information patient, page 26 @ Preflight ( Mise en page 1 )
information patient, page 26 @ Preflight ( Mise en page 1 )
CONTENTS Y OUR COMPANIONS PAGE 3 SUMMARY PAGE 4 THE INTRA-GASTRIC BALLOON PAGE 5 à 7 THE PROGRAMME PAGE 8 - 9 RECOMMENDATIONS TO BE OBSERVED AFTER 2 INSERTION OF THE BALLOON PAGE 10 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PAGE 11 RULES CONCERNING DIET PAGE 12 OBESITY PAGE 13 CURRENT CARE AND TREATMENTS FOR OBESITY PAGE 14 - 15 QUESTIONS / ANSWERS PAGE 16 à 19 BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) TABLE PAGE 20 WEIGHT MONITORING CURVE PAGE 21 WAIST MEASUREMENT MONITORING CURVE PAGE 22 DIGESTION PAGE 23 EXCESSIVE WEIGHT WEBSITE LINKS PAGE 24 NOTES PAGE 25 à 27 YOUR COMPANIONS – THE MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM They are there to listen to you throughout the treatment He will insert and extract the balloon He supports the paent throughout the treatment. He will assess and treat the dietary behavioural disorder He will advise you on a formula adapted to your situaon taking into account your dietary habits. He will monitor all your major body funcons throughout the procedures of inserng and extracng the balloon. The nutrional and behavioural treatment is the guarantee of weight loss. 3 YOUR COMPANIONS – THE MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM Principle: The intra-gastric balloon works by filling the stomach. This causes a feeling of saety and a reducon in dietary intake. Treatment with the balloon is combined with dietec and behavioural treatment. Non-surgical: Endoscopic procedure*. Characteriscs: Non-sterile, single use, bio-compable, radio-opaque, filled with water or air. Indicaons: Body Mass Index (BMI) > 30 kg/m2 Before bariatric surgery for the “Super Obese” (BMI > 50 kg/m2) Expected weight loss: At 6 months in the order of 32% of the excess weight, which corresponds to weight loss of about 14 to 18 kg. Currently no significant study on the maintenance of weight loss over me. Average duraon of the operaon: Inseron: 20-35 minutes (under general anaesthec with or without intubaon). Removal: 30-90 minutes (under general anaesthec with intubaon). Average length of hospitalisaon: Day surgery or short hospitalisaon for the inseron. Day surgery for the removal. Duraon of treatment: ≈ 6 months maximum Mortality linked to the operaon: 0.06% to 0.1% Main risks of complicaons: ➢ Moderate: Abdominal pain, nausea, frequent voming inially which, in rare cases, could lead to hypokalaemia, dehydraon or premature removal of the balloon. Spontaneous deflaon of the balloon, gastro-oesophageal reflux, gastric ulcer, oesophagis. ➢ Severe: Gastric perforaon, migraon of the balloon with intesnal obstrucon, oesophageal incarceraon or oesophageal rupture during removal, acute pancreas. Failure: About 30% of paents do not obtain significant weight loss (> 10% of body weight). These failures may be linked to early removal of the balloon for physical or psychological intolerance, to premature disappearance of the effect on saety or adaptaon of the dietary intake. Films of the inseron and removal of the balloon may be downloaded from the website, *Endoscopy is a method of exploraon and medical imaging which makes it possible to see inside cavies that are inaccessible to the eye. 4 The IGB “Intra-Gastric Balloon” enables you to benefit from the advantages of a non-surgical approach without medicaon to lose weight. The intra-gastric balloon is an effecve aid. The intra-gastric balloon is a starter which gives you a feeling of fullness in the stomach and then of saety. Your movaon and the associated nutrional and behavioural treatment will enable you to lose weight. Experts are agreed that to be successful, a weight loss programme should not only help you to slim, but also not to regain the weight subsequently. The intra-gastric balloon programme will enable you to: • • • • • Experience a feeling of saety Lose more weight than with other slimming regimes Benefit from the support of a team of medical experts Learn the principles of durable success, benefit from the advantages of a non-surgical approach without medicaon 5 Indicaons for the balloon and place in the therapeuc strategy In adult paents with BMI > 40 or > 35 + comorbidies ➢ Before bariatric surgery, in subjects with a BMI > 50 kg/m2, benefit of weight loss linked to the balloon to reduce the surgical and anaesthec risks ➢ In subjects presenng a contraindicaon to bariatric surgery; within the framework of orthopaedic surgery, the impact of weight loss before surgery. In adult paents with