Oral Health and Primary Care - Canadian Association of Public
Oral Health and Primary Care - Canadian Association of Public
lorem + elementum lorem + elementum CAPHD/OAPHD 2015 Conference Oral Health and Primary Care September 25th & 26th, 2015. Toronto, Ontario FINAL PROGRAM www.caphd.ca 2 CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE) CREDIT HOURS FRIDAY: 7 credit hours SATURDAY: 7 credit hours FULL CONFERENCE & AGM: 14 credit hours WELCOME FROM CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS The CAPHD Annual Scientific Conference is upon us and, once again, we are returning to Toronto. Each year, the organizing committee endeavors to assemble a schedule that provides opportunities for discussion, learning and collaboration. Currently, health care policy discussions are engaged in finding ways to integrate oral health care within the broader health care landscape. As such, we have invited both Dr. Rocio Quiñonez and Dr. Hugh Silk to be the Hunt-Leake Keynote Speakers. And as always, dental students, researchers, and those in the field will present their research and programmatic efforts to the dental public health community. The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming professionals from the dental and medical communities, especially those from our partner organizations, the Ontario Association of Public Health Dentists (OAPHD) and the University of Toronto. We hope all of you will enjoy the conference and can take a moment to explore the city! ~Dr. Alyssa Hayes, CAPHD Incoming President and Conference Committee Chair On behalf of the OAPHD, I am pleased to welcome you to Toronto for the CAPHD/OAPHD 2015 Conference - Oral Health and Primary Care. OAPHD is a grateful for the partnership with the CAPHD, and looks forward to a terrific two days of learning, dialogue and networking. With Friday morning's concurrent sessions, our conference planning committees have tried to bring timely and relevant topics to the fore. We hope that you find these meaningful - providing knowledge that you can apply in your everyday roles. Attendees are sure to leave Friday afternoon's Murray Hunt and James Leake Lectures with innovative ideas for initiating or improving relationships with primary care providers. These relationships hold much promise in the fight against early childhood tooth decay and in raising the public's awareness about the importance of oral health as part of general health and well-being. I anticipate a lively panel discussion afterwards and encourage you to participate by posing questions to our experts. Saturday's scientific sessions will update us on research findings related to oral health and primary care from across Canada. Afterwards, CAPHD members will be meeting to discuss issues pertinent to our association's operations, governance, and strategic planning. My hope is that members not only attend but that they do so actively and make their voice heard. Lastly, I would like to recognize the dedicated volunteers who helped organize this conference. We sometimes take for granted the behind-the-scenes work that pulls an event like this together, and I want to make sure that we commend the folks who made it all possible. Thank you. ~Mr. Paul Sharma, OAPHD President 3 FINAL SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Time Friday September 25th, 2015 8:00 - 8:45 AM Registration and Coffee 8:45 - 9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks - Dr. Carlos Quiñonez, Dr. Alyssa Hayes, Mr. Paul Sharma 9:00 - 10:30 AM CAPHD - Concurrent Sessions - Dr. Alyssa Hayes, Dr. Andrea Feller, Dr. John P. O’Keefe (Novella Room) OAPHD - Calibration Session - Ms. Beth McIntosh, Ms. Kim Casier (Epic Room) 10:30 - 11:00 AM Networking and Nutrition Break 11:00 - 12:00 AM CAPHD - Dr. James Leake Student Bursary Abstracts- Ms. Hermina Harnagea & Ms. Julie Farmer (Novella Room) OAPHD- Concurrent Session- Ms. Debby Oakley, Ms. Nicole Shea (Epic Room) 12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 PM Murray Hunt and James Leake Lecture 1- Dr. Rocio Quiñonez (Epic Room) 2:00 - 3:00 PM Murray Hunt and James Leake Lecture 2- Dr. Hugh Silk (Epic Room) 3:00 - 3:30 PM Networking and Nutrition Break 3:30 - 4:30PM Panel Response to Hunt - Leake Lectures - Dr. Anne Rowan-Legg, Dr. Larry Levin, Ms. Mary Bertone, Dr. Paul Allison, Dr. David McKeown, Dr. Andrea Feller (Epic Room) 4:45 - 6:00 PM Reception Time Saturday September 26th, 2015 8:00 - 8:45 AM Registration, Hot Breakfast & Opening Remarks 8:45 - 10:00 AM Scientific Session - Dr. SJ. Lee, Dr. Mario Brondani, Dr. Fahim Rashid, Dr. Herenia Lawrence, Dr. Sonica Singhal (Novella Room) 10:00 - 10:30AM Networking and Nutrition Break 10:30AM - 12:00PM • Scientific Sessions - Dr. James Leake, Prof. Lindsay McLaren, Dr. Steve Patterson, Prof. Lindsay McLaren, Ms. Donna Lee (Novella Room) 