil surface in search of food. 158 I. Voinescu and A. Barbulescu: Evolution of Maize Leaf Weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.) in Various Crops Depending on The Preceding Crop The data obtained have been presented separately for the controls. Figures recorded on every plot represent the total of adults occurring on each 10 m2 plot. Figure 1. Plots layout in the experimental filed and crop rotation applied RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The cold and rainy spring of 1997 caused considerable delay of maize planting starting early May. Due to this the activity of T.dilaticollis overwintering adults has been unfavourably effected leading to a marked early physiological exhaust so that maize seedling occurred mid-May although temperatures were favourable (frequently above 25°C). Mass mortality of adults was recorded. Consequently the attack level was very low. Therefore, only the data obtained during 1994-1996 are further presented. The data obtained in crop rotation including maize showed that controls effected just after the onset of overwintering adults on the soil surface (23 March 1995; 8 April 1996) adult density reached the highest values in plots 3, 4, 5, 7 in 1995, and 4, 5, 8, 9 in 1996, cropped in the previous years with maize, whereas on the remaining plots their occurrence was slight. Having in view that T. dilaticollis adults emerged to the soil surface from the overwintering shelters located at 60-80 cm depth, on mid-March in 1995 and beginning April in 1996 and their movement was very shortlasting in the period to follow the conclusion which tends to emerge is that the adult population recorded at this 159 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 control overwintered on their plots and did not migrate from adjecent plots. The data of the control performed later following the appearance of adults on the soil surface (15.04.1994) showed that due to earlier maize emergence on plots 5 and 7 and without maize as the preceding crop, the migration of the weevil population in search of food, particularly from plots 2, 3 and 4 cropped with maize in the previous year, thus showed the highest densities of overwintering adults. The controls conducted until the disappearance of the overwintering adults revealed in all the years a high density persistence on plots cropped in the 3rd year (plot 3 in 1994, plot 4 in 1995 and plot 5 in 1996) and the second successive year with maize (plot 4 in 1994, plot 5 in 1995 and plot 9 in 1996). Likewise, due to the migration from adjecent plots, a concentration of the adult population on plots cropped with maize in the first year (plots 5 and 7 in 1994, plots 8 and 9 in 1995 and plots 6 and 7 in 1996) having had other preceding crops than maize was noted. On these plots, although maize followed other preceding crops, high adult densities have been noted at a similar level or even higher than on continuous maize cropping plots. It results that unlike continuous maize cropping plots where adult population originated from the same plots and was maintained at a high level on the same plots, in the case of maize plots in the first year, cropped after other preceding crops, high adult densities resulted from the shifting of adults from adjecent plots in search of food. Except for maize, providing optimum larval development and mostly preferred as food by T. dilaticollis adults, other cropped plants (except for peas) or a range of weeds (particularly common thistle) from these crops enabled the survival at a reduced pest population level. Pea being a repellent plant, determined adult migration to adjecent plots in search of food. In crop rotation without maize the pest evoluted in very low densities. This pointed to the occurrence of some more or less favourable conditions for optimum larval development and to suitable nutrition of adults. Nevertheless, in soybean plots, somewhat higher densities have been recorded compared with other crops. 160 I. Voinescu and A. Barbulescu: Evolution of Maize Leaf Weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.) in Various Crops Depending on The Preceding Crop Figure 2. Infestation degree with Tanymecus dilaticollis adults in 1994; Number of adults: /10m2. Control date: 15.04. and 16.05. Figure 3. Infestation degree with Tanymecus dilaticollis adults in 1995 Number of adults: /10m2. Control date: 23.03. and 24.05. 161 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Figure 4. Infestation degree with Tanymecus dilaticollis adults in 1996 Number of adults: /10m2. Control date: 8.04. and 3.05. CONCLUSIONS Maize favoured the most T.dilaticollis reproduction ensuring optimum larval development and perfect food for overwintering adults; T.dilaticollis adults exhibited certain preferance for soybean, wheat and barley; Other cropped plants and various weeds provide to some extent only the evolution of this pest; Peas repelled the insect causing adult migration to adjecent plots in search of food; After the onset of overwintering adults on the soil surface an obvious movement of these is recorded in search of food; As a result of adult movement in search of food there is a danger that on small plots cropped with maize in the first year, adjecent plots with continuous maize cropping practices or aside crops cultivated with other plants, having had maize as the preceding crop high infestations may be encountered leading to considerable damage. 162 I. Voinescu and A. Barbulescu: Evolution of Maize Leaf Weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.) in Various Crops Depending on The Preceding Crop REFERENCES Barbulescu,Al., Voinescu,I., Gheorghe,M., Mateias,M., Bratu,R., Bucurean,E., Sapunaru,T.: Tratamentul chimic al semintei, componenta a luptei integrate impotriva unor daunatori ai culturilor de cimp. An. ICCPT, 57, 367-376, 1989. Barbulescu,Al., Popov,C., Voinescu,I., Rugina,M., Mateias,M., Guran,M., Bratu R.,: Combaterea bolilor si daunatorilor unor culturi de camp. Ed. Tech. Agric., 43-47, 1993. ^amprag D.: Kukuruzna pipa. Zadru`na knjiga, Beograd, p.88, 1969. Muresan,T., Sipos,Gh., Paulian,Fl., Moga,I.: Cultura porumbului. Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti, 359-408, 1973. Paulian,Fl.: Gargarita frunzelor de porumb (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.) si posibilitati de combatere. Red. Rev. Agric. Bucuresti, p.57, 1972. Paulian,Fl.: Contributii la cunoasterea dezvoltarii, ecologiei si combaterii speciei Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll.. Rezumat teza de doctorat. I.A.N.B. Bucuresti, 30, 1973. 163 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 164 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 EFFECTS OF FERTILIZER RATES ON BOTH GRAIN YIELD AND THE DEGREE OF PLANT LODGING CAUSED BY Diabroticia virgifera virgifera Le Conte IN 1997 AND 1998 Franja Ba~a and Miladin Veskovi} Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade - Zemun, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT A long-term maize continuos cropping trial with 54 variants such as six rates of mineral fertilizers; three rates of manure (every third year) and three combinations of crop residues utilisation was set up in 1972. Plant lodging due to root injuries caused by western corn root worm (WCR) Diabroticia virgifera virgifera LeConte was monitored in 1997 and 1998. WCR larvae fed on the root system caused plant lodging that ranged, on the average from 6.3% in the variant FM2CR1MF1 with 20 t manure ha-1 with crop residues removal and without the application of mineral fertilizers, to 54.5% in the variant FM3CR1MF5 with the application of 60 t manure ha-1 crop residues removal and the highest rate of NPK. Although these results are only the two-year average, the variant FM1CR1MF4 without the application of manure with crop residues removal and with 332 kg NPK + 46 kg N ha-1 (fertilizer Urea) is a common and acceptable one. The lowest average values, 13.4% and 16.2% of lodged plants, according to the balance of the organic matter were detected in the variants FM1CR3(MF1-6) without the application of manure and without crop residues removal and in FM2CR3(MF1-6) with the application of a common rate of manure and without crop residues removal, respectively. A common rate of manure (20 t ha-1) was the best variant from the aspect of the manure application. On the average, lodging amounted to 20.6% in relation to 31.3% (a higher manure rate) and 19.2% (without manure). Ploughing down of complete crop residues was the best variant from the aspect of crop residue utilisation. The choice of 20 t of manure ha-1, the optimum rate of mineral fertilises and crop residue ploughing down seems to be the most promising choice for the optimum combination, which will result in the economically most profitable grain yield with the lowest risk of plant lodging and yield decrease. 165 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Key words: Western corn root worm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte), plant lodging, maize, monoculture, yield, farmyard manure, crop residues, NPK mineral fertilisations INTRODUCTION Continuous maize cropping without plant lodging and yield losses became impossible when WCR was introduced in both Yugoslavia and the European Corn Belt. Plant lodging can amount to over 75%, while the biological loss of yield can range from a few percent to disastrous losses. Plant lodging depends on the following major factors: plant damage rate caused by this pest larvae and the amount of precipitation distribution during June and July, as well as the availability of mineral nutrients. Biological yield loss was effected by the degree of lodged plants, root system regeneration rate and the amount and distribution of precipitation during July and August. The higher intensity of lodging and entangledness of lodged plants, the greater yield loss caused by corn picker or combine harvesting. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of NPK fertilizer rates and organic matter balance in the chernozem soil type on grain yield and plant lodging of the maize hybrid ZPSC704 with a damaged root system caused by WCR larvae in Zemun Polje during 1997-1998. MATERIALS AND METHODS The long-term maize continuos cropping trial with different fertilizing systems was set up in 1972. It was a complex trial (Table 1) with 54 variants and six rates of mineral fertilizers, three rates of manure (applied every third year) and three combinations of crop residues. Evaluation of plant lodging, due to root injuries caused by WCR (Diabroticia virgifera virgifera) was done on both the complete trial and a replication not treated with soil insecticides in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Weather conditions (Table 2) were particularly favourable in 1997. In 1998 a favourable distribution of precipitation was during the period April – June. July and August were dry. Since the WCR occurrence in Yugoslavia (1992) the amount and distribution of precipitation during the maize growing season approached corresponding values of the US Corn Belt in 1997. Therefore, the year of 1997 is thought to be one of the most favourable for maize growth for the past 50 years. April was more humid (83.4 mm) than the long-term mean 1961-1990 (49.5), hence the final seedbed preparation was not followed by significant egg mortality. Conditions for maize germination, 166 F. Ba~a et al.: Effects of Fertilizer Rates on Both Grain Yield and The Degree of Plant Lodging Caused by Diabroticia virgifera virgifera Le Conte in 1997 and 1998 emergence and higher grain yield formation were optimum. May and June were slightly drier than the long-term mean, and probably due to it, the rate of root system damage was higher while its regeneration was slower. It could be an explanation for greater plant lodging in that year than in 1998. July and August precipitation (86.9 and 106.9), higher than the long-term mean, provided sufficient regeneration of the root system of both lodged plants and those with damaged roots and the achievement of high grain yields. Table 1. Trial variants Variant FM1(2) FM2 (1) 3) MF 1 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 MF 2 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 MF 3 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 MF 4 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 MF 5 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 MF 6 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 FM3 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 CR 1,2,3 N 0 135 270 135 270 0 P 2O 5 0 123 246 123 246 0 K 2O 0 74 148 74 148 0 UREA 0 0 0 46 46 46 (1) MF (1–6) = Mineral Fertilizer Rates FM = Farmyard manure (FM1 – without farmyard manure, FM2 – 20t farmyard manure ha-1, FM3 - 60 t farmyard manure ha-1, every third year) (3) CR = Crop Residues (CR1 - complete removal of crop residues, CR2 – removal of 1/2 of crop residues, CR3 – without removal of crop residues) (2) Table 2. Precipitation during the maize growing season in Zemun Polje (1994 - 1998) Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 19611990 IV V 54.6 65.1 44.6 83.4 16.1 49.5 43.0 91.8 74.3 38.3 46.5 58.7 Month VI VII 176.8 98.1 72.3 44.9 52.5 77.5 22.9 48.6 29.0 86.9 27.5 60.6 VIII IX 47.2 60.9 75.3 106.9 17.5 50.8 18.8 74.6 98.7 11.4 74.5 45.1 Sum of precipitation Growing Year season 363.3 558.4 439.1 677.5 394.2 731.1 371.8 643.3 234.6 466.2 342.2 589.9 Precipitation during 1998 was lower during the active period of the growing season (April - May) while the amounts of rainfall in 167 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 September were above the long-term average. Higher egg mortality during the seedbed preparation in 1998 compared with 1997 could be the result of very low amounts of precipitation in April (16.1 mm). Germination and emergence of maize crop was quite normal due to sufficient winter soil-water reserve while precipitation in May (46.5 mm) provided the formation of medium grain yield potential. May and June were more humid than the same months of the previous year. Root damage caused by a lower number of larvae with slightly more favourable humidity was probably lesser. Although the percentage of lodged plants was lower, a partially damaged root system (approximately 50%) could not have been regenerated to a sufficient extent prior to the dry spell in July and August. Therefore, adverse effects of both root damages caused by WCR larvae and drought led to a lower grain yield potential than expected. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tables 3 and 4 present the results of average yields prior to the occurrence of WCR and now when the pest attained the economic level of population. Taking the economic aspect into consideration one has to conclude that parity between NPK fertilizers, as a principal input into maize production, and maize price is unfavourable. Therefore, variants with greater rates of mineral fertilizers, MF3 and MF5 (2 x 9) are not recommendable. The average yields in these variants were not higher than the yields obtained in the variants MF2 and MF4 with the two-fold lower rates of NPK fertilizers. The long-term average grain yield prior to the occurrence of WCR (Veskovi}, 1988) amounted to 7.483 and 8.469 t ha-1 in the variants without mineral fertilizers and with 46 kg N ha-1, respectively. In all the other NPK variants, the achieved yield, amounted, on the average, to 9.504 t ha-1, i.e. higher by 1-2 tons. Table 3. Maize grain yield and yield index over NPK fertilizer rates and periods Year '72-'86 '72-'86 '94-'96 '94-'96 '97-'98 '97-'98 168 Mineral fertilizer rates t ha-1 Criterion Mean Yield index Mean Yield index Mean Yield index MF1 7.483 100.0 6.709 100.0 4.831 100.0 MF2 9.541 127.5 7.515 112.0 6.309 130.6 MF3 9.452 126.3 7.776 115.9 6.538 135.3 MF4 9.588 128.1 7.442 110.9 6.633 137.3 MF5 9.434 126.1 7.564 112.7 6.352 131.5 MF6 8.469 112.6 6.653 99.2 5.577 115.4 X 8.994 7.276 6.038 F. Ba~a et al.: Effects of Fertilizer Rates on Both Grain Yield and The Degree of Plant Lodging Caused by Diabroticia virgifera virgifera Le Conte in 1997 and 1998 In the years following pest occurrence (Table 3) the yields obtained were somewhat different. The yield level decreased and amounted to 7.276 t ha-1 in the period with slight plant lodging (19941996) and was lower by 1.718 t ha-1 than the long-term average (19721986). The average yield amounted to 6.038 t ha-1 (the decrease of 2.956 t ha-1) in the period of mass plant lodging (1997-1998). Yield variability increased over factors, especially over mineral fertilisers and farmyard manure and certain trial variants. Table 4. Maize grain yield and yield index over amount of farmyard manure and crop residues for periods Farmyard manure FM FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean FM FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean FM FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean CR1 CR2 Crop residues CR3 CR1 CR2 '72-'86 Yield t ha-1 8.423 8.569 8.980 8.901 9.191 9.239 8.973 9.296 9.376 8.766 9.019 9.198 '94-'96 Yield t ha-1 CR1 CR2 CR3 6.592 6.749 7.534 7.030 7.172 7.442 7.460 7.700 7.806 7.027 7.207 7.594 '97+'98 Yield t ha-1 CR1 CR2 CR3 5.435 5.260 6.010 5.930 6.145 6.295 6.205 6.490 6.585 5.857 5.965 6.297 Average CR3 Yield index 100.0 101.7 106.6 105.7 109.1 109.7 106.5 110.4 111.3 100.0 103.7 104.9 Yield index CR1 CR2 CR3 100.0 102.4 114.3 106.6 108.8 112.9 113.2 116.8 118.4 100.0 102.6 108.1 Yield index CR1 CR2 CR3 100.0 96.8 110.6 109.1 113.1 115.8 114.2 119.4 121.2 100.0 101.8 107.5 Yield Index 8.657 100.0 9.110 105.2 9.215 106.4 8.994 Average 6.958 100.0 7.215 103.7 7.655 110.0 7.276 Average 5.565 6.125 6.425 6.038 100.0 110.1 115.4 The comparison among long-term average yields 1972-1986 prior to the occurrence of WCR and the one obtained in the period 1994-1996 and 1997-1998 after the occurrence of WCR (Tables 3 and 4) shows the increase in yield variability. The average grain yield index according to a) Mineral fertilizer rates amounted to 128.1 in the first period, while it amounted to 115.9 and 137.3 in the second (1994-1996) and the third (1997-1998) period respectively. Farmyard manure, in FM3 increased from 106.4 in the first to 110.0 and 115.4 in the second and third period respectively. 169 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The coefficient of variation amounted to 2.31%, 13.22% and 43.89% in the periods 1972-1986, 1997 and in 1998, respectively. Table 5. Plant lodging caused by Diabrotica v. virgifera larvae in Zemun Polje (1997 – 1998) Farmyard manure Crop Residues CR1 FM1 CR2 CR3 CR1 FM2 CR2 CR3 CR1 FM3 CR2 CR3 Mean Farmyard Crop manure Residues CR1 FM1 CR2 CR3 CR1 FM2 CR2 CR3 CR1 FM3 CR2 CR3 Mean Farmyard Crop manure Residues CR1 CR2 CR3 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR1 CR2 CR3 FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean MF1 13.6 28.8 26.6 8.8 31.5 39.4 18.3 24.1 24.5 24.0 MF1 0.4 2.0 0.8 3.8 0.1 3.3 9.9 38.3 14.4 8.1 MF1 7.0 15.4 13.7 6.3 15.8 21.4 14.1 31.2 19.4 16.0 1997 Percentage of lodged plants Average MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 36.0 30.4 43.5 41.0 40.5 34.2 35.1 42.0 40.7 32.6 38.8 36.3 20.0 20.5 26.1 29.0 11.2 22.2 24.6 22.8 35.2 39.5 26.6 26.2 44.5 38.4 40.2 48.6 33.8 39.5 29.1 33.7 21.9 16.0 33.8 29.0 22.8 21.6 37.7 35.8 31.8 28.0 24.3 30.1 33.7 33.5 28.1 29.0 24.0 23.4 16.5 24.5 25.7 23.1 28.9 29.2 32.8 33.4 30.1 29.7 1998 Percentage of lodged plants MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 Average 5.2 7.2 8.8 26.0 12.4 10.0 13.0 10.5 3.7 14.3 2.1 7.6 3.3 4.0 5.2 2.9 11.5 4.6 24.2 35.4 17.1 3.3 1.6 14.2 8.1 10.5 16.3 23.8 10.1 11.5 2.5 7.3 1.7 5.4 0.4 3.4 34.3 36.6 49.8 73.2 61.4 44.2 35.5 52.3 42.1 39.9 42.4 41.8 22.5 32.8 20.7 31.9 6.5 21.5 16.5 21.8 18.4 24.5 16.5 17.6 ‘97+’98/2 Percentage of lodged plants Average MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 20.6 18.8 26.2 31.1 26.4 21.7 24.0 26.3 22.2 23.4 20.4 22.0 11.6 12.2 15.6 15.9 11.3 13.4 24.4 29.1 26.2 21.4 14.1 20.3 26.3 24.0 28.2 36.2 21.9 25.4 15.8 20.5 11.8 10.7 17.1 16.2 28.6 29.1 43.8 54.5 46.6 36.1 29.9 41.2 37.9 36.7 35.2 35.4 23.3 28.1 18.6 28.2 16.1 22.3 22.7 25.5 25.6 29.0 23.2 23.7 Plant lodging: The WCR occurrence and riching of the economic level of its population caused plant lodging in the trial with continuous 170 F. Ba~a et al.: Effects of Fertilizer Rates on Both Grain Yield and The Degree of Plant Lodging Caused by Diabroticia virgifera virgifera Le Conte in 1997 and 1998 maize cropping (Table 5) that ranged from 6.3%, in the variant FM2CR1MF1, without the application of mineral fertilizers, with crop residues removal and with the application of 20 t manure ha-1 to 54.5% in the variant FM3CR1MF5, with the application of 60 t manure ha-1, crop residues removal and the highest rate of the NPK. Table 6. Plant lodging caused by Diabrotica v.virgifera larvae depending on the amount of farmyard manure and crop residues in Zemun Polje (1997 – 1998) Farmyard Average 1997 Percentage of lodged plants manure CR1 CR2 CR3 FM1 34.2 36.3 22.2 30.9 FM2 26.2 39.5 29.0 31.6 FM3 Mean Farmyard manure FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean Farmyard manure FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean 28.0 29.0 23.1 29.5 34.9 24.8 1998 Percentage of lodged plants CR1 CR2 CR3 10.0 7.6 4.6 14.2 11.5 3.4 44.2 41.8 21.5 22.8 20.3 9.8 ‘97+’98/2 Percentage of lodged plants CR1 CR2 CR3 22.1 22.0 13.4 20.2 25.5 16.2 36.1 35.4 22.3 26.1 27.6 17.3 26.7 29.7 Average 7.4 9.7 35.8 17.6 Average 19.2 20.6 31.3 23.7 The obtained results indicate that the increase of mineral and organic fertilizer rates led to the increase of the percentage of survived larvae causing greater damages to the root system and severe plant lodging. The achieved results are in accordance with the results obtained by both the American (Riedell, 1994; Spike and Tollefson, 1988) and the Yugoslav authors (Ba~a et al., 1998). Lodging below 10% was detected in two out of 54 variants, below 15% in eight variants and below 20% in 10 variants. Although these results are only the two-year average, the variant FM1CR1MF4 without the application of farmyard manure with crop residues removal and with application 135 of N + 46 kg N ha-1 as UREA, 123 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 74 kg K2O ha-1 (Table 1), was the most favourable one. The lowest average values of lodged plants (Table 6) for all the 171 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 rates of mineral fertilizers, 13.4% and 16.2%, were detected in the variants FM1CR3, without the application of manure and without removal of crop residues, and in FM2CR3, with the application of a common rate of manure and without the removal of crop residues, respectively. A common rate of manure (20 t ha-1) was the best variant from the standpoint of manure application. On the average, lodging amounted to 20.6% in relation to 31.3% (a higher rate of manure) and 19.2% (without manure). Table 7. Plant lodging caused by Diabrotica v.virgifera larvae depending on the amounts of farmyard manure and fertilizer rates in Zemun Polje (1997 – 1998) Farmyard manure FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean Farmyard manure FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean Farmyard manure FM1 FM2 FM3 Mean 1997 Percentage of lodged plants MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 30.4 31.0 36.8 34.2 30.2 32.7 31.6 32.4 34.7 31.4 23.7 25.0 29.3 31.3 28.6 28.9 29.2 32.8 33.4 30.1 1998 Percentage of lodged plants MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 1.1 7.2 7.2 5.9 14.4 8.7 2.4 11.6 17.7 11.7 10.8 4.0 20.9 30.8 40.6 37.5 48.3 36.8 8.1 16.5 21.8 18.4 24.5 16.5 ‘97+’98/2 Percentage of lodged plants MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 12.0 18.7 19.1 21.3 23.5 19.4 14.5 22.3 24.5 22.0 22.8 17.7 21.6 27.3 32.8 33.4 40.1 32.5 16.0 22.7 25.5 25.6 29.0 23.2 MF1 23.0 26.6 22.3 24.0 Average 30.9 31.6 26.7 29.7 Average 7.4 9.7 35.8 17.6 Average 19.2 20.6 31.3 23.7 The results on grain yield and percentage of lodged plants were processed by the three factorial analyse of variance for the randomized complete block design. Significant and highly significant differences were obtained among all three factors for yield (Ba~a and Veskovi} unpublished data), while the only significant difference for plant lodging was obtained for crop residue utilization. 172 F. Ba~a et al.: Effects of Fertilizer Rates on Both Grain Yield and The Degree of Plant Lodging Caused by Diabroticia virgifera virgifera Le Conte in 1997 and 1998 Table 8. Plant lodging caused by Diabrotica v. virgifera larvae depending on crop residues and fertilizer rates in Zemun Polje (1997-1998) Stover CR1 CR2 CR3 Mean Stover CR1 CR2 CR3 Mean Stover CR1 CR2 CR3 Mean 1997 Percentage of lodged plants MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 13.6 27.8 24.9 38.8 38.8 33.0 28.1 34.6 36.8 38.2 38.2 33.6 30.2 24.4 25.9 21.5 23.2 23.6 24.0 28.9 29.2 32.8 33.4 30.1 1998 Percentage of lodged plants MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 4.7 21.2 26.4 25.2 34.2 25.1 13.5 18.9 24.4 20.7 26.0 18.2 6.2 9.4 14.7 9.2 13.4 6.1 8.1 16.5 21.8 18.4 24.5 16.5 ‘97+’98/2 Percentage of lodged plants MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6 9.4 24.6 25.7 32.1 35.7 29.0 20.8 26.9 30.5 29.4 32.4 25.6 18.2 16.9 20.3 15.3 18.3 14.9 16.0 22.7 25.5 25.6 28.9 23.2 Average 29.5 34.9 24.8 29.7 Average 22.8 20.3 9.8 17.6 Average 26.1 27.6 17.3 23.6 The correlation coefficients (Table 9) calculated between the percentage of lodged plants and grain yield for farmyard manure, crop residues and mineral fertilizers were generally high. According to Snedecor (1959) (cit. Had`ivukovi}, 1973), correlation coefficients (C), in the case of mineral fertilizers, were statistically significant: 0.842* in 1997, 0.755* in 1998 and 0.876** on the average for these two years. Table 9. Correlation coefficient (C) between plant lodging and yield, according to the investigated factors in the growing season 1997 - 1998 and the average Year Investigated factors Farmyard manure Stover Mineral Fertilizers 1997 -0.693 -0.446 0.842* 1998 0.707 -0.093 0.755* 1997+1998/2 0.841 -0.910 0.876** The choice of the optimum rate of mineral and organic fertilizers and crop residue ploughing down can result in choosing the optimum combination which will result in the economically most profitable grain yield with the lowest risk of plant lodging. The variants FM1CR3MF(2,4,6) and FM2CR3MF(2,4,6), FM3CR3MF(4,6) (Table 6, 7, 8) were very favourable ones. Each of the mineral and 173 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 organic fertilizer rates analyzed were combined with the variant of crop residue ploughing down. Organic matter balance, as well as better soil aeration increased by crop residue ploughing down. Under such conditions, egg and larvae mortality is probably greater, and/or soil conditions are less favourable for oviposition. Based on the two-year results it is difficult to assert which of the 54 variants, i.e. 27 is the most favourable one. Due to economic reasons the following variants could be recommended: FM2CR3MF2, with 332 kg NPK ha-1, FM2CR3MF4 with 332 kg NPK + 46 kg N ha-1 and FM2CR3MF6 with 46 kg N ha-1. The results on the percentage of lodged plants and grain yields varied and significantly differ over the investigational years. Further research is expected in the future in order to provide more information on this complex issue. REFERENCES Ba~a,F., Videnovi},@., Erski,P: Uticaj razli~itih doza azota na stepen {tetnosti larava Diabrotica virgifera virgifera u 1997. godini. U knjizi: Pojava, {tetnost i suzbijanje kukuruzne zlatice (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte), Urednik Du{an ^amprag, Dru{tvo za za{titu bilja Srbije, Beograd 1998., 135 str. Had`ivukovi},S.: Statisti~ki metodi s primenom u poljoprivredi i biolo{kim istra`ivanjima. Radni~ki Univerzitet Radivoj ]irpanov, Novi Sad Riedell,W.E.: Soil fertility to ameliorate plant stress from root feeding insects. Proc. 24th Nort Cent. Extension-Indust. Soil Fert. conf., St. Louis, 101-106, 1988. Spike,B.P.,Tollefson,J.J.:Western WCR (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) larvae survival and damage potential to corn subjested to nitrogen and plant density treatments. J. Econ. Entomol., Vol. 81 (5), 1450-1455, 1988. Veskovi},M.: Bilans organske materije u zemlji{tu i prinos kukuruza na ~ernozemu Zemun Polja pri razli~itim sistemima |ubrenja. