2014 Tribute List - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
2014 Tribute List - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 2014 Tribute List T he names of the following have been given by donors through our cards for the living program. This means that their lives are celebrated for a special occasion, accomplishment, or because they have impacted the lives of others through their daily work. All are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph and their Associates. January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 A-C 140th CSJ Anniversary 2014 CSJ Jubilarians 2014 Golden Jubilarians A 90th Birthday Sister Carmela Abbruzzese Michael Abely Theresa Accetta's 95th Birthday Eva Adams All CSJs The Almeda & Day Families Donald & Louise Almeida Alumni of Cardinal Spellman H. S. Brockton Rodrigo Alvarez Carol Amaroso Theresa Anasfrias Maureen Andrew Sister Patricia Andrews Sister Pat Andrews' Golden Jubilee Michael Antosk Sister Alice Armata OP Rosanne M. Armata Sarah Arnini & Joe Abraham Pat & Bob Arnold Irene Atkinson's 90th Birthday Grace Avery Kathleen Avery Sister Marylena Avery Baby Benjamin John Bacon Madeline Bacon Elizabeth Baggett James Baggett James & Elizabeth Baggett Mary Baker Rachel Baker The Bane Family Barbara & Steve Samantha Barkowski & Staff Florence Barr Betty Barrett John Barrett Peg Barrett Joann Batakis Sister Marian Batho Barbara Belanger Doris Belocas Betty Belyea Margaret Benoit George & Betty Ann Berejik John Berlinguet Sister Lorraine Bernier & Mary McPartland The Bertolino Family & Freddie & Luca Kaelin Marion Beston Louise Beucler's 90th Birthday Leo & Helen Bibinski Robert Bigg Fr. Joseph Bisson Margaret Black Donald Blake Harriet Bletzer Bill Bolgar Edward Boner Ellen Bonner Jim Bonner Linda Boothroyd Boston Fire Dept. #33 Boston Fire Dept. Bob Botterio Nan Bouche Warren Bowen Sister Patricia Boyle Sister Nancy Braceland John Bracken Roberta Bradley Rev. Msgr. Roger J. Brady The Brearley & Family Sister Rosemary Brennan Helen Browne's 92nd Birthday Sister Helen F. Browne Jerome Bruchette Jeanne Bua Phil Buckley Edmund Burak Joan Burchill Anne Burke & Family Betty Burke Dr. Patricia Burke Noreen Burke Joanne F. Burns Larry Busby Curtis A. Butler & Family Mr. & Mrs. Dan Byrnes Pat & Jan Byron CSJ Leadership Team 2012-2018 CSJ Work With Children & the Poor CSJs From Cardinal Spellman H. S. CSJs From Cathedral H. S. Boston CSJs From Charlestown CSJs From Gate of Heaven Boston CSJs From Mt. St. Joseph Academy Brighton CSJs From Regis College CSJs From Spellman Brockton CSJs From St. Andrew the Apostle Taunton CSJs From St. Catherine of Siena Norwood CSJs From St. James Haverhill CSJs From St. Francis deSales Roxbury CSJs From St. Pius V Lynn CSJs From St. Thomas Aquinas H. S. Jamaica Plain CSJs From Sunday School CSJs From the Church of Santa Fe NM CSJs Who Touched My Life The Cadigan Family Rita Callahan Mary Callinan Cathy Calnan Ann & Donald Campbell John Campbell Marjorie Campbell Patricia & Paul Campbell Sister Stella Caramitros Patricia Carey Rev. R. Thomas Carleton Bridget Carley Ann Carnes The Carr Brothers Gloria & Ricky Carr Sister Marie Patrice Carr Barbara Carroll James Carroll Dr. Philip Caruso Vincent Caruso Sister Maureen Casey SND Maureen Kilroy Cassavant Sister Marylou Cassidy Marilyn Castaldo Sister Catherine Maureen Cavanaugh Sister Betty Cawley Mary Cedrone Dr. F. Joseph Celona 2 Sisters of St. Joseph Rev. John Chaisson's 48th Anniversary of Ordination Ellen Chard Elise Cheverie Gregory Chiasson Paul & Margaret Chisholm Christine Christine Jean Rosella Cicchese Sister Marie Cicchese June Cieri Ralph & Carol Cirillo John Clancy Mary Theresa Clarke Dorothy Clifford Charles & Mary Clougherty Hank & Jean Colbert Paul & Kate Colbert Dianne Cole Kathleen Collado Eileen Collins Rev. James Collins Sister Elaine Collins Bonnie Colman Rev. Stefano Colombo FSCB David Comerford Rev. Stephen Concannon Sister Dominic Condon Sister Mary Condon Kathy Conley Ellen Conlon Gerald P. Conlon Maryann Conlon April Conn Terry Connell Nancy Connelly Birdie Connolly Mary Connor Eileen Connors Maryellen Connors Sister Lois Connors John & Helen Conroy Kathy Conroy Rev. Francis M. Conroy Pat Conti Sister Anne Conway Diane Cook Douglas Cook Mary & Bill Corcoran Richard Cordeau Alsuino Cordeiro Vincent Corrado 2014 Tribute list Jane & Paul Corriveau's 60th Wedding Anniversary Vincent Cosco Tom & Anna Costello's 80th Birthdays Geri Costigan Alan Coughlin Don Coughlin Paula Coughlin William & Mildred Cox Very Rev. Arthur Coyle Paul Craigie Sister Anna Crann Sister Margaret Crann Sisters Anna & Margaret Crann Jacqueline & Robert Creaven Linda Cree Sister M. Christiana Cronin Kim Crouch Patricia Crowley Carmen Crugnale Walter Cuenin Geri Cull Margaret Curran Noreen Curtis Damian & Mary Curtiss D-F Leilanie D'Agostino Daniel The Davis Family Susan Davis Phyllis Davy The Day Family Gloria DeAngelis Sister Francis Marilyn DeCoste Pearina DeJesus Mary DeMarco Bob & Betty DeMeo's 60th Wedding Anniversary Joseph & Ellen DeNatale Pam DeSimone Rev. Richard S. DeVeer Genny DeVito Ronald DeVoy Deacon Adrian Jean Delahunt Kate Devine Rev. Terry Devino SJ Paul Devlin's 90th Birthday Paul Devlin Kathleen Ryan DiChiara Paul DiChiara Orlando DiDonato Sister M. Gervasi DiGregorio Charlie DiPerri John & Jennie DiRusso Shirley Didsbury Margaret Dillon Ursula Dillon Tracy Dimaggio Matthew Doheny Mary Doherty Sister Maureen Doherty Fran Dombrowski Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Sienna Helen & Paul Donahue Sister Gail Donahue Ida Donato Joseph & Joanne Donlon Francis & Patricia Donovan Sister Catherine Donovan Sister Kathryn Donovan Fr.Vinnie Doolan Mr. & Mrs. Doran William Downes Sister Karen Doyle SSJ Carole Doyle Dubba (John) Doyle Kay & Dick Doyle Carol Doyon Christopher Doyon Rev. Michael Drea Rev. Lawrence J. Drennan Damen Drexler Christine Driscoll Achille & Leonie Dube Cathy Duddy Sister Anne Mary Duenas Sister Joan Duffy Sister Joan Duffy's 60th Jubilee Nancy Duffy Tom Duggan Tony Dzujna Earl & Margaret Elmstrom Margaret Elmstrom Richard Endruschat & Family Richard Endruschat Janet Engrem Margaret Ennis Linnea Erlandson Grace Eudenbach Helen Evans Jeanne Evans Jane Fallon Families We Serve Rev. Patrick Farrant Cathy Farren Margaret Farren Maxine Faulkner Sister Charlene Favreau Feast of St. Joseph Sam Feeley's Family Sister Marian Patricia Feeley Bernadine Feeney Douglas Ferguson Riley Fessenden Ed Finerty Francis X. Finigan Marion & Jim Finnell Marie Fischer Frances Fish The Fitzgerald Family Margaret & William Fitzgerald Linda & Bob Fitzgibbons Joseph Kerry Fitzpatrick Margaret Fitzpatrick Paula Fitzsimmons Sister Carol Fitzsimmons Bill & Denise Flaherty Rev. James A. Flavin Joseph Fleming Ruth Fleming Sister Zita Fleming Rev. James Flynn's 50th Anniversary of Ordination Rev. James B. Flynn Bridie Folan Tom Folan James Foley Peg Foley Sister Rena Foley Sister Brenda Forry Robert Fountain The Frahura Family Sister Eugene Francis Michelle Franey Carol Friedman Friends & Family of CSJs From Holy Name Convent Friends & Family of Janice Power Friends & Family of Joe & Sarah Abraham Friends & Family of Judy Gavin Friends & Family of Sister Anne Gavin Friends & Family of Sister Ann Marie Ghiloni Friends & Family of Sister Claire Blake Friends & Family of Sister Claire Morrissey Friends & Family of Sister Gail Donahue Friends & Family of Sister Helen Sullivan Friends & Family of Sister Jane Feeley Friends & Family of Sister Jeanne Ibach Friends & Family of Sister Jeanne Leahy SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Friends & Family of Sister Joanne Solari Friends & Family of Sister Marylena Avery Friends & Family of Sister Prudence McCarthy Friends & Family of Sister Virginia O'Connell Friends & Family of the Ghiloni Family G-I John & Phyllis Gacey Mark Gerald Gagnis Sister Janet Gagnon Sister Berta Galvin Sister Estellyn Ganley Lisette Gardenier Jack Garrity Michael F. Garvey Jackie Gentile Marie Gentile Mary Gentile Herbert & Lucille Gerlich Theresa Ghiloni's 85th Birthday Carol Ghiloni Sister Ann Marie Ghiloni Maureen Giacchino Lucy Gibbon Mary J. Gibbons Joseph Giblin Sister Carlotta Gilarde Jilda Giles' 87th Birthday Barbara Bailey Gill John Gillis Sister Catherine Gilmore Jean Gilson Sister Catherine Ginty's 90th Jubilee Sister Catherine Ginty Ann Marie Giovino RN Elaine Busnach Glass Sister Mary Elizabeth Gleason Elizabeth & Susan Gledhill John & Chickie Goggin Francis J. Good Jr. Frank Good William & Doris Good Patricia Granahan The Greatorex Family Josephine Greenwood Sister Jeanmarie Gribaudo The Griffin Family Jim & Kay Griffin Matthew Griffin Agnes Guidi Nancy Guinivan 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 3 Sister Norah Guy OP Gail Hagstrom Irene Hallett Sister Barbara Hallisey Maureen Hallsen Ed Hamilton Richard Hamilton Mary Hamrock George & Ellen Hannigan Robert Hansen Sally & Joseph Harney Robert Harrah Robert Harran The Harrigan Family Ruth Harrington Stephen Harris Chuck & Kathy Hartman Rosemary Haughton Rosemary Haugton Katherine Rose Haverty Eileen Hayes Betty Hebard Deborah Hendrix Claire Hennessy Sister Ann Hennigan SND Elizabeth Henry Margaret Hern Rev. Daniel Hickey Declan Higgins Sister Lorraine Hinrichsen Dick Hogan Jennifer A. Hogan Sister Patricia