radiation safety information safe handling of tritium sources
radiation safety information safe handling of tritium sources
TECHNICAL REPORT CECOM TR 94-1 1 (REVISION 2) RADIATION SAFETY INFORMATION SAFE HANDLING OF TRITIUM SOURCES IN RADIOLUMINESCENT DEVICES Radiological Engineering Division CECOM Directorate for Safety September 2001 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies only, administrative or operational use, September 2001. Other requests for this document shall be referred to U.S. Army CECOM, Directorate for Safety, ATTN: AMSEL-SF-RE, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5024 CECOM U.S. ARMY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS COMMAND DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY, ATTN: AMSEL-SF-RE FORT MONMOLITH, NEW JERSEY 07703-5024 NOTICES Disclaimers The policies and procedures in this document are not to be construed as official Department of the Army position, unless so designated by other authorized documents. The citation of trade names and names of manufacturers in this report is not to be construed as official Government endorsement or approval of commercial products or services referenced herein. Prepared By: CECOM Directorate for Safety Radiological Engineering Division CONTENTS Page 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE ...................................................................................................... 1 2 . DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 1 3. TRITIUM SAFETY .............................................................................................................. 2 3.1 Tritium Hazards ..................................................................................................... 2 3.2 Working Safely With Tritium ................................................................................ 3 3.3 First Rule of Tritium Safety ................................................................................... 4 3.4 Performing Authorized Maintenance ..................................................................... 4 3.5 Identification and Handling of a Damaged Tritium Source ....................................................................................................... 5 3.6 Tritium Bioassay General Procedure ..................................................................... 6 3.7 Lessons Learned ..................................................................................................... 7 3.8 Identification and Location of Gaseous Tritium Sources on Military Equipment ............................................................................. 8 3.9 Summary ................................................................................................................ 9 4 . AUTHOR'S NOTES .......................................................................................................... 10 11-36 A . Commodities Containing Tritium ................................................................................ B . Major End Items Containing Tritium Sources ............................................................. 37-39 C . Incident Response Plan ................................................................................................ 40-46 D. Item Managers and Safety Support for Radioactive Commodities Containing Tritium ............................................................................................................................... 47 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This document was developed to inform Radiation Safety Officers (RSOs), users and maintenance personnel of the hazards that may be associated with the possession and handling of tritium radioluminescent (RL) devices. The information provided can also be used as a reference in developing or augmenting local procedures for response to radiation accidents. This document identifies commodities containing tritium for illumination in low light conditions. The location of the tritium source on the device, the activity of the source and a listing of the most common end items utilizing tritium commodities are included. The biological hazards associated with a tritium exposure, recommended work practices and actions that will reduce the spread of contamination or exposure to personnel when a tritium source is damaged are discussed. A suggested response plan for the mitigation of tritium source incidents, investigation, and reporting practices is included to assist RSOs in development of local procedures. ***NOTE*** Most items discussed in this report are sealed to prevent leakage of radioactive material. Do not attempt disassembly of the radioactive items. These items present no radiation hazard to personnel unless the sealed source is broken or the radioactive material is otherwise exposed. This information and special instructions contained in the technical manual (TM) and/or technical bulletin (TB) for the device and/or the end item equipment shall be followed to ensure safe handling of tritium commodities and the safety of personnel. All personnel engaged in the operation and maintenance of tritium commodities should be aware of the information contained both in this report and the TMITB for the commodity. 2. DEFINITIONS Activity. Rate of nuclear disintegration or decay of radioactive material. The units of activity are the Curie (Ci) or the Becquerel (Bq). 1 Curie = 3.7x101° disintegrations per second (dps), and 1 Ci = 3.7x101° Bq. ALARA. Acronym for "As low as is reasonably achievable." Refers to the operating philosophy in which occupational radiation exposures are reduced as far below specified limits as is reasonably achievable. Bioassay. The determination of radioactivity in a biological specimen and estimation of the internal exposure to the individual from that radioactivity. Electron volt (eV). The energy of an electron under a potential difference of one volt. Equal to 1.6x10-l9 joule. The electron volt is used with all multiple and submultiple prefixes now in common use. The most common are the MeV (million electron volts) and the keV (thousand electron volts). Ionizing radiation. Electromagnetic or particulate radiation capable of causing ionization in its passage through matter. Alpha, beta and neutron particles, gamma and x-rays, are examples of ionizing radiation. Licensed material. Radioactive material that is received, possessed, used, or transferred under a general or specific license issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or NRC Agreement State. RADIOLOGICAL ENGlNEERlNG DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY Radioactive commodity. An item of government property composed in whole or in part of radioactive materials and to which a National Stock Number (NSN) or part number has been assigned. m. Special unit of radiation dose equivalent. In SI (System International) units, 1 rem = 0.01 Sieverts (Sv); 1 millirem = 0.00 1 rem or 0.0000 1 Sv. Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The individual responsible for the administration and oversight of the Radiation Safety Program. Radiation Safety Program. A set of controls initiated to insure that personnel are not exposed to potentially hazardous levels of radiation during use or maintenance of licensed material. These controls include documented procedures. Radiation Safety Staff Officer (RSSO). The responsible Radiation Safety Officer at the major army command (MACOM). Radioluminescence (RL). The process of providing illumination from the activation of a phosphor by energy from radioactive decay. Radioluminescent device. An illuminating device consisting of a phosphor and a radiation source. Phosphor and gaseous radiation sources are usually contained in a glass vial or ampoule. The phosphor and radiation source may be solid and deposited on the surface of a dial or scale. Tritium commodity. Equipment or component of equipment containing one or more tritium sources. Tritium. A radioactive isotope of hydrogen containing one proton and two neutrons. Tritium, often designated H-3, decays to helium by the emission of a beta particle with a maximum energy of 18.6 keV and an average energy of 5.7 keV. The radiological half-life is 12.28 years. 