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Doktorska disertacija, str. 209, 1988 174 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 SOME FACTORS DETERMINING THE EFFICIENCY OF COCCINELLID LARVAE AS BIOLOGICAL AGENTS Ragheb Thalji Faculty of Agriculture, Institute for Environmental and Plant Protection, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT In 1997 and 1998 field and semi-field experiments were conducted in sunflower field to determine the egg hatching and feeding behavior of two ladybirds larvae Coccinella septempunctata L. and Propylea quatourdecimpunctata L. Egg hatching and postembrional development of both species were monitored on the plants infested by the aphid Brachycaudus helichrysi Kalt. In both seasons at the density level 160 and 250 aphids/ plant observations showed a low survival rate of coccinellid offspring , i.e. 25.2 and 32.2% respectively. The results obtained illustrate a high level of cannibalism in coccinellid eggs and larvae (up to 66.0%). Key words: Coccinellid larvae, cannibalism, competition, survival rate INTRODUCTION Egg-laying behavior in insects may be classified from functional or phylogenetic standpoints; but much variability exists among species, within species, among populations and even among individuals. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish exceptional from typical behavior. Ladybirds, mostly lay eggs in clusters. However, some species lay their eggs singly. In our case the seven-spot ladybird, C. 7-punctata lays eggs in batches from 5-20 eggs or more, while the 14-spot ladybird P. 14-punctata usually lays single eggs or in small batches, 3-5 eggs. The choice of the oviposition site by a coccinellid female (in terms of microclimate and prey availability) presents the first precondition and the synchronization between predator development and prey occurrence the second for a successful production of predator offspring. Since the oviposition site selection plays an important role and 175 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 determines the further existence of larvae, prey density determines the size of batches and the total number of laid eggs by a single female. Priority for female coccinellids after mating to locate and oviposit close to suitable aphid colonies. Since they finished their task, eggs and postembrional development depend on many fateful biotic and abiotic factors. Competition, hunger and cannibalism are the most important ones. All factors mentioned above and others were a subject to several studies carried by many authors (Banks,1956; Blackman,1967; Hodek, 1973; Frazer and Gill, 1981; Honek, 1983, and others). MATERIALS AND METHODS The survival rate of larvae C.septempunctata and P. quatuordecimpunctata was monitored in field and semi–field experiments in sunflower field where the crop was infested by the aphid Brachycaudus helichrysi. In 1997 and 1998 at the beginning of the infestation – last decade of May or first decade of June, a group of 80 infested plants were selected at the edge of the field where plants have usually been heavily infested by aphids. Two sets of two cages each were used in both seasons. The walls and roof of the cage (2 x 1 x 1 m) were covered with screen to prevent the influx of other predators inside the cage. Every cage separately was placed on a row of 10 plants. Before the plants were caged they were carefully inspected and all the predators detected were removed. When the aphid density reached 140 aphids/ plant in 1997 and 230 aphids/ plant in 1998, egg batches, that just had been laid on leaves were cut out and replaced within aphid colonies. The experiments were started with an average of 8 – 12 eggs per plant of both species of ladybirds. Two or three days later at the hatching time of eggs, the aphid densities reached 160/plant and 250/plant respectivelly. Egg hatching, feeding behavior and counting of the larvae and other observations were made every day until the emergence of new adults. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During the investigations aphid density was generally the most important determinant of coccinellid density on sunflower crops. However, other factors such as competition, hunger and cannibalism play the major 176 R. Thalji: Some Factors Determining the Efficiency of Coccinellid Larvae as Biological Agents role in the overall survival rate of coccinellid larvae. This paper discusses only the role and importance of these determinants. Egg cannibalism has been widely reported in ladybirds and studies of many authors have shown that it is very important in the field (Banks, 1956; Frazer et al., 1981). After the eggs had been laid by the coccinellid female, their existence depends on the predation action by the first – instar larvae. It is observed, in the field, that eggs laid by a single female on the same day and in the same batch can vary widely on the date of hatching. Our observations show that after hatching from the eggs, the larvae stay on the eggs shells for a period of 18 hours or up to one day, and often eat unfertilized, nonviable eggs. Even the larger coccinellid larvae will eat eggs if starving, especially if they wander for a long time. The results obtained in both seasons show a slightly lower survival rate of eggs on uncaged plants than on caged ones (Table 1). Table 1. Survival rate of coccinellid offsprings on sunflower crops infested with B.helichrysi Kal Year Species Aphid Density Number of Survival rate of (%) Emerged Adult Pupae (%) Eggs L1 L2 L3 L4 Coccinella CP Batche Eggs s 150 20 172 98,5 68,8 69,8 71,6 100,0 92,5 28,5 7-punctata UP 150 20 180 86,7 64,8 70,3 71,8 100,0 91,2 25,6 Propylea CP 150 42 170 83,0 63,1 65,2 71,0 100,0 95,8 26,5 14-punctata UP 150 45 168 81,4 60,8 61,0 85,0 100,0 97,7 25,2 Coccinella CP 260 20 212 92,0 66,8 75,0 88,9 93,2 89,5 32,2 7-punctata UP 260 20 220 89,6 65,5 76,0 87,6 93,5 98,6 31,8 1998 Propylea CP 260 52 202 85,7 69,4 70,0 82,2 87,0 95,0 28,2 260 58 218 82,6 64,5 67,3 84,6 95,5 96,2 28,0 1997 14-punctata UP CP= Caged plants, UP= Uncaged plants, L1-4= Larva - instar 177 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Survival rate of first – instar larvae of ladybirds depends on the searching behavior, catching ability and the availability of suitable prey size. First – instar larvae have poor searching power and they catch only the smallest aphids. Therefore, non-uniform distributions of first instar aphids in the field would reduce the average predation rate which finally influence the overall survival rate. The nature of infestation by the aphid B.helichrysi is very specific. Since aphids congregate inbetween the youngest leaves of plants, colonies are always protected. Some of the ladybird first-instar larvae have no chance to encounter the first-instar of the prey. These larvae, usually, wander on the leaves and in most cases drop down on the undergrowth where they quickly get lost and never meet the aphid again. Starvation in this manner and cannibalism by the older larvae may approach 40% (Table 1). After moulting in the second instar larvae become stronger and more mobile but still unable to subdue older aphids. On the other hand, Propylea 14-punctata larvae walk much faster than larvae of Coccinella 7-punctata and usually miss the first aphid they contact. The slower moving C.7-punctata larvae are more successful with their first aphid. Under these circumstances second-instar survival rate of P.14-punctata was 5–10% lower than in C.7-punctata. At this period (mid-June) an influx of predators in the field (Syrphidae, Chrysopidae and adult Coccinelidae) was recorded. Since larvae of all these predators could not avoid feeding on the prey, inter-specific competitions must takes place immediately. The situation in caged plants was affected by prey density in both seasons while the intra-specific competition between larvae had slight effect on the survival rate. Third and fourth – instar survival rate of both species was in positive correlation with searching behavior. Moreover, larvae of 14-spoted ladybird actively disperse on plants and therefore must contact many more species of potential prey than do the larvae of 7-spotted ladybird. All the fourth– instar larvae were successfully pupated in both experiments. In 1998. some of species on uncaged plants were parasitized by the encyrtid Homalotylus flaminius, while on caged plants they were killed or destroyed by unknown reasons. We suppose that they were attacked by sibling larvae during moulting or just before starvation. The same results were observed in pupae where 1.4-10.5% failed to emerge to adults. The results show that only in two cases on uncaged plants pupae of C.7-punctata were parasitized by the phorid Phalacrotophora fasciata while the remaining ones were damaged. We also suppose that pupae had been damaged by the starved fourth-instar larvae during pupating when they were still soft. 178 R. Thalji: Some Factors Determining the Efficiency of Coccinellid Larvae as Biological Agents Fig 1. Field model of coccinellid survival rate on sunflower crops The overall survival rate from egg to adult was estimated by comparing the examined numbers of eggs with the number of emerged adults. Survival rate of coccinellid offspring and the biological potential of the female are illustrated in a field model shown in Fig. 1. Compared with the high oviposition potential of the females, a low survival rate of ladybirds offspring was recorded. 179 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results obtained the following can be summarized: - As the first-instar ladybird larvae pose a considerable threat to egg survival it is nevertheless highly likely that beetles also encounter their own eggs! - The inability of hungry larvae to recognize sibling larvae is closely related to food availability. - Since there is frequently food shortage, predators that feed on the same foods cannot avoid any chance of competition for food within a species. - Inter- and intra–specific competitions within individuals induce hunger, wandering and a high level of cannibalism. - In most cases it appears that coccinellids larvae on their own are unable to control pest infestation efficiently and need to be helped in various ways by the overall biological complex in integrated control practices. REFERENCES Banks,C.J.: An ecological study of Coccinelidae (Col.) associated with Aphis fabae Scop. On Vicia fabae. Bull.Ent.Res. 46, 561–587, 1956. Banks,C.J.: The Distributions of Coccinellid egg Batches and Larvae in Relation to Numbers of Aphis fabae Scop. on Vicia fabae. Bull.Ent.Res. 47, 47-56, 1956. Blackman,R.L.: Selection of aphid prey by Adalia bipunctata L.and Coccinella 7-punctata L. Ann. appl. Biol. 59, 331-338, 1967. Frazer,B.D., Gill,B.: Hunger, movement,and predation of Coccinella californica on pea aphids In the laboratory and in the field. Can. Ent. 113: 1025-1033, 1981. Frazer,B.D., Gilbert,N., Nealis,V., Raworth,D.A.: Control of aphid density by a complex of predators. Can.Ent. 113:1035-1041,1981. Frazer,B.D., Gilbert,N., Ives,P,M., Raworth,D.A.: Predation of aphids by coccinellid larvae. Can.Ent. 113: 1043-1046, 1981. Frazer,B.D., Gilbert,N., Ives,P.M.: Predator reproduction and the overall predator - prey Relationship. Can.Ent. 113:1015-1024, 1981. Hodek,I.: Biology of Coccinellidae. Academia, Praque, 260, 1973. Honek,A.: Factors affecting the distributions of larvae of aphic predators (Col.Coccinellidae and Dipt. Syrphidae) in cereal stands. Z.ang.Ent. 95, 336-345, 1983. 