Fall 2012 - The Mark Preece Family House


Fall 2012 - The Mark Preece Family House
Planned Giving
Caring for a community in a
community that cares
The Mark Preece Family House has been on its
journey to help people in need for a very short
time and already, it is making a difference in
the lives of critically-ill patients being treated
at Hamilton hospitals. Our guest book and the
thank you notes say it all – the people we serve
are so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to
stay so near the bedside of their loved one.
How to make a Legacy Gift to
the Mark Preece Family House
The House would not be where it is today
without the tireless efforts of board members,
staff, volunteers and the donors who made the
dream a reality. The Mark Preece House has
truly been bauilt by a community which cares.
5. Revise your Will or add a codicil (addition)
to your will
1. Speak with your advisor and your family
2. Assess the tax implications of your estate
3. Review your estate needs and make a Will
4. Review your existing Will
….to include the support of the Mark Preece
Family House (legal name Hospital Family
Houses of Ontario).
Think of the organization as a ‘charity child’
when making your arrangements. So, if you
have three children, you may want to divide
your estate into four – making room for a
charitable organization that has made such a
difference in people’s lives.
Save the
Wine Winter Warmer
In support of the Mark Preece Family House
We rely on generous donations
from the community in order to
provide a comfortable place for
families to stay. If you would like
to donate items for our families to
use, please refer to the list below.
Although we appreciate donations
of all kinds, we are only able to
accept NEW items.
• Food Basics gift cards
• 10 – 12” Digital photo frame
• Milk (2%) and cream
• Kleenex
• Styrofoam or paper cups with lids
• Office supplies, e.g. 8½x11”
paper, labels (avery 5160), #10
envelopes, stamps
• Laundry detergent & dryer sheets
• Carpet stain remover
• Window cleaner
• Toilet bowl cleaner
• Liquid hand soap
• Cereal & granola bars
• Large ziplock bags
• Travel Sized mouthwash and
• Bleach
• Air Mattresses
• Canadian Tire gift cards
Please contact us prior to dropping
off any donations. Thank you for
your support!
Fall 2012
Our Mission
Our House is a home away from home
that provides affordable, accessible
accommodation, within a compassionate
environment for families of patients who are
receiving treatment in Hamilton area hospitals.
You Can Make A
Your organization and special events:
We would be delighted to hear if you have a
community event and would be interested in
supporting the House through your efforts.
In-Kind Donations:
Do you have resources or donations that
could help House operations?
Cheques may be made payable to:
Mark Preece Family House. General
donations as well as special tributes
and memorial donations will all help
sustain House operations.
To donate online go to:
Hospital Family Houses of Ontario
Charitable registration # 86700 9615 RR0001
Let’s Top it Off!
After 18 months of providing service to
families, we are rolling out a campaign to
finish the second floor and add 10 more
rooms to the Mark Preece Family House.
Since last summer, we have consistently
experienced an occupancy rate of greater
than 90 per cent. As we are currently
turning away families on an all too-regular
basis, we believe it’s time to expand the
House to serve more families. Clearly, the
need for a family house service in Hamilton
is even greater than was anticipated.
Recent generous donations from
ArcelorMIttal Dofasco and the Ippolito
Foundation are helping to bring us closer to
the amount of funding needed to complete
the second floor.
It’s time to take it over
the top! Contact us at
905-529-0770 if you
are interested in
helping in any way.
The eagerly-anticipated Wine
From Our Guestbook
Winter Warmer will be held
“We just wanted to let you know
Thursday, January 24, 2013
What a wonderful service you provide
at the Hamilton Golf & Country
Club. Contact us for information
about sponsorship opportunities
or to reserve your tickets.
191 Barton Street East
Hamilton, Ontario, L8L 2W7
P: 905-529-0770 • F: 905-529-9955
Hospital Family Houses
of Ontario Charitable
registration #
86700 9615 RR0001
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012
“We cannot start to express our
appreciation for your thoughtfulness
and help in one of our most stressful
times. You are a ray of sunshine in
our darkest hours.”
“Thank you to everyone. This was
a great team and I was blessed to
be a part of it. Thank you for this
experience. I wish everyone the
best of luck.”
“We’re not sure how we would
have made it through without your
kindness, empathy and genuine
concern for our well-being in
coping with our ordeal at Hamilton
General Hospital.”
“Thank you so much for making my
stay at Mark Preece Family House
so special. It meant so much to my
husband to know that I was safe and
being taken care of while he was in
the hospital. The people working
here at the Mark Preece Family
House are exceptional in every way.”
