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Longstanton Life
Volume 14, Issue No. 4 August-September 2013
Life in your locality
Success for Longstanton Youngsters in Judo.
See page 4 for full story.
Also in this issue… Summer Craft Fair News, Poetry from Jean Hopkins, Update on
Daphne’s fundraising … Plus our other regular features including… Sports News Community
Concerns Cllr’s. Reports LDHS Update Surgery Updates eCops,
The information in The Longstanton Life is provided in good faith and we have tried to ensure that it is accurate and correct. However, neither the editorial team
nor the contributors can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions or any consequential losses of any form whatsoever arising there from.
Editorial team were Tony Cowley, Pam Buckridge, Sarah Ballard, Natasha Chambers, John Pratt and Ruth Kilcullen.
The Longstanton Life newsletter is Copyright © 2000 -2013 The Editorial Team. All Rights Reserved. Editorial graphics © LLife
Sunday School
The Rectory, High St.
Susan Meah
Tennis Club
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
Messy Church
Bowls Club
Village Institute*
The Pavilion
Susan Meah
Marion Edwards
Hatton Park School
Tina Chasse
2nd of month
2nd of month
Mother and Baby Clinic
Parish Council
Village Institute*
Village Institute*
(Open meeting)
3rd of month
Village Institute*
Dorothy Peel
Mini JAFFAs (pre-schoolers)
All Saints’ Church
Susan Meah
Judo for all ages (call for details)
Hatton Park School
Ian Slack
Tennis Club night
Adult Cricket training
The Pavilion
Call for details
Sarah Ballard
Kevin Salaman
07985 938959
Cambridge Freestyle Martial Arts
Village Institute*
Rory / Martin
07523 854251
07535 646234
ATC (Air Training Corps)
Cadet Centre
Music Madness (0-3yrs)
Village Institute*
Kari Law
Army Cadet Force (12-18yrs)
Cadet Centre
Lt . Bill Badcock
01223 503950
Bell ringers practice
All Saints’ Church
Hatton Park School
Mike Cartwright
Tina Chasse
01487 841811
Rainbow Club (bump-1yr)
Football training
Ballroom Dancers, beginners
Village Institute*
Recreation Ground
Hatton Park School
Susan Meah
Luke McAvoy
Mike Cartwright
07795 321494
2000-Onward Ballroom Dancer, advance
Hatton Park School
Mike Cartwright
ATC (Air Training Corps)
Cadet Centre
Longstanton Art Group
Christine Shephard
Little Leprechauns playgroup (0-4)
Village Institute*
Andrea Todman
Junior Cricket training
Call for details
Kevin Salaman
Tennis Club night
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
1000 - 1100
Longstanton Colts Football Club
(6 - 12yrs)
Tennis Club
Recreation Ground
Louise Gamon
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
3rd of month
07985 938959
01487 841811
07931 772697
07985 938959
07985 938959
* It should be noted that the Village Institute is available for hiring for a variety of functions; the manager is Dr William Sellwood who should be
contacted for all bookings on 0755 2688243 or by email: villageinstitute@googlemail.com The Pavilion also offers private party function
facilities, discuss your requirements for any family & friends gatherings - e.g. weddings, birthdays, funerals. Michael Binks should be contacted
on 01954 782233 or email longstantonpav@btinternet.com
Memory Lane, Where, When and Why?
Photo LDHS via Tom Eaton
Answers to June/ July’s W, W, W?
Where: Longstanton
recreation ground on
the occasion of the
opening of the new
Pavilion by the
mayor of Cambridgeshown seated fourth
from the left.
Photo LDHS via Tom Eaton
When: c1960.
Why: To provide proper changing and facilities for
the teams of sportsmen & women from village that
use the recreation ground.
Sports News
Dear Readers,
Well, what a difference in weather from the last time we were compiling
The Life! Today is beautifully sunny; the village is in full bloom and
looking splendid.
This issue is packed with community news from our sports clubs,
Councillors, LDHS and Hatton Park School. As well as our regular
contributors, we have been lucky to receive news on the Summer Craft
Fair held in the Village Institute, a Speedwatch update and a delightful
poem from Jean Hopkins.
We also have published our first ever 1/4 page full colour advertisement. If
you are a business owner please do consider using space in the magazine to
tell everybody in Longstanton what services you offer.
If the sun is still shining when you are reading this, we hope that you are
able to take some time to pull up a garden chair, have a nice cup of tea and
to keep up to date with what’s happening in your village. If you have more
time to spare, it would be lovely if you could put pen to paper (or fingertip
to keyboard!) and write to us.
If you have children about to embark on the long summer holidays,
perhaps you could encourage them to take some photos around the village
and write to us to let us know how they are spending their holidays in the
village. We’d love to hear all of your summertime news.
Enjoy your summer!
Your LLife Editorial Team
Community Concerns
Hatton Primary
Ray Manning
Alex Riley, District Cllr.
Gill Ashby, Parish Council
Summer Craft Fair
The Mouse
Readers’ Letters
Regular Items
Village Diary
Memory Lane
Pavilion News
Ballroom Dancing, Bell Ringing
LDHS Update
Longstanton Surgery
Over Surgery
Church Times
Spot Ads
Line and Standard Rate Ads
All Saints Bell Ringers
We have had a quiet couple of months, however those
of us that regularly attend practice nights
and Sunday services enjoy the sound of our set of 8
We managed to gather 8 ringers for the 23rd of June to
welcome The Archbishop Rowan Williams and Master
of Magdalene College to our church. He came across
as a humble man and his sermon was presented effortlessly; a truly wonderful speaker.
The Archbishop Rowan Williams will be back on the
28th of July. I would recommend the whole of the
village come to our church and enjoy a true man of the
Mike Cartwright
Please note that the copy deadline for the
October/November 2013 edition of LLife is
5.00pm on Wed 28th August, 2013
Contributions for next issue: by email to
longstantonlife@hotmail.com or drop off at
the Post Office
Cho Wa Judo Club
Well done to everyone competing in the Spring
Nearly everyone won at least one
bout. Congratulations to Julia and Archie especially as they were
competing in their first competition, to Graydon for the highest
scoring throw for the under 10s, and to Tomas and Ben for
excellent groundwork.