180 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 ERIOPHYOID MITES AS POTENTIAL BIOCONTROL AGENTS OF MEADOW WEEDS Radmila Petanovi}1, Dragica Smiljani}1, Biljana Magud2 1 2 Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade-Zemun, Yugoslavia Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT Eriophyoid mites are considered to be primary candidates among phytophagous mites for the biological control of weeds because of their ability to supress plant growth and reproduction. Surveys of meadow weeds were carried out during the past few growing seasons in Yugoslavia. Altogether 58 species of eriophyoid mites were found on 51 species of meadow weeds. Several of the mite species inflicted considerable damage to the host plants and these species deserve further research. Nine species of eriophyoids have for the first time been registered in the country. One species of the genus Shevtchenkella is suspected to be new for science. Key words: meadow weeds, biological control, eriophyoid mites INTRODUCTION Currently major efforts are focused worldwide on controlling weeds by means of cultural and biological methods. In modern agroecology complete eradication of weeds is not recommendable. Biological weed control agents should rather be considered as stress factors than weed killers and the biological weed control as the integral part of a well-designed strategy and not as a cure by itself (Miller-Scharer and Frantzen, 1996). A complete weed elimination by a herbivore is undesirable. Weed reproduction decline its lower competiton ability with respect to mitigate its economic importance is often sufficient (Boczek et al.,1996). 181 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Over the past two decades scientists have been focusing on seeking mites associated with weeds as potential biocontrol agents. Among phytophagus mites, eriophyoid mites are considered to be primary candidates for the biological control of weeds because of their ability to suppress plant growth and reproduction. Positive aspects of eriophyoid mites include a high degree of host specificity, wind dispersability, site preference, selectivity as to food, causing a slow decline in plant vigour. Large numbers can be used easily in conjuction with other control agents, e.g. microbial or beneficial insects and will not be competitive with these agents (Cromry, 1979). According to Rosenthal (1996) Eriophyoidea are ideal biological control agents againtst plant pests and they have been seriously considered for the biological control of weeds since the 1970s. Almost all important weed species in Europe are infested by one or more species of eriophyoid mites. Aspects of the biology and host relationship of a number of species of eriophyoid mites and full listing of main weeds and their associated eriophyoid mites in Poland and Yugoslavia were studied and presented by Boczek and Petanovi} (1996). A few species of eriophyoid mites have successfully been used for weed control and several other species have been recommended for classical and/or augmentative biological control. One of the important steps in finding and studying organisms for use in the biological control of weeds are field surveys of natural enemies and correct identification. The objective of the study was to identify the species of eriophyoid mites attacking meadow weeds in Yugoslavia. The data are of major inportance for future researches in order to determine biological potentials. MATERIALS AND METHODS Surveys of meadow weeds were carried out during the past few growing seasons. All plant organs were monitored. The plant organs were inspected with a stereoscope for the presence, density and distribution of mites. Special attention was focused on the host plant relationship. The associated eriophyoid mites were collected, mounted in Heinze or Keifer media and identified using a phase-contrast microscope at the magnification x 1250 (Boczek et al., 1989). 182 R. Petanovi} et al.: Eriophyoid Mites as Potential Biocontrol Agents of Meadow Weeds RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Altogether 58 species of eriophyoid mites were found on 51 species of meadow weeds in Serbia and Montenegro. The list of meadow weeds, their associated eriophyoid mites and the type of damage they inflict to the host is given in Table 1. Table 1. List of meadow weeds and associated eriophyoids in Yugoslavia Damage abbreviations: B-bud; D-deformation; Dc-discoloration; E-erineum; F-flower; G-gall; I-inquilin; L-leaf; R-rusting; Rlrolling; St-stem;V-vargant; Vt-virus transmission Weed species Eriophyoid species 1. Achillea millefolium L. Aceria kiefferi (Nal.) Epitrimerus achilleae Roiv. 2. Arthemisia campestris Aceria artemisiae (Can.) L. 3. Artemisia vulgaris L. Aceria marginemvolvens (Corti) Aceria subtilis (Nal.) Aceria artemisiae (Can.) 4. Bromus sterilis L. Abacarus hystrix (Nal.) Aceria tenuis (Nal.) Aculodes dubius (Nal.) 5. Carex acutiformis Ehrh. 6. Chamaespartium sagitalis (L.) P. Gibbs 7. Coronilla varia L. 8. Dactilis glomerata L. 9. Dorycnium germanicum (Greml.) Rony. 10.Danaa cornubiensis (Torn.) Burn. 11.Epilobium obscurum Schreb. 12.Eupatorium cannabirum L. 13.Galega officinalis L. Epitrimerus carexis Pet. Vasates acraspis (Nal.) Vasates coronillae (Can.& Mass.) Aceria tenuis (Nal.) Anthocoptes depressus Farkas Type of damage FD L St R L G L Rl FD L G V LDc Vt V L Rl Vt V V F D E B D LD V L Rl Vt V Shevtchenkella sp. Epitrimerus chamaeneri Liro V R L Rl Aceria eupatorii Roiv. Anthocoptes eupatorii Roiv. Aceria medicaginis (K.) L Rl VR L Rl 183 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 14.Galium mollugo L. 15.Galium rubrioides L. . 16.Galium vernum Scop. 17.Galium verum L. 18.Geranium sanguineum L. 19.Holcus lanatus L. 20.Hypericum perforatum L. 21.Inula britanica L. 22.Lembotropis nigricans (L.) Gris. 23.Linum austriacum L. 24.Lycopus exaltatus L. 25.Lychimachia nummularia L. 26.Lythrum salicaria L. 27.Medicago lupulina L. 28.Medicago sativa L. 29.Mentha aquatica L. 30.Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds 31.Origanum vulgare L. 32.Plantago lanceolata L. 33.Plantago major L. 34.Polygala comosa Schk. 35.Prunella vulgaris L. 36.Rumex obtusifolius L. 37.Salvia nemorosa L. 38.Salvia pratensis L. 184 Aceria galiobia (Can.) Cecidophyes galii (Karp.) Epitrimerus umbonis B. Vasates anthobius (Nal.) Vasates anthobius (Nal.) Cecidophyes galii (Karp.) Aceria galiobia (Can.) Vasates anthobius (Nal.) Tegoprionus dentatus (Nal.) Epitrimerus geranii Liro FG L Rl L Dc FD, LRl LRl L Rl FG FD, LRl V L Dc Aculodes mckenziei (K.) Vasates hygrophylus Roiv. V V Epitrimerus inulae Farkas Vasates centaureae (Farkas) Aceria cupulariae (Cotte) Vasates acraspis (Nal.) Aceria cytisi (Can.) Aceria lini Pet. Epitrimerus jaceae Liro Aceria laticincta (Nal.) V V V FD, E, BD B D L Rl L Rl Aceria jovanovici Pet. Epitrimerus lythri Pet. Aceria plicator (Nal.) Aceria medicaginis (K.) Rhyncaphytoptus ficifoliae K. Aceria megacera (Can.&Mass.) Aceria megacera (Can.&Mass.) Aceria mentharia (Can.) Epitrimerus jaceae (Liro) Vasates clinopodii (Liro) Epitrimerus coactus (Nal.) Epitrimerus coactus (Nal.) Aceria brevirostra (Nal.) Vasates chinopodii (Liro) Epitrimerus rumicis Farkas Aceria salviae (Nal.) Aceria salviae (Nal.) L Rl L Rl LD LD V L St E L St E LD, FD, G LR Dc, E LR LR BFD LD, E LR G, E G, E BD, LD R. Petanovi} et al.: Eriophyoid Mites as Potential Biocontrol Agents of Meadow Weeds 39.Salvia verticillata L. Aceria salviae (Nal.) Phyllocoptes obtusus Nal. G, E I 40.Sanguisorba minor Sceri 41.Sanguisorba officinalis L. 42. Satureia montana L. 43.Scutellaria hastifolia L. Aceria sanguisorbae (Can.) Phyllocoptes balasi Farkas Phyllocoptes balasi Farkas L E V V Aceria thomasi (Nal.) Vasates scutellariae (Can.&Mass.) Aceria solida (Nal.) LFD L, St D Aceria tuberculata (Nal.) Epitrimeerus tanaceti B.&Davis Epitrimerus taraxaci Liro Shevtchenkella erigerivagrans (Davis) Vasates rigidus (Nal.) Anthocoptes octocinctus (Nal.) Vasates teucrii (Nal.) Vasates thymi (Nal.) Vasates eximius (Liro) L Rl V V, R Vasates eximius (Liro) Vasates retiolatus (Nal.) V, R LD 44.Stachys officinalis (L.) Trev. 45.Tanacetum vulgare L. 46.Taraxacum officinalis Web. 47.Teucrium chamaedrys L. 48.Thymus balcanus Borb. 49.Trifolium ochroleucum Huds 50.Trifolium pratense L. 51.Vicia cracca L. L St E V L Rl, D E E L St D V, R Several of the mites species inflict considerable damage to the host plants and these species deserve more research. Nine species of eriophyoids have for the first time been registered in this country. The list of these species is given in Table 2. Table 2. The list of eriophyoid mites registered for the first time in the FR Yugoslavia Eriophyoid species Aceria brevirostra (Nal.) Aceria laticincta (Nal.) Aceria cupulariae (Cotte) Anthocoptes depressus Farkas Epitrimerus umbonis Boczek Tegoprionus dentatus (NAl.) Weed species Polygala comosa Schk. Lysimachia nummularia L. Inula britanica L. Dorycnium germanicum (Greml.) Rony Galium rubioides L. Galium verum L. 185 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Vasates retiolatus (Nal.) Vicia cracca L. Vasates scutellariae (Can,&Mass.) Scutellaria hastifolia L. Vasates thymi (Nal.) Thymus balcanus Borb. The species Shevtchenkella sp. have been registered on Danaa cornubiensis (Torn.) Burn. and suspected to be new for science. The biology and host relationship aspects of a certain number of species of eriophyoid mites are summarised below. Artemisia vulgaris L. and A.campestris L. were commonly infested by two species: Aceria artemisiae (Can.) and A.marginemvolvens (Corti). A.marginemvolvens caused leaf rolling of the host plant. A.artemisiae causing leaf galls seemed to be a favourable candidate for the biological control of Artemisia spp. The biology of A.artemisiae was studied in Poland by Boczek and Macieiczyk (1995). Epilobium obscurum Scherb. is commonly infested in Northern Europe (Finland, Sweden and Poland) by Epitrimerus chamaeneri Liro causing rusting and leaf rolling. Recently this mite has been also registered in Yugoslavia. Five eriophyoid mites were reported on Galium spp. and 3 of them were potential biological control agents, namely Cecidophyes galii (Karp.), Aceria galiobia (Can.) and Vasates anthobius (Nal.). C.galii caused erineum and leaf curling of the host plant, A.galiobia caused flower galls and V.anthobius caused deformation of flower buds and leaf rolling. Mentha aquatica L. and M. longifolia (L.) Huds. were commonly infested by Aceria mentharia (Can.) and A.megacera (Can. & Mass.) causing erineum and deformation of plant organs. Salvia verticillata L., S.nemorosa L. and S.pratensis L. were commonly attacked by Aceria salviae (Nal.) causing erineum and leaf galls. Lysimachia nummularia L. was commonly infested by Aceria laticincta (Nal.) causing bud and leaf deformation. In Yugoslavia Lythrum salicaria L. is the host of two recently described species, i. e. Aceria jovanovici Pet. and Epitrimerus lythri Pet. provoking stunt plant growth. Further research is needed in order to determine their biocontrol potential in the North America. Vasates clinopodi (Liro), V. retiolatus (Nal.), V. scutellaria (Can. et Mass.) and V.thymi (Nal.) caused leaf rusting, sterility, shoot and leaf deformation of Prunella vulgaris L., Vicia cracca L., Scutellaria hastifolia L. and Thymus balcanus Borb. respectively. Finally, some eriophyoid mites are unfavourable potential weed biocontrol agents inspite of their adverse effect on the host plant. These species like Aceria tenuis (Nal.), Abacarus hystrix (Nal.), Aculodes dubius 186 R. Petanovi} et al.: Eriophyoid Mites as Potential Biocontrol Agents of Meadow Weeds (Nal.), A.mckenziei K. and Aceria medicaginis (K.) are less host specific and may injure crops especially wheat, corn and alfalfa. CONCLUSION Altogether 58 species of eriophyoid mites were found on 51 species of meadow weeds in Serbia and Montenegro. Several of the mite species inflicted considerable damage to the host plants and these species deserve further research. Nine species of eriophyoid mites have for the first time been registered in the country. One species of the genus Shevtchenkella is suspected to be new for science. REFERENCES Boczek,J., Macieiczyk,K.: Bionomy of Aceria artemisiae (Acari: Eriophyoidae) as potential agent to control Artemisia vulgaris (Polish with English summary). Proc. XXXI session of the Institute of Plant Protection. Poznan, 78-81, 1995. Boczek,J., Petanovi},R.: Eriophyid mites as agents for the biological control of weeds. Proc. IX Internat. Symp. on Biol. Control of Weeds, 127-131. In: Moran, and J.H. Hofmann (eds.), Stellenbosch, South Africa. University of Cape Town, 1996. Boczek,J., Petanovi},R., Mihajlovi},Lj. : Present Progress in Biological Control of Weeds. X Yugoslav Plant Protection Symp. Budva Abstracts, 13, 1996. Boczek,J., Shevtchenko, V.G., Davis,R.: Generic Key to World Fauna of Eriophyid Mites (Acarida: Eriophyoidea). Warsaw Agricultural University Press, 1989. Cromroy, L.H.: Eriophyoidea in Biological Control of Weeds. Recent Advances in Acarology I. Acad. Press. Inc. 473-475, 1979. Muller-Scharer,H., Frantez,J.: An Emerging Research Protocol for Biological Weed Control in Crops: the Case of Common Graundsel, Senecio vulgaris. IX Internat. Symp. on Biol. Control of Weeds. South Africa, Programme and abstracts, pp. 82, 1996. Rosenthal,S.S.: Biological Control of Weeds. Aceria, Epitrimerus and Aculus species and Biological Control of Weeds. In: Lindquist, E.E., M. W. Sabelis and J. Bruin (eds.): Eriophyoid Mites-their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Elsevier Science, 729-739, 1996. 