Rights Guide - Schirner Verlag


Rights Guide - Schirner Verlag
Rights Guide
Spring 2016
J u n e 2016
The new megatrend
from the USA
Fermentation – one of the most traditional methods to
preserve food in a natural and healthy way – has been
nearly forgotten nowadays. But without good reason:
Probiotic food, that means food containing living lactic
acid bacteria, does not only keep all the vitamins, enzymes and other ingredients but also counteracts overacidification of the body due to its much higher pHvalue. It is not for nothing that average life expectancy
is much higher in Japan and Korea – the two countries
that are “World Champions” in fermentation.
Michael Dietz
Fermentation & Probiotics
Probiotic Food for Better Health
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 128 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 9,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1219-3
Michael Dietz is a cook and experienced food-coach. He offers nutrition
seminars all over Europe spreading his
knowledge of the Chi cuisine. He has
been trained by different teachers of
TCM and holistic healing methods. He is
a student of the internationally acknowledged teacher of the five element
cuisine Jörg Krebber.
Chi Cuisine
(publ. Oct 2015)
j u n e 2016
50 quick dishes for
Do you know this situation: You come home from a hard
working day at around 6 or 7 pm and have to prepare
dinner for your family? Preferably in less than 20 minutes, and of course it should be delicious, too!
No problem for the vegan cook Roland Rauter! He shows
how to cook something tasty and balanced in a few simple steps, using only the ingredients you have at home.
Soup, salad, pasta or a delicious pizza – he caters for all
the tastes.
Roland Rauter
Simply Vegan
Dinner: Ultra-quick and Delicious
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
128 pages, color illustrations
€ 9,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1220-9
Vegan Snacks
(publ. Oct 2013)
Roland Rauter is a trained chef and
a committed vegan. With his books
he wants to show that vegan cuisine
is a good and tasty alternative to the
consumption of animal products. He
regularly publishes new recipes on his
blog as well as in the »Engelmagazin«
(Angel‘s Magazine).
Simply Vegan
(publ. Feb 2012)
M A R C H 2016
Cooking with
gnomes, elves
and trolls
From January to December: Back to the roots
with tasty dishes like elderflower pancakes, fire
sugo or troll dumplings with wild vegetables.
This is a very special cookbook: With fantasy
and love the authors compile recipes that show
what the respective seasons have to offer and
how the reader can harmonize body, spirit,
soul and nutrition. Advice on the five elements,
an overview of edible blossoms and ideas for
decoration provide additional inspiration to
the reader.
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Jeanne Ruland & Sabrina Dengel
& Diana Holzschuster
Cooking Delicious Food with
the Help of the Nature Spirits
Ideas and Recipes all Year Round
paperback, 190 x 230 mm,
approx. 216 pages, color illustrations
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1221-6
Jeanne Ruland has discovered the guidance and foreordinations of the
invisible realm from early on. She experienced the incredible richness and
power that life provides for us in every situation. Thus she wants to pass on
this security to the reader.
Sabrina Dengel has been given a deep closeness to nature as well as profound knowledge of healing powers of nature by her great-grandmother
since early childhood. In the last twenty years she has been trained in
shamanic healing techniques, ceremonies and rituals by different cultural
Diana Holzschuster studied various shamanic practices for several years,
always closely connected with nature and its creatures. Her subtle perception of energies makes her an adorable cook in the kitchen of life.
Fe br uary 2016
Healthy with the help of
wild green from forests,
fields and meadows
Dandelion, clover or ribwort – wild herbs like these often have a bad reputation. Wrongly, as it seems, for they
have plenty to offer: Did you know that dandelion for
instance contains 40 times as much vitamin A as lettuce?
But a lot of people don’t even know what grows in their
immediate vicinity, or they fear to pick the wrong herbs.
The Small
Simone Vetters presents eight wild herbs that can be
found almost everywhere and shows how to simply and
quickly prepare delicious smoothies from them. These
wild herbs are easy to recognize, their mild taste makes
Simone Vetters
them especially suitable for smoothies, and they bring
you health and vitality.
Greens for Smoothies
Superfoods Right on Your Doorstep
8 Wild Herbs, Healthy and Curative
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, color illustrations
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Simone Vetters studied geography,
zoology and botany and worked in organic winemaking for 10 years together
with her husband. Since 2005 she has
been offering hiking tours with different focuses, such as fasting, wild herbs
excursions, barefoot hiking as well as
overnight survival trainings including
nature studies and, together with Ruediger Dahlke, fast, detox and nutrition
counselling weeks.
€ 6,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5131-4
M arch 2016
Children would eat
more vegetables, if...
Even very young children already suffer from lactose
intolerance, gluten intolerance and other food allergies.
Many parents misinterpret their children’s aversion to
some kinds of food or are overwhelmed by the raft of
contradictory information on this topic. A nutritious,
vegan and gluten-free diet often helps to ease the complaints.
Nutrition expert Simone Vetters gives an introduction
to a healthy diet suitable for children and informs about
the child’s nutritional needs as well as a balanced mineral and vitamin supply. Explaining the causes of food
intolerances, she also points out gluten-free alternatives.
In a recipe section with many simple and nourishing dishes for children aged 6 months and older, you will find
ideas for a thoroughly healthy future.
Simone Vetters
Good Food for Healthy Children free
from Allergies
– Vegan and Gluten-free –
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 136 pages, color illustrations
€ 9,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Simone Vetters studied geography, zoology and botany and worked in organic
winemaking for 10 years together with
her husband. Since 2005 she has been offering hiking tours with different focuses,
such as fasting, wild herbs excursions, barefoot hiking as well as overnight survival
trainings including nature studies and,
together with Ruediger Dahlke, fast, detox and nutrition counselling weeks.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1222-3
A pr i l 2016
One of the most valuable
Super Foods
in the World
People in Siberia have admired them for ages, whereas
in Europe there are only just getting rediscovered: the
seeds of cedar cones. Those pine nuts contain valuable
proteins and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals in optimal combination. As scientific research shows,
they lower levels of cholesterol, bind and remove heavy
metals, strengthen the immune system and also have
healing power e.g. for allergies, depression and cancer.
The sought-after nourishing expert Barbara Simonsohn
explains all the interesting facts, and her tasty recipes
with Siberian pine nut, pine nut oil and pine flour whet
your appetite for this miracle of vital substances.