12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 PM Scientific Session - Ms. Marina Jones, Ms. Emma Homan, Dr. Noha Gomaa, Mr. Jamie Moeller (Novella Room) 2:00 - 2:30PM Networking and Nutrition Break 2:30 - 4:30PM CAPHD Annual General Meeting (Novella Room) 4 C AP HD C ON CURRENT S ES S IONS Friday September 25th, 2015 (9:00 - 9:30AM) Caring for Kids Where They Live: Using Telehealth to Improve Access to Oral Health The use of telehealth represents a unique opportunity to reach segments of the population who might not be able to access oral health care via traditional avenues. Dr. Hayes will discuss an award-winning collaborative project between the Saskatchewan Colleges of Dentistry, Nursing and Medicine, which uses telehealth to reach children residing in remote regions of the province. She will also discuss how telehealth can be used to engage the primary healthcare sector in issues of oral health. Presenter: Dr. Alyssa Hayes, BDent (Hons), MSc, FRCD(C) Alyssa Hayes completed her dental training at the University of Sydney, Australia in 2006. She then accepted a position with the New South Wales (NSW) government as a Dental Officer working in rural NSW. During this Alyssa worked closely with dental therapists, dental assistants and students (both locally and foreign-trained) to deliver care to marginalized populations. After several years working in Australia she returned home to Canada to complete her Dental Public Health specialty training at the University of Toronto. Alyssa’s research focused on the economic impacts of oral health and oral health care. After graduation Alyssa remained active in the Community Dental Health Services Research Unit (CDHRSU) in Toronto and was the Dental Consultant for the Regional Municipality of York before accepting a position as Assistant Professor in the College of Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan. She will also assume the Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry’s President position in September 2015. Friday September 25th, 2015 (9:30-10:00AM) The Niagara Experience with Fluoride Varnish in Primary Care Fluoride varnish application twice per year by primary care offices starting at tooth eruption until age 5 has significant population level benefits in decreasing decay rates. Niagara Public Health has piloted this process and found it is easy to incorporate into primary care practice with public health department support. Presenter: Dr. Andrea Feller, MD,MS FAAP, FACPM Dr. Feller is board-certified in both paediatrics and preventive medicine. She joined the Niagara Region Public Health department as Associate Medical Officer of Health (AMOH) in August 2006. As AMOH, she concentrates her efforts in the areas of chronic disease and injury prevention and family health. She co-chairs the Healthy Human Development table (HHD), the Low Income Dental Integration Implementation Technical Advisory Committee (LIDI-ITAC) and the Public Health Early Years group (PHEY). 5 CAPHD CONCURRENT SESSIONS Friday September 25th, 2015 (10:00-10:30AM) An Update on the Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Initiative The Canadian Oral Health Roundtable (COHR) brings together a group of almost 30 organizations from the oral health sector and beyond that discuss how to improve the oral health of the most vulnerable in Canadian society. In 2014 and 2015, representatives from the involved organizations met in Ottawa to come to consensus on areas of common interest. Dr. John O'Keefe is involved with the COHR Secretariat, and in this short presentation he will provide an update to CAPHD conference attendees about progress to date with the COHR initiative. The next face-to-face COHR meeting is planned for April 2016. Presenter: Dr. John P. O’Keefe, BDentSc, MDentSc, MBA Dr. John O’Keefe holds the position of Director, Knowledge Networks with the Canadian Dental Association. In this role he is responsible for the development of JCDA Oasis (www.jcdaoasis.ca) as a clinical decision support system for the dental office, and the publication of the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association and CDA Essentials magazine. He graduated as a dentist from the University of Dublin, Ireland, in 1980, and obtained a researchbased M.Dent.Sc. degree from the same university in 1990. He is licensed to practice dentistry in Ontario. He has taught at both the University of Toronto and the McGill University dental schools. He has an MBA from Concordia University in Montreal. Dr. O’Keefe has been chair of the communications committee of the FDI World Dental Federation and also president of the American Association of Dental Editors. He is currently a member of the board of AboutFace and is the 2015-16 Chair of the Board of OSAP (Organization for Safety, Asepsis & Prevention). 