187 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 188 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 189 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 190 K.Ju.Samojlov: Primenenie biopreparatov v tehnologijakh proizvodstva zernovykh kul'tur 191 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 192 K.Ju.Samojlov: Primenenie biopreparatov v tehnologijakh proizvodstva zernovykh kul'tur 193 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 194 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 EFFECT OF DROUGHT, HIGH TEMPERATURES AND MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE OCCURRENCE OF CHARCOAL ROOT ROT OF SUGAR BEET (Macrophomina phaseolina Tassi Goidanich) Vera Stoj{in1, Adam Mari}1 and Branko Marinkovi}2 1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Institut for Environmental and Plant Protection, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia 2 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT A small-plot field trial was conducted during the 8-year period applying different nutrition in order to study the occurrence and causes of root rot of sugar beet. Twenty combinations of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were applied using standard sugar beet growing practices. Precipitation, temperature and soil moisture were monitored during the sugar beet vegetation period. Diseased plants were counted at harvest. Different fungi (mainly M.phaseolina and Fusarium spp.) were isolated from the diseased tissue in artificial media. The obtained results of the investigation showed the regular occurrence of root rot of sugar beet every year. The prevalant causer of root rot was M.phaseolina. The highest infestation and the greatest damage of charcoal rot was found in the year with long periods of drought and high temperatures during the summer. The disease was less prominent in the year with optimal quantity and favourable distribution of rainfall and moderate temperatures during the summer period. Mineral nutrition had substantial influence on sugar beet charcoal root rot occurrence, especially under the interaction of both drought and high temperatures. The highest infestation was on plots with phosphorous and potassium, in combinations of these elements and on non-fertilised fields. Increasing nitrogen tended to decrease significantly the occurrence of the disease. The greatest losses from charcoal rot was found in 1992 when in addition to severe droughts, average monthly temperatures during July and August were by 1.4 – 5.00C higher compared with the several years average. Therefore 195 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 the objective of the study was to analyze the factors effecting the occurrence of charcoal root rot of sugar beet. Key words: sugar beet, root rot, Macrophomina phaseolina, mineral nutrition, drought, high temperatures INTRODUCTION The cause of sugar beet root rot are various parasites (mainly fungi) and some non-parasite factors. They occur in many countries of the world causing significant losses in some years. The data on the ethiology, damage and their control were summerized in a special publication by Mari} (1974) in which charcoal root rot (M.phaseolina) and Fusarium root rot were particularlly emphasized. Charcoal root rot of sugar beet was for the first time discovered in dry and warm regions of California, with 5-30% of diseased plants, whereas its occurrence in cool and wet regions of the USA had never been registered (Tomkins, 1938). This disease is noted in many regions of the former USSR causing great damage to sugar beet in some years (Doncova,1955; Solunskaja,1959). Charcoal root rot and Fusarium root rot of sugar beet were recorded on great areas under sugar beet in some regions of Vojvodina and central Serbia during 1967 and 1968 (Mari} et al., 1970). Charcoal rot caused significant damage during very dry and hot summer of 1967 especially in continuous cropping systems with frequent growing of the sugar beet in the same field, as well as under poor soil cultivation and application of small quantities of mineral nutrition. High infestations were also observed on a greater number of localities in Vojvodina, Slavonia, Baranja and the arid areas of central Serbia during 1971 (Mari},1974; Stoj{in,1993). MATERIALS AND METHODS The authors have studied the intensity of sugar beet root rot occurrence and cause during a 9-year period (1990-1997) in a small-plot field trial at the Research Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Rimski Sancevi. Twenty variants of NPK nutrition were studied in the trial using four replications in a basic trial plot of 200 m2 in size during the past 30 years. Each year the plot analyzed was nourished with the same quantity and proportion of mineral fertilizers. Winter wheat, sugar beet, maize and sunflower were sown in crop rotation. The beet variety used was Novita. Standard beet cultivation practices were employed under the conditions of Vojvodina with the application of the following fertilize 196 V. Stoj{in at al.: Effect of Drought, High Temperatures and Mineral Nutrition on the Occurrence of Charcoal Root Rot of Sugar Beet (Macrophomina phaseolina Tassi Goidanich) variants: 1. – unfertilized – control, 2.N2, 3.P2, 4.K2, 5.N2P2, 6.N2K2, 7.P2K2, 8.NPK, 9.N1P2K1, 10.N1P2K2, 11.N2P1K1, 12.N2P2K1, 13.N2P2K2, 14.N2P3K1, 15.N2P3K3, 16.N3P1K1, 17.N3P2K1, 18.N3P2K2, 19.N3P3K2, 20.N3P3K3 (N – nitrogen , P – phosphorus, K – potassium, number 1 marks 50kg/ha, number 2 100kg/ha and number 3 in subscript 150kg/ha of pure nutrition. Rainfall and mean daily temperatures were monitored during the vegetation period. The deficiency of readily available water in soil for sugar beet was also determined (Dragovi} et al., 1991). The number of infected plants on the sample of 50 roots per treatment was determined after beet harvesting. Phytopathological isolations were done on characteristic samples on PDA medium. Harvesting of sugar beet was followed by its yield measurement. RESULTS Sugar beet charcoal root rot was registered in the small-plot field trial during all the trial years to a higher or smaller extent. The hightest infestation was recorded in 1992 (22.3% average) and the lowest in 1997 (0.6%).The data on rainfall, readily available water, average temperatures of July and Avgust and the occurence of charcoal root rot of sugar beet are shown in Figure 1, Table 1 and Table 2. In 1990 the ecological conditions for sugar beet development were favourable during the first part of the vegetation period, but unfavorable over the second phase of the vegetation period. By mid-July and in August the deficiency of readily available water was > 100mm, while temperatures approached the several year average. Of the species isolated M.phaseolina was noted to predominate. Ocassionally, the fungi of Fusarium spp., Phoma spp. and Mucor spp. were obtained. Due to rich precipitation and their favourable distribution during the whole vegetation period in 1991, sugar beet was suplied with sufficient readily avaliable water. Soil moisture reached the lower level of optimal moisture by mid-July. Precipitation in the third decade of July and during August filled the reserves and in August plants were supplied with sufficient water till the end of the vegetation period. At the same time, air temperatures during the summer period were mainly at the level of the several-year average. The disease was more severe in relation to the previous year (4.3% mean) mostly in the control variant (18%). The most frequently isolated species was again M.phaseolina, and occassionally: Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, and Phoma betae. With sufficiant quantities and an even distribution of the precipitation the initial sugar beet development in 1992 was highly 197 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 favourable. In the second part of the vegetation period there was a long lasting drought with extremly high temperatures in July and August. Readily available water deficiency in July and August was 121, i.e. 185mm. However, during the summer period temperatures were significantly over the several-year average (1.40C in July, 5.80C in August). Soil moisture at the end of the vegetation period was below withering point influencing substantially the health status, yield and quality of the root. At the beginning of August substantial withering and dying off of plants was registered especially towards the end of the month (19.1%). The fungus M.phaseolina predominted in the isolates.The other isolated fungi were: Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp., Mucor spp. At the end of the vegetation, the most frequent occurence of root rot was found in treatments with phosphorous (50.2%), phosphorous + potassium variant (46.1%) and only potassium (38%). Table 1. Average monthly temperatures (0C) during July and August in relation to the several years period Year Year July August July August 1990 1992 1994 1996 19481993 21.4 22.2 23.5 20.7 0.0 + 1.4 + 2.1 - 0.7 21.4 21.6 25.9 23.0 21.7 + + + + 0.7 5.0 2.1 0.8 1991 1993 1995 1997 21.8 21.5 23.3 20.0 + 0.4 + 0.1 + 1.9 - 1.4 20.0 22.0 20.3 20.2 - 0.9 + 1.1 - 0.6 - 0.7 20.9 Table 2. Occurence of sugar beet root rot (min., max. and mean values - %) in trials with different quantities of NPK nutrition during eight year period Year Minimum Maximum Mean 1990 0.0 4.6 1.7 1991 0.0 18.0 4.3 1992 4.2 46.1 22.3 1993 0.0 7.1 1.6 1994 0.0 13.9 3.5 1995 10.2 25.1 17.2 1996 0.7 10.8 3.5 1997 0.0 5.0 0.6 198 V. Stoj{in at al.: Effect of Drought, High Temperatures and Mineral Nutrition on the Occurrence of Charcoal Root Rot of Sugar Beet (Macrophomina phaseolina Tassi Goidanich) In 1993 the deficiency of the readily available water was prominent in July and August and amounted to 100mm. Mean monthly temperatures were at the level of the several-year average. Root rot was of small intensity. Extremly high temperatures during July and August (higher by 0 2.1 C than the several-year average) and the deficiency of precipitation by more than 100 mm in 1994 represented the main cause of more frequent occurence of M.phaseolina. In treatments with the single application of phosphorous and potassium 20 - 30% of root rot was recorded. Table 3. Average number of diseased plants caused by Macrophomina phaseolina compared with other causes of root rot under different nutrition of sugar beet in 1992 No Variant of nutrition Macrophomia phaseolina Other root rot causers Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Control N2 P2 K2 N2P2 N2K2 P 2K 2 N1P1K1 N1P2K1 N1P2K2 N2P1K1 N2P2K1 N2P2K2 N2P3K2 N2P3K3 N3P1K1 N3P2K1 N3P2K2 N3P3K2 N3P3K3 Mean 27.5 15.3 44.2 35.5 1.3 6.6 39.9 16.4 11.3 19.7 3.4 21.3 8.4 5.1 16.6 12.2 1.7 1.5 2.0 13.4 15.2 1.3 0.7 6.0 2.5 2.9 14.1 6.2 10.9 8,8 11,9 10.0 4.1 4.7 9.4 11.5 7.8 4.1 6.0 2.1 5.9 6.5 28.9 16.0 50.2 38.0 4.2 20.7 46.1 27.3 20.1 31.6 13.4 25.4 13.1 14.5 28.1 20.0 5.8 7.5 4.2 29.3 22.2 LSD 5 % 12.360 6.059 199 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Smaller deficiency of readily available water, warm weather during July (+ 1.90C) and cooler in August (-0,60C) with intensive occurrence of root rot characterized 1995 (17.2%). The most important cause of the disease were the fungi of the genus Fusarium. No significant differences in the intensity of disease occurrence between treatments of mineral fertilizers were found. The first part of the vegetation period in 1996 was abundant with precipitation, higher temperatures compared with the several-year average. Small deficiency of readily available water was recorded, while average monthly temperatures were slightly lower, less in July and higher in August. Average root rot of 3.5% was found, mostly in the control (10.8%). In this year bacterial wet root rot (Erwinia carotovora) predominated while fungi from Fusarium species were isolated in smaller percentage. In 1997 sugar beet was grown under favourable conditions of soil moisture and in moderate temperatures during July and August, with less intensive occurrence of root rot of sugar beet. DISCUSSION Based on the data obtained one can estaablish that root rot of sugar beet occurred in all the investigated years with the greatest intensity in 1992 and the smallest in 1997. The predominant parasite of root rot was M.phaseolina in most years, especially in 1992 characterized by distinct drought and far higher temperatures than the several year average during July and August. It is obvious that more intensive infestation of charcoal rot were found only interaction of distinct drought and high temperatures during summer. This coincides with the data of some Russian and American authors as well as with earlier investigations of Mari} et al.