The Small
Barbara Simonsohn
Siberian Pine Nuts
The Health Miracle from the Taiga
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 112 pages, color illustrations
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Barbara Simonsohn is a popular expert and
bestselling author for food and health topics, especially Super Foods. She has studied
social sciences and has lived and worked in
the gardens of the Findhorn-community, the
pioneers of a sustainable agriculture in the
north of Scotland. In this time she has come
into contact with holistic healing methods as
well. She practices and teaches Reiki at home
and abroad.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5139-0
Super Food Hemp
(publ. Nov 2015)
M arch 2016
Gently detox your body
with the help of Indian
wisdom of health
» Every human being is the author of their own
health or disease.«
Ayurveda offers an elaborated system of diets suitable
for different types of people. But the exotic ingredients
and spices often make it difficult for us Europeans to
cook the recipes by ourselves. Food coach Katharina
Weyland presents an Ayurveda that is close to everyday life, with recipes that are adjusted to our local and
seasonal products. Finally it is very easy to have an
Ayurvedic diet even at home and thus detox and balance your body, support digestion and metabolism and
become healthy and happy.
Katharina Weyland
Balance & Detox
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 160 pages, color illustrations
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Katharina Weyland lives with her husband in Sri Lanka. The certified food
coach devotes herself – in addition to
western nutrition counselling – to the
teachings of Ayurveda. Her style of Ayurveda has grown out of her in-depth
knowledge and her own intense experience – with a strong focus on practicability.
€ 14,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1223-0
M arch 2016
The slightly different
coach for slimness
in a new format
Barbara Markland is overweight. And this is not her
only problem – there are also her dominant mother, her
pubescent son, her touchy daughter, her hated job and
her unloving husband, just to mention a few. When her
friend Ellen enrols the two of them in a course at community college, Barbara is not at all delighted. Achieving
your ideal figure with the help of mental training? Definitely not the right thing for her! But against her will,
she gets fascinated by what she can learn about herself
and amazed about what she is capable of doing.
Novel, non-fiction – or both in one? You can read
Barbara’s story for pure pleasure and leave all the rest to
your subconsciousness. Or you go along to the courses
and do the exercises. The reader has the choice.
Marlies Fösges
The Perfect Figure
paperback, 120 x 185 mm,
approx. 280 pages, color illustrations
€ 10,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Marlies Fösges is a qualified social
education worker and NLP-coach.
She gives seminars and individual
coaching as well as trainings for NLP
practitioners and NLP masters. Her
novel “The Perfect Figure” incorporates numerous anecdotes and
success stories of the participants
of her weight reduction programs.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-3025-8
A pr i l 2016
40 exercises for a
Eye training is an effective method to improve
vision without glasses and surgery and to counteract different eye diseases and types of defective vision. This card deck introduces to the 40
most important methods – e.g. palming, color
exercises or blinking. In the accompanying booklet you can find instructions on how to use the
cards and hints for which diseases, visual defects
or complaints the exercises can be helpful.
Caroline Ebert
Open Your Eyes!
Exercise Cards for Eye Training
card deck, 99 x 150 mm,
40 cards with guidebook
€ 17,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9077-1
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Caroline Ebert is a master optician and
a holistic visual coach. In her vision training centre »Eyeland« she offers kinesiology sessions, energetic treatments
as well as coaching for people with all
kinds of eye complaints. She sums up
all this knowledge in her books and
card deck.
Eye Training
(publ. Feb 2013)
Soul and Vision
(publ. March 2015
march 2016
New cards of strength for
tuning in to your body:
Fasting, dancing,
walking barefoot ...
Turning your attention to your own body, sensing its
needs, giving it your love... experiencing your own nature with all your senses. This new deck’s inspiring cards
of strength are designed with love. They give impetus
to discovering your own body as a true miracle. Often
it is the very simple things that bring us back to the
essential, the source: fasting, dancing, walking barefoot,
slowing down... If we give our attention to our body
in this way, it will endow us with vitality, beauty and
strength. We create a life that is full of love, passion and
meaning, in alignment with ourselves and nature.
Ute Leilani Meuser &
Simone Vetters
Sensing my Nature
Fasting and More, for Clarity, Energy,
Beauty, Naturalness & Sensuality
card deck, 89 x 127 mm,
50 cards with guidebook
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9078-8
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Medicine Walk
Zeit ganz auf die Natur ein.
Lass dich einmal eine gewisse
Fragen mit,
iger Spiegel. Nimm deine
Die Natur ist ein großart
Herz für die Schönheit überall.
den ...
öffne deine Sinne und dein
Sinnfindung, dem Heilwer
Die Antworten helfen
auf deinem
Schenk dem
in dir Flü ement
gel –
Spür den Win
d auf deiner
t du das letz
Einfach so, Mal bewusst ganz
tief geatme
Flieg voller
Leichtigkeit eins in und mit dir.
Alles, was
du dir vor mit der Kraft deiner
stellen kan
nst, ist mö
Wann has
Ute Leilani Meuser is a graphic designer. Since her early childhood,
she has experienced a deep connectedness with nature, where she
feels free, can dream and fly. Since 2004 she has followed the calling
of the spiritual world and has given trainings and workshops with
shamanic themes.
Simone Vetters studied geography, zoology and botany and
worked in organic winemaking for 10 years together with her husband. Since 2005 she has been offering hiking tours with different
focuses such as fasting, wild herbs excursions as well as overnight
survival trainings including nature studies and, together with Ruediger Dahlke, detox and nutrition counselling weeks.
ja n uary 2016
Pause for a moment,
sense your breath and
discover the way to healing
Our body with all its organs is a whole universe in itself.
Respiratory therapist Hilda Nowotny invites the readers to a journey through their own bodies. The most
important travel companion is their own breath. With
the help of mindful and powerful breathing, the readers learn to make use of their inner resources and to
nourish and care for their organs with their mental and
energetic abilities. The organ meditation is a journey to
regeneration, health maintenance and inner harmony!
The Small
Hilda Nowotny
The Healing Power
of Organ Meditation
For Health, Harmony
and Regeneration
paperback, 115 x 165 mm, 112 pages,
color illustrations throughout
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Hilda Nowotny is an examined breathing
pedagogue and breathing therapist. She
has constantly expanded her knowledge
through intensive personal experiences
as well as trainings in psychoanalysis, family constellations, grief counselling and
NLP. Her personal and professional focus
ever since has been to heal people with
the help of breathing.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5132-1
Healthful Breathing
(publ. Feb 2015)
A pr i l 2016
Every human being has a
that can heal them
We use it every day without even thinking about it:
our voice. But it has more power than we can imagine!
