June - Tebala Shriners


June - Tebala Shriners
Oasis of Rockford
Desert of Illinois
Lawrence R. Keyser, Potentate
Vol. 15, No. 6, June 2015
Noble Class of Spring 2015
Newest Nobles starting from the left with (ladies):
1. Steve Beltran (Tina Blanchard)
2. Martin Dinges (Monica)
3. Brian Hartman (Kami Minor)
4. Gregg Marshall (Kathy)
5. Matthew McGuire (Misty)
6. Derek Melendez (Shelly)
7. Timothy Miller (Marianne)
8. John O’Conner (Kate)
Schedule of Upcoming Events:
Tebala Monthly Meeting and
Drawing for Fund Raiser
Shrine All Star Football Game in Bloomington
Rock River Hill Climb
6-19 to 6/21 Blackhawk Farms Race Day
7-4 to 7-9 Imperial Session In Houston
Tebala Monthly Meeting
7-17 to 7-19 Tebala Circus at Rockford Speedway
Franklin Grove Truck Show
Motor Patrol Corn Boil
Tebala Corn Boil (no regular meeting)
Tebala Golf Outing at Weslake
Tebala Family Picnic
Tebala Gram
June 2015
EDITOR: Gary Ackerman
email: tebalagram@tebala.org
All materials, notices, and articles
must be received NO LATER
than the 10th of each month previous to publication issue.
email: tebalagram@tebala.org
Mail to: Tebala Shrine Temple
7910 Newburg Road
Rockford, IL 61108
Contact Tebala Shrine Office
815-332-2010 or
email: tebalagram@tebala.org
to Mark Torrance, Recor der
email: torrancemark@yahoo.com
See a color version of the
TebalaGram linked to our website at
http://tebala.org. We solicit your
input, and are eager to assist you.
Please request clerical help from
Tebala at 815-332-2010 if needed.
The TebalaGram email address is:
Editorial Policy: All submissions to
this issue of the TebalaGram have
been included with minimal alteration
to style, grammar, or spelling in an attempt to preserve readability and the
creativity and integrity of the writers’
original intent. Any article or material
submitted that does not meet the standard of
Freemasonry or the Shrine will be stricken at
the discretion of the Editor and the Divan.
DISCLAIMER: Writers authoring
submissions will be held accountable for
accurate, inclusive, and timely info.
The TebalaGram disavows assumption
of any and all responsibility for inaccurate, missing, or late info included in submissions, or attributable to omitted
submissions, published in this newsletter. Please keep submitting your articles, notices, and ads, and diligent
TebalaGram staff will file them appropriately according to current editorial
policy and confidentiality statements.
Noble Clem & Lady Geri
(Click on photo for full story)
This photograph of Clem & Geri Schultz of Fairdale, Ill was
found in Harvard Ill. 35 mi. away from where a tornado destroyed the town of Fairdale killing Geri Schultz and injuring
Clem Schultz on the evening of April 9, 2015
Clem lost everything that night, his wife of 25 years, his house,
his transportation, and most of his personal belonging. Now at
the age 84, Clem has to pick up the pieces and rebuild his life.
The Genoa Lodge #288 has set up a benefit fund at a local bank
for Clem:
Checks can be sent to:
Genoa Lodge 288
Attn: Jay Johnson
P.O. Box 205
Genoa, IL 60135
Make check out to Clem Shultz Benefit.
Clem is very appreciative of everyone’s desire to be of assistance
and support. His physical health is filled with pain and discomfort. Please keep him in your prayers and pass the information
on to everyone you feel is appropriate.
( http://www.alkfunerals.com/notices/Geraldine-Schultz )
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Congratulations to the new Nobles who became members of Tebala at
the ceremonial on April 18th. I want to invite all of them to join any of
the clubs or units that might interest them. This is the best way to meet
our members and enjoy the benefits of membership in the Shrine. I
want to thank all the members of the Ritualistic Divan - Directors
Staff – Marshal Aides – Kitchen Crew and Hoffman House for helping
to make ceremonial a success.
A thank you to Bob Armstrong and his crew of workers for all their
help with the Vidalia Onions which were delivered to Tebala on Friday, May 1st. They did a great job of unloading and dispersing the onions to our units and clubs. Without their assistance it would have
been a long and difficult day. Also a special thanks to all the clubs and units who get out there and sell the
onions – this is one of our biggest fund raisers.
