Tourism 2 - Port of Delcambre


Tourism 2 - Port of Delcambre
MAY 6, 2009
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................. IV
PRODUCT DEFINITION/CLASSIFICATION ................................................................ 1
Tourism Definition ......................................................................................................................................................1
Tourism in Delcambre .................................................................................................................................................1
SITUATION ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 2
External Analysis: Macro-Environment ...................................................................................................................2
Analysis of Population Growth and Composition in Geographic Area ..............................................................2
Analysis of Social Trends in the Geographic Area ...............................................................................................6
Analysis of Economic Growth in the Geographic Area ..................................................................................... 10
Analysis of Technology Developments from Outside the Industry....................................................................... 13
Analysis of Political/Legal/Regulatory Issues ..................................................................................................... 15
Assessment of Opportunities and Threats Presented by the Macro-Environmental Analysis ....................... 16
Internal Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses ........................................................................................................ 19
Evaluation of Leverage, Problems, Constraints, and Vulnerabilities ................................................................... 20
SWOT Analysis Diagram - Tourism ........................................................................................................................ 22
SUMMARY OF THE MARKET OPPORTUNITIES IN TOURISM............................... 23
Market Definition Analysis for Cajun Sportsman Competition............................................................................ 28
SEGMENT #1 – CAJUN SPORTSMAN COMPETITION .............................................. 30
End-User Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Customer Value Dimensions for Sportsmen ....................................................................................................... 30
Customer Value Hierarchy for Sportsmen ......................................................................................................... 31
Customer Value Hierarchy for Outside Organizers .......................................................................................... 31
Competitor Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain ...................................................................................................... 32
Marketing Strategy.................................................................................................................................................... 33
Functional Strategies and Programs ................................................................................................................... 33
Value Proposition .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Market Positioning ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Assets and Competencies ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Implementation and Evaluation Timeline ........................................................................................................... 38
MARKET SEGMENTATION FOR KAYAKING .......................................................... 40
Market Definition Analysis for Participation in Water Sports Activities ............................................................. 41
SEGMENT #2 – KAYAKING ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 44
End-User Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Customer Value Determination for Paddlers ..................................................................................................... 44
Customer Value Hierarchy for Paddlers............................................................................................................. 45
Customer Value Determination for Outfitters/Guides....................................................................................... 46
Customer Value Hierarchy for Outfitters/Guides .............................................................................................. 47
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain ...................................................................................................... 48
Competitors Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Marketing Strategy.................................................................................................................................................... 50
Functional Strategies and Programs ................................................................................................................... 50
Value Proposition and Position ............................................................................................................................ 54
Assets and Competencies ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Implementation and Evaluation Timeline ........................................................................................................... 55
SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 57
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................ 58
Detailed SWOT Analysis for Cajun Sportsman Competition ............................................................................... 59
Detailed SWOT Analysis for Kayaking Activities .................................................................................................. 64
APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................ 69
Market Segmentation for OHV Riding ................................................................................................................... 70
Market Segmentation for Outdoor Paintball .......................................................................................................... 76
Market Segmentation for Summer Concert Series ................................................................................................. 82
Market Segmentation for Recreational Boating ..................................................................................................... 89
GROUP MEETING LOG .............................................................................................. 93
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 95
Executive Summary
Delcambre, through the Delcambre Steering Team, has sought the resources of the
University of Louisiana-Lafayette to aid in the rehabilitation of their town. Bienvenue à
Delcambre is a MBA Marketing group who has chosen to assist Delcambre in the area of
tourism. Described here is our team’s analysis on a few of the many opportunities available for
Delcambre to grow tourism within three year time horizon (2009 – 2012).
Situation Analysis
Delcambre Steering Committee composition, the existence of a business plan, and the successful
organization of a Shrimp Festival and a Boat Parade are evidences of the competencies of a core
of people involved in the redevelopment of the town.
Delcambre geographic position centered in Acadiana with proximity of a large population, the
easiness of access through highways, and the development of staycation are good indicators of
potential tourists coming from Acadiana and further.
Delcambre canal with its access to Lake Peigneur, Jefferson Island, Avery Island, and Vermilion
Bay are necessary assets to develop water-based activities such as fishing.
Delcambre existing fairgrounds and equipments are base for hosting additional events.
Delcambre boat launch capacity and near limited parking capacity, the absence of kayak trail, the
small size and questionable suitability of fairgrounds, the absence of signing are infrastructure
limitations to the development of events and activities.
The distance of Delcambre to SouthWest Pass discourages some anglers to launch boat from
The absence of experience in organization of other events, the limited availability of resources
and of the Steering committee could limit the development of new events.
The absence of zoning could induce an anarchic development of construction and industrial
The potential of existing hunters and anglers in Louisiana, the amount of spending in
entertainment in Acadiana, the increase of staycation are possibilities for development of tourism
in Delcambre.
Lake Peigneur disaster history and beautiful sunsets, proximity of Jefferson Island and Avery
Island, numerous websites promoting tourism and touristic activities in Louisiana are all
opportunities for Delcambre to develop collaboration in tourism.
Extension of HW 49 and recovery programs should help Delcambre to develop new tourism
Weather conditions at the hurricane season are threats for Delcambre facilities, for its nice fleet
of shrimp boats, and for the beauty of the town.
The uncontrolled development of industrial activities and the possible dredging of Lake Peigneur
for gas storage could jeopardize all efforts of tourism development.
The construction of a new boat launch, the implementation of a tourism committee or of specific
resource, the construction of larger fairgrounds outside of downtown, are all leverages to
facilitate the development of new activities or events.
Delcambre assets combine to nearby attracting sites should reinforce the attractiveness of
Delcambre for tourists.
Market opportunities
On numerous possible touristic activities at Delcambre, 6 interesting segments have been
explored: a Cajun Sportsman Competition, kayaking activities, ATV/OHV riding, outdoor
paintball, a summer concert series, and recreational boating. Both first segments have been fully
Market Segmentation
Segment #1 - Cajun Sportsman Competition
The idea for the Cajun Sportsman Competition comes from several market segments: fishing,
hunting, and marksmanship markets. A series of events tests the ability of the Cajun sportsman
in fishing, duck hunting, and deer hunting.
For fishing, segmentation variables are competitiveness, duration of event, scale of events,
location/type of water, and type of fish.
For hunting, segmentation variables are type of animal/bird, type of weapon, and skills for duck
For marksmanship, segmentation variables are type of target and type of weapon for stationary
target market.
The concept of the Cajun sportsman competition can apply to multiple markets. An estimation of
180,000 state residents both hunt and fish in Louisiana.
End-User Analysis
Customer key values are competition and application of skills.
Desired end states or goals for sportsmen are relaxation, friendship with like persons,
opportunity to be the Cajun Sportsman, and fame.
Desired end states or goals for outside organizers are business growth, community acceptance,
and access to new markets.
Competitor Analysis
No direct challenges to the events as a unit and to the idea of the “Cajun Sportsman” have been
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain
Cajun Sportsman competitors will be marketed by event organizers through adapted advertising.
These events organizers could be the existing Steering Committee or a dedicated team from
Delcambre, established organizers of events, and organizers with a state assistance.
Marketing strategy
Functional Strategies and Programs
Different strategies have been considered: (A) no partnership and the steering committee develop
and manage the event?, (B) partnership with Coastal Conservation Association of Louisiana –
Fishing rodeo, (C) partnership with Cajun Outdoors Magazine, (D) Partnership with other local
Acadiana communities, and (E) partnership with Louisiana Sportsman Magazine – Promotion.
We recommend a strategy combining successively strategies (B), (D), and (E).
Different value propositions can be tailored to each target market: For competitors in Cajun
Sportsman Competition, the opportunity to be a champion outdoorsman will be used to stimulate
their competitive spirit. For some others the opportunity to simply compete with peers, share
insights and tips, and teach children about outdoor activities should be evaluated. For other
Acadiana communities, the reciprocal promotion and larger exposure of their own event, with
the associated financial benefits should be described. For outside resources/organizers, the
platform offered by the competition for their own activities and products, with the associated
benefits, should be detailed.
With the recommended marketing strategy, the overall market position will focus on
conservation of coastal wetlands, wildlife, communities, and culture.
Delcambre can leverage others assets to assist with the implementation of the competition: gain
expertise in rodeo fishing organization with CCA, collaborate with the Gueydan Duck Festival to
host the duck based events, the National Field Archery Association for knowledge and resources,
the National Rifle Association for the rifle events, and Louisiana Sportsman magazine as a
partner to promote the event and provide sponsorship.
Year 1 will be used to implement a fishing rodeo timed with opening of new boat launch, Year 2
to form alliances with other communities to host competition events, and year 3 to launch the
Louisiana Sportsman Competition.
Segment #2 – Kayaking Activities
A segmentation of participants to water sport activities in recreational tourism was made.
Segmentation variables are type of equipment, type/location of market, owned or rented
equipment, short term or long term opportunities, growing rate, type of usage, and distinction
between paddlers and outfitters/guides for kayaking.
End-User Analysis
Customer key values for paddlers are relaxation, exercise, and enjoy the nature.
Desired end states or goals for paddlers are relaxation, sense of rush and excitement, sense of
first-hand experience, and great exercise.
Customer key value for outfitters/guides is to make more money by creating a memorable
experience to paddlers.
Desired end states or goals for outfitters/guides are making more money by attracting more
paddlers and improving customer loyalty.
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain
Paddlers will be targeted through advertising on specialized websites and through personal
dialogue with visitors. Outfitters/guides will be marketed through direct approach and website
Competitor Analysis
Grand Isle has marinas, bait shops, chartering services, and variety of fish.
Cypremort Point has two kayak trails, sandy beaches, open water, schools of fish, sailboats,
pelicans, oil platforms, and beautiful sunsets.
The Atchafalaya basin is probably one of the most beautiful places to kayak in Louisiana, loaded
with wild life.
Lake Fausse Pointe offers unique experience for paddlers.
Marketing Strategy
Functional Strategies and Programs
Different strategies have been considered: for outfitters, share the cost of their demo day or
paddling tour. For paddlers, promotion on websites of Delcambre assets, possibilities, and
accessibility should be implemented.
Signing on an old shrimp boat installed on HW14,
advertising in magazines and newspapers, co-organization with outfitters of kayak tours, demo
day or social events, meeting with local kayak fishing clubs, word-of-web, creation of a
dedicated page or website, networking and testimonials on specialized websites, elaboration of a
kayak trail and corresponding brochure, and collaboration with neighboring touristic areas such
as Jefferson Island and Avery Island are all valid strategies and programs.
Value propositions include a description of Delcambre assets, possibilities, and accessibility by
road and by water way.
The market position will focus on differences from other kayaking locations with the three
beautiful nearby locations accessible within a half day kayak tour, the beautiful view on shrimp
boats, and the sunset at Lake Peigneur.
Delcambre assets are its canal with shrimp boats view, a low current, easy access to Lake
Peigneur, Jefferson Island, Avery Island, and Vermilion Bay. Its competencies include the
organization of the Shrimp Festival and a Boat Parade yearly, a Steering Committee capability to
organize and support all necessary actions.
Year 1 implementation of strategies will focus on creating kayaking awareness about Delcambre.
Year 2 will be used to organize events.
Year 3 will establish rental shops for kayaking and other water-based activities.
Product Definition/Classification
Tourism Definition
Tourism is a collection of activities, services and industries that delivers a travel
experience, including transportation, accommodations, eating and drinking establishments, retail
shops, entertainment businesses, activity facilities and other hospitality services provided for
individuals or groups traveling away from home. The World Tourism Organization (WTO)
claims that tourism is currently the world’s largest industry with annual revenues of over $3
trillion dollars. Tourism provides over six million jobs in the United States, making it the
country's largest employer. Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the
ability to constantly adapt to customers' changing needs and desires, as the customer’s
satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly the focus of tourism businesses.
Tourism in Delcambre
Bienvenue à Delcambre is focusing on tourism attractions highlighting Delcambre’s
natural resources, culture, ethnicity and entertainment. The Delcambre canal, approximately five
miles from the Intracoastal Waterway, allows direct access to Vermillion Bay and Southwest
Pass. The Delcambre canal has a minimum depth of 9 feet to as high as 15 feet. Delcambre
current assets include Shrimp Festival grounds, the shrimp industry, fabrication plants and the
waterfront properties that are underused and/or underutilized.
Attractions that are nearby
Delcambre are Rip Van Winkle Gardens, McIlhenny Pepper factory (Tabasco), Lake Peigneur
history, Cypremort Point and Lake Fausse Pointe. Festivals that are organized in Delcambre are
the Delcambre Shrimp Festival and the Delcambre Boat Parade. Other festivals close by include
the Erath Fourth of July Celebration, The Louisiana Sugar Cane Festival in New Iberia, the
Louisiana Cattle Festival & Fair in Abbeville, the Giant Omelette Celebration and the Acadian
Museum in Erath.
Tourism activities in Delcambre can help rebuild the small community of Delcambre
after devastating storm surge flooding by hurricanes Ike in September and Rita in 2005. A
successful tourism programs can help create new jobs and deliver an economic development
impact to Delcambre.
Situation Analysis
External Analysis: Macro-Environment
Analysis of Population Growth and Composition in Geographic Area
Population Growth
Vermillion Parish
Iberia Parish
Lafayette Parish
A continuous increase of the population of the three nearest parishes which is Vermillion, Iberia
and Lafayette to Delcambre is expected within the next 4 years.
Delcambre Demographics
Delcambre is located partly in Vermillion and Iberia parishes. According to the Louisiana
Economic Development Authority (LEDA) demographic snapshot report for Delcambre,
Delcambre has increased its population from 2,168 in 2000 census to 2,188 in 2008 estimate
data. The population is projected to increase to 2,201 in 2013, an increase of 0.59%. Given the
hurricane and flood threat in Delcambre, this projection increase is significant to the town
survival economically. Races in Delcambre include White Non-Hispanic (82%), followed by
Black alone with 14.4%, American Indian alone and Asian alone with 0.73% and 0.78%
respectively and two or more races with 1.5%. There are 1,076 males (49.2%) and 1,112
females (50.8%) in Delcambre.
