community involvement plan


community involvement plan
950 Riverside Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37403-1307
Environmental Protection Agency
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 2
2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 CONTEXT AND HISTORY OF THE CATALYST SITE............................................................................... 3
3.0 COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................... 4
3.1 COMMUNITY PROFILE ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.......................................................................................................... 6
3.3 KEY COMMUNITY CONCERNS .......................................................................................................... 6
4.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROGRAM ........................................................................................... 6
4.1 OBJECTIVES AND PLANNING TEAM .................................................................................................. 6
4.2 COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY ......................................................................................................... 7
5.0 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 7
5.1 PUBLIC MEETING & ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES .......................................................................... 7
5.2 INFORMATION REPOSITORY ............................................................................................................ 8
5.3 FACT SHEETS ................................................................................................................................ 8
5.4 NEWSPAPER ADS & JOURNAL ARTICLES .......................................................................................... 8
5.5 INFORMING LOCAL OFFICIALS OF PROJECT PROGRESS .................................................................... 8
5.6 LANGUAGE TRANSLATION ............................................................................................................... 8
6.0 PLAN UPDATE ............................................................................................................................... 8
7.0 POINTS OF CONTACT ................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A - LIST OF CONTACTS ................................................................................................. 10
APPENDIX B - GLOSSARY OF TERMS............................................................................................. 14
APPENDIX C - LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................ 15
APPENDIX D - COMMUNITY GROUP NAMES .................................................................................. 16
APPENDIX E - COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES TO DATE ............................................... 16
APPENDIX F - COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP TEAM ........................................................................... 17
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
The Enterprise Center received an EPA Brownfield Area-Wide Planning Grant in 2013 for the
redevelopment of brownfields between Third Street and Riverside Drive in downtown
Chattanooga. The intent of the grant is to assist communities in addressing brownfield
environmental challenges, which limit economic and social prosperity, through public
participation in redevelopment planning.
This EPA grant required identification, and planning, for a catalyst site that will spur
redevelopment efforts throughout an entire community. The former Cannon
Equipment/Cumberland Corporation property, the largest contiguous tract available for
redevelopment, was identified as the primary catalyst site within the Project Study Area.
The final product of the study will be an Area-Wide Master Plan with redevelopment and
implementation recommendations, meeting the needs of the City of Chattanooga, a diverse
group of stakeholders, and the overall community. This project is aligned with EPA’s Strategic
Goal 3 of Cleaning-Up Communities and Advancing Sustainable Development, with the goal of
promoting sustainable and livable communities
This document will serve as a source of information for community members and key
stakeholders regarding project background, intent, and goals, as well as the intent, goals, and
strategies for public outreach. This plan will encourage community interest and participation,
and elicit feedback through public meetings, informal sessions, interviews, surveys, and
research. The intent is to support two-way communication between the community and TEC as
the grantee.
The community outreach objectives include the following:
• Inform and educate the public on brownfields redevelopment;
• Update the public on the status of the project throughout the process;
• Engage the public to determine community concerns, needs, and opportunities;
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
Solicit and respond to community feedback regarding proposed concepts and
implementation strategies; and
Identify and engage potential investors in specific redevelopment strategies.
2.1 General
The Third to Riverside project centers around the 17 acre former Cannon/Cumberland
industrial site. This site is broadly bounded by the 160 acre project study area. (See Map 1,
Yellow and Red outline, respectively). The planning efforts around the Cannon/Cumberland
industrial site, and Citico Creek, will benefit not only the people who live and work in the
Planning Zone, but also those in the surrounding Impact Zone and the community as a whole.
The address of the Cannon/Cumberland industrial site is 950 Riverside Drive, Chattanooga,
TN 37403. Its geographic coordinates are 35.053024, -85.283241 (Latitude: 35° 3' 10.8864"
Longitude: -85° 16' 59.6676").
2.2 Context and History of the Catalyst Site
The Cannon/Cumberland catalyst site is located close to the urban core of downtown
Chattanooga. It is surrounded by underutilized land zoned for manufacturing uses, including an
abandoned railroad right-of -way to the south and a large vacant parcel to the north. Citico
Creek, an impaired waterway, passes through the northern portion of the site, and empties into
the Tennessee River. The site is also in the path of a proposed pedestrian-oriented road
extension, connecting two busy vehicular corridors, Riverside Drive and Third Street. This
extension will connect the site and the communities to the south to the Riverwalk running along
the Tennessee River.