Thanks to all who attended the Mother’s Day Dinner at Tebala I hope you had a wonderful time. I was
sorry to miss it, but we were in Georgia attending the college graduation of our granddaughter, Cheyenne.
A special thank you to my Chief Aide, Joe Blanchard for coordinating the evening for us. He and his lady
Tina made special gift bags for all the ladies in attendance.
We have a lot of upcoming events please check the Tebalagram for more information. They include the
Blackhawk Farms Vintage Car Races in Rockton on June 19th, 20th and 21st and the Rock River Hill
Climb across from White Pines Park in Polo also on June 20 and 21st. Both of these events donate to the
Tebala Transportation Fund. The same weekend is the Shrine All Star High School Football game in
Bloomington, IL and there will be football players from the Rockford area in that game.
The Shrine Imperial Session will be in Houston from July 4th thru July 9th and most of the Divan are attending to represent Tebala. On July 17 – 18 – 19 the Tebala Shrine Circus will be at Rockford Speedway. We need as many Nobles as possible to come and help out.
Yours In The Faith,
Lawrence R. Keyser
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
IN June
Dennis Murphy
Dan Nye
Joseph Sperry
Wallace Askins
Robert Hanes
Walter Steffes
Henry Wilson
William Copper
Donald Holt
Robert Kummerow
Roland Secoy
Daniel Topper
Donald Banks
Don Blassingham
Michael Feece
David Leber
James Shaw
Daniel Gomoll
James Kuse
Jeffrey Smith
Todd Kovaleski
Alf Forsberg
James Kleindl
Jerome Owens
David Winker
Carl Ballard
Delvin Johnston
Ancel Young
Loren Gambrel
Lee Blehinger
Robert Cronk
Clarence Parker,II Bruce Sumpter, Jr.
Joel Haka
Oliver Nelson
Robert Tilkemeier
Douglas Heckman
Alvin B. Dugar
Jason Hollembeak
Peter Knapp
Larry Kiergaard
James Sisty
Harold Austin
John Atchison
Jerry Boose
Christopher Falzone
Frank Marselle
James Hodges
Ronald Pauly
Richard Blaszyk
Steven Cooter
Leon Larsen, PP
William Bailey
Norman Krug
Robert Laposta
Dennis Ohman
James Golden
Walter Houck
Donald Huftalin
Richard McKenney
Charles Mongan
Timothy Merriman
Raymond Morrison
Virgil Smith
Gerald DeWitt
Harry Orr, Jr.
Murray Quincer
Curtis Turner
David Weber
Roger Buckaloo
Malcolm McPherson
John O’Connor
Clarence Schultz
Peter Suffield
Onnie Wilson
W. Neil Brown
Bradley Gasmund
John Kempel
Harry Neely
Allen Pang, P.P.
Manuel Roel
Dennis Shearer
William White
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Those present per register.
MINUTES: Motion made by Loy Rice, III,
PP, 2nd by Siegy to dispense with the reading of the minutes, motion passed. Motion
made by Matt Thomann, to accept finance
committee report as presented and recommended we pay the bills.
by Tom Brawner, PP 2nd by Siegy to accept
the Treasurer’s report as presented, motion
0;associates 7; loss of 5; total membership
CIRCUS: Tom Runge, PP, r epor ted that
the circus is coming to town Circus in July
17, 18, & 19. Contract for Speedway. Come
to meeting at Tebala on the 2nd Monday of
the month for details. Motion made by Bob
Bell, 2nd by John Milliren, PP to approve a 3
year Speedway contract, motion passed.
Contract addendum for circus for 3 years.
Motion made by Matt Thomann, 2nd by John
Milliren, PP, motion passed. Craig Sand PP
is in charge of telemarketing, selling ads,
filling seats, income coming in. Tom Watson volunteer chairman is asking for help
since this is a new and bigger venue. John
Milliren, PP made a statement that this circus should bring in $10,000.00 or more than
previous years.
HOSPITAL: Hollie Guist r epor ted that
Divan days was well represented. Kicking
off the 90th year of the hospital.
FUNDRAISER: J er r y Minor stated that
we need to sell more tickets by June 3rd. We
are at a break even point right now. Drawing is June 17th.
