the founder


the founder
Dr. Jón Bragi Bjarnason (1948-2011) started his research
on biological catalysts in 1978 and dedicated his professional
career studying the cold-loving trypsin ensymes from the
North Atlantic. He founded Zymetech In 1999, a knowledge
based biotechnology company in the forefront of marine
enzyme research and development. Dr. Bjarnason was for de cades­
among the world’s leading enzyme scientists and was awarded a
variety of prizes and recognition for his research and discoveries in
the field of biological catalysts. His belief in the quality and value of
PENZIM was all the time unshakeable as it was supported by a large
number of scientific studies, clinical studies and the evidence of
innumerable satisfied users in Iceland and Worldwide.
According to international law and regulations governing promotional material for
cosmetics and for many health products, it is not authorised to name specific substances in goods, nor their effect on any kind of complaint, illness or symptoms.
PENZIM is governed by these regulations.
Skipholti 50d
Tel. +354 520 9100
105 Reykjavík
“There are probably few if any cosmetics today that regenerate the skin
in as mild and effective manner as PENZIM™ skin cream,” said Dr. Jón
The teeth of the North Atlantic cod are hardly impressive - some compare
PENZIM has been on the market for more than 10 years. One could say that the
them to sandpaper! So it swallows its food whole, such as capelin, pollock,
variety of applications for this product is almost unlimited. Many users apply it for
whiting and even juvenile cod. Once in the digestive tract, the immensely
very specific purposes, while others just keep it in their medicine cabinet and use it
potent protein-cleaving trypsine enzymes take over and digest the food.
in the event of accident or for specific problems that occur. Comments from satis-
The enzymes are psychrophilic (cold-loving) as cod often dive to depths
fied users from all over the globe are in their hundreds, and there is every reason to
where the sea temperature is as low as -2°C. When these enzymes come
encourage people to use their imagination when applying PENZIM and to use it in
into contact with human body temperature their potency increases signifi-
as varied a manner as possible. PENZIM has all necessary accreditation for safe use
cantly for a few hours before they lose their power and are discharged by
for the human body. It is mild and comfortable to use, equally suitable for infants and
the body’s natural cleansing process.
for the aged and for all kinds of skin. It has a wide range of
Use of enzymes in the world of science and medicine has a history reaching
applications to increase our well-being and preserve our
back thousands of years, and many such biological catalysts have been
health and appearance.
Bragi Bjarnason, Doctor in biochemistry and Professor at the University of
Iceland, in an interview a few years ago. His life was devoted to research
on enzymes for almost 35 years and he focused specifically on enzymes
from cod and on the effects of these enzymes on human skin, joints and
PENZIM contains cleansed digestive enzymes from the Icelandic cod
which Jón Bragi named Penzyme ®, an abbreviation for “penetrating
enzymes” or deep action enzymes. They are particularly potent biological
catalysts which appear to be active in all layers of skin. PENZIM is also
used to good effect for muscles and joints, in the throat and in the mouth
and in fact anywhere considered suitable for the use of biological catalysts
to help the body regenerate and repair. PENZIM is a pure natural product,
nourishing, disinfecting, healing and moisturising. It contains no synthetic
substances, no preservatives, no odorants, no colorants no fats or grease,
no substances from genetically modified organisms. Nothing that is likely
to cause allergic reactions. PENZIM is good for people of all ages. It is
good for you.
used in pharmaceutical production in recent years and decades. The properties of enzymes are well known but trypsine enzymes of the potency
of those found in the North Atlantic cod are few and far between, from
zoological or botanical sources alike.

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