10 CFR 20. Designation for Part 20 - Standards For Protection Against Radiation, Title 10 - Energy, Code of Federal Regulations. 3. TRITIUM SAFETY Tritium sources have been damaged through improper handling, unauthorized maintenance, or the use of improper tools. In addition to the loss of equipment, tritium incidents have resulted in unnecessary radiation exposure to personnel and contamination of personnel and work areas. 3.1 Tritium Hazards. (1) Biological Effects. Tritium contamination and airborne radioactivity are biological hazards. If you breathe tritium oxide (tritiated water vapors) or if it contacts your skin, the tritium will be absorbed by your body. Studies have shown that a person exposed to an atmosphere containing tritiated water vapor will absorb about one-third to one-half as much tritium through the skin as via inhalation (i.e., one-third through the skin and two-thirds via inhalation). Therefore, release of tritium into a closed space may constitute an internal hazard. Tritium distributes equally among all body fluids because these fluids contain water. A whole body radiation dose results since soft tissues make up about 90 percent of the body. (2) Tritium Elinzination. The average adult takes in about three liters of water a day. The average adult also excretes about three liters of water per day. About one-half of this water is in urine, the rest is eliminated via exhalation, diffusion through the skin and sweat. After an exposure to an atmosphere RADlOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DlVlSlON CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY containing tritium it takes from two to four hours for the tritium concentration in the urine to equal the tritium concentration in the body fluids. An adult who has had a single exposure to an atmosphere containing tritium oxide, without additional exposure, will eliminate this tritium oxide at a rate of about three liters per day while diluting the remaining tritiated water with his daily intake of about three liters of tritium-free water. This results in the effective half-life of tritium in the body being about 10 days, i.e., the amount of tritium in the body is reduced by one-half every 10 days. Drinking excessive amounts of fluids, under a doctor's direction, will reduce the effective half-life to about one-third to one-half of the normal value; thereby reducing the exposure. (3) Exposure Limits. Exposure of field users and maintenance personnel shall be kept as low as reasonably achievable. ( 4 ) Radiation safe^. The tritium sources used for illumination by the military are not hazardous as long as they remain sealed. The energy of the beta radiation emitted during tritium decay (18 keV) is so low that it cannot penetrate the glass vial containing the source, or the cover glass on a tritium painted dial face. Only if the Pyrex vial containing the tritium source is damaged can the tritium escape. Even if tritium is released, the majority of the tritium remains as molecular hydrogen and is not absorbed by the body or onto surfaces. About 1% is in the oxidized form and this form can cause contamination of personnel and work areas. Therefore, tritium must be ventilated to the outside as quickly as possible following a release. ( 5 ) Exercise Caution. Opening or disassembling components containing damaged tritium sources will release tritium oxide and contaminate the work area. Depot maintenance areas must have proper facilities with installed equipment that reduces the hazard of opening a component that contains a broken tritium source. Maintenance shall be performed on fire control equipment containing illuminated sources only in accordance with TM procedures. ***NOTE*** The NRC license issued to the U.S. Army for tritium RL devices states that the instructions and precautions contained in the TM shall be followed. When a tritium source is damaged, the events that led to the damage are reviewed. If it is determined that the damage resulted from the failure of personnel to follow the instructions and precautions listed in the TM, the NRC will cite the licensee for noncompliance with license conditions. The licensee will then determine what caused user non-compliance with instructions and precautions and cause corrective actions to be made. 3.2 Working Safelv With Tritium. Good work practices start with equipment familiarity. The labels shown in Figure 1 are typical of those found on commodities containing tritium. The TM and/or TB for the equipment should be read before using the equipment or performing maintenance on the equipment. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DlVlSlON CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY '2: CAUTION &* % @*% RADIOACTIVE MATERlAL CONTROLLED DISPOSAL REQUIRED I) NRC UCENSE NO I1 CAUTION rn a THIS CASE MAY CONTAIN INSTRUMENTS USING RADIOACTIVE MATERJALS ISOTOPE H3 MAX CURES RADIOISOTOPE H3 ACTIVITY MlUCURE I CURE IF FOUND, RETURN TO NEAREST M IUTARY ACTIVITY &$ , CAUTION &$% ISOTOPES H3 11 IF FOUND RETURN TO A MIUTARY BASE DISPOSAL PER AR 385-1 I CURES 1 I DATE= -1 Figure I . Radioactive Identification Labels. 3.3 First Rule of Tritium Safetv. Authorized maintenance should not be performed if the proper equipment is not available. Maintenance involving the tritium source is not authorized at the user level! Do not disassemble any component containing a tritium source (glass vials from their holders) and never attempt to repair a damaged tritium source. If the source is damaged, bag the entire item containing the source and contact your local RSO. To bag an item, place the item with the damaged source in a plastic bag, then place that bag into another plastic bag. Label the outer bag "Damaged Tritium Source - Do Not Open." Unless instructed otherwise by the RSO, the device will be added to the list of unserviceable radioactive material awaiting disposal. The RSO will determine the disposition of the device. 3.4 Performing. Authorized Maintenance. Technical Manual directed maintenance is allowed at the appropriate level on any device that contains tritium sealed source(s), if the tritium source(s) is properly illuminating. All persons performing maintenance on devices containing tritium must have received radiation safety training required by the licensee. Maintenance authorized on a device that contains properly illuminated tritium sources varies depending on the level of maintenance. User maintenance is limited to work on the exterior of the items. An exception to exterior user maintenance is purging of the M 1A 1 collimator. Direct Support (DS) and General Support (GS) allow some work on the interior of items. However, only tritium modules, (a glass vial and the metal or plastic piece to which it is attached), which are properly illuminated may be replaced when specified by the TM. The possibility of damage to a tritium source is always present during maintenance procedures, but there is a greater risk at the DS level of maintenance. Remember that tritium devices must be evaluated for illumination prior to being brought into the shop or maintenance area. Tritium devices that show no illumination should be regarded as broken and double bagged in plastic. The RSO should be notified to perform a wipe test on potentially damaged devices. Proper preparation of the maintenance area can reduce contamination and personnel exposure when a source is damaged. The following steps should be included in local procedures for authorized maintenance on end items containing radioactive sources: RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (1) Isolate the work area from the remainder of the maintenance shop, if practicable. If a source is damaged during maintenance, the area must be secured until surveys have been performed that verify the area is not contaminated. (2) Assemble all required tools before performing maintenance. If the proper tools are not available, do not perform the maintenance. Contact your maintenance support group for assistance. (3) Remove all equipment from the work area that is not required for the performance of the maintenance procedure. Items that shall be removed are unnecessary toolboxes, tools, spare parts, electronic equipment, personal radios, TMs, etc. (4) Cover the work surface with disposable (Kraft) paper. (5) Do not allow eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum or tobacco or applying cosmetics in the work areaJroom. (6) Maintain a positive flow of ventilation from the tritium work area directly to outside. Ventilation should be away from all personnel and should exhaust outside the building. Do not store items containing tritium and awaiting maintenance in the work area. Storage of tritium containing devices should be separate from work areas. (7) Limit access to the area to those persons involved in the maintenance procedure. (8) Ascertain where on the commodity the tritium source(s) is located. (9) Take special care not to damage the source during maintenance. Do not pry, push, or hammer on or near the area of the equipment containing the radioactive source. 