rendabel maken - Landbouwleven
rendabel maken - Landbouwleven Belgian manufacturers Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding equipment Business Guide 2013 - 2014 Belgian manufacturers Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding equipment Business Guide 2013 - 2014 Agoria, de federatie van de technologische industrie 1700 ondernemingen met activiteiten in 10 domeinen Agoria groepeert en verdedigt ondernemingen die technologie gebruiken en/ of technologie ontwikkelen. De federatie zet zich in voor de toekomst van deze ondernemingen en de bijna 275.000 mensen die ze in dienst hebben. Agoria is de partner van meer dan 1700 ondernemingen (waarvan 80% kmo’s), met activiteiten in 10 domeinen: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Building Technologies, Contracting, Materials Technology, Subcontracting, Production Technology & Mechatronics, Transport Systems & Solutions, Energy Systems & Solutions, Environment Systems & Solutions, Aeronautic, Space, Security, Defence Technnologies. Belgische fabrikanten van uitrusting voor land- en tuinbouw en veeteelt Onder de fabrikanten van materiaal voor landbouw, groene ruimtes en tuinbouw en veeteelt vindt u betrouwbare commerciële partners, zowel als u op zoek bent naar grondbewerkingsmaterieel, zaai-, plant-, bemestings- en oogstmachines als uitrusting voor het onderhoud van gemeenten, bossen en tuinen of nog voor de varkens- en kippenkwekerij of melkerijmateriaal. Deze fabrikanten ontwikkelen hun uitrusting steeds verder (automatisering, controle van de procedés, precisielandbouw, energiebesparing, brandstofverbruik …) zodat ze hun klanten een rendabele en duurzame oplossing kunnen aanreiken. In 2012 telde de sector 4.190 werknemers en werd een omzet van 1.472 miljoen euro gerealiseerd. Het was het tweede jaar van groei op rij, waarin de werkgelegenheid met 2,3 percent en de omzet met 1,9 percent toenamen t.o.v. 2011. De omzet vertegenwoordigt de totale Belgische productie van de sector, die zowel voor de Belgische markt als voor de export (meer dan 80 percent) is bestemd. In overleg met zijn leden heeft Agoria zijn activiteitenprogramma toegespitst op technologische innovatie, het behartigen van de belangen van de Belgische fabrikanten in het kader van normen en richtlijnen, de marktontwikkelingen in Europa en exportbevordering. Repertorium Het repertorium biedt een overzicht van de Belgische fabrikanten van materiaal voor landbouw, groene ruimten en tuin en van de Belgische fabrikanten van installaties voor de veeteelt. 2 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: De ondernemingen worden gerangschikt volgens bedrijfstak. Hun gegevens zijn opgenomen in de alfabetische bedrijfslijst aan het begin van het repertorium. U vindt de leden van Agoria ook op Nathalie Nicolas Senior Business Development Manager Production Technology & Mechatronics T: +32 2 706 79 82 M. +32 498 91 93 80 Voor bijkomende exemplaren van deze Business Guide, neem contact met : Véronique Bonneau Production Technology & Mechatronics Diamant Building Bld. A. Reyers 80 B-1030 Brussels (Belgium) Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 3 Agoria, la fédération de l’industrie technologique 1700 entreprises actives dans 10 domaines Agoria rassemble et défend des entreprises grandes consommatrices et productrices de technologies. Elle s’engage pour le futur de ces entreprises et des quelque 275 000 personnes qui y travaillent. Agoria est ainsi le partenaire d’affaires de plus de 1700 entreprises (dont 80% de PME), actives dans 10 domaines: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Building Technologies; Contracting; Materials Technology; Subcontracting; Production Technology & Mechatronics; Transport Systems & Solutions; Energy Systems & Solutions Environment Systems & Solutions; Aeronautic, Space, Security, Defence Technnologies. Les fabricants belges de matériel pour l’agriculture, les espaces verts et le jardin, ainsi que pour l’élevage Parmi les fabricants actifs dans le matériel pour l’agriculture, les espaces verts et le jardin ainsi que pour l’élevage, vous trouverez des partenaires commerciaux fiables, que ce soit en matériel de travail du sol, semis, plantation, fertilisation et récolte, en matériel d’entretien des communes, bois, jardins… ou encore en équipements pour les porcheries et poulaillers ou en matériel de laiterie. Tous intègrent et poursuivent des développements de leurs équipements (automatisation, contrôle des procédés, agriculture de précision, économie d’énergie, consommation de carburant…) afin d’offrir à leurs clients des solutions rentables et durables. En 2012, le secteur employait 4 190 personnes et représentait un chiffre d’affaires de 1 472 millions d’euros. Il a connu une deuxième année de croissance consécutive avec une progression de 2,3% de l’emploi et de 1.9% du chiffre d’affaires par rapport à 2011. Ce montant représente la production totale belge du secteur, destinée au marché belge et à l’exportation (plus de 80% de la production). En concertation avec ses membres, Agoria a axé son programme d’activités sur l’innovation technologique, la défense des intérêts des fabricants belges dans les projets de normes et de directives, l’évolution du marché en Europe ainsi que la promotion à l’exportation. Répertoire Ce répertoire inventorie les fabricants belges de matériel pour l’agriculture, les espaces 4 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: verts et le jardin ainsi que les fabricants belges d’installations pour l’élevage. Les entreprises sont classées selon leur domaine d’activité. Leurs coordonnées se trouvent au début du répertoire dans la liste alphabétique des sociétés. Vous pouvez également retrouver les membres d’Agoria sur le site Nathalie Nicolas Senior Business Development Manager T: +32 2 706 79 82 M. +32 498 91 93 80 Pour des exemplaires de ce répertoire, veuillez contacter : Véronique Bonneau Production Technology & Mechatronics Diamant Building Bld. A. Reyers 80 B-1030 Brussels (Belgium) Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 5 Agoria, the technology industry association 1,700 companies in 10 fields of activity Agoria brings together and defends the interests of all companies that manufacture and use technology. It is committed to the future of these companies and their 275,000 or so employees. Agoria is a partner of over 1,700 companies (80 p.c. of which are SMEs) in 10 fields of activity, namely Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Building Technologies, Contracting, Materials Technology, Subcontracting, Production Technology & Mechatronics, Transport Systems & Solutions, Energy Systems & Solutions, Environment Systems & Solutions, Aeronautic, Space, Security, Defence Technnology. The Belgian manufacturers of Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment Among the manufacturers of agricultural, lawn & garden and livestock equipment, you will find outstanding business partners for tilling, sowing, planting, fertilising and harvesting machinery as well as for urban, wood and garden maintenance and also pig, poultry and dairy equipment. All of them champion and incorporate new developments in their equipment (automation, process control, precision agriculture, energy savings, fuel consumption, etc.) in order to provide their customers with profitable, sustainable solutions. In 2012, the sector employed 4,190 people and generated a turnover of €1,472 million. It experienced its second consecutive year of growth, with employment up 2.3% and turnover up 1.9% on 2011. This figure represents Belgium’s total production output in this sector, both for the Belgian market and exports (over 80% of output). In consultation with its members, Agoria has focused