Quarterly Newsletter


Quarterly Newsletter
Saudi Tabreed
CEO Mr. Abdulhamid Al Mansour
www.sauditabreed.com Tel: + 966 3 887 2744, Fax: + 966 3 887 3744, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Tabreed Achieves Financial Closure of SAR 1.84 Billion Project to Provide District Cooling to
Saudi Aramco
Saudi Tabreed celebrated on May 3rd, 2010, the financial closure of the SAR 1.84 Billion District Cooling
Project with Saudi Aramco on BOO basis. The project has been financed by Banque Saudi Fransi and is
first of its kind in KSA, being done on a limited recourse project-financing basis. Under the project, Saudi
Tabreed shall develop, own and operate a District Cooling System to provide cooling services to Saudi
Aramco’s office complex in Dhahran area.
Saudi Tabreed shall design, construct,
finance, own, operate and maintain a
centralized cooling plant and a network to
supply chilled water to the Saudi Aramco
buildings with a cooling capacity of 27,000
Tons expandable to 32,000 Tones
Refrigeration under a 25 Year concession.
The agreement between Saudi Aramco and
Saudi Tabreed was signed on February 21st,
2010. Commenting in the occasion, Mr.
Mohammed Bin Abdullah Abunayyan,
Chairman of Saudi Tabreed stated that "This
project reflects the keenness of Saudi
Aramco to protect the environment. By
using a district cooling system, which
consumes almost half the electrical energy consumption as compared to that for traditional methods of
cooling, and thus would help reducing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and its impact on global
warming. " Mr. Abunayyan also highlighted that it was of immense pride for Saudi Tabreed to be
working on developing the project for an internationally acclaimed company such as Saudi Aramco. He
stated that the representatives of Saudi Aramco showed immense professionalism during the
discussions and finalization of the Project. This also reflected the keenness of Saudi Aramco towards the
participation of the private sector and in the development of current and future projects planned by the
company. Saudi Tabreed founded in 2005, is majority owned by the Arabian Company for Water and
Power Development (ACWA Holdings), which specializes in development of large infrastructure projects,
particularly power and water projects. The other key shareholder of Saudi Tabreed is National Central
Cooling Company UAE, "Tabreed", which is the pioneer in development and operations of number of
district cooling systems in MENA region.
Arabian Company and Sasakura for Water & Power (ACWA POWER SASAKURA)
President Dr. Mohammad A. Al Fouzan
www.acwasasakura.com Tel: + 966 1 460 8822, Fax: + 966 1 460 8282, Riyadh
Water Desalination Conference in the Arab Countries (ARWADEX)
Acwa Power Sasakura (APS) participated in ARWADEX in Riyadh from 11th – 14th April, 2010. APS was
one of the sponsors of this event which was cooperated by Saline Water Corporation and Saudi
Electricity Company.
APS chairman, Mr. Hiroshi Miyamura participated
in the session as a panelist to make the
presentation for “A New Trend In MED Large Scale
Configuration”, which is expected to be main
stream for desalination process in the future. APS
also displayed the presentation panel for “unique
technology for Solar Thermal energy seawater
desalination plant” in the exhibition, and APS could
have a time to explain the system to explain it to
H.E. Abdullah A. Al-Husayyen, Minister for Water &
Electricity. Through ARWADEX, APS had a good
opportunity to show its presence in the market as
well as expand our business in the future.
