The Pace Setter - Pomona Catholic


The Pace Setter - Pomona Catholic
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
All girls’ college preparatory high school
Co-educational middle school, Grades 6, 7, & 8
The Pace Setter
Alumna donates $250,000 to Pomona Catholic School in
Celebration of its 115th Anniversary
Inside this issue:
Principal’s Message
Felician Sisters
Tuition Accounts
Parent Service Hours
Upcoming Events
A memorial fund in the name of Pete and
Maria Borba was established to perpetuate
their life in a way that is personal and
meaningful to the family. Interest generated
by the fund will assist incoming freshmen in
need. The students selected will be ones who
best exemplify the traits that Pete and Maria
possessed – hardworking and goal oriented
individuals. At the request of the family,
students from the Ontario/Chino area will be
given priority.
traits were admired by many but especially those
who received and benefitted by Pete and Maria’s
“$250,000 is the largest donation that we have
received and to be able to establish an endowment
for our school is remarkable! This gift confirms
our mission in serving our community.” said
Samuel Torres, serving in his fifth year as Principal
at Pomona Catholic.
Continued on page 10
Pete and Maria Borba, both immigrants from
the islands of The Azores, a region of Portugal,
had the good fortune of meeting in Lemoore,
California. They married in 1918 and had five
children: Pete, Joseph, John, George, and
Mary. They worked side by side in the fields
on their farm. Sometimes, working on
railroads by day and milking cows by night,
Pete invested their profits into the legendary
dairy farms in Chino.
We salute the Felician Sisters
for their 65 years of service
and dedication to
Pomona Catholic.
It wasn’t because of luck that this family
reaped success; it was hard work and
dedication. Their first ranch of 120 acres was
purchased in 1938. “He covered the land with
a thick layer of manure, worked it to the best
of his knowledge, and planted potatoes that
yielded a crop never seen in the fertile Chino
valley. This crop and an easement to the
Edison Company paid for the ranch in one
year.” - The Portuguese in America.
Pete and his family continued to purchase acre
after acre. Soon the children were milking
cows and doing chores before going to school.
By 1945, the family owned over 1,300 acres of
land and parcels.
Optimism, intuitiveness, and generosity were
traits that Pete and Maria possessed. These
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
This edition is dedicated to our
beloved Felician Sisters.
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 2
Today, PC looks very different than in the 50”s. We are a single sex high school and a coed middle
school. The common thread and the transcending theme is a solid Catholic Education. Recently, the
chair of our accreditation committee, Sister Rachel of Villanova Prep, commented at the end of a four
day visit, “You certainly know how to get them into heaven!” We received a full 6 year accreditation
in March of 2013. This is a result of a talented and well-educated faculty that view their roles as
integral in supporting our Pomona Catholic Students. Our program is reflected in their dedication
well beyond the 8 to 3:30 work-day.
New changes in our curriculum include over 8 AP classes, College Prep classes which are all approved
through the Cal State and University of California systems. We offer a 5-year math program, 4 year
science and 4 year foreign language programs to complement our outstanding curriculum. This year
Samuel Torres, Principal we have been chartered to begin our Spanish Honor Society to add to the National Honor Society
and the Thespian honor society. In these past few years, our graduates have been accepted to many
fine universities. UCLA, USC, Cal Berkley, Lewis and Clark, Providence University, University of Massachusetts, Seton Hall,
Mount Saint Mary’s University in Maryland, University of Oregon, Santa Clara, LMU, University of San Diego, University of
San Francisco to name a few.
In other activities, our sports programs
sent our Cross Country, Volleyball,
playoffs. We have added water polo
possibly add Golf in the Fall of 2014.
continue to grow and expand. Last year, we
Track and Field, and softball teams to CIF
and swimming and we are looking to
Over half of our girls are participating in
Our clubs on campus continue to be
tutors students on a daily basis and has
preparation for the high school
club has continued to raise money for
own teachers, Mr. Juan Torres has
The club has reached out to Mr. Juan
club, walked at an abortion clinic, and
in response to the continuing effort to
conception to natural death.
service oriented. The Pacer Step-up Club
tutored over 65 students on Saturdays in
placement test. The Stand-up for Cancer
those afflicted with cancer. One of our very
recently been diagnosed with Leukemia.
Torres and his family. Our Respect for Life
attended the Requiem Mass for the Unborn
end abortion and to promote life, from
We also compete in the Shakespeare
our inaugural Mock Trial team
competition. Oratorical contests. This year
Our students today have a navigated a difficult time in history. The economy, wars, lack of values, diminishing faith and
community, but in our building, our girls are empowered to create a holistic lifestyle which always includes God and good
citizenship. Our students come from complicated family dynamics and blended families. Our students want what their
parents couldn’t have and what we took for granted in our time. Pomona Catholic is the home where our students attend
and receive the benefits of the Charism and nurturing of the Felician Sisters which have served this community continuously
since 1948.
I know God is smiling down on us when we are able to add Sister Desire to our staff and know she will be with us well on
our way to the next 115 years. Also a gift to Pomona Catholic are Sister Feliz Gil-Jimenez and Sister Seraphine Moynier,
graduate from the Class of 1957. Sister Feliz has dedicated over 20 years at Pomona Catholic as Principal and now Middle
School Director. Sister Seraphine also served as principal and now shares her time and talent as a volunteer. Additionally,
Msgr Loughnane, regional vicar of the San Gabriel Valley has taken a great interest in the success of Pomona Catholic.
Please keep in touch by checking out web-site, attending our events, and/or just dropping by for a visit. God bless!
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Celebrating 115 Years!
Early in 1898 Father Fisher of St. Joseph Parish in Pomona extended an invitation to the order of the Holy Name of Jesus
and Mary from Oakland to investigate the possibilities of opening a school in Pomona. After some deliberation, the offer
was accepted and the Academy of the Holy Names was constructed. In 1927, the old school building was destroyed by
fire. Since, the damage was so extensive, it was decided to completely rebuild the structure. As a result, the present edifice
was constructed in 1928.The need for a coeducational high school had been apparent for many years. Only two and one-half
percent of the Catholic teenagers in the valley were attending Catholic high schools. In 1948, the Right Reverend Monsignor
Thomas P. English, in collaboration with the St. Joseph parishioners, decided to buy the academy and open a coeducational
high school. The Felician Sisters accepted the invitation to staff the school.
