glad tidings church women`s ministries virtuous praise report it`s


glad tidings church women`s ministries virtuous praise report it`s
Everyone, it seems, lives his or her life at a
breakneck pace, constantly rushing here and there
to get everything done. Technological advances
that once promised more leisure time now seem
only to push us further behind, making it ever more
difficult to catch up.
Glad Tiding Women’s Choir Rehearsal Dates
So we frantically scramble. We feel out of touch—
out of touch with our spouse, out of touch with our
families, out of touch with the world around us and,
perhaps most of all, out of touch with God. Is there
a way to get back in touch?
In the Bible, God gives us a solution written within
the Ten Commandments. It's a commandment that
gives us time for a welcome, refreshing rest from
our weekly labors, a time during which we must no
longer be absorbed in our ordinary daily cares and
concerns—a time for spiritual rejuvenation.
Inside the Bible, Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath
Rest , you will read why God commanded a day of
rest and the purpose for it, why the Sabbath is
relevant for all of us today and why this day of rest
makes sense in today's world. READ the Bible to
discover the importance of God's Sabbath rest.
The Women’s Ministry would like to celebrate with you
on your special day, Women of Glad Tidings. If your
birthday is in the month of March we just want to say
If we have your name and birthday we will post it in
our monthly newsletter. Here are few upcoming
birthdays for March;
Pamela Sharpe, Margie Cherry, Jewell Johnson and
Verna Payton
Of all the women at G.T. this in no way represents
everyone with a birthday in March. So, for all of the
women who were not mentioned by name and your
birthday is in March, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
MARCH 2012
Bishop J.W. Macklin Founding Pastor & 2ND Asst. Presiding Bishop COGIC Inc.
First Lady, Missionary Vanessa Macklin, Director of Women's Ministries
27689 Tyrrell Avenue
Hayward, California 94544
Newsletter Created by Sister Cathy E. Walker
Most Photography Provided by Brother Eric Marshall
Proof Editing by Sister B.J. Pauley
Saturday, March 3rd at 10:00 am
Saturday, March 10th - Section Rehearsal
Tenors 10:00 – 10:40
Altos 10:45 – 11:25
Sopranos 11:30 – 12:15
All Sections 12:30
Wednesday, March 14th at 7:00 pm - Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday, April 18th – Fellowship 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm- Rehearsal
at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, May 16th – Fellowship 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm Rehearsal
at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, June 13th at 7:00 pm – Rehearsal for Father’s Day
(Sunday, June 17th). We sing for the 8:00 - 11:30 am service.
Our Conference Weekend will begin on Friday night with theme
speakers from Glad Tidings. The celebrated Brown Sisters of Chicago,
Illinois, will minister in song.
The Brown Sisters have overcome many obstacles in their lives. Along
with the passing of their brother, Zachary, who was the eldest child and
the original musician of the group, they were faced with the sudden
illness of their mother which almost took her life in 1999. The Sisters
overcame these challenges which, not only strengthened their faith and
their ministry, but also inspired them to keep pressing toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
The Sisters have performed together for many years, singing their
sweet harmonies at various local churches, schools, businesses,
neighborhood and community organizations. God has continued to
open doors and elevate the ministry of The Brown Sisters. As the
scripture states in Proverbs 18:16, "A man's gift maketh room for him,
and bringeth him before great men." The gift that God has invested in
them has given them the opportunity to minister before many great
people. They have served as special guest artist for many Aldermen,
Committee-men, Clerk of Circuit Court Judge campaigns, the NAACP,
as well as homeless shelters and Cook County Jail ministries in their
March 14, 2012, The Prayer Chapel will open from 7-9pm.
Mother Clara Owens & Staff will minister.
“Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my
cry.” Psalm 88:2
Television, radio, and recording studios have all captured the
mellifluous sounds of the Sisters, but the true essence of their music
ministry cannot be fully grasped until you have partaken of the “live
experience”. The steadfast, unfailing love of God is demonstrated as
they acquiesce themselves completely unto the Holy Spirit. The Brown
Sisters is the epitome of what virtuous Christian women should be. Not
only do they sing for a living, but they live what they sing!
On Saturday, March17th, workshop sessions will
began at 9:00 am. There will be sessions for young
girls, young teens, and seasoned women. A
continental breakfast and luncheon will be
included. Registration for adults is $20; for young
girls and teen women $10. There will be a
Business Entrepreneur Presentation & Fashion
Show, with the added opportunity to fellowship
and share heartfelt testimonies,
For your convenience, we have reserved a block of
rooms at the Airport Hilton located at 1 Hegenberger
Road in Oakland. Our group rate for one night is $99.
The rooms are available under Glad Tidings. Friday,
March 9th is the last day you can book a room and get
the Glad Tidings special rate.
In order to help other women join in our colorful affair
of RED, we are asking all ministry members who can,
to bring a red dress in perfect wearable condition to
our next ministry meeting on March14th, 7:00pm. We
are donating these dresses to other women who may
not have a red dress in their closets. Please make
sure the dress is clean, appropriate for church and
ready to wear.