BMI between 25 and 35 kg/m2 Contraindicaons to the inseron of the balloon The presence of one of the following condions contraindicates the inseron of a balloon: ➢ History of gastric surgery ➢ Digesve pathology: large hiatus hernias (> 5 cm), acve gastroduodenal ulcers, severe oesophagis of Grade III or IV (Savary-Miller classificaon) or Grade C or D (Los Angeles classificaon), Crohn’s disease or any other digesve tract lesion that might bleed, pyloric stenosis and anomalies in the structure of the digesve tract Diseases risking the vital prognosis in the short and medium term ➢ ➢ Serious cognive or mental disorders Severe, non-stabilised dietary behavioural disorders ➢ Alcoholism or drug addicon ➢ Treatment with an-platelet drugs or non-steroidal an-inflammatories ➢ In the absence of treatment with acid-blockers ➢ Ancoagulants ➢ Foreseeable inability of the paent to parcipate in a prolonged medical follow-up ➢ Absence of idenfied prior medical care 6 ➢ Pregnancy, desire for a pregnancy during treatment with the balloon, ➢ ➢ breaseeding Serious liver disease Haemostasis disorder Complicaons Mortality (0.06% to 0.1%) is most oen linked to gastric perforaon. Serious complicaons are rare: ➢ Gastric perforaon (0.1% to 0.2%) ➢ Migraon of the balloon leading to an intesnal obstrucon (0.2% to 0.8%) Most oen complicaons are moderate: ➢ Abdominal pain, nausea, frequent voming in the early days which, in rare cases, may lead to hypokalaemia, dehydraon (1.6 %) or removal of the balloon (1.8% to 4.2%) ➢ Spontaneous deflaon of the balloon (2.5% to 33 %) ➢ Gastro-oesophageal reflux (0.5% to 1.8%) ➢ A gastric ulcer (0.4%) ➢ Oesophagis (0% to 18%) Restricon of acvity It is strictly forbidden for the paent to scuba dive or to fly in an unpressurised aircra. The pracce of combat and extreme sports is not advised in any circumstances. 7 THE PROGRAMME Before the procedure 3 weeks ➢ Global care ➢ ➢ This must be carried out by a mul-disciplinary team liaising with the aending physician/general praconer. As a minimum this team includes: ❍ A gastroenterologist ❍ A doctor specialising in obesity (nutrionist, endocrinologist or specialist in internal medicine) ❍ A diecian or an endocrinologist ❍ A psychiatrist or a psychologist ❍ An intensive care anaesthest Informaon on the advantages and disadvantages of the balloon, the obligaon to remove the balloon aer 6 months, the necessity for mul-disciplinary care and a long-term follow-up. Paents must be advised on contracepon The decision to insert the balloon must be taken aer discussion and consultaon with the mul-disciplinary team. Performance of the procedure 10 to 20 minutes The inseron of the balloon must be performed: ➢ Under general anaesthec with or without tracheal intubaon ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ 8 Under endoscopic control In the endoscopy theatre With equipment for monitoring vital funcons and respirator By professionals who have received specific training Aer the procedure 6 months ➢ Advice on a progressive, appropriate return to normal eang ➢ Prescripon of acid-blockers for 6 months, an-emecs, an-spasmodics and pain killers ➢ Blood ionogram and creanaemia (3rd day) ➢ Consultaon with a member of the mul-disciplinary team every 4 to 6 weeks ➢ Programme of therapeuc educaon put in place with the ➢ mul-disciplinary team before the procedure and connued aer the procedure Informaon on the alarm signals for complicaons, follow-up methods, the dietec and behavioural treatment within the framework of a programme of therapeuc educaon. Removal of the intra-gastric balloon Removal of the balloon at 6 months is essenal. It can be done earlier if there is intolerance or complicaons. Removal is a technically difficult procedure which must be performed: ➢ Under general anaesthec with tracheal intubaon ➢ Under endoscopic control using the kits supplied by the manufacturers for first intenon surgery ➢ In the endoscopy theatre with equipment for monitoring vital funcons and respirator ➢ By professionals who have received specific training in a referral centre already pracsing this procedure. 10 to 20 minutes Following the removal procedure: ➢ Endoscopic verificaon that there are no gastric or oesophageal lesions ➢ Consultaon at about the 15th day by a member of the mul-disciplinary team. Further to this, the follow-up must be mul-disciplinary in accordance with the methods defined in the recommendaons for the treatment of the obese adult. 