Presentation by the CGS unit of the OSSAP on the NDGs
Presentation by the CGS unit of the OSSAP on the NDGs
MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme A Presentation by the CGS Unit Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals 19th April, 2011 Outline • • • • • • • • • • • • 12/17/2012 What is CGS Objectives of CGS Stages of CGS Grants to States - 2007 to 2009 CGS Consolidation - 2010 CGS to States - 2011 Extending Engagement to LGAs Institutional Structure Technical Support received Needs Assessment & Baseline Facility Inventory Next Steps Conclusion Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 2 What is the CGS? • Conditional – States and Local Governments can only benefit if they meet certain conditions, including providing matching funding • Grants – funds are transferred directly to State and Local Governments to implement projects • Scheme – focused on the MDGs and appropriated annually in the Federal budget under the Debt Relief Gains 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 3 Objectives of the CGS 1. Investing in the MDGs at the State & LGA Level and ensuring ownership and sustainability 2. Empowering State and Local Government to carry out their constitutional responsibilities 3. Promoting improvements in public service delivery 4. Encouraging improvements in public expenditure management 5. Strengthening the partnership between the three tiers of government for national planning 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 4 Implementation Stages of the CGS 1. 2. Call for Applications: Provides the framework, focal sectors and timeline for CGS implementation Application: States apply for funding in MDGs-related sectors • • • • 3. Evaluation: Two sets of criteria for evaluating applications • • 4. Project level to ensure well-designed, costed interventions State-level to ensure the institutional capacity to implement and monitor projects Selection: Funds are allocated to States and projects that score highest in the evaluation • 12/17/2012 Flexibility to design interventions reflecting their own priorities and challenges, ensuring ownership Implementation through existing institutions and strategic plans They are guided by the CGS Implementation Manual Training of State officials Provided States have effectively implemented previous CGS Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 5 Stages of the CGS 5. Disbursement: Successful States are invited to meet pre-disbursement requirements • Matching Counterpart funding requirement makes the CGS a truly joint activity and allows States to take ownership of projects • Memorandum of Understanding to ensure commitment to deliver and sustain the project • Bank Guarantee to protect Federal funds and ensure implementation to a strict timeline 6. M&E: Comprehensive Monitoring & Evaluation • Independent M&E framework involving an innovative combination of professional experts and civil society • States’ own M&E systems • Oversight function of the National Assembly 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 6 Conditional Grants to States State Abia Adamawa Akwa Ibom Anambra Bauchi Bayelsa Benue Borno Cross River Delta Ebonyi Edo Ekiti Enugu FCT Gombe Imo Jigawa Kaduna Kano Katsina 12/17/2012 2007 290,000,000 267,700,000 1,795,200,000 1,000,000,000 1,407,500,000 732,800,000 2,054,300,000 1,708,900,000 698,200,000 775,700,000 535,480,000 1,069,300,000 648,000,000 2008 1,735,144,020 950,487,450 411,594,706 1,691,780,940 1,909,000,000 1,586,161,314 1,135,347,926 1,890,538,106 1,817,988,440 1,749,999,916 762,827,000 1,586,262,454 1,909,665,272 1,969,515,636 1,814,156,000 1,971,080,348 1,249,500,000 1,836,558,924 2009 1,959,037,070 1,956,739,316 1,695,000,000 1,819,757,000 1,791,888,388 1,956,743,859 1,801,246,296 623,602,874 1,989,490,000 1,612,119,750 1,334,450,324 1,729,899,212 1,000,000,000 1,727,104,406 1,999,649,840 1,287,370,456 1,924,165,292 1,940,127,000 1,699,820,678 1,977,876,402 Fed. Grant 2007-09 2,137,090,545 1,721,313,383 1,053,297,353 3,550,968,970 2,850,444,194 1,948,257,834 900,623,148 879,475,400 2,402,245,000 1,751,328,928 667,225,162 2,506,743,826 3,429,299,958 1,244,965,703 3,501,856,147 2,296,717,864 1,946,840,464 2,652,841,500 2,370,930,513 1,694,050,000 2,555,217,663 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First Total Value 2007-09 3,984,181,090 3,174,926,766 2,106,594,706 5,306,737,940 4,700,888,388 3,542,905,173 1,801,246,296 1,758,950,799 3,396,990,000 3,502,657,856 1,334,450,324 4,280,687,652 4,804,299,915 2,489,931,406 5,294,812,294 3,895,235,727 3,893,680,928 4,529,983,000 4,206,381,025 2,318,800,000 4,462,435,326 7 Conditional Grants to States State Kebbi Kogi Kwara Lagos Nasarawa Niger Ogun Ondo Osun Oyo Plateau Rivers Sokoto Taraba Yobe Zamfara 2007 700,900,000 638,700,000 508,000,000 1,878,400,000 489,700,000 1,216,000,000 2008 1,640,437,300 817,098,187 1,468,650,858 1,129,288,063 999,969,850 1,004,580,937 1,641,565,000 663,000,000 638,685,250 1,882,593,696 955,810,600 1,807,800,000 822,926,600 1,619,100,559 1,770,913,080 1,957,814,131 2009 1,628,532,586 1,211,290,780 1,599,960,000 989,405,750 1,813,065,416 306,617,506 1,667,412,764 1,760,396,542 