To those who need to come from far and wide.
To arrive in just minutes after a long, stressful day
To be greeted by people in such a caring way
To an environment that was warm and relaxing
Was so wonderful, comforting and healing.
We so much appreciate
That we experienced something so great.”
Angels Walk Among Us . . .
Volunteer Corner
A Family Affair
By Maggie Keaveney
The Sims family of Ridgeway, Ontario
recently met a team of angels who
helped guide them through an
unexpected nightmare.
Volunteers find themselves at the Mark Preece
Family House as a result of many different
reasons. Michael Gris found himself connecting
to the House through an internet search.
Michael originally set out to research how
he could help at the Ronald McDonald house
when mention of the Mark Preece Family House
literally popped up in front of him. How lucky
it is that Google brought Michael to the House.
Michael and his small family provide dinner
every Tuesday to guests at the House.
Audrey and Gord Sims were blessed with six
children, all grown with lives of their own.
Like many closely-knit families, they enjoyed
spending as much time together as possible.
On Saturday, May 12 a dinner was planned
to celebrate Mother’s Day and as all family
members gathered, they noticed that brother
John was uncharacteristically absent. One of his
brothers called to check on him and learned that
John had recently fallen and he would not be
attending the dinner. He assured the family that
he would be alright in a couple of days.
‘Everyone was invested in
our feelings.’
Audrey and one of the girls went to check on
John a few days later and knew immediately
that John needed medical attention. John
was taken to Welland hospital for tests and
diagnosis. To their horror, John had contracted
flesh-eating disease. John had surgery in
Welland and then he was transferred to
Hamilton General Hospital for intensive
care. After his surgery, John did not regain
The family gathered around John’s hospital bed
in the ICU at the General. Audrey remembers the
ICU being very accommodating to her family,
far from home. After two full days without sleep
and full of worry for their John, their first ‘Angel’
appeared in the form of an ICU nurse who told
them about the Mark Preece Family House.
The nurse even called and secured a room.
They arrived for the first time at the House at
4:30 a.m. and were greeted by their second
‘Angel’ who answered the door with a smile,
welcomed them to the home and settled them
in with much needed toiletries, all while still in
her pajamas.
They stayed for five days, different members of
the family sharing the room while visiting John.
At the Mark Preece House the family felt, safe,
comfortable and supported.
According to sister Patti, ‘you didn’t have to
think about anything except the patient’. They
had a beautiful bedroom in which to relax and
Michael has help from his wife Karen, his
brother Dave and even his four year old Joshua
to make sure there is a meal every Tuesday.
Although Michael majored in Psychology in
University, his path took him into the restaurant
business to pursue and later marry the love
of his life, Karen. Two years ago Michael and
Karen partnered in the purchase of Romano’s
Ristorante on Rymal Road in Hamilton. They
prepare dinners for house guests either in the
restaurant’s kitchen or their home kitchen.
Brother Dave often helps out by delivering
the meals. Young Joshua likes to help his dad
with the preparation and delivery whenever
he has a chance. He’s decided that he’s going
to be a doctor when he grows up to help ‘the
sick people’. Joshua started Kindergarten
in September and already tells his family it`s
Doctor School.
The Sims family L – R: Chris, Gord, John, Doug, Lori, Audrey, Bonnie, Patti
June 18, 2010
recharge, a comforting living room for quiet
moments and a kitchen with food to refuel.
One of the many things they found helpful
to their family at the Mark Preece House was
the ‘in/out’ board. By using this system, family
members calling the House looking for Audrey
or one of the siblings could easily be directed
to where they were, whether at the House or
at the hospital.
John passed on
Thursday, May 24. His
49th birthday would
have been August 16.
His family remembers
how caring the doctors and nurses at the
General were, constantly talking to John even
though he was unconscious. What stands out in
the family’s memory of their experience is the
strength of communication between the Mark
Preece Family House and the General hospital.
It’s like they are separate arms attached to one
body. One is always in sync with the other.
interest in their activities by attending and/or
transporting them there. A friend wrote: ‘John
may be silent, but we notice his charm, always
time for a nod and a wave of his arm’. He was
famous for the trademark ‘wave’ he would send
your way as he left.
The Sims family has taken steps to give back to
the Mark Preece Family House. In lieu of flowers
Tuesday night meals are always different.
