March 2016 - Academy Publishing, Inc.


March 2016 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
March 2016 • Volume 9 • Issue 2
For the Parents, Staff, Students & Community of Beyer High School
Principal’s Message
Beyer High School
1717 Sylvan Ave.
Modesto, California 95355
Phone (209) 576-4311
Fax (209) 576-4301
Dan Park
Sara Gil
Associate Principal
David Antinetti
Assistant Principal
Nadene Galas
Assistant Principal
To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to
Educational Acronyms
Like any large governmental bureaucracy, education is filled with confusing
acronyms that even those in the bureaucracy struggle with always clearly
understanding them. There have been three new acronyms used frequently over
the past few years that may have caused confusion.
SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium)
CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and
CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
I will direct you to websites where you can access clear information about
these acronyms, but let me try to summarize. The CAASPP has replaced the old
testing system known as the STAR (State Testing and Reporting). That system was
comprised of several tests including tests for Special Education students. In the
old system, students took the CST (California Standards Tests). Since 2013-14, the
CAASPP has replaced the STAR testing system and students take the SBAC test.
These are tests created by a consortium of educators for the purpose of testing
students’ abilities and knowledge of the skills found in the Common Core Sate
Standards. More information about the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
can be found here: I would like to direct you to several
web resources where additional information can be found:
1. On the Modesto City Schools web page you will find information on the Parent
tab under Resources. Great information about Common Core and SBAC testing.
2. Excellent website for questions about the CAASPP found at the California Dept.
of Education webpage:
3. CCSS Resources for Parents and Guardians webpage at the California Department
of Education:
News from the Student Supervision Office
School Safety Officer:
Rich Fontana will be joining our office this
month as our School Safety Officer. Rich comes
to us from Elliot Continuation School where
he served as a campus supervisor for 6 months.
Previously Rich served as a long term campus
supervisor at Johansen for 2 years and was an
independent business owner for 10 years. We are
excited to have Rich joining our staff!
Perfect Attendance Awards:
The following students won the January
drawing for perfect attendance gift cards. Nicolas
Underwood, Bruno Bigelow, Juliana Leon Marin,
William Rocha and Jacob Flores were presented with $10 gift cards to Burger
King. Students with perfect attendance during the month of February will have
their names placed in a drawing for 5 $10 gift cards to Yogurt Mill. Attending
school every day is one of the most important factors in ensuring academic success!
Social Media:
Beyer 9th and 10th grade students attended a special presentation called
#iCANHELP to raise awareness of cyber bullying on January 26th, 2016. Please
check your student’s phone on a daily basis for text messages and photos they are
sending and social media sites such as SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
and Kik. We are experiencing a some incidences with student cyber bullying other
students. Please discuss this with your child and ensure that they are using social
media sites wisely.
Seniors and Senior Parents:
A phone dialer went home on February 1st, 2016 explaining that Mrs. Galas
spoke with all senior classes regarding maintaining good academic and citizenship
during 3rd and 4th quarters. A copy of the letter is available on our website. Copies
were given to students who were absent by their teacher upon their return to class.
Below is a brief snapshot:
As we quickly move closer to the end of the school year, the goal of graduation
becomes significantly more focused for both students and parents. This can be the
most positive and exciting time of a student’s high school career. Many memorable
activities, including the graduation ceremony will take place. To qualify for
graduation and participation in the ceremony, a senior must have successfully
completed a minimum of 230 credits, passed both portions of the California High
School Exit Exam, and completed district-adopted course requirements.
In addition to the academic requirements, a senior must comply with the
district’s expectations of behavior and attendance to qualify for the graduation
ceremony and senior activities. It is very important that seniors maintain good
citizenship during the third and fourth quarters. The Student Conduct Code is clear
regarding expectations of behavior and attendance.
A. Citizenship
For Infractions A, B, & C:
•Two or more unsatisfactory citizenship marks (U)*
•All privileges listed on p.
B. Conduct Code
45 of the 2015-16 Student
•Step 6 Truancy
Conduct Code AND
•Four-day or five-day home suspension (9-week ineligibility) graduation ceremony,
•Two or more suspensions (9-week ineligibility)
senior trip and prom.