2008 Estimate Population by Single Race Classification in
White Alone
Black Alone
American Indian and Alaska
Native Alone
Asian Alone
Native Hawaiian and Other
Pacific Islander Alone
Some Other Race Alone
Two or More Races
2008 Races in Delcambre
2008 Estimate Population Age 25+ by Education Attainment, Delcambre
Less than 9th grade
Some High School, no diploma
High School Graduate (or GED)
Some College, no degree
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Professional School Degree
Doctorate Degree
2008 Delcambre Education Attainment
Vermillion Parish Demographics
The cities in this parish include Abbeville, Kaplan, Erath, Gueydan and Maurice. In
Vermillion parish, 7.0% are persons under 5 years old, 25.7% persons under 18 years old, 13.4%
are persons 65 years old and over. There are 48.4% male (26,050) and females 51.6% (27,757).
Races in the parish include White Non-Hispanic (82%), Black (14%), Vietnamese (1.6%),
Hispanic (1.4%), two or more races (0.8%), and American Indian (0.5%).
Races in Vermillion Parish
White NonHispanic
Two or more races
American Indian
Races in Vermillion Parish
Iberia Parish Demographics
The cities in Iberia Parish include New Iberia, Jeanerette, Delcambre, Lydia and
Loreauville. The majority is White Non-Hispanic (64.3%), follows by Black (30.8%), Hispanic
(1.5%), Other Asian (1.3%), Two or more races (1.2%), American Indian (0.7%) and Other race
(0.6). The largest groups are persons under 19 years old with 30.4% followed by person over 60
years old with 15.9%.
Races in Iberia Parish
White Non-Hispanic
Black (30.8%)
Hispanic (1.5%)
Other Asian (1.3%)
Two or more races (1.2%)
American Indian (0.7%)
Other race (0.6%)
Races in Iberia Parish
Iberia Parish 2008 Estimate Population by Age
Age 0-19
Age 20-29
Age 30-39
Age 40-49
Age 60+
Iberia Parish 2008 Population by Age Estimate
Lafayette Parish Demographics
The cities included in Lafayette parish are Lafayette, Scott, Carencro, Broussard,
Youngsville and Duson. Races in Lafayette parish consist of White alone (70%), Black (27%),
Asian alone (1.43%), two or more races (1.15%), American Indian (0.3%) and other race
(0.65%). The majority groups of the population by age are Age 25 - 34 and Age 35 – 44 with
15% and 14% of the total population respectively. A total of 26.35% of the total population is 50
plus age group. In Lafayette Parish, both groups Married-Couple Family, own children and
Married-Couple Family, no own children represent the largest groups with 25%. 15% is single
female householder and 12% single male householder
2008 Estimate Population by Single Race Classification,
Lafayette Parish
White Alone
Black or African American
American Indian and Alaska
Native Alone
Asian Alone
Native Hawaiian and Other
Pacific Islander Alone
Some Other Race Alone
Two or More Races
Races in Lafayette Parish, LA
2008 Estimate Population by Age, Lafayette Parish
Age 0 - 4
Age 5 - 9
Age 10 - 14
Age 15 - 17
Age 18 - 20
Age 21 - 24
Age 25 - 34
Age 35 - 44
Age 45 - 49
Age 50 - 54
Age 55 - 59
Age 60 - 64
Age 65 - 74
Age 75 - 84
Total Population by Age, Lafayette Parish
2008 Estimate Household Type, Presence Own Children
Single Male Householder
Married-Couple Family, own children
Male Householder, own children
Female Householder, own children
Nonfamily, Male Householder
Single Female Householder
Married-Couple Family, no own children
Male Householder, no own children
Female Householder, no own children
Nonfamily, Female Householder
Household Type in Lafayette Parish
Analysis of Social Trends in the Geographic Area
Education Attainment in Lafayette, Iberia and Vermillion parishes
According to U.S Census Bureau 2000, for Lafayette parish, there are 79.8% high school
graduate or higher and 25% bachelor’s degree or higher for population age over 25 , 66.9% and
11.2% for Iberia parish respectively; and 65.6% and 10.7% for Vermillion parish respectively.
From 2008 estimate data from LEDA and EDIS for population over 25 education attainment, for
Lafayette parish, 74.5% high school graduate or higher and 25.51% bachelor’s degree or higher;
for Iberia parish are 72.9% and 12.9% respectively; and for Vermillion parish are 71.8% and
12.4%. Lafayette parish education attainment remains stagnant for the last eight years for both
categories but there are a slight increase both education categories in Iberia parish and
Vermillion parish.
Comparison on Education Attainment Age 25+ , 2000 and 2008
High school graduate
or higher
Bachelor’s degree
or higher
r is
t te
r is
t te
r is
Education Attainment Age 25+, between Parishes 2000-2008
Louisiana State Visitors Trends
According to the first annual report prepared for Louisiana Office of Tourism for
Calendar Year 2007 (January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007), in 2007 person-trips visits to
Louisiana (19,521,000) represent an 18% drop from 2006 (23,892,000). The trips for the total
US also dropped, but less severely (8%; 1,020,526,000 from 1,103,796,000). Louisiana draws
most visitors from those most familiar with it –in-state residents and the High Business
Development Index (BDI) Marketing Area.
Age of Visitors
Overall, Louisiana visitors resemble other US travelers, with a near match on the average
age (45 vs. 46). However, slightly more Louisiana visitors than total US travelers are under 35
(30% vs. 26%) and somewhat fewer are between 45 and 54 (18% vs. 22%). Of Louisiana visitors
segments, the youngest visitors tend to be African-American (average age 37) and those who live
in the state (average age 42). The Mature market (average age 64) is older by definition.
Hispanic visitors (average age 47) are also slightly older.
Reason for Visiting: Pleasure
Visitors to Louisiana usually make a trip for pleasure. The leading attraction appears to
be friends and relatives, which holds for all travelers, not just Louisiana visitors. 44% Louisiana
residents visits the state to visit friends and family shown in the figure below. Residents from
the High BDI Marketing Area (18%) and those from farther distances (14%) seek (and would
presumably be most influenced by) entertainment options more often than other visitors.
African-Americans more often visit friends and relatives than others. Mature visitors more often
pursue entertainment (16%) and other (unidentified) pleasure activities than other groups.
Primary Purpose of Trip to Louisiana
Trip Timing
Most travel occurs in the summer, nationally. However, Louisiana visitors do not always
follow the national pattern, with diverse results by area of residence; Louisiana residents most
frequently travel within the state in the Summer and Fall, least often in the spring. On the
contrary, those living in the High BDI Marketing Area are most likely to visit in the Spring.
Those living elsewhere are more likely to avoid Louisiana in the Summer, opting to visit in the
Spring (Winter ranks second) instead.
Timing of Trip by Season
Trip Characteristics
Vacation Activities by Louisiana Residence
Residence strongly impacts the choice of activities pursued by Louisiana visitors. The instate visitors more often visit relatives, but otherwise lag other visitors on nearly every activity.
The visitors who live outside Louisiana and are not in the High BDI Marketing Area- take
greater advantage of nearly all Louisiana’s tourism features. However, those in the High BDI
Marketing Area are most likely to visit casinos/gamble.
Activities Participated/Attractions Visited
Expenditures by Residence
Logically, those traveling a greater distance spend a larger portion of their budget on
lodging (29%). High BDI Marketing Area residents spend the largest share (41%, which is also
the largest amount of any segment --$224) on gaming. Food “consumes” the largest bite out of
in-state visitors’ expenditures. For Louisiana residents, they spend most on foods (25%)
followed by 20% in transportation.
Average Spending in Louisiana by Trip Type
Analysis of Economic Growth in the Geographic Area
National Economy and Unemployment
Since late 2007 or early 2008, the US economy has been in a recession. National
unemployment has increased as a result of the economic recession. In February 2009, the
national unemployment rate was 8.1%, an increase of 3.3% since February 2008. This increase
represents a total change of 69% over the last year. Louisiana has also seen an increase in
unemployment as a result of the recession. 119,473 Louisiana residents were without jobs in
February 2009. Since February 2008, Louisiana’s unemployment rate has risen1.9% (up from
3.8%). As shown below, employment for Louisiana is the highest it has been in the last two
years, but not close to the unemployment spike created by Hurricane’s Katrina and Rita.
Louisiana Unemployment Rate
Louisiana has not been impacted as heavily as the rest of the nation by the recession.
Unemployment in February 2009 for the state of Louisiana was 5.7%, which is 30% lower than
the national average. The figure below shows the unemployment rate by state and displays how
Louisiana has not been affected as heavily by the recession.
When looking at Louisiana’s employment by parish, the southern parishes have not been
impacted as heavily by the recession in regards to unemployment.
How the Economic Recession Affects Tourism
The results of this recession have affected all aspects of the US economy, including
tourism and travel. According to the US Travel Association, tourism has been declining since
2007. Total Domestic Person-Trips are projected to be down nearly 6% in 2009 as compared to
2007. In 2009, leisure trips are also forecasted to be down 4% from 2007 highs. The table
below shows the US Travel Association’s projections for major key performance indicators of
tourism and travel.
p = projection
f = forecast
As indicated above, the US Travel Association forecasts a decline in US travel for 2009, but
forecasts a rebound in 2010 and 2011.
Airline Trends
In general, the airline industry has also been affected by the recession. In a statement
released by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics on March 12, 2009, the number of scheduled
domestic and international passengers on U.S. airlines in December 2008 declined by 5.7 percent
from December 2007, dropping by 3.4 million to 57.4 million. For the full year of 2008, the
number of scheduled domestic and international passengers on U.S. airlines declined by 3.7
percent from 2007, dropping to 741.4 million, 28.2 million less than a year earlier.
Driving Trends
Recently, gas prices have decreased substantially after posting above $4/gallon marks in
2008. Contrary to logic, Americans are not driving more even though gas prices are less than
half of what they were in July 2008. As of December 2008, the vehicle miles traveled in the US
had declined for 13 straight months.
Positive Trends in Tourism/Travel
Despite the economic recession, the US Travel Association reports that leisure travel
intentions in October 2008 were nearly the same as October 2007. The US Traveler Sentiment
rose to 90.2 in February 2009 as compared to 78.2 in October 2008. The increased perception of
travel affordability appears to be the result of aggressive promotional discounting by travel
suppliers, some of which are offering up to 50% off prices quoted six months ago. As indicated
above, the travel price index is expected to fall substantially in 2009. Southwest Airlines
recently launched a summer long promotion which advertised one way fares priced between $49
and $99. Tourist attractions are advertising deals to increase travel to their destination.
Analysis of Technology Developments from Outside the Industry
Industrial Development
The development of port activities at Delcambre is not only a threat - it is a reality. In
regards the development of the tourism industry in Delcambre, industrial expansion is already a
weakness. No formal zoning or code seems to have been applied to the industrial development.
The result is an anarchic and uncontrolled development where aesthetics and harmony have been
completely neglected. The only source of harmony within the port is the structure created by the
docked shrimp boats. Any attempt to preserve and reinforce this harmony should be encouraged.
Also, any development in the port of Delcambre of activities involving visual and sound nuisances,
and traffic conflict should be avoided. There are many examples of interest conflicts between
tourism/sailing and industry/fishing activities in larger ports than Delcambre. Most of the time, both
type of activities have been separated or are exclusive.
Oil drilling all over the Wetlands of Southern Louisiana is not a recent phenomenon. Lake
Peigneur disaster in 1980 seems to have been the consequence of a miscalculation during oil
exploration. With the possibility of a future increase of oil price, even economically non profitable
fields could become profitable at a higher oil price. Any new attempt of oil exploitation at Lake
Peigneur would be a disaster for the tourism industry at Delcambre because of the associated visual
and pollution nuisances.
Positive Development
The redevelopment of railway activities through Delcambre is not a new technology but
could have positive or negative consequences on the tourism industry. The conveyance of goods by
railway could be an ecologically interesting alternative to the road transportation, cheaper than road
and faster than by water. Railway expansion would benefit tourism in that it could provide an
alternate conveyance of passengers to Delcambre.
All development of technology related facilities or infrastructure in the parishes near
Delcambre could drive new workers and new potential in-state tourists at Delcambre. An example
of recent development is happening in the Lafayette area: Lafayette Utility Services (LUS) is
installing a new fiber/cable network on a three-year long schedule for the whole city. Cheaper and
higher speed rates should be shortly available, attracting high tech industry in need of gigabites
transfer rate at the lowest cost. Another potential technological development is related to the
development of new roads/highways around Delcambre. The future extension of highway 49
between Lafayette and Houma should drive more potential tourists that could visit Delcambre.
Analysis of Political/Legal/Regulatory Issues
National/Global Political Impacts
In January 2009, the Obama administration entered the White House. Combined with a
democratic Senate and House of Representatives, the political direction of the country may
change significantly in the next few years. President Obama has signed a $410 spending bill in
March of 2009. Louisiana would receive 4 billion from the massive spending bill. Few of the
projects slated in the bill are slated for projects in Louisiana that may directly affect Delcambre,
but future opportunity exists as these funds are delegated are reappropriated within the state.
One stated major area of focus for the new White House Administration is energy. The
administration is looking at ways to improve fuel efficiency of vehicles as well as protecting our
natural coastlines. Being that the Acadiana area is heavily dependent on the oil and gas industry,
this political change could potentially affect the target markets for tourism activities.
Another major variable for the oil and gas industry is the stance of OPEC on oil
production in the Middle East. Drastic changes in policy could potentially affect the local area.