Pomona Catholic has evolved from a co-educational primary and secondary school to a four-year high school for girls
overseen by the Felician Sisters of North America. In 2011, Pomona Catholic High School opened an educational program
for middle school boys and girls; hence the change of name to Pomona Catholic School. The purpose of this unique
program was to reduce the decline of enrollment. This program would matriculate the middle school girls to the high school
level at Pomona Catholic and the middle school boys would attend our brother school, Damien High School, located in the
city of La Verne.
We salute the Felician Sisters for the indelible work for 65 Years at Pomona Catholic!
During the years of 1948-58 the following Sisters taught at PC.
Sister Mary Claritta - Principal, Latin
Sister Mary Amandette - Algebra, Geometry
Sister Mary Benilda - Chemistry, Physics, Trigonometry
Sister Mary Bertilia - Home Economics and Clothing
Sister Mary Bonita -English, Latin, Library
Sister Mary Celine - Music, Choral Singing, Glee Club
Sister Mary Doloria - Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping
Sister Mary Richard - American History English
Sister Mary Rosaria - Spanish, Latin
Sister Mary Thomasette - Biology, General Science
Sister Mary Wenceslaus - Drafting, Fine Art
1955 The following Sisters joined the ranks at PC
Sister Mary Benilda – Continued as Principal
Sister Mary Anilla - Sociology, History
Sister Mary Deofilia - Shorthand, Typing
Sister Mary Filonilla - Architectural Drawing, Art
Sister Mary Immaculata - English, Algebra
In 1956 the following Sisters were added to the faculty at PCH
Sister Mary Benilda continued as Principal
Sister Mary Aloysianne - Latin, Sponsor: Soph Class
Sister Mary Ermenilda - General Science, Chemistry, Sponsor: Freshman Class
Sister Mary Laudine - Religion, English, Art, Assitant Librarian, Dean of Girls
Sister Mary Theophane---Journalism, U.S. History, Librarian, Lance and Fidelian advisor, Sponsor: Junior Class
In 1957 the following Sister joined the faculty at PC
Sister Mary Benilda - Continued as Principal, teacher of Mathematics, moderator of the Associated Student Body. The class
of 1957 said, “Our Principal, whose untiring devotion to our welfare will ever be a source of inspiration to us.”
Sister Mary Maximillia - English, Sponsor of the Junior Class, Moderator of the Booster Club
In 1958 the following Sisters joined the faculty
Sister Mary Benilda - Continued as Principal, Physics, Associated Student Body, Student Senate
Sister Mary Bonaventure - Religion, Music Appreciation, Glee Club, Madrigal Singers,
Sister Mary Francis - English, Latin, Geometry, Advisor: Sophomore Class
Sister Socorro, O.L.V.M. - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
More dedications in our Summer Issue.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Dear Sisters Celestine, Danat, Margaret:
As our Christmas gift to you, we have again, as we have done in the past few years, made a monetary contribution in your name, to the scholarship fund at Pomona Catholic High School.
Pomona Catholic is the only all girls high school in the East San Gabriel Valley that serves underprivileged
young women.
In 1948, our Felician Sisters accepted the challenge to provide a Catholic education to the young women of the
middle class families in this vicinity. Through the years, hundreds of our Felician Sisters have touched the lives
of the young women of this area. Today, there are two Felician Sisters still continuing to serve Pomona Catholic.
Thank you for accepting this gift given in your name to help a young woman receive a Catholic education.
Please keep our students and the administration, faculty and staff in your prayers.
Wishing you the blessings of Christ, the Prince of Peace,
Sister Feliz Gil-Jimenez and the Sisters at St.
Mary of the Angels Convent
Pomona, California
Felician Fund (formerly known as the Family Pledge
The Family Pledge Program has undergone a makeover. In honor and celebration of our Felician Sisters, we have
changed this unrestricted annual giving program’s name to the Felician Fund.
Your donation will assist in the area(s) needed most. Last year, this unrestricted fund
supported students with emergency financial aid, purchasing additional technology
equipment for the Computer Lab, and equipment for our sports and fine arts programs.
Support our core mission:
 To offer a Christ-centered education.
 To provide faculty with the best resources available.
 To ensure that our students’ experiences are well-rounded, distinctive, and
informed by Felician values
Make a donation today to the Felician Fund. Please send your $100 tax-deductible
donation to:
Pomona Catholic School, Development Office
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
115 Years - The Women of Pomona Catholic
By Pamela Stith, English Department Chair
They walked the halls that smelled of new varnish and paint,
Girls in starched stiff pinafores with braids and shy smiles,
Excited to learn their faith as well as their grammar.
Awed by the sisters, they sat in classrooms – demurring to the boys,
Accepting primly the male offers to carry books and satchels.
They walked the halls desperate about the boys going “Over There”,
Daily kneeling in chapel repeating rosaries to bring them home whole To keep the grotesque green gas from their beaux’ lungs.
They walked the halls giddy at the gift of suffrage,
Counting the days, the months to their 21st birthdays When their solemn responsibility would finally commence.
They walked the halls sobbing for the dead at the bottom of Pearl Harbor,
Knowing the fear their mothers had felt as the boys left once again
To save the world from Hitler’s and Hirohito’s armadas.
They walked the halls, sadly saying farewell to the sisters in ebony
And welcomed Felicians in mahogany habits, with a new and blessed patron.
Accepting fervently a constant love which never falters,
They sought to distinguish exotic names beneath the wimples–
Claritta, Fulginetta, Thomasette, Fermine, Laudine, Aloysiane, Anila
Imaculata, Ermenilda, Doloria, Amandette, Potentia, Liliose, and Deofila.
They walked the halls diving dutifully under desks
Which would never protect them from nuclear annihilation,
Frantically tucking skirts to hide knees, fearing Sister Benilda
Much more than the godless cold war communists.
They walked the halls, weeping for the widow of their Catholic president;
Relearned the liturgy with the vision of the progressive pope –
And watched the boys depart the building for the last time –
Dreading a new war taking their Spartans from La Verne to Vietnam.
They walked the halls in trepidation of the social tumult outside,
Uncertain if they could be liberated women and devout Catholics.