We need volunteers to work the gates and
our tent.
TEBALAGRAM: Gar y Acker man getting good content. Please keep it coming. I
am not responsible for grammar or spelling.
Motion made by Mike Hoeth, 2nd by Richard don stated that no parade, game day is June
20th. Tickets available soon.
Hoovler to pay the bills. Motion passed.
VIDALIA ONIONS: Coming May 1st
reported by Larry Keyser.
Starting membership 970: created 0;restored POTENTATE’S TRIP: Has a few opening. Please contact the office.
1; expired 6; demits 0; suspended
cancelled this year due to renovations.
OLD BUSINESS – NIU pr oject. Building
painting has been completed for mosque,
foyer, and hallways. Bride’s room should be
started within a couple of weeks. Two staff
members have been added to help with rentals.
NEW BUSINESS: Vote on 10 petitions.
Yes for all 10. There are 9 Nobles eligible
for 50 year pins. Motion made by Matt
Thomann, 2nd by Leon Larsen, PP to accept
contract for Potentate’s Ball at Hilton Garden Inn, motion passed.
Genoa Lodge has set up a fund for Clem
Schultz. Contact office for more details.
May 9th DeKalb County Shrine Club is having a mini-clinic.
John Milliren, PP thanked Dan Hartman for
hosting the oyster supper.
Tom Brawner, PP suggested we turn up the
volume for next month’s meeting. Gene
Gambrel suggested we have a microphone
Jerry Minor gave a talk about LULAC an
organization that we are trying to help become more involved with the Chicago Hospital.
Wednesday June 17, 2015
7:30 P.M.
At Tebala Shrine Center
Attitude Adjustment 5:30 P.M.
Diner served 6:30 P.M.
Reservations are requested by Monday June 15, 2015
Call the Tebala Office at 815-332-2010
Hosted by Loves Park Shrine Club – Aide in Charge - Dave Babcock
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Noble (2015) - SFC Derek Melendez - US Army
Nobility Service Directory
If you would like your service listed below, send your service, name and phone number to tebalagram@tebala.org
Jerry Minor - 815-978-0582
Les McMclelland - 815-222-7943
Carlos Duran - 847-877-2664
Stained Glass
Barry Kasmar - 815742-2195
Gary Ackerman - 815-540-8433
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Imperial Potentate’s Message: April 15,2015:
Dear Fellow Nobles,
As I mentioned in my last message to you, we have worked, and will continue to work,
very hard to raise the visibility and awareness of both Shriners International and
Shriners Hospitals for Children. Times change, methods evolve and, as much as we
need to continue restructuring of our health care system into something more compact,
efficient and focused on outpatient care, we also must consider the changes our fraternity needs to make to be attractive to both current and potential members.
Every temple needs to make a concerted, intentional effort to be a family-friendly,
family-oriented place that truly welcomes and includes young men, and their families.
Every temple needs to determine how to best serve the younger men in the area and be
willing to add new activities, programs, units and clubs – whatever is needed.
Leadership, at all levels, also needs to have an inclusive, open approach. While there is
a certain hierarchy or chain of command, that doesn’t mean we don’t listen to one another, or consider new ideas. The temples that are growing have implemented a style
where the Divan acts more like a board of directors, encouraging collaboration and
open discussion.
This year, we have asked each of you to make your fraternity and your philanthropy a
priority every day – and find a way to support, strengthen and increase the numbers of
our two organizations. We often tell our children, ‘the future is yours; – it will be what
you make it.’ The same is true here. The fraternity and the philanthropy are yours –
they will be what your commitment, dedication and effort make them. Some have said our society is too fragmented – we don’t
know our neighbors anymore, we don’t belong to anything anymore; we don’t care about anyone but ourselves anymore – there
just isn’t the time for anything but looking after ourselves, meaning that we cannot increase membership.
That is only true if we – each one of us – let it be true. New surveys indicate that 62 percent of the millennial generation (approximately ages 27-33) want to belong to a non-profit organization, and want to
contribute in a meaningful way. What better fills that desire than a fraternity that supports 22 hospitals
that clearly change lives? We need to do all we can to reach, welcome and include this generation.