Hogan Margaret Holland John & Mary Hollow Mary Grace Homman Barbara & Richard Hopkins Richard Hopkins Mary Horan Sister Margaret Horan Sister Jeremy Horgan Josephine Housen Sister Marjorie Marie Howe Margaret Hoy Peggy Hoy Rita Hurley's 94th Birthday Doris Hurley's 95th Birthday Dave & Ann Hutchens Nellie Hynes Sister Jeanne Ibach Anthony Ilacqua Sr. In Gratitude to St. Joseph Donna Ingham James Ippolito Jay Ippolito Mary Irvine J-L Maureen Jameson Sister Terry Jardin Jeanne Jennifer Jesus Christ John Claire Johnson Thor Jorgenson Janice Josselyn John & Jeanne Joy Geraldine Joyce Sister Florence Kahler Gregory Kanelos Carolyn Keane & John Costello Patricia Keane Mary Keating Thomas Keaveney Peggy Keaveny Sister Patricia Keefe Mary Keegan Maureen Kehoe Sister Virginia Kelleher's Jubilee Rev. Timothy J. Kelleher Sister Virginia Kelleher Tim Kelleher Timothy J. Kelleher Pat Kelley Sister Martha Ann Kelley John & Joan Kelly Kathy Kelly Liz Kelly Sister Denise Kelly Tom & Mary Keneavy Dayna Kennedy Thomas Kennedy Anna Kenney's 90th Birthday Jean Kenney Margaret Kerr Mary Ellen Keteltas Ellen McNamara Kettle Charles King Mary & Ed Kirby's 60th Wedding Anniversary Julia & Paul Kirby Mary R. Kirby Trish Knoll Sister Thomasine Knowlton Rev. Ted Kofitse Sister Mary Krause Marie Krepelka Jane Kringdon Trisha Kupso Marianna Castielo Kyariwal Mary LaCava Joseph LaMarche Maura LaValle Mary Lahey Joseph Lahiff Kathie Lanney Jean Lattuade Connie Kelleher Law Mary LeClair's Retirement Susan M. Leahy Mary L. Leary Marie Leavens Julie Sinatra Leazott Kathleen Lehay Nancy Lennon Sandra Leroux James Levan Paul Levesque Stella Lewis Linda Libby Sister Catherine Ann Lloyd Sister Mary Joan Lofgren Christina Loftus Bill Logue Mary Logue Andrea Mackiewicz Looney Bill Looney Sister Barbara Loud Hannah Lovett's 104th Birthday Rosemary Lovuolo Mary Jane Lukasiewicz Martha Luther Paul Lydon Sister Mary Lydon Cathy & Ed Lynch Raymond Lyons M-O Cathy MacCurtain Anne MacDonnell Barbara MacEachern's 75th Birthday Barbara & Jim MacEachern Barbara MacQueen Khung Mackey Marynia Mackiewicz Grace Magabello James & Ann Marie Magee Susan Magliozzi Louise Magnant Sister Kay Magno Doris Mahon Peter Mahon Bella & Michael Mahoney Mary Mahoney Fr. Jason Makos Debbie Malek 4 Sisters of St. Joseph Daniel Malley Marie Maloney William Manning MD Mary Manning Louise Marciano James Francis Xavier Marino III Sister Mary Patricia Maroney Joseph Marotta Marie K. Marr Sister Sally Marsh SSJ Sister Dorothea Masuret Joanne Mauldin Josie McCann Sister Marie McCann Amy McCarron The McCarthy Family Frances McCarthy's 90th Birthday Anne McCarthy Brendan P. McCarthy Marie McCarthy Sister Joan M. McCarthy Sister Marie Ancilla McCarthy Sister Patricia McCarthy Joan McClellan Mildred McCormack's 100th Birthday Sister Mary McCormack Sister Rita McCormack Sisters Mary & Rita McCormack Colleen McCormick Rev. Daniel McCoy Eleanor McDermott Maureen McDevitt Nora McDonnell Janice McDonough Patricia McDonough Peg Shea McDonough Sister Pat McDonough Jean McEachern Susan McGeoghegan Mary McGonagle Roslind McGrail El & Connie McGreab Friends & Family of Elena McGreal Carol McIntyre Thomas McKay Jean M. McKinney Regina McKinnon's 96th Birthday Thomas McKinnon Clare McLaughlin Frank McLaughlin Jack McLaughlin Rev. Patrick McLaughlin Sister Patricia McLaughlin Christina Mackiewicz McMahon Daniel & Regina McNamara 2014 Tribute list Karen McNulty Ellie McPherson Crystal Medeiros & Adam Mary & Robert Meehan Meeta Frank Meissner Frank & Margaret Meissner Sister Dorothy Melanson Madeline Mele Joan Meninger's 80th Birthday Angela & Thomas Menino Joseph Messina Sister Mary Elizabeth Miller SCN Sister Mary Mills Gino Molino Agnes Monahan Roger Moody & Amelia Brumfield Lorraine Moran Paul Moriarty Virginia Moro David & Denise Morreale Pat Morrill Virginia Morrison Sister Claire Morrissey Helen Morrissey Rev. Joseph Mozer Marcia Muir Margaret Mulcahy Peg Mulligan Sister Jean Mulloy Sister Cecilia Agnes Mulrennan Virginia Mundth Ann & Charles Murphy Anna L. Murphy Barbara Murphy Helen Murphy Kathy & John Murphy Mary Murphy Rev. Mark Murphy Sister Mary Gladys Murphy Sister Mary L. Murphy Br. Joseph Murray OSA Alfred Murray Sister Louise Murray Catelyn & Billy Muti William & Marie Muti Fran Nagle Sister Mary Nagle Mike Nastari Margaret Naughton Elizabeth Newell Mary Noble's 80th Birthday Margaret Nolan Rev. Michael Nolan Bob Norton Ginny Norton Paul Norton Barbara & Maureen Nyhen Gene & Marie O'Brien's 50th Anniversary Joanne O'Brien Mary O'Brien Sister Anne O'Brien Sister Catherine O'Brien Marie & Paul O'Connor Thomas O'Connor Dottie O'Ferral Nancy & Michael O'Hara Joseph & Patricia O'Kane Rev. James O'Leary's 75th Birthday Caitlin O'Leary Sister Mary Alice O'Loughlin Ann O'Malley Austin O'Malley Penny O'Malley Katherine O'Neil Sister Ann O'Neil Marion O'Neill & Family Marion O'Neill Claire O'Reagan Sister Mary Theresa O'Reilly Sister Mary O'Rourke The O'Sullivan Family Edi O'Toole Marilyn O'Neil The O'Neill Family & Friends Ryan O'Sullivan Sister Mary Oates Sister Alberta Marie Olsen Katie Owen P-R Catherine, Paul & John Palumbo Lorraine Palumbo Past & Present Lay Employees of Spellman H. S. Brockton Eleanor Patturelli William & Marie Pekarski Jr. Sister Josephine Perico Betty Perry's 100th Birthday Betsy Persson Jeanmarie Peterson The Petrilli Family William Pick Jean Pickett Marion Plaisted Sister Jean Plausky Georgina (Gige) Poirier Sister Theresa Pond Daniel Ponsetto Veronica Potter Eleanor Pow Jack Pow Kathleen Power Sister Ellen Powers Sister James Frances Powers Marie Prevost Sarah Priest Sister Patricia Quinn Sister Mary Jo Quirk Sister Pavel Randall Paul E. Reade Mark Reardon Paul Reardon John Recene Jane Regan Sister Ellen Reilly SND Colleen Reilly Sister Susan Reilly John Remondi Eleanor Repucci Louis & Josephine Ricciardelli Fred Richards Elaine Richardson Jeanne & Fran Riley Sister Miriam Ringer Assunta Riordan Susan Riordan Sister Gail Ripley's Jubilee Al & Marion Rizzo's 50th Wedding Anniversary Marcus Rogers Arthur & Eleanor Ronayne Kevin, Nancy & Luke Ronayne Julie Ross John & Mary Rossetti Jerry Rossi Barbara Rush Marion Russo Arlene Ryan George Ryan James Ryan Phyllis Ryan Vincent B. Ryan S-T Carol Kelley Sano Nancy Santangelo CSJA Mary Santo Mary Santoro Beth Sayers Marie Scanlon Sister Barbara Scanlon Eleanor Scheiffernis William Schmid Mary Schoenfeld Leigh Sciuto Guy Scrag SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Fernando Senatore Eleanor Sennott Eric & Lynda Sennott Grace Serratorre Mary & George Sexton Mary Sforza Ethel & Bob Shafter & Family Edward Shanley John Shay Chester V. Shea Sister Margo Shea Sister Mary Shea Sister Margaret Sheehan's 75th Jubilee Sister Margaret Sheehan Edward Sheldon Barbara Shockley Mr. & Mrs. Siragusa & Family Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Siragusa & Family Sister M. Honora Sister M. Sebastian Sister Maureen Joseph Sisters Rosemary & Claire Sisters of Assumption Sisters of St. Joseph Jackie Slade Marianne Slater Tracy, Frank & Baby Sloboda Patricia Smart Agnes Smith Dympna Smith Ed Smith Kellie & Kenny Smith Nancy Smith Scott Shea Smith Sister Susan Snyder OP Roger Snyder Maryjane Solimine Special Intentions Margaret Spurrell St. Joseph St. Joseph Retreat Center John Stancato William "Bill" Stanley Margaret Stearns Diane Stellfox Charles Stevenson's 100th Birthday Pat Stickney Sister Dorothy Stinson Dale Strein Owen Studdiford Darren Sullivan Fr. Paul Sullivan Frances Sullivan Frances Curran Sullivan Natalie Sullivan 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 5 Sister Helen Sullivan Suzanne Sullivan Theresa Sullivan Joan Sweeney William Sweeney Dr. Gerard R. Swiacki Joe & Mary Swiatkowski Joseph Swiatkowski Sister Christine Swords SSJ Josephine Sylvester's 104th Birthday Walter Symolyn Syria Fr. Patrick Tarrant Antoinette Tartaglini Marie Tedeschi Malverna Tenaglia Eileen Thielman Msgr. Ed Thompson Gary & Mary Tibbetts' 35th Wedding Anniversary Elizabeth, Richard, Nicholas & John Tiedemann Jane Tierney Maureen Tighe Galina & Andre Tonkov Rev. Kevin G. Toomey Sister Elizabeth Joseph Toomey Marie Ellis Tracey John Tranfaglia John & Rosemary Tranfaglia Joan Travers Joan M. Troy Jeanne Tully Sister Greta Turner's 104th Birthday Alberta Turner U-Z Elaine VanBuren Rev. George Vartzelis Eileen Verney Ralph Vertuccio Richard Vesey Richard & Maureen Vesey Sister Teresa Vesey Marilena Vianini Clare Villa The Walsh Family Mothers Alice Walsh Jim & Helen Walsh Nora Walsh Sister M. Philomene Walsh Brian Ward Dorothy J. Ward Kitty Ward Linda Warnock Pat Wasilewski Jodi Webber Brenda Webster Marie Weidmann's 90th Birthday Carol Weidmann Marie Weidmann Richard Weidmann Ellen Weinhold Mary E. Weir Lyne Welch Sister Dorothy Welch Sister Rita Welch Judy Weldt Susanna White Rita Whoriskey Laura Wickenbacker Mary Claire Wiegand Sister Eleanor Wiegand Donn Wilcox Marilyn Wilkinson Cecilia Williams Winifred Williams Betty Wills Ruth Wills Bill Wise John Wojtkiewicz Phyllis Wolfrum John & Patricia Worden's 50th Wedding Anniversary Doris Worthington Thomas Zerfas Donna Zinna Sister Eleanor Zito Peter Zucco † Click here to view a slideshow of the 2015, June 14th Donor Appreciation Day Liturgy and Brunch. Click here to view a slideshow of the 2015 Living the Dream Dinner. Thank you to all who have chosen to honor and memoralize loved ones with a gift to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. Click here to view a slideshow of The Literacy Connection 2015 Student Recognition Celebration. 