Congress Brochure


Congress Brochure
37th International ISoCaRP Congress
'Honey, I shrunk the Space Planning in the Information Age'
13 - 20 September 2001, The Netherlands
Message of Welcome
The President of ISoCaRP
Local Organising Committee
Introduction by the General Rappporteur
Congress Programme, Utrecht
Venue and Schedule in brief per congress event (day to day: page 25)
Some questions related to the information aspect of the core topic
Language - Parallel Sessions
Simulation Workshop - Clearing House Papers and Books
Exhibition and Carfax Prize
Implementation Workshop, Delft
Young Planners Programme, Enschede
Accompanying Persons Programme
Pre-Congress Tour
Professional Site visit Safaris
Hotel Information (incl. location map)
The Province of Utrecht and the City of Utrecht
The University of Utrecht
General Information
Registration Fees
Congress Delegates
Young Planners Programme (& Congress) participants
Implementation Lab participants
Hotel Prices
Methods of Payment, Registration and Cancellation Procedures
Congress Programme, Utrecht from day to day
About ISoCaRP
ISoCaRP gratefully acknowledges close co-operation as well as financial support from the:
• Ministry of Housing and Planning and the Environment (VROM), The Hague
• Ministry of Transport and Water Management (V & W), The Hague
• UNESCO, Unit of Human Habitat and Sciences, Paris/France
• Province of Zuid-Holland, The Hague
• University of Utrecht, Utrecht
• Telematic Institute, Enschede
• Delft University of Technology, Delft
Siemens Ltd, Thailand and The Netherlands
ISoCaRP gratefully acknowledges financial support from:
• Arcadis, Arnhem
• City of Breda, Dept. Spatial Environmental and Economic Affairs, Breda
• Connekt, Knowledge Center for Mobility and Transport, Delft
• City of Utrecht, Utrecht
• Van Eesteren-Fluck & van Lohuizen Foundation, The Hague
Carfax Publishers, United Kingdom
• City of Rotterdam, Dept. City Planning and Housing, Rotterdam
• Holland Railconsult, Utrecht
• Nextrategy, Amsterdam
• Proper Stok, Rotterdam
• Province of Utrecht, Utrecht
• Schiphol Real Estate, Amsterdam
• TRS, Rotterdam
ISoCaRP gratefully acknowledges close co-operation regarding the INTERNET PLATFORM
• The University of Karlsruhe,
Faculty of Urban Development and Landscape Planning
Prof Dr Bernd Scholl
Dipl.-Ing Dirk Engelke
M.Sc. Hany Elgendy
General Rapporteur
Andreas Schneider (Switzerland)
Scientific Committee
Hans van der Cammen,
Ministry of Housing, Planning and the Environment (VROM-RPD), The Netherlands
Toon van der Hoorn (Chair),
Ministry of Transport and Water Management (V&W), The Netherlands
Judith Ryser (Editor NL-Congr. Publication),
Hari Srinivas, UN University Tokyo (Japan/India)
Plenary Sessions
Keynote Speakers
Luuk Boelens, Holland Railconsult (The Netherlands)
Bert van der Knaap, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
William Mitchell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
Richard Sennett, The London School of Economics and Political Sciences (UK)
Ockert van Zyl (South Africa), Siemens Ltd. (Thailand)
Parallel Sessions
Workshop I
Workshop II
Workshop III
Marketplace-WS IV
Frank d'Hondt (Belgium)
Rolf Signer/Sabine Friedrich (Switzerland)
Christian Voigt (Germany)
Stefano Wagner (Switzerland)
Implementation Lab
Rudger Smook, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
Frans de Nooij, Province of South-Holland (The Netherlands)
Young Planners Programme
Hans Schaffers, Telematic Institute (The Netherlands)
Hari Srinivas, UN University Tokyo (Japan)
Local Organising Committee (LOC)
Albert van Hattum (Chair)
Reinoud Bakker
Jan Goedman
Aafke Nijenhuyzen
Robbert Rhemrev
Maurits Schaafsma
Hein Struben (Treasurer)
Congress Moderator
Hein Struben (The Netherlands)
Queridos colegas,
Mes Chers Collègues,
Sehr geehrte Kollegen,
Dear Colleagues,
Os doy la bienvenida a
nuestro Congreso que este
año tendrá lugar en la bella
ciudad obispal de Utrecht,
Holanda, cuya Universidad
nos hospedará en su
"Uithof", situada en los
alrededores de la ciudad.
Agradecemos mucho a
la Facultad de Ciencias
Espaciales el gran apoyo
que nos ha dado y en
especial a su Decano, el
Prof. Dr. Pieter Hooimeijer.
'Cariño: ¡He encogido el
espacio ! – El Planeamiento en la Era de la
Informática' – ha sido
preparado por la Red
Autónoma Temporal
(TAN) constituida por un
grupo de jóvenes colegas
que lleva trabajando desde
La preparación del
contenido del Congreso se
la debemos a TAN, a
nuestro Relator General,
Andreas Schneider, y a todo
su equipo. En cierta forma
resulta una novedad prometedora dejar un tema tan
actual como este en manos
de unos jóvenes colegas.
El Comité Organizador
Local, bajo la dirección de
Albert van Hattum, ha
realizado un gran trabajo
preparando el congreso y
todas las actividades anejas.
Espero que todos
participéis y gocéis, tanto
del intercambio
profesional, como de
vuestra estancia en las
bellas y dinámicas Tierras
Bienvenue à notre
congrès annuel dans cette
jolie ville d'évêques
d'Utrecht aux Pays Bas.
L’Université d’Utrecht
sera notre hôte et nous
accueillera à “Uithof”, à la
périphérie de la ville. Nous
sommes reconnaissants à la
Faculté des Sciences Spatiales, particulièrement au
Prof Dr Pieter Hooimeijer, son
Doyen, pour tout le soutien
qu’il a apporté à ce congrès.
´Chérie, j’ai rétréci
l’Espace, l’Aménagement à
l’Ere de l’Information' a été
préparé depuis 1997 par le
Temporary Autonomous
Network (TAN), un groupe
de jeunes collègues.
Nous devons la préparation du contenu de ce
Congrès à TAN, à notre
Rapporteur Général
Andreas Schneider et à son
équipe. Laisser aux jeunes
collègues le traitement d’un
tel sujet d’actualité est,
d’une certaine manière, une
approche nouvelle et
prometteuse pour l’avenir.
Le Comité Local
d’Organisation, sous la
Présidence de Albert van
Hattum, a réalisé un grand
travail en assumant les
travaux de la préparation
du congrès et de ses
activités attenantes.