It is an interesting experience to devote attention to
it. The aim is not to sing perfectly but to discover this
inner instrument of ours as a holistic tool that can bring
together body, mind and emotions. The singer Angela
Bittel and the musician Christopher Amrhein want to
give us an understanding of the potential for healing
that emerges if we begin to love our own voice. This
way our voice can lead us to a harmonious life.
Angela Bittel & Christopher Amrhein
The Healing Voice
Our Voice as a Mirror of Our Soul
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx 168 pages, colored
€ 11,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1224-7
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Angela Bittel is a qualified singer, speaker and musical actress with
many years of stage experience. In seminars, workshops and individual coaching sessions, she helps people to develop their full potential
of voice and life. Furthermore, she is a passionate musician and gives
concerts regularly.
Christopher Amrhein studied music and dance at the Salzburg Mozarteum. He has been a freelance artist, healer and shaman for more than
ten years. During numerous stays abroad he got to know the musical
traditions of different cultures. He organizes concerts and gives seminars and lessons about different aspects of music and healing.
J u n e 2016
can affect the body
»I haven’t drunk enough water today«. This is a phrase
that you hear again and again – although water is vital
for life. If we don’t drink enough, fatigue, headaches, lack
of concentration and digestive problems are the consequences. Most certainly people would drink more if they
knew the potential power of water.
Doctor Edmund Schmidt and Nathalie Schmidt help with
that. They answer questions of interest for everyday life,
like »Is pure water the best beverage?«, and they show
how water affects our body: detoxifying, regenerating,
healing – and energetically.
Dr. med. Edmund Schmidt
& Nathalie Schmidt
The Secret of Water
Its Healing Powers and its Role as
Information and Energy Carrier
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 136 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 14,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1194-3
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Everyone needs Vital
(publ. March 2015)
Dr. med. Edmund Schmidt is a general practitioner specialized in
nutritional health as well as travel and tropical medicine. Since 1996
he has been working in his own medical office offering nutritional
consulting and vitamin therapy as well. Moreover, he is an assistant
lecturer at the University of Munich.
Nathalie Schmidt used to work as a certified nurse and offered life coaching in a private setting for a long time. Today she offers treatments
as a trained Reiki therapist and works as a therapist both for vital and
mental issues as well as in regard to »life energy« subjects.
M ay 2016
A Small Stone with a
Big Effect
It is probably one of the most mysterious healing
stones – the shungite. It has a beautiful shape and an
outstanding suitability as meditation stone. But the characteristic that really makes it special is that it protects
our aura from electromagnetic pollution and radiation
– without becoming negatively charged itself. Put into
drinking water, it keeps the cells young and increases
beauty and freshness.
Gemstone expert Ulla Rosenberger has been active
in the science of healing stones for over 20 years. She
knows about the extraordinary power of the shungite
and shows us how to benefit from its strength.
Ulla Rosenberger
The Shungite
Origin and Usage of a
Unique Healing Stone
The Small
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Ulla Rosenberger found her approach
to geology, mineralogy and gemology
(classification of gemstones) during her
goldsmith education and has devoted
herself to these topics for more than 20
years. Furthermore, she finished a pedagogical training.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5140-6
My Gemstone Book
(publ. Sept 2015)
Water & Stones
(publ. Feb 2015)
Fe br uary 2016
from the ground up
»We are part of this world, and we influence
this world. When we suffer, we increase the sorrow in the world. When we achieve inner peace,
we increase the peace in the world.«
Forgiveness leads to healing – Forgiveness leads to
healing – the concept of the Hawaiian forgiveness ritual
is that simple. Ulrich Emil Duprée has already given us an
insight with his bestseller »Ho’oponopono«. Now he goes
into detail even more and we get to know the powerful
concept of forgiveness from scratch. We detect our part
in the problem and bring the inner dissonance into harmony. We heal ourselves and bring healing to the world
around us!
Ulrich Emil Duprée
Heal Yourself, Heal the World
The Hawaiian Way to Happiness,
Peace and Harmony
– Ho‘oponopono
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 176 pages, color
illustrations throughout
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Ulrich Emil Duprée is a spiritual
businessman and teacher, book
author and therapist. He has
studied and is trained in Yoga,
metaphysics and philosophy. From
2005 until 2008 he lived as a monk
in a Hindu monastery. His book
»Ho’oponopono« has already been
published in 19 editions at Schirner
€ 14,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1227-8
ies so
150.0 German
(publ. March 2011)
A pr i l 2016
Healing the Soul through
Tapping Acupressure
Let’s release negative emotions – let’s tap ourselves
free! With tapping acupressure we can break away from
burdensome beliefs, phobias or early childhood injuries.
But we are not just disengaging from negativity, we
convert it into positivity – with the help of the Hawaiian
forgiveness ritual Ho’oponopono and the strength of
compassion, self-acceptance and forgiveness.
Andrea Bruchacova &
Ulrich Emil Duprée
Ho’oponopono and the
Miracle of Healing
Tapping, Forgiving, Being Free
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 160 pages, color
illustrations throughout
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
€ 14,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1228-5
Andrea Bruchacova is a certified sports scientist as well as a
certified psychotherapist and teacher of Yoga, Ayurveda and
Ho’oponopono. She has studied ancient Sanskrit texts for more
than twenty years. Together with Ulrich Emil Duprée she teaches
the Hawaiian conflict solving method to self-employed persons,
consultants and interested people.
Ulrich Emil Duprée is a spiritual businessman and teacher, book
author and therapist. He has studied and is trained in Yoga, metaphysics and philosophy. From 2005 until 2008 he lived as a monk
in a Hindu monastery. His book »Ho’oponopono« has already
been published in 19 editions at Schirner Verlag.
M ay 2016
Healing begins
with self-love
»We all are exactly where we are, and we are
perfectly right there.«
Self-forgiveness and self-love are requirements for
a happy life. If we constantly compare ourselves to
others, we will always stay discontent. Ho’oponopono
experts Andrea Bruchacova and Ulrich Emil Duprée
show the readers how to concentrate on their own
personality and development. By means of many
Ho’oponopono exercises the reader learns to break
away from obstructing thoughts like »I can’t do it« and
say instead: »In the past I couldn’t do it, but now I see it
as a new possibility and as a miracle that is on its way.