3.5 Identification and Handling of a Damaged Tritium Source. ***NOTE*** Inspection of devices containing tritium sources should be performed in an area that is well ventilated and on a work surface that has been prepared to prevent the spread of contamination. ***NOTE**** The ionizing radiation from tritium has such a low energy that portable radiation survey meters used in the field are not capable of detecting the presence of tritium on surfaces. The only way to detect the presence of tritium on surfaces is by swipe samples counted with a liquid scintillation counter (LSC). The LSC is laboratory equipment and not normally available for use in the field. (1) Low Illumination. Tritium gas sources that show weak or no illumination may have internal condensation, may be damaged, or may be old. (a) Check the date of manufacture. If the device is over 8 years old, and the source(s) do not appear to be damaged, notify the item manager, and request return of the device to depot for repair. It does not have to be bagged, but the turn in document should note "low illumination." If the date of manufacture is less than 8 years, inspect the device for damage. DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE DEVICE. (b) If condensation is suspected and the TM for the device contains purging instructions, perform a purge. If the TM does not contain purging instructions or purge does not change illumination level, notify the item manager and request return of the device to your supporting depot or authorized maintenance activity for repair. RADTOLOGlCAL ENGINEERING DlVlSTON CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (2) Handling Fire Control Items containing Damaged Tritium Sources. If damage or source leakage is identified or suspected (loss of illumination, cracked glass, etc.), take steps as follows: (a) Have a co-worker call the RSO. (b) Put on rubber or latex gloves, then double plastic bag the item. If gloves are not available, invert the plastic bag so that your arm is inside. Grasp the device with your hand through the plastic bag pulling the device into the bag. This is actually the best technique even when using gloves as it eliminates directly handling the device. Tie the bag shut or wrap with tape. Place the bagged device into a second bag. Do not set the bagged item in same location where un-bagged item was sitting. (c) Dispose of gloves separately in a radioactive waste container. Wash your hands in cool water using non-abrasive soap. (d) Mark the bagged item "Broken Tritium Device - Do Not Open," and mark NSN of item on bag or tag. Await further instructions from the RSO. (3) Dials, compasses, watches with broken lens or flaking paint may be leaking tritium. If damage is detected, double bag the item, label "Broken Tritium Device - NSN- Do Not Open," and inform the RSO. (4) Disposing of Damaged Sources. Package and dispose of the device as directed by the RSO andlor the item manager for the equipment. (5) Reporting Incidents. The RSO shall contact the appropriate licensee for the commodity involved. Appendix D is a listing of logistics and safety support for the various commands. The responsible command is normally listed on the item or in the item TMITB. The RSO should have the following information available for the notification call. (a) Item nomenclature. (b) National Stock Number. (c) Radioactive source. (d) Manufactured activity and date of manufacture. (e) Time and date of incident/discovery of leakage. (f) Where the incident occurred (State, City, Post, Building, Area). (g) Personnel involved (Number of personnel and degree of involvement). (h) What actions have been taken? (i) Situation status. 6 ) Is assistance required to mitigate the incident? 3.6 Tritium Bioassav General Procedure. When a bioassay is required, urine sample collection should be performed after the tritium taken into the body has reached equilibrium conditions in the body fluids. Equilibrium is achieved approximately 4 hours after the uptake. Ideal sample collection time would be 4 to 5 hours after a suspected exposure to tritium. Obtain the sample as soon as practical following the 4 hour period after disposing of the first void at four hours. Bioassay will be performed at the direction of the installation RSO. RADlOLOGlCAL ENGlNEERlNG DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (1) Sample Collection. Sample kits should be obtained and processed in accordance with the procedure provided in Appendix C. (2) Sample Containers. Urine sample containers may be acquired from local medical supply facilities. 3.7 Lessons Learned. The following is a discussion of two tritium source damage incidents that occurred. (1) Tritium Source Vial Broken During Unauthorized Maintenance Procedure. The M64M64Al sight units used with mortar systems contain tritium in sealed Pyrex tubes located under the scales to provide low light illumination. A problem with the failure of the adhesive holding the scales in place was identified by Army and Marine Corps maintenance. This adhesive failure would result in slippage of the scale and the sight unit would be inaccurate and potentially hazardous. A Safety of Use Message Advisory, Operational, was issued directing direct support maintenance groups to mark the scale and knob with a paint line that would indicate scale slippage due to glue failure. Addition of the paint line was the only maintenance directed by the message. After reading the message a direct support maintenance technician decided to repair a scale that had slipped due to adhesive failure. The maintenance technician glued a dial to a knob. After the glue set, he tested the glue bond by pulling on the dial with pliers. The pliers slipped, broke the Pyrex tube containing the tritium source and released approximately one Curie of tritium into the maintenance work area. Investigation of the event revealed the following: (a) Positive Factors: Prompt actions following the breakage of the Pyrex tube containing the tritium source kept personnel exposure low and limited the spread of contamination. Personnel exposures were low; a bioassay determined that the radiation dose was 5 millirem whole body for the maintenance technician. (b) Negative Factors: The technician was performing maintenance that was not authorized at the direct support level. The ventilation system was not in service during the maintenance procedure. The work area was not prepared for maintenance on a device containing radioactive material. The work area was contaminated and access to the room was limited to decontamination and survey personnel. The decontamination and testing lasted 14 days. Maintenance operations on equipment could not be performed in the area during this period. (2) Tritium Release During Disassembly of M l A l Collimator for Repair. This incident was the result of unauthorized repairs being performed to "expedite" work. In accordance with the MIA1 collimator TM, the optical shop was only permitted to perform maintenance on the exterior components of a collimator. Maintenance that required disassembly of the collimator main body containing the 10 Curie tritium source is authorized only at depot level. Depot level maintenance shops are the only locations that have installed equipment and work areas designed to contain a release of radioactive material. An optical repairman was disassembling an M l A l collimator that had no illumination to determine extent of required repairs. Using a gas torch to heat and loosen the threads, he unscrewed the collimator cell assembly. He heard a "whoosh" sound (cell and tritium sources are sealed with an internal pressure 5 psi greater than atmospheric pressure) and a white powder was expelled from the collimator covering his hands and clothes. He was aware that the material could be radioactive so he left the room, washed his hands and brushed the powder from his clothing. He returned to the work area and placed the broken cell assembly in a plastic bag from which a new cell assembly had just been removed. He then took the bag and reported the incident to his foreman. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVlSlON CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (a) Positive Factor: The repairman was aware of the need to notify his foreman of an incident involving radioactive material. (b) Negative Factors: The incident would not have occurred if the level of authorized maintenance had been followed. The severity of the situation was increased by the following: I The area was not prepared for work on item(s) containing radioactive material. Items that should not have been in the work area were contaminated. 2 No report of the incident was initiated for eight days. This delay resulted in the spread of contamination. 3 - All optical equipment that passed through the shop during the period of contamination had to be traced and surveyed for contamination. 3.8 Identification and Location of Gaseous Tritium Sources on Military Equipment. ***NOTE*** Commodities within the DA Supply System that contain radioactive materials are identified in TB 43-0116, "Identification Of Radioactive Items In The Army." ( I ) Source Construction. Tritium sources, or vials, for illumination are made of Pyrex tubes containing tritium gas and a phosphor. One percent or less of the source is in the form of tritium oxide. Figure 2 illustrates the various physical shapes of the tritium sources used for illumination and various commodities using the sources. The brightness and size of a radioluminescent device determine how much tritium activity the device contained when manufactured. A collimator, muzzle reference sensor or aiming light that must be seen at a distance of several meters, must contain 9 to 10 Curies of activity to provide adequate illumination for several years of use. Watches, compasses and other small items viewed at only a few inches contain much less tritium. The larger the tritium source the greater the hazard it presents if broken. Treat any source with care but be particularly aware of the size of the source in collimators and aiming lights. Radioluminescent devices are designed for field conditions, but they should not be abused. Read the equipment TM for the precautions relating to radioactive material and follow the instructions! ALL SOURCE VIALS DRAWN TO APPROXIMATE SCALE OF MIA1 W M U M DIMENSIONS FOR EACH TYPE SOURCE IS REPRESENTED M A 1 COLLIMATOR 10 CURIE AIMING UGH1 M58/M59 MU3 9 - 1 0 CI MIA2 QUAD M14Al QUAD M17IM18 QUAD MWAl SIGHT UNIT M64 SIGHT UNlT MWA2 STR TEL Ml34Al TEL MOUNT MI71 TEL MOUNT MI87 STR TEL 1 9 CURIE M I 13A PAN TEL M14Al QUAD MI37 PAN TEL M17Ml8 QUAD m A 2 STR TEL MI37 PAN TEL 0.8 CURIE M113A PAN TEL MI87 STR TEL W A 2 STR TEL 2.2 CURIE 1 I Figure 2. Example of Tritium Source Shapes. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (2) Source Location. The fire control devices used with mortars, howitzers, and battle tanks have radioluminescent sources to provide light during low light conditions. A single howitzer may have 10 or more fire control devices, each of which may contain several tritium sources. The following sections discuss some of the major fielded fire control devices that contain tritium and indicate the approximate location of the tritium source in the device. In all cases the equipment and its carrying case should have warning labels attached. 3.9 Summary. Lack of familiarity with proper maintenance procedures has contributed to many of the incidents involving a tritium release. Tritium sources damaged at maintenance facilities not designed to work on the parts of the item containing the radioactive material have resulted in personnel receiving whole body radiation exposure. Although the magnitude of the largest exposures was less than NRC limits for annual whole body exposure limits for a member of the general public (100 millirem), the exposures are significant because each incident of exposure would not have occurred if the TM for the item had been followed. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY 4. AUTHOR'S NOTES This report was developed by the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), Radiological Engineering Division, Directorate for Safety to support our role as RSO for the command and RSSO for the U.S. Army National Guard. This report should not be used as a complete listing of components containing tritium. The components listed in this report are those most commonly encountered. Users may submit recommended changes, suggested improvements, additions, reports of omissions and apparent errors. Comments should be forwarded directly to: Commander U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command ATTN: AMSEL-SF-RE Building 2539, Charles Wood Area Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5024 RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY APPENDIX A COMMODITIES CONTAINING TRITIUM TABLE OF TRITIUM ILLUMINATED DEVICES Model Device # of Curie MlAl Collimator Sources 1 10 MIA2 Gunner's Quadrant Recoilless h f l e 1 Page 1240-00-332-1780 Part Number 10556235 0.075 1290-00-169-1937 11732246 14 1 0.2 1 da da 15 Quadrant, Fire Control Front Sight Post 6 2.15 1290-00-150-8891 11730915 16 1 0.009 1005-00-234-1568 12002965 17 5 1.875 1292-01-037-3883 11729530 18 6 1.95 1290-01-037-7289 11729525 19 1 5.0 1290-00-169-1934 11730975 20 1 9.0 1290-00-169-1935 11730976 20 M64 Quadrant, Fire Control Quadrant, Fire Control Aiming Post Light Aiming Post Light Sight Unit 9 5.09 1240-01-050-5588 11741796 21 M64 Elbow Telescope 2 1.6 Sight Unit 9 5.09 M64A 1 Elbow Telescope 2 1.6 M90A2 2 1.6 8 4.0 1240-00-150-8886 11730267 23 M114A1 Telescope, Straight Telescope, Panoramic Elbow Telescope 9360257 11733780 9360 169 11741796 9360257 11733780 12599180 21 M64A 1 1240-01-211-3608 1240-01-051-3657 1240-01-201-8299 1240-0 1-050-5588 1240-01-211-3608 1240-01-05 1-3657 1240-01-277-2875 4 5.6 1240-00-150-8889 11730285 24 M134A1 Mount, Telescope 2 0.15 1240-00-150-8890 105532 15 25 M137 Telescope Panoramic 10 5.1 1240-01-038-0531 11741101 26 M3 M14A1 M16A1 M17 M18 M5 8 M59 M113A1 NSN RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DlRECTORATE FOR SAFETY 13 21 21 22 TABLE OF TRITIUM ILLUMINATED DEVICES (cont'd) Model Device # of Curie NSN Sources 10 5.1 2 Page 1240-01-277-0472 Part Number 12599167 4.4 1240-01-038-0530 1174126 28 MI38 Telescope Panoramic Elbow Telescope M139 Alignment Device 1 3.0 493 1-01-048-5834 11741648-1 29 M 140 Alignment Device 1 3.0 493 1-01-187-97 13 11741648-2 29 M 171 Mount, Telescope 2 0.15 1240-01-039-7273 11727800 30 M187 Mount, Telescope & Quadrant Range Indicator 6 2.65 1240-01-277-0474 12599166 31 4 3.2 1010-01-043-2050 11578985 32 Various 9377 194-2 9377194 12321679 12549839 9338485 9338485-2 1254882 1 12931378 12960957 12932260 12304730 Various 33 34 35 M137A1 M224 27 --MRS Compass Collimator, Infinity Beam Splitter 1 1 0.19 10.0 --- Surge Arrestors 2 0.0025 Various 1240-01-275-0077 1240-01-236-9137 1240-01-1 8 1-6025 1240-01-324-22 17 1240-01-187-1057 1240-01-276-6628 1240-01-3 13-8932 1240-01-356-5887 1240-01-409-0784 1240-01-380-3 125 1240-01-136-3615 Various --- Transmitter Limiter Watch 1 0.05 Various Various 35 1 0.025 Various n/a 36 --- RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M l A l Infinity Aiming Reference Collimator. This component contains 10 Ci of tritium. The location of the tritium source is shown in Figure A-1. - 1 10 CURIE MACHINE SCREW CORE -4 PORT CAP FIGURE A- 1. M 1A 1 INFINITY AIMING REFERENCE COLLIMATOR The M l A l Collimator, Infinity Aiming Reference, has a field maintenance procedure that requires purging with dry nitrogen every 90 days. The purge is performed using a gas regulator that allows the gas pressure to the collimator to be controlled to no greater than 5 psi. The proper eauipment is "Fire Control Purging Kit", Supply Catalog No. 493 1-95-C 1-554, NSN 493 1-00-065- 1 110. Without this special gas regulator the TM states that the purge should not be performed because gas pressures above 5 psi can instantly break the 10 Curie tritium source. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVlSlON CECOM DlRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MIA2 Gunner's Quadrant. This component contains one tritium source to provide illumination for the level bubble. This source contains 0.075 Ci of tritium and is shown in Figure A-2. FIGURE A-2. M 1A2 GUNNER'S QUADRANT RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M3 Recoilless Rifle This component contains 0.21 Ci of tritium in the flare sight. The flare sight is shown in Figure A-3. FIGURE A-3. M3 RECOILLESS RIFLE RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M14A1 Fire Control Quadrant. This component contains six tritium sources in four locations as shown in Figure A-4. The elevation counter and correction counter are each illuminated by two tritium sources each containing 0.5 Ci. Each level vial is illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.075 Ci. The total activity in each M14A1 fire control quadrant is 2.15 Ci. FIGURE A-4. M 14A1 FIRE CONTROL QUADRANT RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M16A1 Rifle, 5.56mm Front Sight Post. This component contains one tritium source of 0.009 Ci as shown in Figure A-5. Note: This item is no longer used. Any of these items on hand, or found, should be turned in to the RSO for disposal. SIGHT POST 1 0.009 CURIE - DAT FIGURE A-5. M 16A1 RIFLE, FRONT SIGHT POST RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M17 Fire Control Quadrant. This component contains five tritium sources in three locations as shown in Figure A-6. The elevation counter and correction counter are each illuminated by two tritium sources each containing 0.45 Ci. Each level vial is illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.075 Ci. Total activity in each MI7 fire control quadrant is 1.875 Ci. FIGURE A-6. MI 7 FIRE CONTROL QUADRANT RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM Dl RECTORATE FOR SAFETY MI8 Fire Control Quadrant. This component contains six tritium sources in four locations as shown in Figure A-7. The elevation counter and correction counter are each illuminated by two tritium sources each containing 0.45 Ci. Each level vial is illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.075 Ci. Total activity in each M18 fire control quadrant is 1.95 Ci. LEVEL VIAL 1 0.075 CURIE - CORRECTION COUNTER IAL CURIE ELEVATION FIGURE A-7. M 18 FIRE CONTROL QUADRANT M58 and M59 Aiming Post Lights. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY The M58 which is green colored, contains 5.0 Ci, the M-59 which is orange colored, contains 9.0 Ci and both are shown in Figure A-8. M 58 AIMING LIGHT I - 5.0 CURIE M 59 AIMING LIGHT ON AlNllNG POST FIGURE A-8. M58 AND M59 AIMING POST LIGHTS M64lM64A1 Sight Unit (With Elbow Telescope). RADIOLOGICAL ENGlNEERlNG DlVlSlON CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY This component contains 11 tritium sources in 10 locations as shown in Figure A-9. The elbow telescope reticle is illuminated by two tritium sources of 0.8 Ci each. Each of the two level vials are illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.05 Ci. Each of the three scale indices (arrows) are illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.03 Ci. The fine and coarse azimuth scales are each illuminated by one tritium source containing one Ci. The fine elevation scale is illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.7 Ci. The coarse elevation scale is illuminated by one tritium source containing 1.2 Ci. Total activity of each M64IM64A1 sight unit is 5.69 Ci. RETICLE 2 - 0.8 CURIE FIGURE A-9. M64IM64A1 SIGHT UNIT RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DlVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY 21 M90A2 Telescope, Straight. This component contains two tritium sources of 0.8 Ci each at one location as shown in Figure A-10. The total activity of the M90A2 telescope is 1.6 Ci. RIE FIGURE A- 10. M90A2 TELESCOPE, STRAIGHT RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DlRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M113A1 Panoramic Telescope. This component contains eight tritium sources in four locations as shown in Figure A-1 1. The azimuth dial and reset dial are each illuminated by two tritium sources of 0.5 Ci each. The reticle is illuminated by two tritium sources of 0.6 Ci each. The gunner's aid counter dials are each illuminated by one tritium source of 0.4 Ci. Total activity in each M113A1 telescope is 4.0 Ci. AZIMUTH DlAL 2 - 0.5 CURIE RESET DlAL 2 - 0.5 CURIE GUNNER'S AID COUNTER 2 - 0.4 CURIE FIGURE A- 11. M 1 13A 1 PANORAMIC TELESCOPE RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M114A1 Elbow Telescope. This component contains four tritium sources in two locations as shown in Figure A-12. The reticle slide contains two tritium sources each containing 0.6 Ci. The cell assembly contains two tritium sources each containing 2.2 Ci. Total activity of each M114A1 telescope is 5.6 Ci. CELL ASSEMBLY 2 2.2 CLlRlES - RETICLE SLIDE 2 0.6 CURIE - FIGURE A-12. M114A1 ELBOW TELESCOPE RADIOLOG1 CAL ENGINEERING DIVl SION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M134A1 Mount, Telescope. This component contains two tritium sources in two locations as shown in Figure A-13. Each level vial is illuminated by one tritium source containing 0.075 Ci. Total activity of each M134A1 telescope mount is 0.15 Ci. FIGURE A- 13. M 134A1 MOUNT, TELESCOPE RADIOLOGICAL ENGlNEERlNG DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MI37 Panoramic Telescope. This component contains ten tritium sources in four locations as shown in Figure A-14. The reticle assembly contains four tritium sources of 0.6 Ci each. The azimuth, deflection, and correction counters are each illuminated by two tritium sources each containing 0.45 Ci. Total activity of each panoramic telescope is 5.1 Ci. AZIMUTH COUNTER 2 - 0.45 CLlRlE 2 - 0.45 CURIE RETICLE 4 - 0.6 CURIE 2 - 0.45 CURIE FIGURE A-14. M 137 PANORAMIC TELESCOPE RADlOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M137A1 Panoramic Telescope. This component contains ten tritium sources in four locations as shown in Figure A-15. The body assembly contains four tritium sources of 0.6 Ci each. The azimuth, deflection, and correction counters are each illuminated by two tritium sources each containing 0.45 Ci. Total activity of each M137A1 panoramic telescope is 5.1 Ci. - 0.45 CURIE BODY ASSEMBLY 4 - 0.60 CURIE DEFLECTION 2 - 0.45 CURIE CORRECTION COUNTER 2 - 0.45 CURIE FIGURE A- 15. M137A 1 PANORAMIC TELESCOPE RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DlVlSlON CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MI38 Elbow Telescope. This component contains two tritium sources in the reticle as shown in Figure A-1 6. Each tritium source has an activity of 2.2 Ci. Total activity of the M 138 elbow telescope is 4.4 Ci. RETICLE 2 - 2.2 CURIE >, , FIGURE A-16. M138 ELBOW TELESCOPE RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MI39 and MI40 Alignment Devices. Each of these components contains one 3.0 Ci tritium source as shown in Figure A-17. Total activity of each alignment device is 3.0 Ci. FIGURE A-17. M139 AND M140 ALIGNMENT DEVICES RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M 