J’espère que vous serez
tous présents à celui-ci afin
de profiter pleinement des
échanges d’opinions professionnels et de votre
séjour dans les Pays Bas,
endroit dynamique et fort
ich möchte Sie herzlich
willkommen heissen zu
unserem jährlichen Kongress in der wunderschönen Bischofsstadt Utrecht
in den Niederlanden.
Die Universität Utrecht
wird im “Uithof” am Stadtrand von Utrecht unser
Gastgeber sein. Wir sind
der raumwissenschaftlichen
Fakultät und insbesondere
Dekan Prof Dr Pieter
Hooimeijer sehr dankbar für
alle Unterstützung.
'Liebling, ich habe den
Raum geschrumpft –
Planen im Informationszeitalter' wurde von TAN
(Temporary Autonomous
Network) vorbereitet, einer
Gruppe junger Kollegen,
die sich 1997 zusammengeschlossen hat.
Wir danken TAN, unserem Generalrapporteur
Andreas Schneider und
seinem Team für die Vorbereitung des Kongressinhalts. Es ist neu und vielversprechend, jungen Kollegen mit diesem aktuellen
Thema das Wort zu geben.
Das lokale Organisationskomitee, unter dem
Vorsitz von Albert van
Hattum, hat gute und harte
Arbeit geleistet in der Vorbereitung des Kongresses
und aller Aktivitäten, die
damit verbunden sind.
Ich hoffe, dass Sie am
Kongress teilnehmen werden und den professionellen Meinungsaustausch
sowie Ihren Aufenthalt in
den schönen und dynamischen Niederlanden
I welcome you on our
annual congress in the
beautiful Bishop’s City of
Utrecht in The Netherlands.
The University of
Utrecht will host us at the
“Uithof” in the outskirts of
the City. We are grateful to
the Faculty of Spatial
Science, especially Dean
Prof Dr Pieter Hooimeijer for
all the support.
'Honey, I shrunk the
space, Planning in the
Information Age' has been
prepared from 1997
onwards by the Temporary
Autonomous Network
(TAN), a group of younger
We owe TAN and
General Rapporteur
Andreas Schneider and his
team for preparing the
content of the congress. In
a way it is new and promising to give younger
colleagues the floor with
such an actual topic.
The Local Organising
Committee under the
Chairmanship of Albert van
Hattum has done a great job
in preparing the congress
and all the activities around
I hope you will attend
and enjoy the professional
exchange of opinions and
your stay in the beautiful
and dynamic Low Lands.
Max van den Berg,
President ISoCaRP - AIU - IGSRP
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Welcome by the Local Organising Committee
Dear Colleagues,
We are proud that we have the possibility to host this year’s congress and we heartily welcome you.
We are grateful to Prof Dr Pieter Hooimeijer for giving us the possibility to hold our congress on the
University’s premises; to Prof Dr Ir Chris Visser and Dr Ir Hans Schaffers for all their support for the Young
Planners Workshop that will be held at the Telematic Institute’s premises; to Prof Dr Ir Rudger Smook for his
support for the Implementation Lab that will be held at the premises of the Delft University of
We thank TAN and specially ISoCaRP member Luuk Boelens (first hour initiator of TAN) for the 4
years of preparation of the topic now to be further explored at our congress. All these ingredients are there
to have a successful event. On behalf of the entire Local Organising Com-mittee, we are looking forward
to seeing and welcoming you all!
Albert van Hattum, Chair LOC
Heemstede, The Netherlands
Introduction by the General Rapporteur
city of the industrial revolution looses its clear
borders and flows into the surrounding countryside. But it keeps its clear, if bigger centre.
Tramways and trains (commuting) influence daily
life relations.
The present, third stage of the city he considers as the Scrambled Egg, the city of many
centres scattered around in the urban field,
without a traditional hierarchy. City and countryside merge into a carpet metropolis. Distance gets
almost meaningless in daily life by light speed
relations (communication).
Already in 1997 the Temporary Autonomous
Network (TAN), a group of younger planners
related to ISoCaRP, started a research and discussion project on the topic. TAN uses another
model in its analysis, differentiating between
three realities, existing simultaneously as layers:
The first layer can be called “Arche-Città”
the built world of spaces and places, the Layer
where changes take place gradually, with the pace
of building, constructing roads etc.
The second layer is the “Cine-Città”, the
world of physical flows, of flows of people and
goods on rail, road and in the air. This layer is
characterised by rising speed and shortening time,
reducing the size of space, the size of the globe.
It is the reality of the borderless physical
networks with their own patterns and laws, a
world not only populated by cosmopolites,
businessmen and tourists, but also by emigrants
and refugees.
The general topic
Information technology, globalisation and
deregulation are just some keywords for something that gained a strong influence during the
last decade, in societies of developed as well as of
developing countries. For important theorists it is
quite probable that we are witnessing the early
phase of a fundamental change of the socioeconomic system, comparable to the agricultural
revolution in 15th century or the industrial revolution in 19th century. If so, this of course will
deeply affect the way society is using and
organising space – our very professional field.
The title of the congress, “Honey, I shrunk
the space – Planning in the information age”,
refers to compression of time and space as the
possible main impact on planning. A network
society, cyberspace, E-topia, event cities; the
object of planning and its conditions are
changing. Such familiar time-space borders like
“inside-outside”, “private-public”, “here-there”,
“city-countryside” or “yesterday-tomorrow” seem
to disappear, or at least change their significance.
Two instructive models
As far as the city as object of planning is
concerned, Cedric Price used the egg as metaphor
to describe the historical development: The first
stage of the city he describes as a Boiled Egg; the
city clearly separated from the outside countryside, and with a clear centre. Walking distance
dominates daily life relations.
The second stage he sees as a Fried Egg; the
And a third layer is added to this by information technology now. It is an even faster reality
of direct, online exchange of information and
interaction, the world of cyberspace, the reality of
timeless time and distantless space – the “TeleCittà”. The three layers, or realities, of Arche-,
Cine- and Tele-Città have their own dynamics,
time-space balance and their own laws.
Dynamic networks and floating nodes is the
theme of parallel session 2.
How does the dynamic network
environment affect location patterns for housing,
offices, industries etc.? What is the impact on our
cities and countryside of the rapidly developing
nodes in the networks: the airports, high-speed
railway stations, edge cities, etc.? How is our
perception and use of time and space affected? It
deals with how the network-world of flows and
nodes is influenced by globalisation and
information technology. How should or can
planners intervene in this world?