(1970). Drought during summer with moderate temperatures influences the lower infestation of root rot with combined infestation of M.phaseolina and Fusarium spp. Fusarium root rot occurred intensively and was the prevailing one only in 1995 under conditions of smaller deficiency of readily available water, warmer weather during July (+1.90C) and cooler in August (-0.60C). The weakest root rot of sugar beet was recorded in 1997 when sugar beet was optimally supplied with soil moisture and temperatures were moderate during summer on several year average level. The application of mineral fertilizers had greatly influenced the occurrence of charcoal root rot which was especially obvious from the results obtained during 1992 (Table 3). The most intensive infestations were observed in treatments with single application of phosphorous and 200 V. Stoj{in at al.: Effect of Drought, High Temperatures and Mineral Nutrition on the Occurrence of Charcoal Root Rot of Sugar Beet (Macrophomina phaseolina Tassi Goidanich) 201 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 potassium and the combination of these fertilizers (35; 44 and 40% of diseased plants). An intensive occurence of charcoal rot was also registered on non-fertilized plots. In the treatments performed only by nitrogen and in most combinations of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium significantly smaller number of diseased plants was found. More intensive occurrence of the disease in single repetitions and some similar treatments of trials can be explained by soil heterogenity. The data point to the fact that sugar beet nutrition ballances, especially with the increased nitrogen quantities contribute to significant decrease of charcoal root rot occurrence. In the available literature we failed to find data on the influence of individual nutritive elements on the intensity of sugar beet charcoal root rot occurrence. The data on root yield (Table 4) showed that in 1992 sugar beet totally died off in treatments with the application of single phosphorous and in its combination with potassium. On the plot treated with single potassium the smallest yield was obtained in comparison with other nutritive combinations. Based on the given data it can be noted that in 1992 sugar beet root yield decreased two-fold in average compared with 1997. This shows that in most treatments drought had significantly influenced sugar beet root yield than the occurrence of charcoal root rot. For example, some nutritive combinations (17,18,19) had slight disease occurrence in 1992, yet root yields were two-fold smaller than the some treatments in conditions favorable for sugar beet development (1997). Similary, treatmens with unilateral phosphorous and potassium fertilizers, as well as control plots, had significantly smaller yields compared with the combinations of all the three fertilizers. CONCLUSION Based on the 8-year investigations on the effect of drought, high temperature and mineral nutrition on the charcoal root of sugar beet occurrence (M.phaseolina) the following conclusions may be drawn: - Root rot of sugar beet occurred in all the investigated years to a higher or lower extent. The prevailing cause of this disease was M.phaseolina. From the diseased root, the fungi of Fusarium species were also frequently isolated. - The greatest damages of charcoal rot were found in the year with long periods of drought and high temperatures during July and August. - The intensity of the occurence of this disease was significantly smaller in years with distinct moisture deficiency in the given period and the moderate temperatures being about several year average. The lowest 202 V. Stoj{in at al.: Effect of Drought, High Temperatures and Mineral Nutrition on the Occurrence of Charcoal Root Rot of Sugar Beet (Macrophomina phaseolina Tassi Goidanich) infestations were recorded under the conditions of optimal supply of soil with moisture and at moderate temperatures during summer. - Mineral nutrition substantially effected charcoal root rot occurrence, especially under the conditions of drought and high temperatures during summer. The greatest number of diseased plants was found in treatments with unilateral application of phosphorous and potassium, their combinations and on non – fertilized plot. The disease significantly decreased in nitrogen variants. - In phosphorous and potassium treatments partial or complete dying off of crops under drought conditions and at high temperatures was recorded. Root yield in variants with less intensive disease was also twofold lower compared with the favourable soil moisture conditions pointing to distinct adverse effects of drought under favourable conditions of sugar beet nutrition. REFERENCES Doncova,R.G.: Suhoj sklerocioz saharnoj svekli po nabludenijam Ramonskoj opitno - selekcionoj stanciji. Voprosi agrotehniki i selekciji saharnoj svekli, Selhozgiiz, 1955. Dragovi},S et al.: Determining Irrigation Schedule by the Analysis of Soil Water Balance, Zbornik radova, Vol.19, A Periodical of Scientific Research on Field and Vegetable Crops, pp 83-96, Novi Sad, 1991. Mari},A., Rudi},E., Avdalovi},T.: The problem of plant wilt and root rot of sugar beet in some regions of Yugoslavia, Savremena poljoprivreda, XVIII, 241-252, Novi Sad, 1970. Mari},A.: Sugar Beet Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, pp 93-95, Novi Sad, 1974. Solunskaja,I.N. et al.: Bolezni kornei saharnoj svekli v period vegetaciji. Sveklovodstvo, 1959. Stoj{in,V.: The effect of mineral nutrition on the occurence of sugar beet diseases.Master degree, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, 1993. Tompkins,C.M.: Charcool Rot of Sugar Beets. Hilgardia, Vol.12, No 1, University of California, Berkeley, 1938. 203 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 204 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 MAIZE INFESTATION WITH Datura stramonium (L.) AND Xanthium spp. (L.) IN RELATION TO CROP MANAGEMENT 1 Milena Stanojevi}1, Lidija Stefanovi}1, Borivoje [in`ar2 Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade-Zemun, Yugoslavia 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Yugoslavia ABSTRACT The effects of cropping practices (herbicides and crop densities) on the distribution of Datura stramonium (DATST) and Xanthium spp. (XAN spp.) in the total maize weed infestation were investigated in the present study. The effects of three planting densities under the conditions with and without herbicide application on maize infestation with the species studied were observed. The number of plants per species, of each species individually were evaluated per square meter in each experimental variant. The results obtained point out that maize weeds can successfully be controlled with the application of chemicals and other growing practices (planting densities). It is necessary to apply different growing and cultivation practices in order to achieve a successful control of the more resistant species (Xanthium spp.). Key words: Maize, DATST, XAN spp., weed control, herbicides, crop density INTRODUCTION A long-term application of herbicides in addition to modern growing practices resulted in significant changes in the weed association of various crops (Froud-Williams et al., 1982). The composition of maize crop weed associations was significantly modified in our country as well ([in`ar et al.,1998). An obvious spread of annual broad-leaf species less susceptible to herbicides applied in maize is one of the changes. Datura stramonium and the species of the genus Xanthium (X.strumarium and X.italiicum) being the principal representatives of this group predominate in the total weed infestation. These annual ruderal species 205 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 were not registered as being a weed infestation problem but recently they have been found in row crops. The species Datura stramonium was sporadically found in maize crops in Zemun Polje at the end of the 1970s while the species of the genus Xanthium were not detected at all (Mir`inski - Stefanovi}, 1978). Such changes occurred in a relatively short period of time due to maize production in a continuous cropping, application of similar herbicides, reduction of cropping practices, etc. Currently these species are known to predominate but are also resistant to new herbicide groups applied in maize ([in`ar et al., 1996). Considering the rapid development of these species they have become great maize competitors and are gaining importance worldwide. The competition of this weeds with diferent crops has been studied in the case of soyabean (Kirkpatrick et al.1983) whereas studies on maize are of recent date (Cavero, 1998). Considering the above mentioned problems in the control of these and other weed species in the world and our country the effect of combined application of different measures within the Integrated Weed Management System is gaining in importance (Tollenaar et al.,1994; Swanton and Murphy, 1996 ). In the present study the effects of cropping practices (herbicides and crop densities) on Datura stramonium and Xanthium spp. in the total weed infestation were investigated. MATERIAL AND METHODS The trials were set up on a slightly calcareous chernozem in a two-factorial block design with four replications in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute in Zemun Polje in 1995 and 1996. The trial variants were as follows: three densities (D1- 40.816 plants ha-1, D269.686 plants ha-1, D3- 98.522 plants ha-1) and two treatments (herbicide combination of atrazine + metalochlor - Atrazin 500 + Dual 720 EC applied preemergence in the amount of 1.0 + 2.88 l ha-1 of active ingradient and the control variant (without herbicides). The degree of weed infestation was evaluated during the summer time (July) when a characteristic maize plant stand had already been formed. Actively growing weeds were detected in all the variants. The number of plants per species, of each species individually were evaluated per square meter. The effects of cropping practices (herbicides and crop densities) on Datura stramonium (DATST) and Xanthium spp. (XAN spp) in the total weed infestation were analyzed. The coefficients of efficiency were calculated in relation to the control. The results were presented as a twoyear mean. 206 M. Stanojevi} et al.: Maize Infestation with Datura stramonium (L.) and Xanthium spp. (L.) in Relation to Crop Management RESULTS Table 1. The number of weeds and their distribution in the control on the treated variant of maize at Zemun Polje (2-year mean) Life form Weed species G Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. T Amaranthus retroflexus L. T Datura stramonium L. T Chenopodium album L. T Chenopodium hybridum L. T Xanthium spp. L. G Convolvulus arvensis L. H Convolvulus sepium (L.)R.Br. T Abutilon theophrasti Medik. T Heliotropium europaeum L. T Hibiscus trionum L. T Solanum nigrum L. T Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. T Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.)Dum. G Cynodon dactylon (L.)Pers. G Sonchus arvensis L. H Rubus caesius L. T Stachys annua L. T Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. T Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. T Amaranthus albus L. Total no. of plant species Total plant individuals + SD Control Treatment No./m2 % of No./m2 % of distribution distribution 67,78 51,84 42,12 77,06 16,05 15,55 5,42 5,19 4,16 3,58 2,50 2,08 2,08 1,64 1,36 1,02 0,72 12,27 11,89 4,14 3,97 3,18 2,74 1,91 1,59 1,59 1,25 1,04 0,78 0,55 1,28 1,58 0,39 0,64 2,64 2,0 1,28 0,77 0,86 0,28 0,16 2,34 2,89 0,71 1,17 4,83 3,65 2,34 1,41 1,57 0,51 0,29 0,72 0,33 0,22 0,16 0,11 0,05 0,03 21 130,75 + 4,6 0,55 0,25 0,17 0,12 0,08 0,04 0,02 100 100 0,14 0,47 0,05 15 54,66 + 9,1 0,26 0,86 0,09 71.43 100 The results presented in Table 1 show that the maize weed association in Zemun Polje consists of 21 species. This number was reduced to 15 or by 28.6% following herbicide application. The total number of weed plants per species was reduced by 54.66% in the treated variant. This indicates that many species survived herbicide application. The distribution of the analyzed species in the total weed infestation varied as well. The share of the species Datura stramonium in the total weed infestation ranged from 15.55 plants/m2 (11.89% in the 207 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 control) to 1.58 plants/m2 (2.89% in the treated variant). Therefore, herbicide application provoked a 90% reduction of the species. In addition, the species Datura stramonium was more favourably effected than Xanthium spp. following the application of a mixture of herbicides. The distribution of these species amounted to 4.16 plants/m2 (3.18%) in the control variant and 2.64 plants/m2 (4.83%) in the treated variant which was higher than the control. This fact points to the resistance of the species to the herbicides applied as well as to the problems arising from the control of the species by applying herbicides only ([in`ar, 1996). The effects of maize crop planting density on the distribution of the species analyzed are presented in Table 2 and Figure 1. Table 2. Effects of crop management practices (planting density and herbicide application) on the distribution of Datura stramonium and Xanthium spp. (2-year mean) Control Total no. of weeds (No/m2) Datura stramonium (No/m2) Xanthium spp. (No/m2) Treatment Total no. of weeds (No/m2) Datura stramonium (No/m2) Xanthium spp. (No/m2) Maize plant D1 211.50 8.67 1.83 70.84 1.75 3.42 density D2 185.34 12.08 2.50 D3 132.67 6.83 1.67 59.58 2.08 2.50 53.17 0.92 1.83 The results presented show that the number of plants of all the species (total number of weeds) decreased with crop planting increase. This regularity was observed in both the control (211.50 - 132.67 plants/m2) and the treated variant (70.84 - 53.17 plants/m2). However, the analysis of the effects of the cropping practices applied on the species studied showed differences between species and treatments. The highest number of plants in both species in the control variant was detected in the planting density D2 (12.08 i 2.50 plants/m2). The higher the planting density the lower the number of species. The effects of planting density varied depending on herbicide treatments. The most prominent Datura stramonium infestation was on D2 (2.08 plants/m2). A favourable regularity in distribution decrease depending on planting density was observed in the species Xanthium spp. (3.42 – 1.83 plants/m2). 