The Kansas City Homeless Advisory Council Presents


The Kansas City Homeless Advisory Council Presents
The Kansas City Homeless Advisory Council Presents:
A Newsletter by the Homeless for the Homeless to Educate the Public
January 2012
Volume 7
Special thanks to the following people and organizations
for their contributions to this month’s edition of Eyes
Wide Open:
Emily De Penning, Jeff
Humfeld, L. Navitz,
PatMcMann, Virginia Dale, Beehive, Home Depot, Hope
Faith Ministries, Horizon Housing Foundation, KKFI
FM Radio, Springfield Vet Center.
Eyes Wide Open also invites our Readers to write
and express their opinions, comments and suggestions at .
Please use this Subject Line:
Mother Nature has been kind to Kansas City so far this
winter. However, one homeless person has already unfortunately died as a result of sleeping outdoors while the
weather was too cold. A number of other people have lost
their houses, and in some cases even their lives in fires
while trying to stay warm in their homes. Incidents like
these are bound to happen and we see at least four or five Unless otherwise indicated, copying or redistribution
of articles in this newsletter, do not require permission
of these kind of tragedies every year.
from the editor or staff. Neither Hope Faith Ministries
or the Homeless Advisory Council are responsible for
I hear people saying all the time, ―I’m one paycheck away misuses of the materials in this publication. Please
from being homeless myself.‖ Well, if you are, you may share this copy with others who are in need and may not
not know what to do about it, but stop for a minute and try have already read it. Previous issues are available upon
to imagine the life you have right now suddenly being to- request.
tally destroyed by a fire, a tornado or a loss of opportunity.
There goes everything you’ve worked for all your life!
Sincerely yours,
Keith Brown El,
In cases of disaster however, the pain and frustration of Managing Editor
revisiting what use to be your home while trying to asses
the damage can be overwhelming. If you’re lucky enough
to have insurance perhaps it can replace some of the material things you’ve lost. Yet nothing can restore the memories you cherish or the sentimental attachment to the things
which now lie in ruins.
There are some people in this city, and elsewhere in this
Country who have had it pretty good for most of their lives.
They’ve managed to earn a decent or even a modest living.
When they see a homeless person they may look at them
and may even feel pity in their hearts. Most who have
never been homeless though, would have a very hard time
trying to imagine themselves ever being in a homeless predicament.
Well, I hope this will paint a very vivid picture for you and
that your Eyes are now Wide Open to the fact that no one
is beyond being homeless—no matter how well off they
think they are. The possibility of homelessness is nothing to take lightly and being fortunate enough to even have
a home is nothing to take for granted .
- Cozy up with a partner. If you are getting seriously cold this
is no time to be shy or reluctant.
Winter Survival Tips
To get or keep warm while out and about:
For anyone who has spent a couple of winters in the Kansas - Stay out of the wind. Seek out a sheltered spot.
City area know our winters can be extremely cold, snowy and
at times; harsh. For those living outside during these months - Wear a warm hat
survival may be determined by even the smallest of errors.
- Drink something hot.
Cold weather can affect your body in different ways. You can
get frostbite, which is frozen body tissue. Your body can also - Urinate- your body is heating that extra water for no reason.
lose heat faster than you can produce it. The result is hypothermia, or abnormally low body temperature. It can make - Be comfortable - being uncomfortable can make you colder
you sleepy, confused and clumsy. Because it happens gradu- by being mentally stressed.
ally and affects your thinking, you may not realize you need
- Be mentally prepared to be a little bit cooler than your ideal
help. That makes it especially dangerous. A body temperature
of being "nice and warm".
below 95° F is a medical emergency and can lead to death if
not treated promptly. Anyone who spends much time outdoors - Stay active, but don't sweat.
in cold weather can get hypothermia.
- Use a hi-tech solution - instant hand and feet warmers.
So, we put together some tips to help you keep warm this winter.
Eat something, more like a snack.
If you have to sleep outside here are some tips for when -Slip your feet into a plastic grocery bag and put your shoes or
you're trying to sleep:
boots back on.
- Put a warm hat on - your head loses a lot of heat.
- Use your coat as another warm layer on top of your sleeping - Put on more clothing.
- If your feet are damp, put on clean dry socks, and wear dry
-Put on clean and dry socks. If your socks are damp, they boots.
might be chilling your feet.
- Eat fatty foods.