171 Mount, Telescope. This component contains two tritium sources of 0.075 Ci in two locations as shown in Figure A-1 8. A tritium source is used to illuminate each level vial. Total activity of each M171 telescope mount is 0.15 Ci. LEVEL VlAL 1 0.075 CURIE - LEVEL VlAL 1 0.075 CURIE - FIGURE A- 18. M 171 MOUNT, TELESCOPE RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MI87 Mount, Telescope, and Quadrant. This component contains six tritium sources in three locations as shown in Figure A-19. The two level vials are each illuminated with a tritium source of 0.075 Ci. The correction dial is illuminated by two tritium sources of 0.80 Ci each. The elevation dial is illuminated with two tritium sources of 0.45 Ci each. The total activity of the M187 telescope mount is 2.65 Ci. ELEVATION COUNTER 2 0.45 CURIE - CORRECTION COUNTER 2 0.80 CURIE - LEVEL VlAL LEVEL VlAL I - 0.075 CURIE FIGURE A-19. M187 MOUNT, TELESCOPE AND QUADRANT RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM Dl RECTORATE FOR SAFETY M224 Mortar, 60 mm, Range Indicator. This component is a subassembly of the mortar. The scale of the range indicator is illuminated with four tritium sources of 0.8 Ci each as shown in Figure A-20. The total activity of the range indicator is 3.2 Ci. RANGE INDICATOR 4 - 0.8 CURIE \ M'-'- FIGURE A-20. M224 MORTAR RANGE INDICATOR RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY Compasses. Some compasses contain tritium painted dial faces. Newer compasses contain small vials containing the tritium and phosphor. The maximum activity is 0.19 Ci. There is no hazard associated with these commodities as long as the dial face and sighting dots remain intact. A typical lensatic compass is shown in Figure A-2 1. SHORT LUMINOUS LINE* LUMINOUS MAGNETIC ARROW SIGHTING SLOT THUMB LOOP FLOATING DIAL FIGURE A-2 1. LENSATIC COMPASS RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY Muzzle Reference Sensor, (Infinity Collimator). This component contains one tritium source of 10 Ci as shown in Figure A-22. A battery powered beam splitter assembly is available, so all may not contain tritium. BEAMSPLITTER 105 MM MAlN GLIN, M I AND l P M l TANK BEAMSPLITTER 1 10 CURIE - CAUTION PLATE 120 MM MAlN GUN, M I A 1 AND M I A 2 TANK FIGURE A-22. MUZZLE REFERENCE SENSOR (Infinity Collimator) RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY Surge Arrestors. Central Office Telephone Switching Centers use electrical surge arrestors (ESA) containing tritium. Figure A-23 shows a typical cross-section drawing of a coaxial ESA assembly. Items E l and E2 contain the tritium. Refer to TB 43-01 16 for activity. SCREWS, COVER El E2 FIGURE A-23. TYPICAL SURGE ARRESTOR Transmitter Limiter. Many radar transmitters use a transmitter limiter tube that contains tritium. These devices are usually installed in the wave guide of the transmitter. An example is shown in Figure A-24. In Figure A-24, tube V3 is the transmitter limiter. Refer to TB 43-01 16 for activity. FIGURE A-24. TYPICAL TRAIVSMITTER LIMITER RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM Dl RECTORATE FOR SAFETY Watches. Some military issue watches contain tritium painted dial faces. Newer models contain tritium cells. The maximum activity is 0.025 Ci. A typical watch is shown in Figure A-25. There is no hazard associated with these watches as long as the face crystal remains intact. FIGURE A-25. TYPICAL WATCH APPENDIX B RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DlRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MAJOR END ITEMS CONTAINING TRITIUM SOURCES This appendix provides examples of major end items containing tritium illumination devices. Due to modifications of end items the number and type of device on any end item may be revised. The most up-to-date TM or Modification Work Order (MWO) should be consulted for current information. M3 Recoilless Rifle. The M3 recoilless rifle contains a flare sight with 0.2 1 Curies of tritium as shown in Figure A-3 on page 15. MI1 Pistol, 9 mm. The M1 1 9mm pistol is equipped with tritium sights containing 0.054 Curies. The radioactive sights are identified with the letter "T." A check of the illumination of the M11 pistol sights is to be made on a daily basis prior to use. If not illuminated, the pistol may be contaminated. Do not attempt to remove or fix the sights, notify the local RSO. M16A1 Rifle, 5.56 mm. The M 16A1 rifles equipped with the "Low Light Level Sight System" have a special rear sight and front sight post. The front sight post is shown in Figure A-5 on page 17 and contains 9.0 millicuries of tritium. As long as the sight post element has not been damaged there is no hazard to the user. This item is no longer used. Any of these items on hand, or found, should be turned in to the RSO for disposal. MI, 1PM1, M l A l and MIA2 tanks, and M68 Cannon, 105mm. The tritium source on these end items is the muzzle reference sensor (infinity collimator) containing a 10 Curie source as shown in Figure A-22 on page 34. A battery operated replacement is available. MI02 Howitzer, 105mm, Light, Towed. The M102 Howitzer is equipped with the following fire control devices containing the tritium sources listed below. M 1 A2 Gunner's Quadrant M114A1 Elbow Telescope RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY M107, Gun Field Artillery, Self-propelled, 175mm. The tritium source on the M107 is the MIA1 Infinity Collimator with a 10 Ci source as shown in Fig A-1 on page 13. M109, M109A1, and M109AlBSP Howitzer, Self-propelled, 155mm and MlOlA Howitzer, Light Towed. The minimum tritium source on these models of the Howitzer is the MIA1 Infinity Collimator with a 10 Ci source as shown in Figure A-1 on page 13, some models may include additional devices. M109A2SP and M109A3 Howitzer, Self-propelled, 155mm. The minimum tritium sources on these models of the Howitzer are the MIA1 Infinity Collimator with the 10 Ci source as shown in Figure A-1 on page 13 and the M140 Alignment Device with the 3.0 Ci source as shown in Figure A-17 on page 29. Some models may include the MIA2 Gunner's Quadrant as shown in Figure A-2 on page 14. M110, and MllOAl, Howitzer, Self-propelled, 8 in. The tritium source on these models of the Howitzer is the M l A1 Infinity Collimator with a 10 Ci source as shown in Figure A-1 on page 13. M110A2, Howitzer, Self-propelled, 8 in. The minimum tritium sources on this model of the Howitzer are the MIA1 Infinity Collimator with a 10 Ci source as shown in Figure A-1 on page 13 and the M140 Alignment Device with a 3.0 Ci source as shown in Figure A-17 on page 29. Some models may include the M 1A2 Gunner's Quadrant. M119, Gun, Light and MI19 A1 Howitzer, Towed. The tritium sources used on these guns are: COMMODITY FIGURE ACTIVITY (Curie) M 187 Mount, Telescope & Quadrant Figure A- 19 2.65 M90A2 Telescope, Straight Figure A-1 0 1.6 M 140 Alignment Device Figure A- 1 7 3.0 M l Al Infinity Collimator Figure A-l 10.0 M 1 A2 Gunner's Quadrant Figure A-2 0.075 M 137A1 Panoramic Telescope Figure A-1 5 5.1 MI21 Mortar, 120 mm and M252 Mortar, 81 mm. The M121 and M252 Mortars are equipped with the following fire control devices containing tritium. ACTIVITY (Curie) COMMODlTY FIGURE M58 Aiming Post Light Figure A-8 5.0 M59 Aiming Post Light Figure A-8 9.0 M64164AI Sight Unit Figure A-9 6.69 RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY MI98 Howitzer, 155mm, Medium, Towed. The M198 Howitzer is equipped with the following fire control devices containing the tritium sources listed below. M224 Mortar, 60mm, Light, Company. The M224 Mortar is equipped with radioluminescent devices to provide illumination in low light conditions. These devices and their tritium activity are: COMMODITY FIGURE ACTIVITY (Curie) M58 Aiming Post Light Figure A-8 5.0 M59 Aiming Post Light Figure A-8 9.0 M64JM64A 1 Sight Unit Figure A-9 6.69 Range Indicator Figure A-20 3.2 Radar Systems. The following are examples of radar systems that use a transmitter limiter electron tube device containing tritium gas. Follow the cautions and instructions contained in the appropriate TM for the safe handling and disposal of these devices. The tritium activity in these devices is less than 1.0 Ci and presents no radiation hazard as long as the tubes remain intact. For the activity in each device refer to TB 43-01 16. Central Office Telephone Switching Stations. The following are examples of central office telephone switching stations that utilize electrical surge arrestors (ESA) containing tritium. Follow the cautions and instructions contained in the appropriate TM for the safe handling and disposal of these devices. The tritium activity in the ESAs are less than 0.5 Ci and presents no radiation hazard as long as the ESAs are not broken. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERlNG DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY APPENDIX C INCIDENT RESPONSE PLAN 1. Purpose and Scope. The response plan should be based upon the potential hazard that may exist when a tritium commodity is damaged, and has two goals: 1) To prevent the spread of contamination when a tritium illumination device is damaged, and 2) all radiation exposure should be maintained "As Low as is Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA). The plan should incorporate training and periodic surveys to achieve these goals and be designed to guide personnel through the incident response with positive mitigation actions and corrective measures that will reduce the potential for future incidents. The level of response will be determined by incident conditions. 2. General. Tritium, commonly used in military equipment, is considered to be a low biological hazard. The amount of tritium in a device and the physical form (solid or gas) are the major factors pertaining to the potential hazard of tritium to personnel. Since the biological hazard for tritium commodities is low, a baseline or periodic bioassay are not required. 3. Training and Procedures. a. Training. Frequent training should be performed using the appropriate TM, for all users. Users are soldiers and lower echelon maintenance personnel that use and store tritium devices as required to perform the unit's mission. Lower echelon maintenance personnel are those at user level maintenance shops not authorized by the equipment TM to perform repairs on the tritium source components of a commodity. Training requirements for all personnel are listed in Table C-1. b. Procedures. Routine operating and use procedures should address the actions listed in Table C-2. These procedures should be prepared by the RSO and reviewed annually. 4. Bioassav and Suwev Requirements. a. Users. (1) Routine medical surveys and bioassay not required for user personnel. (2) Quarterly contamination surveys of the storage area(s) are required. b. Maintenance Personnel. (1) Routine bioassay or baseline data are not required. (2) Quarterly contamination surveys of the storage area(s) and maintenance area(s) (i.e., workbenchsltables) are required. c. Authorized Maintenance Personnel (Depot Level). . (1) Routine bioassay or baseline data are required. (2) Quarterly contamination surveys of the storage area(s) and maintenance area(s) RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (i.e., workbenchsltables) are required. 5. Response Plan. a. Incident Response To Damaged Tritium Source While Handling. (1) Notify other personnel in the area that the source is damaged. Instruct nonessential personnel to evacuate the area and assemble in pre-designated assembly area. (2) Notify the RSO. (3) Place the damaged commodity in a double plastic bag and label the bag with device NSN and the words: "Damaged Tritium Source - DO NOT OPEN." (4) If outer clothing is contaminated (phosphor powder from source visible on clothing), remove clothing and place in plastic bag. Label the bag as: "Contaminated Material." (5) Wash suspected contaminated body areas with soap and tepid (skin temperature) water. Table C-I. Training Topics UL AM UM X I X I X X Proper handling of contaminated equipment I X X Hx i Level of authorized repair I I I Training Topics I I Incident mitigation training I I X X Reporting instructions X X How to recognize a tritium commodity I I II ( X i lX i I X I X I X X I X I I X X I X I Actions to take upon receipt of a damaged tritium commodity I Definition of a tritium contamination accident and reporting of incident X I I Work repair/storage SOPS in use X X I Why repair of tritium devices at user level is not authorized X I I Proper handling and turn-in of a damaged tritium source I I Swipe survey of work and storage areas X X X I' I I I I I I Recognition of a damaged tritium source I I I I I X X I Storage, security and environmental considerations X X I Proper care in non-combat conditions to prevent damage I I X It I I I I I Bioassay collection and disposition I1 I U L = All user level personnel, LIM = Llser level maintenance personnel, AM = Authorized maintenance personnel RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DlRECTORATE FOR SAFETY Table C-2. Procedure Actions 1 X Inspection prior to use, after use and before storage X X Inspection upon receipt X X Storage security X X Actions following receipt of damaged items X lx i X I Work area preparation I I I I Notification of RSO X 1 I Bagging and tagging damaged items I I I1 Procedure Actions To Be Addressed X I I I /AM X Work area clean-up following repairs X Disposal of damaged items I I I1 I UL = All user level personnel, UM = User level maintenance personnel, AM = Authorized maintenance personnel Personnel who may have handled a broken device, or were in the near vicinity at the time of the break, may be required to report to local medical clinic for bioassay. Bioassays are urine samples that must be analyzed by medical facilities with specialized equipment. Do not delay in obtaining a sample. Optimum sample time is between four and twenty four hours after exposure. See Section 7 below, for instructions for collecting a bioassay sample. (6) Worker should provide a bioassay (urine) sample no sooner than four hours after the incident and as soon as possible after four hours. Discard the first void. (7) RSO or designate secures the area suspected of contamination. Perform a contamination swipe survey for immediate analysis by a counting laboratory. (8) Notify the RSSO and provide initial report. (9) RSO obtains written statements from all involved personnel. (10) Bioassay Follow Up Actions. (a) If bioassay results indicate less than two times background uptake, initiate a report explaining the incident. Report and explain results to the individual(s) and RSSO. (b) If bioassay results indicate less than 125 millirem whole body dose, initiate a report stating that no individual exposure exceeded the investigation dose level established by DA Pam 40-18. Report the results to U.S. Army Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Branch (AIRDB) and explain results to the individual(s) and RSSO. RADlOLOGlCAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM Dl RECTORATE FOR SAFETY (c) If bioassay results are greater than 125 millirem but less than 375 millirem whole body dose, initiate an investigation of the incident to determine why individual exposure is greater than the investigation dose level established by DA Pam 40-18. In addition, review work procedures with consideration given to the following: 1 Do not allow the same work procedure to be performed. Using information obtained from the workers, the RSO or designate will develop a safe work procedure and implement same. 2 - Based on a study of the incident, other personnel may require bioassay sampling. 3 Investigate work area for environmental conditions. Inspect ventilation, free space, and work conditions and correct any causative situations. (d) If bioassay results indicate greater than 375 millirem, initiate an investigation and report that the individual exposure exceeded the level I1 investigation dose level established in DA Pam 40-1 8. Perform an investigation as explained in DA PAM 40-1 8, Section 4-10, subparagraphs f through j. The RSO will perform the actions specified in DA PAM 40-18 Section 4-12 d. Report results to AIRDB and notify the individual(s) and RSSO of any actions taken and explain results of bioassay. (1 1) Swipe Results Follow-up Actions. (a) If swipe results are less than 10,000 d p d 100 cm2 (1,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 - uncontrolled area). 