Perplexed by calls for a sisterhood they had always known within PC walls,
They found reassurance in new generations of Felicians –
Seraphine, Malvina, Jeanne, Barbara, Claire, Susan, Geraldine, Marilyn,
Dorothy, Denise, Rena, Margaret, Angela, Desiree, Francis, and Feliz.
They walked the halls, empowered and ambitious,
Witnessing the shedding of habits and veils
And the awesome loss of the only pope they had known.
They rejected cooking and sewing, typing and shorthand,
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
Continued on page 6
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
115 Years - The Women of Pomona Catholic (continuation)
And still they walk the halls - embracing a new century,
Coolly wielding new technology with the same grace as their rosaries,
Marching out the double doors to meet the new millennia,
Fearless daughters - faithful sisters - the women of PC.
Mrs. Rebecca Arteaga ‘92
Mrs. Cara Sultany
Mrs. Maggie Torres
Vice Principal/Counseling
Testing Coordinator
Academic Support
ext. 26
ext. 18
ext. 25
By this time, all families should be in receipt of your child’s semester and 3rd Quarter
report cards. As you review report cards with your child, please keep in mind the following:
Semester one grades are permanent and posted onto the official transcript.
High School students who received a letter grade of D or F will need to retake the
semester course for 4-year college admission consideration. Some exceptions are
made in the areas of math and foreign language if the second semester grade is a C
or higher. However, the D or F will still be calculated into the GPA.
 Middle School students who received a letter grade of D or F should reference high
school admissions requirements for information on admission eligibility.
 Athletics (from the Parent/Student Handbook):
Pomona Catholic follows all CIF eligibility guidelines. Students who wish to participate in athletics at Pomona
Catholic or Damien must have and maintain a 2.0 GPA with no “F” grade. No student who has 3 D’s or an F in
the previous grading period is eligible to participate. According to CIF regulations, eligibility is reviewed at the end
of every quarter.
Students whose grade point averages fall below a 2.5 will be subject to weekly progress reports and academic guidelines. Those athletes who fall below a 2.0 will be placed on probation and/or be dismissed
from their respective teams. Probationary status is reviewed at the end of every quarter.
All athletes will be required to pay an athletic fee determined by the administration. The athletic fee covers all
sports offered at Pomona Catholic. This fee is non-refundable.
All athletes must remain current with their financial obligations to the school for participation.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Classes of the 50’s Reunion
Saturday, October 26, 2013 The Pomona Catholic High School classes of
the 1950’s had their Reunion Honoring the 60 Year Reunion of the class
of 1953.
The reunion was held at the best possible venue, Pomona Catholic High
The celebration began at 4:00 pm with tours of the School. PCH
students were the docents. It was a beautiful sight to see the young
students of today along side the older students of so many many years ago
walking down the slightly worn but still very shiny main hall to visit the
class rooms. The conversations between young students and their older
counterparts was about their classes, sports, plans for college, and dreams
and plans.
The reunion was held in the auditorium which was decorated in such a
manner that when the classmates walked in the door, the sight made
everyone breathless and all felt like they were sixteen years old again.
The tablecloths were aqua blue and old 78 rpm records were used as
charger plates. The centerpieces were ice cream sodas made up of a
bouquet of white carnations with a red one in the middle and two
straws. The chair covers were black with a big pink bow tied in back.
When you throw in posters of a Malt Shop, a couple of giant ice
cream soda posters, and football game programs, it was an instant
trip back to the 1950’s.
Carmen Cagigas Halverson class of 1953 was chairman of the
reunion. George Yanok class of 1956 was MC. George is a very
successful writer of books, screenplays and TV shows. Theresa
Binckley Bryne class of 1953 did a slide show presentation of the
years at PCH 1949 to 1953.
Dorothy Paulson Kitching put a DVD together of
Felician Sisters that taught in the 1950’s.
Thanks to all of the committee members, and to all who attended and
supported this fantastic reunion.
Many thanks to Principal Sam Torres for allowing the classes to hold the
Reunion at PCH Thanks so much to the students for conducting tours of
the school, for working the registration desk and doing so many other helpful
Special thanks to Navy Phay, Director of Development and Institutional
Advancement and
Lupita Lopez, professional party planner and PCH parent.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 8
Sunday, February 23, was the annual Miss Pomona Scholarship Pageant Coronation Ceremony. The event commenced at 5 p.m. at the historical FOX Theater in Pomona. Family and friends of the young ladies who participated in the pageant program attended in a Black Tie Affair along with the sponsors who supported the event,
such as the City of Pomona council members and distinguished members of the community.
This year’s Miss Pomona is Yesenia Perez who is a 17 year old senior at
Pomona Catholic High School where she maintains a 3.9 GPA. She is President of the Science club, Historian for Interact Club, head photographer
for the yearbook staff, and is part of the Pomona College Academy for
Youth Success advisory board. Additionally, she has been a member of the
National Honors Society and the California scholarship Federation since
2010. As a member of the 2014 Miss Pomona Royal Court, Yesenia will
work to reduce her ecological footprint by educating others to use biodegradable containers and reusable plastic bags.
To view Yesenia Perez's speech, to:
Tuition Accounts must be current for students to be allowed to participate in sports and/or extra-curricular school
activities. Seriously past due accounts may be placed on Tuition Suspension and students will not be allowed to
attend class until the account is current or a payment plan has been set up through the Finance Department.
If you are requesting a payment plan please make an appointment to meet with a representative from the Finance
Department. You can contact us at 909-623-5297 ext. 19
To inquire about your tuition account or payment plan, please call the Finance Department. We will be more than
happy to assist you.
You can contact us at 909-623-5297
Mary Shelton, Accounts Receivable - ext. 30 -
Monica Juarez, Tuition Accounts - ext. 19 -
Mike McKay, Finance Advisor - ext. 31 -
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 9
Rotary Teen Leadership Camp (TLC)
TLC is a leadership training program for 8th Graders.
It is sponsored by the
Rotary clubs of Rotary District 5300. Students interact and participate with 144
other outstanding 8th Graders coming from throughout the San Gabriel Valley,
the West End of the Inland Empire, the High Desert and Southern Nevada.
This year, Freddie Fausto proudly represented Pomona Catholic Middle School.
Freddie was selected because of his spirit of commitment and desire to learn as
well as the potential leadership skills perceived by the Director of Middle
School - Sr. Feliz and his teachers Mr. Jones, Mrs. Nolte, Mr. Busser, and Mrs.
