K. Gombas: Good practices and lessons learned on Water and
K. Gombas: Good practices and lessons learned on Water and
5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change GOOD PRACTICES AND LESSONS LEARNED ON WATER AND CLIMATE IN THE TISZA RIVER BASIN, WITH A FOCUS ON FLOOD MANAGEMENT KÁROLY GOMBÁS CHAIRMAN FLOOD PROTECTION EXPERT GROUP (FP-EG) INTERNATIONAL COMISSION FOR PROTECTION OF THE DANUBE RIVER (ICPDR) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change International Comission for Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change THE MANDATE OF ICPDR ICPDR has a mandate to design flood risk management policies and propose respective measures and is responsible for preparation of the Flood risk management plan (FRMP) for the Danube River Basin, so called „level A”. Flood Protection Expert Group (FP-EG) is responsible to deal with the issue of monitoring of the EU Flood Directive accomplisment and create the FRMP with comprehensive list of measures. ICPDR used to have Tisza Group, which now turns into a sub-basin oriented workspace. Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change THE TISZA SUB-BASIN Characteristic features: • Area: 157.000 km2 • Magnitude: 2506-17 m • Length: 945,7 km • Q (HU): 47-2610 m3/s • H(HU): -279 - +1041 cm • Regime (HU): 1320 cm • Protected settlements: 1105 pcs in 36.841 km2 embanked floodplain Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change THE UPPER-TISZA CATCHMENT Characteristic features: • Annual precipitation: 1600-2000 mm • Torrent upstream regimes: 28-36 hrs after rainfall 8-10 m rise of H • Q(max) border: 4190 m3/s • Flood duration in the middle part: 25-100 days • Flood forecasting (HU) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change THE UPPER-TISZA CATCHMENT Between 2002-2012 years 169 flood dike and 85 km bank protection was built. Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change FLOOD PHENOMENA Between 1970 and 2001 the water level increased with 1,5 m (Szolnok, HU) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change FLOOD PHENOMENA Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change IN THE SAME TIME… Károly GOMBÁS Floods: • Small • Significant • Extraordinary every 2-3 years every 5-6 years every 10-12 years Excess water: every 2-3 years Drought: every 3-5 years Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change ANALYSIS OF THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS CLAVIER (CLimate ChAnge and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern EuRope, 2006-2009, EU FP6 project) Improvement of the flood warning and forecasting information system in the Upper-Tisza catchment (2012) ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (2012) ADAM – Adaptation and mitigation strategies. The Tisza River Basin: Adaptation to climate change in floodplain management (2006-2009) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change ANALYSIS OF THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS CLAVIER (CLimate ChAnge and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern EuRope, 2006-2009, EU FP6 project, http://www.clavier-eu.org/) • Meteorological conclusions - Analysing the mean areal precipitation and temperature values, computed based on the A1B scenario (periods 1961-1990 and 2021-2050), for each of the sub-basins within the Tisza River Basin the following projections can be made: • A general increase of the mean annual 2m air temperature for all of the subbasins, with 1.4 ÷ 1.6 °C, with smaller changes for the spring period (0.8 ÷ 1.2 °C) and greater changes for the other seasons, especially winter (1.5 ÷ 2 °C) • Great spatial variability in tendencies is foreseen for the annual precipitation with a slight increase up to 3.5% in Upper Tisza mountainous catchments and overall decrease in other sub-basins with 3 ÷ 10 %, while definite increase for winter periods (14 ÷17%) in Upper Tisza), and general decrease in all other seasons with some exceptions in the highly elevated parts of the Upper Tisza. Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change ANALYSIS OF THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS CLAVIER (CLimate ChAnge and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern EuRope, 2006-2009, EU FP6 project, http://www.clavier-eu.org/) • Hydrological conclusions - Based on the hydrological simulations, the analysis of the mean seasonal and annual discharges simulated time series show the following impact of the A1B climate change scenario: • Slight increase in Upper Tisza and tributaries (less than 5%); • No change or general decrease of the mean annual discharges, down to 15 % for Central Tisza and southern basins • The mean seasonal discharges are increasing only in winter season, in all the basins but with significant variations (3 ÷ 42 %); • For the spring – autumn period, the hydrological simulations indicate a decrease of the mean discharges for most of the catchments in southern basins between 15 ÷ -20 % • Floods: No clear picture can be drawn about possible changes in the flood conditions. While more frequent winter floods are expected, the decrease of mean flow in some seasons is not followed by the decrease of flood peaks. Torrential type of flood events may occur even more frequently, while the frequency of floods with long duration and large volume may become lower. Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change ANALYSIS OF THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Improvement of the flood warning and forecasting information system in the Upper-Tisza catchment (2012) • Stacioner approach for 30 years, rising temprature but statistically the same behavior • Result: probability of the short precipitation is higher (extreme events!), but long run rains mainly disappear • Lower Tisza perspective: • The probability of the dominantly fluvial flood-resulted melting snow+rain combination reduces, but the flash-floods in the mountains become more frequent • Because of the increasing number of the dry days the riverbed will possess with more conveyance area when flood discharge comes • However, extreme events will result in even shorter response time Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change LESSONS LEARNED SO FAR Problems realized: • • • • • Lack of detailed investigation of the natural processes Upstream exposure - downstream vulnerability Unproper use of the floodplains Outdated legislation, old values of the design flood levels Lack of research (HU-institutional background missing VITUKI) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change ANSWERS GIVEN SO FAR (GOOD PRACTICES) 1. Joint tele-recording hidrological observation system, collaboration in maintenance 2. 