6 DR. JAMES LEAKE STUDENT BURSARY ABSTRACTS Friday September 25th, 2015 (11:00AM-11:30AM) To recognize the significant contributions of Dr. James Leake to the education of Dental Public Health professionals in Canada and abroad, the CAPHD supports two student conference bursaries each year. Measuring the magnitude of incomerelated oral health inequalities in Canada and the United States from 1970-2009 Farmer J1, McLeod L3, Ravaghi V4, Siddiqi A2 Quiñonez C1 1Faculty of Dentistry, 2Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto ON Canada, 3 Department of Economics, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo ON Canada, 4The School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, Birmingham United Kingdom Julie Farmer, BSc, Dip DH Julie Farmer is currently enrolled in the thesis-based MSc. Dental Public Health degree program at the University of Toronto. She is a registered dental hygienist in Ontario and a member of the Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry (CAPHD), Ontario Association of Public Health Dentistry (OAPHD), and Canadian Dental Hygienists’ Association (CDHA). Her current research activities involve both qualitative and quantitative analyses on oral health inequalities in Canada and the United States. Friday September 25th, 2015 (11:30AM-12:00AM) Integrating oral health and primary care: Participatory research with key actors Harnagea H1*, Lamothe L1, Couturier Y2, Emami E1, 3 1 School of Public Health, Université de Montréal, 2School of Social Work, Université de Sherbrooke, 3Faculty of dentistry, Université de Montréal Hermina Harnagea, MSc Dent, RN, MSc HA, PhD Public Health (c) Hermina Harnagea is currently a PhD student in public health at the Université de Montréal (UdeM) and health care administrator at CISSS Laval. Hermina oriented her work towards oral health care integration into primary care, to the initiation and development of a national dental public health strategic plan based on the strengths of primary care practitioners, public health care providers and researchers. Her PhD project is developed under the supervision of Dr Emami, associate professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Director of Oral Health and Rehabilitation Research Unit at the UdeM, adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry at McGill University and Research associate at the CRCHUM. As part of Dr Emami’s research program, dedicated to multidisciplinary, practicerelevant research, Hermina’s PhD project will contribute to a better oral health care access, with particular emphasis on rural and vulnerable populations. 7 O A PH D CO N CURRENT S ES S IONS Friday September 25th, 2015 (9:00AM-10:30AM) OAPHD Calibration Session This interactive session will provide content to assist front line dental public health staff, especially public health dental hygienists with decision making when screening and providing preventive services in the community. Scenarios are framed around the Ontario Public Health Standards and Oral Health Protocols and are designed to allow for local variations while providing standardized screening across the province. Presenters: Beth McIntosh, BA, RDH, Grad Dip Adult Education Beth began her dental hygiene career in a periodontal practice, but her career in Ontario dental public health spans over 25 years in 3 different public health units. In addition to being a CAPHD member, she currently is a member-at-large on the OAPHD executive and co-chair of the professional development working group. She has been involved in several OAPHD initiatives, including the 2 for 2 and OPEN WIDE campaigns. Kim Casier, RDH, BHA, MHM Kim’s dental hygiene career began 25 years ago in private practice, but she has also worked in education as well as fourteen years of public health practice in 3 south-western Ontario public health units. She currently manages the Oral Health department at the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. She is a member of CAPHD, and an OAPHD member as well as co-chair of its professional development working group. 8 O A PH D CO N CURRENT S ES S IONS Friday September 25th, 2015 (11:00AM-11:30AM) Friday September 25th, 2015 (11:30AM-12:00PM) A Snapshot of Oral Health Related Emergency Room Visits in Ontario Health Promotion vs. Education In Ontario, dental care is not covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). As a result, if a person visits the emergency room (ER) with an oral health issue, there are limited treatment mechanisms available for this patient at the hospital. Emergency room visits for oral health related reasons have been described by the Association of Ontario Health Centres as a “costly and inappropriate use” of the emergency room, suggesting a need to further explore this issue locally. This presentation will explore trends in oral health related emergency room visits in Ontario. Presenter: Debby Oakley, MPH, BSC