ACWA Holding
CEO and President Mr. Rasheed Al Rasheed
www.acwaholding.com Tel: + 966 1 477 9590, Fax: + 966 1 478 0230, Riyadh
New Venture in EPC Projects “Toledo Arabia”
ACWA Holding and major reputed investors established a new venture named Toledo Arabia. The new
venture will specialize in small and large scale Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
projects. The company’s seeks to generate a noticeable increase in company’s services of the EPC in
infrastructure, networking, water treatment, water & sewage networks, power generation, water
desalination, electrometrical works, HVAC and District Cooling. Engr. Ibrahim Al Nassar is appointed as
CEO of Toledo Arabia and below are the contacts of the company: Tel: + 966 1 293 8010,
Fax: + 966 1 288 4214, Mobile: + 966 548 833 440, Email of CEO: alnassar@toledoarabia.com
Acwa Power International
CEO and President Mr. Paddy Padmanathan
www.acwapi.com Tel: + 966 1 473 4400, Fax: + 966 1 474 9215
Shuqaiq Water & Electricity Company Completes Operational Testing and Begins Commercial
Operation of the Water Production Units with a Capacity of 212,000 m3/Day
H. E. Dr. Madani A. Alagi, the Chairman of Shuqaiq Water and Electricity Company, announced on Friday
May 31st, 2010 the project successfully accomplished its Commercial Operation Date production of the
water plant desalination production units with a capacity of 212,000 m3/day of water in accordance
with the project timeline. This accomplishment is in-line with the government’s objective of supplying
the increasing demand for water in the southern region of the Kingdom as Shuqaiq Water and Electricity
Company will mainly supply the Jazan and Asir areas.
Shuqaiq Water and Electricity Company stated
that the company has accomplished one of its
main objectives by completing the commercial
production phase of its water desalination units.
This is a major step in meeting its objectives of
completing all requirements on time and within
the set budget. Shuqaiq is an IWPP built in
accordance with the Saudi Presidency of
Meteorology and Environment standards and
regulations as well as World Bank standards and
the Kyoto Protocol, in addition to achieving 30
million working hours with no injuries or
fatalities‫‏‬. H.E. Dr. Alagi went on to say “The
quantity of produced desalinated water will
have a positive effect in meeting the high
consumption of water during the summer
season in the Jazan and Asir areas.
In addition, this reconfirms what was mentioned by H.E. Eng. Abdulah Al- Hossein, the Minster of Water
and Electricity, in alleviating the problems facing the regions residents in regards to water shortages”.
Construction of the project commenced on May 31, 2007 with a timeline of 42 months to complete the
project. The company has achieved its target of commencing production of desalinated water at a rate
of 212,000 m3 per day. The project will also be able to produce 850MWh of electricity by the end of the
year. The full project is cost is SR 7.2 billion (US$1.9 billion) where the water desalination plant is
comprised of 16 reverse osmosis units, and the power plant is comprised of 3 turbine units producing
280 MW per unit, 3 boiler units, 3 condenser turbine units, a flow gas desulfurization unit and an
electrical substation connecting the plant to the Saudi Electric Company grid.
ACWA Power International, led by Chairman Mohammed A. Abunayyan, is the lead developer of the
project. This is the fourth of its seven IWPP/IPP/IWSP projects in the Kingdom. Once all the projects are
completed a total full production capacity of 2.3 million cubic meters per day and 6,200 MWh of
electricity will be available. The seven projects are spread across the eastern, western and southern
regions of the kingdom. Mohammed A. Abunayyan stated " Shauqaiq company’s accomplishments in
achieving commercial production of the water desalination plant within the contracted time limit is a
strong indicator of the success of the governments partnerships with the private sector (Public Private
Partnership) under the umbrella of its Water and Power privatization program. Also, I would like to
express my admiration of the efforts put forth by the plant team and staff to reach this level of
continued accomplishment in reaching the commercial production stage.”
Eng. Abdul Aziz Al-Mahdi, the CEO of Shuqaiq Water and Electricity Company ,said "We look forward to
the project reaching full commercial production by the end of 2010 thus achieving its objectives of
providing power and water to the public. This achievement will validate the success of public private
partnerships in vital industries, creating job opportunities, opening new investment channels for local
funds and attracting foreign investment. "
Shuqaiq Water and Electricity Company affirms that the full commercial production will be completed
during the last quarter of 2010 which means the company met the deadline it contractually committed
to when signing the contract for the project. Also, the Board of Directors holds regular meetings, the
latest being on Monday, to monitor the projects progress.