1,793,485,400 1,429,936,879 1,187,439,422 1,785,118,098 1,569,945,160 1,077,336,206 Fed. Grant 2007-09 1,634,484,943 1,014,194,484 1,534,305,429 1,760,246,907 1,138,684,925 1,408,823,177 820,782,500 1,036,308,753 1,153,049,007 1,821,495,119 1,374,648,000 1,618,868,440 1,005,183,011 3,580,509,329 2,160,129,120 2,733,575,169 Total Value 2007-09 3,268,969,886 2,028,388,967 3,068,610,858 2,819,593,813 1,638,669,850 2,817,646,353 1,641,565,000 1,477,617,506 2,306,098,014 3,642,990,238 2,749,296,000 3,237,736,879 2,010,366,022 5,282,618,657 3,830,558,240 4,251,150,337 * For 2008 and 2009, figures include 50% State counterpart funding * For 2007-2009 grants were disbursed at the end of the year and implementation commenced the following year 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 8 Grants to States - 2007 to 2009 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 9 2007 CGS • 18 States + FCT • • • • 1,176 Solar Boreholes, 946 Hand-pump boreholes, 130 Motorised Boreholes, 1,423 VIP toilet blocks • 335 Primary Healthcare Centres constructed or rehabilitated, • 527,500 Insecticidetreated Nets (3 States) 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First • 74 solar electrification schemes 10 2007 CGS: Wudil Water Scheme (Kano) • Serving 240,000 people • A model of community management • Effective coordination with development partners 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 11 2008 CGS • 34 States + FCT •511 Solar Powered Boreholes, •2,858 hand-pump boreholes, •174 motorised boreholes • 801 Primary and Maternal Healthcare Centres constructed or rehabilitated, • 1,121,074 Insecticide-treated Nets (18 States) 12/17/2012 • 37 skill acquisition and women development centres Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 12 2008 CGS: Mailafiya (FCT) •Responding to low coverage of primary health centres •Using IT to track disease burden and report online 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 13 2009 CGS • 34 States + FCT • 6 agricultural facilities • 3,790 households receiving CCTs •1,182 Solar Powered Boreholes, •2,222 hand-pump boreholes, •185 motorised boreholes •114 small town water supply schemes • 958 Primary and Maternal Healthcare Centres constructed or rehabilitated, • 795,800 Insecticidetreated Nets (9 States) • 5,400 health workers trained 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 14 2009 CGS: Marine Ambulances (Rivers & Anambra) • Addressing the unique health needs of riverine areas • Building an effective referral and emergency care system 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 15 CGS Beneficiaries Key Deliverables Primary Healthcare Centres 2007 2008 335 801 Total Beneficiaries Beneficiarie 2009 per deliverable s 10,000 958 (WMHCP) 20,940,000 Solar Boreholes 1,176 511 1,182 1,000 (Wateraid) 2,869,000 Hand-pump Boreholes 946 2,858 2,222 350 (Wateraid) 2,109,100 Motorised Boreholes 130 174 185 1,000 (Wateraid) 489,000 361 178,400 VIP Toilets 1,423 CCTs (households) ITNs 3,790 527,500 1,121,074 795,800 100 (estimate) 4.4 (national average) 2 (national standard) 16,676 4,888,748 31,490,924 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 16 CGS Consolidation - 2010 • 2010 CGS was taken as a year of consolidation and no direct grants were to be given to States and Local Governments • This reflected the need to align the CGS with the budget cycle and for States to ensure completion of 2009 projects • The opportunity was taken to undertake analysis and planning activities, including a review of CGS performance from 2007 to date • Essential logistics, support systems and baseline data were put in place for the scale-up of the CGS to Local Governments 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 17 CGS Consolidation Key components of the consolidation: 1. 12/17/2012 Publication of “Partnering to achieve the MDGs: The Story of Nigeria’s Conditional Grants Scheme”, documenting the origins and history of the initiative Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 18 CGS Consolidation 2. Conduct and completion of SPARC/OSSAP report on “Assessment of the links between CGS activities and State reform efforts”, which informed governance investments under 2011 CGS • State policies have been improved by the CGS: • • • • • Recommendations: • • • 12/17/2012 Policy and Strategy: Promoting MDGs, and links to MTSS Public Financial Management: “significant progress” in fiscal responsibility bill, public procurement bill, budget allocation to MDGs sectors, provision of recurrent costs Public Service Management: Limited links M&E: Increased commitment, but not yet systemic Stricter enforcement of conditions is required Need to monitor provision of recurrent expenditure Greater donor coordination through State Committees Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 19 CGS Consolidation 3. Development of online CGS application and reporting portal 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 20 CGS Consolidation 4. Collation of documentation on States’ approaches to the MDGs 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 21 CGS Consolidation 5. Extension of CGS Implementation Manual to incorporate Local government