State Political Impacts
Since Hurricane Katrina and Rita, the State of Louisiana has been in a mindset of
rebuilding. Programs such as the GoZone are designed to help businesses in Louisiana. Other
grants and loan programs have been created to aid Louisiana in regrowth. Potentially, these
political attempts to rebuild Louisiana can provide available funding for tourism in Delcambre.
However, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s budget for next (2010) proposes cuts from $127
million to $89 million in arts funding and tourism marketing dollar. Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu
who oversees the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism said the budget cuts would
devastate Louisiana’s cultural and tourist economies, force thousands of people out of work and
drain tax income from state and local coffers by attracting fewer visitors to the state
Legal Impacts
Recently, the US government mandating that travel to any foreign country will require a
passport. Caribbean vacation destinations (excluding Puerto Rico) that once only required a
driver’s license to enter back into the US will require passports for travelers. Already, Puerto Rico
has leveraged their tourism to take advantage of this legal change. The suspected impact will be
less travel to Caribbean destinations because now a new existing barrier that preventing easy travel.
Assessment of Opportunities and Threats Presented by the MacroEnvironmental Analysis
For the purpose of a macro-environmental analysis oriented on the tourism development
at Delcambre, each aspect of the analysis has been used to assess the opportunities and threats.
A continuous increase of the population of the three nearest parishes is expected within the
next 4 years: Lafayette parish is expected to have an increase of 2.36% in its total population by
year 2013 to 208,736. Vermillion parish is expected to have an increase of 2.07% in its total
population by year 2013 to 59,261. Iberia parish is expected to have an increase of 2.32% in its
total population by year 2013 to 77,758. A total population of 345,755 inhabitants should be in the
3 nearest parishes by year 2013. All three parishes exhibit a significant share (around a quarter) of
the population between 20 and 39 years old: Lafayette parish 24.2%, Vermillion parish 27.2%, and
Iberia parish 26.4%. Two metropolitan areas of more than 250,000 inhabitants, Lafayette and Baton
Rouge, are less than 70 miles away from Delcambre. More than 25% of Lafayette parish has
attained an education level of a Bachelor’s degree or higher in 2008. For Vermillion parish and
Iberia parish, they are respectively 12.4% and 12.9%.
Louisiana draws more visitors from those most familiar with the state already, being
whether in-state residents or from the High BDI Marketing area.
Louisiana residents most
frequently travel within the state in the Summer and Fall, least often in the Spring. Louisiana has
not been impacted as heavily as the rest of the nation by the recession, especially the southern
parishes. Houma-Bayou Cane-Thibodeaux Metropolitan area and Lafayette Metropolitan area rank
respectively first and fifth lowest unemployment rate nationwide.
Leisure travel intentions in October 2008 were nearly the same as October 2007. The
financial crisis does not seem to have yet impacted desire for tourists to travel, but should probably
increase number of Louisiana inhabitants wishing to stay in-state for tourism purposes.
The political attempts to rebuild Louisiana should create opportunities for the development of
tourism at Delcambre. The legal impacts of the requirement of passport for any traveler might also
have some positive drawbacks on domestic tourism.
The development of Lafayette area activities, whether related to the oil industry/oil price
increase or related to the IT related technologies, with the LUS fiber network, could be an
opportunity for an even larger population increase in the nearest parishes of Delcambre. Expected
infrastructure development, such as the future extension of Highway 49 south of Lafayette, or
unexpected such as the redevelopment of the railway in Delcambre for the conveyance of
passengers, would also be opportunities for more potential tourists visiting Delcambre.
Louisiana has labeled itself “Sportsman’s Paradise” in that it has an abundance of natural
resources catering to outdoorsman. In Louisiana alone, 180,000 residents both hunt and fish.
Louisiana Sea Grant Program is playing a key role in assisting the community to
recovery. Sea Grant connected the committee with the landscape architecture programs at
Louisiana State University and The University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
With Sea Grant
funding, LSU senior landscape architecture students and UL architecture and design students
presented the overall design concepts including a public marina, open-air markets, water-front
residential areas for second homes, al fresco dining, boardwalks, and possibly a hotel to
accommodate tourists.
All of the plans include capitalizing on the town’s annual Shrimp
Festival as an attraction.
The Port of Delcambre also was awarded a major grant from the Louisiana Recovery
Authority (LRA) last summer. The grant will enable the Port to proceed with a project to
construct a new boat launch south of Delcambre, an open-air seafood market and boat dock, and
an observation/fishing pier. The site will be located south of Delcambre with direct access from
Highway 330.
Delcambre, through the Delcambre Steering Team, has sought the resources of the
University of Louisiana-Lafayette to aid in the rehabilitation of their town. Bienvenue à
Delcambre is a MBA Marketing group who has chosen to assist Delcambre in the area of
Delcambre has numerous interests involved in assisting in the rebuilding of the town. In
addition to ULL’s Marketing Program, other state university groups, such as LSU’s Landscape
Architecture program, have or currently are contributing to Delcambre’s plight. These groups
present a valuable resource for Delcambre as they provide expertise that may not be present in
Delcambre. In addition to the local universities’ contributions, state and national programs are
also available to assist Delcambre. Delcambre has already received funding from Louisiana
Recovery Authority. Additional funding or resources may be available from both state and
national government.
Projection estimate a decrease of 6% of the total domestic person-trips in 2009 compared
to 2007. Leisure trips are also forecasted to be down 4% for the same period. Tourists are not
driving more even though gas prices are less than half of their July 2008 levels. This could be a
threat if they have the same behavior with their motor boat usage, since motor boating is
expected to be a major driver for tourism industry in Delcambre. In that scenario, Delcambre’s
route for boats to the Southwest Pass would become a disadvantage compared with Cypremort
Point. This could be even worse if gas price reach the level of last year.
The new White House Administration’s efforts to improve fuel efficiency and protect our
natural coastlines could have a negative impact on the local job market as well as motor boat
usage. Also, the stance of OPEC to increase oil prices could create the same effects. In the
absence of a careful and thoughtful zoning, any further development of industrial activities with
their related potential nuisances (visual, noise, pollution, smell, dust, hazard, traffic), could be a
major threat for the development of tourism at Delcambre. This is already a weakness today
because of the existing industries at Delcambre. Any possible effort should be done to even
decrease the existing nuisances induced by those industries, including remediation of brown field
lands and abandoned shrimp boats and improvement of existing buildings. Without these efforts,
barriers to the development of tourism could arise if new industries settle at Delcambre. Any
redevelopment of the railway in Delcambre for the conveyance of goods should also be
considered as a threat for tourism at Delcambre.
These trends indicate that any combination of an economic recession, an increase of
oil/gas prices, new eco-friendly regulations, and an uncontrolled development of industries at
Delcambre could create a major threat for the development of tourism at Delcambre.
Internal Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses
The Port and the Town of Delcambre have appointed a Steering Committee to investigate
and make recommendations for the economic recovery for Delcambre and the surrounding
community. The Steering Committee was formed in July 2006. With the help and guidance of
the Louisiana Sea Grant Program and the LSU AgCenter, the Committee formulated a business
plan, which the Committee continues to implement. With the current workload of the Steering
Committee and the Shrimp Festival Committee, availability of resources to organize a large scale
event may not be readily available.
Delcambre has demonstrated the ability to host major events through the town
committees leading to the Annual Shrimp Festival and Delcambre Boat Parade. Both events are
well organized and promoted adequately for Delcambre’s needs. The Delcambre Boat Parade is a
Lighted Boat Parade consisting of private boat owners. In this event, boats of all sizes are
welcomed to participate. Anyone who has a boat and is willing to decorate it in the Christmas
spirit is asked to join in the fun. This event is hosted in the month of December. For the
Delcambre Shrimp Festival, this event is hosted in August. Delcambre is home to one of the
area’s most productive shrimp fleets. For this event, the town devotes an entire weekend to
honor this economic lifeblood. Events include a shrimp cook-off, queens pageants, Fais do-do,
food booths, carnival rides, and the blessing of the shrimp boat fleet.
To promote these yearly events, Delcambre has developed two separate websites, and Through these
websites, Delcambre displays that it has the capabilities to draw people from out of town to
Through both major events that Delcambre hosts, the town appears to either own the
equipment or have access to the equipment to host events. Delcambre has fairgrounds that could
be used for other events. Near Delcambre, venues such as Jefferson Island or Avery Island could
be utilized as possible awards locations.
Delcambre’s location is ideal for accessing Acadiana as it is in the center of the Acadiana
area. Highway 14 and Highway 339/Verot School Road provide easy access to Delcambre from
the Acadiana area. At this time, the existing boat launch facility lacks the ability to launch more
than one boat at a time and has limited parking.
The Delcambre Canal is an existing asset for the town of Delcambre. The Delcambre
Canal runs from Lake Peigneur to Weeks Bay. It serves to connect the shrimping center of
Delcambre to the Gulf of Mexico. It also has a spur connection to Avery Island. The canal
intersects the Intracoastal Waterway approximately 5 miles south of Delcambre.
Intracoastal Waterway has direct access to Vermillion Bay and Southwest Pass. The Delcambre
Canal has a minimum depth of nine feet to as deep as 15 feet. Jefferson Island and Rip Van
Winkle Gardens can be accessed from the Delcambre Canal. Delcambre Canal also offers the
tranquil waters provide nature enthusiasts with abundance opportunities to enjoy the scenery and
to view animals/wildlife.
The Delcambre Canal also allows access to popular redfish fishing areas. Delcambre is
known as a potential launch spot for Acadiana’s anglers but is not close to the Southwest Pass.
Other launch locations, such as Cypremort Point, are closer to the Southwest Pass. But, when
launched from Cypremort Point, boats have to pass through the open water of Vermillion Bay,
which can limit the size of boat during windy/rough water conditions. When launching from
Delcambre, a coastline route can be taken to reach Southwest Pass.
Near Delcambre lies Lake Peigneur. This shallow, freshwater lake changed to a saltwater
following the salt mine water inundation and is currently more than 1,300 feet deep. Centered in
the waters of scenic Lake Peigneur sit two barely noticeable wellheads. Nature has provided the
area with a beautiful recreational lake for the enjoyment of fishermen and boaters. Delcambre
can take advantage Lake Peigneur’s history and scenery.
Evaluation of Leverage, Problems, Constraints, and Vulnerabilities
One major weakness is the existing boat launch facilities. Delcambre’s project to build a
new boat launch improves a weakness to strength, and provides further leverage to use water
assets as the canal for tourism activities or events. The new boat launch will alleviate the major
problem that makes other place launches more attractive.
Another major constraint is Delcambre’s capacity (in terms of available resources) to
organize and promote any other event. At present, Delcambre’s committees are overwhelmed.
A new committee would need to be developed to organize and promote new events. If no
expertise is available in coordinating these types of events, knowledge will have to be acquired
through information gathering or hiring of outside resources.
Delcambre would have to develop grounds to host new events if the existing fairgrounds
do not provide a suitable or large enough venue for these events. Delcambre does have an
abundance of available land near the town which could be developed for these events. But,
improvements will have to be made to create strength from a current weakness.
Delcambre’s strengths include easy access to Lake Peigneur, Jefferson Island/ Rip Van
Winkle Gardens and Avery Island. The Delcambre Canal offers tranquil/slow stream water
canal and scenery such as signature rows of shrimp boats. These strengths on the Canal can be
leveraged with the opportunities to bring people for recreational activities, such as paddling or
fishing, through Delcambre canal and Lake Peigneur. Furthermore, Delcambre can leverage the
opportunity to use its water access to enjoy the sunset view at Lake Peigneur.
Because of the lack of zoning areas throughout the town of Delcambre, Delcambre’s
tourism would encounter a problem if heavy development of industrial activities occurs.
Industry can interfere with water based activities as it has the potential to create more
boats/barge traffic in the water.
The beautiful row of shrimping boats is vulnerable to the threat of the development of the
industrial activities along Delcambre canal. Because of the industrial development, the view of
the shrimping boats could no longer be attractive to visitors leading to a decrease in tourism.
The shrimp boats also are vulnerable to hurricane damage in the future hurricane seasons.
Delcambre is also vulnerable to the water becoming polluted or muddy (due to dredging activity
in Lake Peigneur) due to industrial activities.
SWOT Analysis Diagram - Tourism
SWOT analyses for the two main ideas presented later are included in Appendix A
Summary of the Market Opportunities in Tourism
Bienvenue à Delcambre has identified four major forms of tourism that are
possible in Delcambre namely recreational, fitness/sports, food and entertainment.
tourism forms split into 23 major types. The 23 major types of tourism are split into 66
activities, 55 sub-activities and 6 sub-sub activities (refer to the Possible Tourism Activities in
Delcambre diagram below).
For a detailed view of the market segmentation performed by Bienvenue à Delcambre,
see Attachment A – Detailed Market Segmentation
To explore these opportunities further, it is necessary to break down these markets into
identifiable segments that Delcambre can ultimately target. Based on the situational analysis,
Bienvenue à Delcambre has performed market research for five major opportunities including a
Cajun Sportsman Competition, kayaking activities, ATV/OHV riding, outdoor paintball, a
summer concert series, and recreational boating. Bienvenue à Delcambre has selected the Cajun
sportsman competition and kayaking activities to fully develop with marketing strategy. The
segmentations for those two segments are shown below.