Thank you!«
Ulrich Emil Duprée‘s works have been translated
into nine languages
Andrea Bruchacova &
Ulrich Emil Duprée
A Way to Healing the Soul
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 128 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 9,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1229-2
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Andrea Bruchacova is a certified sports scientist as well as a
certified psychotherapist and teacher of Yoga, Ayurveda and
Ho’oponopono. She has studied ancient Sanskrit texts for more
than twenty years. Together with Ulrich Emil Duprée she teaches
the Hawaiian conflict solving method to self-employed persons,
consultants and interested people.
Ulrich Emil Duprée is a spiritual businessman and teacher, book
author and therapist. He has studied and is trained in Yoga, metaphysics and philosophy. From 2005 until 2008 he lived as a monk
in a Hindu monastery. His book »Ho’oponopono« has already been
published in 19 editions at Schirner Verlag.
Ja n uary 2016
A reading and work book with
stunningly easy
and effective techniques
We all wish for harmony, luck, success and health. And
we believe we have to go long and difficult roads to
reach healing on all levels.
Susanne Weikl shows us a different approach. The
author draws on rich experience and vividly imparts
the seven basic principles of Huna as well as 36 short
healing exercises. Readers learn how to strengthen the
relevant quality of energy in the healing process and to
dissolve inner resistances at the same time. Thus they
can succeed in taking the crucial steps towards healing
– in a way that is simple, clear and yet powerful. And
the fascinating thing is: Harmony is only three minutes
Susanne Weikl
Harmony in 3 Minutes
36 Healing Exercises for a
Powerful Way of Living
paperback, 144 x 190 mm,
approx. 240 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 14,95 (GER)
World Rights
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1230-8
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
s Gespanntentspannte Kraft agieren
aus seiner
n des Huna
Die 7 PrinzipieHeilung
Sie zu einem
essenziell fürdie Essenz von Huna. Sie führen
von Jahren,
Teil 1
Die 7 Prinzip
Susanne Weikl is an alternative practitioner
(psychotherapy), shamanic healer and Alaka’i
(Huna teacher) of Aloha International, Hawaii.
With a lot of enthusiasm she shares her vast
knowledge through single sessions, trainings
and by educating certified Huna practitioners.
She has been working as a therapist and healer
in her own practice in Germany for more than 10
years. In her work she benefits from encounters
and exchanges with healers from all over the
en sind
sind sie vor
ihre Beobach
Die 7 Prinzipi
waren, um
des Lebens.
ihr Wissen
Sie haben
in Polynesien
der die 7 Prinzipi
weise Heiler
und Heilen
gebracht, aus
das Leben
tungen über
lziehbare Form keine Gesetze.
und nachvol
eine einfache
merkt Prinzipi
sind. Wohlge
keit, Ihr Erleben
rk, Ihre Wirklich
Ihr Erleben
das Handwe
Einfluss auf
lehren Sie
das Unbeha
hin, wie
Die 7 Prinzipi
. Wenn Sie
Sie darauf
die darin
Sie weisen
gen bereiten
vielleicht Unbeha die ungeheuere Freiheit, Ferne geIhnen
ist. Das
nur aus
den, dann
das Meer bisher
stehen in der
gen überwin
hätten Sie
zum Meer
Es ist so, als
Sie den Pfad
enthalten ist.
plötzlich haben bewusst, dass Sie hinaussc
sehen, und
und machen
7 Prinzipien
so weit Sie
wird aus den ung. Verwenden
ung findet,
heit oder
im Huna Anwend und einfach in der
Alles, was
Ihre Gesund
gut zu lernen
egal ob Sie
leitet. Sie sind
Ihres Lebens,
Sie sie in allen
Die 7 Prinzipie
Teil 2
Intuition –
Harmonie und
verbinden sich
Die Magie der 36 Huna-Heilübungen
Was hätten Sie gerne?
Etwas Leichtes, Intuitives und sehr Wirksames?
Bitte schön, hier ist es:
Viel Freude beim Tun, und wundern Sie sich nicht:
Es wirkt!
Die Magie der Heilübungen
Die Heilübungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, einfache
Lösungen für Ihr Anliegen zu bieten. Heilung geschieht, wenn alle neun
fundamentalen Energien,
das sind die Energien der sieben Prinzipien
und die Energiequalitäten Hu
und Na, in Ihren Heilprozess einfließen. Stagniert
die Heilung, dann ist ein
Widerstand im Spiel, oder eine Energie braucht
Die Heilübungen berücksichtigen diese Umstände.
Das Magische daran ist,
Sie stärken mit Ihrer intuitiv gewählten Übung
die Energie, die in Bezug auf
Ihr Anliegen jetzt die entscheidende Rolle spielt,
und gleichzeitig lösen Sie
einen Widerstand in sich auf. Sie schlagen sozusagen
zwei Fliegen mit einer
Klappe. Das verstärkt die Heilwirkung enorm
und beschleunigt die Heilung.
Die Heilarbeit geschieht intuitiv. Ihr Körper hat
die Weisheit, den Heilimpuls
in der besten Art und Weise zu nutzen. Ihr Verstand
gibt dazu die Richtung
vor, und Ihre Seele stellt die Energie dafür zur
Verfügung. So funktioniert
eine gute Teamarbeit.
Zu jeder der sieben Energiequalitäten gibt es vier
Übungen. Die erste Übung
eines Themas löst einen körperlichen, die zweite
Übung einen emotionalen, die dritte Übungen einen mentalen Widerstand
und die vierte Übung
einen spirituellen Widerstand auf.
Die 36 Heilübungen
M ay 2016
Beautifully designed impulse
cards to strengthen
your heart energy
The traditional Hawaiian method of Ho’oponopono is
the fastest and most effective way to solve problems and
conflicts – by forgiving oneself and others.
This beautifully designed card deck supports us in coming
to terms with ourselves and the world. The cards give new
impulses to permanently free ourselves from accumulated
emotional burdens, realign our way of thinking and feeling
and to finally reconnect with our hearts. This way healing
on all levels can happen.
Helena Kaletta
Ho’oponopono – The Healing Power
of Forgiveness
Impulses for Resolving Conflicts
card deck, 89 x 127 mm,
50 cards with manual, colored
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9079-5
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Helena Kaletta is an alternative practitioner (psychology) and certified in
Ho’oponopono and Lomi-Lomi massage. She accompanies and supports
people in the areas of health, partnership, family, job and finances as well as
human-animal relationships.