ACWA Power International Collects well deserved international awards
ACWA Power international has started its professional path in year 2005, to now be able to competently
compete with major international companies in the industry of water desalination and power
generation, and distinguish its professional name with receiving highly prestigious award in ceremony
was held in Dubai on March 9th, 2010 by ( Project Finance International ) and ( Euromoney ). ACWA
Power International was recognized as the best Middle East Sponsor of the year 2009 and the Best
Middle East Power deal of the year 2009 was given to RABEC which ACWA Power International
considered and major shareholder and partner founder in it.
It is worth mentioning that ACWA Power International claimed approximately ten awards of
authoritative reference in the development of desalination projects and power generation since its
inception, to put it in the ranks of prestigious companies and superior and highlights of its name
internationally to compete on several mega projects in Saudi Arabia and abroad , and was recently
awarded the contract acquisition was Barka 1 project in the Sultanate of Oman to become the first step
for getting contracts for investment outside the Saudi market and put into South and North Africa,
Turkey and Morocco as a target will be achieved in the future.
ACWA Power International has been founded with a capital of nearly one billion US dollars by several
distinguished Saudi investors, to be a closed joint stock company, with goal of competition and
investment in development and build and own water desalination and power generation projects, both
in the Saudi market or international markets and attract external capitals to make distinct and strong
partnerships enable them to overcome many difficulties including the collapse of global markets since
about a year and a half and complete the process of success without interruptions.
As highlighted point, ACWA Power International is having in its investment portfolio the fact of being
founding partner of the two largest water desalination and electricity generation plants in the world and
which are based in Saudi Arabia one of them is SWEC in Shuaibah and the other one is JWAP in Jubail.
On this occasion, the Director of Corporate Communications in ACWA power International, Hani Al Saigh
said, "Our success in obtaining this award is not only a measure of the company Featuring and start
strong in investment, but rather a clear indication that the company has set itself a goal that would
harness the power of its all professional and technical efforts to achieve it."
He added that "the aspirations of the company are beyond being a company that invests in technologies
for power generation and water desalination, but also supports the science of developing these
technologies and the research for the new in this area, where the company has signed the necessary
agreements to support the research chair of water desalination in the King Saud University, and also the
University of King Abdullah ( KAUST ) , and also the operating agreement with TVTC for polytechnic
college in Rabigh "
What supports the maturity of the awards is the fact of caring of major initiatives, conferences and
international specialized exhibitions in the field of water and electricity, of which the Saudi water and
power forum in Jeddah, which is held every year since the last five years, also GWI conferences in
various countries around the world.
Industrial Cities Development and Operation Company (ICDOC)
MD Eng. Mofag Al-Sugeir
www.icdoc.net Tel: + 966 1 477 9111, Fax: + 966 1 291 8675, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
ICDOC Sponsors the Annual MODON Marathon
ICDOC sponsored the annual Modon Marathon 2010 in Jeddah industrial city which was organized by
Saudi Industrial Property Authority (MODON), Saudi Arabian Athletic Federation, Saudi Red Crescent,
and General Presidency of Youth Welfare.
300 participants competed in the race from
factories and companies in the industrial cities
and the marathon was refereed by General
Presidency of Youth Welfare. The race was open
for factories participated in the marathon with
any number of groups for the 3000 Meter race.
The deputy Minister of Trade and Industries and
MODON Director General Dr. Tawfig Alrabiah
applauded ICDOC sponsorship and organization of
the social and athletic activities in the industrial
cities to build an excellent environment that
fulfills the human and social needs for employees.