For detailed market segmentation with analysis of the segments for OHV riding, outdoor
paintball, summer concert series, and recreational boating, please refer to Appendix B as
indicated below:
Appendix B-1 – Market Segmentation for OHV Riding
Appendix B-2 – Market Segmentation for Outdoor Paintball
Appendix B-3 – Market Segmentation for Summer Concert Series
Appendix B-4 – Market Segmentation for Recreational Boating
Possible Tourism activities in Delcambre
Market Segmentation for Cajun Sportsman Competition
Fishing Segmentation
Single Day/Weekend
League/Fishing Club
Fresh Water
Fresh Water
Hunting Segmentation
Duck Calling
Dog Training
Other Animals
Marksmanship Segmentation
Target Shooting
Skeet Shooting
Bow and Arrow (Archery)
Market Definition Analysis for Cajun Sportsman Competition
The idea for the Cajun Sportsman Competition comes from several market
segmentations. The components of the competition derive from a mix of fishing, hunting, and
marksmanship markets. The basic idea of the Cajun sportsman competition is a series of events
that test the ability of the Cajun sportsman. For the purpose of the event, the Cajun sportsman
activities include fishing, duck hunting, and deer hunting.
According to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated
Recreation – Louisiana, there are 590,000 resident anglers in the state of Louisiana, which
represents 17% of the population. In segmenting the total fishing market, the first variable
applied was whether the fishing was competitive.
In looking at competitive fishing, the
segmentation then divides the market by duration of event. A fishing league or club would
consist of participants who compete over an extended period of time. Evidence of this market
can be seen by other fishing clubs in the Acadiana area. For example, a summer long fishing
club launches out of Cypremort Point. Their results are posted in Dago’s Gas Station in Lydia,
LA. This fishing club brings exposure and income to Lydia, LA as members congregate in
Lydia before and after events and on weekends to purchase supplies and discuss the on goings of
the club.
Single day events such as tournaments and rodeos supply a means to bring fishermen
from beyond the normal area. Events such as these are held through south Louisiana, and some
examples include the CCA Louisiana Redfish Challenge out of Slidell or the Grand Isle Tarpon
Rodeo. Depending of the scale of the event, anglers can be drawn from outside the Acadiana
area. The CCA Louisiana Redfish Challenge drew 144 team entries in 2007 and 132 in 2008.
Teams were limited to three persons per boat. Many of the teams were families competing
together. Entry fee for the 2009 event is $300 with an estimated first place payout of $12,000
(assuming 135 team entries).
When applying the location of the fishing as a variable, the market can be segmented into
fresh water, marsh or inland, and off-shore. Fresh water fish often caught in Louisiana include
bass, catfish, sac-a-lait, and others. Common marsh fish include redfish and speckled trout. Offshore or deep sea fishing includes tarpon and tuna among others. According to the 2006
National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation – Louisiana, 289,000
state residents fish saltwater (marsh or off-shore). 196,000 or 68% of the saltwater anglers fish
for Red Drum (commonly known as redfish).
In segmenting the hunting market, the type of animal/bird hunted was used as a
segmenting variable. The 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated
Recreation – Louisiana indicates that 202,000 or 75% of total hunters hunt deer. Another 74,000
or 37% of total hunters hunt duck in Louisiana. For deer hunting, the type of weapon used was
applied as the last variable. Nationally, approximately 28% of hunters use bow and arrow.
Ninety-three percent of hunters use a firearm other than a muzzleloader (mostly rifle). The duck
market was divided by skills used in duck hunting, dog training (for retrieving) and duck calling.
The Gueydan Duck Festival includes events in both dog training and duck calling.
The marksmanship market was divided by type of target, moving (skeet) or stationary
(target). The stationary target market was divided by type of weapon used. Evidence suggests a
market existing for skeet shooting. Organizations such as Lafayette Skeet Club exist. Skeet
shooting has become trendy as a corporate event. Chevron hosts a skeet shooting event. The
Gueydan Duck Festival also includes a skeet shooting activity. The National Field Archery
Association is a organization devoted to bow and arrow 3-D target events.
The concept of the Cajun sportsman competition can apply to multiple markets. For
example, the skeet shooting event could apply to both duck hunters (moving target) and
exclusive skeet shooters. Rifle target competition can include deer hunters and those who shoot
targets only.
In looking at how the markets combine the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting,
and Wildlife-Associated Recreation – Louisiana estimates that 180,000 state residents both
hunted and fished.
Segment #1 – Cajun Sportsman Competition
Bienvenue à Delcambre recognizes that an opportunity is present for Delcambre with
sizable target markets of hunters (both deer and duck), anglers, skeet shooters, and archers in
Louisiana and particularly in the Acadiana area. With proper organization and promotion,
Delcambre can implement an event that will bring these target markets to the town to aid in the
rehabilitation of the town within the next three years.
End-User Analysis
Customer Value Dimensions for Sportsmen
Customer Value
Dimensions Competition
Various activities
Fellowship with other
Time outdoors
Application of skills
(dog training
Application of skills
Customer Value Hierarchy for Sportsmen
Friendship with
like persons
Opportunity to be the
Cajun Sportsman Fame
Outlet for
competitive drive
yourself against
other’s skills
Enjoy scenery and
Catch fish
Offers many different
Opportunity to fish near
Exposure to
Time spent with
other sportsmen
to practice
Challenge of
competing against
Customer Value Hierarchy for Outside Organizers
Access to new
Keep other
competitors out
of event
Demonstrate organizing
products/services to
new clients
Opportunity to meet
potential clients/members
Access to new
Prime placement of
banners or
Control of other
Competitor Analysis
Competition exists for most of the events by themselves. Fishing tournaments occur
frequently in south Louisiana during the active fishing periods of the year.
Skeet shoot
competitions are becoming more popular. The Gueydan Duck Festival hosts a skeet shoot, a dog
training competition, and a duck calling competition. Although the individual events would be
successful stand alone, there doesn’t appear to be any direct challenge to the events as a unit and
the idea of the “Cajun Sportsman”.
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain
Event Organizers – Option 1
Appoint Steering Team or
existing Steering Team organize
Organizers –
Option 3
Event Organizers –
Option 2
Established Organizers of
State assistance
in organizing
events (Lt.
Event Marketing
Advertising through internet, print ads
Advertising through related businesses that sportsmen frequent
Advertising through fishing launch locations, hunt clubs
Advertising grass roots (word of mouth)
Marketing Strategy
Functional Strategies and Programs
The basic idea of the Cajun sportsman competition is a series of events that test the
ability of the Cajun sportsman. For the purpose of the event, the Cajun sportsman activities
include fishing, duck hunting, and deer hunting. The competition will include events will test the
fundamental abilities of these activities. These events can include, but are not limited to, fishing,
target shooting with a rifle or bow, skeet shooting, dog training, and duck calling.
competition will be divided into three divisions: the Duck Competition which consists of the
skeet shoot, dog training exhibition, and duck calling; the Deer Division which consists of the
field archery competition and the rifle competition; the Fishing Division which will consist of a
fishing rodeo.
The competition can be organized to award individual winners, team winners, and even
corporate team winners.
Each Division will give awards for their winners.
The points
accumulated in the different events will total into the overall Cajun Sportsman Competition.
Marketing Strategy – Option A
No Partners
One option for Delcambre to launch a Cajun Sportsman competition would be to
organize and host the competition solely themselves. One major advantage to this strategy is the
Delcambre will own all the benefits of the competition. But, sole ownership comes at the price
of allocating the resources and gaining the knowledge to plan, organize, and host the event.
Marketing Strategy – Option B
Partner: Coastal Conservation Association of Louisiana – Fishing Rodeo
For Delcambre, a fishing rodeo is an obvious event given the strengths of the access to
popular fishing areas and the new boat launch. The fishing rodeo should be tailored to focus on
Delcambre’s strengths and leverage those against other area launches. By limiting the fishing
rodeo to redfish ranging from 16” to 24” in size (similar to the Redfish Challenge out of Slidel,
LA sponsored by CCA), Delcambre can format the fishing rodeo to their best fishing areas.
Delcambre can leverage outside resources to aid in the organizing of the fishing rodeo.
CCA of Louisiana already has the knowledge and skills to organize a redfish tournament.
Through partnership with Delcambre and CCA of Louisiana, CCA can host an Acadiana based
event (which they do not currently have) to promote their agenda. Other organizations may be
available for partnerships but additional research will be required to identify those groups.
Marketing Strategy – Option C
Partner: Cajun Outdoors Magazine
As Cajun Outdoors Magazine is already implementing a competition similar to the Cajun
Sportsman competition, they may be a potential partner for Delcambre. Delcambre can offer to
host the fishing portion of the Cajun Outdoors Magazine competition. Other opportunities to
host other events or even the final awards banquet may be available through the Cajun Outdoors
Magazine competition.
One major advantage to partnering with Cajun Outdoors Magazine is their access to the
target markets.
Cajun Outdoors Magazine will provide the promotion of the events in
Delcambre through their already established subscription base. Although Cajun Sportsman
provides an potential opportunity, locations and partners may have already been selected for the
Cajun Sportsman competition. Other options of implementation and promotion may offer more
value for long term benefits to Delcambre.
Marketing Strategy – Option D
Partner: Other Local Acadiana Communities
The Gueydan Duck Festival held in August already hosts the events envisioned for the
Duck Division of the Cajun Sportsman Competition. By partnering with Gueydan, Delcambre
can utilize Gueydan’s strengths to organize the Duck events.
A potential partner for the Deer Division could be the Louisiana Fur and Wildlife Festival
hosted by Cameron, LA. The 2009 Festival, which had been previously held in January, was
canceled due to Hurricane Ike damage, but Cameron appears to be attempting a 2010 event.
Events would have to be added to the Festival’s schedule of events for the archery and rifle
competitions. Other events that are normally hosted by the Fur and Wildlife Festival include
muskrat skinning, oyster shucking, and trap shooting. These events could also be included in the
Cajun Sportsman competition.
One major advantage to involving other communities is the opportunity for the different
festivals to promote for each other. By coming together, they create an Acadiana based event in
communities that have been affected by recent hurricanes.
In the strategy of involving other communities, Delcambre will lose sole ownership of the
Cajun Sportsman concept. But, Delcambre will retain ownership of the fishing rodeo and the
awards ceremony for the overall champions.
Marketing Strategy – Option E
Partner: Louisiana Sportsman Magazine - Promotion
Louisiana Sportsman Magazine provides an outside resource with the ability to promote a
Cajun Sportsman competition. Their established position as the preferred magazine of hunters
and anglers throughout Louisiana creates a channel to reach more of the target market. Also,
their logo (shown below) is well suited as a brand logo for the Cajun Sportsman competition.
Recommended Marketing Strategy
Bienvenue à Delcambre recommends to the marketing strategy of combining marketing
strategies B, D, and E above. By partnering with CCA of Louisiana, Delcambre will bring in a
resource with the knowledge and ability to launch the fishing rodeo quickly. While Delcambre is
working on the partnership for the fishing rodeo, they can develop the full plan for the Cajun
Sportsman competition. Once Delcambre has established ownership of the competition by
creating the overall plan for implementation and capturing the brand elements (websites, logos,
etc), other Acadiana communities can be approached about joining the competition. With the
leverage of the three Acadiana communities, Louisiana Sportsman Magazine can be approached
to provide the promotion for the event.
Revenue from the events can be generated through entry fees as well as corporate
sponsorship. Expos can be set up at all the different events to provide opportunities for venders
to display their products. Also, with including the events in already established festivals, the
revenue generated from the festival stands to increase as the increased promotion should result in
new markets for those festivals.
Value Proposition
Value Proposition for Competitors in Cajun Sportsman Competition
On the desired end state level, the idea of the Cajun Sportsman Competition caters to two
types of hunters and anglers.
For the more competitive hunters/anglers, it presents an
opportunity to prove they are the best at the single events. Moreover, for those that compete in
the overall championship, the competition is their chance to win a title where they will be
recognized as a champion outdoorsman. Marketing strategy should focus on challenging these
individuals to drive their competitive spirit.
For those that may not be necessarily driven by the opportunity to be the best, the
competition allows them the opportunity to compete with similar type of outdoorsman. It
provides these individuals an outlet to share insights and tips on how to be a more successful
hunter or angler. The competition will also allow an activity for children to have exposure to
hunting and fishing activities. Marketing messages should focus on fellowship with others
hunters and anglers and development of future generations in outdoor activities.
On the attribute level, the Cajun Sportsman offers a number of events. Hunters will now
have something to look forward to outside of the normal hunting season. Anglers can enjoy the
fishing locations around Delcambre.
Value Proposition for Other Acadiana Communities
Involving other communities offers the chance for the Cajun Sportsman competition to
become a regionalized Acadiana based event. The involved communities can promote for each
other, and thus increase the traffic to their events. The increased traffic will result in more
exposure for the towns and aid in the regrowth of the communities. The increased traffic will
also yield a revenue increase in their events.
Value Proposition for Outside Resources/Organizers for Cajun Sportsman
If outside resources are utilized to assist in the launch of the Cajun Sportsman
competition, value can be created for them as well. For non-profit organizations such as CCA or
Ducks Unlimited, the competition provides a platform for them to promote their principals as
well as an Acadiana based event for their organization.
If outside promotion, such as Louisiana Sportsman Magazine, is used, the Cajun
Sportsman Competition allows them an opportunity to host an event for their current subscribers.
It also provides a chance to identify new subscribers. An expo set up at the different events
would allow a platform for corporate sponsors to display their products.
Market Positioning
With the recommended marketing strategy, the overall market position will focus on
conservation of coastal wetlands, wildlife, communities, and culture. The Cajun Sportsman
competition becomes more than a competition. Rather it becomes about an event to celebrate
Acadiana sportsman heritage and help area communities conserve their culture.
With the
combination of three hurricane affected communities and organizations dedicated to
conservation of nature, the Cajun Sportsman competition creates a unique market strategy.
Assets and Competencies
With the recommended marketing strategy, Delcambre can leverage others assets to assist
with the implementation of the competition. By involving CCA, Delcambre instantly acquires a
partner with the expertise to organize a fishing rodeo.
The Gueydan Duck Festival contributes their competencies in hosting the duck based
Gueydan has already shown they have the capability to host the required events, but
may have to plan for larger traffic through their events.