Under 10s
Under 24kg
1st Tomas Jenkins
2nd Archie Scott
3rd Luke Hamilton
4th Jonathon Hamilton
Under 40kg
1st Jack Smith
2nd Peter Meah
3rd Aiden Bailey
Over 40kg
1st Hassan Ali
2nd Jasmine Cartwright
Under 30kg
1st Amani Hajee
2nd Hazel Bailey
3rd Graydon McLeod-Fleming
4th Andrew Meah
5th Julia Holt
Junior Grading June 2013
A successful day for all Cho Wa
Judo Club members grading at the
Anglian Regional Junior Grading on
the 23rd June. Jasmine Cartwright
gained two blue tabs for her green
belt after a fine demonstration of
katame no kata and a big jump for
Jack Smith to orange belt with three
Significant advances for
Daniel Rutter, Alison Meah, Amani
Hajee, Ben Brevoort, Jonathan Hamilton and Luke Hamilton in
the under 10s and Georgina Marshall and Lars Cockwell in the
under 16s. Excellent first gradings for Lonneke Cockwell, Archie
Scott and Julia Holt, all gaining the maximum of three tabs. Well
done to all.
Sensei Ian Slack Nidan Doshi.
Over 30kg
1st Steffanie Jenkins
2nd Daniel Rutter
3rd Ben Brevoort
4th Malcolm McLeod…...Fleming
5th Alison Meah
Under 16s
A small field but hard
fought. Special mention to Jack for retaining the Stylist Trophy
with his thrown ippon and Jasmine for fighting the mighty
Ball Room Dancing
Continuing from my last report, most of us
can now dance the Ballroom Tango
(not the Argentine original version ) to a
reasonable standard. Our thanks go to
Peter and Sam Nightingale for their time
and patience. We have been without our
dance teacher this term, however we have
been fine tuning the dances and individual
steps we already know. It's one
thing knowing the steps but it is all down to
posture and style which make the steps
look so enchanting.
We have two raw beginners who can now dance the
Waltz and some quickstep. We also have one young
couple who my partner and I are teaching a dance sequence for their wedding day; it's always a delight to do
Longstanton Grasshoppers Cricket Club
Longstanton Grasshoppers CC are enjoying a much better season
than last year, the weather has been kind, if chilly, and
we have played most of our matches.
Our teams are all playing very well with mixed results
but overall we are enjoying cricket in all age groups.
Training has been very well attended on Friday
evenings, I am sure in part due to Terry and his
excellent BBQ skills. The BBQ and quiz nights help to raise
valuable funds which all go back into the club to buy equipment,
fund external coaches and contribute towards the winter indoor
training sessions. Thanks to all for your ongoing support.
Fingers crossed the current good weather stays with us, the cricket
continues and we see more of you playing and watching cricket
down at the rec soon.
Please visit our new website for up to date information at
Kevin Salaman lgcc@dot-ball.co.uk
Email mikec321@btinternet.com
Mike Cartwright
The garden party held by Daphne
on 3rd July raised an impressive
This will be used to support the
Salvation Army’s on-going work.
Daphne would like to express her
thanks to everybody that contributed to her fundraising.
teams so there is some hope for improvement in the placings.
Similarly for our 2 mixed teams who
The weather finally warmed up at last in are currently languishing near the botJuly and it has been very pleasant for the tom, but have three games in hand over
last few weeks playing bowls on the warm the top-placed team.
summer evenings. We had a few challenges early in the season with our bowls We are feeling the loss of one of our
green so played our early matches at away most experienced players and stalwart
clubs. The grass has finally grown back in and we are back to supporters of Longstanton Bowls Club.
playing on our home green.
Sadly, David Thompson passed away
Longstanton are doing well in the Cambridge & District Bowls in June after a long illness. Happily he
League. Our division 4 team have won 7 out of their 11 games was able continue playing until about
so far, giving us 47.5 points and putting us in second place. Our two weeks before his death. He very
division 5 team has only won 2 out of their 8 matches so far, but much enjoyed his bowls and was an
able and supportive skip. He will be
are safely clear of the bottom spot above Melbourn and Histon.
very much missed.
True to previous form, we are not doing so well in the Business
Houses Pairs league. Our men’s team are currently third from If you are interested in joining the Bowls Club or would like
bottom, but have a number of games in hand over the other more information then please contact Marion Edwards on 01954
780118 or email to marionedwards1@btinternet.com.
Longstanton Bowls Club
Longstanton Tennis Club
Wimbledon fever is over for another year, but the 2013
Championships will go down in history for all the right
reasons! Wall-to-wall sunshine, some amazing tennis, plenty of
close matches and upsets, with several of the top seeds (both
Men’s and Women’s) going out very early, and of course a
British winner ! I’m sure our lucky members that got the
chance to go had a great
day out, especially Ben
and Dina who were there
on Centre Court to watch
Andy Murray win the
As has now become a
tradition, we had a
tournament of our own in
Longstanton, on the
morning of the Men’s Final. Many of our members fought
tooth and nail in the searing heat, then retired under the gazebo
for a well-earned BBQ. Congratulations to
our joint tournament winners,
Cheryl and David.
Thank you to the Pavilion for providing our strawberries and
cream, and of course for showing the match on the big screen.
We also held a cheese and wine evening at the Pavilion back in
June, which proved very popular and hopefully educational (at
least at the start of the evening!). This season we have planned
more social events than ever before, so there couldn’t be a
better time to join, for great fun on and off the court. Please
check our website for an application form and the latest updates
www.longstantontennis.co.uk. Any suggestions for future
social events, and offers of help organising them, are very
Our men’s and mixed teams have both been playing against
other local clubs in the Business Houses leagues. Well done to
the captains of both teams for arranging all of the fixtures and
getting teams out.
If you’d like to find out more about junior coaching or any
aspect of club membership or court hire, please contact me on
07985 938959. Alternatively, why not pop down to one of our
Club sessions and meet some of the other members? Club
nights are Tuesdays and Fridays from 6pm, Saturday
afternoons from 2pm and Sunday mornings from 11am. Hope
to see you there!