-Slip your feet into a plastic grocery bag and put your shoes or
- If the sun is out, tilt your face towards the sun - you can abboots back on.
sorb a lot of heat this way.
- Add layers - put on clothing - clean and dry clothes are best.
- Sit close beside another person.
- Drink something hot or warm.
- Eat something - just a snack. It can help increase core temperature.
- Urinate - your body is using energy to keep that extra liquid
How to Lower
Your Home Heating Bills
- Get up and build a fire to get warm. Then go back to bed.
From Horizon Housing Foundation
- Tense and relax muscles for a while - the passive equivalent Unfortunately, heat is not free it is rather expensive. There are
of getting some exercise.
a few ways to lower your heating bills
First, set the thermostat to a reasonable a reasonable temperature. Heating the house at 75 degrees may feel nice
and toasty but it will also be extremely pricey. A good
temperature to set the thermostat at is 65 degrees.
- Use a hi-tech solution - instant hand and feet warmers.
Make sure you are well enough insulated underneath.
Wear s sweatshirt in the house. Don’t walk around in
shorts and a t-shirt; if it’s winter, of course you are going
to be cold. If your thermostat is set at 65 degrees
- If in a primitive shelter, ensure no breeze is getting in, and
that you are not exposed to the sky.
then you should be comfortable in a sweatshirt and Even if you haven’t paid your rent, the only way a landlord
can force you to leave your apartment is by evicting you.
The landlord has to win the eviction in court before you
Turn the heat down low at night. Leave the heat at 45 need to move out. Even if the landlord wins the case, you
degrees during the night. Since you are covered under- may be able to ask to stay longer if you pay the rent that
neath the sheets and blankets you won’t even notice the you owe. If the landlord hasn’t started the eviction process,
you can try to negotiate with him or her. Make sure you
temperature outside of the covers.
pay your rent by check or money order and get a receipt.
Turn the heat down when you leave the house. It is not
necessary to heat the house when you are not even What are your rights if you are getting evicted?
home. Turn down the heat to a very low temperature
when you are not home to save on your heating bills. Your rights depend on the type of lease you have and the
Be sure not to turn the heat completely off as the reason for the eviction. You may be able to defend yourself
pumps may freeze.
Avoid the use of exhaust fans in the kitchen and bath- The landlord accepted payment after the eviction began.
room. They will suck heat right out of your home.
You offered to pay the rent before the eviction began.
The apartment was in an unsafe or unhealthy condition
You complained to the landlord or to an agency before the
eviction began
How to Deal with an Eviction
if I Am Renting
The landlord didn’t give you a notice of the eviction, or
Times are tough right now. If you cannot afford your rent You or someone in your family is elderly, disabled and
and are in danger of getting evicted, find out what you can lives in a building with five or more units
Talk to a housing counselor in your community.
What is an eviction?
Your landlord may not evict you:
An eviction is a legal action taken by a landlord to remove
a renter from a house, apartment or room. State laws have Based on your age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion or other
specific requirements that landlords have to follow. Land- causes related to discrimination
lords must write an eviction notice and deliver it to the tenBy shutting off utilities, taking your belongings or changant.
ing the locks
If you’re being evicted, you’ll first receive a termination
Because you complained against the landlord
notice. If you receive this notice, make sure you’ve done
all that you can to pay your rent. You can try talking to Because the landlord disapproves of certain legal activities
your landlord or contacting local housing organizations that that you are involved in.
may be able to help. Get more information on what do if I
can’t pay my rent.
Find out about local tenant rights, laws and protections in
your state.
What happens next?
Places to Look for Help in Paying Your Rent:
If you don’t move out, agree to pay the rent, or stop violating a condition of the rental agreement (for example, no
Call United Way 211
pets, excessive noise, illegal activities, etc.), you will reVisit these websites:
ceive a summons and complaint for eviction.
If you receive an eviction notice, you should contact a lawyer immediately. Follow instructions to file paperwork with
the Clerk of Court so you don’t lose the case. (Dept of Health and Human Services)
Do you have to move out if your landlord says he is going to evict you?
living in peace!