Epidemiologist, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Debby is an epidemiologist with Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit whose portfolio is entirely dedicated to the oral health program. She has a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and a Master's Degree in Public Health from the University of Guelph, where she also taught biology and physiology to undergraduate students. Debby spent 2 years as health analyst with the Peel Public Health Oral Health Program before joining Simcoe Muskoka in April 2014. She has presented oral health epidemiology topics before at the Canadian Dental Hygienist Association, the Association of Public Health Epidemiologist of Ontario, Public Health Ontario Grand Rounds, Royal Victoria Hospital and Georgian College. Internationally, there is growing evidence of the benefits and effectiveness of investing in health promotion programs and initiatives. Although the terms health promotion and health education are often used interchangeably, they are very different in their purpose, methods and theories. Health promotion expands beyond traditional health education strategies to address the root causes of illness by focusing on the social determinants of health, embedding health equity considerations into programming, and collaborating to prioritize local needs. This workshop will explore the differences between health promotion and health education, identify how health promotion can be used to address the oral health needs of a population, and give examples of how Halton Region’s Oral Health Program is applying a health promotion framework to their work. Presenter: Nicole Shea, MHSc Nicole Shea is a Health Promoter at Halton Region Health Department, working in the Oral Health and Older Adults Programs. She graduated from McMaster University with a degree in Health Sciences, and earned her Master’s Degree in Health Promotion from the University of Toronto. Nicole has had the opportunity to work in various capacities including research, planning, developing, implementing and evaluating health programs and policies in public health, hospital, community clinics, and northern remote settings. Currently, Nicole is involved in a number of health promotion initiatives including surveillance, community development, advocacy, and health education. 9 THE MURRAY HUNT & JAMES LEAKE LECTURE We Can do More: Collaborative and Integrated Oral Health Care in Paediatrics Friday September 25th, 2013 (1:00PM-2:00PM) The changing policy landscape of Canada's oral health care system provides an opportunity to examine best-practice strategies to decrease inequalities in oral health and access to dental care. These profound inequalities call for an evaluation on how best to promote the integration of primary health care providers, as they are often the first to identify such inequalities. This session will focus on national paediatric and prenatal oral health initiatives in the United States, using North Carolina as a case study on models to improve oral health and access to dental care through primary care settings. Dr. Quiñonez will review educational initiatives that may apply to the Canadian context to promote collaborative care and address current barriers for successful oral health integration. Dr. Rocio Quiñonez, DMD, MS, MPH Associate Professor Departments of Pediatric Dentistry and Pediatric Medicine Schools of Dentistry and Medicine University of North Carolina at Chapel Dr. Quiñonez earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology/Zoology in 1992 and her Doctorate of Medical Dentistry in 1996 from the University of Manitoba. She earned her certificate in Pediatric Dentistry, Masters of Science, and Masters in Public Health and Administration at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Dr. Quiñonez proceeded to complete a NIH Fellowship in Oral and Systemic Diseases. Her academic and research interest include the interface between medicine and dentistry, perinatal and early childhood oral health, and economic analyses related to children’s oral health. Dr. Quiñonez returned to full-time academics in 2006 and is currently the Director of the Pediatric Dentistry Pre-Doctoral Program, the Baby Oral Health Program and the Pediatric Dental Faculty Practice at UNC Chapel Hill. For more information about the Murray Hunt and James Leake Lecture see the online April, 2013 issue of the CAPHD Mosaic Newsletter www.caphd.ca 10 THE MURRAY HUNT & JAMES LEAKE LECTURE Collaboration and Integration in Adult Oral Health Care: Sharing Lessons Dr. Hugh Silk, MD, MPH, FAAFP Friday September 25th, 2015 (2:00PM-3:00PM) Associate Clinical Professor Department of Family Medicine and Community Health University of Massachusetts Medical School Statistics show that a majority of adults and seniors in North America have significant oral