J u n e 2016
Releasing your own
creative potential
»All humans are artists.«
(Friedrich Schleiermacher)
We all are the artists of our lives that become more
colorful and diverse with true creativity. Everything is
possible when we are in the flow. Creativity expert Isabel
Arends provides us with ten keys that can open the
doors to our creative power and undreamed-of possibilities. We can go our own way and thus shape the world
around us according to our wishes.
This practice-oriented book is a true treasure chest of
approved, tried and tested tips and exercises to get back
in the flow. Here you find everything our creativity depends on: humor, sensual pleasures, myths, stories and
historic background. The book conveys pure joy of life!
Isabel Arends
Back in the Flow
The 10 Secrets of Creativity
paperback, 190 x 230 mm,
approx. 264 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1231-5
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Isabel Arends PhD is an author and
the initiator of Art-in-Balance®, a training program especially tailored towards people working with creativity.
As a kinesiologist, alternative practitioner (psychotherapy) and trauma
expert, she combines western and
eastern healing methods. The symbolic power of myths and art as well as
an intuitive work with the archetypes
play a central role in her approach.
J u n e 2016
You Goddesses,
live your
»If you can imagine it, you can have it!«
Who do we want to be? What do we want to do? What
do we want to achieve? No matter if it’s a mansion
near the beach, success in the job or about finding
your dream man: Everybody has a personal vision of a
perfect life. The popular author Sonja Szielinski shows
us how we can obtain it. In »The Rainbow Path – The
Goddess Principle« she explains step by step what is necessary to live the life of our dreams – or in other words:
how to become a Super-Goddess. For a life we love.
Sonja Szielinski
The Rainbow Path
– The Goddess Principle
The 7 Ways to Becoming a
paperback, 145 x 195 mm,
approx. 360 pages, colored
World Rights
€ 17,95 (GER)
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Sonja Szielinski completed an NLP
training and a ThetaHealer® education. She sees herself more holistically
as an »Expert for increasing vibrancy«.
As an author, she is currently following
her mission on behalf of the goddesses, in order to remind all the talented,
intelligent, gifted, witty, adorable and
beautiful women of how wonderful
they are. Her motto is: Shape your
mind – heal your life!
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1232-2
The Goddess Attitude
(publ. Nov 2014)
M ay 2016
I feel
what you feel
In his previous books the experienced face reader Eric
Standop has already demonstrated how we can know
people’s characters by their facial expressions. Now he
takes us a step further and explains, together with coauthor and alternative practitioner Anja Bender, how to
become aware of our conversational partner’s feelings
as well. For this purpose, the authors combine established face reading techniques and the human capability
for empathy. The reader is provided with clear guidance
how to train and apply his intuitive potential – at work,
in matters of the heart, and among friends or family.
Eric Standop & Anja Bender
Gaining Knowledge of Human
Nature by Empathy
paperback, 144 x 190 mm,
approx. 208 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 17,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1233-9
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Eric Standop is an examined pedagogue who concerns himself with
techniques that try to see human beings in their wholeness of character, health and soul. He gains access to this holistic view with the
help of face reading. He heads the »Academy of Face Reading« in Hong
Kong and is a lecturer for relaxation techniques at the Pedagogic University of Karlsruhe.
Anja Bender is a qualified kindergarten teacher who works as a
holistic coach for integrating body, mind and soul. In her practice,
she works according to the motto: »What comes from love, feels
like love«. Among other approaches, she engages herself in the
methods of ThetaHealing®, medial coaching, face reading and
constellation work.
A pr i l 2015
Retreat, Realignment
In order to take a time-out from the everyday routine,
to calm down and rediscover yourself, you don’t have to
go to a monastery, on a pilgrimage or to an Ashram. It
works in your own home, too. Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu
is a Yoga and Qi Gong teacher and Zen master. She has
compiled a program that helps readers to find themselves at home, e.g. during a weekend.
With the help of these meditations, respiratory and Qi
Gong practices and Yoga sequences you will not only
be able to relax but also gather new strength in the
intimacy of your own home.
»Ich gehe respektvoll mit mir um.
Ich akzeptiere mich so, wie ich bin.«
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu
Retreat @ Home
Meaningful Time-Outs
Within Your Own Four Walls
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 192 pages
€ 14,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu is an
author and teacher for the Asian
arts of living and movement. She
has developed the WU LIN principle
and her own method of counseling,
the WU LIN coaching, is co-founder
of the WU LIN organization and of
the WU LIN Zen-line. She sets a high
value on integrating the traditional
teachings into modern everyday life
in a practical way.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1234-6
Buddha on Board
(publ. July 2015)
9 783843 450584
Makes Energy Flow
(publ. Feb2013)
M arch 2016
Taking the lead in your
own life again
»I am respectful towards myself. I accept
myself as I am. «
How we treat ourselves, how we see ourselves or what
we think about ourselves, essentially determines how
we perceive other people and how we treat them. We
can easily lose contact with ourselves in our everyday life. But only who respects, cherishes and loves
himself, can live his or her full power.
On each of the popular Zen master’s meditation cards
you can find two positive and concise wisdoms. They
are sources of daily inspiration and support you in a
simple way to establish a powerful relationship with
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu
Be Yourself & Live your Power
Meditation Cards for a
Self-determined Life in Freedom
and Love
card deck, 89 x 127 mm,
48 cards, with manual
€ 19,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu is an
author and teacher for the Asian
arts of living and movement. She
has developed the WU LIN principle
and her own method of counseling,
the WU LIN coaching, is co-founder
of the WU LIN organization and of
the WU LIN Zen-line. She sets a high
value on integrating the traditional
teachings into modern everyday life
in a practical way.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9080-1
apr i l 2016
Tranquility begins
in the mind
»A woman asked Buddha:
›I want to become more serene!‹
Buddha answered: ›It’s very simple! First remove I, that’s
your Ego, then remove WANT, that’s your desire. In this
way you are left with only SERENITY.«
Given that each day there are a thousand reasons to
get annoyed, to lose one’s temper or to be worried, who
could keep calm and relaxed all the time? – Everybody,
in fact! All you need is a clear decision and the right
mental attitude. And that can be trained!
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu presents some simple, yet
very effective exercises for more tranquility, inner peace
and serenity. The repertoire ranges from Qi Gong exercises and meditations to tips for your daily routine and
entertaining Zen stories. Everyone can live a happy and
relaxed life.