Consequences for planning
If physical and time distances are shrinking
to zero by ever faster communication, will there
be any space left to plan at all? Can these “Eggs”
and “Cittàs” help us understand the processes
and guide planning action? The 2001 congress
will work on future-oriented answers to this
question, maybe even paradoxical answers.
Because on the one hand on a closer look, it is
not the whole world that is shrinking to the spot,
but a new Tele-Città layer is added to the existing
physical structures of the Arche- and Cine-Città.
And on the other hand, even in that world of
shrinking space-time dimensions the primary task
of planning – managing time-space-relations –
still might be useful.
Parallel session 3 discusses cyberspace
and the loss of concentration.
How do the real world and the so -called
cyberspace react upon each other? How does
cyberspace change our use and perception of real
space? Do activities and services get that detached from time and space that new concentration or de-concentration patterns emerge?
What are the intervention possibilities for
planners in this new digital reality?
Parallel session 4, Open Platform
The ISoCaRP 2001 conference will use the
findings of the TAN meetings. In three parallel
sessions the aspects of the congress theme are
This session will deal with any topic of professional interest for planners and not directly
related to the core topic of the congress. It is a
marketplace of interesting and inspiring ideas,
projects or analyses. As far as possible, the rapporteur will structure this marketplace thematically or geographically.
Parallel session 1 is about cultural identity
and spatial segregation.
What is the impact of the global, generic
architecture and urban concepts on cultural
identity? Does the information society bring new
patterns of segregation?
General Rapporteur Andreas Schneider
Baden, Switzerland
Implementation Lab
Instead of a Post-congress tour, an Implementation Lab (to be held at Delft University of Technology) will offer participants an opportunity to implement the theoretical knowledge of the conference in
a workshop-like setting. The programme includes a tour in the region involved. Details can be found in
this brochure.
Young Planners Programme
The Young Planners Programme takes place three days prior to the main Congress at the Telematic
Institute in Enschede. Details can be found in this brochure.
Congress Programme
The Congress provides opportunities for international and Dutch delegates to meet and discuss
issues of mutual interest by offering a wide range of opportunities. It will provide essential information and
stimulate critical analysis among all practitioners in all disciplines (incl. planners, citizens, lawyers, environmentalists, developers, government representatives and administrators etc.) in the field of urban and
regional planning.
The Congress itself offers a comprehensive programme mainly consisting of plenary keynote
addresses, three parallel workshop-sessions (presentation of/discussion on selected and invited papers;
submission of papers was closed on 15 March 2001), a Marketplace Session (Open Platform to any topic
of professional interest for planners (a.o. inspiring ideas) and not directly related to the core topic of the
congress) and a closing plenary session.
Immediately following the ISoCaRP Congress the fourth Biennial of Towns and Town Planners in
Europe will be held in Rotterdam on 20, 21 and 22 September. Its theme will be "Cultures of Cities –
transformation generating new opportunities'. It will review links between contemporary cultural developments and modern approaches to urban planning and design in Europe. On 20 September ISoCaRP
General Rapporteur Andreas Schneider will be among the keynote speakers of the day. ISoCaRP Congress
participants are invited to extend their programme by participating in this or other events of the Biennial.
(see registration details).
SEPTEMBER - Schedule in brief (per congress event; day to day: see page 25)
The Main Congress Event
Arrival Delegates Utrecht
Sun-Wed 16-19 Plenary and Parallel Sessions
Departures or Joint Day
with the Biennial (optional)
Tours (There is no Post-congress Tour)
Pre-congress Tour
Arrival Participants to Putten
Thu-Fri 13-15 Tour
Tour ends in Utrecht
Young Planners Programme
Arrival Young Planners
Thu-Fri 13-15 Workshop in Enschede
afternoon continued in Utrecht
Sun-Thu 16-20 Participation to main congress
Accompanying Persons Tour
all day
Social Events (also for Accompanying Persons)
Welcome light supper
Professional Site visit Safaris
in Amsterdam
Host reception
Farewell Dinner (optional)
Implementation Workshop
Departure Utrecht to Delft
18.00 Welcome at typical canal house
Fri-Sat 21-22 Workshop, University Delft
Presentations and Lunch
14.30 Departures back home
ISoCaRP meetings
Executive Committee Meeting
Bureau Meeting
General Assembly
Registration Congress
Academy Building, Utrecht
University Utrecht
Congress Venue: University Utrecht (Uithof), Faculty Building of Spatial Planning, Heidelberglaan 8
Reservation Accommodation: Availability of rooms expires per 1st of June 2001. At the congress registration
desk, there will be no services for last minute hotel-reservation.
Flight Return Services
There will be no flight return services. Check with your airline before departure or upon arrival at your airline
desk at the Amsterdam Airport 'Schiphol'.
Questions to the Congress related to the core topic
by the Ministry of Transport and Water Management
?? What influence does the information society and especially e-commerce (home delivery of goods)
and working at home (telework in a flexible way) have on mobility?
?? In what respect remain the existing spatial structures controlling relative to changes caused by the
emerging information society? Are metropolises important centres for ITC development?
?? To which extent has the information society penetrated the different economical sectors and
what are the consequences of this for preferential places of business and space occupation?
?? What changes occur as a result of the clustering of businesses (especially related to the ICT
sector) and the centralisation/decentralisation of operating processes and the distribution over
front/back offices?
?? What actually are knowledge workers and what is their quantitative contribution to the different
sectors; what possibly deviating spatial living and working patterns and wishes (life styles) do they
?? How can the Government react to the noticed developments, what problems with respect to control
and planning are identified?
Language - Parallel Sessions
Simulation Workshop
Clearing House - Papers & Books
The Congress language will be English1.
For documentation in the Abstract Book and selected Case Studies on CD-ROM, Case Studies must be
outlined in English. During the congress invited Authors may present their selected Paper in one of the
four ISoCaRP languages without provision of simultaneous translation. However, if necessary, assistance
for consecutive translation from other participants will be requested.
Simultaneous translations (French) in the Plenary Sessions will be provided, if warranted.
Parallel Sessions
Parallel Sessions I – II - III
Each Workshop will have a rapporteur and a chair. At the beginning of April 2001 authors having been
selected to present their Case Study (abstract submission was closed on 15th March 2001) will receive an
invitation to send in their full Case Study and will be informed in time when their presentation is due.
Parallel Session IV - The Marketplace
This Open Platform (also with a rapporteur and chair) will give the opportunity to authors to present any
topic of professional interest for planners. Selection of presentations has already been made (closing date
was 15th March 2001) and invitations to these authors are already sent out.
Simulation Workshop
The University of Utrecht offers congress delegates a computer gaming 'planning simulation experience'
on Tuesday 18 September, afternoon. This is a ‘walk-in/walk-out’ workshop.