9 RECOMMENDATIONS TO BE OBSERVED AFTER THE INSERTION OF THE BALLOON ➢ Eat slowly, in a calm atmosphere, and chew the food. ➢ Split the dietary intake into small quanes ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ 10 (use small plates) ➢ If you feel a reflux of acid liquid or bloang, stop eang ➢ Split the food into three meals and three snacks ➢ Avoid nibbling. Drink at least one and a half litres of water a day. Do not eat and drink at the same me. A glass of water half an hour before the meal and one to two glasses of water half an hour aer the meal are useful with the aim of rehydraon and, above all, to clean the balloon. This prevents foul-smelling burps of the bad egg type which are linked to the stagnaon of food around the balloon Avoid very fizzy drinks. Very strong tea and coffee are not recommended either. Avoid smoking on an empty stomach. Do not eat the evening meal too late. Wait at least two hours before going to bed. Pains are possible when lying down to sleep and also when bending to the side. Intensify physical acvity. Walk for at least fieen minutes per day PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Starng a physical acvity again is very important. Contrary to accepted ideas sport does lile to make you lose weight, but it does enable you to stabilise your weight loss. The first month: progressive restarng of physical acvity (walking). Aer the first month: you can take up any sport again. The simplest acvity is walking. Find me to walk each day (get off public transport one or two stops before your normal stop, park several miles from your place of work, take the stairs when you only have to go up a few floors, etc.). Restarng physical acvity must be very progressive. The more weight you lose the easier it will seem, so take advantage of this to increase the duraon of your physical acvity. Recommendaon: Buy a pedometer (a small machine that counts steps which can be fixed on a belt) in a sports shop. Try to take 10,000 to 12,000 steps a day. 11 DIETARY RULES ➢ Drink 1.5l of water/day. ➢ To preserve vitamins and minerals, cook using steam rather than in water. ➢ You may use the list of equivalents and the calorie table for foodstuffs to vary your diet. For vegetables, their nutrional value remains the same whether they are raw or cooked. ➢ Use spices, herbs and condiments which will enable you to season your preparaons. You can use lemon juice, soy sauce, salt, all the spices (cumin, pepper, curry powder, paprika, etc.), all the herbs (tarragon, chives, parsley, etc.), onions, mustard, garlic, vinegar, gherkins, capers, Tabasco sauce, and fat-free stock cubes. ➢ Do not miss a meal. Have 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 1 snack in the aernoon. ➢ Avoid snacking between meals. ➢ Take part in a physical acvity regularly as this will help the weight loss, e.g. walking, cycling, running, etc. 12 OBESITY Pathology Obesity is a public health challenge because of its prevalence and its constant increase. According to the data of the ObEpi 2006 survey, the prevalence of obesity (≥ 30 kg/m2) in France in individuals aged 15 and over was 12.4%. The prevalence of subjects with a BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 was 0.8% (i.e. 380,000 people). Consequences Obesity has health consequences which range from an increased risk of premature death to various non-mortal diseases with undesirable effects on quality of life (high blood pressure, hypercholesterolaemia, alteraon to glucose tolerance, Type 2 diabetes or some hormone dependent and gastro-intesnal cancers). Body Mass Index BMI (Body Mass Index) is a reflecon of your excess weight. Your BMI is obtained by dividing your weight in kilos by your height squared. Waist Measurement To measure the waist, a tape measure should be used placed as shown in the diagram below. Example You weigh P= 65 kg You measure T= 1.65 m Your BMI: P/T² = 23.9 kg/m² The interpretaon of BMI is performed in accordance with the criteria defined by the World Health Organisaon (WHO) Various thresholds have been set for analysing the waist measurement: the threshold where the subject must not put on weight (94 cm for men and 80 cm for women) and the threshold where the subject must lose weight (102 cm for men and 88 cm for women). A waist measurement above these thresholds is considered to be a cardiovascular and insulin resistance risk factor. 