The Deer events are the least developed of all the divisions in the Cajun Sportsman
competition. Once again, outside resources can provide competencies. Organizations dedicated
to archery competitions, such as the National Field Archery Association, can provide needed
knowledge and resources.
Similarly, the National Rifle Association can provide needed
capabilities for the rifle events.
Louisiana Sportsman Magazine as a promotion partner can provide the expertise to fully
promote the event. With their existing subscription base, they can easily reach the target market.
Also, their corporate advertising partners provide available corporate sponsorship for the Cajun
Sportsman event.
Implementation and Evaluation Timeline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Develop marketing
package to approach
CCA as a partner for
fishing rodeo
Determine available
resources in
Delcambre to plan
Cajun Sportsman
Appoint committee to
plan overall hierarchy
of Cajun Sportsman
Gather information
about the different
events and needed
Key Implementation
Implement fishing
rodeo timed with
opening of new boat
Capture brand
elements for Cajun
Determine other
potential community
partners to host other
segments of the
Determine other
organizations that
may be able to
contribute to
developing less
developed events
Develop marketing
package to approach
other communities
Develop marketing
package to approach
Louisiana Sportsman
Fully plan and
organize the launch of
Promote, through
Louisiana Sportsman,
Cajun Sportsman
Key Implementation
Launch Louisiana
Key Implementation
Form alliances with
other communities to
host competition
Year 1 implementation will focus on showing competency for Delcambre in hosting a
fishing rodeo. The activities for the year will be focused on two major strategies. The first
strategy will focus on preparing a marketing package to present to CCA as a potential partner.
The second strategy will focus on gaining ownership of the competition by putting together a
group to organize and plan the hierarchy of the event. Once the group has been appointed,
activities will focus on gaining knowledge on how to determine the scoring for the overall
competition. The Year 1 end goal will be to launch the fishing rodeo. The fishing rodeo should
coincide with the opening of the new boat launch.
Year 2 will focus on reaching out to other Acadiana communities to partner in the
First, an evaluation of different communities throughout Acadiana should be
conducted to ensure the best candidates are approached. Once candidates have been selected,
marketing packages should be developed to ensure the ideas presented suit the needs of the other
communities. Also, any missing competencies should be developed in Year 2. The end goal for
Year 2 is to acquire the partnerships with other Acadiana communities for the competition.
The beginning of Year 3 will focus on putting together an approach for Louisiana
Sportsman Magazine. Once a promotional partner has been acquired, resources will focus on a
full launch of the “Louisiana Sportsman Competition”.
Market Segmentation for Kayaking
Water Sports
Recreational Boating
Paddle Boats
Ski Boat
Jet Ski
Jet Ski
Banana Boats
Inner Tubing
Market Definition Analysis for Participation in Water Sports Activities
Delcambre has a very great existing asset, the canal. The Delcambre Canal runs from Lake
Peigneur to Vermilion Bay. It serves to connect the shrimping center of Delcambre to the Gulf
of Mexico. It also has a spur connection to Avery Island and is approximately five miles from
the Intracoastal Waterway with direct access to Vermillion Bay and Southwest Pass. The
Delcambre Canal has a minimum depth of nine feet to as deep as 15 feet. The Delcambre canal
also can give access to Jefferson Island and Rip Van Winkle eco-tourism customers.
Furthermore, Delcambre has the Lake Peigneur Disaster History, changed from a shallow
freshwater lake to what it is today: a body of saltwater more than 1,300 feet deep. Centered in
the waters of scenic Lake Peigneur sit two barely noticeable wellheads. Nature has provided the
area with a beautiful recreational lake for the enjoyment of fishermen and boaters, but it has also
given the area a unique geological structure known as a salt dome. Delcambre canal also offers
the tranquil waters provide nature enthusiasts with abundance opportunities to enjoy the scenery
and to view animals/wildlife.
The map below shows the location of Delcambre canal in
connection to Lake Peigneur and Avery Island.
Map of Delcambre Canal
This section of recreational segmentation is for people who participate in the water sports
The primary market would be nearby parishes’ residents namely Lafayette,
Vermillion and Iberia.
The secondary market would be regional, national or international
tourists who come to this area from all over the world.
The segmentation divides the target market between people who own boat or equipment
for water sports activities and people who rent the equipment. For short term opportunity, the
most attractive target market is focusing on the people who own equipment/boat. The
segmentation then divides into different types of water sports activities such as kayaking,
recreational boating, jet skiing, wind surfing, sailing and water skiing.
The two most attractive activities to Delcambre in the short term period are kayaking
which can be either kayak fishing or recreational kayak; and recreational boating. Kayak fishing
is the fastest growing sector in the sport of kayaking. It has been known for decades that the
kayak can be a very efficient way to travel. It was not until the more recent birth of the
recreational kayak that kayak fishing launched to the forefront of the growing kayak industry.
Recreational kayaks are stable, easy to paddle, inexpensive and accessible to about anyone.
With characteristics like this it was not long before dedicated fisherman discovered the benefits
of this type of travel. For example, in the Gulf States, many of the coastal areas are too shallow
for the typical motorized boat. However these waters are famous for exciting sport fishing, red
fish, sea trout, and tarpon are just a few of the species that have proven the kayak to be an
exceptional and unique fishing craft.
According to “Outdoor Recreation Participation in the United States,” a study on the
participation habits of Americans age 16 and older in “22 human-powered activities”,
participation in kayaking grew from 4.2 million to 10.2 million people from 1998 to 2004. The
target market for the kayaking segment is to attract paddlers and outfitters/guides. In Louisiana,
the growing number of demands in kayaking activities can be seen on the numerous websites
that promote kayaking activities. Some examples of these websites are listed below:
1. : Organized to promote the sport of paddling.
Representing Southeast Louisiana and Southern Mississippi - New Orleans, Baton
Rouge, the Northshore, Lafayette, Southern Mississippi and all points in between.
2. : Pelican Paddlers is a group of paddling enthusiasts
ranging from the long term expert to absolute beginner. They welcome anyone wanting
to take up or pursue an interest in kayaking and canoeing.
3. : Calmwater Charters offers customers a unique
approach to coastal Louisiana inshore fishing near Grand Isle, Louisiana.
4. The Cajun Coast is a sampler of everything
Louisiana has to offer in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Located only 90 minutes or less
from New Orleans, Lafayette, and Baton Rouge, it’s the perfect location to spend a day, a
weekend or a week!
5. Pack & Paddle has grown to over 6,000 square feet,
housing excellent brands of outdoor equipment for all types of self propelled outdoor
activities. Pack & Paddle, specialize in rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking,
family camping, snow skiing and much more, is a resource for the local forests and
streams that make Louisiana a special place for the outdoor enthusiast.
6. Louisiana Sportsman
8. The Lafayette Kayak Fishing Club (LKFC) is Acadiana's club for paddle-craft anglers.
We fish the coastal waters and tributaries of Louisiana and surrounding areas. What's
unique about our club is we fish both salt and freshwater for redfish, trout, flounder, bass,
sac-a-lait, etc. LKFC's objectives are simple- to get together as a club to fish and to
promote the sport of kayak fishing.
By using these available websites on the internet, paddlers and outfitters can be easily accessed.
Kayaking activities can be substantial to Delcambre because the market is big enough to serve.
By coming to Delcambre for kayaking activities, paddlers are not only going to enjoy the
beautiful scenery and history but also going to spend money on gas, food and souvenirs that will
benefit Delcambre economically.
Segment #2 – Kayaking Activities
Bienvenue à Delcambre recognizes that tourism activities such as kayaking activities like
kayak fishing and recreational kayaking can help rebuild the small community of Delcambre
after devastating storm surge flooding by hurricanes Ike in September and Rita in 2005. A
successful tourism programs can help create new jobs and deliver an economic development
impact to Delcambre. There is an opportunity to set up successful kayaking activities such as
kayak fishing and recreational kayaking in Delcambre. This market opportunity will target
paddlers and outfitter (part of the supply chain). Given the adequate promotional mix, the
kayaking activities can be adopted in six months to one year, organize waters sports events in the
second year and set up rental shops in the third year.
End-User Analysis
Customer Value Determination for Paddlers
Location: Easy access and
Customer Value Dimension
Relax and enjoy the nature.
Rush and excite feeling –
kayak fishing. Exercise
Delcambre offers great
scenery and view of wildlife
Paddlers can glide thru the
remains of Lake Peigneur
disaster history
Customer Value Hierarchy for Paddlers
Sense of Rush and
Sense of first hand
Great Exercise
Long Paddling
Catch fish
See history
Enjoy scenery and
Short paddling
Offer great variety of
Offers tranquil waters
Easy access
Access to Jefferson Island, Van
Winkle Gardens. Avery Island
Boat Launch
Site off road
History of Lake Peigneur
Paddling is one of those activities that draw participants with varying intentions and for
very different reasons. Some paddle for adventure and excitement such as kayak fishing while
others paddle for the serenity and relaxation that it brings. Canoeing or kayaking definitely
allows for a connection with the nature surrounding a person that cannot be found elsewhere. By
providing kayaking activities in Delcambre, LA, target customers (paddlers) will experience ease
of access (for those in target market) which allows more time to relax and enjoy the beautiful
scenery for recreational paddlers. As for the kayak fishing paddlers, they will spend more time
in the water and enjoy the rush and excitement fishing from the kayak.
Customer Value Determination for Outfitters/Guides
Customer Value Dimension
Create memorable
experience for paddlers
Make more money and
increase customer loyalty
Location: Easy Access and
Delcambre offer great
scenery and view of wildlife
Paddlers can glide through
the remains of Lake Peigneur
disaster history.
Customer Value Hierarchy for Outfitters/Guides
Make more money by
attracting more paddlers and
improve customer loyalty
Create excellent
experience to
See History
Spend safe
time with
Short paddling vs.
long paddling time
Offer variety of fish
Offers tranquil
waters /low
stream/wildlife view
Access to Jefferson
Island, Van Winkle
Gardens. Avery
Launch boat from
Delcambre: free
parking, services
History of Lake
By providing a kayaking activity such as recreational kayaking and kayak fishing, the
unique offerings in Delcambre can persuade outfitter/guide to bring in their customers to
Delcambre. Outfitters/guide can provide an excellent and memorable experience to their target
customers. The experience offered to customers could be opportunity to have great kayak
fishing, convenient location (boat launch), beautiful scenery and tranquil waters of Delcambre
canal, and see Lake Peigneur history. The end state of the outfitter/guide is to bring more money
to their businesses by creating excellence experience to their customers who participate in
kayaking activities in Delcambre.
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain
Advertise through websites such
Word of Mouth
Delcambre can reach majority of paddlers through advertising and promoting Delcambre
through various websites and word of mouth. As for reaching the outfitters, Delcambre can
contact the outfitters/guides also through the websites such as and Then the outfitters/guides can advertise the experience in Delcambre to
their customers by organizing activities/tours through their services.
Competitors Analysis
Although there are others location that promote kayaking and recreational boating in
South Louisiana, Delcambre has the potential in differentiating itself from the competitors.
Delcambre has to really market its pre-existing assets such as slow stream canal, passage from
the canal to Lake Peigneur, Jefferson Island and Rip Van Winkle Gardens and Avery Island.
According to Captain Danny Wray, who is a Coast Guard Licensed Captain and a Heritage
Endorsed Guide in Grand Isle, most visitors coming to Louisiana want to fish. In order for
Delcambre to establish a great kayak trail, a few criteria must be followed. People want a full
service accommodation for their vacation comforts with top quality lodging, good fishing area,
unique experience, and a good guide. Grand Isle, one of the competitors for Delcambre in kayak
fishing has numerous marinas and bait shops where anyone can launch the boat, get their favorite
bait, and head out to fishing spots. Grand Isle also has more than a dozen chartering services that
provide inland fishing for those big specs and reds or offshore charters for redsnapper, king
mackerel, tarpon, tuna, marlin, etc.
Another competitor is Cypremort Point which has two trails already on the Cajun Coast
Paddling Trail. The Cypremort Point Paddling Trail #1 is located in Vermilion Bay and Cote
Blanche Bay. Paddlers can put in and take out at Cypremort Point State Park and at Burns Point.
Cypremort Point has sandy beaches, open water, schools of fish, sailboats, pelicans, oil platforms
and beautiful sunsets. Novice paddlers can put in here to fish in secluded bayous, or experienced
paddlers can cross the bay to Burns Point. At Burns Point, cypress and oak trees shade the quiet
waters of East Cote Blanche Bay. Pelicans wheel and swoop over oil platforms and shrimp
boats. Novice paddlers can fish around the park, or cross the bay to Cypremort Point State Park.
Six cabins are available to rent at Cypremort Point State Park. Cypremort Point Paddling Trail
#2 begins at the Baldwin Boat Launch on Bayou Teche, turns onto the Charenton Drainage and
Navigation Canal and continues into the open waters of West Cote Blanche Bay. The trail ends
at the landing in Cypremort Point State Park or Burns Point Boat Launch. The coast is low lying
marsh except at Cote Blanche Island. Cote Blanche Island is one of the highest points of land
along this coast, and it is also the location of one of Louisiana’s coastal salt mines. This area
offers an abundance of fishing opportunities and myriad of shore birds to view while paddling.
Delcambre would have to create a paddling trail and promote it on the map on Cajun Coast
Paddling Trail. The Atchafalaya Basin is probably one of the most beautiful places to kayak in
Louisiana. It is loaded with wild life; Alligators, Nutria, Beaver, and numerous species of water
fowl just to name a few. There are large groves of cypress trees and small islets everywhere.
Fishermen are abundant but in a kayak, paddlers can get to places that most of them won't go in a
bass boat.
Lake Fausse Pointe is another establishment that offers unique experience for
paddlers and recreational boaters.
