BCF12720_Bacfree Alkaline Catalogue FA


BCF12720_Bacfree Alkaline Catalogue FA
The Golden Rule to Good Health
Clean, pure water is essential to good health. Over 70% of the human body is made up of water, which flows throughout our
body distributing nutrients, oxygen and disease-fighting antibodies. That is why keeping your body hydrated with purified water
free from germs, chemicals and heavy metals is important to maintain general wellbeing. Inadequate intake of water, or
consumption of water laced with contaminants will negatively impact almost every aspect of our health.
Know Your pH
The pH scale is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity. An ideal pH between 7.35 to 7.45 allows for our body’s optimal
metabolic function. Unfortunately modern society is constantly exposed to industrial pollution, food additives, pesticides on agricultural products and harmful effects of free radicals. These accumulated chemicals and toxins can affect the body’s natural pH
balance and deprive body cells of oxygen and nutrients. The easiest remedy is through regular intake of BACFREE HealthSpring
Ionized Water.
The HealthSpring Way to Total Wellbeing
BACFREE HealthSpring Ionized Water is produced through advanced and highly effective filtration and electrolysis processes
that offer superior water quality with amazing health-inducing benefits:
• Achieve & maintain ideal pH environment for body functions
• Antioxidant effect against harmful free radicals & ageing process
• Enhance our immune system
• Accelerate the removal of harmful toxins & metabolic waste
• Energise metabolic functions
• Improved hydration
• Enrich the taste of food & beverages
• Effective cleansing and disinfection
5 Main Advantages of BACFREE HealthSpring Ionized Water
1. The widest & most accurate pH range of 2.7 to 10.5
2. Smaller water micro-cluster has superior permeability that enhances absorption by the body
3. High Negative ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) provides powerful antioxidant benefits
4. Rich in ionized minerals, especially calcium and magnesium
to maintain good health
5. Class-leading ultra-filtration technology that produces clean
and safe drinking water.
Drinking HealthSpring ionized water
is the simplest way
to cleanse your body?
Detox To Destress
Prolonged stress can take its toll on health. Coupled with
unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, consumption of alcohol and
medicine as well as long working hours, toxins accumulate
over time. HealthSpring ionized water is molecularly smaller
than water processed via reverse osmosis, far infrared and
Maifan Stone to easily flush out accumulated toxins &
metabolic waste.
Water at different pH has various
functions and
health benefits?
Washing Vegetables & Fruits
Small molecular size of HealthSpring ionized water carries
higher concentration of hydrogen, making it more permeable
and effective in removing residual pesticide and chemicals.
Simply soak leafy greens and fruits in pH10.5 ionized water
for 15 minutes, then rinse.
Quick Hangover Relief
Always stay fully hydrated with HealthSpring ionized water to
help neutralize the overly acidic effects of alcohol on the body.
Drinking ample HealthSpring ionized water is effective in
relieving the effects of a bad hangover.
Healthy Complexion
Generous intake of HealthSpring ionized water helps to fully
hydrate body cells, restore skin elasticity and improve overall
complexion with its strong antioxidant properties.
General Wellbeing For The Elderly
Drinking HealthSpring ionized water can help reduce cholesterol
level and get rid of stored fatty acids.
HealthSpring ionized water changes inorganic minerals to
organic form which allows for better absorption. It also creates
micro-clusters that are much smaller in size to help discharge
accumulated toxins and maintain healthy metabolic function.
High antioxidant properties will counter the effects of free
radicals that contribute to the process of ageing and diseases.
Improve High Blood Pressure
Washing Fish & Meat
HealthSpring ionized water has strong reduction potential.
Washing and soaking fish and meat in it for 20 minutes helps
to effectively remove any unpleasant smell. Soaking tofu for
just 2 minutes is enough to remove any added preservatives.
Soak Dried Foodstuff
HealthSpring ionized water form smaller clusters compared to
tap water. Soaking dried seaweed, mushroom and other dried
foodstuff takes only half the time required to soften. It also
produces better tasting dishes with smooth, rich texture.