We also need to take advantage of the many marketing efforts underway, and be sure the fraternity is a
prominent part of our programs. When we have done that, the ads have been successful at both raising
donations for the philanthropy and generating interest in the fraternity. We need to be sure that the fraternity always takes advantage of this potential exposure and of all opportunities to promote our organization.
It is also our responsibility to reach out and share the story of Shriners Hospitals for Children, in order to reach more children
who need the hope for a better life that we can offer through our special approach to providing care. In today’s world, the best
way for us, as Shriners, to do that is to use all the communication tools we have. We need Shriners to be speaking in their communities, sharing information with the local media and participating in events that raise awareness and mentioning Shriners
Hospitals for Children every way they can – verbally, via print and electronically.
As I’ve always said, we are the owners of a system of 22 hospitals commonly referred to as the “ World’s Greatest Philanthropy.”
We should be very proud of this and want to promote both our health care system our fraternity whenever possible.
Thank you for all you do for your fraternity.
Yours in the faith,
Dale W. Stauss
Imperial Potentate, Shriners International
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Dear Tebala Nobles,
We have several events coming up for which we need volunteers to help, so we are asking you to let us know which of these exciting events you want to be involved in.
First, our very own Tebala Air-Squadron will be a guest at AirFest 2015, on June 6 & 7th. Air Fest is tr aditionally a faithful
crowd pleaser for the community as well as pilots from all around the world. Thanks to Tim Miller, one of our Spring Ceremonial
Nobles, arrangements have been made this year for Tebala's Membership/Hospital trailer to also be set up next to the Tebala Birds,
so we need several volunteers to man the trailer. Please contact Jerry Minor to volunteer for the trailer.
Next, we are once again working the gate at Blackhawk Farms Raceway on June 19, 20, & 21. Past Potentate Dave Babcock is requesting the presence of some of our Parade Units, especially on Saturday the 20th. If you can help man the gate, or help support the
event by representing your parade unit, please contact Dave Babcock.
The next large event is the Rock River Riders' Hill Climb is on June 21st in Polo. Attendance by Tebala Nobles is appr eciated;
this organization has contributed thousands of dollars to our Hospitals over the years. On July 3rd, Tebala Shrine is manning the
gates at City Market in Downtown Rockford, from 3 PM to 7:30 PM, on Water Street. We will need a minimum of eight volunteers
for this event, so interested Nobles please call Jerry Minor.
Your attendance is also appreciated at events scheduled later in the Summer, such as the Franklin Grove Big Rig Show, and the Tony Brown Trucking Customer Appreciation Picnic.
Thanks for your assistance and dedication to our fraternity and our hospitals!
Fraternally yours,
Jerry Minor
High Priest & Prophet
On May 7, 2015, J er r y Minor , High Pr iest
& Prophet and Dennis Brinkman, Air
Squadron, attended a health fair event put on
by LULAC of Rockford, the American Kidney Association, and the American Diabetes
Foundation at St. Elizabeth Center, located
on South Main Street in Rockford. During
the event, the Kidney Association was there
performing kidney testing, and Diabetes
Foundation was performing A1C testing. Other groups in attendance included
Crusader Clinic, UIC, and the Rock Valley
College School of Nursing.
Richard "Buttons" Hoovler gets his picture taken with Clown and Circus fans. At the LULAC/American Heart Association event. Jerry Minor High Priest & Prophet. Gets photo
with members from Lulac, American Heart Association, Chamber of Commerce -Hispanic
community. All are excited about Tebala Shrine Circus coming to town.
LULAC-Rockford hosted a Mother's Day event on Sunday, May 17, at St. Edwards Church on
11th Street, Rockford. We had an opportunity to promote our hospitals at this event, as well as
our Fraternity. Also in attendance at the event were the American Heart Association, Crusader
Clinics, The Northern Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Oak Street Health. Oak
Street Health is a new organization which focuses on providing Primary Care Physicians for
adults with Medicare, located at 301 E. State Street, Rockford. During the event, we were treated to authentic Mexican food and Latin music, as well as some smooth dance moves, from my
amigo, Luis. We also had the opportunity to promote our 64fh Annual Tebala Shrine Circus,
which will be held at the Rockford Speedway on July 17, 18, & 19th, and supplied the LULAC officers with promotional posters in
Spanish, which they have graciously offered to hang at various Hispanic businesses in the Stateline.