MD Prof. Walid Abdulrahman
www.miahona.com Tel: + 966 1 477 9590, Fax: + 966 1 478 0230, Riyadh
Miahona MD elected to Board of Arab Water Council
Prof. Walid Abderrahman was elected to the Governing Board of Arab Water Council for a period of 3
years. Additionally, Prof. Walid is also a member of the Executive Committee. Arab Water Council which
is based in Egypt was formed to promote better understanding and management of the water resources
in the Arab States in a multi-disciplinary, non-political, professional and scientific manner. Additionally,
the objective is to disseminate knowledge, enhance sharing of experience and information for the
rational and comprehensive water resources development of the region for the benefit of its
Miahona MD elected to Governing Board of Arab Water Academy
Prof. Walid Abderrahman was appointed to the First Governing Board of Arab Water Academy for a
period of 3 years. Arab Water Academy which is based in Abu Dhabi was formed in July 2009 was
initiated by Arab Water Council and is supported by Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD) in
partnership with the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA). Arab Water Academy
specializes in providing leadership training for decision makers in Water sector. In addition Arab Water
Academy undertakes non-conventional training in Water policy and Strategies, Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM), National Water Planning, Water Rights, Conflict Resolution etc. In
addition, Arab Water Academy in collaboration with several partners in the region and at international
levels, extends support to PhD students interested in addressing and studying the institutional, social,
and economic/financial and policy dimensions of water management.
CDM Arabia Conducts Total Water Solutions workshop for the Ministry of Water and Electricity
CDM Arabia conducted a special one day Total Water Solutions Workshop by nine leading CDM experts
from U.S.A to present the advanced technical know-how to the specialists of Ministry of Water and
Electricity on 29th March 2010.
These experts included: Dr. Donald Thompson, Dr.
David Parry, Mr. Robert Schreiber, Mr. Stephen
Lienhart, Mr. David Brauner, Mr. William Taylor, Mr.
W. Kirk Martin, Mr. Aaron Frantz, and Mr. Gerald
The Workshop was attended by Dr. Mohammed AlSaud, Deputy Minister in addition to more than 40
water specialists & engineers from different regions
of the Kingdom.
Total Water Solutions workshop presented the
following topics: Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
and its potential in Saudi Arabia, Groundwater
Development, discussion of dam design, construction
and O&M of Dams, well inventory, and advanced
techniques in Storm water management and early
warning systems etc.
Each lecture was followed by discussions on the
topic with the engineers of MOWE. Attendance
certificates were distributed by CDM University to all
the attendees.
CDM Arabia Conducts Flood control workshop for Saudi Council of Engineers in Jeddah
CDM Arabia flood control expert team was invited by the Saudi Council of Engineers to deliver a special
workshop on Flood Control for Saudi Engineers from different regions in the Kingdom. The workshop
was conducted in Jeddah on March 27 2010 was
attended by top officials and engineers of Jeddah
Municipality and other municipalities in addition
to many experts from Saudi Council of Engineers.
The workshop included the following topics:
Storm water Management,
Flood Control and Emergency
Preparedness for the City of Jeddah
Advanced Techniques in Storm water
Planning and Management
Early Warning Systems
Emergency Preparedness
Governmental Response
Hazard Mitigation
Miahona and Seven Trent Services International Particapted in the 6th Saudi International Water and
Power Generation Conference
Miahona and Seven Trent Services International (STSI) particapted in the 6th Saudi International Water
and Power Generation Conference held at Dhahran International exhibition Center between June 6th
and 8th, 2010. STSI and Miahona are jointly prequalified for nGreater Dammam Water management
Contract. Prof. Walid particapted in the panel
discussion and presented his views on meeting
future water demand in the kingdom. Speakers
and attendees agreed that charging for water will
create awareness, and will bring in huge revenues.
Mr. Lloyd Martin, Regional Director, Seven Trent
Services also particpated in the panel discssuion.
Mr. Patrick Egan, Project Manager, Seven Trent
Services presented a techincal paper on
“Innovative Methods for Managing Water Loss and
Reducing Water Demand” which was well
recdeived by the audience.