High blood pressure is a form of vascular disease caused by
peroxidized lipid in blood vessels, thickening and hardening
of artery walls. Low surface tension and micro-cluster of
HealthSpring ionized water means blood circulation is better
regulated, body organs can be more efficiently hydrated and
nourished, while the body achieves its ideal pH balance.
Relieve Constipation
High solubility and permeability of HealthSpring ionized water
facilitates bowel movement and improves constipation
problem over time.
Maintain Slim Figure
Lack of water in your diet may lead to decreased muscle
elasticity and bodily functions, and accumulation of toxins.
Healthy Detox
Wellness Boost
Enriching Taste
Tastier Rice & Noodles
Smooth Tasting Tea & Coffee
Rice cooked with HealthSpring ionized water has smoother
texture and tastes even better compared to regular tap water.
Noodles cooked in HealthSpring ionized water are springy &
better tasting.
HealthSpring ionized water helps to prevent tannin from
dissolving in the water. As a result, tea becomes more
aromatic and tastes better with no bitterness. Similarly, coffee
also tastes richer and smoother.
Nutritious Soup
Excellent Mix For Alcoholic Drinks
Excellent permeability of HealthSpring ionized water helps to
fully release the flavours of your soup ingredients. Meat and
seafood remain tender and juicy without shrinking during the
cooking process.
Ideal mix for white wine, red wine, beer and whisky to enrich
the taste and texture. A person won’t get easily drunk when
taking liquor mixed with ionized alkaline water.
Good For Mum
Preparing Drinks For Kids
HealthSpring Ionized Water System is certified with ISO
13485 for medical device manufacturing from Japan. The
water it produces has smaller cluster size, strong
antioxidant potential and rich in essential minerals
beneficial to health. It has no known side effects and is
safe for consumption during pregnancy.
HealthSpring ionized water is an excellent source of calcium
and magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and manganese. These
ionized minerals are much easier to be absorbed by the body
ensuring that your kids receive sufficient calcium and
magnesium they need for healthy growth.
First Time Drinker
Strengthen Kid’s Immune System
Most municipal treated water with chlorine is saturated with
positive +ORP. HealthSpring ionized water however is free of
chlorine and rich with strong negative ORP. It works as a
powerful free radical neutralizer that helps to boost up your
kid’s immune system and maintain a balanced body pH level.
HealthSpring ionized water at pH8.5 is ideal for the
consumption of children above 1 year old.
Individuals who are consuming ionized alkaline water for
the first time are advised to start with 8.5 for the body to
gradually adapt.
Caring For Pet
Let your pet drink ionized alkaline water to maintain good
health. Washing your pet in ionized alkaline water also
ensures its fur stays soft and smooth.
Neutral Balance
Taking Medication
It is best to take any medication with clean, filtered water in its
neutral pH to retain the medicinal properties.
Preparing Milk For Baby
Purified water with neutral pH is ideal for preparation of infant
formula to ensure your baby receives all the nutrients he/she needs.
Hygienic Cleansing
Facial Wash & Oral Hygiene
The disinfection properties of weak acidic water is effective in
toning and firming your skin. Skin feels supple and refreshed.
Additionally, gargling with HealthSpring ionized water
effectively removes bacteria that causes bad breath and
provides soothing relief to oral ulcer pain and discomfort.
Potent Disinfectant
A natural form of powerful bacteria disinfectant ideal for
cleaning wounds, sanitizing toys and common household
areas to ensure a clean, safe environment for your family.
Cleaning Tableware, Cutlery & Chopping Board
The excellent antibacterial properties ensure that your
kitchen utensils, glassware, even chopping board are
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Mopping The Floor
Removing tough stains on the floor becomes easier. Floor
dries up faster with no sticky feel and germ-free.