Clearing House
There will be a Clearing House where Participants are invited to expose ‘take away’ information, reports,
papers or books. Note: The Clearing House is public space on the University premises and cannot be
Papers and Books
Organisations (other than our Sponsors), also wishing to have a special Publication Stand are requested to
contact the ISoCaRP Secretariat for a possible arrangement. Note: The available space on the University
premises is public space and cannot be locked. Stand-holders are responsible for their belongings.
All participants are encouraged to take part in the Congress Poster Exhibition. In order to structure the
• Participants wishing to contribute are requested to inform the ISoCaRP Secretariat until 1 August at
the latest.
• It is advised to comply with the format and preferred layout. Posters not complying with the standard
Poster format may not be accepted.
Attention: Young Planners Programme participants - as part of their admission for participation - must
contribute with a Poster.
Format Posters
A0= 80 x 120, in Portrait, only
120 cm
Preferred Layout
Summary of Objectives
Location Map
Analysis of the Issues
(facts & figures)
Description of the Proposals
5-6. Detailed Proposals
7-8. Other Information
80 cm
Carfax Prize
Carfax Publishers (UK) has made available to ISoCaRP a prize of US$ 500. The Prize will be awarded to
1) Content in relation to the Congress Theme and/or Workshops
2) Overall Presentation and Quality.
The Jury consists of the Scientific Committee Members and a Local Organising Committee representative.
Award Ceremony
The Award Ceremony will take place on an appropriate occasion during the Congress.
Implementation Lab
Delft (20-23 September 2001)
tance of flows that determine the development
potential of space, with globalisation (economic,
cultural, etc.), with the increasing importance of
nodes and transport corridors, with the development of social divisions at higher, even global
scale levels etc.
The case is the South Wing of the Randstad
Holland, the region comprising Leiden - Den
Haag - Delft - Rotterdam - Dordrecht. The region lacks behind the North Wing (Amsterdam –
Utrecht) in positive economic effects of ICT.
How to develop the position of the region in the
global networks? The future of the greenhouse
area of Westland and the Port of Rotterdam are
urgent planning issues to address.
As members of the advisory task groups, the
participants play roles of planners with different
backgrounds. Each group consists of a private
investor, a real estate developer, a privatised public transport company, a logistic company, an
environmental interest group and an ICTcompany. Thus each task group represents
place/arche città (real estate developer, environmentalist), flows/cine città (privatised public transport, logistic company) and virtual space/tele
città (ICT company). The jury takes over the role
of the government. The jury will evaluate the
contributions of the task groups on a set of
A new element in the congress is the Implementation Lab. It replaces the traditional postconference tour by a working session to explore
in practice the findings of the core-conference,
using new technologies. The change from the
post-conference tour is not absolute: the social
and travel-aspects are maintained in the evening
programme and the tour that concludes the
workshop. Unfortunately, being an experiment,
the Implementation Lab is open to a limited
number of 25 participants. The Lab will use the
computing facilities of the Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Geosciences of the Delft
University of Technology. The Department of
Design and Construction Management will host
the Lab.
The case that is being worked on in the
Implementation Lab is a given regional planning
concept for the next 10 years that has to be adapted to an ‘urgent planning matter’. A sudden increase of population requires a proper answer by
the planning of major urban development of
about 100.000 housing units. The participants are
members of advisory task groups that are asked
to advise the regional government on how to modify the regional plan in order to accommodate
the challenge. The consequences of the network
society as discussed in the core-conference have
to be incorporated in the advice. How to deal
with a network society with its increasing imporThursday
September 20
September 21
Explanation of
commission and
technique; Browsing for
25 participants
information and data
at TU Delft
See 'Registration Fees'
page 23
Working Session in
for price and
Task groups
participation details
at TU Delft. Browsing
and designing concepts
18.00 hrs Arrival in Delft
Welcome drink: ‘Jenever’
at the Oude Delft Roorda Canal House
Dinner in Delft
September 22
September 23
Working Session in
By the task groups
Task groups
at TU Delft. Design and
at the Resident project in
preparation of the
The Hague
presentation next day
Excursion to the
Randstad South Wing
and the Port of
Amsterdam Schiphol
Airport by train
BMK: last project Delta
or else
Dinner in Rotterdam
Young Planners’ Programme
Enschede (13-15 September 2001)
See 'Registration Fees' in this Brochure for price details.
This year's Young Planners programme will take place in Enschede with the co-operation of the Telematic
Institute, about 250 km East of Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol).
It starts 3 days prior to the congress. All selected participants are supposed to arrive on 12
September in Enschede. The Workshop starts on 13th and ends on 15th September 2001. On the 15th, all
Young Planners will move to Utrecht in order to prepare the Plenary Presentation at the main congress on
Sunday morning, 16th September 2001, at the Congress Venue (University of Utrecht).
Young Planners Programme participants have to participate at the main ISoCaRP Congress.
Subject of the Programme
Selected Young Planners will be confronted with a concrete situation. The participants will work in
smaller teams (5 members per team). Each team will be stimulated to work at mutual understanding
through intensive dialogue and by confronting each other with different creative ideas. They will be asked
to establish an intervention strategy for the problems posed, using their creativity and good sense. The
teams will need to keep the broad frame of their subject of study in mind. The fieldwork will serve as a
basis for the proposals, where especially the scope of the project in relation to the existing context is
A presentation of the accomplished work to the congress audience on the opening day of the main
ISoCaRP congress must be prepared. The Programme in short will be as follows:
Wednesday, 12 September 2001
Arrival: selected & invited participants in Enschede; University Campus Hotel; Evening: Welcome supper
Thursday, 13 September 2001
Introduction on Project Study and Site Visit; Workshop start
Friday, 14 September and Saturday 15 September 2001
Workshop; afternoon departure to Utrecht (Student’s Hostel)
Sunday, 16 September 2001
Presentation to the main Congress audience. Young Planners stay for the entire length of the main
congress; Departure 20 September 2001
Criteria for Participation in the Young Planners Programme
Age maximum 35 years
Minimum 5 years of practical experience (Ph.D years may be included)
Submission of an abstract as stipulated in the Call for Papers2, showing skills in that particular field
Submission of a Curriculum Vitae-CV (resume), 2 pages max.