•Involuntary transfer to Alternative Education
(pg. 49)
•Substance abuse
C. Unpaid Debt
•Including loss of books or damage to school property
*REMINDER: Board policy states a teacher will issue an unsatisfactory citizenship
mark if a student has 3 or more unexcused period absences or 5 or more unexcused
tardies in any quarter.
It is our goal and hope that your 12th grade student will be eligible for all
senior activities, including the graduation ceremony. In order to achieve this goal,
we need your cooperation and that of your student. The administrative staff at
Beyer will discuss these expectations and consequences with the seniors in their
economics classes. We ask that you take a few moments to discuss this letter with
your student. If you have any questions regarding these expectations, please refer
to 2015-16 Student Conduct Code pages 44-49, or contact the Student Supervision
Office at 576-4328.
Students are reminded that their ID lanyards must be on the minute
they step foot on campus. Only the black safety lanyard issued with
the ID card or the Beyer PRIDE safety lanyards are allowed.
As warm weather approaches, students are reminded of the Beyer
Site Specific Dress Code. Low cut, bare midriff, backless, spaghetti
straps or strapless tops are not allowed. Any clothing that shows
undergarments is also not allowed.
During lunch, students are not allowed to be in a teacher’s classroom
without a teacher present. Students who are in classrooms without
a teacher present will be asked to leave the room. If we have to
continue asking the same students to leave the room we will issue
lunch detentions.
Parents - PLEASE bring lunch items or any other items you need to
give to your student to the Main Office. Please don’t ask your student
to meet you in the staff or student parking lots as these areas are out
of bounds.
#thisisourhouse – students are reminded to please place all their
trash in the garbage cans at lunch time. Please don’t leave your trash
for others to pick up! #beyerpride
Beyer Academic Decathlon
Beyer’s Academic Decathlon Team won big again at the 37th annual Stanislaus County Academic Decathlon
Championships on Feb 6 at Davis High School.
Beyer took home the Club Championship for the 3rd straight year.
Beyer has also been the most improved team for 4 out of the last 5 years.
Academic Decathlon consists of 10 events: Math, Science, History, Economics, Literature, Art, Music,
Speech, Interview and Essay.
3 categories of competition exist. Honors, scholastic and varsity as well as many alternates.
Beyer competes against schools such as Oakdale and Ceres that have an Academic Decathlon class.
“Beyer competes with our backs against the wall every year yet we always do well. This is a testimony to the
academic talent we have at Beyer as well as our top notch educators” -Coach Scott Bradley
Team Members:
Pratima Gangupantula
Greg Pagani
Bethany Harper
Andrea Samano
Katherine Hennings
Skyler Griifin
Nina Ines Garma
Ed Wagner
Eliseo George
Briteil Danipour
Jacqueline Khanna
Anna Smolinski
Kara Lui
Shawlene Pal
Rajjit Mand
Andreana Bali
Jorge Gomez
Tanner Schell
Karli Bump
Tabitha Bandy
Jenna Stanislaw
Vincent Benenati
Stacy Olea
Eddie Reyes
John Perez
Jared Bingham
Ashley Garelick
Ryan Lewis
Nour Poles
Alexa Kassels
Broneka Kovarkez
Katherine Hennings
Molly Jensen
Essay Winners: Molly Jensen, Stacey Olea, Shawlene Pal, Nina Ines Garma, Andrea Samano and Skyler
Speech Winner: Andrea Samano and Ed Wagner
Interview: Nina Ines Garma, Andrea Samano, Greg Pagani
Mathematics: Kara Liu, Ed Wagner, Eliseo George, Andrea Samano, Katherine Hennings and Skyler Griffin.
Economics: Skyler Griffin, Katherine Hennings.
Science: Ed Wagner, Andrea Samano, Pratima Gangupantula
Literature: Andrea Samano, Katherine Hennings
Music: None
Art: Kara Liu, Jorge Gomez, Katherine Hennings
History: Skyler Griffin, Katherine Hennings, Greg Pagani
College Board Exams
Parents, with all the scoring changes on the redesigned College Board exams, what
counts as a “good score” on the PSAT these days? Read this article posted by Prep Scholar:
What’s a Good PSAT Score for 2015? - PrepScholar
With all the scoring changes on the redesigned College Board exams, what counts as a
“good score” on the PSAT these days? There are a few factors you can use to ...