its programme of activities on technological innovation, defending Belgian manufacturers’ interests in draft standards and directives, developments in the European market and promoting exports. This guide This guide lists Belgian manufacturers of agricultural, lawn & garden and livestock equipment. The companies are divided into groups based on their line of business. You can find their details in the alphabetical list of companies at the start of the guide. You can also view 6 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: the members of Agoria on the following website: (in French and Dutch). Nathalie Nicolas Senior Business Development Manager T: +32 2 706 79 82 M. +32 498 91 93 80 For additional copies of the guide, please contact: Véronique Bonneau Production Technology & Mechatronics Diamant Building Bld. A. Reyers 80 B-1030 Brussels (Belgium) Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 7 Agoria, der Verband der technologischen Industrie 1700 aktive Unternehmen in 10 Bereichen Agoria versammelt und vertritt Unternehmen, die ein hohes Maß an Technologien verbrauchen und erzeugen. Der Verband engagiert sich für die Zukunft dieser Unternehmen und ihrer 275 000 Beschäftigten Agoria ist damit der Geschäftspartner von mehr als 1700 Unternehmen (davon 80% KMU), die in 10 Bereichen tätig sind : Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Building Technologies; Contracting; Materials Technology; Subcontracting; Production Technology & Mechatronics; Transport Systems & Solutions; Energy Systems & Solutions Environment Systems & Solutions; Aeronautic, Space, Security, Defence Technnologies. Die belgischen Hersteller von Produkten für Landwirtschaft, Grünflächen & Gärten sowie Tierzuchteinrichtungen Sie werden unter den Herstellern von Produkten für Landwirtschaft, Grünflächen & Garten sowie Tierzuchteinrichtungen ausgezeichnete Geschäftspartner für Bearbeitungs-, Sä-, Pflanz-, Dünge- und Erntemaschinen ebenso wie für Artikel zur Pflege von Konstruktionen, Holz- und Gartenartikeln aber auch hinsichtlich Einrichtungen für Schweine, Geflügel und Milchvieh finden. Jeder von ihnen ist ein Spitzenbetrieb, stets danach strebend, neue Entwicklungen in seine Einrichtungen zu integrieren (Automatisierung, Prozesssteuerung, Precision Agriculture, Energieeinsparung, Kraftstoffverbrauch usw.), um so seinen Kunden rentable, nachhaltige Lösungen zu bieten. Im Jahre 2012 zählte die Branche 4 190 Beschäftigte mit einem Umsatz von 1 472 Millionen Euro. Es war das zweite Wachstumsjahr in Folge mit einer Zunahme der Beschäftigtenzahl um 2,3% und des Umsatzes um 1,9% im Vergleich zu 2011. Dieser Betrag entspricht der belgischen Gesamtproduktion der Branche für den belgischen Markt und für den Export (mehr als 80% der Produktion). In Absprache mit ihren Mitgliedern hat Agoria ihr Tätigkeitsprogramm auf technologische Innovation, die Vertretung der belgischen Hersteller auf dem Gebiet der geplanten Normen und Richtlinien, die Marktentwicklung in Europa und die Förderung des Exports ausgerichtet. Register In diesem Leitfaden werden belgischen Hersteller von Produkten für Landwirtschaft, 8 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Grünflächen & Gärten sowie Tierzuchteinrichtungen aufgelistet. Die Unternehmen werden gemäß ihren Geschäftsbereichen in Gruppen unterteilt. Die entsprechenden Details können Sie im alphabetischen Firmenverzeichnis zu Beginn dieses Führers finden. Sie können die Agoria-Mitglieder aber auch auf folgenden Webseite einsehen: (auf Französisch und Niederländisch). Nathalie Nicolas Senior Business Development Manager T: +32 2 706 79 82 M. +32 498 91 93 80 Für weitere Kopien des Leitfadens kontaktieren Sie bitte: Véronique Bonneau Production Technology & Mechatronics Diamant Building Bld. A. Reyers 80 B-1030 Brüssel (Belgien) Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 9 Agoria, федерация технологической индустрии 1700 предприятий, действующих в 10 областях Agoria объединяет и защищает крупные предприятия, которые являются потребителями и производителями технологий. Она отвечает за будущее этих предприятий и их работников (около 275 000 человек). Agoria также является деловым партнером более 1700 предприятий (из которых 80% — средние и малые предприятия), действующих в 10 областях: информационные и коммуникационные технологии (ICT); строительные технологии; подрядные отношения; технологии материалов; субподрядные отношения; производственные технологии и автоматика; транспортные системы и решения; энергетические системы и решения, охрана окружающей среды; авиация, космос, безопасность, оборонные технологии. Сведения о бельгийских производителях сельскохозяйственного оборудования и оборудования для ухода за садами, лужайками и домашним скотом Среди производителей сельскохозяйственного оборудования и оборудования для ухода за садами, лужайками и домашним скотом можно найти надежных деловых партнеров, поставляющих оборудование для обработки почвы, засева, посадки, внесения удобрений и уборки урожая, для обслуживания городских, лесных и садовых насаждений, а также для свиноводства, птицеводства и молочной промышленности. Все они поддерживают и используют в своем оборудовании новейшие разработки (в области автоматизации, управления производственными процессами, точной агротехники, энергосбережения, потребления топлива и т.д.), обеспечивая заказчиков рентабельными и экологически устойчивыми решениями. В 2012 году в отрасли работало 4 190 человек, оборот составил 1,472 млрд евро. Второй год подряд отрасль демонстрирует экономический рост: занятость увеличилась на 2,3%, оборот вырос на 1,9% по сравнению с 2011 годом. Эта сумма представляет всю произведенную в Бельгии продукцию отрасли, предназначенную как для бельгийского рынка, так и на экспорт (более 80% продукции). Agoria активно сотрудничает со своими членами и направляет свою деятельность на технологическое обновление, защиту интересов бельгийских производителей при разработке нормативных актов и директив, развитие европейского рынка и продвижение экспорта. Перечень В данном руководстве содержится информация о бельгийских производителях сельскохозяйственного оборудования и оборудования для ухода за садами, лужайками и домашним скотом. 10 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Компании разделены на группы по сферам деятельности. Сведения о них можно найти в алфавитном списке компаний, приведенном в начале руководства. Также информацию о членах федерации Agoria можно найти на следующем веб-сайте: (на французском и голландском языке). Натали Николя (Nathalie Nicolas) Senior Business Development Manager T: +32 2 706 79 82 M. +32 498 91 93 80 Получение дополнительных экземпляров данного руководства: Вероник Бонно (Véronique Bonneau) Production Technology & Mechatronics Diamant Building Bld. A. Reyers 80 B-1030 Brussels (Belgium) Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 11 Agrimat, SA >> Company description manufacturer of agricultural equipment and livestock equipment Address: Products description Agrimat SA manure spreader, liquid manure tank, bowser, dung Route de Bouillon 148/1 spreading harrow, tubular goods, slurry mixer and 5555 Bièvre Silofarmer Belgium T: +32 (0)61 51 13 42 F: +32(0)61 51 13 45 Contact: Christophe Gachet T: +32(0)61 29 00 68 Annual turnover (figures for 2012) 5.672.696 € Manpower Exports to: France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg 12 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: AVR, BVBA >> R Company description AVR has, for years now, been a leading and trend-setting supplier of equipment for potato production. Address: AVR, BVBA AVR’s aim is producing robust, high-capacity material Meensesteenweg 545 to help the professional potato producer to get more 8800 