Marketing Strategy
Functional Strategies and Programs
In order to bring in paddlers to a demo day or paddling tour, the outfitter normally bears a
significant portion of the costs. Delcambre can attract outfitters to bring in paddlers by sharing
in the cost. Delcambre also has to have a designee who would promote the kayaking activities
through website promotion and personal selling. However, this position will pay for itself when
the tourism activities increase in Delcambre.
Delcambre is offering kayaking activities (recreational/kayak fishing) to beginners,
intermediate and advanced paddlers to experience tranquility of water, sunset, Lake Peigneur
history and wildlife scenery. The location is perfect for a half a day activity for paddlers from
South Louisiana especially from Vermillion, Iberia and Lafayette parishes. Delcambre offers a
2.3 miles trail from Delcambre to Jefferson Island and a 7.2 miles trail through the canal
connecting Delcambre and Avery Island.
Kayak trail from center of Delcambre
canal to Jefferson Island
approximately 2.3 miles
Kayak trail from
Delcambre to Avery
Island approximately
7.2 miles
Delcambre Kayak Trails
There are several ways to get to Delcambre. The following diagram illustrates the major
routes to Delcambre from West (HW14), North (HW 339, HW 89, and HW 90) and East (HW
Baton Rouge
New Iberia
Morgan City
Multiple Routes from Different Places to Delcambre
Presently, surrounding paddlers/outfitters are not aware that there is opportunity to paddle
in Delcambre. In order to create awareness in people’s mind about the product of Delcambre, a
massive integrated marketing communication is needed. Marketing promotions mix such as
advertising, events and experience, direct marketing, word of mouth marketing and personal
selling can be utilized. One example of advertising may be a sign made out of the old and
abandoned shrimp boat and put it on the side of Hwy 14 to direct people to Delcambre. The
shrimp boat symbolizes that Delcambre is a shrimp town. On side of boat, a lot of information
such as activities in Delcambre, and direction to Delcambre can be displayed. Delcambre can
also advertise about kayaking activities in magazines or newspapers such as Louisiana
Sportsman, Vermillion (ULL student newspapers), the Daily Advertiser, and The Daily Iberian
for further exposure.
Delcambre can organize kayak tours through collaboration with outfitters such as Pack
and Paddle and The Backpacker. In an interview with Lafayette Pack and Paddle, Mr. John
Williams, the owner had mentioned that he is interested in taking his customers to Delcambre for
boat tours. A boat tours normally consist of 15-20 paddlers. One potential option is to invite
Pack and Paddle to launch their kayaks from Mr. Wiggin’s camp instead of the normal boat
launch. Delcambre can also organize social events during this time to educate the paddlers about
Delcambre. This event and experience can benefit both Delcambre and the outfitter. By bringing
their customers to a different location and scenery, Pack and Paddle can offer their customers a
unique experience in Delcambre. Delcambre gains by having new tourists to their town.
One option for creating interest for established paddlers may be to host a demo day.
Delcambre could also look for a partner in a demo day with an established customer base. This
form of events and experiences marketing allows paddlers to be exposed indirectly to Delcambre
as a paddling location.
Another advertising opportunity would be to have a representative from Delcambre meet
with the Lafayette Kayak Fishing Club. This group is dedicated to kayak fishing the coastal
waters and tributaries of south Louisiana. LKF is open to freshwater, brackish and saltwater
fishing. This is a great opportunity to spread the kayaking activities opportunity to paddlers
directly to create an exposure to Delcambre.
Word-of mouth advertising can create another form of advertising, word-of-web. For this
purpose, Delcambre needs to set up a kayaking website which can be link to Delcambre’s main
website, Moreover, social networks in the form of online
virtual communities can be a vital resource for Delcambre. There are many websites promoting
kayaking activities online. In these websites, paddlers write their testimonials about the places
they go and also post pictures of their experience. We can direct paddlers who have experienced
Delcambre to post their testimony and pictures on Delcambre’s kayaking website. Then this
website the can be linked to any other websites on the internet that promote tourism. For
example, is a website where users describe the attractions, things to do,
events, upcoming events, accommodations, restaurants for US travel planning.
Furthermore, Delcambre also need collaboration from neighboring touristic areas such as
Jefferson Island and Avery Island to promote Delcambre’s activities on their websites. Through
joint advertising, they may be able to attract more tourists to each other’s destination. Another
joint advertising venture would be to co produce brochures and disperse them through these
neighboring touristic areas. This brochure should contain a kayak trail, a distance/direction/map
to Delcambre etc.
Value Proposition and Position
Delcambre offers tranquil waters for paddling and is located less than 20 miles from
Acadiana Mall. The tranquil waters create a perfect point for beginners, intermediate and
advanced paddlers, to explore the natural, history and cultural heritage of South Louisiana. The
Delcambre trail is approximately 2.3 miles from Delcambre to Jefferson Island and about 7.2
miles to Avery Island, connecting three significant points Avery Island, Delcambre and Jefferson
Island. The canal is slow water stream with a minimum depth of 9 to maximum 15 feet,
approximately 5 miles from the Intracoastal Waterway. Starting from a lovely shrimp boat
harbor, it allows access to Vermillion Bay and Southwest Pass; also, it combines wilderness
adventure with scenic view of nearby historic areas such as Lake Peigneur disaster history,
Avery Island, Rip Van Winkle Gardens and Jefferson Island. Paddlers can also enjoy the view of
sunset on water, catching a variety of fish and views of wildlife.
Delcambre can position itself to be different from other kayaking location competitors by
promoting that Delcambre kayak trails connects three beautiful and unique places such as Avery
Island, Jefferson Island/Rip Van Winkle and living history of Lake Peigneur – all can be done in
a half a day tour. Delcambre also offers the beautiful view of shrimping boats along the canal
and view of sunset on the water.
Assets and Competencies
Delcambre key assets are already available: canal, slow stream of water, easy access to
Lake Peigneur, Avery Island and Jefferson Island/Rip Van Winkle Gardens, easy access to
wilderness and fishing opportunities, view of rows of shrimp boat, and view of sunset on water.
Other tangible assets will have to be developed and improved such as kayak trails, signage, and
parking lot.
Delcambre has done very well in organizing the Shrimp Festival and a Boat Parade as
yearly events. This competency should be extended into initiating the development of a much
simpler activity such as kayaking. The Port of Delcambre steering committee can appoint a
group of representative to take up this project of promoting kayaking activities to draw people to
come to Delcambre. This group can create and maintain a kayaking website linked to the main
Delcambre website, create Delcambre brochure, contact the outfitters and organize tours, and
meeting with local kayak groups. Infrastructure development necessary to host paddlers are also
requested for most developments: adequate parking lot, signage to indicate Delcambre from
main highways intersection, and zoning.
Implementation and Evaluation Timeline
6 Months – Year 1 – Create kayaking awareness in Delcambre
Since kayaking activities (recreational and fishing) can be set up in short term,
Delcambre should be able promote the activities within 6 months to 1 year. The strategies will
focus on promoting kayaking activities. Delcambre should be able to create the kayaking trail,
kayaking webpage, and link it to the main Delcambre website. Delcambre should promote the
activities through outfitters, kayaking websites through testimonials and pictures, and word of
mouth. Delcambre should be able to collaborate with Jefferson Island/Rip Van Winkle Gardens,
Avery Island in attempt to draw more tourists. The key to measure whether paddlers are aware
about the kayaking activities in Delcambre is to set up a survey. Survey can be done physically
by distributing surveys through outfitters or can also be done online. The popularity of kayaking
in Delcambre also can be measured with testimonials/ pictures posted on websites.
Year 2 – Organize Events
In Year 2, Delcambre should be able to organize events that involve kayaking such as
kayak racing tournament or kayak fishing tournament out of Delcambre. These events are great
to continuously promote kayaking in Delcambre. The successful kayaking activities should
create a multiplier effect where tourist dollars are injected into the local economy. The more
new tourist dollars entering a local economy and the longer the percentage is retained locally, the
greater the economic benefit.
Year 3 – Establish Rental Shops for Water Sports Activities
In Year 3, a long term plan for Delcambre is to be able to establish a rental shops for
canoe, kayaks, and other water recreational equipment such as jet-skis, banana boats, paddle
boats etc.
A successful of tourism activity in Delcambre creates opportunities for the
establishment of new products, facilities and services and expansion of existing businesses which
would not otherwise be justified solely on the resident population.
Bienvenue à Delcambre has identified two viable segments within all the possible
touristic activities namely Cajun Sportsmen Competition and kayaking. Kayaking activities
target paddlers and outfitters. Cajun Sportmen Competition targets anglers, hunters and outside
organizers. The target markets are primarily located in Southwest Louisiana in specifically
Acadiana. Kayaking strategy articulates establishment of a kayak trail, webpage on Delcambre
website, outfitter involvement, collaboration with neighboring touristic areas, exposure on
tourism and kayaking websites, organization of tournaments, and establishment of kayaking and
other water sports rental place.
Cajun Sportsmen Competition strategy articulates into
preparation of a marketing package for potential partner fishing rodeo partner, putting together a
group to organize and plan the hierarchy of the event, launching a fishing rodeo simultaneously
with the opening of the new boat launch, developing partnership with other Acadiana
communities, and approaching Louisiana Sportsman Magazine.
Detailed SWOT Analysis
Detailed SWOT Analysis for Cajun Sportsman
Situational Analysis
Delcambre, through the Delcambre Steering Team, has sought the resources of the University of
Louisiana-Lafayette to aid in the rehabilitation of their town.
Bienvenue à Delcambre is a MBA
Marketing group who has chosen to assist Delcambre in the area of tourism. Described here within is our
team’s analysis on a few of the many opportunities available for Delcambre to grow tourism.
One such opportunity is the proposal of a competition comprised of outdoorsman activities
common to hunters and anglers in the area. The marketing strategy described will focus on using outside
resources to assist with the implementation of this competition. The overall theme of the marketing
activities to the outside resources will highlight the opportunity for rehabilitation of Acadiana through
tourism activities.
Delcambre has numerous resources that could aid in the implementation of a Cajun Sportsman
Competition. Delcambre’s location is ideal for accessing Acadiana as it is in the center of the Acadiana
area. Highway 14 and Highway 339/Verot School Road provide easy access to Delcambre from the
Acadiana area.
For the fishing rodeo component of the Cajun Sportsman Competition, Delcambre has access
through the Delcambre Canal to popular redfish fishing areas. Delcambre is known as a potential launch
spot for Acadiana’s anglers. One major disadvantage is the existing boat launch facilities which lacks the
ability to launch more than one boat at a time and has limited parking. Another disadvantage is for
fishing is the distance from Southwest Pass. Other launch locations such as Cypremort Point are closer to
the Southwest Pass. But, to launch from Cypremort Point, boats have to pass through the open water of
Vermillion Bay, which can limit the size of boat during windy/rough water conditions. When launching
from Delcambre, a coastline route can be taken to reach Southwest Pass.
For both the duck and deer hunting components of the Cajun Sportsman Competition, Delcambre
does have the existing fairgrounds as a potential location to host these activities. But, due to the
surrounding residential and commercial operations, the fairgrounds may not be an ideal location for
firearm activities. The size of these grounds may limit the number of participants in these events.
Delcambre has demonstrated the ability to host major events through the organization leading to
the Annual Shrimp Festival and Christmas Boat Parade. Both events are well organized and promoted
adequately for Delcambre’s needs. Both events have websites developed for their promotion. Specific to
the events of the Cajun Sportsman Competition, Delcambre has little experience in organizing these
particular types of activities. With the current workload of the Steering Committee and the Shrimp
Festival Committee, availability of resources to organize an large scale event may not be readily
available. Delcambre has the equipment or access to the equipment to host events, but may not have
access to specific equipment for the Cajun Sportsman Activities.
For an awards ceremony, Delcambre has several possible venues that could host. In Delcambre,
the fairgrounds could be used as the awards location. Near Delcambre, venues such as Jefferson Island or
Avery Island could be utilized as possible awards locations.
Important Opportunities and Threats
A significant opportunity exists in the Cajun Sportsman Competition to attract both hunters and
anglers. Louisiana has labeled itself “Sportsman’s Paradise” in that it has an abundance of natural
resources catering to outdoorsman. In Louisiana alone, 180,000 residents both hunt and fish. This
equates to a sizable market available for this kind of event.
Delcambre has numerous interests involved in assisting in the rebuilding of the town. In addition
to ULL’s Marketing Program, other state university groups, such as LSU’s Landscape Architecture
program, have or currently are contributing to Delcambre’s plight. These groups present a valuable
resource for Delcambre as they provide expertise that may not be present in Delcambre. In addition to the
local universities’ contributions, state and national programs are also available to assist Delcambre.
Delcambre has already received funding from Louisiana Recovery Authority. Additional funding or
resources may be available from both state and national government.
Numerous outlets are available for the promotion of a Cajun Sportsman competition.
Publications, such as Louisiana Sportsman, provide a direct link to target markets. Websites such as and provide another means to reach target markets.
Several organizations exist as possible partners for the Cajun Sportsman events.
Conservation Association (CCA) of Louisiana is an organization that presently holds fishing rodeos in
other parts of the state. The Gueydan Duck Festival hosts several of the duck activities that would be a
part of the Cajun Sportsman competition.
Rather late in the analysis of the Cajun Sportsman Competition, direct competition was identified.
Cajun Outdoors, a local publication, has recently launched a similar competition. Promotion seems to be
limited the publication’s readers, and has little web presence.
The competition presents both and
opportunity and a threat. They may provide a partner to assist in the launch of the Cajun Sportsman
competition. If they are unwilling to partner, they will be a direct competitor of any forward plans. In
addition to Cajun Outdoors, other forms of competition exist in the form of single events such as skeet
shoots and fishing rodeos.