health issues. Furthermore, studies have shown that poor oral health affects overall health. National, regional, and local efforts are needed in health care education and practice to affect change. This talk will focus on examples from the United States that may be applicable to Canada. Dr. Silk will review his work with national and state medical and dental societies on collaborative efforts such as addressing overuse of emergency rooms for dental visits and educating physicians about their role in addressing oral health in primary care. He will describe interprofessional curricula from various health schools that bring medical and dental together to teach and learn from each other. Finally, he will discuss his own work in local settings where medical and dental staff work collaboratively to address medical issues like diabetes. Hugh Silk is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and Family Medicine Residency. He graduated from McMaster Medical School in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and did his residency at University of Massachusetts Family Medicine Residency in Worcester. He is co-author of the award winning national curriculum on oral health for family medicine entitled "Smiles for Life" www.smilesforlifeoralhealth.org. He also sits on numerous state and national oral health advocacy committees including the American Dental Association’s Public Health Advisory Committee for the Council on Access, Prevention and Inter-professional Relations. He Chairs the Committee on Oral Health at the Massachusetts Medical Society (which he also founded). He is currently working on a grant project with the MassLeague to inspire medical and dental departments in Federally Qualified Health Centers in Massachusetts to work cooperatively to address oral health in diabetic, pregnant and HIV patients. Clinically he works in the Correctional Health care system in MA. 11 DR. MURRY HUNT & JAMES LEAKE PANEL DISCUSSION Oral Health in Primary Care - What do the Leaders Say? Friday September 25th, 2015 (3:30PM - 4:30PM) Panelists are leaders in their respective fields, and represent major institutional stakeholders locally, provincially, and nationally. They will respond to the Hunt-Leake Lecturers, and provide their insights into the future of oral health in primary care in Canada. Panelists: Anne Rowan-Legg, MD, FRCPC Paul Allison, BDS, FDSRCS, PhD Pediatrician, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario President, Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry Consultant Pediatrician, Renfrew Victoria Hospital Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Pediatrics David McKeown, MDCM MHSc FRCPC Larry Levin, DDS Vice President, Canadian Dental Association Mary Bertone, RDH, BSc(DH) Past President, Canadian Dental Hygienists Association Director and Assistant Professor, School of Dental Hygiene, College of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences Medical Officer of Health, City of Toronto Andrea Feller, MD, MS, FAAP Associate Medical Officer of Health Niagara Region Public Health Irwin Fefergrad, CS, BA, BCL, LLB Registrar Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (Certified as a Specialist by the Law Society of Upper Canada in Civil Litigation and Health Law) 12 SATURDAY SCIENTIFIC SESSION Scientific Session: Saturday September 26th, 2015 (8:45AM 10:00PM) Cost-utility analysis of oral antiseptic chlorhexidine in decreasing ventilatorassociated pneumonia in intensive care units Lee SJ*, Pechlivanoglou P, McCredie V, Azarpazhooh A, Quiñonez C, Krahn M The scope of HIV-related medical and dental health services in British Columbia Brondani M*, Donnelly L, Postnikoff J Costing a publicly funded dental care program for low-income uninsured Ontarians Rashid F*, Pechlivanoglou P, Azarpazhooh A, Krahn M, Quiñonez C Access to care and oral health among prenatal Aboriginal women Lawrence HP*, Schroth R, Peressini S, Maar M, Cidro J, Gordon J, Broughton J, Jamieson L and the Baby Teeth Talk Study Team Self-perceived changes among social assistance recipients regarding employment prospects after receiving dental treatment Singhal S*, Mamdani M, Mitchell A, Tenenbaum H, Quiñonez C Saturday September 26th, 2015 (10:30AM 12:00PM) The next BIG social security program for Canada Leake JL*, Gummo A The short-term impact of fluoridation cessation on children’s oral health: a natural experiment in Calgary, Canada McLaren L*, Patterson S, Thawer S, Faris P, McNeil D, Potestio M, Shwart L The impact of fluoridation cessation on dental caries in grade 2 children: a shortterm evaluation in Calgary, Canada McLaren L, Patterson S*, Thawer S, Faris P, McNeil D, Potestio M, Shwart L Children’s dental caries in Calgary, Canada before and after cessation of drinking water fluoridation: a focus on social equity McLaren L*, McNeil D, Potestio M, Patterson