Letter of recommendation of an ISoCaRP member or a recognised Planning Institute, University or
Organisation that takes the responsibility of the return of the candidate to her/his home country
• Contribution to the Congress Exhibition with a Poster (format etc. to follow)
• Active participation in the Programme and Congress as a whole
The official deadline for submission of abstracts was closed on 15th March 2001. However, candidates
still wanting to apply for the Young Planners Programme are urgently requested to contact the ISoCaRP
Participation fee, travel and Accommodation
A special designed Young Planners Package is offered to those Young Planners that have complied
to the criteria and therefore selected and officially invited by ISoCaRP (see 'Registration Fees' in this
The YP Congress fee and YP Accommodation costs have to be borne by the Young Planners
themselves and they are encouraged to look for sponsorship in their own country (if needed). Applicants
in need of support (e.g. developing countries): see item UNESCO sponsorship.
Participation Procedures
The ISoCaRP Secretariat will report with a formal letter of invitation on the selection(s).
Participation to the Young Planners Programme is firm only with: (a) formal acceptance of the ISoCaRP
invitation, (b) completed registration and accommodation form and (c) fulfilment of all financial dues.
UNESCO, Young Planners Sponsorship
ISoCaRP is happy that UNESCO - the Unit of Human Habitat and Sciences, Paris-France - has
granted us once again a subvention that enables ISoCaRP to fund a part of the travel and accommodation
costs of some 10 Young Planners.
Candidates, wishing to apply for sponsorship have to comply with the criteria as stipulated above
and have to add/submit a formal written request for support. The Young Planners Co-ordinators in cooperation with ISoCaRP/UNESCO will judge the righteousness for sponsorship.
Approved Applicants will have to sign an official UNESCO-ISoCaRP Sponsorship contract.
Irrespective of the outcome of selection, all applicants need urgently to start inquiring the visaprocedures (documents needed) at the Dutch Embassy or Consulate in their respective country. These are
different per country. They need to contact ISoCaRP as soon as possible in order to be completely
prepared once the selection procedures are finalised.
As soon as the selection of candidates is finalised (15th April 2001), UNESCO/ISoCaRP will
provide the selected candidates with an official invitation. All selected candidates do need to have their visa
officially be confirmed with a copy to ISoCaRP before the 1st June 2001 at the latest; exceptions cannot be
made (due to most likely accommodation and logistic constraints).
Background information
The objective of the Young Planners Programme is to bring together 20-25 Young Planners
professionals from all parts of the world to give them the opportunity to work together in a tight team, on
a specific subject/study area and to establish a good working relation and work results in a very short
period of time. Since its start this Programme has been supported by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). In order to enable Young Planners from all parts of the
world to actually participate, UNESCO offers financial support in some of the travel and accommodation
expenses for those candidates that are recommended by ISoCaRP.
The Young Planners Programme has been held on the occasion of ISoCaRP conferences since
1991 in Mexico. Since then Young Planners' Workshops have been held in Spain (Cordoba, 1992), United
Kingdom (Glasgow, 1993), Czech Republic (Prague, 1994), Australia (Sydney, 1995), Israel (Jerusalem,
1996), Japan (Ogaki, 1997), Portugal (Azores, 1998), Germany (Gelsenkirchen, 1999) and in Mexico
(Cancún, 2000).
Minimum: 25 Participants
Price Total: Euro 235,00 per person - Participation fee, transport, entrance tickets and lunches included
Accompanying persons are not considered Congress delegates, which means that they are not allowed to
attend congress sessions. Exceptions are:
• Opening Plenary Sessions on 16 September 2001 (including the Young Planners' Presentation) and the
Closing Plenary Session on 19 September 2001.
• All social events (optional events excluded) and the professional site visit safaris.
Sunday 16th September 2001
15.00 – 18.00
Walking-tour in and around Utrecht (a.o. Rietveld House)
Tuesday 18th September 2001
09.00 – 18.00
Tour into the Province of Utrecht and beyond
a.o. The Veluwe Forest, the Kröller Möller Museum etc.
Hotel in Putten (beautifully located in a forest), 25 km East of Amsterdam
20-50 participants
Price Total:
Euro 475,00 per person (hotels, tour-transport, all meals included)
Wednesday, 12th September 2001
All Day, arrival participants in Putten (Province of Gelderland); 20.00 hrs: Welcome and Tour information.
Thursday, 13th September 2001
We will take you to the new Polders, the Poly-nuclear City of Almere. We will offer a boat-ride on the
‘Oostvaardersplassen (lakes)’, an ecological area. Dinner in Zwolle. Return to Hotel Putten.
Friday, 14th September 2001
Bus Tour through the ‘Schermer’ (visit to a Dutch farm), the ‘Beemster’ to the ‘Zaan-island’ and ending
with a visit to the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem. Dinner in Haarlem. Return to Hotel Putten.
Saturday, 15th September 2001
Departure from Hotel in Putten. Bus to Amsterdam, boat tour to the New Islands along the East
Harbour. In the afternoon we will visit the Van Gogh Museum. Around 16.00 hrs, we will proceed to
Utrecht, where the congress will be held and the tour ends.
Professional Site visit Safaris
Monday 17 September 2001(afternoon): All registered congress delegates and accompanying persons
Participation costs:
Four concurrent separate Safaris specialised on the parallel session topics.
Session1: City/Region, role airports, New Urbanism settlements/Privatopias, Cultural Identity, Role of the
Planner. Session 2: Flows and Spaces, Space and Time, Mobility, Network Nodes. Session 3: Existing/Virtual
World, Footloose ICT, Real Space, Virtual Factories. Marketplace: GIS World, Planning General.
All tours will take place under condition that the indicated minimum is attained. If not, the tour fee will be fully reimbursed.
The Congress Venue, the University of Utrecht, does not offer hotels in its neighbourhood. The Congress
Organisation has carefully looked for hotels in or nearby the City of Utrecht, a beautiful typical Dutch
canal city with a very lively population. Public transport between the City and the University premises are
running every 5-7 minutes and take about 10 minutes.
• Block booking for accommodation expires on 1 June 2001.
B&B Utrecht, Egelantierstraat (1)
Society Friendship is a non-profit (bed & breakfast) organisation that propagates improvement of relations
between people from Holland and beyond by offering openness, hospitality, guidance and accommodation. The society is housed near the centre of Utrecht, at approx. 15 minutes walking distance from
the central train and bus station as well as the old town centre The Society has an Internet Café. With the
bike - for rent at the hotel at Euro 4 per day - everything is in quick reach!
B&B Utrecht, Lucas Bolwerk (2)
The same non-profit organisation as above, but housed in the very heart of the city of Utrecht.
Website is under construction.