SWOT Diagram for Cajun Sportsman Competition
Evaluation of Leverage, Problems, Constraints and Vulnerabilities
With the access to popular fishing areas, Delcambre is positioned to implement a fishing rodeo in
the short term. But, one major constraint to implementing the fishing rodeo is the present boat launch
facilities. Delcambre’s project to build a new boat launch improves a weakness to a strength, and
provides further leverage to a fishing rodeo event. The new boat launch will alleviate the major problem
that makes other launches more attractive to anglers.
Another major constraint is Delcambre’s capacity (in terms of available resources) to organize
and promote the events required as part of the Cajun Sportsman competition. At present, Delcambre’s
committees are overwhelmed. A new committee would need to be developed to organize and promote
events related to Cajun Sportsman. If no expertise is available in coordinating these types of events,
knowledge will have to be acquired through information gathering or hiring of outside resources.
Delcambre would have to develop grounds to host the firearms events as the fairgrounds does not
provide a suitable venue for these events. Delcambre does have an abundance of available land near the
town which could be developed for these events. But, improvements will have to be made to create a
strength from a current weakness.
The threat of the Cajun Outdoors event coupled with Delcambre’s lack of development on the
Cajun Sportsman competition creates a problem. Delcambre will have to look for avenues to overcome
this direct problem.
Detailed SWOT Analysis for Kayaking Activities
Situation Analysis
The Port and the Town of Delcambre appointed a Steering Committee composed of two
businessmen, two lawyers, an engineer, the executive director of a nonprofit, and a councilman to
research, plan, and recommend the economic recovery for Delcambre and the surrounding community.
The Steering Committee was formed in July 2006. With the help and guidance of the Louisiana Sea Grant
Program and the LSU AgCenter, the Committee formulated a business plan, which the Committee
continues to implement.
Members of the Steering Committee meet regularly with the mayor of
Delcambre, Mr. Carrol Broussard, the Vermilion Parish Police Jury, the Iberia Parish Council, and the
Twin Parish Port Commission for briefings. In addition to these briefings, informal communications exist
in a network of individuals who grew up together and have maintained contacts through church, school,
and social interactions.
Currently, the town of Delcambre organize two main events namely Delcambre Boat Parade and
Delcambre Shrimp Festival yearly that draw people to visit Delcambre. The Delcambre Boat Parade is a
Lighted Boat Parade consisting of private boat owners. In this event, boats of all sizes are welcomed to
participate. Anyone who has a boat and is willing to decorate it in the Christmas spirit is asked to join in
the fun. This event is hosted in the month of December. As for the Delcambre Shrimp Festival, this event
is hosted in August. Since Delcambre is home to one of the area’s most productive shrimp fleets. For this
event, the town devotes an entire weekend to honor this economic lifeblood. Events include a shrimp
cook-off, queens pageants, fais-do-do's, food booths, carnival rides, and the blessing of the shrimp boat
fleet. To promote these yearly events, Delcambre has developed two separate websites, and Obviously, Delcambre has
the capabilities in promoting these events through these websites to draw people from out of town to
Delcambre. According to the statistics Acadiana Economic Development, people in Acadiana area spent
$923,884 in Entertainment product group alone in 2008 which is around $1, 700 per capita.
Furthermore, Louisiana Sea Grant Program is playing a key role in assisting the community to
recovery. Sea Grant connected the committee with the landscape architecture programs at Louisiana
State University and The University of Louisiana at Lafayette. With Sea Grant funding, LSU senior
landscape architecture students and UL architecture and design students presented the overall design
concepts include a public marina, open-air markets, water-front residential areas for second homes, al
fresco dining, boardwalks, and possibly a hotel to accommodate tourists. All of the plans include
capitalizing on the town’s annual Shrimp Festival as an attraction. Port of Delcambre also was awarded a
major grant from the Louisiana Recovery Authority (LRA) last summer. The grant was the result of a
collaborative effort by a Steering Committee appointed from the Town of Delcambre and the Port, the
Louisiana Sea Grant Program, the LSU AgCenter, the LSU School of Landscape Architecture, and the
UL School of Architecture and Design. The grant would enable the Port to proceed with a project to
construct a new boat launch south of Delcambre, an open-air seafood market and boat dock, an
observation/fishing pier. The site will be located south of Delcambre with direct access from Highway
Important Opportunities and Threats
Delcambre has a very great existing asset, the canal. The Delcambre Canal runs from Lake Peigneur
to Vermilion Bay. It serves to connect the shrimping center of Delcambre to the Gulf of Mexico. It also
has a spur connection to Avery Island and is approximately five miles from the Intracoastal Waterway
with direct access to Vermillion Bay and Southwest Pass. The Delcambre Canal has a minimum depth of
nine feet to as deep as 15 feet. The Delcambre canal also can give access to Jefferson Island and Rip Van
Winkle Gardens. Furthermore, Delcambre has the Lake Peigneur Disaster History, changed from a
shallow freshwater lake to what it is today: a body of saltwater more than 1,300 feet deep. Centered in the
waters of scenic Lake Peigneur sit two barely noticeable wellheads. Nature has provided the area with a
beautiful recreational lake for the enjoyment of fishermen and boaters, but it has also given the area a
unique geological structure known as a salt dome. Delcambre canal also offers the tranquil waters
provide nature enthusiasts with abundance opportunities to enjoy the scenery and to view
With the aforementioned natural assets of Delcambre, there is a great opportunities to attract visitors
especially who are interested in eco-tourism. The World Tourism Council estimates that travel and
tourism provides employment for more than 100 million people world wide (that is one in sixteen
workers) and is responsible for over 7% of world wide capital investment. As shown in report 1,
Louisiana draws more in-state visitors who travel within the state in the Summer and the Fall. Delcambre
should take advantage of the opportunity to use Lake Peigneur history, the wildlife especially birds
outlook for residents. The major advantage in attracting paddlers are the lack of kayaking trail, threat can
occur in Delcambre is the threat of hurricane. To promote kayaking activities, Delcambre is facing
competitions from established competitions such as Cypremort Point, Lake Fausse Point, and Atchafalaya
SWOT Analysis for Kayaking Activities in Delcambre
Evaluation of Leverage, Problems, Constraints and Vulnerabilities
A significant numbers of opportunities recognized where Delcambre can use its strength such as easy
access to Lake Peigneur, Jefferson Island/ Rip Van Winkle Gardens and Avery Island through its
tranquil/slow stream water canal and its signature rows of shrimp boats. These assets can be leveraged
into the opportunities to bring people to paddle whether for recreational or fishing through Delcambre
canal to Lake Peigneur. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has deemed Lake Peigneur a
recreational lake. Apart from its unique history, Lake Peigneur boasts redfish, catfish, shrimp, wildlife
and over 300 species of birds. Through kayaking, the paddlers also can get access to Jefferson Island/Rip
Van Winkle where it is listed on the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Bird Sanctuary
Registry. Furthermore, Delcambre can leverage the opportunity to offer paddlers to enjoy the sunset view
on water at Lake Peigneur using its water.
Lack of zoning areas throughout Delcambre town, Delcambre would encounter a problem with
the development of industrial activities. This problem can interfere with the kayaking activities such as
paddlers would have more boats/barge traffic in the water. The promotion of kayaking in specialized
kayaking websites such as or
constrained by the absent of established kayak trail as an internal weakness. Delcambre can improve this
weakness into a strength by establishing kayak trail to further leverage the opportunity attracts people to
paddle in Delcambre.
The beautiful row of shrimping boats is vulnerable to the threat of the development of the
industrial activities along Delcambre canal. Because of the industrial development, the view of the
shrimping boats is no longer attractive to paddlers and this vulnerability might push away some paddlers.
The shrimp boats also are vulnerable to hurricane as there is a possibility that the boats might get
destroyed in the future hurricane season. Another issue that Delcambre is vulnerable to is that the water
can get muddy and no longer perceived attractive as it gets interfered by the dredging activity in Lake
Other Market Segmentations
Market Segmentation for OHV Riding
Market Segmentation for OHV Riding
Dirt Motorcycle
4X4 Jeeps
Market Definition Analysis for ATV Riding Event
In analyzing recreational activities that involve riding, the market can be segmented into
motorized or non-motorized. Motorized would include any type of riding that is powered
through some other source other than the rider.
Non-motorized would be any mode of
transportation powered solely by the user.
The next variable applied to the segmentation was the location of where the riding
occurs. For this segmentation, the motorized riding market was divided into off-highway or
Off-highway was further segmented into three separate categories: ATV, Dirt
Motorbike, and 4X4 Jeeps (collectively known as OHV). Other forms of motorized off-highway
vehicles do exist, but these are the major segments in the category.
In a 2005 report titled “Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation in the United States, Regions
and States: A National Report from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment
(NSRE)”, the USDA Forest Service reports that nearly 18.6% of the population (nearly 1 in 5)
participate in OHV activities. They also report a consistent upward trend between 1999 and
2004 (annual surveys). In the state of Louisiana, the report reported that nearly 19.6% of the
total population participated in OHV recreation. Coupling this statistic with the Acadiana
population, the total segment of persons participating in OHV recreation is approximately
100,000 people.
In general, OHV activities are enjoyed by a younger demographic. In analyzing the
demographics of OHV users, almost 30% of the 30 and under (age) population and 20% of the
31-50 (age) participated in OHV activities in the South region, which includes Louisiana.
Coupled with the younger demographic of the Acadiana region signals a significant market
The report prepared by the USDA Forest Service defines five lifestyle segments. The
breakdown of these segments is as follows:
OHV Users - Lifestyle Groups
Young Adventure Seekers
Middle Age Actives
Middle of the Roaders
Upper Middle Class Nature
A number of internet resources are available to reach OHV users. A Google Search of
“ATV trails Louisiana” or “OHV trails Louisiana” brought up a number of sites detailing trails
within the state of Louisiana. In addition to internet resources, OHV dealers in the area provide
another means to reach the target market. Publications printed tailored to OHV users, such as
ATV World, provide yet another outlet to reach the target market.
A number of trails in north Louisiana provide an activity for the target market. It can be
assumed by the number of riders commonly frequenting these trails that the market is actionable.
End-User Analysis
Customer Value Determination
OHV Users
Customer Value
Enjoy a fun, time
riding OHVs in
nature in an area
nearby home
A place to ride OHVs
Ease of access to
Customer Value Hierarchy
Experience on
Ease of Access
More Time
Riding OHVs
Open Area
Time with family
and friends
Time spent
Nearby Location
By providing a place for OHV riders to ride in Delcambre, riders will experience an exciting
time with friends and family that is located nearby their home. The ultimate end user state will
be an exciting experience on their OHV.
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain Analysis
OHV Activity
Advertise in nearby OHV
Advertise on OHV/ATV
Advertise in OHV/ATV
OHV riders in the
Acadiana area
OHV riders can be accessed through several different forms of medium including internet
resources, OHV dealers, and OHV/ATV publications.
Competitor Analysis
Most established OHV trails are located a relatively remote distance from the Acadiana
area. Shown below is a map showing established OHV areas near Acadiana:
A new facility has been recently opened in the Lake Charles area which will provide some
competition for any facilities in Delcambre. In addition to established OHV facilities, common
areas where riders go, such as the levees for the basin will also provide competition.
Market Segmentation for Outdoor Paintball
Market Segmentation for Outdoor Paintball
Outdoors Activities
Market Definition Analysis for Outdoor Paintball
Paintball is a game in which players eliminate opponents by hitting them with pellets
containing paint. Games can be played either indoors or outdoors. Rules for playing paintball
vary widely, with most designed to ensure that participants enjoy the game in a safe
environment. The sport requires a significant amount of equipment. Paintball equipment varies
depending on the type of paintball game being played and the skill level of those playing. Every
player, however, is required to have two basic pieces of equipment:
1. Mask: Necessary for players' protection.
2. Complete paintball marker: Guns usually also require some sort of loader/hopper
and propellant to work (CO2, nitrogen or compressed air).
More than one thousand regular paintball gamers are playing outside paintball around the
Lafayette area. The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association estimates that over 5.4 million
people played the game in the United States in 2007, with over 1.5 million playing at least 15
times. There are approximately 8.0 million active paintball enthusiasts in the U.S. Males make
up 88% of participation with an average age of 21.5. Female (12%) participants’ average age is
30.9. The largest age group of participation for males is 12-17 (37%) and 18-24 (21%). However
the male age group (25-34) has the highest mean number of days for participation (10.6 days per
Average expenditures vary considerably depending on geographic region. The average
dollar expenditure on paintball in Mid-Atlantic state averages $133.14 while East South Central
states average $85.48. Full line retail sector for paintball: Markers account for 11% of units sold,
eye protection 4%, accessories 35% and paints 50%.
Only a fraction of a thousand would represent significant number of customers for a
commercial paintball field at Delcambre. Paintball players can be contacted through:
1. Supply shops where they have to purchase balls and propellant – there is 2 supply shops
within 25 miles from Delcambre, and 7 others within a distance of 100 miles
2. Specialized websites and webzines - a simple search on internet with keywords “paintball
“and “Louisiana” shows dozens of website related to that activity.,
3. Paintball and extreme sports magazines: some of the most popular in the USA are
Paintball Sports Magazine, Action Pursuit Games, Crossfire, Paintball Games
International, and Paintball 2Xtremes.
4. Extreme events TV shows: X Ball tournaments on ESPN, Xtreme Paintball Season on
Fox Sports Net (FSN).
Note: Paintball players are specifically different from hunters and skeet shooters.
End-User Analysis:
Customer Value Determination for Paintball Players
Paintball players
Customer value dimensions:
Services: gear, marker maintenance,
propellant refill
Distance from home
Opening hours
Field form: woodsball, scenario,
 friends and family
Fun with
Strategically important value
Distance from home
Field Form
Customer Value Hierarchy for Paintball Players
Play with safety
A Safety rules
Have fun with friends and family
Limited expenses
Low price
Enjoy nature
A paintball field at Delcambre, which could optionally include services, would provide to
players a convenient place to play paintball in the nature of Southwestern Louisiana, at limited
expenses and in good condition of security. Customers would fulfill their goals to have fun while
playing paintball with safety.