Freddie learned leadership skills, commitment, and responsibility. He especially
enjoyed working with others and giving his best for the cause.
May God give us…
A humble love which expands itself.
A generous love which forgets itself.
A strong love which is not afraid of pain.
A stable love which can bear everything.
A fervent love which never weakens.
A constant love which never falters.
Blessed Mary Angela, pray for us!
Christian Service 4LIFE at the Stub Hub Center
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
LIFEsocal and the Archdiocesan Office of Life, Peace and Justice invited Junior High and High School students
to attend Christian Service 4LIFE, part of the Respect Life Week curriculum.
Students enjoyed music, activities, and
food, and heard from special guests,
Pomona Catholic sent the
entire student body to
participate in this event.
including Los Angeles Archbishop Jose
Gomez, who inspired them to do
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
PC Establishes a Mock Trial Team
By Kiara Binas, 2017
It was a busy afternoon in the Los Angeles courthouse. I was
surrounded by other kids, the same age or older than I was, all
dressed in business clothes. Many of them probably experiencing
anxiety due to the competition and all of them representing one
out of over one hundred schools.
Many people probably do not know the details of what a mock
trial is and how it works. Honestly, the only thing I knew about
mock trial at the time was that it involved students acting like
lawyers. Now, I understand that a mock trial is an imitation trial
that aims to help students learn about the American legal system
in a competitive way. A mock trial is set like a real life court and
allows students to experience, first hand, how the legal system
works. Like a real life court, a mock trial has a judge, defense and prosecution attorneys, witnesses, a clerk, a bailiff, even
a suspect! Students play every role, except for the role of judge. Every person who participates in a mock trial
competition plays an important role because, like real life courthouse, even the smallest details can change the judge’s
ruling. The judge makes the decision of who wins the mock trial by assessing a participants convictions using a scale of
one to five.
Pomona Catholic participated in two mock trials over the span of two weeks. Practicing for the mock trial took much
more time than I expected. It included practicing during break, lunch, afterschool, and coming to school on weekends.
With the help of Principal Torres, and parent Mrs. Tomkins, we learned our roles in the trial.
On the day of the trial, we had to wait in a long line because of the process of going through a metal detector. The trial
started one hour later than it was supposed to. During the time I had before the trial, I practiced all my responses while
also prepping myself for the possible questions that might be presented by the opposing lawyer. My role as the expert
witness was challenging. Unlike the lawyers, I had to memorize everything I had to say.
This experience is worth all the hard work! I am looking forward to next year's competition.
Alumna donates $250,000 to Pomona Catholic School in
Celebration of its 115th Anniversary
Continued from page 1
Faculty and Staff at Pomona Catholic, an all girls’ high school and co-educational middle school, are still reeling from the
Founded in 1898, this institution was originally an academy for students grades one through ten. Its evolution includes
educating boys and girls during the 50s and early 60s. In 1963, the boys transferred to Pomona Catholic Boys’ High School,
known today as Damien High School. In 2011, the school instituted a co-educational middle school.
Pomona Catholic accepts all students regardless of race, gender, or religion. Support through academics, extra-curricular
activities and faith mold students to become well-rounded individuals who matriculate into college and become leaders
within their communities.
This 115th Anniversary Year commemorates who we were, where we are today; and this endowment validates our goal to
continue educating the youth in this area right into the 22nd century.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Sarah Guillen Signs her National Letter of Intent to Play Division 1 Softball at LMU.
She is slated to play in the infield.
My whole life has been centered around one
dream, college softball. From the year I was
born my parents took me out to the softball
fields to cheer on my cousins. I have grown up
loving and cherishing the sport. It has taught me
life lessons, in time management, dedication,
failures, and the importance of faith.
Coach Roger Wallace, Sarah Guillen, and Samuel Torres, Principal.
At the age of ten all I could think about was
playing college ball. I got up at five in the morning on some weekends, just like any other dedicated travel ball player, and bleed sweat and
tears on the field.
A couple years later, I was on a team that would not play me. I was working as hard as I possibly could. I did not
know how much more my little legs could push me. A true blessing then came into my life. A friend of mine took
me to church multiple times and introduced me to God's everlasting love that I did not have to work for. I was
tired of the pain of my hard work not paying off. But God's love came naturally to me. It was just there. I could
rest in his love and trust that nothing is impossible with him.
I asked him to take care of me, I was feeling useless and weak at the time. He then sent me the biggest blessing I
could ever receive. An invite to attend Pomona Catholic High School. I had never heard of the school and never
thought I would be going to an all girls’ high school. The Lord has changed my heart over the past four years at
Pomona Catholic. He has taught me to trust in him and I have learned I can do all things through Christ who gives
me strength. He has put me through many trials which only made me stronger.
He has used softball as a way for me to become closer to him. God gives me strength to overcome my fatigue
and trials. As I have said before a big blessing is Pomona Catholic, but I have also been blessed to play division
one ball with Loyola Marymount University. I hope all I do will be a big reflection on God because I would not be
able to achieve this scholarship without him. His blessings are indescribable.
Parent Service Hours provide a platform for social activities among parents, create a sense of investment,
and provide necessary assistance that would otherwise be an expense to the school. We ask each family is to render
25 hours of service per year to the school. For families with a single parent or guardian, the obligation is 12 hours
per year.
If this obligation is not fulfilled by May 15, 2014, the family will be charged $15.00 per hour for uncompleted
hours. Please keep in mind that that you will be credited with one hour of service for every $10 spent on a donation. Submit your receipt along with your donation to the Front Office.
Please contact Mrs. Yvonne Elias for your status:
Parent Service Hours are due May 15, 2014.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 12
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 13
Daniela Alvarez ’2013 Soaring High
Daniela graduated from Pomona Catholic with honors. She attends the University of
Massachusetts Amherst on a soccer scholarship. Daniela is majoring in psychology on the premed track.
2. What lessons from PC did you take with you to college?
PC teaches all of it's students to be very independent not only academically but in their daily life
as well. I felt this was one of the main lessons that I took from PC. Having the ability to go to
school 3,000 miles away where you know no one and the school size is over 100 times the size of
PC is very difficult, but this enormous change in my life would not have been possible without the lessons PC has taught me
as a young woman. Also, to test myself to my limit in all that comes my way.