The Cannon/Cumberland property was the site of a 65-year-old manufacturing facility, which
housed a saw mill in its early operations, and later a metal plating operation. The last operator
at the site, Cannon Equipment, was a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator of F006
sludge. This sludge contained metal hydroxides, chromium and cyanides. Other wastes
generated at the site included paint waste, used oil, PCBs from light ballasts and mercury from
light bulbs. Additionally there was an on-site waste water treatment plant. While the
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
manufacturing operations are now closed, the water runoff from the site still flows into Citico
Map 1
3.1 Community Profile
The project study area is a 650 acre eclectic blend of large institutions, small neighborhoods,
and historic landmarks. Of the thousands of people who come here to work each day, many
are employed by the 813-bed public teaching hospital founded in the late 1880s, or the
medical offices nearby.
The 327 people who live in the mill houses of Lincoln Park are predominately African
American. Today this close-knit community has a median household income of $21,823. In
the late 1990s, Lincoln Park residents mounted a successful campaign to stop Erlanger from
expanding into the neighborhood. The hospital agreed to a 50-year moratorium on
The 550 who reside in the Victorian homes of Fort Wood are middle class white (63.76%).
The housing around these two communities includes fraternities and student rentals from the
neighboring state university, as well as refurbished middle income homes built from the 1920s
to the 1960s. The remaining residents of the Corridor are students living in campus
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
3.2 Community Description
The Fort Wood and Lincoln Park neighborhoods are predominantly characterized by singlefamily detached homes, though some multi-family and attached structures can be found as
well. Each neighborhood has a rich and unique history, with cultural resources that are highly
valued by the residents and community as a whole. Engel Stadium is a nationally recognized
historical ballpark in Fort Wood, where efforts are under way to create a multi-functional public
space. In addition, the City is in the process of acquiring 5.3 acres of land for the renovation of
Lincoln Park, from which the neighborhood got its namesake.
Third Street, which runs along the southern boundary of the Target Planning Area, is home to
the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Erlanger Health Systems, the prominent
higher education and medical institutions for this region. Together, these institutions have
significant need for office, research, and classroom space, as well as housing for faculty, staff,
and students.
Specific to redevelopment site efforts, The Enterprise Center identified the former Cannon
Equipment/Cumberland Corporation property, the largest contiguous tract available for
redevelopment, as the primary catalyst site within the Project Study Area. Redevelopment of
the Cannon/Cumberland site is needed, along with the clean-up of Citico Creek. The creek,
which runs along the northern property line of the site and empties into the Tennessee River, is
considered an impaired waterway by the EPA.
The consultant team is expected to identify other brownfields sites that may exist within the
Project Study Area during the planning process.
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
3.2 Community Organizations
The Enterprise Center and RPA are keenly aware of local community groups. The Grantee has
met with the local leadership about project activities and gathered feedback to drive additional
input and communication efforts.
Project activities will support services to identified groups, such as assistance with production
and mailing of newsletters they may develop and community involvement relevant to
neighborhood issues. The list of community groups located in Appendix E will be updated as
the AWP progresses.
3.3 Key Community Concerns
Community input on the project has and will continue to be obtained during various public
outreach efforts, through land use planning efforts, and meetings with the City and the
community. The following concerns were identified by Neighborhood Services surveys of
Lincoln Park and Fort Wood Neighborhood Association members:
Identify redevelopment opportunities or blighted areas
Develop neighborhood amenities
Sex-offender Registry in Lincoln Park Neighborhood
Crime Prevention – Drug, home break-ins, and car related
Retain Lincoln Park community identity
Preserve Lincoln Park as an historic landmark
Encourage expanded retail services, including restaurants, neighborhood shops and
services, and a grocery store
Building neighborhood unity with college students
This data will be supplemented by a more broad based survey, which will collect additional
information from all stakeholder groups within the Project Study Area.
4.1 Objectives and Planning Team
RPA has assembled a Leadership Team that will participate in the area-wide planning process
through regular meetings. As part of this project’s community involvement component, this
team will review general content before larger public gatherings, give feedback on content and
direction, and facilitate community outreach. . Members of this committee are listed in
Appendix G.
The overall objectives of public participation are:
Providing timely, project specific information to community members;
Providing regular, informal opportunities for public input and communication tailored to
meet community needs and concerns;
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
Ensure the community members are well informed about brownfields in general, site
and project activities;
Timely feedback to neighborhood questions and issues specific to grant activities;
Enhance communication for media sources by streamlining efforts between The
Enterprise Center and public relations team;
Creation and maintenance of a project website; and
Delivery of an Area-Wide Plan and Implementation Plan/Strategy
4.2 Communications Strategy
We will develop an overall communication strategy with tactics to ensure all audiences within
the initiative are invited to participate and are well informed throughout the process.