Sterilize Cleaning
Foot Therapy
Soaking your foot in pH2.7 HealthSpring ionized water for
15 minutes, twice daily works to improve the conditions of
athlete's foot, fungal infections and ringworm.
Daily Skin Care Regime
Skin has a natural acidic pH. Complementing your skin care
regime with pH5.5 HealthSpring ionized water produces better
result. Skin receives complete nourishment and stays fully hydrated.
Washing Hair
After washing your hair, rinse hair and gently massage it with
mild acidic HealthSpring ionized water to remove any chemical
residue. As a result, hair feels light and tangle-free.
Bathing Baby
Giving your baby a bath in pH5.5 HealthSpring ionized water
helps to soothe skin irritations. Common problem like nappy
rash can easily be solved by gently massaging baby’s bottom
with ionized acidic water.
Cleaner, Fresh-Smelling Laundry
After washing your laundry, soak them in mild acidic water
before tumble dry. This ensures your laundry smells fresh even
when left to dry indoor.
Information provided is solely for reference purposes. Ionized water does not serve as a replacement for prescribed
medication and patients with acute illnesses are advised to seek medical attention.
The Gold Fish Experiment
12 goldfish were placed in 3 different fish bowls each
containing tap water, mineral water and HealthSpring ionized
water, which were replaced every two days. Fish in
HealthSpring ionized water had an average lifespan of 31
days, while fish in tap water and mineral water had 9-13 days.
The experiment proved that HealthSpring ionized water is by
far a better life supporting water.
The Oil Experiment
The Tea Experiment
The Onion Sprout Experiment
9 onions were placed in 3 different plates each containing tap
water, mineral water and HealthSpring ionized water. The
onions were watered daily. Onions in HealthSpring ionized
water sprouted and grew at twice the speed after 1 week
compared to onions in tap water and mineral water. The
experiment proved that HealthSpring ionized water is by far a
better life promoting water.
HealthSpring ionized water has much smaller molecules
compared to tap water and mineral water. Allowing it to
easily permeate and release the colour of the tea leaves as
shown. This strengthens the fact that HealthSpring ionized
water is more easily absorbed by our body to flush out
accumulated toxins.
In this experiment, we pour a spoonful of oil into 3 glasses of
tap water, mineral water and HealthSpring ionized water. After
a quick stir, a layer of oil can be seen forming on top of the tap
water and mineral water. The oil however is completely
dissolved in the glass containing HealthSpring ionized water.
This shows that due to its smaller molecule size, HealthSpring
ionized water is able to enhance the metabolism of
accumulated fats within our body.
Drinking HealthSpring ionized water
with strong antioxidant potential helps to neutralize
the damaging effects
of free radicals?
Premium Innovation for Healthy Living
New PFC (Platinum Fine Coating) Electrodes Technology
Unique Electrodes Design
Automatic Reverse Cleaning Design
Automatic indicator alert for built-in filter replacement
TUV certification
Hot Water Safety Setting
Type: Undersink
Electrodes: 7 Platinum plates
Reduction Potential Range: Max -1000mv
pH Range: 2.7 - 10.5
Electrode Size: 1440cm2
Watt: 750W
Flow Rate: Max 5.5L/minute
Filter Material: Silver activated carbon combined with UF
membrane 0.01µm
Certified by JIS (Japan) / SGS (Taiwan)
Filter lifespan: 12000L
Faucet Dimension: 12 x 22 x 32cm (dia 22cm)
Dimension: 24 x 13 x 32cm
Made in Japan
High-performance Quality Selections
New PFC (Platinum Fine Coating) Electrodes Technology
Unique Electrodes Design
Automatic Reverse Cleaning Design
Automatic indicator alert for built-in filter replacement