6 Sisters of St. Joseph 2014 Tribute list M emorials - Listed below are the names of those who have gone before us to new life, for whom the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and their Associates have been asked to pray. A-B Frederick W. Abbott Wayne Abbott Arlene Abely Thomas Abernathy Gretchen Ablondi Mary Ablondi Kwabena Kyei Aboagye The Abraham & Callahan Families Anthony Abraham John Abrescia Lorraine Abruzzi Carmine Aceto Julian Ackerman Ted Adams Jr. Francis Adams Angela M. Addario Frederick L. Agneta Francis T. Agostino Jr. Eutilia Alarid Sandra Aldrich Generoso Alfano Daniel J. Algeo All CSJs John W. Allen Margaret Allen Mary & Merle Allen Agnes Allieri Janet Allosso Anthony Alterio Herman Alvarez George W. Alves Joseph Alves Edwin D. Amaroso Angela L. Ambrogne Anthony Amendola Lorraine Amoroso Mary L. Amsler Charles J. Anastasia Carl Anderson Carol Anderson Richard J. Anderson Shirley Anderson Diomede Andreozzi Lorraine Andrews Michael Andrews Leo R. Androneco Leo Andronica Alphonse Angelli Sister M. Cabrini Angelli Wendell A. Angelo January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 Elaine Angelone Ruth Antletner Donata Antonellis Ida Anzaldi Anthony "Ziggy" Anzalone Tony Anzlovar Margaret Apone Anna R. Aprea Lourdes Correa Arana Vito & Alice Armata Paul & Michael Armato Edith Arnold Robert Arsenault Jr. Bruna Ascenzi Norma Assad Ida Atkins James Audley Richard Austin Stacey Avallone Domenic Avellani Walter J. Avery Jr. Anne Avery Isabel M. Avila Jane Avis Richard Ayer Jack Aylward Jean Ays Antoinette Azzarito Baby Boy Verderame Lawrence Bacchetti Paul Bacigalupo Elizabeth Badala Sister Stephanos Badessa Gemma Baer Mary Bailey Mary Theresa Bailey Dorothy C. Baker John Baker Mary Baker William Baldwin Edmond Bichara Bandar Dr. Francis G. Bane Sr. Linda M. Baniewicz Owen Bannigan Natalie Barbadoro Gaspere Barbaro Antonio Barbosa Sr. Cecilia Barbuto John V. Bardin William Bardon Annette Barker George E. Barker Harry Barker Paul Barnico Anna & James Barrett Joan Barrett John C. Barrett Michael Barrett Sister Patricia Barry RSM Anna D. Barry Carol McCracken Barry Grace Barry Henry "Hank" Barry Janet C. Barry Patrick Barry Thomas Barry William Barry Kathleen Bartlett Frances Bashkoian John "Jack" Bassete Elsa Basso Thomas Batera Marie Bates Butchie Batte William Batte Vildo Battista Eleanor Baum Katherine Bavin Isabelle Beagan Mary L. Bean Barry Beardslee Daniel Beary Elissa M. Beaton John Beaton Elizabeth Beatson Catherine Bedard Stephen P. Bedard Catherine Bedero Mary Beggan Barbara Belanger Robert R. Bell Jr. Alexander L. Bell Shirley Bell Thomas Bell Mary Bellino Vincent A. Bellino Jeannette Belliveau Chico Bello Maureen T. Belmonte Maggie Belotti Edward Benedetto Jean Bennett Mary Jane Bennett Dorothy Bent Kathleen Pappalardo Benuck Gloria Bergeron Paul Beribeau Richard Berlo Nancy Bernard William J. Bernardi SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Virginia Marie Bertocci Ugo J. Bertolami Antoinette Bevilacqua Elena Bibo Anthony Biela Alberta Bigler Jeanne Bilodeau Ross Birch Jonathan Birkbeck Anthony P. Birro Ella & John Blake Frank & Abbie Blake Jim Blanchard Eric Blane Diane M. Blessing Michael James Bliss Rita Blount William Blount Sister M. Hughita Blunt Mary Blywn Charles D. Boddy Sr. Mary Boehm Theresa Boggio Sister M. Francilla Boland Sister Mary Carl Boland Brenda Rose Bolander Claire Bolduc Bishop John Boles Mary Boles Joan Bolio John Bongarzone Lynn Bonneaw Marie Bonner Charles Bono Jacqueline Boothroyd Alfred Borges Janet Botazzi Elsie M. Bouchard Gaston "Gus" Bouchard Irene Bouchard Eleanor Boucher Marie Boucher Arthur C. Boudreau Jr. Arthur Boudreau George L. Boudreau Pauline Boudreau Richard Bourdeau Pete Ronald Bourque Peter Bourque Robert Bourque Ann Bowen Betty Bower Bernadette Boyd George Boyd Dorothy Boyle 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 7 Mary Ward Boyle Rev. Monsignor Robert Boyle Virginia Boyle Theresa Boyson John Braccia Bernard E. Brady Charles Brady Dolores Brady John Charles Brady Kathleen Brady Margaret M. Brady Patricia A. Brady Carol Brandenburg Karen Brandon Louise Brandt Lynn (Mahoney) Brandt Shirley Brandt Marion Bransfield Kenneth Bransky Diane Segerstedt Brautigan Thomas Brazeau Helen Brearley Helen Breen Edward Brennan Robert Brennan Charles & Rose Niles Breslin Eleanor Bresnahan George Brezinis Sister Mary Lois Brickley Margaret (Ita) Bridges James Brigham Cyril Brignolo Joanne M. Brisbois Kathleen Broderick Robert F. Broderick Mary & James Brogan Barbara E. Brookings William Brooks Jr. Alan R. Brooks Linda Brooks Norman Brooks Yolanda Brooks Francis Brosnahan William J. Brothers Rita Brouhu Thomas Brown Sr. Alfred Brown Ann Brown Anna L. Brown Arlene Brown Clair Brown Concetta Brown Eleanor Brown Joseph A. Brown Patricia Sorrentino Brown Timothy P. Browne Richard Brunaccini James W. Brunet John Brusseau Elaine Bryant Jay Buchanan Carol Buckley James Buckley Mary G. Buckley Mary K. Buckley Henry Bulens Elizabeth "Betty" Bullock Alice J. Bunnell Joan Burgdorf Marcia Burgess Wesley Burgess Joseph L. Burgoyne Sr. Robert Burke MD Albert Burke Beverly & Bernie Burke Brenda Burke David Burke Gertrude Geraldine Burke James Burke Joan Burke Joseph E. Burke Kevin Thomas Burke Louise Burke Nora Ann Burke Noreen Lyons Burke Patricia Burke Richard F. Burke Robert Burke William Burke Rosemary Burkey Louise Burn Charles H. Burns Jr. Edward P. Burns Lee F. Burns Beverly Bushey Michael W. Butler Frederick Butts Eileen Byrne Mildred "Peachy" Byrne Anne P. Byrnes Rev. John Byrnes Rev. Joseph Byrnes The Byrnne Family C Sister M. Rosel Cunningham Phyllis Hurley Cafferky Frank Caffery Bob Cahill Edward Cahill Louise B. Cahill Mary Cahill Paul Cahill Robert Cahill Sister Mary Ona Cahill Mary Callaghan Deceased Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 . . . the mercy of God will gather us together again in the joy of eternal life . . . Sisters: Bernadette Marie Rodley Margaret Lowell Margaret Perrow Valentina Murray Mura Maguire Julia Ford Virginia Kelley Virginia Marie Murray Marie Agnes Doyle Maria Delaney Sister M. Honora Callaghan The Callahan & McQuillan Families Beverly Callahan Frank Callahan James Callahan Kevin Callahan Mary A. Callahan Paul T. Callahan Sister Bredelia Callahan Sister Marian Callahan Rita Callan Frank Camara Antonio Unberto Camarra John Cameron Marguerite Cameron Richard Campagnoni Bill Campbell Irma Campbell John Campbell Irene Canavan James Candow Andrew Cannici Martha Canning Susan Cannizzaro Edward Cannon Ann Canty Sister Jamesine Canty Alice E. Caobelli Anna Capobianco Al R. Capone Joan Cappetta William Cappola Julia Cappolla John Caprio Ralph J. Caprio 8 Sisters of St. Joseph Mary Frances Mahoney Romula Cullen Dominic Condon Sara Goss Louise Murray Stephanos Badessa Margo Shea Marie Claire McCann Joan R. McCarthy Stella Sabini Brian Caputo Mary Carafotes Robert Caramancia Mary Caramanica Robert (Bob) Caramanica Mary Carchedi Mary Dunphy Card Ann Cardone Victorio Cardone John J. Carey Jr. Anna Carey Dr. Robert Carey Francis, Dorothy & Paul Carey Janet M. Carey John Carey Leo Carey Margaret Carey John Cargill Ellen Carlson Lenny Carlson Francis Carmichael Hugh Carney Nancy Carney William R. Carney Winifred Carney Edward Carpenillo Florence C. Carpenito Theresa Carpenito Betty Carr Connie Carr David J. Carr Elizabeth Carr James Carr Jay Carr Paul Francis Carr Philip Carr 2014 Tribute list We would like to thank the families and friends of the following persons, for requesting that donations be made in their memory "in lieu of flowers" to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 . . . my soul has been freed from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. I shall walk before God in the land of the living. (Psalm 116: 8-9) Mary Ward Boyle Paul Francis Carr Robert J. Casserly Humberto Coelho Paul Augustine Colbert Rev. Anthony (Tony) Daniele Dennis “Jerry” Doherty Charles Drane Katherine Elder Patricia Friel James Gilmore Benjamin Giovino Katherine Hart Christine Kelley Paul C. Kelly Palma Carrigan Catherine Carrigg Thomas Carroll Joan Carsno Claire Carten Michael Carty Tony Caruso Gloria Carvalho Maureen Kilroy Casavant Joseph D. Casey Jr. Joseph D. Casey Sr. Anne Casey Catherine Casey Daniel M. Casey Eleanor Casey Everett Casey Jack Casey John D. Casey Joseph R. Casey Mary Casey Stephen Casey Stephen J. Casey Robert J. Casserly Marylou (Hendry) Cassidy Richard Castro Ursula Catalfamo Cathy Riley's Sister Mary Creedon Mahoney Richard S. McCormack Kathleen (Keany) McHugh John P. Murphy Margaret Nolan Katherine O’Neil Joseph George Plante John Reney Ann (Keeley) Reitman James J. Rodley Robert Reney Marie Scanlon Mattina Sprague Frances (Cushing) Ventura Thomas Walsh William Cauley Barbara M. Caulfield M. Frances Cavalieri Roy G. Cayon III Natalye Albert Cease Antoinette Cecilli Ann Cedrone John Ceniela Arthur B. Centola Guy Centrella Robert Cerrato Guy Cerruti James Cervera David Chaisson Constance Chall Patricia Chamberlain Joseph Champagne Calbraith Champlin Richard Charboneau Jane Ann