“Patriot Connection” • Mar. 2016
Published Six Times Per Year
Modesto City Schools
426 Locust Street
Modesto, California 95351-2699
Issue # 2
College Counseling News
from Mrs. Pitts
You only have a few weeks left to file your FAFSA, or if you are an
undocumented student, your Dream Act application. Don’t be left out of
the chance to get financial help for college. Apply now! Cal Grant: There is
NO additional form needed to apply for Cal Grant, GPA verification is done
electronically for all seniors.
New scholarships coming out daily! Check out scholarship lists on
Beyer website, coming soon, Beyer only scholarships!
Senior Awards Night: May 17, 2016
Please notify Mrs. Pitts of all college acceptances and scholarships
students receive! Students should bring in all offers of financial aid (even
from colleges they will not attend) and scholarships.
MJC News: There is a lot happening for students who plan to attend
MJC in the summer or fall after graduation. Listed below are the most
important things you need to know!
New Multiple Measures! Students may be exempt from taking the
MJC math and English placement tests with a new assessment option now in
place at MJC. Students can use the Multiple Measures in two ways:
Adjust or increase their current placement/assessment score to a
college-level course
Be eligible for a college-level course without having to take the MJC
assessment tests
How do students know if they are eligible? Students must be exempt or
conditionally exempt.
Go to this website to get scores:
Go to testing information page, multiple measures for
more information
MJC New Student Days
Saturday, April 18th, 8:00 am, main auditorium of Performing and
Media Arts Center, East Campus. You can gain priority registration for fall
classes, complete your application, orientation, assessment, and educational
advising all in one day! There will be sessions to show you how to uses the
Pirates Net to search the class schedule, set up fall classes, and access your
MJC email. Special sessions for parents!
Registration for MJC Summer classes begins on March 30th! (Indicate
on your application that your graduation date is May 1st in order to
register for summer classes)
Registration for Fall classes begins on May 4th
Students are strongly encouraged to fill out applications and complete
orientation and assessment before coming, they will be able to go directly to
the final step, educational advising!
MJC Counselor Advising at Beyer
March 3rd: MJC counselors will be on campus to do educational plans
for those students who did their MJC assessment testing here at Beyer in the
portables on February 16th. Mrs. Pitts will send out notices to those students
with their appointment times.
Please be sure that you are checking your portals regularly to update
any requests from the colleges! Make sure all test scores, transcripts, etc. have
been sent if requested.
CSU EAP Placement tests: It is critical that students are registered to take
English and/or math placement tests for CSU as needed. Go to CSU Mentor
to check your scores to see if you are exempt or conditionally exempt. Register
immediately if you need to test!
UC Admissions will start coming out in March and continue throughout
the month.
Modesto City Schools College Nights: March 8th and March 15th
for students and parents, grades 9-11. Hear presentations from MCS
College Counselors and from UC, CSU, MJC, and UOP representatives.
March 8, Modesto High School @ 6:30 p.m., Modesto, Davis and Gregori
High Schools. March 15, Downey High School @ 6:30 p.m., Beyer, Enochs,
Downey, and Johansen High Schools.
Beyer FFA
On February 4th, 2016, Beyer FFA held their annual tri-tip dinner in their own Ag
Mechanics Shop, providing take-away dinners for those who provided their pre-bought
tickets at the door. Both single meals and family meals were sold, providing tri-tip, a roll,
salad, and beans. The family meal provided all of this for four people. 900 pounds of meat
were cooked and about 85 gallons of beans. Rewards were given for the FFA members
that made the most money off of sponsorships and ticket sales, and raffles were drawn
for the rest of the FFA members who contributed. Beyer FFA is still finishing their twoyear Exclusive Sponsorship with Orchard Supply Hardware, Sisk Road, who continues to
donate supplies to both the tri-tip dinner and Beyer FFA’s small engine team. 86 students
volunteered to help the day of the dinner and worked packing meals and directing traffic,
and members participated total, which includes selling tickets and sponsorships in
addition to working at the dinner directly.