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
June 2015
Tebala Gram
Father’s Day Weekend
June 19th, 20th & 21st
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
LOVES PARK SHRINE CLUB NEWS…(and random thoughts)
Augie Update: Knees are still a bit troublesome. However, after surgery in AZ, he was
walking around with a 4 wheeler (walker)
when a patrol car pulled him over and presented him with a speeding ticket. Seriously
though, after returning to Illinois, he went out
and sold onions for the Loves Park Shrine
Club. Noble Jim Campbell is the top onion
seller this year! A tip of the FEZ to Jim and
Noble Doug (Chef) is providing mighty good
vittles for our meeting night. A tip of the FEZ
to Doug also!
Pinmaster Gene may have all the Parades
firmed up by the time you read this. Let’s hop
aboard…Just do it!
Dues are still being accepted! Send $10.15 to
the P.O. Box listed at the end of the column.
pany” George Washington
June 1, 1796, Tennessee was admitted to the
June 19, 1958, Wham-O filed to register the
Hula-Hoop trademark.
“Turn ‘I wish’ into ‘I will’.”
That your skin makes up
about 16% of our total body weight? So if you
weigh 150 pounds, your skin weighs about 24
That 96% of people put the peanut
butter on first when making a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich?
That during the Klondike gold rush
in Alaska, potatoes were so valued for their
vitamin C content that miners traded gold for
That the earth gets heavier each
day? The extra is a result of meteoric dust
settling on the planet.
That by simply lifting a spoon full
of soup to your mouth you use 30 joints n your
wrist, fingers, arm, and shoulder?
Than every two thousand frowns
creates one wrinkle? So if you want to look
younger, you may want to smile more often.
That if you stop getting thirsty, you
actually need to drink more water? That’s
because when a human body is dehydrated, its
thirst mechanism shuts off.
That you can tell whether a horse is
male or female by looking at its teeth? Most
males have 40 teeth,
While females have only 36
“Nothing is permanent in the world, not even
our troubles.”
Charlie Chaplin
“Nothing is really over until the moment you
stop trying.”
Brian Dyson
“It is better to be alone, than to be in bad com-
“A smile is a curve that sets everything
straight.” Phyllis Diller
“Fear is a darkroom for developing negatives.”
“Storms make trees take deeper roots.”
Dolly Parton
“No one can cheat you out of ultimate success
but yourself.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“There is no such thing as an ordinary day.”
John Goodwin
“The point is not to pay back kindness but to
pass it on.” Julia Alvarez
You are never too old to set another goal or to
dream a new dream.
One Owner
High Mileage
Needs Body Work
I love to give homemade gifts…
Which of my kids would you like?
The world needs more lerts.
Wine improves with age
I improve with Wine
Did I roll my eyes out loud!
Please send me some of your favorites for
future issues.
There’s a great power in words, if you don’t
hitch too many of them together.
Once upon a time long, long ago there was a
No person was ever wise by chance.
season when neither the Packers nor the Vikings made the post season playoffs. It
Success is that old ABC – ability, breaks and
seemed so unusual that the management of
both teams got together and decided that there
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main should be some sort of competition between
thing is to use it well.
the two teams, because of their great rivalry.
So, they decided on a weeklong ice fishing
Whenever you find the whole world against
competition. The team that catches the most
you just turn around and lead the world.
fish at the end of the week wins.
So, on a cold northern Wisconsin lake they
We are continually faced by great opportunibegan their contest.
ties brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems. The first day after 8 hours of fishing the Vikings had caught 100 fish and the Packers had
You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and 0. At the end of the second day the Vikings
staring at the water.
had caught 200 fish and the Packers 0.
That evening the Packers coach got his team
Your life is your message to the world. Make together and said, “I suspect some kind of
it inspiring.
cheating is taking place.” So the next morning
he dressed one of his players in purple and
The most wasted of all days is one without
gold and sent him over to the Viking camp to
act as a spy. At the end of the day he came
back to report to the coach. The coach asked
“Well, how about it, are they cheating?”
“They sure are!” The player reported,
My exercise routine consists
“They’re cutting holes in the ice.”