Things were going well with me for nearly a year when I
decided to visit my then ex-girlfriend. I was moving into
another apartment at the time, and I decided to surprise her
in a U-haul truck. Well, to my surprise she was dressed for
a date. It was awkward for a bit, but wouldn’t you know
that she decided to blow off her date and accompany my
daughter and me to my new apartment. Things were in
complete disarray, but I worked hard to get at least the
kitchen and bedroom somewhat organized. She and I had a
wonderful evening--even though I was smelly and sweaty.
By L. Navitz
I became homeless during the spring of 2007. Prior to that
time, I was employed gainfully in a very consistent manner,
engaged positively in family and extended family activities,
and living in a nice, modest home in Northeast Kansas
City, Missouri. I was step-father to a teenage young man,
biological father to a young daughter with whom my new
bride and I spent every other weekend and each WednesShe and my daughter shared a wonderful relationship, and I
day. We were also active in church on a consistent basis.
had to admit to myself that I missed her as well. But I actuMy wife also worked and we fared pretty well spiritually,
ally, wanted to take things slowly. I believe in the back of
socially and financially--on the surface.
my mind I felt that making a hasty decision to begin dating
her again was not wise. Well, she and I began talking and
Unfortunately, I struggled with bipolar disorder, sexual
getting to know each other again, and I realized that I truly
addiction and substance abuse. As long as I was sneaky
loved this woman. To make a long story short, I asked her
enough to keep my infidelities away from my wife, chilover for a very romantic Valentine’s Day meal at my newly
dren, the church and occupational responsibilities, I could
decorated apartment. I proposed marriage to her and she
pretty-much do what I wanted. This ―double life‖ was fun
said ―Yes.‖ So we decided to get married in June 2005.
and intriguing for a while, but as with any sin ―what’s done
in the dark will always come to the light‖.
The Holy Bible says ―he who finds a wife find good thing
and obtains favor from the Lord.‖ Well, I’ll tell you: We
On December 30, 2006--after drinking, drugging, and sexobtained a bunch of favor from the Lord. First, I was able
ing all night--I returned home between 4 and 6 a.m. trying
to get out of my newly signed lease pretty quickly. I was
to figure out what I was going to tell my wife. She knew I
offered an opportunity to rent a newly remodeled home in
enjoyed beer and vodka from time to time so I decided to
Northeast Kansas City. I had the money to pay the deposit,
tell her I’d been drinking, came home and passed out on the
first month’s rent and have the utilities turned on in my
back porch when she didn’t hear me knocking at the front
name. I had decent furniture, but right before our wedding
door. Oh, and somehow I had misplaced my keys! Nonewe were given some marvelous furniture from a 90+ year
theless, she eventually came to the back door to empty
old ex-school teacher. She was in the process of moving to
some trash and found me sprawled out on the back porch. I
a nursing facility. Things were just falling into place. And
gave her my story, thinking she wouldn’t yell too much
my then fiancé was extremely busy with planning the wedbecause her son was home. She was a very proud woman
ding of her dreams!
and very frustrated concerning my addictions, but I knew I
could depend on her to be upset quietly. Little did I know
At that time, I did not know that the wedding belongs tomy stepson was spending the night with relatives and, boy
tally to the woman. I had never been married, so I believed
did she yell!
I could have some input. I remember offering my idea of
invitees and wedding colors, and she looked at me like I
She and I had dated for a few years prior to our getting
was cow manure. I then found my job was to okay whatmarried. Yes, I struggled with my issues prior to our matriever she requested. I learned quickly.
mony, but after a break-up a year or so before our wedding
I decided to get clean. Our break-up was painful at first,
but I began loving myself pretty quickly. Things were goWell, I didn’t realize until then that one of the character
ing well for me as long as I was clean, sober, living in my
traits I possessed was fear of rejection. I was also passiveown apartment, and maintaining a 4-digit savings. This is
aggressive, so whenever she rejected something I desired,
not much to some but for me, this was great! I was exhibitbecause I didn’t want an argument, I would pretty-much
ing the character traits of a Christian-man, responsible hus―act out‖ my disapproval. What I should’ve done was just
band, father and trustworthy employee. And, man, was I
tell her what my problem was because my acting out, i.e.
focused! All I looked at on television was wholesome and
drinking, drugging, etc, tended to be painful for all infamily-oriented entertainment or religious shows. And
volved. A few days prior to our wedding, I had a huge rewhen I road the bus to and from work or otherwise travlapse where I used several hundred dollars of my savings
eled, I made sure I had something to read in order that I not
that was to be used for the wedding. She was too far into
struggle with lust or mental lasciviousness. I was finally
was too late to change her mind, so we got married any- lanta. If an applicant has a preference for working at a
way. To all who are planning to get married let me say certain designated location he or she must specify this on
please remember one thing: The best predictor of future the job application.
conduct is past behavior.