Our featured speaker for the breakfast and morning
worship on Sunday, March 18th will be the renowned
Evangelist Joyce L. Rodgers, International
Evangelist ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Conference Leader
She is widely recognized as an unusually gifted
communicator of the deep truths of God's Word,
blended with precision, humor and God's anointing
and she makes her home in Carrollton, Texas
Evangelist Joyce L. Rodgers is the founder and CEO
of Primary Purpose Ministry, Inc., and is a respected
evangelist, author and speaker. Primary Purpose
Ministry is a life -changing ministry that reaches
beyond beliefs, ethnicities, religious persuasions
and cultural restrictions "to release a people into
their purposed destinies."
Tickets for the Sunday breakfast will be available in
the lobby for only $35.00. The event will be held at
the Airport Hilton at 1 Hegenberger Road in Oakland
starting at 8:00am. Our color for Sunday is red.
Saturday sessions start at 9:00am
MARCH 2012
Is it safe to get pregnant if I am taking ACE
inhibitors or ARBs for high blood pressure?
If you're taking an ACE inhibitor or an ARB
and think you might be pregnant, see your
doctor immediately.
Many people mistakenly believe that high blood
pressure, also called hypertension, is more
common among men. The truth is nearly half of all
adults with high blood pressure are women.
Beginning at age 65, after the onset of
menopause, women are actually more likely to
have this disease than men.
While HBP isn't directly related to gender, certain
woman's issues can increase your risk. Discover
how high blood pressure relates to your stage in
Do birth control pills cause high blood pressure?
Medical researchers have found that birth control
pills increase blood pressure in some women. It's
more likely to occur if you're overweight, have had
high blood pressure during pregnancy, have a
family history of HBP or have mild kidney disease.
The combination of birth control pills and cigarette
use may be especially dangerous for some
Before you begin taking oral contraceptives: ◦Talk
to your doctor about the risks.
◦Make sure your doctor measures and records
your blood pressure before prescribing the pill.
◦Have your blood pressure checked every six
months or so.
•Is it safe to get pregnant if my blood pressure is
By following the recommendations of your
doctor and carefully managing your blood
pressure, you can help ensure a normal
pregnancy and a healthy baby. However, high
blood pressure can be dangerous for both
mother and baby. If you are taking HBP
medication and want to become pregnant,
first consult your doctor. Also keep in mind
that if you already have high blood pressure,
pregnancy could make it more severe.
As a woman with high blood pressure, what
precautions should I take if I want to become
Each pregnancy is different, and your doctor
will give you recommendations for your
situation. Most women with high blood
pressure should follow these precautions
before becoming pregnant. ◦Get your blood
pressure under control.
◦Watch your diet and limit salt and sodium.
◦Be active and exercise. Regular physical
activity will help you control your blood
pressure and increase your physical
◦If you're overweight, lose weight to help you
have a safer pregnancy and a healthier baby.
◦Stop using tobacco and alcohol.
If you're on medication for high blood
pressure (or any other condition), discuss all
of your medications, including over-thecounter drugs and supplements, with all of
your doctors. Never stop taking a prescription
medication without first consulting the doctor
who prescribed it.
Ages 13-18
By Evangelist Lawanne Ross
We are excited about what 2012 will render for
the ladies of Young Women of Excellence.
During the months to come, we will focus on
"The Cycles of Life"; February we will answer the
question, "What's LOVE got to do with it?";
March is March Madness as we will purposely
respond to our calling making the devil mad!
Remember our monthly meetings are
simultaneous with the Women's Fellowship
hosted by our First Lady, Vanessa Macklin. You
don't want to miss it! We look forward to seeing
you there.
Thank you, Lawanne' Ross
Remember, even with HBP and preeclampsia,
you can have a successful pregnancy if you
follow this advice.
The long-term effects of PIH and
preeclampsia may vary. They typically do not
increase a woman's chance for developing
chronic high blood pressure or other
cardiovascular problems.
Am I at greater risk for high blood pressure after
As a woman grows older, her chance of
having high blood pressure becomes greater
than a man's. You may have had normal
blood pressure most of your life, but after
menopause your chances of developing HBP
increase considerably.
See your doctor regularly to have your blood
pressure monitored. If you are diagnosed with
HBP, follow the prescribed course of
In order to keep us moving in a positive direction
financial support is required. We are better
By pulling together and supporting the Women’s
Ministry we can do so many more things.
$5.00 monthly is a Bronze Certificate
$10.00 Monthly is a Silver Certificate
$20.00 monthly is a Gold Certificate
$300.00 annual pledge is a Platinum Certificate
Get you donation envelope in the lobby at the
Women’s registration desk.
During the Annual Women's Weekend, March 16th – 18th, you will have
the opportunity to display your business products in a unique way. To
participate, please complete the enrollment form with your $25.00
donation. Due to limited space, this opportunity will be offered to Glad
Tidings members first and then an invitation will be extended to other lady
entrepreneurs. The submission deadline is: Sunday, March 4th.
words or less response to Eldreai Ellis at
!!!Shout Out!!!
Dedicated and driven are the women of the Glad Tidings
Women’s Chorus, under the direction of Sister Connie
McClain. When they minister to us we feel it deep in our
hearts and souls.
These daughters of Glad Tidings are there for any and all
programs and outings, supporting the ministry with all that
is in them.
This month our shout goes out to the anointed Women’s
Chorus for a job well done. Thank you for all you do.