Of doing
I Always Yawn When I’m Interested
I see no good
reason to act my age
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
LOVES PARK SHRINE CLUB NEWS…(and random thoughts)
It was a terrible night, blowing cold and rain in
a most frightful manner. The streets were deserted and the local baker was must about to
close up shop when a little man slipped through
the door. He carried an umbrella, blown inside
out, and was bundled in two sweaters and a
thick coat. But even so he still looked wet and
As he unwound his scarf he said to the baker,
“May I have two bagels to go, please?”
“That’s right," answered the little man. “One
for me and one for Bernice.”
“Bernice is your wife?” Asked the baker.
“What do you think,” snapped the little man,
“my mother would send me out on a night like
“Grandpa, I’m really proud of you,” said the
modish young lady.
“What’s to be proud of?” asked the old man.
The young lady replied, “I noticed that when
you sneeze, you put your hand in front of your
“Of course,” explained Grandpa. “How else
can I catch my teeth??”
“Please, Your Honor, I’d like to be excused
from jury duty,” pleaded an anxious-looking
“Why should I excuse you?” asked the judge.
“You see, I owe a man fifty dollars, and he’s
leaving in a few hours for a post abroad. He’ll
be there for years and I want to catch him before he leaves, for it may be my last chance to
repay him.”
“Excused,” stated the judge coldly. “We don’t
want anyone on the jury who can lie like that.”
A radical feminist is getting on a bus when just
in front of her; a man gets up from his seat.
She thinks to herself, “Here’s another man trying to keep up the customs of a patriarchal society by offering a poor, defenseless woman his
seat,” so she pushes him back onto the seat.
A few minutes later, the man tries to get up
again. She is still insulted so she refuses to let
him up again.
Finally, the man says, “Look, lady, you’ve got
to let me get up. I’m twelve blocks past my
stop already.”
Mother: “When I was your age, my mother
used to hide money around the house for me
that I would find only if I performed my chores
particularly well. One time when I was cleaning out the cupboards for her, I found $10 under
the old shelf paper.”
Daughter: “Wow! What a cool idea! Why
didn’t you ever do that with me?”
Mother: “But my dear…I have been.”
“I’m the greatest batter in the world,” said
the proud boy as he tossed the ball into the air
and swung his bat. He missed. Undaunted, he
threw the ball up again and said, “I’m the greatest batter ever!” He missed again. He looked at
his ball and then his bat. Once more he tossed
the ball up into the air. “I’m the greatest batter
who ever lived!” He swung hard and missed.
“Wow!” he exclaimed, “And I’m an even better
It’s about time to duck out, but just a reminder—
Please forward your ideas, comments, questions,
complaints, Atta-boys, suggestions or whatever to:
President PP Leon Larson
at 1-815-633-7437 (home)
or 815-494-1554 (mobile):
Vice President PP Tom Runge
At 1-815-389-8622 (home)
or 815-222-6566 (mobile)
Secretary Gene Snyder
At 1-779-473-0222 (home)
or 1-815-520-4997 (mobile)
or Treasurer Jim Hall
at 1-815-633-1784.
The mailing address remains:
Loves Park Shrine Club,
P.O. Box 2411
Loves Park, IL 61132-0411
Now it is time to duck out!
Jim Hall, Scribe
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Anderson-Long-Klotz Funeral Home &
Cremation Service, Ltd.
Serving the Rockford Area for over 78 years ~ Onsite Crematory
6825 Weaver Road, Rockford, Illinois 61114
Just South of East Riverside Blvd. & West of N. Perryville Rd.
Roger L. Anderson ~ 815-654-2255 ~ Jeffrey S. Anderson
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
June 2015
Tebala Gram
We will be man four gates and a tent, while at the gates you will be responsible for the counting of patrons coming in and will hand out a flyer with information about our circus and upcoming events, you will also be directing
them to the tent to enter in a drawing for family four packs of tickets to be
drawn every half hour, at the tent. We will need members to get the drawing information into the drawing and hand out coupons as well as information about the hospital. Every year is more successful than the previous
year. Please contact Jerry Minor if you can help, your service is much appreciated. Also if you belong to any other Masonic affiliation have them
contact me as well, we would love to work together to explain the Masonic
charities they represent as well. All I ask is that you have information about
your organization to hand out on request July 3rd.
