KHHS celebrates Homecoming


KHHS celebrates Homecoming
Lake Region Monitor
USPS 114-170 — Keystone Heights, Florida
Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015
42nd Year — 23rd Issue — 75 CENTS
KHHS celebrates Homecoming
Keystone Heights High
School students celebrated
homecoming last week
with activities culminating
with the annual Pow Wow
pep rally, parade, football
game and dance.
The football team beat
the Belleview Rattlers to
improve to 5-1. See Section
B for more on the game.
Left: On the FFA float:
Connor Turner, Canton
Mann, Hunter Altman and
Courtney Paul.
Miss KHHS,
Hannah Wacha
Fishing team members
(l-r) Collin Reddish, Drew
Love, Dylan Taylor and
Steven Beverly.
Indian Battalion members (l-r) Taylor Butler, Richard
Knight, Mitchell Lilliston and Cynthia Jones. Photos:
Hildebran, unless otherwise noted.
Turkey Shoot
starts Oct. 17
The Sons of AMVETS Turkey
Senior Court: (l-r) Abi Gonzalez, Hannah Crane, King Earl Hall, Queen Crystal Alonzo,
Shoot will be held at AMVETS
Shaw Fuller and Brittany Schellpeper. Photo: Tonya Gibbs.
Post 86, 6685 Brooklyn Bay Rd.
every Saturday beginning Oct.
block will be a classic 1967
17 and running through Nov. 21.
Volkswagen Beetle, at noon.
Sign-up starts at 9 a.m. Proceeds
One family owned the VW that
help local charities.
has 86,666 miles, is still running,
but needs a few replacement
Moonlit hike
parts to put it on the road again.
Accepting applications for
promises scares
vendors until Wednesday, Oct.
Haunted 21. Reserve your space now by
Moonlight Hike will be held at calling 352-475-2413, 352-475Mike Roess Gold Head Branch 3992, or email jmmnanny@
State Park, 6239 S.R. 21 in
Resident: “Peach
Keystone Heights, on Saturday,
Street is going to have a kid dead.”
Oct. 24, along with a costume
dance featuring a live band, The Woman’s Club
Pepper Shakers.
card parties
Loretta Peoples, who lives on
Tickets are $5 per person.
Street, complained about
Ticket sales start at 6 p.m.
pick up practices of
and the gates close at 10 p.m. Keystone Heights will be holding
Refreshments will be available card parties at its clubhouse — Parents picking up their
of whom
the first and second Fridays of children from
for purchase.
This will be a scary hike, so
Heights Elementary School
please use discretion in bringing The cost is $3.00 and includes could soon be ticketed if they and walk to the school, instead
children. Strollers and pets are a dessert buffet, coffee and tea. park on the side of Peach Street. of using the designated parent
prohibited for safety reasons. For Scrabble is also played and a The city council, during its Oct. pickup drive through, which
more information, please contact 50/50 drawing also. For more 5 meeting, had a first reading of commonly overflows after
the ranger station at 352-473- information please contact Kay
an ordinance that would outlaw school.
Alvarez at 352-473-9059.
“How about if these parents
Council votes to
restrict parking
near elementary
Bellamy RoadShow St. William Catholic
Plan to come to the Bellamy
Church Knights
Road Show Saturday, Oct. 24, in
Heritage Park, S.R. 26, Melrose.. of Columbus
Vendors will be selling antiques Felowship Dinner
to fine thrift from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Two special events include
antique appraisals from 10-noon
and a charity auction conducted
by the Keystone Auction Service.
The first item on the auction
Charlie Van Zant.
Oct 24, 6:30 p.m. lasagna,
salad, bread, drink, dessert.
Adults, $10, Children (5-10) $5.
For tickets, see a knight or call
David Dickinson at 352-4731152 or 352-478-5475.
parking on the side of Peach,
between Orchid Avenue and
Highland Avenue.
Lewandowski said parents have
little choice but to park on the
side of the road, because of a
shortage of parking spaces.
“If this is done improperly,
we can make things more
unsafe,” he said about the
proposed ordinance.
park in a parking lot and
get out and walk,” Peoples
She added that the current
situation is creating a safety
hazard for students.
“Peach Street is going to have
a kid dead,” she said.
Woman arrested
in Melrose
traffic death
Accident claimed
life of Brady Crom
Monitor Editor
PALATKA — The Florida
Highway Patrol said a Melrose
speeding and left the scene of an
accident that left a Hawthorne
man dead in March.
Putnam County deputies
executed an arrest warrant for
Laura Ann Ford on Oct. 6.