Summer means lighter fare and winter meals
are heartier. All are nutritious and provide
substance and comfort for family members to
relax and recharge. Michael is hoping to plan a
BBQ one Tuesday night while weather permits.
It doesn`t matter how Michael and Karen landed
at Mark Preece House`s door, their involvement
and generous contribution is priceless.
Show your
Here is a unique way to remember and
support the Mark Preece Family House as
a special gift for yourself or a loved one.
We have had a beautifully-crafted
sterling silver charm (or pendant) made
by Ashley Jewellers. It is ready to give in
a black velveteen presentation envelope
and small jewellery box.
The charm size is approximately
1” x ½”.
The cost is $60 including taxes.
(We will ship for a small additional
Call the House to order your
special keepsake.
A woman of
Lisa was nominated in the
Volunteerism category, the criteria
for which were: “This woman is
making a difference by volunteering
in her community. Her contributions
to the community are predominantly
unpaid. She has shown her
dedication by creating, participating
or adapting programs to meet
community needs”.
at John’s funeral, they requested donations to the
Mark Preece House. They have provided meals
for the ‘Thyme For Dinner’ programs, dropped off
toiletries and items for children staying and have
sponsored an ‘Adopt A Day’- August 16, John’s
birthday. People in the Ridgeway area, just
outside of Niagara Falls, are now aware of the
sanctuary of the Mark Preece House.
The family is forever grateful for the caring
staff at Mark Preece House and the General.
Their experience has brought the family closer
together. Sadly they will miss John’s big smile,
his big bear hug and his big heart.
David and Michael Gris
Good night John Boy.
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012
When you first meet Michael you’ll notice
his quiet and humble demeanor. When you
spend a little more time talking to him you’ll
see someone with a big heart wanting to help
others for the simple reward of helping families
in distress. A little over a year ago, Michael and
Karen were blessed with twin boys Brandan and
Alexander who were born premature at Joseph
Brant. The babies remained in the hospital for
six weeks. Michael and Karen were blessed that
they lived close enough that they could go home
each night while the twins were in the hospital.
They sympathized with families who weren`t as
lucky and could only image the stress of having
a loved one hospitalized far from home.
Former board member Lisa Tittley
was nominated for the YWCA
Hamilton’s Women of Distinction
Award at a gala dinner recognizing
exceptional women on May 9.
‘Because of the Mark Preece House, we didn’t
have to think about anything except John
John Sims was a truck driver by profession, off
work due to a disability. He had recently taken
up photography and focused that new passion
on photographing wildlife and lighthouses. He
was a caring brother and was very protective
of his siblings. He paid a lot of attention to his
nieces and nephews and always showed an
By Maggie Keaveney
Lisa was recognized for her
long contribution to bringing
the Mark Preece House to fruition.
Congratulations to Lisa on her
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012
Note from a staff member:
and make a difference
Adopt-a-Day is a wonderful way to help people
get through a stressful and challenging time in
their lives.
For your donation of $500, there are
many ways you can participate:
• To celebrate a milestone or in lieu of
holiday gifts
• Become a corporate sponsor or plan an
Adopt-a-Day fundraising event
• A project for your faith group or service club
• In memory of a loved one, birthdays,
anniversaries etc.
You will receive recognition and a charitable
receipt. Best of all, you’ll know you have helped
to make someone’s day just a little brighter. Call
the House or check out our website for details.
As a Hamiltonian, I had driven by this amazing
stone structure many times, thinking to myself,
that someone someday should do something
magnificent with this building. Little did I know
then what I have come to learn - that there
were many “someones” working hard behind
the scenes for many years, to make this building
the home it has become today - The Mark
Preece Family House (MPFH).
Fate brought me to MPFH early in 2011 as I was
looking to be more involved with my community.
After researching the House, I knew this is
where I wanted to devote my available time.
I wanted to find a way to include myself in a
supportive role to those who found themselves
in trying situations while their loved ones were
hospitalized. I applied to be a volunteer and
after the interview process, I was accepted.
Within months, a position for Evening Manager
became available. I applied for this position and
when it was offered, I was pleased to accept
it. I cannot convey how much I appreciate the
opportunity to work for the guests of our house.
I have always considered myself a peopleoriented person who loves being supportive of
others. Spending time with our guests, I quickly
found my niche. There isn’t a job too little or
Message from the Chair
Our Common
too big that I do not perform with delight in my
heart. My approach to working at the Mark
Preece Family House is that I am available to
the guests and I will do my very best to not only
meet, but to exceed, your expectations each and
every time.
