VCU`s Contract #4955496-BM - Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU`s Contract #4955496-BM - Virginia Commonwealth University
Request for Proposals RFP No: 4955496-BM RFP Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements Date: June 26, 2012 A VASCUPP Member Institution Request For Proposals RFP No. 4955496-BM Issue Date: June 26, 2012 Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements Issuing and Using Agency: Virginia Commonwealth University Attention: Benjamin Miller 10 South 6th Street, 2nd floor POB 980616 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0616 Period of Contract: Three (3) years, with two (2) successive, optional, one (1) year renewal periods. Proposals For Furnishing The Services Described Herein Will Be Received Until: 11:00 A.M. local time on August 28, 2012. All Inquiries For Information Should Be Directed To: Benjamin Miller, address listed above at Phone: (804) 828-0889, VOICE TDD: (800) 828-1120 or Email: This solicitation & any addenda are posted on the eVa website at: HARD-COPY, ORIGINAL PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED IN VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY’S DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES ON OR BEFORE THE DATE AND TIME DESIGNATED ON THIS SOLICITATION. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS AND FACSIMILE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF THE HARD-COPY, ORIGINAL PROPOSAL. VENDORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DELIVERY OF THEIR PROPOSAL. PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE OFFICIAL DATE AND TIME WILL BE REJECTED. THE OFFICIAL DATE AND TIME USED IN RECEIPT OF RESPONSES IS THAT TIME ON THE CLOCK OR AUTOMATIC TIME STAMP IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES. IF PROPOSALS ARE MAILED, SEND DIRECTLY TO VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, PROPOSAL PROCESS DEPARTMENT, POB 980616, RICHMOND, VA 23298-0616. IF PROPOSALS ARE HAND DELIVERED OR SENT BY COURIER, DELIVER TO: VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES, 10 S 6TH ST., 2nd FLOOR, RICHMOND, VA 23219. THE RFP NUMBER, DATE AND TIME OF PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE, AS REFLECTED ABOVE, MUST CLEARLY APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE RETURNED PROPOSAL PACKAGE. In Compliance With This Request for Proposals And To All Conditions Imposed Therein and Hereby Incorporated By Reference, The Undersigned Offers And Agrees To Furnish The Goods/Services Described Herein In Accordance With The Attached Signed Proposal Or As Mutually Agreed Upon By Subsequent Negotiation. Furthermore, The Undersigned Agrees Not To Start Any Work Relative To This Particular Solicitation Until A Resulting Formal Signed Purchase Order Is Received By The Contractor From University Purchasing. Any Work Relative To This Solicitation Performed By The Contractor Prior To Receiving A Formal Signed Purchase Order Shall Be At The Contractor's Own Risk And Shall Not Be Subject To Reimbursement By The University. Signature below constitutes acknowledgement of all information contained through links referenced herein. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FIRM: Date: By (Signature In Ink): Zip Code Name Typed: E-Mail Address: Telephone: ( Title: ) Fax Number: ( Toll free, if available ) Toll free, if available REGISTERED WITH eVA: ( ) YES ( ) NO SMALL BUSINESS: ( ) YES ( ) NO VIRGINIA DMBE CERTIFIED: ( ) YES ( ) NO MINORITY-OWNED: ( ) YES ( ) NO WOMEN-OWNED: ( ) YES ( ) NO DMBE CERTIFICATION #: DUNS NO.: FEI/FIN NO.: An Optional Pre-Proposal Conference will be held. See Section V. herein. THIS SOLICITATION CONTAINS 21 PAGES. Page 2 of 21 Table of Contents I. PURPOSE: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 II. OPTIONAL USE CONTRACT: ........................................................................................................................................... 4 III. THE UNIVERSITY: ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 IV. REPORTING AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS: ......................................................................................................... 4 V. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: ..................................................................................................................................... 4 VI. BACKGROUND: .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 VII. DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED GOODS/SERVICES AND PROPOSAL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: ........................................................................................................................................ 5 VIII. ORAL PRESENTATION: .................................................................................................................................................. 17 IX. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA: ..................................................................................................................... 17 X. METHOD OF PAYMENT: ................................................................................................................................................ 17 XI. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:......................................................................................................................... 17 XII. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ........................................................................................................................... 18 Page 3 of 21 I. PURPOSE: The intent and purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to establish a contract with a qualified source for Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements for Virginia Commonwealth University (the lead issuing institution and hereafter referred to as “the University” or “VCU”), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The initial contract term is three (3) years, with two (2) successive, optional, one (1) year renewal periods. It is the intent of this solicitation and resulting contract(s) to allow for cooperative procurement. Accordingly, any public body, public or private health or educational institution or lead-issuing institution's affiliated foundations may access any resulting contract(s) if authorized by the contractor. Additional information is available at: II. OPTIONAL USE CONTRACT: The resulting contract(s) will be an optional use contract. VCU is in no way required to make purchases from the Contractor and may in its sole discretion purchase the identical and/or similar goods/services from other sources. Any estimates/quantities contained herein do not represent a purchase commitment by VCU. III. THE UNIVERSITY: Information is available at: IV. REPORTING AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS: Information is available at: pdf V. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: OPTIONAL PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: An optional pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on July 10, 2012 at the Business Services Conference Room, 1111 West Broad Street, Suite A, Richmond, VA. The purpose of the conference is to allow potential Offerors an opportunity to present questions and obtain clarification relative to any facet of this solicitation. Note – Offerors: Should submit questions in advance (via email) to prior to the date of the conference. While attendance at this conference will not be a prerequisite to submitting a proposal, Offerors who intend to submit a proposal are encouraged to attend. Bring a copy of the solicitation with you. Any changes resulting from this conference will be issued in a written addendum to the solicitation. VI. BACKGROUND: Approximate units for 2011-12: A. Class Jewelry • • Ring Sale Total Approximate Value 515 $227,000 Page 4 of 21 B. Academic Regalia • • • Students fitted in May Students fitted in December Total Approximate Value 4,170 1,540 $120,000 C. Announcements • • • VII. Personalized Standard Total Approximate Value 1,800 sets of 25 4,000 $110,000 DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED GOODS/SERVICES AND PROPOSAL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: This section describes VCU’s requested goods and/or services and the areas to be addressed in Offeror’s proposal. The areas to be addressed are in bold. Proposal response must be written in the same order as outlined below. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. Failure to submit all information requested may result in the elimination of the proposal from consideration. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lack key information may be rejected by VCU. A. Description of Requested Goods/Services and Proposal Response Requirements: 1. Overview: Provide a brief history of the firm. Describe the firm’s experience in providing graduation products and services to universities of comparable sizes with programs that are similar in complexity. Specify your firm’s plan to meet the graduation and recognition product needs of Virginia Commonwealth University. 2. Class Jewelry: a. The Contractor should offer a program for the sale of class rings and class jewelry. Describe the class ring and class jewelry program proposed for Virginia Commonwealth University. b. The Contractor should offer a collection of quality class rings and jewelry as approved by the University to meet the needs of students and alumni at Virginia Commonwealth University. Describe the collection of rings/jewelry that will be offered. State how the selection and the program will help enhance the customer's affinity with the University. Page 5 of 21 c. The Contractor should offer a selection of metal alloy rings. Describe the characteristics of your best selling metal alloy ring. d. The Contractor should provide services typically associated with the sale of class rings and jewelry. These services should include design, production, sales, marketing and warranty. Describe your firm’s design services, production techniques and quality control methods. Discuss the sales support services available for customers including the following: • • • • Minimum deposit requirements Methods of deposit payment Accepted forms of credit Finance programs State the firm’s warranty policy including the following: • • • • e. Length and conditions of guarantee regarding defects in materials and workmanship Length and conditions of guarantee regarding stones and stone decorations. Provide conditions and associated charges for ring sizing and adjustments; for replacement of damaged rings; for restoring ring finish; and for changes in academic designation and graduation year. State the refund policy for students who fail to graduate in the year designated on the ring and the process for resolving disputes. The Contractor should provide the "Official" ring or collection of rings of Virginia Commonwealth University containing all the design elements that compose the "Official" ring. Acknowledge the firm's willingness to accommodate the University’s "Official" ring/ jewelry program and describe how the firm will enhance the "added value" of the Official Jewelry program. f. The Contractor should provide for the University’s need to design additional rings and jewelry as necessary and work with the assigned committee as appropriate. The ring/jewelry styles may be re-designed as necessary to include new VCU marks and elements. Acknowledge the firm will accommodate the University’s need to design additional rings and jewelry when necessary. Page 6 of 21 g. Virginia Commonwealth University shall approve all designs, artwork, and mock-up rings and jewelry items prior to production. The jewelry selection may be featured as the “Official” collection to qualified students. Acknowledge the University’s right to approve all designs prior to production and to have title to dies and molds. h. VCU marks and logos are registered with government agencies and licensed through the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC). Jewelry prices shall include a licensing fee per piece of jewelry. The current rate is $10.00 per unit. Acknowledge the firm's willingness to license the products and pay the appropriate licensing fees. i. The Contractor will have exclusive trademark rights for the sale of class jewelry to students. However, the VCU Alumni Association and MCV Alumni Association at VCU may market class jewelry bearing VCU’s marks and logos to VCU alumni under a separate agreement. Acknowledge and agree. j. The title to dies and molds used in the manufacture of VCU class rings/jewelry shall be vested in the University. The Contractor shall retain all dies and molds and maintain such dies and molds in first class condition. In the event the Contractor determines that dies or molds are to be destroyed or otherwise disposed, the Contractor shall deliver dies and molds to Virginia Commonwealth University. Acknowledge and agree. k. The Contractor should establish and define the jewelry pricing process. The Contractor should provide Virginia Commonwealth University with clearly defined benchmarks for calculating future ring and jewelry prices as necessary. Clearly define and describe the firm's jewelry pricing process. Provide a formula that will allow the computation of the price of a particular class ring based on the price of a specific benchmark for gold. Price changes for jewelry will be allowed annually. Specify which market index will be used to benchmark gold pricing annually. Complete Pricing Schedule (attached Excel document). Pricing shall include all costs for furnishing the products to include delivery (F.O.B. Destination), materials, labor, etc. No extra charges are allowed. l. Jewelry prices shall include all University royalty and licensing fees. Page 7 of 21 Acknowledge the proposed jewelry prices include a royalty paid to the University and licensing fee collected by the licensing agent. Specify all features that are included in the base price of the ring. Features might include full name engraving, stones, stone cuts, stone seal, panel tops, and special finishes. m. The Contractor should support jewelry sales by providing sales support materials. Describe the sales support and point of presentation material that will be provided at no charge including: • • • • • • n. Point of presentation display cases Ring samples Website access to sale and support information Toll-free phone numbers for service Copy of the warranty and a care manual Meeting regularly with representatives from Student Affairs and Business Services to evaluate the program and make changes as needed The Contractor should conduct a minimum of four (4) ring sales on each campus (two per semester) each year. Sales events on the Monroe Park Campus should include evening hours. State the minimum frequency, location and duration of on-campus ring sale events. o. The Contractor should have a well developed marketing plan for class rings and jewelry. The Contractor should sell class jewelry on campus in-person and as well as on the Internet. The Contractor may use locations in the University retail stores to support campus sales. Provide a marketing plan for class rings and jewelry. • • • • • • • Specify key events and approximate dates. Describe the dollars and/or percentage off ring sales promotion including the amount off and the number of times the promotion will be offered. Provide samples of the customized brochure that will be used. State how many brochures will be provided, how the brochures will be distributed and how often the brochure will be revised. Describe the direct mail program. Describe other marketing processes that will be used. State how the medium will be beneficial and approximately the frequency of use. Provide a sample website or URL showing the proposed VCU website. Page 8 of 21 • p. Describe how the website will be used to market class rings, regalia and other products. The Contractor should provide an accounting of all VCU jewelry sales through all venues annually. (See Section “IV. F. Reporting”) Describe the process and reporting used to account for all VCU jewelry sales through all venues. 3. Academic Regalia: a. The Contractor should provide the University with a program for the solicitation and distribution of quality regalia for students. • • • • • • • • • • • • The Contractor should offer quality garments to be retained by the students. The regalia bundle should include a cap, gown and hood for all degree levels. All hoods shall show the appropriate degree color. Tassels for graduates on the MCV Campus should show the appropriate degree color. Doctoral gowns for students receiving a PhD, MD, DDS, Pharm D and other designated doctoral degrees shall show the appropriate degree velvet color. The Contractor should solicit the necessary fitting and degree information from students. At a minimum, the Contractor should distribute student regalia on each campus during a mid-semester multipurpose graduation event and again during the week prior to each Commencement. The Contractor should supply extra apparel for last-minute orders and adjustments the day of Commencement. The University will only pay for the amount of regalia actually distributed to students. The University will not pay for backup stock shipped but not used. Contractor shall document the receipt of apparel by each student in order to receive payment. The Contractor should provide students the option of ordering regalia over the Internet. The Contractor should provide wearing instructions with the apparel. Describe the proposed student keeper regalia program. • • • • • Provide sample apparel for Medicine - M.D., Nursing - M.S and Business Administration- B.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University. Include cap, gown, hood and tassel. Outline the program for soliciting fitting and degree information from students for the May and December Commencements. Describe how students will be notified about the fitting sessions and how size and degree information will be collected. Provide approximate key dates for both the May and December events. Describe the distribution program on each campus including approximate dates. Page 9 of 21 • • • • • b. Explain how the firm will ensure the appropriate amount of apparel is on-hand to meet the needs of all students. Explain how last-minute requests will be satisfied for students and for faculty. Propose a method to confirm each student's receipt of regalia. The Contractor will only be paid for documented sales and delivery. Provide a sample customer order form/ receipt that will be used to document each student distribution. Describe how the Internet will be used for ordering student regalia. Describe instructional information provided to customers about wearing the regalia. The Contractor should provide the University with a program for the solicitation, distribution and collection of high quality rental regalia for faculty, staff and others upon request. • • • • • • • • • • The Contractor should offer quality rental garments for faculty. All hoods shall show the appropriate degree color. The Contractor should work with the University retail stores to solicit the necessary fitting and degree information from faculty. Each rental order should be custom packed showing the customer’s name. The Contractor should coordinate the distribution of faculty regalia and collection of retail fees with the retail bookstores. The retail stores will collect a fee/markup (approximately 30%-40%) on the unit price for processing the order. The Contractor shall supply extra apparel for last-minute orders and adjustments the day of Commencement. The Contractor should provide the option of ordering faculty and staff regalia using the Internet. The bookstore shall not be required to pay for rental apparel that was not used. The Contractor shall coordinate the collection of all apparel. The Contractor should provide wearing instructions with the apparel. Describe the proposed faculty rental regalia program. • • • • • • • Provide sample apparel for a PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University. Include cap, gown, hood and tassel. Outline the program for soliciting fitting, school and degree information for the May and December commencements. Describe how faculty and staff will be notified and how size and degree information will be collected. Provide approximate cut-off dates for faculty and staff rental for the May and December ceremony. Provide a sample faculty/ customer order form. Describe how each rental order will be packed for distribution. Describe the distribution program on each campus including key delivery dates and how individual orders will be shipped. Page 10 of 21 • Explain how the firm will ensure the appropriate amount of apparel is on-hand to meet the needs of faculty and staff, including how lastminute requests will be satisfied. Propose a method to confirm receipt of regalia. Describe how the Internet will be used for faculty and staff ordering. Describe the plan to collect faculty and staff regalia after the commencement ceremony. • • • c. The University and the retail stores are not responsible for uncollected apparel. Acknowledge and agree. d. The Contractor should offer commemorative sashes for student marshals. Provide a sample of the proposed approach and discuss any available options. State the price per unit for your proposal. e. The Contractor should offer high quality custom apparel for purchase by customers. Provide a sample of your most popular custom-tailored PhD cap, gown, hood and tassel. Provide a plan to market custom regalia to the faculty and include a brochure and pricelist for custom apparel. f. The Contractor should promote and market the regalia program. Acknowledge and agree. Complete Pricing Schedule (attached Excel document). Pricing shall include all costs for furnishing the products to include delivery (F.O.B. Destination), materials, labor, etc. No extra charges are allowed. 4. Announcements and Stationery: a. The Contractor should provide a comprehensive program of standard and personalized graduation announcements and the accompanying stationery including: thank you cards, name cards, etc. The Contractor should offer announcements for both the May and December Commencement ceremonies. Describe the graduation announcement and stationery program proposed. • • • • Provide samples of standard announcements and of personal announcements. Include accompanying stationery as appropriate. Provide information about the design options and paper stock. Specify the return-for-credit option for the return of unsold standard announcements sold through the bookstores. Provide key order-by and ship-by dates for announcements. Page 11 of 21 • • b. Outline the program for soliciting announcement orders for the May and December commencements. Describe the firm’s ability to include information regarding a diploma ceremony with any marketing material mailed to candidates. Provide additional costs, if any. University Creative Services shall have final approval over the design of the Commencement materials. The Office of Student Affairs or designated University representative shall approve all copy prior to printing the announcement for each Commencement. Acknowledge the University will approve the final proof each year. c. The Contractor should provide VCU with the option of making modifications to the design of the announcements as needed. State the firm’s willingness to design new announcements as required. d. The University may establish a process to involve students in designing the announcements. Acknowledge the firm will work with students to design announcement if requested. e. The Contractor should provide the option of ordering personalized announcements using the Internet. Describe the announcement and stationery ordering options available on the Internet. f. The Contractor should promote and market the announcement program. Describe how the announcements will be marketed. Include how the Internet will be used for marketing and ordering announcements. Complete Pricing Schedule (attached Excel document). Pricing shall include all costs for furnishing the products to include delivery (F.O.B. Destination), materials, labor, etc. No extra charges are allowed. 5. Recognition Gifts: a. The Contractor is encouraged to provide appropriate gifts for sale recognizing and commemorating the graduation event. The mementos might include date tassels, stoles, etc. Page 12 of 21 Describe the graduation gifts and accessories program proposed. State how the products will be marketed. 6. Marketing: a. The Contractor should develop a marketing plan each year. Marketing materials should be customized for VCU. The Contractor should provide a website to support VCU graduation products. Describe or summarize the firm’s overall marketing strategy. • • • • • • • b. Provide a sample marketing plan for products and services. Describe the strategies used to nurture a sense of tradition and to build a feeling of pride and exclusivity for individuals using the VCU products. Provide a sample of the custom marketing materials that will be used at VCU. Describe the mailing campaign. State the number, timing and target audience of the mailings. Describe customer incentive programs. Describe how the Internet, e-mail, social media will be used to market products. Acknowledged the firm is willing to accept all costs associated with marketing the products and services offered. The Contractor should market products through the retail stores. The stores will add a markup, approved by the University, on products sold through the stores. The University stores will support the ring and regalia order and delivery process. Acknowledge and agree. c. All mailing lists/files or other media containing personal information about students, alumni, faculty and staff shall be considered protected data and are intended for use as directed in this RFP. Any other use of this protected data is strictly prohibited without written permission of Virginia Commonwealth University. Acknowledge and agree. 7. Reporting: a. The Contractor shall provide accounting summary reports detailing unit Page 13 of 21 sales through all venues. At a minimum the reports shall include the following: • • • • Regalia usage by garment type and degree (pricing schedule format); Class ring sales by campus, (Monroe Park Campus or MCV Campus); Personalized announcement sales by campus, and Standard announcement sales by campus. Acknowledge and agree. b. Contractor should formally meet with representatives from the University at least annually to evaluate services and to review accounting reports. The "Annual Program Review" will consider the status of the current program and recommend action plans as appropriate. Topics may include issues related to sales trends, unit sales summary reports, marketing and evaluation results. Acknowledge and agree. 8. Financial: a. All pricing shall include University royalty payments and licensing fees where appropriate. Acknowledge and agree. b. The Contractor shall propose a royalty on each jewelry unit sold and minimum annual royalty guarantee. An amount equal to 1/12th of the minimum annual royalty payment is due monthly by the 15th of each month. Acknowledge and agree. (See Royalty Schedule, Section VII, No. 10 below.) c. The Contractor shall pay the licensing fee on all class jewelry. Acknowledge and agree. d. The Contractor should pay nominal space/equipment rental charges for the use of the campus equipment and facilities. Payment terms are net 30 days. Acknowledge and agree. 9. Transition: Page 14 of 21 a. The Contractor should provide a seamless transition to the new agreement. As necessary, describe how your firm will implement the new agreement. Provide estimated dates for key tasks. b. The Contractor should be prepared to provide regalia for the May 2013 Commencement. Acknowledge and agree. c. The Contractor should be prepared to offer the "Official" VCU class ring(s) during the fall 2013. Acknowledge and agree. 10. Royalty Schedule: $______________ Royalty per ring/ jewelry unit sold $______________ Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty 11. Experience and Qualifications of Firm: Firm should provide: a) List of three references for whom similar services were provided, preferably of public institutions of higher education or a similar sized organization. b) Provide a list of institutions of higher education with which the firm has a signed term contract. c) Provide the amount of annual sales the firm has with each VASCUPP Member Institution. A list of VASCUPP Members can be found at ml. 12. Other related goods/services: Describe other related goods and/or services provided by your firm. Provide information to demonstrate how these goods and/or services could benefit the institution and include the associated pricing for the term of the contract. Provide information to address how newly introduced products and services would be Page 15 of 21 offered and included in the contract. Include information on your ability to provide most favored nations pricing. 13. Sustainability: Please provide information to demonstrate the overall environmental impact of your proposed approach. Include information on your recommendations to reduce the environmental impact and create efficiencies. For any packaged products, describe your firm’s approach for using less packaging. 14. Small, Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Business Commitment: Firm must submit complete Appendix I which is available at: unless the firm is a DMBE certified small business. DMBE certified small businesses must include their certification number on the coversheet of this RFP, but are not required to complete Appendix I. 15. Proposal Submission Instructions: A. Complete and return page 1 of the RFP. Proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. B. Complete and return signed addenda acknowledgments (if applicable). C. Submit one (1) original hard copy (paper) document of the entire proposal, including all attachments and proprietary information. The original proposal must be clearly marked on the outside of the proposal. Submit one (1) unsecured, electronic copy (on a disc or flash drive) of the entire proposal including all attachments and EXCLUDING ANY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This disc or flash drive must be clearly marked on the outside that it excludes proprietary information. D. Submit seven (7) paper copies of the entire proposal, including all attachments and proprietary information. E. If applicable, the outside of the proposal must be marked to denote proprietary information is contained in the documents. Written notice of proprietary information must be submitted as the first page of the Offeror’s proposal. Notice must specifically identify the applicable portions of the Offeror’s proposal that contains data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. In addition, the specific (i.e. specific words, figures or paragraphs) proprietary or trade secret material submitted, must be identified on the applicable page(s) within the Offeror’s proposal, by some distinct method, such as highlighting, underlining, etc. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and will result in rejection and return of the proposal. Page 16 of 21 F. Communications regarding this Request for Proposals (RFP) shall be formal from the date of issue for this RFP, until either a Contractor has been selected or the University Purchasing Department rejects all proposals. Formal communications shall be directed to the University Purchasing Department. Informal communications including but not limited to, request for information, comments or speculations, regarding this RFP to any University employee other than a Purchasing Department representative may result in the offending Offeror’s proposal being rejected. G. Additional information is available at: VIII. ORAL PRESENTATION: Offerors who submit a proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal to VCU. VCU will schedule the time and location of these presentations. Oral presentations are an option and may or may not be conducted. IX. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated based upon the information provided in the Offeror’s proposal using the following criteria: Offeror’s qualifications and experience; methodology/approach to providing the requirements stated herein; price; and the Offeror’s status as a Virginia certified SWaM Business or the Offeror’s plans to utilize Virginia DMBE certified SWaM Businesses in the Offeror’s performance of the contract. Selection shall be made of two or more Offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals. Negotiations shall be conducted with Offerors so selected. After negotiations have been conducted with each Offeror so selected, the agency shall select the Offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best offer, and shall award the contract to that Offeror. The Institution may cancel this Request for Proposals or reject proposals at any time prior to an award, and is not required to furnish a statement of the reason why a particular proposal was not deemed to be the most advantageous. (Governing Rules Section 49.D) Should the Institution determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror has made the best proposal, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. The award document will be a contract incorporating by reference all the requirements, terms and conditions of the solicitation. Notice of Award(s) or Notice of Intent to Award may be accessed electronically at X. METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall submit a fully itemized invoice to Virginia Commonwealth University, Accounts Payable and Support Services, P. O. Box 980327, Richmond, VA 23298-0327, that, at minimum, includes the following information: the Virginia Commonwealth University purchase order number; a description of the goods or services provided; quantities; unit prices; extended prices; and total prices Payment will be made thirty days after receipt of a proper invoice for the amount of payment due, or thirty days after receipt of the goods or services, whichever is later, in accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia Prompt Payment Legislation. XI. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: General Terms and Conditions can be viewed at: Page 17 of 21 XII. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A. ADVERTISING: In the event a contract is awarded for supplies, equipment, or services resulting from this proposal, no indication of such sales or services to Virginia Commonwealth University will be used in product literature or advertising. The Contractor shall not state in any of the advertising or product literature that the Commonwealth of Virginia or any agency or institution of the Commonwealth has purchased or uses its products or services. B. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that the agency shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which may hereafter become available for the purpose of this agreement. C. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any proposal in response to this solicitation shall be valid for sixty (60) days. At the end of the sixty (60) days, the proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. If the proposal is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is cancelled. D. PROPOSAL PRICES: Proposal prices shall be in the form of a firm unit price for each item during the contract period. However, price changes for jewelry will be allowed annually and calculated as established by the final, negotiated contract. E. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: The purchasing agency reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than twelve (12) months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial twelve (12) months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. F. EXTRA CHARGES NOT ALLOWED: The proposal price shall be for complete delivery to the University and shall include all applicable freight; extra charges will not be allowed. G. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL: The proposal package should be identified as follows: From: Name of Offeror Due Date Street or Box Number RFP No. City, State, Zip Code +4 RFP Title Time Name of Contract / Purchase Officer or Buyer: Benjamin Miller The package should be addressed as directed on Page 2 of the solicitation. If a proposal is not clearly identified, the Offeror takes the risk that the proposal may be inadvertently opened and the information compromised which may cause the proposal to be disqualified. Proposals may be hand delivered to the designated location in the office issuing the solicitation. No other correspondence or other proposals should be placed in the envelope. LATE PROPOSALS: To be considered for selection, proposals must be received by the issuing office by the designated date and hour. The official time used in the receipt of proposals is that time on the automatic time stamp machine in the issuing office. Proposals received in the issuing office after the date and hour designated are automatically disqualified and will not be considered. The University is not responsible for delays in the delivery of mail by the U.S. Postal Service, private couriers, or the intrauniversity mail system. It is the sole responsibility of the Offeror to insure that its proposal reaches the issuing office by the designated date and hour. Page 18 of 21 H. INDEMNIFICATION: Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Commonwealth of Virginia, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, goods, or equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the Contractor/any services of any kind or nature furnished by the Contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence of the using agency or to failure of the using agency to use the materials, goods, or equipment in the manner already and permanently described by the Contractor on the materials, goods, or equipment delivered. I. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Contractor will not be liable under this contract for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or damages from loss profits, revenue, data or use of the supplies, equipment and/or services delivered under this contract. This limitation of liability will not apply, however, to liability arising from: (a) personal injury or death; (b) defect or deficiency caused by willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Contractor; or (c) circumstances where the contract expressly provides a right to damages, indemnification or reimbursement. J. MINORITY/WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES SUBCONTRACTING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND GOALS: Where it is practicable for any portion of the awarded contract to be subcontracted to other suppliers, the Contractor is encouraged to offer such business to minority and/or womenowned businesses. Names of firms may be obtained from the buyer handling this solicitation. When such business has been subcontracted to these firms and upon completion of the contract, the Contractor agrees to furnish the purchasing office the following information: name of firm, phone number, total dollar amount subcontracted and type of product/service provided. Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Procurement Services encourages the participation of minority owned businesses in the procurement process by actively soliciting bids from these businesses. Our office uses the information compiled by the State Department of Minority Business Enterprise, the State Division of Purchase and Supply and the Department of Information Technology to assist in this endeavor. The department has membership with the Virginia Regional Minority Supplier Development Council and participates in the annual Virginia Businesses Opportunities Fair. We encourage departments to support minority-owned businesses within their purchasing authority when appropriate. Virginia Commonwealth University has a minority-owned business participation goal of twenty percent (20%) for each project. K. PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: The Contractor shall be responsible for completely supervising and directing the work under this contract and all subcontractors that he may utilize, using his best skill and attention. Subcontractors who perform work under this contract shall be responsible to the prime Contractor. The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors and of persons employed by them as he is for the acts and omissions of his own employees. L. PRODUCT INFORMATION: The Offeror shall clearly and specifically identify the product being offered and enclose complete and detailed descriptive literature, catalog cuts and specifications with the proposal to enable the Commonwealth to determine if the product offered meets the requirements of the solicitation. Failure to do so may cause the proposal to be considered nonresponsive. M. QUANTITIES: Quantities set forth in this solicitation are estimates only, and the Contractor shall supply at proposal prices actual quantities as ordered, regardless of whether such total quantities are more or less than those shown. N. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: This contract may be renewed by the Commonwealth for two(2) successive one (1) year periods under the terms and conditions of the original contract except as stated in 1. and 2. below. Price increases may be negotiated only at the time of renewal. Written notice of the Commonwealth's intention to renew should be provided approximately 60 days prior to the expiration date of each contract period. Page 19 of 21 1. If the Commonwealth elects to exercise the option to renew the contract for an additional one-year period, the contract price(s) for the additional one year shall not exceed the contract price(s) of the original contract increased/decreased by more than the percentage increase/decrease of the Services category of the CPI-W section of the Consumer Price Index of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available. 2. If during any subsequent renewal periods, the Commonwealth elects to exercise the option to renew the contract, the contract price(s) for the subsequent renewal period shall not exceed the contract price(s) of the previous renewal period increased/ decreased by more than the percentage increase/decrease of the Services category of the CPI-W section of the Consumer Price Index of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available. O. SUBCONTRACTS: No portion of the work shall be subcontracted without prior written consent of the purchasing agency. In the event that the Contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish the purchasing agency the names, qualifications and experience of their proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall, however, remain fully liable and responsible for the work to be done by its subcontractor(s) and shall assure compliance with all requirements of the contract. P. USE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS: Notwithstanding the prohibition against used, damaged or obsolete items, vendors are encouraged to use secondary or recycled materials in the manufacture of products to the maximum extent practicable without jeopardizing the performance or intended end use of the product unless such use is precluded due to health and welfare or safety requirements or product specifications contained herein. Please provide the following information in this regard: 1. Do any of the goods offered contain recycled materials? ___Yes ___No 2. If so, please qualify the recycled material content: __________________ Q. WARRANTY (COMMERCIAL): The Contractor agrees that the supplies or services furnished under any award resulting from this solicitation shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Contractor gives any customer for such supplies or services and that the rights and remedies provided therein are in addition to and do not limit those available to the Commonwealth by any other clause of this solicitation. A copy of this warranty must be furnished with the proposal. R. eVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND ORDERS: The solicitation/contract will result in purchase order(s) with the eVA transaction fee specified below assessed for each order. 1. For orders issued August 16, 2006 thru June 30, 2011, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: a) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order. b) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $1,500 per order. 2. For orders issued July 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2013, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: a) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, Capped at $500 per order. b) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, Capped at $1,500 per order. 3. For orders issued July 1, 2013, and after, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: a) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order. b) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $1,500 per order. The specified vendor transaction fee will be invoiced, by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department Page 20 of 21 of General Services, approximately 30 days after the corresponding purchase order is issued and payable 30 days after the invoice date. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through purchase order changes. The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution, website portal, streamlines and automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The portal is the gateway for vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies. Vendors desiring to provide goods and/or services to the Commonwealth shall participate in the eVA Internet e-procurement solution and agree to comply with the following: If this solicitation is for a term contract, may provide an electronic catalog (price list) or index page catalog for items awarded. The format of this electronic catalog shall conform to the eVA Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) Specification that can be accessed and downloaded from Contractors should email Catalog or Index Page information to S. ELECTRONIC COPIES OF PROPOSALS: The successful Contractor may be required to provide the VCU Department of Procurement Services with a copy of the Contractor’s entire original proposal (to include all attachments), and all subsequent correspondence (i.e. responses to requests for clarification and documents generated through the negotiation process) in an unsecured electronic format (i.e. email, disc – CD or DVD or flash drive). The Contractor SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IN THE ELECTRONIC FORMAT; VCU will post the Contractor’s original proposal, and all subsequent correspondence on the VCU Department of Procurement Services Website, VCU shall not be responsible for the Contractor’s failure to exclude proprietary information submitted in the unsecured electronic format). T. GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT: The Contractor shall comply with the Act by implementing and maintaining appropriate safeguards to protect and prevent unauthorized release of student, faculty and staff nonpublic information. Nonpublic information is defined as social security numbers, or financial transactions, bank, credit and tax information. Page 21 of 21 RFP - Addendum DATE: July 12, 2012 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO ALL OFFERORS: Reference: Request for Proposals: RFP No. 4955496-BM Commodity/Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements Issue Date: June 26, 2012 Proposal Due Date/Time: August 28, 2012 @ 11:00 A.M. local time The above is hereby changed to read: Offeror questions and committee responses from pre-proposal meeting held on July 10, 2012 are included below. 1. How many campus locations? VCU has a Monroe Park Campus and a MCV Campus. The campuses are located about 2 miles apart. The expectation is to provide service to both locations. Actual service sites on each campus include the bookstores and student centers. 2. Do diploma frames fall under recognition items? Diploma frames can be considered recognition items and sold as part of this agreement. Currently diploma frames are sold through the bookstores. 3. Is the bookstore marking up the prices we provide or will it be deducted out of the price? Proposed prices should be considered COST prices. The stores are permitted to markup announcements and rental regalia. However, the University coordinates the sale of announcements and regalia rental through the bookstores. Class rings are sold directly through this agreement by the Contractor to reduce the retail prices. Retail arrangements can be made directly with the bookstores on other recognition items. 4. If yes, what percentage are they marking it up? Mark up as a percentage of retail for 2012 is as follows: Product Mark-up Retail Price Bachelor Cap & Gown 28% $16.50 Master Cap & Gown 37% $18.50 Doctor Cap & Gown 33% $22.00 Doctor Tam & Gown 40% $30.50 Tam Only 49% $15.50 Bachelor Hood 42% $16.50 Master Hood 37% $18.50 Doctor Hood 38% $22.00 Faculty Rental Announcement and stationery mark ups: Mark up on announcements and stationery sold through the bookstore range from 38% to 45%. Mark up on seals, labels, certificates and thank you notes range from 45% to 66%. 5. Royalty Schedule- is this for Rings or is guaranteed minimum annual royalty % on everything? The University seeks a royalty per ring unit sold with a Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty. Both the Contractor and the University will share in an exceptional year of ring sales. The Contractor shall monitor sales and calculate the royalty payments to the University each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). If, and to the extent that the royalty due the University exceeds the Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty, the Contractor should pay the excess amount by September 15. Proposals will be evaluated based on the Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty. 6. Is there a percentage that goes back to the school besides the royalties? Yes, promotional and marketing funds are available with the current agreement. See question 8.A below. In addition, Virginia Commonwealth University's new strategic plan, VCU Quest for Distinction, is a focused vision for VCU to become the nation's premier public, urban research university. Contractors are encouraged to provide financial resources to Business Services to enhance their role in the VCU Quest for Distinction. You can read more about VCU Quest for distinction here: 7. In the previous winning bid, were there any funds provided to the university or any organization affiliated with the university? Yes A. If yes, how much? The current Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty is $35,000 ($2,916.67 per month). Most of the funds are shared with Student Affairs and allocated to scholarships. In addition, up to $5,700 is provided annually to support a ring ceremony event. Engraved ring boxes are provide to ring ceremony participants and six 10K rings are available as incentives. 8. Is day of commencement student regalia distribution handled by the vendor or college/bookstore personnel? The distribution is handled by the graduation products Contractor. The bookstores are not obligated to support the student distribution only to provide space for the activity. 9. How many distribution days are scheduled for the week prior to commencement? For each Commencement two days are scheduled on the MCV Campus and three days are scheduled on the Monroe Park Campus. A graduation fair / informational event is also held prior to each commencement. Typically, the event is held one day on the MCV Campus and two days on the Monroe Park Campus each October and March. Most student regalia orders are collected during this event. 10. Does the contractor work with the bookstore? The bookstores are contractually encouraged to support the graduation products Contractor by providing sales space, retailing products and renting faculty regalia as agreed. Contractors are encouraged to develop a good working relationship with the bookstore staff. The bookstores are not obligated to provide labor/staffing to support the graduation products activity. 11. Cap & Gowns Breakdown- how many graduates & undergraduates? May 2012 (approximate number) · Bachelor 2,760 Master 1,070 Doctor 610 December 2011 (approximate number) Bachelor · 1,160 Master 300 Doctor 70 12. On page 15, letter “c”, under heading “Transition”, it says that the Contractor should be prepared to offer the Official VCU Class ring(s) during the fall of 2013. As the contract begins in January, can you tell me how rings will be handled for spring of 2013? Fall 2013 is the latest a new firm must be ready to sell class rings. The current firm will stop supplying rings on January 15, 2013. Depending on the firm’s ability to supply class rings, an order taking period may be instituted. 13. On page 15-16, section 12 – can you please clarify what “most favored nations pricing” means? The University is requesting the best pricing. 14. Is there interest in seeing an alternate bid using “sustainable fabric”? If so, do we just attach a second pricing sheet showing the pricing? Yes. Please provide pricing and sample(s). 15. How many student marshals are anticipated per year? Banner Bearers and Marshals – approx. 15 – 20. 16. Is this decision an all or nothing bid, or could different products be awarded to different vendors? Offerors can partner with other firms as appropriate to provide the full range of services requested. 17. Who will be on the decision committee and/or what departments will be involved in the decision? The evaluation committee will be composed of the following stakeholders: • Students – MCV and Monroe Park Campus • Student Affairs and Enrollment Services • Alumni Services • University special Programs • Business Services • Procurement and Payment 18. Provide an estimated quantity for faculty rental for each of the two annual graduations. Approximately 100 faculty rent during the May Commencement and 60 faulty rent during the December Commencement. In addition, approximately 50 BOV/ VIP members rent regalia for each Commencement. 19. Is there a ring presentation ceremony or are they shipped direct? Students have the option of participating in a spring ring ceremony or having the ring shipped directly. 20. How often are new rings designed per contract? Rings are designed infrequently and only as necessary. Rings are not designed annually. 21. How often were announcements redesigned per contract? Announcements are designed infrequently, and only as necessary. Announcements are not designed annually and must be approved by University Marketing. . 22. Are there any additional costs associated with on campus set ups and if so, please outline. (i.e. Table Reservations, etc.) The University student centers charge for table set up. 23. Please provide a breakdown of marketing expenses by product. This is a Contractor expense; therefore, the costs are unknown. 24. Please provide an estimated quantity of brochures needed by product category. This quantity is determined by the Contractor. NOTE: A signed acknowledgment of this addendum must be received by this office either prior to the proposal due date and hour or attached to your proposal. Signature of this addendum does not constitute your signature on the original proposal document. The original proposal document must also be signed. Very truly yours, Benjamin Miller Senior Buyer Phone: (804) 828-0889 Name of Firm Signature/Title Date August 28, 2012 Virginia Commonwealth University Attention: Benjamin Miller 10 South 6th Street, 2nd Floor POB 980616 Richmond, VA 23298-0616 Dear Committee Members: On behalf of the entire college division at Balfour, Oak Hall and Professional Framing, we thank Virginia Commonwealth University for the invitation to share what we have to offer. Balfour and its partners have been selected in the vast majority of the RFP requests that have been issued by colleges over the last decade. We believe there is a reason for this, as our success is a testament to not only our tremendous field personnel on the front lines, but also a dedicated team that works behind the scenes in marketing, manufacturing and customer service. Our reputation goes far beyond the ability to make quality graduation products or develop attractive marketing materials. It has more to do with what Balfour and its partners genuinely believe about these programs. Because of our sustained success with graduation products, our senior management teams have placed increased emphasis on growing these programs. Balfour and its partners have demonstrated the unsurpassed ability to build, market and deliver graduation programs that are in the best interest of the schools we partner with. We are confident that our program will provide optimum results for Virginia Commonwealth University with the best practices we provide. It’s one thing for us to state these claims. It’s another to hear it from our existing partner institutions. We hope you will follow up with the included references to validate our claims. We encourage you to read these comments that speak to our level of service, flexibility, commitment and the overall support we provide. We are proud of our leadership in Graduation Products Programs. We recognize our role in the success of these programs and pledge the same level of commitment we have delivered for many years at other institutions similar to Virginia Commonwealth University. Please know it would be our privilege and honor to be able to serve Virginia Commonwealth University. Sincerely, Rand DuPriest Regional Sales Manager Balfour Sam Jordan National Director of Sales Balfour 1 Donna Hodges Vice President Oak Hall Industries Freda Cornelius President Professional Framing Co. Written Notice of Proprietary Information Please note our proposal includes some proprietary information that was specifically requested in this RFP#4955496-BM. The rationale for this notice is that this information provided is confidential sales information with our current trading partners in the State of Virginia. The information is for your reference only as stated in the bid. The section we are referring to is A. Description of Requested Goods/Services and Proposal Response Requirements. Number 11 c. Provide the amount of annual sales the firm has with each VASCUPP Member Institution. The page number is 70 in our response and highlighted. 2 Table of Contents Section I Original Request for Proposal & Balfour’s Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 78 Addendum No. One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 - 87 Section II Pricing Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 - 96 Section III Balfour Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 - 130 Sales and Service Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 - 101 ORP Media Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 - 108 Grad Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 - 126 Photo Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 ORP Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 - 130 3 SECTION I Request For Proposal 4955496-BM Virginia Commonwealth University Graduation Products - Academic Regalia, Class Rings and Announcements 4 Request for Proposals RFP No: 4955496-BM Date: June 26, 2012 RFP Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements A VASCUPP Member Institution 5 Request For Proposals RFP No. 4955496-BM Issue Date: June 26, 2012 Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements Issuing and Using Agency: Virginia Commonwealth University Attention: Benjamin Miller 10 South 6th Street, 2nd floor POB 980616 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0616 Period of Contract: Three (3) years, with two (2) successive, optional, one (1) year renewal periods. Proposals For Furnishing The Services Described Herein Will Be Received Until: 11:00 A.M. local time on August 28, 2012. All Inquiries For Information Should Be Directed To: Benjamin Miller, address listed above at Phone: (804) 828-0889, VOICE TDD: (800) 828-1120 or Email: This solicitation & any addenda are posted on the eVa website at: HARD-COPY, ORIGINAL PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED IN VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY’S DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES ON OR BEFORE THE DATE AND TIME DESIGNATED ON THIS SOLICITATION. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS AND FACSIMILE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF THE HARD-COPY, ORIGINAL PROPOSAL. VENDORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DELIVERY OF THEIR PROPOSAL. PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE OFFICIAL DATE AND TIME WILL BE REJECTED. THE OFFICIAL DATE AND TIME USED IN RECEIPT OF RESPONSES IS THAT TIME ON THE CLOCK OR AUTOMATIC TIME STAMP IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES. IF PROPOSALS ARE MAILED, SEND DIRECTLY TO VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, PROPOSAL PROCESS DEPARTMENT, POB 980616, RICHMOND, VA 23298-0616. IF PROPOSALS ARE HAND DELIVERED OR SENT BY COURIER, DELIVER TO: VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES, 10 S 6TH ST., 2nd FLOOR, RICHMOND, VA 23219. THE RFP NUMBER, DATE AND TIME OF PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE, AS REFLECTED ABOVE, MUST CLEARLY APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE RETURNED PROPOSAL PACKAGE. In Compliance With This Request for Proposals And To All Conditions Imposed Therein and Hereby Incorporated By Reference, The Undersigned Offers And Agrees To Furnish The Goods/Services Described Herein In Accordance With The Attached Signed Proposal Or As Mutually Agreed Upon By Subsequent Negotiation. Furthermore, The Undersigned Agrees Not To Start Any Work Relative To This Particular Solicitation Until A Resulting Formal Signed Purchase Order Is Received By The Contractor From University Purchasing. Any Work Relative To This Solicitation Performed By The Contractor Prior To Receiving A Formal Signed Purchase Order Shall Be At The Contractor's Own Risk And Shall Not Be Subject To Reimbursement By The University. Signature below constitutes acknowledgement of all information contained through links referenced herein. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FIRM: Commemorative Brands, Inc. dba Balfour 7211 Circle S Road Austin, TX E-Mail Address: Telephone: ( Zip Code 78745 512 ) 444-0571 Toll free, if available REGISTERED WITH eVA: VIRGINIA DMBE CERTIFIED: DMBE CERTIFICATION #: DUNS NO.: 06-642-9374 Date: August 28, 2012 By (Signature In Ink): Name Typed: Title: Don Percenti Executive Vice President Fax Number: ( 512 ) 440-2161 Toll free, if available ( X) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES (X) NO SMALL BUSINESS: MINORITY-OWNED: WOMEN-OWNED: FEI/FIN NO.: ( ) YES ( X) NO ( ) YES ( X) NO ( ) YES ( X) NO 13-3915801 An Optional Pre-Proposal Conference will be held. See Section V. herein. THIS SOLICITATION CONTAINS 21 PAGES. Page 2 of 21 6 7 Request For Proposals RFP No. 4955496-BM Issue Date: June 26, 2012 Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements Issuing and Using Agency: Virginia Commonwealth University Attention: Benjamin Miller 10 South 6th Street, 2nd floor POB 980616 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0616 Period of Contract: Three (3) years, with two (2) successive, optional, one (1) year renewal periods. Proposals For Furnishing The Services Described Herein Will Be Received Until: 11:00 A.M. local time on August 28, 2012. All Inquiries For Information Should Be Directed To: Benjamin Miller, address listed above at Phone: (804) 828-0889, VOICE TDD: (800) 828-1120 or Email: This solicitation & any addenda are posted on the eVa website at: HARD-COPY, ORIGINAL PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED IN VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY’S DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES ON OR BEFORE THE DATE AND TIME DESIGNATED ON THIS SOLICITATION. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS AND FACSIMILE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF THE HARD-COPY, ORIGINAL PROPOSAL. VENDORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DELIVERY OF THEIR PROPOSAL. PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE OFFICIAL DATE AND TIME WILL BE REJECTED. THE OFFICIAL DATE AND TIME USED IN RECEIPT OF RESPONSES IS THAT TIME ON THE CLOCK OR AUTOMATIC TIME STAMP IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES. IF PROPOSALS ARE MAILED, SEND DIRECTLY TO VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, PROPOSAL PROCESS DEPARTMENT, POB 980616, RICHMOND, VA 23298-0616. IF PROPOSALS ARE HAND DELIVERED OR SENT BY COURIER, DELIVER TO: VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES, 10 S 6TH ST., 2nd FLOOR, RICHMOND, VA 23219. THE RFP NUMBER, DATE AND TIME OF PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE, AS REFLECTED ABOVE, MUST CLEARLY APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE RETURNED PROPOSAL PACKAGE. In Compliance With This Request for Proposals And To All Conditions Imposed Therein and Hereby Incorporated By Reference, The Undersigned Offers And Agrees To Furnish The Goods/Services Described Herein In Accordance With The Attached Signed Proposal Or As Mutually Agreed Upon By Subsequent Negotiation. Furthermore, The Undersigned Agrees Not To Start Any Work Relative To This Particular Solicitation Until A Resulting Formal Signed Purchase Order Is Received By The Contractor From University Purchasing. Any Work Relative To This Solicitation Performed By The Contractor Prior To Receiving A Formal Signed Purchase Order Shall Be At The Contractor's Own Risk And Shall Not Be Subject To Reimbursement By The University. Signature below constitutes acknowledgement of all information contained through links referenced herein. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FIRM: Professional Framing Company 7040 Battle Road, Suite 200 Kennesaw E-Mail Address: Zip Code 30152 Date: 8/28/12 By (Signature In Ink): Name Typed: Freda Cornelius Title: President Telephone: ( 800 ) 633-0579 Toll free, if available REGISTERED WITH eVA: VIRGINIA DMBE CERTIFIED: Fax Number: (800 ) Toll free, if available ( ) YES (X ) NO (X* ) YES ( ) NO SMALL BUSINESS: MINORITY-OWNED: DMBE CERTIFICATION #: * Applied - not rec’d yet WOMEN-OWNED: DUNS NO.: FEI/FIN NO.: 687-8821 (X) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES (X) NO (X) YES ( ) NO 27-1691551 An Optional Pre-Proposal Conference will be held. See Section V. herein. THIS SOLICITATION CONTAINS 21 PAGES. Page 2 of 21 8 Table of Contents I. PURPOSE: ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 II. OPTIONAL USE CONTRACT: ......................................................................................................................... 4 III. THE UNIVERSITY: ........................................................................................................................ .................... 4 IV. REPORTING AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS: ..................................................................................... 4 V. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: ................................................................................................................... 4 VI. BACKGROUND: ................................................................................................................................................. 4 VII. DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED GOODS/SERVICES AND PROPOSAL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: ......................................................................................................... 5 VIII. ORAL PRESENTATION: .................................................................................................................................. 17 IX. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA: ..................................................................................................... 17 X. METHOD OF PAYMENT: ................................................................................................................................. 17 XI. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:........................................................................................................ 17 XII. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ......................................................................................................... 18 9 I. PURPOSE: The intent and purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to establish a contract with a qualified source for Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements for Virginia Commonwealth University (the lead issuing institution and hereafter referred to as “the University” or “VCU”), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The initial contract term is three (3) years, with two (2) successive, optional, one (1) year renewal periods. It is the intent of this solicitation and resulting contract(s) to allow for cooperative procurement. Accordingly, any public body, public or private health or educational institution or lead-issuing institution's affiliated foundations may access any resulting contract(s) if authorized by the contractor. Additional information is available at: II. OPTIONAL USE CONTRACT: The resulting contract(s) will be an optional use contract. VCU is in no way required to make purchases from the Contractor and may in its sole discretion purchase the identical and/or similar goods/services from other sources. Any estimates/quantities contained herein do not represent a purchase commitment by VCU. III. THE UNIVERSITY: Information is available at: IV. REPORTING AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS: Information is available at: pdf V. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: OPTIONAL PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: An optional pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on July 10, 2012 at the Business Services Conference Room, 1111 West Broad Street, Suite A, Richmond, VA. The purpose of the conference is to allow potential Offerors an opportunity to present questions and obtain clarification relative to any facet of this solicitation. Note – Offerors: Should submit questions in advance (via email) to prior to the date of the conference. While attendance at this conference will not be a prerequisite to submitting a proposal, Offerors who intend to submit a proposal are encouraged to attend. Bring a copy of the solicitation with you. Any changes resulting from this conference will be issued in a written addendum to the solicitation. VI. BACKGROUND: Approximate units for 2011-12: A. Class Jewelry · Ring Sale 515 · Total Approximate Value $227,000 10 B. Academic Regalia · Students fitted in May 4,170 · Students fitted in December 1,540 · Total Approximate Value $120,000 C. Announcements · Personalized 1,800 sets of 25 · Standard 4,000 · Total Approximate Value $110,000 VII. DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED GOODS/SERVICES AND PROPOSAL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: This section describes VCU’s requested goods and/or services and the areas to be addressed in Offeror’s proposal. The areas to be addressed are in bold. Proposal response must be written in the same order as outlined below. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. Failure to submit all information requested may result in the elimination of the proposal from consideration. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lack key information may be rejected by VCU. A. Description of Requested Goods/Services and Proposal Response Requirements: 1. Overview: Provide a brief history of the firm. Describe the firm’s experience in providing graduation products and services to universities of comparable sizes with programs that are similar in complexity. Specify your firm’s plan to meet the graduation and recognition product needs of Virginia Commonwealth University. History of Balfour Balfour was founded in Attleboro, Massachusetts in June of 1913 and has become synonymous with providing excellence in recognition products and programs. Balfour currently supplies some 55 percent of the college market and proudly partners with more than 1200 institutions. Our college division vision statement reads: “To be the company that colleges trust most for building lasting traditions on campus.” We work closely with school administrators to create distinctive programs and products that help colleges establish a permanent relationship with their students and build a brand that heightens their image within the educational community. Our Marketing, Sales and Manufacturing facilities are located in Austin, Texas. Our two state-of-the-art graduation announcement plants are located in Louisville, Kentucky and Manhattan, Kansas. Consistent themes run through Balfour’s history; highly personalized management, a diversified but balanced offering of products, vigorous attention to servicing each customer based on their individual needs and preserving our reputation for quality and dependability. A commitment to service runs throughout the company, from our senior management team to the plant to our representatives working in the field. “Make it Real” with Balfour Balfour is the leading collegiate ring provider in the country handling more than 50 per- 11 cent of all college and university ring programs (and more than 75 percent of college official ring programs). There are a myriad of reasons why schools entrust us with their ring programs; however, the most important and prominent reason is due to the strategic plan that we implement with each school. Understanding that every institution is unique, Balfour never uses a cookie cutter approach. We instead follow a nine-step strategy that allows us to customize a unique program for the schools we partner with. We understand that VCU currently has an official ring collection, but that additional, alternative styles have been added. It’s evident that some ring programs perform better than others and that there are many variables that impact full potential. Balfour has a real grasp for these variables and stands firmly behind its official ring strategies that will “Make VCU’s Ring Tradition Real” for students and alumni. We are eager to blend our marketing expertise with the University’s “Make it Real” campaign to make VCU’s ring tradition even more compelling, more convincing and more engaging for your students and alumni. Our comprehensive approach will help establish a “real ring tradition” that will serve VCU’s best interests in the years ahead. Balfour Strategic Plan Our Marketing plan is a key component for the VCU Ring program. It is our marketing plan that raises student (and parent) awareness and creates the desire to purchase. The way our marketing plan is executed drives greater participation and supports a successful Ring Tradition and perpetuates the tradition. It is the goal of our marketing plan to communicate and reach out to every student in your class and to educate the classes behind you of the VCU Ring Tradition. It is the goal of our plan to increase the number of students ordering and to continue marketing the ring to your class members long after graduation. The nine-step Consultative Strategy outlined below is the backbone of a successful marketing initiative. Several additional strategies to expand the awareness of the Official VCU Ring Program are included as well. Whatever strategies are adopted by the University, be assured that Balfour will assist and lead so that maximum exposure and appreciation of the tradition will be achieved. Strategies for Consultative Marketing Proposal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Research Planning Education Ring Unveiling Unveiling Execution Inaugural Promotion of Official VCU Ring Inaugural VCU Ring Event Tradition Building Events Alumni Follow Up 1. Research Balfour would encourage VCU to send out a survey to current students on the current Official VCU Rings. This will help us learn what students think about their rings and to help us create a better ring-buying culture at VCU. 2. Planning Some of the key activities occurring during the planning step are: 12 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Create timeline Design and finalize collection Plan use of all advertising media Create advertising materials Create advertising schedules Plan dates and times for all events Finalize event locations Plan Ring Unveiling Theme Format Roles Scripting Prizes/Giveaways Entertainment Unveiling Advertising locations Security Public Service Announcements 3. Education Education of the student body about the Class Ring program and its significance begins as new arrivals see all the activities surrounding the events. The education of the student body never really ends. • Educating the diverse VCU campus groups/clubs about the VCU Ring Tradition. Support of Balfour staff to be present at club meetings and supply refreshments. • Newspaper articles featuring the Official VCU Ring. • Ring Turning Tradition at Commencement – Just as students turn their tassels to indicate graduation status, we encourage VCU Officials to ask graduates who are wearing their ring to do the same. This positions the VCU ring as a celebrated symbol of a VCU education. This is a simple, but powerful way to call more attention to the ring tradition. While it’s true that not everyone at graduation is wearing the ring, it’s an opportunity to showcase and support those grads who are participating in the ring tradition. Once in the script, it’s a recurring practice, and the turning of the ring will become as much a part of graduation as turning the tassel. Turning of the ring is based on a tradition of wearing the ring so that the top of it faces your heart while you are still a student, and then during commencement, the top of the ring should face the world, as a graduate. All of the above are designed to create interaction between VCU communities on their new Official Ring Program. 4. VCU Ring Unveiling Balfour will promote and give financial support for the Ring Week Kick-off event. During this event, the Official VCU Ring will be unveiled and students will have the opportunity to look at and purchase the Official VCU Ring. Refreshments will be served at the event and Balfour will support entertainment. 5. Ring Unveiling Execution A well-produced Ring Unveiling is key to creating the excitement that can result in maximum sales. A well planned Ring Unveiling incorporates a multitude of marketing opportunities - tradition, concept selling, excitement, awareness, action, information sharing and a call to action. 13 6. Inaugural Promotion Official VCU Ring • Newspaper Ads - Commonwealth Times Ads promoting sales promotion dates. • Direct Mail - Mailers to parents and students promoting the Inaugural VCU Official ring sales dates. • Extensive use of all other media described in the Advertising Section of this Proposal (Email, Posters, Banners, Tent Cards). 7. Inaugural VCU Ring Events Balfour will take the first Official VCU Ring orders after the unveiling. We will have experienced staff on hand to handle the order-taking and educational sessions. 8. Tradition Building Events • Grad Fair Promotions – On top of the Ring unveiling and the regularly scheduled order-taking events, Balfour will sell the Official VCU Ring at the Fall and Spring Grad Fairs. • Graduation Promotions – Balfour will take ring orders in the days leading up to graduation and at graduation. Here, some students are finally aware that their days at VCU are coming to an end and the impact their years at VCU have had on them starts to become a reality. 9. Alumni Follow-up Balfour believes in the value of the alumni organization and is ready to support any merchandising efforts on its behalf. In addition to the proven strategies detailed above, we also respectfully request consideration of the following marketing strategies for expansion and reinforcement of the VCU Official Ring Program: a. Heightened focus on electronic marketing campaigns • As email becomes more popular, consider the use of electronic marketing to parents. • Expand the schools’ use of Balfour created templates for more effective release. b. More concentration on Graduate student awareness • Target VCU Graduate students and non-traditional VCU students. c. Added awareness focusing on specific schools/colleges within the University • Deans of the Colleges at VCU to recognize event dates by announcing ring dates to students within their specific colleges. We understand there is a natural affinity within each college, and we have a script ready and available for each Dean. d. Additional resources for marketing to specific organizations and cultures within the student body • Plan special ring education events with influential student groups -- some ideas are a ring education scavenger hunt; invite a famous alum or respected faculty member to educate and speak to the groups about the ring; or a ring education contest with all student groups at VCU. 14 • Create a Web presence on student group Websites – for example, post a VCU Official Ring Web Banner Ad on a student group Website that links back to the VCU ring Website. • Have the ring committee host a Performance Seminar for leaders of all the organizations on campus to highlight their leadership role on campus and to be good citizens by contributing something to the educational process. As a consultant, Balfour will help to plan and implement the above strategies with VCU. The result is more awareness of the VCU Official Ring Tradition on campus, increased sales and an increased attendance to the events surrounding the tradition. Balfour will also help to implement a strategy of continuous marketing to VCU students until graduation and beyond. History of Oak Hall Oak Hall Cap and Gown was founded in 1889 in Roanoke, Virginia. We are a family run business, dedicated to keeping the textile industry alive in the USA. All our manufacturing takes place in our three sewing facilities in Virginia. In addition, we work diligently at purchasing our raw materials in the United States. Throughout its years of formation, Oak Hall steadily built a reputation for manufacturing the finest quality academic, judicial, and religious apparel in the country. Oak Hall is the largest cap and gown manufacturer in the collegiate market. We service more than 1,700 colleges and universities across the United States, including seven of the eight Ivy League Universities. We also service schools in England, Asia, throughout the Caribbean, and Mexico. Our sister company, Bentley & Simon, is recognized throughout the world as the hallmark for quality custom-made robes and is the robe supplier for all of the Justices of the US Supreme Court. Oak Hall Cap and Gown employs 384 people in the great Commonwealth of Virginia. All our employees have full time, permanent positions, and in Oak Hall’s 123 year history, we have never had an employee lay off. As you can imagine, the cap and gown business is very seasonal. We understand though, that our obligation is to make certain that the appropriate regalia is available to any person that wants to attend commencement. It’s a job that our employees take very seriously. They treat each and every order as though it was their own child walking. From the time an order is received until it leaves our warehouse and arrives on campus to your satisfaction, you can be assured that it has been handled by experienced employees that know and understand our business. Over the years’, Oak Hall’s success has been our ability to develop programs that enhance a university’s graduation with unique designs along with service that far exceeds expectations. If given the opportunity to work with Virginia Commonwealth University, you can be assured that you will be partnering with a company that will deliver the highest quality commencement regalia and will continually work with you to enhance the experience for your graduates. In addition, Virginia Commonwealth University will be supporting local, homegrown industry. Supporting local industry has the double advantage of supporting local jobs and reducing the environmental costs of transportation when goods are delivered. Oak Hall Strategic Plan • We get to know you. We will want to meet with the appropriate people on campus to get an understanding of the challenges that you face during commencement 15 season. • We want to hear your wish lists for commencement. We may not be able to grant every wish in the beginning, but we will certainly work closely with you on a continual basis to make things happen. • There will be absolutely no problem with taking over your regalia needs immediately and providing you with a seamless transition for October grad fair and December ceremony. • One of the first things that we would like to help VCU achieve is to develop customized regalia for your PhD graduates. We work very closely with universities across the country to develop these programs, at no cost to the university. We receive a number of calls each year from faculty members across the country wanting to order customized regalia from VCU. Having this regalia will allow VCU alumni teaching at other universities the opportunity to show their VCU pride during commencement exercises. • Our Corporate Management Team, with well over 100 years of combined experience in the cap and gown business, will be responsible from beginning to end in providing your graduates, faculty, and administration with the regalia they need. • You will always be able to speak with an experienced person immediately when calling Oak Hall because we DO NOT HAVE VOICEMAIL. We understand the time sensitive nature of our business and we respond accordingly. • We are a one product company, regalia and related accessories is all we do. We have a passion that is unmatched in this industry. This passion is very evident as you walk our sewing room floors, or through our warehouses, or stop and listen to our receptionists or customer service as they are on the phone. Most of our employees have been with us for many years. They have lived and experienced the growth of Oak Hall, from our one sewing plant 20 years ago, to the opening of our second plant in Wytheville that saved over 100 textile jobs from extinction. Then five years later when we opened our Chilhowie plant in an area that had experienced massive layoffs as sewing jobs were moved to Mexico. • We welcome the committee at VCU to be our guests to tour our facilities and see firsthand that the textile industry is alive and well in our great Commonwealth of Virginia. Then we ask that you support local industry by having your students wear regalia Made in Virginia. Professional Framing History and Strategic Plan Professional Framing Company has been providing diploma frames to university bookstores and graduates since 1987. Founded on a core commitment to provide their customers extraordinary service, value and quality products, the company quickly led the way in a burgeoning industry by adding innovative and artful additions to their offerings, including the use of embossed seals and school names, limited edition watercolors of campus landmarks, 24k medallions, 3D laser logo cutouts, and 3D collages. Further establishing themselves as leaders in the industry, Professional Framing Company remained as committed to service as they were their craft, as they are to this day. Their success has been due in no small part to listening to the needs of buyers and striving to make their jobs easier and less complicated. One way they have achieved this has been to assign a dedicated customer service representative, to each account, who is knowledgeable about that store and its specific needs. They also understand that as the years change over, so do the students and their preferences; so Professional Framing Company has regularly attended a wide variety of trade shows to stay abreast of the trends. Like- 16 wise, they have strived to keep their eye on the sales of frames industry-wide and make suggestions for changes in product lines as deemed necessary. Professional Framing Company currently provides frames and service to university bookstores nationwide, such as Virginia Tech, University of Tennessee, University of Richmond, Western Kentucky and Georgia Southern, just to name a few. As when they first began, Professional Framing Company is once again at the forefront by being the first and only company in the industry to use UV protected glass on every frame. In their ever-growing commitment to providing their customers extraordinary service, value and quality products, they continue to lead the way. With the experience of Balfour, Oak Hall and Professional Framing, Virginia Commonwealth University can be assured of working with THE INDUSTRY LEADERS IN ALL CATEGORIES OF GRADUATION PRODUCTS. The combined knowledge of our companies, working closely with Virginia Commonwealth University, will certainly assure that your students are being provided with the absolute best the industry has to offer. 2. Class Jewelry: a. The Contractor should offer a program for the sale of class rings and class jewelry. Describe the class ring and class jewelry program proposed for Virginia Commonwealth University. Balfour will follow our proven guidelines outlined in the strategic section above when proposing the class ring program for VCU; however, we will tailor make the program to fit what is best for VCU. We never force our agenda on any one school, because we realize that no two schools are ever alike. The same applies for any additional jewelry items that may be offered at VCU. We will work with the committee to provide whatever jewelry accessories need to be available. b. The Contractor should offer a collection of quality class rings and jewelry as approved by the University to meet the needs of students and alumni at Virginia Commonwealth University. Describe the collection of rings/jewelry that will be offered. State how the selection and the program will help enhance the customer's affinity with the University. Balfour defines the Class ring and Class Jewelry Program proposed for VCU as an Official Ring Program. The program offers limited ring designs, unique to VCU. The rings can be presented in some type of university endorsed Ring Ceremony. It is important to note that we use the phrase limited ring designs to indicate that the offering is not always just a single design; however, all designs must have a common theme or common symbolism, in order to be recognizable as part of the Official Ring collection. Here are three key elements for a successful ring program at VCU. Symbolism A symbol is defined as an object that represents something invisible. Note the definition is singular – an object. A strong symbol only has one unique and recognizable design. For example, there is only one unique design for the Academy Awards’ Oscar, one Congressional Medal of Honor, one Purple Heart, one Stanley Cup, etc. To verify that symbolism is the real product, one only need look at the institutions that did not maintain their school ring traditions over the last twenty-five years. Starting in the 17 late `70s, all ring manufacturers began to offer an increasing variety of styles at institutions that had no formal recognition and support for the ring on their campus. With little or no emphasis on a recognized Official Ring tradition, and considering that the average enrollments have increased during the same time frame, the actual student buyrates of college rings have declined by more than 50 percent. Evaluating the schools that never lost focus of their Official Ring confirms the value of the tradition. These colleges and universities have suffered little or no deterioration in demand for their well-recognized rings. A symbol must be identifiable to have meaning. The more versions of a symbol that exist, the more difficult it is to recognize. A symbol that is difficult to recognize has less significance and meaning. The direct result is lower demand for the symbol. Exclusivity One of the characteristics of a strong ring program is exclusivity. To make a ring “exclusive,” the following marketing principles apply: • Sometimes, less is more. • Perception is critical and university driven. • Discounting the product weakens the appeal of the “symbol.” • The presentation of the product should be celebrated. • The correct message should be sent by extending an invitation to acquire the symbol a student has earned the right to wear. All strong symbols are exclusive to the individuals who have earned the right to wear the items. If anyone could acquire a World Series ring, would it carry the same mystique? If all professional golfers were allowed to wear green jackets at Augusta National, would the jacket have as much meaning? An Official Ring must be reserved solely for those individuals who have successfully met the school’s established requirements. Another important aspect of exclusivity involves the presentation of the ring. Balfour has led the way in helping our partners return to the tradition of conducting formal Official Ring ceremonies. A ring carries far greater importance when the President, a popular administrator, or a famous graduate presents the ring in a meaningful setting. This is also an excellent opportunity for the university to begin educating upper class students about graduation and the role of alumni. Affordability Affordable pricing is an important element of a successful ring program. We will work with the institution to keep the Official Ring affordable for all students. We will offer the Official Ring in a variety of metals and karat options to fit different budgets. We also offer an interest-free payment plan; however, it is important for the reader to understand that our pricing structure must support the unique and proven marketing program we will be proposing. If Virginia Commonwealth University chooses to develop an Official Ring Program with Balfour, you have our commitment to develop the very best program possible that will yield stronger returns for VCU. Balfour is the leader in Official Ring Programs and has more experience with Official Ring Programs than our competitors. Balfour leads in Official Ring Programs because we have the greatest ability to help increase affinity at the schools we partner with. For 18 many of our Official Ring Programs, purchasing an Official Ring is about more than the ring itself – it is about the culture of the University and the student’s loyalty toward that culture. Our research shows that a successful Official Ring Program helps increase affinity at Official Ring Schools. We have testimonials available to back up our research that are available upon request. c. The Contractor should offer a selection of metal alloy rings. Describe the characteristics of your best selling metal alloy ring. Celestrium is an economical alternative to traditional white gold, offering value and durability. Celestrium is a jewelers stainless steel available in antique and natural finish. This metal is extremely durable and resistant to tarnishing. d. The Contractor should provide services typically associated with the sale of class rings and jewelry. These services should include design, production, sales, marketing and warranty. Describe your firm’s design services, production techniques and quality control methods. Balfour College Rings Balfour has long been synonymous with the best ring the industry has to offer. Since 1913 we have been the leader in the industry while developing many techniques now considered standards in class ring production. Being the leader in these areas allows us to build on our experience as we continue to manufacture simply the best rings in the industry. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of quality and workmanship to achieve total satisfaction for each customer who enjoys our product. Our longstanding commitment to quality has ensured that hand finishing operations continue to be an integral part of every one of our rings. We employ more than forty individual finishing steps and eight quality assurance checks to make certain that our high standards are always maintained. Finally, Balfour will assign a quality control manager in our manufacturing plant who will be responsible for the quality of every ring. This type of commitment, not just to quality, but to the university, is what makes us the gold standard when it comes to producing the symbol of memories. 19 Method of Manufacturing Balfour uses the lost wax method that is now used throughout the college ring industry. We use one-piece die construction, which offers a number of distinct advantages: • Greater durability • More uniformity • Precision alignment • Greater depth of detail We also have a wide capability in other manufacturing techniques and are able to discuss these with you relative to your specific ring designs. Our manufacturing process involves more than 35 highly-skilled operations that go into the creation of a single ring. Model Making Each Balfour college ring begins as a detailed drawing created by our team of artists. Master craftsmen/draftsmen then translate these drawings into three-dimensional sculptures or drawings. Our rings incorporate the most extensive hand modeling in the industry. When given final approval for a design, our tool and die cutters create a precise master model (die) from which the wax pattern is prepared. This superior die provides a completely accurate wax impression from which each new ring is made. Lost Wax Method The Lost Wax method involves three stages of vacuum-assisted processes: one at wax, one at investment, and one at metal cast. The objective of these vacuum-assisted processes is to improve the quality of the rings by providing a detailed wax pattern with good filling and a dense ring after being cast. The wax injection process eliminates the die wear associated with the die striking method of manufacture and forms a wax pattern of the ring. The investment process then takes these wax patterns and creates a solid-mold around the patterns that is oven-cured to harden the mold and melt out the wax (lost wax) leaving a “negative” of the wax pattern. The molds are then filled with the appropriate metal with the assistance of vacuum during the casting process. Finishing To enhance the special sculptural details that often characterize college rings, we have developed an Antique Finish that is meticulously applied then heat-treated to afford the customer a lifetime of wearing pleasure. For those who prefer a ring with a more classic jewelry look, we also offer the rings in a Natural Gold state. The rings are polished and buffed to create a beautiful shine and then engraved on the inside of the ring for added personalization. 20 Quality Control Throughout its production, each ring is carefully inspected. Any craftsman in our factory is authorized to reject a ring not meeting our quality standards. In addition, each ring must pass through eight designated quality assurance stations. Our quality control experts then give it a final, meticulous quality inspection. A special bar-coded computer reads specifications to ensure complete accuracy. The Gold Standard When gold is mined from the earth and refined to its pure state it is termed 24 karat. Because gold is soft when pure, it must be alloyed with other metals having better wear characteristics. These metals include copper, silver, zinc and nickel; the relative percentages of each vary according to karat and when alloyed produce yellow, green, white or rose gold. Alloying gold with other metals reduces the gold content, so that 21 karat gold is 87.5 percent pure gold; 18 karat gold is 75.0 percent pure gold; 14 karat gold is 58.3 percent pure gold; and 10 karat gold is 41.6 percent pure gold. These are the preferred karats for fine jewelry. They best combine the beauty, workability and tarnish resistance of gold with the strength and durability of the alloyed metals. Gold used to manufacture 10K, 14K and 18K rings will be of the quality set forth in the United States Stamping Laws for karat gold. The hardness on the white gold rings will be that which is generally recommended by the industry. Delivery Balfour rings will be delivered to the students at the Official Ring Ceremony. Rings not delivered will be available for pick up as per the University’s instructions. Alternative Metals Balfour alloys were developed by expert metallurgists and are today produced under carefully controlled conditions to insure standards are consistently met or exceeded. Our alternative metals, Celestrium™, Balfour Imperium™ and Balfour Premium Silver™, are jewelers’ grade alloys and are guaranteed never to tarnish, stain or fade. Their specific contents are proprietary, but the joy and excitement they bring to everyone who purchases them is evident. Celestrium, a fine jeweler’s stainless steel Balfour Imperium with Gold (BI),is a yellow alloy containing 19.2% gold along with other metals Balfour Premium Silver (BPS) is a silver-colored metal composed of 80% silver and other alloys including Palladium. 21 Conscience As one of the nation’s largest jewelry manufacturers, Balfour utilizes the highest jewelry manufacturing and processing standards, including using reclaimed gold, adhering to the diamond Kimberley process and supporting Oxfam’s Golden Rules, using recycled stainless steel, and using environmentally friendly simulated birthstones. Balfour is also a member and complies with all Fair Labor Association employment standards and is a member of the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Balfour is proud that our rings feature: No Blood Diamonds – The United Nations passed a resolution called the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme that is designed to certify the origins of diamonds and to ensure the stones are not “conflict” or “blood” diamonds. It is Balfour’s commitment to you that the diamonds used in our products are conflict free, based on written guarantees provided by our diamond supplier. No Dirty Gold – Balfour was the first class ring company to endorse No Dirty Gold’s Golden Rules and calls on the mining industry to extract and manufacture gold under higher social, human rights and environmental standards. For more information about this movement, please visit Environmentally Friendly Simulated Birthstones – Our simulated birthstones are all lab created stones, with many sharing the same chemical properties as genuine stones. With the exception of diamonds, our stones are not mined and, as a result, are significantly more eco-friendly. Recycled Metal – Our Celestrium™ metal is fine jeweler’s stainless steel that is over 95% recycled metal. Fair Labor Association Commemorative Brands, Inc., the parent company of Balfour, Oak Hall Industries and Professional Framing Company are all members in good standing with the FLA. In joining the FLA, affiliated companies make a commitment to develop a rigorous program that includes implementing the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct and monitoring to ensure that any violations are identified, addressed and corrected. Their efforts in this regard must meet FLA standards for public disclosure and long term improvement. Balfour College Graduation Announcements Following is detailed information on the quality of Balfour’s printing; type and weight of paper(s) utilized; printing method and type of inks, exact size of the pieces. Design and Development An experienced artist from our graphics department designs and assists with die proofs for each school’s customized announcements. We maintain a large portfolio of etchings and embossings to meet a variety of design needs. • Traditional or Formal Printing Process • A variety of printing processes are available to achieve the desired appearance for your announcements. • Detailed engraved, foiled, lithography or thermograph seal impressions. • Traditional embossed or litho full or ghosted etchings 22 • Colored or blind embossing • Five typestyles • Text offered with laser print • Paper Stock Institutions may choose white or ivory Vellum paper, or from an assortment of colored stocks. Balfour offers either French or Dutch folds, and two formal matching inner and outer envelopes. Quality Assurance We pride ourselves in producing graduation products of the highest quality. Our entire reputation depends on our ability to consistently produce high quality announcements and accessory products. Proofing announcements for quality and accuracy is a major point of focus. Announcements are proofed at least three times during the manufacturing process. Additionally, our Quality Assurance Inspection team inspects each order before it is shipped to the customer. Delivery With state-of-the-art facilities in our Manhattan, KS plant, Balfour provides accurate and timely fulfillment—an important advantage when producing time sensitive material. Announcements will be shipped to the individual student within 24 hours of receipt of the order at no additional charge. Oak Hall College Graduation Regalia Oak Hall produces over 2.5 million caps and gowns each year. All manufacturing is done in Virginia in one of our three sewing facilities. On customized regalia we stock on average 25% over the yearly needs so that we are always prepared with inventory on hand. Should you need a special size that wasn’t in stock, many times we can manufacture and ship the same day if needed. We have the fastest delivery time in the industry on our high quality regalia as well. Normal delivery is within four weeks, but in most cases we can meet whatever delivery date is needed. It is important to note that Oak Hall never charges a “late fee” or “rush fee” for last minute orders. Discuss the sales support services available for customers including the following: • • • • Minimum deposit requirements Methods of deposit payment Accepted forms of credit Finance programs Balfour accepts cash, personal checks or credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, America Express and Discover). Orders can be paid in full or with an interest-free credit card plan. Balfour also offers a convenient, interest-free, three month payment plan for students. Students simply leave a deposit equal to one third of the cost of the ring and make the remaining payments each thirty days after the payment before via credit card. In addition, students can select from a four or six month plan where they leave a $100 deposit and pay the remaining amount in equal installments every 30 days after via credit card. There is no extra charge for using this program. 23 All regalia from Oak Hall and diploma frames from Professional Framing are sold directly to the University and no deposits are required. State the firm’s warranty policy including the following: • Length and conditions of guarantee regarding defects in materials and workmanship • Length and conditions of guarantee regarding stones and stone decorations. • Provide conditions and associated charges for ring sizing and adjustments; for replacement of damaged rings; for restoring ring finish; and for changes in academic designation and graduation year. • State the refund policy for students who fail to graduate in the year designated on the ring and the process for resolving disputes. Balfour’s Limited Lifetime Warranty* Your Balfour ring is hand-crafted to meet your complete satisfaction. Only the finest materials have been used to ensure years of enjoyment. The following services will be performed without charge for the original owner of the Balfour ring: • Repair defects in workmanship or materials at the time of original delivery. • If repairs cannot be made due to defects in workmanship and materials, the product will be replaced at Balfour’s discretion. • Resize your ring (all rings can be resized up or down two sizes) • Clean and polish your ring • Genuine stones and diamonds are not covered. • Should your year of graduation or degree change at the same school, a change to your ring will be made at no charge (limited to one occurrence for year date and one occurrence for degree). A charge may apply for engraving changes where year date or degree is included. • No other change from the original order is permitted under the warranty. • This warranty is void if work is performed on your ring by someone other than Balfour. • If the ring is damaged or worn beyond your satisfaction, it may be exchanged for a ring of current design at Balfour’s current remake charge. • Damages resulting from improper handling, lack of care, or normal wear and tear are not covered by this warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. In the event your ring needs warranty or non-warranty service, return your ring insured with a letter of instruction to: Balfour College Rings ATTN: Repair Dept. P.O. Box 149207 Austin, TX 78714-9207 24 When shipping via UPS or FedEx, use the following address: 7211 Circle S. Road Austin, TX 78745-6603 Please include payment for return shipping, handling and insurance fees and any applicable sales tax ($14.95 for ground shipment, $19.95 for second day service and $24.95 for overnight service). Return shipping, handling and insurance fees apply to all warranty and non-warranty service. *For rings purchased since 1972. Warranty terms do not apply to Military Academies. Warranty terms and conditions are subject to change on Balfour’s notice during the term of this agreement. Oak Hall Industries Warranty Our written warranty states; any merchandise that does not conform to your order with regard to style, fabric, color, measurements, or that is not exactly as agreed upon, may be returned within 15 days after receipt of the merchandise and an appropriate adjustment will be made immediately and without question. This being said, we understand that many times regalia is not picked up in that time frame. Any regalia problems, regardless of when it was shipped, would be replaced without question. Professional Framing Company Warranty Professional Framing Company offers a warranty against any manufacturer’s defects for the lifetime of the diploma frame. Professional Framing Company will provide a free sample of each frame that the University may decide to carry. In the case of a damaged frame, the frame will be picked up by a representative and either repaired or replaced as deemed necessary. We believe that purchase decisions by retail buyers are based on the visual presentation of the product and we believe that the best presentation of the product will sell more frames. Therefore, we are prepared to insure that the sample frames will be in exceptional condition. 