Our key audiences include:
Elected officials and civic leaders
EPA officials
Environmental groups
Neighborhood associations and community leadership
Developers and realtors
Other related agencies, including the Regional Planning Agency, City of Chattanooga
Public Works, Chamber of Commerce, consulting engineers and planners, etc.
 Surrounding businesses and public institutions including Erlanger Health Systems, The
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Tennessee American Water Company, the
DeButts Yard of Norfolk Southern Railway, Friends of Engel Stadium, the Chattanooga
Zoo, and businesses along Amnicola Highway and Riverside Drive
The Enterprise Center and RPA will use a variety of ways to encourage public participation in
the AWP process. The Community Involvement Plan is geared towards meaningful and
continuous community engagement activities and will be a fundamental activity throughout the
grant cycle.
5.1 Public Meeting & Engagement Opportunities
Public meetings will be held at the project site and/or government offices. Public meetings will
be targeted to community stakeholders within the Project Study Area; however, they will be
open to the general public. Public meetings are intended to present educational information
regarding brownfields, gather feedback on public needs and concerns, present information on
existing conditions within the study area, and gather input from community members on
planning recommendations.
A public design charrette will bring together community members and key stakeholder groups
to incorporate their feedback on potential land uses, design, and planning for the Target Study
Area. Input fro the community and key stakeholder groups will be used to generate the areawide plan and identify planning priorities. Further stakeholder discussions and follow-up
meeting may occur after the charrette.
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
During these meetings, participants will sign in and provide mailing, telephone, and email (if
available) contact information. The Enterprise Center will make every effort possible to protect
the privacy of community residents, if requested. Public Meeting notes and summaries will be
held in our information repository.
5.2 Information Repository
A dedicated brownfields website will be used to capture all activities related to the AWP effort.
This will serve as our information repository. The email attached to this site, as well as the site
itself, will be monitored to ensure incorporation of community member feedback into our
planning efforts. The brownfields website will serve as an online source for community input
and continuous information about project status, successes, and challenges. The web address
5.3 Fact Sheets
The project will provide fact sheets about relevant topics and general information related to
Brownfields as part of community involvement. Fact sheets will be made available at the
repository site.
5.4 Newspaper Ads & Journal Articles
Funds have been budgeted for public meeting notifications to be run in local newspapers. To
ensure the widest possible exposure, project notices about activities will run in Chattanooga’s
local newspaper, the Times Free Press. Documentation will be maintained regarding all
5.5 Informing Local Officials of Project Progress
The Enterprise Center, RPA, Office of Economic and Community Development, and the City of
Chattanooga Transportation Department staff enjoy a strong collaborative relationship. As this
project goes forward, this plan will be aligned to work in conjunction with other ongoing
initiatives of the city.
5.6 Language Translation
English is the preferred language by most Chattanooga residents. However, translation
services are available through project partners, as needed.
The grantee will update this document on a regular basis to reflect changing concerns of the
community related to activity progress. The contact list will also be revised whenever elections
result in a change of local elected officials, as identified in the Appendix A – List of Contacts. If
updates are necessary, the revised CIP will be provided to the public through the identified
public information repositories.
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
John Bridger, Executive Director, and Heather Shank, Senior Planner of the Regional Planning
Agency, will serve as the community points-of contact for this project. They will lead project
tasks, including the kick-off meeting. They will also serve as the community spokesperson on
behalf of this project. Specific tasks include meeting with key stakeholders, review and
approval of project documents, and presentations to the public, partners, and other key
stakeholders in order to share findings and receive feedback.