Charette Mary Charves Maria Eugenia Chase Edward Chateauneuf Don Cherette Eunice Cheveroli John J. Chiasson Louis Chighisola Walter J. Chinault Edward Chisholm William F. Chouinard Alice Christian Catherine Christian Anne Ciaffa Josephine Ciccarelli Rita Cicchese Anthony Ciccone Claire Cicerone Pasquelina Cieri George Cirelli Mary A. Claar Dorothy Clancy John Clancy Thomas D. Clancy Agnes Clark James J. Clark Marjorie Clark Patricia Clark's Father Peter Clark Robert Clark Sister Anna Vincent Clark Stephanie Clark Philip Clarke Philip Moir Clarke Jane Clasby Thomas F. Clasby Marie Cleary Mary Cleary Thomas Clegg Carol Clemente The Clifford Family Kathleen Clifford Patrick Clifford Jack Clinton Joseph Cloherty Patricia Cloonan Cecilia M. Coakley Elsie R. Coakley Mary Coakley Mary C. Coakley Marco Cocoza Viola M. Coculo Diane S. Coe Humberto Coelho John J. Coffey Jr. Letetia Coffey Letty Coffey Nora Coffey Rudy Cogliandro Francis D. Cogliano MD Mario Cogliano Nancy Colbert Paul Augustine Colbert Eleanor Cole George & Florence Cole George Coleman Edward J. Coleran Sr. SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Jack Coles Elissa M. Collins Eric Collins Louise Collins Mary G. Collins Mary Lonergan Collins Patricia Mary Collins Sister Vincent Ferrer Collins Virginia Collins Albert Colucci Paul Comeau Jr. Catherine E. Comeau Jack Compson Sister Margaret Concannon Ellen & Patrick Condon Margaret Rita Condon Sister Dominic Condon Jean Conley Joseph E. Conley Barbara E. Conlon Robert Conlon Martin Conneely Mary E. Connell Timothy J. Connell Edward F. Connelly Florence Connolly Jane Elizabeth Connolly Lenore K. Connolly Madeleine Connolly Margaret Connolly Patrick Connolly Rev. Fidelis Connolly Rosemary L. Connolly Frances Connor William Connor Catherine Connors Robert Connors Sister Niceta Connors Terese A. Connors Christine Murphy Conole Dick Conrad Winnifred Conroy Mary Consiglio Robert Constantine Constance Conway Edward Conway Margaret Conway Stephen Conway Robert Cook Jean Cooley Gerard Coppola Leo Coppolino Eileen Corbett Mildred Corbett Rose Corcoran Rosemarie Corcoran Rosemarie Corcoran Martha Corderi Helen Corkery 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 9 Francis Cormican Beverly Cormier Joanne Cormier Mathilde A. Cormier Oliver Alphy Cormier Sue Cornelius Armando Correia Kathleen Cose Alfred F. Cosman Helen Costa Lina Costanzi Gerard Costello Monica T. Costello Nan Costello Elaine Costigan Thomas Costigan Paul Cote Irene Cotell Anna Cotter James Cotter Michael "Joe" Cotter Pat Cotter Sally Cotter Sister Virginia Cotter William Cotter Marie Covelle Maureen Rita Coveney Elaine Covino Clairee (Connors) Cox Clare Cox Edwin A. Cox Catharine Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Coyne Thomas F. Coyne Michael Craig Patricia Craig Margaret Crann Ruth Crann Eleanor Craven Billy Cravens James Creel Margaret Crehan Peg Crehan Mary Crickett Lorraine Crocker Robin Crocker Geraldine Davis Cronig Donald Cronin Mary Cronin Ralph Cronin Sister Mary Ruth Cronin William E. Cronin Anna Crosby Anne Crosby William F. Cross Jr. Christine M. Crossman Daniel Crowley Ed Crowley Edward Crowley Elizabeth Crowley James & Mary Crowley John Crowley Andrew Crowther CSJs From Cardinal Spellman H. S. Brockton CSJs From Cathedral H. S. Boston CSJs From Immaculate Conception Church CSJs From St. Ann Dorchester CSJs From St. Pius V Lynn Giovanni Cucinotta Catherine Mary Cullen Garrett Cullen Sister Romula Cullen Sister Serena Cullen Thomas Cullen Lawrence Cummings Sr. Mary T. Cummiskey Michael Cunnane Liz Cunningham Nancy Cunningham Geraldine Curadossi Bernard Curley Bernie Curley Joseph Curley Lillian Curley Joe Curran Richard & Eileen Curran Lorraine Sarno Curreri Charlie Curtin Michael E. Curtin Mr. Curtin Robert Curtin Dicky Curtis Mary Curtis Richard James Cushing John Cusolito Theresa Cussen Ruth E. Czmut D-F Braydon D'Agostino Joseph D'Alessandro David D'Allessandro Joseph E. D'Ambrosio Santoe D'Ambrosio Joanne D'Amore Susan D'Angelo Bishop John M. D'Arcy Kathleen D'Entremont Kay D'Entremont Margaret D'Espinosa Anthony B. D'Onofrio Vincent Dabenigno William Daily Bishop Robert Daley Johnny Daley Kathleen "Kay" Daley Peter Daley Kevin A. Dalton James Joseph Daly Margaret Daly Margaret & Daniel Daly Michael Daly Philip Daly Robert Daly Robert F. Daly Susan Daly Frederick E. Damon Sr. Joan Danahy Jesse Daney Rev. Tony Daniele Sister Ellie Daniels James Dargon Lily T. Darling Edward Dasch Dolores Dauenhauer Ottanus J. Daukas The Davenport Family Alice Davieau David Davies Russell Davis William Davisson Mark Day Helena Daze Gloria DeAngelis Steve DeAngelis Gerard A. DeBiasi Dinoandrea DeComo Diane DeCosta John DeLollis Dorothea DeLorey Eleanor DeLuco Joseph DeMaco Rudolph T. DeMarco Rose DeMareo Pearl R. DeMello Louise DeRosa Leo DeSantis Rose DeSantis Olga DeSario Frank DeSousa Michael DeVincenzi Joseph DeVito Dan DeWald Douglas Dearborn Carolyn Deblonski Carol DelPrete Rusty DelRaso Cecil Delaney Deacon Joseph Delaney Francis X. Delaney Sister Maria Delaney Rev. Donald Delay 10 Sisters of St. Joseph Mary DellaGatta Geno I. DelloRusso Mary DelloRusso Alice Dembowski Rose A. Demeo Sister Anne Demeo Irene E. Dempsey Julie Anne Dempsey Maureen Dennehy Marion Denning Antonio Moreira dePinho Angela DerMagerdecian Florence Dermody Claire M. DesRoches Leonilda "Hilda" Descoteaux John F. Desmond Jr. Sister Joan Desmond SND Jack Desmond Maureen Kelter Devaney Barbara Deveney Barbara Deveny Janice M. Deveny Janet Dever Robert C. Dever Clair Devine Thomas Devine Tom Devine Rev. Joseph Devlin SJ Andrea Devlin Ann Devlin Paul Devlin Dr. William J. Devony Debra Dew Francis Dewar Robert Dewar Scott Deware Anna DiCarlo Peppe DiCemone George DiCicco Susan DiGiovanni Alfred G. DiGiusto Chee Chee DiGrammarino Rudolph DiGregorio Joan E. DiMaggio Dino DiMarzio Joseph DiNapoli Theresa DiNapoli Leonard DiPanfilo John DiPietro Vincent DiTullio Anselmo Dias Glen Dias Manuel Dias Jean Digan Emily Dillis William J. Dillon Jr. William Dillon Sister Chabanel Dinn William Diotte 2014 Tribute list Christopher Diovani Mike Diroco Phil Divino Paul Dmytryck Patricia Dockray George Dodge Ronnie Dodge Bill Dodrill Eleanor Doherty & Family Barbara Doherty Barbara F. Doherty Connie Doherty Cornelius W. Doherty Daniel Doherty Dennis "Jerry" Doherty Edmond Doherty Edward B. Doherty Ellen Louise Doherty George M. Doherty Mary W. Doherty Patsy Doherty Paul Doherty Paul J. Doherty Sean M. Doherty Eileen Dolan Doris Dolbec Frances M. Dombrowski Charles, Abbie & Jean Blanco Donahue John Donaghue Sr. Mary (Magurn) Donaghue Major Michael J. Donahue Patricia Donahue Madeline H. Donatelli Vincenzo Donato Barbara Donavan Thomas R. Donelin Jr. Joan Donlan Donna's Mother Charles Donnelly James Donnolly John S. Donoghue Sr. John Donoghue James Donohue Andrew J. Donovan Barbara Donovan Charles Donovan Doris Donovan Dorothy Donovan Elizabeth (Betsy) Donovan Gerard Donovan Harold R. Donovan James C. Donovan Jeremiah Donovan Jerry Donovan Mary Donovan Patricia Donovan Patrick John Donovan Rita Donovan Theresa Donovan Virginia Donovan Marie Dooley Dr. William J. Doran Helen Dorant Michael Dorn Paul Dorsey Jay Edward Doucett John Doucette Agnes Douglas Frances Dowd William H. Dowling Jr. Anna Downer Jane Marylena Downes Mary Ellen Downey Rita Downey Donna Downs Ann Dowty Agnes Doyle Ann Cantfill Doyle Beverly A. Doyle Carol Doyle Kevin Doyle Lawrence Doyle Robert Doyle Sister Marie Agnes Doyle Sister Marie deLourdes Doyle Thomas Doyle Carol R. Doyon William Draicchio Charles Drane Rev. Lawrence Drennan Helen Drinan Thomas Drinan The Driscoll Family Barbara Driscoll Esther Driscoll Margaret Driscoll Nicholas Driscoll Thomas Driscoll Thomas C. Driscoll Ernest J. DuBeau Alexander D. DuPuy Pauline DuWors Stanley Dubus Janet Duebner Jeanette Duff Agnes M. Duffy Elaine Duffy Eileen Rouine Duggan Ellie Duggan Audrey Dugrenier Joseph T. Dukeman Jr. Arthur Dulong Anna V. Dunn Daniel Noel Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn Nora Dunn Robert Dunn Sister Therese Dunn Arthur L. Dunphy Jr. Margaret L. Dupont Charlotte Duponte Jeffrey Dupuis Sheila Dupuis Paul D. Duragano Michael Duran Helen Durant John Durkin Jr. Anita Durkin Elizabeth Durkin John Durkin Raymond Duval Frederick E. Dwyer Jr. John Dwyer Kevin Dwyer Teresa Earl Sister Ursula Earle Jacqueline Eason Nancy Eastman Richard W. Eaton Marie Eckes Donald Edwards George Edwards William Egan Richard G. Eggart Louis Eggmeyer Olga Egidio Katherine Elder Kevin F. Eldridge Hugh Ellis Walter Ellis Rita Emello Kunegunda Empel Phyllis Enfanto Jenny Sloyen Eng Kathleen Eng Doris Engler Robert Eppich Marie Ercole Charles Ereckson Elton Ernest Buddy Ernst Robert L. Erwin Jr. Margaret Ettinger Leo Evans Ann Dorsey Evele Celie Everly Josephine (Coviello) Fabbri Coleman Faherty Mary "Betty" Faherty Ellen McKenney Fahey Grace Fahey James Fahey Rosemary Fahey Grace Anne Fairbairn Patrick Falaro SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON William Falasca Sister Annata Falla Bridget Fallon Joan Breslin Fallon Mary Fallon Robert Fallon William Fallon Donna Falusi Joan Fanali Rev. Thomas Farley Mark V. Farnsworth Joseph Faro David J. Farrell DMD Joan Tobin Farrell Joanne Farrell Sister Myra Farrell Thomas Farrell Dr. Robert L. Farrelly Alice Farren Patrick "Packy" Farren Robert Anthony Farrier Steven Fava Sister Rose Therese Favazza Arthur J. Fay Ellen Fay Mary E. Fay John Feeley Peter Feeley Anne Feeney Stephen Feeney Steven W. Feeney William J. Feeney Helen Feilteau Kathleen Feiselman Arlene Felt Laraine Fennelly Phyllis V. Ference Mary Fernald Harriet Fernquist Margaret Ferrante Mary Ferrara Silvino A. Ferreira Roger Lee Ferrelli Clair Ferri Diana Ferris Genevieve Lewicki Ferris Lionel Ferris James Ferro Mary Ferro Yolanda Ferullo Ann Ficarelli Stephen R. Fichera Ralph Ficociello Susan Wholey Field Vollie Fields Mary Figurito Elizabeth (Collins) Fina Margaret Finegan Ann Finigan 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 11 Joseph L. Finigan Harold Finlayson William (Bill) Finnegan Jane Finneran Patricia Finnocchio Patricia Finocchio Virginia Finochetti Michael Fiore Barbara Fisher David Fitton John T. Fitzgerald Jr. Edward Fitzgerald Mary Fitzgerald Paul Fitzgerald Ruth Fitzgerald Sister Patricia Fitzmaurice Frank M. Fitzpatrick Richard H. Fitzpatrick Charles Fitzsimmons Pia Fiumana Eleanor Kinnane Flaherty Kevin Flaherty Mary Flaherty Mary E. Flaherty Mary Elizabeth Flaherty Edward F. Flanagan Jr. Angela Flanagan Anne T. Flanagan Edward F. Flanagan Kevin Flanagan Ann Flannagan Lorraine J. Flannery The Fleming Family Bridget Fleming Margaret Fleming Suzanne B. Fleming Christopher Flood Sally Flores Andrew Flynn Andy Flynn Gertrude Flynn James J. Flynn Larry Flynn Thomas Flynn Tom Flynn William Flynn Douglas Focht Lillian (Lil) Focht Nora Folan Noreen P. Folan Dr. Foley Dr. Michael Foley Jean Foley Jeannie Foley John Foley Mary Lou Foley Michael T. Foley Nora Foley Patricia Foley Paul Foley Paul & Jim Foley Sister Catherine Marie Foley Theresa Foley Thomas G. Foley Claude Fontaine Robert "Bob" Fontaine Barbara Lee Fontes Jose Fontes Rinaldo Fonzi Robert Foote Denise Ford Sister Anna Catherine Ford Sister Julia Ford Margaret Forrest Karen Forster Nora Theresa Fortes Margaret Foster Richard C. Foster Eleanor Fothergill Robert Fountaine John J. Fox Lorraine Foxx Richard Foy Fr. Fidelis Francis Fraine Carl L. Francesconi Ruth Francis William Francis Francesco Frangipani Michael Franklin Ilah Franks Alice Franz Dorothy A. Fraser Paul Frasso Florence Fraumeni Gerald Frazier Dr. Francis Freccero Daniel Frechette Charles E. Fredette Jean Fredette William Freitas Mary Fricke Janice Friday Kevin Friedland Patricia Friel George Frost Paul Fudurich Thomas Fullerton Alexander Fulton Helen Marie Fulton Paul E. Fulton Kristen Furbush Kristen & Steve Furbush Rev. Gerard Furlan SX Regina Furman Maria Jose Furtado G-I Marguerite Donovan Gabrick Francis Gaffney James Gaffney James P. Gaffney Genevieve Gagnon Norma Gagnon John Gallaghan Allison M. Gallagher Dorothea Gallagher George Gallant Edward Gallespie John Gallivan Donna Galusi Edward Galvin Mary F. Galvin Robert & Rita Galvin Walter Gancarz Jean Gangi Sean Gannon Richard Ganong Monica Gardella Judy Kelley Gardiner Eleanor B. Gardner Judy Gardner Margaret Garrahan Thomas Garrigan Richard M. Garrity Mr. Garry Cara Garzone Jose Luis Gaspar Ana Maria Gasulla Peter Gates Sebastian "Subby" Gattinella James Gavaghan Joseph Gavin Mary Gavin Barbara Gayne John J. Gearin Joan Geary Rev. Edward Geary Frank Gentile Tito Gentile George Geourntas Eileen Geraghty Mary M. Geraghty Mary Gerrish Mary L. Gethin Ethel Geuss Grace Ghirardi John Giampietro Jim Gianadda Michael Giarrusso Mary Gibbens Maureen Gibbs Ronald Gibson 12 Sisters of St. Joseph Jilda (Mamie) Giles Barbara Gill David T. Gill John Gill John J. Gill Richard Gill Thomas Gill Margaret Jean Gillen Edward Gillespie Edythe Gillings Brian Gillis Dorothy Gillis Dot Gillis Frances Gillis Janet Gillis Neil J. Gillis Mary Gillmore Mary E. Gillooly Jim & Agnes Gilmartin James Gilmore Gini Sister Margaret Ginty Linda Giorato Patsy Giordano Ruth Giorgi Mary Giorgio Benjamin Giovino Joseph Giovino Edward Girard Patricia Girvan Rose Giunta Mary A. Gleason Diane Glynn Jane Mary Glynn Kevin B. Glynn Mary Glynn Raymond Gmuca James Gobiel Marie Gobron Margaret Goff Mary Goggin Kenneth Goldrick Richard Golembeski Alex Gondola Paul Revere Gonsalves Alton Preston Goodale Harvey S. Goodwin Ruby Goodwin Jack Gorday "Butch" Earl Gordon Catherine Goreczny James Gorman Mary Gorman Edward Gorny Sister Sara Goss Rev. Raymond O. Goulet Edith Govoni George J. Govostes Grace 2014 Tribute list Eleanor Graceffa Petera Graceffa John Grady Richard D. Grady Antoinetta & Michael Graffeo Patrick Granahan Elizabeth Grant Marjorie Grant Roger Grant Phyllis Grasso Robert Gray Thomas Grealy John K. Greeley John X. Greeley Margaret M. Green Ellen Greenberger Jeremiah E. Greene Jr. Evan Greene Mary Gregg Fr. Leo Gregoire Tex Gregory Theo Griesacker The Griffin & Nagle Families Catherine Griffin Catherine (Meade) Griffin Elizabeth Griffin John Griffin Margaret Griffin Mary Griffin Michael D. Griffin Noreen Griffin Thomas Griffin Helen Alma Grifkin Ellen F. Grimmett Kenneth Groh John C. Gronberg Paula A. Grosso Larry Groth Charles Grover Nicholas S. Grugnale Robert Guercio Agnes Guidi Frank Guilfoyle Ozzie Guilli Margaret Guilmette Charlette A. Guiney Rose Guinta Salvatore Gulino Teresa Gunning Catherine Guthrie Jean C. Gys Joseph Habib Joan Haddix Mary Hadley Blanche Hague Kathleen Hague Martha Haldiman Gervaise Haley Bill Hall Carl Hall Marie Terese Hall Per Olaf Hall Lucy Halley Michael Hallio Joan F. Hallisey Mary L. Halloran Sharon Hambarian Richard Hamel William Hameline Jr. Mertie Hamilton Edward Hammersley Brian Hamner James Hamrock Barbara Haney William J. Hanley Jr. Joseph E. Hanley Christine Hanlon Daniel J. Hanlon Jack Hanlon Patrick Hanlon Martha Anne Hannah Edward Hannon Rev. John Mark Hannon Norman B. Hansen Ann Hanwell Paul G. Hardiman Rita Harding Edward J. Hardy Sister Julie Harkins Irvin Harlow Daniel R. Harrington Eleanor Harrington Ellen Harrington Mary Harrington Paul A. Harrington Rev. Daniel Harrington Rose Marie Harrington Sylvia "Cookie" Harris Barbara Harris Dorothy Harris John Harrison Katherine Hart Marjorie E. Hart Mary "Marie" Hart Sister Dorothy Hart Peter Hartlin Lynne Hartman Mortimer Hartnett Sister Lillian Hartney George L. Harvey III Jeannette Harvey Beverly Hassan Eugene Hassell Daniel Hasset Gertrude T. Hassey Jason Hastie Robert Hatfield Charles Hauck Edward Haugh Edward L. Hayden Jr. Wendell Hayden Gene Hayes Jack Hayes James Hayes Virginia M. Hayward Patricia Hazzard Marie T. Healy Michael Healy Pamela Healy Richard Healy Elizabeth Hebard Alice W. Heffernan Fran Heffernan John Heffernan Mary T. Heffernan Peter Heffernan Peter J. Heffernan Nora Hegarty Jesse Heikkila Mary L. Heim Kathleen Hendrix Walter F. Henneberry Jr. Ruth M. Henneberry Edward K. Hennessey Janet Hennessey Ruth A. Herlihy David A. Hern Glenn Herrigan Marion Hessel Sister M. Padua Hesselschwerdt Sue Hetu Margaret Hewitt James Hickey William Hickey Mary Ann Hieronymus Martina Higginbotham Lee Higginbothom Carl R. Higginbottom Barbara E. Higgins Janice Higgins Michael Hill Robert D. Hirtle Michael Hobbs Clare Hodson Dr. Joseph C. Hogan Jr. Arthur Hogan Joseph Hogan Lois Hogan Virginia M. Hogan Tim Holbert Henrietta Holden Carol Holland Frances E. Hollister Blanche Holmberg Dewey Holmes Christopher Holsing Eleanor Honan SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Patrick J. Honan Joseph Hooper Dorothy G. Hopkins Richard Hopkins Robert Hoppes Colleen Gavin Horan Daniel Horan Eleanor Horan Gerard (Radie) Horgan Ted Horne George Horner Sister Carla Horner William Hoss Jr. Carmen Houlihan John J. Hourihan Sr. Richard Housman Anastasia Houston Martha Mary Howard Ryan K. Howarth Joseph Howe John Warren Howland Mary Howland Rita Hoyt Robert Huber Margaret Hubert Jeanne A. Hudd Dr. Philip Charles Hughes Helen Hughes Jim Hughes Jeanne Marie Humber Virginia Humberd Peter G. Hunt Anastasia Veronica Huntington Bernard Hurley Daniel Hurley James W. Hurley Kevin J. Hurley Michael D. Hurley Francis Hynes Frank Hynes Mario Iacovelli Stella Iacovelli Malta Iannetti Joseph Ierardi Robert Ierardi Charles Ingersoll Bernadette Ippolito Donna Itri Sister Corsini Ivers Carmella Izzo J-L Betty Jacobbe Eileen Jadaszewski Eleanor January James Jarvis 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 13 Solail Jean Kevin Jeffers Edward Jenkins Kenneth Jenkins Mary Anne Jennette Kenny Jennings Sister Neri Jennings Carol Jezak Carole Jezak Michael Jodice Arthur Jodoin Johnny Constance Johnson Francesca Johnson Gertrude Johnson Kimberly Johnson Mary Jane Johnson Natalie Johnson Robert W. Johnson Carolyn Johnston Robert Johnston George Jonah Christopher M. Jones Elizabeth M. Jones Kathleen Jordan William Jordan Joseph Jovin Joan Joyal John P. Joyce Mary Joyce Mary Ann Joyce Sister Barbara Joyce Paul S. Kabachus Thomas J. Kane Jr. Marsoh Kargho Anne P. Katilus Al Kazakaitis Chrissy Keane Frank Keaney Ann (Nancy) Kearney Sister Agnes Keating Francis J. Keefe George Keefe Jean (Lamont) Keefe Pauline Keefe Harry P. Keegan Neal Keegan Marilyn Keeley Marion Keeley Thomas Kehoe Patricia Keilty Jean Sicard Kelleher Mary Kelleher Mary & John Kelleher Thomas & Anna Kelleher Albert Kelley Anne M. Kelley Christina Kelley Christine L. Kelley Dorothy Kelley Frank J. Kelley Gail P. Kelley Joseph Kelley Margaret Kelley Mary Kelley Richard Kelley Sister Virginia Kelley Daniel Kelliher Teresa