The State Attorney’s Office
in the Seventh Circuit charged
the 41-year-old with DUI
manslaughter and leaving the
scene of a crash, with death,
involving a pedestrian.
the March 21 crash, said in a
probable cause affidavit that
Ford was driving between 51 and
54 miles-per-hour in a posted 35
miles-per-hour zone when her
1999 Isuzu Rodeo struck Brady
Leigh Crom as the 61-year-old
was attempting to walk across
S.R. 26, near Grove Street.
FHP also said that Ford’s
blood-alcohol level was 0.114 at
the time of the crash. The legal
limit is 0.08.
Crom was a well-known Lake
Region resident. His family
founded the Crom Corporation
of Gainesville, a builder of
industrial and municipal water
His parents, Dr. Theodore
R. Crom and Wynona “Nonie”
Crom hosted a popular July 4th
party at their home on Lake
Winnott, south of Melrose. The
annual event featured sky divers
and was considered one of the
top social events in the Lake
Region through the 1980s.
Crom cared for his mother until
she passed away in December.
Hours after her arrest, Ford
was released on a $50,000 bond.
Deadline Monday 5 p.m. before publication • Phone 352-473-2210 • Fax 352-473-2210
Lake Region Monitor • Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015
Keystone Heights High School Homecoming
On the Carpentry float are (l-r) Dalton Crews, Collin Hyatt, Jordan Joyner and Andrew
On the Art Department float: Safari Ford, Gabbie Bush, Holly Hiers and Quinn Crews.
On the sophomore float, (l-r) Jamie Johnston, Lauren Hovsapien, Brooke Tschorn,
Brandon Ludwig and Johanna Hiers.
Grilling burgers on the parade route are (l-r) Beau Dushane, Lane Edgy, Buddy
Dugger, Dalen Brown, Tony Fils and Hunter Shimer.
4004 SE State Road 21 • Keystone Heights, FL 32656
South of Santa Fe College Watson Campus
School board
Betsy Condon
Senior Pastor, Dr. Craig Moore
Lake Region Monitor
USPS 114-170
Published each Thursday and entered as Periodical Postage
Paid at Keystone Heights, Florida under Act of March 3, 1879.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
Lake Region Monitor
P.O. Drawer A - Starke, FL 32091
7382 SR 21 - Keystone Heights, FL 32656
Phone: (352) 473-2210 • (352) 473-6721
John M. Miller, Publisher
Victoria Bannon.
Subscription Rate in Trade Area
$39.00 per year:
$20.00 six months
Outside Trade Area:
$39.00 per year:
$20.00 six months
Sports Editor:
Dan Hildebran
Cliff Smelley
Kevin Miller
Darlene Douglass
Eileen Gilmore
Advertising and
Newspaper Prod. Earl W. Ray
Classified Adv.
Heather Wheeler
Joan Stewart-Jones
Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 • Lake Region Monitor
Keystone Heights High School Homecoming
Dance team members (l-r) Rebecca Baker, Nikki Welch, Baylee Smith, Larissa
Campbell, Taylor Jordan and Courtney Warner.
On the prize-winning Junior float, Abbie Loose and Anna Wilkes.
(L-r) Junior Class Representatives: Logan Gorman and Tori Savoy; Sophomore
Class Representatives: Matt Stovall and Christian Buchanan; Freshmen Class
Representatives: Chandler Padgett and Brylee Hawkins. Photo: Tonya Gibbs.
On the Senior float: Thomas Horne and Eric Feiley.
Lake Region Monitor • Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015
audience participation, good
music, and lots of fun. Their
accolades in the folk community
as Kerrville New Folk Finalists
and Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Emerging Artists! This live
concert is part of the weekly
Coffee Talk series held each
Wednesday at Artisans’ Way
Gallery, 5910 Hampton St.,
Melrose. Snacks and coffee
are available. Free admission;
donations gratefully accepted.
Be sure to go by the Silver Lining
gift shop and see the work of
Malcolm Randall VA Medical local Artists.
The Bellamy Road Show will Center. Opening Reception
start at 8 a.m. in the Heritage Friday, Nov. 6 to 9 p.m.
The regular meeting of the
Park. Booths are available for
Democratic Women’s Club of
the public to set up. Cost is
Melrose Community Business the Lakes Area will be Oct. 22
$10 per table. Contact Judy Association Monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the old Melrose
MaClaren, vice president of the was held at the Homemakers Homemaker’s Club, 25728 Park
Historical Melrose Inc. at 352- Club in Melrose on Oct. 13, St. The special guest is Democratic
475-3992. An Auction will be discussion as follows: Elections candidate for District 19 Florida
held after 10 a.m. on a Classic were held for the following, House of Representatives, Joe
1967 Volkswagen Beetle. This Joe Rush will be president for Snodgrass. Come and hear his
one- owner family Bug has another two year term, Stasha plans for representing District.