S, Thawer S, Faris P, Shwart L Dental services at a not-for-profit dental clinic in Vancouver, British Columbia: The case of public dental insurance. Lee D*, Aleksejuniene J, Brondani M Access to dental care in Saskatoon: Examining the effect of spatial and socioeconomic factors on oral health Jones M*, Wilde B, Zoorkan J, Uswak G, Bell S, Hayes A 13 SATURDAY SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS Scientific Sessions Continued: Saturday September 26th, 2015 (1:00 - 2:00PM) Designing a dental program for vulnerable adults using existing financial and human resources Homan E*, Sauve D, Razzaq A, Cooney P Social-biological interactions in oral disease: A “cells-to-society” view Gomaa N*, Tenenbaum H, Glogauer M, Siddiqi A, Quiñonez C Dental appearance and discrimination: A cross-sectional study in Ontario Moeller J*, Singhal S, Gomaa N, Quiñonez C The scope of HIV-related medical and dental health services in British Columbia Aytoglu N*, Jessani A, Brondani M CAPHD Annual General Meeting: Saturday September 26th, 2015 (2:30PM - 4:30PM) The annual general meeting is an opportunity for members of the Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry to learn more about what the association’s board and volunteers have been working on over the past year and to provide input into the future direction of CAPHD. This meeting will also include an election of directors. Members are encouraged to log into the “members section of the website” to review the biographies of each candidate. To become a member of CAPHD visit: www.caphd.ca/membership 14 CAPHD/OAPHD CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM 2015: Name (Given/Surname): Mailing Address: City/Province/Postal Code: Phone Number: E-mail address: Information for your name card (Name/ Work place) Please indicate if you have food allergies that will affect our meal planning: Will you attend the cocktail reception on Friday evening?: Yes No Please check professional designation: Public Health Dentist Dental Assistant Please check registration category: Including self, how many people will attend (spouses welcome): Dentist Other Dental Hygienist Dental Therapist CAPHD member CAPHD student member OAPHD member Non-Member Front-line dental service staff employed by an Ontario Health Unit. Please specify Health Unit Name and position: SELECT FEE CATEGORY: REGISTRANT DESCRIPTION FULL CONFERENCE (SEPTEMBER 25TH-26TH) EARLY BIRD RATE | (ENDS JULY 15) REGULAR RATE DAILY RATE EARLY RATE | REGULAR RATE (UNTIL JULY 15) CAPHD Member $350 $400 $175 $200 CAPHD Student Member $200 $250 $100 $125 Non-CAPHD Member $387 $437 $212 $237 $100 $125 OAPHD Member (Active & Associate) & oral health services staff employed by an Ontario Health Unit. Special day rate for Friday September 25th only (Subsidized by the OAPHD). Must attend OAPHD calibration. NA NA If Daily Rate was selected, please indicate the day you are attending: Friday, September 25th Saturday, September 26th On Friday morning there will be concurrent sessions. Please check one to attend: OAPHD Calibration CAPHD sessions. All will attend the Murray Hunt and James Leake Lectures. PAYMENT METHOD: Cheque (must accompany registration form, especially if cheque is from an employer, so we know who payment is for) MAKE CHEQUE PAYABLE TO: The Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry. If you wish to pay by VISA or MasterCard please register online at www.caphd.ca and make payment through PayPal. We do not take credit cards over the phone. MAIL REGISTRATION TO: CAPHD, c/o Andrea Richard, P.O Box 602, Manitouwadge, ON, P0T 2C0 If you have questions please email: info@caphd.ca or visit www.caphd.ca 15 CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS Conference Venue: Bram & Bluma Appel Salon at the Toronto Reference Library Address: 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 2G8 Website: http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?R=LIB018 Public Transit: TTC subway station Yonge. Walk to library north on Yonge Street. Parking: Paid - parking lots on Cumberland Avenue, Asquith Ave and Church Street. Directions: Closest major intersection Yonge Street and Bloor Street. Located one block north of Bloor Street on the east side of Yonge Street. :Hotel Accommodations: Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Address: 525 Bay Street Phone: 1-800-905-0667 Room Rate: $189.00 (standard room) + tax per night Limited room blocks have been reserved for conference delegates Must reserve before August 26th, 2015 . Reference #- Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry Room Block
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Carolina - Chapel Hill. Dr. Quiñonez proceeded to
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Diseases. Her academic and research interest include
the interface between medicine and dentistry,