Manning Kelliher John Kelly Jr. Annette M. Kelly Barbara A. Kelly Christina Kelly Frank Kelly Harriet Kelly Jack Kelly John Kelly Kathleen Kelly Kay Kelly Margaret Kelly Paul C. Kelly Sister Anna Mary Kelly Sister Sally Kelly Timothy Kelly Jean Kelty Wesley Kendall Joan Kenneally David H. Kennedy Jr. Agnes Kennedy Margaret L. Kennedy Lawrence Kenney Peter Kenney Richard Alan Kennissan Sandra Jarvis Keohane John E. Keon Jr. Sandra Keough Florence & Joseph Keras Mae Kerran's Dad Herbert & Lillian Keveny Anita Kiely Chika Kikuchi James Kilcoyne Ben A. Killian Robert Killion John Kim Attny. Robert Kimball Karen Kimball Sally Kimball William Kinch Michael M. Kineavy Tom Kineavy Gabrielle King Joseph King Maureen King Paul King Peggy King Sister Barbara King William P. King Rosemary Kingsley George Kingston Tim Kiniles William Kinneally Sister Catherine Kinsella Anne O'Brien Kirby Daniel Kirby Kevin Kirk Claire Kirsch Dorothy Kirwin Janice Kisiel Jean Kiszka Catherine Klee Kathleen Klee Kathryn H. Kleftis Dolores Kluczyk Angie Kluess Angie Urban Kluess Edmund Knight Rebecca Knight Joseph Koch Alfred Kodkidko Rolande Kohn Robert Kolpien Charles Korzeniowski Michael "Mitch" Kouri Kevin Kraham Adam Kraus Evelyn Krause Paula Krill William Krohto Winslow B. Krueger Rose Marie Krugh David Kuja Peter Kurpeski Claire Kursch Orille W. L'Heureaux Jane "Skip" LaBoda Keith LaBresh Jean LaBroad Maurice LaCascia Roger LaChance Anne & George LaCount Lois L. LaCroix Gary LaFane Frank J. LaFratta Jeffrey LaPointe Angelo LaRosa Joan (Hobin) LaRovere Jack LaValle Norman Labrecque Inez Laffey Shirley Lalime Dorothy Lamb Dorothy Lamont Gabrielle Lamy Julie Lanato Mary Landers Tracy Landino 14 Sisters of St. Joseph Dustin Landry Evelyn T. Lane Gertrude Lane Lucile Ellison Lane Sister Catherine Lane Angela M. Langone Frederick Langone Lena Lanney Theresa Lannon Jack Lapsley Mary Louise Lapsley Judith T. Larrabee Larry The Larsen Family Janice Larson Maureen Latchford Isabelle Latteri Mary E. Laughlin Jack Lavelle James Lavezzo Kathleen Lavezzo Maureen Lavoie Mary "Connie" Law Donna Lawlor Edward Lawlor Katherine Lawlor Justice John F. Lawton Rosemary Lax Harold T. Laye Jr. Noreen Layman Joseph C. Lazaro Jr. Mary LeBlanc Gary R. LeFave Charlie LeFeure Ryan LeVangie Mary Ida LeVasseur Leah's Uncle Fred Mary Leahy David Leaman Claire Leary Donald Leary Marilyn (Hanlon) Leary Louis Lebbossiere Louis A. Lebbossiere Maddie Leccese Kathleen V. Lee Paula Lee Paula Lento Lee Sister Agnes Lee John Leehan Jr. Lena Leggett Janelle Leighton's Family John P. Lennon John D. Leonard Sarah T. Leonard. Christine Leone Theresa E. Leone Alice Lepore Amato Lepore 2014 Tribute list Sara Lerner Mariann Leskinski George Leslie Armand E. Lessa Maureen Lesuer Leslie Lana Letourneau James Levan Lillian Levesque Mario Liberatore Michael Libin Doris Licata Elizabeth Linden Russell "Sonny" Lindenfelzer Kathleen Linehan Dean Litchfield Barbara Loanetti Cecile Logan Sister Carole Lombard Catherine J. Lombardi Hortense (Ann) Lombardi Rosa Lombardo John E. Lonergan Gary Long Timothy Long Paul Longdin Eleanor Longstaff Leo Lore Jr. Palmina C. Lotfy Sister Mary Ann Loughlin FMM Mary Loughlin John Loughran Yselia Louis Patsy Lowell Sister Peggy Lowell Catherine Lozzi Thomas Lucas Lucy Lucci Dennis P. Lucey Joan M. Lucey Charles Luciano Richard Lucius Joseph Lucy Ruth A. Luecke Brandon Luise Catherine Travers Lundergan Shirley Lundgren George Lundin Jr. Al Lunt John Luskin Jr. Jack Luskin Mr. Luyet Irene Lydon James Lydon Margaret T. Lydon Sister Petros Lydon Edward Lynch Claire Lynch Francis Lynch Francis J. Lynch John Lynch Theresa Lynch Virginia Lynch Carl Lynge John Lyons John (Jack) Lyons Joseph Lyons Lee Lyons Mary Lyons Raymond Patrick Lyons M-O Joan M. MacArthur Irene MacCune Debra Ann MacDonald Maureen MacDonald Winifred MacDonald Robert MacDougall Donald MacIntyre Genevieve MacIsaac James MacKenzie Pauline MacKinnon Gary MacLeod Marcella MacLerran Phyliss Fontana MacMurdo James MacNeil Mary A. MacNeil Wendy Anne MacNeill Lucille A. MacPhelemy Anthony Macaudda Anna Nina Maccini Dorothy Macero W. Ward Mack Nilus Mackey Jr. Robert N. Madden Jr. Arinda Madden Margaret Madden Elias Madias John Maffa Tommy Maganaro Arthur M. Magee Phyllis Magee Ruth Magee Henry (Buck) Magner Henry (Buddy) Magner Dorothy Maguire Sister Mary Mura Maguire Charles L. Mahaleris Francis X. Mahoney Sr. Charles Mahoney Clara Mahoney Deborah Mahoney Ellen Mahoney James Mahoney Lawrence Mahoney Mary Creedon Mahoney Sean Mahoney Sister Mary Frances Mahoney James Mahony Jr. Alice Maider Dianne M. Maille Kenneth Main Jo Major Regina Malamede Laurence Malek Ruth Mallahan Marge Malloy George Malm Edward Malone George Malone Gerard Malone Gerry Malone Jerry Malone Joseph Malone Thomas Malone Robert Maloney Margaret Maloof Helene Mancini Rita Elizabeth Mancini Joanne Mandragouras Sister Janina Mangion Mary T. Manley Nancy Collins Mann James M. Manning Joe Manning Joseph Manning Neil M. Manning Robert Manning Rosemarie Manning Maureen Mannion Patrick Mannion Winifred Mannion Simone C. Manseau Percy Marchan Dorothy Marchand Rosetta Marchant Yolanda Marciano Joan M. Marciello Marie Marenghi Lucy Marengi Terry Marengi Carmen Maresco Helen Marinaro Gwen Ingalls Mark Louis A. Marks Jr. Mary (Crowley) Marquez Mary Marquz Ann Marren Isabelle D. Martell Barbara A. Marten Sister J. P. Martin SMSM Bonnie Martin Daniel S. Martin Donald Martin Dr. William Martin Gary Martin SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Jean Martin Susan Martinez Hubert Francis Martyn Catherine Maschini Jack Masiello Gladys Mason Mary Mason Andrew Masotta Nancy Massa Rosa Massaro Teresa Massie Thomas Masterson Joseph R. Mastrangelo Leo Masuret Edith Mathieu Elva Matos Donald Matses Jean Mattaliano Michael Matthew Alicia F. Matthews Gertrude Rose Matthews John Matthews Margaret Matthews Michael Matthews Lisa Mattie Robert Mattie Sister Mary Thaddeus Matucieski Nancy Maughn Lew Maxwell James J. May Henry Mazurkiewicz Linda Mazza Andrew Mazzola Angeline Mazzone Danaea McAdam Paul McAteer Anna McAuliffe Dan McAuliffe Daniel McAuliffe Mary McAuliffe Dorothy M. McBride Esther McBride Edward McCabe Jim McCabe E. Lorraine McCann Sister Marie McCann Maurice McCarthy Jr. MD Anna McCarthy Audrey McCarthy Barbara McCarthy Christopher McCarthy Francis (Frank) McCarthy Francis J. McCarthy Pat & Rose McCarthy Robert McCarthy Rose Mary McCarthy Sister Joan R. McCarthy Sister M. Aquinas McCarthy Lorna McCaughey 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 15 Alice M. McCauley Robert McCauley William McCauley Charles McCawley Gayle McClure Brian & Dorothy McConnell James McConnell Rosemary McConville Marguerite McCormack Marjorie McCormack Richard S. McCormack Sister Kostka McCormack Michael James McCorry Patricia McCorry Barbara McCullough Jane McCusker Michael McCusker Gerald McDade Herbert McDermott John McDermott Mary McDermott Joan McDevitt Bernard McDewell Arlene McDonald Carolyn McDonald John McDonald Joseph McDonald Marguerite E. McDonald Marian McDonald Matthew McDonald Phyllis McDonald Sister Hildegarde McDonald Helen McDonnell Robert McDonnell Shiobhan McDonnell William McDonnell Faye McDonough James McDonough James M. McDonough Mary McDonough Mary T. McDonough Nora McDonough The McDonough Family Bill McEachern Mary R. McEleney John D. McElhiney Joseph McElhinney Kenneth "Bud" McElvain John McEwan Andrew McFarland Peter McGaffigan Thomas L. McGahan Jr. Jane E. McGahan Jack McGee Jerry McGillicuddy Raymond McGillivray Catherine McGilvray Dorothy McGlauflin Daniel McGonagle Kenneth McGonagle Mary McGonagle Mary M. McGonagle Rev. James McGonagle Philip McGowan William McGowan Jim McGrath John McGrath Maureen McGrath Terri McGrath John McGreavy Barbara McGregor Arline McGuire Donald McGuire Martin F. McGuire Owen S. McHarg Jr. Kathleen (Keany) McHugh John F. McIlivenna Jr. James McInnis Raymond J. McInnis Steven McInnis Ken McIntire Laraine McIntire Anne McIntyre Gary McIsaac Shirley McIver Delores McKay Thomas McKay Bruce McKenna Connor McKenna Gloria McKenna Nancy McKenna Jean M. McKenney Jean McKenzie Nancy McKenzie Sister Rosalie McKenzie John R. McKeon William McKeon Margaret Calhoun McKeough Paul McKewon Martha McKinley Genevieve McKinney Pat McKinnon Winnie McKinnon Alexis McLaughlin Ann McLaughlin Louise McLaughlin Mary McLaughlin Mrs. McLaughlin Sister Amatus McLaughlin Sister M. Dolorata McLaughlin William McLaughlin Mary McLean The McLellan Family Roger McLeod Carol Ann McLlarky Elizabeth McMahon Mary McMahon Florence McManus John McManus Marie McManus Laurence McMaster Michael McMusker Earl McNamara Sr. Helen Guziejka McNamara Joseph T. McNamara Michael McNamara Nancy McNeill Jean McNulty Frances McPartland Lois McPherson William McRobert Mary (Betty) McSheffrey Matthew J. McSherry Eileen McVarish Marilyn Meade Gilbert Medina Pauline Meduros Catherine Meehan Janice Meehan Terrence Meehan Robert Meers Midge Mehigan Chet Melanson Josephine Mele Ann Meli Alexander Melius Paul J. Mellett Beatrice Mello Judith Melly Sister Agnes Melly Sister Catherine Melly Jane Melody Margaret Melody Paul Melvin Elizabeth Mema Sister Theresa Menard Thomas M. Menino Filomena Mercadante Timothy Mercier Victor Merkel Zeconas Merkevicius Eileen (Troy) Merritt Philip M. Merten Richard