Sarah Ballard
The next Andy Murray?
Gerry presents Cheryl and
David with their prize
Cambridgshire is the lowest funded county in
terms of money per pupil but successive
governments have refused to do anything about
it until now. The crucial bit will no doubt be in
the detail yet to be published but at least there is
the promise of a new national funding formula
from 2015.
County Councillor Report
This is the first
report that I
have written for Longstanton since being elected to represent
the Village. I would like to thank all those who voted for me
and also thank the parish council for their welcoming
The first issue is the welcome news that the A14 is back in the
frame for improvement with a start date of 2016. It was
described by both the Treasurey and the Department for
Transport as “a three legged stool”, requiring funding from
local councils, the government and tolling. If all three were not
in place it could not happen. There will be a local access road
from Swavesey to Girton so that we will not have to pay.
It is obvious that the winter weather did a lot of damage to the
roads, it seems wherever you go there are pot holes and
cracking tarmac in every stretch of highway. I have had many
reports of these and I do pass the complaints on to the
Department. It is possible and often quicker to log on to the
website and report them directly online but please continue to
contact me if that is easier to do.
Ray Manning
The fairer funding for schools campaign seems to be helping
to right what has been a real injustice for many years.
general acceptance that Northstowe cannot precede unless the
A14 is upgraded.
District Councillor Notes
That leaves the issue of the B1050 and whether it can possibly
handle all the traffic from Northstowe Phase 1 in addition to
what it currently carries. Nick Boles MP, a planning minister,
recently came to Longstanton and heard the message loud and
clear from all sides that the Government cannot expect to build
Northstowe without providing the required infrastructure. That
means both the upgrade to the A14 and the road direct from
Bar Hill to the North of the Northstowe site. The effect of this
road, which was promised by the 2007 Northstowe Area
Action Plan, would be to remove all Northstowe traffic through
our village from the B1050 In combination with the A14
upgrade, that would transform the traffic situation faced by our
village from intolerable to manageable.
The plot of land just North of Nelson Crescent
has had planning consent for houses and
various shops, including a Convenience Store,
for some time. Recently the Co-op announced
that it wanted to put a shop there and submitted
a planning application.
However, this
application specified a cooling plant which was
considerably noisier than had been originally anticipated. I
understand that SCDC Environmental Health officers are very
concerned about the noise levels and their potential impact on
close neighbours (remember that this site was originally
intended to be a doctors’ surgery).
Consequently the
application has been referred back for more work to be done on
Please contact me on cllr.riley@scambs.gov.uk or ring me on
01954 208000 and I will do my best to help.
Alex Riley, District Councillor
It was a considerable shock to learn that the golf course was
shut down at the end of June with only a week’s notice. I do
not see what Northstowe-related activity is going to take place
on the site before the end of September and the three months
July-September must surely represent the busiest of the year for
any golf club. It just seems like a pointless premature removal
of a local facility.
Longstanton Parish
Council Notes
There still are no proposals for exactly which aspects of the
first phase of Northstowe are due to be implemented initially.
They will need to be agreed by the Northstowe Committee,
possibly at its August meeting
Monday 10th June
The statement, by the Parish Council
about Ms P Haywood, was presented
to the meeting:
The recent announcement that the A14 upgrade is at last going
to happen is of course good news. The Government did
actually axe the previous planned upgrade on the grounds that,
at £1.2 Billion, it was unaffordable. The new scheme, at £1.5
Billion, is deemed affordable. I understand that it will be pretty
much the scheme that we have previously been consulted on,
but with tolling for through traffic (believed to be at the modest
rate of £1 per car and £2 per lorry). The addition of tolling
may add problems, which are not yet known about. In
exchange for a contribution from SCDC and from the County
there is a commitment to local vehicles not paying any tolls.
Work is due to start in 2016, and to take 3 years. Cynics have
pointed out that 2016 is after the next General Election in 2015
and that consequently a new incoming Government could still
decide to axe this upgrade. However, there does seem to be
“Update of the situation regarding Ms P Haywood and
Investigation into irregularities within Longstanton Parish
In 2012 Councillor Brash-Hall and myself as the
appointed and approved investigative panel for the
council, carried out a forensic investigation of previous
accounts of LPC. We discovered a number of
irregularities over the 2009-10-11 period.
These particular irregularities did not relate to the
Pavilion activities. We went back to the Employment
Committee and full Council with our findings. We
recommended to Council that the Police were informed at
this point and the Council agreed.
Following an investigation by the Police we have been
informed of the following letter from CAMBRIDGESHIRE
POLICE detective sergeant Toovey:
Moving forward following outline planning permission being
given for Northstowe here is an important date for the diary:
Friday September 20th at 7.00pm
Public Discussion Meeting:
‘The Future of Secondary Education for Longstanton and
This meeting is open to everyone, so come and get your
questions answered.
The panel will consist of SCDC Northstowe officers, Diocesan
of Ely, Swavesey Village College, County Council and South
Cambs District Councillors.
Venue: Hatton Park School.
Monday 12th August, and there is an important Northstowe
item on the agenda:
Back in 2007, Parish Councillors started work defining the
Northstowe boundary; this was suspended when the feasibility
of Northstowe was questioned at that point. Now Northstowe
is back again we can resume that task. As a first step, SCDC
will be giving a short presentation to the parish at that Parish
Council meeting on August 12th.
The placement of the Northstowe Parish boundary will affect
many residents of Longstanton and so there will be public
meetings and consultations stretching over several months
from August onward. Your views are important so please
make sure you get them heard.
The village website and the notice boards will be carrying
more information during August.
Happy Holidays!
Gill Ashby, chairman
Longstanton Parish Council
Following your complaint of theft against Pauline Haywood
I am writing to advise you that my enquiries are complete.
I can confirm that Pauline Haywood made payments to herself in the sum of £15,000. Between June 2009 and May
2011 and all these payments are over and above her salary.
In terms of a criminal investigation there is insufficient evidence to prosecute Pauline Haywood for any offence. There
is no evidence of any offence concerning the alteration or
misrepresentation of records kept for accounting purposes
or fraud. The same applies to an offence under the Theft Act.