As I write this note to
you I am still glowing
from watching the
closing ceremonies
of the Olympics
in London, having
been inspired for
two solid weeks by
athletics to be sure, but almost as much by the
hosts and their achievements on the execution
of the games. It is the marshalling of forces
that I marvel at and, the apparently seamless
conversion of masses of untrained volunteers
into a magnificent legion of performers or
functionaries towards a common goal.
I can attest to the fact that we have the best
staff and volunteers to work with. I often spend
time alone on my shift and I consider this the
only downfall to my position – not often seeing
my fellow workers. It is great to have the
assistance of a volunteer on shift as it can get
quite hectic at times. Having been a volunteer
initially, I try to ensure that the volunteer
working with me is given the best opportunity
to learn “the ropes” and to participate fully with
the guests. We answer their questions, provide
them with assistance, make muffins or cookies
or put away after dinner. There is often clerical
work that can be completed and the phone is
frequently going.
I am honoured to be associated with the Mark
Preece Family House. I love my role and I love
my job. I am truly, the fortunate one.
Christine Bradley
Angela Carol
Kristi Champ
Cogeco Cable
Denis & Julie Morin
Dwight Wheeler
Enterprises – Dwight
& Leona Wheeler
Jim & Louisa
Mirelle Goldstone
We continue to be inspired...
Karin Guyatt
Evening Manager
While leaving the mall recently, I noticed two
teenage girls and their mom heading to the car,
laden with shopping bags. While I didn’t envy
them their shopping bill, I do think wistfully of the
excitement of back to school time. The shortening
days make it clear that fall is just around the
It’s hard to say we’ve had a good summer at
the House. Yes, we had another successful golf
tournament and wonderfully generous folks held fundraisers to support us. But
we are here because people are facing the most trying times of their lives –
and they count on us for solace to make this difficult time better.
Judy Losier & Carlo
Mark Fuller and
We continue to be inspired by these people who spend part of life’s journey
within our walls and we have spent much of the summer planning how to be
able to help more of them. So, we are very excited to announce that after only
18 months of operations, we are about to embark on a campaign to finish the
second floor.
Marks Supply Inc. –
The Ullyot Family
John & Brenda
Rita Preece
We are so grateful for the contributions of the many who have helped build
MPFH and for the support of those who continue to help us operate this
wonderful service. As we enter our next phase, I look forward to engaging
many past, present and prospective supporters to further enhance our services
to a greater number of families in need. Please contact me if you would like to
become involved.
Elaine Scrivener
Gordon & Audrey
Sims and Family
Gail Hanson
Elly Smeda
George & Lillian
Jim & Teresa
Rhonda Kehl
Bob & Charlotte
R. Alison Hall
I would like to urge you and your families to
lend your support in any way possible, become
part of our legion of magnificent supporters,
to help us achieve this most worthy result. The
Mark Preece Family House has already changed
the lives of more than 700 families who have
Message from the Executive Director
Thank you to our most recent
Adopt-a-Day donors:
The Evans Family
It is this achievement that I hope we emulate
in the coming year at the Mark Preece Family
House. We are gearing up for the launch of
a Capital Campaign which will enable us to
complete the full construction of the Mark
Preece Family House. The goal is to raise
$500,000 that will allow us to complete the
final 10 rooms at 191 Barton Street and to
expand the kitchen and dining facilities to
accommodate the added capacity. Our goal is to
have the necessary funds in place by January 30,
2013 and to have construction completed for
the Golf4 Life tournament on June 10, 2013.
Volunteers and staff enjoyed socializing at the volunteer recognition social held
April 16 at Maccheroni restaurant. L- R: Janice Sampson, Karin Guyatt, Camille Bird
and Brent Wilson.
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012
had the opportunity to stay during their time
of unexpected crisis; however, over the past 16
months that we have been open, we have also
had to turn away 248 other families.
We have already secured $216,000 which
includes donations from Arcelor Mittal and the
Ippolito Foundation. Room naming opportunities
starting at $15,000 as well as donated
construction materials are just two of the ways
our supporters can help take this wonderful
project “over the top”!
Ten room sponsorships are available at $15,000
each and already two have been spoken for.
Please contact the House to find out how you
can be involved in taking this wonderful project
over the top.
J.A. Sandy Craik, Board Chair
Online Donations and
Pre-Authorized Giving
We now have a new and improved way
to handle online donations to the House.