Email me at Jminor@tebala.org, or phone at 815-978-0582
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
June 2015
Tebala Gram
June 2015
Hello Everyone:
Two Grave Plots for Sale
As I have been absent from the Tebalgram
for several months I found myself missing
the exercise of writing an article for your
consideration. Today as I was sitting on
our deck Pat arrived home and began to
check her messages on the computer. She
began to share with me some examples of
how a misused word or misspelled word
would actually change the entire context of
a sentence. I began laughing so hard that I wanted to share some
of these errors with you the reader of this monthly publication. I
hope your funny bone is well oiled because you are going to enjoy
(I think) reading the following statements that were found in various church publications. Have fun and enjoy your fantastic day.
The Fasting & Prayer conference includes meals.
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be
recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.
The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of
those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving
obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a
nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all
the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the
church. So ends a friendship that began in their school day.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall.
Music will follow. (You have got to think about this)
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is
Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of
several new members and to the deterioration of some older
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to
Hope you enjoyed this!
May your day be filled with enough laughter that you feel the
need to spread it around.
Until next time.
Les McClelland , Assistant Rabban
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
June 2015
June 2015
Tebala Gram
On April 30, 2015 Tebala par ticipated
in a LULAC of Belvidere event, Day of
the Children (Día de Los Niños), held at
the Apollo Center. This celebration of
children was the first one being held in
Belvidere. Expected attendance was 40
to 70 people, and to everyone's surprise
there were 400 plus in attendance. Nancy
Razon form the Belvidere council was an
excellent hostess, and we met two other
LULAC representatives: Julie Contreras,
Waukegan, and Mary Lou, Rockford. In
attendance from Tebala were: Jerry Minor, High Priest & Prophet; Bill Robertson, Oriental Guide and Past Potentate,
who was given the nickname "Mr. Belvidere" by Mary Lou; Tim Miller, Air
Squadron; Richard "Buttons" Hoovler,
Clowns; Paul "Snaps" Zein, Clowns; and our Illustrious Sir, Lawrence Keyser, Potentate. Paul showed up sporting his new look
and, I have to say, he looks spectacular! Many photos were taken, and all were entertained by a pair of Latin Ballroom Dancers,
Mexican Dance Troop doing their traditional dances, and a adjust to play the traditional music.
Tebala handed out information about our hospitals and fraternity.
Tebala Shrine is working at developing a stronger presence in our communities and the opportunity to partner with others. What an
asset is Tebala to the communities in our jurisdiction! Your help is very much needed and your attendance is appreciated by those
we Nobles, we will have many more opportunities coming to bring smiles and help to all, so please contact High Priest & Prophet
Jerry Minor for details at (815)-978-0582 or email me at Jminor@tebala.org.
I wish you well,
Jerry Minor
High Priest & Prophet
Ron Pauly—50 Years
We want to congratulate Ron Pauly for an
accomplishing a feat that few of us manage
to reach. He has been an active member of
the Shrine for 50 years. He is the director of
the Chanters and helps the DeMolay with
their ritual work.
Tebala presents 50 years members with a
certificate and pin recognizing their service
and commitment to the Shrine. We had several other members of Tebala who have
reached this milestone, but Ron was the only one who was able to attend Spring Ceremonial.
Congratulations Ron and thank you for all your years of service.
Lawrence R. Keyser
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Tebala Gram
June 2015
On April 6, 2015 Divan member s Lawr ence Keyser , Potentate, J er ry Minor , High Pr iest & Pr ophet and noble
Chuck Slater met at Shriners Hospitals for Children- Chicago with Julie Contreras, President of LULAC- Lake
County and Elvira Arellano, President of LULAC- La Familia Latina Undia. Over the past 18 months, Jerry Minor
has been working with Mary Lou Castro, President of LULAC- Winnebago County. Julie, in a note back to Jerry
stated “It was a pleasure meeting with all of you. We are very impressed with your facility and would love to see
Hispanic children being able to utilize this facility to help with their health issues.” We will be in the process of
trying to help a young man, 10 years of age. If qualifications are met, the LULAC organization would like to do a
national press release, to be determined at a later date. The LULAC organization (League of United Latin American
Citizens) is 136,000 members strong and over 900 councils exist throughout the United States. We will be working
at having a presence at their events, primarily health fairs, whereas we may give out information in Spanish and
English to the patrons attending (primarily Hispanic). Translators will be provided for us if needed. We will also be
allowed to have information on how to become a Mason and a Shriner available. It will be imperative for the nobles
and ladies of Tebala to assist in these events, and we need assistance in all of our jurisdictions. Most events in an
area happen two to three times per year. If the partnership grows as expected, this could easily become a national
effort to improve relations and medical assistance to Hispanic children everywhere. We will also be in talks to make
strides in the African American and Asian communities. This is an exciting opportunity; please consider volunteering to man a table at an event. Upcoming events for which we need volunteers are May 7, 2015- St. Elizabeth Center, Rockford, IL; 9 am until 3 pm, and on April 30, 2015- LULAC of Belvidere, Dia Del Nino, at the Apollo.