Beyer FFA continues to be active in FFA activities in and outside of the district, and four
Beyer FFA members recently attended a conference held at The Double Tree in downtown
Modesto on February 12th and 13th. Schools from all over California attended this Advanced
Leadership Academy Conference, or ALA. The members did several leadership workshops
and did team building activities in addition to getting the chance to speak to other chapters
about their ideas and events in their chapters. The members also had the chance to forge new
relationships with other FFA members, serving to remind members what the purpose of
FFA is. Another event Beyer FFA recently participated in was the preliminary and regional
job interview contest. Beyer FFA’s Malia Seuga and Danny Stanfield were sent as contenders,
and Danny Stanfield will be moving on to the state competition.
Beyer FFA continues to offer extracurricular opportunities for members who are
interested in furthering their agricultural, mechanical, and horticultural knowledge. Beyer
FFA’s farm records team will be competing at the Chico State Field Day on March 12th,
taking tests on their knowledge of the business accounting involved with agriculture and the
FFA. The farm records team will participate in three more field days and are expected to do
well at all of them. The small engines team has started practices and their first competition
will be in Hilmar on April 16th. The Beyer small engines team has a history of success, and
took the state championship in 2007, 2011, 2013, and 2015. In horticulture the Beyer Garden
and Floral Club meets every Thursday and continues to make arrangements and grow
various plants in our greenhouse. They are also planning a drought tolerant garden that will
be planted in the front of the school. This garden will be completed over the summer.
Beyer FFA thanks all of their sponsors for the tri-tip dinner.
Exclusive Sponsor
•Orchard Supply Hardware
Silver + Sponsor
•Weisner & Cerato Machine Shop
Donations – Flowers Baking Company
Silver Sponsor
•No Limit Customs
•Honda Kawasaki KTM of Modesto
•Copy King Printers
•American Ag Credit
•Stanislaus Farm Supply
•Belkorp Ag John Deere
•Garton Tractor Inc.
•Coit and Hewes, LLC
•Van De Pol Petroleum
Bronze Sponsors
•All West/Select Sires
•Flory Industries
•Belkorp Ag John Deere
•Parkview Christian Estates
Friends of Beyer FFA Sponsors
•Guthrie Family
•Carnitas El Bajio
•La Huerta Vieja
•La Bodeguita
•Roxanne Bernal
•Dave’s Meat Service
•The Rodriguez Family
•Devine Family
Beyer’s 2015/2016 Teens Run Modesto Team (TRM)
After 22 weeks of intense training and determination, the following Beyer students are 4 weeks away from
the start line of The Modesto Marathon! The event is Sunday, March 20th, starting at 7:00 a.m. in downtown
Modesto. These “hearty” students will be out on the course 4 to 7 hours; fighting aches, pains and fatigue in order
to successfully cross the finish line at mile 26.2! Please wish these students success and let them know you admire
them for taking on this daunting task.
Bingham, Joel Boudreaux, Christian
Bradley, Eddie Charles, Cameron
DeAtely, Connor Farrow, Tori Farrow,
Calvin Flores, Jeff Fu, Eliseo George,
Joe Huerta, Amanda Lial, Natalie
Mitchell, Nathaniel Mohr, Kyle
Moore, Erik Nunnally, John Perez,
Isaac Rager, Kaci Reasoner, Matt
Rosa, Grace Sanders, Ryan Sellers,
Jenna Stanislaw, Alfred Surigo Ilog,
Sue Vang, and Derek Villegas. (Team
mentors: Evan Sellers, Kris Lewis,
Julia Hicks and Judy McCullough).
With the fall marching season over, the band and music program have been busy with fundraisers, concert
preparation, and the start of the winter competition season. Rehearsals for winter guard and winter percussion
started back in December with each group rehearsing between 8-12 hours a week. Both groups compete in the
Central Valley Guard and Percussion Circuit (CVGPC) which includes schools from Lodi and Stockton to Los
Banos and Merced.
Winter percussion involves students playing all the drums,
percussion, and mallet instruments of the band performing
a choreographed piece inside a gym. Winter guard students
perform with the flags, rifles and sabers in a dance piece set to
pre-recorded music. Both groups perform on their own custom
vinyl floor which is brought in and carried out. Each group
has a time limit for their performance which includes, setup,
performance, and exit. Thanks to each group supporting one
another, and parent participation, our groups are able to move
in, perform, and exit without any time penalties.