208 M. Stanojevi} et al.: Maize Infestation with Datura stramonium (L.) and Xanthium spp. (L.) in Relation to Crop Management 7 % CONTROL TREATMENT 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 D1 D2 D3 D1 DATST D2 D3 XANspp. Figure 1. Distribution of Datura stramonium and Xanthium spp. depending on crop management practices (% of total weed number) 100 80 60 40 20 0 D1 D2 DATST D3 XANspp Figure 2. Coefficient of efficacy of applied herbicides in relation to the number of Datura stramonium and Xanthium spp.plants Based on the results presented in Figure 2 it was shown that the efficiency of the herbicides applied in combination to planting density with regard to the species Datura stramonium was favourable and tended to increase with planting density increase (87.6 - 95.7). The efficiency was significantly lower in the case of the species Xanthium spp. However, it tended to increase with planting density increase ( 0 - 35.6). 209 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 The results point that the combined application of chemicals and other growing practices (crop density) was more efficient in maize weed control. It is necessary to apply different growing and cultivation practices in order to achieve a successful control of the more resistant species (Xanthium spp.). REFERENCE Cavero,J., Zaragoza,C., Suso,M.L., Pardo,A.: Competiton of Maize and Datura stramonium in an Irrigated field. 6th EWRS Mediteranean Symposium 1998, Montpellier, 93-94, 1998. Froud-Williams,R.J., Chancellor,R.J., Drennan,D.S.H.: Potential changes in weed flora associated with reduced-cultivation systems for cereal production in temperature regions. Weed Res., 21, 99-109, 1982. Kirkpatrick,B.L., Wax,I.M., Stoller,E.W.: Competition of Jimsonweed with Soybean. Agronomy Journal, 75, 833-836, 1983. Mir`inski-Stefanovi},L.: A Contribution to the Study of the Weed flora in Maize. Fragmenta herbologica Jugoslavica, IV, 83-87, 1978. Swanton,C..J., Murphy,S.D.: Weed Science Beyond Weeds: The Role of Integrated Weed Management (IWM) in Agroecosystem Health., 44, 437-443, 1996. Tollener,M.,Aguilera,A..A.,Weise,S.E.,:Integrated Pest Management. Agronomy Journal, 86, 591-595, 1994. [in`ar,B., Stankovi},R., Stefanovi},L., Stanojevi},M.: Efficacy of the Application of Sulfonylurea Derivaties in Reduced Maize Weed Society. Pesticides, 11, 253-259, 1996. [in`ar,B., Stefanovi},L., Stanojevi},M.: Changes in Weed Flora and Maize Vegetation After Several Years of Herbicide Use. Pesticides, 13, 119-130, 1998. [in`ar,B., Te{i},M.: The Possibility of Choosing Appropriate Herbicides Based on the Presence of Specific Weed Problems in Maize. Pesticides, 10: 285-292, 1993. 210 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 POTENTIALS OF Hadrotrichum sorghi IN THE BIOCONTROL OF JOHNSONGRASS IN VIEW OF CULTIVATED SORGHUM SUSCEPTIBILITY Kloko~ar-[mit Zlata1, Jano{ Berenji2, Du{anka In|i}1, H.Pastor3 1 Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad 2 Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad; 3 Agrokombinat, Subotica SUMMARY Johnsongrass became lately the most pestiferous weed in our region due to the lack of regular control measures. Because herbicide use is restricted to specific situations such as timely application, susceptibility of corn lines, possible sulfonilurea herbicides and soil organophophorous insecticides interaction, alternative measures are needed. A search for a convenient biocontrol pathogen was initiated in order to improve alternative measures. The leaf pathogen Hadrotrichum sorghi has a narrow host range and in spite of its long history of occurrence on Johnsongrass (since 1914) and on broom and grain sorghum in Italy (1951) the occurrence of an epidemic disease of cultivated sorghum has not been recorded in our country until now. Of the 15 cultivars the most susceptible were those having a short vegetation period: Reform, Tisza, Sz-185 and Sz-1023. American Deer 418 was the least and Jantar, Tan-Sava, Neoplanta-plus, Neoplanta and Panonija moderately susceptible. Of the 131 sorghum genotypes observed, only 5.3% were highly susceptible, 2.3% were non-infected and 35.1% with low intensity infection. It was speculated that resistance can be improved after two cycles of selection. Key words: Biological control, Hadrotrichum sorghi, sorghum, Johnsongrass. 211 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 INTRODUCTION Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) has become a very widespread and important weed in the NE part of Yugoslavia because of the lack of regular control measures. Timely application, susceptibility of some corn genotypes to herbicides used in Johnsongrass control, possible sulfonilurea herbicides and soil organophosphorous insecticides interaction, etc. have made the chemical control measures against the weed even more difficult. Therefore the search for Johnsongrass pathogen promising biocontrol agent is permanent in Yugoslavia and worldwide. In search for suitable pathogens, the results of the investigation on the flora of Serbia by Ranojevi} (1914) attracted our attention to Hadrotrichum sorghi (Passer.) Ferrar and Massa, described to induce eye spot on Johnsongrass leaves. In spite the fact that it has been observed as a pathogen of Johnsongrass in Serbia as early as 1914, no further evidence of epidemic level of cultivated sorghum disease has been registered in Yugoslavia. The pathogenity and intensive appearance of H.sorghi on grain sorghum and broomcorn was observed in Italy in 1951 by Lovisolo (1958). It has been registered for the first time as a disease agent on cultivated sorghum only 80 years after the occurrence of this pathogen on Johnsongrass in Italy. In Yugoslavia, H.sorghi is still considered a pathogen of no economic importance to cultivated sorghums, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench including broomcorn, grain sorghum, silage sorghum and sudangrass. These cultivated sorghums, the broomcorn being the most important one, are produced in Yugoslavia only in specific geographical regions and at limited scale. Therefore, it seemed unlikely, that the biocontrol agent Johnsongrass by H.sorghi as a would seriously effect the cultivated sorghums. MATERIAL AND METHODS The natural appearance of H.sorghi (Passer.) Ferrar and Massa on Johnsongrass (S.halepense (L.) Pers.) plants occurring on infested fields of maize, sorghum and wheat, as well as on non cropped lands was observed. The period of appearance and severity of disease and its effect on weed development were registered. The host range testing being an unavoidable step in the development of the biocontrol candidate was performed on broomcorn (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) genotypes grown on the experimental fields of the Institute 212 Z. Kloko~ar-[mit et al.: Potentials of Hadrotrichum sorghi in the Biocontrol of Johnsongrass in View of Cultivated Sorghum Susceptibility of Field and Vegetable Crops in Ba~ki Petrovac under natural infection conditions. This study included 15 commercial broomcorn cultivars of Yugoslav, Hungarian and American origin along with a collection of 131 genotypes of broomcorn representing the world collection of this cultivated plant. The intensity of leaf symptoms was assessed by a scale of 0-5 (0= none, 5= more than 75% leaf area covered with spot) based on leaf coverage with spots. Disease intensity was calculated using the equation of TownsendHeuberger upon the frequency of each category. The data were statistically computed using ANOVA and Student tests. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of our study, H.sorghi has widely been present on Johnsongrass plants probably for a long period of time. On the other hand, the disease appearance on broomcorn, grain sorghum and proso millet during the period between 1986 and 1998 indicated a periodical appearance only, without significant economic losses on broomcorn (Kloko~ar-[mit,1986). The appearance of H.sorghi appeared to be climate dependent and variable in intensity. The symptoms produced by natural infection with H. sorghi on broomcorn and on Johnsongrass regularly appeared in May or June. The most severe attack on Johnsongrass could be registered in August but in September as well. Most frequently, round specks with black centre, fungal fructification zone, appeared on leaves. They coalesced with age on lower leaves which dried out as a result of stronger attack. The infection retarded the general development of the weed and the development of the inflorescence. By lighter attack, the leaf surface was insignificantly spotted and the inflorescence normally formed. The symptoms observed on leaves of Johnsongrass and on broomcorn differed in appearance by the colour of halo zone of spots. Of the 15 commercial broomcorn cultivars tested (Fig. 1.), the most susceptible appeared to be the early cultivars, i.e. Reform, Tisa, Sz-185 and Sz-1023. The medium late cultivars, i.e. Jantar, Tan Sava, Neoplanta plus, Neoplanta and Panonija were moderately susceptible. The latest maturing cultivar of American origin, Deer 418, genetically different from the above mentioned Yugoslav and Hungarian cultivars was assessed as the least susceptible. This cultivar is characterised not only by the tan reaction and resistance to Colletotrichum graminicola, but also by its tolerance to H. sorghi. All the other commercial broomcorn 213 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 cultivars tested reacted with medium disease intensity. The general conclusion is that except for the most susceptible early cultivars, all the other cultivars showing medium sensitivity can be considered acceptable from the agronomic standpoint as far as their suffering from infection by H. sorghi is concerned. In other words, susceptibility of broomcorn to H. sorghi as a pathogen of Johnsongrass did not result in high economic loss with regard to the commercial broomcorn cultivars tested. LSD 9.6 15. Deer 418 26.2 14. Jantar 29.4 13. Tan Sava 30.8 12. Neoplanta plus 31.8 11. Neoplanta 32.2 cultivars 10. Panonija 35.8 9. Sava 38 8. Backa 38 7. Sz. szlovak 40.8 6. Jumak 43.4 5. Sz. Torpe 43.8 4. Sz. 1023 46.2 3. Sz 185 51 2. Tisa 58 1. Reform 59.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % disease significance levels intensity Fig. 1. Sensitivity of sorghum cultivars to Hadrotrichum sorghi Of the 131 genotypes of the broomcorn world collection observed only 5.3% were considered highly susceptible, 2,3% were non-infected, and 35,1% with low intensity infection with H.sorghi (Fig.2). The frequency distribution of the genotypes based on their reaction to H. sorghi fits the normal distribution curve. The host range of H. sorghi could be regarded as undesirable property from the standpoint of its use as a Johnsongrass biocontrol agent. However, it is a common phenomenon that species within a certain plant genus share common pathogens. At the same time, many examples in biocontrol are known when the pathogen limits the attack to one or few grass species or species within one grass genus. In the case of Sorghum sp., nearly all the pathogens known to attack cultivated 214 Z. Kloko~ar-[mit et al.: Potentials of Hadrotrichum sorghi in the Biocontrol of Johnsongrass in View of Cultivated Sorghum Susceptibility % of genotypes sorghums, i.e. broomcorn belonging to the species S.bicolor are found on Johnsongrass (S.halepense) as well. For example, of the 18 pathogens deposited in the National fungus collection of US derived from cultivated sorghums only two have not been isolated from Johnsongrass. 28.24 30 16.7918.32 20 10.68 10 14.5 3.81 5.34 2.29 0 disease intensity Series1 Series5 Series2 Series6 Series3 Series7 Series4 Series8 Fig.2. Distribution of sorghum genotypes upon sensitivity to Hadrotrichum sorghi in B. Petrovac collection, n=131 Some sorghum root and stalk pathogens like Sclerotium bataticola are poliphagous. Other, including Sphacelotheca reliana are rather host specific but with resistance determined by one dominant gene which could be easily overcome by the appearance of new virulent race of the pathogen (Edmunds and Zummo, 1975). The pathogen can vary greatly in virulence as the host can in resistance. In breeding for resistance one should know the genetic base of inheritance to resistance. The pattern of inheritance of resistance to Sclerospora sorghi (Kulk) Weston & Uppal (downy mildew), Colletotrichum graminicola (Cesati) Wilson (anthracnose), Spacelotheca reiliana (Kuhr) Clinton (head smut), Puccinia purpurea Cooke (rust), Ramulispora sorghi (Ellia & Everhart) (sooty stripe), Exserohilum turcicum (Leo & Sing.) (leaf blight) is regulated by dominant genes. These pathogens occur on S.bicolor (L.) Moench and on S.halepense (L.) Pers. with the exception of Exserohilum turcicum (Leo & Sing.) (leaf blight) which was found on S.bicolor (L.) Moench only. Intermediate to dominant pattern of inheritance was found in resistance to Fusarium semitectum, F.moniliforme and Curvularia lunata inducing grain mould on both Sorghum species. 