1 - Release area for normal operations. 2 Complete Incident Report. (b) If swipe results are greater than 10,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 (1,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 - uncontrolled area). 1 Designate equipment that cannot be economically decontaminated as radioactive waste and notify the item manager. 2 Maintain area controls to prevent spread of contamination. - 3 Decontaminate affected areas. - 4 Swipe decontaminated areas. 5 Maintain control over areas and decontaminate as required until swipe results are less than 10,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 (1,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 - uncontrolled area). - b. Tritium Source Found Damaged On Equipment or In Storage. (1) Assume equipment and immediate area are contaminated. (a) Secure area, evacuate excess personnel. (b) Double bag and tag item. (c) Swipe survey the area. RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (2) Other Actions. (a) Immediate bioassay not required. (b) If contamination survey results indicate contamination levels greater than 1 million d p d 1 0 0 cm2, perform bioassay on individuals handling the item. (3) Swipe Follow-up Actions. (a) If swipe test results are less than 10,000 dprn1100 cm2 (1,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 - uncontrolled area), no action is required. Release area for normal operations and complete incident report. (b) If swipe test results for any equipment or area are greater than 10,000 d p d 100 cm2 (1,000 d p d 1 0 0 cm2 - uncontrolled area), perform decontamination of equipment or areas. 1 Designate equipment that cannot be economically decontaminated as radioactive waste and notify the item manager. 2 - Maintain control of the area to prevent spread of contamination. 3 - Decontaminate affected areas. 4 Swipe test decontaminated areas. - 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 until swipe test results show decontamination levels below action level. Release area for normal operations. 6. Swipe Procedure. a. Equipment Required. (1) Nitrocellulose filters. Filtering Disk, Fluid, NSN 6640-01-142-83 17. (2) Liquid scintillation vials, clear, 20 ml, with screw caps. (RPI Research Products International Corp. No. 12000, or Beckman Instruments 18 ml capacity, part number 566350, or equal.) (3) Distilled or deionized water. (4) Gloves, latex. (5) Marking pen. b. Procedure. Wipe tests can be used on any surface or device where tritium contamination is suspected. Broken devices should not be swiped but bagged and tagged. (1) Put on gloves. Remove filter from between the colored paper separators. (The disc is white, with a very smooth surface.) Dampen filter disc with distilled water. (2) With the disc, wipe an area of approximately 4 inches by 4 inches. For commodities, all accessible surfaces suspected of being contaminated should be wiped. Use one filter disc per commodity, RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY (3) Carefully roll the disc and place in glass vial, add not more than 10 drops of water (i.e., 1 - 2 milliters) to vial and place cap on vial. (4) Place an identifying number on the vial cap. DO NOT WRITE ON VIAL OR APPLY TAPE TO VIAL. (5) Identify location of wipe on survey form. (6) Carefully pack to prevent breakage or spillage and submit vial(s) to counting laboratory for analysis: (a) National Guard units should send contamination survey swipes to CECOM for counting at: Commander U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command ATTN: AMSEL-SF-RE (LAB) Bldg. 2540, Charles Wood Area Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5024 Phone: (732) 427-5370 or DSN: 987-5370 (b) Other units should submit samples to: Commander Rock Island Arsenal ATTN: SOSRI-ESM Bldg. 2 10, 4thFloor Rock Island, IL 6 1299-5000 Phone: (309) 782-7889 or DSN: 793-7889 CAUTION Wear latex gloves while performing wipe tests as the oil from your skin will interfere with tritium absorption on the filter. Excessive surface dirt and grease will also interfere. 7. Bioassav Procedure. a. If an uptake is suspected or indicated by a very high level of contamination, contact the Chief, Radiological, Classical and Clinical Chemistry Division of the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (CHPPM) by telephone, mail or electronic mail. (1) Phone: DSN 584-8247 or Commercial (410) 436-8247 (2) Address: Commander U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine ATTN: MCHB-TS-LRD 5 158 Blackhawk Road Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 2 10 10-5403 (3) Send e-mail to: Ronald.Swatski@apg.amedd.army.mil RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIKECTORATE FOR SAFETY b. Provide the following information. (1) Technical point of contact (POC). (2) DSN and commercial phone number, mailing address and e-mail address (if available) of the POC. (3) A description of the problem for which services are being requested. (4) Why services are being requested. (5) Types of analyses requested. (6) Types of samples to be collected. (7) Number of samples to be collected. (8) Date and time of sample collection. (9) Whether chain of custody is required, and (10) Any specific regulatory requirements. c. CHPPM will provide: Specific instructions for sample container, volume requirements, collection procedures, labeling, packaging and shipping. (1) For tritium analysis, a single void is required. The container is obtained from the supporting medical facility, and is: Bottle urine, 100 milliliter capacity, NSN 6640-00-165-5778, GSA Cat. No. F 10906-0100. (2) Follow local clinic procedures for collecting urine samples. Ensure to: (a) Wash hands before collecting specimen. (b) If exposure is to tritium, it is imperative that the urine sample be representative of the tritium concentration in the body fluids. A sample collected too soon will not be representative of tritium concentration in the body fluids. Pre-exposure bladder contents will dilute the sample. Therefore: 1 Discard the initial void following the exposure and any additional voids prior to four hours post-exposure. 2 Allow four hours to elapse following the exposure, then collect the void. The post-exposure time may be longer than four hours but should not be less than four hours. (c) Collect a minimum of 50 milliliters. (d) Close container tightly and rinse under running water. Dry container prior to shipping. (e) Do not add chemicals or preservatives. (f) Follow labeling and shipping instructions from CHPPM. RADlOLOGlCAL ENGlNEERlNG DlVlSlON CECOM DlRECTORATE FOR SAFETY APPENDIX D ITEM MANAGERS AND SAFETY SUPPORT FOR RADIOACTIVE COMMODITIES CONTAINING TRITIUM Radioactive commodities containing tritium are assigned to various Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs) and agencies for logistics support and radiation safety guidance. These MSCs are listed below. Additional commodity information can be obtained by contacting the appropriate National Inventory Control Point (ICP) for logistical support and the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) of the responsible ICP. B14 TACOM-RI ICP - U.S. Army Tank-automotive & Armaments Command ATTlU: AMSTA-CFSF Rock Island, IL 61299-7036 DSN: 793-0126, Commercial: (309) 782-0126 B14 TACOM-RI RSO - U.S. Army Tank-automotive & Armaments Command ATTN: AMSTA-LC-RS Rock Island, IL 61299-7036 DSN: 793-2965, Commercial: (309) 782-29651622812995 B16 CECOM ICP - U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command ATTN: AMSEL-LC-LEO-D Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5000 DSN: 992-9362, Commercial: (732) 532 9362 B 16 CECOM RSO - U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command ATTIU: AMSEL-SF-RE Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5024 DSN: 987-3 112, Commercial: (732) 427-3 112 RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION CECOM DIRECTORATE FOR SAFETY