86,666 miles under its belt and Rudolph will keep the position 19. DWCLA meetings are open
is still running. Windows and of Secretary, Board of Directors to all registered Democrats.
horn work. Original documents renewal will be Tim Parker, newly Membership is open to men.
include bill of sale. Original elected are Christine Louton, Refreshments
seats and paint. What it needs Linda Kemp and Tommie Sapp.
and meetings last approx. 90
besides new tires, brakes, etc.
The Merry Melrose Christma minutes. For more info call Fran
and body work is a second s Parade will change the name Rossano 352-475-3012.
loving owner to restore it. to “A Cartoon Christmas.” Grand
Other antiques and collectibles Marshall will be Cornelius
Betty’s Pizza and Italian
will be auctioned off starting Clayton, Melrose’s Ambassador Restaurant is displaying local
at noon as part of the Bellamy and Historian Extraordinaire. artists work for sale by Barbara
Road Show.
applications Hicks and Joy Wigg.
available at Ameris Bank and
Melrose Live! Variety Show online at
Dream Center presents:
Oct. 24 starting at 7 pm. Music,
Family night with fun and
dance, and comedy are on the
MBCA Christmas Party and games for all ages, food and
bill at Melrose Live! The program Dance mixer will be Dec. 11 refreshments. Starting at 6 p.m.
showcases local talent. Not from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at to 9 p.m. Movie at 8 p.m. Come
to be missed are the Men’s the Dream Center. Everyone is join their group and enjoy the
Synchronized Swim Team and welcome to come and enjoy. festivities offered.
the Ephesians 4 Pastors’ Prayer For information on donations of
suggested food and money and help go to
The Melrose Pack-a-Sack
donation of $8 for adults the website.
program for Melrose Elementary
and $4 for children includes
School which provides food and
refreshments. The event is held
Senior Healthcare Center of snacks for children meets every
at the Trinity Episcopal Church Melrose was represented by Wednesday to pack snacks for
Parish Hall, SR 26, Melrose, North Florida Regional Clinic the students at the Melrose UMC.
and is sponsored by the Trinity Manager, Kathryn Cross R.N. Participates include the Melrose
Church Community Outreach The Senior Healthcare Center is UMC, Orange Creek-camp Ville
Committee which supports Lake staffed by specialized Geriatric UMC, Trinity Episcopal, Eliam
Area Ministries food bank and physicians and ARNPs servicing Baptist, and the Girl Scouts. If
the Pack-a-Sack food program at the population of Melrose anyone wishes to donate money
Melrose Elementary School and with those 65 years and above. to the PAC-n-Sac program please
other outreach ministries. Please Special cases maybe accepted send to Melrose UMC P.O. Box
call Trinity at 352.475.2177 to for those younger than 65.
576, Melrose, and FL 32666.
make your reservations.
Trinity Episcopal Church opens
Christine Louton representing at 9 a.m. their church thrift
Halloween Auction Oct. 31. the Four Corners Transportation store every Thursday. Specials
Fundraiser auction to support Association asked for all those on clothes and other items are
the Melrose Senior Community who want transportation to fill available.
Center, 307 SR 26, and Melrose. out the survey that will be in
Live music by the McPlayers, and the community and on line to
Teen Night every Thursday
costume dance following the identify their needs by filling out from 5 pm to 8 p.m. Fun,
auction. Call 352.235.5160 for the survey. You can go on line positive activities for young
at adults. Held at the Melrose
Elvis in Melrose Oct. 31 at 4 LATdemand. Last date to fill out
pm. Live music by the McPlayers, the survey is Oct. 25. You can
and a costume dance at the also fill out the survey and mail
Melrose Senior Community to the address on the back. If
Center, 307 SR 26, Melrose. Best you are interested in having
ELVIS Contest to be held during public transportation in Melrose
the dance/concert. Tickets $5 at and the surrounding area please
the door. Call 352.235.5160 for fill out the survey.
In Honor of The Veterans
Coffee Talk at Artisans Way
Day Gallery 26 will present Nov. this Wednesday, Oct. 21 from
6 Art walk “In Honor of those 11 a.m., to 1 p.m. Friction Farm
Who Helped Keep Us Free,” a is a husband and wife team of
special exhibition of Veteran’s guitarist/vocalist Aidan Quinn
and VA staff artwork on display and bassist/vocalist Christine
for the month of November. The Stay who combine storytelling
exhibition will be curated by the and social commentary to
UF Center for Arts in Medicine create a live performance full
and the RVTRI Creative Arts of funny and poignant stories,
Therapy Program at the spontaneous
Around the Lakes
Dream Center, 301 SR 26, and
Melrose. Call Tommy or Angie
Sapp at 352.475.2982 for details.