Competitions started on February 6 with the winter
guard taking third place then first place, and the winter
percussion taking third place then second place. Future
competition dates are:
March 19 at Enochs High School
March 26 at Gregori High School
You can get more information concerning winter season
competitions by going to the band’s website www.beyerband.
org or
The music program also had a night of Dessert, Dance, and
Music on Friday March 4. Each of the performing groups had
the opportunity to showcase their talents for several hundred
parents, friends and supporters. Winter guard, winter
percussion, concert band, orchestra, and choir all performed
making it a great night of music.
The band’s next big fundraiser is our annual Spring Benefit
Day, which will be held Saturday, April 16 in the Beyer
parking lot. We’ll have our fly-by Tri-Tip meal with all the
trimmings and our large rummage sale. If you would like
to donate rummage, please contact Tonya at fundraising@ or go to our website
Please join us for our 3rd annual revolutionary
5 k run on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 8:00am! All
proceeds go to support athletics here at Beyer and to
help fund athletic scholarships for 2016! Register at or pick up a registration form in the front
office. It’s a great family event that you don’t want to
miss! Beyer Pride!
Love Your Library!
Electronic databases accessible in library or
remotely 24/7:
○○ Gale:
(Contact Librarian, Mrs. James for username/
password information)
ØØ Donations are greatly appreciated
ØØ Credentialed librarian/Information competency
instructor, Jennifer James: or 209-576-4322
ØØ Special shout-out to the top 10 student “checkeroutters”:
Raven Schippers
Rylan Root
Marialuisa Ramirez
John-Carter Newman
Sarah Christian
Samuel Bejarano
McKenzie Celello
Emily Hartz Masters
Ashley De Vine
Jesinda Williams
MCS College Night
MARCH 15, 2016
Modesto City Schools College Counselors
are hosting college information nights
ALL 9th -11th grade
Parents and Students
WHERE: Downey High School
auditorium, 1000 Coffee Rd
College Info presentation
Various college representatives
Q&A with counselors and reps
*Spanish translation provided*
Black History Month
In recognition of Black History month,
Beyer was privileged to have two local leaders,
Charlie Crane and Carl Bryant (both local
pastors) present to 200+ students and parents
concerning their experiences with the Civil
Rights movement. It was an eye-opening
experience for the students to hear first-hand
accounts from these living witnesses to another
era in the history of the United States.
Beyer Dance Production
Beyer High’s Dance Production has been
working hard all year to prepare for an awesome dance
performance! The dance concert will be performed at
Modesto High School’s auditorium on April 21st and
22nd at 7:00pm. Tickets will be $7. The theme of this
year’s dance concert is “Dancing Through the Decades”
and includes student and teacher choreographed
works in the dance styles of jazz, hip-hop, lyrical,
and modern; there’s even a sword-fighting dance!
Support our Dance Production members by enjoying
an evening of dance! Thank you!
Parents! Is Your Student Enrolled in Secondary Math I?
Nothing contributes more to a child’s success than an involved parent!
Current educational research and developments in instructional practice have made it possible for your
child to learn mathematics through a better way than the traditional mode of instruction. The MVP path to
learning focuses on conceptual understanding, supported by factual knowledge and procedural facility. Your
child’s mathematical adventure will begin in a special classroom setting, where he will be encouraged to actively
engage in tasks that have been carefully designed to help him deepen and connect his mathematical knowledge.
During the classroom experience, your student will enhance his understanding through discourse with his peers as
they share their ways of seeing the mathematics unfold. Regular attendance is imperative because what happens
daily in the classroom cannot be replicated at home or by reading the textbook.
Following each classroom experience, your child will be assigned a Ready, Set, Go! homework assignment.
These assignments have been correlated to the daily classroom experience and should be completed each day, so
that the student is prepared (Ready) for the next lesson.
If there are areas in the Ready, Set, Go! homework assignments, where your student feels uncertain and
needs guidance, you can follow the internet links, where you and your child can find a tutorial video with verbal
instructions and additional examples. When such videos are unavailable, develop the habit of searching the
internet for the content topics. There are many math sites that contain print instructions for the many topics your
student will be studying. Finally, always encourage your child to ask his teacher about problems and ideas they
are working on.