These are only temporary jobs for now. However, if things
The night she discovered me on the back porch – 2 years at Home Depot turn out as they have in the past, a signifiinto our marriage – I was so out of it I came home with cant number of these temporary jobs may eventually end up
more than just lipstick on my collar. She fussed and fussed being permanent.
and fussed. Then she left but never returned, so I was soon Job applicants must apply online @
receiving divorce papers. And, guess when they were de- careers. There will be a three week waiting period while
livered to me: While I was in Church! I have been on a the paperwork is being processed at the home office. If the
roller coaster ride ever since. Not long after that I became applicant meets all of the minimum qualifications, the
homeless and I am still homeless– 4 years later.
home office will contact the person and do an interview
with them by telephone. If it is determined, after the interThe Holy Bible says ―poor will always be among you‖. It view, that the applicant meets all of the qualifications, the
also says ―a nation that doesn’t take care of its poor will home office will notify Home Depot stores via email that
come to ruin‖. I, personally, thank God for all of the pro- the job application has been approved and the applicant is
grams this country has to assist the poor, homeless, and eligible for hiring.
downtrodden. This safety net has saved my life. And,
guess what? I am still homeless but at least now I am clean Home Depot has been utilizing this process for several
and sober.
years now. Eyes Wide Open wants to inform its readers
about this opportunity. For the next two or three months we
will be giving our readers job-preparing information like
the items which follow here:
by Keith Brown El
It seems like job opportunities come and go these days alDURING A JOB INTERVIEW
most at the speed of light. Usually by the time you hear
about a job or discover one in the want adds, on the internet
or etc., somebody has already beat you to it.
Open-ended Questions
Home Depot will begin hiring 70,000 people for a nation- Used by interviewers when they expect more than a yes or
wide summer jobs program. And they are taking applica- no answer. Some typical open questions are: "What can
tions now. There are nine stores in and around the K.C. you tell me about yourself?", "Why are you interested in
area and four of them are right here in Kansas City. Their the posted position?" or "What are your most remarkable
locations are as follows:
1. Home Depot
111 E Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO (816) 968-5410
The best way to answer these questions is by doing the
right research before going to the interview (check your
own resume and the organization’s website) and by making a list of possible open-ended questions so you can rehearsal your answers before the interview.
2. Home Depot
4. 949 Nw Old Pike Rd, Gladstone, MO (816) 459-9950
3. Home Depot
Closed-ended Questions
Used by interviewers when they need to know a specific
piece of information (years of experience, technical knowledge, etc.). These questions require a brief and solid answer.
8598 Church Rd, Kansas City, MO (816) 415-2269
4. Home Depot
4707 E Bannister Rd, #3, Kansas City, MO (816) 7678807
The best way to deal with these questions is by reviewing
The availability of jobs in this city, as in cities elsewhere, and making sure you don't have any doubts about your
will depend upon the amount of business a particular store background and CV details. If the question requires a yes/
may be doing in its own area.. Job openings at any particu- no answer then always try to add a brief piece of valuable
lar store have to be determined by the home office in At6
information to the answer. For example: "Are you experi- that you are an exceptional candidate, you need to be preenced teaching children?" – "Yes. I have 4 years of experi- pared to answer not only the typical questions, but also the
unexpected. You can expect questions regarding your
ence and I think they have been really rewarding".
qualifications, your academic preparation, career interests,
Hypothetical Questions
experience, and ones that assess your personality.
Used by interviewers to assess your problem-solving skills
and to make sure you do have enough experience in the If you are serious about preparing yourself for today’s the
field to be able to face day-to-day problems. Of course, work force keep reading these newsletters and you will find
reply speed is also assessed.
questions such as these will follow in proceeding articles.
The best way to face these questions is by having all the
required information so you do not give plain, meaningless
answers. The best way to gather info is by asking follow-up
questions before answering.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
By Keith Brown El
Leading Questions
These questions are assumptive ("So, you have a lot of experience in the Customer Service Area, don´t you?). The
idea of leading questions is to get a specific response from
the interviewee ("yes, as you can see in my CV, I worked
as a receptionist for 7 years and…").