Theft would have been the most appropriate offence but
Pauline Haywood claims she was honest in what she did and
she claims to have an honestly held belief she was entitled to
this money. In order to prosecute Pauline Haywood for theft,
it would be necessary for the prosecution to prove (beyond
any reasonable doubt) that she was dishonest and did not
believe she was entitled to the money.”
I invite you to bring to my attention any further evidence that
may affect my decision.
DS Toovey
We will not go into any further detail at this point but this
gives you a flavour of what has occurred.
It is clear that there has been a derogation of duty by previous
Councils in adhering to basic levels of financial control. This
has meant that the Councils’ insurance policy has been null
and void for this period with regards to reclaiming any monies.
A criminal prosecution cannot take place at this time as the
letter states as there is insufficient evidence though the case
does remain open and should any further evidence be obtained
this council will forward immediately to the police.
The Council is exploring a whether a civil action against
individuals in relation to these matters can be progressed.
There has been a lot of talk in relation to possible financial
irregularities in the way the Pavilion was managed between
2010 and May 2012. We can find no relevant and tangible
evidence of this at the present time and unfortunately no one
has come forward with any relevant evidence, this despite
requests from the current Council, the Police and from
CAPALC to past Council Chairman.
As a result of findings from the investigative panel, the
Council took the decision to hold a disciplinary hearing
against the Clerk Ms P Haywood.
We appointed a disciplinary panel made up entirely of
Independent Councillors from outside of this Council. We also
worked very closely with our Solicitors and with the help and
guidance of CAPALC.
The disciplinary panel heard a total of 13 allegations against
the clerk and on the majority of these the outcome of gross
and /or serious misconduct was given.
As a result of this Ms Pauline Haywood has been summarily
dismissed as of 15th May 2013 with the advise that she had the
right to appeal in line with Employment Law. To this day no
response has been received therefore Ms P Haywood remains
summarily dismissed.
Gill Ashby, chairman
Longstanton Parish Council
10th June, 2013”
Have you heard of CamLETS? It
is a wonderful scheme (found in
the UK, and globally) which is a
kind of bartering system and is a
way that individuals in a community can trade skills, services or
goods without using real money.
LETS stand for Local Exchange Trading Systems, and
CamLETS has been running in this area (based in Cambridge)
very successfully since 1993. We meet regularly to trade and
socialise and the next one is at Ian Hunter’s house on Sunday
August 4th, between 3 and 5 pm.
28 Stephensons Road Longstanton Cambridge CB24 3GY
Telephone: 01954 781391
If you would like to learn more, do come along and chat to us,
or look at our website http://www.cam.letslink.org
Summer Craft Fair Saturday 1st June
It was, as ever, fantastic to see so many villagers sifting through
the wares on sale at our summer craft fair. This was certainly the
best attended event
so far and I
continue to be
overwhelmed by
the enthusiasm and
comments of all in
the village who
come along – it’s
clearly a popular
affair so I shall do
continue to run the type of event that you want in the village and
really appreciate all the feedback! For example – I’m wondering
if villagers would be interested in being able to sit and have tea/
coffee/refreshments at the event? I did trial this at the first fair
and there was little uptake so I’ve not offered it since. Likewise
if anyone would like to volunteer to help serve teas and coffees,
I’d love to hear from you, as this is always an interesting thing to
juggle with running my own stall!
There were lots of different stalls on June 1st, many new
stallholders and as usual, most items for sale were hand crafted
or made by the stall holders
themselves, either trying to
establish a business from home or
just hoping to share their passion
with another person who might
also appreciate what they do
enough to spend a few pennies on
it – thanks to all who did! It was a
huge success all round so it will
be hard to beat but let’s make it
even bigger and more popular
next time, which will
September 2013 from
10am till 12.30 and
will have a very
theme. This fair will
again be at the Village
Institute. Entry is
FREE so look out for
posters going up around the village to advertise the event and
please come along – or contact me if you would be interested in
booking a stall of your own. There will be lots of different stalls
to previous events, and I now have a record number of villagers
(7) who will be running their own stalls. There are still a few
more spaces, so please contact me if you live in the village and
would love to take part or want any
details of stall holders.
Grateful thanks are also extended to
William Sellwood, the manager of the
Village Institute works tirelessly
behind the scenes to set up, help
prepare the hall for such heavy
footfall, and even dashed home from
the Strawberry Fair on June 1st to beat
me to it when it came to the big postfair clear up – thank you!
Sarah Kerley, Event Organiser
The Mouse
A mouse in the house
Oh dear! Oh dear!
It won’t be easy to
catch, I fear.
The answer of course,
Could be trap
That usually works
Without mishap.
A piece of cheese
Should do the trick
And the end of the pest
Should be quick.
But no! The little beggar
Has taken the cheese
And done a runner!
The next attempt
Must be much keener
Maybe we’ll catch it
In the cleaner.
Help needed!
We urgently need volunteers on the Constaine Place Estate to
deliver the Longstanton Life .
If you can help please contact Margaret Hunt
On 01954 780 999 or email margaret@jmcarpetcare.com.
Furniture moved
Great upheaval
Cushion upturned
No sign of the devil!
Back to the trap
Four in all
Surely this will end it all.
Yes! Yes! One sharp snap
Oh thank goodness
For the trap!
No mouse in the house.
Distributors: - if I do not have your
e mail address then please can
you forward it to me so that I
may let you know when I will be
delivering the magazines and
you can also e mail me if you
will be on holiday so that I don't
leave the bags on your doorstep!!
Thanks for all your help.
Margaret Hunt
Jean Hopkins (nee
Pilchard, Huckel)
ECOPS report
I have recently been conducting
Speedchecks in different areas of
the village to monitor speeding. I
have also been asked to raise
residents’ awareness of the issues
of parking close to junctions and
o v e r p a v e m e n t s wh e r e b y
insufficient room is left for
wheelchair users or people with
pushchairs to pass. Unfortunately
I have had to issue a few tickets
Professor Tim Sparks
“Spring forwards, fall
backwards: are our
seasons changing?”