Integrated Transportation Company (ITC)
CEO & President Dr. Faisal Al Sugair
Tel: + 966 1 479 0808, Fax: + 966 1 479 1818, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA)
has plans to execute a Public-Private Partnership ("PPP") project for the Development, Rehabilitation
and Expansion of of Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz International Airport (Madinah Airport), (the
Integrated Transportation Company (ITC) is leading
“BADR CONSORTIUM “, comprising of : Integrated
Transportation Company (ITC); Samsung C&T
Corporation (SCT); Incheon International Airport
Corporation (IIAC); Central Japan International
Airport Company, Limited (CJIAC), to submit the
required prequalification documents. On the 25th of
June 2010, ITC received official confirmation from
GACA that BADR Consortium has been designated a
“Qualified Bidder” for the Project.
Eight consortiums have been qualified and GACA is expected to issue the RFP soon. GACA further aims
that qualified Consortiums will submit their proposals in 5 months after release of RFP.
Kintetsu World Express Saudi Arabia (KWE SA)
ITC with its JV partners created Kintetsu World Express Saudi Arabia (KWE SA). KWE is one of the top
freight forwarding companies in the World with JVs in almost every country The Company is
headquartered in Riyadh with branches in Jeddah and Khobar.
The Company is in the process of hiring high caliber employees and subsequently will be conducting
specialized KWE training for them in order to prepare them to serve the market with the high level of
KWE high quality of service. KWE SA is aiming to focus on providing high quality service to the business
community in Saudi Arabia and is committed to delivering the best value for money.
Arabian Company for Water Pipes Industries (ACWAPIPE)
CEO Engr. Suliman Al Dakheel
www.acwapipe.com Tel: + 966 1 293 3979, Fax: + 966 1 293 3272
ACWAPIPE started production of diameter 3800mm for Rabigh Power Plant
ACWAPIPE started production of GRP pipes in diameter 3800 mm and delivered to the project worth 17
million riyals (about 4.5 million dollars) for the Rabigh Power Plant of the Saudi Electricity Company
located in the industrial area of Rabigh north of Jeddah to prove the beginning of its launch and higher
levels of challenge in the piping systems.
The total energy production of Rabigh Power
Plant when completed will be over 1200 mega
watts per day support consumption in the
Western Region in general.
ACWAPIPE Company is headquartered in Riyadh
as a national company specializing in the
manufacture of piping systems for various
applications using the latest technology and
advanced production lines, according to
international standards adopted in high quality.
In order to provide the best solutions for the
development of infrastructure projects and to
meet the requirements of industrial sectors and
the needs of domestic energy markets and
regional & international pipeline.
ACWAPIPE obtained the ISO Certification (ISO 9001-2008)
ACWAPIPE obtained the ISO Certification (ISO
9001-2008) in Total Quality Management System
after passing all the requirements of quality
standards according to global manufacturing
specification. The ISO certification is the most
important international certificates which
confirm the continued development of activities
and services of the application of the principles
of quality management as reflected in the
performance of the company and making it
among the best companies in the pipe
manufacturing industry of local and global.
Arabian Pipeline Projects Company (APPCO)
GM Eng. Nabil Al Madani
Tel: + 966 1 419 8484, Fax: + 966 1 419 8627, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
APPCO participated in the Water Desalination Conference in the Arab Countries ARWADEX 2010
Arabian Pipeline Projects Company after winning 2
projects had participated in ARWADEX 2010 for
water desalination Conference in the Arab
countries. The exhibition was held from 11th – 14th
April, 2010 in Riyadh under the High Patronage of
the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The
ARWADEX 2010 Exhibition witnessed participation
of the Arab regions leading organizations in Water
Industry. Minister of Water and Electricity Eng.
Abdullah Bin Abdur Rahman Al Husain visited
APPCO’s booth and praised our contribution to the
development of Saudi Arabia in the field of Water
Transmission and Supply. He was in particular
interested to note our planning in the execution of
the projects awarded.