13 CURRENT CARE AND OBESITY TREATMENTS Treatment for obesity is global, mul-disciplinary and long-term. It involves various complementary therapeuc approaches. The intra-gastric balloon is offered as a non-surgical reversible technique for obesity. Care and treatment without medicaon The approaches are complementary and include regular physical acvity, advice on diet (including reducon in energy intake), cognive behavioural approaches, psychological and/or psychotherapeuc support, and personalised medical follow-up. The combinaon of physical acvity (30-45 minutes, 4 to 5 mes a week), behavioural therapy and a low calorie diet make it possible to obtain an average weight loss of 4.6 kg at one year. Treatment with medicaon In France, 2 medicines with different modes of acon have markeng authorisaons: sibutramine (Sibutral) and orlistat (Xenica, Alli). Neither of these is reimbursed. They are indicated in obese paents (BMI > 30 kg/m2) or overweight (BMI > 27-28/m2) paents with associated risk factors, and if dietary measures have failed. In comparison with a diet alone, the treatment with medicaon leads to an addional weight loss of 3-4 kg but the weight loss is not maintained when treatment is stopped. 14 Surgery for obesity or bariatric surgery There are two major types of Gastric band operaon: those based By pass exclusively on gastric restricon and those involving intesnal malabsorpon. Obesity surgery is indicated in adult paents with a BMI > 40 kg/m2 or even with a BMI > 35 kg/m2 associated with at least one comorbidity likely to be improved aer surgery as second intenon aer the failure of medical, dietec, nutrional and psychotherapeuc treatment conducted well for 6-12 months. All bariatric surgery techniques are effecve long-term (more than 10 years follow-up on average) on weight loss (average percentage loss of excess weight between 40% and 80%, in the order of 25 to 60 kg), on comorbidies (diabetes, high blood pressure (HBP), sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS), hyperlipidaemia, etc.), and on quality of life. In comparison with medical treatment, obesity surgery makes it possible to reduce mortality by 10 years. Technical descripon of the intra-gastric balloon The intra-gastric balloon works by filling the stomach which causes a feeling of saety and a reducon in dietary intake. Treatment by balloon is combined with dietec and behavioural treatment 15 Quesons / Answers How many kg will I lose with the balloon ? The balloon makes it possible to lose between 10 kg and 25 kg in 6 months if it is combined with nutrional and behavioural treatment. Connuaon of this treatment makes connued weight loss possible aer removal of the balloon. Will I regain weight aer the balloon is removed? Connuaon of the nutrional and behavioural follow-up makes it possible to avoid regaining weight aer the balloon is removed. Dietary habits are not changed in 6 months. Stopping treatment aer removal of the balloon exposes you to the yo-yo phenomenon. Why must the balloon be removed aer 6 months? The balloon becomes porous as a result of the gastric juices aer 6 months. The balloon may then deflate and move into the intesne. There is a risk of intesnal obstrucon which would require an emergency operaon. In addion, the stomach gets used to the balloon aer 6 months and it no longer causes a feeling of stomach fullness. Can a second balloon be inserted if the desired weight has not been lost during the 6 months? Yes, aer at least 2 months so that the stomach is once again sensive to the effect of the balloon. How will I eat with the balloon? Diet is normal several days aer inseron of a balloon. The faster feeling of stomach fullness makes it possible to reduce the amounts ingested and to follow the dietary changes advised by the nutrionist. 16 Will I be ill aer the balloon is inserted? Stomach spasms, voming, and acid reflux are frequent in the 3 days aer the inseron of the balloon. Before the inseron your doctor will prescribe a treatment to reduce these side effects. Sick leave for 3 days is prescribed. Somemes the symptoms may last for a week and somemes they are treated by a short hospitalisaon. In rare cases, the balloon has to be removed for intolerance. Is the balloon covered by French social security? The balloon is not covered by French social security. The endoscopy performed before the balloon is inserted may be covered if the social security centre has given its agreement. Removal of the balloon is not covered by French social security. What about pregnancy with the gastric balloon? Pregnancy is contraindicated with the gastric balloon. Contracepon is prescribed for women of childbearing age. Will I feel the balloon in my stomach? You will feel discomfort in the early days. Aer this, the main sensaon created by the balloon is saety. How long is the recovery aer the inseron of the balloon? Plan at least 3 days rest in order to recover aer the operaon. Starng work again depends on the ability of your body to adapt to the intra-gastric balloon. 