Roeselare potatoes of excellent quality in his storage. The ‘total Belgium cost of ownership’ has to be as low as possible. AVR T: +32 (0)51 24 55 66 is specialized in equipment for seedbed preparation, F: +32 (0)51 22 95 61 planting of potatoes, ridging of potatoes, haulm topping, potato-harvesting and crop handling (getting the Contact: potatoes in the storehouse). Pieter Galle T: +32 (0)51 24 55 66 AVR yearly produces about 250 harvesters, 250 cultivators and 50 haulmtoppers. Since spring 2013 we started with planting equipment and crop handling Annual turnover (figures for 2012) equipment. Now AVR is a full-liner in the field and the 35.000.000 € storehouse for every potato professional. Manpower Products description ± 100 AVR develops and sells products for the potato harvest. Exports to: This goes from seed bed preparation (GE Force Europe, Russia, South-America, cultivators and Multivator), over the planting, ridging South-Africa, Australia, Asia, and weeding (Speedridger, Ecoridger & Weed hoe) and Canada, USA, Middle East, China haulmtopping (Rafale) to potato harvesters. AVR produces planters from 2-8 rows. We have trailed harvesters as well as self-propelled harvesters, machines with bunker or elevator, from 1 to 4 rows. The Spirit-family (Spirit 6100, 6200 & 8200) are the offset, trailed bunker harvesters. The Esprit is the trailed elevator harvester which can harvest in line and offset. The Puma+ is our 4 row self propelled machine with 8-tons bunker. This compact machine with impressive capacity is the world’s number 1 in 4 row self propelled harvesting. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 13 Baeke Jan, NV >> Company description Baeke nv is an Belgian company manufacturing agricultural machinery since 1906. It has an international factory established in South Africa. Address: Baeke Jan, NV Products description Keirestraat 42 Construction of excavators, ploughs, and chisels. 9700 Oudenaarde Belgium T: +32 (0)55 45 52 65 F: +32 (0)55 45 54 15 Contact: Denise Baeke T: +32 (0)55 45 52 65 Annual turnover (figures for 2010) 400.000 € Manpower 5 Exports to: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France and South-Africa 14 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Belrobotics, SA/NV >> Company description Address: Belrobotics is a pionner in robot mowers applications. It Belrobotics, SA/NV is the world leader in robot mowers for large lawns. Industrial Zone Wavre North Avenue Lavoisier 16 B 1300 Wavre Products description Belgium Belrobotics mowers are used to maintain lawns of world T: +32 (0)10 48 00 48 sport facilities, large private gardens and open spaces F: +32 (0)10 48 00 49 belonging to businesses, hotels, country clubs, hospitals, military zones. Contact: Emmanuel Bois d’Enghien Belrobotics manufactures three models of robot mowers: T: +32 (0)10 48 00 48 -the BIGMOW for lawns up to 20.000 m² and demanding sport facilities. BiGMOW robots are used in more than 200 football clubs from European leagues to amateur’s Annual turnover (figures for 2012) 4.000.000 € clubs in Western Europe -the PARCMOW for lawns up to 10.000 m²: it is the ideal solution for large parks and private gardens where Manpower mowing quality, money and care for the environment count 20 -the GREENMOW for lawns up to 5.000 m² Exports to: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, France, Belrobotics also proposes an automatic golf ball picker Spain, UK, Ireland, Denmark, etc. for driving ranges: the BALLPICKER gently collects up to 15,000 golf balls per day from the practice and feeds them back to players. It works in couple with the BIGMOW mower to concurrently achieve collection of balls and lawn mowing. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 15 Beyne, NV >> Company description Beyne agriculture sprayers are well known for over more than 30 years for their quality and durability. The construction company was founded by Marcel Address: Beyne in 1974. Beyne, SA All machines are made on demand to fit perfectly with Industriestraat 27 the clients needs. We follow the newest technology 8480 Ichtegem and innovations by the moment, provided by Müller Belgium Elektronic, like gps and other instruments for precision T: +32 (0)51 58 85 34 farming, who can be bought as an option. F: +32 (0)51 58 21 73 Our company is in full expansion and development and has its focus on the newest innovations in agriculture Contact: sprayers. Sven Vierstraete Our experienced salesmen in Belgium, France and the T: +32 (0)51 58 85 34 Netherlands are at your service to help you and advice you at your personal and company needs. If you like to have some more information or if you have a question, Annual turnover (figures for 2010): please mail at We will be glad to give you 3.500.000 € the best possible advice. Manpower: Products description 15 Trailed agriculture sprayers from 2500 liters in a simple construction from 21 up to 28 meters of PLK super from 16 Exports to: 2500 to 4200 liters with a spraying boom of 21 to 33 France, Germany and meters in steel or from 27 to 40 meters with a mixt boom The Netherlands (steel and aluminium). Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: BLOUNT EUROPE, SA/NV >> Company description Blount International, Inc. is a global manufacturer and marketer of replacement parts, equipment, and accessories for the forestry, lawn, and garden; farm, Address: ranch, and agriculture; and concrete cutting and finishing Blount Europe, SA/NV markets, and is the market leader in manufacturing saw Rue Emile Francqui 5 chain and guide bars for chain saws. Blount sells its 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert products in more than 115 countries around the world. Belgium T: +32 (0)10 30 11 56 As a leader in innovation and quality, Blount produces F: +32 (0)10 30 11 99 saw chains, bars and sprockets that are well respected in the chain saw and forestry industries and outdoor Contact: equipment accessories and parts for the garden and Christophe Baudoin landscape industry. Blount offers these products under T: +32 (0)10 30 11 56 the brand names OREGON® and Carlton®. As a diversified company, Blount also manufactures Annual turnover (figures for 2012): concrete chain saws and diamond chain, which have 114.100.000 € revolutionized concrete cutting in the construction industry. As the world leader in Diamond Chain Manpower: Technology™, these products are offered under the 87 ICS® brand, known worldwide for its industry-leading innovations. Exports to: Western, Central and Eastern Blount designs, manufactures and markets replacement Europe, Africa and the Middle East. parts and equipment for consumers and professionals in select global end markets, including Forestry, Lawn and Garden; Farm, Ranch and Agriculture; and Concrete Cutting and Finishing. Products description -Global footprint with world-class, proprietary manufacturing expertise -International distribution with broad channel breadth and strong customer relationships -Strong commitment to product leadership, innovation and quality -Market leading brands. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 17 BouMatic Gascoigne Melotte, SPRL >> Company description BouMatic is a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of the highest quality milking systems and dairy farm equipment. Address: Recognized for its innovative dairy farm products, BouMatic Gascoigne Melotte, SPRL BouMatic is dedicated to ensuring that dairy farm 1919 S. Stoughton Road producers throughout the world have the ability to Madison, WI 53716 produce the highest quality milk most efficiently, U.S.A. profitably and responsibly. Bringing together a deep knowledge of the dairy Rue Jules Melotte 31 business with a firm grasp of the challenges ahead, 4350 Remicourt BouMatic offers unequalled capabilities. As the largest Belgium privately held company in the industry, we have the T: +32 (0)19 54 42 66 resources and responsiveness to accommodate the F: +32 (0)19 54 55 44 future in the dairy business. Contact: Products description Milking systems and dairy farm equipment including milking parlors, herd management systems, milk cooling Annual turnover (figures for 2010): systems, dairy hygiene chemicals, udder healthcare Not available products, hoof care products and dairy supplies and dairy equipment spare parts. Manpower: global: 325 Exports to: Almost complete Europe, Northern Africa,... 18 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Record Trailers >> Company description Originally coined for a forge in the 1930s, the name Record became the brand name of a range of agricultural vehicles. The Claeys brothers started out by making flat-bed trailers Address: and three-wheel horse-drawn carts. Claeys Gebroeders en Zonen, BVBA Oude Kasteeldreef 1 Today, the vehicles produced in our workshops include 9990 Maldegem manure spreaders, liquid manure spreaders, tippers, Belgium dump trailers, straw trailers, cattle trailers, lowbed trailers T: +32 (0)50 71 14 70 and hook lift container systems. Both in Maldegem and F: +32 (0)50 71 54 76 in Beaurainville, in the North of France, efforts are made every day to ensure that a high-quality finished product Contact: is delivered, which meets the present-day needs and Guy Claeys requirements as to innovation of the modern agricultural T: +32 (0)475 41 02 57 and transport sectors. Products description Annual turnover (figures for 2012): The Record vehicles are made entirely under our own 5.000.000 € management, from design to finish. Record trailers are sold throughout Europe, but mainly in Belgium and Manpower: France. A dealer network supported by our technical 25 commercial team ensures that the Record trailers find their way to the customer. Product range: manure Exports to: spreaders, liquid manure spreaders, tippers dump France, Netherlands trailers, straw trailers, cattle trailers, lowbed trailers, hook lift trailers, dollys and harvest trailers. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 19 CNH Belgium-New Holland Agriculture >> Company description New Holland is a worldleading brand offering easyto operate-tractors, harvesters and material handling equipment. Address: The Zedelgem site is the worldwide centre of excellence for CNH Belgium New Holland harvesting products. Drawing from a rich New Holland Agriculture past of over 100 years, this is where combines, balers and Leon Claeysstraat 3A forage harvesters are developed, tested and manufactured, 8210 Zedelgem and where dealer technicians are trained to be harvesting Belgium specialists. The Zedelgem products are the next generation T: +32 (0)50 25 31 11 of agricultural machines that will redefine modern F: +32 (0)50 20 18 04 agriculture in terms of productivity, performance and operator comfort. 98% of what is produced in Zedelgem is Contact: exported to over 45 different countries. Evelyne Vandevyvere The harvesting products and high horsepower tractors are T: +32 (0)50 25 31 29 used by cash crop producers and contractors. Zedelgem offers customer tailored harvesting equipment that is at the basis of their companies’ success. Annual turnover (figures for 2012): 969.263.551 € Products description In Zedelgem following products are built: Manpower: 2.700 -Combines: 2 ranges of conventional combines and 1 range of Exports to: North and Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa, all over Europe. rotary combines. CX5000-6000,CX7000-8000 and CR8000-9000 ranges. The first self propelled European combine was built in Zedelgem in 1952. All combines leaving the Zedelgem assembly line meet the stringent Tier 4A emissions regulations. The EcoBlue SCR technology delivers more power and torque, resulting in a fuel saving and power to spare when needed in peak harvesting conditions. -Big square balers The New Holland BB9000 series are renowned all over the world for their performance, quality and reliability. -Self propelled forage harvester The FR9000 range comes with the widest header offering on the market for all crops and conditions. 20 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Delvano, NV/SA >> Company description Agriculture machinery constructor Products description Address: Sprayers for agriculture & horticulture mounted, trailed & Delvano, NV/SA self-propelled in different widths & capacities. Kuurnsestraat 20/22 8531 Harelbeke/Hulste Sprayers for horticulture mounted or trailed up to 27m. Belgium T: +32 (0)56 71 55 21 -Mounted up to 1800L + 1500L fronttank & 27m boom F: +32 (0)56 70 47 19 -Trailed up to 7000L & 52m boom -Self-propelled up to 6000L & 52m boom Contact: Carlos Vanlerberghe T: +32 (0)56 71 55 21 Annual turnover (figures for 2012): 13.200.000 € Manpower: 60 Exports to: The Netherlands, France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, China, Russia Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 21 Depoortere, NV >> Company description Since Richard DEPOORTERE founded the company in 1925, the DEPOORTERE company has dedicated itself to designing and manufacturing flax harvesting, processing Address: and scutching machines. Depoortere, NV Kortrijkseweg 99 Today, its know-how enables the company to apply the 8791 Beveren-Leie latest technology to the development of machines for Belgium harvesting and processing other natural fibres (hemp and T: +32 (0)56 73 51 30 kenaf, amongst others). T: +32 (0)56 70 41 12 Our plant in Beveren-Leie (Belgium) can rely on a Contact: competent engineering department, a modern workshop Peter Rosseel with advanced machinery, and a staff experienced in T: +32 (0)56 73 51 30 working with natural fibres. Reliability, durability, high-quality after-sales service Annual turnover (figures for 2012): and innovation are the foremost concerns for the 11.965.000 € DEPOORTERE company. Manpower: Products description 37 -Harvesting machines Double flaxpuller Exports to: Double flaxthrashing-deseedingmachine France, Holland, Germany, Egypt, Double flaxturner China, Belarus, Russia Selfpropelled flaxroller -Flaxscutching machines 22 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Dewulf, NV >> Company description Dewulf proudly calls itself the harvester specialist. Address: Rightfully so, because worldwide more and more farmers Dewulf, NV and entrepreneurs choose Dewulf harvesting solutions. Moorseelsesteenweg 20 As a family business par excellence, the company has 8800 Roeselare grown to be a world player over the past decennia. Belgium Dewulf can offer a solution for practically any harvesting T: +32 (0)51 20 58 71 need and produces more than 300 machines every year. F: +32 (0)51 21 11 82 Based in Roeselare, Belgium, the company employs over Contact: 98 employees and the company premises equal more Karel Decramer than 30.000m2. The company has its own R&D facilities T: +32 (0)51 20 58 71 and exports to more than 37 countries worldwide. Products description Annual turnover (figures for 2012): Dewulf makes the difference between moving and 38.000.000 € stalling. Be it in dry or wet conditions, flat or hilly, Dewulf will make sure your company activity can continue, no Manpower: matter what. The chassis are robust and stable, and 98 provide unmatched ground clearance. Exports to: Dewulf potato harvesters excel in user-friendliness and France, the Netherlands, Germany, cleaning capacity. Self-propelled or trailed, from two to UK, Central and Eastern Europe, four rows, and with bunker or elevator, Dewulf offers a Latin-America, China, Russia, harvesting solution for any need. South-Africa Dewulf’s carrot harvesters deliver the highest quality crops thanks to their indestructible top-lifting mechanism. Dewulf offers self-propelled, trailed and transported carrot harvesters, for one to four rows and with bunker or elevator. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 23 Dezeure, BVBA >> Company description We are a company from Belgium. We manufacture trailers for agriculture, industry and Address: transport. We are a family business. Dezeure, BVBA Izenbergestraat 5 DEZEURE’s aim is producing strong, reliable and well 8630 Veurne finished trailers with the capacity you need for your Belgium company! T: +32 (0)58 28 00 80 F: +32 (0)58 28 00 88 Products description Agriculture range: We produce slurry tankers, muck spreaders, agricultural Contact: tipping trailers, construction trailers, silage trailers and Siel Himpens high decharge trailers T: +32 (0)58 28 00 89 Transport range: -Drawbar loaders from 20 T to 50 T Annual turnover (figures for 2010): -Semi-loaders from 33 tot 47 T 7.800.000 € Manpower: 30 Exports to: Luxemburg, The Netherlands, France, Bulgaria, Ukraine 24 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Dezwaef R, NV >> Company description We’re a small familly business who produces slurry tankers and all what has to do with slurry tankers. We also make slurry tankers for other brands. Address: Custom made is our speciality! Dezwaef R, NV Scheewege 19 Products description 8340 Moerkerke (Damme) Check our website: Belgium T: +32 (0)50 50 04 43 F: +32 (0)50 50 11 73 Contact: Filip Dezwaef Angelique de Smet T: +32 (0)50 50 04 43 Annual turnover (figures for 2012): 2.500.000 € Manpower: 7 Exports to: Netherlands, Germany, France, Canada Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 25 ELIET Europe, NV >> Company description ELIET EUROPE NV is a Belgian manufacturer of premium products in lawn, garden and forest equipment. The machines are branded worldwide under the ELIET name. Address: The mission statement of this family owned company ELIET Europe, NV is “to be the reference” in the product niches ELIET is Diesveldstraat 2 focussing on. 8553 Otegem Over the last 30 years, all resources have been fully Belgium dedicated to the design, engineering and development T: +32 (0)56 77 70 88 of innovative and high quality machines that meet the F: +32 (0)56 77 52 13 customers’ highest expectation and/or are trendsetting for the market. Contact: Frederic Lietaer Products description Since the start, ELIET has been focussing on some niche markets in which it takes a leading position today. Annual turnover (figures for 2012): The product portfolio aims at commercial end user such 10.000.000 € as landscapers, contractors, municipalities,… as well as domestic appliance. Manpower: Markets in which ELIET has become notorious: Green 65 Waste Recycling with chipper-shredders, Lawn Care with dethatchers, edgers, seeders, overseeders, aerators, Exports to: topdressers, Debris Clearing with blowers and vacuums AT, AU, BR, CA, CO, CZ, CY, DK, FI, and finally Snow Removal with snow blowers. FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LT, NL, NZ, NO, PL, PO, SU, SI, ES, SE, GB, UAE, USA 26 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Emka Incubators, NV >> Products description Incubators (setters and hatchers) Hatchery egg handling equipment (egg lifters, candling and transfer equipment,...) Address: Hatchery chick handling equipment (chick counters, Emka Incubators, NV vaccinators,...) Noordlaan 8 Hatchery climate control equipment (air handling units, 8520 Kuurne textile ducts, fumigation equipment,...) Belgium Hatchery sanitation equipment (trolley and tray washing T: +32 (0)56 35 62 07 machines, high pressure cleaners,...) F: +32 (0)56 35 53 31 Auxiliary hatchery equipment (chillers, stand-by generators,...) Contact: Roger Verrees Turnkey hatchery projects T: +32 (0)56 35 62 07 Hatchery management training Annual turnover (figures for 2012): Manpower: Exports to: Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 27 Gilles Clermont, SA >> Company description Specialist in Harvesting Machinery for sugar beet for over 60 years. GILLES CLERMONT is a leading constructor in Europe of harvesting machinery for sugar beet. GILLES Address: prides itself on offering customized Gilles Clermont, SA products to all of its customers. Rue de Strée 90 5650 Clermont Thanks to its continuous presence on the international Belgium market, GILLES benefits from extensive experience in the T: +32 (0)71 20 06 20 field which enables it to offer to all its customers machines F: +32 (0)71 20 06 29 adapted to their specific needs. Contact: Our engineering department calculates and designs An Van Goey every machine with the very latest 3-D software using the T: +32 (0)71 20 06 20 most modern production techniques. Products description Annual turnover (figures for 2012): The Gilles defoliators, 6 rows, 45 or 50 cm: 1.500.000 € TR14: simple, economic and robust. TR16T: powerful and fast. Manpower: 15 The Gilles lifter A49, 6 rows, 45 or 50 cm with shares or discs. Exports to: Lifting efficiency and cleaning capacity incomparable. North Africa, North America, all over Eastern and Western Europe The Gilles pulled loader R136TS, solidity and efficiency, the suitable alternative to self propelled machinery. The Gilles tanker loader RB-425 or RB-640, side or back unloading. High field speed, outstanding pick-up and cleaning results. As well as a reduced consumption of energy. 28 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Hainaut Carlier, SA >> Company description HAINAUT CARLIER is the partner of the agricultural machinery’s largest manufacturers. Our company, based on 90 years of know-how, is specialized in spares parts Address: for agricultural machinery: Hainaut Carlier, SA - Welded and machined assemblies Rue Par delà l’eau 20 - Cold and warm cutting and stamping 6120 JAMIOULX - Wire and flat steel working, cold and warm -Springs Belgium - Forging T: +32 (0)71 22 08 04 We also offer design and production of tools necessary F: +32 (0)71 21 45 08 to the parts’ manufacture (Ploughing, Soil working, Stubble ploughing...) Contact: Products description Eric Lefevere Ploughing: T: +32 (0)71 22 08 04 - Share - Mouldboard - “Barre carrelet” Annual turnover (figures for 2012): - Points -Skim point, skim mouldboard 1.750.000 € Stubbleploughing and tillage: - Reversible ploughshare Manpower: - Spring tine 16 - Wing + share - Goose feet share Work of the ground: - Blade for rotary machines Exports to: France, Germany, Netherlands Discs Other products: - Mecano-welded and machined sets - High strenght 150 kg / 60 kg - Cutting - Warmworking of steel - Warmworking of wire and spring Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 29 Honda Motor Europe Ltd Belgian Branch >> Products description -Sales of Lawn & Garden equipment (lawn mowers, grass cutters, brush cutters, riding-mowers, tillers, robotmowers, hedge trimmers, watersprayers, blower) Address: Honda Motor Europe Ltd Belgian Branch -and Industry products (generators, water pumps and power carriers) in Belgium and Luxemburg -and Marine products (outboard engines) Sphere Business Park Doornveld 180-184 1731 Zellik Belgium T: +32 (0)2 620 10 00 F: +32 (0)2 620 10 01 Contact: Gracienne Geenens T: +32 (0)2 620 11 33 Annual turnover (figures for 2011): 112.665.000 € Manpower: 39 Exports to: Luxembourg 30 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Ipsam Technology, NV >> Company description IPSAM Technology is an innovative metal-engineering machinery construction plant. Within the Benelux, we are the market leaders in the Address: construction of industrial refuse vehicles, manure Ipsam Technology, NV transport solutions and innovative mobile machinery Rijkmakerlaan 16 construction. 