I wish you well,
Jerry Minor
High Priest & Prophet
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
June 2015
Tebala Gram
Freemasonr y and Shrinedom United
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 64
Rockford, IL
Tebala Shrine Center
7910 Newburg Road
Rockford, IL 61108
(815) 332-2010
Join the fun and get involved.
Make a call today!
Lawrence R. Keyser
email: jeanmkey@msn.com
Home: 815-544-7733
Chief Rabban:
Tom Watson
email: tewatson@comcast.net
Home: 815-633-2054
Cell: 815-494-2545
Assistant Rabban:
Les McMclelland
email: lesmcclelland@comcast.net
Home: 815-398-7399
Cell: 815-222-7943
High Priest & Prophet:
Jerry Minor
email: jminor@tebala.org
Cell: 815-978-0582
Oriental Guide:
Bill Robertson P.P.
Email: billrobertson41@msn.com
Home: 815-544-9664
Tom Runge, P.P.
email: tlrunge@aol.com
Home: 815-389-8622
Cell: 815-222-6566
Mark Torrance
email: torrancemark@yahoo.com
Cell: 815-871-6226
Tebala Shrine Office:
7910 Newburg Road
Rockford, IL 61108
Office Hours:
8 AM – 4 PM M-F
815-332-5923 Fax
Blackhawk Farms Weekend
Dave Babcock P.P.
Cell: 815-979-7528
June 19th, 20th & 21st
Marshal Aides
Larry Whitsel
815-332-5760 Walter Lockhart 630-892-2251
Meeting fourth Tuesday
at Temple at 7p.m.
Arthur Swanson 815-547-1064
Tom Runge P.P. 815-222-6566 Meeting first Thursday of the
Freeport T-Ten Parade Club
July 17-19th
Dean White
month at Zamador Club –
Richmond, Il – 7 pm
Corn Boil
Jo-Carroll Shrine Club
Director’s Staff
Lewis DeGraff 815-493-6554
Motor Patrol
Divan Aides
Mike Hoeth
847-223-1824 Meeting 2 Wednesday of the
Greg Stanbury 815-985-4471
month – call for location
August 19th
Parade Staff
Legion of Honor
Tebala Family Picnic
Ron Lanquist
815-397-0656 Glenn Klebsdel 815-389-2426
DeKalb County S.C.
Divan All Aides
August 30th
Ritualistic Divan
Loves Park Shrine Club
Donald Kimes, P.P.
Leon Larsen, P.P.
Vidalia Onions
Bob Armstrong 815-459-3898
Meeting second Thursday
Joe Zimmerman P.P.
Air Squadron
April thru November
815-703-8696 Tom Watson
Meeting fourth Wednesday of
McHenry County Shrine
Arabic Patrol
the month - call for location
Charles E. Beard 815-218-3623
Mark Indyke
Batavia Shrine Club
Bob Armstrong 815-459-3898
Ronald Pauly
Mendota Shrine Club
Vade Wadmeyer 815-866-6177
Director’s Staff
Big Wheels
Bruce Sumpter 815-654-2049
Bill Owens
Ogle County Shrine Club
Honda Patrol
Hollie Guist
Charles E. Beard 815-218-3623 Blue Haze Choppers
Todd Roberts 815-979-3632
Horse Patrol
Past Masters
Bill Heflin
Hugh DeGroff 815-988-9437
DeKalb County Shrine Club
Chuck Slater
Dan Hartman 815-946-2000
Membership Chairman
Meeting first Tuesday of the
Dixon Shrine Club
Paul Cronin
month at Tebala – 7:30 pm
John Red

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