The Melrose Library presents
Oct. 29 a documentary on
Eleanor Roosevelt presented
by Barbara Overlander. All are
invited for this informative
The Melrose Library will
have Story Time for Early
Readers ages 0-2 every Tuesday
starting at 10 a.m. and ages 3-5
every Thursday starting at 10
a.m. bring the children and let
them enjoy the experience of
reading. Sign up for their weekly
email newsletter and listen to
their weekly podcast. Log onto Check out
Clyde the wonder dog, petassisted therapy at Paws to
Read every second Friday of the
month after school at 3:30 p.m.
Clyde is a Leonberger, a special
breed of the St. Bernard, the
Newfoundland and the Great
Pyrennes. They are self-assured
and calm, with a steady, playful
demeanor. The Putnam County
Library system has partnered
with Brainfuse to offer free
online tutoring and so much
more for students of all ages.
Get help today go on line to your
library website: Funinputnam.
com, click on reference, tab, and
then click on Brainfuse to get
connected to a live tutor. The
library is still accepting donations
of children’s books for students
from kindergarten through third
grade. You can bring the books to
the Melrose Library. The books
will go to the students receiving
the PAC-n- Sack program. There
is a need for school supplies for
the school as well. Needed items
are noted by grade in the school
office lobby.
out enjoy what the senior center
has to offer and check out the
art work. They are still displaying
the acrylic artwork of the
seniors. All work is for sale and
will be up through the month of
October and November.
6 pm at the historic Homemakers
Club, 25728 Park St., Melrose, FL,
32666. All levels. Suggested $10
love offering. For information
Lake Area Beekeepers Club
First Tuesday at 7 p.m. Monthly
The Santa Fe Audubon Society meeting held at Gallery 26 in
will have an event Saturday, Melrose. Call Douglas Rudd at
Oct. 24, Lubee Bat Festival. 352.473.1009 for details.
This is a free event. The Lubee
Bat Conservatory is a research
Melrose Democrats every
facility in Gainesville. There fourth Saturday at 10 a.m.
will be scheduled talks by the at Betty’s Pizza, SR 21 N and
director and staff while viewing Wynwood Ave, Melrose. For
the bats. Address is Lubee Bat details call Fran Rossano at
Conservatory 1309 NW 192nd 352.475.3012.
Ave. Gainesville FL. Meet at the
Melrose Heritage Park at 9:15
Contra Dance second Friday
am to carpool. Contact Joyce 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Susan
King at 352-475-1999 for more Rudder calls the moves at the
Melrose Dream Center, 301
Hwy 26, Melrose, 352.475.2924.
Medicare Counseling every $5 at the door.
third Monday from 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m. SHINE volunteers
Four Corners Transportation
provide free, confidential, and Associates
unbiased counseling to assist Tuesday
Medicare beneficiaries with Monthly meeting to discuss
any Medicare challenges. For transportation
further information or a phone solutions for the four-county
consultation please call the Elder area, held at the Homemakers
Helpline at 1-800-963-5337. To Club, Melrose, following the
learn about SHINE online, go to monthly MBCA General meeting.
West Putnam Democrats meet
Community Meditation every Saturday, Oct. 24 10 a.m. at
Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Betty’s Pizza for breakfast pizza,
at the historic Homemakers coffee and to hear candidates for
Club, 25728 Park St., Melrose, Putnam County Sheriff. For info
FL, 32666. All beings welcome! call Fran Rossano 352-475-3012.
For information contact Jennifer
Pritchett 352.475.1255.
YOGA every Tuesday 9 am and
Melrose Library presents
Art Classes with Gayle Bone a
professional in Art Education
Free classes for young people
ages 8-15. For more information
call the Melrose Library at 352475-1237. Seating is limited.
Senior Center at Melrose is
open Mondays, Wednesdays and
Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Scheduled are Mondays
a.m. quilting and more , 9 a.m.
painting, p.m. Mexican train
dominos and 3:15 is Tai Chi class.
Wednesdays are 9:30 Bunco,
Noon lunch, 1 p.m. Bridge, 2:30
p.m. Ping Pong and 3:15 Tai Chi
class, and Fridays are 10 a.m.
Bingo, 1 p.m. a movie and 1- 4
Ping Pong. Friday floats. Come
Join us in recognizing, celebrating &
By placing a Tribute in
October 22, 2015
Deadline: Monday, Oct. 19, 2015
Daytime Phone
Home Phone
Include your tribute (with photo or artwork if desired). For more information call
Darlene at
or email
Bring in your tribute to:
The Bradford County Telegraph
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