2910 Essen We construct (mostly mobile) bespoke projects for Belgium exacting clients in the environmental-, industrial cleaning- T: +32 (0)3 670 17 77 and agricultural sectors. F: +32 (0)3 670 17 80 In our projects we integrate the latest vacuum- and pump technologies. Contact: Jan Keuppens Products description T: +32 (0)3 670 17 35 The products we develop for industry are based around the key words: tank construction, high pressure and vacuum technique. Annual turnover (figures for 2011): Our 2nd category of products is aimed at the agricultural 8.335.907 € sector. This is what initially made IPSAM successful. Manpower: IPSAM has a wide range of slurry tankers, manure 60 spreaders and tank containers. And finally, the applications in the field of innovative Exports to: tank construction. These are new applications for the Europe environmental- or cleaning industry, based on pump- and Middle East vacuum techniques. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 31 Ménart, SPRL >> Company description In business for 50 years, MENART offers tailor-made machinery for professionals in maintenance of our environment. Specialised in composting technologies, MENART is Address: manufacturing its own recycling chain for the making of Ménart, SPRL compost from organic waste: agricultural waste, green Z.I. - Rue Benoît 31 waste, sludge, municipal solid waste. 7370 Dour MENART’s expertise extends from composting to Belgium biological treatment of polluted soils for land regeneration T: +32 (0) 65 61 07 60 and the sorting of municipal solid waste. F: +32 (0) 65 61 07 49 With a wide range of models, the client can select appropriate machines for their needs and budgets. Contact: Products description Philippe VANDEPUTTE The range of MENART equipment includes machines for Sales Director - Europe all phases of processing treatment of organic waste into compost. There are three machine categories: Annual turnover (figures for 2011): -The high-speed shredders which are available in 7.400.232 € different versions, sizes and with different power drives (diesel, electric and PTO). Manpower: It offers input capacity between 30 and 300m³/h. 40 -The compost turners are also available in various Exports to: sizes and input capacities up to 10.000m³/h. MENART France, United Kingdom, manufactures industrial turners driven by diesel engine Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, and agricultural turners driven by the PTO of a tractor. Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania,... -Rotary drum screens are self-contained machines intended for the screening of organic matter. The range of drum screen is made of mobile and stationary models. 32 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Nooyen, BVBA >> Company description Nooyen Pig Flooring offers a total package in slats for the pig production sector attuned to clients needs and requirements. Address: Nooyen Kennels & Hekwerken is synonymous for quality, Nooyen, BVBA commitment and flexibility in the field of kennels and Steenovenstraat 16 ornamental fencing production both for standard and 3941 Hechtel-Eksel customised sizes. Belgium T: +32 (0)11 73 37 00 Products description F: +32 (0)11 73 32 34 Slats in steel, galvanized Slats in cast-iron Contact: Slats in expanded metal or woven wire and supercoated Carine Geurts Slats in plastic T: +32 (0)11 73 37 00 Kennels Ornamental and industrial fencing Annual turnover (figures for 2010): 8.015.072 € Manpower: 45 Exports to: The Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 33 Packo Inox, NV >> Company description Packo Inox is part of the Fullwood Packo Group, who is owned by the United Kingdom based company R. J. Fullwood & Bland Ltd through the holding company FP Address: Holdings. Packo Inox, NV The Fullwood Packo Group unites 600 people in 13 Torhoutsesteenweg 154 companies, worldwide, comprising 5 manufacturing 8210 Zedelgem plants, 2 R&D centres and 6 distribution companies. Belgium Core competences are milking and milk cooling, on the T: +32 (0)50 25 06 60 one hand and storing, cooling, heating, transporting and F: + 32 (0)50 20 07 52 processing of liquids, in the food and pharmaceutical industries, on the other hand. Contact: Packo Inox has 2 locations in Belgium: Packo Inox NV in Steven Gunst Zedelgem and Packo Inox NV, Branch Diksmuide. T: +32 (0)50 25 06 16 Products description Packo is considered as a pioneer in the field of milk Annual turnover (figures for 2012): cooling and processing. For almost 50 years, Packo has 42.917.202 € been producing large numbers of milk cooling tanks, collection centres and instant cooling systems, milking Manpower: machine components and complete mini-dairies. 250 Packo is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Exports to: milk cooling systems. Packo has an extensive and trend More than 80 countries worldwide setting range of open and closed, static milk cooling tanks from 300 L up to 35.000 L including all accessories required for modern dairy farming such as energy saving products and cooling in combination with robotic milking. Experience and know-how, research & development, innovation, manufacturing, sales and service are framed in a total quality approach. 34 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: PANELTIM, NV >> Company description Paneltim® is a family company since 1997 and is producer of plastic sandwich panels and slats. Address: We sell worldwide to the 3 type of markets: Paneltim, NV 1.The agricultural market which uses panels as dividers, Industrielaan 38 walls, doors, floors, ... for pig, calf and dog buildings. 8810 Lichtervelde We offer standard panels, panels to measure and all fitting parts up to the last screw if wanted. Based on a Belgium T: +32 (0)51 72 67 60 plan, we calculate an optimal use of the building. F: +32 (0)51 72 49 43 2.The Hygiene market welds the panels together into hygienical walls for meat-, vegetable-, fruit processing area’s, sanitary rooms, showers,... Contact: 3.The Construction market: The plastic constructors Annelies Deltour make welded constructions with our panels (e.g.water T: +32 (0)51 72 67 60 containers, swimming pools, trailers, air washers,... Products description Annual turnover (figures for 2012): Paneltim® panels are made of Polypropylene Copolymer 20.000.000 € (PPcopo) or High Density Polyethylene (PEHD) and are resistant to practically all chemical substances and to Manpower: dynamic shocks. 30 The panels are unique because of the internal structure with cells of 50/50mm or 50/100mm, which gives the panel a Exports to: NL, FR, DE, UK, ES, IT, superior strength. Standard sizes can be cut and welded to PT, DK, CH, AT, NO, SW, FI, EE, LV, LT, form panels of almost any size. PL, CZ, HU, RU, AU, NZ, CA, MX, CO Standard measures: 2,6x1m, 1,2x1m and 1,2x0,8m; always 51mm thick. Paneltim® panels have a light weight (10 - 13 kg/m2), can be cleaned quickly and easily, repel dirt and water. We produce the panels out of new or recycled material, which is 100% recyclable with no loss of raw material value. Easy to weld. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 35 Petersime, NV >> Company description Petersime is the world leading supplier of incubators, hatchery equipment, project services and turnkey hatcheries. Address: Our headquarters in Olsene, Belgium (40,000 m²) include Petersime, NV production units, an R&D department, an in-house Centrumstraat 125 hatchery and a customer care centre. 