An illustrated
All meetings are at Over Town Hall commencing at 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated
Lifts available if required
PLEASE PHONE: Tim Parish: 01954 203035
or Pat Miles: 01954 780485
PLEASE CONTACT: frparish@ntlworld.com
Admission Free unless otherwise stated.
However a donation of £2 per indoor meeting towards overheads & refreshments
would be much appreciated.
I have also been monitoring
parking around the area of Kides
Crescent and the new estate there
after reports from residents that
vehicles are being left parked over
the pavements.
I have been along to Hatton Park Primary several times now
and am hopefully learning a few names and faces!
Kindest regards
PCSO 7376 Kerrie Harding
Histon Safer Neighbourhood Team
Histon Police Station
Tel: 101 ext: 3732 / 7111276
Email: kerrie.harding@cambs.pnn.police.uk
Come to our next panel meeting and have your say on what the
police should tackle in your area.
Find out the date of the next meeting in your area and find out
more about your local policing team by visiting http://
Messy Church
Sunday 15th September
from 4 - 6pm in the Village Institute
Games – Crafts – Food - Songs .....
and more!
A monthly occasion when families can come together to sing,
play games, learn about the Christian faith, enjoy crafts and
eat together.
Organised by All Saints' Church, Longstanton. Contact Susan Meah for
more information. Telephone 01954 781258
Hatton Park Primary School News
Busy Term for Sport
Hatton Park pupils have continued to represent their school
well over recent weeks across a range of sports competitions.
Pupils from across Key Stage 2 have taken part in
competitions for Netball, Athletics and Kwik Cricket and
performed outstandingly well. We have competed against, and
beaten, some much
larger schools with a
greater number of
pupils to select from
within each year group,
so those taking part
should be hugely proud
of their achievements
as we all are here.
Grafham Residential Trip
Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in
the annual residential visit to
Grafham Water, spending three
days in the grounds of the
waterside adventurous activities
The pupils took part in all manner
of outdoor activities from raft
building to high ropes and
canoeing to a 10-mile bike ride.
The Hatton Park pupils shared
the facility with several other
schools, despite staying in a
separate accommodation block, and it was pleasing to see how
well our pupils behaved when compared to the hundred other
SAT Tests
to all of the
Years 2 and 6
their SATs tests
concern or upset.
It is never an
the Year 6s who sit the tests in a very formal and traditional
fashion, one child to a table, facing forwards in rows in the
school hall in silence. The pupils sat multiple tests during the
course of SATs week and were real a credit to themselves,
the school and their families and we would like to thank both
the children for their efforts and their
parents for the support they showed the
children in the run-up to the tests.
We look forward to sharing the results
of these tests in the coming weeks and
very much hope that the final results
mirror the effort that went into the
tests and reward to pupils for their hard
British Heart Foundation
Hatton Park held a charity sports day in
June raising money for the British Heart
Foundation. The Key Stage 1 pupils took
part in a series of skipping challenges including a skipping
obstacle course and a race to complete as many skips as
possible in two minutes.
The Key Stage 2 pupils battled it out on the school field in a
series of dodgeball matches whilst Key Stage 1 pupils
managed over 3000 skips between them in just 2 minutes.
Over £300 had been raised by the pupils at the time this
article was written. A big well done and thank you to all those
who supported the children in their fund raising efforts.
Matthew Try
Head of School
We’d like to welcome Dr Alice Burrell as a
new Governor and Amy Firth and Jon Baker
as new Associate Governors.
children moving around the site. They were a credit to Hatton
Mrs Rainsford and Mrs Harle supported the boys and girls to
build their rafts and it was interesting to see how much
further the girls managed to manoeuvre their raft in the
water compared to the boys who struggled to get themselves
sat on their construction. It was definitely victory for girl
Miss Webb demonstrated her head for heights as she
reached the top of the Jacob’s Ladder.
It’s great to see members of the local community volunteering to support the school and
thanks are due to all three for offering their
If you wish to contact the Governing Body, please email me at
Dr Paul Rodgers
Chair of Governors
Reception Tel: Willingham 260230 Longstanton 207600 Dispensary 260073
Out of hours cover: Urgent Care Cambridgeshire 0330 123 9131
Out of hours The planned new 111 service has been delayed so if
you need medical attention outside surgery hours please continue to
ring Urgent Care Cambridgeshire on 0330 123 9131. You will
be offered medical advice or an appointment to see a doctor or
nurse at Chesterton Medical Centre where there is free parking.
Park on:
Wednesday 14 August
12.30 – 2.55 pm & 4.20 – 6.30 pm
All Welcome -You must have an appointment to donate.
For an appointment please call 0300 123 23 23, quoting postcode
Please do not attend A & E unless you have a life threatening con- CB24 5LB
dition or may need an X-ray. Please help our emergency services Crossroads Care Cambridgeshire provides services and help for
to help those most in need and save yourself a very long wait in the carers and their families. On Thursday 19 September at 2pm
emergency department. You can also ring NHS Direct on 0845 46 they will be running a drop-in session for Carers at Willingham
surgery. They will answer any questions and give information
47 for advice only.
about the work they do. Please come along if you are a Carer to see
Willingham Pharmacy News
what support is available to you. Make a note of this date in your
Patients on repeat medication can benefit from a Medicines Use diary.
Review in the Pharmacy. This is a free NHS service which helps
you to get the best results from your medication. If you would like You are a Carer if you spend a significant proportion of your life
more information on how and when to take your medicines for providing unpaid support to family or potentially friends. This
maximum therapeutic effect please ring 01954 261787 to arrange a could be caring for a relative, partner, friend or neighbour who is
time with Neil our pharmacist. Neil may be able to offer this ser- ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or substance misuse issues.
vice without a pre-arranged appointment if the pharmacy is not too On-line appointment booking is available at this surgery. For
details of how to register please contact reception so you can be
Hay Fever If you are a hayfever sufferer there is a comprehensive issued with a user name, password and full instructions.
range of tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops available from Willing- On-line repeat prescription ordering is another facility offered on
ham Pharmacy. These items are usually cheaper than the NHS pre- our system and has proved to be very popular with both patients
scription charge and the Pharmacy staff can advise which medicines and staff. Please ring Dispensary on 01954 260073 for dewill help relieve your symptoms.