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain Analysis
Delcambre’s paintball field
Paintball shops
Websites and
Public relations
TV shows
Public relations
and advertising
Paintball players
Competitor Analysis
The nearest competitor/paintball field is located in Baton Rouge, 92 miles away from
Delcambre. According to an interview of a paintball shop owner at Lafayette, a paintball field
existed at Duson, LA, 42 miles away from Delcambre, and closed two years ago. Hundreds of
paintball players does not have a field to play at a reasonable distance from home and have to use
private fields without satisfying safety conditions. On the map below, it is evident that most
stores are located around Baton Rouge and New Orleans, where are also located most of the
existing fields. At present customers in Acadiana and in the parishes near to Delcambre do not
have any other alternative than going more than 50 miles away from home to play paintball in a
commercial field.
Market Segmentation for Summer Concert Series
Market Segmentation for Summer Concert Series
Market Definition Analysis for Summer Concert Series
Jefferson Island and Lake Peigneur are beautiful sites to host a concert. Point of view on
Lake Peigneur from Jefferson Island is especially beautiful at sunset. The natural amphitheatre
surrounding the lake creates a perfect site for a concert event at summertime at dusk, especially
with live music. Sunsets on Lake Peigneur are particularly unique, since not many places in
southwestern Louisiana have the combination of a large water area, calm water, and an
overlooking position situated on its Southeastern side, ideal for sunset observation at Summer. A
concert could be reproduced at regular intervals with different types of music as a concert series,
based on the success of this attraction. An interesting option would be to access to this site from
a boat/barge departing from Port of Delcambre.
Once established as a tourist attraction and Delcambre infrastructure is improved, the
concert series can move to different locations within the Delcambre area. These locations might
include the boat launch area and the fair grounds area to go along with the Jefferson Island
location. Customer would be able to access to Lake Peigneur from their own boats, through boat
launch at Delcambre, with consequent fee, or from a barge/boat with numerous seats.
This concept of ambient music/boating on calm water/scenery/sunset is very unusual. No
other example of a similar concept has been identified by our team in the surrounding states,
except Florida. Lake Peigneur presents the advantage of much calmer water most of the time.
End-user Analysis
Customer Value Determination for Customers
Customer value dimensions:
Beauty of the scenery (water,
birds, sunset, Jefferson Island)
Music quality
Music adequacy
Originality of the concept
Boat access restriction
Strategically important value
Beauty of the scenery
Music quality and adequacy
Originality of the concept
Customer Value Hierarchy for Customers
Have fun
Nature access
Unique experience
Easy transportation
Reasonable price
Restrictive access
Calm water
Boat access
By providing Ambient Concert from a barge on Lake Peigneur at sunset in Summer, spectators
will experience a comfortable and exclusive access to nature, in good condition of safety and
transportation. They will fulfill their goal of relaxation and fun, enjoying an experience that will
be considered as unique.
Channel Customer Analysis and Supply Chain Analysis
Delcambre’s Summer
Concert Series organizers
agencies and
Public relations
TV shows
Delcambre can reach its potential spectators through various intermediaries or through direct
approach. Intermediaries such as official agencies and organization promoting the tourism in
Louisiana for example have to be informed about our product to have it included in their
brochure. Travel agencies will act as retailers of the product and will have to be visited and
invited to enjoy the unique experience proposed. A more direct approach to customers is through
the various media: TV shows, specialized magazines, local newspaper, specialized websites, and
forums. All of them are good support for advertisement. Outdoor media is another excellent way
to advertise travelers.
Competitor Analysis
Competitors for this kind of events are difficult to compare. Delcambre’s concerts use
assets such as the boat transportation, Lake Peigneur and unusually perfect conditions to observe
sunsets, which make them difficult to imitate. Most competitors are other musical events in
Louisiana or in Acadiana. We can also include any other kind of activities on boat. In fact
Delcambre concerts are a unique combinaison of different simultaneous activities. Under
conditions of an adequate promotion and of a high quality experience, it could become a blue
ocean product.
Market Segmentation for Recreational Boating
There is a great opportunity to offer recreational boating experience in Delcambre to
people in Vermillion, Lafayette and Iberia parishes who enjoy the serenity of nature and wildlife.
According to 2005 Recreational Boating Abstract research in North America done by National
Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), boating participation increased for the second
consecutive year, rising to 71 million in 2005 from 69 million in 2004. NMMA estimates that
approximately 261 out of 1000 households own a registered boat in the 3rd Louisiana
Congressional District (SE Louisiana parishes including Iberia Parishes). Similarly, the NMMA
estimates that approximately 181 out of 1000 households owns a registered boat in the 7th
Louisiana Congressional District (SW Louisiana parishes including both Lafayette and
Vermillion Parishes). In both districts, the NMMA estimates that approximately 95% of the
registered boats are powerboats. Acadiana includes approximately 205,000 households (census
by LEDA), with over 80,000 in Lafayette parish alone. Assuming there are approximately 200
registered boat owners for every 1000 households in the Acadiana area, there are approximately
41,000 registered boats in the Acadiana area, with 16,000 in Lafayette parish alone.
Recreational boaters are accessible through several of recreational boating clubs in
Louisiana and also word of mouth advertising. Some of the websites are:
1. : We have created this boating social networking site for
recreational boating so that active boaters could find other people who enjoy the Active
Boating Lifestyle, find new places to go, share excursion destinations with others, to enhance
boating education and boating safety and so much more!
2. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
3. FLOTILLA 4-10: This web site is dedicated to the safety
of the boating public.
4. : United States Power Squadron ; Organized in 1914, USPS is a non
profit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by
teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects. Our members are boating
families who contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education.
We enjoy participating with our fellow members on the water and in the classroom. USPS
has some 45,000 members organized into 450 squadrons across the country and in some US
territories. USPS is America's largest non-profit boating organization and has been honored
by three US presidents for its civic contributions.
Delcambre provides a convenient boat launch location, great access to Lake Peigneur, Jefferson
Island and Rip Van Winkle Garden, Avery Island, Vermillion Bay, great water, beautiful scenery
to customers (recreational boaters) who want to relax and spend time with family. Depending on
the size of the boat, recreational boaters can cover all the interesting areas from Delcambre to
Lake Peigneur to Avery Island in 40 to 50 minutes. This activity is good for families who love
to spend time together to relax and have fun. The end state of some recreational boaters is just to
enjoy the history of Lake Peigneur disaster.
Customer Value Determination for Recreational Boating
Easy Access: Convenience, great
boat launch
Customer Value
Relax and enjoy the nature.
Foster relationship with
family and friends.
Delcambre offer great scenery and
view of wildlife as a aspect of
Joyriders can pass though Delcambre
canal, to the remains of Lake
Peigneur disaster history, Jefferson
Island, Rip Van Wrinkle Garden,
Avery Island, Vermillion Bay.
Customer Value Hierarchy for Recreational Boating
and fun
Sense of first
hand experience
Spend time with
View scenery
and wildlife
See history
Easy access
Access to Jefferson
Island, Van Winkle
Gardens and Avery Island
Offers tranquil
waters and low
Close by
History of Lake
Peigneur disaster
Gas station
for boat
Delcambre provides a convenient boat launch location, great access to Lake Peigneur, Jefferson
Island and Rip Van Winkle Garden, Avery Island, Vermillion Bay, great water, beautiful scenery
to customers (recreational boaters) who want to relax and spend time with family. Depending on
the size of the boat, recreational boaters can cover all the interesting areas from Delcambre to
Lake Peigneur to Avery Island in 40 to 50 minutes. This activity is good for families who love
to spend time together to relax and have fun. The end state of some recreational boaters is just to
enjoy the history of Lake Peigneur disaster.
Meeting Date
Feb 21, 2009
Delcambre town visit
Visited the town of Delcambre to get the first hand experience. Impromtu
interview with Mr. Benny (the town local) regarding his opinion on
Feb 23, 2009
Goals and SWOT Analysis
Discussed the goals and the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, opportunity,
Threat) analysis of our project - tourism brand in Delcambre. We met for
approximately 2 hours.
Feb 26, 2009
Market segmentation.
Discussed market Segmentation on tourism. Not really sure about how to
approach macro-environmental analysis. Adjourned meeting until one od
the group member discuss with Dr. Stewart.
Feb 27, 2009
Delcambre Town Visit and Boat Ride
Experience boat ride from Delcambre canal to Lake Peigneur. Further
discussed Delcambre project with a few of the steering committee
members, Mr. Jim Wiggins and Experienced the hospitality from
Delcambre with excellent shrimp boil!
March 7,2009
Delcambre Canal boat ride and Jefferson Island visit
Boat ride down Delcambre canal and up to Lake Peigneur and Jefferson
Island at Rip Van Winkle Gardens. Discussion with Jeff Leblanc and 2
other members of the steering committee.
March 12, 2009
Market Segmentation and assignment of duties
Further discussed tourism market segmentation. Developed and identified
segments for Delcambre. Started to delegate tasks to individual group
March 13, 2009
Sent email to LEDA requesting information on demographic report
beyond Lafayette Parish.
March 14, 2009
Market Segmentation
Further discussed on market segmentation and macro-environmental
analysis. Check project progress via emails with group members.
March 23, 2009
Personal interview with the owner and manager of Cajun R/C Hobbies &
Paintball. Learned that they stopped paintball business.
March 24, 2009
Personal interview with the manager of Martial Arts Paintball. Learned
they is no more paintball field in the Lafayette area since last year, but
thousands of people are still practicing paintball every week around
March , 25 2009 Meeting with Dr. Stewart
Further discussed the segmentation process.
March 27, 2009
Phone interview with Captain Wray, Coast Guard Licensed Captain and a
Heritage Endorsed Guide in Grand Isle.
Discussed kayaking activities: kayak fishing and recreational kayaking.
What Delcambre needs to do in terms of differentiating itself from other
March 28, 2009
Check members status on the report progress. Discuss the development of
the organizational chart.
April 15, 2009
Group meeting regarding Phase 2 of the project. Selected which markets
to proceed into the Phase 2. Chose three viable markets.
April 22, 2009
Due to limited time of the project and lack of resources, the team decided
to concentrate on only two viable market segments for Delcambre project
which are kayaking and Cajun Sportsman. Further discussed all the
elements needed for Phase 2.
April 27, 2009
Personal interview with the owner or Lafayette outfitter, Pack and Paddle,
Mr. John Williams. In the interview, he was not really aware that
Delcambre has the capabilities for kayaking. Further discuss the possible
kayak trail using Google Map. He was not interested to organize a demo
day due to a Delcambre distance for his customers. He is interested try it
out and paddle in Delcambre. He is also interested to bring in tours group
which consists of 15-20 paddlers.
April 30, 2009
Meeting with Dr. Stewart to further discuss Phase 2.
1. Amaloney, (2009, March 12). South Louisiana festival guide to more than 250 fairs and
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2. Alban, Debra (2008). Staycations: Alternative to pricey, stressful travel. CNN, Retrieved
February 17, 2009, from
3. Associated Press Ltd. April 3, 2009. Louisiana Gov. Jindal's budget cuts arts funding
4. Bayoubuzz Staff, (2009). Landrieu: Louisiana Benefits With Omnibus Bill Passing U.S.
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5. Cordell, K, Betz, C, Green, G, & Owens, M (2005). Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation in
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7. Economics Development Intelligent System (EDIS), (2009). Iberia Parish (LA). North
Carolina: Commerce Economic Development.
8. Economics Development Intelligent System (EDIS), (2009). Vermillion Parish (LA).
North Carolina: Commerce Economic Development.
9. Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey . Retrieved March 31, 2009,
from Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site:
10. Lafayette Economics Development Authority. (2008). Pop-Facts: Demographic Snapshot
Report. Delcambre LA. Lafayette, LA;LEDA.
11. Lafayette Economics Developmet Authority, (2008). Pop-facts: Demographics Snapshot
Report: Lafayette, LA. Lafayette, LA: LEDA.
12. Lundgren, Paul (6/2/2006). Kayak Tour Companies Expect Strong Summer. Business, Retrieved 3/26/2009, from
13. National Marine Manfacturers Association. (2000). 1999 US Recreational Boat
Registration Statistics [Brochure]. Chicago, IL: Market Statistics Department.
14. National Marine Manfacturers Association. (2008). Economic Significance of
Recreational Boating: Louisiana By Congressional District [Brochure]. Chicago, IL:
Market Statistics Department.
15. National Shooting Sports Foundation (2009). FAQ: Information on the paintball market
16. Randall Travel Marketing. (2008). Hunker Down for 2009 (1st ed.) [Brochure]. New
Orleans, LA: Judy Randall.
17. Sanders, Ronald (2005 April 19). US Passport requirements will affect Caribbean
tourism. Carribbean Net News, 1, Retrieved March 28, 2009, from
18. Save Lake Peigneur (2006). Citizen Concerns.
19. Save Lake Peigneur (2006). Support House Bill 617.
20. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Department of
Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and
Wildlife-Associated Recreation.
21. US Travel Association. (2008). New Orleans Tourism Forum (1st ed.) [Brochure].
Washington DC: Dennis Castleman.
22. U.S Census Bureau. (2000)
23. What is field archery? Retrieved March 31, 2009, from National Field Archery
Association Web site:
Outfitters Contact:
Pack and Paddle
601 E. Pinhook Rd
Lafayette, LA 70501
Call: 337-232-5854
Fax: 337-232-6688
Owners: John and Becky Williams
Backpacker Lafayette
1916 Kaliste Saloom Rd
Lafayette, LA 70508