initiative 6. Closer integration of national policy frameworks into CGS, including training for focal persons on Ward Minimum Healthcare Package and Conditional Cash Transfers 7. Data collection and analysis on Rollback Malaria components to inform national planning (partnership with PATHS 2) 8. Harmonization of multiple databases into single online database of projects and locations 9. Design of community participation protocol and collaboration with UNDP 10. Mapping of DRG projects, with GPS (to be completed) 11. Initiating partnership with Servicom to extend attention to service delivery at local level 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 22 CGS Consolidation 12. Review of 2007-09 performance (yet to be completed) – Confirm whether the states adhered to provisions of Sections 4 and 5 in contract award and management. – Confirm the amount paid to contractors, suppliers or service providers for execution of the state’s CGS projects – Verify the actual level of implementation of 2007, 2008 and 2009 rounds projects and how this compares to the level stated in the states submitted status report for the years. – Ascertain the level of utilisation of completed projects (particularly 2007 and 2008 CGS rounds projects). – Assess the impact of service delivery from the investments. – Assess the Monitoring Capacity of State PSU and/or relevant MDAs. – Highlight key challenges and gaps to be addressed in future investments 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 23 CGS to States – 2011 Round • Applications from every State, totalling N87.3bn • Sectors cover primary healthcare, water & sanitation and conditional cash transfers • Introduction of Governance Investments to ensure States are well placed to meet up with the State qualifying criteria in future • Submissions made by States through online portal to ensure immediate entry to CGS database • Evaluation of States Application completed and awaiting completion of 2011 budget for disbursement. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 24 Extending Engagement to LGAs • Building on the successes of the State track of the CGS by providing grants for integrated investments focused on specific LGAs • Responding to observed weaknesses in the service delivery chain that prevent access to essential services – from National Assembly oversight feedback – from Monitoring & Evaluation reports • Empowering LGAs to fulfil their constitutional responsibilities for primary healthcare and education – CGS intervention will focus on Health and Education sectors • Facilitating deeper involvement of communities in local development through Local Government 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 25 Objectives of CGS to LGAs 1. Increasing investment in the MDGs at the Local Government level 2. Supporting and empowering Local Governments to achieve improved service delivery 3. Strengthening intergovernmental collaboration and coordination between Federal, State and Local Government 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 26 Proposed Approach to the CGS to LGAs • Using the lessons of the CGS – Encouraging a focus on the MDGs and the scale-up of interventions – Flexibility to local priorities and processes – Using existing institutions to generate ownership and sustainability, and to contribute to broader reform – Competition between States for funds can leverage better processes and planning – Peer review can share important lessons and accelerate implementation – Obtaining feedback and input from Governors at NEC • Alongside the experiences of the UN Millennium Villages Project – Integrated investments can have a large and rapid impact on the MDGs (within three years) – Specific interventions in certain sectors have proven their ability to make an impact and can be easily replicated – Tracking of progress through data management allows fine-tuning of interventions and clear assessment of impact 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 27 Participating LGAs 113 LGAs Participating in Conditional Grants Scheme 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 28 Institutional Structure • Based on adaptation of existing structures at Federal and State level • New coordinating structures at LGA level • Informed by feedback from all three sensitization meetings held in Kaduna, Owerri and Lagos (June - July 2010) • Attendance: 100 LGA Chairpersons, 24 Commissioners and Permanent Secretaries, and 544 other State and LGA officials 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 29 CGS-LGAs Proposed Structure 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 30 International Partners & Support • Earth Institute, Columbia University – Technical support on Needs Assessment, Baseline Facility Inventory, etc – Developing integrated M&E and Information Management Systems. – Training of OSSAP, State and LGA staff • DFID – Funding CGS LG Team Leader & Database Manager – Funding CGS Evaluation of States applications, reviews, etc. • UNDP – Funding Economist & Project Manager – Funding 6 Zonal Technical Officers (ZTOs) – Development of Community Engagement Protocol. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 31 MDGs Technical Assistant • An MDGs Technical Assistant is to be deployed to each participating LGA – Experience and relevant skills in key technical areas – Able to communicate the MDGs and catalyze improved working practices • To support Local Governments in carrying out technical activities as part of the scale-up • Data reporting and analysing • Working with the LG Technical Team to develop project proposals and grant applications • Coordinating with other State and Federal agencies • Monitoring implementation progress • To be domiciled in the Office of the Secretary of the Local Government – Salary to be paid by Federal Government – Applications & aptitude test completed; interviews to hold this week 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 32 Zonal Technical Support • To provide technical backstopping to States, Local Governments and Technical Assistants during implementation. • To facilitate peer learning between LGAs and States within each zone. • To be based in one State capital (Kaduna, Niger, Gombe, Ekiti, Delta, Imo) selected based on: – Accessibility to all participating LGAs, – Willingness to provide office facilities. • Recruitment and Salary to be funded by UNDP. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 33 Galaxy Backbone Support • Scope of support services and Service-Level Agreement signed • To include: – 156 Vsat + Routers for internet connectivity – 113 computers – Training for Technical Assistants, Zonal Technical Officers, Focal Persons and other officials – Video conferencing in 6 Zonal headquarters and CGS Office Abuja – Two-years internet bandwidth – 5 x Virtual Servers in Galaxy Data Centre – 1,000,000 Bulk SMS for RapidSMS – Software (Communications, Exchange, Sharepoint) – Management and support for hosted services 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 34 MDGs Needs Assessment Objectives • The Needs Assessment uses existing data available at the Federal, State and Local Government levels to estimate the activities and resources required in a Local Government to accelerate progress towards the MDGs. • For example, for Goal 2 the number of classrooms, number of teachers, number of textbooks, etc., and their cost. • This information will inform the preparation by Local Governments of an MDGs-consistent plan and the grant application under the CGS to Local Governments. • In addition, the needs assessment is intended to strengthen State and LGA officials’ understanding of data about their localities and build their capacity in planning, data analysis and costing. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 35 MDGs Needs Assessment Methodology and Tools • Four sectors were covered, namely: – Health, – Education, – Agriculture and – Water & Sanitation. • Additional sectors may be covered in future exercises. • Data collection sheets were provided to State and Local Government officials in advance to source and collate relevant data. Federal costing experts then spent two weeks with the State and Local Governments verifying and inputting the data. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 36 MDGs Needs Assessment Methodology and Tools • A user-friendly interface was designed to ensure that civil servants without technical knowledge of Microsoft Excel could participate in and engage with the exercise. • The needs assessment and costing models used to analyse the data were adapted versions of Nigeria’s national tools which were developed over the period 2006-2009. • Unit costs were sourced from various organizations’ experience in implementing interventions, and where possible were localized. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 37 MDGs Needs Assessment • OSSAP-MDGs trained and improved capacity of – 65 Federal Staff, – 222 State Government staff, and – 452 LG staff • That performed the Needs Assessment exercise in the 113 participating LGAs • Reports were generated showing the interventions and financial resources required to achieve the MDGs over the period 2011-2015 • Report currently being refined for publication 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 38 MDGs Baseline Facility Inventory Objectives • The Baseline Facility Inventory is intended to complement the available household survey data with data on the status of facilities providing services crucial to progress on the MDGs. • The baseline data will be used to: – Identify service delivery performance gaps, – Effectively site project interventions to maximize impact and avoid duplication, – Provide up-to-date information on the facilities – Provide a baseline for effectively monitoring and evaluating progress with the initiative 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 39 MDGs Baseline Facility Inventory • Data will be made directly available to State and Local Government officials through the platform of the Nigeria MDGs Information System (NMIS) and the internet connectivity provided by Galaxy backbone, improving the knowledge and capabilities of local officials to deliver public services • For example, for Goal 2, the appropriate location: – for construction or renovation of classrooms, – for deployment of teachers and textbooks etc. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 40 MDGs Baseline Facility Inventory Methodology & Tools • The sectors covered in the Baseline Facility Inventory are Health, Education, Water & Sanitation, Agriculture, and Local Government Management • Survey instruments were designed in collaboration with key policy MDAs at the Federal level, drawing on existing instruments supplied by the NBS, NpopC, UBEC and NPHCDA • The technology for data collection and reporting is not traditional paper reporting, but data entry into an Android smartphone 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 41 MDGs Baseline Facility Inventory • This ensures: – (i) clean data entry, – (ii) rapid data reporting over GSM networks, – (iii) reduced costs in data management and analysis, and – (iv) additional features, including photograph and GPS location capture. • Fieldwork is executed by a team of Federal, State and LGA staff in all 113 Local Governments. The Federal staff are drawn from experienced enumerators in NBS, NpopC, UBEC and NPHCDA. • This also ensures that the lessons of the activity can be disseminated to other survey work conducted by these and other agencies, including the School Census and database of primary healthcare facilities. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 42 MDGs Baseline Results 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 43 MDGs Baseline Results 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 44 Malaria and Anthropometric Assessment General objectives • To enable an assessment of the effect of anti-malarial interventions on malaria outcomes and impact indicators in the LGAs Specific objectives • To determine the baseline prevalence of malaria parasitemia in project LGAs and non-project comparison LGAs. • To determine the baseline prevalence of anemia in project LGAs and non-project comparison LGAs. • To estimate coverage of the key malaria control interventions (ACT, ITNs, IRS and IPT) in project LGAs and non-project comparison LGAs. • Covering 7 of the 113 (intervention) LGAs and 7 outside the 113 (comparison) LGAs. 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 45 Malaria and Anthropometric Assessment Indicators to be measured • Proportion of children under 5 years old with fever in last 2 weeks who received correct antimalarial treatment according to national policy within 24 hours from onset of fever • Proportion of households with at least one ITN • Proportion of children under 5 years old who slept under an ITN the previous night • Proportion of houses sprayed with insecticides within the last 6 months • Proportion of pregnant women who slept under an ITN the previous night • Proportion of women who received intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) for malaria during their last pregnancy • Proportion of children under 5 years old with malaria parasitemia • Proportion of children under 5 years old with anemia 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 46 Next Steps • Finalising the Needs Assessment Report • Completing the Baseline Facility Inventory (Completed in 38 LGAs; 75 remain) by 17th June 2011 • Finalize recruitment of Technical Assistants and Zonal Technical Officers • Deployment of TAs and ZTOs to LGAs/Zones – May 2011 • Printing of TAs Training Manual – May 2011 • Training of TAs, ZTOs, Focal Persons and other participants – May 2011 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 47 Next Steps • Deployment of IT equipment and systems by Galaxy Backbone April – June 2011 • Hosting of NMIS - June 2011 • Assisting LGAs to produce grant applications based on data from Needs Assessment and Baseline Facility Inventory - May 2011 • Assisting LGAs to produce LG Development Plan based on Needs Assessment and Baseline Facility Inventory results 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 48 Conclusion • The CGS approach has: – Empowered States and LGAs to fulfil their constitutional responsibilities for primary healthcare and education – Facilitated deeper involvement of communities in local development through Local Governments and States – Improved collaboration (Federal, State and LGAs) in service delivery and the alignment of development planning – Ensured ownership of projects and alignment of investments with State development agendas (improved sustainability and maintenance of projects) – Had considerable success in promoting achievement of the MDGs at State level and LGA Levels 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 49 Conclusion • The CGS has improved partnership between Federal MDAs in data generation and information management as well as developing deeper institutional partnerships with our International Development Partners • The detailed Needs Assessment and Baseline results as well as integrated data management systems will • Provide real-time feedback to States and LGs to adjust and improve primary services • Leverage additional resources from States and LGs • The 2011 CGS to States is also ready to launch as soon as the 2011 budget is completed 12/17/2012 Millennium Development Goals: Putting People First 50
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