Rather than using CanadaHelps to process our online donations,
we will now be able to handle them internally. In addition, we
have launched a pre-authorized giving program, which allows us to
process donations at the frequency of your request (yearly, monthly,
weekly, etc.) directly from your credit card.
Why not consider making a commitment to a pre-authorized giving
program? Giving a smaller amount every month or week will make
it easier to make a more significant gift than if you were to sit
down and write a larger cheque today. This also saves on paper and
postage because we will send you one receipt at the end of the year
and you don’t have to worry about remembering to send your annual
donation. Of course, you can change the amount of the donation or
stop your automatic payment at any time.
Please visit our website or call the House if
you have any questions or to setup your
pre-authorized donation.
Pearl Wolfe
Executive Director
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012 3
16th annual
Golf4Life Tournament
In support of the Mark Preece Family House
a warm and wonderful event
Around the House
The warmth of the day was exceeded only by the wonderful feeling as
supporters made the 16th annual Golf4Life tournament in support of the
Mark Preece House an overwhelming success.
One of our major fundraisers, the event held again at the beautiful Carlisle Golf
& Country Club on June 11 netted more than $76,000 in support of operations
of the House. Thanks to our honorary chair Walter Gretzky and our master of
ceremonies Wally Zatylny for their unique contributions.
Many thanks to the following Golf4Life sponsors and donors:
Dundee Realty
Blake Hutcheson & Susan
Morguard Investments
Spallacci Group Limited
Taggart Galt
Ippolito Family
Ontario New England
Mark Aboud
Rita & A.J.Preece
Silly Boys
Don Bridgman
A.L.M. Buildings Ltd.
Pauls Properties
Mark Dudzic, Lawyers
Elaine Scrivener
Rapscallion Restaurant
Branthaven Homes
Flat Rock Cellars
Forsight Eyewear
RBC Royal Bank – Michael
Mercedes Burlington
Theresa Furey
Breckinridge Capital
Evans Investment
In Memory of Raymond
Siganski – Bartlett
Provincial Brake Inc.
McEdwards & Whitwell
Michael Lamont
Law Office
Professional Respiratory
Assante Wealth
- Donald Bridgman
RBC Dominion Securities
- Danny Antidormi
Wallace Chevrolet Buick
Fortinos – Main West
Grand & Toy
Marchese Health Care
Hamilton Conservation
Hamilton Golf & Country
Pettinelli Mastroluisi
Stephen Wetmore
Wade & Partners LLP
RBC Dominion Securities
Tom Cochren takes
a swing at another
wonderfully successful
Golf4Life tournament
on June 13 at Carlisle
Golf & Country Club.
Jane & Sandy Craik
Shakespeare’s Restaurant
Specs on Pearl
Staples – Stan Dabic
Hotti Biscotti
Jennifer of Albert Snow
The Alex Restaurant
Lang Moffat/Ingram Micro
Theatre Aquarius
Theo Kotutalis
Aldershot Framing Studio
Medical Mart
Tittley Family
Ancaster Cycle
Tim Horton’s
Arcelor Mittal Dofasco
Todd Jarvis
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Palm Holdings - Ashok
Via Rail Canada
Performance Lexus – Judy
Westbrooke of Ancaster
Aecon - Robert Kinnaird
Albert Snow Hair Design
Carlisle Golf & Country
Casual Gourmet
Charlotte Daniels
Chez Bonbon
Clarins Skin Product
Peter Mielznski Agencies
The team from Bay Area Health Trust cooked dinner for families in March.
L – R: Marlena Nagorski, Angela Bonin, Peggy van Wyck, Connie Lisle,
Beth Manganelli, Karlee Dockstator
Sharon Johnston
Susan & Reid Chapman
Auction, Raffle and Prize
Families came out to enjoy a warm and
wonderful afternoon at Lavender & Music a
benefit for the House at Weir’s Lane Lavender
Farm and Aviary on July 15.
Rousseau House
Smeda Brothers
Walker’s Chocolates
Jenn and Ryan Scott’s baby Emily
Nicole was born Friday, May 11
at 7:48 a.m., weighing 7lbs 13oz.
Mom and babe have been enjoying
the beautiful summer.
Donna & Gary Waxman
Zoe’s Spa
Prodger & Kerley Families
Danielle Garrett is the new
House Manager while Jennifer
is on leave.
We were delighted to welcome
Dr. Frank Baillie at an Open House
for hospital staff on July 12.
Pure NV Salon and Spa
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012
The Mark Preece Family House - Housewarming - Fall edition 2012