Here is how you can help your child succeed in mathematics:
Support your child’s teacher by valuing the classroom experience.
Make sure your student attends school every day.
Encourage your child to do the homework assignment every night.
Use the instructional examples on the Homework Help.
Follow the links on the Ready, Set, Go! pages to find additional tutorial help for you student.
Become an informed parent by reading the articles that support the MVP pedagogical philosophy.
For more information:
For Students Enrolled in Secondary Math I
Learning mathematics is a lot like learning to ride a bike. You can’t do it by watching someone else. You must hop
on your bike, get ready, set, and go!
The MVP way of learning mathematics requires much of you, the student. The classroom experience has
been carefully orchestrated to help you make sense of the mathematics that is being developed and connect it to
prior learning. Each student must come to class prepared to participate fully in the experience. He or she must
learn to listen to the thinking of the other classmates as well as be willing to voice one’s own understandings
and ways of seeing the mathematics unfold. Regular attendance is imperative because what happens daily in the
classroom cannot be replicated at home or by reading the textbook.
The Ready, Set, Go! homework assignments have been correlated to the daily classroom experience and
should be completed each day that they are assigned, so that you are prepared (Ready) for the next lesson. The
homework is organized into three parts. The Ready section is to help you get Ready to learn. The Set section is
for practicing the skills that are being developed in the current lessons. As you practice, your new mathematical
skills become more Set or fluent. The last section of homework, called Go!, is to help you remember the skills and
procedures that you have learned previously. As you mature mathematically, there are many math problems that
you should be able to do whenever you encounter them. The procedures for solving them become automatic.
When you see these problems, you should be able to take off and Go! with them.
If there are areas in the Ready, Set, Go! assignments, where you feel uncertain and you need guidance,
you will be able to access a Homework Help page that offers print explanations and examples for the Ready,
Set, Go! assignment you are on. When available, the Homework Help page will also provide internet links to
video instruction.
One of the skills that a student doesn’t usually associate with learning mathematics is listening. Most students
know they should listen to the teacher, but often they don’t realize that they can learn the most by listening to
their classmates, when they are sharing how they think about the mathematics they are doing. In the classroom
experience, listening is a practice of learning. When you are listening to your classmates or your teacher, you
should do the following:
1. Write down key ideas and strategies that you see other students using.
2. Ask questions of your classmates or the teacher to make sure that you understand the conversations about
the mathematics.
3. Add your own ideas to the ideas of others.
4. Try to restate what you hear others saying. Ask, “Is this what you mean?”
5. Be flexible and understand that there are many ways to think about a math problem. You and your classmates
might think differently and both be right.
For more information:
Permissible School Fees, Fundraising And Donations
The following are specific exceptions to the prohibition on fees, charges and deposits
at the kindergarten through 12th grade level. These fees, charges and deposits are
legally permissible because they are specifically permitted by law.
1. Charges for optional attendance as a spectator at a school or District sponsored
2. Charges for food served to students, subject to free and reduced price meal
program eligibility and other restrictions specified in law.
3. Paying the replacement cost for District books or supplies loaned to a student
that the student fails to return, or that is willfully cut, defaced or otherwise
injured, up to an amount not to exceed $10,000.
4. Fees for field trips and excursions in connection with courses of instruction or
school related social, educational, cultural, athletic, or school band activities,
as long as no student is prevented from making the field trip or excursion
because of lack of sufficient funds.
5. Medical or hospital insurance for field trips that is made available by the
school district.
6. Charges for required medical and accident insurance for athletic team
members, so long as there is a waiver for financial hardship.
7. Charges for standardized physical education attire of a particular color and
design, but the school may not mandate that the attire be purchased from
the school and no physical education grade of a student may be impacted
based on the failure to wear standardized apparel “arising from circumstances
beyond the control” of the student.
8. Charging for the parking of vehicles on school grounds.
9. Fees for school camp programs, so long as no student is denied the opportunity
to participate because of nonpayment of the fee.