25 As a benefit of Balfour’s Limited Lifetime Warranty, many changes are provided free of charge including resizing, cleaning and polishing, changing a graduation year date or changing a degree. Changes that incur a remake fee include changing a school name, changing the finish of a ring (antique or natural), changing the ring style or changing the metal quality (any difference in metal quality is also charged). College Rings Chargeable Repair Schedule* Description of Service or Repair Charges if Purchased After 1972 Resizing No Charge up to 2 sizes Cleaning and polishing No Charge Change graduation date No Charge Change degree or curriculum No Charge Replace damaged or defective simulated stone No Charge Replace defective encrusting No Charge Replace genuine stone $50 plus Cost of Genuine Stone Change incorrect engraving No Charge Add or change engraving $25 Refurbish ring** $25 Change simulated stone to another color or change stone enhancements $50 Change genuine stone to another color or change stone enhancements $50 plus any difference in the cost of genuine stones Change school name $100 for non-gold alloys $175 for gold Change finish (antique to natural or natural to antique) $100 for non-gold alloys $175 for gold Change style $100 for non-gold alloys $175 for gold + cost between different style types Change metal quality $100 for non-gold alloys $175 for gold plus difference in metal grades Shipping, handling and insurance(for return of repaired rings)*** $14.95 (UPS ground) $19.95 (second day) $24.95 (overnight) Many repairs stated above are option changes and are not covered by Balfour’s Limited Lifetime Warranty. Replacement of genuine stones and diamonds is not covered by Balfour’s Limited Lifetime Warranty. *Fees subject to change during the term of this agreement due to the fluctuating precious metals markets. **Refurbishing services include cleaning, polishing, tightening or replacing stone, replacing epoxy, removing surface scratches, replacing antiquing (if applicable) and repairing dented bezels. ***Sales tax and return shipping, handling and insurance will be added to the repairs listed above (repairs due to defects in workmanship or materials will be excluded from return shipping charges). 26 Ring Loss Protection PlanSM Your Balfour ring is so precious that it is automatically protected against loss or theft. If your ring is lost or stolen, Balfour will replace the jewelry. This protection plan is in effect for four years from the date of purchase on all original rings purchased after August 1, 1996, and is limited to a single replacement of your original jewelry during the four year period. This Ring Loss Protection Plan excludes diamonds, precious stones, Military Academy rings, and Championship rings. Requirements for replacement: 1. Ring Loss Protection Plan/Warranty Card 2. Original Invoice 3. Specs for replacement ring must be identical to original jewelry: stone, date, curriculum, school, and all other options 4. Request for replacement must be made within 45 days from date of loss 5. Police Report Number (as applicable) 6. Explanation of circumstances of loss Send request for replacement with original invoice, the Ring Loss Protection Plan/Warranty Card, and a check or money order for the then current replacement fee plus a $14.95 shipping and handling charge (shipping and handling charge includes insurance for the return shipment. Second day service is available for $19.95. Overnight service is available for $24.95) to: Balfour College Rings Attn: Ring Loss Protection Plan Dept. P.O. Box 149056 Austin, TX 78714-9056 When shipping via UPS or FedEx, use the following address: 7211 Circle S Rd. Austin, TX 78745-6603 Ring Loss Protection PlanSM Fee Schedule Metal Type Men’s Fee Women’s Fee CelestriumTM $85 $85 Balfour Premium SilverTM $100 $75 10K gold $275 $135 14K gold $360 $170 18K gold $450 $200 Replacement fees may vary during the term of this agreement due to the fluctuating cost of precious metals such as gold, palladium, silver and platinum. The Ring Loss Protection Plan is backed by an insurance policy. Ring Loss Protection Plan terms are subject to change at Balfour’s notice during the term of this agreement. Please to for current fees. In addition to the automatic warranty, students will be offered the opportunity to purchase an extended warranty which extends the protection plan from 4 years to 10 years. 27 e. The Contractor should provide the "Official" ring or collection of rings of Virginia Commonwealth University containing all the design elements that compose the "Official" ring. Acknowledge the firm's willingness to accommodate the University’s "Official" ring/ jewelry program and describe how the firm will enhance the "added value" of the Official Jewelry program. Balfour will enhance the “added value” of the Official Ring/Jewelry Program through experienced official ring marketing techniques. Balfour is a preferred partner for Official Ring Programs across the country. The number of colleges and universities adopting an official ring tradition over the last decade is a testament to the overall success of these programs. Clearly, a focused message positioning the university ring more prominently on campus resonates more with students than at schools where a ring tradition is not properly and effectively positioned. A unified approach, eligibility requirements and the way in which rings are presented all make a ring story more compelling in the eyes of graduates. Please refer to the testimonials included with our bid that specifically document Balfour’s intangible role in building more engaging ring programs. These scenarios are simply representative of a long list of colleges that are experiencing stronger buy rates by working solely with Balfour. Our company partners with approximately 200 official ring colleges and universities throughout the country – exceedingly more than our competitors. Most recently additional examples of this success have taken place at the University of Virginia and Clemson University, both accounts that had previously partnered with competitors for more than 40 years. The following are “added value” promotional efforts that Balfour has used, will use or is currently using in other Official Ring Programs. Virtual Ring on Jumbotrons at Official Ring Schools Balfour is now able to provide 3D rotating image files for our Official Ring programs. A 3D “virtual” ring is an innovative and powerful way to promote the ring tradition in an all-new way. This technology is an ideal way to introduce the Official Ring to incoming students at freshmen orientation, showing them early on one of the treasures of staying enrolled. The ring in this 3D virtual format may also be used as a default screensaver in campus computer labs, aired on any and all televisions, played with PSAs on jumbotrons during athletic events and uploaded to the Official Ring Web site. The 3D ring may also be burned to alumni directory CDs. Virtual rings are proving to be an extremely effective way to build awareness for ring traditions – an ideal way to make the ring real at VCU! Here is a list of schools where the virtual ring was used during football or basketball games: • Ohio State University • North Carolina State University • Texas Tech University • Texas A&M University • The University of Texas • Auburn University • Baylor University • Oklahoma State University 28 • Sam Houston State University • University of Missouri Balfour Official Ring Workshops For several years the Balfour College Division has hosted an Official Ring Workshop, where a combined 145 representatives have taken part representing 89 colleges and universities. The workshop has become an extremely popular event with those assigned to supervising their official ring tradition on campus. Our workshops feature presentations by school representatives, along with Balfour personnel, to better understand strategies that build participation rates for ring programs with students and alumni. The feedback Balfour has received from these workshops has been extremely favorable. One of the most popular aspects of the workshop is the ability for participants to tour Balfour headquarters where they can follow the official ring process from marketing, customer service, manufacturing and delivery. Our official ring Partner institutions are able to meet face to face with our key people behind the scenes that contribute to our success. The opportunity for school representatives to see their actual official ring being made – from start to finish – is consistently one of the highlights of the event. The Balfour Official Ring Workshop is a one-of-a-kind event, a marketing initiative unlike anything our competition has to offer. We would certainly welcome VCU’s participation in an upcoming workshop, or perhaps an on-campus workshop dedicated for VCU. More recently, Balfour has begun hosting regional and even on-campus workshops enabling more of our Partner institutions to benefit. On-campus workshops have been most effective when we’re able to gather key campus personnel and student leaders to the table to discuss best practices for program growth. We encourage participation by the Bookstore, Alumni Affairs, Student Activities, University Marketing, Licensing and of course Student Government and/or Student Alumni representatives. These half-day sessions have proven highly effective in not only building additional awareness for the ring program on campus, but to also increase overall enthusiasm. We are able to present school-specific sessions that “excite and ignite” participants with the overall best interest of the school in mind. In every case, these workshop sessions have spurred students to become more engaged in the ring program, helping to further define the school’s ring story through rituals and/or other powerful enhancements that make the ring a more meaningful experience, rather than simply a product for sale. It’s the difference between an official ring, and an official ring “program.” We have conducted highly-focused, on-campus workshops at LSU, Vanderbilt, Stephen F. Austin State University, Florida State University, SMU, the University of Virginia and the University of South Carolina, to name a few. Additional workshops are scheduled for Purdue University, Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi, University of New Hampshire, James Madison University, etc. These events are gaining in popularity due to their effectiveness and we believe hosting a dedicated workshop at VCU will prove extreme- 29 ly beneficial for your program. It will no doubt help Make the VCU Ring Real for more key players on campus who have the University’s best interest at heart. Below are a couple of responses we’ve received representative of the success we’ve experienced with these events: Having a ring workshop hosted by Balfour was extremely valuable and productive for the LSU Ring tradition. It allowed for all the key representatives to be around the same table to discuss ideas, new opportunities and strategies for continued growth. We are eager to implement many of the innovative processes that were shared to make our ring program even more meaningful for our students and alumni. Ashley Scott Territo, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor LSU Finance and Administrative Services I wanted to follow up and let you know that the workshop Balfour did for us on campus earlier this year laid the foundation for a traditions movement here at Carolina. We assembled 20 campus partners recently to discuss formulating a traditions keepers program at Carolina. The Ring Program is at the core of our discussion and decision to create a traditions movement. The Official USC Ring workshop helped bring together interested campus departments to ignite this sense of pride and collaboration. Thank you for your leadership in this area, and we look forward to the next one! Mary Ruffin Weaver Childs, Assistant Executive Director of Membership, Marketing & Communications My Carolina Alumni Association Samples of Balfour Helping Schools Enhance their Ring Programs with “Value Ad” Strategies: The Big Dip at Stephen F. Austin University Balfour believes in helping schools develop a more meaningful ring story. Stephen F. Austin State University has created a mystique with “The Big Dip.” During the Official Ring Ceremony at Stephen F. Austin State, ring recipients are invited to dip their rings and hands in purple dye. Purple is the school color at SFASU and the “dipping” turns each ring recipient’s hand and ring purple for a few days. Students at SFASU know that if they see a person walking around with a purple hand, then that student is clearly identified as a ring recipient. Local businesses have become involved by offering students discounts with their purple hand. This has become a model program for other schools to follow, a powerful example of how strengthening the overall “ring experience” will help drive participation rates. 30 Wake Forest University Valentine’s Day Ring Promotion A Balfour tradition at Wake Forest University has been to hand out a rose to each student who orders a WFU Ring during the 3-day Valentine’s promotion and Grad Fair. This has been a very popular promotion at Wake Forest and has helped promote student interest in the ring. Wake Forest University Hit the Bricks Campaign Balfour is a current sponsor of the Hit the Bricks Campaign at Wake Forest University. This is a student fundraiser for cancer research. Balfour promotes during the event and provides water to the students participating. Balfour also gives away Wake Forest ring gift certificates in a drawing at the end of the event. North Carolina State Official Ring T-Shirts Balfour hands out NC State Official Ring T-shirts during the Official Ring kick-off event each year at NC State. The T-shirts have a picture of the Official NC State Ring and any student who visits the ring table during this event receives a T-Shirt courtesy of Balfour and the NC State Alumni Association. Introduce the Rings at Freshman Orientation Balfour believes that it is important to instill the message of the Official Ring the instant students come on campus. One way to do this is to introduce the Official Ring at freshman orientation. Exposing freshman to the ring tradition early creates desire and gives them something to work toward on the way to graduation, Many schools across the country are doing this. A few schools have created Official Ring documentaries for orientation and Balfour is a valuable resource with a database of such productions. National Campaign: Guaranteed Holiday Delivery One of Balfour’s most successful National Promotions is Guaranteed Holiday Delivery. During the last week in November, Balfour will guarantee all orders placed special Holiday Delivery, so ring buyers will have their ring by Christmas. The normal lead-time on a ring is 4-6 weeks, however, often during this promotion; Balfour cuts the lead-time to 2-3 weeks, which is the fastest lead-time in the college ring business. National Campaign: Guaranteed Graduation Delivery Another successful National Promotion is Guaranteed Graduation Delivery. During this promotion, Balfour guarantees that all rings ordered will be delivered by Graduation. The normal lead time on a ring is 4-6 weeks, however, often during this promotion; Balfour cuts the lead-time to 2-3 weeks, which is the fastest lead-time in the college ring business. National Campaign: Web Banner Ads Online sales at official ring schools have climbed steadily in recent academic years. Custom Web Banner Ads have been developed to be placed on Alumni or bookstore Web sites to reinforce direct mail campaigns. These Web Banner Ads have a live link to the Official Ring Web site where students, parents and alumni can learn more about the tradition, or order online. These, coupled with the varied social media strategies Balfour now puts in place, all contribute to building overall awareness and sales. All of these strategies result in added value to the VCU community, enhancing its tradition, spirit and therefore its unity. Long term it will tie Alumni to the campus that led them to success. 31 f. The Contractor should provide for the University’s need to design additional rings and jewelry as necessary and work with the assigned committee as appropriate. The ring/jewelry styles may be re-designed as necessary to include new VCU marks and elements. Acknowledge the firm will accommodate the University’s need to design additional rings and jewelry when necessary. Balfour will comply. g. Virginia Commonwealth University shall approve all designs, artwork, and mock-up rings and jewelry items prior to production. The jewelry selection may be featured as the “Official” collection to qualified students. Acknowledge the University’s right to approve all designs prior to production and to have title to dies and molds. Balfour will comply. h. VCU marks and logos are registered with government agencies and licensed through the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC). Jewelry prices shall include a licensing fee per piece of jewelry. The current rate is $10.00 per unit. Acknowledge the firm's willingness to license the products and pay the appropriate licensing fees. Balfour will comply. i. The Contractor will have exclusive trademark rights for the sale of class jewelry to students. However, the VCU Alumni Association and MCV Alumni Association at VCU may market class jewelry bearing VCU’s marks and logos to VCU alumni under a separate agreement. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. j. The title to dies and molds used in the manufacture of VCU class rings/jewelry shall be vested in the University. The Contractor shall retain all dies and molds and maintain such dies and molds in first class condition. In the event the Contractor determines that dies or molds are to be destroyed or otherwise disposed, the Contractor shall deliver dies and molds to Virginia Commonwealth University. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. k. The Contractor should establish and define the jewelry pricing process. The Contractor should provide Virginia Commonwealth University with clearly defined benchmarks for calculating future ring and jewelry prices as necessary. Clearly define and describe the firm's jewelry pricing process. Provide a formula that will allow the computation of the price of a particular class ring based on the price of a specific benchmark for gold. Price changes for jewelry will be allowed annually. 32 The following formula will be used to determine the change in price due to increases in the market price of gold. (Change in gold market) x (Gold Factor) x (Ring Pennyweight (dwt)) = Price rounded to the nearest $5 increment The following factors will be used for each karat of gold: Metal Type per $1 for every $10 10K = 0.021 0.21 14K = 0.029 0.29 18K = 0.038 0.38 Prices may also be adjusted with any modifications to royalty or trademark licensing fees at any time during the initial term or any renewal period. Specify which market index will be used to benchmark gold pricing annually. Ring retail pricing shall be set on a yearly basis on June 15th of each year based upon the London PM fix for that date. New ring retail prices will take effect on July 1st of each year during the initial term or any renewal period. Complete Pricing Schedule (attached Excel document). Pricing shall include all costs for furnishing the products to include delivery (F.O.B. Destination), materials, labor, etc. No extra charges are allowed. Balfour and Oak Hall will comply. Pricing Schedule included as attachment in Section II of the document. l. Jewelry prices shall include all University royalty and licensing fees. Acknowledge the proposed jewelry prices include a royalty paid to the University and licensing fee collected by the licensing agent. Balfour will comply. Specify all features that are included in the base price of the ring. Features might include full name engraving, stones, stone cuts, stone seal, panel tops, and special finishes. The following features are included in the base price of the ring: • A choice of metals including Celestrium, Balfour Premium Silver, Yellow or White gold in karat qualities • A choice of Synthetic stones • Full name engraving inside the ring • Antique finish • Degree • Graduation year date • A limited lifetime warranty (see Section “VII.A.2.d) • A ring loss protection plan (see Section “VII.A.2.d) 33 m. The Contractor should support jewelry sales by providing sales support materials. Describe the sales support and point of presentation material that will be provided at no charge including: Balfour will provide two to four sales representatives for ring and announcement promotions throughout the year. In addition, Oak Hall will provide a full staff to support all regalia related promotions. • Point of presentation display cases Balfour will provide a presentation case for the VCU ring collection to be displayed on campus at a prominent location the VCU committee feels will best showcase the collection to the most traffic. • Ring samples Balfour will provide a collection of VCU ring samples to be displayed at a prominent and well trafficked location on campus that the VCU committee feels is best as well as during ring promotions. • Website access to sale and support information Balfour will maintain a 24/7 online presence for the VCU Ring offering where students and graduates can conveniently view the ring and learn more about the ring tradition. In addition to all on-campus promotions, VCU Rings may be ordered online at any time through this channel. This summer Balfour launched a new cleaner, simpler and more modern look for it’s school home pages. The transition will continue with updated ring pages and other features in the Spring. This emerging online presence for our official ring programs is unprecedented in this industry, and will strengthen buy rates by helping schools tell their ring stories even more effectively, and efficiently. • Toll-free phone numbers for service 1-866-225-3687 or 1-800-BALFOUR • Copy of the warranty and a care manual Please refer to Section VII.A.2.d for full warranty information. Caring For Your Balfour Ring As a proud owner of a fine ring by Balfour, some simple care and a few precautions will ensure your long-term enjoyment of your ring. The natural qualities of gold and silver allow them to tarnish. However, you can remove tarnish easily with any good silver polish. After applying the polish with a soft cloth, clean your ring in a mild soapy solution. Then rinse the ring in clear water and dry. Chemicals can discolor your ring. Some, like mercury, chlorine or household chemicals, can cause permanent damage. Your ring can also be damaged in any form of heavy manual labor. To protect your ring, remove it whenever doing heavy work, whenever exposed to chemicals, while working on or near heavy machinery, or when working with power tools. Since temperature and exercise affect finger size, wear your ring for at least two weeks before considering any size adjustment. 34 • Meeting regularly with representatives from Student Affairs and Business Services to evaluate the program and make changes as needed Balfour will consistently meet with all university representatives associated with the ring program. If a certain group or person is unavailable for a meeting, the Balfour representative will be sure to e-mail or call that department/person with any pertinent information that was discussed. n. The Contractor should conduct a minimum of four (4) ring sales on each campus (two per semester) each year. Sales events on the Monroe Park Campus should include evening hours. State the minimum frequency, location and duration of on-campus ring sale events. Please see Balfour’s proposed marketing plan in Section o. below. o. The Contractor should have a well developed marketing plan for class rings and jewelry. The Contractor should sell class jewelry on campus in-person and as well as on the Internet. The Contractor may use locations in the University retail stores to support campus sales. Provide a marketing plan for class rings and jewelry. • Specify key events and approximate dates. Virginia Commonwealth University Class Rings Marketing Plan Spring 2013 – A Ring Tradition is Born - “MAKE THE RING REAL!” January 2013 - May 2013 If awarded the business, Balfour will begin to work immediately with the VCU Ring Committee to formulate a plan of action and a timeline that will eventually lead to the unveiling of the new VCU Ring Collection. Given the importance of following each of Balfour’s proven marketing steps, we feel like the spring semester may not be adequate enough time to design new rings, unveil the collection, take orders and then hold a ceremony before graduation; however, if VCU feels strongly enough about having all this done in the upcoming spring semester, then Balfour will most definitely make it happen. Please understand that a tight time frame will have to be adhered to though. It is our recommendation that we use the spring semester to follow the first two important marketing steps - RESEARCH and PLANNING. Without the proper execution of these steps, it is very difficult to build a lasting ring tradition. The following meetings will take place anywhere from January 2013 through July 2013 depending on the ring committee’s time tables. Ideally, we would like to complete these meetings by graduation in case students need to leave for the summer; however, e-mails can be sent to those unable to attend any meetings taking place in the summer. 35 Meeting #1 Once VCU has determined the members of its Ring Committee, Balfour will hold a meeting with everyone to go over the basic steps of our marketing program. It is at this meeting that we will collect all the input from the committee. Once this information is compiled, Balfour can then begin to build a ring program that is unique to VCU. Meeting #2 Depending on the scale of the ring collection, Balfour is happy to fly in one of our ring artists to work in person with the committee to design the seal, symbols, etc for the rings. It is our goal to have the collection styles determined by the end of this meeting. Meeting #3 At the beginning of this meeting, the committee will sign off on all finished artwork of the ring collection. We will then begin the extremely important step of PLANNING. As listed earlier, the key activities of this step are as follows... • Create timeline • Design and finalize collection • Plan use of all advertising media • Create advertising materials • Create advertising schedules • Plan dates and times for all events • Finalize event locations • Plan Ring Unveiling * Theme * Format * Roles * Scripting * Entertainment * Unveiling * Advertising locations * Security * Public Service Announcements Meeting #4 At this meeting, the committee will sign off on all marketing pieces, i.e. posters, postcards, brochures, etc. that will be used to promote the ring tradition in the fall and following spring semesters. The marketing timeline will also be reviewed again to ensure that everything is in place for a smooth unveiling in the fall. Summer 2013 – the Official Ring Workshop ORP Workshop: Balfour extends the invitation to any VCU Ring Committee Members or Advisors to the Exclusive 2013 Official Ring Workshop in Austin, TX, regionally or locally. Balfour, the leader in Official Ring Programs, holds this event annually for our existing ring partners and new schools that want to learn more about Official Ring Programs. Please see the Official Ring Workshop insert in Section III - Additional Information. Fall 2013 - The Official VCU Ring Collection is Unveiled - “MAKE THE RING REAL!” September/October 2013 – Ring Unveiling and Order Taking 36 Special Event – Monroe Park Campus: Balfour will promote and give financial support for Ring Week Kick-off event. During this event, students and parents will have the opportunity to look at and purchase the Official VCU Ring. Refreshments will be served at the event and Balfour will provide entertainment. Special Event – Medical College of Virginia Campus: Balfour will promote and provide financial support for a Ring Week Kick-off event at the Medical College of Virginia Campus for the evening students. During this event, students and parents will have the opportunity to look at and purchase the Official VCU Ring. Refreshments will be served at the event and Balfour will provide entertainment. Mailers: Balfour will mail a VCU custom brochure to juniors, seniors and grad students (permanent home addresses). Posters: VCU Custom Ring posters will be posted in key areas all over campus. E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a VCU custom e-mail to juniors, seniors and grad students directing them to our ring table and to the VCU Custom Web site. Added-value Marketing: Eligibility Letter: Balfour will send a one-page letter of eligibility letting the eligible students know that they are eligible to purchase the official VCU ring. If possible, the eligibility letter should be signed by the Office of Student Life and is on the Office of Student Life letterhead. (Please note this is optional.) The guidelines agreed upon and stated in the request for proposal are as follows for eligibility: • Attain the level of Junior or Senior standing • Graduate Students • Alumni of VCU Eligibility E-mail: Balfour will send an eligibility e-mail to eligible students letting them know that they are eligible to purchase a ring. IMPORTANT - THE VCU RING COMMITTEE WILL NEED TO DECIDE IF ANY RING ORDERS TAKEN AT THIS PROMOTION (OTHER THAN THOSE GRADUATING IN DECEMBER) SHOULD BE DIRECTLY SHIPPED TO THE CUSTOMERS OR IF THE ORDERS SHOULD BE HELD FOR THE SPRING CEREMONY. Graduation Celebration for VCU Balfour will sell both rings and announcements at the “Grad Fair.” Oak Hall will sell caps and gowns. October 2013 Mailers: See VCU GRAD FAIR MAILER below. Posters: VCU Custom Ring/Announcement/Grad Fair posters will be posted in key areas all over campus. E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a VCU custom e-mail to juniors, seniors and grad students directing them to the Grad Fair table and the VCU Custom Web site. Special Marketing: • With the help of the VCU Ring Committee, Balfour hopes to utilize such marketing avenues as Facebook, etc to promote the Grad Fair • VCU Grad Fair Mailer: About two weeks before the Grad Fair, Balfour will mail out a grad fair packet to the parents of the December 2013 graduates alerting them of the 37 date, time and place of the Grad Fair in October. Included in this mailer will be information about announcements, rings and any other pieces that VCU desires to go out, i.e. cap and gown, diploma frame information, etc. A custom ring postcard will be included in this package also. • VCU Ring Raffle: All students participating in the Graduation Celebration will have a chance to win 2 gift certificates worth $100 off the VCU Official Ring. • VCU Announcement Raffle: Balfour will have a raffle for a free Basic Announcement Package at each location. • Monroe Campus: Balfour will set up a special Grad Fair promotion to take ring and announcement orders on the Monroe Campus. Oak Hall will also be set up to take cap and gown orders. • Medical College of Virginia: Balfour will set up a special session to take ring and announcement orders at the Medical College of Virginia. Oak Hall will also be set up. IMPORTANT - ALL RING ORDERS TAKEN AT THE GRAD FAIR THAT ARE DIRECTLY SHIPPED TO CUSTOMERS WILL ARRIVE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. BALFOUR WILL EMPHASIZE THIS SPECIAL HOLIDAY DELIVERY BENEFIT IN ITS MARKETING PIECES. VCU Graduation Promotion December 2013 - Graduation Promotion - Last Chance Seniors! Sales Representatives: Balfour representatives will be set up at VCU locations the day before and the day of graduation to offer graduating students a last chance to order their rings and/or announcements. Oak Hall staff will be on campus the week of commencement, two days at Medical College of Virginia and three days at Monroe Campus doing distribution. We will also attend commencement to take care of any last minute needs. Mailers: Balfour will mail a VCU custom postcard to all December graduates inviting them to come to the ring/announcement table for a last chance to order. Special Marketing: With the help of the VCU Ring Committee, Balfour hopes to utilize such marketing avenues as Facebook, etc to market the promotion Posters: VCU Custom Ring/Announcment posters will be posted in key areas all over campus. E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a VCU custom e-mail to seniors and grad students directing them to the Grad Fair and to the VCU Custom Web site. IMPORTANT - BALFOUR WILL BASICALLY FOLLOW THE SAME MARKETING SCHEDULE FROM FALL 2013 INTO SPRING 2014. BECAUSE SPRING 2013 WILL BE USED PRIMARILY FOR SET UP OF THE RING PROGRAM, THE SPRING OF 2014 MARKETING SCHEDULE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS... January/February 2014 Ring week - Order Ring For Ceremony! Same marketing strategies will be implemented as listed earlier. March 2014 Grad Fair - Order Your Announcements Caps & Gowns and Last Chance to Order Ring 38 for Ceremony! Same marketing strategies will be implemented as listed earlier. April/May 2014 Ring Ceremony Invitations: Balfour will mail an elegant VCU Ring Ceremony Invitation to all students who purchased a ring. Balfour will also mail an invitation to the parents of the students who purchased a ring. The invitation will invite the students and parents to the Inaugural VCU Official Ring Ceremony. Refreshments: Balfour will provide refreshments for ring recipients and guests at the VCU Ring Ceremony. Refreshments will be provided before or after the Ring Ceremony. Posters: VCU Custom Ring posters will be posted in key areas all over campus reminding the students who purchased rings to attend the Ring Ceremony. E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a reminder e-mail to students who purchased the ring reminding them to attend the Ring Ceremony. Special Marketing: With the help of the VCU Ring Committee, Balfour hopes to utilize such marketing avenues as Facebook, etc to promote the ceremony. Special Presentation boxes: Balfour will present each ceremony ring in a cherry box with the new VCU seal/logo laser engraved on the top. May 2014 Graduation - Last Chance to Order Ring/Announcements Before Graduating! Oak Hall staff will be on campus the week of commencement, two days at Medical College of Virginia and three days at Monroe Campus doing distribution. We will also attend commencement to take care of any last minute needs. • Describe the dollars and/or percentage off ring sales promotion including the amount off and the number of times the promotion will be offered. We referenced earlier in this RFP the three key elements of an Official Ring Program. Those three key elements for a successful ring program at VCU are Symbolism, Exclusivity and Affordability. We believe that in order to truly offer the best price on the VCU Official Ring, that every day low pricing should be the pricing structure and therefore no dollars’ off promotions. If selected, we will work with VCU on the pricing structure. • Provide samples of the customized brochure that will be used. A sample of the proposed custom brochure has been included with the bid. Balfour proposes mailing the brochure two times per year – once during the fall semester and again during the spring semester. Balfour’s current Best Practices for official ring marketing includes mailing to the permanent home addresses of current juniors and seniors. For the initial official ring mailing, we would mail to both permanent addresses as well as local addresses so both students and parents would receive a brochure. Brochure copies would also be sent to the retail stores as well as alumni center or where the rings are on display and would be readily available to on-campus students wanting more information about the official ring program. 