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu
Simply Serene
Easy Exercises for Inner Calm and
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 192 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 14,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu is an
author and teacher for the Asian
arts of living and movement. She
has developed the WU LIN principle
and her own method of counseling,
the WU LIN coaching, is co-founder
of the WU LIN organization and of
the WU LIN Zen-line. She sets a high
value on integrating the traditional
teachings into modern everyday life
in a practical way.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1235-3
Living Now!
(publ. July 2015)
Buddha @ Work
(publ. Oct 2014)
A p r i L & M ay 2016
Training empathy
and mindfulness
Who does not know this: One word leads to another,
and suddenly you feel attacked and compelled to justify
yourself… When communication fails, a lack of empathy
is often the reason.
And this is exactly where these cards designed by communication therapist Claudia Fabian come into play:
They display important principles and give valuable
explanations for communication in everyday life. This
way you can dissolve inappropriate patterns and strike
new paths. Put on the table as a reminder or attached
to a wall, these cards help us to keep our attention and
appreciation towards our conversational partner alive.
With the help of the card deck you can experience this
intuitively, whereas in the book you find explanatory
­approaches, vivid examples and suggestions for a prac­
tical application in everyday life.
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Claudia Fabian is a coach for appreciative
communication (according to Marshall B.
Rosenberg) and a holistic, medial life coach
who does energy and healing work as well.
Empathy and mindfulness in interpersonal
relationships are her major concerns. She
shares her knowledge through lectures,
seminars and coaching.
Claudia Fabian
Appreciative Communication
– Mindful Interaction
Empathy as the Key to Happiness and
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 128 pages, color illustrations
€ 9,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1236-0
card deck, 99 x 150 mm,
40 cards, with manual
€ 17,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9081-8
Fe br uary 2016
Healing the Inner Child
– Relating with
others in Harmony
The most important relationship in our life is the one
with our inner child. Only if we can relate to our inner
child with love and comprehension we can have healthy
relationships with other people – whether it be our
partner, parents, boss or neighbor.
The experienced life coach Susanne Hühn has been
concerned with the »inner child« topic for many years.
She provides us with exercises and meditations that
support us in creating heartfelt contact with this infantine inner part and in giving it what it needs. Only then
we are capable of having mature relationships.
The Small
Susanne Hühn
The Inner Child
Healing Relationships
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, color illustrations
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a
holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help books
and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With
her numerous books and CDs she is
among Schirner‘s bestselling authors.
Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and abroad.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5133-8
A pr i l 2016
The Inner Child
– Feeling Accepted
at last
If we were rejected as children, were not wished-for, we
carry this painful experience within ourselves even as
adults. For not having to feel the pain, we split off this
infantile part. Hence an important part of our self is missing, and a feeling of emptiness and loneliness manifests
Susanne Hühn shows the reader how to come into contact with the inner child again, be a loving adult to it and
hence rediscover the source of life-energy, self-love and
The Small
Susanne Hühn
Turning Rejection into
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, colored
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach,
a holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help
books and novels. Since 1986 she has
supported people in their recovery.
With her numerous books and CDs
she is among Schirner‘s bestselling
authors. Furthermore, she conveys
her knowledge in talks and seminars
in Germany and abroad.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5134-5
How to Let Go of
Your Fears
(publ. Jan 2015)
and Letting Go of
(publ. Aug 2015)
may 2016
Shaping your life with
A self-determined everyday life is a foundation for true
joy of living and a fulfilling life. For people who have
difficulties achieving this, the experienced author Silvia
Maria Engl offers convincing and practical solutions.
For one thing, we learn how to ask the right questions to
finally find answers to our urgent issues. And for another
thing we learn how to come to targeted decisions with
our entire creator consciousness. This way we can shape
our lives according to our own visions. We all are the
creators of our own life!
Silvia Maria Engl
Change Your Life!
Finally Living a Self-determined Life
with the Help of Targeted Questions
and Conscious Decisions
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 160 pages, color
illustrations throughout
World Rights
€ 14,95 (GER)
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Silvia Maria Engl knows from her
own personal experience how to free
oneself from old patterns and live a
self-determined life. As a coach and
counselor she guides people on their
way to freedom. Herewith focusing on
feelings and intuitions as well as on
the way to happiness and zest for life.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1237-7
You already know it!
(publ. Apr 2015)
9 783843 450584
M arch 2016
On the road to success
with the help of
right decisions
Many wish for change in their lives but have difficulties
opting for it consciously – choosing life and change.
Already the consideration »Am I really happy in my current situation?« can be relevant. It is important that we
are ready to accept all the conseq
uences and realize that we don’t have to fear them.
Intuition coach Silvia Maria Engl shows us how we can
overcome all the obstacles on our way to happiness and
how we can make the right and constructive decisions.
The Small
Silvia Maria Engl
Making Powerful Decisions
How to Consciously and
Trustfully Change your Life
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages,
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Silvia Maria Engl knows from her
own personal experience how to free
oneself from old patterns and live a
self-determined life. As a coach and
counselor she guides people on their
way to freedom. Herewith focusing on
feelings and intuitions as well as on
the way to happiness and zest for life.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5135-2
My 26 Egos and Me
(publ. Nov 2014)
A pr i l 2016
The correct question is
half the answer
»What is the meaning of my life?«, »How can I get rid
of my fears?«, »How can I do something good for my
body?« We tend to turn to gurus, fortune tellers or clairvoyant mediums with such questions. Yet their answers
often cannot satisfy us but temporarily.
From the years of experience as an intuition trainer,
Silvia Maria Engl knows that we just have to ask the right
questions in the proper way. Then we are able to find
the right answers within ourselves. This leads us to more
autonomy and zest for life.
The Small
Silvia Maria Engl
Questions That Will
Free Your Mind
How to Free Yourself from
Old Blockades with the
Right Questions
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, color
illustrations throughout
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Silvia Maria Engl knows from her
own personal experience how to free
oneself from old patterns and live a
self-determined life. As a coach and
counselor she guides people on their
way to freedom. Herewith focusing on
feelings and intuitions as well as on
the way to happiness and zest for life.
€ 6,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5139-9
Stop Your Doubts!
(publ. May 2015)
Loneliness is
an illusion
Bist du bereit dazu, vom Alleinsein ins
All-eins-Sein zurüückzukehren?
Dann komm nach Hause.