215 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Recessive pattern was found for Cercospora sorghi Ellis & Everhart (grey leaf spot), occurring on both hosts, and Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Gold (charcoal rot), Periconia circinata (Mangin) Sacc. (Periconia root rot), Acremonium sp. (Acremonium wilt), occurring on S.bicolor (L.) Moench only. Resistance to some diseases occurring on both Sorghum species like Pseudomonas andropogoni (E.F. Smith) Stopp (bacterial leaf stripe) was regulated by recessive, and Gleocercospora sorghi Bain a. Edgerton (zonate leaf spot) by intermediate to recessive genes. The success of biological measures for weeds applied alone or integrated with chemical or other alternative measures are well documented and illustrated (Winder,1988; Scheepens and Van Zoon, 1982). Johnsongrass is characterised by high seed propagation ability as well as by rhizomes. An ideal pathogen for the biological control of this plant would be the one which destroys both the inflorescence and the rhizomes. So far no such pathogen has been found for Sorghum sp. Of the many isolates deposited by the National Fungus Collection in Beltsville, USA, all but two derived from both, S.bicolor and S.halepense (L.) species. Bipolaris halepense was developed as bioagent for Johnsongrass (Chiang et al,1989, Winder and Van Dyke,1990) with the advantages of not being an obligate pathogen and for its easy production of inoculum. In the genus Hadrotrichum some species are saprophytes and facultative parasites, like H.arundinaceum. Other species, as H.sorghi for example were regarded as obligate parasites or at least very difficult to handle (Lovisolo, 1958). Having in mind the fact that H.sorghi can be a potential agent for biocontrol of Johnsongrass it is important to consider the other side of the problem, i.e. the resistant-susceptible relation of cultivated sorghums, first of all the broomcorn, towards H.sorghi. Breeding of broomcorn for resistance to H.sorghi is recommended in order to solve this problem. The data on the inheritance pattern of broomcorn vs. H.sorghi would be of great importance in order to successfully accomplish such a task. Based on the results of this paper crossing between sensitive broomcorn genotypes (i.e. IS 3126, MFRS-2288, Plains 1, MFRS-3550, MFRS-3109 and MFRS-3333, MFRS-3338) with resistant broomcorn genotypes (Dex x Arcols 100-3, Ex-Tan 2-1, IS 28) should be completed in order to determine the pattern of inheritance of the reaction of broomcorn to H.sorghi. According to Gumaniuc and Varga (1989) from Romania the resistance in cultivated sorghum, including broomcorn to H.sorghi, is a realistic task which could be achieved by resistance breeding. 216 Z. Kloko~ar-[mit et al.: Potentials of Hadrotrichum sorghi in the Biocontrol of Johnsongrass in View of Cultivated Sorghum Susceptibility CONCLUSION Hadrotrichum sorghi seems to be the least poliphagous and low risk pathogen compared with other Johnsongrass leaf pathogens for the biological control of this weed. Narrow hosts range of the pathogen and moderate susceptibility of the majority of the cultivated commercial broomcorn cultivars and genotypes from the broomcorn world collection tested suggested the possible use of this pathogen as a biocontrol agent for Johnsongrass. Some of the commercial broomcorn cultivars produced in Yugoslavia are moderately sensitive to H.sorghi. At the same time resistant genotypes were determined from the broomcorn world collection which could be used in improving the level of resistance of cultivated broomcorn cultivars in resistance breeding. REFERENCE Cniang,M.Y.Van Dyke, C.G.,Chilton M.W.S.: Four foliar pathogenic fungi for controlling seedling of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense): Weed Sci.: 37:802–809, 1989. Edmunds,L.K.,Zummo,N.: Sorghum diseases,Ed USDA. Washington, 1975. Gumaniuc,L., Varga,P.: Personal communication,1989. Kloko~ar-[mit,Z.: Biolo{ka suzbijanju korova u akvati~nim stani{tima, Fazni izve{taj po projektu JFP 642, SAD–Yu, 1986. Lovisolo,O.: Osservazioni sull Hadrotrichum sorghi, agente di una nuova malattia dei sorghi coltivati, Bollettino sella Stazione di Patologia Vegetale, XVI, 3,: 155–182, 1958. Ranojevi},N.: Tre}i prilog gljivi~noj flori Srbije, Annales Mycologici, XII: 415–416, 1914. Scheepens,P.C., Van Zoon,J.C.J.: Microbial herbicides, in Microbial and Viral Pathogens, Ed.E.Kurtsaki: 623–641, Marcel and. Dekker Inc., 1982 Winder,R.S., Van Dyke,C.G.: The pathogeneity, virulence and biocontrol potential of two Bipolaris species on Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), Weed Sci., 38:89–94, 1990. Winder,R.C.: Field testing of Bipolaris sorghicola as a mycoherbicide for Johnsongrass (S.halepense), VII Intern. Sympos. on Biological Control of Weeds, Roma, 1988. 217 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 218 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 EFFECT OF NONPESTICIDE PRODUCTS ON INSECTS IN STORAGE Du{anka In|i}, Radmila Alma{i, Zlata Kloko~ar-[mit, Slavica Jovanovi} and Maja Vajovi} Faculty of Agriculture, Institut for Plant Protection “Dr Pavle Vukasovic”, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia SUMMARY Sitophilus granarius was used as the test insect to assess the protection effect of nonpesticide products Diatomaceous earth, carrier Wessalon and the product Insecto in stored maize grain. The experiments on naturally dried maize grain were conducted under laboratory conditions. The mortality was assessed daily during 14 day period. The mortality was estimated upon number of dead plus paralyzed insects. The mortality – dose response were expressed as lc-p lines. The achieved results indicated linear correlation between inert dusts rates and percent of mortality and between mortality and exposition period. The lc-p lines indicated existence of differences in response dependent on product. Key words: inert dusts, stored grain, Sitophilus granarius INTRODUCTION The use of nonpesticides or natural products in protection of stored grain (wheat, sunflower, soybean, legumes, different seed goods and bird seed) is increasing lately, as they offer the number of advantages in insect and mite population reduction. These products are regarded to be of low toxicity to mammals and posses convenient physical properties. Being chemically inert, they do not interact with other compounds present and do not form toxic residues (Koruni}, 1994). The discovery and use of pesticides increased the agricultural production and extended the storability of food products. Their frequent application created the problem of toxic residues in food, environment contamination, appearance of resistant strains and number of other 219 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 undesirable consequences. The mentioned problems and, apparently, limited number of new synthesized products for use in storage, induced come back to old conventional methods – the application of inert dusts in stored grains. The data on effects of inert dusts on insect pests in storage were presented by number of authors (Maceljski and Koruni},1971; Le Patourel,1984; Shawir,1988; Cooper,1990; Koruni},1993; 1994; Hamel, 1997; In|i} et al.,1997). However, the nonpesticide products are not included in integral protection of stored grain practiced in Yugoslavia, in spite of benefit they could brought as e.g. avoiding the selection pressure of organic insecticides and reducing the creation of resistant insect populations. The aim of this investigation was to detect mortality increase as response to the increase in rate of inert dusts, as well as to determine lc-p lines – indicators of possible different product action or sensitivity of population tested. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiments were conducted in laboratory with S. granarius as a test insect. The experimental strain was reared under laboratory conditions (at constants temperatures: 27 ±1oC, relative humidity 40-70%) for long period of time and preserved from contact with insecticides. The naturally dried maize grain were used. The method for insecticide LC50 determination ([ovljanski and [mit, 1976). The experiments were set in four repetitions, 20 adult insects of the same age (30 days) per each one. For comparison the nontreated grain sample was used. The inert dusts: Diatomaceous earth, Insecto and Wessalon were used at concentrations: 0.35, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 and 0.005 %, (or at the rates (kg/t): 3.5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.05). The mortality was assessed after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14 days of exposition by registration of dead plus paralyzed insects, converted to relative values and presented in figures (1–4). Lc-p lines were estimated using probit analysis (Finney, 1964). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The increase in mortality responded to the increases in rate of Diatomaceous earth from 100, 1000 to 3500 g/t (Fig. 1). No differences were found in mortality obtained by rates of 100 and 1000 g/t up to the 6th day of exposition. After 6 days the mortality in experimental batch 220 D. In|i} et al.: Effect of Nonpesticide Products on Insects in Storage with 1000 g/t approached the level of one achieved with 3500 g/t. Already 24 h after application of 3500 g/t the 30% mortality was observed. The mortality was steadily increasing up to the 14th day to the level of 93.75%. Effects of Insecto (Fig. 2.) at rates 100 and 1000 g/t were low up to 6th day of exposition. The increase in mortality after 14 days of exposition in comparison to the one after 6 days, is hardly visible. At the rate 3500 g/t the increase in mortality occurred after 3 days of exposition, and reached 80% after 14 days. The mortality achieved by use of Wessalon correlated to the rates applied, with distinct initial effect already after 24 h. After 7 days of exposition to the rates of 100, 1000 and 3500 g/t the obtained mortality were 62,5%, 73,75 and 88,75 %, respectively. The slight increase in mortality from 7th to 14th day of exposition were registered (Fig. 3). The effects on grain weevil obtained by use of inert dusts were positively correlated to the rates applied on a whole. The rate of 3500 g/t, although exceeding the rates used by Korunic (1994) and Hamel (1997) was included with the aim to obtain wide range of concentration and enable estimation of lc-p lines. However the mentioned authors in their experiments used lower concentrations, but proposed the use of increased concentrations. We suggest that the highest concentration ought to be determined respecting all necessary conditions of grain storage. The qualitative control should not deteriorate the grain flowability Observing the lc-p lines (Fig. 4) it could be concluded that the highest homogeneity in response of grain weevil population was registered to Diatomaceous earth, followed by response to Wessalon. The least homogenous was the response of population to product Insecto. 221 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 Figure 1. Mortality of S. granarius treated with Diatomaceous earth Figure 2. Mortality of S.granarius treated with Insecto 222 D. In|i} et al.: Effect of Nonpesticide Products on Insects in Storage Figure 3. Mortality of S.granarius treated with Wessalon Figure 4. Lc-p lines of nonpesticid products (S.granarius) 223 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 REFERENCES: Cooper, W. C.: The Nature And Safe Handling Of Diatomaceus Earth. International Diatomite Producers Association, San Francisco, Canada. 1–6, 1990. Finney, D.J.: Probit-analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3rd edition, 1971. Hamel, D.: U~inkovitost Protect-it (dijatomejska zemlja) na skladi{ne {tetnike na p{enici–primena zapra{ivanjem. Zbornik, ZUPP, 1997. Malinska, 89–95, 1997. In|i}, D., Alma{i, R., Alma{i, [.: Dejstvuvanje na Dijatomejskata zemlje, Insecto i Wessalon na Sitophilus granarius L (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Godi{en zbornik za za{tita na rastenijata na Makedonija, Skopje, 75–82, 1998. Koruni}, Z.: Za{tita uskladi{tenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda inertnim pra{ivima. Zbornik ZUPP 1993. Stubi~ke Toplice, 83–93, 1993. Koruni}, Z.: Dijatomejska zemlja prirodni insekticid. Zbornik ZUPP Novi Vinodolski, 136–148, 1994. Le Patourel, G.N.J. and Singh, J.: Toxicity of amorphous silicas and silica-pyrethroid mixtures to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera:Tenebrionide). J. Stored Prod. Res., 4, 183–191, 1984. Maceljski, M. i Koruni}, Z.: Rezultati ispitivanja primjene inertnih supstancija protiv {tetnih insekata u skladi{tima. Za{tita bilja, 115–116, Beograd, 377–389, 1971. Shawir, M., Le Patourel, G.N.J. and Moustafa F.I.: Amorphous silica as an additive to dust formulations of insecticides for stored grain pest control. J. Stored Prod Res., 3, 123–131, 1988. [ovljanski, R. i Kloko~ar-[mit, Z.: Praktikum iz fitofarmacije. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad, 1976. 224 Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Protection of Filed Crops, Vrnja~ka Banja, 1998 INDEX OF AUTHORS Alma{i R. 219 Aponyi-Garamvölgyi I. 67 Ba~a F. 75,165 Barbulescu A. 137,147,157 Berenji J. 211 Biber K. 67 Brudea V. 85 Bucurean E. 85 Cagán L. 75 Cvetkovi} M. 119 ^amprag D. 7 Dimi} N. 119 Graora D. 95 Halmágyi T. 67 In|i} D. 211,219 Jerini} D. 95 Jovanovi} S. 219 Kere{i T. 7 Kloko~ar-[mit Z. 211,219 Krnjaji} S. 119 Kosti} M. 105 Lessovoi M.P. 23 Magud B. 181 Malinski E. 53 Manojlovi} B. 105 Mari} A. 195 Marinkovi} B. 195 Muresan F. 85 Nawrot J. 53 Pastor H. 211 Peri} P. 119 Petanovi} R. 95,181 Petrovi} O. 95 Popov C. 85,137 Pradzynska A. 53 Princzinger G. Pruszyñski S. Radin @. Rátai-Vida R. Rosca I. Samersov V. Samojlov K.Ju. Sekuli} R. Simova-To{i} D. Smetnik A.I. Smiljani} D. Spasi} R. Stankovi} S. Stanojevi} M. Stefanovi} L. Stoj{in V. Szafranek J. [in`ar B. [trbac P. Tancik J. Thalji R. Trepashko L. Tron N.M. Trotus E. Udrea A. Vajovi} M. Veskovi} M. Voicu M. Voinescu I. Vonica I. Vuk{a M. Zabel A. Zakharenko V.A. Winiecki Z. 67 37 75 67 85,137,147 29 189 7 95 95 129,181 95,129 105 205 205 195 53 205 7 75 175 29 23 85 85 219 165 85 157 137 119 105 113 53 225