10. Reimbursement for the direct cost of materials provided to a student for
property the student has fabricated from such materials for his/her own
possession and use, such as wood shop, art, or sewing projects kept by
the student.
Reimbursement for the actual cost of duplicating public records, student
records, or a prospectus of the school curriculum.
Fees for transportation to and from school, and transportation between
school and regional occupational centers, programs or classes, as long as the
fee does not exceed the statewide average nonsubsidized cost per student and
provided there is a waiver provision based on financial need.
Fees for transportation of pupils to places of summer employment.
Tuition fees charged to pupils whose parents are actual and legal residents of
an adjacent foreign country or an adjacent state.
Tuition fees collected from foreign students attending a District school
pursuant to an F-1 visa, equal to the full unsubsidized per capita cost of
providing education during the period of attendance.
Fees for an optional fingerprinting program for kindergarten or other newly
enrolled students, if the fee does not exceed the actual costs associated with
the program.
Fees for community classes in civic, vocational, literacy, health, homemaking,
and technical and general education, not to exceed the cost of maintaining the
community classes.
Deposits for band instruments, music, uniforms and other regalia which
school band members take on excursions to foreign countries.
Charges for eye safety devices, at a price not to exceed the district’s actual
costs, in specified courses or activities in which students are engaged in, or
are observing, an activity or the use of hazardous substances likely to cause
injury to the eyes.
A family may be charged for a program of supervision of children before and
after school.
Playing through the pain can worsen an injury; encourage athletes to
speak up if they think they’re hurt.
Business Services, 2014
A few spots are left!
We need you!
For physician referral call 888-284-6641
Advertise in the Patriot Connection! This is a wonderful way for
your company to get community recognition and exposure,
and at the same time help support your local schools!
Tami Rubalcava •
Beyer High School
Presorted First Class
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Modesto, Ca
Permit No. 72
For The Parents, Staff, Students & Community Of
Beyer High School
Fred C. Beyer High School
1717 Sylvan Ave.
Modesto, California 95355
May 23
May 24
May 25
AP Testing
Senior Trip
Senior Awards Night (by invitation)
Senior Final Exams (Suggested dates; exam days will vary by teacher)
Senior Clearance Forms DUE
Senior Sunset
Senior Social (Beyer Gym) – Senior Slide Show, Yearbook Signing
Senior Brunch @ John’s Incredible Pizza
Graduation Practice @ MJC – 8:30 AM
Graduation Ceremony @ MJC Stadium – 6:30 PM
Early Release Days
Due to teacher collaboration meetings, the following dates are student early release
days with dismissal at 12:48pm.
Wednesday, March 9
Wednesday, April 13
Wednesday, May 4
Wednesday, May 11
No School: Spring Break Friday, March 25 – Friday, April 1
Last day of School: Wednesday, May 25
Important Activities
Hello there, Patriots! Here are some important activities coming up
toward the beginning of 4th quarter!
Do you have a special talent? Come sign up in the Student Body
Office for Tournament of Talent auditions. Every high school in Modesto
City Schools picks two acts from their site to compete in a Talent Show
which will be on May 10. Auditions will be after school on April 7 in the
Little Theater, but you must sign up prior to that date.
Spring Break will be from March 25- April 3! Have a fun and safe
break! We’ll see you back at school on April 4.
Prom is coming up on April 16 at The Century from 8-11! Tickets
will be on sale from March 21-24 for $40, April 4-8 for $45, and from
April 11-15 for $50, so don’t wait to purchase your tickets! You must have
your dance contract signed and turned in; you can pick one up in the
Student Body Office.
Renaissance’s 4th Quarter reward, Day on the Green, will be on
April 22! It will be a double lunch period with a barbecue, along with
games! Make sure you keep your grades up so you can make it to this
awesome event!
Spring Homecoming will be April 18-22 and will honor the spring
sports here at Beyer! The week will include a dress-up week and we’ll
crown Spring Homecoming Royalty at the Boys’ Volleyball game that
week, so don’t miss out!
The final blood drive of the school year will be on April 28! You
can pick up and turn in permission slips in the SBO during the month of
April! Every donor saves 3 lives!
Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541
Important Senior Year End Dates
May 2 – May 13
May 13 – 14
May 17
May 17 – 18
May 20