Die Türen stehen füür dich offen.«
We are not alone! Thoughts like “I am the loneliest person in the world” or “Nobody understands me” are only
the result of the stories of our lives we are telling ourselves – and which we can change! The experienced coach
Silvia Maria Engl is on hand with advice that can point
the way. She probes the causes of loneliness and shows
us how to open up to the world again.
Silvia Maria Engl
Einsamkeit hat viele Gesichter, und allen ist eins gemeinsam: Sie sind reine Illusion! Gedanken wie »Ich bin der
einsamste Mensch auf der ganzen Welt« oder »Keiner
versteht mich« sind nur das Ergebnis unserer Lebensgeschichten – und diese schreiben wir selbst und können
sie auch verändern. Wir streichen die negativen Erlebnisse
und entscheiden uns aktiv für eine lichtvolle Zukunft. Mit
praktischen Übungen für den Alltag zeigt uns die erfahrene Coachin Silvia Maria Engl, wie wir unsere Isolation verlassen und aufgeschlossen auf die Welt zugehen.
Einsam war gestern – Impulse für deine Rückkehr in die Gemeinsamkeit
Ja n uary 2016
Silvia Maria Engl
war gestern
Impulse für deine Rückkehr
in die Gemeinsamkeit
ISBN 978-3-8434-5130-7
9 783843 451307
€ 6,95 (D) / € 7,20 (A)
5130_Einsam war gestern_U.indd 1
The Small
06.10.2015 14:17:29
Silvia Maria Engl
No Longer Lonely
Impulses for Being
Connected Again
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Silvia Maria Engl knows from her
own personal experience how to free
oneself from old patterns and live a
self-determined life. As a coach and
counselor she guides people on their
way to freedom. Herewith focusing on
feelings and intuitions as well as on
the way to happiness and zest for life.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5130-7
You already know it!
(publ. Apr 2015)
J u n e 2016
A Heavenly mission
Angels only exist in heaven, they have a halo, sit on
a cloud and play the harp? Not at all! Everybody can
discover the heavenly nature within themselves, because
we all are angels on earth! Vitality coach Silvia Maria Engl
knows 77 reasons why we are luminous beings. The insightful messages make the book a precious companion
and a wonderful present for our loved ones. We don’t
need wings to realize a piece of heaven on earth. All we
need is an open heart, self-esteem and a pinch of humor.
Silvia Maria Engl
You Really Are an Angel!
77 Truths About You
That Prove It
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 128 pages, colored
€ 9,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Silvia Maria Engl knows from her
own personal experience how to free
oneself from old patterns and live a
self-determined life. As a coach and
counselor she guides people on their
way to freedom. Herewith focusing on
feelings and intuitions as well as on the
way to happiness and zest for life.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1238-4
M ay 2016
are free
You just have to think positively to attract positivity.
Sounds very easy! But who can think positively all the
Susanne Hühn takes the pressure off the reader to be
positive all the time. Her message is that you are free
to make more room for your own thoughts – no matter if they are positive or negative. This way you can
lovingly address your own needs. A conscious impulse
for creation may follow this unconditional, fearless and
empathetic affection towards yourself.
Susanne Hühn
Imagine Whatever You Want
The Power of Thoughts
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 144 pages
€ 9,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1239-1
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a
holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help books
and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With
her numerous books and CDs she is
among Schirner‘s bestselling authors.
Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and abroad.
J u n e 2016
Creative visualization
and reinvention of your
own body
What can we do if the whole life revolves around eating
or not-eating? When you always struggle with a bad
conscience or just don’t feel comfortable in your own
With the help of meditations, inner images and exercises, Susanne Hühn brings her readers into contact
with themselves again. This way you can find out what
you really need, and it becomes easier to give yourself a
treat by other, better means.
Susanne Hühn
Imagine … You Are Slim!
Meditations to Help You
Obtain Your Feel-Good Weight
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 136 pages, colored
€ 9,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a
holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help books
and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With
her numerous books and CDs she is
among Schirner‘s bestselling authors.
Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and abroad.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1225-4
(publ. Apr 2010)
M a r c h 2016
A new edition of
the Classic
»Bake Bread, Pet Your Cat, Read a Comic...«
Standing in for a colleague, comforting a lovesick
friend, making the time to run the errands for grandma – sometimes everybody seems to drain our energy,
and we feel very exhausted. In this book Susanne Hühn
shows us possible ways how to gain new strength and
pace ourselves. The exercises presented in the book
help us achieve the freedom to decide for ourselves
whom to give our energy and attention.
Susanne Hühn
Gaining New Strength
Small Rituals for Daily Happiness
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 160 pages, colored
€ 14,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a
holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help books
and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With
her numerous books and CDs she is
among Schirner‘s bestselling authors.
Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and abroad.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1240-7
Remaining in my
(publ. Sept 2013)
M ay 2016
…after all you can
do something!
We all meet with other people’s suffering. Many of us feel
sad or helpless, get angry or paralyzed and in the end turn
away. But if we look away in such situations, we forget that
we are creators.
Susanne Hühn shows the reader how to get out of the role
of the powerless observer and instead become a powerful
creator. Numerous exercises, meditations and suggestions
put you into the position to transform difficulties, suffering,
fear, and strife into love, forgiveness, peace, harmony, health
and joy for yourself and others.
The Small
Susanne Hühn
What could I possibly do?
When the Suffering of Others Overwhelms Us
paperback, 115 x 165 mm,
approx. 96 pages, colored
€ 6,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a
holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help books
and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With
her numerous books and CDs she is
among Schirner‘s bestselling authors.
Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and abroad.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-5137-6
And What About
(publ. Sept 2015)
M ay 2016
Guided through everyday life
by the power
of the
Whales are a symbol of ancient knowledge and the
regenerative forces of the ocean. They offer the ability
to find a new balance. Their peaceful songs remind us
to live the truth of our hearts and to pass it on to others.
We can overcome limits and discover the knowledge of
thousands of years.
The inspiring messages and impressive pictures of this
card deck teach us how to benefit from the special power of the whales and how to bring it into the world.
Jeanne Ruland &
Peter Namayan Beck
The Sound of Whales
Messages of the New Time
card deck, 89 x 127 mm,
50 cards with manual, colored
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9082-5
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Jeanne Ruland has discovered the guidance and foreordinations of the invisible realm
from early on. She experienced the incredible richness and power that life provides for
us in every situation. Thus she wants to pass on this security to the reader.