TUV certification
Type: Counter-top
Reduction Potential Range: Max -1000mv
pH Range: 2.7 - 10.5
Electrodes: 7 Platinum plates
Watt: 250W
Flow Rate: Max 5.5L/minute
Cleaning System: each second automatic reverse cleaning for
1/50 second (3600 times per hour)
Dimension: 24 x 13 x 32cm
Weight: 5.7kg
Filter Material: Silver activated carbon combined with UF
membrane 0.01µm
Certified by JIS (Japan) / SGS (Taiwan)
Filter lifespan: 12000L
Certification: TUV / ISO13485 / SGS
Made in Japan
New PFC (Platinum Fine Coating) Electrodes Technology
Unique Electrodes Design
Automatic Reverse Cleaning Design
Automatic indicator alert for built-in filter replacement
TUV certification
Type: Counter-top
Reduction Potential Range: Max -450mv
pH Range: 5.5 - 9.5
Electrodes: 3 Platinum plates
Watt: 120W
Flow Rate: Max 5.5L/minute
Cleaning System: each second automatic reverse cleaning for
1/50 second (3600 times per hour)
Dimension: 24 x 13 x 32cm
Weight: 5.4kg
Filter Material: Silver activated carbon combined with UF
membrane 0.01µm
Certified by JIS (Japan) / SGS (Taiwan)
Filter lifespan: 12000L
Certification: TUV / ISO13485 / SGS
Made in Japan
Environmental-Friendly and Energy Efficient Design
High Quality Compressor: Panasonic
Main Thermostats: EGO (German Brand)
Backup Thermostats: WAKO (Japanese Brand)
Hot Water Tank Insullation Foam: UL approved
R-13a refrigerant: INEOS (Japanese Brand)
ABS Anti-Scratch Stand with adjustable height
Easy maintenance, no parts required for replacement
Type: Freestanding Water Dispenser
Reduction Potential: Max -600mv
pH Range: 3.0-10.0
Electrodes: 3 Platinum plates
Watt: Cold 200W; Hot 750W
Cleaning System: each second automatic reverse cleaning for
1/50 second (3600 times per hour)
• Dimension: 43 x 55 x 134cm
• Weight: 48kg
The world’s first reverse current
self-cleaning feature
During the water ionizing process, BACFREE HealthSpring
Ionized Water System exchanges the positive and negative
electrodes in 1/50 second. This prevents buildup of
magnesium and calcium ions on the electrode panels. After
the water ionizing process is completed, the electrode
panels will self-clean for 10 seconds. The result is evident
Advantages Of BACFREE Ionized Water Systems
Widest PH Range
of 2.7 to 10.5
High Negative ORP powerful
compared to conventional ionized water systems, which
initiate the self-cleaning process only after calcium ions
ionizing chamber
have already built up on the electrode panels, and require
BACFREE’s unique
ionizing chamber
manual cleaning every 6 months.
Electrode Panel
Ionizing membrane
Electrode Panel
Electrode Panel
Ionizing membrane
Electrode Panel
Remove lead &
impurities in water
Double Certified by Japan JIS and
Taiwan SGS
BACFREE utilizes hollow fiber
Features of Hollow Fiber Filter
membrane with unique ions
Remove particles as small as 0.01mic
exchanging resin to effectively
Remove heavy metal such as lead
remove water soluble lead,
Remove chlorine and chlorination by-products
chemical contaminants, harmful
Remove harmful organisms including 13 types
pollutants from the water.
of common pathogens
Remove foul taste and odour
Remove organic chemicals including 21 types
Rich in Calsium, Magnesium
& ionized minerals
Advanced platinum
technology with
proven durability
Patented 1/50s Reverse Current
Self-Cleaning Technology
reduces limescale
Microcluster easier
for body to absorb
The only water ionizer
to be medically certified
with ISO 13485
by TUV Rheinland
Certified with
ISO 9001
Quality Management
Energy Saving
Operation: 120W
Standby: 0.01W
Hollow Membrane passes
JIS test in Japan and
SGS test in Taiwan
Made In Japan
Quality Assurance
The World Over
In recognition
of Quality, Reliability
and Distinction
of common industrial pollutants
Lifespan: 12,000L
What is ionized water?