39 • State how many brochures will be provided, how the brochures will be distributed and how often the brochure will be revised. The number of brochures provided would depend upon enrollment. Balfour proposes that for the first year 15,000 brochures be printed. This amount should cover the mailings and additional samples we will distribute on campus. The brochure will be revised yearly before the annual printing. It is during this time that graphics, etc. can be revised. • Describe the direct mail program. Balfour is the leader in the use of Direct Mail in the promotion of graduation products. Direct Mail has proven to be one of our most effective advertising media. Direct Mail produces dramatic results in the college ring marketplace and in the announcement marketplace. Our experience indicates that targeting seniors and their parents increases promotion sales an average of 56%. For this reason we propose extensive use of Direct Mailings. We have included some Direct Mail samples at the end of this document. • Describe other marketing processes that will be used. State how the medium will be beneficial and approximately the frequency of use. Custom poster and postcard samples have been included with the bid. The posters will be provided for each on-campus ordering event. The posters will include the date, time and location of the ordering event. 50 posters per event will be provided. Custom postcards will be printed and will be used to mail to permanent home addresses or local addresses of junior and senior students eligible to purchase the ring to make students and parent aware of when a Balfour representative will be on campus to take official ring orders. The postcard can also be used to advertise special events such as graduation fairs. These two materials will also be revised once a year during the annual reprinting of materials. This will take place during the summer months. A recent study shows that between 85 percent and 99 percent of college students use Facebook. Balfour has been able to conduct successful Facebook marketing campaigns strategically placing Facebook ads on school specific Facebook sites. This raises awareness for the Official VCU Ring to students who spend time on Facebook and connects to a link to purchase. While it’s top of mind, students can also be encouraged to share their purchase with friends via their Facebook page. • Provide a sample website or URL showing the proposed VCU website. A sample of one of our current websites is located at\\ ORP\default.aspx?id=va63. Other schools can be viewed at • Describe how the website will be used to market class rings, regalia and other products. The custom website will list all available product offerings, so that the customer can easily click on the product he or she wants and be immediately directed to that site. Descriptions and photographs of all products will then appear on the screen. The website will also be e-commerce capable and all official VCU products will be available for purchase online. The website will be included on all printed marketing materials, as well as the custom emails so that students and parents can go online 40 to purchase or to find out more information. There is also a space on the first page of the website where upcoming promotions (dates, times and locations) will be posted. p. The Contractor should provide an accounting of all VCU jewelry sales through all venues annually. (See Section “IV. F. Reporting”) Describe the process and reporting used to account for all VCU jewelry sales through all venues. Balfour will provide a monthly commission (royalty) report 20 days after the close of the calendar month in which the Official Product had been shipped to the customer. The report shall include but is not limited to the quantity sold per product, quantity returned per product, revenues per product and total commission (royalty) earned per product. 3. Academic Regalia: a. The Contractor should provide the University with a program for the solicitation and distribution of quality regalia for students. • • • • • • • • • • • • The Contractor should offer quality garments to be retained by the students. The regalia bundle should include a cap, gown and hood for all degree levels. All hoods shall show the appropriate degree color. Tassels for graduates on the MCV Campus should show the appropriate degree color. Doctoral gowns for students receiving a PhD, MD, DDS, Pharm D and other designated doctoral degrees shall show the appropriate degree velvet color. The Contractor should solicit the necessary fitting and degree information from students. At a minimum, the Contractor should distribute student regalia on each campus during a mid-semester multipurpose graduation event and again during the week prior to each Commencement. The Contractor should supply extra apparel for last-minute orders and adjustments the day of Commencement. The University will only pay for the amount of regalia actually distributed to students. The University will not pay for backup stock shipped but not used. Contractor shall document the receipt of apparel by each student in order to receive payment. The Contractor should provide students the option of ordering regalia over the Internet. The Contractor should provide wearing instructions with the apparel. Describe the proposed student keeper regalia program. The student keeper (souvenir) program proposed by Oak Hall will include: Bachelor and Master regalia, consisting of cap, gown, tassel, and hood made in accordance with the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines. It is important to note that Oak Hall’s Vice President, Donna Hodges, is a liaison with ACE and works closely with universities across the country to insure that academic standards are upheld. The cap and gown would be solid black unless VCU decides to customize their regalia program. (One option of a customized Bachelor and Master gown is enclosed). The hoods would reflect VCU colors inside and degree color velvet edging. All Oak Hall hoods have the cord on the front to connect to the button inside the gown for comfort in wearing. All Oak Hall souvenir, rental, and custom Master and Doctor hoods also 41 have the cord and button on the back of the hoods. Doctor regalia, consisting of cap, gown, tassel, and hood is made in accordance with the guidelines set forth by ACE. The cap and gown will again be solid black, but the velvet front panels and sleeve chevrons will be in the color denoting the students’ degree. The hood would reflect VCU colors inside and degree color velvet edging. (An option of an upgraded Doctor hood showing bridal satin lining and matinee velvet edging is enclosed for your review. An option of upgraded velvet on the Doctor gown is also enclosed for your review.) Oak Hall has helped over 150 colleges and universities across the country in designing customized regalia for their doctoral students. Having customized regalia is not only important to the graduate, but also for alumni that have chosen to stay in academia and will be participating in commencements at other institutions. In the Commonwealth of Virginia alone, we have customized doctoral regalia for Virginia Tech, UVA, George Mason, Regent University and The College of William and Mary. Oak Hall would be proud to be a part of helping design customized regalia for the students at Virginia Commonwealth University. There is no cost involved to the university. We start by making several samples, meeting with the appropriate people on campus to determine the likes and dislikes and then continuing to make samples until a design is approved. It is important to note that typically customized regalia is designed for PhD and EdD degrees, not for Professional degrees. It has been our experience that at the professional degree level it is much more important to show the degree colors on the gown than school colors. Once regalia has been designed, there are two options. First and most common, each student has the option of purchasing the customized regalia, or continuing to wear the standard regalia provided by the university. Secondly, Oak Hall would produce a stock of VCU rental doctoral gowns and students would have the option of renting or purchasing the official regalia. Unlike any other regalia manufacturer, all Oak Hall regalia is manufactured in one of our three sewing plants in Southwest Virginia. We have been in business manufacturing in Virginia for over 100 years. Our dedication to producing the finest regalia in the industry has allowed us to grow to the largest manufacturer in the collegiate market. Some of the features you will find standard in Oak Hall souvenir regalia are: • An inter lining in our yokes, allowing for a smooth finish and better drape • We place a button inside all our souvenir gowns to allow for attaching the hood • Stock sizes starting with 4’9 and continuing through 7’, regular and plus sizes • We customize gowns for the physically challenged at no additional charge • Caps with elastic on both sides, instead of the back, allowing for a much more comfortable fit • Tassels are a full nine inches and 64 strands, available in single, double, or triple color combinations at no additional charge • Our date drops are the full four digits as opposed to the two commonly seen All Oak Hall regalia is manufactured in accordance with the Academic Costume Code dictated by the American Council on Education. • Provide sample apparel for Medicine - M.D., Nursing - M.S and Business 42 Administration- B.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University. Include cap, gown, hood and tassel. Samples included in both VIP (traditional polyester material) and GreenWeaver (100% post consumer plastic bottle material) ), and NuHorizon (our newest recycled plastic bottle material in a knit). Along with the requested samples, we have including some additional samples showing available upgrades in velvet on student keeper doctoral gowns and available upgrades on doctoral hoods to bridal satin lining and matinee velvet. Also we have shown you an example of a customized bachelor and master gown. A description of each fabric is below: • • • • • • • • • NuHorizon is our newest recycled plastic gown, finished as a knit Made from recycled plastic bottle waste Lightweight, yet durable VIP is a richly woven 100% polyester material Lightweight, yet extremely durable Resistant to wrinkles GreenWeaver is made from 100% post consumer plastic bottles Softer to the touch than traditional polyester Very wrinkle resistant Our recycled gown process is described below: • • • • • • Bottles are processed to remove impurities such as labels and caps The bottles are then chopped into fragments called “flakes” Flakes are melted and then solidified into uniform pellets called “chips” Chips are melted again and extruded into continuous filament yarn The yarn is woven, dyed, and finished All our regalia is sewn in our sewing plants in Virginia Environmental Advantages: • Yarn is produced using 100% post consumer plastic bottles • CO2 gas emissions are reduced by 54.6% in the process of manufacturing fabric from plastic versus virgin polyester • Petroleum usage is reduced by over 52% by utilizing thermal recycled energy Student Options after Commencement: • Keep the regalia as a souvenir of their accomplishment • Recycle the regalia in collection bins that we provide a commencement • Recycled regalia is reprocessed into new product To date, over 300 colleges and universities across the country are using GreenWeaver at commencement, resulting in our diverting over 12 MILLION plastic bottles from landfills! In addition, all our waste material is being recycled. All our packaging materials, as well as our shipping cartons, are made from recycled and recyclable materials. • Outline the program for soliciting fitting and degree information from students for the May and December Commencements. Years of manufacturing and working with universities has allowed us the knowledge to be able to know what is needed from year to year in sizing. In addition, Oak Hall has at any given time, over 1 million caps and gowns stocked in our warehouses. We would have regalia available for pickup at the graduation fair/information 43 event held at both the MCV Campus and the Monroe Park Campus. Unlike any other vendor, if for any reason during the fair we see that there is an unusually large run on tall or short gowns, our warehouse is two hours away. We can have additional regalia delivered by our drivers within a couple hours notice. • Describe how students will be notified about the fitting sessions and how size and degree information will be collected. It has been our experience that a large part of the “draw” to a graduation fair is the excitement of picking up your regalia. Students will be notified with the various mailings done to promote the event, along with the social media events that Balfour promotes. There truly is no company better equipped to promote an “event” than Balfour/Oak Hall. Once at the event, our team will make sure that the students feel as special as they should. This is their day and we make sure it’s all about them. We have gowns of all sizes on display and encourage the students to try on the regalia, pose in front of the mirror, and take pictures with their friends. We highly suggest that a professional photographer be at the event so that photos can be taken in full regalia. Oak Hall would be happy to supply the appropriate regalia for those pictures. • Provide approximate key dates for both the May and December events. The actual dates would be set through a partnership between Balfour/Oak Hall and the university. Unless the university wants to change their current method, we would set the graduation fair for two days at the Monroe Park Campus and one day at the MCV Campus in October and March. Then we would be on campus the week of commencement, two days at MCV Campus and three days at Monroe Park Campus, to hand out last minute requests and to distribute any internet orders received after the grad fair. We would also be on hand at commencement for any last minute needs. We would want to set up a faculty/doctoral student custom regalia sale for each fall and spring, giving anyone wanting to purchase fine quality regalia the opportunity to do so. Those are typically more successful if held at a time when faculty are meeting anyway. We would set up to talk with faculty before and after their meeting. We can also set up an event with the bookstore, and take both faculty purchase and rental orders during that event. • Describe the distribution program on each campus including approximate dates. We are proposing that the fitting sessions and the distribution program be one in the same, held during the graduation fair and again the week of commencement. In addition, we would suggest that we set up a private website for students who were not able, or did not attend the graduation fair. We could offer those students two options. They could order on line and pick up during the week of commencement, or pay a flat shipping fee on line and have the regalia delivered to their home address. We would suggest that the site not open until the days following the fair, as we would want as many students as possible to take advantage of all the event has to offer. • Explain how the firm will ensure the appropriate amount of apparel is on-hand to meet the needs of all students. As stated earlier, Oak Hall is the only regalia manufacturer in Virginia. This gives you the advantage of being able to get regalia within hours if needed. Even in the case of our needing to manufacture something, such as regalia for the physically challenged or an honorary hood, we will have the fastest turnaround time. This is one of 44 the many benefits of a Virginia school doing business with a Virginia manufacturer! As a standard, Oak Hall manufactures and stocks 125% of any customized regalia in advance of any needed dates. Since currently the only “customized” part of your regalia is the hoods, we would have on hand during the fair more than enough of each degree to cover for 100% participation. On the gowns, we would base the sizes we bring on a standard bell curve. • Explain how last-minute requests will be satisfied for students and for faculty. We believe that any student, faculty member, or administrator that wants to attend commencement should have appropriate regalia to wear, REGARDLESS OF WHEN THEY DECIDED TO PARTICIPATE! Oak Hall has ALWAYS done everything within our power to make that happen, whether that be to take a package to the airport for flying across country the same day, overnighting for early am delivery the next morning, or getting in our cars and delivering whatever is needed. If we are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with Virginia Commonwealth University, you have our word that we will do whatever it takes to make the day special for your students, faculty, and staff. With our sewing plants and warehouses located in Salem and Roanoke Virginia, last-minute requests will not be an issue. • Propose a method to confirm each student's receipt of regalia. The Contractor will only be paid for documented sales and delivery. Provide a sample customer order form/ receipt that will be used to document each student distribution. Many universities require that students be pre-approved before picking up their regalia. We find that the simplest method of confirmation is that we are provided with a listing of eligible graduates prior to the graduation fair. The only information we would need is name and degree being earned. We would add a column for signature and email address and print several copies for our use at distribution. As the students come up to pick up regalia, we would have them sign that they received, and give us an email address for confirmation to be sent. Once back in the office, we would send out a blanket email receipt to all students that picked up during the fair. The same thing would be done during the week of commencement pick up. Any student ordering over the internet will be verified prior to acceptance of the order, and an email confirmation will be sent to them as well. We will provide the appropriate people at the university with the signed lists after commencement. We would need a name and number and access to someone in records to be able to call on the spot and verify if we have students that feel they should be on the list but are not. If a pre-approved list is not available, then we would design a form to have on hand that would list all the information you need and have the students sign. It would have a perforated receipt to be handed to the students or we could still email receipts if wanted. • Describe how the Internet will be used for ordering student regalia. Oak Hall sets up private websites for our schools. These are usually accessed through the commencement site, and are designed to look as close to the university site as possible. The student would choose their options, based on preloaded information pertaining only to VCU. Each transaction is given an order number and the student can log back in and double check the order at any time. They also are 45 given access to our toll free numbers in case they need to reach us for any reason. Any student calling Oak Hall will be greeted by an experienced customer service rep, not voice mail. Email is also an option and is treated with the same sense of urgency. They can also email us any questions or comments they have. We could give the students the option of home shipping their regalia by UPS for a flat shipping fee, or we would hold the orders, alpha pack those, and bring with us to the distribution the week of commencement. We would not recommend turning the website ordering on until after the graduation fair so that we could attract as many students as possible to the fair. • Describe instructional information provided to customers about wearing the regalia. We educate the students on proper wearing of the regalia during distribution, and also include an instructional sheet in the regalia package. b. The Contractor should provide the University with a program for the solicitation, distribution and collection of high quality rental regalia for faculty, staff and others upon request. • The Contractor should offer quality rental garments for faculty. • All hoods shall show the appropriate degree color. • The Contractor should work with the University retail stores to solicit the necessary fitting and degree information from faculty. • Each rental order should be custom packed showing the customer’s name. • The Contractor should coordinate the distribution of faculty regalia and collection of retail fees with the retail bookstores. The retail stores will collect a fee/markup (approximately 30%-40%) on the unit price for processing the order. • The Contractor shall supply extra apparel for last-minute orders and adjustments the day of Commencement. • The Contractor should provide the option of ordering faculty and staff regalia using the Internet. • The bookstore shall not be required to pay for rental apparel that was not used. • The Contractor shall coordinate the collection of all apparel. • The Contractor should provide wearing instructions with the apparel. Describe the proposed faculty rental regalia program. Our rental regalia is manufactured from a high quality, durable polyester material that resists fading and wrinkling and is ideal for the warmer climates. Our gowns are cut to allow for fullness and comfort to the wearer. We carry ample hood inventory from every college and university in the United States and abroad, so having the appropriate faculty hoods is never an issue. All Oak Hall regalia is manufactured in accordance with the Academic Costume Code dictated by the American Council on Education. • Provide sample apparel for a PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University. Include cap, gown, hood and tassel. Sample regalia is enclosed. • Outline the program for soliciting fitting, school and degree 46 information for the May and December commencements. We would work with the bookstore in setting up a rental program that meets the needs of the faculty, staff, administration, and the bookstore. For the first one or two commencements we would need information on each person renting. We then store that information, including any last minute orders, and have it available for future commencements. We can take orders via an order form, an excel spreadsheet, or we can set up a private faculty ordering website. • Describe how faculty and staff will be notified and how size and degree information will be collected. If given access to faculty email or mail boxes, we can write to them directly. Otherwise we would count on the help of the bookstore and university in notifying faculty of various events like ordering of rentals and purchase ordering events. • Provide approximate cut-off dates for faculty and staff rental for the May and December ceremony. We do not issue cut-off dates for rentals, nor do we charge a late fee for last minute orders. We asked that the bookstore hold orders until approximately two weeks prior to distribution. If internet ordering is used, we will hold orders until approximately two weeks out, then alpha pack and ship. Distribution is much easier when combining as much as possible into a single shipment. Late orders will then be individually shipped. We do suggest that we stock the bookstore with extra regalia for the last minute orders coming in days before commencement. Credit is issued on all extra regalia not used. Please be assured that if you need exact regalia and it’s ordered the day before the ceremony, we will get it there. • Provide a sample faculty/ customer order form. We can provide paper order forms, but most commonly use an excel spreadsheet. The only information we require is name, height, degree, and alma mater. • Describe how each rental order will be packed for distribution. Each outfit is packed with cap, gown, tassel, and hood inside a single package. There is a label on the upper left hand side of each package listing name, height, and degree. These are then alpha packed for shipment. Each box is labeled outside with the names inside and there is a master sheet included with each shipment. • Describe the distribution program on each campus including key delivery dates and how individual orders will be shipped. We will work with the bookstore and university on setting up dates for distribution of faculty regalia. Individual orders are shipped by UPS, which is a one day service between Roanoke and Richmond. • Explain how the firm will ensure the appropriate amount of apparel is on-hand to meet the needs of faculty and staff, including how lastminute requests will be satisfied. In addition to the information above, we will have extra faculty gowns and caps on hand the day of commencement, as well as VCU hoods. • Propose a method to confirm receipt of regalia. Included with each shipment is a sign out/sign in sheet for faculty and staff to use when picking up regalia. 47 • Describe how the Internet will be used for faculty and staff ordering. Faculty orders can be taken by setting up a private website for their order taking. These orders can be shipped into the bookstore for pick up and payment the week before commencement. • Describe the plan to collect faculty and staff regalia after the commencement ceremony. We prefer that regalia be returned to the bookstore sometime the week following commencement. If needed though, we will work with the university to set up appropriate drop off points for the regalia on commencement day. c. The University and the retail stores are not responsible for uncollected apparel. Acknowledge and agree. Oak Hall will comply. d. The Contractor should offer commemorative sashes for student marshals. Provide a sample of the proposed approach and discuss any available options. State the price per unit for your proposal. Before designing something, we really like to sit down with the people involved and get their feelings on the look that is trying to be achieved. That being said, we have included a couple of examples of student sashes for your review. If given the opportunity to work with VCU, we will supply up to 20 student marshal sashes free of charge for each commencement. e. The Contractor should offer high quality custom apparel for purchase by customers. Provide a sample of your most popular custom-tailored PhD cap, gown, hood and tassel. Provide a plan to market custom regalia to the faculty and include a brochure and pricelist for custom apparel. Oak Hall has long been recognized as the hallmark of quality in custom-tailored apparel. We use only the finest materials and velvets in our regalia. We currently manufacture custom regalia for more than 150 colleges and universities across the country so when your faculty members want to purchase the correct regalia from their alma mater, they can be assured of receiving it through Oak Hall. Each semester we would coordinate with the bookstore and the university to hold “faculty regalia” events where we would be on campus to meet with faculty members who may want to purchase regalia. We also extend special discounts to faculty for ordering during these events. We take orders any time of year by phone, fax, or mail, and have the shortest lead time of any vendor on custom regalia. Although normal delivery is four weeks or less, we are flexible in being able to expedite deliveries when needed. If for any reason you have a faculty member wanting to order custom regalia and we can’t deliver in time for their event, we will supply them with a free rental to be used until their custom regalia is completed. f. The Contractor should promote and market the regalia program. Acknowledge and agree. Complete Pricing Schedule (attached Excel document). Pricing shall include all costs for furnishing the products to include delivery (F.O.B. Destination), materials, labor, etc. No extra charges are allowed. Balfour & Oak Hall will comply. See pricing schedule in Section II. 48 4. Announcements and Stationery: a. The Contractor should provide a comprehensive program of standard and personalized graduation announcements and the accompanying stationery including: thank you cards, name cards, etc. The Contractor should offer announcements for both the May and December Commencement ceremonies. Describe the graduation announcement and stationery program proposed. Balfour is committed to producing the highest quality graduation announcements for Virginia Commonwealth University. Announcement orders are carefully completed to accurately reflect the specifications of the individual school and student ordering. Our announcement programs are designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of our customers. Samples of the traditional and photo announcements are enclosed. Balfour College Graduation Announcements Following is detailed information on the quality of Balfour’s printing; type and weight of paper(s) utilized; printing method and type of inks, exact size of the pieces. Design and Development An experienced artist from our graphics department designs and assists with die proofs for each school’s customized announcements. We maintain a large portfolio of etchings and embossings to meet a variety of design needs. Product Descriptions Announcements Personalized announcement with custom school crest offered printed on #80 text weight paper or 65# card weight paper. Beginning in Fall 2012, in addition to our traditional line of Personalized College Announcements, Balfour is thrilled to offer a new Photo Announcement Series as well. Thank You notes Thank You notes offered with custom school crest printed on 65# card weight paper Note cards Note Cards offered with custom school crest printed on 65# card weight paper Embossed graduation seals Envelope seals embossed with the custom school crest offered. Traditional or Formal Printing Process A variety of printing processes are available to achieve the desired appearance for your announcements. • • • • • Detailed engraved, foiled, lithography or thermograph seal impressions. Traditional embossed or litho full or ghosted etchings Colored or blind embossing Five typestyles Text offered with laser print Paper Stock Institutions may choose white or ivory Vellum paper, or from an assortment of colored stocks. Balfour offers either French or Dutch folds, and two formal matching inner and outer envelopes. Quality Assurance 49 We pride ourselves in producing graduation products of the highest quality. Our entire reputation depends on our ability to consistently produce high quality announcements and accessory products. Proofing announcements for quality and accuracy is a major point of focus. Announcements are proofed at least three times during the manufacturing process. Additionally, our Quality Assurance Inspection team inspects each order before it is shipped to the customer. Delivery With state-of-the-art facilities in our Manhattan, KS plant, Balfour provides accurate and timely fulfillment—an important advantage when producing time sensitive material. Announcements will be shipped to the individual student within 24 hours of receipt of the order at no additional charge. Photo Announcements Graduates can now share the excitement of their achievement with custom photo products by Balfour. Expanding on Balfour’s traditional line of Personalized College Announcements, the Photo Announcement Series captures the very essence of the personalization movement. Balfour offers a variety of designs, colors and fonts so students can create a photo card that will be uniquely theirs. Balfour is one of the first companies in the industry to pursue this venture and offer an alternative to other online outlets. Enclosed you will find a full line of sample designs Balfour has mocked-up specifically for Virginia Commonwealth University. Photo Announcements Benefits to Students • Personalize the products that will represent them to family and friends in the announcement of their upcoming graduation with photos. • Balfour offers a complete family of support products to accompany the photo announcement, including calling cards, party invitations and thank you notes. • For students who prefer the traditional announcement, but want to add a bit more personalization with a photo, Balfour offers a custom 4”x 6” photo. Photo Announcements Benefits to You • Provide a product which rivals the online competition for photo announcements yet also offers a benefit the competition can’t, official school seals. • Photo products enable students to buy from a school sanctioned outlet where before they may have gone elsewhere. • Encourage up-sell opportunities by offering the photo products as partner to the traditional products or on their own with the accompanying products. • You will receive commissions on all sales of photo announcements. • Insert that can be slipped in to the traditional announcement provides a new product offering. Class of 2013 Virginia Commonwealth University is pleased to announce that Virginia Commonwealth University James K. Smith is pleased to announce that Sarah Michelle Wilson is a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Management at the Two Hundred Seventy-forth Commencement Exercises Sunday, May 5, 2013 2:00 P.M. University Center is a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Arts at the One Hundred Twenty-seventh Commencement Exercises Sunday, May 5, 2013 2:00 P.M. United Spirit Arena Please join us in celebrating the graduation of Photo Announcement Style 1 Jessica Nicole Adams Virginia Commonwealth University B.S. in Criminal Justice Saturday, May 17, 2013 10:00 A.M. University Supply Store Photo Announcement Style 2 50 Photo Announcement Style 3 • Provide samples of standard announcements and of personal announcements. Include accompanying stationery as appropriate. Please see enclosed samples. • Provide information about the design options and paper stock. Design and Development An experienced artist from our graphics department designs and assists with die proofs for each school’s customized announcements. We maintain a large portfolio of etchings and embossings to meet a variety of design needs. Traditional or Formal Printing Process A variety of printing processes are available to achieve the desired appearance for your announcements. • • • • • Detailed engraved, foiled, lithography or thermograph seal impressions. Traditional embossed or litho full or ghosted etchings Colored or blind embossing Five typestyles Text offered with laser print Paper Stock Institutions may choose white or ivory Vellum paper, or from an assortment of colored stocks. Balfour offers either French or Dutch folds, and two formal matching inner and outer envelopes. • Specify the return-for-credit option for the return of unsold standard announcements sold through the bookstores. All unsold bookstore inventory can be returned at the end of each year for full credit. • Provide key order-by and ship-by dates for announcements. Announcements can be ordered at any time. We recommend ordering four weeks prior to graduation although we are able to ship late orders within 24 hours. • Outline the program for soliciting announcement orders for the May and December commencements. Marketing Announcements for May 2013 Graduates: Meeting #1 In January or early February, Balfour will meet with the VCU Graduation Committee to design the new personalized college announcement (PCA) for 2013 Graduates. Chris Barr, who runs Balfour’s announcement business, will personally fly in from Kansas to meet and design this product. Graduation Celebration for VCU March 2013 • VCU Grad Fair Mailer: In February, Balfour will mail out a grad fair packet to the parents of the May 2013 graduates alerting them of the date, time and place of 51 the Grad Fair in March. Included in this mailer will be a flyer featuring the new announcement along with any other pieces that VCU desires to go out, i.e. cap and gown, diploma frame information, etc. • E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a VCU custom e-mail to seniors and grad students directing them to the Grad Fair and to the VCU Custom Web site. • Posters: VCU Custom Grad Fair posters will be posted in key areas all over campus. Special Marketing: • With the help of the VCU Ring Committee, Balfour hopes to utilize such marketing avenues as Facebook, etc to promote the Grad Fair • Monroe Campus: Balfour will set up a special Grad Fair promotion to take announcement orders on the Monroe Campus. Oak Hall will also be set up to take cap and gown orders or to distribute cap and gowns. • Medical College of Virginia: Balfour will set up a special Grad Fair promotion to take announcement orders at the Medical College of Virginia. Oak Hall will also be set up to take cap and gown orders. • VCU Announcement Raffles: Balfour will have a raffle for a free Basic Announcement Package at each location. Marketing Announcements and Caps and Gowns for December 2013 Graduates: Late August/Early September PCA Mailer for 2013 Graduates: In late August/early September, Balfour will mail the Personalized Announcement Mailer to the parents of all potential December 2013 graduates. This mailer will contain an actual sample of the VCU announcement and a letter notifying parents and students that the announcements are now available to order on-line or by phone. If the Graduation Celebration (Grad Fair) date is set, then this information can also be included in the letter. Graduation Celebration for VCU October 2013 Mailers: See VCU GRAD FAIR MAILER below. Posters: VCU Custom Ring/Announcement/Grad Fair posters will be posted in key areas all over campus. E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a VCU custom e-mail to juniors, seniors and grad students directing them to the Grad Fair table and the VCU Custom Web site. Special Marketing: • With the help of the VCU Ring Committee, Balfour hopes to utilize such marketing avenues as Facebook, etc to promote the Grad Fair and will provide appropriate Facebook graphics, web butttons, etc. • VCU Grad Fair Mailer: About two weeks before the Grad Fair, Balfour will mail out a grad fair packet to the parents of the December 2013 graduates alerting them of the date, time and place of the Grad Fair in October. Included in this mailer will be information about announcements, rings and any other pieces that VCU desires to go out, i.e. cap and gown, diploma frame information, etc. A cus- 52 tom ring postcard will be included in this package also. • VCU Ring Raffle: All students participating in the Graduation Celebration will have a chance to win 2 gift certificates worth $100 off the VCU Official Ring. • VCU Announcement Raffle: Balfour will have a raffle for a free Basic Announcement Package at each location. • Monroe Campus: Balfour will set up a special Grad Fair promotion to take ring and announcement orders on the Monroe Campus. Oak Hall will also be set up to take cap and gown orders or to distribute cap and gowns. • Medical College of Virginia: Balfour will set up a special session to take ring and announcement orders at the Medical College of Virginia. Oak Hall will also be set up. IMPORTANT - ALL RING ORDERS TAKEN AT THE GRAD FAIR THAT ARE DIRECTLY SHIPPED TO CUSTOMERS WILL ARRIVE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. BALFOUR WILL EMPHASIZE THIS SPECIAL HOLIDAY DELIVERY BENEFIT IN ITS MARKETING PIECES. VCU Graduation Promotion December 2013 - Graduation Promotion - Last Chance Seniors! Sales Representatives: Balfour representatives will be set up at VCU locations the day before and the day of graduation to offer graduating students a last chance to order their rings and/or announcements. Oak Hall staff will be on campus the week of commencement, two days at Medical College of Virginia and three days at Monroe Campus doing distribution. We will also attend commencement to take care of any last minute needs. Mailers: Balfour will mail a VCU custom postcard to all December graduates inviting them to come to the ring/announcement table for a last chance to order. Special Marketing: With the help of the VCU Ring Committee, Balfour hopes to utilize such marketing avenues as Facebook, etc to market the promotion Posters: VCU Custom Ring/Announcment posters will be posted in key areas all over campus. E-mail Campaign: Balfour will send a VCU custom e-mail to seniors and grad students directing them to the Grad Fair and to the VCU Custom Web site. • Describe the firm’s ability to include information regarding a diploma ceremony with any marketing material mailed to candidates. Provide additional costs, if any. Balfour is happy to include a flyer regarding the diploma ceremony with any marketing material mailed to candidates in its grad fair packet. Additional costs would only be for printing if needed and insertion. Printing would be based on flyer size, inks and paper and insertion costs would be .055 per flyer piece. b. University Creative Services shall have final approval over the design of the Commencement materials. The Office of Student Affairs or designated University representative shall approve all copy prior to printing the announcement for each Commencement. 