1D modeling of the Tisza and tributaries (HEC-RAS) 3. Diversion of unmanagable discharges to reservoirs: HungaryUkrain reservoir program 4. Enhancing the level of flood protection: harmonized development of the defence structures 5. Good relationship in border commissions: intensive discussion and informal connections Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change JOINT TELE-RECORDING HIDROLOGICAL OBSERVATION SYSTEM Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change 1D MODELING OF THE TISZA AND TRIBUTARIES (HEC-RAS) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change DIVERSION OF UNMANAGABLE DISCHARGES TO RESERVOIRS: HUNGARY-UKRAIN RESERVOIR PROGRAM Construction, and common operation of reservoirs New Vásárhelyi Plan (VTT): • Improvement of hydraulic conveyance • Storage of extreme discharges • Reconstruction of flood protection structures (cross-section, subsoil, height) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES National (HU): • Scientific investigation and numerical modeling of the Tisza to reassess regulatory flood levels („MÁSZ”) • Sustainable floodplain management plans Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change REASSESSMENT OF REGULATORY FLOOD LEVELS IN THE TISZA VALLEY • A combination of two methods: – Monte-Carlo simulation of the hydrodynamics – Statistics of the water levels at gauge stations • Both were evaluated for all river reaches. • Uneven quality of data and model • Resulting RFL: – At gauge stations: the more „reliable” value – Between gauge stations: interpolation following the hydrodynamic zmax profiles Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change REASSESSMENT OF REGULATORY FLOOD LEVELS IN THE TISZA VALLEY • 8000 years of synthetic inflow simulated with a timeseries model, taking into cross-correlation of tributaries • Maximum flow and water level modelled with HEC-RAS for all 8000 years, along the whole river system • HQ1% profiles = from measured annual HQ (often scarce) • RFL = maximum level of those simulated floods that locally don’t exceed HQ1% • International cooperation: border crossing discharges, tributaries, agreed analyses Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change REASSESSMENT OF REGULATORY FLOOD LEVELS IN THE TISZA VALLEY m B.f. Tisza, Kisköre - Titel 93.00 Gauge station 92.00 Upper and lower limits of the HD simulations 91.00 90.00 New RFL 89.00 Current RFL 88.00 87.00 86.00 85.00 84.00 83.00 Károly GOMBÁS 155.000 165.000 175.000 185.000 195.000 205.000 215.000 225.000 235.000 245.000 255.000 265.000 275.000 285.000 295.000 305.000 315.000 325.000 335.000 345.000 355.000 365.000 375.000 385.000 395.000 fkm 405.000 82.00 Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change SUSTAINABLE FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT PLANS (HU) Classic fluvial flood protection: emerging dikes, forming floodplains with embankments, dealing with high ground water (excess water) - limitations: sedimentation, side-arm separation, riverbed lowering, subsoil problems and seepage, excess water pumping capacity, aerial sensitivity Retention: creating controlled reservoirs and retention ponds - limitations: large areas needed, new defense and maintenance lines, volume Sustainable floodplain management Aim: keep the water levels on design flood level or lower them Comprehensive floodplain management, definition of conveyance zones: primary, secondary, transition, still (legislative changes and official land use limitations) Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES National: • Scientific investigation and numerical modeling of the Tisza to define regulatory flood levels (HU - „RFL”) • Sustainable floodplain management plans (HU) Cross-border/international initiatives: • Continue the reservoir and flood protection programme (UA-HU) • Keep the coordination in flood risk management • Danube Strategy Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference Magyar-ukrán közös árvízvédelmi fejlesztési program WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change (A Magyarország és Ukrajna határvizekkel kapcsolatos vízgazdálkodási kérdésekkel foglalkozó 2012. júniusi XVII. Határvízi Kormánymeghatalmazotti ülésszakon született határozat figyelembe vételével) CONTINUE THE RESERVOIR AND FLOOD PROTECTION PROGRAMME Common Hungarian – Ukrainian Flood Prevention Development Program • 11 new reservoir, ≈ 300 km dike development, • 89 pcs water object reconstruction, • development of the common hydrographic monitoring and flood forecasting system. Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES ICPDR framework: • Tisza project: WFD-FD mutually favourable measures to be realized in the sub-catchment • Setup the Tisza workspace for WFD-FD purposes (Supported by the Danube Strategy as well) • Sediment project: under development (BUTE-BOKU) • • Map with monitoring sites in place for sediment quantity and quality Established sediment budget, estimated pre- and post measure influences, numerical models for the Danube and tributaries • Manual on sustainable sediment management in the Danube river basin, Guideline for improved planning of sediment related measures • First Danube River Basin Sediment Management Plan, prioritized measures • Flood Risk Management Plan of the Danube Basin Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014 5th International Conference WATER IN THE ALPS - AND BEYOND Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change Thank you for your attention! GOMBAS.KAROLY@EDUVIZIG.HU WWW.ICPDR.ORG Károly GOMBÁS Trento Sept. 25th – 26th, 2014