For additional information, they may be reached at:
John Bridger, Executive Director
1250 Market Street, Suite 2000
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: 423-643-5930
Heather Shank, Senior Planner
1250 Market Street, Suite 2000
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: 423-643-5928
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
APPENDIX A - List of Contacts
Federal Elected Officials
US Senators
Lamar Alexander’s Office
Joel E. Soloman Federal Building
900 Georgia Avenue, #260
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: 423-752-5337
Fax: 423-752-5342
Bob Corker’s Office
Electric Power Board Building
10 West MLK Blvd., 6th Floor
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Main: 423-756-2757
Fax: 423-756-5313
U.S. House of Representative for Congressional District 3
Congressman Fleischmann's Office
900 Georgia Avenue, Suite 126
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: 423-756-2342
Fax: 423-756-6613
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USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
A.2 State Elected Officials
Bill Haslam
1st Floor, State Capitol
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615-741-2001
State Senators
Todd Gardenhire
District 10
P.O. Box 4506
Chattanooga, TN 37405
Phone: 615-741-6682
Fax: 615-253-0209
State House of Representative in District 28
JoAnne Favors
2441 Meade Circle
Chattanooga, TN 37406
Phone: 615-741-2702
Fax: 615-253-0351
A.3 Local Officials
City of Chattanooga City Council
1000 Lindsay Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: 423-757-5196
Fax: 423-757-4857
District 8
Councilman Moses Freeman
Hamilton County Commissioners
401 Courthouse
625 Georgia Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: 423-209-7200
Fax: 423-209-7201
District 4
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USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
Commissioner Warren Mackey
A.4 EPA Region 4 Officials
Olga Perry
US Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-562-8534
Fax: 404-562-8439
A.5 State Environmental Agency Officials
Andy Shivas
TN Brownfields Coordinator & VOAP Manager
Department of Environment & Conservation
William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615-532-0912
Fax: 615-687-7078
Paula Larson
TN Brownfields Outreach Coordinator
Department of Environment & Conservation
William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 14th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615-532-0926
Fax: 615-687-7078
A.6 Media
Chattanooga Times-Free Press
400 E. 11th Street
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Phone: 423-756-6900
Television Stations WTVC Newschannel 9
12 | P a g e
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
4279 Benton Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37406
Phone: 423-756-5500
WDEF Channel 12
3300 Broad St.
Chattanooga, TN 37408
Phone: 423-785-1200
WRCB-Channel 3
1107 Stringer Ridge Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37405
Phone: 423-267-5417
7540 Bonnyshire Dr.
Chattanooga, TN 37416
Phone: 423-702-7800
Radio Stations
US 101 FM
7413 Old Lee Highway
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone: 423-899-7224
Sunny 92.3
2615 Broad St.
Chattanooga, TN 37408
Phone: 423-321-6200
WUTC-FM 88.1
615 McCallie Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Phone: 423-425-4756
Social Media
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USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
APPENDIX B - Glossary of Terms
Brownfields: With certain legal exclusions and additions, the term "brownfields site" means real
property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the
presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
Community: All of the populations occupying a given area; a neighborhood or specific area
where people live.
Initiative: The ability to assess and initiate things independently; the power or opportunity to act
or take charge before others do.
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC): TDEC is committed to
protecting and improving the quality of Tennessee’s air, land and water. Department programs
and initiatives protect human health and the environment and support economic development
and quality of life through education, outreach and effective enforcement of state and federal
environmental laws.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Established in 1970 to consolidate in one agency
a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure
environmental protection. (
14 | P a g e
USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
APPENDIX C - List of Acronyms
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (Superfund)
US Environmental Protection Agency
Feasibility Study
Global Positional System
Human Health and the Environment
Memorandum of Agreement
Memorandum of Understanding
No Further Action
National Priorities List
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Program Area Analysis
Point of Contact
Quality Control
Response to Comments
Standard Operating Procedure
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
The Enterprise Center
Technical Outreach Services for Communities
Urban League of Greater Chattanooga
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USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
APPENDIX D - Community Group Names
Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association
Fortwood Neighborhood Association
Chattanooga Organized for Action
APPENDIX E - Community Involvement Activities to Date
Kick-Off Meeting February 7, 2014
March 26, 2014
Community Involvement Plan Developed
August 2014
Upload in public repository
As needed
Planning Team Meeting
As needed
Maintain communication with community
Revise the Community Involvement Plan
As needed
Design Charrette: Present and engage in
participatory design
Community Meeting: Present data and obtain
November 2014
January 2014
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USEPA Area-Wide Plan
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Project No. EPA560-F-13-044
August 12, 2014
APPENDIX F - Community Leadership Team
Karen Hundt
Heather Shank
Miguel Partap
The Enterprise Center
Ty Amour
Neighborhood Services Representative
Bert Kuyrkendall
City Transportation Department
Chris Senn/ Mark Senn
Canon/Cumberland site property owner
Michael McGauley/ Matt McGauley
Riverside Drive property owner
Russ Elliot
Riverside Drive property owner
Wiley Morton
Lincoln Park resident
Vannice Hughley
Lincoln Park resident
Lisa Mack
Fort Wood resident
Hal Baker
Fort Wood resident
Janna Jahn
Engel stadium
Richard Brown
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
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