53 Acknowledge the University will approve the final proof each year. Balfour will comply. c. The Contractor should provide VCU with the option of making modifications to the design of the announcements as needed. State the firm’s willingness to design new announcements as required. Balfour will comply. d. The University may establish a process to involve students in designing the announcements. Acknowledge the firm will work with students to design announcement if requested. Balfour will comply. e. The Contractor should provide the option of ordering personalized announcements using the Internet. Describe the announcement and stationery ordering options available on the Internet. Graduation Announcement Web Site Balfour will maintain a 24/7 online presence for the VCU Graduation announcements where students and graduates can conveniently view the announcement product options and learn more. In addition to all on-campus promotions and Grad Fairs, VCU traditional and photo announcements may be ordered online at any time through this channel. This summer Balfour launched a new web site for its graduation announcements which includes a new dynamic text preview. This allows students to preview their copy as it is input into the site. Photo announcements are also online and the site includes text and photo preview for students to create their own designs and preview before they pay. This online presence will strengthen buy rates by offering efficient ordering and a variety of additional photo options for students looking for a modern way to celebrate graduation. f. The Contractor should promote and market the announcement program. Describe how the announcements will be marketed. Include how the Internet will be used for marketing and ordering announcements. Balfour will employ a variety of tactics to market the Graduation Announcements to the VCU community. These tactics are detailed below. Graduation Celebration Event One of the most successful tactics we’ve used is the Graduation Celebration/Grad Fair event. A grad fair program energizes and invigorates the commemoration and celebration of graduation. A Grad Fair is an essential one-stop shop that will benefit everyone that participates. To promote this event, Balfour mails a grad fair packet to all graduates in the Fall and Spring that includes materials describing the announcements and any materials from our vendor partners and other vendors on campus such as framing, photography, etc. Specific number of mailers each year is dependent on the number of VCU graduates. Please refer to Section III of Balfour’s response for additional information on Grad Fair planning and Photo Announcements. 54 Graduation Announcement Display Balfour provides a stand alone display which will feature VCU personalized graduation announcements in the Bookstore, Alumni Association and/or elsewhere on campus. All paper materials are custom to VCU and contact information is provided to grab at times when there is not a promotion in progress on-campus, thus creating an ongoing self-contained marketing element. Graduation Announcement Web Site Balfour will maintain a 24/7 online presence for the VCU Graduation announcements where students and graduates can conveniently view the announcement product options and learn more. In addition to all on-campus promotions and Grad Fairs, VCU traditional and photo announcements may be ordered online at any time through this channel. Balfour can also send Grad Fair e-mails announcing and driving students to the event or to the web site if students cannot participate in the event. Complete Pricing Schedule (attached Excel document). Pricing shall include all costs for furnishing the products to include delivery (F.O.B. Destination), materials, labor, etc. No extra charges are allowed. Please see Pricing Schedule attached. 5. Recognition Gifts: a. The Contractor is encouraged to provide appropriate gifts for sale recognizing and commemorating the graduation event. The mementos might include date tassels, stoles, etc. Describe the graduation gifts and accessories program proposed. State how the products will be marketed. Oak Hall offers a number of accessory items available to students, or to organizations on campus to be awarded to students. Some of the available items are: Stole of Gratitude – a custom satin stole with embroidery designed to be purchased by the student and given to a family member or mentor in appreciation for helping them with their education. The person receiving the stole wears it during the commencement ceremony. These are typically sold through the University Bookstore. International Stoles – a custom satin stole unique to each country. Perfect for international students studying at VCU, or VCU students that have studied abroad. These stoles are usually purchased by the student through the bookstore and worn at commencement. Veterans Stoles – a customized satin stole honoring each branch of the military. These stoles are most often purchased by the university and presented to veterans to wear during the ceremony. Greek Stoles – a customized satin stole either sold through the bookstore or purchased directly by each organization. Custom medallion tassel drop – Usually done using the school seal, these tassel drops are available in shiny gold medal, antiqued, silver or antiqued silver or enamel. They are used to replace the date drop on tassels. Use of this item would be decided by the university and would be an overall change to the current tassel look. Souvenir Tassels – done in school colors and featuring four digit year date drop, souvenir tassels are most often sold through the University Bookstore. Key Ring Tassels – a smaller version of the souvenir tassel and also featuring the four 55 digit date drop, the key ring tassels are also normally sold through the bookstore. Bling Tassels – also done in school colors and featuring a larger rhinestone two digit year date drop, nice and “flashy”. Bling tassels are normally sold through the bookstore. Honor Cords – Available in a multitude of colors and color combinations, including one color or entwined, honor cords are normally sold to departments on campus. Zipper Pulls – Designed much like the medallion tassel drop but with a hook that allows to be attached to a zipper. Usually sold through the bookstore, but can be added as part of the regalia package. 6. Marketing: a. The Contractor should develop a marketing plan each year. Marketing materials should be customized for VCU. The Contractor should provide a website to support VCU graduation products. Describe or summarize the firm’s overall marketing strategy. • Provide a sample marketing plan for products and services. See below. • Describe the strategies used to nurture a sense of tradition and to build a feeling of pride and exclusivity for individuals using the VCU products. See below. • Provide a sample of the custom marketing materials that will be used at VCU. Mocked-up samples of all materials are enclosed. • Describe the mailing campaign. State the number, timing and target audience of the mailings. See below. • Describe customer incentive programs. Balfour offers a couple of incentive programs for customers throughout the year to give urgency to the ordering process. We have two types of delivery programs for customers. Guaranteed Holiday Delivery Balfour will provide Alumni and students Guaranteed Holiday Delivery if they order by a specific date. Guaranteed Graduation Delivery Balfour will provide students with Guaranteed Graduation Delivery if they order by a specific date. • Describe how the Internet, e-mail, social media will be used to market products. See below. • Acknowledged the firm is willing to accept all costs associated with marketing the products and services offered. Balfour will comply. Marketing Overview Marketing is a key component in the growth and success of an Official Ring program. To build the tradition and make the Official Ring an integral part of the University experience, it is essential to keep the ring in front of Virginia Commonwealth University students and graduates at all times through a well conceived marketing strategy. Balfour offers a comprehensive, fully integrated multi-media marketing strategy that delivers results time and time again. This strategy encompasses thoughtful and focused techniques that build awareness, create desire, inspire purchase and perpetuate the tradition. Marketing Philosophy 56 Virginia Commonwealth University Marketing Summary More in-depth and detailed descriptions of each of the marketing tactics and programs are spelled in section of this proposal. SAMPLE MARKEITNG PLAN WITH EVENTS AND CORRESPONDING MARKETING MATERIALS MARKETIING MATERIALS/ MARKETING USES TIME FRAME EVENT/TACTIC TARGET January 2013 Planning Meeting #1 Committee NA DESCRIPTION Initial Marketing Meeting to review process February 2013 Planning Meeting #2 Committee NA Create Collection and Ring designs March 2013 Planning Meeting #3 Committee NA Sign off on artwork and beginning planning the unveiling and premiere April/May 2013 Planning Meeting #4 Committee NA Sign off on marketing pieces and review timeline ORP Workshop Committee NA Training event to educate faculty and executives about class rings traditions around the country and brainstorming sessions to enhance the VCU tradition with events, marketing and student involvement. March 2013 Grad Fair - Monroe Park Campus Students/ Parents Event where students can view and purchase all the items they need for graduation in one place. March 2013 Grad Fair - Medical College of Virginia Students/ Parents May 2013 Graduation Grad Fair mailer Email Posters Specialty marketing as agreed Grad Fair mailer Email Posters Specialty marketing as agreed Posters Emails Brochure w/Eligibility Letter Summer 2013 Event where students can view and purchase all the items they need for graduation in one place. Fall 2013 Fall Eligibilty Mailing Students/ Parents Students September/ October 2013 Ring Unveiling & Order Taking Monroe Park Campus Ring Week Students Alumni Faculty Posters - campus Emails - Juniors/Seniors/Grad Students September/ October 2013 Ring Unveiling & Order Taking Ring Week - Medical College of Virginia Students Alumni Faculty Posters - campus Emails - Juniors/Seniors/Grad Students Event where students and parents will have the opportunity to view and purchase the VCU ring. October 2013 Grad Fair - Monroe Park Campus Students/ Parents Grad Fair mailer Email Posters Specialty marketing as agreed October 2013 Grad Fair - Medical College of Virginia Students/ Parents Grad Fair mailer Email Posters Event where students can view and purchase all of the items they need for graduation in one place. Last chance to order your ring in time to receive it for graduation. Event where students can view and purchase all of the items they need for graduation in one place. Last chance to order you ring in time for graduation. November 2013 Alumni Online Ordering Promotion Alumni Facebook Ad Facebook ad targeting Alumni and offering Guaranteed Holiday Delivery if they order by a specific date. Graduation Promotion Postcard December Grads Table at Event with promotional materials Facebook Ads Posters Email Last Chance to Order Ring and Announcements before Graduation Events December 2013 57 Last Chance to Announcements Lets students know they are eligible to purchase a ring. Students and parents will have the opportunity to view and purchase the VCU ring. SAMPLE MARKEITNG PLAN WITH EVENTS AND CORRESPONDING MARKETING MATERIALS On Campus Presence Online Presence Promotions Year Round Displays - Rings 365 Year Round Display - Graduation Announcements 365 Year Round Production Photography All All Marketing Materials Year Round Web Site All Web Site Year Round Web Buttons All Web Buttons/Banners As Needed Facebook Photos All Facebook Profile photos Year Round QR Code All Various Marketing Materials Fall Guaranteed Holiday Delivery Students/ Alumni Balfour will provide Alumni and students Guaranteed Holiday Delivery if they order by a specific date. Fall/ Spring Grad Fairs Guaranteed Graduation Delivery Students Balfour will provide students with Guaranteed Graduation Delivery if they order by a specific date. TBD Trade-In Opportunity TBD Ring Savings Plan Students Faculty Alumni Students Balfour will provide alumni and students with the opportunity to trade-in their current ring for one of the new style options. Balfour will partner with the VCU to create a Ring Savings Plan which best benefits the students. Programs All Brochures Flyers 58 Display cases featuring samples of the VCU rings will be located in prominent destinations at the discretion of the Committee. Balfour will provide a stand alone display featuring VCU personalized graduation announcements and contact information. Balfour will provide professional ring photographs to be used in the Alabama marketing materials as well as any materials the University creates. Balfour maintains a 24/7 online presence for the Alabama Ring offering where students and graduates can conveniently view the ring and learn more about the ring tradition. Web Buttons and Banners will be provided to all University approved entities that would like to link to the Balfour web site for ring ordering. Buttons will contain a direct link the to Alabama site. Facebook Profile photos to show veiled and unveiled rings as need for the unveiling event and ring promotions or grad fairs. QR Code linking to the Balfour ordering web site or manufacturing video. As University populations grow in size and students’ backgrounds become more diverse each semester, the need for well-conceived marketing and sales strategies have become imperative. Balfour strives to keep up with what’s hot and growing on campuses across the country to maximize exposure and attention to the ring tradition. On a basic level, the Balfour marketing philosophy involves two very fundamental components. • Raising Awareness – Educating students and parents about the ring tradition, informing them of key dates, and encouraging their participation in activities: the Ring Week and the Ring Ceremony through a well orchestrated, proven marketing plan. • Concept Selling – Promoting the tradition and all the things that a class ring represents: accomplishment, pride, school spirit and the heightened value of the ring as lifetime keepsake. It is the goal of our marketing plan to communicate and reach out to each and every student on and off campus, to increase the number of students ordering and to continue marketing the ring to class members long after graduation. Below is a general marketing plan for VCU and a comprehensive description of the Balfour Marketing Tool Box available. On Campus Promotions Balfour partners with VCU administrators to determine the best promotional opportunities on your campus. Based on our experience, the calendar provided gives a general overview of the most productive marketing opportunities throughout the year. Balfour will work closely with you to tailor this plan to your needs. Marketing Balfour is continually focused on executing proven and innovative marketing strategies that encourage students and alumni to obtain and wear their university ring. Keeping the Official Ring in front of VCU students and graduates at all times is essential in maintaining and preserving widespread awareness, understanding and appreciation of the school’s longstanding ring tradition. The strategies outlined below represent the wide array of support that Balfour will provide for VCU, with the cooperation of the University as needed. We should note that several of these strategies are intended for the entire academic community at VCU (not just those about to graduate) to bolster the ring tradition’s identity on campus. When positioned and promoted properly by Balfour, the VCU Ring buy rate will increase, further enhancing the tradition as one of the most recognized and respected ring programs in the country. Balfour would be proud to support the Virginia Commonwealth University program alongside the other most notable and successful ring traditions nationally (Baylor, Citadel, MIT, Notre Dame, Texas A&M, Virginia Tech and West Point). Whether it be with longstanding ring traditions or with schools working to restore their ring story, Balfour brings the most resources for our Partners for maximum benefit. Suggested Marketing Plan Outline for Virginia Commonwealth University Below is a suggested marketing outline for VCU for the 2013-2014 academic year. However, Balfour feels that the staff and students at the University have the most in depth knowledge and experience with the campus, students, faculty and alumni and we welcome the opportunity to partner to discuss the very best direction for the marketing on your campus. In addition to the strategies above, Balfour has spent years developing the excellent tools and strategies that make our Official ring programs some of the best in the country. Below is a detailed listing of these tools and their descriptions. We are open to using any of these tactics on the VCU campus. 59 Balfour’s Tools and Strategies Print Materials Ring Brochure, Postcard, Posters The hallmark of our marketing strategy for university ring programs includes a steady schedule of direct mail and promotion materials inviting VCU juniors and seniors to acquire the institution’s official ring - and to participate in the presentation of the ring. Through years of research and testing, our ring brochures are a proven marketing piece that will draw maximum attention to VCU Rings, and the presentation ceremony. Materials are sent not only to eligible students, but parents as well, an investment that clearly boosts participation rates with essential attention placed on the ceremony - an event that ideally is as much a part of the tradition as the ring itself!. Corresponding posters serve to reinforce direct mail efforts on campus. Official ring marketing materials have evolved over the years, as we’ve continually strived to make improvements based on feedback from the customers we service and the schools we partner with. The enclosed mock ups for the VCU Ring represent examples of Balfour’s key marketing pieces. The great traditions of Virginia Commonwealth University can exist in more than your memories … presenting the Virginia Commonwealth University Ring Collection. The great traditions of Virginia Commonwealth University can exist in more than your memories … presenting the Virginia Commonwealth University Ring Collection. For more information, please visit us online at or call 1-866-225-3687. This is your chance to order your Official Ring. DAY., & DAY., MOnTh 00–00 frOM 00 A.M. – 0 p.M. BOOksTOre in The UniversiTY CenTer ©Balfour 1970–2012, all rights reserved. 19834 Postcard Order your ring TODAY For more information, please visit us online at or call 1-866-225-3687. ©Balfour 1970–2012, all rights reserved. 19834 Poster Earn It! Wear It! Celebrate your achievement with a Virginia Commonwealth University’s Ring Collection Virginia Commonwealth University 827 West Franklin Street P.O. Box 842041 Richmond, Virginia 23284-2041 The Ring is a lasting symbol of your academic accomplishments while Dear Junior and Seniors, ©Balfour 1970–2012 all rights reserved. capturing the uniqueness of Virginia Commonwealth University. VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY Education is an honor. Graduates of Virginia Commonwealth University leave the campus symbolizing our best for an honorable future. All graduates also embody the Virginia Commonwealth University mission of graduating creative men and women who are communicators and achievers. This is your exclusive opportunity this semester to order your Ring. Lady LEgEndTM WoMEn’s sIgnET WIndsWEpT Please place your order by: •VisitingwiththeRingrepresentative 19834 EARnIt!WEARIt! Please visit for additional information. Virginia Commonwealth University Ring! The great traditions of Virginia Commonwealth University can exist in more than your memories … presenting the Virginia Commonwealth University Ring Collection. The ring evokes special memories of the occasions and traditions of Virginia Commonwealth University—spinning the Cube, going to the Arb, seeing the Wolverines beat Ohio State, hearing the carillon performance echo out from Burton Tower. The ring is a symbolic, continuous link with classmates, friends and generations of alumni. Our unique ring design is copyrighted to protect it from duplication. The ring is reserved exclusively for individuals who have successfully met the University’s standards. DAY–DAY,Month00 – 00 00 a.m. – 00 p.m. Location As a symbol of Virginia Commonwealth University tradition it is instantly recognizable—a tangible connection for those who are graduating, while the visual continuity will generate an exclusive link with graduates in years to come. • Visiting • Calling 1.866.225.3687 weekdays from 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. CST MEn’s TRadITIonaL MEn’s LEgEndTM MEn’s sIgnET Those able to wear the ring proudly state to others, “I am a person of creativity, a communicator, an achiever—a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University.” For the graduates and their peers it holds a whole world of meaning. Sincerely, The Official Ring is on display at the VCU Student Union Bookstore. An interest-free monthly installment plan is available. Join the Tradition Today! Front Inside 60 Steve Grafton President and CEO Eligibility Letter A key component of our Official Ring marketing plan includes an eligibility letter mailed to all newly eligible students congratulating them for having earned the right to wear the VCU Ring. Newly eligible junior parents will receive a letter congratulating them on their student’s achievement and informing them of the student’s eligibility to purchase the ring. This is an integral message from VCU administration that calls increased attention to the ring and ceremony as an exclusive symbol and celebration of a VCU education. These letters are part of Balfour’s overall marketing package, but printed on University stationery for authenticity. Ring Ceremony Invitations Giving the Official Ring the same prestige as a diploma builds the tradition and awareness on campus. An invitation welcomes the student’s family to attend the Ring Presentation Ceremony. As mentioned earlier, we continue to test and improve our marketing efforts. This is most recently best evidenced by a new approach to the ring eligibility letter and ceremony invitation that resulted in an aggregate 32% increase in participation this past spring. Due to the success of this marketing test, we will integrate this methodology into more of our programs going forward. We would certainly want to implement this new strategy for VCU to achieve not only increased sales, but increased participation in the ceremony that of course leads to increased success over time. Ceremony Announcements Dear Students: The Virginia CommonwealTh UniVersiTy ring Ceremony Virginia Commonwealth University is pleased to invite you and your guests to the Chancellor’s Ring Ceremony and Reception for the presentation of your VCU Ring Congratulations! You have earned the distinction and privilege of participating in the university tradition by ordering your VCU Ring. This privilege is reserved only for those who have achieved at least 90 credit hours and are in good standing with the university. The VCU ring serves as an enduring symbol of the values and traditions of Virginia Commonwealth University coupled with your unique educational experience. It honors academic achievement and sacrifice while signifying the loyalty and pride we all share as VCU students. By ordering at this time, you are invited to participate in another VCU tradition – the President’s Ring Ceremony, where I will be pleased and honored to personally present your ring to you. I encourage you to show your pride in being linked forever to VCU by ordering during the special ordering event to be held Saturday, August 18, 2012 3:00 p.m. The Performing Arts Center Recital Hall Room 101 Friday, August 17th 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 18th 3:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in front of the Bookstore Sincerely, Michael Rao, Ph.D. President, VCU and VCU Health System Front Inside Balfour proposes the distribution of ceremony invitations to all parents of students eligible to wear the ring early in the spring semester. This also announces and spotlights the VCU Official Ring Ceremony. This was tested at some institutions this past year and proved very successful. This is an example of how VCU can benefit from our over 200 partnerships nationwide as well as Balfour’s receptiveness and ability to test new strategies. The ceremony announcement is an example of the ceremony support we provide. Newspaper and Alumni Magazine Promotional Strategies Balfour can advertise the VCU Ring in the “Commonwealth Times, VCU Alumni publications and any other relevant publications. A best practice is for ads to coincide with compelling editorial features about alumni and what their ring means to them, or the university’s commitment to build a stronger ring tradition, or even a story on how VCU rings are manufactured. Balfour routinely provides manufacturing photos for schools to assist in this effort and can easily provide a number of sample articles as model promotional material from such schools as Auburn, Duquesne, Kansas State, Oklahoma State, Purdue, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, University of Houston, etc. In addition, Balfour has effectively bolstered ring ceremony participation with specific ceremony awareness strategies aimed at students via the campus newspaper. Online Materials Official Ring Web Site Balfour maintains a 24/7 online presence for the VCU Ring offering where students and graduates can conveniently view the ring and learn more about the ring tradition. In addition to all on-campus promotions, VCU Rings may be ordered online at any time through this channel. This summer Balfour launched a new cleaner, simpler and more 61 modern look for it’s school home pages. The transition will continue with updated ring pages and other features in the Spring. This emerging online presence for our official ring programs is unprecedented in this industry, and will strengthen buy rates by helping schools tell their ring stories even more effectively, and efficiently. Ring Web Banner and Button Ads Online sales at Official Ring schools have climbed steadily throughout the last several academic years thus we now develop custom Web banner ads to place on alumni, University and bookstore Web sites to reinforce direct mail campaigns. Web banner ads have a live link to the school’s official ring Web site where students, parents and alumni can learn more about the tradition or order online. Ring E-mail Campaigns We have developed sample e-mail templates for distribution to VCU students and alumni to reinforce direct mail campaigns. These e-mails are sent with a live link to the VCU Ring Web site where they can learn more about the tradition, order online, or call our toll-free number to visit with a customer service representative. While e-mails may be sent periodically as a stand alone message, an ongoing reference to the ring tradition is also encouraged within alumni e-newsletters and e-postcards to students and graduates. We would also recommend taking advantage of any and all electronic communication opportunities through the alumni and/or parent organizations. For example, news regarding future ring ceremonies at VCU should be routinely reported in any parent e-newsletters, an ideal way of building awareness of the tradition retroactively to parents and in some cases, alumni. Social Media Strategies A recent student survey shows that more than 80 percent of all college students have a Facebook account. Balfour has been able to conduct successful marketing campaigns to students and alumni by placing notices on school-specific Facebook sites, and is working effectively to promote ring programs through group pages sponsored by Student Alumni Associations. These, and other social technology strategies (such as “promotional profiling” and “flashringing”) will draw additional attention to the VCU Ring Tradition on an ongoing basis. Balfour will also provide a Facebook “ring profile photo” that students and faculty can post to their Facebook profiles during ring events to share event details or that they are proud to wear the VCU ring. Events Educating Freshman about the VCU Ring Tradition Balfour has pioneered many creative strategies to communicate university ring traditions to incoming freshmen that are now commonplace at many official ring campuses. 62 Some institutions utilize official ring replica key rings at freshmen camps, where advisors speak about the ring tradition, eligibility requirements, and the benefits of acquiring the ring. This has been extremely effective at Red Raider Camp at Texas Tech University and Cowboy Camp at Oklahoma State University—as freshmen come away from these events with a solid understanding of the importance of the ring. Balfour has also provided magnets, bookmarks, t-shirts, virtual rings and other materials designed to call attention to the ring tradition at this early stage. Balfour is willing to work with VCU to determine an educational strategy that best meets our objective. Turning VCU Rings at Commencement Increasingly, colleges and universities with official ring traditions are formally inviting ring recipients to turn their rings at commencement. Just as students turn their tassels to indicate graduate status, we encourage the administration at VCU to formally request those wearing the school’s ring to do the same. This is a powerful strategy that sends a message to all students, alumni and parents that the official ring is a recognized and celebrated symbol on campus. This practice is being carried out by numerous institutions embracing their ring tradition, including Auburn University, Southern Methodist University, Texas Tech University, University of Georgia, University of Houston, The Ohio State University and the University of Texas at San Antonio, to name a few. Reunions, Homecoming and other Special Events Balfour has often worked closely to prepare ring promotions for young alumni events, 50-year reunions, Homecoming and other events as needed. Any and all opportunities for alumni to acquire a VCU Ring, or even take part in a presentation ceremony, builds awareness with added media value. Balfour will set up and promote the ring program at events where large concentrations of alumni are present. These may include, but are not limited to, alumni tents before and after sporting events, alumni chapter gatherings in metropolitan areas and of course at commencements–a terrific opportunity to engage parents of graduates who are also alumni. Programs Gratis Rings for Virginia Commonwealth University Balfour routinely provides complimentary rings on an annual basis for the University to use for special presentations designed to call increased attention to the ring tradition. For example, official rings are presented to the Homecoming King and Queen during half-time on several campuses. In other cases, rings have been presented to university presidents, alumni board members, essay contest winners, spirit award winners, etc. Balfour will provide four gratis 10K rings annually to be used at the University’s discretion. Ring Trade-in Opportunity for VCU Alumni and Current Students A popular offer when schools launch an official ring is the opportunity for alumni and current students to trade in a previously acquired ring for the new designs. This is offered at no cost for the inaugural year of the program and generally stimulates positive word of mouth publicity for the ring tradition. Balfour will be happy to accept trade-ins of any 10K, 14K or 18K VCU Rings, regardless of manufacturer, for the Official Ring in the same karat. Trade-ins will continue to be honored beyond the inaugural year of the program for a nominal fee. Because VCU’s program is now established, Balfour will continue to offer current students and alumni a trade-in for a nominal fee on the existing styles (fee subject to change during the proposed term of this agreement due to fluctuating gold market rates). 