Acknowledgements The doctors and staff would like to extend our
thanks to the family and friends of Anne Thompson who made donations in her memory to the Willingham Surgery Equipment Fund.
We have now been able to order a new defibrillator for the surgery.
Many of you will remember Anne who was a member of our District Nurse Team for many years and had only recently retired.
Anne will be greatly missed by us all.
Mobile phone numbers Please make sure that we have your up to
date mobile phone number in case we need to contact you urgently.
You will also be able to receive text reminders about your appointments
Cynthia Bidwell – Practice Manager – July/August 2013
The Mobile Blood Donor Unit will visit Willingham Surgery Car
Repeat Prescriptions
Over Surgery News
Please give us at least 2 working days
notice between ordering your repeat
medication and coming into the PharWe are about to have a touch screen installed in
macy to collect it. After you have requested the
the waiting room which will let you check in for
your appointment. Of course
reception will still be available if medicine a GP has to approve the prescription, we then may need to
you need to talk to someone. But we think this might help reduce order the drugs from our suppliers, and then your prescription needs
to be dispensed and checked by the pharmacist. If you don’t give us
the queues when we are busy.
this much notice then your medicine may not be ready when you
need it.
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Check in Screen
Our PPG – a small group of patients registered here - meets every
couple of months with a GP Partner, Practice Nurse and Practice
Manager. They are happy to take your comments and suggestions
about the Surgery or any other NHS healthcare issues; a comments
box in the surgery will be provided shortly for this purpose or you
can send an email to overppg@gmail.com (only the patient members of the group have access to the box and to the email account).We do need our patient members to be representative of our
practice population and so are looking to recruit younger members
for the group - under say 40 years old; this could include any students in health, medical or welfare training to give them an insight
into the workings of a GP surgery, and be a great addition to their
CV. Also we would be interested in hearing from parents of young
children who could give up an hour or so every couple of months to
this cause. If you are interested or know someone who might be
interested please contact Reception or the Practice Manager on
01954 231550.
Building Work
By the time you read this we will have started knocking large holes
in the Surgery building. We are opening up access to an upstairs
room which will become the Practice Manager’s office, freeing up
his current room to become another consulting room for a doctor or
nurse to use. Most of the serious work is being done at the weekend
and we hope that the work does not inconvenience you unduly.
Postage Stamps & Seasonal Goodies
We now have 1st and 2nd class postage stamps for sale in the
Pharmacy, as well as a range of seasonal products – e.g. suntan
lotion, after sun, and hay fever medicine. Call in and see our
friendly Pharmacy team and if you can’t see something you need –
ask and we can always order it for you.
Andrew Kennedy - Practice Manager
Mon - Fri
5pm to 11pm
10am - 11.30pm (unless there is a function)
12pm - 9pm
Tel: 01954 782233
Food served
Fri 5pm - 8pm. Sat 12pm - 8pm. Sun 12pm - 6pm.
Over Road, Longstanton
Find us on Facebook
Food is locally sourced ranging from Willingham burgers, chicken,
mixed platters, Pizzas, Scampi and fish and chips & Stone-based
Pavilion Posts
A warm welcome to Pavilion posts. At the time of writing our
Bowls, Tennis and Cricket teams are in full flow and achieving
some excellent results. The sports users are making full use of the
facilities which is good to see.
On the bar front we will be shortly having a little change around
and bringing in some new products at good prices, we are
still managing to bring in good quality guest ales on a weekly
basis at a competitive price, this is down to good negotiation with
the brewers.
We have just had our cricket quiz evening that raised money for
the cricket club, this was a very successful event with another
planned in July.
We would also like to welcome new residents to the village and
the Pavilion and to remind you all that we are no longer a
members club and it does not cost any money to step in through
the door.
Dates for your diary are:
Saturday August 31st at 8pm is our 70's tribute night with John
We are also pleased to announce in September we have the
Bootleg BeeGees coming and Halloween weekend we have
Glamtastic booked, a glam rock band.
Lots going on at the Pavilion and Michael, Suzanne and the team
thank you for your support.
Michael Binks
Bar Staff Maddie & Ryan
The Conservatory is proving very successful with it hired out
every weekend till the beginning of September. We still can cater
for any occasion and further information can be provided by
emailing Longstantonpav@btinternet.com.
We also aim to bring you an event once a month so please
keep a look out on our facebook page, in the post office window
or by popping in for a sociable drink.
Scooted and Booted
thrilling the crowd
Connection Bike Ride
The result of various discussions with interested
parties was the idea of a mobile youth resource, with a
longer term view to extending this to include the
advancing the education and training of young people
who perhaps don’t have the same opportunities as
others. Those involved included
youth workers, churches, parents,
Community Education and Parish
Councils as well as the young people.
Summer 2010 was a disappointing
time for staff and trustees when
Sgt Paul Rogerson has
completed his coast to
coast cycle ride to raise
funds for the
Connections Bus
project. He left
Blackpool Tower
at 6am and
arrived at
Paul at the start
Head lighthouse at 6pm a distance of
Paul at the finish
170 miles.
Thanks to all those that sponsored him, and if you missed the
opportunity, you can still do so at :
government money allocated to
cover running costs for the new bus,
were cut. The charity reacted
quickly and was able to keep the
second bus in use but the planned
increase in the number of venues
was no longer possible.
With the success of winning two contracts with Cambridgeshire
County Council the charity has continued to run two buses and
now sees in excess of 200 young people a week across 16
venues, in South Cambridgeshire, East Cambridgeshire and
Well done Paul !!!
The Connections Bus Project was
initiated following the tragic deaths of
three young people who lived in the
villages of Histon, Impington and
Girton. One of the parents involved
decided she wanted to do something for
the young people who spend time
‘hanging around’ on street corners and village greens in local
The above article was put together with information from the
Connections Bus website: http://www.connectionsbusproject.org.uk/
Your Letters
Dear Editor,
Dear Longstanton Life
I enjoy reading Longstanton Life every month and learning
about what is going on in the village and other interesting
articles about the village life. However, in recent months I have
been very disappointed with all the political claptrap and
personal character assassinations that have been written and
May I say thank you to all friends of my late mother Mrs
Audrey Benstead for the help and support you gave Audrey who
passed away on April 9th 2013 after a short illness. Your care
was so appreciated by Audrey and her family.