Both Bed & Breakfast Hostels offer: Single and Double rooms; Standard rooms: 3-8 persons;
Dormitories: 12 – 16 persons
Hotel Mitland (3)
Hotel Mitland is situated in a splendid park and offers a wonderful view of the old Utrecht "De Bilt"
fortress. Also in the field of relaxation the Hotel Mitland offers numerous possibilities: tennis, bowling,
swimming, cycling, jogging or walking. (
* for rooms with a view on the old "De Bilt fortress" a surcharge of Euro 4,54 per night is involved (please
mention this specifically with your reservation)
Golden Tulip Inn Centre (4)
The setting in a 1870s building gives Tulip Inn - in the very heart of Utrecht - a truly special atmosphere.
Many rooms still retain the original 19th century, stained glass windows. The old in combination with
modern comfort and friendly, efficient service make this an ideal address to stay.
Hotel Ibis (5)
Hotel Restaurant Ibis Utrecht is located close to the main motorway "A2". The city center is just at 5
minutes distance from the hotel. Website is under construction (
Malie Hotel (6)
Among the tree-lined avenues off the stately 'Maliebaan', a stone's throw from the city centre, behind a
stylish 19th century facade, with a spacious garden and terrace hidden away at the back, 'far from the
madding crowd', the Malie Hotel makes it its business to ensure the guest’s comfort, peace and quiet.
Holiday Inn (7)
The Holiday Inn Utrecht is a luxurious four-star hotel offering warm hospitality and modern conveniences, all in an attractive setting. The guestrooms are elegantly designed and decorated. The hotel is
located very close to the Central Station. (
HOTELS (continued)
HOTELS (continued)
De Biltsche Hoek (8)
The Motel is beautifully situated near the
‘Houdringe’ forest outside Utrecht (10
minutes from the city centre by bus). Away
from the crowd (on one side of the motel
the National Road N237, the other side the
forest). All the rooms are equipped with
bath, shower and toilet, telephone,
television, radio and safety deposit box.
The luxurious swimming pool is ready to
welcome its swimmers. The hotel is the
closest to the University premises, but
there is no direct public transport-line.
Public transport runs every 10 minutes
from the hotel to the Central Station, from
where every 5 minutes a bus leaves to the
University. According to the number of participants, the organisation will look into some kind of shuttle
service in the morning and evening. (
Young Planners Accommodation, Enschede & Utrecht
Enschede - Hotel Drienenburght (12-15 September 2001),
• The Hotel is a conference hotel situated on the campus of the University of Twente, near the Young
Planners Programme Venue, the Telematic Institute of Enschede
Utrecht - Hostel Strowis (15-20 September 2001),
• A Youth Hostel in the very heart of the old city, 15 minutes walk from the Central station.
Implementation Workshop, Delft
(arrival 20 September - departure 23 September)
• Hotel Leeuwenbrug
A charming hotel situated on one of most beautiful canals of Delft (
The Province of Utrecht
and The City of Utrecht
Area : 143.764 ha
Population : 1.107.849 inhabitants
Population and Housing
Province of Utrecht
Number of
Number of
% owner-occupied Average number of persons Number of houses per
living in a house
km2 land
Surface and land use
Province of Utrecht
Surface in ha
% water
% forest and
% agricultural use
% built on
% other use
Since its origin the province of Utrecht has played an important role in Dutch history. The province
originated from the diocese of Utrecht. In the “Stichtse Landbrief”, which was signed on 17 May 1375, the
“Standen of Utrecht” were first mentioned. The “Standen” which after 1400 were called the States of
Utrecht at that time got some influence on the local government. In 1814 the province started to resemble
its present configuration.
Like all other Dutch provinces the Province of Utrecht is divided into municipalities. At present there are
33 municipalities in the province of Utrecht. The province forms an administrative link between the State
Government and these municipalities. Concerning landscape Utrecht can be seen as the Netherlands in
miniature. Forests, heath en hills, but also Polder landscape, rivers, meadows en lakes. Capital of the province is the city of Utrecht with more than 230.000 inhabitants.
The province of Utrecht is part of the “Randstad” the economic, administrative and cultural centre of the
Netherlands. The province is very centrally situated at a crossroad of different connections. Utrecht is only
some 60 kilometres away from The Hague where the Government has its seat. Also Amsterdam and the
world’s biggest port of Rotterdam are very close by. The airport of Schiphol is only 15km away from the
province border.
The atmosphere for living in the province is unique. Nature has a lot to offer and the villages seem to be
untouched since their foundation. Architecture in Utrecht is focused on low building. As a result the many
historic buildings match very well. The old city culture in the province of Utrecht offers unknown
The University of Utrecht
Public and Local Public Transport
• The Amsterdam Airport (at about 5 kms South from Amsterdam) is called Schiphol and has a
railway station (underground).
• There are no hotels in the immediate neighbourhood of the University of Utrecht (Uithof). Local
buses run every 10-15 minutes between the centre and the University.
• All registered delegates will receive with their confirmation of registration all specific details ‘how
to move around’.
Distances Utrecht (Congress):
60 km South East of Amsterdam Airport
Putten (Pre-Congress Tour):
25 km East of Amsterdam Airport
Enschede (Young Planners Programme) 250 km South East of Amsterdam Airport
Opening hours in The Netherlands are free. In general, one can however count on:
Monday: 13.00 – 17.00 hrs; Tuesday to Friday: 09.00 – 17.00 hrs; Saturday: 09.00 –
16.00/17.00 hrs. Some shops are open on Sundays as well.
Mon: 10.00 – 16.00 hrs; Tue to Friday: 09.00 – 16.00 hrs; Sat & Sun: closed. Postoffices: same opening hours, but may still be open until 17.00 hrs
Currency is still the Netherlands Gulden-NLG (f); however as The Netherlands will change
currency as per 1 January 2002 into Euro (€), all prices are indicated in f as well as in €.
Official rate: € 1 = f 2,20371
Rate All payments of registration fees and packages (to ISoCaRP) as well as hotel
reservations (to Hotelservice Nederland) are obligatorily handled at a the minimum
exchange rate of 1 €uro = 1US$ = NLG 2,20371
Taxis are expensive in The Netherlands. Taxi drivers expect a tip of 10%.
In most of the restaurants, service is included. Normally, guests pay a tip at their own
In early autumn, temperatures vary enormously. It might be hot and sunny, it might be
rainy, windy and cold. During the last 5 years, however, it seemed as if the summer had
set its mind on September, since in general temperatures varied between 18 to 22
degrees. However, be always prepared for some wind, rain and for cooler weather.
As the climate is unpredictable in our country and it can even change by the day, we
recommend to always have an umbrella and one or two woollens, specially for the
mornings and evenings.
Participants are urged to investigate the visa-requirements from the Dutch Embassy in
their country as this varies per country. For any assistance needed, please contact the
ISoCaRP Secretariat.