63 Ring Savings Plan Opportunities at VCU In an effort to build the official ring traditions we work with, Balfour is working closely with several colleges and universities to develop more convenient and more affordable ways for students to acquire their university ring. Several pioneering institutions are working with Balfour to offer payment strategies enabling students to gradually pay for their official ring as part of the class registration process. State universities are looking at “opt in” ring purchasing methods, while private schools are taking an “opt out” approach to these plans. The ability for incoming freshmen to immediately begin paying for their official ring as part of tuition makes the ring more affordable, and the process further validates the ring tradition on these campuses. While these programs will dramatically increase the percentage of students acquiring the ring, the additional benefits to the institution are substantial. An increase in ring sales translates into increased revenues. In addition, ring payment plans enable schools the additional opportunity to escrow these funds in an interest-bearing fund that will yield even more revenue over time that can be applied to ring grants, scholarships or reinvested in other growth-based initiatives. Finally, the schools we’re already working with on these initiatives are also attracted to this strategy as it reinforces retention efforts, providing an additional incentive to remain enrolled. Balfour is ready and eager to assist and consult with VCU administrators to discuss the possibilities of this program to build participation in the VCU Ring Tradition well into the future. Balfour Real Life Experience Program Balfour will partner with a class in an upper-division marketing or creative course to create a real-life marketing plan or creative strategy for Balfour on the University of VCU campus. Students would form small groups of 3 or 4. This would allow students to demonstrate and hone all the skills that they learned throughout their University careers and will enhance the buzz and students awareness on campus since the campaigns will be student driven. Balfour would provide an outline of the creative or marketing need and faculty would guide the student’s instruction in how to complete the project. The Professor of the course would determine the extent to which the project would weigh in the course and Balfour’s involvement. At the end of the semester, Balfour and a team of VCU staff would select a “winning” team which would get to see some or all of their work come to fruition the following semester. Balfour would also provide deeply discounted rings to the winning team members. Other Marketing Strategies Communication with VCU Faculty and Staff Balfour will take the lead in working with key personnel on campus to produce welltimed memorandums to VCU faculty and staff communicating key aspects of the ring tradition. These memos will be designed to persuade faculty to communicate ring promotion and ceremony dates, eligibility requirements, and who to contact for more information. Building advocacy and understanding of the ring program within the academic community is of paramount importance in strengthening the ring story on campus. While the VCU Ring is well recognized, it is vital that the ring tradition is not taken for granted and is continually celebrated within the academic community. This practice has been implemented successfully on several campuses such as at the University of VCU and has helped to boost overall ring awareness and sales. In addition, Balfour is willing to provide special introductory offers to VCU graduates that are faculty and staff do not yet wear the VCU ring. Feature and Editorial Promotion 64 A best practice is to include compelling editorial features with alumni about their ring, or the University’s commitment to build a stronger ring tradition, or even a story on how VCU Rings are manufactured. Ring ceremonies routinely provide interesting human interest anecdotes that are ideal for further communicating the tradition to students past, present and future. These sidebar stories can be very powerful, and build awareness for the ring tradition. For example, a student at one of our Partner institutions silently purchased a ring for his father who also graduated from the same school. However, his father withdrew from college to serve in the Vietnam War before eventually returning to complete his degree, unceremoniously. Years later, when the student received his ring during the ring ceremony, the university president invited the student’s father who was in the audience to come up and receive his ring as well. A standing ovation ensued. This is simply one example of the many powerful stories that will emerge with continued and proper emphasis on the VCU Ring tradition. Routinely sharing these stories in the “Commonwealth Times”, VCU Alumni publications and other campus publications will help reinforce the ring tradition with the entire VCU community. Production Photography and Videos of The University of VCU Ring Balfour is able to help creatively market the VCU Ring tradition through a series of photos revealing the ring in various stages of manufacturing. These photos may be included in the ring brochure, used in feature stories describing the making of the ring, tradition prints and can be easily uploaded to VCU’s Official Ring Web site. These photos have been very popular with our partners who have incorporated them into multimedia presentations for freshmen orientation, ring ceremonies, Facebook pages, etc. The University of Georgia, for instance, showcases the making of the Georgia Ring during their ring ceremony with the material Balfour provides. In addition, Balfour has also begun to help schools develop video documentaries on the making of their ring, their ring ceremony and testimonials of the ring. Balfour would be happy to work with VCU representatives to develop video productions specific to the VCU Ring. As an example, please search “Official OSU Class Ring - A Ceremony To Celebrate” and “Official OSU Class Ring Crafting A Tradition” on You Tube to see the two sample productions that are powerful tools in telling a school’s ring story. Similar productions have been developed with Texas A&M, University of South Carolina, the University of Georgia, etc. Below are some additional hyperlinks to sample videos... Aggie Ring Day at Texas A&M University of South Carolina Ring Ceremony University of Georgia Ring Story The University of VCU Ring Tradition Prints An innovative venture for Balfour is the development of tradition prints for our Official Ring partner programs. We will provide poster-sized prints showcasing the VCU Ring to be framed and exhibited in high-traffic areas throughout campus. Ideally, these prints should also be displayed prominently in campus offices—further signifying the University’s recognition and support of the VCU Ring Tradition. These prints are designed to foster pride in the institution’s ring, sometimes featuring a scene of several students with rings on hand, or even a picture of the ring being manufactured. We will work with the University to create prints that will forever communicate the precise message the administration wants to convey with its ring program. For example, the University of South Carolina ring print features the phrase “A timeless expression of Carolina Pride.” The University of Georgia’s print reads “Wisdom, Justice, Moderation,” from its school seal, and Texas Tech emphasizes the words “Strive for Honor,” taken from the school song. Computer Lab Screen Saver Image 65 Computers around campus can all play a powerful role in promoting the ring. In addition to a 3D virtual rendering of the VCU Ring, Balfour can provide a variety of options that schools can upload to computers in campus computer labs, libraries and more. The screen savers can feature Ring Sale dates, a Grad Fair or general information about the school’s ring tradition. QR Codes and Digital Marketing Balfour has begun integrating new technologies such as QR codes into print materials enabling students to quickly access specific official ring offerings and information online. We will develop a QR Code for VCU to more effectively market rings electronically to students and alumni. A QR Code for VCU Rings can be conveniently included within campus publications and signage to provide “point and click” access to additional ring information. Whether it be QR Codes, Facebook, YouTube or other Internet-based methods, Balfour leads the ring industry in implementing innovative marketing strategies for our Partner programs. The official ring collecTion of Virginia Commonwealth uniVersity It’s All About TRADITION Banners Banners are an excellent way to attract attention to and promote rings on campus. From Ring Sale days to promotion of the ring tradition itself, Balfour has developed a number of banner options sure to fit with any school promotion efforts. Vertical and horizontal banners can be stationed in book stores, at ring sale tables or positioned at any campus event to support and promote the ring tradition. For more luxurious and permanent banner options, Balfour has the capability to create fabric banners that will further emphasize the VCU Ring tradition at commencement, Homecoming, Parent’s Weekends, freshmen orientation and other large events on campus. On-Campus Merchandising Ring Display Balfour provides stand alone displays which house The University of VCU Rings in the Alumni Association and/or elsewhere on campus. VCU Ring signage sits inside the display to call increased attention to the rings. For the coming year, Balfour is in the process of creating a brand new display for rings with modern lines and materials. These will be ready by Spring 2013. b. The Contractor should market products through the retail stores. The stores will add a markup, approved by the University, on products sold through the stores. The University stores will support the ring and regalia order and delivery process. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. c. All mailing lists/files or other media containing personal information about students, alumni, faculty and staff shall be considered protected data and are intended for use as directed in this RFP. Any other use of this protected data is strictly prohibited without written permission of Virginia Commonwealth University. Acknowledge and agree. 66 Balfour will comply. 7. Reporting: a. The Contractor shall provide accounting summary reports detailing unit sales through all venues. At a minimum the reports shall include the following: • • • • Regalia usage by garment type and degree (pricing schedule format); Class ring sales by campus, (Monroe Park Campus or MCV Campus); Personalized announcement sales by campus, and Standard announcement sales by campus. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour and Oak Hall will comply. b. Contractor should formally meet with representatives from the University at least annually to evaluate services and to review accounting reports. The "Annual Program Review" will consider the status of the current program and recommend action plans as appropriate. Topics may include issues related to sales trends, unit sales summary reports, marketing and evaluation results. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour and Oak Hall will comply. 8. Financial: a. All pricing shall include University royalty payments and licensing fees where appropriate. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. b. The Contractor shall propose a royalty on each jewelry unit sold and minimum annual royalty guarantee. An amount equal to 1/12th of the minimum annual royalty payment is due monthly by the 15th of each month. Acknowledge and agree. (See Royalty Schedule, Section VII, No. 10 below.) Balfour will comply. c. The Contractor shall pay the licensing fee on all class jewelry. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. d. The Contractor should pay nominal space/equipment rental charges for the use of the campus equipment and facilities. Payment terms are net 30 days. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. 67 9. Transition: a. The Contractor should provide a seamless transition to the new agreement. As necessary, describe how your firm will implement the new agreement. Provide estimated dates for key tasks. Balfour College Transition Plan As the Official Ring Movement has gathered steam across the country, Balfour, the leader in Official Ring Programs, has been asked to transition universities from a multiring vendor to an Official Ring Program. We have been very successful with these transitions and have provided a list of graphs in the back of this document that confirms our success. We want the transition for VCU to be seamless and smooth. Our Official Ring Partner Web site, is an excellent tool to use as a resource, as it provides a blueprint for a successful Official Ring Program. Below is a strategy to start the VCU Official Ring Program: Select a partner to manufacture the ring and provide the marketing expertise. • Restrict licensing to all other manufacturers on campus and off campus - an important step that validates the significance of a newly recognized Official Ring. • Establish timeline of design and manufacturing of the desired Official Ring. (We have provided in the next section.) • Establish marketing timeline for the Official Ring launch. (See Official Ring Critical Path below.) • Conduct key meetings with student leaders, administrators, faculty and staff to build awareness and support for the Official Ring Program. • Start media campaign through all publications detailing all aspects of the Official Ring. • Implement comprehensive marketing plan to establish and foster the tradition. Fall 2013 Official Ring Launch: The contract described in this RFP begins on January 1, 2013. Following that timeline, Balfour proposes the launch of the Official VCU Ring in September of 2013. It is key for the entire administration to be on board for this decision in order for the successful launch of the Official VCU Ring. Balfour welcomes any input from the school on this matter. VCU Announcement Transition Process We commit to having the process complete by February 2013, so that orders will be ready to be taken at the Grad Fair in March 2013. Our account set up and Web set up times are the best in the industry. The transition process for VCU announcements will be seamless. Oak Hall Transition Plan Regalia Time Line The goal of Oak Hall is to make the entire regalia experience enjoyable and exciting for the graduating students, as well as pain free for the administration. Each university has unique challenges to their commencement process which must be understood and addressed. The effective way of accomplishing this is through communication. For that 68 reason, we create a timeline for regalia that Oak Hall, Balfour, and the university become involved in. Below is a starting timeline, but obviously as time progresses and we learn more about each other, this may need to be adjusted to more appropriately fit the needs of VCU. This Fall If we are selected as your regalia supplier, we would like to meet with representatives from each college and special events to discuss topics such as: • Challenges faced during spring commencement • Wish list for future commencements • Number of eligible graduates by degree from upcoming commencement • Planning next Grad Fair • Planning faculty regalia sale for fall • Planning dates for events for upcoming commencement January Post commencement meeting, again with all involved parties. By covering issues and challenges, like and dislikes after each commencement, we all become more familiar with the process. Also, at each meeting we would plan for ordering dates, delivery dates, distribution dates for faculty, staff, and students. b. The Contractor should be prepared to provide regalia for the May 2013 Commencement. Acknowledge and agree. Oak Hall will comply. c. The Contractor should be prepared to offer the "Official" VCU class ring(s) during the fall 2013. Acknowledge and agree. Balfour will comply. 10. Royalty Schedule: $___100.00_____ Royalty per ring/ jewelry unit sold $___$50,000____ Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty 11. Experience and Qualifications of Firm: Firm should provide: a) List of three references for whom similar services were provided, preferably of public institutions of higher education or a similar sized organization. 69 School Length of Service Address Contact Person University of Notre Dame 80 Years Hammes Notre Dame Bkstore University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556 Keith Kirkpatrick 574-631-6316 Virginia Polytechnic Institute 15 Years Virginia Tech Alumni Assoc Holtzman Alumni Center-0102 Blacksburg, VA 24061 Laura Wedin 540-231-6285 University of Maryland 10+ Years Columbia University 7+ Years Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Ctr College Park, MD 20742 Robin Chiddo (301) 405-7204 University Book Center Stamp Student Union College Park, MD 20742 Mike Gore (301) 314-2665 706 Lerner Hall, MC 2603 2920 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Honey Fishman (212) 854-6862 b) Provide a list of institutions of higher education with which the firm has a signed term contract. In the State of Virginia Balfour has the following institutions under contract: Virginia Tech, James Madison, Mary Washington, University of Virginia, Washington & Lee University. Balfour has many more exclusive accounts in the State of Virginia and the United States. A full list can be provided if needed. Oak Hall has the following institutions under contract: Virginia Tech, College of William & Mary, Virginia Community College System, George Mason University, Regent University, Radford University, Longwood University, Marymount University, University of Richmond, Roanoke College, Lynchburg College, Washington & Lee, Mary Baldwin, Hollins University and American Public University. c) Provide the amount of annual sales the firm has with each VASCUPP Member Institution. A list of VASCUPP Members can be found at THE INFORMATION BELOW IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL VASCUPP MEMBER INSTITUTION TOTAL REVENUE GRAND TOTAL $ 12. Other related goods/services: Describe other related goods and/or services provided by your firm. Provide information to demonstrate how these goods and/or services could benefit the institution and include the associated pricing for the term of the contract. Provide information to address how newly introduced products and services would be offered and included in the contract. Include information on your ability to provide most favored nations pricing. 70 Balfour currently provides service pins for MCV and VCU. The two MCV pins are Clinical Lab Science and Medical Tech. The two VCU pins are the A.D. Williams and the Kupfer award. If given the opportunity, Balfour can handle all nursing and other pins needed for this account. Balfour has also partnered with Professional Framing to offer VCU and MCV other diploma frame options in which the sales’ commission from these frames could go directly to either Student Services, Alumni or any other department you decide. Below is some background information on Professional Framing. Professional Framing Company has been providing diploma frames to university bookstores and graduates since 1987. Founded on a core commitment to provide their customers extraordinary service, value and quality products, the company quickly led the way in a burgeoning industry by adding innovative and artful additions to their offerings, including the use of embossed seals and school names, limited edition watercolors of campus landmarks, 24k medallions, 3D laser logo cutouts, and 3D collages. Further establishing themselves as leaders in the industry, Professional Framing Company remained as committed to service as they were their craft, as they are to this day. Their success has been due in no small part to listening to the needs of bookstore buyers and striving to make their jobs easier and less complicated. One way they have achieved this has been to assign a dedicated customer service representative, to each account, who is knowledgeable about that store and its specific needs. They also understand that as the years change over, so do the students and their preferences; so Professional Framing Company has regularly attended a wide variety of trade shows, grad fairs and graduations to stay abreast of the trends. Likewise, they have strived to keep their eye on the sales of frames industry-wide and make suggestions for changes in product lines as deemed necessary. Professional Framing Company currently provides frames and service to university bookstores nationwide, such as Virginia Tech, University of Tennessee, University of Richmond, The University of Alabama, Western Kentucky, and Georgia Southern, just to name a few. As when they first began, Professional Framing Company is once again at the forefront by being the first and only company in the industry to use UV protected glass on every frame. In their ever-growing commitment to providing their customers extraordinary service, value and quality products, they continue to lead the way. For more than 20 years, Professional Framing Company has been the gold standard in collegiate diploma framing. We are passionate about what we do, and each frame we make reflects that passion. Our Promise to Virginia Commonwealth University: • Unmatched quality and service since 1987 • The strictest standards in document protection that meets or exceeds library of congress standards • Custom made frames specifically to fit your diploma • Competitive pricing without compromising quality • A vast array of styles and designs - from traditional favorites to creative innovations, and everything in between • Unique touches like gold-leaf embossing, 24K gold medallion, silver medallion, 3-D mascot cut-outs, 3-D Campus Collage, and landmark - images that can truly personalize your frame • Each frame is hand-crafted in the USA • Satisfaction - Guaranteed! • PFC stands by our promise to provide the quality your achievement deserves. Guaran- 71 teed. A remarkable achievement deserves a remarkable frame. And the professionals at Professional Framing Company have the experience, the resources and the know-how to provide you the highest quality frames possible for your diploma. We have a variety of styles, finishes and accents - giving you the ability to custom make each frame to your individual preference. Each frame is hand crafted and comes fully assembled for quick diploma insertion - no need to send us your diploma. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship ensures a distinctive, elegant display for your achievement. PFC uses archival-quality materials that meet and exceed government standards for document preservation - making sure your achievement lasts a lifetime. Our Mission is to provide Virginia Commonwealth University the very best in service, product quality and flexibility. 13. Sustainability: Please provide information to demonstrate the overall environmental impact of your proposed approach. Include information on your recommendations to reduce the environmental impact and create efficiencies. For any packaged products, describe your firm’s approach for using less packaging. Oak Hall is very proud to have lead the industry by being the first company to develop an eco friendly regalia line. GreenWeaver is made from 100% post consumer plastic bottles that have been diverted from landfills. December of 2009 was the first commencement that students could walk in GreenWeaver regalia. Since then over 300 universities walking over 522,000 students have worn GreenWeaver. That equates to over 12 MILLION plastic bottles that did not end up in a landfill. This summer we introduced a new line of sustainable regalia, NuHorizon. Also made from reclaimed plastic bottle waste, NuHorizon is a knitted fabric, which is more economical to produce. We realize that in today’s economy there were universities and high schools that wanted to make the move to a more sustainable commencement, but simply wasn’t able to afford the extra expense. Our company wide goal is to become more conscious of our environmental footprint and make changes as we move forward. In addition to adding gowns made from plastic bottles to our line, we have also: • Converted to a carbon based dry cleaning system which is more environmentally sound • All our waste fabric is bundled and sent in for recycling • Implemented a take back program for GreenWeaver gowns • Gone to recycled cardboard for shipping • Converted to recycled bags for storing regalia This fall we are also implementing the following: • Moving from printing informational sheets that go inside the gown and hood package to printing directly on the bags in order to reduce paper use • Gone to an email confirmation system rather than sending hard copy acknowledgements of orders and invoices • Moving to an email system for statements Our short term and long term goals include ways to continue to reduce our carbon footprint both professionally as a company and through encouraging our employees to do so in their personal lives. 72 14. Small, Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Business Commitment: Firm must submit complete Appendix I which is available at: unless the firm is a DMBE certified small business. DMBE certified small businesses must include their certification number on the coversheet of this RFP, but are not required to complete Appendix I. Please see attached Appendix I 15. Proposal Submission Instructions: G. Complete and return page 1 of the RFP. Proposals shall be signed by an authorize representative of the Offeror. H. Complete and return signed addenda acknowledgments (if applicable). I. Submit one (1) original hard copy (paper) document of the entire proposal, including all attachments and proprietary information. The original proposal must be clearly marked on the outside of the proposal. Submit one (1) unsecured, electronic copy (on a disc or flash drive) of the entire proposal including all attachments and EXCLUDING ANY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This disc or flash drive must be clearly marked on the outside that it excludes proprietary information. J. Submit seven (7) paper copies of the entire proposal, including all attachments and proprietary information. K. If applicable, the outside of the proposal must be marked to denote proprietary information is contained in the documents. Written notice of proprietary information must be submitted as the first page of the Offeror’s proposal. Notice must specifically identify the applicable portions of the Offeror’s proposal that contains data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. In addition, the specific (i.e. specific words, figures or paragraphs) proprietary or trade secret material submitted, must be identified on the applicable page(s) within the Offeror’s proposal, by some distinct method, such as highlighting, underlining, etc. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and will result in rejection and return of the proposal. L. Communications regarding this Request for Proposals (RFP) shall be formal from the date of issue for this RFP, until either a Contractor has been selected or the University Purchasing Department rejects all proposals. Formal communications shall be directed to the University Purchasing Department. Informal communications including but not limited to, request for information, comments or speculations, regarding this RFP to any University employee other than a Purchasing Department representative may result in the offending Offeror’s proposal being rejected. M. Additional information is available at: VIII. ORAL PRESENTATION: Offerors who submit a proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal to VCU. VCU will schedule the time and location of these presentations. Oral presentations are an option and may or may not be conducted. 73 IX. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated based upon the information provided in the Offeror’s proposal using the following criteria: Offeror’s qualifications and experience; methodology/approach to providing the requirements stated herein; price; and the Offeror’s status as a Virginia certified SWaM Business or the Offeror’s plans to utilize Virginia DMBE certified SWaM Businesses in the Offeror’s performance of the contract. Selection shall be made of two or more Offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals. Negotiations shall be conducted with Offerors so selected. After negotiations have been conducted with each Offeror so selected, the agency shall select the Offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best offer, and shall award the contract to that Offeror. The Institution may cancel this Request for Proposals or reject proposals at any time prior to an award, and is not required to furnish a statement of the reason why a particular proposal was not deemed to be the most advantageous. (Governing Rules Section 49.D) Should the Institution determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror has made the best proposal, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. The award document will be a contract incorporating by reference all the requirements, terms and conditions of the solicitation. Notice of Award(s) or Notice of Intent to Award may be accessed electronically at X. METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall submit a fully itemized invoice to Virginia Commonwealth University, Accounts Payable and Support Services, P. O. Box 980327, Richmond, VA 23298-0327, that, at minimum, includes the following information: the Virginia Commonwealth University purchase order number; a description of the goods or services provided; quantities; unit prices; extended prices; and total prices Payment will be made thirty days after receipt of a proper invoice for the amount of payment due, or thirty days after receipt of the goods or services, whichever is later, in accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia Prompt Payment Legislation. XI. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: General Terms and Conditions can be viewed at: XII. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A. ADVERTISING: In the event a contract is awarded for supplies, equipment, or services resulting from this proposal, no indication of such sales or services to Virginia Commonwealth University will be used in product literature or advertising. The Contractor shall not state in any of the advertising or product literature that the Commonwealth of Virginia or any agency or institution of the Commonwealth has purchased or uses its products or services. B. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that the agency shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which may hereafter become available for the purpose of this agreement. C. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any proposal in response to this solicitation shall be valid for sixty (60) days. At the end of the sixty (60) days, the proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. If the proposal is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is cancelled. D. PROPOSAL PRICES: Proposal prices shall be in the form of a firm unit price for each item 74 during the contract period. However, price changes for jewelry will be allowed annually and calculated as established by the final, negotiated contract. E. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: The purchasing agency reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than twelve (12) months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial twelve (12) months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. F. EXTRA CHARGES NOT ALLOWED: The proposal price shall be for complete delivery to the University and shall include all applicable freight; extra charges will not be allowed. G. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL: The proposal package should be identified as follows: From:_______________________________ ______________ ________________ Name of Offeror Due Date Time ____________________________________ _______________________________ Street or Box Number RFP No. ____________________________________ _______________________________ City, State, Zip Code +4 RFP Title Name of Contract / Purchase Officer or Buyer: Benjamin Miller The package should be addressed as directed on Page 2 of the solicitation. If a proposal is not clearly identified, the Offeror takes the risk that the proposal may be inadvertently opened and the information compromised which may cause the proposal to be disqualified. Proposals may be hand delivered to the designated location in the office issuing the solicitation. No other correspondence or other proposals should be placed in the envelope. LATE PROPOSALS: To be considered for selection, proposals must be received by the issuing office by the designated date and hour. The official time used in the receipt of proposals is that time on the automatic time stamp machine in the issuing office. Proposals received in the issuing office after the date and hour designated are automatically disqualified and will not be considered. The University is not responsible for delays in the delivery of mail by the U.S. Postal Service, private couriers, or the intrauniversity mail system. It is the sole responsibility of the Offeror to insure that its proposal reaches the issuing office by the designated date and hour. H. INDEMNIFICATION: Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless theCommonwealth of Virginia, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, goods, or equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the Contractor/any services of any kind or nature furnished by the Contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence of the using agency or to failure of the using agency to use the materials, goods, or equipment in the manner already and permanently described by the Contractor on the materials, goods, or equipment delivered. I. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Contractor will not be liable under this contract for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or damages from loss profits, revenue, data or use of the supplies, equip75 ment and/or services delivered under this contract. This limitation of liability will not apply, however, to liability arising from: (a) personal injury or death; (b) defect or deficiency caused by willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Contractor; or (c) circumstances where the contract expressly provides a right to damages, indemnification or reimbursement. J. MINORITY/WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES SUBCONTRACTING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ANDGOALS: Where it is practicable for any portion of the awarded contract to be subcontracted toother suppliers, the Contractor is encouraged to offer such business to minority and/or women owned businesses. Names of firms may be obtained from the buyer handling this solicitation. When such business has been subcontracted to these firms and upon completion of the contract, the Contractor agrees to furnish the purchasing office the following information: name of firm, phone number, total dollar amount subcontracted and type of product/service provided.Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Procurement Services encourages the participation of minority owned businesses in the procurement process by actively soliciting bids from these businesses. Our office uses the information compiled by the State Department of Minority Business Enterprise, the State Division of Purchase and Supply and the Department of Information Technology to assist in this endeavor. The department has membership with the Virginia Regional Minority Supplier Development Council and participates in the annual Virginia Businesses Opportunities Fair. We encourage departments to support minority-owned businesses within their purchasing authority when appropriate. Virginia Commonwealth University has a minority-owned business participation goal of twenty percent (20%) for each project. K. PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: The Contractor shall be responsible for completely supervising and directing the work under this contract and all subcontractors that he may utilize, using his best skill and attention. Subcontractors who perform work under this contract shall be responsible to the prime Contractor. The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors and of persons employed by them as he is for the acts and omissions of his own employees. L. PRODUCT INFORMATION: The Offeror shall clearly and specifically identify the product being offered and enclose complete and detailed descriptive literature, catalog cuts and specifications with the proposal to enable the Commonwealth to determine if the product offered meets the requirements of the solicitation. Failure to do so may cause the proposal to be considered nonresponsive. M. QUANTITIES: Quantities set forth in this solicitation are estimates only, and the Contractor shall supply at proposal prices actual quantities as ordered, regardless of whether such total quantities are more or less than those shown. N. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: This contract may be renewed by the Commonwealth for two(2) successive one (1) year periods under the terms and conditions of the original contract except as stated in 1. and 2. below. Price increases may be negotiated only at the time of renewal. Written notice of the Commonwealth's intention to renew should be provided approximately 60 days prior to the expiration date of each contract period. 1. If the Commonwealth elects to exercise the option to renew the contract for an additional one-year period, the contract price(s) for the additional one year shall not exceed the contract price(s) of the original contract increased/decreased by more than the percentage increase/decrease of the Services category of the CPI-W section of the Consumer Price Index of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available. 76 2. If during any subsequent renewal periods, the Commonwealth elects to exercise the option to renew the contract, the contract price(s) for the subsequent renewal period shall not exceed the contract price(s) of the previous renewal period increased/ decreased by more than the percentage increase/decrease of the Services category of the CPI-W section of the Consumer Price Index of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the latest twelve months for which statistics are available. O. SUBCONTRACTS: No portion of the work shall be subcontracted without prior written consent of the purchasing agency. In the event that the Contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish the purchasing agency the names, qualifications and experience of their proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall, however, remain fully liable and responsible for the work to be done by its subcontractor(s) and shall assure compliance with all requirements of the contract. P. USE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS: Notwithstanding the prohibition against used, damaged or obsolete items, vendors are encouraged to use secondary or recycled materials in the manufacture of products to the maximum extent practicable without jeopardizing the performance or intended end use of the product unless such use is precluded due to health and welfare or safety requirements or product specifications contained herein. Please provide the following information in this regard: 1. Do any of the goods offered contain recycled materials? _X__Yes ___No 2. If so, please qualify the recycled material content: For rings, we reclaim and recycle gold throughout the manufacturing process. All of our Celestrium rings are made from more than 95% recycled metals. For graduation regalia, our plastic bags that each cap and gown are stored in are of 100% recycled plastic chips. Our storage boxes are of 100% recycled cardboard. GreenWeaver and NuHorizon caps and gowns are made from 100% recycled plastic bottles. For announcements, our regular papers virgin (0%) recycled materials. Our current recycled papers go from 30% to 100% recycled materials depending on the product. The paper with 100% recycled materials is only available in white. Q. WARRANTY (COMMERCIAL): The Contractor agrees that the supplies or services furnished under any award resulting from this solicitation shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Contractor gives any customer for such supplies or services and that the rights and remedies provided therein are in addition to and do not limit those available to the Commonwealth by any other clause of this solicitation. A copy of this warranty must be furnished with the proposal. R. eVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND ORDERS: The solicitation/contract will result in purchase order(s) with the eVA transaction fee specified below assessed for each order. 1. For orders issued August 16, 2006 thru June 30, 2011, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: a) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order. b) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $1,500 per order. 2. For orders issued July 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2013, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: a) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, Capped at $500 per order. b) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, Capped at $1,500 per 77 order. 3. For orders issued July 1, 2013, and after, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: a) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order. b) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $1,500 per order. The specified vendor transaction fee will be invoiced, by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of General Services, approximately 30 days after the corresponding purchase order is issued and payable 30 days after the invoice date. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through purchase order changes. The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution, website portal, streamlines and automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The portal is the gateway for vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies. Vendors desiring to provide goods and/or services to the Commonwealth shall participate in the eVA Internet e-procurement solution and agree to comply with the following: If this solicitation is for a term contract, may provide an electronic catalog (price list) or index page catalog for items awarded. The format of this electronic catalog shall conform to the eVA Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) Specification that can be accessed and downloaded from Contractors should email Catalog or Index Page information to S. ELECTRONIC COPIES OF PROPOSALS: The successful Contractor may be required to provide the VCU Department of Procurement Services with a copy of the Contractor’s entire original proposal (to include all attachments), and all subsequent correspondence (i.e. responses to requests for clarification and documents generated through the negotiation process) in an unsecured electronic format (i.e. email, disc – CD or DVD or flash drive). The Contractor SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IN THE ELECTRONIC FORMAT; VCU will post the Contractor’s original proposal, and all subsequent correspondence on the VCU Department of Procurement Services Website, VCU shall not be responsible for the Contractor’s failure to exclude proprietary information submitted in the unsecured electronic format). T. GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT: The Contractor shall comply with the Act by implementing and maintaining appropriate safeguards to protect and prevent unauthorized release of student, faculty and staff nonpublic information. Nonpublic information is defined as social security numbers, or financial transactions, bank, credit and tax information. 78 RFP - Addendum DATE: July 12, 2012 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO ALL OFFERORS: Reference: Request for Proposals: RFP No. 4955496-BM Commodity/Title: Graduation Products – Academic Regalia, Class Jewelry and Announcements Issue Date: June 26, 2012 Proposal Due Date/Time: August 28, 2012 @ 11:00 A.M. local time The above is hereby changed to read: Offeror questions and committee responses from pre-proposal meeting held on July 10, 2012 are included below. 1. How many campus locations? VCU has a Monroe Park Campus and a MCV Campus. The campuses are located about 2 miles apart. The expectation is to provide service to both locations. Actual service sites on each campus include the bookstores and student centers. 2. Do diploma frames fall under recognition items? Diploma frames can be considered recognition items and sold as part of this agreement. Currently diploma frames are sold through the bookstores. 3. Is the bookstore marking up the prices we provide or will it be deducted out of the price? Proposed prices should be considered COST prices. The stores are permitted to markup announcements and rental regalia. However, the University coordinates the sale of announcements and regalia rental through the bookstores. Class rings are sold directly through this agreement by the Contractor to reduce the retail prices. Retail 79 arrangements can be made directly with the bookstores on other recognition items. 4. If yes, what percentage are they marking it up? Mark up as a percentage of retail for 2012 is as follows: Product Mark-up Retail Price Bachelor Cap & Gown 28% $16.50 Master Cap & Gown 37% $18.50 Doctor Cap & Gown 33% $22.00 Doctor Tam & Gown 40% $30.50 Tam Only 49% $15.50 Bachelor Hood 42% $16.50 Master Hood 37% $18.50 Doctor Hood 38% $22.00 Faculty Rental Announcement and stationery mark ups: Mark up on announcements and stationery sold through the bookstore range from 38% to 45%. Mark up on seals, labels, certificates and thank you notes range from 45% to 66%. 5. Royalty Schedule- is this for Rings or is guaranteed minimum annual royalty % on everything? The University seeks a royalty per ring unit sold with a Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty. Both the Contractor and the University will share in an exceptional year of ring sales. The Contractor shall monitor sales and calculate the royalty payments to the University each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). If, and to the extent that the royalty due the University exceeds the Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty, the Contractor should 80 pay the excess amount by September 15. Proposals will be evaluated based on the Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty. 6. Is there a percentage that goes back to the school besides the royalties? Yes, promotional and marketing funds are available with the current agreement. See question 8.A below. In addition, Virginia Commonwealth University's new strategic plan, VCU Quest for Distinction, is a focused vision for VCU to become the nation's premier public, urban research university. Contractors are encouraged to provide financial resources to Business Services to enhance their role in the VCU Quest for Distinction. You can read more about VCU Quest for distinction here: 7. In the previous winning bid, were there any funds provided to the university or any organization affiliated with the university? Yes A. If yes, how much? The current Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty is $35,000 ($2,916.67 per month). Most of the funds are shared with Student Affairs and allocated to scholarships. In addition, up to $5,700 is provided annually to support a ring ceremony event. Engraved ring boxes are provide to ring ceremony participants and six 10K rings are available as incentives. 8. Is day of commencement student regalia distribution handled by the vendor or college/bookstore personnel? The distribution is handled by the graduation products Contractor. The bookstores are not obligated to support the student distribution only to provide space for the activity. 9. How many distribution days are scheduled for the week prior to commencement? 81 For each Commencement two days are scheduled on the MCV Campus and three days are scheduled on the Monroe Park Campus. A graduation fair / informational event is also held prior to each commencement. Typically, the event is held one day on the MCV Campus and two days on the Monroe Park Campus each October and March. Most student regalia orders are collected during this event. 10. Does the contractor work with the bookstore? The bookstores are contractually encouraged to support the graduation products Contractor by providing sales space, retailing products and renting faculty regalia as agreed. Contractors are encouraged to develop a good working relationship with the bookstore staff. The bookstores are not obligated to provide labor/staffing to support the graduation products activity. 11. Cap & Gowns Breakdown- how many graduates & undergraduates? May 2012 (approximate number) · Bachelor 2,760 Master 1,070 Doctor 610 December 2011 (approximate number) Bachelor · 1,160 Master 300 Doctor 70 12. On page 15, letter “c”, under heading “Transition”, it says that the Contractor should be prepared to offer the Official VCU Class ring(s) during the fall of 2013. As the contract begins in January, can you tell me how rings will be handled for spring of 2013? Fall 2013 is the latest a new firm must be ready to sell class rings. The current firm will stop supplying rings on January 15, 2013. Depending on the firm’s ability to supply class rings, an order taking period may be instituted. 82 13. On page 15-16, section 12 – can you please clarify what “most favored nations pricing” means? The University is requesting the best pricing. 14. Is there interest in seeing an alternate bid using “sustainable fabric”? If so, do we just attach a second pricing sheet showing the pricing? Yes. Please provide pricing and sample(s). 15. How many student marshals are anticipated per year? Banner Bearers and Marshals – approx. 15 – 20. 16. Is this decision an all or nothing bid, or could different products be awarded to different vendors? Offerors can partner with other firms as appropriate to provide the full range of services requested. 17. Who will be on the decision committee and/or what departments will be involved in the decision? The evaluation committee will be composed of the following stakeholders: • Students – MCV and Monroe Park Campus • Student Affairs and Enrollment Services • Alumni Services • University special Programs • Business Services • Procurement and Payment 18. Provide an estimated quantity for faculty rental for each of the two annual graduations. 83 Approximately 100 faculty rent during the May Commencement and 60 faulty rent during the December Commencement. In addition, approximately 50 BOV/ VIP members rent regalia for each Commencement. 19. Is there a ring presentation ceremony or are they shipped direct? Students have the option of participating in a spring ring ceremony or having the ring shipped directly. 20. How often are new rings designed per contract? Rings are designed infrequently and only as necessary. Rings are not designed annually. 21. How often were announcements redesigned per contract? Announcements are designed infrequently, and only as necessary. Announcements are not designed annually and must be approved by University Marketing. . 22. Are there any additional costs associated with on campus set ups and if so, please outline. (i.e. Table Reservations, etc.) The University student centers charge for table set up. 23. Please provide a breakdown of marketing expenses by product. This is a Contractor expense; therefore, the costs are unknown. 24. Please provide an estimated quantity of brochures needed by product category. This quantity is determined by the Contractor. NOTE: A signed acknowledgment of this addendum must be received by this office either prior to the proposal due date and hour or attached to your proposal. 84 Signature of this addendum does not constitute your signature on the original proposal document. The original proposal document must also be signed. Very truly yours, Benjamin Miller Senior Buyer Phone: (804) 828-0889 Commemorative Brands, Inc. dba Balfour Name of Firm Executive Vice President Signature/Title August 28, 2012 Date 85 86 Signature of this addendum does not constitute your signature on the original proposal document. The original proposal document must also be signed. Very truly yours, Benjamin Miller Senior Buyer Phone: (804) 828-0889 Professional Framing Company Name of Firm President Signature/Title August 28, 2012 Date 87 APPENDIX I PARTICIPATION IN STATE PROCUREMENT TRANSACTIONS SMALL BUSINESSES AND BUSINESSES OWNED BY WOMEN AND MINORITIES The following definitions will be used in completing the information contained in this Appendix. Definitions • • Small business is an independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees, or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Nothing in this definition prevents a program, agency, institution or subdivision from complying with the qualification criteria of a specific state program or federal guideline to be in compliance with a federal grant or program. Women-owned business is a business concern which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51 percent of the equity ownership interest in which is owned by one or more women, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of such individuals. • Minority-owned business is a business concern which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more minorities or in the case of a corporation, partnership or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51 percent of the equity ownership interest in which is owned by one or more minorities and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of such individuals. • Minority Individual: “Minority” means a person who is a citizen of the United States or a legal resident alien and who satisfies one or more of the following definitions: o “Asian Americans” means all persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands, including but not limited to Japan, China, Vietnam, Samoa, Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Northern Marinas, the Philippines, U. S. territory of the Pacific, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and who are regarded as such by the community of which these persons claim to be a part. o “African Americans” means all persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Africa and who are regarded as such by the community of which these persons claim to be a part. o “Hispanic Americans” means all persons having origins in any of the Spanish speaking peoples of Mexico, South or Central America, or the Caribbean Islands or other Spanish or Portuguese cultures and who are regarded as such by the community of which these persons claim to be a part. o “Native Americans” means all persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who are regarded as such by the community of which these persons claim to be a part or who are recognized by a tribal organization. o “Eskimos and Aleuts” means all persons having origins in any of the peoples of Northern Canada, Greenland, Alaska, and Eastern Siberia and who are regarded as such in the community of which these persons claim to be a part. 88 PARTICIPATION BY SMALL BUSINESSES, BUSINESSES OWNED BY WOMEN BUSINESSES OWNED BY MINORITIES This appendix should only be completed by firms that are not Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) certified small businesses. Offeror certifies that it will involve Small Businesses, Women-Owned Businesses, and/or Minority-Owned Businesses (SWaM) in the performance of this contract either as part of a joint venture, as a partnership, as Subcontractors or as suppliers. List the names of the SWaM Businesses your firm intends to use and identify the direct role of these firms in the performance of the contract. State whether the firm is a Small Business (SB), Women-Owned (WO), or MinorityOwned (MO). Name of Businesses: SB, WO, MO: Role in contract: Commitment for utilization of DMBE SWaM Businesses: 0% ____________% of total contract amount that will be performed by DMBE certified SWaM businesses. Identify the individual responsible for submitting SWaM reporting information to VCU: Name Printed: Clyde Walls Email: Phone: (512) 440-2203 Firm: Commemorative Brands, Inc. dba Balfour Offeror understands and acknowledge that the percentages stated above represent a contractual commitment by the Offeror. Failure to achieve the percentage commitment will be considered a breach of contract and may result in contract default. Acknowledged: By (Signature): Name Printed: Don Percenti Title: Executive Vice President Email: Note: Small, Minority and/or Women-owned business sub-contractors are required to become certified and maintain certification through the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE; ) to fulfill the Offeror’s commitment for utilization. 89 90 SECTION II Request For Proposal 4955496-BM Virginia Commonwealth University Pricing Templates 91 92 1320 910 1135 850 1865 1750 800 9 dwt 4.5 dwt 9 dwt 4dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 3 dwt 3 dwt Signet: Fashion: Stadium: Dinner: Nostalgia: 820 805 1900 1780 1155 860 1335 915 2255 1960 1845 965 $1,550 825 810 1930 1810 1170 865 1350 925 2300 1995 1870 975 $1,600 830 815 1960 1835 1190 875 1370 935 2340 2025 1900 980 $1,650 835 820 1995 1865 1205 880 1385 945 2380 2060 1930 990 $1,700 840 825 2025 1895 1220 890 1405 950 2425 2090 1960 1000 $1,750 850 830 2060 1920 1240 895 1420 960 2465 2125 1985 1005 $1,800 855 835 2090 1950 1255 905 1435 970 2505 2155 2015 1015 $1,850 860 845 2125 1980 1275 910 1455 975 2550 2185 2045 1025 $1,900 865 850 2155 2010 1290 920 1470 985 2590 2220 2070 1035 $1,950 870 855 2190 2035 1310 930 1490 995 2630 2250 2100 1040 $2,000 875 860 2220 2065 1325 935 1505 1005 2675 2285 2130 1050 $2,050 880 865 2255 2095 1340 945 1525 1010 2715 2315 2155 1060 $2,100 890 870 2285 2120 1360 950 1540 1020 2755 2350 2185 1065 $2,150 895 875 2315 2150 1375 960 1555 1030 2800 2380 2215 1075 $2,200 PRICING SCHEDULE - Jewelry - Rings 14K 1060 795 880 660 1455 1370 720 9 dwt 4.5 dwt 9 dwt 4dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 3 dwt 3 dwt Signet: Fashion: Stadium: Dinner: Nostalgia: 735 725 1480 1390 890 665 1070 795 1730 1505 1415 825 $1,550 740 730 1505 1410 905 675 1085 795 1760 1530 1435 835 $1,600 745 735 1530 1435 920 680 1100 795 1795 1555 1460 840 $1,650 750 735 1555 1455 930 685 1110 795 1825 1580 1480 845 $1,700 755 740 1580 1475 945 690 1125 795 1860 1605 1500 855 $1,750 760 745 1605 1500 955 695 1135 795 1890 1630 1525 860 $1,800 760 750 1625 1520 970 700 1150 795 1920 1655 1545 865 $1,850 765 755 1650 1540 985 710 1165 795 1955 1680 1570 870 $1,900 770 760 1675 1565 995 715 1175 795 1985 1700 1590 880 $1,950 775 765 1700 1585 1010 720 1190 795 2015 1725 1610 885 $2,000 780 770 1725 1605 1020 725 1205 795 2050 1750 1635 890 $2,050 785 770 1750 1630 1035 730 1215 795 2080 1775 1655 900 $2,100 790 775 1775 1650 1050 735 1230 795 2115 1800 1675 905 $2,150 790 780 1800 1670 1060 745 1240 795 2145 1825 1700 910 $2,200 Page 1 of 2 TOTAL $ 13,065.00 $ 13,225.00 $ 13,405.00 $ 13,590.00 $ 13,745.00 $ 13,925.00 $ 14,095.00 $ 14,255.00 $ 14,440.00 $ 14,605.00 $ 14,775.00 $ 14,950.00 $ 15,120.00 $ 15,295.00 $ 15,460.00 730 1700 1480 1395 820 22 dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 4.5 dwt $1,500 Traditional: Gold Price Metal / Alloy TOTAL $ 16,360.00 $ 16,595.00 $ 16,825.00 $ 17,055.00 $ 17,290.00 $ 17,525.00 $ 17,755.00 $ 17,985.00 $ 18,230.00 $ 18,460.00 $ 18,695.00 $ 18,930.00 $ 19,160.00 $ 19,390.00 $ 19,625.00 815 2215 1930 1815 955 22 dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 4.5 dwt $1,500 Traditional: Gold Price 18K Jewelry: Rings: Provide a schedule for each metal offered. Prices shall include royalty and licensing fee. Designate proposed "Official" rings. Metal / Alloy A. 93 795 630 760 605 1065 1005 580 9 dwt 4.5 dwt 9 dwt 4dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 3 dwt 3 dwt Signet: Fashion: Stadium: Dinner: Nostalgia: 585 580 1085 1020 770 610 805 635 1250 1090 1025 645 $1,550 585 585 1100 1035 780 610 815 640 1275 1105 1040 650 $1,600 590 585 1120 1050 790 615 825 645 1295 1125 1055 655 $1,650 590 590 1135 1065 800 620 835 650 1320 1140 1070 655 $1,700 595 595 1155 1080 810 625 840 655 1345 1160 1085 660 $1,750 600 595 1175 1100 820 630 850 660 1365 1175 1100 665 $1,800 600 600 1190 1115 830 635 860 665 1390 1195 1115 670 $1,850 605 605 1210 1130 835 635 870 665 1410 1215 1135 675 $1,900 610 605 1225 1145 845 640 880 670 1435 1230 1150 680 $1,950 610 610 1245 1160 855 645 890 675 1460 1250 1165 685 $2,000 615 615 1260 1175 865 650 900 680 1480 1265 1180 690 $2,050 620 615 1280 1190 875 655 910 685 1505 1285 1195 695 $2,100 620 620 1300 1210 885 660 920 690 1530 1300 1210 700 $2,150 625 620 1315 1225 895 665 925 695 1550 1320 1225 705 $2,200 PRICING SCHEDULE - Jewelry - Rings 289 289 289 289 289 9 dwt 4dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 3 dwt 3 dwt Fashion: Stadium: Dinner: Nostalgia: 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,600 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,650 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,700 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,750 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,800 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,850 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,900 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $1,950 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $2,000 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $2,050 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $2,100 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $2,150 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 289 $2,200 Page 2 of 2 TOTAL $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 $ 3,468.00 289 289 289 9 dwt 4.5 dwt Signet: 289 289 289 289 $1,550 289 289 289 289 22 dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 4.5 dwt Gold Price Traditional: Celestrium Alloy $1,500 Metal / Alloy TOTAL $ 9,960.00 $ 10,100.00 $ 10,220.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 10,470.00 $ 10,605.00 $ 10,735.00 $ 10,865.00 $ 10,990.00 $ 11,115.00 $ 11,250.00 $ 11,375.00 $ 11,510.00 $ 11,645.00 $ 11,765.00 580 1225 1070 1005 640 22 dwt 17 dwt 15 dwt 4.5 dwt $1,500 Traditional: Gold Price 10K Jewelry: Rings: Provide a schedule for each metal offered. Prices shall include royalty and licensing fee. Designate proposed "Official" rings. Metal / Alloy A. 94 VIP $ $ $ Doctor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Doctor - Gown Doctor - Hood $ Tassel Generic: Personalized: 50 50 Quantity per pack $5.00$$3.00$ x x x x x x x x x x x x x 680 680 1370 1370 3920 Annual Est. 3920 $ $1.00 $0.60 $ - Cost Each Total for May & December 2.25 4.00 12.50 15.95 15.95 12.75 14.50 Unit Cost $ Cap C. Announcements: $ $ Specialist - Hood (Gown must show black velvet) PhD - (Gown-Cap) (Health Sciences Gown must show degree color) $ $ $ Master - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Master - Gown Master - Hood 12.95 9.75 11.50 Unit Cost $ 11.90 $ 8.75 $ 10.50 Bachelor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Bachelor - Gown Bachelor - Hood $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 142,010.50 - - - - 10,846.00 9,860.00 17,741.50 15,755.00 Extended Price 46,648.00 41,160.00 Awarded to the student: Provide a unit price for the initial term of the agreement (three years). Prices shall include give‐away tassels. Tassels shall show degree color as requested. B. Academic Regalia: Tam (Gown must show black velvet) PhD - (Gown-Cap) (Health Sciences Gown must show degree color) Doctor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Doctor - Gown Doctor - Hood Master - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Master - Gown Master - Hood Bachelor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Bachelor - Gown Bachelor - Hood $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Page 1 of 1 12.50 14.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 11.80 9.00 11.80 Rental Price 11.00 8.00 11.00 Rental Regalia: Provide a unit rental cost price for the initial term of the agreement (three years). Prices shall include give‐away tassels. PRICING SCHEDULE - Regalia - Announcements 95 GreenWeaver PhD - (Gown-Cap) $ $ 0 0 Personalized: Generic: Quantity per pack C. Announcements: - - Unit Cost - $ $ Cost Each 154,146.50 - $ x 2.25 $ Tassel $ - $ x 4.50 $ Cap Total for May & December - $ x - 12.50 $ Tam (Gown must show black velvet) PhD - (Gown-Cap) (Health Sciences Gown must show degree color) $ $ Page 1 of 2 12.50 14.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 $ $ $ Doctor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Doctor - Gown Doctor - Hood 12,206.00 9,860.00 $ $ $ 11.80 9.00 11.80 $ $ $ Master - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Master - Gown Master - Hood 20,481.50 15,755.00 $ $ $ Rental Price 11.00 8.00 11.00 $ $ $ Rental Regalia: Provide a unit rental cost price for the initial term of the agreement (three years). Prices shall include give‐away tassels. PRICING SCHEDULE - Regalia - Announcements Bachelor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Bachelor - Gown Bachelor - Hood Extended Price 54,684.00 41,160.00 $ $ $ $ $ 680 680 1370 1370 3920 Annual Est. 3920 Specialist - Hood (Gown must show black velvet) x x x x 17.95 14.95 14.50 $ $ $ Doctor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Doctor - Gown Doctor - Hood 17.95 15.95 x x x 14.95 11.75 11.50 $ $ $ Master - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Master - Gown Master - Hood (Health Sciences Gown must show degree color) x x Unit Cost 13.95 10.75 10.50 $ $ $ Bachelor - (Gown-Cap-Tassel) Bachelor - Gown Bachelor - Hood Awarded to the student: Provide a unit price for the initial term of the agreement (three years). Prices shall include give‐away tassels. Tassels shall show degree color as requested. B. Academic Regalia: VCU Graduation Products RFP 4955496-BM Balfour Negotiation / Clarification Points #2 10-25-2012 The evaluation committee is eager to make a timely decision; therefore, please respond to each question with your most competitive offer. 1. Balfour proposes a Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty of $50,000. This amount is not based on the number of rings sold. Balfour is confident ring sales at VCU will increase significantly from the current 500 rings. Therefore, Balfour should be in a position to increase the Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty amount. Provide your most competitive Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty amount. Balfour is confident in increasing ring sales as well as ring traditions at VCU. Balfour will increase the minimum annual royalty of $50,000 to the following levels: ` Year One: $55,000 Year Two: $60,500 Year Three: $66,550 This represents a 10% annual growth of minimum annual royalty for the first three years of the contract. 2. Balfour encourages VCU to send a survey to students on the current Official Ring program. Based on Balfour’s expertise with class rings, the committee feels it is more appropriate for Balfour to craft and distribute a survey instrument with the assistance of the University. Balfour will certainly take as active a role as allowed in surveying existing students and alumni to better determine their attitudes toward the VCU Ring offering. We would request VCU’s assistance in providing access to student and alumni contact information in order to carry out this process. Data gathered along with our expert analysis will be very valuable to the VCU Ring Committee as we work together to better determine the school’s ring offering going forward. 3. To support the VCU Alumni Association’s sale of memberships to new grads Balfour proposes to offer a $50.00 discount towards the purchase of a class ring regardless of metal or towards the Alumni membership dues. How can the amount be increased and the incentive to members enhanced? Balfour is eager to work with the VCU to formulate the ideal marketing message that will not only help drive ring sales but also enhance the value of Alumni Association membership. As outlined in our proposal, Balfour is flexible in offering preferred or membership pricing (“discount”), an included membership with every ring purchase – or perhaps a combination of both? Balfour is pleased to increase our initial $50 discount to a $60 discount. 4. Comment on any new provisions resulting from the oral presentations and any other enhancements or changes that may be of value to the evaluation committee during the selection process. Balfour would be happy to assist VCU and its Alumni Association with additional fundraising and member benefit programs. In addition to the grad products outlined in our proposal, Balfour can provide additional turnkey product solutions offering member and non-member pricing on high-quality diploma frames, watches, alumni jewelry, desk accessories, alumni jackets, etc. Balfour will be happy to partner with VCU to provide and market an even broader array of products for the VCU alumni community. These fundraising programs would be fully supported on-site, through our toll free customer service call centers and via the Internet. In regards to other enhancements discussed on Tuesday in the oral presentation, Balfour feels it is worthwhile to summarize again the key elements of our announcement program. Design on all announcements (photo, engraved) will be developed and approved with the VCU marketing/licensing departments as well as student input. Both photo and engraved orders are shipped with 24 hours. Our error rate is less than 1 quarter of 1 percent. Thank you for allowing Balfour and Oak Hall the opportunity to meet with the Graduation Products Committee. There are myriad reasons why both Balfour and Oak Hall are industry leaders in our fields. Our goals are to help you build everlasting traditions that will be unique to Virginia Commonwealth University. The Balfour/Oak Hall team has the knowledge, the expertise, and the passion to make this happen. VCU Graduation Products RFP 4955496-BM Balfour Clarification Points #3 11-27-2012 Enclosed are conference call discussion points. Please respond in writing within three days of the call. 1. Balfour proposes a Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty of $55,000 in year 1, $60,500 in year 2 and $66,500 in year 3 of the initial contract period. The University may allocate a portion of the royalty proceeds for academic scholarships at its discretion. Does Balfour acknowledge and agree to these terms? Balfour agrees. Balfour will issue a separate check dedicated to a VCU scholarship fund as instructed by the University. The remaining balance of the minimum annual guarantee will be divided by 1/12 and paid on a monthly basis as per the contract. 2. Balfour proposes a Guaranteed Minimum Annual Royalty of $66,500 in year 3 of the initial contract period. If the University elects to implement the renewal options in year four and five, what is the minimum royalty amount guaranteed for each year? Balfour will offer $70,000 for year 4 and $70,000 for year 5 if the University elects to implement the renewal options. 3. Based on Balfour’s expertise with class rings, the committee feels it is more appropriate for Balfour to craft and distribute a survey instrument with the assistance of the University. The University will support the distribution of an university-approved Balfour survey. What concerns does Balfour have with this approach? Balfour will create the survey and send to the University for final approval. Upon approval, the University will support distribution of the survey. Balfour proposes the survey to be implemented upon return of the student body in January 2013. We recommend the survey period to be two weeks. 4. Balfour has committed to $11,500 the first year and $8,500 in subsequent years to be used as the determined by the University for ring events. a. Expenses shall include refreshments, entertainment, invitations, programs, decorations and facility expenses associated with the events. b. Expenses shall not include marketing materials including posters, flyers and Internet support. c. Ring presentation boxes shall be a separate Balfour expense. The ring box cost is $6.00 d. All expenses will be documented and funds not used will accrue to the following year. e. The account balance at the end of the contract term will be used to fund a scholarship(s). Does Balfour acknowledge and agree to these terms? Balfour agrees. 5. Balfour proposes unveiling and taking ring orders starting September 2013. In order to meet the interim needs of students from the contract start date to September 2013, what is an appropriate transition date for the current ring contractor to terminate the sale of class rings? As discussed in our conference call at 8:30 am on November 28, 2012, the following recommendations are made for transition: a. b. c. d. Survey the VCU Community in January 2013 Survey results to be reviewed by the end of January 2013 Meet with Ring Committee in early February 2013 Decisions made in mid-February on ring designs, marketing materials, ring promotions (Date, Time and Place) e. Kick-off for the Class of 2014 in the Fall of 2013 f. Ring Ceremony Decisions/Creation of Traditions g. Jostens cannot take orders after the start of the new contract. 6. How will Balfour market class rings during the March 2013 Grad Fair? Balfour will utilize the decisions made in the timeline established in #5. We will show artwork of the new rings and have samples to represent the artwork showing the size and weight of the rings. Balfour will make every effort to have VCU samples at the Grad Fair, but we will need 8 weeks from artwork approvals to facilitate these samples. Balfour proposes seniors who order their class rings at the Grad Fair to have an informal ring ceremony a few days before graduation.