War is a terrible thing and when terrible things happen,
people can experience a strong stress reaction. Behaviors
change to adapt to the stressful circumstances. Sometimes
these adaptations can extract a heavy toll on a soldiers psychological well-being. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (or
PTSD) is the name that is commonly given to this mental
The only way to answer these questions is by not being crisis. It’s symptoms involve:
caught off your guard. That is: Listen carefully and process
questions before you answer them. The interviewer may be
Memory Problems
asking a leading question with a negative emphasis ("it
Critical Incidents stress
must have been really difficult to get along with your boss
Anxiety or panic disorders (panic attacks)
as a salesman"). Always go for positive answers.
Depressed mood, guilt and hopelessness
Feeling of unreality, feeling outside of oneself
(like being in a movie)
Substance abuse
Brief psychotic reactions
Stress related physical diseases
Some personality disorders
Multi-Barreled Questions
They check your reasoning skills. These questions are
linked in such way that suddenly what seems to be one
question are actually two or three questions about the same
topic. First of all, remember that they are checking your
reasoning skills so do not give an answer unless you truly
understand the questions. Do not fear to ask the interviewer
to either repeat or rephrase his/her question.
Behavioral Questions
Used by interviewers to check the behavior of candidates.
This type of question states that the best way to know what
a candidate will do is by knowing what he/she did in a
similar situation in the past.
It is important to be completely honest when asked a question about a past experience, interviewers will ask for more
and more details and it would be impossible to keep a lie
going on. The best way to prepare yourself for these questions is by doing all possible research: What the company
wants and what skills are required for the position. Get an
Informational Interview to get an insight of the posted position.
Questions start the minute the interview does, and to show
Your concern and help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Hope Faith Ministries is the sponsor for the
Homeless Advisory Council. Their address is 705 Virginia,
Kansas City, Missouri 64106. If your heart moves you to
donate to this cause, please send the money there and indicate what it is to be used for.
Open Letter to Tom Joyner:
Seeking Thermometers
to Help the Homeless
Who are Living Outdoors
January 15, 2012 Very sincerely yours,
Keith Brown El
Kansas City, Missouri
Dear Mr. Tom Joyner:
Every year here in Kansas City, Missouri at least four or
five homeless people die from hypothermia—a consequence of being unable to find adequate shelter or a willful
decision to try and sleep outdoors despite freezing temperatures. We just had a death here a few days ago.
(Surprisingly enough it occurred even before the first homicide of the year). There are also dozens of others who suffer terrible frostbites. And most who do survive either
don’t qualify or just don’t know where to go to receive adequate medical care.
Looking into the Eyes of a Man
By Henry Owens
Look into the eyes of a homeless man;
Tell me what do you see,
Do you see a humble man,
Or a troubled man?
Do you see an angry man?
Or ―no I need it now pay me‖ man?
Look into the eyes of a ―low class man;‖
Tell what do you see,
Do you see an always eyes tearing man?
A not yet focused man?
An ―I need something, everything‖ man?
An empty man?
A struggling man?
Or do you see a God-fearing man?
Look into the eyes of a free man,
Tell me what do you see;
Do you see a man because he’s just a man?
An American man?
Look into the eyes of a homeless man,
You see me !!!
A home building man!!!
I don’t want to leave anyone with the impression that Kansas City doesn’t care about their homeless. There are a lot
of kindhearted and generous people in this city. (I’m
speaking of private citizens and organizations alike.)
Eveyone who is able is doing whatever they can. However, at last count there were ten-thousand homeless in this
city, their numbers are climbing and the limited number
bed-space in shelters and other resources is becoming very
I know all of this because I work with the Kansas City
Homeless Advisory Council as well as several other groups
and organizations which assist the homeless—including the
Salvation Army Advisory Council. From time to time I do a
radio show about homeless people and I’m also the managing editor of Eyes Wide Open—A Newsletter by the Homeless for the Homeless to Educate the Public.
So my contribution in this particular endeavor is to try and
spearhead an effort to provide outdoor homeless persons
with thermometers to monitor their body temperatures.
Then we will try to educate them on how to survive in extremely cold weather. For a thousand dollars Sir, we could
provide roughly 300 people with thermometers and possibly avoid anymore unnecessary deaths.
Digital Thermometers available at Walmart & Family Dollar