17 What are the differences in weight loss compared with other slimming programmes? You can expect to lose more weight with the intra-gastric balloon. Give that the balloon produces a feeling of saety, you are more able to control your diet and adopt healthy changes. Does the balloon require frequent consultaons with the doctor aer the inseron? The follow-up programme is essenal to success and the adopon of new life habits. You will see your doctor and your support team at least once a month whilst the balloon is in place. During this period your progress will be assessed and you will acquire significant medical and nutrional knowledge as well as knowledge about physical acvity in order to succeed in the long term. Does the intra-gastric balloon limit acvies? You must not plan any important acvity for the first week. Once your body has adapted to the balloon, you can restart your usual acvies. It is strongly recommended that you start a programme of physical acvity to improve your chances of success. What happens if the balloon leaks? If the balloon leaks, you will note a change in the colour of your urine (blue/green colour). Even though it is rare, this situaon can be serious. If you see a change in the colour of your urine, you must call your doctor 18 immediately. He could then remove the balloon easily by the endoscopic route without surgery. However, if you delay telling your doctor there is a risk that the completely deflated balloon will migrate into the digesve tract and be evacuated by the natural route. In the worst case the balloon could create an intesnal obstrucon requiring surgery. If the balloon deflates, it will probably be evacuated naturally by your body. However, in some cases it may be necessary for your doctor to remove it. Must I take part in the follow-up visits to succeed? The intra-gastric balloon is not a magis pill but a tool designed to change your way of life. By taking part in the programme, you will benefit from the training and support necessary for changing your habits and increasing your chances of long-term success. Can I eat everything I want? Are there dietary restricons? You will not want to eat as much as you usually did beforehand. In addion, if you eat sweet things or fay food, you risk having nausea. Any excess food once the balloon is inserted is dangerous and may cause serious medical problems. How is the intra-gastric balloon removed? The intra-gastric balloon is removed in the same way it was introduced, i.e. through the mouth. This 20 minute procedure is performed under anaesthec 19 20 Body mass index (BMI) table Normal weight Overweight Obesity Class I Obesity Class II (serious) Obesity Class III (massive) Classification of BMI Height (in metres) BMI in kg/m2 Weight (in kg) Body mass index (BMI) makes it possible to estimate the excess fat in the body and to define corpulence. The more the BMI increases the greater the risks linked to obesity. To calculate BMI divide weight (in kg) by height (in metres) squared. BMI (kg/m2) = weight (kg) / height (m) x height (m). 21 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (put the exact value in the box) Weight monitoring curve 9 10 11 12 Time (months) 22 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Waist measurement 140 (cm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (put the exact value in the box) 9 Waist measurement monitoring curve 10 11 12 Time (months) Digeson Mouth: Here food is reduced to small morsels and mixed with saliva (secreted by the salivary glands) which starts digestion. Oesophagus: Due to its contractions it enables food to be transported from the mouth to the stomach. Stomach: Food is mixed and placed in contact with the gastric juices which continue the digestion. Duodenum (small intestine): The digestive secretions from the pancreas, liver, gall bladder and intestinal cells finish the digestion of the food. Jejunum and ileum (small intestine): The food, reduced to nutrients, is assimilated and passes into the general blood circulation. Colon (large intestine): This is where water absorption and the transport of unusable food residues take place. Rectum: Solid waste (stools) is stored here until it is eliminated through the anus. 23 A SELECTION OF WEBSITES DEDICATED TO EXCESS WEIGHT (for information) http://www. http://www. calories, pro 24 Notes ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 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