9870 Zulte (Olsene) Belgium Petersime has regional offices in Moscow (Russia) and in T: +32 (0)9 388 96 11 Içara (Brazil), a sales network in more than 60 countries F: +32 (0)9 388 84 58 and customers in more than 150 countries. Contact: Petersime enjoys partnerships with the biotechnology T: +32 (0)9 388 96 11 department of the University of Leuven and with the University of Edinburgh. Annual turnover (figures for 2012): Products description 79.000.000 € The new S-line is designed for high and uniform chick output at a low labour, maintenance and energy cost. It Manpower: consists of 2 product ranges. AirStreamerPlus™ is the 220 standard model offering all key features of a modern single-stage incubator. BioStreamer™ is the top-of- Exports to: the-range product adding an advanced user interface Worldwide and autopilot functions based on Embryo-Response Incubation™. Petersime is also your partner for tailor-made hatchery air handling systems and turnkey hatcheries. Petersime’s Service Department offers a unique 7/7, 24/24, worldwide, on-line and off-line customer service. 36 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Roxell, BVBA >> Company description Roxell is one of the leading manufacturers worldwide of innovative feeding and drinking systems, feed storage and feed transport systems for poultry and pigs. Their Address: distributor and agent network is considered the best Roxell, BVBA developed in the industry. Industrielaan 13 9990 Maldegem Products description Belgium Haikoo: Pan feeding systems for broilers. T: +32 (0)50 72 91 72 KiXoo, Vitoo: Pan feeding systems for broilers breeders F: +32 (0)50 71 97 21 and the rearing of broiler breeders. Boozzter: Pan feeding systems for cockerels. Contact: Bridomat: Trough feeding system for broiler breeders. Frank Hartmann LaïCa: Pan feeding systems for laying hens. T: +32 (0)50 72 91 56 Poolaï: Pan feeding systems for pullets. Koozii: community nest for broiler breeders and commercial layers Annual turnover (figures for 2012): Le Roozzt: Modular perch system for laying hens. 78.007.000 € Blu’Hox: Feeding systems for piglets and meat pigs. Dos, Dozit, Fidos: Feeding systems for sows. Manpower: Fidos: Electronic sow feeding station. 208 Flex-Auger, Mulliflex, Discaflex: Feed transport systems. SPARKcup: Cup drinking systems for all poultry. Exports to: Swii’Flo: Nipple drinking system for all poultry. Worldwide Storageline: Feed storage systems. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 37 STEENO, NV/SA >> Company description Founded in 1909 STEENO have become one of the leading manufactures of agricultural equipments in Belgium. Address: Head office Our manufacturing unit produces ploughs, cultivators, Oudenaardestraat 45 injectors and subsoilers for every soil condition and takes 8570 Vichte - Belgium great pride in the quality maintained throughout every T: +32 (0)56 77 70 01 stage of production. All equipment is manufactured from F: +32 (0)56 77 77 00 the highest grade steel. Production units STEENO is now building further on specialized 9500 Geraardsbergen - Belgium knowledge which has been passed from generation to generation. More advanced technology and continued Contact: development has led to sophisticated equipment Joost Vandesteene which received award-winning appreciation in various T: +32 (0)475 79 72 37 cultivation contests and in many countries. Products description Annual turnover (figures for 2012): - Ploughs 8.854.421 € - Cultivators - Subsoilers Manpower: - Injectors 42 - Ground preparing combinations - Disq harrows, ... Exports to: France, Canada, The Netherlands, China, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, Roumania, Finland, Hungary... 38 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Thomas Kranen, BVBA >> Company description For more than 40 years, Thomas Kranen has been providing high-quality, reliable hydraulic construction in a family business environment. Address: Thomas Kranen, BVBA In 1967, Thomas Kranen started building innovative Brusselsesteenweg 142 hydraulic cranes, mainly for agricultural use. Since 1986, 1785 Merchtem - Belgium the company has specialized exclusively in designing T: +32 (0)52 37 10 05 and constructing boom lifts destined for various sectors F: +32 (0)52 37 40 74 and export worldwide. Contact: The company offers a wide range of high-quality boom Eric Thomas lifts, with a unique composition and fitted with quality T: +32 (0)52 37 10 05 components, always customized to meet the specific customers’ requirements. Our boom lifts are extremely robust and safe, simple and reliable to use and easy to Annual turnover (figures for 2012): maintain. 2.250.000 € Our technicians are on hand day in, day out to give Manpower: phone or on-site assistance to customers if required. If 8 there is a breakdown, we provide a solution within 24 hours. Exports to: Belgium, The Nederlands, France, Products description Germany, Italy, Austria, Luxemburg. Construction of boom lifts (towable; mounted on trucks Africa, French Guiana,Tahiti. or tractors; mounted on a Caterpillar base). If you are interested in our boom lifts, don’t hesitate on contact us and on simple request we shall organize a non-binding demonstration in our factory or at your premises. Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 39 Vandaele Konstruktie, NV >> Company description Vandaele is a manufacturer of verge clearing- and green keeping equipment for the professional user market. Our product range consists of wood chippers, stump cutters, Address: forest mowers, weeds brushes and verge mowers. Vandaele Konstruktie, NV Our machines are used in several user markets, such Stationsstraat 119 as: agriculture, landscaping, municipal green keeping, 8780 Oostrozebeke forestry, golf course maintenance, general contracting, Belgium park administrations, tree surgeons, etc. T: +32 (0)56 66 45 01 Vandaele equipment is renowned for its overall quality F: +32 (0)56 67 24 92 finishing, durability and low maintenance cost. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Contact: We have a customer oriented approach. Custom built Stefan Verschaete machines to meet with certain specific demands can be T: +32 (0)56 66 45 01 considered . Vandaele is currently exporting to many countries worldwide and we are constantly expanding our horizons.. Annual turnover (figures for 2012): 10.000.000 € Products description Wood chippers: to reduce volume I to chip wood up to Manpower: a maximum diameter of 40cm. Tractor driven, engine 50 driven, hydraulic, etc. Exports to: Forestmaster: For maintaining forests, creating pathways NL, FR, LU, DE, AT, CH, ES, PT, PL, in between trees, mowing and pulverising of shrubs, CZ, SK, SL, HR, BG, HU, BY, RU, dead wood, etc. Powered by a tractor or hydraulic carrier. BR, CL, CA, SA, CN Tree stump cutter: To remove stumps that remained after having chopped down big trees, tractor powered. Weeds brush: To remove overgrowing grass, weeds on streets, sidewalks, etc. Sold as an alternative solution to chemical spraying. Powered by a tractor or hydraulic carrier. 