Registration Fees
All payments are obligatory handled at exchange rate 1 Euro = 1 US$ = NLG 2,20371
International Planning Congress
Category (u.r. = upon request)
On special admission, only!
until 1 June to
Category IV: Copy of Passport; Category V: copy Student Card obligatory
1 June 15 Aug.
Registration after 15 August ‘01: + 15% administrative charges
for delegates, having participated at the main congress in Utrecht, only
block-booking for accommodation expires on 1 June 2001
ISoCaRP members
Young Planners Programme (13-15 Sept '01) participants1
Candidate Planners (age <35) 2
Students (age <28 )2
Members & Non-members Developing Countries
Day attendance
Package ISoCaRP Congress & Biennial Congress
Package Implementation Lab (20-23 Sept '01) participation4
Package Accompanying Persons
Farewell Dinner
VIII. ISoCaRP & Biennial of Towns & Town Planners in Europe
ISoCaRP in a joint effort with the Biennial Congress Organisation offers, as a
service to its own congress participants, the following packages. Payment of these
packages will be handled in the same way as for the other registrations and
stipulated in the following pages. ISoCaRP will communicate your registration to the
Biennial Organisation as well as transfer the money concerning that participation.
VIII-a ISoCaRP members, full participation both events (16-22 Sept included)
VIII-b Idem, Congress ISoCaRP + Opening Day Biennial (16-20 Sept included)
VIII-c Non-members, full participation (16-22 Sept included)
VIII-d Idem, Congress ISoCaRP + Opening Day Biennial (16-20 Sept included)
next page next page
next page next page
see tours see tours
until 1 June to
1 June 15 Aug.
Please note that 1) The VIII-packages do not include hotel reservation. Hotels during the ISoCaRP congress in Utrecht are
offered on page 23. Details for reservation for hotels during the Biennial in Rotterdam were not known yet
at the time of this printing. For more information:; e-mail: 2) ISoCaRP cannot be held responsible for any of the Biennial organisational aspects.
The Categories include:
Categories I-II: Participation to all congress sessions & workshops, congress portfolio (including:
Abstract Book, Case Studies CD-Rom and Special Bulletin on Planning in the Host Country). Also
included are the Professional site visits, lunches and social events during the Congress.
Category III: see next page. Category IV-V-VI: same as Category I-II
Category VII: The events of the day (optional events excluded)
Category VIII a+c : as Category I-II plus all Biennial Sessions and Biennial Portfolio etc.
Category VIII b+d: as Category I-II plus the Biennial Opening Day on 20th Sept. '01, including:
Keynote Speeches, Exhibition-visit and reception-buffet
Category IX: see next page
Category X: Accompanying Persons are not considered congress delegates, which means that they are not
allowed to attend congress sessions. Exceptions are: Congress Opening Session, Young Planners'
presentation, Professional Site visit safaris and all social events during congress (optional events excluded)
Registration Fees (continued)
& Hotels Prices
Young Planners Programme Package – Enschede/Utrecht – Category III
The Registration fee is for participation at the Young Planners Programme & at
the main Congress Programme
( 5block-booking for accommodation expires on 1 June 2001)
Registration Fee is obligatory
Hotels = entire stay: 8 nights
12 – 15 September, Campus Hotel 'Drienenburght', Enschede
15 – 19 September, Youth Hostel 'Strowis', Utrecht (centre)
Implementation Lab (20 - 23 September) Package – Delft - Category. IX
• For Delegates, having participated to the main Congress in Utrecht, only (25 persons max.)
• Registration fee is obligatory
• Minimum 3 nights* is obligatory (arrival from Utrecht 20 Sept – departure 23 Sept 2001)
• Train Utrecht – Delft not included (trains run every 40 minutes approx. Price: Euro 10-15 pp)
• Package prices are per room for the total stay breakfasts, lunches and dinners
• Full pre-payment and first booked/first served; 5block-booking rooms expires on 1 June 2001
Registration Fee
Euro 50
Hotel LEEUWENBRUG***, Delft
Package price per room in EURO
Double/bath room (minimum/maximum 2 persons)
Double/shower room (minimum/maximum 2 persons)
HOTELS - Utrecht
• Description of hotels on page 16 - 18
• All prices are in Euro per night, breakfast included and as further indicated either per room, per
person etc.
• Reservation for the entire period with full advanced payment, only
• All hotels are pre-booked until 01-06-‘01.
• Reservations after 01-06-’01: Availability of rooms likely unsure.
• All reservations are on first booked, first served basis
Double Room – in Euro
Single Room – in Euro
Description Hotels
(NR) = see location on page 17
(min/max. 2 persons)
(1) B(ed) & B(reakfast),
Double: 63,10 per room
Single: 41,75 per room
Location: Lucas Bolwerk Standard: 25,87 per person
Dormitory: 19,06 per person
(2) B(ed) & B(reakfast),
Double: 49,46 per room
Single: 32,67 per room
Location: Eglantierstraat Standard: 23,60 per person
Dormitory: 14,52 per person
(3) Mitland***
108,23 per room
94,16 per room
(4) Tulip Inn Centre****
156 per room
156 per room
(5) Ibis**
90,76 per room
81,68 per room
(6) Malie***
120,25 per room
100,74 per room
(7) Holiday Inn****
229,50 per room
199,80 per room
(8) De Biltsche Hoek**
88,25 per room
74,74 per room
Directions and full details for all transports: to follow with our confirmation of your registration.
Methods of Payment
Registration & Cancellation Procedures
Methods of Payment
• We have to request full payment of all fees with the submission of the registration form.
Registration Fees, (Special) Packages
Hotels Utrecht
and Tours
• By SWIFT bank-transfer in Euro or
• By SWIFT bank-transfer in Euro to:
US$* to:
Account-number: 541.58.33
Account-number: 3954.67.705
Swift Code: POSTBANK-BNL-2a,
Swift Code: RABONL2U,
POSTBANK Netherlands
Haarlemmerweg, The Netherlands.
To add: Bank-costs Euro 10
To add: Bank-costs Euro or US$ 10
• By SWIFT bank-transfer in US$* to:
• By Credit Card, to add 5,5% costs
ING-Bank Account-number: 021.320.861
Swift Code: ING-BNL-2a
Tournooiveld 6, 2501 AT The Hague,
The Netherlands.