Peter Namayan Beck concerned himself with Indian philosophy and meditation already
in his teens. He started to work with dolphins after a Yoga education according to Yogi
Bhajan and attending Kryon school. Since 2009 he has regularly offered Spirit Hawaii
group tours including swimming with dolphins. Moreover he is the initiator of a series of
events called “Festival of Oceanic Consciousness” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
J u ly 2016
Life – A labyrinth of
»When we are moving about in nature, we
experience what ’God-given creation’ really
means: all the small wonders along the way
revealed to us by animals and plants everywhere.«
The labyrinth is an ancient symbol. It stands for the
earthly journey and the arrival, the home. When we
get to the centre of a labyrinth, we experience a feeling of security. If we regard our life as a labyrinth, we
understand that every new section is part of the way.
Everything in life is important for our development,
even what seems to be a dead end. Everything leads us
to the centre. We can draw from the fullness of life and
experience transformation and constant renewal.
Monika Kirschke
Healing Labyrinths
Arriving in Myself
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 136 pages, color illustrations
€ 9,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1241-4
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Monika Kirschke combines the topics
»nature and garden« and »spirituality«
in her life. She studied horticulture,
was the manager of a fruit tree nursery
and most recently worked as a coach
in the education sector. Since 2011 she
has been concerned with the »healing
gardens« as her principle theme. She
wants to inspire people how to read in
the open book of nature and to follow
the wisdom of one’s heart.
Healing Gardens
(publ. April 2015)
M ay 2016
The lemniscate –
the original symbol of
The horizontal eight – called »lemniscates« - is an original symbol of perfection, balance and harmony. It also
stands for the infinite, the recurrent, and unites, in the
form of the Möbius strip, the interior and the exterior.
Barbara Heider-Rauter presents the reader the best
practices to work with this powerful symbol of energy.
With the help of the lemniscates you can e.g. synchronize the hemispheres, solve relationship issues, let your
energy flow, become more even-tempered and make
decisions more easily.
Barbara Heider-Rauter
The Power of the
Horizontal Eight
With the Lemniscate to Endless Harmony
paperback, 134 x 175 mm,
approx. 128 pages, color
illustrations throughout
€ 9,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Barbara Heider-Rauter is a qualified
pedagogue and therapist with years
of experience and one of the world’s
leading Aura Soma expert. Her work
always aims for the well-being and
best development possibilities of
everybody. She gives seminars for
personal development and meditation evenings. Furthermore she
has managed a spirituality shop for
more than 15 years in Austria.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1244-5
The Flower of Life
(publ. Sept 2015)
J u N e 2016
Heavenly inspiration
for every day
»Angels are an original symbol of love. They
don’t live in a distant heaven but in our hearts.«
Since the beginning of time, angels have inspired and
protected us with their lightful power. By letting these
divine beings into your life, you can experience unforeseen opportunities and deep insights. With their
card deck angel expert Jeanne Ruland and artist Petra
Arndt carry the reader into heavenly spheres. Both the
book and the card deck provide wonderful images,
numerous rituals and prayers as well as background
information about angels. Thus they are a wonderful
companion for those who want to feel the presence of
these divine beings in their lives.
Jeanne Ruland & Petra Arndt
The Lightful Power of Angels
50 cards with guidebook
paperback, 162 x 220 mm,
approx. 296 pages, colored
illustrations throughout
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1242-1
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
card deck, 89 x 127 mm,
50 cards with manual, colored
€ 19,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-9083-2
Jeanne Ruland has discovered the guidance and foreordinations of the invisible realm from early on. She experienced
the incredible richness and power that life provides for us in
every situation. Thus she wants to pass on this security to the
Petra Arndt works as a freelancing artist, designer and illustrator. She offers intensive art therapy for sick people, gives
painting courses and is a lecturer in this field. Furthermore,
she paints the weekly »Small Angel« for the popular magazine »Bild der Frau«.
Fe br uary 2016
We all are
angels on earth
»Every human being on earth is an expression
of the heavenly, angelic soul.«
Who are we, really?
The spiritual healer Simone Bernhart is firmly convinced
that there is an angel within each and every one of us.
She shows how to consciously live this angelic part of
us and how to be a blessing for ourselves and others.
Numerous prayers and blessings vitalize our bodies and
lead to more harmony in our relationships as well as to
success in our jobs and everyday lives. Eventually we
know: »I am a divine being. I am the creator of my life. A
great blessing is exuded through me.«
Simone Bernhart
Being an Angel
Being Aware of Your Angelic Nature
paperback, 160 x 215 mm,
approx. 160 pages, color illustrations
€ 14,95 (GER)
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Simone Bernhart is a healer, author
and spiritual teacher. She hears the
messages of the angels and transfers healing powers to all those who
ask for it. Through the education as
»Lightway® Healer« she connects the
participants with their inner wisdom
and power of live.
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1243-8
M ay 2016
Ute Le ila ni Meuse
The book along
with the
popular card deck
»These cards immediately created a storm of enthusiasm within me. Wow! Finally!«
(Jeanne Ruland about the corresponding card deck)
Ute Leilani Meuser reminds all those who live from their
hearts and believe in their dreams that they are Earth
Angels. And that they carry within themselves everything they need to follow the determination to make
this world a better place - with a lot of courage and joy.
Finally, this book, as a supplement of the popular card
deck, is available. It shows you how to discover your
potential, your uniqueness, your life’s purpose and your
angelic being to create harmony and love – in the name
of something that is a lot bigger.
sind wir mehr...
und kommen viel weiter
The Small
Ute Leilani Meuser
Earth Angels
Together We Are More …
And Get Much Further
paperback, 134 x 205 mm,
approx. 128 pages, color
illustrations throughout
World Rights
Katharina Laufs
Foreign Rights
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
Ute Leilani Meuser is graphic designer.
In her work she interweaves her spiritual experiences and trainings. Since her
childhood, she has felt deeply connected with nature where she feels free
and is allowed to dream and fly. Since
2004, she has followed the call of the
spiritual world and has held trainings
and workshops on shamanic topics.
€ 12,95 (GER)
ISBN: 978-3-8434-1197-4
Earth Angels
(publ. Sept 2014)
Foreign Rights @ Schirner Verlag
Katharina Laufs
Schirner Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Elisabethenstraße 20-22
D-64283 Darmstadt
+49 6151 39 18 31 04
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