I still enjoy reading Longstanton Life and will pick up a copy
from the post office when I pass through Longstanton.
My kind regards
Sarah Smith
I had not realized that the Longstanton Life was becoming a
political forum for personal attacks on Longstanton residents. I
have always valued the Longstanton Life as a balanced and
impartial publication, but unfortunately this seems to be
changing. This may sound like I am trying to tell you how to do
your job, but actually I am very concerned that the original
ethos and principles of my village magazine are being eroded
and changed.
Dear Friends
As I think most of you know, Tim has been ill for some time
and sadly passed away on Wednesday 10th July. He touched so
many lives and the world will be a much sadder place without
him. His kindness, generosity and community spirit will be very
much remembered.
I am writing to you because I believe it is your responsibility, as
the editor, to ensure this sort of thing does not continue to
happen. Comments by the District Counselor and Chairperson
of the Parish Council are welcome and informative most of the
time, but I believe it is your responsibility as editor to control
and edit, before publication, material that is a personal opinion
attacking and perhaps slandering towards others in the
The family are requesting donations in lieu of flowers to
Hospice at Home c/o Arthur Rank House who made it possible
for Tim to stay at home which would otherwise have been very
Can you please try to ensure that only information and facts are
reported, and that these officials personal opinions,
disagreements and blaming narrative are not published in future
Alex McKinlay
Address given
LLife replies:
Kind regards
Dear Alex,
Dear loyal customers, pupils & friends,
Frances Parish
From the Editors:
We were saddened to hear this news and would like to send our
thoughts to Frances and her family at this time.
This is a very quick update for you all, but I will be contacting
you all again with a more detailed account of what’s happening
here at Longstanton!
Many thanks for your kind remarks on the enjoyment you get
out of reading the Longstanton Life and for expressing your
concerns so clearly on the subjects raised within ‘Community
Concerns’ in our last issue.
In the meantime though this is just to let you all know that I am
still here trading as Cambridge Golf Academy & am doing so
for the foreseeable future.
We are in complete agreement with you on the principles of a
fair press in general with regard to unelected individual or
group contributions. However, we believe we have a duty not to
change material within the public domain that originates from
our locally publically elected Councilors or Councils that
directly affects village life. The reports to which you refer in
your letter were all in the ‘public domain,’ having been
presented to the annual meeting public of the Longstanton
Parrish Council on April 29th.
Therefore, the golf range is still open for business as usual until
further notice, & in addition, my coaching & custom fitting is
also still available, & indefinitely.
I am however having a so-called ‘Closing Down’ Sale at
present, so be quick if you are in need of anything!
Thank you so much in advance for your continued support, & I
very much look forward to seeing you all hopefully very soon.
With kindest regards, as always,
A little background - the Longstanton Life is put together by an
unpaid voluntary editorial team, the names of whom are printed
on the front page of every edition. We meet shortly after the
copy deadline of each edition to review the actual contributions
received at that date and the current financial situation. It is at
these meetings that ‘we’ and not a single editor make the
editorial decisions to which you refer.
Adrienne Engleman, PGA ProfessionalCambridge Golf
Time to be Vigilant
The dinner was the culmination of “Greek Week”, a city
initiative to raise Greece’s profile as a holiday destination.
Among the students who objected to the event was Rod Caird,
a privately-educated bagpipe enthusiast and radical from
Dundee, aged 21, who was reading oriental languages at
Queens’ College and was part of the circle that produced The
Shilling Paper – the newspaper of the student left which
vehemently opposed the promotion.
final arrival
of summer,
it’s sad to
reflect that
Longstanton’s well respected
golf course is now closed to
golfers. This also signals the
likely disruption of public
footpaths and the certain
disruption of established
wildlife as in the case of the
Home Farm development.
However, the driving range is
still open for business at the
time of writing.
Friday 1st November - ‘1st Eastern General Hospital’ to
be given by Philomena Guilbaud
stopped civilian
construction, but
the First Eastern
Hospital, a large
temporary military
hospital was built
on the west side of
Cambridge, on a
site occupied now
by the University
Library. At its
handling 1500 beds
by 1915.
Soon the heavy earth moving
equipment, will no doubt, be The sad end of an era but golf
arriving also putting in danger professional Adrienne Engleman
many of the archaeological is still open for business.
Cambridge News, 31/5/2013
remains hidden only metres
below the surface. Please take as many photographs as you
can of the situation as it develops and LDHS will be pleased
to receive copies to archive against your name.
Autumn Talks & Meetings - all be held in the Village
Institute, Longstanton at 7.30 - free tea & biscuits to be served
afterwards. Open to all - members free, non members £2.00.
Some idea of the enormous scale of the site can
be judged by comparison with the cricket field,
shown bottom left.
This photograph
of the inside of
one of the wards
gives some idea of
Friday 6th September - LDHS 6th AGM and talk
Once again it’s time to vote in three of our trustees who need
the meeting to be well attended and your votes! It’s hoped that
a suitable talk will also be booked for after the AGM - watch
out for posters outside the Village Institute and Post Office.
Please get in touch
with LDHS if
either you had
either served in the forces during WWI who were patients or
who worked there as nursing staff or doctors.
Friday 4th October - ‘Garden House Riots’ to be given by
Peter Seaby.
Peter is making a return visit to give the detailed background
to student riot in 1970. The Garden House riot is largely
forgotten, yet it marked a watershed in the history of student
protest in the UK. Before it happened, on a February night in
Cambridge in 1970, the echoes of the student troubles that
swept Europe in 1968 still influenced many British students’
sense of their relationship with the adult world. Afterwards,
when the wreckage had been cleared up and eight students
had been jailed, the idea of “direct action” seemed rather less
seductive to some.
The basic story is simply told. A dinner to promote Greek
tourism at the city's Garden House Hotel had been disrupted
by a demonstration against the country's ruling military junta.
The protest turned violent, the hotel was damaged, and police
and students were bloodied.
Have You Ever Considered How Devastating
Loss of Our Heritage Would Be?