3. Summarize your first semester..
Looking back at my first semester I find no faults. I made honor roll with a 3.5 GPA. Taking on difficult classes has been
nothing but exciting for me. I got the opportunity to play soccer for UMass as well, so that kept my schedule very busy, but
nothing PC did not prepare me for. UMass is a public school, but I continue to practice my faith there being apart of the
John Newman Club that PC's Campus Minister, Mrs. Li introduced me to. Volunteering with my team has become a habit
in my first semester here, which has given me the opportunity to continue to give back to the community like I was able to
at PC. I am very content with my life at UMass, I believe that would not have been possible without the help of PC making
me the person I am today.
AS A FRESHMAN IN 2013: Game-By-Game Stats
Played in 16 games and recorded a goal and an assist for three points on the season ... Totaled 360 minutes of play and nine
shots in rookie campaign ... Saw action in the Minutewomen's 2-0 shutout victory over St. Bonaventure on senior day
(11/2) ... Tallied first career assist against Brown (9/19) ... Scored her first collegiate goal at Lamar (9/15) ... Saw first
collegiate action against St. John's (8/29).
Come join us our Alumni Association Meetings.
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
6 PM
St. Joseph’s Convent
1150 W. Holt Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768
Class of 1974 - 40th Reunion
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Pomona Catholic - Auditorium
Contact: Mary Ann Recupero Sharp
(909) 641-0200
For more information, please contact
Mary Butterworth ‘63
We’ll help you plan your
next reunion!
Contact Development at
(909) 623-5297, ext. 13
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 14
Admissions & outreach
Mrs. Patricia Vandenberg ‘00
Mrs. Carolann Enciso
Director of Admissions & Marketing
Admissions Coordinator
ext. 22
ext. 11
Pomona Catholic is committed to offering a challenging college-preparatory academic program. Students are exposed to a solid core curriculum and can choose from a variety of academic electives and advanced placement
courses in several subjects. Our faculty provides an engaging learning environment and instruction for our students to ensure their success. Recognizing that learning is unique to each student, we offer academic support to
help meet a variety of learning styles. We are committed to providing students and teachers with access to information, interactive learning opportunities, and additional online resources that enhance the learning experience.
Some classrooms are equipped with interactive Smart Boards. We also have a brand new state of the art Computer
Learning also extends beyond our campus, with student growth being cultivated through experiences involving
extra curricular activities, service to others, and travel opportunities. To make the most out of a student's high
school experience, we invite everyone to get involved. Please come visit!
Our school family grows each and every time you care enough to send us your friends and family to enroll their
children at Pomona Catholic. In an effort to express our thanks for your continued support of our school, we
have established the Family Referral Program. Talk to us about how to get a $500 credit
to your account.
Leave your mark, so that others
may follow!
Pomona Catholic is proud to offer you a unique opportunity to support
our students. You may purchase a brick in your name, the name of a
child, a friend, company, or just someone you have always admired and
for whom you would like to do something special. You may want to
commemorate graduation, a very special date, or honor the memory of
a loved one. Bricks make unique birthday or holiday gifts for friends
and relatives.
Leave a legacy by being a part of the “Pacer Commemorative Patio and
Alumni Walk.” Buy one or more bricks which will be placed in your
choice of the Pacer Patio which is already in progress or the Rose
Garden walkway.
Bricks are 8” x 4” with 3 rows of text.
Cost is $100 per brick.
Please call to reserve your brick today!
(909) 623-5297, ext. 13
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 15
Meet Linda Figueroa, English & Fine Arts Instructor
Linda Figueroa-Haskins received her B.A. in English from the University of
California, Berkeley and will be receiving her M.A. in English from California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona this spring. Mrs. Haskins is an American
Literature, Native American Literature and Theater educator and is eager to grow
the hearts and minds of present and future PC students through these subjectfields.
Mrs. Haskins began her Catholic school teaching career in 1998, teaching English
and Theater at San Gabriel Mission High School for three years where she gained
her first experience teaching in an all-female environment. It is at SGMHS that
Mrs. Haskins came very much to believe in the value of single-sex education: that
it is in such an environment that young women can best achieve and intellectually
thrive. It is there also that she realized that she would never enter into public
education, knowing that she was called to ministry and discipleship within a Christian classroom. She then spent
the next 11 years teaching at St. Paul High School in Santa Fe Springs where she worked as Chairperson of the
SPHS English Department among other duties, always seeking to raise the academic and creative profile of that
Mrs. Haskins is now thrilled to bring her years of experience, education, and training to the incredible young
women of Pomona Catholic High School, a school she is already deeply committed to serving. In addition to
teaching her American Literature, Introduction to Literature and Middle School Drama courses, Mrs. Haskins has
been selected as the new Chairperson of the Visual and Performing Arts at PC, as well as the Director of the
Middle School Drama Program. In addition to bringing the PC Spring Musical back to campus, Mrs. Haskins also
looks forward to bringing the Pomona Catholic Cultural Studies Club to campus in league with the other teaching
professionals on campus in order to help promote intellectual thought and creative study on the PC campus.
Though Mrs. Haskins has only been on campus for a matter
of months, she feels that these months have been some of
the most joyful and productive of her professional life,
where she gets to work day-in and day-out with some of the
best educators in Catholic education as well as teach some of
the most intelligent and powerful young women she has ever
had the honor to instruct.
Mrs. Haskins looks forward to many, many years at Pomona
Catholic, serving both the school and the larger community
to the best of her God-given abilities.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Talented Pomona Catholic graduate and lifelong Pomona resident appears on ‘The Voice’
Article Written by Jeff Schenkel and Rene Barbee, La Nueva Voz
Pomona’s own Yasmin Hernandez, who graduated this year from Pomona
Catholic, climbed her way past thousands of talented singers to appear on the
nationally televised “The Voice” on NBC in September in what she called an
“incredible experience.” And while she was not selected for a “team” on the
show, she was asked to come back next year – something that won’t be a
problem for this former Pomona Catholic cheerleader and ambassador who
continues to have a positive attitude about her singing.