Ionized water is made up of smaller water
What is ORP and how
does it affect my
molecules (tests showed that ionized water has a
resonance frequency of 56Hz-64Hz whereas tap
ORP stands for Oxidation Reduction
water has that of 133Hz). Hence it has higher
Potential. It is a measure of oxidation
solubility and permeability to carry more nutrients in
and anti-oxidation potential of a
the body and helps discharge toxins from the body.
particular substance. Oxidation can
lead to rusting, aging and rotting.
Ionized water however has high
How can I reverse the
damages caused by free
Free radical is an unstable toxic compound
that has lost a negatively charged electron
due to metabolic oxidation. It will lift
electron from cells in our body and cause a
chain reaction of cellular damage & more
free radical production. HealthSpring
ionized water is rich in antioxidant, which
acts as an efficient antidote that neutralizes
free radicals.
antioxidant potential that is easier for
our body to absorb and reduces the
effects of oxidation induced damage.
Is there a way to
improve my body’s
acidic pH level?
Acidic pH affects the body's ability to
absorb nutrients, hamper energy
production, impair cellular
regeneration and the body’s natural
Why should I consider
an ionized water system
over a water filtration
Tap water in normal household is
oxidant (+ORP) with surface tension of
about 73 dynes/cm, while water around
our body cells is approximately 45
dynes/cm. Besides ensuring effective
water filtration, HealthSpring ionized
water System creates microcluster
antioxidant (-ORP) that hydrates body at
cellular level while improving bodily
functions and general wellbeing.
How do I know if my body
pH is acidic?
Acidic body pH can cause various
illnesses and symptoms such as tiredness,
slower metabolism and excessive gastric
acid. Middle-aged people with acidic
body pH are more prone to gout, high
blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack.
What are the qualities of
health-enhancing water?
Based on the research findings of World
Health Organization (WHO),
health-enhancing water should be pure with
no harmful particles and odour, contains
essential minerals and high oxygen
content, easily absorbed with a slight
alkaline pH, and negatively charged
ORP-25mv to effectively reduce effects of
free radical.
What are the signs of
The sensation of ‘dry mouth’ is a sure
sign that your body is dehydrated.
Poor metabolism, weak excretion
system, pains such as headache,
peptic pain, hypertension, angina,
joint pain could be one of your body’s
cries for water. Regular intake of
detoxification process. Regular
HealthSpring ionized water helps to
consumption of HealthSpring ionized
flush acidic residue from the body
water helps to neutralise acid
and restore optimal pH balance.
build-up by returning the body to its
most ideal state.
The Trusted Water Specialist
Established in 1982 as the pioneer distributor of potable drinking water filters, BACFREE has progressed to become the premier
total water system solutions and service provider in the region. Working hand-in-hand with our technology partners, we are today
an ISO 9001 Quality Managament Standard certified company that provides customers with design engineering and consulting
services, water filtration, rainwater harvesting and wastewater solutions for domestic, commercial and industrial applications.
BACFREE is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in water filtration technology; product innovation and exemplary services. In line
with our pledge:
since 1982
"To keep utilizing our engineering expertise and technological know-how to determine the best filtration solutions without
compromising the quality of our products and health of our customers through sub-standard materials and false claims" and
"To continue to service and advise our valued customers with a clear conscience"
Note :
7, Jalan SS13/3F, Subang Jaya Industrial Estate,
47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-5633 8281
Fax: +603-5633 1785
Subang Jaya Main Showroom
2, Jalan SS19/6,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-5631 7033
Fax: +603-5634 7281
Penang Branch
1-1-2A, Tingkat Mahsuri,
Terrace Plus @ The One,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Penang, Malaysia.
Tel & Fax: +604-646 8281
Johor Bahru Branch
70, Jalan Persisiran Perling,
Taman Perling, 81200 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
Tel: +607-236 1182
Fax: +607-237 1182
Tel:+603-5633 8281