We would exist only in the world of the ‘now’ populated by the latest
gizmo - our future would eventually become meaningless because
our foundations would have been seriously weakened.
LDHS, your local heritage society is striving to protect (preserve)
and promote what we can of Longstanton & District’s recent and
not so recent past, but it needs your support.
Please visit the LDHS website www.ldhs.org to download a
membership form or contact Tony Cowley on 01954 250819 for
more information. Seriously consider joining LDHS, not only do you
receive 6 free talks and a newsletter/ year but you will also add
your weight to the lobbying/ cajoling they do on your behalf.
Tony Cowley Chairman, Longstanton & District Heritage Society, The Manor, Woodside, Longstanton, Cambridge. CB24 3BU
For more information on any of the above, please contact us on: Tel: 01954 250819 or e-mail ldhssec@hotmail.co.uk
A man applying for a job is given an intelligence test by the
company doctor. The doctor says,
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
At the bottom!
‘Captain Cook went on three expeditions and died on one of
them. Was it the first, the second, or the third?’
Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons?
He wanted to Mark Antony!
The man replies,
After many years of trying to find work I finally got a
job as a historian until I realised there was no future in it.
‘Can I have another. I was never very good at history.’
Camstone Construction Ltd. All types of building work
undertaken contact 01954 789991
J&G Blinds Ltd Supply and fitting of bespoke blinds,
curtains, internal shutters and awnings. 01954 261149 or
07847 559208 or e-mail sales@jandgblinds.com
Music Tuition - Clarinet, Piano and Saxophone lessons.
Pupils of all ages/ abilities. Anita Langdale BMus (Hons)
Tel: 07821441127 or email: anitalangdale@hotmail.com
Are you reading this?
You are?
Well it’s possible that hundreds of other Longstanton
Residents are too.
Why not book this space yourself to advertise your business or
recommend a Longstanton Life advert to a friend?
We deliver to 1,400 homes in Longstanton and are able to
offer full-colour advertising. See rates above.
Community Speedwatch
speeding at all locations as the make their way from the B1050
onto the Airfield Rd. in other words, rat running.
The last electronic survey conducted by the Safety Camera
Partnership, showed 12,062 vehicles a week, using Woodside
and the Airfield road and 30.08% of them exceeding 36mph (the
trigger for prosecution) The highest speed recorded on
Woodside was 82mph.
In the past, warning letters were the only action taken against
the drivers detected by Speedwatch, but now a new scheme with
stronger action is due to come into effect. Personal visits by
Police and other measures will make it less comfortable for
persistent offenders and we now have a commitment to deploy
the safety camera partnership mobile speed cameras in the
village. This has already proved very effective in Willingham.
I would like to thank Sgt Paul Rogerson and his team who
regularly put in an appearance in the village and dish out tickets
to speeding offenders, and thank you to the volunteers who turn
out to help.
Judging by the comments and support they receive from people
passing, they are doing a good job, but sadly we are all still
catching people who live in Longstanton.
If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please let me
know. I am the authorised trainer for the area and I can do “on
the job” instruction and safety briefing
which will authorise your involvement.
lo ngstanto n.sp eed @yaho o.co.uk or
brianrobins@live.co.uk or via Twitter at
Kind regards, Brian Robins, Speedwatch
As some will be aware, we regularly carry out
speed checks in the village with our team of
volunteers giving up an hour or so of their time
to try to encourage a better standard of driving
on the part of those who use our narrow village roads to avoid
the A14.
Of the villages in South Cambs, we have the highest percentage
of drivers speeding per number of vehicles passing during our
operations. Just recently on June 24th, our PCSO Kerry
Harding, joined me on the High street outside Striplands Farm,
where in the space of 1 hour from 8am till 9am we recorded 52
vehicles exceeding 30mph of which 21 were faster than the
36mph trigger for prosecution. That’s nearly one vehicle every
minute coming into our village, over the speed limit. This is in
spite of the fact there is an interactive flashing sign reminder at
that location. One driver was also reported for mobile phone use
and others were seen to be drinking from cans or plastic cups
while speeding and one driver was putting on her make up while
Unbelievably, while carrying out checks on St. Michaels on the
3rd July a resident, who has been identified, was out in the street
warning drivers of our presence, his efforts could have resulted
in him being arrested if he had been doing the same for a Police
speed check. He failed in his mission though, as we still
detected a large number of people who clearly didn't see him.
Presumably this public spirited man is happy with people
passing his house at 40+ mph.
Having carried out similar operations in the High Street near the
school and at the other end of the village in St Michaels, it is
clear from my records that we catch some of the same drivers
Catholic Sunday Mass
All Saints Church, Longstanton
Currently, Over and Longstanton Churches are in a
vacancy following the retirement of Revd Malcolm Raby.
Every effort will be made to continue the main services
and activities during the vacancy, although it will not be
possible to resource everything we have been providing.
(OLEM) Our Lady and English
Martyrs, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 1JR
Tel: 01223 350787 www.olem.org.uk
Bar Hill: (serviced from OLEM)
St Ives:
For exact dates and details of activities being held
please refer to the church notice board or go to the website:
The Sacred Heart, Needingworth Rd, St. Ives.
Tel: 01480-462192 www.sacredheart-stives.org
Need home communion for the sick or house bound?
Contact: Fr Edward Tredota 01480 462192
Welcome to Willingham
Tabernacle Baptist
If you need to speak to someone about weddings, funerals, baptisms or any pastoral matter please contact Arthur Savage, Churchwarden on 01954 780121.
George Street, Willingham
Service times 10:30am and 6:00pm every Sunday.
Church Times
The Salvation
Silver Street, Willingham
Everyone is welcome to
join all our meetings.
Please ring Daphne Watts on 07919024857 or Sergeant Major
Gordon Spackman 01954 260066 for more information.
We welcome visitors at all meetings so please feel free to come
If you have any initial enquiries please contact Trevor Rowe
(Pastor) 01954 261193 or Alan Wright (Church Secretary) 01954
261770 or look at our web site: www.willinghambaptist.org
All Saints’ Church, Longstanton
For exact dates and details of activities being held
please refer to the church notice board or go to the