“Music is always going to be at the top of my list,” she said, adding that she “will
keep trying.” Hernandez, 18, who grew up in Pomona and now is a freshman in
child development (with a minor in music) at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los
Angeles, appeared in the show’s fourth episode of this year’s fifth season,
according to show spokesperson Caitlin McGee. McGee said the appearance was
in a “blind audition” but no chairs of the celebrity judges turned around for her.
McGee added that hundreds go through the blind audition process but only 48 will make a team. Each team has
12 spots. Pomona Catholic Principal Sam Torres was thrilled with Hernandez’ success. “We were delighted to see
Yasmin’s tremendous effort on the recent episode of NBC’s ‘The Voice,’” Torres said. “Everyone at Pomona
Catholic was cheering her on. It was great to see one of our graduates in the national spotlight.”
“We wish her all the best in her future musical career,” Torres added. Hernandez, who also served on the
executive board of the Associated Student Body, frequently appeared in La Nueva Voz photos of the cheerleaders
in the Pomona Day Fair and the Pomona Christmas Parade in Downtown Pomona. She has performed on stage
at several events in Pomona and will continue to do so, she said. And while she was living in Pomona, she often
worked on weekends at Nancy’s Tortilleria, a landmark pink building at Third Street and Towne Avenue in
owned by her grandfather, Jose Manuel Vergara. Yasmin Hernandez... Hernandez is living on campus at school,
but her entire family still lives in Pomona – her dad, Felipe Hernandez, who works in construction, and her mom,
Carmen Hernandez, who works for the Pomona Unified School District in child development, along with brother
Filipe, 21, and sister Celeste, 12. “My dad did (music) when I was younger – he used to compete, singing with the
mariachis,” she said. “My dad’s family, they love to sing.” She said she has a photo taken before her first birthday
when her dad was singing “and I took the microphone away from him.”
Hernandez said her first singing competition was at the age of 10 – she never had formal musical training. She
continued with various attempts at television competition and little festivals, and she took first place at the Norco
Fair two years ago. She also took second place in a festival at her church, Sacred Heart in Pomona. And she has
always been in choir at school – her freshman year at Pomona’s School of Arts and Enterprise and later, after
transferring over, at Pomona Catholic. Her selection for “The Voice” was “Love Song” by Sara Bareilles.
Hernandez said she considers herself a soul pop singer. She added it was her mom who signed her up for “The
Voice” after putting videos on “YouTube.” “I guess they liked it because they called me back,” she said, adding
that she went through six rounds before hitting the stage. “I auditioned, waited more than two hours at the
Convention Center WDin Los Angeles,” she said, before going through six call-backs. She explained the way the
process works, she started in a field of thousands which was narrowed to 500. “I made it to 130 and got the spot
on stage,” she said. The program was taped at Universal Studios about a month earlier and aired early September.
“Singing is my favorite thing to do, one of my dreams in life,” she said. “Who gets to say they got to sing in front
of these four amazing coaches?” “I kind of felt like a star for that,” she added. And she plans to continue the
singing and keep trying…
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Loyal sons and daughters
Pledge their love and fealty;
Steadfast, strong, and faithful,
'Neath the Green and White.
Fortress of truth and light,
Glorious Alma Mater!
Forever we'll sing your praises.
Crowned with love's devotion,
Reverence, admiration;
Lead and light our way, OH!
Valiant peerless guide.
Pomona Catholic High!
For your hallowed counsels
Gratefully we pray, God Bless You!
Pacer Step Up Tutoring program Hosted the High School Placement
Testing Tutoring Program
Our own Pacer Step Up Club hosted the annual HSPT Tutor
program. Pomona Catholic experienced a large enrollment in the
coeducational program which prepares 8th grade student for the
upcoming High School Placement Test in January, 2014. Under the
direction of student Jennifer Villacis, and Mrs. Torres, Director of
Academic Support, the students arrived for 6 Saturdays to study the
tested sections. On December 15, parents and students attended a
Mass, breakfast and “Meet & Greet the Faculty.” This program has
been growing in success over the past few years and requires
approximately 25 tutors and 5 teacher supervisors, as well as,
planning and scheduling from many other departments. Students
regularly remark that this preparation increases confidence in the
test, while providing fellowship with high school scholars. Keep it up, Pacer Step Up Club, you’re awesome!
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Pomona Catholic High School opens a new chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria
Hispánica. High achieving students enrolled in the Spanish courses at Pomona
Catholic will now be recognized at graduation and be eligible to receive financial
awards. In addition, the society will host activities to promote the Spanish culture
on campus.
With encouragement from Principal Samuel Torres, the development of a new
chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica was spearheaded by the school's
Foreign Language Department Chair, Mrs. Myrna Gomzalez. Mrs. Gomzalez was
inspired to start the chapter to, "fulfill the mission of the Sociedad Honoraria
Hispánica; to promote Spanish culture and to provide an opportunity for the
students to do community service." Pomona Catholic students that participate in
this honors society will have the benefit of including their membership on their
transcripts for college applications along with being honored with a red and yellow
cord at graduation. In addition, the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, sponsored by
the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, awards over
$150,000 in scholarships each year.
Celebrations include Dia de los Muertos on November 1, 2013. The society prepare an altar, distributing informational
flyers, and serving pan to the Pomona Catholic community at the school's break time. Fall events include activities
surrounding Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe on December 12, 2013 and Navidad on December 25, 2013. A formal
induction ceremony was scheduled in the spring of 2014. For more information, please visit the school's website at or contact Patricia Vandenberg, Director of Outreach & Admissions at or (909) 623-5297 ext. 22.
The Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica complements the Spanish program taught by Mrs. Gomzalez and Sister Desiré
Findlay.The program consists of an intro level course for middle school students and Spanish I, II, III and AP for the
high school students. Mrs. Gomzalez is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina and holds a B.A. in Foreign Language
Education from the University of Buenos Aires. She has taught ESL in Argentina for ten years and has been tutoring
and teaching Spanish in the US for five years. Additionally, Mrs. Gomzalez has served as a volunteer Spanish
Information Desk Operator for the Braille Institute in Los Angeles. Sister Desiré Findlay, Spanish teacher, earned her
B.A. in Secondary Education with a concentration in English as a Second Language as well as Spanish as a Second
Language from the University of New Mexico. Many of her university classes had an emphasis on the culture, customs
and communication styles of the language. This is her first year at Pomona Catholic.
Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) Gift Match Program
The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) challenges Pomona Catholic to raise $30K by May 1, 2014.
Purpose: To encourage and incentivize Pomona Catholic to develop fundraising strategies that will work with its
community and to help fund CEF students on waitlist for a tuition award.
Your donation can have double the impact!
They match each contribution dollar for dollar! That's potentially $60K Pomona Catholic can earn!
Help us by making your contribution today!
Donations accepted via:
Credit Card - You may download the form here and mail it to Pomona Catholic. You can also call (909) 623-5297, ext. 13 for
payment over the phone.
Check/Cash/Money Order - Payable to Pomona Catholic.
For more information about the program, go to:
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 19
PC Drama Fall 2013
In November audiences at PC’s fall play went back to the old country – specifically to
Ireland - with The Crimson Thread by Mary Hanes. A moving celebration of
sisterhood and the immigrant experience, the play showed three generations of women
strongly devoted to family and faith. Chosen in part for our 115th year celebration, the
play demanded precise Irish accents by the actresses and allowed senior Nikole
Carranza an opportunity to direct one of the acts. Senior Ashley Visco played two roles,
Bridget Flynn, wife to a dying coal miner in 1869 Dun Laoghaire, Ireland in act one and
her grandniece Maggie Kennedy in act three, a labor organizer in New York fighting for
decent working conditions after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire which killed 146
young women in 1912. In addition to directing act two, Nikole also played Eilis
Connelly (Bridget’s sister) in act one, waiting apprehensively for the passage
money which will take her to America. Juniors Lily Kredel and Laura
Gonzalez portrayed the daughters of Eilis facing tragedy twenty years later,
and sophomore Stephanie Ramirez played Nora Fitzpatrick in act three,
Maggie’s sister and granddaughter of Eilis.
Next semester will be full of diverse performing opportunities for PC
actresses; Mrs. Haskins will produce a spring musical in late March, and Ms.
Stith will oversee Comedy Imrov Night in February and the Shakespeare
Competition in April.
Pacer Empowerment Club Takes Off
Students from P.C. ‘s new Pacer Empowerment Club attended a
Women’s Empowerment Conference in Pomona on Friday, December
15. This new club directed by Gabby Villalvazo, and moderated by Mrs.
Maggie Torres were fortunate to attend workshop featuring many
successful and motivating speakers in the Inland Empire and Pomona
valley area, as well as, enjoying the company of many other students in
the Pomona Unified School District. Graduate students from Claremont
Colleges, a local female judge, and university professors were some of the
keynotes speakers in attendance on that day. Workshops throughout the
day addressed topics unique to women, such as beauty, healthy relationships, processing emotions, selfaffirmation., stereotyping, and decision-making. Throughout the morning students could access information from
several colleges in attendance and were encouraged to dream-build.
All speakers emphasized the utilization of resources, and encouraged students to find a mentor that “believes in
your dream”, and is willing to support the student. Asking for help, looking for mentors, and associating with
others who are dream-builders was the recipe for success in both key note speakers, who grew up in the area and
faced many struggles on the journey towards successful professional careers. PC’s Pacer Empowerment Group is
also raising money for the House of Ruth, an organization helping women in difficult domestic situations. To
date, this club has hosted 4 speakers who have addressed the PC community.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 20
Pomona Catholic Middle School service club partners with the Pomona Police Officers’
Association to benefit local kids with “Shoes That Fit” drive.
In an effort to reach out into the community and serve the children of Pomona, the
students of Pomona Catholic Middle School have formed their first community service
club. Approximately 25 students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade attended the first meeting after
school and decided that their club name should reflect the message they want to convey
to others. Under the guidance of the Middle School Director, Sister Feliz Gil-Jimenez
and Parent Volunteer Eddie Vazquez, “PC- Pacers Care” Service Club was created. The
club immediately reached out to the Pomona Police Officers’ Association for support
and guidance as the PPOA have long supported community and youth projects as part of
their own community outreach efforts. The Police Officer’s Association Board members
saw this as a great opportunity to establish this new partnership with the youth of our
community. Considering Pomona Catholic School and the Pomona Police Department
have each been serving the community for over 100 years, this was a natural fit for two
of the longest serving organizations in Pomona.
PC- Pacers Care and the PPOA kicked off this new partnership with a “Shoes That Fit”
shoe drive for 2 weeks to help Pomona kids by giving them a
new set of comfortably fitting shoes so that a child can go to
school with dignity and pride. Unfortunately, many children
today go to school with poorly fitting shoes, shoes that are
beyond repair or have holes in them. It is our goal to impact as
many local families and kids as possible during this 2 week shoe
drive. We are currently accepting gift cards, shoes and monetary
donations in order to meet our community service goals. Checks
should be made out to the “PPOA” and sent to Pomona
Catholic, Pacers Care Service Club.
Contact information: Eddie Vazquez,
or 909.524.9771
Company Matching
Company Matching gifts are matched dollar for dollar!
Thank you to parents and alumni who have set up this giving program with their employers.
Your gift (restricted/unrestricted) could be matched dollar for dollar! Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double, even triple a donation’s value.
STEP 1: Check with your company’s human resources or payroll department to see whether it offers a Matching
STEP 2: Ask for the guidelines.
STEP 3: Decide how much you want to donate.
STEP 4: Fill out the company application.
STEP 5: Provide Pomona Catholic with a copy of the application.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Remnants of a Dog
By Amy Johnson, Class of 2017
Story published in the Daily Bulletin.
The dog barked once then no more, a man walked out of his house to shush his dog’s
barking. He found his German Sheppard, named Dog, growling at a line of trees near
their home. The man grabbed Dog’s collar and led him back to the house. The man
said to Dog “Come-on’ Dog, it’s probably just a skunk”. As they reached the front
porch, he let the dog loose, but he ran back to the trees, barking at seemingly nothing.
Confused, the man ran into the forest to find what was irritating his dog. He looked
into some nearby bushes and found a black creature. Its coat was blacker than any
winter’s night. The creature looked like a mix between a wolf and a tiger, with
glowing yellow eyes. The creature turned tail and ran, and the dog chased after it, while the man yelled, “Hey, Dog,
come back here Dog!”