Merullo Edith Messia Ed Messina The Meyer & Davis Families Matthew Meyer Patricia Meyer Christina Miceli Beatrice Michalski Beatrice & Edward Michalski Carol Michaud Seth Michaud The Miglierini & Petrilli Families James Milano Robert Miley 16 Sisters of St. Joseph Edith Miller Gary Miller George "Matt" Miller Joseph Miller Katherine L. Miller Robert Miller Richard "Richie" Milligan Donna Millmore Alice Mills David Mills Marguerite (Peg) Mills Luigi Milone Diane Minihan Rudolph Miniutti Joseph Mirabella Maureen Miskunas John Mitchell Kathryn Mitchell Ken Mitchell Patrick & Margaret Mitchell Richard Mix Francesco Mogavero Dick Molinari Tony Mollica Paul Molloy Roland Mondor Clara Gargano Mongiello Luisa Moniz Irene Montmeny Theresa Monty Roger Moody Genevieve Mooers Sister Roberta Moore Carol Frances Moran John F. Moran Kevin Moran Loyola D. Moran Michael Moran Timothy Moran Joseph Morana James Moravelias Mary Moreira Lisa M. Morgan Noreen Cullivan Morgan Eileen J. Moriarty Paul F. X. Moriarty Mary Morra Mary Morris Patricia Morris Edward Morrison Kathleen Morrison Roderick C. Morrison Eleanor Morrissey Michael Morrissey Ryan Morrissey Joan Morrow Samuel Moschella Alan Moscovic Mary Mosey 2014 Tribute list Hank Mosychuk Alison Moynihan Sister Ann Moynihan Timothy Moynihan Debbie Kean Mroz Marilyn Muck Carol Muir Claire Mulcahy Claire A. Mulcahy Sister Katrina Mulcahy Ann Norine Muldoon Dorothy T. Muldoon John Muldoon Drew Mulhearn Michelle Stinson Mulhern Helen Mulkern Sister Catherine E. Mulkerrin Catherine M. Mullaney Joan Mullen Joseph Mullen Paul Mullen Catherine Muller Michael E. Mullowney Arthur Mulrain Mary J. Mulvey Philip Mulvey Roger Mummah Matthew Munson The Murphy Family Lt. Col. Philip Murphy USMC (Ret.) Alice Marie Murphy Bob Murphy Carmeline Rose Murphy Donald Murphy Elizabeth Murphy Jean Murphy John Murphy John P. Murphy Joseph Murphy Kathleen Cash Murphy Mae Sullivan Murphy Mary Murphy Nancy Murphy Neil P. Murphy Patricia Murphy Patrick J. Murphy Paul E. Murphy Peter Murphy Sister A. Catherine Murphy Sister Alvernara Murphy Sister M. Jose Murphy Sister M. Celestine Murphy Stella Briere Murphy Stephen Murphy Timothy R. Murphy Peggy Murrane Beverly Murray Sister Louise Murray Sister Valentina Murray Sister Virginia Marie Murray John Murtagh Jack Murtaug Anne Muti My Mom My Parents Donald N. Eileen C. Nagle Francis J. Nagle Eleanor Ann Comeau Nali Patrick Napkees Patrick Naples Elaine Nardo Mary Natoli David Naughton Delia Naughton Joseph Navarra Jeanne Neale John Negrotti John Neiss Francis A. Nelson Barbara Nestor Edward Joseph Neville Jr. Madeline Nevins Beth Newell Kathleen Newhall Audrey Ney Joseph Nicastro William Nicholls Edward Nichols Raymond Nichols David Nicholson Rosemary Nicholson Rena Nicoli Alice Nicosia Edward Nielsen Robert G. Niles Richard Nilo Sr. Bill Nixon Michael Noble Bruce Noddin Frances Nodler Marlene L. Noel Edward Noelle John Joseph Noga Franklin "Al" Nolan Margaret Nolan Peggy & Joseph Nolan Sister Anne Nolan Lisa Noonan Patrick & Alice Noonan Sister Aimee Noonan Bob Noone Edward Norcott Noreen Henry Norman Margaret North Bob Norton Frank Norton Michael Norton Robert Norton Frank Nosek Darel Nowers Paul Nuzzi Sandra Fawe Nye Dick O'Brien Ellen O'Brien Francis O'Brien John J. O'Brien Mary Christine O'Brien Richard C. O'Brien Robert O'Brien Robert J. O'Brien Rosemary O'Brien Sandra & Jim O'Brien Sister Agnesca O'Brien Sister Marinus O'Brien Lenahen O'Connell Esq. Arthur (Oakie) O'Connell Bert O'Connell Frances M. O'Connell James O'Connell Kevin G. O'Connell Margaret A. O'Connor Margie O'Connor Mary O'Connor Mary (Boles) O'Connor Pat O'Connor Robert O'Connor Robert S. O'Connor Susan E. O'Connor Margaret P. O'Day Ann O'Donnell Dr. Charles O'Donnell Edythe O'Donnell James & Beatrice O'Donnell Joseph O'Donnell Lillian O'Donnell Shaun O'Donnell Sister Joanicius O'Donnell Jean O'Hara Joan O'Hara John O'Hare Sister Jeanne d'Arc O'Hare Marlene A. O'Keefe Edward V. O'Mahony Sr. Alice G. O'Malley Dara O'Malley Mary O'Malley Mary Murphy O'Malley Paula Marie O'Mara Bernard O'Neil Jr. Jean O'Neill Dorothy O'Rourke Sean O'Rourke Theresa O'Rourke Cornelius O'Sullivan SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Kenny O'Toole John O'Connell Mary O'Donnell Paul M. O'Donnell Edward F. O'Grady Sr. Geraldine Oakham James & Lucy Oates George Obuchon Elsie Ogden Judith Olaks Stephen Oldak Jorge Olivardia Francis Oliver Jackie Olivo Therese Olwell Henry Onessimo Jr. Elena Oppedisano Josephine G. Opuszynski Diane Orlando Joseph Orlando Nicole Ortiz Josephine M. Osborne Richard L. Osterman Theresa Ouellette Gertrude E. Overlan Catherine M. Oxley P-R Rocco Pace John Pacetti Joseph Pacitto Rosemary Padula Loretta Paetrif Sylvia Page Tina Pagliarulo George Pagluica Mary Palermo John Palleschi Anthony Pallo Patricia Paolella Grace Pappas Dorothy Parker Virginia Parker William Parks Dorothy Parlee John Parnin Edward Martin Parr Susan Parrish Donald Parson Bill Parsons Phyllis Pascarelli Giovanna Pasciuto Ken Pascoe Joseph M. Pascucci Salvatrice Passanisi Salvatore Passarisi John Patchett 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 17 Regina Sullivan Patenaude Stephanie Patsos Geraldine Paul Len Pauplis Jean Pawlika Bruno J. Pawlowski Marian Peare James Pearson Robert Pedini Dot Peevy Corelle Peezee Walter Pelgrine Cathleen Pellegrine Bella Pellegrini Omer E. Pelletier Helen Pelliro Helen Pelrine John Pelton Anthony Pelusi Tony Pelusi Elizabeth Pender Ruth Pennent Edward Penta Ruth Curtis Perju Dianne Deptila Perkins Evelyn Perrachi Kathleen Perrault Sister Margaret Perrow Bertha Jean Perry Frank Perry Leo Perullo Sharon A. Perullo Margaret Peters Frank Peterson Arthur Petitpas Marie Petitpas The Petrilli Family Francis Pettepit Robert Pettepit Bonita Peyton Cac Pham Sang Van Phan Jean M. Phelan Eileen Dolan Phillipon Dorothy Phillips James Phillips Frances Phipps Donna Sprague Piche Philip Picillo Bob Pickering Gladys Picot Jordan Picot Brunette Jean Pierre Leslie Pike Ernestina Pina Jean Pinzone Maryellen R. Pisani James E. Pishkin Michael Pistorino Coleen Messenger Pitt Joseph George Plante Richard Plante Nicholas Plasmati Irene Plati Helen A. Podgurski Claire McCarthy Polcari Ralph & Viola Polillio The Pond & Bouvier Families William Pond Albert A. Pondelli Manley Ponsetto Alice Ponte Beth Ann Porcaro Margaret Porter Sally Kelly Porter Robert Poth Christine Potrykos Harold L. Potter Rosalie Potter Lorette Poulin Edward J. Powell Sr. Maryeline Powell Edward Power John Power Alice Powers Jean Powers Jim Powers Madeleine A. Powers Marc Powers Mr. Powers Virginia Powers Joyce Pratt's Sister Barbara Edward & Jean Pratt Delsa Prevoir Rita Primo John T. Prince Marguerite Priola Robert (Robbie) Proto Joseph Prought III Carroll Provost Pauline Puglisi Roger Puglisi Henry Assanta Puleo Joseph Pulgini Michael Pumphret Angelina Puopolo Ernest Puraro James Pye Edward W. Pyne Jr. Richard Pynn Alan Quealy Ann Quealy John J. Quigg Dr. Kenneth K. Quigley MD Robert Quigley Sister M. Norena Quilty Cathrine Quinn Margaret Quinn Mary Louise Quinn Peg Quinn Robert H. Quinn William Quinn Mary C. Quirk Thomas Rafferty Michael Raftery Cottie Rajca Theda C. Ralli Patricia Rallof Mike Ralph Joseph P. Randazza Michael Ranney Leonard "Leo" Rapone Mary Raucco Mary Raux Alfred Razzaboni Robert Reagan John Reardon Justin Reardon Mary C. Reardon Nancy Reardon Ernest E. Reavy Joseph Reck Richard Redi Paul Reed Katie Reeves BVM Priscilla Rega Beatrice R. Regan Joseph Regan Donna Rego F. Joseph Reid Thomas H. Reid Francis J. Reilly Sr. Catherine & Leo Reilly Mary Reilly Rev. Thomas Reilly Shane Reilly William & Bridget Reilly Carolotte Reily Charles Reinold Joe Reiss Joseph Reiss Ann (Keeley) Reitman Ernest Remondini John Reney Robert Reney Mary Anne Rennie Mary Rettaliata Larry Reynolds Mary Reynolds Odette Rezendes The Ricca Family Sister Mara Ricca Sister Paola Ricca Louis Ricci Ralph (Jack) Rice Tracy Richard William P. Richards 18 Sisters of St. Joseph Eugene Riciputi Catherine Ridge M. Ridge Kathleen Ridini John T. Rieman Virginia Riggio Sal Rigoli Eleanor Riley George Riley John Riley Kenneth Riley Leo Riley Mary Riley Rita Ringer Michael F. Riordan Patricia Riordan Victor Ripa Ann Rivanis Georgiana Rizzo Susan Rizzo Arthur Roberts Harry Roberts William Roberts David Robinson Christine June Robley George Roche John Roche Margaret M. Roche Rolland C. Roche Sister Mary Rock James J. Rodley Sister Bernadette Rodley Jacob Rodriguez John Rogers Sister Raynald Rogers Sally Rogowski Betty Romano David Romansky Irene Rooney Patricia A. Rooney Patrick Rooney Ruth Rooney Joey Rosen Kathleen Rosenbauer John Rosenberger Diane Rossetti Stephen Rossi Theresa S. Rothwell Marion S. Rourke Richard Rousseau Mary Rowley Arthur H. Roy Rita Roy Theresa Roy Frances Rozman Jonathan Rubbo Elizabeth Rubini Anthony J. Rufo Francis T. Ruggiero 2014 Tribute list Rose Ruggiero Mary Rumson Jean M. Runge Mary Ruocco Carol Fitzsimmons Russell Clara Russell Ann Russo Christopher Russo Mary Dello Russo Thomas Russo Jeanne Ryan & Family Alisha Orlando Ryan Bud Ryan Catherine Ryan James S. Ryan John Ryan Mary E. Ryan Matthew J. Ryan Melissa Ryan Patricia Ryan Sister Ada Ryan Walter Ryan William Ryan William P. Ryan S-T Sister Stella Sabini Jim Sabourin Pompeo Sacchetti Leonard Sacramone Charles