To add: Bank-costs US$ 10
• By Credit Card, to add 5,5% costs
*Minimum Exchange Rate for Payments in US$: Euro 1 = US$ 1 = 2,20371 Netherlands Guilders
Registration & Cancellation Procedures
• Applicable for all payments
• The following refunds (of total amounts paid) will apply if notice of cancellation in writing
reaches the ISoCaRP Secretariat:
Until 30 May 2001:
100% refund From 15 July to 15 August 2001:
65% refund
From 1 June to 15 July 2001:
85% refund From 15 August to 6 September 2001: 40% refund
After 6 September 2001, incl. no show: no refund
Refunds: will be proceeded after the congress only; less US$ 80 administrative charges.
Unforeseen shorter stay, once the congress has started: does not entitle participants to a fee reduction.
Secretariat for:
Secretariat for:
Registration Fees, Packages III and IX, Tours
Hotels Utrecht
On form (attached) by fax to ISoCaRP:
• On-Line through Internet-site (preferred)
Fax: +31-70-361.7909 Internet Site -
Hotelservice Nederland – HSN
Mauritskade 23
• Or on form (attached) by fax to:
2514 HD The Hague
Fax: +31-518-421.170
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 15
9076 ZN – St. Annaparochie
The Netherlands
Judy van Hemert
Gea van der Veer
Executive Director
Implementation Lab
ISoCaRP Meetings
Congress Delegates
& all Young Planners
Congress Delegates &
Young Planners
Delegates &
Thursday, 20
Utrecht to Delft (train):
18.00 Welcome in typical
Dutch Canal House
Friday, 21 – Saturday, 22
Delft University of
Technology: Workshop
(see programme details
in this Brochure)
Amsterdam Experience
18.00 – 22.00
22.00 Back to Utrecht
09.00 – 12.00 free
Utrecht University
12.15 Joining the Safaris
Mon 17
Utrecht, University
09.00 – 12.00
Parallel Workshops
12.15 Departure buses
Professional Site Safaris
Sun 16
Utrecht, University
15.00 – 21.00
Parallel Workshops
• with coffee/tea and
sandwich breaks
Utrecht, 15.00 – 18.00
Rietveld House & Walk
Evening: free
19.00 – 21.00
Bureau Meeting
Enschede, Telematic
Young Planners
Sat 15, Amsterdam,
Schiphol Airport: Arrival
Train to Utrecht
Thu 13 - Fri 14 - Sat 15
Putten Hotel
Pre-congress Tour
Amsterdam, Schiphol
Airport: Arrival - Train to
Hotel in Enschede
(Province of Overijssel)
Wed 12
Amsterdam, Schiphol
Airport: Arrival
Train to Hotel in Putten
(Province of Gelderland)
Sunday, 23
Presentations by tasks
groups; Lunch in The
Hague; Afternoon:
Utrecht, University
Festive Evening
Day-Tour (see Tours)
Tue 18
Utrecht, University
09.00 – 18.00
Parallel Workshops
• with coffee/tea and
sandwich breaks
19.00 – 21.00
Welcome Supper
Academy Building
17.00 – 19.00
Arrival All Delegates in
Check in Hotels
Sat 15
Utrecht, University
09.00 – 12.00
General Assembly
Utrecht, University
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch
14.00 Plenary Sessions
CONGRESS Statements
Welcome 2002 Congress
Utrecht, Farewell
19.30 Dinner (optional)
Wed 19
Non-ISoCaRP members
(But welcome at ISoCaRP
Sun 16
Utrecht, University
08.00 Registration
Plenary Sessions
09.30 – 13.00
Keynote Speeches
Young Planners
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00
Keynote Speeches
Thu 20
Utrecht – Rotterdam
Joint Day with the
European Biennial
S E P T E M B E R – P R O G R A M M E, from day to day (Details final programme in congress-Portfolio)
The International Society of City and Regional Planners is a global association of professional
planners. It was founded in 1965 with the objective of bringing together recognised and highly qualified
individual planners in an international network. Its members now come from 64 countries on all continents.
ISoCaRP is a Non-Governmental Organisation officially recognised by the UN, UNCHS and the
Council of Europe. It has the official consultative status with UNESCO. The objectives of ISoCaRP include
the improvement of planning practice through the creation of a platform for the exchange between planners
from different countries, promotion of the planning profession in all its aspects; promoting of planning
research; improvement of planning education and training; increase information, awareness and advice,
particularly on major planning issues.
The key event of ISoCaRP is the annual congress dealing with a topical international planning theme.
In addition ISoCaRP is involved in the following activities:
- Seminars, conferences, exhibitions and study tours;
- Publication of congress & seminar reports and case studies;
- Workshops and competitions especially for young planners;
- Publication of up to date comparative material on planning policies, methods, legislation, etc. on every
- Representation at major international events concerned with planning;
- Evaluation of development and trends in planning practice.
Since its foundation in 1965, ISoCaRP has been holding annual International Congresses. A review
of the congresses and themes since 1990:
2004 - Lausanne/Switzerland
2003 - Cairo/Egypt
2002 - Greece
2001 - Utrecht/Netherlands
2000 - Chetumal/Mexico
1999 - Gelsenkirchen/Germany
1998 - Azores/Portugal
1997 - Ogaki/Japan
1996 - Jerusalem/Israel
1995 - Sydney/Australia
1994 - Prague/Czech Republic
1993 - Glasgow/United Kingdom
1992 - Cordoba/Spain
1991 - Guadalajara/Mexico
1990 - Warsaw/Poland
in preparation
in preparation
in preparation
'Honey, I shrunk the Space - Planning in the Information Age'
People’s Empowerment in Planning: Citizens as actors in managing their habitat
The Future of Industrial Regions, Regional strategies and local action towards
Land and Water, Integrated planning for a sustainable future
Risk assessment and management: Planning for an uncertain future
Migration and the global economy: Planning responses to disintegrating patterns and
Planning and Mediation help urban adaptation to rapid change
Expanding Demands on Planning
Cities, Regions & Well-being
Cultural Identities and Unity
Planning for Leisure - the challenge of tourism
The Environment and the City
Executive Committee
President: Max van den Berg, The Netherlands; Secretary General: Milica Bajíc Brkovic, Yugoslavia
Vice Presidents: Hari Baral, France; Estefanía Chavez de Ortéga, Mexico; Adriana Dal Cin, Spain; Ulla Hoyer,
Senegal (Germany); Detlef Kammeier, Thailand; Pierre Laconte, Belgium; Hein Struben, The Netherlands;
Bogdan Wyporek, Poland; John Zetter, United Kingdom.
For additional information about ISoCaRP (membership, future events etc.) contact:
ISoCaRP Secretariat, Mauritskade 23, 2514 HD - The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 - 70 - 346 2654; Fax: +31 - 70 - 361 7909
Web-site at
Updated Information on the Netherlands Congress - ISoCaRP Homepage