The man ran after Dog, and found him digging at a hole under a tree. There was a growling sound coming from
inside a tangle of roots inside the hole. The man grabbed his dog and pulled him away from the hole. He pulled
out a knife and held it in front of himself. The man was so scared he was shaking like a leaf. After a few moments,
the growling became louder, and the creature crawled out of the hole.
The man waved the knife at the animal, trying to scare it away. The creature just kept moving towards the man and
his dog. The dog pulled away from its owner and began attacking the black creature. The two animals fought
bravely, but the black creature fell, and crawled back into its hole. Dog emerged from a cloud of dust limping back
to the man, and whimpering in pain. The man took Dog home, and fixed his cuts and scrapes.
Things were quiet for the next few days. The dog’s wounds began to heal, and the black creature never returned.
The man figured that it had crawled back into its hole and died. Days later though, Dog started to act strange. Dog
began hiding under the bed or hiding in the woods, and other days Dog was normal. Dog’s fur began to change
from brown to a thick, course pitch black, and his eyes changed to a bright amber color.
Within a month, the man noticed that his dog had started to grow. Dog was now as tall as the kitchen table. He
was becoming more aggressive. During the day the dog seemed normal, but at night it wandered through the
house and barked for no apparent reason. The man noticed Dog’s behavior becoming more disturbing and
aggressive. He began to fear his dog. He was so afraid, he decided to chain Dog in an old shed, and would only go
inside it to feed him.
Several more weeks passed, and Dog had completely transformed into a large, wild, dog-like creature. The man
worried that the dog would break free and hurt someone. The man made the painful decision to put an end to the
dog’s suffering, and possible danger to the town. That night, he went to the shed to end the nightmare. He found a
hole in the shed wall, and the chain was snapped off at the hook. Dog had escaped sometime in the night, and the
man had no idea where he had gone. The man said aloud, “Dear God, what have I done.”
Several months passed, and the man hadn’t seen his dog again, though farmers sometimes told stories about
finding the remains of their livestock in the fields, and some saw a big, black creature dragging one of their animals
away at night. The man would hear these stories and wonder if the creature could be his Dog, or what used to be
his dog.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 22
Mrs. Rosie Velasquez
Athletic Director
ext. 33
It has been a great start so far with Basketball, Soccer and Water Polo all underway.
All Basketball home games are at Damien's Activities Center (aka old gym) at 6:00pm.
Soccer home games are at Damien's Stadium Field at 5:30pm under the lights (bundle up).
Water Polo are not in a league yet so play all but one game away. Game times are at 3:15pm.
We have a boys Middle School basketball team this season with games on Saturday or Sunday in Damien's Athletic Center
(new gym).
Middle School volleyball were CYO East Mountain League Champions and for the second year in a row made it to
playoffs. This year the MS volleyball team were coached by a new program I am implementing
with High School coaches and an adult parent volunteer supervising as "head coach". PC seniors
McKenna Mobley, Nadia Nasr and Raquel Larez had their successful debut. They also lead the
MS girls to their first tournament championship at St. Joseph School in Pomona.
Flag Football were coached once again by volunteer parent Danny Dueno. They were had a few
wins this season continuing to grow our boys program. Mr. Dueno also coaches our boys
basketball team who's games take place on the weekends at Damien High School gym.
High School Varsity Soccer are currently working toward a spot in the CIF playoffs. This is
the first year they are cross leaguing in the Cross Valley League. (They are currently in 3rd
place and top three teams advance to playoffs.)
HS Basketball are having a great second season rebuilding the program by Coach Ricky
Noriega who was assistant coach last year and took over this year as head coach. The
basketball program has a promising future.
This is the first official season for our Varsity Water Polo team. Last year we
competed only at the JV level. Lead by Head Coach Gabi Kredel for the second
year, the PC Water Polo program has received nods from seasoned coaches from
opposing schools. Although this is our newest sport, it has exploded by becoming
one of our most popular sports.
PC Cheer team is also having a facelift with our new coach Natalie Thies. Not only
are the girls ready for competition, they are doing community outreach like
attending the recent conference in at the Pomona Sheraton Hotel for exposing the
awful reality of human trafficking.
If you are interested in participating in any of the sports listed above, feel free to contact me.
Allison Montion signs her letter of Intent for
Sterling College on a softball scholarship.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
In Loving Memory
Adopt a Student
Richard Messler, Class of 1953
Margaret Ann Warder, Class of 1958
Maral Margaret Tavitian, Class of 2006
Stephen Story, Class of 1960
Get Your PC Gear On!
Student Store open daily.
Please stop by the Front Office
to make a purchase.
This program is funded by the generosity of our
Alumni; we encourage you to participate by
making a gift of $500 or more to the “Adopt a
Student ” program. Join us in supporting a
student's progress through this emergency
assistance program.
Leave a Legacy
Speak to us about establishing an
endowment or including Pomona Catholic in
your will or estate plans. There are many
giving options with tax benefits.
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correspondence more quickly by providing
your email address.
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Include your full name and the email
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You will find pictures, announcements sent.
about upcoming reunions and hopefully
many familiar faces! Join the fun, join Thank You!
the discussions, and post your
thoughts. Share the link with friends
and help us connect!
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 24
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Page 25
Savannah Green ‘12
Homecoming Game
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Alvarez come to speak on marriage
National Honor Society and Interactive - volunteering at Casa Colina.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Sisters Therese
Ann Parobek, Carol
Marie Wiatrek, Mary
Seraphine Moynier,
Michelle Marie
Stachoviak and our
Felician candidate
Michele Curry come to
speak on Consecrated
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education
A Bi-Annual Publication for Parents, Alumni, & Friends.
pomona catholic
All girls’ college preparatory high school
Co-educational middle school, Grades 6, 7, & 8
533 W. Holt Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768
Phone (909) 623-5297
Fax (909) 620-6057
Faith ~ Scholarship ~ Tradition ~ Empowerment
Save the date
We want your news alumni!
Please join us for these events!
May 4, 2014 Car Show & Craft Fair
May 21, 2014 High School Graduation
May 31, 2014 Middle School Graduation
Call (909) 623-5297, ext. 13 for more information.
We are always looking for updates from
Alumni on your personal and professional
achievements. Share your life with others.
Keep in touch!
Mail: Pomona Catholic
533 W. Holt Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768
*Pictures are welcome!*
Stay connected
Celebrating 115 Years of Catholic Education