D. Salbo Anelia Sallazzo Philip Salome Mario J. Salvi Anthony Salvucci Harry Sampson Mildred Sampson Patricia Sampson Roy L. Sampson Edward Saniuk Helen Saniuk Thomas S. Santangelo Joseph Santoro Louise M. Santosuosso Mary Sarabia Ann Sarno Dave Sateriale Barbara M. Saunders Judith M. Saunders Alice C. Savalier Thelma Sawtelle Elaine L. Scanlan Mary A. Scanlan John "Jack" Scanlon Patricia Scanlon Sharon Scanlon Theresa Scanlon Eleanor M. Scannell Doris Scarpelli Sister Jane B. Schacht Ruth Schell Lillian Scherban Antoinette Schiavo Norma S. Schild James Schmid Donald Schmucker Francis Schneider Sr. Francis Schroeder Larry Schwartz Filippa "Fina" Scimemi Delia Scipione Peter S. Scoba Patricia Scollins Salvatore Scordamalgia Helen Scott Mary K. Scott Sister Marius Scott Eleanor Sebet Richard Segreve Rose L. Semenza Vera Senatore Joanne Seprinski Helen Serino Jane Serocki David Setterland Carol Sexton William Lliam Sexton Joan Seymour Joan Seymour Vincent J. Sferrazza Irene H. Shalginewicz Carolyn Shamshak Margaret Sullivan Shannon Mr. Sharkey Michael J. Shay Alice M. Shea Anna M. Shea Barbara Shea Howard Shea Joseph Shea Mary C. Shea Paul T. Shea Robert Shea Sister Margaret Shea Sister Margo Shea Mildred B. Shealey Frances Probst Shearer Ann Marie Sheehan Elaine E. Sheehan Greg Sheehan J. Thomas Sheehan Jeremiah J. Sheehan Joe Sheehan Sister Alice Sheehy Thomas Francis Sheehy Nancy Sheldon Shirley Shell Eric Shepard John & Joyce Sheridan Henry Sherman Jr. John J. Shields Ken Shirl Georgia Short Virginia Sibson Richard Siebert John Sieminski Elvira Signorino Manuel Silva Maria Silva Vera Silverberg Robert J. Silvey Denise Silvia Jack Simione Louis Simonelli lll Betty Dowd Sinkiewicz Sister Ella Francis Sister Eudes Sister Justinian Sister M. Charitas Sister M. David OSC Sister Mary Agnes SCN Sister Mary Denise Sister Mary Roger Sister Meltherese Sister Patrice Sister Terence Sister Theresa OSC Melaine Sitar Mike Siviaco Marilyn Siwicki Rose Siwy Mitchell F. Skalecki John F. Skehan Peter E. Skerry Sr. William Slager Marianne Slater James Slattery Marina Slavin Thomas Small Robert Smith Jr. Elizabeth Smith Helen D. Smith Helen M. Smith James Smith Marianne Smith Phyllis Smith Polly Smith Richard Smith Robert Smith Robert (Red) Smith Sister Dymoria Smith Teresa Smith Theresa Smith Bernadette Smits Marguerite Snell SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON Joan Snowber Marjorie A. Soderholm John T. Soderlund Patricia L. Soderlund Ernest A. Sofuolis Hugh Solari Maria Teresa Solari Kathleen Solazzo Jayne Solimine Maureen Roycroft Somer The Sorensen & Alabisa Families Anne Sorrentino Frederick Sorrento Josephine Sorrento Fernanda Sousa Marie Spagnola Juanita Sparks Francis J. Spayne Barbara Kelley Spencer Barbara T. Spencer Elena Spera Patricia Spera Olga R. Spingel Nancy McGoldrick Spinney Bruce Spinny Mattina Sprague Alice Spurr Nina St. George Susan St. Pierre George & Kathleen Stack Josephine Stack Richard Stack Karen L. Stalker Maryellen Standring Edward J. Stanley Sr. The Honorable William Stanley John F. Stapleton Louisa Steele Daniel Steer Dorothy Steeves Martin L. Steeves Bill Steffe Mary Lou Stein Catherine Foley Steinkamp Helen Steves Alan Stewart Donald Stewart Margaret Stewart Patricia Stewart Rita Stewart Robert Stewart John Stiller Michael Stinson Eileen Stoker Cheryl Stone Helena B. Stoy Josephine Stravinsky Joseph P. Striano Gabriel Striglio 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 19 Herbert A. Strong Sister Irma Helen Stubbert Norman Sturtevant Dana J. Styffe Orlando Subrizio William Sullivan Jr. Bill Sullivan Carol Ann Murphy Sullivan Charles Sullivan Dennis Sullivan Dennis M. Sullivan Donna Sullivan Eleanor Sullivan Frances Sullivan Francis J. Sullivan Geraldine Sullivan Grace Sullivan Helen Sullivan Helen C. Sullivan John & Mary Sullivan John J. Sullivan Joseph Sullivan Joseph P. Sullivan Mary Sullivan Mary (O'Connell) Sullivan Mary Frances Sullivan Michael Sullivan Paul Sullivan Paul T. Sullivan Shirley Sullivan Sister Mary Blaithin Sullivan Sister Mary Sullivan Thomas M. Sullivan Walter J. Sullivan William Sullivan Michael Sullo Margaret Mary Susang Thomas Sutherland Marguerite J. Svenson Sister Dorothy Grace Swaffield Richard E. Swanson Jean E. Sweene Christopher P. Sweeney Elaine Sweeney Norma Sweeney Patsy Sweeney Philip Sweeney William Sweeney Alfred Sweenie Mary Swett Chris Swider Helen Swinton Frank & Mildred Szcesuil Dr. Richard "Doc" Tacelli P. Joseph Talbot Tsiege Tamira David Tapper Ron Tarantino Carmella Riley Tarpey Joseph Tassia William S. Taupier David Taylor Margaret M. Taylor David Brendan Tedeschi Mary Tedeschi Rita Tedescucci Sister Dorothy Terminello Helena Tetreault Elise Theriault Henry Therrien Daniel James Thibault Marilyn Thirkell Mary Thirkell George W. Thissell Barbara Thomas Dudley Thomas Jane Ann Thomas Paul Thomas Andrew Thompson Jr. Barbara Thompson Kathryn Thomson Margaret M. Thomson Ethel Thornton Thomas P. Thornton Charles R. Thurston Richard Thurston Richard J. Tiernan Robert J. Tiernan Paul Tighe Thomas Timmons Sr. Carolyn Timomen Tina Lorene M. Tirone Carol Tischner Paul Tix Ed Tobin Terry Todd Angelo Todisco George Toli Bernard Tomcsykowski David Tompkins John Toner Brendan Tonra Margie Toomey Rev. John M. Toomey Sister M. Ursulita Toomey Tom Torchio Richard Torpey Joseph Tosi Millos Cy Toth Dorothy Touhey Bettina Trabucco Sister Mary Scholastica Tracey Everett A. Trahan James C. Traverse Jr. Dudley Trayers Anthony Tremarchi Irene Tremarchi Gerard Tremblay Benjamin Treso Dorothy Tridenti Anna Domenica Trinfoni Robert Trocchi Lisa Trojano Neil Trombour Vincent Tropea Amello Trotta Lou Trudeau Robert Trudeau Marion Tucker Paul Tucker Patrick Tumilty Lorraine Tunnera Joseph Turbini Barbara Turgeon Patricia A. Turner Sister Merici Twiss Neil J. Twomey Phyllis Tyssen U-Z Stephanie M. Uftring Maude Utz Mary Claire Vahey James Valentino Joan Van deBerghe Ruth Vana Martina Vanekova William Vann Luisa D.Vargas Betty Varney Henry Vasil Joseph Vecchi Florence Velardocchia Mary C.Vena Catherine Venesia John Venti Frances (Cushing) Ventura Frank Ventura Rita Ventura Antonio Venturo John Verengia Rena Vergnani Margie Vermaelen Mark Vetter Eunice R.Viera Joseph "Jay" Vincent Elvira Virta Cheryle Viti The Volpe Family Josephine Von Hartenstein Winifred Vonkahle James Vorce Barbara Waldron James F. Waldron 20 Sisters of St. Joseph John Waldron John Walker Phyllis Walker Barbara A. Wall Sister Rose deLourdes Wall Barbara Wallace Gregory Wallaston John Walsh Jr. Sister Andrea Walsh SND Amy Walsh Ann M. Walsh Bishop Paul H. Walsh Doris R. Walsh Eileen Walsh Judith DeMello Walsh Lynne Walsh Patricia A. Walsh Robert Walsh Rose M. Walsh Ruth Walsh Sister Mary K. Walsh Sister William Clare Walsh Thomas Walsh William Walsh William J. Walsh Sister Adelaide Walters Dorothy J. Ward John J. Ward Richard Thornton Ward Rick Ward Shirley Ward Sister Mary Alida Ward Linda Warnock Mary Warren Richard Waters Ann Marie Wati Allen D. Watrous Robert Watson Vincent A. Watson Barbara Watts Janice Webber Nora T. Webber Noreen T. Webber Barbara Weber Corinne Weber John Weber Daniel Weeder Mary Weimert Donald Weir Teresa "Lorraine" Weiss Mary Welby Ethel Welch Rita Welch Thomas P. Welch Ethel Welsh Virginia Welsh Brian Wenckus Guy Werner Kathleen Wesley 2014 Tribute list Dorothea West Matt Westover Tyler Weymouth Francis Whalen Francis E. Whalen Emmett Whelan Eugene Whelan Arthur White Bill White Doris (Carrigan) White Ellen White Ellen Fallon White Hazel White Irene White Kenneth V. White Lenard White Martin White Regina White Robert White Sister Denisita White Susie White Robert D. Whiting Martha Whitker Connie Whitty Donald E. Whitty Margaret Wholihane Phyllis Whoriskey Mary Wiganbt Alexander Will Richard Willard Frank Willett Franklin Willett John Williams Mary Williams George Wilmot John G. Wilson Jr. Malcolm Wilson John S. Wisniewski John Wojtkiewicz Helen Wokoun Peggy Wolfe Phyllis Wolfrom Eileen Wollaston Wally Wong Joan Wood Robert Marshall Woodgurn Kevin Woods Mrs. Roland Wright Sammy Wright Thomas Wright Josephine Yannur Mary Yesue Peter Stack York Janet Young John Paul Young Ralph H.Young Sheila Noreen Young Stanley O.Young Thomas Yung Edward Yuskiewicz Joseph Zanghi Mary Zero Arnold "Tom" Zins Elaine Zorn Frances M. Zukowski Mary Zurka † Card Program Choosing our cards is a generous way of celebrating the lives of relatives and friends. Throughout the year, those whom you honor with a card are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph and CSJ Associates. We encourage our donors to request that family and friends remember the Congregation by sending donations “in lieu of flowers.” All donations are acknowledged by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston Office of Mission Advancement. If you wish to make a donation, know someone who would like to donate, or are in need of cards for a relative or friend, please contact: Cheryl Duggan, Mission Advancement Coordinator, at 617-746-2114 or email cheryl.duggan@csjboston.org. Click here to make a donation online. #2 #1 #4 Thinking of You Happy Birthday #5 #3 Pathway - blank Get Well SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF BOSTON New Beginnings Memorial 2014 TRIBUTE LIST 21
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