40 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: ME Targeted ads? 1. Cut out on the dotted line 2. Turn 180° Elma Multimedia publishes business-to-business media in close collaboration with branch and professional associations. We link the information needs of the coordinating organizations and their members to the advertisers’ needs. The result is a specialized, high value-added publication. This way Elma creates a meeting point for both customer and supplier. If you want to change “me” in “we”, contact us by the data below. We are pleased to help you. Elma Multimedia B.V.B.A. | Bedrijvenlaan 1 | B-2800 Mechelen | Tel. +32 (0)15 55 88 88 | | Products A. MACHINERY 1. Agricultural machinery 1. Tractors and related equipment 2. Soil working equipment 3. Sowing and planting equipment 4. Fertilizing equipment 5. Crop protection equipment 6. Harvesting equipment 7. Equipment for threshing, selection and conditioning of agricultural products 8. Transport and handling equipment 2. Horticultural machinery 1. (Mini)tractors 2. Soil working equipment 3. Sowing and planting equipment 4. Fertilizing equipment 5. Crop protection equipment 6. Harvesting equipment 7. Equipment for conditioning of horticultural products 8. Machinery for maintenance of municipalities, woods, gardens, … B. BUILDINGS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 1. Construction of agricultural buildings, installations and equipment 1. Stable equipment 2. Equipment for piggeries 3. Equipment for poultry houses 4. Equipment goods for hatcheries 5. Equipment for feeding and watering stock, silos 6. Equipment for feed preparation 7. Air conditioning, heating and cooling systems 8. Dairy equipment 9. Manure treatment systems 2. Horticulture: green houses and equipment 1. Containers, crates and pallets 42 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: Products A. MASCHINEN 1. Landwirtschaftliche Maschinen 1. Ackerschlepper und ähnliche Ausrüstung 2. Maschinen und Geräte für die Bodenbearbeitung 3. Maschinen und Geräte zum Säen und Pflanzen 4. Maschinen und Geräte zum Dungen 5. Maschinen und Geräte für den Pflanzenschutz 6. Maschinen und Geräte für die Ernte 7. Maschinen und Geräte zum Dreschen, Aufbereiten und Lagern landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse 8. Förder- und Transportmittel 2. Maschinen für den Gartenbau 1. (Mini)schlepper 2. Maschinen und Geräte für die Bodenbearbeitung 3. Maschinen und Geräte zum Säen und Pflanzen 4. Maschinen und Geräte zum Dungen 5. Maschinen und Geräte für den Pflanzenschutz 6. Maschinen und Geräte für die Ernte 7. Maschinen und Geräte zum lagern van Gartenbauerzeugnisse 8. Maschinen und Geräte für die Unterhaltung von Gemeinde, Forste, Garten, … B. GEBÄUDE UND DAZUGEHÖRIGE EINRICHTUNGEN 1. Ställe, Einrichtungen und Ausrüstungen 1. Einrichtungen für Viehställe 2. Einrichtungen für Schweineställe 3. Einrichtungen für Hühnerställe 4. Ausrüstungsgüter für Brütereien 5. Maschinen und Geräte zum Füttern und Tränken, Silos 6. Maschinen und Geräte für die Futterbereitung 7. Klimatiszierungs-, Heizungs- und Kühlungssysteme 8. Maschinen und Geräte für die Milchwirtschaft 9. Einrichtungen fur die Gülleverarbeitung 2. Gartenbau: Gewächshauser und Ausrüstung 1. Behälter, Kisten und Paletten Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 43 Products A. ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ 1. Сельскохозяйственное оборудование 1. Тракторы и связанное оборудование 2. Оборудование для обработки почвы 3. Посевное и посадочное оборудование 4. Оборудование для внесения удобрений 5. Оборудование для защиты посевов 6. Оборудование для сбора урожая 7. Оборудование для молотьбы, отбора и обработки сельскохозяйственной продукции 8. Оборудование для транспортировки и погрузочно-разгрузочных операций 2. Садоводческое оборудование 1. (Мини)трактора 2. Оборудование для обработки почвы 3. Посевное и посадочное оборудование 4. Оборудование для внесения удобрений 5. Оборудование для защиты посевов 6. Оборудование для сбора урожая 7. Оборудование для обработки садоводческой продукции 8. Оборудование для обслуживания городских, лесных, садовых и других насаждений B. СТРОИТЕЛЬНОЕ И СВЯЗАННОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ 1. Cтроительство и монтаж сельскохозяйственных зданий, установок и оборудования 1. Оборудование для конюшен 2. Оборудование для свинарников 3. Оборудование для птичников 4. Оборудование товаров для инкубаторов 5. Оборудование для хранилищ кормов и воды и силосных ям 6. Оборудование для приготовления кормов 7. Системы для кондиционирования воздуха, обогрева и охлаждения 8. Оборудование для молочного хозяйства 9. Системы для обработки удобрений 2. Садоводство: теплицы и оборудование 1. Контейнеры, решетчатые ящики и поддоны 44 Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: UW MEDIA UW MEDIA UW MEDIA RENDABEL MAKEN RENDABEL MAKEN * RENDABEL MAKEN DAAR GAAN WIJ VOOR* DAAR GAAN WIJ VOOR* DAAR GAAN WIJ VOOR *Door onze dertig jaar ervaring hebben wij *Door onzekennis dertigover jaarhoe ervaring hebben wij een grote u in het hart van een grote over hoe u in het hart van uw doelgroep kunt adverteren, rendabel en *Door onzekennis dertig jaar ervaring hebben wij uw kunt rendabel en effectief. vindt in adverteren, Elma een doelgroep grote Ukennis over hoe een u in betrouwbare het hart van effectief. U vindt in adverteren, Elma een betrouwbare mediapartner. We u graag advies. uw doelgroep kuntgeven rendabel en mediapartner. We geven u graag advies. effectief. U vindt in Elma een betrouwbare mediapartner. We geven u graag advies. Elma Multimedia B.V.B.A. | Bedrijvenlaan 1 | B-2800 Mechelen +32 (0)15B.V.B.A. 55 88 88| |Bedrijvenlaan www.elma.be1| | ElmaTel. Multimedia B-2800 Mechelen Tel. +32 (0)15 55 88 88 | | Elma Multimedia B.V.B.A. | Bedrijvenlaan 1 | B-2800 Mechelen Tel. +32 (0)15 55 88 88 | | ✓ Baeke Jan, NV ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Belrobotics, SA ✓ ✓ ✓ Beyne, NV ✓ ✓ Blount Europe, SA 8. Machinery for maintenance of municipalities, woods, gardens, … 7. Equipment for conditioning of horticultural products 6. Harvesting equipment 5. Crop protection equipment 4. Fertilizing equipment 3. Sowing and planting equipment 2. Soil working equipment 1. (Mini)tractors 2. Horticultural machinery ✓ 8. Transport and handling equipment ✓ 7. Equipment for threshing, selection and conditioning of agricultural products 4. Fertilizing equipment 6. Harvesting equipment ✓ AVR, BVBA 5. Crop protection equipment Agrimat, SA 3. Sowing and planting equipment 2. Soil working equipment 1. Tractors and related equipment 1. Agricultural machinery A. MACHINERY Members ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Boumatic Gascoigne Melotte, SPRL Claeys Gebroerders en Zonen CNH Belgium-New Holland Agriculture ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Delvano, NV ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Depoortere, NV ✓ Dewulf, NV ✓ ✓ Dezeure, BVBA ✓ Dezwaef R., NV ✓ ✓ ✓ Eliet, NV ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Emka Incubators, NV Gilles Clermont, SA ✓ Hainaut-Carlier, SA ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Honda Belgium Factory, NV ✓ IPSAM Technology, NV Ménart, SPRL ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Nooyen, BVBA Packo Inox, NV Paneltim, NV Petersime, NV Roxell, BVBA Steeno, NV 46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Thomas Kranen, BVBA ✓ Vandaele Konstruktie, NV ✓ Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Belgian manufacturers - Agricultural, Lawn & Garden and Cattle breeding Equipment 2013-2014 ➜ Additional information on our members: 47 1. Containers, crates and pallets 2. Horticulture: green houses and equipment 9. Manure treatment systems 8. Dairy equipment 7. Air conditioning, heating and cooling systems 6. Equipment for feed preparation 5. Equipment for feeding and watering stock, silos 4. Equipment goods for hatcheries 3. Equipment for poultry houses 2. Equipment for piggeries 1. Stable equipment 1. Construction of agricultural buildings, installations and equipment B. BUILDINGS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PLOUGHS CULTIVATORS SUBSOILERS INJECTORS Oudenaardestraat 45 8570 Vichte T: +32 (0) 56 77 70 01 F: +32 (0) 56 77 77 00 SELFPROPELLED & TRAILED SPAYERS Delvano NV Kuurnestraat 20-22, 8531 Hulste, Belgium, T: 0032 56 71 55 21 - F: 0032 56 70 47 19 - PLOUGHS CULTIVATORS SUBSOILERS INJECTORS Oudenaardestraat 45 8570 Vichte T: +32 (0) 56 77 70 01 F: +32 (0) 56 77 77 00 SELFPROPELLED & TRAILED SPAYERS Delvano NV Kuurnestraat 20-22, 8531 Hulste, Belgium, T: 0032 56 71 55 21 - F: 0032 56 70 47 19 -